Ortiz Construcciones y Proyectos, S.A, parent company of Grupo Ortiz, was incorporated on January 31st, 1961, focusing its activity on the construction sector. From that date until today, 52 years have elapsed during which the evolution and the reality of our business group have changed substantially. Since those early years, each decade has been a challenge to overcome and a further step in our consolidation, the basis of which was underpinned by the land acquired after the approval of the General Plan of Madrid. Perfect business diversification, with the creation of numerous companies which began operating in different sectors of construction, based on constant reinvestment of the capital gains generated by real estate, has allowed us to become today, a fully consolidated business group in the six Business Areas on which we base our growth: Construction, Energy, Services, Real Estate, Concessions and International. With €553.9 million in turnover in the year 2012, Grupo Ortiz ranks 16th among the major Spanish construction companies and comes in at number 182 in the European ranking. 1 National Companies and Grupo Ortiz Delegations • ICMA-PROAKIS • COSFESA • ORTIZ Construcciones • ORTIZ Construcciones • CONDISA • GRUPO EMPRESARIAL ORTIZ • IMPULSA GRUP ORTIZ • ORTIZ Construcciones • INDAGSA • ELECOR • CONDISA • INDAGSA • COSFESA • Construcciones ICMA-PROAKIS • ORTIZ Construcciones • INDITEC • INDITEC • ASTEISA • ORTIZ Construcciones • ORTIZ Energía • ORTIZ Construcciones • ELECOR • ORTIZ Área Inmobiliaria • PRORAX • ORTIZ Construcciones • ORTIZ International Investment • JUAN GALINDO • TRS ENERGÍA Companies by Business Area CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION • ORTIZ CONSTRUCCIONES Y PROYECTOS • IMPULSA • CONDISA • INDAGSA RAILWAY •C OSFESA • ICMA-PROAKIS ENVIRONMENT AND SERVICES • INDITEC • ASTEISA GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth ENERGY • ORTIZ ENERGIA • ELECOR ENERGIA • JUAN GALINDO T&D • TRS ENERGIA • RENOVALIA – ORTIZ • ORMATS CONCESSIONS • ACCESOS DE IBIZA (MOTORWAY) • VIARIO A31 (MOTORWAY) • AFRICANA ENERGÍA • EXPLOTACIONES EÓLICAS VELEZ RUBIO • ALTEN ALCONERA • ALTEN ALCONERA DOS • ALTEN ALANGE • ALTEN POZOHONDO • ALTEN LOS HINOJOSOS • UTE ENERGÍA MÁLAGA • MEDSOLAR SPV 10 • VALLE DEL ZALABÍ • MOCLÍN • HUMANES DE MADRID • CONCESIONARIA COLLADO VILLALBA • UTE REYES CATÓLICOS (ZAMORA) • PAR ALAMEDA • PAR ANDORRA • PAR ILIADA • PAR JUAN RAMÓN JIMENEZ • PAR PAMPLONA • ORTEGA Y GASSET PARK (APARCAMIENTO ESCUELAS PÍAS) • BULEVAR DEL ARTE Y LA CULTURA • ORTIZ SPORT FACTORY • UTE EDAR RIBADEO • GAS STATION • VÍA OLMEDO PEDRALBA (AVE TRACK) REAL ESTATE • ORTIZ INMOBILIARIA • PRORAX • AGRICASA • EL ARCE DE VILLALBA • AGUEDA EDUCATIS TRES CANTOS • SUPERFICIE CARTERA DE INVERSIONES Corporate Organization Chart 21% ENERGY COMPANIES 5% CONCESSIONARY COMPANIES 12% INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES 2% REAL ESTATE COMPANIES 60% CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES International Group coverage by country MÉXICO • GRUPO ORTIZ CONSTRUCCIONES MÉXICO • O.S.M. • PERSONAL MANAGEMENT • ORTIZ MEXICAN BRANCH POLAND • GRUPO ORTIZ POLSKA • ORTIZ POLISH BRANCH HUNGARY • ORTIZ HUNGARIAN BRANCH • COSFESA HUNGARIAN BRANCH COLOMBIA • ORTIZ CONSTRUCC. COLOMBIA • ORTIZ COLOMBIAN BRANCH • COSFESA COLOMBIAN BRANCH • JUAN GALINDO COLOMBIAN BRANCH ROMANIA • ORTIZ ROMANIAN BRANCH • JUAN GALINDO ROMANIAN BRANCH PERÚ • EOM PERÚ • ORTIZ PERUVIAN BRANCH • JUAN GALINDO PERUVIAN BRANCH • COSFESA PERUVIAN BRANCH • ASTEISA PERUVIAN BRANCH • ELECOR PERUVIAN BRANCH CHILE • CONSORTIUM INCA-ORTIZ, S.A. • ORTIZ CHILEAN BRANCH BULGARIA • ELEKTRA BRAZIL • ORTIZ BRAZIL CONSTR. URUGUAY • TECASOL FRANCE • ORTIZ ENERGÍA FRENCH BRANCH ALGERIA AGREEMENT WITH THE GOVERNMENT