2004WinterTheHerculean - Hercules Historical Society
2004WinterTheHerculean - Hercules Historical Society
Citadel Real Estate Where Service Comes 1g, And Lasts ... Lizanina Agustin-New Lourdes Agustin Join the many happy Hercules homeowners who maximized their home equity listing and selling their homes with me using my commission program. This is how my commission schedule works when you list with me: If I procure a buyer for your property, you pay a FLAT fee of only $10,000 *Example: Sales Price of Home $350,000 $450,000 $550,000 $650,000 $750,000 $850,000 % Conversion (est.) 2.86% 2.22% · 1.82% 1.54% .1.33% 1.18% SAVlNGS if charge at 6% (est.) $11,000 $17,000 $23,000 $29,000 $35,000 $41,000 If another agent sells your home, you pay only $5,000 plus 3% of the purchase price. *Example: Sales Price of Home $350,000 $450,000 $550,000 $650,000 $750,000 $850,000 % Conversion (est.) 4.43% 4.11 % 3.91 % 3.77% 3.67% 3.59% SAVINGS if charged at 6% (est.) . $5,500 $8,500 $11,500 $14,500 $17,500 $20,500 My commission schedule and marketing program have produced proven results. CALL NOW. *Figures are for comparison purposes only. "'Commission program varies by agent and property location. (510) 758-4888 (510) 799-1161 City Directory City Manager City Hall-General Information City Hall Fax Community/Swim Center Parks & Recreation Department Hercules Senior Center Finance Dept/Business License Business/Community Development Public Works & Engineering Inspection Request Line City Clerk Personnel- Job Hotline Police Department Rodeo-Hercules Fire District EMERGENCY ONLY 799-8206 799-8200 799-2521 799-8291 799-8291 799-8219 245-8509 245-6529 799-8241 799-8240 799-8215 799-8204 799-8260 799-4561 911 City Council 799-8206 Council meets the second & fourth Tuesday of each month. Kris Valstad Trevor Evans-Young Joanne Ward, Mayor Frank Batara, Vice Mayor Ed Balico Planning Commission J. Patrick Tang Kingsley Wong Community Services Commission 799-8230 Commission meets the second Monday of each month. Kenneth Jet! Robert Krall Marylyn Judan Monica Cade CITY HALL HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 245-6529 Commission meets the first and third Monday of each month. Richard Mitchell Joe Eddy McDonald Michael Betschart For more information regarding meetings, please see our buJletin board at the entrance of the City Hall or call 799-8215. Visit our website at WWWCI.HERCULES.CA.US Nancy Cadet Cletia Hart Kelly Scribner Hercules Library Commission TABLE OF CONTENTS Mayor's Message City Scene Public Safety Recreation Services Senior Services Youth Services TeenlYouth Programs Sports and Fitness Aquatics Registration Information 1 2 9 21 25 27 30 34 42 49 799-8230 Commission meets the third Thursday of each month. Jacquelyn Harbert Roberta Alexander Jorge Alfaro Suruchi Krieglstein Education Commission Andrew Walters Sherry Madfes Elina Valmores 799-8206 Commission meets the second Thursday of each month. TarahChen Paul Freese John Gotelli Anton Jungherr Niles Headley Patricia Miles Justin Morrison Chief Editor: Doreen Mathews Layout & Design: Faye Flores Jenny Smith Claudette Wade Mayor's Message Mayor Joanne Ward SUCCESSFUL YEAR AS MAYOR ENDS oftheir support. To my grandbabies: Savannah Horton, Connor Horton, Drew Horton, and Victoria Johnson, my best holiday greetings from Grandma: As we approach the holiday season, I am going to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be good to one another. It doesn't always have to be about gifts and running around from party to party. This is a time for all of us to be thankful for what we have, for our families, loved ones, and our health. Once again, thank you for all your support and good wishes over the past year. Be safe during the holiday season. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• • • • • • • 2004 has been a wonderful year for our entire community. We have experienced unparalleled increases in propelty values and have seen significant progress in the area of commercial development. Our future has so much promise with the coming ofour first public library, the new BART Transit facility, the train station, and the water transit project. My firstlove has been thelibrary. Thank you all for your support of "the year ofthe library." We have raised more than $1 million, but we have a long way to go before reaching our goal of$4 million. We must continue to work together to raise the necessary funding for our library dW'ing 2005. As I end my term as Mayor, I need to thank so many people. To my colleagues on the City Council, thank you for your support and trust in selecting me as Mayor. A word ofthanks to all our staff. Without their hard work, the City Council could not be successful. My most sincere appreciation to the people of Hercules. Thank you for your words of encouragement and support over the past year as I have traveled around our City. A special thank you is extended to my mother, Angie Stalzer and my daughters, Julie Horton and Charlene Johnson, for all LffiRARY SITE DEDICATION On October 13, 2004, more than 100 people gathered to celebrate the coming of the Hercules libl1l1y. State and County officials, together with our own City Council and community groups, including the Friends of the Hercules Library, gathered to dedicate the site ofthe futw'e Hercules library. As the Honorable Gayle Uilkema, Contra Costa County Supervisor, noted "when you come to Hercules, you're sure to get your money's worth." as the event also celebrated the groundbreaking of Eden Housing's fiftytwo unit senior apartment complex. Both projects will be under construction at the same time, though the library project won't break ground until early next year. The synergy being created atop Civic Drive has us all excited. So many have worked so hard to reach the goal ofcreating a community that offers a wide range ofchoices, selvices and amenities, including the community's unofficial "living room" - the Hercules Library. (See page 2 for photos.) Winter 2004 Herculean City Scene One step closer to realizing our dream. LIBRARY SITE DEDICATION Former State Senator Richard Rainey, Mayor Joanne Ward, Council Members Trevor Evans-Young, Ed Balico, Kris Valstad, Vice Mayor Frank Batara and Supervisor Gayle Uilkema unveil the library sign. ". Hercules Library Commission Members Andrew Walters, Roberta Alexander, Jacquelyn Harbert, Sherry Madfes and Jorge Alfaro. . The Hercules City Council, Supervisor Gayle Uilkema, former State Senator Richard Rainey and representatives from Eden Housing break ground for Eden Housing's 52 unit senior apartment comples. Founding members ofthe Friends ofthe Hercules Library, Joy Shapiro and Brenda Souza Hudson with Library Commissioner and Friends President Sherry Madfes. 2 Winter 2004 Herculean City Scene Curtis R. Smith, Chief Building Official BUILDING DEPARTMENT INSTITUTES NEW PROGRAM The City of Hercules Building Department is pleased to announce the introduction of a new program in response to Ordinance No. 380. This ordinance, which was approved by tbe City Council on January 14, 2003, provides for the periodic inspection of residential rental units throughout the City of Hercules and the inspection of all residential units at time of resale. The program dubbed, "Residential Health and Safety and Ne ighborhood Preservation Inspection Program", will address the preservation issues related to our neighborhoods. We all are aware that Hercules is blessed with numerous diverse neighborhoods which provide for a superior quality oflife for its residents. The property values within these areas are not only stable but are increasing. One important item supporting our high property value is the maintenance issue related to property ownership and stewardship. The City of Hercules has various neighborhoods that were developed 20 to 30 years ago. The age of these neighborhoods signifies a critical stage in the life ofurban housing stock. It is a period represented by renovation, modernization, and maintenance issues. It is during this period tbat housing stock can fall rapidly into disrepair, thereby affecting the property values and quality oflife of all neighboring residents. This ordinance represents a proactive approach to dealing with this issue. This ordinance calls for the cyclic inspection of residential rental units and the inspection of all residential units at tbe time of resale. This inspection process must not be confused with the type of building inspection required when specific work is done on the home. These particular inspections will address such items as exterior maintenance issues i.e., failing paint, material decay, overgrown landscaping, inoperable vehicles, rubbish accumulation, and similar items. It will also address health and safety issues such as inoperable doors and windows, nonfunctioning cooking and heating appliances, faulty sanitation facilities, damaged electrical devices and equipment, installation of smoke detectors, sleeping rooms within garages, faulty window bar releases, and similar important items. This ordinance does not require that existing buildings or structures within the City of Hercules comply with uniform codes currently in effect. It is only a tool by which properties shall be required to be maintained according to the uniform codes under which the structure was constructed. Only if noncompliance with today's uniform codes is deemed to be a risk to health and welfare, will a demand to comply with current codes emanate. For instance, if an inspection reveals the need to replace a damaged kitchen receptacle, the City's Building Department would require that the replacement device installed be GFCI protected as required by today's Uniform Electrical Code. Items such as this example have obvious health and safety benefits for both owner and tenant and do not represent an onerous condition. The other aspect of the ordinance requires that all housing units be inspected upon resale. This will require a similar inspection process. Again it is items related to health and safety issues and neglected maintenance that will be addressed. With the advent ofthis program, the City of Hercules will come into step with the majority of Bay Area communities. I am pleased to say that our City Council has seen fit to proceed sooner rather than later. Many of our neighboring communities are now desperately trying to come to grips with historical situations that are much more difficult and expensive to eradicate. The program will have numerous benefits, not only for the community but also for the absentee owners and the tenants . The inspection procedure will provide documentation in the form of a "Certificate of Compliance". This document will provide a basis for health, safety and preservation issues related to a specific property. It can be (Continued on Page 4.) Winter2004 Herculean 3 City Scene Hercules Building Department Residential Inspection Program (Continued) reviewed by the parties at a later date in order to clarify a point or it can be utilized to define the responsibilities of eacb party as they enter into a rental agreement. Residents will be able to visit the City of Hercules web site at www.ci .hercules.ca.us and view this ordinance. You may also view examples of the inspection forms, fees, registering and scheduling information. The program will begin on January I, 2005 with 15 trial inspections. We will follow with 30 inspections for each of the following two months. During this period, we will evaluate the proficiency of the project and adjust accordingly. Our intention is to maintain a schedule of approximately 30 inspections per month. The cycle of inspections will be three years unless a unit becomes vacant. A vacancy will signal a new beginning to the process; with a vacancy, a new three year period wi II begin after receipt ofthe "Certificate of Compliance". The inspection cycle will begin and continue with a focus on a specific district and then move on to the next so as to maximize our efforts. Residences which are sold and not utilized as rental property will only be inspected upon resale. Absentee owners known to the City will be contacted by mail regarding this issue. Included will be registration materials and contact information. If an absentee owner does not receive notification by January 1, 2005, they are required to contact the Building Department to establish a file . We expect 90% of all residential rental inspections to be completed within three years, therefore, establishing a cycle of inspection that is neither burdensome for the property owner or the Building Department. We in the Building Department will work diligently to assure that the implementation of th.is program is as smooth as feasible. We will need the full cooperation of absentee owners and tenants in order to assure success. I thank you for your cooperation in advance. 4 Winter 2004 Herculean Home • Auto Life Motorcycles Boats • Motor Homes 510-223-6447 Dan Romero Ca. Lie # 0521754 2574 Appian Wy, Pinole City Scene Rotary Club o/Hercules DICTIONARIES FOR THIRD GRADE STUDENTS This past September and October, the Rotary Club of Hercules and the Interact Club of Hercules High School presented a copy of The American Heritage Children s Dictionary to each Y' grade student in Hercules and Rodeo. This marks the second year that this project bas been implemented at the five (5) elementary schools. This DictionalY Program has become one of the Rotary Club 's and Interact Club's larger and more successful programs. Both Clubs are directing many of their activities toward the youth in our local community. The program also underscores Rotary's emphasis on literacy. The Interact Club is the community service club at Hercules High School and is sponsored by the Rotary Club ofRercules. This school year, over 75 students havejoined the club. Some Rotary Club members attended each of the elementary schools and personally presented each child with their own copy of the dictionary. This year more Interact students were also able to attend the elementary schools and help with the distributions. In several cases, the Interact students were able to return to the elementary school that they had attended and renew greetings with some of their old elementary school teachers. Both Rotary and Interact members enjoyed going into the schools and distributing the dictionaries. Since the program is set up where each member works with a small number of students, tbese members are able to experience the personal contact as they presented tbe dictionaries to the 3rd graders. The Rotary Club, through community-based fundraising, hopes to make this program an annual event for many future years. A special thanks is extended to Radston's Office Plus for their help in ordering the dictionaries and for copying services. Ngoc Thanh Le, Vice President of the Interact Club, works with 3rd Grade students at Hanna Ranch Elementary School ATTENTION! ARE YOUA NEW BUSINESS IN TOWN? Ifyou have recently opened a new business in Hercules, please stop by City Hall and make sure you obtain a City of Hercules Business License. Every business operating within the City limits is required to have a valid Business License. If you are found operating without a license, you may be subject to the imposition of monetary fines in addition to the Business License fee. Additional infOl1113tion, a Business LicenseApplication and Fee Schedules are available via the City's website atwww.ci.hercules.ca.us. Ifyou should have additional questions, please call Patricia Wright at 51 0-245-6509. Winter 2004 Herculean 5 City Scene Community Services Commission HERITAGE GARDEN MEMORIAL PLAQUE PROGRAM The City of Hercules, through the Community Services * Sylvia Rose Paulk was active with her children in Cub Commission, has instituted the Heritage Garden Memorial Scouts, POP Warner Football and as Chair of the Plaque Program. This program seeks to recognize Renegades Football Club. She served on the Planning Hercules residents or civic leaders w hose service and Commission (1984-89) and BACA until her passing in active community involvement has benefited the City of 1991. Hercules. These plaques have been placed in the Heritage Garden, located at the corner of Sycamore Avenue and * Lucio Raymundo was a Hercul es resident from 1992 Civic Drive, to enhance and preserve the historical aspect until his passing in 200 I. An engineer by trade and of this area, while building a sense of" heritage" for future education, he was active in the Filipino community here generations. and in San Francisco where he was a member of the FilAm Council of San Francisco. Lucio served as a member of All citizens are invited to visit the Heritage Garden and the San Francisco and Hercules Library Commiss ions reflect on our neighbors who worked so faithfully to make (2000-02) and was a founding member of the Friends of our City the warm and vital community it is. The City has the Hercules Library (2000) . honored eight such individuals whose service and duties * Barbara Rowl was devoted to her church and to her are too numerous to list. community. She was a founding member of the Hercules, * Alfonso M. Bellez, a Doctor of Dental Medicine, co- Pino le, Rodeo and Crockett NAACP, Black American found er of the Association of Filipino-Americans of Cultura l Association, and a member of the Hercules Hercules (AFAR), served as its president from 198 1 to Library Commission (2000-03) until her passing in 2003. 