DEEP CORE - d20SE.Project
DEEP CORE - d20SE.Project
Index Bay 1: Welcome to AfterBurn Station Bay 2: Galactic History of Spacefaring Construction of Bay 2 has been halted due to a lack of funding Bay 3: Helix’s Hydrospanner – Upgrades and Modifications Bay 4: Starfighters CH 1 2 3 4 #2 Warpod A-24 (A/E/P) Scoutship A-Wing Alpha-3 Starfighter Assault Gunboat Aurek-class Fighter B-Wing/E2 Belbullab-22 Starfighter Cloakshape Fighter CSA IRD Fighter CSA IRD-A Fighter Cultass-9 Patrol Fighter Delta-9 Interceptor E-Wing Escort Starfighter Eta-2 Actis Interceptor Firefly-class Transport Shuttle GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat Grek-wing Fighter H-Wing I-7 Howlrunner Jumpmaster 5000 Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor Miy’til Fighter N-1 Royal Naboo Starfighter Nantex-class Starfighter Pinnook Fighter Proax-38 Starfighter Sith Fighter TIE/ad Avenger TIE/sa Bomber TIE/D Defender TIE Oppressor TIS Zeta 19 Interceptor Y-TIE Ugly Z’Ceptor (Ugly) 20 Z-95 Starfighter Action IV Action V Action VI Ageis-class Combat Shuttle B-7 Light Freighter Balroz-class Freighter BBF1 Bulk Freighter BR-23 Courier Transport Corellian Star Shuttle Corona Transport Coruscant-class Heavy Courier E-9 Explorer Firefly-class Transport (Stock) Firespray-31 Ghtroc 720 Freighter GR-45 Medium Transport GR-75 Medium Transport GX-1 Short Hauler Gymsnor-3 Light Freighter HT-2200 Medium Freighter J-Type 327 Royal Starship Kappa-class Troop Shuttle Katarn-class Boarding Shuttle Kleeque-class Transport 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 Bay 4 Focus – Z-95 Bay 5: Freighters Page 1 - 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 Lambda-class Shuttle Lone Scout-A Mantaris-class Amphibious Transport MC-18 Light Freighter Nova Drive 3-2 Light Freighter Sith Personal Transport SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 Starlight-class Freighter StarSpeeder 3000 Telgorn Corp Assault Shuttle Theta-class T-2c Transport TL-1800 Transport Trilon Mining Barque VCX-350 Light Freighter Wayfarer-class Medium Transport XS-800 Light Freighter YG-4210 Transport YT-1150 Light Transport YT-1760 Light Transport YT-1930 Transport YT-2000 Transport YT-2400 Transport YZ-775 Freighter Z-10 Seeker Bay 6: Capitol Ships 6 Acclamator I-class Assault Ship Assault Frigate Mark II Carrack-class Light Cruiser Corellian Gunship Consular-class Space Cruiser Dreadnaught Eclipse-class Star Dreadnaught Etti-class [CSA Variant] Transport Executor-class Star Dreadnaught Hammerhead-class Cruiser Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Imperial Customs Corvette Interdictor-class Cruiser Interdictor-class Star Destroyer IPV-1 System Patrol Craft Invincible-class Dreadnaught Lancer-class Frigate Lucrehulk-class Battleship Marauder-class Corvette MC-80 Star Cruiser Mere Resistance Cruiser Munificent-class Star Frigate Nebulon-B Frigate [Imperial Variant] Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser Privateer-class Gunship Republic-class Star Destroyer Republic Cruiser Shieldship Sith Battleship Strike-class Medium Cruiser Torpedo Sphere Venator-class Star Destroyer Victory I-class Star Destroyer Victory II-class Frigate Bay 7: Unique Vessels Another Chance (Mod. Alderaanian War Frigate) Azure Angel (Mod. Delta-7 Athersprite Fighter) Black Obsession (Mod A-Z-Z-3 Light Freighter) Death Star (I) Havoc (Mod. Prototype Scurrg H-6 Bomber) Home One (Mod. MC-80 Star Cruiser) Imperial State Ship Genesis Invisible Hand (Mod. Providence-class Carrier) Kuari Princess (MC-40A Light Cruiser) 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 7 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 Leviathan (Interdictor-class Cruiser) Millennium Falcon (Heavily Mod. YT-1300 Freighter) Nebulon Ranger (Mod. Coruscant-class Heavy Courier) Shield of the Republic (Mod. Marauder-class Corvette) Storm (Mod Miy’til Fighter) Suncrusher (Prototype Superweapon) Virago (Prototype StarViper-class Attack Platform) Viscount (MonCal Star Defender) WildKarrde (Mod. Action VI Freighter) WhiteCloak Jedi Starfighter (Mod. Cloakshape Fighter) World Devastator Silencer 7 Bay 8: Minor Vessels 8 Escape Pod, Capitol Ship Squad Pod Bay 9 : Non-Cannon/Non-Universe Craft Bay 9 currently closed for repairs Bay 10 : Stations 9 10 XQ2 Space Platform Appendices A: Galactic Map B: Glossary C: Submission Guidance D: Credits 1 1 - 1 A B C D Welcome to AfterBurn Station We welcome you all. If you be humble adventurer, stealthy scout, merciless merc, perilous privateer, or curious citizenry you are all welcome at AfterBurn Station. But what is AfterBurn Station you may ask? Part museum, part store, part Holonet infocast. AfterBurn Station is all of the above. Here you will see every manner of ship ever to grace the Hyperspace paths and space lanes. Blah blah blah… more to come. Helix's Hydrospanner Upgrades and Modifications Down at the D-Quad section of AfterBurn Station you will find the hardest working Sullistan in the biz, Helix… Helix came to AfterBurn when he was but a youngling and grew up among the plethora of ships and ship parts to be found throughout the station. Like his father Deslin, before him, he took to the life of a mechanic with a zeal that is seldom found in this sector. Now he is much older, more skilled and a shrewd business man to boot. His shop processes thousands of repairs, modifications and upgrades to every ship imaginable and all at fair Prices. Hushed words spoken about station go so far as to tell of less than legal modifications available for the right Price. He employs dozens of skilled mechanics from nearly as many worlds. Sullistans, Humans, Mon Calamari, Wookies, Ugnauts and Sulisi all make up the mix in his shop. A word of advice, don’t step in his shop if you’re touting the Imperial banner. Things might not end well. Helix will either install it for you or rent you a repair bay for a reasonable Price. Or they’ll just sell you the parts outright. He isn’t too picky. Available Modifications (converted by theNarrator) Based on the modifications available in West End Games' "Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters” Bay Rental 3% of the item you are installings Cost. Grants a +2 Mechanics bonus for using their equipment. Installation 5% of the total parts Cost. Unless otherwise noted. Engines Got a need for Speed? Helix will hook you up. Either a simple engine tweak or full replacements are solid options. HH can either rent you shop space or install it for you. 3-1 Replacement Drives Name: Starscream-9 Ion Drive Speed: 6 squares (starship scale) Price: 500,000 credits Weight: 24 metric tons Availability: Illegal Special: +15 Mechanics DC for modifying this drive because of cutting edge technology. Name: Boshaa-Chi Ion Drive Speed: 5 squares (starship scale) Price: 100,000 credits Weight: 18 metric tons Availability: Illegal Special: +15 Mechanics DC for modifying this drive. Name: Corellian Evader-GT Ion Drive Speed: 4 squares (starship scale) Price: 50,000 credits Weight: 16 metric tons Availability: Restricted Special: +15 Mechanics DC for modifying this drive. Name: Incom Starslinger Ion Drive Speed: 3 squares (starship scale) Price: 20,000 credits Weight: 12 metric tons Availability: Licensed Special: +15 Mechanics DC for modifying this drive. Name: SoroSuub Boav Ion Drive Speed: 2 squares (starship scale) Price: 10,000 credits Weight: 10 metric tons Availability: Legal Special: +5 Mechanics DC to install. Fuel Converters Solid Fuel Converter: Converts virtually any matter into fuel cell power. Halves restocking fee at starports. Cost: 8,000 credits. Weight: 5 tons. Scoops: Allows ship to dip into planet's atmosphere or seas to recharge. Cost: 15,000 credits. Weight: 15 tons. Solar Sails: Recharge ship in 15 days insystem, 60 days outsystem. Cost: 12,000 credits. Weight: 10 tons. Replacement Hyperdrives Name: none Multiplier: x0.5 Price: 90,000 credits on the black market Weight: 20 metric tons Availability: Rare, Illegal Name: SoroSuub Griffyn-XTG LightSpeed Unit Multiplier: x1 Price: 15,000 credits Weight: 18 metric tons Availability: Restricted Special: +5 DC for Mechanics check to install on non-SoroSuub ship Name: Corellian Avatar-10 Multiplier: x2 Price: 10,000 credits Weight: 15 metric tons Availability: Legal Special: Designed to be compatible with any craft. -5 to DC of Mechanics check to install. Name: Incom Horizon-Hopper Light Stardrive Multiplier: x3 Price: 7,000 credits Weight: 12 metric tons Availability: Legal Special: Typically a backup drive. 3-2 Name: Rendili StarDrive's ATX-5 Multiplier: x4 Price: 4,000 credits Weight: 10 metric tons Availability: Legal Special: Typically a backup drive. Name: Sienar Fleet Systems Lifesaver 1000 Reserve Hyperdrive Multiplier: x5 Price: 2,500 credits Weight: 8 metric tons Availability: Legal Special: Recommended only as a backup drive. Must be overhauled after each use. Engine tweaking: Speed increase (Cost includes installation and parts) Speed (in Squares) Increase % of ship's base Price Mechanics DC +0.5 +10% 15 +1 +15% 20 +1.5 +25% 25 +2 +35% 30 Thruster tweaking: Dex increase (Cost includes installation and parts) Dexterity Increase % of ship's base Price Mechanics DC +1 +5% 10 +2 +10% 15 +4 +15% 20 +5 +20% 25 +6 +30% 30 Hyperdrive tweaking: Multiplier Increase x4 Æ x3 x3 Æ x2 x2 Æ x1 x1 Æ x0.5 Multiplier increase (Cost includes installation and parts) % of ship's base Price Mechanics DC +10% 10 +15% 15 +25% 25 +35% 30 Assembly Hull Reinforcement: Hit Point increase (Cost includes installation and parts) HP Increase (sm than Colossal) % of ship's base Price Mechanics DC +10 +10% 10 +20 +15% 15 +30 +20% 25 +40 +25% 30 HP Increase (Colossal) % of ship's base Price Mechanics DC +100 +10% 10 +200 +15% 15 +300 +20% 25 +400 +25% 30 Shields SRPoint increase (Cost includes installation and parts) SR (sm than Colossal) Cost Weight (Tons) 15 12,000 Cr 6 30 30,000 Cr 8 45 60,000 Cr 10 3-3 SR (Colossal) 100 150 200 Cost 100,000 Cr 160,000 Cr 250,000 Cr Weight (Tons) 15 18 22 Secret Cargo Compartments Concealed: DC 20 Perception check to detect. Scanners find automatically. Cost: 200 credits per ton hidden. Weight: 5 tons per ton hidden. Hidden: DC 25 Perception check to detect. DC 15 to detect with scanners. Cost: 400 credits per ton hidden. Weight: 5 tons per ton hidden. Scanner Resistant: DC 25 Perception check to detect. Immune to scanners. Cost: 1,000 credits per ton hidden. Weight: 5 tons per ton hidden. Other Modifications Tractor Beam Cost: 8,000 credits. Weight: 15 tons. Refigeration Equipment Cost: 100 credits per ton converted. Weight: 1 ton per 20 tons converted. Automatic Cargo Jettisoning Cost: 1,000 credits. Weight: 1 ton. Replacement Navcomputer Cost: 2,000 credits. Additonal Passenger Space Cost: 400 credits per person. Weight: 10 tons per person. Escape Equipment Typical freighter escape pod holds eight people, has food and oxygen for two weeks. Cost: 1,200 credits. Weight: 5 tons. Environmental Converters Cost: 4,000 credits. Weight: 4 tons. Weapons Weapon Taim & Bak Kd-3 Kuat Vonak Arakyd Tomral Incom W-34t* Comar f-2 Comar f-4 Comar f-9 Arakyd Hi-fex Replacement Torpedo Arakyd Morne-3 Replacement Missile Type Light Blaster Cannon Light Laser Cannon Heavy Laser Cannon Turbolaser* Light Ion Cannon Medium Ion Cannon Heavy Ion Cannon Proton Torpedo Launcher (includes 12 torpedo rack) -Concussion Missile Launcher (includes 10 missile rack) -- Damage 2d10x2 3d10x2 5d10x2 5d10x5 3d10x2 ion 4d10x2 ion 3d10x5 ion 9d10x2 Cost 3,000 4,500 9,000 27,000 3,000 4,500 9,000 7,500 Weight (tons) 1 2 4 5 0.5 1 2 2 8d10x2 2,400 11,500 -3 1,500 -- *This weapon is illegal. Most weapons have availability Military. 3-4 Weapon’s Tweaking (Cost includes installation and parts) Damage Increase % of weapon's Mechanics base Price DC (+2)x2 15% 10 (+4)x2 25% 15 (+1d10)x2 30% 20 (+1d10+2)x2 35% 25 (+1d10+4)x2 50% 30 Linking Weapons: Only applicable with weapons that have the same damage code. +1d10x2 to damage for each weapon after the first linked. Multiple Controls: To make a weapon fireable from multiple locations (such as the weapon mount and the cockpit) Costs 100 credits per weapon per additional control location. Other Services Ship ID Replacement Illegal Cost: 15,000 Credits For a small fee HH Workshops can realign your Ships Identification Transponder to broadcast a completely new code. Available only for “new” ships built form spare parts of course. Realignment of an existing ship would be quite illegal. 3-5 StarFighters Starfighters, a term while initially are intended to describe a multitude of military grade assault or defensive craft, have come to encapsulate the entire range of small craft piloted by either an individual or a small crew. Generally lightly armed and armored they make up the less expensive craft darting among the skies; they carry little to no cargo and generally support only one or two crew. the Galactic Republic, but newer designs like the TIE/ln starfighter or T-65 X-wing starfighter were vastly superior to the #2 Warpod. Pirates in or around the Corporate Sector sometimes used Warpods. A-24 Scout Ship A/E/P #2 Warpod CL 8 Manufacturer: Ulig Abasha Ltd. Model: #2 Warpod Era: RoE+ Contributor: RavenFury Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Huge starfighter Init +7; Senses Perception +6 CL 7 Manufacturer: Incom Corporation Model: A-24 Slueth scout ship Era: Reb+ Contributor: MasterDekSoran Source: WEG Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +0; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26, +7 armor HP 150 DR 10 SR 20 Threshold 46 Defense Ref 14 (11 flat-footed ) 19 Fort +3 armor HP 90 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 29 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +5 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +33 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons + , plasma torch + Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +11 Abilities Str 28 Dex 19 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +7, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (skilled), gunners 4 Passengers 6 (troops) Cargo 1 ton Consumables 1 day Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Availability Military Cost 23,000 credits 2 Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 6d10x2 Plasma Torch (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 8d10x2 Capsule: The Ulig Abaha Ltd. #2 Warpod, or warpod pinnace, was a starfighter used by the Corporate Sector Authority. They were also used by the Pirates of Iridium before their defeat in 22 BBY. The 20 m long Warpod was crewed by a pilot and four gunners which operated the two laser cannon turrets and the bottom-mounted cutting torch. It was capable of going toe-to-toe with older designs from 4-1 Abilities Str 42 Dex 18 Con - Int 16 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 Crew 2 (normal) Passengers none Cargo (by type): A-24: 2 metric tons A-24E: 220 kg A-24P: 1 metric ton Consumables (by type): A-24: 2 weeks A-24E: 3 months A-24P: 1 month Carried Craft 2 speeder bikes Hyperdrive: x1 (x9 backup), nav computer Availability: Licensed Cost (by type): A-24: 207,000cr (new), 134,500cr (used) A-24E: 242,000cr (new), 157,500cr (used) A-24P: 222,000cr (new), 144,500cr (used) Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +5 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The A-24 Sleuth was a scout vessel built by Incom Corporation. The A-24 was released during Incom's peak, presumably before the X-wing defection. Though newer scouts existed, this model remained popular during the Galactic Civil War thanks to its good speed and maneuverability for its class. A-Wing advantage of the vessel's speed, agility, and special features—and the Alliance lacked the Galactic Republic's Jedi pilots. A-wings presented a number of challenges to pilots. Its Event Horizon engines remained some of the most powerful sublight thrusters two decades past the Awing's creation and were linked to highly sensitive controls. Pilots had to make use of two pairs of dorsal and ventral adjustable stabilizer wings with great care, as even a minor turn could send the speedy A-wing into a massive spinout. The slight A-wing's wing-mounted laser cannons could rotate up and down sixty degrees for greater fire control. Some of those designs even had their guns modified to swivel in a complete 360-degree arc, thus providing a nasty surprise to any chasing fighter. While a tactical boon, the Awing had no astromech droid to manage its weapons systems, requiring further attention from the pilot. In addition, the central position of the cockpit exposed the pilot to most enemy fire. The combination of sensitive controls, unmatched sublight thrust, maneuverable weapon systems, advanced sensory and stealth packages, fragility, and heavily exposed cockpit strained even the best pilot. Awings earned the nickname "slims" for their small frame, but also for the "slim" chance of a pilot surviving a direct hit on the ship, and the cramped cockpit that prevented larger pilots from flying the A-wing. CL11 Manufacturer: Alliance Underground Eng/Incom Eng Model: RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor Era: Reb+ Contributor: peteyrock Source: WEG Rebel Alliance Sourcebook Type: Huge starfighter Init +11; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 11) Fort 24 +3 armor HP 80 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 34 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,300 km/h) fly 6 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +8 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +26 Abilities Str 33 Dex 26 Con -- Int 20 Skills Initiative +11, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +11, Use Computer +6 Alpha-3 Starfighter Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 40 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1, Limited Jump Preprogramming Availability Military Cost 175,000 credits Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +8 Dmg 6d10x2 Capsule: Simply put, the A-wing was a cockpit attached to twin engines. Like its Clone Wars predecessor, the Eta-2, the A-wing required pilots' exceptional skill to take full 4-2 Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering Model: Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing Starfighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: escape908 Source: WoC Star Wars Gamer 9 Type: Huge starfighter Init +11; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 13) Fort 22 +3 armor HP 60 DR 5 SR 15 Threshold 32 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,450 km/hr) CL 8 fly 6 squares (starship scale) Ranged twin laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +24 Atk Options autofire (twin laser cannons) Abilities Str 34 Dex 24 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +11, Mechanics +6 (+13*), Perception +6, Pilot +11, Use Computer +6 (+13*) Crew 1 plus astromech droid (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 60 kg Consumables 15 hours Carried Craft none Availability Military Cost 102,500 (45,000 used) *If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead. Assault Gunboat Twin laser cannons (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 CL 11 Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks Model: Alpha Class XG-1 Starwing Assault Gunboat Capsule: The Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, Era: Reb+ Contributor: RavenFury often simply known as the V-wing starfighter or Nimbus Source: fighter, was a short-ranged starfighter deployed late in the Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Clone Wars by the Galactic Republic. The Alpha-3 Nimbus- Init +5; Senses Perception +9 class starfighter was a sturdy, wedge-shaped starfighter similar to the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class interceptors Defense Ref (flat-footed ) Fort +5 Armor employed by the Jedi Order. It was manufactured by Kuat HP 120 DR 10 SR 45 Threshold Systems Engineering, the same company responsible for both the Delta-7 fighter and its successor, the Eta-2 ActisSpeed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1050 km/h) class light interceptor. fly 3 squares (starship scale) Both the Delta-7 and the Alpha-3 models were designed by Ranged Treble Laser Cannons +6 (see below) or Twin the engineer Walex Blissex, who would later co-design the Heavy Ion Cannons +6 (see below) or Twin Concussion Rebel Alliance's A-wing fighter with Jan Dodonna. The VMissile Launchers +6(see below) wing had wingtip mounted laser cannons and had a wedge Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) shape. The V-wings also featured folding wing radiators Cover total similar to those fitted on the later Eta-2 interceptors. Nestled Base Atk +2 Grp + 28 between each wing and the hull were two twin laser cannons, which could swivel on the vessel's wing hubs to Abilities Str 42 Dex 18 Con -- Int 17 provide a wide range of fire. Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +9 , Perception +9, Pilot +5, Use Computer +9 Crew 1 (Skilled) Passengers none Cargo 350 kg Consumables 2 weeks Carried Craft none Payload 24 Missles Hyperdrive x1, x8 backup, nav computer (Stores 6 Jumps) Availability Military Cost 250,000 (new), 150,000 (used) Treble Laser Cannons (Firelinked) (pilot) Atk +6 Dmg 7dx2 Twin Heavy Ion Cannons (Firelinked) (pilot) Atk +6 Dmg 4dx2 Twin Concussion Missile Launchers (firelinked) (pilot) Atk +6 Dmg 8dx2, 4-square splash Capsule: The Cygnus Spaceworks Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing, commonly referred to as the Assault Gunboat, was one of the Galactic Empire's first general-deployment starfighters to be equipped with deflector shields and a hyperdrive. The Imperial Gunboat is a heavy fighter 4-3 designed to match the Rebel X-Wing and Y-Wing fighters, and has a heavy load of weapons capable of reducing most targets to scrap. Although later fighters such as the TIE Advanced and TIE Defender also filled this role, the Gunboat was an earlier attempt at taking the rebels on at their own game, and in many ways is a better all round fighter than its replacements. The Gunboat was evolved from the Lambda Shuttle design, although its five wings do not swivel for landing like the Lambda, and the design was eventually retired to make way for TIE variants which matched the Imperial design ethos better than this fighter. The Gunboat was sold to some non-Imperial concerns, although these were always allied closely with the Empire, and has been found in limited numbers on the open market where this heavy fighter is always snatched up for its high speeds, manueverability and heavy weapons. Aurek-class Fighter Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire), Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The Aurek fighter, also known as an A-wing military fighter, was the primary Republic starfighter used in the Old Sith Wars and the New Sith Wars. Aurek fighters were used by the Republic during the Mandalorian Wars (3,976 BBY–3,960 BBY), the Jedi Civil War (c. 3,956 BBY), the First Jedi Purge (c. 3,951 BBY), and the New Sith Wars(c. 2,000 BBY–c. 1,000 BBY). They also saw service in the Onderon Navy. Several squadrons of Aurek fighters comprised part of the Republic fleet that attacked the Star Forge during the Battle of Rakata Prime. A number of these ships were used by Jedi Knights to land on board the Star Forge during the decisive strike against Darth Malak's Sith Empire. Later, General Vaklu's fleet, which blockaded Onderon during the Sith Civil War, included fighters of this type, several of which attacked the Ebon Hawk when it entered the Onderon system. CL 6 Manufacturer: Republic Shipyards Model: Aurek Attack Craft Era: KotOR Contributor: Escape908 Source: KOTOR Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +7; Senses Perception +6 B-Wing/E2 CL12 Manufacturer: Slayn & Korpil Model: B-Wing/E2 Era: Reb+ Contributor: MidnightAge Source: WoC Starships of the Galaxy Type: Gargantuan Starfighter (16.9m long) Init +10; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 12), Fort 24; +7 armor HP 100; DR 10 SR 50 Threshold 34 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 300 km/hr), fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons) Defense Ref 19 (Flat-footed 11) Fort 28; +8 Armor HP 150 DR 10 SR 50 Threshold 38 Abilities Str 39 Dex 22 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +7, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers none Hyperdive x2 (backup x5) Cargo 5 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none Availability Military Cost 225,000 (95,000 used) 4-4 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,050 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged assault laser cannons +4 (see below) or light ion cannons +4 (see below) or proton torpedoes +4 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (pilot), total (gunner) Base Atk +4 Grp +37 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons, ion cannons) Abilities Str 46 Dex 22 Con - Int 18 Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 or 2 (Skilled) Passengers none Cargo 50 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft none Payload 8 proton torpedoes (20 with extra mag option) Hyperdrive x2, nav computer Availability Military Cost 200,000 (90,000 used) Laser cannons, assault (pilot or gunner) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 8d10x2 Ion cannons, light (pilot or gunner) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2 ion Proton torpedoes (pilot or gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 10d10x2, 4-square splash Cover total Base Atk +4 Grp +30 Abilities Str 42 Dex 20 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +9, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +9, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (Skilled) Passengers none Cargo 65 kg Consumables 2 days Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1, nav computer Availability Military Cost 75,000 ( 26,000 used) Triple Laser Cannons (2) (pilot) Atk +4 Dmg 3d10x2 Capsule: The B-wing/E starfighter, or B-wing Expanded, was a modification to the original Slayn & Korpil B-wing design. The B-wing Expanded had an elongated cockpit that allowed a gunner to assist the pilot on missions. This allowed the pilot to concentrate on piloting, and resulted in the B-wing accounting for an increased number of kills in battle. It was faster and tougher than the original B-wing, but was somewhat less maneuverable. There were two models of B-wing/E—the first was simply a military ship, while the second generation (known as the B-wing/E2) was designed as a personal military shuttle. Ackbar used one of these E2-designs as his own shuttle, which he was forced to crash on the planet Vortex after it had been tampered with by Terpfen. Capsule: The Belbullab-22 starfighter was a heavy fighter constructed by Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which often modified it to become a heavy assault craft and bomber, that model being called the Confederacy strike bomber. General Grievous flew a battle-worn Belbullab-22, Soulless One, during the Clone Wars. The starfighter was bulkier and hardier than the droid starfighters employed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with two rapid-fire triple laser cannons capable of inflicting damage equal to that dealt by a V-wing starfighter, and two powerful main ion drives. The Belbullab was designed for a single pilot. Cloakshape Fighter Belbullab-22 Starfighter CL 8 Manufacturer: Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies Model: Belbullab-22 Starfighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: MasterDekSoran Source: WoC Type: Huge Starfighter Init +9; Senses Perception +6 CL 7 Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering Model: CloakShape fighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: honeynuggets Source: WoC Starships of the Galaxy Type: Colossal(Starfighter) Init +7; Senses Perception +2 Defenses Ref 21 (Flat-footed 10) Fort 19+6 armor hp 100; DR 25; SR-; Threshold 44 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 550 mph), fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons -2 (1d8x10) or laser cannons -7 (half damage in 2x2 area) with autofire Ranged torpedo launcher(3) -2 (2d10x10)(4x4 splash) Fighting Space 6x6 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +1 Grp +19 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 12) Fort 27 +4 Armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 37 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1050 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Triple Laser Cannons(2) +4 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) 4-5 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 28(+9), Dex 32(+11), Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +0 (+8*), Perception +1, Pilot +7, Use Computer +0 (+8*) Crew 1 + astromech droid Passengers none Cargo 3 cubic meters Consumables 2 days Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Availability Licenced Cost 15,000 Cr New or Used * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead. Blaster cannons (pilot) Dmg 5d10x2 Atk +3 Capsule: The Authority IRD, short for Intercept * Reconnaissance * Defense, was a swift and heavily armed starfighter used by the Corporate Sector's Picket Fleet. It featured powerful engines, twin laser cannons, and the best pilot ejection mechanism of any contemporary fighter, but lacked a hyperdrive. As a result, the Authority IRD had to be transported by larger vessels such as the Marauder-class corvette or the Victory-class Star Destroyer. Capsule: They were adopted by the Judicial Forces of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order (as Whitecloak fighters, a modified version), several corporations and local governments, as well as criminal organizations like the Nebula Front. Despite its drawbacks, the CloakShape remained in service for decades after it was first regarded as outdated. CloakShapes could often be found in service as system patrol craft, smuggler blockade vessels, and support vessels for anti-piracy actions. CSA IRD-A Fighter CSA IRD Fighter CL 7 Manufacturer: Corperate Sector Authority Model: IRD Fighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: EarthTremor Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Huge Starfighter Init +3; Senses Perception +5 CL 9 Manufacturer: Corperate Sector Authority Model: IRD Fighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: EarthTremor Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Huge Starfighter Init +1; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26 +7 armor HP 120 DR 10 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged blaster cannons +5 (see below) or Concussion Missles +5(see below) Fighting space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +28 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26 +4 armor HP 120 DR 5 Threshold 36 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged blaster cannons +3 (see below) Fighting space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +26 Abilities Str 42 Dex 19 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +1, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +1, Use Computer +6 Abilities Str 42 Dex 18 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +3, Use Computer +5 Crew 1 (normal) Passengers none Cargo 15 kg Consumables 1 day Availability Military Cost NFS Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 25 kg Consumables 2 days Payload 6 concussion missiles Availability Military Cost NFS Blaster cannons (pilot) Dmg 5d10x2 Atk +5 4-6 Concussion missiles (pilot) Atk +5 Dmg 7d10x2 (4-square splash) Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +7, Use Computer +6 Capsule: The Corporate Sector Authority designed the Authority IRD fighter for the various missions of the Picket Fleet. Early Authority IRD models were not aerodynamic and performed so badly in atmospheric combat that many pilots refused to engage targets in atmosphere; this led to the development of the Authority IRD-A, which was deployed during atmospheric battles. The IRD-A had a carefully molded fuselage that channeled air through a vector stabilizer, enhancing both maneuverability and speed; it also mounted concussion missiles, making it a tougher opponent than its predecessor. During Han Solo's days in the Corporate Sector, Solo and a group of outlaw techs fought against the new Authority IRDA fighters, defeating them in early model Z-95 Headhunters; this victory was anomalous, however, and other, more successful battles encouraged the Authority to begin a full production run of the IRD-A. Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers n/a Cargo 110 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft n/a Payload none Hyperdrive x1 Availability Military Cost 120,000 new (55,000 used) Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +4 Dmg 6d10x2 Capsule: The Cutlass-9 patrol fighter, also known as the SoroSuub patrol fighter, was a starfighter manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation prior to the Clone Wars. During the time of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Master Saesee Tiin received one such ship from a group of Duros diplomats he had rescued from pirates. He modified the ship far beyond its standard configuration and named it Sharp Spiral. When Sullust seceded from the Galactic Empire and joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, these vessels became part of the Alliance Fleet. Cutlass-9 starfighters continued to serve in the fleets of the New Republic. CL 9 Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation Model: Cutlass-9 patrol fighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: Khierien Source: Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +7; Senses Perception + 6 Delta-7 Interceptor CL11 Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering Model: Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor Era: RoE+ Contributor: Natsuumi Source: WoC Star Wars Gamer 9 Type: Huge starfighter Init +4; Senses Perception +0 Defense Ref 16 (Flat-footed 10), Fort 22; +5 Armor HP: 100 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 42 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 km/hr), fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannons +4 (6d10x2, pilot) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (pilot) Base Atk +2; Grp +29 Atk Options Autofire (laser cannons) Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 10) Fort 22 +3 armor HP 65 DR 5 SR 15 Threshold 32 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 km/h) fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (pilot), +5 (astromech droid) Abilities Str 34 Dex 23 Con -- Int 14 4-7 Base Atk +0 Grp +22 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons) Ranged laser cannons +7 or proton torpedoes +7 Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (pilot and astromech) Base Atk +2 Grp +34 Abilities Str 34 Dex 24 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +0 (+13*), Perception +0, Pilot +4, Use Computer +0 (+13*) Crew 1 plus integrated astromech droid Passengers none Cargo 60 kg Consumables 1 day (1 week with booster ring); Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1 (with booster ring), 10-jump memory (astromech droid) Availability Military Cost** 180,000 new, 145,000 used * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead. **The given cost for the ship is the price an Aethersprite might fetch on the black market. Laser Cannons (pilot) Dmg 6d10x2 Atk +2 (-3 autofire) Capsule: The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, more commonly known as the Jedi starfighter due to its extensive use by Jedi, was an interceptor commissioned just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY. The starfighter was highly advanced and carried sophisticated equipment, but it was expensive to produce. The ship was armed with four laser cannons, and an advanced communication and sensor array kept the pilot of the ship well-prepared in firefights as well as peacetime. The Delta-7 fighter was fairly prominent in the Clone Wars, mainly through its use by Jedi. One of the most famous encounters and tests of the Delta-7 was the tracking of bounty hunter Jango Fett by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi through the asteroid fields of Geonosis. Abilities Str 44 Dex 26 Con - Int 18 Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +6 (+13 astromech), Perception +6 (+3), Pilot +7, Use Computer +6 (+13) Crew 1 plus astromech droid (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 110 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft none Payload 16 proton torpedoes (magazine) Hyperdrive x2, 10-jump memory (astromech) Availability Military Cost 185,000 credits Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +7 Dmg 6d10x2 Proton Torpedoes (pilot) Atk +7 Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash Capsule: The E-wing escort starfighter was a single-pilot starfighter developed by FreiTek Inc. It was the first fighter designed entirely under the support of the New Republic. This powerful starfighter was used by the New Republic, particularly by the Fifth Fleet, and later by the Galactic Alliance. Despite some initial problems, E-wings participated in many major engagements during the Black Fleet Crisis, Yuuzhan Vong War, and beyond. Eta-2 Actis Interceptor E-Wing Escort Starfighter CL 11 Manufacturer: FreiTek Inc Model: E-wing escort starfighter Era: NR+ Contributor: peteyrock Source: WEG Dark Empire Sourcebook Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +9; Senses Perception +6 CL 15 Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering Model: Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor Era: RoE+ Contributor: KiredWren Source: WoC Website Type: Huge starfighter Init +18; Senses Perception +12 Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 10) Fort 22 +2 Armor HP 65 DR 5 SR 15 Threshold 32 Defense Ref 20 (flat-footed 11), Fort 27; +8 armor HP 150; DR 10; SR 15 Threshold 47 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1500 km/h) fly 6 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1square (starship scale) Cover total Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,300 km/h) fly 6 squares (starship scale) 4-8 Ranged Laser cannons +12 (see below) Ranged Ion Cannons +12 (see below) Ranged Proton Torpedoes +12 (see below) Atk Options Autofire (laser cannons, ion cannons) Base Atk +10 Grp +32 Cover Total Base Atk +0 Grp +28 Abilities Str 36 Skills As crew Dex 16 Con -- Int 14 Abilities Str 34 Dex 26 Con -- Int 14 Crew 1; Passengers 5 Skills Initiative +18, Mechanics +12 (+13)*, Perception +12, Cargo 500 Kilograms; Consumables 1 Week Pilot +18, Use Computer +12 (+13)* Carried Craft None Hyperdrive None Crew 1 (Ace) +astromech droid Passengers none Availability Licensed Cost 60,000 Cr (36,000 used)* Cargo 60 kg Consumables 2 day Carried Craft None *(1) shuttle included with stock models of the Transport Payload 4 proton torpedoes when sold new Hyperdrive x1, 10-jump memory (astromech droid) Availability Military Cost 175,000 Cr New Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +12 (7 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 Ion cannons (pilot) Atk +12 (7 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 ion Proton torpedoes (pilot) Atk +12 (7 autofire) Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash *Astromech droid stats Capsule: The Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, sometimes referred to as the Jedi interceptor due to its popularity with Jedi pilots, was a Republic starfighter used late in the Clone Wars that shared design elements of the Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Jedi starfighter and the TIE/ln starfighter of the later Galactic Empire. GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat CL 14 Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems Model: GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WoC Starships of the Galaxy Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init -2; Senses perception +6 Defense Ref 12(flat-footed 10), Fort 33 +10 Armor HP 230 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 83 Firefly-class Transport Shuttle CL 1 Manufacturer: Unknown Model: Firefly-class Transport Short Range Shuttle Craft Era: RoE+ Contributor: Source: Unknown Type: Gargantuan space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +0 (as crew skill) Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11) Fort 23 +6 armor HP 80 DR 10 Threshold 43 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 400km/h) fly 1 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 6x3 (character scale), 1 (starship scale); 4-9 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 970 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +5 (see below) or ion cannon +5 (see below) and Ranged proton torpedo +5 (see below) or concussion missile +5 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +45 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 56 Dex 14 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 4 (skilled) Passengers 0 WEG Imperial Sourcebook ©1995 HP 70 DR 5 SR 10 Threshold 32 Cargo 20 tons Consumables 1 month Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2, nav computer (4 Jumps) Payload 4 proton torpedoes, 8 concussion missiles Availability Military Cost 624,000 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 500 km/hr) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +24 Atk Options autofire (twin laser cannon) Laser cannon (gunner) Dmg 6d10x2 Atk +5 (+0 autofire) Ion cannon (gunner) Atk +5 (+0 autofire) Dmg 3d10x5 Proton Torpedo (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg 9d10x2, 4 square splash Concussion missile (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg 8d10x2, 4 square splash Abilities Str 35 Dex 18 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot +8, Use Computer +6 Capsule: While small enough to be carried aboard capital ships as a starfighter, its immense power output (produced by a Sarylcorp ViX multi-flux reactor), weaponry, and shielding caused some registries to designate it as a capital ship itself. The most popular variant, the GAT-12h, had a standard crew consisting of a pilot, copilot/sensor operator, and two gunnery officers; however, the ship could be piloted by just one person. It was standard equipped with a Class Two hyperdrive and a limited nav computer capable of storing four jump coordinates, and was stocked with sufficient consumables for a month of independent operation. On short wings on the side of the cockpit it housed two Siep-Irol "Omni-Vu" sensor pylons. Though it was a favored craft of the Empire, it was known that many of these ships fell into the hands of the Zann Consortium who added sensor blocking equipment to make these ships more difficult targets during space combat. Tyber Zann also replaced the ion cannons with a load of proton bombs, allowing the vessels so modified to support ground troops in battle by performing bombing runs and made them capable of taking on capital ships. Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 20 kg Consumables 3 days Carried Craft none Availability Licensed Cost 82,000 RCr (36,000 used) Twin laser cannon (pilot) Dmg 2d10x2 Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Capsule: G-wing light shuttles were small armed transports used during the Jedi Civil War and Sith Civil Wars. Bastila Shan used such a shuttle to travel from Lehon to the Star Forge. Later, Canderous Ordo used a similar ship when traveling from Dxun to Onderon. There were at least two configurations for this ship. In one configuration, it could ferry at least three people with no difficulty. In another configuration, labeled as an "escape ship," it could carry only one person, potentially to make room for more weapons, engines, or storage capacity. As this second configuration was an escape ship, it may have had greater shielding or speed. H-Wing Grek-wing Fighter Manufacturer: Unknown Model: G-wing light shuttle Era: KOTOR Contributor: escape908 Source: Type: Huge Starfighter Init +8; Senses Perception +6 CL 8 Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing Model: BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber Era: Reb+ Contributor: SteeleViper Source: Challenge Magazine #35 1988 Type: Gargantuan Starfighter [17.1m] {-5 size mod} Init +5; Senses Perception +6 Defense: Ref 16 (flat-footed 13) Fort 28; +8 armor HP 150 DR 10 SR 30 Threshold 48 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 11) Fort 22 +3 armor 4-10 CL 8 HP 120 DR 10 SR 20 Threshold 46 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 900 km/h), fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +5 and ion cannons +5 and proton torpedoes +5 Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (crew) Base Atk: +2; Grp: +35 Atk Options: autofire (ion cannons) Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1300 km/h) fly 6 squares (starship scale) Ranged Heavy laser Cannons (2 FL) +5 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +33 Abilities Str 46 Dex 18 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 Abilities Str 42 Dex 20 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6, Use Computer +6 Crew: 3, 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot/gunner/sensor op., 1 gunner/engineer; Passengers none Cargo 220 kg Consumables 2 weeks Carried Craft: none Payload 8 heavy proton torpedoes Hyperdrive x1, 4-jump memory Availability Military Cost 200,000 Cr (90,000 used) Crew 1 (Skilled) Passengers None Cargo 80 kg Consumables 2 days Carried Craft none Hyperdrive None Availability Licensed Cost 165,000 (New) Heavy laser Cannons (pilot) Dmg 6d10x2 Atk +5 Capsule: The I-7 Howlrunner was a short range attack starfighter originally employed by a dissident Imperial faction during the Galactic Civil War. The Howlrunner was constructed around an aerodynamic fixed-wing structure. Two fins jutted out of the sides of the craft, meant to function as rudimentary maneuvering flaps. In spite of the rather simplistic design (or perhaps because of it), the Capsule: The BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber Howlrunner was superior in both space and atmosphere (Rebel Alliance designation H-Wing) was an addition to alike. The controls had a small learning curve, ensuring that rebel flight bays manufactured by Koensayr, a company nearly any pilot with basic skills could control the craft— made famous for their rugged Y-Wing starfighters. Because although only the most experienced could discover the true of the resounding success of their previous fighter, it would power of this starfighter. While the Howlrunner was faster only be a matter of time before the Alliance military chose to than the Rebel T-65 X-wing starfighter or BTL Y-wing include the H-Wing in their starfighter arsenal. Even so, the starfighter, it was woefully outpaced by some of the newer, number that entered service was likely to remain low, as more advanced ships, like the E-wing escort starfighter and almost any two single-seated starfighters could be the TIE/In starfighter. The Howlrunner had a distinct purchased for the same price as a single H-Wing. advantage over the Empire's TIEs in that it possessed on onboard deflector shield generator. This protection, coupled with the starfighter's tiny proflie and low mass, made the Howlrunner a hard ship to destroy. However, the craft was not meant for long space battles or pitched one-on-one combat. The pitifully weak twin laser cannons and pathetic targeting system (which was riddled with blind spots) made most attempts at dogfighting fruitless. In order to offset this weakness, the Empire hurled large amounts of Howlrunners at an enemy all at once, hoping that the sheer volume of fire would be too much for their targets. 1 Heavy Laser Cannon (gunner) {turret} Dmg 5d10x2 Atk +5 2 Ion Cannons (gunner) {starboard nose} Atk +5 (+0 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 ion damage 2 Proton Torpedoes (pilot) {port nose} Atk +5 Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash, 8 reloads I-7 Howlrunner CL 9 Manufacturer: Incom Corporation Model: I-7 Howlrunner Era: NR+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: WoC Starships Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +6; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26; +7 Armor 4-11 Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor JumpMaster 5000 CL 5 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: JumpMaster 5000 Era: RoE+ Contributor: peteyrock Source: Type: Gargantuan starfighter (scout ship) Init +5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 21 +6 armor HP 50 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 41 Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 12) Fort 25 +5 armor HP 100 DR 10 Threshold 45 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,450 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +2 (see below) Fighting space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +26 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h) fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +2 Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +30 Abilities Str 40 Dex 20 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +5, Use Computer +5 Crew 1 (normal) Passengers 1 Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 1 month Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x3 Cost 115,000 credits Availability Rare CL 8 Manufacturer: Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies Model: Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor Era: RoE+ Contributor: EarthTremor Source: WoC Starship Battles preview Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +0; Senses Perception +5 Abilities Str 32 Dex 17 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +0, Use Computer +5 Crew 1 (normal) Passengers none Cargo none Consumables 2 hours Availability Restricted Cost 15,000 (6,000 used) Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 2d10x2 Capsule: The Mankvim-814 light interceptor, also known as the Techno Union starfighter, was a starfighter used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems near the close of the Clone Wars. The Mankvim-814 was a bulbous, ovalCapsule: The JumpMaster 5000, also known as the JM-5K, shaped, short-range fighter created by the Feethan Ottraw was designed during the final years of the Galactic Scalable Assemblies on behalf of the Techno Union on the Republic. The vessel was able to perform long-lasting planet Utapau. They built these tiny, short-ranged reconnaissance missions such as scouting out new starfighters on the planet from local materials. They were hyperspace routes and mapping newly discovered systems. hastily constructed in the ancient Grand Halls without any The JumpMaster was specifically designed to allow a single regard for Utapau's architectural heritage. The simple crewmember to travel across long distances for long construction consisted largely of a reactor feeding power to periods of time with relative comfort. However the a high-velocity ion drive. A magnetized rudder tilted the ion hyperdrive of the ship was susceptible to breakdowns, flow for off-axis thrust, while side thrusters aided roll and meaning the JM-5K was not suitable for military purposes. yaw adjustments. The interceptor was armed with twin rapid-fire laser cannons and durable deflector shields for combat. The Mankvim-814 light interceptor seated one pilot, typically a droid pilot. The interceptor's aerodynamic wings, fitted with repulsorlifts, aided with overall maneuverability. Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 4-12 two laser cannons and one concussion missile launcher. Each Hapes Nova battle cruiser carried 24 Miy'til starfighters, while 36 were carried aboard a Hapan Battle Dragon. The Queen Mother's mobile palace Star Home carried 60 of the fighters. Miy'til Fighter CL 8 N-1 Royal Starfighter CL 9 Manufacturer: Hapes Consortium Model: Miy'til Fighter Era: Reb+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: Type: Huge starfighter Init +10; Senses Perception +6 Manufacturer: Theed Palace Space Vessel Eng. Corps Model: Naboo Royal N-1 starfighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WoC Secrets of Naboo Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +8; Senses +6 Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 11) Fort 24 +3 armor HP 90 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 34 Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22 +6 Armor HP 60 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 42 Speed 16 squares (max. velocity 1170km/h) 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Concussion Missiles Lunchers +5 (see below) or Ranged 2 Light Laser Cannons +5 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +26 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1100 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +5 or Proton torpedo launchers +5 Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (pilot); +5 (astromech) Base Atk +2 Grp +27 Abilities Str 38 Dex 22 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +10, Mechanics +6 (+13*), Perception +6 (+3*), Pilot +10, Use Computer +6 (+13*) Crew 1 plus astromech droid (Skilled) Passengers none Cargo 25kg Consumables 1 Week Carried Craft none Payload 6 heavy Concussion Missiles Hyperdrive x1.5 (Backup x8), 10-jump mem (astromech droid) Availability Military Cost NFS (unique to Hapes Cluster) * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead 2 Light Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +5 Dmg 3d10x2 Concussion Missiles Launcher (pilot) Atk +5 Dmg 9d10x2, 4 square Splash Capsule: The Miy'til starfighter was a fighter unique to the Hapes Consortium, where it served as the primary superiority fighter. The craft's small size meant that the Hapan engineers had to miniaturize many of its components. It employed an Astromech droid to assist with in-flight operations and navigation. The Miy'til was, like other small starfighters, relatively lightly armed, with only Abilities Str 34 Dex 24 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6 (+13*), Perception +6, Pilot +8, Use Computer +6 (+13*) Crew 1 Passengers none Cargo 65kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1, 10 jump memory (astromech droid) Payload 10 proton torpedoes Availability Rare, Military Cost NFS * use these values if the ship has an astromech droid. Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +5 (+0 autofire) Dmg 5d10x2 Proton Torpedo Atk +5 Dmg 9d10x2, 4 square splash Capsule: The Naboo Royal N-1 starfighter, simply known as the Naboo starfighter, was a starfighter used by the government of Naboo during the late years of the Galactic Republic and early days of the Galactic Empire for defense, patrol, and escort duties. The sleek vessel was manufactured by Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps, the group responsible for manufacturing Naboo royal starships. 4-13 Nantex-class starfighter CL 9 Manufacturer: Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective Model: Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: honeynuggets Source: Type: Huge Starfighter Init +12; Senses Perception +1 Pinook Fighter CL 6 Manufacturer: Joraan Drive Systems Model: Pinook Fighter Era: Reb Contributor: Ancalagon_TB Source: none/Wookipedia entry Type: Gargantuan starfighter (15 m long) Init +5; Senses Perception +6 Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 10) Fort 20 +4 armor HP 65 DR 15 SR - Threshold 35 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 900 mph) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon turret +2 (1d8x10)+10 Ranged laser cannon turret -3 (half damage in 2x2 area) with autofire Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +3; Grp +21 Atk Options autofire Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 23; +6 armor HP 75 DR 10 SR 5 Threshold 43 Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 1025km/h), 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged: 2 fire-linked light laser canons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 4X4 or 1 (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +30 Atk Options autofire (2 fire-linked light laser canons) Abilities Str 30 Dex 32 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +12, Perception +1, Pilot +22, Use Computer +9 Abilities Str 36 Dex 18 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (Skilled) Passengers 0 Cargo none Consumables 2 days Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Availability Military Cost NFS Capsule: The Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter, also known as the beak-wing fighter or Geonosian starfighter, was a starfighter used by the Geonosians to guard their territories against intruders. The Nantex was a lean, needle-nosed fighter craft with great speed and superior agility, specifically designed for use by Geonosian pilots. The ship's complex multi-axis control yokes required a Geonosian's dexterity, while vital performance feedback was given to the pilot via a scent-stimulator mask that took advantage of the Geonosians' acute sense of smell. A single Geonosian pilot sat within a small cockpit with his head poking up to see out of a transparent bubble canopy allowing 360 degree field of vision. The fighter's main weapon was a turret-mounted laser cannon cradled between its forward needles. This turret shot purple bolts, and its emplacement was modular, allowing other weapons to be switched in and out as necessary. Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers 0 Cargo 110 kg; Consumables 2 weeks; Carried Craft none Payload: none Hyperdrive: 3X (no backup) Availability: Military Cost: 71 500 (according to the SotG tables) 2 Light Laser Cannons (fire linked) (pilot): Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: Compared to other starfighters in service during the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Pinook was underpowered, undergunned, poorly shielded, and inadequately armored. A worse than mediocre craft all round, its only favorable quality was its better-than-average maneuverability, although it was still outperformed by a Z95 Headhunter in this respect. In a one-on-one dogfight with a TIE Fighter, only a lucky hit by the Pinook would prevent its quick annihilation. 4-14 take more punishment and they could endure longer, more arduous missions than tiny, fleet-based fighters like the Confederacy's Vulture droid fighters and tri-droid fighters and the Republic's V-wings and Eta-2s. Porax-38 Starfighter CL 9 Manufacturer: Buuper Torsckil Abbey Devices Model: Porax-38 Starfighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: EarthTremor Source: WoC Starship Battles preview Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +1; Senses Perception +6 Sith Fighter Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 11) Fort 24 +6 armor HP 90 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 44 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +31 Abilities Str 38 Dex 18 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +1, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +1, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (skilled, small only) Passengers none Cargo 65 kg Consumables 2 days Hyperdrive x1, nav computer capable of storing 4 jumps Availability Military, Rare Cost 120,000 Cr Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +4 Dmg 5d10x2 Capsule: The Porax-38 (P-38) starfighter was a tough, hyperdrive-equipped starfighter used by the Utapauns as part of the Utapau Skyforce. The Porax-38 had interstellar range and was fitted with highly effective, long-distance sensor systems that provided early warning of enemy activity. These large P-38 fighters were also capable of independent hyperspace jumps, which enabled them to defend Utapau far into the Tarabba Sector. Versatile thrusters, dual-reactor systems, and high-capacity deflector shielding made them a valuable asset to the Loyalist forces. The interstellar range of these vessels also allowed them to CL 8 Capsule: The Sith fighter was a tentatively named starfighter of ambiguous origin that formed the bulk of Darth Revan and Darth Malak's space forces during the Jedi Civil War. Little has been gleaned about these fighters specifications. They appeared to carry a prototype twin ion drive system, seen only in this design. Its design appears to be a hybrid of various technologies, matching no specific world. Its specifications gave the fighter maneuverability to the point of instability, meaning much of the central chassis was given to managing the reactor core for optimal performance. When docked, not in use, or traveling through hyperspace, the Sith fighter had the ability to fold its wings and power down its weapon systems. In combat, these were unfolded, and the laser cannons brought to bear, a concept later seen in the S-foils. This allowed it a broad attack arc, while its small profile made it difficult to target. Manufacturer: the Star Forge Model: Sith Fighter Era: KotOR Contributor: ShadoWarrior Source: Type: Gargantuan starfighter. Init: +9; Senses: Perception +6 Defense Ref 21 (flat-footed 13) Fort 28 +8 armor HP 160 DR 10 Threshold 38 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 400 km/hr) fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk: +2 Grp +35 Atk Options: autofire (laser cannons) Abilities: Str 47 Dex 26 Con - Int 14 4-15 Skills: Initiative +9, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +9, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 5kg Consumables 2 days Carried Craft: none Availability: Military Cost: NFS 109,000 Cr Capsule: The TIE/ad starfighter, or TIE Avenger, was a further refinement of starfighter designs first explored with Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1. Incorporating the previous successes of the TIE series starfighters, along the those of the Rebel Alliance, the TIE Avenger was one of the first production starfighters to break away from the Imperial doctrine of quantity over quality. Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 2d10x2 TIE/ad Avenger Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems Model: TIE/ad Fighter Era: Reb+ Contributor: Shadey Source: WoC Star Wars Gamer 5 Type: Huge Starfighter Init +14; Senses perception +8 CL 12 TIE/sa Bomber CL 11 Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems Model: TIE/sa Bomber Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Huge Starfighter Init +8; Senses perception +6 Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 11), Fort 25 +3 Armor HP 100 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 35 Defense Ref 16 (Flat-footed 12 ) Fort +26, +4 Armor HP 130 DR 10 SR 0 Threshold 36 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1550 km/h), fly 6 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +9 or Concussion missiles +9 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +5 Grp +30 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h), fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons + 6 (see below) or Ranged concussion missiles* +6 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +28 Abilities Str 40 Dex 26 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +14, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +14, Use Computer +8 Crew 1 (expert) Passengers none Cargo 65kg Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft None Payload 8 concussion missiles Hyperdrive x2, nav computer Availability Military Cost 200,000 Cr Laser cannon (pilot) Atk +9 Dmg 6d10x2 Concussion missiles (pilot) Atk +9 Dmg 8d10x2, 4-square splash Abilities Str 42 Dex 18 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +8, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers none Cargo 65 kg Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload 16 concussion missiles* Availability Military; Cost 150,000 *payload can be altered to include any type of ordinance including proton torpedoes Laser cannon (pilot) Atk +6 (+1 autofire) 4-16 Dmg 3d10x2 Concussion missile (pilot) Atk +6 Dmg 8d10x2, 4 square splash Capsule: The TIE bomber was capable of carrying one of the following payloads: eight heavy rockets, six orbital mines, eight proton torpedoes (normally modified to hold twelve), eight proton bombs, four space bombs, sixty-four thermal detonators, or thousands of propaganda pamphlets. The bomber was slower and less maneuverable than the original TIE/ln starfighter though it did partly compensate by having a stronger hull. Despite its agility, its lack of shielding meant it had to be escorted to target by starfighters. The TIE bomber had two hulls next to each other; one carried the pilot and the other carried a universal warhead launcher, enabling them to carry a variety of weapons tailored for the mission. The bomber was much more heavily built-up than the "fighter"-series of TIEs; it carried more sophisticated sensors to penetrate capital ship jamming and SFS P-s4 twin ion engines powered by a SFS I-a2b solar ionization reactor to allow a full payload to be carried at a reasonable speed. Due to their distinctive shape, TIE bombers came to be referred to occasionally as "dupes" by enemy pilots. Ranged laser cannons +9 (see below) Ranged ion cannon +9 (see below) Ranged proton torpedo +9 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +5 Grp +30 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 40 Dex 30 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +16, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +16, Use Computer +8 Crew 1(expert); Passengers none Cargo 65kg Consumables 2 days Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2, nav computer Payload 8 proton torpedoes Availability Military; Cost 300,000 Laser cannon (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2 Ion cannon (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 Proton torpedo (pilot) Atk +9 Dmg 9d10x2, 4 square splash Capsule: The high success rate of the more advanced Rebel starfighters against standard Imperial TIE Fighters resulted in a mounting cost of replacing destroyed fighters. This, combined with the realization that the inclusion of a hyperdrive would allow the fleet to be more flexible, caused the Imperial Navy to rethink its doctrine of using swarms of cheap craft instead of fewer high-quality ones. It was this that had led to the recent introduction of the TIE Adv x1 and its successor, the TIE Avenger, and the TIE Defender itself was touted as the next "logical advance" of the TIE series— a starfighter that was fast, well armed and capable of hyperspace travel. Sienar Fleet Systems followed specific Imperial instruction in developing the TIE Defender, equipping it with a series of innovations over previous models. TIE/D TIE Defender CL 13 Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems Model: TIE/D TIE Defender Era: Reb+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: Type: Huge starfighter Init +16; Senses perception +8 Defense Ref 21 (flat-footed 11) Fort 25 +3 Armor HP 100 DR 10 SR 30 Threshold 35 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1200 km/h), fly 5 squares (starship scale) 4-17 WEG Star Wars Role-playing Game 2nd Ed © 1995 TIE Oppressor CL 13 Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems Model: TIE Oppressor Era: Reb+ Contributor: sapphiremagus Source: Type: Heavy Fighter (Gargantuan Starfighter) Init +4; Senses Perception +6 standard TIE hull that could carry heavy weapon payloads with sufficient armor and shielding to allow the ship to operate in the vanguard of an Imperial assault force. It also had enough solar array surface to assist in generation of the energy needed to power it all. All of the offensive and defensive equipment packed into the Oppressor came at the cost of space for engine installations. Although most Imperial fighters were designed to have superior maneuverability, many TIE Oppressor pilots rated its capabilities as merely average. Its lack of dizzying maneuverability was a result of the fact that it mounted the same basic engine system found in earlier TIE starfighter models even though it had a much heavier and more bulky spaceframe. In return for the deficits in combat maneuvering capability, the Oppressor carried one of the most potent offensive and defensive packages fielded in any Imperial starfighter spaceframe. While the TIE Oppressor was designed to primarily engage against capital ships, it also was more than capable of engaging enemy starfighters with its extremely large missile capacity. When equipped with anti-starfighter ordnance, the Oppressor proved extremely deadly against even the most maneuverable starfighters, such as the Rebel Alliance's RZ1 A-wing interceptor, and was possibly one of the greatest anti-starfighter vessels of its time. Defense Ref 15 (12 flat-footed), Fort 25 +7 Armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 0 Threshold 45 Speed fly 12 sq (max. velocity 850 kph) fly 3 sq (starship scale) Ranged heavy laser cannons +4; concussion missiles +4; proton bomb +4 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 sq (starship scale) Base Atk +2 Grp +29 Abilities STR 30 DEX 16 INT 14 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +4, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers none Cargo 10kg Consumables 2 days Carried Craft none Payload 8 Concussion Missiles, 16 Proton Bombs Hyperdrive x2 Availability Military (rare); Cost 150,000 (37,500 used) Heavy Laser Cannons (Pilot) Atk +4 Dmg 6d10x2 Concussion Missile Launchers (2) Atk +4 Dmg 7d10x2 Proton Bomb Launcher Atk +4 Dmg 9d10x2 TIS Zeta 19 Interceptor CL 7 Manufacturer: CSA Model: TIS Zeta 19 Interceptor Era: RoE+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +4; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 11) Fort 23 +6 Armor HP 80 DR 10 SR 0 Threshold 43 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannons(2 FL) +6 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +30 Capsule: The TIE Oppressor was designed as a light Abilities Str 36 Dex 18 Con -- Int 12 bomber able to also be used as a fairly maneuverable fighter, similar to the Alliance to Restore the Republic's BTL Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +4, Y-wing starfighter.It was an attempt to build a variant of the Use Computer +6 4-18 Availability Military Crew 2 (Skilled) Passengers 2 Cargo 200 kg Consumables 1 day Carried Craft None Hyperdrive None, Availability Licensed Cost 45,000 Cr (4,500 used) Laser Cannons (Gunner) Atk +6 Dmg 5d10x2 Capsule: The TIS Zeta 19 interceptor was a light aerospace fighter manufactured by the CSA for use by the Espos. Stolen craft were used by criminals in neighboring space. The 15-meter long craft carried one pilot, one gunner, two passengers, one day's worth of consumables, and 200 kilograms of cargo. Although spaceworthy, the craft was primarily intended for atmospheric combat, and did not have a hyperdrive. It could achieve 950 kilometers per hour. Though unshielded, the craft featured two firelinked laser cannon turrets. Y-TIE Ugly Cost NFS (4,000Cr) Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The Y-TIE Ugly was an Ugly starfighter built by replacing the standard engine package of a BTL Y-wing starfighter with the solar panels of a standard TIE/ln starfighter. The laser cannons from the TIE replaced the ion cannons in the Y-wing's turret, and the TIE's sensor package replaced the Y-wing's missing sensor array. This ship was one of the more common "Ugly" designs, thanks to the fact that Y-wings and TIE Fighters were two of the most common ship designs in use. It was neither fast nor maneuverable, but was comparatively durable and packed a punch. In a way, it combined the strengths of both fighters, having better shields and weaponry than a TIE/ln starfighter and better engines and firepower than a BTL Ywing, whereas the opposite can be said for the TYE-wing. CL 6 Manufacturer: Pirate Mechanics Model: Y-TIE Ugly (Scrap Parts) Era: Reb+ Contributor: Natsuumi Source: WEG Pirates & Privateers Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +0; Senses Perception +5 Z'ceptor (Ugly) CL 8 Manufacturer: Pirate Mechanics Model: Z'ceptor Ugly (Scrap Parts) Era: Reb+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: WEG Pirates & Privateers Type: Huge starfighter Init +5; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26, +7 armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 46 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +2 (see below) and laser cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +31 Abilities Str 42 Dex 10 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +0, Use Computer +5 Crew 2 (normal) Passengers none Cargo 110 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft none Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 24 +4 armor HP 100 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 34 Speed 16 squares (max. velocity 1000km/h) 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Light Ion Cannons +2 (see below) or 4 Laser Cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +24 Atk Options autofire (4 Laser Cannons) Abilities Str 39, Dex 15, Con --, Int 14 4-19 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +5 (+13*), Perception +5 (+3*), Pilot +5, Use Computer +5 (+13*) Crew 1 plus astromech droid (Normal) Passengers none Cargo 75kg Consumables 2 Days Carried Craft None Hyperdrive 1.5, 10-jump memory (astomech droid) Availability Restricted Cost 45,000cr (14,000cr) * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead 4 Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +2 (-3 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2 1 Light Ion Cannons (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 3d10x2 Z-95 Headhunter Capsule: The Z'ceptor was an Ugly starfighter made out of the parts from a Z-95 Headhunter and a TIE Interceptor. The fighter used the frontal fuselage of the Headhunter, attached to the "eyeball" fuselage of the Interceptor, the engines of the Headhunter, and the lower radiator panels of the Interceptor. Weapon wise, the fighter had the two lasers from the TIE's wings, the Z-95's laser cannons were attached to either side of the the fuselage. The fighter also bore a twin barrelled cannon, resembling a Y-wing's ion cannon turret, mounted on top of the "eyeball". Interestingly, a port for an astromech droid was situated at the nose of the fighter. Starfighter in Focus: CL 7 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95 Era: RoE+ Contributor: BoneGnawer Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12) Fort 12 +7 armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 32 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Triple blasters or Concussion missile launcher Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +6 Grp +33 Abilities Str 42 Dex 18 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 The Z-95 Headhunter Famous Smuggler Alliance leader Mara Jade piloted a modified Z-95 with a hyperdrive before switching to larger, more practical craft. The Z-95 Headhunter is notorious for being able to take brutal punishment before falling apart, though as starfighter weapon technology has progressed, Headhunter pilots would rather trust their flying than their armor and shields. Z-95s have respectable armor plating, but their shielding tends to be very light. Weapons systems vary among the different models, but most Z-95s are equipped with two wing-mounted triple-blasters, which are fire-linked. Another common weapon system is banks of concussion missiles. The dedicated missile platform Z-95s, of course, had increased payloads. There are dozens of Z95 varieties throughout the known systems. Here we present you with a handful of the most common. The original run of the famed Z-95 Headhunter around 40BBY. During the Rebellion era and beyond, Z-95s of the Mark I production run were quite rare and usually only seen in museums or private collections. Even those backwater planets and organizations who utilized Z-95s rarely used Mark Is. The Mark I was the shortest of the Z-95 production runs. When Incom/Subpro realized that a vast majority of its atmospheric Z-95s were being modified into starfighters, they began work on the Mark II Z-95 starfighter. Crew 1 (skilled) Passengers 0 Cargo 85kg Consumables 1 day Carried Craft none Payload 6 concussion missiles Hyperdrive x1 Availability Military Cost 80,000 Cr (45,000 used) Triple blasters (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 Concussion missile (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 8d10, 4-square splash Capsule: The Z-95 Headhunter was a starfighter designed jointly by Incom and Subpro Corporations years before the Invasion of Naboo. Its resilience and longevity meant it remained a staple of private and low-priority government starfighter forces long after its introduction. Considered one of the most capable fighters of its day, it boasted a distinctive bubble canopy and a set of triple blasters mounted at the ends of each of its two variable geometry wings; later versions dispensed with the swing wings and bubble canopy in favor of more precise maneuvering thrusters and canopy instrumentation. Its sleek yet rugged design was attributed to Seti Ashgad, a scientist in Incom's Hyperdrive Design Division. 4-20 Z-95 Headhunter Mark I Production Run CL 7 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42 Dex 14 Int 12 Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95 Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +3; Senses perception+6 Crew 1(skilled) Passengers none Cargo 50kg Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload 6 missiles Availability military Cost 80,000 Cr (40,000 Used) Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 26 +6 Armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 46 Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 Concussion Missile (pilot) Atk +3 Dmg 7d10x2 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1000 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters Atk +3 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +1; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Int 12 Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled) Passengers none Cargo 50kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload none Availability military Cost 75,000 Cr (35,000 Used) Capsule: The Z-95ML was introduced three years after the original Mark I. Since so many of the original Mark Is had been modified with concussion missile hardpoints, Incom/Subpro opted to make this modification standard on all new Mark Is. Aside from the addition of the six concussion missile hardpoints on the ventral surface of the craft's swing-wings, the rest of the ship remained pretty much unchanged from the original Mark I - save for the minor improvements made over the last two years such as a bucket seat and autotinting canopy. *+2 dexterity in atmosphere conditions if swing wing version, Bubble Canopy gives a +2 to perception checks. Atmospheric craft only can be modded for space at 1/2 cost. Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 Z-95ML Headhunter Mark I Missile Launching Variant Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95ML Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +3; Senses perception+6 CL 7 Z-95GS Headhunter Mark I Ground Support Variant CL 7 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95GS Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +3; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11) Fort 26 +6 Armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 46 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 26; Armor +6 HP 120; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1000 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters (pilot) +3, Concussion Missile (pilot) +3 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +1 Grp +31 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1000 km/h), fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters (pilot) +3 or Ranged Proton Bomb (pilot) +3 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +1; Grp +31 4-21 Atk Options autofire Cover total Base Atk +1 Grp +31 Atk Options none Abilities Str 42 Dex 14 Int 12 Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled) Passengers none Cargo 50kg Consumables 1 day Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload 6 bomb Availability military Cost 80,000 Cr (40,000 Used) *Atmosphere only, can be modded for space at ½ cost Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Proton Bomb (pilot) Atk +3 Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Int 12 Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled) Passengers none Cargo 150kg Consumables 2 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload none Availability Licensed Cost 60,000 Cr (30,000 Used) *Atmosphere only, can be modded for space at ½ cost Capsule: The Z-95ST, or Sport Headhunter, was the first Z95 model to be manufactured solely for the civilian market. It was unarmed and lacked a shield generator, making it Dmg 6d10x2 completely worthless in combat. It was intended to be sold to Z-95 fans who lacked the proper licenses to purchase an Capsule: Since the Z-95 was designed as an atmospheric fighter, it was an obvious choice for designers to introduce a actual combat Z-95. ground support variant. The hardpoints used for concussion With the removal of the weapons and shield generator, designers were able to increase the cargo capacity and missiles in the Z-95ML were changed out with hardpoints consumables on board. Customers who purchased the Zfor free fall proton bombs or cluster bombs for surface 95ST typically did so to show off, hot rod across the planet strikes. in or to race. Due to the lack of passenger seating, it did not Due to the Z-95GS's specific role as a ground support do well in the family or commercial markets. The ST was fighter, very few of these were ever modified for space nothing more than a brash pilot's toy. flight. Most considered it a waste of time and credits since the original Mark I and the Z-95ML served much better as a Like the rest of the Mark I Z-95s, the ST could be modified for space travel by a crafty technician. Often times, owners short range space fighter after modification. of the ST had no interest in or could not afford such Cost: Varies widely by condition and modifications, was modifications. also known as the Z-95-C4d. Dmg 3d10x2 Z-95ST Headhunter Mark I Sport Variant Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95 Sport Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +3; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 26; Armor +6 HP 120 DR 10 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1000 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged none Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); CL 4 Z-95 Mark 2 Headhunter Mark II Production Run CL 7 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95 Mk2 Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +4; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 26; Armor +6 HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1050 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters (pilot) +3 or Missiles (pilot) +3 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); 4-22 Cover total Base Atk +1; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +4; Senses perception+6 Abilities Str 42 Dex 16 Int 12 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +4, Use Computer +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 26; Armor +6 HP 120 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 46 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 60kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload 6 missiles Availability military; Cost 82,000 Cr (42,000 Used) *Most mark 2 never received Hyperdrives, cost x2 to install one Abilities Str 42 Dex 16 Int 12 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +4, Use Computer +6 Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 7d10x2 Capsule: The Z-95 Mark II was the first Headhunter to come "space ready" from the factory, with no need of the modifications which were required on a Mark I to make it space worthy. It was now a formidable starfighter. Equipped with newer engines, the Mark II was noticeably faster in both atmospheric and space flight in comparison to the Mark I. A new fixed-wing configuration and a new streamlined "starfighter canopy" gave the Mark II a slightly different (and newer) appearance. The Mark II's main armaments, a pair of triple blaster cannons, remained the same as those found on the Mark I. However, the concussion missiles were removed from their wing-mounted hardpoints as a launcher was installed on the underside of the fuselage. Revisions in the internal design, combined with new space-saving technologies, provided enough internal space not only for the launcher, but for a slight extension in the underside cargo compartment. The Mark II was utilized as a main line starfighter by the Old Republic until the introduction of the Mark III twelve years later. During the Rebellion era, Mark IIs could still be found in service on many backwater worlds serving in private defense squadrons. The Rebel Alliance had a handful of Mark IIs, all of which were deployed at low priority outposts. Z-95XT Headhunter Mark II Trainer/Courier Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1050 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters (pilot) +3 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +1; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire CL 6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers 1 Cargo 200kg Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload none Availability military Cost 60,000 Cr (35,000 Used) *Most mark 2 never received Hyperdrives, cost x2 to install one Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 Capsule: The Z-95XT was designed to serve as both a trainer and as an in-system courier or ferry. Featuring a slightly elongated fuselage and double seated cockpit, it varied in appearance more from the original Mark I than any other variant to date. It sold very well on both the open and military markets, serving navies and private corporations alike. As a trainer, the Z-95XT was more than efficient in giving first time pilots a taste of real spaceflight outside of a simulator. With an identical set of controls in the passenger seat, a pilot-in-training could learn what it was really like to fly a space fighter with the instructor paying close attention in the front seat. The forward seat had override controls to lock out those in the rear seat, helping to ensure that first time pilots wouldn't be capable of making a fatal mistake. As a courier or ferry, the XT worked well in both military and private use. In military use, the XT would often times be used to ferry personnel or light cargo from ship-to-ship in a fleet. In private use, they were often used as space taxis or for light cargo deliveries in system. The extra cargo capacity and vastly increased consumables made it much more suited to long term space flight. It served with distinction as both a trainer and ferry during the final years of the Old Republic and was later adopted by the Rebel Alliance to train new X-wing pilots in basic flight skills. Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95XT Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor 4-23 CL 5 Z-95WSC Headhunter Mark II White Star Coalition Variant Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95WSC Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +4; Senses perception+6 Z-95 Mark 3 Headhunter Mark III Production Run Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95 Mk3 Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +5; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 10), Fort 26; Armor +5 HP 120 DR 10 SR 30 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1150 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters (pilot) +3 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +1; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; Armor +7 HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 46 Abilities Str 42 Dex 18 Int 12 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 200kg; Consumables 5 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1/x10 Payload none Availability military; Cost 25,000 used Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) CL 8 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1150 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire), Dmg 3d10x2 Ranged Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire), Dmg 7d10x2 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Dmg 3d10x2 Capsule: The history of the Headhunter has had many, many variants, and this custom build is no exception. They began life as stock Z-95s, and at some point were refurbished into high-speed couriers for the White Star Coalition, an independent charity group that specialized in running much-needed medical supplies into areas of heavy fighting. The Coalition operated towards the fall of the Republic, and continued to operate in the early stages of the Imperial regime, offering medical aid to systems engulfed in internal conflicts. As the spread of the New Order continued, the WSC found itself more often than not trying to clean up Imperial messes, and eventually threw in its lot with the Rebellion, although in a non-military aspect. The WSC proper was wiped out by the Empire, but many of the hot-shot pilots and highly-trained medics served through the Rebellion and now in the NR with distinction. This fighter, and ideal courier vessel, has been stripped of some of its armor plating and the concussion missile system, to make it lighter and faster. Along with upgraded Aragon X-4 sublight turbines, enough room for a class-x1 hyperdrive has been made, and the unit functions with superb efficiency. The fighter still carries the troublesome triple-blasters, as the differences in engine configuration and the power requirements for the additional shields make adding more, or simply more powerful, weapons a relative impossibility. Abilities Str 42 Dex 18 Int 12 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 85kg Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Payload 6 missiles Availability military Cost 83,000 Cr (46,000 Used) Autoblasters (pilot) Dmg 3d10x2 Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 7d10x2 Capsule: The Z-95 Mark III was the fighter which made the Z-95 name legendary among spacers and starfighter pilots. It was state of the art in its day, faster, more durable and more heavily armed than any other fighter in its class. Due to several innovations and reconfigurations internally, designers were able to increase the cargo capacity to an impressive 85 kilograms - something rarely seen even in Rebellion era starfighters. These internal improvements also made it much easier to install a small hyperdrive and nav computer or a more powerful shield generator. This variant became so common that many technicians and mechanics could work on one with no difficulty, and parts were so abundant that modifications were very affordable. The Old Republic fielded this variant as its main line combat starfighter, shifting the older Mark IIs to lower priority fleets 4-24 and outposts. During every military engagement, the Mark III was there. Planetary defense militias purchased them by the dozens and before long, they were everywhere. Z-95TR Headhunter Mark III Trainer/Courier CL 7 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95TR Mk3 Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +4; Senses perception+6 Z-95CO Headhunter Mark III Covert Ops Variant Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; Armor +7 HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 46 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; Armor +7 HP 120 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 46 Abilities Str 42 Dex 16 Int 12 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +4, Use Computer +6 Autoblasters (pilot) Dmg 3d10x2 Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 7d10x2 CL 7 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95CO Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +4; Senses perception+6 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1150 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Autoblasters (pilot) +3 or Concussion Missiles (pilot) +3 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Crew 1(skilled); Passengers 1 Cargo 200kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x5, 2 jumps Payload 6 missiles Availability military; Cost 110,000/45,000 while some other more creative private owners offered chartered space flights for those who don't get the chance to travel the stars. The TR was of little use in combat. The triple blaster cannons, though fire-linked, still could not deal out sufficient punishment to take down enemy fighters with ease. Those TRs purchased by the military were used strictly as trainers or as ferries for moving personnel or light cargo from shipto-ship in a fleet. Training in the TR certified Republic pilots to fly both the Mark II and Mark III Z-95s. However, any pilot trained in a TR could take the controls of any Z-95 variant or model and fly with little to no difficulty as the controls never drastically changed until the Z-95AF4. The TR was later used by the Rebel Alliance in small numbers as pre-training for X-Wings and newer Z-95AF4s. Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Heavy Autoblasters (pilot) +2 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42, Dex 16, Int 10 Skills Initiative +4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +4, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers 1 Cargo 10kg Consumables 4 day; Carried Craft none Capsule: The Z-95TR was a trainer variant based upon the Hyperdrive X4, 2 jumps Payload none the Z-95 Mark III design, intended to replace the original Z- Availability military Cost 120,000Cr (50,000 Used) 95XT Mark II Trainer. Incom went ahead and installed a Class Five hyperdrive, removed the concussion missiles Heavy Autoblasters (pilot) and dramatically altered the fuselage to fit in an extra seat. Atk +2 (-3 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 It would be the replacement for the Z-95XT. The pilot (trainer) would sit in the front, while the trainee sat Capsule: The Z-95CO was the result of Incom's efforts to directly behind. Identical controls were placed in both seats, design a covert operations strike fighter. Much debate was with the pilot being able to override and disable the trainee's placed on removing the concussion missiles to the design, controls with the touch of a button. but in the end it was decided that the vessel would be used The design was sold on both the military and open markets, more for inserting small special forces teams than engaging serving as a training fighter for the military and as a in combat. personal fighter with room for two on the public market. Based upon the new Mark III Headhunter spaceframe, the Many private owners used it as their personal transport, Z-95CO had all of the latest Headhunter improvements built 4-25 in, as well as a few new surprises. For the CO design, engineers installed a small Class Four hyperdrive, increased the output of the shield generator and replaced the triple blasters with a pair of heavy blaster cannons. To accommodate for all of the new power drains placed on the vessel, the engines were downgraded slightly, making it a bit slower than the standard Mark III. The double cockpit would be taken almost straight from the Mark III trainer variant, with the pilot in the front and the passenger in the rear. If the pilot is killed or injured in flight, the passenger can take over the controls from his rear seat and continue with his mission. Republic Intelligence loved the design. It gave them a way to equip their small field teams with their own means of insertion and extraction, negating the need for a support craft. The Republic purchased and exclusive contract for the CO, and none were sold on the open market. These Republic purchased COs were all painted black and constantly used during night operations. Often times, three of four of these Z-95s would be used to insert squad-sized intelligence teams into hostile territory. Once on the ground the teams would conceal their vessels and go about their mission. If a mission goes horribly wrong and there are not enough pilots left alive to fly all of the Z-95s out, then an internal charge inside of the CO may be set so that the ship self destructs. The Republic Army also purchased a number of the COs for its special forces, but never used them as frequently as Republic Intelligence. Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6/+8*, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6/+8* Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 1000kg; Consumables 14 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive X2/x12 Payload none Availability military Cost 50,000 used *this craft adds it intelligence to Use Computer Sensor and Perception checks. Twin laser Cannons (pilot) Dmg 4d10x2 Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Capsule: This starfighter was remodeled into a long-range scout ship. Ideal for charting various star systems, or as the point in a convoy through turbulent space, the upgraded sensor package is truly second-to none. Designed for extended time without a support vessel, this variant can sustain a single crewman for as much as two weeks without taking on supplies. She lacks the speed and weaponry of the standard model, but does pack a class-x2 hyperdrive. Besides the radical sensor enhancements, it also boasts two fire-linked Taim & Bak laser cannons, and an armor rating comparable with many light freighters. Last owned by the Dorian Mining Consortium, she was used to prospect various ore deposits in the Y'breria Asteriod Belt. Yes, I mean THE legendary Y'brereia, the one with the supposed buried treasure from the First Colonial Insurgence during the reign of Xim the Despot. And try as we might, for some reason, the sensor data on the improved sensors is backlogged, and we can't wipe the navcomps. A good slicer might be able to extract something, but we at the Backlot have had enough of trying to crack it, and will sell it to anyone... provided that if they DO strike it rich, we get a 10% "finder's fee." Z-95ER Headhunter CL 8 Mark III Extended Recon Modified Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95ER Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +3; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 26; Armor +9 HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Twin laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire), Dmg 4d10x2 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42 Dex 14 Z-95 Mark IV Headhunter Mark IV Production Run Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95 Mk IV Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Int 12 4-26 CL 9 Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +5; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; Armor +7 HP 120 DR 10 SR 20 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1200 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser cannons (pilot) +4 or Concussion Missiles (pilot) +4 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42, Dex 18, Int 14 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 Z-95AF4 Headhunter Assault Fighter 4 CL 8 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95AF4 Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +5; Senses perception+6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 50kg; Consumables 5 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x3, 3 jump Payload 6 missiles Availability military Cost 100,000 Cr (50,000 Used) *Earlier designs on a roll of "1" the canons short out and are disabled until repaired DC15. Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; Armor +7 HP 120 DR 10 SR 20 Threshold 46 Laser cannons (pilot) Dmg 4d10x2 Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 7d10x2 Capsule: The Z-95 Mark IV Headhunter was one of the most advanced starfighters to ever be designed in its day. With a Taim & Bak KX5 fire-linked laser cannons, twin Krupx MG5 concussion missile launcher, these weapons are controlled through a Fabritech ANq 2.4 tracking computer and SI 5g8 "Quickscan" vector imaging system. Sensor systems include a Fabritech ANS-5c unit with longrange Phased Tachyon Detection Array #PA-9r and one short range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model #PG-7u. Improved XoLyyn shielding, new 2a ion fission engines, Class Three hyperdrive Incom Gbk-435 hyperdrive motivator, and a Narmox Zr-390 navicomputer system. a whole mess of flight control enhancements, it was definitely state of the art. The original Mark IV had a few minor design flaws which had to later be corrected in subsequent model years. The main flaw resided in the wiring for the laser cannons within the wings which could sometimes short out and render the cannons useless. Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1200 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 4 firelinked Laser cannons (pilot) +5 or Concussion Missiles (pilot) +5 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +3 Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42, Dex 18, Int 16 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6/+8*, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled) Passengers none Cargo 40kg; Consumables 2 days Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2, 3 jump Payload 6 missiles Availability military; Cost 120,000 Cr (60,000 Used) *The bubble canopy gives a +2 to perception checks. The AF4 get +2 dexterity in atmospheric or dog-fighting conditions. 4 Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +5 (-0 autofire) Dmg 5d10x2 *firelinked Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +5 (-0 autofire) Dmg 7d10x2 Capsule: The Z-95AF4, or Assault Fighter 4 designed by Seti Ashgod, corrected many of the minor design flaws within the original Mark IV. The AF4 was completely refitted with four new Incom 2a fission engines and armed with two 4-27 Taim & Bak KX4 laser cannons and a pair of Krupx MG5 concussion missile launchers. The Z-95AF4 was the best space superiority Headhunter created. The controls almost identically matched that of an X-wing. The engines and laser cannons were also almost identical to that of an X-wing - the X-wing would only use slightly improved models of each. Designers opted to return to the classic bubble canopy for the AF4 rather than using the starfighter canopy which had been standard on Z-95s for many years. This once again gave the pilot an unobstructed field of vision. This was the final headhunter built by Subpro and Incom after their 125 year partnership ended in 22 BBY. By the galactic war in 2 BBY the headhunter series would be considered outdated but still in use. The Arc170 would follow and was built by Incom but was designed by both. Z-95SF Headhunter Strike Fighter CL 10 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95SF Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +7; Senses perception+6, Lowlight Vision Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; Armor +7 HP 110; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1200 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Heavy Laser cannons (pilot) +7 or Laser Guided Bombs (pilot) +7 or Concussion Missiles +6 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42 Dex 22 Int 20 Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +7, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 90kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive X3, 3 jump Payload 4 hardpoint + fuel tank +laser designation pod, 4 Concussion Missles Availability military; Cost 165,000 Cr (90,000 used) *Adds +8 to attack when used with a laser-guided bomb. Ground troops with laser designating equipment may also "paint" a target for the fighter, which provides the same bonus. The SF get +2 dexterity in atmospheric conditions. Heavy Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +7 (+2 autofire) Dmg 5d10x2 Laser Guided Bombs (pilot) Atk +7 Dmg 9d10x2 Concussion Missiles Atk +6 Dmg 7d10x2 Capsule: The Z-95SF is a strike starfighter variant of the aging Incom/Subpro Headhunter series. The SF-model features a larger sensor array and a well-designed headsup display, as well as the addition of an infrared designation pod meant to be used in tandem with laser-guided bombs for precision surgical strikes. The Imperial Navy maintains a small unit of Z-95SF's on board selected fighter carriers in the Mid- and Outer-Rims. While the original Headhunter is relatively out-classed by more modernized starfighters, the Z-95SF is used to support covert operation units through the use of carefully coordinated laser-guided bomb strikes. In addition to improved avionics and weaponry, the Z-95SF features more powerful engines and an advanced electronic control response system allowing the fighter to have increased power and maneuverability, especially in atmospheric conditions. Catheros-Merkin, a prime Imperial engine contractor, designed a specialized sublight engine that allows the Z-95SF to have remarkable speed and thrust capabilities, and an amazing climb rate. The SF-model features two laser cannons, which are usually used in a defensive role against other starfighters. Five ordinance hardpoints support the brunt of the Z-95SF's offensive capabilities. In a covert strike role, one hardpoint is usually occupied by a laser guided bomb and another by a fuel tank. While on LGB strike missions, the Z-95SF can designate its ground targets from either the fighter's own laser pod or by soldiers on the ground equipped with a laser-designation device. The effect of these strikes has been devastating, with the silent and unforeseen destruction of entire city sections and military installations. Z-95HS Headhunter Heavy Support Modified CL 9 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95HS Era: Reb+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +3; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 26; Armor +8 HP 120 DR 10 SR 30 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1150 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Heavy Laser cannons (pilot) +5 or Concussion Missiles (pilot) +5 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42 4-28 Dex 14 Int 16 Star Wars: Behind the Magic Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 85kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive X3, 3 jump Payload 8 missiles Availability military; Cost 37,000 used Heavy Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +5 (+0 autofire) Dmg 5d10x2 Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +5 (+0 autofire) Dmg 7d10x2 Capsule: Alright gearheads, this is what you've been waiting for... she's heavily armed, heavily armored, and has a BIG attitude problem. This Headhunter was recently acquired from the aftermath of the Horeshka Pirate BreakUp... and anyone who's ever been involved with them knows why this is a machine to be feared. If you've not had the honor, let me clue you in... The Horeshka Pirates began in a remote sector of space, and contrary to popular belief that they were organized by a descendent of the nefarious Celes Mott, they were actually dissident engineering employees from the CSA. Their background explains why the could build such vicious starfighters and support craft from spare parts. They were absorbed by the Horeshka Pirates a few years later, but they stayed on and raided throughout the CSA as a way to get revenge. They did just that, especially with mean ships like this beaut'. Upgraded weapons, upgraded fire-control systems, upgraded shields, but the gem of the ship is the communications antenna... designed so powerful and so well shielded that it can take a direct, un-shielded hit and keep on transmitting at 86% efficiency. That was the big secret of the Horeshka Pirates; the weren't that ruthless or tyrannical, but they never, ever fought unorganized because they NEVER lost contact with their squad leaders. People thought they had some kind of supernatural determination, and simply started giving up when they saw that distinctive emblem. The NR recently cleaned out most of the gang, and many of the ships were destroyed. This one was captured intact, and after it was "acquired" at a recent auction, it has passed out 311-point inspection, and is being brought to you, the gearheaded-consumer. Enjoy... Z-95t Headhunter Talon Modified CL 8 Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Model: Z-95t Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Various Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +6; Senses perception+6 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; Armor +7 HP 120 DR 10 SR 20 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1150 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser cannons (pilot) +4 or Concussion Missiles (pilot) +4 Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +3; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire Abilities Str 42 Dex 20 Int 14 Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6/+8*, Pilot +6, Use Computer +6 Crew 1(skilled); Passengers none Cargo 50kg; Consumables 1 days; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive X3, 3 jump Payload 6 missiles Availability military Cost 120,000 Cr (60,000 Cr) Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 7d10x2 Capsule: Z-95s are typically not equipped with hyperdrive engines, though famed Republic (and later Alliance) tactician Adar Talon developed a variant -- the Z-95t -which featured a class 3 hyperdrive, and increased maneuverability. 4-29 Transports A transport is a small or medium sized spacecraft or other such craft commonly used for short cargo (or smuggling) runs that didn't require the use of a bulky freighter. Usually equipped with a hyperdrive, though this was not always the case, transports come in a wide variety of sizes and specifications and are produced by a large number of companies. A good example of such a craft is the Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 light freighter, which could be configured for various goods, Human or otherwise. This class of spacecraft is very easy to modify and adapt, and as such was popular amongst smugglers and pirates. Although most transports are owned and operated by civilians and the criminal element, some militaries used them for the movement of troops and/or their equipment, such as the Sentinel-class landing craft, by Cygnus Spaceworks, used by the Imperial Navy to swiftly deploy its personnel to planets below. without any weaponry or defensive shields built in, plenty of after-market systems could be added to the Action IV. The Imperial Navy refitted a number of them as Imperial Patrol Ships. Action V Transport CL 9 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Action V Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: RavenFury Source: WEG Heir to the Empire Type: Colossal (frigate) space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Action IV Transport CL 8 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Action IVTransport Era: RoE+ Contributor: RavenFury Source: WEG Heir to the Empire Type: Colossal (frigate) space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 10 (flat-footed 10) Fort 34 +10 armor HP 800 DR 15 SR -- Threshold 120 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 650 km/h) fly 1 square (starship scale) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +44 Defense Ref 10 (flat-footed 10) Fort 34 +10 armor HP 900 DR 15 SR -- Threshold 136 Abilities Str 62 Dex 10 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 650 km/h) fly 1 square (starship scale) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +44 Crew 10 (normal); Passengers none Cargo 80,500 tons Consumables 3 months Hyperdrive x4, nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 900,000 (400,000 used) Abilities Str 58 Dex 10 Con -- Int 10 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 8 (normal); Passengers none Cargo 75,000 tons Consumables 3 months Hyperdrive x3 (x7 Backup), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 750,000 (300,000 used) Capsule: The Action IV transport was a CEC medium bulk freighter of the Action series. It had a trapezoidal shape and was roughly 100 meters in length. Internally, its holds could be adapted to various pressures and climates with individual configurations. Even though each ship was sold 5-1 Capsule: Corellian Engineering Corporation's Action V transport was a member of the Action series of bulk transports. It was a modest upgrade of the older Action IV transport's design. Action V freighters couldn't carry as much cargo as the newer Action VI transports, but were also less expensive, and could be found throughout the Galaxy in the ownership of private individuals and freelance traders. The Action V was the most popular of the series, despite the fact that its Class 4 hyperdrive was slower than the Class 3 used in both its predecessor and successor. Action VI Transport CL10 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Action VI Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Rebel Sourcebook Type: Colossal (frigate) space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Aegis-Class Combat Shuttle CL14 Manufacturer: Telgorn Corporation Model: Aegis-class combat shuttle Era: RoE+ Contributor: BanthaPoodoo Source: Type: Colossal Transport Init +4; Senses Perception +4 Defense Ref 11 (flat-footed 11) Fort 36 +11 armor HP 900 DR 15 SR 50 Threshold 136 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13) Fort 30 +13 Armor HP 180 DR 15 SR 30 Threshold 80 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 650 km/h) fly 1 square (starship scale) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +46 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannons (2) +6, Concussion Missiles Launchers (2) +6 Fighting Space 12/x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +52 Abilities Str 62 Dex 10 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 10 (normal); Passengers none Cargo 90,000 tons Consumables 3 months Hyperdrive x3, nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 1,000,000 (500,000 used) Abilities Str 50 Dex 14 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative -6, Mechanics +4, Perception +4, Pilot -6 (-4 with Copilot assist), Use Computer +4 Capsule: The Action VI transport, sometimes referred to as the bulk transport, was a popular freighter built by Corellian Engineering Corporation. Action VI transports typically operated in convoys or in well patrolled areas of space, since they lacked even the most basic forms of selfdefensive measures, and had to rely on protection from other capital ships. The only reason they were used by the Galactic Empire, was because they were quite inexpensive (relative to Imperial wealth). The Rebel Alliance also employed these cargo vessels, often as personnel carriers, but in much smaller quantities since they were far more expensive than GR-75 medium transports. Most Action VIs were stolen from the Empire. Pirates often modified Action VI ships into "interceptor frigates" capable of combating starfighters and corvettes. 5-2 Crew 2 + 2 Gunners Passengers: 40 Cargo 120 tons* Consumables 4 days Carried Craft see below Hyperdrive none Availability Military Cost NFS Laser Cannons: Gunner Atk +6 Dmg 5d10 Concussion Missile Launcher: Gunner Atk +6 Dmg: 7d10x2 * The Aegis-class Combat Shuttle is designed to deliver vehicles and troops into hot combat zones. The following can be carried (costing the listed amount of cargo tonnage): a) Large-sized vehicles (4 tons each) b) Huge-sized vehicles (19 tons each) c) Gargantuan-sized vehicles (49 tons each) d) Combat ready troops with all their gear (3 tons each) Capsule: The Telgorn Corporation Aegis-class combat be modified. shuttle was employed by the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. 29 meters long, it carried a pilot, a co-pilot, 2 gunners, 40 troops, and 3 light combat vehicles. The design boasted 2 forward concussion missile launchers and 2 laser cannon turrets. B-7 Light Freighter CL 8 Manufacturer: Loronar Corporation Model: B-7 Light Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: WEG Darkstryder Type: Gargantuan space transport Init +0 Senses Perception +5 Barloz-class Freighter CL 8 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Barloz-class freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WoC SW Gamer 4 Type: Colossal space transport Init -5 Senses perception +5 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 13) Fort 30 +13 Armor HP 180 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 80 Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 17), Fort 26; +12 armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 46 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +1 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +40 Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 650km/h) 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Light Laser Cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 10x10 or 1 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0; Grp +31 Atk Options autofire (1 Light Laser Cannons) Abilities Str 50 Dex 10 Con -- Int 12 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Abilities Str 42 Dex 11 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +0, Use Computer +5 Crew 2 (normal) Passengers 4 Cargo 120 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), nav computer Availability licensed Cost 120,000 (30,000 used) Crew 2 (Normal); Passengers 4 Cargo 50 tons Consumables 2 month Carried Craft none Payload None Hyperdrive x3 (Backup x10) Availability Licensed; Cost 90,000 (20,000 used) Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +1 Dmg 4d10x2 1 Light Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +2 (-3 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: Manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Barloz class was a no-frills freighter. It contained many of the innovations that would later make the YT series such a success, but it was phased out when the YT series was introduced. It was manned by a crew of two, with one gunner and up to four passengers. It was armed with single forward-firing laser cannon. Propulsion was provided by the NovaQuad-D system, a precursor to the drives used on the YT series. Capsule: The B-7 light freighter is an older type of freighter, manufactured by Loronar Corporation during the Era of the Empire. As the B-7 is a small freighter, it can only hold up 50 metric tons, but which is quite adequate for a size of only 19 meters. The ship is very slow and is only equipped with a light Laser Cannon for defense. However the ship has a strong hull and shields. Today the B-7 light freighter is only available used, but it’s quite cheap and can easily 5-3 BR-23 Courier Transport BBF-1 Bulk Freighter CL 1 Manufacturer: Damorian Manufacturing Corporation Model: BBF-1 Bulk Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: RavenFury Source: Star Wars: X-Wing Type: Colossal (Frigate) Freighter 103.6 m Init -5 Senses perception +5 CL 8 Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems Model: BR-23 Courier Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG Rule of Engagement Type: Colossal (20.7 meters) space transport Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 25; +12 armor HP 110 DR 15 SR 25 Threshold 75 Defense Ref 10 (flat-footed 10) Fort 34 +10 armor HP 400 DR 15 SR 5 Threshold 136 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +37 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h) fly 1 square (starship scale) Fighting space 2 squares (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +39 Abilities Str 40 Dex 14 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Abilities Str 48 Dex 10 Con -- Int 10 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 2 (skilled); Passengers 40 (troops) Cargo 40 tons Consumables 2 weeks Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), navcomputer Availability Licensed Cost varies Crew 10 (normal); Passengers none Cargo 200,000 tons Consumables 3 months Hyperdrive x4 (x7 Backup), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 2 million credits (new) 900,000 credits (used) Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: BFF-1 bulk freighters were freighters designed by Phylon Freight, and built under contract by Damorian Manufacturing Corporation. This craft was a standard medium-sized freighter that was common throughout the entire galaxy. It was low-cost, partly due to its lack of defensive armament, effective and capable of extremely long range bulk transport duties. The BFF-1 was designed to haul four Xizor Transport Systems Class-A Cargo Containers, attached in arrays of two on either side of the vessel's main hull, and modified into cheap yet capacious storage holds. The cargo containers were slightly truncated, however, due to the freighter's length of 120 meters. Ordinarily, a pair of Class-A containers would be 150 meters in length. 