ITALY • MEDSOLAR • ORTIZ ENERGÍA ITALIAN BRANCH 3 DWTP Santillana, Madrid Valdebebas Forest Park, Madrid “Ramos Carrión” Theatre Zamora Access to the Szeligi station, Poland “La Africana” Solar Thermal Power Plant, Córdoba Lines of Business Construction Energy We are involved in public and private The company ORTIZ ENERGÍA brings Integral maintenance of Green Areas. sectors, and we are specialists in: together all the services of the Group´s W aste Treatment. companies, favouring their intervention in Infrastructures in Rural Areas. contracts under the EPC model mode. E nvironmental Equipment. C ivil Engineering: Dual carriageways, Services T reatments, Prevention and Management Motorways and Roads, Hydraulic and Industrial Engineering Works, Car Parks, The main lines of activity of the Energy of Forest Areas. Restoration of Urban Areas, etc. Area of Grupo Ortiz are: P rotecting and Improving Hydrological R ailway: Maintenance of Infrastructure Channels. and Superstructures, Stations, New R enewable Power. D esign, Construction and Installation of Railway Construction. E nergy Services. Water Treatment Facilities. B uilding: Specializing in all types of D istribution and Transmission Lines, C onstruction and definition of Hydraulic buildings: Construction of Housing, Voltage and Substation Works. Works. Hospitals, Theatres, Museums, Sports Integral Maintenance. M anagement, Operation and Facilities, etc. E lectromechanical Installations Maintenance of Hydraulic systems. R estoration: Residential, Social-cultural, and Assemblies. M aintenance and Preservation Educational, Sports etc. of buildings. S ubcontracting. E ngineering. R efurbishment and Restoration of emblematic buildings, monuments, unique works and buildings and listed areas. GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth Solar panels at the new FCC headquarters, Madrid “Santa María de Nieva” wind farms, Almería M-602, Villaverde to Vallecas, Madrid “La Rambleta” Theatre, Valencia Rented Public Housing with Purchase Option, Collado-Villalba, Madrid Mudejar House, Cordoba Real Estate Concessions International The real estate division of Grupo Ortiz With over fifteen years of experience in Grupo Ortiz companies base their focuses its aims on the optimization this sector, we have been able, backed by international expansion in countries where and management of Group assets and a healthy economy, to tackle numerous there is high growth and rule of law. In construction of low cost public housing projects which vary in economic and Latin America, we operate in: for which INDAGSA, a specialized unit in technical importance. Grupo Ortiz holds the company, supplies precast concrete concessions for: M exico C olombia panels. R oads. P eru Our real estate companies, along with Ortiz T he Energy Sector. Development, C hile Construcciones, have commercialised and Construction and Operation of B razil delivered: photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind U ruguay plants. O ver 7,500 public dwellings. C ar parks. In Europe we develop rail projects in 1,500 dwellings for rental delivered to the S ocial-cultural and Sports Buildings. Poland and integral water management Housing Board of Madrid (IVIMA). E nvironmental Installations. in Romania, energy projects in France 5 67 public dwellings for rental with a and Italy, and are continuing with specific purchase option (VPPAOC) that are tenders in: Hungary and Bulgaria. managed by Group companies. 7 50 free market dwellings. On the African continent, we recently signed a protocol to build housing in Algeria. 