1983, and later served as the Association's Director And Advisor. Dr. BeJlez served as C hair of the Herc ules * Ramon S. Taraya was an original co-founder ofAFAH Planning Commission (1983 -90), Director of WCC (fIrst FilipinoAssociatian in Hercules, 1979) . He was Transit Finance and Administration Committee, Director active in the Filipino Amelicans of Contra Costa County, ofWCC Specific Plan Advisory Board, Director ofthe Inc. , represented Hercules on the County Advisory Filipino-American Political Association and Executive Council on Aging and was elected as a representative of Director of the Filipino-American National Council the 11 th Assembly District to the Democratic Convention (Contra Costa Chapter). He was a life-long member of (1997) . Mr. Taraya was a member of the Sister City the Knights of Columbus and faithfully served as Grand Association, served on the Planning Commission (199798) and as a Council Member (1998-2000). Knight of the Council until his passing in 1992. * Ann Marie Earnest served on the WCC Transit Citizens Advisory Board, WESTCAT Board of Directors, and served as Chair ofthe Concern Parents ofthe Richmond Unified School District. She was C ha ir of the BACA Political Committee, member ofthe Hercules Planning Conunission and City Council Member (1986-88) until her passing in 1988. * Ted C. Villacorte's community involvement as President ofthe St. Patrick Parishioners Association, Commnnity Services Commissioner (1984-88), member of the Hercules Sister City Associatioo , candidate for City Council (1986) and President afthe Hercules Lions Club highlight his service as role mode l and mentor until his passing in 2004. (Article continued on next page.) 6 Winter 2004 Herculean City Scene Community Services Commission Heritage Garden Memorial Plaque Program (Continued) * D. T. Watson's community involvement included serving as the President ofthe Foxboro HomeownersAssociation. Mr. Watson was instrumental in the planning and creation ofthe Heritage Garden in the early 1990s. In 1995, Mr. Watson was appointed to the Planning Commission and served in that capacity until his election to the Hercules City Council in 1996, (1996-2000) . The Heritage Garden Memorial Plaque Program is open to all residents. The program description, restriction information and application form are available on the City'S web site or by calling City Hall. The program document may be found online on the Community Services Commission web page at www.ci.hercules.ca.us •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW LOCATION 500 Alfred Nobel Drive, Suite 205, Hercules Put your spine in the hands of experience for your health care. COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION: Ask about our New Patient Special with the mention of thi s ad . ................... ........... For over 16 years we've been here for you ... serving as your community chiropractors. 799-0900 NEW LOCATION 500 Alfred Nobel Drive, Suite 205, Hercules Winter 2004 Herculean 7 City Scene Sponsored by the City ofHercules and Hercules Sister City Association 2005 HERCULES CITYWIDE GARAGE SALE Saturday, April 30, 2005 * 8 a.m.-3 p.m. A Benefit for the Hercules Sister City Association's Youth Ambassador Program Herculeans! Time for spring cleaning! Sponsored by the City of Hercules and the Hercules Sister City Association to support the Youth Ambassador Program (in conjunction with our sister city, Tsushima , Japan), this event encourages re-use and recycling of unwanted items instead of throwing them away. Treasure could be found! Clean out your closets, enjoy the opportunity to get acquainted with neighbors, build community trust, and promote goodwill locally and globally. The sale will be held , rain or shine. Registration fee to list your home is only $10. Maps listing participating homes will be sold for 50 cents each to prospective buyers starting at 8 a.m. the day of the event at the Hercules Transit Center on Sycamore & San Pablo Avenues. You should be prepared to receive bargain hunters between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. You will be provided with a sign to display at your home showing that you are an official participant in the event. Should questions arise about the Hercules Sister City Association or the Citywide Garage Sale, call 510799-8291. Additional registration forms may be obtained at the Hercules Community/Swim Center, City Hall or the Hercules Chamber of Commerce. So take this opportunity to clear out your unused or unwanted items, support the youth of your community and enjoy a fun-filled day - the SECOND ANNUAL CITYWIDE GARAGE SALE! Learn more about the Hercules Sister City Association http://tsushima.home.comcast.net 2005 CITYWIDE GARAGE SALE REGISTRATION FORM Registration Deadline: April 10, 2005 Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ (will not appear on map) Address ofsale:._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ , Hercules Daytime Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ Evening Phone: _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Send the completed registration form to Hercules Sister City Association , P.O . Box 5092, Hercules, CA 94547-5092 Include your check for $1 0 payable to HSCA 8 Winter 2004 Herculean Public Safety Hercules Police Department \\t.RCUl.ES COMMANDER'S CUP AWARD e ~,O,,~,.'CEi . :t"~-' ,. . ". ~ - ' ,~,' After she arrested the vehicle driver for possession of narcotics and a loaded firearm, Officer Lake developed additional information indicating that the suspect possessed additional narcotics and cash at his residence. She remained at work, long after the end of her shift, to facilitate the execution ofa search warrant at the suspect's residence. During the subsequent search, over 220 grams of methamphetamine, over 625 grams of cocaine, over 909 grams ofmarijuana, another loaded handgun, a bullet proof vest and almost $10,000 in cash were seized. After more than 24 hours of hard work, Officer Lake's alertness and determination helped turn a "routine" traffic stop into an extraordinary arrest and 'dmg seizure. Congratulations, Audrey, for your outstanding work! Officer Audrey Lake Officer Audrey Lake was awarded the Patrol Division Commander's Cup for her outstanding service to the Her~ules Police Department on August 18 and 19, 2004. On these dates, Officer Lake's extra effort was directly responsible for the arrest of a suspected dmg dealer and the seizure of substantial quantities of narcotics. The investigation began on the evening ofAugust 18" when Officer Lake stopped a vehicle for failing to stop at a posted stop sign. When she contacted the driver, Officer Lake smelled marijuana in the vehicle. She searched the vehicle and discovered marijuana packaged for sa le, approximately $4,000 in cash and a loaded handgun. She also found large packages containing suspected methamphetamine residue in the vehicle tmnk Winter 2004 Herculean 9 Public Safety Hercules Police Department 2004 POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR his outstanding service during the month of February 2004. He distinguished himself that month by making several key arrests, which included the recovel)' of stolen vehicles and interruption of burglaries and thefts in progress. Officer Tafesse assists as an advisor for the department's vel)' successful Police Explorer Program. His influence was a major factor in this program winning an event at a national Police Explorer competition in Arizona, held in Janual)' ofthis year. He also actively supports Special Olympics ofNorthem California by running in the annual Torch Run and waiting on tables to raise money for the cause at various Tip-A-Cop events. Officer Tafesse is also a member of the United States Army Reserve. He was called to active duty in May of this year and served in Texas and Guantanimo Bay, Cuba. He is currently serving in Iraq. Officer Ezra Tafesse Officer Ezra Tafesse was named Police Officer of the Year for 2004 at the 3,d Annual September II Dinner, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hercules. Officer Tafesse grew up in Hercules and attended Pinole Valley High School. He graduated from the University ofArizona in 2000, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology. He was hired by the Hercules Police Department in February 2001. In his relatively short tenure as a member of the department, Officer Tafesse has established himself as one of the force's best officers. The department received numerous positive letters and comments from members of the community, praising Officer Tafesse for his enforcement efforts and compassion in assisting fami lies through difficult police related incidents. OfficerTafesse was awarded the Patrol Division Commander's Cup for 10 Winter 2004 Herculean Officer Tafesse was selected by his peers to receive this award. He is an exemplary employee who personifies the qualities and character we value as police officers. HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING DECEMBER 3, 2004 COMMUNITY SWIM CENTER Public Safety Hercules Police Department NEW RECRUITS RECEIVE TOP AWARDS Officer Alex Abetkov Officer Dwayne Collard The Hercules Police Department is proud to announce the graduation of its two newest officers from the police academy. Officer Alex Abetkov and Officer Allen "Dwayne" Collard were hired in March 2004 and sent to the Napa Valley Police Academy as Police Trainees. They were sworn in as full time officers following their completion of the academy on September 4th. The combined pelfonnance of Officers Abetkov and Collard at the police academy was impressive. Out of the twenty-nine students attending, OfficerAbetkov received several awards including, Top Cadet, Top Academic, Lifetime Fitness, and the Director's Award for Character. Officer Collard also did very well overall and received the "Top Driver" award. Officer Abetkov was raised in San Pablo and attended Pinole Valley High. While attending high school, he volunteered as a Police Explorer for the City ofPinole. After high school,Alex went to work as a tow truck driver and eventually joined the U.S. Navy Reserve in December 2000. Alex was deployed to Pearl Harbor in November 200 I as part of an anti-terrorism protection force following the September II th attacks. He is currently assigned as a Petty Officer Second Class with the Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit #303 at Camp Parks in Dublin. Officer Abetkov was also married earlier this year. His wife is an officer with the Richmond Police Department. The couple resides in the City ofVacaville. Alex enjoys playing golf and scuba diving in his spare time. (Article continued on page 12.) Winter 2004 Herculean 11 Public Safety Hercules Police Department Department Says Goodbye To Juvenile Diversion Coordinator New Recruits (Continued from page 11.) Officer Collard grew up in Vallejo and moved to West Contra Costa County while a senior at John Swett High School in Crockett. Dwayne joined the Army National Guard dming bis junior year, attending his basic training during the summer break. He completed six years of service with tbe National Guard reaching the rank of Specialist (E-4) before elecringto end his service in March 2000. Wbile Officer Collard was a senior in high school, he Yoshio Murakawa volunteered as a Police Explorer for the California Highway Patrol in OakJand. This experience sparked his On September 29''', the Hercules Police Depmtment said interest in law enforcement and caused him to change his goodbye to Yosh Murakawa. Yosh has been the palt' military specialty from hea\'} equipment operator to the time Juvenile Diversion Coordinator since 1998. Yosh military police. Dwayne spent his last four years in the came to HPD after 30 years with the Contra Costa National Guard as a military police officer assigned to Probation Depmtment. Unit 870 in Pittsburg. As coordinator ofthe Juvenile Diversion Program, Yosh was responsible for intervention programs for minor offenders. The Juvenile Diversion Program has been extremely flexible and has facilitated parent and juvenile counseling, community service, drug and alcohol programs, tobacco programs and participation in the Califomia Offenders Program (COPS). During his tenure with the Hercules Police DepaItment, Yosh handled several hundred referrals and intelvened with over 150 juveniles and their fami lies. In 2000, Yoshio received the Outstanding Service/ Contribution award from the Contra Costa County Juvenile Justice COllUnission and Delinquency Prevention Commission. The Hercules Police Depmtment and the community will miss Yosh Murakawa and the professional and personal service that he provided to om community. We wish him and his family the best. 12 Winter 2004 Herculean Before accepting the position with Hercules, Officer Collard worked as a hea\)' equipment operator for a local construction contractor. Dwayne is si ngle and enjoys camping and water skiing. He currently resides in the town of Rodeo. Both officers have been assigned to the Patrol Division in the Field Training Program for an additional thirteen weeks of on-the-job training. They are expected to assume responsibility for there own patrol shift by the end of this year. Public Safety Hercules Police Department HELP EASE TRAFFIC FLOW AT PEAK COMMUTE HOURS As most of you know, traffic in Hercules has become a bigger concern during peak commute hours. In the past few years, we have added hundreds of new homes, as well as a new Middle/High School. With the influx of so many people, traffic has become congested and more care must be taken to drive properly. One of the most common complaints received by the Police Department is concerning vehicles blocking the intersections of Sycamore and Refugio Valley Road , as well as Sycamore and San Pablo Avenue after the light turns red . Traffic approaching a green light at these intersecti ons is proceeding into the intersection , but the cars in front of them are coming to a stop, causing the last few cars in line to stop in the middle of the intersection . As a driver, you have the responsibility to make sure that there is sufficient room on the other side of the intersection for your vehicle before you pu ll into the intersection. This requires that you look further up the road beyond the car in front of you. If you are in traffic and a few cars in front of you are slowing down , you might not have room to make it through the intersection. You need to stop, even if your light is green, and wait until there is room. This might mean you have to wait for another green light. The alternative, pulling into the intersection and blocking it, is not on ly illegal, it is discourteous and inconsiderate . Blocking the intersection also creates a safety hazard , as emergency vehicles cannot get through an intersecti on jammed up with cars. Every second that an emergency veh icle is delayed is a second someone who really needs them must wait. What if it was someone you care about who needed that ambulance, fire truck or police car? Entering Intersection , Rail Crossing, or Marked Crosswalk 22526CVC. (a) Notwithstanding any official traffic control signal indication to proceed, a driver of a vehicle shall not enter an intersection or marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or marked crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle driven without obstructing the through passage of vehicles from either side. The Most Helpful Web Site in Real Estate! ~€ll;ftS ? HomeLog for recent home sales In your neighborhood! 8f4~;ftS ? Custom Email Updates of new & current properties for sale! L;ftkf? professional & personal! Experience & Trust TOP ReferenCes! OHlce: 510-245-9901 Fax: 510-245-9906 [email protected] East Bay Regional Parks, Schools, Transportation and More! Fl~~, ~lAftf? Find yours here! Call me If you cannot find your Hercules floor plan on my site. security Pacific Real Estate Brokerage Winter 2004 Herculean 13 Public Safety Hercules Police Department Letter To Parents And Students Of Hercules Middle/High School Currently, there is significant problem with Hercules Right-of Way at Crosswalks Middle/High School students crossing Refugio Valley Road at any location that is convenient for them when 21950. (a) The driver ofa vehicle shall yield the rightschool lets out. This has been a problem since the opening of way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within of the school, but the point was brought home recently any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked when a middle school student stepped out from behind a crosswalk at an intersection, except as otherwise bush in the center island and was hit by a moving vehicle. provided in this chapta (b) This section does not relieve a pedestrian from the dutl' of using due care As a parent or carpool driver, you can insure your student's for his or her safety. No pedestrian may suddenly leave safety by not picking them up on the opposite side of the a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into road. If you must, please emphasize the need for them to the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute cross Refugio Valley Road at the properly marked an immediate hazard. No pedestrian may crosswalks. There are only two safe and legal locations unnecessarily stop or delay traffic while in a marked to cross Refugio Valley Road. One is at the intersection or unmarked crosswalk. of Refugio Valley Road and the entrance to the Middle School and the other is at Refugio Valley Road and the Section (a) states that vehicles have the responsibility to entrance to the High School parking lot. Ifthe problem stop and wait for pedestrians crossing within a crosswalk. persists, the Hercules Police Department will begin issuing Section (b) states that pedestrians crossing in a crosswalk citations to anyone found '1aywalking". have the responsibility to waitto see if the cars are stopping, and then cross as quickly as possible, making sure not to The following California Vehicle Code (CVC) sections delay traffic more than is necessary. deal directly with pedestrian rights and responsibilities. This section was included for your information as some Please read and discuss with your children. ofthe students who do use the crosswalk, step out into the intersection without checking traffic. There has also Crossing Between Controlled Intersections been occasions when a large group of students stream 21955. Between adjacent intersections controlled by across the intersection at their leisure, sometimes stopping traffic control signal devices or by police officers. and talking in the middle of the road. While pedestrians pedestrians shall not cross the roadway at any place have the right of way in a crosswalk, they also have the obligation to get across the road as quickly as possible. except in a crosswalk. This section states that if there are intersections controlled by either stop signs, traffic lights, or a Police Officer, the only legal place to cross the street is in a crosswalk at these intersections. 