Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church 1 Shrine Place


Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church 1 Shrine Place
Volume 20 Issue 9
September 2015
Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church
1 Shrine Place, Greenlawn, New York
Inside this issue:
Featured Saint
Girl Scouts
From Fr. Lou
From The Parish
Council President
Greek School
Greek American
Church Calendar
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Volume 20 No. 9
September 2015
President - Steve Margarites
Vice President - Steve Ramerini
2nd Vice President - Nick Andreadis
Treasurer - Dan Doscas
Assistant Treasurer - John Ioannou
Secretary - Effie Carlucci
Assistant Secretary - Dennis Lichas
Featured Saint
Church Information
From The Desk of Fr. Lou
From Our Parish Council President
Sunday School
Greek School PTO
Greek School
Greek American Pre-School
Girl Scouts
Little Angels
Stewardship Information
Parish Council Members 2015
Elene Batanchiev-George Bennis-Kathryn Dorsey
Gigi Franklin-Christine Ilasi-Peter Karropoulos-Nick Kontos
Dean Kostopoulos-Dean Koutsoubis-Peter Orfanakos
Jason Poulis-Georgia Psilakis-Steve Stavros-Jon Varlamos
Our Ministry Leaders
Athletics – Wanted
Choir – Pauline Kitsopoulos
Church Book Store – John Arettines
Girl Scouts – Agape Bell
Good Neighbor Fund - Pam Praetorius, Maria Mastrogiacomo
GOYA Advisors – Bob Kouroupakis, Janina Nathan
GOYAL - Georgina Kostopoulos, Anna Koullias
Greek School PTO – Cheryl Paraskevopoulos, Joanne Kefalas
Greek School Principal – Maria Angel
Greek School Board – George Likourezos
Greek American Preschool – Joanne Kefalas
Bi-Annual Blood Drive - Angela Arettines
HOPE – Melissa Levick, Agape Bell
JOY – Tessie Pando
Junior Choir - Kathy Demacopoulos, Erika Gavras
Little Angels – Alexandra Bennis, Effie Poulos,
Christine Borzumato
Philoptochos – Georgia Constantine
Care Ministry - Sophia DeMonte
Life Ministry – Anastasia Geotes
Players – Chris Christopher
Shrine/Church Beautification – Anastasia Geotes
Pam and Gregg Praetorius, Ritsa Taktekos
Sunday School – Argy Koumas
IOCC - Nikki Larkin, Gloria Stavrakopoulos
Email: [email protected]
Orthros: 8:30 am
Divine Liturgy: 9:45 am
Orthros: 9:00am
Divine Liturgy: 10:00am
Every Friday Evening - 6:00pm
First Friday of every month - 11:00am
First Tuesday of every month - 6:00pm
All services are listed on the Church
Calendar on our website.
If you wish to schedule a Memorial,
Artoclasia, 40 Day Blessing, or a
Fanouropita Service
Please contact the Church office.
Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church,1 Shrine Pl., Greenlawn, NY 11740
Tel.:631.261.7272 - Fax: 631.261.7295 - Email: [email protected] - Website: www.Stp a r a sk evi.or g
Reverend Father Elias (Lou) Nicholas - Email: Fr [email protected]
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Band $3,500 or 7 @ $500 each
Taverna $2,500 or 5 @ $500 each
Food Tent $1,500 or 3 @ $500 each
Wine and Beer Garden $1,500 or 3 @ $500 each
Pastry Tent $1,000 or 2 @ $500 each
Cafenio $1,000 or 2 @ $500 each
Bar in Taverna $1,000 or 2 @ $500 each
Flea Market $1,000 or 2 @ $500 each
Volunteer Headquarters $500
Ring Toss $500
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Ecclesiastical New Year
For the maintenance of their armed forces, the Roman emperors decreed that their subjects in every district should be
taxed every year. This same decree was reissued every fifteen years, since the Roman soldiers were obliged to serve
for fifteen years. At the end of each fifteen-year period, an
assessment was made of what economic changes had taken
place, and a new tax was decreed, which was to be paid
over the span of the fifteen years. This imperial decree,
which was issued before the season of winter, was named
Indictio, that is, Definiton, or
This name was adopted by the
emperors in Constantinople also.
