Beginner Mariachi Guit arlYihuela
Beginner Mariachi Guit arlYihuela
PREVIEW Beginner Mariachi Guit arlYihuela Resource Book Written By Dr. Rodolfo B. Gonz alez, Ed. D. Winfor/Qnrirro r r rlrfLrt v trLLLao ,n1L L L -v Beginner Mariachi Guitar/Vihuela Resource Book Table of Contents Part I I. II. m. IV. V. VI. VII. Vm. IX. X. XI. XII. Xm. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVm. XIX. XX. Care of the Guitar/Vihuela Maintaining the Guitar fy'ihuela Parts of the Guitar Parts of the Vihuela Proper Practice/ Playing Posture Tuning the Guitar Tuning the Vihuela Holding the Guitarffihuela Guitar and Vihuela Tech,:r.ique Holding the Guitar Pick Music Notation The Beat and Meter Parts of a Note Notes anci Rests Speaking/Counting Notes, Rests, and Rhythm Patterns Pitehf-etter Names sn the Piano HaU Steps and Whole Steps on the Piano Sharp, Flaf and Natural Symbols PitchAetter Names on the Staff and on Guitar Fingerboard Pitch&etter Names on the Staff and on Vihuela Fingerboard \./VI l,/^-- Cl:-^^L--^^ ^--J L,f^:^nn r. Ncy JrSrrdlure5 drlu rvrdJur C^^l^^ Jcdlcs XXil. Key Signatures and Natural Minor Scales XXru. Scale Degrees and Intervals XXW. Harmony, Triads, and Chords XXV. The Guitar Chord Frame XXVI. The Vihueh ehord Frame XXVII. Guitar Chords XXVIII. Vihuela Chords XKX. Playing Chord Progressions XXX. Melody on the Staff XXXI. Playing a Melody on the Guitar and Vihuela XXXII. Tempo Dynamics, and Articulations XXXH. Guitar Chord Chart XXXIV. Vihuela Chord Chart XXXV. The Successful Mariachi Experience PREVIEW 2A Beginner Mariachi Guitar/Vihuela Resource Book Table of Contents Part II I. Beginner Guitar/Vihuela Strumming Patterns II. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of G (Part 1) ru. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of G (Part 2) IV. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of D (Part 1) V. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of D(Part 2) VI. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of A (Part 1) WI. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of A (Part 2) Vm. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of E Be ginner Mariachi Repertoire I. Los Patinadores II. La Barca De Oro m. La |esucita ry. La Llorona V. Despierta VI. Corrido de Cananea WI. Por Fin PREVIEW Vm. Alla En El Rancho Grande IX. Reloj X. Cielito Lindo XI. De Colores XII. Las Mafranitas Xru. Las Golondrinas XIV. La Feria de las Flores XV. La Valentina XVI. La Cucaracha 28 Beginner Mariachi Guitar/Vihuela Resource Book (ltti*ot flr \-ctrru *ho frtl- \Jt.ll'.ctl ot z{ \/iLttolo cl.rI'll Y ll1rrtLlct Your guitar/vihuela costs $500 to 5900. lt must be treated with much care. The following suggestions will help you care for your guitar/vihuela: Place case on the floor so that the lid will open upward. Undo latches and lift lid up. Take hold of the instrument bv grabbing the neck of the instrument. Close the case lid, latch it, and place case in storage room. When finished playing open case lid, take out cleaning cloth and clean your instrument. Place instrument back into the case the same way you found it. Place cleaning cloth on top of your instrument. Close lid and latch case. lnstrument must be secure inside case and must not move inside case. Never play in the rain or allow water on your guitar/vihuela. Water will damage your instrument. Keep your instrument looking new by cleaning it often. Do not leave ryour guitar/vihuela in the ear. Hot temperatures will melt glue and eraek wood. Never leave your guitar/vihuela alone. Always take your instrument with you wherever you go. Never let anyone borrow your guitar/vihuela. lt may come back broken or you not get it back. II. Maintaining the Guitar and Vihuela PREVIEW You wiil neecj the foiiowing items to keep your guitar/vihueia weii maintaineci: 1,. GUITAR/VIHUELA STRAP - holds instrument in place EXTRA GUITAR/VIHUELA STRINGS - in case strings break 3. CLEANING CLOTH - to keep dust, grease, and oil off your instrument 2. 4. ELECTRONIC TUNER - to tune your notes before you practice and/or play 5. FOLDING MUSIC STAND - Have one at home or when needed while performins. III. Parts of the Guitar 2. Tuning keys r r:--^-L-^-l FrilB,el UUdl ). U 7. Top shoulder 9. Rosette 10. Sound 11. Sound boareJ 12. Strings 13. Bricige 14. Bottom shoulde The G chord on the Guitar E A Dg b Fret I Fret ll Fret lll Fret lV Fret V The G chord on the Vihuela A Dg b e' 5 4 32 6 5 4 3 2 l+-Strings A = index finger O = middle finger a = ring finger e' thumb I = pinky finger PREVIEW 22 Beginner Mariachi GuitarA/ihuela Resource Book Table of Contents Part II I. BeginnerGuitar/VihuelaStrummingPatterns II. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of C (Part 1) il. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of G (Part 2) IV. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of D (Part 1) V. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of D(Part 2) VI. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of A (Part 1) VII. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of A (Part 2) VIII. First Mariachi Studies in the Key of E B e ginner Mariachi Repertoire I. Los Patinadores U. La Barca De Oro ru. La ]esucita ry. La Llorona V. Despierta VI. Corrido de Cananea VII. Por Fin PREVIEW \IIII. Alla En El Rancho Grande XUI. Las Golondrinas La Feria de las Flores IX. Reloj X. Cielito Lindo XI. De Colores XII. Las Maflanitas Xry. XV. La Valentina XVI. La Cucaracha 33 rr : down strum Beginner Mariachi GuitarlVihuela Strumming Patterns (M/nicos) 'v = up stnrm Vals c 11 GuitarA/ihuela GDTG l'l l.l l.l tl lt a) l't tl Guitarron Ranchera Lenta '-^u Ft G D7 G Fl GDTG ll ll l'l d PREVIEW Polka !)^u Ft Ft dlv )n )'at AJ GGDTG f,l Fl D7 G VI V/ VV /V GEmAmDTG FnnFnFnF I.J-L.I L.I-LJ n F nnFr l-J-u t-l-LJ LJ-LJ IJ-].J I.LLJ IILJ 34 ILJI Vihuela Por Fin m.m. = 100 arr. Dr. R. Gonzalez Introduccion Am Em D7 G D7 Am E,m tataaata a/aa tttlt nf Em G Am Am G tttataaa .raaaaaat 10 D7 le D7 Am E,m D7 Am Em 4 D7 G aatta aaaa?aaa B7 Em tat/ ttaat PREVIEW aaaa/a A7 Em G a/aatta D7 D7 aaaa Em G Am D7 t/aat Em G aarat Am D7 aaTaaa 27 G Em Am lcr D7 7aa/a a/at 54 G l