Youth Media Consumption Insights (Ages 13
Youth Media Consumption Insights (Ages 13
VTSF MEDIA INSIGHTS STUDY JUNE 2004 Look-Look, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS • • • • • • Methodology Sample Objectives Key Insights Overall Findings – Television – Movies – Internet – Music/Radio – Out-of-Home – Word-of-Mouth/Street Team – Magazines – Sponsorships/Promotions – Cross-Channel Comparisons Appendices – Appendix A: Survey Questions – Appendix B: Quantified Data 3 4 5 6 8 9 14 17 20 26 28 30 32 34 36 37 50 Look-Look, Inc. 2 METHODOLOGY • Look-Look fielded a proprietary online questionnaire to 400 pre-qualified respondents (males and females, age 13-17) within the Look-Look network. • Breakouts include gender; age (13-15, 16-17); region (Central, Tidewater, North, and Southwest); and ethnicity (African American, Anglo American, and Other). (Note: All answers cited in this report are literal and have not been altered. No corrections in grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. have been made in order to retain authenticity of responses.) Look-Look, Inc. 3 SAMPLE In order to accurately reflect the target consumer, Look-Look surveyed a representative number of respondents across gender, age group, ethnicity, and region. Gender Female Male Total # 237 163 400 % 59% 41% 100% 13-15 16-17 Total # 157 243 400 % 39% 61% 100% Ethnicity African American Anglo American Other Total # 23 307 70 400 % 6% 77% 18% 100% Region Central Tidewater North Southwest Total # 85 135 93 87 400 % 21% 34% 23% 22% 100% Age Look-Look, Inc. 4 OBJECTIVES • To develop a deeper understanding of the media consumption habits of the target consumer, including key insights into their television, movie, music, magazine, and general advertising preferences. • To deliver actionable implications for media spending and placement that leverage the target consumer's specific preferences across and within various media channels. Look-Look, Inc. 5 KEY INSIGHTS Look-Look, Inc. 6 KEY INSIGHTS • Respondents pay attention to a mix of both traditional and non-traditional types of advertisements. There are three clear cut winners as to the types of media channels that are the most effective within, and relevant to, this respondent group: – Word-of-mouth – Ads before the movies (in theaters) – TV commercials Types of advertising that are not at all appealing to this respondent group include, most predominantly, internet advertising, as well as radio and street team advertising. • Comedy is an extremely popular form of entertainment for this respondent group. 83% of respondents list comedy as the type of programming that they watch the most. Out of the top seven television shows that emerged as their favorites, four were comedies (Chappelle Show, Friends, Simpsons, and South Park). Comedy Central placed second only to MTV as the network that respondents watch most often. Disney and Nickelodeon also landed in respondents' top five list of most popular networks, and each offers a comedy-heavy schedule. • Despite the charges of music piracy that are being advertised of late, this respondent group is most likely to acquire music by buying CDs. It is interesting to note that respondents are more likely to buy the original CD than they are to burn it, or to download it off the Internet. (Burning is the second most popular form of acquiring music, while downloading falls into third place.) • Music is an important part of these respondents' lives, and many get their fix from music television. Music is named the third most popular type of television programming, and MTV, while being the most popular music television station, is not the only one worth mentioning. Nearly half of respondents (47%) report tuning into VH1, and another 33% watch MTV2. • This young respondent group is unlikely to have extensive first-hand experience with street teams, and consequently appears to be weary of the idea. Word-of-mouth advertising, however, ranks as the number one type of advertisement that they pay attention to. Respondents are more aware of, and likely to adopt a message when it is coming from a trusted member of their peer group, rather then from a stranger on the street. Look-Look, Inc. 7 OVERALL FINDINGS Look-Look, Inc. 8 TELEVISION Look-Look, Inc. 9 TELEVISION POPULARITY: Graph A1: Advertising Awareness Across Age Groups 97.0% of respondents watch television. While there is little discrepancy in the popularity of television across breakouts, it should be noted that slightly smaller numbers were reported in Central and Southwest Virginia, 95% and 94%, respectively. 49% 13-15 16-17 43% 35% 29% 14% 11% 6% ADVERTISING AWARENESS: 2% Of those respondents who watch television, 40% pay attention to television commercials most of the time or always. Respondents across genders have a similar awareness of television commercials. Older respondents are nearly 10% more likely than younger respondents to pay attention to commercials most of the time or always (See Graph A1). African American respondents have the highest awareness among ethnicities, and respondents in the Southwest region are more likely than the other three regions to pay attention to commercials most of the time or always. 9% 1% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most of the Time Always Graph A2: Overall Weekday Viewing Hours 6am-9am 10am-12pm 23% 11% 1pm-4pm 32% 5pm-7pm 59% 8pm-10pm 68% After 11pm 24% VIEWING HOURS: WEEKDAY - The majority of respondents watch weekday television between 5pm and 11pm, with a greater tendency to watch television during primetime hours, 8pm-10pm. Respondents are least likely to watch weekday television between the hours of 10am and 12pm (See Graph A2). Male respondents are slightly more likely than female respondents to diversify their weekday television viewing hours among several time periods throughout the day and evening. Younger respondents, age 13-15, are more likely to watch television at earlier times in the day, specifically 6am-9pm, while older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely to watch television in the evening, 8pm and later (See Graph A3). Graph A3: Weekday Viewing Hours Across Age Groups 10am-12pm 13-15 16-17 25% 22% 6am-9am 14% 9% 32% 1pm-4pm 33% 64% 5pm-7pm 55% 64% 8pm-10pm After 11pm 70% 19% 28% Look-Look, Inc. 10 TELEVISION VIEWING HOURS continued: WEEKDAY continued - There are few discrepancies across ethnic breakouts, though African American respondents are more likely than any other ethnic group to watch television during primetime hours, 8pm-10pm (See Graph A4). Across regional breakouts, the only notable difference is that respondents in Central Virginia are nearly 10% more likely than any other region to watch weekday television after 11pm. Graph A4: Weekday Viewing Hours Across Ethnicities African American Anglo American Other 78% 71% 66% 8pm-10pm WEEKEND - Overall, television viewing appears to increase during the weekends, as compared to the weekdays (See Graph A5). The majority of respondents watch weekend television during primetime and late night hours, though over 40% of respondents also watch weekend television between 10am and 7pm. Male respondents are more likely to watch weekend television later in the day and evening, specifically 5pm and later, while female respondents are more likely to watch weekend television earlier in the day, between 10am and 4pm. Younger respondents, age 13-15, are more likely to watch weekend television early in the morning, throughout the day, and during primetime hours, while older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely to watch television late in the evening, after 11pm. In terms of ethnicity, African American respondents are watching more TV than other groups, and are more likely than Anglo American or Other respondents to watch weekend television between 10am and 12pm, 5pm and 7pm, and after 11pm. While there are few notable differences across regions, one stand-out discrepancy can be seen during primetime viewing hours, where respondents in Southwest Virginia are over 15% more likely to be watching TV than respondents in the other three regions (See Graph A6). Graph A5: Weekdays vs. Weekends 28% 25% 6am-9am Weekdays Weekends 11% 10am-12pm 43% 32% 1pm-4pm 43% 59% 5pm-7pm 47% 68% 8pm-10pm 59% 24% after 11pm 50% Graph A6: Weekend Viewing Hours Across Regions Central North Southwest Tidewater 73% 53% 56% 56% 8pm-10pm Look-Look, Inc. 11 TELEVISION NETWORK PREFERENCE: Although MTV is ranked as the television network most watched by respondents, Comedy Central, Disney, FOX, and Nickelodeon are also ranked among respondents' top five. Male respondents are more likely to watch Comedy Central, while female respondents are more likely to watch MTV, Disney, and Nickelodeon. FOX is equally popular across gender (See Graph A7). Older respondents, age 1617, are more likely to watch MTV and Comedy Central, while younger respondents, age 13-15, are more likely to watch Disney, FOX, and Nickelodeon. Although all five networks have similar rankings across ethnicity, FOX is noticeably more popular among African American respondents. Network preference is relatively similar across region, though respondents in the Northern Virginia region appear to prefer slightly more adult networks such as MTV, Comedy Central and FOX, over networks targeted at a younger audience, such as Disney and Nickelodeon (See Graph A8). Graph A7: Network Preferences Across Gender Males Females 56% 56% 41% 56% 42% 41% 42% 42% 37% 32% MTV Comedy Central Disney Fox Nickelodeon Graph A8: Network Preferences Across Regions 59% 64% 59% 52% 48% 44% 44% 45% 47% 48% 50% 48% 41% 37% MTV 85% Central North Southwest Tidewater Comedy Central Disney 46% 44% 41% 35% 32% Fox 29% Nickelodeon Graph A9: Programming Preferences Across Gender Males Females 82% 67% 70% PROGRAMMING PREFERENCE: 61% Comedic television programming is the most popular type of programming among respondents. Movies and music are also extremely popular types of programming among respondents. Although drama and reality programming are less popular than the three previously mentioned, they are still ranked among the Top Five types of television programming. Male respondents are more likely to watch comedic television programming, while female respondents are more likely to watch all other four of the top five types of programming; movies, music, drama, and reality (See Graph A9). 51% 43% 35% 27% Comedy Movies Music Drama 26% Reality Look-Look, Inc. 12 TELEVISION PROGRAMMING PREFERENCE continued: Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely than younger respondents, age 13-15, to express an interest in each of the Top Five types of television programming. Interest in music and dramatic programming increases most dramatically when comparing younger and older respondents (See Graph A10). While Anglo American and Other respondents share similar programming preferences, African American respondents are more likely than either group to watch reality based, dramatic and music programming, and less likely to watch movies (on television). Television programming preferences are relatively similar among all regions, with the exception of respondents in the Northern Virginia region, who are slightly more likely to watch comedic programming. Graph A10: Programming Preferences Across Age Groups 82% 83% 13-15 16-17 71% 66% 63% 49% 42% 29% Comedy Movies Music Drama 31% 32% Reality TOP THREE FAVORITE SHOWS: Overall, respondents consistently named the following shows in their Top Three lists: – Chappelle Show (skews male) – Friends (popular across age and gender) – One Tree Hill (skews female) – The OC (skews female) – Real World (skews slightly older) – Simpsons (skews slightly younger) – South Park (skews male) Look-Look, Inc. 13 MOVIES Look-Look, Inc. 14 MOVIES POPULARITY: Graph B1: Movie Frequency Across Gender 93% of respondents watch movies in the movie theater. The only notable discrepancy across breakouts is that 88% of respondents in Central Virginia report seeing movies in the theater compared to 94% in the Southwest, and 95% in both the Northern and Tidewater regions. 77% Males Females 69% 22% 17% FREQUENCY: 4% The majority of respondents, 74%, watch a movie in the movie theater 1-2 times a month. Male respondents are slightly more likely to watch a movie in a movie theater more often than 1-2 times a month when compared to female consumers, who are more likely to limit their movie watching (in the theater) to 1-2 times a month (See Graph B1). The frequency in which respondents watch a movie at the movie theater is similar across age groups. African American and Other respondents are more likely than Anglo American respondents to watch more than 1-2 movies each month (See Graph B2). Respondents across regions view movies in the theater with similar frequencies, except for the Tidewater region, which is more likely than the other three regions to go to the movies 3-4 times a month. 1-2 Times a Month 3-4 Times a Month 5% 4% 5-6 Times a Month 2% More than 6 Times a Month Graph B2: Movie Frequency Across Ethnicities 75% African American Anglo American Other 71% 64% 32% 22% 17% 5% 1-2 Times a Month 3-4 Times a Month 3% 6% 4% 0% 5-6 Times a Month 2% More than 6 Times a Month Graph B3: Overall Rating Attendance 84% RATING ATTENDANCE: 54% Although the majority of respondents enjoy watching both PG-13 and R rated movies, PG-13 rated movies are the most popular among respondents (See Graph B3). Female respondents prefer watching PG13, PG, and G rated movies, while male respondents prefer watching movies with a more mature rating of R and NC-17. 37% 16% 7% 1% G PG PG-13 R NC-17 I Don't Know Look-Look, Inc. 15 MOVIES RATING ATTENDANCE continued: Not surprisingly, younger respondents, age 13-15, are more likely to watch PG-13, PG, and G rated movies, while older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely to watch R rated movies (See Graph B4). African American respondents are more likely to watch movies with a more mature rating of R, while Anglo American respondents are more likely to watch movies with a less mature rating of PG, and/or G. While respondents across regions unanimously prefer movies rated PG-13, respondents in the North are most likely to shy away from movies rated G and PG. Tidewater respondents are slightly more likely than other regions to watch movies that are rated R (See Graph B5). Graph B4: Rating Attendance Across Age Groups 87% 83% 13-15 16-17 67% 49% 34% 29% 24% 11% 4% G PG PG-13 R 8% NC-17 2% 1% I Don't Know Graph B5: Rating Attendance Across Regions 83% 85% 91% 55% 52% 43% 21% 21% 9% 41% Central North Southwest Tidewater 80% 61% 46% 37% 27% 15% G 8% 7% 9% 5% PG PG-13 R NC-17 0% 1% 2% 2% I Don't Know Graph B6: Overall Advertising Awareness ADVERTISING AWARENESS: 34% Advertisements shown before the start of a movie are proving to be an effective way to gain the attention of the audience, as the majority of respondents claim to pay attention to this type of advertising more often than not (See Graph B6). These ads appear to be slightly more effective at gaining the attention of female respondents, than male respondents. Most notably, 10% of males report that they "never" pay attention to these ads, compared to only 1% of females. The ability of these advertisements to catch the respondents' attention remains consistent across age group and region. Ads shown before movies in the theater hold a similar appeal for respondents of different ethnicities, with the only discrepancy being that the Other group is over 10% more likely to pay attention to these ads "most of the time." 25% 22% 14% 5% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most Of The Time Always Look-Look, Inc. 16 INTERNET Look-Look, Inc. 17 INTERNET ADVERTISING AWARENESS: Graph C1: Overall Advertising Awareness The majority of respondents do not pay attention to advertisements seen on the Internet (See Graph C1). Although neither gender is very likely to pay attention to an Internet advertisement, male respondents are slightly more likely than female respondents to pay attention. Anglo American respondents are more likely to never pay attention to Internet advertisements, while African American respondents are more likely to pay attention some or most of the time. Internet advertising is similarly effective across age groups and regions. 47% 36% 12% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes 3% 3% Most Of The Time Always Graph C2: Advertising Preference Across Gender ADVERTISING PREFERENCE: Although Internet advertisements are not popular among respondents, they are most receptive to advertisement links that direct them to other websites. Male respondents are more receptive than female respondents, to all types of Internet advertisements (See Graph C2). Younger respondents, age 13-15, are more receptive to advertisements such as links to other websites and pop-ups, while older respondents, age 16-17, are slightly more receptive to banner ads, online articles recommending products/services, and email blasts from advertisers. Preferences vary only slightly across ethnicities, most notably in the banner ad category, with 26% of African Americans, 16% of Anglo Americans, and 7% of Other ethnicities preferring this type of advertisement. Across regions, respondents from the North are at least 10% more likely than any other region to report not paying attention to any type of online advertisement (See Graph C3). 13% 26% Links to Other Sites 21% Online Articles That Recommend Products/Services 13% 8% 9% Pop-Ups Random Emails From Advertisers Males Females 17% Banners 8% 8% 3% Graph C3: Advertising Awareness Across Regions 69% 55% 56% Central North Southwest Tidewater 59% I Don't Pay Attention to Online Advertisements Look-Look, Inc. 18 INTERNET ONLINE ACTIVITIES: 76% Overall, chatting, sending/reading emails, and playing games are the most popular ways in which respondents spend their time online. Slightly less popular, but still in the top five, are downloading (music, software, etc.) and research/information gathering. Chatting, sending/reading emails, and research/information gathering are more popular online activities among female respondents, while downloading is a more popular online activity among male respondents (See Graph C4). Younger respondents, age 13-15, are more likely to be playing games online, while older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely to be taking part in each of the other four activities (See Graph C5). There are no significant differences in online activity across ethnicities, and only slight variations across regions, with Northern respondents being more likely than respondents in other regions to chat and send/read emails while online. Graph C4: Online Activities Across Gender Males Females 68% 63% 56% 53% 56% 53% 47% 47% 35% Chat 75% Send/Read EMails Play Games By Download Myself (Music, Software, Etc.) Graph C5: Online Activities Across Age Groups 68% 65% 52% Send/Read EMails 13-15 16-17 69% 58% 49% 47% 34% Chat Research, Information Gathering Play Games By Download Myself (Music, Software, Etc.) 32% Research, Information Gathering TOP THREE FAVORITE WEBSITES: Respondents across age and gender overwhelmingly name as the website that they visit the most often. Also frequently mentioned, and consistent across age and gender, are,, and Look-Look, Inc. 19 MUSIC/RADIO Look-Look, Inc. 20 MUSIC/RADIO POPULARITY: Graph D1: Frequency Across Age Groups Overall, 94% of consumers report listening to music. Females are nearly 10% more likely than males to listen to music, and older consumers, age 16-17, are slightly more likely to do so than younger consumers, age 13-15. There is only slight variation across ethnicities. Central, Northern, and Southwestern regions share similar percentage, while Tidewater respondents, at 97%, are more likely than the other regions to listen to music. 