At other times, the latter also
used the term Epinemisis, that is,
Distribution (Dianome). It is
commonly held that Saint Constantine the Great introduced the
Indiction decrees in A.D. 312,
after he beheld the sign of the
Cross in heaven and vanquished
Maxentius and was proclaimed
Emperor in the West. Some,
however (and this seems more
likely), ascribe the institution of
the Indiction to Augustus Caesar,
three years before the birth of
Christ. Those who hold this view
offer as proof the papal bull issued in A.D. 781 which is dated
thus: Anno IV, Indictionis LIII that is, the fourth year of the fifty
-third Indiction. From this, we can deduce the aforementioned year (3 B.C.) by multiplying the fifty-two complete
Indictions by the number of years in each (15), and adding
the three years of the fifty-third Indiction.
1st of September and is observed with special ceremony in
the Church.
Since the completion of each year takes place, as it were,
with the harvest and gathering of the crops into storehouses, and we begin anew from henceforth the sowing of
seed in the earth for the production of future crops, September is considered the beginning of the New Year.
The Church also keeps festival this day, beseeching God
for fair weather, seasonable
rains, and an abundance of the
fruits of the earth. The Holy
Scriptures (Lev. 23:24-5 and
Num. 29:1-2) also testify that
the people of Israel celebrated
the feast of the Blowing of the
Trumpets on this day, offering
hymns of thanksgiving. In addition to all the aforesaid, on
this feast we also commemorate our Saviour's entry into
the synagogue in Nazareth,
where He was given the book
of the Prophet Esaias to read,
and He opened it and found
the place where it is written,
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, for which cause He
hath anointed Me..." (Luke
It should be noted that to the
present day, the Church has
always celebrated the beginning of the New Year on September 1. This was the custom in Constantinople until its
fall in 1453 and in Russia until the reign of Peter I. September 1 is still festively celebrated as the New Year at the Patriarchate of Constantinople; among the Jews also the New
There are three types of Indictions: 1) That which was inYear, although reckoned according to a moveable calendar,
troduced in the West, and which is called Imperial, or Caeusually falls in September. The service of the Menaion for
sarean, or Constantinian, and which begins on the 24th of
January 1 is for our Lord's Circumcision and for the memoSeptember; 2) The so-called Papal Indiction, which begins
rial of Saint Basil the Great, without any mention of its beon the 1st of January; and 3) The Constantinopolitan, which
ing the beginning of a new year.
was adopted by the Patriarchs of that city after the fall of
the Eastern Empire in 1453. This Indiction is indicated in
their own hand on the decrees they issue, without the numeration of the fifteen years. This Indiction begins on the
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From The Desk of Fr. Lou
“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dear- feed your family, to pay your mortgage, that you’re behind
ly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, hu- on your car payment, that you need to get your son into a
mility, gentleness and patience.”
decent college so he doesn't have to break his back like
you. I understand all these things, but these things should
Colossians 3:12
not overcome your life so much that you forget to be kind
I must relate an event to you that happened to me
and courteous to others around you. I understand that there
recently as I was running an errand for the Church. I was are things that need to get done, but for crying out loud,
in my car preparing to back out of a parking space. I liter- look at me, take your eyes off that stinking phone for two
ally thought to myself that I should proceed slowly as my seconds, and look at me and tell me that you are sorry.” I
visibility was blocked by a larger vehicle parked to my
didn’t turn around, I didn’t go back, and I didn’t tell him
left. I put my car in reverse and began to, very slowly,
any of what I wanted to tell him. I simply just asked God
back up, while being very careful to see that no other cars to have mercy on both of us.
were coming. Once that I could see that no one else was
I truly do not believe that the world, as a whole is a
coming, I felt that it was safe to now complete moving out
bad place, or that people are inherently evil. I just think
of the parking spot. Just then, a small dump truck drove
right behind me, causing me to slam on my brakes to avoid that sometimes we simply forget. Life can get difficult, it
can be tough, and throw us for a loop from time to time.
hitting him. My first reaction was to look at the driver. I
However, this doesn't mean that we should forget about
noticed that the man who was driving was looking at his
being kind to other people. It is especially during these
cell phone.
times that we need to pay more attention to the needs of
As I had my collar on, I thought that I really should others.
say something to this person, and because I had my collar
As baptized Christians we are, “Holy and dearly
on I felt safe confronting this individual. I know that it is
never a good idea to do this, but I did anyway. As he was loved.” This is what we should always remember. Because
backing into his spot, I pulled in front of him, put my pas- Jesus loves us so much, and we are part of His body, we
have to become like Him as much as we possibly can. No
senger side window down, and politely said to him,
“Excuse me sir”, while he was looking at his phone, “You one is saying that this is easy, but we have to try. We must
almost hit me just now because you were looking at your make every effort to consider the other person before ourphone and not where you were going,” and it was his reply selves. We must strive to see Christ in other people and we
should allow Christ to live in us.
that truly stunned me.
