Fired Up! Ltd.
Fired Up! Ltd.
2012/13 Ceramic Switchplates AG120 AG105 Scroll Marine AG177 Fantasy Bird-Blk AG179 Folk Art Cat AG182 Alf's Cat AG178 Fantasy Bird-Wh AG185 Funky Chicken AG205 Metallic Leaves AG250 Art Glass AG183 Bob's Dog AG190 Vine-White AG225 Sunflower AG200 Mosaic Leaves AG226 Mexican Sunflower AG253 Tesserae AG258Concentric AG260 French Country AG275 Iris AG280 Trees AG297 Art Nouv. Flower AG340 White/White CO105 Fair Isle AG265 Jacobean Flowers AG271 Leaf AG295 Arts & Crafts AG296 Craftsman AG300 Mosaic Border AG343 Almond Filigree CO117 Class. Music Silhouettte AG305 Leaf Spiral CO100 Havana CO125 African Nights CO127 Tribal CO134 Celtic CO138 CO137 Multi-color Peacock CO136 Daisy Bee CO142 Four Elements Dragonfly CO152 Sun CO153 Pottery Shards CO154 Fragments CO157 Faux-Ku CO158 Faux-Ku Too CO163 DragonflyBulrush CO164 Dragonfly Silhouette CO171 Klimt CO172 Ovals CO185 CO174 Rectangles Harmony CO177 Floral Tile CO192 CO190 Perspective CO194 Scales CT010 Loon-Sand CO191 Black on Black CO197 Kilim CT028 Bull Moose CO199 Malibu CT017 Brown Bear CT040 Crane Heart CT021 Monarch CT045 Polar Bear CT048 Rooster CT060 Songbirds Green CT068 Log Cabin CT058 Luna Moth CT061 Songbirds-Pattern CT074 Ruby Hummingbird CT059 Butterfly Specimens CT063 Vintage Songbirds CT075 Hummingbird CT076 Chickadee FL067 Lemons FL034 Garden Herbs FL072 Summer Tapestry FL051 Fern FLO74 Bird Tapestry FL096 Blue Blossoms FL125 Floral Tapestry FL108 Yellow Daisy FL130 FL131 Glass Flowers-Blk Glass Flowers-Wh KD080 Ladybug KD071 Cow Over Moon FL118 Funky Flower OS020 Shells OS055 OS022 Seagull VT018 St. Glass D-Fly Rainforest Frogs VT030 Cutlery VT051 Crewel VT058 Salvage VT061 Patchwork VT086 Persian VT081 Asian PD022 Embossed Ant. Ivory VT070 Paisley VT064 Jacquard Ceramic Pendants PD023 Embossed Patina PD030 Lacy %XWWHUÁ\$TXD PD050 Geishas PD055 Arts & Crafts PD070 Botanical )ORZHU7HDO PD110 Tulip Bee PD115 Art Nouveau Rose PD116 Art Nouveau Iris 3'6RQJELUG %XWWHUÁ\*ORVV 3'6RQJELUG %XWWHUÁ\$QW,YRU\ PD140 Shabby Rose 3'6RQJELUGV $TXD 3'6RQJELUGV Lilac 3'6RQJELUGV Mocha PD020 Embossed Ox. Copper PD021 Embossed Amethyst PD032 Lacy %XWWHUÁ\/LODF PD033 Lacy %XWWHUÁ\.LZL PD035 Lacy %XWWHUÁ\$QW,YRU\ PD040 Etched *ODVV$TXD PD071 Botanical )ORZHU&HODGRQ PD080 B&W Monoprint 3'$QWLTXH Script 3'6XQÁRZHU PD100 Mosaic Leaves PD105 Vintage Floral PD120 Art Glass Patina PD121 Art Glass Purple PD125 Brown Floral Transferware PD126 Purple Floral Transferware PD130 Garden Nymph 3'%XWWHUÁ\ Texture 3'%XWWHUÁ\ Specimens PD160 Broken China 3'6XQÁRZHU Toile PD170 Art Nouveau Print PD042 Etched *ODVV.LZL VT099 Mediterranean PD045 Blue Toile PD031 Lacy %XWWHUÁ\&RUDO PD145 Floral Watercolour PD190 Teal Bird Ceramic