PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : MOHD NURHADI BIN MAD ZIN ________________________________________________ Date of birth : 31 JULY 1989 ________________________________________________ Title : MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING (MPPT) BATTERY CHARGER ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ FOR SMALL WIND POWER SYSTEM Academic Session : 2011/2012 ________________________________________________ I declare that this thesis is classified as : CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by : SIGNATURE 890731-01-6119 (NEW IC NO. /PASSPORT NO.) Date : NOTES : * 6 JULY 2012 SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR PN. NORZANAH ROSMIN NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date : 6 JULY 2012 If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical).” Signature : Name of Supervisor : Pn Norzanah Binti Rosmin Date : 6 July 2012 MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING (MPPT) BATTERY CHARGER FOR SMALL WIND POWER SYSTEM MOHD NURHADI BIN MAD ZIN A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA JULY 2012 ii “I declare that this is my work as the product of my own effort with the exception of excerpts cited from other works of which the sources were duly noted” Signature : …………………………. Author’s Name : MOHD NURHADI BIN MAD ZIN Date : 6 JULY 2012 iii To family who encouraged, guided and inspired me throughout my journey of education iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, with Allah’s will. I am able to finish this project successfully. Special thank to my supervisor, PN NORZANAH BINTI ROSMIN for the guidance and enthusiasm given throughout the progress of this project. My appreciation also goes to my coursemates whom are under the same supervision for the guidance and encouragement that they gave to me led to the success of this project. My appreciation also go to my family who has been so tolerant and supports me all these years. Thanks for their encouragement, love and emotional supports that they gave to me. Lastly, I extend my sincere appreciation to all people that have helped and supported me in finishing my thesis. v ABSTRACT It is important to ensure any system can be operated in the optimum condition. The same concept goes to the small wind turbine system. The charging process of the battery charger for the small wind turbine system must be able to track the maximum power point in order to harvest the maximum output in the wide range of wind speed variations. In this thesis, the issue regarding how this charging process is managed was studied. The well management during battery charging process is significantly required since the lack of charging management may affecting the battery’s performance, particularly in terms of its lifetime and the degradation rate. Hence, in this thesis, a battery charger with a satisfactory performance was proposed and designed by using the concept of controlling the pulsating charging current. Using this approach, it was found that the efficiency of the charging process is very good since the resulting pulsating current that was produced, was working as expected, whereas the overvoltage and the overcurrent condition was successfully prevented in order to prolong the battery lifetime. . vi ABSTRAK Adalah keutamaan bagi sesuatu sistem untuk beroperasi dalam keadaaan yang paling optimum. Begitu juga dengan sistem turbin angin. Proses mengecas sesebuah bateri untuk kegunaan sistem turbin angin mestilah berkebolehan untuk mengenal pasti titik kuasa maksimum agar kuasa maksimum dapat dihasilkan oleh turbin, walaupun dalam lebar jalur perubahan angin yang luas. Di dalam tesis ini, isu tentang pengurusan proses mengecas telah dikaji. Pengurusan yang baik semasa proses mengecas sangat diperlukan kerana pengurusan yang tidak baik mampu mempengaruhi prestasi dan kecekapan bateri, terutamanya dari segi jangka hayat dan kadar degradasi bateri. Oleh itu, di dalam tesis ini, sebuah pengecas bateri yang berkecekapan memuaskan telah dicadangkan dan direka dengan menggunakan konsep pengawalan arus denyut pengecas. Sistem ini telah dibangunkan dengan menggunakan perisian MATLAB/Simulink. Menggunakan pendekatan ini, didapati bahawa kecekapan proses pengecasan adalah sangat baik disebabkan denyutan isyarat arus yang diharapkan telah terhasil, sementara keadaaan lebihan voltan dan lebihan arus juga telah berjaya dikekang demi memanjangkan jangka hayat bateri. vii TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER TITLE 1 2 PAGE DECLARATION OF THESIS ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENT vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURE xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem statement of project 3 1.3 Project’s objective 3 1.4 Scope of study 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 MPPT of permanent magnet 5 2.2 MPPT for based on suppport-vector regression 6 viii 3 2.3 MPPT based on limit cycle for a small wind turbine 7 2.4 Current control mode scheme for point load 8 2.5 Buck converter with zero and modified average current 10 2.6 Peak current control of buck converter 11 METHODOLOGY 13 3.1 Basic concept of wind energy system 13 3.2 Concept of MPPT 14 3.3 Buck converter operational circuit 16 3.3.1 Type of converter 16 3.3.2 Component in buck converter 17 Switch 17 Capacitor 18 Operating switching frequency 18 Inductor 19 Freewheeling diode 19 3.3.3 Feedback 20 3.3.4 Control scheme 20 3.3.5 Buck converter topology 21 3.4 Lead acid battery 24 3.4.1 Cell design 24 3.4.2 Charging process for the battery 25 3.4.3 Discharging process for the battery 26 3.4.4 Battery management issues 27 3.5 PID controller 3.5.1 Proportional term 27 29 ix 4 3.5.2 Integral term 30 3.5.3 Derivative term 31 3.5.4 Methods of tuning 33 3.5.5 Effect of increasing a parameter indipendently 34 3.6 Theory of calculation 34 3.7 Design specification 36 3.8 Battery charger circuit 37 3.8.1 Current control mode 39 3.8.2 Voltage control mode 40 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 42 4.1 Continuous current mode 43 4.2 Discontinuous current mode 46 4.3 Zero current mode 51 4.4 Characteristic of operation for voltage control and current control 4.4.1 Voltage control characteristic 53 4.4.2 Current control characteristic 5 53 54 4.5 Result summary 54 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 55 5.1 Conclusion 55 5.2 Recommendation 56 REFERENCES 57 x LIST OF TABLE PAGE TABLE TITLE 2.1 Parameter of unified three terminals 10 3.1 Relationship of converter 16 3.2 Method of tuning 33 3.3 Effect of increasing a parameter independently 34 3.4 Battery Charger Specification 36 4.1 Inductor current when battery is not fully charged 50 4.2 Inductor current when battery is fully charged 52 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 2.1 Block Diagram of PWM phase shift converter 6 2.2 Flow chart of wind speed estimation 7 2.3 MPPT using boost chopper 8 2.4 Current mode controlled buck