Activity Summary Report 2008 - Translation


Activity Summary Report 2008 - Translation
2008 - Participant Activities in
Participants can be Members
or Guests
. Members can provide an Activity Summary report in addition to creating activities.
Scouts Musulmans Algeriens (SMA)
On September 4, the Algerian Clean Up the World 2008 campaign took advantage of the school summer
holidays under the theme, "Start Today... Save Tomorrow - Clean Up Our Climate." Approximately 500
members of the Scouts Musulmans Algériens linked up with millions of fellow Scouts and volunteers
worldwide to share in this year’s environmental initiative. In the city of Tlemcen located in western Algeria,
over 200 Scouts from the local scout groups of El Manar, El Amana, Ennahda and Ettwassol collected over
150 bags of waste. Also in the Algerian Eastern Annaba Province, many fellow Scouts helped with the
collection of waste from the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea Algerian Seashore. Cub Scouts also took part
in an environment quiz, raising their awareness of the challenges and problems that face their communities in
relation to climate change and global warming. In Mostaganem, Scouts organised tree planting and a beach
clean up with the participation of 240 Scouts. About 120 trees were also planted in a school.
Local support provided by: GTZ, SARL L’Exquise.
Association Hippone Pour le Developpement Collectif
The "Nettoyons Annaba" activity was carried out by Association Hippone pour le Développement Collectif, on
September 19, for CUW Weekend. Members of the group worked with the local scout group, council,
business and student associations to clean the FLN - Champs de Mars park area in Annaba. Recycling bins
were also installed in the park for future use. Coverage of the day’s activities was later shown on the ARTE
television channel. A second activity, a clean up of various cemeteries in Annaba was also organised by the
association. The clean up caught the attention of the local council and will hopefully ensure that government
institutions show greater concern in caring for cemeteries in the area.
L’Activité de « Nettoyons Annaba » mise en œuvre par l'association Hippone pour le développement collectif
a ete organisée le jeudi 19 septembre 2008 à l'occasion de la fin de semaine Nettoyons la Terre. Les
Membres ont travaillé avec le mouvement Scout local, le conseil municipal et les associations d’étudiants
pour nettoyer au niveau de la place FLN (ex Champs de Mars). La campagne de nettoyage a concerné
l'évacuation de déchets jetés à même le sol ainsi que l'installation de poubelles de tri des déchets au niveau
de la dite place. Un reportage a été réalisé et diffusé sur la chaine de télévision francogermanique ARTE.
Une seconde activité, « Préservons nos cimetières » a concerné le nettoyage d'un ancien cimetière de la
ville d'Annaba où le laisser-aller a été constaté ces derniers temps. L'association a été le précurseur et le
catalyseur de cette action impliquant divers organismes étatiques et non gouvernementaux. L'association en
travaillant collectivement avec d'autres parties a pu initier tout un cycle d'actions non seulement au niveau de
ce cimetière mais aussi au niveau d'autres sites (principalement des cimetières).
Association Essaada de BouSaada
A range of educational based activities were organised and carried out by the Association Essaada de
BouSaada, to enable primary and high school students to become more active in protecting the environment.
The association compiled and distributed their "Green Space" guide to approximately 22 schools. The guide
provided practical advice on organising a clean up activity. By working with teachers at the schools, clean ups
were carried out at 12 parks in the district and 25 "Green Clubs" were created to encourage further
environmental activities in the future. Students that participated in the activities were awarded with a special
"environmental badge" for their efforts.
Un éventail d’activités éducatives ont été organisées et mises en place par l’Association Essaada de
BouSaada pour permettre aux écoliers du primaire et du secondaire de devenir actifs dans la protection de
l’environnement. L’association a établi et distribué son guide « espace vert » dans approximativement 22
écoles. Les animations et projets pédagogiques sont réalisés en concertation avec le responsable de
l'établissement participant et en collaboration avec les professeurs. En travaillant avec les professeurs, 12
espaces verts ont été aménagés, 25 clubs verts ont été créés et 250 enfants ont recu le « badge
environnemental » .
Association Ecologica de Skikda
Two clean up activities at Market and Larbi Ben M’hidi Beaches were organised by the Association Ecologica
de Skikda, with both the local radio station and the Sonelgaz Society lending their support and participation in
the clean up’s. The clean up activities highlighted the need to protect coast areas and keep them and free of
Deux activités de nettoyage des plages de Market et de Larbi Ben M’hidi ont été organisées par l’Association
Ecologica de Skikda avec la participation de la radio locale et de la société Sonelgaz. Ces activités de
nettoyage ont surligné l’importance de la protection de l’environnement et avec cela la protection du littoral
de toutes sortes de déchets.
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Other members in Algeria are:
Forum Scoutisme et Environnement
Green Wish
Troupe Alraja Batna
Draa Ben Khedda
Association de Protection de l'Environnement et de l'Ecologie (THAFSUTH)
Talaia Salem Scout Heliopolis de Guelma
SMA El Izdihar Oran
Bobo - Dioulasso
Association pour un Developpement Durable Burkina Faso (ADD)
Ecole KUAC
Benevolent Association for Protection of the Environment and the Socially Underprivileged (BAPESU)
BAPESU organised a clean up campaign in Bambui. 20 volunteers participated in a clean up activity which
involved clearing grass and other waste that had been blocking drains and gutters. Grass and organic waste
collected from the clean up was used to create a compost heap which will eventually be used as a fertiliser
for growing cabbage and spices.The compost will be an example of an environmentally friendly alternative to
fertiliserm, to show local farmers alternatives to use in their farming practises. The campaign carried out by
BAPSEU was praised by local community members for bringing greater health benefits to the village
community, as the waste cleared from the drainage areas will discourage breeding grounds for mosquitoes
and decrease the risk of malaria rated illnesses.
Africa Youth for Peace and Development Cameroon
Africa Youth for Peace and Development Cameroon conducted a variety of activities as part of the Clean Up
the World campaign and the UNEP youth programme. Three different activities were held throughout the
year. A tree planting campaign, organised in Ekobme Bonje saw trees planted at two local church grounds
and at the hospital. To help address the problem of water pollution in the Ekombe Bonji River, an awareness
raising campaign was carried out in the local community. To compliment these activities, members of Africa
Youth for Peace and Development Cameroon also held environmental awareness raising days at local
schools concerning proper waste disposal techniques. As a result of their activities, participants remarked
that community members gained a greater sense of the need to be more responsible for the environment and
thanks to the tree planting activity, there is now more shade available for people to enjoy.
Forestry & Environmental Conservation Society (FOECONS)
2008 saw more than 10,000 trees planted including an activity held on WED carried out by FOECONS. Tree
planting had such a strong focus to not only promote reforestation so that trees may act as a buffer in
extreme weather events, yet to also establish permanent forests to act as carbon sinks. FOECONS
also celebrated their CUW Weekend in October by carrying out a variety of
tree planting and educational activities. Approximately 20 schools in the Kumba
and Menji - Fontem regions, involved 2100 volunteers to work together to
plant more than 700 trees. FOECONS complemented these activities with
environmental awareness raising events, to help both students and the wider
community develop a positive attitude towards environmental protection.
Réseau pour le Développement Rural et la protection de l'Environnement au Cameroun (REDREC)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
A tree planting campaign organised by REDEC and local environment bodies, took place in Yaoundé
throughout the month of June. Approximately 250 people worked together to plant 200 trees. As part this
campaign, a community awareness workshop supported by the mayor was also held in Bivem-Assi quarter,
to inform residents about the health benefits of conducting regular clean ups.
Au mois de juin, une campagne de plantation d’arbres a été organisée à Yaoundé par le REDREC en
collaboration avec les corps environnementaux locaux. Environ 250 personnes on participé ensemble à la
plantation de 200 arbres. Prenant part à cette campagne, des ateliers de conscientisation ont également été
menés dans le quartier de Biyem-Assi sur les bénéfices santé de conduire des activités de nettoyage
Other members in Cameroon are:
Paradise on Earth - Agricultural, Constructional and Environmental Development
Forestry, Agriculture, Animal and Fishery Network (FAAFNET)
Global Sports Alliance Douala,Cameroun
Youths Ahead! - Collectif des Jeunes Talents (Jeunesse en Mouvement)
Synergie Jeunesse et Développement (SYJEDE)
Cameroon Environmental Protection Association (HIGH - TECH CEPA)
Groupe Comunnautaire des Jeunes pour la Protection de L'Environnement (GCJ)
Little Angels of the Environment Cameroon (LANEC)
Association des Jeunes pour le Developpement Humain et la Protection de l'Environnement (AJDHPE)
A clean up activity took place at a primary school in Brazzaville Makélékélé, prior to the start of the 20082009 school year. The Brazzaville Makélékélé municipality and more than 20 volunteers participated in the
activity. Approximately 150 kilos of waste was collected with all recyclable materials being sent to a recycling
centre for proper disposal. Thanks to their efforts, AJDHPE believed that they had contributed to making the
school grounds a healthy environment for the start of the school year.
Une activité de nettoyage a été organisée dans l’école primaire avant la rentré scolaire 2008-2009. La
municipalité de Makélékélé Brazzaville et environ 20 bénévoles ont participé.
Environ 150 kilos de déchets ont été ramassés et toutes les matières recyclables ont été envoyées dans un
centre de recyclage approprié. Grâce à leurs efforts, l'AJDHPE a contribué à la fabrication d’une école
fondée sur un environnement sain pour le début de l'année scolaire.
Other members in Congo are:
Association Congolaise d'Education et de Prevention contre les Maladies et la Drogue en sigle ONG A
Volontaires pour l'Environnement et le Developpement
Aide Jeunes du Congo
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Several environmental activities were organised by PEMEPHEA as part of their participation in the Clean Up
the World campaign. Approximately 800 people took part in a waste clean up day that was held across three
districts of the Ibanda community in Bukuvu. The local mayor was also offered his support for the event. After
the clean up day, posters bearing anti-litter messages in both French and Swahili, were placed throughout
the area to spread the word about the need to dispose of waste properly. Three local radio stations publicised
the event and an environmental conference held at at l’Institut Supérieur Pédagogique in Bukavu, was also
broadcast on the radio station so that the community could also listen to the topics being presented. Thanks
to organising these activities, there was a visible reduction in waste on the street and the community - in
particular the local church and municipal leaders had greater interest in caring for the environment.
Plusieurs événements ont été conduits par le PEMEPHEA comme prenant part à la campagne de Nettoyons
la Terre. Approximativement 800 personnes ont participé à l’activité de nettoyage qui s’est tenue sur trois
places stratégiques principales de la commune d’Ibanda – Bukavu. Les activités ont été soutenues par le
Maire de la ville. Après la journée de nettoyage, des affiches portant des messages anti-détritus en français
et en swahili, ont été placées partout dans le secteur pour diffuser le mot concernant le besoin de se
débarrasser correctement des déchets. Trois radios locales ont promus l’événement et la conférence
environnementale tenue à l’Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Bukavu a également été diffusée à la radio,
donc la communauté pouvait suivre les sujets présentés.Grace à l’organisation de ces activités, il y a eu une
réduction visible des déchets dans la rue et au sein de la communauté – en particulier – les dirigeants
municipaux et de l’église ont montré un réel intérêt pour l'environnement.
Foyer Agricole de Kishiongo
Approximately 600 volunteers took part in activities to clean up areas by removing tree waste from specified
locations to allow for the building of Following on from previous years activities, The Foyer Agricole de
Kishiongo continued with their community consultation and awareness raising activities surrounding clean
drinking water supplies. The organisation published 10 articles with information concerning water borne
diseases, advice for protecting portable water sources and tips on water filtration techniques. Activities were
also carried out from January through to November 2008, whereby approximately 600 volunteers took part in
activities to clean up areas by removing tree waste from specified locations, to allow for the building of
schools throughout the Kwenge region in the south of the country.
Environ 600 volontaires ont participé aux activités de nettoyage du secteurs en enlevant les déchets d'arbres
aux emplacements indiqués en tenant compte de la construction du bâtiment suivant et des activités des
années précédentes. Le Foyer Agricole de Kishiongo a continué ses activités de consultation communautaire
et de conscientisation autour des provisions en eau potable propre. L'organisation a publié 10 articles avec
des informations concernant les maladies apportées par l’eau, le conseil sur la protection des sources d'eau
et des techniques de filtration d'eau. Les activités ont eu lieu de janvier à novembre 2008, et environ 600
volontaires ont participé aux activités pour nettoyer des secteurs en enlevant les déchets d'arbres des
emplacements indiqués, en tenant compte de la construction d'écoles dans la région Kwenge dans le sud du
Other members in Congo (Democratic Republic of the) are:
ONGD Tosunga (TS)
Programme du developpement pour la gestion de l'Environnement et promotion des forets (PGED)
ONG Vivre Sainement
Three different activities were organised by Vivre Sainement in 2008. The first activity, an awareness raising
activity concerning forest conservation was conducted with students aged 10-14 years, from the Abidjan
district. More than 100 students participated in the activity which included writing an essay based on the
question; "Our Forests: What is their future in our country?" Following this, further awareness campaigns
concerning HIV/AIDS and improving public hygiene to combat pollution in urban areas, were held in the
Yopougon and Koumass districts of Abidjan. These campaigns were organised with the support of the
Minister for Health and Public Hygiene.
Trois différentes activités ont été organisées par Vivre Sainement en 2008. La première, un concours de
rédaction avec le thème « quel avenir pour la forêt de notre pays » a été organisée pour les enfants entre 10
et 14 ans. Plus d’une centaine d’élèves du district d’Abidjan y ont participé.
Enfin, des nouvelles campagnes de conscientisation concernant le VIH/SIDA et l'amélioration de l'hygiène
publique pour combattre la pollution dans des zones urbaines, ont été tenues dans l'Yopougon et les zones
de Koumass d'Abidjan. Ces campagnes ont été organisées avec l'appui du Ministre de la Santé et de
l'Hygiène Publique.
Other members in Cote D'Ivoire are:
le S R O (LE SERVICE DE RAMASSAGE DES ORDURES) Abidjan côte d'ivoire
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Scoutisme Marin Cote d'Ivoire
Al Qahirah
Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE)
In line with the current focus of the United Nations for the Environment Program (UNEP), AOYE sought to
address the threats of climate change through this year’s Clean Up the World campaign. Pollution, the
depletion of natural resources, loss of farmland, the erosion of beaches, accumulation of solid wastes and air
pollution was at the core of the campaign; an event that promotes action in all 16 Egyptian governorates.
With their involvement in Clean Up the World sixteen years running, AOYE’s focus this year was on
beautifying and planting trees in target areas. This meant removing waste and cleaning areas, painting street
pavements, planting trees and renovating street lighting. All activity was in full cooperation with all local
councils. The bulk of the preparation for the campaign was headed by AOYE. Large numbers of t-shirts,
banners and posters were printed and distributed to participants - nearly 4,000 young men and women - and
the event received local, regional, and international media coverage. The creation of new green space and
the trees planted as a result of the Clean Up the World activity is hoped to have a direct and positive impact
on the reduction of climate change in Egypt, and the number of participants in the activities are increasing
year after year through AOYE’s efforts. The Ministry of State for Environment, Ministry of State for Local
Development as well as the National Council for Youth were putting the campaign on their annual agenda not
only in September of every year but all year round.
Local support provided by: Egyptian mobile services company "MobiNil", Ministry of State for Environment,
Egyptian Minister for Local Development Mr. Mohammed Abdel Salam El-Mahgoub, Chairman of the
National Council for Youth Dr. Saffey El-Din Kharboush.
Other members in Egypt are:
United Nations Youth Club
Wadi Environmental Science Centre (WESC)
Solymar Paradise Beach Resort
Addis Ababa
UNEP Addis Ababa Office
Nouvelle Nature Conservancy
Bakau New Town
Young People in the Media, The Gambia
Aruja Dance Ensemble Foundation
A waste removal activity was organised in the north industrial area of Accra on November 15. Approximately
100 volunteers took part in their first ever Clean Up the World event collecting over 2 tonnes of waste. The
organic waste collected on the day was used as compost and the plastic bags collected were recycled.
Local support provided by: Highland Springs Ltd, Travelmax Travel and Tours Ltd, Zoomlion Gh.Ltd.
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Other members in Ghana are:
Akuapem Mountains Womens Forum (AMWF)
Australian High Commission, Accra
Bibweg Health Development Organisation, Ghana
Child Welfare & Protection Agency
Clean Ghana Initiative
Lechies / Young Leaders Forum
Millennium Youth Foundation
Rescue Mission Ghana
Rural Initiatives for Youth Action in Sustainable Development (RIYASUD)
Saviour Experimental School Complex
TGIB Production
Town and Country Sanitation
Liberation Women Development Association (LIWODA) Ghana
Assin Foso
The Lost Talent Foundation Ghana
Solid Kids and Teens Club
Young People We Care (YPWC)
Beroea Sevices Mission International
Motobo Environment Live Programme
Clean up events were held in four Kenyan towns in March, May and September. Approximately 600
volunteers took part in each town collecting over 8 tonnes of waste in total. The organic waste was separated
for composting and paper was sent to commercial recycling facilities. A tree planting and environmental
education campaign was held in conjunction with the clean ups, reaching 2,205 students in 15 schools. The
campaign was regarded as a success as not only did the events encourage greater community spirit, the
waste that was recycled generated income for the community and the activities encouraged the local council
to introduce regular waste removal services.
Kawangware Urumwe Youth Group
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Kawangware Urumwe Youth Group held a range of environmental activities to coincide with key global
environmental events in 2008. The first activity took place on Earth Day in April with the Kawangware Primary
School conducting a tree planting day whereby 200 students each planted their own tree. For WED a clean
up activity was organised and was attended by more than 300 participants. 8 tonnes of waste was collected
on the day and any valuable recyclable waste from the collection, was sorted and sold. CUW Weekend was
another success story for the group with 200 participants working together to collect 10 tonnes of waste and
plant 100 seedlings within the Ndurarua primary school grounds. Finally International Water Day was also
observed by holding a water testing activity whereby water fetched from three various sources was monitored
and the results from the data collected was sent to the Water Environment Federation for further
Local support provided by: Plan International and the youth economic empowerment programme.
Kibera Sidebridge Community Initiative
Whilst the Kibera Side Bridge Community Initiative’s Clean Up the World activities were ongoing throughout
the year, there was particular emphasis on September 24-25, during which the community was mobilised to
clean up a major tributary to the Nairobi Dam. The support of the local administration was invoked to assist in
raising awareness of the impacts of dumping refuse, and the resulting pollution to the Nairobi Dam. Although
no funding was received and only limited support, locally and internationally, approximately 200 people were
involved in the activities. Due to the recent civil unrest in Kenya, the activities were used to highlight peace,
with the slogan "our environment, our peace". It is hoped that continued efforts in raising environmental
awareness and cleaning up the tributary will lead to the return of some fish species to the dam. The local
community too, in realising that "we are our environment’s keepers", will learn the benefits of proper waste
management; including reduction of mosquito breeding areas and thus malaria transmission, as well as,
instilling a sense of community spirit and national pride. The recognition from Clean Up the World has given
the group a sense of pride in its work and increased awareness and support of its efforts by the local
Mulembe FM
Mulembe FM, a radio station based in Nairobi, organised a Clean Up the World event in the western province
of Kenya during November and December. With the assistance of local government bodies, environment
agencies and the private sector, they coordinated the planting of more than 20,000 tree seedlings in
Kakamega forest. The forest is one of the only remaining areas of Guineo-Congolian tropical rainforest in
East Africa. The volunteers whom took part in the tree planting campaign came from an estimated 57 villages
and some 60 schools near the Kakamega forest. By involving the local community, the campaign was able to
create awareness amongst the community of the value of forests and by providing ideas on sustainable ways
of using forests, this will help to conserve the forest in the future.
Pillars of Kibera Youth Kibera
Pillars Of Kibera Youth Group organised four clean-up events in Kibera as part of their Clean Up the World
initiative. In September, 25 youths cleaned all the offices and a clinic in the Kibera District Officer Compound.