Bottle Stoppers ST010 Burgundy ST025 Midnight ST020 Wh. Crackle ST015 Pewter ST030 Leather ST035 Dijon ST040 Grape ST055 Ox. Copper ST060 Rosé ST065 River Rock &HUDPLFZLQHERWWOHVWRSSHUVHPEHOOLVKHGZLWKÀOLJUHHVDQGFU\VWDOV$OVRVXLWDEOHIRUYLQHJDURURLOERWWOHV Includes a black velveteen storage pouch House Numbers HN01 Mosaic Leaves HN07 Loon HN02 Mosaic Border HN09 Fleur-de-Lis HN03 Filigree HN10 Sun HN04 Ivy HN11 Dragonfly Actual size 3-7/8” x 7-3/4" HN06 Tall Moose HN12 Hummingbird HN13 Butterfly Cloques-Rondelle CR015 Class. Music CR010 Art Glass CR025 DFly Bulrush CR030 Fantasy Bird-Blk TM CR020 Cow/Moon CR031 Fantasy Bird -Wh CR040 Filigree CR045 Glass Flowers-Blk CR046 Glass Flowers-Wh CR050 Humingbird CR055 Jacobean Fl CR060 Loon CR065 Bull Moose-Sand CR066 Bull Moose-Blue CR070 Songbirds CR075 Floral Tapestry CR080 Sunflower/Mosaic CR035 Faux-ku &ORTXHV5RQGHOOHDUHLQGLDPHWHUDQGLQFOXGHDKRRNWRKDQJRQDZDOO Ceramic Wall Clocks CL008 Loon-Sand CL029 Songbirds CL038 Classical Music CL049 Rain. Frogs CL059 Mex. Sunfl. CL104 Mos. Leaves CL107 Jacobean Fl. CL125 Klimt CL017 Bull Moose CL014 Monarch CL039 Ladybug CL089 Lemons CL115 Leaf Spiral CL130 Faux-ku CL026 Rooster CL042 Dfly-Bulrush CL043 Daisy Bee CL097 Garden Herbs CL100 Funky Chick. CL119 Cutlery CL135 Fantasy Bird CL124 Havana CL140 Bird Tapestry All clocks include a battery-operated movement. Requires one “AA” battery (not included) Approximate dimensions: 8 x 10 3/4 Tall Cloquettes TC010 Art Glass TC015 Art Nouv. Flower TC025 Craftsman TC030 Class. Music TC020 A.N. Rose-Beige TC035 Daisy Bee TC046 Faux-Ku Too TC050 Glass Flowers-Blk TC051 Glass Flowers-Wh TC066 Bull Moose-Bl TC070 Mosaic Leaves TM TC040 DFLy Bulrush TC055 Klimt TC075 Songbirds TC045 Faux-Ku TC060 Luna Moth TC080 Sunflower 7DOO&ORTXHWWHVDUH⅞[¾DQGLQFOXGHDKRRNWRKDQJRQDZDOO TC021 A.N. Rose-Brown TC065 Bull Moose-Snd TC085 Mex. Sunflower CQ010 )LOLJUHH3HZWHU CQ025 6XQÁRZHU CQ065 %XOO0RRVH6DQG CQ011 )LOLJUHH5HG/HDWKHU CQ030 Mosaic Leaves CQ070 %XWWHUÁ\6SHFLPHQV Cloquettes TM CQ040 Havana CQ045 Classical Music CQ076 6RQJELUGV*UHHQ CQ080 Hummingbird CQ082 )DQWDV\%LUG%ODFN CQ125 Chickadee CQ130 Ladybug CQ155 Lemons CQ050 Daisy Bee CQ105 French Country CQ110 Jacobean Flowers CQ115 .OLPW CQ120 Loon CQ140 /DF\%XWWHUÁ\.LZL CQ141 /DF\%XWWHUÁ\$TXD CQ145 3DWFKZRUN*ORVV CQ146 3DWFKZRUN0DWWH CQ150 Art Glass CQ180 Salvage CQ185 )DX[.X CQ190 *ODVV)ORZHUV%ODFN CQ170 Paisley CQ205 Celtic CQ171 0XOWL'UDJRQÁ\ CQ210 Tribal CQ015 )LOLJUHH*UHHQ&UDFNOH CQ215 Ruby Hummingbird CQ220 Scales CQ225 Bird Tapestry CQ055 'UDJRQÁ\%XOUXVK CQ083 )DQWDV\%LUG:KLWH CQ191 *ODVV)ORZHUV:KLWH CQ230 Cow Over Moon CQ020 0H[LFDQ6XQÁRZHU CQ060 %XOO0RRVH%OXH CQ100 Leaf Spiral CQ135 Garden Herbs CQ160 Summer Tapestry