13-15 16-17 54% 54% 28% 21% 17% 9% 4% Less Than an Hour Each Day 1-4 Hours 5-9 Hours 5% 4% 10-14 Hours 4% 15 or More Hours a Day Graph D2: Overall Format Frequency FREQUENCY: SCALE: 0=I don't listen to music in this format, 1=Less than one hour, 2=1-4 hours, 3=5-9 hours, 4=10-14 hours, 5=15 or more hours. Overall, respondents are most likely to listen to music between 1 and 4 hours each day. Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely to listen to music for a greater length of time each day than younger respondents, age 13-15. Although the majority of respondents in each age group are most likely to listen to music between 1 and 4 hours each day, older respondents are more likely to listen to between 5 and 9 hours of music, and younger respondents are more likely to listen to less than one hour of music (See Graph D1). The frequency with which respondents listen to music each day is similar across gender, ethnicity, and region. CDs 2.6 Radio 1.9 Television 1.8 Online 1.7 MP3s 1.2 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 SCALE: 0=I don't listen to music in this format, 1=Less than one hour, 2=1-4 hours, 3=5-9 hours, 4=10-14 hours, 5=15 or more hours. 13-15 16-17 2.3 2.8 2.2 Radio Overall, respondents spend the most time listening to music on CDs (See Graph D2). Across gender, males spend more time listening to MP3s, while females spend more time listening to the radio. Across age groups, younger consumers, age 13-15, spend more time than older consumers, age 16-17, listening to music on the television, the radio, and online. Older consumers spend more time listening to CDs and MP3s (See Graph D3). 5.0 Graph D3: Format Frequency Across Age Groups CDs FORMAT: 4.0 1.7 2.1 Television 1.7 1.9 Online 1.5 0.8 MP3s 1.4 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Look-Look, Inc. 21 MUSIC/RADIO FORMAT continued: Respondents across ethnicities listen to music in different formats. African American respondents spend the most time listening to music on television, Anglo American respondents on CDs, and Other respondents on the radio (See Graph D4). Across regions, respondents share similar preferences, except for those in the North, who spend more time than other regions listening to music on the radio and online. Graph D4: Format Frequency Across Ethnicities SCALE: 0=I don't listen to music in this format, 1=Less than one hour, 2=1-4 hours, 3=5-9 hours, 4=10-14 hours, 5=15 or more hours. 2.3 CDs African American Anglo American Other 2.7 2.1 1.7 1.9 Radio 2.4 2.6 Television 1.7 2.1 2.3 Online 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 MP3s 0.6 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 RADIO LISTENING TIMES: Respondents are most likely to listen to the radio in the morning, with 58% tuning in between 6am and 9am. The afternoon (40%) and early evening (39%) are also times in which respondents are likely to listen to the radio. Female respondents are more likely than male respondents to listen to the radio at all times during the day and night. Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely to listen to the radio early in the morning between 6am and 9am, and later in the evening, after 8pm, while younger respondents, age 13-15, are more likely to listen to the radio in the early evening, between 5pm and 7pm (See Graph D5). African American respondents are more likely to listen to the radio between 6am and 9am, and 1pm and 7pm, while Other respondents are more likely to listen to the radio between 8pm and 10pm. Respondents in the North region are more likely to listen to the radio early in the morning, between 6am and 9am, while respondents in the Central region are more likely to listen to the radio between 1pm and 4pm, and late in the evening, after 11pm. Respondents in the Southwest region are more likely than respondents in any other region to listen to the radio between 5pm and 7pm (See Graph D6). Graph D5: Radio Listening Times Across Age Groups 50% 6am-9am 63% 13-15 16-17 11% 9% 10am-12pm 36% 1pm-4pm 42% 43% 5pm-7pm 36% 32% 34% 8pm-10pm 23% 26% After 11pm Graph D6: Radio Listening Times Across Regions 58% 6am-9am 10am-12pm 54% 54% 5% 9% 67% Central North Southwest Tidewater 14% 11% 1pm-4pm 44% 40% 33% 41% 38% 35% 5pm-7pm 39% 44% 30% 35% 35% 33% 8pm-10pm After 11pm 19% 30% 27% 24% Look-Look, Inc. 22 MUSIC/RADIO ADVERTISING AWARENESS: Graph D7: Overall Advertising Awareness Although respondents are sometimes receptive to radio advertisements, they are more likely than not, to tune them out (See Graph D7). While 0% of African American respondents claim to never pay attention to radio ads (compared to 21% of Anglo American respondents and 18% of Other respondents), another 50% report hardly ever paying attention. Respondents across gender, age group, and region have similar tendencies in terms of paying attention (or not paying attention) to radio advertisements. 35% 29% 19% 9% 1% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most Of The Time Always Graph D8: Music Acquisition Across Age Groups SCALE: 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=Occasionally, 3=Frequently. 13-15 16-17 1.7 Buy a CD 1.6 AQUISITION: Respondents are most likely to acquire their music by buying or burning a CD. Respondents across genders share similar habits for acquiring their music. Older consumers, age 16-17, are most likely to burn a CD. Younger consumers, age 13-15, are most likely to buy a CD, and are more likely than older consumers to download music from the Internet (See Graph D8). Respondents across ethnic groups share similar music acquisition habits, as do respondents across regions. The only notable regional discrepancy is that respondents from Central Virginia are slightly less likely than other groups to download music from the Internet (1.1 vs. 1.5 in the North and Southwest and 1.4 in Tidewater). 1.4 Burn a CD 1.9 1.4 Download Music From the Internet 1.1 0.4 Record Music From the Radio 0.4 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Graph D9: Top Five Most Popular Music Television Networks MTV 69% 47% VH1 MTV2 BET 33% 21% MUSIC TELEVISION: MTV is the most popular music television network among respondents, though at least 20% of consumers also watch VH1, MTV2, BET, and CMT (se Graph D9). Female respondents are more likely than male respondents to watch music television networks. CMT 20% Look-Look, Inc. 23 MUSIC/RADIO MUSIC TELEVISION cont. Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely than younger respondents, age 13-15, to watch each of the Top Five music television networks, with the exception of MTV2. African American and Other respondents are more likely to watch each of the Top Five music television networks, with the exception of CMT. Respondents in the North are more likely than other regions to watch MTV, VH1, and BET, while respondents in the Southwest region are more likely to watch CMT and MTV2 (See Graph D10). D10: Top Five Music Television Networks Across Region 67% 74% MTV 68% 67% 46% 56% VH1 43% 44% 24% 39% 42% MTV2 30% 22% 27% BET 15% 19% 16% 22% CMT 27% 18% D11: Overall Concert/Live Musical Performance Attendance CONCERTS/LIVE MUSICAL PERFORMANCES: Respondents are not likely to attend live music performances more than a few times a year, and many state that they attend live music performances less than once a year or not at all (See Graph D11). Males are more likely than females to attend concerts a few times a month, while females are more likely to attend a few times a year or less than once a year. Older respondents, age 16-17, attend concerts more frequently than younger consumers, age 13-15, with over 50% attending a few times a year or a few times a month. Different ethnic breakouts attend concerts with a similar frequency, except for African American respondents, who are more likely than respondents in other ethnic groups to attend live music performances a few times a year. Respondents in the Tidewater region are slightly more likely to frequently attend live musical performances than respondents in other regions (See Graph D12). Central North Southwest Tidewater 35% 28% 24% 12% 2% I Don't Attend Live Musical Performances Less Than Once a Year A Few Times a A Few Times a A Few Times a Year Month Week Graph D12: Concert/Live Musical Perforance Attendance Across Region Central North Southwest Tidewater 37% 34% 34% 33% 32% 30% 29% 28% 27% 24% 21% 19% 14% 13% 11% 8% 5% 1% 1% I Don't Attend Live Less Than Once a Musical Year Performances A Few Times a Year A Few Times a Month 0% A Few Times a Week Look-Look, Inc. 24 MUSIC/RADIO GENRE PREFERENCE: Graph D13: Overall Musical Genre Preference Rock music is the most popular music genre according to respondents. Hip-hop/rap, punk rock, and R&B are also popular music genres for this audience (See Graph D13). Female respondents express more favorable opinions than male respondents for all top five music genres, with the exception of rock (See Graph D14). Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely than younger respondents, age 13-15, to prefer rock, punk rock, and R&B. African American respondents are more likely to prefer hip-hop/rap, pop, and R&B, while Anglo American respondents are more likely to prefer rock and punk rock. Respondents in the Southwest are more likely than respondents in other regions to prefer rock and punk rock. 56% 47% 43% 41% 31% Rock Hip-Hop/Rap Pop Punk Rock R&B Graph D14: Musical Genre Preference Across Gender 58% 55% 56% 51% 40% 38% 43% 22% Rock Hip-Hop/Rap Males Females Pop 39% 19% Punk Rock R&B Look-Look, Inc. 25 OUT-OF-HOME Look-Look, Inc. 26 OUT-OF-HOME ADVERTISING AWARENESS: Respondents are not likely to pay attention to out-ofhome advertisements, with 60% reporting that they never, or hardly ever, pay attention. Both male and female respondents pay similar attention to out-ofhome advertisements. Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely than younger respondents, age 1315, to pay attention to out-of-home advertisements (See Graph E1). African American respondents are more likely than respondents in other ethnic groups to pay attention to out-of-home advertisements. Respondents in the North region are the least likely of the regions to pay attention to out-of-home advertisements. Graph E1: Advertising Awareness Across Age Groups 38% 13-15 16-17 37% 32% 27% 24% 21% 11% 8% 3% 0% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most Of The Time Graph E2: Top Five Out-of-Home Advertising Preferences Billboards ADVERTISING PREFERENCES: Although out-of-home advertisements are not popular among respondents, they are most accepting of advertisements that come in the form of billboards (See Graph E2), though ads before movies in the theater and ads in malls also garnered over a 25% response rate. Female respondents are more likely than male respondents to pay attention to each of the top five types of outdoor advertisements (See Graph E3). Similarly, older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely than younger respondents, age 1315, to pay attention each of the top five types of outdoor advertisements. African American respondents are more likely than respondents in other ethnic groups to pay attention to each of the top five types of outdoor advertisements, with the exception of wild postings. Respondents in the North region are more likely to pay attention to each of the top five types of outdoor advertising, with the exception of billboards. Billboards were the number one preference for outdoor advertising by more than half of respondents in the Central region. Always 42% Commercials in the Theater Before the Movie Starts 38% Ads in Malls Wild Postings People in Costumes 33% 23% 21% Graph E3: Top Five Out-of-Home Advertising Preferences Across Gender 36% Billboards Commercials in the Theater Before the Movie Starts Ads in Malls 46% Males Females 29% 44% 32% 33% Wild Postings 20% 24% People in Costumes 16% 24% Look-Look, Inc. 27 WORD-OF-MOUTH/ STREET TEAM Look-Look, Inc. 28 WORD-OF-MOUTH/STREET TEAM WORD-OF-MOUTH ADVERTISING AWARENESS: Word-of-mouth advertising appears to be an effective method of communication, as 49% of respondents pay attention to word-of-mouth most of the time or always (See Graph F1). Female respondents are slightly more likely than male respondents to pay attention to word-of-mouth advertisements. Older respondents, age 16-17, are slightly more likely than younger respondents, age 13-15, to pay attention to word-of-mouth advertisements. Chances of respondents paying attention to word-of-mouth advertising are similar across region and ethnicity. The only notable discrepancy across ethnic breakout is that African American respondents are at least 10% more likely than other ethnic groups to always pay attention to word-of-mouth. Graph F1: Overall Word-of-Mouth Advertising Awareness 37% 31% 11% 12% 9% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most of The Time Always Graph F2: Overall Street Team Advertising Awareness 34% 24% STREET TEAM ADVERTISING AWARENESS: Street team advertising is not an effective method of communication among respondents, and a large percentage have never even seen a street team (See Graph F2). Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely than younger respondents, age 13-15, to pay attention to street team advertising. Younger respondents are more likely to have never seen a street team. African American respondents are more likely to pay attention to street team advertising, while Other respondents are less likely. Anglo American respondents are the most likely to have never seen a street team. There are few notable discrepancies across gender or regional breakouts. 19% 14% 7% I Have Never Seen Street Team Advertising Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most of The Time 3% Always Look-Look, Inc. 29 MAGAZINES Look-Look, Inc. 30 MAGAZINES ADVERTISING AWARENESS: Respondents are likely to pay attention to magazine advertisements sometimes or most of the time. Female respondents are slightly more likely than male respondents to pay attention to advertisements in magazines. Similarly, older respondents, age 16-17, are slightly more likely than younger respondents, age 13-15, to pay attention to advertisements in magazines. African American respondents are more likely than respondents in other ethnic groups to pay attention to advertisements in magazines (See Graph G1). There are no notable discrepancies across regional breakouts. Graph G1: Advertising Awareness Across Ethnicities African American Anglo American Other 46% 43% 26% 42% 24% 21% 17% 18% 18% 11% 10% 9% 11% 6% 0% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most Of The Time Always TOP THREE FAVORITE MAGAZINES: There is a distinct difference between the magazines read by male respondents versus female respondents, and there is no one magazine that is poplar across gender breakouts. Males were likely to name the following in their top three list: – PC Gamer (popular across age groups) – Transworld (popular across age groups) – Sports Illustrated (popular across age groups) – Maxim (skews older) – National Geographic (skews younger) Females were likely to name the following in their top three list: – Cosmopolitan (skews older) – Cosmo Girl (skews younger) – People (skews older) – Teen People (skews younger) – J-14 (popular across age groups) – Seventeen (popular across age groups) – YM (popular across age groups) Look-Look, Inc. 31 SPONSORSHIPS/ PROMOTIONS Look-Look, Inc. 32 SPONSORSHIPS/PROMOTIONS ADVERTISING AWARENESS: Graph H1: Overall Advertising Awareness Although 40% of respondents are likely to sometimes pay attention to sponsorships and promotions, another 41% hardly ever or never pay attention to sponsorships and promotions (See Graph H1). There are no notable differences across gender, age, ethnic, or regional breakouts. 