2010 - Fitness Incentive


2010 - Fitness Incentive
The official newsletter of Fitness Incentive since 1993
157 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon NY 11702 www.fitnessincentive.com e-mail: [email protected]
Gym/Exercise Facility
2007 2008 2009
To Print
Volume 19 Number 3
Autumn 2010
Dynamic Duo
Fantastic Four
Trainers Moran & Milazzo
Lead Their Teams To Victory
Joe Milazzo
Chris Moran
“It's very important to have the right
clothing to exercise in. If you
throw on an old T-shirt or sweats,
it’s not inspiring for your workout.”
— Cheryl Teigs
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
3rd - Susan Gallagher, $156, trained by
Chris Moran and Joe Milazzo
@ FI
150 Reasons to Love FI
ll I can say is, what a summer!
Unless you happen to like rain. But
for those of us who prefer a summer
that actually feels like, well, summer, it
was hard to beat 2010. It also happened to
be a great summer to enjoy a break from
the heat and humidity with a cool but
intense workout at FI.
Top Teams:
1st Place: $7020 (pictured)
Carl Gallian, David Klein, Jill Shook
and Mathew Shook. Trained by Chris
Moran and Joe Milazzo (see cover and
centerfold article).
2nd Place: $4212
Kathie Finnegan, Nancy Galasso,
Susan Gallagher and Karen Wolf.
Trained by Chris Moran and Joe Milazzo
Fittest Individual - Kathy Smagala, $156
trained by Marianela Virella
The contest was a rousing success on all
counts, including a great post-contest
party at the Hibernian Hall in Babylon
Village (see Fitness Incentive’s Facebook
page for photos).
What’s Next?
We’ve started working on the next
contest, tentatively planned for Spring
2011. We don’t have all the details yet,
but we promise it will be another event
to remember. Look for details in the next
issue of Fit to Print, and be sure to check
our Facebook page for regular event
We kicked it off in a memorable way, too,
with the Fantastic Four Fit.4.Summer
contest. This was our third such contest,
and every one has been great fun, but this
one topped them all.
Over 150 participants
$7000 Richer for their effort...The winning Fantastic Four team:
(about double the
LtoR Carl Galain, Jill Shook, Trainers Joe Milazzo and Chris Moran, Mat Shook, David Klein
original contest in
2009), over $15,000 in
prizes, amazing
transformations, fierce
but friendly rivalries,
teammates becoming
fast friends, climaxed
by a terrific party...it all
adds up to a fantastic
experience and a trove
of memories for
everyone involved.
Meet the Victors
The scoring for the
Fit.4.Summer contest
was the most rigorous
thus far, and was based
on the teams
improvement in several
areas of fitness cardiovascular fitness,
strength, flexibility, and body
composition. The improvements gained
were evaluated in three different ways raw improvement, percentage of
improvement against the starting score,
and percentage of improvement against
the total improvement possible. By
measuring the improvement of each
person and team in these three ways, we
were able to insure that contestants at all
levels of fitness would have an equal
opportunity to score well.
The results were astonishing. The average
fitness percentile of the 156 participants
at the start of the contest was 48% almost exactly average. By the end of the
contest, it was almost 67% - a 36% percent
improvement! Adding to the excitement,
the final standings we’re also very close,
especially between the 3rd and 4th place
teams, who were separated by a single
3rd Place: $1404
Joe Kelly, Blondie Murray, Rosa Sasso
and Scott Waldman. Trained by
Marianela Virella.
4th Place: Incentives Gift Cards
Catherine Golub, Michelle Mannino,
Jessica McKeown. Trained by Amy
Llinas Lynch
Fittest of the Fittest (awarded to the
overall fittest team) $1404:
Jenn Boyle, Diane Ferro, Tara Gianni
and Christina Jaskowiak. Trained by TJ
Top Individuals:
1st - Alison Kilmurray, $780, trained
by Eileen Jacinth.
2nd - Catherine Golub, $468, trained
by Amy Llinas Lynch
FI Does it With
When we say that
there are 150 reasons
to love FI, we’re
referring to the fact
that we have
something like 150
classes every week. It’s
core to our identity
and one of the big
things that sets us
apart from just about
any other gym you can
imagine. Of course the
classes are only as
good as the instructors
teaching them, and I
think most would agree
that our instructors,
who we have been
profiling in the last
few issues of Fit to
Print, are among the
very finest to be
found. Which brings us to our Fall
Schedule. Several new classes are in the
works, including new formats from both
Cor and Kelly. If you love classes, you’re
going to really love our Fall Schedule.
Check the online schedule for details.
Classy Rooms, Too
In addition to a great schedule and great
instructors, you need a great facility. And
we strive to make and keep FI shipshape. Not just clean, but well and
regularly maintained and upgraded. Our
cleaning and maintenance staff is on the
job night and day doing just that. On top
of our usual ongoing efforts, we just
recently re-carpeted and repainted the
main aerobic room, and re-finished the
floor in the Yoga room. A new stereo for
the Yoga room is also on the way. Most
gyms start out new. FI makes it a point to
continued on page 31
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
by Monica
N e w Pr o g r a m
s Jones
Fire It Up!
“Kettletorch” KettleBell Training Arrives At Last!
Kettletorch, FI’s brand new KettleBell
Small Group Training is starting up in
September - Hooray! The Benefits of
KettleBell (KB) Training are numerous:
workout and you'll reboot a sagging
metabolism, lose weight and have a
better shape - all in just a few weeks.
These full-body exercises tap into more
muscles than conventional weight
lifting does, and your muscles have to
work harder to keep you balanced.
Plus, the dynamic movements raise
your heart rate.
also be improved with this kind of
training. Unlike a dumbbell, which is
solid, a kettlebell has two parts of
unequal weight: a light handle and a
heavier ball. Because of this, the
kettlebell naturally swings like a
pendulum. To keep your balance while
handling this potentially unstable piece of
equipment, you need to rely on your
glutes, abs, back, shoulders and forearm
Lorna Kleidman, Two-time Kettlebell
Sport Champion and FitnessAnda
pampers Amy Lynch
FUN + FLOW: Kettlebells provide
complete three-dimensional, whole body
movements. You will sculpt every
muscle, working from the deep (skeletal)
to the superficial (what you see in the
mirror) all while you enjoy the
challenging, free flowing movements this
unique tool allows. Exercise will become
enjoyable again; just as when you played
as a child.
! 3 in 1 workout (cardiovascular
conditioning, strength + dynamic
! Balances muscle groups by training
BOTH agonist (primary) and antagonist
(opposing) muscles,
rotational movement and
In order to fully reap all the
core which can aid in
benefits of KB's,
injury prevention
! Get similar benefits of
Kettletorch, a semi-private
five (I hr or ½ hr) session
jumping, running and
series has been created to
other high impact
ensure safety and optimum
activities (like sturdier
results. You will
bones, elevated
understand how to
metabolism + lower resting
coordinate hand-eye
heart rate) without joint
movements, practice
or ligament damage
! Emphasizes 3D, whole
various holding and lifting
techniques, execute various
body movements for a
qualities of KB movements
soaring calorie burn,
(ex. smooth, circular,
greater fat loss and faster
vertical + explosive) will be
lean body mass (muscle)
guided in ways to absorb
! It's energetic, time
forces. We will also
rediscover the joy and ease
efficient and effective
! Exercises are designed to
of movement to reduce
physical strain outside of
suit and challenge many
the gym. This unique KB
levels which makes it a
Torched! LtoR: Nancy DiCicco, Sue Conway, instructor Marianela, Michele Pepito, Dawn Kelly
program will equip you with
great fitness tool for a
an arsenal of full body
wide range of participants
Michele Olson, PhD, Exercise Scientist,
moves so you can carefully and
Auburn University:
confidently use kettlebells in your own
Here's how the fitness experts weigh-in on
CALORIE SCORCH: A recent study at St.
workouts. Join KETTLETORCH this fall
Cloud State University in Minnesota
and stoke your fire!
Adam Cronin, Founder of CBA Health and
reported that people who did a 14- to
Performance Group, COO of KettleBell
22-minute kettlebell workout expended
Please sign up for KB program at the front
Concepts XXX:
as many calories as if they had run a
desk. Space and participation is limited.
POWER: Kettlebells require greater
10- to 12-minute mile or exercised on a
Hope you can swing it!
strength because of the additional lever
stair stepper. Another study compared
(the u shape part of the kettlebell). It
the energy expenditure of a traditional
demands that the neuromuscular system
Kettletorch Small Group Training
circuit strength-training workout with
increase overall force output, control
that of a light kettlebell workout, each
-1 hr KB "Torch"
tension and momentum created by the
lasting 30 minutes; the kettlebell
5 sessions $190 (3-4 participants)
kettlebell's signature “swing.”
training burned about 60 percent more
-1/2 hr KB "Express”
Kettlebells activate and stabilize primary
5 sessions $100 (3-4 participants)
and opposing muscles at the same time so
movements flow and create synergy and
Dates & Times
STRONG BONES: Many kettlebell moves
coordination of the whole body. Learning
9/18-10/16 Saturdays
rely on squatlike motions, which are
6:50 - 7:20 am: KB Express (yoga room)
the correct kettlebell techniques call for
particularly good at stimulating the hip
11:45 am - 12:15 pm: KB Express (main room)
more demanding skills than other
muscles and bones. To protect hips
machines or dumbbells that have less
9/20-10/18 Monday
from fractures later in life, you need to
inertial constraints.
10:45 - 11:45 am: KB Torch (yoga room)
do exercises that build and maintain
bone density.
9/21-10/19 Tuesday
Karen Asp, Writer, More Magazine June
4:30 - 5 pm: KB Express (yoga room)
6:15 - 7:15 pm: KB Torch (boxing room)
BALANCE BEAM: Your sense of balance,
(training not held on Tues. Oct. 19)
MUSCLE MANIA: Add kettlebells to your
which tends to decline with age, can
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
by Paul Smith
Hit for Summer
The Latest Contest Is, Well, Fantastic
The Fantastic Four “Fit for Summer”
Challenge was nothing short of an
amazing success. Not only did the
participants achieve incredible results,
most had a ball doing it. Several were
kind enough to share their impressions
with us. While every story is different, an
over-arching theme emerges - it’s an
Kelly to be missed. Our
experience that is not
next contest is planned for Spring 2011 plan to participate!
I learned about
the contest
this past
winter. I'd seen
people working
out in groups
of four, though
at the time I
had no idea
what was going
on until about
2 or 3 weeks
in, when a
trainer asked
me (nicely!) if
I'd use another
treadmill so his
Fantastic 4
team could
train together.
I asked around
and learned about the contests. What
attracted me to join the next contest was
that during my own work outs in the gym, I
watched a woman named Diana transform
as the weeks went by. By the end of the
contest I approached her and told her she
looked amazing. Her achievement was the
reason I joined the Fit.4.Summer
The toughest part of the contest for me
was the weight loss. I learned that my
approach to nutrition was wrong (when it
came to calories) - I had my numbers all
mixed up, and that is why my weight loss
had been so slow before the contest and
within the first few weeks. This turned out
to be a big difference-maker. I learned
from my mistake with the help of my
teammates and trainer - together we
finally put a stop to a simple math
miscalculation. I've carried what I learned
during the contest over to my own
independent workouts, with continued
success. I work out 5-6 days a week, and
that does include weight training! I plan on
reuniting with Marianela for her
Kettlebell class.
