It was bad... ..but could have been worse


It was bad... ..but could have been worse
Anonymously, that is...
equally important—editorial, page 13
Butler Police Department needs
to hear from you! Important—see page 2
now! Sleet! Ice! How
could something so white
turn everyone into such a
brown mood?
plus tax
14 pages
Illness hitting
hard in area
If you have any symptoms of a cold or flu,
Bates County Memorial Hospital asks that
you please refrain from visiting patients at the
Symptoms of flu can include fever (usually
high), headache, muscle aches, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, and runny or
stuffy nose.
Stomach symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, also can occur but are more
common in children than
adults. If you have any of
these symptoms, but feel
that you must visit a family member or the hospital for any reason, the
hospital asks that you wear a mask (masks are
available from admitting clerks), cover coughs
and sneezes with a tissue or your hand, and
practice good hand hygiene.
If you are visiting a patient, please see the
nurse before entering the patient’s room. Your
cooperation is greatly appreciated by the hospital.
Says rodeo/beer
fear factor is a
gross exaggeration
The news-Xpress
Wild, out of control drunken parties at the fairgrounds if
beer is allowed?
In the words of longtime cowboy—“Whoa!”—says
Kenny Gabriel, President of the Butler Saddle Club, “it
ain’t so.”
For about three weeks a controversy has buzzed over
the community regarding a proposed special use permit in
order to set up a beer concession (garden or pit by other
names) during the Saddle Club rodeo this year and perhaps
the championship barbecue competition which as an added
attraction would bring in the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) preliminary to the national finals in Las Vegas, if beer
is OK’d, that is.
Said Gabriel, “Beer gardens are becoming more commonplace at rodeos and fairs, even the state fair, which of
all things centers around youth activities. These beer concessions are segregated and enclosed from the main flow of
traffic, are closely monitored by authorities and are taken
as a matter of course. The same would apply here.”
The idea to sell and consume beer by way of a special
use permit on the city-owned fairgrounds—despite a longstanding ordinance prohibiting alcohol on the property, was
brought before the council two weeks ago by businessmen
Mark Muller and Justin Osburn. They declare the waiver
would bring more people to the rodeo and thus bring in
more money for the Saddle Club. Muller says if the waiver
is denied, the Saddle Club will no doubt be moving to another location outside the city limits.
“Mark (Muller) wants to see the town grow. That’s
why he’s fronting the PBR, to bring more people to Butler
Amsterdam teen victim
in accidental shooting
Seventeen-year-old Jacob Andrew Rex Sluder of Amsterdam, died of a gunshot wound at his home on Monday
of this week. He was pronounced dead by Bates County
Coroner Gary Schowengerdt at the residence at 10:57
Schowengerdt reported the accident is under investigation by the coroner’s office and the Bates County Sheriff’s
Department. It is believed that his death was accidental,
Schowengerdt said.
A Bates County Memorial Hospital ambulance was
summoned to the residence where personnel found Sluder lying on the floor.
(National Weather Service)
Friday: Partly cloudy; high 39/low 22; prec. 10%.
Saturday: Few snow showers; high 43/low 30; prec. 30%.
Sunday: Snow showers; high 41/low 25; prec. 30%.
Monday: a.m. clouds/p.m. sun; high 44/low 20; prec. 10%.
Tuesday: Sunny; high 27/low 20; prec. 10%.
Wednesday: Sunny; high 43/low 25; prec. 10%.
Thursday: Sunny; high 41/low 25; prec. 10%.
and play
Siblings Jenna, 8, and Joseph Simms, 12, took their
turn Monday in clearing a
parking spot for the family
car which was marooned
by a deep windrow of snow
and ice left by passing
snowplows. The Simms
residence is at the corner of Dakota and Fulton
Tuesday, a group of youngsters enjoyed slip-sliding
on a South Main Street
deep incline. The heavy
sleet-ice covering made it
ideal for sledding.
—Staff photos
It was bad...
..but could have been worse
The news-Xpress
We only thought it couldn’t get
any worse during the Dec. 7-8
blizzard that dumped 18 inches of
snow on this area.
Then Ol’ Man Winter returned
with a vengeance over the weekend, leaving in his wake four
inches of solid ice and sleet cover.
Freezing mist started the whole
mess Friday night which continued
through Sunday, compounded by
a relentless onslaught of pelting
All said and done, many concluded they’d rather have snow
than ice. It was slick and hazardous underfoot and on the roadways.
Scores of vehicles wound up in the
ditch, both in town and beyond.
The Missouri Highway Patrol
reported four weather-related accidents over the storm period.,
Lance E. Sargent, 35 and wife
Michelle, 32, were involved in an
accident Friday on Rice Road south
of the Business U.S. 71 overpass. The
2005 Chevrolet Suburban driven by
Michelle failed to negotiate a curve and
slid off the icy roadway. The vehicle
overturned and came to a rest on its top.
Lance Sargent sustained a shoulder injury.
Also on Friday, Nicolas A. Treat, 18
of Mission, Kan., suffered serious injuries when the westbound 2001 Chevrolet he was driving on M-52 west, just
east of the Miami Creek, lost control on
the icy roadway, ran off the right side of
Butler City Council in brief session
The news-Xpress
Mayor Jerry Cook and
the Butler City Council met
in regular—and routine—
session Tuesday, calling it
a night in 21 minutes. Here
are some of the highlights:
•Councilwoman Marvel
Walker of the public safety
committee reported the recommendation to purchase a
voice logging recorder from
Western Communications of
Butler for the police department to replace the disabled
unit. Cost, $9,270.70. Ap-
proved by the Council.
•Among items brought
forth by the finance committee by chairman Wendell
Harris, is a request from city
attorney Diana D. Thomas to
jump the fee paid to the court
clerk by $1,000 per month.
Thomas will be asked to appear at the next meeting to
explain the reasons for the
increase. The committee also
approved a preliminary city
budget for 2007-2008.
2 news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
Views from the past...
Schenker card shower
Card shower for Katherine Schenker’s 89th birthday
Jan. 18—600 North Ohio, Room 210, Appleton City,
Mo. 64724.
Legion rescheduling
Reschedule American Legion Auxiliary district meeting—Jan. 21 at Harrisonville. Carry-in dinner at 12:30;
meeting at 1:30.