40% 24% 17% 15% 4% Never Hardly Ever Sometimes Most Of The Time Always Graph H2: Overall Advertising Preferences ADVERTISING PREFERENCE: The majority of respondents prefer sponsorships and promotions that offer contests with cool prizes. Sponsorships and promotions that offer sales or coupons are a close second (See Graph H2). Female respondents are more receptive than male respondents to all types of sponsorship and promotions offerings, with the exception of TV show sponsorships. Older respondents, age 16-17, are more likely to prefer sales and coupons, walks and charitable events and concert sponsorships, while younger respondents, age 13-15, are more likely to prefer celebrity sponsorships (See Graph H3). African American respondents are more likely to prefer contests with cool prizes and sales and coupons, Other respondents prefer celebrity sponsorships, TV show sponsorships, and concert sponsorships. There are no notable differences across regional breakouts. Contest with Cool Prizes 52% Sales/Coupons 44% Walks/Charitable Events 32% Celebrity Sponsorship 30% TV Show Sponsorship 22% Concert Sponsorship 21% Graph H3: Advertising Preferences Across Age Groups Contest with Cool Prizes 52% 51% Sales/Coupons 51% Walks/Charitable Events 30% 34% Celebrity Sponsorship 33% 28% 22% 22% TV Show Sponsorship Concert Sponsorship 13-15 16-17 34% 15% 25% Look-Look, Inc. 33 CROSS-CHANNEL COMPARISONS Look-Look, Inc. 34 CROSS-CHANNEL COMPARISONS MEAN RANKINGS AND TOP TWO BOX COMPARISONS: Overall, consumers ranked word-of-mouth, ads before the movies, and TV commercials as the number one, two and three types of advertisements, respectively, that they pay attention to the most (See Graph I1). When the top two boxes (in this case, the percentage of people who answer "most of the time" or "always") of each of the advertising awareness question are charted against each other, the same top three types of advertisements receive the highest rankings (though in this case, ads before the movies comes in first and word-of-mouth comes in second) (See Graph I2). Graph I1: Top Three Mean Rankings Note: Since a number one ranks a category in the highest position, the lower the mean score, the higher the category ranking. Word-of-Mouth 1.74 Ads Before the Movies 1.90 TV Commercials 1.98 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Graph I2: Advertising Awareness Top Two Box Comparison Ads Before Movies 56% Word-of-Mouth 49% TV Commercials 40% Magazine Ads 31% Sponsorships and/or Promotions 19% Out-of-Home 11% Street Teams 10% Radio Ads 10% Internet Ads 6% Look-Look, Inc. 35 APPENDICES Look-Look, Inc. 36 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS Look-Look, Inc. 37 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 1. Do you watch television? –Yes –No 2. How often do you pay attention to TV commercials? (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 3. At which times of the day ON WEEKDAYS do you usually watch TV? (Choose all that apply) –Early Morning (6am-9am) –Mid Morning (10am-12pm) –Afternoon (1pm-4pm) –Early Evening (5pm-7pm) –Prime Time (8pm-10pm) –Late Night (after 11pm) 4. At which times of the day ON WEEKENDS do you usually watch TV? (Choose all that apply) –Early Morning (6am-9am) –Mid Morning (10am-12pm) –Afternoon (1pm-4pm) –Early Evening (5pm-7pm) –Prime Time (8pm-10pm) –Late Night (after 11pm) Look-Look, Inc. 38 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 5. Which of the following TV channels do you watch the most? (Choose all that apply) –A&E (Arts and Entertainment) –ABC –Animal Planet –BET (Black Entertainment Television) –BRAVO –CBS –Cinemax –CMT (Country Music Television) –CNN –Comedy Central –COURT TV –C-SPAN –Discovery Channel –Disney –E! Entertainment Channel –Encore –ESPN –Food Network –FOX –FOX Sports –FX –HBO –HGTV (Home and Garden Television) –History Channel –LIFE –MTV –NBC –Nickelodeon –OXYGEN –QVC –SCIFI –Showtime –Spike TV –Starz! –Style Network Look-Look, Inc. 39 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 5. Which of the following TV channels do you watch the most? (Choose all that apply) continued… –TBS –The Weather Channel –TLC (The Learning Channel) –TNT –Toon –TVLAND –USA –VH1 –WB (Warner Brothers Channel) –WE (Women’s Entertainment Channel) –WGN –Other 6. What types of TV shows do you watch the most? (Choose all that apply) –Comedy –Drama –Entertainment News (Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, etc.) –Game shows –Movies –Music television (MTV, VH1, etc.) –News (local news, CNN, etc) –Reality –Sci-Fi –Soap operas –Sports –Talk shows –Other 7. Currently, what TV shows are your favorites? List your top three. (OPEN) Look-Look, Inc. 40 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 8. Do you watch movies in the movie theater? –Yes –No 9. How often do you go to the movies? –1-2 times a month –3-4 times a month –5-6 times a month –More than 6 times a month 10. Think about the movies that you watch at the movie theater. What are they usually rated? (Choose all that apply) –G –PG –PG-13 –R –NC-17 –I don’t know 11. How often do you pay attention to the commercials shown before the movie begins? (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 12. Do you go on the Internet? –Yes –No Look-Look, Inc. 41 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 13. How often do you pay attention to the ads that you see when surfing the Internet (i.e. banners, pop-ups, emails, etc.)? (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 14. What types of ads do you pay the most attention to when surfing the Internet? (Choose all that apply) –Banners –Links to other sites –Online articles that recommend products/services –Pop-ups –Random emails from advertisers –I don’t pay attention to any online ads 15. When you ‘re surfing the Internet which of the following are you most likely to do? (Choose all that apply) –Browse for items (clothing, electronics, tickets,etc.) –Chat (instant messaging, chat rooms) –Download (music, software, etc.) –Find movies times and locations –Play games by myself –Play games with other people on the Internet –Purchase items (clothing, electronics, tickets,etc.) –Read the news –Research/Information gathering (school, work, personal) Look-Look, Inc. 42 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 15. When you ‘re surfing the Internet which of the following are you most likely to do? (Choose all that apply) continued… –Search auction sites (Ebay) –Search dating sites –Send/read e-mails –Upload/Look at/Send photos –Write/read journals and/or blogs –Other 16. Name the 3 websites that you go to the most. (OPEN) 17. Do you listen to music? –Yes –No 18. Thinking about an average day in your life, how many hours do you spend listening to music (radio, television, CD, MP3, online, etc.)? (Choose only one) –Less than an hour each day –1-4 hours a day –5-9 hours a day –10-14 hours a day –15 or more hours a day 19. Please select the amount of time EACH DAY in which you listen to music on the formats listed below: –Radio –Television –CDs –MP3s –Online Look-Look, Inc. 43 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 20. At which times of the day/week do you listen to the radio most often? (Choose all that apply) –Early Morning (6am-9am) –Mid Morning (10am-12pm) –Afternoon (1pm-4pm) –Early Evening (5pm-7pm) –Prime Time (8pm-10pm) –Late Night (after 11pm) 21. How much do you pay attention to radio ads? (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 22. Thinking about how you get new music, please rate how often you do each of the following activities: –Buy a CD/CDs –Burn a CD/CDs –Download music from the Internet –Record it from the radio 23. Which of the following music television channels do you watch? (Choose all that apply) –BET (Black Entertainment Television) –CMT (Country Music Television) –FUSE –GMTn (Gospel Music Television Network) –MTV –MTV2 –The Soul of VH1 –VH1 Look-Look, Inc. 44 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 24. How often do you go to concerts or any type of live musical performances? –A few times a week –A few times a month –A few times a year –Less than once a year –I don’t attend concerts/live musical performances 25. What are your favorite types of music? (Choose all that apply) –Blues –Christian Rock –Classic Rock –Classical –Country –Disco –Electronic and/or Techno –Folk –Funk –Heavy Metal –Hip-Hop and/or Rap –Indie Rock –Jazz –Latin –Oldies –Pop –Punk Rock –R&B –Reggae and/or Ska –Rock –Soul –I don’t have a preference –Other Look-Look, Inc. 45 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 26. How much do you pay attention to ads you see when you leave your house (i.e. billboard ads, ads on benches, ads on buses, ads in subways, etc.)? (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 27. Think about the types of ads you see when you leave home. What types of these ads do you notice most often? (Choose all that apply) –Ads in malls –Benches –Billboards –Blimps/planes pulling banners –Commercials shown in the theaters before the movie starts –People in costumes –Postcards –Postings in bathrooms stalls –Subways/trains/buses –Wild Postings (posters) –Other –None of the above Look-Look, Inc. 46 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 28. How much do you pay attention to word-of mouth advertising? Word-of mouth advertising is when a friend or someone you know tells you about a product they like, and suggest that you try it. (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 29. How much do you pay attention to street team advertising? Street teams are people who approach you on the street and tell you about a product or company, and sometimes hand out free samples or flyers (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never –I have never seen street team advertising Look-Look, Inc. 47 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 30. Do you read or flip through magazines? –Yes –No 31. How much do you pay attention to ads in magazines? (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 32. What magazines do you read? List your three favorites. (OPEN) 33. Which of the following types of sponsorships/promotions do you like the most? (Choose all that apply) –Celebrity sponsorship (when a celebrity is paid to wear certain clothes, or drink a certain type of drink, i.e. Tiger Woods is a celebrity sponsor for Nike) –Concert sponsorship (when a company has a booth or a banner at a concert) –Contest with cool prizes (such as cash, free trips, shopping sprees, etc.) –Sales/coupons –TV show sponsorship (i.e. “this show is brought to you by…”) –Walks/charitable event sponsorship (i.e. AIDS walk, or when a company donates a certain amount of profits to a charity) Look-Look, Inc. 48 APPENDIX A: SURVEY QUESTIONS 34. How likely are you to pay attention to sponsorships/promotions (i.e. contests, celebrity sponsorships, concert sponsorships)? (Choose only one) –Always –Most of the time –Sometimes –Hardly ever –Never 35. Think about all the different types of advertising we’ve talked about in this survey. What kind of ads do you pay attention to the most? Rank your top three. –Ads before the movies –Billboards/benches/buses/subways/other ads outside your house –Internet ads –Magazine ads –Newspaper ads –Radio ads –Street teams –TV commercials –Word-of-mouth –Other Look-Look, Inc. 49 APPENDICES APPENDIX B: QUANTIFIED DATA Look-Look, Inc. 50 51 No Yes 155 95% 40% 8 5% 73% 389 97% 100% 11 3% 100% 163 27% 1% 3 60% 99% 234 237 FEMALES GENDER MALES 400 TOTAL SAMPLE AGE 27% 2% 3 40% 98% 154 157 13-15 73% 3% 8 60% 97% 235 243 16-17 - - 0 6% 100% 23 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN 91% 3% 10 76% 97% 297 307 ANGLO AMERICAN ETHNICITY 9% 1% 1 18% 99% 69 70 OTHER ETHNICITY Q1 - DO YOU WATCH TELEVISION? 36% 5% 4 21% 95% 81 85 CENTRAL 18% 2% 2 23% 98% 91 93 NORTH 45% 6% 5 21% 94% 82 87 SOUTHWEST REGION - - 0 35% 100% 135 135 TIDEWATER 52 Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always THOSE WATCH TELEVISION 17 11% 53% 51 33% 40% 64 41% 36% 19 12% 40% 4 3% 67% 32 8% 100% 126 32% 100% 177 46% 100% 48 12% 100% 6 2% 100% 155 MALES GENDER 389 TOTAL SAMPLE 33% 1% 2 60% 12% 29 64% 48% 113 60% 32% 75 47% 6% 15 234 FEMALES 50% 2% 3 44% 14% 21 43% 49% 76 35% 29% 44 31% 6% 10 154 13-15 AGE 50% 1% 3 56% 11% 27 57% 43% 101 65% 35% 82 69% 9% 22 235 16-17 - - 0 2% 4% 1 6% 43% 10 7% 39% 9 9% 13% 3 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 100% 2% 6 77% 12% 37 75% 45% 133 78% 33% 98 72% 8% 23 297 ANGLO AMERICAN - - 0 21% 14% 10 19% 49% 34 15% 28% 19 19% 9% 6 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 33% 2% 2 23% 14% 11 23% 51% 41 15% 23% 19 25% 10% 8 81 CENTRAL REGION Q2 - HOW OFTEN DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO TV COMMERCIALS? - - 0 17% 9% 8 28% 54% 49 22% 31% 28 19% 7% 6 91 NORTH 33% 2% 2 31% 18% 15 14% 30% 25 28% 43% 35 16% 6% 5 82 SOUTHWEST 33% 1% 2 29% 10% 14 35% 46% 62 35% 33% 44 41% 10% 13 135 TIDEWATER 53 Late Night (after 11pm) Prime Time (8pm-10pm) Early Evening (5pm-7pm) Afternoon (1pm-4pm) Mid Morning (10am-12pm) 44 28% 49% 18 12% 41% 50 32% 40% 90 58% 39% 110 71% 42% 43 28% 45% 89 100% 44 11% 100% 126 32% 100% 229 59% 100% 264 68% 100% 95 24% 100% Early Morning (6am-9am) 23% 155 389 MALES GENDER THOSE WATCH TELEVISION TOTAL SAMPLE 55% 22% 52 58% 66% 154 61% 59% 139 60% 32% 76 59% 11% 26 51% 19% 45 234 FEMALES 31% 19% 29 38% 64% 99 43% 64% 99 39% 32% 49 50% 14% 22 43% 25% 38 154 13-15 AGE 69% 28% 66 63% 70% 165 57% 55% 130 61% 33% 77 50% 9% 22 57% 22% 51 235 16-17 4% 17% 4 7% 78% 18 6% 57% 13 6% 35% 8 5% 9% 2 6% 22% 5 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 78% 25% 74 75% 66% 197 74% 57% 170 75% 32% 94 73% 11% 32 73% 22% 65 297 ANGLO AMERICAN 18% 25% 17 19% 71% 49 20% 67% 46 19% 35% 24 23% 14% 10 21% 28% 19 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 28% 33% 27 19% 63% 51 21% 59% 48 23% 36% 29 23% 12% 10 21% 23% 19 81 CENTRAL REGION Q3 - AT WHICH TIMES OF THE DAY ON WEEKDAYS DO YOU USUALLY WATCH TV? 22% 23% 21 25% 73% 66 22% 56% 51 17% 23% 21 23% 11% 10 24% 23% 21 91 NORTH 16% 18% 15 20% 63% 52 22% 61% 50 21% 32% 26 18% 10% 8 22% 24% 20 82 SOUTHWEST 34% 24% 32 36% 70% 95 35% 59% 80 40% 37% 50 36% 12% 16 33% 21% 29 135 TIDEWATER 54 Late Night (after 11pm) Prime Time (8pm-10pm) Early Evening (5pm-7pm) Afternoon (1pm-4pm) Mid Morning (10am-12pm) 43 28% 44% 63 41% 37% 64 41% 38% 80 52% 44% 102 66% 45% 89 57% 46% 97 100% 169 43% 100% 169 43% 100% 181 47% 100% 229 59% 100% 195 50% 100% Early Morning (6am-9am) 25% 155 389 MALES GENDER THOSE WATCH TELEVISION TOTAL SAMPLE 54% 45% 106 55% 54% 127 56% 43% 101 62% 45% 105 63% 45% 106 56% 23% 54 234 FEMALES 31% 39% 60 43% 64% 99 44% 51% 79 40% 44% 68 47% 51% 79 49% 31% 48 154 13-15 AGE 69% 57% 135 57% 55% 130 56% 43% 102 60% 43% 101 53% 38% 90 51% 21% 49 235 16-17 6% 52% 12 6% 61% 14 9% 70% 16 5% 39% 9 8% 61% 14 3% 13% 3 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 76% 50% 149 75% 58% 171 73% 44% 132 73% 42% 124 72% 41% 121 77% 25% 75 297 ANGLO AMERICAN 17% 49% 34 19% 64% 44 18% 48% 33 21% 52% 36 20% 49% 34 20% 28% 19 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 23% 56% 45 19% 53% 43 22% 48% 39 25% 52% 42 20% 41% 33 18% 21% 17 81 CENTRAL REGION Q4 - AT WHICH TIMES OF THE DAY ON WEEKENDS DO YOU USUALLY WATCH TV? 22% 47% 43 22% 56% 51 22% 43% 39 19% 35% 32 24% 44% 40 20% 21% 19 91 NORTH 20% 48% 39 26% 73% 60 20% 45% 37 18% 37% 30 21% 44% 36 26% 30% 25 82 SOUTHWEST 35% 50% 68 33% 56% 75 36% 49% 66 38% 48% 65 36% 44% 60 37% 27% 36 135 TIDEWATER 55 Disney Discovery Channel C-SPAN COURT TV Comedy Central CNN CMT (Country Music Television) Cinemax CBS BRAVO BET (Black Entertainment Television) Animal Planet ABC A&E (Arts and Entertainment) THOSE WATCH TELEVISION 11 7% 42% 41 26% 41% 23 15% 62% 11 7% 26% 10 6% 33% 87 56% 47% 11 7% 46% 5 3% 63% 44 28% 51% 50 32% 28% 7% 100% 101 26% 100% 37 10% 100% 43 11% 100% 30 8% 100% 184 47% 100% 24 6% 100% 8 2% 100% 87 22% 100% 180 46% 100% 33% 100% 39% 16% 19% 26 25 75 100% 31% 100% 23 28% 37% 15% 44 142 59 48% 100% 15% 10 6% 21 5% 155 MALES GENDER 389 TOTAL SAMPLE 72% 56% 130 49% 18% 43 38% 1% 3 54% 6% 13 53% 41% 97 67% 9% 20 74% 14% 32 38% 6% 14 59% 26% 60 58% 6% 15 61% 15% 36 67% 21% 50 69% 42% 98 52% 5% 11 234 FEMALES 44% 52% 80 40% 23% 35 25% 1% 2 38% 6% 9 36% 43% 66 27% 5% 8 35% 10% 15 43% 10% 16 29% 19% 29 19% 3% 5 39% 15% 23 55% 27% 41 36% 33% 51 24% 3% 5 154 13-15 AGE 56% 43% 100 60% 22% 52 75% 3% 6 63% 6% 15 64% 50% 118 73% 9% 22 65% 12% 28 57% 9% 21 71% 31% 72 81% 9% 21 61% 15% 36 45% 14% 34 64% 39% 91 76% 7% 16 235 16-17 6% 43% 10 5% 17% 4 13% 4% 1 8% 9% 2 5% 43% 10 3% 4% 1 9% 17% 4 5% 9% 2 10% 43% 10 8% 9% 2 14% 35% 8 3% 9% 2 8% 52% 12 5% 4% 1 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 76% 46% 136 76% 22% 66 63% 2% 5 71% 6% 17 77% 47% 141 80% 8% 24 72% 10% 31 81% 10% 30 82% 28% 83 69% 6% 18 54% 11% 32 80% 20% 60 75% 36% 107 86% 6% 18 297 ANGLO AMERICAN 19% 49% 34 20% 25% 17 25% 3% 2 21% 7% 5 18% 48% 33 17% 7% 5 19% 12% 8 14% 7% 5 8% 12% 8 23% 9% 6 32% 28% 19 17% 19% 13 16% 33% 23 10% 3% 2 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 22% 48% 39 26% 28% 23 13% 1% 1 25% 7% 6 20% 44% 36 40% 15% 12 16% 9% 7 38% 17% 14 26% 32% 26 19% 6% 5 22% 16% 13 29% 27% 22 19% 33% 27 24% 6% 5 81 CENTRAL REGION Q5 - WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING TV CHANNELS DO YOU WATCH THE MOST? 19% 37% 34 18% 18% 16 38% 3% 3 13% 3% 3 26% 52% 47 17% 5% 5 16% 8% 7 11% 4% 4 21% 23% 21 12% 3% 3 27% 18% 16 12% 10% 9 21% 33% 30 5% 1% 1 91 NORTH 22% 48% 39 17% 18% 15 13% 1% 1 21% 6% 5 20% 45% 37 17% 6% 5 33% 17% 14 19% 9% 7 25% 30% 25 23% 7% 6 15% 11% 9 23% 21% 17 27% 46% 38 43% 11% 9 82 SOUTHWEST 38% 50% 68 38% 24% 33 38% 2% 3 42% 7% 10 35% 47% 64 27% 6% 8 35% 11% 15 32% 9% 12 29% 21% 29 46% 9% 12 36% 16% 21 36% 20% 27 33% 35% 47 29% 4% 6 135 TIDEWATER 56 HGTV (Home and Garden Television) HBO FX FOX Sports FOX Food Network ESPN Encore E^^^ Entertainment Channel THOSE WATCH TELEVISION 37% 74% 22 14% 39% 65 42% 40% 22 14% 67% 21 14% 45% 52 34% 44% 20% 100% 57 15% 100% 163 42% 100% 33 8% 100% 47 12% 100% 118 30% 100% 33% 58 78 100% 42% 100% 6 7% 7% 4% 11 26 18 23% 100% 5% 17 11% 75 19% 155 MALES GENDER 389 TOTAL SAMPLE 67% 5% 12 56% 28% 66 55% 11% 26 33% 5% 11 60% 42% 98 61% 15% 35 26% 9% 20 58% 6% 15 77% 25% 58 234 FEMALES 44% 5% 8 34% 26% 40 34% 10% 16 30% 6% 10 42% 45% 69 39% 14% 22 36% 18% 28 50% 8% 13 29% 14% 22 154 13-15 AGE 56% 4% 10 66% 33% 78 66% 13% 31 70% 10% 23 58% 40% 94 61% 15% 35 64% 21% 50 50% 6% 13 71% 23% 53 235 16-17 6% 4% 1 6% 30% 7 4% 9% 2 3% 4% 1 10% 70% 16 7% 17% 4 6% 22% 5 15% 17% 4 7% 22% 5 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 67% 4% 12 75% 30% 89 81% 13% 38 82% 9% 27 74% 41% 121 72% 14% 41 76% 20% 59 81% 7% 21 80% 20% 60 297 ANGLO AMERICAN 28% 7% 5 19% 32% 22 15% 10% 7 15% 7% 5 16% 38% 26 21% 17% 12 18% 20% 14 4% 1% 1 13% 14% 10 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 22% 5% 4 23% 33% 27 23% 14% 11 27% 11% 9 20% 41% 33 16% 11% 9 19% 19% 15 23% 7% 6 24% 22% 18 81 CENTRAL REGION Q5 - WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING TV CHANNELS DO YOU WATCH THE MOST? 22% 4% 4 19% 25% 23 13% 7% 6 21% 8% 7 36% 64% 58 21% 13% 12 21% 18% 16 15% 4% 4 16% 13% 12 91 NORTH 33% 7% 6 19% 28% 23 26% 15% 12 24% 10% 8 18% 35% 29 21% 15% 12 24% 23% 19 27% 9% 7 17% 16% 13 82 SOUTHWEST 22% 3% 4 38% 33% 45 38% 13% 18 27% 7% 9 26% 32% 43 42% 18% 24 36% 21% 28 35% 7% 9 43% 24% 32 135 TIDEWATER 57 Starz^^^ Spike TV Showtime SCIFI QVC OXYGEN Nickelodeon NBC MTV LIFE History Channel THOSE WATCH TELEVISION 25 16% 54% 9 6% 18% 63 41% 30% 33 21% 36% 58 37% 37% 8 5% 25% 6 4% 67% 32 21% 56% 24 15% 49% 51 33% 64% 18 12% 46% 46 12% 100% 50 13% 100% 209 54% 100% 92 24% 100% 157 40% 100% 32 8% 100% 9 2% 100% 57 15% 100% 49 13% 100% 80 21% 100% 39 10% 100% 155 MALES GENDER 389 TOTAL SAMPLE 54% 9% 21 36% 12% 29 51% 11% 25 44% 11% 25 33% 1% 3 75% 10% 24 63% 42% 99 64% 25% 59 70% 62% 146 82% 18% 41 46% 9% 21 234 FEMALES 41% 10% 16 40% 21% 32 37% 12% 18 35% 13% 20 22% 1% 2 34% 7% 11 48% 49% 75 29% 18% 27 32% 44% 67 38% 12% 19 41% 12% 19 154 13-15 AGE 59% 10% 23 60% 20% 48 63% 13% 31 65% 16% 37 78% 3% 7 66% 9% 21 52% 35% 82 71% 28% 65 68% 60% 142 62% 13% 31 59% 11% 27 235 16-17 - - 8% 13% 3 8% 26% 6 8% 17% 4 5% 13% 3 0 3% 4% 1 6% 39% 9 9% 35% 8 7% 61% 14 8% 17% 4 4% 9% 2 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 82% 11% 32 76% 21% 61 76% 12% 37 75% 14% 43 78% 2% 7 75% 8% 24 75% 39% 117 74% 23% 68 74% 52% 155 78% 13% 39 80% 12% 37 297 ANGLO AMERICAN 10% 6% 4 16% 19% 13 16% 12% 8 19% 16% 11 22% 3% 2 22% 10% 7 20% 45% 