converter 9 2.5 Peak current control system 12 3.1 Power converter application in wind energy system 14 3.2 Wind generator power vs generator speed 15 3.3 Rotor power versus rotor voltage 15 3.4 Basic control scheme 20 3.5 Pulse width modulator 21 3.6 Gate signal 22 3.7 Discontinuous inductor current 22 3.8 Continuous inductor current 22 3.9 Lead acid battery construction 24 3.10 Charging process 25 xii 3.11 Discharging process 26 3.12 PID block diagram 28 3.13 Proportional response 30 3.14 Integral response 31 3.15 Derivative response 32 3.16 Battery charger circuit 37 3.17 Controller for the battery charger 38 3.18 Measurement for the battery charger 39 3.19 Current controller 40 3.20 Voltage controller 41 4.1 Continuous current graph 44 4.2 Zoomed-in of continuous current graph 44 4.3 Input voltage 80 Volts for CCM operation 45 4.4 Input voltage 90 Volts for CCM operation 45 4.5 Discontinuous current graph 47 4.6 Zoomed-in of discontinuous current graph 47 4.7 Input voltage 50 Volts for DCM operation 48 4.8 Input voltage 60 Volts for DCM operation 49 4.9 Zero current graph 51 4.10 Inductor current when battery is fully charged 52 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MPPT Maximum power point tracking PWM Pulse width modulation W/G Wind generator DC Direct current AC Alternating current MOSFET Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor JFET Junction gate field effect transistor BJT Bipolar junction transistor CCM Continuous current mode DCM Discontinuous current mode ZCM Zero current model PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative PI Proportional-Integral PD Proportional- Derivative P Proportional I Integral Kp Proportional constant Ki Integral constant CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Renewable energy sources derive their energy from on going natural processes such as sunshine, wind, flowing water, biological processes and geothermal heat flows. A general definition of renewable energy sources is that renewable energy is captured from an energy resource that is replaced rapidly by a natural process. The alternative energy had been developed to reduce the problem of the fossil-fuel exhaustion and environmental issues. One of the feasible energy is a wind-power system. For urban areas, wind power can be integrated with main grid. In contrast with the rural areas with weak grid, the stand-alone wind power system with the battery bank is essential in order for providing stable and reliable electricity. Wind energy is one of the most promising alternative energy technologies of the future [1]. Throughout recent years, the amount of energy produced by winddriven turbines has increased due to the significant breakthrough in the wind energy system. It offers many advantages over the fossil based energy which explains why it becomes fast growing energy source in the world. Since the wind energy is clean and free, generating maximum energy from the wind is very important. It is due to the 2 appreciation of the pollution-free source energy and not wasting the available chance. Even though wind energy has many environmental and supply advantages, there are several disadvantages that limit the usability of wind power. The main disadvantage to wind power is that it is unreliable because it does not blow at a constant rate. This will cause the changes in maximum power available at a particular moment. Hence, in order to improve the battery’s lifetime for the small-sized stand alone wind power system, a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control strategy equipped with the pulsating charging current is proposed. In this study, a power electronic converter was considered where this converter has the ability to provide pulsating charging current with MPPT control strategy. This technique has a simple circuit diagram but provides high reliability [2]. So, the best option to realize the proposed idea is using buck converter with pulse-width modulation (PWM) switching. The PWM will track the maximum power point by control the output process using duty cycle or its switching frequency. The converter will have three types of current modes known as continuous current mode, discontinuous current mode and zero current mode. These current modes will operate once at a time depend on the feedback input coming from the main battery charger circuit. Basically, the battery charger is not only for the maximum power point tracking purpose but it also provides an overspeed protection for the battery in term of overvoltage and overcurrent [1]. In addition, the pulsating current will increase the charging efficiency and eventually increase the battery lifetime [1],[3],[4]. 3 1.2 Problem Statement For a small wind power system. It is difficult to draw maximum power from the wind turbine and the degradation of the battery bank usually give significant effect on the system reliability [1]. 1.3 Project’s Objectives This project has 3 objectives as follows: a) To study the operation work of a small wind power system. b) To study the operation work of buck-converter as a MPPT battery charger c) To design and model the MPPT battery charger using MATlab Simulink. 4 1.4 Scope of Study This project will only focus on the scope that given below: a) Small stand-alone wind power system with permanent magnet generator. b) Buck converter as maximum power point tracker. c) Lead acid battery as the battery bank CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW For this project, there will be a number of literature reviews on the related topic from various sources of information such as technical paper and report, books and journal. 2.1 MPPT of permanent magnet [5],[6] The maximum power point tracking is mostly applied on the permanent magnet synchrounous generator (PMSG) which are commonly used in wind turbine system. It using the suitable DC-DC converter to extract maximum power from the PMSG. The PWM is manipulating the phase angle and output voltage in order to achieve the desired output required. 