5 Green Area Conservation, Ciudad Real Water Treatment in “La Africana”, Córdoba Museum of Ceramics, Triana, Seville WWTP Buitrago, Madrid Street cleaning, Xativa, Valencia Maintenance of Parks and Gardens in Estepona, Málaga Services True to the commitment of respect, the contract for cleaning beaches and extension of water networks, wells, tanks, environmental protection and conservation the collection and treatment of waste pumping stations, chlorination plants, which has always been present in the and the conservation, maintenance and sewage and wastewater”, in Insuratei, companies that are part of Grupo Ortiz, rehabilitation of public green areas, parks Romania. INDITEC has developed over the years, and gardens of the town of Estepona, multidisciplinary work that has led to Málaga, and continuing with the With regards Heritage Restoration, become one of the Spanish companies of comprehensive maintenance contract of Building Conservation, Subcontracting reference in the Environmental sector. the Valdebebas Forest Park in Madrid; and and Engineering, our firm CONDISA, being awarded the contract for “collection which specializes in restoration and In 2012, INDITEC achieved major and transportation of Urban Waste and rehabilitation of monuments and historic contracts and has renewed others, which street cleaning in the town of Xativa”, buildings, completed the work in 2012 on are a clear reference of its strength in the among other activities. With respect to the Museum of Ceramics in Seville’s Triana domestic market. Thus, our environmental our company dedicated to Integrated district, work began on rehabilitation of the company will continue with the service of Water Management, ASTEISA, this year Cathedral of Cartagena, in Murcia, and “Conservation and improvement of green has provided a number of national and continued the construction of the Kueto areas, roadside trees, pots and planters in international actions, among which are: Social Centre in Sestao (Vizcaya). the town of Ciudad Real”; in addition to the construction of the Water Treatment Station (DWTP) of Baltezana (Cantabria), the construction of the reservoirs of Villarejo de Salvanés and Fuentidueña del Tajo, in Madrid, the supply and effluent wastewater treatment plant of the solar thermal plant “La Africana” in Córdoba, or the contract for the “Renovation and GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth Restoring the arches of the Santo Domingo el Real Convent, Toledo Building Maintenance, Barajas, Madrid Beach Cleaning in Estepona, Málaga Since Ortiz Construcciones signed with the City Council of Madrid in 1982, a contract for the “integral technical maintenance, conservation and repair of municipal buildings” and, in 1984, the contract for “propping, repairs, consolidation and demolition, to carry out subcontracting work in the Madrid Municipality”, our company has been renewing these commitments and consolidating its deserved position in this market that culminated with the demolition of the Windsor Building Madrid, which was carried out with maximum levels of Integral Maintenance of Valdebebas Forest Park, Madrid efficiency and safety. Madrid, the maintenance of the buildings In 2012, Ortiz Construcciones has of UNED in Madrid, the maintenance continued with the mentioned contracts and repair of the Congress of Deputies and with others recently signed. Thus,we building, in Madrid and the comprehensive conduct the comprehensive maintenance management of the municipal buildings of the buildings of the Municipal Police of the Madrid districts of Carabanchel, of the Madrid City Council, the integral San Blas, Ciudad Lineal, Chamartín, maintenance of the buildings of the Fuencarral-El Pardo, Latina, Puente de Fire Department of the City Council of Vallecas and Barajas. 