When we wake up in the morning we should let our
“So!” As he continued looking at his phone, not
be towards God. When we open up our eyes,
even acknowledging my presence.
before we even lift our heads from the pillow, look up and
I could only reply, “God bless you and have a nice say, “Lord have mercy.” We need to constantly remind
day,” and continued somewhat sarcastically, “I know that ourselves that He is with us, because He always is. Give
you have more important things to do than worrying about God the day first and let Him guide the rest of it for us.
anyone else,” and I drove away. I do not know if he ever
We mustn't forget that God is always merciful with
realized that I was a priest, and I will be very honest, I had
us, so we should do the same. Let us be Christ like and,
every intention of making sure that he knew a priest was
talking to him. As I went on my way I became a little sad. “clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness and patience.”
I asked myself, “what kind of world is my son going to
grow up in?”
I pray that God will always be with you, and that
I didn’t think that this man was rude at all, or that He grants you peace and joy.
he did this on purpose. I didn’t even believe that this gentleman’s response to me was mean. I just thought that he
Fr. Lou
was so wrapped up in his own little universe, that he
couldn't see passed it. I really wanted to turn around and
P.S. Please do not text and drive and use hands free
go back to tell him, “I understand.”
“I understand that you’re busy, that you need to
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From Our Parish Council President - Steve Margarites
Hello All:
Well it’s September and what does that mean??? “ A Festival for the rest of us!!”, said Frank Contanza. The only difference is it’s September 18-20th not December 23rd.
Are you ready for Greek Fest 2015? This year’s festival is
going to be great. Please, please, please volunteer for your
time and enjoy the weekend, as this is really the only special
event we have when we all come together and show what
can happen when a family works together as a team.
There are so many new attractions like a new Beer garden, a
Kafenio, new food ideas, and so much more.
As for other news happening ( like there could be more than
the festival) Ministry Sunday is September 13th, please
come join a ministry and be part of what’s going on here,
not just a fan in the stands. Over the years I have said it’s
easy to sit in the stands and give opinions (good or bad)
about how things are run or why is this happening etc.. Get
out of the stands and into the game, join a ministry, and be
part of what’s going on. An excuse not to do something is
easy, find a reason to come!
On September 12th the PC will be doing a Breakfast Run.
What is a Breakfast Run? Is father Lou starting a boot camp
for the PC? Is Steve telling us of a PC breakfast at a local
diner? This Run isn’t a marathon we run but it’s a marathon
in helping feed the less fortunate. It’s the PC getting to the
church at 5:00 am to make breakfast for the NYC homeless.
We will all take a bus into the city to feed and cloth 100 or
so of NYC homeless. If this sounds familiar it is. Our newest ministry the YAL did this same run in January, as does
the Goya (Midnight Run). I urge you all to either donate
clothes or money (to buy new clothes and food) to all 3
causes events as we should Thank God realized how blessed
we are for what we have.
Please support the Festival the homeless ministries and the
Grand Raffle.
See you at the Festival!!!
God Bless you all and Eat More Gyro, oops, I mean Cheese
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President - Georgia Constantine
Terri Addamo
1st Vice President - Peggy Pietzak
Diane Bennis
2nd Vice President - Sophia De Monte
Vivian Dimitriou
Treasurer - Georgia Misoulis
Katherine Emmans
Assistant Treasurer - Dorothy Athanas
Elaine Heretakis
Recording Secretary - Zina Poulis
Katerina Lallos
Corresponding Secretary - Mary Mooney
Penny Martakis
Advisor - Mary Argiros
Maria Mirissis
Terri Addamo - Diane Bennis - Vivian Dimitriou - Katherine Emmans - Elaine Heretakis
Katerina Lallos - Penny Martakis - Maria Mirissis - Dorothy Pantason
On Ministry Sunday, September 13th , we invite you to visit our Philoptochos table to learn more about what we do
and how YOU can become involved in this wonderful organization. We will be happy to answer any of your questions
or concerns.