14 Winter 2004 Herculean Thank you for your assistance in keeping your students safe while leaving school. William Imboden, Traffic Officer, Hercules Police Department Public Safety Rodeo-Hercules Fire District Holiday Safety Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District would like to remind you that human error is involved in most home heating fires. These fires bappen when people place things that can burn too close to space or portable heaters, when fireplace chimneys are not inspected and cleaned regularly by a certified chimney sweep, or when improper fuels are used in fireplaces, like cardboard or tree trimmings. December, January and February are the leading months for home fires as well as home fire deaths in this country. On tbe average, more than a third of these occur during the winter months. For the fifth time in six years, portable electric heaters accounted for the highest home heating tire death toll. Heating equipment is the second leading cause of home fires in the United States. Most of these fires could be prevented with proper understanding and use of these devices. When purchasing new heating equipment, we would like to offer the following guidelines: • Be sure to select products that have been tested and approved by an independent testing laboratory. • Install and maintain heating equipment correctly. • Be sure it complies with local fire and building codes. Safety should be your first consideration when heating your home Portable Heater Safety Tips: • Heaters should be placed at least 36" away from anything that can burn, including wallpaper, bedding, clothing, pets and people. • Never leave space heaters operating when you are not in the room or when you go to sleep. • Don't leave children or pets unattended with space heaters. • Don't attempt to dry clothes or other combustibles over space heaters. • Inspect the electric cord on the heater and if it is worn or frayed , have the cord replaced by a professional electrician. Additional Heating Safety Tips: • Have your chimney inspected by a professional prior to the start of every heating season. • Always use a sturdy screen in front of the fireplace opening to prevent sparks from flying out. • Remember to burn only wood in a fireplace and not trash, trimmings or cardboard and never use flammable liquids in a fireplace!! The winter holidays are a time for celebration, and that means more cooking, lots of parties, and a risk of fire. In recent years, Christmas tree fires have accounted for numerous deaths, injuries and high dollar loss. Follow these fire safety tips to help keep your family safe during the holidays: Holiday Lighting Take care when burning candles. Be sure they are kept well away from decorations or other combustible materials. Don't leave children unattended in a room with lit candles, and keep candles, matches, and lighters up high out of reach of children. • Never use candles to decorate Christmas trees!!! • Never place electric lights on a metal Christmas tree!! ! • When decorating with lights, use only those labeled by a testing laboratory. (UL Approved) Check for and replace frayed or damaged cords. • Don' t overload electrical outlets and turn off or unplug all lights before leaving home or going to sleep. Holiday Parties • Decorate with only flame-retardant or noncombustible materials. • If your guests smoke, provide them with large deep ashtrays and check them frequently. • After the party, check inside and under upholstery and trashcans for smoldering cigarette butts. Winter 2004 Herculean I5 Public Safety Rodeo-Hercules Fire District Holiday Safety (Continued) Christmas Tree Safety • Choose a fresh Christmas tree and put it in a stand designed not to tip over. • Keep tree well away from heat sources and exits and water it constantly. If you purchase an artificial tree, be sure it is labeled fire retardant. • If you hang stockings, live garlands, and combustible decorations over the fireplace, don't bum in the fireplace. IT IS BEST NOT TO PLACE ANY COMBUSTIBLES ON OR NEAR THE FIRE PLACE OPENING. Kitchen Fire Safety • Wear tight-fitting clothes when cooking -loose clothes can be ignited by hot burners. • Don 't leave the kitchen with something cooking on the stovetop and always tum pot handles inward. • Don't store items on the stovetop - they could catch fire. • Don't overload electrical outlets. • Don't use electrical appliances in or near water. The Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday season. ........................ WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLES CALIFORNIA MOTOR VEHICLE CODE Vehicle Code Section 21806 states: Upon the immediate approach of an authorized vehicle which is sounding a siren and flashing lights the surrounding traffic shall, except as otherwise directed by a traffic officer, do the following: 1 6 Winter 2004 Herculean (a) (1) except as required under paragraph (2), the driver of every vehicle shall yield the right - of - way and shall immediately drive to the right-hand edge or cnrh of the higbway, clear of any intersection, and thereupon shaU stop and remain stopped until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed. If you are waiting at an intersection with a red light, proceed cautiously to get out of the way oftbe emergency vehicle approaching from the rear. Most emergency vehicles should "capture" the intersection signal light and stop cross traffic. Again, proceed cautiously to get out of the way. • • • • • •••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appliance Recall Defective dishwashers are at fault in recent fires. These dishwashers manufactured by Wbirlpool and Kenmore were recalled in 1996, howe\Cf. there have been three fires known to have been directly caused by these appliances in the last 18 months in Contra Costa County, one of which included a fatality. The following information is \'itally important, if you determine you have one oftbe affected units stop using it immediately and contact the manufacturer listed below. Recall Iufo: Release No. 96133 . May 1996 Brands: Whirlpool and Kenmore Units affected: 500,000 nationwide Model numbers: Whirlpool- begins with DU8, DP8, DU9 and GOP (i .e. DU8700XY-l ) Kenmore - begins with 665 (i.e. 665. 1665591) Serial Numbers: from FA2400000 to FA5299999 or FROM FB0100000 to F1B899999 Phone numbers: Whirlpool - (800) 874-9481 Sears (800) 927-1625 Repairs and service are free through Whirlpool. Call (800) 638-2772 breakthrough piano method from Australia opens musical doors for everyone Simply Music® is a remarkable, Australian·developed piano and keyboard program that has beginning students - children, teens, adults and seniors playing great-sounding pop, blues, classical and accompaniment pieces - immediately - from their very first lessons. Traditional lessons, for the most part, require that students first learn to read music as the means of learning how to play. This 'read first, play later' approach is slow and frustrating, and far too many students never acquire the ability to play. In fact, many lose their desire to learn altogether. Think of Simply Music as being like learning to talk. We all talked for years before we learned how to read and spell. It's the same with our program. We delay the music reading process and start by showing you how to play fantastic music - immediately. Beginning students, with no attention on having to read music, are free to relate directly to the piano, and within months easily and naturally begin to establish a 'hands-on' and personal 'feeling' for the instrument as they build a play-list Ihat includes popular, classical , blues and jazz styles, as well as develop the ability to play chords and modem accompaniments. Unlike learning by rote , th is program is tactile , experiential , and multisensory, with students being physically, visually and aurally fully absorbed. After building a repertoire of 30 to 50 pieces covering a broad range of musical styles, students go on to learn how to read music, their ability to play so well providing a powerful foundation for learning the more formal aspects of .music education. Learning with a teacher is ideal for those who like the structure of having someone to report to each week , and would benefit from participating in private or group lessons under the guidance of a trained and accredited Simply Music teacher. Students attend lessons on a weekly basis, and receive professionally prepared audiovisual and printed materials. These are a supplement to the learning process and are designed to ensure the students' success. For those with extensive prior experience a suitable teacher can tailor th is remarkable program to meet your specific needs. Laura Cheung "After two years of being very frustrated with other programs, we have found one that works and that my daughter enjoys tremendously. The results are wonderful. " Tammie Duke "My daughter is only 7 years old with no previous music know/edge. Our experience has absolutely surpassed our expectations. Recently she played a welf-known song in front of 100 people and she brought the house down. " Marsha Goodstein Find out more about Simply Music Hercules, CA ~ www.simpfymusic.net http://www.musikwithlaura.com 'At 83 years of age, this wonderful program has given my life a dimension that has brought me much joy and satisfaction. The experience of Simply Music has helped me to cope with stress, and even sadness. I have been most fortunate and blessed to have had the experience of Simply Music." Sara Larmer Meuse Free Introductory Sessions Licensed Simply Music Teacher 5107240818 "My boys are 8 and 10. They've had just 12 lessons with Simply Music and already know 12 songs. Not just 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and 'Mary Had A Little Lamb ', but real music. The boys are already playing the blues. They think they're hot stuff." Rebecca Neis simply musIc Call 510 724 0818 for reservations, dates and times Winter2004 Herculean 17 LODGIE JAMES REALTOR A Professional Real Estate Agent who cares about you! I am at your serVIce: • More than 15 years of real estate sales experience • Member, California Association of Realtors • Member, National Association of Realtors • Member, National Notary Association • Certified Notary Signing Agent • Graduate of the University of San Francisco • Member, University of San Francisco Alumni Association (With Connections to Realtors in all 50 United States) Cellular Phone: (510) 334-9530 Office Phone. (5/0) 245-3540 18 Winter 2004 Herculean GRACE ABARIENTOS REAL ESTATE BROKER/OWNER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE - AREA SPECIALIST TO ALL MY VALUED CLIENTS & FRIENDS: I WISH YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, A PROSPEROUS & HEALTHY NEW YEAR. IT IS INDEED ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR ME AND I WOULD LIKE TO "THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CONTINUED TRUST, LOYALTY & SUPPORT" FOR THE PAST YEARS. (510) 799-1670 EVERY PROPERTY I LIST TURNS TO SOLD TO ITS HIGHEST VALUE WITH IN A VERY SHORT TIME ALONG WITH MY LOW DISCOUNTED FEES & OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL FULL SERVICE. LIST - BUY - GET A LOAN OR REFINANCE WITH ME AND RECEIVE: FREE 1 YEAR HOME WARRANTY OR FREE TERMITE INSPECTION FREE INTERNET MARKETING FREE HOME STAGING CONSULTATION FREE APPRAISAL (REBATE) CALL ME WITH NO COST TO FIND OUT THE MARKET VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. *** LOAN PREQUALlFICATION ** * "I DON'T JUST PROMISE ... 1 DELIVER!" REAL TY & LOAN PROVIDERS Email: [email protected] Winter 2004 Herculean 19 Bed & Bath Food Home Decorations i! ,,-- Apparel :ol .:.-, , i- ," . -- o Wooden Carving Jewelries School, Office Supplies Hand bags Party Favors North Shore Business Park 618 Alfred Nobel Dr. Hercules, CA 94547 510-741-9888 with purchase 20 Winter 2004 Herculean Recreation & Community Services Recreation Department Staff Directory 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules R€.'Ueatioll Manager-Child Care/Senior Center! TOl)' ToI Services ......................... .......................... Marsha Reynolds Phone: (510) 799-8239 emai: rnarsha.reynolds@cLh ercules.ca.us Rec;:('B<3tion Manager-Recreation Classes/Facilities/ Spcv1s............ ............................... ..................... ............ Greg Dwyer Phone: (51 0) 799-8293 community EventS t:; ~) .. Calendar *~:~• for 2OQlf-2005 * email: [email protected] Recreation Manager-Community Events/Aquatics/YouthfTeen Programs....... ..... ... ..... .......... ..... ..... .Pedro Jimenez Phone: (510) 799-8228 email: [email protected] Lion's Club Senior Citizen Holiday Dinner............. ................. December 5,2004 .... .Jenny Smith Citywide Garage Sale ......................... April 30, 2005 Administrative Secretary.................... ..... . Phone: (510) 799-8230 email: [email protected] Sports/Facility Coordinator.................. .................... .. Brandon Ikeda Phone: (510) 799-8295 email: [email protected] Hercules TeenlYouth Council Senior Citizens Appreciation/MDthers Day Luncheon .......................... ......................... May 8,2005 27th Annual Cultural Festival ...... .... June 4 & 5, 2005 Aquatics Coordinator................................................Angela Curtola Phone: (510) 799-8229 email: [email protected] Senior Center Coordinator..........................................Janet Bewley Phone: (510) 799-8219 email: [email protected] 4th of July Parade.................... .. ............... July 4,2005 Family Appreciation Night.. ................... July 17, 2005 TYC. Hoop-lt-Up............................ .TD BeAnnounced TeenlYouth Coordinator/Commu nity Events Specialist... ...................... .. .............. ... ..... ............. Janine Shaheed Phone: (510) 799-8294 email: [email protected] Child Care Coordinators 6th Annual TeenlYDuth Council Halloween Haunted House ....... ........ ..... ............. ..............October31,2005 Beverly Dupree ........................... . ................... .... (510) 245-4803 Hanna Ranch Childcare email: [email protected] Community Clean-up Day.................. ............ November 1.9, 2005 Robin Williams ......................................................... (510) 799-8259 Lupine Childcare email: [email protected] Holiday Tree Lighting ........ ........................ .December 2,2005 Gwendolyn Windham .............................................. (510) 799-8224 Ohlone Child care email: gwindham@ci .hercules.ca.u5 --- ~ /<l~ Happy ~flo\wen 2004 Hercu lean 21 Classes ~ BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING YOUTH OIL PAINTING T1 is is the perfect class for high school students needing to be certified before graduation , or anyone needing to be certified 11 FlIStAid and CPR. Medic FirstAid is a basic 6 hour training course which allows the participant to function with one consistent set of priorities in a medical emergency. The training is accomplished in seven modules of instruction, participants wi receive a wallet card and certificate of completion. Please bring a bag lunch. (This class is not an infant class, or for Health Care Providers or Day Care Providers, please see listing 'or other classes). location: Instructor: Fee: 4 517·A 1517·A 11 517·8 1517-C Community/Swim Center, Press Room Delucchi's First Aid Training Certified Instructors $58 Res/$63 Non·Res, (this includes a $5 materials fee for certification packet and handbook. Sat Sat Sat Sat 02119 03/12 04/16 OS/21 8:00am·2:00pm 8:00am·2:00pm 8:00am·2:00pm 8:00am·2:00pm BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN & ADULTS This is the perfect class for people needing to be certified for infant, children and adult first aid and CPR. Medic FirstAid for infants, children and adults is a basic 7·hour training course in emergency care. CPR and other important emergen cy care skills are combined in the course, which allows the participant to function w ith one consistent set of priorities in a medical emergency. The training is accomplished in seven modules of instruction , students will receive a wallet card and certificate of completion. Please bring a bag lunch. Location: Instructor: Fee: Community/Swim Center, Press Room Delucchi's FirstAid Training Certified Instructors $58 Res/$63 Non·Res, (this includes a $5 materials fee for certification packet and handbook. 11508·A 21508-A Sat Sat 22 Herculean 2004 ~14~""'~ 01 /22 05/07 8:00am·3:00pm 8:00am·3:00pm For ages 7 ·17 years, you will have fu n w hile learning to draw, paint, design , mix colors, and combine colors. You will also learn about lights, shadows, and composition perspective. Work at your own pace, while making new friends and developing new talents. There is an addinonal fee for supplies. Supply infonmation will be provided when registering. Location : Instructor: Fee: Community/Swim Center Maria S.C. Davi $42 Res/$45 Non·res 31521·A 31 521·8 41 521·A 41521·8 11 521·A 11521·8 Tues Fri Tues Fri Tues Fri 01 /11-D3/01 01 /14-D3I04 03/22-D5Il0 03/25-D5I13 06/07 -D7!26 06/1O-D7!29 • . ... _ -:~- "" 3:30pm·5:00pm 3:30pm·5:00pm 3:30pm·5:00pm 3:30pm·5:00pm 3:30pm·5:00pm 3:30pm·5:00pm ADULT OIL PAINTING Have fun while learn ing to draw, paint, design, mix colors, and combine colors. You will also leam about lights, shadows, and composition perspective. Work at your own pace, while developing talents that they have been wishing to accomplish for years. There is an additional fee for supplies. Supply information wi ll be provided when registering. Location: Instru ctor: Fee: Community/Swim Center Maria S.C. Davi $42 Res/$45 Non·res 31516·A 31516·A 31516·A Tues Tues Tues 01/11-D3/01 03/22-D5/10 06/07-D7126 1:00pm·3:30pm 1:DOpm·3:30pm 1:00pm·3:30pm DOG TRAINING CLASS Renee Niang has 5 years experience in dog training. She uses posi tive reinforcemen t a nd games to teach the commands. Trainer must be at least 12 years old. Please bring fiat or nylon collar, haiti or gentle leader, treats, leash and favorite toy! Dogs must have their shots (2nd for puppies). Instructor: Renee Niang location: Community Center Press Room $80 Res/$85 Non·Res . ' Participants will be Fees: required to sign a waiver releasing the City from any liability issues. Please call for dates and times. Classes ROMPER GYM (AGES 2 - 4) Romper Gym is designed especially for the two to four year olds who want to explore but require parental assistance and enoouragement Matthew Silveria brings aver 12 years of motivating and training experience to assist parents in instructing their children to balance, control movement and grow in this upbeat experience. Planning a Birthday Party? Ask about our Tumbling Party Special! Location: Instructor: Fee: 41526-A 41526-8 11526-A 11526-8 Foxboro Community Center Matthew Silveria $49 Res/$52 Non-Res Sat 01114-02105 9:00am-9:45am Sat 02123-03125 9:00am-9:45am Sat 04/01-05/06' 9:00am-9:45am (no class on 4/15) 05127-06124 9:00am-9:45am Sat TINY TUMBLERS (AGES 4 - 6) Enjoy the fun while developing body awareness. This class is designed for children ages 4 through 6 and leads students to learn stretches, rolls, balance and cartwheels in a playful and safe environment. Planning a Birthday Party? Ask about' our Tumbling Party Special! Location : Instructor: Fee: 41522-A 41522-B 11522-A 11522-B Foxboro Community Center Matthew Silveria $49 Resi$52 Non-Res Sat 01/04-02105 10:00am-1 0:45am Sat 02/25-03/25 10:00am-1 0:45am Sat 04/01-05/06* 10:00am-1 0:45am (no class on 4/15) Sat OS/27-06/24 10:00am-1 0:45am GYMNASTICS (AGES 7 &UP) The first hour of the workshop will be devoted to a smooth dance (foxtrot, waltz, etc.). The second hour will be devoted