Delayed birth registration index
Delayed birth registration index
Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 12-Jul-1895 Tullahoma, Coffee Leonard Scott Abbott Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Harte Tennessee Chancery 156 44 M W 27-Aug-1934 Knox Ewin Garrett Acuff Tennessee Beulah Elizabeth Russell Tennessee Chancery 134 349 Bobbie Elizabeth F W 24-Jul-1934 Knoxville, Knox Paris Adams Tennessee Annie Girtrude Peavler Tennessee Circuit DB1 314 Adams David Lee M W 21-Mar-1932 Hawkins Paris Adams Tennessee Annie Girtrude Peavler Tennessee Circuit DB1 314 Adams Dorothy Jean F W 30-Sep-1939 Knoxville, Knox Paris Adams Tennessee Annie Girtrude Peavler Tennessee Circuit DB1 313 Adams George Washington M W 7-Feb-1922 Mascot, Knox Gurnie Winfield Adams NL Mary Thorne NL Circuit DB1 263 Adams Louise F B 16-Oct-1919 Knox Dewey S Adams Tennessee Georgia Miller Tennessee Circuit DB1 263 Adams Mary Pauline F W 7-Apr-1927 Mascot, Knox Gurnie Winfield Adams NL Mary Thorne NL Circuit DB1 262 Adcock Fred M W 5-Jun-1891 Strawberry Plains, Jefferson NL NL Margaret Adcock Tennessee Circuit DB1 122 Adcock Hazen Thomas M W 25-Aug-1909 Knox Robert Lee Adcock Tennessee Maggie Melinda McMillan Tennessee Circuit DB1 365 Adcock William B M W 28-Feb-1889 Knoxville, Knox Thomas Jefferson Adcock Tennessee Margaret Dwyer Tennessee Circuit DB1 Adcox Margret Lucille F W 8-Nov-1919 Roane Martin Albert Adcox NL Lula Mary Raby NL Circuit DB1 156 Adcox Pansy Mozella F W 3-Apr-1919 Coalfield, Morgan Walter Theodore Adcox NL NL NL Circuit DB1 234 Adkin Dorothy Reeves F W 5-Aug-1917 Coal Creek, Anderson Charles Wesley Adkin Tennessee Willie Sharp Ohio Adkins Robert Taylor M W 18-Dec-1887 Knox William Adkins Tennessee Mattie Martha Housewright Tennessee Ailor Thurman M W 19-Aug-1888 Union Samuel Calloway Ailor Tennessee Pauline Majors Tennessee Ailor William Henry M W 10-Jul-1882 Union Samuel Calloway Ailor Tennessee Pauline Majors Tennessee Circuit DB1 358 Akridge Evelyn Elizabeth F W 6-May-1923 Kox Roscoe James Akridge NL Ona Viar NL Circuit DB1 137 Albright Florence Victoria F W 7-May-1918 Union Alvin Albright NL Mary Clementine Goode NL Circuit DB1 161 Albright Ima Jean F W 19-Dec-1911 Union Nicholas Albright Union, Tennessee Lula Mae Bledsoe Union, Tennessee Albright Ina F W 3-Apr-1904 Loyston, Union Isaac Francis Albright Union, Tennessee Mandy Adeline Prater Union, Tennessee Alexander Alma F B 5-Aug-1900 Knoxville, Knox Julius Alexander Tennessee Eva Taylor Tennessee Chancery 132 172 Alexander Loy Cecil F W 27-Jun-1893 Knox William Wilmafore Alexander Tennessee Hattie Wilhite Tennessee Chancery 173 61 Allen Bessie Merline F W 15-Mar-1915 Newcomb, Campbell William Allen NL Lora Catherine Hamm NL Surname Given Name Sex Race Abbott Kateneal F Acuff Glen Daniel Adams NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] 1 Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 132 Circuit Chancery 132 Circuit 145 DB1 305 Chancery 170 Circuit 60 289 298 DB1 351 DB1 141 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 20-May-1933 Claiborne Benjamin Harrison Allen Tennessee Rachel Meyers Tennessee M W 28-Jan-1881 Knoxville, Knox Rufus Daniel Alley Tennessee Mary Anna Miller Tennessee Beulah Jamie F W 25-Nov-1899 Inskip, Knox James Wiley Allison Tennessee Mary Ellen Minton Tennessee Allison John Thomas M W 13-Jun-1909 Knox Charley Allison Tennessee Ella Whittaker Tennessee Allred Harvey Theodore M W 13-Mar-1903 Maynardville, Union John Wesley Allred Tennessee Amanda Katherine Johnson Tennessee Amerine William Finley M B 2-Mar-1898 Blount Charlie Smith Amerine Tennessee Lucy Pate Ammons Fred Arthur M W 8-Dec-1913 Knoxville, Knox John Thomas Ammons Tennessee Amos Robert Earl M W 23-Aug-1929 Corryton, Knox Kirt Amos Amyx Bayard Clifton M W 28-Oct-1900 Mooresburg, Hawkins Amyx Bayard Clifton M W 28-Oct-1900 Amyx James Clay M W Anderson Anna Mary F Anderson Donna Louise Anderson Surname Given Name Sex Race Allen Ornal M Alley Charles Earnest Allison [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 158 Chancery 138 Circuit DB1 283 Chancery 131 6 DB1 60 Tennessee Chancery 131 176 Mary Lou Rinda Goins Tennessee Chancery 135 23 NL Dora Clifton NL Chancery 150 153 Byron Caldwell Amyx Tennessee Allie Watson Tennessee Circuit 87 326 Mooresburg, Hawkins Byron Caldwell Amyx Tennessee Allie Watson Tennessee Circuit DB1 15 7-Jul-1912 Tate Springs, Grainger Byron Caldwell Amyx Hawkins, Tennessee Allie Watson Grainger, Tennessee Circuit DB1 56 W 9-Oct-1892 Chucky, Greene Michael Lee Anderson Tennessee Martha Cannon Tennessee Circuit DB1 108 F W 26-Jul-1902 Knoxville, Knox Wyatt Kendall Anderson Tennessee Eda Evelyn Agnew Georgia Circuit DB1 145 Dorothy Rosalie F W 25-Dec-1895 Knox William Holston Anderson Tennessee Elizabeth Dill Haynes Tennessee Circuit DB1 108 Anderson Jennie F W 21-Nov-1880 Coffee John Henry Anderson Tennessee Lou Bennett Tennessee Circuit DB1 258 Anderson John Alfred M W 13-Aug-1874 Union William Edward Anderson Tennessee Susan Davis Tennessee Chancery 131 37 Anderson Mary Lucille F W 4-Jun-1904 Loudon Granville Houston Anderson Blount, Tennessee Minnie Black Dawson Monroe, Tennessee Chancery 131 358 Anderson Roger Howard M W 30-Nov-1915 Knox Willis Anderson Tennessee Minnie Thomas Tennessee Chancery 134 93 Anderson Samuel Thomas M W 27-Mar-1876 Union William Edward Anderson Tennessee Susan Davis Tennessee Chancery 131 38 Anderson Thomas M B 14-Dec-1899 Knoxville, Knox P L Anderson Virginia Ethel Cox Tennessee Chancery 135 307 Anderson Urban Sawyers M W 18-Nov-1912 Knoxville, Knox John Alfred Anderson Tennessee Mossie Artemishia Carmony Tennessee Circuit DB1 104 Archie Charlie Albert M B 6-Oct-1907 Loudon Charlie Archie Tennessee Kittie Kerr Tennessee Circuit DB1 160 Armetta Mary Salvadora F W 12-Mar-1909 Knox Michael Armetta NL Annetta Provenza NL Circuit DB1 355 Armstrong Edna Louvenia F B 10-Jul-1900 Knox Gaines Armstrong Tennessee Rachel Emma Johnson Tennessee Circuit DB1 114 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 2 Circuit 59 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name B 24-Apr-1920 Knox Randel Sylvester Armstrong NL Cora Ethelee Campbell F W 2-Jun-1897 Knox Aaron Thomas Armstrong Tennessee Ollie Belle F W 25-Mar-1904 Knox Andy Moses Armstrong Armstrong Vestal Gordon M W 22-Jan-1910 Knox Armstrong Vestal Gordon M W 22-Jan-1910 Arnold Mary Melvina Elizabeth F W Arwood Sarah Florence F Asburry Earl Edward Ashburn Surname Given Name Sex Race Armstrong Fred Leon M Armstrong Ola Eliza Armstrong Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 338 Mary Melvina Bounds Tennessee Circuit DB1 167 Tennessee Ida Mae Ruggles Tennessee Circuit DB1 111 Floyd Armstrong Tennessee Cordelia Cannon Tennessee Circuit 87 236 Knox Floyd Armstrong Tennessee Cordelia Cannon Tennessee Circuit DB1 5 23-Jan-1907 Knoxville, Knox Rufus Madison Arnold Tennessee Martha Adline Hugh Tennessee Circuit DB1 125 W 11-Aug-1886 Knox James Houston Arwood Tennessee Martha Ellen Branch Tennessee M W 16-Jan-1917 Knox NL NL Cora Belle Franse NL Barbara Ellen F W 7-Jan-1932 Cumberland William Hershell Ashburn Tennessee Mary Ellen Bradshaw Tennessee Chancery 136 150 Atchley Beulah Adeline F W 6-Apr-1894 Knoxville, Knox William Pinkney Atchley Tennessee Mary Douglas Elder Tennessee Chancery 166 162 Atchley Jennings Bryan M W 2-Dec-1896 Sevierville, Sevier Samuel Houston Atchley Tennessee Bertie Maples Tennessee Atchley Mary F W 10-Nov-1899 Sevier William P Atchley Tennessee Mary Douglas Elder Atchley Otha William M W 1-Jan-1897 Sevier Noah Corum Atchley Tennessee Atkins Birtheda Kathryn F B 31-Oct-1909 Knoxville, Knox William Atkins Ault Edna Earle F W 10-Mar-1923 Fountain City, Knox Ault Joseph Edwin M W 29-Aug-1909 Ault Lucy Nora F W Ault Robert M Babb Edna Leona Bacon [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 134 Circuit DB1 200 DB1 73 Tennessee Chancery 166 453 Mary Nave Tennessee Chancery 151 280 NL Matilda Smith NL William Park Ault Knox, Tennessee Julia Belle Corker Knox Samuel Atkin Ault NL Anna Gertrude Newman NL 3-Mar-1877 Caryville, Campbell John Wesley Ault Tennessee Martha Adeline Scarborough Tennessee Chancery 136 289 W 22-Mar-1900 Knox George Washington Ault Tennessee Elizabeth Lawhorn Tennessee Chancery 146 348 F W 2-Oct-1917 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 49 JC M W 17-Jul-1912 Washington Paul Lee Bacon Tennessee Lydia Emmeline Sherfey Tennessee Circuit DB1 99 Bacon John Parshall M W 12-May-1892 Monroe James L Bacon Tennessee Anna R Parshall Tennessee Chancery 153 153 Bailey John Hooper M W 14-Nov-1914 Union William Lee Austin Bailey Tennessee Mary Etta Carroll Tennessee Chancery 135 185 Baker Charles William M W 9-Oct-1883 Knox John Wesley Baker Tennessee Sarah E Minton Tennessee Chancery 132 427 Baker David Farnsworth, Jr M W 3-May-1895 Knoxville, Knox David Farnsworth Baker Tennessee Mattie Richards Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 3 Circuit 403 Circuit DB1 310 Charleston, Charleston, Chancery 130 South Carolina Circuit Circuit 227 DB1 301 DB1 78 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 7-Oct-1923 Sharps Chapel, Union John Elmer Baker NL Mary Elizabeth Cummings NL F B 8-Aug-1923 Knoxville, Knox John Baker Georgia Maggie Anderson North Carolina Mary Charlene F W 18-Apr-1914 Roane NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 201 Baker Thoams Milton M W 6-May-1916 Chattanooga, Hamilton Wylie Boyd Baker, Sr Tennessee Mamie Thomas Tennessee Circuit DB1 Baldwin John Alvin Fredrick M W 5-Jan-1911 Knox Grover Cleveland Baldwin NL Blanche Iva Lamb NL Circuit DB1 180 Ball Oliver Arthur M W 29-Jun-1911 Knox William Arthur Ball NL Nannie Elizabeth Smith NL Circuit DB1 212 Ballenger Calvin Austin M W 28-Sep-1909 Jefferson NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 61 Ballew James Fred M W 8-Jan-1915 Knox James William Balew NL Ella Viola Shinpaugh NL Chancery 157 425 Barnes Arthur Carroll M W 7-Sep-1930 Knox Robert Alvin Barnes Tennessee Viola Ruble Webb Tennessee Chancery 135 371 Barnes Joel Rena F W 7-May-1934 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Barry Eugene Hiram M W 7-Jun-1887 Knoxville, Knox Henry Clay Barry Tennessee Laura Pegg Tennessee Baskett Lawson H M W 23-Sep-1917 Greene Richard Franklin Baskett NL Jessie May Swatzel NL Circuit DB1 177 Baskette Onnie Bruce M W 23-Feb-1895 Limestone, Greene John Taylor Baskette Tennessee Ethel Keys Tennessee Circuit DB1 Baskette Onnie Bruce, Jr M W 21-Feb-1924 Greene Onnie Bruce Baskette NL Grace Dobson NL Circuit DB1 167 Bates Willie Fletcher F W 1-Jul-1892 Knoxville, Knox William Fletcher Bates Tennessee Leona Ann Graves Tennessee Circuit DB1 303 Baumann Jack Boyer M W 19-Jul-1914 Knoxville, Knox John Levi Baumann Tennessee Minnie Belle Boyer Tennessee Bayless Parlon Luther M W 8-Jan-1880 Union John Calloway Bayless Tennessee Amy Needham Tennessee Circuit DB1 168 Beam James Lawton M W 24-Jul-1908 Fountain City, Knox Amos Charles Beam New Jersey Susie Hughes Tennessee Circuit DB1 372 Beam Jessie Mae F W 17-Feb-1905 Knox Amos Charles Beam New Jersey Susie Hughes Tennessee Circuit DB1 371 Bean Elizabeth Gertrude F W 10-May-1878 Knox James McNutt Bean Tennessee Kathryn Johnston Tennessee Chancery 139 65 Bean Pauline F W 10-Apr-1931 Knoxville, Knox William Thomas Bean Tennessee Mamie Bell Wallace Tennessee Chancery 132 446 Beck Junior M W 15-Jun-1927 Knoxville, Knox William Jacob Beck NL Ethel Mae Chinnie NL Circuit DB1 251 Beckner Clarence Edward M W 14-Oct-1925 Loudon Roy Lee Beckner Tennessee Stella May Long Tennessee Circuit DB1 204 Beckner Rogers Carrol M W 10-Nov-1936 Loudon Roy Lee Beckner Tennessee Stella May Long Tennessee Circuit DB1 203 Surname Given Name Sex Race Baker Eva Juanita F Baker Frances Lee Baker NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] 4 Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 191 Chancery 135 Circuit 459 96 DB1 292 Chancery 156 Chancery 130 192 96 364 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 13-May-1892 Washburn, Grainger Peter Beeler Tennessee Matilda Hendrix Tennessee Chancery 155 91 F W 6-Jun-1894 Washburn, Grainger Peter Beeler Tennessee Matilda Hendrix Tennessee Chancery 155 91 Herbert Hobart M W 14-Nov-1896 Washburn, Grainger Peter Beeler Tennessee Matilda Hendrix Tennessee Chancery 155 91 Beeler Jesse M W 16-Sep-1911 Claiborne NL NL NL NL Beeler Morgan Columbus M W 14-Sep-1899 Knoxville, Knox Peter Beeler Tennessee Matilda Hendrix Bell Arue Gilbert M B 7-Nov-1912 Friendsville, Blount Thomas Bell Tennessee Bell Eva Ruth F W 3-Jan-1900 Knox George Henry Bell Bell Vernon Ray M W 27-Dec-1928 Knoxville, Knox Benson Charles Ray M W 30-Aug-1928 Berney Gilbert Elvin M W Berrier Harold Monroe M Berrier Thelma Elois Berry Surname Given Name Sex Race Beeler Effie Ewine F Beeler Fronia Parazade Beeler [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court DB1 35 Tennessee Chancery 155 326 Delia Prater Tennessee Chancery 135 115 Tennessee Linda Jane Hinton Tennessee George Henry Bell Tennessee Edith Blanche Hill Tennessee Knoxville, Knox Shirley Freeman Benson NL Flora E REagan NL Circuit DB1 262 26-Oct-1915 Smithwood, Knox NL NL Lucy Dell Warwick NL Circuit DB1 115 W 12-May-1933 Boyds Creek, Knox Theodore Monroe Berrier Tennessee Sara Ellen Massey Tennessee Circuit DB1 322 F W 6-Feb-1929 Knoxville, Knox Theodore Monroe Berrier Tennessee Sara Ellen Massey Tennessee Circuit DB1 322 Alvin Erwin M W 28-Mar-1915 Knox Henry Mack Berry NL Minerva Mae Russell NL Circuit DB1 144 Berry Helen King F W 30-Nov-1921 Rogersville, Hawkins Rufas Frank Berry Tennessee Joda Lee King Tennessee Best Wallace Harold M W 24-Feb-1910 Maryville, Blount Walter Garfield Best Tennessee Elsie Estella Greenlee Tennessee Circuit DB1 125 Bise Alexander Hargraves, Jr M W 4-May-1923 Knox Alexander Hargraves Bise, Sr Hopewell, Hopewell, Virginia Virgie Irene Pace Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 374 Bishop Ella Pearl F W 23-Jul-1899 Jefferson Enas Keesel Bishop Tennessee Viola Ginnevra Lewis Tennessee Circuit DB1 34 Bishop Elma Lydia F W 24-Feb-1885 Knox William Wilson Bishop Virginia Sarah Luvica Karns Tennessee Circuit DB1 38 Bishop Ernest Leslie M W 17-Oct-1901 Jefferson Enas Keesel Bishop Tennessee Viola Ginnevra Lewis Tennessee Circuit DB1 34 Bishop Hazel Beatrice F W 6-Jan-1919 Knoxville, Knox Charles Harvey Bishop Ohio Mary Edith Cole Tennessee Chancery 131 487 Bishop Jesse Ragsdale M W 6-Nov-1881 Knox Alexander P Bishop Virginia Sarah Rebecca Johnson Tennessee Chancery 138 470 Black Carl Theodore M W 24-Feb-1904 Knoxville, Knox James Foster Black North Carolina Paralee Bullard Tennessee Circuit DB1 67 Black Elmer Virgil M W 22-May-1902 Hamblen John Black Tennessee Daisy Snowden Tennessee Circuit 87 337 Black Elmer Virgil M W 22-May-1902 Hamblen John Black Tennessee Daisy Snowden Tennessee Circuit DB1 18 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 5 Circuit Vol. Page Circuit DB1 271 Chancery 138 Chancery 148 450 60 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name B 2-Nov-1894 Knox Elisha Black Tennessee Elsie Mynatt Tennessee F W 13-Jan-1906 Knoxville, Knox John W Black Tennessee Daisy Snowden Tennessee Mary Jane F W 5-Apr-1889 Edgemoor, Anderson Joe Black Tennessee Dora Tuck Tennessee Black Willastine Martha Helen F B 6-Jan-1930 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Annie Black Tennessee Blackburn Flora Belle F W 17-Jan-1884 Jefferson Albert Howell Blackburn Tennessee Catherine Elizabeth Byous Tennessee Chancery 132 54 Blackburn Oliver Howard M W 19-Jun-1920 Knox George Ashley Blackburn Tennessee Bessie Catherine Barnes Tennessee Chancery 134 268 Blackburn Robert Alexander M W 2-Jun-1880 Jefferson Albert Howell Blackburn Tennessee Catherine Elizabeth Byous Tennessee Chancery 132 54 Blackwell Chloris Marjorie F W 10-May-1894 Sevier Andrew C Blackwell Jefferson, Tennessee Malinda Esslinger Sevier, Tennessee Chancery 135 65 Blackwell Lucy Lee F W 22-Apr-1896 Jefferson Henry Frank Blackwell Tennessee Mariah Susong Tennessee Circuit 87 320 Blackwell Lucy Lee F W 22-Apr-1896 Jefferson Henry Frank Blackwell Tennessee Mariah Susong Tennessee Circuit DB1 15 Blair Oscar William M W 4-Nov-1925 Knoxville, Knox Albert George Blair Tennessee Sarah Jane Gibson Tennessee Circuit DB1 329 Blalock Katheine Elise F W 19-Mar-1916 Monterey, Putnam John Lee Blalock NL Lina Buckner NL Circuit DB1 332 Blankenship Homer M W 10-Sep-1889 Meadow, Loudon John Blankenship Tennessee Martha Jones Tennessee Chancery 130 330 Blazier Bessie Juanita F W 24-Aug-1926 Blount Turner Blazier Tennessee Orphia Jane Pate Tennessee Chancery 132 25 Blazier Herbert Augusta M W 16-Sep-1906 Knox Robert Camel Blazier Tennessee Mary Basinger Tennessee Chancery 131 455 Boatman Myrtle Frances F W 26-Sep-1901 Maryville, Blount George Boatman Tennessee Mary Richmond Tennessee Chancery 131 467 Bolden Ernest Verlin M W 27-Mar-1913 Maynardville, Union Sherman Bolden Tennessee Eva Smith Tennessee Boles Billie Jo F W 20-Nov-1929 Knoxville, Knox William Keith Boles Tennessee Mildred Lee Thompson Tennessee Boles Everett Marshall M W 27-May-1916 Knox Franics Marion Boles NL Anna Bessie Cassady NL Circuit DB1 180 Boles Norma Fay F W 27-Mar-1940 Knoxville, Knox Everett Marshall Boles Tennessee Mary Lucille Ward Tennessee Circuit DB1 323 Boles Roy Allen M W 12-Dec-1937 Powell Station, Knox Everett Marshall Boles Tennessee Mary Lucille Ward Tennessee Circuit DB1 323 Bolton Jesse Ambrose M W 24-Apr-1914 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Ruth Alma Brooks Williamsburg, Whitley, Kentucky Circuit DB1 229 Bonham Constance LaRue F W 14-Jan-1900 Knox Albert William Bonham Tennessee Carolyn Augusta Schroeder Utica, Oneida, New York Booker Betty Ann F W 15-Sep-1928 Knox David Brownlow Booker Tennessee Ann Mae Luttrell Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Black George M Black Mary Elizabeth Black NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] 6 Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 131 Circuit DB1 168 Chancery 157 Circuit Circuit 526 189 DB1 296 DB1 74 Chancery 134 470 Chancery 154 Circuit 479 DB1 284 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 26-Jun-1911 Knox George Sterling Booker NL Lena K Fox M W 24-Oct-1906 Knoxville, Knox Charles Baker Booth Virginia Eugene Bradley M W 24-Oct-1906 Knoxville Charles Baker Booth Bosson Donal Cameron M W 28-May-1922 Knoxville, Knox Bounds Mae Elizabeth F W 17-Oct-1916 Bowden Margaret Jane F W Bowers Gladys F Bowling LaFayette Cleveland Bowling Surname Given Name Sex Race Booker Willie Rose F Booth Eugene Bradley Booth Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 330 Maggie Alice Fudge Virginia Circuit 87 278 Virginia Maggie Alice Fudge Virginia Circuit DB1 7 Hugh Stewart Bosson Tennessee Edna Kate Cameron Tennessee Knox Daniel Fisher Bounds NL Hulda Elizabeth Perry NL 27-Sep-1888 Whitwell, Marion John Francis Bowden England Rachel Harrison England W 27-Apr-1924 Knoxville, Knox T C Bowers NL Beulah Maples NL Circuit DB1 349 M W 9-Jul-1910 Knoxville, Knox Grover Cleveland Bowling Tennessee Dollie Anne Reed Tennessee Circuit DB1 100 Roby Edith F W 22-Jan-1917 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Martin Bowling Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Bales Tennessee Circuit DB1 98 Bowling Ruth Beatrice F W 28-Apr-1921 Knoxville, Knox Luther David Bowling Knox, Tennessee Lillie Belle Houser Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 41 Bowman James M B NL Knox Sylvester Bowman Tennessee Daisy Garrett Tennessee Circuit 87 293 Bowman James M B NL Knox Sylvester Bowman Tennessee Daisy Garrett Tennessee Circuit DB1 9 Bowman Margaret Helen F W 8-Jul-1907 Knoxville, Knox Beeler Benson Bowman Speedwell, Claiborne Cornelia Hooper Moore Cocke, Tennessee Chancery 130 98 Bowman Mary Jane F W 15-Oct-1901 Knox NL NL Dona Bowman Tennessee Boyd Anna Sheldon F W 9-Sep-1906 Knoxville, Knox Jeremiah Franklin Boyd Washington, Tennessee Bridget Agnes Breen Knox, Tennessee Chancery 176 126 Boyd Eugene M W 11-Dec-1910 Rutherford Ben Boyd Tennessee Carrie Ward Tennessee Chancery 133 137 Boyd Lelia Louise F W 31-Dec-1905 Knoxville, Knox John Stuart Boyd Tennessee Lelia McClure Kentucky Brabson Vanderbilt, Jr M B 12-Mar-1928 Knox Vanderbilt Brabson, Sr Tennessee Pearl Miller Tennessee Chancery 140 208 Brackett Alla Mae F W 29-Mar-1904 Knoxville, Knox Arthur Bell Brackett Riceville, McMinn, Tennessee Mae Lilly Rice Riceville, McMinn, Tennessee Chancery 131 456 Brackett Paul Leon M W 17-Feb-1911 Monroe Henry Carroll Brackett NL Laura Burchfield NL Circuit DB1 147 Bradley LeRoy M B 29-Sep-1913 Knoxville, Knox Roy Bradley Tennessee Alma Hardin Tennessee Circuit DB1 44 Bradley Louis James M B 28-Jun-1890 Knoxville, Knox Robert Bradley Tennessee Mary Alice Ogg Tennessee Circuit DB1 46 Bradley Mitchell Frank M B 2-Oct-1892 Knox Preston T Bradley Tennessee Ellen Bowers Virginia Circuit DB1 65 Bradley Theodore Roosevelt M W 27-Mar-1903 Knox James Preston Bradley Tennessee Mary Bailey Tennessee Chancery 132 252 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 7 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 132 Circuit DB1 338 Chancery 168 Circuit Circuit 132 398 DB1 250 DB1 113 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 15-Oct-1902 Monroe Joseph Robert Bradshaw Tennessee Susie Lemons M W 6-Aug-1889 Knox John Thomas Brady Tennessee Carrie Alice F W 24-Jan-1883 Blount Jordan C Brakebill Brakebill William Otis M W 3-Mar-1888 Blount Branch Gerald Anderson M W 13-Oct-1939 Branson Lacy Albert M W Branson William Andrew M Branum Lucy Mae Breeden Surname Given Name Sex Race Bradshaw Robert Harrison M Brady Harry Lee Brakebill Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 Mary Elizabeht Allen Tennessee Circuit DB1 248 Tennessee Eliza Caroline McTeer Tennessee Chancery 135 399 Jordan Council Brakebill Tennessee Eliza Caroline McTeer Tennessee Chancery 144 308 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Christina Louise Brogdon NL 7-Oct-1893 Gibson Algie Joe Branson Tennessee Lula Lee Hicks Tennessee W 11-Dec-1919 Knox NL NL Fannie Bounds NL F W 12-Dec-1904 Union Lafayette Branum Tennessee Martha Ann York Tennessee Pearl F W 11-Apr-1885 Sevier Campbell Breeden Tennessee Christeena Breedern Tennessee Brewer Maurice Jackson M W 2-Sep-1908 Knoxville, Knox George Harrison Brewer Tennessee Gertrude Elizabeth Runyon Tennessee Chancery 133 234 Brewer Nona Mae F W 18-Sep-1904 Tellico Plains, Monroe George Andrew Brewer Tennessee Sarah Parthene Rodgers Tennessee Chancery 136 190 Brewer William Dexter M W 19-Jun-1911 Blount Joseph Brewer Tennessee Minnie Ridge Tennessee Circuit DB1 Brice Helen Evangeline F B 16-Nov-1910 Knoxville, Knox Charlie Brice Tennessee Emma Linder Tennessee Circuit DB1 185 Brimer James Porter, Jr M W 2-Aug-1895 Knoxville, Knox James Porter Brimer, Sr Tennessee Sarah J Smith Tennessee Chancery 135 534 Brock Beulah Ella F W 31-Aug-1892 Knox Lafayette Brock Tennessee Joanna Cox Tennessee Chancery 130 87 Brock Iva Lee F W 30-Aug-1939 Knoxville, Knox Scott Brock Tennessee Ida Patty Blount, Tennessee Brock Vera Barbara Jean F W 15-May-1927 Knox Benjamin Rausseau Brock Tennessee Cora Clementine Vandegriff Tennessee Chancery 133 227 Brogan Magnolia F W 11-Apr-1931 Union George Boyd Brogan Tennessee Myrtle Ethel Housley Tennessee Chancery 134 421 Brogdon Charles Alger M W 12-Nov-1919 Knox Alger Sherman Brogdon Tennessee Mattie Estella Cash Tennessee Circuit DB1 222 Brogdon Richel C M W 9-May-1925 Knox Hubert Fisher Brogdon Tennessee Anna Ellen Anderson Tennessee Circuit DB1 221 Brooks Charles Alton M W 27-Mar-1941 Knoxville, Knox Clifford Brooks Tennessee Maggie Gertrude Bayless Tennessee Chancery 132 137 Brooks Ernest Edward M W 12-Jan-1936 Knox Clifford Brooks Tennessee Maggie Gertrude Bayless Tennessee Chancery 132 102 Brooks Mamie Irene F W 5-Mar-1932 Knoxville, Knox Willard Burke Brooks Tennessee Hattie Mae McKinney Tennessee Chancery 134 422 Brooks Mary Katherine F W 1-Dec-1923 Knoxville, Knox James Bryant Brooks NL Reba Cathryn Hamilton NL NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 8 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 190 Chancery 134 Circuit Circuit Circuit 431 DB1 100 Chancery 134 Circuit 86 273 DB1 164 39 DB1 138 DB1 249 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 3-Sep-1925 Knox Jesse Ray Brooks Tennessee Nellie Pearl Woolard Tennessee Chancery 132 243 M W 2-Jun-1929 Knoxville, Knox Willard Burke Brooks Tennessee Hattie Mae McKinney Tennessee Chancery 134 422 Beecher Burton, Jr M W 26-Feb-1916 Sevier Beecher Burton Brown NL Margaret Lucretia McCarter NL Brown Billie Eugene M W 12-Aug-1927 Knox Andrew Hayes Brown Tennessee Etta Agnew Johnson Tennessee Brown John DeWitt M W 1-Aug-1921 Sevier NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 332 Brown John DeWitt M W 1-Aug-1921 Sevier NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 17 Brown June Evelyedge F W 30-Jan-1927 Knox Henry Lester Brown NL Evelyn Dorthy Payne NL Circuit DB1 195 Brown Sidney Sylvester M W 17-May-1903 Knoxville, Knox John Marshall Columbia Brown Sevier, Tennessee Sarah Emma Franklin Jefferson, Tennessee Chancery 131 424 Brown Susie Leona F W 3-Dec-1896 Greene James Franklin Brown Tennessee Mary Amanda Jones Tennessee Chancery 170 178 Bruce Walter Edgar M W 17-Jul-1917 Speedwell, Claiborne James Willis Bruce NL Laura Belle Welch NL Circuit DB1 218 Bruce Edna Colleen F W 6-Mar-1925 Knoxville, Knox Lester Bruce NL Dora Sally Rhodes NL Circuit DB1 244 Bryant Hazel Frances F W 30-Apr-1890 Rheatown, Greene Franklin Ramsey Bryant Kentucky Viola Beatrice O'Baugh Tennessee Circuit DB1 114 Bryant Willard F B 25-Dec-1922 Knoxville, Knox Young D Bryant Georgia Hannah Moulden Tennessee Chancery 132 337 Buffett Emile Judson M W 27-Aug-1881 Knox Augustus Buffett Switzerland Sarah Smith Knox, Tennessee Chancery 131 487 Bull Willie Leroy M W 25-May-1905 Knox Amos McBee Bull Tennessee Emma Jane Riley Tennessee Chancery 136 451 Bunch Carl Thomas M W 2-Apr-1904 Knoxville, Knox William Franklin Bunch Tennessee Corda Orlena Kennedy Tennessee Circuit DB1 Burchett William Carr M W 16-Apr-1903 Glenmary, Scott William Cooper Burchett Kentucky Mary Elizabeth Todd Tennessee Circuit DB1 199 Burchett William Joe M W 19-Sep-1927 Knox Joe Burchett Tennessee Florence Blankenship Tennessee Burchfield John Fay F W 11-Aug-1920 Knoxville, Knox Johnsie Ray Burchfield NL Ethie Lenora Moyers NL Circuit DB1 211 Burkhardt William James M W 22-Jan-1894 Knox James LeRoy Burkhardt Tennessee Henrietta Jones Tennessee Circuit DB1 79 Burkhart Alice Blanche F W 3-Feb-1902 Knox Claiborne Barb Burkhart Tennessee Lettie Belle Walker Tennessee Circuit DB1 49 Burkhart Carson Howard M W 13-Aug-1897 Knox Claiborne Barb Burkhart Tennessee Lettie Belle Walker Tennessee Circuit DB1 49 Burkhart Dempster Elmer M W 11-Aug-1900 Knox Claiborne Barb Burkhart Tennessee Lettie Belle Walker Tennessee Circuit DB1 63 Burkhart Fred Lemiel M W 17-Feb-1906 Knox Claiborne Barb Burkhart Tennessee Lettie Belle Walker Tennessee Circuit DB1 50 Surname Given Name Sex Race Brooks Ray Otis M Brooks Walter Brown NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] 9 Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Circuit Vol. Page DB1 214 Chancery 137 Chancery 147 355 85 360 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 17-Sep-1907 Knox Claiborne Barb Burkhart Tennessee Lettie Belle Walker Tennessee M W 29-Jul-1937 Knox Illegitimate NL Leona Burkhart Roberta Elizabeth F W 26-Oct-1886 Coffee Frank Wyatt Burks Tennessee Burnett Bertie Jane F W 7-Feb-1891 Knox Joseph Leondous Clinton Burnett Burnett Jessie Leondus F W 4-Dec-1893 Knox Burnett Sillie F W 27-Oct-1888 Burns Hubert Winifred M W Burns Matilda F Burns Otha Louis Burton Surname Given Name Sex Race Court Vol. Page Burkhart Theodore Roosevelt M Circuit DB1 62 Burkhart William Lee NL Chancery 158 576 Burks Tennie Frances Brown Tennessee Chancery 141 183 Knox, Tennessee Amanda Alice Dykes Knox, Tennessee Chancery 166 307 Joseph Leondous Clinton Burnett Knox, Tennessee Amanda Alice Dykes Knox, Tennessee Chancery 166 306 Knox Joseph Leondous Clinton Burnett Knox, Tennessee Amanda Alice Dykes Knox, Tennessee Chancery 166 306 18-Mar-1904 Boyd Creek, Sevier Gilmer Almelia Burns Tennessee Hettie Deffie Haun Tennessee Chancery 135 109 W 28-Jun-1890 Knox William Burns Ireland Rose E Garity Ireland Circuit DB1 114 M W 14-Apr-1878 Knox William Perry Burns Tennessee Sarah Hines Tennessee Circuit DB1 Elizabeth F B 14-Oct-1908 Gallatin, Sumner Joe Burton NL Emma Burton NL Circuit DB1 165 Busic Robert Lincoln M W 10-Apr-1892 Hancock Alex Calvin Busic Tennessee Mary Jones Tennessee Butler John Henry M B 16-Dec-1894 Greene John Butler Greene, Tennessee Jessie Morris Asheville, Buncombe, North Carolina Circuit DB1 39 Butler Walter William M W 28-Jul-1909 Monroe Obey D Butler North Carolina Caroline Gorley Tennessee Circuit 87 276 Butler Walter William M W 28-Jul-1909 Monroe Obey D Butler North Carolina Caroline Gorley Tennessee Circuit DB1 7 Byerley Agnes Gertrude F W 27-Dec-1908 Knox Charles S Byerley Tennessee Grace I Booher Tennessee Circuit DB1 171 Byous Fleda A F W 14-Jul-1909 Knox Joseph E Byous Tennessee Mary S Hickman Arkansas Circuit DB1 133 Byous Wayne D M W 5-Dec-1914 Sevier Joseph E Byous Tennessee Mary S Hickman Arkansas Circuit DB1 132 Byrd Charlotte Louise F W 29-May-1920 Caryville, Campbell John Ramsey Byrd Tennessee Minnie Ellen Phillips Tennessee Chancery 134 420 Byrd Crawford Eugene M W 21-Jun-1923 Scott Ramsey Byrd Tennessee Minnie Ella Phillips Tennessee Chancery 130 188 Byrd John Ezekiel M W 13-Jun-1892 Oliver Springs, Morgan John Garner Byrd Tennessee Mary Walls Tennessee Byrd Mabel F W 9-Aug-1911 Scott Willard Elzic Byrd Tennessee Eva Lawson Tennessee Byrd Virgil Paten M W 8-Sep-1914 Scott NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 Cagle Fredrick Eules M W 5-Jan-1913 Louisville, Blount Isaac Edgar Cagle Tennessee Cordie Mae Rolen Tennessee Circuit DB1 105 Cagle William Esley, Jr M W 14-Aug-1923 Tellico Plains, Monroe William Esley Cagle Tennessee Minnie Cole Tennessee Circuit DB1 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 10 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 135 Circuit 98 475 DB1 75 Chancery 130 569 79 87 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 30-Oct-1885 Knoxville, Knox John Erwin Caldwell