31 17% 23% 16 19% 58% 40 14% 10% 7 15% 10% 7 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 38% 19% 15 16% 16% 13 24% 15% 12 25% 17% 14 11% - 1% - 1 22% 9% 7 21% 41% 33 26% 30% 24 19% 48% 39 18% 11% 9 22% 12% 10 81 CENTRAL REGION Q5 - WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING TV CHANNELS DO YOU WATCH THE MOST? 18% 8% 7 21% 19% 17 20% 11% 10 12% 8% 7 0 19% 7% 6 17% 29% 26 30% 31% 28 26% 59% 54 12% 7% 6 17% 9% 8 91 NORTH 15% 7% 6 19% 18% 15 24% 15% 12 19% 13% 11 33% 4% 3 25% 10% 8 24% 46% 38 22% 24% 20 17% 44% 36 34% 21% 17 17% 10% 8 82 SOUTHWEST 28% 8% 11 44% 26% 35 31% 11% 15 44% 19% 25 56% 4% 5 34% 8% 11 38% 44% 60 22% 15% 20 38% 59% 80 36% 13% 18 43% 15% 20 135 TIDEWATER 58 Other WGN WE (Women’s Entertainment Channel) WB (Warner Brothers Channel) VH1 USA TVLAND Toon TNT TLC (The Learning Channel) The Weather Channel TBS Style Network THOSE WATCH TELEVISION 11% 36% 33 21% 34% 34 22% 30% 29 19% 30% 12% 100% 96 25% 100% 115 30% 100% 97 25% 100% 41% 17 47 100% 49% 100% 27% 29% 24% 26% 45 92 42 38% 100% 31% 17% 17% 102 26 68 100% 21% 100% 5% 11% 21% 7% 17 80 8 41% 100% 23% 9% 9% 26 14 34 100% 36% 100% 3 18% 20% 2% 28 77 13 31% 100% 3% 5 3% 16 4% 155 MALES GENDER 389 TOTAL SAMPLE 59% 26% 60 69% 8% 18 77% 4% 10 70% 29% 68 70% 35% 81 66% 27% 63 64% 13% 30 51% 20% 47 62% 18% 42 79% 27% 63 59% 9% 20 64% 21% 49 69% 5% 11 234 FEMALES 44% 29% 45 27% 5% 7 38% 3% 5 39% 25% 38 32% 24% 37 30% 19% 29 36% 11% 17 46% 27% 42 32% 14% 22 29% 15% 23 35% 8% 12 32% 16% 25 25% 3% 4 154 13-15 AGE 56% 24% 57 73% 8% 19 62% 3% 8 61% 25% 59 68% 33% 78 70% 29% 67 64% 13% 30 54% 21% 50 68% 20% 46 71% 24% 57 65% 9% 22 68% 22% 52 75% 5% 12 235 16-17 4% 17% 4 4% 4% 1 - - 0 10% 43% 10 9% 43% 10 8% 35% 8 6% 13% 3 5% 22% 5 9% 26% 6 8% 26% 6 12% 17% 4 12% 39% 9 - - 0 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 76% 26% 78 81% 7% 21 85% 4% 11 71% 23% 69 70% 27% 81 72% 23% 69 79% 12% 37 73% 23% 67 72% 16% 49 78% 21% 62 65% 7% 22 71% 19% 55 63% 3% 10 297 ANGLO AMERICAN 20% 29% 20 15% 6% 4 15% 3% 2 19% 26% 18 21% 35% 24 20% 28% 19 15% 10% 7 22% 29% 20 19% 19% 13 15% 17% 12 24% 12% 8 17% 19% 13 38% 9% 6 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 23% 28% 23 31% 10% 8 46% 7% 6 19% 22% 18 23% 33% 27 26% 31% 25 19% 11% 9 22% 25% 20 24% 20% 16 20% 20% 16 26% 11% 9 25% 23% 19 19% 4% 3 81 CENTRAL REGION Q5 - WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING TV CHANNELS DO YOU WATCH THE MOST? 21% 23% 21 12% 3% 3 15% 2% 2 28% 30% 27 26% 33% 30 21% 22% 20 21% 11% 10 16% 16% 15 16% 12% 11 19% 16% 15 18% 7% 6 19% 16% 15 31% 5% 5 91 NORTH 24% 29% 24 31% 10% 8 23% 4% 3 21% 24% 20 22% 30% 25 21% 24% 20 30% 17% 14 24% 27% 22 24% 20% 16 21% 21% 17 24% 10% 8 22% 21% 17 44% 9% 7 82 SOUTHWEST 33% 25% 34 27% 5% 7 15% 1% 2 33% 24% 32 29% 24% 33 32% 23% 31 30% 10% 14 38% 26% 35 37% 19% 25 40% 24% 32 32% 8% 11 34% 19% 26 6% 1% 1 135 TIDEWATER 59 Other Talk shows Sports Soap operas Sci-Fi Reality News (local news, CNN, etc) Music television (MTV, VH1, etc.) Movies Game shows Entertainment News (Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, etc.) Drama 36% 36 23% 43% 41 26% 33% 53 34% 62% 8 5% 27% 62 40% 63% 23 15% 35% 43 28% 37% 22% 100% 123 32% 100% 85 22% 100% 30 8% 100% 99 25% 100% 66 17% 100% 115 30% 100% 39% 100% 84 67% 69% 100% 104 268 79 39% 100% 51% 26% 26% 222 40 103 57% 33% 100% 29% 100% 31 27% 37% 20% 42 143 95 41% 100% 24% 131 85% 322 Comedy 83% 155 389 MALES GENDER THOSE WATCH TELEVISION TOTAL SAMPLE 63% 31% 72 65% 18% 43 37% 16% 37 73% 9% 22 38% 14% 32 67% 35% 82 57% 21% 48 64% 61% 143 61% 70% 164 61% 27% 63 67% 27% 64 71% 43% 101 59% 82% 191 234 FEMALES 49% 36% 56 29% 12% 19 35% 23% 35 43% 8% 13 39% 21% 33 38% 31% 47 30% 16% 25 34% 49% 75 38% 66% 101 46% 31% 47 36% 22% 34 31% 29% 44 39% 82% 127 154 13-15 AGE 51% 25% 59 71% 20% 47 65% 27% 64 57% 7% 17 61% 22% 52 62% 32% 76 70% 25% 59 66% 63% 147 62% 71% 167 54% 24% 56 64% 26% 61 69% 42% 99 61% 83% 195 235 16-17 4% 22% 5 8% 22% 5 7% 30% 7 7% 9% 2 5% 17% 4 9% 48% 11 8% 30% 7 7% 65% 15 4% 52% 12 6% 26% 6 4% 17% 4 7% 43% 10 6% 83% 19 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 73% 28% 84 83% 19% 55 80% 27% 79 83% 8% 25 78% 22% 66 75% 31% 92 77% 22% 65 74% 55% 164 77% 69% 206 83% 29% 85 77% 25% 73 78% 37% 111 76% 82% 245 297 ANGLO AMERICAN 23% 38% 26 9% 9% 6 13% 19% 13 10% 4% 3 18% 22% 15 16% 29% 20 14% 17% 12 19% 62% 43 19% 72% 50 12% 17% 12 19% 26% 18 15% 32% 22 18% 84% 58 69 OTHER ETHNICITY Q6 - WHAT TYPES OF TV SHOWS DO YOU WATCH THE MOST? 22% 31% 25 26% 21% 17 20% 25% 20 27% 10% 8 25% 26% 21 20% 31% 25 26% 27% 22 18% 49% 40 21% 69% 56 20% 26% 21 21% 25% 20 22% 38% 31 21% 85% 69 81 CENTRAL REGION 14% 18% 16 17% 12% 11 23% 25% 23 17% 5% 5 13% 12% 11 22% 30% 27 20% 19% 17 23% 56% 51 21% 60% 55 22% 25% 23 19% 20% 18 20% 32% 29 25% 90% 82 91 NORTH 27% 38% 31 23% 18% 15 25% 30% 25 27% 10% 8 25% 26% 21 21% 32% 26 19% 20% 16 20% 55% 45 22% 73% 60 21% 27% 22 19% 22% 18 24% 43% 35 19% 76% 62 82 SOUTHWEST 37% 32% 43 35% 17% 23 31% 23% 31 30% 7% 9 38% 24% 32 37% 33% 45 35% 21% 29 39% 64% 86 36% 72% 97 36% 27% 37 41% 29% 39 34% 36% 48 34% 81% 109 135 TIDEWATER 60 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female North North North North North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. 1. The Simpsons 2. That 70's Show 3. Friends Boy Meets World The Fresh Prince of Bel Air The Carol Burnett Show Charmed ILoveLucy SpongeBob Coc files Pet Star Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover Extreme Makeover: House Edition SURVIVOR friends, simpsons, sea lab 2020 Friends,pimp my ride,spongebob squarepants, lizza micgiura sabrina the teenage wich 7th Heaven switched knock first sponge bob rugrats all gorwn up fairly odd parents survivor,friends,raymond The Simpsons The Simpsons Star Treck The Next Generation Star Treck Deep Space Nine I like NewsNight with Aaron Brown; Paula Deen, Alton Brown, Nigella Lawsonon the Food Network; Martha Stewart; Andy Griffith Show 1.)7th Heaven 2. Totally Spies 3. American Idle 7th Heaven, Totally Spies, and American Idol American Idol, Eat a pizza, Who wants to be a millionare Cosby Show Different World The Smurfs CSI, Pimp My Ride, and Alias Degrassi,Dedicated Live,The Real World simpsons-friends-the oc The Parkers Moesha MTV- Music Countdown The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle and Family Feud TruCalling,That 70's show,E! hollywood storys Viva La Bam, Punk'd, and Friends 70's show, oc, real world amanda show that's so raven amazing animals Charmed, OC, Real World CSI:Miami the O.C Spongebob Squarepants Disney,BET and Nickelodean Inuyasha, Wolf's rain, and angel 61 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. SouthPark CrankerYankers FullHouse Thats so Raven Thats my baby Adoption Tails Thats so Raven, Pimp my ride, Music Videos, Mtv Cribs, Trading spaces, fear factor, and csi Degrassi, My So Called Life, 7th Heaven FullHouse 7thheaven theOC Full House All Grown Up The Proud Family That's So Raven Pimp My Ride Punked That's so Raven, Passions, General Hospital 1. Fairly Odd Parents 2. Kids Next Door 3. Totally Spies 7th Heaven As Told by Ginger Survivor all grown up,full house,and the simpsons Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Smallville charmed, the nanny, kim possible, that's so raven , static shock, pokemon advanced, totally spies Ed,Edd,& Eddy; Courage the Cowardly Dog, Comedy Central Presents Friends, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Spongebob Full House,7th Heaven,Thats so Raven Good Eats, 30 Minute Meals, and Ripley's Believe it or Not one on one , half and half one tree hill its all relative smart guy Smallville, The OC, One on One spongebob recess allgrownup Survivor, Golden Girls, and The Nanny Switched,The Real World,Drake and Josh That70'sShow ThePractice AmericanIdol the daily show with Jon Steward, Hardball with Chris M...., Tripping the Rift the simpsons, two and a half men, and mtv's pimp my ride Will and Grace, Friends,and Rugrats all Growed Up wrestling,movies,punk'd WWE Smackdown x-men Evelution Static Shock 62 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest North North North Southwest Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North Southwest North North North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. Friends, Jeopardy, Style Court I like schrubs one tree hill, alias, the practice, punk'd, pimp my ride, gilmore girls, reba, grounded for life, what i like about you, The O.C. Real World/Road Rules Challenges (The Inferno) American Idol The Simpsons, Law and Order, Seinfeld The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants, Seinfield Punk'd, Real World, Road Rules, 7th Heaven, Americanidol survivor x-files friends thatssoraven trl Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, and Will and Grace MTV Jams and B.E.T Queer Eye For the Straight Guy The Simpsons South Park real world...road rules/real world challenge fear factor Friends Simpsons 7thHeaven punk'd inferno onetreehill the OC, Chapelle Show, Wild boyz 1. Everwood 2. Simpsons 3. Chapelle's Show kim possibly,sister sister Lingo The Simpsons Whatever's on HBO MTV Videos The Dave Charpelle Show South Park the oc, law and order, simpsons, snl, king of the hill, best week ever The Simpsons, Saturday Night Live, InuYasha PASSIONS, IT'S INTERESTING, I LOVE THE DIFFRENT CHARECTERS, AND i LOVE SASPENCE 7th heaven boy meets world the oc 7th heaven full house step by step Charmed, Everwood, Gilmore Girls Freinds,Seinfield, Friends Punked Dawson'sCreek Surviver,American Idol,Star Search 63 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. survivor Recess AmericanIdol Switched, Knock First, Full House The oc, survivor Daria Degrassi Friends the oc, most extreme elimination challenge, how to boil water full house trl sucker free sunday 24, Friends, Law & Order SVU Alias Friends 7thHeaven american idol, oswald, franklin Charmed CSI DaveChappelle Crossing Jordan, Trading Spaces,Sponge Bob Squarepants Fairly Odd Parents Friends servivor Friends, Passions, and 24 Gilmore Girls Real World The Simpsons Joan of Arcadia Cold Case Survivor Passions, The Parkers, Eve Pimp My Ride, True Life, Room Raiders, MAD TV punked, The OC, Charmed Seinfeld JoanofArcadia CSI sivior,THe simpsons,full house Spongebob Squarepants Everwood Malcolm in the middle Spongebob Squarepants Golden Girls Jerry springer unwrapped, FUSE, your weather today WhileYouWereOut 7thHeaven Charmed I can't really say I have a favorite. I watch TV, but not enough to keep track of one show. American idol, Full House, The Weekenders every body loves raymond, comedy central Friends, Makeover Story, OC GilmoreGirls theO.C. Friends made , life of singers and real world 64 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. OC, FRIENDS The Apprentice Washington Journal (c-span) Makeover Story & Dating Story (TLC) TheO.C. ER Alias the o.c.!!!!, E.R., friends, one tree hill, madtv, and sat. night live are my favorites. The O.C., One Tree Hill, and Tru Calling Tru Calling, Futurama, Scrubs charmed, what i like about u, teen titans Subterrenean on MTV The Simpsons The Steve Harvey Show the West Wing, Will and Grace, and the Gilmore Girls 1. Who's Line Is It Anyway? 2. Fear Factor 3. Tripping the Rift Americal idol, OC, 24 Americon Iodl, Ryan Seacrest Show, Simpsons Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, MTV, VH1 Charmed, Crossing Jordan, Jeopardy csi angel mxc CSI Thesimpsons SouthPark Even Stevens That 70 show Sponge bob square pants i mostly watch movies. i don't watch a lot of shows on a regular basis. Jeopardy, The Simpsons, The 70's show lizzymcguire heyarnold trl OC oc, law and order One tree Hill Gilmore Girls the OC What I like about you pokemon,teen titans,and yu-gi-oh!. Thats So Raven, Rugrats, Hey Arnold TheBrakShow InvaderZim RoomRaiders theo.c. survivor thebachelor The Real World, A Make-over story, 7th Heaven the tonight show, world wresling federation Raw, law and order 7 th heaven, trl, punkd 7th Heaven, Scooby Doo, Whose line is it anyways? 65 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. American idol Evenstevens Real world/road rules Charmed Angel Buffy the Vampire Slayer degrassi mywifeandkids martin Kingdom Hospital, One Tree Hill, and Extreme Mackover Home Edition. OC Everwood Friends One tree hill, friends sabrina, saturday night live, spongebob, fairley odd parents, life in the ER, kim possible, thats so raven, that seventies show, friends Simsons x-files cheppelle'sshow South Park, 7th Heaven, and The Nanny That's SO Raven Any movie that's on SpongeBob thats so raven, lizzie mcguire, and more like that That's So Raven, Totally Spies, Spongebob Squarepants mad tv, friends, stand up comedy Real World The Oc anything on discovery health 1. The Real World 2. Nip/Tuck 3. Animal Cops Best Week Ever, I Love the 80s, Survivor Charmed TheO.C. OldTreeHill Fear Factor, The Real World, and Wheel of Fortune Lizzie Mcguire, Boy Meets World, 7th Heaven MTV shows like Newlyweds and Punkd oc,american idol,forensic flies simpsons, csi las vegas, cold case stand up comedies, the nanny, friends, dave chepell show The Bachelor One Tree Hill Rocket Power The O.C. , One Tree Hill, Real World The OC Gilmore Girls The Sopranos The OC, One Tree Hill, Fear Factor The OC, Real World San Diego and Friends The OC, The Real World, and TRL Charmed Will & Grace A different World 66 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North Central Central Central GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American African American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. Newlyweds, Bachelor, Saved by the Bell 106 and park, everything on the Disney Chanel, and Fighting Temptations Angel, Alias, Friends, Las Vegas, Joan of Arcadia, Will & Grace, 8 Simple Rules, What I like about you, Tru Calling Angel, Buffy and Charmed Chappelle Show, Southpark, Real World Las Vegas Degresse The O.C. American Dreams Friends TheOC RealWorld SouthPark ChapellsShow Friends, Real World vs Road Rules, American Idol Golden Girls American Idol local news joan of arcadia, csi, what not to wear(bbc) OC, 7th Heaven Pet Pyschic, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, and SNL Survivor, Friends, and Real World OneTreeHill GilmoreGirls O.C. One Tree Hill, Friends, The OC Passions I'm Still Alive That 70's Show The OC, One Tree Hill, Friends The OC, Real World, One Tree Hill Charmed, Smallville, Will & Grace general hospital vh1 fabulous life real world TheO.C. Law&Order Chapelle'sShow The O.C., Friends,American Idol 1. Friends 2. Sex in the City 3. Will and Grace American Idol, The Swan, and The Fab. Life of... Friends, OC, Saturday Night Live, West Wing Friends, Simpsons, Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien Friends, The Real World, The Bachelor Real World, Scrubs, Sex and the City, Degrassi: the new generation (nogin), Friends simpsons, o.c. 67 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Male 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 13 13 North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. The O.C., Friends, The Simpsons Will & Grace CSI Saturday Night Live American Dreams, CSI Las Vegas, and Dr. Phil. American Idol 7th Heaven Survivor Friends, Kim Possible, American Dreams real world san diago, faimly guy, aqua team hunger force Surviver CSI Andy Griffith (Mayberry) The O.C., The Restaurant, South Park, Mission Hill Cosby Show, Spongebob Squarepants, Survivor ONE ON ONE THE PARKERS GIRLFIRENDS ALL ON UPN made TRL roomraiders OneTreeHill Charmed Everwood Spongebob american idol that 70's show Jackass, Dave Chapell, South Park, Metabots Real World, Making the Band 2, Baseball Tonight 3. flameworthy music on cmt 2. oprah 1. scrubs all shows on what's going on in Irac and "The Simpson's" Cold Case,The Bachelor,Newlyweds InuYasha, Queer Eye For the Strait Guy, YuYu Hakusho. OneTreeHill CSI ChicagoHope OneTreeHill VivaLaBam SouthPark Recess, Golden Girls, and Dateline The Famous Life of... That's so Raven The Nanny The OC, Family Guy, and Pimp my Ride The West Wing, Law and Order, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy CODE LYOKO DRAGONBALLZ DRAGONBALL family guy, futurama, shorties watching shorties inuyasha billcosby cowboybebob tripping the rift south park Survivor, Braves baseball,around the horn 68 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male North North Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North Southwest North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. MTV, Fear Factor. Bachloreette, Spomge Bob, Lizzy McGuire, Even Stevens, Sister Sister, VHI beyblade shaman king Mad TV Fairly OddParents Yu YU Hakusho southpark, simpsons 1. That 70's Show 2. The Simpsons 3. 24 1.Megas XLR 2.Jackie Chan 3. Duel Masters Ed Edd and Eddy Simpsons Who's line is it Anyway Ed,Edd,and Eddy,Fooly Cooly,X Play er, friends, scrubs fearfactor simpsons friends Friends, Crossing Jordan, Law and Order. Pokemon scare tactics,mxc,pokemon smallville, anle, southpark South Park,Viva la bam,Pimp My Ride Spongebob,DBZ,DBGT Yu Yu Hakusho Dragon Ball GT Law and Order law and order, csi southpark mxc familyguy south park, dave chappelle sportscenter, real world, king of queens stargate charmed all star treks 1. The Simpsons 2. Seinfeld 3. Arrested Development Simpsons, Friends, and Arrested Devolpement 1. Gundam Wing 2. COmedy Central 3. News CSI:Crime scene envestigators, CSI Miami, whos line is it anyway? Punk'd Static Shock Faerie odd Parents The Simpons the chappelle show modern marvles viva la bam 1. The Simpsons 2. Dedicate Live 3. Frasier 69 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities African American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. 