to latin dance (cha cha, mambo, rumba, swing). These workshops are designed for beginner to intermediate students, but will focus on basic steps and patterns, as well as technique, styling and proper dance etiquette. These workshops are being taught by Barbara Corey, who's been teaching dance and exercise classes in southern California and the East Bay area for the past 23 years, and is certified through the Irvine Valley College, AFAA and is a member of IDEA (International Dance Exercise Association). Deadlines to sign up are the Friday before the first class. Location: Time: Fees: Hercules Senior Center 6:30pm-8:30pm Couple Rates: $30 Res/$33 Non-Res Single Rates: $18 Res/$21 Non-res 11504-A 11504-8 215Q4..A 21504-B Tues Tues Tues Tues Location: Instructor: Fee: 41523-A 41523-B 11523-A 11 523-B Foxboro Community Center Matthew Silveria $49 Res/$52 Non-Res Sat 01/14-02/05 Sat 02/25-03/25 Sat 04/01-05/06* (no class on 4/15) Sat 05/27-06/24 11 :00am-11 :45am 11 :00am-11 :45am 11 :00am-11 :45am 11 :00am-11:45am k HIP HOP DANCE CLASS Introducing a hip hop class for individuals and the whole family! Come check out this class and learn the fundamentals of Hip Hop through steps, combinations and routines. No experience needed, plus ijs great exercise. For more information please call (510) 799-8291. Classes may be combined to run class. Location: Dates: This fun-fi lled class is designed for children 7 and older, and for advanced tumbling students, who are preparing for a more advanced gymnastics experience. Emphasis will be on balance, coordination, flexibi lity and strength. Planning a Birthday Party? Ask about our Tumbling Party Special! Call for dates Call for dates Call for dates Call for dates Hercules Senior Center 111 Civic Drive, Hercules Call for dates and times. Family Classes - 2 members 31560-A Sat 9:00am-10:00am 31560-B Sat 9:00am-10:00am Fees: $110 Resi$115 Non-Res Boys Classes Sat 10:15am-11:ooam 31561-A Sat 10:15am-11:00am 31561-A $55 Resi$60 Non-Res Fees: Girls Classes Sat 11:15am-12:00pm 31562-A 31562-B Sat 11:15am-12:00pm Fees: $55 Resi$60 Non-Res Classes " ~~ ~~ T AIKO JAPANESE DRUM CLASS KARATE FOR AGES 7 AND UP Are you or your child interested in leaming how to defend yourselves? This class focuses on the movement, style, stance and forms using 4 elements; Discipline of the mind, Body, Spirit and Communication. Come and join re-owned Taiko instructor David Gonzalez, who has taught programs in various areas in Northem Califomia. His teaching and performances can also be noted in the movies and television industries such as, "Retum of the Jedi Special Edition", "Ninja Turtle Series", and "Life with Bonnie". Come join us for this new and innovative class that we're now offering in Hercules! " ~f ' Location: Instructor: Fee: 41502-A 41502-B 41 502-C Foxboro Community Center David Gonzalez $40Resl$45 Non-Res ($12 drc Mon Mon Mon 1/24-2114 2121 -3/14 3/214/11 6:30pm-7:30pm 6:30pm-7:30pm 6:30pm-7:30pm JUDO mention this ad when registering. There is an additional fee for the complete uniform. All orders and payments for the uniform are taken by the instructor. Locations: Instructor: Fees: Wednesday Thursday Judo is a martial art that concentrates primarily on throwing and grappling techniques. The striking and self-defense techniques are practiced only in Kata form. Judo has been an Olympic event since 1964. The instructorwill take registration for all classes at any time during the sessions. If you wish to speak to the instructor prior to enrollment, you may call 799-9906, or you may visit the class. Location: Ohlone Community Center Instructor: Wayne Cunningham Fees: $51 ResI$54 Non-Res Monthly Fee $23 Resl$25 Non-Res additional family members Ages 5 through Adults - MonlWed Workout Hours: 6:30-7:30pm MonlWed MonM'ed 7:30-9:00pm 5151 9-F 51 519-G 51519-H 51 519-1 51 519-J 515 19-K 51519-L Then come to me, Sensei Garcia! In my class, students wilileam the basic fighting skills of Karate, se~-discipline, seW -esteem and confidence in protecting themselves. Sensei Garda nowoffers Karate Class weapons training! Leam to use Nunchaku,Kamabo, and SaL Leam to be a Karate and Weapons Samurai, FREE! Must buy your own weapons through Sensei Garcia. If you are interested in a free 1 month trial offer, just December January February March April May June 1... Herculean 2004 Ages 5-11 Ages 12-Adult Friday 51529-F 51529-G 51529-H Wed Classes at Hercules Senior Center Thurs Classes atthe Ohione Center Fri Classes at CommunitylSwim Center Joe Garcia $68 Resl$72 Non-Res Mionthly fee $40 Res1$44 Non-Res additional family members Beginners 5:00-6:00 pm Yellow Belt 6:00-7:00 pm Green Belts 7:00-6:00 pm All Belts Under 12yrs. old 5:00-6:00 pm Purple, Brown & Blacik Belts 6:00-7:00 pm 1sV3rd Fridays Kumite 6:3C).7:30 pm 2nd/4th Fridays Weapons 6:30-7:30 pm Deoember January February 51 52951529-J 51529-K March April May PUBLIC STARGAZING Come to our public stargazing program conducted by experienced amateur astronomers for the benefit and enjoyment of sky watchers of all ages. If you are a teacher, bring your class; if a parent, bring your children. If you are an amateur astronomer, novice or expert, bring your own binoculars and telescopes and share your knowledge and enthusiasm. Please no smoking or alcohol. And no flashlights without a red filter. Dress warm. For more information, please call (510) 526-5974. On scheduled evenings, call (51 0) 7998237 after 7:30pm. Instructor: Foxboro Park Location : David Harris, Lance Shaw, Walt Meadows Fees: Free of charge! Dates: 04102, 05/14,06/11 , 07/02 , 08/06 Time: Saturdays at DUSK! 'Weather permitting! Partly cloudy OK! Senior Services HERCULES SENIOR CENTER 111 CIVIC DRIVE ON-GOING ACTIVITIES 799-8219 Friends, Food, Fun and Companionship is what the Hercules Senior Program is all about. Join us for a day of activities or just come and relax for a while. Our program provides a variety of social and recreational activities in a friendly atmosphere where the emphasis is on hospitality. You will be warmly welcomed by our volunteer staff when you stop in to visit our center. The Hercules Senior program and support services are available to adults 50 and over. Our activities and programs welcome participation by adults of all ages on a space available basis. These services indude classes, day trips, nutrition servoes, health screening services, multi-cultural enrichment, and much, much more! We strive to ensure a physically and emotionalty comfortable environment for all, as well as enoouraging socialization with peers. Please drop in and say hello to our staff and volunteers Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our center will provide you with updated information on current and upcoming activities and events. . THE HERCULES SENIOR CENTER WELCOMES BACK.... BINGO, BINGO, AND MORE BINGO!!!! Welcome Back Bingo!!! Come join us for a fun evening of Bingo at the Hercules Senior Center. Evening bingo is held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. r--::;;;:-'''' Location: nme: Days: - c"--,-,"-.s:· £1 Hercules Senior Center 111 Civic Drive, Hercules .:'~> ! Doors open at 6:00pm Games start at 7:00pm 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month MONDAYS TaiChi Computer Classes Low Impact Exercise Goodie Store Lunch Folk Dancing 8:00am - 9:00am 9:00am - 2:30pm 9:00am 10:30am 11:45am 1:OOpm - $12.00 a month TUESDAYS Tai-Chi Art Class Lunch Crochet Group Advance Tap Hula Intermediate Tap BeginnerTap 8:30am 10:00am 11:45am 1:00pm 1:OOpm - 2:00pm 2:00pm - 2:45pm 2:45pm-3:45pm 3:45pm4:30pm WEDNESDAYS Various Crafts High Rollers Card Club Lunch Tai Chi 13 Fundamental Steps and Dance Class THURSDAYS TaiChi High Rollers Card Club Lunch Bingo FRIDAYS TaiChi Low Impact Exercise Bingo For Goodies Lunch $3lWeek $3lWeek $3lWeek $3lWeek 10:00am 9:00am-4:00pm 11:45am 1:00pm 8:00am 9:00am - 4:00pm 11:45am 1:00pm 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 11:45am "Hercules Senior Center is the host to the C.C. Cafe Monday through Friday: suggested donation is $2.00 for ages 60 and older. Forages 59 and younger suggested donation is $3.75. Reservation must be made one day in advance before 12:30pm. Bingo is open to the public. Adults ages 18 and up, NO MINORS PLEASE! For more information, please call Janet Bewley, Senior Center Coordinator at (510) 799-8219. i'~ . ~t' -" ""-.:,' .':'- z"'~ 2004 Hercul ean 25 Senior Services It ADULT TAP AND HULA DANCE CLASS Join us for fun and exercise! You will become adept at basic tap dance steps while learning dance routines choreographed to music of the 30's, 40's and 50's. A new class being offered this Fall is Hula Hawaiian style. Carol Rose is a local instructor with over 35 years in the field. She had her own dance studio and holds a State of Califomia Teaching Credential. "Times may change with size of classes. Tuesday 1:OOpm-2:00pm 2:00pm-2:45pm 2:45pm-3:45pm 3:45pm-4:30pm Ongoing AdvanceTap Hula Intermediate Tap Beginner $3lweek $3lweek $3lweek $3lweek HICAP HEALT H IN S URA NC E COUNSELIN G A DVOC A CY PROGRAM NOTARY SERVICE The Hercules Senior Center has a certified notary that is available on the Third Thursday olthe month please call for an appointment at (510) 799-8219, there are special rates for Seniors. SCHEDULED TRIPS FOR 2005! The Hercules Senior Center welcomes all to come join us on trips and vacations. For more info rmation regard ing our Day and Extended Trips, please call the Hercules Senior Center at (510) 799-8219. The following are the scheduled trips for the year 2005: Feb. 8th - Feather Falls March 8th - Jackson April 12th - River Rock May 10th - Thunder Valley June 14th - Jackson July 12th - Colusa Aug. 9th - Feather Falls Sept. 13th - Jackson Oct. 11th - River Rock Nov. 8th - Thunder Valley Did your HMO increase your monthly premium from $0 to' $20, $30 or more per month? Having problems with a denial of payment by Medicare? Do you know that starting February 1st you can use your Medicare Card at participating pharmacies and save 10 to 47% on prescription drugs? And ... Winter Break in Laughlin in January 2005! Amtrak Tour on March 14, 15, 2005,stay atthe Reno Hilton Motel Casino! If you want answers to these questions and many more, call and make a HICAP appointment. Counseling sessions are free and confidential. A trained experienced counselor is available on the 1st Monday of each month at the Hercules Senior Center from 9:00-11 :00 am, call (510) 799-8219. Mondays C.C. CAFE COMPUTER CLASS Call for a time Free POOL TABLE The Pool Table is available Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Time: 1:OOpm to 5:00pm Free BLOOD PRESSURE All people 60 and over get outolthe house and have something Get your blood pressure taken by one of our fin est Rodeo IHercules nutritious to eat. Live healthier, socialize and have a little fun Fire Fighters on the Second Wednesday of each month! Call 799while you're at it. Visit Hercules C.C. Cafe althe Senior Center, 8219for more information. 111 Civic Drive, Monday through Friday at 11 :30 am. The big lunch is served for a suggested donation of $2.00. That's the best deal in town! Call (510) 799-8219 a day in advance before I'-"VI'VI.LJ 12:30 pm for reservations. Your first meal is on us! Enroll with Westcat at (51 0) 724-7433 forfree transportation to C.C. Cafe. J A;~AIIU PROGRAM! This program provides free tax preparation counseling services to middle and low income taxpayers with Give it a try. You won't regret it! For "Meals on Wheels" I attention given to Seniors. It is administered by AARP contact Dolores Morales at (51 0) 499-3600. I"n "mb!;"r in cooperation with the IRS and California Franchise SOON ... 26 Herculean 2004 Youth Services BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE FEES The following fees are effective for 04-05 school year at Hanna Ranch, Lupine and Ohlone Child Care Centers. These fees are based upon a four week billing period and do not include holidays and scheduled In-service (non-student) days. **Multi~Child 10% Discount for all Children's Programs -10% discount on total program fees for families with two or more children enrolled in the same program. 15% of fees to be used for facility construction and maintenance. (All fees are subject to change.) Five·Dav Care Grades1-5 Care 6:30am-8:30am $124 Res/$155 Non-Res Care 7:30am-8:30am $62 Res/$77 Non-Res Dismissal to 5:30pm $178 Res/$223 Non-Res Dismissal to 6:30pm $285 Res/$356 Non-Res Three-Day Care AM Care 6:30am-8:30am AM Care 7:30am-8:30am Dismissal to 5:30pm Dismi ssal to 6:30pm Grades 1-5 $75 Res/$94 Non-Res $38 Resf$47 Non-Res $107 Res/$134 Non-Res $171 Res/$21 4 Non-Res $30 for late payments received after the 1st of the month $40 Annual Registartion Fee (One time charge per year) $2 per minute/per child - If child is picked up after the registered pick up time. Late Payment Fee: Registration Fee: Late Pick-Up Fee: AM KINDER PROGRAM The AM Kinder Program is for children attending Kindergarten. Ohlone Child Care has AM Kinder hours only. Hanna Ranch Child Care has both AM and PM hours for kinder care. These fees are based on a four week billing period. Five-Day Care AM Care 6:30am-8:30am AM Care 7:30am-8:30am AM Care 6:30am-11:30am AM Care 7:30am-11:30am AM Care 8:30am-11 :30am PM Care 2:30pm-5:30pm PM Care 2:30pm-6:30pm PM Care 11 :30am-5:30pm PM Care 11 :30am-6:30pm Late Payment Fee: Registration Fee: Late Pick-up Fee: Payment Due by the 15th Kinder $124 Res/$155 Non-Res $62 Res/$77 Non-Res $357 Res/$446 Non-Res $285 Res/$356 Non-Res $178 Res/$223 Non-Res $214 Res/$268 Non-Res $285 Res/$356 Non-Res $392 Res/$490 Non-Res $463 Res/$579 Non-Res Three-Day Care AM Care 6:30am-8:30am AM Care 7:30am-8:30am AM Care 6:30-11:30am AM Care 7:30am-1 1:30am AM Care 8:30-11 :30am PM Care 2:30pm-5:30pm PM Care 2:30pm-6:30pm PM Care 11 :30am-5:30pm PM Care 11 :30am-6:30pm $30 for late payment received after the 1st of th e month $40 Annual Registartion Fee (One time charge per year) $2 per minutes/per child of each month. 'SEE PAGE 9 FOR TINY TOT INFORMATION AND FEES. Kinder $75 Res/$94 Non-Res $38 Res/$47 Non-Res $ 186 Res/$233 Non-Res $145 Res/$18 1 Non-Res $112 Res/$140 Non-Res $107 Res/$134 Non-Res $171 Res/$2 14 Non-Res $392 Res/$490 Non-Res $463 Res/$579 Non-Res e TO OBTAIN OUR FORMS ONLINE CALL (510) 799-8291. 2004 Herculean 27 Youth Services City of Hercules Summer Camps Lupine Day Camp/Grades K-2 Summer Day Camp for grades K-2 is held at the Lupine Childcare Center at 1905 Lupine. Staff has planned many fun and exciting activities for the summer. Your child will enjoy craft activities, sports, games, and entertainment. Come join the fun. Contact Robin Williams at (51 0) 799-8259. Ohlone Day Camp/Grades 3-5 Summer Day Camp for children entering grades 3-5 is held at the Oh lone Childcare Center at 1616 Pheasant. Staff has planned a fun filled summer with activities such as, arts and crafts, tennis, organized sports, local field trips and swimming on Tuesday and Thursday. We also have exciting field trips planned! Come join the fun! Contact Gwen Hill for more information, at (510) 799-8224. *Please note that all childcare/summer camp fees are subject to change. Summer camp fees for Lupine and Ohlone Summer camp. Five Day Program Core: 8:30am - 5:30pm Extended: 6:30am-6:30pm Resident $127.00 $140.00 Non-Resident $140.00 $155.00 Three Day Program Core: 8:30am - 5:30pm Extended: 6:30am-6:30pm Resident $76 .00 $83.00 Non-Resident $83.00 $93.00 Hanna Ranch Planet Youth Summer Camp Grades 6-8 Summer Day Camp for children entering grades 6-8 is held at the Hanna Ranch Childcare Center at 2480 Refugio Valley Road. Join us for our weekly workshops, dance club, field trips, movies, sports activities, arts and crafts, parties, barbeques, and much, much more! Contact Beverly Dupree for more information, at (51 0) 245-4803. $20.00 deposit required for each week reserved. Deposit is credited to weekly payment. *Fees for field trips are separate from the summer camp fees and need to be paid in full at the time of registration. *Fees are subject to change. *These fees are based on a weekly billing cycle. You will NOT receive bills during Summer Camp sessions. Five Day Program Core: 8:30am - 5:30pm Extended: 6:30am-6:30pm Resident $127.00 $140.00 Non-Resident $140.00 $155.00 Three Day Program Core: 8:30am - 5:30pm Extended: 6:30am-6:30pm Resident $76.00 $83.00 Non-Resident $83.00 $93.00 *Four Day Program Core: 8:30am-5:30pm Extended: 6:30am-6:30pm Resident $101.00 $112.00 ., " ~ , .. . .. " . ~~ , " ', 28 Herculean 2004 Non-Resident $112.00 $127.00 4', . Youth Services THE CI1Y OF HERCULES TINY TOT PROGRAM Make your child 's first learning experience a happy and memorable one with the City of Hercules Tiny Tot Program. Our Tiny Tot Program offers 2 phases of learning adventures to prepare your child for their upcoming years in elementary school. Little Learners: Age 3 (by December 2nd). This programs provides socialization skills, self help skills, and fine/gross motor skills. This is a 2 day program that is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am-11 :OOam. (Child must be completely potty trained to be in this program) Pre-K Program: Age 4 (by December 2nd). This program was designed to prepare your child for Kindergarten. Your child will oontinue to work on their socialization skills, self-help skills, and fine/gross motor skills, in addition to following directions and assistance with their writing skills. This is a 3 day program that is held on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 9:00am12:00pm. (Child must be completely potty trained to be in this program) Both programs offer Circle Time Activities, Arts and Crafts, Story Time, Recreational Fun, Cooking Projects and some Academic Skills. For more information on this fun learning experience for your child, please call Robin Williams at Lupine Child Care Site at (510)799-8259. Little Learner Program !TITH) 9:00am - 11 :OOam $67 Res/$84 Non-Res Pre-K Program !MIW/F) $152 Res/$190 Non-Res 9:00am-12:00pm CI1Y OF HERCULES SPECIAL CAMPS FOR CHILDREN GRADES K-6TH City of Hercules offers seasonal camps throughout the school year, which offers your child safe and exciting activities. Please come join us for fun filled weeks of entertainment, arts and craft, music, and games. For more information, please call the site coordinators at the numbers listed. We offer such camps as: Lupine Holiday Camp: Located at 1905 Lupine Road , Hercules, (510) 799-8259. Camp Host: Robin Williams Dates: December 20 - 23, 2004 (Week One) December 27 - January 30, 2005 (Week Two) Hanna Ranch Presidents Camp: Located at 2480 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules. Camp Host: Beverly Dupree. Dates: February 22 - 25, 2005 .Ohlone Spring Camp: Located at 1616 Pheasant Drive, Hercules. Camp Host: Gwen Windham. Dates: March 28 - April 1 , 2005 ,3 Day Program 8:30am-5:30pm 6:30am-6:30pm $76 Res/$83 Non-Res $83 Res/$1 04 Non-Res :4 Day Program 8:30am-5:30pm 6:30am-6:30pm $101 Res/$126 Non-Res $112 Res/$140 Non-Res 5 Day Program 8:30am-5:30pm 6:30am-6:30pm $127 Res/$140 Non-Res $159 Res/$175 Non-Res Teen Camps Located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road , Hercules. Camp Host: Janine Shaheed. "Holiday Hang-Out": 12/20 - 12/23 (week one) 12127 - 12/30 (week two) "Winter Break": 02/22 - 02/25 - Ski Trip "Spring Break": 03/28 - 04/01 - Santa Cruz Trip 4 Day Program 8:30am-5:30pm 6:30am-6:30pm $101 Res/$126 Non-Res $112 Res/$140 Non-Res 2004 Herculean 29 1 TeenNouth Programs BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM, THE. s.P.o.T., WITH TUTORING AVAILABLE! THE SPOT is just the place to be to get help w ith those challenging homework assignments and socialize with your peers in an exhilarating, fun , safe environment Our skillful, trained Homework Spcecialists are there to provide assistance in all areas. In addition to our homework club, a credentialed teacher will provide small group on-site tutoring for an additional fee of $10.00 per session . Th e sessions consist of one hour per week. Staff provides arts & crafts, sports and a variety of activities and events catered exclusively for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Members of this exclusive group will participate and be challenged with various activities: Advanced Homework Assistance Small Group On·site Tutoring (Credentialed Teacher) Sports Activities (Basketball, Volleyball, Coed games, etc.) Arts & Crafts Weekly Clubs (Chess, Music & Dance, Crafts, etc.) Computer Resource Accessibility - Teen Resource Center Local Field Trips, Special Events & Activities Location: Community/Swim Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules Dates: 08124-0611 0 Registration Fee: $40.00 - One Time Fee in addition to the regular monthly bills. 