What I took away from this contest
experience is how much I love
teamwork! I love pushing others, and
having people push me. Whether with
my trainer or a teammate, a fellow
instructor or another person in an
aerobic class, seeing changes as the
weeks went by is something I would love
to experience again. I am considering
going back to school to become a
trainer myself.
- Monica Sacco
I had seen the signs advertising the first
contest (the Fantastic Four Lean Team
Challenge), but I did not join. Once that
contest got started, I regretted it. I felt
like I wanted to be a part of it. So I
have been a part of the second and the
third contests, and I will continue to
participate in future contests.
Though I'd worked with a trainer before,
it was more exciting working out with
the team and the trainer during the
contest. The team is important because
there are other people relying on you to
do your best. I feel that this motivates
you even more. I think this was the
most rewarding part of the contest: the
good friends that I made. Complete
strangers on day one, and now were are
all really good friends. I have so much
fun working out with them. We may be
dead tired, and really working hard…but
we are laughing at the same time. I
have become great friends with the 3
other women who were on my team. We
stayed together for the Fit.4.Summer
contest and we have continued to train
with Jim Cordova once the contest
ended. We are about to finish our group
sessions with Jim but we are going to
continue to work out with him. I like
working out with Jim because I feel
confident in his knowledge and trust
- Michele McAleer
I am so happy that our family joined the
Fit 4 Summer Challenge!
I heard about the contests for the first
time from Phil Terribile while he was
doing some landscaping at our house
last year. It was amazing to watch him
melt away - or at least his body fat .His
energy level was tremendous as well,
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
even though he
was running a
business 7 days a
week. I had other
motivations: My
niece, Laura
inspired me
during her
training for the
Boston Marathon
(she finished in
under 4 hours !).
My niece Jenny,
got married in
late July and we
would need a
shot of the family.
We all fit!
But the results were far healthier than
just a pretty picture:
My blood pressure was hovering at 130/90
when I began (because of an
extra 15 lbs. of 50 yr old fat, I
suppose).After 5 weeks, I had a stress test
and my reading was 96/70! That is
remarkable, according to the cardiologist.
Since adding running on the treadmill to
my cardio mix, my heart rate doesn't
spike as high and recovers much more
quickly than it used to. I have an
incredible amount of energy in the
afternoon and sleep much better because
my back doesn't hurt as much. I'm down
10 lbs. and am back (as of mid-July) to
size 8 and headed towards a 6! My Oprah
arms are getting so much more definition
- sorry Oprah.
My mood is far lighter since the contest. I
truly believe anyone who has melancholy
or depression symptoms owes it to
themselves to get with a trainer and
shake things up. That goes for diet as well
- the nutritional advice was wonderful.
I lost my labrador, Marsh, half-way into
the Challenge. When he died I was
devastated. However, the friends I made
while working out at the gym - complete
strangers at first - were so kind
those 6 weeks.
New friends are
like seashells - I
collect 'em.
Meanwhile, my
husband, Phil,
needs new suits.
He dropped
about 15 lbs.
Thanks to Iris
and Joe and
Allie, Phil, and I
all had a lot of
laughs with you.
- Suzy Heilpern
Norman tells Janese to “bring it on!”
U LT R A - F I T
by Monica Jones
By Jim Cordova
Catabolic Cardio
Burning Calories Can Hinder Your Fat Loss!
session, then it is effective. If you
happen to enjoy it, then all the better,
but the key point of focus is your
target heart rate, which is measured in
beats-per-minute (BPM). Your age,
health limitations, and overall goal are
three primary elements that should
govern your target heart rate and
there are plenty of charts online that
will help you establish this.
Cardio comes in two very basic flavors,
which consists of high-intensity and
low-intensity (continuous), although
there are many variations that fit
hich style of cardio is the most
beneficial? This is one of the
most commonly asked questions
that I receive on a regular basis, and one
that I find the most challenging to
answer. It seems simple and straightforward enough, but providing a truly
worthwhile answer that holds any sort of
practical value is much more complex
than you might imagine. It's similar to
asking, "Is the color blue round or
square?" As you can see, there is a lot to
sort out, especially for those that would
like a satisfactory response in a minute or
less when I'm asked this question by an FI
member scurrying to their favorite class.
Fortunately, Ken and Cor have created Fit
to Print to remedy this situation, where
we get the opportunity take our time and
provide a thorough response to such
questions. And while this article will not
completely satisfy your craving for
cardio-related knowledge, you might find
that it contains quite a few tasty
First, every style of cardio has fat
burning potential and benefits
cardiovascular health. If your favorite
class allows you to reach your target
heart rate and then maintain it
throughout the duration of the training
There are occasions
where high-intensity
cardio will serve you
better than low-intensity
cardio, and vice-versa.
Your favorite style of cardio
can be ideal or counterproductive depending on
the circumstances.
within this framework. Both formats
improve cardiovascular health, lead to
fat loss, and are supported by science.
So don't be fooled by the latest craze
in the magazines if it uses these
factors in an attempt to prove itself
superior to other forms, as they apply
to every style from Zumba to Jump &
Drill. Nonetheless, there are occasions
where high-intensity cardio will serve
you better than low-intensity cardio,
and vice-versa. This means that your
favorite style of cardio can be either
ideal or counter-productive depending
on the circumstances.
Both high-intensity and low-intensity
cardio are centered around the
anaerobic and aerobic energy systems,
respectively. Put another way, your
intensity levels influence the primary
fuel source being utilized as you train,
with the two most relevant being fat
and glycogen (carbs). High-intensity
cardio is very efficient in terms of its
calorie-burning potential, and typically
entails training at approximately 70-90%
of your maximum heart rate for about
20-30 minutes. This is considered
anaerobic activity for the most part,
which means that glycogen is the
predominant energy source for highintensity cardio, not fat. Even so,
creating a glycogen deficit will produce a
chain-effect that causes your body to
burn fat after the session has been
Glycogen is basically the stored form of
glucose, with glucose being the preferred
source of energy for the human body. If
you deplete your glycogen stores, your
body must resort to alternative sources
of fuel, such as fat, to aid in replenishing
them as well as supplying immediate
energy demands. That means fat loss
occurs for many hours upon completion
of a brief, but high-intensity cardio
session. Now, that sounds like one heck
of an investment! As with any
investment, however, there are
conditions that must be taken into
account so that you don't wind up with a
You're already aware that if you eat too
many calories at a sitting, your body will
have to store the unused energy.
Generally speaking, once glycogen levels
are full, your body will store unused
energy as fat. This is why you always
hear about eating frequent small meals
throughout the day in 3-hour windows,
consuming smaller meals when you are
least active, larger meals before high
activity, and similar advice along the
lines of correlating intake with
expenditure. Have you considered the
negative consequences burning too many
calories in too short of time, however?
That's the flipside of the equation and it
is just as detrimental to your success as
consuming too many because it will
result in catabolism; it will break down
your hard-earned muscle for energy.
Converting body fat into useable energy
is a complex process. It occurs at a
Mary and you
slower paceThethan
at which
will be burning calories while performing
high-intensity cardio. For this reason,
high-intensity cardio is counterproductive when your glycogen levels are
low since your body must break down
muscle to supply rapid energy demands.
If you are losing muscle, then you are
decreasing your overall calorie-burning
potential and basically "un-sculpting"
your physique!
Do you wake up and perform intense
cardio on an empty stomach? If so, I am
floored by your level of commitment and
go to page 27
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
N e w Pr o g r a m s
by TJ & Amy Lynch
Do It Right
Train Smarter with BodyMasters
Do You Know…
…how a properly executed repetition
should feel, and how you should feel after
completing a set? (Hint: Your muscle
cannot "see" the weight it can only "feel"
…how to “map” your body parts and your
workouts? (Hint: Think anatomy. Think
small and large muscle groups and how
they relate to one another.)
…how to structure your workouts so that
you progress from set to set, muscle group
to muscle group, free weights to machines,
in the proper sequence? (Hint: It should
never be a case of “I just finished
here…now I think I'll jump over here
because this piece of equipment happens
to be available.” Without structure, you
are not getting the most out of your
…about the relationship between cardio
and weight training? (Hint: the phrase
“timing is everything” may be a cliché, but
as far as exercise goes, timing matters. )
…why some people get better results than
most average gym members? (Hint: the
“some” are better educated and know
more than just the “what,” they also know
the “how,” the “when,” and the “why.”)
n a daily basis, TJ and Amy Lynch
move around the weight floor and
see people performing exercises
incorrectly, leaving themselves open to
injury and reducing the overall benefit of
training because their approach is
unstructured and their execution is flawed.
They see people doing the same things day
after day, essentially spinning their wheels.
They see people actively avoiding the
weight floor because they are intimidated,
or because they've tried strength training
and have been disappointed with the
results. They even see people whose form
is fundamentally sound be left with poorer
results because, while they may execute
individual exercises properly, they lack the
awareness of the bigger picture - the
knowledge of the approach and structure
that converts training from a hit-or-miss
proposition into an intelligent plan for
Strength training - at least when
undertaken by people serious about safe,
effective usage and the best possible
results, is not just about pushing weight.
There's a reason why certain people,
especially fitness professionals, get more
out of workouts than the general
population, and it isn't just that they
possess greater technical knowledge
about training, machines, and exercise.
It is also that they understand the
correct way to approach the whole idea
of training and exercise - as an
undertaking that encompasses a unified
set of concepts and actions; of study
and preparation, execution, and then
(in the proper order) progression to the
next step. They know that successful
training emerges from an understanding
that exercise is a coherent sequence of
unified elements and not a random
collection of disassociated actions.
The Body Masters Training Series has
Successful training
emerges from an
understanding that
exercise is a coherent
sequence of unified
elements and not a
random collection of
disassociated actions.
been created to address the issues of
randomness and incompleteness that
are typical of most people's approach to
strength training and, through
education and demonstration, to
correct the flaws and imperfections in
the execution of movements and sets so
that the maximum benefit of each rep
is obtained.
The program will teach what the
correct progression in a well-conceived
program of exercise must be: a
structure that functions as a means of
advancing from stage to stage and level
to level correctly, efficiently, and
safely. It's not just about how to do
things correctly (an important
dimension of Body Masters Training
Series and a given in any training and
instructional program), but also about
understanding why things are done a
certain way, and why they are done in a
certain order. The meaning of the
phrase “proper form” extends to apply
to one's entire approach to working out,
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
to one's entire approach to working out,
and not just the execution of an
individual repetition or set. Success is
achieved by beginning in the correct
frame of mind, by setting goals and the
way to achieve them, and by knowing
what exercises to perform and when to
utilize them during training.
Body Masters Training Series should not
be confused with traditional Personal
Training. While PT remains the goldstandard approach to training for those
who desire hands-on, personalized,
supervised training under the constant
guidance of a professional, Body Masters
Training Series has been created to
provide an alternative for those who
prefer to pursue their fitness goals in an
unsupervised environment. Body Masters
Training provides this unique population
with the tools they need to succeed on
their own as never before. It supplies the
professional-grade expertise and
knowledge required to safely get the
most out of strength training.