Gospel concert
Come hear Spirit Reign at gospel concert Jan. 21, 6 p.m.
at Church of God Holiness, 401 East 1st St., Appleton
City (660) 476-2400. Free concert, open to everyone.
Glenn will be 80
In honor of Glenn Domer’s 80th birthday, his family
will host a reception Saturday, Jan. 27 at the Ohio Street
United Methodist Church in Butler from 2 to 4 p.m.
Baked potato bar
Mark your calendar—baked potato bar on Tuesday,
Feb. 13 from 5-7 p.m. at Butler High School cafeteria.
Proceeds to benefit Project Prom.
Administrative No. 679-6131
FAX 679-6133
Ride ‘em, Clyde!
In the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s the Clyde Miller Rodeo not only played at the Miller Ranch near Rich Hill, but also went
on the road into Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.—Photo from Eddie Herrman collection.
■ EDITOR’S NOTE: Feedback from our readers indicates the “Views From the Past” is one of the most popular
features in the news-Xpress. Again let us emphasize that we solicit photos of events and places in the Bates
County area from years gone by. If you have photos of this type from the Bates County area from years gone by
that are in reasonably good quality for reproduction, please let us know. Thank you.
Emergency call: 911
We are currently updating our after hours contact phone log
for local businesses. It would be greatly appreciated if you
could mail or fax us a copy of your after hours contact information as soon as possible. All information sent to us via
mail or fax will remain confidential and will not be released
to the general public. The information given will be used for
From the office
emergency law enforcement and fire protection use only. The
of the Superintendent
forms to be filled out and returned are included with this letter.
The Butler R-5 Board of
Thank you for your cooperation.—Chief Jim Garnett.
Education held its regular
monthly meeting on ThursBusiness name...............................................Pho...............
day, Jan. 11. Prior to the regular meeting, the board held
Business address.................................................................
a public hearing with regard
Owner’s name................................................Pho..............
to a grant from the USDA for
improvement of community
Names and phone numbers
facilities for a lighting projof contacts
ect at the elementary school
gym and new multi-purpose
room. There were no comments made from the public.
The board approved a motion for the school to pursue
the grant.
After closed session, the
superintendent informed the
board that the Butler R-5
School District is being recognized by the Department
of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for
Name and phone of alarm company
an award for Distinction in
Performance for Improve..........................................................................Pho.............
ment. This award is based
on the test scores the school
Any aninals on property:
Yes ( ) No ( )
Any lights in building:
Yes ( ) No ( )
has received over the last five
Any security lights outside
Yes ( ) No ( )
years on the states annual test
called the MAP (Missouri
Last updated.............................Remarks..........................
Assessment Program) test.
The district has previously
received this award in the
2002, 2003 and 2004 school
Another recognition made
by the board was the signing and presenting of a proclamation to the Butler R-5
Education Foundation. Four
members of the Butler R-5
Education Foundation Board
Peter D. Kinder, Lieutenant Governor, Chairman, Miswere present for recognition:
souri Rx Plan Commission.
Paul Miller, Mike Taranto,
Free! No deductible, no application fee. This is the State Karen Gardner and Tim Welborn. Other board members
of Missouri Drug Plan and it will pay
who were not able to attend
50% of your deductible, co-insurancthe meeting were Leland
es and your drug expenses after your
Deems, Janet O’Bannon, and
Medicare plan D pays.
Darold Wulfekoetter. The
Income must be no more than
Butler R-5 Education Foun$19,600, single person; $26,400 mardation recently received a
ried. Assets are not counted.
You can call for an application any time 1-800-375- $143,500 donation in the
name of Opal M. Huffman to
Our own Senator Harold Caskey got this plan passed in
the State of Missouri; 21 other states have state drug programs.
Some simple rules: Must be 31 day supply of medicine;
can’t be on Medicaid. The most you can ever pay is $3,850
before the catastrophic part of your insurance kicks in—50%
of that is $1,925.
Which would you rather pay: $3,850 or $1,925—and it
is free.
A Butler woman commented: “My mother and two aunts
have been using this plan since 2002 and have saved hundreds of dollars.”
Public hearing held for elementary gym lighting
Seniors, please read:
Free drug help via
Missouri Rx Plan
Butler Sales Tax Account Report
December General Fund
Total collected.....................................................$ 49,257.89
December 2005..................................................... 47,183.74
2006 to date......................................................... 605,349.53
2005 to date......................................................... 580,703.68
December Transportation Fund
Total collected................................................. 24,628.85
December 2005............................................... 23,591.76
2006 to date.................................................... 302,674.58
2005 to date................................................... 290,354.04
December Parks & Stormwater Fund
Total collected................................................. 24,422.81
December 2005................................................ 23,589.64
2006 to date..................................................... 302,236.18
2005 to date.................................................... 290,288.79
be used for scholarships for
the Butler R-5 School District.
The board also received
thank you notes from a number of faculty and staff members for the Sonic gift card
that they received from the
board prior to the semester break. They were Annie Zellmer, Becky Hough,
Carolyn Jett, Crystal Eldred,
Debbie Cook, Dianna Stephen, Jerry McCanles, Joyce
Ryan, Karol Stephens, Kathy
Jackson, Linda Smith, Lorraine Horner, Mindy Hubbard, Pam Hedger, Pam McCanles, Paul Jett, Sterling
Green, Sue Green and Russ
The board approved the
consent agenda which had the
minutes from the December
14, board meeting; approval
of transfers; and payment
of the bills. The board then
heard an update on the renovation and addition projects
at the elementary and high
schools from Wade Linnegar,
architect from Sam A. Winn
& Associates. The doors and
windows projects are in the
final stages of completion.
The district will be receiving a total of approximately
$27,000 in deductions from
the bills on the two projects
for items that were budgeted in the bids and were not
needed by the contractors.
By the February meeting, the
architect will present a list
of kitchen equipment for the
new elementary kitchen to
be approved by the board for
The board gave approval
for the HVAC project to start
at the high school as soon as
the contractor is ready to start,
which may move the project
up by six weeks in order to
have the project completed
by the time school starts. The
board gave approval for the
removal of unsuitable soil on
the site of the new addition
at the elementary school to
be replaced by suitable soil
that will be able to bear the
weight of the two-story addition and support the large
concrete slab for the floor
of the multi-purpose room.
