.: i ::' ' t :*'" l..ti' iL. !*.. ,' .a' ESSTYRING OXFORDINCLISH tsBN978-019-412904,6 l|[illtilil 0elting storled vocabulary: Personality adjectives andpastimes; Travel andprepositions of movement; Television andextrer Townandcountryi Adjectives ofemotion;90, moke,do andhove;Envionment; School Grammar: Present simpleor present continuous?; Adverbs offrequency; Comparatives andsuperlatives Studyskills:Howtousea dictionary Pronunciation: Thephonetic alphabet | lifestgles Livelon85tay srron8 1Character adjectives Pastsimple or pastcontinuou Infinitive ofpurpose 10 11,14 12 Thebiggest smileinfootball 1 Sport 2 da,go andplay ('l) perfect Present beenot gone? everandnevet 18 19,22 20 Theseven wonders oftheworld 1 Buildings andstructures prefixes 2 Negative 26 21,30 perfect(2) Present forot sinc, olreodyot yet? jun 28 Climbingto thetop ('l) 1 Phrasalverbs 2 get Future forms(1):goingto Future forms(2):present contin Future timeexpressions 38 39,42 40 1 Digital technoJogy (2) 2 Phrasalverbs Future forms(3):w/// Firstconditional if or when? 47,50 4B Roadto nowhere 1 Household nouns 2 haveandnoke Second conditional Quantifiers 54 55,58 56 intheouloarl Online ' 66 67,70 I(|utofthisuorld Strange encounters 'l Thenatural world 2 Verb+ preposition Page74 74 75,18 76 1 Money 2 edand-ingadledives (present Thepassive slmple) 2Sport 30rchitectwe 4llopes ond dreoms 5 Digitd technologg 6llilitsondhomes 7 lheulorld ofuorh 9 fldvefls ondinventionsSell,$ll,sell 82 Grammar reference: Page 99 pagej09 Vocabularyi Arscl-ooi 83,86 Listof irreguiar verbs: Page118 Modalverbs Abilityandpermission: canandr Obligation andnecessity;hoy fc Adviceandsuggestions: shorld 6B Relative clausesi who,Michandthot whaot whose? L:Phone-in S:Making suggestions Brighton Homestay A postcard Gpital letters ltl or htn 14 15 16 94 L:Triathlon S.Asking aboutexperiences Mountainsports A biography Linkingwords 22 23 24 95 L:N4yhero S:Doinginterviews Countryliving An interview Orderingideas Weakvwi/els;/,/ 30 3'i 32 L:Keeping intouch S:Making arrangements Dreamholida)6 An informallefter Partsof a letter SilentletteD 42 43 44 96 L:MobileTV S:Givinginstuctions Thedigitaldivide Inslantmessaging Colloquial expressions Intonation: Expressing feelings 50 51 52 96 L:Bedroom blues habits S:Discussing Na\ajoland A l'rkyle description Modifiers Wordsfres-rbt 58 59 fi L:Ihe rightjob S:Givingadvice Education UK An opinionessay Givingopinions Sentence stressandrtry rm(1) 70 71 72 97 L:Factor fiction? anddisagreeing S:Agreeing Thespacerace A description ofa place Sentence adverbE -s endingJ lFJ,/2./andlf,l 78 79 80 98 A discussion essay Writingreview stress andrlryfm (2) Sentence L:Extreme advertising S:Describing things MadeintheUK B6 B7 ' 88 've Contractions: and 5 ondexlreme Television odjectives ctives cdje Personolitg ondpostimes Q Choosethe correct answer. ', My bestfriendisn't( 1) shy/ friendly,in factshes / sPortY. really(2)sociable Sheloves(3)doing/ meetrng She(4)has/ makesa blrthday friends. saysthatshes partyeveryyear,andeverybody (5)fun / selfish. and I thinkthatshe'salsovery(6)moody/ generous' me or calls in a friendShealways that'sveryimportant Wetell eachother (7)sends/ givesmetextmessages We'revery(8) honest/ lazywith eachother' ever),thing. to describeyour bestfriend' @ Write fiue sentences Usesomeof the adiectivesfrom exercise1' documenr cartoon cookeryprogramme show film quizshow realitY proErammethenews Sporl< ff,flt UniversitYChallenge t o p ?W a t c ht h i s G - n O * fo r d ' t l e a ms t a ya t t h e w e e k ' sg r e a tc o m p e t i t i o tno f i n d o u t -l @ A n o t h "T, h e S i m P s o n s h i l a r i o u se p i s o d el e a t u r i n gt h e w o r l d f a v o u r i t ef a m i l Y l!p[t DebsTricksler'sKitchen how to maket lilh is week'sfascinatingshow: DertectPasta. The World Tonight with GraemeSmith Foll TfiEiuy'" headlines by the weatherforecast. WimbledonWegk flSl E t i u n J o n " s i n t e r v i e w tsh e b r i l l i a n t e n n l ss t a M a r t i n aH i n g i s . l s l a n dIn { e r n o of ondPrePositions Truvel movement e? G s l o n i s h i n g s c e n e sa s t h e c o n t e s t a n t s s h o w . w e e k ' s i n s e c t si n t h i s with the words in the box' @ Completethe text thelast