Summer 2012 - 7th Infantry Regiment Association


Summer 2012 - 7th Infantry Regiment Association
WAR Of 1812
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Members attending the Reunion in front of the
National Infantry Museum (Photo by April Stull)
Check out our Website:
Summer 2012
Volume xxIII No. 3
Honorary Colonel of the Regiment:
LTG John M. LeMoyne, USA Ret.
Honorary Sgt Major of the Regiment:
CSM Curley Faulk, USA Ret.
[email protected]
David Spanburg
2783 Grovemore Lane
Vienna, VA 22180
[email protected]
Immediate Past President:
Scott Rutter
7 Hemptor Rd.
New City, NY 10956
[email protected]
1st Vice President and Chaplain:
Father Philip G. Salois, M.S.
101 Walker Street - B5
Newtonville, MA 02460
617-930-5208 (cell)
[email protected]
2nd Vice President:
David Jensen
212 Hartwood Drive
Gadsen, AL 35901
[email protected]
Roland B. Merson
60 Tipper Drive
Dryfork, WV 26263
[email protected]
Ronald L. Bertha
7610 Springfield Hills Drive
Springfield, VA 22153-3127
[email protected]
David Spanburg
2783 Grovemore Lane
Vienna, VA 22180
[email protected]
The Cottonbaler
Board of Directors:
Stephen C. Borkowski *
129 Granville Arch
Smithfield, VA 23430
[email protected]
Joe Washart
504 Brooke Avenue
Magnolia, NJ 08049
[email protected]
Joe Krass
275 Barron Street
Bensenville, IL 60106
[email protected]
Robert Burns
150 Cypress Club Drive
Apt 502
Pompano Beach, FL 33060-4739
[email protected]
Greg Cullison *
2838 Stone Mill Pl
Beavercreek, OH 45434
[email protected]
Dr. John C. McManus
2560 Hidden Meadow Lane
St. Louis, MO 63021-7824
[email protected]
Historian Emeritus:
Sherm Pratt
Belgian Liaison Officer:
Bob Boucart
BLVD Anspach 17-B36
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: 011-32222177296
[email protected]
2d Battalion, 7th Infantry
LTC Todd Kelly, USA, CDR*
CSM Sean Burns, USA, CSM*
3d Battalion, 7th Infantry
LTC Greg Bell, USA, CDR*
CSM Jeffrey R. Dillingham*
* Denotes active duty
Check out our website:
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Summer 2012
The Cottonbaler is an official,
quarterly publication of the
7th Infantry Regiment
of the
1. To create and perpetuate a viable
and cohesive national organization for
the purpose of enjoying the camaraderie
and unique membership, and in unison,
voice concern for the protection of our
cherished American ideals and our individual way of life.
2. To support the military policy that
maintains reasonable but strong nuclear
and conventional, combat-ready regular
and reserve component forces, able to
provide adequate national security for
our nation and its people.
3. To foster the development of good
citizenship, patriotism, and leadership
in our American youth, the future of our
4. To insure that posterity is constantly
reminded of those instances of service,
sacrifice, and dedication to the preservation of our nation’s liberty and freedom by celebrating those dates that
recall the sacrifices made by the Armed
Forces of the United States, and especially the 7th Infantry Regiment and its
component units.
5. To encourage and achieve the mutual benefit and support resulting from
a close and cooperative alliance between
the Association and the active units of
the 7th Infantry Regiment in the United
States Army.
Roland B. Merson
60 Tipper Drive
Dryfork, WV 26263
[email protected]
Page 2
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
President’s Page: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
by David Spanburg
2nd Commander’s Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . 5
by LTC Todd Kelly
Quartermaster Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3rd Battalion Commander’s Comments
by LTC Greg Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Reunion Questionnaire
Tear out & return ASAP . . . . . . . 13-14
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Membership Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
List of Contributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Taps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chaplain’s Corner
by Father Phil Salois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Reunion Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22
Membership/Donation Form. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Budget/Financial Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Boswell Scholarship History. . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Campaign Participation Credit . . . . . . . . . 24
Summer 2012
Receive Your Cottonbaler Newsletter
Electronically via Email
To help save printing and mailing costs, members may
now receive their Cottonbaler Newsletter via email.
Email versions will arrive about 2 weeks before members receive it in the mail.
If you are interested in this option, please email our
Secretary, Roland Merson, at [email protected].
You can change your mind any time and go back to
receiving your newsletter by regular mail.
Members, particularly Life Members who no longer
have to pay the annual membership fee, are encouraged to donate toward the operating expenses of the
Association each year. Send your contribution directly
to our treasurer, Ron Bertha, 7610 Springfield Hills
Drive, Springfield, VA 22153.
Cottonbalers on Facebook:
National Infantry Museum - Landing Zone X-Ray diorama
from the 'Final 100 Yards' Exhibit
'Follow Me' statue at entrance to the
National Infantry Museum, Columbus, GA
Page layout for this newsletter by:
Elizabeth H. Cottrell
RiverwoodWriter, LLC, Maurertown, VA 22644
540-436-3969 •
Printed by:
Narrow Passage Press (The Print Shop), Woodstock, VA 22664
540-459-4000 •
7th Infantry Regiment Association
While material received for publication is screened for relevance,
good taste and general content, the Editor is not responsible for its technical accuracy. If readers wish to challenge the accuracy of an article
published in The Cottonbaler, whether contributed by an Association
member or reprinted from an outside source, they are welcome to do
so by writing to the Editor and explaining the basis for the challenge.
Such letters will also be published, if appropriate.
Page 3
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
his issue of the Cottonbaler is slightly late so
that we can include some of the highlights
from the just completed reunion.
