Filed - Global Corporate Venturing
Filed - Global Corporate Venturing
II United States Bankruptcy Court District of Delaware Voluntary Petition Name of Joint Debtor (Spouse) (Last, First, Middle): Name of Debtor (if individual, enter Last, First, Middle): Solyndra LLC All Other Names used by the Joint Debtor in the last 8 years (include married, maiden, and trade names): All Other Names used by the Debtor in the last 8 years (include married, maiden, and trade names): FKA Solyndra Fab 2, LLC Last four digits of Soc. Sec. or Individual-Taxpayer I.D. (ITIN) No/Complete EIN (if more than one, state all) Last four digits of Soc. Sec. or Individual-Taxpayer I.D. (ITIN) No/Complete EIN (if more than one, stain all) 30-0559771 Street Address of Joint Debtor (No. and Street, City, and State): Street Address of Debtor (No. and Street, City, and State): 47488 Kato Road Fremont, CA ZIP Code ZIP Code I I 94538 County of Residence or of the Principal Place of Business: County of Residence or of the Principal Place of Business: Alameda Mailing Address of Joint Debtor (if different from street address): Mailing Address of Debtor (if different from street address): ZIP Code ZIP Code I I Location of Principal Assets of Business Debtor (if different from street address above): Type of Debtor Nature of Business (Form of Organization) (Check one box) (Check one box) Health Care Business Single Asset Real Estate as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101 (51B) Railroad Stockbroker Commodity Broker Clearing Bank Other 0 o o Individual (includes Joint Debtors) See Exhibit Don page 2 of this form. 0 0 D Corporation (includes LLC and LLP) o Partnership Other (If debtor is not one of the above entities, o check this box and state type of entity below.) 0 Tax-Exempt Entity o (Check box, if applicable) Debtor is a tax-exempt organization under Title 26 of the United States Code (the Internal Revenue Code). Filing Fee (Check one box) Full Filing Fee attached Filing Fee to be paid in installments (applicable to individuals only). Must o attach signed application for the courts consideration certitying that the debtor is unable to pay fee except in installments Rule 1006(b) See Official Form 3A. 0 Filing Fee waiver requested (applicable to chapter 7 individuals only). Must attach signed application for the court’s consideration. See Official Form 3B. Chapter of Bankruptcy Code Under Which the Petition is Filed (Check one box) 0 o 0 0 Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 0 5099 0 100- 199 200999 THIS SPACE IS FOR COURT USE ONLY o 1,000- o 0 10,001- 0 0 5,001- OVER 10,000 25,000 25,00150,000 50,001- 5,000 100,000 0 100,000 0 $1,000,001 to $10 0 $10,000,001 to $50 0 $50,000,001 is $100 0 0 $100,000,001 5500,000.001 More than Is $500 to Si billion $I billion million million 0 $iO,000,00i to $50 0 $50,000,001 to $100 0 0 U $100,000,001 $500,000,001 More than to $500 to $1 billion $1 billion Estimated Assets (Consolidated - Book Value) o Soto 550,000 0 $50,001 to $100,000 0 $100,001 to $500,000 0 $500,001 loSt million million million Estimated Liabilities (Consolidated - Book Value) o solo $50,000 o $50,001 to $100,000 0 $100,001 to $500,000 0 $500,001 to $1 million 0 $t.000,00l 10510 million million Debts are primarily business debts. Chapter 11 Debtors Check one box: 0 Debtor is a small business debtor as defined in II U.S.C. § 101(51 D). U Debtor is not a small business debtor as defined in II U.S.C. § 101(51 D). Check if 0 Debtor’s aggregate nonconhingent liquidated debts (excluding debts owed to insiders or affiliates) are less than $2,343,300 (amount subject to adjustment on 4101113 and every three years thereafter). Check all applicable boxes: 0 A plan is being filed with this petition 0 Acceptances of the plan were solicited prepetition from one or more classes of creditors, in accordance with II U.S.C. § 1126(b). Estimated Number of Creditors (Consolidated) o Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Nonmain Proceeding (Check one box) Debts are primarily consumer debts, defined in II U.S.C. § 10 1(8) as "incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose." Debtor estimates that, after any exempt property is excluded and administrative expenses paid, there will be no funds available for distribution to unsecured creditors. 49 0 Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding Nature of Debts StatisticaLlAdministrative Information o Debtor estimates that funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors. o 0 million million RI 1flI Page 2 lVA/lfl Name of Debtor(s) Voluntary Petition (This page must be completed and filed in every case) Location Where Filed: - None - All Prior Bankruptcy Cases Filed Within Last 8 Years Of more than two, attach additional sheet) Date Filed: Case Number: Date Filed: Case Number: Location Where Filed: Pending Bankruptcy Case Filed by any Spouse, Partner, or Affiliate of this Debtor (If more than one, attach additional sheet) Date Filed: Case Number: Name of Debtor: 360 Degree Solar Holdings, Inc. Judge: Affiliate Delaware Exhibit A (To be completed if debtor is required to file periodic reports (e.g., forms I OK and I OQ) with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and is requesting relief under chapter 11.) o Concurrently Relationship: District: Exhibit A is attached and made a part of this petition. Exhibit B (To be completed if debtor is an individual whose debts are primarily consumer debts.) I. the attorney for the petitioner named in the foregoing petition, declare that I have informed the petitioner that [he or she] may proceed under chapter 7, II, 12, or 13 of title 11, United States Code, and have explained the relief available under each such chapter.certify that I delivered to the debtor the notice X___________________________________________________ Signature of Attorney for Debtor(s) (Date) Exhibit C Does the debtor own or have possession of any property that poses or is alleged to pose a threat of imminent and identifiable harm to public health or safety? o Yes, and Exhibit C is attached and made a part of this petition. No. Exhibit D (To be completed by every individual debtor. If a joint petition is filed, each spouse must complete and attach a separate Exhibit D.) O Exhibit D completed and signed by the debtor is attached and made a part of this petition. If this is a joint petition: O Exhibit D also completed and signed by the joint debtor is attached and made a part of this petition. - Information Regarding the Debtor Venue (Check any applicable box) Debtor has been domiciled or has had a residence, principal place of business, or principal assets in this District for 180 days immediately preceding the date of this petition or for a longer part of such 180 days than in any other District. There is a bankruptcy case concerning debtor’s affiliate, general partner, or partnership pending in this District. O Debtor is a debtor in a foreign proceeding and has its principal place of business or principal assets in the United States in this District, or has no principal place of business or assets in the United States but is a defendant in an action or proceeding [in a federal or state court] in this District, or the interests of the parties will be served in regard to the relief sought in this District. Certification by a Debtor Who Resides as a Tenant of Residential Property (Check all applicable boxes) O Landlord has a judgment against the debtor for possession of debtor’s residence. (If box checked, complete the following.) (Name of landlord that obtained judgment) (Address of landlord) O O 0 Debtor claims that under applicable nonbankruptcy law, there are circumstances under which the debtor would be permitted to cure the entire monetary default that gave rise to the judgment for possession, after the judgment for possession was entered, and Debtor has included in this petition the deposit with the court of any rent that would become due during the 30-day period after the filing of the petition. 3620)). Debtor certifies that he/she has served the Landlord with this certification. (11 U.S.C. § B’ Voluntary Petition I (This page must be completed andfiled in every case) Signature(s) of Debtor(s) (Individual/Joint) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this petition is true and correct. [If petitioner is an individual whose debts are primarily consumer debts and has chosen to file under chapter 7]! am aware that I may proceed under chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13 of title II, United States Code, understand the relief available under each such chapter, and choose to proceed under chapter 7. [If no attorney represents me and no bankruptcy petition preparer signs the petition] I have obtained and read the notice required by 11 U.S.C. §342(b). I request relief in accordance with the chapter of title 11, United States Code, specified in this petition. f ame or iiewns: Solyndra LLC Signature of a Foreign Representative 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this petition is true and correct, that I am the foreign representative of a debtor in a foreign proceeding, and that I am authorized to file this petition. (Creek only one box.) request relief in accordance with chapter 15 of title 11. United States Code. O 1Certified copies of the documents required by II U.S.C. §1515 are attached. to 11 U.S.C. §1511, I request relief in accordance with the chapter o Pursuant of title 11 specified in this petition. A certified copy of the order granting recognition of the foreign main proceeding is attached. X X Signature of Foreign Representative Signature of Debtor X Printed Name of Foreign Representative Signature of Joint Debtor Date Telephone Number (If not represented by attorney) Signature of Non-Attorney Bankruptcy Petition Preparer I declare under penalty of perjury that: (1) 1 a a bankruptcy petition preparer as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 110; (2)1 prepared this document for compensation and have provided the debtor with a copy of this document and the notices and information required under 11 U.S.C. §* 110(b), 110(b), and 342(b); and, (3) if rules or guidelines have been promulgated pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 110(h) selling a maximum fee for services chargeable by bankruptcy petition preparers, I have given the debtor notice of the maximum amount before preparing any document for filing for a debtor or accepting any fee from the debtor, as required in that section. Official Form 19 is attached. Date Signature of Attorney* X Signature of Attorney for Debtor(s) Bruce Grohsaal DE 3583 Printed Name of Attorney for Debtor(s) Pachuiski Stang Mehl & Jones LLP Firm Name 919 N. Market Street 17th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 Printed Name and title, if any, of Bankruptcy Petition Preparer Social-Security number (If the banknitpcy petition preparer is not an individual, state the Social Security number of the officer, principal, responsible person or partner of the bankruptcy petition preparer)(Required by 11 U.S.C. § 110.) Address 302-652-4100 Fax: 302-652-4400 TelephorNumber ,_ 5 ; 1/ Date *In a case in which § 707(b)(4)(D) applies, this signature also constitutes a certification that the attorney has no knowledge slier an inquiry that the he schedules is incorrect. in Address KI Date I declare under penalty of perjury that the inibemation provided in this petition is true and correct, and that I have been authorized to file this petition on behalf of the debtor. The debtor requests relief in accordance with the chapter of title 11, United States Code, specified in this petition. Signature of Bankruptcy Petition Preparer or officer, principal, responsible persoa,or partner whose Social Security number is provided above. Names and Social-Security numbers of all other individuals who prepared or assisted in preparing this document unless the bankruptcy petition preparer is not an individual: X Signature of Authorized Individual W.G. Stayer, Jr. Printed Name of Authorized Individual CFO & Senior Vice President Title of Authorized Individual c Date 2011 If more than one person prepared this document, attach additional sheets conforming to the appropriate official Ibun for each person. A bankruptcy petition preparer’s failure to comply with the provisions of title ii and the Federal Rules ofBankruptcy Procedure may result in fines or imprisonment or both 11 U.S.0 §110; 18 USC. §156. Solyndra LLC (A Delaware limited liability company) SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATE At a meeting held on September 1, 2011, the Board of Managers of Solyndra LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Company"), approved the resolutions attached hereto as Exhibit A. The undersigned Secretary of the Company hereby certifies, on behalf of the Company, that resolutions in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A were duly adopted by the Board of Managers of the Company at the meeting referred to above, and that the substance of such resolutions has not been modified or rescinded as of this 5th day of September, 2011. Solyndra LLC By: ’A~~ ’447Corp e Secretary / Benjchwartz EXHIBIT A EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF SOLYNDRA LCC A meeting of the Board of Managers (the "Board") of Solyndra LLC (the "Company"), was held upon proper notice on September 1, 2011, beginning at 11:30 a.m. In attendance were Board members Brian Harrison, James Gibbons, Dan Maydan, David Prend, Steve Mitchell, Jameson MeJunkin, Ray Sims, Stephen Johnson and Richard Adkisson. There being a quorum of the Board present, the Board convened the meeting. The Board discussed the Company’s business and discussed the Company’s potential filing under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"). After further discussion, the Board, upon motion duly made and seconded, approved the following resolutions: WHEREAS, the Board has considered the financial and operational aspects of the Company’s business, and the Board has reviewed the current status of the, Company in light of recent events; WHEREAS, Section 6.11 of the Operating Agreement of the Company (the "Operating Agreement") requires the approval of at least two Outside Managers (as that term is defined in the Operating Agreement) prior to the commencement of an Insolvency Proceeding (as that term is defined in the Operating Agreement); and WHEREAS, Stephen Johnson and Richard Adkisson are the Outside Managers of the Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by a unanimous vote of the Board, including Stephen Johnson and Richard Adkisson, that in the judgment of the Board, it is desirable and in the best interests of the Company, its creditors, stockholders, and other interested parties that a petition be filed by the Company in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the "Bankruptcy Court") seeking relief under the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code; RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company (each, an "Authorized Officer") be, and each of them hereby is, authorized on behalf of the Company to execute, verify and file all petitions, schedules, lists, and other papers or documents, and to take and perform any and all further actions and steps that any such Authorized Officer deems necessary, desirable and proper in connection with the Company’s Chapter 11 case, to retain and employ all assistance by attorneys, financial advisors, claims and noticing agents, accountants and other professionals that they may deem necessary or proper with a view to the successful administration of the chapter 11 case of the Company, with a view to the successful prosecution of such case; RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers of the Company be, and, each of them hereby is, authorized and empowered to obtain post-petition financing according to terms which may be negotiated by the management of the Company, including the use of cash collateral; and to enter into any guarantees and to pledge and grant liens on its assets as may be contemplated by or required under the terms of cash collateral agreement; and in connection therewith the officers of the Company are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate loan agreements, cash collateral agreements and related ancillary documents; RESOLVED, that in the judgment of the Board it is desirable and in the best interests of the Company that the Company sell substantially all of its assets pursuant to either a sale (or sales) of assets under the Bankruptcy Code, or a plan of liquidation or reorganization or such other mechanism under applicable bankruptcy law as determined by the Authorized Officers in their reasonable discretion and the Company is further authorized to file a request to approve such sale or sales and for any related relief, and to close such sale or sales, subject to Bankruptcy Court approval in the Company’s Chapter 11 proceeding; RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers, on behalf of the Company, are authorized and empowered to retain the law firm of Pachuiski Stang Ziehi & Jones LLP ("PSZ&J") as general bankruptcy counsel to the Company to represent and assist the Company in carrying out its duties under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, and to take any and all actions to advance the Company’s rights in connection therewith, and the Authorized Officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate retention agreements, pay appropriate retainers prior to and immediately upon the filing of the bankruptcy, and to cause to be filed an appropriate application for authority to retain the services of PSZJ; RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of them hereby is, authorized on behalf of the Company to take any and all actions, to execute, deliver, certify, file and/or record and perform any and all documents, agreements, instruments, motions, affidavits, applications for approvals or rulings of governmental or regulatory authorities or certificates, authorize and effectuate the sale of the Company’s assets, and to take any and all actions and steps deemed by any such Authorized Officer to be necessary or desirable to carry out the purpose and intent of each of the foregoing resolutions and to effectuate a successful Chapter 11 reorganization; and RESOLVED, that any and all actions heretofore taken by any Authorized Officer or the directors of the Company in the name and on behalf of the Company in furtherance of the purpose and intent of any or all of the foregoing resolutions be, and hereby are, ratified, confirmed and approved in all respects. B4 (Official Form 4) (12/07) United States Bankruptcy Court District of Delaware Case No. 11- In re Solyndra LLC Debtor Chapter (_J II CONSOLIDATED LIST OF CREDITORS HOLDING 35 LARGEST UNSECURED CLAIMS Following is the consolidated list of the Debtor’s creditors holding the 35 largest unsecured claims.’ The list is prepared in accordance with Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(d) for filing in these chapter 11 cases. The list does not include (1) persons who come within the definition of "insider" set forth in 11 U.S.C. § 101, or (2) secured creditors unless the value of the collateral is such that the unsecured deficiency places the creditor among the holders of the 35 largest unsecured claims. (1) Name of creditor and complete mailing address including zip code SCHOTIT NORTH AMERICA, INC 555 Taxter Road Elmsford, NY 10523 MGS MFG. GROUP W188 N 11707 Maple Road Germantown, WI 53022 Howard Hughes Medical Institute 4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (2) Name, telephone number and complete mailing address, including zip code, of employee, agent, or department of creditor familiar with claim who may be contacted SCHOTT NORTH AMERICA, INC 555 Taxter Road Elmsford, NY 10523 Attn: Cynthia Willkehr Tel: 914-831-2268 MGS MFG. GROUP W188 N 11707 Maple Road Germantown, WI 53022 Attn: John Berg or Adam Simons Tel: 262-255-5790 Howard Hughes Medical Institute 4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Attn: Greg De Ninno Tel: 302-215-8752 ’The information contained herein is as of June 30, 2011. DOCS_SF:78038.2 80368-00001 (3) (4) (5) Nature of claim Indicate if claim Amount of claim (trade debt, bank is contingent, [if secured also state value of loan, government unliquidated, contract, etc.) disputed or security] subject to setoff Trade $ 7,688,805.56 Trade $ 7,512,849.72 Lender under the Tranche E Credit Facility $ 4,824,525.75 (1) Name of creditor and complete mailing address including zip code Beltest Shipping Company Ltd POBox,51161, GR-145, 10 Kifissia, Greece Masdar Clean Tech Fund, LP2 Eleven Madison Avenue, 16th Floor New York, NY 10010 OZ Offshore Capital Lenders, LLC 9 West, 57th Street, 39th Floor New York, NY 10019 US Venture Partners X, LP 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Virgin Green Fund I, LP 27 South Park Street, Suit 200 San Francisco, CA 94107 AMP Private Equity Fund 1A Level 24, AMP Sydney, Cove Building, 33 Alfred Street, Sydney NSW, 2000 Sydney, NSW Australia 2 (3) (2) (4) Nature of claim Indicate if claim Amount of claim Name, telephone number [if secured also (trade debt, bank is contingent, and complete mailing state value of loan, government unliquidated, address, including zip security] disputed or contract, etc.) code, of employee, agent, or subject to setoff department of creditor familiar with claim who may be contacted $ 4,384,505.55 Lender under Beltest Shipping Company the Tranche E Ltd Credit Facility POBox,51161, GR-145, 10 Kifissia, Greece Attn: Darko Madey Tel: 30-210-6255280 Masdar Clean Tech Fund, LP Lender under $ 4,172,742.20 Eleven Madison Avenue, 16th the Tranche E Credit Facility Floor New York, NY 10010 Attn: do Credit Suisse, Jason Karlinsky Tel: 971-653-3333 OZ Offshore Capital Lenders, Lender under $ 3,705,147.24 the Tranche E LLC Credit Facility 9 West, 57th Street, 39th Floor New York, NY 10019 Attn: Rick Lyon Tel: 212-790-0041 Lender under US Venture Partners X, LP $ 3,540,488.50 the Tranche E 2735 Sand Hill Road Credit Facility Menlo Park, CA 94025 Attn: Chief Financial Officer Tel: 650-854-9080 Virgin Green Fund I, LP Lender under $ 3,288,379.16 27 South Park Street, Suit 200 the Tranche E Credit Facility San Francisco, CA 94107 Attn: Anup Jacob Tel: 415-230-3500 $ 2,722,592.52 AMP Private Equity Fund 1A Lender under Level 24, AMP Sydney, Cove the Tranche E Building, 33 Alfred Street, Credit Facility Sydney NSW, 2000 Sydney, NSW Australia Attn: Tel: 1800-658-404 This creditor is also a Lender under the Term Loan Agreement (Tranche A) dated February 23, 2011. DOCS_SF:78038.2 80368-00001 (5) 2 (3) (1) (2) Name of creditor and complete mailing address including zip code Name, telephone number and complete mailing address, including zip code, of employee, agent, or department of creditor familiar with claim who may be contacted CERTIFIED THERMOPLASTICS CO., INC. 26381 Ferry Court Santa Clarita, CA 91350 Attn: Tel: 661-222-3006 CRAVATH, SWAINE & MOORE LLP Worldwide Plaza, 825 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10019 Attn: Tel: 212-474-1000 ME2 Manufacturing & Engineering 615 Dado St. San Jose, CA 95131 Attn: Paul Greenfield Tel: 408-382-1900 LINTELLE ENGINEERING, INC 380 EL PUEBLO DRIVE, #105 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Attn: Cole Geesaman Tel: 831-439-8400 Ext 266 PG&E 885 EMBARCADERO DR. AlT: CASSAUNDRA GARDNER West Sacramento, CA 95605 Attn: Tel: 800-743-5000 AMCOR PHARMECEUTICAL PACKING USA, INC. 625 Sharp Street MilIville, NJ 8332 Attn: Godfrey Aschmann Tel: 773-399-3762 CERTIFIED THERMOPLASTICS Co., INC. 26381 Ferry Court Santa Clarita, CA 91350 CRAVATH, SWAINE & MOORE LLP Worldwide Plaza, 825 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10019 ME2 Manufacturing & Engineering 615 Dado St. San Jose, CA 95131 LINTELLE ENGINEERING, INC 380 EL PUEBLO DRIVE, #105 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 PG&E 885 EMBARCADERO DR. ATF: CASSAUNDRA GARDNER West Sacramento, CA 95605 AMCOR PHARMECEUTICAL PACKING USA, INC. 625 Sharp Street Miliville, NJ 8332 DOCS_SF:78038.2 80368-00001 3 (4) (5) Nature of claim Indicate if claim Amount of claim [f secured also (trade debt, bank is contingent, state value of loan, government unliquidated, security] disputed or contract, etc.) subject to setoff Trade Legal Services $ 2,428,363.80 2,067,996.52 Trade $ 2,064,801.85 Trade $ 1,928,814.01 Utilities $ 1,857,571.08 Trade $ 1,803,280.20 (1) Name of creditor and complete mailing address including zip code US Venture Partners VII, LP 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Menlo Logistics, Inc. 1717 N. W. 21st Avenue Oregon, CA 97208 KC-Solar LLC 201 South College Street, Suite 1440 Charlotte, NC 28244 Keyword Company Limited Akara Building 24 De Castro Street Wickhams Clay I, Road Town, Tortola British Virgin Islands WEST VALLEY STAFFING GROUP 390 Potero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Giasole Partners LLC 4124 South Rockford, Suite 201, Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74105 CONNOR MANUFACTURING SERVICES 22867 NE Townsend Way Fairview, OR 97024 DOCS_SF:78038.2 80368-00001 (3) (2) (4) (5) Nature of claim Indicate if claim Amount of claim Name, telephone number [if secured also (trade debt, bank is contingent, and complete mailing state value of loan, government unliquidated, address, including zip security] disputed or contract, etc.) code, of employee, agent, or subject to setoff department of creditor familiar with claim who may be contacted Lender under $ 1,636,882.45 US Venture Partners VII, LP the Tranche E 2735 Sand Hill Road Credit Facility Menlo Park, CA 94025 Attn: Chief Financial Officer Tel: Trade Menlo Logistics, Inc. $ 1,618,234.24 1717 N. W. 21st Avenue Oregon, CA 97208 Attn: Olivia Tel: 773-399-3762 Lender under KC-Solar LLC $ 1,611,056.23 the Tranche E 201 South College Street, Credit Facility Suite 1440 Charlotte, NC 28244 Attn: Tel: 650-854-9080 Lender under Keyword Company Limited $ 1,608,175.25 the Tranche E Akara Building Credit Facility 24 De Castro Street Wickhams Clay I, Road Town, Tortola British Virgin Islands Attn: Tel: 503-450-5575 WEST VALLEY STAFFING Trade $ 1,489,492.53 GROUP 390 Potero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Attn: Barbara Hatt Tel: 704-973-9001 Lender under Giasole Partners LLC $ 1,384,692.09 the Tranche E 4124 South Rockford, Suite Credit Facility 201, Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74105 Attn: Tel: Trade CONNOR $ 1,379,921.00 MANUFACTURING SERVICES 22867 NE Townsend Way Fairview, OR 97024 Attn: Tel: 408-735-1420 4 (3) (2) Name of creditor and complete mailing address including zip code DOW CORNING 2200 W. Salzburg Road P0 Box 994 Midland, MI 48686 ADVANCED NANO PRODUCTS 244 Buyong Industrial Complex, Kumho-RI Buyong-Myeon, ChingwonKun.Chungcheongbuk-Do 363-942Korea Legend Trading S.A. lassonos 3, 18537 Athens, Greece VON ARDENNE ANLAGENTECHNIK GMBH Am Hanhweg 16A Dresden, 1 328Germany US Venture Partners IX, LP 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Plastikon Industries, Inc. 688 Sandoval Way Hayward, CA 94544 Redpoint Ventures II, LP 3000 Sand Hill Road 2-290, Menlo Park, CA 94025 DOCS_SF:78038.2 80368-00001 (4) (5) Nature of claim Indicate if claim Amount of claim Name, telephone number [if secured also (trade debt, bank is contingent, and complete mailing state value of loan, government unliquidated, address, including zip security] disputed or contract, etc.) code, of employee, agent, or subject to setoff department of creditor familiar with claim who may be contacted Trade DOW CORNING $ 1,354,688.98 2200 W. Salzburg Road P0 Box 994 Midland, MI 48686 Attn: Tel: 918-744-8820 Trade ADVANCED NANO $ 1,350,066.00 PRODUCTS 244 Buyong Industrial Complex, Kumho-RI Buyong-Myeon, ChingwonKun .Chungcheon gbuk-Do 363-942Korea Attn: Chang-Woo Park Tel: 503-256-0230 Lender under Legend Trading S.A. $ 1,317,708.06 the Tranche E lassonos 3, 18537 Credit Facility Athens, Greece Attn: Mario Dimitrou Tel: 989-496-7725 Disputed Trade VON ARDENNE $ 1,273,635.15 ANLAGENTECHNIK GMBH Am Hanhweg 16A Dresden, 1 328Germany Attn: Tel: 043-275-6966 Lender under US Venture Partners IX, LP $ 1,217,918.17 the Tranche E 2735 Sand Hill Road Credit Facility Menlo Park, CA 94025 Attn: Chief Financial Officer Tel: 30-210-4584950 Plastikon Industries, Inc. Trade $ 1,191,135.29 688 Sandoval Way Hayward, CA 94544 Attn: Lani Tel: 510-400-1010 Lender under Redpoint Ventures II, LP $ 1,071,353.93 3000 Sand Hill Road 2-290, the Tranche E Credit Facility Menlo Park, CA 94025 Attn: Lars Pedersen Tel: 650-926-5664 5 (1) Name of creditor and complete mailing address including zip code ATS Automation Tooling System, inc. 250 Royal Park Road Cambridge, Ontario N31-1 4R6 Canada XYRATECH International Inc. 46831 Lakeview Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 Maple Ave. 3819 Maple Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 CMEA Ventures VII LP Attn:: Meryl L. Schreibsten One Embarcadero Center Suite 3250 San Francisco, CA 94111 CHEUNG WOH INTERNATIONALCOMP ANY LIMITED CHEIJNG WOH INTERNATIONALCOMP ANY LIMITED Prai Penang Malaysia 13600 OZ Domestic Partners II, LP Attn: Rick Lyon 9 West 57th street 39ih Floor New York. NY 10019 DOCS_SF:78038.2 80368-00001 (3) (2) (4) (5) Nature of claim Indicate if claim Amount of claim Name, telephone number [f secured also (trade debt, bank is contingent, and complete mailing state value of loan, government unliquidated, address, including zip security] disputed or contract, etc.) code, of employee, agent, or subject to setoff department of creditor familiar with claim who may be contacted 1,042,450.00 Trade ATS Automation Tooling System, inc. 250 Royal Park Road Cambridge, Ontario N31-1 4R6 Canada Attn: Tel: 519-653-6500 985,500.00 XYRATECH International Trade $ Inc. 46831 Lakeview Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 Attn: Rajeev Bhalla Tel: 408-325-7332 964,906.17 Lender under Maple Ave. the Tranche E 3819 Maple Avenue Credit Facility Dallas, TX 75219 Attn: Tel: $ 631,233.94 Lender under CMEA Ventures VII LP the Tranche E One Embarcadero Center Credit Facility Suite 3250 San Francisco, CA 94111 Attn:: Meryl L. Schreibsten Tel: 606,419.00 Trade CHEUNG WOH INTERNATIONALCOMPA NY LIMITED CHEUNG WOH INTERNATIONALCOMPA NY LIMITED Prai Penang Malaysia 13600 Attn: Tel: 604-507-7830 574,691.39 Lender under OZ Domestic Partners II, LP the Tranche E 9 West 57th street Credit Facility 39th Floor New York, NY 10019 Attn: Rick Lyon Tel: 212-790-0041 6 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE hire: Chapter 11 Solyndra LLC, Case No. II - Debtor. CERTIFICATION CONCERNING CONSOLIDATED LIST OF CREDITORS HOLDING 35 LARGEST UNSECURED CLAIMS The debtor and debtor in possession (the "Debtor") in the above-captioned case hereby certifies under penalty of perjury that the Consolidated List of Creditors Holding 35 Largest Unsecured Claims, submitted herewith, is complete and to the best of the Debtor’s knowledge correct and consistent with Debtor’s books and records. The information contained herein is based upon a review of the Debtor’s books and records. However, no comprehensive legal and/or factual investigations with regard to possible defenses to any claims set forth in the Consolidated List of Creditors Holding 35 Largest Unsecured Claims have been completed. Therefore, the listing does not and should not be deemed to constitute: (1) a waiver of any defense to any listed claims; (2) an acknowledgement of the allowability of any list claims; and/or (3) a waiver of any other right or legal position of the Debtor. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 51 day of September, 2011 at Fremont, California. W.G. Stover, Jr Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President DOCS_SF780382 80365-00001 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE I In re: Chapter li Case No. 11-___ (_J SolyndraLLC, Debtor. LIST OF EQUITY SECURITY HOLDERS Folmlng le the 1st of the Debtor’s equy seculty holders whkth Is pi’ep’ed hi accordance wh Rule 1007(a)(3) for IMg In this chapter 11 case. Name and last known address or place of business of holder Security Class Number of Securities Kind of Interest 100% Ownership 360 Solar Degree Holdings, Inc. 47488 Kato Road Fremont, CA 94538 1, W.G. Stover, Jr., as an authorized officer of the debtor in this chapter 11 case, declare under penalty of perjury that I have reviewed the list and that it is true and correct as of June 30, 2011, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. VW Executed this 5 day of September, 2011 at Fremont, California. W.G. Stover, Jr. DOCS_SF:78100.1 80368-00001 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE Chapter 11 In re: Solyndra LLC, Debtor. Case No. 11- L.) VERIFIED STATEMENT OF DEBTOR REGARDING CORPORATE OWNERSHIP PURSUANT TO RULES 1007 AND 7007.1 OF THE FEDERAL RULES OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE In accordance with Rules 1007 and 7007.1 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Debtor submits the following information: IM The following entity directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of any class of the above-captioned Debtor’s equity interests: Name: Address: 360 Degree Solar Holdings, Inc. 47488 Kato Road Fremont, CA 94538 0 (Additional names are attached hereto) 0 There are no entities that directly or indirectly own 10% or more of any class of the Debtor’s equity interest. I, W.G. Bill Stover, Jr., as an authorized officer of the debtor in this chapter 11 case, declare under penalty of perjury that I have reviewed the list and that it is true and correct as of June 30, 2011, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. 1W Executed this . day of September, 2011 at Fremont, California. W.G. Stover, Jr. 7 Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President DOCS_SP:780382 80368-00001 209 TECHNOLOGY 209 Technologies PO BOX 2040 BOULDER CREEK CA 95006 2180 Associates Fund VII, 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 2XL, INC 590 BRENNAN ST. SAN JOSE CA 95131 3 of a Kind Casino Events 3640 Edison Way Fremont Ca 94538 300 New Jersey Partners 300 New Jersey Avenue NW SUITE #601 Washington DC 20001 3MD INC. dba Hard Drives 14504 NE 20th STREET BELLEVUE WA 98007 3S INDUSTRIES USA INC. 309 ROUTE 94 COLUMBIA NJ 07832 3S INDUSTRIES USA INC. 810 EAST 47TH ST. SUITE 106 TUCSON AZ 85713 4 C'S SPRAY EQUIPMENT REN 367 YORK RD CARLISLE PA 17013-3165 5N PLUS INC. 4385 Garand Saint-Laurent Quebec H4R 2B4 Canada A & D PRECISION, INC 4155 Business Center Drive Fremont CA 94538 A & J ELECTRIC CABLE CORP 1932 W. WINTON AVE HAYWARD CA 94545 A AND A MANUFACTURING CO. 2300 S. Calhoun Rd. NEW BERLIN WI 53151-0847 A&A MANUFACTURING CO. INC 2300 CALHOUN ROAD NEW BERLIN WI 53151 A&G INSTRUMENTS 1227 N. TUSTIN AVE ANAHEIM CA 92807 A&N Corporation 707 SW 19th Avenue Williston FL 32696 A.K. STAMPING COMPANY, INC. 1159 US Route 22 Mountainside NJ 07092 A-1 14330 La Rinconada Dr. Los Gatos CA 95032 A-1 Jays Machining 2228 Oakland Road San Jose CA 95131 A-1 MACHINE MFG. 480 GIANNI ST. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 A-A LOCK 1251 El Camino Real P.O. Box 909 MENLO PARK CA 94025 AARON BAIRD 884 MRYTLE STREET SAN JOSE CA 95126 Aavid Thermalloy LLC 135 S. LaSalle Dept 9102 Chicago IL 60674 Aavid Thermalloy LLC 70 Commercial Street CONCORD NH 03301 Abad, Honorato c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ABTECH SCIENTIFIC INC. 911 East Leigh Street G24 RICHMOND VA 23219 Abad, Juan 6255 Mockorange Ct. Newark, CA 94560 ACALIFORNIANOTARY.COM EIN 671 Aldo Ave. #6 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Abad, Wilfredo U 4549 Bartolo Terrace Fremont, CA 94536 Access Communications 101 Howard Street San Francisco CA 94105 Abalos, Ronnel E. 41760 Osgood Road Fremont, CA 94536 Acco Engineered Systems 6265 San Fernando Road Glendale CA 91201 ABC Assembly, Inc 848 E Gish Road, Ste. 5 SAN JOSE CA 95112 Accu Tech USA 14460 New Falls of the Neuse Rd Suite 149-217 Raleigh NC 27614 Abelian, Jonathan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ACCU-GLASS PRODUCTS INC 700 ARROYO AVE SAN FERNANDO CA 91340 Abinsay, Arnel C. 3301 Apt. #6 Monroe Street Santa Clara, CA 95051 Accu-Image 2360 Owen Street Santa Clara CA 95054 Ablao, Edgar 3749 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054 ACCUPROBE.COM 35 Congress Street Suite 201 SALEM MA 01970 ABM Scale Company 16890 CHURCH ST. BLDG 13 MORGAN HILL CA 95037 ACCURA PRECISION, INC 971 GEORGE ST SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Abode Services 40849 Fremont Blvd Fremont CA 94538 ACCURATE SCREW MACHINE CO 231278 Momentum Place CHICAGO IL 60689 ABORIGINAL DESIGN SERVICE 14 Kestree Drive LONDONDERRY NH 03053 ACCURATE SCREW MACHINE CO 10 Audrey Place FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 ABOVE BOARD ELECTRONICS 2151 O'TOOLE AVENUE SUITE I SAN JOSE CA 95131 Accurate Tube Bending 37750 Timber Street Newark CA 94560 ABRISA 200 South Hallock Drive SANTA PAULA CA 93060 ACCUREL 785 Lucerne Drive SUNNYVALE CA 94085 2 AccuRev, Inc 10 Maguire Road Lexington MA 02421 Action Electronics 1300 E. Edinger Ave Santa Ana CA 92705 ACCU-SEAL CORPORATION 225 Bingham Drive Suite B San Marcos CA 92069 ACTON RESEARCH CORP. 15 Discovery Way ACTON MA 01720 ACCUTECH PHOTOMACHINING 1724 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO CA 91340 ACUPOWDER INTERNATIONAL 901 LEHIGH AVENUE UNION NJ 07083 ACE SEAL 23 LAS COLINAS LANE SUITE 108 SAN JOSE CA 95119 ADAM C FARVER 1025 FOSTER CITY BLVD APT D FOSTER CITY CA 94404-2334 ACE SEAL 2065 Martin Ave # 107 SANTA CLARA CA 95050 ADAM FISCHBACH 4040 RIVERMARK PKWY SANTA CLARA CA 95054-4148 ACETRONIC INDUSTRIALCONTR 385 ADMIRAL BLVD 12-385 MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO L5T 2M8 Canada ADAMS & CHITTENDEN SCIENT 2741 Eighth Street BERKELEY CA 94710 Achkire, Younes 855 Arguello Blvd San Francisco, CA 94118 Adams, Robert 209 Arroyo Grande Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 ACME RIGGING & SUPPLY CO. 3350 N State St UKIAH CA 95482-3054 ADC Construction Manageme 998 Park Ave San Jose CA 95126 ACMP RESEARCH INC. 4160 Business Center Drive FREMONT CA 94538 ADCOM WORLDWIDE 119 COMPONENT DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 Acquisitions Office/Elect 27607 Industrial Blvd Hayward CA 94545 ADN Capital 31 McAllister Avenue #1 Kentfield CA 94904 ACRE GROUP 1004 A O'REILLY SAN FRANCISCO CA 94129 ADNET ADVERTISING AGENCY 116 John Street, 35th Floor NEW YORK NY 10038 ACROMAG 30765 SOUTH WIXOM ROAD PO BOX 437 WIXOM MI 48393-7037 Adre, Noel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ACS MOTION CONTROL 6575 City West Parkway EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 3 ADROPTIONS 2001 Market Street, Ste 1100 Two Commerce Square PHILADELPHIA PA 19103-7044 ADVANCED INTEGRATION TECH 2908 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 ADVANCED INTEGRATION TECH 43455 OSGOOD ROAD FREMONT CA 94539 ADVANCE CARBON PRODUTCS 2036 NATIONAL AVENUE HAYWARD CA 94545 ADVANCED INVENTORY MANAGE 16890 CHURCH STREET BLDG 11 MORGAN HILL CA 95037 Advance Design Consultant 998 Park Ave San Jose CA 95126 ADVANCED LASER CUTTING 820 Comstock Street Santa Clara CA 95054 Advance Facilities Solution 3350 Scott Blvd Bldg 8 Santa Clara CA 95054 ADVANCED MACHINING TECHNI 16205 VINEYARD BLVD MORGAN HILL CA 95037-7124 ADVANCE PAPER SYSTEMS 499 PARROT ST SAN JOSE CA 95112 ADVANCED MEASUREMENT TECH 801 South Illinois Ave. OAK RIDGE TN 37830 ADVANCED ANODIZE 38200 CEDAR BLVD NEWARK CA 94560 ADVANCED METAL FINISHERS 1291 OLD OAKLAND ROAD SAN JOSE CA 95112 ADVANCED AUTOMATION INC. 5139 Paysphere Circle CHICAGO IL 60674 ADVANCED MICRO INSTRUMENT 18269 GOTHARD STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 Advanced Digital Solution 4255 Business Center Drive Fremont CA 94538 ADVANCED MICRO SYSTEMS, I 2 TOWNSEND WEST NASHUA NH 03063 ADVANCED ELASTOMER SYSTEM 388 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON OH 44311-1065 Advanced Motion Controls 3805 Calle Tecate Camarillo CA 93012 ADVANCED ENERGY TECHNOLOG 5269 Paysphere Circle CHICAGO IL 60674 ADVANCED NANO PRODUCTS 244, BUYONG INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX KUMHORI BUYONG-MYEON CHUNGWON-KUN CHUNGCHEIONGBUK-DO ADVANCED ENERGY TECHNOLOG 11709 Madison Avenue LAKEWOOD OH 44107 ADVANCED ENERGY-SEKIDENKO 1625 Sharp Point Dr. FORT COLLINS CO 80525 ADVANCED POLYMERS INC. 29 Northwestern Drive SALEM NH 03079-2838 Advanced Industrial Solut 31 Momento Irvine CA 92603 ADVANCED SILICON DISTRIBU 337 La Vela Court MORGAN HILL CA 95037 4 ADVANCED SONIC PROCESSING 324 Christian Street OXFORD CT 06478 AEK Technology 12844 Pierce St. Pacoime CA 91331 ADVANCED SONICS LLC 324 Christian Street OXFORD CT 06478-1023 Aelectronic Bonding, Inc. 80 Dean Knauss Drive Narragansett RI 02882 ADVANCED TOOL & SUPPLY IN 470 Perry Ct. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 AEQUITAS CONSTRUCTORS, IN 2250 Jackson Street San Francisco CA 94115 ADVANCED WELDING 1088 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Aerco International 159 Paris Ave. Northvale NJ 07647 ADVANTAGE CONVERTING 959 TERMINAL WAY SAN CARLOS CA 94070 AERO PACKAGING 2712 MERCHANT COURT TRACEY CA 95377 ADVANTAGE ELECTRIC SUPPLY 31857 Hayman St. HAYWARD CA 94544 AERONET- COURIER SERVICE 1751 Junction Ave Acct# 204129 San Jose CA 95112 Advantage Metal Products 7855 SOUTHFRONT RD. LIVERMORE CA 94551 AEROTECH INC. 101 ZETA DRIVE PITTSBURGH PA 15238-2897 ADVANTECH 380 Fairview Way Milpitas CA 95035 Afalla, John c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ADVANTECH PRECISION MACHI 3380 VICTOR COURT SANTA CLARA CA 95054 AFFORDABLE SOLAR 2501 Yale Blvd. SE, STE 105 Albuquerque NM 87106 AE GUEVARRA SERVICES 982 Dempsey Road MILPITAS CA 95135 Afsari, Gholam Reza 1734 Hansen Road Livermore, CA 94550 AEC PROFESSIONALS, INC. 7246 Gold Creek Way San Jose CA 95120 AFSlomba Consulting, LLC 110 Bradley Corners Rd Madison CT 06443 AEC PROFESSIONALS, INC. 122 Saratoga Avenue, Suite #100 Santa Clara CA 95051 AG DEVICES 9595 HIGHWAY 65 AUSTIN CO 81410 AEI CORPORATION LTD 12 PENJURU LANE SINGAPORE SINGAPORE 609192 Singapore 609192 5 AGILE SOFTWARE CORPORATIO 6373 SAN IGNACIO AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95119-1200 AIR PERFECTION INC 241 West A Street DIXON CA 95620 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. 121 Hartwell Ave Lexington MA 02421 AIR PRODUCTS GROUP 1045 N 10TH ST SAN JOSE CA 95112 AGILITY LOGISTICS CORPORA 5496 Paysphere Circle Chicago IL 60674 AIR QUALITY ENGINEERING 7140 NORTHLAND DRIVE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS MN 55428-1520 AGM CONTAINER CONTROLS, I 3526 E. FORT LOWELL ROAD TUCSON AZ 85716 Air Systems, Inc 940 Remillard Court San Jose CA 95122 Aguilar, Ernesto c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Air Treatment Corporation 2159 Central Ave. Alameda CA 94501 AIRCOM MECHANICAL, INC. 340 S. Milpitas Blvd. MILPITAS CA 95035-5421 Aguilar, Marita F. 2697 Glen Ferguson Circle San Jose, CA 95148 AIRGAS 1592 DOOLITTLE DRVIE SAN LEANDRO CA 94577-2228 Agustin Llopis 742 N. 19th Street San Jose CA 95112 AIRPOT CORPORATION 35 Lois Street Norwalk CT 06851 Ahern Rentals, Inc 4241 ARVILLE ST. LAS VEGAS NV 89103-3713 AIRTRONICS METAL PRODUCTS 1980 Senter Rd SAN JOSE CA 95112 Ahern, Michael M 4587 Student Lane San Jose, CA 95130 AIRTX INTERNATIONAL 1770 W. Lexington Ave CINCINNATI OH 45212 AIR CONCEPTS AND CONTROLS 30993 Huntwood Avenue Suite#203 Hayward CA 94544 Airure Flanders-Precision 2247 Commerce Place Hayward CA 94545 AIR EXCHANGE, INC. 1185 San Mateo Avenue SAN BRUNO CA 94066 AJ Machinery 20000 176th Street Big Lake MN 55309 Air Filters Control 585 Charcot Avenue San Jose CA 95131 AJAX CUSTOM PLASTICS 34585 7th Street UNION CITY CA 94587 AIR LIQUIDE ELECTRONICS U 46409 LANDING PARKWAY FREMONT CA 94538 6 Alamyar, Paktina 39270 Paseo Padre Pkwy #232 Fremont, CA 94538 AJs GARDEN CAFÉ 1734 A North First Street SAN JOSE CA 95148 AK STAMPING COMPANY 1159 US Route 22 MOUNTAINSIDE NJ 07092 ALAN MIYASHIRO 1120 CASABA CREEK CT SAN JOSE CA 95120-4117 AKBAR SAYAH 39978 FREMONT BOULEVARD FREMONT CA 94538 Alaniz Construction, Inc 7100 Stevenson Blvd Fremont CA 94544 AKE Technology 12844 Pierce St. Pacoima CA 91331 ALASE TECHNOLOGIES 7-5 LOMAR PARK PEPPERELL MA 01463 Akramy, Mohammad c/o West Valley Staffing 1603 Shadowood Ln Tracy, CA 95376 Albers, Holger Elsastrasse 04 Munich, Germany 81925 Albright Technologies, In 25 Litchfield Street Leominster MA 01453 AL FLYNN GLASSBLOWING CO. 3941 Blue Gum Dr. SAN JOSE CA 95127 ALCATEL VACUUM 48389 FREMONT BLVD SUITE 112 FREMONT CA 94538 ALAIN TA 1055 N CAPITOL AVE APT 161 SAN JOSE CA 95133-2729 Alcause, Jovanne G 2138 Stonewood Lane San Jose, CA 95132 Alameda County Clerk 1106 Madison Street, Rm 121 Oakland, CA 94607 Alchemy Search Partners 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 499 Pleasanton CA 94588 Alameda County Clerk 1106 Madison Street, Rm 121 Oakland CA 94607 ALEXANDER SHENDEROVICH 449 15TH AVENUE #201 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94118 ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT PO Box 45676 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-0676 Alexandra Barrage Morrison & Foerster 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 6000 Washington, D.C. 20006-1888 ALAMEDA ELECTRICAL DIST. 25823 Clawiter Rd HAYWARD CA 94545 ALAMYAR PAKTINA 3260 SCOTT BLVD SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ALEXEI DANILIN 17(1) Stroitelei Str Suite 84 MOSCOW 119311 Russian Federation ALFA AESAR 30 Bond Street WARD HILL MA 01835 7 ALLIANCE OCCUPATIONAL MED 2737 Walsh Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95051 ALFREDO CASTILLO 331 OXFORD ST HAYWARD CA 94541-2222 Alliance Roofing Co., Inc 1250 Campbell Ave San Jose CA 95126-1006 ALICAT SCIENTIFIC, INC. 2045 N. FORBES BLVD. SUITE 103 TUCSON AZ 85745 ALLIED BARTON- SECURITY S 2590 N. First Street Suite 100 San Jose CA 95131- 1021 ALICE M LEE 378 SANTANA ROW APT 323 SAN JOSE CA 95128-2044 ALLIED CRANE, INC. 855 N Parkside Drive PITTSBURG CA 94565 Alima, Sakera 1782 Oakland Rd., Apt #27 San Jose, CA 95131 ALLIED ELECTRONICS 6830 VIA DEL ORO STE 100 SAN JOSE CA 95119-1391 ALISON TRANSPORT, INC 1800 A ACCESS ROAD OCEANSIDE NEW YORK 11572 Allied High Tech 2376 E. Pacifica Place Rancho Dominguez CA 90220 All American Semiconducto 2328 A WALSH AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95051 ALLIED MANUFACTURING CORP 45200 Industrial Dr. #9 FREMONT CA 94539 ALL BAY POWDER COATINGS 44711 S. GRIMMER ROAD UNIT F. FREMONT CA 94538 Allied Mechanical 1720 So Bon View Ontario CA 91761 ALL FAB PRECISION SHEET M 1015 Timothy Drive SAN JOSE CA 95133 ALLIED PACKING & SUPPLY I 5303 ADELINE ST OAKLAND CA 94608 ALL FOILS, INC. 4597 Van Epps Road CLEVELAND OH 44131 Allied Steel Rule Dies, I 1125 BROOKSIDE AVE INDIANAPOLIS IN 46202 ALL INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC S 895 MITTEN RD BURLINGAME CA 94010 Allied Wire & Cable 101 Kestrel Drive Collegeville PA 19426 ALL METAL SALES INC 29260 CLEMENS RD WESTLAKE OH 44145 Allred & Associates Inc. 321 Route 5 P.O. Box 321 Elbridge NY 13060 All Noise Control LLC 3694 23rd Avenue South Lake Worth Fl 33461 All-Spec Industries 5228 US HWY 421 North Wilmington NC 28401 All Tech Machine & Engine 2700 Prune Ave Fremont CA 94539 8 ALLTECH ASSOCIATES,INC. 4127 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 Amcor Pharmaceutical Pack 1633 WHEATON AVENUE MILLVILLE NJ 08332 ALLTECH ASSOCIATES,INC. 2051 Waukegan Road DEERFIELD IL 60015 AMERICA II ELECTRONICS 2600 118th Ave North ST PETERSBURG Fl 33716 ALPHA ELECTRONICS, INC 1235 BOWERS AVE SUITE 110 SANTA CLARA CA 95055 AMERICAN CONEC CORPORATIO 343 Technology Dr GARNER NC 27529 ALPHA GEAR DRIVES, INC 1249 Humbracht Circle Bartlett IL 60103 AMERICAN CONSULTING & TRA 40 Mark Drive SAN RAFAEL CA 94903 ALPHA GEAR DRIVES, INC 52287 EAGLE WAY CHICAGO IL 60678-1522 AMERICAN ELEMENTS 1093 Broxton Ave Suite 2000 Los Angeles CA 90024 ALPHA GRAPHICS 1294 Anvilwood Court SUNNYVALE CA 94089 American Engineering Serv 608 Rock Rose Lane San Ramon CA 94582 Alpha Net Consulting LLC 3080 Olcott Street # 105B Santa Clara CA 95054 American High Performance 408 High Tech Drive Oakdale PA 15071 Alpine Service SARL – Emu 329 Avenue de Chamonix Passy France AMERICAN INTERNATION ELEC 2835 PELLISSIER PLACE WHITTIER CA 90601 Alter, Karen L. 1141 Forest Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 American Machines, Inc. 185 D'Arcy Parkway Lathrop CA 95330 ALTIUM 3207 Grey Hawk Court Carlsbad CA 92010 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDAR 25 West 43rd Street NEW YORK NY 10036 Alwitra GmbH & Co. Helmut Remmels Am Forst 1 D-54296 Trier HR Wittlich A 2548 AMERICAN PACKAGING, INC. 1515 ALVARADO ST SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 AMERICAN POLYMER STANDARD 8680 TYLER BLVD. MENTOR OH 44060 AMAZING SCALES 4802 Glenwood Rd. Brooklyn NY 11234 AMERICAN RELAYS, INC 10306 NORWALK BLVD SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670 AMCOR FLEXIBLES INC 6850 Midland Industrial Drive Shelyville KY 40065 9 AMP 1A AMERICAN RIGGING & RELOCA 1370 VANDER WAY SAN JOSE CA 95112 Level 24 AMP Sydney Cove Building 33 Alfred Street American Rotary Tools Com 250 West Duarte Rd, #E Monrovia CA 91016-7464 AMP 1B Level 24 AMP Sydney Cove Building 33 Alfred Street AMERICAN SERVICES 5221 W. 102nd Street LOS ANGELES CA 90045 AMPACET CORPORATION 660 WHITE PLAINS ROAD TARRYTOWN NY 10591 Ameriflex, Inc. 2390 Railroad Street Corona CA 92880 Ampro System 1000 Page Ave Fremont CA 94538 AMERIMADE TECHNOLOGY 449 Mountain Vista Parkway LIVERMORE CA 94551 AMPTEK, INC. 14 Deanelo Drive BEDFORD MA 01730-2204 AMETEK 42 MOUNTAIN AVE. NESQUEHONING PA 18240 AMREP Vendor Inspection S 10031 PINES BLVD SUITE 213 PEMBROKE PINES FL 33024 AMEX PLATING INCORPORATED 3333 Woodward Ave. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 AMREP Vendor Inspection S 1 Maritime Square #09-25 Harbour Front Centre Singapore 099253 AMI Consulting 833 North Park Road #204 Wyomissing PA 19610 AMSALEM BUSINESS TRAVEL 155 Rt 46 WEST WAYNE NJ 07470 Amigable, Manuelito 702 Pelleas Lane San Jose, CA 95127 AMTEC INDUSTRIES INC. 2501 Industrial Parkway West HAYWARD CA 94545 AMOEBA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 9433 BEE CAVE ROAD SUITE III-102 AUSTIN TX 78733 ANAHEIM AUTOMATION 910 E Orangefair Ln ANAHEIM CA 92801 Amoroso, Juan 38289 Aralia Drive Newark, CA 94560 ANALYZE Inc. 318 S. BRACKEN LANE CHANDLER AZ 85224-4700 AMP Level 24 AMP Sydney Cove Building 33 Alfred Street Anamet, Inc. 26102 Eden Landing Road #3 Hayward CA 94545 10 Anand Junuthula Reddy 812 Vermont St Apt B Oakland CA 94610 ANGEL POMA 578 PESTANA AVENUE MANTECA CA 95336 ANANDA H. KUMAR 1999 Blackfoot Drive FREMONT CA 94539 Angelo Scotty Gilmore 4663 Magala Circle Santa Barbara CA 93110 ANATECH 2817 Whipple Road UNION CITY CA 94587 ANGSTROM SCIENCES INC 40 South Linden Street DUQUESNE PA 15110 Andersen, Peter 350 E Taylor St, Apt 6115 San Jose, CA 95112 ANGSTROM SUN TECHNOLOGIES 33 Nagog Park ACTON MA 01720 Anderson, Mark R. 195 Northwood Commons Livermore, CA 94551 ANH NGUYEN 525 SKYWAY DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95111 ANIXTER INC. 5720 Stoneridge Dr Suite 200 Pleasanton CA 94588 ANDOVER CORPORATION 4 COMMERCIAL DR. SALEM NH 03079-2800 ANIXTER INC. 30061 Ahern St. UNION CITY CA 94587 Andrea Ramsdell 120 15th Ave. San Francisco CA 94118 ANK MACHINING 943 BERRYESSA RD #1 SAN JOSE CA 95133 ANDREJ ROLNY 38144 ASHFORD WAY FREMONT CA 94536-5253 ANN NGUYEN 10650 PORTER LANE SAN JOSE CA 95127 Andres, Marites 425 Don Seville Court San Jose, CA 95123 ANNABELLE Q YANG 303 WOODCREEK TER FREMONT CA 94539-7935 ANDREW LEACH 6577 Mt Forest Drive SAN JOSE CA 95120 Annex Precision 800 Mathew Street # 102 Santa Clara CA 95050 Andrew Mcilroy 350 West 42nd St, Apt 56E New York NY 10036 ANORAD CORP - ROCKWELL AU 100 PRECISION DRIVE SHIRLEY NY 11967-4710 ANDREW MYLES 493 MOLINO AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94086-7552 ANTHONY EAGEN 1922 LOS GATOS ALMADEN RD SAN JOSE CA 95124-5537 ANDREW NAGENGAST 659 SANTA PAULA AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94085-3417 11 Anthony P. Anello 6 Spa Creek Landing Unit B3 ANNAPOLIS MD 21403 AppleAppliance 355 65th Street Brooklyn NY 11220 Application International 16955 Via Del Campo # 215 San Diego CA 92127 Anthony S. McElligott 41547 Chadbourne Drive Fremont CA 94539 APPLIED AIR FILTERS 47626 Kato Rd. FREMONT CA 94538-7305 ANTHRO CORPORATION 10450 SW Manhasset Dr Tualatin OR 97062 APPLIED CERAMICS, INC. 48630 Milmont Drive FREMONT CA 94538 ANTON CHAKHMATOV 467 VALENCIA DR SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080-5622 APPLIED CRYOGENICS INC. 3285 YALE WAY FREMONT CA 94538 ANTON N KYOSEV 745 S BERNARDO AVE APT D250 SUNNYVALE CA 94087-1001 APPLIED DISCOVERY, INC. 13427 NE 16TH STREET BELLEVUE WA 98005 ANZU 3180 IMJIN ROAD, SUITE 155 MARINA CA 93933 AON Consulting 2570 North First Street San Jose CA 95131 APPLIED FLOW TECHNOLOGY 400 W. US HIGHWAY 24 SUITE 201 WOODLAND PARK CO 80863 APC-FISHER 7150 Koll Center Parkway PLEASANTON CA 94566-3100 APPLIED FUSION INC. 1915 REPUBLIC AVENUE SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 APEX PRECISION ENGINEERIN 20 WOODLANDS LINK #03-27 WOODLANDS EAST INDUSTRIAL ESTATE Singapore 730733 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH 22510 Network Place Chicago IL 60673-1225 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH 255 E. Brokaw Rd SAN JOSE CA 95112-4206 API-CAMILLE BAUER DIVISIO 1220 American Way LIBERTYVILLE IL 60048 Applied Innovation Group 1867 Little Orchard Street San Jose CA 95125 APL LOGISTICS 6055 PRIMACY PARKWAY SUITE 210 MEMPHIS TN 38119-5756 APPLIED INTERNATIONAL MOT 1615 Yeager Avenue La Verne CA 91750 Apodaca, Gerard c/o West Valley Staffing 669 Whipple Road Union City, CA 94587 APPLIED MATERIALS FAIRFIE 2700 MAXWELL WAY FAIRFIELD CA 94534 12 APPLIED MATERIALS INC. 44050 FREMONT BLVD FREMONT CA 94538 Arase, Tomney 410 Dixon Rd Milpitas, CA 95035 APPLIED MATERIALS, INC. 9700 US Hwy 290 East M/S 3400 NASSC ARM Box 2009 AUSTIN TX 78724 ARC ELECTRONICS 134 BLAZING STAR DRIVE, SUITE 101 GEORGETOWN TX 78628 APPLIED MOTION PRODUCTS 404 WESTRIDGE DRIVE WATSONVILLE CA 95076 Architectural Design Mana 1511-M Sycamore Avenue #101 Hercules CA 94547 Applied Power Technologie 470 Vandell Way Suite A Campbell CA 95008 Argenti, Nicholas 48980 David Hill Road Forest Grove OR 97116 APPLIED PROCESS EQUIPMENT 2614 Bay Road REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Arghestani, Jawid 1530 Highland Drive West Sacramento, CA 95691 APPLIED ROBOTICS, INC. 648 Saratoga Road Glenville NY 12302 ARGONAUT PRIVATE EQUITY 6733 South Yale TULSA OK 74136 APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES, INC 1120 Delaware Ave. LONGMONT CO 80501 Argonaut Ventures Attention: Mr. Steve Mitchell 6733 South Yale Tulsa, OK 74136 APPLIED THIN FILM, INC. 1801 Maple Ave. Suite 5316 Evanston IL 60201 Argonaut Ventures Attention: Mr. Steve Mitchell 6733 South Yale Tulsa, OK 74136 APPSUN 40 Rich Street Unit H-J Greenbrae CA 94904 AQUA SIERRA CONTROL INC 1650 INDUSTRIAL DR. AUBURN CA 95603 ARGONAUT VENTURES I, L.L. 6733 SOUTH YALE TULSA OK 74136 Aquatrol Safety & Relief 600 E. North Street PO Box 8012 Elburn IL 60119 ARI Industries 381 ARI Court Addison IL 60101 Arizona Department of Revenue PO Box 29010 Phoenix, AZ 85038 Aquino, Bernabe 37271 Cedar Blvd. Apt. M Newark, CA 94560 Arluck, Jack A 3906 La Mesa Lane San Jose, CA 95124 Aquire Solutions, Inc. 5215 N. O'connor Blvd. #300 Iriving TX 75039 13 Artis Partners Attention: Mr. Robert Riemer One Market Plaza Steuart Street Tower, Suite 2700 San Francisco, CA 94105 ARTSIGNS 165 San Lazaro Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 Armadillo Press 101 Industrial Way, Ste 10 Belmont CA 94002 Armas, Juan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ARUBA 1322 Crossman Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94089 ARNE SIGN & DECAL CO., IN 1701 Lawrence Rd SANTA CLARA CA 95051 ARVI MANUFACTURING 1256 Birchwood Drive #B SUNNYVALE CA 94089 ARNOLD MACHINE INC. 19 HERITAGE DRIVE TIFFIN OH 44883 Asahi Diamond America, In 9872 Windisch Rd West Chester OH 45069 Arnold, Gary D 870 Siskiyou Lane Manteca, CA 95336 ASAHI GLASS 7-2 Nihonbashi-Honcho 3-Chome Chuo-Ku Tokyo Arrasmith, James 144 Belvue Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 Ascent Precision Gear Cor 12180 S.E. County Road 137 Jasper FL 32052 Array Technologies, Inc. 3312 Stanford NE Albuquerque NM 87107 Asher Real Estate Service 2141 Old Planke Road Holland OH 43528 ARRK Product Development 8880 Rehco Road San Diego CA 92121 ASHLAND INC, FRP SUPPLY 1851 EAST FIRST STREET SANTA ANA CA 92705 ARROW ELECTRONICS INC. 7629 Anagram Drive EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 Ashraf, Kazi Najib House 37a/8, Street 38, Al Rashidiya Dubai, UAE 25484 ARS American Residential 600 McCormick St # B San Leandro CA 94577 ASIST INC. 5405 E. Schaaf Rd. INDEPENDENCE OH 44131 Art Young 3031 Bellworth Ct San Jose CA 95135 ASRC AEROSPACE CORPORATIO 6303 IVY LANE SUITE 130 GREENBELT MD 20770 ARTCO ENGINEERING 660 N. 18th Street SAN JOSE CA 95112 Assay Technology, Inc. 1382 STEALTH ST. LIVERMORE CA 94551 14 Assay Technology, Inc. 1252 Quarry Lane Pleasanton CA 94566 ATDF 2706 Montopolis Drive AUSTIN TX 78741 Assemblymember Alberto To 2244 Ione Street Sacramento CA 95864 ATEMPO, INC. 2465 E. Bayshore Road, Suite #400 Palo Alto CA 94303 ASSET RECOVERY INTERNATIO 2020 Wickes Road COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80919 ATHENA GRILL 1505 Space Park Drive SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ASSETINTEL, L.L.C. 3300 S. LAKESIDE DRIVE OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73179-8426 ATI INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION 1031 GOODWORTH DRIVE APEX NC 27539 ASSETINTEL, L.L.C. 4343 WILL ROGERS PARKWAY OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73108 Atlas 4114 N. Ravenswood Avenue CHICAGO IL 60613 ASSOCIATED SPRING RAYMOND 16319 Arthur Street CERRITOS CA 90703 Atlas 16576 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive PO Box C700 West Conshohocken PA 19428-2959 Atlas Copco Compressors 75 REMITTANCE DR STE 3009 CHICAGO IL 60675-300 Atlas Copco Compressors 6094 Stewart Avenue Fremont CA 94538 ASYST TECHNOLOGIES INC. 48761 Kato Rd FREMONT CA 94538 Atlas Electric Devices Co 4114 N. Ravenswood Ave Chicago IL 60613 AT&T INTERNET SERVICES PO Box 5016 CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-5016 ATLAS MATERIAL TESTING (M 45601 WEST 47th AVE. PHOENIX AZ 85087 AT&T LONG DISTANCE PO BOX 5017 CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-5017 ATLUMIN ENERGY, INC. 4385 GERAND ST-LAURENT QUEBEC, H4R 2B4 AT&T Wireless AT&T Payment Center SACRAMENTO, CA 95887 ATLUMIN ENERGY, INC. 515 COMMERCE DRIVE FARIFIELD CT 06825 AT&T Wireless PO BOX 5025 CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-5025 ATLUMIN ENERGY, INC. 1310 MOFFETT PARK DRIVE SUNNYVALE CA 94089 15 Aureguy, Andrew c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ATLUMIN ENERGY, INC. 1-4 NIELSON ROAD WELLINGBOROUGH NORTHANTS NN84PE UNITED KINGDOM AT-MAR GLASS, INC. 611 West State Street KENNETT SQUARE PA 19348 AUSTIN HARDWARE & SUPPLY 950 NW Technology Drive Lee's Summit MO 64086 ATMI 617 River Oaks Parkway SAN JOSE CA 95134-1907 AUSTIN SCIENTIFIC 500 LAURELWOOD RD Ste 9 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ATOR BADALL 3260 SCOTT BLVD SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Automatic Response System 1461 Eastshore Highway Berkeley CA 94710 ATS Automation Tooling Sy 250 Royal Oak Road Cambridge Ontario N3H 4R6 Canada AUTOMATION & MODULAR COMP 10301 ENTERPRISE DRIVE DAVISBURG MI 48350 ATS Systems Oregon Divisi 2121 NE Jack London Street Corvallis OR 97330 AUTOMATION CONTROLS 743 Camden Avenue CAMPELL CA 95008 ATTRA SOLUTIONS 2448 LAKESIDE CIRCLE LIVERMORE CA 94550 Automation NTH 491 Waldron Road LA Vergne TN 37086 Audetto, Gregory Via Romana 117 Bordighera, IM 18012 Automation Plus, Inc 3409 W. Harry Wichita KS 67213 Audio Video Supply 4575 Ruffner Street San Diego CA 92111 Automation Technologies C 9000 Victors Way Suite 140 Ann Arbor MI 48108 Aung, Hlwan 130 E. San Fernando St. #426 San Jose, CA 95112 AVALON PROPERTY INC 1257 Lakeside Drive SUNNYVALE CA 94085 Aung, Hlwan Moe 1340 Greenwich Ct San Jose CA 95125 Avalon Silicon Valley 1257 Lakeside Drive Sunnyvale CA 94085 Aung, Thaung H 3335 Cadman Rd Fremont, CA 94538 Avepoint, Inc. 3 second Street # 803 Jersey City CA 07311 AVIDEX 6100 Stewart Avenue Fremont CA 94538 16 Avila, Roberto c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Ayele, Seneserat 756 Dailey Avenue San Jose, CA 95123 Aynalem, Mel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Avishai Kepten 4 Othello Street Lake Oswego OR 97035 AVNER REGEV 853 W CALIFORNIA AVE UNIT D SUNNYVALE CA 94086-2493 AZ Landscape 385 Saratoga Ave #5 Santa Clara CA 95050 AVP TECHNOLOGY, LLC 535 E. BROKAW RD. SAN JOSE CA 95112 AZBIL NORTH AMERICA 9033 N. 24TH AVE., SUITE 6 PHOENIX AZ 85021 AWAYAN, HENRIETTO 1063 Tuers Court San Jose CA 95121 B Machining Inc. 269 N. Mathilda Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086 Awayan, Henrietto 1063 Tuers Court San Jose, CA 95121 B Plus 534 Bantry Rd Pinole CA 94564 AWT SYSTEMS 7569 Kirwin Lane CUPERTINO CA 95014 B&B ELECTRONICS MFG. CO. 707 East Dayton Road P.O. BOX 1040 OTTAWA IL 61350 AXIAL INDUSTRIES 1991 SENTER ROAD SAN JOSE CA 95112 B&C MANUFACTURING 6550 Brem Lane, Suite H Gilroy CA 95020 AXIC 493 Gianni Street SANTA CLARA CA 95054 B&H ENGINEERING 1725 OLD COUNTY ROAD SAN CARLOS CA 94070 AXIOM TECHNOLOGY INC. 18138 Rowland St. CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91748 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CO 420 9TH AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10001 Axon Cable & Interconnect 1314 Plum Grove Road Schaumburg IL 60173 B. J WOLFE ENT 5321 DERRY AVE SUITE E AGOURA HILLS CA 91301 Aye, Daniel L 225 Rachael Place Pleasanton, CA 94566 B.C.C. ENTERPRISES 1305 Old Oakland Road SAN JOSE CA 95112 AYELE, SENESERAT 756 Dailey Ave San Jose CA 95123 17 Badall, Ator 878 Pepper Tree Lane Santa Clara, CA 95051 B.M.W. TRANSPORTATION, IN 3146-B DIABLO AVENUE HAYWARD CA 94545 B2B INDUSTRIAL 23271 Eichler Street, Unit F HAYWARD CA 94545 Baden Solar Ohmstr.12 76229 Karlsruhe Germany BABA EXPRESS 47614 KATO ROAD FREMONT CA 94538 BAE SYSTEMS 1205 COLEMAN AVE. SANTA CLARA CA 95050 BABA EXPRESS 761 Mabury Rd #50 SAN JOSE CA 95133 BAGG Engineers 847 W. Maude Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94085 BABA EXPRESS 1562 MONTAGUE EXPY SAN JOSE CA 95131 BAGHOUSE & INDUSTRIAL SHE 1731 Pomona Rd Corona CA 92880 Babakhan, Edgard 2433 Hecate Place San Jose, CA 95124 Baird, Aaron 884 Myrtle Street San Jose, CA 95126 BABBIT BEARING CO., INC. 1170 NORTH FIFTH STREET SAN JOSE CA 95112 Bajwa, Jatinder 1915 Badger Pass Way Antioch, CA 94531 Bachiri, Khalid Alfred-Mumbaecher Strasse 30a Mainz, Germany 55128 Baker, Michael 385 Bethany Dr Scotts Valley, CA 95066 BACHMANN INSTRUMENTS 4 Cragmont Ct PACIFICA CA 94044 BAL Corporate Immigration 353 SACRAMENTO STREET, SUITE 1300 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 Backer Rod Mfg. Inc 4244 N. Broadway Denver CO 80216 BAL Migration Service, LL 353 Sacramento Street Suite 1300 San Francisco CA 94111 Backflow Prevention Speci 1131 Elko Drive Sunnyvale CA 94089 Bal Seal Engineering, Inc 19650 Pauling Foothill Ranch CA 92610-2610 BACKSCATTER.COM 225 CANNERY ROW MONTEREY CA 93940 Balan, Vinay S 2566 Village Dr Union City, CA 94587 BACL 1274 ANVILWOOD AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94089 18 Balatayo, Nereo A. 2196 Isabel Virginia Drive Tracy, CA 95377 BARTEC US CORP 600 CENTURY PLAZA DRIVE SUITE C160 HOUSTON TX 77073 Balatayo, Nereo V 2196 Isabel Virginia Drive Tracy, CA 95377 Barth Electric 1934 N. Illinois St INDIANAPOLIS IN 46202 Baltodano, Reynaldo A 3932 W Campbell Ave Campbell, CA 95008-1755 Bartolome, Elenita Lantin 36164 Corsica Pl Fremont, CA 94536 Bamnolker, Hanna 21583 La Playa Court Cupertino, CA 95014 BASF CORPORATION 1424 Mars Evans City Rd EVANS CITY PA 16033 BASIC CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS 525 Seaport Blvd. Redwood City CA 94063 Bank of America Leasing & Capital LLC 231 S. LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60697 BASLER VISION TECHNOLOGIE 740 Springdale Drive Suite 100 EXTON PA 19341 Baratto Spedizioni SRL 33170 PORDENONE BASLER VISION TECHNOLOGIE 855 Springdale Drive Suite 160 EXTON PA 19341 BARBARA FELIX 255 Teresita Blvd. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94127 BATTERY WHOLESALE 40120 INDUSTRIAL PARK CIRCLE GEORGETOWN TX 78626 Barbera, Brandon Nicholas 4005 Bridal Veil Ct. Modesto, CA 95356 BATTLE PRECISION MANUFACT 5853 RUE FERRARI #20 SAN JOSE CA 95138 Barlow, Stephen 3396 Worthing Ct Fremont, CA 94536 Bauer, David A 565 Arastradero Rd, #206 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Barnes, Susan 2907 East Keim Drive Phoenix, AZ 85016 Baumann, Erik Glen 3183 Lansdown Court Pleasanton, CA 94588 Bar-Ness, Leslie 15190 Rosemar Ave. San Jose, CA 95127 Bautista, Dante c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 BARNSTEAD INTERNATIONAL 2555 Kerper Boulevard DUBUQUE IA 52001-1478 19 Bautista, Ferdinand 750 Charmstone Court Brentwood, CA 94513 Bay Group International 2200 Larkspur Landing Circle Larkspur CA 94939 Bautista, Leonard Tommy 3012 Peachwillow Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Bay Resources Inc 433 Hengenberger RD 206 Oakland CA 94621 Bava Anantharam, Venkat Raman 405 WoodCreek Terrace, Fremont, CA 94539 BAY SEAL CO. 1550 West Winton Ave. HAYWARD CA 94545 Baxter, Bruce B 442 State Street San Mateo, CA 94401 BAY VOLTEX 1064 WOODLAND AVE, SUITE K MODESTO CA 95351 BAYSHORE FENCE CO., INC. 933 Kifer Road SUNNYVALE CA 94086-5208 BAY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 8100 Central Avenue NEWARK CA 94560 BAYSIDE INTERIORS BAYSIDE 3220 Darby Common FREMONT CA 94539-5601 BAY ALARM COMPANY 491 GIANNI STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95054 BD DIAGNOSTICS - ACCU-GLA 10765 Trenton Avenue ST. LOUIS MO 63132 BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANA 939 Ellis Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94109-7799 BEARING ENGINEERING COMPA 901 25th STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107-3531 BAY AREA CIRCUITS 575 Price Drive REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 BEARING ENGINEERS 27 ARGONAUT ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 Bay Area Geotechnical Gro 847 W. Maude Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94085-2911 Beatlesoft 4521 Frederick Ave Glendale CA 91214 BAY AREA LABELS 39203 Treasury Center CHICAGO IL 60694-9200 Beaudry, Christopher 488 Raymond Ave San Jose, CA 95128 BAY AREA LABELS 1980 LUNDY AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95131 BAY CITIES TOOL AND SUPPL 35367 FIRCREST UNIT D NEWARK CA 94560 BECKHOFF AUTOMATION LLC 2122 112th Ave NE Suite B-200 Bellevue WA 98004 BAY CITIES WAREHOUSE 31474 Hayman Street HAYWARD CA 94544 BECKHOFF AUTOMATION LLC 12150 Nicollet Avenue South BURNSVILLE MN 55337 20 BECK'S SHOES 354 E. McGlincy Lane CAMPBELL CA 95008 Bell-Electrical Supply 316 MATHEW ST SANTA CLARA CA 95050 BECO MANUFACTURING 23361 Peralta Drive LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 BELLEX INTERNATIONAL CORP 200 Bellevue Parkway, Suite180 WILMINGTON DE 19809 BEDFORD REINFORCED PLASTI 264 Reynoldsdale Road BEDFORD PA 15522 Belliveau, James 713 University Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032 Behm, Patricia A 1513 Fiesta Lane San Jose, CA 95126 BELLOWSTECH 1289 North US Highway 1 Suite #1 Ormond Beach FL 32174 BEI TECHNOLOGIES 7230 HOLLISTER AVE GOLETA CA 93117 Beltest Shipping Company PO Box 51161 GR-145 10 Kifissia Greece BEKAERT ADVANCED COATINGS 12 TW ALEXANDER DRIVE BLDG. 200 SUITE B RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK NC 27709 Beltest Shipping Company Ltd PO Box 51161 GR-145 10 Kifissia, Greece BELAY ENGINEERING 2125 Corte Primavera SANTA CLARA CA 95054 BELTIM 586 GRAPEVINE DR PLEASANTON CA 94566 BELILOVE COMPANY-ENGINEER 21060 CORSAIR BLVD P.O. BOX 55936 HAYWARD CA 94545 Belvisi, Sandro Via Galli 7 Villa Adriana, Tivoli 10 BELL ELECTRICAL SUPPLY IN 316 Mathew Street SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Bender & Wirth, Inc 124G Hall Street CONCORD NH 03301 BELL MICROPRODUCTS 201 MONROE STREET SUITE 300 MONTGOMERY AL 36104 Benedict Computer 220 Felton Drive Menlo Park CA 94025 BELL MICROPRODUCTS 1941 RINGWOOD AVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 BENEFITMALL 21300 Victory Blvd. Suite 400 WOODLAND HILLS CA 91367 BELLA VISTA APARTMENTS 1500 Vista Club Circle SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Benitez Jr, Claudio A 2400 Skyline Blvd #A1 Pacifica, CA 94044 Bell-Electrical Supply 309 Mathew Street SANTA CLARA CA 95050 21 Bernard, Lisa M. 12180 Marilla Dr Saratoga CA 95070 BENJAMIN B. SANDERS 16156 GREEN BAY STREET HAYMARKET VA 20169 Berwick Offray 2015 WEST FRONT STREET BERWICK PA 18603 BENJAMIN BIERMAN 47438 CHOLLA STREET FREMONT CA 94539 Bess MTI 991 George Street Santa Clara CA 95054 BENTEK 2350 Harris Way San Jose CA 95131 BESWICK ENGINEERING 284 Ocean Rd Greenland NH 03840-2442 Bento, Michael 1907 Junesong Way San Jose, CA 95133 BETTER SOURCE LIQUIDATORS 1863 South Norfolk Street SAN MATEO CA 94403 Benton Street Photography 1261 Benton Street Santa Clara CA 95050 BEW 2303 CAMINO RAMON #220 SAN RAMON CA 94583 BentPeter Band 230 S. Peter Drive CAMPBELL CA 95008 Beylin, Victor 2512 Abaca Way Fremont, CA 94539 BENYAMIN BULLER 8733 N STONE MILL ROAD SYLVANIA OH 43560 Beyond Oil Solar 49 Morning Sun Avenue Mill Valley CA 94941 Berania, William c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnvyale, CA 94085 BH THERMAL CORPORATION 2732 Reliable Parkway CHICAGO IL 60686 Berger Manufacturing 2163 Martin Ave. Santa Clara CA 95050 BH THERMAL CORPORATION 1055 GIBBARD AVE COLUMBUS OH 43201 Bergis, Sharon A. 510 Railway Ave, #137 Campbell, CA 95008 Bhardwaj, Rajiv Kumar 36752 Ruschin Drive Newark, CA 94560 Bergmans, Christian Leenheerstraat 56 Vaals, Netherlands 6291 JG Biagi Bros, Inc. 787 AIRPARK ROAD NAPA CA 94558 Bernard, Lisa 150 Acalanes Dr Apt. 230 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Biagtan, Edilberto 1001 S. Main Street T201 Milpitas, CA 95035 22 Bierman, Benjamin 47438 Cholla Street Fremont, CA 94539 BIRD & BIRD 1040 BRUSSELS Brussels Belgium BISCO INDUSTRIES 1927 HARTOG DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 BIG FROG MOUNTAIN 3821 HIXSON PIKE CHATTANOOGA TN 37415 BISHOP WISECARVER 2104 Martin Way PITTSBURG CA 94565 BIG JOE CALIFORNIA NORTH 25932 Eden Landing Road HAYWARD CA 94545-3816 BKM Silicon Inc. 3333 Bowers Ave #130 Santa Clara CA 95054 BIGGS CARDOSA ASSOC INC 101 California Street Suite 875 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 Black and Veatech 11401 Lamar Ave. P3A6 Overland Park KS 66211 BIGGS CARDOSA ASSOC INC 1871 The Alameda, Suite 200 San Jose CA 95126-1752 BLACK BOX 1000 Park Dr. AWRENCE PA 15342 BIGGS CARDOSA ASSOC INC 865 THE ALAMEDA SAN JOSE CA 95126-3133 Bloomberg LP 731 Lexington Avenue New York NY 10022 BigMachines, Inc. 570 Lake Cood Road #125 Deerfield IL 60015 Blue Chip Tek, Inc. 11024 Balboa Blvd. #212 Granada Hills CA 91344 Bigolin, Rodolfo Via Feltrina Nord 60 Montebelluna, Italy 31044 BLUE OAK PHOTOVALTAIC PRO 4626 SECOND STREET #120 DAVIS CA 95618 BIJAN GHADERI 2 WEEPINGRIDGE CT SAN MATEO CA 94402 Blue Sky Environmental, L 624 San Gabriel Ave. Albany CA 94706 BILL D LY 1379 KINSULE CT SAN JOSE CA 95121-2617 Blue Wolf Group LLC 220 5th Avenue, 15th Floor New York NY 100001 BIOANALYTICAL SYSTEMS 2701 Kent Avenue WEST LAFAYETTE IN 47906 BLUE`S ROOFING CO. 182 TOPAZ ST MILPITAS CA 95035 BIO-CHEM VALVE INC. 85 Fulton Street BOONTON NJ 07005 BLUE`S ROOFING CO. 1181 Campbell Avenue SAN JOSE CA 95126 Biokinetics, Inc 1635 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19103 23 BLYMYER ENGINEERS, INC. 1829 CLEMENT AVE. ALAMEDA CA 94501 BOOMI 801 Cassatt Rd #120 Berwyn PA 19312 BMI SURPLUS EQUIPMENT BRO 285 CIRCUIT STREET HANOVER MA 02239 Borchers, Gannon Michael 27 Cartagena San Clemente, CA 92672 BOB LOWRANCE 2889 Rutherford Court LIVERMORE CA 94550 Borges, Daciano 3109 Villa East Hills Ct. San Jose, CA 95127 BOB MILLER RIGGING, INC. 11758 T.R. 100 FINDLAY OH 45840 BORISLAV DJUROVIC 550 KIELY BLVD APT 33 SAN JOSE CA 95117 BOB'S FOAM FACTORY INC 4055 PESTANA PLACE FREMONT CA 94538 Bortone, Alessio Via Rondine 23 Prato, PO 59100 Bockelman, Bryan 3400 Stevenson Blvd. R28 Fremont, CA 94538 Bosma, Walter c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Boden Engineering, LLC 10142 N. Portal Ave. Cupertino CA 95014 Boehm Pressed Steel 5440 Wegman Drive Valley City OH 44280 Botros, Adel 16675 Nina Lane Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Bola, Santokh 136 Sugar Maple Drive San Jose, CA 95136 Botros, Christopher 16675 Nina Lane Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Bolden, Sherry Lee 246 Barker Street Milpitas, CA 95035 BOWEN CONSTRUCTION INC. 1537 EAST VILLA MARIA DRIVE PHOENIX AZ 85022 BOWMAN ELECTRONICS 17195 Newhope St. FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 Boloor, Manjunath 37501 Summer Holly Common Fremont, CA 94536 Bowman, Brian 735 Winding Creek Terrace Brentwood, CA 94513 BOLT PRODUCTS, INC. 16725 East Johnson Drive CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91745 Boyer, Steven James 712 Dream Court Modesto, CA 95356 Bonne, Ulrich A. 346 S. Pastoria Ave Sunnyvale CA 94086 24 Brennecke, Nathan c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 BR CONSULTING - BOBBY RON 3491 Holly Oak Lane ESCONDIDO CA 92027 Brad Baker 5205 Summer Drive Austin TX 78741 BRENNTAG PACIFIC 10747 PATTERSON PLACE SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670 BRADLEY NAMEPLATE 1180 Page Road FREMONT CA 94538 BRENT JACOBS 1 BREVE AVE LA SELVA BEACH CA 95076-1709 Brady Tecnical Services 1135 Greenway Road Oceanside CA 92057 BRENTS WHEALTON 1077 TURNERVILLE ROAD PINE HILL NJ 08021 Bragg, Chris 5550 Kales Ave OAKLAND CA BRET ADAMS 627 PRINCETON DR SUNNYVALE CA 94087 BrandVia Alliance, Inc. 2159 Bearing Drive San Jose CA 95131 BRET CROCHET 716 TANGIERS CT SAN DIEGO CA 92109 Brani, Francesco Maria Via Savona 80 Milano, Italy 20144 Brewer, Donnie Alan 17719 Daffodill Hill Street Lathrop, CA 95330 Braun, Dan W. 6019 Allbrook Circle Pleasanton, CA 94588 BRIAN CUMPSTON 1618 HARVEST ROAD PLEASANTON CA 94566 BRAVO ELECTRO COMPONENTS 3263 Kifer Road SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Brian Mah Architect, Inc 2060 Clarmar Way San Jose CA 95128 BRECHBUHLER INC. 18512 Carrot Street #409 SPRING TX 77379 Brian Titus 316 Roosevelt Ave Sunnyvale CA 94085 BRECOFLEX 222 INDUSTRIAL WAY WEST EATONTOWN NJ 07724 Briceno, Rene 3150 Rubino Drive, Apt. 219 San Jose, CA 95125 Breen, John Dennis 37926 Vallejo Street Fremont, CA 94536 BRIDGE WIRELESS 2988 Meridian Avenue SAN JOSE CA 95124 BRIGHT TOWARD INDUSTRIAL 7F, No. 403, Sec.2 CHUNG-SAN ROAD CHUNG HO CITY TAIPEI HSIEN Taiwan 25 Brown, Julia M. 1754 Naglee Ave San Jose, CA 95126 Brighten Optics 145-11880 Hammersmith Way RICHMOND BC V7A 5C8 Canada BRIGHTER NAMING 650 Castro Street Suite 120-239 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94041 Brown, Michael Cordell 35983 Carnation Way Fremont, CA 94536 Bringas, Maureen 32683 Kenita Way Union City, CA 94587 Brownells 200 South Front Street Montezuma IA 50171 BRUCE B BAXTER 442 STATE ST SAN MATEO CA 94401-1606 Britton, Feng 3686 Tumble Way San Jose, CA 95132 BRUCE BARTON PUMP 940 S. FIRST STREET SAN JOSE CA 95110 Brock, Gregory Joseph 5158 E. Lakeshore Drive San Ramon, CA 94582 BRUCE BAXTER 442 STATE STREET SAN MATEO CA 94401 BRON TAPES 2020 NORTH LOOP ROAD ALAMEDA CA 94502 BRUCE M CAROTHERS 1326 BLOCK DR SANTA CLARA CA 95050-4413 BROOKS AUTOMATION INC. 14 Elizabeth Dr. Chelmsford MA 01824 BRUCE MAXWELL 7336 BRIZA LOOP SAN RAMON CA 94582-5071 BROOKS AUTOMATION INC. 6450 Dry Creek Parkway LONGMONT CO 80503 BRUCE YOUNESSI 5791 BELLFLOWER DR NEWARK CA 94560-4814 BROOKS AUTOMATION INC. 3800 Lakeville Highway PETALUMA CA 94954 Brudny, Alexander 12663 Sun Valley Ct Saratoga CA 95070 BROOKS AUTOMATION INC. 25347 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO IL 60673-1253 Brudny, Alexander 4311 Norwalk Drive, # T208 San Jose, CA 95129 Brooks Engineering 873 Kells Circle Vacaville CA 95688 BRUEL & KJAER NA., INC 22501 Network Place CHICAGO IL 60673-1225 Brown, Christopher Michael 3871 Ashridge Lane San Jose, CA 95121 BRUEL & KJAER NA., INC 2815 COLONNADES COURT NORCROSS GA 30071 26 Bui, Helen Andrea 570 Keyes St, Apt #212 San Jose, CA 95112 BRUKER OPTICS 2635 N. Cresent Ridge Dr THE WOODLANDS TX 77381 BryCoat, Inc. 207 Vollmer Ave Oldsmar FL 34677 Bui, Quinn Nguyen 1620 Ventura Dr. Morgan Hill CA 95037 BSI Broadax Systems 17539 E. Rowland Street CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91748 555 Hwy 965 South Unit H Suite #207 North Liberty IA 52317 BTECH 39899 Balentine Dr. Suite 200 Newark CA 94560 BULLARD MACHINE, INC 3035 UNION RD WHITEHOUSE TN 37188 BTX - Business Telephone eXchange 587 Division Street Campbell, CA 95008 BULLER, BENYAMIN 10379 LANSDALE AVENUE CUPERTINO CA 95014 BUCHANAN AUTOMATION INC. 780 Montague Expressway Suite 207 Attn: Mark Heinen SAN JOSE CA 95131 BULLING METAL WORKS, INC. 1890 WILLIAMS STREET SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 Buck, Douglas 1104 Driftwood Place Salinas, CA 93901 Bunot, Roldan 1423 165th Avenue, #106 San Leandro, CA 94578 Buck, Jeffrey 452 La Mesa Drive Salinas, CA 93901 BUNTING BEARINGS CORP 12639 Hiddencreek Way CERRITOS CA 90703 BUCKLES-SMITH 801 Savaker Ave SAN JOSE CA 95126 BUNTING BEARINGS CORP. 1001 Holland Park Blvd. PO Box 729 HOLLAND OH 43528 BUDGET BLINDS 3102 MILLAR AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Bureau Veritas North Amer 6920 Koll Center Parkway Suite 216 Pleasanton CA 94566 BUEHLER 39343 TREASURY CENTER CHICAGO IL 60694-9300 Burrows, Craig 1955 Hastings Drive Manteca, CA 95336 BUEHLER 41 Waukegan Rd PO BOX 1 LAKE BLUFF IL 60064 BUSCH SEMICONDUCTOR VACUU 18430 SUTTER BLVD. MORGAN HILL CA 95037 27 BUSINESS TELEPHONE EXCHAN 587 DIVISION STREET CAMPBELL CA 95008 C&H DISTRIBUTORS, LLC 22133 Network Place Chicago IL 60673-1133 Business Wire 44 Montgomery St 39fl San Francisco Ca 94194 C&H SPECIALISTS 3280-F EDWARD AVENUE Santa Clara CA 95054 Butler, Brandon 1411 Cathay Drive San Jose, CA 95122 C. LU LABORATORY 473 Sapena Ct. Suite 18 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 C/G Associates, Inc. 2140 PERALTA BLVD SUIT 202 FREMONT CA 94536 Butterfuss, Andrea c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 CA State Board of Equalization Neil Batara Return Analysis Unit 450 N Street Sacramento, CA 84279 Cab Technology, Inc 87 Progress Ave Unit 1 Tyngsboro MA 01879 BV Thermal Systems, LLC 1064 WOODLAND AVE SUITE K MODESTO CA 95351 Byers, Robert Edward 1114 Spiro Drive San Jose, CA 95116 CABLES4COMPUTER 3300 nw 23 Street OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73107 Byington Steel Treating I 1225 Memorex Dr Santa Clara CA 95050 CablesOnLine 130 Horton Avenue Lynbrook NY 11563 BYRNES ELECTRIC INC. 31 LOUIS DRIVE BUDD LAKE NJ 07828 CABLESTOGO.COM 1501 WEBSTER ST DAYTON OH 45404 C & C Process Piping, Inc 2910 Courtside Dr Roseville CA 95661 208 Lindbergh Ave Livermore CA 94551 C & L Coatings, Inc. 1150 Black Gold Road Bakersfield CA 93308 Cabral, Manuel E 3813 Crow Canyon Road San Ramon, CA 94582 C&H DISTRIBUTORS 22133 Network Place Chicago IL 60673-1133 Cabrera, Wayne T 3174 Fowler Rd San Jose, CA 95135 C&H DISTRIBUTORS 770 South 70th Street P.O Box 14770 Milwaukee WI 53214 CAEATFA 915 CAPITOL MALL ROOM 457 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 28 Cafe Verona 46999 Warm Springs Blvd Fremont CA 94539 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF 1515 K Street, Suite 200 SACRAMENTO CA 95814-4052 Cahandig, Frank c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 California Equipment Serv 1585 N. 4th Street, Suite R SAN JOSE CA 95112 CALIFORNIA GENERATOR SERV 1271 Washington Ave Suite 271 San Leandro CA 94577 Cahiles, Manuel B. 1537 Red Ribbons Lane Manteca, CA 95337 CALIFORNIA KNIFE & BLADE 14252 Culver Dr. Suite A-283 IRVINE CA 92604 Cahill, James M. 6964 Starling Valley Drive San Jose, CA 95120 CALIFORNIA SEAL AND FASTE 3350 SCOTT BLVD, BLDG 10 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Calantoc, Cesar F 2369 Nieman Ct San Jose, CA 95121 California Systems Integr 1800 Wyatt Drive #16 Santa Clara CA 95054 Calaveras, LLC C/O Stockbridge Capital Group, LLC 4 Embarcadero Center, Ste 3300 San Francisco, CA 94111 Cal-Sensors, Inc. 5460 Skylane Blvd. Santa Rosa CA 95403 Caltrol, Inc 6685 Amelia Earhart Court Las Vegas NV 89119-3531 CALIBRATIONS, INC 4758 RIDGE ROAD #251 CLEAVELAND OH 44144 Calvary Automation System 45 HENDRIX WEST HENRIETTA NY 14586 California Alternative En 915 Capitol Mall Room 457 Sacramento CA 95814 CALVIN GOINS JR 3637 TRONSON CT SAN JOSE CA 95132-1369 CALIFORNIA BRAZING CO 37955 Central Court Newark CA 94560 CALWELD 4308 Solar Way FREMONT CA 94538 CALIFORNIA CARBIDE, INC. 2521 GRAND AVE VENTURA CA 93003 CAMBRIDGE SCIENTIFIC PROD 26 New Street CAMBRIDGE MA 02138 CALIFORNIA CASTER 1400 17th Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107 CAMBRIDGE VISCOSITY 101 Station Landing MEDFORD MA 02155 CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC PAR 1107 9TH STREET, STE 901 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 29 Camera di Commercio Savon 17100 Savona Serivizio Tesorenria CANADA REVENUE AGENCY 275 Pope Road Summerside PE CIN 6A2 CAMERON DANESH 3 PURI COURT PLEASANTON CA 94588 CANH T VU 2764 HENESSY DR SAN JOSE CA 95148-2132 CAMFIL 3302 SOLUTIONS CENTER Chicago IL 60677 Canonizado, Nicasio S. 2224 Spanish Court San Jose, CA 95121 CAMFIL 2121 Paulhan Rancho Dominguez CA 90220 Cantada, Randolph c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 CAMHONG PHAM 2460 Nightshade Lane FREMONT CA 94539 CANTON CHEM INC. 6310 KERNE COURT CLARKSVILLE MD 21029 CAMPBELL & GEORGE CO. 1100 Industrial Road., # 12 SAN CARLOS CA 94070 CANYON COMPRESSOR 2180 Enterprise Blvd WEST SACRAMENTO CA 95691 CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC 11564 - 149 Street EDMONTON ALBERTA T5M 1W7 Canada CAPOVANI BROTHERS INC 704 Corporations Park SCOTIA NY 12302 CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC 815 West 1800 North Logan UT 84321 CARBON SOLUTIONS, INC. 5094 Victoria Hill Drive RIVERSIDE CA 92506 Camporaso, Paula 19551 Vineyard Lane Saratoga, CA 95070 CARGILLE-SACHER LABORATOR 55 Commerce Road Cedar Grove NJ 07009 Campson, Keegan 622 Sycamore Cir Danville, CA 94526 CARGO LOGISTICS NETWORK C 1825-C Crossbeam Drive CHARLOTTE NC 28217 Camstar Systems, Inc 2815 Coliseum Drive #600 Charlotte NC 28217 CARL RESURRECCION 401 CASSELINO DR SAN JOSE CA 95136-4811 CANADA REVENUE AGENCY 275 Pope Road CARL ZEISS IMT CORPORATIO 6826 KENSINGTON ROAD BRIGHTON MI 48116 Summerside, PE CIN6A2 Canada Carls Electronics 484 Lakepark Ave, Suite 59 Oakland CA 94610 30 Castillo, Clifford 1930 Almaden Rd, Apt.9 San Jose, CA 95125 CARLTON-BATES COMPANY 520 E WEDDELL DRIVE SUITE 8 SUNNYVALE CA 94089 Castillo, Joselito 3128 Florence Court San Jose, CA 95127 Carothers, Bruce M 2291 Homewood Drive San Jose, CA 95128 Castillo, Juan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 CARPENTER RIGGING OF SAN 701-25B KINGS ROW SAN JOSE CA 95112 CARPENTERS TRAINING COMMI 2350 SANTA RITA ROAD PLEASANTON CA 94566-4135 Castillo, Raynaud c/o West Valley Staffing 1007 F Street Union City, CA 94587 Cartago, Nicolas c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 CASTLE METALS 1625 TILLIE LEWIS DRIVE STOCKTON CA 95206 CAS 1023 Shoreline Blvd. MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-1838 Castro, Gerardo c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 CASCADE ENGINEERING SERVI 8100 ULMERTON RD. 7A LARGO FL 33771 CATALYST ENVIRONMENTAL, I 735 INDUSTRIAL ROAD # 201 SAN CARLOS CA 94070 CASCADE STONE CRAFT 3890 SOUTHEAST CHOCTAW ST PRINEVILLE OR 97754 CATALYST EQUIPMENT CORP 1401 Summit Ave Suite 6 PLANO TX 75074 CASCADE TOOL & FOAM 1982 NE 25th Ave., Unit 2 HILLSBORO OR 97124 Catrol, Inc 6685 Amelia Earhart Court Las Vegas NV 89118 CASEY PHOTOGRAPHY & WEB W 18050 SW HANDLEY ST SHERWOOD OR 97140 Cayabyab, Gina M 345 Arrowhead Way Hayward, CA 94544 Castillano, John 1249 Acadia Ave. Milpitas, CA 95035 CB Fabrication 1869 Walsh Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Castillo, Alfredo 221 Montevina Way Hayward, CA 94545 CBA ELECTRONICS CORPORATI 897 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE 5E MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 31 CCS AMERICA 5 Burlington Woods Suite 204 Burlington MA 01803 CENTURY SPRING COMPANY 454 Middle Street P.O.BOX 301 BRISTOL CT 06010 CDA Systems LLC 6736 Prestone Ave # C Livermore CA 94551 CENTURY SPRING COMPANY 231274 Momentum Pl CHICAGO IL 60689-5311 CDM ELECTRONICS 130 American Blvd Turnersville NJ 08012 CENTURY SPRING CORP. 222 East 16th Street Los Angeles CA 90015 CDS ENGINEERING, INC. 40725 Encyclopedia Circle FREMONT CA 94538 CENTURY SPRING CORP. 231274 Momentum Pl CHICAGO IL 60689-5311 CDW 200 North Milwaukee Avenue Vernon Hills IL 60061 CENTURY TECHNOLOGY, INC. 225 HARRIS COURT SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 CDW 200 N. Milwaukee Ave. VERNON HILLS IL 60061 CENTURY THEATRES 150 Pelican Way SAN RAFAEL CA 94901 CEES VAN VLIET BERGWEG 10 OSTERWARNGAU 83627 CERAC INC. 407 N 13th St MILWAUKEE WI 53233-2201 CELERITY GROUP, INC. 1463 Centre Pointe Drive MILPITAS CA 95035 CERADYNE INC. 3169 REDHILL AVENUE COSTA MESA CA 92626 CELLOTAPE INC. 47623 Fremont Blvd. Fremont CA 94538 CERAM TEC NORTH AMERICA C 21065 Network Place CHICAGO IL 60673 CENTENT COMPANY 3879 South Main Street SANTA ANA CA 92707 CERAMIC TECH, INC. 46211 Research Ave FREMONT CA 94539-6113 CENTERLINE EQUIPMENT CORP 105 Greenwood Avenue WAUKEGAN IL 60087 Certiberi, Suzanne 6508 Devonshire Drive San Jose, CA 95129 CENTRAL EXPRESS- COURIER 2075 Bearing Drive #J San Jose CA 95131 CERTIBERI, SUZI 6508 DEVONSHIRE DR. SAN JOSE CA 95129 Centro Regionale Di Speri 1710 Savona Via Quarda Superiore 16 Italy CERTIFICATION SERVICES 323 Spreckels Drive Aptos CA 95003 32 CERTIFIED THERMOPLASTICS 26381 Ferry Court Santa Clarita CA 91350 Chandra, Manish 39541 Gallaudet Drive, #2005 Fremont, CA 94538 Cervantes, Edwin 947 Berkshire Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94087 CHANOFF CONSULTING 284 Missouri St. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107 Cervantes, Nubia 1255 Medera Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 CHAR L TANG 24571 DIAMOND RIDGE DR HAYWARD CA 94544-1381 Cervantes, Nubia L. 1255 Modera Ave Menlo Park CA 94025 CHARLES REYNOLDS JR 4099 AMOS WAY SAN JOSE CA 95135 CFM 815 Arnold Drive Suite 116 Martinez CA 94553 CHART POOL USA, INC. 5695 OLD PORTER ROAD PORTAGE IN 46368 CFM OF THE WESTERN STATES815 Arnold Drive Suite 118 MARTINEZ CA 94553 CHASE SUITE HOTEL – NEWAR 39150 CEDAR BLVD. NEWARK CA 94560 CGI, INC 3400 ARROWHEAD DRIVE CARSON CITY NV 89706 Chatterjee, Saugata 3071 Stonehenge Road Fremont, CA 94555 Ch Bull 233 Utah Avenue South San Francisco CA 94080 Chau, Annie T 141 Skowhegan Court San Jose, CA 95139 CH2M HILL Engineers 2020 SW 4th Avenue PORTLAND OR 97201 Chau, Anthony c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Chaidez, Antonio Munoz 564 Annie Laurie Ave, Unit 5 Mountain View, CA 94043 Chau, Douglas c/o West Valley Staffing 4835 Yamato Drive San Jose, CA 95111 Chalavadi, Nagasrinivasar 4950 Stevenson Blvd Apt 33 Fremont CA 94538 Chau, Hao 2805 Fresno St. Santa Clara, CA 95051 Champion Mobile Notary 3561 HOMESTEAD ROAD # 510 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Chandola Associates, Inc 120 W 3rd Ave #608 San Mateo CA 94402 33 Chavez, Lorenzo c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 CHEUNG WOH INTERNATIONALC 1059, MK 6, Lorong Perusahaan Maju 2 13600 Prai Penang Chevron Energy Solution C 345 California St 18th Floor San Francisco CA 94104 Chavez, Rafael 3279 Aramis Dr San Jose CA 95127 Chew, Vincent 8048 Briar Oaks Drive San Ramon, CA 94582 Chavez, Rafael 1550 Viera Avenue Antioch, CA 94509 Chi, David 23241 Partridge Lane Los Altos, CA 94024 Chavez, Senon 273 Moneta Way Campbell, CA 95008 CHIA GOH 30 GLADYS CT APT 11 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-3703 Chavez, Stephen c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 CHIA T GOH 30 GLADYS CT APT 11 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-3703 Chelette, Elizabeth 3029 Canyon Way Pittsburg, CA 94565 CHIA TZUN GOH 30 GLADYS CT APT 11 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-3703 CHEMAT TECHNOLOGY, INC. 9036 Winnetka Ave. Northridge CA 91324 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 455 MARKET STREET, SUITE 2100 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105` CHEMICAL SAFETY TECHNOLOG 2461 AUTUMNVALE DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 CHICK PACKAGING 212 RAILROAD AVE MILPITAS CA 95035 CHEN, DAVID 1088 TULIPAN DR. SAN JOSE CA 95129 CHILLER CITY 555B WEST 2ND AVE SUITE B6 MESA AZ 85210 CHENG CHEN 111 Lane 7580 Rm 1103 No.39 Sub Lane Hu Min Rd. Shanghai Ching, Benedict G. 848 La Barbera Drive San Jose, CA 95126 Cheng, Mao Xun 3332 Howard Common Fremont, CA 94536 Chipman, Frank S. 3844 Canyon Ridge Drive San Jose, CA 95148 34 Chizhov, Ilya 6223 Joaquin Murieta Ave #B Newark, CA 94560 Christopher Collins Lee 39939 Stevenson Common #3068 Fremont CA 94538 Christopher Collins Lee 318 S. Livermore Ave. #106 LIVERMORE CA 94550 Choi, Jean 351 Sycamore Ct. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Christopher Duderstadt 1327 TENTH AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO CA 91422 Chok, James Edward 1770 Marina Way San Jose, CA 95125 Christopher J. Fisher 17515 Comanche Trail LOS GATOS CA 95033 Chow Engineering, Inc 7770 Pardee Lane #100 Oakland CA 94621 CHRISTOPHER L. CORDOVA 667 STEMEL CT. MILPITAS CA 95035 Chris Barnes 505 Cypress Point Dr. #240 Mountain View CA 94043 CHRISTOPHER M EKANAYAKE 148 S MARY AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94086-5956 Chris Barnes 642 Homer Ave Palo Alto CA 94301 CHRISTOPHER T LANE 53 GROVE ST LOS GATOS CA 95030-7102 CHRIS BEAUDRY 488 RAYMOND AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95128 Chroma Systems Solutions 7 Chrysler Chris Kohn U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Irvine CA 92618 Chromalox, Inc. 103 Gamma Drive Pittsburgh PA 15238 CHRISTIAN GRONET 1 PORTOLA GREEN CIRCLE PORTOLA VALLEY CA 94028 CHROMIUM DESIGN, LLC 539 QUAILBROOK CT. SAN JOSE CA 95110 Christian, Carlos 2334 Menzel Pl Santa Clara, CA 95050 Chu, Gary C 1098 Hunterston Place Cupertino, CA 95014 CHRISTINE A D'ARIENZO 1420 WALNUT GROVE AVE SAN JOSE CA 95126-1328 CHUCK PAK 2616 BRUNSTON CT ROUND ROCK TX 78681 CHRISTINE STACK 10340 LAS ONDAS WAY CUPERTINO CA 95014 Chuvessiriporn, Jonathan 373 Westlake Ave Daly City, CA 94014 35 CHUVESSITIPORN, JONATHAN 373 WESTLAKE AVE DALY CITY CA 94014 CITY OF SAN JOSE 170 W. San Carlos St SAN JOSE CA 95113 CIDRA PRECISION SERVICES 50 BARNES PARK NORTH WALLINGFORD CT 06492 CITY OF SANTA CLARA – FIN 1500 Warburton Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95050 CIMETRIX 6979 SOUTH HIGH TECH DRIVE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84047-3757 CITY OF SANTA CLARA –BUSI 1500 Warburton Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95050 CINCINNATI TEST SYSTEMS 5555 DRY FORK RD CLEVES OH 45002 CITY OF SANTA CLARA POLIC 601 El Camino Real SANTA CLARA CA 95050 CINTAS CLEANROOM RESOURCE 2221 Will Wool Drive SAN JOSE CA 95112 City of Sebastopol 7120 Bodega Ave Sebastopol CA 95472 CINTAS CORPORATION 2221 Will Wool Drive SAN JOSE CA 95112 CJ Machine Products, LLC 37533-F Enterprise Court Newark CA 94560 Ciocon, Emilio Felicito Villa 1694 Ramstree Drive San Jose, CA 95131 CKD USA CORPORATION 36989 EAGLE WAY CHICAGO IL 60678-1369 CKD USA CORPORATION 48501 WARM SPRINGS BLVD #114 FREMONT CA 94539 CIRCUIT FUSION 2033 GATEWAY PARKWAY SUITE 500 SAN JOSE CA 95110 Claremont Behavioral Serv 1050 Marina Village Pkwy Suite 203 Alameda CA 94501 CIRCUIT FUSION 101 Metro Drive Suite 100 SAN JOSE CA 95110 Clarion Safety Systems, I 190 Old Milford Rd. Milford PA 18337 Circuit Specialists Inc 220 S Country Club Drive #2 Mesa AZ 85210 Clark Precision Sheetmeta 2275 Calle Del Mundo SANTA CLARA CA 95054 CITY BEACH 4020 Technology Pl. FREMONT CA 94538 Clarke, Edgar B. 5300 Iron Horse Parkway, Apt 419 Dublin, CA 94568 City of Fremont 39550 Liberty Street PO Box 5006 Fremont CA 94538 Clean ESD Products, Inc. 48340 Milmont Drive Fremont CA 94538 CITY Of MILPITAS 455 E. CALAVERAS BLVD MILPITAS CA 95035 36 Clow, Patrick 574 Bernal Avenue Livermore, CA 94551 CLEAN INNOVATION CORPORAT 3350 Scott blvd bldg.8 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 CLEAN SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY 319 Whitney Place Fremont CA 94539 CLYDE EQUIPMENT 3470 Mount Diablo Blvd., Suite A120 Lafayette CA 94549 CLEANSOURCE 650 Brennan Street San Jose CA 95131 CMEA Ventures Attention: Meryl L. Schreibsten One Embarcadero Center Suite 3250 San Francisco, CA 94111 CMEA Ventures VII (Parall 1 Embarcadero Center Suite 3250 San Francisco CA 94111 CLEARVIEW SATELLITE INC. 3327 Kifer Rd. SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Cleveland Vibrator 2828 Clinton Ave Cleveland OH 44113 CMEA Ventures VII, L.P. 1 Embarcadero Center Suite 3250 San Francisco CA 94111 CLEVELAND VIBRATOR COMPAN 2828 CLINTON AVE CLEVELAND OH 44113 CMM Systems 4119 Beacon Place Discovery Bay CA 94505 Cleverbridge, Inc 360 N. Michigan Suite 1900 Chicago IL 60601-3814 Coast Fire Equipment 5930 Las Positas Rd Livermore CA 94551 Cleverbridge, Inc 53 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 1005 Chicago IL 60604 COATING MATERIALS 30150 South Wixom Road Wixom MI 48393 Inc. 333 Camille Ave. #100 Alamo CA 94507 COBRA WIRE AND CABLE 2930 Turnpike Drive P.O. Box 790 HATBORO PA 19040 CLIFFORD, GARY 1775 MILMONT DR. APT# 308 S MILPITAS CA 95035 CodeSource 4115 MESA DRIVE DENTON TX 76207 Clifford, Gary 1775 Milmont Drive S308 Milpitas, CA 95035 COHERENT CANADA, INC. 275 KESMARK Montreal Quebec H9B3J1 Canada CLIPPER CONTROLS, INC 330 Townsend St Ste 107 San Francisco CA 94107-1630 COHERENT INTERNATIONAL, L 275 Kesmark Dollard-des-Ormeaux Quebec H9B 3J1 Canada Cloud 1 Solutions, Inc 120 Misty Ct Santa Cruz CA 95060 COHERENT, INC. LASER MEAS 7470 SW Bridgeport Road PORTLAND OR 97224-7286 37 Columbia Marking Tools 27430 Luckino Drive Chesterfield MI 48047 COLDJET 9105 MILLIKEN AVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 Comco Inc. 2151 N. Lincoln Street Burbank Ca 91504-3344 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO 13927 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 Commodore Logistic 25525 Mound Road Warren MI 48091 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO 625 East Bunker Court VERNON HILLS IL 60061-1844 COMMWORLD OF SAN FRANCISC 550 Pilgrim Drive Suite L FOSTER CITY CA 94404 COLFAX INTERNATIONAL 750 Palomar Ave. SUNNYVALE CA 94085 COMPART ENGINEERING 1900 S.LYNX PLACE ONTARIO CA 91761 Coliier Computing Co. Inc 2310 West Country Road D #100 Roseville MN 55112 COMPASS COMPONENTS & MFG 48502 KATO ROAD FREMONT CA 94538 COLIN C TANG 2909 RONCO DR SAN JOSE CA 95132-2745 COMPATIBLE MANUFACTURING 386 Laurelwood Drive SANTA CLARA CA 95054 COLLIMATED HOLES, INC. 460 Division Street Campbell CA 95008 Compensia, Inc. 1731 Technology Drive Suite 810 San Jose CA 95110 Colmer, Mark S 7720 Santa Barbara Drive Gilroy, CA 95020 COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS INTL 2039 JORDAN TERRACE BUFFALO GROVE IL 60089 Colon, Tito 36642 Cherry Street Newark, CA 94560 56 SOUTH MAIN CHADWICK IL 61014 Colonial Parking, Inc 1050 Thomas Jefferson # 100 Washington DC 20007 COMPONENT FINISHING INC. 800 ALDO AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Colorado Department of Revenue Denver, CO 80261-0013 COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE 1375 SHERMAN ST Denver, CO 80261 COMPONENT SURFACES, INC. 11880 COMMUNITY ROAD SUITE 380 POWAY CA 92064 COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE 1375 SHERMAN ST DENVER CO 80261-0009 COMPONENTS CENTER 11208 Young River Ave. Fountain Valley CA 92708 38 COMPONENTS CENTER 3351 Edward Avenue Santa Clara CA 95054 CONNEX ELECTRONICS 4590 Enterprise St. FREMONT CA 94538 COMPONENTSOURCE 3391 Town Point Drive NW Suite 350 KENNESAW GA 30144-7083 CONNOR MANUFACTURING SERV 22867 NE TOWNSEND WAY FAIRVIEW OR 97024 COMPONENTSOURCE 650 Claremore Professional Way Suite 100 WOODSTOCK GA 30188-5188 Conservation Strategy Gro 1100 11th Street # 200 Sacramento CA 95814 Consolidated Engineering 2001 Crow Canyon Rd. #100 San Ramon CA 94583 Comptroller of Public Accounts PO Box 149354 Austin, TX 78714-9354 Construction Testing Serv 2174 Rheen Dr Pleasanton CA 94588 COMPUTER AIR/POWER SYSTEM 2372 WALSH AVENUE SANTA CLARA CA 95051 CONTAINER TECHNOLOGY, INC 81 David Loveplace GOLETA CA 93117 COMPUTER CABLE STORE 2550 Milford Square Pike Quaketown PA 18951 Contech Research, Inc 67 Mechanic Street Attleboro MA 02703 COMPUTER XTRAS XPRESS 401 Aldo Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95054 CONTINENTAL CONTROL SYSTE 3131 INDIAN ROAD SUITE A BOULDER CO 80301 COMSOL 744 Cowper Street Palo Alto Ca 94301 CONTINENTAL MACHINERY MOV 4717 CENTENNIAL BLVD NASHVILLE TN 37209 CONDUCTIVE COMPOUNDS 17 HAMPSHIRE DRIVE, UNIT 8 HUDSON NH 03051 CONDUX INC. 3937 Brookline Way REDWOOD CITY CA 94062 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE AND 635 MARINERS ISLAND BLVD. SUITE 200B SAN MATEO CA 94404-1074 Cone Mounter 7822 S. Wheeling Court #A Englewood CO 80112 CONTROL CONCEPTS INC. 7870 PARK DRIVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CONGLOBAL INDUSTRIES 1523 BUENA VISTA AVENUE ALAMEDA CA 94501 CONTROL MASTER PRODUCTS 1062 Shary Circle CONCORD CA 94518 CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE 13680 Collection Center Chicago IL 60693 CONTROL POWER-RELIANCE, L 310 EXECUTIVE DRIVE TROY MI 48083-4587 39 Cooper, John S 169 Evergreen Way Milpitas, CA 95035 CONTROL RESOURCES INC. 11 BEAVER BROOK RD LITTLETON MA 01460 CONTROLCO AUTOMATION 35 Dorman Ave #2 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94124 Coopernurse, Robbie M 2011 Mandelay Pl San Jose, CA 95138 CONTROLLED MOTION SOLUTIO 911 NORTH POINTSETTIA ST SANTA ANA CA 92701 COORDINATED WIRE ROPE OF 300 SAN LEANDRO BLVD. SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 CONTROLLERs GROUP INC 1818 THE ALAMEDA SAN JOSE CA 95126 Coorstek 42670 Albrae Street Fremont CA 94538 Convergint Technologies L 35257 Eagle Way Chicago IL 60678-1352 Coorstek 16000 Table Mountain Parkway Golden CO 80403 Convergint Technologies L 1651 WILKERING RD SHAUMBERG IL 60173 Coorstek 555 NE 53rd Ave Hillsboro OR 97124 CON-WAY FREIGHT, INC. 5169 Pelican Drive ATLANTA GA 30349 Copper & Brass Sales 13338 Orden Drive Santa Fe CA 90670 Conway, Ryan 185 Estancia Drive Apt118 San Jose, CA 95134 Cordero, Ana M 465 Alta Vista Drive South San Francisco, CA 94080 Conway, Ryan P. 355 N Wolfe Rd Sunnyvale CA 94086 Cordero, Annie 220 West Central Ave. Tracy, CA 95376 Cook, Kelvin F. 268 Middlebush Drive San Diego, CA 92114 Corduroy Media 5724 Gaskill St Oakland CA 94608 COOLEY GODWARD LLP 101 California Street 5th Floor SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 CORE SYSTEMS 1050 KIFER ROAD SUNNYVALE CA 94086 COONER WIRE COMPANY 9265 Owensmouth Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 Corine Fotenos 1808 Comstock Lane San Jose CA 95124 Cooper Preuit Engineers 999 Saratoga Avenue San Jose CA 95129 40 Cortez, John c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Cornerstone Technologies 1999 S. Bascom Ave. # 650 Campbell CA 95008 COR-O-VAN 2311 Kruse Drive SAN JOSE CA 95131 COSA INSTRUMENT CORPORATI 55 OAK STREET NORWOOD NJ 07648 Corporate Executive Board 1919 North Lynn Street Arlington VA 22209 COSA INSTRUMENT CORPORATI 84H Horseblock Road YAPHANK NY 11980 Corporate Executive Board 3393 Collections Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 Costa, Jose Leon Mariano Sorolla 6-2A Majadahonda, Madrid 28220 Corporate Sign Systems 1521 Berger Drive San Jose CA 95112 COURTYARD MARRIOT 47000 Lakeview Blvd. Fremont CA 94538 Corpuz, Maynard c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 COUSINS PACKAGING, INC. 105 CLAIREPORT CRESCENT ETOBICOKE ON M9W 6P7 Canada Corpuz, Michael 213 Packing Place San Jose, CA 95116 COVENANT TRANSPORT SERVIC 1905 NORTH MACARTHUR DRIVE SUITE 200 TRACY CA 95376 Corpuz, Rommel 213 Packing Place San Jose, CA 95116 COVERALL/WORCESTER SLITTI 50 SUFFOLK ST WORCESTER MA 01604 Correa, Rene T. 333 N. 15th Street San Jose, CA 95112 Cowern, Joseph c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Corrosion And Cathodic Pr Coyote Creek Consulting 1551 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas CA 95035 2058 Fostoria Circle Danville CA 94526 Cortek Engineering Inc. 5101 Richland Avenue Kansas City KS 66106 CPL Consulting 523 Assemble Way Santa Cruz CA 95062 Cortek Engineering Inc. CPO, LTD. 2545 Scott Blvd. SANTA CLARA CA 95050 1522-B E. Francis St. ONTARIO CA 91761 41 CPP 1415 Blue Spruce Drive Suite 3 Fort Collins CO 80524 Creative Windows Interior 1723 Little Orchard St., STE. "C" San Jose CA 95125-1052 CRAFTECH INDUSTRIES INC. 8 Dock Street HUDSON NY 12534 Creely, Michael 2305 Cheyenne Way Modesto, CA 95356 Craig D. Garlock 2108 Speck Lane Newbury Park CA 91320 CRESCENT PLASTICS, INC. 600 CROSS POINTE BLVD EVANSVILLE IN 47715 CRAIG, JOSEPH 209 Cortez St Capitola CA 95010 Criminale, Phillip 2179 Autinori Ct. Livermore, CA 94550 Craig, Joseph 209 Cortez Capitola, CA 95010 Critchfield Mechanical, I 1901 Junction Ave. San Jose CA 95131 Cramer Partitions 6985 via del oro # A-A5 S AN JOSE CA 95119 Crittendon, Kyle c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 CRANE PEST CONTROL 2700 Geary Boulevard SAN FRANCISCO CA 94118 Cronin, Zachary Ronald Philip 40082 Catalina Place Fremont, CA 94539 CRAVATH, SWAINE & MOORE L 825 EIGHTH PLAZA NEW YORK NY 10019-7475 Cross, Kawika Kyle 6077 Snell Ave, #413 San Jose, CA 95123 CRB Consulting Engineers 7410 NW Tiffany Springs Pkwy Suite 100 Kansas City MO 64153 Crossborder Energy 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 213A Berkeley CA 94710 CRB Consulting Engineers 75 E. Santa Clara Street San Jose CA 95113 CREATIVE MATERIALS, INC 141 Middlesex Road Tyngsboro MA 01879 CROSSROADS SCIENTIFIC 414 Av. Portola P.O.Box 1823 El Granada CA 94018 Creative Safety Supply, L 16869 SW 65th Ave ` #250 LAKE OSWEGO OR 97035 CRO-TECH SERVICES 2360 ZANKER ROAD SAN JOSE CA 95131 CREATIVE VIDEO SERVICES 39899 Balentine Dr. Suite 185 Newark CA 94560 Crowley, Gavin L. 4403 NE 9th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 42 Crusader Fence Co, Inc 3115 Gold Valley Drive, Ste. B Rancho Cordova CA 95742 CSTB 84 AVENUE JEAN JAURES CHAMOS-SUR-MARNE 77447 Cruz Perez, Maria Gabriela Budapesterstr. 31 Unterhaching, Germany 82008 CTC DESIGNS INC 605 Nuttman St. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 CTC DESIGNS INC 2905 STENDER WAY SUITE 6 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Cruz, Maria 42 Longhorn Court San Ramon, CA 94583 CULVER CONSULTING 57 W MCFARLANE ST VENTURA CA 93001 CRYOSPEC 41446 CHRISTY STREET FREMONT CA 94538 Cumberland Conveyor 7403 Cumberland Drive Fairview TN 37062 CRYOSPEC 156 West Harris Ave. So. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 Cumpston, Brian 1618 Harvest Road Pleasanton, CA 94566 Cryotech International, I 745-B Camden Ave Campbell CA 95008 CUPERTINO ELECTRIC 1132 North Seventh Street San Jose CA 95112 CRYSTAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGIE 15400 W. 64TH AVE SUITE E9-156 ARVADA CO 80007 CURTIS S IMOKAWA 3365 MERRIMAC DR SAN JOSE CA 95117-3623 CRYSTAL MARK INC. 613 Justin Avenue GLENDALE CA 91201-2396 CRYSTALLUME 3300 Nicolaus Road Lincoln CA 95648 CUSTOM CALIBRATION SOLUTI 2199 SPRUCE STREET EWING NJ 08638 CS CLEAN SYSTEM, INC 41583 ALBRAE ST. FREMONT CA 94538 CUSTOM FEEDER COMPANY 6207 MATERIAL AVE. ROCKFORD IL 61111 CSA International 2805 Barranca Pkwy Irvine CA 92606-5114 Custom Powder Systems, LL 2715 North Airport Commerce Ave Springfield MO 65803 CSA International 13799 Commerce Parkway Richmond BC V6V 2N9 Canada CVI LASER LLC 200 DORADO PL., S.E. ALBUQUERQUE NM 87123 CSL, INC 529 Aldo Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95054 CYCLONIX, INC 140 San Pedro Avenue Morgan Hill CA 95037 43 Cymatix, Inc 1160 Industrial Ave, Suite J Petaluma CA 94952 DACONCEICAO, FRANCISCO 1823 Landess Ave. Milpitas CA 95035 CYTEC INDUSTRIES, INC 1804 Wellspring Drive DIAMOND BAR CA 91765 Daconceicao, Francisco X 1823 Landess Avenue Milpitas, CA 95035 D & D Compressor Inc. 258 Kinney Dr San Jose CA 95112 Dage Precision Industries 2747 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad CA 92010-6603 D & D Precision Grinding 1813 Houret Court Milpitas CA 95035 Dage Precision Industries 48065 Fremont Blvd. Fremont CA 94538 D B Consult, LLC 9220 Bass Lake Road # 255 New Hope MN 55428 DAHL`S EQUIPMENT RENTALS 1110 N. Tenth Street SAN JOSE CA 95112-4409 D&D Precision 1701 Fortune Drive Unit#F San Jose CA 95131 Dailey, Scott 320 Oak Ct. Menlo Park, CA 94025 D&H MFG 49235 MILMONT DR FREMONT CA 94538-7349 Daily, Robert F. 2645 Fir Park Way Santa Rosa, CA 95404 D&N PRECISION, INC. 727 CALLE ARTIS SAN JOSE CA 95131 DAITRON INC. 27520A SW 95th Avenue WILSONVILLE OR 97070 D&R MANUFACTURING 2981 SPRING STREET REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Dalmar, Liban A. 123 Seawell Court San Jose, CA 95138 D.B. ROBERTS COMPANY 1810 OAKLAND RD, SUITE A SAN JOSE CA 95131 DALSA 39159 Paseo Padre Parkway Suite 229 Fremont CA 94538 D.J. GONGOL & ASSOCIATES 4801 POMMEL PLACE WEST DES MOINES IA 50265-2938 Dalsania, Kiran M. 1089 Clifford Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 D.W. Nicholson 24747 Clawiter Road PO Box 4197 Hayward CA 94540 DALTON, JAMES 919 Capitola Ave Apt#6 Capitola CA 95101 D/C Export & Domestic Pac 1300 E. Devon Ave. ELK GROVE VILLAGE IL 60007-5831 44 Dan Marohl 3461 Outlook Court San Jose, CA 95132 Dang, Ho 679 Corinthia Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Dan Marohl 3461 Outlook Court San Jose, CA 95132 Dang, Johnathan 3566 Ramblewood Place Fremont, CA 94536 DAN MAROHL 3461 OUTLOOK COURT SAN JOSE CA 95132 Dang, Steven Ngoc 1545 Bennington Ct Stockton, CA 95209 Dan Maydan 12000 Murietta Lane Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 DANIEL LIU 1950 EVERGLADES DRIVE MILPITAS CA 95035 DAN MAYDAN 12000 MURIETTA LANE LOS ALTOS HILLS CA 94022 Daniel Oneill Photographe 1374 8th Avenue San Francisco CA 94127 Dan Maydan 12000 Murietta Lane Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 DANIELLE, INC. 1275 BLOOMFIELD AVENUE BUILDING 8, UNIT 68 FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 DAN MAYDAN 12000 MURIETTA LANE LOS ALTOS CA 94022 DANIELS MANUFACTURING COR 526 Thorpe Rd Orlando FL 32824 Dana Property Analysis 7445 East Eagle Crest Drive # 1041 MESA AZ 85207 Daniels, James David 895 Via Bregani San Lorenzo, CA 94580 Danaher Motion – Dover 200 Flanders Road Westborough MA 01581 Danley, Bryan Alexander 4950 Owens Dr, Apt #818 Pleasanton, CA 94588 DANBRU 11639 Coley River Circle FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 DANCO MACHINE DPMS, INC. 950 George Street Santa Clara CA 95054 DanversBank 1 Conant Street Danvers, MA 01923 Danemayer, Scott M. 597 N. 9th Street San Jose, CA 95112 Dao, Dan 2078 Mary Helen Lane San Jose, CA 95136 Dang, Danny 870 Nieves St Milpitas, CA 95035 DARCOID NOR-CAL SEAL 930 3 RD STREET OAKLAND CA 94607 45 DAREN K NORMAN 1816 MAPLEGROVE LN TRACY CA 95376-5341 DATAPOINT LABS 95 BROWN ROAD #102 ITHACA NY 14850 Darius J. Mehraban Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166-0193 DATAQ Instruments, Inc. 241 Springside Dr Akron OH 44333 DAUSKARDT TECHNICAL SERVI 705 Wallea Drive Menlo Park CA 94025 Darrow, Christopher B 2275 East San Antonio St. San Jose, CA 95116 Dave & Busters 940 Great Mall Drive Milpitas CA 95035 Darrow, David 1423 Parkview Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 Dave, Sanat 40693 Palatino Street Fremont, CA 94539 Darrow, David C. 3145 Tokay Ct Pleasanton CA 94566 DAVES LOCK SERVICE 3321 Gardendale Drive SAN JOSE CA 95118 DARSHINI DESAI 3805 VILLAGE TER APT 157 FREMONT CA 94536-7529 DAVID C CLAYTON 1777 N MILPITAS BLVD APT 324 MILPITAS CA 95035-2730 DATA PATH, INC. 20 Austin Blvd. COMMACK NY 11725 DAVID CHI 23241 PARTRIDGE LN LOS ALTOS CA 94024-6600 DATA PATH, INC. 20B COMMERCE DRIVE HAUPPAGUE NY 11788 David Corkill c/o Livermore Cinemas 2490 First Street Livermore, CA 94550 Data Physics 1741 Technology Drive, Suite 260 San Jose CA 95110 DataChem Laboratories, In 960 West Levoy Drive S alt Lake UT 84123 DAVID E WELDON 860 BENTON ST SANTA CLARA CA 95050-4929 DATAFORTH CORPORATION 3331 E HEMISPHERE LOOP TUCSON AZ 85706 DAVID L. ROODVOETS 6710 Lakefront Dr. MONTAGUE MI 49437 Datalogic Automation-EMS 3000 Earhart Court Suite 135 Hebron KY 41048 DAVID LINVILLE 2180 LAFITE SQ. SMYRNA GA 30080 DATAPAQ 187 BALLARDVALLE STREET WILMINGTON MA 01887 46 DAVID MARKS 635 Heartland Drive Manteca CA 95337 Davis, John Kennedy 3261 Sydney Way Castro Valley, CA 94546 DAVID MARKS 6350 HEARTLAND DR. MANTECA CA 95337 Davis, Waymon 1904 Vinedale Square San Jose, CA 95132 David Mauro 2248 Glenwood Trenton MI 48183 Daystar, Inc 3240 Majestic Ridge Las Cruces NM 88011 DAVID MUSOLF 1601 MINARDI AVE SAN JOSE CA 95125-4743 DAZ SYSTEMS, INC. 880 Apollo Street, Suite 201 EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 DAVID R MAIN 181 OAK KNOLL CT BOULDER CREEK CA 95006-9537 DBA SOFTWARE 3250 El Camino Real, Suite B1 ATASCADERO CA 93422 DAVID ULLSTROM 1110 BARTLETT CREEK COURT SAN JOSE CA 95120 DC ELECTRONICS 1870 Little Orchard St. SAN JOSE CA 95125 DAVID WELDON 860 BENTON STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95050 DC Power Systems, Inc. 30 C Mill Street Healdsburg CA 95448 David, Gerard c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop # 100 Alameda, CA 94501 DC Valve and Manufacturing 1901 Las Plumas Ave San Jose CA 95133 DAVIS CALIBRATION 2290 RINGWOOD AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95131 DDC SYSTEMS 337 LAURELWOOD RD SANTA CLARA CA 95054 DAVIS CALIBRATION 2050 MARTIN AVEBUE SANTA CLARA CA 95050 De Cordova, Arthur 2131 Bay Street San Francisco CA 94123 Davis Instruments 14957 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 De Cordova, Arthur E. 2131 Bay Street San Francisco, CA 94123 Davis Instruments 625 East Bunker Court Vernon Hills IL 60061 De Grassi, Brian 2742 Oak Rd., apt. 230 Walnut Creek CA 94597 Davis Standard 1 Extrusion Dr Pawcatuck NY 06379 47 De Leon, Michael 25200 carlos bee blvd apt 474 hayward, CA 94542 Deck Monitoring LLC 1 East Broadway Eugene OR 97401 Deck Monitoring LLC 1110 NW Flanders St., Ste 201 Portland OR 97209-2954 De Teglassy, Rodolphe 21 boulevard Gaston Cremieux MARSEILLE, France 13 008 Dedeco International, Inc 11617 State Route 97 Long Eddy NY 12760 De Vera, Rolando O. 3473 Fowler Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 DEERSO.COM 910 SE 14TH PLACE CAPE CORAL FL 33990 Deacon, Robert G 7170 Pescadero Road Pescadero, CA 94060 Degenkolb 235 Montgomery Street San Francisco CA 94104 DEAN LEWIS ASSOCIATES 21650 Cloud Way HAYWARD CA 94545 Dela Cruz, Eugene 453 Coelho Street Milpitas, CA 95035 DEBORAH E.G. WILDER 635 MARINERS ISLAND BLVD SUITE 200 SAN MATEO CA 94404 Dela Cruz, Joselito 16818 Settler Trail Lathrop, CA 95330 Deborah McReynolds 420 Blair Ranch Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066 DELAWARE SECRETARY OF STA 401 Federal Street Suite 4 Dover DE 19901 Deborah McReynolds 420 Blair Ranch Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066 DELECTABLES, INC. 1485 FRANKLIN ST. SANTA CLARA CA 95050 DEBORAH ROSS 19845 SKYLINE BLVD LOS GATOS CA 95033-9524 Delgadillo, Blanca C 1370 via Dondera#1 Santa Clara, CA 95051 DEBORAH ROSS 19845 Skyline Blvd. LOS GATOS CA 95033 DELL FINANCIAL 3625 SCOTT BLVD. Santa Clara CA Deborah Wenocur 4057 Amaranta Ave. Palo Alto CA 94306 Dell MessageOne 11044 Research Blvd Building C, Fifth Floor Austin TX 78759 DECAUX, VINCENT 950 Harisson St # 108 San Francisco CA 94107 Delphos International 1305 Wisconsin Ave N.W. 2nd Floor Washington DC 20007 48 Desai, Ronak Rohitkumar 2859 East Castle Pines Terrace Dublin, CA 94568 Delta F C/O FLW 285-A Bel Marin Keys Blvd. Novato CA 94949 DESERT VIEW STORAGE 2646 W. Guadalupe Rd. APACHE JUNCTION AZ 85120 Delta Machine 2180 Oakland Road San Jose CA 95131 DESIGN STANDARDS 3455 Woodhead Dr NORTHBROOK IL 60062-1813 DENNIS A. HAWES 5071 Doyle Road SAN JOSE CA 95129-4228 DESIGN VISIONARIES 7034 CALCATERRA DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95120 Dennis Shea 1070 Yarwood Court San Jose CA 95128 DESPATCH INDUSTRIES DENNIS ZAPPEL 142 CARLYN AVE CAMPBELL CA 95008-1916 8860 207TH STREET WEST LAKEVILLE MN 55044 DESTACO/ROBOHAND 482 PEPPER ST MONROE CT 06468 Deo, Sachin Jayant 1095 Dolphin Common Fremont, CA 94536 Destiny Tool 3233 De La Cruz Blvd #C Santa Clara CA 95054-0264 Depew, Dana Lee 699 Pecos River Ct San Jose, CA 95111 Deterministic Systems, In 1553 2nd Avenue Walnut Creek CA 94597 Depiano, Michael 859 Golden Pond Dr. Manteca, CA 95336 Detjen, Bradley Scott 26 Shaniko Common Fremont, CA 94539 DEREK PIETZ 1102 SHERMAN STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95050 DEUBLIN COMPANY 2050 Norman Drive, West WAUKEGAN IL 60085-6747 DEREK R PIETZ 1588 INVERNESS CIR SAN JOSE CA 95124-4809 DESAI, DARSHINI 102 Foxfire Drive NEWARK NJ 19711 Devera, John