Body Masters Training is fundamentally
an educational and instructional
program. Six students meet twice per
week for two weeks. Strength Training
Anatomy by Frederick Delavier is the
recommended companion textbook for
the program. Each 60-90 minute session
begins briefly with in-depth analysis and
instruction in a classroom environment,
and then moves on to the main gym floor
for practical demonstrations. The
exception is the final session, where the
emphasis will be on review and
The Body Masters Training Series is…
…an alternative to traditional personal
training for those who prefer to work out
…education and instruction for those who
want to safely get the most out of
strength training
…a means of learning that effective
strength training is progressive: a
unified, coherently structured
undertaking, never random and
disassociated actions
…about understanding the effects of
form, technique, execution, and
variation on specific muscles and muscle
…six members attending two sessions per
week for two weeks. Sessions are divided
between the classroom and practical
demonstration on the weight floor
If you are ready to get the absolute most
out of each and every one of your
workouts, increase your training
knowledge , and develop a champion
mindset then Body Masters Training is the
series for you.
TJ Lynch, CPT, and Amy Lynch, CPT are Ultra
Fit trainers at FI Questions? Contact them at:
[email protected] or [email protected]
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
Group Ex
by Kelly Wallace
Jump & Drill Rocks!
So Say These Devotees
intense and a lot of fun at the same
-Danielle Griffin
They never get easy:
Grace Mc Hugh pumps out a J&D pushup
Is Jump & Drill for Me?
This a commonly asked question here at
the Fitness Incentive. The answer:
ABSOLUTELY! The class has been running
for over 7 years and is currently one of
the most consistently popular classes we
offer. Strength, stability, endurance,
flexibility you name it Jump & Drill covers
it. The structure of the class allows all
levels from newcomers to advanced
participants to maximize their training
time. It truly is the workout that has it
But if you don't believe us then listen to
the members who have taken it. All types
at all levels but they all say the same
thing..."There is nothing like Jump &
here is not a feeling quite like the
feeling you get after an intense
Jump & Drill class. This class really
pushes you to reach your maximum fitness
level and to feel great! Not only is it an
amazing workout, but it also challenges
your mind and gives you a sense of
accomplishment. It incorporates so many
different aspects of fitness and is so
motivating! (It also is great for getting out
some aggression). Every time I walk into
the room and pick up my jump rope, I am
immediately in the zone! I have learned
so much from taking this class about form
and pushing myself to my greatest
capacity. It is an awesome class that is
I began Jump and Drill a few years ago
with my best friend, Danielle. It was
our therapy session. A place to let out
any aggravation or frustrations; A place
to get away from our life distractions
and push each other beyond our
expectations. We called it "our" time.
We tried not to let anyone or anything
invade this hour per week. Years later
and many life changes, I decided to sign
up for Jump and Drill again. This time
my nieces and sister joined me for a
wedding boot camp workout. It was like
riding a bike. I was addicted again to
the rush, burn, and energy. If you are
thinking about joining but feel
intimidated, as I told my niece, in that
room no one is looking at you, everyone
concentrates on themselves, their
form, and their partner. Everyone
pushes you beyond your limits because
no one in that room wants to let each
other down. And just when you think
you cannot do one more set, Kelly
pushes you to do 3 more sets and never
fails to amaze me how she knows how
to push each of us with just one look. I
look forward to gaining back "our" time
- Erin Reilly
I consider myself to be very dedicated
to working out. I'm always looking to
push myself to the limit and Jump and
Drill definitely takes me there. I take a
variety of classes but nothing gets me
going like Jump and Drill. At first I was
hesitant to take the class because I was
nervous about jumping rope, but in no
time I got the hang of it and couldn't
get enough of it. Although jumping rope
is not the only thing I love about it - it
feels great to release my energy
through kicking and punching the bag.
The movements in the class are fullbody movements, so once the class is
over and you're done wiping all the
sweat off of you, you know you have
worked out every part of your body. The
atmosphere in the class is also
incredible; between watching others
push themselves to the max and Kelly's
passion to instruct, one can't help but
to take their workout to another level.
- Silvana Solares
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
After I got engaged in 2003, I heard
about the “new” Jump and Drill class
and decided to try it. It was a different
workout for me because I was actually
making contact by kicking and punching
pads. After I had my first child, a
daughter, in 2007 I was anxious to get
back to the gym. The timing turned out
to be perfect as an 8-week Jump and
Drill session was just beginning! Kelly
had introduced new drills and I was able
to shed my baby weight and was back
down to my pre-baby weight within
weeks. In 2008 I was surprised to find out
that not only was I expecting twins, but
that I would not be able to workout
during my pregnancy. This was extremely
difficult for me but I kept reminding
myself that I would be back at the gym
in just a matter of months. One year
later and I'm again back at Jump and
Drill. While I still have a few founds to
lose, I am confident that jump and drill
will give me the strength I need to reach
my goals. It has been 7 years since I
started with Jump and Drill class and it
continues to challenge my mind and
- Megan Musacchio
We've been doing Jump and Drill
together for about 5 years. For us, it
started with Kelly's cardio kickboxing. At
the end of class one day, she mentioned
sign ups for Jump and Drill and we
decided to try it. The first few classes
were... well, let's just say they weren't
pretty. The kicking drills were a lot of
fun and easy to jump right into, but the
push-ups and jumping rope were what
showed us we would need to work hard if
we wanted to make the most out of this
workout. So that's exactly what we did!
Amazingly enough, Kelly can always
make class challenging, even for Jump
and Drill veterans like us. Jumping rope
has become a breeze. Pushups are tough
no matter what, but there is something
to be said about a room full of chicks
who can crank out 100 of 'em in an hour
(and we're NOT talking about the girly
kind!) Overall, the kicking drills are still
the most fun. There is always room for
improvement in your form and ways to
make your kick more powerful. The
exercises we do in this class have not
only helped to define our bodies
physically, but also have given us the
confidence in our ability and strength
that you wouldn't achieve from a
elliptical or an aerobics class. For us,
Jump and Drill is a chance to work with
both an instructor and a partner who can
help you push yourself to work harder
than you believe you can.
-Mauri Neuberger & Amanda Peganoff
September Jump & Drill classes will be
running Saturday 8am, Tuesday 5pm and
Wednesday 9:30am. Call or stop by the
desk today to sign-up!
E AT S M A R T !
By Rachel Sergeant, RD
A Way of Life
A Life-long Professional Dieter Discovers Eat Smart
healthy eating became a way of
life. She now craves fruits and
veggies instead of her old 'go to
foods' of packaged snacks. Most
importantly, becoming nutrition
educated helped her stop being
food deprived. She accepted that
she couldn't always be perfect (nor
had to) and that setbacks were
inevitable. But one indulgence
doesn't derail her diet (nor should
it!) Lastly, she committed to
exercise. I think if asked, she
would tell you anyone who wants
to lose weight can with a little
motivation and a lot of
perseverance. I hope you find her
as inspiring as I do.
Cruising: Thomas and Diane MacDougall
Weight-Loss Inspiration
I met Diane last August and was
encouraged by her determination to
lose weight. Her daughter who had
recently got engaged had set the
wedding date for September 2010.
Like most of us, Diane had dieted
before and had been successful in
losing weight but always seemed to
gain some of the weight back. Seeing
me, she hoped to break that cycle
making this a lifestyle change and not
just starting a 'new diet.' At that first
session (and every one since) we have
been focusing on having a healthy
relationship with food, without
taking all the enjoyment out of it.
Diane who has worked incredibly hard
has been successful. Success hasn't
just been measured on the scale, but
also in inches, in her attitude and in
her new healthy, lifelong habits. It
started small with gradual changes.
The first step was to journal and plan
meals in advance making it easier to
stay focused, and on track. When we
look back we are amazed how quickly
“Rachel is more than
my dietitian. She is my
now confidant, counselor
and I am proud to say
friend. She has changed
my life in countless ways.
My life-altering journey began on
August 1, 2009. I had been able to
lose some weight on my own but
again I was starting to backslide
with my efforts. It seemed to be
the story of my life. A mutual friend
recommended that I visit a “very
well educated dietitian” who would
be able to help me continue on my
weight loss journey which had
begun to derail. I hesitated at first
thinking I knew everything since I
was a life- long professional dieter.
Also, I had two big occasions
coming up: my 25th Wedding
Anniversary and my daughter's
September wedding. Boy, am I glad
that I made that first appointment
with Rachel.
During my first visit, Rachel
listened to my past diet history and
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
listened to my past diet history and
immediately gave me a direction to
go in that made perfect sense. She
started helping me make small
changes as not to overwhelm me. The
first step was to add fiber and write
down everything I put in my mouth
along with eliminating all the easy to
grab on the go “bars” that filled my
days. I immediately began to see
results. Each week I was excited to
jump on the scale and watch as
Rachel measured my success in many
areas such as my measurements and
body-fat percentage. I had no idea
that there were so many ways to
measure my success in addition to the
The plan Rachel developed with me
was fabulous and works because it's
not a “cookie cutter” diet. Each
week, Rachel listened as I told her
about the previous week and any
upcoming challenges and we worked
out strategies together as this is a life
change and not a “diet”. She also has
taught me so much about food, I will
never look at certain foods the same
way again, especially a certain fast
food salad that shall remain nameless
but apparently contains more calories
than I would normally eat in one day!
Along with the diet changes, Rachel
has also encouraged me to
incorporate cardio activity into my
day such as walking. I fought her
tooth and nail but have finally
relented and am so happy I did. I feel
stronger, fitter, and have much more
Rachel is more than my dietitian. She
is my now confidant, counselor and I
am proud to say friend. She has
changed my life in countless ways. I
will be forever grateful to Rachel for
all that she has done and continues to
do to help me grow, change and reach
my full potential. As I get ready to
celebrate my special family
occasions, in my brand new dresses, I
rejoice in the knowledge that my life
has been transformed.
For more information about Eat
Smart, email Rachel Ezelius, RD, at
[email protected], or call
631-587-5766 to schedule an
Rachel Sergeant is a Registered Dietitian who
manages Fitness Incentive’s
Eat Smart program. Questions? Contact her
by email: [email protected]
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
Group Ex
questions about my interests & fitness
level, and quickly told me to get down to
the gym that night for her Elevated
Training class it was almost as if I knew it
already but you always listen to Kelly!
(Side note: other than being on my
honeymoon, I didn't miss that class for 2
years straight!)
The Next Generation
Meet Our Newest Group-Ex Instructors
o the extent that FI is famous, it is
famous for it’s classes. And if any
group of people are responsible for
that fame, it is our group-ex instructors.
Over the past few issues of Fit to Print,
we’ve introduced you to many of them from the foundational group that help
start the program back in the 1980’s, right
up to the present day. But you’re only as
good as your next act. With that in mind,
let us introduce the newest additions to
the program. You may not have heard of
them yet, but trust us, you will be hearing
and seeing plenty from them. The torch
has been passed to a new generation of
instructors, and we couldn’t be more
proud of them.
workout in addition to pushing my own
limits. I love teaching any class, but my
absolute favorite is rebounding.