Fffiw OllieHuttonandhisCadillac, card catching flightattendants boarding desk takesoff gate geton check-ln through ticket uP (1)...aplaneiseasy.WhenyouarriveatHeathrow andgoto the 2, go(2) ... the escalator Terminal who assistant' (3) .. . . Showyour(4) . . to the check-in willgiveYoua (5).... (7) the Whentheycallyourflight,goto the (6) and plane.Afterthe plane(8) .. , youcanlook(9) the windowandrelaxThe(10). wlllservedrinksanda snack. ffi showin the box with th€ @ t4ut.t] the typesof in the guide. programmes SmalltownAmerica t h i s w o n d e r f usl e r i e st h a t e x a m i n e tsh e A m e t h a t H o l l y w o o d o e s n ' ts h o w Horror at Hogwatts f[l[ G r t i f v i n s m o v i e{ e a t u r i n gt h e h o r r i b l eH a r -vSplatter. P ' g ! ! v . 'Noi i v ! ' for " ' -u.nder-12s adiectivesin exercise4' @ finO the extreme describeyour three favouriteTV program usingthe adiectives. rr - '.- -' -':,i'tr i;-': . . '-:' a t ' t : i : tt . . . . . i . Tounondcountrg go,mahe, do,undhave @ Matchthe wordsin the boxwith the numbers1-13 @ t,tatctr1-8 with a-h to completethe sentences. in the pictures. cinema cottage factory farm field firestation hill stadium stream trainstation valley village woods 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 We made Didyoudo Did he makea We'rehaving Theywenton Haveyou had | promise l'lldo He doesn'tlikegoing a b c d e f g h a picnictomorrow. up soon. the washing a daytrip yesterday. a showeryet? on foot. dinnerandthenwentout. yourhomework? mistake? Environment @ Completethe text with the nounsin the box. bottlebank demonstrationletter packaging petition pollution The newsis the biggest atrnosphere. can go ) .1.againstgl (3) ... or you problems with world's ) ... in the you and the own less. llre/ ... . And and to Buy of coursq put bottles fldjectives ofemotion @ Choosethe correctanswer. 1 I'm glad/ upsetthat youcancometo the match. 2 My cousinwasselected for thefootballteam.l'm soenthusiastic / proud! Theatmosphere at homeistense/ upset.My mumandmy unclehavehadanotherargdment. Themuseum tourcostt8, soMarkwasgrateful/ relaxedthathisunclepaid. Chloewasuninterested / anxiousaboutpassing herscience exam. My sisterisafraid/ gladof spiders. School @ Answerthe questions. 1 Whatarethreeofthe rulesat yourschool? Youcon't... lastat school? 2 Howlongdoeseachlesson 3 Whichareyourtwo leastfavourite-subjects? 4 Whatdo youtaketo schoolin yourrucksack? book? 5 Whatdo youwritein yourexercise 6 Whatisthe nameof thistextbook? * Pntir3 uonnnoofl GETTING STARTED continuous? simple orpresent Present dW.Photos \,Hotidays) to Hi!Welcome mywebpa$e! Myname's Carina andI'm13.I liveinVanc0uver, Tom.l'm withmymumandmybr0ther, Canada, writing thissoyoucanreadallaboutmyday. lgetupat 7 a.m.andI havepancakes 0nschooldays, TomandI ln summer, for breakfast. I lovepancakesl verycoldand cycle t0 sch00l, butinwinterit'salways Thisisa today. lt'ssnowing again wenever cycle. photooftheschool busin winter! at 5 p.m.After School startsat 8.30a.m.andfinishes lvlybest | 9ohomeanddomyhomework. school, andwe hereafterschool friend, Marcia, oftencomes nowl butsheisn'tworking doourworktogether, Whatd0youd0 t0gethen! We're making thiswebpage mywebpage? Andwhyareyoureading afterschool? Readthe text and answerthe questions. 1 Whoseweb pageisthis? 2 Whereisshefrom? 3 Whaiisthiswebpageabout? Readthe text againand answerthe questions. Usefull sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 WheredoesCarinalive? DoesCarinagetup at 7 a.m.everyday? Whendo CarinaandTomcycleto school? Whydoesn'tCarinacyclein winter? Whatistheweatherliketoday? at themoment? lsCarina doingherhomework GETTING STARTED What is the useand tht Readthe sentences. tenseof eachsentence? simple habit:present simple fact:present continu at the moment:present happening fcct:pretenttinpl ) My name's Carina. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B | livein Vancouver. for breakfast. | havepancakes verycold. ln winterit'salways now. Sheisn'tworkrng webpagetogether. making this We're Whatdo youdo afterschool? mywebpage? Whyareyoureading I goto bedat about10.30p.m. @ Completethe text. Usethe presentsimpleform of the verbs in the box. be be drive get up go have not like live play not see study not work Thenanswerthe questions @ Writettre questions. aboutyourself. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 where/ you/ live? whattime/ you/ getup? who/ you/ sitwith/ today? howmanylessons / you/ have/ everyday? what/ you/ do/ afterschool? whichbook/ you/ rcad/ atthemoment? when/ you/ go/ to bed? fldverbs offrequencg aboutAli. Usethe present @ write sentences simplewith adverbsof frequency. golskiing/never Alinevergoesskiing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 playfootball / afterschool / sometimes passhisexams / often. getup/ 7 a.m./ always enjoyschool/ usually betired/ in theevenings / sometimes eatpancakes / never sendemails/ often behappy withhislife/ usually Usethe presentsimple @ Completetne conversation. or presentcontinuousform of the verbsin brackets. Hi, Carina,how'sit going?... ('l you/ use)yourmum's computeragain? Ali! Hi. Yes,I am. Whataboutyou?... (2you / sit)in the schoolcomputerroomright now? No,the computers... (3 not work)at the moment,so I ... (4 use)a computerin an internetcafe. OK.Let'sfinishthat chataboutsport.... (5you / play) soccer? What's'soccer'? 0 h , y e a hy, o uc a l li t ' { o o t b a l l ' ! oh, football!Yeah.I ... (6 play)in the schoolteam. everydayafterschool.In fact, We... (7 practise) l .. (8wear)a footballshirttoday!... (9you / like) football? Not really.| ... (10prefedice hockey. @ Writeaboutyourself.UseCarina'sandAli'stexts as models. ondsuperlotives Comporntives with the comparative @ Completethe sent€nces in the box. form of the adjectives comfortablecool far hard funny bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thisexercise is... thanthefirstone. glad a bit... today. I'm theweather's Thissofaismuch... thanthatone. are... thanyours! His.iokes it's...thanyesterday. isterrible; Thesituation Thefirestationis... thanI thought. Usethe presentsimpleform @ write ttte sentences. form of the adiectives. of ,e andthe superlative 1 2 3 4 5 6 fokyo/ big/ cityin theworld? you/ friendly / personI'veevermet. he/ fantastic / playerin theteam. in theworld. they/ proud/ parents good intheband? she/ / singer Kong lenifying King / / filmI'veeverseen. PRGT 99 RTfERTNCT GRf,MMRR PsGt5 utoRilB00il GETTING STARTED tevieul true or false? Do the quiz.Are the sentences Checkyour answerson the relevantpagesin this book. .ir .#p t [ * ' *=]na, ' 4qry i1 , j i T ? 3 4 Skiing is morepopularthan snowboarding.(page23) Burj al-Arabis a five-starhotel. (page26) TheTaipei101building in Taiwan(425 metres)is the tallest building in the world. (page38) s q*o"* | Theworld'soldestwomandied when shewas 125.(pager0) Foreignholidaysbecamepopularin Britainin the 1960s.(page43) .1,k, 6 About 50%of peoplein the world have neverseena computeror a printer. (page51) v TheSiouxarethe largestNativeNorth Americantribe, (page59) '! 1 l I Studentsatthe Schoolofthe Air don't havelessonseveryday. (page66) I Yuri Gagarinwasthe first man in space.(page79) .'*TJ;li'" lOffi ,'"'JliJTffi I ! I tlorutouseu diclionorg lloulto findu uord Dictionaries do not listeveryformof everyword separately. Youoftenneedto lookup the baseform. Forexample, to findboughtyouneedto lookup buy, lo find countriesyouneedto lookup country',tofind woiting,lookupwoit:Iofind hottest,lookup hot. (D Readthe sentences and look up the bold wordsin your dictionary.What is the baseform of each word? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Shekeptallhisemails. lsthefilmbeginning? We putthe bookson thoseshelves. Thosebabiescryallthetime. Whoisthe silliest? We leftat sixo'clock. Thetraffrclightsarechanging! | knewit wasyou. He carriedherrucksack. Tryto befriendlier. lloruto findo phrase pullingmy leg Mostdictionaries wouldlist YouTe underpull,noIunderleg.Youmaynot understand the phraseif youtranslate eachwordindividually. Themeaning of verbscancompletely changewhen we combinetheverbwithotherwords.TofindMy dodhasgivenup smoking,look up glveandthenfind giveup.Youcannotunderstand thissentence if you l"anslaleqive and up. up the bold phrasesin a dictionary.Which @ t-oot< word in eachphrasegaveyou the answer? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Whydo youalways changeyourmind? 