c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Desai, Rekha R 2859 East Castle Pines Terrace Dublin, CA 94568 Device Technologies, Inc 155 Northboro Rd. Unit 8 Southborough MA 01772-1033 DEVINCENZI METAL PRODUCTS 1655 ROLLINS ROAD BURLINGAME CA 94010 49 Dicks Bakery 1593 Meridian Ave. San Jose CA 95125 DEWINTER CONSULTING, INC. 1999 South Bascom Ave # 210 Campbell CA 95008 DICKSON 930 S. WESTWOOD AVE ADDISON IL 60101-4917 DEWINTER CONSULTING, INC. 1550 THE ALAMEDA, SUITE 204 SAN JOSE CA 95126 Dickson-Ross LLP 1970 Broadway, Suite 1045 Oakland CA 94612 DF BUILDERS INC. 2901 Moorpark Ave., Suite 220 SAN JOSE CA 95128 DIEBOLD ENTERPRISE SECURI 155 Lafayette Ave WHITE PLAINS NY 10603 DGI Training Center, Inc 1060 El Camino Real #B Redwood City CA 94063 DIEMAT, INC. 19 Central Street BYFIELD MA 01922 DHANANJAY D JANORKAR 43555 GRIMMER BLVD APT G158 FREMONT CA 94538-6603 DIE-TECH Semiconductor To 1853 Little Orchard Street San Jose CA 95125 DHANANJAY JANORKAR 38675 PASEO PADRE PKWY #311 FREMONT CA 94536 Dieter Langer 1254 Formosa Drive San Jose CA 95131 DHANOA, KANWALJIT 280 Fox Hollow Cir Morgan Hill CA 95037 Dietrich, Fred T. 5070 Derek Dr San Jose CA 95136 Dhir, Usha 32428 Deborah Drive Union City, CA 94587 Dietrich, Jacob A. 1510 Asterbell Drive San Ramon, CA 94582 DHL DANZAS AIR & OCEAN 10601A Seymour Ave FRANKLIN PARK IL 60131-1200 DIGI-KEY 701 Brooks Ave South THIEF RIVER FALLS MN 56701 Diamond Ground Products I 2550 Azurite Circle Newbury Park CA 91320 Diamond Wheel Inc 7975 Stone Cree Drive, Ste 10 Chanhassen MN 55317 Digital and Litho Printing 124H Blossom Hill Road PMB 420 San Jose CA 95123 Diana Huang 138 North Milpitas Blvd MILPITAS CA 95035 Digital and Litho Printing 5214 Rooster Drive San Jose CA 95136 DICE.COM 4939 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 DIGITAL DYNAMICS, INC. 5 VICTOR SQUARE, SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 50 DIGIVAC COMPANY 83 BRIDGEWATERS RD OCEANPORT NJ 07757 DLA PIPER LLP (US) 4365 Executive Drive Suite 1100 SAN DIEGO CA 92121-2133 Dimensional Inspection La 35481 Dumbarton Ct. Newark CA 94560 DMG North 14451 Catalina Street San Leandro CA 94577 DINH T TO 110 MAXWELTON RD PIEDMONT CA 94618-2644 Do, Eric 2357 Plateau Drive San Jose, CA 95125 Dinsmore Landscape Company 430 Aldo Ave Santa Clara CA 95054 Do, Tim Hung 213 N White Road San Jose, CA 95127 Dion, Timothy W 2924 Vista Creek Drive San Jose, CA 95133 Doan, Jonathan C. 2547 Larrikeet Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 DIRECT CONVEYORS 400 NORTH FORSYTHE ST. UNIT 1 FRANKLIN IN 46131 Doan, Linh 1997 Morrill Avenue San Jose, CA 95132 DIRECT SCIENTIFIC 2010 Turnpike St., Unit 9 CANTON MA 02021 Dodd Camera 2077 E. 30th St Cleveland OH 44115 DIRECT SCIENTIFIC 124 SAN TROPEZ CT. LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 DOERFER COMPANIES 17 HAYWOOD ROAD GREENVILLE SC 29607 Directed Light, Inc 633 River Oaks Parkway San Jose CA 95134 Doll, Steve 3499 Bennett Ave Santa Clara, CA 95051 DISKEEPER CORPORATION 7590 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank CA 91504 Dolorfo, Nicolas 3309 San Marino Ave. San Jose, CA 95127 DISPLAY WAREHOUSE 8820 KENAMAR DRIVE SAN DIEGO CA 92121 DOLPHIN TECHNOLOGY, INC 1954 O'TOOLE WAY SAN JOSE CA 95131 Dixon, Mark T 26670 Peterman Avenue Hayward, CA 94545 Domcast Metals, Inc 913 Tecumseh Road West Windsor Ontario N8X 2A9 Canada Dizon, Perchy 2717 Nicasio Court San Jose, CA 95127 51 Dominguez, Robert John 5927 Southview Dr San Jose, CA 95138 DP PRODUCTS 2015 STONE AVE SAN JOSE CA 95125 DPR Construction 1450 Veterans Blvd Redwood City CA 94063 Donald C. Roberts 352 Legacy Blvd Greenwood IN 46143 Dr Robot 25 Valleywood Drive, Suite 20 Markham Ontario L3R 5L9 CANADA DONALD R. WHITE TREASURER 1221 OAK STREET Oakland, CA 94612-4286 DONALD R. WHITE TREASURER 1221 OAK STREET OAKLAND CA 94612-4286 Drahos, Pavel 20 Smeralova Prague, Czech Republic 17000 Donald Victor Dailey 1428 Falcon Drive #Suite 203 Milpitas CA 95035 DRAW SERVICE 1618 Doolittle Drive SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 DOO WAH PRODUCTS 156 S. Milpitas Blvd MILPITAS CA 95035 DRIVEX 472 LINDBERGH AVE LIVERMORE CA 94551 DOUBLETWIST DESIGN 1965 Marin Avenue BERKELEY CA 94707 Drop, Robert A. 1181 Calle Oriente Ct Milpitas CA 95035 DOUG F. WIDNEY 2269 CHESTNUT ST #968 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94123 Drossbach 1500 Commerce Drive Stow OH 44224 DOUGLAS D BACON 3873 LOUIS RD PALO ALTO CA 94303-4516 DSA Sacramento Regional O 1102 Q Street, Suite 5200 Sacramento CA 95811 DOVEBID, INC. 1241 E. Hillsdale Blvd FOSTER CITY CA 94404 DST CONTROLS 651 STONE ROAD BENICIA CA 94510 DOW CORNING 4770 HIGHWAY 42 E CARROLLTON KY 41008 DualDraw, LLC 5900 E. 58th Ave., Unit A Commerce City CO 80022 DOW CORNING 760 HODGENVILLE ROAD ELIZABETHTOWN KY 42701 Duel-Systems 1750 Junction Ave San Jose CA 95112 Dowling Associates, Inc. 180 Grand Avenue # 250 Oakland CA 94612 Duff & Phelps 12595 Collection Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 52 Duff & Phelps 2000 University Cr. Ste. 600 East Palo Alto CA 94303 DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Pr 2200 E. Eldorado Street Decatur IL 62521 DUKANE CORPORATION 2900 DUKANE DRIVE ST. CHARLES IL 60174 DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Pr 198 Blair Bend Drive Loudon TN 37774 DUKE SCIENTIFIC CORPORATI 2463 Faber Place P.O. Box 50005 PALO ALTO CA 94303 DURAFLEX INC. 6305 Londonderry Drive CARY IL 60013 Duran, Gilberto c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Dumlao, Jimmy c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 DUNCAN BOLT 8535 Dice Road Santa Fe Springs CA 90670 Duran, Jose c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Duncan, Robert S 137 Hillview Ave. Redwood City, CA 94062 DURGAN & ASSOCIATES 1 Breve Ave. LA SELVA BEACH CA 95076 DUNIWAY STOCKROOM CORP. 1305 Space Park Way MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-1336 Dutko Worldwide 412 First Street, SE Washington DC 20003 Dunphy, James C 1502 Minnesota Ave San Jose, CA 95125 Dvorsky, Randolph 1895 Wembley Court San Jose, CA 95132 Duong, Daren 3457 senter rd San Jose, CA 95111 DVT LABS 48004 FREMONT BLVD FREMONT CA 94538 Duong, Daren N. 1327 Snake Creek Dr Patterson CA 95363 Dyer Technology, Inc. 23 Executive Dr. Hudson NH 03051-4903 Duong, Tim 2754 Gold Meadow Ct San Jose, CA 95135 DYLAN GALANTE 35 YOUNG COURT NAPA CA 94558 Dynaloy, Inc 1910 South State Ave Indianapolis IN 46203 DUPONT ELECTRONIC TECHNOL 2520 Barrington Court HAYWARD CA 94545-1163 53 DYNAMAX 10808 FALLSTONE SUITE#350 HOUSTON TX 77099 EAC 14501 Judicial Rd # 10 BURNSVILLE MN 55306 DYNAMIC MACHINE & ENGINEE 3051 Corvin Drive Santa Clara CA 95051 EAGLE ALLOYS 178 West Park Court Talbott TN 37877 DYNAMIC SOLUTIONS 15375 BARRANCA PARKWAY IRVINE CA 92618 EAGLE GLOBAL LOGISTICS 30750 Wiegman Road HAYWARD CA 94544 DYNAMIC SOLUTIONS 9209 Research Drive IRVINE CA 92618 Eagle Stainless Tube & Fa 10 Discovery Way Franklin MA 02038 DYNAMIC THERMAL SOLUTIONS 349 Via Navona Morgan Hill CA 95037 E-A-R Specialty Composite 2152 Reliable Parkway Chicago IL 60686-0021 DYNAMIC THERMAL SOLUTIONS 2166 Northampton Dr. San Jose CA 95124 E-A-R Specialty Composite 7911 Zionsville Road Indianapolis IN 46268 DYNAROLL 551 FIFTH STREET SAN FERNANDO CA 91340 EARTH TECH MICROELECTRONI 695 River Oaks SAN JOSE CA 95134 DYNATRONIX INC. 462 Griffin Blvd. AMERY WI 54001 EARTHSHIFT LLC. 830 TAFT RD HUNTINGTON VT 05462 Dytran Instruments Inc. 21592 Marilla St. Chatsworth CA 91311 EAST BAY LASER & WATERJET 435 S 2ND ST. RICHMOND CA 94804 E & S TECHNOLOGIES INC. 180 MIDDLESEX STREET N. CHELMSFORD MA 01863 Eastburn, Lindsey 2560 Tapestry Way Pleasanton, CA 94566 E&F PLASTICS 2742 Aiello Drive SAN JOSE CA 95111 EASTERN CHEM-LAC 1100 Eastern Avenue MALDEN MA 02148 E&M ELECTRICAL & MACHINER 126 Mill Street HEALDSBURG CA 95448 Easy Fuel, Inc. 1346 E. Taylor Street San Jose CA 95133 E.I . DU PONT DE NEMOURS 1007 MARKET STREE, D-13111 WILMINGTON DE 19898 Easy Lift Co, Inc 2 Mill Park Court Newark DE 19713 54 EASYSYNC LTD 373 SCOTLAND STREET GLASGOW G5 8QB United Kingdom ECKERT MACHINING INC. 2772 Aiello Drive San Jose CA 95111-2134 ECLIPSE AUTOMATION 130 THOMPSON DRIVE CAMBRIDGE ON N1T 2E5 CANADA EasyWorkOrder.Com 2217 Otis Dr #M Alameda CA 94501 Eclipse Metal Fabrication 2901 Spring Street Redwood City CA 94063 EBAGS. INC. 6060 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111 ECOLITE MFG 9919 East Montgomery SPOKANE WA 99211 EBCA 1 JALAN KILANG TUMOR #07-06 PACIFIC TECH CENTRE SINGAPORE 159303 ECONOLINE ABRASIVE PRODUC 401 NORTH GRIFFIN STREET GRAND HAVEN MI 49417 Ebert, Scott W. 449 Glenbriar Circle Tracy, CA 95377 ECONOMIC PACKAGING & CLEA 38503 Cherry St. Unit R NEWARK CA 94560 Ebreo, Efren Q 1521 Canton Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 ECS Refining 705 Reed Street Santa Clara CA 95050 Ebreo, Jonathan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ECS Refining 250 Apache Trail Terrell TX 75160 ECS Refining Texas LLC 705 Reed St Santa Clara Ca 95050 EBSCIENCES 29b Kripes Rd East GRANBY CT 06026 ECS Refining Texas LLC 250 Apache Trail Terrell TX 75160 EBULB, INC. 425 GREENPOINT AVE BROOKLYN NY 11222 ED MATHIAS 2780 VERNAZZA DRIVE LIVERMORE CA 94550 EC PLATING INC 3005 Copper Road SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ECD 4287-B SE International Way MILWAUKIE OR 97222 EDAX 91 McKee drive MAHWAH NJ 07430 ECHO SUPPLY 1026 Hanson Ct MILPITAS CA 95035 Eddie Shvartzman 2115 Craig Drive Colorado Springs CO 80921 55 EDGAR ABLAO 3749 DE LA CRUZ BLVD SANTA CLARA CA 95054-2114 E-Enterprise Tech 3565 Victor St Unit A Santa Clara CA 95054 EDISON HCS 3659 Green Road Suite 100 BEACHWOOD OH 44122 E-FAB, INC 1075 Richard avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95050 EDLON SMART SOLUTIONS 150 Pomeroy Ave AVONDALE PA 19311 EFREN RULLAN 4927 ANTIOCH LOOP UNION CITY CA 94587-5518 EDMUND F. PETERSEN III 433 FOREST AVENUE PALO ALTO CA 94301 EGA Products 4275 NORTH 127TH ST BROOKFIELD WI 53005 EDMUND INDUSTRIAL OPTICS 101 East Gloucester Pike BARRINGTON NJ 08007-1380 EGON ZEHNDER INTERNATIONA 350 Park Avenue NEW YORK NY 10022 Edmunson, Ronald 2016 Summit Drive Paso Robles, CA 93446 Eichelbronner, Martin Roderichstrafe 1a Munich, Germany D-81375 Edmunson, Ronald L. 5975 Larabee Ct. San Jose CA 95120 Eisheref, Khaled A. 830 Altino Blvd. San Jose CA 95136 EDSYN, INC. 15958 Arminta Street VAN NUYS CA 91406 EKANAYAKE, CHRIS 1055 Alderbrook Ln San Jose CA 95129 EDUCATED DESIGN & DEVELOP 901 SHELDON DRIVE CARY NC 27513 Ekanayake, Christopher M. 1020 Carson Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94086 EDWARD BARNHOLT 26076 Altadena Drive Los Altos Hills CA 94022 EKA-PRIMA 33264 Arizona Street UNION CITY CA 94587 Edward Hartford 381 Sacramento Drive Ventura CA 93004 ELASCO INC. 11377 MARKON DRIVE GARDEN GROVE CA 92841 EDWARDS 2041 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ELECT AIR 11897 Cabernet Dr. Suite C FONTANA CA 92337 EDYSN INC. 15958 Arminta St. VAN NUYS CA 91406 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS 7120 Alexander Street GILROY CA 95020 56 Electrical Insulation Sup 41444 Christy Street Fremont CA 94538 ELIAS A MARTINEZ 777 LOVERS LN VACAVILLE CA 95688-4413 ELECTRICAL RELIABILITY SE 728 CHARCOT AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95131 ELITE NETWORK 444 Castro St. Suite 920 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94041 Electro Optical Products 62-40 Forest Avenue, 2nd Floor Ridgewood NY 11385 ELIZABETH BRAUN 2370 Homestead Road #4 SANTA CLARA CA 95050 ELECTROCHEM Solutions 13297 Collections Center Dr. Chicago IL 60693 Elizaga, Rolly 104 Sierra Vista Place San Jose, CA 95116 ELECTROCHEM Solutions 10000 Wehrle Drive Clarence NY 14031 ELLCO PRECISION 3676 Bassett St. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ELECTRON SERVICE (SUPERIO 557 DOUGLAS STREET PASADENA CA 91104 Ellen W. Slights, Esquire United States Attorney’s Office District of Delaware 1007 N. Orange Street, Suite 700 Wilmington, DE 19801 ELECTRONIC CONTAINER CORP 5050 List Drive Unit D COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80919 ELMA ELECTRONIC INC. 44350 GRIMMER BLVD FREMONT CA 94538 ELECTRONIC CONTROLS DESIG 4287-B SE International Way MILWAUKIE OR 97222 ELOTEK SYSTEMS, INC. 1001 Calle Degocio, Suite B S AN CLEMENTE CA 92673 ELECTRONIC SPECIALIST, IN 75 Middlesex Avenue PO Box 389 NATICK MA 01760 EM MANUFACTURING 1290 Dupont Ct. MANTECA CA 95336 Electrorack Products Comp 1443 S. Sunkist Street Anaheim CA 92086 EMBEDDED RESOURCE GROUP 3031 Tisch Way Suite 701 SAN JOSE CA 95128 ELECTROSHIELD 708 South High Street YELLOW SPRINGS OH 45387 EmbroidME 5857 Jarvis Avenue Newark CA 94560 ELECTRO-TECH MACHINING 2000 W. GAYLORD STREET LONG BEACH CA 90813 EMD Chemicals 480 W. Democrate Road Gibbstown NJ 08027 ELEMENTS STANDARDS INC. 3400 SHASTA GATEWAY DR. SUITE F SHASTA LAKE CA 96019 57 EME TECHNOLOGIES INC 224 NORTH WOLFE RD SUNNYVALE CA 94085-4510 ENDURANCE BUILDING SYSTEM 500 PHELAN AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95112 EMEDCO. INC. 39209 TREASURY CENTER CHICAGO IL 60694-9200 Energy Acuity, LLC 190 E. 9th Ave. #350 Denver CO 80203 EMEGA Specialty Manufactu 583 Division Street Campbell CA 95008 ENERGY BEAM SCIENCES INC 29 B Kripes Road EAST GRANBY CT 06026 EMERSON & CUMING 28 YORK AVE. RANDOLPH MA 02368 ENERGY ETC INC. 22779 Rancho Palomares Pl CASTRO VALLEY CA 94552 EMI PLASTICS EQUIPMENT 28300 EUCLID AVE WICKLIFFE OH 44092 ENERGY RECOMMERCE INC 1875 LOMBARD STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94123 EMINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC 1620 West Fountainhead Pkwy, Suite 510 Tempe AZ 85282 ENERGY RECRUTEMENT 1 ALLEE DES ROCHERS 94000 CRETEIL 94000 France EMO TRANS 1838 EL CAMINO REAL BURLINGAME CA 94010 ENERGY-SALES 355 E. Middlefield Road MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Emperador, Martin T. 3139 El Sobrante St. Santa Clara, CA 95051 EnerSys 30069 Ahern Ave Union City CA 94587 Engineered Circuits 1254 Formosa Drive SAN JOSE CA 95131 EMPLOYMENT SCREENING SERV 627 E. Sprague, Suite 100 SPOKANE WA 99202 ENGINEERED CONCEPTS 1836 Canyon Rd BIRMINGHAM AL 35216 ENCO 400 Nevada Pacific Hwy Fernley NV 89408 ENGINEERED PRODUCT SALES 574 S. Shasta Way ORANGE CA 92869-5242 ENCORE INDUSTRIES 597 BRENNAN ST SAN JOSE CA 95131 1680 Alameda, Suite A, San Jose, CA 95126 ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 555 E. California Ave SUNNYVALE CA 94086 ENDEVCO 30700 Rancho Viejo Road San Juan Capistrano CA 92675 ENRIGUE ACEVES 887 Alcosta Dr. MILPITAS CA 95035 Encose 58 Enrile, Jonas Y. 1595 Lankershire Drive Tracy, CA 95377 EnviroNova LLC 9 Commercial Blvd. Suite 175 Novato CA 94949 EORM - ENVIRONMENTAL AND 4 North Second Street Suite 1270 San Jose CA 95113 ENS Technology 3145-3165 Molinaro Street Santa Clara CA 95054 EORM - ENVIRONMENTAL AND 283 East Java Drive SUNNYVALE CA 94089 Ensor Engineering 1770 Santa Barbara Dr. San Jose CA 95125 EPROSPER, INC. 777 Mariners Island Blvd. Suite 500 SAN MATEO CA 94404 ENTECH ANALYTICAL LABS, I 3334 Victor Court SANTA CLARA CA 95054 ENTEGRIS INC 3500 Lyman Boulevard CHASKA MN 55318 Epshteyn, Genny 3024 Oakham Dr San Ramon, CA 94583 Enterprise Consulting Ser 1541 The Alameda San Jose CA 95126 Equilar, Inc. 1100 Marshall St. Redwood City CA 94063 Enviro Safetech 2160-B Oakland Road San Jose CA 95131 Equilar, Inc. 303 Twin Dolphin Dr # 201 Redwood Shores CA 94065 ENVIRONMENTAL FILTRATION 460 Nelo Street SANTA CLARA CA 95054 EQUIPMENT FOR TECHNOLGY & 33 Great Oaks Blvd San Jose CA 95119 ENVIRONMENTAL FILTRATION 970 GEORGE STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95054 EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, INC 461 East Evelyn Avenue SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Environmental Management 944 Market St #509 San Francisco CA 94102 Erdengiz, Zelda 1447 Johnson Ave San Jose CA 95129 ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY SERV 42876 Albrae Street Fremont CA 94538 EREL MILSHTEIN 889 COTTONWOOD DRIVE CUPERTINO CA 95014 Environmental Systems Inc 3353 Dela Cruz Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054 ERGO IN DEMAND, INC 4900 Industry Drive Central Point OR 97502 EnviroNova LLC 110 Landing Court #B Novato CA 94945 ERIC C NG 172 GEORGETOWN DR MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-5263 59 ERIC MILLER 1144 KENSINGTON DR FREMONT CA 94539-4521 ESP 2115 Craig Drive Colorado Springs CO 80921 ERIC V. KANTO 613 West Limberlost Drive TUCSON AZ 85705 Espanol, Joel M. 37073 Saint Luke Court Newark, CA 94560 ERIC WESOFF / SAGE MARKET 1655 La Honda Road WOODSIDE CA 94062 ESPEC NORTH AMERICAN, INC 4141 CENTRAL PARKWAY HUDSONVILLE MI 49426 Eric Williams 4960 Hermosura Los Alamos NM 87544-3882 ESS Operations 718 Tallent Avenue San Jose CA 95127 ERIK D WESTRE 783 ROLLING HILLS LN PLEASANTON CA 94566-2277 Estela, Rosalinda 2979 Masonwood Street San Jose, CA 95148 ESA, INC. 22 Alpha Road CHELMSFORD MA 01824 Estela, Rosalinda O. 2979 Masonwood St San Jose CA 95148 ESCO IMG FREMONT 4021 Pike Lane CONCORD CA 94520 Ether Web Network 1452 N. Vasco Road #292 Livermore CA 94551 ESCO INTEGRATED MANUFACTU 42701 Christy Street FREMONT CA 94538 ETI CONFORMITY SERVICES 728 CHARCOT AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95131 ESCO INTEGRATED MANUFACTU 4021 Pike Lane CONCORD CA 94520 EUGENE TOKAREV 4832 BANNOCK CIRCLE SAN JOSE CA 95130 Escobar, Javier c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Euroclydon Engineering 29400 kohoutek way, suite 120 UNION CITY CA 94587 European Photovaltaic Ind 1040 Bruxelles Brussels Belgium ESCTECOM-USA 540 Martin Ave SANTA CLARA CA 95050 EVANS ANALYTICAL GROUP 810 KIFER ROAD SUNNYVALE CA 94089 ESGEE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 8201 Cobblestone AUSTIN TX 78735 EVANS NORTHEAST 10 Centannial Drive PEABODY MA 01960 ESI North America, Inc. 32605 W. Twelve Mile Road # 350 Farmington Hills MI 48334 60 Evans, Martin c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Executive Insights 7223 Andersonwoods Drive Cincinnati OH 45244 Exlar 1470 Lake Drive West Chanhassen MN 55317 Events West, LLC. 80 Rancho Drive, 1st Floor Tiburon CA 94920 EXM USA, Inc. 870 Michele Bohec Boulevard Blainville Quebec J7C 5E2 Canada EVERETT CHARLES TECHNOLOG 700 East Harrison Avenue Pomona CA 02886 EXOVA 3883 E. EAGLE DRIVE ANAHEIM CA 92807 EVERETT CHARLES TECHNOLOG 1714A Ringwood Ave San Jose CA 95131 EXPEDITE PRECISION, INC. 931 Berryessa Road SAN JOSE CA 95133 EVERETT CHARLES TECHNOLOG 487 JEFFERSON BLVD. Warick RI 02886 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 425 Valley Drive BRISBANE CA 94005 Evon, Michael 7256 Wild Creek Drive San Jose, CA 95120 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 400 Sonwil Drive, Suite 404 Buffalo NY 14225 EWALD ASSOCIATES INC. 3350 Scott Blvd. Building 47 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 150 Raritan Center Pkwy EDISON NJ 08837 Ewing, Craig 6857 Lenwood Way San Jose, CA 95120 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 245 Roger Avenue INWOOD NY 11096 Exafort LLC 2700 Augustine Dr #250 Santa Clara CA 95054 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 237 Ellery Court NASHVILLE TN 37214 EXAIR CORPORATION 11510 GOLDCOAST DRIVE CINCINNATI OH 45249-1621 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 11101 Metro Airport Center Dr. Suite 110 ROMULUS MI 48174 EXCEL LOGIC, INC 4036 Fairwood St. FREMONT CA 94538 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 1136 South 3600 West, Ste 400 SALT LAKE CITY CA 84104 EXCEL MOVING SERVICES 30047 Ahern Ave. UNION CITY CA 94587 EXPEDITORS INTERNATIONAL 2675 Customhouse Plaza Ste. A SAN DIEGO CA 92154 EXCELFAB INC 1020 Morse Ave Sunnyvale CA 94089-1602 61 EXPEDITORS TRADEWIN LLC 11101 Metro Airport Center Drive Building M2 Suite 110 Romulus MI 48174 EXXUS 1500 CHAMBERS DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95118 EYELIT 5685 WHITTLE ROAD Mississauga EXPEDITORS TRADEWIN LLC 1015 Third Avenue, 12th Floor SEATTLE WA 98104 Ontario L4Z 3P8 Canada F.Z. Consultants 46923 Warm Springs Blvd. #102 Fremont CA 94539 EXPERT CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 10366 ROSELLE STREET SUITE C SAN DIEGO CA 92121 FABRICATIONS UNLIMITED 903 Elizabeth St ALVISO CA 95002 EXPONENT 149 COMMONWEALTH DRIVE MENLO PARK CA 94025 Fagrey, Tyler Joseph 777 Joaquin Ave. San Leandro, CA 94577 EXPRESS FREIGHT INTERNATI 1590 Rollins Rd. BURLINGAME CA 94010 Fajardo, Selinda c/o West Valley Staffing 1900 McCarthy Blvd #205 Milpitas, CA 95035 EXPRESS FREIGHT INTERNATI 2027 Williams Street San Leandro CA 94577 EXPRESS LOGISTICS 974 Industry Drive TUKWILA WA 98188 Faltiquera, Luis B 349 Kiely Blvd, A302 San Jose, CA 95129 EXPRESS SYSTEMS & PERIPHE 640 Herman Road Building 5 JACKSON NJ 08527 Fang, Zhengmin 5906 Hillbrook Place Dublin, CA 94568 EXSTEEL BUILDING COMPONEN 7825 Springwater Road, Alymer Ontario N5H 2R4 Canada Fariborz Rostami 922 Millie Ave Menlo Park CA 94025 Extorr Inc. 307 Columbia Road New Kensington PA 15068 FARRIS ELECTRIC, INC. 834 Jury Court SAN JOSE CA 95112 Extreme Precision 1717 Suite B Little Orchard Drive San Jose CA 95125 Farver, Adam C 34198 Tony Terr Fremont, CA 94555 EXTREMEPCGEAR.COM 43921 BOSCELL ROAD FREMONT CA 94538 Fast EDM 3323 De La Cruz Blvd. Santa Clara CA 95054 EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL COMPA 388 SOUTH MAIN STREET AKRON OH 44311 62 Fernandez, Arnel 1409 Cabrillo Ave. San Jose, CA 95132 FAST TURN INC. 3087 Lawrence Express Way SANTA CLARA CA 95054 FASTENAL 879 AMES AVE MILPITAS CA 95035 Fernandez, Janet E. 108 Kingswood Circle Danville, CA 94506 FASTENAL 3280 EDWARD AVE STE E SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Fernandez, Vernon c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 FASTENER SERVICE CORP. 700 JARVIS DRIVE MORGAN HILL CA 95037 FERNANDO CASTANEDA 4431 HAMILTON AVE APT B SAN JOSE CA 95130 FAULTLINE EXPRESS 2140 De La Cruz Blvd. SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Ferrer, Ernesto c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 FED PACK INTERNATIONAL 2240 PARAGON DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 FEDEX FREIGHT 6411 Guadalupe Mines Rd. P.O.BOX 21415 SAN JOSE CA 95120 FERRO CORPORATION 1789 Transelco Drive PENN YAN NY 14527-9752 FERROTEC 135 Nicholson Lane SAN JOSE CA 95134 FEI COMPANY 9066 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 FESTO 6644 Owens Dr. PLEASANTON CA 94588 FEI COMPANY 5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive HILLSBORO OR 97124 FIBER OPTICS SYSTEMS, INC 60 Moreland Road Unit A SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 FEI COMPANY 2718 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 FIBERGUIDE INDUSTRIES 1 Bay St. STIRLING NJ 07980 FEI XU 41681 MISSION CREEK DR FREMONT CA 94539-4771 FIBEROPTIC SYSTEMS, INC. 60 Moreland Road, Unit A Unit A SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 Feltner, Thomas c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Fibraplex Corporation 120 Industrial Park Lane Celina TN 38551 63 FIFE CORPORATION 222 W MEMORIAL ROAD OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73114 FISHER SCIENTIFIC L.L.C. 13551 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 FILMETRICS, INC. 9335 Chesapeake Dr. SAN DIEGO CA 92123 FISHER SCIENTIFIC L.L.C. 2761 Walnut Avenue TUSTIN CA 92780 FILTCO INC. 610 CENTER RD FORT MEYERS FL 33907 Fitzgerald, David Patrick 10485 Lomita Ave. Felton, CA 95018 FIL-TECH WEST, INC 5673 West Las Positas Blvd PLEASANTON CA 94588 Five X Corporation 2301 Trade Zone Blvd San Jose CA 95131-1833 FILTER CONCEPTS INC. 2624 South Rousselle Street SANTA ANA CA 92707 FIXAIR 890 Service Street # A San Jose CA 95112 FILTERSOURCE, INC. 726 STATE FAIR BLVD SYRACUSE NY 13209 Flag House 620 National Ave. Mountain View CA 94043 FIRST INSURANCE FUNDING C 450 Skokie Blvd., Ste 1000 Northbrook IL 60062 FLASHCUT CNC 444 Lake Cook Road, Ste 17 DEERFIELD IL 60015 FIRST PLACE, INC. 830 E. Evelyn Ave. SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Fleming, Russell 7380 Jaybrook Court Pleasanton, CA 94588 First Ten Angstroms, Inc 465 Dinwiddie St Portsmouth VA 23704 Fleming, Victoria P 22847 Charing Street Hayward, CA 94541 Fischbach, Adam 4040 Rivermark Pkwy Santa Clara, CA 95054 Flesim Software Products 1577 North Technology Way Orem UT 84097 FISCHER TECHNOLOGY, INC. 750 Marshall Phelps Rd. WINDSOR CT 06095 Fletcher, Sara R. 5503 Milligan Drive San Jose, CA 95124 FISCHER TECHNOLOGY, INC. 750 Marshall Phelps Rd. WINDSOR CT 06095 FLEXLINE LLC 1394 Tully Road Suite 208 SAN JOSE CA 95122 FISHER COMPANY 980 NO. MAIN ST. NORTH SALT LAKE UT 84054 FLEXLINK SYSTEMS, INC. 6580 SNOWDRIFT ROAD ALLENTOWN PA 18106 64 FLUID METERING INC. 5 Aerial Way Suite 500 SYOSSET NY 11791 Flexsim Software Products 1577 N. Technology Way Building A Orem UT 84097 Fluke Biomedical 6045 Cochran Road Cleveland OH 44139 FLIR SYSTEMS INC. 25 Esquire Road N. BILLERICA MA 01862 FLUKE CORPORATION 799 EAST UTAH VALLEY DR AMERICAN FORK UT 84003 FLO-LINE TECHNOLOGY 11822 KEMPER ROAD AUBURN CA 95603 FLUKE CORPORATION 7272 Collection Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 Flores, Ivan B. 15256 Dermody Avenue San Lorenzo, CA 94580 FLW, INC 3505 Cadillac Ave Bldg E Costa Mesa CA 92626 Flores, Ricardo c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 FM INDUSTRIES, INC 221 WARREN AVE FREMONT CA 94539 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REV 5050 W Tennessee St TALLAHASSEE FL 32399 FMG ENTERPRISES INC 1125 Memorex Drive SANTA CLARA CA 95050 FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENT 1679 CLEARLAKE ROAD COCOA FL 32922 Fo, Nathan J 2712 Kipling Street Palo Alto, CA 94306 Floris, David c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 FOAMEX 1621 ORD WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FlorStor Engineering 3366 Enterprise Avenue Hayward CA 94545 FOCUS 360 27721 La Paz Road LAGUNA NIGUEL CA 92677 Flow Components 6302 Houston Place Dublin CA 94568 Fong, Garman 282 Azevedo Circle San Jose, CA 95125 FLOW SOLUTIONS INC. 1725 Rutan Dr. LIVERMORE CA 94550 Foong, Lynda 2025 Fruitdale Ave San Jose, CA 95128 FLOW TECHNOLOGY 285-A BEL MARIN KEYS BLVD NOVATO CA 94949 FOREFRONT AUTOMATION, INC 975 BLEAMS RD Kitchener Ontario N2E3Z5 Canada 65 FRANGESH, THOMAS P. 2086 Anthony CAMPBELL CA 95008 FORELL/ELSESSER ENGINEERS 160 Pine Street San Francisco CA 94111 Frankie's Award 2756 So. Bascom Ave # B San Jose CA 95124 FORESIGHT ELECTRONICS 610 Palomar Ave. SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Franklin, Walter B. 3063 Brush Creek Drive Pittsburg, CA 94565 FORMCENTER 231 Croton Avenue CORTLANDT MANOR NY 10567 FRED DIETRICH 5070 DEREK DR SAN JOSE CA 95136-3305 Forward Energy Consulting 6 Dale Avenue, Suite 3 Toronto M4W1K4 Canada Frederick E. Jenney Morrison & Foerster 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 6000 Washington, D.C. 20006-1888 Foster, Anthony Brian 34 Kellie Ann Ct. Orinda, CA 94563 Frederick Kennedy Byers 2492 Marshall Drive Brentwood CA 94513 Foster, Lee Michael 4009 Cinnabar Street Antioch, CA 94509 Fremont Chamber of Commer 39488 Stevenson Place #100 Fremont CA 94539 FOTO EXPRESS & IMAGING CE 5255 Mowry Avenue Suite R FREMONT CA 94538 Fremont Fire Department 3300 Capitol Ave. PO Box 5006 Fremont CA 94537 FOTRONIC CORPORATION 99 WASHINGTON PLACE MELROSE MA 02176-6024 FREMONT MARRIOTT 46100 Landing Parkway FREMONT CA 94538 Fox, Peter 547 2nd Ave. San Francisco, CA 94118 Fremont Minuteman Press 3130 Osgood Ct. Fremont CA 94539 FRALOCK 1200 Industrial Road. San Carlos CA 94070 FREMONT UNIFIED SCHOOL DI 4210 Technology Drive PO Box 5008 FREMONT CA 94537 Frances I. Nwachuku U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 FREMONT WINDUSTRIAL 4111 PESTANA PLACE FREMONT CA 94538 Francisco, Paolo A 1323 Waterstone Place San Ramon, CA 94582 66 Frey, Christopher c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Fuentes, Arturo c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Fritton, Joseph Edward 29916 Avenue 21 1/2 Madera, CA 93638 Fugro West, Inc. 4820 McGrath Street #100 Ventura CA 93003 Frommelt 607 Miller St Beecher IL 60401 Fukai, Daniel 967 Tamarack Ave San Jose, CA 95128 FRONT SURFACE MIRROR 4731 SOUTH AVE #13 TOLEDO OH 43615 FULL WAFER ANALYSIS 2326 Walsh Ave. SANTA CLARA CA 95051 FRONTIER SEMICONDUCTOR 199 River Oaks Parkway SAN JOSE CA 95134 Fumagalli, Domenico Via Statale 44/F Merate, Italy 23807 Frye, Charles D. 3110 Half Dome Drive Pleasanton, CA 94566 FUSES UNLIMITED 9248 ETON AVENUE CHATSWORTH CA 91311 FSCP SOLUTIONS INC. 47108 Yucatan Drive FREMONT CA 94539 FUSION DESIGN, INC. 440 N. Central Ave. CAMPBELL CA 95008 FTC TECHNOLOGY INC 2525 BROCKTON DRIVE SUITE 300 AUSTIN TX 78758 FusionStorm 2 Bryant Street #150 San Francisco CA 94105 FTC TECHNOLOGY INC 10 Industrial District North 2 Dong Huan Rd. Long Hua Town Bao An Shenzhen Guang FUTURE ELECTRONICS 3255 Paysphere Circle Chicago IL 60674 FTC TECHNOLOGY INC 1688 Richard Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95050-2844 FUTURE ELECTRONICS 237 HYMUS BLVD Pointe-Clear Quebec H9R5C7 Canada FTC Technology Inc. 2525 Brockton Dr #300 Austin TX 78758 G&E METAL REFURBISHING 2551 WEST WINTON AVE #6M HAYWARD CA 94544 FTI FLOW TECHNOLOGY, INC 8930 S. Beck Avenue TEMPE AZ 85284 G&K Services 1229 California Ave Pittsburg CA 94565 67 Gallego, Irma 3222 Modred Drive San Jose, CA 95127 G&K Services 2202 Junction Ave. SAN JOSE CA 95131-1211 G.B. Mold & Tool Design 640 Giguere Ct San Jose CA 95133 Galvez, Henry L 8505 Aspen Way Gilroy, CA 95020 Gaddipati, Triveni 2287 Rosemount Lane San Ramon, CA 94582 GANESH PANAMAN 3930 AVOCET TER FREMONT CA 94555-1549 Gadige, Bhaskar V 984 CAMERON CIRCLE MILPITAS, CA 95035 GANESH SANAP 4240 RAMSHALL PL SANTA CLARA CA 95054-2587 Gaffney, John T. 49 Glen Avenue West Orange, NJ 7052 Gang Chen 3695 Stevenson Blvd., # 124 Fremont CA 94538 GAL SHVAV INC. 21385 Rumford Drive CUPERTINO CA 95014 Gao, Yaowu 1860 Ellis St E San Francisco, CA 94115 Galano, Karen D 1775 Milmont Drive, Apt N308 Milpitas, CA 95035 Garage Toys 17007 211th Ave. Big Lake MN 55309 Gali, Jose 2836 Glen Donegal Drive San Jose, CA 95148 Garber, Lee Joseph 428 De Leon Avenue Fremont, CA 94539 GALIL MOTION CONTROL 270 TECHNOLOGY WAY ROCKLIN CA 95765 Garcha, Raminder 2239 Briana St. Livermore, CA 94550 Galipeau, Michelle 2961 Van Sansul Ave. #6 San Jose, CA 95128 Garcia, Angelo 2446 Glenn Duff Way San Jose, CA 95148 Gallagher BPI 101 Larkspur Landing Circle #120 Larkspur CA 94959 Garcia, Jerry c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Gallagher, Katherine M. 23635 Skyview Terrace Los Gatos, CA 95033 Garcia, Manuel King 216 Harvest St Salinas, CA 93901 68 Garcia, Miguel D. 10121 Meadow Lane San Jose, CA 95127 GCX CORPORATION 3875 Cypress Drive PETALUMA CA 94954-5635 GE POLYMERSHAPES 2250 Zanker Rd Ste. B. SAN JOSE CA 95131 Garcia, Ramon 1844 Brooks Drive Los Banos, CA 93635 GE WATER & PROCESS TECHNO 5900 Silver Creek Valley Road SAN JOSE CA 95138 Garduque, Mattie L. 2161 Sherman Dr. Union City, CA 94587 Gebreegzabehare, Rahel 4790 Campbell Avenue, #12 San Jose, CA 95130 Garma, George 40447 Marcia St Fremont, CA 94538 Gefen Inc. 20600 Nordhoff Steet Chatsworth CA 91311 Gatchalian, James c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Gemini Valve Sales & Serv 485 West Wrightwood Avenue Elmhurst IL 60126 Gatchalian, Vilma V 98 Jose Figueres Avenue San Jose, CA 95116 GENCO STERNS COMPANY 3421 OAKMONT ST NE TACOMA WA 98422 GAUMER PROCESS HEATERS SY 13616 Hempstead Road HOUSTON TX 77040 Gendron, William 6741 Evergreen Ave Oakland, CA 94611 Gayhardt, Ronald 7034 Rochelle Ave Newark, CA 94560 GENE ONO 165 CREEK CT BOULDER CREEK CA 95006-9637 GB ENGINEERING 724 RENZ LN GILROY CA 95020 GENE SHIN 1848 TRADAN DR SAN JOSE CA 95132-3708 GC MICRO 3910 Cypress Dr PETALUMA CA 94954 General Carbon Corporatio 33 Paterson Street Paterson NJ 07501 GCA Law Partners, LLP 1891 Landings Drive Mountain View CA 94043 GENERAL CHEMICAL CORP. 12336 Emerson Dr. BRIGHTON MI 48116 GCM MEDICAL & OEM DIVISIO 1350 ATLANTIC ST. UNION CITY CA 94587-2004 General Magnaplate Califo 2707 PALMA DRIVE VENTURA CA 93003 69 Gergis, Peter 25 Rio Robles E. Apt #115 San Jose, CA 95134 GENERAL PLASMA INC. 546 East 25th Street Tucson AZ 85713 General Spray Drying Serv 1001 Newark Avenue Elizabeth NJ 07208 German VAT Herr Rothmann Finanzamt Bonn-Innenstadt Dienstgebaude Weischonnenstrasse 15 GENESIS PACKAGING 1701 ROGERS AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95112 53111 Bonn, Germany GFI STAINLESS 2351 TENAYA DRIVE SUITE D MODESTO CA 95354 Geng, Xiaohua 1460 Graywood Drive San Jose, CA 95129 Ghertsos, Theodore Nicholas Via Oscar Ghiglia, II Livorno, Italy 57127 Genie Scientific Inc 17430 Mount Cliffwood Circle Fountain Valley CA 92708 Giagoni, Nicolo Via Omodeo No. 23 Milan, Italy 20151 Geno, Cynthia A 1122 57th Ave Oakland, CA 94621 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER L 200 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10166-0193 Genson, Joselito 2884 Buena Crest Ct San Jose, CA 95121 Gibson, Peter 2438 Easy St. San Leandro, CA 94578 George Anastas 11021 BridgePointe, NE Albuquerque NM 87111 Giese, Peter 1995 Chestnut Street, #107 San Francisco, CA 94123 George Doelitzsch Ludwiel 525 Wildwoodway Santa Clara CA 95054 GIGAVAC 1125 Mark Avenue CARPINTERIA CA 93013 George E. Masker, Inc. 887 - 71st Street Oakland CA 94621 Gil, Jose Ricardo 5230 Running Bear Dr San Jose, CA 95136 GEORGE FISHER INC. 2882 DOW AVE. TUSTIN CA 92780-7285 GEORGE GARDOPEE 108 Saddle Brook Circle Butler PA 16001 Gilgen, Benjamin c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Geotechnical Engineering 38750 Paseo Padre Parkway Fremont CA 94536 Gill, Gurpreet 101 Recino Street Fremont, CA 94539 70 Global Equipment Services 2372-E Qume Dr San Jose CA 94531 GILLES LEMAGNEN 13, RUE DES AMANDUERS PIGNAN 34570 France Global Kato HG, LLC C/O Digital Realty Trust 1100 Space Park Dr., Suite 104 Santa Clara, CA 95054 GILLIS & LANE 830 2nd Ave REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Gilmore-Kramer 40 Sprague St Providence RI 02907 GLOBAL MANUFACTURING TECH 8 BOON LAY WAY #07-04 TRADEHUB 21 Singapore GINA M CAYABYAB 345 ARROWHEAD WAY HAYWARD CA 94544-6665 GLOBAL PLATING, INC. 44620 S. GRIMMER ROAD FREMONT CA 94538 Gino, Alanna N 819 La Jennifer Way Palo Alto, CA 94306 Global Safety Management 3234 Veracruz Dr SAN RAMON CA 94583 Girasole Partners GLOBE SCIENTIFIC 610 Winters Ave Paramus NJ 07652 4124 South Rockford Suite 201 Tulsa, OK 74105 Glover, Vaughn c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Girasole Partners LLC 4124 South Rockford Suite 201 Tulsa, OK 74105 Glumac 150 California St #3rd Floor San Francisco CA 94111 Girasole Partners LLC 4124 South Rockford Suite 201 Tulsa OK 74105 Glumac 525 Del Rey Ave., Suite A Silicon Valley CA 94085 GIZMONICS INC. 725 N. SHORELINE BLVD. MOUNTIAN VIEW CA 94043 GM NAMEPLATE, INC./ SUPER 2040 15th Ave West Seattle WA 98119 Glassblowing, Inc. 2322 Calle Del Mundo Santa Clara CA 95054 GO ENGINEERING 1500 Fashion Island Blvd. #300 SAN MATEO CA 94070 GLENNBROOK TECHNOLOGIES 11 EMERY AVENUE RANDOLPH NJ 07869 101 Stagecoach Circle West Covina CA 91791 Global Brass and Copper 427 N. Shamrock Street EAST ALTON IL 62024 71 GOLDEN GATE PETROLEUM 3520 PACHECO BLVD MARTINEZ CA 95521 GQO JANITORIAL SERVICES 2658 Scottsdale Dr SAN JOSE CA 95148 Golden Pacific Systems 23595 Cabot Blvd., Ste 106 HAYWARD CA 94545 Graceland College Center 6900 Squibb Road Mission KS 66201 Golden Pacific Systems 23595 Cabot Blvd; Suite 113 Hayward CA 94545 GRACO LIQUID CONTROL 8400 PORT JACKSON AVE NW NORTH CANTON OH 44720 Golden State Communicatio 978 Rincon Circle San Jose CA 95131 Gradient Lens Corp 207 TREMONT ST ROCHESTER NY 14608 Goldman, Sachs & Company 85 Broad Street New York NY 10004 GRAINGER 4700 Hanover Place Fremont CA 94539 Gonzales, Hermie 1358 Platt Avenue Milpitas, CA 95035 GRAINGER 2261 Ringwood Ave SAN JOSE CA 95131 GOOD TECHNOLOGY 15042 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 GRAND MARSHALL MACHINERY 1765 EXPRESSWAY DRIVE NORTH HAUPPAUGE NY 11788 Goral, Cory J 4626 Montecarlo Park Ct Fremont, CA 94538 GRANZOW, INC 2300 CROWNPOINT EXECUTIVE DRIVE CHARLOTTE NC 28227 GORDON BRUSH MFG. CO., IN 6247 RANDOLPH STREET COMMERCE CA 90040-3514 GRAPHALLOY / GRAPHITE MET 1050 Nepperhan Avenue YONKERS NY 10703 Gordon-Prill, Inc 1245 Pear Avenue Mountain View CA 94043 GRAPHITE MACHINING SERVIC 2328 West Campus Drive Tempe AZ 85282 Goroza, Wilma A. 495 Rainwell Drive San Jose, CA 95133 GRAPHITE MACHINING, INC. 4141 S. Oak Street Metamora MI 48455 Gourmet Gifts 4474 Faraone Court San Jose CA 95136 GRAPHITE MACHINING, INC. 240 Main St. TOPTON PA 19562 Goyer, Sterling M. 2482 Crestline Road Pleasanton, CA 94566 GRAPHITE PRODUCTS CORP. 1797 E 10 Mile Road MADISON HEIGHTS MI 48071-4297 72 GRAPHITESTORE.COM 1348 Busch Parkway Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Gregor Von Huene 320 El Portal Way San Jose CA 95119 GRATING PACIFIC 1398 Mariani Court Tracy CA 95376 GREGORY M THENN 5413 NAAMAN FOREST BLVD APT 805 GARLAND TX 75044-5625 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 2368 Lincoln Ave. HAYWARD CA 94545 GREGORY VAUGHN 1293 Gold Pan Drive ROSEVILLE CA 95661 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 2345 Paragon Dr. SAN JOSE CA 95131 Grid Connect 1630 West Diehl Road Naperville IL 60563 GREAT AMERICA LEASING COR 8742 Innovation Way CHICAGO IL 60682-0087 Griffen, Elizabeth c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Great America Leasing Corporation 625 First Street Cedar Rapids, IA 52401-2030 Griffin, Michael D. 1077 Camino Ramon San Jose, CA 95125 GREEKBOX.COM 20954 Osborne Street Canoga Park CA 91304 GROUND ZERO ELECTROSTATIC 4916 26th Street West Suite 100 BRANDENTON FL 34207 GREEN MILLENNIUM 425 W. ALLEN AVE SUITE 111 SAN DIMAS CA 91773 GROUP MANUFACTURING SERVI 1928 Hartog Drive SAN JOSE CA 95131 Greenberg, Andrew R 1451 Glenwood Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 GROUP ROBINSON LLC 3000 Sand Hill Road Building Two Suite 200 MENLO PARK CA 94025 Greene Engineers 1740 Technology Drive #210 San Jose CA 95110 Grundon, Albert 438 Tilden Circle Vacaville, CA 95688 GREENE RUBBER COMPANY 20 CROSS STREET WOBURN MA 01801 Grunow, Michael 3165 Temple Court Santa Clara, CA 95051 Greenleaf Energy Consulti 690 Montclair Ave #3 Oakland CA 94610 GSH Industries Inc. 15242 Foltz Parkway Strongsville OH 44149 GREG VAUGHN 1293 GOLD PAN DR ROSEVILLE CA 95661-7043 73 GT MACHINING 41 Lost Lake Lane CAMPBELL CA 95008 Guzman, Abel V 963 Big Bear Court Milpitas, CA 95035 GUARANTEE GLASS, INC. 48001 FREMONT BLVD. FREMONT CA 94538 H and E Printing 1040 West Las Palmas Ave #B Patterson CA 95363 GUDEL INC. 4881 RUNWAY BLVD. ANN ARBOR MI 48108 H&J MACHINE SHOP 643 E. Arques Ave. SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Guerrero, Evaristo 5925 Fishburne Ave San Jose, CA 95123 H&R Enterprises 20150 Sunburst St Chatsworth CA 91311 Guerrero, Larry c/o Oxford 100 Cummings Center Suite 206L, Oxford Global Resources Beverly, MA 1915 H. NEUMAN & COMPANY 10524 United Parkway SCHILLER PARK IL 60176 H.C. Stark 45 Industrial Place Newton MA 02461 Guess, Michael Cedric 1515 Sierra St. Redwood City, CA 94061 H2O PRECISION 23287 Foley St. Unit D HAYWARD CA 94545-1699 Guillardeau, Dominique 13 Boulevard Jean-Baptiste Dupuich Bully-les-Mines, France 62160 Ha, Tu 3328 Fronda Drive San Jose, CA 95148 Guinto, Arnel G. 4857 Stonehaven Lane Dublin, CA 94568 Haarpaintner, Guido Schlostrae 12 Hohenkirchen, Germany 85635 GUNDERSON DETTMER ET AL 155 Constitution Drive Attn: Accounts Receivable MENLO PARK CA 94025 Habtamu, Zelalem 911 Catamaran St., Apt. 1 Foster City, CA 94404 Gunderson Safety, Inc 2640 Cresent Dr Concord CA 94520 HACH Company 2207 Collection Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 Gundogdu, Deniz 1458 11th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94122 Hadco Metal Trading Co. 13055 49th Street North Clearwater FL 33762 Gupta, Himani 433 Woodcreek Terrace Fremont, CA 94539 74 Hager, Stephen P. 250 Discovery Lane Tracy, CA 95377 Hammond Electronics 4801 University Square Suite 17 Huntsville AL 35816 Hammond Manufacturing 475 Cayuga Rd Cheektowaga NY 14225 Haggerty, Molly 1302 Rimrock Drive San Jose, CA 95120 HANNA BAMNOLKER 21583 LA PLAYA COURT CUPERTINO CA 95014 Haggerty, Robert J. 1302 Rimrock Drive San Jose, CA 95120 Hansen, Christopher A. 1371 Scossa Ave. San Jose, CA 95118 Haig Precision Mfg Corp 186 Gilman Avenue Campbell CA 95008 Hanumanthu, Ramasubrahmaniam 5567 Dent Ave San Jose, CA 95118 Hair, Cash E 1940 Hackett Rd Ceres, CA 95307 Harbinger Engineering Com 13730 Via Encantado VALLEY CENTER CA 92082 Hall, Delaida R. 41641 Carol Terrace Fremont, CA 94538 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS 39155 CEDAR BLVD NEWARK CA 94560 Haller Harlan and Taylor 3080 Preston Rd. Frisco TX 75034 Hardware Specialty Co. 4545 ENTERPRISE ST FREMONT CA 94538 HALLMARK CONSTRUCTION 3260 DE LA CRUZ BLVD SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Hardware Specialty Co. 48-75 36th Street LONG ISLAND NY 11101 Halperin, Dan 783 Calmar Ave. Oakland, CA 94610 Hardware Specialty Co. 1951 Avenida Plaza Real Oceanside CA 92056 HAMAMATSU CORPORATION 2875 Moorpark Ave. Suite 200 San Jose CA 95128 Harkins, Gary c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Hamamatsu, Shigeyuki 1753 Whispering Willow Place San Jose, CA 95125 Harmon, Harold 145 Haven Hill Court Danville, CA 94526 HAMMON PLATING INC. 890 Commercial St. PALO ALTO CA 94303 75 Harmon, James Robert 503 Fairmont Drive Los Banos, CA 93635 Hathaway Dinwiddie 565 Laurelwood Road Santa Clara CA 95054 Haug, Ulrika Tanya Mojica 1090 Eddy St., Apt #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 Harper, Alan 40600 Chapel Way #4 Fremont, CA 94538 HAVERSTOCK & OWENS LLP 162 North Wolfe Road SUNNYVALE CA 94086 HARRINGTON INDUSTRIAL PLA 30587 Huntwood Ave HAYWARD CA 94544 HAYAT ENTERPRISES 1690 Story Road, #115 San Jose CA 95122 Harris, James Donald 5609 Paseo Navarro Pleasanton, CA 94566 HAYDON SWITCH AND INSTRUM 1500 Meriden Road Waterbury CT 06705 Harrison, Brian Lee 3736 Selvante St Pleasanton, CA 94566 HAYES MANUFACTURING SERVI 3330 Victor Ct. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Hartley, Michael F. 1359 Maryland Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 Hayes, Bob T 3069 Elk Ridge Court San Jose, CA 95136 Hartman, Michael c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 HAYES, BOB T. 647 BONACCORSO PL. SAN JOSE CA 95133 Hartmann Studios 70 West Ohio Ave Ste H Richmond CA 94804 Hayes, Joseph Leo 4400 The Woods Dr, #1934 San Jose, CA 95136 HARTO ALVIAS 4503 CARLYLE CT APT 2208 SANTA CLARA CA 95054-3928 Hayes, Joy 14950 Zelma Street, Apt. 3 San Leandro, CA 94579 Harvey, David P.O. Box 277 Sunol, CA 94586 HAYNEEDLE INC. 12720 I STREET SUITE 200 OMAHA NB 68137 HASKRIS COMPANY 100 KELLY STREET ELK GROVE VILLAGE IL 60007 Haynes and Boone LLP 2323 Victory Avenue #700 Dallas TX 75219 HASTEST SOLUTIONS, INC. 4423 FORTRAN DRIVE SUITE 190 SAN JOSE CA 95134 HAYWARD QUARTZ 1700 Corporate Way Fremont CA 94539 76 HBA Holdings HEILIND ELECTRONICS 2290 NORTH FIRST STREET SUITE 101 SAN JOSE CA 95131 3200 First National Tower Tulsa, OK 74103 HBA Holdings LLC 3200 First National Tower Tulsa, OK 74103 Heitz, Ronald E 5252 Great Oaks Drive San Jose, CA 95111 HCL AMERICA INC. 330 Portero Ave SUNNYVALE CA 94086 HELI-TECH 4681 ISABELLE ST EUGENE OR 97402 HCL, Inc. 510 EAST MAUDE AVENUE Sunnyvale CA 94085 HELIUM LEAK TESTING INC. 19348 Londelius St NORTHRIDGE CA 91324 HEADWALL PHOTONICS 601 River Street Fitchburg MA 01420 HELLMA USA 80 SKYLINE DRIVE PLAINVIEW NY 11803 HEALTH CONNECTIONS 22146 RAE LANE CUPERTINO CA 95014 HELMEL ENGINEERING PRODUC 6520 Lockport Road NIAGARA FALLS NY 14305 Heckley, Kristin 7637 Corrinne Place San Ramon CA 94583 HELMEL ENGINEERING PRODUC 2324 N. Batavia St Unit 106 Orange CA 92865 HEE Environmental Enginee 16605 Koala Road Adelanto CA 92301 Hendrick, Robert Earl 1514 Braeborn Drive Richardson, TX 75082 HEFFERNAN INSURANCE BROKE 120 Howard Street Suite 550 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 HENRY H AU 15 SOUTHLAKE DR SAN JOSE CA 95138-1838 Heid, Michel 1485 Calle Enrique Pleasanton, CA 94566 Henry Martin Screen 6995 Central Ave. Newark CA 94560 HEIDENHAIN CORP. 226 AIRPORT PARKWAY, SUITE 620 SAN JOSE CA 95110 HENRY PLASTICS MOLDING, I 41703 ALBRAE STREET FREMONT CA 94538 HEIDI PIO, CONSULTANT 7056 Bark Ln SAN JOSE CA 95129 Henry, Matthew C 80 Descanso Drive, Unit 3113 San Jose, CA 95134 HEIDRICK & STRUGGLES INC. 1133 Paysphere Circle CHICAGO IL 60674 77 Hewitt, Richard 9 Crown Road Ewing, NJ 8638 Heraeus 6165 W. Detriot Street Chandler AZ 85226 HERAEUS NOBLELIHGT INC. 2150 Northmont Parkway DULUTH GA 30096 Heyes, Linda 937 Hazel Street Livermore, CA 94550 HERAEUS QUARTZ 100 HERAEUS BLVD BUFORD GA 30518 HIBAR SYSTEMS LIMITED 35 POLLARD STREET Richmond Hill Ontario L4B 1A8 Canada HERAEUS TENEVO, INC. 100 Heraeus Blvd. BUFORD GA 30518 Hicks, Robert c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 HERAUS INCORPORATED / MAT 6165 W. Detroit Street CHANDLER AZ 85226 HIGH POINT DESIGN 1137 N. HELLMAN AVE ONTARIO CA 91764 HERITAGE PAPER 6850 BRISA STREET LIVERMORE CA 94550 Highvac Corporation 4710 North Chestnut Colorado Springs CO 80907 Hermida, Maritza M P.O Box 653 Marina, CA 93933 Hill Bros. 410 Charcot Avenue San Jose CA 95131 HERMIDA, MARITZA M. 6 LAFAYETTE CIR. SALINAS CA 93906-5118 Hill, Curt c/o West Valley Staffing 655 Marion Ave. Ben Lomond, CA 95005 Hernandez, Jorge c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 HILTI 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVE. TULSA OK 74146 Herrera, Gilbert 3308 Riverton Way Stockton, CA 95219 Hinds, Oliver Edwin 874 Walnut Ave. Fremont, CA 94536 Herrera, Maria 1635 Lavelle Smith Drive Tracy, CA 95376 Hirny, Marcin Jan 10330 N Foothill Blvd, #A13 Cupertino, CA 95014 Herrera, Nickolas c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Hirsch, Jeffrey 3745 Terstena Place, #165 Santa Clara, CA 95051 78 Hoang, Ding H. 170 Sunol Street San Jose, CA 95126 HISCO, INC. 468 Vista Way Milpitas CA 95035 HITACHI AMERICA 50 Prospect Ave. Tarrytown NY 10591 Hoang, Phuc 2491 Sturla Drive San Jose, CA 95148 HI-TECH LAMPS INC. 922 SAN LEANDRO AVE., SUITE B MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Hoang, Tu 32410 Regents Blvd Union City, CA 94587 HI-TECH PRECISION MACHINI 1901 Las Plumas Av SAN JOSE CA 95133 Hoenig, David 125 Highland Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 HI-TECH RUBBER 3191 E. PALMA AVENUE ANAHEIM CA 92806 HOFFMAN INSTRUMENTATION S 6110 NW CROENI ROAD HILSBORO OR 97124 HITEMCO 160 Sweethollow Road Old Bethpage NY 11804 Hoffmann, Rene Eichstrasse 17a Cham, Switzerland 6330 Hiwin Corporation 46727 Fremont Blvd Fremont CA 94538 HOLDEN, JAMES MATTHEW 5088 GOLDEN DR. SAN JOSE CA 95129 Ho, Chau Minh 2165 Ashwood Lane San Jose, CA 95132 Holland & Knight LLP 11050 Lake Underhill Road Suite 864084 Orlando FL 32825-5016 Ho, Hiep N 2752 Whispering Hills Drive San Jose, CA 95148 Holland & Knight LLP 2099 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Suite 100 Washington DC 20006-6801 Ho, Hiep S. 713 Laurie Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95054 HOLM WIESNER 3707 POINCIANA DR APT 69 SANTA CLARA CA 95051-2037 Ho, Kevin N 435 Gross Street Milpitas, CA 95035 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE 2435 LAFAYETTE STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95050 HOA TRAN 3423 WOODYEND CT SAN JOSE CA 95121-2548 Hon Hai Precision Industr 468 EAST LAMBERT ROAD FULLERTON CA 92835 79 Hon Hai Precision Industr 1688 Richard Avenue Santa Clara CA 95050 HOWARD ELECTRONIC INSTRUM 974 SE PIONEER ROAD EL DORADO KS 67042 HONEYWELL SENSING AND CON 12484 Collections Center Dr. CHICAGO IL 60693 Howard Hughes Medical Institute 4000 Jones Bridge Road Chevy Chase, MD 20815 HONEYWELL SENSING AND CON 2080 Arlingate Lane Columbus OH 43228 Howard, Elenore 385 Park Hill Drive Milpitas, CA 95305 Hoopes, Seth Ryan 5803 Ponce Court San Jose, CA 95120 Howell, Kelvin c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 HOPE SERVICES 30 Las Colinas Lane SAN JOSE CA 95119 HOWERTON, MICHAEL 198 S. 12TH ST. SAN JOSE CA 95112-2136 HOPE SERVICES 3080 ALFRED STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95054 HP 8000 Foothill Blvd Rosesville CA 95747-5578 HORIBA JOBIN YVON – RAMAN 3880 PARK AVE. EDISON NJ 08820-3012 HPC AUTOMATION 1001 W. Kirkland Avenue Nashville, TN 37216 HORIBA STEC INC. 1080 E. DUANE AVE SUITE A SUNNYVALE CA 94086 HPM SYSTEMS, INC. 70 Saratoga Ave., Suite 201 SANTA CLARA CA 95051-7301 Hornburg, Gary L 1752 Higgins Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051 Hrnjadovic, Almir 2725 Warburton Ave Santa Clara, CA 95051 Hornthal Investment Partners 2234 Beach Street San Francisco, CA 94123 HS&S Inc 2185 Ronald Street San Jose CA 95050 Horwitz, Robert S 648 Homer Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 HS&S, Inc 2185 Ronald St Santa Clara CA 95050 Houser, Karl Bradford 21680 Calero Creek Ct. San Jose, CA 95120 HSH Nordbank HSH Nordbank AG New York Branch 230 Park Avenue New York, NY 10169 Houston Bearing 5311 Cornish Street Houston TX 77007 80 HSIEH and ASSOCIATES 851 31st Ave. San Francisco CA 94121 Hunter Micro Kitting & Tu 1840 Stone Ave San Jose CA 95125 Hsiung, Yuju 1305 Donohue Drive San Jose, CA 95131 Hunter, Errol H. 260 Berendos Ave. Pacifica, CA 94044 H-SQUARE CORPORATION 1033 North Fair Oaks Ave SUNNYVALE CA 94089-2101 HUNTINGTON LABS 1040 L`Avenida MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Hsu, Joe C 16956 Abundante Street San Diego, CA 92127 HUY NGUYEN 2620 WHISPERING HILLS CIR SAN JOSE CA 95148-3437 HSUAN-SHENG YANG 924 COLE PL SANTA CLARA CA 95054-4114 HUYNH, DANG 7359 GLEN OAKS WAY DUBLIN CA 94568 Huynh, Dang C. 6921 Brighton Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Huang, Shiou-Shiou 3292 Montevarchi Street San Jose, CA 95136 Huynh, Hanh c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 HUB Associates 8139 Capwell Drive OAKLAND CA 94621 HUBER+SUHNER, INC. 19 THOMPSON DR. ESSEX JUNCTION VT 05452 Huynh, Michael 8160 Mulberry Place Dublin, CA 94568 Hudson, Daniel T. 1383 Sprucewood Drive San Jose, CA 95118 Huynh, Phuoc Tan 2746 Whispering Hills Drive San Jose, CA 95148 Hughes, Cheralyn 350 E Taylor St, Apt 3204 San Jose, CA 95112 Huynh, Tim H 3677 Canta Croce Ct San Jose, CA 95148 Hughes, Daniel P 11711 Ladera Dr Dublin, CA 94568 HUYNH, TIM H. 3677 SANTA CROCE COURT SAN JOSE CA 95148 HumiSeal 128 First Street Pittsburgh PA 15238 HVA LLC. 12880 Moya Blvd. RENO NV 89506 81 Hwang, Joon 8201 Manx Drive Round Rock, TX 78681 ichor systems 9660 SW HERMAN ROAD TUALATIN OR 97062 HYATT LEGAL PLANS, INC. 1111 Superior Avenue CLEVELAND OH 44114-2507 ICO Rally / ESCO Componen 2575 E. Bayshore Road Palo Alto CA 94303 HYPER FLO 240 N. Sunway Drive GILBERT AZ 85233 ICOM MECHANICAL INC 477 Burke Street SAN JOSE CA 95108-0975 HYPER FLO 1301 West Geneva Drive Suite 100 TEMPE AZ 85258 ICS (INTEGRATED COMMUNICA 550 PARROTT STREET UNIT 40 SAN JOSE CA 95112 IDAHO STATE BAR 525 WEST JEFFERSON ST BOISE ID 83702 HYPERLINK TECHNOLOGIES 1201 CLINT MOORE ROAD BOCA RATON FL 33487 IDEATE 44 Montgomery St. Suite 1000 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 HY-SAFE TECHNOLOGY 960 COMMERCE DRIVE UNION GROVE WI 53182 IDEMITSU KOSAN CO. LTD 1-1, MARUNOUCHI 3-CHOME CHIYODA-KU TOKYO Japan HYVAC PRODUCTS, INC 201 North 5th Avenue ROYERSFORD PA 19468 IDMAIN 245M Mount Hermon Rd # 169 Scotts Valley CA 95066 IAC Suites Corporate & Fu 17625-B Harvard Ave Irvine CA 92614 IES 70 Saratoga Ave. Suite 201 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 IBSS GROUP 68 MEADOWBROOK DR. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94132 IFAPA Spain 41092 Isla Dela Cartuja Sevilla Spain IC TECHNOLOGIES 4465 E. GENESEE ST. #253 EAST SYRACUSE NY 13214 Ignacio, Crispina c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 IC TECHNOLOGIES 613 W MANLIUS STREET EAST SYRACUSE NY 13057 ICC International Court o 35,rue des Noirettes PO BOX 2600 Geneva 1211 Switzerland IGOR GERMANENKO 5522 Le Franc Drive SAN JOSE CA 95118 ICE INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC 235 Brooks Street WORCESTER MA 01606 Igor Landau 555 BRYANT ST. #199 PALO ALTO CA 93401 82 IHS INC (INFORMATION HAND 15 Inverness Way East Dept 1501 DENVER CO 80291-1501 Indicate Technologies, In 2065 Martin Ave. 103 Santa Clara CA 95050 INDUCTION CONSULTANTS, IN 2604 ELMWOOD AVE, no. 214 ROCHESTER NY 14618 Ilano, Vonherick Monzon 3939 Monroe Avenue, #212 Fremont, CA 94536 Inductive Automation 2110 21st Street Sacramento CA 95818 IMADA, Incorporated 3100 Dundee Rd. Suite 707 Northbrook IL 60062 Industrial Boxboard Corpo 2249 Davis Court Hayward CA 94545 Image Light Group, Inc. 641 E. 70th Street Kansas City MO 64131 INDUSTRIAL CASTER & WHEEL 2200 CARDEN STREET SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 IMAGE PRECISION MACHINE I 1400 FULTON PLACE FREMONT CA 94539 INDUSTRIAL COMPUTERS, INC 2457 South State St. ANN ARBOR MI 48104 IMC 1272 ALMA COURT SAN JOSE CA 95112 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC SERVI 1601 Samoa Blvd. ARCATA CA 95518-1135 IMPACT ANALYTICAL 1910 W. St. Andrews Road MIDLAND MI 48640 INDUSTRIAL SEAL OF TEXAS 10460 Markison Rd. DALLAS TX 75238 Imperial Printing 481 Vandell Way Campbell CA 95008 Industrial Shelving Syste 455 E. Elliott Ave. St. Louis MO 63122 IMR Test Labs 131 Woodsedge Drive Lansing NY 14882 Industrial Solar 4541 S. Butterfield Drive Tucson AZ 85714 IMT PRECISION 31902 Hayman Street HAYWARD CA 94544 30504 Santa Luna Drive Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90275 Incito, LLC 1852 W 111th ST #148 Tracy CA 95376 Infinity Packaging, Inc 1180 Ames Avenue Milpitas CA 95035 INDEX FASTENERS INC. 945 Grevillea Court ONTARIO CA 91761 InfinityQS International 14900 Conference Center Drive #525 Chantilly VA 20151 IND-EX INC. 15650 Madison Rd. MIDDLEFIELD Oh 44062 83 IN-FLO DESIGNS 336 Mathew St. SANTA CLARA CA 95050 INNA LYANDRES 7575 NORTHLAND PL SAN RAMON CA 94583-3700 Influence Communication 2105 C Levingston St Oakland CA 94606 INORGANIC VENTURES INC. 300 Technology Drive CHRISTIANSBURG VA 24073 INFOLOGIX INC. 101 EAST COUNTY LINE ROAD SUITE 210 HATBORO PA 19040 INORGANIC VENTURES INC. 195 LEHIGH AVE SUITE 4 LAKEWOOD NJ 08701 InfoNexus, Inc 43484 Laurel Glen CMN Fremont CA 94539 Inovateus Development, LL 19890 State Line Rd. South Bend IN 46637 INFOR GLOBAL SOLUTIONS 13560 Morris Road #400 Alpharetta GA 30004 INPLAST 30559 San Antonio St Hayward CA 94920 Informatica Corporation 100 Cardinal Way Redwood City CA INPLAST 688 SANDOVAL WAY HAYWARD CA 94544 Information Security Syst 155 Via Soderini Aptos CA 95003 INPUT, INC 11720 Plaza America DR # 1200 Reston VA 20190 INFRAMAT ADVANCED MATERIA 156-J River Road WILLINGTON CT 06279 INSIDE SOURCE 1200 Industrial Road # 9 SAN CARLOS CA 94070 Inge, Stephen c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Insight 6820 S. Hart Avenue Tempe AZ 85283 INSTITUTE OF ENERGY UNIVE 451 Wyoming Road NEWARK DE 19716 Ingenuity Plus 64 Cypress Ct Trophy Club TX 76262 INSTRON CORP. 