3 Day Program 6:30am-8:30am 7:30am-8:30am Dismissal to 5:30pm Dismissal to 6:30pm $75 Resi$94 Non Res $38 Res/$4 7 Non Res $107 Res/$134 Non Res $171 Res/$214 Non Res 5 Day Program 6:30am-8:30am 7:30am-8:30am Dismissal to 5:30pm Dismissal to 6:30pm $124 Resl$155 Non Res $62 Res/$77 Non Res $178 Resi$223 Non Res $285Resi$356 Non Res 30 Herculean 2004 HERCULES T.Y.c. PRESENTS ..."JUST KICKIN IT" SUMMER TEEN PROGRAM Don't sit at home alone for the summer! Join the active teens of our oommunity at the "Just Kickin It" Hangout Come and enjoy field trips, swimming, open gym, pool table, video games, cooking and much more ... Location: Date: Hours: Fees: Hercules Community Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road 06120/05 - 08/12105 - 8 week program 8:30am - 5:30pm Daily: $9 Resl$1 1 Non-Res Weekly: $40 Res/$45 Non-Res Sizzling Summer Pass: $400 Resl$450 Non-Res For more information please contact Janine Shaheed at (510) 799-8294. Registration location is at the Community/Swim Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road. HERCULES LIBRARY CONNECTION! The City of Hercules has commenced a limited library service that is now available to Hercules residents. Residents are now able to pick up reserved books in the Computer Center, located at the Hercules Community/Swim Center. Library cardholders will have access to library databases, the collection of the County Library system via two new computer terminals; search the Internet and request materials. All requested materials are sent to the Community/Swim Center site for pick up. A new library book drop has now been installed and is open 24 hours outside the Community Center. Look for details about the availability of this exciting new service as they become available on the Contra Costa County Library's home page (www.ccciib.org), on flyers at nearby branch libraries and at the Hercules Swirn Center. For more information, please call the Community/Swim Center at (510) 799-8291. 'Please allow 3·5 business days before picking up books. TeenlYouth Programs NEED HELP WITH PRE-ALGEBRA, CITY OF HERCULES NOW OFFERS ALGEBRA IIII A GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL AND TRIGONOMETRY? TUTORING PROGRAM These classes are designed to meet the needs of school-age students grades 6th - 12th who are in need of advanced math homework assistance. Karen Wang, will provide the tutoring . It will be held 2 hours each session 1 day per week for four weeks. Students are required to take notes during each session, responsible for homework assigned, and given a test ' after each chapter. For more information, please call (51 0) 799-8291. Supply list for each class is as follows: 1. Pencils 2. Erasers 3. Paper 4. Spiral Notebook Instructor: Location: Karen Wang Hercules Community Center/Resource Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road Class Times: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Fees: $120 (4 week sessions - 8 min/15 max students) Pre-Algebra 21608-C Mon 01 /03 -01 /28 21608-D Mon 01 /31 -03/04' ' No Class on 2/21 - 2/25 21608-E Mon 03/07 - 04/08' 'No Class on 3/28 - 4/01 21608-F Mon 04/11 - 05/06 21608-G Mon 05/09 - 06/03 Algebra I 21609-C Tues 01/04-01/28 21609-D Tues 02/01-03/04' 'No Class on 2121 - 2/25 21609-E Tues 03/08 - 04/08' ' No Class on 3128 - 4/01 21609-F Tues 04/12 - 05/06 21609-G Tues 05/10-06/03 Algebra IIrrrigonometry 2161O-C Thur 01/06 - 01 /28 21610-D Thur 02/0 3-03/04' 'No Class on 2121 - 2125 21610-E Thur 03/10 - 04/08' ' No Class on 3/28 - 4/01 21610-F Thur 04/14-05/06 21610-G Thur 05/1 2 - 06/03 This program is designed to meet the needs of school-age students grades 6th - 12th who are in need of advanced homework assistanoe and small group tutoring. Tutoring sessions are one hour, scheduled weekly althe site where your child attends. Small group tutoring will consist of 5 to 10 students maximum. Program availability will be based upon the number of participants. This program is limited to the City of Heroules Children's Program participants. Tutoring fees must be paid prior to your child's attendance. Participants must sign up for a minimum of four (4) sessions. Locations: Heroules Community CenterlResource Center Lupine Child Care, Ohlone Child Care and Hanna Ranch Child Care Class Times: MfTlWfTh -3:00pm -6:00pm (1 hour sessions) Fees: Group:$1 O.OO(One hour, 5 minll 0 max students) Individual: $50.00 (One hour) Sessions: $40 21606-A 21 606-B 21606-C 21606-D 21606-E 21606-f 21606-G 10/18/04 -11 /12/04 11/1 5104 -1211 0/04 01/03105-01/28/05 01131 /05 -03104/05 03107/05 -04/08105 04/11/05 -05I08I05 05/09/05 -06/03105 ONE-ON-ONE COUNSELING In today's busy world, sometimes we lose track of helping our teens plan fortheirfuture and sometimes our teens Ac.,'.mio~C"un,olin. need a place for personal counseling. Starting in December we will be offering one-on-one counseling foryourteen on academic, college and/or personal issues. Locations: Class Times: Fees: Hercules Community CenterlResource Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules Tues or Wed from 3:30pm - 5:30pm (30 min. session) $25.00 -Tentative Schedule (30 min sessions) For more information, please call Janine Shaheed at (510) 799-8294. 2004 Herculean 3 1 TeenNouth Programs TEEN "ALL ACCESS" PASS! The Teen "All Access" Pass, gives teens in grades 9th-12th something to do After-School. Hanging out with peers in a "SAFE" environment participating in activities that may include: Teen Resource Center---which include Computers for homework, video games, pool table, T. V. , arcade games, snack bar, open gym basketball, Fitness Center and aquatics programs. Fees: Available: Time: $30.00 per month NOW! 3:30pm - 5:00pm - MonfTuesfThur/Fri 2:30pm-5:00pm - Wednesday/Minimum Days Location: Hercules Community Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road THE HERCULES T.Y.C. PRESENTS ... AMERICAN RED CROSS BABYSITTING TRAINING The purpose of the American Red Cross Babysitter's Training course is to provide individuals, ages 11 to 15, with the information and and skills necessary to provide safe and responsible care for children in the absenoe of parents or adult guardians. This training will help participants develop skills in leadership and professionalism. The basics are safety, safe play and first aid. Fees: Date: Time: Location: Code: For more information please contact Janine Shaheed at (510) 799-8294. Registration location is at the Community/Swim Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road. $50 Res/$60 Non- ResfTYC Members: $40 January 22, 2005 8:30am -4:00pm (with One Hour Break) Hercules Community Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules 52001-A Registration Deadline is January 5, 2005. For more information, please call the Hercules Community/Swim Center at (510)799-8291 . TYC:S LAKE TAHOE SKI TRIP First, enjoy the fun in the snow at Lake Tahoe! Come join the City of Hercules TeenlYouth Council for a fun-filled day of snow play at Heavenly Ski Resort, Lake Tahoe! For more information regarding ski package prices, please call (510) 799-8294. When: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 Time: 5:30am-6:30pm Registration Deadline: January 15, 2005 Code: 52000-A TYC.'S SPRING BREAK SANTA CRUZ TRIP Why sit at home during Spring Break! Join the Hercules Teen/ Youth Council as they start the Spri ng Break at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Don't miss the fun in the sun! Register now and enjoy your spring break on the boardwalk l Bus leaves the Hercules Swim Center at 10:00am, return at 7:00pm. For more information, please call (510) 799-8294. When: March 30, 2005 Registration Deadline: February 1, 2005 Fees: $60 ResfTYC Members $50 Code: 52002-A 32 Herculean 2004 BATARA'S COOKING CLASS Come sign up now for "Batara's" Culinary Program! Join personal Chef Gary Batara, as he teaches important life skills in the world of cooking I You'll learn basic fundamentals , as well as advanced professional cookery. Classes will be held at the Community/Swim Center Kitchen, located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules. We are currently taking an interest list. Please call to add your name to the list. Fees: $45.00 Materials: $30.00 nme: 4:00pm - 6:00pm For more information please contact Janine Shaheed at (51 0) 799-8294. Registration location is at the Community/Swim Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road. TeenNouth Programs CI1Y OF HERCULES TEEN/ YOUTH COUNCIL The TeenIYouth Council is busy helping with Community Activities and Events. Our active Teens and Youths are demonstrating leadership skills, teamwork through their participation in such events as making presentations and reports to our City Council and Community Service Commission. Some of the current citywide events and projects the TeenIYouth Council are working on are building a TEEN CENTER, The Senior Citizens Pre-Mother Day Luncheon/Fashion Show, TYC Haunted House, Summer Just Kickin' It Leadership/Theatrical/Summer Camp , 27th Annual Cultural Festival, TY.C. Concession Stand, and much more. This successful program recruits active members from the Hercules Middle/High School and Hercules residents. If you enjoy working in your community and are great with making decisions for your peers, this is the program for you. All members must be 6th-12th graders, a resident of Hercules or attending the Hercules Middle/High School. If you are interested in getting to know more about the TeenIYouth Council, you may attend our meetings held at the Hercules TeenIYouth Resource Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road , Hercules, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 3:00pm-4:00pm (during the school year). Due to the popularity of this innovative group, we are currently enlisting City of Hercules teen and youth volunteers. If interested, you can join now and apply for membership for the next term of September 1, 2004 through August 31,2005. The TY.C. will be participating in several events, including: The Senior Citizens and Pre-Mother's Day Luncheon/Fashion Show, the TY.C. Haunted House, Community Clean-up Day, and the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. Applications can be obtained from the Hercules Community/ Swim Center. Please contact Janine Shaheed, TeenIYouth Coordinator at (51 0) 799-8294. INTRODUCING THE OFFICERS OF THE HERCULES TEENIYOUTH COUNCIL... The TeenIYouth Council in-coming new officers for the year 2004-2005 are listed below: President: Itak Moradi Assistant President: Sammy Niua/iku First Vice President: Christine Guiang Second Vice President: Anna Marie Velasquez Treasurer.' Erica Hicks Secretaty: Arielle Palmero Corresponding: Monalisa Ramos TYC Council Assistant: Christine Lazaro '* f?"" :~ .,~ II' ~, ;S' ' ,~ . YOU CAN NOW REGISTER TO BE A MEMBER V .,Ii" Ii<{ ,) *'.,> \* , OF THE HERCULES T EEN/YOUTH COUNCIL (TYC, INC.) YEAR 'ROUND! APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER 2004 Herculean 33 Sports & Fitness Il CO-ED ELEMENTARY BASKETBALL FOR AGES 10-12 The Co-Ed Elementary Basketball Program is designed to teach and improve the basic fundamentals of basketball, with an emphasis on sportsmanship and having fun! The program is created to introduce beginning participants to dribbling, shooting, passing and rebounding skills, as well as improving hand-eye coordination. More experienced players should improve in each of these skills. League fees include the following: a team shirt, coaching staff, practice periods round of league games and playoffs, referees, and awards at the conclusion of the playoffs. The league is open to boys and girls between the ages of 10-12, with beginner to advanced skill levels. Participants must provide a co py of t heir birth certificate at the time of registration. There will be an information meeting to discuss the rules and regulations Friday, January 6, 2005 at 6:30pm at the Community Swim Center. For more information, please call the Sports Coordinator Brandon Ikeda at (510) 799-8295. Tryouts will be held for the (80) eighty players on Monday 01/ 10 & Tuesday 01/11, ofthe participant registered practice time. It will then be decided which practice session of either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday practice session the participant would be placed on. The league needs a minimum enrollment of 32 participants. Practice times are listed below. Most games will be played on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, with each team usually playing one game per week, with the exception of playoff week. Location: Fees: Days: Community/Swim Center $86 Residentl$98 Non-Resident Monday/Wednesday or T uesdayfThursday 41706-A 41706-B 01/10-03/12 01/10-03/12 34 Herculean 2004 4:00pm-5:15pm 5:00pm-6:15pm GIRLS ELEMENTARY BASKETBALL FOR AGES 10-12 The Girls Elementary Basketball Program is designed to teach and improve the basic fundamentals of basketball , with an emphasis on sportsmanship and having fun! The program is created to introduce beginning participants to dribbling, shooting, passing and rebounding skills, as well as improving hand-eye coordination . More experienced players should improve in each of these ski lls. League fees include the following: a team shirt, coaching staff, practice periods, a round of league games and playoffs, referees, and awards at the conclusion of the playoffs. The league is open to girls between the ages of 10-12, with beginnerto advanced skill levels. Participants must provide a copy of their birth certificate at the time of registration. There will be an information meeting to discuss the rules and regulations March 31,2005 at 6:30pm althe Community Swim Center. For more information , please call the Sports Coordinator Brandon Ikeda at (51 0) 799-8295. Tryouts will be held for the (80) eighty players on Monday 04/ 04 & Tuesday 04105, of the participant registered practice time. It will then be decided which practice session of either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday practice session the participant would be placed on. The league needs a min imum enrollment of 32 partiCipants. Practice times are listed below. Most games will be played on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, with each team usually playing one game per week, with the exception of playoff week. Location: Fees: Days: Community/Swim Center $86 Residentl$98 Non-Resident Monday/Wednesday or T uesdayfThursday 11713-A 11713-B 04/04-05/27 04/04-05/27 4 :00pm-5:00pm 5:00pm-6:00pm Sports & Fitness TEEN BASKETBALL LEAGUE 13-16 "EXPANDED HORIZONS" SUMMER BASKETBALL FUN! YEAROLDS The league is open to boys ages 13 to 16 years old with beginner to advanced skill levels. The Teen Basketball program will improve the basic fundamentals of basketball with an emphasis on sportsmanship and having fun! The program is designed to introduce beginning participants to dribbling , shooting, passing and rebounding skills in addition to assisting in the development of hand-eye and running coordination. More experienced players should improve in each of these skills. League fee includes a team shirt, coaching staff, practice periods, league games and referees, and awards at the conclusion of the season. I Tryouts will be held for the (80) eighty players on Monday 06/ 13 & Tuesday 06/14, olthe participant registered practice time. It will then be decided which practice session of either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday practice session the participant would be placed on. Fees: Days: 21706-A 21706-B Community/Swim Center-Gymnasium 2001 Refugio Valley Road $86 Res/$98 Non-Res Monday/Wednesday or TuesdaylThursday 06/13-08/15 4:00pm-5:15pm 06/13-08/15 5:oopm-6:15pm For more information , call the Sports Coordinator Brandon Ikeda at (51 0)799-8295. To Be Announced $75 Res/$80 Non-Res 21715-A Mon-Fri (Co-Ed 9 to 12 years old) Mon-Fri (Co-Ed 5 to 8 years old) 9:00am-12:oopm 9:ooam-12:00pm INDIVIDUAL TENNIS LESSONS I Location: Location: Fee: 21517-C League games will be played on Fridays at 4:00pm and 5:05pm and on Saturdays at 10:45am and 11 :50am with each team normally playing once per week. Playoff games will be played during weekdays. Game days and times may be subject to change. All games will be played at the Hercules Community Center. There will be an informational meeting to discuss the rules and regulations on Friday, June 10,2005 at 6:30pm at the Community/Swim Center. This camp "Expanded Horizons" will provide a comprehensive fundamentals oriented basketball experience! Targeting youths in the Hercules community and immediate areas. Instruction will include drill stations, classroom discussion and later incorporate scrimmages and game situational play. The camp will last five days and be limited to the first 40 participants who sign-up. Participants will be provided with a T-Shirt and a BBQ on the last day of the camp. For more information, please call the Sports Coordinator Brandon Ikeda at (510) 799-8295. All individual lessons must be arranged with the instructor and fees paid at the Hercules Community/Swim Center. The beginning level stresses instruction in the basic strokes: forehand , backhand, volley, overhand and serve. At the intermediate level, stroke improvement is still stressed and an added emphasis is placed on instruction and drills related to ball direction, court coverage, and keeping the ball in play. A minimum of four (4) classes is required in order to enroll in individual tennis lessons Location: Fees: Refugio Valley Tennis Courts $25 per 30 minute lesson/$30 Non-Res $45 per 60 minute lesson/ $50 Non-Res 11710-A Sat/Sun DateslTimes TBA 2004 Herculean 35 Sports & Fitness 5 Pee-Wee Tennis is a comprehensive program designed to introduce children ages 4-6 to the game of tennis in a fun and rewarding way. By tailoring the equipment and size of the playing courts to the size, needs and athletic ability of children, the Pee-Wee Tennis program allows to learn the sport quickly and to have fun. Every element olthe Pee-Wee Tennis program has been created specifically for small players, from the court to the 21 inch rackets and the foam balls . Students must provide their own 21 inch racket. A minimum of 3 participants must be enro lled in o rder fo r th e lesson to run. For more information, please call Brandon Ikeda, Sports Coordinator, at (510) 799-S295. 