'Oh, no.I'vebrokenthiscup."Nevermind.' Let'skeepin touch. Someparents reallyareout oftouchwithteenagers. | lookforwardto my holidayeveryyear. What'sthe matter? | lookup to my bigbrother. lt'sup to you. tloulto choose o meoning SomeEnglish wordshavethe sameformbuta different meaning. Thecontextandthe partof speech (n, v,adj,adv,etc.)canhelpyouto decidethe meaning. the correctanswer, Thencheckin a @ Choose dictionary. 1 He doesn'tcoachthemanymore. a ,' a personwhotrarnssomeone to do sports b ,' a comfortable long-distance bus c v to trainsbto do sports 2 Tellmethetruth.Don'tlie! a y to saysomething that is nottrue b , something that is nottrue y position c to be in a horizonlal 3 | metherat thefair. a adj. adv appropridte dndacceptable b adj hairor skinof a lightcolour c ,r an entertainment in a fieldor a park 4 Turnoffthe light. a nalamp b odj the oppositeof heavy c v to makesomething burn A wordmayhavetwo different translations in English. Alwaysreadthe wholedetinition andthe example you sentences when lookup newwords. the correctanswers. Checkyouranswers @ Choose in a dictionary.Thentranslatethe bold words, 1 | don'tlikevegetables. lthinkthey'rehilarious / horrible. 2 Wholost/ wonthe firstprize? 3 lt'stimeto go.Areyou ready/ lazyyet? 4 Pizzajsa popular/ sociable snackin many countnes. She's relaxed/ upsetbecause shecan'tfindher nomeworK. 'l'll you see at lunchtime.''Yes, seeyouearly/ soon.' 7 Two menrobbed/ stoleus!n the park. 8 Shelost/ missed the bus,soshecameto schoollate. GETTING STARTED L illFr @ eut tt'restagesof life into the correctorder. adult o. baby c hi l d eloeflyperson Readthe text. :ffi #"8{ Sr_r.ftgls Scientists say the longest humans can live is about 110 years. But Jeanne Calrnent and Antonio Todde lived longer. E{ow did they do it? *\ Jeanne CaLment was born in Arles, France, in 1875. She remembers meeting the artist Vincent Van Gogh in 1888. 'He came into my uncle's 5 shop one day. He was looking for paints, but in the end he decided not Lu !uy drryLrrrrv. Jeanne led an interesting and very active life. She rode a bicycle 10 until she was 100. At 114, she was in the film Vincent and Me, alld at the age of 121 she recorded a rap CD, 'TiTIle's Mistress'. The secret ofJeanne's long life is 15 a mystery. Her husband, daughter and grandson all died before her, especially and her diet wasn't healthy. But Jeanne didn't worry about small things and she was 20 nevet bored because she was always talking to people. Perhaps it was Jeanne's outgoing personaLity and optimistic attitude that kept her alive until she was 122. 25 re Todde was born rn Antonio Sardinia, Italy, in 1BB9 and lived until he was 1.12. Antonio was a shy, sensitive man. He only went to school for a year and Lhen he 30 started working on a farm. Antonio was very fit and healthy. He didn't like cars and he never drove instead, he cycled everywhere. When he was young, he often 3 5 cycled 50 kilometres to watch television in a nearby town. Why did Antonio live so long? Perhaps it was because, like Jeanne, he cycled everywhere. 4 A Perhaps it was becduse he had a stress-free lifestyle, even though Or he was very hard-working. perhaps it was in his family: his sister is 97 and his daughters are 4 5 77 and 80. Antonio thought his diet was the reason for his long life. His favourite meal was pasta with meat. #s @ Wt ictrsentenceaboutJeanneand Antoniois true? 1 Theywerebothveryacttve. 2 Theybothhadgooddiets. 3 Theywerebothverystressed. @ neaAthe text again.WriteJeanne, Antonio or both. Whichperson: famous? 1 metsomebody 2 startedworkwhentheywereYoung? in a film? 3 starred cycling? 4 enjoyed 5 wasverysociable? television? 6 likedwatching @ Answerthe questionsin Yourown words. WhatdiclVanGoghwantto buyin Arles? WhatdidJeannedo in the Year beforeshedied? a habitssuggest Whichof Jeanne's healthylifestyle? like? 4 WhatwasJeanne quiet or livelyperson? 5 WasAntonioa 6 Whydid Antoniothinkthathe lived fora longtime? EG) -- - Learnarrtne parrsor a woro Write all the forms of a new word in the same place, for example meet, met, met. @ fina the wordsin the text. ls each word a verb,an adtectiveor a noun? alive life llfestyle live nd.ieclives Vocabular[Olrcrncter the numbers1-10with the lettersa-i to makepairs @ tr,tatctr of oppositeadjectives. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 generous honest optimistic patient sensible senstttve shy hard-working cheerful polrte a b c o e f g h i dishonest impatient insensitive tazy rude pessimistic silly miserable outgorng I mean from exercise7' @ Completethe sentenceswith adiectives so... . 1 Don'tlieto me!You're We'rereally.. . homework. 2 Weneverdo our 3 Don'tworry,youwillpassthe mathsexam!Don'tbe so he'svery .. 4 | nevershoutat my brotherbecause people. really.. She's 5 Shelovesmeetingnew 6 Youleso ... . Youneverwaitfor otherpeople. @ choosethe correctanswer. Whatisthe secretof a happylife?Someluckypeoplearenaturally (2)cheerful/ (1)optimistic/ pessimistic, butfor others,staying saythatyoushouldbe Psychologists is harder. miserable ' ' insensitive to othcrsdnd (3)generousmeanand{4)sensitive theywillbe kindlo you.Ioo.Neverbe(5)polite/ rudeand to be (6) honest/ dishonest it isveryimportant remember yourself.Thenwrite a short @ Choot" six adjectivesto describe descriptionof your personality. person ... Im o cheerful * 7,lt} PRBts ut{)RllBool{ 1 Doyouwanttolivetobe100? of Deing100? anddisadvantages 2 Whatarethe advantages Usethe wordsin the box. experiencesfamily friends health memory uNl t orpostcontinuous? Postsimple ' . Lookat the photo and readthe title. What do you think the text is about?Readthe text and checkyour answer, is best Simple 1892in Nagoya' werebomon 1August GinKanie andKinNarita (1) and theirnames . . twins, GinandKin 270kmwestofTokyo. quiet, simplelives Theyled meansilverandgoldinJapanese. (2)... 99.Then onTVwhilethemayor theyappeared untilthey fortheAgedDayThe (3) Respect on them . . . visiting 0fNagoya 0nTVgameshows t0 appeaf twinsbegan outgoing cheerful, celebrities' national andtheyquicklybecame andin adverts (4) . 102.Whilethey(5) ' Theystartedt0 travelwhenthey pairsoftwins.GinandKinsaid Taiwan theymet1,000 visiting anything (6) these0et0ftheirlonglives . . nott0worryabout to going talking and walks for simplelifestyles, Theyenjoyed eachother- Findexamplesof the pastsimpleand past continuousin the text in exercise1, Choosethe correctanswers. homelwass 1 Whilelwalked/ waswalking sawLrsa. mewhllewe w( 2 Mandycalled/ wascalling watching/ watchedthe match. It rained/ wasrainingwhenwe werearrlv arrivedat the beach. wh anything Hedidn'tsay,/wasn'tsaying I asked/ wasaskinghlmaboutthe exam. mewhilev Didyousee/ Wereyouseeing weredoingthe exam? Whodid you meet/ wereyou meetingye whileI wasworking/ worked hisguitarwi / practised He waspractising broke/ wasbreaking of the strings mymumw Whilelstudied/ wasstudying / wentshopping. Usethe pastsimpleor th Write sentences. continuousform of the verbs. ' , Compfete the text with wosor were'Then listenand check. Readthe text againand answerthe questions' 1 2 3 4 isNagoYa? Inwhichcountry famous? the twinswhentheybecame were Howold like? Whataretheirpersonalities didtheylead? Whatkinclof lifestyle Readthe rules. We often usethe pastcontintlouswith the past simple.We usethe pastcontinuousto talk about a longeractionand the pastsimplewith a shorteractionthat interruptsthe longeraction. on TV while the r"loyv was Tlneyn li]edi'ect '",isit!inr them. UNIT I 1 Thephone/ ring/ while/ we / watchthe / y 2 l/ sit/ on thebus/ when/ l/ receive message / ilL/ while/ he/ visit/ his 3 He/ become grandParents / when/ 1/ 4 She/ notdo / herhomework her/ in thelibrarY /t 5 lt / start/ to snow/ while/ they/ cycLe 6 You/ not listen/ when,/ the teacner,/ca yourname Completethe questionswith the pastsim the pastcontinuousform of the verbsin b Thenwrite your own answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 When... (you/ start)schoop Where . (You/ be)lastweek? lastnight? ... (you/ study)at nineo'clock thism What... (you/ do)at elghto'clock When. (you/ arrive)at schooltoday? / begln)? When. .. (thislesson past simple \"] Comptetethe sentenceswith the or pastcontinuousform of the verbsin the box' Then put the picturesa-e into the correct order' ol PurPose Infinitive We can usean infinitive to saywhy a person doesan action. Peoplego to the supermdrkettoluy food' Listenand check. break buy look rain sing start wait walk see sell theparkat sixo'clock While| (1)...through for a concertA man yesterday, | (2) ... someposters