15 “Manuela Malasaña” Social housing development in Móstoles, Madrid Real Estate During 2012, the real estate business of Grupo Ortiz completes the end of a Promotion of rented public housing with purchase option, 84 dwellings in Collado Villalba, Madrid Grupo Ortiz Property Management marked developer phase, to transform Units Gross Leasable Area Garage Spaces Industrial Buildings 5 3,130 28 Industrial Premises 1 1,213 55 Offices 4 24,406 368 and management of its property. The Commercial Premises 21 4,332 14 development is centred in the construction Garage Spaces 158 3,160 158 of low cost public housing, with INDAGSA, Total Tertiary 189 36,241 623 Private Housing 14 Completed VPPAOC 489 continuing in 2012 with the construction VPPAOC-BPPV in course 78 of 78 public dwellings in Fuenlabrada, of Total Residential 581 which 48 also will be earmarked for rent Plots & Land into a property-orientated area with over 36,000 m2 of tertiary product on lease and 537 public dwellings for rental with option to purchase (VPPAOC), with the main objective being the optimization a specialist business within the company, providing the precast concrete panels for facades and structural elements, with the option of purchase. The most immediate promotion future of this Area will probably be limited to the construction of a residential product on land provided by Financial Institutions. GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth 70 70 1,925,878 “Alcalá 80” Development in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid “Espartales” Public Housing Development in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid List of dwellings delivered Rented Public Housing Development with Purchase Option, 97 homes in Colmenar Viejo, Madrid O ver 7,500 public housing dwellings. 1 ,500 homes for rent delivered to the Housing Institute of Madrid (IVIMA). 5 567 rental dwellings with Purchase option (VPPAOC) that are managed by Group companies. 7 50 free market homes. Rented Public Housing Promotion with Purchase Option, 180 homes in Paracuellos del Jarama, Madrid 17 Photovoltaic Plant at Alange, Badajoz Production figures Company % Ortiz End 2012 Forecast 2013 Accesos de Ibiza motorway 50% 3,374,490 3,475,000 Viario A31 motorway 21% 2,634,377 2,717,125 Africana Energía 39% 952,400 14,800,000 Explotaciones Eólicas Velez Rubio 40% 214,443 3,100,000 Alten Alconera 62% 3,509,220 3,579,404 Alten Alconera Dos 62% 2,706,049 2,760,170 Alten Alange 62% 3,904,911 3,983,009 Alten Pozohondo 24% 604,023 616,104 Alten Los Hinojosos 24% 285,482 291,110 the Area of Concessions has experienced UTE Energía Málaga 100% 341,608 348,440 increased activity and growth, and at Medsolar SPV 10 50% 320,444 329,051 Valle del Zalabí 100% 0 25,000 Moclín 100% 0 45,000 Humanes de Madrid 100% 0 125,000 Concesionaria Collado Villalba 100% 1,612,812 1,675,410 UTE Reyes Católicos (Zamora) 50% 61,972 64,231 New highway access to the airport of Ibiza, Balearic Islands Concessions It has been over the past six years that present holds the concession for over 40 projects. Based on the experience of the Group and the commitment to large-scale projects, such as “La Africana” solar thermal power plant, in Córdoba, and “Santa María de Nieva I and II” wind farms, in Almería, this PAR Alameda 100% 294,985 102,000 business line will see production increased PAR Andorra 100% 27,614 28,256 PAR Iliada 100% 74,670 76,410 PAR Juan Ramón Jiménez 100% 208,342 212,140 PAR Pamplona 100% 87,597 89,085 Ortega y Gasset Park (Aparcamiento Escuelas Pías) 50% 381,108 988,364 Bulevar del Arte y la Cultura (BAC) 33% 612,757 726,000 BAC Management 15% 120,535 165,300 Ortiz Sport Factory 70% 0 100,000 UTE EDAR Ribadeo 33% 161,132 162,679 100% 538,047 732,070 39% 952,400 14,800,000 23,029,018 41,416,358 by almost 100% in the next two years. Gas station Via Olmedo – Pedralba (AVE Track) Total Production GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth “Reyes Católicos” car park, Zamora Refurbishment of A-31 dual-carriageway, Bonete-Alicante WWTP Ribadeo, Lugo “La Rambleta” theatre, Valencia Concession Projects by Areas 1 ROADS L os Hinojosos solar photovoltaic plant, 4 CULTURAL - SPORT R efurbishment of A-31 dual-carriageway, Cuenca. T heatre “La Rambleta” in Valencia. Bonete-Alicante. A dministrative concession for the S ports Centre “Andrés Torrejón” in N ew Dual Carriageway Access to the installation and operation of a 0.7 MW Móstoles, Madrid. Airport of Ibiza, Balearic Islands. photovoltaic plant on the roof of the new Faculty of Industrial Engineering in Málaga. 2 ENERGY S olar photovoltaic plant in Lecce, Italy. 5 ENVIRONMENT W WTP Ribadeo, Lugo. SOLAR THERMAL S olar thermal power plant 3 CAR PARKS “La Africana”, in Córdoba, 49.9 MW of C arparks (2) and the underground tunnel power. of Collado Villalba, Madrid. WIND S ervice Station in Vallecas, Madrid. C ar park “Reyes Católicos”, Zamora. S anta María de Nieva Wind farm in R esidents´ parking “Alameda”, Madrid. Almería, 49.5 MW of power. R esidents´ parking “Andorra 2” in Madrid. PHOTOVOLTAIC 6 OTHERS R esidents´ parking “Iliada” in Madrid. A lconera solar photovoltaic plant, Badajoz. R esidents´ parking “Juan Ramon Jimenez” A lconera Dos solar photovoltaic plant, in Madrid. Badajoz. R esidents´parking “Poeta Leopoldo A lange solar photovoltaic plant, Badajoz. de Luis”, Madrid. P ozohondo solar photovoltaic plant, O rtega y Gasset Park in Madrid. (Escuelas Albacete. Pías car park). 19 Concessions “Santa María de Nieva I and II” Wind Farms For Grupo Ortiz the signing of the development, construction and operation of the Santa María de Nieva, wind farms located in the province of Almería has been very important. This 49.5 MW power plant with a €74 million investment has been funded through the Project Finance mode with a total debt of €55 million. Noteworthy is the participation in the Investment of the ICO Axis Fund. T otal Investment: €74 million Total Debt: €55 million Total Equity: €19 million The debt repayment from the project’s revenues will be over the next 17 years. GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth Concessions “La Africana” Solar Thermal Power Plant One of the most ambitious projects by Grupo Ortiz is the Solar thermal power plant called “La Africana”, located in Córdoba. This is a 49.9 MW power plant. The €386 million investment has been funded with €293 million in Project Finance debt. The plant is based on parabolic trough system technology with a heat storage capacity of 7.5 production hours. T otal Investment: €386 million Total Debt: €293 million Total Equity: €93 million The debt repayment from the project’s revenues will be over the next 18 years. 21 Access to Szeligi station, Poland Mall Construction in Queretaro, Mexico International Solar panels in Douai, France The business interests of Grupo Ortiz Construction Area this has now become For this purpose, joint ventures have been focus on developing construction activity € 58.1 million in production in 2012 (17.4% set up, under the Algerian joint-venture in countries with high growth and rule of the total area of Construction). In the regulation with Spanish management being of law. These circumstances have led coming years and based on the backlog responsible for the construction of the us to actively operate in Latin American pending execution, the figure will rise to housing and related urban planning. These countries, such as Mexico, Colombia € 170.5 million which will be 60.9% of the contracts are unusual in that there will and Peru, where Grupo Ortiz has been total Building Area. be two factories for prefabricated panels awarded several projects of