CQ200 .LOLP CQ235 Mediterranean &ORTXHWWHVDUHLQGLDPHWHUVTXDUHDQGLQFOXGHERWKDQHDVHOVWDQGIRUSODFLQJRQDGHVNRUVKHOIDQGDKRRNWRKDQJRQDZDOO Tiled Mirrors MR100 Dragonfly-Bulrush MR130 Tall Moose MR110 Mexican Sunflower MR150 Monoprint MR135 Songbirds MR145 Rectangles MR155 Arts & Crafts MR165 Klimt MR160 Classical Music MR170 Glass Flowers MR175 Faux-Ku Tiled Mirrors are 17 inches wide by 18 inches high. MR180 Mosaic/Sunflower 3LTXH$VVLHWWH0RVDLFV Handmade From Recycled Ceramic Switchplates PA700 Small Mirror - Art Glaze PA800 Square Mirror - Art Glaze PA750 Large Mirror - Art Glaze PA100 Four Inch Pot- Art Glaze Side View Side View PA600 Large Table - Art Glaze PA550 Small Table - Art Glaze PA200 Six Inch Pot - Art Glaze Top View $OOLWHPVPDGHWRRUGHUXVLQJRXURZQZDVWHFHUDPLFSLHFHV2WKHUGHVLJQV PD\EHDYDLODEOHGHSHQGLQJRQWKHQXPEHURISLHFHVDYDLODEOHDWDQ\JLYHQ time. Each piece will vary. 'LPHQVLRQV6TXDUHPLUURULV[ODUJHPLUURULV[VPDOOPLUURULV [7DNHFDUHZKHQKDQJLQJWKH\DUHKHDY\ 6PDOOWDEOHLV[[LQFKHVKLJKODUJHWDEOHLV[[LQFKHVKLJK Photos are not to scale. $OWKRXJKHDFKLWHPLVVHDOHGZLWKJURXWVHDOHUWKH\DUHLQWHQGHGIRULQWHULRU use only. Top View Please Note: Designs only come in the sizes/items pictured. Not all designs are available in all configurations. Due to fluctuations in kiln temperatures, and the nature of the glazes we use, colors may not be as shown in the catalog, and may vary. All switchplates come with nylon screws. Use caution when installing. Do not overtighten. If necessary, the screws can be shortened by cutting with scissors. All clocks come with a battery-operated mechanism. They require one AA battery to operate. Now That’s a Switch!, the accompanying logo, Cloquettes, Tall Cloquettes and Cloques-Rondelle are trademarks of All Fired Up! Ltd. All designs © All Fired Up!! Ltd. All Fired Up! Ltd. V V V 180 Nipissing Road, Unit #1, Milton, ON, L9T 1R5 3K7ROO)UHH)D[ July - 2012 FL150 )/ )/ CO159 FL145 2ZO Leaf Collage Floral Vine-Bold Floral Vine-Pastel Mélange Ginkgo S/D/T S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW/C S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW CT077 AG109 6ZLUOV &4 S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW/C $UW1RXYHDX)ORZHU FL119 3HWDO3RZHU S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW/C FL140 6NHWFKERRN S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW VT100 Embroidery 7&+XPPLQJELUG TC090 Loon S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW &2 Global S/D/T/R/W/DW/TW 7&0XOWL&RORU Dragonfly TC100 6NHWFKERRN V V V TC105 Global TC095 Trees All Fired Up! Ltd. 180 Nipissing Road, Unit #1, Milton, ON, L9T 1R5 3K7ROO)UHH)D[ HPDLODOOILUHGXS#JOREDOVHUYHQHWZZZnowthatsaVZLWFKFRP
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