6 Figure 2.1 below details the construction of the controller and how the phase angle is manipulated. It shows that Proportional-Integrator (PI) has been used at the early stage of the control process. The PI controller will adjust the value of the angle so that the PWM modulator can generate a different duration of on-time. Figure 2.1 2.2 Block diagram of PWM phase-shift controller MPPT for based on support-vector regression(SVR) [7] A different approach of MPPT function can be realized by using SVR. It was based on the wind turbine power and rotational speed of the generator. Then, a mathematical algorithm for the estimation was develop based on that two information. The simulation was started as an offline training before the data is taken from the on-line instantaneuos input. The process of estimating the relation between wind and speed of the generator can be clearly seen in figure 2.2. It shows the six main procedures in order to generate the function that will be used in the controller. It was begin with the on-line 7 and off-line training. After that, both data from the on-line and off-line training will be integrated together to find the output function. Figure 2.2 2.3 Flow chart of wind-speed estimation MPPT based on limit cycle for a small wind turbine [8],[9] Another technique of MPPT for a small sized of wind turbine system can be realized by using limit cycle information. This control scheme is a bit simple where there is no information of the generator is needed such as instanteneous power, torque and rotating speed. The technique is utilizing the inherent limit cycle phenomena of the system itself 8 This 3 phase small scale power system was using the boost chopper in order to provide MPPT feature to the system. The characteristic of the boost chopper is analyzed so that optimum point of duty ratio can be determined. The duty ratio will be set as a reference value to control the output power of the generator. This approach enables the output to follow the set value although the generator rotational speed is changing based on the variation of the wind speed. Figure 2.3 shows that the boost chopper and the inverter operates together as a one control system to achieve the MPPT function. Figure 2.3 2.4 MPPT using boost chopper Current control mode scheme for point of load [10] Most of the current control mode is realized by using PWM controller. This current mode is available with different type of technique which are the peak-current control, valley-current control, constant on-time control and constant off-time control. Each scheme has a unique characteristic which can be explained by the unified small signal equivalent circuit model. 9 Figure 2.4 shows how the process of controlling the peak current work. The compensator is acted as a feedback controller in this scheme. The control scheme is based on the calculated parameter. So, we have to decide the maximum allowable value for inductor current before proceed to the next stages. Figure 2.4 Current mode controlled buck converter Those unified parameters involved in the circuit were calculated by using the formula that was provided in table 2.1 below. 10 Table 2.1 2.5 Parameter of unified three terminals Buck converter with zero and modified average current [11],[12] Most of the buck converter has been modified so that it can be operated with high efficiency, small volume and weight, simple control circuit and low price. Each method has a number of advantages and disadvantages depend on the selection. The MCT semiconductor has a low conduction of voltage drop but it has longer turn-off duration which can increase the losses. This problem can be overcome by implementing the zero current to reduce the turn-off losses. These method optimizing the battery charger circuit by implement a feedback clamp circuit on the converter circuit. The current clamping method is based on the feedback control and not depend on the saturation of the error amplifier. This approach can produce pulsating charging current technique. 11 2.6 Peak current control of buck converter [13] The inductor peak value plays an important part during the charging process. So, its value and type of waveform need to carefully designed in order to prolong the lifetime of the battery. Otherwise, the battery will degrade faster than expected. Some aspect that can be took into consideration is the peak value of the inductor current. It is important to ensure that this value never exceed the rated value of the battery. Figure 2.5 shows one of the circuit that has been used to control the peak value of the current inductor. The controller itself contained 7 main parts: a) Peak current detector b) Gate drive c) Logic control d) Comparator e) Zero-cross detector f) Start-up 12 Figure 2.5 Peak current control system CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Basic Concept of Wind Energy System Before selection of the type of the converter can be done, the wind turbine system characteristic must be firstly determined. In this chapter, the basic principle of the energy conversion system for the small stand-alone wind turbine system will be explained in detail. By referring to figure 3.1, the application of the battery charger in the wind turbine system can be undertood more easily. Generally, the operation of the wind turbine system can be divided into 3 stages. The first stage is from kenitic energy to kinetic energy where wind energy is captured and rotate the turbine’s blade.Then it converted from kinetic energy to the electric energy. This is where the blades rotate the rotor, and then inducing electricity. The last stage is the storage system. In this stages, current that was generated from the generator changes its form from the alternating current to the direct current. The battery charger will store the produced direct current into the battery bank. 14 Then it is important to have a high perfomance battery charger to ensure that the generated current can be stored in the battery bank wisely. Besides that, the battery bank type issue should also be considered to be studied since the common battery bank that usually used in the industry, e.g. the lead-acid battery is quite expensive. 3.2 Concept of MPPT There are many methods to achieve MPPT function for wind energy system. One of the method is using power electronic converter. For wind energy application, the latest design of power electronic converter may offer a cheaper approach [1]. In the carried out literature so far, there were a numbers of converter designs for wind power application, though the objective was same. Figure 3.1 Power converter application in wind energy system [1] In order to obtain maximum output power from the turbine, we should find the optimal value of speed for each wind speed. If the voltage is changing from V1 to V2, the rotor speed should be changed from ω1 to ω2 for the best operation of the wind-turbine system. It is shown in the figure 3.2. 15 Figure 3.2 Wind generator power vs wind generator speed [2] Figure 3.3 Rotor power versus rotor voltage [1] Figure 3.3 shows the relationship between the rotor power and the rotor voltage. By comparing both graphs, we can conclude that wind speed, and the rotor voltage is directly proportional. To be able to achieve a MPPT function, a suitable range of voltage must be determined. It is based on the local wind speed information. The range is very useful since it determines the input voltage of the battery charger. These are the point that need be tracked by the integrated controller in order to achieve the MPPT functions. 