Tennessee Catherine Anna Baumann Georgia F W 31-Mar-1892 Knox Hugh Lawson Caldwell Tennessee Virginia Elizabeth Tennessee Circuit DB1 351 Glenn Alvin M W 30-Jan-1896 Knox Glenn Alvin Campbell Knox, Tennessee Emma Jane Campbell Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 37 Campbell James William M W 9-Apr-1920 Loudon James Abraham Campbell Tennessee Cecil Lucinda Black Tennessee Circuit DB1 54 Campbell Lawrence Hudson M W 28-Apr-1921 Hamilton John Hudson Campbell NL Zora Gertrude Denton NL Circuit DB1 178 Campbell Liston M B 18-Jun-1885 Cleveland, Bradley Benjamin Franklin Campbell Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Bouyer Tennessee Campbell Mell M W 12-Jan-1886 Union George Campbell Tennessee Tilda Claxton Tennessee Circuit DB1 110 Campbell Ralph Eugene M W 23-Dec-1922 Loudon James Abraham Campbell Bledsoe, Tennessee Cecil Lucinda Black Loudon, Tennessee Circuit DB1 55 Candler Pearl F W 13-Jan-1899 Rankins, Cocke John Henry Candler North Carolina Mary Ellen Moore Tennessee Chancery 134 407 Cannon Charlie M M W 21-Apr-1907 Knox Henry Cannon Tennessee Annie Brooks Tennessee Chancery 175 300 Capps Linda Cate F W 9-Mar-1887 Mooresburg, Hawkins Isham Capps Tennessee Martha Frances Miller Virginia Chancery 168 53 Capps Ruth F W 6-Apr-1910 Park City, Knox NL NL Lida Capps Knox, Tennessee Chancery 132 486 Carder Mary F W 25-Sep-1873 Charleston, Bradley George Walter Carder Tennessee Lucy Ellen Wright Tennessee Chancery 144 461 Carder Mertie F W 1-Jul-1882 Chattanooga, Hamilton George Walter Carder Tennessee Lucy Ellen Wright Tennessee Chancery 144 461 Carey James Benjamin M W 11-Aug-1904 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Pierce Carey Tennessee Bertha Janette Slonaker Tennessee Circuit 87 367 Carey James Benjamin M W 11-Aug-1904 Knox Samuel Pierce Carey Tennessee Betha Janette Slonaker Tennessee Circuit DB1 24 Carnes Paul C M W 8-Apr-1923 Knox W J Carnes NL Rhote Wear NL Chancery 161 429 Carnes Reps Jones M W 30-Aug-1876 Knoxville, Knox John Bell Carnes Virginia Ann McKinzie Florida Circuit Carnes Ruth Margaret F W 12-Apr-1921 Knoxville, Knox Walter Jennings Carnes NL NL NL Circuit 87 242 Carnes Ruth Margaret F W 12-Apr-1921 Knoxville, Knox Walter Jennings Carnes NL NL NL Circuit DB1 5 Carper James Arthur M W 3-Mar-1883 Limestone, Washington Lewis Jefferson Carper Tennessee Ruth Annie Early Tennessee Chancery 135 464 Carr Joseph Henry M W 11-Feb-1884 Mooresburg, Hawkins James Carr Tennessee Mary Carr Hawkins, Tennessee Chancery 149 591 Carr Milton Lydell M W 15-Feb-1917 Claiborne Charles Ross Carr Tennessee Sue Stanifer Tennessee Chancery 130 489 Carr Nannie F W 23-Jan-1898 Claiborne John Calloway Carr Tennessee Nannie Elizabeth Day Tennessee Chancery 165 86 Surname Given Name Sex Race Caldwell Frank Roy M Caldwell Iva Clemons Campbell NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 11 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 132 Chancery 159 578 262 DB1 178 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 4-Jan-1897 Monroe A J Carroll Tennessee Nancy Bell Keaton Tennessee M W 27-Jan-1903 Madisonville, Monroe William Crawford Carter Tennessee Catherine Cornelia Hicks Tennessee Circuit DB1 43 Lester Alvin M W 16-Apr-1920 Corryton, Knox Marcus McCord Carter NL Grace Abigail Johnson NL Circuit DB1 29 Carter Theodore Warren M W 26-Jan-1923 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 102 Carter Theodore Warren M W 26-Jun-1923 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 1 Carter Walter Clifton M W 21-Aug-1912 Washington College, Washington Leonard Carl Carter North Carolina Luna Upchurch Tennessee Chancery 134 15 Carty Evelyn F W 19-Nov-1918 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 Cary Lillian Hazel F B 21-Feb-1909 Knoxville, Knox James Leonard Cary Mississippi Sallie Bonham Alabama Circuit DB1 345 Cash Mattie Estella F W 7-Nov-1892 Knox Harrison McMillan Cash Tennessee Mollie Lee Leake Tennessee Chancery 135 290 Casteel Mike Leonard M W 27-Mar-1915 Concord, Knox John Edward Casteel NL Ethel Morris Yarnell NL Chancery 157 58 Cate Mildred Jane F W 31-Jul-1905 Knox William Thomas Cate Tennessee Minnie Minerva Doane Tennessee Circuit Cate Richard Austin M W 10-Sep-1901 Knox William Thomas Cate Tennessee Minnie Minerva Doane Tennessee Circuit 87 371 Cate Richard Austin M W 10-Sep-1901 Knox William Thomas Cate Tennessee Minnie Minerva Doane Tennessee Circuit DB1 25 Cates Billy Ray M W 22-Jun-1933 Knox John Herman Cates Tennessee Veda Oglesby Tennessee Circuit DB1 319 Cates Jack Larance M W 25-Feb-1938 Knox John Herman Cates Tennessee Veda Oglesby Tennessee Circuit DB1 319 Cates Paul Dean M W 11-Nov-1934 Knox John Herman Cates Tennessee Veda Oglesby Tennessee Circuit DB1 319 Chadwick Mildred Virginia F W 15-Jun-1920 Knox William Arden Chadwick NL Roxie Tallent NL Circuit DB1 196 Chamberlain Henry David M W 24-Feb-1917 Knoxville, Knox Jerre Walter Chamberlain Tennessee Lula Grace Brown Tennessee Circuit DB1 312 Chance Reece M W 5-Oct-1902 Knox Samual H Chance Tennessee Mary H Farmer Tennessee Circuit DB1 176 Chandler Bessie Louise F B 21-Feb-1899 Blount William Chandler Tennessee Frazier Hollands Tennessee Circuit DB1 35 Chandler Birdie F B 11-Nov-1889 Strawberry Plains, Knox Lewis Albert Chandler Tennessee Addie Nelson Tennessee Chancery 131 37 Chandler Carl Willis M B 26-Dec-1894 Knoxville, Knox Louis Albert Chandler Tennessee Addie Nelson Tennessee Chancery 171 260 Chandler Hoyle McKinley M W 4-Apr-1927 Sevier James Calvin Chandler Tennessee Julia Ruth Spangler Tennessee Chancery 131 231 Chavannes Virginia Cecile F W 23-Apr-1909 Knoxville, Knox Adrian Leon Chavannes Knox, Tennessee Harriet May Sharp Jefferson, Tennessee Chancery 130 109 Surname Given Name Sex Race Carroll Lee M Carter Edwin Crawford Carter NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 12 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 166 200 85 DB1 326 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 7-Feb-1931 Knox James Leonard Cheatham Tennessee Stella Jane Human F W 23-Jul-1924 Knox Gilbert W Chesney NL Lillian Louise F W 12-Aug-1921 Knoxville, Knox James Nelson Chesney Childress Samuel Elmer M W 3-Nov-1892 Anderson Childress Thelma Bonnie F W 17-Jun-1927 Chinnie Ethel Mae F W Chitwood Joseph McDonald M Christenbery Robert Eugene Clabough Surname Given Name Sex Race Cheatham Andrew Jackson M Chesney Iona Mae Chesney Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 255 Cora Francis Lundy NL Circuit DB1 148 NL Sallie Lou Mowry NL Circuit DB1 192 Rosencrance Childress Anderson, Tennessee Maggie Dake Anderson, Tennessee Anderson William Maston Childress NL Mary Esta Childress NL Circuit DB1 257 4-Jul-1909 Knoxville, Knox Claude Chinnie NL Viola Runyons NL Circuit DB1 245 W 15-Oct-1926 Scott Granville Cecil Chitwood Tennessee Susie Jane Strunk Tennessee M W 26-Nov-1924 Grainger George Felbert Christenbery NL Thelma Payne NL Jo Anne F W 9-Jul-1940 Knox Fred William Clabough Tennessee Anna Beatrice Webb Tennessee Clabough Raymond H M W 22-Oct-1911 Blount NL NL Callie M Pitman NL Circuit DB1 Clabough Stanley Hugh, Jr M W 21-Dec-1940 Knoxville, Knox Stanley Hugh Steven Clabough NL Mable Lucile Whitehead NL Circuit DB1 299 Clabough Trula Mae F W 8-Mar-1927 Knoxville, Knox James Robert Clabough NL Ina Ruby Benson NL Circuit DB1 348 Claiborne Carl Everett M W 9-Aug-1916 Knoxville, Knox Charles Edward Claiborne NL Iva Mable Johnson NL Circuit DB1 227 Claiborne Elmer Miller M W 1-Oct-1895 Knoxville George Washington Claiborne Anderson Margaret I Miller Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Claiborne Howard Tapp M W 31-Dec-1910 NL Samuel H Claiborne NL Fannie Josephine Clifton NL Circuit DB1 370 Claiborne Hubert Dennis M W 21-Dec-1917 Knox Harvey D Claiborne Tennessee Martha E Longmire Tennessee Clapp James Wellington M W 30-Aug-1927 Corryton, Knox William Donald Clapp Tennessee Georgiella Troutman Tennessee Circuit DB1 343 Clark Charles James William M B 20-Dec-1940 Knoxville, Knox None NL Alvesta Clark NL Circuit DB1 217 Clark Chester Franklin M W 12-Sep-1924 Union Dail Clark Tennessee Chloie Graves Tennessee Clark Joe Edward M W 15-Jul-1916 Grainger NL NL NL NL Clear Roxie F W 2-Apr-1903 Anderson John Clear Tennessee Alice Crowder Clendenon Betty Jack F W 27-Dec-1923 Knox Jack C Clendenon Tennessee Clifton Eugene M W 10-Jul-1912 Knoxville, Knox Wiley B Clifton Clifton Frank Hobart, Jr M W 27-May-1924 Knoxville, Knox NL NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 13 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 130 Chancery 135 Circuit 282 DB1 210 Chancery 137 Chancery 131 Chancery 132 Circuit 337 343 34 28 522 12 DB1 33 Tennessee Chancery 132 312 Celia Hester Emert Tennessee Chancery 133 242 Tennessee Betty King Tennessee Chancery 135 311 NL Jessie Pierce NL Circuit DB1 126 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 4-Feb-1942 Knox Mitchell Franklin Clifton Tennessee Eula Lois Monday Tennessee Chancery 134 116 F W 2-Jul-1940 Knox Mitchell Franklin Clifton Tennessee Eula Lois Monday Tennessee Chancery 134 116 Cora Etta F W 30-Oct-1879 Knox James Hamilton Cline Tennessee Mary Montgomery Tennessee Chancery 134 157 Cline Emerson B M W 22-Feb-1910 Hamblen NL NL Julia Hill NL Circuit DB1 150 Cline James Richard, Jr M W 12-May-1921 Hamblen James Richard Cline NL Julia Hill NL Circuit DB1 158 Clotfelter Hugh L M W 5-May-1880 Jacksboro, Campbell Fayette Clotfelter Tennessee Mary Jane Hatmaker Tennessee Circuit DB1 354 Cloyd Ralph William M W 26-Dec-1897 Johnson City, Washington Martin Vanburan Cloyd Tennessee Minnie Cooper Georgia Circuit DB1 Clutts Neda June F W 16-May-1902 Knoxville, Knox Unknown NL Unknown NL Circuit DB1 236 Cobb Beulah Jane F W 18-Jul-1888 Byington, Knox Thomas Church Cobb Tennessee Hannah A Tallent Tennessee Circuit DB1 370 Cobb Marshall M B 14-Feb-1897 Jefferson Anthony Cobb Tennessee Anna Alexander Tennessee Chancery 131 269 Cody Nell Lovena F W 25-Dec-1900 Sevier William Harvey Cody North Carolina Mary Jane Latham Sevier, Tennessee Chancery 178 400 Coen Daniel Kennedy M W 1-Oct-1900 Knoxville, Knox William Edward Coen Tennessee Ellen Nellie Kennedy Tennessee Coffman Blake Coyle M W 4-Feb-1911 Grainger John Thornburg Coffman Tennessee Bertha Lou Rucker Tennessee Cogdill Mardell Louise F W 3-Aug-1925 Knoxville, Knox William Avery Cogdill NL Zylphia Mae Wilkerson NL Circuit DB1 169 Cogdill Ulys Raymond M W 24-Jul-1928 Knoxville, Knox Ulys S Grant Cogdill NL Della Gertrude Smelcer NL Circuit DB1 197 Coile Richard Earl M W 16-Mar-1938 Hamilton NL NL Reva Mae Wyce NL Circuit DB1 174 Coker Elbert Richard M W 9-Jan-1911 Knox Joe Coker Tennessee Ida Carnes Tennessee Chancery 132 232 Cole Earl Howard M W 17-Feb-1927 Knoxville, Knox Andrew Lee Cole NL Tinie Mae Sweatman NL Chancery 151 453 Cole Hubert Nelson M W 19-Jun-1910 Briceville, Anderson NL NL Phoebe Lou Maude Witt NL Coleman Charles Luther M W 12-Mar-1894 McMinn Demsey Johnson Coleman Tennessee Margaret Deatheridge Tennessee Coleman Ivagene Lee F W 6-Aug-1910 Knoxville, Knox William A Coleman NL Margaret Evelyn Galyon NL Circuit DB1 153 Coleman Ollie Albert M W 5-Sep-1889 Knoxville, Knox Henry Thomas Coleman Tennessee Martha Elizabeth Kidd Tennessee Circuit DB1 68 Coleman Oscar Lee M W 9-May-1882 Roane Dempsey Johnson Coleman Tennessee Margaret Deathridge Tennessee Chancery 131 25 Collier Alma Amanda F W 13-Mar-1928 Campbell William Taylor Collier Virginia Armenda Shoopman Tennessee Chancery 147 432 Surname Given Name Sex Race Clifton Linda Joyce F Clifton Shirley Viola Cline NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 14 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Circuit Vol. Page DB1 368 Chancery 133 Circuit 75 73 DB1 146 Chancery 136 207 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 6-Feb-1881 Jefferson James Collier Virginia Harriett Hamilton Virginia Chancery 131 448 F W 5-Jan-1934 Knoxville, Knox Horace Lewis Collins Tennessee Velma Julia Butcher Tennessee Chancery 134 358 Frances Talmage F W 21-Mar-1919 Grainger George Washington Collins Tennessee Violet Cleo Bunch Tennessee Chancery 132 575 Collins Junita Sue F W 28-Jul-1930 Knoxville, Knox Evan Frank Collins NL Johnie Ethel Burns NL Collins Ledford Andy M W 14-Dec-1910 Knox James Golden Collins NL Rebecca Anderson NL Collins Martin Luther M W 21-Mar-1888 Blount Millard Barkley Collins Tennessee Sarah Adaline Cannon Tennessee Circuit DB1 277 Comer Richard Austin M W 21-Aug-1918 Knoxville, Knox John Foster Comer Tennessee Belle Burchell Tennessee Circuit DB1 290 Compton Bettye Emmaline F W 4-Oct-1937 Knox William Murray Compton NL Catherine Avis Gardner NL Circuit DB1 271 Compton Lones G C M W 10-Sep-1909 Knox John Mangrum Compton Tennessee Liley Rutherford Tennessee Chancery 135 355 Conatser Ethel Elizabeth F W 19-Jul-1902 Sevier Newton Gorman Conatser Tennessee Annie Nannie Stoffield Tennessee Chancery 133 549 Condon Frances F W 24-Apr-1895 Knoxville, Knox James John Condon New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut Margaret Ann McCarthy Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 165 Connell Nell F W 27-Dec-1906 Davidson Michael Connell Ireland Berth Barrick Kentucky Circuit DB1 272 Conner Annette Jane F W 29-Dec-1890 Knoxville, Knox Charles William Conner Knox, Tennessee Margaret C Caldwell Jefferson, Tennessee Circuit DB1 366 Conner Frederick Romeo M W 31-Mar-1906 Greenback, Loudon Frederick Rush Conner Tennessee Emma Cruze Tennessee Circuit DB1 91 Constantine James M W 9-Mar-1913 Knoxville, Knox Costa Athos Constantine Athens, Greece Charlotte Josephine Lawson Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Chancery 132 419 Cooper Harvey A M W 30-Jan-1924 Knox Joseph Clarel Cooper Tennessee Mamie Geneva Newcomb Tennessee Chancery 138 64 Cooper Kizzie Mae F W 20-May-1889 Campbell William Henderson Cooper Tennessee Susan Jane Loveley Tennessee Chancery 159 386 Cooper Martha Ann F W 2-Dec-1878 Anderson David Cooper Tennessee Martha Jane Yarnell Tennessee Chancery 137 267 Cooper Osa F W 15-Aug-1900 Coal Creek, Anderson Furgison Cooper Union, Tennessee Parley Muzingo Union, Tennessee Cooper Sophia F W 1-Jun-1898 Loyston, Union Fergerson Cooper Tennessee Parley Munzingo Tennessee Cooper Stanley Lafate M W 29-Apr-1914 Sevier Joseph Cooper NL Jane England NL Circuit DB1 208 Copeland Mildred Kathleen F W 7-Sep-1912 Knox Preston LaFayette Copeland Knox, Tennessee Irene Fraker Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 111 Copeland Rose Lee F W 3-Sep-1907 Knoxville, Knox Preston LaFayette Copeland Tennessee Mattie Della Fraker Tennessee Circuit DB1 321 Copeland William Clarence M W 6-Apr-1893 Knox Preston LaFayette Copeland Tennessee Mattie Fraker Tennessee Circuit DB1 120 Surname Given Name Sex Race Collier Henry M Collins Della Mae Collins NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 15 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Circuit Vol. Page DB1 320 Chancery 134 Circuit 267 DB1 45 Chancery 134 295 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 21-Jul-1911 Monroe Frank William Coppenger NL Bertha Eunice Ball M W 24-Mar-1940 Knox William LaFayette Corum Tennessee Lura Jacqueline F W 21-Aug-1926 Sevier Marion Loy Cotter Coulter John Lynn M W 2-Nov-1923 Knoxville, Knox Courtney Henry Harry Mildred M W 4-Dec-1891 Courtney William Richard M W Cousin Bertha Lee F Cover Jimmie Lee Covington Surname Given Name Sex Race Coppenger Betress F Corum William LaFayette, Jr Cotter Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 215 Minnie Pauline Jones Tennessee Circuit DB1 336 NL Mary Maude Kirkland NL Circuit DB1 139 Theodore Monroe Coulter Tennessee Hallie Jane Kennedy Tennessee Circuit DB1 285 Knox Sam Newman Courtney Tennessee Mildred Thomas Virginia Circuit DB1 222 13-May-1884 Knox Sam Newman Courtney NL Mildred Thomas NL Circuit DB1 222 B 23-Feb-1925 Alcoa, Blount Horace Cousin NL Anna Pearl Sheffield NL Circuit DB1 326 M W 16-May-1936 Not Given Lee H Cover NL Marie Johnson NL Circuit DB1 142 Archie Lee M W 1-Apr-1919 Sevier Willie Covington Tennessee Vernia Hellard Tennessee Circuit DB1 122 Covington Calvin M W 13-Feb-1928 Sevier Willie Covington Tennessee Verna Hellard Tennessee Covington Ruby F W 12-Jun-1923 Kodak, Sevier Willie Covington Tennessee Vernie Hellard Tennessee Cowden John Henry M W 11-Dec-1904 Knoxville, Knox James I Cowden Sevier, Tennessee Annie Stansberry Caryville, Campbell, Tennessee Cox Benjamin Nicholas M W 17-Jun-1882 Union John Cox Tennessee Mary Irvin Oklahoma Circuit DB1 214 Cox Charlie Jessie M B 6-Apr-1888 Knoxville, Knox Horace Cox Tennessee Hester Mynatt Tennessee Circuit DB1 162 Cox Emilie Susan F W 7-May-1936 Knox Fred Esco Cox Tennessee Glessie Ellen Redmon Tennessee Chancery 139 230 Cox Evelyn F F W 21-Apr-1905 Knox Henry Ely Cox Knox, Tennessee Mary E Clark Knox, Tennessee Chancery 183 600 Cox George Walter M W 14-Sep-1883 Greene Lewis Cox North Carolina Susan Moore Tennessee Chancery 148 142 Cox Harold M W 2-Apr-1933 Knox Sammie Wade Cox NL Mary Louise McMillan NL Cox Ollie Mabell F W 16-Apr-1892 Wartburg, Morgan William Simpson Cox Jefferson, Tennessee Emma Caldonia Bayless Jefferson, Tennessee Chancery 163 75 Cox Robert Alexander M W 30-Nov-1913 Anderson Gus Cox Tennessee Bell Agnes Galbraith Tennessee Chancery 131 498 Cox Robert Verlin M W 21-Apr-1911 Knoxville, Knox Robert Beecher Cox Tennessee Hannah Louise Cabbage Tennessee Chancery 130 547 Cox Velva Ester F W 7-Apr-1912 Union Thomas H Cox Tennessee Cora Alice McCoy Tennessee Chancery 132 504 Craig William Joseph M W 22-Jun-1934 Johnson City, Washington Jesse Lee Craig NL Vesta Hazel Testerman NL Circuit DB1 305 Crawley James Alford M W 28-May-1877 Knox George Crawley Tennessee Rebecca Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 158 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 16 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 134 Circuit 489 DB1 96 Chancery 131 310 Circuit DB1 266 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 5-Feb-1881 Hawkins Harvey Crigger Tennessee Martha Ellen Harless M W 26-Jul-1918 Knoxville, Knox Elmer Cowan Crippen, Sr NL Elmer Cowan, Jr M W 26-Jul-1918 Knoxville, Knox NL Cross Jasper Marion M W 15-Jan-1898 Sullivan Cross Jasper Marion M W 15-Jan-1898 Crudgington Edward Alexander M W Crudgington William Rogers M Crumley Otha Cruze Surname Given Name Sex Race Crigger Nancy Jane F Crippen Elmer Cowan, Jr Crippen Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 257 NL NL Circuit DB1 250 NL Mary Emily Rouser NL Circuit DB1 281 Joseph M Cross Tennessee Ruth Fox Tennessee Circuit 87 259 Sullivan Joseph M Cross Tennessee Ruth Fox Tennessee Circuit DB1 6 10-Nov-1883 Knox James Wilford Crudgington Knox, Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Harper Knox, Tennessee Chancery 131 531 W 15-Oct-1902 Knoxville, Knox James Wilford Crudgington Knox, Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Harper Knox, Tennessee Chancery 131 541 F W 6-Sep-1910 Cocke Lemuel L Crumley Tennessee Janie Brady Tennessee Chancery 134 12 Fred Payne M W 24-Jul-1897 Knox John Maynard Cruze Tennessee Margaret Jane McCammon Tennessee Chancery 140 286 Cruze Nellie Maynard F W 10-Nov-1895 Knox John Maynard Cruze Tennessee Margaret Jane McCammon Tennessee Chancery 140 286 Cummings Rosa May F W 19-May-1889 Knoxville, Knox James S Cummings Tennessee Charlotte Settles Tennessee Cunningham Charles William M W 23-Mar-1914 Knoxville, Knox John Henry Cunningham Tennessee Madge Elizabeth Brown Tennessee Cunningham Ray Edward M W 24-Apr-1937 Blount Herman Clifford Cunningham NL Ruth Ina White NL Circuit DB1 147 Cupp Ray Lonnie M W 23-Aug-1937 Claiborne Archie Elvin Cupp NL Thelma Widener NL Circuit DB1 307 Currin Henry Oscar M W 12-Jan-1911 Lincoln George Allen Currin Tennessee Pattie Corpier Tennessee Dailey Ida Leona F W 25-Dec-1909 Knox William Monroe Dailey NL Laura Jannie Jackson NL Circuit DB1 181 Dake Vernon Lono M W 24-Jan-1919 Sevier William Samuel Dake NL Martha Ellen Dinkins NL Circuit DB1 291 Dallas Winnie Ruth F W 21-Sep-1909 Knox Jackson Sherman Dallas NL Cordie T Smith NL Circuit DB1 172 Dalton Addie F W 30-Sep-1884 Maynardville, Union James Thomas Dalton Tennessee Elizabeth Hollingsworth Tennessee Dalton Glenn Jack M W 11-Sep-1923 Corryton, Knox Eligah Dalton Tennessee Mary Lee Harless Tennessee Dalton Margaret Barthina F W 10-Oct-1879 Maynardville, Union James T Dalton Tennessee Elizabeth Holingsworth Tennessee Dalton William Thomas, Jr M W 19-May-1924 Not shown William Thomas Dalton NL Emma Louise Franklin NL Dance Hazen Leroy M W 15-May-1929 Knox Victor Leroy Dance Tennessee Catherine Mae Like Tennessee Daniel Phillip Winkle M W 29-Jun-1922 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 17 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 362 Chancery 134 Chancery 134 Chancery 134 Circuit 67 509 DB1 172 Chancery 152 Circuit 105 DB1 357 Chancery 134 Circuit 232 467 DB1 101 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 1-Jan-1896 Knox Joseph C Davenport Tennessee Addie Jane Pease Tennessee F W 6-May-1905 Knox David George Davies North Carolina Evelyn Christie Buffat Tennessee James Edward M B 5-Dec-1925 Knoxville, Knox Willie Davis Tennessee Beulah Pearcy Tennessee Davis James Monroe M W 21-Feb-1910 Knox James Brevard Davis NL NL NL Davis John C M W 7-Mar-1890 Concord, Knox George C Davis Tennessee Mary T Abbott Tennessee Davis Junior Lewis M W 13-Jan-1929 Knoxville, Knox James Davis NL Lula Price NL Circuit DB1 269 Davis Mary Elizabeth F W 21-Sep-1924 Bradley John Branson Davis NL Sarah Jane Dover NL Circuit DB1 328 Davis Nellie Lanty F W 1-Jun-1927 Blount John Branson Davis Tennessee Sarah Jane Dover Tennessee Circuit DB1 328 Davis Rubie Neomia F W 24-May-1891 Maryville, Blount James A Davis Tennessee Elizabeth S Waters Tennessee Chancery 162 430 Davis William Griffith M W 7-Dec-1881 Knoxville, Knox Thomas B. Davis Cardiff, Wales Mary Daniel Dowlais, Wales Chancery 136 6 Davis Claude Melvin M W 10-Aug-1913 Sevier Luther Cleveland Davis Tennessee Elsie May Slatery Tennessee Chancery 150 468 Dawson Selma Garley F W 28-Feb-1911 Knox Charley Augustus Dawson NL Myrtle Idella Johnson NL Day Christopher C M W 8-Aug-1905 Knox Henry Day Tennessee Mary Ellen Jones Tennessee Day George Edward M W 26-Sep-1916 Knox William Franklin Day NL Eva Belle Eubanks NL Day Helen Marie F W 11-May-1938 Knox Buford Day Tennessee Hazel Elizabeth Ward Tennessee Chancery 136 30 Deaderick William Von Albade M W 16-Jul-1885 Knoxville, Knox Alfred Eugene Deaderick Tennessee Blanche A Mabry Tennessee Chancery 155 148 Deal Lillian Mae F W 10-Aug-1882 Rockwood, Roane Jasper Luther Deal Hickory, Catawba, North Carolina Sarah Rebecca Erwin Tellico Plains, Monroe, Chancery 160 Tennessee 435 DeBord Dorothy Agnes F W 30-Aug-1917 Knox Harry Charles DeBord Tennessee Bessie Stella McCoy Tennessee Debose William Arthur M B 18-Aug-1926 Knoxville, Knox James Willie Debose NL Mattie Blandburge NL Circuit DB1 277 Deck O L, Jr M W 26-Oct-1928 Knoxville, Knox O L Deck NL Mary Henderlight NL Circuit DB1 347 Deitch Morton L M W 14-Dec-1901 Knoxville, Knox Morris Deitch Austria-Hungary Rose Liebman Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Delaney Ethel Irene F W 12-Sep-1924 Concord, Knox John Delaney Tennessee Mary Jane Tipton North Carolina Circuit DB1 186 Delaney Rosie Mae F W 18-Oct-1928 Concord, Knox John Delaney Tennessee Mary Jane Tipton North Carolina Circuit DB1 187 Dellinger Nannie Elizabeth F W 9-Sep-1904 Sevierville, Sevier Henry Dellinger Tennessee Ida Dixon Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Davenport Myrtle Delilah F Davies Margaret May Davis NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 18 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 137 Circuit 184 DB1 74 Chancery 132 313 Circuit DB1 157 Chancery 154 Circuit DB1 190 Chancery 137 Circuit 522 166 DB1 339 Chancery 137 Chancery 187 Chancery 146 278 33 500 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 14-Jun-1899 Knoxville, Knox Rancher C W Demarcus Tennessee Maggie Giles Tennessee M W 26-Apr-1889 Knoxville, Knox John Houston DeMarcus Tennessee Mary Milinda Monday Tennessee Circuit DB1 106 Grace Ellen F W 26-Sep-1892 Knoxville, Knox John Houston DeMarcus Tennessee Mary Milinda Monday Tennessee Circuit DB1 105 Dennis Ida F W 31-Jul-1908 Cocke William David Dennis Tennessee Emma Lewis Tennessee Dezearn William Junior M W 7-May-1920 Corryton, Knox William Winston DeZearn NL Nora Johnson NL Circuit DB1 236 Dickerson Robert Van M B 12-Mar-1901 Knox John Arthur Dickerson Tennessee Helen Wilson Tennessee Circuit DB1 Dickey Nina Gracie F W 21-Jun-1917 Sevier Steward Ray Dickey NL Esta Lee Layman NL Circuit DB1 216 Dinkens Bobbie Gaines M W 14-Aug-1934 Knox Jess Alvin Dinkens NL NL NL Circuit DB1 191 Disney Charles Edward M W 21-May-1925 Knoxville, Knox Russell Samuel Disney NL Ina Pearl Hatcher NL Circuit DB1 216 Disney Laura Mildred F W 17-May-1913 Knoxville, Knox Russell Sameul Disney Tennessee Iva Pearl Hatcher Tennessee Circuit DB1 304 Dixon Mary Blanche F W 2-Mar-1911 Lawrence Henry Madison Dixon NL Myrtle Caperton NL Circuit DB1 266 Doane Arthur Floyd M W 7-Mar-1909 Knox Thomas Frank Doane Tennessee Emma Cordia Brooks Tennessee Chancery 131 435 Doane Howard John M W 23-Jul-1919 Knoxville, Knox Harvey Lee Doane Tennessee Mollie Bessie Rutherford Tennessee Chancery 134 383 Doane Martha Louise F W 20-Nov-1930 Knox Pete Freeman Doane Knox, Tennessee Bessie Temple Sullivan Hamblen, Tennessee Circuit DB1 352 Dobson Alice Magdalene F W 5-Sep-1925 Knoxville, Knox William R Dobson NL Mattie Williams NL Circuit DB1 134 Douglas Thomas Keith M W 7-Dec-1913 Knoxville, Knox Thomas Murry Douglas Kentucky Marietta Forester Tennessee Circuit DB1 Douglass Nathaniel Corwyn, Jr M W 20-Dec-1936 Knoxville, Knox Nathaniel Corwyn Douglass, Sr NL Thelma Lee Johnson NL Circuit DB1 308 Doyle Florence Anne F W 1-Jun-1925 Knoxville, Knox Garrett Vernon Doyle Tennessee Eunice Pearl Spraker Tennessee Circuit DB1 334 Doyle Thomas Darrell M W 27-Jan-1895 Knox Perez Dickson Doyle Tennessee Cynthia Ann Burnette Tennessee Circuit DB1 228 Drinnen Anna Lynn F W 18-Apr-1910 Knox John Willis Drinnen NL Margaret Lyinda Campbell NL Circuit 87 201 Drinnen Anna Lynn F W 18-Apr-1910 Knox John Willis Drinnen NL Margaret Lyinda Campbell NL Circuit DB1 4 Drummer Lowell William M W 17-Aug-1928 Knox Harmon Augusta Drummer NL Thula Mae Cannon NL Circuit DB1 280 Drummer Ruth Kathleen F W 8-Dec-1925 Knox Charlie Drummer Tennessee Blaine Etta Arms Tennessee Chancery 134 406 Duggan Roy Omar M W 14-Dec-1898 Blount George Washington Duggan Tennessee Rosa Evelyn DeArmand Tennessee Chancery 132 78 Surname Given Name Sex Race Demarcus Bessie Parky F DeMarcus Ferman Earnest DeMarcus NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 19 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 139 Chancery 135 212 255 83 44 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 12-Apr-1900 Grainger J A Dukes Tennessee July Redrick Tennessee M W 26-Jul-1928 Knox James Alexander Duncan Tennessee Kittie Mae Houk Tennessee William Earl M W 4-Apr-1915 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Anna Lee Sewell NL Circuit DB1 81 Duncombe William Millington M W 24-Mar-1881 Knoxville, Knox David Sanford Duncombe Connecticuit Lydia Lane Lockwood New York Circuit 87 336 Duncombe William Millington M W 24-Mar-1881 Knoxville, Knox David Sanford Duncombe Connecticut Lydia Lane Lockwood New York Circuit DB1 17 Dunkin William Moore M W 17-May-1895 Sevier Robert Hynds Dunkin Tennessee Melissa Catherine Swann Tennessee Circuit DB1 209 Dunlap Lois Marie F W 17-Mar-1937 Knoxville, Knox Geo Kenneth Dunlap NL Thelma Birdwell NL Circuit DB1 299 Dunn Carrie Anna F W 10-Oct-1914 Knox Ethel Elijah Dunn Knox, Tennessee Ola Rose Knox, Tennessee Dupes Lillian Aline F W 13-Aug-1916 Knox Horace Maynard Dupes NL Edna Mae Bowman NL Dutton Jennie Lee F W 16-May-1915 Roane James L Dutton Tennessee Callie Mae Harvey Tennessee Dyer Dolores Anne F W 21-Jul-1935 NL Clifford James Dyer NL Hazel Winstead NL Circuit DB1 312 Dyer Hassie Louise F W 14-Jun-1910 Grainger Joe Dyer Tennessee Clara Clementina Roark Tennessee Circuit DB1 323 Dyer Jack Henry M W 19-May-1939 Luttrell, Union Elvin Cas Dyer Tennessee Bessie Emmaline Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 302 Dyer Mack Lenville M W 19-May-1939 Luttrell, Union Elvin Cas Dyer NL Bessie Emmaline Smith NL Circuit DB1 302 Dyer Thelma Ruth F W 15-May-1936 Luttrell, Union Elvin Cas Dyer Tennessee Bessie Emmaline Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 301 Dyer William Haskiel M W 12-Dec-1912 Johnson City, Washington Haskiel H Dyer Tennessee Effie Mae Wagner Tennessee Circuit DB1 Dyke Shirley Ann F W 30-Dec-1936 Knoxville, Knox John Harold Dyke, Jr Tennessee Ruby Ruth Myers Tennessee Circuit DB1 302 Eagle William Henry M W 12-Jul-1887 Sparta, White John Hibbett Eagle Kentucky Marcusette Smith Georgia Eaton Ada F B 27-Sep-1878 Grainger Albert Eaton Tennessee Agneline Gill Tennessee Ebnother Lucy Ann F W 31-Dec-1905 Knoxville, Knox Henry A Ebnother Switzerland Anna Duenner Switzerland Edington Joseph Otis M W 15-Nov-1904 Blount William P Edington Tennessee Annie Lee Hutchins Tennessee Edmondson Hobart McKinley M W 7-Mar-1896 Anderson William Lindsey Edmondson Anderson, Tennessee Nancy Isabelle Evans Edwards Howard Lee M W 1-Sep-1927 Knox Sampson Claude Edwards Tennessee Eggers Len G M W 10-Jul-1919 Knoxville, Knox Hamilton Cornelius Eggers NL Surname Given Name Sex Race Dukes Mary Ruth F Duncan Junior Lee Duncan NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 20 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 69 Chancery 136 521 Chancery 134 Circuit DB1 259 Chancery 133 Chancery 170 Circuit 397 250 78 332 DB1 30 Chancery 189 99 Circuit DB1 48 Campbell, Tennessee Chancery 144 375 Katie Lou Rowlett Tennessee Chancery 136 460 Sallie Sophronia Cress NL Circuit DB1 127 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 3-May-1931 Knox NL NL Zelda Mae Ellenburg F W 3-May-1931 Knox Eldon Bane Ellenburg NL Billy Bruce M W 5-Apr-1928 Knoxville, Knox William Bruce Elliott Elliott Fred M W 5-Jun-1922 Blount Elliott James Lawrence M W 5-Jan-1920 Elliott Thomas Franklin M W Ellis Eve Louise F Ellis George Ellis Surname Given Name Sex Race Ellenburg Bobbie Aileen F Ellenburg Bobbie Allene Elliott Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 148 