Teaching classes has inspired me to take
it to the next level as well, and I am
pursuing my Personal Training
Certification this fall. Teaching has
allowed me to get to know the members
in a different way, and the irony is
seeing the kids I used to watch in the
nursery come in to work out and take
I've been
teaching since
January 2009,
and I am
certified by
Toni Caracci
I started working in the
nursery at Fitness Incentive
when I was 16, but my “work
outs” only involved watching
people work out through the
nursery windows. I had
always been active, but not
athletic, and watching
people fly over steps or
punching and kicking pads in
the classes every day truly
intimidated me.
After months of working and
watching, I finally built up
the courage to venture onto
the aerobic floor. I will never forget my
first class! I took Chris Chapman's Step
class one afternoon, and let's just say, I
was always on the opposite side or corner
of the step. When they were up, I was
down and vice versa, but after that I was
determined to get it. I was hooked, and
started to try anything and everything.
As the years went by, Kelly used to ask me
when I was getting certified. The idea was
definitely intriguing but, again, the fear
kicked in. My workouts are my time, what
if I didn't like it? I can certainly follow
someone's lead but would I be able to lead
it myself? I put if off for years but when
Fitness Incentive hosted the AFAA
Certification Workshop back in 2008, I
decided to just do it and see what
Now almost 2 years later, I love every
opportunity I get to teach at FI! There is
such a distinct energy in the aerobic room,
even early in the morning. I love the
challenge of giving other people a great
I love to teach
because I
enjoy the
energy of the people in my classes and
motivating people to work hard... and
have fun! I love instructing all different
classes and coming up with my own
routines and new ideas to share with the
people who take my classes.
Teaching at FI is great because I feel like
all the members and employees are one
big family. I truly feel at home at Fitness
Incentive and I couldn't imagine being
anywhere else!
Editors note: Victoria was too modest to
mention that she is also an excellent
competitive Ice Skater who recently won
bronze and silver medals at the 2009
State Games of America. Aside from
teaching at FI, she can also be found
working behind the Front Desk and in
the Café, as well as training with Joe
Dana Mancini
Who knew that when doing a quick
online search for “boot camp” classes in
Babylon 4 years ago that Jump & Drill
would come up, and it would change my
life forever? I called the gym and to my
dismay the class was full, but I was told
to leave my info for Kelly and that
maybe she could work something out. I'll
never forget it. Kelly called me back on
a Monday, asked me a couple of
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
I was instantly impressed with Kelly and
the rest of the instructors & classes at
Fitness Incentive. I had been to dozens of
gyms and taken tons of classes, but this
was different. All of the instructors were
leaving such strong impressions on me! I
strolled into Cor's Saturday morning
Interval Training class; she asked my name
ONCE and never asked again. Every time
she'd see me she'd flash that big smile and
say “Hello Dana”. I loved that she would
refer to me and ALL of the members by
our first names (and how motivating is it
to hear her shout your name during class?)
I loved it when Kelly would whistle real
loud during her class and get everybody
pumped up with great music and an
awesome workout. Any member who
participates in group fitness classes knows
that each instructor has their own
personality, and it makes working out so
enjoyable you start to feel like you can't
miss that class. It becomes part of your
life! And it didn't take long for me to
realize that I wanted to inspire and
motivate people too!
Once Kelly started to promote the Fitness
Incentive Instructor Training Program in
December I knew it was my time! As if I
wasn't going to take advantage of getting
hands-on training from Kelly and the other
instructors that were
coming in to work with
us. I was fortunate
enough to win the
Instructor Training
Program scholarship and
passed the AFAA Group
Fitness Certification!
Everything just seemed to
fall into place. I was
given the opportunity to
start teaching almost
immediately, and that
Sunday morning 20-20-20
class quickly became and
always will be my
absolute favorite class to teach! I now
have those relationships with members…I
now know everybody's name in my class!
And because of my growing desire to play
an even bigger role in bringing fitness to
people's lives I've recently completed my
ACSM Personal Training Certification.
I love variety in my workouts. My husband
and I are currently training for the NYC
Marathon, and I will continue to take
advantage of the knowledge & experience
that everyone at FI has to offer! I'm so
honored to be a part of the FI Family.
Mind Body Spirit
By Dina SantaMaria
More Than a Membership
It’s All About Relationships
The magic and support of the Pilates
program and the wonderful
connection with the other members
helped Kathy get through the most
difficult time of her life to where she
is today; a happy, healthy, beautiful
young woman with an amazing little
boy (Anthony will be three in August!)
and a new career looming on the
horizon! The Pilates studio and the
entire network of wonderful, caring
people at Fitness Incentive is truly a
support group to so many, myself
included!!! Here's Kathy's words:
Kathy and Kristen (Fitness Friends
witnessing wonderful new friendships
itness Incentive; Anyone who
develop in the Studio, but developing
lives locally knows Fitness
new, special, friendships myself. Not
Incentive! For that
only with members and clients, but
matter…anyone living on Long Island!
with my co-workers as well.
Everywhere I drive, I see Fitness
Incentive stickers on the bumpers and
When Dina first asked me to write
One such friendship is that of Kathy
in the windows of vehicles!! What
about our relationship with the
and Kristen. Kristen was one of my
began as a small aerobics studio on
first clients when we initially launched Pilate's program and how it has
Grove Place over 25 years ago, has
the Pilates Reformer program over five impacted our lives, I was honored and
grown into the most popular gym on
excited. I am very enthusiastic to
years ago. Back then, in the days
Long Island. Voted BEST ON LONG
share with anyone the
ISLAND four years in a
true beauty and joy
row including this year;
Kathy Roccogrande & Kristen Sophia in the Pilates Reformer Studio
that has grown from
2010! There must be
the friendships that
something to it! If you
started in the Pilate's
are a member reading
room. All the girls
this newsletter, then you
jokingly say "what
already know what a
happens in the Pilate's
great place this is; if you
room, stays in the
are not a member you
Pilate's room", however
should come visit and
it is very true. Let me
experience it for
explain this and start
from the very
While at Fitness
I first signed up for the
Incentive or reading a
program almost three
newsletter, perusing the
years ago. I had
website or Facebook
recently given birth to
page, I am sure you have
my son and was going
seen the words “It's
through a heart
more than a
breaking divorce. I was
membership, it's a
thrilled to have found
relationship..”. One
that the women in the
sentence could not ring
nursery were some of
more true! I am sure
before the Reformer studio, we had
the most kind and nurturing
that anyone who has ever been a
the reformers stacked on a moveable
individuals I had met in quite a while.
member or an employee at Fitness
cart in the Yoga room! After training
I am not from Babylon and didn't know
Incentive has a story of at least one
for a while, Kristen was traveling and
very many people outside of my ex's
special relationship they've developed
was away from the gym for a while.
friends, and for obvious reasons those
(and still maintain) while at Fitness
Last year she and her fiancée came
relationships were on the outs. Linda
back to Fitness Incentive and Kristen
took my son in and comforted me, a
once again began Pilates Reformer
very new mother, and made me feel
In addition to Managing both the
classes. She and her fiancée, Benoit
that my new born was in good hands
Pilates and Yoga programs, teaching
(Benny) were looking for a place to
while I was in the gym taking a little
Pilates and Yoga mat classes and
dock their boat, I told them that I had
time for myself.
Private and Partner training, I also
a client (who had become a close
teach Pilates reformer small group
friend), Kathy who could help them
I had been a ballet dancer when I was
classes (3 to 4 people) and Pilates
out and that I thought they would
younger and wanted to find an
Bootcamp classes (6 people) which
really get along well and become
exercise program that would touch
take place in the Pilates Reformer
friends. Kathy had been a client of
some of the core principles I knew and
studio. The Pilates studio is a warm,
mine. I was actually introduced to her
loved as a dancer. Pilates was a
welcoming space providing a safe,
by Nancy Godden, (my co-worker and
supportive, intimate setting to fully
good friend) the year before. When
work your body while developing
Kathy began training with me, she was
relationships with like-minded people.
going through a “not so nice” divorce
I have had the pleasure of not only
continued on page 20
and it was a very difficult time for her.
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
Inecentives Spa
By Dr. Donna Brown
Ounces of Prevention
Protect Yourself From Breast Cancer
active form of the concentrated indoles
in cruciferous vegetables. This is the
substance that helps to shunt the
production of the estrogen into its good
metabolites. Another extremely
important supplement is calcium dglucarate. This compound inhibits an
enzyme called Beta glucuronidase
which is associated with increased
breast cancer risk. Vitamin D3 is an
extremely important part of any cancer
preventative regime. It has been shown
to reduce the incidence of just about
every form of cancer, none more
studied than breast cancer. It
strengthens the immune system in
general but also controls cellular
growth, thereby inhibiting cancer cell
hen was the last time you
thought about the health of your
breasts? To some people, this
question might make you chuckle, but for
others, it could be a far different story.
Some people worry all the time about the
health of their breasts. It could be
because a family member has had breast
cancer, or they themselves have either
had a breast issue or have already had
breast cancer. I was a worrier. My mother
had breast cancer. Luckily she survived.
As a result it became a source of great
concern for me. Initially I lived in fear,
acting as if there was nothing I could do
except hope that I would never fall
victim to this all-too prevalent disease.
Instead, I decided to focus all my
attention to breast health. I didn't want
to sit around and wait for a diagnosis. I
wanted to prevent it. So what is the
latest in this ever growing field of
knowledge? For one thing, diet and
nutrition are undeniably important in the
prevention of breast disease.
Cruciferous vegetables are a group of
vegetables that include broccoli,
cauliflower and brussel sprouts. These
vegetables are extremely important for
cancer prevention in general. However,
in breast health they serve a special
function. They cause the body to favor
the production of the very best form of
estrogen over the bad forms of estrogen
responsible for cancer. So eating at least
one serving of these vegetables per day
will decrease the amount of bad estrogen
in your body. If you can't eat enough or
would like extra protection you can take
a supplement called DIM ( also can be
called indole 3-carbonal) . DIM is the
I didn't want to sit
around and wait for a
diagnosis. I wanted to
prevent it. And diet
and nutrition are
undeniably important
in the prevention of
breast disease.
activity. Ground flax meal is another
big player in breast cancer prevention.
This seed, once ground
so and
it can
be Collins
more readily absorbed, contains among
many things a substance called lignans.
Lignans have been shown to inhibit
estrogen production. This in turn
decreases the amount of cancer.
Lycopene, a member of the carotenoid
family, has also been shown to
decrease the risk of breast cancer.
Green tea, which contains a strong
antioxidant called EGCG, has also been
shown to inhibit the growth of breast
cancer cells. A multiple B vitamin
complex has also been shown to help
estrogen to be properly eliminated
from the body. Higher estrogen levels
have been implicated in breast cancer.
A probiotic supplement also helps to
The Hansen Clan
strengthen the immune system which in
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
strengthen the immune system which in
turn helps to decrease the likelihood of
any cancer.
Other than just supplements and healthy
food choices, exercise and the
maintenance of proper body weight have
been shown to decrease breast cancer
risk. Additionally, reduction of household
chemical use is also extremely important.