16 3.3 Buck Converter Operational Circuit 3.3.1 Type of converter The battery charger will be designed by using power electronic converter. The main function of this converter is to convert voltage at a different voltage level. It is vital to know the relationship of the converter before continue with the design process. Table 3.1 Relationship of converter Type of converter Rectifier Inverter Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost Ac voltage controller Input AC DC DC AC Output DC AC DC AC To design a battery charger, it should be noticed that the input and the output current must be in direct value (d.c). And a condition must be fulfilled where the input voltage must be greater than the output voltage. If we referred to Table 3.1, it can be seen that, the suitable converter that fulfill the mentioned condition is the buck, boost and buck-boost converter type. However, for battery charger application, buck converter was considered to be used in this study since it is a step-down device [14],[15],[16]. Due to the reason of buck converter has a few special characteristics that will give good impact on the battery charger, this converter was used in this study. The benefits of this converter is as listed below [17] : 17 a) It is highly efficient b) It has a simple structure c) Voltage can be drop without any transformer needed d) Load current rate can be limited e) Load current can be protected by the inductor 3.3.2 Component in Buck Converter Any basic switched power supply consists of five standard components: • pulse-width modulating controller • transistor switch (active switch) • inductor • capacitor • diode (passive switch) Switch Transistors that have been choosen as a switching power supplies must have fast switching time and must be able to withstand the voltage spikes created by the 18 inductor. The input for the gate of the transistor is usually a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal. This signal will determine the ON and OFF time. T h e sizing of the power switch is then determined based on the load and voltage stability. The power switch (transistor) can either be a MOSFET, IGBT, JFET or a BJT. However MOSFET is more suitable for high frequency application. Therefore, MOSFETs have now replaced BJT in new designs for the operation at high frequencies and low voltages. At high voltages MOSFET still has their limitations. The intrinsic characteristics of the MOSFET produce a large on resistance which increases excessively when the devices breakdown voltage is increases . Due to that, MOSFET is restricted only to low voltage applications. Capacitor Output capacitance (across the load) is required to minimize the voltage overshoot and ripple present at the output of a step-down converter. The capacitor should be larged enough so that its voltage does not produce any noticeable change during the time the switch is off. The maximum allowed output-voltage overshoot, and ripples are usually specified during the design, in order to meet the ripple specification for a step-down converter circuit. Operating switching frequency The operating frequency determines the performance of the switch. Switching frequency selection is typically determined by the efficiency requirements. There is now a growing trend in research work and new power supply designs in increasing the size of switching frequencies. The higher is the switching frequency, the smaller the physical size and component value. However, higher frequency will cause more 19 magnetic losses in the inductor or switching losses in the regulator circuit. Therefore, higher frequency reduces MOSFET efficiency to an impractical level and also the size of the output capacitor. Inductor The function of the inductor is to limit the current slew rate (limit the current in rush) through the power switch when the circuit is ON. The current through the inductor cannot change suddenly. When the current through an inductor tends to fall, the inductor tends to maintain the current by acting as a source. This limits the otherwise the high-peak current that would be limited by the switch resistance alone. The key advantage is when the inductor is used to drop voltage, it stores energy. The size of the inductor can be reduced by the implementation of high switching frequency. A smaller inductor value enables a faster transient response and results in a larger ripple current, which causes higher conduction losses in the switches. Freewheeling Diode Since the current in the inductor cannot change suddenly, a path must exist for the inductor current when the switch is OFF (open). This path is provided by the freewheeling diode. The purpose of this diode is not to rectify, but to direct current flow in the circuit and to ensure that there is always a path for the current to flow through the inductor. Thus, the diode enables the converter to convert stored energy in the inductor to the load. When the switch closes, the current rises linearly. When the switch opens, the freewheeling diode causes a linear decrease in the current. At the steady state, we have a saw tooth response with an average value of the current. 20 3.3.3 Feedback Feedback and control circuitry can be carefully nested around buck converter circuits to regulate the energy transfer and maintain a constant output within normal operating conditions. Control by pulse-width modulation is necessary for regulating the output. The transistor switch is the heart of the switched supply and it controls the power supplied to the load. 3.3.4 Control Scheme Sometimes we need to design a regulated output model which has an input voltage under varying condition. This will be accomplished by employing a negative feedback system to the circuit. The objectives of the feedback control are to ensure a constant output value and to reduce the noise level. Parts of the control system consist of error amplifier and pulse width modulator (PWM). It controls the circuit by adjusting the duty ratio of the power switch to maintain the desired output value. This control scheme in figure 3.4 also provide excellent noise immunity to the spike sensed in the inductor current [17]. Figure 3.4 Basic control scheme The PWM consist of sawtooth generator, reference signal and a comparator. The comparator will compare the reference signal with the sawtooth waveform to produce logic output either logic ‘0’(GND) or logic ‘1’(VDD) as shown in figure 3.5. 21 Figure 3.5 3.3.5 Pulse width modulator [18] Buck converter topology This study will focus on the latest design, as depicted in Figure 3.1. The construction of this device is basically from the buck converter. However, it has been modified based on the need and application. This modification will alter the result and affect the calculation of the parameter. Circuit that has been modified must be analyzed first. Then, the result must be related with the inductor current, as illustrated in Figure 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 before proceed further into the derivation process. There are two states of operation for buck converter that is the ON state and the OFF state[1]. 