Hilgardia catalogue - UC Integrated Viticulture Online


Hilgardia catalogue - UC Integrated Viticulture Online
University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
HILGARDIA is the primary scientific and technical publication of the University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Its contributed papers are reports of original
research with emphasis on detailed presentation and analysis of results from completed studies,
programs, and projects related to agricultural or renewable resource sciences.
HILGARDIA is published at irregular intervals. After 1974, each year's production is a volume;
the number of issues per volume varies.
In Print
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3. A study of resistance to western yellow blight of tomato varieties,
by J.W. Lesley, September. 1926'. ...............................
4. The absorption of ions by citrus and walnut seedlings, by A.R.C.
Haas and H.S. Reed. October, 1926.. .............................
2. The antiscorbutic value of commercially concentrated orange juice,
by Harold Goss. May, 1925.. ....................................
3. Factors affecting efficiency in fumigation with hydrocyanic acid,
by Hugh Knight. May, 1925.. ...................................
5. The influence of pruning on the germinability of pollen and the
set of berries in Vitis vinifero. by A.J. Winkler. November,
1926.. ..................................
4. An accurate method of calculating ice cream mixes. by G.D. Turnhow and C.M. Titus. May, 1925,. ................................
5. The relation of stored food to cambial activity in the apple, hy E.L.
Proehsting. June, 1925 .........................................
6. The utilization of sulfur dioxide in the marketing of grapes, by A.J.
Winkler and H.E. Jacob. June, 1925.. ............................
1. Explanatory note, by E.D. Merrill. May, 1926.. .......................
Fruit-bud differentiation in deciduous fruits, by W.P. Tufts and
E.B. Morrow. May. 1925
6. Some factors affecting the irrigation requirements of deciduous
orchards, by F.J. Veihmeyer. January, 1921
8. The effect of feeding cultures of Bacillus acidophilus, lactose, dry
skim-milk or whole milk on the hydrogen ion concentration of
the contents of the ceca of chickens. by J.R. Beach. October. 1925.. ...................................................
I. Etiology and transmission of endosepsis (internal rotl. of th
of the fig. by P.D. Caldis. January, 1921 ................
8. Some factors influencing the rooting of vine cuttings, by A.J.
Winkler. January, 1921.. .......................................
9. A preliminary study of petroleum oil as an insecticide for citrus
trees, by E.R. DeOng, H. Knight, and J.C. Chamherlin.
............. 351
January, 1921
I. Ground water fluctuations at Kearney Park, California, by W.W.
Weir. June, 1925.. .............................................
10. Effect of mulches on soil temperatures during the warmest week in July,
1925, by A. Smith. February. 1921,. .............................
11. Maximum height of capillary rise starting with soil a t capillary
saturation, by C.F. Shaw and A. Smith. February, 1921
The influence of feeding lactose or dry skim-milk on artificial infection of chicks with
vium. J.R. Beach and D.E. Dav'
October, 1925.. ...
9. Secondary sex characters in Asparagus officinalis L.. by W.W.
Robbins and H.A. Jones. November. 1925.. ......................
12. Acute infection of chicks and chronic infection of the ovaries of
hens caused by the fowl-typhoid organism, by J.R. Beach
andD.E.Davis.March.1921 .....................................
13. Pollination and life history studies of lettuce (Laetueasatiua L.) b
H.A. Jones. April, 1921.. ....
10. The location and longevity in calves of Bacterium abortum ingested
in milk and its effect on the agglutination titre of their blood. by
G.H. Hart and G.M.Woods. November, 1925.. ...................
14. The application of hydrodynamics to irrigation and drainage
problems, by O.W. Israelsen. April, 1921
11. Physiological aspects of soil solution investigations, by D.R. Hoag-
15. Variation in the reaction obtained in repeated agglutination
tests of the same fowls with Cacterium pullomm antigen,
land. November, 1925.. ........................................
12. Sex expression in spinach, by J.T. Rosa. November, 1926 . .
13. The role of acidity in vegetable canning, by W.V. Cruess W.Y.
Fong, and T.C. Liu. December, 1925.. .................
16. Polyembryony. heterozygosis. and chimeras in
20. Some responses of Vitis vinifera to pruning, by A.J. Winkler.
June, 1926.. .........................................
placeable bases, by C.D. Samuels. May, 1921.. ....................
2. The enzymes of Pythtizcystis citrophthora Sm. and Sm.. by
L.J. Klotz. October, 1921.. ......................................
3. The immunization of fowls against chicken-pox (Epithelioma
contagwsuml, by subcutaneous injection of virus, by J.R.
18. Utilization of the soils in the Gilroy region, by S.W. Cosby.
...... 455
May, 1926.. .........................
19. Certain water relations of the genus Pmflus, by A.H. Hendrickson.
June, 1926.. ...............................
16. The elimination of cloudy reactions by the use of formalin as
a preservative for Bacterium pullomm antigen, by J.R.
Beach and S.Ter-Michaelian. April, 1927.. .......................
1. The oxidation of sulfur in alkali soil and its effect on the re-
15. The effect of a paper mulch on soil temperature, by C.F. Shaw.
April, 1926.. ..................
11. The efficacy of lead arsenate in controlling the codling moth, by
R.H. Smith. May, 1926.. ....................
14. Factors governing the initiation of sprout growth in citrus shoots.
by F.F. Halma. April, 1926.. ....
Frost.May.1926 ...........................
by J.R. Beach. April, 1927.. .....................................
4. Relation of tuber maturity and of storage factors to potato
dormancy, by J.T. Rosa. March, 1928.. ...........................
Effects of chemical treatments on dormant potato tubers. by
J.T.Rosa.March.1928 ..........................................
5. Shape of the water table in tile drained land, by W.W.
Weir. March, 1928.. ...........................................
6. The action of Phomopsis califomica in producing a stem-en
decay of citrus fruits, by M. Bahgat. April, 1928.. ...........
1. Selection of planting stock for vineyards, by F.T. Bioletti.
July, 1926.. ...................................................
2. The improvement of tomatoes by selection, by J.W. Lesley and
J.T. Rosa. August, 1926.. .......................................
I. Heat penetration in the pasteurizing of syrups and concentrates
in glass containers, by J.H. Irish, M.A. Joslyn. and J.W.
Parcell. April, 1928.. .................................
8. Fumigation with calcium cyanide dust, by H.J.Quayle,
1928. ................................................
9. The inheritance of flower types in Cucumis and Citrullus.
by J.T. Rosa. April, 1928....
10. Transmission of tomato yellows, or curly top of the sugar beet, by
Eutetfiz tenellus (Baker). by H.P. Severin. May, 1928
11. Lettuce seed and its germination, by H.A. Borthwick and
12. Vaccination of calves against tuberculosis with Calmette-Guerin
culture. BCG. by C.J. Haring. J. Traum. F.M. Hayes, and
B.S. Henry. March, 1930........................................
13. Spirochetes as the etiological factor in certain specific necroses and
hyperplastic formations in swine, by J.A. Howarth. March, 1930.... 395
14. Studies of the breeding of sugar beets for resistance to curly top,
by K.Esau. April, 1930.........................................
15. Electrophoresis of tobacco mosaic virus, by W.N. Takahashi and
T.E.Rawlins. April. 1930.......................
16. Mass production of egg parasites of the genus Trichogrammq
by S.E. Flanders. June, 1930....................................
Robbins. May. 1928............................................
12. Factors affecting the price of watermelons a t Los Angeles. by
E.Rauchenstein. June. 1928....................................
Factors affecting the price of Gr
by E. Rauchenstein. June, 1928
13. Some host plants of curly top, by H.H.P. Severin and C.F.
Henderson. June, 1928..........
14. The chemical effect of gypsum. sulfur, iron sulfate, and alum on
alkali soil, by W.P. Kelley and A. Arany. September, 1928.........,393
15. Changes in composition during ripening an
by J.T.Rosa. September, 1928...........
1. Kale yellows in California, ea
by J.B. Kendrick. July, 1930
2. Dusts used for testing air cleaner efficiency, by A.H. Hoffman.
July. 1930.................................
16. Boron in the soils and irrigation waters of southern California and
its relation to citrus and walnut culture, by W.P. Kelley
and S.M. Brown. November, 1928
3. Concentration of certain constituents of the soil solution under
orchard conditions, by E.L. Proebsting. July. 1930
11. Factors affecting selling prices af land in the E
Farm Loan District, by D. Weeks. January, 192
4. The carbohydrate metabolism of St'
and E.C. McCarty. November, 19
18. Yellows disease of celery, lettuce, and other plants, transmitted
by Cicadulo semotata (Fall.),by H.H.P. Severin. February, 1929.., . 543
19. A macroscopical analysis of the fleeces of four Romney rams, by
J.F. Wilson. February, 1929.......
20. Additional host plants of curly top, by H.H.P. Severin. March,
a by A.W. Sampson
5. Some effects of varying calcium and phosphorus intake on the
estrus cycle and reproduction in the rat, by H.R. Guilbert
and G.H. Hart. December, 1930..........................
6. Some carbohydrate and nitrogen constituents of alternate bearing
sugar prunes assoeiated with fruit bud formation, by L.D.
Davis. January, 1931...........................................
7. Establishment and succession of vegetation on different soil horizons, by J.D.Sinelair and A.W. Sampson. January, 1931............155
1. Effects of early handicaps on chickens as measured by yolk
absorption and body weight to twenty weeks of age, by
S.L.Parker. March, 1929........................................
2. Changes in the nitrate and sulfate content of the soil solution
under orchard conditions, by E.L. Proebsting. April, 1929.......... 51
3. Daily and seasonal air and soil temperatures a t Davis, California,
byA.Smith.May.19 29 .........................................
4. Root development and soil moisture, by J.P. Conrad and
F.J.Veihmeyer.May, 1929.....................................
8. Some anatomical and physiological changes in Citrus produced by
boron deficiency, by A R C . Haas and L.J. Klotz. January.
9. Verticillium hadromycosis, by B.A. Rudolph. March, 1931
10. Growth and yield of certain Gramineae as influenced by reproduction of photosynthet
Sampson. March, 1931
11. Methods for determining the solidity of cabbage heads, by O.H.
12. The temperature relationships of Trichogmmma minutzlm as a
basis for racial segregation, by S.E. Flanders. March, 1931 .........395
5. Themedullated wool fiber, by J.F. Wilson. June. 1929
13. Sap concentration and inorganic constituents of mature citrus
leaves, by A.R.C. Haas and F.F. Halma. March, 1931...............401
6. The effect of dormant pruning on the carbohydrate
Vitis vinifeew by A.J. Winkler. September, 1929
I. Factors which modify the resistance of wheat to bunt, Tilletia
tritici by F.N. Briggs. November, 1929
8. An experimental study of tests for the detection of carriers of
Bacterium pullorum. by S.T. Michael and J.R. Beach.
November. 1929...............................................
14. Corrosion of metals by milk and its relation to the oxidized flavors
of milk. by E.S. Guthrie. C.L. Roadhouse, and G.A. Richardson. March, 1931
015. Secular and seasonal changes in soils, by J.S. Burd and J.C.
Martin. April, 1931............................................
16. Nutrition and composition of the Deglet Noor palm in relation to
the decline disease, by A.R
9. A comparative investigation of certain film-forming fungi, by M.A.
Joslyn and W.V. Cruess. November, 1929........................
10. Comparisons of daytime and nighttime soil and air temperatures,
by A. Smith. December, 1929....................................
11. A biometrical study of the mortality of Single Comb White L e g
horn chicks, by E.C. Voorhies and G.A. Reed. April, 1931.......... ,531
11. Effects of various treatments on the carbon dioxide and oxygen
in dormant potato tubers, by 0. Smith. December, 1929............ 213
18. The anatomy of Convolvulua arvensis, wild morning-glory or field
bindweed, by P.B. Kennedy and AS. Crafts. April, 1931........... ,591
3. Transmission of carrot, parsley, and parsnip yellows by Cicadula
diuisa. (Seven text figures). by H.H.P. Severin. November, 1932.. .. ,163
1. The digestibility of bur clover as affected by exposure to sunlight
and rain, by J.R. Guilbert and S.W. Mead. May, 1931.. ............. 1
The effect of leaching on the nutritive value of forage plants, by H.R.
Guilbert. S.W. Mead, and H.C. Jackson. May, 1931.. ............... 13
2. The resistance of varieties and new dwarf races of tomato to curly
top (western yellow blight or yellows). by J.W. Lesley.
August. 1931.. ................................................
4. Injurious effects of manganese and iron deficiencies on the
growth of citrus. (Fifteen text figures, four plates). by A.R.C.
Haas. November, 1932.. ........................................
5. Plant buffer systems in relation to the absorption of bases by plants.
(Six text figures), by T.C. Dunne. November, 1932.. ............... 207
6. Vaccination of swine against tuberculosis with Calmette-Guerin
3. Distribution of solid matter in thick and thin egg white. (One text figure). by W.F. Holst and H.J. Almquist. August, 1931.. ............ 45
Measurement of deterioration in the stored hen's egg. (Four text figures). by W.F. Holst and H.J. Almquist. August, 1931
. 49
Variability of shell porosity in hen's egg. (Five text figures). by
H.J. Almquistand W.F.Holst. August, 1931.. ....................
4. Factors affecting California raisin sales and prices, 1922-1929.(Seven
text figures). by S.W. Shear and R.M.Howe. September, 1931.. .... 73
Factors affecting annual prices of California fresh grapes. 19211929. (Eight text figures). by L.D. Mallory. S.R. Smith and
. (Thirteen text figures), by
6. Effect of paper mulches on soil temperature. soil moisture and yields
of certain crops. (Thirty text figures). by A. Smith. November, 1931.. ....................................................
7. Deterrent effect of artificial light on the codling moth. (four text
figuresl, by W.B. Herms. December, 1932.. .......................
8. Field observations on the beet leafhopper, Ertettix tenellus. in
California. (Twenty-three text figures, eight plates). by
H.H.P. Severin. January, 1933
9. The use of arsenical compounds in the control of deep-rooted
perennial weeds, by AS. Crafts.April. 1933.. ....................
10. Reproduction without males in aseptic root cultures of the root-
7. Downy mildew of the beet, caused by Pemnospom schachtii Fuckel.
(Thirteen text figures). by L.D. Leach. November, 1931.. ..........203
8. Modes of curly-top transmission by the beet leafhopper, Eulettiz
tenellus (Baker). (Six text figures). by H.H.P. Severin.
November.1931 ...............................................
culture. BCG, by F.M. Hayes, C.M. Haring. and J. Traum.
9. The infectious nature of potato calico. (Six text figures, one plate),
by D.R. Porter. November, 1931.. ..........................
10. The effect of hydrogen-ion concentration on the toxicity of several
preservatives to microorganisms (Two text figures). by W.V.
Cruess,P.H. Picherband J.H.Irish. No
11. Body size and metabolism. (One text fi
January, 1932. .......................
knot nematode, by J. Tyler. April, 1933.. ........................
Development of the root-knot nematode as affected by temperature.
(Three text figures). by J. Tyler. April, 1933.. ....................
11. A Comparison of Aonidiella aumnhi and Anidwlla crtnnn. including
a study of the internal anatomy of the latter ITwelve text figuresl.
by R.G.Nel.April.1933 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. The biology of the bean thrips. (Eight text figures). by S.F. Bailey.
June, 1933.. . . . . . . . .
13. The epidemiology of fig spoilage. (Four text figures). by A.E. Davey
and R.E. Smith. July, 1933
14. Effect of covercrops on the soil solution at different depths under
orchard conditions. (Two text figures). by E.L. Proebsting.
August.1933 ..................................................
IS. Watermelon hreeding (Fifteen text figuresl. by T.R. Porter.
Septemher.1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16. Methods of hreeding onions (Twelve text fixuresl. hy H.A. Jones. and
S.1.. Emsweller. Septemher. 1933.. ............................
12. Methods for the isolation ofBwellaabortw. (Seven text figures). by
B.S. Henry, J. Traum. and C.M. Haring. January, 1932,. , . , . , . , . , , . 355
13. Physical and chemical changes in the ripening o deciduous fruits.
(Three text figures). byF.W. Allen. April, 1932.. .................,381
14. The structure and development of flowe
text figures).by I.J. Condit. April. 193
15. Some nutritional aspects in mottle-leaf and other physiological
diseases of citrus. (Thirty-five text figures). by A R C . Haas.
April, 1932
1. Some properties of the curly-top virus. (Three text figures). by
H.H.P. Severinand J.H. Freitag.Octoher. 193:3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16. Relation of specific gravity to the quality of dried prunes. (Nine text
figures).by P.F. Nichols and H.M. Reed. April, 1932.. ............. 561
17. The control of the citrophilus mealybug, Pseudococcw gahani by
Australian parasites. (Seven text figures), by H. Compere and
H.S.Smith.May.1932 ..........................................
2. The penetration of insecticidal oils into porous solids. (Six text
figures). by W.M. Hoskins. November, 1933
............... 49
ht text
3. Bacterial canker of stone-fruit trees
figures), by E.E. Wilson. December. 1
4 . Sulfuric arid a3 a penetratinx agent in arsenical spravq lor
W P P ~
control. IThirteen text fixuresl. by A.S. Crafts. I)ercrnhrr. 1933.
5. Principles governing the reclamation of alkali soils.
figures), W.P. Kelley and S.M. Brown. January, 1934
... 149
6. Density and arrangement of vines. (Four text figur
Bioletti and A.J. Winkler. April, 1934..
. . 179
1. Variations in citrus seedlings and their relation to rootstoek selection. (Fifteen text figures), by H.J. Webber. June, 1932.. ...........
2. Variation in the yields of fruit trees in relation to the planning of
future experiments. (Six text figures). by E.R. Parker and
L.D. Batchelor. October, 1932.. .................................
7. The inheritance of resistance to rust in the snapdragon. (Five text
figures). by S.L. Elmsweller and H.A. Jones. June, 1934.
Thrips resistance in the onion. (Four text figures), by H A
S.F.Bailey, and S.L. Elmsweller. June, 1934.. .........
11. Bang's disease in a naturally infected herd. (Three text figures).
by F.M. Hayes and E.H. Barger. November, 1935.. ................527
BnrceUa abortus shedder conditions in twenty cows. (Eleven text
figures), by B.S. Henry, C.M. Haring. and J. Traum.