5-4 Capsule: The BR-23 Courier was a durable personnel transport and courier ship that served in Old Republic fleets and militias. After finding the market for TIE Fighters enormously more profitable due to the Empire's swift move away from transports like the BR-23, Sienar partially refitted its large back stock of BR-23s with civilian-grade systems and dumped them onto the open market. These inexpensive craft, which were easy to repair, proved to be a boon of profit for Sienar. While most of Sienar's surplus stock found its way into the freighter market, the BR-23 also saw use in cut-rate shuttle services and employment as personal skiffs. After leaving military service the BR-23 proved to be popular among courier services, small-time shipping agents, and a good number of smugglers. In the case of the Rebellion, they made it a general policy to acquire these ships where ever they could find them as they could be easily re-converted to their original troop transport duties. Source: WEG Pirates and Privateers Type: Colossal space transport Init -4; Senses Perception +6 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12) Fort 25 +12 armor HP 110 DR 15 SR 20 Threshold 75 Corellian Star Shuttle CL 5 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Corellian Star Shuttle Era: RoE+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: Type: Colossal (Frigate) Transport Init -3; Senses Perception +6 Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 800km/h) 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Laser cannon s +4 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +37 Atk Options autofire (1 Laser cannon) Abilities Str 40 Dex 10 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -4, Use Computer +6 Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 8) Fort 36 +11 Armor HP 900 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 136 Crew 2 (Skilled); Passengers 6 Cargo 80 tons Consumables 2 Months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (backup x10), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 105,000Cr (27,000Cr used) Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 610 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged None Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +53 1 Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 Abilities Str 62 Dex 12 Con -- Int 10 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +10, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +10 Crew 8 (Skilled) Passengers 200 Cargo 900 tons Consumables 3 year Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1.5 (Backup x12), nav computer Availability licensed Cost 2,650,000 Cr Capsule: Corona-class transports were spaceships manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. They were indended to compete with the YT-series of light freighters, but did not sell well, being overpriced for their cargo capacity. Some ships were used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Each ship was 28.4 meters long, requiring a pilot (and optionally a co-pilot). It could carry six passengers, 80 metric tons of cargo, and 2 months' worth of consumables. The craft boasted a class 2 hyperdrive and a backup class 10 hyperdrive, and an atmospheric speed of 800 kilometers per hour. Defenses included shields and a laser turret. Capsule: The Corellian Star Shuttle, also known as the Republic shuttle, was a starship designed to carry a large number of ambassadors on missions throughout the Galaxy. The Republic shuttle was more spacious and could carry more people compared to the Consular-class space cruiser. It also featured a large meeting room. Because they were diplomatic vessels, Republic shuttles lacked weapons but boasted a powerful deflector shield. Coruscant-class Heavy Courier Corona Transport CL 8 Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Model: Corona-Class Transport Era: Reb+ Contributor: TheNarrator 5-5 Manufacturer: Corellian StarDrive Model: Coruscant-class Heavy Courier Era: KotOR Contributor: JegerGryte Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init -4 Senses Perception +5 CL 9 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26 +12 Armor HP 120 DR 15 SR 45 Threshold 76 fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +2 (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +46 Speed Fly 14 Squares (Max velocity 1,000 km/h) fly 3 squares (Starhip scale) Ranged: Pulse-wave cannon +2 (see below) and/or Concussion-sphere Launcher +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover Total Base Atk +0 Grp +36 Abilites Str 52 Dex 14 Con – Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Abilities Str 42 Dex 12 Int 14 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -4, Use Computer +5 Crew 2 (Normal) Passengers 4 Cargo 30 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Payload 8 Concussion-spheres Hyperdrive x3 (no backup) Availability Licensed Cost 120,000 new (50,000 used) Crew 4 (Normal) Passengers 4 Cargo 30 tons Consumables 2 years Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1 (backup x12), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 325,000 (200,000 used) Laser cannon (2 gunners) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The E-9 Explorer vessel was designed by Loronar Corporation to be a long-range scout that requires a small crew to operate at peak efficiency. The ship is streamlined to maximize atmospheric flight for planetary landings and Pulse-wave cannon (pilot or gunner) holds enough supplies to allow the ship to operate for long Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 periods between starport visits. It is often purchased by Range: treat as ion cannon as per SECR p. 168. small groups of adventurers searching the galaxy for lost or hidden treasures, but has been known to be popular with Concussion-sphere Launcher (2; pilot and/or gunner) small mercenary bands as well. Atk +2 Dmg 7d10x2, 2-square splash Keeping long-range missions in mind, the E-9 has multiple Capsule: The Coruscant-class Heavy Courier Transport is backup systems integrated to allow the ship to continue functioning after sustaining damage to critical systems that an ancient space transport dating back to the days of the would normally shut other ships down. Due to these backup original Jedi Order about 2,000 years before the battle of Yavin. The Crescent-X9 was used these days as a reliable systems, a minimum crew complement of four people is required. courier ship being able to deliver its cargo or passengers The one major drawback to the ship is realized with safely. Although being a small vessel, its weaponry is independent traders and individuals looking for a personal enormous. This is because free space was a very dangerous place in these early days of history. For effective transport, having found the crew requirement to be less than satisfactory for their needs. Standard armament on the defense, the ship is equipped with several Laser Cannons E-9 was meant for those missions that probe into the and Concussion Missile Launchers as well as formidable unknown regions of space, providing enough firepower for shields and hull plating. This guaranteed a safe passage. sufficient defense. However, it was soon discovered that the standard package could be easily upgraded to more lethal weaponry, such as exchanging the laser cannons for quad laser cannons or even assault laser cannons, with little difficulty. The E-9 Explorer was first introduced into the market shortly before the fall of the Republic. The ship experienced mild success when it first became available, but Loronar continued with the production line. As time went by, sales gradually increased with positive reviews from E-9 Explorer CL 8 customers and critics alike. Although not as popular as Manufacturer: Loronar some other light transports and cruisers, it has been seen Model: E-9 Explorer around the galaxy well into the New Jedi Order era. Era: RoE+ Contributor: Starspeed Source: Type: Colossal (frigate) space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 31; +13 armor HP 150 DR 15 SR 45 Threshold 131 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h) 5-6 Era: RoE+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -5; Senses +5 Defense Ref 10 (flat-footed 10) Fort 26 +11 Armor HP 150 DR 10 SR 30 Threshold 76 Firefly-class Transport (Stock) CL 8 Manufacturer: Model: Firefly-class Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: ejacobs13 Source: Unknown Type: Colossal (frigate) space transport Init -10; Senses Perception +0 (as crew skill) Speed fly 18 squares (max. velocity 1050 km/h) fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +36 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 11), Fort 35; +11 armor HP 750 DR 15 Threshold 130 Abilities Str 42, Dex 10, Con --, Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 40x20 (character scale), 1 (starship scale); Cover Total Base Atk +0; Grp +50 Crew 1 (Skilled) Passengers 6 Cargo 70 tons; Consumables 1 months; Carried Craft N/A Hyperdrive x3 (x12 backup), nav computer Availability licensed Cost 120,000 ( 30,000 used) Abilities Str 60 Skills As crew Dex 12 Con -- Int 14 Crew 8 Passengers 4-8 (4 double rooms aft of Hold 2) Cargo 400 Metric Tons (Cargo Hold 1) 200 Metric Tons (Cargo Hold 2) Consumables 3 Months Carried Craft 2 Short-range shuttles Hyperdrive x2 (x12 backup), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 160,000 Cr (96,000 used) Notes: * see Starfighters Chap for stats of stock shuttles. Although the Serenity doesn’t seem cannon, the Firefly class has made a few “Easter Egg” like appearances in recent cannon materiel. Firespray-31 CL11 Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering Model: Firespray-31-class patrol/attack craft 5-7 Blaster Cannon (pilot) Atk +4 Dmg 4d10x2 Tractor beam (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg: -- (grapple +36) Capsule: The Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, or Firespray-class starship, was a patrol and transport starship designed by Kuat Systems Engineering initially for use by the Oovo IV security forces. Kuat Systems Engineering produced several prototypes shortly before the Battle of Naboo. However, all but one were destroyed when Jango Fett staged a prison break on Oovo IV. Jango kept the sole remaining Firespray, renaming it Slave I. Kuat Systems Engineering, suffering from the financial loss of the prototypes, eventually mothballed the project and concentrated instead on starship upgrades. Many years later, K.S.E. found themselves on a more secure financial footing, and again desired to enter the starship market. The company then re-introduced the Firespray-class, hoping to build upon the reputation of the remaining prototype and its legendary pilot, Boba Fett. The new Firesprays were, like the original prototypes, designated as patrol and attack ships and perfectly suited for law enforcement and interdiction missions. With Kuat Systems Engineering keen to expand the market for the ship, they had started to promote how easily the ship could be customized and upgraded to fulfill a myriad of roles. light freighters, the Ghtroc 720 was often extensively modified for smuggling purposes. GR-45 Medium Transport Ghtroc 720 Freighter CL 6 Manufacturer: Ghtroc Industries Model: Ghtroc 720 Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: Natsuumi Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 CL 5 Manufacturer: Gallofree Yards Model: GR-45 Light Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: Kordeth Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 12) Fort 27 +12 Armor HP 150 DR 15 SR 20 Threshold 27 Speed fly 10 squares (max. velocity 650 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12/12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +37 Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 12) Fort 25 +12 armor HP 110 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 75 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 750 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +35 Abilities Str 45, Dex 10, Con --, Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 3 (normal) Passengers 10 Cargo 1250 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (x12 backup), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 125,000 (35,000 used) Abilities Str 40 Dex 12 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -4, Use Computer +5 Crew 1 pilot and 1 gunner (normal) Passengers 10 Cargo 135 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (backup x15), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 98,500 new (23,000 used) Capsule: The GR-45 medium transport was an older model in the Gallofree Yards medium transport line of ships. It was smaller and more compact than its successor, the GR-75, which was used by the Rebellion, and had differently arranged engines. The GR-45 was also noted as a civilian transport, not affiliated with any military force. Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The Class 720 freighter, also known as the Ghtroc 720, was a light freighter manufactured by Ghtroc Industries. Though less popular than the competing YT series, the Ghtroc 720 developed a following in Outer Rim Territories, where Ghtroc Industries was located, and thousands of the freighters remained in use even after the manufacturer went out of business. The Ghtroc 720 was 35 meters long and could carry 135 metric tons of cargo in its 55 cubic meter hold. In stock configuration, a fixed double laser cannon was mounted above the slightly raised cockpit. A pair of docking tubes were located on the ship's rear, and each could contain an escape pod. The sublight engines were located between the docking tube. Like many 5-8 GR-75 Medium Transport Manufacturer: Gallofree Yards, Inc Model: GR-75 Medium Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: WEG Rebel Alliance Sourcebook Type: Colossal (Frigate) Transport CL 7 Init -3; Senses Perception +6 Model: GX1 Short Hauler Era: RoE+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init -3; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 8), Fort 34; +11 Armor HP 600 DR 15 SR 45 Threshold 134 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity650 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged Twin laser Cannons (4 FL) +3 (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +51 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26 +12 armor HP 120 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 76 Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 800km/h) 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Light Laser Cannons +1 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +36 Atk Options autofire (1 Light Laser Cannons) Abilities Str 58 Dex 12 Con -- Int 12 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -3, Use Computer +6 Crew 6 (Skilled) Passengers 40 Cargo 95 tons Consumables 1 month Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x4, nav computer (+1) Availability licensed Cost 350,000 Cr (125,000 used) Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Con --, Int 12 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3, Use Computer +5 Laser Cannons (4 Gunners) Atk +3 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The GR-75 medium transport, or Gallofree medium transport, was a clamshell-hulled transport produced by Gallofree Yards, Inc. A sister design to the civilian GR-45 model, the GR-75 was used by freight drivers and shipping firms to haul cargo. The transport's outer hull was like a thick shell with the interior entirely open for cargo pods. This open-space design could fit up to 19,000 metric tons of cargo into the 90 meter long ship. Modular cargo pods greatly sped up loading and unloading procedures. Not intended for combat, GR-75s were to be placed at the center of Alliance fleet formations and relied on starfighter support in blockade-running missions. GX-1 Shorthauler CL 7 Manufacturer: Lantillian ShipWrights 5-9 Crew 4 (Normal) Passengers 6 Cargo 85 tons; Consumables 1 month Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (Backup x12), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 110,500 new (45,000 used) 1 Light Laser Cannons (gunner*) Atk +1 (-4 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 *weapon can be fired by Pilot or copilot, with a -5 to their skill check or a +5 to the DC Capsule: The GX1 Short Hauler was a ship model produced by Lantillian ShipWrights as a 'pleasure' version of the Lantillian Deluxe, with the project overseen by Project Engineer Shil Tervo. In 22 BBY, the corporation had to recall all GX1s with serial prefixes TRE-0034 through TRE5215 due to faulty electronics. Tervo released an apologetic statement, and revealed that thousands of GX1s had left the assembly line with malfunctioning Fabritech 7Y4 sensor suites, although Fabritech officials claimed that it was Lantillian mishandling that resulted in the hardware problems. Gymsnor-3 Light Freighter CL 6 Manufacturer: Corellispace Model: Gymsnor-3 Light Freighter Era: Reb+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: WEG Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters Type: Colossal Freighter Init -3; Senses Perception +6 HT-2200 Medium Freighter CL 6 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: HT-2200 Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG StarWars Adventure Journal #5 Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 10) Fort 28 +13 Armor HP 150 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 78 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser Cannons (1) +3 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +40 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 13), Fort 56; +13 armor HP 150 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 106 Speed fly 10 squares (max. velocity 750km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 laser cannons +2 Fighting space 12x12 squares (character scale) 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +38 Abilities Str 46 Dex 12 Con -- Int 13 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -3, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (Skilled) Passengers 4 Cargo 95 tons Consumables 1 month Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2, nav computer (+1) Availability Licensed Cost 76,000 Cr (19,000 used) Abilities Str 46 Dex 10 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +3 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The Gymsnor-3 light freighter was a long, segmented craft capable of transporting 95 tons of cargo. This light freighter was armed with a turret-mounted laser cannon which gave it better protection against pirate attacks than the old blaster cannons in the Gymsnor-2 light freighter, its precursor. In addition, the ship's entire forward cockpit module could be detached as an escape pod. Unfortunately, the placement of the laser gave it large blind spots which pirates could exploit. CorelliSpace designed this freighter to compete with the YT series produced by CEC, but these aspirations failed. The Gymsnor-3 was very rare outside Corellian space. Crew 2 (normal) Passengers 8 Cargo 800 tons Consumables 3 months Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), navcomputer Carried Craft None Payload None Availability Licensed Cost 240,000 Cr (110,000 used) Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: Though CEC expected the HT-2200 to be a very successful product, poor reviews and insufficient manufacturer support caused it to flop. Its slow speed and low maneuverability earned the HT-2200 a reputation for being "pirate bait." It its baseline configuration, the HT2200's advantages were offset by inadequate maneuvering thrusters, a low lift to mass ratio, and an overtaxed main power generator. Fortunately, these craft were as easy to modify as their smaller cousins. 5-10 Kappa-class Troop Shuttle J-type 327 Royal Starship CL 8 Manufacturer: Theed Palace Space Vessel Eng. Corps Model: J-type 327 Royal Starship Era: RoE+ Contributor: BoneGnawer Source: WOC Secrets of Naboo Type: Colossal space transport Init -6; Senses Perception +5 CL 9 Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems Model: Kappa-class Troop Shuttle Era: RoE+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG Rule of Engagement Type: Colossal (35 meters) space transport Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26 ; +12 armor HP 120 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 76 Speed fly 12 squares (max 850 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 double blaster cannons +4 (see below) repeating blaster cannons +4 (see below) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +38 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 13) Fort 30 +13 armor HP 180 DR 10 SR 45 Threshold 80 Speed fly 13 squares fly 3 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +20 Abilities Str 42 Dex 14 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Abilities Str 50 Dex 18 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +-6, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -6, Use Computer +5 Crew 4 (normal) Passengers 10 Cargo 4 metric tons Consumables 3 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1/2 (No Backup), Nav Computer Availability Rare/Restricted Cost NFS (Est. 365,000Cr) Capsule: The craft was reserved for use only by the Naboo sovereign and is a shining example of the marriage between art and design. The starship was designed to embody the glory of Naboo royalty which represented the noble spirit of the citizens of Naboo. Naboo engineers claim that the Royal Starship is actually composed of two major components: the spaceframe and all the other components. This spaceframe created by the skilled engineers of the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps is a single, long supple hull. The frame is covered in chromium, formerly used to shield starships from radiation but now used as a time-honored tradition. Crew 4 (skilled) Passengers 40 (troops) Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 1 month Carried Craft AT-PTs (where available) Hyperdrive x1 (backup x10), navcomputer Availability Military Cost NFS (est 129,000 Cr) Double blaster cannons (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 4d10x2 Repeating blaster cannons (pilot) Atk +4 Dmg 3d10 Capsule: The Kappa-class shuttle was a Galactic Republicera shuttle that possessed many features which were later incorporated into the Imperial Lambda-class shuttle. These features included the angled cockpit area with wide viewport, a ventral debarkation hatch, and three stubby stabilization fins. It was designed to transport troops directly into a hot landing zone. Its blaster cannons protected the shuttle during flight, while its repeating blaster cannons cleared its destined landing area of any enemy forces, thus allowing the shuttle to establish a safe zone for its carried platoon to disembark. 5-11 Katarn-class Boarding Shuttle CL 11 Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive Model: Katarn-class Boarding Shuttle Era: RoE+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG Rules of Engagement Type: Colossal (28 meters) space transport Init -1; Senses Perception +6 Kleeque-class Transport CL 12 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Modified Kleeque-class Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG Rules of Engagement Type: Colossal (frigate; 250 meters) space transport Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +13 armor HP 150 DR 15 SR 30 Threshold 78 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1050 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +4 (see below) Melee plasma torch boarding device +4 (see below) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +40 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 36; +11 armor HP 900 DR 15 SR 50 Threshold 136 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +5 (see below) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +53 Abilities Str 46 Dex 16 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -1, Use Computer +6 Crew 3 (skilled); Passengers 50 (troops) Cargo 500 kg; Consumables 1 day; Availability Military Cost 10,000 Cr (5,000 used) Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 5d10x2 Plasma torch boarding device (passenger) Atk +4 Dmg 8d10x5 (Damage not applied to hit points. If damage roll exceeds target's Damage Threshold, cutting begins. Cuts one meter by two meter hole in target ship's hull after one minute (10 rounds). Airtight boarding tube attaches in 30 seconds. (5 rounds) Capsule: The 28 meter-long Katarn-class boarding shuttle was a Rendili StarDrive design made with a nose-end airlock. It could carry up to 50 troops and 500 kg of equipment, with a crew requirement of 3 people. The enhanced structure of the shuttle allowed for the ramming of enemy vessels. Plasma torches mounted around the airlock could then open up a hole, which the airlock would seal itself around. In less than two minutes, boarding troops would be able to deploy into the target vessel. The Katarnclass´ only armament was one double laser cannon mounted at the front. It could carry up to 50 troops and 500 kg of equipment, with a crew requirement of 3 people. Abilities Str 62, Dex 14, Con --, Int 16 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 16 (skilled) Passengers 1,000 (troops) Cargo 5,000 tons Consumables 1 month Hyperdrive x2 (backup x10), navcomputer Availability Licensed Cost NFS (est 450,000 Cr) Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg 5d10x2 Capsule: The Kleeque-class transport was a medium range transport vessel for military personnel and equipment. During the Galactic Civil War, many Kleeque-class vessels could be found in the hands of the Rebel Alliance. Originally designed as an inter-system ferry, Rebel Kleeque-class vessels were modified into regimental troopships. Though they were never intended to enter space combat, they were often used to run blockades and make landings in contested territory. Echo Base on Hoth had six Kleequeclass transports on standby for evacuation in addition to their fleet of thirty GR-75 medium transports. All six Kleeque-class transports were destroyed trying to run the Imperial blockade of the planet. 5-12 Blaster cannons (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 5d10x2 Laser cannons (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 2d10x2 Capsule: It was designed by former Cygnus Spaceworks employees who were lured away by Sienar Fleet Systems, which promised them high salaries, a portion of future profits, and even personal star yachts. Although these shuttles were primarily manufactured by Sienar, Cygnus was subcontracted to build a more heavily armed military version. It was the immediate successor of the Theta-class shuttle, and was first introduced in 19 BBY at some point after the Imperial subjugation of Kashyyyk. With the fall of the Empire, Cygnus also manufactured a variant of the shuttle similar to the original version. The Lambda also found itself used by various sectorial and planetary security forces including the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Jacen Solo and Ben Skywalker used an armed Lambda-class variant during their mission to Adumar in 40 ABY. Lambda-class Shuttle CL 7 Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems Model: Lambda Class Shuttle Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal space transport Init -2; Senses perception +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26 +12 Armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 76 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged Blaster cannons +4 (see below) and laser cannons +4 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +36 Abilities Str 42 Dex 14 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 to 6 (skilled) Passengers 20 Cargo 80 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1 (backup x10), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS, est 240,000 Cr new Lone Scout – A CL 6 Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems Model: Lone Scout-A Era: RoE+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: WEG Star Wars The Roleplaying Game, 2ed Type: Colossal space transport Init -4; Senses Perception +6 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26; +12 armor HP 120 DR 15 SR 20 Threshold 76 Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 850km/h) 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Laser Cannons +3 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +38 Atk Options autofire (1 Laser Cannons) Abilities Str 42 Dex 10 Con -- Int 12 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -4, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (Skilled) 5-13 Passengers 3 Cargo 150 tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft none Payload None Hyperdrive x2 (backup x15) Availability Licensed Cost 125,000 (30,000) (-18 against targets smaller than Colossal) **plus additional depending on attached modules. For live animals, a module pod can carry 60 small creatures, 30 medium creatures, 15 large creatures, 7 huge creatures, 3 gargantuan creatures, or 1 colossal creature. 1 Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: A unique design that was made by a joint effort between the Naboo and Gungan people, led by Chief Capsule: The Lone Scout-A was a scout starship produced Science Advisor Graf Zapalo. The design came to fruition by Republic Sienar Systems and later Sienar Fleet Systems during the attempt to colonize the moon of Naboo. The Mantaris Medium Transport was the Gungans' principle under the name "Sienar Ships". A civilian variant of the TIE/sr starfighter, the Scout-A was designed to be operated means of transport between worlds. Being a joint venture, the design reflected the artistic qualities of both races and by a crew of one, but could carry three passengers, and were remarkably adaptable to different environments, which carried enough consumables for a full year of operation. It included atmospheric flight, space and underwater. The had space to carry 150 metric tons of cargo in its 60 cubic meter hold. It was equipped with a Class 2 hyperdrive (with basic frame was based on a Gungan cargo submersible a Class 15 backup hyperdrive), a high-quality sensor array, and was enhanced by Naboo engineers to make it space worthy and included bubble shaped modular sections. This shields, and a single laser cannon for defense. allowed a cargo capacity increase of 100 metric tons, or add 30 people or hold wildlife in the cargo bay. This allowed the Mantaris Medium Transport to carry four pods at a time. It could also carry ER-1 probe droids. Mantaris-class Transport CL 7 Manufacturer: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps in conjunction with Otoh Gunga Bongowerks Model: Mantaris-class amphibious medium transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: RobShanti Source: Type: Colossal (frigate) 68m long w/30m heat sink fins Init -8; Senses Perception +0 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 38 +12 Armor HP 120 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 138 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +43 Abilities Str 66 Dex 15 Int 14 Skills Initiative -8, Mechanics +0, Perception +0, Pilot -8, Use Computer +0 Crew 5 (1 pilot, 1 navigator/shield operator, 1 communications/security officer, 1 engineer/gunner, 1 astromech droid). Passengers 20** Cargo Capacity: 250 tons** Consumables 3 months** Hyperdrive x2 (backup x8), Nav Computer Availability prototype Cost 280,000 credits Concussion Missile Launchers (1 gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 7d10x2, 4 square splash MC-18 Light Freighter CL 8 Manufacturer: MonCal Shipyards Model: MC-18 Light Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: MasterDekSoran Source: WEG Star Wars Adventure Journal 13 Type: Colossal space transport Init : -5; Senses: Perception +5 Defense Ref 12 (12 flat footed) Fort 26 +12 armor HP 75 DR 10 SR: 25 threshold 76 Speed fly 12 squares (max velocity 800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged twin laser cannon turrets +2 (see below) fighting space: 12x12; or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +36 Abilities Str 42 Dex 10 Int 16 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +6, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use computer +6 Crew 1 5-14 Passengers 5 Cargo 50 tons Consumables 2 months Carried craft none Hyperdrive x1 (x10 backup), Nav Computer Availibity Licensed Cost 367,000 (91,750 used) Abilities Str 44 Dex 10 Con -- Int 12 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Laser Cannon (pilot or gunner, top turret) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Crew 2 (Normal); Passengers 8 Cargo 150 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none * The MC-18 is submersible (maximum depth 1,000 meters) Payload None and has a speed of 70 meters/round when underwater. Hyperdrive x2 Backup x15 When submerged, its shields must be reconfigured to Availability Licensed Cost 60,000 Cr (20,000 Cr used) handle the strong exterior pressure and this weakens the shields vs. other attacks (shield rating is reduced to 5). The 2 Light Laser Cannons (copilot) shield rating returns to a maximum of 25 once above water. Atk +1 (-4 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 The MC18 measured 23.6 meters in length, and could transport up to five passengers and 50 metric tons of cargo. Capsule: Nova-Drive sub-licensed the manufacturing plans Like all Mon Calamari designs, the MC18 was custom-built, of Corellian Engineering Corporation's YT-1200 a few and no two ships were exactly the same. It also was months after the latter company phased it out in favor of equipped with a backup shield generator, as was standard later production models. Though CEC deemed the line too Mon Calamari practice. It has a landing claw, standard dated for active production, Nova-Drive saw an opportunity landing gear, and inflatable puncture-proof pontoons for to upgrade the design to make it competitive with current water landings. offerings in the independent spacer market.The hull was stretched and reinforced, allowing for more powerful Capsule: The MC18 light freighter was a Mon Calamari engines, larger cargo bays, and more spacious living Shipyards transport vessel. The MC18 measured 23.6 quarters. The 3-Z is as fast at sublight speeds as a stock meters in length, and could transport up to five passengers YT-1300, and features some moderate improvements over and 50 metric tons of cargo. Like all Mon Calamari designs, the YT-1300--the central-dorsal mounted sensor dish the MC18 was custom-built, and no two ships were exactly provides an excellent scanning radius; the standard portthe same. It also was equipped with a backup shield starboard mounted laser cannons provides excellent generator, as was standard Mon Calamari practice. forward-above-below-rear firing arcs; and the forwardopening cargo bay allows easy access to the cargo bays. Additionally, the cockpit featured a more open cockpit canopy than the YT-1300, and the primary escape pod is in the primary crew area. Because Nova-Drive did not have to include R&D costs in the price tag, the Nova-Drive 3-Z is priced very competitively. CEC has been surprised to discover that its cast-off design, revamped and upgraded, is giving its current YT offerings a run for their money. Nova Drive 3-Z light freighter CL 7 Manufacturer: Nova Drive Model: 3-Z Light Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: WEG Stock Ships Type: Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12) Fort 27 +12 armor HP 140 DR 15 SR 20 Threshold 77 Sith Personal Transport Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 800km/h) 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 Light Laser Cannons +1 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +37 Atk Options autofire (2 Light Laser Cannons) Manufacturer: StarForge Model: Sith Personal Transport Era: KoTOR Contributor: ShadoWarrior Source: Type: Colossal space transport 5-15 CL 11 Init : -5; Senses: Perception +5 Abilities Str 36 Dex 16 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Defense Ref 10 (flat-footed 10) Fort 34; +10 armor HP 250 DR 15 SR 75 Threshold 84 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 350 km/hr) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged blaster cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space: 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover: total Base Atk +2 Grp +46 Atk Options: autofire (blaster cannons) Crew 1 (normal); Passengers 10 Cargo 100 tons Consumables 1 month Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (backup x14), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 250,000 new (150,000 used) Abilities Str 59 Dex 10 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 4 (normal) Passengers 250 Cargo 250 tons Consumables 6 weeks Carried Craft none Hyperdive x4 Availability Restricted Cost 570,000 (155,000 used) Capsule: The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travelers rather than cargo and far more luxurious. Kohl Seerdon, the local moff of Gerrard V, kept a number of these yachts. They were used during the Second Battle of Gerrard V to steal the citizens' rightful treasures but his attempt was thwarted by Rogue Squadron. Lando Calrissian had one named the Lady Luck. Blaster cannons (gunner) Atk +2 (-3 autofire) Dmg 2d10x2 Capsule: The Sith freighter was a light freighter created by the Star Forge for use in the Jedi Civil War. In the service of the Sith Empire, these freighters were one of the most commonly seen in the war effort, along with the Republic military droid carrier. They were used to ship equipment to and from planets, including the precious kolto of Manaan. The craft were lightly armed with two turbolasers. They might also have stood in as bombing craft or gunships. Starlight-class Freighter SS Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 CL 6 Manufacturer: SoroSuub Model: Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 Era: RoE+ Contributor: Natsuumi Source: WEG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook Type: Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11) Fort 23 +11 armor HP 80 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 73 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +33 Manufacturer: Rendili-Surron Model: Starlight-class Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: WEG Beggar's Solace Type: Colossal space transport Init -3; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 9 (flat-footed 7), Fort 26; +7 armor HP 120; DR 15; SR 15; Threshold 76 Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 800km/h) 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 blaster cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 (starship scale); Cover Total Base Atk +0; Grp +36 Atk Options autofire (1 blaster cannons) Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Con --, Int 14 5-16 CL 6 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3, Use Computer +5 Abilities Str 38 Dex 17 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +4 (+13*), Perception +3 (+3*), Pilot +5, Use Computer +9 (+13*) Crew 2 (normal); Passengers 4 Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 3 weeks; Carried Craft none Payload none Hyperdrive x2 backup x12 Availability Licensed; Cost (26000 used only) Crew 1 plus astromech droid (RX-S0 "Rexso") Passengers 40 Cargo 45 tons Consumables 1 Month Carried Craft None Hyperdrive x1.5 (backup x12), nav computer, and 10-jump memory (astromech droid) Availability Licensed; Cost NFS (unique) * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead 1 blaster cannons (gunner) Atk +2 (-3 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 Capsule: The Starlight-class light freighter was a light freighter produced by Rendili StarDrive in conjunction with Surron StarTech. It proved to be the last design produced by Rendili-Surron. The Starlight-class was designed in the shape of a flying wing, measuring thirty-four meters in length. The cockpit was located at one end of the curved wing, with a turret-mounted blaster cannon mounted on the opposite end. The vessel could carry up to four passengers and fifty metric tons of cargo. Its interior was spartan with limited living space. StarSpeeder 3000 Manufacturer: Model: StarSpeeder 3000 Era: Reb+ Contributor: Graybacca Source: Type: Gargantuan space transport Init +5; Senses Perception +3 Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 11) Fort 22 +6 armor HP 90 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 42 CL 6 2 twin light blaster cannons (pilot) Atk +3 (-2 autofire) Dmg 3d10+0x2 Capsule: The Starspeeder-3000 is a small freighter used by many transport companies throughout the galaxy, mainly for passenger transport. Some transporters don't like it due to its odd shape, resembling a long box. This is merely an aesthetics question because it could be a pretty good ship for trading. It has a better than average hyperdrive which gives it a head start over other vessels with a similar purpose. It excels even at sublight speeds and it can go toe to toe with any fighter when it comes to maneuverability. Also, cargo space should be enough for a small scale independent captain. On the other hand, it is poorly armoured and has fairly weak shields, making it vulnerable to attacks, so it is not meant to be used in the more dangerous systems. So, although it could be used as a trading ship, the Starspeeder-3000 is really designed for routine safe journeys, such as passengers traveling between two systems or tourism. It doesn't even need a pilot. With the optional aid of an astromech droid who fits in its own socket on top of the ship, it can be piloted by the dependable RX droid. The production companies responsible for the RX-series gave the older but proven RX an overhaul to fit snuggly in the cockpit, leaving as much room as possible for the passengers. Its personality makes sure they have an enjoyable time but when it comes to flying, the RX means serious business. Models adapted especially for passenger transport have features such as seats with extra padding and incorporated holo-viewers so they can watch the latest shows or follow up on the stockmarkets. There is even a basic dispenser of food and beverages suiting the taste of the majority of sentients but it is not designed for the more demanding passengers. Although comfortable, the Starspeeder-3000 lacks the luxury or the streamlines of other ships. Speed 16 squares (max. velocity 1000km/h) 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 twin light blaster cannons +3 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +27 Atk Options autofire (2 blaster cannons) 5-17 compartment was equipped with a fold-away door, allowing the shuttle to quickly launch its troopers into space. Telgorn Corp Assault Shuttle CL 14 Manufacturer: Telgorn Corp Model: Gamma-class assault shuttle Era: RoE+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG Star Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal space transport Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 25 +12 armor HP 110 DR 15 SR 70 Threshold 75 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1050 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 pairs of laser cannon turrets +6 (see below) or Ranged concussion missiles +6 (see below) or Ranged tractor beam +6 (see below) Fighting space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +37 Theta-class T-2c Transport Abilities Str 40 Dex 18 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +6 Crew 5 (skilled) Passengers 40 (spacetroopers) Cargo 5 tons Consumables 1 week Payload 15 concussion missiles Hyperdrive x2 (backup x18), nav comp w/mem for 3 jumps Availability Military Cost NFS Laser cannons (gunner) Atk +6 (autofire +1) Dmg 5d10x2 Concussion missiles (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg 8d10x2, 4-square splash Tractor beam (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg -- (grapple +37) Capsule: In a standard operation, a Gamma-class assault shuttle would pull up near an enemy ship and take hold of it with either its tractor beam or power harpoon. It would then launch its spacetroopers to seize control of the vessel, sometimes crippling the ship beforehand with a few wellplaced turbolaser shots. These ships were composed of three sections. The first section was the command crew cockpit, where a crew of five not only controlled the shuttle, but monitored its spacetroopers as well. The second section, the main body, was where the spacetroopers were carried. There were forty holding compartments for spacetrooper armor, enough for an entire platoon. While being stored in the assault shuttle, the spacetroopers' power armor was constantly being recharged. Each CL 7 Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks Model: Theta-class T-2c Personnel Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: Source: WoC Starships Preview Type: Gargantuan space transport Init +3; Perception +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26 +7 armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 20 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 2,000 km/hr) fly 6 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 quad laser cannons +4 (6d10x2) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +33 Atk Options autofire (quad laser cannons) Abilities Str 42 Dex 14 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 to 5 (skilled) Passengers 16 Cargo 50 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1 (backup x15), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS (Est 120,000 new) Quadlaser cannons (gunner) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2 Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 4d10x2 5-18 Capsule: The Cygnus Spaceworks Theta-class T-2c shuttle was a tri-winged personnel transport craft, most often used by influential senators, officers, and courtiers to travel between planets and starships while maintaining high levels of security, used around the time of the Rise of the Empire. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine used a Theta-class shuttle as a personal transport when attending to off-world matters during the Clone Wars. Though the Theta-class shuttle served the Empire and Palpatine well, it was later replaced by the more advanced Lambda-class. Even so, Theta-class shuttles were still used by the Empire as support vessels, alongside older models like the Kappa-class shuttles. TL-1800 Transport Trilon Mining Barque CL 9 Manufacturer: Trilon Systems Model: Mining Barque Era: RoE+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: WEG Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts Type: Colossal (Frigate) space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 15 (Flat-footed 12) Fort 26 +12 Armor HP 120 DR 15 SR 30 Threshold 76 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannons +2 (4d10x2) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +36 Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 30 +11 armor HP 90 DR 15 SR 15 Threshold 80 Abilities Str 42 Dex 16 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +5, Perception + 7, Pilot -2, Use Computer +7 Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The wide-bodied 30 meter long ship could carry 110 tons of cargo in its internal cargo bay, but could also attach four external cargo pods to its hull, which each had an additional capacity of 100 tons. This gave the TL-1800 an exceptional cargo capacity for its size, exceeding that of significantly larger ships such as the Etti-class light transport and the YZ-775. However, these pods reduced the already sluggish freighter's limited speed and maneuverability, and only one pod could be carried during atmospheric flight. The TL-1800 was also notable for its highly efficient Y-v-6 sublight engines and StarBurn 4 hyperdrive, which could operate for a year or more without a major overhaul. CL 7 Manufacturer: Suwantek Systems Model: TL-1800 freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: Jindy Source: WEG Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 Type: Colossal (30 meters long) Init -2; Senses Perception +7 Crew 1-2 (normal) Passengers 7 Cargo 110 metric tons Consumables 3 months Carried Craft n/a Hyperdrive x2 (backup x100 Availability Licensed Cost 28,000 Used Notes: The wide-bodied 30 meter long ship could carry 110 tons of cargo in its internal cargo bay, but could also attach four external cargo pods to its hull, which each had an additional capacity of 100 tons. Only one pod can be attached in atmospheric flight, and attaching 1 or more pods reduces the TL-1800’s speed by ½. Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 400km/h) 1 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Turbolasers +1 (see below) and 1 Heavy Mining Lasers +1 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 (starship scale) Cover Total Base Atk +0 Grp +40 Abilities Str 51 Dex 10 Con -- Int 12 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 3 (Normal) Passengers 6 Cargo 3000 tons Consumables 4 months 5-19 Carried Craft None Hyperdrive x4 Backup x9 Availability Restricted Cost (Unknown not included in original source,.) Hyperdrive x1 (backup x11), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 300,000 (175,000 used) Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 1 Turbolasers (pilot) Atk +1; Dmg 2d10x2 1 Heavy Mining Lasers (gunner) (Fire Arc: down only) Atk +1; Dmg 3d10x10 Capsule: The VCX-350 light freighter was a 31-meter-long light freighter produced by Corellian Engineering Corporation, with an eye toward wealthier customers than those who typically bought the YT and YV series freighters. Notes:* the Heavy Mining Lasers is designed for strip Like the rest of the VCX series, the VCX-350 was equipped mining on planets, it has been adopted by unscrupulous as standard with near-military grade engines, shields, and scouts and pirates As a deadly ship destroying weapon. If a weapons. pilot can "land" it on top of another vessel -- or fly right While its armament consisted only of a dual laser cannon above it -- the laser can cut through the hull of most small turret, the lasers were more powerful than would normally ships quite easily. be found on unmodified civilian vessels. The VCX-350 had room for up to 250 metric tons of cargo, and also featured far more luxurious accommodations for its crew and passengers than could be found on most light freighters. VCX-350 Light Freighter CL 7 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: VCX-350 Light Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: ??? Source: WoC Star Wars Gamer 2 Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 11 (flat-footed 11) Fort 27; +12 Armor HP 150 DR 10 SR 30 Threshold 77 Speed fly 14 squares (max. velocity 990 km/h), fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannon +3 (4d10x2, gunner) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +37 Abilities Str 44 Dex 8 Con -- Int 17 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 2 (normal) Passengers 8 Cargo 250 tons Consumables 6 months Carried Craft none Wayfarer-Class Med Transport CL 11 Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering Model: Wayfarer-class medium transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: Polyhedron 157 Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -4; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 12(flat footed 12) Fort 28 +12 Armor HP 140 DR 15 SR 45 Threshold 78 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 830 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below) and quad laser cannon +4 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +38 Abilities Str 44 Dex 10 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -4, Use Computer +6 Crew 10 (skilled) 5-20 Passengers 6 Cargo 220 tons Consumables 3 months Carried Craft varies (2 huge star fighters) Hyperdrive x2 (backup x14) , nav computer Availability licensed Cost 350,000 Cr (150,000 Used) Ranged Laser Cannon +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12X28 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover Total Base Atk As per Crew Quality Grp +40 Laser cannons (gunner) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 5d10 x2 Quad laser cannon (gunner) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2 Abilities Str 40 Dex 18 Con- Int 14 Skills Initiative –6, Mechanics (As per crew), Perception (As per crew), Pilot (As per crew), Use Computer (As per crew) Capsule: The Wayfarer-class medium transport is constructed with a detachable portside section originally intended for modular reconfiguration. Kuat Systems Engineering (a now-folded subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards) designed the Wayfarer so that it could load a passenger section, a hangar bay, or cargo module. Production costs force KSE to scale back their plans and create only the hangar bay module, which, for most owners (who generally don’t store fighter craft anyway), serves as cargo space. A few prototypes and custom builds of other modules exist, but are hard to find, limited primarily to bulk commerce corporate shipping operations centered on well-developed metropolitan planets like Coruscant. The versatility offered by the detachable section was initially exciting, until it was revealed that the design could not accept standard cargo containers. This, combined with a high price tag, ensured the demise of the Wayfarer-class’s production. Despite the flaws that kept the Wayfarer from becoming a huge commercial success, the ship’s versatility makes it a wellrounded vessel for any buyer. Crew 2 (normal) Passengers 8 Cargo 115 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive X3 (backup X15), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 37,500 XS-800 Light Freighter Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: XS-800 Light Freighter Era: RoE+ Contributor: R2-DS Source: WEG Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -6; Senses Perception (As per crew quality) Defense Ref 11 (Flat Footed 3) Fort 36 +7 Armor HP 110 DR 15 Threshold 86 Speed fly 16 squares (max velocity 1000 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Double Laser Cannon +2 (see below) Double Laser Cannon (pilot) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10X2 Laser Cannon (Gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 2d10X2 Capsule: The XS-800 light freighter was designed and introduced several years BBY. The biggest advantage of this ship was the passengers' comfort. Personal refresher stations, independent climate control for each quarters, and fold-out bunks made it a very comfortable ship for long journeys. Also, the cockpit was designed to separate from the ship and land on planet when there was no other way to rescue passengers and crew. Safety was also guaranteed by its double laser cannon. It was capable of transporting 115 tons of cargo. CL 7 YG-4210 Transport Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: YG-4210 Transport Era: OR+ Contributor: darthvour Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 12) Fort 18 +12 armor 5-21 CL 6 HP 120 DR 15 Threshold 18 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h) fly 2 square (starship scale) Ranged 2 Laser Cannons (Fire Linked) +2 Fighting space 8x16 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +34 Speed fly 12 squares (max. 750 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged blaster cannons +2 (see below) and light ion cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +28 Abilities Str 39 Dex 14 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Abilities Str 27, Dex 10, Con –, Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 2 (normal) Passengers 6 Cargo 90 tons Consumables 1 month Hyperdrive x2 (backup x8), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 74,000 (15,000 used) Crew 4 (normal); Passengers 12 Cargo 25 tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft escape pod Hyperdrive x3, nav computer Availability licensed Cost 40,000 (used) 2 Fire Linked Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 5d10x2 Capsule: This early model of transport from Corellian Engineering Corporation varies greatly in design from the general concept of the later ships in the YT series of transports. Slender and long, this ship looks like a loaf of Light Ion Cannons (gunner) bread sliced lengthwise along each side; essentially, a long, Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 ion slender center section with two engine nacelles on either Capsule: The YG-4210 light freighter, built by the Corellian side providing thrust. The ship saw a good amount of use during the days of the Old Republic, as like most CEC Engineering Corporation, was a very old ship model, designs it was easily modified. Almost nothing in the ship's predating the famous YT series by several decades. design, save for a few core systems, was unalterable, and Designed specifically for space exploration rather than smugglers, pirates, merchants, and other spacefaring combat, the freighter was originally unarmed. However, after centuries of serving, most likely none of them matched entrepreneurs took advantage of this and turned their ships into a personalized transport that suited their needs the original specifications. Weapons such as blasters, ion perfectly. cannons and concussion missiles were common in these modified vehicles. Blaster Cannons (gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 YT-1150 Light Transport Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: YT-1500 Transport Era: OR+ Contributor: MalHavok Source: Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 24; +12 armor hp 100; DR 15; SR 20; Threshold 74 CL 7 YT-1760 Light Transport CL 6 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: YT-1760 Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WoC Star Wars Gamer 2 Type: Colossal Space Transport 5-22 Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 12 ) Fort +24 +12 Armor HP 90 DR 10 Threshold 74 Speed fly 14 squares (max. velocity 990 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged None Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +34 Abilities Str 38 Dex 10 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 1 (normal) Passengers 8 Cargo 20 tons; Consumables 2 months; Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x1 (backup x12), nav computer Availability Licensed Cost 80,000 (20,000 used) YT-1930 Transport Capsule: Released around the time of the Battle of Naboo, the YT-1760 was part of the popular YT series, intended to correct some of the shortcomings of its predecessors. Though it succeeded in improving on the slower sublight and hyperdrive speeds of older models, it did so at the cost of cargo capacity and defense capability. The YT-1760 was released with no weapons and no combat shields, and its hull was less sturdy than many of its predecessors. The larger drive systems had already reduced the cargo capacity to a tenth of the YT-1300's, but most YT-1760 owners decided to trade a little of their remaining cargo room for commercial-grade shield generators. Fortunately, the YT-1760 shared the easy upgradeability of other YT series ships, and it was also common for owners to add a pair of quad laser cannons. Some YT-1760 captains chose to replace the spartan passenger accommodations with more comfortable staterooms, though this reduced the passenger capacity from eight beings to four. Although few large commercial concerns purchased YT-1760s, they were fairly popular with independent traders. Their high maintenance requirements caused most YT-1760s to be scrapped by the time of the Galactic Civil War, but some operators still preferred them to newer ships. CL 7 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: YT-1930 Transport Era: Reb+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WEG Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -5; Senses +5 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +13 Armor HP 150 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 78 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +38 Abilities Str 46 Dex 10 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew 2 (normal) Passengers 6 Cargo 200 tons Consumables 4 months Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (x12 backup), nav computer Availability licensed Cost 135,000 Cr ( 34,000 used) Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The YT-1930 was a moderately successful YT series light freighter that was released by the Corellian Engineering Corporation shortly before the Battle of Yavin. The design of the YT-1930 was a variant on the successful YT-1300 light freighter, but placed the cockpit along the centerline of the ship, and added two wedge-shaped cargo areas at the rear to double the cargo capacity of its predecessor. Most came with a single laser cannon turret. Though some considered it to be the pinnacle of the YT 5-23 series, the YT-1930 never gained the following the older freighter design had. YT-2000 Transport docking and maneuvering was made easier as opposed to having to gauge distance to the far side of the ship. Additionally, the ship boasted a double laser turret as standard weaponry, due to the more dangerous times in which the ship was built. Rumors abounded that the YT2000 was originally intended to be the "next generation" model of transports for Corellian Engineering Corporation; however, industrial espionage forced them to release the ship before the design was finalized lest they were beaten to the punch by a competitor. It was also rumored that the engineers at CEC had trouble convincing the Imperial Regulatory Commission that the YT-2000 was a civilian ship, as the YT-2000 was heavily armed and armored and yet was amazingly agile for a craft of its size. CL 9 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: YT-2000 Transport Era: Reb+ Contributor: MasterDekSoran Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init : -5; Senses: +5 YT-2400 Transport Defense: Ref 12 (12 flat footed) Fort 26 +12 armor HP: 120 DR: 15 SR: 10 Threshold: 76 CL 10 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: YT-2000 Transport Era: Reb+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init : -5; Senses: +5 Speed: fly 12 squares (max velocity 800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged: twin laser cannon turrets +2 (see below) Fighting Space: 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total BAB +0 Grp: +36 Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26 +12 Armor HP 120 DR 10 SR 30 Threshold 76 Abilities: Str 42 Dex 10 Int 14 Skills: Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Crew: 4 Passengers: 4 Cargo: 125 tons; consumables: 2 months Carried Craft: none Hyperdrive: x2 (x12 backup), Availability: licensed; cost: 176,500CR (44,125CR used) Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 810 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannon +2 Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +36 Abilities Str 42 Dex 10 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5 Twin Laser Cannons (gunners, top and bottom turrets) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Crew 2 (normal) Passengers 6 Cargo 150 tons Consumables 2 months; Carried Craft 2 escape pods Capsule: The cockpit was situated in the center of the craft, Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), nav computer unlike the YT-2000's predecessors. The cockpit also had a Availability licensed Cost 130,000 (32,000 used) different set-up. Instead of having the pilot and co-pilot side by side, the pilot sat in front while the co-pilot was situated Laser cannon (gunner) behind and raised above the pilot, with no room for any Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 other people in the cockpit. Even with all of these changes, the YT-2000 still maintained the traditional YT series saucer Capsule: Stock YT-2400s were 21 meters in length, design. With the cockpit pod in the center of the ship, required two pilots, and were armed with a single laser 5-24 cannon turret, although the ship was easily customized for modifications to the stock frame. Thus, the design was favored by mercenaries and smugglers, or any other being in need of a well-armed "transport". The YT-2400 freighter was mainly used for smuggling duty. The ship featured the trademark saucer-shaped hull of the YT series, and, like most Corellian designs, was fast, tough, and endlessly modifiable. With thick armor plating and bulky engines, the YT-2400 could easily handle the strain of deep-space combat. The vessel had power to spare and an oversize hull begging for hot-rodded engines and powerful weapons. The YT-2400 featured a rounded hull with a pair of starboard bracing arms that connected to the cockpit compartment, which was essentially a long tube. The aft section of the cockpit tube contained the primary escape pod, which seated six. The bracing arm's interior space generally was used for crew quarters and living space. The rounded hull area was devoted to cargo holds and ship's systems. In practice, much of the interior hull space was taken up by modified engines, power generators, weapons systems, and all the other illegal goodies any selfrespecting smuggling ship needed. A second escape pod, as well as the airlock, was located on the far side of the cargo compartment, directly opposite the bracing arms. Abilities Str 54 Dex 14 Int 16 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics+7, Perception+5, Pilot -3, Use Computers+7 Crew 8 Passengers 14 Cargo 400 Consumables 6 months Payload 12 Hyperdrive x1(x12) Nav Computer Availability Licensed Cost 500,000 (350,000 used) Turbolaser [Partial Turret TOP Front, Right, Left] Atk +17 Dmg 5d10x5 2 Twin Laser Cannons (2)*- 2 Rapid fire (-5 Auto Fire) Full Turret [SIDES] Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 (5d10x2 Rapid fire) Proton Torpedoes (2)**+5 Targeting Computer (uses 2 Torpedoes) [FRONT] Atk +2 Dmg 9d10x2 *-20 vs smaller then colossal **The YZ-775’s Proton Torpedoes are equipped with a Targeting Computer that allows both torpedo tubes to launch simultaneously at the expense of 2 torpedoes. Capsule: The YZ-775 freighter was a freighter produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The 52-meter-long ship was one of the largest vessels to be classified as a "light freighter", and could carry 400 metric tons of cargo. Its design bore some resemblance to the CR90 corvette and Corellian gunship. The YZ-775 was armed with a double turbolaser turret, two double laser cannon turrets, and two proton torpedo tubes. Prominent YZ-775 freighters included Talon Karrde's Dawn Beat and Amanda Fallow, and Uldir Lochett's No Luck Required. It was favored by high-ranking Imperial Security Bureau agents. YZ-775 Freighter CL 13 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: YZ-775 Transport Era: Reb+ Contributor: dayspring156 Source: WoC Star Wars Gamer 2 Type: Colossal Space Transport (52 Meters) Init -3 Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 14 (Flat Footed 12) Fort 32 +12 Armor HP 210 DR 15 Threshold 82 Speed Fly 12 Squares Fly 2 Squares (Starship Scale) Ranged TurboLaser-3 (Vs Smaller then Colossal) or TurboLaser+17 (Vs Colossal) Ranged Twin Laser Cannon +2 (Single Fire) or Twin Laser Cannon +0 (Rapid Fire) Twin Laser Cannon -3 (Auto Fire) Character Scale Ranged Proton Torpedo +2 (Single launch) Proton Torpedo +7 (Double launch) Fighting Space 12x24 or 1 space (Starship Scale) Base Atk +0 Grp +42 Z-10 Seeker CL 7 Manufacturer: Starfield Industries Model: Z-10 Seeker Era: Reb+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: WEG Pirates and Privateers Type: Colossal space transport Init +1; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 11), Fort 24; +11 armor HP 90 DR 15 Threshold 74 5-25 Speed 16 squares (max. velocity 1000km/h) 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Autoblasters +2 (see below) Fighting Space 10x10 or 1 (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +0; Grp +34 Atk Options autofire (1 Autoblasters) Abilities Str 38, Dex 22, Con --, Int 14 Skills Initiative +1, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +1, Use Computer +5 Crew 1(Nornal); Passengers 2 Cargo 45 tons Consumables 2 months Carried Craft none Payload none Hyperdrive x1 backup x12 Availability Licensed; Cost 86,000 (69,000 used) 1 Autoblasters (pilot) Atk +2 (-3 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 Weakness: if sensors are damaged intelligence drops to 10, Add +10 to All modification DC. Note: the Z-10 Carry's 5 tons of cargo internal the rest is carried in 2 external cargo bay each able to carry 20 tons. if cargo pods are detached increase Dex to 24 and space speed to 5 Capsule: Though unshielded, the craft had a Fabritech ANx-y/2 sensor cluster and a forward BlasTech Prm-3 pulse laser cannon. The Seeker was created as a replacement to the Vangaard Industries Pathfinder. It was used as a scout by the Scout Force or as a courier in the Outer Rim by private interests and criminals. 5-26 Capital Ships and Frigates Ships of this class are typically designed for fleet warfare, often positioned in armadas stationed in high orbit around a strategic planet. They usually form the primary attack groups in most fleets. These vessels were commonly fitted with ship-to-ship and anti-fighter defensive weaponry, ranging from heavy ion cannons to turbolaser turrets. Many capital ship classes also served as carriers and were able to deploy starfighters, landing craft, and other resources as required. Given their size, capital ships employed relatively numerous crews, employing in some instances thousands of beings. An example was the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, which was 1,600 meters long and required a crew of 37,000 to operate at full efficiency. There were also examples that utilized a much smaller number of active personnel, whether by means of advanced control systems or simply necessity, as in the cases of Katana Fleet and Errant Venture, respectively. It also includes non armed vessels of enormous size. Acclamator I-class Assault Ship CL 18 Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering Model: Acclamator I-class assault ship Era: RoE+ Contributor: darthvour Source: WoC Coruscant and the Core Worlds Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship Init -1; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 11) Fort 48 +11 armor HP 960 DR 20 SR 120 Threshold 248 Speed fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 turbolaser batteries +15* (see below) and 6 point-defense laser cannon batteries +11 (see below) and 4 assault concussion missiles +5* (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +70 Abilities Str 86 Dex 16 Con – Int 16 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -1, Use Computer +6 Crew 700 (skilled) Passengers 16,000 Cargo 2,000 tons; Consumables 20 days; -Carried Craft [Assault Lander Variant] 6-1 48 AT-TE walkers, 80 LAAT gunships, 320 speeder bikes, 36 SPHA walkers -Carried Craft [Fighter Carrier Variant] 156 V-19 Torrent starfighters Payload 80 proton torpedoes Hyperdrive x2 (backup x10), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS (est 300 Million RCr) *apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size Turbolaser Battery (6 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 6d10x5 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal) Point-Defense Laser Cannon Battery (4 gunners) Atk +11 Dmg 2d10x2 Assault Concussion Missiles (4 gunners) Atk +5 Dmg 9d10x5, 9-square splash (-15 against targets smaller than Colossal) Capsule: The Acclamator I-class assault ship, also known as the Republic assault ship,Acclamator I-class Star Destroyer, or Acclamator I-class medium frigate, was a starship created for the Galactic Republic by Rothana Heavy Engineering. It was the predecessor of the Star Destroyer line. An older design saw duty as a warship in the years prior to the Invasion of Naboo. These ships also had a sleek shape and some of their top armor was removed to make room for massive turbolasers. Another design, and possibly a direct predecessor to the Acclamator itself, was seen in an important system performing fleetmaneuvers with other warships, sometime after 32 BBY. In their first engagement at the Battle of Geonosis, the Acclamator I-class proved pivotal in the Republic victory, delivering legions of clone troopers to the battlefield while a large Republic fleet engaged the Separatist fleet in orbit. Just after the Battle of Geonosis, the Republic ordered 1,000 more of them. At least as of 21 BBY, all Acclamators were completely crewed by clones. Near the end of the Clone Wars, a more updated version, the Acclamator IIclass assault ship, was put into production. The two subclasses saw many battles in both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. Other Kuati designs complemented and supplanted the Acclamator-class, but the design was popular enough to continue service for decades. allowed for some variation between individual craft, the most common assault frigate configuration had large dorsal engine fins, and could operate with less than a third of the Dreadnaught's crew requirements thanks to extensive automation systems. Though the Mk. II model used the same basic Dreadnaught hull as the Mk. I, the Assault Frigate Mark IIs incorporated redundant deflector shields similar those in Mon Calamari Star Cruisers. Assault Frigate Mark II CL 19 Manufacturer: Rendili Stardrive Model: Assault Frigate Mark II Era: Reb+ Contributor: Source: Type: Colossal (frigate); 700m Init -3; Senses perception +5 Carrack-class Light Cruiser CL 16 Manufacturer: Damorian Manufacturing Corporation Model: Carrack-class light cruiser, Era: Reb+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12 ), Fort 38; +12 Armor HP 1200 DR 15 SR 120** Threshold 138 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 2x2 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +48 Abilities Str 66 Dex 14 Int 14 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3 , Use Computer +5 Crew 5000 (normal) Passengers 100 (troops) Cargo 7500 tons Consumables 1.5 years Carried Craft 1 gamma class shuttle Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS **Backup shield generators allow a re-roll of any failed mechanics check used to restore shields. The second roll must be taken regardless. Ranged Laser Cannon battery (1 gunners) Atk +7 Dmg 4d10x5 (-13 against targets smaller than Colossal) Ranged Quad Laser Canon Battery (2 gunners) Atk +7 Dmg 6d10x5 (-13 against targets smaller than Colossal) Ranged Turbolaser Battery (1 gunners) Atk +7 Dmg 4d10x5 (-13 against targets smaller than Colossal) *All weapon ranges are reduced by 1 due to power demands. Capsule: The Assault Frigate Mark II was a light warship that saw extensive service with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The Assault Frigate Mk. II was a further development of the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser modification project. Though the modification procedures 6-2 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 13) Fort 40 +13 armor HP 1,500 DR 15 SR 135 Threshold 140 Speed fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 10 laser cannons +6 5 heavy turbolasers +6* 5 tractor beams +6* Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +52 Abilities Str 70 Dex 18 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +6 Crew 1,092 (skilled) Passengers 142 (troops) Cargo 3,500 tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft 4 TIE Fighters (external) Hyperdrive x1 (backup x12), navcomputer Availability Military Cost NFS Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg 2d10x2 Heavy turbolaser* (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg 7d10x5 (-14 against targets Colossal or smaller) Tractor beam (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg –- (Grp +52) (-14 against targets Colossal or smaller) * Apply a -20 penalty to attacks against targets size Colossal or smaller Capsule: The Corellian gunship was one of the few dedicated warship designs produced by Corellian Capsule: The Carrack-class light cruiser, also known as the Engineering Corporation. Unlike its cousin, the CR90 Carrack-class gunship, was a cruiser first used by the corvette, the gunship had minimal cargo space and almost Republic Navy in the last years of the Galactic Republic, no space for passengers or troops. These small ships were including the Clone Wars. It was later an important addition designed to be only two things: fast and deadly. Engines to the Imperial Navy; although 350 meters long, the small consumed nearly half of the gunship's interior space. What combat cruisers were heavily armed and had a top speed little room was left was used for deflector shield generators that matched X-wing starfighters. and weapons. Armed with eight double turbolaser cannons, four concussion missile tubes, and six quad laser cannons, the Corellian gunship was effective against both larger capital ships as well as starfighters. These ships were 120 meters long. Each one carried a crew of 45, along with 46 gunners. They were equipped with Class 2 hyperdrives. Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Corellian Gunship CL16 Model: Gunship Era: RoE+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: WEG Rebel Sourcebook Type: Colossal (Frigate) Capital Ship Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 24 (flat-footed 20), Fort 39; +12 Armor HP 1,380 DR 15 SR 115 Threshold 139 Consular-class Space Cruiser Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 3 Heavy Double Turbolaser Batteries +12* (see below) and 2 Quad laser connon Batteries +8 (see below) and 2 Assault Concussion missile tube Batteries+12* (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +95 Abilities Str 68 Dex 18 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +10, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +10 Crew 30 to 165 (Skilled) Passengers None Cargo 3,000 tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2, nav computer (+3) Availability licensed Cost 4.8 million Cr (2.4 million used) *Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller the Colossal size. Heavy Double Turbolaser Batteries (4 Gunners) Atk +12 Dmg: 4d10x5 (-8 against targets smaller the Colossal) Quad laser connon Batteries (2 Gunners) Atk +8 Dmg: 5d10x2 Assault Concussion missile tube Batteries (2 Gunners) Atk +12 Dmg: 9d10x5, 8-square splash (-8 against targets smaller the Colossal) 6-3 CL 8 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Consular-class space cruiser Era: RoE+ Contributor: Greybacca Source: Type: Colossal (Frigate) Capital Ship Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 11) Fort 36 +11 Armor HP 990 DR 15 SR 90 Threshold 136 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 Medium Turbolaser Batteries +12* (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +53 Abilities Str 63 Dex 18 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +10, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +10 Crew 8 to 30 (Skilled) Passengers 16 to 150 Cargo 1,000 tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x2 (Backup x6), nav computer (+3) Availability licensed Cost 850,000 ( 550,000 used) *Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller then Colossal size. Medium Turbolaser Battery (3 Gunners) Atk +12 Dmg 5d10x5 (-8 against targets smaller then Colossal) Capsule: The Consular-class space cruiser was a starship designed and manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation and used by the Galactic Republic to transport Jedi and diplomats to troubled spots across the galaxy. Dreadnaught occupation and space combat used by the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, and various other organizations and governments. Dreadnaughts were in use since at least 100 BBY. The Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser was designed and developed by Rendili StarDrive for the Republic Judicial Forces at least 80 years prior to the Clone Wars and was based on a Mandalorian design, apparently by Rendili Star Systems. CL 14 Manufacturer: Rendili Star Drive Model: Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser Era: OR+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Dark Empire Sourcebook Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Eclipse-class Star Dreadnaught CL 24 Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Model: Eclipse-class Star Dreadnaught Era: Reb+ Contributor: HarmonysRage Source: WEG Dark Empire Sourcebook Type: Colossal (Station) Capital Ship (Star Dreadnaught) Init: -8 Senses (Perception) +10 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 53; +13 armor HP 1,700 DR 20 SR 115 Threshold 253 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 5 turbolaser cannons +6* 5 quad turbolaser batteries +6* 1 heavy turbolaser battery +14* Fighting space 2x2 squares (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +65 Defenses: REF 21 (Flatfooted 19), FORT 85 +19 Armor HP 4700 DR 30 SR 560 Threshold 585 Speed: Fly 2 Squares (Starship scale) Fighting Space: 10x10 squares (Starship scale) Cover: total Base Attack: +2 Grp: +111 Abilities: STR 161 DEX 14, CON -, INT 20 Skills: Initiative -8, Mechanics +8, Perception +10, Pilot -8, Use Compuer +8 Abilities Str 96 Dex 14 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 712,645, Passengers 150,000 (Troops) Cargo 600,000 Metric Tons Consumables 10 years Carried Craft: 700 Tie Fighters (Any variation), 100 AT-AT Walkers, 300 AT-ST Walkers, 50 Lambda Class Shuttles (Interior and exterior docking bays), 5 Pre-fabricated Garrison Bases Crew 16,210 (skilled) Passengers 3,000 (troops) Cargo 9,000 tons Consumables 2 years Carried Craft 1 shuttle, 12 TIEs (with Imperial-era refit) Hyperdrive x2 (backup x18), navcomputer Availability Military Cost NFS * Apply a -20 penalty to attacks against targets size Colossal or smaller Turbolaser cannon (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg 2d10x5 (-14 against targets Colossal or smaller) Quad turbolaser battery (2 gunners) Atk +8 Dmg 4d10x5 (-12 against targets Colossal or smaller) Turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Atk +14 Dmg 7d10x5 (-6 against targets Colossal or smaller) Capsule: The Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser, or simply the Dreadnaught, was a capital ship built for planetary 6-4 Hyperdrive: x2 (Backup x6), Nav computer Availability: NA Cost: NA Heavy Laser Cannon Batteries: 55 Gunners Atk +17 Dmg 8d10x5. Turbolaser Batteries: 50 Gunners Atk +17 Dmg 5d10x5. Ion Cannon Batteries: 8 Gunners Atk +13 Dmg 3d10x5. Point Defense Laser Turret Batteries: 100 Gunners Atk +13 Dmg 5d10x2. Tractor Beam Batteries: 10 Gunners Atk +13 Grp+111 Gravity Well Projectors: 10 Gunners Atk N/A Dmg N/A Vehicles within 100 squares are unable to enter hyperspace. Axial Superlaser: 1 Gunner, Atk +8 Dmg 12d10x125. Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Colossal (frigate) space transport Init -2; Senses Perception +6 The axial superlaser can charge 10% (ie, x12 damage multiplier, in one minute.) It can either discharge this damage - 12d10x(12/minute), or continue to charge. In it's stage of operation as seen in Dark Horse Comics: Dark Empire series, it can not charge above 80% (x100 damage multiplier, unless in your campaign different events unfold allowing it to reach fully operational capability. It can also discharge a maximum of 110% in a 24 hour period in it's current state. When completed it is expected to function at 125% damage output, and be capable of destroying 500% total daily output. RANGE: Point Blank 0-10, Short 11-30, Medium 31-60, Long 61-100; Starship scale squares. Speed fly 12 squares (max 800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 5 quad laser cannons +5 (see below) and tractor beam +5* (see below) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +48 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 36; +16 armor HP 900 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 136 Against all targets smaller than Colossal every weapon of the Eclipse is at -20 penalty to attack. Capsule: The Eclipse-class Star Dreadnought, also known as the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer or Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer, was a class of Imperial Star Dreadnought manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards and mainly used around six years after the Battle of Endor. Eclipse began construction early in the Galactic Civil War, around 0 ABY. By 4 ABY, the vessel had its superlaser main weapon installed and in functional condition. The crimelord Tyber Zann wanted to access records on the ship, so he attacked Kuat and took control of the ship, and used to it to damage an Imperial and rebel fleet. Afterwards, Zann had no further use for the vessel, and left it adrift. Later on, this ship was completed and became the reborn Emperor Palpatine's flagship, and the only other ship of the class, Eclipse II, assumed the same role after the original's destruction. Abilities Str 62 Dex 14 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 38 (skilled) Passengers 15 Cargo 440 tons Consumables 3 days; Hyperdrive x2 (backup x10), navcomputer (4 jump limit) Availability Licensed; Cost 425,000 Cr (650,000 CSA Modified) * This weapon has a -20 penalty against targets Colossal size or smaller Quad Laser Cannon (gunner) Atk +13 Dmg 6d10x2 Tractor beam (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg -- (Grp +48) (-15 vs tagets Colossal size or smaller); Capsule: The Etti-class light transport, better known as the Etti Lighter, was mid-sized freighter produced and used by the Corporate Sector Authority. Though the 125 meter vessel was equipped with a hyperdrive, in its standard configuration it carried only three days of provisions and was therefore limited to short-range (often intra-system) missions. It could carry up to 400 tons of cargo and was well defended with 10 quad laser cannons. In remote, low priority systems of the Corporate Sector, the CSA Security Division used modified Etti Lighters, equipped with upgraded power generators and turbolasers, as antismuggling patrol craft. Han Solo and Chewbacca encountered one of these modified Etti Lighters at Duroon. Executor-class Star Dreadnought CL 23 Etti-class[CSA Ver] Transport CL 14 Manufacturer: Corporate Sector Authority Model: Etti-class Light Transport Era: RoE+ Contributor: TheNarrator Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Model: Executor Class Star Dreadnought Era: Reb+ Contributor: the Horc Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal (Space Station) Capital Ship Init -4; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 18) Fort 81 +11 armor 6-5 HP 4000 DR 20 SR 400 Threshold 581 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged*** 20 Turbolaser Batteries* (see below) and 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries* (see below) and 20 Ion Cannon Batteries* (see below) and 20 Assault Concussion Missile Batteries (375 missiles per battery) and 40 Tractor Beams* (see below) Fighting Space 10 x 10 squares (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +108 Abilities Str 152 Dex 10 Con - Int 20 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot –4, Use Computer+6 Crew 280,734 (skilled) Passengers 38,000 (troops) Cargo 500,000 tons Consumables 6 Years Carried Craft 144 TIE fighters (any variant), 36 Lambdaclass shuttles, 25 AT-ATs, 50 AT-STs, 3 mobile garrisons, various support vehicles. Hyperdrive x 2 (backup x10), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS *Apply a –20 on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size. ***These use the fire-linking Turbolaser battery (5 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 7d10 x 5 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal) Heavy turbolaser battery (5 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 12d10 x 5 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal) Ion cannon battery (6 Gunners) Atk +17 Dmg 4d10 x 5 (-3 against targets smaller than Colossal) Concussion missile battery (6 Gunners) Atk +17 Dmg 9d10 x 2 Tractor beam (2 Gunners) Atk +7 Dmg – (grapple +108) (-13 against targets smaller than Colossal) Hammerhead-class Cruiser CL18 Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive Model: Hammerhead-class Cruiser Era: KotOR Contributor: Graybacca Source: Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11) Fort 36 +11 armor HP 900 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 136 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 14 point-defense laser cannons +4 (see below) and 2 double heavy turbolaser cannons* (see below) and 2 heavy turbolaser cannons* (see below) and 8 point-defense twin laser cannons (see below) Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +53 Atk Options autofire (point-defense twin laser cannons) Abilities Str 62 Dex 14 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Capsule: With the destruction of the first Death Star, the Empire needed a symbol to indicate that the Rebel victory at Yavin was a mere fluke. That symbol came in the form of the Executor-Class Star Dreadnought. Commonly referred to as Super Star Destroyers due to their sheer size and familiar shape, at over 19 kilometers in length it was one of the largest class of vessels ever built that could still technically be considered a starship. These behemoths are so heavily armed and shielded that they could engage a fleet of Star Destroyers with a reasonable expectation of victory. They also carried a substantial number of star fighters, transports, grounds forces, and armoured vehicles that could be deployed at the Empire’s whim and had the capacity to carry a much greater amount should the mission profile require it. 6-6 Crew 700 (skilled) Passengers 20 + 600 (troops) Cargo 5000 Metric tons Consumables 10 months Carried Craft 24 Aurek Fighters Hyperdrive x2 (backup x4) Availability Military; Cost 6,530,000 (2,808,000 used) *Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size. Double Heavy Turbolaser Cannon (gunner) Atk +4 (-16 against tgts sm than Colossal) Dmg 4d10x5 Point-defense Laser Cannon (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 2d10x2 Heavy Turbolaser Cannon(gunner) Atk +4 (-16 against tgts sm than Colossal) Dmg 10d10x5 Point-defense Twin Laser Cannon (gunner) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 2d10x2 Capsule: The Hammerhead-class capital ship was a type of warship used by the Republic Navy during the Old Sith Wars, the Mandalorian Wars, and the New Sith Wars. This ship appears to function as a cruiser, similar in use to the later Interdictor-class Cruiser. Serving on the line in fleet engagements as a courier and as a command ship of large fleets, it was a workhorse of the Republic and a common sight near Republic-controlled worlds. This ship also had been observed undergoing independent operations, unlike the Republic blockade runner which was never observed outside a supporting fleet. Hammerheads were able to enter atmospheres and land on planetary surfaces. Imperial II-class Star Destroyer CL 22 Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Model: Imperial II-class Era: Reb+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal 1600m Init -2; Senses perception +6 Defense Ref 20 (flat-footed 18), Fort 61; Armor +18 HP 2900 DR 20 SR 175 Threshold 261 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 2x2 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +45 Abilities Str 112 Dex 14 Con -- Int 22 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2 , Use Computer +6 Crew 36,810(Skilled) Passengers 9700 Cargo 36k mt Consumables 6 year Carried Craft 1 wing, 15 delta, 8 lambda, 5 xg1, 1 gamma, skiprays Hyperdrive x1 (Backup x8) Nav Computer Availability Military Cost 3.8 Billion Cr * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size Duel Heavy Turbolaser Turret (3) Atk +8 Dmg 8d10x5 (198) [Command Tower] (-12 against targets smaller than Colossal) Duel Heavy Ion Cannon Turret (1) Atk +8 Dmg 8d10x5 (198) [First Terrace] (-12 against targets smaller than Colossal) Quad Heavy Laser Canon (1) Atk +8 Dmg 6d10x5 (165) [each Side Trench] (-12 against targets smaller than Colossal) 6-7 Octuple Turbolasers Battery (4) Atk +13 Dmg 8d10x5 (198) [Broadside/Front Barbettes] (-7 against targets smaller than Colossal) Point Defense Laser Canons Battery (6) Atk +13 (+8 autofire) Dmg 2d10x2 [Located Everywhere] Point Defense Ion Canons Battery (2) Atk +13 (+ 8 autofire) Dmg 3d10x2 [Located Everywhere] Tractor Beam Profector (5) Atk +8 Dmg (-12 against targets smaller than Colossal) [Imperial Wing] 3 TIE Fighter (by Endor 1 TIE was phased out in favor of 1 more Interceptor) 1 TIE Interceptor 1 TIE Bomber or TIE/gt (bomber) 1 TIE/rc and TIE/fc (2 flights rc and 1 flight fc) Capsule: The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Imperial II-class Destroyer, was a Star Destroyer model that was derived from the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. It sometimes referred to in a shortened form as the "ImpStar Deuce". Several differences existed between the Imperial I and Imperial II, including the replacement of the tractor beam targeting array between the command tower's sensor globes with a communications tower. The Imperial II was built with a heavily reinforced hull, stronger deflector shields, and greater firepower than the original Imperial I class. The prominent twin heavy turbolaser and heavy ion cannon turrets flanking the surface of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer were also replaced with batteries of eight-barreled turbolasers in unarmored barbette mountings. Other new features included two parallel "claws" for grappling smaller starships placed in the ventral secondary docking bay, an option for gunners to eject from their station if it was about to be destroyed, and the transparisteel viewports on the main bridge being able to resist an impact of a concussion missile. WEG Star Wars Role-playing Game 2nd Ed © 1995 Sienar Fleet Systems, it required a smaller crew, and its six heavy laser cannons had significantly greater firepower at short range. Like other vessels used by Imperial Customs, it was able to do battle with most smugglers' light freighters, the forces of small-time pirates, or even Rebel starfighters. Of course, it was completely outclassed by capital ships, which generally required the intervention of the Imperial Navy. Imperial Customs Corvette CL 16 Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive Model: Imperial Customs Corvette Era: Reb+ Contributor: Karlauss Source: WEG Dark Empire Sourcebook Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init +7; Senses: Perception +9 Interdictor-class Cruiser CL 18 Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems/Star Forge Model: Interdictor-class Cruiser Era: KotOR Contributor: escape908 Source: Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 34 (flat-footed 31) Fort 30 +11 Armor HP 750 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 130 Speed fly 7 squares (max velocity 1050 km/h) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 6 Turbolasers baterries +18 (see below) and 1 Tractor beam +8 (see below) Fighting Space 1 sqare (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +3 Grp +47 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13) Fort 52 +13 armor HP 1,500 DR 20 SR 125 Threshold 252 Abilities Str 60 Dex 16 Int 18 Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +9, Perception +9, Pilot +9, Use Computer +9 Crew 55 (normal) Passengers 20 (troops) Cargo 500 tons Consumables 2 month Carried Craft 4 Rendili Star Drive’s Repod (Retreiving Pod) Hyperdrive x2 (backup x8), nav computer Availibility Military Cost NFS Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 5 point-defense quad laser cannon batteries +12 (see below) and 4 gravity well projectors +6* (see below) Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +74 Abilities Str 94 Dex 14 Con - Int 18 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Turbolasers battery (6 gunners) Atk +18 Dmg 3d10x5 (-3 against targets smaller than Colossal); Tractor beam projector (2 gunners) Atk +8 Dmg – (grapple + 47) (-3 against targets smaller than Colossal) Crew 2,784 (skilled) Passengers 2,000 (troops) + 1,000 (droids) Cargo 5000 Metric tons; Consumables 8 months Carried Craft 2 Trill Shuttles, 24 Senth Fighters Hyperdrive x1 (backup x2) Availability Military Cost 53,960,000 (23,203,000 used) *Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size. Capsule: The Imperial Customs Frigate was one of the main vessels used by the Imperial Customs Office's patrols. It was manufactured by Rendili StarDrive, the builders of the larger Light Corvette also used by the Customs Office. Though it was slower, smaller, and less durable than the Light Corvette or the Guardian-class light cruiser from Point-defense Quad laser cannon battery (4 gunners) Atk +12 Dmg 6d10x2 Gravity Well Projector [Point Target] (gunner) Atk +6) Dmg Special** (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal ** Targets within range are unable to enter hyperspace. 6-8 Capsule: Interdictor-class Cruisers, also known as hyperspace interdiction cruisers, were among the most numerous capital ships during and after the Jedi Civil War. The class name "Interdictor" was first proposed by Admiral Jimas Veltraa. When Veltraa was killed in the Mandalorian Wars, some proposed that the name of the class be changed to honor him, but this was overruled by the Supreme Chancellor. In 3,963 BBY, construction on the Interdictor-class was approved. They appear to have replaced the Courageous-type ship. The most notable Interdictor-class Cruiser was the Leviathan, a Galactic Republic warship that later came into service of the Sith Lords Revan and Malak as a result of Admiral Saul Karath's defection. Interdictor-class Star Destroyer CL 19 Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Model: Interdictor Star Destroyer Era: Reb+ Contributor: Jindy Source: WoC Starships of the Galaxy Type: Colossal (Cruiser) Capital Ship Init -4; Senses Perception +10 Light Turbo Quad lasers (10) (2 batteries of 5) Atk +14 Dmg (4d10x5) (-6 smaller than Colossal) Lasers, Point Defense (5) (1 battery) Atk +14 Dmg. (4d10x2) Light Ion Cannons (Point Defense) (10) (2 batteries of 5) Atk +14 Dmg (4d10x2, Ion) Tractor Beams (2) Atk +6 Dmg - (+76 grapple) Gravity Well Generators (no hyperspace w/in 20 squares) Capsule: The Interdictor Star Destroyer was a variant of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer equipped with gravity well projectors. These ships were created by the Empire because the common Immobilizer 418 cruiser was too lightly armed. To make room for the gravity well projectors, half of the turbolasers and ion cannons, as well as eight of the Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors found on the original Imperial-class Star Destroyer, had to be removed. IPV-1 System Patrol Craft CL 15 Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems Model: IPV-1 System Patrol Craft Era: RoE+ Contributor: Jindy Source: Type: Colossal (Frigate) Capital Ship Init -1; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 36; (11 Armor) HP 990 DR 15 SR 125 Threshold 136 Defense Ref 15 (flat footed 13), Fort 54; +13 Armor HP 1,800 DR 20 SR 150 Threshold 254 Speed 4 squares (Starship scale) Ranged Light Turbolasers (2) +4 (4d10x5) (gunners) (-16 v. target smaller than colossal) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +51 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged +6, see below Fighting Space 2x2 squares(starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +76 Abilities Str 98 Dex 14 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +10, Pilot -4, Use Computer +10 Abilities Str 63 Dex 18 Int 14 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics + 5, Perception + 5, Pilot +1, Use Computer + 7. Crew 12 (Normal) Passengers 10 Cargo 200 metric tons Consumables 3 months Carried Craft none. Hyperdrive none. Availability Military Cost NFS Crew 2,551(skilled) Passengers 400 (troops Cargo 8,000 metric tons; Consumables 1.5 years; Carried Craft 24 TIE Fighters; 4 Shuttles. Hyperdrive x2 (backup x8), nav computer Availability licensed Cost NFS Capsule: The IPV-1 System Patrol Craft, also known as the Imperial patrol vehicle or IPV-1 corvette, was a standard system security and customs vessel commonly used near Light Turbolasers (12) (2 batteries, 6 each) Atk +16 Dmg (4d10x5) (-4 smaller than Colossal) 6-9 planets to interdict smugglers and protect against piracy. It was produced by Republic Sienar Systems. Being very fast and maneuverable, they patrolled Republic and later Imperial sectors when Star Destroyers were unavailable. They were regarded as the first line of defense against purveyors of contraband and various organizations attempting insurrection against a system, and relied on their speed to catch and disable or destroy enemy craft. Pirate attacks fell to an all-time low when this craft was in a sector. Lacking a hyperdrive, the IPV-1 flew specific routes along known smuggling lanes. Their objective was to maintain the peace and order of the galactic government within controlled space. Invincible-class Dreadnaught Capsule: The Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser, sometimes referred to as the Invincible-class Heavy Cruiser or Invincible-class Dreadnaught, was a type of warship that served for many centuries in naval forces around the Galaxy. Designed after the massive battlecruisers that served in the navies of Xim the Despot, the Invincible-class dreadnaught was constructed by Rendili StarDrive and Vaufthau Shipyards, Ltd., c. 3,000 BBY, during the 17th Alsakan Conflict between Coruscant and Alsakan. At more than two kilometers in length, they were among the largest capital ships of the time, and were considered relatively large warships by the standards of most eras of galactic history. CL 16 Manufacturer: Rendili Stardrive Model: Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Era:OR+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG HS&CSA Type: Colossal (cruiser, 2011 meters) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Lancer-class Frigate Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 49 +12 armor HP 1,100 DR 20 SR 100 Threshold 249 CL 14 Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Model: Lancer-class Frigate Era: Reb+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Speed fly 1 square (starship scale) Ranged 3 concussion missile tubes +5* (see below) 6 turbolaser cannons +5* (see below) 5 quad laser batteries +9 (see below 3 tractor beams +5* (see below) Fighting space 2x2 squares (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +71 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 38 +12 armor HP 1,200 DR 15 SR 135 Threshold 138 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 10 quad laser cannons +7 Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +50 Abilities Str 88 Dex 14 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 23,128 (skilled) Passengers 6,000 (troops) Cargo 700 tons Consumables 1 year Hyperdrive x4 (backup x25), navcomputer Availability Military Cost NFS (est 12 million Cr Used) * This weapon has a -20 penalty on attacks against targets size Colossal or smaller Concussion missile tube (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg 3d10x5 (-15 against targets size Colossal or smaller) Turbolaser cannon (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg 2d10x5 (-15 against targets size Colossal or smaller) Quad laser battery (3 gunners) Atk +9 Dmg 6d10x2 Tractor beam (2 gunners) Atk +5 Dmg -- (Grp +71) (-15 against targets size Colossal or smaller) Abilities Str 66 Dex 14 Con -- Int 20 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 850 (skilled) Passengers 40 (troops) Cargo 300 tons Consumables 1 week Carried Craft 2 shuttles Hyperdrive x2 (backup x15), navcomputer 6-10 Availability Military Cost NFS Capsule: The Lucrehulk-class battleship was the primary capital ship of the Trade Federation. Most Lucrehulks were Quad laser cannon (gunner) modified from enormous cargo haulers. Upgraded versions Atk +7 Dmg 6d10x2 would later be used by the CIS. At over three kilometers in diameter, the enormous vessels resembled flattened disks Capsule: The Lancer-class frigate was a capital ship used with a central sphere containing the ship's bridge and for anti-starfighter operations in the Imperial Navy. Admiral reactor assemblies. The disk was broken at the front of the Drez envisioned the Lancer-class ships and proposed using craft, revealing two mammoth docking bays lined with them to screen enemy starfighters to allow dominant Star forward docking claws. These gigantic cargo vessels had Destroyers to pummel enemies in ship-to-ship combat. With been built for many years by the Trade Federation and were approval from the Imperial Starfleet, Kuat Drive Yards an important asset to their enterprise. Clone Wars-era designed and developed the ship. The final iteration ran a battleships had less trouble with weak spots, as they were slim 250 meters with twenty quad laser cannon batteries augmented with gun batteries. designed specifically for starfighter hunting, but required a relatively large crew of 850. Lucrehulk-class Battleship CL 19 Marauder-class Corvette CL 16 Manufacturer: MonCal Shipyards Model: Modified Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter Era: RoE Contributor: Source: WoC Website Type: Colossal (station) capital ship Init -4; Senses Perception +6 Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems / CSA Model: Marauder-class Corvette Era: RoE+ Contributor: gribble Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Collossal (frigate) capital ship Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 13) Fort 66 +13 armor HP 1800 DR 20 SR 30 Threshold 566 Defense Ref 15 (Flat-footed 11) Fort 36 +11 armor HP 900 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 136 Speed fly 1 square (starship scale) Ranged Quad lasers (12 batteries) Fighting Space 3x3 squares (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +93 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 turbolaser batteries +12* (see below) and 3 tractor beams +6* (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +53 Abilities Str 122 Dex 10 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -4, Use Computer +6 Abilities Str 62 Dex 18 Con - Int 18 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +6 Crew 30 - 165 (skilled) Passengers 100,000+ (Droids) Cargo 5 million tons Consumables 500 days Carried Craft (50) C-9979 landing craft, (1,500) Vulture droid starfighters, (1,500) Troop carriers, (550) Multi-Troop Transports, (6,250) Armored Assault Tanks Hyperdrive x2 (backup x10) Availability Military, Rare Cost 1.8 Million Cr Quad laser battery (gunnery crews) Atk +4 (-1 autofire) Dmg 6d10x5 Crew 177 (skilled) Passengers 80 (troops) Cargo 300 tons Consumables 3 months Carried Craft 12 starfighters Hyperdrive x2, nav computer Availability Military Cost 2,398,000 Cr * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal[frigate] Heavy double turbolaser cannon battery (4 gunners) Atk +12]) Dmg 4d10x5 (-8 against targets smaller than Colossal[frigate]) Tractor beam (2 gunners) 6-11 Atk +6 Dmg – (grapple +53) (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal[frigate]) Capsule: The Marauder-class corvette was a 195-meterlong light capital ship introduced prior to the Clone Wars. Built by the profitable Sienar Technologies division of Republic Sienar Systems, a precursor to Sienar Fleet Systems, the Marauder-class was intended for use as a patrol and escort ship by the Galactic Republic. When the Republic declined to purchase them, mainly due to the Republic's inefficient bureaucracy and not any problems with the ship itself, Sienar managed to sell some to other small governments and organizations such as the Kathol Republic. Orders were slow, and the Marauder was considered one of Sienar's rare failures, so RSS finally sold production rights to the Corporate Sector Authority to be produced and used in the Corporate Sector. MC-80 Star Cruiser CL 21 Manufacturer: MonCal Shipyards Model: MC-80 Cruiser Era: Reb+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WEG Rebel Sourcebook Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship Init -1; Senses Perception +6 Atk +16 Dmg 5d10x5 (-4 against targets smaller than Colossal) Ion cannon battery (5 gunners) Atk +14 Dmg 3d10x5 (-6 against targets smaller than Colossal) Tractor Beam (2 gunners) Atk +6 Dmg (grapple +69) (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal) Capsule: The MC80a Star Cruiser was a general classification for a group of early MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruisers converted from luxury starships into warships. Built initially as massive pleasure craft by Mon Calamari shipyards, the MC80a Star Cruisers received a series of crucial upgrades to allow them to operate against Imperial warships. The addition of the Mon Calamari provided the Rebel Alliance with their first consistent source of large, powerful capital warships. Rounded and organic in appearance, most MC80a cruisers were oblong cigarshaped vessels. The surface of the cruisers were dotted in pods and bulges that contained sensor arrays, weapons batteries, and shield generators. The MC80a Star Cruiser's role as the center of most Rebel Alliance fleet formations often pitted it against larger, more powerful Imperial-class Star Destroyers. While unable to match the Star Destroyers in weaponry, the MC80a cruisers were equipped with triple layered shields, redundant back-up shielding, and double redundancy critical systems. Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 14), Fort 57; +14 Armor HP 1800 DR 20 SR 150** Threshold 257 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 4 Turbo laser batteries +16* (see below) and 2 ion cannon batteries +14* (see below) and 6 tractor beams +6* (see below) Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +69 Mere Resistance Cruiser Manufacturer: Model: Mere Resistance Cruiser Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: Rodney 'Moridin' Thompson Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -3; Senses perception +5 Abilities Str 104 Dex 16 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -1, Use Computer +6 Crew 1230-5402 (skilled) Passengers 1200 (troops) Cargo 20,000 tons; Consumables 2years; Carried Craft (72) Starfighters, (5) Shuttles, (2) Light freighters, Light mixture of ground vehicles Hyperdrive x2 (backup x9), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size ** Backup shield generators allow a re-roll of any failed mechanics check used to restore shields. The second roll must be taken regardless. Turbolaser battery (6 gunners) CL 14 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 37; +12 Armor HP 1080 DR 15 SR 75 Threshold 137 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 Turbolaser batteries* See below 1 tractor beam* see below Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +52 Abilities Str 64 Dex 14 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative -3, pilot -3, Mechanics +5, 6-12 Perception+5, Use Computer+5 Crew 35 (normal) Passengers 300 Cargo 5000 tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft none Hyperdrive x3 (x12 backup), nav computer Availability licensed; Cost 1,240,000 (used 62,000) * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets up to and Smaller than Colossal. Turbo laser battery (2 gunners) Atk + 4 Dmg 4d10x5 Tractor beam (1 gunner) Atk +2 Dmg -- +52 (+ pilot’s BAB) Abilities Str 88 Dex 14 Con - Int 18 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 200 (Skilled) Passengers 150,000 battle droids (up to 2,000 active at once) Cargo 40,000 tons Consumables 2 years Carried Craft “none” (give it shuttles!) Hyperdrive x1 (backup x10) Availability Military Cost NFS (estimated at 57,000,000) Twin heavy turbo laser (2 gunner) Atk +8 Dmg 11d10x5 (-12 against targets smaller than Colossal) Twin heavy ion cannon (2 gunners) Capsule: The Mere Resistance Cruiser is a somewhat Atk +8 Dmg 9d10x2, ion strange capital-scale starship in the late days of the Old (-12 against targets smaller than Colossal) Republic that is armed but not specifically designed for Twin turbo laser cannon (2 gunner) military use. The ship comes standard with several "antiAtk +8 Dmg 4d10x5 piracy" turbolaser cannons, which was convenient for the (-12 against targets smaller than Colossal) pirate groups such as the Revenants that use the ship to Light turbo laser batteries (5 gunners) both haul cargo and supplement their space fleet. Though Atk +14 Dmg 2d10x5 not particularly durable for a large freighter, when accompanied by support ships the Mere Resistance Cruiser (-6 against targets smaller than Colossal) Point defence laser battery (2 gunners) can lay down support fire to repel attack transports and Atk +8 Dmg 2d10x2 smaller capital ships. Notes: the Banking Clan Frigate is fitted with powerful hyperwave generators, capable of providing the CIS with a holonet-like communications system…and capable of blocking transmissions and disrupting enemy fire control computers. All enemy starships within ten squares are denied their Int bonus to attack rolls. Capsule: The Munificent-class star frigate, commonly referred to as the Banking Clan frigate, was a starship used Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Drive/Gwori Revolutionary by the InterGalactic Banking Clan to defend their private, secure comm network; harass worlds heavily in debt; Industries transfer key financial assets; and guard treasure vaults. Model: Munificent-class Star Frigate Era: RoE Contributor: Unknown It would become a staple of the Confederate Navy during Source: WoC Website the Clone Wars, and thousands would be produced. Type: Colossal (Cruiser) capital ship Init -4; Senses Perception +6 Munificent-class Star Frigate CL 17 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 49 +12 armour HP 1080 DR 20 SR 165 Threshold 249 Speed 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged Twin heavy turbo laser cannon +8 (see below) and Twin heavy ion cannon +8 (see below) and 8 twin turbo laser cannons +8 (see below) and 4 light turbo laser batteries +14 (see below) and 12 point defence laser batteries +8 (see below) Fighting Space 2x1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +71 Atk Options none Nebulon-B Frigate Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards 6-13 CL 17 Model: Nebulon-B Frigate Era: Reb+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -3; Senses perception +5 small, shorthanded Rebel task forces, Nebulon-B frigates often served as the command ship. Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 30; +14 Armor HP 1440 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 130 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 3 Turbo laser batteries +11* (see below) and 3 point defense laser batteries +11* (see below) and 2 tractor beams +5* (see below) Fighting Space 2x2 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +40 Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser Abilities Str 50 Dex 14 Con -- Int 20 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3 , Use Computer +5 Crew 307-920 (normal) Passengers 75 (troops) Cargo 6000 tons Consumables 2 years; Carried Craft Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), nav computer Availability military Cost 194,000,000 Cr (Black Market) * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size Turbo laser battery (4 gunners) Atk +11 Dmg 4d10x5 (-9 against targets smaller than Colossal), Point-defense laser battery (4 gunners) Atk +11 Dmg d210x2 Tractor beam (2 gunners) Atk +5 Dmg -- (grapple +40) (-15 against targets smaller than Colossal) CL16 Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive. Model: Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser Era: RoE+ Contributor: Source: none Type: Colossal (cruiser, 600 meters) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13) Fort 40 +13 armor HP 1,500 DR 20 SR 100 Threshold 240 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 15 quad lasers +5 (see below) tractor beam +5* (see below) Fighting space 2x2 squares (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +62 Abilities Str 70 Dex 14 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 There are many configurations, this is only one Capsule: The EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate was a 300meter-long warship that was built by Kuat Drive Yards for use by the Imperial Navy, to protect convoys from Rebel starfighter actions. It was, however, used more famously by the Rebellion. The standard Nebulon-B frigate was armed with twelve turbolaser batteries, twelve laser cannons, and two tractor beam projectors. It was designed to carry twenty-four TIE series starfighters. Escort frigates were often used to support larger capital ships, such as Imperialclass Star Destroyers and Rebel Mon Calamari Star Cruisers. The frigate was known and respected for its efficiency against fighters and bombers, and both sides preferred to use the Nebulon-B frigates in anti-fighter assignments. The Nebulon-B was originally designed to protect Imperial convoys against Rebel starfighters. However, the Rebels were able to find other uses for the ships which took advantage of their sophisticated sensors and deep-space multifrequency antennas. Escort frigates were used as long-range scouts, search and rescue ships, or to relay information to command ships during battle. In Crew 2,050 (skilled) Passengers 200 (troops) Cargo 5,000 tons Consumables 1 year Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), navcomputer Availability Military Cost NFS * This weapon takes a -20 against targets size Colossal or smaller Quad laser (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg 4d10x2 Tractor beam (gunner) Atk +5 Dmg -- (Grp +62) (-15 against targets size Colossal or smaller) Capsule: The Neutron Star-class bulk cruiser was a class of capital ship used by the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance, manufactured by Rendili StarDrive. These bulk cruisers were frequently used by planetary and sectorial authorities as patrol vessels. Some of them were used as armed freighters. The Alliance to Restore the Republic deployed some of these vessels, but they often required escort to be effective. Despite the class's capability of carrying starfighters, it hardly counted as an advantage given that most other medium-sized warships were capable of hosting fighters. 6-14 supplement the aging Battle Dragon and Nova-class cruiser. Quick and well-armed, the Privateer is aptly named as they are mostly crewed by mercenaries, privateers, and military officers in service to the various Hapan royal fleets. Privateer-Class Gunship CL 18 Manufacturer: Hapes Consortium Model: Privateer-class Gunship Era: NJO+ Contributor: Khierien Source: none Type: Colossal (frigate; 150m) Capital Ship Init +2; Senses Perception + 8 Republic-Class Star Destroyer CL 20 Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive Model: Republic-class Star Destroyer Era: NR+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Cracken's Threat Dossier Type: Colossal (cruiser, 1250 meters) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 16 (Flat-footed 12) Fort 38 +12 Armor HP 1200 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 138 Speed 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 3 Turbolaser batteries +15 (5d10x5) or 2 Ion cannon batteries +15 (3d10x5; ion) or 2 Point-defense laser Battery +15 (2d10x2) and Tractor Beam +11 Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +5 Grp +53 Abilities Str 66 Dex 19 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +2, Mechanics +12, Perception +8, Pilot +2, Use Computer +12 Crew 30-125 (expert) Passengers 100 troops Cargo 250 metric tons Consumables 6 months Carried Craft 4 Miy’til fighters and 2 Hetrinar Assault Bombers Payload n/a Hyperdrive x2 (x10 back-up hyperdrive), nav computer Availability Military Cost 3.5 million Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 54; +13 armor HP 1,800 DR 20 SR 150 Threshold 254 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 4 heavy turbolaser batteries +15* (see below) 4 turbolaser bateries +15* (see below 2 ion cannon batteries +15* (see below) 5 tractor beams +7* (see below) Fighting space 2x2 squares (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +76 Abilities Str 98 Dex 14 Con -- Int 20 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 8,428 (skilled) Passengers 3,200 (troops) Cargo 11,000 tons Consumables 2 years Hyperdrive x2 (backup x10), navcomputer Availability Military Cost not available for sale * This weapon has a -20 to attacks against targets size Colossal or smaller Turbolaser Battery (4 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 5d10x5 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal) Ion Cannon Battery (4 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 3d10x5 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal) Point-defense laser Battery (4 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 2d10x2 Tractor Beam (2 Gunners) Atk +11 Dmg – (grapple + 51) (-9 against targets smaller than Colossal), Capsule: With the rise of pirating and smuggling activity within the Transitory Mists, political unrest within the Hapan monarchy, and the advent of the Yuuzhan Vong threat, the Hapes Consortium commissioned a quick response craft to Heavy turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 8d10x5 (-5 against targets Colossal size or smaller) Turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 6d10x5 (-5 against targets Colossal size or smaller) Ion cannon battery (5 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 5d10x5 (-5 against targets Colossal size or smaller) Tractor beam (2 gunners) Atk +7 Dmg -- (Grp +76) 6-15 (-13 against targets Colossal size or smaller) Capsule: It was one of two capital ship classes upon which the Republic fleet depended—along with the HammerheadCapsule: The Republic-class Star Destroyer was Walex class capital ship—after most of the larger warships were Blissex's follow-up design to his Victory-class Star stolen by Darth Revan and Darth Malak shortly after the Destroyer. It was manufactured by Rendili StarDrive for the Battle of Malachor V. Many ships of this class were also New Republic. The Republic-class was smaller than Lira used to defend Citadel Station, in orbit around Telos, Blissex's Imperial-class Star Destroyer, but was a much against a Sith attack led by Darth Nihilus and the Ravager. more efficient design. Although the Republic was only half the cost of an Imperial and required a mere one-fifth the crew, it boasted 20 percent more firepower than an Imperial I model. However, it was still outmatched by the Imperial IIclass and the various Super Star Destroyers. Republic Cruiser CL 15 Manufacturer: Republic Shipyards Model: Troop Transport Era: KotOR Contributor: escape908 Source: KotOR Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Shieldship Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 34 +11 armor HP 600 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 134 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 double heavy turbolaser cannons* (see below) and 2 heavy turbolaser cannons* (see below) and 2 light turbolaser cannons* (see below) Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +51 Abilities Str 58 Dex 14 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 150 (skilled) Passengers 10 + 500 (troops) Cargo 500 Metric tons Consumables 6 months Carried Craft 12 Aurek Fighters Hyperdrive x2 (backup x4) Availability Military Cost 2,210,000 (950,000 used) *Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size. Double Heavy Turbolaser Cannon (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 5d10x5 (-16 against targets smaller than Colossal), Heavy Turbolaser Cannon (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 10d10x5 (-16 against targets smaller than Colossal) Light Turbolaser Cannon (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 4d10x5 (-16 against targets smaller than Colossal) CL 5 Manufacturer: Republic Engineering Corp Model: Shieldship Era: OR+ Contributor: peteyrock Source: WoC Starships of the Galaxy Type: Colossal (Frigate) Capital Ship Init -7; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 15), Fort 36; +15 Armor HP 600 DR 15 SR 150 Threshold 136 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +53 Abilities Str 63 Dex 14 Con -- Int 10 Skills Initiative -7, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -7, Use Computer +5 Crew 16 (Normal) Passengers none Cargo 20 tons Consumables 3 months Carried Craft none Availability Licensed Cost 13,180,000 Cr Capsule: Shieldships are unusual vessels designed to act as shields against the massive heat of a star, allowing ships to move much closer to the solar surface than would normally be safe. The primary use of such ships is to allow planets very near their sun to be approached without hiding behind a heavily armored shield. Because shieldships are not hyperspace capable, they are generally constructed in the systems where they work. Living conditions aboard a shieldship are cramped and uncomfortable, but crews generally don’t stay aboard for more than a few days at a time. 6-16 Strike-class Medium Cruiser CL 19 Manufacturer: Loronar Corporation Model: Strike-class Medium Cruiser Era: Reb+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Sith Battleship CL 17 Manufacturer: Sith Empire Model: Sith Battleship Era: KotOR (4,400 BBY) Contributor: Natsuumi Source: Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 38, +12 armor HP 1260 DR 15 Threshold 138 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 blaster cannon batteries +8 (see below) or 1 concussion missile battery +8 (see below) Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +55 Abilities Str 66 Dex 14 Con - Int 14 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 25 (skilled) Passengers 850 Cargo 5,000 tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft none known Hyperdrive x4 (backup x12), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 13), Fort 42 +13 armor HP 1,800 DR 15 SR 135 Threshold 142 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 10 turbolasers +7* (see below) turbolaser battery +15* (see below) ion cannon battery +15* (see below) 5 tractor beams +7* (see below) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +59 Abilities Str 74 Dex 18 Con -- Int 20 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +6 Crew 2,112 (skilled) Passengers 340 (troops) Cargo 6,000 tons Consumables 1.5 years Carried Craft 12-36 TIE Fighters, 1-5 AT-ATs, 2 AT-STs, several speeders Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), navcomputer Availability Military; Cost NFS * This weapon has a -20 penalty against targets Colossal or smaller Turbolaser (gunner) Atk +7 Dmg 5d10x5 (-13 against targets Colossal or smaller) Turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 7d10x5 Blaster cannon battery (3 gunners) (-5 against targets Colossal or smaller) Atk +8 Dmg 4d10x2 Ion cannon battery (5 gunners) Concussion missile battery (3 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 4d10x5 ion Atk +8 Dmg 8d10x2 (-5 against targets Colossal or smaller) Capsule: Sith battleships were the primary capital ships of Tractor beam (gunner) Dmg – (Grp +59) the original Sith Empire, with most Sith Lords carrying these Atk +7 (-13 against targets Colossal or smaller) vessels in their fleets. By modern galactic standards they Capsule: The Strike-class medium cruiser was a medium were fairly small, slow and ungainly, but the Sith battleships cruiser designed by the Loronar Corporation during the were among the most powerful and fearsome warships of Galactic Civil War for the Imperial Navy as a generaltheir time. One vessel was said to succumb only to the firepower of six main Republic warships, thanks to its heavy purpose vessel capable of modular modifications to allow it armor, and even then was able to cripple or destroy at least to fit many mission profiles, yet cheap enough to be produced in large quantities. While a frigate in size, the 450one of the opposing ships. 