Zelda Mae Blosser NL Circuit DB1 300 Anderson, Tennessee Maymie Bell Marshall Anderson, Tennessee Circuit DB1 332 Tom Elliott Tennessee Delia Bowers Tennessee Knox Dock Edward Elliott NL NL NL Circuit DB1 333 9-Mar-1927 Knox James Anderson Elliott NL Martha Jane Humphreys NL Circuit DB1 316 W 28-May-1908 Madisonville, Monroe Charles Erwin Ellis Tennessee Della McConnell Tennessee M W 17-Apr-1907 Knox Jim Ellis Tennessee Maggie Lenard Tennessee Circuit 87 184 George M W 17-Apr-1907 Knox Jim Ellis Tennessee Maggie Lenard Tennnessee Circuit DB1 2 Ellis Joseph Edward M W 14-Jan-1877 Knoxville, Knox Edward C Ellis Tennessee Pheobe Chandler Tennessee Chancery 134 516 Ellis Oscar Patterson M W 4-Feb-1884 Knox Jonathan F Ellis Tennessee Mary E Bell Tennessee Chancery 140 375 Ellis William M W 30-Aug-1899 Knox James E Ellis Tennessee Mollie Whiteside Tennessee Chancery 130 489 Ellison Anna Ruth F W 10-Feb-1910 Knox Samuel Sherman Ellison NL Mollie Rebecca Wise NL Emert Robert E Lee M W 7-Oct-1926 Byington, Knox Otis Emert Tennessee Rosa Lyons Tennessee English Ernest Holloway M W 5-Apr-1903 Knox James Marion English Tennessee Pearl Elizabeth Holloway Tennessee English Mary Elizabeth F W 22-Dec-1910 Morristown, Hamblen John Calton English Tennessee Etta Key English Mary Lynnwood F W 8-Feb-1884 Oliver Springs, Anderson Alexander Crawford English Tennessee English Ruby May F W 4-May-1902 Anderson John Calton English Eubanks John William M W 30-Jul-1927 Knoxville, Knox Evans James Newton M W 12-Jan-1924 Evans Samuel Granville M W Everett Carl Montgomery M Ewing Jay Davenport Ewing William Herbert [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 132 Chancery 148 Circuit 487 DB1 255 Chancery 132 412 DB1 27 Tennessee Chancery 132 147 Mary Elizabeth Fox Tennessee Chancery 136 101 Tennessee Etta Key Tennessee Chancery 131 354 John Joiner Eubanks Tennessee Beulah Hutchins Tennessee Chancery 136 199 Roane James Michael Evans Tennessee Minnie Lou Walker Tennessee Circuit DB1 219 5-Dec-1900 Grainger Thomas J Evans Tennessee Lucy Phillips Tennessee Circuit DB1 261 W 5-Jan-1878 Blount James Richard Everett Tennessee Mary Simerly Tennessee Circuit DB1 250 M W 1-Feb-1919 Knoxville, Knox NL NL D B Ewing Alabama Chancery 139 265 M B 26-Feb-1900 Hawkins Unknown NL Lula Ewing Hawkins, Tennessee Chancery 176 543 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 21 Circuit 593 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 20-Jan-1894 Knoxville, Knox John N Fagan North Carolina Martha Emily Moore Tennessee Chancery 175 474 M W 8-Jun-1930 Claiborne Hank Farmer Tennessee Bobbie Clarkson Tennessee Chancery 134 317 Edna Mae F W 21-Aug-1903 Fountain City, Knox Orville Houk Farmer Knox, Tennessee Maggie Hunter Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Farmer James Wm Henry Wayne M W 26-Jun-1933 Knox James Pryor Farmer NL Katie Mae Cardwell NL Circuit DB1 324 Farmer Oliver Pink M W 13-Aug-1879 Sevier Edward Farmer Tennessee Martha Maria Kelly Tennessee Circuit DB1 318 Farmer Rena Mae F W 5-Mar-1935 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Katie Mae Cardwell NL Circuit DB1 324 Farris Charles Alton M W 24-Dec-1903 Hamilton John Knox Farris Tennessee Edith Watts Tennessee Faulkner Robert Love M W 20-Oct-1927 Knox Eulis Claiborne Faulkner Tennessee Jennie Gerusha Renfro Tennessee Circuit DB1 273 Faust Charles Lynn M W 10-Sep-1911 Knoxville, Knox Hugh Dulaney Faust Tennessee Frances Nell Reeves Tennessee Circuit DB1 221 Ferguson Geneva Viola F W 20-Nov-1934 Knox Robert Harold Ferguson NL NL NL Circuit DB1 310 Ferrell Ruth Evylin F W 23-Apr-1910 Knoxville, Knox Ledford Atley Ferrell NL Carrie Jane Lea NL Circuit DB1 370 Fielden Carl West M W 10-Jul-1893 New Market, Jefferson Martin Luther Fielden Tennessee Nan Love West Tennessee Circuit 87 200 Fielden Carl West M W 10-Jul-1893 New Market, Jefferson Martin Luther Fielden Tennessee Nan Love West Tennessee Circuit DB1 4 Fielden Cordelia F W 13-Jun-1886 Anderson William A Fielden Tennessee Sarah J Hayes Tennessee Chancery 150 317 Fielden Drama Iona F W 1-Feb-1896 Jefferson Swan Russell Fielden Tennessee Mary Matilda Nicely Kentucky Chancery 134 203 Fielden Ernest Leland, Jr M W 6-Jan-1918 Knoxville, Knox Ernest Leland Fielden, Sr Tennessee Pearl Miller Tennessee Chancery 133 559 Finger Charles Murphy M W 10-May-1911 Blount Joseph Alexander Finger NL Zora Lucille Simerly NL Circuit DB1 280 Fisher Martha Allen F W 26-Nov-1922 Knox Charles Amos Fisher NL Etta Glover NL Circuit DB1 294 Flanagan Norman Alexander M W 5-Sep-1908 Knox William Harvey Flanagan NL Sallie Catherine Underwood NL Circuit DB1 289 Flannigan James Harrison M W 29-Aug-1914 Knox Isaac Tillery Flannigan NL Nellie Mae Henderson NL Circuit DB1 163 Fleming Richard Dellwood M W 4-Dec-1938 Knox Joe Fleming Tennessee Mary May Lay Tennessee Chancery 136 23 Fleming Shirley Ann F W 17-Jul-1935 Knox Joe Fleming Tennessee Mary May Lay Tennessee Chancery 136 23 Flora John Emmanuel M W 23-Feb-1913 Knoxville, Knox Thomas Franklin Flora Tennessee Margaret Elizabeth Corcoran Tennessee Floyd Glenna Gay F W 27-Nov-1897 Knoxville, Knox James Amazar Floyd Tennessee Lenora Vienna Kinder Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Fagan Clara Mabel F Farmer Albert Junior Farmer NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 22 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 173 Circuit 38 192 DB1 91 Chancery 131 188 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 24-May-1896 Knoxville, Knox James Amazar Floyd Tennessee Lenora Vienna Kinder Tennessee Chancery 136 492 M W 20-Nov-1908 Knox James Robert Floyd Tennessee Melvina Conatser Tennessee Chancery 133 235 Jack Huston M W 21-Mar-1928 Sevier James Albert Dewey Flynn Tennessee Agnes Gipson Tennessee Chancery 133 341 Flynn James Robert M W 7-Jan-1926 Sevier James Albert Dewey Flynn Tennessee Agnes Gipson Tennessee Chancery 134 127 Fooshee Leon M W 12-Aug-1911 Sparta, White Robert Lee Fooshee Tennessee Della Lee Tennessee Circuit DB1 103 Fooshee Leroy M W 12-Aug-1911 Sparta, White Robert Lee Fooshee Tennessee Della Lee Tennessee Circuit DB1 102 Ford Evelyn Elizabeth F W 29-Jan-1914 Sevier David Harrison Ford, Sr Blount, Tennessee Martha Etta McMurray Knox, Tennessee Chancery 132 303 Ford Ina Roberta F W 11-Nov-1915 Knoxville, Knox Oliver Hannah Ford Tennessee Lydia Velma Keener Tennessee Chancery 157 326 Ford Lola Anne F W 16-Jul-1880 Knox Joseph Maxey Ford Tennessee Betsy Jane Swaggerty Tennessee Circuit DB1 233 Ford Wilbert Lee M W 14-Dec-1908 Sevier Horace Garfield Ford NL Pearlie Ellen Davis NL Circuit DB1 155 Forrester Helen Ruth F W 1-Aug-1912 Knoxville, Knox John Bruner Forrester Tennessee Kathryn DeMarcus Tennessee Circuit DB1 Forrester Marietta F W 15-Jul-1879 Burrville, Morgan John Forrester Virginia Elizabeth Gibson Tennessee Circuit DB1 134 Foster Walter Orville M W 6-Jul-1917 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Nancy Foster NL Circuit DB1 278 Foust Richard Davis M W 15-Jun-1925 Knox NL NL Elizabeth R Davis NL Circuit DB1 142 Foute Cora May F W 14-Sep-1892 Loudon Andrew J Foute Tennessee Sarah J McClure Tennessee Fowler Beed M W 1-Feb-1895 Cocke Andrew Jackson Fowler Tennessee Mary Alice Trantham Tennessee Circuit DB1 Fowler James Washington M W 17-Apr-1922 Knoxville, Knox Beed Fowler NL Nelle Bacon NL Circuit DB1 220 Fox Chester Melton M W 9-Dec-1881 Knoxville, Knox John George Fox Gaff, Canada Myra L Garrison Tennessee Chancery 138 46 Fox Delia Ann F W 28-Oct-1877 Knoxville, Knox John George Fox Gaff, Canada Myra L Garrison Tennessee Chancery 138 46 Fraker Fred Wayland M W 6-Jan-1895 Knox John Fraker Tennessee Annie Elizabeth Fraker Tennessee Chancery 131 461 Fralix Eula Blanche F W 22-Aug-1909 Grainger George Grant Fralix Tennessee Beatrice Ida Williams Tennessee Chancery 132 55 Francis Ernest Edward M W 10-Oct-1918 Knoxville, Knox Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Francis Hugh David M W 4-Oct-1895 Wartburg, Morgan Charles Alexander Francis Morgan, Tennessee Mary Viola Jackson Morgan, Tennessee Chancery 130 75 Francisco Edith F W 15-Feb-1898 Newport, Cocke George Thomas Francisco Tennessee Carrie Jane Ball Tennessee Chancery 132 172 Surname Given Name Sex Race Floyd Lily Mae F Floyd Samuel Howard Flynn NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 23 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 134 Circuit 44 213 82 DB1 110 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 29-Jul-1901 Johnson City, Washington George Thomas Francisco Tennessee Carrie Jane Ball Tennessee M W 4-Feb-1928 Knox Robert Frazier NL Nellie Minerva Mayes NL Rebecca Minerva F W 28-May-1907 Blount James Edwin French Blount, Tennessee James Cassie Maxey Knox, Tennessee Chancery 166 527 French William M W 10-Aug-1917 Hawkins William Logan French Virginia Nettie Ann Lee Tennessee Chancery 132 371 Freymond Roselle Barbara F W 12-Apr-1899 Knoxville, Knox Henry Louis Freymond Tennessee Rose Flenniken Tennessee Chancery 137 359 Frierson Andrew Allison M W 23-Jun-1902 Knoxville, Knox Andrew Allison Frierson Tennessee Georgia Lillard Tennessee Circuit Fritts Harry Lee M W 3-Jan-1908 Lenoir City, Loudon Fred Phillip Fritts Tennessee Nancy Lou Harrison Georgia Circuit 87 338 Fritts Harry Lee M W 3-Jan-1908 Lenoir City, Loudon Fred Phillip Fritts Tennessee Nancy Lou Harrison Georgia Circuit DB1 18 Fry George Milton M W 10-Apr-1911 Jefferson Mack Buford Fry NL Mollie Josie McSpadden NL Circuit DB1 184 Fuller Kenneth Leslie M W 13-May-1926 Knox L D Fuller Tennessee Della Devine Young Tennessee Fuller Nola Jane F W 17-Feb-1889 Blount Samuel Wright Fuller Tennessee Pheba Jane Simerley Tennessee Circuit DB1 206 Gaines Paul M W 26-Oct-1898 Knoxville, Knox William Burt Gaines Georgia Americus Harding Arkansas Circuit DB1 182 Galandis Martha Ann F W 20-Sep-1921 Knoxville, Knox Gus Galandis NL Martha Dunn NL Circuit DB1 252 Galbraith Clara Belle F W 14-Jan-1898 Knox Abraham Galbraith Tennessee Leora Belle Heft Ohio Galbreaith Franklin Alfred, Jr M B 18-Apr-1937 Knoxville, Knox Franklin Alfred Galbreaith NL Thelma Wilkins NL Galloway Frankie Lee F W 5-Oct-1902 Knox Thomas Fields Galloway Tennessee Rhoda Emery Tennessee Galyon Carrie F W 16-Mar-1884 Knoxville, Knox Luther Anderson Galyon New Market, Jefferson, Tennessee Carrie Barber Asbury, , Tennessee Circuit DB1 366 Galyon Jessie Jane F W 7-Feb-1926 Neubert, Knox Chalres Lee Galyon NL Drusilla Burnett NL Circuit DB1 248 Galyon Wesley Leon M W 9-Aug-1924 Knox Charles Lee Galyon Tennessee Drusilla Burnett Tennessee Circuit DB1 154 Gann Clyde W M W 22-Nov-1906 Jefferson William Humphrey Gann Tennessee Debbie Lindsey Tennessee Chancery 191 371 Gann John M W 30-Oct-1881 Jefferson Wesley Gann Tennessee Julia Cate Tennessee Chancery 143 22 Gardner Arthur Ambrose M W 7-Apr-1906 Loudon Joseph Mary Gardner Tennessee Mary Jane Brown Tennessee Garland Rosa Lee F W 6-Jun-1892 Elizabethton, Carter William Garland Tennessee Viney Anderson Garrett Edward Gail M W 15-Aug-1911 Knox Samuel Paris Garrett Tennessee Mary Evelyn Mayes Surname Given Name Sex Race Francisco Grace Aileen F Frazier Robert Wilbur French NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 24 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 132 Circuit DB1 345 DB1 234 Chancery 132 Chancery 137 Circuit 172 547 54 DB1 53 Chancery 137 73 Circuit DB1 94 Tennessee Chancery 152 309 Tennessee 2nd Circuit 11 474 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 15-Aug-1911 Knox Samuel Paris Garrett Tennessee Mary Evelyn Mayes M W 19-Feb-1879 Knox James Harvey Garrison Tennessee Grace Margaret F W 19-Aug-1918 Meigs Marvin Bishop Gass Gates Ivan Elwood M W 2-Mar-1925 Roane Gaut Billie Ruth F W 27-Oct-1930 Gaut James Edward M W Gaut Joseph Sneed M Geagley Besse Ruth Geagley Surname Given Name Sex Race Garrett Edward Gail M Garrison John Ruble Gass Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 Mollie Mariah Trotter Tennessee Circuit DB1 351 NL Emma Elizabeth Acuff NL Circuit DB1 243 WIlliam Richard Gates NL Ina Ora Belle Parton NL Circuit DB1 131 Knox James Edward Gaut Knox, Tennessee Gladys Myrtle Lyke Knox, Tennessee Chancery 144 211 15-May-1912 Knoxville, Knox Amos William Gaut Tennessee Mary Pearl Brakebill Tennessee Chancery 138 465 W 22-Oct-1884 Knoxville, Knox Geurge M Gaut Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Hall Tennessee Circuit DB1 87 F W 26-Jul-1895 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit 87 292 Besse Ruth F W 26-Jul-1895 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit DB1 9 Geagley Eveiette Byron M W 29-Oct-1897 Greene Jacob J Geagley Tennessee Sarah Williams Tennessee Circuit 87 277 Geagley Eveiette Byron M W 29-Oct-1897 Greene Jacob J Geagley Tennessee Sarah Williams Tennessee Circuit DB1 7 Geagley Hugh Fremont M W 31-Dec-1901 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit 87 290 Geagley Hugh Fremont M W 31-Dec-1901 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit DB1 8 Geagley Kathryn Clyde F W 24-Feb-1899 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit 87 291 Geagley Kathryn Clyde F W 24-Feb-1899 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit DB1 8 Geagley Nona Virginia F W 9-Jul-1892 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit 87 291 Geagley Nona Virginia F W 9-Jul-1892 Greene Jacob Jackson Geagley Tennessee Lou Jane Rector Tennessee Circuit DB1 9 Gentry Mack Marion M W 8-Feb-1911 Knoxville, Knox Mack Hayes Gentry NL Oddie Jane Graves NL Circuit DB1 286 Gentry Ruth Gertrude F W 5-Aug-1906 Knox Mack Hayes Gentry Tennessee Oddie Jane Graves Tennessee Circuit 87 364 Gentry Ruth Gertrude F W 5-Aug-1906 Knox Mack Hayes Gentry Tennessee Oddie Jane Graves Tennessee Circuit DB1 23 Gibbs Nora Florence F W 29-Sep-1904 Corryton, Knox Orville Samuel Gibbs Tennessee Catherine Florence Johnson Tennessee Circuit DB1 372 Gibson Dollie A F W 17-Jul-1902 Washington John P Gibson Tennessee Lucinda A Hammitt Tennessee Chancery 191 371 Gibson Helen B F W 12-Oct-1907 Knoxville, Knox William Herbert Gibson Tennessee Lula Burnett California Chancery 164 575 Gibson Helen Beatrice F W 12-Oct-1907 Knoxville, Knox William Herbert Gibson Tennessee Lula Burnett California Chancery 165 19 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 25 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] 20 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 3-Aug-1929 Knoxville, Knox Marshall Randolph Gibson Tennessee Verdice Wells Tennessee Chancery 133 511 M W 6-Apr-1909 Sevier Ira Randolph Gibson Tennessee Mary Lynda Ogle Tennessee Chancery 134 35 Richard King, Jr M W 4-Dec-1896 Knox Richard King Gibson Tennessee Felicia Steager Tennessee Circuit 87 379 Gibson Richard King, Jr M W 4-Dec-1896 Knox Richard King Gibson Tennessee Felicia Steager Tennessee Circuit DB1 27 Gibson Richard Wylie M W 21-Jul-1913 Sevier Ira Randolph Gibson Tennessee Mary Lynda Ogle Tennessee Chancery 134 368 Giddens Marguerite Elizabeth F W 29-May-1917 Knoxville, Knox Byron Thomas Giddens Tennessee Inex McCarty Kentucky Circuit DB1 128 Gideon James Harvey M W 26-Sep-1909 Knox NL NL Lucy Gray NL Circuit DB1 280 Giffin Frank Edward M W 17-Jan-1934 Knoxville, Knox Frank Giffin NL Rassie Miller NL Circuit DB1 199 Giffin Maggie Ann F W 9-Feb-1873 Knoxville, Knox John Harvey Giffin Tennessee Sarah Allen Goolsby Tennessee Circuit DB1 125 Giffin William Andrew M W 12-Sep-1913 Knox Andrew Holston Giffin Tennessee Mae Clayton Tennessee Circuit 87 220 Giffin William Andrew M W 12-Sep-1913 Knox Andrew Holston Giffin Tennessee Mae Clayton Tennessee Cirucit DB1 4 Gilbert Horace Granville M W 21-Nov-1891 Hamblen David Nelson Gilbert Tennessee Nellie Emaline Etter Tennessee Giles Beatrice F W 2-May-1911 Monroe Kelly Giles NL Kitty Teague NL Gillis Charles Robert, Jr M B 14-Feb-1928 Knoxville, Knox Charles Robert Gillis, Sr Tennessee Frances Martin Tennessee Glass Charles Loranza M W 3-Sep-1900 Knoxville, Knox Von Albade Glass Tennessee Martha Elizabeth Davis Tennessee Circuit DB1 107 Glass Rossa Marie F W 25-Apr-1896 Knox Von Albade Glass Tennessee Martha Elizabeth Davis North Carolina Circuit DB1 198 Glenn China Wanda F W 10-Mar-1929 Knoxville, Knox Herbert William Glenn Tennessee Alta Jane Jones Tennessee Glover Amanda Jane F W 24-Jan-1902 Carter Caleb Glover Tennessee Ermina Townly Sigman Tennessee Circuit DB1 304 Glover Naomi McLinda F W 12-Aug-1896 Knoxville, Knox Oscar Charles Glover Tennessee Etta Mays Tennessee Circuit DB1 171 Goddard Paul M W 12-May-1889 Maryville, Blount James Andrew Goddard Tennessee Mary Catherine Bowles Iowa Goforth Howard Woodrow M W 2-Aug-1923 Knoxville, Knox C L Goforth NL Ehtel May Gilbert NL Circuit Goforth William Lowry M W 18-Jun-1901 Knoxville, Knox William N Goforth Tennessee Minnie Lowry Tennessee Circuit 87 290 Goforth William Lowry M W 18-Jun-1901 Knoxville, Knox William N Goforth Tennessee Minnie Lowry Tennessee Circuit DB1 8 Goodin Charles Eugene M W 9-May-1921 Knox Charles Elbert Goodin Kentucky Helen Vandlee Johnson Tennessee Circuit DB1 83 Surname Given Name Sex Race Gibson JM M Gibson Marshall Randolph Gibson NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 26 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 134 Circuit 408 DB1 141 Chancery 134 Chancery 134 Chancery 160 258 479 514 DB1 228 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 5-Sep-1921 Grainger NL NL NL F W 27-Dec-1931 Knox NL NL Jimmie Wayne M W 29-Sep-1936 Knoxville, Knox Milton Gose Gossett David Alexander M W 7-Dec-1881 Boyds Creek, Sevier Grady Jennings Bryan M W 19-Feb-1897 Gratz Louis Walker M W Graves Emily Alice F Graves H Clay Graves Surname Given Name Sex Race Gorman Madge Alfreda F Gose Betty Jane Gose Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 339 Verdie Mae Shelton NL Circuit DB1 249 NL Pearl May Rader NL Circuit DB1 170 Henry J Gossett Tennessee Judy Moore Tennessee Knoxville, Knox George Washington Grady Tennessee Rachel Johnson Tennessee Circuit DB1 118 28-May-1908 Jellico, Campbell Louis Alexander Gratz Tennessee Maggie E Walker Tennessee Circuit DB1 368 W 23-Oct-1886 Union Rufus Graves North Carolina Mary Keller Tennessee M W 31-Aug-1927 Knox William Daniel Graves Tennessee Katie Elizabeth Keck Tennessee Circuit DB1 130 Monnie Luvada F W 6-Oct-1914 Sevierville, Sevier William Matting Graves NL Sarah Louisa Nichols NL Circuit DB1 153 Gray Walter Carl, Jr M W 10-Feb-1933 Knox Walter Carl Gray NL Stella Adeline Warren NL Circuit DB1 369 Greene Sue Ella F W 25-Mar-1936 Knox Charles Franklin Greene Tennessee Stella Humphrey Tennessee Greene William Burrell M W 8-Nov-1910 Greeneville, Greene Oscar Thomas Greene NL Roxie Jane McLain NL Circuit DB1 116 Gregg Julius Manford M W 11-Apr-1921 Knoxville R H Gregg NL Margaret Lilliam Herman Gregg NL Circuit DB1 124 Gregory Beulah F W 10-Jan-1906 McMinn John Buford Gregory Tennessee Telia Perry Tennessee Gresham Clarence Willbert M W 3-Jul-1916 Knox Thomas Jefferson Gresham NL Maggie Campbell NL Circuit DB1 183 Griffin Gilbert Neal M W 25-Feb-1897 Knox Jacob Tobe Griffin Tennessee Maggie Ulie Burnett Tennessee Circuit DB1 48 Griffin Margaret Lee F W 17-Apr-1905 Knoxville, Knox James Andrew Griffin Tennessee Mattie Fortenberry Tennessee Circuit DB1 37 Griffin Robert Donaldson M W 1-Sep-1900 Knox Robert Donaldson Griffin Knox, Tennessee Elmina Allen Cocke, Tennessee Circuit DB1 30 Griffin William Ralph M W 7-Mar-1917 Knox William Andrew Griffin NL Lucy Carolina Branson NL Circuit DB1 288 Griffith Edith Janie F W 1-Sep-1920 Etowah, McMinn Dock Franklin Griffith Monroe, Tennessee Margret Asilee Wilson Union, Georgia Chancery 132 126 Grissom Geraldine F W 10-Dec-1934 Knoxville, Knox John Woodrow Grissom Tennessee Anna Laura Jordan Tennessee Chancery 130 424 Grissom Irene F W 26-Oct-1905 Knoxville, Knox John Franklin Grissom Gaston, North Carolina Mary Louvenia Easterly Greene, Tennessee Chancery 184 503 Grooms Ralph Anderson M W 21-Dec-1921 Seymour, Sevier Bafford Grooms Tennessee Bessie Johnson Tennessee Circuit DB1 284 Grosclose Sterling Glen M W 3-Jun-1928 Union Roy Amos Grosclose NL Lena Inklebarger NL Circuit DB1 118 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 27 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 143 Chancery 131 Chancery 133 Chancery 172 544 487 216 270 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 1-Jan-1896 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Grossman Zagare, Lithuania Nettie Ediken M W 7-Nov-1901 Knoxville, Knox Hugh Monroe Grubb Tennessee Carroll Auburn M W 7-Jul-1923 Knox Carl Nelson Grubb Grubb David Mickel M W 10-Jul-1940 Knoxville, Knox Grubbs Ina Joean F W 3-Oct-1936 Guignard Carl Edward M W Haire Billy Eugene M Hale Nellie Juanita Hall Surname Given Name Sex Race Grossman Rose F Grubb Archie Glenn Grubb Vol. Page Zagare, Lithuania Circuit DB1 367 Cora Alice Potter Tennessee Circuit DB1 107 NL Letha May Haynes NL Circuit DB1 133 Claude A Grubb NL Maude Estella Eckard NL Circuit DB1 343 Anderson Francis Marion Grubbs NL Nannie Sue Hartman NL Circuit DB1 258 16-Feb-1911 Knox Paul Edward Guignard Switzerland Nora Thomas Tennessee Circuit DB1 275 W 21-May-1936 Knoxville, Knox Vernon Franklin Haire NL Mildred Edith Kitts Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 331 F W 5-Mar-1936 Knoxville, Knox Stephen Braziel Hale Tennessee Florence Catherine Barnawell Tennessee Augusta Mabel F B 27-Jun-1909 Knox Gus Hall Tennessee Emily Jackson Tennessee Circuit 87 270 Hall Augusta Mabel F B 27-Jun-1909 Knox Gus Hall Tennessee Emily Jackson Tennessee Circuit DB1 6 Hall Boynton Ross M W 23-Dec-1888 Knox Samuel S Hall Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Ogg Tennessee Circuit DB1 70 Hall Ethel Malinda F W 10-Jan-1894 Knox James Henry Orlander Hall Tennessee Suda Foust Tennessee Chancery 134 513 Hall Lawrence Roger M W 15-Sep-1927 Knox Oscar Lawrence Hall Tennessee Melba Novice Stone Tennessee Chancery 137 72 Hall Marion Ashley M W 18-Oct-1892 Knox James Henry Orlander Hall Tennessee Suda Foust Tennessee Chancery 143 502 Hall Minnie Lee F W 6-Dec-1899 Knox Unknown NL Hattie H Hall Tennessee Chancery 177 225 Hall Wanda Vera F W 21-Jan-1921 Campbell Hugh Verlin Hall NL Lillie Patterson NL Circuit DB1 182 Hall William Edward M B 16-Oct-1921 Knoxville, Knox Edward Hall Tennessee Lottie Graham Tennessee Circuit DB1 108 Hall William Eugene M W 25-Dec-1926 Knox NL NL Velva Lauretta Hall Texas Circuit DB1 316 Hamilton Walter Carl M B 2-Jan-1938 Knoxville, Knox Oneil Hamilton NL Mary Hurt NL Circuit DB1 151 Hamlet Alex George M W 7-Sep-1902 Jackson David J Hamlet Tennessee Mericak T Dill Tennessee Hammer Butram Orestese M W 14-Jun-1887 Knox Thomas Barton Hammer Tennessee Sarah Jane Carr Tennessee Circuit DB1 52 Hammer Cecil Wayne M W 29-Feb-1904 Jefferson Joseph Arthur Hammer Tennessee Mary Lucy Clevenger Tennessee Circuit 87 318 Hammer Cecil Wayne M W 29-Feb-1904 Jefferson Joseph Arthur Hammer Tennessee Mary Lucy Clevenger Tennessee Circuit DB1 13 Hammer Clarence Earl M W 9-May-1926 Knox James William Hammer Tennessee Gladys Gardner Tennessee Chancery 132 28 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 28 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 134 Chancery 135 268 505 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 7-Dec-1882 Union Thomas Barton Hammer Tennessee Sarah Jane Carr Tennessee F W 10-May-1899 Jefferson Joseph Arthur Hammer Tennessee Mary Lucy Clevenger Tennessee Circuit DB1 13 Elsie Mae F W 10-May-1899 Jefferson Joseph Arthur Hammer Tennessee Mary Lucy Clevenger Tennessee Circuit 87 317 Hammer James William, Jr M W 20-Dec-1920 Knoxville, Knox James William Hammer Tennessee Gladys Gardner Tennessee Chancery 132 197 Hammer Mary Nancy F W 11-Nov-1906 Jefferson Joseph Arthur Hammer Tennessee Mary Lucy Clevenger Tennessee Circuit 87 317 Hammer Mary Nancy F W 11-Nov-1906 Jefferson Joseph Arthur Hammer Tennessee Mary Lucy Clevenger Tennessee Circuit DB1 13 Hammer Nina Carolyn F W 24-Jul-1880 Union Thomas Barton Hammer Tennessee Sarah Jane Carr Tennessee Chancery 135 531 Hammer Robert Isaac M W 15-Apr-1886 Blount Joseph Sanders Hammer Tennessee Sarah Porter Tennessee Hampstead Howard Paul M W 1-Jul-1918 Knox Clyde Emerson Hampstead Ohio Suda Jane Freels Tennessee Hancock Floyd Cecil M W 11-Sep-1927 Strawberry Plains, Knox John Franklin Hancock Tennessee Callie Leona Petty Tennessee Hancock Homer Filmore M W 29-Dec-1898 Bradley William LaFayette Hancock Tennessee Mary Martin Tennessee Hancock Irvin Roy M W 22-Jun-1909 Knox Edward D Hancock Tennessee Maggie Lee Cates Tennessee Circuit DB1 Hancock John Carroll M W 2-Aug-1926 Strawberry Plains, Knox John Franklin Hancock Tennessee Callie Leona Petty Tennessee Circuit DB1 186 Hancock William Edwards M W 6-Oct-1917 Bartlett, Shelby William Edwards Hancock Tennessee Clare McNally Tennessee Circuit DB1 Hansard Charles Albert M W 6-Jun-1936 Knox Charlie A Hansard NL Mettie Young Ranger, Gordon, Georgia Circuit DB1 170 Hansard Nellie Ann F W 16-Mar-1913 Knox Moss Cleveland Hansard Tennessee Ollie Mae Hubbs Tennessee Harbin Naoma Ruth F W 17-Mar-1934 Knox Fred McDaniel Harbin NL Della M Scarlett NL Circuit DB1 138 Hardin James Author M W 11-Feb-1941 Knoxville, Knox Clyde Lee Harbin NL Lela Marguerite McKinney NL Circuit DB1 343 Harmon Lelia Elizabeth F W 11-Feb-1917 Knox Elvin Arthur Harmon Tennessee Audie Lelia Davis Tennessee Chancery 133 343 Harmon Mary Minerva F W 28-May-1882 Knox James Middleton Harmon Tennessee Alice Minerva Tallent Tennessee Chancery 138 214 Harmon Virgil Jones M W 3-Dec-1908 Knox Arthur E Harmon Blount, Tennessee Audie Lelia Davis Knox, Tennessee Harper Margaret Ellen F W 1-Jul-1909 Knoxville, Knox Ed Harper Tennessee Lucy Keith Badgett Tennessee Harrell Alvin David M W 2-Jun-1911 Grainger William Posey Harrell NL Pearlie Norris NL Circuit DB1 223 Harrell Ida F W 1-Jun-1919 Mascot, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 246 Surname Given Name Sex Race Hammer Daisy Sophronia F Hammer Elsie Mae Hammer NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 29 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 136 Circuit DB1 294 Chancery 151 Circuit 280 DB1 186 Chancery 133 Chancery 133 Circuit 163 244 95 60 268 DB1 39 Chancery 135 370 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 12-Apr-1911 Grainger James Glan Harrell NL Effie Angeline Harrell NL M W 4-Dec-1916 Grainger James Parlin Harrell Tennessee Sarah Frances McGinnis Tennessee Chancery 131 424 Claude Wesley M W 20-Apr-1898 Knoxville, Knox Warren D Harris Virginia Mattie Faulkner Tennessee Chancery 132 198 Harris Joseph French M W 24-Mar-1914 Knoxville, Knox John Raymond Harris Tennessee Anna Lucile French Tennessee Harris Lelia F W 26-Oct-1879 Knox William S. Harris Tennessee Texas Timmons Tennessee Harris Sara Marie F W 10-Jun-1912 McMinn Haywood Andy Harris NL Mary Elzabeth Giles Tennessee Circuit DB1 136 Harshaw Eugene M B 3-Jul-1910 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Melissia Reader NL Circuit DB1 165 Hartman Andrew Jackson M W 3-Nov-1900 Greene Myers Hartman Tennessee Nora Myers Tennessee Circuit DB1 51 Hartsell Elsie Louella F W 15-Dec-1896 Knoxville, Knox Walter W. Hartsell Tennessee Maggie Hall Tennessee Circuit DB1 67 Harvey Francis Lee M W 20-Jan-1883 Roane Walker Alexander Harvey Tennessee Louise Catherine Pickel Tennessee Circuit DB1 126 Harvey Helen Whitney F W 28-Sep-1894 Knoxville Charles Henry Harvey Anamosa, Jones, Iowa Ida Grace Locke Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 356 Harvey Ida Ella F W 9-Feb-1891 Knox Charles Mike Harvey Tennessee Lillie Ellen Hickey Tennessee Circuit DB1 318 Harvey Jennie Roberta F W 29-Aug-1921 Knox James Robert Harvey Tennessee Jennie Isabell DeBusk Tennessee Chancery 135 234 Harvey Lois Jeanette F W 25-May-1898 Roane Walker Alexander Harvey Tennessee Louise Catherine Pickle Tennessee Chancery 158 52 Harvey Rufus Pickel M W 28-Oct-1880 Cave Creek, Roane Walker Alexander Harvey Tennessee Louise Catherine Pickel Tennessee Harvey William Clyde M W 18-Jan-1892 Roane Walker Alexander Harvey Tennessee Louise Catherine Pickle Tennessee Harwell Edna Marie F W 14-Aug-1919 Knox NL NL Ida Lee Arnwine NL Circuit DB1 228 Haston Roy Leon M W 9-Feb-1909 Van Buren William Joseph Haston NL Myrtle Ruth Moorman NL Circuit DB1 188 Hatcher Dorothy Ann F W 25-Jun-1920 Knoxville, Knox John Cecil Hatcher Tennessee Clara Cecil Wyrick Tennessee Hatfield Hugh L M W 8-Oct-1922 Knox NL NL NL NL Hatmaker Alva Drew F W 3-Mar-1913 Campbell Silas Hatmaker Tennessee Monnie Cordie Morton Hatmaker Hubert Silas M W 5-Feb-1918 Campbell Silas Hatmaker Tennessee Hatmaker Kubel Otto M W 27-Jul-1902 Coal Creek, Anderson Silas Hatmaker Hatmaker Mildred Elizabeth F W 13-Feb-1911 Coal Creek, Anderson Silas Hatmaker Surname Given Name Sex Race Harrell Selda Beulah F Harrell Jim Scott Harris NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 30 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 189 Circuit DB1 104 Chancery 136 Circuit DB1 126 Chancery 166 Chancery 141 Circuit 203 573 65 DB1 59 Tennessee Chancery 133 493 Monnie Cordie Morton Tennessee Chancery 133 494 Tennessee Monnie Cordie Morton Tennessee Chancery 133 493 Tennessee Monnie Cordie Morton Tennessee Chancery 133 493 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 22-Apr-1925 Knoxville, Knox John Homer Haun NL Mary Genevieve Painter NL F W 23-Mar-1918 Knox William W Hawn NL Hettie Magnolia Houser NL Chancery 167 256 Nola Pearl F W 9-Mar-1893 New Market, Jefferson Benjamin Canada Haworth Tennessee Martha Jane Wilson Tennessee Chancery 154 329 Haworth Nolan Earl M W 9-Mar-1893 New Market, Jefferson Benjamin Canada Haworth Tennessee Martha Jane Wilson Tennessee Chancery 154 392 Hayes Everette Henry M W 11-Feb-1911 Knox William Barton Hayes NL Geneva Brooks NL Hayes Hazel Louise F W 21-Nov-1927 Grainger Britt Hayes Tennessee Nellie Evans Tennessee Hayes Ralph Mark M W 2-Sep-1924 Knox John Wesley Hayes NL Rosie Bright Johnson NL Hayes William Franklin M W 6-Oct-1869 Bradley Frank Hayes Tennessee Clarinda Dobbs Tennessee Chancery 132 45 Haynes Charley William M W 10-Sep-1885 Hamblen Joseph Burnett Haynes Tennessee Lily Bratcher Tennessee Chancery 158 582 Haynes Hazel Jean F W 29-May-1941 Knox Frank Neubert Haynes NL NL NL Circuit DB1 136 Haynes Henry Doyle M W 24-Jul-1920 Knoxville, Knox Hnery Alfred Haynes NL Laura Mae Hopkins NL Circuit DB1 131 Haynes Jack LeRoy M W 24-May-1932 Knoxville, Knox Henry Alfred Haynes NL Laura