8. Ornamental flowering plants naturally infested with curly-top and
aster-yellows viruses. (Seventeen text figures, four plates). by
H.H.P. Severin and J.H. Freitag. September, 1934.. .............. ,233
Weed host range and overwintering of curly-top virus. (Eight text
figures, two plates). by H.H.P. Severin. September, 1934
9. Vitamin-A deficiency in turkeys (Ten text figures). by W.R. Hinshaw and W.E. Lloyd. September, 1934.. ........................
1. Experiments in the control of Rhuoctmia dampingoff of citrus
seedlings. (Four text figures). by R. Weindling and H.S.
Fawcett. January.1936.. .......................................
Inheritance of resistance to bunt, Tiuetia tritici. in hybrids of
Turkey wheats C.I. 1558B and C.I. 2578. (One text figure). by
F.N.Briggs. January. 1936.. ....................................
2. Nitrogen trichloride and other gases as fungicides. (Seven text
figures, by L.J. Klotz. January. 1936.. ...........................
3. The cyclamen mite, Tar8maemw pattidud, and its control on field
strawberries. (Eight text figures). by L.M. Smith and E.V.
Goldsmith. March, 1936.. .......................................
10. Experiments with the aster-yellows virus from several states.
(Four text figures). by H.H.P. Severin. October, 1934.. ............ 305
Transmission of California aster yellows to potato by Cicadula
divisa (Four text figures), by H.H.P. Severin and F.A. Haasis.
October, 1934. ................................................
Transmission of California aster and celeryyellows virus by three
species of leafhoppers. (Two text figures, one plate). by H.H.P.
Severin. October. 1934
11. Bionomics of the walnut husk fly, Rhagoletis completa (Seventy-
seven text figures), by A.M. Boyce. October, 1934.. ............... 363
4. Effect of oil spray on California red scale a t various stages of development. (Eleven text figures). by W. Ebeling. April, 1936.. ......... 95
1. The California apparatus for respiration trials with large animals.
(Eighteen text figures). by M. Kleiber. January. 1935
2. Comparative histology of healthy and psorosis-affected tissues of
Citnu sinendis. (Seven plates). by I.E. Webber and H.S. Fawcett. January.1935..
The effects of zinc and iron salts on the cell structure of mottled
orange leaves. (Eleven text figures, two plates), by H.S. Reed
and J.Dufrenoy. January.1935.. ................................
3. Copper content of citrus leaves and fruit in relation to exanthema
and fumigation injury. (Nine text figures), by A.R.C. Haas and
H.J. Quayle. January. 1935.. ....................................
Physiological gradients in citrus fruits. (Four text figures). by
A.R.C. HaasandL.J.Klotz. January. 1935..
5. Reclamation of black alkali soils with various kinds of sulfur. (Six
text figures). by E.E. Thomas. July. 1936.. .......................
5. An interspecific hybrid in Attium. (Four text fi
Elmsweller and H.A. Jones. March. 1935.. ......
Meiosis in Attium fitulo8um. AUium cepa and
(Three text figures, six plates). by S.L. Elmsweller and H.A.
Jones.March. 1935.. ...........................................
by C.S. Bisson, H.A. Jones, and H.W. Allinger. August, 1936..
7. Morphological development of the fruits of Jughnd re+
8. Symptomatic and etiologic relations of the canker and the blossom
blast of Pynu and the bacterial canker of Ptunus. (Six text figures), by E.E. Wilson. November, 1936.. .......................
Inheritance of resistance to powdery mildew in beans. by B.
Dundas. November, 1936.. .....................................
Spotted wilt of the sweet pea. (One text figure), by W.C. Snyder
and H. Rex-Thomas. November. 1936.. .........................
............ 269
Negative evidence on multiplication of curly-top virus in the beet
leafhopper. Eutettiz tenellus. (Ten text figures). by J.H.
Freitag. November, 1936. .................................
10. The herbicidal properties of boron compounds. (Seven text figures). by A S . Crafts and R.N. Raynor. December. 1936.. ....
Some effects of thallium sulfate upon soils. (One text figure). by
A.S. Crafts. December, 1936.. .
Toxicity of arsenic, boru. chlorate.
California soils. (Three text
C.W. Cleary. December. 1936.
11. Development of the flower and macrogametophyte of AUium
cepa (Five text figures, four plates), by H.A. Jones and S.L.
Elmsweller. December, 1936.. ..................................
Ontogeny and structure of collenchyma and of vascular tissues in
celery petioles. (Eight text figures, eight plates). by K.
Esau. December. 1936.
Vessel development in cele
K. Esau. December, 1936.. ...................
9. Factor5 influencing the e l k c
10. The role of fungi in the diet of the common damp-wood termite.
Zootermopru angwticoUis. (Eight text figures). by E.C.
Hendee. August, 1995..
8. Insect transmission, host range. and field spread of potato
calico. (Nine text figures). by D.R. Porter. July. 1935.. ............. 383
Initial localization and subsequent spread of curly-top symptoms
in the sugar beet. (Seven text figures, four plates). by K.
Esau. July, 1935.. .............................................
herbicide, by A.S. Crafts. Jul
The toxicity of sodium arsen
California soils. (Eighteen
July. 1936.. ................
9. Ornamental flowering plants experimentally infected with curly
top. (Twentyone text figures, four plates). Iiy J.H. Freitag
and H.H.P. Severin. November, 1936..
..... .143
7. Biology of the mealy plum aphid. Hyaloptenu pruni (Geoffrey).
(Twelve text figures, one plate). by L.M. Smith. Novem.
ber. 1936......................................................
6. Growth and composition of Deglet Noor dates in relation to
water injury. (Twenty text figures). by A.R.C. HMS and
D.E.Bliss.March, 1935.. .......................................
6. Determining changes in stored peas by use of a reference element,
4. Relation of temperature to infection of bean and cowpea seedlings
by Rhuoctonia batoticola (Two text figures). by C.M. Tompkins
and M.W. Gardner. February. 1935.. ............................
The olive knot disease: its inception, development, and control.
(Ten text figures). by E.E. Wilson. February, 1935.. .............. .231
teen plates). by C.G. Nast. May. 1935..
12. Inheritance of certain fruit and seed characters in watermelons.
(Eight text figures), by D.R. Porter. January, 1
13. Relative growth and hereditary size limitation in the domestic
fowl. (Three text figures). by LM.Lerner. January, 1937..
14. The connection between Dematophom necatriz and RoseUinia
necatriz (One plate), by H.N. Hansen. H.E. Thomas, and
H.E.Thomas. May. 1991........................................
A bacterial gall disease of Douglas fir,Pseudotruga tazifolia (Four
text figures). by H.N. Hansen and R.E. Smith. May. 1931........... 561
Apple mosaic. (Three text figures). by H.E. Thomas. May, 1937.. ..... ,519
15. Fruit-bud and flower formation in the Sultanina grape. (Five
plates). by A.J. Winkler and E.M. Sbemsettin. May, 1937..
Morphology of the flower and fruit of the loquat (Five text figures,
four plates). by R.M. Smock. May. 1931.. .........................
Leaf-scar infection in relation to the olive knot disease. (Six text
figures, five plates.). by W.B. Hewitt. October, 1938................ 39
Charcoal rot of sugar beet. (Four text figures). by C.M. Tompkins.
October. 1938..................................................
2. The deposit of aqueous solutions and of oil sprays. (Six text figures.),
by W.M. Hoskins and Y.Ben-Amotz. November, 1938.............. 83
The use of selenium in sprays for the control of mites on citrus and
grapes. (One text figure.). by W.M. Hoskins. A.M. Boyce. and
J.F. Lamiman. November, 1938...........
......... 589
3. Toxicity studies with arsenic in eighty California soils. (Three text
figures.). by A S . Crafts and R.S. Rosenfels. January,
1. The gumming of Phillips Cling peaches. (Twentytwo text figures.).
by L.D. Davis. June, 1931.......................................
(Three text figures.). by A S . Crafts. January, 1939................231
2. Effect of zinc applications on the crop of grapefruit trees affected
with mottleleaf. (Ten text figures). by E.R. Parker, December,
4. Host organs attacked by bacterial canker of stone fruits. (Three
text figures.). by E.E. Wilson and W.B. Hewitt. January, 1939...... 249
Factors affectingdevelopment of the bacterial canker of stone fruits.
(Nine text figures.). by E.E. Wilson. January, 1939.................257
Some factors affecting the susceptibility of plants to fire blight.
(Two text figures.1. by T.E. Thomas and P.A. Ark. January, 1939.... 299
3. The biology of the garden centipede, Scutigerella immuculata (Twenty-nine
text figures).by A.E. Michelbacher. January, 1938................ 55
The determination of yield and shrinkage of wool by scouring small samples. (Thirteen text figures), by J.F. Wilson. January, 1938......... 149
Single and multiple fiber tests for determining comparative breaking loads of wool fibers. (Two text figures), by J.F. Wilson and
E.B. Roessler. January, 1938....................................
5. The use of chemical data in the prognosis of phosphate deficiency
in soils. (Two text figures.), by J.S. Burd and H.F. Murphy.
February.1939 ................................................
The role of kaoline in phosphate
H.F. Murphy. February, 1939.
5. The development of resistance to hydroeyanic acid in certain scale
insects. (Three text figures). by H.J. Quayle. May, 1
The stupefaction of red scale, Aonidiella aumntii by hydroeyanic
acid. (Twotext figures).by D.L. Lindgren. May, 1938
6. Outline of ampelography for the vinifera grapes in California.
(Twentyeight text figures.). by F.T. Bioletti. June, 1938..................227
I. Effect of storage on leaching of minerals and nitrogen from asparagus and peas during cooking. (Four text figures.). by H.M. Fyler
.... 295
and J.T. Manchesian. June, 1938
Buffering action of nonacid vegetables. (Eight text figures.). by
G.L.Marsh. June.1938.. .......................................
I. Factors affecting the recovery of hydroeyanic acid from fumigated
citrus tissues. (One text figure.),
Sinclair,and B.E. Janes. May, 1939
8. Factors affecting curly-top infectivity of the beet leafhopper,
Eutettix tenellus. (One text figure, four plates.). by H.H.P.
Severin. September, 1939....
10. Some mosaic diseases of Prunus species. (Ten text figures.). by H.E. Thomas.
...... ...,623
and T.E. Rawlins. November, 1939
Mosaic diseases of the rose in California. (Six text figures.). by H.E.'
Thomas and L.M. Massey. November, 1939.......................
11. The role of surface tension and contact angle in the performance of spray
liquids. (Nine text figures.). by W. Ebeling. November, 1939........ 665
10. The effect of riboflavin and the filtrate factor on egg production and hatchability. (Five text figures.). by S. Lepkovsky. L.W. Taylor, T.H. Jukes.
H.J. Almquist. September, 1938.................................
The vitaminB complex as related to growth and metabolism in
the pig. (Five text figures.), by E.H. Hughes. September, 1938.........593
1. The chemical status of zinc in the soil with methods of analysis.
(Two text figures.), by P.L. Hibbard. January, 1940................ 1
11. Hostdetermined morphological variationa in Lecanium corni (Ten text fi...,613
gures.). by W. Ebeling. September, 1938............
The orange tortrix, Argyrotaenia citranu (Sixteen text figures.).
by A.J. Basinger. September, 1938..............................
2. Factors affecting the total soluble solids, reducing sugars, and su-
1. The toxic effect of certain chemical solutions on spores of Penicilbum itahcum and P. digitaturn (Five text figures.). by L. Hwang
and L.J. Klotz. October, 1938.. ..................................
6. Water conduction from shallow water tables. (Twenty text figures.).
by R.E. Moore. March. 1939..
Soil macrostructure as affected by cultural treatments. (Twenty-six
text figures.), by R.C. Cole.March. 1939..........................
9. Breeding for resistance to onion downy mildew caused by Peronospom destructor. (Six text figures.). by H.A. Jones, D.R. P
and L.D. Leach. October, 1939..............
A genetic analysis of red seed-coat color in P
(Two plates.), by F.L. Smith. October, 1939..
8. Ontogeny and structure of the phloem of tobacco. (Fourteen text figures. eighteen plates.). by K.Esau. June, 1938...................,343
The multinucleate condition in fibers of
K.Esau. June, 1938................
Morphological development of the fruit
e. (Two text fi435
gures. four plates.). by J.R. King. June, 1938.. ....................
9. Aphids feeding on celery in California. (Twelve text figures.). by
E.O.Essig.September. 1938....................................
Western celery mosaic. (Nine text figures, eight plates.). by H.H.P.
Severin and J.H. Freitag. September, 1938
crose in watermelons. (Nine text figures.). by D.R. Porter. C.S.
Bisson. and H.W. Allinger. February, 1940........................
Variation in solids of the juice from different regions in melon
fruits. (Three text figures.. by G.W. Scott and J.H. MacGillivray. February. 1940.......................................
3. Effect of Bathyplectes curculionis on the alfalfaweevil population
in lowland middle California. (Seven text figures.). by A.E.
Michelbacher. April, 1940.......................................
The apparent climatic limitations of the alfalfa weevil in California.
(Eleven text figures.). by A.E. Michelbacher and J. Leighly.
April, 1940.. ..................................................
4. Nitrate concentration and ion balance in relation to citrus nutrition.
(Eight text figures, two plates.). by H.D. Chapman and G.F.
Leibig. Jr. June, 1940.. ........................................
5. Developmental anatomy of the fleshy storage organ of Daucus
carota (Twelve text figures, fourteen plates.). by K. Esau.
August,l940 ..................................................
Structure of end walls in differentiating vessels. (Four plates.). by
K. Esau and W.B. Hewitt. August, 1940.. ........................
Comparative histogenesis of vegetative and floral apices in Amyg
dalus communis, with special reference to the carpel. (Eleven
text figures, four plates.). by R.M. Brooks. August, 1940..
6. The relation of maturity of the grapes to the yield, composition. and
quality of raisins, by H.E. Jacob. February, 1942.. .....
The effect of pretreatment and subsequent drying on the
of grape oxidase. by A.A. Hussein, E.M. Mrak,.an
Cruess. February, 1942.. .
Some factors affecting the b
fruits. (Seven text figures.), by C.S. Bisson. H.W. Allinger. and
H.A. Young. February, 1942
I. Measurements on hydrocyanic acid absorbed by citrus tissues during fumigation. (Nine text figures.), by E.T. Bartholomew.
W.B. Sinclair. and D.L. Lindgren. May, 1942.. ....................
8. Infections of perennial delphiniums by California aster-yellows virus.
(Eight plates.). by H.H.P. Severin. June, 1942.. ...................411
Celery calico on perennial delphiniums and certain other host plants.
(Six plates.). by H.H.P. Severin. June, 1942
......... 441
Perennial-delphinium ringspot. (Four text figures, four plates.). by
H.H.P.Severin and RCDickson. June, 1942.. ....................465
6. Recent contributions of insect physiology to insect toxicology and
control, by W.M. Hoskins. August, 1940..
. 301
I. Parasites of the black scale, Saissetia oleae, in Africa. (Seven text
figures.), by H. Compere. November, 1940.. ......................
9. The effect of certain added materials on bordeaux mixture in the
control of peach blight and leaf curl. (Three text figures.). E.E.
8. Inclusions in guard cells of tobacco affected with mosaic. (Two
plates.). by K. Esau. January, 1941.. .............................
Phloem anatomy of tobacco affected with curly top and mosaic.
(Seven text figures,eighteen plates.). by K. Esau. January, 1941 .... 435
of avocado trees
Pythiaceous fungi on citrus. (Two text figures.). by V.A. Wager.
August.1942 ..................................................
9. Factors influencing the results of fumigation of the California red
scale. (Three text figures.). by D.L. Lindgren. January, 1941.. ......491
Inheritance of resistance to hydrocyanic acid fumigation in the
California red scale. (Two text figures.). by R.C. Dickson.
January.1941 .................................................
10. The susceptibility of perennial delphiniums to six viruses. (Two text
figures, six plates.), H.H.P. Severin. September, 1942.. ............549
Leaf variegations of perennial delphiniums. (One text figure, two
plates). by H.H.P. Severin. September, 1942.. ....................
Viruses of annual
es.). by H.H.P. Severin.
.......................... ,583
September, 1942
10. Experiments with fungicides for use against Sclerotium Rolfsii
in soils, by A.E. Davey and L.D. Leach. January, 1941. ............ .523
Further studies on the inheritance of resistance to powdery mildew
of beans, by B. Dundas. January. 1941.. ..........................
Snapdragon rust-resistant trials 1931.1938, by C.O. Blodgett and
.. .561
G.A.L. Mehlquist. January, 1941.. ........
11. Onion downy mildew. (Thirteen text figures.). by C.E. Yarwood.
February, 1943
11. Cysteine and related compounds for differentiating members of the genus
Salmonella. by W.R. Hinshaw. April, 1941.. ......................
Microanatomy of the duodenum of the turkey. (Eight text figures,
eight plates.). by L.E. Rosenberg. April, 1941.. ................... 623
1. Origin, dispersal, and variability of the lima bean.Phaseolus l u w
tw.(One text figure, twoplates.). by W.W. Mackie. March, 1943.. ..
2. Thermodynamics of soil moisture. (Forty-seven text figures.). by
N.E. Edlefsen and A.B.C. Anderson. February, 1943.. ............. 31
1. Fig characteristics useful in the identification of varieties. (Twenty-
five text figures, one plate.), by I.J. Condit. May, 1941.. ............ 1
2. Cblorate distribution and the effect of nitrate concentration on
chlorate toxicity in soil columns, by R.S. Rosenfels and A.S.
Crafts. October, 1941.. .........................................
Movement of carbon disulfide vapor in soils. (Thirteen text figures.).
by R.M. Hagan. October, 1941.. .................................
3. Hydrologic studies of the Putah Creek area in the Sacramento Valley, California. (Fifteen'text figures.), by M.R. Huberty and C.N.
. 119
Johnston. October, 1941 ....................
Chemical composition of water in the Putah Cree
figures.). by C.S. Bisson and M.R. Huberty. October, 1941 ..........141
3. Vascular differentiation in the pear root. (One text figure. ten
plates.), by K. Esau. April, 1943.. ...............................
Ontogeny of the vascular bundle in Zea Mays. (Four text figures,
ten plates.). by K. Esau. April, 1943.. ............................
4. Some natural factors limiting the abundance of the alfalfa butterfly. (Thirteen text figures.). by A.E. Michelbacher and R.F.
Smith. October, 1943.. .........................................