6-17 meter long Strike-class was capable of challenging larger Alliance cruisers with its surprisingly heavy load of firepower, strong shields, and high sublight speed. The Order of Battle considered two Strike-class cruisers the equivalent of one Victory-class Star Destroyer. Venator-class Star Destroyer CL 19 Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Model: Venator-class Star Destroyer Era: RoE - Reb Contributor: FrogJedi Source: WoC Website Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship Init -1; Senses perception +5 Point Defense battery (4 gunners) Atk +14 Dmg 2d10x2 Tractor beam (2 gunners) Atk +8 Dmg – (grapple +66) (-13 against smaller targets then colossal) Capsule: The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Venator-class Destroyer, Republic attack cruiser, and later Imperial attack cruiser, was one of the capital ships used extensively by the Galactic Republic during the later parts of the Clone Wars, as well as by the Galactic Empire. It was designed and constructed by Kuat Drive Yards. While designed primarily for ship-to-ship combat, the Venator had secondary roles ranging from starfighter carrier, to military transport and battleship escort. The expanded carrier role made the Venator-class popular amongst Jedi starfighter aces. As a popular multi-role warship of the Republic Navy, the Venator was considered heavily armed and armored enough to lead assaults on Rim worlds like Utapau as well as fast enough to chase down blockade runners. Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 14) Fort 48; +14 Armor HP 1900 DR 20 SR 150 Threshold 256 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 8 turbo laser batteries +18* (see below) and 2 medium dual turbolaser cannons +18, 5 point defense laser batteries +14 (see below) and 6 tractor beams +8* (see below) Fighting Space 2x2 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +66 Victory I-class Star Destroyer Abilities Str 98 Dex 16 Con -- Int 20 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -1, Use Computer +6 Crew 7,400 (Skilled) Passengers 2000 (troops) Cargo 20000 tons; Consumables 2 years; Carried Craft (192) Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing or V-19 Torrent starfighters, (36) ARC-170 starfighters, (192) Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors, (40) LAAT/i gunships, (24) Military walkers, Various shuttles Hyperdrive x1 (backup x15), nav computer Availability Military; Cost NFS (approx 59,000,000 RCr) * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size Turbolaser battery (6 gunners) Atk +18 Dmg 5d10x5 (-13 against smaller targets then colossal), Medium Turbolaser (6 gunners) Atk +18 Dmg 6d10x5 (-13 against smaller targets then colossal), CL 19 Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive Model: Victory I-class Star Destroyer Era: RoE+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Imperial Sourcebook Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 50 +12 armor HP 1,200 DR 20 SR 165 Threshold 250 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 5 Quad Turbolasers +7* 4 Double Turbolaser Batteries +15* 8 Concussion Missile Launcher Batteries +15* 5 Tractor Beam Projectors +7* Fighting space 2x2 squares (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +72 Abilities Str 90 Dex 14 Con -- Int 20 Skills Initiative -6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Crew 5,200 (skilled) Passengers 2,040 (troops) Cargo 8,100 tons Consumables 4 years Carried Craft 14 TIE Fighters, 4 shuttles, 6 landing barges, 10 AT-ATs, 15 AT-STs Hyperdrive x1 (backup x15), navcomputer 6-18 Availability Military Cost NFS * This weapon has a -20 penalty to attack rolls against targets size Colossal or smaller Fighting Space 2x2 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +40 Quad Turbolaser (gunner) Atk +7 Dmg 5d10x5 (-13 against targets Colossal or smaller) Double Turbolaser Battery (5 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 3d10x5 (-5 against targets Colossal or smaller) Concussion Missile Launcher Battery (5 gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 9d10x2 (-5 against targets Colossal or smaller) Tractor Beam Projector (gunner) Atk +7 Dmg -- (Grp +72) (-13 against targets Colossal or smaller) Capsule: The Victory I-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Victory I-class Destroyer or Victory I-class heavy frigate, was a warship designed for planetary defense, planetary assault, ground troop support, and ship-to-ship combat. It was used by the Galactic Republic during the mid-Clone Wars and later by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Following the start of the Clone Wars and the introduction of the Acclamator-class assault ship, the ArchProvost of Rendili ordered industrial spies and shipdesigners to come up with a way to curb Kuat's lead on new contracts with the Galactic Republic. As the war progressed, a design by Walex Blissex which was produced by Rendili StarDrive, became a direct challenge to Kuat Drive Yards' proposed Venator-class Star Destroyer. The design-project, called the "Victor Initiative Project", was a collaboration between the two rival shipbuilders, and resulted in the Victory-series. Victory II-class Frigate Abilities Str 50 Dex 16 Con -- Int 22 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2 , Use Computer +6 Crew 2500 (normal) Passengers 400 (troops) Cargo 500 metric tons Consumables 1 year Carried Craft 1 wing, 5 delta, 5 lambda, 5 xg1 Hyperdrive x2 (backup x12), nav computer Availability military Cost NFS * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size Heavy Turbolaser Turret (5) Atk +12 (+7 autofire) Dmg 6d10x5 Light Turbolaser (25) Atk +12 (+7 autofire); Dmg 4d10x5 Light Quad Turbolasers (20) Atk +12 (+7 autofire) Dmg 4d10x5 Point Defense Laser Canons (10) Atk +12 (+7 autofire); Dmg 2d10x2 Point Defense Ion Canons (10) Atk +12 (+7 autofire); Dmg 2d10x2 Tractor Beam Profector (3) Atk +5 (+7 autofire); Dmg -- (grapple +40) Capsule: The Victory II-class frigate was a sword-shaped Republic and Imperial warship. Not to be confused with the Victory II-class Star Destroyer. Its design was reminiscent of large command ships like the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance, due to the large wing-like extension on each side of the ship's rear, as well as its slim outline. It also roughly resembled Vindicator-class heavy cruisers in shape and size, and had a small, slim bridge-section quite like the Acclamator-class assault ship. CL 18 Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive Model: Victory II-class Frigate Era: RoE+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: Star Wars Battlefront II Type: Collossal 600m Init -2; Senses perception +6 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 14 ), Fort 30 +14 Armor HP 730 DR 20 SR 100 Threshold 130 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) 6-19 Unique Vessels Throughout the Galaxy there are a number of vessels that catch the eye of Collectors, Historians and the Authorities. These unique vessels have been catalogued here for your perusal if you are an armchair historian, treasure hunter or fan of heroes and villains alike. Another Chance When Alderaan chose to disarm following the bloody conflicts of the Clone Wars, Another Chance was stripped of its weapons and converted into an armory ship to hold the planet's weapons of war. The ship's systems were programmed to full automation and given instructions to jump through hyperspace from system to system until it was recalled with a special code by the Council of Elders. Its internal operations were maintained by a crew of droid workers that were programmed to defend it against any who tried to board it. In addition, three smaller Alderaanian warships, Valiant, Fidelity and Courage, were slavecircuited to Another Chance to protect any ship bearing its IFF code from pirates seeking its deadly cargo. CL 19 Manufacturer: Alderaanian Manufacturing Model: modified Alderaanian War Frigate Era: Reb Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG Graveyard of Alderaan Type: Colossal (frigate) capital ship Init +0; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 13), Fort 42; +13 armor HP 1,800; DR 15; SR 135; Threshold 142 Speed fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 5 laser cannons +7 (see below) 2 ion cannons +7* (see below) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2; Grp +59 Azure Angel Abilities Str 74, Dex 18, Con --, Int 20 Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0, Use Computer +6 Crew 700 (skilled) Cargo 2000 tons Consumables 1 year; Hyperdrive x2 (backup x15), navcomputer Availability Military, Rare; Cost not available for sale * This weapon has a -20 penalty against targets Colossal size or smaller Laser cannon (gunner) Atk +7 Dmg 5d10x2 Ion cannon (gunner) Atk +7 Dmg 4d10x5 ion (-13 vs. targets size Colossal or smaller) CL 18 Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering Model: Modified Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Starfighter Era: RoE Contributor: Keoki Source: Type: Huge starfighter Init +15; Senses Perception +10 Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 18), Fort 22 +10 armor HP 65 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 32 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 kmh) fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +9 (see below) or proton torpedoes +9 (see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +7; Grp +29 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons) Abilities Str 34 Dex 22 Con - Int 14 Notes: A regular Alderaanian War Frigate would have more Skills Initiative +15, Mechanics +10, Perception +10, Pilot +12, Use Computer +13 weapons, but it's not known exactly how many. Capsule: Another Chance was an Alderaanian War Frigate of the Alderaanian fleet during the last years of the Galactic Republic. 7-1 Crew 1 (Anakin Skywalker) + astromech Passengers none Cargo 60 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft none Payload 6 proton torpedoes Hyperdrive x 1 Availability Unique Cost NFS operator may make a DC 20 Use Computer check to expend 15 points of backup shields to increase the ship's SR by 15. Backup shields cannot be refreshed until the end of the encounter. Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +9 (+4 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2 Proton torpedoes (pilot) Atk +9 Dmg 9d10x2 Laser cannon (gunner) Capsule: The Azure Angel was a customized Delta-7 starfighter that belonged to Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. Anakin gave his ship a paint scheme similar to that of his old podracer. Coincidentally, this paint scheme also resembled the one used by Jedi Master Plo Koon on his own customized fighter. The name Azure Angel represented Anakin's love for his secret wife, Senator Padmé Amidala. Some Jedi were concerned that Skywalker regarded this fighter as a possession, and that it was a sign of his inability to let go of his past. However, Master Saesee Tiin encouraged him to keep pushing the ship's limits, hoping to see that Anakin's improvements were incorporated into the next generation of Jedi starfighters. Atk +2 Dmg 4d10x2 Capsule: The A-Z-Z-3 light freighter was a popular Mon Calamari transport in use during the Galactic Civil War. 24 meters in length and armed with two turreted laser cannons, the A-Z-Z-3 could carry eight passengers and 60 tons of cargo. Like most Mon Calamari designs, the A-Z-Z-3 included several backup systems including a backup shield generator. Death Star (I) Black Obsession CL 9 Manufacturer: MonCal Shipyards Model: Modified A-Z-Z-3 Light Freighter Era: RoE Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Supernova Type: Colossal Space Transport Init -3; Senses Perception +5 CL 648 (CL27 x 24 Sections) Manufacturer: Maw Laboratories Model: Death Star Superweapon Era: RoE Contributor: RavenFury Source: WEG Death Star Technical Companion Type: Colossal (Station) Battle Station 160KM Diameter Init -8; Senses Perception +11; Defense Ref 0*** (flat-footed 0***), Fort 74* ; +200 Armor HP 108,000* DR 45 SR 100 Threshold 874* Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26 +12 armor HP 130 DR 15 SR 30 Threshold 76 Speed fly 12 squares (max 850 km/h) fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 laser cannons +2 (see below) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0; Grp +36 Abilities Str 43, Dex 14, Con --, Int 14 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3, Use Computer +5 Crew 4 (normal) Passengers 8 Cargo 60 tons Consumables 2 months Hyperdrive x1 (backup x12), nav computer Availability Licensed; Cost NFS Special Backup shields (30 points): When the ship's SR is at 15 points or more below standard, the ship's system 7-2 Speed fly 0.5 squares (starship scale) Ranged (1)SuperLaser (168 Gunners) Dmg 12d10x1000^^ Atk+2^ (Takes 6 Hours to recharge, DSI can only fire at full charge) (416)** Turbolaser Batteries (3 Gunners) Atk +17^ Dmg 5d10x5 (Atk -3 vs smaller than Colossal) (416)** Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (6 Gunners) Atk +17^ Dmg 9d10x5 (Atk -3 vs smaller than Colossal) (208)** Laser Cannons (4 Gunners) Atk +13 Dmg 2d10x2 (208)** Ion Cannon Batteries (6 Gunners) Atk +17^ Dmg 3d10x5 Ion (Atk -3 vs smaller than Colossal) (64)** Tractor Beam Emplacements (2 Gunners) Atk +7^ Dmg – Grapple +76 (Atk -13 vs smaller than Colossal) Fighting Space: Edge of Map or Entire Map (if flying over surface) (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2) Grp +76 Abilities Str 158*, Dex*** --, Con --, Int 20 Skills Initiative -8, Pilot -8, Mechanics +6, Perception +11, Use Computer +6 Crew 265,675(skilled) Passengers 607,360 (troops); 25,984 (Stormtroopers);42,782 (Starship Support Staff);167,216 (Support Ship Pilots and Crew) Cargo Over 1 Million Kilotons Consumables 3 years Carried Craft: Starfighters (7,000) Strike cruisers (4) Assault shuttles (3,600) AT-ATs (1,400) AT-STs (1,400) Dropships (1,860) Hyperdrive x4 (x24 backup), nav computer Availability: Unique ; Cost: NFS Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine, as Sith Lord Darth Sidious, gave the designs to his apprentice, Separatist leader Count Dooku. Dooku then presented the designs to Geonosian Industries for further technical modifications. After the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge, an assault was led on the planet Kashyyyk to enslave the native Wookiees for the Death Star's construction. Various prison planets were also known to have their captives unwittingly construct various sections of the station. The Empire also had Mrlssi scientists working on some of the technology that would go into the station. Havoc CL 12 Manufacturer: Nubian Design Collective Model: Modified Prototype Scurrg H-6 bomber Era: RoE Contributor: Graybacca Source: WoC Star Wars Gamer 2 ^^ WEG has this at 12D, but the max dmg this converts to is Type: Colossal starfighter 600. Not enough to crack most ships let alone a planet. So Init +2; Senses Perception +8 appropriate modifiers were given. 120,000Dmg Max. More likely... Might work on a less lethal partial charge for the Defenses Ref 10 (flat-footed 6) Fort 27 +5 armor DSII. But that still smoked any Capital it shot on partial... HP 140 DR 15 SR 30 Threshold 77 *Hull Stated as 15D, But the Eclipse has a Hull of 15D+1 Speed 16 squares (max. velocity 1170km/h) upon further investigation most of the stats are for each of 5 squares (starship scale) the 24 distinct zones, 12 Upper 12 lower. So this is the HP Ranged 6 Laser Cannons +8 (see below) and of the Full Death Star, 4500 is the HP of each section and 1 Rotati ng Laser Turrets +8 (see below) reflects on all other calcs. IE: Sheilds are stated as 2D so, 1 Bomb Chute +8 (see below) you would only punch through to damage 1 of the 24 Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 (starship scale) Sections. Cover total ** Weapons are treated as part of each of the 24 Zones and Base Atk +5; Grp +42 therefore represent only 1 of 24 Zones, With the obvious Abilities Str 44 Dex 18 Con -- Int 16 exception of the Superlaser Skills Initiative +2, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +2, Use Computer +8 *** You couldn't miss this thing if you tried. ^ Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets up to and Smaller than Colossal. Capsule: The Death Star was an Imperial moon-sized military battlestation armed with a planet-destroying superlaser. The Death Stars were the first in a long series of superweapons developed to execute the Tarkin Doctrine, but whose concept had been explored even before the Clone Wars. The Death Star was designed to allow Emperor Palpatine to more directly control the Galactic Empire through fear. A Death Star was to be commanded by no one who held a rank less than Moff. The Death Star was born in the mind of Raith Sienar, who had conceived of it as an Expeditionary Battle Planetoid. He shared his idea with his friend Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, who presented it to 7-3 Crew 3 (Nym - Skilled) Passengers 3 Cargo 10 tons Consumables 2 Week Carried Craft none Payload 10 Energy Bombs Hyperdrive x1 (Backup x10), Nav Computer Availability Military Cost NFS (unique) Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +8 Dmg 5d10x3 Rotating Laser Turrets (gunner) Atk +8 Dmg 6d10x2 Bomb Chute (pilot)** Atk +8 Dmg 8d10x10, 6 square Splash Base Atk +2 Grp +69 ** The Havoc has a "Bomblet Generator" witch can drew from the Vehicles Primary Power Generator to Create Explosive energy spheres. The generator Requires Six Rounds to create a bomb and can never carry more then ten bombs at any given time. The Chute can release up to all ten Bombs simultaneously. Capsule: Havoc was an experimental starfighter owned by the Feeorin pirate, Nym. The Havoc possessed exceptional speed, armor, and shields, but her weapons were the true identifying mark of her success. Six powerful forward facing laser cannons, arranged three on each wing, had enough power to tear open all opposing ships that were unfortunate enough to get in the line of fire. A high-powered automated rotating ball turret mounted on the dorsal side of the craft could shoot at targets by itself when the ship's pilot was otherwise occupied. After the Battle of Naboo, Jinkins added a bank of concussion missiles, violent proximity mines, and cruise missiles. Deadly as all these armaments were, they were nothing in comparison to the ultimate power of the Havoc: a concealed bomblet generator, capable of fashioning potent energy bombs by drawing from the power of the ship's reactor core. The original prototype was equipped with proton bombs that were released via two bomb chutes. However, after the modifications, the rather unstable bomblet generator could provide an infinite number of bombs for Nym's destructive needs. This was also supplemented with a charged bomb, called the plasma scourge, which was even more deadly. This generator was totally modular, allowing its safe removal for use in other craft when necessary. The original Scurrg H-6 bomber design required a minimum crew of five: one pilot, a gunner for the turret, a secondary gunner, a navigator, and a demolitions expert in charge of the bombs. However, the intensive modifications wrought by Jinkins allowed Nym to fly the starfighter alone, with only two astromech droids as backup. Home One Abilities Str 104, Dex 16, Con --, Int 18 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -1, Use Computer +6 Crew 5435 (skilled); Passengers 1200 (troops) Cargo 20,000 tons Consumables 2years Carried Craft 10 squadrons of Alliance fighters. Hyperdrive x1 (backup x9), nav computer Availability Military Cost Not available for sale * Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size ** Backup shield generators allow a re-roll of any failed mechanics check used to restore shields. The second roll must be taken regardless. 3 Taim & Bak XV9 Heavy Turbolasers Battery Dmg 8d10x5 Atk +11 (-9 against targets smaller than Colossal) 4 ArMek SW-7 Ion cannons Battery Atk +11 Dmg 8d10x5 (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal), 4 concussion missile launchers (10 missiles each) Atk +6 Dmg: 7d10x5 (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal), 7 Point laser 10 cannon battery Atk +16 (+11 autofire) Dmg 2d10x2 3 Phylon Q7Tractor Beam Atk +6 Dmg (grapple +69) (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal), Capsule: Home One, also known as the Headquarters Frigate, was an MC80 Star Cruiser of the Home One type in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's fleet, famous for its role at the Battle of Endor and as one of Admiral Ackbar's flagships. Home One belonged to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser line of warships, and like most Mon Cal ships, it had a long cylindrical hull. Blue-gray in color, it had a tapered nose, and a bulbous stern, and it lacked the flared wings seen on the Liberty type MC80. CL 22 Manufacturer: Mon Cal Shipyards Model: Modified MC 80 Star Cruiser Era: Reb+ Contributor: Sith_Interceptor Source: WoC Starships of the Galaxy Type: Colossal 1400m (cruiser) capital ship Init -1; Senses Perception +6 Imperial State Ship Genesis CL 26 Manufacturer: Imperial Faction Model: State Ship Era: Legacy+ Contributor: Jerald Source: None Type: Colossal (station) mobile space station Init -4; Sense +6 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 14), Fort 57; +14 Armor SR 240** Threshold 257 HP 2400 DR20 Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale) Ranged (See Below) Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale) Cover total Defenses Ref. 23 (flat-footed 23), Fort 98; +23 armor 7-4 HP 6,600 DR 20 SR 2500 Threshold 598 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 16 Heavy Turbo Laser Batteries +16* (10d10x10) Special Mass Destruction Cannons (M.D.C.) 60 rounds to fire, completely destroys target. Fighting space 8x8 Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +125 Crew: 600(skilled); Passengers:1,500,000(battle droids) Cargo: 50,000 tons; Consumables: 4 years; Carried Craft: 120 Tri-fighters, 120 “vulture” droid starfighters, 160 MTTs, 280 assorted droid armored vehicles Payload: 1632 proton torpedo’s Hyperdrive x1.5 (x15 backup), Availibity Military Cost: NFS 1 Heavy ion cannons battery (2 gunners) Dmg 9d10x2 Atk +8 7 Quad turbolasers (1 gunners) Atk +6 Dmg 6d10x2 2 Point-defense ion cannons batteries (3 gunners) Crew 1,000,000 (Skilled) Atk +10 Dmg 3d10x2 Passengers 500,000,000 (Troops and Civilians) 8 Dual laser cannons point defense batteries(2 gunners) Cargo 50,000,000,000 tons Consumables Unlimited Atk +24 Dmg 5d10 x 2 Carried Craft 3 Imperial I-class Star Destroyers, 1,500,000 102 Proton torpedo tubes (1 gunners) TIE fighters (all variants), 500 Lambda-class shuttles, 1,000 Atk +6 Dmg 9d10x2 AT-ATs, 1,500 AT-STs, and various support and civilian 8 Tractor beam projectors vehicles. Atk +6 Dmg special Hyperdrive x6 (backup x10), nav computer Availability Military Cost NFS/Unique Capsule: The Invisible Hand was a modified Providence*apply a -20 on attacks against targets smaller than class carrier/destroyer and the flagship of General Grievous colossal size. during the Clone Wars. As the flagship of the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army, it also served as the flagship for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. At the height of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, it had become one of the most feared ships in the galaxy. The ship did not survive the Clone Wars. Abilities Str 186 Dex 10 Con- Int 18 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6 Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Invisible Hand CL 18 Manufacturer: Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps Model: Modified Providence-class carrier/destroyer Era: RoE Contributor: Lord_Reven Source: WoC Website Type: Colossal (cruiser) Init: -4; Senses: +6 Kuari Princess Defense: Ref 15 (13 flat footed); Fort 71; +13 armor HP 1800 DR 60 SR 180 Threshold 269 Speed: fly 16 squares character Fly 4 squares(starship scale) Ranged: 1 Heavy ion cannons battery (see below) +8, 7 Quad turbolasers (see below) +6, 2 Point-defense ion cannons (see below) +10, 8 Dual laser cannons point defense batteries(see below) +8, 8 Tractor beam projectors (see below) +6, 102 Proton torpedo tubes (see below) +6 fighting space: 2x2 squares (starship scale); Cover total Base Atk+2; Grp +71 Abilities Str 98 Dex 14 Int 18 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -4, Use computer +6 7-5 CL 16 Manufacturer: MonCal Shipyards Model: MC-40A Light Cruiser (?) Era: RoE+ Contributor: TheNarrator Source: WEG Riders of the Maelstrom Type: Colossal (frigate) space transport (500m) Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 40 +13 armor HP 1,500 DR 15 SR 100 Threshold 140 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged turbolaser battery +13* (see below) Fighting space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +52 Abilities Str 70 Dex 14 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +74 Crew 900 (skilled) Passengers 3,500 Cargo 5,000 tons Consumables 1 year Hyperdrive x2, navcomputer Availability Licensed Cost unknown * This weapons has a -20 penalty against targets Colossal size or smaller Abilities Str 94 Dex 14 Con - Int 18 Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6 , Perception +6, Pilot -2, Use Computer +6 Turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Dmg 3d10x5 Atk +13 (-7 against targets Colossal or smaller) Capsule: The Kuari Princess was an M-class luxury liner built by the Mon Calamari, and operated by Galaxy Tours during the Galactic Civil War. The Kuari Princess was considered one of the greatest triumphs of Mon Calamari shipbuilding, and was the ship on which many of systems the used in the MC80 Star Cruiser were developed. The ship's complement of 850 consisted of the captain and ten other officers, plus 500 droids and 329 sentient crewers. The bulk of the organic crew served as stewards and engineers, with most of the remainder being involved in the on-board entertainment. A security detail of sixty troopers was also carried as supernumeraries. There was accommodations for 3,500 passengers, with standard facilities for 27 different species. Leviathan CL 21 Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems Model: Interdictor-class Cruiser Era: KotOR Contributor: escape908 Source: Type: Colossal (cruiser) capital ship Init -2; Senses Perception +6 Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 52; +13 armor HP 1,500 DR 20 SR 125 Threshold 252 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged 4 turbolaser batteries +12 (see below) and 1 tractor beam and 2 ion cannon batteries and 4 gravity well projectors +6 (see below) 7-6 Crew 2,784 (skilled) Passengers 2,000 (troops) + 1,000 (droids) Cargo 5000 Metric tons; Consumables 8 months Carried Craft 2 Trill Shuttles, 24 Senth Fighters Hyperdrive x1 (backup x2) Availability Military Cost NFS/Unique *Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size. Turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Dmg 7d10x5 Atk +14 (-6 against targets smaller than Colossal), Ion cannon battery (5 gunners) Atk +14 Dmg 3d10x5 ion (-6 against targets smaller than Colossal) Tractor beam (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg -(grapple +74) (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal) Gravity Well Projector {Point System] (gunner) Atk +6 Dmg Special** (-14 against targets smaller than Colossal), ** Targets within range are unable to enter hyperspace. Capsule: The Leviathan was the flagship of Darth Malak's Sith fleet 3,956 years prior to the Battle of Yavin. Its captain was Admiral Saul Karath. As with the other capital ships of the Sith fleet, the Leviathan was originally a Galactic Republic ship that fell into Sith hands after the Battle of Malachor V. Apparently a distant technological ancestor of the later Star Destroyers, Leviathan was one of many similarly designed ships commissioned by the Republic for the Mandalorian Wars. The Leviathan was likely destroyed during the battle of Rakata Prime, as its computers listed the Star Forge as its destination when Revan sliced the systems to enable the Ebon Hawk to escape. After the loss of the Leviathan, the Ravager and many other "proto-Star Destroyers" to Revan and Malak's Sith Empire, the Republic abandoned the design, possibly due to lack of resources, and instead used capital ships more aesthetically in line with the peaceful ages of the Republic, such as the Endar Spire. Millennium Falcon CL 12 Manufacturer: CEC Model: YT-1300 Light Frieghter Modified Era: RoE+ Contributor: Lord_Reven Source: Type: Colossal Init: +8; Senses: +12 Nebulon Ranger CL 13 Manufacturer: Corellia StarDrive Model: Coruscant-class heavy courier Era: KotOR Contributor: JegerGryte Source: Type: Colossal space transport Init: -1 Senses: Perception +8 Defense: Ref 13 (13 flat footed); Fort 30; +13 armor HP 180 DR: 15 SR: 45 threshold: 80 Defense: Ref 13 (flat-footed 12), Fort 27 +12 Armor HP 140 DR 15 SR 80 Threshold: 77 Speed fly 16 2 squares (character scale) 6 squares (starship scale) Ranged: 2 quadlaser cannons(see below) Ranged: 2 concussion missile launchers (see below) Ranged: 1 blaster cannon (retractable)(see below) Fighting Space: 1 square (starship scale) Cover: total BAB: +9; Grp: +29 Speed: fly 16 Squares (Max velocity 1,150 km/h) fly 4 squares (Starhip scale) Ranged: Laser Cannons +7 (see below) and/or Concussion Missile Launcher +7 (see below) Fighting Space: 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover Total Base Atk +5 Grp +42 Atk Options: autofire (laser cannons) Abilities Str 50 Dex 10 Int 18 Skills: Initiative +18, Mechanics +13, Perception +12, Pilot +8, Use computer +8 Crew: 2; passengers: none Cargo 100 metric tons Consumables: 2 months Carried craft: none Hyperdrive: x.5 (x12 backup) Availability : licensed cost: Not for sale Abilities: Str 44 Dex 12 Int 14 Skills Initiative -1, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot -1, Use Computer +8 Crew 2 (Expert) Passengers 4 Cargo 20 tons Consumables: 2 months Carried Craft: 3 Airspeeders Payload: 8 Concussion missiles Hyperdrive: x1.5 (no backup) Availability Unique Cost NFS 2 quadlaser cannons(gunners) Atk +13 Dmg 6d10x2 2 concussion missile launchers (pilot) Atk +13 Dmg 9d10x2 1 blaster cannon (Pilot) Atk +13 Dmg 3d12x2 Laser Cannons (4 fire-linked; pilot or gunner) Atk +7 (+2 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2 Concussion Missile Launcher (pilot or gunner) Atk +7 Dmg 8d10x2, 4-square splash Capsule: The Millennium Falcon was the famous personal smuggling starship of Han Solo and Chewbacca. The Falcon began life as a standard Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 stock light freighter. Solo won it from Lando Calrissian in the Cloud City Sabacc Tournament. Under both Calrissian and Solo, the ship endured many adventures and upgrades which led to its dilapidated exterior appearance, and played a vital role in the Galactic Civil War. 7-7 Capsule: The Nebulon Ranger was the famous Coruscantclass Heavy Courier flown in 4,000 BBY by Human brothers Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma and their Twi'lek companion Tott Doneeta, all of them Jedi Knights. The vessels's drop bay was also modified to hold three airspeeders. During the Great Sith War, the Ranger saw action. During the Battle of Ossus, Cay Qel-Droma pursued his brother and former Jedi Knight Ulic on the Nebulon Ranger. However, Ulic's starship shot down the Ranger though Cay survived the crash. Storm Shield of the Republic CL 17 Manufacturer: Republic Sienar Systems Model: Marauder-class Corvette Era: Reb Contributor: Khierien Source: WEG Han Solo and the CSA Type: Colossal (frigate) Capital Ship Init +1; Senses Perception + 6 CL 13 Manufacturer: Hapes Consortium Model: Modified Miy'til Fighter Era: Reb+ Contributor: Khierien Source: Type: Huge Starfighter (7.5 m long) Init +12; Senses Perception + 8 Defense Ref 17 (Flat-footed 11) Fort 24 +3 Armor HP 90 DR 5 SR 22 Threshold 34 Defense Ref 15 (Flat-footed 11), Fort 36; +11 Armor HP: 900 DR 15 SR 125 Threshold 136 Speed 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged 3 Turbolaser Battery +15 (5d10x5) or 2 Heavy Ion Cannon Battery +15 (4d10x5) or 3 Tractor Beams +11 Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +5 Grp +51 Abilities Str 62 Dex 19 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +1, Mechanics +12, Perception +6, Pilot +1, Use Computer +12 Crew 75 (expert) Passengers 40 Cargo 100 metric tons Consumables 3 months Carried Craft 6 Starfighters (varied models and configurations), 1 shuttle, 2 landing craft Payload n/a Hyperdrive x2 (x10 back-up hyperdrive) Availability Military Cost NFS (3.2 million) Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,250 km/hr) fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged Laser Cannons +8 (5d10x2, pilot) and Ion Cannons +8 (4d10x2, ion, pilot) or Mini-Concussion Missiles +8 (7d10x2, 2-square splash, pilot) or Ranged 2 Thermal Detonator Bombing Tubes +3 (pilot, special see below) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (pilot) Base Atk +8 Grp +26 Atk Options Autofire (laser cannons) Abilities Str 38 Dex 22 Con -- Int 16 Skills Initiative +12, Mechanics +8 (+15*), Perception +8, Pilot +12, Use Computer +8 (+15*) Crew 1 (pilot- expert) plus astromech Passengers n/a Cargo 25 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft n/a Payload 10 custom-built missiles, 16 thermal detonators. Hyperdrive x1 (x10 back-up hyperdrive) Availability Military Cost NFS (710,000 Cr) Turbolaser Battery (4 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 5d10x5 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal) Heavy Ion Cannon Battery (4 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 4d10x5 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal) Tractor Beam (2 Gunners) Atk +11 Dmg – (grapple + 51) (-9 against targets smaller than Colossal) Capsule: Crew, cargo, and hangar space were cutdown to provide more room for the heavy ion cannon batteries, improved engines and improved shields. 