This year’s reunion was one of the smallest, if not
the smallest one I’ve attended. In order to try and
increase participation at the reunions you will
find in this newsletter a short questionnaire that I
would like you to fill out and mail back me. I’m
looking for your input on what we can do to get
more members involved and attending the reunions. One suggestion I have received from several members is having the reunions every other
year. That is one of the questions: “How often
would you like to have a reunion?” I’m also looking at changing the reunion dates from the weekend to during the week. There is a possibility of
getting better rates at hotels if we have the reunion during the week. I’m asking that all of you
take a few minutes and fill out the questionnaire.
I’ll provide an update on the results in future issues. This is critical to the future of the Association. This is your chance to let the Association
know what you want.
For those of you who missed this year’s reunion,
you missed an excellent one. On Friday, we not
only visited the brand new National Infantry Museum, we also attended the Graduation Ceremony
for two companies of brand new Infantry Soldiers.
It was a pleasure to see tomorrow’s Infantry Soldiers finish their training and be recognized as
part of the best Military ever. The grandstand was
overflowing with their families and friends. It was
really something to see.
The Museum is almost beyond words. Organized
by eras, the galleries are both high-tech and personable. Not only do you get the overall story, but
you also get to learn about individuals. Having a
guided tour led by a museum curator really made
it special. You not only got the see the exhibits,
but in many cases, the stories behind the exhibits.
For me the highlight of the museum was ‘The
Last 100 Yards Ramp.’
Since its formation in 1775, it has been said that
the United States Army Infantry has owned “the
last 100 yards” of the battlefield. After the Armor
and Air support have completed their mission, it
is the Infantryman’s job to face the enemy bayonet to bayonet. A gently sloped ramp contains
life-sized dioramas depicting significant battles
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Association President David Spanburg
in the Infantry’s history, including Yorktown,
Antietam, Soissons, Normandy, Corregidor,
Soam-Ni, LZ X-Ray, and Iraq.
Robert Burns said afterwards that the Iraqi portion was so realistic that it gave him goose-bumps
and it felt like he was back in Iraq. A very sober
and touching exhibit, it seemed that everyone was
a little more subdued afterwards and reflected on
the history of the Infantry. If you are ever anywhere near Columbus, GA/Fort Benning, you need
to take the time to visit the National Infantry
Museum. It’s your story, your history, your legacy.
At the Regimental Banquet on Saturday, we were
able to welcome several soldiers from both 2-7 and
3-7. I would like to thank them for taking time out
of their busy schedules to drive to Columbus from
Fort Stewart and spend some time with us. We received briefings from both Battalions on what
they have been doing for the last year and what is
scheduled for the remainder of this year. You can
read more details on what the battalions have
been doing and what is planned for the upcoming
future later in the Newsletter. We have articles
and photos from both Battalions.
As part of the Regimental Banquet, LTG (Ret)
John Le Moyne was recognized as the new Honorary Colonel of the Regiment and was presented
with a Certificate from the Chief of Infantry. I
know that John will be a great asset to the Battalions as the Honorary Colonel. I would like to
thank BG (Ret) Dale Nelson for the work he’s
done as the previous Honorary Colonel. So if you
happen to see John somewhere, please congratulate him.
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Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
I would also like to welcome our new Board Members, Greg Cullison and Stephen Borkowski and to
thank both Cliff Hall and Ron Turner for their
great work these last four years as Board Members. It’s been a pleasure to work with them and I
look forward to working with Greg and Stephen.
As I write this (mid-June), next year’s reunion is
undecided. During the briefings at the Regimental
Dinner, we learned that both Battalions will be
deployed next June. Hopefully the Officers and
Board will have met and made a decision on next
year’s reunion before this gets printed. If not, the
Cottonbaler website will have the latest news and
updates on the reunion planning for next year.
Summer 2012
and the Vietnam War Memorials. At every location, I saw hundreds of our fellow Veterans and
their families. At each memorial, wreaths and
flowers were present and ceremonies planned to
remember those who gave their lives to ensure we
still have our freedoms today. It was especially
touching when strangers approached you and said
Thank You for Your Service and Welcome Home.
So when you see a fellow veteran, say thank you.
It really does make a difference.
Volens et Potens
David Spanburg
On Memorial Day weekend, I spent an evening on
the Mall in Washington, DC visiting some of the
memorials. I visited the WWII, the Korean War,
“Cottonbaler” 2nd Battalion
LTC Todd Kelly USA, CDR
reetings from Fort Stewart
and Fort Polk! As I prepare
this edition’s comments, the
Task Force is at the Joint Readiness
Training Center (JRTC) in Fort Polk,
Louisiana, preparing for our upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Our
mission in Afghanistan will focus on
conducting Village Stability Operations (VSO) with Special Operations
Forces (SOF). Our mission readiness
exercise has provided a great opportunity to establish relationships with
our SOF counterparts, train small
unit leaders and tactics, enhance our
understanding of cultural awareness, and build
confidence in our soldiers, equipment, and leadership. Your Cottonbalers are incredibly motivated,
enthusiastic, and excited about the training and
the upcoming mission in support of OPERATION
In April, Task Force 2-7 IN participated in Raider
Focus, our Brigade level train up exercise for deployment to the Joint Readiness Training Center.
7th Infantry Regiment Association
The intensive training period focused
on developing our squad leaders and
their Soldiers to conduct VSO in
Afghanistan. Our squads worked
along three lines of effort to include
security, development, and governance. The scenario challenged our
squads to gain the trust and confidence of the local villagers through
conduct of key leader engagements
and interaction with the local populace. Our soldiers honed their
warfighting skills and completed the
training with a better appreciation of
the complexities of cultural awareness and building rapport with host nation local
village leadership and security forces. The exercise prepared us well for our rotation to JRTC.
At JRTC during the last couple of weeks, our Soldiers and partnered SOF units continued to conduct live fire training, situational training
exercises, and force-on-force training. We rotated
our squads through situational training exercise
lanes and live fire scenarios akin to what our
Page 5
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
SSG Smith, 2-7, exits a Humvee during a
training excercise
soldier may encounter in Afghanistan. Our live
fire training included both mounted and dismounted marksmanship skills, indirect fire integration with our mortar platoon, squad fire and
maneuver, and replicated casualty evacuation.