5. The California State Land Settlements a t Durham and Delhi.
(Seven text figures.). by R.J. Smith. October, 1943.. ...............399
6. Composition and quality of musts and wines of California grapes, by
M.A. Amerine and A.J. Winkler. February, 1944.. ................493
4. The effects of phosphorus deficiency on citrus. (Two text figures.
two plates.). by H.D. Chapman and S.M.
The effects of sulfur deficiency on citrus. (Two text figures, two
plates.). byH.D.Chapmanand S.M. Brown. November, 1941.. ...... 183
Species of Stigmino and Stigmella occurring on Platonus. (Ten text
figures.). by D.J. Smith and C.O. Smith. November, 1941.. ......... 203
I. Addition of extractives of rotenone-bearing plants to spray oils.
(Two text figures.). by W. Ebeling. F.A. Gunther, J.P. LaDue.
and J.J. Ortega. February, 1944.. ...............................
5. Relation between auction prices and supplies of California fresh
Bartlett pears. (Twelve text figures.). by S. Hoos and S.W.
Shear. January, 1942.. .........................................
1. Biases encountered in large-scale yield tests. by O.C. Riddle and
G.A.Baker.Fehruary.1944 .....................................
Evidence of nonspecific transmission of California aster-yellows
virus by leafhoppers. (Three plates.), by H.H.P. Severin.
October, 1945.. ......
... 21
2. Omphalia root rot of the date palm. (Fortythree text figures, six
plates.). by D.E. Bliss. March, 1944.. .............................
3. Effects of rootstock and environment on the composition of oranges
and grapefruit. (Eighteen text figures.). by W.B. Sinclair and
E.T. Bartholomew. June, 1944.. ....................
2. Morphology of reproduction in guayule and certain other species
of Parthenbm. (Six text figures, sixteen plates.). by K. Esau.
January.1946 .................................................
4. A new aphid on guayule and notes on other species of Cerosipha
(Six text figures.). by E.O. Essig. July, 1944.. .....................
Natural sources, habitats. and reservoirs of insects associated with
stored food products. by E.G. Linsley. July, 1944.. ................185
3. Longevity. or life histories, of leafhopper species on virus-infected
and on healthy plants. (One plate.). by H.H.P. Severin.
October, 1946.. ...............................................
Transmission of California aster-yellows virus by the first reported
leafhopper vector in Gyponinae. (Two plates.). by H.H.P.
Severin.October.1946 ..........................................
Taxonomy, distribution, and food plants of Gyponanu hasta a leafhopper vector of California aster-yellows virus. (One plate.). by
D.M. DeLong and H.H.P. Severin. October, 1946.. ................
5. Bionomics and control of the nigra scale, Saisetia nigra (Twenty
one text figures.), by R.H. Smith. August, 1944.. .................
6. The picric acid method for determining minute amounts of hydro-
cyanic acid in fumigated insects. (Four text figures.). by W.B.
Sinclair and R.C. Ramsey. September. 1944.. ....................
Relation of mortality to amounts of hydrocyanic acid recovered from
fumigated resistant and nonresistant citrus scale insects. (Six
text figures.). by D.L. Lindgren and W.B. Sinclair. September.
7. Effect of downy mildew on productivity of sugar beets. and selection
for resistance. (Four text figures
1945.. .........................
Certain symptoms resembling those of curly top or aster yellows,
induced by saliva of Xerophloea v a n d v e e i (One text figure,
eight plates.). by H.H.P. Severin, F.D. Horn, and N.W. Frazier.
February, 1945.. ..............................................
4. Lygus bug injury and its effect on the growth of alfalfa. (Four
plates.). by L.R. Jeppson and G.F. MacLeod. November,
1946.. ........................................................
The Willamette mite on grapes. by N.W. Frazier and L.M. Smith.
November. 1946
10. Toxicity of certain herbicides in soils. (Sixteen text figures.). by
A S C r a f t s . May, 1945.. ........................................
Studies on the activation of herbicides. (Four text figures.). by A S .
Crafts and H.G. Reiber.
Movement of carbon disul
type, moisture content,
H.A. Hannesson. May. 1
cides affecting the control of peach blight. (Five text figures.), by
E.E. Wilson. January, 1941
ures.), by C.E. Yarwood.
Snapdragon downy mildew. IT
January.1947 .................................................
8. Sod wehworms and other lawn pests in California. (Twenty text
figures.). by R.M. Bohart. March. 1941.. .........................
9. Distribution of the native grasses of California. (One hundred and
eighty-four text maps.). by A.A. Beetle. April, 1947.. ..............309
10. Some problems in the use of artificial light in crop protection
(One text figure.). by W.B. Herms. April, 1941.. ..........
11. A physiological study of boron deficiency in plants. (Nineteen text
figures.). by H.S. Reed. May, 1947.. ..................
12. The branch wilt of Persian walnut trees and its cause. (Four text fi-
gures. four plates.). by E.E. Wilson. August, 1941..
..... ,413
13. Mass culture of Macrocentrus ancylivorus and its host, the potato
tuber moth. (Twenty-two text figures.). by G.L. Finney, S.E.
Flanders.and H.S. Smith. August, 1947.. ........................
14. Rate of pigment degradation in the phloem of dehydrated Red Core
Chantenay carrots. (Thirteen text figures.). by E. Weier.
September, 1947. ........
15. An evaluation of nine backcross-derived wheats, by C.A. Suneson.
September, 1941.. .............................................
16. Newly discovered leafhopper vectors of California aster-yellows
virus. (One plate.). by H.H.P. Severin. October, 1947.. .............511
Characters, distribution and food plan& of newly discovered vectors
of California aster-yellows virus. (Six text figures.). by D.M. DeLong and H.H.P. Severin. October, 1947.. ........................
Longevity of noninfective and infective leafhoppers on a plant nonsusceptible to a virus, by H.H.P. Severin. October, 1941 .
1. Characters, distribution, and food plants of phlepsid leafhopper
vectors of California aster-yellows virus. (Six plates.), by D.M.
DeLongand H.H.P Severin. October, 1945.. ......................
7. A study of Trawschelia pruni-spinosae on Prunus species in California. (Eight text figures.), by C.O. Smith. March, 1941 ............251
12. California aster yellows on vegetable and seed crops. (Seven text
figures, eight plates.). by H.H.P. Severin and N.W. Frazier.
June, 1945
Additional ornamental flowering plants naturally infected with
California aster yellows. (Four text figures, six plates.). by H.H.P.
Severin and J.H. Freitag. June, 1945.. ...........................
Weed-host range of California aster yellows. (Six text figures.
four plates.). by N.W. Frazier and H.H.P. Severin. June,
1945.. ........................................................
6. Depositional and weather-resisting qualities of some copper fungi-
11. Measuring food values for dairy cows, by M. Kleiber. W.M.
Regan.and S.W.Mead.May, 1945.. .............................
5. Acinoptems angulatus, a newly discovered leafhopper vector of
California aster-yellows virus. (One plate.). by H.H.P. Severin.
January.1941 .................................................
Taxonomy, distribution, and food plants of A c i n o p t e w angulatus.
(One plate.). by D.M. DeLong and H.H.P. Severin. January,
1941.. ........................................................
Plant symptoms induced by feeding of some leafhopper species.
(Fourplates.).by H.H.P. Severin. January, 1941.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,211
8. Insect transmission, host range, and properties of the crinkleleaf strain of westerneelery-mosaic virus. (One plate.). by
J.H. Freitag and H.H.P. Severin. March, 1945
Transmission of celery-yellow-spot virus by
aphid, Rhopalosiphum c a i i (Dvd.). (One text figure, two plates.).
by J.H. Freitagand H.H.P. Severin. March, 1945.. ................ 373
Poison-hemlock-ringspot virus and its transmission by aphids to
celery. (Four plates.), by J.H. Freitag and H.H.P. Severin.
March, 1945.. .................................................
9. Utilization of ammonia supplied to peaches and prunes a t different
seasons. (Two text figures.). by H.I. Forde and E.L. Proebsting.
April, 1945.
Comparative b
(Nineteen text figures.). by H. Jenny, A.D. Ayers. and J.S.
Hosking. April, 1945.. .........................................
17. Location of curly-top virus in the beet leafhopper. Eutettix tenellus.
(Three text figures.). by H.H.P. Severin. October, 1947.. ........... 545
16. Biology of the fig scale in California. (Fifteen text figures.). by E.M.
Stafford and D.F. Barnes. November, 1948.. .....................
Spinach yellow dwarf. (Two plates.). by H.P. Severin and D.H. Little.
17. Genetics and development of nine male-sterile tomato mutants.
(Four text figures, three plates.). by C.M. Rick. December, 1948..
Weeds experimentally infected with beet-mosaic virus. (Two plates.).
by H.H.P. Severin and R.M. Drake. October, 1947
18. Soil salinity in relation to irrigation. (Two text figures.). by W.P. Kelley, B.M. Laurance, and H.D. Chapman. January, 1949.. ...........635
18. Viruses that induce breaking of color of flower petals in pansies and
violas. (One text figure, six plates.). by H.H.P. Severin.
November, 1947.. .........I.. .................................
Aphids feeding on violaceous plants in California. (Seven text figures.). by E.O. Essig. November, 1947.. .........................
19. Effects of potash deficiency and excess on orange trees. (Six plates.).
1. Olive leaf spot and its control with fungicides. (Six text figures.), by
E.E. Wilsonand H.N.Miller. March, 1949.. .......................
by H.D. Chapman, S.M. Brown, and D.S. Rayner. December,
... 599
2. The biology of the strawberry rootworm in California. (Eight text
figures.). by L.M. Smith and G.S. Kido. March, 1949.. .............. 25
1. Major economic forces affecting agriculture. (Twenty-three text
figures.), by S.F. CiriacyWantrup. December, 1947.. ..............
2. Herbicidal properties of oils. (Three text figures.). by A S . Crafts
and H.G. Reiber. January, 1948.. ................................
The raspberry leaf sawfly. (Seven text figures.). by L.M. Smith and
G.S. Kido. March, 1949
3. A lysimeter investigation of nitrogen gains and losses under various
systems of covercropping and fertilization, and a discussion of
error sources. (Six text figures.), by H.D. Chapman, G.F. Leibig.
and D.S. Rayner. April, 1949.. ..................................
3. The black gnats of California. (Sixteen text figures.). by L.M.
Smith and H. Lowe. March, 1948.. ..............................
appetizer and dessert wines. (One text figure.). by J.C.M. Fornachon, H.C. Douglas, and R.H. Vaughn. April, 1949.. ...............,129
The taxonomy of Lactobm'Uus hdqardii and related heterofermentative lactobacilli. by R.H. Vaughn, H.C. Douglas, and J.C.M. For133
nachon. April. 1949.. ...........................................
4. Characters, distribution, and food plants of leafhopper species in
5. Toxicity of 2.4-D in California soils. (Eleven text figures.). by
AXCrafts. April, 1949.. .......................................
5. Phloem structure in the grapevine, and its seasonal changes. (Ten
text figures, twenty plates.). by K. Esau. May, 1948.. .............,217
Toxicity of ammonium dinitrw-see-butyl phenolate in California
soils. (Eight text figures.), by A.S. Crafts. April, 1949.. ............159
6. Sample manipulation and apparatus useful in estimating surface
6. Characters, distribution, and food plants of leafhopper vectors of
and penetration residues of DDT and studies with leaves and
fruits. (Seven text figures) by F.A. Gunther. June, 1948 .
7. The bud mite and the Erineum mite of grapes. (Ten text figures.).
by L.M. Smith and E.M. Stafford. July. 1948 ....................
4. Lactobacillus trichodes nov. spec., a bacterium causing spoilage in
Thamnotettix group. (Eight text figures, one plate.). by D.M.
DeLongand H.H.P. Severin. April, 1948.. ........................
Transmission of California aster-yellows virus by leafhopper species
in Thamnotettix group. (One plate.). by H.H.P. Severin.
April, 1948.. ..................................................
virus causing Pierce's disease of grapevines. (Ten text figures.).
byD.M. DeLongand H.H.P. Severin. April, 1949.. ................171
Life history of the blue-green sharpshooter, Neokolla circellata,
by H.H.P. Severin. April, 1949
Transmission of the virus of Pierce's disease of grapevines by
leafhoppers. (One text figure, four plates.). by H.H.P. Severin.
April, 1949.. ..........................
8. A short method of determining leaf area and volume growth in pine
trees. (Five text figures.). by F.S. Baker. August, 1948.. ...........335
7. Pierce's disease investigations. (Eleven text figures.). by A.J. Wink9. The Voges-Proskauer reaction and differentiation of the coliform
ler (Editor) (contributing authors, W.B. Hewitt. N.W. Frazier,
and J.H. Freitag). June. 1949.. ..................................
bacteria. (One text figure.), by R.H. Vaughn, G.T. Wedding, and
J. Tabachnick. August, 1948. ......
8. The influence of seasonal and other factors on the acceptability
10. Propagation of the Oriental fruit moth under Central California
conditions, by L.M. Smith and F.M. Summers. September, 1948
and food value of the meat of two subspecies of California
deer and of antelope.
(Eight text figures.). by B.B. Cook. L.E.
Witham. M. Olmstead. and A.F. Morgan. June, 1949.. .............265
11. Aphid transmission of cauliflower-mosaic virus. (One text figure, two
plates.), by H.H.P. Severin and C.M. Tompkins. September, 194
The mast important species of aphids attacking cruciferous crops in
California. (Five text figures.). by E.O. Essig. September, 1948..
9. The toxicity and repellance of organic chemicals toward termites.
and their use in termite-proofing food packages. (Three text figures.). by W.F. Chamberlain and W.M. Hoskins. November, 1949.. . 285
12. Anatomic effects of the viruses of Pierce's disease and phony peach.
(One text figure, sixteen plates.). by K. Esau. November. 1948.. .... 423
13. Sugar-beet mosaic. (One text figure, eight plates.). by H.H.P.
Severin.and R.M. Drake. November, 1948 .......................
10. Experiments on setting fruit with growth-regulating substances
on field-grown tomatoes in California. (Five text figures.). by
L.K. Mann and P.A. Minges. December, 1949.. ................... ,309
11. Spittleinsect vectors of Pierce's disease virus: I. characters, distri-
14. Outbreak of western cucumber mosaic on sugar beets. (Four text
figures.). by H.H.P. Severin and J.H. Freitag. November, 1948..
bution, and food plants. (Four text figures, four plates.). by D.M.
DeLongand H.H.P. Severin. January, 1950.. .....................
Spittle-insect vectors of Pierce's disease virus: 11. Life history and
virus transmission. (Six plates.). by H.H.P. Severin. January, 1950.. ..................................................
.... 523
Symptoms of additional cucumber-mosaic viruses on sugar beets.
(Five text figures.). by H.H.P. Severin. November, 1948.. ..........531
15. Aphid transmission of mild mosaic virus of annual stock. (Four
plates.). by H.H..P. Severin and C.M. Tompkins. November. 1948.. . ,539
12. Pansy leafspot. caused by Centrospom acerinu host range, and
control. (Eight plates.). by C.M. Tompkins and H.N. Hansen.
February.1950 ................................................
Additional virus diseases of spinach in California. (One text figure,
eight plates.). by H.H.P. Severin. November, 1948.. ...............553
13. Botrytis blight of bouvardia flowers, by C.M. Tompkins. February,
1950.. ........................................................
Botrytis stem rot of tuberous-rooted begonia. (Four plates.). by
C.M. Tompkins. February, 1950
14. Further tests using a polyhedrosis virus to control the alfalfa caterpillar. (Fourteen text figures.). by D.G. Thompson and E.A.
Steinhaus.February.1950 ......................................
15. Etiology of cereal root rots in California. (Eight text figures.). by
J.W. Oswald. February, 1950.. ..................................
16. An economic-statistical analysis of lumber requirements for
California housing. (Ten text figures.). by H.J. Vaux. March,
11. Analysis of orange leaves for diagnosing nutrient status with
reference to potassium. by H.D. Chapman and S.M. Brown.
March.1950 ...................................................
11. Transmission of radish-mosaic virus by aphids. (Seven plates.). by
H.H.P. Severin and C.M. Tompkins. September, 1950.. ............191
12. Spotted wilt of white, yellow, and pink callas. (Fourteen plates.1.
by C.M. Tompkins and H.H.P. Severin. September, 1950.. ......... 201
13. Studies on searching capacity of the larvae of three predators of
the citrus red mite. (Fifteen text figures.). by C.A. Fleschner.
October, 1950. ................................................
14. Symptoms of cucumber-mosaic and tobacco-ringspot viruses on
celery. (Six plates.). by H.H.P. Severin. October, 1950.. ......
15. Aphid transmission of a mosaic virus and symptoms of other virus
diseases of Pn'mula obconica (Eight plates.), by H.H.P. Severin
and C.M. Tompkins.October. 1950.. .............................
16. The North American species of Psylla from willow, with descriptions of new species and notes on biology (Hornoptera: Psyllidael.
(Five text figures.), by D.D. Jensen. January, 1951.. ..............,299
18. Tezannnus incurvatus: I. Taxonomy. (One text figure.), by D.M.
DeLongand H.H.P. Severin. April, 1950
Texananus incumtus: 11. Transmission of California aster-yellows
virus, by H.H.P. Severin. April, 1950.. ...........................
Tezannnus incurvatus: 111. Life history on virus-infected and on
healthy plants. (One plate.), by H.H.P. Severin. April, 1950.. ....... 546
Colladoncs geminatus and C. montanus: Life histories on virusinfected and on healthy plants. (On
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
and E.C. Klostermeyer. April, 1950
11. Effect of various maintained levels of phosphate on the growth,
yield, composition, and quality of Washington Navel oranges.
(Six plates.). by H.D. Chapman and D.S. Rayner. January, 1951..
18. Possible use of Bacillus thunngiensis Berliner as an aid in the biological control of the alfalfa caterpillar. (Twelve text figures.).
by E.A. Steinhaus. February, 1951.. ............................
19. Herbicidal properties of benzene and certain methyl benzenes.
(Seven text figures.). by H.B. Currier. April, 1951.. ................383
19. Biology and systematics of plume moths of the genus Platyptiliu
in California. (Sixteen plates.). by W.H. Lange. J r . May, 1950.. ..... 561
20. characteristics of demand for California plums. (Twelve text fi.... 401
gures.), by J. Foytik. April, 1951
1. Greenhouse assay of fertility of California soils. (Three text figures.).
by H. Jenny, J. Vlamis and W.E. Martin. May, 1950.. .............. 1
2. Inheritance of resistance to the pea aphid in alfalfa hybrids. (One
text figure.). by L.G. Jones, F.N. Briggs, and R.A. Blanchard.