The board also approved the
project to properly fill a cistern that was discovered in
the recent excavation of the
ground for the new addition
at the elementary school.
The board then approved
the contract for the architecture firm, Sam A. Winn &
Associates, to be extended
until Jan. 22, 2009.
After a presentation by the
superintendent on the district
budget, the board approved
the amending of the 20062007 budget. The budget is a
document that is used to predict the finances of the district
for an entire a year, a year in
advance. There are some figures that are not known until
the budget is implemented,
thus, from time to time, the
board must amend the budget
to reflect the activities of the
district. The amended budget has an estimated 17.33%
of operating reserves that
will be available at the end
of the fiscal year. The budget
will be amended at least one
more time before the end of
the fiscal year.
brought before the board a
request by representatives of
Sam’s Club to form a group
within the district of 50 or
more employees that would
become eligible for a $30 per
member membership into
the Sam’s Club. The group
can be made up of district
employees who are currently
individual members of Sam’s
Club, who would also be eligible for the $30 membership
rate. The board has asked
the superintendent to poll
the employees for their interest to see how many would
be interested in joining the
The superintendent gave
a brief report on the exterior
lighting project after a visit
by a representative from the
Philips Lighting Company
who was at the school to help
with determining the specifications of what it would
take to brighten up the three
campuses of the district. The
representative will send a
proposal to the district once
he has a chance to study the
situation. The superintendent is still working on the
security camera project to
update and increase the number of security cameras in the
The superintendent announced the annual Missouri
School Boards Association
(MSBA) Legislative Forum
that will be held on Tuesday,
Jan. 23, in Jefferson City.
The superintendent, Sterling Green, along with board
members Jim Teeman and Jason Lawrence plan to attend
the event. They will hear
about the legislative issues
in the morning and have the
chance to visit the district’s
legislators at the Capitol later
that afternoon. The superintendent also announced that
he will be attending the annual conference for the district liability insurance cooperative, M.U.S.I.C. (Missouri
United Schools Insurance
Council, on Jan. 25 and 26.
The next regular board
meeting will be Thursday,
Feb. 8. Open session starts
at 8 p.m., in the boardroom
at the high school.
news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
for entertainment, the economic impact, and to sell more
Gabriel admits that the cost of doing business has caught
up with, in fact, overtaken the club and agrees with Muller
and Osburn that beer sales would no doubt generate a considerable amount of extra money.
Looking to the 55th annual rodeo coming up in June, Gabriel says it will take from $25,000 to $30,000 to put on the
rodeo and what with rising costs at every turn, that kind of
money is hard to come by. He added the rodeo, money wise,
has been down $2,000 to $3,000 the last several years.
As per costs, he offered a few examples: Specialty acts
cost about $1,500; announcer $1,500...”and we desperately
need more bleachers,” Gabriel said. “But a section of bleachers just to seat about 200 has a price tag of $12,000.”
One thing that has hampered revenues that rainy weather
has cut down on competition and attendance for eight of the
last 10 years, of which no one has control. He mused that
several years ago when finances were really lean, the rodeo
opened on a Friday night with only $5 in the club treasury.
He said had the rain intervened the club would have been in
a world of hurt.
“We’d much rather stay where we are,” Gabriel emphasized, “and we are very grateful for the support over the
years—crowds, advertisers and so on, but we simply cannot
continue operating at a loss. Having a beer garden is simply
a tool to make more money.”
He continued, “I wish there was a way to estimate the
amount of money—and people—our rodeo has brought
to Butler over the past 54 years. No doubt the bottom line
would be staggering.”
He went on to point out the club is very community minded in that it regularly contributes to such projects as Coats
for Kids, Project Prom, the public library, the 4-H program,
Boy Scouts, various scholarships and other youth-oriented
organizations. “We never turn anyone down,” he says.
The club also works closely with the Bates County Fair
in providing the arena for horse shows and purchasing the
winners’ belt buckles for the Little Britches Rodeo.
The Mo-Kan youth rodeo finals are also held in the arena
over the Labor Day weekend.
Re-locating the rodeo represents a giant effort, however. Gabriel said the club would have to find—and it would
be hoped—fund a new plot, followed by preparing the
“If we would move, we’d be taking everything on the
present lot we could use. What we couldn’t we’d clear away,
also,” he said. Under the arrangement with the City, the club
owns the arena, bleachers, chutes and fencing under a 99year lease proviso.
Asked when the move would come about if the beer proposal is rejected, Gabriel said obviously not this year, timewise, and at this point there is no specific target date.
“Presently the club has about 60 members, very active
members,” Gabriel said.
•Butler City Council
Wright of the Parks and Recreation committee, said the
committee recommends purchasing portable toilets (rather than rent) for the parks
system with city employees
to maintain the toilets. More
on this later.
•The Council approved
the designated curb loading
zone for Heckadon Auction Company at the corner
of Main and Dakota streets.
Hours will be 8 to 5 MondayFriday.
•The Council rejected bids
for the Marais des Cygnes
River pump station remediation project. Authorization
for negotiations with the two
lowest bidders will come
•Bill 2007-1, vacating an
alley between the Ohio Street
United Methodist Church
and Boarding
properties was adopted as
Ordinance 850 by unanimous vote. An accompanying resolution was approved
authorizing the mayor to execute a quit-claim deed conveying certain property to
the church.
•Police Chief Jim Garnett reported the acquisition
of tasers (stun guns), stating
that training/demonstration
sessions will be held. Garnett
extended an invitation to the
officials to sit in on the sessions.
•Mayor Cook and the
Council praised city street
crews and the fire department for their round the clock
snow/ice removal operations
over the past several days.
•City Clerk Janet Kirtley
was appointed as city representative to the MARCIT
(pronounced market) the
City’s group health insurance
•Mayor Cook was authorized to execute a collateral
security agreement and triparty collateral management
agreement with the Bank of
America and Bank of New
Skelton sworn in for 110th Congress
WASHINGTON—Congressman Ike Skelton (D-Mo,) was sworn in on Jan. 4 as the U.S. Representative from Missouri’s Fourth Congressional District of the 110th Congress. Speaker of the House Nancy Peolsi administered the
oath of office as members of Skelton’s family look on. As Skelton begins his 16th term in the U.S. House of Representatives, he also serves as the new Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.—Submitted photo.