and(4) . . one l wentto (3) ... tickets, soI stoppeci While| (5) . for a placeto stand'I saw the concert. We(6) . . togetherforthe musicto threefriends. start.Wewaitedfor a longa timeandthenlt (7) it (8) . a lot to rain.Bythe timethe concertstarted, Whilethe singer(9) . . thefirstsong,he felloverand and (10). . . hisarm.Theytookhimto hospital Whata dlsaster! the concert. cancelled Answerthe questionswith completesentences' Usethe wordsin the box to helPYou' borrowbooks goswimming learn lookup newwords staydry watchfilms I 2 3 4 5 6 ' ':.' Whydo Youusea dictionary? Whydo Peopleuseumbrellas? Whydo Yougoto school? WhYdo Peoplevisitlibraries? WhYdo Yougoto a sportscentre? visitcinemas? Whydo PeoPIe Correctthe mistakein eachsentence' Let'sgoto the gymfor playingbasketball' | likegoingto the beachforto swim' Peoplereadbooksfor enjoythe story' mYexams' to Passed | wasstudying 1 2 3 4 Consolirlotion -,' 1\ Completethe text with the wordsin the box' Then listenand check. didn'tlike feel helPed thought understand wastalking wereliving came I movedhouselastyear.My familyand| (1) in a butwe (2) .. to the citvin August.| (3) it village, I wasquiteshy Butoneday'while hereat firstbecause | (4) .. . to myteacheraboutmakingfriends'I startedto Theteacherhelpedmeto (5) feelmoreconfident. SoI (6) aboutwhatwas is different. thateverybody and to me,ancithesedaysl'm moreoutgoing important howmyteacher remember l'll always muchhappier. aboutschoollife' (7) . .. meto (8) .. moreoptimistic * llll RtrtntncfPRGI GnnmmAR PAGII llt0nflB00H u N r rI E Listening Phone-in Vocobulorlgivesndmshe (D Discuss the typesof problemthat you can have with friends. q\ Put the wordsin the box into the cor columns.Then listenand checkvour ans @ look at exercise3. What kind of listeningtext is this?What will the peopletalk about? sepc+adv+ee a confession an explan an offer a noise a decision a sug a warnrng an example Prediction IBEDYoucanoften predictthe subiectof a listening text by readingthe questionsfirst. q- Lirt"n and answerthe questions. the sentences, Usethe expres O Complete from exercise5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 WhenI hada problem, Samgavemesom Please don't... a nolsel Shemadea useful... aboutthe project. Whydidyoudo it?Canyougiveme an ... lt washardto . .. thisdecisiorr. He mademean . .. of t200,so I accepte S peohingilohingsuggestio o q\ Completethe conversation with the r the box.Then listenand repeat. about not 1 2 3 4 5 6 WhatdoesAmysayherfriendwantedto do? giveAmy? Whatadvicedoesthe presenter Whattwo problems hasBengot? giveBen? Whatadvicedoesthe presenter HowdoesCarlspendhisfreetime? Whatsuggestion doesthe presenter make? q] Completethe sentences from the radio programme,Usethe wordsin the box.Then listenand checkyour answers. could don't give make not Canyou... meanyadvice? Why... helpher? You... makeheran offer. Letme ... a suggestion. You... makea plan. Why... youstartplaying a teamsport? UNIT I should A B A B A I B , A why I'm so bored.Whatcan I do? (1)... don't you ioin a sportsclub? l'm reallybad at sport! OK. How (2)... takingFrenchlessons? No! I'm terribleat languages. Well, why (3) . . try a computer club? That's a good idea. l'll try that. Thanks! abouta problem. Ma @ marcup a dialogue suggestions. A I can't clo thesemoths problems! B Why not ask Mork to help you? yourconversation. @ In pairs,practise * ruoRrnottfi PAor ltl Lookat the textsquicklyand answerthe questions. Then readthe texts and checkvour answers. 1 Whatistext1? 2 Whoproduced text1? 3 Whatistext2? 4 Whowrotetext2? Matchthe paragraphs 1-5 in text 1 with the headingsa-e. a Classes b ntroduction c Contact d Free-time activities Accommodat e on Staywitha familyandseehowBritish peoplelive. lmproveyour English. Enjoyfun daytrips. our iamiliesarereallyfriendly. Thefood is excellent Internationa I foodis available. Funactivities: sports, cinema and bowling. CulturaI excursions: - the Globe Theatre in London - historicOxford - Shakespea pon-Avon re'sStratford-u One-,two-.three-or four-week courses at VictoriaAcademy. 