Mae Hopkins NL Circuit DB1 131 Haynes Ora Avis F W 2-May-1886 Knox William Henry Haynes Knox, Tennessee Lucy Ann Walker Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 363 Haynes Perley May F W 4-Sep-1880 Knoxville, Knox Jacob Haynes Tennessee Cordelia Ann Weaver Tennessee Circuit DB1 366 Headrick Elizabeth F W 24-Dec-1915 Jefferson James Elemul Headrick Tennessee Laura Riggs Tennessee Chancery 133 489 Headrick George Lewis M W 13-Oct-1928 Knoxville, Knox Elmer H Headrick Tennessee Thelma Lee Laugherty Tennessee Chancery 133 397 Headrick James Elmer M W 20-Apr-1926 Knoxville, Knox Elmer H Headrick Tennessee Thelma Lee Laugherty Tennessee Chancery 133 397 Headrick Lester Theodore M W 26-Aug-1928 Knox NL NL Trula Ann Nelson NL Circuit DB1 293 Headrick Wesley Alvin M W 6-Dec-1932 Neubert, Knox George Harrison Headrick Tennessee Trula Ann Nelson Tennessee Circuit DB1 293 Heiskell Joseph Ernest M W 26-Sep-1904 McMinn Daniel Heiskell Tennessee Bertha Willis Tennessee Circuit DB1 Hellard Edith May F W 29-Dec-1940 Anderson Samuel Richard Hellard Tennessee Mary Hemphill Arkansas Circuit DB1 327 Hellard John Alfred M W 22-Sep-1939 Anderson Samuel Richard Hellard Tennessee Mary Hemphill Arkansas Circuit DB1 327 Helton Alfred Taylor M W 27-May-1911 Knoxville, Knox David Lay Williams Helton Tennessee Ruby Wilson Tennessee Circuit DB1 315 Helton Etta Mae F W 1-Jan-1908 Knoxville, Knox Unknown NL Ollie Love Helton Greene, Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Haun Anna Ruth F Hawn Nina Belle Haworth NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 31 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 260 Circuit DB1 193 Chancery 135 Circuit 317 DB1 322 Chancery 178 86 407 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 13-Dec-1937 Anderson Carl Otha Helton NL Nova Russell NL M W 7-Nov-1925 Knox Charlie Henderlight Tennessee Deffie Koontz Tennessee Chancery 135 561 Ina Mae F W 27-Dec-1923 Anderson Joseph Henderson Tennessee Sarah Ray Kentucky Chancery 131 527 Henderson Lillian Lee F W 22-Dec-1898 Knox Ambrose Burnside Henderson Tennessee Emma Idell Nickle Tennessee Chancery 133 178 Henderson Osman Doyle M W 18-Jul-1910 Knoxville, Knox Arthur Edward Henderson Tennessee Hallie Mae Jones Tennessee Chancery 130 554 Henderson Pless F M B 17-May-1892 Knoxville, Knox Will Lee Henderson Tennessee Mary Ellen Childs Tennessee Chancery 176 377 Henderson William Benjamin M W 20-Dec-1888 Knox Ambrose Burnside Henderson Tennessee Emma Idell Nickle Tennessee Chancery 133 178 Henderson Willie Leona F B 2-Jul-1890 Knoxville, Knox Lee Will Henderson Tennessee Ellen Chiles Tennessee Chancery 162 3 Hendricks Samuel Carden M W 29-Jul-1884 Jefferson William Gaither Hendricks North Carolina Sue Mills Mountcastle Tennessee Circuit DB1 290 Hendricks Sue Lynette F W 28-Sep-1909 Jefferson Samuel Carden Hendricks NL Lucy Moore Newman NL Circuit DB1 261 Hendrix Walter Carl M W 23-Dec-1902 Knox Kenneth Napoleon Hendrix Tennessee Lillian Blanche Johnson Tennessee Circuit DB1 Henegar Paul Eugene M W 4-Jan-1922 Knoxville, Knox William Horace Henegar NL Easter Flaude Fleming NL Circuit DB1 271 Henley Elijah M B 16-Aug-1883 Elverton, Roane Charlie Henley Tennessee Hannah Martin Tennessee Henry Alphus Harry M W 15-Aug-1911 Washington NL NL NL NL Henry Hazel F W 6-Oct-1913 Union John Warren Henry Tennessee Clara Hamilton Tennessee Henry John Halmond M W 20-Jun-1913 Knoxville, Knox James Harvard Henry Tennessee Mamie Cox Tennessee Circuit DB1 330 Henry Luther Kenneth, Jr M W 11-Mar-1921 Knoxville, Knox Luther Kenneth Henry, Sr NL Rowena E Wilmoth NL Circuit DB1 148 Henry Paul Reed M W 14-May-1922 Blount Charles Lavator Henry Tennessee Nellie Anna Justus Tennessee Chancery 142 542 Herford Francis Ivan F W 20-Mar-1907 Knoxville, Knox Cyril Francis Herford Genoa, Italy Sara Boyce Tennessee Chancery 135 260 Herman Daniel McCammon M W 7-Dec-1925 Knoxville, Knox William Henry Herman NL NL NL Herrell Kenneth Riley M W 26-Apr-1919 Knoxville, Knox William Alexander Harrell Tennessee Katherine Lucrety Williams Tennessee Herrell Willie Harrison M W 4-Jun-1931 Knoxville, Knox Everett Bradley Herrell NL Flora Bessie Carroll NL Circuit DB1 325 Herron Amanda Anne F W 29-Sep-1909 Knox James Eaton Herron NL Beulah Gallaher Prater NL Circuit DB1 170 Herron Charles Wheeler M W 21-Nov-1909 Knoxville, Knox Theodore Godfrey Herron Tennessee Iva May Turbyville Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Helton Mary Ruth F Henderlight James Eugene Henderson NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 32 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 207 Chancery 134 Circuit 40 241 DB1 97 Chancery 177 96 Circuit DB1 124 Chancery 149 Chancery 136 499 376 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 22-Mar-1924 Knox James Eaton Herron NL Beulah Gallaher Prater NL M W 21-Jan-1888 Wilson William Preston Hewgley Wilson, Tennessee Nancie Annie Castleman Davidson, Tennessee Chancery 167 78 Alva Lee M W 8-Jul-1912 Tazewell, Claiborne Thomas Gordon Hewitt Tennessee Rosa Lee Lemarr Tennessee Chancery 132 578 Hewitt Eva Nevada F W 14-Jun-1920 Union Thomas Gordon Hewitt Tennessee Rosa Lee Lemarr Tennessee Chancery 132 578 Hickey Lennis Witt F W 27-Jan-1911 Knoxville, Knox Thomas Hickey Knox, Tennessee Elizabeth Alice Witt Hamblen, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Hickle Wilba Cecil M W 24-Dec-1926 Knoxville, Knox Jesse Hickle NL Gertie Washam NL Circuit DB1 224 Hicks Eddie Lynn M W 14-Jun-1894 Vonore, Monroe Morris Ewing Hicks Tennessee Sydney Priscilla Burton Tennessee Hicks Lucille Blanche F W 30-Jun-1916 Knoxville, Knox Walter William Hicks NL NL NL Circuit DB1 200 Hicks Ruth Clark F W 27-Jul-1917 Knoxville, Knox Charles Robert Hicks NL Mary Elizabeth Onks NL Circuit DB1 241 Hicks William Glenn M W 23-Apr-1900 Sweetwater, Monroe Morris Ewing Hicks Tennessee Sydney Priscilla Burton Tennessee Chancery 161 144 Hill Alberta F W 21-Sep-1882 Little Barren, Claiborne Merrill Hill Tennessee Cornelia Needham Tennessee Chancery 131 279 Hill Arnold Hubert M W 10-Feb-1911 Claiborne Isaac Wootson Hill Claiborne, Tennessee Hattie Love Hopper Claiborne, Tennessee Chancery 159 285 Hill Gladys Melissie F W 5-Oct-1914 Jefferson Calaway Hill NL Della Eledge NL Circuit DB1 308 Hill Nora F W 18-Mar-1885 Louisville, Blount Edd Hill Tennessee Cynthia Hill Tennessee Circuit DB1 50 Hill Thurman Preston M W 9-May-1887 Little Barren, Claiborne Merrill Hill Tennessee Cornelia Needham Tennessee Chancery 131 279 Hineman Jennie Ruth F W 13-Dec-1901 Graysville, Rhea Charles Alfred Hineman Nebraska Lela Marler Tennessee Hines Mabel Marcella F W 25-Jan-1887 Sevier John Houston Hines Tennessee Lucie Caroline Haynes Tennessee Chancery 134 371 Hodges Helen Elizabeth F W 1-Jan-1902 Knoxville, Knox Lloyd Edward Hodges Tennessee Katherine Swaggerty Tennessee Chancery 140 44 Hodsden Terry Ray M W 16-Jun-1939 Knoxville, Knox Chester Earl Hodsden NL Mattie Bell Delph NL Holbert Amy Elizabeth F W 24-Jan-1898 Knox James Holbert Tennessee Minnie Ann Bell Tennessee Holder Bennie Ray M W 20-May-1937 Blount NL NL Lela Estel Derreberry NL Circuit DB1 225 Hollifield Jesse, Jr M W 17-Mar-1932 Knoxville, Knox Jess Robert Hollifield NL Mattie Collins NL Circuit DB1 209 Hollifield Paul Matthew M W 22-Oct-1932 Knoxville, Knox James Myrl Hollifield NL NL NL Circuit DB1 269 Holloway Buddy Lee M W 27-Aug-1939 Knoxville, Knox Roy Williams Holloway Tennessee Edith Lucille Copeland Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Herron Queechie Katherine F Hewgley Isham Cason Hewitt NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 33 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 169 Chancery 161 Circuit Circuit 38 145 DB1 176 DB1 335 Chancery 132 Chancery 134 109 347 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 13-Dec-1938 Knoxville, Knox Tommie Augustus Holt NL Bogle Breeden NL M W 10-Jun-1919 Blount James Austin Holt, Sr Tennessee Maude Lucille Wallace Tennessee Haven Oliver M W 3-Mar-1906 Knox Pinkney Llewellyn Hood Tennessee Paralee Sadie Oliver Tennessee Circuit DB1 Hood Helen Juanita F W 30-May-1933 Knoxville, Knox Haven Hood NL Dora Jordan NL Circuit DB1 307 Hooper George Ewing M W 5-Nov-1888 Knoxville, Knox Samuel McCulloch Hooper Tennessee Esther Anne Wine Tennessee Hooper Pearl Alma F W 4-Apr-1885 Rockford, Blount Samuel McCullough Hooper Tennessee Esther Ann Wine Tennessee Hopson Irene F W 7-Dec-1923 Claiborne Fred Hopson Tennessee Ollie Carpenter Tennessee Horner Arthur Eugene M W 2-Feb-1920 Knoxville, Knox Jesse Warden Horner NL Carrie Maples NL Hoskins Ruby Lee F W 20-Nov-1900 Knoxville, Knox Hugh Carrington Hoskins Tennessee Mattie Victoria Payne Tennessee Chancery 161 196 Houk Elizabeth Woodson F W 13-Jun-1886 Anderson John Chiles Houk Tennessee Minnie Obedience Young Tennessee Chancery 161 352 House Henry Fleming M W 10-Sep-1904 Knoxville, Knox Sam Crawford House Tennessee Mary Harper Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 Houser Edward James M W 15-Apr-1909 Knox John Theodore Houser NL Eula Dorothy Miller NL Circuit DB1 285 Houser Harrison Barton M W 23-Oct-1927 Knox James Harrison Houser Tennessee Nella Gertrude Spangler Tennessee Houser Lyda Caloway M W 13-Sep-1891 Sevier Jacob Thomas Houser Tennessee Margaret Linberger Tennessee Circuit DB1 Housholder Mildred Frances F W 28-Feb-1910 Knox Charles Kennedy Housholder NL Mollie Ada Sayne NL Circuit DB1 179 Houston Mary Josephine F W 21-Oct-1903 Knoxville, Knox Victor M Houston Shelby, Tennessee Josephine Davis Smyth, Virginia Howard Calvin Clarence M W 13-Jun-1913 Knoxville, Knox Gather Ishmeal Howard North Carolina Anna McCarroll Tennessee Circuit DB1 45 Howard Fred Gaither M W 7-Apr-1906 Knoxville, Knox Gaither Ishmeal Howard North Carolina Anne McCarroll Tennessee Circuit DB1 92 Howard Verda Claudine F W 20-Sep-1908 Knoxville, Knox NL Tennessee Dona Northern Howard Tennessee Circuit DB1 160 Howell William Fletcher M W 20-Dec-1884 Knox Sylvanus Sampson Howell Tennessee Mary Melinda Saffell Tennessee Circuit DB1 109 Hubbard James Edward M W 14-Mar-1924 Knox James Thomas Hubbard Tennessee Hester Roberts Tennessee Chancery 134 169 Hubbard William LeRoy M W 15-Aug-1922 Knox James Thomas Hubbard Tennessee Hester Roberts Tennessee Chancery 134 169 Hubbard Woodrow Wilson M W 12-Jan-1915 Jefferson James Hubbard Tennessee Hester Roberts Tennessee Chancery 134 25 Hubbs Artie Jewell F W 24-Sep-1909 Knox Gilbert W Hubbs NL NL NL Surname Given Name Sex Race Holt Delores Eveline F Holt James Austin, Jr Hood NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 34 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 353 Chancery 134 Chancery 140 Circuit 562 580 DB1 142 Chancery 136 Chancery 131 Circuit 54 DB1 268 Chancery 135 Circuit 163 30 431 64 462 DB1 152 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 8-Aug-1908 Union William Montgomery Hubbs Tennessee Astor Merritt Tennessee Chancery 130 569 M W 29-Oct-1879 Cocke Young Hudson Tennessee Sarah A Claman Tennessee Chancery 136 579 Martha Emma F W 2-Feb-1881 Knox Henry Harrison Hudson Tennessee Sarah Jane Merritt Tennessee Chancery 139 180 Huff John Henry M W 16-Apr-1913 Knoxville, Knox Randal Hayse Huff Tennessee Idah Bohannan Tennessee Huffaker Zlypha Louise F W 28-Oct-1905 Knox Edward Huffaker Tennessee Mamie Lee Cunningham Tennessee Huffine David Broome M W 22-Jun-1911 Omitted Thomas David Huffine NL Edith Broome NL Circuit DB1 173 Huling Robert Eugene M W 29-Sep-1923 Knox James Ammie Huling NL Ella Donaldson NL Circuit DB1 130 Humphrey Silas Moss M W 23-Apr-1876 Anderson William Riley Humphreys Tennessee Peony Irick Tennessee Circuit DB1 354 Humphries Noah Leroy M W 10-May-1918 Knox Noah Humphries Georgia Rebecca Ann Willhoite Tennessee Hundley James Cornelius M W 16-Jun-1913 Hamilton Morris Henry Hundley Tennessee Cora Viola Groover Georgia Hurley Leonard F M W 28-Feb-1898 Michie, McNairy William Powhatan Hurley Tennessee Cora Belle Donnell Tennessee Hurst Albert Sanders M W 11-Jul-1924 Knoxville, Knox David Newton Hurst Sevier, Tennessee Minnie Anna Jory Polk, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Hurst Elsie Ruth F W 17-Feb-1932 Knox Ray Hurst NL Dora Bell Vess NL Circuit DB1 340 Huskey Bessie Cordelia F W 10-Mar-1914 Knox John Lorenza Huskey NL Rosa Della White NL Circuit DB1 247 Huskey David Lee M W 26-Oct-1938 Fountain City, Knox Henry Loranzo Huskey Tennessee Annie Louise Nelson Tennessee Circuit DB1 333 Huskey Isaac Leimen M W 19-Nov-1892 Sevierville, Sevier Stephen Huskey Sevier, Tennessee Mary Lindsey Sevier, Tennessee Hutchens Edward Francis M W 14-Dec-1928 Knoxville, Knox Herbert Hutchens NL Clara Mae Nelson NL Hutchens Richard Calvin M W 28-Sep-1910 Blount James Robert Hutchens, Sr Tennessee Frances Ellen Suttle Tennessee Hutchings Newel Edward M W 10-Jun-1920 Doyle, White NL NL NL NL Hutchinson Judith Ellen F W 26-May-1940 Roane Martin Luke Hutchinson Tennessee Helen Barnard Tennessee Chancery 132 568 Hutchinson Martin Luke M W 16-Aug-1917 Roane Martin B Hutchinson Tennessee Minnin Mae Shelton Tennessee Chancery 132 567 Hutchison Aud McNish M W 16-Nov-1887 Union William Martin Hutchison Tennessee Adah Vandalee Morton Tennessee Circuit DB1 373 Hutton Nellie Juanita F W 18-Jul-1881 Rhea James Campbell Hutton Virginia Elizabeth Hall Tennessee Circuit DB1 355 Hutton Robert Taylor M W 7-Mar-1888 Knox Thomas Jacob Hutton Tennessee Sallie Almira Mayes Tennessee Circuit DB1 120 Surname Given Name Sex Race Hubbs William Millroy M Hudson Joseph Leander Hudson NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 35 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Circuit Vol. Page DB1 107 Chancery 131 Chancery 140 Circuit 64 136 DB1 56 Chancery 148 303 Chancery 132 Circuit 194 DB1 264 Chancery 133 Circuit 67 73 DB1 251 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 18-Feb-1901 Knox Andrew Jackson Hux Tennessee Ellen Texas Rose Tennessee F W 14-Mar-1884 Mosheim, Greene John Richard Hux Tennessee Josie Dyke Tennessee Chancery 131 518 Florence Mae F W 6-Sep-1908 Sevier Robert Hyatt North Carolina Finey Loudermilk North Carolina Chancery 135 531 Hyatt Minnie Ethel F W 24-Jun-1900 Isabella, Polk Robert Hyatt North Carolina Finey Loudermilk North Carolina Chancery 134 70 Idol Verlen Eugene M W 31-Mar-1926 Knoxville, Knox Edgar Idol NL Leona Coffman NL Circuit DB1 202 Inge Georgia St Clare F W 15-Jan-1906 Knoxville, Knox William Edward Inge Virginia Lillian Mae Lucas West Virginia Circuit DB1 65 Ingram Jane Ellen F W 27-Oct-1909 Manchester, Coffee James Isaac Ingram Tennessee Lou Emma Carroll Tennessee Circuit DB1 78 Irick Sherdon Lee M W 10-Oct-1908 Knox Marion Irick Tennessee Marushia Weaver Tennessee Circuit 87 358 Irick Sherdon Lee M W 10-Oct-1908 Knox Marion Irick Tennessee Marushia Weaver Tennessee Circuit DB1 21 Isbel Dorothy Christine F W 13-Aug-1932 Knoxville, Knox Carl Elmore Isbel, Sr NL Mary A Worsham NL Circuit DB1 310 Ivey Mildred Ara F B 12-Feb-1906 Knoxville, Knox William Ivey Tennessee Mary Johnson Tennessee Chancery 170 403 Jack Alexander M B 10-Jan-1901 Knox NL NL Minnie Jack Tennessee Chancery 133 186 Jackson Earl Sherman M W 21-Sep-1905 Knox John Jackson Tennessee Martha LaRue Tennessee Circuit DB1 286 Jackson John Milton M NL 4-Nov-1929 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Isabelle Jackson NL Circuit DB1 231 Jackson John Otis M W 13-Jun-1915 Coalfield, Morgan William Thomas Jackson NL Amanda Jane Hayes NL Circuit DB1 231 James Barbara Littie Jean F W 21-Feb-1937 Newport, Cocke Homer Charles James Sevier, Tennessee Josie Leona Lethco Sevier, Tennessee Chancery 132 399 James Ida Belle F W 24-May-1888 Greene Benj Franklin James Tennessee Endy Blanche Kinzer Tennessee Chancery 160 263 Janeway Estelle F W 31-Oct-1923 Knoxville, Knox Estell Janeway Tennessee Cleva Davis Tennessee Chancery 134 421 Jarnagin Barbara June F W 22-Sep-1925 Knox Hugh Jarnagin Tennessee Hazel White Oklahoma Chancery 132 60 Jarnagin Boyd Kerr M W 22-Oct-1927 Knox Hugh Jarnagin Tennessee Hazel White Oklahoma Chancery 132 60 Jarnagin Robert Lee M W 8-Aug-1924 Knox Hugh Jarnagin Tennessee Hazel White Oklahoma Chancery 132 60 Jenkins Erby Lee M W 19-Sep-1907 Union Marion Lockwood Jenkins Tennessee Bertha Smith Tennessee Jenkins Thelma Lois F W 11-Aug-1908 Lenoir City, Loudon Elisha H Jenkins Tennessee Bessie May Harvey Tennessee Jennings Helen F W 3-Sep-1915 Jellico, Campbell John Jennings, Jr Tennessee Pearnie Ethel Hamby Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Hux Basil M Hux Inez Elizabeth Hyatt NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 36 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 106 Circuit DB1 353 Chancery 157 Circuit 579 DB1 359 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 9-May-1931 Knox NL NL Nina Norris M W 14-Mar-1927 Knoxville, Knox Richard Montgomery Jinks NL Amos Alfred M W 16-Feb-1895 Knox Arthur Alexander Johnson Johnson Amos Alfred M W 16-Feb-1895 Knox Johnson Archie Roosevelt M W 27-Dec-1926 Johnson Charles Frank M W Johnson Frederick Taylor M Johnson Fritz Lilburn Johnson Surname Given Name Sex Race Jinks Jack Eugene M Jinks Richard Kenneth Johnson Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 175 Bertha Coker NL Circuit DB1 224 Tennessee Maggie Ann Giffen Tennessee Circuit 87 337 Arthur Alexander Johnson Tennessee Maggie Ann Giffin Tennessee Circuit DB1 18 Knoxville, Knox John William Johnson NL Zona Mae Dean NL Circuit DB1 123 12-Mar-1889 Monroe John S Johnson Tennessee Nancy Rapier Tennessee W 18-Jun-1933 Knoxville, Knox Jack Dee Johnson NL Lillian Gertrude Totten NL Circuit DB1 163 M W 12-Nov-1910 Knox Haskall Alfred Johnson Tennessee Anna Burnette Tennessee Circuit DB1 Henry Quentin M W 31-Jul-1928 Knoxville, Knox Johnson William Johnson NL Zona Mae Dean NL Circuit DB1 127 Johnson James Audley M W 8-Jul-1907 Sevierville, Sevier Madison Arthur Johnson Tennessee Hannah Evelyn Houser Tennessee Circuit DB1 106 Johnson Jean Norma F W 30-Oct-1939 Knox Phil Thomas Johnson Tennessee Hazel Mae Dodson Tennessee Circuit DB1 355 Johnson John William, Jr M W 25-Feb-1925 Knoxville, Knox John William Johnson NL Zona Mae Dean NL Circuit DB1 123 Johnson Kermit Roosevelt M W 27-Dec-1926 Knoxville, Knox John William Johnson NL Zona Mae Dean NL Circuit DB1 123 Johnson Mabel Lee F W 20-Mar-1910 Knox William Arthur Johnson Tennessee Hattie Elizabeth Lester Tennessee Circuit DB1 357 Johnson Margaret Gertrude F W 25-Apr-1915 Knox Alfred Haskell Johnson NL Anna Mae Burnette NL Circuit DB1 224 Johnson Newman Alexander M W 2-May-1902 Knox Arthur Alexander Johnson Tennessee Maggie Ann Giffen Tennessee Circuit 87 299 Johnson Newman Alexander M W 2-May-1902 Knox Arthur Alexander Johnson Tennessee Maggie Ann Giffin Tennessee Circuit DB1 10 Johnson Paul Eugene M W 21-Jun-1928 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Lilliam Cox Johnson NL Circuit DB1 130 Johnson Sara Lynn F W 31-Jul-1931 Knoxville, Knox Jack Dee Johnson NL Lillian Gertrude Totten NL Circuit DB1 162 Johnson Teddy Lee M W 23-Jun-1900 Knox Arthur Alexander Johnson Tennessee Maggie Ann Giffen Tennessee Circuit 87 293 Johnson Teddy Lee M W 23-Jun-1900 Knox Arthur Alexander Johnson Tennessee Maggie Ann Giffin Tennessee Circuit DB1 10 Johnson Theodore Roosevelt M W 27-Dec-1926 Knoxville, Knox John William Johnson NL Zona Mae Dean NL Circuit DB1 122 Johnson Trula Lee F W 21-Oct-1910 Knoxville, Knox William Ahas Johnson Tennessee Frances Elmire Webber Tennessee Chancery 134 420 Joiner John Earl M W 12-Aug-1912 Blount John Tildon Joiner Tennessee Minnie Effie Bailey Tennessee Chancery 189 78 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 37 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 148 374 46 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 7-Nov-1909 Grainger Andrew Alvin Jones Tennessee Olive Mae Smith Tennessee Circuit 87 339 F W 7-Nov-1909 Grainger Andrew Alvin Jones Tennessee Olive Mae Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 19 Carl Arthur M W 16-Jul-1907 Sevier William Walter Jones Sevier Mary Louise Alice Franklin Sevier Circuit DB1 66 Jones Cecil Ray M W 5-Nov-1906 Morristown, Hamblen John Curtis Jones Tennessee Myrtle Minnie Fellows Tennessee Chancery 135 608 Jones Clarence Randolph M W 31-Mar-1924 Neubert, Knox Clora Earnest Jones NL Mary Elza Blazier NL Circuit DB1 213 Jones Clora Earnest, Jr M W 13-Sep-1929 Knox Clora Earnest Jones NL Mary Elza Blazier NL Circuit DB1 317 Jones Doris Elaine F W 15-Aug-1932 Knox Perry Washington Jones Tennessee Jessie Cassady Tennessee Jones Dorothy Evelyn F W 11-Nov-1930 Knox Clora Earnest Jones NL Mary Elza Blazier NL Circuit DB1 317 Jones Edgar M W 24-Nov-1913 Knoxville, Knox W P Jones Tennessee Hattie Jane Jones Tennessee Circuit DB1 111 Jones Georgia Lee F W 9-Oct-1930 Knox John Henry Jones NL Pearl McClain NL Circuit DB1 143 Jones Glenn Forrest M W 22-Feb-1910 Sevier William Walter Jones Sevier, Tennessee Mary Lousie Alice Franklin Sevier, Tennessee Circuit DB1 66 Jones Herbert Carr M W 8-Nov-1909 Grainger NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 361 Jones Herbert Carr M W 8-Nov-1909 Grainger NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 23 Jones Mary Juanita F W 7-Dec-1927 Knoxville, Knox Clyde Gaston Jones NL Edith Imogene Rose NL Circuit DB1 341 Jones Mary Louise F W 23-Sep-1889 Knox James Washington Jones Tennessee Anna Eliza Whittle Georgia Jones Oliver Hayworth M W 15-Jan-1899 Monroe Ephriam Guilford Jones Tennessee Martha Catherine Robinson Tennessee Circuit DB1 163 Jones Troy Conard M W 2-Jul-1935 Knox Clora Earnest Jones NL Mary Elza Blazier NL Circuit DB1 317 Jones William Stanley M W 14-Jan-1927 Neubert, Knox Clora Earnest Jones NL Mary Elza Blazier NL Circuit DB1 213 Joy Rose F W 7-Jan-1886 Knoxville, Knox James Thomas Joy New York Ellen Josephine McManus Kentucky Julian Wilma Katherine F W 20-Oct-1935 Knox Roy Clay Julian NL Pauline Greene NL Justice Floyd Lee M W 3-Jul-1927 Anderson Harry Broades Justice Tennessee Doris Leota Keith Tennessee Chancery 135 237 Kaiser William Harrison, Jr M W 12-Oct-1888 Knox William Harrison Kaiser, Sr Tennessee Sarah Smith Tennessee Chancery 132 207 Kasefang Louise F W 10-Apr-1880 Scott William Kasefang New York City, New York China Rector North Carolina Circuit DB1 47 Kasefang Pearl F W 19-Aug-1898 Campbell William Kasefang New York City, New York China Rector North Carolina Circuit DB1 48 Surname Given Name Sex Race Jones Agnes Lucille F Jones Agnes Lucille Jones NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 38 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 136 Chancery 171 Chancery 150 Circuit 202 527 453 DB1 307 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 14-Sep-1909 Sevier William Keener NL NL M W 8-Feb-1915 Knox Edward Jackson Keeney NL Charles Martin M W 7-Sep-1926 Knoxville, Knox Alonzo Keith Keith Lucille F W 6-Feb-1901 Knox Kelley Aulby Eugene M W 26-Nov-1931 Kelley Geneva Gertrude F W Kelley Fred M Kemmer Rowe Ann Kennedy Surname Given Name Sex Race Keener Mattie Louia F Keeney Paul Fredrick Keith Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 215 Russia Fraker NL Circuit DB1 333 Tennessee Alma Lucile Eudailey Tennessee Chancery 140 377 William Andrew Keith Tennessee Alice Addie Fox Tennessee Chancery 135 353 Knoxville, Knox Clarence Edward Kelley Tennessee Jessie Laswell Dunn Tennessee Circuit DB1 133 23-Jul-1919 Sevier Ottis Lonzo Kelley NL Neta Mae Ailey NL Circuit DB1 139 W 27-Sep-1907 Knoxville, Knox Robert Allen Kelley McMinn, Tennessee Allie Harper Cocke, Tennessee F W 6-Nov-1933 Knoxville, Knox Henry Clay Kemmer Grassy Cove, Cumberland, Tenn Lucile Allen Cosby, Cocke, Tennessee Circuit DB1 283 Barbara Ann F W 7-Jan-1937 Knox Fred Roosevelt Kennedy Tennessee Pearl Mae Perryman Tennessee Circuit DB1 274 Kennedy Clifford William M W 30-Sep-1918 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 197 Kennedy Clifford William M W 30-Sep-1918 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 2 Kennedy Fred Roosevelt, Jr M W 18-Nov-1933 Knox Fred Roosevelt Kennedy Tennessee Pearl Mae Perryman Tennessee Circuit DB1 274 Kennedy George Eugene M W 27-Jul-1916 Knox Jacob M Kennedy NL Annie Bane NL Circuit DB1 175 Kennedy Mildred Marie F W 26-Nov-1931 Knox Fred Roosevelt Kennedy NL Pearl May Perryman NL Circuit DB1 275 Kennedy Virginia Louise F W 16-Apr-1931 Knoxville, Knox Enoch Kennedy NL Mae Leach NL Circuit DB1 344 Kerr Charles Warren M W 19-Oct-1909 Loudon NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 172 Kerr Charles Warren M W 19-Jan-1909 Loudon NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 2 Key Charlotte Ruth F W 11-Jul-1930 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 335 Key Pauline Pearl F W 11-Oct-1921 Knoxville, Knox Sam Walker Key Tennessee Alice Pearl Woods Virginia Circuit DB1 Key William Vaughn M W 2-May-1921 Grainger William Everet Key NL NL NL Circuit DB1 124 Keys Willie Mable F W 8-Aug-1883 Knoxville, Knox Isaac Keys Unknown Sarah Caroline Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 220 Kibby Henry Alvy M W 27-Mar-1872 Knoxville, Knox Hiram Alfred Kibby Pennsylvania Martha Jane Frazier Tennessee Circuit DB1 Kidd Herbert Eugene M W 11-Oct-1938 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 296 Kidd Josie Marie F W 14-Nov-1912 Knoxville, Knox Robert Lincoln Kidd Tennessee Mary Eliza Mann Tennessee Circuit DB1 112 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 39 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 130 24 89 93 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 15-Jul-1911 Knoxville, Knox T A Kidd NL Lillie Kidd NL M W 17-Feb-1914 Knox David Samuel Kidd Tennessee Ellora Geneva Hall Tennessee Mary Agnes F W 14-Apr-1921 Grainger Henderson Everett Kidwell NL Elvalora Ault NL Circuit DB1 152 Kincaid Sue F W 27-Aug-1903 Grainger J A Kincaid Tennessee Lillie Lee Riddle Tennessee Circuit DB1 180 Kinder Ernest Leon M W 18-Oct-1932 Sevier Clarence Ernest Kinder NL Bess Lemandy Witenbarger NL Circuit DB1 202 King Billie Jo Elizabeth F W 22-Nov-1936 Knox Marshall Edward King Tennessee Nina Mae Ruth Whittaker Tennessee King Charley Reese M W 28-May-1904 Knox Stephen Albert King Tennessee Cordelia Massey Tennessee Circuit DB1 166 King Columbus Jones M W 21-Jul-1888 Knox William Rogers King Tennessee Martha Ellen Jones Tennessee Circuit DB1 40 King Fred Carl M W 26-Mar-1927 Knox Taylor W King Tennessee Lona Brown Tennessee Chancery 130 268 King Lou Evelyn F W 9-Jul-1924 Bradley Taylor W King Tennessee Lona Brown Tennessee Chancery 130 268 King Margaret Ruth F W 19-Oct-1902 Jefferson Joseph Washington King Knox, Tennessee Margaret Gertrude Carey Jefferson, Tennessee Kinser Lucy Jane F W 5-Oct-1900 Vonore, Monroe Louis LaFeyette Kinser Tennessee Lizzy Lucretia Harvey Kirby Thomas Byerly M W 14-Aug-1891 Knoxville, Knox Joseph Washington Kirby Tennessee Kirk Frances Margaret F W 21-Jan-1903 Knox John Alexander Kirk Kirkland Rose Ellen F W 14-Oct-1901 Sevier Klug Raymond Charles M W 11-Jan-1931 Knight Hilda Austin F W Knight Maudie Pearl F Knight Robert Francis Knott Surname Given Name Sex Race Kidd Orville Lee M Kidd Ratus Evertt Kidwell [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 167 Chancery 139 Chancery 134 382 DB1 41 Tennessee Chancery 161 53 Dora L Gorsuch Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland Chancery 161 53 Tennessee Alice Emaline Webb Tennessee Chancery 184 333 James Ervin Kirkland North Carolina Martha Ellen McCampbell Tennessee Chancery 133 314 Knoxville, Knox Raymond Charles Klug NL Eula Pearl Fortner NL Circuit DB1 367 5-Sep-1914 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 179 W 13-Aug-1909 Knox David Columbus Knight North Carolina Mary Lutcie Winkle Tennessee Circuit DB1 M W 16-Nov-1924 NL Leslie Forest Knight NL Bertha Mae Colquit Knight NL Circuit DB1 137 Jacob Lones M W 10-Dec-1908 Knox Joseph Lones Knott Tennessee Drucilla Rebecca Lones Tennessee Chancery 150 251 Knott Ralph Patterson M W 5-Jan-1911 Williamson Horace O Knott Tennessee May Young Tennessee Chancery 134 216 Kohlhase Charles Emile M W 4-Nov-1910 Knoxville, Knox Emile Robert Kohlhase Tennessee Hattie Stearns Thompson Tennessee Circuit DB1 349 Kohlhase Emile Robert M W 15-May-1884 Knoxville, Knox Carl Christoph Kohlhase Germany Anna Aurin Tennessee Circuit DB1 350 Koontz Carl Lennis M W 11-Mar-1911 Knoxville, Knox Azor Archieball Koontz Greene, Tennessee Della Estella Boley Cocke, Tennessee Circuit DB1 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 40 Circuit 217 66 61 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 1-Jan-1889 Union Unknown NL Jane Koontz NL F W 28-Mar-1898 Knoxville, Knox Charles Luther Kron Tennessee Lola Wilson Tennessee Chancery 132 214 Orelia Alma F W 10-Mar-1903 Knoxville, Knox Charles Luther Kron Tennessee Lola Wilson Tennessee Chancery 132 214 Kron Robert Allen M W 19-Sep-1905 Knox Samuel Andrew Kron Tennessee Neta Brown Tennessee Circuit DB1 Kuhn Florence Elizabeth F W 23-Jul-1891 Milligan College, Carter Andrew Jackson Kuhn Tennessee Nancy Ellen Price Tennessee Circuit DB1 104 Kyker Alvin Glenn M W 19-May-1909 Knoxville, Knox Ross Hiram Kyker Tennessee Anna Cashion Tennessee Circuit DB1 208 Kyle Barbara Celeste F B 17-Jul-1937 Knox John Albert Kyle NL Jessie Ellen Achoe NL Circuit DB1 243 Kyle John Arthur M B 8-Dec-1931 Knoxville, Knox John Albert Kyle NL Jessie Achoe NL Circuit DB1 243 Ladd Albert Alan M W 1-Aug-1883 Knoxville, Knox Albert Alan Ladd, Sr Tennessee Elizabeth Jones Tennessee LaFollette Filmore, Jr M W 18-Aug-1925 Knox Filmore LaFollette, Sr NL Debbie Sutton NL Lamb Reubin M W 2-May-1928 Campbell Calvin Lamb Kentucky Mary Day Tennessee Chancery 134 265 Lamon James Robert M W 23-Nov-1937 Knoxville, Knox Emmanuel Fielden Lamon Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Helen Marie Stoutt Knox, Tennessee Chancery 131 442 Lampkin Henry Harrison M W 25-Jun-1895 Grainger Jeff Lampkin Tennessee Mary Shipley Tennessee Lampkin Joseph Edward M W 20-May-1901 Grainger James Franklin Lampkin Tennessee Presha Matilda Cameron Tennessee Lane Alice Priscilla F W 3-Dec-1909 Loudon Joseph Wesley Lane NL Josie Goodwin NL Circuit DB1 195 Lane Cecil Florin M W 28-Aug-1910 Loudon Hugh Major Lane NL Mae Patty NL Circuit DB1 139 Lane Essie F W 8-Nov-1911 Claiborne Sterling Robinson Lane Tennessee Nancy Hipshire Tennessee Chancery 132 196 Lane Evelyn Faye F W 17-Oct-1943 Knox Ben Lane Williamsburg, Whitley, Kentucky