Skelton opposes troop escalation
Congressman Ike Skelton,
the Chairman of the House
Armed Services Committee,
released the following statement in response to the President’s address to the nation
on Iraq Strategy:
“Over the last month, I
have met with the President
twice and have shared my
concerns about escalating
the number of U.S. troops in
Iraq. The proposed increase
in U.S. troop levels in Iraq is
three and a half years late and
several hundred thousand
troops short. The Administration had the opportunity
before we invaded Iraq to
heed General Eric Shinseki’s
advice on the troop levels re-
quired to stabilize a country tion in Iraq.
in crisis. Sadly, the General’s
Only the Iraqis can change
recommendations were disthe
situation there and bring
missed out of hand.
lasting security to their naThis proposed troop in- tion. The President says that
crease is not a new strategy; Prime Minister Maliki has
it is a change in tactics. The made commitments that will
President’s announcement allow political and security
simply repackages a mili- progress. This commitment
tary plan that has been tried must be backed up by acbefore - admittedly without tion. And the Congress and
today’s hype - but our experi- the American people must
ence has shown that a limited be able to see clear evidence
infusion of troops will not of the Iraqis taking more renecessarily produce the im- sponsibility for their security
provement to Iraqi security and unifying the sectarian
that we hoped. I remain to divisions that are tearing that
be convinced that increasing nation apart.
the number of U.S. troops in
I agree with the President
Iraq will have a measurable that Iraq and the Middle East
affect on the security situa- region are critical to U.S. na-
WA S H I N G TO N – U . S .
Senator Kit Bond issued the
following statement on the
President’s address to the nation tonight on his new strategy for success in Iraq:
“There appears to be a
new spirit of understanding
between U.S. officials and
the Iraq government. We apparently now have the buy-in
of the Iraqi government. Iraqi
generals will command major
Iraqi units to clear and maintain areas in Baghdad with a
smaller American force supporting them in their activities to clear out the militias.”
“The plan discussed last
week for a surge of more
troops for a limited time to
continue what we had been
doing with the same rules of
engagement and without the
tional security interests today
and in the foreseeable future.
We have strategic interests
in many parts of the world.
To deal with them all, we
must have a strong and capable military that is ready
to deter, respond, or fight
whenever called. Our force
is under tremendous strain
and this troop increase will
only make the strain worse.
While we will take a careful
look at the President’s plan in
a series of hearings, I remain
convinced that a gradual and
responsible redeployment of
U.S. forces is the best way to
help the Iraqis take responsibility for their security and
to restore the full strength of
our military.”
Bond praises Bush’s new Iraq strategy
buy-in of the Iraqi government, would not have been
an effective alternative plan.
While more details will be
needed, President bush outlined a significant plan that is
a much more promising way
“The key to success in
Iraq is having the Iraqis take
control of their security. That
is at the heart of this plan.
•Could have been worse FROM FRONT PAGE
the road and overturned several times before coming to a
rest on its top. Treat was taken to Bates County Memorial
Hospital for treatment.
On Saturday, a southbound 2005 Chevrolet van
driven by Kathryn L. Moore,
45, Rich Hill, lost control on
U.S. 71 a mile south of Miami Creek, exited the right
side of the roadway, went
down an embankment and
overturned. She was cited for
careless and imprudent driving. There was a passenger
in the car, 16-year-old Travis M. Chewning, Rich Hill.
•The Council approved the Injuries were listed as minor
utility delinquent write-off list and moderate. Both were
for the second quarter of 2006. taken to Bates County Memorial Hospital.
Sixty-nine-year-old Raymond G. Bryant, Montrose,
Mo., was issued a summons
for careless and imprudent
driving and no seatbelt following an accident Monday
on Route H, west of northeast county road 10623. The
Patrol said the vehicle was
traveling too fast for conditions, ran off the left side of
the roadway and overturned.
Bryant received moderate injuries and was treated
at Bates County Memorial
Closed Down
The storm pretty much
brought activities to a standstill.
Sunday morning worship
was cancelled in many area
churches and schools were
closed over a wide area.
City and MoDOT snow removal crews worked around
the clock to keep streets and
roadways passable, but as of
Tuesday morning, the newsXpress was advised a few of
the outlying rural roads had
not been bladed yet.
The local inconvenience
however could not compare
with other locations that were
also disabled by the storm.
Sections of south Missouri, central and western
Kansas and parts of Oklahoma were without power,
leaving thousands of people
shivering and seeking shelters especially set up for the
Osage Valley Electric Cooperative, headquartered in
Butler, sent two crews to Wa-
Keeney, Kan., to help restore
electrical power. OV crews
also were dispatched direct
to Neosho, Bolivar and Dix-
If more troops are needed
to accomplish this, then that
option should be on the table.
The bottom line is that we
must create the conditions
for a stable Iraq or the country will descend into chaos,
involve possible conflict
throughout the region and become a breeding ground for
terrorists for generations.”
on southeast of I-44 for the
same purpose.
Television coverage from
the Springfield area showed
a maze of downed trees, tree
limbs and utility wires.
Tax assistance
for the elderly
Care Connections for Aging Services volunteers will
again assist older persons file their federal and state income
tax from the first week of February through April 15. Assistance will also be given to those 65 and older and those
of any age who have been certified as totally and permanently disabled to see if they qualify for a rebate based on
the previous year’s income and taxes or rent paid on ones
homestead. Ones homestead can be ones home, apartment,
mobile home, nursing or boarding home.
Contact your nearest senior center for the time and day
assistance will be provided and find out if you, your spouse,
parent or friend might be eligible for a refund. Remember:
It is not necessary that you file federal or state income taxes
in order to receive a “circuit breaker” rebate.
It is necessary that you bring with you your statement of
social security payments made in 2006 (SSA 1099). This
statement will be mailed to you early in January; save it and
bring it with you and all other statements of income; interest, dividends, retirement, etc. that you received in 2005. If
you owned your home for a part of, or for the whole year of
2006, bring your 2006 city and county real estate tax receipt
and/or proof of rent paid on your homestead. If you filed last
year, bring a copy of last year’s filing.
Tax Assistor Ron Brown will be at the Butler Senior
Center on Wednesday mornings from 9 to noon. Call the
center for an appointment (660)679-5830, starting the first
Wednesday in February.