15 or 25 hoursof lessons a week. Brighton Homestoy,49-51 ka View,Btighton, BN19 sTQ brightonhom€[email protected] wwwbrightonhomesta%co,uk . Readtext 2. Text 2 U#f'' inBnshion Llsi I vis|+ed Bnqhlan, 'n Erpland,fo, lhreewe&.s.I. Aada g,eatime al myscAool. TAe leacAe.s*ere y6unq and iAe classeswere inleresl'rg. We nei, gol bored,but lle speai<ing "ras ,eallyd'fl'c:ullal {"stl I slayedwitAan EnqlisA fam;ly- lAaf's a 'Ao,,e#y'. The {amily"were,ealliyqenerr:,us. They look ^"'"r.rywhere w'Ih llem uAiI ^.1 u l& ol lhe'r faends.'I sl;llwale emailsio Janes,a {aend I madewh:,leI was plavinq{oolball. one weekendwe weri lo Londonk n'SltAe famoussgAis.Ii was fanlasf,cJ TAe BrilisAlore pels. My homeslay{amilyAadlwo dogsandwe look l],n.m{oi lorq *u}klson lk beach afler :x:hooleveryday. Liv'rq w,lh a family wasa qreal way lo pracli:e "wilA EnqlisA.ilhinkI l.uml 'o.e lhe'tam'lvlhanI did atlA" scAoollll's alsoiAe besl waylo unAerslund lAe BnisA way o{ \'fe. Everyonein'Enqlanddankslea - wilA milklII's ho,nble.Thb B,,l,shfJod -as belle, lhan I er.pecled,bui I was gladlo gel homeEarn. NolAingcompareslo ^y mum's{ood Are the sentences true or false?Explainyour answers, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Alexthoughtthe essons wereeasy. Thefamilyignored Alex. HemetJames whilehewaswalking thedogs. Alexenjoyed sightseeing in London. Petsarepopular ln Brltain. A ex loves Engishtea. Britlshfoodis betterthanhismum'sfood. Answerthe questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 peoplelive? HowcanyouseehowBritish Whatarehomestay families like? Do youhaveto eatBritishfood? Whereisthe GlobeTheatre? WherecanyoustudyEnglrsh? HowcanyoucontactBrightonHomestay? : u N ' rI f fl postcord Capitol letters Q l t-oot at the postcardquicktyand answer the questions, Whatcanyouseein the picture? Whowrotethe postcard? Whodid shewriteit to? Whatdo youthinksheis 1 2 3 4 2bthduly De4rMumandDdd I'm havingd brilliant timelTneFrench classetare fun and I lire lhe echool. Guesswhat?0n MondayI watwalfingalong lhe buch whent metAnnaandCarol.Doyou'fnel renemberthem? wentta myprimarylLhool tvtalears490.Tnel'restudlingFrenthat anolher aradtmyhtre n Arc.rih Doni worry.lh'y re very srnsiblrthesedays! is ahllreallygrn'rous.1he padfor n1 . Ilna Iun(hladay.2utLarolr sl;lla btt nean 1he neversharesdnfhing.aar7lmaKee na t'eelrwl[y inpdlientsamelines. I'll writedgdinsaan. Lotsaf love,Henrieltaxxx T nn I Mr dndMr| LldrK v4lneWombles Gotham Noltingh4m6hire NGIL{!FF q\ Readthe postcardand answerthe questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Whatis Henrietta doingin Biarritz? Whatwasshedoingwhenshemetherfriencls? HowdoesHenrietta knowAnnaandCarol? Whichcountryis Biarritzin? WhatisAnnalike? HowdoesCarolannoyHenrietta? @ fict k/) whenyou needto usea capitattetter. 1 z 3 4 5 ! f ! ! [ 6 [ 7 8 O 10 ! E f ! months daysoftheweek people's names names of places names of activities I I : r:.:- @ fnint abouta personyou know,and imagin you seehim / her on holiday.Answerthe questions. 1 Howdidyoumeetthisperson? . at the beach/ in a park/ in a cafd . playrng sport 2 Whatwashe / shelike?Writea listof wordsj describe his/ hercharacter. 3 Whydidyoulikehim/ her? @ Organiseyour answersfrom exercise4 into sentences. My friendsond I were... I m e t l \ I a t to t . . . n a l i o n a l i t i e sl d n g J a g e ( (,) aftera comma thestartofa sentence pronoun tnesubject i possessive adjective @ Write a postcardto your parents.Remembe . useyoursetences fromexercise 5. . useHenrietta's postcard to helpyou. . usecapitalletterscorrectly. . checkyourspelling, punctuation andgramma * UNIT I pfloEil u,onfiBotlt{ 0uichc h e c h VocobulorU Readthe descriptions and write the adjectives. We usethisadjective for a personwho ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 is usually happy. tindsit hardto makefriends. doesn'tlikewaitingfor others. hatesworking. doesn't thinkaboutotherpeople's feelings. likesgivingmoneyor presents. Completethe sentenceswith the correct form of give or moke. 1 L.. mysister someadvice lastnight. 2 Thethief.. . a confession at the poiicestation yesleroay. 3 Theteacher is ... Annaa warning. 4 He ... a reallygenerous offeryesterday. 5 Wehadto ... my parents an explanation. 6 Canl ... a suggestion? yewtl*us 1$, tr:r:bru!erq Choosethe correct answer. 