Look for products that are plant based
and chemical free. There are also many
types of organic and paraben free hair
products, lotions and makeup. The items
that we apply on our bodies sometimes
contain parabens-a preservative with
weak estrogenic activity. Estrogens from
our environment have been implicated in
the formation of breast cancer tumors.
There are many wonderful and effective
personal care items that have removed
these toxic chemicals from their list of
ingredients. Lastly, be mindful of plastics.
Especially heated plastics. They contain
phalates which are associated with breast
cancer as well. It is important to never
leave water bottles in a hot car. Store
them in a cool place if they are not in the
To find out more about your risk of breast
cancer and how to take a proactive roll in
its prevention, stop in at Incentives Spa. I
will be happy to help you. Worry is a
waste of time.
Dr. Donna Brown is a Chiropractor as well as the
owner/operator of Incentives Spa. Questions? Email
her at: [email protected]
In The Spa
We are very fortunate
to have outstanding
technicians at
Incentives Spa, one of
whom is Jacqueline.
Jacqueline has 20 years
experience in the
beauty industry as an
Esthetician, Permanent
Cosmetic Specialist and
Makeup Artist. Her
vast experience with color and makeup
artistry, knowledge in skin physiology and
her desire to make a woman feel
beautiful makes her a top professional in
her field.
Jacqueline can also help postmastectomy clients regain a more natural
appearance with realistic areola tattoos
and scar camouflage. These procedures
are great confidence builders and
complete this restorative process, both
physically and emotionally.
She has received her training in
Permanent Cosmetics, advanced Areola
Complex and Scar Camouflaging from
Rose Marie Beauchemin of The Beau
continued on page 19
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
Chris Moran & Joe Milazzo Team Up
to Conquer the Fantastic Four
Interview by Paul Smith
hris Moran and Joe Milazzo,
working together as co-trainers
during last Spring's Fantastic Four
Fit.4.Summer Challenge, achieved
great success: teams they trained
finished first and second in that contest
and took home over $11,000 in cash
prizes! Not too shabby! I recently spoke
to the two of them about their
approach to the contest and their
experiences as the trainers of winning
PS: Joe, this was the first of FI's
contests that you've been involved with.
How did you learn about Fit.4.Summer?
JM: I was just getting back into the
fitness business and through my mother
(FI trainer Iris Greco) and Facebook I
learned about the contest. I found out
that they were looking for trainers and I
jumped on board training a few teams
with Chris, and a couple with my mom.
PS: So in addition to pairing up
together, you both also co-trained
teams with other trainers.
CM: We are both fairly new to the
business. Our plan was to learn (and
steal!) from everybody. For example, I
can now draw on what I learned
watching Chris Hartigan, who is
excellent with the stability ball, with
stretching and core-strength.
JM: We really struck gold. We were
lucky because our kind of training
worked really well in this contest
format. On top of that, we had really
good competitors on our teams.
Between the right training of the right
contestants, plus the strength of our
partnership as trainers - Chris and I
work really well together - all these
things came together and helped us,
and our teams, succeed.
CM: We often used a 'good-cop-bad-cop'
method, with me taking the 'bad' role.
It probably means that Joe ended up
being a lot more popular with the
teams than I did, but I didn't care,
and still don't, because we were
getting the results.
PS: You co-trained 3 teams together,
and two of them were winners,
finishing first and second. Did you at
some point during the contest know
that your teams had excellent
chances of finishing at or near the
CM: We did. About half way through,
we spoke to the teammates. We could
see, based on weight loss, body fat
percentage, and other improvements,
that they had an opportunity to do
very well in this contest. I'm not sure
I ever actually said the word “win,”
but definitely “you could all do very,
very well.”
The coed team - the team that
ultimately won - we punished them! I
know what real boot camp is like, and
the workouts we prepared for them
and had them complete were really
tough…as tough as any workouts I've
supervised as a trainer. They rose to
the challenge excellently.
JM: That first place team was
extraordinary. We threw everything including the kitchen sink - at them,
and they did it all. We had a strong
suspicion that because they were
facing what we were demanding of
them head-on, and weren't backing
down, their chances were very
PS: The first assessment established
the benchmark against which success
would be measured. When you saw
those first assessments, what were
you thinking? How de-conditioned did
you believe your teams to be, and
how much improvement did you think
was possible?
CM: I'd say their level of conditioning
was pretty average, which meant
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
that, with only one or two exceptions
across all the teams, the contestants
could start out with the
same or very similar
exercises. Then, once
the contest was well
under way, we were
able to gauge
progress and
observe which
areas of training
- strength,
and so on individual
ts needed
to focus on.
PS: Is this
focusing and
more difficult
when training
groups, as opposed
to individuals?
CM: It's actually not
that different from
regular, individual
training, because
even working oneon-one, you have to
make adjustments. A
client may attend a
session feeling very
rested and strong,
and that day, for that
hour, may be able to
be pushed further. On a
day when they aren't
feeling as strong, they'll be able to
produce less. So the process of
adjustment, whether with individuals
from session to session, or individual
members of a team, is always there.
JM: One of the skills you need as a
personal trainer is being able to
determine how hard you can push based
on your client's situation. The beauty of
the workouts Chris and I designed for
our teams is that they can be easily
modified. They can be adjusted for
anyone from beginner to expert, and
produce results. Compare two of our
contestants: one in average shape, one
contestants: one in average shape, one
an accomplished athlete. Both, through
the training, were able to improve their
push-up totals ten-fold. The athlete had
also been training for a
triathlon, training which
he suspended during the
contest. In the triathlon,
held just after the
contest's end, he
finished in third
place. He
improved his
owing to
participation in
and the
workouts we
prepared for
Chris and I didn't
really get wrapped
up in the
numbers, though
we did stress
quantity and
quality of effort:
doing your best.
Giving 100% of
what you are
capable of,
which for one
person might
be fifteen
push-ups, and
for another, 50. Each has worked to
capacity; worked equally hard, and we
continually drove this point home. We
believed in our style of training, we
knew it would be effective for this type
of contest, with the push-ups, the
resting heart rate, body comp…we knew
our style would produce excellent
results. It was just a matter of having a
team that was going to work with us,
return to us the max effort we were
delivering to them. And we got that. We
got lucky with our teams, as I said.
Committed, hardworking teammates. It's
necessary to success. It's tough, maybe
impossible, to succeed as a team when
even one member is, so to speak,
'dogging' it.
CM: We stressed this with all our
teams. Give it your all, or don't show
JM: All of our teams had success, not
just the ones that won, and it's
because they were motivated. We
told them, “We're going to give hard
workouts - not easy stuff because you
won't get anything out of it.” We
spent time outside the sessions
creating and refining the program as
the contest progressed, putting in the
time and the effort, and so did they.
They spent time outside the sessions
on additional workouts, on planning
diets, etc.
PS: How big a role in the teams'
achievements did diet play?
CM: I learned a lot from Iris during
the first contest I participated in with
her. She had this great nutritional
plan - gluten-free, no alcohol - and
with her permission I carried forward
with a lot of that. Then, two or three
weeks into the contest, we sent
everyone to Rachel (FI's registered
dietitian and the driving force behind
the Eat Smart nutrition counseling
service). She established even more
guidelines for the contestants: clean
eating, portion size, calories. They
also maintained on-line food logs,
which broke down what was being
eaten by category and displayed the
results graphically. We used these
charts to check their numbers - carb,
fat, and protein, etc. - and modify
their diets accordingly. Readers may
be surprised to learn that the charts
often revealed that the contestants
were not eating enough to keep their
bodies properly fueled during this
period of intense training, and we had
to impress upon them how important
it was to reach - and even slightly
surpass - established levels for certain
dietary elements. In short, urge them
to eat more.
PS: You both have had contestants
continue to train with you since the
contest ended.
JM: Yes. And that's gratifying. Kind of
an endorsement. When they stick
with it, you know that you are being
listened to, and your opinion as a s.
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
professional is being respected. Chris
and I knew we were doing something
good with these teams. We saw it in
the results, heard it from the
contestants themselves, and saw it
again when many elected to
continue afterwards. It has been
very satisfying.
The contest is more than just
physically demanding, it's a mental
challenge - a really tough grind. It's
much more than just push-ups. As a
trainer, you have to understand what
your client will respond to, and
balance between motivating and
becoming overbearing.
Some will only respond to you being
authoritative. Some will not be able
to push themselves unless you put
the pedal to the metal. Others will
be turned right off by that approach.
CM: It's all about getting a read on
the person, or, in the case of the
contest, the group. I think the
winning team kind of helped us with
finding the right tone. They were all
neighbors who decided at a
Halloween party to compete as a
team. All through the contest, when
things got tough, they'd tease and
mock one another: “What a great
idea this was! Can't wait for next
Halloween!” It was their way of
making light of the burden and
helping to get themselves and their
teammates through.
JM: You'd never think to see people
take such a beating with smiles on
their faces. Dripping with sweat,
completing workouts that I'd be
apprehensive about putting myself
through, and smiling. All friends with
a really strong sense of unity who
didn't want to let one another down.
Hard not to be impressed, especially
when you consider that amongst our
three teams, several of the
contestants had to overcome
significant physical challenges injuries or the aftermath of illnesses
- just to compete. Their
achievements stand out as all the
more amazing.
Paul Smith manages Marketing
for Fitness Incentive, and is responsible for all the
signs you see around the gym.
He’s a regular contributor to these pages.
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
Studies have shown that recreation of
the nipple-areola complex has a high
association with overall patient
satisfaction and acceptance of body
image. Nipple-areola reconstruction
represents the completion of the breast
restorative process and has significant
psychological implications for women
who undergo mastectomy. Nipple size,
position, projection, and color are
determining factors in the aesthetic
symmetry of the reconstruction.
Complete nipple-areola reconstruction
with tattoo can visually draw attention
away from the scars.
continued from page 14
Institute, a recognized leader in the
Permanent Cosmetics, also known as
Micropigmentation, can help people with
the following:
Breast: Breast Reconstruction, Breast
Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast
Reduction, 3D Nipple Tattoo, Areola
Tattoo, Areola Repigmentation
How is the procedure done?
A topical anesthetic is applied to keep
the patient comfortable however; most
patients with flap reconstruction have
little or no sensation. We will start by
drawing the outline of the areola and
mixing a pigment to match your
original coloring. The patient will be
involved in choosing the size and color
for their procedure.
Scar Camouflage: Trichotillomania,
Vitiligo, Cleft Lip, Facelift Scars, Hair
Transplant Scars, Hypopigmentation (skin
lightening), Missing Facial Hair for Men,
Missing Scalp Hair (scars, bald patches),
Surgical Scars, Trauma Scars (accidents,
Permanent Cosmetics: Eyebrows (natural
hair stroke method), Eyeliner, Lash
Enhancement, Lip liner, Full Lip Color,
Beauty Marks
The entire process can take
approximately 1 to 2 hours. To achieve
a natural looking areola the outer edge
will be stippled to create a soft edge.