In October, 50 residents of Kisumu ndogo village cleaned drainages that were constructed through the
support of the Undugu Society. In November, 25 youth came together under Pillars of Kibera to clear 3
dumpsites that were posing a threat to human settlement. In December, 40 youth joined hands under the
Ministry of Youth for a tree planting exercise in Olympic Estate and Olympic Primary School. The dumpsite
and drainage system were cleared to control stagnant water that leads to water borne diseases and soil
erosion. Up to 50 residents and 75 youth were engaged in the community service and the activities promoted
the spirit of volunteering and collective responsibility.
Youth Wildlife and Environmental Movement (YWEM)
YWEM carried out a variety of activities throughout 2008. The first activity in May was held as part of
"Conservation Week" at Egerton University campus. Members of YWEM planted 40,000 trees at
Ngongongeri farm and also attended a waste management workshop, which was informed the participants of
sustainable waste management practises. As part of the week long event, students on campus were also
involved in an environmental networking program, with outlined the need to adopt lifestyle practises and
attitudes in order to achieve environmental sustainability. To celebrate CUW Weekend, YWEM organised
several clean ups within the grounds of Egerton University and of Ndarugu market. Members of the
community as well as students from the university and schools were also involved in a clean up of the river
Njoro on September 20.
Local support provided by: Faculty of Environment and Resource Development (FERD).
Other members in Kenya are:
Tumaini Outreach Singers
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Mashambani World Watch
Homa Bay
Environmental Watch Programme
Good Fella Youth
Agape Love International
Christian Women Partners (CWP)
Environment Trust of Kenya
Kenya Watersports Trust
PUSH -People United to Save the Harbourline
Destiny Africa
Eastleigh North Youth Welfare Association (ENYWA)
Eco-Club Action
Former Mates Adventure and Discovery Association (FORMADA)
Health and Environmental Awareness Leaders (HEAL)
Humaam Welfare Association
Laikipia Wildlife Forum
Mathare Youth Sports Association
MGSN Environmental club
Stay Alive Youth Support Group
Kiini Sustainable Initiative (KISI)
Centre for Integrated Community Development & Outreach (CICDOT)
Bushrod Waste Management and Development Enterprise
Creative Children in Arts (CCA)
Liberia Community Sanitition Service
Movement for the Promotion of Gender Equality in Liberia (MOPGEL)
Youth Against Sanitation (YAS)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Youth for Change Network
Centre for Community Empowerment and Development
The Centre for Community Empowerment and Development (CECAD) incorporated their Clean Up the World
activity with a demonstration march held in Lilongwe on December 6 as part of the Global Day of Action
against climate change. More than 350 people took part in the march that was organised to coincide with the
2008 UN Climate Talks that were taking place in Poznan, Poland from December 1-12. CECAD was also
involved facilitating a series of climate talks, entitled the "Rethinking Our World Initiative" that were conducted
in 18 schools throughout Lilongwe reaching approximately 1,800 students, to raise awareness on the issue of
climate change. Through their activities, communities - in particular the youth population, are more aware of
issues surrounding climate change and the need for each individual to act. This was particularly evident
during the December 6 march with more than 75% of participants being young people.
Local support provided by: Environmental Affairs Department, UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme.
Comité de Gestion et de Valorisation des Déchets (COGEVAD)
Mauritius Scout Association
Association des Amis du Val D'Ifrane: Ifrane-Maroc
Centre de l'Environnement et du Développement Régional
Observatoire de la Palmeraie de Marrakech (OPM)
Association Mobadara pour le développement durable et tourisme
Kelly Hicks
Health & Environmental Care Initiative
Health and Environmental Care Initiatives embarked on a clean up campaign for three months, from
September until December of the surrounding area of Ekeoha shopping centre and at the Old Court Road
Market in Aba. Commencing their campaign on CUW Weekend, 1500 volunteers participated in cleaning the
gutter and drainage systems around the shopping centre and in the market area, as well as sweeping the
grounds of the entire premises. The event captured the attention and praise of both business owners and
visitors to the market, thanks to the clean surroundings which resulted from the clean up. Health and
Environment initiatives view their event to have been successful in improving local health conditions due to
cleaning up areas of stagnant water which are often breeding grounds for bacteria.
Vision Bearers Youth Organization
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Vision Bearers Youth Organisation Clean Up the World events were held in three zones of the Aba South
locality in April, June and August. More than 70 participants were involved in the three waste clearing
activities. All organic waste collected at the cleanups were put into compost and recyclable wastes were sent
to recycling centers for disposal. Additionally, environmental education and awareness workshops were also
held in the communities reaching out to a further 700 people about the link between health and the
Environmental Management Corps (EMC)
With a focus on environment and infrastructure maintenance, EMC embarked on a campaign to lead by
example and educate the people of Nigeria. Waterways were cleaned and 1770 trees planted, and 300
billboards were erected to curb the dumping of waste materials in waterways in Ekiti State. On August 21,
EMC launched a magazine named Mineralinks that focuses on mineral, environment, and tourism issues.
During the launching, environmentalists were invited to deliver lectures on conservation to more than 1,000
participants. The occasion also served as an avenue to enlighten the dignitaries about the objectives of
Clean Up the World. On November 24 - 26, EMC carried out the educative part of their campaign with,
"House to House Talk on Trees Planting and Waterways Cleaning in Ekiti." The group spoke to 400
households in Ado-Ekiti, Ifaki-Ekiti and Aramoko- Ekiti on the issues of tree planting and on the importance of
keeping the canals clean.
Benin city
Environmental Protection And Food Program
School children and local residents took part in two clean up events held in November, in Ugbeze and
Iguoke. Thanks to the activities organised by the group, there was a marked reduction in the amount of waste
on the streets. A particular highlight of the event was when elderly people in the area came to thank
participants for their efforts in improving the appearance and health of the local area.
Local Youth Assembly of Nigeria
Health and Environmental Care Initiatives embarked on a clean up campaign for three months, from
September until December of the surrounding area of Ekeoha shopping centre and at the Old Court Road
Market in Aba. Commencing their campaign on CUW Weekend, 1,500 volunteers participated in cleaning the
gutter and drainage systems around the shopping centre and in the market area, as well as sweeping the
grounds of the entire premises. The event captured the attention and praise of both business owners and
visitors to the market, thanks to the clean surroundings which resulted from the clean up. Health and
Environment initiatives view their event to have been successful in improving local health conditions due to
cleaning up areas of stagnant water which are often breeding grounds for bacteria.
Lagos State
Nigeria Climate Change Working Group
The Nigeria Climate Change Working Group carried out an environmental awareness raising event about tree
planting and the role that trees play in combating climate change. Approximately 100 attendees were at the
event. Further environmental awareness raising events were held in December, this time focusing on waste
management and the ways people can benefit from recycling and reducing waste. A positive outcome of the
events was that participants learnt of the benefits of recycling and how wealth can actually be created
through reusing rather than disposing of certain waste products.
Society for Life and Human Development Initiative (SLHDI)
SLHDI ran a variety of events through the year with a focus on educational based activities concerning the
themes of climate change, waste disposal and health and hygiene practices to prevent the spread of
infectious diseases such as malaria. Following the activities participants were able to network with each
other, increasing the possibility of sustaining and developing their environmental programs in the future.
Local support provided by: Blossom Development Initiative, National Youth Service Corps (Otukpo Chapter),
Generation on Track in Transit (GOTIT).
Other members in Nigeria are:
Blueprint Concepts and Environmental Services
Neighbourhood Environment Watch (N.E.W)
Awodi-Ora - Apapa
Vision Outreach Youth Project
Environmental & Petroleum Geochemistry Research Group (EPG, NIGERIA
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Youth Leadership Network (YOLEN)
Union 2015
Bolak Waste Management
Deamseed International
Ikot abasi
Foundation for Environmental Ethics and Developments (FEEDS)
Gasaa Business Ventures
Kagos State
Nature Cares
Afrimat Ventures
Bibweg Health Development Organisation Nigeria
British Council Nigeria
Foolproof Squad
Global Youth Positive Empowerment Initiators (GYPEI)
Lagos mainland
Gifted Youth Initiatives
Niger Delta
Green Ambassadors Foundation
Victorian Foundation
Eden Society International Foundation
Society Fot The Protection of Nature And Environment
Port Harcourt
Environplan Initiatives
Green Fingers
Youths Environment Society (YES)
World Communities Empowerment Network
Convention des Jeunes de Pikine
Scouts du Sénégal
Action Group for Education [AGE] in Sierra Leone
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2008 - Participant Activities in
BIBWEG Health Development Organisation - Sierra Leone
conscience international sierra leone
Global Unification
Humanity Rescuer Committee
Restoring Hope to Women and Destitute Children ( RHEWDEC)
Student Educational Network Sierra Leone
Tangible Academic Youth Forum Organization (TAYFO)
Youth Movement For Peace & Non Violence
Omali Rehabilitation and Development Agency (SORDA)
Somali Forum for Peace and Democracy
The "Moreleta Spruit Clean Up", was organised by SOAPkidz as a CUW Weekend activity on September 20.
350 volunteers included 123 children from the SOAPkidz programme hiked along the 10 km walking trail at
Moreleta Spruit, collecting litter and waste along the way. A total of 348 bags of waste were collected on the
day. A second event, a "clean up of Nel Spruit" saw more than 100 volunteers work together to remove
approximately 40 bags of waste from the reserve.
Local support provided by: Pick n Pay Faerie Glen local conservation group and local police divisions.
Other members in South Africa are:
Forest View Primary School
Institute for Zero Waste in Africa
KZN Agriculture and Environmental Affairs: eThekwini
Plastics Federation of South Africa
Dusi Umngeni Conservation Trust (DUCT)
Lower Mpushini Valley Conservancy
National Victim Empowerment Programme
Communication in Solid Waste Program or Women Forum (home visitors)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Dar es Salaam
Tanzania Youth and Environmental Network (TAYEN)
TAYEN carried out a series of environmental awareness raising workshops throughout various schools in Dar
es Salaam to encourage students to participate in conservation activities. Entitled "Youth Environmental
Clubs", the workshops were held across 10 schools with students learning about how they can contribute to
improving the environment in their school area and community. Through the course of the workshop plans to
start tree nurseries within the school grounds and organising future clean up events were developed.
Local support provided by: School administration of Makongo, Tegeta, Boko and Mbezi Beach, Boko
secondary school of Dar es Salaam.
Other members in Tanzania (United Republic of) are:
Emet Dar Es Salaam School
Joint Environment and Development Management Action (JEMA)
Children's Health and Environment Caretakers
Clean Up Tabora
White Star Society
Zanzibar Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ZSPCA)
Magnificat Environment Association (MEA)
Clean up activities were organised by the Magnificent Environment Association in Lomé, throughout April,
June and September. Approximately 1583 people participated in activities ranging from awareness raising
days, to tree planting, waste collection and recycling activities. The activities carried out helped to make
people more aware of the importance of good hygiene to avoid the risk of illness and disease and through
carrying out clean up and recycling activities, plastic bag waste, which is a large problem in Lomé, was also
reduced. As a result of the activities the association noted that there was a positive change in the habits of
people towards their environment.
Des activités de nettoyage ont été organisées par la Magnificat Environment Association à Lomé tout au long
des mois d’avril, juin et septembre. Environ 1583 personnes ont participé aux journées de conscientisation, à
la plantation d'arbres, à la collecte des déchêts et aux activités de recyclage.
Les activités ont été effectuées pour aider à rendre les gens plus conscients de l'importance d’une bonne
hygiène pour éviter le risque de maladie et de contamination en effectuant des activités de nettoyage et de
recyclage. Les déchets de sacs en plastique, qui sont un grand problème à Lomé, ont également été réduits.
Suite aux activités, l'association a noté qu'il y avait un changement positif des habitudes des gens à l’égard
de leur environnement.
Réseau des Organisations de Développement de la Région Centrale (RESODERC)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Three separate awareness raising activities were organised by RESODERC in 2008. In April, "la terre n’est
pas une poubelle"(Earth is not a garbage bin) campaign was organised. Approximately 100 members of the
group went to 35 local areas to deliver talks concerning personal hygiene and the link that health has to a
clean environment. Clean up activities were incorporated into the campaign, with all the waste collected being
either burnt of sent to local waste disposal facilities. The second campaign; "Non à la dépendance du
carbone"(No to carbon dependence) was held in June, whereby environmental awareness activities were
combined with tree planting activities. An estimated 10,000 trees were planted at schools across the Sokodé
district. In October, a final campaign concerning food security and the challenges that climate change may
present, was organised so that members of RESODERC could learn more about this issue in order to share
their knowledge with the wider community.
Trois activités séparées de conscientisation ont été organisées par RESODERC en 2008. En avril, la
campagne "la terre n'est pas une poubelle" a été organisée. Environ 100 membres du groupe sont allés dans
35 secteurs locaux livrer des pourparlers concernant l’hygiène corporelle et le lien entre la santé et un
environnement propre. Des activités de nettoyage ont été incorporées dans la campagne, tous les déchets
rassemblés ont été soit brûlés, soit envoyés dans des centres d'élimination des déchets locaux. La deuxième
campagne, "non à la dépendance du carbone" a été tenue en juin, des activités de conscientisation
environnementale ont été combinées avec des activités de plantation d’arbres. Environ 10,000 arbres ont été
plantés dans les écoles de la zone Sokodé. En octobre, une campagne finale concernant la sécurité
alimentaire et les défis que le changement climatique peut présenter, a été organisée comme une activité
éducative, avec des participants par groupes.
Village de Danyi-N'
Femmes Volontaires Debout pour le Developpement Durable (FVDD)
The main focus of activities organised by FVDD in 2008 was centred on a clean up of local river areas.
Approximately 271 volunteers were involved in both clean ups of river banks and tree planting activities which
resulted in trees being planted alongside rivers and roadsides. At the association’s headquarters, a concerted
effort was also made to recycle rather than throw out plastic waste.
L’une des principales activités organisées par FVDD en 2008 a été centrée sur le nettoyage des espaces de
la rivière locale. Environ 271 volontaires ont été impliqués tant dans le nettoyage des berges que dans les
activités de plantation d’arbres qui ont abouti à la plantation d’arbres le long des rivières et aux bords de la
route. Au siège social de l'association un effort concerté a aussi été fait pour recycler plutôt que de jeter les
déchets en plastique.
Other members in Togo are:
Pae Togo (Pour un Avenir Ensoleillé)
Volontaires pour le Developpement et l'Assainissement de l'Environnement (VDAE)
Association de l'Environnement de Tazarka
For their first year participating in the Clean Up the World campaign, Association de l’Environnement de
Tazarka worked with the support of the local Council to install a series of waste disposal bins along the main
road in Tazaka. More than 40 volunteers including the Tazarka Scout group and school children were
involved in the activity. To complement this, an awareness raising day was held on June 15, to educate the
local community about the importance of a having clean community and to discourage people from littering
roadsides. Later in the year, a tree planting activity took place on November 23, at three places in Tarzarka.
Approximately 20 Scouts were also involved in the activity.
Local support provided by: l’Agence du Protection et d’Aménagement du Littoral (APAL).
Au cours de leur première année participant dans la campagne de CUW, l'Association de l'Environnement de
Tazarka a travaillé, avec l'appui du Conseil local, à l’installation d’une série de poubelles le long de la route
principale dans Tazaka. Plus de 40 volontaires incluant le groupe de Scouts Tazarka et les écoliers ont été
impliqués dans l'activité.
En plus de cela, une journée de conscientisation a été tenue le 15 juin, pour éduquer la communauté locale
sur l'importance d’avoir une communauté propre et pour décourager les gens à éparpiller leurs déchets aux
bords de la route. Plus tard dans l'année, une activité de plantation d’arbres a eu lieu le 23 novembre, à trois
endroits de Tarzarka. Environ 20 Scouts ont aussi été impliqués dans l'activité.
Support local fourni par : l’Agence du Protection et d’Aménagement du Littoral (APAL).
Other members in Tunisia are:
Jeune Chambre Economique Bousalem Tunisie
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Nature Palace Foundation
To coincide with the official opening of Mabamba Eco-tourism Information Centre, the Nature Palace
Foundation organised a 1-day environmental awareness raising and media campaign involving up to 600
volunteers made up of community members, schools, local leaders, district officials, civil society
organisations and political leaders. The "Fix Up our Wetlands of International Importance: Mabamba Clean
Up Campaign 2008" took place at Mabamba Bay Ramsar Site on Friday September 19, 2008. Mabamba is
an important breeding ground for migrant bird species and is home to globally threatened bird and rare plant
species. Due to the important role that wetlands play in controlling climate change, The Nature Palace
Foundation chose this site to conduct their Clean Up the World activity. About 100kg of waste (crop residues
and plastic materials) was collected and an emphasis on the reforestation of the catchment area and the
need to conserve the wetland ecosystem was highlighted throughout the event. Local media organisations
published the event and as a result the clean-up helped to increase environmental awareness amongst the
community. The Government Minister of Water and Environment made a speech and encouraged community
members to begin and initiate their clean up campaigns in their own homes. As a result of the clean up
campaign, the Minister ordered the local authorities to remove all illegal structures which were constructed in
the wetlands reserve area and were a source of pollution and continuous degradation of the reserve.
Local support provided by: Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation.
Other members in Uganda are:
Klin Arua Ventures
Fort - Portal
Canon Apolo Primary Teachers College
Kazinga Youth Volunteer Service (KYVS)
Wakiso Environment Conservation & Development Initiative (WECADI)
Kampala City
Foundation for Integrated Rural Development (FIRD)
Bwera Youth and Environmental Pollution Association
Lira Town
Hope Revival Agency for Rural Devevelopment (HORARD)
Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry & Environment Concerns (SAFE)
United Nations Youth Association of Zambia - Green Section (YUNA-ZAMBIA)
For the third year in a row, The United Nations Youth Association of Zambia’s Green Section (YUNA-Zambia)
joined in the CUW Weekend with their campaign, "Make Zambia Clean and Healthy".The activity was carried
out September 19 in the Northern part of Lusaka City, about 15km from the Central Business District. The
area is an open space between a hospital and an urban settlement area called Mandevu and has been the
target of domestic waste dump from residents. The waste was composed mostly of plastics, papers, left-over
foods, empty tins and combined household waste. Over 50 volunteers combined gathered in Mandevu
Compound and carried out both an awareness raising activity and cleaning exercise aimed at ensuring that
Lusaka residents are safe from diseases which may brake out as a result of garbage accumulating near their
homes. In particular the area risked becoming a breeding ground for various diseases like Malaria and
sources of transmittable diseases like cholera. Apart from collecting this refuse, youths from Rhodes Park
School PTA also cleared blocked drains which had been filled with plastics and other components of
domestic waste.
Other members in Zambia are:
Albidon Zambia Limited
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Bulawayo Progressive Residents Association
Environment Africa
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Participants can be Members
or Guests
. Members can provide an Activity Summary report in addition to creating activities.
Frank Ford (Ford Residents Group)
On September 21, Ford resdents group organised volunteers to clean up Semephore Beach. The event
involved collecting rubbish from the waterways and surrounding vegetation. Whilst the participants found
walking through water, sand and scrub challenging, the area is now much cleaner as a result of the event, for
all to enjoy.
Cook Islands Queensland Association Inc.
In September, the Cook Islands Queensland Association organised an event to clean up the area around the
Eagleby boat ramp and the adjacent council park. Approximately 52 members, along with local volunteers,
collected 2 trailer loads of waste, including cans, bottles, plastics, paper etc. This has been an annual event
over the past four years. After the clean up, volunteers and their families enjoyed a BBQ sponsored by the
community. Not only will the community benefit from a cleaner environment, it is also hoped that the event
has raised awareness of the need for proper waste disposal and recycling to improve living standards.
Friends Of Blind Creek Billabong, Knox
For the past nine years The Friends of Blind Creek Billabong in Australia’s Ferntree Gully have been
organising an array of clean up activities within their local community. A CUA event was held in March and a
Clean Up the World event in November. During these two annual clean-ups the team found a lot of waste in
their reserve and along the creek. The team also took part in regular tree planting and weeding throughout
the year; building a sense of ownership and pride for their surroundings. The local council supplied The
Friends of Blind Creek Billabong with environmental warning signs to put up in the area for the sake of the
wildlife and bush land, along with a skip which the group fill with waste materials, while separating
recyclables. The campaigns have discouraged the use of the area as a dumping ground and The Friends of
Blind Creek Billabong aim to restore a sense of pride within their community and improve their attitudes
towards recycling.