relevance. installed (one at each work site), and Chile, Brazil and Uruguay complete the list In late 2012, Grupo Ortiz began its training and technology transfers will be of countries in the Southern Cone where inroads into the African continent, with conducted with regards our construction Grupo Ortiz has established its operations. the protocol signed in Algeria, as a Five- system, furthermore training will given to Year Plan for Housing, sponsored by the the Algerian workforce through training 2012 was also a turning point in Algerian Government and the invitation, programmes in the field of construction strengthening our presence in Eastern by the Ministry of Development of intended for technical personnel, skilled Europe, inspired by the huge development Spain, to Participate in the Plan. Grupo workers and professionals and the that these European countries are Ortiz has signed two memorandums of construction industry and materials used experimenting and where the Group’s understanding with the Algerian public will be developed in Algeria. activity focuses on rail projects and companies OLA and ENTHE belonging contracts for integral water treatment. to the Algerian public business group INDJAB, for the construction of 10,000 Thus, production data in the International homes (5,000 in Algiers and another Area has experienced a sharp growth 5,000, at a distance of 300 kms from the from the €12.6 million turnover in in capital), using the INDAGSA System of 2011, accounting for 3.3% of the total construction with precast concrete panels. GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth Model of the Hospital of Salamanca in Choapa, Coquimbo, Chile Model of Andamar mall in Veracruz, Mexico Road network 4 in Bogotá, Colombia International Channel,on the border with Eduador, Peru Bellpower Photovoltaic in Lecce-Puglia, Italy Grupo Ortiz International Projects COLOMBIA A ndahuaylas Hospital, Apurimac. POLAND R enovation Road Network 4, Bogotá. D aniel A. Regional Hospital Carrion M odernisation Szeligi station K.P. T rans-Pacífic Highway, Department Yanacancha District, Province of Pasco. 23.542 of the no.4 railway line Grodzisk of Choco and Risaralda. A raujo-Landázuri-Port Road Barbosa, Mazowiecki-Zawiercie, fragment MEXICO international railway line E-65. Department of Santander. H ousing Monterey, Nuevo Leon. L and Restoration Chicamocha, M etal frame Colgate Tech Space, Mexico Department of Boyacá. City. D rainage Negro neighborhood, Phase I, T eziutlan Hospital, Puebla. Barrios Unidos, Bogota. A ntea Lifestyle mall, Santiago Querétaro, N ew Corporate Headquarters Building Querétaro. R enault Douai Photovoltaic Plant. Acueducto de Bogotá. A ntea Lifestyle mall, Palacio de Hierro, R enault Maubeuge Photovoltaic Plant. F luvial station 31 of the colombian navy, Santiago Querétaro, Querétaro. Barrancabermeja, Department Santander. A ndamar mall, Boca del Río, Veracruz. ROMANIA W astewater systems Braila-Insuratei. FRANCE ITALY B ellpower Photovoltaic plant, Lecce- PERU B ambamarca-Celendin Road, Reg. Govt. CHILE Salamanca Hospital, Choapa, Coquimbo. Cajamarca. S eafront wall Zorritos, Department of B onassisi Photovoltaic Plant, Foggia, Puglia. BRAZIL Tumbes, Contralmirante Villar province. A rroyo Penales Drainage basin, Marabá, N ew Line Tintaya-Socabaya, Arequipa. Pará. T intaya Nueva Substation, Arequipa. Puglia. Isis Photovoltaic Plant, Foggia, Puglia. Algeria C onstruction of 10,000 low cost dwellings D rainage Huachipac Area, Comas-Chillón, Lima. 23 Directory Grupo Ortiz National Companies GRUPO EMPRESARIAL ORTIZ, S.L. PRORAX, S.A.U. Avda. del Ensanche de Vallecas, 44 28051 Madrid PBX Phone: 913 431 600 ORTIZ, Construcciones CONDISA, International Company de Construcción y Diseño, S.A.U. ASTEISA, Tratamiento de Aguas, S.A.U. INDAGSA, Indag, S.A.U. INDITEC, Ingeniería y Diseños Técnicos, S.A.U. ORTIZ International Investment, S.L. ORTIZ Área Inmobiliaria, S.L.U. ORTIZ Energía, S.L. COSFESA, Contratas y Servicios Ferroviarios, S.A.U. C/ Ramón Cabanillas, 2 B local 2 32004 Ourense Tel.: 988 231 561 Construcciones ICMA-PROAKIS, S.A.U. C/ El Pedreru, parcela nº 5, Pol. Ind. Vega de Baiña 33682 Baiña · Mieres (Asturias) Tel.: 985 231 020 ELECOR, S.A.U. C/ Pintor Casto Plasencia, 4 . 