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE 6826 CHICAGO IL 60675-6826 INGERSOL RAND INDUSTRIAL 15768 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 INSTRUMENT LABORATORY 1934 O'Toole Way SAN JOSE CA 95131 INGERSOL RAND INDUSTRIAL 33261 CENTRAL AVE UNION CITY CA 94587 INSTRUTECH, INC 1475 SOUTH FORDHAM ST LONGMONT CO 80503 INLAND METAL INDUSTRIES 3245 Depot Road HAYWARD CA 94545 84 INSULATOR SEAL INC. 6460 Parkland Drive SARASOTA FL 34243 INTERFACE INC. 7401 EAST BUTHERUS DRIVE SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 INSUNG ACCOUNTING CORPORA 7TH FL.,E-ROOM CENTER BLDG 17-13, YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDEUGPO-KU Seoul 150010 INTERMEC TECHNOLOGY 9290 LE SAINT DRIVE FAIRFIELD OH 45014-5454 Internal Revenue Service PO Box 21126 Philadelphia PA 19114 INTANDEM INC 3307 Edward Ave. SANTA CLARA CA 95054-2341 INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED MA 2 North Cole Ave SPRINGVALLEY NY 10977 Integral Systems Engineer 1244 Commerce Ave. Woodland CA 95776 International Code Counci 4051 West Flossmoor Rd Country Club Hills IL 60478 INTEGRATED COMMUNICATION 550 PARROT STREET # 40 SAN JOSE CA 95112 INTERNATIONAL GAS SPRINGS 162 S. Pinnacle Drive Romeoville IL 60446 Integrated Design Systems 1885 Dela Cruz Blvd #202 Santa Clara CA 95050 International Gift Expres 73 Barbaree Way Tiburon CA 94920 Integrated Door Solutions 3012 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara CA 95054 INTERNATIONAL LIGHT TECHN 10 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE PEABODY MA 01960 INTEGRATED ENGINEERING SE 70 Saratoga Ave. Suite 200 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 International Parking Des 1201 Marina Village Parkway #100 Alameda CA 94501 INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING 225 Mountain Vista Parkway Livermore CA 94551 International Parking Des 14144 Ventura Blvd. Suite 100 SHERMAN OAKS CA 91423 INTEGRATED OPTICAL SERVIC 3150 MOLINARO ST SANTA CLARA CA 95054 INTERNATIONAL RUBBER PROD 2600 HOMESTEAD PLACE RANCHO DOMINGUEZ CA 90220 Intelligroup Inc 5 Independence Way # 220 Princeton NJ 08540 International Telepath Co 49111 Milmont Fremont CA 94538 INTERCONNECT SPECIALTIES 351 OAK PLACE, UNIT L BREA CA 92821 Intertech Inc 1020 Discovery Road Suite 145 Eagan MN 55121 INTERCONNECT SPECIALTIES 20955 PATHFINDER RD. STE 100 DIAMOND BAR CA 91765 85 Intertie Corp 2130 Fillmore St. # 211 San Francisco CA 94115 iROBOT 63 SOUTH AVENUE BURLINGTON MA 01803 INTERVISION 2250 Walsh Ave SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Iron Creative Communicati 120 2nd St 3rd floor SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 Interwirkz 1398 Hampton Pl Sunnyvale CA 94807 IRONWOOD MANAGEMENT LLC 70 WILLOW ROAD, STE 100 MENLO PARK CA 94025 Intralinks 150 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017 Irving C. Apar Thompson Hine LLP 335 Madison Avenue 2th Floor New York, NY 10017-4611 INTREX 7625 HAYVENHURSTAVE. #28 VAN NUYS CA 90406 ISC SALES, INC. 4421 TRADITION TRAIL PLANO TX 75093 Inverse Solutions 3942 Valley Ave. #M Pleasanton CA 94566 ISE LABS, INC. 46800 BAYSIDE PARKWAY FREMONT CA 94538 Ion Exchange LLC 46722 Fremont Blvd. Fremont CA 94538 ISEC Inc. 41734 Christy St. Fremont CA 94538-3114 IONICS ULTRAPURE WATER CO 5900 Silver Creek Valley Road SAN JOSE CA 95138 ISG Global 5500 Ming Avenue #228 Bakersfield CA 93309 IOTECH 25971 Cannon Height Bedford OH 44146 ISIS EMS 2530 Zanker Rd SAN JOSE CA 95131 IPI GROUP LLC 3337 N. Cascade Ave. COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80907 Isla, Nathan 364 Mustang Street San Jose, CA 95123 IPT Group 582 Market St. Suite #1602 San Francisco CA 94114 iStar CTL I, LP C/O iStar Financial Inc. 1 Sansome Street, 30th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Iqualine Corp. 3446 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054 Isthmus Engineering & Man 4035 Owl Creek Drive Madison CA 53718 IRIS ELECTRONICS 549 Leisure St. LIVERMORE CA 94551 ISTPSM 2277 Ringwood Avenue SAN JOSE CA 95131 86 J.A. Woollam Co., Inc 645 M St. # 102 Lincoln NE 68508 I-Tech Company 42828 Albrae St Fremont CA 94538 J.A.K. MACHINE 515 WAXWING LN. NEWMAN CA 95360 ITW Futura Coatings 75 REMITTANCE DR. SUITE 1669 CHICAGO IL 60675-1669 JACK ARLUCK 3906 LA MESA LANE SAN JOSE CA 95124 ITW Futura Coatings 1685 Galt Industrial Blvd St Louis MO 63132-1021 Jack B. Keenan, Inc 1820 Gergetta Dr San Jose CA 95125 Ivan, Mara 567 S Park Victoria Drive, # 106 Milpitas, CA 95035 Jackson, Quentin B. 25710 Crestfield Drive Castro Valley, CA 94552 Ives, Shaun Kannon 1941 Golden Leaf Lane Tracy, CA 95376 JACQUELYN G LEAR 922 CULLEN CT CAMPBELL CA 95008-4567 IWALANI S KAYA 2301 LASS DR SANTA CLARA CA 95054-1371 JADE GLOBAL, INC. 1731 Technology drive #350 San Jose CA 95110 IXMATION INC. 471 FOX COURT Bloomingdale IL 60108 Jain, Neerendranath 40154 Santa Teresa Common Fremont, CA 94539 IXMATION INC. 15754 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 JAK & Associates 341 KIMBER TERRACE FREMONT CA 94539 J & E PRECISION MACHINING 2814 AIELLO DRIVE, UNIT A SAN JOSE CA 95111 Jake Thomas Consulting 2280 Lindaire Avenue San Jose CA 95128 J & M Diamond Tool, Inc 43 Roger Willians Ave PO Box 16099 E. Providence RI 02916 JAKOB 955 NW 17th Ave., Unit B DELRAY BEACH FL 33445 J N Abbott Distributor IN 6001 Rossi Ln Gilroy CA 95020 JAKOB 37 HUU NGHI BOULEVARD VIETNAM-SINGAPORE INDUSTRIAL PARK THUAN AN DISTRICT BINH DUONG JAMES F. GIBBONS 15 Redberry Ridge Portola Valley CA 94028 J. ROBERT SCOTT 260 FRANKLIN STREET, SUITE 620 BOSTON MA 02110 87 James Gibbons 15 Redberry Ridge Portola Valley, CA 94028 JANET M MALESKI 15139 OLD RANCH RD LOS GATOS CA 95033-8506 JAMES GIBBONS 15 RED BERRY RDG PORTOLA VALLEY CA 94028-8077 JAN-MICHAEL TRESSLER 373 HALF MOON LN APT 212 DALY CITY CA 94015-2453 James Gibbons 15 Redberry Ridge Portola Valley, CA 94028 Janorkar, Dhananjay D 43555 Grimmer Blvd. APT I 177 Fremont, CA 94538 JAMES K TRUMAN 1336 DAHLIA LOOP SAN JOSE CA 95126 Japan Electrical Safety & 1-8-1 Nishi-shinjuku Tokyo Japan JAMES L DALTON 132 WILLIAM WAY FELTON CA 95018-9550 Japanese Technical Transl 3501 Ranch Place San Jose CA 95132 JAMES LUONG 32331 ANNETTE CT UNION CITY CA 94587-5101 JARDENA ESTRELLA-TRUJILLO 292 W LUCITA WAY MOUNTAIN HOUSE CA 95391-3040 JAMES PETERSON 180 SYLVIAN WAY LOS ALTOS CA 94022 Jargon, Clemens Palnkam 2b Otterfing, Bavaria 83624 JAMES S. LINDSEY 18 Cypress Avenue KENTFIELD CA 94904 Jargon, Maria Ganbsweg 3 Otterfing, Germany 83624 JAMES VANDEVEN 6591 WHITBOURNE DR SAN JOSE CA 95120-4543 JASON S LEE 1108 DECATUR ST FOSTER CITY CA 94404-3608 Jamison, Robray 1579 timber creek dr. San Jose, CA 95131 Jasven, Janet c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Jandir, Brinder K 3213 Trellis Place San Jose, CA 95135 JATCO INCORPORATED 725 Zwissig Way Union City CA 94587 JANET . BURGGRAF 717 Daisyfield Drive LIVERMORE CA 94551 Javid, Hamid K. 5889 Paddon Circle San Jose, CA 95123 Janet Haney 1565 Chestnut St # 31 San Francisco CA 94123 88 Javid, Hamid K. 5889 Paddon Circle San Jose CA 95123 JEFFREY SZCZEPANSKI 1230 PEACHTREE STREET, SUITE 1900 ATLANTA NJ 30309 JAY RUAN 32768 ARTISTRY LOOP UNION CITY CA 94587 JENNIFER LOPEZ 135 Trinidad Drive TIBURON CA 94920 Jayme, Mario 3174 Stimson Way San Jose, CA 95135 Jenoptik Laser Tech 8020 Kensington Court Brighton MI 48116 JD GILMER 11858 MINNESOTA SAN JOSE CA 95125 JENSEN INSTRUMENT CO. 2575 Flores Street, Suite 3 San Mateo CA 94403 JDS UNIPHASE 2789 NORTHPOINT PARKWAY SANTA ROSA CA 95407 Jensen Landscape Services 1983 Concourse Drive San Jose CA 95131 JDSU CORPORATION 2789 Northpoint Parkway Attn: Lisa Zappelli SANTA ROSA CA 95407 JENSEN LANDSCAPE SERVICES 1983 CONCOURSE DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 JEANETTE ANDERSON 648 BAYVIEW DR APTOS CA 95003-5304 Jensen, Dennis G 17846 Black Bart Dr Jamestown, CA 95327 Jeanne Marie Laber 7079 Exeter Drive Oakland CA 94611 Jensen, James O 101 E. Middlefield Rd. #3 Mountain View, CA 94043 JEFF KINGSLEY 13625 DEER TRAIL COURT SARATOGA CA 95070 Jensen, Jimmi K 3034 Lodgepole Tr South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 JEFF LEE 1903 MIRAPLAZA COURT APARTMENT 10 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Jeremy Alonte 194 Knollglen Irvine CA 92614 Jeffrey H. Schneider 54 Arroyo Way San Francisco CA 94127 Jerez, Rafael 7056 Cypress Point Court San Jose, CA 95139 JEFFREY HIRSCH 3745 Terstena Pl. #165 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 JERRY D GILMER 1185 MINNESOTA AVE UNIT B SAN JOSE CA 95125-3377 JEFFREY LEE 1903 MIRAPLAZA CT APT 10 SANTA CLARA CA 95051-7418 89 Joaquin, Francisco 931 Almaden Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Jesus Ramos Anaisa 553 Laswell Ave San Jose CA 95128 JESUS REYES 314 GUANACASTE COURT SAN JOSE CA 95116 JOCELYN SHAO 441 MARIPOSA AVE #B MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94041 JET 5-14-12 Yoyogi Shibuya-ku TOKYO 151-8545 Japan Joe Rajan 131 EMBARCADERO W, SUITE 3124 OAKLAND CA 94607 Joe Rajan 4844 Bernal Avenue # B Pleasanton CA 94566 Jet Mechanical Inc. 807 Aldo Ave. Suite 110 Santa Clara CA 95054 JOE THE GREEK CAFÉ 1830 MILMONT DR MILPITAS CA 95035 JET STREAM 26545 CORPORATE AVE HAYWARD CA 94545 Jetalon Solutions, Inc. 3343 Vincent Road, Suite B PLEASANT HILL CA 94523 Joel, Richard Kamara 101 Glen Eyrie Ave. # 208 San Jose, CA 95125 JH TECHNOLOGIES 2305 Paragon Dr. San Jose CA 95131 Johanson, William R. 10260 Lucky Ct Gilroy CA 95020 Jian Wu 12A4 Sheridan Village Schenectady NY 12308 Johansson, Tomas Kerbelstrasse 10 Buchs, Switzerland 9470 JIM SAVAGE 1212 IVANHOE PATH MANASQUAN NJ 08736 JOHN C ROBINSON 8 FAXON FOREST ATHERTON CA 94027 Jimenez, Antonio R 10253 Berryessa Drive Stockton, CA 95219 JOHN C. BRAVMAN 3705 Research Drive Box 30001/MSC 3 SOLAR Las Cruces NM 88003-8001 JL Precision 2360 Zanker Rd San Jose CA 95131 John C. Wiles 19 ICE GLENN ROAD STOCKBRIDGE MA 01262 JLEvents 7079 Exeter Drive Oakland CA 94611 John Carrington 729 Gamay Court Pleasanton CA 94566 Joan Matlack 39270 Paseo Padre Pkwy #230 Fremont CA 94538 John Chih 4735 SEPULVEDA BLVD #132 SHERMAN OAKS CA 91403 90 JOHN T. BROWN 121 Wilder Avenue LOS GATOS CA 95030 JOHN COOPER 169 EVERGREEN WAY MILPITAS CA 95035 JOHN VORIS INDUSTRIAL ENG 1963 CONCOARSE DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 JOHN DAILING 1001 Olive St Menlo Park CA 94025 JOHN ZOLKOS CO. 780 Montague Exp Suite 403 SAN JOSE CA 95131 John F. Scott 1087 Norstad Street San Jose CA 95128 JOHNNY TRAN 3054 LYNVIEW DR SAN JOSE CA 95148-3010 JOHN G MATHEW 2005 STONY OAK COURT SANTA ROSA CA 95403 JOHNNY W LIU 1871 ANCHORAGE LNDG SAN JOSE CA 95131-3800 John L Baker 588 Sutter Street #522 San Francisco CA 94102 Johns, Larry D 1051 Apple Ct. Apt. A Hollister, CA 95023 John Longobardo Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166-0193 JOHNSON ASSOCIATES 235 FAIRFIELD AVE WEST CALDWEL NJ 07006 John M. Gravener 2026 Foxhall Loop San Jose CA 95125 JOHNSON SCALES 2828 Hood Street Unit 1504 Dallas TX 75219 JOHN P FRIEDL 540 OLD FARM RD DANVILLE CA 94526-4136 Johnson, Reginald 42010 Blacow Road, Apt. 306 Fremont, CA 94538 John Pierce 12717 NW 75th Terrace ALACHUA FL 32615 Johnson, Stephen C. 2828 HOOD UNIT 1504 DALLAS TX 75219 John Stemplewicz U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 JOHNSON, STEVE 13179 Paseo Presada SARATOGA CA 95070 JOHN STRICKLAND 5283 S. Desart View Drive Apache Jct AZ 85220 JON MOHN 2777 Allen Parkway Suite 1000 HOUSTON TX 77019 John Sullivan 455 West Third Street CORNING NY 14830 JONATHAN D CERRONA 211 EASY ST APT 10 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-3743 91 JONATHAN MICHAEL 11387 LINDY PL CUPERTINO CA 95014-4852 Joung, Ki Seung 477 Conlin court San Jose, CA 95123 JONES & SMITH, LLP 1755 Embarcadero Road Palo Alto CA 94303 Joziak, Roman Wilhelminenstr. 11 Dresden, Germany 1099 JONES DAY 3248 Vintage Acres Way SAN JOSE CA 95148 JP Metal Fabrication, Inc 2701 Heatherston Dr. SAN RAFAEL CA 94903 Jones, Maya Leanne 103 42nd Ave San Mateo, CA 94403 JUAN PEREZ 2519 29TH AVE SAN FRANCISCO CA 94116 Jones, Ryan 4111 Montgomery St. Apt G Oakland, CA 94611 JULIE HALGREN 19 South Park San Francisco CA 94107 Jongejan, Arie N 789 Cedar St San Carlos, CA 94070 Jumbo Shrimp 8 Technology Blvd Canastota NY 13032 Jory, David 934 Del Rio Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035 JUMO Process Control, Inc 2586 SEABOARD AVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 JOSE M. BALDERAMA 437 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10022 JUSTIN GUINN 6412 DEVONSHIRE DR SAN JOSE CA 95129-3908 JOSEPH E. BACHELDER LLP 6N 311 Dinah Ct Medinah IL 60157 Juvera, Michael c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 JOSEPH F BEHNKE 3087 KILO AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95124 K & S MACHINE MFG, INC. 1145-H CHESAPEAK AVE. COLUMBUS OH 43212 Joseph J. Prena 1435 4th St. SW, Apt. B610 Washington DC 20024 K J TOOLKITS INC. 1800 Williams Street San Leandro CA 94577 Joseph Pasetti 3283 Edward Ave Santa Clara CA 95054 K&H 2110 Ashton Drive Suite 1A Jamison PA 18929 JOSHUA RAO 2409 CHERRYWOOD DRIVE UNION CITY CA 94587 92 K&J Magnetics, Inc. 720 Whitney Street San Leandro CA 94577 Kanwal Singh 211-2 Thorn Lane NEWARK NJ 19711 K&L Trucking / Am-Tran Co 3411 LEONARD COURT SANTA CLARA CA 95054 KANWALJIT K DHANOA 280 FOX HOLLOW CIR MORGAN HILL CA 95037-3057 Kabealo, Michael G. 1508 Whisphering Oaks Way Pleasanton, CA 94566-3500 KAPIL MUKATI 3116 E. Birdsong Drive Boise ID 83712 Kahin, Salah 4790 Campbell Ave. #12 San Jose, CA 95130 Kaplan, David 431 Chenery Street San Francisco CA 94131 Kahin, Salah H. 855 Wells Rd. WETHERSFIELD CT 06109 Kapsaskis, Dan 797 Regent Park Drive San Jose, CA 95123 KAHN INSTRUMENTS 627 Walsh Ave SANTA CLARA CA 95050 KARR, CHARLES D. 316 South Navarra Drive SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066-3622 Kahoday, Maria Liza 3281 Firth Way San Jose, CA 95121 KAS MACHINE PRODUCTS 1280 15th St. #304 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94122 KAISER TECHNOLOGIES 316 Littlefield Ave. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 Kaspar, Frances 415 Shamrock Dr Campbell, CA 95008 Kalra, Ripple 170 King street, apt 501 San Francisco, CA 94107 KATIE GATHRIGHT 14501 Los Angeles Ave MOORPARK CA 93021 KAMAN INDUSTRIES 61 Silktree Ct. Danville CA 94526 Kaur, Jeevan 17757 Strawberry Glen st Lathrop, CA 95330 Kana Kitagawa 30871 Canterbury Way Union City CA 94587 Kaur, Rajinder 4408 Alamo Court Union City, CA 94587 Kanav Intl 13424 N. Woodfresh Way PORTLAND OR 97203 KAUSHIK GHOSH 1460 GRAYWOOD DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95129 KANTO CORPORATION 871 Hunter Lane Fremont CA 94539 93 KAVLICO 2301 LASS DR. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 KEITH PEARSON 28775 AURORA ROAD CLEVELAND OH 44139-1891 KC-Solar LLC 201 South College Street Suite 1440 Charlotte, NC 28244 KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS 1250 Oakmead Parkway Sunnyvale CA 94085-4035 KEL Corporation 201 N. RICHEY PASADENA TX 77506 KC-Solar, LLC 708 Blossom Hill Rd. #212 LOS GATOS CA 95032 Kelley, Sean 1678 Fairwood Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 KDC CONSULTING 10 Volvo Drive ROCKLEIGH NJ 07647 KELLY WIRE ROPE, INC 2359 Menzel PL Santa Clara CA 95050 KDF ELECTRONIC & VACUUM S 261 California Ave Palo Alto CA 94306 Kelly, Michael 3914 Rockingham Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 Keat, Brian c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Kelly, Tony T. 85 GALLI DRIVE NOVATO CA 94949 Keeble and Shuchat 3190 DIABLO AVENUE HAYWARD CA 94545 Kelsey, John c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 KEEN KUT PRODUCTS 350 JERICHO TURNPIKE SUITE 206 JERICHO NY 11753 KEN GRADY COMPANY INC. 2416 Lockwood Ave. Fremont CA 94539 KEENZO ELECTRONICS 108 Trowbridge Street #2 CAMBRIDGE MA 02138 Kendig, Dustin Martin 48001 Leontine Court Fremont, CA 94539 KEIRA BROMBERG 2040 MARGE COURT PARKER CO 80138 Kenji Fujimoto 1662 MacMillan Park Drive Fort Mill SC 29707 KEITH ALAN BUZALSKY 8323 Loch Lomond Drive PICO RIVERA CA 90660-2588 Kennametal 1001 Officers Row VANCOUVER WA 98661 KEITH COMPANY 225 CHALET WOODS PLACE CAMPBELL CA 95008 94 Kerbassi, Heidi 360 E. Evelyn Avenue, #330 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 KENNEDY COMMUNICATIONS 348 HAYES STREET AMERICAN FALLS ID 83211 KENNETH BALISH 40764 GUALALA PL FREMONT CA 94539-3748 Kerber, Dawn 17563 Knight Drive Castro Valley, CA 94546 Kenneth C. Cestari U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 KERK MOTION PRODUCTS, INC 17853 SANTIAGO BLVD SUITE 107-504 VILLA PARK CA 92861 Kenneth Jacobs 9 Bacorn Road Flemington NJ 08822 KETT 1125 Minnesota Avenue #11 San Jose CA 95125 KENNETH KWAN 3385 DUBLIN BLVD UNIT 340 DUBLIN CA 94568 KEVIN O MATTHEWS 3506 GRAND AVE OAKLAND CA 94610-2010 KENNETH TECHNOLOGY 17 Spectrum Pointe, ste 506 LAKE FORREST CA 92630 Kevin T. Conner 600 Travis St. #1300 HOUSTON TX 77002 KENNY KO 2108 SHEFFIELD DR SAN JOSE CA 95131-1590 KEY EQUIPMENT FINANCE, IN 36 Southern Boulevard NESCONSET NY 11767 KEY HIGH VACUUM PRODUCTS 20195 STEVENS CREEK BLVD, SUITE 260 CUPERTINO CA 95014 KENSIGNTON ELECTRONICS- W 1 ELM STREET PITTSFIELD NH 03263 KEYTONE TECHNOLOGIES INC. 3140 De La Cruz Blvd Suite 200 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 KENT CHUI 1395 SARTATOGA APT 60 KEYTONE TECHNOLOGIES INC. 790 Mariner Park Way #3 Santa Cruz CA 95062 KENTEK CORPORATION 131-38 SANFORD AVENUE FLUSHING NY 11355 Keyword Company Limited Akara Building 24 De Castro Street Wickhams Clay I British Virgin Islands Keyword Company Limited KEPCO, INC. 400 Congress Street 3rd Floor Portland ME 04101 Kepware, Inc. 1 KERK DRIVE C/O LORRING & ASSOCIATES HOLLIS NH 03049 Akara Building 24 De Castro Street Wickhams Clay I Road Town 95 K-Fab Inc. 7224 Winterwood Ln DALLAS TX 75248 KINEQUIP INC. 8088 SOLUTIONS CENTER LOCKBOX 778088 CHICAGO IL 60677-8000 Khat, Mike c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Kinetic Systems, Inc. 8088 SOLUTIONS CENTER CHICAGO IL 60677-800 Kinetic Systems, Inc. 48400 Fremont Blvd Fremont CA 94538 Khathuria, Ashok M. 5512 Castle Glen Ave. San Jose, CA 95129 Kinetic Systems, Inc. 155 El Pueblo Road Scotts Valley CA 95066 Khean, Khim 488 Sullivan Way Mountain House, CA 95391 King Crane Service Inc 2773 N. 54TH ST. MILWAUKEE WI 53210 Khean, Un 16100 Hesperian Blvd San Lorenzo, CA 94580 KING VACUUM CLEANER CO. 6903 West North Avenue WAUWATOSA WI 53213 KHOA A MAI 200 FORD RD SPC 87 SAN JOSE CA 95138-1521 KING VACUUM CLEANER CO. 125 WILBUR PLACE BOHEMIA NY 11716 Khuong, Hung Phuc 1310 Havenwood Drive San Jose, CA 95132 Kingsley, Jeffrey R 13625 Deer Trail Court Saratoga, CA 95070 KI S JOUNG 3984 CHAMBERER DR SAN JOSE CA 95135-1700 KIPP & ZONEN 6292-C San Ignacio Avenue San Jose CA 95119 Kicinski, Maciej c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 KIRAN K SHRIRAM 4231 NORWALK DR APT EE203 SAN JOSE CA 95129-1716 KIEUTHI NGO 1435 PRELUDE DR SAN JOSE CA 95131-3317 Kiran, Ravi J 7860-D Canyon Meadow Cir Pleasanton, CA 94588 Kim, Irwin 1617 Yosemite Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Kirkendall, Chadwick Joe 1049 Foxchase Dr San Jose, CA 95123 Kimokeo, Inc. 365 OLD NIAGARA FALLS BLVD. BUFFALO NY 14228-1636 KISCO Conformal Coating 707 WESTCHESTER AVE., SUITE 207 WHITE PLAINS NY 10604 96 Kohlstadt, Peter M 1511 Avenida De Los Padres Morgan Hill, CA 95037 KISCO Conformal Coating 440 DIXON LANDING ROAD APT C205 MILPITAS CA 95035 Kolli, Venkatarao 43111 Washington Common Fremont, CA 94539 Kistner, Ryan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 KOMAG ANALYTICAL SERVICES 3505 Kifer Road Santa Clara CA 95051 KKR Funds KKR Financial Corp 555 California Street 50th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 KLAUS EGGER 1751 Wayne Circle SAN JOSE CA 95131 Komrowski, Andrew 4364 Dali Street Fremont, CA 94536 Kool Metal Aioning Co. In 1201 K Street # 800 Sacramento CA 95814 KLAUS P EGGER GARTENSTR 31 ILLERKIRCHBERG 89171 KP Public Affairs 18330 Sutter Blvd. MORGAN HILL CA 95037 KMMK RESEARCH 727 Medford Ave Hayward CA 94541 KR ANDERSON INC. 25000 Avenue Stanford #120 Valencia CA 91355 Knievel, Mike 101 Franciscan Dr Danville, CA 94526 KRG Technologies Inc 360 SUTTON PLACE SANTA ROSA CA 94507 Knight, James T 2330 Dunn Rd. Hayward, CA 94545 Krishnamurthi, Vidhya 962 Terrace Drive Los Altos, CA 94024 Knight, James T. 1601 W. Deer Valley Road PHOENIX AZ 85027 Kristar Enterprises, inc 425 Maria St Santa Clara CA 95050 KNOX COMPANY 4220 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE FREMONT CA 94538 Kristin Jackson 1959 CONCOURSE DR. SAN JOSE CA 95131 KNT MANUFACTURING 1511 AVE. DE LOS PADRES MORGAN HILL CA 95034 KRISTIN QUINTIN 956 VIA GRANADA LIVERMORE CA 94550-5554 Ko, Kenny 2108 Sheffield Drive San Jose, CA 95131 97 Kruschke, Michael c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 KURT J. LESKER 842 BASKING LANE SAN JOSE CA 95138 Kwan, Kenneth 3385 Dublin Blvd, Unit 340 Dublin, CA 94568 KSM Corporation 933 KIFER ROAD SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Kwan, Wing S 842 Basking Lane San Jose, CA 95138 K-TEC CORP 4520 Abruzzi Cir. Stockton CA 95206 Kwong, Stephanie 827 Platt Ct Milpitas, CA 95035 KUEHNE CONSTRUCTION SERVI 22500 Key Drive Clinton Township MI 48036 Kyocera Industrial Cerami 2033 O'toole Ave San Jose CA 95131 Kuhn, Steven D 788 El Rancho Drive Livermore, CA 94551 Kyocera Industrial Cerami 2322 Calle Del Mundo SANTA CLARA CA 95054-1007 KUKA ROBOTICS CORP. 6600 CENTER DRIVE STERLING HEIGHTS MI 48312 KYONE CHAN 1530 ZUNI CT SAN JOSE CA 95131-2676 KUKA Systems Corporation 615 PALOMAR AVE. SUNNYVALE CA 94085-2913 Kyosev, Anton N 745 S. Bernardo Ave. Apt. D250 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Kulkarni, Shashank R 664 Mente Linda Loop Milpitas, CA 95035 L P GLASSBLOWING, INC 645 Vista Way Milpitas CA 95035 Kumar, Pardeep c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 L&M Precision Sheetmetal 2395 Qume Drive San Jose CA 95131 Kumar, Shiv 294 Burningtree Drive San Jose CA 95119 L&T Precision Engineering 45 Beechwood Drive NORTH ANDOVER MA 01845 Kunis, Michael A. 1925 Worthington Ave. CLAIRTON PA 15025 Labampa, Paulino 4529 Niland Street Union City, CA 94587 Kunze, Christof Egerstrasse 16 Kelsterbach, Germany 65451 98 LAB-PRO INC. 231 SHAKER ST. PO BOX 70 NORTH SUTTON NH 03260 Lambda Americas 1695 WEST MACARTHUR BLVD COSTA MESA CA 92626 LAMBDA RESEARCH OPTICS 6300 SAN IGNACIO AVE SUITE C SAN JOSE CA 95119 Labsphere 231 Shaker Street North Sutton NH 03260 LAMINAR TECHNOLOGIES 6910 SANTA TERESA BLVD SAN JOSE CA 95119 Labsphere 91 LOST LAKE LANE CAMPBELL CA 95008 LAMINAR TECHNOLOGIES 189 Arthur Rd Martinez CA 94553 LABTEK 3085 WEST DIRECTORS ROW SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 LAMONS GASKET COMPANY 16881 COLLECTION CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693-16881 LACO TECH TECHNOLOGIES 139 W 2260 SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY UT 84115 LANDSTAR EXPRESS AMERICA 17 MANDEVILLE COURT MONTEREY CA 93940 LACO TECH TECHNOLOGIES 5669 SNELL AVE. # 201 SAN JOSE CA 95123 Langford, Rob 700 Babbs Creek Gilroy, CA 95020 Ladd, Rayvon c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 LANSMONT CORPORATION 1287 REAMWOOD AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94089 LAHLOUH, INC 8864 Mannington Street ELK GROVE CA 95758 LANSMONT CORPORATION 29 Hanover Road Florham Park NJ 07932 LAI INTERNATIONAL 6800 Broken Sound Parkway # 150 Boca Raton FL 33487 Lantano, Christopher A 39600 Wainwright Terrace Fremont, CA 94538 Lai, Miller 4730 Snead Dr. Santa Clara, CA 95054 Lantano, Robin c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Laird Plastics 405 Essex Road Neptune NJ 07753 LAPP USA 175 EL PUEBLO RD. SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 Lam, Vincent c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 99 Laput, Jocelyn c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 LASSEN HIGH VACUUM, INC. 516 EAST TAMARACK STREET BOZEMAN MT 59715 Larkin Precision Machinin 40 Ranch Drive MILPITAS CA 95035 Last, John 8037 Via Zapata Dublin, CA 94568 Larkspur Landing 13708 250th Street ROSEDALE NY 11422-2110 LATHA SWAMY 870 E EL CAMINO REAL APT 613 SUNNYVALE CA 94087-2953 LaRont, Terry 459 Northgate Drive San Jose, CA 95111 LATTICE MATERIALS LLC 160 West Santa Clara Street Suite #625 San Jose CA 95113 LARRYKING CORPORATION 2840 BAY ROAD REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Lau, Michael 819 Russell Ln. Milpitas, CA 95035 LARSON ELECTRONIC GLASS 5914 W. Courtyard Drive SUITE 200 AUSTIN TX 78730 Lau, Tao K. 1027 Bramblewood Lane San Jose, CA 95131 LARSON NEWMAN & ABEL, LLP 1188 ELKO DRIVE SUNNYVALE CA 94089 Lau, Wesley 1695 Johnson Ave San Jose, CA 95129 Larson, Kevin 675 University Drive, Apt 1 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Law Office of J. Michael 155 College Ave LOS GATOS CA 95030 LASER IMPRESSIONS, INC 13501 Ingenuity Dr. #Suite 128 Orlando FL 32826 Lawler, Patrick James 3213 Gleneeden Way San Jose, CA 95117 Laser Institute of Americ 621 Lochtyn Ridge Wales WI 53183 LAWRENCE C. WARD 1035 Prouty Way SAN JOSE CA 95129 Laser Safety Consulting 1055 W. Germantown Pike Norristown PA 19403 LAWRENCE T. LAMONT, JR. 1381 Capital Blvd Reno NV 89502 Laser Technology, Inc. 595 Phalen Blvd. Saint Paul MN 55130 Lawrence, Patrick 5076 Leigh Ave San Jose, CA 95124 LASERVISION-USA 2865 Park Blvd. PALO ALTO CA 94306 100 Le, Long Van c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Lawson Products, Inc 1555 PLYMOUTH ST. MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Layer42.Net 3080 Raymond Street Santa Clara CA 95054 Le, Nghia T. 2479 Columbine Drive Hayward, CA 94545 Layer42.Net 346 EARHART WAY LIVERMORE CA 94551 LE, NGHIA T. 905 West 13th Street Deer Park TX 77536 Lazatin, Flordeliza c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Le, Phillip 8702 Mac Kay Rd Garden Grove, CA 92841 LAZESTAR, INC 271 SAINT-ALPHONSE SUD THETFORD MINES G6G 3V7 Canada Le, Robert c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 L-COM 1290 Anvilwood Court SUNNYVALE CA 94089 Le, Thao 2028 Cinderella Lane San Jose, CA 95116 LDETEK 13109 Collections Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 Le, Trinh 3175 Ravenswood Way San Jose, CA 95148 LDS TEST & MEASUREMENT LL 2580 SE BLUEBONNET COURT HILLSBORO OR 97123 Le, Tuan Cong 1220 Tasman Drive, #456 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 LDS TEST & MEASUREMENT LL 8551 Research Way M/S 140 Middleton WI 53562 Leader Global Technologie 12420 RACE TRACK ROAD TAMPA FL 33626 LDS TEST & MEASUREMENT LL 2479 COLUMBINE DR. HAYWARD CA 94545 LEADER TECH 922 CULLEN CT. CAMPBELL CA 95008 Le, Duc Minh An c/o GES 1210 California Circle Milpitas, CA 95035 Leal-Verdugo, Carlos U. 47112 Warm Springs Blvd. #315 Fremont, CA 94539 Le, Long 6890 Sessions Drive San Jose, CA 95119 Leath, Brian J. 3747 La Donna Ave. PALO ALTO CA 94306-3151 101 Lee, Shu-Jen 405 Rancho Arroyo Pkwy Apt. 236 Fremont, CA 94536 Leddy, Derick c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Lee, Tammy 110 Woodland Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035 LEE A. CHRISTEL 7755 Center Ave # 1020 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92647 Lee, Wayman 270 Valencia Drive Los Altos, CA 94022 LEE COMPANY (WEST COAST R 140 58TH STREET, #3C BROOKLYN NY 11220 LEEMAC MANUFACTURING 133 East Shiloh Road SANTA ROSA CA 95403 LEE SPRING COMPANY 1235 NORTH HARBOR STREET GILBERT AZ 85233 Leen, Thomas J 1156 Farragut Drive Fremont, CA 94539 LEE SPRING COMPANY 3426 Duchess Ct San Jose CA 95132 LEFEBVRE SERVICES LLC 883 15th Ave Menlo Park CA 94525 Lee, Alice M. 1980 HARTOG DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 Left Field Design, LLC 208 MEMORIAL DRIVE PO BOX 328 LEHIGHTON PA 18235-0328 Lee, Hao 22541 Old Santa Cruz Hwy Los Gatos, CA 95033 Lee, Mei-Sheng 2991 Crystal Creek Drive San Jose, CA 95133 Legend Trading S.A. c/o: Mario Dimitrou Iassonos 3 18537 Athens, Greece LEHIGHTON ELECTRONICS, IN 2121 S. Columbia Ave. Suite 650 Tulsa OK 74114-3505 Lee, Michael M. 3264 Antonio Loop Tracy, CA 95377 LeHouillier, Jacques J 3213 E. Lathrop Road Manteca, CA 95336 Lee, Patrick C 147 Weymouth Ct. Alameda, CA 94502 Lemagnen, Gilles 17, rue des Thermopyles Paris, France 75014 Lee, Sang M 1088 Prouty Way San Jose, CA 95129 Lenox Investments LLC 2121 S. Columbia Avenue Suite 650 Tulsa, OK 74115 Lee, Jeffrey 1903 Miraplaza Court #10 Santa Clara, CA 95051 102 Levono, Inc 595 Millich Drive #101 Campbell CA 95008 Lenox Investments, LLC 12530 MANOR ROAD GLEN ARM MD 21057 Lewis Bass International 595 Millich Drive, Suite 101 CAMPBELL CA 95008 LENOX LASER 14963 Collections Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 Lewis Bass International 39238 Sundale Drive FREMONT CA 94538 LensCrafters 515 Starboard Drive San Mateo CA 94404 Lewis, Gregory S. 1634 Todd Street Mountain View, CA 94040 Leonardo, Robin 4439 Pinewood Ct. Union City, CA 94587 Lewis, Jill Rene 5216 Winifred Drive Castro Valley, CA 94546 LEONI ELOCAB LTD 800 West El Camino Real, Suite 180 Mountain View CA 94040 LIAN ZOU 2160 Dela Cruz Blvd Santa Clara CA 95050 Leung, Chris P 1026 Pinehurst Ct. Millbrae, CA 94030 Liberty Lighting & Fixtur 3200 Osgood Common FREMONT CA 94539 Leung, Ho-Chiu 5361 Matthew Terrace Fremont, CA 94555 LIBRA ELECTRIC COMPANY 1876 Hartog Drive San Jose CA 95131 Leung, Yi Ling 1180 Golden Springs Drive, Unit F Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Lieu, Steven 2576 Whispering Hills Circle San Jose, CA 95148 Leus, Ponciano c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Life Safety Associates 4588 Peralta Blvd., Suite #17 Fremont CA 94536 LeverX, Inc. 150 E. Alamo Drive, Suite #9 Chandler AZ 85225 Life Support Services 331 LaQuesta Dr Danville CA 94526 Levitronix 45 FIRST AVE WALTHAM MA 02451 LIFTSAFE FORKLIFT 1650 THE ALAMEDA SAN JOSE CA 95126 Levitronix 1009 Think Place Morrrisville NC 27560 LIGHTHOUSE MANAGEMENT GRO 3041 Orchard Parkway San Jose CA 95134 103 Lighthouse Worldwide Solu 12550 BISCAYNE BLVD, STE 616 NORTH MIAMI FL 33181 Litz, Sean 981 Windsor Hills Cir San Jose CA 95123 Lim, Kian Beng 3051 Alpine Court Fremont, CA 94555 Liu, Johnny W. 1871 Anchorage Landing San Jose, CA 95131 LIMCO LOGISTICS, INC. 1990 RUSSELL AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Liu, Sherry 981 Windsor Hills Cir San Jose CA 95123 LIN ENGINEERING 38265 LOGAN DR. FREMONT CA 94536-5930 Liu, Xiao Hong 1355 Sage Hen Way Suite C SUNNYVALE CA 94087 Lin, Annie 21732 Foothill Blvd Hayward, CA 94541 Livermore Cinemas 2490 First Street Livermore, CA 94550 Lin, Chih-Wei 5220 Birkdale Way San Jose, CA 94538 LIVEWIRE COMMUNICATIONS 1181 So. Rogers Cr. Unit 30 BOCA RATON FL 33487-2710 Linda Schimmel Corp Gifts 2351 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara CA 95050 LMI COMPONENTS 48089 FREMONT BLVD FREMONT CA 94538 LINE X Protective Coating 2029 Stierlin Court Mountain View CA 94043 LOADSTAR SENSORS 78/80 Babu Genu Rd 1st Floor Souri Bldg MUMBAI 400002 Linkedin Corporation 459 Fortune Blvd MILFORD MA 01757 LOANNE LUU 1227 MONTCOURSE LN SAN JOSE CA 95131-2420 LINOS PHOTONICS, INC. 380 EL PUEBLO DRIVE, #105 SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 LOBA CHEMIE PVT LTD 430 EAST TRIMBLE ROAD SAN JOSE CA 95131 LINTELLE ENGINEERING, INC 1495 ELLERD DRIVE TURLOCK CA 95380 Loftis, Robert G 1387 LIllian Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94087 LINTELLE ENGINEERING, INC 2601 Pennsylvania Ave, Apt 930 PHILADELPHIA PA 19130 Logsdon, Scott A. 1715 Grizilo Dr San Jose, CA 95124 Littleton, Austin Darrel 3556 Sweigert Road San Jose, CA 95132 104 Lomboy, Victor 2012 Danderhall Way San Jose, CA 95121 Lozano, Jess c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 LONG Q NGUYEN 1327 BAGELY WAY SAN JOSE CA 95122-3002 LP PRECISION 28220 SW Boberg Rd WILSONVILLE OR 97070 Lopez, Mario E 1860 Monterey Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 LPKF LASER & ELECTRONICS 5199 FULTON DRIVE, UNIT G FAIRFIELD CA 94534 Lopez, Steve 3807 Don Pedro Road Ceres, CA 95307 LT SYSTEMS 7411 Central Ave Newark CA 94560 Lopez, Terecita c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 LTD Ceramics, Inc 393-J Tomkins Ct. GILROY CA 95020 Lu, Ni 860 Altaire Walk Palo Alto, CA 94303 LORD & SONS 250 Royal Crest Court Markham Ontario L3R 3S1 Canada LUAN T NGUYEN 255 S PARK VICTORIA DR MILPITAS CA 95035-5722 Lorex Corporation 316 JUNGERMANN RD ST. PETERS MO 63376 LUCAS LAB 393-J TOMKINS COURT GILROY CA 95020 Louie, Dell L 6310 Ridgewood Drive Castro Valley, CA 94552 LUCAS M PANNELL P O BOX 320816 LOS GATOS CA 95032 LOUISIANA STEEL 3475 EDWARD AVE. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Lucas, Grace 735 Lakechime Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Lovell, Anthony c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 LUCAS/SIGNATONE CORP. 193 STAUFFER BLVD. SAN JOSE CA 95125 Lovell, Catherine c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 LUCERO CABLES 150 LUCIUS GORDON DRIVE SUITE 117 WEST HENRIETTA NY 14586 105 Lucero, Louis c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop # 100 Alameda, CA 94501 Ly, Duong c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Lujan, Pedro c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop # 100 Alameda, CA 94501 Ly, Nam c/o West Valley Staffing 1182 Barrington Ct San Jose, CA 95121 Lumb, Rita 4772 Cabello Street Union City, CA 94587 Ly, Nghi Quang 1185 Fynes Court San Jose, CA 95131 LUMETRICS 897 Independence Ave #2 Mountain View CA 94043 Ly, Tuan 1886 McLaughlin Ave San Jose, CA 95122 LUMYN TECHNOLOGIES LLC 1750 Stebbins Drive Houston TX 77043-2807 Lyandres, Inna 7575 Northland Place San Ramon, CA 94583 Luong, Michael c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Lyden, Edward M 37167 Panton Terrace, #1007 Fremont, CA 94536 Luu, Loanne 1227 Montcourse Lane San Jose, CA 95131 Lynch, William Kenneth 1083 Rymar Way San Jose, CA 95133 Luwa USA Inc 515 TUCKER AVE. FRIDAY HARBOR WA 98250-1879 LYNDONs ICE CREAM CATERIN 965 San Leandro Blvd SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 LUXEL CORPORATION 3033 Scott Blvd. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Lyu, Richard 413 Corinthia Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 LUXTRON CORPORATION 111 Lane 7580 Rm 1103 No.39 Sub Lane Hu Min Rd. SHANGHAI M&J PRECISION 16235 Vineyard Blvd Morgan Hill CA 95037 M. P. Metal Products, Inc 1250 Elmwood Avenue Ixonia WI 53036 LV YANG ZHEN 37167 Panton Ter Apt 1007 Fremont CA 94536 M+W ZANDER 49 STEVENSON STREET, SUITE 700 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94132 106 Madden Relocation Service 1098 Sawmill Gulch Road Pebble Beach CA 93953 M3D CO. 100 Hillview Court Suite 120 MILPITAS CA 95035 MadgeTech, Inc. 201 Route 103 West PO Box 50 Warner NH 03278 M3D CO. 309 Laurelwood Rd. Building 2, Suite 23 Santa Clara CA 95054 MADHAV THUMU 917 BERMUDA CT FREMONT CA 94539-3702 Ma, Wilfred 3245 ANDORA DR. SAN JOSE CA 95148 Madhukar, Sucharita 1013 Woodroe Court San Jose, CA 95116 MAAS BROTHERS, INC 285 S VASCO RD LIVERMORE CA 94551 Madrone Partners c/o: Cooley Godward Kronish LLP 3175 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94306 MAC PANEL COMPANY 551 WEST FAIRFIELD RD HIGHPOINT NC 27263 Macabinta, Leah 801 Los Positos Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Madrone Partners c/o: Cooley Godward Kronish LLP 3175 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94306 Macasi, Robert 40049 Fremont Blvd., Apt. 701 Fremont, CA 94538 Mafusalov, Anatoliy 3528 Agate Drive, #3 Santa Clara, CA 95051 MacDonald, Niles 2415 Appley Way San Jose, CA 95124 MAGIC MACHINING, INC 502 VANDELL WAY, SUITE A CAMPBELL CA 95008 MACH1 AIR SERVICES INC. 1530 W. Broadway Rd. TEMPE AZ 85282 Magnan, Richard Rock 15100 Via Del Sur Monte Sereno, CA 95030 Machina Software, LLC 6431 Ashley Street Felton CA 95018 Magna-Power Electronics 39 Royal Road Flemington NJ 08822 Madanat, Samir 2843 springdale ln San Ramon, CA 94583 MAGNATEX PUMPS, INC. 3575 WEST 12TH STREET HOUSTON TX 77088 Madayag, Romeo c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Magno, Marvin 2901 Babson Drive Elk Grove, CA 95758 107 Mahankali, Ravi S. 48996 Woodgrove Cmn Fremont, CA 94539 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC 23444 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO IL 60673-1234 Maharaj, Angila D. 3573 Surry Place Fremont, CA 94536 Maleski, Janet M 15139 Old Ranch Road Los Gatos, CA 95033 Mahendran, Kabilan 37729 Teakwood Drive Fremont, CA 94536 Mallanta, Anthony c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Mahlmann, Uwe Pirkheimerstr. 8 Munich, Germany 81373 Manalaysay, Fritz I 92 Rosebay Court San Jose, CA 95127 Mahmud, Shahzad 49002 Cinnamon Fern Common, Unit 229 Fremont, CA 94539 Manchanda, Irum c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MAI Industries 105 Bonaventura Dr San Jose CA 95134 Manchanda, Isha c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MAI TRAN 809 SOUTHGROVE DR SAN JOSE CA 95133-1257 Mai, Daniel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MANCO 870-K Napa Valley Corp. Way NAPA CA 94558 Mandel Communications, In 820 BAY AVE. STE 113 CAPITOLA CA 95010 Mai, Steven c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Manisay, Sam c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Maintenance Connection, I 1477 Drew Ave. Suite 103 Davis CA 95616 MANJUNATH BOLOOR 37501 SUMMER HOLLY COMMON FREMONT CA 94536 Mairena, Andrew 47112 Warm Springs Blvd., Apt 315 Fremont, CA 94539 Manley, Dustin 1087 Murrieta Blvd., #350 Livermore, CA 94550 MALASTER COMPANY INC. 376 West Caribbean Drive SUNNYVALE CA 94089 108 MANMOHAN SIDHU 105 CALLE ESTORIA LOS GATOS CA 95032-1239 MARFRED INDUSTRIES 12708 BRANFORD ST PACOIMA CA 91331 Manna Distribution Servic 2440 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights MN 55120 Mariani, Michael T 599 S. 10th St. #33 San Jose, CA 95112 Manning, Rodney 4674 Ventura Ave. San Jose, CA 95111 MarineLock LLC 625 Ontario St PO Box 416 DeTour Village MI 48725 MANSOL (PREFORMS) LIMITED 1 HOLLANDS ROAD Haverhill Suffolk CB9 8PX United Kingdom Maritz Research, Inc. 1375 North highway Drive Fenton MO 63099 Earth City MO 63045 MARITZA M HERMIDA 3213 PLAYA CT MARINA CA 93933-2501 Manufacturers Supplies Co 106 COMMERCE BLVD LOVELAND OH 45140 MARK COLLINS 511 BARBADOS LANE FOSTER CITY CA 84404 Manzon, Raul D. 1412 Pashote Ct Milpitas, CA 95035 MARK COLMER 7720 SANTA BARBARA DR GILROY CA 95020 Manufacturers Supplies Co 4220 Rider Trail North MARK COOPER 100 TWINBRIDGE DRIVE SUITE J PENNSAUKEN NJ 08110 Maple Ave. Investors 3819 Maple Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 MARK T DIXON 26670 PETERMAN AVE HAYWARD CA 94545-3118 Maple Ave. Investors in S 3819 Maple Ave. Dallas TX 75219 MARK YAM 17608 Vineland Avenue MONTE SERENO CA 95030 Mar Cor Purification 4450 Township Line Rd Skippack PA 19474 Marketo, Inc. 901 Mariners Island Blvd. #200 San Mateo CA 94404 Marcus Evans Inc 800 Rene-Lavesque Blvd West #440 Montreal H3B 1X9 Canada MARKONDEYARAJ PULUGURTHA 1701 Earhart Court La Verne CA 91750 MARFRED INDUSTRIES 26599 CORPORATE AVE HAYWARD CA 94545-3920 MARKUS BECK 4001 GLENWOOD DRIVE SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 109 Marriott Business Service 1 Maarriotte Drive Washington DC 20058 Martinek Manufacturing 42650 Osgood Road Fremont CA 94539-5627 Marriott International 1501 CALIFORNIA CIRCLE MILPITAS CA 95035 MARTINEZ WELDING CREATION 3024 GIANT ROAD SAN PABLO CA 94806 Marriott International 39802 Cedar Blvd. Newark CA 94560 Martinez, Allan Sayson 3123 Florence Ct San Jose, CA 95127 MARs ENGINEERING 699 Montage Ave. San Leandro CA 94577 Martinez, Daniel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenu Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Marsella, Robert 310 Capp St San Francisco, CA 94110 MARTINEZ, ELIAS A. 777 LOVERS LANE VACAVILLE CA 95688 MARSHALL WOLF AUTOMATION 923 South Main Street Algonquin IL 60102 Martin Del Campo, Sara 1951 Alissa Drive Hollister, CA 95023 Martinez, Gene c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Martin R DeBusman 11836 S W Aspen Ridge Drive Tigard OR 97224 Martinez, Jorge 626 Penitencia St. Milpitas, CA 95035 MARTIN VIBRATION SYSTEM A 990 DEGURSE AVENUE MARINE CITY MI 48039 Martinez, Moises 36639 Bishop Street Newark, CA 94560 MARTIN YONG 2450 DETERT ST LIVERMORE CA 94550-2506 MARUBENI AMERICA CORPORAT 450 LEXINGTON AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10017 Martin, David A. 7135 Aptos Beach Court San Jose, CA 95139 Mary Russell 909 Centennial Ave Alameda CA 94501 Martin, Earl Gilbert 548 Leland Ave #B San Jose, CA 95128 MARYLAND METRICS 6119 OAKLEAF AVE BALTIMORE MD 21215 Martin, Jonathan 781 Sunbrook Ct San Jose, CA 95111 Mascolo, Gianluigi 1691 Lupton Ave San Jose, CA 95125 110 Masdar Clean Tech Fund Matrix HG, Inc 2355 WHITMAN ROAD SUITE A CONCORD CA 94518 c/o: Credit Suisse Attention: Jason Karlinsky Eleven Madison Avenue 16th Floor Matt Sanders 43321 Boscell Road Fremont CA 95376 Masdar Clean Tech Fund, LP c/o: Credit Suisse Attention: Jason Karlinsky Eleven Madison Avenue 16th Floor New York, NY 10010 Masline Electronics 511 South Clinton Ave Rochester NY 14620 Matthew Caprio 6108 Colina Lane Austin TX 78759 MATTHEW J LYNN 720 YNEZ CIR DANVILLE CA 94526-3551 MASS PRECISION SHEETMETAL 2110 OAKLAND RD SAN JOSE CA 95131-1565 Matthew K. Kelsey Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166-0193 Massachusetts Division of 19 Staniford Street Boston MA 02114-2589 Matthew Troy U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Massachussetts Department of Revenue PO Box 7010 Boston, MA 02204 Massoumi, Said c/o West Valley Staffing 4235 Norris Road Fremont, CA 94536 MATTHEWS METAL PRODUCTS 5820 OBATA WAY STE A GILROY CA 95020 Matthews, Edwin L 322 Viewpark Circle San Jose, CA 95136 MASTERLINE DESIGN & MFG., 41580 PRODUCTION DR. HARRISON TWP MI 48045 Maung, Khin M. c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenu Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MATERIALS ANANLYTICAL SER 2255 Martin Ave Suite B SANTA CLARA CA 94050 MATERIALS RESEARCH GROUP 244 W 1st Avenue Roselle NJ 07203 MAX LEVY AUTOGRAPH, INC 220 WEST ROBERTS AVE PHILADELPHIA PA 19144 Materra 69 Ubi Crescent #03-02 CES Blg 408561 Singapore MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS 4401 SOUTH BELTWOOD PKWY. DALLAS TX 75244 MAXMAX 220 BRIAD STREET CARLSTADT NJ 07072 Mathew, John G.H. 2005 Stony Oak Court Santa Rosa, CA 95403 111 MAXTEL INC. 11980 Telegraph Rd Ste 104 SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670-6084 McDanel Advanced Ceramic 510 North Avenue Beaver Falls PA 15010 Mayle, Anne Catherine 801 South Winchester Blvd., #1309 San Jose, CA 95128 McDaniel, Aaron Paul 1401 Red Hawk Circle, Apt. O303 Fremont, CA 94538 May-Mizu Fasteners PTE LT 3 Irving Road Irving Industrial Building #04-03 Singapore 369522 McDaniel, Randall Willard 3145 Woodcrest Drive San Jose, CA 95118 McElligott Consulting 41547 Chadbourne Drive Fremont CA 94539 MBRAUN INC 14 Marin Way STRATHAM NH 03885 MBT SYSTEMS LTD. 309 Route 94 COLUMBIA NJ 07832 McFarland, Dave 2962 Fresno St. Santa Clara, CA 95051 MC DERMOTT WILL & EMERY L 600 13TH STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON DC 20005 McGINNIS CHEN ASSOCIATES 10 NOTHING HAM PLACE SAN FRANCISCO CA 94133 McBee Strategic Consultin 601 Pennsylvania Ave NW800 Washington DC 20004 McGrath Law Group, LLC 501 Hungerford Drive # 212 Rockville MD 20850 McCampbell Analytical, In 1534 Willow Pass Rd Pittsburg CA 94565 MCI MANUFACTURING, INC 5353 Almaden ExpressWay #48 San Jose CA 95118 McCary, Dennis 4789 Serra Ave. Fremont, CA 94538 McKibbin, Zachary Alan 150 Manzanita Way Salinas, CA 93908 McCormick, Michael 564 Margaret Street San Jose, CA 95112 MCKINLEY ELEVATOR CORPORA 17611 Armstrong Avenue IRVINE CA 92614 McKinnon, Damon Matthew 13870 Ravenwood Dr Saratoga, CA 95070 McCracken, Douglas 5039 Corbin Ave San Jose, CA 95118 Mckinstry Essention Inc 5005 3rd Ave S Seattle WA 98134 McCuan, Annette R 5148 Howes Lane San Jose, CA 95118 McKune, John 46668 Crawford Court Fremont, CA 94539 112 MCM ELECTRONICS 650 CONGRESS PARK DR CENTERVILLE OH 95459 ME2 Manufacturing & Engin 2597 FLAGSTONE DR. SAN JOSE CA 95132 MCM ELECTRONICS 405 S PIONEER BLVD SPRINGBORO OH 45066 Meady, James E 5355 Farwell Place Fremont, CA 94537 MCMASTER-CARR 9630 Norwalk Blvd. SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670-6084 MEASUREMENT CENTER CORP. 1919 W. CORONET ST #187 ANAHEIM CA 92801 McMORROW, JOE 14973 Shasta Ln. Morgan Hill CA 95037 MEASUREMENT COMPUTING 10 COMMERCE WAY Suite 1008 NORTON MA 02766 MCP METALSPECIALTIES, INC 515 COMMERCE DRIVE FAIRFIELD CT 06825 Mecco Marking & Traceabil 290 Executive Drive Cranberry Township PA 16066 McPheeters & Associates 2004 N. Fine Ave, Ste 104 Fresno CA 93727 MECHANIX WEAR, INC 28525 WITHERSPOON PARKWAY VALENCIA CA 91355 MCRE Group LLC 1646 N. California Blvd Walnut Creek CA 94596 MECOPTRON INC 3115 Osgood Court FREMONT CA 94539 MCREYNOLDS CONSULTING 420 Blair Ranch Rd. SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 MECS 265 SOBRANTE WAY #C SUNNYVALE CA 94086 MCREYNOLDS, DEBBIE 420 Blair Ranch Road Scotts Valley CA 95066 Medellin, Eduardo c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 McReynolds, Deborah A 420 Blair Ranch Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Medic First Aid Internati 1450 Westec Drive Eugene OR 97402 McShera, Carmel 567 Hubbard Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051 Medina, Tic 2842 Breaker Circle Hayward CA 94545 MDC VACUUM PRODUCTS CORP. 23842 Cabot Boulevard HAYWARD CA 94545 Medina, Tic S. 2842 Breaker Circle Hayward, CA 94545 ME2 Manufacturing & Engin 1380 PIPER DRIVE MILPITAS CA 95035 113 Mercado, Marcel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Mediterranean Shipping Co 700 Watermark Blvd. Mt. Pleasant SC 29464 MEGAFORCE CORPORATION 2035 OTOOLE AVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 Mercier, Michael c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MegaPath, Inc. 5667 Gibraltar Drive Pleasanton CA 94588 MERCOTAC INC. 6195 Corte del Cedro #100 CARLSBAD CA 92009 Mehrer, Edward A. 170 Cedar Mountain Drive Tracy, CA 95376 MERRILL TOOL HOLDING COMP 21659 W. GRATIOT ROAD Merrill MI 48637 Meier, Michelle M. 744 San Miguel Ave Santa Clara, CA 95050 Merritt, Neil 219 Cheryl Beck Ct. San Jose, CA 95119 MeiVac, Inc 5830 Hellyer Avenue San Jose CA 95138 Messina, Jason A 8283 Cavalier Lane Dublin, CA 94568 Melendez Schaffner, Irma c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MET LABORATORIES, INC 914 W. PATAPSCO AVE. ATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Melles Griot Inc. 2050 Palomar Airport Road 200 Carlsbad CA 92011 BALTIMORE, MD 21230 MET LABORATORIES, INC 33439 Western Ave Union City CA 94587 Mendoza, Ronnie I. 1134 Waterton Lane San Jose, CA 95131 MET ONE INSTRUMENTS 1600 WASHINGTON BLVD GRANTS PASS OR 97526 Menjivar, Daniel 1907 Junesong Way San Jose, CA 95133 Metacrylics Energy Effici 142 North 27th Street San Jose CA 95116 Mentz, Jeremy 1980 Barrymore Common, Unit P Fremont, CA 94538 METAL ENGINEERING & TESTI 2040 W.Quail Ave. Phoenix AZ 85027 Mercado, Cecilio Rueda 3039 Creek Estates Ct San Jose, CA 95135 METAL FLEX Nevada, Inc. 1455 Greg Street Sparks NV 89431 114 Metal Fusion, Inc 425 Hurlingame Ave Redwood City CA 94063-3407 MFP PRODUCTS, INC. 3046 Bramlett Church Road GRAY COURT SC 29645 METAL FX 300 EAST HILL ROAD WILLITS CA 95490 MGLAW PLLC 2525 West End Avenue, Suite 1475 Nashville TN 37203 METAL FX 200 NORTH LENORE AVE. WILLITS CA 95490-3209 MICHAEL A KUNIS 326 LOS PINOS WAY SAN JOSE CA 95119-1619 METAL SUPERMARKET 705 Comstock Street Unit A SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Michael A. Rosenthal Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166-0193 METALS DEPOT 4200 REVILO ROAD WINCHESTER KY 40391 Michael Creely 2305 Cheyenne Way Modesto CA 95356 Metals Engineering & Test 2040 W. Quail Ave. Phoenix AZ 85027 Michael D. Creely 2305 Cheyenne Way Modesto CA 95356 MetLife 200 Park Avenue New York NY 10166 Michael George Anas 46 W. Julian St PH17 San Jose CA 95110 METRIC EQUIPMENT SALES, I 3486 Investment Boulevard HAYWARD CA 94545 Michael Hartley 1801 Baldwin Ave Ann Arbor Mi 48014 METRIC TEST 3486 Investment Boulevard HAYWARD CA 94545 Michael Hartley 615 Rhode Island Ave NW Washington DC 20001 METRICTEST 3486 Investment Boulevard HAYWARD CA 94545 MICHAEL LAU 819 RUSSELL LN MILPITAS CA 95035-3319 METRIX COMMUNICATION LLC 1605 BOYLSTON AVENUE #304 SEATTLE WA 98122 MICHAEL LOURIS 1230 SAN TOMAS AQUINO RD APT 223 SAN JOSE CA 95117-3336 Mettler-Toledo, Inc. 1900 POLARIS PARKWAY COLUMBUS OH 43240 MICHAEL M AHERN 4587 STUDENT LN SAN JOSE CA 95130-1758 Metz, Thomas E. 770 Tennis Lane Tracy, CA 95376 Michael McGovern 303 30th Street San Francisco Ca 94131 115 MICHAEL PRUCHA 1433 EL DORADO AVENUE SANTA CRUZ CA 95062 MICROMO ELECTRONICS, INC. 14881 EVERGREEN AVENUE CLEARWATER FL 33762 MICHAEL R LABELLE 1715 ENSENADA DR CAMPBELL CA 95008-1552 MICRON INC. 3815 LANCASTER PIKE WILMINGTON DE 19805 MICHAEL SCOTT 2719 Wyandotle Dr. Fort Collins CO 80526 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 1401 Elm Street 5th floor Lockbox #849045 DALLAS TX 75202 MICHAEL WONG 1221 GINGERWOOD DRIVE MILPITAS CA 95035 MICROSTRAIN, INC 459 HURRICANE LANE SUITE 102 Williston VT 05495 MICHAEL YEE 962 BUCKEYE DR SUNNYVALE CA 94086-8204 MICROTECHNOLOGY LAW 476 GREEN VIEW DRIVE WALNUT CREEK CA 94596 Michigan State University 135 Packaging Building East Lansing MI 48824-1223 MICROWEST SOFTWARE SYSTEM 10981 San Diego Mission Road Suite 210 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 MICRO CENTER 3255 Mission College Blvd. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 MID-AMERICA OVERSEAS, INC 201 S. PROSEPECT AVE ITASCA IL 60143 MICRO JOINING SOLUTIONS 5563 HALLOWELL AVE ARCADIA CA 91007 MIDWEST OPTICAL SYSTEMS 322 WOODWORK LANE PALATINE IL 60067 MICRO PRECISION CALIBRATI 21331 Adamson Drive Grass Valley CA 95949 MIGUEL CONTRERAS 13568 W. 25th Place GOLDEN CO 80401 MICRO PRECISION CALIBRATI 214 DEVCON DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95112-4210 Miholovich Concrete Compa 691 North Mathilda Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94085 MICRO SCIENTIFIC GLASS BL 883 AMES AVE MILPITAS CA 95035 MIKE KABEALO 871 GRAY FOX CIR PLEASANTON CA 94566 MICROCHEM CORP. 1254 Chesnut Street NEWTON MA 02464 MIKRON INFRARED, INC. 16 Thornton Road Oakland NJ 07436 MICROCLEAN SOLUTIONS 7211 View Point Road Aptos CA 95053 Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza New York NY 10005-1413 116 Milroy Construction Inc. 897 Independence Ave Ste. 5A Mountain View CA 94043 Mildred Quinones-Holmes Thompson Hine LLP 335 Madison Avenue 12th Floor New York, NY 10017-4611 MIMOSA SYSTEMS 3200 Coronado Drive SANTA CLARA CA 95054 MILESTONE TECHNOLOGY 1122 Aster Ave. #A SUNNYVALE CA 94086 MINARIK CORPORATION 23605 Network Place CHICAGO IL 60673-1236 MILL VALLEY SPLICING 10 STADLER ST BELCHERTOWN MA 1007 MINARIK CORPORATION 1542 Montague Expressway SAN JOSE CA 95131 Millard, Richard c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 MINDRUM PRECISION, INC. 10000 Fourth Street RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 MILLENNIUM METALCRAFT INC 3201 Osgood Common FREMONT CA 94539 MINITAB INC 1829 PINE HALL RD STATE COLLEGE PA 16801 Miller, Andrew Jonathan 18820 Aspesi Drive Saratoga, CA 95070 Minute Man Electronics 16424 Bristow Ct. Grass Valley CA 95949 Miller, Daniel c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Mirakhur, Ravinder K 3028 Ingersoll Place Fremont, CA 94538 MIRAPRO SINGAPORE PTE., L 78 SHENTON WAY #25-02 Miller, David 25 Corto Lane Woodside, CA 94062 Singapore 079120 Mishra, Soumitra 135 Rio Robles East, Apt 182 San Jose, CA 95134 Miller, Eric 1144 Kensington Drive Fremont, CA 94539 MISSION PEAKS 1401 RED HAWK CIRCLE,H203 FREMONT CA 94538 MILLMAX MACHINING 545 ALDO AVE. UNIT #26 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 MISSION TRAIL WASTE SYSTE 1060 Richard Avenue SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Mills, Robert 935 Lovell Ave Campbell, CA 95008 MISUMI USA, INC. 1105 REMINGTON RD., SUITE B SCHAMBURG IL 60173 117 MISUMI USA, INC. 1717 PENNY LANE, SUITE 200 SCHAUMBURG IL 60173 MKS INSTRUMENTS, Inc. HPS 5330 Sterling Drive BOULDER CO 80301 MISUMI USA, INC. 1717 PENNY LN, SUITE 200 ATTN: AR SCHAUMBURG IL 60173 MODEL SHOP MACHINE CO. 70 WEBER AVENUE EWING NJ 08638-3763 MODEL SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD 33-22 DOCKSAN-1DONG GEOMCHEON-GU SEOUL KOREA Geomcheon-Gu 153-010 Mitchell, Dennis 430 Dolores Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 MODERN CERAMICS 922 Rincon Circle SAN JOSE CA 95131 MITSUBISHI CABLE AMERICA 3333 Bowers Ave. Suite 251 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Modutek Corporation 6387 San Ignacio Ave San Jose CA 95119 MIYACHI UNITEK 1820 S. MYRTLE AVE MONROVIA CA 91016 MOHAMMAD MOHAMMADI 1150 BEETHOVEN CMN UNIT 306 FREMONT CA 94538-5603 Miyamoto International, I 1450 Halyard Drive, Suite 1 WEST SACRAMENTO CA 95691 MOHAMMED AFNAN 1048 VUELTA OLIVOS FREMONT CA 94539-5151 Miyashiro, Alan 1120 Casaba Creek Court San Jose, CA 95120 MOHAMMED WALAHI 41299 PASEO PADRE PKWAY #229 FREMONT CA 94539 Mize, Colin c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MOHLER, NIXON & WILLIAMS 635 Campbell Technology Pkwy CAMPBELL CA 95008-5059 MJB PRECISION MACHINING 715 E McGlincy Lane Campbell CA 95008 Moin, Damoon Yousef P.O. Box 72874 Davis, CA 95617 MKS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 5330 Sterling Drive BOULDER CO 80301 Momentive Performance Mat 12502 COLLECTION CENTER DR. CHICAGO IL 60693 MKS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 100 HIGHPOWER ROAD ROCHESTER NY 14623 Momentive Performance Mat 22557 West Lunn Road Strongsville OH 44149 MKS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 70 RIO ROBLES SAN JOSE CA 95134 MONROE 68 S. Squirrel Rd Auburn Hills MI 48326 118 Montes, Joseph R. 6888 Calle Altamira Pleasanton, CA 94566 Morris Material Handling 6752 PRESTON AVE, SUITE D LIVERMORE CA 94551 Morris Material Handling 2712 163th New Berlin WI 53151 Moore, Robert L. 511 Carroll Street Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Morris, John 1769 Swanston Way San Jose, CA 95132 MOORE-McNEIL, LLC 4619 Mountainview Drive NASHVILLE TN 37215 MOR ELECTRIC HEATING ASSO 5880 Alpine Ave. NW COMSTOCK PARK MI 49321 Morrison, Lawrence 129 Portals Ave, Apt. #130 Clovis, CA 93612 MOR Electric Heating Asso 5880 Alpine Ave. NW Comstock Park MI 49321 MORRISON, ROBERT 6329 NE BROADWAY STREET PORTLAND OR 97213 Morales, Mark A 48 S. 4th Street Campbell, CA 95008 MORTON MACHINE WORKS 125 Gearhart Street Millersbury PA 17061 Morton, Ellen Elizabeth 268 Calle Marguerita, Apt. H Los Gatos, CA 95032 Morana, Christine 3352 Zisch Drive San Jose, CA 95118 MOS Plastics, Inc 2308 Zanker Road San Jose CA 95131 Moreau Marketing & Sales 485 Glenn Link Road Lexington NC 27295 Mosely, Roderick C P.O. Box 11801 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Moreno, Juan J 1051 Linda DR. Campbell, CA 95008 MOSES LAKE INDUSTRIES INC 8248 Randolph Road NE MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Moreno, Myron C. 1531 Montalban Drive San Jose, CA 95120 Mosley, Jimmie Alfred 9167 El Verano Way Gilroy, CA 95020 MORGAN ADVANCED CERAMICS 2425 WHIPPLE AVE. HAYWARD CA 94544 MOSS PRECISION 4142 Point Eden Way Hayward CA 94545 MORGAN ADVANCED CERAMICS 4 PARK Avenue HUDSON NH 03051 MOSS PRECISION 3200 ARDEN ROAD HAYWARD CA 94545 119 MR METRIC 990 North 10th Street SAN JOSE CA 95112 Mostaghimi, Massood c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MR METRIC 1080 NORTH 11TH ST. SAN JOSE CA 95112 Mote, Dustin 13100 Stockleigh Drive Chester VA 23821 MR. PLASTICS 2756 ALVARADO ST UNIT W-A SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 Moticont 6901 Woodley Ave Van Nuys CA 91406 MSA SYSTEMS INC. 2584 Leghorn Street Suite C MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 MOTION INDUSTRIES 2705 LAFAYETTE STREET P.O. BOX 58069 SANTA CLARA CA 95052 MSA SYSTEMS INC. 1340 S DeAnza Blvd., Suite 103 San Jose CA 95129-4644 Mount, Joseph Robert 3740 25th St, Apt 406 San Francisco, CA 94110 MSC INDUSTRIAL 75 MAXESS RD MELVILLE NY 11747-3151 MOUNTAIN VALLEY EXPRESS 1019 Bessemer Ave. MANTECA CA 95337 MSDS Source 50 Centre St Concord NH 03301 MOUNTZ, INC. 1080 N. 11TH ST. SAN JOSE CA 95112 MTS SENSOR DIVISION C/O J 643 SOUTH DUGGAN AVENUE AZUSA CA 91702 MOUSER ELECTRONICS, INC. 1000 North Main Street MANSFIELD TX 76063 MTZ PACKING AND CRATING 2592 Puritani Court SAN JOSE CA 95121 MOVE IT! 5255 Stevens Creek blvd # 327 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Mubarak, Mohamed M 14911 Mc Vay Ave San Jose, CA 95127 Moyer, David 1054 Whispering Pines Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Muhammad, Jerry c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 MPA CRYSTAL CORP 1032 IRVING ST #968 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94122 MULTI METRIXS 1040 Di Giulio Ave. # 200 SANTA CLARA CA 95050 MPF PRODUCTS INC 3046 Bramlett Church Road GRAY COURT SC 29645 MULTI-CONTACT USA 5560 SKYLANE BLVD. SANTA ROSA CA 95403 120 MY BRANDS INC. 395 Summit Point Drive Suite One Henrietta NY 14667 MULTI-LITE 160 SO VICTORY BLVD BURBANK CA 91502 MYDAX, INCORPORATED 12260 SHALE RIDGE LANE AUBURN CA 95602 MULTIMODE - FIBER OPTICS. 