Join the growing family
of news-Xpress readers.
Subscribe Today
4 news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
■ Following are recipe selections
from the “Rescue Me” Cookbook,
published as a fund-raiser in 1992 by
the Our Old High citizens group that
spearheaded the renovation of the
gymnasium in the former Butler High
School building.
■ Carolyn Rowland
Soft burrito shells
Taco seasoning
French onion dip
shaved ham
cheddar cheese
Mix 1/2 pkg. taco seasoning into French
onion dip. Spread layer on burrito shell and
3 or so slices of ham. Arrange lettuce eaves
and layer of cheddar cheese. Roll as tight
as you can. Hold together with toothpicks.
Slice with sharp knife 1/2 inch or so. Lay on
platter and serve.
■ Shelley Jacobs
1 lb. ground pork or beef
1 garlic clove, minced
12 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. oregano leaves, crushed
8 flour tortillas (7 to 8 inches)
1 med. onion, chopped
3/4 c. picante sauce
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 c. melted butter
Dairy sour cream and guacamole
Brown meat with onion and garlic; drain.
Stir in picante sauce, cumin, oregano and
salt; simmer 5 minutes or until most of
liquid has evaporated. Brush 1 side of tortillas with butter; spoon heaping 1/3 cup
mixture onto center of unbuttered sides.
Fold 2 sides over filling; fold ends down.
Place seam side down in 13x9x2 inch baking dish. Bake in preheated oven at 475˚
about 13 minutes or until golden brown.
Top with sour cream, guacamole and additional picante sauce to serve. Makes 4
■ Nadine Meade
2 c. elbow macaroni, uncooked
2 cans mushroom soup
2 c. milk
pimento or green pepper, chopped
2 c. cooked chicken, turkey or tuna, cut
1/2 lb. American cheese, cut up
3 hard boiled eggs, chopped
Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate over night or at least 6 to 12 hours.
Remove from refrigerator and bake at 350˚
1 hour.
■ June Rhodes & Beverly Sullins
3 c. unsifted all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 c. soft vegetable shortening
4 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 c. milk
1 c. (16 oz.) jellied cranberry sauce, cut
into 1/2” cubes
1 c. firmly packed dark brown sugar
1/4 c. butter or margarine
1/4 c. all-purpose flour
4 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. chopped walnuts
In a large bowl mix flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Add shortening, eggs,
and milk and stir until smooth and well
blended and crumbly. Sprinkle Streusel
evenly over cranberry sauce. Bake in a
preheated moderate oven 375˚ for 40-45
minutes or until puffed and brown. Cut
into squares to serve. Serve warm or cold.
Makes 1 cake.
■ Lorene VanSlyke
Submitted by Jenne Umstattd
1 c. butter
1/2 c. white syrup
1/2 tsp. salt
2 c. brown sugar
1 tsp. burnt sugar flavoring
Boil 5 minutes, remove from heat
and stir in 1/2 tsp. soda. Pour over 5 or
6 quarts of popcorn popped. Put into 2
cookie pans. Bake for 1 hour at 250˚. Stir
3 times while baking.
Foster Farmettes: Remember us?
The Foster Farmettes began their new year on Jan. 11
at the home of Kay Swickhamer with Vianne Briscoe as
co-hostess. Several were absent due to illness or schedule conflicts. Members present in addition to the hostess
were Sandra Robb, Norma Lea Mellenbruch, Pam Wingate,
Cheryl Tillery, Carol Parker, Joan Perdue, Pat Swickhamer,
and Marilyn Reed.
For readers who don’t know (or have forgotten), the Foster Farmettes began in 1970 as one of the Bates County Extension Clubs. The membership was comprised of young
wives and mothers primarily from the Foster community
who met in each other’s homes the second Thursday afternoon of every month for the purpose of fellowship, learning,
and community service. For these busy ladies who were
helping their husbands farm, raising children, maintaining
homes, sewing clothing, planting gardens, canning, freezing, and handling the myriad of duties a farm wife performs,
it was an afternoon to look forward to. It was an occasion to
actually “dress up” other than to go to church; it was a time
to share information, goals, joys and sorrows.
In the early years, the members had no choice but to
bring their children along to the meetings. For the hostess, this meant not only sprucing up the house a bit so it
looked nice for the ladies, but a major cleaning endeavor
beginning at least a month in advance. This was because
as the ladies were involved in their meeting, their children
(around 24 in number) were “everywhere”—in every room,
sometimes every closet, and heaven forbid a child should
come out from under a bed covered in “dust bunnies”! Occasionally a meeting was interrupted by an emergency, such
as the time the kids pulled the doorknob off the inside of an
upstairs bedroom, necessitating one of the ladies to climb
up onto the porch roof and through the bedroom window to
release them.
These ladies were (and still are) hard workers. To raise
money for service projects they served food at farm auctions
in all sorts of weather and circumstances; created plays and
dinner theaters for local audiences; prepared meals for the
Eastern Star and other organizations; and made award-winning floats for parades from Foster to Rich Hill to Butler.
They’ve been everything from California raisins to Lawrence Welk performers complete with bubbles blowing.
But the most memorable of these characterizations were the
“can-can girls”. Their costumes were straight from the set
of Miss Kitty’s “Gunsmoke” saloon, complete with dance
shoes, colorful satin dresses with lots of crinolines or “cancans” beneath, to feathered hairpieces. Their energetic,
high-kicking dance line was reminiscent of the “Rockettes”,
and their performance was requested at many county-wide
events. The Farmettes were quite a departure from the more
typical, staid Extension Club group.
Over the past 37 years, the group has changed and
evolved somewhat. They are no longer a part of the Extension Club system, and during the farm crisis of the 1980’s,
most of the women left the farm to find jobs in town. The
meetings are now held at night in order to accommodate
work schedules, attire is more relaxed and casual, and the
children are grown. In fact, one of the former “little” girls is
now a member! But the core of the club remains the same:
fellowship, learning, and community service.
One of our service projects has become an annual donation to the Rich Hill Memorial Library for the purchase
of books in memory of our longtime member, Linda Reed.
This is done every January, and was part of our business
conducted at our recent meeting.