1 lt wasawful.He shoutedandhewaspolite/ rude whenhe metmymum 2 Whyareyoulate?Givemean offer/ explanation. peoplethinkabouthow 3 Insensitive / Sensitive otherpeoplefeel. peoplemakegood/ badsuggestions. 4 Sensible peoplemakepromises 5 Honest/ Dishonest but theydon'tkeepthem. 6 Youmadea verysensible / patientsuggestion. gave 7 We / madehimsomeadvicebut he didn't 'thankyou'. say 8 ldon't understand thisgrammar. Canyou make/ givean example? gave/ madethema warning. 9 Thepoliceman 10 lf yougive/ makea noise, thebabywillwake up. uI0mm0r Write sentenceswith the pastsimpleand the pastcontinuous, 1 she/ read/ a book/ when/ her mobile/ ring 2 you/ have/ lunch/ when,/someone,/ steal,/ yourbag? 3 l/ have/ an idea/ while/ l/ C,o/ my homework 4 we / run/ alongtheroad/ when/ it / start/ snowing 5 they/ notsee/ anyone / while/ they/ walk/ to thecrnema 6 he / eat/ anylhing / while/ he / waitfor us? Completethe sentences with the correctform of the verbsin the box. do get go have send stay 1 | wentto the postofftce... somestamps. goto mygrandmother's 2 Wealways ... lunchat the weekends. 3 | usethe school 4 My sister usesa pencil... herhomework. 5 lt'scold you'llneeda jacket.. . warm. 6 Sheusedherbrother's computer... emails. S r * m m ci sr v i e u t Choosethe correctanswer. I (1)remember /'m rememberingthe timemy friendSaraandI decided(2)to visit/ visitingthe old buildingnextto ourschool. Wemetafterschooland (3) made,/ weremakinga plan.Nobody(4)uses/ usedthe building thesedaysandwe (5)weren't,/ didn'tsurehowto getin.Whilewe (6) arewalking/ werewalkingaroundthe wall,Sarasawa smalldoor. We(7)wereopening/ openedthe doorandwent inside. Suddenly, Sara(8)screams We / screamed. (9) saw/ wereseeinga strange personbehinda windowon thefirstfloor.We ranbackto school. Now,we don't(10)talk / aretalkingaboutwhat we saw. UNIT I Vocobularg Readthe descriptionsand write the adjectives. We usethisadjective for a personwho ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 0rammar '. r. Write sentenceswith the past simpleand the past continuous. 1 she/ read/ a book/ when/ her mobile/ ring 2 you/ have/ lunch/ when/ someone/ steal/ yourbag? 3 | / have/ anidea/ whlle/ | / do / myhomework 4 we / run/ alongthe road/ when/iI/start/ snowing 5 Ihey/ not see,/ anyone/ while/ Ihey/ walk/ to the cinema 6 he / eat/ anything/ while/ he / waitfor us? is usually happy. findsit hardto makefriends. doesn'tlikewaitingfor others. hatesworking. doesn'tthinkaboutotherpeople's feelings. likesgivingmoneyor presents. '''.:r Completethe sentences with the correctform of give ot moke, 1 I . .. mysistersomeadvicelastnight. 2 Thethief. . . a confession at the policestation yesterday. 3 Theteacher is ... Annaa warning. 4 He . .. a reallygenerous offeryesterday. parents 5 We hadto . .. my an explanation. 6 Can1...a suggestion? ' " do 4 o 7 9 10 go have send stay goto mygrandmother's Wealways ... lunchat theweekends. I usethe bus... to school. 4 My sisterusesa pencil... herhomework. 5 It'scold you'llneeda jacket... warm. o Sheusedherbrother's computer... emails. Choosethe correctanswer. 2 3 get 1 I wentto the poslofflce. .. somestamps. Vocabulorg revieu It wasawful.He shoutedandhe waspolite/ rude whenhe met my mum Whyareyoulate?Givemean offer/ explanation. peoplethinkabouthow Insensitive / Sensitive otherpeoplefeel. peoplemakegood/ badsuggestions. Sensible peoplemakepromises Honest/ Dishonest but theydon'tkeepthem. Youmadea verysensible / patientsuggestion. gave We / madehimsomeadvicebut he didn't 'thankyou'. say ldon'tunderstand thisgrammar. Canyou make/ givean example? gave/ madethema warning. Thepoliceman lf yougive/ makea noise,the babywillwakeup. Completethe sentenceswith the correct form of the verbs in the box. 0rommor revieut ' Choosethe correct answer. 'm remembering | (1) remember / the timemy friendSaraandI decided(2)to visit/ visitingthe old buildingnextto ourschool. Wemetafterschooland (3) made/ weremakinga plan.Nobody(4)uses/ usedthe building thesedaysandwe (5)weren't/ didn't surehowto get in.Whilewe (6) arewalking/ werewalkingaroundthe wall,Sarasawa smalldoor. We(7)wereopening/ openedthe doorandwent inside. Suddenly, Sara(8)screams We / screamed. (9) saw/ wereseeinga strange personbehinda windowon thefirstfloor.We ranbackto school. Now,we don't(10)talk / aretalkingaboutwhat we saw. UNTT I