Ruth Mildred Headrick Tennessee Chancery 146 281 Lane James Carl M W 26-Sep-1905 Jellico, Campbell Robert Hugh Lane Tennessee Nancy Catherine Stout Tennessee Chancery 158 404 Lane John Frederick M W 11-Feb-1916 Knoxville, Knox James Thomas Lane NL Mary Janie Moore NL Lane Martha Willine F W 6-Aug-1885 Coal Creek, Anderson Robert Hugh Lane Tennessee Nancy Catherine Stout Tennessee Langford Lou Ella F W 5-May-1879 Knoxville, Knox George Conrad Langford Virginia Harriett Angeline Maxey Tennessee Circuit DB1 361 Langford Lucy Gertrude F W 7-Jan-1875 Knoxville, Knox George Conrad Langford Virginia Harriett Angeline Maxey Tennessee Circuit DB1 360 Langford Nelle Agnes F W 14-Oct-1885 Knoxville, Knox George Conrad Langford Virginia Harriett Angeline Maxey Tennessee Circuit DB1 360 Surname Given Name Sex Race Koontz Harvey Alexander M Kron Mamie Cordelia Kron NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 41 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 278 Chancery 141 Circuit Circuit 54 216 DB1 239 DB1 43 Chancery 132 229 Circuit DB1 154 Chancery 158 485 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 14-Mar-1935 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Lena Mae Bradley M W 15-Sep-1933 Knox NL NL Nancy Jane F W 26-Feb-1937 Knox James Harper Large Large Nancy Jane F W 23-Feb-1935 Knox Laugherty Alice Faye F W 30-Jul-1938 Lawrance Elizabeth May F W Lawrence Daisy Belle F Lawrence James Edgar Lawson Surname Given Name Sex Race Large Billie Eugene M Large James Harper, Jr Large Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 232 NL NL Circuit DB1 184 NL Lenna Mae Bradley NL Circuit DB1 184 NL NL Lena Mae Bradley NL Circuit DB1 232 Knoxville, Knox Lloyd John Laugherty NL Effie Leona Holbert NL Circuit DB1 324 24-Apr-1890 Jackson John Lawrance England Emma Cannon Tennessee Chancery 134 3 W 28-Dec-1928 Knox NL NL Ethel Lawrence Tennessee Chancery 134 144 M W 21-Dec-1882 Hamblen William Wallace Lawrence Hamblen, Tennessee Alaquine (Ella/Queen) Richardson Georgia (near Macon) Chancery 167 431 Billy Ray M W 14-Jun-1937 Knox Walter Isaac Lawson NL Mattie Dyer NL Circuit Lawson Ella Paulette F W 20-May-1901 Knoxville, Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence Lebow Tennessee Circuit 87 358 Lawson Ella Paulette F W 20-May-1901 Knoxville, Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence LeBow Tennessee Circuit DB1 21 Lawson Flora Ray F W 12-Sep-1905 Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence Lebow Tennessee Circuit 87 360 Lawson Flora Ray F W 12-Sep-1905 Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence LeBow Tennessee Circuit DB1 22 Lawson Grace Mae F W 26-Apr-1915 Knox Kennedy Bruce Lawson Tennessee Florence Lebow Tennessee Circuit DB1 176 Lawson Helen Catherine F W 10-Apr-1907 Lenoir City, Loudon Andrew Jackson Lawson Kentucky Lula Jane Viles Tennessee Lawson Howard Haskel, Jr M W 11-Jan-1932 Knoxville, Knox Haward Haskel Lawson, Sr Tennessee Mattie Marie Gibson Tennessee Lawson James Albert M W 6-Mar-1918 Claiborne James C Lawson Tennessee Minnie D Boyd Tennessee Chancery 133 456 Lawson James Cornelius M W 3-Dec-1902 Campbell Jonas Lee Lawson Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Silcox Tennessee Chancery 132 37 Lawson Pearl Mae F W 12-Jul-1905 Knox Guilford Hinton Lawson Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Ricker Tennessee Circuit DB1 347 Lawson Rosa Belle F W 16-Oct-1923 Knox Samuel Tilden Lawson NL Laura Minnie Evans NL Circuit DB1 220 Lawson Ruth Love F W 27-Feb-1903 Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence Lebow Tennessee Circuit 87 359 Lawson Ruth Love F W 27-Feb-1903 Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence LeBow Tennessee Circuit DB1 22 Lawson Timothy P M W 11-May-1908 Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence Lebow Tennessee Circuit 87 359 Lawson Timothy P M W 11-May-1908 Knox Kennedy B Lawson Tennessee Florence LeBow Tennessee Circuit DB1 21 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 42 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] DB1 267 Chancery 135 Circuit 460 DB1 362 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 3-Aug-1940 Grainger Luther Paul Lay Tennessee Jane Lay Tennessee M W 24-Oct-1904 Smithville, DeKalb Edmond LaFayette League Tennessee Lydia Newell Illinois Circuit DB1 35 Florence Angeline F W 24-Jan-1884 Knoxville, Knox James A Lebow Tennessee Mollie M Nelson Tennessee Circuit 87 360 LeBow Florence Angeline F W 24-Jan-1884 Knox James A LeBow Tennessee Mollie M Nelson Tennessee Circuit DB1 22 Lee Deloris Deota F W 12-Aug-1937 Knoxville, Knox Albert Mitchell Lee Tennessee Irene Mae McMurray Tennessee Chancery 134 367 Lee Edna Mae F W 25-Dec-1917 Knoxville, Knox Robert Elmer Lee Monroe, Tennessee Anna Lee Dunlap Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Lee Gus M W 25-Mar-1895 Knoxville, Knox Jim W Lee Tennessee Minnie York Tennessee Circuit DB1 265 Lee John Amos M W 31-Aug-1898 Knoxville, Knox John Amos Lee Tennessee Sallie Elizabeth Tallent Tennessee Chancery 134 411 Lee Louis Martin M W 5-Oct-1908 Knox Clisby Lee Tennessee Matilda C Hensley Tennessee Chancery 132 569 Lee Louise Isabella F W 10-Oct-1928 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Viva Lee NL Chancery 137 214 Lee Nema Eloise F W 2-Jan-1910 Virtue, Knox Charles Lee, Sr Tennessee Lillian Ryan Tennessee Chancery 131 160 Lee Noah Henry M W 27-Feb-1917 Claiborne James William Lee NL Nancy Virginia Manning NL Lee Robert James M B 25-Oct-1895 Hamblen Charles Shields Lee Tennessee Estella Rice Tennessee Chancery 130 78 Lee Willie Ruth F W 14-Nov-1935 Knoxville, Knox Albert Mitchell Lee Tennessee Irene Mae McMurray Tennessee Chancery 134 367 Lee Wilma Kate F W 7-Apr-1927 Knox Robert Elmer Lee Monroe, Tennessee Anna Lee Dunlap Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Leeper William Jennings Bryan M W 30-Aug-1900 Knoxville, Knox Roy Leeper Tennessee Martha Davenport Tennessee Circuit DB1 272 Leinart Callie Marie F W 4-Jul-1905 Anderson Milas Washington Leinart Tennessee Sallie Clay Roberts Tennessee Chancery 131 351 Lenoir Elias Johnnie M B 30-Nov-1897 Philadelphia, Loudon Henderson Lenoir Tennessee Mary Etta Norton Tennessee Chancery 131 441 Leonhardt Oscar Defoor M W 2-Aug-1875 Anderson Charles Leonhardt Saxony, Germany Fannie Defoor La Grange, Troup, Georgia Letsinger Edna Mae F W 23-Jan-1907 Knox Amos White Letsinger Tennessee Mary Caroline Ruckart Tennessee Lett Dennis LaFayett M W 27-Nov-1932 Knox Charles Lee Lett NL Flora Shelby NL Lewelling Roy Cecil M W 5-Feb-1912 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Wily Lewelling Unknown Ida Johnson Unknows Chancery 137 108 Lewis Clarence Clifford M W 26-Feb-1903 Knox LaFayette Lewis Knox, Tennessee Lena Hansard Claiborne, Tennessee Chancery 131 498 Lewis Dennie Lawson M W 10-Sep-1885 Knox William Swan Lewis Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Miller Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Lay Joyce Fay F League Otto Wilbur Lebow NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 43 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 141 Circuit Circuit 86 32 DB1 234 31 DB1 76 Chancery 131 500 Circuit Circuit DB1 154 DB1 47 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 21-Feb-1887 Knox William Swan Lewis Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Miller M W 16-Jun-1908 Knox Samuel Lawrence Lewis Pennsylvania Lillie Belle F W 24-May-1886 Knox William Alexander Lewis Lewis Mary Marie F W 23-Jan-1925 Knoxville, Knox Lewis Nellie Marie F W 26-Jul-1911 Lewis Recie Annes F W Lewis Rose Alberta F Light Estella Agness Lindsay Surname Given Name Sex Race Lewis Grover Sherman M Lewis John David Lewis Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 Laura Mansfield Peter Ohio Circuit DB1 279 Tennessee Laura Isabel Bayless Tennessee Circuit DB1 Oliver Ulysses Lewis NL Mary Elizabeth Meridieth NL Circuit DB1 188 Fountain City, Knox LaFayette Lewis Tennessee Margret O Hansard Tennessee Chancery 135 165 15-Dec-1917 Knox Millard Alvis Lewis Tennessee Lillie White Carnes Tennessee Chancery 131 467 W 7-Mar-1917 Knoxville, Knox Oliver Ulysses Lewis Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Meridieth Tennessee Circuit DB1 F W 16-Apr-1929 Knox James Samuel Light NL Ruth Lucile Scott NL Circuit DB1 160 Charles Joseph M W 7-Jun-1906 Knox John Ellis Lindsay Tennessee Sallie Riggs Tennessee Chancery 131 77 Lindsay Theodore Alexander, Jr M W 24-Feb-1928 Knoxville, Knox Theodore Alexander Lindsay Tennessee Stella Christine Roach Tennessee Chancery 138 19 Lindsey Frances Isabel F W 9-Jan-1899 Fork Ridge, Claiborne John Pettingill Lindsey Alabama Amanda Newlon Kentucky Chancery 134 382 Lindsey Vernon Dee M W 18-Dec-1916 Sevier Albert Wesley Lindsey NL Ethel Ramsey NL Circuit DB1 230 Linke Herman M W 26-Nov-1918 Jellico, Campbell Meyer Lion Linke Poland Bella Yetta Shutzer Austria Circuit DB1 359 Linkous Clay L M W 15-May-1894 Rogersville, Hawkins Floyd L Linkous Tennessee Martha Bradley Tennessee Chancery 167 199 Lintz William Oscar M W 17-Jul-1891 Greene John Martin Lintz Greene, Tennessee Martha Elizabeth Rader Greene, Tennessee Chancery 132 331 Lithgo Samuel Joseph, Jr M W 16-Aug-1891 Knoxville, Knox Samuel James Lithgo Knox, Tennessee Ella Dwyer Knox, Tennessee Little Mabel Beatrice F W 21-Dec-1923 Knox Charles Grant Little Tennessee Carrie Elizabeth Osborne Tennessee Littlejohn Rosa Marie F B 29-Mar-1937 Knox NL NL Emma Littlejohn South Carolina Circuit DB1 204 Livingston Herbert Howell M W 14-Sep-1914 Grainger NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 201 Livingston Myrtle F W 11-Oct-1909 Morristown, Hamblen Dock Marshall Livingston Tennessee Sallie Louise Collins Kentucky Lobetti Charles Burns M W 3-Mar-1909 Coal Creek, Anderson Joseph Marion Lobetti Turin, Italy Minnie Leah DeMarcus Tennessee Circuit DB1 Lockhart Kenith Franklin M W 12-Jan-1924 Knoxville, Knox Beecher Lockhart NL NL NL Circuit DB1 137 Lockwood Robert Tipton M W 18-Aug-1908 Knoxville, Knox Robert Henry Lockwood NL Bertie Tipton Lockwood NL Circuit DB1 227 Loftis Maggie Arminta F W 25-Aug-1875 Ebenezer, Knox Hosea Decatur Loftis Hendersonville, Henderson, N Carolina Eliza Jane Billingsley Cumberland Gap, Claiborne, Tennessee Circuit DB1 361 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 44 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit 47 57 92 DB1 113 Chancery 133 Chancery 131 342 425 90 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 26-Mar-1917 Knox Robert B Lonas NL Margaret Gillespie M W 27-Mar-1922 Knoxville, Knox Gordon Louis Londay Michigan Opal Ollie F W 22-Mar-1927 Knoxville, Knox Robert Long Longmire Alpha Mae F W 21-May-1928 Knox Longmire Charlotte Ruth F W 2-Apr-1934 Longmire Edward LaFayette M W Longmire Henry Louis M Longmire Joseph Lawrence M Longmire Surname Given Name Sex Race Lonas Margaret Virginia F Londay Michael Earl Long Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 218 Donna Louise Anderson Tennessee Circuit DB1 91 Tennessee Mary Moore Tennessee Chancery 134 27 Arlie Brice Longmire Tennessee Annie Ruby Knisley Tennessee Chancery 134 304 Knox Arlie Brice Longmire Tennessee Annie Ruby Knisley Tennessee Chancery 134 304 29-Sep-1903 Knoxville, Knox Rufus Abraham Longmire Tennessee Phoebe Ellen Oaks Tennessee Circuit DB1 W 28-Jan-1892 Jacksboro, Campbell Frank Longmire Tennessee Belle Cox Tennessee Circuit DB1 144 M W 26-Mar-1897 Union Rufus Abraham Longmire Tennessee Phoebe Ellen Oaks Tennessee Circuit DB1 81 Miller Scott M W 22-Oct-1902 Union Herbert Emory Longmire Tennessee Phoebe Kellar Tennessee Chancery 134 280 Longmire Robert Escoe M W 18-Feb-1892 Union Rufus Abraham Longmire Tennessee Phoebe Ellen Oaks Tennessee Longmire Vaughan Everett M W 10-Jul-1894 Union Rufus Abraham Longmire Tennessee Phoebe Ellen Oaks Tennessee Love Edna Isabel F B 20-Sep-1910 Knoxville, Knox Jake Love NL Martha Jane Fugett NL Love Lewis Curtis M W 20-Apr-1930 Knoxville, Knox David King Love Tennessee Matilda Grace Wilson Tennessee Lovelace Lottie Inez F W 14-May-1902 Obion, Union William Washington Lovelace Tennessee Willie Orgain Nooner Tennessee Lowe Ben M W 1-Jan-1907 Sevier Samuel Preston Lowe Tennessee Julia Alice Ferguson Tennessee Lowe Samuel Newton M W 9-Apr-1889 Sevier Robert A Lowe, Sr Sevier, Tennessee Luisa Hulda Bird Sevier, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Lowe William Oscar M W 23-May-1894 Loudon Jesse Grant Lowe Tennessee Margaret Anna Alexander Tennessee Circuit DB1 364 Lowery Lewis Edgar M W 20-May-1887 Knoxville, Knox Andrew Jackson Lowery Tennessee Cordelia Laugherty Tennessee Circuit DB1 373 Loy Oscar M W 30-Jul-1903 Union George Elbert Loy Tennessee Hattie Unice Walker Tennessee Chancery 130 217 Loy Robert Lee M W 19-Apr-1927 Knoxville, Knox Maynard LaFayette Loy Tennessee Mossie Elizabeth Troxler Tennessee Chancery 136 467 Ludin Nora Dena F W 21-May-1883 Knoxville, Knox Emanuel Lee Ludin Basil, Switzerland Anna Schmid Zurich, Switzerland Chancery 144 411 Lusby Bobbie Jean F W 6-Aug-1930 Knoxville, Knox Roy Lusby NL Katherine Mae Brogden NL Circuit DB1 187 Lusby Mary Ruth F W 8-May-1928 Knoxville, Knox Roy Lusby NL Katherine Mae Brogden NL Circuit DB1 187 Lusk Robert Jacob M W 30-May-1918 Washington Fred Lusk NL Edith Elizabeth Hopper NL Circuit DB1 201 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 45 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit 29 DB1 29 Chancery 130 310 Circuit DB1 293 Chancery 138 Circuit 74 DB1 92 Chancery 142 361 53 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 13-Mar-1924 Knox Arnold McMillan Luttrell NL Minnie Belle Moore M W 14-Feb-1916 Knox Arnold McMillan Luttrell NL Mayme Leona F W 28-Jul-1891 Knox John Murphy Luttrell Luttrell Nona Fay F W 22-Jun-1927 Knox Luttrell Robert Lewis M W 5-Jul-1925 Lyle Maurice Gene M W Lyles Gertrude F Lyons Wilburn Alexander MacDonald Surname Given Name Sex Race Luttrell Arthur Coolige M Luttrell Elzie Richard Luttrell Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 342 Minnie Belle Moore NL Circuit DB1 342 Tennessee Laura Belle Parker Tennessee Circuit DB1 230 Arnold McMillan Luttrell NL Minnie Belle Moore NL Circuit DB1 342 Knoxville, Knox Walter Lewis Luttrell Tennessee Kittie Mae Giddens Tennessee Chancery 132 248 21-Jun-1929 Knoxville, Knox Theodore Lyle NL NL NL Chancery 157 9 W 12-Feb-1916 Knoxville, Knox Decatur Lyles NL Arrie Ogle NL Circuit DB1 254 M B 13-Aug-1897 Knoxville, Knox Wilson Lyons Tennessee Martha Meek Tennessee Circuit DB1 325 Howard Grainger NL NL 14-Oct-1876 NL NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 121 Mack Edith Pauline F W 17-Sep-1926 Knoxville, Knox Charles David Mack NL Ellen Bell Seymour NL Circuit DB1 337 Mackta Helen Frances F W 4-Mar-1904 Knoxville, Knox Barnett Mackta Russia Sarah Celia Ralkin Russia Circuit DB1 72 Mackta Samuel Jack M W 18-Jun-1901 Knoxville, Knox Barnett Mackta Russia Sarah Celia Ralkin Russia Circuit DB1 72 Major Earl Reginald, Jr M W 25-Aug-1923 Knoxville, Knox Earl R Major NL NL NL Circuit DB1 132 Mallicoat William Benjamin M W 17-Nov-1888 Grainger William Samuel Mallicoat Tennessee Louisa Angeline Farmer Tennessee Chancery 133 182 Malone Willie Ella F W 3-Jul-1890 White Gabriel Marion Malone Tennessee Eliza Caroline Stewart Tennessee Chancery 163 128 Manes Myrl Lloyd M W 8-Jan-1928 Knoxville, Knox Lee William Manes NL Willie Alice Burgin NL Circuit DB1 344 Manning George Henry M W 28-Jan-1926 Knoxville, Knox Ray Ernest Manning NL Ola Hazel Medlin NL Circuit DB1 267 Maples Carl Lee M W 11-Jul-1925 Sevier James Marshall Maples NL Mamie Louisa Perryman NL Circuit DB1 287 Maples Claude Donald M W 24-May-1925 Sevier George Pinkney Maples Tennessee Bettie Lauretta Haggard Tennessee Chancery 133 84 Maples Edna Patricia F W 17-Jul-1922 Knox W C Braden Tennessee Rhoda Maples Tennessee Chancery 179 219 Maples Henry L M W 20-Jul-1878 Knox Levi Maples Tennessee Elizabeth McKinney Tennessee Chancery 134 256 Maples Jesse Williard M W 16-Jun-1926 Sevier NL NL Emma Sneed NL Circuit 87 140 Maples Jesse Williard M W 16-Jun-1926 Sevier NL NL Emma Sneed NL Circuit DB1 1 Maples Maude Louise F W 31-Jan-1924 Sevierville, Sevier NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 198 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 46 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 31-Jan-1924 Sevierville, Sevier NL NL NL NL M W 9-May-1919 Knoxville, Knox Charlie Maples Tennessee Sallie Clonch Tennessee Wilma Lucille F W 3-Nov-1917 Sevier James Marshall Maples NL Mamie Louisia Perryman NL Circuit Maples Zora Naomi F W 7-Oct-1929 Sevierville, Sevier NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 198 Maples Zora Naomi F W 7-Oct-1929 Sevierville, Sevier NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 3 Maranville Edna Earl F W 21-Jun-1911 Knox Lee Andrew Maranville NL Sarah Elizabeth Swaggerty NL Circuit DB1 140 Marcum HM M NL NL NL Emerson Marcum NL Susie Marcum NL Marcum William David M W 18-Jun-1932 Fountain City, Knox Samuel Roger Marcum Tennessee Bessie Cornelia Chadwell Tennessee Marie Rue Leon F W 16-Nov-1910 Dandridge, Jefferson Thomas Newton Marie Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Bradley Tennessee Circuit DB1 Marks Bob M W 15-May-1935 Knox Joseph Marks St Louis, St Louis, Missouri Zora Adams California Circuit DB1 371 Marsh Nellie Willie F W 2-Nov-1908 Blount Watson Paul Marsh Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Stout Tennessee Marshall William Robert M W 30-Dec-1887 Anderson Unknown NL Mary Catheine Marshall Anderson, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Martin Alice Bernice F W 23-Dec-1929 Concord, Knox Rush Richard Martin Tennessee Lillian Gertrude Letsinger Tennessee Circuit DB1 237 Martin Betty Jane F W 14-Sep-1931 Concord, Knox Rush Richard Martin Tennessee Lillian Gertrude Letsinger Tennessee Circuit DB1 238 Martin Clara Helen F W 7-Dec-1924 Concord, Knox Rush Richard Martin Tennessee Lillian Gertrude Letsinger Tennessee Circuit DB1 237 Martin Kattie Elizabeth F W 27-Sep-1928 Concord, Knox Rush Richard Martin Tennessee Lillian Gertrude Letsinger Tennessee Circuit DB1 237 Martin Rush Richard M W 12-May-1903 Rogersville, Hawkins Rush Richard Martin Tennessee Mattie Bell Sizemore Tennessee Circuit DB1 236 Martin Walter Howard M W 11-Oct-1925 Knoxville, Knox James Wallace Martin Tennessee Jewel Lambert Tennessee Chancery 134 125 Mashburn Clara Henley F W 22-Feb-1897 Moore John Robert Mashburn Tennessee Priscilla Jane Helton Tennessee Chancery 130 32 Mason French Edward M B 19-Aug-1895 Knox Grant Mason Tennessee Josiphine Davis Tennessee Chancery 132 583 Massengill Evans Porter M W 21-May-1879 Sullivan George Dallas Massengill Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Evans Tennessee Circuit DB1 110 May Doris Dinsmoor F W 12-Aug-1927 Knoxville, Knox John Frank May NL Inez Snyder NL Circuit DB1 337 May Mildred Marie F W 9-Feb-1921 Knoxville, Knox John Frank May NL Inez Snyder NL Circuit DB1 229 Mayes Ott M W 4-Mar-1905 Claiborne Newt Mayes Claiborne, Tennessee Rebecca Keck Claiborne, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Surname Given Name Sex Race Maples Maude Louise F Maples Paul Maples NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 47 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 Chancery 137 3 355 DB1 283 2nd Circuit 11 326 Chancery 151 248 Chancery 134 84 193 71 64 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 4-Sep-1907 Claiborne Newton I Mayes Tennessee Rebecca Emaline Keck F W 22-Jun-1926 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Wiles Mayfield NL James Elmer M W 24-Oct-1897 Monroe Charles Washington Mayo Mayo Mary Charles F W 18-Sep-1908 Knox Mays Hugh Eckel M W 24-Mar-1924 McBath Mary Lucille F W McBee Bess F McBee Lara Mae Clara McBee Surname Given Name Sex Race Mayes Stella F Mayfield Virginia Lee Mayo Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 Bertrude Miller Lee NL Circuit DB1 257 Tennessee Lou Ella Cline Tennessee Circuit DB1 NL NL Willie Gertrude Mayo NL Circuit DB1 173 Knox Wiley Flem Mays NL Margaret Jean Dickson NL Circuit DB1 197 5-Jun-1891 Concord, Knox Bartley Russell McBath Tennessee Mary Rodgers Russell Tennessee Chancery 170 333 W 12-Aug-1901 Oliver Springs, Roane Thomas Edward McBee Tennessee Jo Ann Nichols Tennessee Chancery 174 256 F B 27-May-1923 Knoxville, Knox Aaron Hildred McBee NL Mable Pearcy NL Circuit DB1 242 William Floyd M B 30-Mar-1918 Knoxville, Knox Aaron Hillard McBee NL Hattie Mable Pearcy NL Circuit DB1 270 McCammon Lincoln Williams M W 2-Mar-1925 Knox Karl Darwin McCammon NL Mary Elizabeth Hilton NL Circuit DB1 162 McCammon Margaret Jane F W 25-Mar-1871 Knoxville, Knox William Cowan McCammon Tennessee Eliza M Huffaker Tennessee McCammon Samuel Darwin M W NL NL NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 McCarter Lillian Viola F W 2-Apr-1921 Knoxville, Knox Harley McCarter NL NL NL Circuit DB1 196 McCarty John Robert M W 21-Mar-1912 Knox James Walter McCarty Tennessee Minnie Reynolds Tennessee Circuit DB1 McClain Alvin Clay M W 4-Jun-1905 Knox Farrell Leon McClain Tennessee Josephine Judson Haynes Tennessee Circuit DB1 256 McClain Andrew Melvin M W 9-Oct-1923 Byington, Knox Andrew Judson McClain Tennessee Maggie Campbell Tennessee Chancery 133 48 McClain Daisy Lee F W 10-May-1907 Hamblen Albert Carson McClain Tennessee Rosie Holder Tennessee Chancery 131 392 McClellan Orville Leonidas M W 7-Nov-1879 Wright, Knox William Butler McClellan Tennessee Maggie Swaggerty Tennessee McCloud Juanita Lucille F W 2-Aug-1923 Knox Bruce James McCloud Tennessee Eula Nell Needham Tennessee McCroskey Carl Lee M W 28-Mar-1926 Knox William Arthur McCroskey NL Kate Buttner Roberts NL Circuit DB1 159 McCroskey Charles Edward M W 12-Jan-1924 Knox William Arthur McCroskey NL Kate Buttner Roberts NL Circuit DB1 159 McCroskey Kenneth Russell M W 2-Nov-1925 Knoxville, Knox Roscoe Frank McCroskey Tennessee Ruby Ellen Goolsby Tennessee McCroskey Thelma Beatrice F W 8-Aug-1921 Knox William Arthur McCroskey NL Kate Buttner Roberts NL Circuit DB1 159 McCubbins William Cecil M W 24-Oct-1908 Knox William Alfred McCubbins Tennessee Edna Pratt Tennessee Circuit DB1 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 48 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 157 Circuit 65 55 69 82 42 DB1 81 Chancery 135 459 Chancery 147 559 90 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 10-Jun-1888 Johnson City, Washington John McCurry North Carolina Martha Jane Laws North Carolina M W 23-Sep-1909 Knox John Wilburn McCurry NL Victoria Bise NL Circuit DB1 177 Albert Tate M W 22-Feb-1910 Grainger NL NL Nettie Thresia Owens NL Circuit DB1 156 McDonald James Dallas M W 19-Aug-1923 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 88 McElroy Edna Violet F W 27-Oct-1909 Knox William John McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit 87 309 McElroy Edna Violet F W 27-Oct-1909 Knox William John McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit DB1 12 McElroy Hattie Eutura F W 17-Mar-1889 Knox William John McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit 87 308 McElroy Hattie Eutura F W 17-Mar-1889 Knox William John McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit DB1 12 McElroy James Elmo M W 17-Dec-1911 Knox William John McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit 87 307 McElroy James Elmo M W 17-Dec-1911 Knox William John McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit DB1 11 McElroy Jessie Raymond M W 7-Jul-1904 Knox William John McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit 87 308 McElroy Jessie Raymond M W 7-Jul-1904 Knox William McElroy South Carolina Laura Bishop Tennessee Circuit DB1 12 McElroy Lawrence Kenneth M W 6-May-1924 Knoxville, Knox Floyd Raymond McElroy, Sr NL Maranda Phillips NL Circuit DB1 242 McElyea Cora Evelyn F W 19-Jul-1897 Johnson David Alexander McElyea Tennessee Margaret Jane Fritts Tennessee McEntyre Lois Janet F W 27-Nov-1935 Knoxville, Knox Manuel Barnard McEntyre Georgia Marion Pauline Baker Tennessee Circuit DB1 292 McFalls Mary Elizabeth F W 2-Feb-1908 Gatliff, Campbell Andrew Jackson McFalls NL Sarah Cooper NL Circuit DB1 216 McFarland Benjamin Franklin M B 29-Apr-1899 Knox James H McFarland Tennessee Mary S Senters Tennessee McGhee John Sherman M W 7-Jul-1908 Roane John K McGhee NL Maggie McAlister NL Circuit DB1 117 McGhee Luther Herman M W 10-Sep-1907 Jefferson Frank McGhee Tennessee Maggie Maples Tennessee Circuit DB1 62 McGhee Mike Thomas M W 15-Oct-1902 Grainger William McGhee Tennessee Elizabeth Davis Tennessee Circuit DB1 51 McGill Mary Bruce Leonora F W 8-Jan-1921 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Maude Leonora Lewellyn NL Circuit DB1 169 McGill Roy Willard M W 28-Apr-1926 Sevier Roy Thomas McGill Tennessee Grace Baker Tennessee Circuit DB1 McGimsey Avery Virginia F W 25-Dec-1910 Knoxville, Knox Isaac Avery McGimsey North Carolina Virginia Lovell Virginia Circuit DB1 203 McGoldrick Dolores Ann F W 27-May-1940 Gatlinburg, Sevier Grover Henderson McGoldrick Tennessee Dorothy Alice Pierce Tennessee Circuit DB1 344 Surname Given Name Sex Race McCurry Alfred Raymond Francis M McCurry Earl William McDaniel NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 49 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 133 Chancery 134 Chancery 183 89 75 520 80 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 24-Feb-1927 Knoxville, Knox Charles E McGuffin Tennessee Margaret Helfenberger Ohio M W 26-Jan-1914 Knox Lester McGuire Tennessee Mabel Whetsell Tennessee Helen Iris F W 9-Nov-1926 Blount Joseph Emmett McHale NL Lucy Partain NL Circuit DB1 298 McIntosh Mary Evelyn F W 18-Dec-1921 Blount Roy Ott McIntosh NL Beulah Ann Byers NL Circuit DB1 166 McKamey James Andrew M W 22-Jun-1861 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 117 McKinney Harry Oliver M W 10-Oct-1902 Knoxville, Knox George Washington McKinney Tennessee Paralee Mize Tennessee Chancery 134 262 McKinney Lula Estell F W 3-Aug-1897 Knox John McKinney Tennessee Elizabeth Larue Tennessee Chancery 132 76 McKnight Oater Connell Lee M W 13-Nov-1908 Knoxville, Knox Rufus G McKnight Tennessee Carrie Green Tennessee Chancery 130 526 McLain Mary Cleo F W 17-May-1904 Knox James Carson McLain Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Ferguson Tennessee Chancery 132 547 McLain Park Dewey M W 17-Aug-1898 Greeneville, Greene Daniel Henry McLain Tennessee Florence Lucinda McFarland Tennessee Circuit DB1 116 McLain Roxie Jane F W 25-Mar-1892 Greeneville, Greene Daniel Henry McLain Tennessee Florence Lucinda McFarland Tennessee Circuit DB1 115 McMillan Marshal Ray M W 9-Jan-1915 Monroe Samuel Taylor McMillan Tennessee Eliza Rhotella Dixon Tennessee Chancery 154 285 McMurray Arthur Lee M W 19-Oct-1884 Knox William A McMurray Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Spangler Tennessee Chancery 133 444 McMurray Martha Lucile F W 23-Nov-1911 Blount William Arthur McMurray NL Lucy Viola Murphy NL Circuit DB1 McMurry Mary Hannah F W 17-Jul-1923 Knoxville, Knox Minnis Lee McMurry NL Ola Eliza Armstrong NL Circuit DB1 112 McNabb Katherine Rebecca F W 19-Sep-1889 Knox William H McNabb Blount, Tennessee Sarah L Henry Blount, Tennessee McNabb Shirley Ann F B 12-Jul-1939 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Margaret McNabb Tennessee McNeely Fred Thomas M W 5-May-1931 Meigs Frank McNeely Tennessee Annie Good Tennessee Chancery 136 306 McNelley Allie Lee F W 9-Jan-1894 Knoxville, Knox Milton David McNelley Tennessee Lena Ford Tennessee Chancery 134 470 McNelley Willie May F W 31-Aug-1895 Knoxville, Knox Milton David McNelley Tennessee Lena Ford Tennessee Chancery 134 470 McNutt Anderson DeWitt M W 3-Oct-1893 Knox George Anderson McNutt Tennessee Fannie Vonalvid Anderson Tennessee Chancery 136 115 McNutt Dorothy Marie F W 6-Jul-1927 Knoxville, Knox Irvin Augusta McNutt NL Frenchie Catherine Brown NL Circuit DB1 295 McQueen Martha Josephine F W 28-Sep-1896 Loudon, Loudon Edmund Preston McQueen Georgia or North Carolina Elizabeth Mason Tennessee Circuit DB1 368 Meek Hal Bruce, Jr M W 29-Sep-1911 New Market, Jefferson NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 161 Surname Given Name Sex Race McGuffin Robert Cecil M McGuire William Fred McHale NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 50 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 339 Chancery 132 Chancery 160 Circuit 547 99 124 DB1 128 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 8-Feb-1927 Knoxville, Knox Jake F Mellon NL Julia B Branson M W 29-Nov-1918 Knoxville, Knox Charles Mellon NL Gene Stanley M W 19-Jan-1942 Knox Bruce Merriman Merritt Dorothy Louise F W 13-Nov-1934 Knox Merritt Verlin Segals M W 1-Apr-1922 Messer Lonnie M W Messer Ralph M Metcalfe Felicia Lee Metler Surname Given Name Sex Race Mellon Jarvis Bruce M Mellon Oscar Louis Merriman Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 171 Mary Newman NL Circuit DB1 235 Tennessee Hallie Hester Brogdon Tennessee Circuit DB1 327 Roy Merritt Knox, Tennessee Ruth Marie Humphrey Tennessee Chancery 139 224 Union Verlin Stanley Merritt Tennessee Lydia Mae Kitts Tennessee Chancery 143 491 30-Nov-1924 Sevier Bruce Messer Tennessee Jennie Luttrell Tennessee Circuit DB1 328 W 15-Aug-1922 Sevier Bruce Messer Tennessee Jennie Luttrell Tennessee Circuit DB1 329 F W 28-Dec-1885 Summertown, Lawrence, Tennessee James Martin Metcalfe Tennessee Felicia Kirk Zollicoffer Tennessee Circuit DB1 62 Pearl Mae F W 8-May-1884 Knox Anton A Metler Switzerland Susan M Haynes Tennessee Chancery 135 311 Metler Pearl Mae F W 8-May-1884 Knox Anton A Metler Switzerland Susanna M Haynes Tennessee Chancery 135 361 Middleton Marjorie Virginia F W 8-Jan-1937 Knoxville, Knox Cleo Roosevelt Middleton Tennessee Lillian Juanita Cates Tennessee Circuit DB1 304 Milan James Edward M W 10-Apr-1936 Knoxville, Knox Paul James Milan Georgia Ruth Alexander NL Circuit DB1 374 Miller Cina Ellen F W 9-Dec-1925 Knox Joe Delozier Miller Tennessee Jennie Ethel Glover Tennessee Miller Claude Alfred M W 4-Nov-1909 Knox Rush Strong Miller Tennessee James Ina Kennedy Tennessee Circuit DB1 276 Miller Dallis Eugene M W 20-Dec-1922 Knoxville, Knox James Madison Miller NL Hallie Townsley NL Circuit DB1 190 Miller Edna F W 31-Jan-1908 Knox Rush Strong Miller Tennessee James Ina Kennedy Tennessee Circuit DB1 350 Miller Eldon Byron