Our officers for the coming year were also “installed”,
although without the formal attire and ceremony of the early
years. The 2007 officers are: Co-Presidents Mary Hymer
and Vianne Briscoe (whichever one shows up will conduct
the meeting); Vice President /Social Director Ruth Wheatley (she has the biggest vehicle to haul us around in); Treasurer Carol Parker (having held that office for a number of
years, she already has a niche in her purse for the checkbook); Game Leader Sandra Robb (has really neat game
prizes, and really neat games); Card Person Lorinda O’Rear
(greeting cards, not playing cards); Parliamentarians Kay
Swickhamer and Norma Lea Mellenbruch (it takes two to
maintain order); Historian Cheryl Tillery (her camera ever
at the ready, she publishes an incredible yearbook); Devotional Leader Pat Swickhamer (Sister Pat is also prepared
to pray as needed); Flag Lady Joan Purdue (neither rain nor
snow nor dark of night prevents this gal from carrying our
Nation’s flag); Informant Pam Wingate (ready at a moment’s
notice to start the call chain for emergencies or rumors); and
Song Leader Karla Shull (can’t carry a tune, but we don’t
sing songs anyway). The Reporter will have to be figured
out by process of elimination.
Pat presented a devotional that gave us much to think
about, especially regarding footwear and taking care of
business in the great outdoors. Sandra’s game celebrated
Elvis and his January birthdate. The winner of this trivia
competition was Marilyn, who guessed at everything but
still came out on top. Cheryl distributed our 2007 yearbooks complete with color photographs and new ideas for
the coming year.
January is also “cookie exchange month”. Each member brought cookies and recipes which were exchanged and
sampled. Next year we will try something new-- an appetizer exchange.
Delicious refreshments were served by our hostess, with
taste descriptions provided to Cheryl who is a mere shadow
of her former self. During our social hour, a new purse was
admired, snap-lid plates were demonstrated, and we learned
that disposing of 40 years worth of cancelled checks really
can burn up a shredder.
Our next meeting will be February 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
at the home of Norma Lea Mellenbruch with Marilyn Reed
as co-hostess. Remember to bring a homemade valentine to
Cravens-Lyons wedding
set for March 17, 2007
Jerry and Kathy Cravens of Butler, Mo., announce
the engagement and approaching marriage of their
daughter, Samantha Rae to Joseph Lyons, son of
Roger and Lisa Stewart and the late James Lyons
of Hume, Mo. Samantha is a 2005 graduate of Butler
High School and will graduate from Fort Scott Community College with an associates in science in May
2007. Joseph is a 2005 graduate of Hume High School
and will graduate from FSCC Harley-Davidson training center in May 2007. The wedding is set for March
17, 2007 at Nevada, Mo.
Quick-Thurlow wedding
set for April 21, 2007
Keith F. and Patsy Quick, Butler, Mo., announce the
engagement of their daughter, Coleen Quick to Randy
Thurlow, son of Bill and Helen Thurlow of Wakefield,
Kan. Coleen is a 1987 graduate of Butler R-5 High
School. She is now working at Kansas City Womens’
Clinic in Overland Park, Kan. Randy graduated from
Clay Center High School in Clay Center, Kan., in 1981.
Randy farms in and around the Wakefield, Kan area.
The couple plans an April 21, 2007 wedding at the Republic First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in
Republic, Mo.
Keep abreast of happenings
across the street from the east
park in Rich Hill, known as: in your neighborhoods--read the
columns of the news-Xpress ruCarol Farley, “Kountry Kin ral
correspondents each week.
Fabric Shop.” She moved
Jan. 1 , opened her shop on
Jan. 4.
On January 6 at 10 a.m. we
had our first a Stitch in Time
Quilt Guild meeting. Louise
Louis opened the meeting.
Dorothy Meek read the last
minutes. Treasurers report
was given by Nancy Filpot.
We are working on our
Raffle Quilt Blocks every
Monday in January.
Due to house fires we donated two quilts, one to the
Bill Housong family and
Larry Cauthon family last
At the end of our meeting
we all enjoyed a cover dish
•Reports of social gatherings, club meetings, events of interest
dinner and a gift exchange
for our Christmas, New year
sage. The Indian minuted told even with 18 inches of snow hills, farming areas, and the party.–Reported.
Goldie Saathoff
about the man who created on the ground. The proceeds moors. Despite rocky trails,
hosts meeting
the Cherokee alphabet based from the Tree of Lights are sometimes taking a wrong
of DAR chapter
on more than 75 sounds. Kate being sent to the VA hospi- turn, and surviving 95 deDunkin Smith School, a day tals in Missouri. A project is gree heat, they are planning
Harmony Mission Chap- school in Alabama, financed being started, aimed at mak- another walking vacation in
ter DAR was called to order by DAR, was the subject of ing some information from Europe. Our group can hardby the regent, Betty Smith the school minute.
memberships application an ly wait to hear about it.
at 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 8 in the
The meeting was adThe chapter was glad to online genealogical research
home of Goldie Saathoff near welcome a new member, Jes- source.
journed to delicious refreshAdrian. Chaplain Goldie Saa- sica Hollingshead, daughter
Bob and Jeanette Emmer- ments. The next meeting will
thoff helped lead the opening of Mark and Lorraina Hol- son, of Adrian, gave a very be Feb. 12 at Willow Lane in
ritual. Marylee Mitchell led lingshead. Her application interesting program tell- Butler.–Reported.
the Pledge of Allegiance to was approved in early De- ing about their trip last July
the flag and Suzanne led the cember 2006. Final touches to England. They hiked in New meeting place
American’s Creed.
were put on our reports that northern England from the
for Stitch in
The National Defense Re- are due in the middle of Jan- Irish Sea to the North Sea, a
Time quilters
port given by Grace Bartz uary.
distance of 192 miles. They
was about the Coast Guard
The Christmas open house spent their nights at B & B’s
A Stitch in Time Quilt
Academy established in at Roslyn Heights, state located along the way. Using
has a new location at
1932 in New London, Conn. headquarters in Boonville, established trails and a map,
13th St. in Rich Hill,
Lorraina Hollingshead read was considered a success the couple walked through
country church
the President General’s Mes-
Around Bates County...
Blogging and cell phone rules for kids
By Saralee Jamieson
University Extension
any parents first learned about “blogs” and “blogging” from their own kids. These days millions of
young people are creating interactive logs on web
sites such as My Space, Facebook and Xanga.