Local support provided by: Mountain Gate G and B Butcher Shop, Cool Store on Dorset Road and Knox
Clean Up Southern Beaches
Once a month more than 15 volunteers met to clean up a designated area in the Sorell Municipality of
Tasmania. Clean Up Southern Beaches began as a group after habitually cleaning up the roadsides of the
Southern Beaches for many years. As individuals they were making no major headway. Since the group have
combined their efforts and with the advice and assistance from Clean Up the World, they have managed to
receive recognition and support from their local Council for providing bags, access to waste disposal,
collection and signs to be placed in strategic places around the Southern Beaches area. The roadsides
leading into the Southern Beaches are now much cleaner and the sense of community’s spirit has soared.
Besides a way to clean up more efficiently, the group’s common interest has become a powerful link towards
getting to know each other. Clean Up Southern Beaches have begun making links with other local community
groups and hope to gradually improve attitudes to roadside rubbish. Wearing high profile road safety vests
have also proved to be a great advertising technique in attracting more volunteers every month. With the
local mayor’s support and their community newsletter editors now providing Clean Up Southern Beaches with
free advertising there is now a wider interest in the group’s activities. The Department of the Environment,
Parks, Heritage and the Arts will also be featuring the group in their statewide anti-litter campaign.
Local support provided by: Sorell Council.
City of Monash
The City of Monash supported three Clean Up the World sites on October 21 and 28. Approximately 40
volunteers participated, which was an encouraging increase from 27 volunteers the previous year. The events
resulted in the collection of 98 bags and 855 kgs of waste being collected, as compared to 25 bags in 2007.
Thanks to these events, the community will benefit from cleaner parks and reserves. The events also aided
in raising awareness of the impact of litter and pollution on the environment and fostering community spirit.
Now in its second year of supporting Clean Up the World events, the council faced challenges in recruiting
volunteers and the nomination of clean up sites, although there was a marked increase from 2007. It is
expected that earlier and broader promotion will continue to increase participation and awareness.
Local support provided by: Friends of the Children Foundation, Friends of Damper Creek and Clean Up
Melbourne Bodhgaya Support Group
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
A Clean Up the World clean up activity was held in the town of Gaya, State of Bihar, India in October 2008.
Approximately 50 volunteers participated to remove collect waste from the pathway that leads to Griddhakuta
Hill, a Buddhist sacred site. The waste was carried back to the Vietnamese Buddhist Monastery in Bodhgaya
for disposal. Melbourne Gaya Support Group hope the activity will soon be a regular part of future Buddhist
pilgrimages, raising awareness within the travellers’ community and helping to keep the local environment
clean for the local people.
Local support provided by: Vietnamese Buddhist Monastery in Bodhgaya, India.
St Andrew's Socioreligious Justice/Fraternity In Truth Inc
On September 20, a Clean Up the World event was held at Lane Cove National Park. Consisting of 12
families and their children, up to 63 people participated and worked together to clean up various parks, roads
and creeks in the area to improve the overall quality of the water, soil and vegetation. 65 bags of waste plus
some old abandoned automobile tyres were collected from water holes and streams. To promote the event
invitational pamphlets were distributed to local residents in nearby areas to solicit local supporters. St.
Andrew’s Socio-religious Justice/Fraternity In Truth Assoc, Inc’s affiliation with Clean Up the World has
become well known amongst the Korean Socio-religious communities, and the group received a Certification
of Appreciation from the Mayor of City of Ryde Council.
Brambles Limited
On the third weekend of September, Brambles volunteers in Sydney worked on bush regeneration and
cultural heritage works at Middle Head in the Sydney Harbour National Park. Work included removing weeds,
planting native trees and the uncovering of a historic stone drain.
Clean Up Australia
The 19th Clean Up Australia Day, held on the first Sunday in March 2008, saw more than 800,000
Australians take to their streets, waterways, beaches, and parks to remove rubbish. Together they donated
an estimated two million hours to the environment, making Clean Up Australia Day the single largest
community participation event in Australia. Plastic took centre stage in 2008, accounting for more than a third
of rubbish in our environment. A Business Clean Up Day was also organised, as a way for business to
participate in campaign. In addition to choosing a site to clean up, businesses also had the opportunity to
participate in the Adopt-A-Site program. This program offers companies the opportunity to show their support
by funding a community Clean Up site. Schools across the nation also showed their support for the campaign
by participating in the Schools Clean Up Day. "The Green Teacher Award"was an initiative from the Schools
Clean Up Day, whereby teachers were recognised and rewarded at a state and national level for their time
and use of resources in inspiring green initiatives within their school. From the results of Clean Up Australia
Day 2008 it was clean that community groups, individuals, schools, businesses and councils continued to be
the core strength of Clean Up Australia Day.
Clean Up Israel
Year round activities organised by Clean Up Israel were carried out across Israel in 2008. Approximately
40,000 volunteers took part in a variety of different initiatives and campaigns - ranging from the "Adopt a Site"
and "Green School" initiatives, local community clean up days, to larger scale campaigns such as the "Clean
Beach Campaign" held at locations including: the Dead Sea, Eliat and Kinneret, and activities arranged as
part of the "Clean Up the Mediterranean" campaign. A particular focus was placed on organising activities to
coincide with the period prior to Passover (March-April), traditionally a time of physical cleaning for Jewish
people and after the High Holy Days (in September), a time of spiritual cleaning. As a continuation of efforts
to improve the environment in Israel, a highlight for Clean Up Israel was when then Knesset Internal Affairs
and Environment Committee approved a bill to establish an annual National Clean Up Day to take place in
Clean Up the World
For details the Activites undertaken by Clean Up the World Headquarters please see the Activity Report
2008 - Introduction.
Dive 2000 - Neutral Bay Sydney
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
On September 21, Diver 2000 volunteers helped to clean up the area around Balmoral Baths in Mosman,
Sydney. Divers braved the cool 16-degree water to retrieve rubbish, including a crow bar, road barriers, a
tent, angle grinder and plenty of drink bottles from the water. This area is well known as a habitat for sea
horses, as well as other sea life. The group was hopeful that through this activity and by displaying signs
advertising the event that they raised awareness of the impact of pollution on sea life and the need to dispose
of waste appropriately around the beach. The organiser of the Dive 2000 event, held another clean up event
at her office building to collect cigarette butts. A total of 4 volunteers collected 460gms (or half a shopping
bag) of cigarette butts over their lunch hour. After speaking with the building manager about the clean up,
additional smoking bins were put out for smokers to properly dispose of their butts, rather than throwing them
in the garden. The use of bins will assist in reducing the fire hazard around the area, which is surrounded by
Global Children Incorporated
As part of their Clean Up the World 2008 campaign Global Children Incorporated launched their
"Environment and Nature Program" (ENP) in seven primary village schools in the Pejeng area of Gianyar,
Bali, Indonesia. From April, Global Children Incorporated trained the children in waste management disposal
and provided each school with bins for recycling paper, metal, plastic and for collecting compost waste. They
also provided a waste pick up service for the recyclables on a weekly basis. For WED the school children
prepared banners to raise environmental awareness and a tree planting activity was carried out at each
school. Over the weekend of June 1-3 the schools collected three truckloads of waste from their schools
grounds and nearby drains. The ENP program has positively impacted the lives of 1,100 children and the
immediate village area surrounding each of the seven schools. As a result the grounds are now clean and
free of disease-producing bacteria and the children have learnt the difference between recyclables and
Mowbray Public School
A clean up event was held within the school grounds of Mowbray Public School. Teachers, students and
parents all got in involved to remove waste from the school grounds. All paper waste collected from the day
was recycled.
Other members in Australia are:
save the bush
Dubbo Tidy Towns
Gold Coast
Elanora State High School
Lake Macquarie
Quigley Sustainability Landcare Group
Ergon Energy Green Team
BADGAR Wildife Rescue
Camberwell Primary School
Connect East Pty Ltd
Friends of the Children Foundation
North Ringwood
Scouts Australia
Remco Van Santen
Art & Soul Graphics
CoastKeepers ( National parks Association of NSW)
DECC/Lane Cove National Park
Friends of Rambutso Inc. (FOR)
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
International Volunteers for Peace - Australia
Madden Gopal Family
North Rocks Community Church
The Greenwave Initiative
Sea Turtle Foundation
West Melton
Friends of Toolern Creek
Agency for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention (AID__CAP)
AID-CAP organised a Clean Up the World tree planting campaign in the Bhola district of Bangladesh, which
ran over two days. Volunteers, including students, NGO representatives, women and young people,
participated in the event. A total of 50 trees, of varied species, were planted throughout the city. This AIDCAP campaign provided many benefits to the community, including: increasing environmental awareness in
the community and surrounding area; uniting individuals within the community; creating a link between the
environment and public health and facilitating a cleaner, greener environment for all to enjoy.
Other members in Bangladesh are:
Bangladesh Adventure Club
Democratic Development Centre (DDC)
Environment Club, IUB
Leo Club of Dhaka Heaven Plus
Safety Assistance For Emergencies (SAFE)
Volunteer Aid
Phnom Penh
British Embassy, Phnom Penh
Chi Phat Community Based Ecotourism Committee
Planet Biodiesel Outreach Cambodia
Green Camel Bell (GCB)
Over the CUW Weekend, 65 volunteers from around Lanzhou took part in Green Camel Bell’s "Clean Up the
World, Love Our Globe" event held at Lanzhou Zoo. The volunteers cleaned up waste, created awareness by
educating tourists about their inappropriate behaviour (littering) and promoted environmental protection. The
volunteers gained high praise and support from the public.
Other members in China are:
Shanghai Rendu Management Consulting Co., Ltd
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Clean Up Fiji
Te Mana o Te Moana
Green Power
The sixteenth Clean Up the World event in Hong Kong was held on the 15th September, the day after the
Mid-Autumn Festival, in Aberdeen Country Park. The guests, together with 50 volunteers from Green Power,
collected the waste produced after the Mid-Autumn Festival. The focus this year was on barbecue waste.
Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival with barbecues is a common habit of many Hong Kong people, and for
convenience disposable cutleries are mostly used and extra food prepared. Aiming to urge people to reduce
their waste, the volunteers were divided into three teams and appealed to holiday-makers in Aberdeen
Country Park, Stanley and Shek O beaches. The Clean Up the World event raised environmental awareness
amongst holiday-goers and Green Power hope that they will try to change their habits for future festivities.
Other members in Hong Kong are:
Hong Kong
Ecovision Asia
National Forum for Environmental Studies and Conservation (NESCO)
A range of activities were organised by NESCO in collaboration with the Ewing Christian College in
Allahabad. On WED, students at the college celebrated the day by participating in a lecture concerning
various environmental issues. Following the lecture, the NESCO group organised a cycle rally throughout the
city. In addition to WED day, a series of clean ups were carried out at the college campus to ensure that the
grounds stayed in a clean and attractive state and served as a reminder to students to keep their campus an
Action For Food Production (AFPRO)
A Coastal Clean Up and Hand Wash campaign was organised by AFPRO in Gopalpur, to create an
awareness among local fisherman, the general public and students, of the harmful effects that marine debris
has on beach and coastal areas and of the importance of good hygiene practices. Activities were organised
to take place on September 16, in support of Coastal Clean Up Day. More than 300 participants came
together to take part in a march throughout Gopalpur town, carrying banners displaying anti litter slogans
such as "Clean Beaches - Save Fish" and hand washing for improved personal hygiene messages. Following
the rally, the particpants embarked on a clean up of a 3 kilometre stretch of Gopalpur beach. Plastic bags
and cigarette butts, account for a large portion of the 5 kgs of waste collected on the day.
Local support provided by: Eastern Water Aid India, NETFISH, Berhampur University, Gopalpur college,
College of Fisheries, Shradha Hostel.
Bala Tripura Sundari Educational Society
The focus of Bala Tripura Sundari Educational Society’s campaign; "Clean & Green"was on improving the air
and water quality in their local area in Chirala. A particular focus was on cleaning drain water areas and the
planting of more trees. 200 volunteers took part in cleaning drain water areas and pipelines and were also
involved in constructing new pipelines in order to reduce the number of mosquitoes often found in the drains,
thus helping to prevent vector borne diseases such as Malaria. In clearing away the waste found in these
areas, the Bala Tripura Sundari Educational Society believe that their activities have helped to provide more
sanitary conditions for poorer communities.
Local support provided by: Bharati Degree College, Vikas School.
Sarvjan Sukhaya Seva Samiti - Vasundhara,Ghaziabad
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Sarvjan Sukhaya Seva Samiti organised two activities in December. A tree planting activity was coordinated
to take place across several areas of Vasundhara and Ghaziabad with more than 100 volunteers taking part
in the event. In association with this activity an "Environmental Education Campaign" was also held in
December with two local schools taking part. The campaign focused on educating participants on proper
waste disposal practises in public places and the importance of keeping the city clean & green.
Local support provided by: GHAZIABAD NAGAR NIGAM(Local Municipality), Nearly thirty Residents, Welfare
Associations(RWAs) of Vasundhara, Ghaziabad. Vanasthali Public School, Sector 10-C, Vasundhara & Local
Media, Anupam digital Photo Studio, Sharma Electricals.
Ashoka Education Foundation
A unique quiz competition organised by The American Centre and the Ashoka Foundation, at Kalidas Kala
Mandir, on September 30, was a one of a kind experience for students, parents, teachers and everyone
present. As Maharashtra takes pride in being the first Indian State to incorporate Environmental Studies as
part of academic curricula, several efforts are also being made to encourage environmental awareness in the
young minds. The All Nashik Earth Genius Contest "Give the world a wake up call" also commemorated the
International Year of Planet Earth as proclaimed by UNESCO. The Clean Up the World competition was
organised in Nashik to raise environmental awareness among students and parents. 35 schools participated
and there was a crowd of 3000 in the two rounds. In the first round students presented their ideas on thoughtprovoking, futuristic subjects like global warming, waste and pollution, low impact living, clean energy, and
many more. This was followed by a quiz, and later a round where each student was given a topic to speak on
the spot for two minutes. The American Center collaborated with the Ashoka Education Foundation to
provide international quality environmentalists as judges, plus resources, funds and expertise throughout the
campaign. The schools and media rallied around the event and motivated the children and parents to take
part, improving environmental awareness. After the success of this Clean Up the World event, organisers are
planning next year’s campaign to be an all-India affair.
Local support provided by: The American Center’s program advisor Janardhanan, Environment Expert Jenny
Parikh and Ashoka Education Foundation Director Dr. Jawahar Surisetti.
New Delhi
Amity International schools
The Amity International School organised a series of environmental activities and initiatives throughout the
year. As a part of the "Clean Yamuna Campaign", the school conducted a series of tests on water samples
collected from both upstream and downstream areas of the Yamuna River. To learn about the importance of
looking after the waterways system, students also visited the Haiderpur water treatment plant to see the
water treatment process in action. A tree planting drive was held in July during Environment Week with
saplings that have medical and economic value being planted around the school. This was complemented by
the "Clean thy Neighbour"event, where students conducted a clean up of the grounds of a local theatre. As a
long term initiative, the Amity School has taken up the challenge of reducing their paper consumption and
recycling paper where possible
Saurashtra Education Foundation (SEF)
On December 21, the Saurashtra Education Foundation (SEF) led a campaign which began with a lecture on
climate change and continued with the creation of a giant poster which was signed by 125 students alongside
an environmental pledge that they would "Start today to save tomorrow "in the fight against climate change.
In addition to this activity one student at the school publicised the Clean Up the World message with homemade kites that he gave away to be flown on Kite Flying Day with Clean Up the World logos painted on.
Green Hopes
The activities that Green Hopes undertook throughout the year were focussed on the preservation and
conservation of natural resources, promoting public health and hygiene, and combating global warming and
climate change in the Kashmir region. The group runs several campaigns on behalf of the environment and
national food security, including spearheading the effort to ban polythene and plastic bags in Kashmir. Green
Hopes practices advocacy as well as affirmative action. Education and the promotion of awareness
implementing a fact-based approach and demonstrating the linkages with public health have proven very
effective for its campaigns. In addition to its current activities, Green Hopes plans to organise "eco clubs" in
local schools, with the belief that to "catch them young" will instil concern for the environment in children, so
that they become saviours of the earth. Participation in the Clean Up the World campaign has given Green
Hopes’ volunteers a sense of belonging to a global team in the effort to save the environment; that they are
no longer alone in their fight. Working with Clean Up the World has boosted the group’s confidence, added a
global dimension to its cause and enhanced its credibility within the local community.
Local support provided by: Saint Lawrence School, Srinagar.
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Other members in India are:
South Asia Youth Environment Network
Eco Needs Foundation
Avcleanup Group
Education And Recreation Towards Healthier Planet (Earth)
Prakuti Township Residents Association
Dr. Debendra Kumar Sahu
Vivekananda Educational Development Institute for Citizens (VEDIC)
Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre , Bhavnagar
Utkal Youth Association for Social Development (UYASD)
Development Links Foundation
Talismanic Youth
Nisarg Community Science Centre
Society for Natural Resource Management and Community Development (SNRMCD)
Annai Charity Trust (ACT)
DCW Limited - Soda Ash Division
Delhi Public School Gurgaon
Live Ecological Organisation (LEO)
Clean Up Hyderabad
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Clean Up Porbandar Rural District
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Wing Of Research In Local Development (WORLD)
Kalipatnam Village
Association for Environment Conservation, Advocacy and Solutions (AECAS)
Green Planet
Social Institute for Development and Rehabilitation (SIDAR)
Karur District
Society for Community Organisation and Rural Education (SCORE)
Kavarathi Island
Lakshadweep Marine Research and Conservation Centre
Prithvi Innovations
Sumeru Centre
Taru P Bhandari
The Green Globe Org
Society For Enlightenment and Empowerment
B.D Somani International School
New Delhi
Green Institute for Research and Development(GIRD)
Mediavision Infotainment Company
North Lakhimpur
Rainforest Action Group
Clean Up Porbandar
Porbandar (SSCUWIC)
Porbandar Club (AAPNOO)
Clean Himalaya Society
Society for Entirety, Efficacious, Development & Awareness (SEEDA)
Society for Community Development Project (SCDP)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Salem District
Rural Education And Development (READ) Project
Women and Child Development Society
Jan Jagaran Santhan
Vaishvik Vikas Sanstha
Bali International School
The Bali International School worked to develop an ecological footprint reduction strategy, and as part of their
Clean Up the World campaign they joined with a local high school to conduct a beach clean up. Litter in
public areas is a major concern in Bali, so the group cleaned an area frequented by tourists; thus improving
the aesthetics of the location and the impression it leaves. A tree planting activity on a neighboring island
was also completed, as was a program encouraging members of the school community to cycle in to school.
The additional planting of the almost 200 trees will assist in the rehabilitation of the area. Participating in a
beach clean up created much discussion amongst the students in regards to campaigning. This led to a
small group of students holding regular beach clean up activities near their homes. Bali International School
believes that making students participate in such activities can lead to changes in behaviour. All the students
involved are now more aware of the environmental issues that Bali face, and the school hopes they will
change their practices and attitude towards their environment as a result.