June.19 50 ....................................................
Inheritance of resistance to scald in barley, by O.C. Riddle and
F.N. Briggs. June, 1950
Physiologic and genetic stu
ipe disease in barley, by
C.A.Suneson.June,l950 .......................................
21. The relative effects of inbreeding and outbreeding on reproduction
in the domestic fowl. (Three text figures.), by P.E. Bernier
L.W. Taylor, and C.A. Gunns. April, 1951.. ......
22. Report on diagnoses of diseased insects 1944-1950.(Twentythree
text figures.). by E.A. Steinhaus. May, 1951.. .............
1. Mass culture of California red scale and its golden chalcid parasites.
(Twenty-onetext figures.). by S.E. Flanders. May, 1951.. ..........
3. Subsidence of peat lands of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta,
California. (Thirteen text figures.). by W.W. Weir. June,
4. Response of several crop plants and weeds to maleic hydrazide.
(Twenty-five text figures.). by AS. Crafts, H.B. Currier, and
B.E. Day. July, 1950
3. Lumber grade recovery in a circular-saw mill in California. (Three
text figures.),by M.E. Krueger. September, 1951.. ................ 81
5. Symptons induced by some species of aphids feeding on ferns. (Six
plates.). by H.H.P.Severinand C.M. Tompkins. July, 1950.. ........ 81
4. Studies on the cause and development of ridges on lime fruit. (Nine
text figures.). by L.R. Jeppson. September, 1951.. ................ 105
6. Aphid transmission of severe-mosaic virus of annual stock. (Four
plates.). by H.H.P. Severin and C.M. Tompkins. August, 1950
5. Gypsum, sulfur, and sulfuric acid for reclaiming an alkali soil of
the Fresno series. (Five text figures.). by R. Overstreet.
J.C. Martin,and H.M. King. November, 1951.. ....................
2. The genus Aeolothn'ps Haliday in North America. (Eight plates.).
by S.F. Bailey. June, 1951.. .....................................
I. Multiple viruses of tomato inducing fruit malformation and leaf
symptoms. (Eighteen plates.). by H.H.P. Severin. August,
1950 ......................
Symptoms of the celeryalico virus
................. 131
by H.H.P. Severin. August, 195
8. A technique for embryo culture
A.E. Gilmore. September, 195
6. The influence of temperature and oxygen level on the respiration
and ripening of Wickson plums. (Seventeen text figures.), by
L.L. Claypwland F.W. Allen. November, 1951.. ..................129
I. Effects of 2.4-D and related substances on fruit-drop, yield. size.
and quality of Washington Navel oranges. (Six text figures.1, by
W.S. Stewart, L.J. Klotz,and H.Z. Hield. November, 1951.. . . . . . . . . 161
.............. 147
8. Anatomy of the garlic bulb and factors affecting bulb development.
(Nine text figures, sixteen plates.). by L.K. Mann. January, 1952. ... 195
9. Etiology and control of poinsettia root and stem rot caused by
Pythium spp. and Rhuoctonia solani (Four plates.). by C.M.
Tompkins and J.T. Middleton. September, 1950
9. A guide to the spider mites of deciduous fruit trees. (One text
figure, fifteen plates.). by A.E. Pritchard and E.W. Baker.
February.1952 ................................................
10. Pythium rot of pink and yellow calla corms and its
plates.). by C.M. Tompkins. September, 1950.. .
10. Simi. a processing tomato resistant to Verticillium and Fusarium
wilts. (Three text figures.). by J.W. Lesley, J.T. Middleton.
and C.D. McCarty. February, 1952.
................. ,289
8. Pricing efficiency in the manufactured dairy products industry.
(Twenty-one text figures.). by J.B. Hassler. August, 1953.. ........ ,235
9. Factors affecting the aseptic culture of Lovell peach seedlings.
(Twenty three text figures.),by D.E. Kester. September, 1953.. .... 335
11. Effects of 2.4-D and related substances on fruit-drop, yield, size,
and quality of Valencia oranges. (Six text figures.). by W.S.
Stewart, H.Z. Hield. and B.L. Brannaman. March, 1952.. ..........,301
12. The phloem of the sweet orange tree trunk and the seasonal
production of xylem and phloem. (Two text figures, eight plates.),
by H. Schneider. April, 1952.. ..................................
10. Lumber grade recovery from a second-growth pine operation in
California. (Four text figures.), by M.E. Krueger. J.A. Zivnuska,
and R.F. Grah. October, 1953.. .................................
11. Inheritance of four morphological characters in lima beans. (Four
text figures.). by R.W. Allard. November, 1953.. .................
13. A procedure for determining relative densities of brown almond
mite populations on almond trees. (One text figure.). by F.M.
Summers and G.A. Baker. April, 1952. .....
........... 369
12. The development of an insect virus within cells of its host. (Sixteen
text figures.), by K.M. Hughes. December, 1953.. ................. 391
14. Theory and application of fractional-blending systems. (Nine text figures.). by G.A. Baker. M.A. A
.B. Roessler.
............... .383
May. 1952.. ....................
13. Inheritance of bovine dwarfism and the detection of heterozygotes.
(Thirty-two text figures.). by P.W. Gregory, C.B. Roubicek. F.D.
Carroll, P.O. Stratton, and N.W. Hilston. December, 1953.. ........ 401
15. Comparative cytology of colchicine-induced amphidiploids of interspecific hybrids: Agropyron trichophorum x Triticum durum,
T. Timopheeui and T. macha (Three plates.). by W.K. Pope
and R.M. Love. May, 1952.. ....................................
14. Prevention of copper and iron turbidities in wine. (Eighteen text figures.). by M.A. Joslyn and A. Lukton. December, 1953.. .......... 451
15. Studies of microorganisms pathogenic to the sod webworm. (Ten
text figures.), by I.M. Hall. February, 1954.. ......................
16. Toxicity of maleic hydrazide in California soils.
four plates.), by E. Levi and A S . Crafts. Au
Toxicity of phenyl mercuric compounds
(Sixteen text figures, one plate.). by E. Le
August.1952 ............................
Toxicity of pentachlorophenol and its sodium salt in three Yo
(Six text figures.). by W.A. Harvey and A S . Crafts. August, 1952.. ... 481
Toxicity of three 2.4-D formulations in California soils. (Seven text
figures)hy W.A. Harvey. August. 1952. .........................
11. Laboratory experiments on the control of three species of fruit
flies [Tephritidael. (Fifteen text figures) by W. Ebeling.
February.19S3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............
Field experiments on the control of the melon fly. Dacz~smcurbitae.
(Three text figures.). by W. Ebeling. T. Nishida. and H.A. Bess.
February. 1953. .........................
16. Anatomy of bark and bud union, trunk, and roots of quick-declineaffected sweet orange trees on sour orange rootstock. (One color
plate and five text figures.1. by H. Schneider. February,
1954.. ........................................................
Condition of phloem of sour orange tree trunk in winter. (Two text
figures.). by H.Schneider. February, 1954
Effect of trunk girdling on phloem of trunk of sweet orange
trees on sour orange rootstock. (One text figure.), by H.
Schneider. February, 1954.
11. Temperature relations of powdery mildews. (Sixteen text figures.).
by C.E. Yarwood. S. Sidky. M. Cohen. and V. Santilli. March, 1954.. . 603
18. Soil fumigation with chlorobromopropene for the control of nutgrass.
(Seven text figures.). by B.E. Day. February. 1953.. ............... 593
Effect of 2.4-D upon the development of the cotton leaf. (Twentysix text figures.), by E.M. Gifford. Jr. February, 1953.. ............ 605
18. Effects of 2.4-D and related substances on fruitdrop, yield, size,
and quality of grapefruit. (One text figure.). by W.S. Stewart and
E.R.Parker. March, 1954.. .....................................
19. Pollination and parthenocarpy in the production of Bartlett pears
in California. (Eight text figures.). by W.H. Griggs and B.T.
Iwakiri. April, 1954.. ..........................................
1. Influences of forests on snow in the ponderosa-sugar pine-fir zone
of the central Sierra Nevada. (Ninety-two text figures.), by
J . Kittredge. March, 1953.. .....................................
2. Nitidulid beetles infesting California dates. (One color plate and
four text figures.), by D.L. Lindgren and L.E. Vincent.
March.1953 ...................................................
1. Further observations on B Q C ~ ~thuringiensis
Berliner and other
sporeforming bacteria. (Sixteen text figures.1. by E.A. Steinhaus
and E.A. JerreLMay. 1954.. ..................
2. A study of the leafhopper genus Cimlifer Zakhvatkin (Homoptera.
Cicadellidae). (Nine text figures.). by D.A. Young and N.W.
Frazier. May, 1954.. ...........................................
3. Aphid transmission of nonpersistent plant viruses with special
3. The effect of certain mineral deficiencies on the growth, leaf
appearance, and mineral content of young olive trees. (Eight
text figures.). by H.T. Hartmann and J.G. Brown. May,
1953. .................................................
4. Experimental studies on poisoning pocket gophers. (Four text figures.), by M.A. Miller. May, 1953.. .........
......... 131
5. Inheritance of some seed-coat colors and patte
(One text figure.). by R.W. Allard. June, 1953
6. Carotene and protein contents of alfalfa as influenced by variety
and certain environmental factors (Four text figures.). by L.G.
Jones. F.P. Zscheile, and R.B. Griffith. July. 1953.. ................ 119
I. A guide to the spider mites of cotton. (One color plate and twentythree text figures.), by E.W. Baker and A.E. Pritchard. July. 1953.. ,203
and hybrids with L. esculentum. (One text figure.). by D.C.
McGuire and C.M. Rick. November, 1954.. .......................
5. Leaf analysis of differentially covercropped deciduous fruit trees.
(Forty text figures.). by E.L. Proebsting and J.G. Brown.
November, 1954.. .............................................
6. Phytotoxicity of hydrocarbons. (Two text figures.). by H.B. Currier
and S.A. Peoples. November. 1954.. .............................
I. Chromotropic acid method for determining 2.4-D residues in
rinses. (Three text figures.). by L.C. Erickson and B.L.
8. Interaction of environment and genotype in the expression of a
virescent gene, pale-yellow-1,of maize. (Three text figures, two
color plates.). by B.O. Phinney and R.E. Kay. December
1954.. ........................................................
9. The effects of disease on insect populations. (Two text figures.),by
E.A. Steinhaus. December, 1954.. ...............................
6. The biology of the grape bud mite Eriophyes vitis (PGST.). (Six text
figures.),by H. Kid0 and E.M. Stafford. November, 1955.. .........119
7. Wound healing, keeping quality, and compositional changes during
curing and storage of sweet potatoes. (Nine text figures, ten
plates.),by L.L. Morris and L.K. Mann. December, 1955.. . . . . . . . . . . 143
10. The role of insects in sewage disposal beds. (Fifty-twotext figures.).
by R.L. Usinger and W.R. Kellen. January, 1955.. ................ 263
11. Fig varieties, a monograph. (Twenty-eight plates, including seven
color plates.).by I.J. Condit. February, 1955.. ....................
12. Mites of the family Caligonellidae (Acarina).(Nine plates.). by F.M.
Summers and E.I. Schlinger. May, 1955.. ........................
14. Chemical weed control in rose nursery fields. (Three text figures.).
by B.E.Day and R.C.Russel1. June, 1955 ........................
15. Mechanical transmission of an apple mosaic virus. (Five text figures.), by C.E. Yarwood. July. 1955.. ...........................
9. Determining water needs for crops from climatic data. (Thirteen
text figures.). by N.A. Halkias. F.J. Veihmeyer. and A.H.
Hendrickson.December.1955 ...................................
10. Formulas and tables to facilitate the calculation of recombination
values in heredity. (Three text figures.). by R.W. Allard.
January.1956 .................................................
53. Litter and forest floor of the chaparral in parts of the San Dimas
Experimental Forest, California. (Eleven text figures.). by
J. Kittredge. May, 1955.. .......................................
8. Observations on the symbiotes of certain Coccidae. (Thirteen text
figures.). by E.A. Steinhaus. December, 1955.. ....................
11. Inheritance of three seed-coat color genes in Vigna sinensis Savi.
(Five text figures.). by F.L. Smith. March, 1956.. .................. 279
12. Commodity tolerance studies of deciduous fruits to moist heat and
fumigants. (Twenty text figures.), by L.L. Claypool and H.M.
Vines. March, 1956.. ...........................................
13. False spider mites of the genus Dolichotetranychus (Acarina:
Tenuipalpidae). (Thirteen text figures.), by E.W. Baker and A.E.
Pritchard. March, 1956.. .
14. Variability in the macrofauna of a single riffle in Prosser Creek,
California, as indicated by the Surber sampler. (Twenty-two
text figures.). by P.R. Needhamand R.L. Usinger. April, 1956.. . . . . ,383
1. The khapra beetle, T r o g o d e n a granarium Everts. (Fifteen text
figures.), by D.L. Lindgren, L.E. Vincent, and H.E. Krohne.
August, 1955.. ................................................
2. The effects of dates of harvest operations on yield and quality of
pink beans (Seven text figures.). by F.L. Smith. August.
15. Responses of the rice plant to different formulations and methods
of application of 2.4-D, MCP. and 2.4.5-T. (Fourteen text figures.).
by P.B. Kaufman and A S . Crafts. April. 1956.. ...................411
3. Reclamation of an alkali soil of the Hacienda series. (Seven text
figures.). by R. Overstreet. J.C. Martin, R.K. Schulz. and O.D.
McCutcheon. September, 1955.. .......................... . ~.... 53
4. Reclamation of a saline and high boron soil in the Coachella
Valley of California. (Eleven text figures.). by R.C. Reeve, A.F.
Pillsbury. and L.V Wilcox. September, 1955. .....................
5. The spotted alfalfa aphid (yellow clover aphid on alfalfa). (Three
text figures.). by R.C. Dickson. E.F. Laird, Jr., and G.R.
Pesho.November.1955 .........................................
16. Statistical analysis of supply response in late spring potatoes in
California. (Eleven text figures.), by C.O. M
Y. Mundlak. April, 1956.. ...................
17. Bacterial symbiotes from the caeca of certain Heteroptera.
(Nineteen text figures.). by E.A. Steinhaus. M.M. Batey. and
C.L.Boerke.April.1956.. ....................
... 495
18. The nature and development of noninfectious bud failure ofalmonds.
(Nine text figures.). by
nd R.D. Schein. April,
1956 ...................
19. Economic efficiency in plant operations with special reference to
the marketing of California pears. (Sixty-eight text figures.), by
B.C. French, L.L. Sammet. and R.G. Bressler. July. 1956.. ......... 543
The following Hilgardia papers are still available as separates in printed form-except for out-of-print
issues marked by asterisks, which may be obtained as photoprints. See page 2 for instructions.
*4. Experimental studies on predation: predation and cyclamen-mite
*A bibliography of the fig, by I.J. Condit and J. Enderud. July, 1956.. ...
populations on strawberries in California, by C.B. Huffaker and
C.E. Kennett. October, 1956.. ...................................
5 . Determining the prevalence of certain cereal crop diseases by means
of aerial photography, by R.N. Colwell. November, 1956.. .........,223
* I . Evaluation of certain acaricides and insecticides for effectiveness,
residues, and influence on crop flavor, edited by E.G. Linsley.
August.1956 ..................................................
*6. Translocation of herbicides. December, 1956
'2. Microbial control-the emergence of an idea. A brief history of insect pathology through the nineteenth century, by E.H. Stein....... 10'7
haus. October, 1956.. ..............
3. Rest and dormancy in garlic, by L.K. Mann and D.A. Lewis.
I. The mechanism of translocation: methods of study with C14labeled 2.4-D. by A S . Crafts.. ..................................
11. Absorption and translocation of 2.4-D by wild morningglory.
by A S . Crafts.. ...............................................
111. Uptake and distribution of radioactive 2.4-Dby brush species,
O.A. Leonardand A S . Crafts.. .................................
*Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to order photoprints.
I. New records of insect-virus diseases, by E.A. Steinhaus.
January.1951 ................................
12. The effect of rice culture on a nonsaline sodie soil of the Fresno
series, by R.Overstreet and R.K. Schulz. May, 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,319
8. Burrows of the Sacramento Valley pocket gopher in floodirrigated
alfalfa fields, by M.A. Miller. January, 1957.. .....................
13. On the soil chemistry of radio-strontium, by R.K. Schulz. R. Overstreet,and K.L.Babcock. July. 1958.. ...........................
9. Earliness in F, hybrid muskmelons and their parent varieties, by
G.W. Bohn and G.N. Davis.March. 1951.. ........................
10. Revision of the genus S t e r n o s t a a Berlese and Trouessart (Acarina:
Rhinonysidael. by D.P. Furman. March, 1951.. .....................
11. Soil variables for use in economic analysis, by D. Weeks and J.H.
Snyder. April. 1957.. ...........................................
* 14. Experimental
12. The use of Botrytis cinesea Pers. in the production of sweet table
wines, by K.E. Nelson and M.A. Amerine. May, 1957.. .............. 521
13. A study of some Egyptian saline and alkali soils, by.W.R. Schoonover. N.M. Elgabaly.and M.N.Hassan. May, 1951.. ............... 565
14. An annotated list and bibliography of insects reported to have virus
diseases, by K.M. Hughes. May, 1957.. ..........................
15. Some anatomic aspects of the strawberry root, by P.E. Nelson and
S. Wilhelm. June, 1957.. .......................................
16. Studies on control of the giant African snail on Guam, by G.D.
Peterson, Jr. July, 1957.. .......................................
17. Hot-water treatment of gladiolus cormels for the eradication of
Fusarium orysporum f. gladwli by C.N. Roistacher. K.F. Baker,
and J.G.Bald. September, 1951.. ................................
23.5Triphenyltetramlium chloride as an indicator of germinability
and dormancy of gladiolus cormels, by C.N. Roistacher. J.G.