432 SAND SHORE RD., UNIT 1 HACKETTSTOWN NJ 07840 Myers, David E. 16816 Gold Nugget Trl Lathrop, CA 95330 Mun, Marshall 7362 Briza Loop San Ramon, CA 94582 MYKROLIS 129 Concord Road BILLERICA MA 01821 MUNDT & ASSOCIATES, INC 14682 N. 74 STREET SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 MYMETERSTORE.COM 423 BUSSEN UNDERGROUND ROAD ST. LOUIS MO 63129 Muneno, Adonia 1943 Via Natal San Lorenzo, CA 94580 N H RESEARCH, INCORPORATE 16601 HALE AVENUE IRVINE CA 92606 Munoz, German M 5021 Assisi Court Salida, CA 95368 N.J. Division of Taxation Bankruptcy Section PO Box 245 MURATA MACHINERY USA, INC 2120 QUEEN CITY DRIVE CHARLOTTE NC 28208 Trenton, NJ 08695-0245 N.M KNIGHT COMPANY, INC 1001 S. SECOND STREET MILLVILLE NJ 08332-8099 Murillo, Benjamin 5178 Manxwood Place San Jose, CA 95111 N.M.MACHINING INC. 175 Lewis Road Unit 25 San Jose CA 95111 MURPHY McKAY & ASSOCIATES 3468 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite B108 LAFAYETTE CA 94549-6818 Nagpal, Sunil 2239 Dewberry Dr. San Ramon, CA 94582 Murrplastik Systems, Inc. 2367 North Penn Road HARTFIELD PA 19440 Naing, Thein 2367 Jane Lane Mountain View, CA 94043 Musolf, David 1601 Minardi Ave San Jose, CA 95125 Nano Precision Mfg, Inc. 108 KARINA COURT San Jose CA 95131 MWI, PECK SPRING DIVISION 89 Whiting Street PLAINVILLE CT 06062 NANO-MASTER 3019 Alvin Devane Suite 300 AUSTIN TX 78741 121 NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY 1617 Cole Boulevard Attn: Finance Center Mail Stop 1723 GOLDEN CO 80401 NANOPHORM, LLC 1081 MEMOREX DR SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Napaepae, Bradley c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 NATRON RESOURCES, INC 954 BAYVIEW AVENUE OAKLAND CA 94610 Navajo Company 1164 Cadillac Court Milpitas CA 95035 Narre, Surjit Singh 43555 Grimmer Blvd, Apt. L199 Fremont, CA 94538 Navarro, Stephen c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nash, Erik Brandon 521 Greenmeadow Way San Jose, CA 95129 NAVIGANT CONSULTING 4511 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 NATIONAL CINEMEDIA, LLC 9110 EAST NICHOLS AVE, SUITE 200 CENTENNIAL CO 80112 Neal, Terrance A 5896 El Zuparko Drive #2 San Jose, CA 95123 NATIONAL DIAMOND LABORATO 4650 ALGER STREET LOS ANGELES CA 90039 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CARBO 200 N. Town Street FOSTORIA OH 44830 Nebres, Gina 1639 Cherryblosom Ct Tracy, CA 95337 NATIONAL ELECTRONIC ALLOY 3 Fir Court OAKLAND NJ 07436 NEETA RIKHI 3474 BUTCHER DR SANTA CLARA CA 95051-4628 NATIONAL ELECTRONIC ALLOY 1335 East Warner Avenue SANTA ANA CA 92705 NEI GLOBAL RELOCATION COM 8701 West Dodge Road PO Box 241886 OMAHA NE 68124-5886 NATIONAL EXPOSURE TESTING 3545 SILICA RD. SUITE E Sylvania OH 43560 Nelson, Daniel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyale, CA 94085 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 11 Tracy Drive AVON MA 02322 Nelson, Joseph Lee 720 Blair Ct, #F Sunnyvale, CA 94087 NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CORP 11500 N Mopac Expwy AUSTIN TX 78759-3504 122 Nelson, Spencer M 5372 Case Ave, Apt 1311 Pleasanton, CA 94566 NEW FOCUS 13976 Collections Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 NEW FOCUS 4179 SOLUTIONS CENTER CHICAGO IL 60677-4001 NESSIM, MONIER M. 2455 EUCLID PL FREMONT CA 94539 NEW FOCUS 2584 JUNCTION AVE SAN JOSE CA 65134 NET MOTION INC. 4160 Technology Drive FREMONT CA 94538-6360 New Image Computer Servic 600 Bradley Hill Road Blauvelt NY 10913 NET SUPPORT, INC 6815 SHILOH RD EAST, SUIT A-7 ALPHARETTA GA 30005 NEW LINE RUBBER COMPANY 13165 MONTEREY ROAD SUITE# 100 SAN MARTIN CA 95046 NetCasters, Inc. 461 Boston Street #B-3 Topsfield MA 01983 NEW PIG CORP. 1 Pork Avenue Tipton PA 16684 NETEON 28 KENNEDY BLVD SUITE 300 EAST BRUNSWICK NJ 08816 New Way Air Bearings 50 McDonald Blvd Aston PA 19014 NETRONIX 1450 KOLL CIRCLE #102 SAN JOSE CA 95112 NEWMAN TOOLS, INC. 185 IBER ROAD Ottawa Ontario K2S 1E7 Canada NETWORK MEETING CENTER 5201 Great America Parkway SANTA CLARA CA 95054-1125 NEWPORT CORPORATION- IRVI 13976 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 NetWrix Corporation 165 Morningside Rd Paramus NJ 07652 NEWPORT CORPORATION- IRVI 1791 DEERE AVE IRVING CA 92606 NEVADA MACHINE WORKS 8212 CLINE MOUNTAIN ST LAS VEGAS NV 89131 NEWPORT ELECTRONICS 2229 SOUTH YALE ST SANTA ANA CA 92704 Neves, Inc. 3801 SE Locks Road Dayton OR 97114 Nexen Group Inc 560 Oak Grove Parkway Vadnais Heights MN 55127 NEW EDGE NETWORK, INC. 3000 COLUMBIA HOUSE BOULEVARD SUITE 106 VANCOUVER WA 98661-296936 Nexeo Solutions LLC 301 Commerce Street #3300 Fort Worth TX 76102 NEW ENGLAND SMALL TUBE CO 480 CHARLES BANCROFT HIGHWAY LITCHFIELD NH 03052 123 Nguyen, Anh 525 Skyway Drive San Jose, CA 95111 NEXUS INTEGRATION SERVICE 27202 West Turnberry Lane Suite 100 VALENCIA CA 91355 NFPA 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy MA 02169 Nguyen, Ann 10650 Porter Lane San Jose, CA 95127 NFS Leasing 900 Cummings Center Suite 309-V Beverly MA 01915 Nguyen, Dai P. 3052 Postwood Drive San Jose, CA 95132 NFS Leasing, Inc. 900 Cummings Center Suite 309-V Beverly, MA 01915 Nguyen, Danny H. 3443 Gila Drive San Jose, CA 95148 Ngai, Sam c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Dau V 740 Timor Court San Jose, CA 95127 Nguyen, David 1639 Rossburn Ct. San Jose, CA 95121 Ngaotheppitak, Patara 1771 Flint Creek Way San Jose, CA 95148 Nguyen, David Dzung 2114 Bristolwood Lane San Jose, CA 95132 Nghiem, Hank PO Box 1452 San Jose, CA 95109 Nguyen, Dinh Thanh c/o GES 1210 California Circle Milpitas, CA 95035 Ngo, Khanh c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Duc c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Ngo, Kieuthi 2916 Moss Point Dr. San Jose, CA 95127 Ngo, Phi H. 674 Nacomis Court Tracy, CA 95034 Nguyen, Duc 464 Bixby Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Ngo, Vinh 2916 Moss Point Dr. San Jose, CA 95127 Nguyen, Hiep Quoc 3118 Sylvan Drive San Jose, CA 95148 124 Nguyen, Hong Manh 879 Canada Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Long Q 1327 Bagely Way San Jose, CA 95122 Nguyen, Hung duy c/o West Valley Staffing 2605 La Hacienda Court, #120 San Jose, CA 95127 Nguyen, Luan T 255 S. Park Victoria Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Lyly c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Hung M. c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Michael 280 Pennyhill Drive San Jose, CA 95127 Nguyen, Huy 1188 Shirley Dr. Apt.#3 Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Minh T. c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, James P 2867 Aetna Way San Jose, CA 95121 Nguyen, John c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Peter D 3153 Whiteleaf Way San Jose, CA 95148 Nguyen, Phuong c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Khoa c/o GES 1210 California Circle Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Son Kim 3286 Locke Drive San Jose, CA 95111 Nguyen, Kien Cong c/o GES 1210 California Circle Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Tam T 1200 Glacier Dr Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Kim N 449 Los Encinos Ave San Jose, CA 95134 Nguyen, Tan Thanh 771 Rivera Street Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Loc c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Thai M 4897 Rue Loiret San Jose, CA 95136 125 Nguyen, Thanh Minh 2291 Valerie Court Campbell, CA 95008 Nguyen, Vinh K. c/o West Valley Staffing 899 N. King Road #1308 San Jose, CA 95133 Nguyen, Thien Tan 336 Vineyard Drive San Jose, CA 95119 Nguyen, Vivian c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Nguyen, Thu Van 3601 Kerwood Way San Jose, CA 95127 Niangao Duan 16670 NW Tucson Street Beaverton OR 97006 Nguyen, Tin c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Nichols, Henry 1024 Tice Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 Nguyen, Toan 3050 Dante Ct. San Jose, CA 95135 Nichols, Sylvester 6977 Bolado Drive San Jose, CA 95119 Nguyen, Tony c/o West Valley Staffing 1162 Bayard Drive San Jose, CA 95122 NICK HUMENY INSTRUMENTS 3428 Lodge Drive BELMONT CA 94002 Nicolas Popp 6799 Vermarine Ct Carlsbad CA 92009 Nguyen, Trisha Thuy 324 W. Heritage Drive Mountain House, CA 95391 Nielsen Wood Shop 37600 Sycamore St. NEWARK CA 94560 Nguyen, Tuan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 NIPPON FUSSO USA 3305 Depot Road HAYWARD CA 94545 Nguyen, Tuong Q 1422 Tolteca Court Fremont, CA 94539 NIPPON RARE METAL, INC. 1200 NAKAYAMA-CHO MIDORI-KU Yokohama 226-8691 Japan Nguyen, Van Ng 270 Umbarger Road #10 San Jose, CA 95111 nLIGHT Corporation 5408 NE 88th Street, Bldg. E Vancouver WA 98665 Nguyen, Vince 38858 Bonnie Way Fremont, CA 94536 NNR GLOBAL LOGISTICS USA 263 Utah Avenue SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 126 Norman, Daren K. c/o West Valley Staffing 1816 Maplegrove Lane Tracy, CA 95376 NoIR Laser Company, LLC 6155 Pontiac Trail South Lyon MI 48178 NORBERTO DEMORAES 568 ROAD RUNNER RDG SAN JOSE CA 95111-1047 Norman, Samantha c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 NOR-CAL 560 TRIMBLE ROAD SAN JOSE CA 95131 North Carolina Department of Revenue PO Box 25000 Raleigh, NC 27640-0700 NOR-CAL CONTROLS, INC. 1952 Concourse Drive SAN JOSE CA 95131 North Coast Engineering 18837 Norlene Way Grass Valley CA 95949 NOR-CAL MOVING SERVICES 2001 Marina Boulevard SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 NORTH COAST MEDICAL, INC 18305 SUTTER BOULEVARD MORGAN HILL CA 95037 NOR-CAL PRODUCTS, INC 1967 SOUTH OREGON ST. YREKA CA 96097 NORTH STAR IMAGING, INC 19875 S. DIAMOND LAKE ROAD ROBGERS MN 55374 NORCAL SYSTEMS 1002 Hanson Court Milpitas CA 95035 NORTHAIRE SUPPLY 1359 OAKLAND RD SAN JOSE CA 95112 NORCAL SYSTEMS 228 SAN JOSE AVE SAN JOSE CA 95125 NORTHERN STATES METALS 51 N. Main Street West Hartford CT 06107 Norit Americas, Inc. 3200 University Avenue Marshall TX 75670 NORTHERN STRANDS CO. LTD 3235 MILLAR AVE Norman Rosenbaum Morrison & Foerster 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104-0050 S7K 5Y3 Saskatoon Saskatchewan NORTHEY, DONALD 420 CENTRAL AVE. APT. 307 ALAMEDA CA 94501 NORMAN WRIGHT INDUSTRIAL 611 YORK STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 Northey, Donald 49002 Cinnamon Fern Common, Unit 523 Fremont, CA 94539 NORMAN WRIGHT MECHANICAL 99A SOUTH HILL DRIVE BRISBANE CA 94005-1215 North-South Machinery, In 1400 Pioneer Street Brea CA 92821 127 Northwest Datacom and Pow 640 Maestro Dr. 105 Reno NV 89511 Nyoptics, Inc 2009 Blue Oak Court Danville CA 94506 NORTHWEST POWER INTEGRATI 4211 S.E. INTERNATIONAL WAY SUITE F MILWAUKIE OR 97222 O CONNOR, DAVID 1246 REDONDO DR. SAN JOSE CA 95125 NOVA BIOTECH 1906 Grove Road El Cajon CA 92020 OAKLAND VALVE & FITTING 3481 WEST WARREN AVE FREMONT CA 94538 NOVA PHASE INC. 43 SPARTA AVENUE NEWTON NJ 07860 OCEAN DADGARI 131 FONTAINBLEU CT MILPITAS CA 95035-3125 Novo Construction, Inc 1042 Hamilton Court Menlo Park CA 94025 OCEAN OPTICS INC. 830 Douglas Ave. DUNEDIN FL 34698 Nowak, Patricia 927 Lanewood Drive San Jose, CA 95125 Ochoa, Derek c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 NPD Group 24619 Network Place Chicago IL 60603 Oclarino, Jeane c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 NPI SOLUTIONS, INC. 721 Charcot Avenue SAN JOSE CA 95131 O'Connor, David L. 1246 Redondo Drive San Jose, CA 95125 Nunez Valdez, Ana c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 OEI Intl Inc. 1318 N. San Gabriel Blvd. Rosemead CA 91770 Nunez, Miguel A 3129 Heather Ridge Drive San Jose, CA 95136 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum U 5700 Mellon Road EXPORT PA 15632 Nutech Paint LLC 3540 W Warner Avenue Santa Ana CA 92704 Office of the Assessor County of Alameda NX REV 3375 Scott Blvd # 410 Santa Clara CA 95054 1221 Oak Street Room 145 Alameda, CA 94612 OFFICE SOLUTIONS INTERIOR 1523-B Gladding Court MILPITAS CA 95035 NYK LOGISTICS (AMERICAS) 8295 TOURNAMENT DR. #150 MEMPHIS TN 38125 128 OHI Company 820 S. Pershing PO Box 622 Stockton CA 95201 OMEGA ENGINEERING 1 Omega Drive STAMFORD CT 06907 OMEGA OPTICAL INC 21 OMEGA DRIVE BRATTLEBORO VT 05301 OHIO VALLEY SPECIALTY COM 115 Industry Road Marietta OH 45750 OMICRON Electronics Corp 12 Greenway Plaza Suite 1510 Houston TX 77046 OKEEFE CERAMICS 845 Research Drive Woodland Park CO 80863-9728 Omni Logistcs, Inc. 15912 International Plaza Dr. Houston TX 77032 Olais, Daniel 2397 Alfred Way San Jose, CA 95122 OMNIPROBE, INC 10410 MILLER ROAD DALLAS TX 75238 Olazaba, Miguel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 OMP Page, LLC. 19300 South Hamilton Ave Suite 200 Gardena CA 90248 OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE 500 OLD DOMINION WAY THOMASVILLE NC 27360-8923 OMRON ELECTRONICS LLC 750 The City Drive South Suite 120 ORANGE CA 92868 Olin 427 NORTH SHAMROCK EAST ALTON IL 62024 Onal, Caner 2968 Moorpark Ave, Apt. 12 San Jose, CA 95128 OLIN BRASS 427 North Shamrock East Alton IL 62024 ONE BEACON INSURANCE 1051 TEXAS ST. SALEM VA 24153 Oliva, Michelle L 4817 Pepperwood Way San Jose, CA 95124 ONESTOP 6800 Owensmouth Avenue #220 Canoga Park CA 91303 OLYMPUS NDT 48 WOERD AVE WALTHAM MA 02453 ON-TRAK PHOTONICS INC. 14 GOODYEAR, SUITE 130 IRVINE CA 92618 OLYMPUS SOFT IMAGING SOLU 12596 West Bayaud Ave. Suite 300 LAKEWOOD CO 80228 Ophir-Spiricon Inc 60 WEST 1000 NORTH LOGAN UT 84321-2240 Omarzad, Estorei 1271 Manley Drive Tracy, CA 95377 129 OPTICAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGI 472 WESTOVER ROAD STAMFORD CT 06902 ORBEL CORPORATION 2 DANFORTH DRIVE EASTON PA 18045 OPTICAL GAGING PRODUCTS 850 HUDSON AVENUE ROCHESTER NY 14621 Oribello, Don c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 OPTICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIAT 3280 E. FOOTHILL BLVD. SUITE 300, MG-1 PASADENA CA 91107-3188 O-RINGS WEST, INC 1111 N.98TH , STE #3 SEATTLE WA 98103 OpticsPlanet, Inc. 3150 Commercial Ave Northbrooke IL 60062 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 1850 Loveridge Road PITTSBURG CA 94565 OPTI-FORMS, INC 42310 Winchester Road Temecula CA 92590 ORNA P MICHAEL 10555 SAN LEANDRO AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-2794 OPTIGRAFIX 19499 MILES ROAD CLEVELAND OH 44118 Orolfo, Austin 2021 N Milpitas Blvd, # 315 Milpitas, CA 95035 OPTIO DEVELOPMENT 445 Leigh Avenue, Suite 100 LOS GATOS CA 95032 Orozco, Cesar 2642 Glen Harwick Court San Jose, CA 95148 Optio Development 445 Leigh Avenue, Suite 100 LOS GATOS, CA 95032 ORTON MATERIALS TESTING & 6991 OLD 3C HIGHWAY WESTERVILLE OH 43082 OptiSolar Technologies 31302 Huntwood Ave. Hayward CA 94544 Oryx Advanced Materials 46458 Fremont Blvd. Fremont CA 94538 OPTO SIGMA 2001 DEERE AVE SANTA ANA CA 92705 OSCAR MENA 1550 TECHNOLOGY DR UNIT 4104 SAN JOSE CA 95110-3823 OPTO22 43044 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE TEMECULA CA 92590-3614 Oshana, Oshana 505 Waddell Way Modesto, CA 95357 ORA OPTICAL RESEARCH ASSO 5210 E. Williams Circle, Suite 610 TUCSON AZ 85711 OSLER, HOSKIN & HARCOURT 620 8th Avenue 36th Floor New York NY 10018 Oracle America, Inc 500 ORACLE PARKWAY REDWOOD SHORES CA 94065 130 OZ Domestic Partners Ostand Design 1714 Dogwood Dr Charleston WV 25320 Attention: Rick Lyon 9 West 57th Street 39th Floor OTH DESIGN 755 HIGHLAND DR. BOULDER CREEK CA 95006 OZ Domestic Partners II Attention: Rick Lyon 9 West 57th Street 39th Floor Oushana, Ovrahim 348 Madison Dr San Jose, CA 95123 OZ Funds Attention: Rick Lyon 9 West 57th Street, 39th Floor New York, NY 10019 OZ Global Special Investments Ovalle, Jose c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Attention: Rick Lyon 9 West 57th Street 39th Floor OVISO MANUFACTURING 4021 Pike Lane Concord CA 94520 OZ Offshore Capital Investors II OVISO MANUFACTURING 42701 Christy St FREMONT CA 94539 Attention: Rick Lyon 9 West 57th Street 39th Floor OWENS DESIGN 47427 FREMONT BLVD FREMONT CA 94538 Ozen Engineering, Inc 1210 E. Arques Ave Suite 207/208 Sunnyvale CA 94085 Owyeung, Willard H. 1638 Canary Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087 OZONE BILLIARDS 1690 ROBERTS BLVD NW #116 Kennesaw GA 30144 Oxford Global Resources 100 Cummings Center, Suite 206L Beverly MA 01915 OZONE SOLUTIONS, INC. 451 Black Forest Road Hull IA 51239 Oxford Global Resources 1230 OAKMEAD PARKWAY SUITE 204 SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Ozone Water Systems Inc. 3131 N 56th St Phoenix AZ 85018 Pace Technologies 3601 East 34th Street Tucson AZ 85713 OXFORD INSTRUMENTS 300 BAKER AVE SUITE 150 CONCORD MA 01742 Pacific Bell Telephone Co 175 E. Houston Street Room 8-H80 San Antonia TX 78205 OXXIUS, INC 1800 WYATT DRIVE SUITE 8 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 131 PACIFIC CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 1895 DOBBIN DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95133 PackworldUSA 539 South Main Street Nazareth PA 18064 PACIFIC COAST SALES & SE 310 SOQUEL WAY SUNNYVALE CA 94085-4101 Pagala, Roehl R 1227 Fleming Avenue San Jose, CA 95127 Pacific Communications 6280 San Ignacio Ave. #H San Jose CA 95119 Pagala, Thelma 1227 Fleming Ave San Jose CA 95127 Pacific International Bea 33258 Central Avenue Union City CA 94587 PALEX METALS INC. 3210 De La Cruz Blvd. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 PACIFIC OPTICAL SOLUTIONS 1609 REGATTA LANE, SUITE A SAN JOSE CA 95112 Palmieri, Eugenio Clarissenhof 76 Duivendrecht, Netherlands 1115CH Pacific Ozone Technology 6160 Egnet Court Benicia CA 94510 PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER 3333 Coyote Hill Road Attn: Accounts Receivable PALO ALTO CA 94304 PACIFIC PANELS INC. 74 98TH AVE. OAKLAND CA 94603 Palomares, Karlo 42010 Blacow Road Apt 603 Fremont, CA 94538 PACIFIC RUBBER & PACKAGIN 1160 Industrial Road #3 SAN CARLOS CA 94070 Pamela Brooke 10 VALLEY ROAD San Carlos CA 94070 PACIFIC SENSOR, INC. 11303 SLATER AVE. FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 Pamela Brooke 1083 Hewitt Drive San Carlos CA 94070 Pacific States Felt and M 23850 Clawiter Rd. Hayward CA 94545 Pandong, Ursulo 599 Jasmine Way San Leandro, CA 94578 PACIFIC WEST SECURITY INC 1587 Schallenberger Road SAN JOSE CA 95131 Panelized Structures, Inc 6731 Stoddard Road Modesto CA 95356 Packaging Services Group 3620 Bellecrest Avenue Cincinnati OH 45208 Pantaleon, Rodante 1009 Big Bear Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035 PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES AN 145 MAIN STREET TUCKAHOE NY 10707 132 PANTHER AIR FREIGHT 6600 NE 78th Ct., Ste A5 PORTLAND OR 97218 Parker, Lewis John 634 Malarin Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050 PAPE 47132 KATO RD FREMONT CA 94538 Parker, Mark 2023 Pasado Avenue Manteca, CA 95336 Paper Money 707 Continental Circle No. 2117 MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94040 PAR-METAL PRODUCTS INC. 29 EWING AVENUE N. ARLINGTON NJ 07031 PAPPAS PIPING SERVICE, IN 2109 O'TOOLE AVE SUITE P SAN JOSE CA 95131 Paroni, Eugene Mel 151 Rodriguez Ave Milpitas, CA 95035 PARA TECH COATING, INC. 35 ARGONAUT ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 PARTICLE MEASURING SYSTEM 21571 Network Place CHICAGO IL 60673-1215 Paramasivan Subramanian 4047 Sunnyside Road Edina MN 55424 Parus Technologies, Inc 10162 Parlett Place Cupertino CA 95014 Paran, Drew Erin Basa 39361 Mozart Terrace, Unit 303 Fremont, CA 94538 PARYLENE COATING SERVICES 6819 Hwy Blvd. Suite #510 KATY TX 77494 Parish, Vincent 12 Thurles Place Alameda, CA 94502 Pascual, Ariel 1495 Tierra Buena Dr San Jose, CA 95121 Park, Sohyun 1860 Mento Dr Fremont, CA 94539 Pascual, Donovan 581 Turquoise Drive Hercules, CA 94547 Parker Engineered Seals 5087 COLLECTION CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 Pascual, Edgardo 634 West Cancion Avenue Tracy, CA 95391 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP Indu 135 Quadral Drive Wadsworth OH 44281 Pascual, Lilibeth 581 Turquoise Drive Hercules, CA 94547 PARKER STEEL COMPANY 4239 MONROE ST. TOLEDO OH 43606 Pascual, Noli 1692 Ambergrove Dr. San Jose, CA 95131 Parker, Adam 630 Calle Buena Vista Morgan Hill, CA 95037 133 Pasion, Eugene M 31050 New Haven St, Apt. #9 Union City, CA 94587 PATTERSON DAVIS CONSULTIN 235 Montgomery Street Suite 1110 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 Pastrano, Marc c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 PAUL A. TOLSMA 72 Mooar Hill Road HOLLIS NH 03049 Patel, Dilip 34661 Greenston Comm Fremont, CA 94555 PAUL CHOW 393 PAGOSA WAY FREMONT CA 94539-8026 Patel, Dilip R 94 Dearwell Way San Jose, CA 95138 PAUL D. ANDERS, M.D., INC 2039 Forest Ave. Suite 308 SAN JOSE CA 95128 PAUL J STEFFAS 4939 AVENIDA DE LAGO SANTA CLARA CA 95054-1409 Patel, Hitesh K 1011 La Bella Terrace Union City, CA 94587 Paul Mueller Company 1600 West Phelps Street Springfield MO 65801 Patel, Kalpana D 34661 Greenstone Comn. Fremont, CA 94555 PAUL N. GARDNER COMPANY I 316 N.E. First Street Pompano Beach FL 33060 Patel, Naresh c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 PAUL O'BRIEN 175 RODRIGUES AVENUE MILPITAS CA 95035 Patel, Sailesh 34801 Winchester Place Fremont, CA 94555 PAUL, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY 515 South Flower Street 25th Floor LOS ANGELES CA 90071-2228 Patel, Sangita 44100 Packard Ct. Fremont, CA 94539 PAULA CAMPORASO 19551 VINEYARD LANE SARATOGA CA 95070 PATENT TRANSLATION AND CO 485 Dartmouth Avenue SAN CARLOS CA 94070 PAULA LE DUC FINE CATERIN 1350 Park Avenue Attn: Karin Flores EMERYVILLE CA 94608 Patlite (U.S.A.) Corporat 3860 Del Amo Blvd. Suite 401 Torrance CA 90503 Pauselius, Nicole c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Patnaude, Suzanne N 16 Hunter Drive Madison, NJ 7940 134 PAVE TECHNOLOGY 2751 Thunderhawk Court Dayton OH 45414-3451 PEDRO GONZALEZ 1269 WALLEYE CMNS FREMONT CA 94536 PAWLING CORP 157 Charles Colman Blvd. PAWLING NY 12564 Pega Precision Inc. 2222 RONALD STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95050 PAWLOWSKI TRUCKING 17797 E. Ritchie Road ROCHELLE IL 61068 PEGASUS-GLASS 211 Shearson Crescent Cambridge Ontario N1T 1J5 Canada PAYCHEX 3875 Hopyard Road P.O. Box 11293 PLEASANTON CA 94588 PEI GENESIS, INC 17500 RED HILL AVENUE SUITE 120 IRVINE CA 92614 PB Specialties 34834 N. 3rd Avenue Phoenix AZ 85086 PEI GENESIS, INC 2180 HORNIG ROAD PHILADELPHIA PA 19116-4289 PCB Piezotronics Inc 15015 COLLECTIONS CENTER DR. CHICAGO IL 60693 PEI GENESIS, INC 2860 Zanker Road Suit # 107 San Jose CA 95134 PCI 2926 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 Pengo, Eriola 410 River Side Ct, #308 Santa Clara, CA 95054 PCI 999 CANAL BLVD. STE B RICHMOND CA 94804 PENINSULA CATERING / BAY 171 5th Ave Suite 203 REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 PEABODY ENG 13435 ESTELLE ST CORONA CA 92879 PENINSULA COATING SERVICE 809 Aldo Ave. #104 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Peake, Jeffrey L 39754 Potrero Drive Newark, CA 94560 PENINSULA CRANE & RIGGING 656 Wool Creek Drive SAN JOSE CA 95112 Pearce, Robert c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 PENINSULA MICROSCOPE 3357 CORNING DR SAN JOSE CA 95118 PENINSULA VALVE & FITTING 1260 Pear Ave. MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Pedowitz Machinery Movers 260 Evans Way Branchberg NJ 08876 Peninsulators, Inc 360 PIERCY ROAD SAN JOSE CA 95138 135 Penkam, Alex 3664 Wilmington Road Fremont, CA 94538 PERKINELMER 13633 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693-3685 PENSION SPECIALISTS, INC. 35 IRON POINT CIRCLE, SUITE 100 FOLSOM CA 95630 PERKINELMER 710 Bridgeport Ave SHELTON CT 06484-4794 PENTAGON TECHNOLOGIES 33687 TREASURY CENTER CHICAGO IL 60694-3600 Perkins, Adam S 623 Becado Place Fremont, CA 94539 PENTAGON TECHNOLOGIES 21031 ALEXANDER COURT HAYWARD CA 94545 Perkins, Roger C. 900 Beaver Court Fremont, CA 94539 PENTAGON TECHNOLOGIES 33687 TREASURY CENTER CHICAGO IL 60694-3600 Perkins, Scott R 5598 Farina Ln Fremont, CA 94538 Perez, Madelynn 37742 Elmore Court Fremont, CA 94536 Pernicka Corporation 112 Racquette Dr. Ft. Collins CO 80524 PERFECTION METAL PRODUCTS 3393 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054-2698 Perry, Robert L. 13056 Water Street San Jose, CA 95111 PER-FIL INDUSTRIES 407 ADAMS ST RIVERSIDE NJ 08075 PERSONNEL CONCEPTS 3200 EAST GUASTI ROAD, STE 300 ONTARIO CA 91761 PERFORMANCE MACHINE TOOLS 3305 EDISON WAY FREMONT CA 94538 PERSYS ENGINEERING INC 815 SWIFT STREET SANTA CRUZ CA 95060 Performance Packaging Con 6799 VERMARINE COURT CARLSBAD CA 92009 Peter B Mumola, Ph.D., LL 110 Riverview Drive Guilford CT 06437-2212 PERFORMANCE POLYMER TECHN 8801 Washington Blvd. Suite 109 Roseville CA 95678-5935 Peter C. Dopsch Morrison & Foerster 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104-0050 PERIDOT CORPORATION 1072 Serpentine Lane SUITE E PLEASANTON CA 94566 PETER LEUNG 2733 BARRINGTON TERRACE FREMONT CA 94536 Peritus CAD neutral 2040 East Murray Holladay Road Suite 202-D Salt Lake UT 84117 136 Peters, Christopher M 152 Martens Avenue Mountain View, CA 94040 Pham, Luyen T 1913 Arizona Avenue Milpitas, CA 95035 Peters, David 1609 Petri Place San Jose, CA 95118 Pham, Tien B 4466 Bush Circle Fremont, CA 94538 Petro-Lubricant Testing L 116 Sunset Inn Road PO BOX 300 Lafayette NJ 07848 Phan, Phuoc Thai Son c/o GES 1210 California Circle Milpitas, CA 95035 PETSMART, INC. 1435 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE EAU CLAIRE WI 54701 Phan, Tam T 1650 Salamoni Court San Jose, CA 95133 PFC SEMI CERAMIC 5432 Production Drive HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649 Phan, Vu Minh 38122 Woodruff Dr Newark, CA 94560 PFEIFFER VACUUM 568 Gibraltor Drive Milpitas CA 95035 Phase 3 Communications In 1775 Monterey Highway Ste 11A San Jose Ca 95112 PFI OF FLORIDA INC 677 BENITAWOOD CT WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 Phase II Machine & Tool 283 Veterans Boulevard Carlstadt NJ 07072 PG & E BOX 997300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95899 PHEONIX PRECISION PLASTIC 3571 LEONARD CT SANTA CLARA CA 95054 PG&E 885 EMBARCADERO DR. ATT: CASSAUNDRA GARDNER WEST SACRAMENTO CA 95605 Phil Frohlich 1924 South Utica #1120 Tulsa, OK 74104 Pham, Benjamin 1121 sunny, ct #D San Jose, CA 95116 Phil Frohlich Pham, Chuong H 3191 Ravenswood Way San Jose, CA 95148 1924 South Utica #1120 Tulsa, OK 74104 Pham, Hieu c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Aveune Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phil Frohlich 1924 South Utica, #1120 Tulsa OK 74104 137 Philadelphia Mixing Solut 1221 EAST MAIN STREET PALMYRA PA 17078 PI (Physik Instrumente) L 16 ALBERT ST AUBURN MA 01501 PHILIP KRAUS 2691 VILLA CORTONA WAY SAN JOSE CA 95125 PIAZZA TRUCKING 9001 Rayo Ave. South Gate CA 90280 PHILLIP CRIMINALE 2179 AUTINORI CT LIVERMORE CA 94550-2522 PIEDMONT MOVING SYSTEMS 1555 S. 7th Street Bldg. A SAN JOSE CA 95112 Phillip Liu 1081 Iberis Ct. Sunnyvale CA 94086 Pierce, John 2026 Foxhall Loop San Jose, CA 95125 Phillips, Michael P 21373 Roaring Water Way Los Gatos, CA 95033 PIEZOSYSTEM JEN, INC. 54 Hopedale St. HOPEDALE MA 01747 Phoenix Glass Decorating 1961 National Avenue Hayward CA 94545 Pina, Elizabeth 4149 Pissarro Drive Stockton, CA 95206 Phoenix Solar PTE LTD 209 Syed Aiwi Road Singapore 207742 PINLEY, INC 3051 Corvin Dr. SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Phommachit, Thane 120 Dixon Landing Rd, #144 Milpitas, CA 95035 Pinnacle Ventures 130 Lytton Avenue Suite 220 Palo Alto, CA 94301 PHOTOMETRICS, INC. 15801 GRAHAM ST. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649 PINNACLE VENTURES 130 Lytton Avenue Suite 220 PALO ALTO CA 94301 Photon Engineering 440 S. Williams Blvd. # 106 Tucson AZ 85711 Pinto Investment Partners LP 1000 Main Street Suite 3250 Houston, TX 77002 Photon Europe GmbH 520 Aachen Germany Pioneer Corporation Servi 4 Shenton Way #04-03 SGX Centre 2 Singapore 6327 3853 PHOTOVALTAIC TESTING LABO 7349 EAST UNITY AVENUE MESA AZ 85212 Piranha Equipment & Oxida 2711 Decoy Ave Atwater CA 95301 PHU V TRAN 5206 PIAZZA PL EL DORADO HILLS CA 95762-4149 138 Pisharoty, Divya 4790 Canvasback Common Fremont, CA 94555 PLASTIC CRAFT TECHNOLOGIE 2175 STONE AVENUE UNIT#8 SAN JOSE CA 95125 PLASTIC DEPOT 41407 ALBRAE ST FREMONT CA 94538 PJs Rebar and Lumber 45055 Fremont Boulevard Fremont CA 94538 Plastic Process Equipment 8303 Corporate Park Dr. Macedonia OH 44056 PJT CORPORATION 6 Azalea Lane SAN CARLOS CA 94070 Plastic Service Center 3424 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054-2637 Plainfield Special Situation Master Fund c/o Plainfield Asset Management LLC 55 Railroad Avenue Plaza Level Greenwich, CT 06380 PLASTICOID COMPANY 249 WEST HIGH STREET ELKTON MD 21921 Plambeck, Albert 1245 Runnymede Drive San Jose, CA 95117 PLASTIFAB INDUSTRIES 7777 TRANSCANADIENNE Saint-Laurent Quebec H4S 1L3 Canada Plans2Reality LLC 4662 Helpert Ct Pleasanton CA 94588 Plastikon Industries, Inc 688 Sandoval Way Hayward CA 94544 PLANSEE USA LLC 115 CONSTITUTION BLDV FRANKLIN MA 02038 Plateau Systems LTD 4401 Wilson Blvd. #400 Arlington VA 22203 Planting & Associates 26726 Moody Road Los Altos Hills CA 94022 PLOTTER PROS, INC 1068 THE ALAMEDA SUITE 100 SAN JOSE CA 95126 PLASCORE INC. 615 N. FAIRVIEW ST. P.O. BOX 170 ZEELAND MI 49464-0170 Plough Electric Supply 1155 Bryant St SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 PLASMATERIALS, INC 2268 Research Drive LIVERMORE CA 94550 PMF 2221 Ringwood Ave SAN JOSE CA 95131 PLASMATREAT NORTH AMERICA 2810-1 Argentina Road Mississauga Ontario L5N 8L2 Canada POBCO, INC. 99 HOPE AVENUE WORCHESTER MA 01603 PLASTIC COR 1390 Neubrecht Rd LIMA OH 45801 POCO Graphite Inc 300 Old Greenwood Road Decatur TX 76234 139 Pogula Sridhar, Sriram 3142 Baylis St Fremont, CA 94538 POLYSCIENCES INC. 400 Valley Road WARRINGTON PA 18976 POLCRAFT, INC Poma, Angel M 13096 Skyline Blvd. Woodside, CA 94062 930 RINCON CIRCLE SAN JOSE CA 95131 POLISHING CORPORATION OF 442 MARTIN AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Pomeroy, Charles E 1407 Cerro Verde San Jose, CA 95120 Poliskie, Georgia Michelle 3507 Palmilla Dr. #3168 San Jose, CA 95134 Popovich, George M 543 Scott Street Fremont, CA 94539 Polyanskaya, Marina 16854B De Witt Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Porcari, Kathleen 3102 Kirk Road San Jose, CA 95124 Polyanskiy, Valentin 48001 LEONTINE CT. FREMONT, CA 94539 Port Plastics Inc. 15325 Fairfield Ranch Rd Suite 150 Chino Hills CA 91709 POLYCARBON INDUSTRIES, IN 435- Lancaster Street LEOMINSTER MA 01453 Porter, Dan William 1072 Darby Drive Tracy, CA 95377 POLYCONN 12975 16th Ave N PLYMOUTH MN 55441 Porter, David 4 Whitings Lane Hailey, Oxfordshire OX29 9XG POLYMER TECHNOLOGY CORPOR 5120 Eagle Point Road Menomonie WI 54751 POLYMERIGHT, INC. 4404 Enterprise Pl., Suite C FREMONT CA 94086-6344 Portley, Janet c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 POLYMICRO TECHNOLOGIES LL 18019 N. 25TH AVENUE PHOENIX AZ 85023 PORTSTON, INC. 3130 LA SELCA ST, SUITE 303 SAN MATEO CA 94404 POLYSCIENCE 6600 W. Touhy Dr. NILES IL 60714 Positech Corporation 191 North Rush Lake Rd Laurens IA 50554-1299 POLYSCIENCE 4670 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 POSITRONIC 1257-B OAKMEAD PARKWAY Sunnyvale CA 94085 140 POWERS MANUFACTURING 2101 S. Hellman Ave, Suite H ONTARIO CA 91761 POSITRONIC CARIBE, INC. 3057 Carr 591 Ei Tuque In 591 Ponce 00731-7603 Puerto Rico POWERTECH LABS, INC. 12388 88TH AVENUE Surrey British Columbia V3W 7R7 Canada Positronics Inc 173 Spring Street, Suite 120 PLEASANTON CA 94566 Powertronix Corporation 1120 Chess Drive Foster City CA 94404 POSTINI 959 Skyway Road Suite 200 San Carlos CA 94070-2715 POWTEK CORPARATION 3060 BRISTOL RD. SUITE 236 BENSALEM PA 19020 Potok, Ronald 750 Miller St 209 San Jose, CA 95110 Prabhakar, Vinay 1401 Red Hawk Circle, Apt # H203 Fremont, CA 94538 POTTER ANDERSON & CORROON 1313 N. MARKET STREET PO BOX 951 WILMINGTON DE 19899 Pravco, Inc 245 Wescott Drive Rahway NJ 07065 POWER BRUSHES, INC. 756 South Byrne Rd. Toledo OH 43609 PRAXAIR 560 RTE #303 Orangeburg NY 10962 Power Presentations, Ltd. 1633 Bayshore Hwy Suite 222 Burlingame CA 94010 PRAXAIR 195-Praxair Distribution Inc. Dept LA 21511 PASADENA CA 91185-1511 POWER PUSHER (DIVISION OF 1425 STAGECOACH ROAD SHAKOPEE MN 55379 PRECISE SIMS INC. 1540 Centre Pointe Dr. MILPITAS CA 95035 POWER STANDARDS LABORATOR 1201 MARINA VILLAGE PARKWAY #101 ALAMEDA CA 94501 PRECISION BRUSH COMPANY 6700 PARKLAND BLVD SOLON OH 44139 POWER TECHNOLOGY, INC 16302 ALEXANDER RD ALEXANDER AR 72002 PRECISION ELECTRONIC GLAS 1013 Hendee Road VINELAND NJ 08360 PowerCET Corporation 3350 Scott Blvd #55 Santa Clara CA 95054 PRECISION FERRITES & CERA 5432 Production Drive HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649 POWERMATIC ASSOCIATES 1057 Serpentine Lane PLEASANTON CA 94566 PRECISION LASER CUTTING I 408 ALDO AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95054 141 Premier Transportation an 851 E. Watsoncenter Road Long Beach CA 90745 PRECISION SOLAR TECHNOLOG 10 CAMINO DEL SENADOR TIJERAS NM 87059 President Enclosures, Inc 46560 FREMONT BLVD #412 FREMONT CA 64538 PRECISION SWISS PRODUCTS 1911 Tarob Court MILPITAS CA 95035 President Enclosures, Inc 8531 MAHOGANY PLACE NEWARK CA 94560 Precision TEM, Inc. 1500 Wyatt Drive Suite 12 Santa Clara CA 95054 President Enclosures, Inc 2108 POMONA BLVD POMONA CA 91768 Precision Tool Distributo 3485 Kifer Road Santa Clara CA 95051 PRESSURE PROFILE SYSTEMS 5757 CENTURY BLVD SUITE 600 LOS ANGELES CA 90045 Precision Urethane & Mach 612 3rd Street Hempstead TX 77445 PRESSURE WASHERS DIRECT 600 TERRITORIAL DRIVE SUITE B BOLINGBROOK IL 60440 PRECISION WEIGHING BALANC 30 SOUTH CROSS ROAD BRADFORD MA 01835-8232 Prestige Lens Lab 338 North Canal St #14 So San Francisco CA 94080 PREFERRED PUMP & EQUIPMEN 4510 South Maple Ave. FRESNO CA 93725 PRESTON INDUSTRIES, INC. 4670 Paysphere Circle CHICAGO IL 60674 Premeau, John Enwin 4446 Hardwood Street Fremont, CA 94538 Primary Systems 188 Brown Gables Rd. Ben Lomond CA 95005 PREMIER ENCLOSURE SYSTEMS 5500 JURUPA STREET ONTARIO CA 91761 PRIME PAY 1291 East Hillsdale Blvd. Suite 100 FOSTER CITY CA 94404 PREMIER INDUSTRIES 3061 103RD LANE NE SUITE 200 BLAINE MN 55449 Print Innovation, Inc dba 10151 S. Anza Blvd Cupertino CA 95014 Premier Packaging Corp. 2416 Research Drive Livermore CA 94550 Pro Gear Warehouse 1026 Mitchell Blvd Springfield OH 45503 PREMIER PIZZA 3944 Rivermark Plaza SANTA CLARA CA 95054 PRO STAINLESS 333 East Brokaw SAN JOSE CA 95112 PREMIER RECYCLE COMPANY 348 PHELAN AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95112 142 Problem Solving Tools 1573 ROSELLI DRIVE LIVERMORE CA 94550 ProtecData 101 First Street #600 Los Altos CA 94022 Probus Executive Search 1961 Landings Drive Mtn. View CA 94043 PROTECH MATERIALS 2560 Barrington Court Hayward CA 94545 PROCESS MATERIALS, INC. 5625 Brisa Street Suite A LIVERMORE CA 94550 ProTemp Mechanical, Inc. 3350 Scott Blvd Bldg #3 Santa Clara CA 95054 PROCESS STAINLESS LAB, IN 1280 MEMOREX DRIVE SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Proteus Ind 340 Pioneer Wy Mountain View CA 94041 PROCESS TECHNOLOGY 7010 Lindsay Drive MENTOR OH 44060 PROTEUS INDUSTRIES INC. 340 PIONEER WAY MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94041-1577 ProcessModel, Inc. 32 West Center Street Suite 301 Provo UT 84601 PROTOCASE 210 South 8th Street LEWISTON NY 14092 PROCO PRODUCTS 2431 NORTH WIGWAM DRIVE STOCKTON CA 95205 Protoco Enterprises, LLC 28757 NW West Union Road North Plains OR 97133 PROFESSIONAL FINISHING 770 MARKET AVE RICHMOND CA 94801-1303 PROTOPULSION, INC 635 BAIR ISLAND ROAD, SUITE 106 REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 PROFESSIONAL PLASTICS 2175 Kruse Drive SAN JOSE CA 95131 PROTOTYPES PLUS 162 CONSTITUTION DR. MENLO PARK CA 94025 Pro-Formance Painting, In 710 E. McGlincy Lane # 103 Campbell CA 95003 PRO-TRACK PRECISION MACHI 701 ALDO AVE UNIT 27 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Progressive Manufacturing 828 New Meister Lane Suite 100 Pflugerville TX 78660 Prouty, Stephen 14901 Berry Way San Jose, CA 95124 PRO-LINE 1230 MADERA ROAD SUITE 5-154 SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 PROVAC SALES 2535 7th Ave Suite 4 SANTA CRUZ CA 95062 PROSIGNS 45277 FREMONT BLVD STE 10 FREMONT CA 94538 PSC - PHILIP SERVICES COR 3909 Park Road Suite D BENICIA CA 94510 143 PSI - PERFORMANCE SEALING 2053 SOUTH LYON STREET SANTA ANA CA 92705 Purity Systems, Inc 2109 O'Toole Ave Suite 1 San Jose CA 95131 PTB SALES 1331 MOUNTAIN VIEW CIRCLE AZUSA CA 91702 PV MEASUREMENTS, INC. 5757 CENTRAL AVE BOULDER CO 80301 PTH SOLUTIONS, INC 191 Stauffer Blvd San Jose CA 95125 Pyramid Balancing Associa 830 Main Street #D Pleasanton CA 94566 PTR MFG 33390 TRANSIT AVE UNION CITY CA 94587 Pyramid Painting, Inc 155 E. Dana Street Mountain View CA 94041 PTX-Pentronix, a subsidia 26395 Northline Commerce Drive Taylor MI 48180 Pyxis Engineering Corpora 3839 Bret Harte Dr Redwood City CA 94061 Pulse Research Lab 1234 Francisco Street Torrance CA 90502 QC INDUSTRIES LLC 4057 CLOUGH WOODS DRIVE BATAVIA OH 45103 Pumping Solutions, Inc. 1400 S. Vineyard Ontario CA 91761 QES COMPUTERS, INC. 5321 Hopyard Rd Suite J PLEASANTON CA 94588 PUMPS AND PROCESS 43260 CHRISTY STREET FREMONT CA 94538 Q-PLUS LABS 13765 Alton Parkway Unit E IRVINE CA 92618 PUMPS INTERNATIONAL, INC 360 Digital Dr. MORGAN HILL CA 95037 Quach, Andy c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 PUMPS INTERNATIONAL, INC 716 Hull Street HENDERSON NV 89015 QuadTech 5 Clock Tower Place Suite 210 East Maynard MA 01754 Purdy, Daniel 1272 Monte Vista Ct. Benicia, CA 94510 Quail Electronics, Inc. 2171 Research Drive LIVERMORE CA 94550 PURESAFETY 1321 Murfreesboro Road Suite 200 NASHVILLE TN 37217 Quality Assured Strategie 921 Portswood Circle San Jose CA 95120 Purfresh, Inc 47211 Bayside Pkwy Fremont CA 94538 QUALITY BEARINGS AND COMP 125 RAILROAD AVENUE GARDEN CITY NY 11040-5016 144 Quicho, Crispin c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 QUALITY ELECTRONICS 7761 SANTA MONICA BLVD. WEST HOLLYWOOD CA 90046 Quality Erectors & Constr 3130 Bayshore Road Benicia CA 94510 Quick Dog 1136 Ridgeley Dr Campbell CA 95008 QUALITY FIRST SYSTEMS, IN 10301 ENTERPRISE DRIVE DAVISBURG MI 48350 Quintanilla, Daniel 2445A Industrial Parkway West HAYWARD CA 94545 QUALITY MACHINING & DESIG 2857 Aiello Dr SAN JOSE CA 95131 Quintanilla, Daniel 6375 Dairy Ave Newark CA 94560 QUALITY PLASTIC INDUSTRIE 38995 CHERRY STREET NEWARK CA 94560 Quintilla, Neri 676 N. Jackson Ave. San Jose, CA 95133 QUALITY SCALE 5401 BYRON HOT SPRINGS RD BYRON CA 94514 QUINTRONIX 2445A INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY HAYWARD CA 94545 QUALITY TRANSFORMER & ELE 963 Ames Ave. Milpitas CA 95935 Qureshi, Azfar 1088 Lund Terrace Sunnyvale, CA 94089 QUALITY TRANSFORMER CORP 150 EAST AURORA St WATERBURY CT 06708 Qureshi, Qasim 1996 Linden Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 QUANTA LABORATORIES 3199 DE LA CRUZ SANTA CLARA CA 95054 R & M ELECTRIC MOTOR SVC 5715 Southfront Rd Ste A1 LIVERMORE CA 94551 Quershi, Mohammad c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 R & S Erection of Alameda 31298 San Antonio St Hayward Ca 94544 QUEST SOFTWARE 5 POLARIS WAY ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 R D ABBOTT CO., INC 12330 MCCANN DRIVE SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670 Quest Technologies, Inc 1060 Corporate Center Drive OCONOMOWOC WI 53066 R&K SUPPLY COMPANY 16 FINCH STREET HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC 29926 145 R&R Machining 1585 N. Fourth Street Unit 1 SAN JOSE CA 95112 RAF ELECTRONIC HARDWARE 95 SILVERMINE RD SEYMOUR CT 06483 R&R Refrigeration and Air 1775 Monterey Rd. #66A San Jose CA 95112 RAF Electronics Hardware 95 Silvermine Road Seymour CT 06483 R. J. Chase Company, Inc. 4000 Tara Court Union City CA 94587 Rafanan, Dion 2969 Calle De Las Flores San Jose, CA 95148 R.B. HIGH TECH TRANSPORT 38503A CHERRY STREET NEWARK CA 94560 Raikar, Santosh 105 New England Ave, #S6 Summit, NJ 7901 R.F. MacDonald Co 25920 Eden Landing Road Hayward CA 94545 RAINBOW ELECTRONICS 670 Nuttman st. unit 109 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 R.M. HOFFMAN COMPANY 159 San Lazaro Avenue SUNNYVALE CA 94086 RAINIER RUBBER COMPANY 15660 Nelson Place South SEATTLE WA 98188 R.T.S. Systems & Design 5726 Sonoma Drive # A Pleasanton CA 94566 Rajchel, Joseph Frank 1546 Orillia Ct Sunnyvale, CA 94087 R.T.S. Systems & Design 7026 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY, SUITE 230 PLEASANTON CA 94566 Rakesh, Lakshmi V. 4021 Drew Terrace Fremont, CA 94538 R.W. Beck Inc. 1001 Fourth Ave #2500 Seattle WA 98154-1004 RALPH WADENSWEILER 1640 KALISPELL CT SUNNYVALE CA 94087 R+W America 1120 Tower Lane Bensenville IL 60106 RAM PRECISION MACHINING 2762 GLEN FIRTH DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95133 RAAS Solutions Inc. 4021 CAMPANA DR. PALO ALTO CA 94306 RAMCO ELECTRIC 1207 Maple St. WEST DES MOINES IA 50265 Radiant ZEMAX, LLC 3001 112th Avenue NE, Suite 202 BELLEVUE WA 98004-8017 RAMCO INNOVATIONS (SUN-X) 1207 Maple Street WEST DES MOINES IA 50265 RADIC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1141 Ringwood Ct. Suite 170 SAN JOSE CA 95131 146 Ramirez, Adrian c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Randolph, Kevin c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Ramirez, Brian 174 Fleming Ct San Jose, CA 95127 Ranganathan, Senthil 44820 Parkmeadow Drive Fremont, CA 94539 Ramirez, Hugo c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 RAPID PRECISION MFG., INC 1516 MONTAGUE EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE CA 95131 Rapid Prototype Machining 747 Ames Avenue Milpitas CA 95035 Ramirez, Leonardo F 1782 Home Gate Dr. San Jose, CA 95148 Rathbun Associates, Inc. 48890 MILMONT DR. SUITE 109D FREMONT CA 94538 Ramirez, Marco A 1709 Nighthawk Way Modesto, CA 95358 Rathbun Associates, Inc. 1220-C Pear Avenue MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Ramos, Benigno c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 RATSON MORAD 4157 SOLANA DRIVE PALO ALTO CA 94306 Ramos, Carlos 760 Batista Drive San Jose, CA 95136 Rave Precision 4400 Automall Parkway Fremont CA 94538 Rave Precision 31154 San Benito Street Hayward CA 94544 Rampoldi, Claudio 210 Calderon Ave, Apt. 16 Mountain View, CA 94041 Ray Scheidts Electric Inc 1055 North 7th Street San Jose CA 95112-4426 RAND WORLDWIDE 5285 Solar Drive MISSISSAUGA ON L4W 5B8 Canada Ray Sims 1270 University Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Randall Small Associates 1886 WOODLAND DR. # 8 POST OFFICE 1594 FAIRFIELD IA 52556 Ray Sims 1270 University Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Randolph McEvoy U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 RAY-BAR ENGINEERING CORP 697 W FOOTHILL BLVD AZUSA CA 91702 147 Reddy, Anand 812 Vermont St., Apt. B Oakland, CA 94610 Rayco Mfg 5520 Bridgewood Drive Sterling Heights MI 48310 REDLINE SOLUTIONS, INC. 1700 WYATT DRIVE SUITE 15 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 RAYMOND HANDLING CONCEPTS 41400 BOYCE ROAD FREMONT CA 94538 Redpoint Associates II, L 3000 Sand Hill Road Building 2 Suite 290 Menlo Park CA 94025 RAYMOND SIMS 1270 University Ave. PALO ALTO CA 94301 RAYMOND WILBUR 4759 BLANCO DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95129 Redpoint Ventures Attention: Lars Pedersen 3000 Sand Hill Road 2-290 Menlo Park, CA 94025 RAYTECH 635 E. FIRST STREET SUITE 203 TUSTIN CA 92780 REDPOINT VENTURES II, L.P 3000 SAND HILL ROAD BUILDING 2 SUITE 290 MENLO PARK CA 94025 RCO Associates 4 Fallow Lane Ladera Ranch CA 92694 Reductio Advertising, Inc 120 2nd Street 3rd Floor San Francisco CA 94105 RDC MACHINE INC. 384 Laurelwood Road SANTA CLARA CA 95054 RED-WHITE VALVE CORP 20600 Regency Lane Lake Forest CA 92630 RDM INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 1652 WATSON COURT MILPITAS CA 95035 Redwood City Electric, In 2775 Northwestern Parkway Santa Clara CA 95051 RDO INDUCTION LLC 50 E. Johnston Street WASHINGTON NJ 07882 Redwood Global 520 E. Trimble San Jose CA 95131 Real Time Automation 150 S. SUNNYSLOPE ROAD SUITE 130 BROOKFIELD WI 53005 REDWOOD PACKAGING, INC. 41550 Boscell Road FREMONT CA 94538 Recycling Equipment Repai 1017 EL CAMINO REAL #356 Redwood City CA 94063 REED SWITCH DEVELOPMENTS 2524 NORWOOD COURT RACINE WI 53403-3870 RedBridge IT, Inc. 957A Industrial Road San Carlos CA 94070 Reed, Tefford 288 3rd Street, Unit 410 Oakland, CA 94607 RedBridge IT, Inc. 1810 Oakland Road Suite F San Jose CA 95131 148 Rendon, Lucio c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ReflecTech 4880 Robb St. Unit#1 Wheat Ridge CO 80033 Regeczy, Thomas 3023 Kaiser Drive Unit. G Santa Clara CA 95051 Renishaw 6758 EAGLE WAY CHICAGO IL 60678-1067 Regis Grasser 37 rue Notre Dame de Recouvrance Orleans 45000 France Renishaw 5277 Trilluim Blvd Hoffman Estates IL 60192 REGUS 27th, 30th, 33rd Fl. Trade Tower 159-1 Samsung-dong Seoul 135-729 Korea REPEATED SIGNAL SOLUTIONS 7127 Hollister Avenue, Suite #109 Santa Barbara CA 93117 Reidy, Sean G. 148 Barkentine Street Foster City, CA 94404 Research in Motion 12432 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 Reinhardt Roofing, Inc 8250 Enterprise Dr Newark CA 94560 Research in Motion 122 West John Carpenter Parkway Irvine TX 75039 Reiter, Jeffrey 757 Tennyson Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94303 Residence Inn 1501 California Circle Milpitas CA 95035 RELIABILITY DIRECT, INC. 2911 South Shore Blvd. Suite 170 LEAGUE CITY TX 77573 Resources Edge, Inc./Tale 6375 S. Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 RELIANCE MACHINE PRODUCTS 4265 Solar Way Fremont CA 94538 RESOURCES GLOBAL PROFESSI 3979 Freedom Circle, Suite 220 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 RELIANT LABS, INC RESTAURANT O CATERING AND 2081 S. Winchester Blvd. CAMPBELL CA 95008 925 Thompson Place Sunnyvale CA 94085 RELIASOFT 1450 S. Eastside Loop TUSCON AZ 85710-6703 Retuta, Jaime 2011 Mandelay Place San Jose, CA 95138 Remo, Wynn T. 2847 Montair Way Union City, CA 94587 Retuta, Jaime A. 2011 Mandelay Pl San Jose CA 95138 Revilla, Claudio 245 Bieber Dr San Jose, CA 95123 149 RICHARD CHAO 10415 PRUNE TREE LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-2022 REXEL 1940 Fairway Dr. San Leandro CA 94577 Richard Gravely 5536 Blossom Vista Ave San Jose CA 95124 Reyes Jr., Ponciano 1169 Fallen Leaf Milpitas, CA 95035 Richards, Bart Anthony 30700 Manton Rd Manton, CA 96059 Reyes, Emmaruth T. 27475 Hesperian Blvd apt 187 Hayward CA 94545 Richards, Jeffrey D. 3837 Gardie Place Way San Jose, CA 95121 Reyes, Jerardo 17800 crest ave #8 MORGAN HILL, CA 95037 RICHLAND GLASS 1640 Southwest Blvd VINELAND NJ 08360 Reyes, Jesus 2572 Sesame Court San Jose, CA 95148 Richmond Technology 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE 3068 CHICAGO IL 60675-3068 Reyes, Miguel E. 10340 Sterling Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Richmond, Steven Charles 5243 Bristol Place Newark, CA 94560 REYNALDO A BALTODANO 825 S SAN TOMAS AQUINO RD APT 8 CAMPBELL CA 95008-4445 RICHTER PRECISION, INC. 1021 Commercial Ave. East Petersburg PA 17520 Reynolds, Eric 310 Capp St. San Francisco, CA 94110 RICK COUSHMAN 830 HEAVENLY PLACE MILPITAS CA 95035 RF INDUSTRIES LTD 7610 MIRAMAR RD SAN DIEGO CA 92126 RICK HERNS PRODUCTIONS 164 Jefferson Dr. Suite O MENLO PARK CA 94025 RF MACDONALD COMPANY 25920 Eden Landing Road HAYWARD CA 94545 RIGA ANALYTICAL LAB INC. 3375 Scott Blvd. Suite #132 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 RGS INDUSTRIES 445 Laurelwood Road SANTA CLARA CA 95054 RIGAKU / MSC, INC. 23721 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO IL 60673-1237 RICHARD C GRIFFITHS 20000 ALMADEN RD SAN JOSE CA 95120-3514 RIGAKU / MSC, INC. 9009 New Trails Dr. WOODLANDS TX 77381 150 Rigaku Americas Corporati 23721 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO IL 60673-1237 RISK CONTROL CONSULTING S 1547 PALOS VERDES MALL # 297 WALNUT CREEK CA 94597 Rigaku Americas Corporati 9009 NEW TRAILS DR THE WOODLAND TX 77381 RISK REACTOR 877 Main Street Dallas OR 97338 RIGAKU MAGNASEAL 23721 Network Place CHICAGO IL 60673-1237 Rite-Hite Corporation 8900 North Arbon Drive Milwaukee WI 53223 RightCycle 16 Palm Ct Menlo Park CA 94025 RIVA BRANDMAN 27686 Natoma Road LOS ALTOS CA 94022 Rigon, Fernando c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Rivermark Village 3938 Rivermark Plaza Santa Clara CA 95054 RJ LEE GROUP INC. (CA) 530 McCormick St. SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 Rikhi, Kern 1811 Strawberry Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 RJ SEARCH c/o Robert Jaim 121 N. 8th Street #12 SAN JOSE CA 95121 Rikhi, Neeta 3474 Butcher Drive Santa Clara, CA 95051 RJD Photography 1450 BEACON AVE San Leandro CA 94579 Rinne & Peterson 1121 San Antonio Rd Palo Alto CA 94303 RJN Industries Inc. 1311 Rosalia Ave. San Jose CA 95130 Rino Mechanical 216 North Main St. Freeport NY 11520 RK ELECTRIC- COMMUNICATIO 42021 Osgood Road FREMONT CA 94539 Rios Martinez, Perla L. 15300 Winchester Blvd #12 Los Gatos, CA 95030 RKC Instrument 4245 Meghan Beeler Court Suite 2 South Bend IN 46628 Rios, Guadalupe 326 Harlan Street San Leandro, CA 94577 RKI INSTRUMENTS, INC 33248 CENTRAL AVENUE UNINON CITY CA 94587 RIPPEY CORPORATION 5000 Hillsdale Circle EL DORADO HILLS CA 95762 RLK Effikenergy LLC 729 Lawton St San Francisco CA 94122 151 RMA ELECTRONICS 35 Pond Park Road #12 HINGHAM MA 02043 ROCKPORT CAPITAL PARTNERS 160 FEDERAL STREET 18TH FLR BOSTON MA 02110-1700 ROADRUNNER DAWES 3576 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 Rockport Capital Partners II Attention: Mr. David Prend 160 Federal Street 18th Floor Boston,MA 02110 ROBERT A DROP 1181 CALLE ORIENTE MILPITAS CA 95035-3740 Rockport Capital Partners III ROBERT G. JOHANSON 517 KENILWORTH CT SUNNYVALE CA 94087 Attention: Mr. Steve Mitchell 6733 South Yale Tulsa,OK 74136 ROBERT HERRICK 3453 LYNN OAKS DR SAN JOSE CA 95117-2533 ROCKY MOUNTAIN MATERIALS 160 MEADOWLARK DRIVE SUITE 2-1 EVERGREEN CO 80439 Robert Kirchman U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Rocky Mountain Materials 160 Meadowlark Drive Suite 2-1 Evergreen CO 80439 ROBERT RASH 424 Stone Court SAN JOSE CA 95125 ROCOM CORP 5957 ENGINEER DRIVE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649 ROBERT RASH (E&F PLASTICS 2756 Aiello Drive SAN JOSE CA 95111 Rodarte, Jose c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Robert Zmrzli 18569 Allendale Ave Saratoga CA 95070 Rodriguez, Jim 3172 Heritage Estates Ct. San Jose, CA 95148 ROBERTO BRUM 1510 SAN ANTONIO WAY MORGAN HILL CA 95037-2943 Rodriguez, Kenneth A 3453 Londonderry Drive Santa Clara, CA 95050 Robin Materials 1951 -T Colony St. Mt. View CA 94043 Rodriguez, Robert c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 ROCKPORT CAPITAL MANAGEME 160 Federal Street 18th Floor BOSTON MA 02110 Rodriguez, Vince 6899 Rockton Avenue San Jose, CA 95119 Rockport Capital Partners Attention: Mr. David Prend 160 Federal Street, 18th Floor Boston, MA 02110 152 ROFIN ROFIN-SINAR INC 40984 CONCEPT DRIVE PLYMOUTH MI 48170 Romero, Melanie 2251 Woodranch Road San Jose, CA 95131 Roger Shanks 10313 Canyon Valley Avenue Las Vegas NV 89145 Romero, Ray c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Roger W. Martin 11470 N. 128th Place Scottsdale AZ 85259 ROMIC ENVIRONMENTAL 2081 BAY ROAD EAST PALO ALTO CA 94303 ROGUE ENGINEERING 1241 Kendall Court WALNUT CREEK CA 94595 Romua, Alejo Desamito 1566 Mission Springs Circle San Jose, CA 95131 Rojas, Jason Michael 4460 Millard Ave. Fremont, CA 94538 Roos, Nicolaas Wydenstrasse 6 Zurich, Switzerland 8004 ROLAND WINSTON, WINSTON & 3384 Locksley Court MERCED CA 95340 RORZE AUTOMATION 1625 McCandless Drive MILPITAS CA 95035 Roldan, Edward E. 1497 Arizona Ave. Milpitas, CA 95035 ROSE ELECTRONICS 10707 STANCLIFF RD HOUSTON TX 77099 ROLL RITE CORPORATION 26265 RESEARCH ROAD HAYWARD CA 94545-3725 Rosemount Inc 8200 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317-9687 Rollei & Hensel Service 1275 Bloomfield Avenue Fairfield NJ 07004-2708 Rosendin Electric, Inc 880 N. Mabury Ave San Jose CA 95110 ROLLPRINT PACKAGING PRODU 320 SOUTH STEWART AVE ADDISON IL 60101 Rosenthal, Susan E. 2601 Warwick Lane Santa Cruz, CA 95065 ROLLPRINT PACKAGING PRODU 5376 PAYSPHERE CIRCLE CHICAGO IL 60674 ROSS CLARK MATERIALS HAND 2401 GOLD RIVER ROAD RANCHO CORDOVA CA 95670 Roman, Jason c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ROTON PRODUCTS 660 EAST ELLIOTT AVE ST. LOUIS MO 63122 ROMERO & ASSOCIATES 305 Beel Drive SANTA CRUZ CA 95060 153 Rough Brothers 5513 Vine St. Cincinnati OH 45217 RUSH ROOFING 1605 Chris Lane SAN MARTIN CA 95046 Roy, Kiran 43586 Euclid Drive Fremont, CA 94539 RUSHWAY DELIVERIES SERVIC 1341 Lowrie ave SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA 94080 ROYAL BRASS INC. 1066 N. 10th St. SAN JOSE CA 95112 RUSSELL`S LANDSCAPING 991 Redmond Ave. SAN JOSE CA 95120 Royal Glass Company Inc 3200 Dela Cruz Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054 RUSSELLs LANDSCAPING 5104 SEVERANCE DR. SAN JOSE CA 95136 ROYAL WHOLESALE ELECTRIC 14492 DOOLITTLE DR SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 Russon, Colton P 37200 Meadowbrook Cmn., Apt. 203 Fremont, CA 94536 RT Manufacturing Co Inc. 1000 Rand Road Unit 212 WAUCONDA IL 60084 Russon, Gregory K. 18 Pyrola Lane San Carlos, CA 94070 Ruan, Jay 32768 Artistry Loop Union City CA 94587 RUTLAND TOOL & SUPPLY 169 E. Brokaw Rd. SAN JOSE CA 95112 Rubber Products Distribut 2725 Tobey Drive Indianapolis IN 46219 Ruzhenov, Mihail A 21230 Homestead Rd., Apartment # 56 Cupertino, CA 95014 Ruben Consulting Group, I 520 Paycheck Street San Francisco CA 94116 Ruzsa, Sandor 742 Azule Ave San Jose, CA 95123 Ruble, Michael I PO BOX 15471 Fremont, CA 94539 RYAN HERCO PRODUCTS CORP 1819 Junction Ave. SAN JOSE CA 95131 RUGGEDCOM 30 Whitmore Road Woodbridge Ontario L4L 7Z4 Canada RYAN KUNIS 4090 PALADIN DR SAN JOSE CA 95124-3720 RULAND MANUFACTURING COMP 6 HAYES MEMORIAL DRIVE MARLBOROUGH MA 01752 Ryan Process, Inc. 866 Podva Road Danville CA 94526 Ruland, Jana Auf der Hoh 2 Holzkirchen, Miesbach 83607 154 Ryan, Nathaniel 6907 Corte Barcelona Pleasanton, CA 94566 Sabharwal, Narendra c/o West Valley Staffing 33898 Juliet Circle Fremont, CA 94555 Ryssdal, Adam 2412 Harrison St. #114 San Francisco, CA 94110 SABINO CREEK SOFTWARE, IN 28990 N. White Feather Lane Unit 186 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85262 S & M MOVING SYSTEMS 48551 WARM SPRINGS BLVD FREMONT CA 94539 Sablan, Pia 2119 Minto Drive San Jose, CA 95132 S AND L PLASTICS 2860 BATH PIKE NAZARETH PA 18064 SACHIN D PARGAONKAR 664 MENTE LINDA LOOP MILPITAS CA 95035-8635 S&L Machine Logics 3314 Victor Ct Santa Clara CA 95054 SACHIN PARGAONKAR 390 Elan Village Lane # 323 San Jose CA 95134 S&M MOVING SYSTEMS 48551 WARM SPRINGS BLVD. FREMONT CA 94539 SACRAMENTO ELECTRONIC SUP 11280 SANDERS DRIVE RANCO CORDOVA CA 95742 S&S SUPPLIES & SOLUTIONS 48541 WARM SPRINGS BLVD. SUITE 501A FREMONT CA 94538 SAENGSATHIT SILARAK 3501 LAFAYETTE ST APT 15 SANTA CLARA CA 95054-2711 S. Schneider Investments Ltd, 33 Jabotinsky St. Migdaley Haeopmim 1, Ramat Gan Israel 52511 SAES Pure Gas, Inc. 5175 Santa Fe Road San Luis Obispo CA 93401 S.J. GENERAL BUILDING MAI 919 Berryessa Rd., Suite #10 SAN JOSE CA 95133 SAFE-LIGHT INDUSTRIES LLC 344 VIVIAN STREET LONGMONT CO 80501 Saadeh, Sameh A 7 Gladstone Drive East Brunswick, NJ 8816 Safety Max 2256 Palou Ave. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94124 SAFETY SPEED CUT MFG CO 13943 LINCOLN STREET NE HAM LAKE MN 55304 SABA QURESHI 1996 LINDEN LN MILPITAS CA 95035-2538 SAFEWAY 3970 Rivermark Plaza SANTA CLARA CA 95053 Sabala, David 530 B San Pablo Ct Morgan Hill, CA 95037 155 Salehi, Saleh 2581 Tennis Ln Tracy, CA 95377 SAFT 1, rue Mozart Brie-Compte Robert 77170 France Sage Metering, Inc. 8 Harris Court D-1 Monterey CA 93940 Saloufakos, Peter T 1118 Atherton Drive Tracy, CA 95304 SAGER ELECTRONICS 17330 Brookhurst St FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 Salter, Trevor Robert 5699 Merit Way Fremont, CA 94538 Saginaw Control & Enginee 5110 70th Ave Kenosha WI 53144 Salvador, Emerson 412 Terra Mesa Way Milpitas, CA 95035 Saginaw Control & Enginee 95 Midland Road Saginaw MI 48638 Salvador, Rose C 223 Ayer Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 SAINT - GOBAIN ADVANCED C 168 Creekside Drive AMHERST NY 14228 SAM'S CHOWDER HOUSE 4120 N CABRILLO HIGHWAY HALF MOON BAY CA 94019 SAINT - GOBAIN ADVANCED C 7462 PO BOX 7247 PHILADELPHIA PA 19170-7462 SAMU% 39591 Blacow Road Fremont CA 94538 Saint Gobain Performance 386 Metacom Ave Bristol RI 02809 SAN JOSE 1810 Oakland Road Suite F San Jose CA 95131 Saint-Gobain Abrasives, I 65 Beale Road Arden NC 28704 SAN JOSE BLUE 927 Kifer Road SUNNYVALE CA 94086 SAINT-GOBAIN QUARTZ USA 10300 ORMSBY PARK PLACE SUITE 450 LOUISVILLE KY 40223-6185 San Jose Boiler Works 610 Stockton Avenue San Jose CA 95126 Salazar, Anthony c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SAN JOSE DELTA ASSOCIATES 482 Sapena Court SANTA CLARA CA 95054 SAN JOSE DISTRIBUTION SER 2055 SOUTH 7TH STREET SUITE A SAN JOSE CA 95112 Salazar-Francisco, Cristina 1845 Sterling Landing San Jose, CA 95131 156 SAN JOSE ENGINEERING 2059 Camden Suite 121 SAN JOSE CA Santa Clara County-Dept o 1555 Berger Dr #300 SAN JOSE FORKLIFT 888 Stockton Ave SAN JOSE CA 95110 Santa Clara County-Dept o 1555 Berger Dr #300 San Jose CA 95112 SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS 750 Ridder Park Drive SAN JOSE CA 95190-0001 SANTA CLARA FIRE DEPARTME 1675 Lincoln Street SANTA CLARA CA 95050 SANAT DAVE 40693 PALATINO ST FREMONT CA 94539-3833 SANTA CLARA PLATING CO. I 1773 GRANT STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Sanchez, Anthony Ignacio 2060 Village Drive Tracy, CA 95376 Santos, Edward Alves 166 North 13th Street San Jose, CA 95112 Sanchez, Jose Luis 5417 Countrystone Dr Salida, CA 95368 Santos, Juan c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 San Jose, CA 95112 Sanchez, Joseph P 45571 Kiowa Ct Fremont, CA 94539 Santos, Roberto 1671 Spring Ct Tracy, CA 95376 Sancho-Dobles, Sebastian Av. Mortalaz 55, 1I Madrid, Spain 28030 Sanville, Victoria Jean 327 10th Street SE, #4 Washington, DC 20003 Sanderson Studios, Inc 17287 Skyline Blvd PMB2001 Woodside CA 94062 SANYO DENKI AMERICA INC. 468 AMAPOLA AVE TORRANCE CA 90501 Sandip Gupta 49024 Cruz Court Fremont CA 94539 SANYO DENKI AMERICA INC. 1700 Wyatt Drive Suite 17 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Sandusky, James Gregory 43298 Banda Terrace Fremont, CA 94539 Sapirman, Teresa 2080 Marich Way, #12 Mountain View, CA 94040 Sanfilippo, Seth c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Portero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SAPPHIRE AUTOMATION INC. 200 Brown Road Suite 200 FREMONT CA 94539 157 SARAH HSIA 6815 TAGLIO CT SAN JOSE CA 95120-2127 Sayah, Akbar M 39357 Monterey way Fremont, CA 94538 SARTORIUS MECHATRONICS CO 131 HEARTLAND BLVD EDGEWOOD NY 11717 SBMC SOLUTIONS LLC 2960 Copper Rd SANTA CLARA CA 95051 SARTORIUS MECHATRONICS CO 1320 South Priest Dr Suite #104 Tempe AZ 85281 SC SOLUTIONS, INC. 1261 Oakmead Parkway SUNNYVALE CA 94085 SARTORIUS STEDIM NORTH AM 5 ORVILLE DRIVE BOHEMIA NY 11716 Scandic Springs, Inc. 700 Montague Avenue San Leandro CA 94577 SARTORIUS STEDIM NORTH AM 131 HEARTLAND BLVD EDGEWOOD NY 11717 SCANLAB AMERICA, INC. 2020 Calamos Court, Suite 250 NAPERVILLE IL 60563 Satcon 27 Drydock Avenue Boston MA 02210-2377 Scannell, William J. 1041 Ringwood Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 SATCON POWER SYSTEMS 27 DRYDOCK AVENUE BOSTON MA 02210 SCANSOFT 9 Centennial Drive PEABODY MA 01960 Saucedo, Andrew c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SCHAEVITZ SENSORS 1000 LUCAS WAY HAMPTON WA 23666 SCHAUF COOLING TOWER REPA 225 W.HAMIILTON AVENUE CAMPBELL CA 95008 Sauger, James 5255 Tesla Road Livermore, CA 94550 Schenker, Inc. 150 Albany Ave. Freeport NY 11520 SAVANT AUTOMATION, INC. 2748-A COURIER DRIVE NW WALKER MI 49534- Scher, Erik 1518 Dolores Street San Francisco CA 94110 Sax, Charles A. 4261 Garibaldi Place Pleasanton, CA 94566 SCHLETTER INC. 2520 N. JACKRABBIT TUCSON AZ 85745 Saxena, Priyank 4829 Paseo Padre Pkwy Fremont, CA 94555 Schneider, Daniela Minorstrasse 20 Munich, Germany 81477 158 Schneider, Jeffrey H 54 Arroyo Way San Francisco, CA 94127 SCI ENGINEERED MATERIALS 2839 CHARTER ST. COLUMBUS OH 43228 Schneider, Ronny Carl-Fohr-Str. 7b Miesbach, Bavaria 83714 SCICON TECHNOLOGIES CORP 27525 NEWHALL RANCH ROAD UNIT 2 VALENCIA CA 91355 Scholl, Bertha Janine 4737 Denevi Drive San Jose, CA 95130 SCIENCETECH INC. 45 MEG DRIVE London Ontario N6E 2V2 Canada SCHOONOVER INC 222 Riverstone Dr. CANTON GA 30114 SCIENTIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL 924 Industrial Ave PALO ALTO CA 94303 SCHOTT Glas Export GmbH 555 Taxter Road Elmsford NY 10523 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT SER 1027 Old York Rd Ringoes NJ 08551 SCHOTT NORTH AMERICA, INC 555 Taxter Road ELMSFORD NY 10523 Scientific Metal Finishin 3180 Molinaro Street Santa Clara CA 95054 Schreiner ProTech 300 CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 10 BLAUVELT NY 10913 SCIENTIFIC PLATERS, INC. 9809 Kitty Lane Oakland CA 94603 Schreiner ProTech 21477 Bridge Street Suite I Southfield MI 48033 SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT, INC 23449 FOLEY ST. HAYWARD CA 94545 Schuler, Bernhard L. 3287 Edinburgh Drive Livermore, CA 94551 SCIQUIP LLC 225 Willow Brook Road FREEHOLD NJ 07728 Schwartz, Benjamin 29 Mendosa Ave San Francisco, CA 94116 SC-MECH SOLUTION, INC 2241 PARAGON DR. SAN JOSE CA 95131 Schwarzinger, Robert Anton 4875 W. 98th Ave Westminster, CO 80031 Scollay, Stuart W 1319 Coniston Court San Jose, CA 95118 Schweigert, Daniel 3461 High Common Fremont, CA 94538 SCOTT CONTAINERS 403 Acker St. SANGER TX 76266 SCOTT EDMONSON 1792 DUVALL DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95130 159 SEAMATES CONSOLIDATION SE 316 MAIN STREET EAST RUTHERFORD NJ 07073 Scott River Company LLC 10 Jackson Street #203B Los Gatos CA 95030 Sean Lovelass 440 Dixon Landing Rd #D105 Milpitas CA 95035 Scott, Demetrius Lemule 7878 Lockwood St Oakland, CA 94621 SEASTROM MFG INC 456 Seastrom street TWINS FALLS ID 83301 Scott, John 1001 Olive St. Menlo Park, CA 94025 Seawolf Digital Group 90 Primrose Lane Calistoga CA 94515 Scottsdale Mountain Consu 13756 East Paradise Drive Scottsdale AZ 85259 SECRETARY OF STATE 1500 11th Street Screen Tech Inc 470 Needles Drive San Jose CA 95112 Sacramento, CA 94244-2300 SECRETARY OF STATE 1500 11th Street PO Box 944230 SACRAMENTO CA 94244-2300 SCS/COOKSON ELECTRONICS 7645 Woodland Drive INDIANAPOLIS IN 46278 Secure Doors and Windows 3350 Scott blvd #8 Santa Clara CA 95054 SD GROUP 1221 Gingerwood Drive MILPITAS CA 95035 SEFAR INC. 111 CALUMET STREET DEPEW NY 14043 SDP/SI 2101 Jericho Turnpike P.O. BOX 5416 NEW HYDE PARK NY 11042-5416 SEIA Membership 575 7th Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington DC 20004 SE LABORATORIES INC 1625 COMSTOCK STREET SANTA CLARA CA 95054 SEILEREI VOIGT JAHRE 2 Gewerbegeblet SUD-OST 04849 BAD DUBEN 04849 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY (US) H 10200 S. De Anza Boulevard M/S CPCA03C9 P.O. Box 4030 CUPERTINO CA 95015 SEISMIC ANCHORING SYSTEMS 1370 VANDER WAY SAN JOSE CA 95112 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY (US) H 900 Disc Drive Mailstop SV02/P11 Attn: Corporate Real Estate Manager SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 SEALEVEL SYSTEM 2779 Greenville Highway Liberty SC 29657 Seiwa Optical America 3042 Scott Blvd Santa Clara CA 95054 SEKO WORLDWIDE, LLC. 1100 ARLINGTON HEIGHT ROAD ITASCA IL 60143 160 SELCO PRODUCTS CO. 605 South East Street ANAHEIM CA 92805 Sen, Amit 4388 Indigo Drive San Jose, CA 95136 SELCO/ECC 605 East St. ANAHEIM CA 92805-4842 Sen, Narung c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Selective Adsorption Asso 534 Gables Court PENNDEL PA 19047 SENCORP/WHITE SYSTEMS, IN 400 KIDDS HILL ROAD HYANNIS MA 02601 SEMI 3081 Zanker Rd San Jose CA 95134 Sensatronics 9020 N Capital of Texas Hwy Bldg 1, Ste 155 AUSTIN TX 78759 SEMI ANALYTICS, LLC 555 BRYANT STREES M/S 546 PALO ALTO CA 94301 Sensatronics Environmenta 20A Dunklee Road Bow NH 03304 SEMICON TOOLS INC. 554 North State Road BRIARCLIFF MANOR NY 10510 SENSOR PRODUCTS INC 300 MADISON AVE MADISON NJ 07940 SEMICONSOFT, INC 83 Pine Hill Rd SOUTHBOROUGH MA 01772 SENSOR TECHNICS 896 Main Street WALPOLE MA 02081 SEMICORE EQUIPMENT INC 5027 Preston Avenue LIVERMORE CA 94550 SENTHIL RANGANATHAN 44820 PARKMEADOW DRIVE FREMONT CA 94539 SEMINET AUTOMATION 5853 RUE FERRARI #20 SAN JOSE CA 95138 SENTRO TECH CORP 296 KARL ST. BEREA OH 44017 SEMITORR DISTRIBUTION, IN 6336 Patterson Pass Rd SUITE H LIVERMORE CA 94550 Sera Solar Corporation 15 Redberry Ridge Portola Valley, CA 94028 SEMITORR DISTRIBUTION, IN 25749 SW Canyon RD, STE 300 WILSONVILLE OR 97070 Sera Solar Corporation 15 Redberry Ridge Portola Valley, CA 94028 SEMROCK 2077 SOLUTIONS CENTER CHICAGO IL 60677-2000 SERMATECH POWER SOLUTIONS 18502 Laurel Park Road COMPTON CA 90220 SEMROCK 3625 Buffalo Road SUITE 6 ROCHESTER NY 14624 161 Service Source Internatio 735 Battery Street San Francisco CA 94111 SHAMROCK SUPPLY 1124 EAST 17TH STREET SANTA ANA CA 92705 SESSION SOLAR 60 OLD EL PUEBLO ROAD SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 SHANGHAI PYC BEARING INTE 7580 Lane Hu Min Road 111 Sub-Lane No.39,1103 Room SHANGHAI Sethi, Rajeev 5144 Mount Tam Circle Pleasanton, CA 94588 Shankar, Devendra c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 SETRA SYSTEMS, INC. 159 Swanson Road BOXBOROUGH MA 01719-1304 Shao, Jimmy c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SEWAK SINGH 2927 TOLLIVER DR SAN JOSE CA 95148-3695 SGL CARBON 900 Theresia Street St. Marys PA 15857 SHAPE PRODUCTS 1127 57th AVENUE OAKLAND CA 94621 SGL CARBON 28176 North Avenue Standford VALENCIA CA 91355 Sharda, Kangna c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SHABI LEVI 82 Fieldstone Terrace STAMFORD CT 06902 Sharda, Neetu 3054 Big Wood Drive San Jose, CA 95127 Shaghafi, Hellen S 30200 Cedarbrook Road Hayward, CA 94544 SharePoint360, LLC 701 B Street Suite 1600 San Diego CA 92101 Shah, Ketan K. 5969 Cahalan Ave San Jose, CA 95123 Sharifi, Mohammad 32721 Belami Loop Union City, CA 94587 Shah, Saurin 18868 Hunter Way Cupertino, CA 95014 Sharma, Shashi c/o West Valley Staffing 4806 Delores Drive Union City, CA 94587 SHAHZAD MAHMUD 1865 PENROSE CT FOLSOM CA 95630-6159 SHARMAN COMPANY 150 North Wiget Lane Suite 116 WALNUT CREEK CA 84598 Shamble, Alfred 744 Cornell Drive Santa Clara, CA 95051 162 Shetty, Veena 41974 Via San Gabriel Fremont, CA 94539 SHARP DIMENSION 42960 Osgood Rd FREMONT CA 94539 Sharper brand LLC 905 W. 7th St #329 Frederick MD 21701 Shi, Hongqin 7078 Coronado Drive San Jose, CA 95129 SHAUL TEPLINSKY 325 BERRY ST APT 720 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94158-1589 SHIBA BHOWMIK 345 SHERIDAN AVE APT 306 PALO ALTO CA 94306-2036 Shay Lurie 29 Masonic Ave. San Francisco CA 94118 Shih, Chiu-Hao 844 Sunrise Drive Fremont, CA 94539 Sheehan, Kevin B 160 Light Springs Rd. Aptos, CA 95003 SHIMADZU PRECISION INSTUR 9210 Cameron Road SUITE 900 Austin TX 78754 Sheervision 4030 Palos Verdes Drive North Suite 104 Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274 SHIMADZU PRECISION INSTUR 3111 LOMITA BLVD. TORRANCE CA 90505 SHELLEY GORDON INTERIOR D 2111 Hyde Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94109 SHIMADZU PRECISION INSTUR 2340-C WALSH AVE. SANTA CLARA CA 95051 SHENG QING 7626 HOLLANDERRY PL CUPERTINO CA 95014-5071 SHINE-TECH PTE LTD 3015A, UBI ROAD 1 #04-03/02 SINGAPORE 408705 SHEPPARD MULLIN RICHTER & 333 South Hope St 48th Floor LOS ANGELES CA 90071 SHIN-ETSU MICROSI, INC 10028 S. 51st ST PHOENIX AZ 85044 Shergill, Sukhtej c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 SHIOU-SHIOU HUANG 3292 MONTEVARCHI STREET SAN JOSE CA 95136 Shirani, Reza 2464 Talavera Drive San Ramon, CA 94583 SHERLINE PRODUCTS INC. 3235 EXECUTIVE PRODUCTS INC. VISTA CA 92081-8527 SHOOTING CHRONY INC. 3840 East Robinson Rd. PMB # 298 Amherst NY 14228 SHERMAN SEELINGER 512 RUTLAND AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95128 163 SHOR INTERNATIONAL CORP. 20 Parkway West MT.VERNON NY 10552 Sierra IC Inc. 16 Bailey Lane Manorville NY 11949 Shortridge Instruments, I 7855 East Redfield Road Scottsdale Az 85260 SIERRA INSTRUMENTS INC. 5 HARRIS COURT BLDG L M/S K100 MONTEREY CA 93940 Shukla, Sangeeta 5013 Hildasue Terrace Fremont, CA 94555 SIERRA PROTO EXPRESS 1108 WEST EVELYN AVENUE SUNNYVALE CA 94086 SHU-KUANG CHEN 5461 RESEDA CIR FREMONT CA 94538-5204 Sierra, Celia 26415 Gading Road, #5G Hayward, CA 94544 Siapno, Arnel D 34237 Gannon Terrace Fremont, CA 94555 SIERRATHERM PRODUCTION FU 200 Westridge Drive WATSONVILLE CA 95076 SICRON 1686 LAKE DRIVE WEST CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SIGMA INSTRUMENTS 120 Commerce Drive Unit 1 FORT COLLINS CO 80524 SIDE MARK 222 Sutter Street Suite 750 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 SIGMA-ALDRICH CORP. 1001 West Saint Paul Avenue MILWAUKEE WI 53233 Sidhu, Lakhvinder Kaur 3506 Corte Bella Ct San Jose, CA 95148 SIGMA-ALDRICH CORP. 3050 SPRUCE ST. ST. LOUIS MO 63103 SIEMENS - WATER TECHNOLOG 960 AMES AVE MILPITAS CA 95035 Sign*A*Rama 33424 Alvarado Niles Rd Union City CA 94587 SIEMENSDEMATIC-EA3 3140 Northwoods Pkwy Ste 300 NORCROSS GA 30071 SIGNAMETRICS CORPORATION 6073 50TH AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98115 SIERRA APPLIED SCIENCES 5441 Western Avenue BOULDER CO 80301-2733 Silarak, Saengsathit 3501 Lafayette Street Apt 15 Santa Clara, CA 95054 SIERRA ATLANTIC 6522 KAISER DRIVE FREMONT CA 94555 SILICON SHORES CORPORATIO 3160 N. Shoreline Blvd. MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 SIERRA CONVEYOR COMPANY 1225 Nichols Drive ROCKLIN CA 95765 Silicon Valley Manufactur 6520 Central Ave Newark CA 94560 164 Simon, Paul A 508 North 20th St San Jose, CA 95112 SILICON VALLEY MICROELECT 1150 Campbell Avenue SAN JOSE CA 95126-1063 SIMPLYDESIGN GROUP 1221 Gingerwood Drive MILPITAS CA 95035 SILICON VALLEY SHELVING & 2381 BERING DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 Silkscreened Plastics, In 1967 National Ave Hayward CA 94545 Sin, William 6142A Civic Terrace Ave. Newark, CA 94560 SILPAC 1850 RUSSELL AVENUE SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Sine-tific Solutions Inc. 1701-C Fortune Dr San Jose CA 95131 Silva, Daniel 5006 Everglades Park Drive Fremont, CA 94538 Singh, Amandeep 38002 Dover Common Fremont, CA 94536 Silva, Emanuel Nunes 5006 Everglades Park Drive Fremont, CA 94538 Singh, Avtar c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Silva, Paul M 4039 Stanley Ave, #1 Fremont, CA 94538 Singh, Balbinder 4473 Giselle Lane Stockton, CA 95206 Silva, Robert Frank 5241 Felicia Ave. Livermore, CA 94550 Singh, Donny Dheeraj 677 Santa Paula Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SILVENT NORTH AMERICA 6625 Daniel Burham Dr. Portage IN 46368 Singh, Harvir 1760 Queenstown Drive San Jose, CA 95132 SILVER SERVICE INC 16120 VANDUSTRIAL LANE SOUTH HOLLAND IL 60473 Singh, Karan P 33751 Slender Ct. Fremont, CA 94555 Silvis, William c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Singh, Mohan 29219 Chutney Road Hayward, CA 94544 Simco C/O CC Steven and A 1363 Donlon Street Ventura CA 93003 Singh, Parmjit 32439 Joyce Way Union City, CA 94587 165 SINGH, RAJUNEL 8212 Cline Mountain St. LAS VEGAS NV 89131 Smalley Steel Ring Compan 555 Oakwood Road Lake Zurich IL 60047 Singh, Sewak 2927 Tolliver Drive San Jose, CA 95148 SMART TECHNOLOGY ENABLERS 1121 West Rancho Drive OJAI CA 93023-1628 Single Ply Roofing Indust 411 WAVERLEY OAKS ROAD WALTHAM MA 02452 SMARTDRAW.COM 9909 Mira Mesa Blvd #300 San Diego CA 92131 SINGLETON CORPORATION 3280 w. 67th place CLEVELAND OH 44102 SMARTRONIX INC 22685 Three Notch Road California MD 20619 Sison, Fernando c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SMC CORPORATION OF AMERIC 2960 N. FIRST STREET SAN JOSE CA 95134 Sison, Jonino 18 Tonga Ct. Elk Grove CA 95758 Smythe, Marnie c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Sison, Jonino I 18 Tonga Ct. Elk Grove, CA 95758 SNOW COMMERCIAL INTERIORS 5424 Sunol Boulevard #10 PMB119 Pleasanton CA 94566 SITEK, INC. 520 Millpond Road Lexington KY 40514 So, Peter 2031 Bright Willow Circle San Jose, CA 95131 SKF Precision Technologie 1230 Cheyenne Ave Grafton WI 53024 Sobocinski, Donald James 2938 Mayglen Way San Jose, CA 95133 SKF-Economos, USA 26820 Fargo Ave, Unit H Cleveland OH 44146 Sochayseng, Raul R 4726 Rose Way Union City, CA 94587 SKINNER FOR ASSEMBLY 2010 5325 ELKHORN BLVD#321 SACRAMENTO CA 95842 SOFTING NORTH AMERICA INC 29 Water Street, Suite 301 Newburyport MA 01950 SMA AMERICA, INC 12438 LOMA RICA DR. GRASS VALLEY CA 95945 Softnet Solutions, Inc. 940 Hamlin Ct Sunnyvale CA 94089 SMALL PARTS INC. 13980 N. W. 58th COURT MIAMI LAKES FL 33014-0650 166 SOFTSOL RESOURCES, INC. 48383 FREMONT BLVD. # 116 FREMONT CA 94538 SOLBERG MFG 1151 ARDMORE AVE ITASCA IL 60143 Sok, Sophannarith 1785 Bagpipe Way San Jose, CA 95121 SOLERAS 589 ELM STREET BIDDEFORD ME 04005 Soleras LTD 589 Elm Street Biddeford MA 04005 SOLAR DEPOT 8540 Morrison Creek Drive Sacramento CA 95828 SOLFOCUS INC 510 LOGUE AVE MT.VIEW CA 94043 SOLAR ELECTRIC SUPPLY, IN 7960-B SOQUEL DRIVE #140 APTOS CA 95003 SOLID DESIGN SOLUTIONS 5145 Stevens Creek Bvd Ste 2 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 Solar Energy Industries A 575 7th St NW # 400 Washington DC 20004 SOLID SEALING TECHNOLOGY 44 Dalliba Ave Watervliet NY 12189 SOLAR LIGHT COMPANY 100 East Glenside Avenue Glenside PA 19038 SOLID STATE EQUIPMENT COR 185 Gibraltar Road HORSHAM PA 19044 Solar Pathfinder 3953 MARSH CREEK ROAD LINDEN TN 37096 Solar Power 1115 Orlando Ave. Roseville CA 92561 Soliven, Nerio V 76 Santa Cruz Ave San Francisco, CA 94112 Solar Power International 1220 19th Street NW #401 Washington DC 20036 SOLMETRIC CORP. 825 OLEMA-BOLINAS RD BOLINAS CA 94924 SOLAR WORLD 2807 NORTH PROSPECT COLORADO CO 80907 SOLMETRIC CORP. 117 MORRIS ST. STE 100 SEBASTOPOL CA 95472 SolarBOS Inc 310 Stealth Court Livermore CA 94551 Solutions Recovery Intern 5483 Copland Lane San Jose CA 95124 Solarnet dba DC Power Sys 1500 Valley House Drive # 210 Rohnert Park CA 94928 SOLYNDRA, INC. BALANCE ACCT FOR SOL7 WELLS FARGO SHAREOWNER SERVICES SolarTech 1290 Parkmoor Avenue San Jose CA 95126 Sommer, Phillip 5218 Channel Drive Newark, CA 94560 167 SONAER INC. 145 Rome Street FARMINGDALE NY 11735 Southern Lumber 1402 South First Street San Jose CA 95110-3696 SONIC MANUFACTURING TECHN 48133 WARM SPRINGS BLVD FREMONT CA 94539 Southland Industries 33225 Western Ave Union City CA 94587 Sonji J. Migal 5906 8th Ave N.E. Seattle WA 98105 SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTIT 6220 CULEBRA RD. SAN ANTONIO TX 78238-5166 SONOSCAN INC. 2149 E PRATT BLVD ELK GROVE VILLAGE CA 60007 Sovulewski, Lawrence F. PO Box 2007 Boulder Creek, CA 95006 SONO-TECK CORP 10 MILTON AVENUE HIGHLAND NY 12528 SP WELDING & MACHINING 3403 YALE WAY FREMONT CA 94538 SONO-TECK CORP 2012 ROUTE 9W BLDG. #3 MILTON NY 12547 SP WELDING & MACHINING 781 AMES AVE. MILPITAS CA 95035-6321 SOONEST EXPRESS, INC. 433 Airport Blvd. Suite 501 BURLINGAME CA 94010 SP WELDING & MACHINING 4140 BUSINESS CENTER DR. FREMONT CA 94538 SOR 14685 West 105th Street lenexa KS 66215 SP WELDING & MACHINING 45570 Industrial Place, Unit 11 Fremont CA 94538 Sosimi, Olanrewaju O. 1412 Foothill Meadows Court San Jose, CA 95131 SPARKFACTOR DESIGN, INC. 420 FLORENCE AVENUE SUITE 210 PALO ALTO CA 94301 Soto, Arina c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Spartan Environmental Tec 7383 Lauren J Dr Mentor OH 44060 Special Optics 315 Richard Mine Rd Wharton NJ 07885 Soules, Candace c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 SPECIALTY GLASS PRODUCTS 2885 Terwood Rd WILLOW GROVE PA 19090 SOUTH BAY TECHNOLOGY, INC 1120 VIA CALLEJON SAN CLEMENTE CA 92673 SPECIALTY LIGHTING INC 1825 GALVESTON STREET GRAND PRAIRIE TX 75051-1325 168 SPECIFIED PROCESS EQUIPME 536 C STONE ROAD BENICIA CA 94510 SPEX CERTIPREP 203 NORCROSS AVE. METUCHEN NJ 08840 Spectra Test Equipment 625 National Avenue Mountain View CA 94043 SPG Solar, Inc., 20 Leveroni Court Novato, CA 94949 Spectral Products LLC 111 Highland Drive Putnam CT 06260 SPI Supplies 569 East Gay Street West Chester PA 19380 SPECTRA-PHYSICS 13808 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 Spies, Michael Untere Alpe 14 Icking, Germany 82075 SPECTRA-PHYSICS 150 Long Beach Blvd. STRATDFORD CT 06615 Spindt, Christopher J 115 Hillside Ave Menlo Park, CA 94025 SPECTRA-PHYSICS Mt View-N 1335 Terra Bella Avenue MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94039-7013 Spirgi, Thomas 1671 Saint Helena Drive Danville, CA 94526 SPECTRA-PHYSICS Mt View-N 13976 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 SPM INSTRUMENTS 780 Bailey Hill Road, Suite 3 Eugene OR 94702 SPECTRUM BATTERIES 6910 SPRIGG RD FULSHEAR TX 77441 SPRAYING SYSTEMS CO 100 North Hill Dr. #20 PO Box 2486 BRISBANE CA 94005 SPECTRUM COATINGS 217 CHAPMAN STREET PROVIDENCE RI 02905 SPRIG ELECTRIC 1860 S. 10th Street SAN JOSE CA 95112 Speedmark Transportation 1525 Adrian Road BURLINGAME CA 94010 SPRING ENGINEERS OF HOUST 9740 Tanner Road Houston TX 77041 SPENCER CORPORATION 3533 Ryder Street Santa Clara CA 95051 SPRINGER 233 SPRING STREET NEW YORK NY 10013 SPENCER TURBINE CO 600 Day Hill Road WINDSOR CT 06095 SPRINT-NEXTEL PO BOX 4181 CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-4181 SPEX CERTIPREP 200 NORCROSS AVE. METUCHEN NJ 08840 169 Sproull, William Raymond 24420 NW Dairy Creek Road North Plains, OR 97133 STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS 1290C Reamwood Ave. SUNNYVALE CA 94089 STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS 1290-D REAMWOOD AVE. SUNNYVALE CA 94089 SRC SURPLUS SALES LLC 2990 E. Washington Street #14 PHEONIX AZ 85034 STANLEY 215 POPLAR AVE. MANTECA CA 95336 SSR MFG. CORPORATION 2372-D QUME DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 STANLEY SUPPLY & SERVICES 7815 S. 46th Street PHOENIX AZ 85044 St Mini Cab Corporation 22990 Clawiter Road Hayward Ca 94545 STAR TOOL & ENGINEERING 8484 Central Ave NEWARK CA 94560 Staatsanwaltschaft Stuttg 70049 Stuttgart Postfach 10 60 48 Germany Starr, Scott Newell 9108 Walking Stick Tr Raleigh, NC 27615 Stacy Family Trust 2 West 2nd Street 20th Floor Tulsa, OK 94103 STATE ELECTRONICS 36 Route 10 EAST HANOVER NJ 07936 STAN PAWLEK 243 EDGEMONT ST. S HAMILTON ONTARIO LK82J3 Canada STATSOFT, INC. 2300 East 14th Street TULSA OK 74104 Standard & Poors Financia 2542 Collection Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 Steel Guard Fence 1852 West 11th Street #330 Tracy CA 95376 Standard & Poors Financia 55 Water Street New York NY 10041 Stegmann, Thomas H. 5861 Pistoia Way San Jose, CA 95138 Standard Bellows Company 375 Ella T. Grasso Turnpike Windsor Locks CT 06096 Steiner, Jim 326 Clarendon Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Standard Meter Lab 236 Rickenbacker Circle Livermore CA 94551 Steinlesberger, Gernot Puslweg 7 Otterfing, Bavaria 83624 Standridge Granite Corp 9437 Santa Fe Springs Rd Santa Fe Springs CA 90670 StellarNet Inc. 14390 Carlson Circle Tampa FL 33636 170 STEPHEN GOULD 45541 Northport Loop West FREMONT CA 94538 STEVE KLABO 1390 STEPHEN WAY SAN JOSE CA 95129 STEPHEN GOULD 35 SOUTH JEFFERSON ROAD WHIPPANY NJ 07981 Steve Mitchell Argonaut (Kaiser) Kaiser-Francis Oil Company 6733 South Yale Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136 STEPHEN GOULD OF CALIFORN 45541 NORTHPORT LOOP WEST FREMONT CA 94538 STEVEN ENGINEERING 230 Ryan Way SOUTH SAN FRANCISC CA 94080-6370 STEPHEN GOULD OF CALIFORN 35 SOUTH JEFFERSON ROAD WHIPPANY NJ 07981 STEVEN MEYERS 26 SETTLERS LANE RIDGEFIELD CT 06877 Stephen James Gustafson 1545 Arbutus Drive San Jose CA 95118 Stevenson, Robert c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Sterio, Linda 608 Hermitage Street San Jose, CA 95134 STG Machine 481 Gianni Street Santa Clara CA 95054-2414 Sterio, Linda L. 608 Hermitage St San Jose CA 95134 Stoit Groep 5611 CC EINDHOVEN STEVE A ABOAGYE 1230 SAN TOMAS RD APT 317 SAN JOSE CA 95117 Netherlands STOLTZ METALS, INC 1208 HENSLEY ST. RICHMOND CA 94801 Steve Brenner 2441 Oriole Lane Santa Cruz CA 95062 Stomper Company, Inc. 7799 Enterprise Dr Newark CA 94560 STEVE JOHNSON 2828 HOOD UNIT 1504 DALLAS TX 75219 Stone, Brian 3977 19th Street San Francisco CA 94114 Steve Kircher 1115 Orlando Avenue Roseville, CA 95661 STONEWALL CABLE, INC 126 HAWKENSEN DRIVE RUMNEY NH 03266-3548 Steve Kircher 1115 Orlando Avenue Roseville, CA 95661 STOP WARE 1710 ZANKER ROAD STE 202 SAN JOSE CA 95112 Steve Kircher 1115 Orlando Avenue Roseville CA 95661-5247 171 STORM PRODUCTS 9215 PREMIER ROW DALLAS TX 75247 Strucher AG 8808 Pfaffikon SZ Stover Jr, Wilbur G. 431 El Camino Real Apt#1410 Santa Clara, CA 95050 STUD WELDING PRODUCTS 2391 American Avenue HAYWARD CA 94545 Strainoptics, Inc. 108 W. Montgomery Ave. North Wales PA 19454 Studios Architecture 99 Green Street San Francisco CA 94111 StrateGen Consulting LLC 146 Vicente Road Berkeley CA 94706 Studios Architecture 1625 M STREET, NW WASHINGTON DC 20036 Streakwave 840 Jury Court San Jose CA 95112 STUFT PIZZA 1426 DEMPSEY ROAD MILPITAS CA 95035 Streakwave 840 Jury Court San Jose, CA 95112 Stukel, John 1304 Harrison Blvd Boise, ID 83702 Strebel, Sheryl E 1195 Bryant Ave Mountain View, CA 94040 Sudbeck, Robert 8305 Calleystone Way Antelope, CA 95843 Strehl, Alexander 6145 Wilhoff Lane Granite Bay, CA 95746 Sugarman, Alfred 70 Roosevelt Circle Palo Alto, CA 94306 Streun, Julien Frohburgstrasse 324 Zurich, Switzerland 8057 SUHM SPRING WORKS INC. 2710 Mc Kinney Ave. Houston TX 77003 Switzerland SUKHANANDAN KUMAR 5573 SHADOWCREST WAY SAN JOSE CA 95123-3028 Strickland, Robert c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Sumera, Romie E 1805 Libretto Ct San Jose, CA 95131 Strong Cabinets 1085 Florence Way Campbell CA 95008 Sunbelt Controls 1133 Aladdin Avenue San Leandro CA 94577 Strong, Mary Lou 547 Hubbard Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051 172 Sunbird LP 2100 McKinney Avenue Suite 1780 Dallas, TX 75201 Superior Automatic Sprink 308 Sango Court Milpitas CA 95035 SUPERIOR INDUCTION COMPAN 557 Douglas Street PASADENA CA 91104 Sun-Chek 3270 Keller St #107 Santa Clara CA 95054 Supra Alloys, Inc. 351 Cortez Circle Camarillo CA 93012 Sunden, Erik O. 340 Carroll St Sunnyvale CA 94086 SUPREME COURT / ATHLETIC 415 N. Mathilda SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Sung, Gregory c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Surapaneni, Sreenivasa 840 Phoenix Court Fremont, CA 94539 Sunit, Arwin c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Surface Preparation Solut 15186 COLLECTION CENTER DR. CHICAGO IL 60693 Sunkara, Kasi 43555 Grimmer Blvd, Apt. #D231 Fremont, CA 94538 Surface Preparation Solut 3684 ENTERPRISE AVE. HAYWARD CA 85040 SUNNYVALE WINDUSTRIAL 394 WEST CARRIBEAN DRIVE SUNNYVALE CA 95089 Surface Preparation Solut 8615 EAST 33RD STREET INDIANAPOLIS IN 46226 Sunrise Mfgr, Inc 2665 Mercantile Drive Rancho Cordova CA 95742 Surplus Center Burden Sal 1015 West O Street Lincoln NE 68528 Sunset Masonry 7306 W. Coolidge St Phoenix AZ 85033 Susan Creighton 1102 Fairview Ave. San Jose CA 95125 Suntay, Juancho 4727 Rose Way Union City, CA 94587 SUSAN R. DeVICO 38 CONRAD CT. OAKLAND CA 94611 SUPER CIRCUITS 11000 N. Mopac Exp. Ste # 300 Austin TX 78759 Susan S. Richardson U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 Super Link Plastic, Inc. 888 92nd Ave. Oakland CA 94603 SWAGELOK NORTHERN CALIFOR 3481 WEST WARREN AVENUE FREMONT CA 94538 173 TA Instruments 109 Lukens Dr. New Castle DE 19720 SWAGELOK NORTHERN CALIFOR 929 Weddell Court SUNNYVALE CA 94089 Ta, Alain 1055 N. Capital Ave. #161 San Jose, CA 95133 Sy, Ricson 365 Dale Drive San Jose, CA 95127 TAARCOM INC 451 N. SHORELINE BLVD MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 Syfu, Maria S 6006 Bellhaven Ave Newark, CA 94560 Tabios, Elmer 1775 Milmont Drive, N 301 Milpitas, CA 95035 SYMYX TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 3100 Central Expressway SANTA CLARA CA 95051 TABLEAU 2 Palo Alto Square 3000 El Camino Real Suite 700 PALO ALTO CA 94306 Synergy Corporate Housein 12657 Alcosta Blvd. Ste 550 San Ramon CA 94583 Synergy Global Technology 41394 CHRISTY STREET FREMONT CA 94538 TABLEAU 400 NORTH 34TH STREET SUITE 200 SEATTLE WA 98103 SYSTAT 2372A Walsh Ave. Santa Clara CA 95051 Tahirkheli, Karamat Ali 90 Kootenai Drive Fremont, CA 94539 SYSTEMS & SPACE INC 500 BOULDER COURT SUITE B PLEASANTON CA 94566 Tajik, Nasser 14692 Sycamore Grove Saratoga, CA 95070 Szakalski, Daniel c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 TAKESHI IKEGAMI 3553 BENNETT AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95051-6635 T R Green 3511 Thomas Road Unit 3 Santa Clara CA 95054 TAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC 2101 BRANDYWINE ST, SUITE 102 PHILADELPHIA PA 19130 T&K MACHINE 1048 Serpentine Lane #313 PLEASANTON CA 94566 Tallant, Brandon c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 T&T Valve And Instrument 2282 Quarry Lane #150 Pleasanton CA 94566 TAM T PHAN 1650 SALAMONI CT SAN JOSE CA 95133-0902 174 Tam, Halbert 1102 Courtland Ave Milpitas, CA 95035 TARPAN DIXIT 2230 TAYLOR STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94133 Tang, Char L. 24571 Diamond Ridge Drive Hayward, CA 94544 TARPS & TIE-DOWNS 26304 CORPORATE AVE HAYWARD CA 94545 TASTE CATERING & EVENT PL 3450 Third St. 4D SAN FRANCISCO CA 94124 Tang, Colin Chi-Cuong 2909 Ronco Drive San Jose, CA 95132 TASTY SUBS & PIZZA 528 Lawrence Expressway SUNNYVALE CA 94086 Tang, Tai c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Tatum Janitorials Service 31022 Union City Blvd Union City CA 94587 TANGENT DESIGN 1580 EMORY STREET SAN JOSE CA 95126 TBE MANUFACTURING Inc. 42760 Albrae Street FREMONT CA 94538 Tank, Alpeshkumar R 40912 Olmstead Terrace Fremont, CA 94538 Tchere, Vadim 41 W. Deerfield Drive Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047 TANSTAAFL ELECTRIC CABLE 1445 Busch Parkway Buffalo Grove IL 60089 TDI INTERNATIONAL, INC. 3351 East Hemisphere Loop TUCSON AZ 85706 TAP PLASTICS INC. 312 Castro Street MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 TE TECH 44279 Fremont Blvd FREMONT CA 94538 TAPEMATION LARGE PRECISIO 21 EL PUEBLO ROAD SCOTTS VALLEY CA 95066 tec5USA, Inc. 80 Skyline Drive Plainview NY 11803 Tara Technologies Pte Ltd 305 Fentress Blvd Daytona Beach FL 32114 Tech II Design Services 202 North Curry Street, Suite 100 Carson City NV 89703 Tarazi, Raouf 38537 Royal Ann Common Fremont, CA 94536 TECHFLEX INC. 29 BROOKFIELD DRIVE SPARTA NJ 07871 TARGRAY 195 LABROSSE AVE. Pointe Claire Quebec H9R 1A3 Canada TechNet 855 El Camino Real, Suite 250 Palo Alto CA 94301 175 TECHNIC INC 1170 Hawk Circle ANAHEIM CA 92807 TEK LABELS AND PRINTING 472 VISTA WAY MILPITAS CA 95035 TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT SALES 44242 Fremont Blvd FREMONT CA 94538 TEKNET ELECTRONICS, INC 5965 SHILOH ROAD EAST SUITE A ALPHARETTA GA 30005 TECHNICAL GLASS PRODUCTS 881 Callendar Boulevard PAINESVILLE OH 44077 TEKNI-PLEX 201 INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY SOMERVILLE NJ 08876 Technical Instruments 1826 Rollins Road Burlingame CA 94010 Tekute Design Group 709 Santa Rita St Sunnyvale CA 94085 TECHNICAL RESOURCES 20422 Beach Boulevard Suite 435 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 TELECHEM INTERNATIONAL, I 524 East Weddell Drive SUNNYVALE CA 94089 TECHNI-QUIP 5653 Stoneridge Dr. Pleasanton CA 94588 TELEKENEX 3221 20TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 TECHNI-TOOL 1547 North Trooper Rd PO Box 1117 WORCESTER PA 19490 TELEMARK CYROGENICS 52 Leveroni Ct Suite D Novato CA 94949 Telstar Instruments Inc 1717 Solano Way Unit# 34 Concord CA 94520 TECHNO-SOMMER AUTOMATIC 2101 Jericho Turnpike NEW HYDE PARK NY 11040 TEMPRESCO INC. 6928 Sierra Court DUBLIN CA 94568 TECHNOTRADE INTERNATIONAL 7 Perimeter Road MANCHESTER NH 03103-3343 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE 701 NORTH LILAC DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-1452 TECHNOVAC 16840 JOLEEN WAY, SUITE H MORGAN HILL CA 95037 TENSITRON INC. 733 South Bowen Street Longmont CO 80501 TECO PNEUMATIC, INC. 1069 Serpentine Lane PLEASANTON CA 94566 TENSOR ID 41951 REMINGTON AVE SUITE#210 TEMECULA CA 92590 Tecta America Corp. 5215 Old Orchard Rd. Skokie IL 60077 Teo, Falefau c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Tectra, Inc 800 San Antonio Rd Suite 7 Palo Alto CA 94303 176 Teplinsky, Shaul 325 Berry Street # 720 San Francisco, CA 94158 THAI C CHUA 19351 CALLE DE BARCELONA CUPERTINO CA 95014-3403 TEQUIPMENT.NET 205 WESTWOOD AVE LONG BRANCH NJ 07740 THAI CHENG CHUA 19351 CALLE DE BARCELONA CUPERTINO CA 95014-3403 Terminix 32980 Alvarado Niles Blvd Union City CA 94587 THAI M NGUYEN 4897 RUE LOIRET SAN JOSE CA 95136-3103 TERRA UNIVERSAL 800 S Raymond Ave. FULLERTON CA 92831 Thavy, Sally c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 TESCOM CORPORATION 1185 Steinway Ave CAMPBELL CA 95008 Thavy, Somboun 99 South Gadsden Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 TESCOM CORPORATION 23272 NETWORK CORPORATIONS CHICAGO IL 60673-1232 THE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE NETW 2100 RIVEREDGE PARKWAY ATLANTA GA 30328 Test, Test 901 page ave Fremont, CA 94538 The Accounts Payble Netwo 2100 RIVEREDGE PARKWAY ATLANTA GA 30328 TestAmerica 1220 Quarry Lane Pleasanton CA 94566 The Avogadro Group LLC 2825 Verne Roberts Circle Antioch CA 94509 TESTEQUITY LLC 2450 TURQUOISE CIRCLE THOURSAND OAKS CA 91320 THE BRENNER GROUP, INC. 19200 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 200 CUPERTINO CA 95014 TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. 2811 TEAGARDEN STREET SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 The CB Tool 90 Karina Court San Jose CA 95131 TEXMAC, Inc. 3370 Montgomery Drive SANTA CLARA CA 95054 The Chemistry 1133 Walter Price Street CAYCE SC 29033 TFI 51 Whitney Place FREMONT CA 94539 THE CHUGH FIRM 13304 Alondra Boulevard 2nd Floor CERRITOS CA 90703 TGP, INC 881 CALLENDAR BLVD. PAINESVILLE OH 44077 THE D&B CORPORATION 103 JFK Parkway SHORT HILLS NJ 07078 177 The RK Logistics Group 1096 Pecten Court Milpitas CA 95035 The Denver Gardner 1800 Gardner Expwy Quincy IL 62305 The Science Company 95 Lincoln St Denver CO 80203 The Edcco Group, Inc. 195 Glenn Way #100 San Carlos CA 940070 The Smith Company, Inc. 2110 March Road Roseville CA 95747 THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIE 65 South Main Street PENNINGTON NJ 08534-2839 The State Bar of Californ 180 Howard Street San Francisco CA 94105-1639 The Family Giving Tree 606 Valley Way Milpitas CA 95035 The Sum Group 107 Vine Hill School Road Scotts Valley CA 95066 THE GLOVER PARK GROUP LLC 1025 F STREET NW. 9 TH FLOOR WASHINGTON DC 20004-1409 The Tioga Group, Inc. 1617 J.F. Kennedy Blvd – Suite 1252 PHILADELPHIA PA 19103 The Key Factory 200 Serra Way #36 Milpitas CA 95035 THE TUNGSTEN COMPANY 6504 Nathan Lane INDIANAPOLIS IN 46278 The Marshall Associates 409 13th Street Suite 1300 Oakland CA 94612 THERMA CORP. 1601 LAS PLUMAS AVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 The Model Studio 104 Karina Court San Jose CA 95131 THERMA CORP. 3925 Freedom Circle SANTA CLARA CA 95054 THE OLANDER COMPANY INC. 144 Commercial Street SUNNYVALE CA 94086 THERMACORE, INC. SUBSIDIA 780 EDEN ROAD LANCASTER PA 17604-3243 THE PALMER ADVANTAGE, INC 20860 MEADOW OAK DRIVE SARATOGA CA 95070 THERMAL CONDUCTIVE BONDIN 1430 Tully Road, Suite 401 SAN JOSE CA 95122 THE PROLIFIC OVEN 43337 BOSCELL ROAD FREMONT CA 94538 THERMAL PRODUCT SOLUTIONS 98797 Collections Center Drive CHICAGO IL 60693 THE PROLIFIC OVEN 3938 Rivermark Plaza SANTA CLARA CA 95050 THERMETIC PRODUCTS INC. 1405 COLORADO AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS MN 55416 The RiceHadley Group LLC 9th Fl 1625 Eye St NW Washington DC 20006 178 THERMIONICS NORTHWEST, IN 231-B Otto Street PORT TOWNSEND WA 98368 ThinkSolar 1078 60th Street OAKLAND CA 94608 THERMIONICS VACUUM PRODUC 231-B OTTO ST PORT TOWNSEND WA 98368-9780 THK AMERICA INC. 4603 E. Las Positas Rd LIVERMORE CA 94550-9824 THERMO ELECTRON CORPORATI 186 Cummings Center BEVERLY MA 01915-6110 THK AMERICA, INC SF REGIO 4603-E LAS POSITAS AVENUE LIVERMORE CA 94551 THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC 81 Wyman Street WALTHAM MA 02454 THOMAS BREZOCZKY 16460 LUCKY ROAD LOS GATOS CA 95030-1623 THERMO SHIELD 722 Orange Ave LOS ALTOS CA 94022 Thomas E. Metz 770 Tennis Lane Tracy CA 95376 THERMO SHIELD 361 GROVE DR. PORTOLA VALLEY CA 94028 Thomas E. Tabor U.S. Bank National Association 100 Wall Street, 16th Floor New York, NY 10005 THERMOCOAX INC. 6825 Shiloh Rd East, Ste. B7 ALPHARETTA GA 30005 THOMAS FRANGESH 2086 ANTHONY DRIVE CAMPBELL CA 95008 THERMOPLASTICS PROCESS 1261 VALLEY ROAD STIRLING NJ 07980 THOMAS SPIRGI 1671 SAINT HELENA DR DANVILLE CA 94526-5526 THERMOTEK, Inc 1454 Halsey Way Carrollton TX 75007 Thomas, Donald 3225 Blue Mountain Drive San Jose, CA 95127 THERM-X 1837 WHIPPLE RD HAYWARD CA 94544 THOMPSON HINE 335 MADISON AVE 12TH FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10017-4611 THIN FILM ANALYSIS INC. 5150 Shadow Estates SAN JOSE CA 95135 THOMPSON TECHNOLOGY INDUS 863 E Francisco Blvd. Suite A SAN RAFAEL CA 94901 THIN METAL SALES 15047 Sierra Bonita Lane CHINO CA 91710 Thompson, Christopher Lee 43725 Nansa Ct Fremont, CA 94539 THINKLOGICAL 100 WASHINGTON STREET MILFORD CT 06460 Thompson, Mark Anthony 540 Wildrose Way Brentwood, CA 94513 179 Ting, Allen c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Thomson Reuters, Inc. 2395 MIDWAY ROAD CARROLLTON TX 75006 THORLABS, INC. 435 Route 206 NEWTON NJ 07860 TITAN CORPORATION 3394 Carmel Mountain Rd SAN DIEGO CA 92121 Thresher Communications & 3965 Hamilton Park Drive San Jose CA 95130 TITAN ENERGY SYSTEMS LTD. 16 Aruna Enclave, Trimulgherry Secunderabad Andhra Pradesh 500 015 India Thu Truong, Contractor 3156 Saint Florian Way San Jose CA 95136 TITE-SPOT WELDERS INC. 2209 S. 109TH STREET MILWAUKEE WI 53227 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR COR 13338 Orden Dr Copper and Brass Sales Division SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670 TLC ELECTRONICS 18 Long Lake Road ST. PAUL MN 55115 Tieu, Henry Van 3459 Victoria Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 TMC 15 Centennial Drive Peabody MA 01960 TIGER DIRECT 7795 West Flagler St. Suite 35 MIAMI FL 33144 TMPI 3118 Depot Road HAYWARD CA 94545-2708 Tijam, Joeper c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 TNB ENTERPRISES, INC 3156 DIABLO AVE HAYWARD CA 94545 TNT USA INC. 105 WHITE OAK PO BOX 1006 OLD BRIDGE NJ 08857 TIM DUONG 2754 GOLD MEADOW CT SAN JOSE CA 95135-1666 To, Dinh T 19089 Center Street Castro Valley, CA 94546 TIMOTHY FRANKLIN 250 WEST EL CAMINO REAL #1110 SUNNYVALE CA 94087 To, Hongvan Thi c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 TIMOTHY L TRAN 1734 ROCKY MOUNTAIN AVE MILPITAS CA 95035-7027 Timothy O Loughlin 299 Viscaino Way San Jose CA 95119 Tokarev, Eugene 4832 Bannock Circle San Jose, CA 95130 180 TorreyPoint Group LLC 1396 Borregas Ave Sunnyvale CA 94089 Toledo, Ruben 764 San Pablo Drive Mountain View, CA 94043 TOSHIO ITOH 675 SHARON PARK DR MENLO PARK CA 94025-6938 Tolentino, Mario 1842 Tersini Ct. San Jose, CA 95131 Total Filtration Services 2725 Commerce Parkway Auburn Hills MI 48325 TOM ROWE 511 LEAVENWORTH ST #103 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94109 Total Filtration Services 13002 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 Tomshine, Jonathan 20198 Northwest Square Cupertino, CA 95014 TOUCHSCREEN TECHNOLOGY 294 Watline Ave. MISSISSAUGU ON L4Z 1P4 Canada Tong, Donald L. 3463 Isherwood Place Fremont, CA 94536 Tower Optical Corporation 3600 S. Congress Ave. Unit J Tong, William 1746 Galewood Ct San Jose, CA 95133 Boynton Beach FL 33426 TOYO MACHINE MANUFACTURIN 623, SEKO 1-CHOME MORIYAMA-KU NAGOYA 463-0068 Japan Tongson, Richard D 49 Winter Lane Mountain House, CA 95391 Toyota Industries Corpora 2-1, Toyoda-cho, KARIYA-SHI Kariya Aichi 448-8671 Japan TONY BANH 4939 JETTY DR STOCKTON CA 95206-6365 TOYOTA MATERIAL HANDLING 31010 SAN ANOTONIO ST HAYWARD CA 94544 TONYA VO 1952 N STAR CIR SAN JOSE CA 95131-1980 TPS- THERMAL PRODUCT SOLU 98797 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 TOP PRECISION MACHINING 671 Aldo Avenue Suite # 1 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 TPS- THERMAL PRODUCT SOLU 2121 Reach Road WILLIAMPORT PA 17701 TORRENT LABORATORY, UNC 483 SINCLAIR FRONTAGE ROAD MILPITAS CA 95035 TR MFG INC. 41938 CHRISTY STREET FREMONT CA 94538 Torres, Manuel 1226 Manzano Way Sunnyvale, CA 94089 TRA Environmental Science 545 Middlefield Road # 200 Menlo Park CA 94025 181 TRAFFIC INTERNATIONAL COR 1660 Rollins Road BURLINGAME CA 94010 Tran, Thuan 4206 Indigo Oak Court San Jose, CA 95121 Tran, Andy c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Tran, Tuan Anh 3256 Montecito Dr San Jose, CA 95135 TRANE U.S. INC 3600 PAMMEL CREEK ROAD LA CROSSE WI 54601 Tran, Eddie Tan 3501 Corte Bella Ct San Jose, CA 95148 TRANSCAT 35 VANTAGE POINT DR. ROCHESTER NY 14624 Tran, Jimmy 6522 Plainview Court San Jose, CA 95120 TRANSFER ENGINEERING AND 47697 Westinghouse Drive, Suite 100 FREMONT CA 94539 Tran, Johnny 3054 Lynview Drive San Jose, CA 95148 TRANS-PAK 520 Marburg Way SAN JOSE CA 95133 Tran, Kenneth L 1000 Cameron Pl Milpitas, CA 95035 TRANSPERFECT TRANSLATIONS 3 PARK AVENUE, 39TH FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10016 Tran, Kevin c/o GES 1210 California Circle Milpitas, CA 95035 TRANSPERFECT TRANSLATIONS 160 SPEAR ST SUITE 1100 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 Tree Care of California 5020 Concord Blvd Concord CA 94521 Tran, Khanh U 18874 Sydney Circle Castro Valley, CA 94546 TREK EQUIPMENT CORPORATIO 4000 BRIDGEWAY BLVD SUITE 302 SAUSALITO CA 94965 Tran, Phu V 3388 Braden Court San Jose, CA 95148 Trent, Dorothy D 920 Lynn Court San Lorenzo, CA 94580 Tran, Thi Anh 1163 Stellar Way Milpitas, CA 95035 Tressler, Jan-Michael 747 Geary St, Apt 201 San Francisco, CA 94109 Tran, Thi Ngoc c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 TRI CAD/CAM SYSTEMS 3740 E. La Salle PHOENIX AZ 85040 182 Tri-Tec Seal, Inc 4141 W. Grand Blanc Rd Swartz Creek MI 48473 TRIAD TOOLING INC. 7885 WEST 48TH AVE WHEATRIDGE CO 80033 Trout, Christopher E 109 Buskirk Court Milpitas, CA 95035 TricityCAB 3989 Milton Terr Fremont CA 94555 Trueline Striping Inc. 2941 East Miraloma Ave #1 Anaheim CA 92806 TRICOR INDUSTRIES 290 HANSEN ACCESS ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA PA 19406 Tru-Fit 3250 Keller St Unit I Santa Clara CA 95054 TRI-FAB ASSOCIATES PRECIS 48351 Lakeview Blvd Fremont CA 94538 Truong, Cuong Van 463 Princeton Street San Francisco, CA 94134 Trinh, Liem 2740 Grandview Drive San Jose, CA 95133 Truong, Kenny Q 2258 Amberwood Ln San Jose, CA 95132 Trinidad, Arthur c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Tsao, Chun-Cheng 1327 Poppy Way Cupertino, CA 95014 Trinidad, Brian 3135 Corte Del Cino Pleasanton, CA 94566 Tselezidis, Ignatios 1102 San Rafael St. San Leandro, CA 94577 TRINITY ENTERPRISES & CON 4226 Roscommon Way Dublin CA 94568 TSI 500 Cardigan Road Shoreview, MN 55126 TRIO-TECH INTERNATIONAL 14731 CALIFA STREET VAN NUYS CA 91411 Tsui, Tracy Y 1063 Craig Drive San Jose, CA 95129 TRIPLEMATIC INC. 7706 MALTAGE DRIVE LIVERPOOL NY 13090 Tsurui, Calvin Kim 39445 Seascape Road Fremont, CA 94538 TRISTAR 3740 East LaSalle Street PHOENIX AZ 85040 Tsurui, Kyle c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 TRI-STATE PUMP, INC 5027 Industrial Rd Farmingdale NJ 07727 183 TTE PRODUCTS INC. 1701 Fortune Dr. Unit M SAN JOSE CA 95131 U.S. Bancorp 1310 Madrid Street Suite 101 Marshall MN 56258 TTI Inc 2441 Northeast Parkway Ft Worth TX 76106 U.S. LASER CORPORATION 825 Windham Court North WYCKOFF NJ 07481 TTI TELESERVICES 5050 Mark IV Parkway FORT WORTH TX 76106 UA ASSOCIATES 3007 BENVENUE AVE BERKELEY CA 94705 TU HA 3328 FRONDA DR SAN JOSE CA 95148-2128 Ualat, Francisco 970 Festa Aglio Ct. Gilroy, CA 95020 Tu, Te P 936 La Palma Place Milpitas, CA 95035 U-Bolt-It 9127 Emmott Road Houston TX 77040 Tucakovic, Adis c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 UC Components, Inc 18700 Adams Court POB 430 Morgan Hill CA 95037 Turf & industrial Equipme 2715 Lafayette Street Santa Clara CA 95050 UC REGENTS 9500 GILMAN DRIVE LA JOLLA CA 92093-0953 TUV RHEINLAND OF NORTH AM 1279 Quarry Lane Suite A PLEASANTON CA 94566 UCSC Extension Silicon Va 2505 Augustine Drive Santa Clara CA 95054 TW METALS-GBU 235 Tubeway Carol Stream IL 60188 UE PRECISION SENSORS 50 Seemans Lane MILFORD CT 06460 TWIN GLASS INDUSTRIES INC 16880 Joleen Way, Suite #2 MORGAN HILL CA 95037 UE SYSTEMS INC 14 HAYES STREET ELMSFORD NY 10523 TWO CUBED, INC. 323 Ferne Ave PALO ALTO CA 94306 Uharriet, James c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 TYCO ELECTRONICS 25268 Network Place CHICAGO ILLINOIS 60673-1252 UKAM Industrial Superhard 28231 Avenue Crocker, Unit 80 Valencia CA 91355 TYMAR PRECISION, INC. 1061 Richard Ave. SANTA CLARA CA 95050 184 ULINE 25392 Commercentre Drive LAKE FOREST CA 92630 UNICHEM INDUSTRIES INC. 1100 CALLE CORDILLERA SAN CLEMENTE CA 92673 ULINE 2200 S. Lakeside Drive Accounts Receivable WAUKEGAN IL 60085 Uni-Fab Industries, Inc. 1461 Milpitas Boulevard Milpitas CA 95035 UNIFORCE SALES & ENGINEER 42501 Albrae St, Suite 210 FREMONT CA 94538 Ullstrom, David 1110 Bartlett Creek Court San Jose, CA 95120 Union Sanitary District 5072 BENSON ROAD UNION CITY CA 94587 ULRICH A BONNE 346 S PASTORIA AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94086-5928 Unisource Worldwide, Inc. 6600 Governor's Lake Parkway Norcross GA 30071 Ultimate Backstore 722 Landwehr Rd. Northbrook IL 60062 Unistrut International Co 1679 Atlantic Street Union City CA 94587 ULTRA MOTION 22355 ROUTE 48 #21 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 United California Glass a 745 Cesar Chavez San Francisco CA 94124 Ultramet Advanced Materia 12173 Montague Street Pacolma CA 91331 UNITED MECHANICAL FABRICA 548 CLAIRE STREET HAYWARD CA 94541 ULVAC Technologies, Inc. 401 Griffin Brook Drive Methuen MA 01844 United Refrigeration Inc. 904 Commercial St. San Jose CA 95112 UMICORE 4 TOWNSEND WEST UNIT 12 NASHUA NH 03063 UNITED SILICONE 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE 75694 CHICAGO IL 60675-5694 UMICORE 3120 Highwoods Blvd. Suite 110 RALEIGH NC 27604 UNITED SILICONE 4471 Walden Avenue Lancaster NY 14086 Umicore Indium Products 50 Sims Avenue Providence RI 02909 UNITED TITANIUM 3450 OLD AIRPORT RD WOOSTER OH 44691 UMICORE THIN FILM PRODUCT 3120 Highwoods Blvd. Suite 110 RALEIGH NC 27604 Unitek Education 4670 Auto Mall Parkway Fremont CA 94538 UNA MAS 2376 El Camino Real SANTA CLARA CA 95050 185 UNIVAR USA 2256 Juction Avenue San Jose CA 95131 US Custom and Border Prot 150 N. Hill Drive #22 Brisbane CA 94005 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1304 West Green Street Dept of Mat Sci & Eng Urbana, IL 61801 US Digital 1400 NE 136th Avenue Vancouver WA 98684 US FILTER 960 Ames Ave MILPITAS CA 95035 Unix Surplus, Inc 691 Walsh Ave Santa Clara CA 95050 US SHOP TOOLS 1340 S ALLEC STREET ANAHEIM CA 92806 UPS 28013 Network Place Chicago IL 60673-1280 US ULTRATEK. INC. 4070 NELSON AVE. SUTIE B CONCORD CA 94520 UPS FREIGHT 28013 Network Place CHICAGO IL 60673-1280 US VENTURE PARTNERS IX, L 2735 SAND HILL ROAD ATTN: CFO MENLO PARK CA 94025 UPS SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTION 28013 Network Place Chicago IL 60673-1280 UPS SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTION 1930 Bishop Lane Suite 200 Louisville KY 40218 US Venture Partners VII, 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 US Venture Partners X, L. 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 US Bank 1310 Madrid Street, Suite 101 Marshall, MN 56258 USBMAX 10780 47th Street North Building 15 Clearwater FL 33762 US BANK 1310 Madrid Street Suite 101 Marshall MN 56258 USCONVERTERS.COM 16910 Crenshaw Blvd. # 9 TORRANCE CA 90504 US Bank National Assoc. Master Coll. Agent 100 Wall street, Suite 1600 New York, NY 10005 US BEARINGS AND DRIVES 1507 N Thierman Road Spokane WA 99212 USE Umwelt Sonne Energie GmbH Robert-Bosch-StraBe 3 D-71088 Holzgerlingen Germany US BEARINGS AND DRIVES 330 Mathew Street Santa Clara CA 95050 USED EQUIPMENT SALES 4402 2ND STREET NW ALBUQUERQUE NM 87107 186 Uy, Clifford J 222 Bayberry Common Fremont, CA 94539 USF FILTRATION AND SEPARA 2347 Lincoln Avenue HAYWARD CA 94545 USHIO AMERICA, INC 5440 Cerritos Ave CYPRESS CA 90630 Uy, Mark 2407 golden leaf lane Tracy, CA 95377 USK MANUFACTURING 720 ZWISSIG WAY UNION CITY CA 94587 Vac America Inc. 5542 Monterey Road #209 San Jose CA 95138 Usudan, Habib c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 VACS SEV Co Ltd 2-23-9 Yaguchi Ohta Tokyo 146-0093 Japan VACUUM TECHNOLOGY INCORPO 1003 ALVIN WEINBERG DRIVE OAK RIDGE TN 37830 USVP Entrepreneur Partner 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 Vadim Tchere 41 W. Deerfield Dr Hawthorn IL 60047 USVP Venture Partners Attention: Chief Financial Officer 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 USVP X Affiliates Fund, L 2735 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 Vaka, Kesaia P. c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Utah Broadband 461 PARKLAND DRIVE SANDY UT 84070 Vakharia, Sandip 423 Faulkner Street Mountain House, CA 95391 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION 210 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84134-0180 VAL-CO BLUE EARTH, LLC 145 JACKSON AVE SOUTH COKATO MN 55321 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION 210 North 1950 West Salt Lake City UT 84134-0180 Valdez, William R 1451 James Ave Redwood City, CA 94062 Utility Solutions, Inc 25 Winslow Place SAN RAMON CA 94583 Valentin, Vincent 7 Orchard Lane Simsbury, CT 6070 UV PROCESS SUPPLY, INC 1229 W Cortland Street CHICAGO IL 60614-4805 Valentine, Jennifer 305 San Antonio Ct, #3102 San Jose, CA 95116 187 VALIN CORPORATION 555 east California Ave SUNNYVALE CA 94086 VANDERBEND 123 URANIUM ROAD SUNNYVALE CA 94086 VALLEY DESIGN- WEST 151-D HARVEY WEST BLVD SANTA CRUZ CA 95060 VANDYKE SOFTWARE 4848 Tramway Ridge Dr. Albuquerque NM 87111 VALLEY ENGINEERING GROUP 4435 First Street # 163 Livermore CA 94551 VARIAN INC 2700 MITCHELL DRIVE WALNUT CREEK CA 945598 VALLEY PROCESS SYSTEMS 3567 BENTON ST. # 341 SANTA CLARA CA 95051 VARIAN VACUUM TECHNOLOGIE 121 HARTWELL AVENUE LEXINGTON MA 02421 VALLEY SERVICES ELECTRONI 6190 San Ignacio Ave. SAN JOSE CA 95119 Various Technologies Inc 2720 Aiello Drive # C/D San Jose CA 95111 VALLEY TOOL & SUPPLY CO. 1827 HOURET CT. MILPITAS CA 95035 VAROUJAN CHAKARIAN 587 PINEVIEW DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95117 VALUE PLASTICS 3325 South Timberline Road FORT COLLINS CO 80525 VARSAL CHEMICALS CO., LTD 363 Ivyland Rd. WARMINSTER PA 18974 VALUETRONICS 4219 Paysphere Circle CHICAGO IL 60674 Vasquez, Martin 5824 Cadiz Dr San Jose, CA 95123 VALUETRONICS 1675 Cambridge Dr. ELGIN IL 60123 VAT, INC. 500 West Cummings Pk Suite 5450 WOBURN MA 01801 ValueTronics Internationa 1675 Cambridge Drive Elgin IL 60123 Vath, Dottie 600 Marin Ave Modesto, CA 95358 VAN DER HOUT, BRIGAGLIANO 180 Sutter Street 5th Floor SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 VA-TRAN SYSTEMS, INC 677 ANITA STREET SUITE A CHULA VISTA CA 91911 Van Rixel, Scott 1850 Exeter Drive Manteca, CA 95336 Vaughn, Greg 3 Somer Ridge Dr. Apt. 204 Roseville, CA 95661 Van Tuyl, Thomas Roland 10831 Jilinda Ct San Jose, CA 95127 VDL Enabling Technologies Group Eindhoven BV, Wekkerstraat 1, 5652 AN Eindhoven, the Netherlands 188 Verizon PO BOX 660108 DALLAS, TX 75266-0108 VEDAPURAM ACHUTHARAMAN 4015 ASHBROOK CIRCLE SAN JOSE CA 95124 Verma, Yogesh 6461 Laurel Creek Place Livermore, CA 94551 Veerman, Katharine E 221 24th Avenue, Apt #103 San Francisco, CA 94121 Verona 46999 Warm Springs Blvd. Fremont CA 94539 Velasco, Benedicto A. c/o West Valley Staffing 587 Heritage Circle San Lorenzo, CA 94580 VERSGROVE MOVING SYSTEMS 1980 S. 7th St. San Jose CA 95110 Velasco, Mario A 6293-B Joaquin Murieta Avenue Newark, CA 94560 VETRA SYSTEMS CORPORATION 275-J Marcus Boulevard HAUPPAUGE NY 11787 VELMEX, INC 7550 STATE ROUTE 5& 20 BLOOMFIELD NY 14469-9389 Vi, Chuong 3284 Column Court San Jose, CA 95111 Venkatesan, Sushila c/o West Valley Staffing 4950 Dolores Drive Pleasanton, CA 94566 Vibro Acoustic Consultant 490 Post Street San Francisco CA 94102 Ventura Ventures PO Box 400 Glenbrook, NV 89413 VICOR WESTCOR DIVISION 560 Oakmead Pkwy SUNNYVALE CA 94085-4022 VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERV 4227 Technology Drive FREMONT CA 94538 Victorio, Arleen c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Vercellino, James 2332 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 VIDALIA INK 4149 Old Normantown Road VIDALIA GA 30474 Verece, Brenda 38730 Lexington St. # 391 Fremont, CA 94536 Vides, Ian 2238 Acebedo Court Tracy, CA 95376 Vergara, Jocelyn E 3778 Savannah Road Fremont, CA 94538 Vien Tong, Van Kim 197 N. Hillview Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 189 Viet, Jerome Hai 10671 Larry way Cupertino, CA 95014 VIRTUAL INDUSTRIES 2130 Victor Place COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80915 VIKING ELECTRIC, INC. 559-4 Campbell Technology Pkwy CAMPBELL CA 95008 Visarraga, Marietta 2721 Eagle Rock Circle Stockton, CA 95209 VIKING INSTALLATIONS, INC 1061 EVE LANE LIVERMORE CA 94550 VISGER PRECISION, INC 1815 Russel Ave. Santa Clara CA 95054 Villanueva, David G 868 La Crescent Place San Jose, CA 95136 VISION RESEARCH 100 DEY ROAD WAYNE NJ 07470 Villanueva, Rodrigo 1207 Gentry Court Tracy, CA 95377 VISION TECH SECURITY 4320 AUBURN BLVD #2200 SACRAMENTO CA 95841 VINAY S BALAN 34041 SYLVESTER DR FREMONT CA 94555-2225 VISUAL CNC INC 3401 TECHNOLOGY DR PLANO TX 75074 VINCE LUONG 791 VALENCIA DR MILPITAS CA 95035-4540 Visual Precision, Inc. 111 East ten Mil Road Madison Heights MI 48071 VINCENT DECAUX 950 HARRISON ST UNIT 108 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107-1074 VI-TEC MANUFACTURING INC. 288 BOEING COURT LIVERMORE CA 94550 VINH H LE 117 CADWELL CT SAN JOSE CA 95138-1605 VITRI-FORMS, INC. 675 Thomas Hill Road BRATTLEBORO VT 05301 VINH NGO 1435 PRELUDE DR SAN JOSE CA 95131-3317 Vivid, Inc. 1250 Memorex Drive Santa Clara CA 95050 Virgin Clean Fund 27 South Park Street Suit 200 San Francisco, CA 94107 VLADIMIR ABRAMSON 10193 Beardon Drive #1 CUPERTINO CA 95014 Vo, Calvin 1085 Tasman Dr. Spc.116 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 VIRGIN GREEN FUND I, L.P. 27 South Park St., Suite 200 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107 VIRGINIA SEMICONDUCTOR IN 1501 Powhatan Street FREDERICKSBURG VA 22401 190 Vo, Hau c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Vu, Quy 300 Goldenrain Ave. Fremont, CA 94539 Vu, Thomas 6311 Camino Verde Drive San Jose, CA 95119 Vo, John c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Vu, Thomas Hung 3445 Pinotin Ct San Jose, CA 95148 Vo, Long 29 Shenado Place San Jose, CA 95136 Vu, Tuan Anh 2861 Mantis Drive San Jose, CA 95148 Vo, Paul c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Vu, Vinh T 1430 Sajak Ave San Jose, CA 95131 Vo, Thien 54 Jose Figueres Ave San Jose, CA 95116 Vuong, Lac K 49085 Rose Terrace Street Fremont, CA 94539 Vo, Tonya 1952 North Star Circle San Jose, CA 95131 Vuong, Sonny 6975 Mansfield Ave. Dublin, CA 94568 Volpicella, Anthony 3322 Delta Road San Jose, CA 95135 Vuong, Sophal 3370 Costantino Circle Stockton, CA 95212 Vu, Huong 2501 Alveswood Circle San Jose, CA 95131 VWR- FURNITURE 3021 Gateway Drive suite 280 Irving, TX 75063 Vu, Jimmy c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 VWR INTERNATIONAL 3745 Bayshore Blvd. BRISBANE CA 94005 W.L. GORE ASSOCIATE 385 STARR ROAD LANDENBERG PA 19350-3221 Vu, Joseph N. 3332 Vangorn Way San Jose, CA 95121 W.T. ENTERPRISE 1048 Saddlewood Drive SAN JOSE CA 95121 Vu, Kevin 2234 Charger Drive San Jose, CA 95131 191 Walton, Jonathan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 W2 SYSTEMS 106 Cresta Vista Dr. SAN FRANCISCO CA 94127 WA BROWN INDUSTRIAL SALES 12467 HARBOR DRIVE ORANGE VA 22960 Wang, Anny A 45022 Imnaha Ct Fremont, CA 94539 WAFER WORLD, INC. 1100 Technology Place Suite 104 West Palm Beach FL 33407 WARD RUBY 247 SW Riverway Blvd. PALM CITY FL 34990 WAFERNET 2195 Fortune Drive SAN JOSE CA 95131 WARNER INSTRUMENTS LLC 1125 DIXWELL AVE HAMDEN CT 06514 WAGNER PROCESS EQUIPMENT 23510 Berhardt Street HAYWARD CA 94545 Warrilow, Thomas E 550 N. 7th Street San Jose, CA 95112 Wakabayashi, Reyn 1176 McKay Dr San Jose, CA 95131 WASHINGTON PENN PLASTIC C 450 Racetrack Road P.O. Box 236 Washington PA 15301-0236 Walahi, Mohammed 41299 Paseo Padre Parkway #229 Fremont, CA 94539 Washington Tax Group LLC 300 New Jersey Ave. NW # 601 Washington DC 20001 Wallace, Thomas Alexander 613 Birchwood Ct Danville, CA 94506 WATERTECH 1590 Centre Pointe Dr MILPITAS CA 95035 WALLCO INC. 53-55 East Jackson Street Wilkes Barre PA 18701 WATLOW ELECTR 36785 Treasury Center CHICAGO IL 60694 Walschon Fire Protections 1015 Terminal Way San Carlos CA 94070 WATLOW SILICON VALLEY 141 ALBRIGHT WAY SUITE A LOS GATOS CA 95032 Walters & Wolf 41450 Bossell Road Fremont CA 94538 WATLOW SILICON VALLEY 36785 TREASURY CENTER CHICAGO IL 60694-6700 Walton CWCA Scott Creek 28, LLC 3000 Scott Boulevard, Suite 211 Santa Clara, CA 95054 WATLOW- WINONA 1241 Bundy Blvd. WINONA MN 55987-5580 192 Watson, Deborah c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 WEDGEWOOD TECHNOLOGY 300 Industrial Rd SAN CARLOS CA 94070-2601 WEFCO RUBBER MANUFACTURIN 21000 Osbonrne Street Unit 2 Canoga Park CA 91304 Wave Group 44140 Old Warm Spring Blvd Fremont CA 94538 Weidinger Associates, Inc 375 Hudson Street 12th Floor New York NY 10014 Wave Logic 3 D Victor Square Scotts Valley CA 95066 Weidling, Roger c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 WAVE2WAVE 517 FAIRVIEW WAY MILPITAS CA 95035 WAYNE MILLER 646 DISTEL DR LOS ALTOS CA 94022-1501 WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LL 767 Fifth Avenue Attn: Treasurer NEW YORK NY 10153 WCPSC-California c/o Cali 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 WELDLOGIC INC. 2550 AZURITE CIRCLE NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 WD Media, Inc. 1710 Automation Parkway San Jose CA 95131 WELDON LABORATORIES, INC 1188 RT 30 P.O. BOX 40 IMPERIAL PA 15126 Weaver, Christopher c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Weldon, David E 860 Benton Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 Weaver, Daniel A. 3476 Zion Canyon Court Pleasanton, CA 94588 Welk, Aron A. 3224 Antonio Loop Tracy, CA 95377 WEBVERGE INTERNET STRATEG 109 Buskirk Street MILPITAS CA 95035 Wells Fargo Bank N.A. 300 Tri State International Ste 400 Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Wecks, Daniel 2407 Golden Leaf Lane Tracy, CA 95377 WELTMACHT ASIA PTE LTD 10, RIVERVALE LINK, #04-19 PARK GREEN, SINGAPORE 545044 WECO International, Inc. 841 Tacoma Ct. Clio MI 48420 WEN CHANG 860 KEARNY TERRACE SUNNYVALE CA 94086 193 Western States Controls G 815 Arnold Drive Suite 118 Martinez CA 94553 WENWEI QIAO 1079 MCKAY DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 Western States Fire Prote 4740 Northgate Blvd. #150 Sacramento CA 95834 WESCO Semiconductor / Car 9101 Wall Street Suite 400 Austin TX 78754 WESTERN STATES TOOL AND S 23425 Cabot Blvd Hayward CA WESCO Semiconductor / Car 2800 MEAD AVENUE SANTA CLARA CA 95051 WESTERN TECHNOLOGY MARKET 315 Digital Drive MORGAN HILL CA 95037 West Coast Code Consultan 2400 Camino Ramon Suite #240 San Ramon CA 94583 WESTERN TOOL & SUPPLY 2578 SEABOARD AVE SAN JOSE CA 95131 WEST COAST WIRE ROPE 2900 NorthWest 29th PORTLAND OR 97210 Western Water, Inc 512 Woodhaven CT. Aptos CA 95003 WESTERN ANALYTICAL PRODUC 31885 Corydon Street Suite 150 LAKE ELSINORE CA 92530 WESTERN WINDOW TINTING IN 461 PERRYMONT AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95125 WESTERN COMPONENT SALES N 15750 Vineyard Blvd #100 MORGAN HILL CA 95037 WESTFAB MFG 3370 Keller St. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Western Components 15750 Vineyard Blvd, Suite 100 Morgan Hill CA 95037 WESTPAK, INC. 83 Great Oaks San Jose CA 95119 WESTERN ELECTRICAL 2560 Arlington Dr. Hollister CA 95023 Westre, Erik D 783 Rolling Hills Lane Pleasanton, CA 94566 WESTERN FIRE CENTER 2204 PARROTT WAY KELSO WA 98626 WHEATON Glass Warehouse 1000 N 10th St Millville NJ 08332-2093 WESTERN PATENT GROUP 6020 TONKOWA TRAIL GEORGETOWN TX 78628 Whitaker, Corby C. 2451 Spyglass Drive Oakland, MI 48363 Western Rubber & Supply 7888 Marathon Drive, Ste F Livermore CA 94550 WHITE ARROW, LLC 824 S VAIL AVE MONTEBELLO CA 90640 194 WHITE CAP CONSTRUCTION SU 595 Brennan Street San Jose CA 95131 WILFRED MA 3245 ANDORA DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95148 WHITE EAGLE CONSULTING 903 Theresa Court MENLO PARK CA 94025 WILFREDO ABAD 4549 BARTOLO TER FREMONT CA 94536-5616 WHITE KNIGHT FLUID HANDLI 187 EAST 670 SOUTH KAMAS UT 84036 WILINE NETWORKS, INC. 741 Alexander Road Suite 8 PRINCETON NJ 08540 White, Duane 72 Southlake Court San Jose, CA 95138 Will Lebherz 1179 Escalero Ave. Pacifica CA 94044 White, Randey G 3108 Highgate Rd. Modesto, CA 95350 Willard H. Owyeng 1638 Canary Drive Sunnyvale CA 94087 WILLIAM SHISLER 4421 E. Dry Creek Road PHOENIX AZ 85044 WHITMAN CONTROLS CORPORAT 201 Dolphin Rd BRISTOL CT 06010 Williams, Braden John 3373 S Lucille Lane Lafayette, CA 94549 WHL ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 1136 West Evelyn Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 Williams, Dathan c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 WHOLESALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4040 GULF FREEWAY HOUSTON TX 77004 WHOLESALE FLOWERS AND SU 5305 Metro St SAN DIEGO CA 92110 Williams, Gregory c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94085 WIDGET SUPPLY 1131 COMMERCIAL WAY SE ALBANY OR 97322 Wilson, Landry c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 WIHA QUALITY TOOLS 1348 Dundas circle, MONTICELLO MN 55362 Wilbur, Raymond D 4759 Blanco Dr San Jose, CA 95129 Wilson, Zenaida c/o West Valley Staffing 390 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 WILCO IMAGING, INC 3645 BRANDO LOOP FAIR OAKS CA 95628 195 WIN MACHINING & SHEETMETA 5353 Almaden ExpressWay #48 SAN JOSE CA 95118 Woldeselasie, Daniel 449 Dohrmann Lane Pinole, CA 94564 WINDUSTRIAL 394 W CARIBBEAN DR. SUNNYVALE CA 94089 WOLFE ENGINEERING 3040 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE CA 95134 WINDUSTRIAL 1525 WALSH AVE SANTA CLARA CA 95050 Wong, Chris 2329 Antonelli Ct. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 WINFORD ENGINEERING, LLC 4169 FOUR MILE ROAD BAY CITY MI 48706 Wong, David 3924 Jersey Road Fremont, CA 94538 WING S KWAN 842 BASKING LN WING S SAN JOSE CA 95138-1356 Wong, Eugene 4291 Warbler Loop Fremont, CA 94555 WINSTON & STRAWN , LLP 333 S. GRAND AVE. LOS ANGELES CA 90071-1543 Wong, Michael Z 3839 Boulder Canyon Drive Castro Valley, CA 94552 Wirth, Christopher William 38760 Crane Terrace Fremont, CA 94536 Wong, Shan 1303 Thornbury Lane San Jose, CA 95138 WISEPAC ACTIVE PACKAGING 3589 BEISONG ROAD MINHANG DISTRICT Shanghai 201111 China Woo, Peter 1598 Adolfo Drive San Jose, CA 95131 WITec Instruments Corp. 101 Tomaras Ave Savoy IL 61874 Wood Group Field Services 10455 Slusher Drive Santa Fe Springs CA 90670 WITEG SCIENTIFIC 14235 Commerce Drive GARDEN GROVE CA 92843-4944 Wood, Michael c/o Aerotek 2490 Mariner Square Loop #100 Alameda, CA 94501 Witness Inspection, Inc. 350 N. Centennial St. Zeeland MI 49464 WoodCraft Supplies LLC 406 Airport Industrial Blvd Parkersburg WV 26102 WKW MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR 550 MONTEREY ROAD, UNIT D MORGAN HILL CA 95037 Work Shirt 976 South First Street San Jose CA 95110 WOEHR TOOL & DIE INC 130 LEWIS RD SUITE #6 SAN JOSE CA 95111 196 XPEDX 13745 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 WORLDWIDE SPECIALTY LAMP 6759 OAK RIDGE COMMERCE WAY SW AUSTELL GA 30168 XSoptix 800 Village Walk #316 Guilford CT 06437 Wragg, Sharon L 1165 Hayes St Napa, CA 94559 XTREMEZ.COM 1212 W Fourth Plain Blvd Vancouver WA 98660 Wright, Albert S 5810 Lean Ave San Jose, CA 95123 Xu, Fei 41681 Mission Creek Drive Fremont, CA 94539 Wright, Cheryl T 1822 Tartan Road Turlock, CA 95382 XYRATEX INTERNATIONAL INC 46831 LAKEVIEW BLVD FREMONT CA 94538 Wright, John H. 530 Magnolia Lane Tracy, CA 95376 XYRATEX INTERNATIONAL INC 860 Embarcadero Drive Suite 80 Riverside Business Center West SACRAMENTO CA 95605-1503 Wunderlich-Malec 5501 FELTL ROAD MINNETONKA MN 55343 XYRATEX INTERNATIONAL INC 2031 CONCOURSE DR. SAN JOSE CA 95131 Wunderlich-Malec 5860 West Las Positas Blvd #19 Pleasanton CA 94588 XIAO WU 1092 MICRO PL SAN JOSE CA 95120-3358 Yair Galil Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166-0193 XIAOHUA (NICOLE) GENG 1460 GRAYWOOD DRIVE SAN JOSE CA 95129 Yan, Zhi Ran 43041 Newport Drive Fremont, CA 94538 XITRON TECHNOLOGIES 5959 CORNERSTONE COURT WEST SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 YANING WANG 807 CENTAURUS LN FOSTER CITY CA 94404-2880 YAOWU GAO 1860 ELLIS STREET #E SAN FRANCISCO CA 94115 XP POWER INC 990 BENIECIA AVENUE SUNNYVALE CA 94085 YASKAWA 2121 NORMAN DRIVE WAUKEGAN IL 60085 XPEDX 31129 WIEGMAN ROAD HAYWARD CA 94544 197 Ybanez, Ian Keith P.O Box 2718 Dublin, CA 94568 Yu, Allen S. 48974 Tulare Drive Fremont, CA 94539 YCS Engineering 1038 EUGENE COURT SUNNYVALE CA 94087 Yu, Jae Won 88 E. San Fernando St, Unit 1006 San Jose, CA 95113 YE CHEN PO BOX 19448 STANFORD CA 94309 Yu, Lei 3796 Ashton Court San Jose, CA 95111 Yee, Darrell Michael 3511 Campbell Court Fremont, CA 94536 Yun, Xiaomin 481 Via Vera Cruz Fremont, CA 94539 Yee, Martin C. 4812 Rocklin Drive Union City, CA 94587 ZAHN ELECTRONICS, INC. 4133 COURTNEY ROAD UNIT#5 FRANKVILLE WI 53126 Yellow Jacket Inc. 2350 East Central Ave Duarte CA 914010 Zambrano, Wilfrido Faustino 4371 San Juan Ave. Fremont, CA 94536 Yip, Alexander 3074 San Fernando Way Union City, CA 94587 ZAO TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION 1569 OXFORD ST REDWOOD CITY CA 94061 YM MFG. INC. 4160 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE FREMONT CA 94538 Zeitgeist Capital LLC 7557 Rambler Road Dallas, TX 75231 YORK INTERNATIONAL CORPOR 7020 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY #110 PLEASANTON CA 94566 Zenger, Christian Nordstasse 18 Zurich, Switzerland CH-8006 YOUNES ACHKIRE 17970 HELEN WAY LOS GATOS CA 95033 ZEOMETRIC LLC 316 Roosevelt Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94085 YOUNG EXPRESS TRAVEL 495 Castro Street MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94041 Zepos & Yannopoulos 75, Katehaki & Kifissias Ave., 115 25, Athens Greece Young, Matthew 3595 Granada Ave, Apt #234 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Zhang, Pingping 38 N. Almaden Blvd. Unit 515 San Jose, CA 95110 Your Safety Place, Inc 8012 Golden Eagle Way Pleasanton CA 94588 198 Zhao, Maosheng 1052 Fleetwood Drive San Jose, CA 95120 ZYP COATING 120 Valley Court OAK RIDGE TN 37830 ZYTEK CORPORATION 1755 McCarthy BLVD MILPITAS CA 95035 ZHEN C BAO 22692 LIBERTY OAK LANE CUPERTINO CA 95014 Zheng, Fan 2571 Copa Del Oro Drive Union City, CA 94587 Zhu, Yan 4400 Headen Way Santa Clara, CA 95054 ZIG SHUSTER 1319 Cerro Verde SAN JOSE CA 95120 Zilio, Alessandro Via Silvio Geuna, No.9 Chieri, Italy 10023 Zinola Manufacturing 1190 West Evelyn Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 Zmrzli, Robert 18569 Allendale Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070 Zoellner, Anja Riedmatt 5 Zug, Switzerland 6300 ZONES, INC 1102 15th st SW, SUITE 102 AUBURN WA 98001-6509 Zuniga, Zachary Z 3913 Cadwallader Avenue San Jose, CA 95121 ZURICH NORTH AMERICA 8712 Innovation Way CHICAGO IL 60682-0087 199 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: Chapter 11 Solyndra LLC, Case No. 11- (_.) Debtor. VERIFIED CONSOLIDATED LIST OF CREDITORS/MASTER MAILING MATRIX OF SOLYNDRA LLC SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL RULE OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE 1007 AND LOCAL BANKRUPTCY RULE 1007-2 FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE I, W.G. Stover, Jr., the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Solyndra LLC a Delaware limited liability company, named as the debtor in this case ("Debtor"), declare under penalty of perjury that I have read the attached Consolidated List of Creditors/Master Mailing Matrix for Solyndra LW and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. The information contained herein is based upon a review of the Debtor’s books and records. However, no comprehensive legal and/or factual investigations have been completed with regard to any claims (or possible claims) of any of the parties set forth in the Consolidated List of Creditors/Master Mailing Matrix for Solyndra LLC or as to any defenses (or possible defenses) thereto. Therefore, the listing does not and should not be deemed to constitute: (1) a waiver of any defense to any listed claims; (2) an acknowledgement of the allowability of any listed claims; and/or (3) a waiver of any other right or legal position of the Debtor. 1W Executed this !... day of September, 2011 at Fremont, California. W.G. Stover Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President DOCS_SF:780382 80368-00001 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: ) Solyndra LLC, et al.,1 ) ) Chapter 11 ) Debtors. Case No. 11-12799 (_) (Joint Administration Requested) ) ) DECLARATION OF W.G. STOVER, JR., SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, IN SUPPORT OF FIRST DAY MOTIONS I, W.G. Stover, Jr., hereby declare that the following is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief: 1. I am the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for debtor Solyndra LLC ("Solyndra") and 360 Degree Solar Holdings, Inc. ("Holdings," and together with Solyndra, collectively, the "Debtors" or the "Company"). I submit this declaration (the "Declaration") in support of the Debtors’ petitions and "first day" motions and applications described in Part II below (collectively, the "First Day Motions"). Except as otherwise indicated, all statements in this Declaration are based upon my personal knowledge, my review of the Debtors’ books and records, relevant documents and other information prepared or collected by the Debtors’ employees at my direction, or my opinion based on my experience with the Debtors’ operations and financial condition. In making my statements based on my review The Debtors in these proceedings and the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal taxpayer identification number are as follows: Solyndra LLC (9771) and 360 Degree Solar Holdings, Inc. (5583). The Debtors’ address is 47488 Kato Road, Fremont, CA 94538. DOCSDE: 172795.2 68700-001 of the Debtors’ books and records, relevant documents and other information prepared or collected by the Debtors’ employees, I have relied upon these employees’ accurately recording, preparing or collecting any such documentation and other information. If I were called to testify as a witness in this matter, I could and would competently testify to each of the facts set forth herein based upon my personal knowledge, review of documents, or opinion. I am authorized to submit this Declaration on behalf of the Debtors. 2. I have been employed with the Debtors since December 2007. From June 1989 until August 2007, I served in various capacities at Micron Technology, Inc., a manufacturer of semiconductor devices, most recently as Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer. I received a B.A. in business administration with an accounting emphasis from Washington State University. Prior to joining Micron Technology, I was employed by Coopers & Lybrand as a manager in the audit practice. 3. Part I of this Declaration describes the business of the Debtors and the developments that led to their filing for relief under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"). Part II of this Declaration sets forth the relevant facts in support of the First Day Motions filed concurrently herewith in support of the Debtors’ chapter 11 cases (the "Cases"). DOCSDE: 172795.2 68700-001 2 PART I Overview of the Debtors and their Operations Introduction 4. Founded in 2005, Solyndra is a U.S. manufacturer of solar photovoltaic ("PV") solar power systems specifically designed for large commercial and industrial rooftops and for certain shaded agriculture applications. The Company’s worldwide headquarters and its manufacturing operations are located in Fremont California. Prior to September 6, 2011 (the "Petition Date"), the Company maintained sales presences in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic and the UAE. Solyndra’s innovative cylindrical solar PV panels are highly differentiated and unique in the PV industry. Unlike conventional flat solar panels, Solyndra’s panels are a series of cylindrical modules connected to form a panel. As a result of the form factor, Solyndra panels require no ballast, tilting, or roof penetration and weigh approximately one-half of other solar panels per rooftop unit of area. In addition, Solyndra’s current high-volume solar PV panels require no tools for installation and can be installed more quickly than conventional solar panels, resulting in an installation cost substantially below that of conventional solar panels. Solyndra manufactured all of its products in the United States with the support of a well-developed domestic supply chain. Prior to the lay-off of substantially all of the Solyndra workforce that occurred on August 31, 2011, and which I discuss further below, the Company had approximately 968 full time employees and 211 temporary employees. Solyndra has sold more than 500,000 of its DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 3 panels since 2008 and generated cumulative sales of over $250 million. Today, Solyndra panels are estimated to be installed on more than 1,000 commercial and industrial roofs in 20 countries. Solyndra has received numerous awards and recognition including appearing on the MIT Technology Review list of the "50 Most Innovative Companies in the World", the 2010 Wall Street Journal list of the "Top 10 Venture-backed Clean-Tech Companies", the Wall Street Journal list "The Next Big Thing: Top 50 Venture Backed Companies", and a 2009 Excellence in Renewable Energy Award from Renewable Energy World Magazine. Business Operations 6. Solyndra sells three primary types of solar panels: (i) 100 Series; (ii) 150 Series for higher power density; and (iii) 200 Series. In addition, the Company developed new mounting solutions that allow some of the Solyndra panels to be used in new situations: these solutions include (a) Elevated Shade Structure (aka "Greenhouse") mounts, announced in February 2011; (b) mounts for metal roofs, announced in June 2011; and (c) an "Extreme Wind Solution", allowing for deployment of panels in areas with winds up to 180 miles per hour, announced in August 2011. The 100 Series is Solyndra’ s original PV system composed of panels and mounting hardware for low-slope, commercial rooftops. The 200 Series is Solyndra’s second generation PV system, which has an enhanced form factor over the 100 Series thereby increasing its Watt peak performance and requires no tools for installation. The 150 Series is a hybrid product, using the advanced PV modules of the 200 Series, but the existing mounting solution of the 100 Series. DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 4 7. From its inception in 2005 through 2007, Solyndra focused on its research and development efforts to refine its proprietary thin-film technology used to apply the copper, indium, gallium and selenium ("CIGS") PV material on its cylindrical glass tubes. In 2007, Solyndra leased its first fabrication facility ("Fab 1") and began to focus its efforts on commercializing its technology and designing and deploying the custom equipment needed to produce its innovative PV panels on a large scale. In July 2008, Solyndra began its first commercial shipments of PV panels. 8. In December 2006, Solyndra submitted a pre-application for a loan to be guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Energy ("DOE") pursuant to Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. In October 2007, the DOE invited Solyndra and 15 other applicants to submit full applications for loan guarantees. In March 2009, Solyndra received a conditional commitment from the DOE for a $535 million loan guarantee (the "DOE Loan Guarantee") to fund the construction of a second fabrication facility ("Fab 2"). The DOE Loan Guarantee closed and construction on the Fab 2 facility began in September 2009. Commercial production in Fab 2 began in January 2011. 9. Solyndra’s commercial shipments and production have grown year over year for every year since it started commercial shipments in 2008. Solyndra had annual revenues of approximately $142 million for the year ended January 1, 2011. For the fiscal year then ended, the Company incurred a net loss of approximately $329 million. As of the year ended January 1, 2011, Solyndra had assets with a book value of approximately $859 million and liabilities with a book value of approximately $749 million. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 5 Corporate Structure and Management The Debtors are two affiliated entities - Holdings and Solyndra. Holdings 10. (aka Solyndra, Inc.), is a Delaware corporation and has a 100% ownership interest in Solyndra. Solyndra (aka Solyndra Fab 2, LLC) is a Delaware limited liability company and, as of February 2011, became the Debtors’ primary operating company. As noted above, Solyndra is 100% owned by Holdings. Holdings,’ 11. significant investors include Argonaut Ventures (38.99%); Madrone Partners (13.00%), USVP Venture Partners (9.20%); and Rockport Capital Partners (7.33%). Solyndra’s Chief Executive and President is Brian Harrison, who has 12. served in such capacity since July 2010. Solyndra’s Executive Vice President of Operations and Engineering is Benjamin Bierman, who has served in such capacity since October 2009. Solyndra’s General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Corporate Development is John Gaffney who has served in such capacity since January 2010. Initial Funding and the February 2011 Restructuring A. Initial Funding 13. Solyndra was initially funded with the proceeds of preferred stock. Specifically, between May 2006 and February 2009, Solyndra issued eight series of preferred stock (Series A-i, Series A-2, Series B, Series C-i, Series C-2, Series D-2, Series D-3, and Series E) to investors for total aggregate proceeds of $709.4 million. 14. In September 2009, Solyndra received the DOE Loan Guarantee of $535 million loan (the "DOE Loan") from the U.S. Federal Financing Bank for the construction of Fab DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 6 2. In connection with the DOE Loan Guarantee, Solyndra was required to fund 27% of the $733 million estimated construction cost of the Fab 2 facility. In order to satisfy this requirement, Solyndra issued Series E Preferred stock to new and existing investors and $198 million of the proceeds of this issuance was placed into a segregated account (the "Restricted Account") described in more detail below. 15. In July 2010, Solyndra, Inc. issued $175 million of convertible promissory notes to various investors, convertible into equity of Solyndra, Inc. (the "Convertible Promissory Notes"). B. February 2011 Restructuring/Current Capital Structure. 16. In February 2011, Solyndra and its secured lenders restructured all of Solyndra’s outstanding indebtedness (the "February 2011 Restructuring") thereby resulting in the following capital structure: As of the Petition Date, Solyndra had outstanding secured indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount of $783,755,765, consisting of (a) $69,302,901 in principal obligations under the Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility (as defined below), (b) $142,808,544 in principal obligations constituting Tranche B Debt (as defined below), (c) $385,000,000 in principal obligations constituting Tranche D Debt (as defined below), and (d) $186,644,319 in principal obligations under the Prepetition Tranche B Facility (as defined below). The foregoing obligations are secured by substantially all of the Debtors’ assets, subject to the terms of the Prepetition Intercreditor Agreement (as defined below). 17. Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility. Pursuant to that certain Term Loan Agreement (Tranche A), dated as of February 23, 2011 (the "Prepetition Tranche A DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 7 Term Loan Agreement" and together with all other loan and security documents executed in connection therewith, the "Prepetition Tranche A Credit Documents"), by and among Solyndra, the lender parties thereto (collectively, the "Prepetition Tranche A Lenders"), and Argonaut Ventures I, L.L.C., as Tranche A Representative (in such capacity, the "Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Representative"), the Prepetition Tranche A Lenders provided a first lien secured credit facility comprised of up to $75,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of term loan commitments (the "Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility"). As of the Petition Date, the Debtors were indebted and liable to the Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Representative and the Prepetition Tranche A Lenders under the Prepetition Tranche A Credit Documents, in the principal amount of $69,302,901 plus interest accrued and accruing, costs and any fees and expenses due and owing thereunder (collectively, the "Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Obligations"). 18. Prepetition Tranche BID Term Loan Facility. Pursuant to that certain Payment and Reimbursement Agreement (Tranches B and D), dated as of February 23, 2011 (the "Prepetition Tranche B/D Term Loan Agreement," and together with all other loan and security documents executed in connection therewith, the "Prepetition Tranche B/D Credit Documents"), by and between Solyndra, as borrower, and the U.S. Department of Energy, acting by and through the Secretary of Energy, as loan servicer (the "Prepetition Tranche B/D Agent"), Solyndra is obligated to repay amounts owing to Federal Financing Bank, and its guarantor, the U.S. Department of Energy (the "Prepetition Tranche B/D Lenders"), which consist of (i) the Tranche B Total Principal Amount (as defined in the Prepetition Tranche B/D Term Loan DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 Agreement) (the "Tranche B Debt"), and (ii) the Tranche D Total Principal Amount (as defined in the Prepetition Tranche B/D Term Loan Agreement) (the "Tranche D Debt") (collectively, the "Prepetition Tranche BID Term Loan Facility"). As of the Petition Date, the Debtors were indebted and liable to the Prepetition Tranche B/D Lenders under the Prepetition Tranche B/D Term Loan Agreement (i) in the principal amount of $142,808,544 plus interest accrued and accruing, costs and any fees and expenses due and owing thereunder on account of the Tranche B Debt and (ii) in the principal amount of $385,000,000 plus interest accrued and accruing, costs and any fees and expenses due and owing thereunder on account of the Tranche D Debt (collectively, the "Prepetition Tranche B/D Term Loan Facility Obligations"). 19. Prepetition Tranche E Facility. Pursuant to that certain Tranche B Note Purchase Agreement, dated as of February 23, 2011 (the "Prepetition Tranche E Agreement" and together with all other loan and security documents executed in connection therewith, the "Prepetition Tranche E Credit Documents"), by and among Solyndra, as borrower, Argonaut Ventures I, L.L.C., as agent (the "Prepetition Tranche E Agent"), and each holder of a Tranche E note (together with the Tranche E Agent, the "Prepetition Tranche E Lenders"), Solyndra is obligated to repay amounts owing to the Prepetition Tranche E Lenders in the aggregate principal amount of $186,481,645 (the "Prepetition Tranche E Facility"). As of the Petition Date, the Debtors were indebted and liable to the Prepetition Tranche E Agent and the Prepetition Tranche E Lenders under the Prepetition Tranche E Credit Documents in the principal amount of $186,644,319 plus interest accrued and accruing, costs and any fees and expenses due and owing thereunder (collectively, the "Prepetition Tranche E Facility DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 9 Obligations" and, together with the Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Obligations and the Prepetition Tranche B/D Term Loan Facility Obligations, the "Prepetition Secured Obligations"). The Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Representative, the Prepetition Tranche A Lenders, the Prepetition Tranche B/D Agent, and the Prepetition Tranche B/D Lenders, the Prepetition Tranche E Agent, and the Prepetition Tranche E Lenders are referred to collectively herein as the "Prepetition Secured Parties". 20. Prepetition Collateral. As more fully set forth in the Prepetition Tranche A Credit Documents, the Prepetition Tranche B/D Credit Documents, the Prepetition Tranche E Credit Documents, and that certain First Amended & Restated Common Agreement, dated as of February 23, 2011 (the "Common Agreement"), prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors granted security interests in and liens on, among other things, substantially all assets of the Debtors (collectively, the "Prepetition Collateral"), subject to certain limitations (the "Prepetition Liens") to U.S. Bank National Association, as master collateral agent (the "Master Collateral Agent") under the Common Agreement. 21. Priority of Prepetition Liens Intercreditor Agreement. The Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Representative, the Prepetition Tranche B/D Agent, the Prepetition Tranche E Agent, and the Master Collateral Agent are party to that certain Intercreditor Agreement, dated as of February 23, 2011 (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof, the "Prepetition Intercreditor Agreement"), that governs the respective rights, interests, obligations, priority, and positions of the various Prepetition Tranche A Lenders, Prepetition Tranche B/D Lenders, and Prepetition DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 10 Tranche E Lenders. Pursuant to the Prepetition Intercreditor Agreement, as of the Petition Date, (i) the Prepetition Tranche A Lenders’ right to payment is senior to the Prepetition Tranche B/D Lenders’ right to payment with respect to the Tranche B Debt, and (ii) the Prepetition Tranche BID Lenders’ right to payment with respect to the Tranche B Debt is senior to both (a) the Prepetition Tranche BID Lenders’ right to payment with respect to the Tranche D Debt, and (b) the Prepetition Tranche E Lenders’ right to payment, which rights are pari passu. 22. Restricted Funds. Prior to the Petition Date, Holdings issued $286,000,000 of preferred stock to investors, of which $198,000,000 (the "Restricted Funds") was placed in a segregated account (the "Restricted Account") controlled by the Master Collateral Agent to be used by the Debtors in combination with funds advanced pursuant to the Prepetition Tranche B/D Credit Documents in connection with the construction of Fab 2. Circumstances Leading to the Commencement of the Chapter 11 Cases 23. Prior to the Petition Date, the combination of general business conditions and an oversupply of solar panels dramatically reduced solar panel pricing world-wide. The oversupply was due, in part, to the growing capacity of foreign manufacturers that utilized low cost capital provided by their governments to expand their operations. In response, Solyndra was forced to reduce its average selling prices to remain competitive. In addition, the reduction or elimination of governmental subsidies and incentives for the purchase of solar energy, particularly in Europe, negatively impacted the availability of capital for PV system owners, further reducing demand for Solyndra’s panels. Finally, Solyndra’s ability to timely collect on its accounts receivables was negatively impacted as foreign competitors offered extended D005_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 11 payment terms, resulting in Solyndra’s customers refusing to honor their previously agreed payment terms. 24. In February 2011, as the aforementioned competitive pressures were emerging, Solyndra entered into the February 2011 Restructuring. Although the February 2011 Restructuring provided for an infusion of $75 million, it left the Company with more than $783 million in senior secured debt and the need to raise further incremental capital to fund operations until the Company could generate positive cash flow from operations. 25. Prior to the Petition Date, Solyndra reached out to multiple strategic and financial investors in an attempt to attract the necessary incremental capital. However, Solyndra was unable to find any parties that would be willing to fund the increased capital requirements of the Company in light the size and structure of Solyndra’s debt. 26. Solyndra then approached certain existing holders of the Tranche A Debt to explore alternative financing arrangements. In June and July of 2011, Solyndra and certain holders of the Tranche A Debt entered into an arrangement whereby Solyndra would sell up to $75 million of its existing and future accounts receivables and inventory at a negotiated discount in order to provide interim working capital for the Company through an accounts receivable purchase and sale facility (the "A/R Sale Agreement") and an inventory purchase and sale facility (the "Inventory Sale Agreement"). 27. In early August, Solyndra, certain holders of Tranche A Debt, and representatives of the DOE undertook negotiations regarding a further restructuring that would allow Solyndra to attract necessary new investment. The negotiations over the terms of the DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 12 further restructuring continued throughout August 2011. During this time, the parties to the Inventory Facility continued to purchase Solyndra inventory to provide critically needed liquidity. In the final weeks prior to the Petition Date, the DOE and certain existing investors engaged in negotiations for bridge financing to allow Solyndra additional time to find a new source of capital (the "Bridge Financing"). Solyndra believed that with sufficient time and an agreement to restructure the Company’s obligations by the existing lenders, there was a reasonable prospect of obtaining the necessary incremental financing. 28. With the Bridge Financing discussions proceeding, the parties to the Inventory Sale Agreement purchased approximately $3 million in inventory from the Company on Monday, August 29, 2011. However, on August 30, 2011, Solyndra was informed that the contemplated Bridge Financing would not occur. Without the Bridge Financing, Solyndra was unable to continue operations. As a result, on August 31, 2011, Solyndra suspended its manufacturing operations and terminated the vast majority of its workforce. Solyndra retained key employees to operate the business while restructuring options are explored. 29. Following the suspension of operations, the Company began negotiations with certain existing Tranche A investors who are prepared to enter into a DIP financing arrangement for $4 million (the "DIP Financing") and are willing to consent to the company’s use of their cash collateral subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions. The DIP Financing and use of cash collateral is critical to allow Solyndra adequate time to explore restructuring alternatives and is discussed further below. D005_DE:172795.2 68700-001 13 Chapter 11 Goals 30. On September 6, 2011, the Debtors filed these Cases. The Debtors intend to use the Chapter 11 process to evaluate all of their restructuring options and to maximize the return for creditors. 31. The Debtors are pursuing a two-pronged strategy to effectuate either a sale of their business to a "turnkey" buyer who may acquire substantially all of Solyndra’s assets or, if the Debtors are unable to identify any such potential buyers, an orderly liquidation of the Debtors’ assets for the benefit of their creditors. To that end, the proposed DIP Financing budget provides for a four-week exploratory period during which time the Debtors will both determine whether a robust sale process is likely to identify a turnkey buyer and also explore all available restructuring opportunities. The Debtors intend to pursue all potential turnkey buyers, specifically interested parties in both the United States and overseas who may have a particular interest in acquiring the Debtors’ business. 32. The Debtors believe that pursuing a sale on a turnkey basis offers the best chance for the Debtors to maximize the value of their assets and reemploy the employees who were terminated prior to the Petition Date. The Debtors believe that this process would yield a far greater return to the Debtors’ creditors than a piecemeal liquidation of the Debtors assets. However, to the extent that the Debtors are not successful in these restructuring efforts during the time period provided under the DIP Financing budget, the budget provides sufficient funding to enable the Debtors to conduct an orderly wind-down of their operations and to sell their assets on a piecemeal basis for the benefit of the Debtors’ creditors. D005_DE:172795.2 68700-001 14 PART II First Day Motions and Applications 33. In order to enable the Debtors to minimize the adverse effects of the commencement of the Cases, the Debtors have requested various types of relief in the First Day Motions filed concurrently with this Declaration. A summary of the relief sought in each First Day Motion is set forth below. 34. I have reviewed each of these First Day Motions (including the exhibits and schedules thereto). The facts stated therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, and I believe that the type of relief sought in each of the First Day Motions: (a) is necessary to enable the Debtors to operate in chapter 11 with minimal disruption to their current business operations; and (b) is essential to maximizing the value of the Debtors’ assets for the benefit of their estates and creditors. A. Debtors’ Motion for Order Directing Joint Administration of Related Chapter 11 Cases 35. The Debtors in these cases are affiliated entities. I am informed by counsel that the joint administration of the chapter 11 cases will permit the Clerk of the Court to utilize a single general docket for these cases and combine notices to creditors of the Debtors’ respective estates and other parties in interest, which will result in significant savings to the estates. Accordingly, I believe that the relief requested in the joint administration motion is in the best interests of the Debtors’ estates. B. Debtors’ Motion for an Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation Pursuant to Section 331 of the Bankruptcy Code ("Interim Compensation Procedures Motion") DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 15 36. The Debtors request approval of certain procedures for compensating and reimbursing court-approved professionals on a monthly basis, which I am informed, are comparable to the procedures established in other similar-sized chapter 11 cases in this district. 37. With the first day motions, the Debtors seek approval to employ PSZJ as their bankruptcy counsel. Thereafter, the Debtors intend to seek authority to retain certain other professionals in the Cases as the need arises. In addition, I am informed that an official committee of unsecured creditors (the "Committee") may be appointed, and that the Committee also may seek to retain various professionals (the "Committee Professionals") 38. I am informed that entry of an interim compensation order will streamline the professional compensation process and enable the Court and all other parties to more effectively monitor the professional fees incurred in the Cases. Further, it will avoid forcing professionals to finance the Cases while awaiting final approval of their fees and expenses. I believe that such relief is in the best interests of the Debtors’ estates. C. Motion of Debtors for Order Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 105, 345, 363, 364, 1197 and 1108 Authorizing (I) Maintenance of Existing Bank Accounts, (II) continued Use of Existing Business Forms, (III) continued Use of Existing cash Management System, and (IV) Limited Waiver of Section 345(b) Deposit and Investment Requirements ("Cash Management Motion") 39. Just prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors terminated their manufacturing operations and have begun the process of restructuring their financial affairs. The Debtors have closed, or are in the process of closing, a significant number of their bank accounts. However, the Debtors wish to maintain a few bank accounts, each of which is held in the name of Solyndra, to continue to make ordinary course disbursements, including payment of payroll DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 16 obligations, to collect customer receipts and to hold cash collateral pledged to secure the Debtors’ corporate credit card obligations. From and after the Petition Date, the Debtors propose to have a simplified 40. cash management system (the "Cash Management System") that contains the following bank accounts (together, the "Bank Accounts"): (a) one principal operating account in the name of Solyndra LLC (acct. no. 4123021453) (the "Operating Account") at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ("Wells Fargo") that will be used for disbursements; (b) one zero balance payroll account in the name of Solyndra LLC (acct. no. 4124817313) at Wells Fargo that is linked to the Operating Account and debited by Solyndra’s payroll service as and when payroll comes due; (c) three customer collections accounts in the name of Solyndra LLC (acct. no. 777-6010832 at Wells Fargo for customer collections in Euros and acct. nos. 13343002 and 153910672036 at U.S. BaiikN.A. ("U.S. Bank") for U.S. customer collections) (together, the "Collections Accounts"). Account No. 13343002 is a securities account that invests cash collections in money market shares. The remaining two Collections Accounts are deposit accounts. The Collections Account at U.S. Bank is presently subject to the control of U.S. Bank as the master collateral agent for the holders of Solyndra’ s secured debt (the "Master Collateral Agent"); 2 and 2 The Debtors have separately sought to access the funds in the U.S. Bank Collections Account. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 17 (d) one restricted account (acct. no. 4123508939) at Wells Fargo the ("Restricted Account") containing approximately $110,000 pledged to secure the Debtors’ credit card-related obligations to Wells Fargo. 41. The Debtors manually transfer funds from the Collections Accounts to the Operating Account as and when needed to fund the Debtors’ business or otherwise in the discretion of the Debtors, except that the Debtors gain access to funds in the U.S. Bank Collections Account by instructing the U.S. Department of Energy, as loan servicer of certain secured debt obligations of Solyndra, to direct the Master Collateral Agent to disburse funds to the Operating Account. In the past, monthly receipts in the range of $5,000,000 to $8,000,000 flowed through the Cash Management System. 42. The Debtors’ Bank Accounts and Cash Management System facilitates the timely and efficient collection, management and disbursement of funds used in the Debtors’ business. Because of the disruption to the business that would result if the Debtors were forced to close these accounts, it is critical that the Debtors’ maintain the Bank Accounts and existing Cash Management System. 43. Prior to the Petition Date and in the ordinary course of business, the Debtors had corporate credit cards made available to their employees by Wells Fargo up to an aggregate credit limit of $300,000 that was fully secured by a certificate of deposit. This prepetition account has been terminated and, upon Debtors’ instruction, Wells Fargo has paid the estimated balance of the credit cards from the Operating Account. Due to potential processing delays, charges made on such credit cards may not have been processed on or before the Petition DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 18 Date and -the Debtors seek the Court’s approval to permit Wells Fargo to process and honor such prepetition charges, if any, after the Petition Date. Given the Debtors’ reduced operations, the Debtors propose to reduce their credit limit under the corporate credit cards to $100,000. The Debtors believe that Wells Fargo is willing to continue this program provided that the Debtors’ obligations thereunder are fully cash collateralized and Wells Fargo is authorized to continue to process any prepetition charges made on the credit cards and deduct the amounts charged from the Operating Account. The Debtors presently have the Restricted Account at Wells Fargo that contains sufficient cash to cover any postpetition credit card exposure. The Debtors seek authority to continue to have access to corporate credit cards issued by Wells Fargo on a postpetition basis and for postpetition business charges up to an aggregate limit of $100,000, which amount shall be collateralized by cash on hand in the Restricted Account in an amount not less than $110,000 at Wells Fargo. 44. It is my understanding that United States Trustee requirements mandate that prepetition bank accounts of chapter 11 debtors be closed and new debtor-in-possession bank accounts opened postpetition. The Debtors seek a waiver of this requirement in the Cases. It is my belief that, if strictly enforced in this case, the United States Trustee’s requirement would cause a severe disruption in the Debtors’ activities and would impair the Debtors’ ability to operate under chapter 11. 45. I believe that maintenance of the Bank Accounts will greatly facilitate the Debtors’ operations in chapter 11. If the Bank Accounts were closed, the Debtors would have to open new accounts and then attempt to arrange alternative electronic and manual payment DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 19 procedures for payments into and out of those accounts which would completely disrupt the flow of the Debtors’ receipt of revenues and the Debtors’ payment of debts incurred postpetition. In addition, it is my understanding that closing the Bank Accounts would require the Debtors to cancel and reinstitute wire transfer instructions which would be difficult to modify under exigent circumstances. I believe that these disruptions would severely impact and could irreparably harm the Debtors’ ability to operate their business and effectuate a sale of their assets for the benefit of their creditors. D. Debtors’ Motion Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105(A), 363, And 507(A) for an Order Authorizing the Debtors to (I) Pay Prepetition Wages, Salaries, Commissions, Employee Benefits, and Other Compensation; (II) Remit Withholding Obligations; (HI) Maintain Employee Compensation and Benefits Programs and Pay Related Administrative Obligations; and (IV) Have Applicable Banks and Other Financial Institutions Receive, Process, Honor, and Pay Certain Checks Presented for Payment and Honor Certain Fund Transfer Requests ("Wage Motion") 46. On August 31, 2011, the Debtors terminated approximately 900 regular full-time employees (the "Terminated Employees"), leaving a core group of 113 employees necessary to assist the Debtors with their restructuring efforts (the "Continuing Employees"). The Continuing Employees work at the Debtors’ office in Fremont, California as well as other remote locations in the United States. The Continuing Employees perform administrative office and support services in assisting the Debtors with their go-forward business, including, for example, finance, research and development, operations, quality control, legal, and human resources. Six of the Continuing Employees are involved in sales and sales support roles. None of the Terminated or Continuing Employees are associated with a labor union. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 20 Wages and Salaries and Associated Withholding 47. All Employees are paid in arrears bi-weekly through direct deposit or check by ADP. The last payroll occurred on September 2, 2011, which covered the period from August 15, 2011 through and including August 28, 2011. 48. Historically, and prior to the termination of the Terminated Employees, the Debtors’ average bi-weekly gross payroll was approximately $3.5 million, which figure included wages and salaries, taxes (including withholding taxes paid by Employees), and withholdings for various benefits (described more fully below). Going forward, with the significantly-reduced workforce, the Debtors estimate that their average bi-weekly gross payroll will be approximately $650,000, which amounts may be further reduced if the Debtors continue to reduce their workforce during these cases. 49. In connection with the termination of the vast majority of the Debtors’ workforce prepetition, the Debtors funded a special payroll (the "Special Payroll") to ADP on September 1, 2011 for amounts that were owed to Terminated Employees for wages that had accrued from August 29, 2011 through August 31, 2011 (the "Stub Payroll Period") in addition to other amounts payable upon termination, such as accrued vacation time (discussed below) in the total aggregate amount of $1,503,128. Although the Special Payroll occurred prepetition, the Debtors are aware of de minimus additional amounts owed to Terminated Employees on account of wages or paid time off due to miscalculation of time by Terminated Employees, failure to timely submit time cards, or other true-ups. Accordingly, the Debtors request authority to pay up DOCSDE:172795,2 68700-001 21 to $50,000 to Terminated Employees on account of any Special Payroll items that should have been paid in the Special Payroll, but were not. 50. The next regularly scheduled payroll for Continuing Employees is scheduled to occur on September 16, 2011, and will cover the period of August 29, 2011 through September 11, 2011, which aggregate payroll on account of Wages will be approximately $650,000. A portion of this payroll will be on account of pre-petition time periods (August 29, 2011 through September 5, 2011) for the Continuing Employees, or approximately $475,000. Therefore, the Debtors request authority to pay any accrued pre-petition Wages to Continuing Employees in the ordinary course of business up to $475,000. 51. The Debtors’ payroll is disbursed and processed by ADP. Typically, ADP debits the Debtors’ payroll account two or three days in advance of payroll. Employees receive their direct deposits through ADP on the bi-weekly payday. As of the Petition Date, the Debtors may owe ADP an estimated $25,000 in unpaid fees with respect to ADP’s processing of the Debtors’ payroll, previous payrolls for which ADP may not have yet been paid, and related administration (the "Administration Fees"). The Debtors request authority to pay ADP the Administration Fees that ADP may be owed in connection with the foregoing services not to exceed $25,000 and to continue to pay ADP postpetition in the ordinary course of the Debtors’ business with respect to the same. 52. In the ordinary course of their business, the Debtors routinely withhold from Wages certain amounts that the Debtors are required to transmit to taxing authorities for purposes such as Social Security and Medicare, federal and state or local income taxes (the DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 22 "Employer Tax Obligations"). The Employer Tax Obligations are remitted directly by ADP to the various governmental entities. 53. The Debtors also withhold contributions to the Debtors’ health, vision, dental benefit plans and insurance plans described more fully below, 401(k) contributions and 401(k) loan repayments, employee medical contributions, flexible spending contributions, garnishment, or child support or similar obligations pursuant to court order or law (collectively, with the Employer Tax Obligations, the "Withholding Obligations"). 3 On average, the Withholding Obligations constitute 40% of each gross payroll. Because there may be some Withholding Obligations that have not yet been remitted as of the Petition Date on account of the last payroll or the Special Payroll for Terminated Employees, the Debtors request authority to remit any prepetition Withholding Obligations on account of all Employees up to $206,000. Business Expense Reimbursements 54. The Debtors customarily reimburse Employees who incur business expenses in the ordinary course of performing their duties on behalf of the Debtors. Such expenses typically include, but are not limited to, business-related travel expenses, including air travel, auto travel and car rental, lodging, meal charges, employee credit card charges for business expenses, business lunches and entertainment expenses, telephone charges, and miscellaneous other allowed travel expenses (the "Reimbursement Obligations"). Certain of the The Debtors manually process and transmit voluntary Employee Withholding Obligations for 401(k) withholdings, 401(k) loan repayment withholdings, and voluntary flexible spending account withholdings. ADP processes all other withholding obligations, including tax withholdings that ADP transmits to appropriate taxing authorities on the applicable pay date. DOCSDE:172795.2 68700-001 23 Terminated Employees who were terminated shortly before the Petition Date may have pending Reimbursement Obligations owing as of the Petition Date. 55. It is difficult for the Debtors to determine the exact amounts of Reimbursement Obligations that are due and owing for any particular time period since the expenses incurred by Employees on behalf of the Debtors throughout the year vary on a monthly basis and because there may be some delay between when an Employee incurs an expense and when the Employee submits the corresponding expense report for processing. Based on historical experience, the Debtors anticipate that, as of the Petition Date, the Debtors owe an estimated $50,000 in Reimbursement Obligations for all Employees, which amount is based on an average monthly figure, but given the volume of Terminated Employees, the Debtors project that such pipeline Reimbursement Obligations may be as high as $100,000. 56. The Debtors also pay relocation costs for two executives, their Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel, under their employment agreements in the amount of $7,700 per pay period in the aggregate for both employees. The Debtors seek authority to continue to offer the relocation costs in the ordinary course of business in their discretion. 57. Thus, the Debtors seek authority (a) to pay any prepetition Reimbursement Obligations directly to the Employees up to $100,000; (b) to pay any accrued prepetition relocation costs up to $7,700; and (c) and to continue to honor Reimbursement Obligations and relocation expenses incurred postpetition in the ordinary course of the Debtors’ business. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 24 Health and Related Benefits 58. The Debtors provide premium-based health and related benefit plans to Continuing Employees, including medical, vision insurance, a flexible spending account, dental insurance, life insurance, accidental death and disability insurance, and short and long-term disability insurance (collectively, the "Health Plans"). The Debtors believe that they have paid all premiums owed to Health Plans for the month of August on account of these Health Plans. However, the premium payments for September will be due and owing as of the Petition Date, a portion of which may fall within the pre-petition period. In an abundance of caution, the Debtors seek authority to pay any outstanding pre-petition premium amounts owing under the Health Plans as detailed below to ensure continued coverage of health insurance for the benefit of their Employees. 59. The Debtors also anticipate that the amount of the monthly premiums will increase going forward on a per employee basis to reflect the reduced employee headcount, although the total aggregate premium amount paid on account of the Health Plans will be significantly reduced given the reduced headcount. Thus, the Debtors also request authority to pay any post-petition premiums that may be owing under the Health Plans as and when due in the ordinary course of business. 60. As required by law, the Debtors also offer coverage under certain of the Health Plans to its Terminated Employees who have elected COBRA coverage. In the case of the Terminated Employees who have elected COBRA coverage, the Debtors do not pay any premiums on behalf of the Terminated Employees. Instead, such Terminated Employees pay the D005_DE:172795.2 68700-001 25 full amount of the premiums to a third-party COBRA administrator, ADP. Although the Debtors advance the premium amounts for these Terminated Employees when the Debtors pay their monthly invoices to the insurers, these amounts are reimbursed to the Debtors by ADP, which collects the premium amounts owing directly from the Terminated Employees and remits them to the Debtors. ADP retains 2% of the amounts collected from the Terminated Employees as a fee for their services as COBRA administrator. In addition, the Debtors pay a monthly administrative fee of approximately $1,100 to ADP as COBRA administrator. As part of the relief requested hereunder, the Debtors request authority to pay up to $1,100 to ADP for their services as COBRA administrator for the Health Plans, to remit any pre-petition premiums owed on account of the Terminated Employees (which will then be reimbursed to the Debtors by ADP) and to continue to make such payments postpetition in the ordinary course of business. (i) 61. Medical Plans The Debtors offer medical coverage to Continuing Employees administered by Anthem Blue Cross (HMO and PPO) and Kaiser Permanente (HMO), which plans allows Employees to contribute pre-tax dollars to pay for medical claims not payable by Blue Cross or Kaiser (the "Medical Plans"). Continuing Employees are responsible for 20% of the premium costs payable under the Medical Plans (the "Medical Premiums") which are deducted as Withholding Obligations while the Debtors pay the remaining 80% of Medical Premiums. Historically, the total amount of Medical Premiums under the Medical Plans were approximately $900,000 per month for all Employees. The Debtors seek authority to continue the Medical Plans in their discretion, to continue to pay any Medical Premiums in the ordinary DOCSDE:172795.2 68700-001 26 course of business, and to pay any outstanding prepetition amounts that may be owed under the Medical Plans up to $200,000 for the Continuing Employees. (ii) 62. Dental Plan The Debtors also provide their eligible Continuing Employees with dental insurance under a plan with MetLife (the "Dental Plan"). The Debtors pay 80% of the premium costs under the Dental Plan while the Continuing Employees pay 20% of the premium costs through voluntary Withholding Obligations deducted from the Continuing Employees’ paychecks. Historically, the total premium contributions under the Dental Plan were $130,000 per month (collectively, the "Dental Plan Contributions"). The Debtors seek authority to continue to offer the Dental Plan postpetition in their discretion, to pay any Dental Plan Contributions in the ordinary course of business, and to pay any outstanding prepetition amounts that may be owed under the Dental Plan up to $25,000 for the Continuing Employees. (iii) 63. Vision Plan The Debtors also offer their Continuing Employees a vision plan sponsored by Vision Service Plan (the "Vision Service Plan"). The Debtors are responsible for 80% of the premium costs under the Vision Plan while the Continuing Employees pay 20% of the premium cost through Withholding Obligation deductions (collectively, the "Vision Plan Contributions"). Historically, the total Vision Plan Contributions were approximately $20,000 per month in premium payments under the Vision Service Plan. The Debtors seek authority to continue to honor the Vision Service Plan in their discretion, to pay any Vision Plan DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 27 Contributions in the ordinary course of business, and to pay any prepetition amounts owing on account of Vision Plan contributions up to $5,000 for the Continuing Employees. (iv) Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Disability Insurance 64. The Debtors also provide their Continuing Employees with Basic Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance through Mutual of Omaha at no cost to the Continuing Employees. Specifically, the Debtors provide life insurance benefits to their Continuing Employees at two times the Continuing Employee’s base salary, up to a maximum amount of $500,000 (the "Life Insurance"). Continuing Employees may also purchase additional life insurance coverage on behalf of themselves or their spouses beyond the basic Life Insurance (the "Voluntary Life Insurance"). The Debtors do not incur any cost for additional coverage, but if such additional voluntary life insurance is purchased, the Debtors may withhold the cost of such premium as part of the Withholding Obligations and are obligated to remit such premiums to Mutual of Omaha. The Debtors also provide accidental death and dismemberment insurance ("AD&D Insurance") at two times the Continuing Employees’ base salary, up to a maximum of $500,000. 