Our force-on-force training allowed for continuous
integration at multiple echelons from our squads
to the battalion task force involving an opposition
force and role players. All of our Soldiers received
world class training and feedback from the Observer-Controller-Trainers (OCTs) at the JRTC.
The rotation allowed our Cottonbaler soldiers to
build relationships with our SOF partners,
strengthen every unit’s foundation of warfighting
skills that we established during Raider Focus,
and help ourselves see the training areas that
need continual refinement. Through hard work
and commitment, our Cottonbalers stand poised
and ready for the deployment.
Summer 2012
their dedication and commitment to the Cottonbalers. Their contributions were instrumental in
preparing our soldiers for the upcoming deployment. We want to wish them and their families
the best of luck as they begin their new assignments. We welcome our new Operations Officer,
MAJ Matt Chitty, and his family to the Task
Force. Matt is coming to us from Third Infantry
Division Headquarters. Also, several Company
Commanders relinquished command during the
last couple of months to include former Headhunter 6, CPT Tom Whitehead; Assassin 6, CPT
Matt Goncalves; and Bushmaster 6, CPT Jeremy
Currin. We wish CPT Whitehead and CPT
Goncalves our best as they begin their next assignments in the Division. CPT Currin did not go
far as he recently assumed command of our Headquarters and Headquarters Company. Also joining
the Cottonbaler team is CPT Brian Hottel who
took command of Alpha Company and CPT Matt
Dotson who assumed command of Bravo Company. Both officers took their respective guidons
in April. We all look forward to working with
these great officers and their families as we prepare for our upcoming deployment.
Congratulations go out to recently promoted SGT
Clouser from Foxtrot Company on his selection as
the Division Soldier of the Year.
Volens et Potens,
LTC Todd Kelly
Able 6
Upon our redeployment from Fort Polk, the Task
Force will recover our equipment, represent the
Cottonbalers with pride during participation in
Marne Week, and take some well deserved time
off with block leave. Our July and August training
will focus on maintaining the sharpened edge that
we honed at the JRTC. Expect the Task Force to
work small unit tactics, cultural awareness, language, and marksmanship training as we prepare
for the deployment in early Fall.
During the last couple of months, we have experienced significant turnover in our senior leaders
and command teams. I want personally thank
MAJ Rod Morgan and SGM Scott Broxton for
7th Infantry Regiment Association
C/2-7 takes it to the Enemy during training at JRTC,
Ft. Polk, LA
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Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
CPT Boler, 2/7, reenlists Specialist Brown at JRTC
2-7 Soldiers boarding plane enroute to the JRC at Ft. Polk
2-7 Soldiers arriving at Ft. Polk
2-7 Soldiers training at Ft. Polk
B/3-7 Soldiers during training
B/3-7 Soldiers during training
Our Association Quartermaster is Leonard W. Collins. The entire selection of Cottonbaler items
can now be seen on his website where he is set up to accept MasterCard or Visa.
E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Phone: 803-300-2554 or Toll free: 1-866-946-6677
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 7
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
“Cottonbaler” 3rd Battalion
LTC Greg Bell USA, CDR
reeting Cottonbalers. As summer approaches CSM Dillingham and I would like you all to
know that the Cottonbalers of 3-7 IN
are training hard to prepare the Soldier
for whatever the future holds for us. To
those of you who attended the Reunion
we say thanks. It was a great event and
the Soldiers that attended really enjoyed the time spent with the men and
women that represent the true lineage
of the Cottonbalers. Special thanks to
our new Colonel of the Regiment John
Le Moyne. We look forward to having
you visit the Battalion here at Fort
Stewart. Again thanks for inviting us and we look
forward to our next meeting.
This summer the battalion will be conducting Platoon level Live Fire Exercises the entire month of
June. In July we will take some well deserved leave
(about 15 days). In August and September we will
continue our collective training with another round
of Platoon / Company Live fires and some staff
training at the Joint Readiness Training Center
(JRTC) Leader Training Program (LTP). This training is designed to hone the staffs’ ability to solve
problems and develop orders to allow the companies
to conducts missions with the best intelligence and
resources available.
Since we last wrote, HHC has been continuing to train at the next couple of levels. We have conducted team and squad
level live fires. We continue to bring the
training and our schooling to the next
level in order to prepare for any future
For the Scouts, we’ve had several milestones following the completion of the
Battalion’s team-centric collective tasks
training. The Reconnaissance Soldiers
have distinguished themselves and
have brought great credit upon the Cottonbaler Battalion. SGT Cifka, CPL Fellows, SPC
Vorhees, and SPC Vigil participated in the AllArmy Small Arms Championships during the
month of March. SGT Cifka placed first in the junior enlisted novice category. SGT Robert Thompson,
SPC Tim Schuster, and SPC Simon Lim are still enduring the brutal demands of the Mountain Phase
of Ranger School and are scheduled to graduate on
22 June 2012. Currently SPC Xachary Way is enduring the wrenching pain of Camp Darby and is
expected to graduate Ranger School during the
month of July. SPC Vorhees graduated Sniper
School in May and became one of two Soldiers from
I encourage you to read the companies articles as
they highlight some of the training we have completed since our last newsletter.
CMS Dillingham and I hope you enjoy your summer.
Cottonbalers, By God
LTC Greg Bell
Baler 6
SGT Thompson, HHC/3-7 shows children from Britton
Elementary School one of the Scouts Sniper Weapons.
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 8
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
3BN Commander’s Comments continued from pg. 8
3-7 IN to graduate
Sniper School.