M W 27-Jun-1937 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 362 Miller Fred Kennedy M W 24-Jun-1912 Knox Rush Strong Miller Tennessee James Ina Kennedy Tennessee Circuit DB1 350 Miller Ina Jane F W 23-Nov-1940 Jefferson City, Jefferson Claude Alfred Miller Tennessee Pauline Elsie Burkhart Tennessee Circuit DB1 276 Miller James Albert M W 17-Jun-1881 Jefferson William Willer Tennessee Martha Ann Snapp Tennessee Circuit DB1 183 Miller James Lawson M W 4-Aug-1881 Grainger William Miller Tennessee Sarah Long Tennessee Miller Loretta Rush F W 18-Dec-1936 Jefferson City, Jefferson Claude Alfred Miller Tennessee Pauline Elsie Burkhart Tennessee Circuit DB1 276 Miller Marshall Cane M W 26-Mar-1885 Knox Joseph Strong Miller Tennessee Mary Josephine Sherertz Tennessee Circuit DB1 181 Miller Mel Richard M W 18-Aug-1920 Knoxville, Knox James Madison Miller NL Hallie Townsley NL Circuit DB1 189 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 51 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 133 Chancery 132 389 63 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 18-Sep-1902 Jefferson James Gidden Miller Tennessee Nora Baker Oklahoma F W 29-Aug-1918 Knoxville, Knox John Frank Miller NL Minnie Belle Harper NL Circuit DB1 249 Thomas Wyatt M W 11-Dec-1891 Charleston, Bradley William Henderson Miller Tennessee Lassie Wyatt Tennessee Circuit DB1 189 Miller Tilden LeRoy M W 24-Nov-1938 Knoxville, Knox Samuel John Tilden Miller Tennessee Mary Emma Diggs Tennessee Miller William Jason M W 4-Apr-1895 Sevier Jesse Palmer Miller Tennessee Sarah Ellen Kelley Tennessee Milles Lucille F W 14-Sep-1935 Knox Earl Talmage Milles Tennessee Julia Angeline Gann Milligan Michael M W 3-May-1911 Knox Mynatt Roy Milligan Tennessee Mims Margaret Josephine F W 27-Aug-1878 Jefferson Moses Jasper Mims Mincey Eli M W 11-Mar-1891 Maynardville, Union Minga Jemima Magdaline F W 14-Jun-1903 Minge Luther Carl M W Miser Stella Fay F Miser Stella Fay Mitchell Surname Given Name Sex Race Miller Rillis Angline F Miller Theda Maxine Miller [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 132 Chancery 134 69 DB1 53 Tennessee Chancery 137 16 Ida May Bowling Tennessee Chancery 132 489 Tennessee Mary Ann Hurley Tennessee Chancery 162 567 Harmon Lee Mincey Tennessee Mary Emma Miller Tennessee Circuit DB1 79 Anderson Oscar Burton Minga Tennessee Susan Adeline Bridges Tennessee Circuit DB1 55 5-Oct-1919 Lenoir City, Loudon NL NL Bertha Gertrude Rubbins NL Chancery 130 14 W 16-Aug-1911 Roane NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 338 F W 16-Aug-1911 Roane NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 19 Charles M W 17-Mar-1877 Anderson Caswell Mitchell Tennessee Mary Rutherford Tennessee Circuit DB1 46 Mitchell John Hoskins M W 2-Oct-1906 Clinton, Anderson Charles Mitchell Tennessee Orlena Longmire Tennessee Circuit 87 302 Mitchell John Hoskins M W 2-Oct-1906 Clinton, Anderson Charles Mitchell Tennessee Orlena Longmire Tennessee Circuit DB1 11 Mixon Peggy Norine F W 3-Nov-1930 Knoxville, Knox Kelly Austin Mixon NL Roberta Mix NL Circuit DB1 308 Moffett John Alexander M W 8-Jan-1891 Blount William Franklin Moffett Sevier, Tennessee Magnolia Shamblin Sevier, Tennessee Circuit DB1 119 Moffett Mary Caswell F W 16-Jan-1881 Knoxville, Knox John Thomas Moffett Tennessee Sallie Caroline McDowell Tennessee Circuit DB1 290 Mohon Kathryn Mae F W 10-Dec-1900 Union NL NL Isabell Mohon Tennessee Monday Alice F W 15-Mar-1885 Knox Campbell Monroe Monday Tennessee Betty Ann King Tennessee Circuit DB1 340 Monday Dora Ellen F W 30-Sep-1882 Knox Campbell Monroe Monday Tennessee Betty Ann King Tennessee Circuit DB1 340 Monday Dorothy Lourene F W 19-Jul-1922 Knoxville, Knox George Kinsell Monday NL Parlie Elminia Lay NL Circuit DB1 260 Monday Eula Lois F W 14-Jul-1918 Knox Alvin Powell Monday Tennessee Bertha Ellen Johnson Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 52 Circuit 447 Chancery 187 Chancery 134 134 116 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 18-Feb-1887 Knox William T Monday Tennessee Emeline Morgan M W 9-Mar-1891 Knox William Moses Perry Monroe Union, Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth F W 19-Dec-1909 Knoxville, Knox Mack Dell Monroe Montgomery Boyce Drinnen M W 6-Apr-1939 Knoxville, Knox Montgomery Margaret F B 7-Oct-1929 Montgomery Mary Belle F W Montgomery Ruby Blanch F Mooney Theodore Robert Mooney Surname Given Name Sex Race Monday Link M Monroe Horace Lee Monroe Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 36 Elizabeth Culvyhouse Kentucky Circuit DB1 33 Tennessee Coather Mae Snodderly Tennessee Chancery 134 69 Should not be given NL NL NL Circuit DB1 245 Knox George Montgomery Tennessee Jennie Massengill North Carolina Circuit DB1 223 16-Mar-1925 Cumberland NL NL Nora Montgomery Tennessee Chancery 145 76 W 28-Jun-1929 Carthage, Smith Charlie Montgomery Tennessee Georgia Silcox Tennessee Chancery 134 245 M B 14-Jun-1899 Sweetwater, Monroe Samuel Mooney USA Laura Bacon Tennessee Circuit 87 327 Theodore Robert M B 14-Jun-1899 Sweetwater, Monroe Samuel Mooney USA Laura Bacon Tennessee Circuit DB1 16 Moore Rebecca Bowman F W 14-Mar-1910 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 256 Moore William M W 22-Mar-1926 Knoxville, Knox John A Moore NL Della Wilson NL Circuit DB1 285 Morgan Essie Geneva F W 10-Jul-1902 Louisville, Blount James Alexander Morgan Tennessee Lucy Louise Lebow Tennessee Chancery 169 5 Morgan Maudie Cleo F W 12-Dec-1899 Blount James Alexander Morgan Blount, Tennessee Lucy Louise Lebow Blount, Tennessee Chancery 169 71 Morrissey Harriett Ann Lea F W 13-May-1932 Knox Douglas Gassner Morrissey, Sr Michigan Pauline Elus Clark Tennessee Chancery 147 581 Morton Ira Bernard M W 26-Apr-1919 Knoxville, Knox Paris Morton NL Jennie Beatrice Smith NL Moser Leslie Warner, Jr M W 8-Mar-1912 Madisonville, Monroe Leslie Warner Moser Tennessee Neppie Belle Moser Tennessee Moser Sybil Christine F W 18-Oct-1923 Knoxville, Knox Benjamin Carl Moser NL Charlcie Gertrude Inman NL Circuit Moulden John McMillan, Jr M W 5-Jan-1897 Knoxville, Knox John McMillan Moulden Tennessee Libbie Mitchell Tennessee Circuit 87 199 Moulden John McMillan, Jr M W 5-Jan-1897 Knoxville, Knox John McMillan Moulden Tennessee Libbie Mitchell Tennessee Circuit DB1 3 Mountcastle Frank Fisher M W 8-Jan-1903 Knoxville, Knox Ralph H Mountcastle Tennessee Edith Carter Locke Tennessee Circuit DB1 356 Mountcastle Marguerite F W 26-Feb-1902 Morristown, Hamblen Robert Edward Lee Mountcastle Tennessee Byrd Salmon Tennessee Circuit DB1 68 Mouron David Charles M W 5-Jul-1930 Fountain City, Knox Gustave David Mouron Tennessee Elisa Marie Bornand Switzerland Chancery 135 164 Mouron Emile Louis M W 27-Dec-1935 Fountain City, Knox Gustave David Mouron Tennessee Elisa Marie Bornand Switzerland Chancery 135 204 Mowery Fred Eugene M W 2-Aug-1934 Knoxville, Knox Wiley Morton Mowery NL Maude P Wells NL NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 53 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 303 Chancery 130 Circuit 37 DB1 278 DB1 336 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 23-Apr-1931 Knoxville, Knox Wiley Morton Mowery NL Maude P Wells F W 23-Apr-1915 Knox John Russell Moyers Tennessee Charlton Earl M W 13-Apr-1926 Knoxville, Knox Alfred Murphy Murphy Cora Elizabeth F W 12-Jul-1924 Knox Murphy Dewey Calvin M W 5-Dec-1924 Murphy Doris Della F W Murphy Rhea Oscar M Murray Inez Pandora Musgrave Surname Given Name Sex Race Mowery Wiley Bradford M Moyers Hazel Ellen Murphy Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 337 Anna Elizabeth Sharp Tennessee Circuit DB1 245 NL Rose Mae Hux NL Circuit DB1 242 James Henry Murphy Tennessee Mamie Ethel Shelby Tennessee Circuit DB1 113 Knoxville, Knox Parnick McCowan Murphy Tennessee Della Delphia Mathena Virginia Chancery 131 472 30-May-1913 Knoxville, Knox Henry Washington Murphy Tennessee Nina Thomas Tennessee Chancery 134 122 W 29-Mar-1901 Knoxville, Knox Luther Harvey Murphy Tennessee Lela Sarah Adams Tennessee F W 17-Nov-1913 Knoxville, Knox Joseph Solomon Murray Tennessee Della Redden Tennessee Ruth Ella F W 26-Jan-1902 Knoxville, Knox William C Musgrave Tennessee Mattie Bell Warren Texas Myers Donald Ray M W 6-Jun-1927 Blount John Dillard Myers Tennessee Hazel Bessie McClure Tennessee Myers Mildred F W 28-Mar-1910 Knox William Sanford Myers NL Lillian Mae Herron NL Myers Ruby Etta F W 1-Nov-1923 Blount John Dillard Myers Tennessee Hazel Bessie McClure Tennessee Mynatt Ellen Azelee F W 1-Jun-1885 Grainger John Wesley Mynatt Grainger, Tennessee Theo Docia Givens Grainger, Tennessee Circuit DB1 32 Mynatt Elmer M B 11-Apr-1908 Knoxville, Knox William Mynatt Tennessee Lizzie Jennings Tennessee Circuit DB1 86 Mynatt Jo Pearl F W 12-Jun-1920 Knox NL NL Cora E Barrickman NL Circuit DB1 177 Mynatt Robert Lee Russell M W 4-Nov-1892 Knox William Ethell Mynatt Tennessee Rebecca Jane Howell Tennessee Circuit DB1 117 Mynatt Rufus Bart, Jr M W 17-Jan-1921 Knox Rufus Bart Mynatt NL Lula Johnson NL Circuit DB1 241 Mynatt Theodore Franklin M B 20-Mar-1895 Knox Jessie Mynatt Tennessee Rushie Lowe Tennessee Circuit 87 367 Mynatt Theodore Franklin M B 20-Mar-1895 Knox Jessie Mynatt Tennessee Rushie Lowe Tennessee Circuit DB1 25 Mynatt Virgil Kenneth M W 14-Jun-1924 Knox Flavious Spurgeon Mynatt NL Maggie Gertrude Whaley NL Circuit DB1 195 Mynatt Vivian Victoria F W 17-Nov-1927 Knox Everette Elmer Mynatt NL Ettra Leona Mynatt NL Circuit DB1 182 Nance Bertha Lena F W 4-Feb-1883 Grainger Paschal Nance Tennessee Orlena Grigsby Tennessee Nance Katherine Cordelia F W 22-Aug-1915 Jefferson Thomas Nance Tennessee Nellie Fielden Tennessee Nance William Carl, Jr M W 27-Aug-1911 New Market, Jefferson William Carl Nance Tennessee Alice Loy Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 54 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 97 Chancery 137 408 Circuit DB1 329 Chancery 136 Circuit DB1 246 Chancery 131 Chancery 134 Circuit 167 402 68 DB1 238 Chancery 130 432 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 10-Jan-1924 Knox William Monroe Neal Tennessee Ruth Lora Armstrong M W 3-Mar-1908 Tazewell, Claiborne James C Neal Tennessee Eleanor Justine F W 6-May-1928 Knoxville, Knox William Justus Needham Neely Walter Daton M W 25-Jan-1910 Claiborne Nelson Billie Charlene F W 13-Apr-1939 Nelson Roy Roscoe M W Nelson William Andrew M Nesbitt Webber T Neubert Surname Given Name Sex Race Neal Alma Florine F Neal Jimmie Lenard Needham Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 87 Mannie Drummond Tennessee Circuit DB1 93 Tennessee Hattie Ann Johnson Tennessee Circuit DB1 94 William Hugh Neely NL Sarah West NL Circuit DB1 217 Knoxville, Knox Charles Martin Nelson NL Orpha Lela Gollahar NL Circuit DB1 221 18-Jan-1890 Knox Columbus Jones Nelson Tennessee Nancy Catherine Houser Tennessee Circuit DB1 198 W 27-Dec-1889 Knox Andrew Jackson Nelson Tennessee Lucy Williams Tennessee Circuit DB1 50 M B 18-Sep-1907 Knoxville, Knox James Nesbitt South Carolina Ophelia Headen South Carolina Chancery 138 223 John Henry M W 1-Mar-1912 Knox Ferdnand Neubert Tennessee Anna Moore Tennessee Circuit DB1 28 Neubert Rex Roy M W 1-Nov-1919 Knox Ferdnand Neubert Tennessee Anna Moore Tennessee Circuit DB1 28 Newman Ida French F W 28-Feb-1918 Sevier William Orlando Newman Tennessee Ethel Benson Tennessee Chancery 132 196 Newman Lucy Moore F W 1-Feb-1880 Jefferson Hugh Alexander Newman Tennessee Lydia Timanda Bradshaw Tennessee Circuit DB1 289 Newman Velma Elizabeth F W 12-Mar-1915 Jefferson George Washington Newman NL Henry Mae Dalton NL Circuit DB1 151 Newman William Wesley M W 21-Feb-1881 Jefferson City, Jefferson Samuel Alexander Newman Jefferson, Tennessee Sarah Walker Jefferson, Tennessee Circuit DB1 63 Nicely Eunice Imogene F W 8-May-1924 Grainger William Adron Nicely Grainger, Tennessee Ethel Iantha Capps Union, Tennessee Chancery 132 20 Nicely Virgie Thelma F W 7-Jan-1922 Union William Adron Nicely Grainger, Tennessee Ethel Iantha Capps Union, Tennessee Chancery 132 20 Nichols Edgar Harley M W 24-Nov-1920 Sevier Andrew Harrison Nichols Tennessee Vina Graves Tennessee Nichols Joseph William M W 29-Oct-1931 Knox Otho Carl Nichols Tennessee Wilma Grace Smelser Tennessee Chancery 151 267 Nickle George Washington M W 17-Mar-1876 Knox Frank Nickle Tennessee Elizabeth Minton Tennessee Chancery 138 194 Nipper Barbara Jane F W 25-Dec-1929 Knoxville, Knox Thomas Edward Nipper NL Rebecca Lou Curry NL Noah Howard Prince M W 2-Apr-1902 Knoxville, Knox John Baxter Noah Grainger, Tennessee Sue Bates Grainger, Tennessee Chancery 131 361 Noe Edgar Lee M W 26-Oct-1926 Knoxville, Knox Hugh Wilkerson Noe Tennessee Essie Mae Barrett Georgia Chancery 149 63 Noe Vallie Valena F W 16-May-1885 Hamblen James Daniel Noe North Carolina Cornelia A Sullenberger Hamblen, Tennessee Chancery 131 25 Norman Frank Oliver M W 18-May-1892 Anderson Sam Norman Tennessee Mary Rebecca Ham North Carolina Chancery 166 503 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 55 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit Circuit DB1 288 DB1 194 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 9-Nov-1878 Anderson Rufus Morgan Norman Tennessee Talitha Ann VanDeGriffe F W 26-Aug-1927 Knoxville, Knox Ralph Eugene Norris Tennessee Paul Sanford M W 30-Aug-1908 Dandridge, Jefferson Jerome L North North Paul Sanford M W 30-Aug-1908 Dandridge, Jefferson Norton Loyd Kenneth M W 2-Dec-1928 Norton Melvon Asbury M W Oaks Marshall Paul M O'Connor James Elmer, Jr Ogle Surname Given Name Sex Race Norman John Roy M Norris Betty Lynn North Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court Vol. Page Tennessee Circuit DB1 156 Tommie Allen Newton Tennessee Circuit DB1 85 Texas Ethel Hinkle Tennessee Circuit 87 294 Jerome L North Texas Ethel Hinkle Tennessee Circuit DB1 10 Knox George Washington Norton Tennessee Mattie Edna Roach Tennessee Chancery 137 418 5-Apr-1901 Union John Wiley Norton Tennessee Margaret Ellison Nebraska W 12-Oct-1919 Knox James Roscoe Oaks Tennessee Emma Mae Duncan Tennessee M W 8-Jun-1919 Knoxville, Knox James Elmer O'Connor NL Lillian O'Dell NL Circuit DB1 282 Bobbie Leona F W 2-Apr-1920 Knox Robert Montgomery Ogle NL Julia Ann Clendennen NL Circuit DB1 174 Ogle Daisy F W 8-Oct-1892 Sevier James Ogle Sevier, Tennessee Ellen Sims Sevier, Tennessee Ogle Harold Richard M W 31-Jul-1922 Knox Robert Montgomery Ogle NL Julia Ann Clendennen NL Circuit DB1 174 Ogle Harrell William M W 6-Feb-1917 Sevier Davis Howard Ogle NL Sallie Kear NL Circuit DB1 217 Ogle Lloyd Jasper M W 21-Dec-1916 Knoxville, Knox Walter Paul Ogle Sevier, Tennessee Nancy Jane Burnett Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 218 Ogle Margaret Beatrice F W 24-Sep-1921 Knox William McKinley Ogle Tennessee Otella Beatrice Dallas Tennessee Circuit DB1 325 Oglesby Alma Irene F W 21-Jul-1903 Knoxville, Knox Noah Hinmon Oglesby Knox, Tennessee Lucy Hazen Bell Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 119 Olden Dessie Kate F B 1-Aug-1904 Cocke Charles Henry Olden Tennessee Nora Young Tennessee Oliver Harry Gould M W 4-Jul-1909 Nashville, Davidson Henry Hyder Oliver Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Cunningham Tennessee Olmstead Elmer Lee M W 26-Jun-1904 Lansing, Morgan William Olmstead Morgan, Tennessee Tilda Howard O'Mary James Franklin M W 22-May-1927 Cocke Bon O'Mary Tennessee Osborne Paul Wilbert M W 20-Dec-1907 Knox Rutherford Hayes Osborne Owens Arnold Clayton M W 22-Sep-1942 Knox Owens Bonnie Ruth F W 27-Apr-1928 Owens Hazel Louise F W Owens Hunley Webster M W [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 69 Chancery 142 456 Chancery 168 Chancery 134 106 DB1 97 Morgan, Tennessee Chancery 131 366 Bertha Mae Ellis Tennessee Chancery 134 213 Tennessee Mae Simms North Carolina Circuit DB1 191 Ottis Clay Owens NL Lillie Kathern Hammock NL Circuit DB1 306 Sevier John Henry Owens Jefferson, Tennessee Katie Ann Jones Jefferson, Tennessee Chancery 132 428 25-Oct-1930 Sevier John Henry Owens Jefferson, Tennessee Katie Ann Jones Jefferson, Tennessee Chancery 132 428 9-Jul-1923 Cocke Creed F Owens NL NL NL NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 56 Circuit 83 Circuit DB1 74 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 10-Jan-1914 Knox Herbert Arnold Oxendine NL Dorthula Coile M B 4-Aug-1928 Knoxville, Knox Joe Pace NL Robert Frank M W 20-Nov-1909 Knox Robert Flemming Pace Padget Burton M W 23-Sep-1902 Loudon, Loudon Palmer Vergia Elizabeth F W 25-May-1910 Parker Eulavee F W Parker Leona Adeline F Parker Mary Porter Parkey Surname Given Name Sex Race Oxendine Marion Verna F Pace Joe Lee Pace Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 279 Troy Wright NL Circuit DB1 200 Tennessee Vina Elizabeth Dykes Tennessee James Padget Tennessee Kate Williams Jefferson George Washington Palmer Jefferson, Tennessee Mary Franklin Jefferson, Tennessee 20-Feb-1931 Knoxville, Knox Walter Alexander Parker Tennessee Emma Jane Henegar W 15-Dec-1883 Graveston, Knox Hugh Cannon Parker Tennessee F W 27-May-1892 Jefferson Charles Crisp Parker Elizabeth May F W 28-Dec-1894 Hancock Parkey Wayne Arthur M W 5-Sep-1900 Parnell William Riley M W Parris Lillian F Parrott James Trawley, Jr Parson [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 140 53 Circuit DB1 367 Circuit DB1 37 Tennessee Chancery 131 130 Orlenie Fortner Tennessee Chancery 171 179 Tennessee Phebe Sophia Daniel Tennessee Circuit DB1 William Thomas Parkey Tennessee Sallie Elizabeth Vestal Texas Circuit DB1 101 Hancock Hugh Clinton Parkey Tennessee Nora Alice Friar Tennessee Circuit DB1 348 24-Mar-1926 McKenzie, Carroll Jackson Archibald Parnell Tennessee Mildred Reagin Tennessee Chancery 134 118 B 9-Sep-1913 Knox William Parris Tennessee Amanda McMickens Tennessee Chancery 135 573 M W 31-Dec-1934 Knox James Trawley Parrott, Sr Tennessee Mary Viola Knight Tennessee Chancery 134 243 Aubrey Clarice F W 2-Feb-1901 Shawanee, Claiborne John Perry Parsons Tennessee Margaret Jane Coloard Virginia Partlow Fannie Mellville F W 31-Mar-1884 South Pittsburg, Marion Landon Taylor Partlow Ironton, Lawrence, Ohio Sarah Ann Thurber Paskell Howard Lee M W 27-Aug-1927 Blount Coy Ray Paskell NL Ellen Owens NL Pate Robert William M W 25-Jul-1912 Sevier William Gregory Pate Tennessee Nancy Malinda Clabo Tennessee Patterson Donald Quentin M W 21-Jul-1925 Knox Richmond Pearson Patterson North Carolina Eula Virginia Kidd West Virginia Patterson Kenneth Owen M W 19-Jul-1931 Rosedale, Anderson Foster Lee Patterson Anderson, Tennessee Mary Lillian Phillips Pioneer, Campbell Patty Ina Ethel F W 27-Sep-1908 Walland, Blount Arthur Bright Patty Tennessee Susan Alice Gideon Tennessee Circuit DB1 132 Patty Kenneth Eugene M W 26-Jun-1927 Sevier Carry Houston Patty Tennessee Clara Ann Finley Tennessee Circuit DB1 346 Peacock Charles Leonard M W 11-Feb-1928 Lenoir City, Loudon Homer Charles Peacock Jackson, Alabama Bertie Shaw Roane, Tennessee Chancery 133 343 Pearcy Charles Samuel M B 11-Jan-1909 Knoxville, Knox Newton Pearcy Tennessee Reginia Kindle Tennessee Chancery 136 493 Pearcy Clarence M B 7-Aug-1906 Knoxville, Knox Newton Pearcy Tennessee Reginia Kindel Tennessee Chancery 130 597 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 57 Circuit 80 DB1 61 Charleston, Charleston, Chancery 136 South Carolina 301 Circuit DB1 262 Chancery 133 Circuit 178 DB1 199 Chancery 150 354 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name B 18-Aug-1919 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Ezra Geneva Pearcy Tennessee M W 22-Feb-1915 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 244 Harold Bart M W 19-Mar-1908 Knoxville, Knox Dawson Pedigo Tennessee Mildred Martin Privette Tennessee Circuit DB1 352 Pedigo Oliver Lenard M W 17-Jun-1915 Knox NL NL Hattie Keener NL Circuit DB1 143 Pedigo Robert Lee, Jr M W 13-Jul-1917 Knoxville, Knox Robert Lee Pedigo Tennessee Lola Anne Ford Tennessee Circuit DB1 240 Pedigo Robert LeRoy M W 6-Jul-1921 Knoxville, Knox Ode Hobart Pedigo Tennessee Annie Mae Sise Tennessee Circuit DB1 194 Peeler Annie Louise F W 29-Aug-1911 Campbell Joseph Wilson Peeler NL Annie Lucretia Garren NL Circuit DB1 294 Pennington Donald Loy M W 23-Oct-1919 Knox Luster Pennington Tennessee Dora Sharp Tennessee Chancery 140 200 Perkins William Wade M W 22-Mar-1911 Jefferson Maurice Lee Perkins Tennessee Maggie Mae Young Tennessee Chancery 134 257 Perrin Edwin Gillon M W 27-May-1926 Knoxville, Knox Gillon Dennis Perrin Tennessee Virgie Winifred Pierce Tennessee Peters LaVerne Collette F W 13-Oct-1917 Knox Roy P H Peters Virginia Mary Ann Smith Kentucky Petree Bryce Owen M W 5-Dec-1902 Loyston, Union Sillas M Petree Tennessee Sarah Ann Miller Tennessee Circuit DB1 282 Petty Mote F W 17-Aug-1893 Bristol, Sullivan George Melbourne Petty Tennessee Lora Mary White Tennessee Circuit DB1 90 Phifer Dorothy Inez F W 23-Apr-1907 Knoxville, Knox Alfred Phant Phifer North Carolina Belle Strange Tennessee Chancery 134 257 Phillips Carl M W 18-Mar-1925 Shea, Campbell Isaac Phillips Tennessee Rosa Kennedy Tennessee Chancery 132 351 Phillips Walter Alonzo M W 31-Oct-1884 Knox David Jasper Phillips Tennessee Sarah Yarnell Tennessee Circuit DB1 365 Pierce Oscar Leon M W 20-Mar-1928 Knox Gene Pierce NL Stella Mae Weeden NL Circuit DB1 289 Pierson Nicholas, Jr M B 3-Jun-1883 Knoxville, Knox Nicholas Pierson, Sr North Carolina Lucinda Garner Tennessee Pilant Mary Almeda F W 20-Dec-1877 Thorn Grove, Knox William Thomas Pilant Tennessee Anna Long Tennessee Pinkston Mary Belle F W 2-Oct-1935 Knox Marshall Bascom Pinkston Tennessee Susie Mae Spears Tennessee Pitner Esther Mae F W 25-Apr-1928 Knoxville, Knox Otha Pitner NL Stella Law NL Circuit DB1 356 Pitner Volda Lee M W 14-Feb-1913 Sevier John Pitner Tennessee Ellen Allen Tennessee Circuit DB1 102 Pittman Ambers Alexander M W 24-Jun-1928 Byington, Knox Eleazor Jackson Pittman NL Hattie Viola Rose NL Circuit DB1 321 Pittman George Edward M W 26-Sep-1919 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Mary Ellen Linzy NL Circuit DB1 193 Surname Given Name Sex Race Pearcy William Alonzo M Pease Ardist Lee Pedigo NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 58 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 147 Circuit DB1 303 Chancery 132 Chancery 135 Circuit 493 163 164 DB1 145 Chancery 131 328 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 29-Aug-1909 Monroe James Howard Pittman NL Susie Evelyn Gregory NL Circuit 87 242 F W 29-Aug-1909 Monroe James Howard Pittman NL Susie Evelyn Gregory NL Circuit DB1 5 William Edger M W 13-Apr-1931 Knox Eleazor Jackson Pittman NL Hattie Viola Rose NL Circuit DB1 321 Pitts Evelyn Ruth F W 27-May-1917 Knox Joseph Benjamin Pitts NL Sarah Ann Hobbs NL Circuit DB1 188 Pitts John Raymond M W 17-Apr-1911 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 146 Plumlee Ambrose Franklin M W 13-Aug-1916 Knoxville, Knox William Rush Plumlee Tennessee Sarah Rodgers Tennessee Poe Carl Leland M W 16-Aug-1903 Nashville, Davidson James Nugent Poe Tennessee Laura Bell Lawson Tennessee Circuit Poindexter James Herbert M W 22-Aug-1902 Hamblen James Jesse Poindexter Tennessee Nancy Elizabeth Young Tennessee Circuit 87 376 Poindexter James Herbert M W 22-Aug-1902 Hamblen James Jesse Poindexter Tennessee Nancy Elizabeth Young Tennessee Circuit DB1 26 Pope Pearl Loucinda F W 10-Nov-1909 Knox David Huston Pope Tennessee Fannie Katherine Cordelia Weaver Tennessee Chancery 181 70 Porter James Bertie M W 16-Dec-1921 Knoxville, Knox Bertie Thomas Porter NL Sallie Clio Weaver NL Porter Minnie Syble F W 8-Oct-1918 Johnson City, Washington John Thomas Porter North Carolina Elizabeth Godsey Tennessee Chancery 133 260 Porterfield Eva Madeline F W 17-Oct-1911 Sevier William Edward Porterfield Tennessee Emma Welch Tennessee Chancery 150 377 Potts Hattie Eva F W 24-Mar-1900 Dandridge, Jefferson Andrew Jackson Potts Tennessee Minerva Jane Wright Tennessee Chancery 134 78 Potts Mary Ellen F W 19-Mar-1904 Dandridge, Jefferson Andrew Jackson Potts Tennessee Minerva Jane Wright Tennessee Chancery 134 78 Powell Hugh Richardson M W 11-Dec-1911 Haywood Charles Albert Powell Haywood, Tennessee Annie Mabel Richardson Haywood, Tennessee Powell Lulu F W 26-Jul-1897 Greenbriar, Robertson Houston Powell Tennessee Sarah Elizabeth Binkley Prater Samuel Kyle M W 14-Apr-1912 Knox Samuel Oscar Prater Tennessee Pratt Edna Marie F W 5-Sep-1940 Strawberry Plains, Knox Isaac Clayton Pratt Pratt Geneva Irene F W 24-Jan-1924 Knox Pratt James William M W 1-Dec-1884 Pressley William Oliver M W Price Charles Mack M Price Luther Walter M Surname Given Name Sex Race Pittman Lillian Elizabeth F Pittman Lillian Elizabeth Pittman [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 131 Circuit DB1 129 DB1 203 DB1 72 Tennessee Chancery 131 529 Verna Mae Mays Tennessee Chancery 138 12 Tennessee Edna Louise Palmer Tennessee Circuit DB1 309 J Frank Pratt NL Minerva Lusk NL Circuit DB1 352 Knox John William Pratt Tennessee Melissa Pittman Tennessee Chancery 136 114 5-Feb-1884 McMinn William Pressley Tennessee Nannie Foster Tennessee Chancery 131 535 W 24-Jul-1923 Rogersville, Hawkins Charles Mack Price Tennessee Julia Mae Lane Tennessee Chancery 133 8 W 22-Apr-1896 Rogersville, Hawkins Harvey Price Tennessee Matilda Jane Emmert Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 59 Circuit 506 Circuit DB1 95 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 30-Dec-1927 Knox Harvey Hobson Proctor NL Myrtle Beatrice Dunn M W 25-Aug-1916 Knoxville, Knox James Edgar Proffitt Tennessee Georgia Lee F W 15-Sep-1911 Knoxville, Knox James Edgar Proffitt Proffitt Glendora F W 29-May-1925 Sevier Proffitt James Tipton M W 8-Jul-1922 Proffitt Verna Mildred F W Provence Charles D M Provence Charles D Provence Surname Given Name Sex Race Proctor Zeblin Millard M Proffitt Earl Lester Proffitt Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 348 Mabel Aurilia Lusby Tennessee Circuit DB1 119 Tennessee Mabel Aurilia Lusby Tennessee Circuit DB1 118 Glenn Proffitt Tennessee Beatrice Brannam Tennessee Blount Dexter Proffitt NL Lucy Dodgen NL Circuit DB1 181 14-Feb-1926 Knox James Edgar Proffitt Tennessee Mabel Amelia Ballard Tennessee Circuit DB1 320 W 1-Jan-1906 Union Samuel Carter Provence Tennessee Maggie Etta Brogdon Tennessee Circuit 87 265 M W 1-Jan-1906 Union Samuel Carter Provence Tennessee Maggie Etta Brogdon Tennessee Circuit DB1 6 Dan McKendree M W 1-Mar-1926 Monroe Monte King Provence NL NL NL Circuit DB1 244 Pruden Jip Manring M W 30-Jun-1926 Knoxville, Knox Jip Manring Pruden, Sr Tennessee Elizabeth Schmid Tennessee Chancery 137 443 Prueitt Newton Edward M W 28-Jul-1895 Greene David Franklin Prueitt Tennessee Hilo Mary Kilgore Tennessee Chancery 165 415 Pruitt William Sameal M W 24-Dec-1903 Powell, Knox George Pruitt Tennessee Mary Dana Fox Tennessee Pryor Estalee F W 15-Apr-1913 Sevier George Herbert Pryor Blount, Tennessee Nellie Edith McCroskey Sevier, Tennessee Pryor Lucy L Z F B 29-May-1911 Hamilton NL NL Carrie Linton Pryor Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee Putnam Robert Otho M W 20-Mar-1894 McMinn Otho Azro Putnam Tennessee Martha Tennessee Dixon Tennessee Quarles Jeraldine Leona F W 3-Aug-1923 Knoxville, Knox Henry McKinley Quarles NL Naomi Atchley NL Circuit DB1 193 Quinn JB M W 4-Nov-1921 Greene Melvin Hison Quinn NL Cressie Mary Fox NL Circuit DB1 253 Raby Eliza Ellen F W 8-Feb-1884 Knox William Raby Tennessee Margaret Potter Tennessee Chancery 165 140 Raby Howard Freeman M W 30-May-1917 Knox Sam Joe Raby Tennessee Elizabeth Norman Tennessee Chancery 131 522 Raby William Elmer M W 4-Nov-1914 Knox Samuel Joseph Raby Tennessee Elizabeth Norman Tennessee Chancery 134 75 Rader Bobby Gene M W 24-May-1934 Knoxville, Knox Junious Obed Rader NL Julia Alzenia Lane NL Rader Floyd Willis M W 21-Feb-1924 Knox Paul Perry Rader Tennessee Georgie Patty Tennessee Rader Jay Gyden M W 7-Aug-1897 Greene James Granville Rader Tennessee Alice McFarland Tennessee Rainey Sidney Dennis M W 28-Nov-1907 Knoxville, Knox Charles Garrett Rainey North Carolina Margrette Marren Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 60 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Chancery 134 Circuit 161 DB1 95 Chancery 129 599 Circuit DB1 42 Chancery 140 482 Circuit DB1 129 Chancery 152 Circuit 555 DB1 31 Chancery 134 68 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 11-Apr-1912 Knoxville, Knox James Ramsey Tennessee Mary Campbell Perry Tennessee M B 18-Nov-1924 Warren Joseph Henderson Ramsey Tennessee Ada Bettie Cannon Tennessee Chancery 132 362 Rose Lee F W 10-Nov-1903 Knox Ancil Caswell Randolph North Carolina Virginia Alice Shields Tennessee Chancery 130 96 Raney Charlie Monroe M W 29-Apr-1884 Knox Oliver Herman Raney North Carolina Mary Elizabeth Hickman Tennessee Chancery 146 151 Rankin Elizabeth Rebecca F W 30-May-1878 Blount Milton Shields Rankin Tennessee Margaret Lavenia Duncan Tennessee Chancery 134 584 Rash Odell Brine M W 26-Sep-1908 Knoxville, Knox John Rash North Carolina Belle Taylor North Carolina Chancery 132 394 Ray Gladys Love F W 10-Oct-1906 Knoxville, Knox Rufus Franklin Ray Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Simonds North Carolina Reagan James Walker M W 4-Apr-1895 Knox James McDonald Reagan Tennessee Nancy Worthington Tennessee Chancery 133 249 Reagan Samuel Worthington M W 19-Jan-1892 Knox James McDonald Reagan Tennessee Nancy Worthington Tennessee Chancery 133 249 Reasor Clarence Lee M W 14-Oct-1924 Knoxville, Knox Tate Reasor NL Callie Mae Yates NL Circuit DB1 225 Rector Durward Kinder M W 23-Jun-1915 Jefferson City, Jefferson NL NL Ila Mae Samples NL Circuit DB1 59 Rector Mabel Clair F W 15-May-1910 Sevierville, Sevier Jess Melburn Rector Tennessee Laura Nancy Redmon North Carolina Chancery 132 125 Reed Arthur Cleo M B 22-Jul-1905 Anderson Arthur Reed Tennessee Lottie Harrison Tennessee Circuit DB1 Reed Arthur Cleo M B 22-Sep-1905 Anderson Arthur Reed Tennessee Lottie Harrison Tennessee Circuit DB1 265 Reed Benjamin Lance M W 30-Aug-1930 Knox Edward Jerome Reed Tennessee Elizabeth Compton Tennessee Chancery 131 154 Reed John Paintny M W 8-Dec-1883 Sevierville, Sevier William Reed Tennessee Margaret McCrosky Tennessee Chancery 151 262 Reed Joseph Andrew M W 6-Sep-1901 Knoxville, Knox Donald R Reed Tennessee Martha Lucinda Price Tennessee Chancery 133 35 Reed Julettia F W 1-Mar-1885 sevier Frank