1.Rurouni Kenshin 2.Saturday Night Live 3.Baseball Tonight csi, simpsons, dave chappelle Farily Odd parents Full House Pimp my ride Inuyasha, The Family Guy, Aquateen Hunger Force oc, survivor real world south park and family guy MTV BET NICK pimp my ride 106&park danny phantom fullhouse baseball hockey Spongebob squarepants, Yu-Gi-Oh, survivor, the real world, american idol The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Dragon Ball G-T, and The Drew Carey Show survivor, spongebob,apprentice 1junkyard wars 2gundam 3dragon ball z csi, still alive, simpsons most extreme elimination code:lyoko cowboy bebop Muant-X, simpsons, smallvill The OC, The simpsons, Family guy South Park, Myth Busters, Seinfeld Code Lyoko, Yu Yu Hakisho, Yu Gi Oh Capelles Show Two and A half men The Simpsons 1.pokemon 2.full house 3.teen nick South Park Sport Center Family Guy spongebob, fairly odd parents,dragonballz Survivor Hope and Faith That's so Raven zoids gundam dbz 1.)Seinfeld 2.)Friends 3.)Fear Factor cops, chappelle show, south park South Park NHL playoffs Real World The Chapelle Show South Park The Simpsons 70 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. Chapelle's Show, Crank Yankers, Southpark Digimon, Pokemon, Godzilla Friends, Still Standing, King of Queens Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Deadwood The Sopranos POKEMON Real Time With Bill Maher Mythbusters CNN Headline News talkshow realityshow sitcoms Yu-ghi-oh, Poke`mon, and "grin adventures of Billy and Mandy" comedy such as comedy central and stand up oc, will and grace, friends 1. friends 2. sienfield 3. american idol comedy central saturday night live 24 CSI:Crime Scene Investigation Survivor 24 Dave Chappelle Show, Punk'd, OC Espn Espn Espn Most extreme elimination challenge any show with music videos south park south park, the real world, simpsons Spike TV's Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, OLN's Paintball World Cups, Fox's Simpsons steveharvey theparkers pokemon Sue Thomas FBI Diagonis Murder It's A Miracle The Chapelle Show, Viva La Bam, Wild Boys The Simpsons, Strong Medicine, Judging Amy Yu-Gi-Oh! Futurama FamilyGuy 1) scrubs 2) mail call 3) american dreams dave chappelle dave chappelle, pimp my ride Dawson's Creek Pimp My Ride Mad TV dragon ball z, paintball wars, robot wars Family Guy, Dedicate live, pimp my ride Forensic Files, All My Children, and The Price is Right 71 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. Friends, Will and Grace, Sopranos Law and order E R MadTV rugrats hey arnold MTv UPN20 BEt Nick Simpsons, Angel, Friends Simpsons, south park, csi stargate gc1 angle Comedy cenral presents SURVIOR, TRADING SPACES, WELL YOU WERE OUT!, The Simpsons Teen Titans Xiaolin Showdown DaveChapellShow Toonmai MADTV law tv Chappelle show Legends of the hidden temple and insomniac simpsons simpsons simpsons Angel Survivor Space Ghost Coast to Coast Around the Horn, Sports Center, Pardon the Interruption Drago Ball-Z, Megas XLR, Mad Tv, Fairly Oddparents, and Danny Fantom er ER er, scrubs, apprentice Oz Friends Anything with Ted Nugent South Park Daria HBO Presents movies Star Trek: The Next Generation, South Park, Daily Show with John Steward, Simpsons, Futurama Sports Center Friends and the Simpsons 106 & Park, WWE Smackdown, WWE Raw ChappelleShow SouthPark O.C comedy central Family Guy South Park The Daily Show Jeopardy, Survivor, Iron Chef Simpsons Southpark, Simpsons, Family Guy 72 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Tidewater White or Anglo American Tidewater White or Anglo American Tidewater White or Anglo American Central North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. Sportscenter. The Simpsons. The OC Late show with David Letterman, Real World, Making the Band II OC Wild Discovery, Maodern Marvels, Histories Mysteries 1. Simpsons 2. Ed, Edd, and Eddy 3. Family Guy OC, Survivor, Scrubs OC, Vina La Bam survivor smallvile friends wil&grace 1-Who's Line is it Anyway? 2-Simpsons 3-Family Guy Chapelle Show, South Park, Sportscenter lio and stich Simpsons, Blind Date, That 70's show Sportscenter Survivor: All-Stars Trigger Happy TV 106&park Dabassment thecenter Friends,simpsons,american idol MATLOCK NYPD BLUE THAT'S SO RAVEN The Bassment, Pimp my ride, and NBA playoffs 24, Oprah, "State of Play" on BBC America Buffy,Angel,Charmed chapelle show,south park,any history show chapelles show southpark the daily show chappelle show comedy central stand up real world Conan O´Brien Late nite and Dave chappelle CSI(both) Law&Order(all) 3rdWatch Charmed Even Stephens Friends Law and Order: SVU family guy, futurama, south park, chappels show, american choppers, boy meets world, modern marvels, e! true hollywood story History Documentaries Dragonball Z/Tunami Junkyard Wars Viva La Bam Late-Night Standup MXC DaveChappelle Friends 73 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Q7-CURRENTLY, WHAT TV SHOWS ARE YOUR FAVORITES? LIST YOUR TOP THREE. MXC, Chappelle's Show and Pimp My Ride NHL 2Night Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Chapelle's Show Saturday Night Live, Reno 911, Trigger Happy TV simpsons South Park, Seinfeld, Late Night with Conan O'Brian south park, sopranos, dave chapelle show sportscenter,fresh prince of belair,horsepower tv The Price is Right Everybody Loves Raymond ER 74 No Yes 148 91% 40% 15 9% 56% 373 93% 100% 27 7% 100% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 44% 5% 12 60% 95% 225 237 FEMALES 52% 9% 14 38% 91% 143 157 13-15 AGE 48% 5% 13 62% 95% 230 243 16-17 4% 4% 1 6% 96% 22 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 78% 7% 21 77% 93% 286 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 19% 7% 5 17% 93% 65 70 OTHER ETHNICITY Q8 - DO YOU WATCH MOVIES IN THE MOVIE THEATER? 37% 12% 10 20% 88% 75 85 CENTRAL REGION 19% 5% 5 24% 95% 88 93 NORTH 19% 6% 5 22% 94% 82 87 SOUTHWEST 26% 5% 7 34% 95% 128 135 TIDEWATER 75 More than 6 times a month 5-6 times a month 3-4 times a month 102 69% 37% 33 22% 46% 6 4% 40% 7 5% 58% 275 100% 71 19% 100% 15 4% 100% 12 3% 100% 1-2 times a month 74% 148 373 MALES GENDER THOSE WATCH MOVIES TOTAL SAMPLE 42% 2% 5 60% 4% 9 54% 17% 38 63% 77% 173 225 FEMALES 50% 4% 6 27% 3% 4 39% 20% 28 38% 73% 105 143 13-15 AGE 50% 3% 6 73% 5% 11 61% 19% 43 62% 74% 170 230 16-17 - - 0 7% 5% 1 10% 32% 7 5% 64% 14 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 92% 4% 11 67% 3% 10 70% 17% 50 78% 75% 215 286 ANGLO AMERICAN 8% 2% 1 27% 6% 4 20% 22% 14 17% 71% 46 65 OTHER ETHNICITY Q9 - HOW OFTEN DO YOU GO TO THE MOVIES? 25% 4% 3 33% 7% 5 17% 16% 12 20% 73% 55 75 CENTRAL REGION 33% 5% 4 7% 1% 1 24% 19% 17 24% 75% 66 88 NORTH 17% 2% 2 27% 5% 4 10% 9% 7 25% 84% 69 82 SOUTHWEST 25% 2% 3 33% 4% 5 49% 27% 35 31% 66% 85 128 TIDEWATER 76 I don’t know NC-17 R PG-13 PG G THOSE WATCH MOVIES 22 15% 37% 46 31% 34% 114 77% 36% 89 60% 44% 13 9% 52% 2 1% 40% 60 16% 100% 137 37% 100% 314 84% 100% 203 54% 100% 25 7% 100% 5 1% 100% 148 MALES GENDER 373 TOTAL SAMPLE 60% 1% 3 48% 5% 12 56% 51% 114 64% 89% 200 66% 40% 91 63% 17% 38 225 FEMALES 60% 2% 3 24% 4% 6 24% 34% 49 39% 87% 124 51% 49% 70 57% 24% 34 143 13-15 AGE 40% 1% 2 76% 8% 19 76% 67% 154 61% 83% 190 49% 29% 67 43% 11% 26 230 16-17 - - 0 4% 5% 1 8% 73% 16 5% 68% 15 6% 36% 8 2% 5% 1 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 100% 2% 5 84% 7% 21 74% 53% 151 77% 85% 242 79% 38% 108 85% 18% 51 286 ANGLO AMERICAN - - 0 12% 5% 3 18% 55% 36 18% 88% 57 15% 32% 21 13% 12% 8 65 OTHER ETHNICITY - - 0 24% 8% 6 20% 55% 41 20% 83% 62 23% 43% 32 27% 21% 16 75 CENTRAL REGION 20% 1% 1 24% 7% 6 23% 52% 46 24% 85% 75 18% 27% 24 13% 9% 8 88 NORTH Q10 - THINK ABOUT THE MOVIES THAT YOU WATCH AT THE MOVIE THEATER. WHAT ARE THEY USUALLY RATED? 40% 2% 2 28% 9% 7 19% 46% 38 24% 91% 75 25% 41% 34 28% 21% 17 82 SOUTHWEST 40% 2% 2 24% 5% 6 38% 61% 78 32% 80% 102 34% 37% 47 32% 15% 19 128 TIDEWATER 77 Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always THOSE WATCH MOVIES 35 24% 42% 48 32% 38% 28 19% 30% 22 15% 42% 15 10% 83% 83 22% 100% 127 34% 100% 93 25% 100% 52 14% 100% 18 5% 100% 148 MALES GENDER 373 TOTAL SAMPLE 17% 1% 3 58% 13% 30 70% 29% 65 62% 35% 79 58% 21% 48 225 FEMALES 44% 6% 8 37% 13% 19 37% 24% 34 38% 34% 48 41% 24% 34 143 13-15 AGE 56% 4% 10 63% 14% 33 63% 26% 59 62% 34% 79 59% 21% 49 230 16-17 6% 5% 1 8% 18% 4 4% 18% 4 6% 32% 7 7% 27% 6 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 83% 5% 15 73% 13% 38 81% 26% 75 71% 31% 90 82% 24% 68 286 ANGLO AMERICAN 11% 3% 2 19% 15% 10 15% 22% 14 24% 46% 30 11% 14% 9 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 33% 8% 6 15% 11% 8 27% 33% 25 20% 33% 25 13% 15% 11 75 CENTRAL REGION 17% 3% 3 19% 11% 10 20% 22% 19 26% 38% 33 28% 26% 23 88 NORTH Q11 - HOW OFTEN DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE COMMERCIALS SHOWN BEFORE THE MOVIE BEGINS? 11% 2% 2 25% 16% 13 19% 22% 18 21% 33% 27 27% 27% 22 82 SOUTHWEST 39% 5% 7 40% 16% 21 33% 24% 31 33% 33% 42 33% 21% 27 128 TIDEWATER 78 No Yes 158 97% 40% 5 3% 83% 394 99% 100% 6 2% 100% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 17% 0 1 60% 100% 236 237 FEMALES 50% 2% 3 39% 98% 154 157 13-15 AGE 50% 1% 3 61% 99% 240 243 16-17 - - 0 6% 100% 23 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 83% 2% 5 77% 98% 302 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 17% 1% 1 18% 99% 69 70 OTHER ETHNICITY Q12 - DO YOU GO ON THE INTERNET? 17% 1% 1 21% 99% 84 85 CENTRAL REGION 33% 2% 2 23% 98% 91 93 NORTH 50% 3% 3 21% 97% 84 87 SOUTHWEST - - 0 34% 100% 135 135 TIDEWATER 79 Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always THOSE GO ON THE INTERNET 5 3% 50% 8 5% 62% 19 12% 41% 55 35% 39% 71 45% 38% 10 3% 100% 13 3% 100% 46 12% 100% 140 36% 100% 185 47% 100% 158 MALES GENDER 394 TOTAL SAMPLE 62% 48% 114 61% 36% 85 59% 11% 27 38% 2% 5 50% 2% 5 236 FEMALES 38% 45% 70 40% 36% 56 41% 12% 19 31% 3% 4 50% 3% 5 154 13-15 AGE 62% 48% 115 60% 35% 84 59% 11% 27 69% 4% 9 50% 2% 5 240 16-17 - - 3% 26% 6 7% 43% 10 9% 17% 4 23% 13% 3 0 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 81% 49% 149 71% 33% 100 76% 12% 35 77% - 3% - 10 80% 3% 8 302 ANGLO AMERICAN 16% 43% 30 21% 43% 30 15% 10% 7 0 20% 3% 2 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 22% 49% 41 19% 31% 26 26% 14% 12 8% 1% 1 40% - 5% - 4 84 CENTRAL REGION 24% 48% 44 25% 38% 35 20% 10% 9 23% 3% 3 0 91 NORTH 22% 48% 40 19% 32% 27 24% 13% 11 15% 2% 2 40% 5% 4 84 SOUTHWEST Q13 - HOW OFTEN DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE ADS THAT YOU SEE WHEN SURFING THE INTERNET (I.E. BANNERS, POP-UPS, EMAILS, ETC.)? 32% 44% 60 37% 39% 52 30% 10% 14 54% 5% 7 20% 1% 2 135 TIDEWATER 80 I don’t pay attention to any online ads Random emails from advertisers Pop-ups Online articles that recommend products/services Links to other sites Banners THOSE GO ON THE INTERNET 67% 100% 37% 8% 5% 100% 12 18 87 44% 100% 55% 9% 9% 235 15 34 60% 53% 100% 45% 100% 20 26% 23% 13% 41 91 38 47% 100% 10% 27 17% 58 15% 158 MALES GENDER 394 TOTAL SAMPLE 63% 63% 148 33% 3% 6 56% 8% 19 47% 8% 18 55% 21% 50 53% 13% 31 236 FEMALES 38% 58% 90 28% 3% 5 47% 10% 16 32% 8% 12 42% 25% 38 31% 12% 18 154 13-15 AGE 62% 60% 145 72% 5% 13 53% 8% 18 68% 11% 26 58% 22% 53 69% 17% 40 240 16-17 5% 48% 11 11% 9% 2 9% 13% 3 8% 13% 3 7% 26% 6 10% 26% 6 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 78% 61% 183 78% 5% 14 71% 8% 24 71% 9% 27 73% 22% 66 81% 16% 47 302 ANGLO AMERICAN 17% 59% 41 11% 3% 2 21% 10% 7 21% 12% 8 21% 28% 19 9% 7% 5 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 20% 55% 46 17% 4% 3 29% 12% 10 24% 11% 9 25% 27% 23 19% 13% 11 84 CENTRAL REGION 27% 69% 63 11% 2% 2 29% 11% 10 13% 5% 5 12% 12% 11 21% 13% 12 91 NORTH Q14 - WHAT TYPES OF ADS DO YOU PAY THE MOST ATTENTION TO WHEN SURFING THE INTERNET? 20% 56% 47 28% 6% 5 9% 4% 3 24% 11% 9 24% 26% 22 28% 19% 16 84 SOUTHWEST 34% 59% 79 44% 6% 8 32% 8% 11 39% 11% 15 38% 26% 35 33% 14% 19 135 TIDEWATER 81 Upload/Look at/Send photos Send/read e-mails Search dating sites Search auction sites (Ebay) Research/Information gathering (school, work, personal) Read the news Purchase items (clothing, electronics, tickets, etc.) Play games with other people on the Internet Play games by myself Find movies times and locations Download (music, software, etc.) Chat (instant messaging, chat rooms) Browse for items (clothing, electronics, tickets, etc.) THOSE GO ON THE INTERNET 56% 40% 56% 100% 34% 33 21% 56% 9 6% 69% 84 53% 34% 30 19% 37% 100% 59 15% 100% 13 3% 100% 244 62% 100% 81 21% 100% 43% 100% 56 25% 23% 35% 39 90 167 47% 100% 42% 36 23% 76 19% 58% 89 220 100% 33% 100% 78 23% 29% 49% 37 113 134 43% 100% 34% 83 53% 193 36% 100% 49% 100 63% 280 37% 100% 71% 58 37% 156 158 MALES GENDER 40% 394 TOTAL SAMPLE 63% 22% 51 66% 68% 160 31% 2% 4 44% 11% 26 66% 47% 111 57% 22% 51 53% 17% 40 42% 24% 56 60% 56% 131 67% 32% 76 57% 47% 110 64% 76% 180 63% 42% 98 236 FEMALES 19% 10% 15 33% 52% 80 - - 0 25% 10% 15 29% 32% 49 21% 12% 19 30% 15% 23 44% 38% 59 49% 69% 107 31% 23% 35 27% 34% 53 36% 65% 100 33% 34% 52 154 13-15 AGE 81% 28% 66 67% 68% 164 100% 5% 13 75% 18% 44 71% 49% 118 79% 30% 71 70% 22% 53 56% 31% 75 51% 47% 113 69% 33% 78 73% 58% 140 64% 75% 180 67% 43% 104 240 16-17 5% 17% 4 5% 52% 12 - - 0 7% 17% 4 6% 43% 10 7% 26% 6 5% 17% 4 8% 48% 11 6% 57% 13 6% 30% 7 5% 43% 10 5% 65% 15 8% 52% 12 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 86% 23% 70 77% 62% 188 85% 4% 11 85% 17% 50 76% 42% 127 79% 24% 71 83% 21% 63 80% 35% 107 76% 56% 168 76% 28% 86 79% 50% 152 78% 72% 218 75% 39% 117 302 ANGLO AMERICAN 9% 10% 7 18% 64% 44 15% 3% 2 8% 7% 5 18% 43% 30 14% 19% 13 12% 13% 9 12% 23% 16 18% 57% 39 18% 29% 20 16% 45% 31 17% 68% 47 17% 39% 27 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 17% 17% 14 21% 61% 51 31% 5% 4 25% 18% 15 20% 40% 34 27% 29% 24 24% 21% 18 18% 29% 24 23% 61% 51 19% 25% 21 20% 46% 39 20% 67% 56 19% 35% 29 84 CENTRAL REGION 19% 16% 15 27% 73% 66 - - 0 15% 10% 9 23% 43% 39 26% 25% 23 22% 19% 17 22% 33% 30 20% 47% 43 22% 27% 25 22% 46% 42 26% 79% 72 22% 38% 35 91 NORTH Q15 - WHEN YOU ‘RE SURFING THE INTERNET WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE YOU MOST LIKELY TO DO? 25% 24% 20 21% 61% 51 8% 1% 1 20% 14% 12 21% 42% 35 20% 21% 18 20% 18% 15 27% 43% 36 23% 60% 50 21% 29% 24 23% 54% 45 20% 67% 56 26% 48% 40 84 SOUTHWEST 40% 24% 32 31% 56% 76 62% 6% 8 39% 17% 23 35% 44% 59 28% 19% 25 34% 19% 26 33% 33% 44 35% 56% 76 38% 32% 43 35% 50% 67 34% 71% 96 33% 39% 52 135 TIDEWATER 82 Other Write/read journals and/or blogs THOSE GO ON THE INTERNET 24 15% 24% 38 24% 34% 98 25% 100% 113 29% 100% 158 MALES GENDER 394 TOTAL SAMPLE 66% 32% 75 76% 31% 74 236 FEMALES 47% 34% 53 31% 19% 30 154 13-15 AGE 53% 25% 60 69% 28% 68 240 16-17 5% 26% 6 3% 13% 3 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 77% 29% 87 80% 26% 78 302 ANGLO AMERICAN 18% 29% 20 17% 25% 17 69 OTHER ETHNICITY 21% 29% 24 19% 23% 19 84 CENTRAL REGION 16% 20% 18 22% 24% 22 91 NORTH Q15 - WHEN YOU ‘RE SURFING THE INTERNET WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE YOU MOST LIKELY TO DO? 25% 33% 28 20% 24% 20 84 SOUTHWEST 38% 32% 43 38% 27% 37 135 TIDEWATER 83 AGE 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 GENDER Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female North North North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest North REGION Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST. Delias Stateline Tack Dover Saddlery,, neopets disney fox Neopets Msn MiniClip Neopets, google,,, and yahoo, aol, ebay ebay,, 1., 2., 1.) 2.) 3.) neopets, mugglenet, google Neopets,The-N,Fuse,aol music,teen people the magazin, and,, Xbox, Miniclips, and Candystand. msn, yahoo Neopets The and Dollzmania neopets carttoonetwork starsister Neopets Harry Potter Disney Channel 84 GENDER Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female AGE 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 REGION Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater North ETHNICITY White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST.,,, and yahoo, neopets, and betaweb Neopets nick google,,,, 1. .com 2. 3. email,americaneagle,neopets google dogpile yahoo http:/, http:/, http:/ neopets , my websites , im bot neopets barnesnobles Neopets RedAlert2 games neopets,, neopets, nick, disneychannel neopets,everything girl,evergirl WalmartConnectHomepage,, and,,and Steve's Site,,and;;,, and,, and,, Yahoo! mail, Yahoo! groups, and washington Post,, 85 AGE 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 GENDER Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female ETHNICITY White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Southwest White or Anglo American Southwest White or Anglo American Southwest White or Anglo American REGION North North North North North Southwest Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST.,, vh1-com I think discovery,,, mtv gaming websites playstation,, and ?,,,, MTV Ebay RollingStone neopets,foxkids,, lyrics007 Neopets Amazon, and,,,, WWW.BLACKPLANET.COM WWW.YAHOO.COM WWW.GURLS.COM,, 86 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American GENDER AGE REGION ETHNICITY Female 15 Southwest White or Anglo American Female 15 Tidewater White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST.,,,, yahoo gurl addictinggames neopets neopets neopets Neopets CartoonNetwork Nick neopets, bet, mtv neopets,nick,cartoon nickalodean, pbs kids, yahoo,,,,,,,,,, and Google Yahoo Mail & My Yahoo Amazon kazza, morpheus, skateboarding sites;;,, 87 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American GENDER AGE REGION ETHNICITY Female 16 North White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST.,,,,,, xanga neopets gunbound hotmail, happy tree friends, music sites,, and 1) 2) 3) GO-GAIA.COM, NEOPETS.COM, PHOTOBUCKET.COM HOTMAILS Msn Yahoo music neopets thats it. neopets kiddonet bonus,,,,,,,,,;; bad ass buddy neopets lets sing it 88 GENDER Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female AGE 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 REGION Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central ETHNICITY Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicity Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST. yahoo BEEP BEEP BEEP, flowgo, and neopets Neopets Yahoo Games Orisinal games Neopets Zone neopets, soup-faerie,,, and nick, neopets, disney,, and,,,, 1. 2.,,,, shoe sales sites, movie coming attractions, AP European History quizzes,,, and,,,, Yahoo (email) Others are random yahoo,ebay,games google yahoo netscape,, 89 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female North North North North North North North North North North North Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American African American African American African American Other Ethnicities GENDER AGE REGION ETHNICITY Female 17 Central White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST., google, emode,,,,,,,, yahoo,google, and myway,,,,,, (American Eagle),, xanga yahoo asianavenue 1. 2. 3. www. , ,,, hotmail dragongamez google imdb, yahoo, google,,,, 90 GENDER Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male AGE 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 REGION North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central North North North ETHNICITY White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American, yahoo sports, AOLKids Nickalodean Disney miniclip neopets mtgfanatic Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST.,, MyYahoo CMT,, www.fetchfido',, yahoo, xanga, livejournal,,,, WWW.RAINBOWSHOP.COM, WWW.BABYPHAT.COM, WWW.SEARS.COM,,,, 3. 2. 