22 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Gate signal [1] Discountinuous inductor current [1] Continuous inductor current [1] From figure 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8, the relations between the gate signal, discontinuous current mode (DCM) and the continuous current mode (CCM) can be explained. And as depicted in Figure 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8, the switching period of the gate signal is represented by d 1 , d 2 and d 3 . For both operations of DCM and CCM, the switch duration of ON state is represented by d 1 . For DCM operation, during ON state, the inductor current will be increased from zero to the maximum value. Whilst, for CCM, the inductor current will be increased from the designed minimum current (I min ) to the maximum value during the ON state.For OFF state switching period, the 23 operation for DCM and CCM is different. For DCM, the OFF state is separated into two parts, d 2 and d 3 . d2 represents the duration of the fall time whereas d3 represents the zero current condition. Both d 2 and d 3 have a similar duration of the OFF switching period. It’s meant that d2 will cause the inductor current to be decreased from the maximum value to the zero value during the half of the total OFF state switching duration. Then, for the next half duration, the switch d3 will be operated. However, for CCM operation, the whole OFF state duration will be controlled by the switch d2 where the inductor current will be decreased from the maximum value to the Imin . As briefly explained in the two previous paragraphs, the switching process of the designed converter was controlled by the PWM. This PWM is able to generate the pulse at a certain frequency (f ), and also be able to send the signal to the switch gate. There are many types of controller avalaible in the liturature and can be integrated with PWM controller such as : a) PWM fuzzy logic controller [19] b) PWM PID controller [19] However, PWM PID controller will be used in this project because it can avoid from the steady state error which will produce a better result. Moreover, it can control various systems or devices with little human interaction. Besides that, they can be tuned using several methods as shown in table 3.2. Due to that, the user can choose the most familiar method and have more flexibility during the tuning process. The PID will control either sawtooth signal or the reference signal so that it can control the process of the charging activity. 24 3.4 Lead Acid Battery The energy generated by the wind turbine must be stored in the suitable storage system. Based on the consideration of a few aspect, it is decided that lead acid battery is still the common energy storage component for the stand-alone wind power system [1]. Lead acid battery that have been used for the storage systems will be connected to the proposed battery charger before the charging process can be analyzed. 3.4.1 Cell Design As shown in figure 3.9, lead acid battery contains lead dioxide (PbO2) used as the positive plate and the sponge lead (Pb) used as the negative plate while sulphuric acid used as the electrolyte to complete the internal circuit [17]. Figure 3.9 Lead acid battery construction The chemical reaction during the discharge and recharge is normally written: Discharge PbO2 + Pb +2H2SO4 2PbSO4 + 2H2O Charge (1) 25 3.4.2 Charging Process for the battery [17] The principle how charging process occurs in a battery is explained below: a) The connection of an electrical power source from the external circuit pushes the electrons to move from positive to negative terminal. b) This will eventually increase the charge and the voltages at the electrodes. c) The chemical reactions is in the reverse direction where the electrical energy is converted as chemical energy. d) As the battery is being charged, the lead sulfate covered on the surface of both electrodes is removed and the electrolyte become stronger. Figure 3.10 Charging process 26 3.4.3 Discharging Process for the battery [17] Here, the principle work of the discharging process of a battery is explained: a) Connection of an electrical load at the external circuit allows electrons to flow from negative to positive terminals. b) This will eventually reduces the charge and the voltages at the electrodes. c) This will create foward chemicals reactions that generating new electrons. During this process, power is converted to electrical form to drive the external electrical load. d) As the battery is discharged, both electrodes become covered with the lead sulphate and the electrolyte become weaker. Figure 3.11 Discharging process 27 3.4.4 Battery Management Issues There are two main problems that were commonly occur along the battery operation: a) Over discharge leads to the process called sulfation which will ruins the battery. The reaction will becomes non reversible when the quantity of the lead-sulfate formations become too large b) Overcharging causes other undesirable reactions to occur: i. Electrolysis of water and generation of hydrogen gas ii. Electrolysis of other compounds in electrodes and electrolyte which can generate harmful gases iii. Deformation of cases of sealed battery 3.5 PID Controller Theory A proportional-integral-derivative controller or widely known as PID is a control loop feedback mechanism. A PID controller calculates an error values as the difference between a measured variable and a reference value. The controller will try to reduce the error by changing the control inputs [20]. Generally, PID controller will involve three separate parameters, denoted as P, I, and D and these values can be interpreted in terms of time as shown in figure 3.12 below: 28 Figure 3.12 Defining PID block diagram [20] as the controller output: (5) Where: Proportional gain Integral gain Derivative gain Time or instantaneous time (the present) Parameter interpretation in term of time i. P which based on the present errors, ii. I which depends on the information of the past errors, iii. D is depends on the prediction of the future errors. 29 The response of the controller can be described in terms of: i. Responsiveness of the controller to an error ii. Degree to which the controller overshoots the set point and iii. Degree of system oscillation. Some applications may require using only one or two parameter only to provide the suitable controller for the system. This can be achieved by adjusting others parameters to zero. A PID controller will be called a PI, PD, P or I controller in the absence of the respective control actions. 3.5.1 Proportional term The proportional term creates an output value that is proportional to the present error value. The proportional response can be changed by multiplying the error by a proportional gain constant, K p [20]. The proportional term is given by: (2) Figure 3.13 shows that a huge change in proportional gain will results a huge change in the output for a given change in the error. If the proportional gain is too high, the system can become unstable. On the other hand, a small gain results in a small output response to a large input error which making the controller less sensitive. 