EGA Briefings
At the beginning of June, EGA briefings sent invitations to 298 organizations, universities, environmental
groups, observers and high schools. A total of more than 10,000 volunteers joined Clean Up the World in
2008 organised by EGA briefings across Indonesia, Java, Bali, Celebes and in Sumatra. CUW Weekend in
Jakarta was conducted on October 26 with more than 450 volunteers cleaned up a 3km route ending in Bung
Karno Sports Hall in central Jakarta where environmental issues were discussed, several competitions were
held and the Sports hall cleaned up. Media exposure included: Media Indonsia,,,, Radio DFM, RRI, Prambors and Sonora. Visual exposure on TV : TPI, Indosiar, ANTV, and
Local support provided by: Trisakti University, Alfamart and PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia. TransTV, Bisnis
Indonesia, B & B magazine and DFM Radio
Other members in Indonesia are:
Banda Aceh
Forum Bangun Aceh (FBA)
Tiga Sehati
Yayasan Cipta Mandiri (Foundation for Creating Independence)
Pondok Ekiot Ketewel
Jakarta Selatan
Destructive Fishing Watch(DFW)Indonesia
The Dance Company
Kuta (Badung)
Bali Hotels Association
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific Spa and Wellness Council - Planet Taskforce
Luwu Timur
Puskesmas Bantilang
Komunitas Hijau Biru (Blue Green Society)
Tanam Untuk Kehidupan (Planting for Life) (TUK)
AV Peduli
Tunas Hijau
Green Tree
Soodeh Educational Complex
A tree planting activity with 450 students planting approximately 200 trees in and around the school vicinity
was held by Soodeh Educational Complex.The school also established a "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" group to
collect, separate and recycle waste. As part of this activity, a compost for organic waste was established to
help assist in the growth of the trees. Students were also provided with reusable bags to make the more
aware of the need to minimise the use of plastic bags.
Other members in Iran (Islamic Republic of) are:
Center for Advancement of Rural Women Iran
Obu International Association
Approximately 570 people took part in clean up events held in three locations in the City of Obu on
September 21, collecting around 500kg of rubbish. Waste deemed recyclable was sent to appropriate
facilities, while other waste was taken to the Tobu Chita Clean Centre waste disposal facility for processing.
By collecting waste from around rivers and ponds and the surrounding streets, the amount of waste that
would find its way into waterways and cause further harm was reduced. An increased awareness of the need
to watch what we do with our waste and where it goes is something else that participants gained from the
Local support provided by: Ishigase Community, Yoshida Community, Obu Community, Seirei no Kai,
Kamisamaike Area Conservation Society, Herb no Kai, Obu Chamber of Commerce, Obu Lions Club, Obu
Rotary Club, Boy Scouts, Aichi Shukutoku University Enokida Seminar, Toyota Industries Corporation, Obu
Hokokai, Aisan Industry, Aichi Chita Nogyokyodokumiai, Obu Junior Chamber of Commerce, Elementary and
Junior High Schools, City of Obu, etc.
Japan Environmental Action Network (JEAN)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Each year, the Japan Environmental Action Network (JEAN) coordinates both a spring and autumn clean up
campaign, with a particular focus on beaches and waterways. In 2008, JEAN organised clean up events at
more than 400 sites with approximately 40,000 volunteers ranging from individual participants to local
government and NGO groups, schools and universities, business groups and sports associations getting
involved in removing waste and marine debris from riverbanks and beaches. The amount of waste collected
was recorded by JEAN and published in their annual activity report, in the hope that the report will act as a
means of highlighting the problem of marine debris and alert both the public and central and local
governments in Japan, of the need to improve the this problem.
Local support provided by: Amway Nature Center, Ei Publishing Co. Ltd., EVERBLUE, e-machitown Co., Ltd.,
GREENSTYLE, Japan NUS Co., Ltd., Keiyou Advance Distribution, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Limited
and Smile Hear Club of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Limited, NETOFF, Inc., Philip Morris Japan, K.K.,
and Sapporo Breweries Ltd., The Beverage Industry Environment Beautification Association.
Other members in Japan are:
Kure city
Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) Regional Coordinating Unit, Toyama Office
UNEP National Committee for the Republic of Korea
The UNEP National Committee for the Republic of Korea hosted the event; "Clean Up the beach in Yeosu",
from August 20-22. Approximately 100 college students from "UNEP Angel" a UNEP affiliated environmental
youth organisation -participated in the event. A lecture entitled "The Importance and signification of the
Ocean Environment" was attended then students went to the nearby beach to carry out their clean up activity.
Waste items including plastic bags, bottles, and broken nets were removed from the beach, filling a total of
30 bags, each with the capacity to hold 100 litres. Participants were encouraged to think about where the
waste came from and how it had ended up on the beach. Those involved in the clean up were hopeful that
their activity may encourage other community groups such as business, government and civil society to work
towards achieving a cleaner ocean environment. The UNEP National Committee for the Republic of Korea
organises environmental activities for college students - like this one - every summer, to encourage young
people to develop concern about environmental issues and to care for their surroundings.
Other members in Korea (Republic of) are:
Regional Coordinating Unit of Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) Busan Office
Kuala Ketil
SMK Teloi Kanan (Teloi Kanan Secondary School)
SMK Teloi Kanan organised three activities from September 19-21, to celebrate CUW Weekend. The River
Ranger Programme in Malaysia was started with approximately 600 students taking part in water monitoring
activities, testing the pH, Nitrates , Phosphates and micro-invertebrate. This programme continued until
December 18 with more than 12 thousand school children throughout Malaysia participating. More than 10
thousand seeds and mangrove seedlings were planted by school children at Kuala Gula - a place badly hit by
Tsunami in 2004. Since that date the school has planted more than 100 thousand mangroves with the local
fisherman and school nature club. 90 children also took part in a clean up river at the back of the school, one
that has been adopted by the school since 2005.
World Youth Foundation
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
300 volunteers from Taman Mini took part in the second Annual "Clean Up Melaka" event held on December
6, where volunteers collected recyclable waste from along the river banks and surrounding villages as well as
planted trees.There was also an exhibition held on recycling and waste in which the local residents were
advised on the negative impact waste in the river would have on tourism.
Local support provided by: CIMB Foundation through their Community Link initiative which is supported by
CIMB Bank and CIMB Islamic Bank, SWM Environment Sdn Bhd, Pembangunan Pertanian Melaka Sdn Bhd,
Gula Perak Berhad, Melaka Historic City Council, Melaka River and Coastal Development Corporation,
Renaissance Melaka Hotel, The Body Shop and KI Group.
Other members in Malaysia are:
Tanjong Jara Resort
Johor Bahru
Soroptimist International Club of Johor Bahru
Kuala Lumpur
The Scouts Association of Malaysia
Holiday Inn, Melaka
Petaling Jaya
Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam (YAWA)
Lhaviyani Atoll
ProDivers Maldives, Kuredu Island Resort
The ProDivers group at Kuredu Island Resort organised a clean up event for 80 guests and 25 staff
members. They cleaned the local reef, lagoon and beachfront collecting 200kg of waste. They were pleased
to note that they had less waste to collect this year due to the impact that their cleaning activities were having
on the local communities and their habits.
Other members in Maldives are:
ProDivers Maldives, Vakarufalhi Island Resort
Pohnpei Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Waste Care, Myanmar
Since May 2008, Bagan city has been host to clean-up activities every single weekend with as many as 200
community members got involved in each single event. They are coordinated to collect the waste that piles
up in the streets and in public spaces around the city. With cooperation with municipality, over 10 tonnes of
waste has been transported and disposed of at the official dump site.
Full scale environmental awareness raising activities were also launched in conjunction with the clean ups.
The townsfolk were advised in waste storage, separating recyclable or organic materials from other waste,
offering waste at the right place and at the proper time for collection, and domestic cleaning.
Local support provided by: Bagan Municipality, District, Town, and Ward Administration Offices, Board of
Trustees, Women Affair Organization, general public
Other members in Myanmar are:
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Jankauli Youth Committee
The JYC coordinated the "Cook Food Without Using Fire Wood" project to help with the combined issues of a
lack of LP gas for cooking and deforestation that results from the need for firewood. They constructed 75 bio
gas plants with a complimentary toilet to feed the system and have begun to extend the programme with the
next target of 30 bio gas plants to be completed in the next year. The JYC also carried out an awareness
raising programme to help educate the community about alternative energy and to facilitate further
educational opportunities they worked in collaboration with the Asia Foundation to construct a children’s
library at the Jankauli Child Care Centre.
Local support provided by: Buffer Zone User Committee, Chitwan National Park, SSF France and Village
Development Committee (VDC).
Australian Embassy, Kathmandu
The Australian Embassy in Kathmandu jointly hosted Clean Up the World day with Friends of the Bagmati.
Over 250 people participated in a major clean up including Embassy staff and members of the local
community, sporting groups and the Nepal Armed Police. The Ambassador launched the event, with the
Chairman of Friends of the Bagmati and, in emphasising that protection that protection of the environment
was everyone’s responsibility, he encouraged all members of the community to help clean up and care for
the Bagmati River environment.
Other members in Nepal are:
National Anchor Association Nepal (NAAN)
Vision Nepal
Association pour la Sauvegarde de la Nature Neo-Caledonienne
Mocamana, L'Esprit Nature
2Ways Company Limited
On September 20, a Clean Up the World event was organised by 2Ways Company Limited to collect waste
from the Avon Riverbank and surrounding area in Christchurch, between the bridges at Remembrance and
Armagh Streets. Eighteen volunteers cleared a total of 6 bags or 80 kgs of waste, predominately consisting
of cigarette butts, plastic bags and beer bottles. The event was a multicultural affair, with locals working
alongside migrants from Spain, China and Thailand, and international students from Brazil and Hong Kong,
to keep Christchurch beautiful. The event, not only cleaned up one of the most attractive tourist areas in
Christchurch, but also raised public awareness as to what an individual can do to reduce litter through
positive coverage via the local newspaper and TV news.
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Under the guidance and initiative of one of the younger members of the group Chandler, the Clean Up the
World campaign was taken to the local school to educate fellow classmates and create an awareness
amongst young people that every little bit helps when it comes to protecting our environment. The "Clean Up
Poorman’s Stream" activity was carried out whereby locals collected at least 20 bags of sorted waste,
recycables and compost goods. Local schools also got involved in the clean-up of their waterways, with
members from Chander continuing to test the water quality of Poorman’s Stream over the course of the year.
The younger member in the group, also wrote to all the schools in the Nelson and Stoke area and asked
them to plant trees on World Tree Day in September. Over 20 schools took part and more than 60 trees were
planted. The trees will produce long term health benefits - reducing carbon dioxide, provide shade and homes
for wildlife. The activities brought environmental awareness to many children and elders in the area and
helped educate them on wastage and its impact on the greater environment.
Other members in New Zealand are:
Christchurch City Council
Taihape Scouts, New Zealand
Global Volunteer Network - NZ Nature Program
The Scout Association of New Zealand
Peace & Development Foundation
Green Educators
Chotok Health and Rural Development
Grassroot Organisation for Human Development (GODH)
Human Development Organisation
Swat Youth Front (SYF)
Farogh-e-Taleem Society
Social Alliance for Friendly Environment
Saidu Sharif
Environmental Protection Society (EPS)
Sumoro Tenkile Volunteers Organisation
Port Moresby
Australian High Commission, Papua New Guinea
Green Beret
Clean Up the Philippines Movement Inc.
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Clean Up the Philippines Movement, Inc. coordinated a nationwide clean up event "Clean Up the Philippines
Day" which was held in support of CUW Weekend. Twenty-six organisations collaborated to hold activities
around the weekend with approximately 7,000 volunteers participating in the event. The City Councils of
Mandaluyong City and Taguig City both passed a Council Resolution in support of the campaign by declaring
the third week of September every year as their Environment Week.
Local support provided by: The Australian Embassy in Manila, The Podium Shopping Mall and the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Other members in Philippines are:
St Joseph School - La Salle
Akbayan ng mga Kabataan sa Palikpikan Inc. (AKKAP)
Ang Nagkakaisang Mamamayang Kostal ng Balayan (ANAK-BALAYAN)
Bagong Unyon ng Kaunlaran Para sa Likas-yaman, Organisasyon at Dagat Inc. (BUKLOD)
Barangay Diez Small Fisherfolks Association Inc. (BDSFA)
Fisherfolk Association of Gimalas Inc. (FLAG)
Lakas ng mga Mangingisda sa Baybaying Dagat Inc. (LAMBAT)
Navotas Fisherfolk Organization Inc (NFO)
Palikpikan Association for Social and Community Advancement Inc. (PASCA)
Pinagkaisang Damdamin ng mga Kababaihan sa Niogan Inc. (PDKN)
Samahan ng mga Babaing Mag-iisda na Mangingisda sa Palikpikan Inc. (SBMP)
Samahan ng mga Kabataan Para sa Kapaligiran Inc. (SKPK)
Samahan ng mga Magbubukid sa Sitio Luya ng Barangay Palikpikan Inc. (SMSL)
Samahan ng mga Maliliit na Mangingisda sa Palikpikan Inc. (SMMP)
Samahan ng mga Mangingisda Laban sa Kahirapan ng Barangay 8 Inc. (SAMALAKAB)
Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Kababaihan sa Baclaran Inc. (SNKB)
Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Kababaihan sa Carenahan Inc. (SNKC)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Samahan ng Nagkakaisang Mangingisda sa Carenahan Inc. (SNMC)
Sama-sama sa Ganap na Pag-unlad Inc.(SAGAP)
San Piro Youth, Inc (SPY)
Seaside Envisions Advancement: Hope for Organization, Sustainability, Resources and Environment I
Women Association for the Improvement of San Piro Inc (WAIS)
Kalipunan ng mga Kabataan Para sa Kalikasan (KALIKASAN)
Cavite City
590th Air Base Group, 15th Strike Wing, PAF
Cebu City
Clean Up Marikina Day Foundation
Davao City
Davao Reef Divers Club, Inc.
Digos City
Youth Business Education Enhancement Program (BEEP!)
Dipolog City
Clean Up Dipolog!
Iligan City
Pailig Development Foundation, Inc.
Hope Christian High School Boy and Girl Scout Group
Olongapo City
Youth Network of Environmental Advocates
San Pablo City
Kapatirang Pitong Lawa sa U.P. Los Baños (KAPWA sa UPLB)
Surigao City
Provincial Government of Surigao del Norte
Tagum city
4H Club & Volunteer Association of the Philippines (VLAP) Davao del Norte
4-H Club & Volunteer Leaders Association of the Philippines (VLAP) Davao del Norte Chapter
Flambeau - Siena College Taytay
Upper Loboc
Australian High Commission, Singapore
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Solomon Islands Youth for Change (SIYC)
Green Circle
EcoPro Technologies
Negombo People''s Circle
Good Neighbor Foundation
TTU ME(Tatung University Mechanical Engineering)
Australian Commerce and Industry Office (ACIO)
Australian Embassy, Bangkok
The Australian Embassy Bangkok teamed up with the Plant-a-Tree-Today Foundation (PATT) to make an
early start in March on its Clean Up the World 2008 activities by introducing the School Tree Nursery
Programme to Pathumwan School, Bangkok. The Embassy and PATT staff revisited the school at key
stages throughout the programme and provided technical support to the students. During the CUW Weekend
of September 19, the students from Pathumwan School handed over a large number of saplings they grew
themselves for planting in Lumpini Park. The students also showcased their creative recycling skills by
turning disposable goods into toys, bags and household decoration items.
UNEP COBSEA Secretariat
To celebrate the International Year of the Reef in 2008, UNEP's Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia
(COBSEA) conducted its first Clean Up the East Asian Seas Campaign to highlight and address the problem
of marine litter and its impact on the marine environment. Participating organisations from Australia,
Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam were all involved in this regional initiative through organising a series of
local clean up activities of beaches and coastal areas. Results from the cleanup activities were forwarded
onto the UNEP COBSEA Secretariat in order to further improve the knowledge about marine litter in our
oceans. Events and activities held as part of the campaign included: The International Coast Clean Up Day
and Marine Litter Workshop, both held across the CUW weekend September 18-20. The COBSEA Clean
Beach Award in which countries participating in the campaign, nominated local governments administrations
as recipients for the awards based on their approaches towards cleaner beaches. The Green Fins Photo
Contest whereby participants submitted entries based on the theme "Marine litter, the sea and the coast".
Other members in Thailand are:
International Cultural and Educational Foundation (ICEF)
The Regent's School-Bangkok
Universal Peace Federation - Asia Region
Da - Laa International Volunteers for Social Development
The Regent's School, Pattaya
San Francisco
Green Phangan
Tha talad
Beautiful world by our hand
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Asia Pacific
Rai Inan Group
Tonga Solid Waste Management Project
Port Vila
Australian High Commission, Port Vila
Clean Up the World participating organisations across Port Vila and North Efate, came together to celebrate
CUW Weekend from September 19-20. More than 600 volunteers participated in a range of clean up
activities organised by Clean Up the World members; Vanuatu Environment Unit, Vanuatu Police Force, Wan
Smol Bag and staff from The Australian High Commission. The weekend activities commenced on Friday
September 19, with more than 165 people, including the Australian High Commissioner, local chiefs,
students and youths, taking part in a clean up at Fresowa, whereby approximately 200 bags of waste were
collected. Also on the Friday, The Vanuatu Environment Unit distributed over 100 plastic bags to government
departments taking part in clean up activities at the George Pompidou and Nambatu areas and BP wharf.
The following day, an estimated 350 participants took part in clean up of the Port Vila seafront area,
organised by the Vanuatu Police Force. Members of the public, staff from the Australian High Commission
and Wan Smol Bag, all worked together to collect over 400 bags of rubbish, including an old washing
machine and disused tyres. A "Splash for Trash" event in Port Vila Harbour was also held on the Saturday,
with 26 divers removing metal items including old umbrellas from the harbour. Following the clean ups,
participants were treated to a barbeque and a play about waste featuring "the Rubbish Monsters", was
performed by Wan Smol Bag, to remind everyone about putting waste in its correct place - the bin.
Local support provided by: Vanuatu Police Force Capacity Building, Port Vila Municipal Council, Promedical,
Live and Learn Environmental Education, Hawkes Law, TVL and Big Blue Dive Tours.
Other members in Vanuatu are:
Vanuatu Environment Unit
Vanuatu Police Force - Crime Prevention and Community Safety Office
Wan Smolbag
Ha Noi
Bayer Young Environmental Envoy (BYEE)
Vietnam Environment Protection Agency (VEPA)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Participants can be Members
or Guests
. Members can provide an Activity Summary report in addition to creating activities.
Stadtgemeinde Weiz
Stadtgemeide Weiz held two clean up events in April. Working under the slogan; "Let’s clean up our
hometown", the first event was held in the city of Weiz. Approximately 250 students for the local
Polytechnicum School, removed waste from parks and walkways around the city. A local business supported
the event, by offering a free lunch to all students who participated in the clean up. A great success for
Stadtgemeide Weiz this year was seeing their clean up activity used as an example to inspire others in their
area to do something positive for the environment. After contacting the local government authority about their
clean up activity, a variety of clean up events were organised with approximately 3,000 volunteers collecting
90 tonnes of waste from areas across the province of Styria.
Local support provided by: Weiz McDonald’s, local schools, nature conservation group "Berg- und
Naturwacht", Weiz Fire Brigade.
Jeugdbond voor Natuur en Milieu, Taxandria
Scout group DUGA ( RAINBOW ) Tuzla, Bosnia & Hercegovina
Scout Group - Duga Tuzla carried out three clean up activities during CUW Weekend, in Tuzla, Zivinice and
Kalesija. 350 volunteers removed more than 3 tonnes of waste of mostly plastic and metal from parks,
schools and rivers across the three towns. The event was publicised by local television stations and the
Tuzlanski List Newspaper. The participants were excited to be the only group in Bosnia and Herzegovina
taking part in the Clean Up the World campaign this year and believe that the results of their activities not
only brought an immediate improvement to their local environment, yet also raised awareness among the
local community of the importance of proper waste disposal techniques and the link to health benefits in
caring for their environment.
Local support provided by: ‘Bony’ Ltd Tuzla, local schools, Tuzlanski List Newspaper and local television
Organization of Bulgarian Scouts
Bulgarian Blue Flag Movement
Prague 4
Czech Union for Nature Conservation (CSOP)
Praha 5
Outdoor Discovery
Ivry Sur Seine
eveil O vert
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Four anti-pollution campaigns organised by éveil O vert, took place in the city of Gagarine, Ivry sur Seine,
over the course of 2008. The first two campaigns were held over two half days, with primary school students
participating in a range of environmental activities. Students attended a lecture about pollution in all its forms,
followed by a clean up activity of the nearby area. Upon returning to class, a debate was organised whereby
the students were able to express their opinions on environmental concerns. The following two campaigns
were directed at the citizens of Gagarine to make people more aware of the need to respect and care for
public recreational spaces. A series of clean up activities were carried out at parks throughout the city, which
had been identified as being the most polluted areas in terms of waste. The Ivry sur Seine council gave their
support to the campaign by providing the organisers with a large skip bin so that the collected waste could be
easily transported to the waste disposal centre for processing.