Bald. and K.F. Baker. September, 1951...........................
studies on predation: dispersion factors and
predator-prey oscillations, by C.B. Huffaker. August, 1958, . . , . , , . . 343
15. Growth and bulbing of garlic (Allium satiuum L.1 in response to
storage temperature of planting stocks, day length, and plant.
ing date, by L.K. Mann and P.A. Minges. August, 1958.. ...........385
16. Comparative tests on the uptake and distribution of labeled
herbicides by Zebrina pendula and Tmdescantiaf2uminensis.,by
A.S. Craftsand S.Yamaguchi. August, 1958.. ....................
* 11. Relationships of the strawberry viruses of England and California.
by N.W. Frazier and A.F. Posnette. August, 1958.. ...............,455
18. The biology of Apanteles medicaginis Muesebeck (hymenoptera:
Braconidael, by W.W. Allen. September. 1958.. ...................515
'19. The ecology of solitary bees, by E.G. Linsley. October, 1958..
20. Biological studies of two species of tydeid mites from California.
by C.D. Brickhill. October, 1958.. ...............................
21. Economies of scale for evaporated milk plants in California. by
J.N. Boles.October. 1958.. .....................................
22. Some studies on the herbicidal properties of maleic hydrazide.
by AS. Crafts, H.B. Currier, and H.R. Drever. October, 1958.. ..... 123
* 1. Some factors influencing the efficiency
of Apanteles medicaginis
Muesebeck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) as a parasite of the
alfalfa caterpillar, Colias philodice eurytheme Boisduval. by
W.W. Allen and R.F. Smith. November, 1958.. ....................
1. Curly top symptoms in an inoculated cotyledon of the sugar beet,
by K. Esau. September, 1957.. ..................................
Anatomic effects of barley yellow dwarf virus and maleic hydrazide
on certain Gramineae. by K. Esau. September, 1951 ............... 15
*2. Effects of plot size, plot shape, and number of replications on the
2. Parasites of the Psyllidae. by D.D. Jensen. September, 1951.. . . . . . . . . . 71
efficiency of bean yield trials, by Francis L. Smith. November, 1958.. ....................................................
3. Casca chinensis. an internal parasite of California red scale, by S.E.
Flanders, J.L. Gressitt. and T.W. Fisher. November, 1958.. ........ 65
$3. Fundamentals of biological control of weeds, by C.B. Huffaker.
September.1957 ...............................................
4. Entomophthorous fungi parasitic on the spotted alfalfa aphid, by
I.M. Hall and P.H. Dunn. September, 1957.. ......................
*4. Field testing of grape maturity, by M.A. Amerine and E.B.
Roessler. November, 1958.. ....................................
5. Implications of a uniformity trial with small plots of wheat, by
G.A. Baker and E.B. Roessler. September, 1957.. .................183
5. Studies on the absorption and translocation of 2.4-D in bean
plants, by0.A. Leonard. November, 1958.. ......................
6. Response of Thompson Seedless grapes to 4-chlorophenoxyacetic
acid and benzothiazol2+xyaeetic acid, by R.J. Weaver and
S.B.McCune. October, 1957.. ...................................
*6. Autoradiographic method for studying absorption and transloeation
of herbicides using C14-labeled compounds, by S. Yamaguchi
and A.S. Crafts. December. 1958.. ..............................
7. Relationships among pruning time response, symptoms attributed
7. Diversity among nucellar-seedling lines of Satsuma mandarin and
differences from the parental old line, by H.B. Frost, J.W.
Cameron, and R.K. Soost. October, 1951.. ........................
8. Virus-strain interference in relation to symptoms of psorosis
disease of citrus, by J.M. Wallace. December, 1951.. ..
to grape bud mite, and temporary early season boron deficiency
in grapes, by M.M. Barnes. December, 1958.. .....................
9. Nutrient response of ponderosa pine and brush seedlings on forest
and brush soils of California, by J. Vlamis, A.M. Schultz,
and H.H. Biswell. February, 1959.. ..............................
10. The leaf blight disease of almond and its control, by Joseph M.
Ogawa. E.E. Wilson, and Harley English. February, 1959.. ........,2391
* 11. Volatility
of herbicides under field conditions, by B.E. Day. E.
Johnson.and J.L.Dewlen.February. 1959.. ......................
11. Phylloxera-resistant grape rootstocks for the coastal vall
California, by L.A. Lider. February, 1958..
8. Mechanical properties of California-grown Monterey pine. by
9. Nitrification of ammoniacal fertilizers in some California soils, by
F.E. Br0adbent.K.B. Tyler,and G.N. Hill. December, 1957.. ....... 247
10. The biology of San Jose scale on peaches with special reference
to the behavior of males and juveniles, by A.G. Gentile and
F.M. Summers. January, 1958.. ................................
t Not a typographical error.
#Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to order photoprints.
12. Anatomical aspects of blossomend rot in the tomato with special
reference to calcium nutrition, by A.R. Spurr. February, 1959.. .... 269
10. Factors affecting egg production and oviposition in populations of
Colias philodice eurytheme Boisduval (Lepid0ptera:Pieridae). by
V.M. Sternand R.F. Smith. January, 1960.. ......................
*It. The tetranychoid mites of Africa, by E.W. Baker and A.E.
Pritchard. January, 1960.. .....................................
13. Response of certain varieties of Vitis uinifem to gibberellin. by
R.J. Weaver and S.B. McCune. February, 1959.. ..................291
14. Serratia marcescens Bizio as an insect pathogen, by E.A. Steinhaus.February.1959 ...........................................
12. The uptake of strontium and calcium from soils by grasses and
legumes and the possible significance in relation to SR-90 fallout, by P.B. Vose and H.V. Koontz. February, 1960.. .............. 515
13. Factors influencing the decomposition of organic soils of the California delta, by F.E. Broadbent. February, 1960.. ................. 581
15. Chemical changes in an irrigated soil during 28 years of differen-
tial fertilization, by P.F. Pratt, R.B. Harding. W.W. Jones, and
H.D.Chapman.March.1959 .....................................
16. Girdling: its relation to carbohydrate nutrition and development
of Thompson Seedless, Red Malaga. and Ribier grapes, by
R.J. WeaverandS.B.McCune.May. 1959.. .......................
*17. Some experiments on the decontamination of soils containing
strontium 90.by R.K. Schulz. J.P. Moberg. and R. Overstreet.
May, 1959.. ...................................................
'18. Modern sensory methods of evaluating wine, by M.A. Amerine.
E.B. Roesslerand F. Filipello. June, 1959.. .......................
19. Flight activity of Col& philodice eurytheme Boisduval in response
to its physical environment, by T.F. Leigh and R.F. Smith.
August, 1959. .................................................
20. Effect of gibberellin on seeded Vitis uinifeem. and its translocation within the vine, by R.J. Weaver and S.B. McCune.
August, 1959.. ..
A study of the effect of irrigation water composition on soil
properties, by K.L. Babcoek. R.M. Carlson. R.K. Schultz, and
R.Overstreet. October, 1959.. ..
4. Comparative studies with labeled herbicides on woody plants, by
S. Yamaguchi and A S . Crafts. October, 1959.. ....................
5. An ecological study of the Indian-meal moth Plodia interpunctella
(Hubner) with emphasis on diapause, by M.E. Tzanakakis.
November, 1959.. .............................................
to have virus diseases, by M.E. Martignoni and R.L.
Langston. June, 1960.. .........................................
*2. Temperature and humidity relationships of Tetranychus desertorum Banks with special reference to distribution, by J.L.
Nickel. June, 1960..
3. Some physiological responses in two tomato varieties associated
with levels of soil bulk density, by W.J. Flocker and R.C.
Menary. July, 1960.. ...........................................
4. Vineyard trials in California with nematode-resistant grape rootstocks. by L.A. Lider. July, 1960.. ..........................
*l. Bionomics of the rice leaf miner, Hydrellia giscola (Fallen). in
* 3.
15. Taxonomic study of California mealybugs with descriptions of new
species (Homoptera: Coecoidea: Pseudoeoecidael. by H.L.
McKenzie. June, 1960.. ........................................
1. Supplement to an annotated list and bibliography of insects reported
*2. The integration of chemical and biological control of the spotted
aphid. October, 1959.
The integrated control concept, by V.M. Stern, R.F. Smith, and
R.vandenBosch ...............................................
Field experiments on the effects of insecticides, by V.M. Stern,
R.F. Smith, and R. van den Bosch.. ..............................
Impact of commercial insecticide treatments, by R.F. Smith
and K.S. Hagen.. ..............................................
21. The spread of the spotted alfalfa aphid, Thenoaphis maculata
(Buckton),in California, by R.F. Smith. August, 1959.. ............ . I 4 6
in California (Diptera: Ephydridae), by A.A. Grigarick.
September, 1959.. ...
14. Effects of initial stocking on financial return from younggrowth
Douglas-fir, by Rudolf F. Grah. April, 1960.. .....................
5. The adaptation of qualitative and quantitative techniques for
tive dalapon in plant tissues. by
6. Income, price, and yield variability for principal California crops
and cropping systems, by H.O. Carter and G.W. Dean.
I. Germination of seeds from carrot, lettuce, and pepper plants
iencies. by J.F. Harrington.
grown under se
October, 1960..
8. Use of flourescent dye to whiten wool,
B.W. Mitchell. November, 1960.. .......
. . . 231
9. Temperature and plant responses to paper and plastic protectors
on cantaloupes, by C.A. Shadbolt and O.D. McCoy. November,
1960.. ........................................................
* 10. Dispersal
behavior of the first instar nymphs of the wooly apple
aphid, by S.C. Hoyt and H.F. Madsen. December, 1960.. ........... 261
"11. Taxonomic and biological studies of mites of the genus Arctosetus
Thor from Barrow, Alaska (Acarina: Aceosejidae). by E.E.
Lindquist. January, 1961. ......................................
6. Effects of gibberellin on seedless
S.B. McCune. November, 195
12. Contrasting effects of acid and nonacid pummelos on the acidity
of hybrid citrus progenies, by R.K. Soost and J.W. Cameron,
January, 1961 ...........
.... 351
Chandler-an early-ripening
acid parent, by J.W. C
1961.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Histology of pituitary, adrenal, and reproductive organs in normal
cattle and cattle with lowered reproductive efficiency, by P.T.
Cupps. R.C. Laben, and S.W. Mead. December, 1959.. .............383
13. Stability of variety response to extensive variations of environ.
ment and field plot design, by B.J. Hoyle and G.A. Baker.
................. 365
January.1961 ...............
* I . Ecology of pocket gophers with emphasis on Thomomys bottae
m e w by W.E. Howard and H.E. Childs. J r . November. 1959
8. Factors influencing control of the citrus nematode in the field with
D-D. by R.C. Baines. F.J. Foote. L.H. Stolzy. R.H. Small, and
M.J. Garber. November, 1959.. .................................
" O u t of print. See page 2 for instructions to o r d e r photoprints.
14. Biological studies of Dissosteim spurcata Saussure with distributional notes on related California species (Orthoptera-Acrididae),
by G.D. Kelly and W.W. Middlekauf. January. 1961.. .............,395
15. Interregional competition in the frozen strawberry industry, by
C.C. Dennisand L.L. Sammet. December. 1961,. ..................499
16. Biological control of western grape leaf skeletonizer (Harrisina
brillians B. and McD.) in California, by D.P. Clausen.
December, 1961.. .............................................
15. Effect of gibberellin on vine behavior and crop production in seeded
and seedless Vitis uinifera, by R.J. Weaver and S.B. McCune.
February, 1961. ......................................
16. Gains and losses of mineral elements in an irrigated soil during
a 20-year lysimeter investigation.
Chapman. March, 1961 ............
*l. Midges associated with California rice fields, with special reference
to their ecology (Diptera: Chironomidael by R.E. Darby.
.............. 1
January, 1962, ...........
11. Anatomic effects of curly top and aster yellows viruses on tomato,
by E.A. Rasa and K. Esau. March, 19
Studies on penetration of sugar beet I
persicae. by K. Esau. R. Namba. and
2. Dalapon, amitrole. and weed oil compared for effectiveness in
control of bermuda-grass in California citrus orchards, by B.E.
Day. C.D. McCarty. and L.S. Jordan. February, 1962.. ............,201
18 Physiochemical mechanisms for the removal of insect wax
of finely divided powders, by W. Ebeling. April, 1961 .
Relation of lipid adsorptivity of powders to their suitab
secticide diluents. by W. Ebelingand R.E. Wagner. April, 1961.. ... 565
3. Laboratory studies of the biology of the alfalfa seed chalcid.
Bruchophagus roddi Guss. IHyme
F.E. Strong. February, 1962.. .....
19. Small panel sensory evaluations of wines by scoring, by C.S. Ough
and G.A. Baker. May. 1961.
4. The microclimate of plastic shelters used for vegetable produetion. by C.A. Shadbolt. O.D. McCoy, and F.L. Whiting. March, 1962.. 251
20. Responses of a plant to soil-moisture changes as shown by guayule.
by F.J. Veihmeyer and A.H. Hendrickson. May, 1961 .............. 621
5. Methods of estimating clean-fleece production. by G.M. Spurlock.
S.P. Davis, and G.E. Bradford. March, 1962.. .....................
6. A diallel cross analysis of heading date in wheat, by D.W.
Crumpacker and R.W. Allard. April, 1962.. ......................
1. Seed-coat color genes in six commercial varieties of beans, by
I. Aging of wines and other spiritous products, acceleration by physical treatments, by V.L. Singleton. May, 1962.. ....................
2. Second taxonomic study of California mealybugs, with descrip-
tions of new species (Hornoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae).
by H.L. McKenzie. May, 1961.. ..................................
3. Pathological anatomy of carrot root scab and some factors
affecting its incidence and severity, by R.G. Grogan, F.W. Zink.
and K.A. Kimble. June, 1961,.
8. Biology of the strawberry aphids, Pentatrichopus fragaefolii
(Cockerell) and P. thomasi Hille Ris Lambers, in California, by
G.A. Schaefers and W.W. Allen. May, 1962
9. Chemical control of filamentous green
B.E. Day, and R.T. Hendrixson. May, 1
4. The impact of irrigation on farm output in California, by Vernon
W. Ruttan. July. 1961.. ........................................
5. Response of clusters of Vitis vtnifem grapes to 2.4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and related compounds, by R.J. Weaver, O.A.
Leonard.and S.B. McCune. August, 1961.. .......................
on almonds and walnuts in northern California, by W.H.
Wade. October, 1961.. .................................
*I. The red scale and its insect enemies, by H. Compere. November, 1961.. 113
8. Effect of insect numbers on aphid transmission of potato leafroll
virus, by 0.9.. Bindra and E.S. Sylvester. November, 1961.. ........219
*9. Absorption and translocation of 2.4-D and amitrole in shoots of
the Tokay grape, by O.A. Leonard and R.J. Weaver.
November.1961 ...............................................
10. New and redescribed species of Ledemuelkria from North
America (Acarina: Stigmaeidae). by F.M. Summers and D.W.
Price. November, 1961 ...
11. Predicted and experimental water table drawdown during tile
drainage, by W. Brutsaert, G.S. Taylor, and J.N. Luthin.
November, 1961...............................................
*lo. The use of calculated actual and potential evapotranspiration for
estimating potential plant growth, by R.J. Arkley and R.
Ulrich.May.1962 ..............................................
11. Studies on the growth rate and nutrient absorption of head lettuce,
by F.W. Zink and M. Yamaguchi. May, 1962.. ....................
*6. Biology of the navel orangeworm. Pammyelois tmmitella (Walker),
12. Resistance of alfalfa to spotted alfalfa aphid in relation to environ501
mental factors, by J.A. McMurtry. July. 1962.. ...................
'13. Biological control of olive scale, Parlatoria okae (Colveel. in
California by imported Aphytk maculicornis (Masil (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). by C.B. Huffaker. C.E. Kennett. and G.L.
Finney. July, 1962.. ...................................
14. Third taxonomic study of California mealybugs, including additional
species from North and South America (Hornoptera: Coccoidea
Pseudococcidael. by H.L. McKenzie. July. 1962.. .................,697
1. Hilgard and California viticulture, by M.A. Amerine. July. 1962.. .....
12. Response of Tokay grapes to spray applications of 2.4-D. by R.J.
Weaver, O.A. Leonard, and S.B. McCune. November, 1961......... 419
2. Host list of the root rot fungus, Annillanh mellea, by R.D.
Raabe. September, 1962..
3. The effect of developmental stage on direction of translocation of
photosynthate in Viti
.R. Hale and R.J.
Weaver. October, 1962.
4 .Two new species and additional collection records for the genus
Protodimpis (Hornoptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae), by H.L.
McKenzie and W.A. Nelson-Rees. November, 1962.. ..............133
Evolutionary patterns in the armored scale insects and their
allies (Hornoptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididael. by S.W. Brown
and H.L. McKenzie. November, 1962.. .......................
13. Virus diseases of apple, by H.E. Thomas. November, 1961.. ..........,435
'14. The introduced purple scale parasite, Aphytis lepidosaphes
Compere, and a method of integrating chemical with biological
control, by P. DeBach and J. Landi. December. 1961 ...............459
*Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to order photoprints.
5. A soil-drainage study in southwestern Fresno County, by W.C.
Biancbi. E.E. Haskell. Jr.. and W.R. Johnston. November,
1962.. ........................................................
10. Regional location of cattle feeding- A spatial equilibrium analysis,
by G.A.KingandL.F.Schrader. July. 1963.. .....................
*11. Theory of the chemical properties of soil colloidal systems a t equi-
librium. by K.L. Babcock. August, 1963.. ...........
6. The life history of Lecanium kunoensis Kuwana (Homoptera:
Coccidael. by M.M. Husseiny and H.F. Madsen. November, 1962,. .. 179
'7. Mites of the family Phytoseiidae from central Africa, with
remarks on the genera of the world, by A.E. Pritchard and E.W.
Baker.November.1962 .......................................
12. The use of electronic computers to solve subsurface drainage
problems, by G.S. Taylor and J.N. Luthin. August, 1963.. . . . . . . . . . . 543
'13. Relationships between plant growth and transpiration, by R.J.
Arkley. September, 1963.. .....................................
8. Physical and chemical changes in French prunes during maturation in coastal valleys, by L.L. Claypool. W.H. Dempsey. P. Esau.
and M.W. Miller. November. 1962.. .............................
The influence of harvesting procedures and storage on the quality
of dried French prunes from coastal regions, by L.L. Claypool.
M.W. Miller, W.H. Dempsey. and P. Esau. November,
1962.. .......................................................