We are looking
forward to the
ready to offer to
the Battalion.
above have answered the call
and the challenge of their
As the focus on
squad collecB/3-7 Soldiers during training
tive training
continued, our
Soldiers learned alternate shooting techniques
through a series of reflexive fire ranges, and stress
shoots. They also conducted reconnaissance specific
training in order to continue our preparation for future contingency operations. During the month of
May the Reconnaissance Platoon conducted Mountaineering Training at Camp Frank D. Merrill,
Dahlonega GA. The training was the first of its kind
for a unit in 4th Brigade, 3ID. The Platoon received
critical blocks of instructions in military mountaineering from the 5th Ranger Training Brigade
Instructors. The training offered the platoon a basic
foundation of excellent tactics and procedures for
high altitude operations.
The Mortar Platoon’s Soldiers continue to excel in
their professional and personal development as
Leaders. SPC Robert Pierce, SPC Jeremy Claiborne, SPC Miguel Sandoval, and SPC Justin
Crocker attended the Infantry Mortar Leader
Course. While the Mortar Platoon continues to grow
and develop, the Platoon would also like to sincerely
thank and recognize several members for their
Leadership during their time with the Cottonbalers. SGT Michael Gray successfully completed
Army Recruiter School in Fort Jackson, SC and is
on the way to his new assignment in Virginia. SGT
Wendell Robinson is pursuing a civilian career after
serving the United States Army and the Cotton-
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Summer 2012
baler Battalion with honor and dignity. SGT James
Herndon is furthering his Army Career through
completion of Food Services Specialist Schooling.
During the month of April, Expert Field Medical
Badge (EFMB) training was the main focus of medical personnel in the Battalion as well as the
Brigade. Six medics were selected to go to Camp
Oliver in order to earn their Expert Field Medical
Badge. Though all gave a valiant effort and came
away with a valuable learning experience, only one
medic, SPC Tyler Knoeck, earned the prestigious
Expert Field Medical Badge. In May, two medics
spent three weeks training Physical Therapy Techniques with CPT Jeremy Fletcher, the 4th Brigade
Physical Therapist. The techniques learned will immensely help the soldiers’ ability to diagnose musculoskeletal injuries. All Medics completed HIPPA,
fire safety, and AHLTA-T certifications in order to
be able to work in the new Troop Medical Clinic.
Currently, all medics are preparing to conduct field
Battalion Aid Station operations for Platoon Live
Fire Exercises in June.
Our staff has been integrating their digital systems
together in a series of exercises called the Battle
Command System of Systems Integration Training.
All the staff shops got a chance to break out of their
office and set up their digital systems in a remote
site to ensure that we could talk with everyone out
on the battlefield. The staff may seem like the unsung hero of the battle, but without this piece of the
pie, the battalion as we know it would not operate
as fluidly as we do. Thanks goes out to all the S
A/3-7 Soldiers during training
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Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
3BN Commander’s Comments continued from pg. 9
Shops who keep us running every day.
The Soldiers of Havoc are on the path to fulfilling
whatever mission higher hands down and we are
confident that we will take the fight to the enemy
and succeed.
A/3-7 – CPT Jon Rembetsy
Attack Company has been training hard to maintain our momentum increasing our collective proficiency and achievement of our Mission Essential
Tasks. During the last quarter Attack Company bid
farewell to CPT Vespa and his wife Barbara. CPT
Vespa served as the Attack Company Commander
during our last deployment in Iraq while Mrs.
Vespa held the position of the Family Readiness
Group leader. CPT Vespa remains with the Cottonbaler family as he has transitioned to our operations staff, awaiting assignment as the
Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander. We thank them for their tireless efforts
and wish them the best of luck in all their future
endeavors. 1LT Mannina transitioned from Attack
Company where he served as the Company executive officer with distinction, to an assignment with
the 75th Ranger Regiment. We said goodbye to SPC
Bird and SPC Casey who successfully completed
their commitment to the Army with honor. Attack
welcomed 1LT Malcolm as the Company executive
officer as well as new Platoon leaders 2LT George
Chewning to second Platoon and 2LT Nathaniel
Bier to third Platoon.
In March and April, Attack Company conducted
A/3-7 Soldiers during training
squad live fire exercises with exceptional results.
The training was an outstanding opportunity for
each Squad to vet and showcase their skill sets incorporating non-organic assets to include Rotary
Wing Aircraft for infiltration and the Company
mortars section. Their performance set the standard, executing at levels of increased responsibility
and proving they are more than ready to enter into
Platoon level training. In conjunction with Squad
level tactics Attack trained on the integration and
use of close air attack helicopters, with all members
of our Fires Section, coordinating with live AH-64
helicopter pilots in call for fire scenarios.
In May, Attack Company continued their refinement of Squad level tactics by conducting a second
iteration of Squad Live Fire Exercises as well as
transitioned to Platoon operations during Platoon
STX lanes. The Platoons displayed intense levels of
fortitude as they operated during tropical storm
Beryl as well as daytime temperatures well above
90 degrees. Attack Company perfected their field
craft, establishing patrol bases and conducting operations throughout the periods of darkness. We
look forward to continued success as we build our
team and prepare for the challenges that await us.
Attack Company families are indispensable and
crucial to our success. Thank you to our Family
Readiness Group and every member of the Attack
Family for your support.
B/3-7 – CPT William Shields
A/3-7 Soldiers during training
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Berserker Company has been training hard for the
next fight and meeting all of its Mission Essential
Tasks. Unfortunately, we have had to say good bye
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Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
3BN Commander’s Comments continued from pg. 10
to SFC Bell
Floyd; both of
whom served
with Berserker
Company during our last
tour in Iraq.