Local support provided by: la municipalité d’Ivry sur Seine.
Eveil O vert a mené au cours de l’année 2008 quatre campagnes anti-pollution dans les villes de Gagarine et
d’Ivry sur Seine.Les deux premières campagnes ont été menées avec la participation des élèves de classes
de primaire durant deux demi-journées, participant à une gamme d'activités environnementales. Les élèves
ont suivi un cours sur la pollution sous toutes ses formes, puis participé à une activité de nettoyage du
secteur voisin. En retournant en classe, un débat a été organisé au cours duquel les élèves ont été capables
d'exprimer leurs opinions et préoccupations concernant l’environnement.
Les deux campagnes suivantes ont été adressées aux citoyens de Gagarine pour rendre les gens plus
conscient du besoin de respecter et se soucier des espaces publics de loisirs. Une série d’activités de
nettoyage ont été effectuées dans les parcs de la ville, qui avait été identifiés comme étant les secteurs les
plus pollués en termes de déchets. Le conseil d’Ivry sur Seine a donné son appui à la campagne en
fournissant les organisateurs en benne à ordures pour que les déchets rassemblés puisse être facilement
transportés au centre d'élimination et du traitement des déchets.
Support local fourni par : la municipalité d’Ivry sur Seine.
Association Cap Marseille
From September 20-21, Cap Marseille organised their 9th clean up of the Old Port of Marseille. Entitled the
"Eco Operation" more than 10,000 volunteers worked together to clean the port and its surroundings.
Discarded cigarette and food packaging, glass and plastic bottles, plastic bags and batteries were among the
items collected in the clean up. A series of games and an exhibition were also held during the weekend, as
part of the Mediterranean School of the Environment initiative, to educate children about environmental
Du 20 au 21 septembre, Cap Marseille a organisé la 9ème édition “Rencontres des Passionnés de la Mer”
sur le Vieux Port de Marseille. Plus de 10000 bénévoles ont travaillé ensemble pour nettoyer le port et ses
alentours. Des déchets de cigarettes et d’emballages alimentaires, des bouteilles en verre et en plastique,
des sacs en plastique et des batteries comptaient parmi les articles rassemblés au cours de ce nettoyage.
Une série de jeux et une exposition ont également été tenues pendant le week-end, comme prenant part à
l’initiative de l’Ecole Méditéranéenne de l’Environnement pour éduquer les enfants sur des problèmes
Other members in France are:
Meduli Nature
Lycée Jean Condorcet
Association Goupil Connexion
Réserve de biosphere du mont Ventoux - UNESCO - SMAEMV.
Association ALAE
La Verrie
Compagnons du groupe Montfort - Scouts et Guides de France
Lignan de Bordeaux
La Poubelle Verte
Association Mediterranéenne des Prospecteurs
Familles Rurales de Pleurs
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Saint Médard en jall
Enterprise Arnaud Sarl
Vivre Porte Des Aspres
BSR Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
Berliner Stadtreinigung organised a variety of clean ups throughout the year and also supported other
voulunteer initiatives. This included continuing their support of a clean up activity organised by a group of
divers from Adlershofer Tauchklub, who conduct a clean up in the pond of a local park. Also, on the Berlin
Volunteers Day, held in September, approximately 4000 participants took part in more than 100 clean up
activities throughout Berlin. Support was also given by Berliner Stadtreinigung to other smaller initiatives by
providing volunteers, brooms, gloves and promotional materials.
Green - Ocean e.V
The NGO, Green Ocean e.V, launched a pilot project; "Plastic from the Sea" in order to to reduce the amount
of marine debris and waste along the Tuscan coast in Italy. The Project, lead by Dr. Robert Groitl, began in
the region of Pisa and Livorno in May. Students from local schools were invited to participate in the cleaning
of various sections of beach and coastline, and special waste containers were installed to provide an
appropriate means for local fishermen to dispose of their plastics and other waste. The project will continue in
2009. Approximately 60 universities and institutes involved will use the collected data with the results being
presented to various government and non government agencies throughout Europe to prove that through
action a research a noticeable reduction in waste can be achieved in the region.
Local support provided by: Legambiente, local media and the Coast Guard.
Other members in Germany are:
Stadtische Katholische Grundschule Forster Linde
Stadt Düren, Dürener Service Betrieb (DSB)
Stadtreinigung Hamburg
Environmental Safety Group
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
CUW Weekend was celebrated by the Environmental Safety Group (ESG) by organising a variety of
activities. A "Green Parade" held in the town centre launched the weekend clean up event. Children chanting
green messages, a drama group carrying out anti-litter stunts and a variety of banners and posters were all
part of the parade to raise awareness about the importance of keeping the environment clean. After the
parade, the local minister for the Environment - Ernest Britto and event organiser - Janet Howitt from ESG,
addressed the attendees and presented a series of environmental awards to school children that had
participated in a poster competition organised as part of the event. Following this, a clean up activity held at
various locations throughout Gibraltar was carried out. Five trucks were used to transport more than 100
tonnes of waste that was collected by approximately 400 volunteers. The organisers of the event deemed the
weekend to be a great success in that not only did it raise awareness amongst the community of the issues
concerning littering and widespread dumping of waste, yet it also "liberated" the green and coastal areas of
Gibraltar from rubbish, furniture and building materials, thanks to the clean up efforts.
Local support provided by: Bonita Trust; the Open Day Trust,
Carlin, Hassan’s, Gibraltar Crystal and Morrison’s, local army and Ministry of Defence, Police, Cadets, Duke
of Edinburgh, Scouts and Schools.
Clean Up Greece
In an effort to continue the success of past campaigns, Clean Up Greece held two key campaigns in 2008.
The "Clean Up the Mediterranean" campaign ran from April to October and involved many municipalities
across Greece in organising clean ups of beaches and coastal areas. Volunteers participated in clean ups
which took place in the following locations: Attica, Crete, Mykonos and Delos, Palaia Fokaia, Rhodes,
Thessaloniki, Volos and Volos Chalkidiki and the islands of Evia and Kos. On average, each event lasted
approximately three hours and of large amounts of waste collected - plastic, paper and metal waste
(predominately aluminium cans) were the most commonly found items. As cigarette butts are one of the
major pollutants in the Mediterranean region, Clean Up Greece also ran the "Let’s Change Habits"campaign
from August to September, in an effort to clean up cigarette butt pollution and change consumer behavioral
patterns. More than 18,000 pocket ashtrays were distributed throughout Greece thanks to awareness raising
activities and by the end of August, in excess of 23 clean up events were organised, with volunteers
gathering more than 20,000 cigarette butts.
Environmental group (YDNA)
Following on from the success of last year’s Clean Up the World activities, YDNA organised once again a
series of clean up activities on the island and surrounds of Kalymnos. A clean up activity was held on May
10, to remove batteries left behind by boats and cars in the port area. Thanks to the assistance and use of
equipment from the waste disposal organisation SYDESYS - professional divers and volunteers worked
together to remove approximately 3 tonnes of waste from the port. Later that day a conference took place to
alert local authorities on the waste problem and the need to do something about it. YDNA also participated in
the "Clean Up the Mediterranean" campaign with an event being held in Kalymnos from May 25-27. On May
25, 350 students and their teachers from primary schools across the island, cleaned 2 kilometers of coastline
and beaches on the western side of the island and collected more than 5 tonnes of waste. The event
received considerable media coverage with regional television channels conducting interviews with school
children about marine waste and the damaging effects that it has on marine life. The clean ups were
continued on May 27, with activities being carried out on the islands of Nera and Plati. After becoming a
member of the international organisation "Friends of Nature", YDNA also took part in the first Hellenic
conference held by the organisation, to learn and discuss environmental sustainability practises and how this
can be applied to the Greek Islands.
Other members in Greece are:
Rubbish Club of Tolo
Könyezetünkért Közalapítvány
Pécsi Zold Kor
Veraldarvinir Worldwide Friends Iceland
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Legambiente Onlus
For the 16th year in Italy, Legambiente Onlus carried out "Puliamo Il Mondo" under the theme "Do
something" - which called on everyone to do something and make a difference for the environment.
Participation by 1,800 municipalities and more than 700,000 volunteers enabled 5,000 locations to be
cleaned. Legambiente delivered to all the participants (municipalities, schools, parks, associations, etc.) kits
for adults and children containing hats, gloves, patches, brochures and posters to hang next to the cleaned
area. Highlights include cleaning the park of Alessandrino waterworks in Rome and an illegal dump in Torino
and the creation of a park along the ancient walls of Verona. Thanks to the event parks, gardens, lakes
bottoms, rivers banks, mountain pathways and protected areas were all freed from marooned garbage.
Local support provided by: UPI (Italian Provices Union), Federparchi (National Parks Federation), Anci (
National Association of the Municipalities), Ministry of the Enviroment, Ministry of the Education, the
European Commision - Representation in Italy.
Other members in Italy are:
Qrendi Scout Group - Malta
Green Bay Magazine
Green Bay Magazine regularly cleaned the streets of the high density areas of the city of Windhoek and the
central CBD. Schools also took part including other businesses in the area. Green Bay have been
campaigning for a cleaner city every month, with the main focus being on recycling. In turn the public have
become more aware of Clean Up the World and what it stands for. Since Green Bay started up their initiative,
residents have become more involved in helping to keep the neighborhood clean every month
Other members in Netherlands are:
Obs Klaverweide
Zespól Szkól Katolickich
Camara Municipal do Funchal
During CUW Weekend, September 18-20, Câmara Municipal do Funchal organised a variety of clean up
activities of streams, streets and quarters, on beaches and underwater clean ups throughout the municipality
of Funchal. Over three days, 334 volunteers including army personnel, firemen, Scouts, children from
community centres, divers, city council workers and members of public collected more than 20 tonnes of
waste which was sent to the waste treatment facility. As tourism is an important industry for the island, the
campaign alerted and informed the public about the value of a cleaner and healthier environment for both
communities and local industries.
Other members in Portugal are:
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Grupo Ecologico De Cascais
Câmara Municipal de Loures
Câmara Municipal de Oeiras
Povoa de Varzim
La Câmara Municipal da Póvoa de Varzim
Renaud Investments SRL
In the lead up to their clean up activities this year, Renaud Investments worked in partnership with Eve
Magazine to coordinate a fashion show, titled the "Style and Nature Gold Event". The fashion collections
featured were inspired by nature and the aim of the show was to highlight the importance of preserving the
environment. The event provided an opportunity to inform the attending guests about the Clean Up the World
campaign and extend an invitation to take part in CUW Weekend 2008 activities in Bucharest. For CUW
Weekend, a clean up event and tree planting activity was held on September 20, in Baneasa Forest,
Bucharest. 40 volunteers including children, business and council/parliamentary representatives collected 80
bags of waste and planted 20 trees, in a recreational and picnic area of the forest. The most common item of
waste found in the forest included plastic bags and paper.
Local support provided by: Alpha Bank, Eve Magazine, the local office of parks and lakes and the Romanian
Association for the protection of Consumers.
Other members in Romania are:
Eforie Sud
Youth Association For Excellency
Gradinita PP1 lasi
Eco High School Mihail Sadoveanu
Educational Center No 654
Samara Society for Cultural Studies
EKOPOLIS network
Banska Stiavnica
EMED Mining
Slovak Union of the Protectors of Nature and Landscape (SZOPK) Presov
LIFESPRING - Community for a Living Country. (PRAMEN ZIVOTA)
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural Delegación Ferrol (SGHN Ferrol)
In September, the Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural Delegación Ferrol (SGHN Ferrol) carried out two
clean up activities at Ferrrol beach and Mugardo Port in A Coruña. A total of 58 participants collected more
than 750 kilograms of waste from the sites. The waste was then transported to Ferrol amd Mugardo councils
for recycling.Both activities were advertised on the televison, radio and internet amd received media
coverage on televison and radio stations and on the internet.The activity held at Ferrol beach attracted the
attention of swimmers and sunbakers on the beach, with a few passersby also getting involved in the activity.
Local support provided by: Ferrol and Mugardos City Councils.
Durante el mes de septiembre, la Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural – Ferro (SGHN) llevó a cabo
actividades de limpieza en la playa de Esmelle en Ferrol y en los fondos marimos del puerto de Mugardos,
ambos lugares en la provincia de la Coruña. En las dos actividades de limpieza, se contó con la participación
en total de 58 voluntarios y se recogieron unos 750 kilogramos de basura que fue reciclada posteriormente
con la ayuda de los ayuntamientos de Ferrol y Mugardos. Las actividades de limpieza fueron divulgadas a
través de distintos medios de comunicación (TV, radio e Internet). La recolección de basura en la playa que
contó con pocos voluntarios coincidió con la presencia de bastantes bañistas que demostraron su interés en
la actividad.
Apoyo brindado por: Ayuntamientos de Ferrol y Mugardos.
Aulaga Asociación de Educación Ambiental y Ecologia Social
For their 9th year participating in the Clean Up the World campaign, Aulaga carried out a CUW Weekend
activity at Mt Victoria in Malaga, on September 20. Volunteers collected approximately 98 bags of waste from
the site, collecting much urban waste, including shopping trolleys, a sofa, glass bottles, car batteries, plastic
bottles and paper waste. To help publicise the event and speak about the Clean Up the World camapign, the
coordinator of Aulaga did a 30 minute interview with the local televisión station, Procono.
Por su noveno año de participación en la campaña A Limpiar el Mundo, Aulaga se efectuó una actividad en
el sábado 20 de septiembre. Se llevaron a cabo la limpieza en unos de los montes más emblemáticos de
Málaga capital, el Monte Victoria. Los voluntarios recolectaron un total de 98 bolsas industriales de basura.
Durante la limpieza encontraron una variedad de basura, incluyendo - carritos de supermercado, un sofá,
garrafas de plásticos, una batería de coche, botellas de cristal y cartones. Un punto culmínate de sus
actividades en 2008, ocurrió cuando la Presidenta de Aulaga se efectúa una entrevista en la TV local
Procono por la duración es de 30 minutos para promocionar tanto sus actividades como la campaña de A
Limpiar el Mundo.
Palma de Mallorca
Voluntaris Sense Fronteras Illes Balears - The Balearic Islands Volunteers without Frontiers
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
A series of clean up events throughout the year were organised by Voluntaris Sense Fronteras Illes Balears.
The first clean up event held as part of the "Clean Up the Mediterranean" campaign took place from May 2425, on the islands of Menorca, Ibiza and Mallorca. Approximately 400 volunteers and local environmental
agencies took part in the activities.The event captured the attention of various media agencies, including the
National Geographic Channel. Thanks to this media coverage, the "International Cleaning Day" held on
August 24, also gained further coverage with the footage of the Voluntaris Sense Fronteras Illes Balears
conducting their clean up activity was used in a documentary for screening on Spanish television networks.
Additional clean up activities were carried out in September at two beaches in Andtrax, with waste items
being collected including; bottles, car engines, trolleys, plastic bags, cans and tyres, and removed from the
beaches. In October, working with the Shark Association, the Group took on the challenge of removing the
remains of a yacht which sunk off the coast of Calvia in 1989. The divers and group members worked
together to submerge the yacht to a depth of 10 metres. This was done so that an oceanographic ship, the
"Marviva-Med", could then move the yacht into the port for collection. Unfortunately, due to not having access
a boat or crane to remove the yacht from the port, the remains of the yacht were tied together with rope to
secure it until a boat or crane could be obtained to remove it from the water.
Local support provided by: Shark Association, National Geographic in Spain and the Balearic Islands
Environment Council.
Una series de actividades de limpieza fueron organizadas por Voluntaris Sense Fonteras Illes Balears. La
primera actividad, parte de la campaña de "A Limpiar el Mediterráneo', llevó a cabo limpieza en las islas de
Menorca, Ibiza y Mallorca el 24 y 25 de mayo. En estas actividades se contó con la colaboración de unas
400 personas y de la Consejería del medio ambiente del gobierno balear. El evento atrajo la atención de
medios de comunicación, entre ellos la cadena nacional de National Geographic. Gracias a esta atención, se
llevo a cabo el día Internacional de la Limpieza el día 24 de agosto, actividad que formó parte del
documental rodado durante el verano en distintas partes de España.Además de las anteriores actividades,
Voluntarios sin fronteras, llevó a cabo una limpieza en dos playas de Andratx en septiembre, actividad que
no estaba planeada inicialmente. Estas actividades han sido positivas ya que al limpiar los paisajes
naturales de botellas, motores de coches, carritos de compra, bolsas, plásticos, latas y neumáticos, se está
limpiando el medio ambiente y se deja un mensaje de concientización no solo en las personas que han
colaborado sino para el público general. Uno de los grandes desafíos que Voluntarios sin fronteras tuvo que
afrontar fue la extracción de los restos de un yate, el picante hundido en el año 1989 en las aguas de Calvia.
En esta actividad, buzos voluntarios y de la asociación Shark, se sumergieron a más de 10 metros de
profundidad para que un barco oceanográfico, el Marviva – Med, pudiera maniobrar y retirar los restos el día
1 de septiembre. Los restos, desafortunadamente, no se pudieron retirar, debido a que la asociación y el
grupo no tuvieron acceso a ningún puerto del municipio mallorquín para atracar y retirar residuos. Los restos
están preparados con cuerdas y residuos listos para ser retirados en cuanto la organización tenga acceso a
un barco o grúa para elevar las 5 o 6 toneladas de escombros.
Apoyo brindado por: la Consejeria Ambiental de las Islas Baleares, National Gepgraphic en España y la
Asociación Shark.
Other members in Spain are:
Area de Medio Ambiente de la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Alicante
Consejo de la Juventud de Extremadura
IES Bernat Metge
Nueva Acrópolis Asociación de Voluntariado
Corbera de Llobreg
NACS - Friends of Nature
SADECO (Saneamientos De Cordoba, S.A).
Covas - Viveiro
Asociacion Medioambiental (Punta Arnela)
La Canonja
La Canonja 3 - Poble, Paisatge i Sostenibilitat
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
La Carolina
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de La Carolina
Amigos de la Tierra - Madrid
GEA en Madrid
Agrupacion del Voluntariado Ambiental Málaga
Área de Participación Ciudadana Inmigración y Cooperación al Desarrollo del Ayuntamiento de Málaga
Miñano Menor (Parq
Selecont Soluciones Medioambientales S.L.
Programa de Voluntariado Ambiental en Espacios Naturales de la Region de Murcia, Spain
Ayuntamiento de Posadas
GEA - Delegación de Sevilla (España)
Depana Lliga per la Defensa del Patrimoni Natural
Rover's de valencia
Asociacion Fondo Natural
ENPROHNET carried out three clean up activities in Spånga, Tensta and Hjulsta districts of Stockholm in the
months of July and August and on CUW Weekend in September. The clean up held in Tensta on CUW
Weekend was the largest of the three events. As it was ENPROHNET’s first year of participation in the
campaign, the organizers were impressed at the level of interest expressed by the local community wanting
to get involved. The clean ups emphasized the importance of the need to dispose of waste properly to ensure
continued health benefits to the community and for individuals to demonstrate responsibility towards caring
for their local environment, rather than waiting for encouragement from governments and other institutions.
Life-Link Friendship-Schools Association
The Clean Upsala Campaign was carried out by Life Link Friendship Schools throughout spring. On April 30,
the group handed out waste collection bags to participants attending the annual "Uppsala University Students
Valpurgis Spring Festival". An estimated 50,000 people attend the festival each year. A further event took
place on May 9-10, with 75 schools and approximately 14,000 residents coming together to participate in a
city wide clean up of the city of Upsala.
Local support provided by: Life-Link Friendship Schools, Upsala Community, Keep Sweden Tidy, Upsala
University students, Upsala dity businesses, Upsala Nya Tidning.