30 Figure 3.13 3.5.2 Proportional response Integral Term The integral term is proportionally effecting to both magnitude of the error and the duration of the error. The integral in a PID controller is the sum of the instantaneous error over time and gives the accumulated offset that should have been corrected previously. The accumulated error is then multiplied by the integral gain constant, K i [20]. The integral term is given by: (3) 31 The integral term accelerates the movement of the process towards the reference value and eliminates the steady-state error that occurs with a pure proportional controller as shown in figure 3.14. However, since the integral term is responds to accumulate the errors from the past. It can cause the present value to overshoot the reference value. Figure 3.14 3.5.3 Integral response Derivative term The derivative of the process error is calculated by determining the slope of the error over time and multiplying this rate of change by the derivative gain constant, K d . The magnitude of the contribution of the derivative term to the overall control action is denoted as the derivative gain constant, K d [20]. 32 The derivative term is given by: (4) The derivative term reduce the rate of change of the controller output. Derivative control is used to decrease the magnitude of the overshoot produced by the integral component and increase the combined controller process stability as shown in figure 3.15. However, the derivative term slows the transient response of the controller. Besides that, the differentiation of the signal will amplify the noise. This will significantly cause a problem by making the process become unstable if the noise and the derivative gain are sufficiently large. Figure 3.15 Derivative response 33 3.5.4 Methods of tuning Table 3.2 shows that the PID controller can be tuned by using several method [20]. The user can choose any method that depend the situations. In this project, the designing process involved manual tuning where the parameter proportional, integral and derivative is adjusted based on the information given from table 3.3 [20]. Table 3.2 Method of tuning Method Advantages Manual No math required. Tuning Ziegler– Nichols Disadvantages Requires experienced personnel. Process upset, some Proven Method. trial-and-error, very aggressive tuning. Consistent tuning. Online or offline method. Software May include valve and sensor analysis. Some cost and training Tools Allow simulation before downloading. Can involved. support Non-Steady State (NSS) Tuning. 34 3.5.5 Effect of increasing a parameter independently It is important to understand the role of each parameter in order to make the tuning process easier. Each parameter will affect the rise time, overshoot, settling time and steady-state error differently as shown in table 3.3 [20]. Table 3.3 Parameter 3.6 Effect of increasing a parameter independently Rise time Overshoot Settling time Steady-state error Decrease Increase Small change Decrease Decrease Increase Increase Eliminate Minor change Decrease Decrease No effect in the error Theory of calculation From the topology’s point of view, the load is considered as a constant load. So, the duty ratio, D obtained using standard expression is [21]: 𝐷= 𝑉𝑜 𝑉𝑠 (6) 35 Where 𝑉𝑜 is output voltage and 𝑉𝑠 is the supply voltage for buck converter. A feedback loop is required to the output voltage, compare it to a reference. Hence, we can set the duty ratio in order to obtain the desired output voltage. In the buck converter, the average inductor current is same as the average load current, since the average capacitor current at steady-state is zero [21]. 𝐼𝐿 = 𝐼𝑅 = 𝑉𝑜 𝑅 (7) Since the inductor current is changing, the maximum and minimum inductor currents are [21]: 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝐼𝐿 + 1 𝑅 ∆𝑖𝐿 2 = 𝑉𝑜 � + 𝐼𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝐼𝐿 − 1 𝑅 1 𝑇 2𝐿𝑓 ∆𝑖𝐿 2 = 𝑉𝑜 � − where = (1−𝐷) (1−𝐷) 2𝐿𝑓 � � (8) (9) , is the switching frequency. In the charger designing, the current flow must be in continuous current mode (CCM). Thus, the minimum value of the current must be zero. Therefore, the minimum inductance required for continuous current is [21]: 𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = (1 − 𝐷)𝑅 2𝑓 (10) In the charger designing, the output voltage must be kept constant. However, the output voltage cannot be kept constant. The ripple output voltage is obtained and its expression is [21]: ∆𝑉𝑜 1−𝐷 = 𝑉𝑜 8𝐿𝐶𝑓 2 (11) 36 3.7 Design Specification The battery charger specification was designed based on the parameter given as shown in table 3.4. The input voltage was assumed to be varying from 30 to 100 Volts with rated value of 70 Volts. The leads acid full charge voltage is sets to 28 Volts. Then, the charging current is sets to 18 Amperes since the best charging current is ¼ of the rated current value [1]. The value for switching frequency is depend on the designer. High switching frequency will cause more losses but giving a smaller value of inductor used in the battery charger. On the other hand, low switching frequency will have smaller losses but causing a bulk inductor size need to be installed in the system. Huge size of inductor making the battery charger less flexible and more costly. Other parameter such as inductor, capacitor and duty cycle can be calculate once the value of the swicthing frequency was fixed. Table 3.4 Battery Charger Specification [1] No Specification Value 1 Wind turbine rated voltage, Vin rated 70 V 2 Full charge voltage, Vo 28 V 3 Charger input voltage, Vin 30 -100 V 4 Duty cycle, d1 0.4 5 Switching frequency, fsw 22 kHz 6 Inductor, L 23 µH 7 Capacitor, C 1.347mF 8 I rated 80 A 9 I charging 18 A 37 3.8 Battery Charger Circuit The battery charger circuit shown in figure 3.16 was based on the conventional buck converter except there is an additional diode included in the circuit which is diode 2. This diode is controlled by switch 2 which the action is based on the input voltage of the battery charger. The other component will operates as explained in the of section 3.3.2 PID controller was used in the circuit as the control scheme system where any changes of the feedback parameter will be analyzed by the PID controller to adjust the value of either duty cycle or switching frequency, so that the output is following the reference output value. Figure 3.16 Battery charger circuit 38 Figure 3.17 shows the main controller that consist of two separate controllers known as voltage control and current control. Logic block diagram is used to create the condition to ensure that both controller are synchronize. Hence, the controller can differentiate and decide correctly when it is necessary to make decision. Its consist of three input and three output. The feedback from the battery voltage will be compared with the voltage reference of 28 Volts. This comparison will decide either the circuit need to be operated using voltage control mode or current control mode Figure 3.17 Controller for the battery charger Figure 3.18 shows the measurement circuit for the simulation. The current and voltage feedback data is linked with the simout and scope block diagram. So, both 39 feedback can be further analyzed in order to understanding the relation between the input and the output. The analyzed data can be presented in the graph style, as shown in section 4.0. All the graphs were generated from the simout block diagram. Figure 3.18 3.8.1 Measurement for the battery charger Current Control Mode The current control mode is a mode where feedback from the charging current is taken before comparing with the reference value of 18 Amperes. As shown in figure 3.19, PID controller was used so that the switching frequency can be adjusted to the suitable value. This action will eventually change and affecting the charging current value. The duty cycles is remain fixed in this type of control. 