1.,,,, and msn messenger,Yahoo, Aol,,,, and Gaia online,, NEOPETS CHEATCODES CHEATCC 91 AGE 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 GENDER Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest REGION North Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central North North White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST. NEOPETS,codes.ign,Transformers 1. That 70's Show Official Site 2. That 70's Show Message Boards 3. Radio AOL disasterlabs,homestarrunner,tenchimuyoGXP,, Neopets, Smiley Central, Google.,,,,,, yahoo, ebay, si,, neopets yahoo yahoo pogo neopets ebuamsworld, newgrounds, coffeebreakarcade,, OR addicting games Neopets addictinggames Neopets, Hotmail, pogo 1. gamespot 2. 2flash games 3. flashplayer, Live Journal, Open Diary, Hotmail 92 GENDER Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male AGE 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 REGION Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central ETHNICITY White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities African American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST. neopets Neopets Cartoonetwork Miniclips yahoo, cartoonnetwork FLASHPLAYER BET MTV neopets cartoonnetworck nick,,,, pogo, memolink at+t,school sites,shopping sites ebay, neopets, sfdt www.gonebuddy,,,, Neopets, Postopia, Gamespot game sites neopets cradle of filth gundum all.coms Neopets Quizilla Popcapgames www.neopets,,and www.pokemon 1.) 2.) 3.),, IMDb Amazon Google Neopets, Pokemon, Gametalk Message Coards,, 93 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Central Central North North North North North North North North North North North White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American GENDER AGE REGION ETHNICITY Male 16 Central White or Anglo American Male 16 Central White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST. ,, yahoo msn google Ebay pogo, ebay, neopets 1. neopets 2. addictinggames 3. mofunzone ebay, neopets google, yahoo, ebaumsworld neopets xanga cheatcodecentral sissyfight espn counterstrike Online Shop),,,, Yahoo Email 1) mail 2) 3),,,, virgin,, POGO.COM, AOL.COM, MOMANDDADS.COM Shockwave Neopets Yahoo 94 GENDER Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male AGE 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 REGION Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North ETHNICITY White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST.,,,,,, none Eastbay,, Neopets, Google, Cartoon Network yahoo, amazon, ebay yahoo, ebay yahoo, ebay and eastbay, ebay, yahoo encyclopedia,,,,,, yahoomail yahoo,, google, yahoo, addictinggames,, 1. 2.,, 95 AGE 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 GENDER Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male ETHNICITY White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Tidewater White or Anglo American REGION North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST. yahoo aol askjeeves yahoo aol cnn Ebaumsworld, College humor, ign,, YAHOO MSN GOOGLE,, google,, hotmail ebay miniclip,,,, Neopets,brain pop,mtv Startsampling MyPoints surfline surfline surfline,,,,,,,,,, Yahoo Lego Netscape 96 GENDER AGE REGION ETHNICITY Male 17 Tidewater White or Anglo American Male 17 Tidewater White or Anglo American Q16-NAME THE THREE WEBSITES THAT YOU GO TO THE MOST.,, 97 No Yes 144 88% 39% 19 12% 73% 374 94% 100% 26 7% 100% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 27% 3% 7 61% 97% 230 237 FEMALES 54% 9% 14 38% 91% 143 157 13-15 AGE 46% 5% 12 62% 95% 231 243 16-17 4% 4% 1 6% 96% 22 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 77% 7% 20 77% 93% 287 307 ANGLO AMERICAN Q17 - DO YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC? 19% 7% 5 17% 93% 65 70 OTHER ETHNICITY 23% 7% 6 21% 93% 79 85 CENTRAL REGION 31% 9% 8 23% 91% 85 93 NORTH 31% 9% 8 21% 91% 79 87 SOUTHWEST 15% 3% 4 35% 97% 131 135 TIDEWATER 98 15 or more hours a day 10-14 hours a day 5-9 hours a day 1-4 hours a day Less than an hour each day THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC 22 15% 43% 77 53% 38% 31 22% 35% 8 6% 44% 6 4% 40% 51 14% 100% 202 54% 100% 88 24% 100% 18 5% 100% 15 4% 100% 144 MALES GENDER 374 TOTAL SAMPLE 60% 4% 9 56% 4% 10 65% 25% 57 62% 54% 125 57% 13% 29 230 FEMALES 40% 4% 6 33% 4% 6 27% 17% 24 38% 54% 77 59% 21% 30 143 13-15 AGE 60% 4% 9 67% 5% 12 73% 28% 64 62% 54% 125 41% 9% 21 231 16-17 13% 9% 2 6% 5% 1 5% 18% 4 7% 64% 14 2% 5% 1 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 73% 4% 11 89% 6% 16 78% 24% 69 75% 53% 151 78% 14% 40 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 13% 3% 2 6% 2% 1 17% 23% 15 18% 57% 37 20% 15% 10 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 20% 4% 3 22% 5% 4 19% 22% 17 22% 56% 44 22% 14% 11 79 CENTRAL REGION 7% 1% 1 17% 4% 3 28% 29% 25 22% 53% 45 22% 13% 11 85 NORTH 40% 8% 6 33% 8% 6 17% 19% 15 20% 52% 41 22% 14% 11 79 SOUTHWEST Q18 - THINKING ABOUT AN AVERAGE DAY IN YOUR LIFE, HOW MANY HOURS DO YOU SPEND LISTENING TO MUSIC (RADIO, TELEVISION, CD, MP3, ONLINE, ETC.)? 33% 4% 5 28% 4% 5 35% 24% 31 36% 55% 72 35% 14% 18 131 TIDEWATER 99 64% 61 42% 39% 50 35% 33% 7 5% 39% 0 1 1% 25% 1.5 72.5 0.77 100% 155 41% 100% 153 41% 100% 18 5% 100% 5 1% 100% 4 1% 100% 1.9 187.5 0.95 Median count Median Value Mean 15 or more hours 10-14 hours 5-9 hours 1-4 hours Less than an hour 25 17% 144 39 374 MALES GENDER 10% I don’t listen tomusic in this format Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 1.2 115.5 2.1 75% 1% 3 100% 2% 5 61% 5% 11 67% 45% 103 61% 41% 94 36% 6% 14 230 FEMALES 1.03 72 2.2 50% 1% 2 80% 3% 4 50% 6% 9 37% 40% 57 35% 38% 55 41% 11% 16 143 13-15 AGE 0.93 116 1.7 50% 1% 2 20% 0 1 50% 4% 9 63% 42% 96 65% 43% 100 59% 10% 23 231 16-17 0.78 11.5 2.4 50% 9% 2 - - 0 - - 0 5% 32% 7 6% 41% 9 10% 18% 4 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 0.96 144 1.9 25% 0 1 100% 2% 5 94% 6% 17 76% 40% 116 76% 41% 118 77% 10% 30 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 0.98 33 1.7 25% 2% 1 - - 0 6% 2% 1 20% 46% 30 18% 43% 28 13% 8% 5 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 0.98 40 1.6 - - 0 - - 0 22% 5% 4 23% 44% 35 18% 35% 28 31% 15% 12 79 CENTRAL REGION 1.19 43 1.8 - - 0 - - 0 28% 6% 5 26% 47% 40 23% 42% 36 10% 5% 4 85 NORTH Q19 - PLEASE SELECT THE AMOUNT OF TIME EACH DAY IN WHICH YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC ON THE FORMATS LISTED BELOW 0.88 40 2.2 25% 1% 1 40% 3% 2 44% 10% 8 16% 30% 24 25% 49% 39 13% 6% 5 79 SOUTHWEST - Radio 0.91 66 1.9 75% 2% 3 60% 2% 3 6% 1% 1 35% 41% 54 34% 40% 52 46% 14% 18 131 TIDEWATER 100 45% 45 31% 40% 40 28% 30% 12 8% 50% 0 5 3% 100% 2 72.5 0.67 100% 113 30% 100% 135 36% 100% 24 6% 100% 4 1% 100% 5 1% 100% 1.8 187.5 0.83 Median count Median Value Mean 15 or more hours 10-14 hours 5-9 hours 1-4 hours Less than an hour 42 29% 144 93 374 MALES GENDER 25% I don’t listen tomusic in this format Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 0.94 115.5 1.8 - - 0 100% 2% 4 50% 5% 12 70% 41% 95 60% 30% 68 55% 22% 51 230 FEMALES 0.92 72 2.1 60% 2% 3 75% 2% 3 46% 8% 11 39% 36% 52 29% 23% 33 44% 29% 41 143 13-15 AGE 0.79 116 1.7 40% 1% 2 25% 0 1 54% 6% 13 61% 36% 83 71% 35% 80 56% 23% 52 231 16-17 1.27 11.5 2.1 20% 5% 1 - - 0 - - 0 8% 50% 11 6% 32% 7 3% 14% 3 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 0.77 144 1.7 40% 1% 2 75% 1% 3 63% 5% 15 76% 36% 103 81% 32% 91 78% 25% 73 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 1.07 33 2.6 40% 3% 2 25% 2% 1 38% 14% 9 16% 32% 21 13% 23% 15 18% 26% 17 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 0.69 40 1.4 20% 1% 1 - - 0 8% 3% 2 21% 37% 29 21% 30% 24 25% 29% 23 79 CENTRAL REGION 16 0.95 43 1.8 - - 0 25% 1% 1 25% 7% 6 25% 40% 34 25% 33% 28 17% 19% 0.81 40 1.9 20% 1% 1 25% 1% 1 25% 8% 6 20% 34% 27 21% 30% 24 22% 25% 20 79 SOUTHWEST - Television 85 NORTH Q19 - PLEASE SELECT THE AMOUNT OF TIME EACH DAY IN WHICH YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC ON THE FORMATS LISTED BELOW 0.85 66 2.1 60% 2% 3 50% 2% 2 42% 8% 10 33% 34% 45 33% 28% 37 37% 26% 34 131 TIDEWATER 101 67% 41 28% 34% 73 51% 39% 19 13% 41% 2 1% 22% 1 1% 100% 2.6 72.5 1.95 100% 119 32% 100% 187 50% 100% 46 12% 100% 9 2% 100% 1 0 100% 2.6 187.5 1.9 Median count Median Value Mean 15 or more hours 10-14 hours 5-9 hours 1-4 hours Less than an hour 8 6% 144 12 374 MALES GENDER 3% I don’t listen tomusic in this format Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 1.87 115.5 2.6 - - 0 78% 3% 7 59% 12% 27 61% 50% 114 66% 34% 78 33% 2% 4 230 FEMALES 1.6 72 2.3 - - 0 44% 3% 4 28% 9% 13 36% 48% 68 43% 36% 51 58% 5% 7 143 13-15 AGE 2.07 116 2.8 100% 0 1 56% 2% 5 72% 14% 33 64% 52% 119 57% 29% 68 42% 2% 5 231 16-17 1.55 11.5 2.1 - - 0 - - 0 4% 9% 2 6% 50% 11 8% 41% 9 - - 0 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 1.95 144 2.7 100% 0 1 89% 3% 8 83% 13% 38 75% 49% 141 76% 32% 91 67% 3% 8 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 1.81 33 2.3 - - 0 11% 2% 1 13% 9% 6 19% 54% 35 16% 29% 19 33% 6% 4 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 2.23 40 2.8 - - 0 11% 1% 1 26% 15% 12 24% 57% 45 18% 27% 21 - - 0 79 CENTRAL REGION 1.77 43 2.5 - - 0 22% 2% 2 22% 12% 10 22% 48% 41 25% 35% 30 17% 2% 2 85 NORTH Q19 - PLEASE SELECT THE AMOUNT OF TIME EACH DAY IN WHICH YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC ON THE FORMATS LISTED BELOW 1.73 40 2.7 100% 1% 1 33% 4% 3 20% 11% 9 19% 44% 35 23% 34% 27 33% 5% 4 79 SOUTHWEST - CDs 1.84 66 2.5 - - 0 33% 2% 3 33% 11% 15 35% 50% 66 34% 31% 41 50% 5% 6 131 TIDEWATER 102 31% 29 20% 43% 37 26% 54% 9 6% 56% 3 2% 43% 1 1% 50% 1.5 72.5 0.24 100% 68 18% 100% 68 18% 100% 16 4% 100% 7 2% 100% 2 1% 100% 1.2 187.5 0 Median count Median Value Mean 15 or more hours 10-14 hours 5-9 hours 1-4 hours Less than an hour 65 45% 144 213 374 MALES GENDER 57% I don’t listen tomusic in this format Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 0 115.5 0.9 50% 0 1 57% 2% 4 44% 3% 7 46% 13% 31 57% 17% 39 69% 64% 148 230 FEMALES 0 72 0.8 - - 0 57% 3% 4 19% 2% 3 21% 10% 14 31% 15% 21 47% 71% 101 143 13-15 AGE 0.07 116 1.4 100% 1% 2 43% 1% 3 81% 6% 13 79% 23% 54 69% 20% 47 53% 48% 112 231 16-17 0 11.5 0.6 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 6% 18% 4 7% 23% 5 6% 59% 13 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 0 144 1.2 50% 0 1 100% 2% 7 75% 4% 12 75% 18% 51 79% 19% 54 76% 56% 162 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 0 33 1.2 50% 2% 1 - - 0 25% 6% 4 19% 20% 13 13% 14% 9 18% 58% 38 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 0 40 1.2 50% 1% 1 14% 1% 1 25% 5% 4 16% 14% 11 24% 20% 16 22% 58% 46 79 CENTRAL REGION 0 43 1 - - 0 14% 1% 1 25% 5% 4 19% 15% 13 31% 25% 21 22% 54% 46 85 NORTH Q19 - PLEASE SELECT THE AMOUNT OF TIME EACH DAY IN WHICH YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC ON THE FORMATS LISTED BELOW 0 40 1.3 50% 1% 1 14% 1% 1 25% 5% 4 24% 20% 16 22% 19% 15 20% 53% 42 79 SOUTHWEST - MP3s 0 66 1.2 - - 0 57% 3% 4 25% 3% 4 41% 21% 28 24% 12% 16 37% 60% 79 131 TIDEWATER 103 44% 44 31% 37% 28 19% 30% 14 10% 54% 2 1% 20% 1 1% 50% 1.6 72.5 0.39 100% 119 32% 100% 92 25% 100% 26 7% 100% 10 3% 100% 2 1% 100% 1.7 187.5 0.52 Median count Median Value Mean 15 or more hours 10-14 hours 5-9 hours 1-4 hours Less than an hour 55 38% 144 125 374 MALES GENDER 33% I don’t listen tomusic in this format Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 0.6 115.5 1.7 50% 0 1 80% 3% 8 46% 5% 12 70% 28% 64 63% 33% 75 56% 30% 70 230 FEMALES 0.5 72 1.9 50% 1% 1 60% 4% 6 46% 8% 12 37% 24% 34 31% 26% 37 42% 37% 53 143 13-15 AGE 0.53 116 1.5 50% 0 1 40% 2% 4 54% 6% 14 63% 25% 58 69% 35% 82 58% 31% 72 231 16-17 0.14 11.5 1.2 - - 0 10% 5% 1 - - 0 4% 18% 4 6% 32% 7 8% 45% 10 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 0.57 144 1.6 50% 0 1 50% 2% 5 73% 7% 19 85% 27% 78 79% 33% 94 72% 31% 90 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 0.42 33 2.3 50% 2% 1 40% 6% 4 27% 11% 7 11% 15% 10 15% 28% 18 20% 38% 25 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 0.52 40 1.6 50% 1% 1 10% 1% 1 19% 6% 5 21% 24% 19 24% 35% 28 20% 32% 25 79 CENTRAL REGION 0.42 43 1.2 - - 0 10% 1% 1 15% 5% 4 22% 24% 20 25% 35% 30 24% 35% 30 85 NORTH 0.79 40 2.2 - - 0 30% 4% 3 38% 13% 10 23% 27% 21 22% 33% 26 15% 24% 19 79 SOUTHWEST Q19 - PLEASE SELECT THE AMOUNT OF TIME EACH DAY IN WHICH YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC ON THE FORMATS LISTED BELOW - Online 0.41 66 1.7 50% 1% 1 50% 4% 5 27% 5% 7 35% 24% 32 29% 27% 35 41% 39% 51 131 TIDEWATER 104 I don_t listen to the radio Late Night (after 11pm) Prime Time (8pm-10pm) Early Evening (5pm-7pm) Afternoon (1pm-4pm) Mid Morning (10am-12pm) 71 49% 33% 13 9% 35% 50 35% 34% 47 33% 32% 42 29% 34% 36 25% 39% 22 15% 61% 217 100% 37 10% 100% 149 40% 100% 146 39% 100% 125 33% 100% 93 25% 100% 36 10% 100% Early Morning (6am-9am) 58% 144 374 MALES GENDER THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 39% 6% 14 61% 25% 57 66% 36% 83 68% 43% 99 66% 43% 99 65% 10% 24 67% 63% 146 230 FEMALES 31% 8% 11 35% 23% 33 37% 32% 46 42% 43% 62 34% 36% 51 43% 11% 16 33% 50% 71 143 13-15 AGE 69% 11% 25 65% 26% 60 63% 34% 79 58% 36% 84 66% 42% 98 57% 9% 21 67% 63% 146 231 16-17 8% 14% 3 5% 23% 5 6% 32% 7 7% 45% 10 7% 50% 11 5% 9% 2 6% 64% 14 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 78% 10% 28 78% 25% 73 75% 33% 94 77% 39% 113 77% 40% 114 81% 10% 30 76% 58% 166 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 14% 8% 5 16% 23% 15 19% 37% 24 16% 35% 23 16% 37% 24 14% 8% 5 17% 57% 37 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 28% 13% 10 26% 30% 24 19% 30% 24 21% 38% 30 23% 44% 35 19% 9% 7 21% 58% 46 79 CENTRAL REGION Q20 - AT WHICH TIMES OF THE DAY/WEEK DO YOU LISTEN TO THE RADIO MOST OFTEN? 8% 4% 3 25% 27% 23 24% 35% 30 21% 35% 30 23% 40% 34 11% 5% 4 26% 67% 57 85 NORTH 14% 6% 5 16% 19% 15 22% 35% 28 24% 44% 35 17% 33% 26 30% 14% 11 20% 54% 43 79 SOUTHWEST 50% 14% 18 33% 24% 31 34% 33% 43 35% 39% 51 36% 41% 54 41% 11% 15 33% 54% 71 131 TIDEWATER 105 I don_t listen to the radio Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC 17 7% 50% 15 10% 47% 35 24% 33% 46 32% 35% 26 18% 37% 20 14% 71% 100% 32 9% 100% 107 29% 100% 132 35% 100% 71 19% 100% 28 7% 100% 2 29% 3% 8 63% 20% 45 65% 37% 86 67% 31% 72 53% 50% 1% 2 1% 4 230 FEMALES 1% 144 MALES GENDER 374 TOTAL SAMPLE 29% 6% 8 45% 22% 32 42% 38% 55 35% 26% 37 31% 7% 10 25% 1% 1 143 13-15 AGE 71% 9% 20 55% 17% 39 58% 33% 77 65% 30% 70 69% 10% 22 75% 1% 3 231 16-17 11% 14% 3 - - 0 8% 50% 11 5% 23% 5 9% 14% 3 - - 0 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 79% 8% 22 83% 21% 59 70% 32% 93 79% 29% 84 78% 9% 25 100% 1% 4 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 11% 5% 3 17% 18% 12 21% 43% 28 17% 28% 18 13% 6% 4 - - 0 65 OTHER ETHNICITY Q21 - HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO RADIO ADS? 21% 8% 6 21% 19% 15 18% 30% 24 25% 34% 27 19% 8% 6 25% 1% 1 79 CENTRAL REGION 7% 2% 2 18% 15% 13 30% 47% 40 23% 29% 25 13% 5% 4 25% 1% 1 85 NORTH 14% 5% 4 17% 15% 12 23% 39% 31 20% 27% 21 28% 11% 9 50% 3% 2 79 SOUTHWEST 57% 12% 16 44% 24% 31 28% 28% 37 32% 26% 34 41% 10% 13 - - 0 131 TIDEWATER 106 Median Value Median Count Mean 3-Frequently 2-Occasionally 1-Rarely 0-Never Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC 22 15% 56% 34 24% 32% 62 43% 35% 26 18% 49% 1.6 72.0 2 39 10% 100% 107 29% 100% 175 47% 100% 53 14% 100% 1.6 187.0 2 144 MALES GENDER 374 TOTAL SAMPLE 2 115.0 1.7 51% 12% 27 65% 49% 113 68% 32% 73 44% 7% 17 230 FEMALES 2 71.5 1.7 45% 17% 24 37% 45% 65 36% 27% 39 38% 10% 15 143 13-15 AGE 2 115.5 1.6 55% 13% 29 63% 48% 110 64% 29% 68 62% 10% 24 231 16-17 2 11.0 1.9 9% 23% 5 7% 55% 12 2% 9% 2 8% 14% 3 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 2 143.5 1.6 79% 15% 42 75% 46% 132 78% 29% 83 77% 10% 30 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 2 32.5 1.6 11% 9% 6 18% 48% 31 21% 34% 22 15% 9% 6 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 2 39.5 1.7 23% 15% 12 22% 48% 38 23% 32% 25 10% 5% 4 79 CENTRAL REGION 8 2 42.5 1.6 17% 11% 9 24% 49% 42 24% 31% 26 21% 9% 2 39.5 1.6 23% 15% 12 21% 46% 36 20% 27% 21 26% 13% 10 79 SOUTHWEST - BUY A CD/CDS 85 NORTH Q22 - THINKING ABOUT HOW YOU GET NEW MUSIC, PLEASE RATE HOW OFTEN YOU DO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: 2 65.5 1.6 38% 15% 20 34% 45% 59 33% 27% 35 44% 13% 17 131 TIDEWATER 107 Median Value Median Count Mean 3-Frequently 2-Occasionally 1-Rarely 0-Never Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC 21 15% 34% 41 28% 47% 50 35% 39% 32 22% 33% 1.6 72.0 2 61 16% 100% 88 24% 100% 127 34% 100% 98 26% 100% 1.4 187.0 2 144 MALES GENDER 374 TOTAL SAMPLE 2 115.0 1.7 67% 29% 66 61% 33% 77 53% 20% 47 66% 17% 40 230 FEMALES 2 71.5 1.4 24% 17% 24 38% 34% 48 40% 24% 35 59% 25% 36 143 13-15 AGE 2 115.5 1.9 76% 32% 74 62% 34% 79 60% 23% 53 41% 11% 25 231 16-17 2 11.0 1.6 4% 18% 4 9% 50% 11 2% 9% 2 8% 23% 5 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 2 143.5 1.7 83% 28% 81 68% 30% 86 83% 25% 73 77% 16% 47 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 2 32.5 1.7 13% 20% 13 24% 46% 30 15% 20% 13 15% 14% 9 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 2 39.5 1.6 18% 23% 18 19% 30% 24 30% 33% 26 18% 14% 11 79 CENTRAL REGION 2 42.5 1.7 19% 22% 19 26% 39% 33 23% 24% 20 21% 15% 13 85 NORTH 2 39.5 1.7 22% 28% 22 21% 34% 27 20% 23% 18 20% 15% 12 79 SOUTHWEST Q22 - THINKING ABOUT HOW YOU GET NEW MUSIC, PLEASE RATE HOW OFTEN YOU DO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: - BURN A CD/CDS 2 65.5 1.7 40% 30% 39 34% 33% 43 27% 18% 24 41% 19% 25 131 TIDEWATER 108 Median Value Median Count Mean 3-Frequently 2-Occasionally 1-Rarely 44 31% 35% 35 24% 45% 31 22% 40% 34 24% 36% 1.4 72.0 2 125 100% 77 21% 100% 77 21% 100% 95 25% 100% 1.1 187.0 2 0-Never 33% 144 374 MALES GENDER Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 2 115.0 1.4 64% 27% 61 60% 20% 46 55% 18% 42 65% 35% 81 230 FEMALES 2 71.5 1.1 27% 18% 26 30% 16% 23 39% 21% 30 51% 45% 64 143 13-15 AGE 2 115.5 1.6 73% 30% 69 70% 23% 54 61% 20% 47 49% 26% 61 231 16-17 2 11.0 1.3 5% 23% 5 6% 23% 5 5% 18% 4 6% 36% 8 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 2 143.5 1.4 75% 25% 71 79% 21% 61 74% 20% 57 78% 34% 98 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 2 32.5 1.5 20% 29% 19 14% 17% 11 21% 25% 16 15% 29% 19 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 2 39.5 1.1 11% 13% 10 22% 22% 17 29% 28% 22 24% 38% 30 79 CENTRAL REGION 2 42.5 1.5 25% 28% 24 27% 25% 21 19% 18% 15 20% 29% 25 85 NORTH 2 39.5 1.5 24% 29% 23 22% 22% 17 18% 18% 14 20% 32% 25 79 SOUTHWEST 2 65.5 1.4 40% 29% 38 29% 17% 22 34% 20% 26 36% 34% 45 131 TIDEWATER Q22 - THINKING ABOUT HOW YOU GET NEW MUSIC, PLEASE RATE HOW OFTEN YOU DO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: - DOWNLOAD MUSIC FROM THE INTERNET 109 Median Value Median Count Mean 3-Frequently 2-Occasionally 1-Rarely 112 78% 39% 14 10% 27% 9 6% 38% 9 6% 64% 0.4 72.0 2 284 100% 52 14% 100% 24 6% 100% 14 4% 100% 0.3 187.0 2 0-Never 76% 144 374 MALES GENDER Base : THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 2 115.0 0.4 36% 2% 5 63% 7% 15 73% 17% 38 61% 75% 172 230 FEMALES 2 71.5 0.4 43% 4% 6 46% 8% 11 29% 10% 15 39% 78% 111 143 13-15 AGE 2 115.5 0.4 57% 3% 8 54% 6% 13 71% 16% 37 61% 75% 173 231 16-17 2 11.0 0.5 14% 9% 2 4% 5% 1 6% 14% 3 6% 73% 16 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 2 143.5 0.4 57% 3% 8 83% 7% 20 75% 14% 39 77% 77% 220 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 2 32.5 0.4 29% 6% 4 13% 5% 3 19% 15% 10 17% 74% 48 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 2 39.5 0.4 14% 3% 2 25% 8% 6 27% 18% 14 20% 72% 57 79 CENTRAL REGION 2 42.5 0.3 14% 2% 2 13% 4% 3 25% 15% 13 24% 79% 67 85 NORTH 2 39.5 0.4 29% 5% 4 29% 9% 7 15% 10% 8 21% 76% 60 79 SOUTHWEST Q22 - THINKING ABOUT HOW YOU GET NEW MUSIC, PLEASE RATE HOW OFTEN YOU DO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: - RECORD IT FROM THE RADIO 2 65.5 0.4 43% 5% 6 33% 6% 8 33% 13% 17 35% 76% 100 131 TIDEWATER 110 None of the above VH1 Country VH1 The Soul of VH1 MTV2 MTV GMTn (Gospel Music Television Network) FUSE CMT (Country Music Television) BET (Black Entertainment Television) THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC 83 58% 32% 48 33% 39% 9 6% 45% 55 38% 31% 16 11% 55% 33 23% 50% 69% 100% 124 33% 100% 20 5% 100% 175 47% 100% 29 8% 100% 66 18% 100% 40% 100% 56% 13% 13% 258 19 48 100% 29% 100% 5 15% 20% 3% 22 76 9 38% 100% 2% 29 20% 77 144 MALES GENDER 21% 374 TOTAL SAMPLE 50% 14% 33 45% 6% 13 69% 52% 120 55% 5% 11 61% 33% 76 68% 76% 175 44% 2% 4 60% 13% 29 71% 23% 54 62% 21% 48 230 FEMALES 53% 24% 35 38% 8% 11 32% 39% 56 35% 5% 7 40% 34% 49 35% 63% 90 33% 2% 3 29% 10% 14 29% 15% 22 38% 20% 29 143 13-15 AGE 47% 13% 31 62% 8% 18 68% 52% 119 65% 6% 13 60% 32% 75 65% 73% 168 67% 3% 6 71% 15% 34 71% 23% 54 62% 21% 48 231 16-17 5% 14% 3 3% 5% 1 7% 59% 13 - - 0 6% 36% 8 7% 82% 18 - - 0 6% 14% 3 7% 23% 5 12% 41% 9 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 80% 18% 53 69% 7% 20 72% 44% 126 85% 6% 17 75% 32% 93 74% 67% 191 89% 3% 8 77% 13% 37 78% 21% 59 65% 17% 50 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 15% 15% 10 28% 12% 8 21% 55% 36 15% 5% 3 19% 35% 23 19% 75% 49 11% 2% 1 17% 12% 8 16% 18% 12 23% 28% 18 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 27% 23% 18 7% 3% 2 21% 46% 36 25% 6% 5 15% 24% 19 21% 67% 53 11% 1% 1 23% 14% 11 17% 16% 13 22% 22% 17 79 CENTRAL REGION Q23 - WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING MUSIC TELEVISION CHANNELS DO YOU WATCH? 