Other members in Sweden are:
Greenbag Scandinavia
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Swiss foundation for environmental management, Pusch
PUSCH led activities in 300 communities, schools and businesses across Switzerland over the weekend of
May 16-17. "Wahre Werte/True Values" the national action day PUSCH campaign, focused its theme around
the following topics: waste avoidance, recycling, compost, waste management and littering.
By providing participants with a wide range of information and tools, activities carried out for the "Wahre
Werte" campaign varied from clean ups, waste separation and recycling activities, to making toys from
recycled materials and visits to waste disposal enterprises. The national action day highlighted for
participants the importance of the need to dispose of waste responsibly and of ones personal contribution to
the sustainable use of natural resources.
Local support provided by: Federal Office for the Environment, Swiss Recycling, Kommunale Infrastruktur,
Kompostforum Schweiz, Verband Kompost- und Vergärwerke Schweiz VKS, Verband der Betriebsleiter und
Betreiber Schweizerischer, Abfallbehandlungsanlagen VBSA, Verband Stahl- und Metall- und PapierRecycling Schweiz VSMR, International Solid Waste Organisation ISWA, Aushub-, Rückbau- und RecyclingVerband Schweiz ARV, Stiftung Entsorgung Schweiz ,SENS, McDonald`s Switzerland, PET-Recycling
Schweiz, IGORA-Genossenschaft für Aluminium-Recycling, INOBAT, Vetroswiss, Swico.
Other members in Switzerland are:
Stiftung Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz Pusch
Kyiv Lions Club
The streets of Oxford were rejuvenated March 5 and 6 during OxClean’s main event in support of Clean Up
the World. "OxClean Spring Clean 2009" saw well over 1,500 people get involved with cleaning the city
streets, including 25 schools. OxClean saw an increase of up to 25% more waste collected over the
campaign weekend thanks to the many hands involved. The group hope to improve community spirit through
regular clean-ups and raise litter awareness, especially throughout the schools. OxClean’s next focus will be
on involving the business community, getting litter notices put up and ensuring Oxford’s Ring Road is cleaned
Other members in United Kingdom are:
Family Mosaic Housing
The Little Eden Project
Keep Wales Tidy
Manchester and District Housing & Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council's Junior Wardens
Edinburgh Marriott
Woodhill Residents Group
Greater Manchester
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Boundstone Youth Wing
Waste & Recycling Services, Lewes District Council
Manchester City Council
ONG Consens 2003
The Long Eaton School - ECO Committee
Environclean Community Group
Weapons Of Sound
Forton Parish Council
Keep Scotland Beautiful
Robin Jones
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Participants can be Members
or Guests
. Members can provide an Activity Summary report in addition to creating activities.
Chos Malal
Grupo Ecologico Sendero Ambiental
Clean up events were held across three different towns in July, August, September and October.
Approximately 300 volunteers participated in the clean ups at each town with a total of 3 tonnes of waste
being collected. All Organic waste collected was used for compost and recyclable materials were sent to the
local council in Chos Malal city for processing. To complement the clean up events, more than 2,000 trees
ranging from ash, acacia, ponderosa pines and poplar tree species were also planted at various locations
throughout the city. For the 9th year running, an educational program "Centinelas del Ambiente"
("Environmental Guardians") was broadcast on radio stations in the region. An estimated 1,500 students from
15 schools participated in the environmental programs conducted by the group. Finally, approximately 100
participants took part in a 12 kilometre marathon held along a mountain circuit. In the days prior to the
marathon a clean up was carried out on the circuit with the idea being that the marathon was an opportunity
to show people the benefits and the enjoyment that clean recreational areas can provide.
Local support provided by: la Patrulla Ambiental Escuadrón 30 de Gendarmería Nacional Argentina,
Municipalidades de Chos Malal - Las Ovejas - El Cholar, cámara de comercio de la localidad de Chos
Malal, zona sanitaria III del Hospital Regional Chos Malal, LRA 52 Radio Nacional Chos Malal, Diarios La
Mañana y el Rió Negro, Radios FM; Uno, Activa, Patagonia,
Se llevaron a cabo limpiezas en tres pueblos en julio, agosto, septiembre y octubre respectivamente.
Participaron aproximadamente 300 voluntarios en cada pueblo recogiendo más de 3 toneladas de basura en
total. Los voluntarios separaron los residuos orgánicos y luego los agregaron al compost local. El material
recuperado fueron entregados a la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Chos Malal para procesarse y su
reutilización. Además de las limpiezas, plantaron mas de 2.000 árboles de las especies acacias, fresnos,
pinos ponderosos, álamos. Por el noveno el grupo realizan el programa de educación radial "Centinelas del
Ambiente"en diferentes radios de la zona. En total, 1.500 alumnos de 15 colegios participaron en actividades
medioambientales. Al fin, se organizaron una maratón con más de 100 participantes en un recorrido de
12 kilómetros por un circuito de montaña donde se efectuó una limpieza los días previos a la carrera que
tenia como objetivo conservar la limpieza. La campaña ha ayudado a reducir el uso de las bolsas plásticas
y ha contribuido a un medio ambiente más limpio y sano para los dos pueblos.
Apoyo brindado por: la Patrulla Ambiental Escuadrón 30 de Gendarmería Nacional Argentina,
Municipalidades de Chos Malal - Las Ovejas - El Cholar, cámara de comercio de la localidad de Chos
Malal, zona sanitaria III del Hospital Regional Chos Malal, LRA 52 Radio Nacional Chos Malal, Diarios La
Mañana y Rió Negro, Radios FM(s) Uno, Activa, Patagonia, Palatina, San Sebastián, Tai Mhuida y video
Cable Local Noticiero del Norte de Chos Malal.
Concepcion de la Si
Escuadra Jesuitica Santa Maria Gendarmeria Infantil
A waste collection activity organised for CUW Weekend, took place on October 4, at Concepción de la
Sierra. Approximately 57 young members from the Gendarmería Infantil, worked together clean the grounds
at the military squadron, "Alto Uruguay". Of the waste collected - 25 bags of recyclable waste was reused as
building materials on the squadron grounds. A fence was constructed from some of the waste and plastic
bottles were used in the construction of a wall for a greenhouse. The 60 bags of organic waste collected form
the day, were returned to compost and then used on the garden of the squadron’s greenhouse.
El día 4 de octubre, se llevo adelante el fin de Semana de A Limpiar el Mundo en Concepción de la Sierra.En
esta actividad participaron 57 Gendarmes Infantiles que realizaron la recolección de residuos en el Barrio
Militar del Escuadrón 8 "Alto Uruguay". Se recogieron 25 bolsas de residuos inorgánicos los cuales fueron
utilizados para la construcción de un refugio (pared). Las botellas plásticas recolectadas fueron usadas para
la construcción de las paredes del invernadero.Por ultimo 60 bolsas de residuos los cuales fueron
acondicionados en el invernadero de la Escuadra para la elaboración de compost.
Manos Limpias
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
A wide range of activities were organized by Manos Limpias from March to November 2008. Compost bins
were set up at two local schools to teach students sustainable practices for disposing of organic waste.A club
titled; "The Little Composters" was organised and students were given the responsibility of adding fruit and
vegetable scraps and other compostable material into the school compost. This led to the creation of a
second organic garden at the school. A series of 8 workshops concerning which consumer products can be
recycled were also held at the schools. In June, members of Manos Limpias worked with the local Scouts to
clean an area surrounding the San Martin railway line. A survey was also carried out as part of the activity, to
get the public’s opinion on a range of environmental issues. The group also arranged a waste recycling
venture at their headquarters which led to approximately 100 families bringing in their household waste for
disposal, resulting in 1,000 tones of waste prevented from going to landfill.
Diversas actividades medioambientales tuvieron lugar de marzo a noviembre del 2008. Se colocaron
basureros en dos escuelas locales con el proposito de inducir a alumnos el proceso adecuado de desecho
de basura orgánica. Se fundó el club de los pequeños compostadores, que se encargan de juntar los restos
organicos y procesarlos en la escuela, creandose de este modo las segunda huerta organica.Se realizaron
ocho talleres de reciclado de distintos materiales pos-consumo. En junio jovenes scout y los miembros de
Manos Limpias colaboraron en una actividad de limpieza de el area del Ferrocaril San Martin, limpiando
parcialmente el lugar A su vez en esta misma ocasión se efectuó una encuesta acerca la opinion de la
poblacion en cuanto al tema ambiental.Por ultimo miembros participaron en distintos eventos que tratan el
tema ambiental ademas de que 100 familias separan sus residuos reciclabes y los traen a la sede. Como
resultado de las actividades realizadas por Manos Limpias de sus comienzos a la fecha, se han rescatado
de la basura 1000 toneladas de productos pos-consumo evitando el colapso.
Asociacion Amigos Del Arbol
A series of activities were carried out by the Asociación de Amigos del Arbol from September 19 - October
18, in Roldán, Funes y Zavalla, in the province of Santa Fe. More than 200 volunteers, 11 schools, 3 NGOs,
and local community centres participated in the activities which included tree planting days, clean ups of local
gardens and parks and environmental awareness campaigns. Approximately 1 tonne of waste was collected
from the clean ups combined. Following the activities, all organisers and participants were awarded with
certificates in recognition for their hard work and efforts.
Local support provided by: INTA Roldán, Pro-Huerta program, Project Rescate (Recovery of species for food
security), councils of Funes y Roldán.
La Asociación de Amigos del Árbol, realizo jornadas de limpieza en tres localidades: Roldán, Funes y
Zavalla, al sur de la provincia de Santa Fe. Las jornadas se llevaron a cabo del 19 de Septiembre al 18 de
Octubre.En estas jornadas se hicieron 3 huertas ecológicas, se plantaron árboles y se realizaron campañas
de educación ambiental. Se contó con la participación en total de unos 200 voluntarios que recogieron
aproximadamente una tonelada de basura en total, 11 escuelas, 3 ONGS, 3 municipios, vecinales y
comedores comunitarios. Al final de estas jornadas, la asociación entregó certificados a quienes
participaron y ayudaron en la organización de los eventos como supervisores.
Apoyo brindado por el INTA Roldán, el programa Pro-Huerta, el Projecto Rescate (Valorización de especies
para la seguridad alimentaria), los municipios de Funes y Roldán.
Santiago del Estero
Siendo Humanos
Through creating an online blog, Siendos Humanos was able to inform a wide audience about a range of
environmental issues and promote the Clean Up the World campaign. Topics focused on included recycling
practices and practical tips for changing ones daily habits to be more environmentally aware. More than
4,000 people from many Spanish speaking countries including Spain, México and Colombia, visited the blog
and contributed their comments to the site. To complement their online activities, Siendos Humanos also
held a community workshop focusing on global warming, with the film "11th Hour" being screened as part of
the event.
Siendo Humanos creo un blog en línea para informar y comunicarse con gente acerca de problemas del
medio ambiente, asi como promover la campaña A Limpiar el Mundo. Los objetivos de estas actividades es
generar conciencia de cuidado, limpieza, reflexión, cambio de hábitos, educación ambiental y reciclado en
los jóvenes estudiantes.Más de 4,000 de personas han accedido a este blog de todas partes del mundo, así
como diversas notas han sido publicadas en portales de España, México y Colombia.
Así mismo dentro del marco de un taller, se proyecto la película “the 11th Hour” con el propósito de facilitar a
los alumnos el conocimiento de las herramientas necesarias para una visión globalizadora del entorno
social e informarles acerca del calentamiento global.
Jardin de Infantes N° 118
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
A series of environmental activities were conducted by Jardín de Infantes 118 School in 2008. Working under
the slogan; "Growing together; my tree and I", two tree planting activities were carried out, helping to
contribute to the creation of two green public spaces in Sunchales. As part of this activity, students also
planted and looked after a tree seedling which they took home at the end of the school semester. Other
initiatives organised, included making recyclable cloth bags with the Clean Up the World logo on it and
distributing them in supermarkets as an alternative to using plastic bags. A triumph for the group was
receiving recognition and a grant from the local council. This allowed for more recyclable bags being made
which were then distributed to families to use.
En el 2008, Jardín de Infantes Nº118 se llevaron a cabo diversas actividades. Dos plantaciones de árboles
en dos differentes plazas de la ciudad contribuyendo a crear areas verdes en Sunchales. Bajo el lema
"Crecemos juntos, mi arbol y Yo"se sembraron semillas de árboles con el fin de que cada niño se lleve una
planta al final del ciclo escolar. Se intercambiaron bolsas de plástico por bolsas de tela con el logo de "A
Limpiar el Mundo", el del Jardín y el de Altilra Lecheros en un supermercado. A partir de Diciembre, se
repartieron bolsas de tela a todas las familias para erradicar las de nylón.Por ultimo el Consejo Muncipal le
otorgo al grupo un reconocimiento y un decreto de interés a Nivel Ciudad fue sancionado.
Other members in Argentina are:
Adelia Maria
Instituto Adelia Maria
Comuna de Ataliva
Buenos Aires
Agustina Simon
Biblioteca Popular ' Albino Capponi' Lobos (Prov de BsAs) Argentina
Escuela Nª 2 DE 11
Nautico Escobar Country Club
Torresolar SRL
Escuadra Lago del Desierto de la Gendarmeria Infantil
Capital Federal
Medioteca Parque Avellaneda
Instituto de Formación Docente Anexo Catriel
Cuerpo de Guarda Ambiente Honorario Municipal
Ambientalistas Unidos
Escuelas Victor Ree, Marina Wfaisman y Ricardo Rojas
Fundación Familia Solidaria
Fundación Preservar
General Pico
Asociacion Civil Cooperar
Jovenes Por El Futuro
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Junin de los Andes
Taller de Reciclado, Centro de Educacion Integral San Ignacio y Fundacion Cruzada Patogonica
Centro Educativo Maria Josefa Gonzalez Casero
Patrimonio Natural Pilar
Puerto Madryn
Fundacion Patagonia Natural
Esc. 81 Juan Jose Paso
Escuela Los Arrayanes No. 1390 y No. 3103
Grupo Norte Rosario
Santa Fe
Niños Ecologistas
Santa Rosa
EcoSur - Centro de Estudios Ambientales
Sierra Grande
Departamento de Medio Ambiente
Tafi Viejo
Pro-Eco Grupo Ecologista Asociacion Civil
Yerba Buena
Colegio Nacional Bartolome Mitre
San Nicolas
Aruba Environment Foundation
Distrito Scout Cochabamba
A clean up of San Sebastian Hill in Cochamba city was carried out by the Distrito Scout Cochamba in
September. Approximately 250 Scouts participated in the activity and collected more than 2 tonnes of waste
from the area. A tree planting project and various environmental educational workshops, both organised with
the support of the Mayor of Cochamba, were also held throughout the year.
Local support provided by: la Honorable Alcaldía Municipal de Cochabamba, la Policía Nacional para el
En septiembre, Distrito Scout Cochamba realizan una limpieza en la Colina de San Sebastián en ciudad De
Cochabamba. Participaron aproximadamente 250 scouts entre exploradores (niños de 12-14 años), pioneros
(jóvenes de 15-18 años), rovers y dirigentes de la ciudad de Cochabamba recogiendo más de 2 toneladas de
basura en total. Además de las limpiezas, se llevaron a cabo un proyecto junto con la alcaldía para plantar
árboles y realizar campañas periódicas de educación medioambiental para los colegios.
Apoyo brindado por: de la Honorable Alcaldía Municipal de Cochabamba, la Policía Nacional para el
Other members in Bolivia are:
Asociacion de Scouts de Bolivia
La Paz
Observancia - Centro Interdisciplinario
Grupo Scout Aleman - San Pedro
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Santa Cruz de la Si
Distrito Scout de Santa Cruz -Asociacion Scout de Bolivia
Distrito Scout Tarija - Asociación de Scouts de Bolivia
Rio de Janeiro
Programa TV Na Praia - On the Beach Program
Four campaigns organised by Programa Na Praia, took place throughout 2008. The first campaign was held
in Rio de Janeiro, during Brazil’s Carnival period in February. Volunteers took to the streets to clean up the
litter left behind from the Carnival parade and used the event as an opportunity to raise awareness amongst
the general public of problems associated with littering. "Environmental Month" was celebrated in June with a
cleaning and recycling campaign being promoted in schools, universities and sports associations. The largest
of the four campaigns, CUW Weekend, took place in September. Programa Na Praia, the Instituto Ecológico
Aqualung (IEA) and Limpeza Na Praia Project organised the event which saw 25 localities across Brazil,
including several in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizante, Salvador, Porto Seguro, Santa Catarina,
Brasilia and Vitória, involve more than 3,000 volunteers in activities that resulted in approximately 10 tonnes
of garbage being collected. A highlight from the activities was in Brasilia, where a team of 28 divers removed
more than 150kgs of waste from Paranoá Lake. The fourth campaign - "Eco-Christmas" took place in
December, to coincide with beginning of summer in Brazil. A series of clean ups of beaches, lakes, rivers and
parks were carried out to ensure that these areas remain waste free throughout the summer months.
Local support provided by: RJRefrescos/Coca-Cola; Veracel; Lojas Aqualung; JW Marriott Hotel Rio de
Janeiro,Renaissance São Paulo Hotel, Marriott Executive Apartments São Paulo; Intercontinental HotelRJ;
Prezunic; Fun Dive; Prefeitura e Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Pesca de Cabo Frio; ANTILHAS;
EcoAtitude; Caenge Ambiental; Hotéis Arco; Prefeitura de Porto Seguro - BA; Côco Bahia; Casa Trancoso;
Pacífica; Akti; Companhia Athletica; Trópicos Consultoria; Posto Manequinho; Unicard; Guarda Municipal RJ;
IC Volunteers; Pousada Pedra Salgada – SC; Secretaria de Meio Ambiente da Prefeitura RJ; Outback
SteakHouse; Videoclipping Produções; Agência Rio de Notícias; Amigança Produções; Aqualittera;
Programa Na Praia; ABIH-RJ; Ong Jogue Limpo Bahia; Projeto Orla - MMA / Ministério do Planejamento;
Gráfica Daijo; Secretaria de Proteção aos Animais - Prefeitura RJ; Ong Lagoa Viva; OI FM; Rádio Nacional;
Programa + Moda; Rede Record Responsabilidade Social; Instituto Ressoar;Piratas do Mergulho; Reviverde;
Ong Together for Peace; Ong Defensores da Terra.
Vera Cruz
Grupo Ecologico Sementes do Viver
For their fourth year of participation in the Clean Up the World campaign, Grupo Ecológico Sementes do
Vivir conducted a series of regular beach clean ups in the Vera Cruz area and continued with their
educational programs that are carried out to inform local indigenous groups about the environment in order to
help them protect their surroundings.
Other members in Brazil are:
Canto Ecologico
Instituto ABA-YBY HomemTerra de Educação,Meio Ambiente e Pesquisa Científica (ABA-YBY Earth Ma
Cultura Inglesa-Farol
ONG Oceanica - Research, Education and Conservation
Projeto Araras
Porto Alegre
Grupo Escoteiro Arno Friedrich
Rio de Janeiro
Federacao de Bandeirantes do Brasil
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Sao Paulo
Koka Sub Dive Center
Fundación Maitenes
Bogota D.C
Fundacion Mordisquitos de Vida
In their first year of participating in the Clean Up the World campaign, Fundacion Mordisquitos de Vida
oragnised a week long event entiteld "Earth Week" held in Cundimarca, Bogota, from May 19-23. A series of
lectures focusing on environmental issues including global warming, reycling and endangered plant and
animal species, were attended by students and teachers from 30 primary and high schools. The lectures
were also complemented by a series of workshops focused on recycling, with a particualr emphasis on
identifying the types of household waste products that can be recycled. At the end of the week long
workshops, a tree planting activity was held with approximately 100 trees being planted in the local area.
En su primer año, participatndo en la campaña de A Limpiar el Mundo, Fundacion mordisquitos de vida se
llevó a cabo una actividad llamada “Semana por la Tierra”, en Cundimarca, Bogotá, del 19 al 23 de mayo. 30
colegios, con adolesentes de 7 a18 años y profesores particiapron en esta semana que consisitió en
diferentes charlas y talleres sobre calentamiento global , reciclaje, protección a la flora y fauna de nuestro
entorno y espesies animales urbanas. Los talleres fueron cumplidos por otras actividades incluyendo; una
arborisacion de 100 arboles, recolecion y clasificacion de residuos solidos y un taller sobre seciduos toxicos
y peligrosos su clasificacion y enbaleje desechados en el hojar.