Reed Tennessee Elizabeth Rewhuff Tennessee Chancery 146 152 Reed Lennis R M W 8-Jul-1900 Knox James Louis Reed Tennessee Augusta Cummings Tennessee Chancery 180 305 Reid Paul Shields M B 21-Feb-1899 Knox Moses Saby Reid Virginia Arabella Shields Tennessee Circuit 87 372 Reid Paul Shields M B 21-Feb-1899 Knox Moses Saby Reid Virginia Arabella Shields Tennessee Circuit DB1 26 Relford Nora Lee F W 21-Feb-1928 Anderson Willard Relford NL Lucinda Hatmaker NL Circuit DB1 233 Relford Thomas Albert M W 9-Oct-1925 Anderson Willard Relford NL Lucinda Hatmaker NL Circuit DB1 233 Repass George Herbert M W 3-Feb-1919 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 Surname Given Name Sex Race Ramsey Bruce Kennedy M Ramsey Wade Franklin Randolph NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 61 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 360 Circuit DB1 202 83 93 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 18-Oct-1876 Sullivan Samuel Adams Repaz Virginia Rhoda Boyer Virginia M W 16-Apr-1877 Greene William Reynolds Tennessee Nancy R Jones Tennessee George Montgomery M W 13-Nov-1886 Greene Elbert Newton Rhea Tennessee Millie E Cannon Tennessee Circuit 87 379 Rhea George Montgomery M W 13-Nov-1886 Greene Elbert Newton Rhea Tennessee Millie E Cannon Tennessee Circuit DB1 27 Rhinehart Katherine Elizabeth F W 7-Jul-1923 Knox Isaac McKinley Rhinehart Tennessee Estella Dora McMahan Tennessee Chancery 133 369 Richards William Ralph M W 31-Dec-1915 Greenville, Greene Chesley Jasper Richards Virginia Jennie May Harrell Tennessee Chancery 133 111 Ridenor Alfred M W 18-Oct-1883 Union NL NL Mary Ann Ridenor Tennessee Chancery 136 101 Ridner Nola Beatrice F W 5-Apr-1910 Union Alvis Ridner NL Lula Elizabeth Raley NL Circuit DB1 282 Riggs Edna Elnora F W 2-Jan-1924 Knoxville, Knox Houston Roscoe Riggs NL Bessie Leola Burnett NL Circuit DB1 292 Rigsbee Hazel Agnes F W 11-Sep-1921 Knoxville, Knox Luther Clyde Rigsbee NL Nona Burnett NL Circuit DB1 120 Rigsby Katherine Virginia F W 15-Apr-1921 Monterey, Putnam Delta Barstow Rigsby Tennessee Nancy Margaret Dunston Ohio Chancery 134 494 Riley Clyde Oliver M W 13-Feb-1933 Knox Homer Paul Riley Tennessee Sallie Annabelle Lynch Tennessee Chancery 133 170 Rivers Mary Ruth Geneva F W 6-Feb-1917 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Marguerite Rivers Tennessee Chancery 134 51 Roach Curtis M W 16-Jun-1909 Grainger Ben Verlin Roach Tennessee Beatrice Maples Tennessee Chancery 132 378 Roach Hobart McKinley M W 17-Aug-1895 Grainger William Carter Roach Tennessee Ella Mynatt Tennessee Roach Lula F W 15-Mar-1907 Grainger Ben Verlin Roach Tennessee Beatrice Maples Tennessee Roach Nettie Goldie M W 8-Oct-1906 Grainger William Carter Roach Grainger, Tennessee Mondlee Hensley Grainger, Tennessee Roach Thelma Lee F W 31-Mar-1913 Jefferson Ben Verlin Roach Tennessee Beatrice Maples Tennessee Roark Clara Clementine F W 2-Nov-1886 Claiborne Timothy Francis Roark Tennessee Ollie Frances Carmon Tennessee Circuit DB1 347 Robert Joe Hubert M W 14-May-1916 Knoxville, Knox Joseph Charles Roberts Tennessee Lela Mabel Pritchard Tennessee Circuit DB1 Roberts Burnettie Eugenie F W 11-Jun-1883 Sevierville, Sevier Houston Elijah Roberts Tennessee Elizabeth Atchley Tennessee Circuit DB1 121 Roberts Dorothy Imogene F W 13-Sep-1919 Knoxville, Knox George Clinton Roberts NL Mary Myrtle Whedbee NL Circuit DB1 295 Roberts Fred Oscar, Jr M W 6-Jun-1926 Loudon Fred Oscar Roberts, Sr Tennessee Margaret Louise Jackson Tennessee Roberts Jack Edward M W 3-Jun-1928 Knoxville, Knox George Clinton Roberts NL Myrtle Mary Whedbee NL Surname Given Name Sex Race Repaz George Washington M Reynolds Peter E Rhea NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 62 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 73 Chancery 135 19 Circuit DB1 57 Chancery 132 379 Circuit DB1 71 Chancery 132 379 Chancery 135 Circuit 89 330 DB1 161 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 11-Sep-1930 Loudon Fred Oscar Roberts, Sr Tennessee Margaret Louise Jackson Tennessee F W 12-Jul-1922 Jefferson NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 100 Mary Emaline (Emma) F W 12-Sep-1906 Knox George Washington Roberts North Carolina Laura Knight Texas Circuit DB1 341 Robinson Edith F W 1-Apr-1903 Knoxville, Knox George B Robinson Kentucky Delphia Richardson Kentucky Circuit DB1 164 Robinson Erma Geneva F W 30-Jul-1914 Monroe Benjamin Melton Robinson NL Essie Gladys White NL Circuit DB1 219 Robinson Joan F W 11-May-1918 Caryville, Campbell Arthur Robinson Tennessee Adanna Herrell Tennessee Chancery 131 78 Robinson John Frank M W 13-Nov-1897 Anderson Jerry Robinson Tennessee Josephine Anderson Virginia Chancery 131 470 Robinson Joseph M W 15-Apr-1913 Blount Joseph Robinson Louisville, Blount, Tennessee Sophronia Gibbs Tennessee Chancery 131 241 Robinson Minnie Bell F B 23-Apr-1889 Knox John Robinson NL Emma Cobb NL Circuit DB1 225 Roddy James Patrick, Jr M W 15-Dec-1902 Knoxville, Knox James Patrick Roddy, Sr Tennessee Kate Collins Tennessee Circuit DB1 36 Rodgers Alfred William M W 13-Nov-1903 Washington John Rodgers Tennessee Lola Ann Mauk Tennessee Circuit 87 365 Rodgers Alfred WIlliam M W 13-Nov-1903 Washington John Rodgers Tennessee Lola Ann Mauk Tennessee Circuit DB1 24 Rodgers John Thomas M W 18-Dec-1898 Washington John Rodgers Tennessee Lola Ann Mauk Tennessee Circuit 87 364 Rodgers John Thomas M W 18-Dec-1898 Washington John Rodgers Tennessee Lola Ann Mauk Tennessee Circuit DB1 24 Rodgers Paul M W 13-Aug-1913 Washington John Rodgers Tennessee Lola Ann Mauk Tennessee Circuit DB1 71 Rodgers Richard Jackson M W 30-Aug-1885 Knox Wallace Daniel Rodgers Tennessee Juie Jackson Tennessee Chancery 136 347 Roehl Alfred Foster M W 3-Nov-1895 Knoxville, Knox Frank Adolph Roehl Tennessee Mary Charlotte Turner Tennessee Chancery 189 403 Roehl John Rose M W 7-Jul-1918 Knoxville, Knox Clifton Frederick Roehl NL Margaret McIntosh NL Circuit DB1 166 Rogers Carl Edmon M W 22-Feb-1926 Union Canada Hodge Rogers NL Maggie Anderson NL Circuit DB1 295 Rogers Gracie Ruth F W 7-Oct-1925 Friendsville, Blount Henry Thorton Rogers Georgia Effie Lillian Gibson Tennessee Circuit DB1 235 Rogers Lucy Isabelle F W 17-Sep-1927 Knoxville, Knox Paris Cleveland Rogers NL Mary Lou Creta Breeden NL Circuit DB1 270 Rolen Charles Edward M W 13-Dec-1919 Knoxville, Knox Edward Francis Rolen NL Minnie Lee Chambers NL Circuit DB1 240 Rollins Kennon Patrick M W 28-Sep-1934 Knox Haun Rollins NL Kathryn Patrick NL Circuit DB1 301 Romines Joseph Herman M W 16-Sep-1940 Jefferson Quentin Eugene Romines Tennessee Reba Irene Shackelford Tennessee Surname Given Name Sex Race Roberts Johnie Elwood M Roberts Leona Joyce Roberts NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 63 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 135 Chancery 132 331 195 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 16-Sep-1927 Knox Oscar Boyd Rose NL Della Alice Gertrude Julian F W 28-May-1925 Knox Oscar Boyd Rose NL Billy Charles M W 11-Feb-1930 Knox Charles Lilliard Rouse Rouse Lula Mildred F W 19-Apr-1925 Knox Rouse Ruth Marylyn F NL 11-Sep-1927 Ruffner Jimmie Ray M W Ruggles James Gilbert M Ruggles Janice Arlene Rule Surname Given Name Sex Race Rose John Boyd M Rose Margaret Lillian Rouse Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 140 Della Alice Gertrude Julian NL Circuit DB1 140 Tennessee Lucy Mae Murphy Tennessee Circuit DB1 251 Charles Lilliard Rouse NL Lucy Mae Murphy NL Circuit DB1 211 Corryton, Knox Charles Lilliard Rouse NL Lucy Mae Murphy NL Circuit DB1 212 24-Dec-1932 Knoxville, Knox Jammie Raynald Ruffner NL Mary Ella Faulkner NL Circuit DB1 231 W 6-May-1937 Knox James Wesley Ruggles Tennessee Ina Marie Naill Tennessee Circuit DB1 311 F W 13-Jun-1939 Knox James Wesley Ruggles Tennessee Ina Maire Naill Tennessee Circuit DB1 311 Harley Harold M W 19-Feb-1924 Knox James Harley Rule Tennessee Ivory Mae Edington Tennessee Circuit DB1 152 Rush Glen Wesley M W 24-Sep-1923 Greene David Lett Rush NL Dona Alice West NL Circuit DB1 298 Russell Francie Ann F W 23-Nov-1889 Union James Preston Russell Tennessee Catherine Seal Tennessee Circuit DB1 33 Russell Franklin Fillmore M W 21-Jul-1890 Knoxville, Knox Isaac Horace Russell Tennessee Hannah Bell McCarty Tennessee Circuit DB1 69 Russell Fred Calvin M W 2-Oct-1894 Anderson Houston Nalf Russell Tennessee Anna Jane Smith Tennessee Chancery 135 348 Russell Jacob Coleman M W 12-Sep-1881 Sevier Edward R Russell Tennessee Jane Cloninger Tennessee Chancery 143 19 Russell Ray Donald M W 5-Mar-1940 Corryton, Knox James Taylor Russell Tennessee Edna Roach Tennessee Circuit DB1 315 Russell Rosa Mae F W 9-Aug-1911 Sevier James Caswell Russell NL Katherine Ida Reneau NL Circuit DB1 204 Russell Walter Leo, Jr M W 16-Apr-1926 Jefferson Walter Leo Russell NL Dorothy Myrtle Christenberry NL Circuit DB1 277 Russell Walter Preston M W 1-Jul-1901 Sevier James Elisha Russell Tennessee Malinda Caldona Whaley Tennessee Circuit DB1 Rutherford Barbara Jean F W 22-Aug-1932 Knoxville, Knox Charles Lee Rutherford NL Bertie Shaw NL Circuit DB1 345 Rutherford Ruby F W 23-Nov-1922 Knoxville, Knox Andrew Rutherford, Sr NL Ethel Mae Smith NL Circuit DB1 227 Rutledge Margaret Alice F W 12-Feb-1924 Knoxville, Knox Justin Eastworth Rutledge NL Ivan Marie Servies NL Circuit DB1 334 Salyers Allan Lloyd M W 21-Nov-1922 Knoxville, Knox James Chadwick Salyers NL Grace Delois Goodwin NL Circuit DB1 330 Sams Edwin Boyer M W 23-Jun-1918 Del Rio, Cocke William Clarence Sams North Carolina Zollie Katherine Boyer Tennessee Circuit DB1 56 Sarrett Margaret Logan F W 26-Aug-1924 Sevier NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 361 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 64 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] 77 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 26-Aug-1924 Sevier NL NL NL M W 19-Feb-1900 Union Loyd Furden Satterfield Tennessee Frank Allen M W 23-May-1907 Jefferson Frank Joseph Satterfield Sauls Dora Mae F W 5-Apr-1918 Sevier Sayne Frank Gregory M W 26-Sep-1915 Sayne Fredia F W Scarbrough Estille M M Scarbrough John Scarbrough Surname Given Name Sex Race Sarrett Margaret Logan F Satterfield Clyde Cornelious Satterfield Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 Mary Louise Delapp Tennessee Circuit DB1 168 Tennessee Myrtle Allen Tennessee Circuit DB1 103 NL NL Sallie Melvina Haynes NL Circuit DB1 121 Knox Sam Sayne Knox, Tennessee Nora Mae Bowman Knox, Tennessee Chancery 132 105 17-Jun-1929 Knox John Edward Sayne Tennessee Lela Odell Spangler Tennessee Chancery 139 295 W 6-Oct-1908 Knox Jesse Scarbrough Tennessee Minnie Jones Tennessee Chancery 132 195 M W 5-Jul-1880 Anderson Houston Scarbrough Tennessee Emma Reed Tennessee Chancery 143 47 Mattie Belle F W 9-Apr-1901 Knox Samuel Robert Scarbrough Tennessee Josephine Wilson Tennessee Chancery 138 39 Scates Anna Ruth F W 24-Jul-1906 Knox William Alexander Scates Tennessee Allie Susan Koon Tennessee Chancery 151 128 Scott Alice Deaderick F W 12-Dec-1895 Knoxville, Knox Kenneth Kyle Scott Tennessee Lillie McClung Tennessee Circuit DB1 364 Scott Alice Deaderick F W 12-Dec-1896 Knoxville, Knox Kenneth Kyle Scott Tennessee Lillie McClung Tennessee Circuit DB1 365 Scott James Ely Garfield M B 31-Jan-1893 Cleveland, Bradley Monrow Scott Tennessee Myra Weatherow Georgia Circuit DB1 Scruggs James Carlton M W 5-Sep-1915 Newport, Cocke Rufus Lee Scruggs Tennessee Mariah Cansada Duckett Tennessee Circuit DB1 326 Scruggs Paul Cecil M W 6-Oct-1910 Knoxville, Knox Richard Levador Scruggs Tennessee Leona Healsley Tennessee Circuit DB1 Seal Edith F W 24-Jun-1919 Claiborne NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 253 Seaver Edward Leonard M W 2-Dec-1913 Knoxville, Knox Charles Henry Seaver Clinton, Anderson, Tennessee Mary Jane Lee Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 32 Seiber Elizabeth Rebecca F W 28-Oct-1888 Knox Benjamin Franklin Seiber Tennessee Mary Ann Lones Tennessee Chancery 136 160 Sellers Harry Elester M W 20-Aug-1935 Knox Aaron Elbert Sellers NL Bessie Mae Browning NL Circuit DB1 291 Settlemire Archie Roosevelt M W 7-Mar-1905 Knox William Raleigh Settlemire Tennessee Mary Etta Scates Tennessee Circuit DB1 88 Settles Howard Thomas M B 13-Nov-1921 Shelby Luther Settles Tennessee Luella Eddings Tennessee Chancery 137 73 Severs Clarence William M W 11-Mar-1898 Knox Arvile Lee Severs Tennessee Arie Beets Tennessee Chancery 131 489 Sexton Heiskell Lowry M W 17-Oct-1910 Knox Lowry Sexton NL Jennie Ricker NL Sexton Nell Ruth F W 25-Sep-1924 Knoxville, Knox Calso L Sexton Tennessee Vernon Hill Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 65 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit 23 52 58 DB1 372 Chancery 138 555 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 23-May-1923 Knox Lon Seymour Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Della Beatrice Clapp Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Chancery 130 291 M W 2-Feb-1900 Knoxville, Knox Benj Jerry Shamblin Georgia Gaudia Ethel Wilkins Tennessee Chancery 130 501 Regina El Mae F W 22-Mar-1903 Knoxville, Knox Benjamin Jerry Shamblin Georgia Gaudia Ethel Wilkins Tennessee Chancery 132 177 Shanks William Edward M W 8-Jul-1931 Jefferson City, Jefferson Oscar Eugene Shanks Tennessee Margaret Keener Cate Tennessee Chancery 133 85 Sharp Earnest Stanley M B 27-Sep-1897 Sevier William Sharp Tennessee Mary Ellen Davis Tennessee Chancery 131 10 Sharp Mack H M W 11-Jul-1882 Union Alfred Sharp Union, Tennessee Josephine Ailor Union, Tennessee Chancery 141 81 Sharp Mary Emma F W 22-Jan-1910 Knox Jacob Houston Sharp NL Alice Mae Johnson NL Circuit DB1 349 Sharp Ollie Leona F W 17-Jan-1916 Corryton, Knox Ruben Bishop Sharp NL Mary Louise Welch NL Circuit DB1 235 Sharp Raymond B M W 18-Jun-1901 Union Andrew Jessee Sharp Tennessee Mary Alice Greer Tennessee Sharp Raymond B M W 18-Jul-1901 Union Andrew Jessee Sharp Tennessee Mary Alice Greer Tennessee Circuit DB1 Sharp William Jasper Lewis, Jr M W 3-May-1925 Knoxville, Knox William Jasper Lewis Sharp NL NL NL Circuit DB1 207 Shattuck Frank Kenyon, Jr M W 3-Apr-1911 Knoxville, Knox Frank Kenyon Shattuck NL Mayme Eleanor Bunch NL Circuit DB1 266 Shearl Fred Earnest M W 23-Oct-1903 Knoxville, Knox William James Shearl Tennessee Nellie Bell Lackey Tennessee Sheddan Minnie Margaret F W 14-May-1918 Jefferson NL NL Ollie Viola Love NL Circuit DB1 239 Sherrod Imogene Elizabeth F W 16-Apr-1919 Knoxville, Knox Anos Clayton Sherrod NL Bertha Malinda Perry NL Circuit DB1 264 Sherrod James Roy M W 24-Aug-1905 Knoxville, Knox William Horace Sherrod Tennessee Margaret Elizabeth Shubert Tennessee Circuit DB1 45 Shields David Ephraim M W 17-Jan-1894 Hamblen Henry William Shields Tennessee Ann Elizabeth Rice Tennessee Chancery 161 7 Shields Mary Rice F W 23-Jun-1890 Hamblen Henry William Shields Tennessee Ann Elizabeth Rice Tennessee Chancery 161 7 Shields Virgie Lee F W 23-Jun-1921 Knox Thomas H Shields Tennessee Mary Day Tennessee Circuit DB1 136 Shinlever Dallas Taft M W 5-Feb-1933 Knoxville, Knox John Henry Shinlever NL Georgia Awtanzle Vann NL Circuit DB1 206 Shinlever Warner Eugene M W 23-Oct-1935 Knoxville, Knox John Henry Shinlever NL Georgia Awtanzle Vann NL Circuit DB1 205 Shipley Frank Elree, Jr M W 15-Aug-1931 Knoxville, Knox Frank Elree Shipley, Sr Tennessee Ida Virginia Wohlford Tennessee Shorter Kathleen F W 7-Mar-1927 Hawkins Alvin Shorter Tennessee Laura Jenkins Tennessee Circuit DB1 318 Shoup Eunice Roberta F W 19-Sep-1912 Knoxville, Knox Harvey Leslie Shoup Pennsylvania Marian Ethel Jenkins Minnesota Circuit DB1 Surname Given Name Sex Race Seymour Bonnie Ruth F Shamblin Benjiman Dewey Shamblin NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 66 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page 2nd Circuit 11 Chancery 130 Chancery 134 472 20 251 471 43 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 15-Sep-1886 Sevier Martin Bulah Shultz Tennessee Matilda Shultz Tennessee F W 1-Mar-1918 Union Leonard Simmons Tennessee Martha Jane Miracle Edna Odell F W 21-Mar-1904 Knoxville, Knox Jess Fayte Simpson Tennessee Simpson Harry Edison M W 24-Nov-1894 Knox James Benson Simpson Simpson James Raymond M W 29-Sep-1934 Knoxville, Knox Simpson Paul Guilford M W 10-Mar-1909 Sims Ross M W Sims Thomas Paul M Sise Charles Edward Sise Surname Given Name Sex Race Court Vol. Page Shultz Frank Vernon M Circuit DB1 70 Simmons Bessie Kentucky Chancery 133 246 Simpson Minnie Alberta Willis Tennessee Chancery 132 569 Knox, Tennessee Georgia Hope Knox, Tennessee Chancery 167 364 James Madison Simpson Bell, Kentucky Georgia Hammock Campbell, Tennessee Circuit DB1 275 Knox Samuel Jesse Simpson NL Birdie Paul NL Circuit DB1 263 31-Jul-1906 Knoxville, Knox Bruce Sims Tennessee Lillian Reagan Tennessee Circuit DB1 58 W 21-Jan-1898 Chattanooga, Hamilton James Meredith Sims Alabama Martha Ann Hightower Alabama Chancery 163 425 M W 13-Mar-1916 Sevier Elive Doughty Sise Tennessee Mattie Grizzle Tennessee Chancery 136 165 Herbert Lee Roy M W 14-Apr-1939 Knox James Alfred Sise Tennessee Juanita Esta Williams Tennessee Chancery 134 342 Sisk Daisy Evelyn F W 8-Dec-1924 Knox Oscar O'Neal Sisk NL Lillian Lea Hudson NL Circuit DB1 153 Slatery William Vivian M W 17-Oct-1910 Knox Obed Lias Slatery NL Nancy Rosetta Myers NL Circuit DB1 185 Slaton Morgan Clack M W 1-Apr-1914 Roane Fred Hendricks Slaton NL Nora Hubbard NL Circuit DB1 269 Sliger Ira Taylor, Jr M W 24-Oct-1921 La Follette, Campbell Era T Sliger NL Gertrude Sharp NL Circuit DB1 241 Sliger Leroy Tillman M W 23-Feb-1921 Knox William Joseph Sliger NL Lucy Elizabeth Knight NL Circuit DB1 273 Smelcer William Elmer M W 1-Jan-1913 Sevier Albert Alvin Smelcer Tennessee Dora Frances Case Tennessee Chancery 140 91 Smelser Charles Boyd M W 8-Jul-1921 Knox Joseph Alex Smelser Tennessee Leatha Elizabeth Carman Tennessee Chancery 149 491 Smelser Dolph David M W 29-Sep-1914 Knox Joseph Alex Smelser Jefferson, Tennessee Letha Elizabeth Carman Jefferson, Tennessee Chancery 130 227 Smiddy Mildred Louise F W 1-Mar-1929 Jellico, Campbell Richard Elmore Smiddy Tennessee Ruth Hester Murray Tennessee Chancery 134 393 Smith Amzy Anderson M W 20-Dec-1895 Blount John Smith Tennessee Elizabeth Ferby Boyd Tennessee Circuit DB1 270 Smith Anna Alora F W 4-May-1885 Thorn Grove, Knox Alvin Powell Smith Tennessee Mary Ann Bales Tennessee Circuit DB1 157 Smith Arlie Ben Edward M W 1-Nov-1897 Witt, Hamblen Benjamin J Smith Tennessee Martha Oagle Tennessee Circuit 87 328 Smith Arlie Ben Edward M W 1-Nov-1897 Witt, Hamblen Benjamin J Smith Tennessee Martha Oagle Tennessee Circuit DB1 16 Smith Charles Steven M W 26-Jan-1906 Knoxville, Knox Paris Columbus Smith Tennessee Elizabeth Garrett Tennessee Circuit DB1 105 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 67 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 2-Sep-1925 Knox Earl Ray Smith Tennessee Carrie Rebecca Orrick Tennessee M W 8-Feb-1911 Knox Walter Morgan Smith NL Mary Ann Brogden NL Circuit DB1 173 Clyde Hubert M W 28-Aug-1927 Knoxville, Knox Charles Hubert Smith NL Icey Bell Carr NL Circuit DB1 272 Smith Edgar Eugene M W 16-Nov-1929 Knoxville, Knox Leonard Sam Smith NL Alta Lee NL Circuit DB1 306 Smith Ella F W 2-Apr-1874 La Follette, Campbell William Smith Tennessee Elvira Smith Kentucky Circuit DB1 254 Smith Elton Osman M W 15-May-1904 Knoxville, Knox Henry Osman Smith Ohio Evelyn Bauman Tennessee Chancery 138 551 Smith Emma Lou F W 19-Dec-1903 Knox Thomas Lincoln Smith Tennessee Barbara Ann Allison Tennessee Chancery 131 500 Smith Geneva Ruth F W 20-Feb-1924 NL George Green Smith NL Mary Estella Cook NL Circuit DB1 185 Smith Glen Evins M W 3-Mar-1894 Knoxville, Knox Bartow Smith Mississippi Maggie A McLin Tennessee Circuit DB1 19 Smith Glenn Evins M W 3-Mar-1894 Knoxville, Knox Bartow Smith Mississippi Maggie A McLin Tennessee Circuit 87 340 Smith Grover Randolph M W 15-Jun-1914 Union Herman Smith Tennessee Sophia Cooper Tennessee Chancery 134 302 Smith Harry Ralph M W 9-Jun-1890 Jefferson Henry Lee Smith Tennessee Lillie Bell White Tennessee Chancery 145 392 Smith Jack Eugene M W 1-Jul-1932 Knoxville, Knox John Henry Smith Tennessee Irabelle Virginia Taylor Tennessee Smith John Tolbert M W 23-May-1889 Maynardville, Union Grant Smith Tennessee Gertrude Donahew Tennessee Smith Kenneth Franklin M W 2-Nov-1915 Knoxville, Knox Fred Nicholas Smith NL Rose Cleveland Riffey NL Circuit DB1 357 Smith Lucile F W 25-Nov-1909 Jefferson Charles Porter Smith NL Bessie Lee Smith NL Circuit DB1 145 Smith Luther Nelson M W 11-Feb-1910 Knox Unknown NL Cornie Smith NL Circuit DB1 59 Smith Mary Margaret M W 10-Jul-1913 Corryton, Knox Henry Franklin Smith Tennessee Margaret Elizabeth Rodgers Tennessee Circuit DB1 82 Smith Maxwell McGhee, Jr M W 9-Jul-1925 Knox Maxwell McGhee Smith NL Stella Hassie Loy NL Circuit DB1 229 Smith Nora Graves F W 1-May-1883 Thorn Grove, Knox Alvin Powell Smith Tennessee Mary Ann Bales Tennessee Circuit DB1 157 Smith Roy M W 28-May-1898 Hamilton William M Smith Tennessee Mollie A Ogle Tennessee Chancery 132 265 Smith Trula Marie F W 31-Jul-1928 Knox Earl Ray Smith Tennessee Carrie Rebecca Orrick Tennessee Chancery 133 279 Smith Velma Jean F W 30-Jul-1931 Knoxville, Knox Earl Ray Smith Tennessee Carrie Rebecca Orrick Tennessee Chancery 133 279 Smith Virgle Sylvania M B 27-Aug-1941 Knoxville, Knox Mills Smith NL Annie Lee Chance NL Surname Given Name Sex Race Smith Clara Ruth F Smith Clarence Edward Smith NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 68 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 133 Circuit DB1 196 Chancery 130 Circuit 278 551 DB1 311 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 22-Nov-1919 McMinn Charles Orin Smyre NL Zella Lucretta McDaniel M W 19-Dec-1895 Union Rice Snoderly Union, Tennessee Robert, Jr M W 31-Dec-1920 Knoxville, Knox NL Snyder Kenneth Harold M W 11-Aug-1918 Knoxville, Knox Soloman Dorothy Ann F W 4-Jul-1940 Solomon Isaac Edward M W Spangler Clarence Everett M Spickard Lee Howard Spradlen Surname Given Name Sex Race Smyre Katherine Lucille F Snoderly Richard Broadus Snow Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 246 Lottie Jane Baker Union, Tennessee Circuit DB1 NL Martha Elizabeth Johnston NL Circuit DB1 128 NL NL Jennie Kathleen Holbrook NL Circuit DB1 101 Blount James Edgar Soloman NL Minnie Elizabeth Varner NL Circuit DB1 320 4-Dec-1916 Knox Isaac Tinsley Solomon Tennessee Laura Zella Mae Turbyville Tennessee Chancery 132 111 W 29-Sep-1927 Knox William McKinley Spangler Tennessee Myrtle Barbra Tennessee Chancery 136 543 M W 13-Dec-1924 Knoxville, Knox Dennis Dan Marshall Spickard Hamblen, Tennessee Sue Ann Lowery Knox, Tennessee Chancery 133 8 Earl Edwin M W 2-Feb-1932 Knoxville, Knox Buford Rufus Spradlen NL Era Clark NL Spurling James Alvin M W 30-May-1922 Sevier James Spurling Tennessee Lillie Josie McCarter Tennessee Staley Joseph William M W 6-May-1941 Knoxville, Knox Joseph Milton Staley Tennessee Helen Elizabeth Harrell Tennessee Circuit DB1 314 Staley Milton Edward M W 6-May-1941 Knoxville, Knox Joseph Milton Staley Tennessee Helen Elizabeth Harrell Tennessee Circuit DB1 315 Stallings John David M W 19-Mar-1922 Bearden, Knox NL NL Elsie Love Stallings Tennessee Stallings Maud M W 3-Aug-1911 Blount John Washington Stallings NL Margaret Elizabeth Brown NL Circuit DB1 209 Stanford Oris Carl M W 26-Feb-1915 Campbell NL NL Malinda Jane Bean NL Circuit DB1 109 Stanley Margaret Elizabeth F W 5-Jul-1907 Knox Alfred Alexander Stanley Tennessee Sarah Ellen Moore Tennessee Circuit DB1 Stansberry Evelyn Velma F W 10-Aug-1893 Knox Archibald Hines Stansberry Tennessee Julia Octabia Galyon Tennessee Circuit DB1 363 Stansberry Margaret Beatrice F W 16-Oct-1921 New Market, Jefferson Lilburn Richard Stansberry Tennessee Effie Virginia Roach Tennessee Stansberry Ulia Belle F W 22-Feb-1900 Knoxville, Knox Archibald Hines Stansberry Tennessee Julia Octavia Galyon Tennessee Stapleton Cretie Izettie F W 8-Jan-1917 Redhill, Claiborne Luther Robert Stapleton Tennessee Pearlie Josephine Robertson Tennessee Chancery 134 206 Stapleton Embree Creed M W 28-Jan-1911 Hamblen James Elvis Stapleton Tennessee Mary Cordelia Seals Tennessee Chancery 131 313 Stapleton Kineth Harvie M W 9-Jun-1927 Redhill, Claiborne Luther Robert Stapleton Tennessee Pearlie Josephine Robertson Tennessee Chancery 134 206 Starkey Thoams Emit M W 2-Apr-1882 Knox Thomas Starkey Tennessee Eliza Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 373 Statum Clarence M W 27-Mar-1894 Bedford Wiley Washington Statum Tennessee Virginia Smith Tennessee Circuit DB1 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 69 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 297 Chancery 137 Chancery 130 Chancery 132 Circuit 76 2 322 52 404 DB1 363 40 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 19-Dec-1896 Knox Abraham Lincoln Steele Tennessee Fannie Hannah Heartsill Tennessee M W 24-Jan-1907 Knoxville, Knox David Franklin Stephens South Carolina Martha Lucretia Davis North Carolina Circuit DB1 Roy Elden M W 31-Mar-1910 Monroe John Isaac Stephens NL Lou Edna Stephens NL Circuit DB1 247 Stephenson Claude Elmer M W 17-Oct-1907 Knoxville, Knox William Right Stephens Tennessee Mabel Marie Kaufman Kentucky Chancery 133 237 Stephenson Fred Leon M W 16-Aug-1887 Knox Thomas Leonard Stephenson Tennessee Minnie Alice Bates Tennessee Chancery 130 226 Stewart Elizabeth Louise F W 25-Sep-1917 Knoxville, Knox James Hyatt Stewart Tennessee Elise Marguerite Corthay North Carolina Chancery 131 457 Stiles Edna Okessie F W 12-Aug-1909 Monroe John Bays Stiles NL Kitty Cylestie Robinson NL Stinnett Barbara Ruth F W 25-Aug-1930 Blount Charles Birch Stinnett Tennessee Ida Dennis Tennessee Chancery 135 256 Stokes Robert Howard M W 11-Mar-1915 Campbell Robert Henry Stokes Tennessee Sadie Leinert Tennessee Chancery 130 360 Stone Charles Everette M W 21-Feb-1882 Grainger William Shields Stone Tennessee Sarah Ann Nance Tennessee Chancery 134 68 Stone Clara Bernice F W 1-Aug-1886 Grainger John Everette Stone Tennessee Lillie May Nance Tennessee Chancery 134 161 Stooksbury Thomas Edward M W 1-Mar-1915 Union William Henry Stooksbury NL Bertha Ursula Ridenour NL Circuit DB1 150 Stormer Edward Westley M W 29-Jul-1888 Knox William Buckley Stormer Tennessee Ella Jane Edmondson Tennessee Circuit DB1 213 Strange Alma Cordella F W 31-Jan-1907 Knox Robert Holloway Strange Tennessee Elizabeth Brooks Tennessee Chancery 139 58 Strop Wiley Oliver M W 12-Jun-1921 Knox Henry Cleveland Strop Tennessee Mary Eliza Marshall Tennessee Chancery 139 426 Stuart Jack Graves M W 25-Oct-1908 Knox Bruce Frederick Stuart NL Katie Eugenia Heap NL Suggs Vella Elizabeth F W 9-Jun-1924 Cocke Larry Edgar Suggs Tennessee Sarah Charlotte Shepherd North Carolina Sullivan Dorothy Mae F W 12-Jul-1928 Meigs Walter J Sullivan NL NL NL Circuit DB1 309 Summers Paul Hubert M W 6-Nov-1936 Knoxville, Knox Elery Summers NL Emma Marie Hansard NL Circuit DB1 147 Sumter Edna Cecil F W 4-Jan-1911 Knox William Brownlow Sumter Tennessee Charlotte Elleanor Irick Tennessee Chancery 134 396 Sunshine Gladys Dena F W 7-Oct-1893 Knoxville, Knox Simon Sunshine Austria-Hungary Regina Spiro Austria-Hungary Chancery 161 292 Sutton Atlee Belle F W 17-May-1915 Knox William Marshall Sutton NL Beulah Belle England NL Circuit DB1 198 Sutton Gladys Maude F W 2-Jun-1916 Hawkins John Sutton NL Mattie Elizabeth Mathis NL Circuit DB1 143 Swaggerty Brenda Lynn F W 20-Aug-1941 Knox NL NL Ilda Sharp NL Circuit DB1 374 Surname Given Name Sex Race Steele Lillie Lee F Stephens Joseph Franklin Stephens NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 70 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 134 Circuit Circuit 323 99 DB1 212 DB1 172 Chancery 134 106 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 12-Sep-1911 Campbell Billie Sweat Campbell, Tennessee Fannie Housley Campbell, Tennessee M W 11-Sep-1903 Knox Charles Morton Tallent Tennessee Etta Jane Fox Tennessee Circuit DB1 Marjorie Evelyn F W 23-Jul-1928 Knoxville, Knox Hugh H Tallent NL NL NL Circuit DB1 109 Talley Benjamin Greeley, Jr M W 18-May-1925 Hamblen NL NL Lyda Kate Long NL Circuit DB1 135 Talley Rachel Elizabeth F W 27-Jul-1886 Knox John Leslie Talley Tennessee Amilla Catherine Ventis Tennessee Circuit DB1 299 Taylor Benjamin Franklin M W 11-Mar-1880 Knox Stephen Alexander Taylor Tennessee Adelia Altha Ruble Tennessee Taylor George Ella F W 4-Oct-1939 Powell Station, Knox Robert Taylor, Jr Tennessee Helen Christine Brooks Tennessee Taylor Mary Emeline F W 8-Aug-1902 Johnson City, Washington Alfred A Taylor Tennessee Jamie Anderson Tennessee Chancery 173 112 Taylor Mary Etta F W 7-July-1879 Blount Daniel Richard Taylor Tennessee Rebecca Jane Singleton Tennessee Chancery 134 583 Taylor Nelle Matilda F W 6-Apr-1901 Knox Grinsfield Lee Taylor Tennessee Susie Jane Hampson Tennessee Chancery 134 544 Taylor Samuel Luther, Jr M W 27-Oct-1919 Powell Station, Knox Samuel Luther Taylor NL Margaret Lee NL Circuit DB1 358 Teague Judge Pinkney, Jr M W 23-Feb-1921 Sevier Judge Pinkney Teague NL Grace Molly Francis NL Circuit DB1 134 Templeton Lonnie M W 24-Dec-1903 Hamilton Ezekiel Templeton Tennessee Mary Adeline Emmerling Tennessee Tester Maynie Christine F W 20-Jun-1921 Hamilton Tester NL Sallie May Thurston NL Tester Maynie Christine F W 20-Jun-1921 Hamilton NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 Thacker Arthur Tate M W 1-Apr-1888 Smith James Joel Thacker Tennessee Emma Tate Kentucky Circuit DB1 256 Thomas Alice Eveline F W 28-Feb-1920 Knoxville, Knox C L Thomas NL Katie Bedwell NL Circuit DB1 300 Thomas Annie Mary F W 30-Jan-1893 Newport, Cocke B L Thomas Tennessee Martha Moore Tennessee Thomas Earnest McClellan M W 13-Mar-1925 Sevier NL NL Tinie Mae Helton NL Circuit DB1 155 Thomas Fred Lee M W 13-Jun-1903 Knoxville, Knox Robert Lee Thomas Tennessee Nellie Jane Shell Tennessee Circuit DB1 77 Thomas Hugh Eugene M W 25-Aug-1934 Knoxville, Knox Ocie LeRoy Thomas, Sr Tennessee Lillie Blanche Graham Tennessee Chancery 134 302 Thomas Ida Lucinda F W 25-Jun-1882 Trundles Crossroads, Sevier Millard Scott Thomas Tennessee Jane Cusick Tennessee Chancery 143 544 Thomas Iva Jane F W 24-May-1927 Sevier Otha Howard Thomas NL May Helton Thomas NL Circuit DB1 279 Thomas Joel Raymond M W 3-Dec-1898 Sevier William Henry Thomas Tennessee Margaret