The inner coloring of the areola gets a
mottled effect to mimic the natural
variation of color. With Areola complex
we can create a 3 dimensional effect
Areola Complex Pigmentation
Patients with loss of the nipple and areola
from cancer excision, trauma, or
congenital absence continue to experience
psychological distress even long after
breast reconstruction has taken place.
for the nipple area by using varying
shades of light and dark so for women
who did not have nipple reconstruction
they can still look like they have one
without the actual projection .A totally
NATURAL look is the goal.
What to expect immediately following
your procedure: For the first week you
will use an ointment to keep the tattoo
moist. Your color will appear very dark
and lighten up as you heal. Your touch
up visit can be scheduled 4-6 weeks after
your initial visit where you have the
option to add color if needed.
Scar Camouflage
Both men and women can benefit from
scar camouflage procedures. Scars from
burns, surgeries, vitiligo,
hypopigmentation, hair transplants and
other blemishes can often be
dramatically diminished through our
advanced micropigmentation. There are
different ways of making scars look less
obvious. Depending on where the scar is
located and what color the scar is,
adding pigment to a scar to match ones
skin tone will usually yield a significant
improvement making them less obvious.
To learn more, or to schedule a
consultation, contact Incentives
Spa at 631-893-3490
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
Mind Body Spirit
Kathy & Kristen
perfect fit for me. I started with a few
private lessons and then Dina found a
spot for me in one of her reformer
classes. I know with all my heart, God
knew exactly what I needed when I was
placed in the loving and challenging
hands of my now very dear friend Dina.
The Pilates group was a mix of strong,
wonderful, supportive women. We
came to class twice a week and got so
much more than just a bodily workout.
Don't get me wrong, the workouts
kicked our butts. More than that, we
worked out our lives with one another.
We shared our triumphs, heartaches,
daily challenges, health, personal
stories; our lives. It was like when we
were in that room together as a group,
the world did not exist. We could say
anything and everything about what
was going on in our lives and we were
met with kindness and support.
One friendship in particular that has
graced my life is that which I share
with my friend Kristen Sophia. We met
through the Pilates program last year
and our friendship has blossomed into
an amazing part of my life. Dina had
introduced us at the beginning of last
summer. She had said, "I think you guys
would really hit it off”, and we did.
She came to my house one afternoon to
check out a boat slip and we just
chatted and laughed and had a great
time for hours. That was the
beginning. I was still so heartbroken
and felt really lost from the divorce. I
think the worst part of the divorce was
continued from page 13
that I was in a place that I didn't
have many close friends or support.
All of a sudden Kristen, Dina and all
these other wonderful strong women
were in my life and I felt like myself
again. I will forever be grateful to
Dina and the Pilates program,
because it really did bring me back
to the beauty of true friendship.
When we are together, there is a
laughter that is truly contagious. I
see in these women, strength and
wisdom-pure and true compassion
and thoughtfulness. I see women
who walk through this world with
gentleness and grace. And, I feel so
I will forever be
grateful to Dina
and the Pilates
program, because
it really did bring
me back to the
beauty of true
very blessed to be a part of all this.
These are the relationships that I
cherish and they all started here at
FI, especially in the Pilates room. I
am so grateful to be part of
something so wonderful, and my
body gets a great work out too!!!!!!!
I was nineteen years old when I
started working out and became a
trainer at twenty-two. I am now
forty years old and have been to all
sorts of gyms; from Dallas to Beijing
and Fitness Incentive is without a
doubt a very special place. You can
tell Ken and Cor take great care in
selecting a knowledgeable caring
and friendly staff. My experience
with Fitness Incentive started way
back at the first reformer class.
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
Dina was our very intelligent
instructor. We hit it off immediately
and we share the same birthday! I
loved Pilates so much I took private
sessions and it was through our hour
long sessions that we became close
friends. Dina has always been a very
helpful friend and skilled instructor.
When my fiancée and I needed a place
for our boat, Dina knew exactly who
to ask; enter Kathy.
I believe things happen for a reason
and Kathy's friendship came at a much
needed time in my life. I was helping
take care of my very best friend who
was battling cancer. She recently
passed away in March. Kathy was that
ray of sunshine that made the day
brighter. She asked me to do a fitness
contest with her. Dina was the trainer
of course!! We had so much fun
cracking jokes, solving issues and
getting in shape! I really value the
friendships I have made at the gym
and cannot wait to continue making
more! Recently Kathy and I started
doing more Reformer classes and met
a new friend, Elissa! Kathy also
recently introduced me to another
wonderful person named Gena. She is
warm, funny and smart and is a longtime member of Fitness Incentive. It
just takes one introduction to make a
whole FI friendship family!!
ruly, I could fill this entire
newsletter with stories of
friendships and love connections
that have been made at Fitness
Incentive! It is a great place to
workout and a great place to work! I
am so grateful to have a job I love
surrounded by wonderful people and
wonderful energy! To this day I have
many close friends that I have met at
Fitness Incentive, and as I go to work
each day I’m excited by the
opportunity I’ll have to meet the
wonderful people that walk through
the doors of Fitness Incentive!
More than a Membership….it's a
relationship!!! If you are not already a
member, come for a personal tour!
Don't just take my word for it (or
Kristen’s or Kathy’s) Meet our
wonderful staff and see for yourself,
the truth to this statement!! Not only
will you become physically fit and
healthy, you will become part of a
Dina SantaMaria is a certified Pilates, Yoga &
Spin instructor, as well as a certified Personal Trainer.
She manages the Mind, Body & Spirit program at FI.
Questions? Contact her at: Dina@Fitnessincentive. com
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
by Eileen Jacinth
Strength Training for Kids
A Guide for Parents and Teachers
life-long activity. Improvements in
muscular fitness, bone mineral density,
body composition, motor fitness
performance and injury resistance
should be compelling evidence for all
parents, though children will likely
focus on things like enhanced sports
performance and the social aspects of
exercise. In fact, children don't usually
have the ability to comprehend longterm concepts until the ages of 11 to
14, so abstract ideas like healthy bones
any parents and physical
education teachers have
traditionally shied away from
strength training with their children or
students. However, there is sufficient
research to suggest that strength training
is a suitable and safe option for most
Correcting the Misconceptions
There are a number of common myths
about youth strength training that
continue to cause concern among parents
and educators. Two of the most common
misconceptions are that strength training
may stunt the growth of children and that
children should not lift weights until they
are 12 years old. There is simply no
evidence to support either of these
statements. In fact, all of the major
fitness and medical organizations in the
U.S. recommend strength training for
youth, assuming that basic guidelines are
adhered to and that appropriate
leadership is present. And about the
question of age, children can begin to
train with weights as soon as they are
able to accept and follow directions usually around the age of seven or eight.
The Benefits
The benefits of youth strength training
are similar to those for adults, though the
importance of getting an early start
cannot be over-emphasized. The most
important benefit of any youth fitness
program is an improved attitude about
improvements have
been seen in the
self-esteem, mental
discipline and
socialization of
children who
and disease prevention will do little to
motivate them, and may in fact demotivate some children. Stick with
ideas like self-improvement and
individual success, and always make
sure everyone is having fun. Fun is the
number one motivator in almost every
aspect of a child's life. Another
compelling argument for youth
strength-training programs is that
significant improvements have been
seen in the self-esteem, mental
discipline and socialization of children
who participate. Think back to your
days in P.E. What games did you play?
What types of physical attributes and
skills were most often rewarded with
success? Most likely, you are thinking of
team games that featured speed,
agility, jumping ability and overall
athleticism. And those things should be
rewarded! But a glaring omission in that
list is muscular strength, and it is often
overweight and obese children who will
excel in that area. Weight training
provides an opportunity to let children
who typically struggle with group
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
activities stand out from their
classmates and perform well on an
individual basis. What a tremendous
way to boost self-esteem in the
children who need it most.
How to Get Your Kids Started
It is important that parents and
teachers do not impose training
techniques and philosophies on
children just because they may have
worked for their own routines. Listen
very closely to kids' concerns and
address them with care. Instructor
attitude is of the utmost importance
when working with kids. Start slowly
and lean toward underestimating
rather than overestimating the
strength of young exercisers. Not only
is it safer to do so, but it also leaves
plenty of room for progress - and
tangible progress is essential in the
early stages of a youth strengthtraining program. The initial focus
should be on developing good form
and learning the basics of strength
training. Introduce children to a
variety of exercises and types of
resistance. Most kids love to learn
new things, so working with medicine
balls and resistance tubing in addition
to the more traditional free weights
and machines is a great idea - and a
much more affordable one. Just be
sure that all the major muscle groups
are addressed in a balanced, full-body
workout. Finally, remember that your
goals when exercising with children
are simple: Be safe, have fun and help
kids learn to love physical activity.
The American Council on Exercise,
ACE, recently posted this article at
tfacts_display.aspx?itemid=2682. I
have reproduced it here with their
permission so I could share it with
FitKids This Fall
The benefits of introducing children to
strength training and exercise as soon
as possible are clear. FitKids supports
ACE's proven results and has a proven
track record of its own as well.
This fall FI's Fitkids program is offering
many different and affordable ways to
get your kids up and moving. From our
toddler to tweens classes, there's
something for all levels. Classes
include cardio, resistance training,
spin, yoga and even some Pilates.
Register your child today and get
them started on a life-long habit of
Eileen Jacinth holds multiple certifications in
fitness and education.
She is the manager of our FitKids program.
Questions?: [email protected]
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
by Monica Jones
by TJ & Amy Lynch
TJ Pushes Kelly & Jason to New Highs
n November 2009 Jason and I moved
clients is evident. Each session with TJ
from Kansas City, Missouri to Babylon,
we learned something new, either on the
New York to begin a new journey of our
gym floor, the mindset of meeting our
lives together; moving for jobs and far
goals, or how to alter our nutritional
away from family and friends we were both
plans to get better results. He constantly
nervous and excited about the
challenges us to try new workouts, he
opportunities that were ahead of us.
introduced us to spinning, encouraged us
Working out was one constant that had
to go to Pump and Jump and Essential
become ingrained in our lives some three
Stretch, and he's always sharing any
years ago when we began preparing for our
knowledge he gains.
wedding and we knew it would continue to
be an important priority that we needed to
keep up. We had planned to try out several
For me, I learned quickly that if I worked
gyms before choosing one,
Fitness Incentive happened
to the first and only gym
that we needed to see.
When checking out the
gym we met Rachel at the
front desk and shared our
interest of working with a
personal trainer; based on
our desire to workout as a
couple, she recommended
that we meet TJ Lynch.
Jason received a call that
evening from TJ and we
decided to set up a
consultation on Monday
evening and check out his
highly touted ab class.
