Concept Radial Optic Neurotomy
Concept Radial Optic Neurotomy
10/22/2012 Surgical Management Radial Optic Neurotomy – Surgical procedure to relieve compression at scleral outlet – Relax confines of CRV – Variable reports of success Radial Optic Neurotomy Concept Hypothesis Compartment Sx Opremcak EM et al, 2001 and 2003 Radial Optic Neurotomy 3-port pars plana vitrectomy 20g vs 25g Posterior hyaloid separation Radial nasal incision 20g vs. 25g MVR blade Hemostasis +/+/- intravitreal triamcinolone acetate (4mg) 1 10/22/2012 Radial Optic Neurotomy - Results Study PreVA PostVA F/U Compls Opremcak, 2001 11 Eyes Dur 20/400 82% = or ⇑ None Other 73% ⇑ of 5 lines Le Rouic, 2003 10 20/200 20/100 4.5mo None Shunt=3 Garcia, 2003 14 2.1wk 20/250 20/80 9.6mo Subret heme=3 Weizer, 2003 5 5.4mo 4/200 20/400 4.5mo Choroidvit NV=1 Nomoto, 2004 15 4mo 20/200 20/100 6mo Subret heme=2 Spaide, 2004 6 2.3mo 20/400 20/400 3mo None Shunt=6 57% ⇑ 1 or more 80% ⇑ 40% ⇑ to 20/80 Shunt=7 ⇓ ret circ time=8 Shunt=5 ⇓ macular thickness 1021⇒733 Radial Optic Neurotomy - Results Study Eyes Dur Opremcak, 2003 117 APD F/U VA results 7mo 57% 9mo Equal/better=94% Avg gain +2.5 lines 25% +4 lines 41% +3 lines Compls SubR heme 6% VH 4% ANV 6% Shunt 8% Radial Optic Neurotomy – Retina Institute of California Experience Purpose: Review our initial experience with RON for CRVO Purpose: Methods:: Retrospective, chart review, OR records (1/1/01) Methods Intervention:: PPV (20 or 25g), RON, +/Intervention +/- IV TA (4mg) Measures:: Visual acuity, macular edema, FA perfusion status Measures Results – – – – 8 eyes / 8 patients ( 1 male, 7 female) Avg age - 73.2 years Mean duration of symptoms - 3.9 months (3 weeksweeks-1 year) Pre--op perfusion status - perfused (3), nonperfused (1), Pre indeterminate (4) – Mean followfollow-up - 7.6 months (1(1-24 months) 2 10/22/2012 Radial Optic Neurotomy - Retina Institute of California Experience Mean preoperative VA - 5/200 Mean postoperative VA - 20/400 4 patients improved VA (50%) 4 patients maintained VA (50%) One patient improved from CF to 20/50 Macular edema - resolved in 2 eyes, decreased in 6 eyes Mean OCT foveal thickness 595 ⇒ 394 microns (3 eyes) Bottom Line: Reasonable option for hemorrhagic CRVO with 20/200 VA or worse CRVO: Treatment Paradigms 1) NonNon-ischemic CRVO: a) NonNon-Hemorrhagic - Observe b) Hemorrhagic - RON - Avastin 2) Ischemic CRVO: PRP Avastin 3