SFC Bell went
to the University of Wisconsin as a ROTC
and 1SG Floyd
took on a position of greater
as the Division
B/3-7 Soldiers during training
and Headquarters Battalion
First Sergeant. Also 1LT Baez, the Platoon leader
for our 2nd Platoon, moved on to a position of great
privilege and honor as the Executive Officer in
Delta Company. We would also like to welcome our
newest members to the Berserker family: 2LT
Smith is the new Platoon Leader for our 1St Platoon, 2LT Gabbard is the new Platoon Leader for
our 2nd Platoon, and 1SG Farmer who took responsibility of Berserker Company and plans on
taking our Company to the next level of discipline
and readiness.
In March and April, Berserker Company conducted
squad live fire. Each Berserker squad successfully
completed each drill with precision, including the
integration of supporting assets to prepare themselves for tasks they will see on future deployments.
In particular, they completed Tactical Site Exploitation, which is gathering intelligence and evidence from an objective to be analyzed for future
Summer 2012
targeting. Also during the live fire exercises, the
squad leaders and above were trained and certified
on key leader engagements, a vital element in counterinsurgency warfare as it gives us the ability to
win the hearts and minds of the local populous. Finally, our squads were trained on the integration
and use of close air attack helicopters by having
every Berserker actually talk to the live AH-64 helicopter pilots.
In May, Berserker Company began working on Platoon operations with movement to contact and Platoon raid. We again had the opportunity to work
with A/4-3 Aviation, which provided us with UH-60
support for a night air assault mission and also a
night aerial resupply mission. Our Platoons are the
foundation of this Company and ensuring they are
properly prepared to conquer any enemy and accomplish the mission is of utmost importance.
As always, the Berserkers would like to thank our
Family Readiness Group and every Cottonbaler for
his or her love and support.
As we enter the summer, I commend the Infantrymen and families of C CO “Crusaders” for their sacrifice and sweat during the past months. Their hard
work and efforts have prepared them tactically,
technically and conceptually to deploy in support of
full spectrum operations. As we bid farewell to
Leaders and Soldiers moving on to perpetuate the
excellence of Cottonbalers, we welcome a new Company Executive Officer 1LT Wright, Fire Support
Officer 1LT Moure, Fire Support NCO SSG Hill,
SSG Evans (Squad Leader for 3rd PLT) and LT
Sheidler, 1st Platoon Leader.
By developing and building upon the foundation of
individual, leader and collective platoon tasks, Crusader Company has but one collective training task
before them: Platoon Live Fire Exercises. Upon
During the F/3-7 Company Field Training Exercise, Maintenance successfully established a
Unit Maintenance Collection Point (UMCP)
7th Infantry Regiment Association
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Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
3BN Commander’s Comments continued from pg. 11
Completion, Crusader will be postured to enter the
next phase of training which focuses on theater specific training. As a possible deployment looms on
the horizon, we continue our training path.
1LT Barfield moves on to the Old Guard, Washington D.C., 2LT Crawford moves on to become the
Forward Support Company Distribution Platoon
Leader, SGT Ward moves on to Law Enforcement.
Reenlistments: SSG Fields, CPL Som, SGT Nowak,
SPC Fortag, SPC Hernandez, SPC Rivera. Promotions: 1LT Lee, SGT Hodgson, SGT Wilmott.
We continue our march to obtain constant deployment readiness. I again commend the Soldiers,
Leaders and especially the families who are decisive in supporting all the achievements of the Company. It is not the family standing behind the
Soldier, but rather beside him that continues to
arm our hearts with the strength to march on.
Spring is upon us and summer is rapidly approaching as we continue on into collective training. Some
highlights from the last few months: Team and
Squad STX/LFX,
CQB, Combatives
certification, Heavy
Weapons Leader
Course, and most
recently, the Company 1SG change of
Needless to say, we
extremely busy training for the next
SFC Munden (Platoon Sergeant
for 2nd Platoon, Delta Company
and Combatives Level 2
Instructor) punches a potential
“clinchee” (SPC Whaley of 2nd
Moving through the
winter and into
spring, Dragon conducted a series of
collective training
events that will
eventually culminate with Platoon
Live Fires in June.
Both Team and
Squad situational
7th Infantry Regiment Association
1LT Jake Wright (Platoon Leader for 1st Platoon, Delta
Company) takes a punch as he closes the distance to
achieve the clinch on a very large SSG Miles (92nd
Engineers Combatives Level 2 Instructor)
training and live fire exercises were conducted at
the austere training area known as AGR-III (Aerial
Gunnery Range) which has been used over the
years by 1st Ranger Battalion as a team and squad
live fire evaluation ground. The environment was
unforgiving being that it was in very close proximity to the Ogechee River. However, the men toughened up and gained valuable training and
development essential to training the basics to
standard in restrictive terrain. Following team and
squad LFX, the focus shifted to gaining proficiency
in Close Quarters Battle that consisted of two
weeks of training and culminated with a week of
training at the C3 Shoothouse. Overall, the kinetic
live fire training Dragon Company has conducted is
beginning to show in increased tactical proficiency
across the board.
Following the team and squad phase of collective
training, we shifted focus to include essential training in Combatives via the Combatives Level I certification training. This highly successful training
event certified more than 25 Soldiers as level I
Combatives instructors. In addition to Combatives,
Dragon was able to send 6 Soldiers to the Heavy
Weapons Leader Course MTT that came to Fort
Stewart from Fort Benning courtesy of B/2-29 IN.
This course went into detail on the various weapon
systems organic to an Infantry Weapons Company
bringing a higher level of understanding on the effective use and implementation of our organic
weapon systems. These two events further precontinued on pg. 18
Page 12
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
We Need Yo
Your Help!
Attendance at the reunion has been steadily declining over the last several years. We really
need your input and ideas for future reunions.
1. How often should the Association have a reunion?
A. Ever y year
B. Ever y other year
C. Only in conjunction with the Societty
of tth
he 3rd Infantr y Divis
D. I’m not interested in attending a Reunion
2. What month/Season do you think would be the best time to hold a Reunion?
3. What days of the week would you like to have the Reunion?
A. W
eekends (Thursday evening to Sunday Morning)
B. W
eekdays (Tuesday evening to Friday Morning)
C. It doesn’t matter
4. List the top 3 destinations where you would like to see a Reunion held:
5. What do you think is a reasonable room rate (per night)) for the Reunion Hotel that you would be
willing to pay?