14. Regional. varietal. and type influences on the degree Brix and
alcohol relationship of grape musts and wines, by C.S. Ough
and M.A. Amerine. September, 1963.. ...........................
15. The measurement and description of water flow through Columbia
silt loam and Hesperia sandy loam, by J.M. Davidson. D.R.
Neilsen. and J.W. Biggar. September, 1963.. .....................
'9. Report of diagnoses of diseased insects, 1951-1961. by E.A.
Steinhaus and G.A. Marsh. December, 1962.. ....................
10. The genus Stigmaem (Acarina: Stigmaediael. by F.M. Summers.
December, 1962.. .............................................
IHymenoptera: Eurytomidae), by F.E. Strong, O.G. Bacon. and
J.R. Russell, September, 1963.. .................................
2. Problems in evaluating control of San Jose scale with spray
chemicals. by E M Stafford and F.M. Summers. September. 1963.. . 13
1. Flight habits of the alfalfa seed chalcid. Bruchophagus roddi Cuss.
11. Econometric analysis of the market for California early potatoes,
by P. Zusman. December, 1962.. ................................
12. Effects of maximum temperature and age on flowering and seed
production in three bean varieties, by F.L. Smith and R.H.
3. Tests of thick fiberglass filters for subsurface drains. by D.G. Watts
and J.N.Luthin.September. 1963.. .............................
P.F. Pratt and F.L. Bair. December, 1962.........................
4. Optimal cooperative pools for California avocados. by S.H.
Sosnick.September.1963 .......................................
14. Orderly marketing for California avocados. by S.H. Sosnick.
December, 1962. ......
5. Bulb development i n the onion iAIlium cepa L.1 and the effect of
storage temperature on hulh rest. hy A.A. Abdalla and L.K.
Mann.October.1963 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Cation-exchange properties of some acid soils of California. by
1. Chemical and sensory variability in table grapes, by K.E. Nelson,
G.A. Baker, A.J. Winkler. M.A. Amerine. H.B. Richardson.
2 . Studies on lipids in some Homopterous insects, by F.E. Strong.
*6. Causes of fruit bruising on transport trucks. by M. OBrien. L.L.
Claypool. S.H. Leonard, G K. York. and J.H. MacGillivray.
November. 1968.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. The influence of formulation, exposure time. and pH on the
herhicidal action of dalapon foliar sprays tested on corn. by
C.L. Foy. November. 1963.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Pot experiments related to the peach replant problem, by A.E.
Gilmore. March, 1963.. ..........................................
*8. Prey-predator interactions in self-balanced lahoratory populations,
by S.E. Flandersand M.E. Badgley. November, 1963.. ............. 145
4. Factors affecting the distribution of the Monterey pine cone beetle
(Conophthorus radiatae Hopkinsl in central California, by C.H.
.............. 79
Scbaefer. March. 1963
9. A lahoratory study of three strains of codling moth, Carpocnpsn
pomonrlln Linnaeus). exhihiting tolerance to DDT i n the field.
by J.B. Bailey and H.F. Madsen. Januarv. 1961 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18.5
March, 1963..
5. Competitive displacement between ecological homologues. by P.
DeBach and R.A. Sundby. April, 1963.. ..........................
10. Fourth taxonomic study of California mealybugs. with additional
species from North America. South America. and Japan (Horn
optera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidael, by H.L. McKenzie.
February.1964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Microbial spoilage of dried prunes.
1. Yeasts and molds associated with spoiled dried prunes, by H.
Tanaka and M.W. Miller. April, 1963.. ...........................
11. Studies of the osmophilic nature of spoilage organisms, by
H.Tanakaand M.W. Miller. April, 1963.. ........................
111. Relation of equilibrium relative humidity to potential spoilage
by M.W. Miller and HirosatoTanaka. April, 1963
........ 183
*7. Phytaseiid mites of California. by R.O. Schuster and A.E.
Pritcbard. April, 1963.. ........................................
* 9.
Experimental studies on predation. Complex dispersion and levels
of food in an acarine predator-prey interaction, by C.B. Huffaker.
K.P. Shea.and S.G. Herman. July. 1963.. ........................
12. Severe copper deficiency in orchard Rapefruit trees. by G.R. Bradford, R.B. Hardingand M.P. Miller. March. 1964.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
13. A revision of the genus Scirtothrips Shull IThysanoptera: Thripidael.
by S.F. Bailey. April, 1964.. ....................................
14. Control of postharvest fruit decays in relation to residues of 2.6dichloro4-nitroaniline and difolatan. by J.M. Ogawa. G.A. Boyack.
J.L. Sandeno.and J.H. Mathre. May. 1964.. ......................
15. The squash and gourd bees-genera Peponapis Robertson and
Xenoglossa Smith-inhabiting America north of Mexico IHymen
optera: Apoidea). by P.D. Hurd. Jr.. and E.G. Linsley.
May. 1964.. ...................................................
8. Head smut of sorghum, sudangrass. and corn, caused by Sphace-
lotheca reiliana (Kuhnl Clint., by P.M. Halisky. July.
1963.. ........................................................
Influence of host plant condition on population increase of Tetranychus fehrius (Linnaeusl (Acarina: Tetranychidael, by T.F.
Watson. March, 1964.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to order photoprints.
16. Muskmelon quality characteristics-their variability and interrelationships, by R.M. Davis, Jr.. G.A. Baker, and R.F.
Kasmire. July, 1964.......................................
8. The effect of certain B-vitamin supplements on the survival and
performance of calves fed a high-earbohydrate, low-fat diet, by
17. Water movement through Panoche clay loam soil, by D.R.
J.M. Davidson. J.W. Biggar. and R.J. Miller. July. 1964
9. Analysis of 2.4-D
transport, by S.Yamaguchi. March, 1965............ 349
10. The feed increment method for evaluating the net energy of feedstuffs for milk production, by M. Ronning. April, 1965..............379
18. Mating and oviposition behavior of the navel orangeworm.
Paromyelois transitella (Walker). by J.A. Goodwin and H.F.
Madsen.August. 1964..........................................
19. Evaluation of concentrate and dilute ground air-carrier and aircraft spray coverages, by W.W. Kilgore. W.E. Yates. and
J.M. 0gawa.October. 1964......................................
Susceptibility of almond leaf to Coryneum blight, and evaluation
of helicopter spray applications for disease control. by J.M.
Ogawa. W.E. Yates. and W.W. Kilgore. October, 1964.............. 537
12. Preparation of nematodes for microscopic study-perfusion by
vapor phase in killing and fixing, by A.R. Maggenti and D.R.
Viglierchio. September, 1965
13. Botanical composition of sheep and cattle diets on a mature annual
range. by G.M. Van Dyne and H.F. Heady. September, 1965........ 465
'20. Measurement of oxygen diffusion rates with the platinum micro-
electrode. October, 1964.
I. Theory and equipment, by J. Letey and L.H. Stolzy.. ..............,545
11. Factors influencing the measurement, by D.E. Birkle, J. Letey.
L.H. Stolzy,andT.E. Szuszkiewicz.. ............................
111. Correlation of plant response to soil oxygen diffusion rates,
by L.H. Stolzy and J. Letey .....................................
21. Pythiaceous fungi and plant-parasitic nematodes in California
pear orchards.
I. Occurrence and pathogenicity of pythiaceous fungi in orchard
soils, by C.W. Nichols, S.M. Garnsey. R.L. Rackham. S.M. Gotan.
and C.N. Mahannah. October, 1964..............................
11. Incidence and distribution of parasitic nematodes in orchard soils
by A.M. French, B.F. Lownsbery. S.M. Ayoub, A.C. Weiner.
and N. El-Gholl.October. 1964...................................
111. Effect of reduction of nematode populations by soil fumigation
on subsequent growth of pear seedlings, by B.F. Lownsbery.
J.T. Mitchell, and S.M. Paracer. October, 1964....................611
22. Uniformity field trials and Monte Carlo simulations, by G.A. Baker
and J.P. Johnson. November, 1964....
Significant differences on the basis of sta
'by the SD technique, by G.A. Baker and B.J. Hoyle. Novem.............................
ber. 1964.....
*11. The taxonomy, life histories, and mating behavior of the green
lacewings of Strawberry Canyon (Neuroptera: Chrysopidael,
by C.A.Toschi. August, 1965....................................
14. A sunlight phytotron unit as a practical research tool. by F.P.
Zscheile. S.M. Henderson, A S . Leonard. L.W. Neuhauer. and
S.J.Sluka. September, 1965
......... ,493
15. Influence of particle size distribution in soil c
Bodman and G.K. Constantin. October. 1965
1. Fifth taxonomic study of North American mealybugs. with revisional notes on seven species (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudo
coccidae). by H.L. McKenzie and D.J. Williams. December, 1965.....
2. Anatomy and cytology of Vitis phloem, by K. Esau. Decem............................
ber. 1965... .
"3. Flight and dispersal of the mosquito Culex tarsalis Coquillett in
the Sacramento Valley of California, by S.F. Bailey, D.A.
Eliason. and B.L. Hoffmann. December, 1965......................
4. Translocation relationships in and between mistletoes and their
hosts, by O.A. Leonardand R.J. Hull. December, 1965..............115
.. .627
5. Fluctuations of total and nitrate nitrogen in parthenocarpic and
nonparthenocarpic fig varieties, by E.D. Dekazos and J.C.
Crane. January, 1966...............
6. Interchange between inorganic and organic nitrogen in soils, by
F.E. Broadbent. January, 1966.
1. Biology and immature stages of Antichaeta festacea Melander
(Diptera: Sciomyzidael. by T.W. Fisher and R.E. Orth.
November, 1964.......................
2. The economics of conjunctive u
by O.R.Burt. December, 1964
3. Sterilization of the navel orangeworm. Paramyelois transitella
(Walkerl. by gamma radiation, by M.M. Husseiny and H.F.
Madsen. December, 1964...............................
6. Effect of gibberellin sprays on fruit set of Washington Navel orange
trees, by H.Z. Hield. C.W. Coggins and M.J. Garber.
7. New species of the genus Cryptogmthus Kramer IAcarina:
Cryptognathidael, by F.M. Summers and W.M. Chaudhri.
March, 1965...................................................
*Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to order photoprints.
7. Effect of kinins on fruit set and development in Vitis vinifera by
R.J. Weaver, J. vanOverbeek,and R.M. Pool. January, 1966.. .....,181
8. Studies on the growth rate and nutrient absorption of onion, by
F.W. Zink.February, 1966......................................
* 9. Studies of two parasites
4. Size and location factors affecting California's beef slaughtering
plants, by S.H. Logan and G.A. King. December, 1964........
5. Chromosomal survey of the armored and palm scale insects
(Coccoidea: Diaspididae and Phoenicococcidae),by S.W. Brown.
January.1965 .........................................
of olive scale, Parlatoria oleae (Colveel
I. A taxonomic analysis of parasitic Hymenoptera reared from
Parlotoma oleae (Colvee). by k.L. Doutt..March. 1966,.............219
11. The biology of Coecophagoides utilis Doutt IHymenoptera:
R.L. Doutt. March,
Aphelinidae). by S.W. Br
1966 .....................
......................... 233
Coccophagoides utilis
111. The role of an autoparasitic
Doutt. in the control ofParlatoriaoleae (Colveel.by C.E. Kennett.
C.B. Huffaker. and G.L. Finney. March, 1966.. ...................,255
IV. Biological control of Parlatoria oleae (Colvee) through the
compensatory action of two introduced parasites, by C.B.
Huffakerand C.E. Kennett. March, 1966.. .......................
V. The culture of Coccophagoides utilis Doutt. a parasite of Parlatoria oleae IColvee). by G.L. Finney. March, 1966.. ................337
10. Photoperiod in relation to diapause in Lygus hesperus Knight. b
G.W. Beardsand F.E. Strong. March, 1966..................
* 11. An ecological study of the spider mite Oligonyehus punicae IHirstI
10. Drainage by wells-an investigation in the Patterson Water
District, by V.H. Scott, M. Abu-Zied. J.N. Luthin. and G. Aron.
September, 1967.. .............................................
and its natural enemies. by J.A. McMurtry and H.G. Johnson.
May, 1966.. .............................
12. Species of Pimelkphilus IAcari: Pterygosomidael attacking insects,
with particular reference to the species parasitizing Triatominae
IHemiptera: Reduviidael. by I.M. Newell and R.E. Ryckmann.
May. 1966.. ...................................................
11. Grapevine leafroll virus- history and anatomic effects, by L.L.
Hoefert and E.M. Gifford. Jr. October, 1967.. .....................
13. Interregional competition in the United States turkey industry, by
D.L. Bawden. H.O. Carter, and G.W. Dean. June, 1966.. . . . . . . . . . . . ,437
* 14.
* 1s.
Competition for food by a phytophagous mite. The role of dispersion and superimposed density-independent mortality, by
C.B. Huffaker. August. 1966.. .................................. ,593
A note on competition, by C.B. Huffaker. August. 1966.. .............,563
Notes on California aphids with descriptions of new genera and new
species IHomoptera: Aphididael, by D.H.R. Lambers. November.1966 ......................................................
16. Bidirectional movement of laheled tracers in soybean seedlings.
by A S . Crafts. January, 1967.. .................................
12. Biology of the trefoil seed chalcid. Bruchophagus kolobovae Fedoseeva (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), by W.C. Batiste. October. 1967.. ....................
13. A systematic study of Ovaticoccus Kloet and its relatives, with
key to North American genera of Eriococcidae IHomoptera:
Coccoidea: Eriococcidael. by D.R. Miller and H.L. McKenzie.
October, 1967. ................................................
14. Total content of nine mineral elements in fifty selected benchmark
soil profiles of California, by G.R. Bradford, R.J. Arkley.
P.F. Pratt, and F.L. Bair.October. 1967.. ........................
17. Life history studies of the cactus mealybug. Spilococcus cacteamm
McKenzie IHomoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidael. by P.
Manichote and W.W. Middlekauff. January, 1967. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,639
15. Effects of mix composition, fertilization, and pH on citrus grown in
U.C.-Type potting mixture under greenhouse conditions. by
E.M. Nauer. C.N. Roistacher. and C.K. Labanauskas. Novem557
ber, 1967.. ....................................................
Initial soil-mix and postplanting liquid fertilization effects on
nutrient concentrations on Valencia orange seedling leaves, by
C.K. Labanauskas. E.M. Nauer. and C.N. Roistacher. Novem.
.................. ,569
ber. 1967.. ...
18. Effect of dormant-season applications of 2.4-D on pruned and non-
pruned Tokay grapes. by R.J. Weaver and O.A. Leonard.
January. 1967.. ...............................................
* 16. Biological
*l. Supply and demand for forest products-an
W.L.M. McKillop. March, 1967.. ......
control of prickly pear cacti on Santa Cruz Island.
California, by R.D. Goeden. C.A. Fleschner, and D.W. Ricker.
November, 1967.. .............................................
17. Inheritance of bulb color in the onion Mllium cepa L.) by M.W.
El-Shafie and G.N. Davis. Decmeber. 1967.. ......................
economic study, by
2. Computer simulation and economic efficiency in forest sampling, by
L.G. Arvanitis and W.G. ORegan. March, 1967.
3. Developmental aspects of field-tdield variations in selected cantalope characteristics (Cucumis melo L. var. relicuulatus Naud.)
by R.M. Davis, Jr.. G.N. Davis, U. Meinert. K.A. Kimble. L.C.
Brown. D.M. May, G.E. May, L.C. Hendricks. Jr..
man. V.H. Schweers. and D.N. Wright. March, 196
W.G. Duncan, R.S. Loomis. W.A. Williams, and R. Hanau.
6. Creasing of orange fruit, by W.W. Jones, T.W. Embleton. M.J.
Garber. and C.B. Cree. May, 1967.. ..............................
8. Effect of three nitrogen fertilizers on gains, losses, and distribution of various elements in irrigated lysimeters. by P.F. Pratt.
G.H. Cannell. M.J. Garber. and F.L. Bair. June, 1967.. ............. 265
*9. Quality of percolating waters
I. Properties of deep substrata materials in the west side of the San
Joaquin Valley. California, by L.D. Doneen. June, 1967.. ........... 285
11. A computer method for predicting salt concentrations in soils a t
variable moisture contents, by K.K. Tanji. G.R.Dutt. J.L. Paul,
and L.D. Doneen.
.................. 307
111. The quality of wa
as predicted by co
and J.L. Paul. Jun
"Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to o r d e r photoprints.
2. Volatiles from apples, as related to variety, season, maturity, and
storage. by D.S. Brown, J.R. Buchanan. and J.R. Hicks.
March,1968 ...................................................
3. Effect of artificial leaf coatings on foliar chloride uptake during
sprinkler irrigation. by C.V. Malcolm, L.H. Stolzy. and C.R.
Jensen.May.1968 ..............................................
4. Phycomycetous mycorrhizal organisms collected by open-pot culture methods, by A.E. Gilmore. May, 1968.. ......................
5. Translocation of eight C"-labeled amino acids and three herbicides
in two varieties of barley, by S. Yamaguchi and A S . Islam.
April, 1967.. ..................................................
7. Iron requirement studies of navel orange trees in solution cultures,
by E.F. Walliham. M.J. Garber. J.R. Hammond. W.L. Printy.
D.S. Rayner. and R.G. Sharpless. June, 1967.. ....................
1. Host associations and taxonomy of Nearctic conifer cone moths in
the genus Eucosma (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). by J.A. Powell.
January.1968 .................................................
4. A model for simulating photosynthesis in plant communities, by
5. Plant growth as a function of soil texture in the Hanford series,
by R.M. Davis, Jr., P.E. Martin, A.W. Fry, L.M. Carter.
M.B. Zahara. and R.M. Hagan. May. 1968
6. Photochemical oxidant injury and bark beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) infestation of Ponderosa pine.
1. Incidence of bark beetle infestation in injured trees, by R.W.
Stark, P.R. Miller, F.W. Cobb. Jr.. D.L. Wood, and J.R.
Parmeter. J r
11. Effect of inju
content, and
on, phloem carbohy111. Effect of inj
drates. and phloem pH. by P.R. Miller, F.W. Cobb, Jr.. and
E.Zavarin.May. 1968.. ........................................
IV. Theory on the relationships between oxidant injury and bark
beetle infestation, by F.W. Cobb. Jr.. D.L. Wood, R.W. Stark,
and J.R. Parmeter. Jr. May, 1968.. ..............................