40 Since the duty cycle is remained constant during this control mode, its meant that the PWM switching cycle for switch 1 is also remain constant. Due to that, it was well known as the contant on-time control [1]. Figure 3.19 3.8.2 Current controller Voltage Control Mode Figure 3.20 shows that the voltage control mode is a mode where feedback from the battery voltage was taken before comparing with the reference value of 28 Volts which is the value of the fully charged voltage for the battery. The proportional constant contributes more changes on the rise time of the signal. Since, its only involved proportional controller, this mode is quite easy to control compare to the current control mode because the controller just need to control one signal called rise time [20]. 41 The controller will control the duty cycle to ensure that the battery is not overvoltage or overcharging once it is fully charged. Then, the duty cycle will manipulate the switching time for the switch 1. This will provide some protection scheme to the battery bank. Another part of the voltage control mode which is the switching frequency is remains fixed. Figure 3.20 Voltage controller CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION Result is the most important part of this research because the only thing that can be analyzed to support the theory will be based on the output data. The results of the modelling work will be presented in this chapter. All results will be presented in graph and table styles so that it can be easily understand and easy to be analyzed. Generally, the result can be separated into three parts, which are the continuous current mode, discontinuous current mode and zero current mode. To assess the successness of the designed battery charger, it is significant to ensure that the resulting pulsating current may operate in the normal behaviour. To ensure that the proposed battery charger is working under its normal behaviour situation, an observation must be paid on the shape of the resulting pulsating current; continuous and discontinuous current mode. These two conditions are differentiated in terms of its fixed boundary of input voltage value. First section will discuss about the continuous current mode, whereas the discontinuous current mode will be presented in the second section. Meanwhile, in the third section, the zero current mode will be discussed, where this condition is also very significant to be discussed since this current can show, the termination of the designed charging process. Finally, a summary of the finding is given.. 43 4.1 Continuous current mode (CCM) Continuous current mode occurs when the battery is not fully charged and the input voltage is exceeded 70 Volts. This condition shows that the input voltage is over the rated voltage. During this situation, the charging current will exceed the value of the best charging current which is 18 Amperes. However, the excess value current will be always monitored by the controller to ensure that it will never exceed the rated value which is 80 Amperes. This continuous current will shift up from the zero current value making the charging process continuously. This charging process is faster but it is not the best option because the lifetime of the battery will be reduced. Moreover, the efficiency for the charging process during this type of operation is not as good as the discontinuous current mode (DCM) [1]. Figure 4.1 shows the steady-state response of the CCM charging process. Meanwhile, figure 4.2 shows the zoom-in image of the current. The continuous current mode contains two components: a) Current is increased when switch 1 is at ‘ON’state. b) Current is decreased when switch 1 is at ‘OFF’ state. 44 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Continuous current graph Zoomed-in of continuous current graph The peak charging current value depends on the input voltage value. Greater input voltage value will increasethe value for peak chargingcurrent. This is proven by comparing figure 4.3and figure 4.4.Figure 4.3 represents the smaller 45 voltage (80V), whereby figure 4.4 represents the larger voltage (90V). The existence of inductor in this circuit be able to limit the current slew rate and the shape of the current as a sawtooth signal. If this inductor is taken out from the circuit, charging current still be able to continuously pulsating but with a square shape signal. Figure 4.3 Input voltage 80 Volts for CCM operation Figure 4.4 Input voltage 90 Volts for CCM operation 46 4.2 Discontinuous current mode (DCM) Discontinuous current mode occurs when the battery is not fully charged and the input voltage is less than or equal to 70 Volts which is the rated value for this design. It has the same component as the CCM except one extra component where the current lies on zero value. That means, the electrons from the previous charging process have a rest time to achieve the equillibrium state inside the lead acid battery. Figure 4.5 shows the steady-state response of the DCM charging process. Meanwhile, figure 4.6 shows the enlarge image of the current. This charging process is a bit slower compared to the continuous current mode but it is better in terms of efficiency because it contains 3 components: a) Current is increased when switch 1 is at ‘ON’state. b) Current is decreased when switch 1 is at ‘OFF’ state. c) Current is zero when switch 1 as at’OFF’ state. 