65. The Debtors also provide all Continuing Employees with short- and long- term disability coverage (the "Disability Insurance"). Short-term disability pays 66.67% of predisability pay per week, for a period of 12 weeks up to a maximum of $2,309 per week, which amount is offset by any federal or state disability benefits. Long-term disability pays 60% of pre-disability pay per month (to a maximum of $10,000 per month), commencing after an employee has been continuously disabled for 90 days. DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 28 66. The Debtors also provide Business Travel Accident Insurance to all Continuing Employees through Ace Insurance Company, which pays beneficiaries either $250,000 or $500,000 (for sales associates) if the Continuing Employee dies or is seriously injured while traveling on company business. If the Continuing Employee’s spouse or children are accompanying the Continuing Employee on company business, the Business Travel Accident Insurance also pays out $25,000 for spouses and $10,000 for children who may be injured or die while accompanying covered Continuing Employees. 67. The Debtors’ premium contributions to the Life Insurance, AD&D Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Business Travel Accident Insurance are paid monthly, in advance, at a total cost of approximately $50,000 per month. The Debtors seek authority to pay any unpaid prepetition Life Insurance, AD&D Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Business Travel Accident Insurance premiums up to a maximum of $50,000 per month and continue to honor Life Insurance, AD&D Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Business Travel Accident Insurance premium contribution obligations incurred postpetition in the ordinary course of the Debtors’ business and in their discretion. The Debtors also request leave to remit any Continuing Employee-paid voluntary premiums to the applicable insurance companies beyond the premiums paid by the Debtors in connection with the Withholding Obligations. (v) 68. Holidays, Vacation, and Leave The Debtors provide their Continuing Employees with three forms of regular paid time off ("PTO") consisting of holidays, vacation, and sick leave time. In addition, Continuing Employees are eligible for other non-regular PTO, including, among other things, for DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 29 funeral leave, jury duty, time off to vote, and bereavement. The Debtors provide for 9 paid holidays for Continuing Employees. 69. Vacation for all Continuing Employees is accrued starting as of the Continuing Employee’s respective hire date and is based upon length of service. Regular employees who work more 36 hours per week accrue vacation on an annual basis as follows: employees with less than two years of service receive 12 days of paid vacation per year; employees with 3 or more years of service receive 15 days of paid vacation per year, with an additional day of paid vacation accruing for each additional year of service up to a cap of 21 days of paid vacation per year for 9 years of service. Unused vacation days are not paid out upon year-end, but employees may carry over up to 240 hours per year of unused vacation time to the next year. 70. Employees who work less than 36 hours each week accrue vacation on a pro-rated basis as a percentage of their hours on an annual basis worked as follows: Pro-Rated Vacation Accrual 50% 63% 75% 88% 100% Regular Hours Per Week 20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 71. Employees who work 36 or more hours accrue 80 hours of sick leave per year. Employees who work less than 36 hours per week receive pro-rated sick time based on the Employees’ number of regularly scheduled hours per week. Unused sick time may not be carried over from year to year. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 30 72. As discussed, prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors paid out to Terminated Employees any accrued PTO time that had accrued within the 90 days prior to August 31, 2011 in the aggregate amount of $818,741. Also, the Debtors paid to Continuing Employees vacation time that they had accrued during the 90-day period prior to August 31, 2011 an aggregate amount of $225,000, which amounts were funded to ADP on September 2, 2011. 73. The Debtors seek authority to honor their existing PTO policies to permit Continuing Employees to use their accrued PTO in the ordinary course of business and, in the Debtors’ discretion, to pay accrued PTO obligations upon termination of the Employees up to the priority wage cap amounts of $11,725, inclusive of any prepetition Wages made pursuant to the Wage Motion. In summary, the Debtors request authority, in their discretion, to honor, any accrued prepetition PTO, and also request authority to honor similar PTO policies regarding vacation time, sick time, personal time, and holidays on a post-petition basis and in the ordinary course of business and to pay out accrued PTO obligations up to the statutory cap. (vi) 74. 401(k) Plan Prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors offered their Employees a 401(k) retirement plan or a Roth 401(k) retirement plan (the "401(k) Plans") administered by Pension Specialists. The Debtors have or will formally terminate the 401 (k) Plans within the month of September 2011, but will require a period of several months to wind down the 401(k) Plans to allow Employees a period of time to rollover their funds. DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 31 75. As of the Petition Date, there may be some Employee 401(k) contributions outstanding that the Debtors are required to remit to Pension Specialists. Historically, the Employee contributions to the 401(k) Plans, including repayments of loans against the 401(k) Plans, were approximately $170,000 per pay period. The Debtors estimate that, as of the Petition Date, $16,000 in 401(k) Plans contributions may remain unremitted (collectively, the "401(k) Contributions"), which amount is included in the Withholding Obligations request amount above. 76. In addition, the Debtors incur approximately $55,000 per year in administrative and auditing costs to administer the 401(k) Plans (the "401(k) Fees"). The Debtors seek authority to honor the 401(k) Contributions and to pay any prepetition 401(k) Fees subject to a maximum cap of $55,000. (vii) Workers’ Compensation Insurance 77. Under the laws of various states, the Debtors are required to maintain workers’ compensation insurance to provide their Continuing Employees with coverage for claims arising from or related to their employment with the Debtors. The Debtors currently maintain an annual workers’ compensation policy (the "Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy") with Travelers Insurance pursuant to which Travelers provides workers’ compensation insurance coverage up to the statutory limits and up to $1,000,000 per occurrence for employer liability. The Debtors are responsible for payment of any workers’ compensation claims in excess of the $1 million up to $10 million under the Workers Compensation Insurance Policy. D005DE: 172795.2 68700-001 32 78. The current term of the Workers’ Compensation Policy runs through November 15, 2011. Prepetition, the Debtors paid the entire year’s cost of the Workers’ Compensation Policy and no prepetition amounts on account of premiums are owed under the Workers Compensation Insurance Policy. The Workers’ Compensation Policy is a deductiblebased policy. The Debtors seek authority to maintain their workers’ compensation and other liability insurance in accordance with applicable law postpetition and to pay all post-petition premium installments as they come due in the ordinary course of business. (viii) Flexible Spending Accounts 79. Prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors offered a flexible spending account program administered by Ceridian (the "FSA Program") whereby Employees could contribute funds into a flexible spending account to pay for health care expenses that are not covered or only partially covered by the Medical Plans or Dental Plan up to $4,000 per year or up to $5,000 for dependants (the "FSA Contributions"). The Debtors terminated the FSA Program immediately prior to the Petition Date on August 31, 2011. However, going forward, the FSA Program will remain open for approximately 90 days to allow Employees to submit any final claims against their FSA accounts. In connection therewith, the Debtors anticipate that they will incur de minimis administrative costs of approximately $6,000 per month to wind down their FSA Program (the "FSA Administration Fees"). Accordingly, the Debtors request authority to pay any prepetition FSA Administration Fees to Ceridian up to $6,000. (viii) Claremont Employee Assistance Program DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 33 80. The Debtors provide an Employee Assistance Program ("EAP") to all Employees through Claremont. The EAP offers confidential counseling and assistance to Employees for resolving personal or professional situations where Continuing Employees may need counseling, such as dealing with loss and grief issues. The Debtors provide EAP to Employees at no cost. The cost to the Debtors to provide such program to Employees is $2,500 per month. Going forward, the Debtors will maintain the EAP for the month of September only. Accordingly, the Debtors request authority to pay any pre-petition amounts owed to Claremont on account of the EAP program up to $2,500 for the month of September. 81. Pursuant to the relief requested herein, the Debtors request authority only to pay up to the $11,725 statutory cap under Bankruptcy Code section 507(a)(4) to each Employee on account of all unpaid Wages collectively owing to such Employee. 82. Many Continuing Employees live from paycheck to paycheck and rely exclusively on receiving their full compensation or reimbursement of their expenses in order to continue to pay their daily living expenses. These Continuing Employees may be exposed to significant financial and healthcare related problems if the Debtors are not permitted to pay and/or honor the Wages and Benefits, and the expenses associated therewith, in the ordinary course of the Debtors’ business. Moreover, the Debtors believe that if they are unable to honor accrued Wages and the Benefits described above, employee morale and loyalty will be jeopardized at a time when employee support is critical. 83. With respect to Terminated Employees, many of the same concerns apply. The hardships facing the Terminated Employees are often even greater than those facing the DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 34 Continuing Employees who still have their jobs. If the Debtors were to completely ignore its obligations to the Terminated Employees as a result of its chapter 11 filing, that likely would have reverberations within the remaining workforce, in terms of diminished morale, Continuing Employee anxiety, and an enhanced risk of losing Continuing Employees that may be critical to the Debtor’s reorganization effort. 84. The Continuing Employees have an intimate knowledge of the operation of the Debtors’ business and are critical components to the success of these Chapter 11 Cases. Deterioration in the morale and welfare of the Continuing Employees at this critical time undoubtedly would adversely impact the Debtors and their ability to maximize the value of their assets. Satisfaction of the Wages and Benefits, as described herein, is necessary to maintain the efficient operation in order to maximize value for all creditors. 85. I believe that the Debtors have (or will have) sufficient postpetition funding to pay promptly all Wages and Benefits, to the extent described herein on an ongoing basis. E. Motion Of The Debtors For An Order (I) Authorizing The Debtors To Pay Prepetition Sales And Use And Similar Sales Taxes In The Ordinary Course Of Business And (II) Authorizing Banks And Financial Institutions To Honor And Process Checks And Transfers Related Thereto ("Sales and Use Tax Motion") 86. In connection with the normal operation of their business, the Debtors pay an assortment of sales taxes (the "Sales Taxes") and use, and similar types of taxes (the "Use Taxes" and, together with the Sales Taxes, the "Sales and Use Taxes") to various federal, state, and local taxing authorities (collectively, the "Taxing Authorities") DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 35 87. The Debtors incur Use Taxes in California for the use of products purchased and internally consumed by the Debtors in the operation of their business and for which no Sales Taxes were paid to the seller of such products. Most of the Debtors’ internal consumption of products for which Use Taxes are paid relate to research and development. The Debtors also incur Use Taxes on non-inventory related purchase in cases where a vendor has not charged the Debtors any sales tax. Because of the scope of the Debtors’ prepetition operations, the Debtors accrued Use Tax amounts between $230,000 and $260,000 per month owed to the State of California. The Debtors seek authority to remit unpaid Use Taxes to the applicable California taxing authority. 88. In the normal course of their business in States where the Debtors are required to collect such taxes, the Debtors collect and remit or otherwise pay Sales Taxes to the Taxing Authorities. For the most part, the Debtors sell almost all of their products to resellers and obtain reseller certificates and do not collect Sales Taxes on such sales. The Debtors believe that as of the Petition Date, they do not owe more than $5,000 in prepetition Sales Taxes. The Debtors remit the Sales Taxes on a periodic basis to the applicable Taxing Authorities. Such Sales Taxes could include both amounts not yet due and amounts paid by checks sent prior to the Petition Date that have not cleared the Debtors’ bank accounts on the Petition Date, although the Debtors are not aware of any such checks that have not cleared. 89. The Debtors estimate that current unpaid prepetition Sales and Use Taxes total no more than $300,000, plus any amounts for previously issued checks that have not yet DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 36 cleared. The Debtors seek authority, in their discretion, to pay any such unpaid Sales and Use Taxes F. Motion Of The Debtors For Entry Of An Order Authorizing The Debtors To Maintain And Administer Warranty Program And Honor Prepetition Obligations Related Thereto ("Warranty Motion") 90. Pursuant to the Warranty Motion, the Debtors respectfully request that the Court enter an order authorizing, but not directing, the Debtors to: (a) honor certain obligations under the Debtors’ warranty program for product sold prepetition, as described below (the "Warranty Program"); (b) continue to administer its Warranty Program in a manner consistent with past practices and in the ordinary course of business for such product; and (c) continue, renew, replace, implement new and/or terminate their Warranty Program, in the ordinary course of business, without further application to the Court. 91. The Debtors budget 1.5% of revenue for Warranty Program obligations (collectively, the "Warranty Program Obligations"), but the actual cost of Warranty Program Obligations have historically been far lower than the budgeted amount. The Debtors do not anticipate paying any Customers cash on account of Warranty Program Obligations, but rather making available replacement product at their discretion. Honoring such obligations is critical to the Debtors’ business and customer relationships as the Debtors attempt to restructure their business and the total expected cost to make replacement product available is small compared to the damage which would be suffered by the Debtors as a result of failing to honor the Warranty Program Obligations and maintain the Warranty Program in the ordinary course of business. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 37 Summary of the Debtors’ Warranty Program 92. In connection with its manufacturing and distribution of its solar power systems, it is critical that the Debtors maintain positive customer relationships and a reputation for reliability as it attempts to restructure its business. Achieving these goals will be particularly important while the company evaluates its restructuring options in chapter 11. Indeed, the Debtors believe that the ability to maintain the Warranty Program and to honor Customer Program Obligations in the ordinary course of business is necessary to retain its customer base and reputation for reliability, thereby not only preserving, but likely enhancing the going-concern value of the Debtors and their estates. 93. The Debtors’ solar systems are primarily sold to corporations with large commercial or industrial spaces where the Solyndra panels can be installed or to companies that re-sell the Solyndra panels to such customers (collectively, the "Customers"). To maintain the loyalty and goodwill of its Customers, in the ordinary course of business and consistent with industry practice, the Debtors must maintain the Warranty Program and to honor the Warranty Program Obligations to attract new Customers, enhance customer satisfaction, sustain goodwill and ensure that the Debtors remain competitive. 94. Prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors offered a "Limited Product Warranty" and a "Limited Power Warranty" (the "Warranties"). Under the Limited Product Warranty, Solyndra LLC ("Solyndra") offers a five-year warranty from the installment date of their system for defects in materials and workmanship. Under the Limited Power Warranty, Solyndra offers a 10-year warranty from the installation date if any Solyndra products perform at DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 38 less than 90% of their labeled power rating and such failure is due to defects in material or workmanship in the solar panel. Under the Limited Power Warranty, Solyndra also offers a 25year warranty from the installation date, if any Solyndra products perform at less than 80% of their labeled power rating and such failure is due to defects in material or workmanship in the solar panels. 95. The Warranties are subject to specified limitations and conditions. Upon the timely filing of a claim and verification that such claim is a valid claim under the Warranties, the Debtors will, honor their Warranty Program Obligation in accordance with the terms of the Warranties at their sole option, including making available replacement product for any defective product. 96. The ability to continue to fulfill its obligations under the Warranties is vital to the Debtors’ ongoing relationship with its Customers and to maintain the going-concern value of the Debtors’ business. The Debtors believe that the preservation of Customer loyalty generated by the Warranties far outweighs the costs of such programs. In contrast, the Debtors believe that any failure to maintain the Warranties, and to honor the Customer Obligations accrued thereunder for product sold prepetition, will cause Customers to lose confidence in the Debtors and their products, resulting in significant deterioration in sales, which may drastically impact any reorganization efforts. Accordingly, the Debtors seek authorization, but not direction, to continue to honor the prepetition obligations under the Warranties in the ordinary course of business. DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 39 G. Motion Of The Debtors For Entry Of An Order (A) Authorizing But Not Directing The Debtors To Pay Prepetition Claims Of Essential Service Providers, (B) Authorizing But Not Directing The Debtors To Pay Prepetition Claims Of Essential Parts Suppliers, And (C) Authorizing But Not Directing, The Debtors To Pay Prepetition Claims Of Shippers And Warehousemen ("Essential Service Providers Motion") 97. By the Motion, the Debtors seek the entry an order authorizing, but not directing, the Debtors to pay prepetition claims of (a) Service Providers necessary for the maintenance of the Debtors’ manufacturing facilities (the "Service Claims"), (b) authorizing, but not directing, the Debtors to pay prepetition claims of Warehousemen, (the "Warehousemen Claims" and, with the Service Claims, the "Critical Vendor Claims") in an amount not to exceed $3,150,000. 98. Claims of Service Providers. The Debtors require the services of a number of Service Providers essential to the safe and proper maintenance of the Debtors manufacturing facilities, including for the clean-up of hazardous substances and materials, waste water treatment, chemical and chemical waste disposal, safe disconnection of tooling utilized in manufacture, and maintenance of life and fire safety systems at the facilities. The Service Providers are familiar with the Debtors operations and replacing any of the Service Providers would require significant additional costs to the Debtor to obtain a replacement provider. Timely provision of the services provided by the Service Providers is essential to the safe and proper maintenance of the Debtors’ manufacturing facilities. 99. The Debtors are seeking a turnkey purchaser of the business, among other restructuring alternatives. The safe and proper maintenance of the Debtors’ manufacturing facilities during the period in which the Debtors are seeking a buyer is essential to the DOCSDE:172795.2 68700-001 40 preservation of the value of those facilities and the Debtors’ ability to maximize the value of their assets through the sale of their business. 100. Any failure or delay in the provision of those essential services could result significant harm to the Debtors’ equipment, tools, tooling, machinery and facilities, and will increase the risk to the Debtors’ remaining employees, and consequently could result in immediate, significant and irreparable harm to the Debtors’ estates and creditors. 101. The Debtors estimate that, as of the Petition Date, they owe approximately $1.63 million to essential Service Providers on account of services provided prepetition which remain unpaid. The Debtors further estimate that the essential Service Providers will be willing to continue to provide such services to the Debtors postpetition, on the same terms that they provided such services prepetition if the Debtors make payments to the essential Service Providers on account of their prepetition claims in the aggregate amount of up to $389,000. 102. To avoid undue delay and disruption in the provision of such essential services, and the consequent harm to the Debtors’ property, estates and creditors, and to maximize the value of the Debtors’ assets, the Debtors seek immediate authority, but not direction, to pay and discharge, on a case-by-case basis, the claims of Service Providers in the aggregate amount of up to $389,000. 103. Claims of Warehousemen. The Debtors contract with a number of Warehousemen for the provision of logistics services and storage of the goods that they sell. A significant amount of the Debtors’ manufactured goods were stored by Warehousemen on the Petition Date. The immediate availability of manufactured goods owned by the Debtors that are DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 41 being stored with Warehousemen is critical to the sale by the Debtors’ of their manufactured inventory. 104. The Debtors also have stored with the Warehousemen (a) a significant amount of manufactured goods that were sold to third parties prepetition, the sale of which by the Debtors to end-users under the Debtors’ agreements with those third parties likely will result in payments to the Debtors, 3 as well as (b) materials, equipment and parts owned by the Debtors, all of which the Debtors need access to in order sell. 105. The Debtors estimate the sale of the manufactured goods owned by the Debtors, those owned by the third parties, and the other materials, equipment and parts owned by the Debtors that are stored with the Warehousemen could raise from $6.5 to $10.6 million in proceeds to the Debtors. 106. Moreover, the Warehousemen could potentially assert liens against the Debtors and their property for amounts the Debtors owe to those parties. Indeed, pursuant to section 362(b)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code, the act of perfecting such a lien, to the extent consistent with section 546(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, is expressly excluded from the automatic As more particularly set forth in the motion for postpetition financing from Argonaut Ventures I, L.L.C. (the "DIP Lender") and authorization to use cash collateral filed in this case (the "DIP Motion"), the Debtor, as Servicer, entered into a prepetition inventory sale agreement with Solyndra Financing LLC (an affiliate of the Debtors), as Seller, Solyndra Solar II LLC (an affiliate of the DIP Lender), as Inventory Buyer, and Argonaut Solar LLC, as Agent (also an affiliate of the DIP Lender) (the "Inventory Sale Agreement"). The Debtor, Solyndra, continues to have custody to the inventory that was sold under the Inventory Sale Agreement, which inventory now comprises approximately 75% of the remaining inventory with a retail value of up to approximately $15 million to $21 million (the "Buyer Inventory"). Pursuant to the Inventory Sale Agreement, the Debtors are entitled to the proceeds on the sales of the Buyer Inventory in excess of 60% of the retail price that was projected at the time of purchase by Buyer, determined on a cumulative basis, and subject to certain cost offsets. The amounts set forth in paragraph 17 of that motion take into account the Debtors’ projections of proceeds both from the sale of the Debtor’s inventory and other property that is in transit or warehoused and the net amounts to be realized by the Debtors on the Debtors’ sale of the Buyer’s Inventory. Consistent with the terms of the Inventory Sale Agreement, the Debtors intend to continue to market and sell such inventory in the ordinary course of business. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 42 stay. Under section 546(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, a debtor’s lien avoidance powers "are subject to any generally applicable law that. . . permits perfection of an interest in property to be effective against an entity that acquires rights in such property before the date of perfection. . . 11 U.S.C. § 546(b)(1)(A). 107. To avoid undue delay and to facilitate the sale and delivery by the Debtors of their existing inventory of manufactured goods and the other saleable items, the Debtors seek immediate authority, but not direction, to pay and discharge, on a case-by-case basis, the claims of Warehousemen, including those that could give rise to a lien against the Debtors or the Debtors’ customers (regardless of whether such claimants have already have perfected their interests), up to the aggregate amount of $2,761,000. 108. Terms and Conditions of Payment of Critical Vendor Claims. Subject to the Court’s approval, the Debtors intend to pay the Critical Vendor Claims only to the extent necessary to preserve their businesses and maximize the value of their assets for the benefit of their estates and creditors. To that end, in return for paying the Critical Vendor Claims, the Debtors will use their reasonable best efforts to require the applicable Service Provider and Warehouseman (each a "Critical Vendor") to provide favorable trade credit terms for the postpetition delivery of goods and services. Specifically, the Debtors propose to condition the payment of Critical Vendor Claims upon each Critical Vendor’s agreement to continue supplying goods and services on terms that are acceptable to the Debtors. In some circumstances, the Debtors may require certain Critical Vendors to enter into a contractual agreement evidencing such terms. DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 43 109. Additionally, the Debtors request that if a Critical Vendor accepts payment pursuant to an order granting the relief requested in that motion and thereafter does not continue to provide goods or services on prepetition trade terms that: (a) any payment to that Critical Vendor on account of a Critical Vendor Claim may be deemed to be an improper postpetition transfer, and, therefore, recoverable by the Debtors in cash upon written request; and (b) upon recovery of the payment by the Debtors, the Critical Vendor Claim shall be reinstated as if the payment had not been made. If there exists an outstanding postpetition balance due from the Debtors to a Critical Vendor, the Debtors may elect to recharacterize and apply any payment made pursuant to an order granting the relief requested in that motion to such outstanding postpetition balance and such Critical Vendor will be required to repay to the Debtors such paid amounts that exceed the postpetition obligations then outstanding without the right of any setoffs, claims, provisions for payment of any claims, or otherwise. 110. As described in greater detail in the Essential Service Providers Motion, the Debtors require a steady stream of services from their Critical Vendors to maintain their manufacturing facilities in a safe and recoverable condition, to preserve and maximize the value of, and avoid irreparable harm to, those facilities and their other assets while they seek a turnkey purchaser of their business, among other restructuring alternatives, and to complete the manufacture, sale and delivery of the manufactured inventory and the other saleable items to satisfy customer demand and maximize the value of the Debtors’ estates. The proposed payments to Critical Vendors are essential to the Debtors’ ability to obtain a turnkey purchaser of the Debtors’ business, to maximize the value of that business and the Debtors’ facilities and DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 44 existing manufactured inventory and other saleable items, to prevent unnecessary liabilities, and to maximize the value of the Debtors’ estates for the benefit of their creditors. 111. The Debtors’ failure to pay the Critical Vendor Claims could also prolong the Debtors’ inability to obtain necessary services, prevent the Debtors from preserving favorable trade terms, and increase the likelihood for significant disruptions to the Debtors’ distribution chain. This failure, in turn, could jeopardize and significantly impair the value of the Debtors’ assets and business. As such, the Debtors’ fiduciary obligations would be better served by authorizing the limited relief requested herein, thereby ensuring the Debtors’ access to services, saleable manufactured inventory and other saleable items at this critical stage of these chapter 11 cases. For these reasons, the Debtors believe the relief requested herein is vitally necessary to preserve and maximize the value of their estates for the benefit of all stakeholders in these chapter 11 cases and should be granted. H. Motion Of The Debtors For An Order Under Section 366 Of The Bankruptcy Code (A) Prohibiting Utility Providers From Altering, Refusing Or Discontinuing Service, (B) Deeming Utilities Adequately Assured Of Future Performance, And (C) Establishing Procedures For Determining Adequate Assurance Of Payment ("Utility Motion") 112. In the normal course of business, the Debtors have relationships with various utility companies and other providers (each a "Utility Provider" and, collectively, the "Utility Providers") for the provision of telephone, gas, electricity and related services (the "Utility Services"). The Utility Providers include, without limitation, the entities set forth on Exhibit A attached to the Utility Motion. The Debtors estimate that their average monthly postpetition payments to the Utility Providers will aggregate approximately $344,500.00. DOCS_DE: 172795.2 68700-001 45 113. Uninterrupted Utility Services are critical to the Debtors’ ongoing operations. The Debtors propose to provide adequate assurance to the Utility Providers by maintaining an aggregate deposit of $172,250. This amount, which is equal to approximately two weeks of the Debtors’ estimated average postpetition monthly aggregate cost of utility services, will be held in a newly created and segregated account (the "Deposit Account"), within (20) business days of the Petition Date (the "Adequate Assurance Deposit"). The allocation of the Adequate Assurance Deposit amongst the Debtors’ respective Utility Providers is set forth on Exhibit A to the Utilities Motion. The Adequate Assurance Deposit shall be maintained with a minimum balance equal to the Debtors’ estimated two-week cost of utility services, which may be adjusted by the Debtors to account for the termination of utility services by the Debtors or other arrangements with respect to adequate assurance of payment reached with a Utility Company. 114. In addition, as set forth in the Utilities Motion, the Debtors seek to establish reasonable procedures (the "Procedures") by which a Utility Provider may request additional adequate assurance of future payment, in the event that such Utility Provider believes that its Adequate Assurance Deposit does not provide it with satisfactory adequate assurance. 1. Motion For Interim And Final Orders Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. §§ 105, 361, 362, 363 And 364 And Rules 2002, 4001 And 9014 Of The Federal Rules Of Bankruptcy Procedure (I) Authorizing Incurrence By The Debtors Of Postpetition Secured Indebtedness With Priority Over All Secured Indebtedness And With Administrative Superpriority, (II) Granting Liens, (III) Authorizing Use Of cash collateral By The Debtors Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. § 363 And Providing For Adequate Protection, (IV) Modifying The Automatic Stay And (V) Scheduling A Final Hearing ("DIP Financing Motion") DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 46 115. Pursuant to the DIP Financing Motion, the Debtors seek the entry of an Interim Order and a Final Order, which: Authorize the Debtors to obtain credit and incur debt, pursuant to a. sections 363 and 364 of the Bankruptcy Code, up to the principal amount of $4,000,000, plus any interest, fees and other obligations accrued thereon (the "DIP Obligations"), of which up to $2,500,000 may be incurred prior to the Final Hearing, from a special purpose entity (the "DIP Lender"? to be created by Argonaut Ventures I, L.L.C. and Madrone Partners, L.P., secured by priming first priority, valid, perfected and enforceable liens on property of the Debtors’ estates pursuant to sections 105, 361, 362, 364(c)(2), 364(c)(3) and 364(d)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, and with priority, as to administrative expenses, as provided in section 364(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, subject to the terms and conditions summarized herein; Authorize the Debtors to enter into and perform under the DIP b. Agreement, which provides for new postpetition loans up to the principal amount of $4,000,000; Subject to the Carve-Out (as defined below), grant liens to secure the DIP Obligations in favor of the DIP Lender on all present and after-acquired assets and property of the Debtors pursuant to sections 364(c)(2) and 364(c)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code, including subject to the entry of the Final Order, any actions maintained or taken pursuant to sections 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551 and 553 of the Bankruptcy Code or applicable state fraudulent transfer law ("Avoidance Actions") and the proceeds thereof; C. Subject to the Carve-Out, grant to the DIP Lender superpriority d. administrative claim status in respect of all DIP Obligations pursuant to section 364(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, which superpriority claim may be paid, subject to entry of the Final Order, out of the proceeds of Avoidance Actions; Authorize the use of "cash collateral" of the Debtors as such term e. is defined in section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code (the "Cash Collateral") in which the Prepetition Secured Parties (as defined below), have an interest, including the Restricted Funds (as defined below) and any amounts in the Master Collateral Agent Collections Account (as defined below); The principals of the DIP Lender are insiders of the Debtors by virtue of their direct or affiliated ownership of over 20% of the outstanding shares of common stock of 360 and representation on the board of directors of 360 and the board of managers of Solyndra. These parties also hold a substantial portion of the Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Obligations and the Prepetition Tranche E Facility Obligations (both as defined below), and have equity ownership interests in the Inventory AIR Purchasers (both as defined below). D005_DE:172795.2 68700-001 47 Subject to the Carve-Out and junior to the DIP Obligations, grant f. the Prepetition Secured Parties, replacement liens and a superpriority claim in all of the Debtors’ assets to the extent of any diminution in the secured value of the Prepetition Secured Parties’ interests, if any, in the Prepetition Collateral (as defined below) as adequate protection for the use of Cash Collateral and for the imposition of the automatic stay, including subject to the entry of the Final Order, any actions maintained or taken pursuant to sections 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551 and 553 of the Bankruptcy Code or applicable state fraudulent transfer law ("Avoidance Actions") and the proceeds thereof; Release the Inventory Accounts Receivable Trust Funds (as g. defined below) to the Inventory AIR Purchasers (as defined below); Vacate and modify the automatic stay imposed by section 362 of h. the Bankruptcy Code to the extent necessary to implement and effectuate the terms and provisions of the DIP Agreement and the Interim Order and the Final Order; Schedule the Final Hearing within 21 days after the i. commencement of these cases to consider entry of the Final Order and approving the form of notice with respect to the Final Hearing; and Waive any applicable stay as provided in the provisions of the j. Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and providing for immediate effectiveness of the Interim Order and the Final Order. 116. In accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 4001 and Local Rule 4001-2, below is a summary of the terms of the proposed financing arrangements: a. Obligated Parties: Solyndra, as borrower, and 360, as guarantor. DIP Lender: A special purpose entity to be created by Argonaut b. Ventures I, L.L.C. and Madrone Partners, L.P. 5 The summaries and descriptions of the terms and conditions of the DIP Agreement, the Interim Order and the Final Order set forth in the DIP Financing Motion are intended solely for informational purposes to provide the Court and parties in interest with an overview of the significant terms thereof. The summaries and descriptions are qualified in their entirety by the terms of the DIP Agreement, the Interim Order and the Final Order. In the event there is any conflict between the DIP Financing Motion and the DIP Agreement, the Interim Order or the Final Order, the DIP Agreement or Interim Order, as applicable, will control in all respects. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 48 Amount and Type of Facility: A new, senior, priming debtor-inpossession credit facility in the amount of up to $4,000,000 in principal obligations, plus any interest, fees and other obligations accrued thereon. C. Availability: Debtors’ seek authority to borrow up to $2,500,000 d. under the DIP Agreement pursuant to the Interim Order. DIP Agreement at section 2.2(a); Interim Order at ¶2(b). Use of Proceeds: Loan proceeds may be used to (a) pay interest, e. costs, and expenses incurred with respect to the DIP Obligations, and (b) finance the Debtors’ chapter 11 restructuring process, including, but not limited to chapter 11 professional fees and expenses (in each case, not otherwise prohibited by the DIP Agreement), in accordance with the budget approved by the DIP Lender (the "Budget"), subject to certain variances and tested on a weekly basis. DIP Agreement at section 3.3. The initial Budget is attached hereto as Exhibit C. Priority and Security: Subject to the Carve-Out, the DIP f. Obligations will be secured by first priority priming liens against all assets of the Debtors and their estates pursuant to sections 364(c)(2), 364(c)(3) and 364(d)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, including subject to the Final Order, Avoidance Actions and the proceeds thereof. Subject to the Carve-Out, the DIP Obligations also shall be treated as superpriority administrative expense claims pursuant to section 364(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, which superpriority claim may be paid upon entry of the Final Order out of the proceeds of Avoidance Actions. Interim Order at ¶2(g)(i). Maturity Date: The maturity date of the DIP Obligations will be g. the earliest to occur of: (i) 180 days following the Petition Date, (ii) the failure of the Debtors to obtain a Final Order on or before the date which is 21 days after the Petition Date, or (iii) the occurrence of an event of default under the DIP Agreement (the "Commitment Termination Date"). Interim Order at ¶15. h. Interest Rate: The interest rate for the DIP Obligations will be 15% per annum. DIP Agreement at section 2.3(a). i. Carve-Out: The DIP Liens, DIP Superpriority Claim, the Adequate Protection Replacement Liens, and the Adequate Protection Superpriority Claims (all as defined in the Interim Order) shall be subordinate only to the following (the "Carve-Out"): (a) quarterly fees required to be paid The principals of the DIP Lender are insiders of the Debtors by virtue of their direct or affiliated ownership of over 20% of the outstanding shares of common stock of 360 and representation on the board of directors of 360 and the board of managers of Solyndra. These parties also hold a substantial portion of the Prepetition Tranche A Term Loan Facility Obligations and the Prepetition Tranche E Facility Obligations (both as defined below), and have equity ownership interests in the Inventory AIR Purchasers (both as defmed below). DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 49 pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1930(a)(6), together with interest payable thereon pursuant to applicable law and any fees payable to the clerk of the Bankruptcy Court; (b) allowed fees and expenses of attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, consultants and other professionals employed by the Debtors and any official committee(s) of creditors pursuant to Sections 327 and 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code in the amounts set forth in the Budget accrued through the Commitment Termination Date, and up to the amount of $50,000 accrued thereafter. Interim Order at 111. Conditions Precedent: The conditions precedent to borrowing j. under the DIP Agreement are generally customary, but include the requirements that (i) the Restricted Funds are released and made available to the Debtors, (ii) the Inventory Accounts Receivable Trust Funds (as defined below) are released by the Debtors to the Inventory A/R Purchasers (as defined below), (iii) the Buyer Inventory (as defined below) is released for the purpose of sale, and (iv) that a critical vendor order is entered satisfactory to the DIP Lender. DIP Agreement at section 3.1. Covenants: The DIP Agreement contains affirmative, negative and k. financial reporting covenants customary for facilities of this nature. DIP Agreement at sections 5 through 6. Events of Default: The DIP Agreement contains certain events of 1. default. By way of example, and as more fully set forth in section 7 of the DIP Agreement, appointment of a trustee in the Debtors’ cases, dismissal of the Debtors’ cases, occurrence of a material adverse event, or failure to pay the DIP Obligations when due would constitute an event of default. m. Lender Fees: 2% closing fee or $80,000 payable upon closing. Debtors’ Stipulations. Waivers and Releases: The Debtors propose n. to stipulate to the amount, validity and priority of the prepetition liens and claims of the Prepetition Secured Parties. The Debtors also seek to waive certain rights and causes of action and grant global releases in favor of the Prepetition Secured Parties as to any and all prepetition claims, including the Debtors’ rights under section 506(c) of the Bankruptcy Code, pending entry of the Final Order. Interim Order at Recital E; DIP Agreement at section 5.24. The Debtors’ stipulations and waivers are subject to challenge by any party in interest or, if a committee is appointed, by such committee, filed within the earlier of (a) sixty (60) days following formation of a committee, (b) solely if a committee is not appointed, seventy-five (75) days following the Petition Date, or (c) such later date consented to by the prepetition agents, as applicable. Interim Order at ¶9. Waiver or Modification of the Automatic Stay: Subject to five (5) o. business days’ prior notice, the automatic stay will be vacated in the event of DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 50 default under the DIP Agreement to permit the exercise of remedies by the DIP Lender. Interim Order at ¶20. Amount of Cash Collateral to Be Used. The Debtors seek to use P. Cash Collateral in an amount consistent with the expenditures described in the Budget, including the Restricted Funds and any amounts in the Master Collateral Agent Collections Account. Parties with an Interest in Cash Collateral. The parties with an q. interest in the Cash Collateral are the Prepetition Secured Parties. The Prepetition Tranche A Lenders and the Prepetition Tranche E Lenders (as defined below) have consented to the use of the Cash Collateral. Cash Collateral Termination Date. The Debtors’ ability to use r. Cash Collateral shall end on the Commitment Termination Date. Adequate Protection to Master Collateral Agent and Prepetition S. Lenders. The Debtors have agreed to provide adequate protection to the Prepetition Secured Parties, pursuant to sections 361, 363(e) and 364(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, to the extent of any diminution of the value of the interests of the Prepetition Secured Parties in the Prepetition Collateral, in the form of additional and replacement security interests and liens in all of the assets of the Debtors and their estates, subject to the Carve-Out and junior to the DIP Obligations. Upon entry of the Final Order, such replacement liens shall extend to the proceeds of Avoidance Actions and the proceeds thereof, and junior only to the DIP Obligations and any prior permitted liens. In addition, subject to the Carve-Out, the Prepetition Secured Parties will have superpriority administrative expense claims pursuant to section 364(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code for any such diminution in value, which superpriority claims may be paid out of the proceeds of Avoidance Actions, junior only to the DIP Obligations. Interim Order at ¶6. Automatic Perfection. The liens, security interests and adequate t. protection provided in the DIP Agreement, the Interim Order and the Final Order shall be valid, binding, enforceable, non-avoidable and automatically perfected without the necessity of filing or recording any financing statement, deed of trust, mortgage, or other instrument or document which otherwise may be required under the laws of any jurisdiction to validate or perfect such security interests and liens. Interim Order at 17. Need for Financing 117. As more fully set forth in the First Day Declaration, the Debtors have an urgent and immediate need for borrowings in the principal amount of up to $4,000,000 DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 51 contemplated under the DIP Agreement and the use of Cash Collateral. Although the Debtors have ceased manufacturing operations in order to conserve capital, the Debtors are presently evaluating their options in these cases, which may include a "turnkey" sale of their business. In order for the Debtors to effectuate such sale process or other orderly restructuring of their assets in a manner that will maximize value for all constituents, the Debtors must have ample liquidity to meet their operational needs. 118. Without the proposed postpetition financing and continued use of cash collateral, including the Restricted Funds, the Debtors will not have any liquidity to manage their chapter 11 cases, and therefore will be unable to fund their ordinary course expenditures or pay chapter 11 expenses. 119. Hence, the Debtors have determined, in the exercise of their sound business judgment, that they require postpetition financing and use of Cash Collateral to, among other things, proceed with an orderly restructuring of the Debtors’ affairs and the payments and expenses attendant thereto, including the costs and expenses of administering these chapter 11 cases. The DIP Agreement has been negotiated in good faith and at arms length. 120. As set forth more fully in the DIP Financing Motion, the Debtors seek authority to incur credit in accordance with the DIP Agreement and to use Cash Collateral in compliance with the proposed Interim Order and the Budget. The Debtors believe the adequate protection provided for in the Interim Order protects the prepetition lenders’ interests in their collateral. The DIP Lender is willing to extend financing in accordance with the terms of the DIP Agreement and, as part of such agreement and in accordance with the Interim Order and the D005_DE:172795.2 68700-001 52 Budget, the Prepetition Tranche A Lenders and the Prepetition Tranche B Lenders have consented to the Debtors’ use of Cash Collateral. 121. The Debtors satisfy the requirements of section 364(c) of the Bankruptcy Code because the Debtors are unable to obtain credit otherwise, relevant secured creditors are adequately protected, and the proposed financing is in the best interests of the estates. 122. The Debtors believe that any restructuring of their business is not possible without access to sufficient working capital and liquidity through the incurrence of postpetition financing under the DIP Agreement and the use of Cash Collateral. The use of Cash Collateral alone is insufficient to meet the Debtors’ postpetition liquidity needs. The Debtors are unable to obtain (i) adequate unsecured credit allowable either (a) under sections 364(b) and 503(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code or (b) under section 3 64(c)( 1) of the Bankruptcy Code, (ii) adequate credit secured by (x) a senior lien on unencumbered assets of the Debtors’ estates under section 364(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code and (y) a junior lien on encumbered assets under section 364(c)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code, or (iii) secured credit under section 364(d)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code from sources other than the DIP Lender on terms more favorable than the terms of the DIP Agreement. The only source of secured credit available to the Debtors, other than the use of Cash Collateral, is the DIP Agreement. 123. The Debtors believe that their efforts to obtain credit except as provided under the DIP Agreement have been impacted by the fact that all or substantially all of the Debtors’ assets are encumbered and would have required the "priming" of the existing lenders’ "blanket" liens. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 53 124. After considering all of their alternatives, the Debtors have concluded, in the exercise of their business judgment, that the financing to be provided by the DIP Lender pursuant to the terms of the DIP Agreement represents the best financing presently available to the Debtors. Moreover, the Debtors have further concluded, in the exercise of their business judgment, that the loan terms and pricing provided under the DIP Agreement are within the range of comparable financing arrangements recently effectuated in other chapter 11 cases. J. Debtors’ Motion for Order Under Section 365(a) of the Bankruptcy Code Authorizing the Debtors (A) to Reject Unexpired Lease and (B) Abandon any Personal Property Located at Such Premises and Fixing a Bar Date for Claims of Counterparty ("Lease Rejection Motion") 125. The Debtors seek an Order approving the rejection of the unexpired lease of non-residential real property located at 400-472 Kato Terrace (Building 5) listed on Exhibit attached to the Lease Rejection Motion (the "Rejected Lease") and authorizing the Debtors to abandon any personal property located at the premises leased by the Rejected Lease (the "Leased Premises") among other things. 126. Just prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors terminated their manufacturing operations, and have continued to streamline their financial affairs. Previously, the Debtors operated their business: (1) at leased premises at 47700 Kato Road and 1055 Page Avenue (Buildings 1 and 2), 901 Page Avenue (Building 3), 400-472 Kato Terrace (Building 5) and 1210 California Circle (Building 6), in Fremont, and Milpitas, California, and (2) at premises owned by the Debtors at 47488 Kato Terrace, also in Fremont, California. DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 54 127. The Debtors have determined that they have no further use for the Leased Premises located at 400-472 Kato Terrace (Building 5), Fremont, California. Therefore, the Debtors, in the exercise of their business judgment, have determined to reject the Rejected Lease for the Leased Premises as follows, effective on the Rejection Effective Date: Industrial Lease dated 9/16/03 between Walton CWCA Scott Creek 28, L.L.C. (lessor) and Solyndra, Inc. (lessee), as amended. 128. The Debtors have no further use for the Leased Premises under any of the restructuring alternatives that they are considering, including the possible sale of the business or by licensing of their technology. The Debtors vacated the Leased Premises prior to the Petition Date. Accordingly, the Debtors submit that the relief sought in the Lease Rejection Motion is in the best interest of their estates and creditors. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] DOCS_DE:172795.2 68700-001 55 For all of the foregoing reasons, I respectfully request that the Court grant the relief requested in each of the First Day Motions filed concurrently herewith. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of peijury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: September 2011 W.G. Stover, Jr. DOcSDS; 1fl782.2 80368.00001
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