02/22-03/15 03/22-04/12 04/19-05/10 05117-06/07 06/14-07/05 07/12-0S/02 08/09-0S/30 09/06-09/27 10/04-1025 11705-A 11705-B 11705-C 11705-0 11705-E 11705-F 11705-G 11705-H 11705-1 Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Location: Fees: Refugio Valley Tennis Courts $40 Res/$45 Non-Res (fee covers four lessons) 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm 3:00pm-3:30pm TENNI S CAMP Lessons at several levels will be offered by long time local teaching pro Amado Lozano. The beginning level stresses instruction in the basic strokes: forehand , backhand, volley, overhand and serve. At the intermediate level , stroke improvement is still stressed and an added emphasis is placed on instruction and drills related to ball direction, court coverage, and keeping the ball in play. Students will play points and matches against one another, discuss conditioning and the potential for entering toumaments. For more information, please call Brandon Ikeda, Sports Coordinator, at (510) 799-S295. Location: Fees: Oates: Ages: Refugio Valley Tennis Courts $65 Res/$70 Non-Res 06/13-06/17 7 -14 years old 24444-A Mon-Fri 36 Herculean 2004 2:30pm-4:30pm Lessons at several levels will be offered by long time local teaching pro Amad o Lozano. Students will play pOints and matches against one another, discuss conditioning and the potential for en tering tournaments. A min im um of 3 participants must be enro lled for the lesson to run . For more information , please c all B randon Ikeda , Sports Coordinator, at (51 0) 799-8295. Location: Fees: Refugio Valley Tennis Courts $50 Res/S55 Non-Res (fee covers four lessons) Beginner (Ages 7-14) 02f21-D3/14 3:00pm-4:00pm 11701-A Mon 11701-B 3:00pm-4:00pm Mon 03l21 -D4/11 Mon 04/18-05/09 3:00pm-4:00pm 11701-C Mon 05116-06106 3:00pm-4:00pm 11701-0 11701-E Mon 06113-07/04 3:00pm-4:00pm 11701 -F Mon 07/11-08101 3:00pm-4:00pm 11701-G OMJ8.OO/29 3:00pm-4:00pm Mon 11701-H 09.U5-D9/26 3:00pm-4:00pm Mon 11701-1 Mon 1~10/24 3:00pm-4:00pm (Ages 14 and up) 11702-A 02f21 -D3I14 4:00pm-5:00pm Mon 11702-B 4:00pm-5:00pm Mon 03/21-D4111 11702-C 4:00pm-5:00pm Mon 04/18-D5I09 11702-0 4:00pm-5:00pm 05116-06106 Mon 11702-E 4:00pm-5:00pm 06113-07/04 Mon 11702-F 07111-0810 1 4:00pm-5:00pm Mon 4:00pm-5:00pm 11702-G Mon OMJ8.OO/29 11702-H 09.U5-D9126 4:00pm-5:00pm Mon 11702-1 4:00pm-5:00pm Mon 1~10124 Intermediate (All ages) 02l22-D3/15 3:30pm-4:30pm 11703-A Tues 03l22-D411 2 3:30pm-4:30pm 11703-B Tues 3:30pm-4:30pm 11703-C Tues 04/19-D5/10 11703-0 3:30pm-4:30pm Tues 05I17-D&J7 11703-E 3:30pm-4:30pm Tues 06I14-D7105 07112-08102 3:30pm-4:30pm 11703-F Tues 3:30pm-4:30pm 11703-G 0Ml9-08I30 Tues 09l06-00I27 3:30pm-4:30pm 11703-H Tues 3:30pm-4:30pm 11703-1 Tues 10104-10125 Advanced (All ages) 4:30pm-5:30pm 11704-A Tues 02l22-D3I1 5 03/22-D4/12 4 :30pm-5:30pm 11704-B Tues 4 :30pm-5:30pm 11704-C 04/19-D5I10 Tues 11704-0 05/17-06/07 4 :30pm-5:30pm Tues 4:30pm-5:30pm 11704-E Tues 06/14-D7/05 4:30pm-5:30pm 11704-F Tues 07/1 2-DS/02 11704-G 4 :30pm-5:30pm Tues OS/09-DS/30 4:30pm-5:30pm 09/06-D9/27 11704-H Tues 10/04-10/25 4:30pm-5:30pm 11704-1 Tues Sports & Fitness MEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUES MONDAY NIGHT'D' LEAGUE CO-ED SOFTBALL LEAGUES TUESDAY NIGHT 'D' LEAGUE The Hercules Recreation and Community Services Department will be forming it's annual Summer Softball League. The Men's '0' Softball League is designed for men ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 16, with a minimum of 12 players. The Hercules Recreation and Community Services Department will be forming its Annual Summer Softball League. The COED '0' Softball League is designed for men & women ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 16, with a minimum of 12 players. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rules regarding what constitutes a '0' level team will apply. All umpires will be USSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts for the champions of the playoffs and trophies for 1" place finishers during regular season play. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rules regarding what constitutes a CO-ED '0' level team will apply. All umpires will be USSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts for the cihampions of the playoffs and trophies for 1" place finishers during regular season play. There must be a minimum offour (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on May 13, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Communityl Swim Center, located at 2001 Refugio Valley Road. Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Coordinator Brandon Ikeda at 7998295. Deadline for fees and rosters, no later than May 9, 2005. There must be a minimum offour (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on May 13, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Communityl Swim Center, located at2001 Refugio Valley Road. Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Coordinator Brandon Ikeda at 7998295. Deadline for fee and team rosters are due no later than MAY 9, 2005! Locations: Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Road and Hanna Park, 2480 Refugio Valley Rd Game Locations: Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Hanna Park, 2480 Refugio Valley Rd Times: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m . Game Times: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. 21708-A Mon. 21708-C Tues. Fee: $525 perteam, plus an additional $5 fee for each non-resident player. 05/23-08108 Fee: 05/24-08/09 $525 team plus an additional $5 fee for each non-resident player on each team. 2004 Herculean 37 Sports & Fitness MEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUES WEDNESDAY NIGHT 'D' LEAGUE CO-ED SOFTBALL LEAGUES THURSDAY NIGHT 'D' LEAGUE The Hercules Recreation and Community Services Department will be forming it's annual Summer Softball League. The Men's '0' Softball League is designed for men ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 16, with a minimum of 12 players. The Hercules Recreation and Community Services Department will be fonming it's annual Summer Softball Le ague . The COED '0' Softball League is designed for men & women ages 18 and older. Participants must register as a complete team and must have a team roster when submitting registration fee. Maximum roster size is 16, with a minimum of12 players. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rules reg arding w hat oonstitutes a '0 ' level team will apply. All umpires will be USSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts for the champions of the playoffs and trophies for 1" place finishers during regular season play. The league is sanctioned by the United States Slow-Pitch Softball Association and USSSA rules regarding w hat constitutes a CO-ED '0' level team will apply. All umpires will be USSSA certified. League fees includes staff, two rounds of league games, single game elimination playoffs (top four teams make playoffs), umpires, shirts for the champions ofthe playoffs and trophies for 1" place finishers during regular season play. Th ere must be a minimum offour (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on May 13, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Communityl Swim Center, located at2001 Refugio Valley Road. Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Coordinator at 799-8295. Deadline for fee and team rosters are due no later than May 9, 2005! There must be a minimum offour (4) teams to run the league with a maximum of six (6) teams total. Rules and schedules will be discussed at the managers' meeting on May 13, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Community/ Swim Center, located at2001 Refugio Valley Road. Individual players are encouraged to sign up on the players interest list for possible placement on teams. For more information call the Sports League Manager at 799-8295. Deadline for fee and team rosters are due no later than May 9, 2005! Locations: Locations: Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Hanna Park, 2480 Refugio Va lley Rd Times: 7:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. 21708-0 Thurs. Fee: $525 resident team - Th ere is an add itional $5 fee for each non-resident player on each team. Woodfield Park, 1919 Lupine Hanna Park, 2480 Refugio Valley Rd Times: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. 21708-8 Wed. Fee: $525 per team - There is an additional $5 fee for each non-resident player on each team. 38 Herculean 2004 OS/26-08/11 OS/25-08/10 Sports & Fitness J AZZERCISE CLASS YOUTH & ADULT TABLE TENNIS Jazzercise is a total body-conditioning program designed for everyone at every fitness level. Each 60 minute class of easy to follow fun choreography includes a gentle warm-up, 30-35 minute aerobic workout, muscle toning and strengthening segment with weights, and a stretch fin ale. The great cardiovascular workout with resistance training and stretchi ng will increase your muscle tone, flexibility, balance, strength and endurance. The routines are choreographed to today's hottest music including Top 40, jazz, country, funk and classics. This program is designed to provide competitive table tennis action for all youth/adults who want to improve their knowledge and skill of the game. The tennis tables used are approved by the U.S . Table TennisAssociation and the International Table Tennis Federation. Join the crowd for this exciting program for an annual membership fee and drop-in pass. For more infomnation, please call Brandon Ikeda, Spcrts Coordinator, at (510)799-8295. Location: Ohlone Community Center, 190 Turquoise 51708 Instructor: Location : Days: Kimberly Moffatt (510) 724-7809 Community/Swim Center Man, Tues, Wed, Thurs 6:30pm Sat & Sun 9am Fees*: $10 Walk-in (good for one class visit) Accept both Visa and Mastercard $72 1 6-Week Pass $40 1 month EFT or Easy Fitness Ticket Call for New Customer Special! Classes designed for ALL fitness levels CI1Y OF HERCULES 9-HOLE GOLF LEAGUE The length of the league will be determined by the number of teams that sign up. All participants must have an established NCGA handicap. If players do not have a handicap, one w ill be assigned, and adjusted. Sign up at the Hercules Community/Swim Center, 2001 Refu gio Valley Road. A minimum of 8 two player teams and a maximum of 16 two player teams per night. For more infonmation please call the Sports Coordinator Brandon Ikeda at (51 0) 799-8295. Applications are available at the Community/Swim Center. Deadline for rosters and fees is June 1,2005. Location: Franklin Canyon Golf Course Highway 4 Hercules, CA 94547 Entry Fees: *$200 Per Team, paid in advance Green Fees: *$10 per person to walk *$15 per person to ride 06/1 5-08103 Wed Early Tee TIme 4:30p-4:54p 21888-B 06/15-08103 Wed Late Tee Time 5:00p-5:26p 21888-C 'FEES MAY CHANGE Fri 7:00pm-10:00pm Sat 1O:OOam- 4:00pm Play is supervised by registered volunteers ofthe Hercules Table Tennis Program. Fees: Annual Adult Membership: Drop-in 20 Pass Fee: Ages 19 & up $20 Res/$23 Non-Res $30 Res/$32 Non-Res Ages 6 to 18 Annual Youth Membership: $10 res/$12 non-res Drop-in 20 Pass Fee: $20 Jr. Pass Ages 6-12 $25 Teen Pass Ages 13-18 Annual Family Membership: 2nd member and up Adult: $10 Res/12 Non-Res Youth: $5 Res/$6 Non-Res Fees must be paid at the Community/Swim Center. Each participant must bring his/her recei pt to Ohlone Community Center. OPEN GYM PASSES The City of Hercules Community/Swim Center Complex has open gym passes available for residents and nonresidents. Resident passes allow participants to enter the facility at a reduced cost per entry, while the nonresident passes are for oonvenience only and are set at the regular drop-in rate. Open Gym Passes are valid th ro ughout th e year. For more information, please call Brandon Ikeda, Sports Coordinator, at (510)799-8295. Dynamite Pass 10 visits Adult $29 Res/$35 Non-Res Youth $17 Res/$23 Non-Res Avid Athlete 25 visits Adult $58 Resl$86 Non-Res Youth $43 Resl$58 Non-Res 2004 Hercul ean 39 Sports & Fitness TENNIS FACILITIES AVAILABLE! Tennis Court Rules and Regulations signs are posted at all City tennis facilities. These tennis facilities are available to the public by rental permit or on a first-come, first-serve basis. Hours and Fees Refugio Valley Tennis Complex: Refugio Valley Road & Pheasant Drive Weekday $5 Res/$6 Non-Res per hour/per court Weekend $7 Res/$8 Non-Res per hour/per court Except Mondays & Tuesdays from 3 to 7 pm and Saturdays 3 to 5 pm for City Lessons Foxboro Tennis Courts: 1025 Canterbury Daily 7 a.m. to dusk Woodfield Tennis Courts: 1919 Lupine Daily 7 a.m. to dusk Tennis Court Reservations Tennis court reservations are available to Hercules residents only; there is a one-hour minimum on all tennis court facilities. Reservations are accepted at the Community/Swim Center, 2001 Refugio Valley Road. For more information, please call (510) 799-8295. Tournament Play: Recognized Community Organization $6/hour/court Private Organizations $14 Res/$17 Non-Res perhour/oourt Commercial Use $15 per hour/court Court Rules And Regulations: 1. Tenn is shoes must be worn 2. Courts are available on a first come, first serve basis or by reservation 3. Drop-in play is limited to one hour and fifteen minutes 4. Waiting players must be present to hold position for play 5. Court reservations pre-empt non-reserved oourt play 6. City sponsored programs have priority 7. No food on tennis courts 8. No bike riding, roller skating or skateboarding on tennis courts 9. City sponsored lessons ONLY, no public instruction. 10. Tennis Tournaments by permit ONLY! 11. Tennis Court Rules And Regulations Will Be Enforced 12. No alcoholic beverages allowed at any park or courts. Call 799-8291 for further information. 40 Herculean 2004 HERCULES FITNESS CENTER The City of Hercules Community/Swim Center welcomes you to our Fitness Center! Our center is oonveniently located at the Hercules Community/Swim Center, and is available for both residents and non-residents. Our fitness center has a variety of equipment such as: o o o o 2 Treadmills 2 Cross Trainers 2Bikes 1 Stairmaster o o o o o o o Smith Machine InclinelDecline Benches Dumbell Set ( 5 - 75 1bs.) Lat Pulldmvnl Rmv Combo Leg Ext/Curl Combo BicepfTricep Combo Multi-Press Machine You have the option of payWlg a daily drop-in rate or purchasing a 10 or 25 visit pass. These passes allow participants to enter the facility at a reduced cost per entry, while the nonresident passes are for convenience only and are set at the regular drop-in rate. Fitness Center Passes are valid throughout the year. For more infrnmation, please call (510) 799-8291. Dynamite Pass 10 visits AduH S29 Resl$35 Non-Res Youth S17 Resl$23 Non-Res Drop-in Rates: AduHS3.50 Res/$4 Non-Res Youth 82.50 Res/$3 Non-Res Avid Athlete 25 visits Adult S58 Res/S86 Non-Res Youth 843 Resl$58 Non-Res Location: Hours: Hercules Community/Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 10:00pm Friday -1 0:00am - 5:00pm Saturday - 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday - CLOSED Sports & Fitness ADULT OPEN GYM BASKETBALL/VOLLEYBALL Open gym periods are ongoing. Players, beginners to advanced, are encouraged to drop in. Come on dow n for an energetic game of Basketball or Volleyball!! Location: Fee: Gy mnasium, 2001 Refugio Valley Road $3.50 Res/$4 Non-Res per adult $2.50 Res/$3 Non-Res per youth Adult Open Gym Basketball Mon Adult B'ball 7:45-10:00 pm 16yrs&up Thu Adult B'ball 7:45-10:00 pm 16yrs&up Adult Open Gym Volley ball Tues Adult V'Ball 7:45-10:00 pm 16 yrs & up Youth Open Gym Basketball *Mon-Fri Youth B'ball 2:30pm-4:00pm 9-16 yrs (SCHOOL SESSION TIME ON Ly) *Mon-Fri Youth B'ball 11 :00am-4:00 pm 9-16 yrs (SUMMER TIME ON LY) BASEBALL! SOCCER FIELD RESERVA TrONS Hanna Ranch Park Baseball Or Soccer Field Corner of RefugioValley Road and Sycamore Avenue $7 per hour Resident $14 Non-Resident Woodfield Park Baseball Or Soccer Field 1991 Lupine Road $7 per hour Resident $14 Non-Resident Ohlone Park Baseball Or Soccer Field 190 Turquoise Drive $7 per hour Resident $14 Non-Resident Please call (510) 799-8291 for reservation information. GYMNASIUM FOR RENT Now you can rent the Community/Swim Center Gymnasium for Basketball or Volleyball practices, games andlor business recreational games! The gym is available on a limited basis. Reservations will only be accepted with a completed application and payment for the hours rented. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age. All contact rega rding the reservations, fees, rental time and on site coordination will be arranged with the original applicant only. An attendant will be present during the entire event. Adult supervision is required by applicant during the event. Applicants interested in renting the gym are encouraged to view the facility prior to renting. The gym has a maximum capacity of 100 persons for a sports event. *Standard rental includes the main room with two (2) portable basketball units or two (2) volleyball units, portable bleachers and indoor bathroom. Advanced Payment Required Fees: (Two hour minimum) $25.00 (Non-Refundable) Booking Fee: Deposit: $1 00.00 (Refundable) One day rental $58 Res/$69 Non-Res per hour 3 or more days $35 Res/$46 Non-Res per hour For more information , please call (510) 799-8291. Attention local businesses!! The gymnasium is now available for public use for either Volleyball or Basketball, Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. 