24% 19% 16 3% 1% 1 27% 56% 48 20% 5% 4 27% 39% 33 24% 74% 63 - - 0 27% 15% 13 25% 22% 19 30% 27% 23 85 NORTH 17% 14% 11 24% 9% 7 19% 43% 34 30% 8% 6 27% 42% 33 21% 68% 54 44% 5% 4 29% 18% 14 28% 27% 21 16% 15% 12 79 SOUTHWEST 32% 16% 21 66% 15% 19 33% 44% 57 25% 4% 5 31% 30% 39 34% 67% 88 44% 3% 4 21% 8% 10 30% 18% 23 32% 19% 25 131 TIDEWATER 111 I don't attend concerts/live musical performances Less than once a year A few times a year A few times a month A few times a week THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC 29% 32% 31 22% 30% 35% 100% 104 28% 100% 50% 42 130 100% 55% 100% 44 17% 12% 31% 24 44 88 38% 100% 24% 3 2% 8 2% 144 MALES GENDER 374 TOTAL SAMPLE 50% 19% 44 70% 32% 73 68% 38% 88 45% 9% 20 63% 2% 5 230 FEMALES 53% 33% 47 43% 31% 45 31% 28% 40 23% 7% 10 13% 1% 1 143 13-15 AGE 47% 18% 41 57% 26% 59 69% 39% 90 77% 15% 34 88% 3% 7 231 16-17 2% 9% 2 7% 32% 7 8% 50% 11 5% 9% 2 - - 0 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 73% 22% 64 75% 27% 78 81% 37% 105 77% 12% 34 75% 2% 6 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 25% 34% 22 18% 29% 19 11% 22% 14 18% 12% 8 25% 3% 2 65 OTHER ETHNICITY 26% 29% 23 23% 30% 24 19% 32% 25 14% 8% 6 13% 1% 1 79 CENTRAL REGION Q24 - HOW OFTEN DO YOU GO TO CONCERTS OR ANY TYPE OF LIVE MUSICAL PERFORMANCES? 18% 19% 16 27% 33% 28 22% 34% 29 25% 13% 11 13% 1% 1 85 NORTH 25% 28% 22 20% 27% 21 21% 34% 27 20% 11% 9 - - 0 79 SOUTHWEST 31% 21% 27 30% 24% 31 38% 37% 49 41% 14% 18 75% 5% 6 131 TIDEWATER 112 Oldies Latin Jazz Indie Rock Hip-Hop and/or Rap Heavy Metal Funk Folk Electronic and/or Techno Disco Country Classical Classic Rock Christian Rock Blues THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC 12 8% 44% 20 14% 39% 35 24% 46% 15 10% 41% 28 19% 27% 5 3% 33% 25 17% 42% 1 1% 6% 13 9% 45% 46 32% 49% 57 40% 33% 21 15% 36% 24 17% 48% 4 3% 19% 23 16% 28% 27 7% 100% 51 14% 100% 76 20% 100% 37 10% 100% 105 28% 100% 15 4% 100% 60 16% 100% 16 4% 100% 29 8% 100% 94 25% 100% 174 47% 100% 59 16% 100% 50 13% 100% 21 6% 100% 82 22% 100% 144 MALES GENDER 374 TOTAL SAMPLE 72% 26% 59 81% 7% 17 52% 11% 26 64% 17% 38 67% 51% 117 51% 21% 48 55% 7% 16 94% 7% 15 58% 15% 35 67% 4% 10 73% 33% 77 59% 10% 22 54% 18% 41 61% 13% 31 56% 7% 15 230 FEMALES 35% 20% 29 43% 6% 9 36% 13% 18 31% 13% 18 39% 47% 67 32% 21% 30 38% 8% 11 44% 5% 7 23% 10% 14 27% 3% 4 32% 24% 34 46% 12% 17 39% 21% 30 39% 14% 20 48% 9% 13 143 13-15 AGE 65% 23% 53 57% 5% 12 64% 14% 32 69% 18% 41 61% 46% 107 68% 28% 64 62% 8% 18 56% 4% 9 77% 20% 46 73% 5% 11 68% 31% 71 54% 9% 20 61% 20% 46 61% 13% 31 52% 6% 14 231 16-17 5% 18% 4 14% 14% 3 4% 9% 2 2% 5% 1 7% 55% 12 3% 14% 3 7% 9% 2 6% 5% 1 7% 18% 4 7% 5% 1 8% 36% 8 5% 9% 2 5% 18% 4 8% 18% 4 7% 9% 2 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 80% 23% 66 62% 5% 13 82% 14% 41 80% 16% 47 75% 45% 130 74% 24% 70 72% 7% 21 88% 5% 14 73% 15% 44 60% 3% 9 74% 27% 78 86% 11% 32 79% 21% 60 82% 15% 42 81% 8% 22 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 15% 18% 12 24% 8% 5 14% 11% 7 19% 17% 11 18% 49% 32 22% 32% 21 21% 9% 6 6% 2% 1 20% 18% 12 33% 8% 5 18% 29% 19 8% 5% 3 16% 18% 12 10% 8% 5 11% 5% 3 65 OTHER ETHNICITY Q25 - WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE TYPES OF MUSIC? 27% 28% 22 29% 8% 6 28% 18% 14 17% 13% 10 24% 52% 41 17% 20% 16 31% 11% 9 25% 5% 4 18% 14% 11 40% 8% 6 18% 24% 19 30% 14% 11 30% 29% 23 25% 16% 13 30% 10% 8 79 CENTRAL REGION 24% 24% 20 24% 6% 5 22% 13% 11 25% 18% 15 24% 49% 42 16% 18% 15 14% 5% 4 25% 5% 4 27% 19% 16 7% 1% 1 27% 33% 28 19% 8% 7 14% 13% 11 12% 7% 6 19% 6% 5 85 NORTH 23% 24% 19 29% 8% 6 18% 11% 9 12% 9% 7 21% 47% 37 26% 30% 24 17% 6% 5 13% 3% 2 23% 18% 14 27% 5% 4 25% 33% 26 19% 9% 7 17% 16% 13 24% 15% 12 15% 5% 4 79 SOUTHWEST 26% 16% 21 19% 3% 4 32% 12% 16 46% 21% 27 31% 41% 54 41% 30% 39 38% 8% 11 38% 5% 6 32% 15% 19 27% 3% 4 30% 24% 32 32% 9% 12 38% 22% 29 39% 15% 20 37% 8% 10 131 TIDEWATER 113 Other I don’t have a preference Soul Rock Reggae and/or Ska R&B Punk Rock 32 22% 20% 55 38% 35% 28 19% 24% 20 14% 30% 83 58% 40% 13 9% 42% 7 5% 54% 18 13% 28% 160 100% 155 41% 100% 117 31% 100% 67 18% 100% 209 56% 100% 31 8% 100% 13 3% 100% 64 17% 100% Pop 43% 144 374 MALES GENDER THOSE LISTEN TO MUSIC TOTAL SAMPLE 72% 20% 46 46% 3% 6 58% 8% 18 60% 55% 126 70% 20% 47 76% 39% 89 65% 43% 100 80% 56% 128 230 FEMALES 44% 20% 28 54% 5% 7 32% 7% 10 34% 50% 71 28% 13% 19 36% 29% 42 34% 37% 53 38% 43% 61 143 13-15 AGE 56% 16% 36 46% 3% 6 68% 9% 21 66% 60% 138 72% 21% 48 64% 32% 75 66% 44% 102 62% 43% 99 231 16-17 - - 5% 14% 3 0 19% 27% 6 5% 50% 11 7% 23% 5 9% 45% 10 5% 32% 7 7% 50% 11 22 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 72% 16% 46 92% 4% 12 52% 6% 16 78% 56% 162 78% 18% 52 74% 30% 87 79% 43% 123 78% 43% 124 287 ANGLO AMERICAN 23% 23% 15 8% 2% 1 29% 14% 9 17% 55% 36 15% 15% 10 17% 31% 20 16% 38% 25 16% 38% 25 65 OTHER ETHNICITY Q25 - WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE TYPES OF MUSIC? 20% 16% 13 23% 4% 3 26% 10% 8 20% 52% 41 21% 18% 14 26% 39% 31 21% 41% 32 26% 52% 41 79 CENTRAL REGION 20% 15% 13 23% 4% 3 23% 8% 7 22% 54% 46 24% 19% 16 26% 35% 30 19% 35% 30 22% 41% 35 85 NORTH 17% 14% 11 23% 4% 3 19% 8% 6 24% 65% 51 13% 11% 9 23% 34% 27 26% 51% 40 23% 47% 37 79 SOUTHWEST 42% 21% 27 31% 3% 4 32% 8% 10 34% 54% 71 42% 21% 28 25% 22% 29 34% 40% 53 29% 36% 47 131 TIDEWATER 114 Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always 1 1% 25% 15 9% 38% 47 29% 41% 57 35% 38% 43 26% 46% 4 1% 100% 39 10% 100% 115 29% 100% 149 37% 100% 93 23% 100% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 54% 21% 50 62% 39% 92 59% 29% 68 62% 10% 24 75% 1% 3 237 FEMALES 46% 27% 43 40% 38% 60 32% 24% 37 33% 8% 13 100% 3% 4 157 13-15 AGE 54% 21% 50 60% 37% 89 68% 32% 78 67% 11% 26 - - 0 243 16-17 1% 4% 1 6% 39% 9 9% 43% 10 8% 13% 3 - - 0 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 80% 24% 74 79% 38% 117 72% 27% 83 77% 10% 30 75% 1% 3 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 19% 26% 18 15% 33% 23 19% 31% 22 15% 9% 6 25% 1% 1 70 OTHER ETHNICITY 26% 28% 24 18% 32% 27 20% 27% 23 26% 12% 10 25% 1% 1 85 CENTRAL REGION 24% 24% 22 26% 42% 39 23% 29% 27 10% 4% 4 25% 1% 1 93 NORTH 20% 22% 19 21% 36% 31 23% 30% 26 26% 11% 10 25% 1% 1 87 SOUTHWEST 30% 21% 28 35% 39% 52 34% 29% 39 38% 11% 15 25% 1% 1 135 TIDEWATER Q26 - HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO ADS YOU SEE WHEN YOU LEAVE YOUR HOUSE (I.E. BILLBOARD ADS, ADS ON BENCHES, ADS ON BUSES, ADS IN SUBWAYS, ETC.)? 115 None of the above Other Wild Postings (posters) Subways/trains/buses Postings in bathrooms stalls Postcards People in costumes Commercials shown in the theaters before the movie starts Blimps/planes pulling banners Billboards Benches Ads in malls 31% 8 5% 27% 21 13% 32% 25 15% 40% 33 20% 37% 26 16% 37% 42 26% 53% 100% 30 8% 100% 65 16% 100% 63 16% 100% 90 23% 100% 71 18% 100% 79 20% 100% 45% 100% 16% 17% 16% 21% 28 62 26 35% 100% 31% 36% 42% 84 59 169 100% 53% 100% 47 10% 8% 29% 16 30 152 40% 100% 38% 52 32% 130 33% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 47% 16% 37 63% 19% 45 63% 24% 57 60% 16% 38 68% 19% 44 73% 9% 22 69% 24% 58 69% 44% 105 55% 14% 34 65% 46% 110 47% 6% 14 60% 33% 78 237 FEMALES 44% 22% 35 42% 19% 30 34% 20% 31 35% 14% 22 32% 13% 21 53% 10% 16 39% 21% 33 37% 36% 56 39% 15% 24 37% 40% 63 27% 5% 8 37% 31% 48 157 13-15 AGE 56% 18% 44 58% 17% 41 66% 24% 59 65% 17% 41 68% 18% 44 47% 6% 14 61% 21% 51 63% 40% 96 61% 16% 38 63% 44% 106 73% 9% 22 63% 34% 82 243 16-17 - - 0 8% 26% 6 2% 9% 2 11% 30% 7 2% 4% 1 7% 9% 2 7% 26% 6 7% 48% 11 8% 22% 5 8% 57% 13 10% 13% 3 10% 57% 13 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 81% 21% 64 76% 18% 54 77% 22% 69 75% 15% 47 78% 17% 51 77% 7% 23 75% 21% 63 76% 37% 115 81% 16% 50 80% 44% 136 73% 7% 22 69% 29% 90 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 19% 21% 15 15% 16% 11 21% 27% 19 14% 13% 9 20% 19% 13 17% 7% 5 18% 21% 15 17% 37% 26 11% 10% 7 12% 29% 20 17% 7% 5 21% 39% 27 70 OTHER ETHNICITY 28% 26% 22 23% 19% 16 21% 22% 19 16% 12% 10 17% 13% 11 23% 8% 7 19% 19% 16 23% 41% 35 23% 16% 14 26% 52% 44 30% 11% 9 20% 31% 26 85 CENTRAL REGION 18% 15% 14 28% 22% 20 26% 25% 23 38% 26% 24 29% 20% 19 17% 5% 5 33% 30% 28 28% 46% 43 32% 22% 20 18% 33% 31 30% 10% 9 26% 37% 34 93 NORTH 22% 20% 17 21% 17% 15 22% 23% 20 17% 13% 11 23% 17% 15 27% 9% 8 17% 16% 14 22% 38% 33 19% 14% 12 21% 41% 36 20% 7% 6 16% 24% 21 87 SOUTHWEST Q27 - THINK ABOUT THE TYPES OF ADS YOU SEE WHEN YOU LEAVE HOME. WHAT TYPES OF THESE ADS DO YOU NOTICE MOST OFTEN? 33% 19% 26 28% 15% 20 31% 21% 28 29% 13% 18 31% 15% 20 33% 7% 10 31% 19% 26 27% 30% 41 26% 12% 16 34% 43% 58 20% 4% 6 38% 36% 49 135 TIDEWATER 116 Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always 18 11% 37% 58 36% 39% 54 33% 43% 13 8% 38% 20 12% 47% 49 12% 100% 149 37% 100% 125 31% 100% 34 9% 100% 43 11% 100% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 53% 10% 23 62% 9% 21 57% 30% 71 61% 38% 91 63% 13% 31 237 FEMALES 56% 15% 24 50% 11% 17 35% 28% 44 40% 38% 60 24% 8% 12 157 13-15 AGE 44% 8% 19 50% 7% 17 65% 33% 81 60% 37% 89 76% 15% 37 243 16-17 2% 4% 1 9% 13% 3 6% 35% 8 4% 26% 6 10% 22% 5 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 79% 11% 34 65% 7% 22 77% 31% 96 79% 38% 118 76% 12% 37 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 19% 11% 8 26% 13% 9 17% 30% 21 17% 36% 25 14% 10% 7 70 OTHER ETHNICITY 19% 9% 8 18% 7% 6 24% 35% 30 22% 39% 33 16% 9% 8 85 CENTRAL REGION 21% 10% 9 24% 9% 8 23% 31% 29 22% 35% 33 29% 15% 14 93 NORTH 28% 14% 12 21% 8% 7 24% 34% 30 18% 31% 27 22% 13% 11 87 SOUTHWEST 33% 10% 14 38% 10% 13 29% 27% 36 38% 41% 56 33% 12% 16 135 TIDEWATER Q28 - HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO WORD-OF MOUTH ADVERTISING? WORD-OF MOUTH ADVERTISING IS WHEN A FRIEND OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW TELLS YOU - ABOUT A PRODUCT THEY LIKE, AND SUGGEST THAT YOU TRY IT. 117 I have never seen street team advertising Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always 10% 31% 29 18% 38% 33 20% 35% 14% 100% 77 19% 100% 95 24% 100% 50% 17 54 100% 43% 100% 68 7% 7% 42% 12 28 135 36% 100% 34% 4 2% 11 3% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 50% 28% 67 65% 26% 62 62% 20% 48 69% 16% 37 57% 7% 16 64% 3% 7 237 FEMALES 47% 40% 63 42% 25% 40 30% 15% 23 37% 13% 20 32% 6% 9 18% 1% 2 157 13-15 AGE 53% 30% 72 58% 23% 55 70% 22% 54 63% 14% 34 68% 8% 19 82% 4% 9 243 16-17 4% 26% 6 5% 22% 5 5% 17% 4 7% 17% 4 4% 4% 1 27% 13% 3 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 79% 35% 107 74% 23% 70 74% 19% 57 78% 14% 42 82% 7% 23 73% 3% 8 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 16% 31% 22 21% 29% 20 21% 23% 16 15% 11% 8 14% 6% 4 - - 0 70 OTHER ETHNICITY 23% 36% 31 21% 24% 20 16% 14% 12 22% 14% 12 21% 7% 6 36% 5% 4 85 CENTRAL REGION 21% 30% 28 20% 20% 19 31% 26% 24 22% 13% 12 21% 6% 6 36% 4% 4 93 NORTH 21% 33% 29 23% 25% 22 22% 20% 17 19% 11% 10 29% 9% 8 9% 1% 1 87 SOUTHWEST 35% 35% 47 36% 25% 34 31% 18% 24 37% 15% 20 29% 6% 8 18% 1% 2 135 TIDEWATER Q29 - How much do you pay attention to street team advertising? Street teams are people who approach you - ON THE STREET AND TELL YOU ABOUT A PRODUCT OR COMPANY, AND SOMETIMES HAND OUT FREE SAMPLES OR FLYERS. 118 No Yes 125 77% 36% 38 23% 69% 345 86% 100% 55 14% 100% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 31% 7% 17 64% 93% 220 237 FEMALES 45% 16% 25 38% 84% 132 157 13-15 AGE 55% 12% 30 62% 88% 213 243 16-17 7% 17% 4 6% 83% 19 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 69% 12% 38 78% 88% 269 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 24% 19% 13 17% 81% 57 70 OTHER ETHNICITY Q30 - DO YOU READ OR FLIP THROUGH MAGAZINES? 22% 14% 12 21% 86% 73 85 CENTRAL REGION 20% 12% 11 24% 88% 82 93 NORTH 27% 17% 15 21% 83% 72 87 SOUTHWEST 31% 13% 17 34% 87% 118 135 TIDEWATER 119 Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always THOSE READ OR FLIP THROUGH MAGAZINES 7 6% 30% 28 22% 34% 51 41% 35% 23 18% 38% 16 13% 48% 23 7% 100% 83 24% 100% 145 42% 100% 61 18% 100% 33 10% 100% 125 MALES GENDER 345 TOTAL SAMPLE 52% 8% 17 62% 17% 38 65% 43% 94 66% 25% 55 70% 7% 16 220 FEMALES 45% 11% 15 39% 18% 24 41% 45% 59 28% 17% 23 48% 8% 11 132 13-15 AGE 55% 8% 18 61% 17% 37 59% 40% 86 72% 28% 60 52% 6% 12 213 16-17 - - 0 8% 26% 5 3% 21% 4 10% 42% 8 9% 11% 2 19 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 85% 10% 28 75% 17% 46 79% 43% 115 78% 24% 65 65% 6% 15 269 ANGLO AMERICAN 15% 9% 5 16% 18% 10 18% 46% 26 12% 18% 10 26% 11% 6 57 OTHER ETHNICITY 24% 11% 8 16% 14% 10 23% 45% 33 22% 25% 18 17% 5% 4 73 CENTRAL REGION Q31 - HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO ADS IN MAGAZINES? 12% 5% 4 28% 21% 17 27% 48% 39 20% 21% 17 22% 6% 5 82 NORTH 36% 17% 12 20% 17% 12 15% 31% 22 25% 29% 21 22% 7% 5 72 SOUTHWEST 27% 8% 9 36% 19% 22 35% 43% 51 33% 23% 27 39% 8% 9 118 TIDEWATER 120 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY 17,ym,nick Amreican Girl L.L.Bean Kids Discovrey Kids diabeyts forcast young rider hore illistrated espn magazine, sports illustated, teen people Girl Magazine Scholastic Discovery playboy, porn4u, your mom Seventeen HorseIllustrated ElleGirl Cosmo YoungRider sports illustrated, esquire teen people, ym, m, and people victoria secrets nation geo graphics ll. bean YM seventeen cosmogirl YM, Teen people, cosmo girl Time, Field and Stream 1.GL 2.ym 3.cosmogirl 1.)GL 2.)ym 3.)CosmoGirl AmericanGirl Nickolodean Pepole cosmogirl,j-14,the M Girl's Life, American Girl and Sports Illustrated j-14, teen people, ym People,Teen People,US Weekly seventeen teen people cosmo girl Seventeen TeenPeople Ym teen people, seventeen, LTD2 Xbox, Nintendo Power, and Vibe/Complex. ??? Dog Fancy Sports Illustrated Cat Fancy Neopets Disney Adventures Limited 2 nick disney ym seventeen magazine,people,ym Tu, Ym teen people WEr Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 121 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater North North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Travel Guide, People, Time espn YM CosmoGirl American Girl YM TeenPeople CosmoGirl ym, teen people, and cosmo girl American Girl J-14, YM, SEVENTEEN m-magizine, j-14, ym Seventeen YM Covergirl Seventeen, cosmopolitan, J14 1. People 17 , oprah Cosmo girl, YM, Marie Claire elle girl, us weekly, people I dont have any prefrences J-14 Seventeen M national Geographics, Food and Wine, and Art news People, YM, and American Girl Magazine seventeen seventeen ym m Teeb People; People, Time teen people, teen vogue, and ym teen people, young miss, people Teen, Jet, Ebony teenpeople jet nick y,teen magizine and muscle YM ym your magazine teen vouge ym, J-14,and Teen People ym,17,us weekly Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 122 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 North North North North Southwest Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Mad magazine, Rolling Stone, Guitar World Mad, Seventeen, Ym teen people, us, tennis USWeekly YM TeenPeople Teen people, J14, YM People Entertanment weekly anything lying around Seventeen and girl's life seventeen J-14 teenpeople Seventeen, CosmoGirl, and Teen People Vibe source proplay x-game teenpeople j-14 ym TeenPeople YM Cosmo-Girl YM, teenpeople, J14 brio BUST Bitch MAD, Seventeen, YM RollingStone GamePro Blender seventeen, cosmopolitan, cosmo girl Surfer SG Guitar I don't have any favorites. I DONT HAVE ONE j-14, cosmo girl, teen peple Mens Health,Sports Ill no no no People, Country Music, Blast seventeen m j14 seventeen m j14 TeenPeople Seventeen YM YM, pEOPLE Teen People cosmopolitan Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 123 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central Central GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Rolling Stone Newsweek Teen People Cosmo, Redbook, People Discover Magazine Pointe Magazine Teen Guidepost j-14 seventeen alloy J-14, m, and pop star music magazines Seventeen InStyle YM NationalGeographic ScientificAmerican seventeen ym cosmo Seventeen ym People young and modern (ym) seventeen cosmopolitian Computer Games Game World Skateboarding Cosmo Girl Womans World Time Cosmogirl Girls life Cosmogirl YM 17 i only read magazines for the advertisements; i don't have favorites. when i go to the doctor's office, i grab the closest magazine and look at the ads. when i see an ad that i really like, i try to rip it out so i can put it in my collection of ads. Jet, Vibe, Lucky YM Fitness people