7. Development of young pear trees with different rootstocks in rela.
tion to psylla infestation. pear decline, and leaf curl, by W.H.
Griggs. D.D. Jensen.and B.T. Iwakiri. May, 1968.. ................153
4. Reproductive biology of L y g m hesperus Knight, by F.E. Strong,
J.A. Sheldahl, P.R. Hughes, and E.M.K. Hussein. February.
8. Tetrahymenid ciliates as parasites of the gray garden slug. by
W.M. Brooks, June, 1968.. ............................
I. Laboratory studies on lygus reproduction. ........................
11. Biology of the lygus bug sex pheromone.. ........................
111. Modification of reproduction in Lygus hesperus. .................133
9. Effect of irrigation treatments on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.1
production, persistence, and soil salinity in southern California.
by W.F. Lehman. S.J. Richards, D.C. Erwin, and A.W. Marsh.
June, 1968.. ...................................
.. 277
10. Chemosterilants for control of reproduction in the eye gnat
(Hipplates colhsorl and the mosquito (Culex puinquefasciatwl.
by M.S. Mulla. July. 1968.. .....................................
5. Downward movement of surface-applied potassium as related to
source, soil type, and water quality, by T.J. Gange and A.L.
Page. April, 1970. ...........
6. Artificial selection for genetic adaptation to temperature extremes
in Aphytis lingnanensis Compere (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidael.
by E.B. White, P. DeBach. and M.J. Garber. May, 1970.. ...........161
11. Relationships between boron toxicity and resistance to two types
of crown blight and to powdery mildew in muskmelon, by G.W.
Bohn and G.N. Davis. August, 1968.. ............................
12. A cost-effectiveness analysis of simulated forest fire detection
systems, by P.H. Kourtzand W.G. ORegan. August. 1968.. . . . . . . . ,341
13. Mechanisms of population homeostasis in Anagasta ecosystems. by
S.E. Flanders. September, 1968..
14. Movement of water through soil as influenced by osmotic pressure
and temperature gradients, by J. Letey. November, 1 9 6 8 . .
7. Characteristics of high boron soils in western Kern County, by
F.T. Bingham. R.J. Arkley. N.T. Coleman, and G.R. Bradford.
July, 1970.
8. Strength characteristics of fruit tree bark, by R.B. Fridley. G.K.
Brown, and P.A. Adrian. August, 1970.. .........................
9. Worldwide survey and comparison of adult predator and scavenger
15. Exit gradients into subsurface drains, by J.N. Luthin and G.S.
Taylor. December, 1968. .......................................
insect populations associated with domestic animal manure
ally congregated, by E.F. Legner and
G.S. Olton. December, 1970.. ...................................
10. Biological control of Pacific mites and Willamette mites in San
16. Growth equations and curves for citrus trees, by F.M. Turrell.
Joaquin Valley vineyards, by D.L. Flaherty and C.B. Huffaker.
November, 1970.
I. Role of Metmeidus occidentalis. ................................
11. Influence of dispersion pattern of Metmeidus occidentalis.. ......,309
W.C. Cooper. and R.H. Young.
17. Competition and other factors influencing the population dynamics
of Aphis gossypii and Mwosiphoniello s a n b m i on greenhouse
chrysanthemums, by G. Tamaki and W.W. Allen. February,
11. Ecology of tetranychid mites and their natural enemies: A review.
I. Tetranychid enemies: Their biological characters and the impact
of spray practices, by J.A. McMurtry. C.B. Huffaker. and
M. van de Vrie. December, 1970.. ...............................
11. Tetranychid populations and their possible control by predators:
An evaluation, by C.B. Huffaker. M. van de Vrie. and J.A.
McMurtry. December, 1970.. ...................................
18. Interactions of nutrients in Valencia orange leaves as affected by
the composition of manganese,
C.K. Labanauskas. February, 1969
urea sprays, by
19. Experimental &dies on hybridization and sexual isolation between
some Aphytis species (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidael.
I. Experimental hybridization and an interpretation of evolutionary
relationships among the species, by S.V. Rao and P. DeBach.
June, 1969.. ........................
11. Experiments on sexual isolation. by S.
June.1969 ....................................................
pubescens and C. cardewsic by C.M. Yaqub and P.G. Smith.
January, 1971 ........................
13. Developmental anatomy of major lateral leaf veins of healthy and
of peardecline diseased pear trees, by K. Soma and H. Schneider.
January.1971 ...................................
20. Tree and fluit characters of Citnrs triploids from tetraploid by
diploid crosses, by R.K. S m s t and J.W. Cameron. July, 1969.. ......569
14. Distribution and relative abundance of dipterous pupae and their
47 1
parasitoids in accumulations of domestic animal manure in the
February, 1971.. . . .
15. Biology and control ofdgrobacterium tumefaciew. by M.N. Schroth.
'22. Studies on Diplodia and Diplodia-like fungi
I. Effects of carbon sources of certain taxonomic characters and
on growth in agar culture, by M.M. Satour.
W.B. Hewitt. September, 1969.. ..........
11. Effects of nitrogen sources on growth. spor
taxonomic characters, by M\M. Satour. R.K.
Hewitt. September. 1969.. .................
111. Variation in Diplodia natalensis from grape
R.K. Webster. W.B.Hewitt,andF.J.Polach. September, 1969.. .... 655
A.R. Weinhold. A.H. McCain. D.C. Hildebrand, and N. Ross.
March, 1971.. .................................................
16. Effect of microbial activity on saturation extract composit'
R.M. Carlson. R. Overstreet. and D.V. Naylor. June, 1971
17. Sixth taxonomic study of North American mealybugs, with addi-
tional species from South America (Hornoptera: Cwcoidea:
Pseudococcidae) by D.R. Miller and H.L. McKenzie. June, 1971.. ...,565
18. Fire blight of pome fruits: The genesis of the concept that bacteria
can he pathogenic to plants, by K.F. Baker. July. 1971..
1. An ecological study of insect populations on cabbage in southern
California, by E.R. Oatman and G.R. Platner. October, 1969..
18. Nature and inheritance of self-incompatibility in Capsicum
21. Mycotoxins of entomophthoraceous fungi, by S. Prasertphon and
Y. Tanada. July, 1969.. .........................................
. . . . . . . . . . . ,603
2. A systematic study of the genus Acerophagrs E. Smith with
descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidael, by
D.Rosen.November,l969 ......................................
*1. Lead quantities in plants, soil, and air near some major highways
3. Anatomic effects of corky bark virus in Vttis. by E.F. Beukman
and E.M. Gifford. Jr. November, 1969.. ..........................
in southern California. by A.L. Page. T.J. Ganje. and M.S. Jnshi.
July, 1971.. ...................................................
*Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to order photoprints.
2. Influence of environmental conditions on reactions induced by infiltration of bacteria into plant leaves, by D.C. Hildebrand and
B. Riddle. September, 1971
20. Bioecological and population studies of the cottony-cushion scale,
Icerya purchasr Mask., and its natural enemies, Rodolia cardinal& Mul. and Cryptochaetum iceryae Will., in southern California, by J.R. Quezada and P. DeBach. April, 1973.. .............. 631
3. Trace elements in the water resources of California, by G.R.
....... 45
Bradford. September, 1971. .........
21. Chemical seed treatment for the control of seedling disease of
water-sown rice, by R.K. Webster. D.H. Hall, J. Bolstad. C.M.
Wick, D.M. Brandon. R. Baskett. and J.M. Williams.May. 1973.. ...,689
4. Tree volume equations and tables from dendrometer measurements
I. Tree volume equations from measurements taken with a Barr
and Stroud optical dendrometer, by L.C. Wensel. September, 1971,. 55
11. Young growth gross volume tables for Sierra redwood (Sequoia
gigantea (Lindl.) Decne] by L.C. Wensel and R.L. Schoenheide.
September, 1971.. ..............................................
5. Studies on Diplodia and Diplodia-like fungi
IV. Effects of pH. temperature, light, and vitamins on certain taxonomic characters, by W.B. Hewitt. R.K. Webster. and M.M.
Satour. November, 1971.. ......................................
V. Effects of carbonnitrogen ratio on growth, pycnidia. and pycnidiospore formation, by R.K. Webster, W.B. Hewitt. and M.M.
Satour.November.1971 ........................................
VI. Effects of natural substrates on variability in taxonomic characters, by R.K. Webster and W.B. Hewitt. November, 1971.. .........107
1. Depth distribution of salts in soils irrigated by means of permanent
furrows, by P.F. Pratt and W.W. Jones. May, 1973.. .....
2. Predation by Amblyseius polenlillae (Garmanl on Panonychw ulmi
(Koch) in simple ecosystems (Acarina: Phytoseiidae. Tetranychidael. by J.A. McMurtry and M. van de Vrie. May. 1973.. ........... 17
3. An economic model for selecting Douglas-fir reforestation projects, by J . Buongiorno and D.E. Teeguarden. July, 1973.. ......... 35
6. Influence of processing method on energy utilization of feed grains,
by W.N. Garrett, G.P.Lofgre@n,andJ.L. Hull. October, 1971.. ..... 123
7. Biology of the African earwig, EuboreUia cincticoUis (Gerstaecker),
in California and comparative notes on Euborellia annulipes
(Lucas). by J.J. Knabke and A.A. Grigarick. December, 1971.. ...... 157
8. Reclamation of salt-affected high boron soils in western Kern
County. by F.T. Bingham, A.W. Marsh, R. Branson, R. Mahler.
and G. Ferry. February, 1972.. .................................
4. Abundance and vertical distribution of microarthropods in the
surface layers of a California pine forest soil. by D.W. Price.
August.1973 ..................................................
5. Genetic variability in a thelytokous form of Aphytis mytihpidis
ILe Baron) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidael by Y. Rossler and P.
DeBach.September.1973 .......................................
6. Culturing and population studies of Ditylenchus dipsaci under
monoxenic conditions. by D.R. Viglierchio, I.A. Siddiqui, and
N.A.Croll.September. 1973.. ..................................
7. Spatial variability of field-measured soil-water properties. by D.R.
Nielsen, J.W. Biggar. and K.T. Erh. November, 1973.. ............ ,215
9. Production of the perfect stage of Mycenu citricolor (Berk.and Curt.1
Sacc.. by J.A. Salas and J.G.Hancock. February, 1971.. .......
10. Some factors affecting flow into drainpipes, by J.N. Luthin and
A. Haig. February, 1972.. ......................................
'11. Bionomics of Empoasca solam DeLong on cotton in southern Cali-
fornia, by H.R. Moffitt and H.T. Reynolds. February, 1972.. ...
8. Report of diagnoses of diseased insects (1962-19721.by G.M. Thomas
and G.O.Poinar. Jr. December, 1973.. ...........................
9. Studies on the origin of the lemon, by M.N. Malik. R.W. Scora. and
R.K. Soost. April, 1974.. .......................................
10. Apparent solubility of organochlorine insecticides in water at various temperatures, by J.W. Biggar and R.L. Riggs. May, 1974.. , . , . . 383
12. Effects of gamma radiation on the biology and population suppres.
sion of the twespotted spider mite, Tetmnychus urticae Koch.
by R.D.Nelson and E.M. Stafford. October, 1972.. ................299
11. 1,3-dichloropropene and 1.2-dibromwthane compounds:
13. Ecology of tetranychid mites and their natural enemies: A review.
111. Biology. ecology, and pest status. and host-plant relations of
tetranychids. by M. van de Vrie, J.A. McMurtry. and C.B.
Huffaker. November, 1972. .........
14. On the mode of inheritance of double-muscled conformation i n
bovines, by W.C. Rollins. M. Tanaka. C.F.G. Nott. and R.B.
Thiessen. December, 1972.. ....................................
I. Movement and fate and affected by various conditions in several
soils, by M.V. McKenry and I.J. Thomason. May, 1974.. ...........,393
11. Organismdosageresponse studies in the laboratory with several
nematode species, by M.V. McKenry and I.J. Thomason. May, 1974.. 422
12. Effect of time and amount of fruit thinning on leaf carbohydrates
and fruit set in valencia oranges, by W.W. Jones, T.W. Embleton.
E.L. Barnhart, and C.B. Cree. July, 1974.. ...........
15. Ecological factors limiting epidemics of hop downy mildew in arid
climates, by R.M. Sonadaand J.M. Ogawa. December, 1972.. ......,457
13. Studies on Diplodia and Diplodia-like fungi
16. Cationexchange equilibria on a Yolo loam. by H.E. Jensen and
K.L.Babcoek.January.1973 ....................................
17. Seventh taxonomic study of North American mealybugs (Homop
tera: Coecoidea: Ps
iller and H.L.
McKenzie. January,
18. Biological and taxonomic studies of Signiphom borinquensk. new
species, (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae). a primary parasite of
diaspine scales, by J.R. Quezada, P. DeBach. and D. Rosen.
March, 1973
VII. Criteria for classification. by R.K. Webster. W.B. Hewitt. and
J. Bolstad. September, 1974.. ...................................
'14. Factors that affect deep penetration of field soils by methyl bromide,
by M.J. Kolbezen. D.E. Munnecke. W.D. Wi1bur.L
Abu-El-Haj. and T.E. Szuszkiewicz. November, 197
15. High soluble-solids content in large-fruited tomato lines derived from
a wild green-fruited species. by C.M. Rick. November, 1974.. ........,493
*16. Bibliography (1758 to 1972)to the Staphylinidae of America north of
19. Physiological and nutritional consequences of brain lesions: A
functional atlas of the chicken hypothalamus, by S.E. Feldman.
M. Snapir. M. Yasuda. F. Treuting. and S. Lepkovsky.
March. 1973.. .................................................
Mexico IColeopteraL by I. Moore and E.F. Legner. December,
1974 ..........................................................
Keys to the genera of the staphylinidae of America north of Mexico.
exclusive of the Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidael. by I.
Moore and E.F. Legner. December, 1974. ..........................
*Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to order photoprints.
11. Reactions of four cotton varieties to variations in water management
on two San Joaquin Valley soils, by D.W. Grimes, D.M. Bassett.
W.L.Dickens.H.Yamada. December. 1914.........................
5. Biology of Agathis unicolor (Schrottky) and Agathis gibbosa (Say)
(Hymenoptera: Braconidae). primary parasites of the potato
tuberworm, by J.A. Odebiyi and E.R. Oatman. August, 1977 .......,123
6. Genetic male sterility in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.k reproduc-
tive characteristics and possible use in hybrid wheat breeding,
by Cha-Cbien Jan and C.O. Qualset. September, 1977.
1. Biology and physical ecology of Apanfeles subandinus Blanchard
(Hymenoptera: Braconidae). with notes on temperature responses
of Apanteles scutella+ Mueseheck and its host. the potato tuberworm. by C. Cardona and E.R. Oatman. January. 1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. Systematics and bionomics of predaceous and phytophagous mites
associated with pine foliage in California.
I. Survey of mites on native pines, including a description of a new
species of Phytoseiidae.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Population dynamics of mites on three species of pines. in the
Forest Falls area of the San Bernardino Mountains.'. . . . . . . . . . . 2 11
111. Laboratory studies on the biology of the Phytoseiids MetaseC
ulus validus (Chant) and Typhlosewpsis pini (Chant). by L.D.
Charlet and J.A. McMurtry. October, 1911 .......................
Predation on aphids on California's alfalfa fields, by P. Neuenschwander. K.S. Hagen. and R.F. Smith. February 1915........... 53
3. Microenvironment of a dynamic annual community in relation to
range improvement, by R.A. Evans. B.L. Kay, and J.A. Young.
March, 1915....
4. Phosphate fluxes in the soil-plant system: a computer simulation,
by K.R. Helyar and D.N. Munns. May. 1915.......................
8. The dynamics of predation of Stethorus picipes (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Typh&drmnw flondanus on the prey Oligonychw
punicae (Acarina: Phytoseiidae. Tetranychidae).
Part I. Comparative life history and life table studies. . . . . . . . . . . , 2 3 7
Part 11. Effects of initial prey-predator ratios and prey distribution.
by L.K. Tanigoshi and J.A. McMurtry. October, 1917.
5. Computer generation of points on a plane, by L.C. Wensel.
June, 1915... . .
..................................... 131
erlap '
ling simulator,
Treatment of bound
by L.C. Wensel. June, 1915......
.................. 143
9. Nitrate-nitrogen in effluent from agricultural tile drains in California, by J. Letey. J.W. Blair, D. Devitt. L J . Lund. and P. Nash.
December. 1971 ...............................................
6. Sexuality and genetic behavior in the fungus H y p a y c e s Fwan'um/
solani f. sp. cucurbitae. by W. C. Snyder, S. G. Georgopoulos.
R. K. Webster. and S. N. Smith. August. 1975... . . ................ 161
1. Determinants of host selection for species of Aphytis (Hymenoptera:
Aphelinidae), parasites of diaspine scales, by J.L. Baker. January,
1916 ..........................................................
2. Courtship behavior in the Aphytis lingnunensis group. its potential
2. The bionomics of Scholothrips senaculatus (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). an insect predator of spider mites, by F.E.
Gilstrap and E.R. Oatman. August, 1976 ..........................
usefulness in taxonomy, and a review of sexual behavior in the
parasitic Hymenoptera (Chalddoidea: Aphelinidae). by G. Gordh
and P. DeBach. March, 19'78
3. Ultrastructure of the epidermis of developing, ripening, and senescing navel oranges, by W.W. Thomson and K. Platt-Aloia. December. 1976 ......................................................
3. Biologicaland systematic studies of developmental stages in Aphytis
(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)
I. Developmental history of Aphytis chilensis Howard, by D. Rosen
and A. Eliraz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Larval criteria in the systematics of Aphytis. by A. Eliraz and
D.Rosen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
111. Meconia as possible systematic tool in Aphytis. By P.DeBach.
M. Rose,and D. Rosen. April, 1976...............................
4. Movement of steam along the sides of containers during steam
treatment of soil, by K.F. Baker and W.H. Fuller. November,
1916 ..........................................................