A. Under $125
C. $125 - $175
D. $175 - $225
E. Over $225
6. Why Do/Don’t you attend the Reunions and any other comments:
Once you’ve completed this questionnaire, simple cut it out of the Newsletter and fold into thirds
and then tape or staple together and mail it to me. I’ll include a synopsis of the results I get in
the next newsletter.
I’m looking for ward to your thoughts and comments on upcoming reunions.
i Sp
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 13
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
Fold here
David Spanburg
PO Box 3181
David Spanburg
PO Box 3181
Fold here
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 14
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
BROWN, Robert W.
COL, HHC/3-7 & 4-7 IN, P/T
1009 Christmas Court
Midland, GA 31820
[email protected]
1SG, A/3-7 IN, Iraq
4782 Timberland Drive
Pace, FL 32571
[email protected]
1SG, B/3-7 IN, Iraq
265 Red Oak Drive
Richmond Hill, GA 31324
[email protected]
VIZZI, Chris
SSG, C/3-7 IN, Vietnam
6355 Naples Blvd #5 Suite 11
Naples, FL 34109
[email protected]
Summer 2012
~ Fallen Soldiers ~
SGT, HHC, 7th IN, P/T
Died 13 April 2011
7th Inf Reg Association
Membership Profile
As of 2 June 2012
to the following association
members for donations this quarter:
Scholarship fund
LTC (R) David P. Jensen Jr.
Silver Star Donor
Wallace E. Covert
Louis E. Light
Bronze Star Donor
Robert P. Mentis
Bronze Star Donor
James R. Norris
Bronze Star Donor
Walter Henry Jr.
Jeffrey J. Hoffman
LTC (R) David P. Jensen Jr.
Joseph W. Krass
Louis E. Light
James R. Norris
7th Infantry Regiment Association
None due (LM, HON, CG, PM)
Annual renewals for 2011-2012
Annual renewals for 2012-2013
Total Members
Served with the 7th Infantry,
Or attached or supporting units
Associate Members
Supporting Members
Honorary Members
World War II
Peace Time/Cold War
Gulf War/Iraq
Page 15
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
Chaplain’s Corner
Father Philip G. Salois, M.S.
7th Infantry Regiment Association Chaplain
ear Cottonbalers, Summer has finally
arrived and warmer weather is upon
us. As we look back we have had some
very turbulent weather – tornadoes – the most
of recent history. I hope and pray that these
tornadoes have evaded your cities and towns
and homes and that you are all set.
The annual reunion at Fort Benning is now
over and I regret missing it. I look forward to
hearing about it. It was probably the smallest
reunion we have had. Many members had conflicts with other family activities. However, I
learned that three of our Belgian brothers,
Fernand, Albert, and Louis were in attendance. They have been so faithful in attending
and keeping the Belgian component alive – a
true treasure. At the last minute, Curley
Faulk fell ill and was not able to attend the reunion. Please remember Curley and Carol
Ann in your thoughts and prayers for renewed
health and total recovery.
I want to congratulate the newly elected members of the Board of Directors and call upon
God’s blessing on them and all the Officers
and Members of the Board as we continue to
move forward keeping the legacy of the 7th Infantry Regiment alive and vibrant as it continues to take its part in the military history of
this great nation.
We have recently learned that 2/7 will be deploying to Afghanistan in October and 3/7 will
be following shortly after the New Year 2013.
We will once again see our young men heading
off in theatre being exposed to a still very dangerous and unstable place. We will call upon
each of you to remember them in our daily
thoughts and prayers.
While the reunion was going on, I attended
the wedding of one of our Life Members, an
Alpha 3/7 soldier with two Iraq tours, Danny
Jones to Laura Miller in Richardson, Texas. It
was a beautiful wedding and Danny was surrounded by a dozen of his military comrades
from all parts of the country. Danny and
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Laura will be moving to Bethesda, Maryland
this summer. Danny was accepted to begin
Medical School at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) to
eventually become an Army Doctor. Danny is
an incredible young man, energetic and intelligent and compassionate and will make the
Medical Profession proud as we in the Association surely are.
Danny and Laura on their wedding day.
Photo credit: Taylor Imes - Used with permission.
This August, I will be attending my A/3/7 “Always Alpha” Reunion in Durango, Colorado.
These are the men I actually served with in
Vietnam. It is our biannual reunion. It is always a joy to be able to get together with old
comrades-in-arms – a bond never to be broken. Those who served in war understand
what this is all about.
I want to leave you with a list of members who
have died in the last year and that we have
prayed for and included in our Memorial Service during the reunion in Columbus, Georgia:
Robert E. Benge SFC, Co. A, Korea 14 May 2011
Edward C. Galvin CPT, Co. M, Korea 31 January 2011
Robert M. Klebart SFC, Co., L, Korea 27 September 2011
Edward W. Plaisted SGT, HHC, 7th IN, P/T
13 April 2011
Page 16
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
“Chaplain’s Corner” continued from pg. 11
Thomas D. Rush MAJ, AT & Co. F, WWII 1 September 2011
Robert W. Ryan CPL, Co. K, Korea 12 September 2011
Bernard Shapiro SGT, Co. L, WWII 17 August 2011
In addition to these former members we always remember all the soldiers of 2/7 and 3/7 who were killedin-action in Iraq:
+ Fallen OIF Soldiers +
SFC Paul R. Smith, Medal of Honor, posthumously, 4 April 2003
B Company, 11th Engineer Battalion
Attached with Task Force 2-7 Infantry
Travis W. Anderson
Kurtis D. K. Arcala
Steven Bayow
John Wayne Celske
Darris J. Dawson
Wesley R. Durbin
David L. Giaimo
Matthew Hance
Jevon K. Jordan
Samuel E. Kelsey
Joshua J. Kynoch
Stanley J. Lapinsky
Manuel Lopez III
Carl J. Morgain
Micki Nixon
Kyle P. Norris
Jacob M. Pfister
Ronald Phillips Jr.