7-8 Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +8 Dmg 5d10x2 Ion Cannons (pilot) Atk +8 Dmg 4d10x2 Mini-Concussion Missiles (pilot) Atk +8 Dmg 6d10x2, 2-square splash Thermal Detonators (pilot) Atk +3 Dmg 8d6, 4-square burst radius Only useable in an atmosphere against ground targets. -5 to attack; the thermal detonators are unguided and subject to interference from freefall. Misses shift the burst radius 4 squares at the GMs discrestion. Sensor Jammer Enemy starships of size Colossal (Frigate) or smaller who are within point-blank range of Storm suffer a penalty on attack rolls and Use Computer skill checks to operate sensors: Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal -1; Colossal (Frigate) -2. *these stats are w/ Astromech Capsule: The Storm was a modified Hapan Miy'til starfighter used by Prince Isolder. Isolder personally designed the Storm using the hull of a standard Miy'til fighter. More than 500,000 credits worth of refinements turned Storm into a powerful starfighter. The ship was just over seven meters long, smaller even than the New Republic's RZ-1 A-wing interceptor. This required Hapan engineers to miniaturize many components to make them fit inside the small ship. Isolder commonly flew with a prototype R2-series astromech droid; a gift from Princess Leia Organa during the first negotiations between the New Republic and the Hapes Consortium. The Storm became a common sight in battles in the Hapes Cluster, since it was usual for Isolder to personally lead his fighters into battle. During a rescue attempt involving Princess Leia Organa, the ship crash-landed on Dathomir. The Storm was recovered and rebuilt after the battle. Suncrusher CL 20 Manufacturer: Imperial Department of Military Research Model: Prototype Superweapon Era: NR Contributor: Greybacca Source: WEG Jedi Academy Sourcebook Type: Gargantuan starfighter Init +8; Senses Perception +6 Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 19), Fort 318 +14 armor HP 4500 DR 10 SR 15 Threshold 338 Speed 16 squares (max. velocity 1300km/h) 6 squares (starship scale) Ranged 1 Resonance Torpedoes* +6 (see below) and 5 Laser Cannons +4 (see below) Tractor Beam Projector +4 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +2 Grp +325 Abilities Str 626 Dex 24 Con -- Int 18 Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +8, Use Computer +6 7-9 Crew 1 pilot (Skilled) Passengers none Cargo 65kg Consumables 4 days Carried Craft N/A Payload 11 Resonance Torpedoes Hyperdrive x1, Nav Computer: Limited to three jumps Availability Military/Illegal/Unique Cost NFS 11 Resonance Torpedoes* (pilot) Atk +6 Dmg 4d10x5 5 Laser Cannons (gunner) Atk +4 Dmg 4d10x2 Tractor Beam Projector (pilot) Atk +4 Dmg -- (grapple +325) * These stats describe the torpedo as used against a ship or other target. When .red into a star, the torpedo’s sophisticated tracking system guarantees impact with a star, and its devastating impact on a star has very little to do with its explosive or kinetic power – it simply triggers a chain reaction which ignites a supernova, destroying the star and anything in the system. Capsule: The Sun Crusher was one of the most powerful superweapons ever devised. It was developed at the secret Maw Installation. The Sun Crusher was a nearly indestructible craft that was no larger than a starfighter, but was capable of unleashing destruction on a magnitude that dwarfed even the Death Star's capabilities. Unlike the Death Star that destroyed individual planets, the Sun Crusher could destroy an entire star system by causing its star to turn into a supernova. The key to its near invincibility was layered molecular armor, a material so strong that it could resist even turbolaser shots. Han Solo once was able to ram the Sun Crusher straight through the bridge of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Hydra without taking any significant damage. The Sun Crusher was also equipped with a hyperdrive and was designed to slip unnoticed into a system, fire its weaponry, and then escape before its presence was detected. TIE Interceptor in speed and agility. The company succeeded by producing the StarViper-class attack platform, a vehicle which had more in common with a mobile weapons platform than a starfighter. A pleased Xizor christened the vehicle Virago and purchased all rights to the design to ensure that his transport would remain unique. The Virago was apparently destroyed in a battle over Coruscant, when Darth Vader's flagship Executor destroyed Xizor's skyhook. Soon after Xizor's death, MandalMotors regained the rights to the StarViper design and began producing inferior versions of the original craft. Virago CL14 Manufacturer: MandalMotors Model: Prototype StarViper-class attack platform Era: Reb Contributor: Khierien Source: Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +11; Senses Perception + 8 Viscount CL 25 Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards Model: Star Defender Era: NR+ Contributor: Lord_Reven Source: WoC Starship Battles Previews Type: Colossal (station) Init: -4; Senses: +6 Defense Ref 20 (Flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +8 Armor HP: 150 DR 10 SR 25 Threshold 48 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,250 km/hr) fly 5 squares (starship scale) Ranged 2 Heavy Laser Cannons +8 (6d10x2, pilot) and Ranged Proton Torpedoes +8 (9d10x2, 4-square splash, pilot) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total (pilot) Base Atk +8; Grp +38 Atk Options Autofire (laser cannons) Abilities Str 46, Dex 24 , Con --, Int 16 Skills Initiative +11, Mechanics +9, Perception +8, Pilot +10, Use Computer +9 Defense Ref 15 (15 flat footed) Fort 72 +15 armor HP 2700 DR 70 SR 400 Threshold 572 Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale) Ranged: 50 turbolaser batteries (see below) +21 40 heavy turbolaser batteries (see below) +21 200 concussion missile (see below) +7 60 heavy ion cannons batteries (see below) +15 40 tractor beams (see below) +7 100 point defense cannons batts(see below) +15 Fighting space 4x4 square (starship scale) Cover: total Base Atk +2 Grp +99 Abilities STR 134 Dex 10 Int 20 Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -4, Use computer +6 Crew 1 (Xizor - expert) Passengers n/a Cargo 65 kg Consumables 1 week Carried Craft n/a Payload 10 proton torpedoes Hyperdrive x1 (x10 back-up hyperdrive) Availability Unique Cost NFS Est 700,000 Cr Crew 68,174 (skilled) Passengers 12,500(troops) Cargo 9000 metric tons Consumables: 2 years Payload 6000 missiles Carried Craft 216 starfighters, 84 other ships Hyperdrive x2 (x12 backup), Availibity Military, Unique Cost NFS Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +8 Dmg 6d10x2 Proton torpedoes (pilot) Atk +8 Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash Capsule: Although the crimelord Xizor had access to numerous starships, his favorite was a heavy assault starfighter called Virago. When Xizor contracted MandalMotors, he demanded a vehicle that could rival the (50) Turbolaser Batteries* (8 Gunners) Atk +21 Dmg 9d10x5 (+1 against targets size Colossal or smaller) (40) Heavy Turbolaser Batteries* (8 Gunners) Atk +21 Dmg 10d10x5 (+1 against targets size Colossal or smaller) 7-10 (200) Concussion Missile Launchers (Gunner) Atk +7 Dmg 9d10x5 (60) Heavy Ion Cannons Batteries* (5 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 4d10x5 (-5 against targets size Colossal or smaller) (100) Point Defense Cannons Batteries (8 Gunners) Atk +15 Dmg 2d10x5 Ranged Turbolasers +10 Fighting Space 83x25 squares, Starship 2x1 squares Crew Cover total Base Atk +0; Grp +48 Abilities STR 66 DEX 18 CON -- INT 16 Skills Initiative +15, Mechanics +12, Perception +20, Pilot +10, Use Computer +10 * This weapon takes a -20 against targets size Colossal or smaller Payload none Crew 8 (Expert, Talon Karrde); Passengers 0 Capsule: The Viscount was the namesake of the Viscount- Cargo 50,000 tons; Consumables 6 Months class Star Defender line produced for the New Republic and Carried Craft Speeder later the Galactic Alliance. Viscount's design was worked Hyperdrive x1 (x7), Nav Computer out after the Black Fleet Crisis when the New Republic Availability Illegal, Unique Cost NFS military realized the need for more powerful dreadnoughts. Prior to the Yuuzhan Vong War, she fought rogue Imperial Notes: Sensor Mask - Causes ship to have a DC30 on elements as the New Republic was still consolidating power sensor checks to locate it. throughout the galaxy at the end of the Galactic Civil War. Being the largest and most powerful of all Mon Calamari(3) Turbolasers Dmg 5d10 designed warships, Viscount and her sister ships were later Atk +10 put to good use during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. (can fire at 3 targets 1 each in 3 directions) Originally stationed at Coruscant, the warship was eventually deployed to Mon Calamari, following the Capsule: The Wild Karrde was a heavily modified Corellian reorganization of the New Republic into the Galactic Engineering Corporation Action VI Transport used by Talon Alliance. During the Battle of Mon Calamari, Admiral Traest Karrde for smuggling and as a mobile base of operations. Kre'fey deployed the Viscount as part of a trio of heavy Underneath the craft's dented and worn hull plates was warships that included the Super Star Destroyer Guardian concealed an incredible mobile base of operations for and the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Harbinger. The longKarrde and his band of smugglers. Karrde had made many range weapons on the Viscount were utilized to sow heavy important modifications to his ship that allowed it to hold its damage on the Yuuzhan Vong armada. own against the Imperial patrols that often came to check his stash. Three heavy retractable turbolasers were added, giving the ship a firepower that no pirate could ever expect. The entirety of the hull was doubly reinforced with giant durasteel plates that matched the color of the original, unmodified hull so as not to tip off pursuers. Deflector shields and a large power source were also secreted deep in the bowels of the ship. Talon Karrde had a hand in almost all galactic affairs, and thus had a far-flung web of spies and informants spread across hundreds of worlds. In order to keep tabs on them and process all the incoming data, Karrde converted most of the passenger and crew quarters on his vessel into a cavernous communications nexus. A monstrous hyperradio rectenna gave Karrde instantaneous links to his spies, while stolen HoloNet transceivers intercepted and cataloged many thousands of transmissions from across the galaxy. CL 9 This sensor package incorporated a cloaking device that Wild Karrde Manufacturer: Outlaw Techs was powerful enough to conceal the Wild Karrde from Model: Modified Action VI Freighter passive scans. The machinery also transmitted false Era: Reb+ Contributor: RavenFury transponders to any ship inquiring about the nature of the Source: WEG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook cargo aboard the Wild Karrde. Type: Gargantuan Starfighter A section of the cargo hold was outfitted with a life support Init +15; Senses Perception +20 system that was frequently utilized to conceal smuggled living beings. In this block was also a kennel for Karrde's Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 10) Fort 38; +10 armor pet vornskrs. At least one small repulsorlift vehicle was kept HP 1200 DR 15 SR 45 Threshold 150 in yet another section of the bay at all times. A dedicated medical bay could care for crew members or passengers Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950km/h) who had been hurt. Another space stored Karrde's small fly Space 3 squares fleet of droids, which ranged from astromechs to GNK 7-11 power droids. Finally, a small force tube positioned in the aft Capsule: Whitecloak fighters were modified CloakShape could generate a small pathway of oxygen in otherwise fighters employed by the Jedi Order prior to the Clone airless deep space. This exotic device was meant to rescue Wars. pilots trapped in the void. WhiteCloak Fighter CL 10 Manufacturer: Jedi Techs Model: Modified Cloakshape Fighter Era: RoE Contributor: [email protected] Source: Type: Gargantuan Starfighter Init +6 Senses Perception +6 World Devastator Silencer 7 Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 12) Fort 26; +7 armor HP 100 DR 10 SR 10 Threshold 46 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000km/h) fly Starship 4 squares Ranged Laser Cannons (pilot or copilot) +3 or Concussion Missile launchers +3 Fighting Space Player 4x4, Starship 1 Crew Cover total Base Atk +3; Grp +33 Abilities STR 42 DEX 20 CON -- INT 16 Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +5, Use Computer +6 Crew 1 (skilled); Passengers 1 or 2 Cargo: 40 kg Consumables 2 weeks Carried Craft none Payload 16 concussion missiles Hyperdrive x1.5 (Backup x12), Nav Computer Availability Military, Jedi Cost 150,000 Cr (100k Cr used) (2) Laser Cannons (pilot or copilot) Dmg 4d10x2 Atk +3 (2) Concussion Missile launchers (pilot or co pilot) Atk +3 Dmg 8d10x2, 4 square splash CL 24 Manufacturer: Imperial Department of Military Research Model: World Devastator Era: NR Contributor: RavenFury Source: WEG Dark Empire Sourcebook Type: Colossal (Station) Super Weapon / Planetary Assault Weapon / Automated Factory Ship / Colossal Droid [Nonheroic Lvl 8/Scout 10] Init: +11 Senses Perception +17 Defense Ref 18 (Flat Foot 16) Fort 67;+15 Armor Will 21 HP 2500 DR 25 SR 215 Threshold 215 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 400km/h) fly space 3 squares Ranged (see below) Fighting Space Edge of Map or entire map, space 3x2 Crew Cover total Base Atk +7 Grp +48 Immune Droid Traits Abilities STR 107 DEX 14 CON -INT 20 WIS 16 CHA 8 Skills Initiative +11, Mechanics +24, Perception +17, Pilot +16, Use Computer +24, Knowledge: Galactic Lore +14, Knowledge: Technology+14, Knowledge: Physical Science +14 Feats Weapons Prof (Heavy Weapons) Weapons Focus (Heavy Weapons) Skill Focus (Mechanics, Use Computer) Skill Training (Knowledge: Technology, Physical Sciences) 7-12 Systems Molecular furnace^^, Flying, Heuristic Processor, Backup Processor, Lock’d Access, Internal Storage, Impvd Sensor Pkg, Shield Generator, Heavy Armor, Hardened Sys Payload 2,000 Proton Missiles* Crew 23,684 (skilled**); 2,000 Slaves; 1,600 Droids Passengers 8,802 (troops); 1,500 (pilots) Cargo 49,000 tons; Consumables 2 years* Carried Craft (36)TIE/D Hyperdrive x6 (Backup x20), Nav Computer Availability Military, Imperial, Unique Cost NFS (5)Heavy Turbolaser Batteries(Gunner) Atk +9 Dmg 8d10x5 (-11 against targets smaller than Colossal) (4)Proton Missiles Launcher (Gunner) Atk +9 Dmg 9d10x4, 4 square Splash (10)Blaster Cannons (Gunner) Atk +9 Dmg 5d10x5 (3) Point Defense Ion Battery(Gunner) Atk +9 Dmg 3d10x2 Ion (4) Tractor Beam Projectors (Gunner) Atk +9 Dmg --- (Grapple +48) (-11 against targets smaller than Colossal) Notes *Consumables, and craft may be considerably extended because the World Devastators can break down and reconstitute various elements. ** Skills and feats are based on either the Droid-brain or the crew, whichever is higher ^ Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size ^^Any vessel caught in a tractor beam and brought into the Molecular furnace is destroyed. Player has 15 rounds to break free of tractor beam Capsule: Silencer-7 was the lead World Devastator that attacked the water world of Mon Calamari when Emperor Palpatine returned in a clone body. During the battle, where it destroyed Mon Remonda and Emancipator, it was captained by Commander Titus Klev. Silencer-7 was the largest and most powerful of the World Devastators, and it was eventually destroyed when the astromech droid R2-D2 sabotaged the squad of Devastators, causing them to collide with one another. 7-13 Minor Vessels standard, often at least as powerful as an OmniNode Communications Set. Smaller than starfighters or serving less function, minor vessels of this type, from escape pods to construction vehicles are still essential to daily life in the galaxy. Escape Pod, Capital Ship CL 0 Model: Modified Escape Pod Era: RoE+ Contributor: That Blasted Somoflange Source: Type: Large emergency evacuation vehicle Init -3; Senses perception +0 Defense Ref 10 (flat-footed 10) Fort 20 HP 40 DR 5 Threshold 25 Squad Pod CL 0 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Modified Escape Pod Era: RoE+ Contributor: theNarrator Source: WEG Rules of Engagement Type: Huge (6 meter) modified escape pod Init +7; Senses Perception +5 no Armor Speed fly 6 squares (max. velocity 60 km/h) fly 1 squares (starship scale) Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +15 Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 10), Fort 20; +2 armor HP 30 DR 10 Threshold 30 Abilities Str 30 Dex 10 Con -- Int 10 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +0, Perception +0, Pilot -3, Use Computer +0 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h) 5 square (starship scale) Fighting space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale) Cover total Base Atk +0 Grp +20 Crew 0 Passengers 6 or 8 Depending on Model Cargo none Consumables 2 weeks Carried Craft none Hyperdrive none Availability licensed Cost 15,000 Cr (6 person) 20,000 Cr (8 person) Abilities Str 30 Dex 18 Con -- Int 14 Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +7, Use Computer +5 Capsule: While there were probably as many different types of escape pods as there were starships, they all shared a few characteristics. The interior of an escape pod was spartan—passengers were expected to use the pod only for a few hours. Some pods seated as few as two people, while larger pods could carry over a dozen beings. Padded g-couches protected occupants from injury. A simple piloting station provided access to the sensor, communication, and flight control systems, although the shipboard systems were heavily automated so the escape pod could land without a pilot at the controls. Sensors provided atmosphere as well as radiation and gravitational information about nearby planets, and a limited comm transceiver scanned for activity on standard communication frequencies. Emergency homing beacons were also 8-1 Crew 0 (normal) Passengers 10 (troops) Cargo 100 kg Consumables 1 day Availability Licensed Cost NFS Custom Conversion, Use standard Escape pod Capsule: Squad Pods were Escape Pods converted by Alliance Techs to take the place of full sized landing craft. Their engines were tweaked, guidance systems improved and crash harnesses were installed. They could insert a squad (reduced) into enemy territory, preferably while other craft performed distracting actions. Space Stations transit facilities and travel waypoints to keep traffic flowing smoothly. Large docking ports found throughout the galaxy are home to ships and spacers alike. XQ2 Space Platform Space platforms such as the XQ2 have relatively small crews and very few permanent residents; most of the people aboard a platform are there only temporarily. Some interstellar passenger lines use XQ2 Platforms as staging areas for their journeys, allowing passengers to take shuttles up to the platform before boarding larger liners that cannot enter a planet's atmosphere with ease. An XQ2 Platform is quite modular and can be adapted to suit passengers as well as large amounts of cargo. CL 16 Manufactuer: Bengel Shipbuilders Model: XQ2 Platform Era: RoE+ Contributor: WoC Source: WoC Type: Colossal Space Station Init –10; Senses Perception +5 Defense Ref 10 (flat-footed 10) Fort 70 +15 armor HP 2,500 DR 20 SR 200 Threshold 570 Speed fly 0 squares (starship scale) Ranged 3 turbolaser batteries +2* (see below) and 2 point-defense laser cannon batteries +2 (see below) Fighting Space 2 x 2 (starship scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +0 Grp +80 Abilities Str 131, Dex 0, Con —, Int 18 Skills Initiative –10, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot – 10, Use Computer +5 Crew 1,598 (normal) Passengers 10,000 Cargo 100,000 tons ; Consumables 5 years; Carried Craft 36 starfighters (any type), 20 cargo shuttles Availability Restricted Cost 30,000,000 (18,000,000 used) * Apply a –20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal in size. Turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Atk +2 Dmg 4d10 x 5 (–18 against targets smaller than Colossal); Point-defense laser cannon battery (3 gunners) Atk +2; Dmg 3d10 x 2 Capsule: The XQ2 Platform is a basic space station designed to act as a waypoint for travelers visiting highly populated planets. Designed for deployment just at the edge of the atmosphere of planets with heavy space traffic, the XQ2 Platform helps alleviate take off and landing traffic jams by regulating the flow of ships into and out of a star system. Many Core Worlds, such as Brentaal, have dozens of similar space platforms in low orbit, using them as cargo 10-1 F G H I J K L M Imperial Remnant Braxant Sector Bastion BRAXANT RUN Dalonbian Sector Dubrillion Valc VII 16 Ord Canfre Adumar Ansion Ilum Csilla Yaga Minor Borosk Nirauan Esfandia 17 Klasse Ephemora 18 Ankus Kril’Dor Mobus Phaeda Fornax Generis Ord Mantell / Qiilura Vortex Anobis Ithor / Ottega Ylix Er’Kit Katarr Vanquo Null Quelii Sector Gricho Sector Ord Janon Sernpidal Gravlex Med P NG EL Lorrd Atrivis Sector Lahara Sector Agamar TI Raioballo Sector Shusugaunt Sinsang Dantooine Mygeeto Morishim Ord Biniir Garqi Cowl Crucible Iridonia Glee Anselm S N Muunilinst O Q Bimmiel Telos Serenno Ruuria AR Cadomai M Mytus VII Aparo Sector Etti IV Bonadan Kamar Wyl Sector Ammuud Ziost Mirial Ord Radama Tiss’Sharl Vinsoth Toprawa Junction D A R A G O N Thule TRAIL Korriban Corporate Sector 19 20 21 22 N H N U N K W O RE C Dathomir GO Almania Dorin RD I A N Vaal unnamed black hole Vaynai Elom Yavin Bilbringi RE Selvaris Bandomeer A Brath Qella Troiken Aphran Rakata Prime Maridum Y Allied Muskree Reecee A Quermia W Wayland Phindar Taris Felucia Carratos N Yinchorr Shili Tion Sector DIA Y Makem Te Vorzyd H Cholganna Ploo Galidraan Jagga-Two Mandalore Ord Mirit Vjun Kiribi IV Rhen Var Toola Myrkr Garos IV / Borleias M E T E L LO S Rudrig Aquaris Gala Pantolomin Arkania Bogden Sundari Nam Belderone / Raxus TRADE Velusia Obroa-skai Lianna Chazwa Kulthis Chorios Coruscant ROUTE Brigia Shulstine V Metellos Thisspias Ossus Jaminere Nak Shimor Tirahnn Drongar Velmor Ruan Centares III Pengalan IV Aargonar Carida Farlax Fresia II Anaxes Chandaar Empress Cartao Tion Hegemony Caamas The Wheel Korda Sector Teta Systems Aargau Hok Colla IV Taanab E Nespis Eredenn Alderaan I T Contruum Oroaturoo Cron Drift PA Pakuuni OU VIII RL Galantos Vulpter DE R Kuat Sector A Caluula Tion E R Hapes Hapes M T Auril I Munto Codru AN Byss New Holstice WIDEK Anzat Donovia Dellalt Cluster Kuat Ssi-Ruuvi Lwhekk Cluster Sector B Y P A S S Widek Koornacht Telti Roche Asteroids V Cluster Mon Vena Star Cluster Handooine Metalorn Cronese Calamari Jabiim Onderon Leria Kersil Humbarine Balmorra Tross Beacon Ambria Tarkin’s Fang Mandate Sarapin Stenness Neimoidia Togoria Iego Saleucami Merson Ebaq Dalla’s Nexus Zonama Columus Node Teth Recopia Bimmisaari Commenor Station Khomm Zeltros Toong’l Sekot Ojom VI Taboon Rendili Zaadja Charros IV Sriluur / Ruul Gand Eclipse Phu Cato Neimoidia Corellia Kintan Kashyyyk / Umbara Tammar VIII Manaan Trandosha Talasea The New Klatooine Boz Pity Kegan Belgaroth G‘rho Plympto Abregado-Rae Centrality Kessel Sector Chalacta Gyndine Tholarin Sneeve Duro Giju Tarhassan S H A PA N I Rattatak Antar Fondor Mimban The Maw Codian Moon Tund B Y PA S S Tapani Kessel Kubindi Mrlsst Nar Kreeta Kastolar Bakura Sector Fwillsving Ruusan Ghorman VII Sector Firrerre Spar Sector Honoghr Denon Kiffex / Bassadro Hutt Space Teyr Kiffu Devaron Kwenn Vulvarch Moddell Sector IX Aleen Bestine Nimban Endor Thyferra Saki Atzerri Annaj Rhommamool / Kooriva Toydaria Xal 3 Cerea Osarian Aduba III Lannik Tynna NE Da Soocha V I Yag’Dhul Ganath Ablajeck Sector SP Moorja Harrin E Riflor D Nal Hutta / Ylesia / A Iktotch R Lohopa T Nar Shaddaa Nyrvana Aridus AN I Kinyen Rinn Vendaxa LL Brak Sector Derra IV RE Kira CO Cularin XI Nkllon Barab I Seltos Thaere Vandelhelm 150 X Triffis Y Doldur 500 0pc = P M‘haeli 4 pc Bothan Space IP 100 893ly Moonus Mandel Monor II 0 pc Sector E Lorta 150 LI 0pc Druckenwell Void Station Dragonflower Nebula Malastare N 200 0pc E XII Bothawui Umgul / Silver Station Sump Geddes (Hanoon) Falleen Senex90° Leritor Dargul Doldur Cyphar Javin Gamorr Kothlis Krant Haruun Kal Juvex Rodia Dosuun Varonat Enarc Naboo Sectors Vivenda Lahsbane Bespin Sullust Sector Belsavis Chommel Minor Ando Blenjeel Zolan Anoat Kamino Karfeddion Arbra Dorvalla Omwat Rishi Legend Arkanis Eriadu Hoth Chommel Sector Asmeru Pii System Ison Abrion Sector Tibrin Seswenna Sector Ukio Isis Galactic Tythe / Yalara Clak’ d or VII Sector Shadda-Bi Mayagil Sector Region Roon Nelvaan Boran Mustafar Xagobah Anoth Rothana Virmeude Tatooine Zhar Kowak Lok Melida / Daan Star Systems Bpfassh Bespin Sluis Van Pzob and Astroid Fields Queyta Praesitlyn Elshandruu Hypori Sluis Sector Geonosis Siskeen AY Pica The Maw Nebula’s and other W Vergesso Cadavine Rutan / XIII Dagobah Keresi IAN Astronomical Excarga HYD Asteroids Ryloth Senali D E A T H Sector Tantra Suarbi 7 Elrood Phenomena Polis Massa W I N D Zonju V Bajic Sector Subterrel Sector Svivren CORRIDOR Kuat Utapau Quence Alzoc III Adarlon Minos Sector Sectors and Star Clusters Lameredd Sector Karideph Cluster Pergitor Bothan Autonomous Regions Silken Asteroids O I G R Belkadan Zonama Sekot Helska 15 Kalee N 1 E 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 A DEEP CORE 6 16 14 15 N U E R O CT 26 AN RUN UT E SA CORELLI 25 A R Kal’Shebbol Kathol Sector XIV Exocron I W K L M N O P Q R S T LD U SP E C A 7 8 12 13 Major Hyperspace Lane Map of the Star Wars Galaxy — by W. R. van H Hage Version sion 1.2, 2007. This map is an adapta adaptation and extensionn of Eric PPrzybylski’s map withh featur features frfrom maps by Modi di and Da omics IInc. Dark Horse Comics All material referred to here ar aree the ex exclusive property of George Lucas, oast st Inc IInc, De Agostini UK Ltd, West End Games, ames, Lucasfilm Ltd., Wizards of thee Coast /Del Rey Book DK Publishing Inc, Ballantine/Del Books, Bantam Books, Berkeley Book Books, ics, and Dark Da Horse Co Lucasarts Inc., Marvel Comics, Comics. The map itself is licencedd un under the CC-BY-SA license version 3.0 http ons.or andd the GFDL version 1.2 tp://ww .org/lic chan ch It may be copiedd andd changed, ong as thee author autho aut is attributed and the resulting work ork is shared sha d alike. as long V 14 Space 23 22 21 20 CO RUN RELLIAN ORRID SALIN C XI OR Minor Hyperspace Lane Reference to a Magnified Insert 19 16 OUTER RIM 15 DEEP CORE 17 28 RI 27 MM A TR AD MID RIM 9 INNER RIM E X PA N S I O N REGION 10 24 COLONIES 11 23 CORE WORLDS Teta Sector Foerost R O AG SANCTUARY PIPELINE Corulag PA R L E M I A N TRADE ROUTE N A J- Thonner H O U Spar Sector C H E R U Kuna’s Horn Din Pulsar Murk UR-3741 Endor Endor Gate Kuna’s Eye Kuna’s Fist Kuna’s Tail Sanyassa To Bakura Kuna’s Tooth Ablajeck Sector Xal 3 XII. Hoth and the Greater Javin To Mid Rim Talfaglio Corellian Sector Froz Jumus New Plympto Duro Duro Sector N T IA OU L L R E R DE O C RA T E Nubia Harrin Tel Iktotch HARRIN TRADE CORRIDOR Station 3 To Varl Ques Tas-La To Tion Hegemony Vontor Klatooine Si’Klaata Cluster To Nal Hutta Vendaxa Lazerian Cerenia Arrgaw Kira Pax Ropagi Opiteihr Maxca Intran Latoma Demar Merkat Brevost Krann Kalarba Roldana Nigel Triffis Seltos Enet Torve De’nel Aridus Mila N Osirrag AC’FREN SPUR XI. The Brak Sector U Elrood Dega Gas Clouds Vodran Kintan To Nimban Lohopa Novolek Sriluur / Ruul Sedri Aramand Asran Brak Sector Garia Genesia Mangez Laud Kalinda Armand Cluster Cirra Orma Lota Ralme Bacrana Jinet Skone Rehn ENARC RUN Vondarc To Enarc Legend XIV. The Kathol Sector To Rimma Trade Route Kathol Republic TRITON TRADE ROUTE Kal’Shebbol To Hydian Way Kolatill XI Verde Solacton Tragud Terman Sespe Karstaxon Regions R Dega Dles Lant Hutt Space N Kidron Iotran Expanse CORELLIAN RUN Talir Divis Arm Iotra IA COYN ROUTE Bodrin The Drift Alluuvia Torize X Nwarcol Point Af’El Vaath’kror Karnst Corellia LL This map is an adaptation and extension of Eric Przybylski’s map with features from maps by Modi and Dark Horse Comics Inc. All material referred to here are the exclusive property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd., Wizards of the Coast Inc, De Agostini UK Ltd, West End Games, DK Publishing Inc, Ballantine/Del Rey Books, Bantam Books, Berkeley Books, Lucasarts Inc., Marvel Comics, and Dark Horse Comics. The map itself is licenced under the CC-BY-SA license version 3.0 and the GFDL version 1.2 It may be copied and changed, as long as the author is attributed and the resulting work is shared alike. Pirek Sacorria Almaran Merisee Korad Tantra Coyn Brolsam Version 1.2, 2007. To Ebaq Tynna Lanthrym Ansuroer Novor Sector Reibrin C O R R I DO Periphery R Suolriep E Kuras Isde Naha Map of the Star Wars Galaxy — by W. R. van Hage VIII. Corellian Sector Torina D E R I LY N ELROOD RUN Halbara VIII VII Tharin Sector Suolriep Sector Derilyn Tifnyl VI IX. The Sisar Run R CORELLIAN TRADE SPINE Gerrenthum Council Varonat Nothoiin Bespin Indellian Bavva Bendeluum Anoat Anoat Zhanvox Hoth Ione Sector Burnin Konn Ison Allyuen NOTHOLIN Mataou CORRIDOR Anantapar Shuxl Isis Tokmia Polmanar Ertegas Yarith Darlyn Boda Sector Ivax Orn Kios Nebula Ozu Togominda Venir RIMMA TRADE ROUTE Lutrillian Cross High Chunah Mijos Kirtarkin Mexeluine IX IV XIII Renegg Horthov Monadin Elrood Sector Berea P TRA ARLEMI DE R A OUT N E Kuat X. Kira and the Enarc Run Cargamalis Aztubek V Kuat Sector Kidir O Lutrillia Kiax Nebula Kumru Javin II Dalos IV Cron Drift XII C Shuldene Canti XIII. The Elrood Sector Javin Sector (Formerly Mugari Space) I N Din Nebula Centares III LI Ovise Annaj The Wheel Nopces Prime Drurish Redrish Netolio Caloria Shifa Betolio Obelia Setolio Kamper Jinda Listoria Tanda CR UA RN O L I A Bethal Shopani Cesya Calipsa Riesa Pozzi Pavia Lorenz New Javis LEOZI Tanzis Gilliana Nista R O U T E Tanya Tanger Pelagon Grella Obulette Achillea THREE Dampher Nella Blythe Pernella E LRLUANS CALIPSA Estaph R U N Aleron Reena Sheva Javis Doris Dorellia Lastelle Tumus Allandor Tillo Dorella GIJ PROCOPIAN Nyssa Sorella Pella Bianas U R S H I P P I N G Tallaan UN Rianon Reyna L A N E Gania Tavitz Tavya Shella Neona Shindra Ricaldi Tocco Letev Procopia Herglic New Shella Bilios Cor I Space Tamber Jappe Vycinyth Lamuir C O R Lupani Danju L A N E Cor II Fondor Soterios Cauper Sefon Lynx Cor III Crella Barnaba Hellios Alisandor Rellio Don II RIMMA Garobi Don I Lusk TRADE Tapani Sector ROUTE Mrlsst N Concord Dawn Meridian Sector Nilgaard Emmer Sector SA Mina Nam Chorios XIV Coorimbus S AS YP I B Vex Monsua UR-9353 Nebula UR-2650 UR-8827 Trindello UR-1060 N Ralltiir V. The Kuat Sector To Core Worlds AN To Firrerre A Antemeridian Sector Antemeridias Darpa Sector Border Station 1B6 / Green Tepasi Vulpter Border Station 2LC / Blue Esseles Rhinnal Chandrila Ulion AP Moddell Sector Ast Kikorie Brentaal IL SH Maya Kovel Zorbia A Bormea Sector Ringali Nebula VII. The Tapani Sector and the Shapani Bypass Vasha To Houche N TR N D U OR U L ID CARB O R ONIT G OR E RU Primus N C Goluud Empress Teta System VI. Endor and the Moddell Sector RU Aargau DA Kuar AN N Widek KOROS TRUNK LINE (CARBONITE PIPELINE) Ruan Kaikielius Farlax Sector LLI RU N‘zoth J‘t’p’tan RE AR Galantos Oroaturoo Koornacht Cluster CO Coruscant Sector SIS Polneye Coruscant Bessimir N WIDEK B Y PA S S IV. Meridian Sector III. Bormea & Darpa Sector II. The Koornacht Cluster and the Farlax Sector H W YD AY I A I. The Koornacht Cluster and the Farlax Sector Pimbrellan League Oon Tien Dolstan Corjain Charis Mairne Aaris Peirs Gandle Ott Ivatch Shintel Sebiris Tanquilla Beach Pembric II Galtea SEB IRIS RUN Exocron Swedlan Shatuun Dayark / Episol Bresan Jangelle Danoor / Nah’Malis Alien Construct Yvara Demon’s Gate Q‘Maere Galactic Region DEEP CORE Bespin Star Systems and Astroid Fields The Maw Nebula’s and other Astronomical Phenomena Kuat Sector Sectors and Star Clusters Bothan Autonomous Regions Space Pitann Ehjenla Major Hyperspace Lane The Kathol Rift G A L AT E A R U N Timbra Ott Binaros Sapella Quektoth Confederation CO RUN RELLIAN ORRID SALIN C Uukaablis Qu’Mock Station XI OR Minor Hyperspace Lane Reference to a Magnified Insert 16 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 1 2 O28, XIV P5 N11 L17, VII K26, XII P12 K25, XII S6 T9 O6 N25, XIII N28, XIV P18, XI R14 R11, IX P12 O19, X H21, VI S5 K15 L17, VII U10 N18, X Q21 S19 M13, V P13 O21 H21, VI H21, VI H21, VI H21, VI H21, VI O26 O28, XIV P7 R11, IX K6 L21 N9 K25, XII H21, VI S5 P9 K12 O11 O18, X M13, V R10, IX P23 H21, VI N7 N24 P8 R11, IX R18 O20, X R11, IX K10 Q7 L13, II L18 L17, VII N9 J15, I Q9, IV N24 H21, VI L6 L19 I27 P7 L11 T14 L9 O28, XIV G19 O13 K25, XII Q22 Q5 P20 O1 H18 (130 ABY) K28 H21, VI 3 Timbra Ott Tiss'Sharl Tirahnn Tocco Togominda Togoria Tokmia Toola Toong'l Toprawa Torina Torize Torve Toydaria Tragud Trandosha Triffis Trindello Troiken Tross Beacon Tumus Tund Tynna Tythe Ukio Ulion Umbara Umgul UR-1060 UR-2650 UR-3741 UR-8827 UR-9353 Utapau Uukaablis Vaal Vaath'kror Valc VII Vandelhelm Vanquo Varonat Vasha Vaynai Velmor Velusia Vena Vendaxa Venir Verde Vergesso Asteroids Vex Vinsoth Virmeude Vjun Vodran Void Station Vondarc Vontor Vortex Vorzyd Vulpter Vulvarch Vycinyth Wayland Widek The Wheel Xagobah Xal 3 Yaga Minor Yag'Dhul Yalara Yavin Yinchorr Ylesia Ylix Yvara Zaadja Zeltros Zhanox Zhar Ziost Zolan Zonama Sekot Zonama Sekot Zonju V Zorbia 4 M15, VIII S13 R10 M26 H21, VI O28, XIV L14 N28, XIV S11, IX K17, VII O19, X J12 P5 O3 R11, IX K17, VII O23 O28, XIV L17, VII K17, VII K17, VII M10 K17, VII N28, XIV K17, VII J24, XII M12 L5 K26, XII P25 P20 M5 R21 P18, XI N24 Q13 R11, IX K17, VII L17, VII R11, IX R11, IX P24 M27 M13 J25 O9 R10, IX O25 O28, XIV N11 O13 N15 M15, VIII R11, IX K17, VII K17, VII S11 L17, VII L17, VII N28, XIV N25, XIII L17, VII L17, VII N14 N9 L14 R11, IX R21 L17, VII K17, VII O18, XI P4 N12 L12, III R11, IX S10 M17 P18 O10 P13 I21, VI Q5 L19 M24 N25, XIII L17, VII 5 Sacorria Saki Saleucami Senali Sanyassa Sapella Sarapin Sebiris Sedri Sefon Seltos Selvaris Serenno Sernpidal Sespe Setolio Shadda-Bi Boran Shatuun Shella Sheva Shifa Shili Shindra Shintel Shopani Shuldene Shulstine V Shusugaunt Shuxl Silken Asteroids Silver Station Sinsang Siskeen Skone Sluis Van Sneeve Solacton Sorella Soterios Sriluur Station 3 Suarbi Subterrel Sullust Sump Sundari Suolriep Svivren Swedlan Taanab Taboon Talasea Talfaglio Talir Tallaan Tamber Tammar Tanda Tanger Tanquilla Beach Tantra Tanya Tanzis Tarhassan Taris Tarkin's Fang Tas-La Tatooine Tavitz Tavya Tel Telos Telti Tepasi Terman Teth Teyr Thaere Thisspias Tholatin Thonner Thule Thyferra Tibrin Tifnyl Tillo 6 N28, XIV N19, X M6 K7 O3 L9 K12 P5 P18, XI K26, XII J14, I N17 N25, XIII R8 L8 I21, VI K26, XII T7 K12 K17, VII N19, X N28, XIV K17, VII L17, VII N28, XIV O10 N27 K17, VII L8 O8 J17 R20 R11, IX O28, XIV N10 M26 K25, XII J15, I L17, VII O24 L13, II K17, VII T20 L9 O28, XIV S5 R11, IX N24 O28, XIV H14 L12, III P18, XI H20 S6 L14 M13, V J12 L17, VII P18, XI R10, IX L17, VII L14 M13, V K17, VII R7 L12, III N17 K17, VII L17, VII L17, VII I21 U14 S19 P10 Q20 O19, X S20 O19, X T19 K13, II S7 M26 R11 Q3 P14 R22 7 Oon Tien Opiteihr Ord Biniir Ord Canfre Ord Janon Ord Mantell Ord Mirit Ord Radama Orma Orn Kios Oroaturoo Osarian Osirrag Ossus Ottega Ovise Ozu Pakuuni Pantolomin Pavia Pax Peirs Pelagon Pella Pembric II Pengalan IV Pergitor Pernella Phaeda Phindar Phu Pii System Pirek Pitann Ploo Polis Massa Polmanar Polneye Pozzi Praesitlyn Primus Goluud Procopia Pzob Qiilura Q'Maere Quermia Ques Queyta Qu'mock Station Rakata Prime Ralltiir Ralme Rattatak Raxus Recopia Redrish Reecee Reena Rehn Reibrin Rellio Rendili Renegg Reyna Rhen Var Rhinnal Rhommamool Rianon Ricaldi Riesa Riflor Rinn Rishi Roche Asteroids Rodia Roldalna Roon Ropagi Rothana Ruan Rudrig Rutan Ruul Ruuria Ruusan Ryloth 8 R3 K23 P18, XI L17, VII K17, VII J24, XII J24, XII E19 K17, VII N28, XIV S6 N22 O14 O9 P18, XI P7 K25, XII O18, XI I21, VI P23 N25, XIII P19, X O13 Q10 K13 K24, XII N20 K24, XII P18, XI O15 I21, VI M4 G12 T8 M13, V P20 R18 L19 L6 K17, VII T7 H21, VI L25 S6 L5 L6 N10 R3 O21 M11 R15 O28, XIV Q8, IV S12 R15 M13 K17, VII Q21 K17, VII R8 K17, VII Q9 K17, VII M15, VIII K17, VII O19, X R14 J7 K17, VII K21 L12, III K25, XII S10, IX R10, IX M15, VIII N9 R10, IX T14 L17, VII J14, I K17, VII N10 L17, VII L15 M13 O12 9 Lorrd Lorta Lota Lupani Lusk Lutrillia Lutrillian Cross Lwhekk Lynx Mairne Makem Te Malastare Manaan Mandalore Mangez Maridum Mataou Maxca Maya Kovel Melida Merisee Merkat Merson Metalorn Metellos Mexeluine M'haeli Mijos Mila Mimban Mina Mirial Mobus Mon Calamari Monadin Monor II Moonus Mandel Moorja Morishim Mrlsst Munto Codru Murk Mustafar Muskree Muunilinst Mygeeto Myrkr Mytus VII Naboo Nak Shimor Nal Hutta Nah'Malis Nam Chorios Nar Kreeta Nar Shadaa Neimoidia Nella Nelvaan Neona Nespis VIII Netolio New Holstice New Javis New Plympto New Shella Nigel Nimban Nirauan Nista Nkllon Nopces Prime Nothoiin Novolek Novor Nubia Null Nwarcol Point Nyrvana Nyssa N'Zoth Obelia Obroa-skai Obulette Ojom Omwat Onderon 10 R11, IX K9 K26, XII K25, XII K25, XII L8 N28, XIV R9 K12 S7 O28, XIV K17, VII K24, XII L17, VII L17, VII P18, XI J15, I M15, VIII O7 K13, II P19, X K5 O19, X N28, XIV S3 S19 K17, VII L24 N26 R11, IX P12 T10 N24 S12 K16 N25, XIII M13, V K18 K18 R11, IX L20 O19, X L11 K24, XII R11, IX G11 N28, XIV M18 N25, XIII O11 Q5 R19 T20 O19, X R18 J10 K13, II M13, V T11 R8 K24, XII I21, VI I21, VI I21, VI H21, VI I21, VI N25, XIII R13 R19 S22 K17, VII R15 R11, IX N25, XIII K17, VII O18, XI P18, XI O19, X L14 R19 K17, VII R7 K17, VII N18, X Q22 K17, VII 11 Iotra Iridonia Isde Naha Isis Ison Ithor Ivatch Jabiim Jagga-Two Jaminere Jangelle Jappe Javin Javis Jinda Jinet J't'p'tan Jumus Junction Kaikielius Kalarba Kalee Kalinda Kal'Shebbol Kamar Kamino Kamper Karfeddion Karideph Karnst Kashyyyk Kegan Keresi Kessel Khomm Kidron Kidir Kiffex Kiffu Kintan Kinyen Kira Kiribi Kirtarkin Klatooine Klasse Ephemora Kolatill Kooriva Korad Korda Korriban Kothlis Kowak Krann Krant Kril'Dor Kuar Kuat Kubindi Kulthis Kumru Kuna's Eye Kuna's Fist Kuna's Horn Kuna's Tail Kuna's Tooth Kuras Kwenn Lahsbane Lameredd Lamuir Lannik Lant Lanthrym Lastelle Latoma Laud Lazerian Leria Kersil Leritor Letev Lianna Listoria Lohopa Lok Lorenz 12 K17, VII M24 H26 T6 P19 M13, V M4 M16 K14 L15 O28, XIV Q6 N25, XIII O24 R8, IV K13 H21, VI H21, VI P18, XI O28, XIV S7 N13 M8 K26, XII J8 L12, III L17, VII S3 T21 O28, XIV P20 R7 H20 K13, II K17, VII K10 K13 M15, VIII T12 P8 J15, I R7 N28, XIV T17 R15 T9 N28, XIV L17, VII P18, XI K17, VII O9 L7 R18 M6 O18, XI R22 K25, XII K18 K17 K17, VII J10 N5 K17, VII F20 O14 N25, XIII R9 R18 O11 N18, X N22 K17, VII N2 K24, XII M12 S12 M13, V K25, XII L14 S21 S9 O18, X H10 K25, XII P18, XI K25, XII 13 Doris Dorvalla Dosuun Drongar Druckenwell Drurish Dubrillion Duro Ebaq Eclipse Ehjenla Elom Elrood Elshandruu Pica Emmer Empress Teta Systems Endor Endor's Gate Enet Episol Eredenn Eriadu Er'Kit Ertegas Esfandia Esseles Estaph Etti IV Excarga Exocron Falleen Felucia Firrerre Foerost Fondor Fornax Fresia Froz Fwillsving Gala Galantos Galidraan Galtea Gamorr Ganath Gand Gandle Ott Gania Garia Garobi Garos IV Garqi Geddes Generis Genesia Geonosis Gerrenthum Ghorman Giju Gilliana Glee Anselm Gravlex Med Grella G'rho Gyndine Halbara Handooine Hanoon Hapes Harrin Haruun Kal Hellios Helska High Chunah Hok Honoghr Horthov Hoth Humbarine Hypori Iego Iktotch Ilum Indellian Intran Ione 14 L10 L12, III O28, XIV O19, X S7 N28, XIV K25, XII K14 L12 Q3 K17, VII L17, VII S8 L17, VII K23, XII M12 K11 O10 L14 L17, VII Q8, IV I21 O19, X K17, VII R12 S8 L12, III N28, XIV Q11 M11 O21 T5 P18, XI N24 I19 N11 L14 M14 Q9, IV O11 K17, VII K17, VII K17, VII K17, VII M15, VIII N28, XIV L12, III K12, II K25, XII N25, XIII K17, VII G11 P18 K23 P23 N25 K16 Q8, IV K17, VII K17, VII O28, XIV M5 O21 K26, XII S14 N8 O28, XIV N25, XIII S8 O18, XI O28, XIV P18, XI N16 N25, XIII N19 M17 H21, VI R11, IX P20 O28, XIV K17, VII K17, VII O11 K17, VII K17, VII K11 15 Brath Qella Brentaal Bresan Brevost Brigia Brolsam Burnin Konn Byss Caamas Cadomai Calipsa Caloria Caluula Canti Cargamalis Carida Carratos Cartao Cato Neimoidia Cauper Centares Cerea Cerenia Cesya Chalacta Chandaar Chandrila Charis Charros IV Chazwa Chommel Minor Cholganna Cirra Clak'dor VII Codian Moon Colla IV Columus Commenor Concord Dawn Contruum Coorimbus Cor I Cor II Cor III Corellia Corjain Corulag Coruscant Council Coyn Crella Csilla Cularin Cyphar Daan Dagobah Dalla's Nexus Station Dalos IV Dampher Danju Danoor Dantooine Dargul Darlyn Boda Da Soocha V Dathomir Dayark Dega Dellalt Demar Demon's gate De'nel Denon Derilyn Derra IV Devaron Din Pulsar Dles Doldur Dolstan Don I Don II Donovia Dorella Dorellia Dorin L13, II Q9 N28, XIV K17 K17, VII N26 T13 K8 R10, IX N7 M12 M17 K17, VII O28, XIV K17, VII K17, VII N25, XIII K25, XII R5 N25, XIII P24 O12 S3 K26, XII L12 Q20 K9 I21, VI K25, XII L9 K26 J9 N15 Q8, IV R9 K11 N10 P18, XI O22 O18, X M11 O19, X L24 P18, XI H21, VI M18 K24, XII P18, XI G21 M13 N9 T15 K17, VII K12 L18 M3 K25, XII R8 K17 N2 L24 K25, XII N25, XIII K25, XII K12, II L18 K17, VII K17, VII L17, VII K11 L17, VII N5 R11 O28, XIV Q20 L17, VII N25, XIII M11 S3 L12, III L12, III K12 K6 R18 R11 N24 16 Aargau Aargonar Aaris Abregado-rae Achillea Adarlon Aduba III Adumar Af'El Agamar Alderaan Aleen Aleron Alien Construct Alisandor Allandor Alluuvia Allyuen Almania Almaran Alzoc III Ambria Ammuud Anantapar Anaxes Ando Ankus Annaj Anoat Anobis Anoth Ansion Antar Antemeridias Anzat Aphran Aquaris Aramand Arbra Aridus Arkania Arrgaw Asmeru Asran Ast Kikorie Atzerri Aztubek Bacrana Bakura Balmorra Bandomeer Barab I Barnaba Barleias Bassadro Bastion Bavva Belderone Belgaroth Belkadan Belsavis Bendeluum Berea Bespin Bessimir Bestine Bethal Betolio Bianas Bilbringi Bilios Bimmiel Bimmisaari Binaros Blenjeel Blythe Bodrin Bogden Bonadan Border Station 2LC/Blue Border Station 1B6/Green Borleias Borosk Bothawui Boz Pity Bpfassh Map of the Star Wars Galaxy — by W. R. van Hage H Version 1.2, 2007. Thiss map is an adaptation and extension of Ericic Prz Przybylski’s map with features ures Inc. from maps by Modi and Dark Horse Comics cs Inc All ma material referred to here are the exclusiv exclusive property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd., Wizards of the Coastt Inc, De Agostini UK Ltd, West End Games, el Rey Books, Bantam Books, Berkeley Books, ks, DK Publishing Inc, Ballantine/Del Lucasarts Inc., Marvel Comics,, and Da Dark Horse Comics. The map itself is licenced under tthe CC-BY-SA license version 3.0 tp://crea sion 1.2 and the GFDL version ww.gnu g/licenses chan It may be copied andd changed, hor isi attributed a share alike. as long as thee author and the resulting work is shared K L M N O P Q R S T U V 23 22 21 20 19 17 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 15