After the class we met
with TJ and he introduced
us to Amy. The next
evening while we were still
trying our seven day pass
Kelly & Jason Capps Now
TJ invited us to fill the last
couple spots in a spin class
that he was putting on for
his F4 Body Age
hard, TJ would work even harder to
challengers. We felt so welcomed and were
make sure I was seeing results and had
so impressed with TJ's positive and
the tools to continue to progress on my
energetic teaching style that we joined the
own. He introduced new methods of
gym and signed up for the Ultra-Fit
exercise, but also helped me
program immediately, getting our first dose
emotionally. On days I'd come to him
on Thanksgiving Day.
feeling defeated in my journey he'd say
these words that truly picked me up and
At our first consultation Jason and I shared
drove me to the next level of “Kelly
our fitness goals. TJ was very supportive.
remember you are strong, powerful,
He laid out our plans with both nutrition
confident and no one can take that away
and workout information to get us started.
from you; I believe in you, you have to
As a couple, we met with him twice a
believe in you”. These words he told me
week. We found TJ was a presence in our
to tell myself regularly, to reflect on
new lifestyle, as our trainer and friend. He
them and to succeed. I didn't realize it
becomes personally invested in his clients'
at the time, but these words have
goals and prides himself on providing each
become part of who I am. When I'm
client the tools they need to help
down, I remind myself of who I am and
themselves. He doesn't believe in excuses how I want others to see me. He has
instead he holds his clients solely
most definitely helped me change my
accountable for meeting their goals; he
physique; but I am most grateful that he
empowered us to make the correct
as helped me change my mindset. I am
decisions and guided us on the right path.
stronger, more confident and powerful
His passion for training, the gym and his
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
each day. I love fitness, and with TJ's help,
I have made greater improvements to
myself inside and out that I could have
ever expected. I've even had the
opportunity to inspire others, much like TJ
and Amy have been an inspiration to me.
Since beginning my fitness training with TJ
I've continued to grow stronger and more
confident. Each day is a new fitness
challenge and, with TJ's knowledge and
passion to see results, my workouts
continue to remain exciting. I continue to
be astonished at TJ's ability to push my
workouts to the next level, keep them
fresh and new, and, most of all,
completely exhaust whichever muscle
group he chooses to target that day. TJ's
training techniques keep me engaged and
it continues to amaze me that he is able to
push me past those mental blocks and
limitations to get those last five reps.
We have gained a wealth of knowledge,
made great strides in our fitness goals, and
developed a true passion for health and
wellness with the support
and guidance of TJ. Kelly
has completed two figure
competitions in these
eight months and after
my success in the
Fantastic Four Fit 4
Summer challenge I'm
now preparing for my
first bodybuilding show in
the spring. We
use what we've
learned from
TJ every day,
whether it be
meals, our
workout, or
explaining to
friends the
knowledge that
has helped us
take our fitness
and physiques
to the next
Before TJ
level. As a
couple we continue to grow closer, working
hand in hand on our workouts and our
nutrition. Together, we've learned each
other's strengths and weakness and we use
this new-found understanding to push each
other to reach new highs.
We feel fortunate to have been welcomed
into the Fitness Incentive family. We were
looking for a facility to workout in and
found a home filled with great friends,
classes, equipment and experts in personal
training. Without TJ, Amy and FI, our
transition to New York would have been
more of a challenge for us.
TJ Lynch, CPT, and Amy Lynch, CPT are Ultra
Fit trainers at FI Questions? Contact them at:
[email protected] or [email protected]
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
U LT R A - F I T
dedication, and I mean that, sincerely!
The fact is, however, that your body has
used up glycogen stores while you were
sleeping and is already breaking down
muscle before you even rise. Generally,
this can be countered by eating a light
protein-rich breakfast along with a small
portion of carbohydrates, followed by an
hour of relaxation or light activity before
exercising. This supplies your hungry
muscles with a bit of glycogen and amino
acids, thereby buffering muscle loss while
you train.
Those of you that like to lift weights and
jump right to burning more calories with
an intense cardio session are in the same
boat. In essence, you've spent 30-45
minutes stimulating muscle growth, only
to strip the muscle that you already have
for energy during your high-intensity
cardio session. The reason is because
you've burned through your glycogen
stores during weight training.
The greatest risk of wasting muscle
applies to individuals that currently
possess low body-fat levels and adhere to
a calorie-restricted diet. In this case,
both glycogen levels and fat stores are
virtually depleted throughout the entire
day. You are already at risk of losing
muscle simply from your weight training,
as this too is an anaerobic activity that
burns a lot of calories in a short period of
time. The last thing you want to do is
follow it up with a high-intensity cardio
session. Ironically, it equates to nothing
more than working your butt off (quite
literally) only to take a few steps step
backwards! It would be much more
enjoyable, and arguably much more
beneficial, to just plop on the couch with
a small bag of chips.
For best results, you'll need to take both
exercise and nutrition and piece them
together like a puzzle. If you are on a
calorie-restricted diet, and assuming that
you will not be performing your weight
routine that day, then the ideal time to
hit high-intensity cardio is in the evening.
This way, you burn up any glycogen that
you may have stored throughout the day
and set your body up to burn fat while
you sleep. Follow that up with one final
meal consisting of protein and fibrous
vegetables, and you'll be primed and
ready for a night of hunger-free fat loss.
On days where you prioritize muscular
development with weight training, you
have a few options available to you. The
first entails placing a few meals between
your high-intensity cardio and weight
by Monica Jones
continued from page 6
training so that you give your body a
chance to replenish glycogen stores
between sessions. I realize that most
of you may not have time for two trips
to the gym and must perform cardio
after weight training. While it may
seem like somewhat of an oxymoron, in
this case, your safest bet is to perform
slow continuous cardio for longerdurations.
Slow continuous cardio is performed at
lower intensities, such as 60% of your
maximum heart rate (MHR), but for
longer durations of time. An example is
Have you considered
the negative
burning too many
calories in too short
of time? It can be
just as detrimental
to your success as
consuming too many!
(speed) walking for 45 minutes. This
type of cardio is ideal when glycogen
stores are low, which forces your body
to rely on either fat (or muscle) as a
primary source of energy. Since you
will burning calories at a slower pace,
your body won't be so apt to break
down muscle to meet energy demands.
Rather, your pace will better correlate
along with the slower rate of
converting fat into energy. Not only
this, but do you remember from earlier
where I stated that intensity levels
dictate the usage of glycogen versus
fat? Higher intensities typically recruit
more fast twitch muscle, which draws
primarily off of glycogen, and you end
up burning calories too rapidly for your
body to utilize oxygen. By training at
lower intensities and for longer
durations, you recruit more oxidative
slow-twitch fiber, which relies heavily
off of oxygen to metabolize fat for
There are some individuals that require
more cardio sessions than others to
reach their goals. This brings other he
basic format mentioned previously.
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
factors into consideration, such as
recuperation, when deciding on what
type of cardio is best on any given
training day. The fact is that exercise
itself can be counter-productive if you
fall into the trap of over-training. If you
require four to five days of cardio, in
addition to a weight training regimen,
then you will most likely end up overtraining and increasing your risk for
injury if each session is high-intensity. To
minimize the potential for this, consider
performing two or three sessions at highintensity along with a few low-intensity
sessions, and along the lines of the basic
format mentioned previously.
Another step to avoid over-training is to
mix up the muscle groups used during
each session. For most people, cardio is
synonymous with lower body training,
which is why the most popular forms
typically involve the treadmill,
elliptical, stair climber, biking, or a step
class. Your lower body needs rest,
however, since every form of exercise,
including cardio, breaks down muscle
tissue. If you're jogging multiple times
per week then you are burning calories
at the expense of pulverizing your lower
body muscles, knees, and hips.
Conversely, if more muscles are working
then you will reduce the degree to
which each is being broken down during
a session. This is one reason as to why
I'm personally fond of circuit-style
cardio, which includes the various class
formats offered here at FI. Remember,
you drag yourself to the gym to improve
your health and so the last thing you
want is to wind up right back on the
couch with an injury.
o recap, there isn't a single piece
of scientific literature that proves,
with certainty, that low-intensity
cardio is better for fat loss than highintensity, and vice-versa. You will find
literature where both schools of thought
attempt to debunk each other on this
issue, but the debate is still going strong
because both styles work. There is a
time and place for everything under the
sun - and in the gym. Prioritize your
target heart rate, factor your dietary
practices and other activities into the
equation, and be sure to always reflect
upon the potential for over-training.
These simple steps will help you
determine what type of cardio will suit
you in any given situation. Then you
simply follow through and have some
Jim Cordova Certified Personal Trainer and one of the
Ultra-Fit trainers at FI. Jim is a world-ranked drug-free
bodybuilder, and the reigning WNBF Pro Mr. Universe,
Mr. America, and World Champion.
Questions? Email him at [email protected]
S t a f f Pe r s p e c t i v e
from page 15
Laurie Gilfedder
We Are Family
FI’s More than “Just a Gym”
take some differences. So what makes
FI different?? Most people think the
answer to that question is the classes
we offer. Although our class schedule
does set us apart from most other gyms,
I do not believe that is our most
valuable commodity. I think what sets
us apart from the rest of the pack is
that we care as no one else does. We
care that you are comfortable, we care
that we provide what you need and
want, we care that the gym is clean for
you, we care about your children, your
families, we care about your
suggestions, and your concerns. It's
Celebration! LtoR: Michele Mannino, Catherine Golub,
Trainer Amy Lynch, Jessica Mc Keown, Catherine Verdi
y job title at FI is Sales and
Customer Service Manager. It's
actually pretty funny because I
would never call myself a salesperson, I
simply see my job as helping people. One
of the most rewarding aspects of my job
at Fitness Incentive is having the occasion
to introduce newcomers to fitness. For
those of you who are gym rats, it's
difficult to imagine the hesitation and
anxiety level that many people
experience as they consider joining the
gym. Just walking through the door can
be challenging. As much as we try to
make the environment inviting and user
friendly, sometimes it is still intimidating
to the novice. I love meeting new people
and having the opportunity to help that
brand new person become comfortable at
Fitness Incentive and one of the FI family.
Contrary to most gyms, when someone
new comes to the gym for information, FI
does not “sell” them. There is no high
power sales pitch and we certainly don't
take them into a closed office and
pressure them to join. Instead we find out
exactly what they are hoping to
accomplish, what their concerns are, and
what their specific needs may be. Simply
put, we try to get to know them. I enjoy
talking to that person, listening to them,
understanding their goals and concerns,
and finding out how we can help them.
The next step I take is to show them
through the gym and explain the basic
components of a good fitness program and
how it will help them. But let's face it,
there are so many gyms available with
basically with the same equipment give or
“So what makes FI
different?? ...I
believe what sets
us apart from the
rest of the pack is
that we care as no
one else does.”
almost impossible to convey to someone
new that the FI employees and the
members feel more like a family than
anything else. There are so few
establishments where customer service
is a priority today. I would even
venture so far as to call what we have
more of a customer connection. It is so
much more than service. It is more like
helping someone in your own family or
doing a friend a favor! It is a
But would someone new understand
that intangible connection when in
today's world so few people put
themselves out for a stranger? With
that in mind, we offer the newcomer
the opportunity to experience FI for
themselves to try us out and judge if
they feel that it is the right fit for
them. We provide support and
direction and whatever extra help
someone might need, but no pressure!
Sometimes it may only take one visit or
one class for someone to decide they
love it, but there are also times where
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
it is a slower process and it takes a few
weeks or even more. It's much like
developing a new friendship. You might
know you like someone at an initial
meeting, but does that mean you will be
life long friends? Developing the
relationship is a process that involves the
typical things such as showing them
around, teaching them how to use the
equipment, advising which classes to
participate in, helping them get started
on a machine, and even helping them
learn how to swipe their membership
scan card. There are many times that
we will introduce the newcomer to a
trainer who has a particular expertise
and can help them with a knee or back
issue, or we might introduce them to the
instructor of a class that we are
recommending they take. We even
introduce them to other members to help
them feel comfortable at FI. We try to
give more than is necessary and hope to
exceed their expectations. I like to think
that we go that extra mile. We are
genuinely concerned about you. We work
on the relationship and we try to be a
good friend and supportive in every way
we can. As the saying goes, “No kindness
is ever wasted.”