Bogota D.C.
Club Amigos de la Ecologia
A clean up campaign was carried out by Club de Amigos de la Ecología in Canal Cafam, a canal that was
overcrowded with waste and rubble in its bank. A tone and a half of waste was collected and separated from
one tone of rubble (construction waste) which was taken to a tip to be recycled. The group also conducted
clean up activities in the parks of Sabana de Tibabuyes with the participation of 230 volunteers, 50 high
school students and the Junta de Acción Comunal del Barrio. As part of its educational campaign, Club
Amigos de la Ecología organized workshops with 200 children on the conservation of urban ecosystems that
have been affected by pollution and its gradual destruction. They also carried out workshops on recycling and
organized people to collect recycling material from the neighbourhood and its surroundings.
El Club Amigos de la Ecología en Colombia, realizó campañas de aseo en el Canal Cafam que estaba
sobresaturado de basura y escombros en sus orillas. Se logró retirar una tonelada y media de basura, de la
que se sacó 1 tonelada de escombros, (residuos de construcción) que fueron llevados posteriormente a una
escombrera para su reciclaje. También se realizaron campañas de aseo en los parques de Sabana de
Tibabuyes con la participación de la Junta de Acción Comunal del Barrio, 230 voluntarios y 50 estudiantes
de colegio. También se llevaron a cabo jornadas de sensibilización en la comunidad y 20 talleres con 200
niños sobre la conservación de los ecosistemas urbanos que han sido afectados por la contaminación y su
destrucción gradual. De igual manera, se realizaron talleres sobre reciclaje y se organizaron personas
recicladoras para que recojan el material recicable de puerta a puerta en las viviendas de la Sabana de
Tibabuyes y sus alrededores.
Other members in Colombia are:
Empresas Publicas de Andes
Asociación Scouts de Colombia
Bogota D.C
Caminantes & Armonia
Proyecto Econciencia
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Bogota D.C.
Corporacion el Andinista
Organizacion para la Educacion y Proteccion Ambiental (OpEPA)
Corporación Ecoeficiencia
Estacion de Servicio San Jeronimo
Grupo Ecowa
la Hormiga
Ambiente en Línea
Municipio de Medellin Secretaria Medio Ambiente
Corporación para el Desarollo de Tunía (CORPOTUNIA)
Santiago de Cali
Fundacion por una Colombia Mejor
Valle del Cauca
ECO-TEC Soluciones Ambientales
Asociacion para la Integracion y la Accion Regional (ACIAR)
In 2008, ACIAR carried out a variety of activities throughout Costa Rica. In June, members of the group
travelled to Cuajiniquil de Guanacaste, a fishing village located on the pacific coast near the Nicaraguan
border, to conduct a seminar for high school students on ways to change individual habits and lifestyle to
address the problem of climate change. More than 350 people, including students, teachers and members of
the community attended the event. For CUW Weekend in September, the group conducted a clean up
activity of the urban area - Las Hortensias, in Goicoechea de Guadalupe. Community leaders worked
alongside 10 families, 10 young volunteers and members of the organisation to remove waste from the area
and the riverbank. Car parts, furniture, plastic bags and various plastic items and bags of waste thrown in the
river by people, were just some of the items found along the shoreline. The organisers noted that it was
impressive to see such enthusiasm from the volunteers participating in the activity, given that it was raining
heavily on that day they held their clean up.
En 2008, ACIAR realizó unas series de Actividades en Costa Rica. En junio se realizó una charla de
concientización para los jóvenes del colegio de Guajiniquil de Guanacaste, un pueblo costero, cuya
población se dedica a la pesca, en la zona costera del Pacifico Seco, cercano a la Frontera con Nicaragua.
En esta actividad participaron alrededor de 350 personas, entre estudiantes, profesores y miembros de la
comunidad de Cuajiniquil. Asimismo, en septiembre, durante el fin de semana de A Limpar el Mundo, se
realizó una actividad de limpieza en la comunidad urbana de Las Hortensias en Goicoechea de Guadalupe.
Esta actividad fue organizada por la Asociacion de Desarrollo de Las Hortensias. Con la participacion de los
lideres comunales de ese barrio y unas 10 familias y 10 jovenes voluntarias - todos trabajaron para extrayer
la basura de la margen del rio. Se extrajó gran cantidad de desechos solidos, escombros, partes de autos,
muebles, bolsas con basura y gran variedad de objetos plasticos, metalicos y de madera abandonados por
gente inescrupulosa, tanto dentro del rio como en sus margenes. El organizador notó que fue impresionante
ver a los voluntarios entusiasmados con particpar en la actividad, sin importar que cayera un fuerte lluvia
durante la actividad.
Other members in Costa Rica are:
San Jose
Guides and Scouts from Costa Rica
San José
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Centro de Investigaciones de Ecosistemas Costeros (CIEC)
A clean up and environmental awarness raising day was organised by the Centro de Investigaciones de
Ecosistemas Costeros, as their Clean Up the World activity in 2008. Approximately 20 volunteers took part in
a clean up of the area surrounding Larga beach in Cayo Coco. An estimated 50 kgs of waste was removed
from the nearby roadside and from the sand dunes and shorline of the lagoon on the beach. All of the
recyclable waste was taken to a local centre for processing. Following the clean up, the corodinator of the
event and specialist from the centre presented a lecture to the volunters about the coastal environment and
the importance of being environmentally concious and caring for the beach area.
Local support provided by: The Minister for Science, Technology and the Environment.
Una actividad de limpieza en el vial de acceso a Playa Larga en Cayo Coco, fue realizado por el Centro de
Investigaciones de Ecosistemas Costeros, por su participación el la campaña A Limpiar el Mundo 2008.
Approximadamente 20 personas particparon y se recogieron alrededor de 50 kilogramos de basura,
consisteiendo de materias primas y materiales reciclables a ambos lados del vial, en las márgenes de la
laguna y en la duna. Los materiales fueron reciclados en los puntos de deposición. Además de la limpieza,
un especialistas del CIEC (el coordinador de la camapaña) ofreció una charla a los participantes sobre la
campaña con marcado carácter educativo. La campaña contribuyó a despertar la conciencia sobre la
importancia de la higiene ambiental y la necesidad para cuidar por las zonas costeros.
Apoyo brindado por: el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Ciego de Avila
Parque Nacional Jardines de la Reina
The Clean Up the World event organised by Parque Nacional Jardines de la Reina was scheduled to take
place over CUW Weekend in September, however due to Hurricane Paloma moving through the Júcaro
province area at this time, the group was forced to reschedule their event to a later date. After the hurricane
had passed, the group organised a clean up in Ciego de Avila and worked to remove tree branches, leaves
and debris from hurricane affected areas.
El evento de A Limpiar el Mundo organizado por el Parque Nacional Jardines de la Reina estaba planeado a
tomar lugar durante el Fin de Semana de A Limpiar el Mundo, en septiembre. Sin embargo debido al
huracán Palmoa que pasó por las cercanías del poblado de Júcaro y afectó directamente el extremo oriental
del Parque, el grupo pospuso el evento hasta más tarde. Cuando hizo su actividad, el grupo llevó a cabo una
gran recogida de materiales sobre todo desechos orgánicos como hojas, ramas de árboles, y otros
materiales como consecuencia de las afectaciones del huracán.
Ciudad de la Haban
Gobierno Municipal de Playa
Several activities within the ACUALINA project and under the umbrella of Clean Up the World (Earth Day,
Worldwide Day of the Environment and CUW Weekend) were carried out by Gobierno Municipal de la Playa.
Many students participated in these activities which show the result of the Committee’s educational
philosophy. This educational philosophy has centred its attention on educating young people on the cleaning
up of costs and the sea. Within this set of activities, Gobierno de la Playa organized educational talks, trees
planting and a screening of a documental. All the activities were widely advertised on Internet, radio, tv and
newspapers On September 20th, a cultural event took place with the participation of the Vice-president of
Gobierno de la Playa, and about 1,200 volunteers, among them students, teachers, parents, divers,
scientifics, sportsmen, and artists. Due to the hurricane that fortunately did not pass Havana but left the
country with economical losses, it was necessary to curtail this activity.
El Gobierno Municipal de la Playa realizó varias actividades dentro del Proyecto ACUALINA y las actividades
orientadas por A Limpiar el Mundo, (el Dia de la Tierra, Dia Mundial del Medio Ambiente y 3r Fin de Semana
A Limpiar el Mundo). En estas actividades participaron muchos voluntarios, prinicipalmente estudiantes ya
que el Comité Organizador ha centrado su atención en la labor educativa, principalmente en el saneamiento
y limpieza de mares y costas. Dentro del marco de actividades, el Gobierno de la Playa organizó charlas
educativas, siembras de árboles y el visionado de un documental. Todas las actividades tuvieron una gran
cobertura de prensa, televisiva, radial y en Internet. El 20 de septiembre, se llevo a cabo un acto cultural que
contó con la participación del Vicepresidente del Gobierno de la Playa y unos 12000 voluntarios
aproximadamente, entre ellos estudiantes, maestros, padres de familia, buzos, cientifcos, deportistas, y
artistas. Debido a la inminencia de huracanes, que aunque no pasaron por la Havana dejaron perdidas al
país, el presupuesto para esta actividad fue reducido.
Other members in Cuba are:
Escuela Internacional de la Habana
Reserva de Biosfera Cubana - Ciénaga de Zapata
Pinar del Rio
Mi Planeta Limpio
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Pinar del Río
Cuba GSA
San Antonio de los
Foro de Medio Ambiente Dr Jorge Ramon Cuevas
Santa Clara
Sociedad Científica Estudiantil del Medio Ambiente (SCEMA) del ISP Félix Varela
Inti Sisa
Ecoclub Los Delfines de Puerto el Morro
Fundación Ecuador Sustentable
Santa Tecla
La Ruta del Zapamiche
A beach clean up of Playona beach at Zacatillo Island on September 17, involved the particiption both
tourists and the local community. Organised by La Ruta del Zampiche, 35 participants removed
approximately 2 tonnes of plastic bottles and glass from the beach. After the clean up, a small lecture was
presented to the participants about the Gulf of Fonseca Islands . As this is a popular tourist area, the group
spoke about how it was important for both tourists and local residents to repect and use the beach in a
resonsible manner, to not only keep the beaches cleaner but to maintian toursim to the area.
La Ruta del Zampiche oragnizó una limpieza de la playa "playona" en Isla Zacatillo, el día 17 de septiembre.
Con la particpación de approximadamente 35 voluntarios entre ellos turistas y gente local, se recolectaron
una cantidad de 2 toneladas de botellas plásticas y de vidrio. Despues de la limpieza, se realizó una
pequeña charla de concientizacion ambiental sobre la importancia del respeto del medio ambiente en las
islas del golfo de fonseca. En la charla, el grupo habló de la importancia que la gente tanto turistas como
locales actuan de forma mas responsable, evitando dejar la basura en las playas.
Fundaeco- Morales
International Caribbean Institute (ICI)
Tegucigalpa M.D.C.
Scouts de Honduras
Ciudad Juarez
Juarez Limpio Asociacion Civil
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2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
For their 4th consecutive year participating in the Clean Up the World campaign, Juárez Limpio’s week long
Clean Up the World event and celebration took place from September 20-27. More than 4,100 people from
54 groups participated in various clean up activities held during the week. The activities carried out included
schools organising battery collection drives and neighbourhood action groups cleaning local parks and
streets and removing graffiti from public places. A particular focus of many of the groups’ activities was the
clean up and restoration of parks and public areas, following the torrential rains (from Hurricane Gustav) that
caused widespread damage to many areas of Juárez. As a result of the combined clean up efforts from the
week, approximately 160 tonnes of waste was collected and more than 5,000 discarded car tyres collected
for recycling. To complement the clean up activities, a workshop focused on practical ways to care for the
environment by carrying out clean up and tree planting activities and restoring public areas, also conducted
as part of the event. The event in Juarez was seen to be successful, not only due to the amount of waste
collected but also because an event such as this was an effective way to increase both environmental
awareness and the understanding of the social responsibility that each of us has to clean up the place we live
Local support provided by: Gobierno Municipal de Juarez, Gobierno del Estado de Chihuahua, Gobierno
Federal, Fundacion GCC del Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, Scientific Atlanta, Universidad Autonoma de
Ciudad Juarez UACJ, Universidad de Texas en El Paso UTEP, Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores
de Monterrey, Universidad Tec Milenio, Plan Estrategico de Juárez Fondo Unido, Asociacion de Scouts de
Mexico, Provincia Chihuahua Norte, Keep El Päso Beautiful, COCEF, Arte en El Parque, Aqua 21, La Iglesia
de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias, Diocesis de Ciudad Juarez, Girasoles A. C.
La campaña A Limpiar el Mundo fue celebrada este año por 4to.año consecutivo del 20 al 27 de Septiembre.
Durante esta semana de limpieza 4,100 personas participaron incluyendo a 54 grupos, beneficiando a más
de 82,000 personas. Se recolectaron 160 toneladas de basura y más de 5,000 llantas inservibles fueron
transformadas manualmente en un centro de acopio. Escuelas primarias y secundarias recolectaron pilas y
baterías y restauraron sus institutos y parques comunitarios afectados por lluvias recientes.
También grupos de vecinos inscribieron sus fraccionamientos a programas de limpieza de parques,
camellones y pintura de grafitos. Por ultimo, se impartieron talleres de concientización dedicados al cuidado
del medio ambiente en general, realizando actividades de limpieza, reforestación y restauración de áreas
públicas. Un factor importante para el éxito de esta campaña fue el crear una conciencia de beneficio local
entre los participantes. A través de las actividades realizadas esta semana se logro despertar una
concientización ecológica y una conciencia en la responsabilidad social que todos tenemos con el lugar
donde vivimos.
Apoyo local brindado por: Gobierno Municipal de Juarez, Gobierno del Estado de Chihuahua, Gobierno
Federal, Fundacion GCC del Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, Scientific Atlanta, Universidad Autonoma de
Ciudad Juarez UACJ, Universidad de Texas en El Paso UTEP, Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores
de Monterrey, Universidad Tec Milenio, Plan Estrategico de Juárez Fondo Unido, Asociacion de Scouts de
Mexico, Provincia Chihuahua Norte, Keep El Päso Beautiful, COCEF, Arte en El Parque, Aqua 21, La Iglesia
de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias, Diocesis de Ciudad Juarez, Girasoles A. C.
Ciudad Lerdo
Area Protegida Parque Estatal Cañon de Fernandez
A series of activities were held in the state protected parkland of Cañón de Fernández, in Durango. A "Dejunk Camapign" was organised with waste items including tyres, scrap metals and non reusable building
materials being collected from rural communities located within the parkland, for proper disposal. Clean up
activites were carried out at three locations considered to be the dirtiest areas within the park with all plastic
material collected being sent for recycling. In an effort to reduce the practise of illegal dumping in the park,
the group also conducted environmental education seminars at schools and local womens groups to
encourage people to adopt reycling practices at home.
Se organizaron diversas actividades en el área protegida. Se llevó a cabo una campaña de
descacharrización (recoger residuos acumulados como llantas, botes, tablas, que ya son
inservibles).También se limpiaron los puntos identificados como mas sucios, separando los residuos, como
PET. A su vez, se inció el programa de reciclaje permanente desde su casa. Inicio de la construcción del
relleno controlado de manejo manual, para que la comunidad elimine el que tiene a cielo abierto. Por ultimo,
se impartió educación ambiental,a escuelas y mujeres de la comunidad antes de la campaña sobre el
manejo de los residuos.Como resultado de estas actividades se logró la construcción del relleno, la
recolección de los residuos clasificados desde su origen, y la eliminación de tiraderos clandestinos.
Gomez Palacio
Departamento de Agroecología
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Three different activities were conducted by the Departamento de Agroecología, for their participation in the
Clean Up the World campaign. A clean up on the university campus was held with approximately half a tonne
of waste being collected. Organic waste from the clean up was then returned to compost. Following this, the
group lent their support to a clean up campaign organised by the municipality of Torreón, by participating in
an information exchange forum concerning recycling ideas and practises. An additional clean up and
restoration of a nursery in a rural community was also carried out by the group in 2008.
El Departamento de Agroecología llevo a cabo una campaña de limpieza en tres fases. La primera se
encargó de limpiar el entorno Universitario. Se recogió media tonelada de basura separando la materia
organica para composteo. En segundo lugar apoyó la campaña de limpieza del municipio de Torreón,
donde se organizó un módulo de intercambio de materiales reciclables para mejorar la limpieza. Por ultimo
se limpio el área de un vivero forestal de una comunidad rural, separando los materiales para composteo.
Centro de Investigación Ambiental Las Truchas SC de RL de CV
For their participation in CUW Weekend in September, Centro de Investigación Ambiental Las Truchas SC
de RL de CV organised a clean up event of the Stanta Ana stream and swamp area. Around 50 volunteers
participated in the event. A second activity took place in October during "National Conservation Week".
Approximately 300 volunteers showed their support for the local fishing industry by working together to clean
the jetty at Lazaro Cardenas. As the activities were carried out at popular recreational areas, both were
viewed by the orgnaisers as benefiting the tourism industry for the area.
En apoyo del Fin de Semana A Limpiar el Mundo en septiembre, Centro de Investigación Ambiental Las
Truchas SC de RL de CV llevaron a cabo una limpieza en los esteros de Santa Ana y el Pichi en Lázaro
Cárdenas. Alrededor de 50 voluntarios participaron en el evento. La segunda actividad, tomó lugar en
octubre durante la “Semana Nacional por la Conservación”. Organizada en apoyo al sector pesquero, cerca
de 300 voluntarios trabajaron juntos para limpiar el malecón de Lázaro Cárdenas. Como ambas eventos
fueron realizados en espacios recreativos, las actividades han traído beneficios a la industria turística en la
Apoyo brindado por: la Sociedad Cooperativa Barra de Santa Ana, SC Barra de Pichi, SC del Balsas.
Nuevo León
Universidad de Monterrey
A series of activities and new initiatives were carried out at the Universidad de Monterrey, in 2008. Two clean
up events were organised in March and September, with 400 volunteers collecting more than 1 tonne of
waste in total. Cafeterias at the university also got involved by introducing new sustainable initiatives
including; all the organic waste produced at cafeterias was sent to compost, disposable plates were replaced
with reusable ones and separate bins for recycling plastic and aluminium waste were placed in the cafeterias.
In other events, 100 trees were planted and 4 tree nurseries were established in the region and
approximately 500 students from 25 high schools participated in an environmental education campaign to
help reduce plastic bag use. A bicycle-a-thon was also organised during the year, to promote the use of
bicycles as a cleaner transport alternative.
Local support provided by: la secretaría de ecología del municipio de Monterrey y del municipio de Santa
En 2008, La Universidad de Monterrey introdujo nuevas iniciativas y realizó una variedad de actividades. Se
llevaron a cabo limpiezas en dos preparatorias en marzo y septiembre. Participaron aproximadamente 400
voluntarios en cada preparatoria recogiendo más de 1 toneladas de basura en total. Los voluntarios
separaron los residuos orgánicos producidos en las cafeterías y luego los agregaron al compost local y
mandaron también el papel a un servicio comercial de reciclaje. Además de las limpiezas, plantaron 100
árboles y se iniciaron 4 viveros de árboles de la región y realizaron una campaña de educación
medioambiental que contó con la participación de 5000 alumnos de 25 secundarias. En una nueva incitativa,
en la cafetería se implemento el uso de platos verdes y termos reutilizables en lugar de desechables, se
desarrollaron contendores con bolsas transparentes para la separación de plástico y aluminio. Además de
eso, Se llevo a cabo un bicicletón para favorecer el uso de la bicicleta como alternativa de transporte para
disminuir las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera.
Apoyo brindado por: la secretaría de ecología del municipio de Monterrey y del municipio de Santa Catarina.