Publishing a blog can be an esteem booster and a way for
children to strengthen their communication skills. It can also
be a wonderful way to be creative.
Be aware of the risks
Blogging has risks, however-and they are serious. To begin with, anyone can read a blog, download its contents and
archive it. Just because a child removes something from a
blog does not mean its gone.
Because blogs often serve as online diaries, kids can inadvertently give out personal information, which makes it
easy for them to be contacted by strangers. Also, unsupervised blog content sometimes contains comments about other children that are less than kind. Many kids have learnedthe hard way - that what goes around comes around and can
cause trouble.
Common-sense tips for bloggers
If your child wants to create a blog or already has, be sure
she or he agrees with you on the following rules:
• Never reveal personal information. No real names,
birth dates, phone numbers, addresses or anything identifiable in profiles or blogs. Screen names should be gender
neutral. (Make sure your child understands the dangers; one
out of every five children gets sexually solicited online.)
• Never meet a stranger-ever. No talking, no meeting,
no way. Make sure your children know that if someone contacts the, attempts to meet them or tries to turn them against
you or their teachers, these are “alerts” - and they should tell
you right away.
• Establish codes of conduct. If your child would not
say something to someone’s face, she or he should not put
it in a blog, text message or e-mail. No cyber bullying! And
that includes e-mailing or posting an embarrassing picture
of someone.
• Be careful with passwords. No sharing! Sharing
a password with a friend is like sharing a germ-it doesn’t
spread anything good. Ask you children for their passwords.
The older ones may not want to give them to you (citing privacy-that’s up to you), but for middle schoolers and younger
kids, you should be able to check for any inappropriate or
dangerous communications.
• Set limits on time and use. For younger kids, have a
computer in a central place. Establish clear boundaries and
make rules-preferably before the compute turns on-such as
no instant messaging while they’re doing homework and no
e-mail behind the closed doors.
Before you sign on the dotted line
It’s nice knowing that your child is a phone call away
but now parents have a new set of worries: Who are they
sending those text messages to? How high will the phone
bill be?
Here are a few things to consider:
Decide if a cell phone makes sense. Before you sign a
contract, be sure you can afford the expense. Figure out why
your child needs a cell phone. “Because everyone has one”
is not a good reason.
Find the right phone and plan. Look for a good deal
and for phones for kids with speed-dial keys for Mom, Dad
and 911. Tell your kids how many minutes they have, and
make it clear that they must pay for overages.
Anticipate. Tell kids not to download fancy ring-tones
and a myriad of other features that will show up on your bill.
Set clear boundaries: Turn the phone off during class and
no text messaging. You can check hour bills to see exactly
when text messages were sent.
Emphasize safety. Make sure children never give out
their phone numbers to anyone that they don’t know well or
attach a photo of themselves to an online profile. For older
kids: No talking on a cellphone while driving.
news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
Clarence and Helen Wiltz
to celebrate 60th
The children of Clarence and Helen Wiltz would like
to invite all their friends and families to help them
celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Jan. 21,
2007. The event will be held at the American Legion
Hall in Urich, Mo., from 2 to 4 p.m.
Minister Kiepel headed back to the Ukraine
It is truly winter. Schools
let out on Friday at noon and
the ice began. It is snowing hard this Monday morning and school is dismissed
again. The roads have frozen and thawed and frozen
until they are very rough.
Not much going on when it
is like this.
We extend our sincere
sympathy to the family of
Don Woodall who passed
away this week. He has been
suffering with cancer for
some time. Don was a carpenter and built many homes
in the Rich Hill area. Don
is the father of our neighbor
Bobbie Harkrader. We send
our condolences.
Rosen Klepel has been
home with Joyce and Duane
Klepel since the middle of
He ministers
to youth and orphans in the
Ukraine. The Ukraine is on
the border of Russia and has
winters like northern Minnesota. He will be here until
Jan. 23. He will then travel
to Minnesota for a couple
months and then back to the
Ukraine. If anyone would
like to see slides or speak
with Rosen, he would be
happy to show you on his lap
top the job he is doing in the
Our sincere sympathy is
extended to the family of
Imogene Daugherty of Rich
Hill who died this past week.
Imogene walked many miles
in the Kern Senior Center
which she supported for the
community. “Just call Imogene,” if anything needed
done or anyone needed help.
Imogene will be greatly
missed by her family and
Zion Lutheran School will
host their annual chili and
soup supper on Saturday,
Feb. 17. Serving will begin
at 5:30 p.m. until ? A silent
auction, bake sale, and good
food will be on tap for the
evening. The word is that
Women from France, a barber shop quartet, Hawaiian
ladies, cowboys and cowgirls
will entertain you. It sounds
like an evening of fun and
fellowship. Plan to come
and enjoy!
celebrated this week were: Roy
Fleischer, Shelley Marie Seider,(21 years old) Clifford
Rapp, Rosen Klepel, Gary
O’Farrell, Devin Lanning.
Happy Birthday!
Anniversary to Gerrad and
Michelle Steuck, Jason and
Amy Nims.
Alex Rapp of Ozark, Mo.
is spending time this week
with Ron and Cindy Steuck.
Nathan and Whitney Rapp
have been without electricity
since Saturday evening. It
looks like we may be taking
a load of wood to Ozark this
week to keep the home fires
burning. So many people are
without power in the Springfield area.
in your prayers as so many
are still healing. Pat Castle is
doing better. He has his family’s support and they visit
him daily. Jean Malone is
still healing, she rally has to
be careful in this icy weather.
Stay at home if you don’t
have to get out and about.
The two people who were
bitten by spiders have done
well. They got to the doctor
for care right away.
As I’m writing it is snowing. We are not done with
this stretch of bad weather.
This is a time to check on one
who is disabled or unable to
get outdoors.
Bro. Rizers’ sermon was
from Deuteronomy in length,
Ezekiel Chapter 37; v-1, v-2
and John Chapter 5; v. 2729. Our Bro. David and wife
Jennifer bravely came from
Joplin on Saturday. They
were careful, took their time,
and stopped to clean the
windshield a few times. They
are truly dedicated and available for anyone who needs a
visit or time to call and make
an appointment for consultation.
Today is the birthday of
Martin Luther King Jr. He
was a great man. We honor
his birthday.
Buckle up, especially now
that roads are bad.
