Preliminary Geologic Map of the Ringling 30` x 60` Quadrangle
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Ringling 30` x 60` Quadrangle
MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY A Department of Montana Tech of The University of Montana Open File MBMG 511, Plate 1 of 1 Geologic Map, Ringling 30'x60' Quadrangle MAP SYMBOLS Contact: dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed A' Fault: unknown sense of movement; dotted where concealed Castle Reverse or thrust fault: teeth on upthrown block; dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed Fla Blackhawk Stock gs ta f f Stock ' Co Indian Creek decollement—A plane of sliding on which locally intensely folded post-Precambrian rocks were thrust eastward into the Crazy Mountains Basin off the southeast margin of the Big Belt Mountains in late Paleocene time (Skipp and Hepp, 1968) lC Anti rra k clin ree e An ticl ine Anticline: showing trace of axial plane and plunge direction where known; dotted where concealed Gordon Butte Ro bin Asymmetric anticline: showing trace of axial plane; dotted where concealed, shorter arrow on more steeply dipping limb so n 32 Strike and dip of inclined bed An tic lin tle Bat e 75 Horizontal bed Lo Vertical bed Little Elk Dome we Th rus t k ee Cr Fault Zone Sill Strike and dip of overturned bed th Mo ss Dike (Ti): shown in red on map Big Elk Dome Agate Dikes/Sills (Ti): shown in red on map An Sills (Ti): shown in magenta on map ticl ine Anticlin Comb Creek Stock(?) Faul t Zone e A Loco Mountain Anticline Porcupine Butte WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS BIG SNOWY MOUNTAINS TOWNSEND RINGLING HARLOWTON BOZEMAN LIVINGSTON BIG TIMBER MONTANA Sill 100 0 100 Miles Ringling Faul t CANYON FERRY DAM M idd le Hors e Bu tte Thrust Anticline Anticline E lk h o rn Basin Thrust Anticline Fault Ba ttle River Cr ee k 100K Quad index Potter Fo rk Stock Shields t rus Th Big Timber Campfire Lake Stock Stock Base from U.S. Geological Survey Ringling 30'x60' topographic quadrangle Map date: 1993 Projection: UTM zone 12; 1927 NAD Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File 511 Preliminary Geologic Map of the Ringling 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Central Montana Partial support has been provided by the STATEMAP component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the U.S.Geological Survey under Contract Number 03HQPR01980. GIS production: Ken Sandau and Paul Thale, MBMG. Map layout: Susan Smith, MBMG. Maps may be obtained from Publications Office Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology 1300 West Park Street, Butte, Montana 59701-8997 Phone: (406) 496-4167 Fax: (406) 496-4451 Compiled and mapped by Catherine McDonald, David A. Lopez, Richard B. Berg, and Richard I. Gibson 2005
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