2004 Herculean 4 J Aquatics PUBLIC SWIM The Hercules Swim Center is open to the public for playing, working DAYS, DATES, & TIMES FOR PUBLIC SWIM: out, diving, or lounging around the pool side in a beautiful outdoor setting. The Hercules Aquatic staff are certified by the American Red Weekday Fees: S3 Res1S4 Noo-ResAduHs (18 & older) $2 Res/S3 Non-Res Youths (1- 17 years) 52 ReslS3 Non-Res on-Swi mmers/ SpectatOfS Free for Ctvk1ren Under 1 year Weekend Fees: S4 ResiS5 Non-Res Adults (18 & older) S3 RE!SISd Noo-Res Youths (1-17 years) S3 RE!SISd on-Res Non-Swimmers/ Cross and are fully trained in the supervision of aquatic activities, lifeguard training, first aid , CPR, and rescue situations. We ask that all participants of the public swim sessions be fully knowledgeable about our pool rules as 100ted below: '" All entries to the pool and deck areas must be paid admissions, including non swimmers and chaperons. SpectatOfS Public Swim schedule: '" Children, 9 years and under, must be accompanied by an adult at least sixteen years or older. SaVSun 05.'2 -D6J12 Mon-Fn 0&13-00119 oe.' 6-09125 SaVSun • There is a fifteen (15) minute rest period on all weekend public swim sessions from 3:45 to 4:00 p.m. All partidpants under the age 1 :30pm-4:30pm 1 :30pm-4:00pm 1 :30pm-6:00pm of eighteen are required to exit the water area and remain on the lawn or deck area. SWIM PASSES '" Flotation devices such as inner tubes, water wings, noodles, air mattresses, etc. are not permitted in the pool areas. Only Coast Guard approved flotation devices are allowed with adult supervision. Dynamite Pass: (10 visits) * Full face masks, snorkels, and diving fins are not permitted in the pool areas. Frequent! AddI. 562_50 res Swimmer: Ycx...1h 'S37.50 res AcMl 525 res $30 non-res res $20 non-res Youth S 15 $75 non-res $50 non-res (25 visits) * Diving toys, coins, water guns, etc. are not permitted in the pool areas. Capacity Days - On extremely t-ot days we antiCipate reaching maximum capadty at which ih2 pool wi! be closed for the remainder of the day. On hot days we ern::ua;JE residents to come to the swim * Picnics are permitted around the deck/lawn areas, however, all items must be kept away from the pool side. No glass, breakable containers, alcoholic beverages. You can NOT bring your own Barbecues to the pool. 1 * Public swim sessions are subject to early closure after the first hour of operation due to poor weather and/or if attendance drops below 25 participants. There are no refunds for canceled swim sessions. * Proper swim attire is required. No cutoffs and/or leotards or street dothing. '" Pool rules are posted on the deck areas surrounding the pool areas and are necessary for the safety of all participants. Participants must obey posted rules and oral instructions from Aquatic Staff at all times. • It is requested that patrons be sensitive to the needs of parents to change their young children of the opposite sex in the locker room areas. • No photographic equipment permitted. * Swim Diapers Required! center early, in order to insure adrri.tIance. Parties who are not registered with the swim centEr wi! no! be allowed to admit guests after we dose our doors. We 'WI rot ano.-I patrons to re-enter the facility onoe the doors have dcsed_ Attendance Policy - The swim centEr wi! remain open for the first hour of public swim operation. tf ars the fr"st hour of operation the attendance has not reached 2'5 pamJnS the public swim session will dose. If at any time during the pU:::k swim session the attendance drops below 25 patrons, the pool wi! dose. ' Refunds will not be given if the pool closes because lad< of _ndance. Bathing Suit Policy - Only patrons ~ appropIiate bathing SUIT attire will be admitted into the facility. We do no! aIow patrons to swim in jeans, cutoffs, t-shirts, undergarments. e9:. Please ask the cashier if you have any questions on your swimming attire before entering the facility. All children under the age of 4 are required to wear swimming diapers. children under the age of 4 will no! be admitted into the pool without a swimming diaper. ""Refunds will not be given to patrons who are not wearing appropriate swim attire. Weather ConditiO/lS/Liqhtninq -If lightning is spotted, the swim oenter will be closed immediately! 42 Herculean 2004 Aquatics WA TER EXERCISE Location: Main Pool-Community/Swim Center Fees: $30 Annual USMS Membership Fee Coach: Anita Roger-Fields *Must be 19 years or older to joinl Fees: $75 per month(includes use offrtness center) Drop-ins: $10 Res/$15 Non-Res Dates: November 15, 2004 - November 11,20051 - Monthly Registration required - Fees due at 1st of each month. 2004-2005 Season Hours:(Please call for times, may vary) 11 /15/04-06/10/05 Mon-Fri 11:30am-1 :OOpm 06/13/05 -11 /11 /05 Mon-Fri 12:00pm-1 :15pm 'Masters swimmers can swim during all lap swim hours . •A minimum of 15 participants must pre-register for the program to run. Refer to evening lap swim schedule for evening swim times. 1 year membership - Pay 1st and last months dues at $130, and get the other months for only $65! Fees due on the 1st of each month. LAP SWIMMING Fee: $3 ResJ$4 Non-Res Adults (18 years and up) $2 Res/$3 Non-Res Youth (14-17 years) $2 ResJ$3 Non-Res Seniors (55 and up) or $75 per month - includes use of Fitness Center 2005 Summer Schedule: Man - Fri 06/13 - 08/26 12:00pm-1 :15pm 06113 - 08/26 8:00pm - 9:00pm MrrlTh/Fri 05/21 - 09/25 12:15pm-1:15pm Sat/Sun 'Closed for lapswim on Wednesday evenings! 2005 FalllWinter Schedule: (Times may vary, please call) Mon-Fri 11 :30am-1 :OOpm Mrrrrh/F 6:30pm-8:30pm Wed 5:30pm-7:30pm WINTER COMPETITIVE LESSONS Location: Fees: Coach: Community Center - Main Pool $200 Res/$225 Non-Res (For 10 Weeks) Scott Marchetti Are your looking for an alternative to high impact aerobics and stair stepping? Or just looking for a healthy form of exercise? Well, this is the class for you! This specialty ccurse is ideal for therapy patients, elderly, and fitness buffs! The Water Exercise program follows sound exercise principles while using water resistance to improve your cardiovascular system, tone muscles, and burn fat. The course is designed for different fitness levels and movement abilities, using a wide range of musical tempos. Males and females are enccuraged to participate, and swimming skills are not necessary.A minimum of 12 students need to preregister in order for class to run! Passes may be purchased from the main office: (510) 799-8291 . ~J _ ---~ Currently we are taking names for interest list. If interested please call (510) 799-8229. ARE YOU A WATER AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR LOOKING TO TEACH A CLASS? IF SO, PLEASE CALL (510) 799-8229. EAST BAY SILVER DOLPHINS This is a Year-Round Swim Team. The East Bay Silver Dolphins (EBSD) is a USA Swimming Competitive Swim Team dedicated to fostering a love for swimming and providing a positive and challenging environment for growth to all levels of athletes from the East Bay. For more information, please call (510) 799-8229. Pre-Team Fees: $40/month (Limit 3 mol 4: 15pm - 5:30pm Group Fees: $70/month 5:00pm - 6:30pm (7:00pm) Group Fees: $80/month Sibling Disccunt: $20 - per month for each additional swimmer (except for Pre-Team) 21004A-L 20913-C 09/06-11/11 Times depend on level. All swimmers must be approved by coach before registration. For more information, please call (510)799-8229. Mon-Fri aJf. ~ ~ . . Cc "'-' ;' ' -'- ":i~" ~. , - " :;;i;: ", . ''' ~. ',- 2004 Herculean 43 Aquatics SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING COMPETITIVE SWIMMING LESSONS WITH SCOTT! Looking for something fun and exciting? Are you interested in teaming how to synchronize swim? These lessons are designed to make swimming fun, while teaching more advanced stroke techniques, starts and turns for each stroke, and racing strategies. Parents and swimmers will also be provided with literature on weight training and yearround exercise that can help the students improve their swimming even out of the water. Swimmers will also prepare for the upcoming swim team season beginning in May 2005. Prerequisite: Must have basic swimming skills Eva[uation by coach required for first time swimmers! Head Coach: Scott Marchetti Fee: Week 1: Week 2: Location: $46 Res/$56 Non-Res 04/04 - 04/15 04/18 - 04/29 Community Swim Center 2001 Refugio Valley Road We are gathering an interest list on this class, if you are interested in signing up, please call (510) 799-8229. DIVING CLASS I Come [earn to dive! Classes for beginners and advanced available' Formoreinfonnation, please call (510) 799-8229. Or register online at www.ci.hercules.ca.us Fee: Location: $72 ReslS82 Noo-Res Community Swim Center Summer Schedule 2005 Dates and Times: To Be Anoounced. Please call for more information. For more information, please call (510) 799-8229. WANT TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY WATER POLO? [f you are interested in some day joining the high school water polo team, but want to team the ropes before you do so? Here is your chance? We are offering a Water Polo class for beginners and intermediate players looking to gain some knowledge about the sport. Prerequisite: Leve[ [V Swimming ability. Eva[uation by coach required for first time swimmers! Coach: Wayne Manue[pi[[ai Dates: Fall 2005 - September - October Times: 7:30pm - 8:30pm Fees: $75 Resi$85 Non-Res For information, please call (510) 799-8229. 44 Hercul ean 2004 WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR COURSE This course wil[ train to teach the American Red Cross Swimming Courses. Future instructors will [earn how to use course materials, develop lesson plans, condu ct classes, evaluate students, and complete course records. Prerequisites-17 years of age by the end of the course, demonstrate level IV swimming ability. Pass a pre-course written and water safety skills test Instructor: Fee: Anita Roger-Fields $125 Resi$ 135 Non-Res Spring/Fall Dates To Be Announced 20907-8 Dates and times may vary (Schedule given on first day of class) Aquatics MORNING INDIVIDUAL LESSONS Registration start date: April 4, 2005! The Individual Lesson program is designed lor students ages lour (4) years and up. The Individual Lesson program should be ulilized as a supplement to group/adult lessons when a student is experiencing difficulty with a particularskill, or il you are just lookinglor one-<ln-one instruction. The Individual Lessons are composed ollour, 1/2 hour classes, MondayfTuesday & Thursday/Friday. Preregistration is mandatory lor all individual sessions. We strongly encourage early registration due to the limited number 01 available time offerings, and due to the extreme popularityol this program option. Location: Main Pool & Play Pool Fee: $52 resi$62 non-res lime: 12:00am-12:30 pm(5 max) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4' Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10 ' Prorated 27033-A 27041-A 27043-A 27051-A 27053-A 27061-A 27063-A 27071-A 27073-A 27081-A 06/13-06/17 06/20-06124 06/27-07/01 07105-07108 07/1 1-07/15 07118-07122 07125-07129 08/01-08105 08108-08112 08/12-08/19 EVENING INDIVIDUAL LESSONS Registration start date: April 4, 2005! The Individual Lesson program is designed lor students ages lour (4) years and up. The Individual Lesson program should be utilized as a supplement to group/adult lessons when a student is experiencing difficulty with a particularskill, or ilyou are justlookinglorone-on-one instruction. The Individual Lessons are composed offour, 1/2 hour classes, MondayfTuesday & Thursdayl Friday. Pre-registration is mandatory for all individual sessions. We strongly encourage early registration due to the limited number 01 available time offerings, and due to the extreme popularity ofthis program option. The Individual Lesson times do fill to capacity within the first lew months 01 registration. 1200pm-12:30pm 12:00pm-12:30pm , Location: 12:00pm-12: 30pm Fee: 12:00pm-12:30pm limes: 12:00pm-1230pm 12:00pm-12:30pm 1200pm-12 30pm Evening 12:00pm-12:30pm 1 Session 12:00pm-12:30pm 2 Session 12:00pm-1 2:3Opm Session 3 Session 4' Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Registration start date: May 2, 2005!TheAdu~Lesson proJra11isdesigned Session 8 forstuientsagesthirteen(13)andup,whowculdlikesomeacXJilinJS'Mrrmirg Session 9 instruction withoulthe hustle and bustleolsmall children. TheAdu~ Lessons Session 10 are designed to have a maximum enrollmentol soc (6) students perdass in ' Prorated order to provide increased instruction time by each instructor. This lesson Session 1 program is KJeal loradulls olall ages who neverleamed to swim orwho may Session 2 have a limITed aquatic badkground. TheAdurrsessKlnS will be composed 01 Session 3 eight, 1/2 hour classes, andwill be held over a two week period; Mondayl Session 4 Tuesday &Thursday/Friday (4-daysperweek). Pre-registiation s mandatory Session 5 lorall adurr dasses and we encourage early registration due to the popularity Session 6 oltheaduIT lessonprogram. The regSiration deadline for edu~ lessons s the Session 7 Friday preoeding each sesskln, at 5:00pm. Latesign-ups are subjecllo alate Session 8 Session 9 leeol$5. Session 10 'Prorated Location: Main Pcol ADULT LESSONS Fee: $55 resl$6O non-res Levels &Times: All Levels 6:00pm-6:30pm Session 1: CEl13-06124 28011-A Session 2: 06127-07/08 (prorate) 28021-A Session 3: 07/11-07122 28031-A Session 4: 07125-0&'05 28041-A Session 5: 08f08.08I19 28051-A Main Pool & Play Pool $52 Resi$62 Non-Res 6:00pm-6:30pm (max c!. 5) & 7:30pm-8:00pm (max ct. 3) 27033-8 27041-8 27043-8 27051-8 27053-8 27061-8 27063-8 27071-8 27073-8 27081-8 06113-06/17 06120-06124 06127-07/01 07/05-07/08 07111-07/15 07/18-07122 07/25-07/29 08101-08/05 08108-08/12 08112-08119 6:00pm-6:30pm 6:00pnn-6:30pm 6:00pm-6:3Opm 6:00pnn-6:30pm 6:00pnn-6:30pm 6:00pnn-6:30pm 6:OOpnn-630pm 6:00pnn-6:30pm 6:00pnn-6:30pm 6:OOpnn-6:30pm 27033-C 27041-C 27043-C 27051-C 27053-C 27061-C 27063-C 27071-C 27073-C 27081-C 06113-06/17 06120-06124 06127-07101 07/05-07/08 07/11-07/15 07/18-07122 07125-07129 08/01-08105 08/08-08112 08112-08/19 7:30pnn-8:00pm 7:30pnn-6:00pm 7:30pnn-6:00pm' 7:3Opm-8:00pm 7:30pnn-6:00pm 7:30pnn-6:00pm 7:30pnn-6:00pm 7:30pm-8:00pm 7:30pm-8:00pm 7:30pm-8:00pm ' A WAITLIST IS AVAlLA8LE FOR EACH CLASS, PLEASE ASK WHEN REGISTERING IF CLASSES ARE FULL. 2004 Herculean 45 Aquatics SWIM INSTRUCTION LEVELS FOR ALL AGES Are you or your fami ly members fearful of the water? Can't coordinate breathing with arm strokes? Or are you wanting to brush up on skills and leam new techniques? The Hercules Aquatics Staff are caring and experienced water safety instructors who will teach basic to advanced level swimming skills to all members of your family. The Hercules Learn to Swim program is based on the American Red Cross certification standards for progressive swim instruction. Each level of swim instruction builds on the skills learned in the previous level. Below are the various levels offered and the skills associated with each level. Levell Water Exploration No Prerequisite needed Level one is designed for those who have little to no experience in the water. The objective is to assist students in becoming ccmfortable and safer in the water. Students will learn to blow bubbles, submerge their face, Hoat on front and back with support, kick on front and back with support, learn basic water safety skills, and be introduced to alternating arm action. Levelll Primary SkiJIs Pre-Requisite: Levell or Demonstrated Competency Level IV Stroke Development Pre-Requisite: Level III or Demonstrated Competency Students will develop coordination and endurance in the front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, and treading water. Students will also be introduced to the breaststroke, sidestroke, and to turning at the wall. Students will team to dive from standing and stride position on the side of the pool, in addition to more safety skills including expanded information on rescue breathing. Level V Stroke Refinement Pre-Requisite: Level IV or Demonstrated Competency Students will continue to develop endurance and refine the front crawl, back crawl , elementary backstroke, breaststroke, and sidestroke. Students will also be introduced to the butterfly, underwater swimming, and surface dives. Students will learn additional open swim tums, a~ernate kicks for treading water, rules for safe diving from the springboard, and recognition for spinal injury care. Level VI SkiJI Proficiency Pre-Requisite: Level V or Demonstrated Competency Students will ccntinue to increase endurance and refine the front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. Students will learn approach strokes, the frontftip tum, speed turns, the approach and hurdle on the springboard, surface dives in tuck and pike positions, and additional kicks for treading water. Additional water safety skills will also be included . Students wili leam to fioat unsupported, to kick and cocrdinate arm movements on front and back unsupported, to turn over from front to back and back to front , to retrieve underwater objects at shallow depths, rhythmic breathing, and water safety skills. What do I do when I have completed Level VI? We strongly encourage children who pass Level VI to join one of our swim teams: Levellll Stroke Readiness Pre-Requisite: Level II or Demonstrated Competency 1. East Bay Silver Dolphins (Year round USS team) or; 2. Hercules Pirahnas (Summer only) Students will learn to coordinate the front and back crawl, be introduced to treading water and elementary backstroke, learn to dive from the side of the pool, learn safe diving ru les, learn self-rescue skills, and be introduced to rescue breathing. 