19004 Guadalajara Tel. 949 212605 Avda. del Ensanche de Vallecas, 44 28051 Madrid Tel.: 913 431 600 IMPULSA GRUP ORTIZ S.L. Avda. Diagonal, 579, 3ª planta 08014 Barcelona Tel.: 931 935 183 JUAN GALINDO, S.L. Almería-Airport Dual carriageway km 5.7 04120 Almería Tel.: 950 626 048 Tendidos y Redes del Sur, S.L. Sector 20, C/ Hierro, s/n, 04009 Almería Tel.: 950 622 831 Grupo Ortiz International Companies ORTIZ, PERU Avenida Comandante Espinar 560, 5ª planta, Miraflores, Lima 18 (Peru) Tel.: +511 660 21 27 +511 660 21 42 +511 660 21 45 ORTIZ COLOMBIA Company Branch in Colombia Calle 99, nº 11B-14, casa nº 7 Bogotá (Colombia) Tel.: +571 6102396 +571 6163274 ORTIZ CHILE Nueva York 9, piso 11, oficina 1102 Santiago (Chile) Tel.: 56-2-5970750 Fax: 56-2-5970751 ORTIZ, MEXICO OSM Calle Bosques de Duraznos, nº 61, 10-B Colonia Bosques de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo, 11700 Mexico City, DF (Mexico) Tel.: 0 0525521672279 00525552924792 ORTIZ BRASIL Rua Minas de Prata 30. 6º andar. Itaim, Sao Paulo. SP (Brasil) CEP 04552-080 T ORTIZ PANAMÁ Calle Ricardo Arias. Edificio Esparta Piso 1 Oficina. Ciudad de Panamá (Panamá) Tel.: 507 264 02 04 ORTIZ URUGUAY TECASOL C/ Colonia 981, Apto 305 11100. Montevideo (Uruguay) Tel.: 00-598 29 00 75 76 ORTIZ POLSKA Company branch in Poland UI. Aleje Jerozolimskie 99/19 02-001 Warsaw (Poland) Tel.: +48 228 21 98 75 Fax:+48 226 27 02 49 MEDSOLAR SPV10,S.R.L. Vía Ottone Fattiboni 214 00126 Rome (Italy) Tel.: +39 063 265 27 45 Fax: +39 068 339 53 31 ORTIZ BULGARÍA Elektra Holding 1404 Sofía, 49 Bulgaria Blvd. Floors 11-12 (Bulgaria) Tel.: +359 2 858 77 23 ORTIZ ROMANIA Nr 10, Etaj 2, camera 3, Judet Buzau (Romania) ORTIZ HUNGRÍA Kárpát Invest Hungária Kft Felsö Zöldmáli út 36 H-1025 Budapest (Hungría) Tel.: +3630 (486) 94 64 National Delegations ANDALUCIA ORTIZ Construcciones C/ Luis Montoto 107 41007 Sevilla Tel.:954 575 131 CATALONIA IMPULSA GRUP ORTIZ Avda. Diagonal 579, 3rd floor 08014 Barcelona Tel.: 931 935 183 JUAN GALINDO Autovia de Almería-Aeropuerto, Km 5,7 04120 Almería Tel.: 950 626 048 CASTILLA-LA MANCHA ELECOR C/ Pintor Casto Plasencia,4 19004 Guadalajara Tel.: 949 212 605 ASTURIAS ICMA-PROAKIS C/El Pedreu, parcela nº 5 Pol. Ind. Vega de Baiña 33682 Baiña. Mieres (Asturias) Tel.:985 231 020 CASTILLA LEÓN ORTIZ Construcciones CONDISA Pza. Marcos Fernández 2, 1º, Oficina F 47014 Valladolid Tel.: 983 377 587 COMMUNITY OF VALENCIA ORTIZ Construcciones INDITEC C/ Félix J. Martínez, 31. 46800 Xátiva. (Valencia) Tel.: 963 255 875 EXTREMADURA ORTIZ Construcciones C/ Eugenio Hermoso, 23 1ºF 06800 Mérida (Badajoz) GALICIA COSFESA C/ Ramón Cabanillas 2B local 2 32004 Ourense Tel.:988 231 561 Other Offices and Centres Central Warehouse Grupo Ortiz Avda. Barcelona, km 14,200 · 28042 Madrid Tel.: 913 291 809 GRUPO ORTIZ responsible growth Precast Concrete Factory INDAGSA Ctra. N-320 to Torrelaguna, km 314,02 19170 El Casar (Guadalajara) Tel.: 949 336 775 BALEARIC ISLANDS ORTIZ Construcciones C/ De la Maquinaria 4, 2ª planta Comfort Edifcio Pol. Ind. Son Valentí 07011 Palma de Mallorca (Baleares) Tel.: 971 71 70 44 971 71 33 10 LA RIOJA ORTIZ Construcciones C/ Hermanos Monroy 22, 3º Dcha 26001 Logroño (La Rioja) Tel.: 941 275 057
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