guideposts for teens seventeen People, Seventeen, US Weekly seventeen ym cosmogirl Seventeen YM GL siteen,seventeen,ym W, vogue, ellw ym YM Vogue J14 YM, Girls' Life, New Era YM, seventeen, TIME ym,GL,dinsey Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 124 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities ETHNICITY bazaar, vogue, instyle CosmoGirl YM elle people j14 horse Illustrated, National Geographic, horse Rider Seventeen, Parade, YM Seventeen, Teen People, People Seventeen, YM, and Cosmopolitain YM Seventeen CosmoGirl ym Rolling Stone Eisley band Fanzine Graphic Design Seventeen, Reader's Digest 1. American Girl 2. Cosmo Girl 3. Music News cosmo seventeen ym cosmogirl thrasher sg disney baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! gothicbeauty redbook people J-14, SEVENTEEN, YM M mag, Nick, Teen People self, instyle, W Seventeen abc Seventeen Sugar MAD seventeen teen people marie clarie Seventeen, People, Cosmogirl ym Ym Cosmopolitan Elle ym teenpeople people YM, Cosmogirl, Seventeen YM, Seventeen, Glamour YM, Teen People, Neopets Magazine YM; People; In Style Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 125 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central GENDER AGE REGION Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY j 14, twist, and teen pop reenvogue vogue m ym seventeen seventeen, people seventeen, ym, vogue Teen People, Spin, and Cosmo Girl Teen People,Ym, and Juxtapos ym people bop YM Seventeen Lucky YM TWIST 17 teen people, J14, cosmo ym, teen epeople, cosmo girl 1. People 2. Teen People 3. Seventeen Cosmo, Elle, People cosmo, seventeen, ym, vogue cosmopolitan, self, marie claire DanceSpirit People Cosmo Mass Appeal, Seventeen, Rolling Stone people seventeen teenpeople seventeen cosmopolitan people seventeen, Surfer YM Seventeen Teen People Others just when at the dentist office or something Teen People, People, US thrasher, skateboarder, time vogue, w, and elle YM TeenPeople Cosmogirl Cosmo Vogue TeenVogue Cosmo, People/Teen People, InTouch Cosmo Girl, Seventeen, YM cosmo, Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 126 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Central North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American African American African American African American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY cosmopolitain, YM, and J-14 Cosmopolitan Glamour CosmoGirl Cosmopolitan, YM, Jane In Touch, Star, YM Juxtapost RollingStone Real Simple People TeenPeople YM Seventeem Twist YM Seventeen, People, Teen People Teen People Magazine, People Magazine and many more must of the time fashion magazines ym seventeen cosmogirl lucky Cosmopolitain, Newsweek and Seventeen Seventeen Cosmo Girl Seventeen Cosmo Seventeen, Cosmo and Newsweek Seventeen, Cosomo, CosmoGirl marieclaire seventeen vogue Newsweek Seventeen Vogue Seventeen TeenPeople Cosmo Seventeen, ESPN, Cosmopolitan 1. Cosmopolitan 2. Glamour 3. People Seventeen, YM, Teen People cosmopolitan playboy hustler Cosmopolitan, Glamor, Seventeen people, star, cosmo US Weekly, In Touch Weekly, People ym ym, cosmogirl, seventeen YM, VOGUE, People People Bazaar, Teen Vogue, YM Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 127 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central North North North North Southwest GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Cosmo, Vogue, Glamour Cosmopolitan,People,Seventeen, Heath Hoards Dairyman Better Homes and Garden rock magazines teen people disney adventure any teen magazine Ebony, Home & Gardens Rolling Stone, Vogue, GQ j14 time smithsonion Self, Allure, Glamour teenbeat glamour cosmogirl Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, Vogue Mustangs, YM, Travel, Teen People 3. time 2. seventeen 1. cosmogirl Cosmopolitan, Self, Glamour Look-look, Seventeen, YM newsweek, new yorker, CJR Seventeen YM TeenPeople Cosmo Seventeen, Cosmo, Self Seventeen, TokyoPop, Animerica Seventeen,Cosmo Girl,Teen People W, Bazaar, WWD YM Girl'sLife AmericanGirl anime game informer enernament ccs, lego shop at home, budk extreme sports magazines,, transworld PC Gamer, Mick, SI si, pc gamer, xbox si fr kids, national geographic, nick none Transworld, skateboarding and snowboarding mags jump, xbox, gamer Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 128 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest GENDER AGE REGION Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY 1. Gameinformer jump, national geographic, gamer mags Lego Sports illustrated for kids Sports illustrated mad, transworld national geographic, SI for kids, PC Gamer national inqior,cars,motercycles Nickeloden Magazine,Tips&Tricks,Game Informer None si, mens journal, field and stream time,people,teen transworld, national geographic Transworldmotocross,Dirtrider,Motosportoutlet xbox, lego, nickelodeon don’t' know national geographic, pc gamer, mad none nonenone sports illustrated, people, espn PCWorld Computer Shopper Newsweek Sports Illustrated, ESPN, game Informer Nintendo Power Shooter none none none playboy reugftsyihdfcuisdcxdfcdhiufhrivhdxiuhfixduhouxdhfuhdichcdhi Sports illustrated for kids 1. Electronic Gaming Monthly 2. Xbox Magazine 1.Shonen Jump 2.Dirt Wheels 3.Surfer Magazine Flip Home Garden Bill I don't know I really have no favorites. I just look through whatever is lying around. iii Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 129 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities African American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY science magazines Thrasher Bass Guitar 411 skateboards any ANY Mad, Blender, Maxum nickalodion, Muse, national geographic for kids si for kids sportillusterd sportillusted for kids teen espn, si, maxim nonenone opm outside computerpc playstation, oc gamer, pc world rolling stone, vibe, maxim metal edge, revoilver, hit parader Electronic Gaming Monthly, Bass Guitar World, National Geographic nickelodeon, family handyman, playstation magazine golf digest sports illustrated espn game pro computer monthly code breaker inuyasha,trigun,and yuroni kenshin Mac World Official XBOX Magazine People stuff, playstation, gamer transworld, thrasher, vibe 1.)Mens Health 2.)Blender 3.)Spin Golf Magazine Golf Pro Guitar Reader stuff playboy oxm surfer, surfing, maxim game pro, car magazines I dont have one Maxim Stuff FHM Motor Trend, Automobile, Car & Driver pcgamer gamepro pc Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 130 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY pcgamer electronic gaming monthly computer gaming world Rolling Stones Scientific American Pharmacist Journal time, newsweek, nyt scienceweekly USNews Timse vibe, thrasher, transworld Action Pursuit Games Official Playstation Magazine White Dwarf Cabela's, Hot rod magazine, Street Trucks Car Magazines ESPN, SI, Stuff i don't know mad, gq, si none pb teen, national geographic, home&garden pcgamer xbox pc gamer, pc world, newsweek PSM OPM Lego Transworld Skateboarding Skateboarder People transworld snowboarding inquest maxim Car and Snowbarding magazines, maxim don't know ESPN, Sports Illustrated, none game pro gmr electronic gamer Gamepro, Nintendo Power gamer mags, sports mags Jet Flavor takeit maxim, vibe, stuff money, bmx, ski National Geographic Playstation 2 magazine new york times, vibe, look-look pc gamer, nickolodeon, adventures PC World, Electronic gaming monthly, pc gamer Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 131 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American Other Ethnicities Other Ethnicity White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY Rolling Stone, Vibe, Thrasher Si, ESPn, Men's Health TIME, LIFE, NEWSWEEK music mags hunting fishing mags guns and knifes mags tips&tricks Vibe Teenpeople RollingStone Playboy Time si, national geographiv, people Breakaway Mad, Popular Science, Playboy Maxim Blender PSM Gamepro People si si, mens journal, shape time, si, shape Vogue Allure Cosmo Wired, Readymade, Maxiumum PC, Computer Design World Dont have any favorites I don't have any favorites. I'll just read whatever I happen to see laying around. none PCworld EGM Tips&Tricks popular science, lego, national geographic RollingStone SurferMagazine GQ runnersworld guidepost envoy crisis the source, vibe, import tuner Transworld, Thrasher, Slap The Source XXL Electronic Gaming Monthly Mens Health blender, vibe, maxim 1.M&M 2.Mad 3.PlayBoy elle cosmo people maxim, stuff, blender Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 132 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 North Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater Tidewater GENDER AGE REGION White or Anglo American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American African American African American African American Other Ethnicities White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American White or Anglo American ETHNICITY snowboarder, transworld snowboarding, maxim cargo Cosmo, Maxim, none ESPN SPorts illustrated Dell Logic Puzzles Game Informer, Field and Stream rolling stone, maxim Super Street PC Magazine Motorcyclist ESSENCE EBONY JET jet vibe Time, Newsweek, People I dont have any magazines Action Pursuit Games Paintball 2 Xtremes Paintball Nation Alternative Press, Modern Drummer, The Drama alternative press, transworld, thrasher Dragonball Z Woodcraft golf digest, golf magazine, sports illustrated importtuner caranddriver jegs Maxim maxim, thrasher national geographic sports illustrated popular mechanics People, GMR, Sports Illustrated PSM GuitarWorld JuggsMagazine reader'sdigest time progressive surfer snowboarding alliance surfing snowboarding hunting surfing surfer snowboarder teen people, TV guide, prevention TeenPeople People TIME, Guitar Player, The Drama You've Been Craving Transworld Snowboard Time National Geographic TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly Q32-WHAT MAGAZINES DO YOU READ? LIST YOUR THREE FAVORITES. 133 Walks/charitable event sponsorship (i.e. the AIDS walk, or when a company donates a certain amount of profits to a charity) TV show sponsorship (i.e.this show is brought to you by) Sales/coupons Contest with cool prizes (such as cash, free trips, shopping sprees, etc.) Concert sponsorship (when a company has a booth or a banner at a concert) Celebrity sponsorship (when a celebrity is paid to wear certain clothes, or drink a certain type of drink, i.e. Tiger Woods is a celebrity sponsor for Nike) 43 26% 33% 129 32% 100% 49% 100% 40% 100% 43 43% 44% 26% 70 177 88 38% 100% 22% 79 48% 206 38% 100% 52% 32 20% 84 36% 100% 21% 43 26% 120 163 MALES GENDER 30% 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 67% 36% 86 51% 19% 45 60% 45% 107 62% 54% 127 62% 22% 52 64% 32% 77 237 FEMALES 36% 30% 47 40% 22% 35 30% 34% 53 39% 52% 81 29% 15% 24 43% 33% 52 157 13-15 AGE 64% 34% 82 60% 22% 53 70% 51% 124 61% 51% 125 71% 25% 60 57% 28% 68 243 16-17 5% 26% 6 6% 22% 5 7% 52% 12 7% 65% 15 6% 22% 5 7% 35% 8 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 78% 33% 101 70% 20% 62 78% 45% 138 77% 51% 158 73% 20% 61 72% 28% 86 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 17% 31% 22 24% 30% 21 15% 39% 27 16% 47% 33 21% 26% 18 22% 37% 26 70 OTHER ETHNICITY 26% 40% 34 16% 16% 14 23% 47% 40 21% 52% 44 19% 19% 16 19% 27% 23 85 CENTRAL REGION 21% 29% 27 18% 17% 16 20% 39% 36 25% 55% 51 21% 19% 18 23% 30% 28 93 NORTH Q33 - WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF SPONSORSHIPS/PROMOTIONS DO YOU LIKE THE MOST? 22% 32% 28 25% 25% 22 21% 43% 37 22% 52% 45 19% 18% 16 22% 30% 26 87 SOUTHWEST 31% 30% 40 41% 27% 36 36% 47% 64 32% 49% 66 40% 25% 34 36% 32% 43 135 TIDEWATER 134 Never Hardly ever Sometimes Most of the time Always 9 6% 56% 24 15% 39% 57 35% 35% 37 23% 39% 36 22% 54% 16 4% 100% 61 15% 100% 161 40% 100% 95 24% 100% 67 17% 100% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 46% 13% 31 61% 24% 58 65% 44% 104 61% 16% 37 44% 3% 7 237 FEMALES 49% 21% 33 35% 21% 33 39% 39% 62 39% 15% 24 31% 3% 5 157 13-15 AGE 51% 14% 34 65% 26% 62 61% 41% 99 61% 15% 37 69% 5% 11 243 16-17 3% 9% 2 5% 22% 5 7% 48% 11 7% 17% 4 6% 4% 1 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 79% 17% 53 79% 24% 75 75% 39% 121 77% 15% 47 69% 4% 11 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 18% 17% 12 16% 21% 15 18% 41% 29 16% 14% 10 25% 6% 4 70 OTHER ETHNICITY 30% 24% 20 18% 20% 17 20% 39% 33 15% 11% 9 38% 7% 6 85 CENTRAL REGION 21% 15% 14 24% 25% 23 25% 43% 40 25% 16% 15 6% 1% 1 93 NORTH 19% 15% 13 25% 28% 24 20% 37% 32 21% 15% 13 31% 6% 5 87 SOUTHWEST Q34 - HOW LIKELY ARE YOU TO PAY ATTENTION TO SPONSORSHIPS/PROMOTIONS (I.E. CONTESTS, CELEBRITY SPONSORSHIPS, CONCERT SPONSORSHIPS)? 30% 15% 20 33% 23% 31 35% 41% 56 39% 18% 24 25% 3% 4 135 TIDEWATER 135 No Answer Other Word-of-mouth TV commercials Street teams Radio ads Newspaper ads Magazine ads Internet ads Billboards/benches/buses/subwa ys/other ads outside your house Ads before the movies 15 9% 27% 2 1% 33% 6 4% 24% 1 1% 13% 32 20% 46% 43 26% 42% 10 6% 59% 0 56 14% 100% 6 2% 100% 25 6% 100% 8 2% 100% 69 17% 100% 102 26% 100% 17 4% 100% 1 - 53% 100% 100% 6% 4% - 16% 9 17 0 37 43% 100% 100% 0 1 41% 3% 7 58% 25% 59 54% 88% 3% 7 76% 8% 19 67% 2% 4 73% 17% 41 47% 3% 8 57% 3% 6 4% 8 59% 14 41% 100% 23% 55 237 FEMALES 4% 39 24% 94 24% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 100% 1% 1 53% 6% 9 25% 16% 25 41% 18% 28 25% 1% 2 40% 6% 10 33% 1% 2 36% 13% 20 53% 6% 9 21% 2% 3 51% 31% 48 157 13-15 AGE - - 0 47% 3% 8 75% 32% 77 59% 17% 41 75% 2% 6 60% 6% 15 67% 2% 4 64% 15% 36 47% 3% 8 79% 5% 11 49% 19% 46 243 16-17 - - 0 6% 4% 1 3% 13% 3 12% 35% 8 13% 4% 1 8% 9% 2 - - 0 4% 9% 2 12% 9% 2 - - 0 4% 17% 4 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY - - 0 76% 4% 13 81% 27% 83 62% 14% 43 88% 2% 7 76% 6% 19 83% 2% 5 79% 14% 44 76% 4% 13 100% 5% 14 80% 24% 75 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 100% 1% 1 18% 4% 3 16% 23% 16 26% 26% 18 - - 0 16% 6% 4 17% 1% 1 18% 14% 10 12% 3% 2 - - 0 16% 21% 15 70 OTHER ETHNICITY - - 0 24% 5% 4 24% 28% 24 23% 19% 16 38% 4% 3 20% 6% 5 50% 4% 3 20% 13% 11 12% 2% 2 - - 0 18% 20% 17 85 CENTRAL REGION - - 0 18% 3% 3 25% 27% 25 14% 11% 10 13% 1% 1 24% 6% 6 17% 1% 1 16% 10% 9 24% 4% 4 36% 5% 5 31% 31% 29 93 NORTH - - 0 29% 6% 5 15% 17% 15 22% 17% 15 50% 5% 4 24% 7% 6 17% 1% 1 27% 17% 15 41% 8% 7 50% 8% 7 22% 24% 21 87 SOUTHWEST 100% 1% 1 29% 4% 5 37% 28% 38 41% 21% 28 - - 0 32% 6% 8 17% 1% 1 38% 16% 21 24% 3% 4 14% 1% 2 29% 20% 27 135 TIDEWATER Q35 - THINK ABOUT ALL THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADVERTISING WE’VE TALKED ABOUT IN THIS SURVEY. WHAT KIND OF ADS DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE MOST? RANK ONLY YOUR TOP THREE. LEAVE THE REST BLANK. -- Rank 1 -- 136 No Answer Other Word-of-mouth TV commercials Street teams Radio ads Newspaper ads Magazine ads Internet ads Billboards/benches/buses/subwa ys/other ads outside your house Ads before the movies 45% 27 17% 35% 11 7% 58% 14 9% 38% 4 2% 40% 35 21% 42% 16 10% 31% 5 3% 50% 0 100% 77 19% 100% 19 5% 100% 37 9% 100% 10 3% 100% 83 21% 100% 51 13% 100% 10 3% 100% 1 - 8% 7% 100% 13 29 - 40% 100% 0 12 7% 30 47% 100% 8% 26 16% 55 14% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 100% 0 1 50% 2% 5 69% 15% 35 58% 20% 48 60% 3% 6 62% 10% 23 42% 3% 8 65% 21% 50 55% 7% 16 60% 8% 18 53% 12% 29 237 FEMALES - - 0 50% 3% 5 25% 8% 13 36% 19% 30 20% 1% 2 38% 9% 14 53% 6% 10 42% 20% 32 48% 9% 14 43% 8% 13 47% 17% 26 157 13-15 AGE 100% 0 1 50% 2% 5 75% 16% 38 64% 22% 53 80% 3% 8 62% 9% 23 47% 4% 9 58% 19% 45 52% 6% 15 57% 7% 17 53% 12% 29 243 16-17 - - - - 0 10% 4% 1 4% 9% 2 5% 17% 4 10% 4% 1 8% 13% 3 11% 9% 2 6% 22% 5 3% 4% 1 0 7% 17% 4 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 100% - 0 - 1 60% 2% 6 75% 12% 38 80% 21% 66 70% 2% 7 76% 9% 28 74% 5% 14 74% 19% 57 76% 7% 22 83% 8% 25 78% 14% 43 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 0 30% 4% 3 22% 16% 11 16% 19% 13 20% 3% 2 16% 9% 6 16% 4% 3 19% 21% 15 21% 9% 6 17% 7% 5 15% 11% 8 70 OTHER ETHNICITY - - 0 40% 5% 4 20% 12% 10 27% 26% 22 20% 2% 2 16% 7% 6 21% 5% 4 19% 18% 15 17% 6% 5 10% 4% 3 25% 16% 14 85 CENTRAL REGION - - 0 10% 1% 1 18% 10% 9 31% 28% 26 20% 2% 2 22% 9% 8 26% 5% 5 27% 23% 21 7% 2% 2 27% 9% 8 20% 12% 11 93 NORTH 100% - 1% - 1 10% 1% 1 24% 14% 12 17% 16% 14 10% 1% 1 27% 11% 10 21% 5% 4 19% 17% 15 38% 13% 11 23% 8% 7 20% 13% 11 87 SOUTHWEST 0 40% 3% 4 39% 15% 20 25% 16% 21 50% 4% 5 35% 10% 13 32% 4% 6 34% 19% 26 38% 8% 11 40% 9% 12 35% 14% 19 135 TIDEWATER Q35 - THINK ABOUT ALL THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADVERTISING WE’VE TALKED ABOUT IN THIS SURVEY. WHAT KIND OF ADS DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE MOST? RANK ONLY YOUR TOP THREE. LEAVE THE REST BLANK. -- Rank 2 -- 137 No Answer Other Word-of-mouth TV commercials Street teams Radio ads Newspaper ads Magazine ads Internet ads Billboards/benches/buses/subwa ys/other ads outside your house Ads before the movies 57% 20 12% 33% 5 3% 25% 14 9% 44% 3 2% 60% 26 16% 40% 19 12% 38% 14 9% 54% 0 100% 61 15% 100% 20 5% 100% 32 8% 100% 5 1% 100% 65 16% 100% 50 13% 100% 26 7% 100% 2 - 15% 11% 100% 24 42 - 42% 100% 1% 11 7% 26 38% 100% 7% 27 17% 71 18% 163 MALES GENDER 400 TOTAL SAMPLE 100% 1% 2 46% 5% 12 62% 13% 31 60% 16% 39 40% 1% 2 56% 8% 18 75% 6% 15 67% 17% 41 43% 8% 18 58% 6% 15 62% 19% 44 237 FEMALES 50% 1% 1 50% 8% 13 38% 12% 19 40% 17% 26 40% 1% 2 41% 8% 13 40% 5% 8 34% 13% 21 55% 15% 23 35% 6% 9 31% 14% 22 157 13-15 AGE 50% 0 1 50% 5% 13 62% 13% 31 60% 16% 39 60% 1% 3 59% 8% 19 60% 5% 12 66% 16% 40 45% 8% 19 65% 7% 17 69% 20% 49 243 16-17 - - - - - - - - 0 0 6% 13% 3 3% 9% 2 40% 9% 2 6% 9% 2 0 7% 17% 4 7% 13% 3 0 10% 30% 7 23 AFRICAN AMERICAN ETHNICITY 50% 0 1 92% 8% 24 84% 14% 42 77% 16% 50 40% 1% 2 63% 7% 20 75% 5% 15 80% 16% 49 71% 10% 30 81% 7% 21 75% 17% 53 307 ANGLO AMERICAN 50% 1% 1 8% 3% 2 10% 7% 5 20% 19% 13 20% 1% 1 31% 14% 10 25% 7% 5 13% 11% 8 21% 13% 9 19% 7% 5 15% 16% 11 70 OTHER ETHNICITY - - 0 23% 7% 6 26% 15% 13 15% 12% 10 20% 1% 1 25% 9% 8 15% 4% 3 26% 19% 16 31% 15% 13 15% 5% 4 15% 13% 11 85 CENTRAL REGION - - 0 23% 6% 6 28% 15% 14 28% 19% 18 40% 2% 2 25% 9% 8 15% 3% 3 31% 20% 19 14% 6% 6 12% 3% 3 20% 15% 14 93 NORTH 50% 1% 1 38% 11% 10 24% 14% 12 17% 13% 11 20% 1% 1 13% 5% 4 35% 8% 7 18% 13% 11 12% 6% 5 35% 10% 9 23% 18% 16 87 SOUTHWEST 50% 1% 1 15% 3% 4 22% 8% 11 40% 19% 26 20% 1% 1 38% 9% 12 35% 5% 7 25% 11% 15 43% 13% 18 38% 7% 10 42% 22% 30 135 TIDEWATER Q35 - THINK ABOUT ALL THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADVERTISING WE’VE TALKED ABOUT IN THIS SURVEY. WHAT KIND OF ADS DO YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE MOST? RANK ONLY YOUR TOP THREE. LEAVE THE REST BLANK. -- Rank 3 --
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