Angeline Kear Tennessee Circuit DB1 Surname Given Name Sex Race Sweat Sarah F Tallent Frank Nelson Tallent NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 71 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 131 Chancery 138 Circuit 521 89 214 DB1 312 Chancery 173 192 2nd Circuit 11 456 Chancery 160 11 588 64 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 15-Sep-1884 Knoxville, Knox Jacob L Thomas Tennessee Lucy Cowan McClung Tennessee F W 18-Jan-1921 Knoxville, Knox Ira Holland Thomas NL Grace Edith Lones NL Circuit DB1 261 Troy Walker M W 5-Sep-1913 Seymour, Sevier Eddie Wilson Thomas Tennessee Martha Flanagin Tennessee Circuit DB1 265 Thomas Zachariah M W 21-Jul-1873 Claiborne Elias Thomas Tennessee Barbara Ellen Varner Tennessee Circuit DB1 205 Thomason John Fred M W 2-Feb-1930 Knoxville, Knox William Ira Thomason NL Mary Tipton NL Circuit DB1 288 Thomason Kathleen Virginia F W 16-May-1932 Knoxville, Knox William Ira Thomason NL Mary Tipton NL Circuit DB1 287 Thompson Bedford Spencer M W 16-Jan-1906 Hamblen James Taylor Thompson North Carolina Cordie Rachel Cox Tennessee Circuit DB1 248 Thompson Charles William M W 15-Apr-1886 Knoxville, Knox William Thompson Tennessee Nancy Weaver Tennessee Chancery 156 155 Thompson Conley Rogers M W 4-Nov-1914 Knoxville, Knox Robt L Thompson NL Ozella Smith NL Chancery 162 498 Thompson Houston Alexander M W 22-May-1931 Knox Charles Houston Thompson NL Sophronia Isabella Wolfe NL Thornburgh Horace Maynard M W 11-Jun-1909 Knoxville, Knox Sam J Thornburgh Tennessee Maude Wilson Tennessee Thorton John Willard M W 20-Nov-1930 Knox George Dewy Thorton Tennessee Mary Rhinehart Tennessee Tillery Harry Weller M W 15-Jul-1881 Knox Samuel Love Tillery Tennessee Narcissus Eglantine Badgett Tennessee Tindell Ada Jane F W 30-Nov-1932 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Franklin Tindell Tennessee Nettie Jane Jackson North Carolina Circuit DB1 341 Tindell Ada Jean F W 30-Nov-1945 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Franklin Tindell Tennessee Nettie Jane Jackson North Carolina Circuit DB1 354 Tindell Katherine Lelia F W 25-Jan-1917 Knoxville, Knox John Maynard Tindell NL Lelia Myrtle French NL Circuit DB1 254 Tinsley Bruce Leon M W 21-Nov-1905 Sevier Harvie Tinsley Tennessee Mary Rauhuff Tennessee Tipton Alma Lois F W 16-Sep-1916 Knox Henry Thomas Tipton Tennessee Mary William Wilson Kentucky Circuit DB1 31 Tipton Archie Lee M B 10-Feb-1892 Knox Rufus Tipton Tennessee Jane McBath Tennessee Circuit 87 371 Tipton Archie Lee M B 10-Feb-1892 Knox Rufus Tipton Tennessee Jane McBath Tennessee Circuit DB1 25 Tipton Imagene F W 19-May-1935 Knox Dennis B Tipton Unknown Gertrude Whitaker Unknown Circuit DB1 369 Tipton Nellie Gray F W 27-Nov-1893 Elizabethton, Carter Joseph P Tipton Tennessee Eliza Jane Williams Tennessee Torbett Donald Vincent M W 28-Jun-1922 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit 87 118 Torbett Donald Vincent M W 10-Jul-1922 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 1 Surname Given Name Sex Race Thomas Matt G M Thomas Reba Delores Thomas NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 72 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 152 Circuit DB1 253 Chancery 132 Circuit 437 25 DB1 309 Chancery 186 Chancery 132 Chancery 163 275 62 268 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 30-Jul-1924 Knoxville, Knox Robert Lafatte Touton NL Annie Elizabeth Turner M W 10-Jul-1901 Knox John Robert Touton Knox, Tennessee Bobby Ray M W 15-Mar-1935 Blount Amber Britton Townsend Townsend Shirley Dott M W 4-Oct-1924 Sevier Townsend Stanley Roy M W 21-Jun-1930 Travis William Frank M W Trent Charles William M Trent Frank Willard Trent Surname Given Name Sex Race Touton Charles Edward M Touton Lester Argyle Townsend Vol. Page NL Circuit DB1 219 Susan Alice Lewis Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 Tennessee Lola Woodruff North Carolina Circuit DB1 208 Amber Britton Townsend NL NL NL Circuit DB1 205 Sevier Amber Britton Townsend Tennessee Lola Woodruff North Carolina Circuit DB1 207 30-Mar-1887 Greene David Michael Travis Tennessee Sarah Jane Jaynes Tennessee Circuit DB1 226 W 23-Dec-1927 Jefferson Charles Otto Trent Tennessee Martha Jane Code Tennessee Chancery 136 138 M W 23-May-1917 Knoxville, Knox NL NL NL NL Chancery 160 405 Henrietta F W 27-Sep-1929 Jefferson Charles Otto Trent Tennessee Martha Jane Code Tennessee Chancery 136 138 Trent Jenetta F W 27-Sep-1929 Jefferson Charles Otto Trent Tennessee Martha Jane Code Tennessee Chancery 136 138 Trent Louise Eva F W 18-Feb-1932 Jefferson Charles Otto Trent Tennessee Martha Jane Code Tennessee Chancery 136 139 Trent Lula Ann F W 14-Sep-1882 Knox Robert Wall Trent Henry, Tennessee Annettie Artenia Huffaker Knox, Tennessee Chancery 131 455 Trent Margaret Jane F W 22-Aug-1899 Strawberry Plains, Jefferson Eugene Booker Trent Tennessee Lucie M Caldwell Tennessee Trent Mary Garrett F W 1-Feb-1888 Knox Robert Wall Trent Henry, Tennessee Annettie Artenia Huffaker Knox, Tennessee Troutman Alice Evaline F W 19-Mar-1886 Knox Samuel Kennedy Troutman Tennessee Elizabeth Knight Tennessee Troutman Martha Elizabeth F W 26-Oct-1939 Knoxville, Knox Elmer Allison Troutman Tennessee Mary Rosetta Clowers Tennessee Troutt Len Broughton M W 15-Aug-1908 Knox Samuel Jackson Troutt Tennessee Lockie Bozeman Tennessee Tucker Claude Raymond M W 7-Mar-1905 Greenback, Loudon Joe Tucker Tennessee Julia Cummings Tennessee Chancery 130 228 Tucker Robert Lee M B 28-Oct-1933 Alcoa, Blount Robert Tucker South Carolina Louise Mathes Florida Chancery 148 46 Tudor CP M W 18-Mar-1929 Knox Earl Ludlow Tudor NL Parthenia Newport NL Tuggle Betty Joe F W 28-Mar-1935 Knoxville, Knox Charles Franklin Tuggle Tennessee Bertha Mildred Carr Tennessee Tullock Robert Clifford M W 25-Jun-1893 Greene Charles H Tullock Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Quintan Tennessee Turner Claude Ashbe M W 4-Aug-1896 Knoxville, Knox N E Turner Tennessee Hannah Maxey Gambill Tennessee Turner Helen Joyce F W 21-Nov-1935 Knox Rector Vertrue Turner NL Eula Mae Simmons NL NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 73 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 255 Chancery 131 Circuit Circuit DB1 138 361 DB1 178 Chancery 134 Circuit 266 DB1 135 Chancery 131 Circuit 455 DB1 247 Chancery 134 Circuit 68 174 DB1 211 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 13-Oct-1909 Union NL NL Typhena Hill Tennessee Circuit 87 328 M W 13-Oct-1909 Union NL NL Typhena Hill NL Circuit DB1 17 William Marvin M W 16-Jan-1893 Hancock Elbert Clark Turner Tennessee Martha Viles Tennessee Circuit DB1 73 Underwood DeWitt Harris M W 2-Apr-1879 Knox William T Underwood Tennessee Lydia Warren Tennessee Circuit DB1 364 Underwood Harry Mason M W 3-Feb-1894 Knoxville, Knox William Abernathy Underwood Tennessee Belle Hines Tennessee Chancery 161 143 Underwood James Decatur M W 30-Mar-1925 Knoxville, Knox Ralph Earl Underwood Kentucky Laura Grindstaff Tennessee Chancery 132 581 Underwood Louis Edward M W 20-Sep-1891 Knoxville, Knox William Abernathy Underwood Tennessee Belle Hines Tennessee Chancery 161 145 Underwood Naomi Jane F W 14-Apr-1896 Knoxville, Knox William Abernathy Underwood Tennessee Belle Hines Tennessee Chancery 161 145 Underwood Paul Baxter M W 11-Oct-1903 Knoxville, Knox William Abernathy Underwood Tennessee Belle Hines Tennessee Chancery 161 144 Upchurch Luna F W 8-Jun-1886 Johnson Morgan Bryan Upchurch North Carolina Frances Church North Carolina Chancery 134 59 Vance Arthur Clarence M W 12-Dec-1894 Jefferson Daniel Meek Vance Jefferson, Tennessee Martha Emly (Mattie) Nichols Jefferson, Tennessee Chancery 186 96 Vance Guy Montague M B 18-Apr-1908 Knoxville, Knox Jacob I Vance North Carolina Hattie Estella Council North Carolina Vandagriff Geraldine F W 23-Nov-1935 Anderson NL NL Lucy Dean Vandagriff Vandergriff Noah Francis M W 6-Jun-1910 Grainger Jerry Vandergriff Tennessee Varnell Elizabeth F W 23-Nov-1901 Chattanooga, Hamilton James Donald Varnell Varnell Elizabeth F W 23-Nov-1901 Chattanooga, Hamilton Vaughn Blanche Viola F W 22-Mar-1905 Vaughn Emmet Pryor M W Vaughn Joe Douglas M Vaughn John H Vaughn Surname Given Name Sex Race Turner Virgil D M Turner Virgil D Turner [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court DB1 88 Anderson, Tennessee Chancery 131 324 Lucindy Williams Tennessee Chancery 132 208 Tennessee Lucy Woods Tennessee Circuit 87 374 James Donald Varnell Tennessee Lucy Woods Tennessee Circuit DB1 26 Washington Samuel Charles Vaughn Tennessee Maude Ford Tennessee Chancery 133 58 29-Oct-1905 Davidson Preston Vaughn Tennessee Mary Buchanan Pryor Tennessee Chancery 131 503 W 17-Nov-1914 Athens, McMinn Fletcher Vaughn Tennessee Nannie Shirley George North Carolina Chancery 140 129 M W 2-Mar-1904 Knoxville, Knox Joe C Vaughn Tennessee Kitty Carmichael Tennessee Chancery 169 592 Lester Evans M W 19-Dec-1904 Knoxville, Knox John Wesley Vaughn NL Clara May Henry NL Vaughn Mary Preston F W 9-Jun-1908 Davidson Preston Vaughn Tennessee Mary Buchanan Pryor Tennessee Chancery 131 503 Vaughn Nancy Elizabeth F W 16-Jan-1910 Davidson Preston Vaughn Tennessee Mary Buchanan Pryor Tennessee Chancery 131 504 Vesser William Harry M W 30-Jun-1899 Tate Springs, Grainger Joe Shannon Vesser Tennessee Mattie Sue Collins Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 74 Circuit Vol. Page Circuit Circuit DB1 300 87 327 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 30-Jun-1899 Tate Springs, Grainger Joe Shannon Vesser Tennessee Mattie Sue Collins Tennessee M W 17-Feb-1881 Knoxville, Knox Robert Vestal Mississippi Annie Mary Gredig James Park M W 14-Apr-1879 Knoxville, Knox Robert Vestal Mississippi Viles Heza Hobart M W 30-Nov-1896 Knox Henry Sherman Viles Viles Hilda Louise F W 1-Jun-1934 Knoxville, Knox Vincent Robert Huston M W 17-Jun-1881 Vineyard James John Basil M W Vinsant Lovie F Vittetoe Edward Harold Vittetoe Surname Given Name Sex Race Court Vol. Page Vesser William Harry M Circuit DB1 16 Vestal Edward McMillan Tennessee Chancery 136 436 Vestal Annie Mary Gredig Tennessee Chancery 136 436 Knox, Tennessee Sophronia Elizabeth Scates Knox, Tennessee Cloyed Viles Knox, Tennessee Mabel Clair Rector Sevier, Tennessee Eve Mills, Monroe William Vincent Tennessee Hannah Clemmer Tennessee Circuit DB1 361 2-Sep-1901 Grainger Luther F Vineyard Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Roach Tennessee Circuit DB1 W 22-Jul-1893 Knox Daniel Vinsant Tennessee Almira Hickey Tennessee Circuit DB1 286 M W 14-Dec-1917 Knoxville, Knox George Carl Vittetoe Tennessee Ethel Malinda Hall Tennessee Chancery 134 362 Ruth F W 28-Jul-1899 Knoxville, Knox Frank Vittetoe Tennessee Myrtle Miller Tennessee Chancery 136 373 Wade Herbert Wayne M W 13-Nov-1912 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 Wade Velma Mae F W 7-Sep-1916 Knox Harrison Monroe Wade NL Lillie May Giffin NL Circuit DB1 135 Waggoner Bernard Lee M W 16-Nov-1906 Knoxville, Knox Tillman Green Waggoner Tennessee Martha Keck Tennessee Circuit DB1 57 Wagner Melville Lee M W 9-Oct-1906 Knox Luther Brown Calvin Wagner North Carolina Clara Bell Coker Tennessee Chancery 138 489 Wagner Wanda Irene F W 27-Mar-1937 Knox Henry Joseph Wagner NL Alda Lanoar Whited NL Circuit DB1 264 Walker Harold Vernon M W 5-May-1920 Knoxville, Knox James Marion Walker NL Nilie Leona Loop NL Circuit DB1 230 Walker Hope Harry M W 20-Dec-1900 Loudon Julius William Walker Tennessee Cora Bell Hope Tennessee Chancery 133 87 Walker James Arthur M B 29-Oct-1903 Jefferson Grant Walker Tennessee Gertrude Thomas Tennessee Chancery 130 597 Walker Jesse Raymond M W 18-Feb-1879 Knox Thomas Walker Tennessee Sarah Haines Tennessee Chancery 132 279 Walker Richard John M B 6-Dec-1921 Knox Calvin Walker Knox, Tennessee Octavia Wilson Blount, Tennessee Chancery 132 436 Walker Thelma Imogene F B 18-Aug-1934 McMinn NL NL Elizabeth Walker NL Wallace Billy M B 26-Feb-1936 Concord, Knox NL NL Helen Miller Tennessee Wallace Georgia Marie F W 12-Dec-1910 Knoxville, Knox Robert Conda Wallace Tennessee Susie Price Tennessee Wallace John Guilford M W 16-Feb-1877 Maryville, Blount LeMarr Wallace Tennessee Nancy Jane McReynolds Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 75 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 77 Chancery 146 328 Circuit 80 DB1 267 Chancery 133 Circuit 36 246 DB1 371 Chancery 139 591 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name B 10-Oct-1931 Vonore, Monroe James Sylvester Wallace Tennessee Helen Miller Tennessee F W 18-Dec-1908 Lenoir City, Loudon Charles Gibson Wallace NL Talitha Cumi Carden NL Circuit DB1 238 Robert B M W 12-Apr-1882 Kyles Ford, Hancock Evan Wallen Tennessee Mary Ann Roberts Tennessee Circuit DB1 258 Walters Charles Arthur M W 1-Jun-1929 Knox Orval Curtis Walters NL Sally Katherine Woodward NL Circuit DB1 260 Walters Henry Edward M W 5-Sep-1922 Knoxville, Knox Orval Curtis Walters NL Sally Catherine Woodward NL Circuit DB1 155 Walters Lois Katherine F W 11-Oct-1924 Knoxville, Knox Orval Curtis Walters NL Sally Katherine Woodward NL Circuit DB1 259 Walters Loretta F W 10-Jul-1934 Knoxville, Knox Orval Curtis Walters NL Sally Katherine Woodward NL Circuit DB1 259 Walters Robert McGuire M W 4-Dec-1922 Knox G K Walters Church Hill, Hawkins, Tennessee Harriett McGuire White Pine, Jefferson, Tennessee Circuit DB1 369 Walton Jeanette Elizabeth F W 3-Nov-1915 Knoxville, Knox James Elbert Walton Tennessee Carrie Mae Atchley Tennessee Circuit DB1 102 Ward Elmer William M W 6-Feb-1927 Knox Newton Albert Ward NL Sarah Jane Daniels NL Circuit DB1 175 Ward Luther M W 18-Dec-1885 Sulpher Springs, Anderson William Ward Scott, Tennessee Alethea Cross Scott, Tennessee Circuit DB1 127 Warwick Cecil Thomas M W 24-Jun-1899 Knoxville, Knox William LaFayette Warwick Tennessee Sallie Hart Virginia Warwick Frances Jean F W 25-Dec-1918 Knoxville, Knox Rudy Either Warwick NL Ideila White NL Washam Cleteus Dewey M W 27-Dec-1927 Union Edmond Dewey Washam Tennessee Myrtle Stella Wallace Tennessee Watson Rachel Susie Anna F W 8-Sep-1914 Sevier W Floyd Watson NL Bertia Alice Watson NL Circuit DB1 273 Watson Robbie Montie M W 30-Nov-1896 Knox Pleasant Stewart Watson Tennessee Caroline Isabella Kidd Tennessee Circuit DB1 Watson Robbie Montie M W 26-May-1886 Knoxville, Knox Pleasant Stewart Watson Tennessee Caroline Isabella Kidd Tennessee Circuit DB1 291 Watson Wallace Herbert M W 19-Jan-1928 Cleveland, Bradley W Floyd Watson Tennessee Bertia Alice Watson Tennessee Circuit DB1 274 Watson William Jennings M W 8-May-1926 Knoxville, Knox William John Watson Tennessee Amanda Evelyn Whaley Tennessee Watson Willie Jane F W 7-Nov-1913 Knox William B Watson Unknown Jane C Buttram Tennessee Watt Robert Archimedes M W 14-Mar-1876 Knox Samuel Vance Watt Tennessee Margaret A Sterling Tennessee Chancery 138 201 Watt Sarah Ruth F W 6-Feb-1926 Knox Sim Clarence Watt Tennessee Pearl Porter Bearden Tennessee Chancery 132 488 Weaver Mossie Belle F W 27-Oct-1909 Union John Sanford Weaver NL Mary Elizabeth Miller NL Circuit DB1 151 Weaver Nancy Ernestine F W 1-Jan-1939 Knox Ernest Eugene Weaver Tennessee Myrtle Josephine Dawson Tennessee Circuit DB1 305 Surname Given Name Sex Race Wallace Mary Frances F Wallace Mary Kate Wallen NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 76 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 133 Chancery 134 Circuit 252 DB1 146 Chancery 137 Chancery 133 Circuit 246 11 76 339 DB1 252 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 15-Jul-1938 Knox Clifford Wilson Webb Tennessee Callie Rebecca Jones Tennessee M W 6-Mar-1878 Hawkins Henry Webb Tennessee Martha Ray Tennessee Naomi Elizabeth F W 13-May-1936 Jefferson Clifford Wilson Webb NL Callie Rebecca Jones NL Webber Jesse Matthew M W 5-Jul-1923 Knox John Sullivan Webber Knox, Tennessee Maggie Ellen Beets Knox, Tennessee Chancery 129 597 Welch Bertha Lovie F W 29-Dec-1910 Union William Franklin Welch Tennessee Martha Ann Ridenour Tennessee Chancery 132 370 Welch Bruce F W 12-Jun-1881 Rhea Preston J Welch Tennessee Ellen Welch Wheeler Tennessee Circuit DB1 Wells Alexander Swift M W 8-Nov-1877 Knox George Washington Wells Tennessee Ann Lonas Tennessee Circuit DB1 358 Wells Clyde Ray M W 18-Dec-1924 Knox Louis Wells NL Florence Edna King NL Circuit DB1 206 Wells Costello B M W 27-Mar-1895 Knoxville, Knox Stephen Gilbert Wells Tennessee Birdie Griffith Tennessee Circuit DB1 75 Wells Fred Vernon M W 17-Nov-1892 Roane Arthur Lenoir Wells Tennessee Fannie Lillian Ault Tennessee Chancery 140 173 Wells Helen Frances F W 28-Jun-1926 Knox Roy Wells Tennessee Dorothy Smith Tennessee Chancery 132 462 Wells Horace Edgar M W 5-Oct-1898 Knoxville, Knox Boyd Wells Sevier, Tennessee Louvenia Caldwell Sevier, Tennessee Wells Joseph Alexander M W 3-Aug-1875 Loudon James Madison Wells Tennessee Tressie Ann Tutterow Tennessee West Alvin Leon M W 13-Nov-1909 Knox William Vernon West NL Lillie Bell Pickett NL West Mary Katherine F W 29-Aug-1922 Knox Frank Lonzo West Tennessee Minnie Katherine Hodges Tennessee West Mary Ruth F W 2-Sep-1926 Knox George Fletcher West NL Hattie Mae Holland NL Circuit DB1 149 West Neal Henderson M W 26-May-1926 Jefferson Eugene West NL Margaret Lloyd NL Circuit DB1 334 West Rachel Sawyers F W 7-Jun-1925 Knox Frank Lonzo West Tennessee Minnie Katherine Hodges Tennessee West Roy M W 26-Apr-1931 Sevier Albert West NL Stella Sexton NL Circuit DB1 239 Whaley Gladys Louise F W 29-Mar-1911 Knox Pinkney Joseph Whaley NL Pearl Collette NL Circuit DB1 268 Whaley Ira Hannah M W 20-Aug-1907 Harriman, Roane Dodson Garfield Whaley Tennessee Mary Magdaline Brickell Tennessee Circuit DB1 98 Whaley Larindia Emma F W 17-Dec-1883 Sevier Isaac Whaley Tennessee Woodley Bradley North Carolina Chancery 131 520 Whaley Peggy June F W 12-Nov-1938 Knoxville, Knox Jack Conley Whaley NL Mable Ellin Trevena NL Circuit DB1 306 Wheeler Harvey Edward M W 6-Jul-1910 Knox James Edward Wheeler NL El Mina Watkins Wheeler NL Circuit DB1 115 Surname Given Name Sex Race Webb Cecil Milas M Webb James Alexander Webb NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 77 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 281 Chancery 134 Circuit Circuit DB1 281 70 DB1 112 Chancery 136 Circuit 37 223 DB1 197 Chancery 132 Chancery 132 153 153 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 1-Mar-1913 Knox Edward Theadore White New York Mary Murray White Ireland M W 14-Mar-1879 Sullivan Richard Harrison White North Carolina Carolina E Webb Virginia Charles Gordon M W 31-Dec-1938 Knox Charles Lewis White Tennessee Helen Viola Williams Tennessee Circuit DB1 332 White Edna Pauline F W 12-Jan-1915 Knox Adrian Essco White NL Josie Lee Whaley NL Circuit DB1 232 White Florence Eugenia F W 8-Apr-1879 Knox Jesse Alexander White Tennessee Sarah Florence Householder Tennessee Circuit DB1 White Raymond Tillman M W 26-Apr-1925 Union Sillus White NL Carrie Calloway NL Circuit DB1 331 White William Harvey M W 14-Apr-1921 Union Sillus White NL Carrie Calloway NL Circuit DB1 331 White William Wallace M W 3-May-1914 Knoxville, Knox William Hampton White Georgia Eliza Adeline Lakin Tennessee Whitehead Charley Edgar M W 15-Apr-1915 Claiborne Edgar Whitehead NL Rhoda Roberts NL Circuit DB1 150 Whitson Irene F W 15-Jun-1915 Knox E Walter Whitson NL Mary Ollie Whitson NL Circuit DB1 129 Whitton Golda Ann F W 25-Aug-1898 Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit 87 318 Whitton Golda Ann F W NL Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit DB1 14 Whitton Hattie Frances F W 27-Feb-1905 Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit 87 319 Whitton Hattie Frances F W 27-Feb-1905 Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit DB1 14 Whitton Lillie Ethel F W 8-Oct-1900 Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit 87 320 Whitton Lillie Ethel F W 8-Oct-1900 Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit DB1 15 Whitton Mattie Jade F W 30-Dec-1895 Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit 87 319 Whitton Mattie Jade F W 30-Dec-1895 Anderson Joseph Paris Whitton Kentucky Mary Maud Eddie Tennessee Circuit DB1 14 Wiggins Annie Seal F W 14-Feb-1938 Knoxville, Knox Hodgie Wiggins NL Sallie Mae Wise NL Circuit DB1 316 Wilcox Myrtle Blanche F W 26-Feb-1891 Tazewell, Claiborne Edward David Wilcox Virginia Nancy Anne Smith Virginia Wilds John Hiller M W 11-Oct-1903 Knox John Bannister Wilds Tennessee Leta Hiller Tennessee Circuit DB1 103 Wilkerson Charlie Andrew M W 17-Sep-1909 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 192 Wilkerson Gladys Mae F W 11-Apr-1907 Union John Wesley Wilkerson Tennessee Tishie Elizabeth Dossette Tennessee Circuit DB1 223 Wilkerson Mae F W 28-Apr-1886 Knox John Floyd Wilkerson Virginia Martha A Smallen Tennessee Circuit DB1 240 Surname Given Name Sex Race White Alice Virginia F White Andrew Johnson White NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 78 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Circuit DB1 51 Chancery 140 135 Chancery 133 Chancery 135 41 458 592 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 26-Sep-1910 Knoxville, Knox Marion O'Dell Wilkerson Claiborne, Tennessee Minnie Annis Headrick Blount, Tennessee F W 8-May-1893 Knoxville, Knox Joseph Strong Wilkins Tennessee Maggie Jane Dodson Gaudia Ethel F W 14-Feb-1883 Knoxville, Knox Joseph Strong Wilkins Tennessee Wilkins Jean F W 31-Oct-1920 Knoxville, Knox Eugene O'Dell Wilkins Williams David Robert M W 18-Feb-1894 Anderson Williams Doris Norma F W 16-Feb-1923 Williams Frances Lousie F W Williams Hazel F Williams James Lyman Williams Surname Given Name Sex Race Court Vol. Page Wilkerson Raymond Roscoe M Circuit DB1 63 Wilkins Bertha Jane Tennessee Chancery 130 127 Wilkins Louisa Paralee Faulkner Tennessee Chancery 132 177 NL Maggie Mae Riddle NL James D Williams Tennessee Julia Thayer Virginia Knox Arthur Alexander Williams NL NL NL 5-Jul-1926 Monroe Henry Reese Williams Monroe, Tennessee Daisy Edith Spurling Monroe, Tennessee W 8-Aug-1926 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Pearl Ethel Sands NL Circuit DB1 210 M B 19-Jul-1924 Knoxville, Knox John Cook Williams Tennessee Jennie Elizabeth Griffitts Tennessee Circuit DB1 287 Lelia Gertrude F W 12-Oct-1876 Knox Joel Alexander Williams Tennessee Mary Amly Badgett Tennessee Williams Lewis Ralph M B 13-Apr-1904 Athens, McMinn Garfield Williams North Carolina Lillie Famber Georgia Williams Martha Sophronia F W 11-Jun-1910 Loudon James Boyd Williams Tennessee Mattie Francis McCloud Tennessee Chancery 131 219 Williams Roger Price M W 6-Dec-1899 Claiborne George Sanders Williams Virginia Daisy Ann Parsons Tennessee Chancery 134 100 Williams Ronald Rogers M W 9-Feb-1942 Mascot, Knox Roger James Williams Tennessee Augusta Racine Rowe Tennessee Williams William Owen M W 14-Jul-1903 Knox Andrew Pinkney Williams Tennessee Nannie Bell Norman Tennessee Chancery 135 469 Williford Edna Sue F W 1-Oct-1939 Knoxville, Knox Garrett Hobert Williford Tennessee Stella Mae Hankins Tennessee Chancery 134 504 Williford Nancy Jane F W 10-Feb-1937 Knoxville, Knox Garrett Hobert Williford Tennessee Stella Mae Hankins Tennessee Chancery 134 504 Willis Judson Hubert M W 5-Apr-1900 Knoxville, Knox Robert Willis Tennessee Laura Alice Bean Tennessee Chancery 132 494 Wilson Bessie Emma Mae F W 2-Sep-1908 Knox Thomas Burton Wilson NL Rosie Della Boruff NL Circuit DB1 192 Wilson Elbert Woodrow M W 1-Sep-1915 Knox Elbert Theodric Wilson Tennessee Mary Ella Whaley Tennessee Circuit DB1 94 Wilson Jason Elmer M W 18-Sep-1925 Anderson Jason Nelson Wilson Anderson, Tennessee Rena Gilreath Anderson, Tennessee Chancery 132 163 Wilson John Rayburn M W 29-Nov-1905 Amherst Station, Knox Caswell Guthrie Wilson Tennessee Jennie Thompson Tennessee Chancery 131 241 Wilson Minnie Mae F W 24-May-1886 Knoxville, Knox Samuel Robert Wilson Tennessee Susan Adeline Cooper Tennessee Chancery 134 342 Wilson Richie Rupe M W 14-Sep-1878 Union James Mastin Wilson Union, Tennessee Matilda Heath Claiborne, Tennessee Chancery 131 520 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 79 [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 141 Chancery 132 Circuit DB1 298 Chancery 135 Chancery 135 Circuit Circuit 368 80 485 DB1 359 DB1 335 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name B 27-Aug-1912 Greene John Thomas Wilson Tennessee Frances Link F B 26-Dec-1905 Roane John Thomas Wilson Tennessee Fred Lee M W 29-Jan-1900 Hancock Neil Winstead Winstead Hazel Lorene F W 30-Apr-1916 Loudon Wolfe Theodore R M W 24-Mar-1899 Wolfenbarger Albert Leslie, Jr M W Wolfenbarger Herbert M Wolfenbarger Jessie Mary Wolfenbarger Surname Given Name Sex Race Wilson Royce Caroline F Wilson Virginia Lee Winstead Vol. Page North Carolina Circuit DB1 84 Frances Link North Carolina Circuit DB1 84 Tennessee Ida Lovins Tennessee Chancery 152 103 Hugh Winstead NL Ina Courtney NL Piney Flats, Sullivan John Joseph Wolfe Tennessee Mollie McFall Tennessee 31-Mar-1931 NL Albert Leslie Wolfenbarger NL Clara Blanche Gault NL Circuit DB1 194 W 9-Dec-1908 Grainger Joseph Peter Wolfenbarger, Jr NL Sallie Acuff NL Circuit DB1 164 F W 4-Jul-1919 Grainger Pleas C Wolfenbarger NL Cleavia Brooks NL Circuit DB1 338 Thelma Irene F W 26-Jul-1910 Grainger J F Wolfenbarger NL Martha Emaline Dozier NL Circuit DB1 144 Woliver Charles Lindbergh M W 21-May-1927 Knoxville, Knox Ernest William Woliver NL NL NL Circuit DB1 214 Wood Kenneth Eugene M W 1-Apr-1923 Knoxville, Knox Rector Bea Wood Knox, Tennessee Rebecca Lylith Mayes Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 284 Woodfin Leon Charles M B 3-Jan-1909 Knox Charles Washington Woodfin NL Helen Lillie Murphy NL Circuit DB1 268 Woods Edward Calvin M W 6-Sep-1914 Hamilton Rutherford Hays Woods Tennessee Helen Annie Gaston Tennessee Woodward Esta F W 23-Aug-1922 Campbell James Woodward NL Ethel Farmer NL Circuit DB1 226 Wooten William Festus M W 14-Apr-1942 Knox James Alfred Wooten Tennessee Mildred Parlee Turner North Carolina Circuit DB1 313 Workman Elizabeth Emma F W 4-Mar-1924 Talbott, Hamblen James Attie Workman Hamblen, Tennessee Angie Emma Cockrum Hamblen, Tennessee Workman Lorene F W 25-Apr-1918 Hamblen Samuel Paul Workman NL NL NL Circuit DB1 183 Worsham Albert Houk M W 5-Sep-1935 Knoxville, Knox Albert Houk Worsham Tennessee Mamie Richardson Tennessee Circuit DB1 346 Worsham Billy Sam M W 15-Nov-1934 Knox Charles Lawrence Worsham Tennessee Vera Viola Downs Oklahoma Worsham Elvin Roy M W 22-Dec-1937 Knoxville, Knox Albert Houk Worsham Tennessee Mamie Richardson Tennessee Circuit DB1 346 Worsham Eugene Edward M W 1-Jun-1931 Knox Raymond Worsham Tennessee Mossie Weaver Tennessee Circuit DB1 297 Worsham Frankie Alleen F W 3-Jul-1937 Knox Raymond Worsham Tennessee Mossie Weaver Tennessee Circuit DB1 296 Worsham Kenneth Lawrence M W 29-Mar-1931 Knox Charles Lawrence Worsham Tennessee Vera Viola Downs Oklahoma Worsham Luella F W 15-May-1933 Knox Raymond Worsham Tennessee Mossie Weaver Tennessee NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 80 Mother's Maiden Name Mother's Birthplace Court [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Circuit DB1 313 Chancery 132 Chancery 147 Chancery 134 Chancery 133 Chancery 133 Circuit 568 409 396 196 197 DB1 297 Knox County, Tennessee Delayed Birth Registrations 1800-1900's Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Date of Birth Birthplace [City, County] or [County] Father's Name W 21-Jan-1937 Knox Charles Lawrence Worsham Tennessee Vera Viola Downs Oklahoma M W 12-Feb-1879 Knox John McClure Wright Tennessee Betsy Jane Dykes Tennessee Circuit DB1 179 Clyde Robert M W 26-Mar-1920 Knox Claborne W Wright NL Martha Ann Brogdon NL Circuit DB1 252 Wright Ernest Curtis M W 18-Mar-1910 Knoxville, Knox General Sherman Wright Tennessee Susan Vandalee Weaver Tennessee Wright Katheryn Juanita F W 13-Jul-1940 Knoxville, Knox Ullyses Eugene Wright NL Helen Louise Simpson NL Wright Lee Harold M W 30-Jan-1930 Knox NL NL Cyinthia Wright Tennessee Chancery 141 145 Wright Nadena Donal F B 25-Feb-1934 McMinn Benjamin Eliza Wright Tennessee Rebecca Dorothy Taylor Tennessee Chancery 134 511 Wright Norma Adelaid F W 23-Apr-1922 Knoxville, Knox Harry Wright NL Bessie Lee Cockrum NL Circuit DB1 215 Wright Wiley Mitchell M W 27-Dec-1893 Jefferson William Toombs Wright Tennessee Ellen Morgan Tennessee Circuit DB1 210 Wright William Ross M W 30-Aug-1924 Knox NL NL NL NL Wright William Ross M W 30-Apr-1924 Knox NL NL NL NL Circuit DB1 Wyce Mamie F W 23-May-1892 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Emma Wyce Tennessee Circuit DB1 149 Wylie Shedrick Harry M B 30-Dec-1914 Knoxville, Knox James Wylie Tennessee Lucy Catlett Kentucky Wyrick James Howard M W 23-Dec-1917 Knox James Robert Wyrick NL Hattie Vandergriff NL Wyrick James Walter M W 15-Mar-1896 Knox Leander Adolphus Wyrick Tennessee Mary Elizabeth Carter Tennessee Chancery 154 457 Yadon Mabel E F W 15-Sep-1916 Grainger Thomas A Yadon Tennessee Lundie Perry Tennessee Chancery 136 392 Yates Frank M W 15-Jan-1880 Grainger John Franklin Yates Tennessee Marcissus Galyon Tennessee Yates Maude Newlan F W 1-Feb-1887 Knoxville, Knox George Taylor Yates Tennessee Emma Kitts York Beulah Oletha F W 12-Jul-1897 Knox William Nicholson York Tennessee Young Madeline Ross F W 27-Dec-1910 NL Robert Frank Young Zachary Flora Kate F W 25-Dec-1894 White Pine, Hamblen Zachary James Garfield M W 7-Sep-1899 Zane Edward Raymond M W Zemp Kathleen Russell F W Surname Given Name Sex Race Worsham Wanda Elizabeth F Wright Alonzo Wright [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Mother's Maiden Name [State], [County, State] or [City, County, State] Court Vol. Page Chancery 133 Chancery 132 Circuit Chancery 137 475 20 278 DB1 116 DB1 58 Tennessee Chancery 154 527 Sarah Catherine Roberts Tennessee Chancery 173 290 NL Margaret Emily Kinzel NL Circuit DB1 226 David Mordecai Zachary North Carolina Amanda Eglantine Carver NL Circuit DB1 353 Knoxville, Knox NL NL Maud Ainslie Zachary Knox, Tennessee Circuit DB1 42 4-Feb-1899 Arlington, Shelby Anthony Zane France Grace Andreaux Switzerland Chancery 184 11 18-Jul-1909 Knoxville, Knox Ernest Russell Zemp South Carolina Kathleen Pickens Hurt Alabama Chancery 150 84 NL = Not Listed, DB1 = Delayed Birth Volume 81 Circuit 137 DB1 336 2nd Circuit 11 Circuit 196
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