46 Herculean 2004 Aquatics GROUP LESSONS NEW REGISTRA TION POLICY The group lesson program is designed for students ages four (4) years and up. The group sessions are composed of eight classes, and will be held over a two week period; Monday/ Tuesday & Thursday/Friday (4 days/week). Classes for Levels I, II , III are 1/2 hour in duration and Levels IV to VII are 45 minutes in order to provide adequate instruction and practice for the advanced swim skills. ' Parents are encouraged to ask instructor of the childs level status the Thursday before the last class. Group Swim Lesson Registration 2004-05! Attention! New registration policy: We wil l be taking registrations only during designated weeks. A $5 fee will be applied to all applicants registering late. Please call to find out if spots are available before coming down to the swim center' Below are the registration dates and weeks: Priority Registration - Residents Only: 05/02 - 05/06 Office Hours: Mon-Thur 10:00am-6:00pmlFri 10:00am-5:00pm. Residents only are welcome to enroll their youth in sessions Hi. Open Registration - Non-Res/Res: OS/23 - OS/27 Residents and non-residents can enroll for sessions 1-3 only. Late Registration Dates: Session 1: OS/27 , 05/30' Session 2: 06/10, 06/13' Session 3: 06/24, 06/27* 'A $5.00 late registration fee will be applied on the Monday the session starts. REGISTRATIONWEEK#2: 07/05-07/08 For: Group Lesson Sessions 4-6 Office Hours: Mon-Thur 10:00am-6:00pmlFri 10:00am-5:00pm Late Registration Dates: Session 4: 07/11' Session 5: 07/22, 7/25' Session 6: 08/05, 08/08' 'A $5.00 late registration fee will be applied on the Monday the session starts. To Find out if spots are available, please call (510) 799-82291 GROUP LESSONS The group lesson program is designed for students ages four (4) years and up. The group sessions are composed of eight classes, and wi ll be held over a two week period; Monday/ Tuesday & Thursday/Friday (4 days/week). Classes for Levels I, II , III are 1/2 hour in duration and Levels IV to VII are 45 minutes in order to provide adequate instruction and practice for the advanced swim skills. Location : Main Pool & Play Pool Fee: $46 Res/$56 Non-Res All Sessions meet: MlTlTh/F for 2 weeks/No Wed Classes Summer Sessions AM & PM Classes Session 1: 05/30-06/10 PM Classes Only 6:00pm-6:30pm (A Sections Only) Levels 1/2 (6 Wait List) 6:30pm-7:00pm (A Sections Only) Levels 1/2 (B Wait List) 7:00pm-7:30pm (A Sections Only) Levels 1/2 (B Wait List) 7:30pm-8:00pm (A Sections Only) Levels 1/2 (B Wait List) Session 2: Session 3: . Session 4: Session 5: Session 6: 06/13-06/24 06/27-07/08 (Prorated) 07/11-07/22 07/25-08/05 08/08-08/19 Levels & Times: AM CLASSES LEVELS TIMES 1,2,3 10:30-11 :00 am 4,5,6 10:30-11 :15am 11:00-11 :30am 1,2,3 11 :30-12:00 pm 1,2,3 1,2,3 N/A 11:15-12:00pm 4,5,6 PM CLASSES 5:00pm-5:30pm 7:00pm-7:45pm 5:30pm-6:00pm 6:30pm-7:00pm 7:00pm-7:30pm 8:00pm-6:45pm FALL GROUP LESSONS: All sessions meet: MlTlTh/F for 2 weeks No Wednesday Class Fall Sessions PM Classes (Evening Lessons only Levels 1,2,3) (5:00pm-6:30pm) (A minimum of4 students is needed to run classes.) Session 7: Session 8: Session 9: Session 10: Session 11: 08/22-09/02 09/06-09/16 (Prorated) 09/19-09/30 10/03-10/1 4 10/17-10/28 2004 Herculean 47 Aquatics PUBLIC SWIM CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY SWIM PARTIES Happy Birthday Parties atthe pool. ... a swim party!! Children's Birthday Events will be allowed into the faci lity during public swim periods fifteen (15) minutes earlier than the general public, and includes picnic table areas that can be reserved . Pool Party Package Refundable Deposit Maintenance Fee Two Patio Tables Optional: BBO Pit Additional (2) Patio Tables Plus youth rate per entry $50.00 $30.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $3 Res Guest $4Non-Res Guest Pool Party Special $135 with refundable deposit of $50 includes (Deposit, Maintenance Fee, two patio tables, BBO Pit, 10 free patrons, plus youth rate per entry) . Looking for a summer job? Summer positions available: - Lifeguards - Swim instructors/aids - concession stand worker -cashier -volunteer - swim team coach For more information, please call Angela Curtola, Aquatics Coordinator at (510) 799-8229 48 Herculean 2004 PRIVA TE POOL RENTALS Reserve the pool for your own private party! Rental fee includes: exclusive use of the main pool arodIor play pool (Play Pool requires additional fee); grass areas. BBO griD. locker room. no alcohol or smoking permitted. Umrred availability. Small Private Pool Rental OnIy-{75 person maximum. Ages 9 and under)' Residents $40lhour Deposit: $350 Non-Residents $601hour Deposit: $3SO Combined Pool RentalsHourlv Rates 1-20 persons 5SO R8S'S60 Non-Res 1-SO persons $75 R8SIS9O Non-Res $125 ResS150 Non-Res 51-1 00 persons 101-150 persons $1 50 Res'S180 Non-Res 151 -250 persons 5200 R8SIS240 Non-Res Deposit:: Deposit Deposit: Deposit: Deposit: $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 INSURANCE: $150 ' There must be at least one adtA chaperon (age 18 or over) for every ten (10) children in attendance. ' Certificate of insurance is ~ iof all pool rentals. These rates are specified under facilITy rerOaI raes. ,. Want to have your party without the hassle? Introducing the Private Pool Party Birthday Package._. $150 ( 1-20 persons) or 5300 (20-50 pe rsons) The p ackage includes: Cake . Pa rty decoration. and a ho t deal meal deal for each guestl (Thi s package is a n additional fee to the private pool party fees, and is l o r private pool parties only!) HOW TO REGISTER WALK-IN REGISTRATION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A ll registra tio n is on a first come, first serve basis unless specified in the course description . 1. All wa lk i n regi stra tio n s are acce pted a t th e Community Swim Ce nter, 2001 Refug io Va lley Road. Office h o urs are Mon day thru Thursday, 9:00 a m to 6:00 pm , a n d Friday, 9:00am to 5 :00 pm. 2. Pre-registration for all prog rams is recommended. We encourage participants to register at least o n e week in a dvance of the course s tarting date . 2. Pre- registration isrecom m e ndedforall programsatleast o n e w ee k prior to the starting date of th e co urse. 3. Please make checks a nd/o r money o rders pa y able to the CllY OF HERCULES. MAIL-IN REGISTRATION 4. All registration fees must be acco mpa nied b y a completed registration form . A wa iver of liability is also required for certain activ iti es as specified in the course description. 5 . A $5.00 late registration fee will be added to all registration rece ived one hour prior to a cou r se starting t im e and/or after a cou rse has begun. The late registration fee w itl n o t be added to some extended course sessions until after the second class meeting as speci fied in th e course description. 6. Some courses may be canceled or combined due t o lack of registra ti on. 7. 1. Please fill out t h e course reg istration form provided in this b rochure. Copies of the reg is tration form m ay be made if more forms are necessary. 2. Please enclose your pay ment information. Payments maybemadebyV1SA,Mastercard,Check,orMoneyOrder. Please do not mail or drop off cas h payments . 3. You may mail you r registration form and pay m e nt to the Hercules Community / Swim Center, 200 1 Refugio Va lley Road , H ercules , CA. 94547_ 4 . A course receipt will be mailed to you confirming your registrationintothec lass, lfyo uhavenotreceivedverification of your registration by the first class meetin g, p lease catt the Hercules Recrea ti on and Community Serv ices at 51 0 Proof of res idency will be asked u pon reg istration. Driver's licen se , utility bill or other f orm of identification . 799- 8291. is acceptable. RESIDENTS ARE THOSE WHO RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF HERCULES. 5. If yo ur registra tion check is returned to you , th e class is full a nd you w ill automatically be p laced o n a wa iting list. 8 . Registration and payment for o n e session does not guarantee enrollment in subsequent sess io n s, unless PHONE IN REGISTRATION payme nt is rece ived in full for all app licable sessions. 9. Parents/Guardians must register th e ir c hildren if under the a ge of 18. 10. If there are changes in the course schedule or if the co urse is full. yo u will be notified by our s taff prior to the class starting d ate. 11_ A mail drop is provid e d near the m ain entrance to the office if registration is received after regular business ho urs. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF CASH PAYMENTS. REFUNDITRANSFER POLICY 1. Refunds and/or transfers will be gran ted on or before the firs t c lass meeting. No refund s o r t ransfer s w ill be g ra nte d after t h e first class meeting. There is a $ 10.0 0 service charge o n all refunds/transfers initiated b y the part ic ipant. 2_ If the course is cance led by the H ercul es Recreation a nd Community Services, the partic ipa nt will have the option of tran sferri n g to a similar program, or will be granted a full refund. 3 . Refunds m ay be given a fter a course h as beg un due to a particular medical condition if a doctor 's note is p rovided . Th ese refu nd s are at th e discretion of the Recreation Supervisor. 1. Please fill out the course registration form provided in t hi s brochure for each participant and prog ra m you are interested in. Make sure you have your V ISA or Mastercard inform atio n ava ilable w h e n you ca ll . This informa ti on w ill include the n a me of the card h o lde r. the account number. a n d th e expi ration date. 2. Phone in registrat ion w ill be accepted during regular business hours and/or by leaving a voicemai l message on ou r r e gistration line (799- 829 1) if you are registering by p h o ne after hours, p lease include a tt the necessary information on the registration form and payment form, including a contact nu mber so our staff may co n tact yo u for further info rm a ti o n in o rder t o process yo ur reg is tra tion. REGISTRATION BY FAX 1. Please fill out the course registratio n fo rm provided in thi s brochure and fax to (510) 799-8288. VISA and Mastercard paym e nt s wi ll only be accepted for fax registration. ON-LINE REGISTRATION 1. Please visit our webs ite at www.cLhercu les.ca. us to register for all recreation and aquatic classes via the in ternet . 2004 Herculean 49 City of Hercules Parks and Recreation Department Program Registration Form ParenUGuardian Name (if participant is under 18 years of age): _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Daytime Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address:, _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ City: _ __ _ _ _ Zip Code: _ _ _ _Evening Phone: _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Participant's Name 1, 2, 3, 4, Birth Date (if under 18yr) I I I I I I I I Credit Card Type: _ _ _Mastercard___VISA Course Number and Title Dates Times Card No, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _,Exp. Date_ _ I_ _ I__ Authorized Cardholder Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ I understand that the City of Hercules does not carry specific insurance to cover participants or spectators 0: Parlts and Recreation sponsored activities. I hereby assume the risk of my injuries, or that of said minor. that may be sustained in the pursuit of recreation activities, and forever discharge the Gity of Hercules, its officers, agents, and employees from any actions . suits, damages, daims, or judgments that may result from any property damage or personal injuries that I or said minor may sustain while using equipment O\'med l)r in the possession of the City of Hercules, or while engaged in sponsored activities. J also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harm less the Dry at Hercul€s. its officers, agents and employees from any and alllos5, damage, liability, cost or expense, arising out of any acts or omissions ci me 0.1)' of riS officers. agents, or employees. Participant Signature:=-::-:-==,-::-=:c:-==-=-c:-=c::-:=-:-::=c::-c-::-:;-:-~,__,_::_::_.,,__.,_;_::-:-:-c----,Date: (ParenVGuardian Signature if participant is under 18 years of age) . - - - - - -- - - City of Hercules Parks and Recreation Department Program Registration Form ParenVGuardian Name (if participant is under 18 years of age): _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Daytime Phone:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip Code: _____ Evening Phone:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Participant's Name 1. 2. 3, 4. Birth Date (if under 18yr) I I I I I I I I Credit Card Type:. _ _ _Mastercard___VISA Course Number and Title Dates Times Card No. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Exp. Date__I__I__ Authorized Cardholder Signature: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ Date:_ __ _ _ _ __ I understand that the City of Hercules does not carry specific insurance to cover participants or spectators of Parks and Recreation sponsored activities. I hereby assume the risk of my injuries, or that of said minor, that may be sustained in the pursuit of reCf92tion activities. and forever discharge the City of Hercules, its officers, agents, and employees from any actions, suits, damages, claims , or judg ments that may result from any property damage or personal injuries that I or said minor may sustain while using equipment owned or in the possession of the City of Hercules , or whil e engaged in sponsored activities. I also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harm less the City of Hercules. its officers, agents and employees from any and all loss , damage, liability, cost or expense, arising out of any acts or omissions of the City of its officers, agents, or employees. Participant Signature: Date: _ _ __ _ _ _ __ (ParenUGuardian Signature if participant is under 18 years of age) 50 Herculean 2004 City of Hercules Parks and Recreation Department Program Registration Form Parent/Guardian Name (if participant is under 18 years of age):. ___ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ Daytime Phone:_ _ _ __ __ __ Address:_ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ City:. _ _ _ _ __ Zip Code: _ __ _ ,Evening Phone:_ __ __ _ _ __ Participant's Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Birth Date (if under 18yr) ,,, , ,, ,, Credit Card Type: _ __ Mastercard___VISA Course Number and Title Dates Times Card No. _ __ _ __ __ __ ___,Exp. Date__' __,_ _ Auth orized Cardholder Signature: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ Date:_ _ _ _ __ _ _ t understand that the City of Hercules does not carry specific insurance to cover participants or spectators of Parks and Recreation sponsored activities. I hereby assume the risk of my injuries, or that of said minor, that may be sustained in the pursuit of recreation activities, and forever discharge the City of Hercules, its officers , agents, and employees from any actions, suits, damages. claims, or judgments that may result from any property damage or personal injuries that I or said minor may sustain while using equipment owned or in the posseSSion of the City of Hercules, or w hile engaged in sponsored activities. I also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Hercules, its officers, agents and employees from any and all loss, damage , liability, cost or expense, arising out of any acts or omissions of the City of its officers, agents, or employees. Participant Signature: Date: - - - - -- - - - (Parent/Guardian Signature if participant is under 18 years of age) City of Hercules Parks and Recreation Departmen t Program Registration Form Parent/Guardian Name (if participant is under 18 years of age):. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ Daytime Phone: Zip Code: _ __ _ ,Evening Phone : - - - -- - - -- Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ City: Participant's Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Birth Date (if under 18yr) ,, , 1 ,, ,, Credit Card Type:. _ _ _Mastercard_ __VISA Course Number and Title Dates Times Card No. _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Exp. Date_ _ I_ _ I __ Authorized Cardholder Signature:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ Date:._ _ _ _ __ _ _ I understand that the City of Hercules does not carry specific insurance 10 cover participants or spectators of Parks and Recreation sponsored activities. I hereby assume the risk of my injuries, or thai of said minor, that may be sustained in the pursuit of recreation activities, and forever discharge the City of Hercules, its officers, agents, and employees from any actions, suits, damages , claims, or judgments that may result from any property damage or personal inj uries that I or sa id minor may sustain while using equipment owned or in the possession of the City of Hercules, or while engaged in sponsored activities. I also agree to indemnify, defend , and hold harmless the City of Hercules, its officers, agents and employees from any and all 1055, damage, liability, cost or expense, arising out of any acts or omissions of the City of its officers, agents, or employees. Participant Signature: Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ (Parent/Guardian Signature if participant is under 18 yea rs of age) Herculean 2004 51 THE HERCULEAN Advertising Information 1. DESIGN: CAMERA-READY black and white advertisement SUBMIT ADVERTISMENT on a 3 112" floppy or CD. *********************** !* SAVE 10% !* ! Purchase all four consecutive ! * editions and receive * ! 10% discount. ! * * *********************** 2. ARTICLE SUBMITTAL DUE DATES FOR 2004: Spring - Friday, January 16,2004 (March publication) Snmmer - Friday, April 16, 2004 (June publication) Fall - Friday, July 16, 2004 (September publication) Winter - Friday, October 8, 2004 (December publication) 3. ADVERTISEMENT SIZES : ADVERTISEMENT COST PER PUBLICATION *Inside-Eighth Page (B/W) (3 J!2" Wx I 112" H) $100.00 Inside-Quarter Page (B/w) (3 112" Wx2 112" H) S1 75.00 I nside-Half Page (B/W) (7" W x 4 H) S100.00 Inside-Full Page (BIW) (7" W x 8 3/4" H) $275.00 Inside Back Page-Full Page (B/W) (7" W X 8 3/4" H) S300.00 Outside Back Cover Half Page (in color) (7" W x 2 S350.00 J!2" JI2" H) Additional $20.00 for photo with ad * Hercules Community Non-Profit organizations recognized by the Hercules Community Services Commission will receive one FREE ad per calendar year. * The return of an ad only upon request. * Return pages I & 2 of the advertisement contract. 4. METHOD OF PAYMENT: 1. Check or money order (please make payable to the City of Hercules ) 2. Master card or Visa (in person only for processing). 5. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR AD Mail to: 52 Herculean 2004 City of Hercules III Civic Drive Hercules, CA 94547 Attention: Herculean Chief Editor, Doreen Mathews Phone: (510) 799-8215 Fax: (510) 799-2521 THE HERCULEAN Advertising Contract Please complete and return pages I and 2 of the advertising contract. 1. DESIGN: o o CAMERA-READY (black and white advertisement and picture) SUBMIT ADVERTISMENT on a 3 112 floppy disk or CD. 2. ARTICLE SUBMITIAL DUE DATES FOR 2004: Select the number of publications o o o o Spring Friday, January 16,2004 (March publication) Summer Friday, April 16, 2004 (June publication) Fall Friday, July 16,2004 (September publication) Winter Friday, October 8, 2004 (December publication) 3. 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