47 Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 Discontinuous current graph Zoomed-in of discontinuous current graph 48 Zero current is actually the extention of the decreasing current but the designed buck converter has limit current from decreasing further. So, instead of decreasing, the current becomes zero for a certain time before enter the next cycle. The similar characteristic as CCM, DCM also shows that higher input voltage will cause higher peak charging current. It is shown in figure 4.7 that when the input voltage is 50V the highest peak charging current is 34.63A. Meanwhile, in figure 4.8 shows that when the input voltage is 60V the highest charging current is 49.15 A. As in the previous mode, the existence of inductor plays the same role regardless in which modes the battery operates. Figure 4.7 Input voltage 50 Volts for DCM operation 49 Figure 4.8 Input voltage 60 Volts for DCM operation Table 4.1 shows that the value of inductor current is maintained around 18 ± 0.5 Amperes most of the time regardless of the charge percentage. This is appoximately to the reference value that involve during the design process which is 18 Amperes. The uncertainty value can be reduced further by adjusting the value of the capacitor used in the circuit using equation 11. The output voltage value is depends on the quantity of the charge stored inside the battery. Thus, higher percent of charge will result higher output voltage. The input voltage do not has significant effect on the value of output voltage and inductor current. However, the input voltage effecting on the type of the charging current, whether it is continuous current mode or discontinuous current mode. 50 Table 4.1 Inductor current when battery is not fully charged 85% charged 70% charged input input voltage output inductor voltage output inductor (V) voltage (V) current (A) (V) voltage (V) current (A) 40 26.28 18.02 40 26.01 18.04 50 26.21 18.07 50 26.01 18.04 60 26.21 18.06 60 26.17 18.08 70 26.41 18.12 70 26.17 17.99 80 26.26 18.05 80 26.09 18.04 90 26.25 17.89 90 26.10 18.07 100 26.28 18.14 100 26.11 18.05 55% charged 40% charged input input voltage output inductor voltage output inductor (V) voltage (V) current (A) (V) voltage (V) current (A) 40 25.78 18.01 40 25.27 17.99 50 25.78 18.01 50 25.31 18.09 60 25.84 18.01 60 25.20 18.07 70 25.72 18.10 70 25.41 18.08 80 25.76 18.10 80 25.24 17.94 90 25.82 17.86 90 25.24 18.06 100 25.76 18.00 100 25.27 17.91 51 4.3 Zero Current Mode (ZCM) The figure 4.9 shows that the charging process is terminated once the battery is fully charged. This is one of the protection scheme provided by the battery charger to the battery bank called overcharging or overvoltage protection. However, there is still current flow to the battery with small value which is approximately to zero. This can be observed from the figure 4.9 where the operating current is about 0.1522 Amp. The reason is because the purpose of this current is just to maintain the battery voltage and to overcome self discharging problem. This small current flow also known as trickle charging current. Figure 4.9 Zero current graph 52 In ZCM, the similar characteristic applied where the value of current flow into the battery is directly proportional with the value of input voltage as shown in table 4.2 and figure 4.10. Table 4.2 Inductor current when battery is fully charged 100% charged input voltage output voltage inductor current 30 28.05 1.92E-05 40 28.05 1.23E-04 50 28.05 2.22E-04 60 28.05 3.19E-04 70 28.05 4.18E-04 80 28.05 5.18E-04 90 28.05 6.22E-04 100 28.05 7.18E-04 Inductor current (A) vs Input voltage (V) during 100% charged 8.00E-04 7.00E-04 6.00E-04 5.00E-04 4.00E-04 3.00E-04 2.00E-04 1.00E-04 0.00E+00 30 Figure 4.10 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Inductor current when battery is fully charged 53 4.4 Characteristic of operation for Voltage control and Current control The operation of different modes involve a different characteristic of operation. This operation can be differentiated by looking at the duty cycle, switching frequency, switch 2, and the battery voltage. 4.4.1 Voltage control characteristic • Control duty cycle • Fix switching frequency • Fix switch 2 – ‘ON’state • Battery voltage greater than 28 Volts 4.4.2 Current control characteristic • Fix duty cycle • Control switching frequency • Control switch 2 ‘ON’ state when input voltage is greater than 70 Volts ‘OFF’ state when input voltage is equal or less than 70 Volts 54 • 4.5 Battery voltage equal or less than 28 Volts Result summary The boundary and the pulsating current was successfully designed based on the CCM’s result and DCM’s result. These two modes can maintain their average charging current, closed to the best value of charging current which is 18 A. Then, the protection scheme worked well during the charging process, as proven by the ZCM’s result. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion The principle and the characteristic of the battery charger was clearly understood. It was compatible to be merged with the stand-alone wind energy system based on the characteristic of the chosen wind turbine’s generator speed, generator power and rotor voltage. To analyze the system reliability, Matlab/Simulink was used to develop the proposed system. The PID tuning process in this project was done manually with trial-error method. The PID controller for the current control mode was adjusted until the desired output is successfully achieves. The same goes to the voltage control mode but only P controller is needed because this mode is more simple compared with the current control mode.The simulation of the software proved the theoretical concepts for this project. From this study, it was found that the designed battery charger was able to produce the best charging current of 18 Amperes, which is approximately ¼ of the 56 rated current value during the charging process even though the input voltage level is different, as shown in table 4.1. Besides that, the designed battery charger also enable the overcharging and the overvoltagecan be avoided clearly shown in figure 4.9. In the same time, the designed battery charger provides another feature which it can avoid the self-discharging process by providing a small current flow which is less than 72 mA. This was called as a trickle charging current, as shown in table 4.2. This current value is just enough to block the current flow out from the battery. 5.2 Recommendation It is recommended to develop hardware based on this simulation to ensure whether the simulation is practically success or not. If it is practically success, the hardware can be used to analyze the impact of the battery charger to the wind turbine system. There are some aspects that can be further study such as : a) Efficiency of the battery charger b) Charging rate of the battery charger c) Lifetime of the battery charger 57 REFERENCES [1] Kuo-Yuan Lo, Yaow-Ming Chen and Yung-Ruei Chang, “MPPT battery charger for stand-alone wind power system,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronic, vol. 26, no 6, June 2011. [2] E. Kourtroulis and K. Kalaitzakis, “Design of a maximum power tracking system for wind-energy-conversion application,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no.2, pp. 486-494, Apr. 2006 [3] J. Li, E.Murphy, J. Winnick, and P. A. Kohl, “The effect of pulse charging on cycling characteristics of commercial lithium-ion batteries,” J. Power Sources, vol. 102, pp. 302–309, 2001. [4] J. Zhang, J. Yu, C. Cha, and H. 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