This month our focus is to help our church at our Annual GREEK FEST on September 18,19,20. YOU can bake
pastries, help prepare foods in the cooking workshops, price items for our YIAYIA'S ATTIC and Volunteer your time
wherever you are needed in various areas prior / during/ and after our Festival. Bring your unwanted items to our
Yiayia's Attic and please volunteer for a shift to help sell in the Yiayia's Attic. See how the items " transform" into
treasures for others.
It WILL be a SUCCESS with ever yone' s active par ticipation for our beloved St. Par askevi.
We look forward to working alongside our church family!
Please join us for a fun GREEK PAINT NIGHT on September 30th in our church hall. We will paint the Santorini
Island Church. The painting materials are limited. See our flyer for details in this Message to reserve your spot as soon
as possible.
OCTOBER 21, 2015 - St. Paraskevi Philoptochos hosts GREEK ZUMBA NIGHT in our church hall
OCTOBER 31, 2015 - National Philoptochos Society 2015 CHILDREN'S MEDICAL LUNCHEON
Hosted by the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society of the Metropolis of Boston
at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts
Please contact me if you are interested in attending - (631) 543-5187 or gcgeorgiapeach
"LAUGH THE NIGHT AWAY" With Comedian Ellen Karis followed by Greek Dancing!
See our flyer for details in this Message - Start to form your tables -ADVANCE RESERVATIONS, PLEASE
With all my love to my sisters and family in Christ,
Georgia Constantine
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September already?? Where has the summer gone?? This very familiar refrain is heard by everyone everywhere, every
summer, every year, but every season also has its' own musical refrains. We do hope that you all had a great summer
which included music.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything - Plato
Very soon we will be back up in our perch as if we never left, and the refrains of our beautiful hymns will also be
repeated once again.
Nothing elevates the soul, nothing gives it wings as a liturgical hymn does - St. John Chrysostom
September is the beginning of the Ecclesiastical year, and also the month when we celebrate the Elevation of the Cross on
Sept. 14th. St. Cosmas the Hymnograper is especially noted for composing The Canon of the Cross. We remember Kassiani, the Hymnographer, on September 7th. Of course Kassiani, also known as Kassia or Ikasia, is famous for her beautiful,
yet emotional, Kassiani Hymn, for which she wrote both the words and the melody and which is sung only on Holy Tuesday. She is considered the most prominent woman composer and hymnographer in the history of Byyzantine music. On
September 24th we remember Thekla, the Nun, Hymnographer, Poet, Protomartyr and Equal to the Apostles. Thekla was
a ninth century composer who was known for her knowledge of theology, and who exhibited her ability in hymnology in
the canons that she wrote to the Theotokos asking for her intercessions.
We are so proud of our two youngest choir members. Ariana Warren returned from Opera Viva, located in Verona, Italy.
Opera Viva is a young artist's opera program where the singers study roles with renown teachers and perform opera scenes
and roles. Ariana is entering her senior year at Ithaca University. Brother Andrew returned from touring England and
Scotland with his Northport High School Tour Choir, singing at many different famous venues. He is now entering his
freshman year at Kutztown University. We will miss their talented voices while they're gone. Mom Marie was soloist with
the Atlantic Wind Symphony on Sunday, August 30th, at Peconic Landing.
Congratulations to choir member Elaine Champey and her husband, Michael, upon the marriage of their daughter, Lauren,
to Kerry Michael Saxena. Na sas zisoune!! We wish them all the best!! Perastika to choir member Georgia Stavros.
D.A.D. Federation News
Federation members are looking forward to a CMI (Church Music Institute) on Saturday, September 26, 2015, which will
be hosted by the Annunciation GO Church Choir, NYC. The theme is "The Divine Liturgy Arranged by Dr. Frank Desby", and will be conducted by Dr. James Maniatis, Choir Director of the Denver Cathedral. He will be accompanied by his
wife/organist, Connie. Dr. Maniatis is also the Guest Choir Director of the D.A.D. Federation Annual Conference this
coming November. His wife, Connie, will be the Guest Organist for this joint conference with the Denver Federation, also
hosted by the Annunciation Church. The CMI will provide choir members with the opportunity to practice and learn the
music of Dr. Desby in preparation for November. It promises to be an interesting and fulfilling day.
Next month we will be celebrating National Church Music Sunday, a day to remember, recognize and honor all church
musicians and teachers. We wonder which church musician will be honored this year? Last year it was St. Theophanes
the Confessor and Hymnographer, Bishop of Nicea and the younger brother of St. Theodore the Branded. Who will it be
this year??? Look for the poster and/or "read all about it" right here in The Message!
In the meantime, until we meet again, enjoy music, be well and see you on Sunday!!
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Wanted: Choir Members
Positions Open: Soprano, A lto, Tenor & Bass
(No Others Need Apply)
Physical Qualifications: M ust be able to carry light musical notes part way across the
church. Must have sufficient vision to see the director from twenty feet away.
Religious Emblems Workshop
St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Church
1 Shrine Place Greenlawn
***October 10, 2015 1:30 pm***
Open to Eastern Orthodox Scouts
Grade 1 to 5
Come work on St. George or Chi Rho
Class A is required
Experience: No applications accepted from persons who have not sung, hummed or whistled in
the tub or shower.
Wages: Satisfaction and joy in God’s service.
Fringe Benefits: Social Security - We promise
you the security of social fellowship with other
members of the choir.
Hours: Sunday m ornings, with occasional opportunities for overtime. (at above mentioned
Please register by: September 30th
Vacation: M issed rehearsals and worship services are primarily a matter of conscience and
the ability to return the glares and pointed remarks of the director.
Call Laura Hanjoglu Goerke
email [email protected]
Retirement: No particular age, but it is generally determined by prayer, printed notes getting
too small, robe too heavy, notes too high, church
too hot (or cold), or organist unable to play the
notes you sing.
Eastern Orthodox Committee on
Scouting SCCBSA
Rehearsals: Only when necessary.
Apply: By attending our next rehearsal, by
contacting the director, or contacting Pauline
Kitsopoulos at: [email protected].
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Welcome back to a new academic school year for our
Greek School. The first day of classes will be on September 12. The Greek School Board is pleased to announce
that we expect a record number of students to register in
our Greek School this year. The record number of students is due primarily to the great teachers that we have
and to the parents who encourage their children to learn
the Greek language and culture.
If you have not registered for Greek School, you can register by filling out the form in this issue of The Message and
bringing it with your tuition payment on September 12.
By everyone working together, we will have another successful and productive year. As always, if you have any
suggestions to make the Greek School better, please let us
There will be no classes on September 19 due to the Greek
George Likourezos, Esq.
Greek School Board President
The Greek American Preschool had a wonderful July and
August summer session. We would like to thank our
teachers Kyria Omoneia and Despinis Alexia.The students
had such a great experience and learned so much too! Our
faculty is looking forward to a fabulous and productive
2015/2016 school year.
New supplies, furniture and materials have arrived. Many
of our teachers brought back awesome materials from
Greece and are very excited to use them. Our program has
2 new classes this fall, a 4 year old English program and
another Psarakia program (5 year old) on Saturdays from
9:30am-11am. Please contact me if you are interested.
There are many new classes for the 2015/2016 academic
Ta Morakia - Mommy and Me ages 0-2
Wednesdays 10-11:45
Ta Kouklakia - Ages 2/3 years old
Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30-12:30
Soccer Program - 2- 4 years old
Wednesdays 12:30-1:30
Ta Poulakia - 4 years old
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:30-3:30
Happy September!
Hope all of our Little Angel Families enjoyed the summer.
We look forward to Ministry Sunday the Greek Festival
and the Throwing of the Cross.
We are gearing up for the new Ecclesiastical Year. More
information to come!
Welcome Back to everyone!
The Girl Scouts of St. Paraskevi will start meetings on
Wednesday September 23rd 2016. We are looking forward to getting the girls together and having a fantastic
year! If you have a daughter entering kindergarten
through 7th grade and are interested in joining one of our
St. Paraskevi troops please contact Agapi Bell at
[email protected]
Ta Psarakia - 5 year olds
Thursdays 4:30-6:00
Ta Psarakia - 5 year olds
Saturdays 9:30-11:00
ENGLISH CLASS- 3 year olds
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-12:30
ENGLISH CLASS - 4 Year olds
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 9:30-12:30
The teachers have their undergraduate degrees in Nursery
through 6th grade, and their graduate degrees in reading.
Students will also have 30 minutes of gym with a Certified
Physical Education teacher.
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Don’t Worry.
You still have time to
make your 2014
Stewardship pledge.
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Mr. & Mrs. Steve Abatzidis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Accovelli
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ackerler
Mr. & Mrs. James Adamis
Mr. & Mrs. John Addamo
Mr. & Mrs. John Allyson
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Amanatides
Mr. & Mrs. Panayioti Anassis
Miss Eleni Anastos
Mr. Gus Anax
Mr.& Mrs. Robert Anderson
Ms. Ann Andreades
Ms. Irene Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. James Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Andricopoulos
Mrs. Helen Andromanakos
Mr. & Mrs. Niko Andromanakos
Mr. Peter Andromanakos
Mrs. Maria Angel
Dr. & Dr. George Angelopoulos
Mrs. Panagiota Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Antoniou
Dr. & Mrs. Marinel Ardeljan
Ms. Angela Arettines
Mr. John Arettines
Mr. & Mrs. George Argiriou
Mrs. Mary Argiros
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Arroyo
Mrs. Dorothy Athanas
Mr. & Mrs. Elia Athanasiadis
Mrs. Maria Athanasiou
Mr. & Mrs. William Athanasiou
Mr. James Athas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Avdoulos
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ayoub
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Babigian
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Baboukis
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Baialardo
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Balezos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Ballas
Mr. & Mrs. John Ballow
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Bartone
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Batanchiev
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bell
Mrs. Diane Bennis
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennis
Mr. & Mrs. Stelios Bertos
Mr. James Black
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Borzumato
Mr. & Mrs. Socrates Boussios
Ms. Abigail Bouziotis
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brabender
Mr. & Mrs. John Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Camas
Mr. & Mrs. George Caraberis
Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Carlucci
Mrs. Maria Casella
Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Catechis
Mrs. Lillian Catherines
Ms. Elaine Champey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Chonis
Mrs Betty Chonis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Chonis
Mrs. Ritsa Choulis
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Christofilopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Christoforou
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Christopher
Mrs. Efstratia Christophides
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Constantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Constantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Constantine
Ms. Elaine M. Constantine
Mr.& Mrs. Steve Constantine
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Contopoulos
Drs. George & Debbie Coritsidis
Mr. & Mrs. George Costidis
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Courbanou
Mr. Billy Courbanou
Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Danos
Mrs. Paula Davantzis
Mr. & Mrs. Spirou David
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander De Borja
Mr. & Mrs. Spyridon Dedes
Evangeline Defrancesco & John Cella
Mrs. Anne Deloss
Dr. & Mrs. George Demacopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeMonte
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Demopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Devita
Mr. & Mrs. William Diakakis
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Diamandis
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diamandis
Mr. & Mrs. Henry DiFranco
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Diktaban
Mr. & Mrs. Stamati Dimitrakis
Mr. & Mrs. George Dimitriou
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dimitriou
Mr. Chris Djoganopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Doscas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Doumas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dounias
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Drakoulias
Mrs. & Mrs. Denis Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Duran
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Ebe
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ebe
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Eckstrum
Mrs. Sally Economou
Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Efstathiou
Mr. & Mrs. James Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs John Emmans
Mr. Nicholas Evangelides
Mr. Stephen Faitos
Mr. & Mrs. James Fakatselis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fasanello
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Finkin
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Frangas
Mr. & Mrs. Val Franklin
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Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fusco
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Garone
Mrs. Sophia Gatsiadis
Mr. & Mrs. John Gavras
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Georgalas
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Geotes
Dr .& Mrs. Victor Giamos
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gianakas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Giannitsas
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goerke
Mr. & Mrs. Epaminondas Gonatas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gonis
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Gonzalez
Mrs. Tula Haghicomninou
Mr. & Mrs. Savvas Haji-Georgi
Dr. Christina Hajicharalambous
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hartofilis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hatzis
Mrs. Alexandra Hatzis
Mr. & Mrs. William Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Heretakis
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Heretakis
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Herrick
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Homenides
Mr. George Homenides
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Houppert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Agron Huta
Mrs. Urania Huta
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ilasi
Mr. & Mrs. John Ioannou
Michael & Denise Ioannou
Francine Vlantis & Shawn Jaryno
Mr. & Mrs. George Javaras
Mrs. Loula Kalkines
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kaloudis
Mr. Nicholas Kameno
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Karalekas
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Karanzias
Mr. Daniel Karas
Mrs. Mary Karipidis
Mrs. Chrisoula Karkulas
Mrs. Konnie Karopoulos
Mr. Gus Karras
Mr. John Karropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Katsamanis
Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Katsapis
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Kefalas
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Keisidis
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kellerman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly
Mr. Peter Kentros
Mrs. Pauline Kitsopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Klein
Mrs. Chryssa Kolios
Mr. & Mrs. George Kondylas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Konstantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Tilemahos Konstantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Michail Konstas
Mr. Mikey Kontoleon
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kontos
Mr. Thom Kontos
Mr. & Mrs. George Korsanos
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kostas
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kostopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Aristotelis Kougemitros
Mrs. Magdalene Koumas
Mrs. Chrysanthe Koumas
Mr. & Mrs. Theodosios Kountotsis
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kouroupakis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Koutsoubis
Mr. & Mrs. George Koutsoukos
Mrs. Maria Kouttron
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kovner
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kritikos
Mrs. Katerina Lallos
Mr. & Mrs. Sid Lambros
Mr. & Mrs. John Langis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Larkin
Mr. Christopher Laskowski
Mr. John Latzos
Mrs. Kiki Lecakes
Drs. Andrew Leo & Olga Aroniadis-Leo
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Leodas
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Levick
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lichas
Mr. & Mrs. George Likourezos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Limperis
Mrs. Dorothy Litras
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Love
Mr. & Mrs. Frankie Macfie
Mr. & Mrs. William Mackey
Capt. & Mrs. & John Makrides
Elena Ganias & Michael Malinconico
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Maltezos
Drs. Anastasios & Antigone Manaris
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Manas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Maniatis
Mrs. Angie Manikas
Dr. & Mrs. George Manolarakis
Mrs. Anastasia Manthos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marcisak
Ms. Mary Margarites
Mrs. Nina Margarites
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Margarites
Mr. Steven Margarites
Mrs. Thalia Margarites
Mr. Pat Maris & Dr. Irene Milonas
Mr. & Mrs. George Martakis
Mr. & Mrs. James Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mastrogiacomo
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mastrogiannis
Mr. & Mrs. Deno Matas
Mrs. Antonia Mattheou
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Mavromoustakos
Mr. & Mrs. Yiannis Mavromoustakos
Mrs. Theresa Mavroudis
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver McGaughey
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Mendonis
Curtis W. Meyer & Evelyn G. Kittis
Ms. Alexandra Michaels
Ms. Andrea Michaels
Ms. Michelle Michaels
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Michalopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Diodoros Mihalios
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John Milonas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Milonas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Mirissis
Mr. & Mrs. Ilias Misoulis
Mr. & Mrs. John Misthos
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mitsinikos
Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Monias
Mr. Peter Monsen
Mrs. Mary Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Harilaos Moraitis
Mr. & Mrs. David Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Markos Moschos
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mourelatos
Mr.& Mrs. Stephen Nathan
Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Neokleous
Mrs. Sophia Nessim
Rev. & Presv. Louis Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs Nick Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Noulis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Orfanakos
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pacifico
Dimitrios Pamboris
Mr. Peter Panarites
Mrs. Tessie Pando
Mr. & Mrs. George Panoussis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pantason
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Papachristou
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Papachristou
Mrs. Maria Papadopoullos
Mr. & Mrs. Themistocles Papageorge
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Papas
Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Papazoglou
Dr. & Mrs. Mike Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Paraskevopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. John Parides
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Parkas
Mrs. Stacy Parkas
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Parpas
Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Parpas
Mrs. Hariklia Patilis
Mr. Chris Patronis
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pavlides
Mr. & Mrs. Yani Pavlidis
Mr. & Mrs. Loucas Pericli
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Philippis
Mrs. Marcy Philippis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pickios
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Pietzak
Ms. Elaine Piniat
Mrs. Mary Pitti
Mrs. Mary Pologeorgis
Mr. Michael Pontisakos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Poulos
Mrs. Irene Poulos
Dr. & Mrs. Jaime Poulos
Dr. & Mrs. John Poulos
Ms. Melissa Poutouves Koppelman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Praetorius
Mrs. Christina Prodromakis
Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Proscia
Mrs. Georgia Psilakis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pugliani
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rafaelides
Mr. Stephan Ramerini
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Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Rentsch
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Rodetis
Mr. Constadinos Roditis
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Rogdakis
Mr. & Mrs. Paris Rosvolos
Mr. & Mrs. Ionas Rotos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Rousakis
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Roussis
Mrs. Eleftheria Roussis
Mrs. Helen Roussis
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Roussos
Mrs. Evelyn Sakona
Mrs. Mersina Samodolski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A Schicker
Mr. & Mrs. James Schiede
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selvaggio
Keriake Semertzides & Michael Volpe
Mrs. Katina Serelis
Mr. & Mrs. Pandelis Shakalis
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Shikar
Dr. & Mrs. Ioanis Siderias
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sideris
Mr. & Mrs. Everts Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skaliarinis
Mrs. Georgia Skiadas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Skulikidis
Mrs. Mary Sofides
Mr. Nicholas Soupios
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soupios
Mr. & Mrs. Val Soupios
Mrs. Betty Spinthourakis
Mr. Demetrios Spiropoulos
Mrs. Freda Spiropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Norman St. George
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Stavrakopoulos
Mrs. Helen Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Steele
Dr. & Mrs. Miltiades Stergakos
Mr. & Mrs. Leopoldo Stiuso
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Strifos
Mr. & Mrs. Lambros Stroumbos
Mr. George Strum
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swist
Mrs. Ritsa Taktekos
Mrs. Catherine Tassoulas
Mr. & Mrs. Gheorghe Telibasa
Mr. & Mrs.Christopher Tesi
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Theodorakis
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Theodoropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Keriacos Theodorou
Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Tietjen
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tiliakos
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tomasides
Mr. Vincent Tortora & Sophia Gatsiadis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Toskos
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Toubanos
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Trastelis
Mrs. Georgian Treichel
Mr. & Mrs. Angelos Trombettas
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Tsavaris
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Tsivitis
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsolakis
Ms. Anastasia Tsunis
Mrs. Eleni Tsunis
Mrs. Evangeline Tsunis
Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Tzotzis
Mrs. Ellen Vanco
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Varlamos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Varsos
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Varthalamis
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Vasiliou
Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Vasilopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Cosmos Vassil
Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Vassilas
Ms. Christina Pearl Vecchio
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vitiello
Mr. George Vlachos
Mr. & Mrs. Mihai Voicescu
Mr. &Mrs. Peter Vrankovic
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Whittaker
Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Xenakis
Mrs. Christina Xidas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yacobellis
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Zaloga
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ziegler
Mrs. Stephanie Zimmerman
Or Sign Up At: -festival
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We Need Volunteers!
September 18, 19 & 20
Please spare a few hours
Volunteering to help make our
2015 Greek Festival
a huge success.
We especially need help in;
The Food Tent
(servers & order takers)
The Kitchen
We are once again asking for bakers to donate one
or all of the cookies below
If you are not a baker, you can always donate one
or all of the above for your favorite Greek bakery !
We are also looking for bakers to make RAVANI
and/or KARIDOPITA !!
We will provide a recipe – we will also provide
the pans to you !
The Grill
Friday, Saturday or Sunday Shifts
Please let us know what you would like to bake
Please bring your donations to St. Paraskevi in
a disposable container beginning Sunday September 13th through Saturday September 19 th
Please remember to put your kourambiedes and
finikia into paper holders
11am-2pm + 2pm-5pm + 5pm-8pm + 8pm-11pm
Contact Effie Carlucci at
[email protected]
Thank you once again for your continued support
of St Paraskevi!!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Maria Mastrogiacomo 516-343-9550
God Bless You!
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Sophia Loizos 631-327-3008
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Classes Begin September, 27th
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Official Photographer of St. Paraskevi
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Email: [email protected]
Please, Remember Us in Your
Will or Trust.
When you write or review your will or
trust, please consider leaving a charitable
bequest. Ask your attorney to include
such words as these:
“ I give to St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox
Shrine Church, 1 Shrine Pl., Greenlawn,
NY the sum of $____ to be used for the
general purposes of St. Paraskevi.
631-582-4000 tg-law.NET
John C. Tsunis Maria Gasparis
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September 2015
Paraklesis to
St. Paraskevi 11am
Paraklesis 6pm
14th Matthew
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy 9:45am
Entrance of The
Orthros - 9am
Divine Liturgy
Diving For The Cross
13 Sunday before
Holy Cross
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy 9:45am
Holy Cross
Orthros - 9am
Divine Liturgy
Philoptochos Board
7:30 pm
Holy Cross
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy 9:45am
Orthros - 8:30 am
Divine Liturgy 9:45am
Paraklesis 6pm
Parish Council
Breakfast Run 5am
Church Festival
Church Festival
No Greek School
Paraklesis 6pm
Gym Unavailable
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Paraklesis 6pm
Greek School
9:30 am
Church Festival
27 1st Sunday of
Parish Council
Meeting 8pm
Greek School
9:30 am
Ministry Sunday
20 Sunday after
First Girl Scouts
Philoptochos 6:30pm
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