Nathan R. Raudenbush
Wesley R. Riggs
Kenny D. Rojas
Tyler J. Smith
Daniel Torres
Kevin S. K. Wessel
PFC, B/2-7 IN
SGT, C/2-7 IN
SSG, B/2-7 IN
SGT, C/2-7 IN
SSG, A/3-7 IN
SGT, A/3-7 IN
1LT, D/2-7 IN
SGT, C/3-7 IN
SGT, E/3-7 IN
SPC, B/2-7 IN
CPL, B/3-7 IN
CPL, D/3-7 IN
SGT, Attached/2-7 IN
SSG, D/3-7 IN, Iraq
SPC, A/3-7 IN
CPL, A/3-7 IN
SSG, A/3-7 IN
CPT, D/3-7 IN
PFC, D/2-7 IN
SPC, B/2-7 IN
PFC, E/3-7 IN
SGT, B/2-7 IN
SPC, A/3-7 IN
13 May 2005
11 September 2005
4 February 2005
21 November 2003
14 September 2008
14 September 2008
12 August 2005
17 July 2004
29 March 2008
13 December 2007
1 October 2005
11 June 2005
12 April 2005
22 May 2005
13 May 2011
23 May 2008
19 April 2005
25 September 2008
20 February 2008
17 May 2005
29 October 2005
21 March 2008
4 February 2005
19 April 2005
May they rest in peace!
Let’s close with the Cottonbaler prayer that Chaplain Etterbeck composed for us several years ago:
Cottonbaler Prayer
O Lord, We give thanks for freedom this day
Help us to choose the Cottonbaler way
Willing and Able to fight any foe;
Anytime, Anywhere, Wherever we go.
O God, Train us hard for the battle we face,
Make our weapons Your Instruments of Grace.
First to Fight--We fight to the end:
For all we hold sacred and called to defend.
7th Infantry Regiment Association
I pray that you will enjoy your summer months
and take some time to rest and for leisure and
perhaps a little travelling. Have a great celebration on Independence Day – parades and fireworks and celebrate the great freedom we have
all enjoyed through our military service.
I call upon God to bring you all the blessings you
deserve as children of our Creator.
Cottonbalers, by God! Damn Fine Soldiers!
Volens et Potens
Father Phil Salois, M.S.
Association Chaplain ♦
Page 17
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
3BN Commander’s Comments continued from pg. 12
pared Dragon to move into the Platoon Collective
training phase.
I want to congratulate 1SG Eddie Facyson for 16
months of exemplary performance as the Delta
Company 1SG. He took responsibility of Delta Company on March 3rd, 2011 on a rainy day at JSS
Camp Khalid in Iraq and relinquished responsibility on Tuesday May 29th, 2012 under the same
weather! 1SG Facyson has been a dynamic leader
who took care of his Soldiers and Officers alike.
With the change, Dragon welcomes 1SG Mark Zimmerman, who has served as the 3-7 IN Operations
Sergeant Major for the past few months. We wish
Dragon 7 the best of luck as he prepares the men of
Dragon for the next deployment.
This will be my last message to you as Dragon 6 as
I passed the guidon to CPT Marvin Robertson Jr.
during my Change of Command. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve as a Cottonbaler for the
last 34 months as both the Assistant S3 and Dragon
6. As always, we want to give thanks to all the support we always receive from our families, friends,
and you fellow Cottonbalers!
CPT Jason C. Dupuis
Foxtrot Company Soldiers led the way during the
Leadership Reaction Course on March 29, 2012.
They overcame obstacles through teamwork, dedication, and innovation. Team-building training like
the Leadership Reaction Course allowed Soldiers
both old and new to the platoon to build strong
bonds essential for continued success down the
road. Maintenance Soldiers joined in a companywide effort during the Forager Company Field
Training Exercise from April 23-25. Maintenance
successfully established a Unit Maintenance Collection Point (UMCP) and sustained it throughout
the duration of the company’s field training exercise. Maintenance performed excellent recovery
training with the wrecker and continued to succeed
by providing recovery support for Distribution Platoon’s convoy operations. The Distribution Platoon
managed the Field Ammunition Supply Point
(FASP) while simultaneously conducting convoy operations.
7th Infantry Regiment Association
During the F/3-7 Company Field Training Exercise, Maintenance successfully established a Unit Maintenance
Collection Point (UMCP)
Foragers wrapped up the week in the field with a
visit by the President of the United States on April
27th followed by the Family Readiness Group Fun
Day in Glennville, Georgia on the 28th. Foxtrot
Company Soldiers enjoyed the festivities, wonderful
food, and the inspirational movie “Courageous.”