5. A four-year-field trial with animal manures.
I. Nitrogen balances and yields. ....................................
11. Mineralization of nitrogen, by P.F. Pratt. S. Davis, and R.G.
Sharpless. December. 1976'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Competitive displacement: extinction of the yellow scale, Aonidiella
citrina (Coq.) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), by its ecological
homologue. the California red scale, Aaidiella aurantii (Mask.)
in Southern California, by P. DeBach. R.M. Hendrickson, Jr..
and M.Rose. March, 1976
4. Behavior and reproductive physiology and blood-sucking snipe flies
(Diptera: Rhagionidae: Symphoromyia) attacking deer in Northern California, by J.B. Hoy and J.R. Anderson. June, 1978.......... ,113
*6. Effect of sorghum midge on grain sorghum production in the San
Joaquin Valley relative to date of planting and plant spacing, by
C.G. Summers, R.L. Coviello. W.E. Pendery. and R.W. Bushing.
December, 1916 ...............................................
5. Use of saline irrigation waters and minimal leaching for crop prduction. by W.A. Jury, H. Frenkel, H. Fluhler. D. Devitt, and L.H.
Stolzy. June, 1978 .............................................
6. Eutypa ameniacae in apricot: pathogenesis and induction of xylem
soft rot, by H. English and J.R. Davis. July. 1978..
1. Behavior of the honey bee (Aphis mellifem L.) mutant. diminutivewing, by P.C. Witherell and H.H. Laidlaw. Jr. April, 1971...........
................ ,193
7. Biological control of the San Jose scale Buadmspidiotw pemichsus
2. The effects of different pasture and rangeland ecosystems on the
annual dynamics of insects in cattle droppings, by R.W. Merritt
and J.R. Anderson. May. 1917....................................
3. Natural enemies of cabbage looper on cotton in the San Joaquin
Valley, by L.E. Ehler. May, 1971 .................................
(Cornstock)(Homoptera: Diaspididae) in southern California and
biological studies on Aphytis aonidiae (Mercet) (Hymenoptera:
Aphelinidae). an important parasite of the San Jose scale, by
H. Gulhahamad and P. DeBach. October, 1978..................... ,205
8. A comparison of sampling methods for some arthropod populations
in cotton, by K.F:Byerly. A.P. Guitierrez. R.E. Jones, and R.F.
Luck.November, 1978 .........................................
4. Factors affecting soil populations of Pythium ultimum in the San
Joaquin Valley in California, by J.G. Hancock. May, 1917...........,107
9. The feral hog on th
December. 1918
*Out of print. See page 2 for instructions to o r d e r photoprints.
Ranch, California, by R.H. Barrett.
1. Biological control of the walnut aphid in California: Impact
of the parasite, Trioxys pullidus, by R. Van den Bosch,
R. Hom, P. Matteson, B. D. Fraser, P. S. Messenger,
and C. S. Davis. February, 1979. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Geologic nitrogen and the occurrence of high nitrate soils
in the western San Joaquin Valley, California, by Patrick
J. Sullivan, Garrison Sposito, S. M. Strathouse, and C.
L. Hansen. March, 1 9 7 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Reactions of northern California grass-woodland to vegetational type conversions, by H. E Heady and M. D. Pitt.
April.1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Scaling of field-measured soil-water properties.
I. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
11. Hydraulic conductivity and flux, by C. S. Simmons,
D. R. Nielsen, and J. W. Biggar. September, 1 9 7 9 . . . . . . , 1 0 3
5. Some interactions of the pink bollworm and cotton fruiting
structures, by D. F. Westphal, A. P. Gutierrez, and G.
D. Butler, Jr. November, 1 9 7 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 7 7
6. Food interrelationships of deer and sheep in parts of Mendocino and Lake counties, California, by William M.
Longhurst, Guy E. Connolly, Bruce M. Browning, and
Edward 0. Garton. December, 1979. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 9 1
Beginning with volume 48,Hilgardia pages are numbered by individual issue, and not by volume.
1. Phosphorus removal from wastewater applied to land, by J. C.
Ryden and P. E Pratt. January, 1980. 36 pages.
1. Ecology of Rhopulomyiu californicu Felt (Diptera :Cecidomyiidae)
and its parasites in an urban environment, by L. E. Ehler.
February, 1982. 32 pages.
2. Within-plant distribution of predators on cotton: Comments on
sampling and predator efficiencies, by L. T. Wilson and A. P.
Gutierrez. 9 pages.
Within-plant distribution of the immatures of Heliothis zea (Boddie)
(Boddie) on cotton, by L. T. Wilson, A. P. Gutierrez, and T. F.
Leigh. 12 pages.
Fruit predation submodel: Heliothis larvae feeding upon cotton
fruiting structures, by L. T. Wilson and A. P. Gutierrez. February, 1980. 13 pages.
2. Natural
enemies of Convolvulus uruensis in western Mediterranean Europe, by S. S. Rosenthal and G. R. Buckingham.
May, 1982. 19 pages.
3. Pathogen strains and leafhopper species as factors in the transmission of western x-disease agent under varying light and
temperature conditions, by Roger E. Gold and Edward S.
Sylvester. June, 1982. 43 pages.
3. Impact of the desert pupfish, Cyprinodon maculurius, and Gumbush uffinis uffiinis on fauna in pond ecosystems, by L. L.
Walters and E. E Legner. February, 1980. 18 pages.
4. Factors affecting vegetation on a serpentine soil.
I. Principal components analysis of vegetation data, by Robert
L. Koenigs, William A. Williams, and Milton B. Jones. 14
11. Chemical composition of foliage and soil, by Robert L. Koenigs,
William A. Williams, Milton B. Jones, and Arthur Wallace.
August, 1982. 12 pages.
4. A model of the flight phenology of the beet armyworm (Lepidoptera :Noctuidae) in central California, by D. B. Hogg and A. P.
Gutierrez. March, 1980. 26 pages.
5. Effect of heterozygosity at the double-muscle locus on the performance of market calves, by W. C. Rollins, R. B. Thiessen,
F. D. Carroll, and Moira Tanaka. December, 1980. 26 pages.
5. Observations on the biology of Cinara ponderosu (Williams)
(Homoptera :Aphididae) in the westside forests of the Sierra
Nevada, by D. J. Voegtlin and D. L. Dahlsten. September,
1982. 19 pages.
6. Field measurement and modeling of cowpea water use and yield
under stressed and well-watered growth conditions, by Peter
Shouse, William A. Jury, Lewis H. Stolzy, and Samuel Dasberg.
October, 1982. 25 pages.
1. Biology of Amblyseius citrifolius (Denmark and Muma) (AcarinaPhytoseiidae), by Gilbert0 J. de Moraes and James A. McMurtry. January, 1981. 29 pages.
7. Effects of sludge application on the Cd, Pb, and Zn levels of
selected vegetable plants, by A. C. Chang, A. L. Page, J. E.
Warneke, and J. B. Johanson. November, 1982. 14 pages.
2. Germinable seeds and periodicity of germination in annual grasslands, by J. A. Young, R. A. Evans, C. A. Raguse, and J. R.
Larson. February, 1981. 37 pages.
8. Laboratory studies on the biology of Orgilus jenniue (Hymenoptera : Braconidae), a parasitoid of the potato tuberworm,
Pbtborimaeu operculellu (Lepidoptera :Gelechiidae), by Robert
V. Flanders and Earl R. Oatman. November, 1982. 30 pages.
3. Epidemiology of stem rot disease of rice: Effects of burning vs.
soil incorporation of rice residue, by R. K. Webster, C. M.
Wick, D. M. Brandon, D. H. Hall, and J. Bolstad. February,
1981. 12 pages.
4. Effects of infection with Rhynchosporium seculis on some components of growth and yield in two barley cultivars, by M. A.
Jackson and R. K. Webster. April, 1981. 14 pages.
1. Annual grassland ecosystem model, by Dennis F. Pendleton, John
W. Menke, William A. Williams, and Robert G. Woodmansee.
April, 1983. 44 pages.
5. Natural biological control of western yellow-striped armyworm,
Spodopreru prueficu (Grote), in hay alfalfa in northern Cali-
2. Coriander feathery red-vein virus, a propagative plant rhabdovirus,
and its transmission by the aphid Hyudaphis foeniculi Passerini,
by S. M. Misari and E. S. Sylvester. June, 1983. 38 pages.
fornia, by B. Bisabri-Ershadi and L. E. Ehler. December, 1981.
23 pages.
3. Geostatistical theory and application to variability of some agronomical properties, by S.R. Vieira, J. L. Hatfield, D. R. Nielsen,
and J. W. Biggar. June, 1983. 75 pages.
4. Establishing relationships of nutrient composition and quality of
wheat and triticale grains using chicken, quail, and flour beetle
bioassays, by G. Shariff, P. Vohra, C. 0. Qualset, and W. A.
Williams. November, 1983. 11 pages.
1. Environmentally related restrictions on the timber harvesting capability of a national forest: A case study, by Robert J. Hrubes.
January, 1984. 37 pages.
2. Response of soils to scdic and saline conditions, by I. Shainberg
and J. Letey. January, 1984. 57 pages.
5. Biology of a tydeid mite, Homeopronematus anconui (n. comb.)
(Acari : Tydeidae), important in San Joaquin Valley vineyards,
by N. E Knop and M. A. Hoy. December, 1983. 30 pages.
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(Catalog originally published in May 1984.)
Environmentally related restrictions on the timber harvesting capability of a national forest: A case study, by
R. J. Hrubes. January, 1984. 37 pages.
Response of soils to sodic and saline conditions, by I. Shainberg and J. Letey. January 1984. 37 pages.
Ecology of gall-forming Lepidoptera on Tetradymia.
Gall size and shape. February 1984. 16 pages.
Plant stress effects on infestation intensity. February 1984. 11 pages.
Within-plant horizontal and vertical distribution, H. Hartman. February 1984. 12 pages.
Ecology of a blackberry-leafhopper-parasite system and its relevance to California grape agroecosystems, by
D.W. Williams. March 1984. 32 pages.
Effect of malathion-bait sprays on biological control of insect pests of olive, citrus, and walnut, by L.E. Ehler
and P.C. Endicott. April 1984. 47 pages.
Early stage infiltration of water into horizontal and vertical soil columns, by T. Miyazaki, D. R. Nielsen, and J.
L. MacIntyre. June 1984. 24 pages.
Sampling mites in almonds: I. Within-tree distribution and clumping pattern of mites with comments on
predator-prey interactions, by L. T. Wilson, M. A. Hoy, F. G. Zalom, and J. M. Smilanick. II. PresenceAbsence Sequential Sampling for Tetranychus Mite Species, by F. G. Zalom, M. A. Hoy, L. T. Wilson, and W.
W. Barnett. June, 1984. 24 pages.
Distribution and ecology of stream fishes in the San Francisco Bay drainage, by R. A. Leidy. October, 1984.
175 pages.
Biology and temperature responses of Chelonus Kellieae and Chelonus phthorimaeae (Hymenoptera:
Braconidae) and their host, the potato tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), by N.
R. Powers and E. R. Oatman. December, 1984. 32 pages.
Nutritive value of sheep diets on coastal California annual range, by R. E. Rosiere and D. T. Torell. January
1985. 19 pages.
Biological studies of iceplant scales, Pulvinariella Mesembryanthemi and Pulvinaria delottoi (Homoptera:
Coccidae), in California, by J. O. Washburn and G. W. Frankie. June, 1985. 27 pages.
A mathematical model of diffusion under saturated conditions to assess the pollution potential of herbicides to
aquatic systems, by D. L. Corwin and W. J. Farmer. July, 1985. 35 pages.
Habitats and dispersal of the principal leafhopper vectors of Pierce’s Disease bacterium in the San Joaquin
Valley, by A. H. Purcell and N. W. Frazier. July, 1985. 32 pages.
Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with forest trees in California, by J. W. Lownsbery and B. F. Lownsbery.
August, 1985. 16 pages.
Intraspecific variability in response to pesticides in the common green lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea
(Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), by E. E. Grafton-Cardwell and M. A. Hoy. October, 1985. 32 pages.
Identification of Western U.S wheat varieties by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of gliadin proteins, by D.
K. Mecham, D. D. Kasarda, and C. O. Qualset. November, 1985. 32 pages.
Bionomics of Neodiprion species on white fir in northeastern California, by K. A. Sheehan and D. L. Dahlsten.
December, 1985. 24 pages.
Simulated crop-water production functions for several crops when irrigated with saline waters, by J. Letey and
Ariel Dinar. January, 1986. 32 pages.
Evaluation of genetically improved strains of Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) for
integrated control of spider mites on roses in greenhouses, by R. P. Field and M. A. Hoy. January, 1986. 32
An ecological comparison of spiders from urban and natural habitats in California, by J. B. Fraser and G. W.
Frankie. March, 1986. 24 pages.
On-farm management of agricultural drainage water: An economic analysis, by K. Knapp, A. Dinar, and J.
Letey. July, 1986. 31 pages.
The impact of cotton plant resistance on spider mites and their natural enemies, by P. J. Trichilo and T.F.
Leigh. August, 1986. 20 pages.
Methodology for indole-3-acetic acid: Sample preparation, extraction, and purification techniques, by G.C.
Martin, R. Kammereck, and C. Nishijima. September, 1986. 33 pages.
Field studies of irrigation efficiency in the Imperial Valley, by J. D. Oster, J. L. Meyer, L. Hermsmeier, and M.
Kaddah. October, 1986. 15 pages.
A site index system for redwood and Douglas-fir in California’s North Coast Forest, by L.C. Wensel and B.
Krumland. November, 1986. 14 pages
Pink bollworm control in southwestern desert cotton.
A field-oriented simulation model, by N.D. Stone and A.P. Gutierrez. December, 1986. 24 pages.
A strategic management model, by N.D. Stone and A.P. Gutierrez. December, 1986. 17 pages.
Strategies for control: An economic simulation study, by N.D. Stone, A.P. Gutierrez, W. M. Getz,
and R. Norgaard. December, 1986. 15 pages.
Competitive interactions among endophagous parasitoids of potato tuberworm larvae in Southern California,
by R.V. Flanders and E.R. Oatman. January, 1987. 34 pages.
Distribution of the introduced Argentine ant (Iridomyrmex humilis) in natural habitats of the lower Sacramento
Valley and its effects on the indigenous ant fauna, by P. S. Ward. April, 1987. 16 pages.
An Epizootiological Study of Entomophthora muscae in muscoid fly populations on Southern California
poultry facilities, with emphasis on Musca domestica, by B.A. Mullens, J.L. Rodriguez, and J.A. Meyer. June,
1987. 41 pages.
The spatial variability of water and solute transport properties in unsaturated soil.
I. Analysis of property variation and spatial structure with statistical models, by W. A. Jury, D. Russo, G.
Sposito, and H. Elabd. July, 1987. 56 pages.
II. Scaling models of water transport. July, 1987. 25 pages.
Biology and ecology of Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot) (Acarina: Phytoseiidae), by M. Bounfour and J. A.
McMurray. August, 1987. 23 pages.
Distribution and Dynamics of Aphid (Homoptera: Drepanosiphidae) Populations on Betula pendula in
Northern California, by A. E. Hajek and D. L. Dahlsten. February, 1988. 33 pages.
The Use of Computer-Assisted Mapping Techniques to Delineate Potential Areas of Salinity Development in
I. A Conceptual Introduction, by D.L. Corwin, J. W. Werle, and J. D. Rhoades. May, 1988. 17 pages.
II. Field Verification of the Threshold Model Approach, by D. L. Corwin and J.D. Rhoades. May, 1988. 15
Two-Dimensional Spectral Analysis of Soil Surface Temperature, by M. Bazza, R. H. Shumway, and D.R.
Nielsen. June, 1988. 28 pages.
Hybridization in Principal Parasitoids of Synanthropic Diptera: The Genus Muscidifurax (Hymenoptera:
Pteromalidae), by E.F. Legner. June, 1988. 36 pages.
Reuse of Drainage Water for Irrigation: Results of Imperial Valley Study.
I. Hypothesis, Experimental Procedures, and Cropping Results, by J. D. Rhoades, F. T. Bingham, J. Letey,
A. R. Dedrick, M. Bean, G. J. Hoffman, W. J. Alves, R. V. Swain, P. G. Pacheco, and R. D. Lemert.
October, 1988. 16 pages.
II. Soil Salinity and Water Balance, by G. J. Hoffman, J. A. Replogle, R. V. Swain, and P. G. Pacheco.
October, 1988. 28 pages.
Premating and Postmating Isolation among Populations of Mestseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acarina:
Phytoseiidae), by M. A. Hoy and F. E. Cave. November, 1988. 20 pages.
Effects of Management on Plant Production and Nutrient Cycling on Two Annual Grassland Sites, by D.
Michael Center, C. E. Vaughn, and M. B. Jones. February, 1989. 40 pages.
Prevalence, Habitat Selection, and Biology of Protocalliphora (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Found in Nests of
Mountain and Chestnut-backed Chickadees in California, by C. S. Gould and D. L. Dahlsten. June, 1989. 19
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon in a Cropped Field. June, 1989. 19 pages
Effect of Pesticide Treatments on Nontarget Organisms in California Rice Paddies.
I. Impact of Triphenyltin hydroxide, by A. A. Grigarick, R. K. Webster, R. P. Meyer, F. G. Zalom, and K.
A. Smith. 36 pages (Parts I and II).
II. Impact of Diflubenzuron and Triflumuron, by K. A. Smith and A. A. Grigarick. August, 1990. 36 pages
(Parts I and II).
A Classification System for California’s Hardwood Rangelands, by B. H. Allen, B. A. Holzman, and R. R.
Evett. February, 1991. 45 pages.
Feedforward-Feedback Control of a Cross-Flow Grain Dryer, by D. Platt, A. Palazoglu, and T. R. Rumsey.
February, 1992. 27 pages.
The Predictive Models and Procedures Used in the Forest Stand Generator (STAG), by G.S. Biging, T. A.
Robards, E.C. Turnblom, and P. C. Van Deusen. November, 1994. 37 pages.
Ecology and Management of Mindarus kinseyi Voegtlin (Aphidoidea: Mindaridae) on White-Fir Seedlings at a
California Forest Nursery, by L. E. Ehler and M.G. Kinsey. September, 1995. 63 pages.
Tree Taper Model Volume Equations.
I. Bark Taper Equations for California Conifers, by L. C Wensel and C. M. Olson. December, 1995. 14
II. Tree Taper Models for Major Commercial California Conifers, by L. C. Wensel and C. M. Olson.
December, 1995. 16 pages.
III. Tip Length Models for Major Commercial California Conifers, by L. C. Wensel and C. M. Olson.
December, 1995. 6 pages.
IV. Tree Volume Equations for Major California Conifers, by L. C. Wensel and C. M. Olson. December,
1995. 73 pages.