And over time we have been rewarded
tenfold…..we make lots of good, even
great friends!
he FI community, both staff and
members, is a very unique working
unit. We have all been together
many years and consider ourselves
family, seeing each other through life's
ups and downs. It is an amazing
community and support system that over
the years has also grown tenfold. When
you see each other day in and day out,
you become an extended family. We
have been there for the joys and
sorrows, and the successes and failures.
Good times and bad! And that's what
life's about…..the relationships we have
with each other. My life has been
enhanced by my FI friendships. I have
always told my daughters that if you
have a few good friends in your life, you
are rich. I consider myself abundantly
Fantastic Feeling! LtoR: Rosa Sasso, Scott Waltman,
Trainer Marianela Virella, Joe Kelly and Blondie Murray
by Monica Sacco
How I Found It
My Incentive, That Is!
1. something that incites or
tends to incite to action or
greater effort, as a reward
offered for increased
2. inciting, as to action;
stimulating; provocative.
included two championship trophies.
As I reached my freshman year in high
school I wanted to be on a “school”
team. I tried out for the volleyball
team. I had no idea how painful it was
to hit the volleyball the wrong way.
After the 2nd day of try outs, I was
winded, and exhausted! The coach
During the ride I
was focused, and
took my mind and
body to another
level. I was so
proud of myself,
and thought “I
can do this!”
Carmela, Monica and Cor
at the Fantastic Four Party
y parents never enrolled me into
tee-ball, or dance class. I tried to
play an instrument, the violin and
the clarinet in the beginning of elementary
school. The notes on the staff confused
me. I was always trying to find a hobby, or
a talent just to keep myself entertained.
One day I woke up and decided I wanted to
play sports. I told my dad I wanted to play
basketball. He signed me up for the town
league, and received my first uniform. I
was about 9 years old, chubby, never ran
before. I couldn't make baskets like some
of the all-star players, or run without
getting winded so fast, but I loved it. I
wasn't terrible for my first time playing, I
kept on trying. I was aggressive, and
always kept my eye on the ball, the
basket, and the opposite team. I received
my first award that year, “Rookie of the
Year.” I played for six more years, two
made us climb up and down on the
bleachers'; my quads, and hamstrings
did not want to move after day three.
My effort was there, as well as my
willingness to learn the sport. The
coach pulled me aside, and said “I am
glad you tried out for the team.” After
the 3rd day of try-outs I never
That same year I felt terrible for not
staying on the volleyball team. I
decided to try a spring sport…lacrosse.
Women's lacrosse; we wore ugly plaid
skirts, and ran around with sticks. Good
news, since the JV team was new to the
high school everyone made the team.
Along with the good came the bad, we
had to practice with the varsity team.
We had to run perimeters around the
whole school yard. By the end of the
season we had to run 3; I couldn't run a
quarter of one! I wanted to get in
shape, a challenge and build
relationships'; I wanted to be a part of a
team. I played for another year, and
called it a quits.
Between 10th and 11th grade, I was
attending Fitness Incentive. I took my
first Spin class, and thought I was going
to die, just like with every high intense
cardio I've done! I remember walking out
with my face beat red thinking, “Oh my
god that was hard.” But for some reason,
I tried it again, and kept coming back.
After a few rides I came across this
beautiful blonde instructor who was full
of energy. During the ride I was focused,
and took my mind and body to another
level. I was so proud of myself, and
thought “I can do this!” I introduced
myself to Carmella, and most of the spin
instructors at FI. They became my
mentors, and my friends.
I decided to take action September 2009.
I moved back home, hired a trainer, and
decided to get back into shape.
Marianeila kicked my butt, and I enjoyed
every minute of it. I slowly started
reaching my goals with her training and
words of wisdom. I returned to spin, and
became friendly with my fellow spinners,
and spin instructors' again. I never took
any classes besides yoga and spin.
Crazy Aunt Carol, a long time instructor
at FI, l had been taking Sal Terrusa’s spin
class for a while. Sal told me one day that
“Carol's class is amazing - it really gets
you working.” So I approached Carol, and
said “listen, I want to try your class, but I
am scared I am going to fall off this
trampoline.” She put me at ease with her
carefree attitude told me it was “easy”
and not to worry. I took Carol’s class as
my first aerobics class.
Meanwhile, I kept hearing about this
women “Cor”, the owner of Fitness
Incentive. I wanted to know who she was
since I always heard amazing things about
her. I actually would walk around the
gym, and look for this woman until one
night she approached me. She smiled
radiantly, and asked if I needed help with
the clothes I was looking at. Finally, I
grew the courage to take her Interval
class. Even though I did not know the
moves I smiled and laughed the entire
time. I attended her classes weekly, and
even on the weekends. The class was
always a challenging but her motivation
kept me going, as well as the wonderful
ladies (and men). I was now obsessed
with just about every aerobic class.
I finally became Spin certified in March
2010. I will keep on learning about
fitness. I want to give people an
incentive. The incentive to keep going
with your fitness goals, it feels amazing
to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
Now I finally understand why the gym is
Fitness Incentive, because it has an
incentive to help you get to where you
want to be.
You have to take a class or make a friend
at FI, if you don't you are truly missing
out on an extra something to your daily
Monica Sacco is a certified Johnny G Spin Instructor
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
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Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
@ FI
stay new. As we like to say, it never gets
old at Fitness Incentive.
Roc-It Baby
Not that the weight room has been
neglected - far from it! Most members
would probably agree that there’s been so
improvements in
the weight room
it’s been hard to
keep up. But our
year long
renovation of the
entire weight
room has pretty
much reached it’s
(although I’m sure
TJ is off
Roc-It Ab
dreaming up
the next upgrade) with the addition of
a few final pieces. One new piece
that’s worth your attention is the 3way Hip Machine. We’ve never had
anything quite like it on the floor. It’s
incredibly versatile and definitely
needs to be part of your workout.
Another addition of note is the
compact dual cable machine, located
across from the Spin Room. This is
another incredibly adaptable machine,
with adjustable dual pullies. You are
limited only by your imagination! And
last but not least is the Roc-It Ab
Machine, by Hoist Fitness. This is a
new concept in ab work, and allows
full range of motion abdominal
exercises as well as pivoting seat to hit
the obliques. We’ve tried a lot of ab
machines in our day...this one is
unique, and among the very best of
breed. Give it a try next time you’re at
the gym.
Do It Yourself, But Do It Right
For those of you inclined to have a go of it
on your own, the weight room can be an
imposing place. That’s what motivated
trainers TJ and Amy Lynch to develop
BodyMaster’s - a 4 part hands-on training
seminar designed for “do-it-yourselfers”.
This program is designed to give you the
knowledge you’ll need to self-train safely
and effectively. There’s no better way to
learn than from the experts! New
seminars are starting up regularly, and are
limited to 6 people at a time. To learn
more, see the article on page 7.
That’s Our Patty
continued from page 3
Zebersky on the cover of Newsday’s
ActII section on August 21st. Patty, who
is both a personal trainer at FI and the
director of our Tracks and Trails running
program, participated in a challenge to
see if a group of 50-somethings could
pass the Army fitness test. Not only did
Patty pass the test, which consists of “a
lot of sit-ups, pushups and a 2 mile run,
she aced it with a perfect score!
Despite her success, Patty isn’t
planning to enlist. She sticking around
FI, where she’ll be training and
inspiring her clients - and us - to ever
higher levels of fitness.
For latest event schedule, check
Hot Yoga
Mon. 9am, Wed. 12pm, Thurs. 6:30pm
Members: FREE!
Non-Members: $15 per class. 10 for $130
by Marianela Virella
$8 per session. Discount packages available.
Call for current schedule.
Restorative Yoga Workshop
9/12 2:30-5:30pm $45 w/ Angela Strynkowski
Making a Difference
Fitness Incentive Members are a special
group. They routinely get involved with
Jump & Drill (8 weeks)
Starting: 9/15 Wed. 9:30am, 9/18 Sat. 8am,
9/21 Tues. 5pm w/Kelly $140
KettleBell Classes (5 weeks)
9/18-10/16 Saturdays 6:50-7:20am KB
Express (yoga room)
9/18-10/16 Saturdays 11:30-12pm
KB Express (main room)
9/20-10/18 Monday 10:45-11:45am KB
Torch (yoga room)
9/21-10/19 Tuesday 4:30-5pm
KB Express (yoga room)
9/21-10/19 Tuesday 6:15-7:15pm
KB Torch (boxing room)
Hip Opener Workshop
9/19 11:30-1pm $20 w/Valerie Cario
CandleLight Essential Stretch
9/22 8:30pm $20 w/Cathy Peacock
Eat Smart Seminar
9/27 11am & 7pm - FREE! w/Rachel
Ezelius, RD
Patty Zebersky
worthy causes, and are active
participants, not only in fitness, but in
the society itself. Two recent events
bear mentioning - The Babylon Classic
“Dirty Sock Run”, and the Annual
Caitlin Boyle Memorial Bike Ride.
Fitness Incentive is proud to sponsor
both of these events, and even prouder
of the active participation of so many
FI members. The Dirty Sock run raised
over $8000 for the Clergy Cluster Food
Pantries. The Caitlin Boyle Bike Ride
raised nearly $7000 for the Meningitis
Foundation of America and the Caitlin
Boyle Memorial Scholarship at Marist.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who
CandleLight Essential Stretch
10/20 8:30pm $20 w/Cathy Peacock
10/21 Eat Smart Seminar 11am & 7pm - FREE!
w/Rachel Ezelius, RD
Coming this Fall: New Classes!
Hard Cor
Bollywood Babylon
HoopDance Class!
Watch for announcements!
Pilates Boot Camp
Meditation with Angela
Watch for announcements!
Many of you probably saw FI’s own Patty
Autumn 2010 FIT to Print
To Print
The official newsletter of
Fitness Incentive
157 Deer Park Ave., Babylon NY 11702
[email protected]
F the Air
is in
Oct 16th and 17th
bring in your old clothes and we'll supply the hay.
1st Prize “The Great Pumpkin”
winner announced 10/23 - and then it's your's to take home
(while supplies last)
beautiful assortment of sizes and colors
245 Orinoco Drive,
[email protected]
fresh pies, apple crisps, & much, much more
plant your fall bulbs for spring flowers
pumpkin patch gourds cabbage kale fall pansies bows
call for details
call for details
One Bale of Straw
Two Cornstalks
3 9” Mums & Orange Bows
15% Savings. With this coupon while supplies last
Village Gardens of Brightwaters. 631-665-6520.
any purchase
of $25 or more
Before tax, not on specials.
Cannot be combined with other offers.
Village Gardens of Brightwaters. 631-665-6520
Mon, Wed - Fri 9 - 6 . Sat 9-5. Sun 9-4. Closed Tues.