Cash Back Mail-In
Cash Back Mail-In
Cash Back Mail-In-Rebate Cash Back Mail-In-Rebate Purchase a new Toyostove or Oil Miser Water Heater through May 31, 2013 Purchase a new Toyostove or Oil Miser Water Heater through May 31, 2013 HERE’S HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR CASH BACK! HERE’S HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR CASH BACK! Mail a copy of your invoice showing the date of purchase, a completed warranty registration card, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: Mail a copy of your invoice showing the date of purchase, a completed warranty registration card, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: RURAL ENERGY ENTERPRISES RURAL ENERGY ENTERPRISES 6637 Arctic Spur Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99518 6637 Arctic Spur Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Cash Back request must be post marked within 30 days of the date of purchase. Cash Back request must be post marked within 30 days of the date of purchase. Rural Energy Enterprises will mail a rebate check directly to you. $ 50 for each Laser 73 and Laser 60AT, $45 for each Laser 56, $40 forOil Miser 148 Water Heater, $35 for each Laser 30. Rural Energy Enterprises will mail a rebate check directly to you. $ 50 for each Laser 73 and Laser 60AT, $45 for each Laser 56, $40 forOil Miser 148 Water Heater, $35 for each Laser 30. (Please Print) (Please Print) Customer Name________________________________________________ Customer Name________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _____________Zip ____________ City _______________________ State _____________Zip ____________ Phone______________________________________________________ Phone______________________________________________________ Revised 11/12 Revised 11/12 Cash Back Mail-In-Rebate Cash Back Mail-In-Rebate Purchase a new Toyostove or Oil Miser Water Heater through May 31, 2013 Purchase a new Toyostove or Oil Miser Water Heater through May 31, 2013 HERE’S HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR CASH BACK! HERE’S HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR CASH BACK! Mail a copy of your invoice showing the date of purchase, a completed warranty registration card, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: Mail a copy of your invoice showing the date of purchase, a completed warranty registration card, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: RURAL ENERGY ENTERPRISES RURAL ENERGY ENTERPRISES 6637 Arctic Spur Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99518 6637 Arctic Spur Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Cash Back request must be post marked within 30 days of the date of purchase. Cash Back request must be post marked within 30 days of the date of purchase. Rural Energy Enterprises will mail a rebate check directly to you. $ 50 for each Laser 73 and Laser 60AT, $45 for each Laser 56, $40 forOil Miser 148 Water Heater, $35 for each Laser 30. Rural Energy Enterprises will mail a rebate check directly to you. $ 50 for each Laser 73 and Laser 60AT, $45 for each Laser 56, $40 forOil Miser 148 Water Heater, $35 for each Laser 30. (Please Print) (Please Print) Customer Name________________________________________________ Customer Name________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _____________Zip ____________ City _______________________ State _____________Zip ____________ Phone______________________________________________________ Phone______________________________________________________ Revised 11/12 Revised 11/12