Sociedad Ecologista Hidalguense AC
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Activites organised by the Sociedad Ecologista Hidalguense AC in 2008 were widespread and diverse. Clean
up activities took place in Pachuca, Zimpan and Mineral de la Reforma. The clean up organised in Pacuha
was the largest, involving approximately 90 volunteers and more than 5 tonnes of waste being collected. To
complement their clean up activity, 200 Oak tree saplings were planted and a system to monitor and care for
the trees was established by the volunteers. In addition to the clean ups, a collection service for used
batteries, expired prescription medicines and waste paper was set up in schools across the districts. As a
result, 800kgs of expired prescription medicines and 970 kgs of used batteries were collected for proper
En 2008, La Sociedad Ecologista Hidalguense A. C desarrolló acciones de recolección de desechos en las
ciudades de Pachuca, Zimapan y Mineral de la Reforma. La limpieza en Pachuca, tuvo lo más participantes
tuvo fue la ciudad de Pachuca con 90 personas. En los tres municipios recolectaron 5 toneladas de basura,
misma que se entrego a los departamentos de limpia para ser llevada a los rellenos sanitarios. Para cumplir
su actividad de limpieza, se llevó a cabo la reforestación con 200 encinos de los cuales se han continuado
las actividades de monitoreo y cuidados. En adicción se levo acabo 400 pláticas sobre pilas usadas,
medicamentos caducados y recuperación e papel en escuelas de los cuatro municipios. Las actividades de
este año, ayudaron a que se recolectarán 800 kilogramos de medicamentos caducados y 970 kilogramos de
pilas usadas.
Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Two clean up campaigns were held in September organised by the Dirección de medio ambiente y recursos
naturales from Urupan council. More than 350 people particpated in clean ups of the Cupatitzio River - the
main water source for the city- focusing on an area known as "La Camelina". Council staff, church groups
and community members all worked together to clean the areas and collect a total of 19 tonnes of waste. The
majority of the waste collected was organic waste such a tree branches and grass clippings. This was
returned to compost, while all other waste was taken to the local council waste disposal centre for processing.
En el mes de septiembre se llevaron a cabo dos campañas de limpieza. Organizada por la Dirección de
medio ambiente y recursos naturales, más de 350 personas - entre trabajadores de la Dirección de Medio
Ambiente y Recursos Naturales del municipio participaron en dos limpiezas en la principal fuente de
abastecimiento de agua de la ciudad y de sus comunidades el Río Cupatitzio y el área conocida como la
"Camelina". Además de participantes incluyendo personal del Parque Nacional Barranca del Cupatitzio en
ambas actividades, personas de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días y personas de las
colonias Santo Santoago, todos trabajaron juntos para limpiar y recolectar aproximadamente 19 toneladas
de residuos sólidos. La mayoría de la basura era desechos orgánicos como resultados de las podas.
Después de separar la basura, los desechos inorgánicos se llevaron al tiradero municipal y los orgánicos se
destinaron a una empresa encargada de hacer composta.
Other members in Mexico are:
Aguas Calientes
Programa Integral de Participacion Ciudadana para la Educación Ambiental
Ciudad Acuña
Primaria Profr. Enrique Campos Aragon
El Salto
Agrupación Un Salto de Vida A.C
Gomez Palacio
Direccion de Ecologia y Proteccion al Ambiente
GEO Juvenil Sonora
Club Rotario de Huamantla AC
La Paz
DIF Nuevo León- Programa Desarrollo Integral del Adolescente
DIF Nuevo Leon, Programa Jovenes
Grupo Ambiental El Patio de mi Casa
Nuacalpan de Juáre
Acción Juvenil, Jóvenes Ambientados Estado de México
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
San Cristobal de las
Nataté Voluntariado Internacional A.C.
San Luis Potosí
Cobach 04 Seybaplaya 'Ing. Santos Efren Yam Keb'
Taxco de Alarcon,
Guerreros Verdes
Organismo Operador de Limpia de Tehuacan
Un Teoloyucan Limpio
Ecos de Vida: Jóvenes por el Cambio
Fundacion Iztacuauhtli
Dirección General de Medio Ambiente
Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Proyecto GAIA
Acuario de Veracruz
Centro de Estudios Tecnologicos del Mar 07, Veracruz
Tourism Corporation Bonaire
Asociacion de Scouts de Nicaragua
Voluntariado Social UPOLI
Departamento Centr
Agrupacion de Jovenes Lideres Agrarios Cooperativistas (AGRUJOLIAC)
Tree planting projects, clean up activities and environmental workshops were organised by Agrujoliac and
conducted in 19 schools across the Obligado Itapúa region. 19 schools each received a mix of 20 native and
fruit trees to plant in their school grounds. As a result, approximately 380 trees were planted by 600
students. Workshops about recycling were carried out at two of the schools and as exercise from the
workshop more than 30 students carried out a clean up of the streets surrounding the school and idetified the
waste that they thought could be recycled. A highlight of the all of the activites arranged in the schools by
Agrujoliac, was involving more than 35 students in setting up a compost and an organic garden at the
Obligado College 17.
Proyectos de reforestación, actividades de limpieza y talleres medioambientales fueron organizados por
Agrujoliac y llevaron a cabo en 19 Instituciones Escolares en Obligado. Estas Instituciones Escolares
recibieron 20 árboles nativos y frutales, para plantar alrededor sus escuelas. Como resultado de estas
actividades, aproximadamente 380 árboles fueron plantados por más de 600 estudiantes. Se llevó a cabo
talleres sobre el reciclaje en dos escuelas y como parte del taller, participantes salieron a las calles a
recolectar basura e identificaban la basura que se puede reciclar. Además de estas actividades, Se trabajó
en la elaboración de compuesto orgánico y huerta orgánica en el Colegio de Obligado 17, trabajando con 35
Fernando de la Mor
Grupo Scout General Genes
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
Throughout September, a variety of activities were conducted by Grupo Scout General Genes to improve
their local surroundings. Two separate activities were organised with the older members of the scout group
carrying out a clean up of two plazas in Fernando de la Mora, while younger members created posters about
pollution and steps to save the planet. Those whom had participated in the clean up of the plaza also visited
more than 70 houses situated around the plaza, to survey the residents about their knowledge of recycling
and energy saving practises.
Durante el mes de septiembre, el Grupo Scout General Genes realizó una variedad de actividades para
mejorar su localidad. Con la ayuda de la municipalidad local, los scouts limpiaron dos plazas en Fernando de
la Mora. También se visitaron más de 70 casas alrededor de una las plazas que estaban limpiando y
realizaron una encuesta casa por casa, preguntando a respecto de reciclar la basura y el ahorro en el
consumo de la energía. Además de estas actividades los más pequeños en el grupo scouts hicieron un
póster acerca de la polución y etapas para salvar el planeta.
Institución Educativa No.120 Manuel Robles Alarcón
A variety of initiatives were organised by la Institución Educativa Nº120 Manuel Robles Alcaron, to involve
both students and the wider community in environmental activities. Educational programs were carried out at
the school with students from first to fifth grade participating in a series of activities. Parents were also invited
to take part in these events and estimated 1,500 people in total were involved in the programs. A ban on
plastic bags was introduced at the school, whereby no plastic bags were allowed in the class room and
school patio. A particular highlight from the group’s activities was the creation of a green space at the school.
A garden containing various species of fruit trees was planted in the school grounds. As the school is located
in a dry desert area, the garden was an important addition to the school grounds - providing shade and also
helping to improve the air quality.
Una variedad de iniciativas fueron organizadas por la Institución Educativa Nº120 Manuel Robles Lacaron,
para involucrar y sensibilizar a ambas estudiantes y la comunidad en programas de educación ambiental. Se
llevaron a cabo estas programas en la escuela con estudiantes desde el 1º Grado de Primaria hasta el 5
grado de Secundaria. Les invitaron a los padres a tomar parte en estos eventos también. En total,
participaron aproximadamente más de 1500 personas. En la escuela, se logró mantener las aulas, los patios
y los exteriores sin bolsas plásticas y se realizó la siembra de plantones de árboles frutales y crear más
espacios verdes. Dado que la escuela está situada en una zona desértica, la creación de la huerta era una
adición muy importante - para dar más sombra al patio y ayudar a mejorar la calidad del aire.
Other members in Peru are:
Centro de Ciencias y Proyectos del Medio Ambiente (CIMAVERDE)
Instituto de Proteccion de la Ecologia y Medio Ambiente (IPEMA)
Grupo de Ayuda Internacional para el Desarrollo Social - Graides Peru - Manos Solidarias
Grupo de Ecologia y Medio Ambiente
Agencia de Noticias Ecopress
Agrupacion Ambiental Pro-Habitat UNALM
Asociacion de Scout del Peru (ASP)
Direccion de Ecologia y Medio Ambiente Distrito H3-CLub LEO
Jovenes de Buena Voluntad
Comité escolar ambiemtalista Encinas (CEAME)
Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo - Servicio de Gestión Ambiental
Asociación Regional de Mujeres Ingenieras
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
San Francisco Saludable
Grand Bay
CCA Limited
Mayaro Environmental Wave
Port of Spain
Fortin de Santa Ros
Arenas Blancas
Fundacion Armonia Global
From September 19-21, CUW Weekend was celebrated by Fundación Armonia Global, through carrying out
a series of beach clean ups and tree planting activities along the coastline of Azoátegui. On September 19,
Members from the group worked alongside volunteers from scouts, beach cooperative and green network
groups to remove waste from Cangrejo and Lido beaches, collecting approximately 6 tonnes of waste. On the
following day, more than 300 people attended a cultural, educational and musical day held at the Dimitrios
Demu Museum. Environmental themes were incorporated into the event. To finish the weekend activities,
The International Day of Peace, observed on September 21 was celebrated as part of the group’s Clean Up
the World activities. Approximately 400 people, including representatives from the media, business and
regional authorities, participated in an "Environmental Ecology Walk" around the local area, which culminated
with a tree planting activity whereby 300 trees were planted.
Del 19 al 21 de septiembre, el fin de semana de A Limpiar el Mundo fue celebrado por la Fundación Armonia
Global, por medio de realizar una variedad de actividades de limpiezas de las playas a una siembra de
árboles en Anzoátegui. El día 19 de septiembre, voluntarios de la Fundación Armonía Global trabajaron con
participantes de grupos scouts, cooperativas de playas y red asociaciones verdes para recoger seis
toneladas de desperdicios de Playa Cangrejo y Playa Lido. En el día siguiente, más de 300 personas
asistieron una jornada educativa, cultural y musical en el museo Dimitrios Demu. Le incorporaron temas
medioambientales en el evento. Para acabar el fin de semana, se celebró el Día Internacional de la Paz con
“La Caminata Ecológica Pro Ambiental” donde participaron 400 personas, representantes de medios de
comunicación, autoridades regionales, empresas y comunidad unidas. Los participantes culminaron el
trabajo con la plantación de 300 árboles en el emblemático Cerro El Morro.
Other members in Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) are:
Cooperativa Gente de Playa
Arborea Consultores Ambientales, CA
Fundación para la Defensa de la Naturaleza (FUDENA)
Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle
Fundación Amigos del Ambiente
Virgin Gorda
Virgin Gorda Green Team
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
Latin America & Caribbean
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
North America
Participants can be Members
or Guests
. Members can provide an Activity Summary report in addition to creating activities.
Burin Peninsula Environmental Reform Committee
Clean Up Dartmouth
Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent
HASTE - the Hub for Action on School Transportation Emissions
Embassy of Australia - Washington, DC, USA
The Australian Embassy in Washington, D.C participated in the Clean Up the World campaign by joining
together with members and staff from the National Geographic Society, local schoolchildren and Washington,
D.C residents to undertake a clean up of the Anacostia Riverfront on September 13. As part of the day’s
activities, participants were given a tour of the Earth Conservation Corps centre and attended an
environmental education session. Following this, participants divided into two groups to conduct a two hour
clean up activity. One group carried out a water-based cleanup of the Anacostia River, while the other group
carried out a clean up
of the Riverwalk Trail. Kim McKay, co-founder of Clean Up the World, participated in the day’s activities.
Other members in United States of America are:
Boy Scout Troop 327
Nava Yeshoalul
Atanda family and friends
John Green Elementary School
El Paso
Center for Environmental Resource Management -University of Texas at El Paso
Long Beach
LINC Housing Corporation
Mountain View
New York
Central Park Dance Skaters Assoc. Inc. - a 501c-3 organization
Roseville Area High School Earth Group
Atlantic Training Zone
San Diego
California Center for Sustainable Energy
Team DC - Presidio School of Management
Trash Free Potoamc Watershed Initiative, Alice Ferguson Foundation
Wolfe City
Wolfe City CARES Inc.
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
West Asia
Participants can be Members
or Guests
. Members can provide an Activity Summary report in addition to creating activities.
Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association (CYMEPA)
CYMEPA is an association formed under the initiative of the International Shipping Community of Cyprus with
the support of the commercial community on island. By engaging both seafarers and commercial ventures in
activities to prevent all forms of ocean pollution, CYMPEA conducted a number of small scales clean ups
involving schools, clubs and other organizations, from March to November. A total of 400 volunteers collected
more than 80 tonnes of waste. Aluminium waste collected from the events was sent to recycling facilities. To
compliment the clean up activities, both tree planting and environmental education campaigns were carried
out by CYMEPA. Thanks to the collective efforts of participants, the sand and pebbles area on the beaches
are cleaner and an increased awareness of the need to dispose of waste properly has created a healthier
coastal environment for the local communities.
Work for Peace
Participating in the Clean Up the World campaign for the first time, Work for Peace undertook a project that
involved cleaning and filling pools of stagnant water with sand and mud. As stagnate water is often a
breeding ground for bacteria and parasites (e.g. mosquitoes), the activity was carried out in efforts to improve
community health levels. The group has plans develop the filled pools into quadrangles to be used for playing
football or a similar activity.
Three separate events were organised by KKL-JNF for their participation in the Clean Up the World
campaign. Thanks to a national "Clean Up Day" being established to take place every March in Israel,
various activities were organised around this day. In total, an estimated 100,000 volunteers removed 820
tonnes of waste from forests, parks, campgrounds, and communities throughout Israel. The first event was a
clean up of Jerusalem Forest. More than 200 volunteers, worked together to clean the forest and forest trails.
All waste collected was placed in green biodegradable garbage bags provided by KKL-JNF. The Minister of
Education, Yuli Tamir, KKL- JNF World Chairman, Efi Stenzler and James Larsen, the Australian
Ambassador to Israel attended the event and in a ceremony held following the clean up, they praised the
volunteers for their efforts in getting involved in the day. A second event, a clean up of Ben Shemen Forest in
central Israel, was held on November 26. The event organised in collaboration with JNF America, saw more
than 2,000 volunteers cleaning the forest ground and roadsides. The final event for the year took place on the
summit of Har Achim Mountain, near Galilee. Volunteers climbed the mountain to take part in the activity.
The KKL-JNF group from Australia collaborated with the group to organise this event. As part of the day, a
special ceremony was held on the day in remembrance of the late Steffen Rath - a member of JNF Australia
who was one of the original founders of the Clean Up the World Campaign in Israel.
Australian Embassy - Amman, Jordan
The Australian Embassy in Amman celebrated the Clean Up the World campaign this year in cooperation
with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN). Australian Embassy staff joined by the RSCN
director and members carried out a clean up in Um El Kundum public picnic area at the airport road and were
later hosted by the Duke of Mukheiba, Mr Mamdouh Bsharat, in an historic house in the area belonging to his
family. The Duke gave a small presentation about the old homes and families of Jordan and stressed the
need to preserve cultural heritage as well as the environment to last for the coming generations.
Local support provided by: The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature.
Jordan Environment Society (JES)
The Jordan Environment Society (JES) launched their Clean Up the World campaign activities with a clean
up on August 16 along Dibeen and Jarash Roads. In association with The Jordan Telecom Group, the 500
participants demonstrated their care and concern for the environment by wearing unified T-shirts and caps
bearing clean-up logos and the logo of JES. More than 15,000 people in other locations in Jordan also
participated where JES branches exist. Mr. Michel Ghusain, the Executive President of JTG, delivered a
speech for the participants to clarify the importance of the campaign and the role of the local community and
private sector in showing their support. JES said that the activities raised awareness and encouraged the
local community to participate in future waste collecting and recycling programs.
Local support provided by: The Jordan Telecom Group.
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
West Asia
The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS)
A variety of activities were undertaken in Aquaba City from the 28 - 30 of August, by The Royal Marine
Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) involving students, local community members and divers. On
August 28, an estimated 800 students from 20 schools participated in a city clean up. Approximately 400 kgs
of waste was collected. Another large event, a beach clean up held at Al Ghandoor beach, occurred on the
same day with 600 volunteers collecting 580kgs of waste. The clean up activities were complimented by two
environmental awareness raising events; the Cycle for Green activity, involving 30 participants cycling
through the city to promote healthier transportation alternatives and the following day, a public lecture entitled
the "Environmental Family Evening", was attended by 2,000 people, whom participated in games and
activities concerning environmental issues. The weekend activities concluded on August 30 with a dive clean
up taking place. 75 divers removed 850 kgs of waste from three sites in Aquaba Marine Park.
Other members in Jordan are:
Crowne Plaza Resort Petra
Gaza City
Al Quds Scout Group
Asdiqaa Alamana (Jeddah Municipality Friends )
Nazeeh & Wartan Campaign - Al Baik
Nesma Holding Company Limited
UNRWA (Syrian Arab Republic)
Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey
Scouting Group of Fethiye Municipality
Seyyah Scouting and Outdoor Sports Club
User Dis Ticaret As
Zirve Dagcilik ve Doga Sporlari Kulubu
Dort Mevsim Scouting and Guiding Club
Dubai Municipality
For more information about Clean Up the World visit and
2008 - Participant Activities in
West Asia
In 2008, 20,550 volunteers from several government and non-government organizations, community groups,
schools and private firms collected more than 4,150 tons of waste in the biggest ever campaign organised by
Dubai Municipality in support of Clean Up the World during November 18-21. During the 4-day campaign,
volunteers from private companies, government departments, NGOs and several community groups cleaned
up beaches, streets, open areas and several key sites under the supervision of staff from the Waste
Management Department. In addition, students from government, private schools and universities have
participated in the campaign by picking up debris from open areas. Various community groups have
participated in the campaign with more enthusiasm this year. "The Indian and the Filipino community's
participation in the campaign was praiseworthy, as they sent in the largest number of volunteers in cleaning
Nad Al Sheba and Al Mamzar Beach areas. There were at least 7,000 members of the Indian Community in
Nad Al Sheba and 1,300 members of the Filipino Community in Al Mamzar. Other communities living in
Dubai have also made significant contributions to the campaign's success. As part of the campaign's
awareness programmes, workshops were organised for general public on recycling and reducing waste.
Other events included environmental workshops on making usable materials from waste, broadcasting
campaign programmes on school radios, collection of used materials, lectures in schools on the importance
of waste reduction, and arranging visits for students to waste recycling factories.
Emirates Marine Environmental Group (EMEG)
EMEG joined forces with Dubai Municipality in its 16th year working with Clean Up the World. On November
21, they gathered 89 volunteers to pick up litter from the shores of Jumeirah Beach. The Dubai Municipality
representatives supplied the volunteers with T-shirts and caps as well as gloves and rubbish bags. Posters
were handed out by Dubai Municipality displaying the challenges the Dubai community face with litter and
how to combat these problems in different areas to educate the UAE community and increase awareness.
With the population of Dubai growing steadily every year, this event was an effort to change social
perceptions and to keep local environments litter free for both tourists and local communities.
Lightform International Filipino Photographers Guild
International Filipino Photographers Guild (IFPG) held its 7th annual environmental awareness photo
competition on November 28, in Dubai. The event aimed to raise awareness of Climate change issues and
the damage being done to the environment through the medium of photography. They also organised a clean
up at Al Mazamar beach on November 21 where over 1,500 volunteers took part in removing 669 bags of
Local support provided by: Canon, M.E., JK & Sons National Stores, Dubai Duty
Free, Western Union, Advance Media Imaging, Giordano Fashion, M.K. Trading.
Other members in United Arab Emirates are:
Emirates Diving Association
Emirates Environmental Group (EEG)
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