Several of the new Foragers wrapped up the month
of May with a successful qualification on their M4
rifles. Foxtrot Company looks forward to supporting the Platoon Live Fire Exercises in June and follow-on training in the upcoming months. ♦
B/3-7 Soldiers during training
Page 18
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
Reunion 2012, Columbus, GA
31 May to 3 June, 2012: Photos continued on page 20
Sissy Jenson, Peggy and LTC Rich
Cleveland at the Regimental Banquet
(Photo by April Stull)
Guest Speaker LTG (Ret) John Le
Moyne gave his outlook on the future
of the Army (Photo by April Stull)
Members and guests at the entrance
to the National Infantry Museum
1LT Franklin, 2-7 IN, gives a briefing
on what 2-7 has been doing and what
they are scheduled to do this year
(Photo by April Stull)
Jim Glowczynski, Dan Davis and
Robert Burns at the Regimental
Banquet (Photo by April Stull)
LTG (Ret) John Le Moyne with his
Certificate designating him the Honoray
Colonel of the Regiment
(Photo by April Stull)
BELOW: Infantry One Station Unit Training
(OSUT) Graduation Ceremony
MAJ Howard, 3-7 IN, gives a briefing
on what 3-7 has been doing and what
they are scheduled to do this year
(Photo by April Stull)
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 19
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
“Reunion 2012” continued from pg. 18
Marshall and
Moore at the
(Photo by
April Stull)
Albert DeWever
and Fernand
DeChamps, both
from the Belgium
Battalion, at the
Regimental Banquet (Photo by
April Stull)
Summer 2012
Greg Bell, 3-7
IN Commander,
and LTG (Ret)
John Le Moyne
at the
(Photo by April
LEFT: Joe and
Jean Washart at
the Regimental
Banquet (Photo
by April Stull)
John MacDonald
and Joanne
Schocklee at the
Regimental Banquet (Photo by
April Stull)
Louis DeClee, LTC Rich Cleveland, Rick Rhoades, Dave
Jenson, LTC Greg Bell, 3-7 IN Commander, at the
Regimental Banquet (Photo by April Stull)
7th Infantry Regiment Association
CSM Dillingham, 3-7 IN, with Albert DeWever, Fernand
DeChamps, and Louis DeCleen, all from the Belgium
Battalion, at the Regimental Banquet (Photo by April Stull)
Page 20
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
All four photos below: Members, Guests and Soldiers at
the Regimental Banquet (Photo by April Stull)
LEFT: Rick
Rhoades and 1SG
Lafferty, A/3-7 IN, at
the Regimental
Banquet (Photo by
April Stull)
John Le Moyne
receiving a standing ovation on his
surprise notification of being
desiganted as the
new Honorary
Colonel of the
Regiment (Photo by
April Stull)
John Le Moyne and
MAJ Howard, 3-7 IN
at the Regimental
Banquet (Photo by
April Stull)
MAJ Howard, CPT Shields, CSM Dillingham, 1SG Farmer,
CPT Dupuis, all from 3-7 IN at the Regimental Banquet
(Photo by April Stull)
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 21
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
Infantry Squad Demonstration at Graduation Ceremony
Ft. Benning Band entertaining the family and friends prior
to the Inantry OSUT Graduation Ceremony
View of the Columbus Marriott Hotel where the reunion
was held
Ft. Benning Band entertaining the family and friends prior
to the Inantry OSUT Graduation ceremony
60 Tipper Drive, Dryfork, WV 26263
Dues Billing Statement 2012 - 2013
Annual Memberships expired on 30 June 2012. If you have already paid these dues, please ignore this notice. Life Members and Honorary Members owe no annual dues, but are encouraged to contribute to the Association’s operating funds.
Name: ________________________________ E-Mail Address, if applicable: _____________________________
Annual Dues: $
Scholarship Fund: $
Contribution toward operating expenses: $
Total Enclosed: $
Is address and telephone number correct? If not, check here [ ] and enter correct address and telephone number on reverse side.
Please return this statement promptly with your check payable to the “7th Infantry Regiment Association” and mail to:
Roland B. Merson, 60 Tipper Drive, Dryfork, WV 26263. Thanks for your support. Roland
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 22
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
As of 31 May 2012
Opening Balance (as of 01/01/2012)
$ 8,135.27
Donations for Operating Expenses
Donations for Scholarship Fund
2012 Reunion
Total Income
$ 3,895.00
Cottonbaler Newsletter
2012 Reunion Expenses
Web Site
Transfer to Scholarship Fund
Total Expenses
$ 4,069.95
Closing Balance (as of 05/31/2012)
$ 7,960.32
Scholarship Fund Balance (as of 04/30/2012) FOR CHILDREN OF THE REGIMENT
As of 31 May 2012
As of 31 May 2012
Number of Recipients
Total Amount
Note: $2,500 approved by board for
scholarships in 2012, but not yet
Note: $2,500 approved by board for scholarships in 2012, but not yet awarded
7th Infantry Regiment Association
Page 23
Volume xxIII No. 3
The Cottonbaler
Summer 2012
War of 1812
New Orleans
Florida 1814
Louisiana 1815
Mexican War
Vera Cruz
Cerro Gordo
Molino del Rey
Texas 1846
Civil War
New Mexico 1861
New Mexico 1862
Kentucky 1862
Mississippi 1862
Tennessee 1862
Tennessee 1863
Georgia 1864
Indian Wars
Little Big Horn
Nez Perces
Pine Ridge
New Mexico 1860
Wyoming 1866
Montana 1872
War with Spain
Philippine Insurrection
Samar 1901
Samar 1902
World War I
St. Mihiel
Champagne 1918
Ile de France 1918
World War II
Algeria-French Morocco
(with arrowhead)
Sicily (with arrowhead)
Anzio (with arrowhead)
Southern France
(with arrowhead)
Central Europe
Summer 2012
Southwest Asia
Defense of Saudi Arabia
Liberation and Defense of
Korean War
CCF Intervention
First UN Counteroffensive
CCF Spring Offensive
UN Summer-Fall Offensive
Second Korean Winter
Korea, Summer-Fall 1952
Third Korean Winter
Korea, Summer 1953
The 7Th InfanTry regImenT aSSocIaTIon
roland B. merson, Secretary
60 Tipper Drive
Dryfork, WV 26263
Change Service Requested
Counteroffensive, Phase II
Counteroffensive, Phase III
Tet Counteroffensive
Counteroffensive, Phase IV
Counteroffensive, Phase V
Counteroffensive, Phase VI
Tet 69/Counteroffensive
Summer-Fall 1969
Winter-Spring 1970
Sanctuary Counteroffensive
Counteroffensive, Phase VII
Visit our website: