welcome to awana - Pleasant Garden Baptist Church


welcome to awana - Pleasant Garden Baptist Church
Pleasant Garden Baptist Church
1415 Neelley Rd., PO Box 157
Pleasant Garden, NC 27313
Cubbies - Tricia Jackson……….674-5382 ext 25 or 207-2704……[email protected]
Sparks – Marsha Doss………..674-5382 ext 36 or 202-6714……[email protected]
T&T –
Stephanie Harris….. 685-5094 or 337-7121………………[email protected]
Any Jeff Doss………………. 674-5382 ext 18 or 207-7645……[email protected]
Dear AWANA Parent:
We are delighted that your child(ren) will be joining our AWANA Mission Club at
Pleasant Garden Baptist Church! The name AWANA is an acrostic which stands for:
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
It’s taken from the Bible passage found in II Timothy 2:15. You will find that
AWANA provides a special place for preschoolers and children to make new
friends; play exciting games; have opportunities to learn and memorize God’s Word,
learn to apply that scripture to their life by becoming involved in missions, and
receive awards as encouragement for their efforts.
What a great question! The success of your clubber’s AWANA year depends
greatly on the involvement of you, the parent. Here are some ideas to get you
thinking about ways to help you child have a super club year:
 Help your clubber pass 2 sections each week, working to help him or her
understand and apply each memory verse.
 Read every flyer brought home by your child…they are important!
 Volunteer to be an AWANA listener—we need help listening to all the
sections the children have worked so hard to prepare each week.
 Pitch in on special events in which your child is involved.
 Encourage your child in their efforts. Help them to understand the
importance of memorizing scripture and in becoming involved in mission
Our desire is that AWANA be a growing experience for each child and adult.
In His Service,
Tricia Jackson, Director of Preschool Ministries
Jeff Doss, Children’s Pastor
 All Club Members must check-in at the “Check-in Kiosk” as soon as they get to
Club. These check-in stations are located by each of the entrance doors and
Welcome Centers.
Name Badges must be worn by every clubber. Security
tags are used for 3 year olds – 2nd grade.
 All clubbers should bring their Bibles with them to club. We will use them.
 All AWANA leaders and staff must be respected and obeyed. All clubbers are
expected to take part in the entire club program. (This includes Game Time).
 Clubbers must turn in Awana Clubbers’ Registration Form and pay registration
Scholarships are available.
Please see the Awana Secretary for a
Scholarship Request Card.
 Uniforms will be ordered and are given upon completion of the entrance booklet.
Once earned, uniforms are to be worn to club each Wednesday night. Uniforms
must be worn in order to participate in Game Time.
 We require that each child wear tennis shoes and shorts or pants that may help
protect them from injuries during game time.
 When in hallways, clubbers are to walk without talking to and from events. Due
to safety concerns, there is to be no running except during game time.
 Handbooks are given to a clubber after the entrance booklet has been
completed. If handbooks are lost, clubbers must purchase a replacement. The
cost is $9.00 for each book.
 Please do not arrive at Club prior to 6:20 pm. Leaders use this time prior to 6:20
to prepare the room for the night’s session.
 3 year olds – 2nd graders must be
picked up from their classrooms
each night by an adult by 8:00 pm.
Special arrangements for exceptions
should be made between the parent
and club leader.
Guiding Behavior
A ―Five Count System‖ will be used to quiet the entire group of clubbers. By the time the
leader counts and gets to ―5‖, all clubbers and leaders are expected to be still, quiet, and
looking directly at the leader who is in charge.
We want each club night to be a good and positive experience for all clubbers. We cannot,
however, allow unacceptable behavior to disrupt club activities for others. At times, it may be
necessary for the parent to become involved in assisting club leaders in bringing about
appropriate behavior. Please be prepared to support the AWANA leader in their positive
discipline efforts.
Clubbers are encouraged to bring friends every week. We ask that visitors attend the
age-appropriate club, either independently or with the clubber who brought them.
Clubbers and the clubber’s parents should bring their visitor to the Welcome Desk so
that the parent can register the visitor and give them a name tag/security badge.
Visitors must check in at the Welcome Desk every time they come until they ―join‖ club.
After joining club, they will check in at the kiosk.
Visitors who wish to join the club should enroll and pay their registration fees to the
Awana Secretary. A uniform and handbook will be ordered once the clubber enrolls.
The handbooks are the means by which the clubber memorizes Scripture portions and earns
awards. The goal is for each clubber to complete one handbook per year, with an additional
book available to those who finish early.
PASSING A CUBBIE SECTION (3 & 4 year olds)
1. At home the Cubbie learns and recites each section to a parent or
completes the required activity with Mom or Dad.
2. The parent’s signature indicates that work has been completed.
Please be sure to sign your child’s book before club.
3. At club the clubber again recites each section to a Cubbies leader.
4. The leader’s signature certifies that the section has been
satisfactorily passed.
5. Cubbies will be working together as a group to complete their
handbook. Cubbie Leaders and parents will work together to help
children catch up if they get behind. Each child will be praised and rewarded for the
progress they are making!
1. The goal is for clubbers to work on their Handbook at
home throughout the week in preparation for club
each Wednesday night. All first year clubbers begin
in Book One and progress into other Review sections,
Workbooks and Handbooks throughout the year.
2. It is important for Clubbers to bring their handbook
with them to club each week.
3. Sections of the handbook must be passed in their
entirety at one sitting. The listener may give 2 ―helps‖
per section. (A ―section‖ is anything in the handbook
between places for signatures. A ―help‖ is defined as
a ―1-3 word‖ hint).
4. Sparks are encouraged to work in their handbook on
both Bible Drill (Red Jewel) Sections and Activity (Green Jewel) Sections.
5. Sparks Clubbers will be encouraged to move through their handbooks at their
own pace. Each child will be praised and rewarded for the progress they are
3rd – 5th Grade T&T HANDBOOK SECTIONS:
1. Clubbers will need to work together with their parents on their Handbook at
home throughout the week in preparation for club each Wednesday night. All
first year clubbers begin with the START ZONE entrance booklet and then
progress into Handbooks 1, 2, 3 and 4. Club T-shirts and Handbooks are earned
when the clubber completes their START ZONE booklet.
2. T&T Clubbers will use their Handbooks each week and should be sure to bring
them to class.
The classroom ―listener‖ is there to encourage clubbers and may
give 2 ―helps‖ per section.
(A ―section‖ is anything in the handbook between
places for signatures. A ―help‖ is defined as a ―1-3 word‖ hint).
3. Clubbers will be encouraged to move through their handbooks at their own pace.
Each child will be praised and rewarded for the progress they are making.
3rd grade – “Ultimate Adventure” Book 1
At Home *All 3rd graders start with the T&T Ultimate Adventure ―Start Zone‖ Booklet
*Next they move into T&T Book One and begin working on Discovery Sections 1-5
at their own pace. Each Handbook Discovery Section contains 7 segments.
Clubbers who complete Discovery Sections 1-5 in Book One, will receive a 1st Book
*In Class –
*Teachers will spend time each week, one-on-one, with each clubber listening to
them recite verses as well as helping and encouraging them to move forward and
progress through each Handbook section.
4th grade – “Ultimate Adventure” Book 1 or Book 2
At Home *New Clubbers to Awana:
Start with the T&T Ultimate Adventure ―Start Zone‖ Booklet
* Next they move into T&T Book One and begin working on Discovery Sections 15 at their own pace. Each Handbook Discovery Section contains 7 segments.
Clubbers who complete Discovery Sections 1-5 in Book One, will receive a 1st Book
*Returning Clubbers:
Pick up where they left off in Discovery Sections 1-5 of Book One or if they
received their Book One Award in 3rd grade they would begin Book Two sections
*In Class –
*Teachers will spend time each week, one-on-one, with each clubber listening to
them recite verses as well as helping and encouraging them to move forward and
progress through each Handbook section.
5th grade – “Ultimate Challenge” Book 1 and Book 2
At Home *All 5th graders start with the T&T Ultimate Challenge ―Start Zone‖ Booklet
*Super Cool New Uniform Shirts are given to 5th graders once they complete their
Ultimate Challenge Start Zone Booklet!
*Next, 5th graders move into T&T Ultimate Challenge Book 1 and begin working on
Discovery Sections 1-5 at their own pace. Each Handbook Discovery Section
contains 7 segments. Clubbers who complete Discovery Sections 1-5 in Book One,
will receive their 3rd T&T Book Award!
*5th graders can also advance into The Ultimate Challenge Book Two to work
towards completing sections 1-5.
*In Class *Teachers will spend time each week, one-on-one, with each clubber listening to
them recite verses as well as helping and encouraging them to move forward and
progress through each Handbook section.
T&T Clubbers move at their own pace through Discovery Sections 1-5 in their
Handbooks! Clubbers who progress quickly can advance through higher level
Handbooks to work towards earning the prestigious Timothy Award by
completing sections 1-5 of 4 different Handbooks!
Each club is designed to meet the unique needs of that particular age group and, thus, the
schedule and activities vary from club to club. Yet, there are three basic components in
which each club will participate.
Using achievement-oriented curriculum materials and hands-on mission
projects, AWANA at PGBC emphasizes memorization, understanding and
application of key Bible verses. With a trained leader alongside to
encourage and guide, clubbers develop a Bible-based view of how to know
and serve God. Clubbers are rewarded for their achievements as they
progress through their handbooks and mission projects. Handbook time is
the first activity of the night that takes place in age-graded classrooms.
Parental involvement plays a vital role in helping children to realize the importance of
memorizing God’s Word. Taking time to work with your child on their memory verse will
help them see that it is something that you view as being worthwhile and important.
Game time is an exciting and safe time of fun and friendly
competition. All children are expected to participate in all games
unless a parent communicates otherwise with a leader. Children
must wear their uniform in order to participate during Game Time.
For safety reasons, we recommend that children wear shoes with
rubber soles and closed heel (like tennis shoes) and shorts or long
pants to avoid injuries during a fall. Game time takes place in the
FLC gym.
The whole club gathers for an exciting Bible message, mission focus, singing, puppets,
drama and active learning fun! Real-life missionaries will often share their own personal
stories of the fascinating way God is using them to share the gospel around the world!
Clubbers will be challenged to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word
and to be actively involved in sharing the Good News of Jesus around the world!
3, 4, and 5 year olds have a special place in our Awana program!
While they are not quite ready for all the activities older clubbers
will participate in, their time each Wednesday night will be equally
exciting! Cubbies will work through a handbook, memorizing age
appropriate scripture each week. They will also participate in handson mission projects, hear mission stories from around the world and
participate in an exciting, age-appropriate game time each week! All
Cubbies classrooms are located on the Plaza of the FLC.
2011-2012 AWANA
6:30 – 8:00pm
Cubbies - 3 year olds -
6:30 –
7:05 –
7:20 –
7:30 –
Handbook/Learning Activities
Bible Story & Puppet Time
Snacks in Classroom
Outside Time
4 year olds -
6:30 –
7:00 –
7:25 –
7:40 –
Handbook/Learning Activities
Outside Time
Bible Story & Puppet Time
Snacks & Learning Time in Classroom
Sparks -
Kindergarten – 6:30 – Handbook Time in Classroom
7:00 – Game Time in FLC 1
7:30 – Discovery Time in FLC 5
1st/2nd grade -
T&T -
6:30 – Handbook Time in Classroom
7:00 – Game Time in Gym
7:30 – Discovery Time in ―The Light House‖
3rd – 5th grade - 6:30 –
6:45 7:00 –
7:30 –
Handbook Time in Classroom
―Fun-Stuff Option‖ in the GYM
Discovery Time in The Light House
Game Time in Gym
2011-2012 Awana Year Special Dates
Sept 14th – Awana Kick-Off Night
6:30pm – Clubbers will meet in their classrooms
Sept 14th – Dec 14th -- Focus: (1st-5th) The Lord’s Prayer
Verse: Philippians 4:6
Sept 14 – Oct 19th – Backpacks for the hungry – We will collect canned foods to be put in
backpacks at schools near us. There is a specific list of the foods than can be collected.
This will be mailed home to each child. There will be a contest between each class to see
who can bring in the most food. Prize to be determined.
Oct 26th – “Glow-in-the-Dark Night” – Bring your flashlight! A glow-in-the-dark surprise for
passing off handbook sections! Come have FUN and let your light SHINE for Jesus!!
Nov 2nd – Dec 14th – Lottie Moon International Missions Focus (IMB) – This year’s theme
will be “Reach for the Moon”. What we give today determines the future. We’ll be focusing
on International Missionaries through our Bible Studies, prayers and offerings! We will
incorporate the weekly goals: $50 – class gets a cookie party, $150 – class gets an ice
cream party, $400 – class gets a pizza party!
Nov 16th – Chick-Fil-A Night (Reach for the Moon) – Come dressed for the future!! A
Chick-Fil-A meal for Missions will be served 5:30-6:15pm in the Gym!! Chick-Fil-A
sandwiches, nuggets, chips, drinks and dessert! All proceeds go to Lottie Moon Offering!
Prizes for the best futuristic costume!
Nov 23rd – No Awana Club tonight – Happy Thanksgiving!
Dec 21st & 28th – No Awana Club these nights – Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Jan 4th – Welcome Back Clubbers and Leaders for the second half of our Club year!!
Jan 11th –Special Missionary Guest– Jack Burns from Russia
Jan 18th – Hawaiian Tropics Night – Come dressed in shorts, t-shirts,
flip flops and sun screen for a wild night of tropical FUN!! We’re
turning up the heat for Jesus! Awesome “beach” fun in Game Time!!
Feb 8th – “Warm and Fuzzy PJ Party Night!” - Come dressed in your
favorite PJs! Bring your teddy bear and sleeping bag or blanket!!
Bring your friends and pass off handbook sections for Hershey’s
Hugs & Kisses. Be ready for some Warm and Fuzzy games in game
Feb 8th – Pass out info on the “Annie 500”, car order forms, and scholarship envelopes.
Clubbers will get sponsors in order to be in the race.
Feb 29th – April 4th – Annie Armstrong North American Missions Focus (NAMB) “The Annie
500” – We’ll be focusing on North American Missionaries through our Bible Studies and
Prayer. All proceeds from “The Annie 500” will go to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.
Feb 29th – Place orders for cars
March 7th - Pass out cars to clubbers
March 21st - Work night for those who need help
Sat., March 31st - “The Annie 500” will be held today. The cars will be judged on Best of
Show, Most Original and Fastest. There will be a special prize for the racer with the most
April 11th – No Awana Club tonight! – Happy Easter / Spring
Break! Jesus is Alive and He’s coming again!!
May 2nd – Super-Dooper Prize Night!! - - Incentive for passing
off handbook sections and finishing books. Clubbers will be
given one “ticket” for every Handbook Section passed off that
night. Ticket stubs matching the numbers on the clubbers
tickets will be drawn out of a hat for a drawing for several COOL
prizes. . . the more tickets you have . . . the better your chances
for winning a COOL PRIZE!
May – Awards Celebration Month! – We’ll have a blast celebrating all the great things God
has done during our club year!
May 9th –
May 16th –
1st & 2nd graders
May 23rd –
Cubbies and 3rd, 4th & 5th graders
May 30th – Family FUN “Hopping and Bouncing” Night – 6:00-8:00pm!
3 year A FLC 9
3 year B FLC 8
Jamie McMillan
Jeanne Kennedy
Tim Garrett
Don Wilson
Sarah Wilson
Bill Coble
Kathy Wilson
4th A: Room 236
Shirley Davis
Kristi Marth
Caroline Smith
Vickie Woody
Sherry Harrison
5th A: Room 235
Deanna Kilmer
Laura Lemonds
Emily Wammock
Ben Willey
Dawn Roth
Kelly Miller
Penny Calligan
Rachel Keaton
4 year A FLC 7
Julia Deltano
Joanne Wright
Misty Clodfelter
4 year B FLC 6
Tiffany Hayes
Misty Keller
Robyn Kopplin
Story Time:
Cubbies Dir:
Debbie Turner
Janet Routh
Karla Willey
Tricia Jackson
Awana Staff:
KA: Room 135
Neal Hughes
David Routh
Christy Arrowood
Rachel Williamson
Christy Woodard
KB: Room 136
Roy Davis
Lorne Haithcox
Josh Lege
Libbie Coley
Alan Woodard
1st A: Room 131
3rd A: Room 232
Kandice Jenkins
Amber Thompson
Travis Thompson
Sharon Bass
Spencer Powers
1st B: Room 130
Aundrea McCall
Shelley Tobin
Lisa Smith
Brenda Woodard
2nd A: Room 132
Jennifer Caviness
Wendy Caviness
Amy Taylor
Kim McDowell
2nd B: Room 134
Kristy Garrett
Kelly Hill
Kelli Coltrane
Game Time:
Danny Woody
Luke Johnson
Emily Wammock
Bob Bass
Stephen Bass
Logan McDowell
Discovery Time:
Neal Hughes
Marsha Doss
Kim McDowell
Dawson Whitt
Sparks Director:
Sparks Secretary:
T&T Director:
T&T Secretary:
Marsha Doss
Emily Campbell
Stephanie Harris
Beth Solberg
Chris Powers
Bob & Louise Rice
PJ Wammock
Simone Wright
Barbara Clapp
Theron Jackson