Be safe and obey the laws.
News is scarce this time but I
hope you are all careful.
I write what I know so
keep me informed. My appointment was changed for
the 19th. I will keep you informed of what I find out.
Till next week. God bless
you one and all.–Lorrie
Davenport event a huge success
Christian Church
Jan. 14 Amoret Christian Church had 35 in attendance. It was surprising to
see so many who weathered
the storm to attend morning
service. All evening activities, were canceled and will
resume next Sunday, but Justin Carney and group will reschedule at a later date.
The Davenport Benefit
went very well. They reached
their goal plus more and people attended in full force, regardless of bad weather. That
is really wonderful. Everyone
who could do so was there to
support this family and their
cause. What a blessing.
Prayer is asked for Vic
Sherman, who has one more
test this week and it has been
stressful for him. He needs
our thoughts and prayers to
get him through this series
Are you staying warm? We
of tests. Keep all on our list are, and glad of it. A very big
thanks to Steven for keeping
our sidewalks clean and taking out our trash for us.
of Harrisonville
The last time I got out of
in the Mill-Walk Mall • 2727 Cantrell Rd.
380-2500 or 333-FILM
the house was last Friday, as
All shows seen before 5:30 p.m.
of Tuesday I have stayed in
Don, Jeanette Cushard
to celebrate their 50th
Don and Jeanette Cushard, Adrian, Mo., will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday,
Jan. 27, 2007 at the Optimist Club, 5th and Virginia,
Adrian. Don Cushard and the former Jeanette Morgan were married Feb. 2, 1957 in Adrian. The couple
has four children, Ken Cushard and Dan Cushard of
Adrian, Annette and Dale Pettibon and Linda Miller of
Nevada, Mo. They are the grandparents of 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Please join
them in celebrating their 50th, hosted by the children
and family from 3 to 6 p.m. Cards may be addressed
to Don and Jeanette Cushard, PO Box 621, Adrian,
Mo. 64720.
Outpouring of help
for Davenports
News from Bristol Manor
Jan. 19-25, 3:55, 6:30 Jan. 19-25, 4:00, 6:30
Fri.-Sat. Eve. 8:50
Fri.-Sat. Eve. 8:55
Sat.-Sun. Mat. 1:05 Sat.-Sun. Mat. 1:15
The Pursuit Of Arthur and the
Happyness - PG-13 Invisibles - PG
Jan. 19-25, 3:45, 6:25 Jan. 19-25, 3:50, 6:25
Fri.-Sat. Eve. 8:45
Fri.-Sat. Eve. 9:00
Sat.-Sun. Mat. 1:00 Sat.-Sun. Mat. 1:00
Roy and Wanda Fleischer
We Are
Night At
a supper last Sunday
Marshal - PG Museum - PG
evening in honor of Roy’s
Jan. 19-25, 3:50, 6:30 Jan. 19-25, 4:00, 6:25 birthday. Others present were
Fri.-Sat. Eve. 9:00
Fri.-Sat. Eve. 8:50
Sat.-Sun. Mat. 1:15 Sat.-Sun. Mat. 1:10
Rick and Robin Fleischer
and Keith, Josh and Kenleigh
Hitcher - R Writers - PG-13 Fleischer, Fred and Kelly
Hunt and Todd, Brooke Dubray, Roger and Traci Tippie
and Kiley, Jimmy Howell,
Brian and Hailey Gillis and
Nathan and Brodi Miller and
Maysi. Cash Dubray had to
work and couldn’t be there.
Marvin Null and E.C.
Lemon were shopping in
Kansas City, Wednesday.
Marvin and Doris Null
enjoyed lunch Thursday at
Ryan’s Restaurant in Belton
with some of Doris’s former
Mike came Thursday to
see his Mom, Mary Lou,
they went to lunch and had a
good time.
Genevive had her grandson here Sunday for a long
visit, they had a good day
A big thanks to Sharon,
for brining us some wonderful cake, we all enjoyed it.
Grace had a big smile on her
face for your brining it.
When you see your mail
person, give them a big
thanks for doing their job on
days like this. We thank them
Margaret had wonderful news last week, she has
a new great-grandson last
week, healthy and well.
Take care everyone.–Mary
Butler Police
TIPS Hotline
Call 24 hours a day
To give information on
suspected drug or any other
criminal activity
Well I bet many are getting
cabin fever. I really like to go,
so I sort of am. We did go to
Harrisonville though. Also the
kids and I were glad we got to
go to the auction for Stacy Davenport.
I did not know, and some others did not know he is the son
of our old Postmaster Mark. I
heard, (that does not mean it is
all accurate) he would be able
to pay for his last surgery and
this would help toward his next
surgery. I also heard they made
over $3,000, then I heard close
to $4,000 so I am not sure on the
exact amount, but that is great.
Cathy Slattery’s cinnamon
rolls were really raking in the
dough, also some pies others donated did very well too. Bill and
Marjorie Lewis bought some
baked goods, but I thought it
was fun when he would say give
me the one Cathy Built. Many
where generous with their bids.
It was great how many came together and helped. I heard many
businesses from Butler donated
items too, so all who contributed and those who put in so much
time can know they really made
a difference.
I know I saw Cathy Slattery
and Lynn Goddard and their
families working on it a lot,
there also was a fellow there
helping unload I did not really
meet, so I do not know who he
was, but I am sure the Davenports appreciate such dedicated
friends. Many prayers are with
his family.
Irl and Susan Jackson celebrated their wedding anniversary this past week. I spoke with
Kathy McCaine and kids while
they where up visiting her sister
and parents. They where one of
the thousands south of us that
lost their power for days. Santana Rankin said she liked the
school and was meeting new
friends. Marryann said, hi and
some other stuff I was having a
hard time making out.
I was passed on a little to
write at the auction. The note is
about the Miami seniors, on Feb.
1 they will be selling the seniors
for 6 hours labor, so if you need
a little work done , go buy one of
them. Then on the 2nd is court
warming. Then it says at the
home game this Friday the seniors will be selling taco salads,
so go show them some support,
they sound hard at work.
They have managed to find
some to run for city council,
the same people, but last I hear
no mayor still and the deadline
is today by 5 p.m. I believe. I
cross my fingers we have a good
one, kind of scary you never
know who will run and even if
you think certain people will be
good at mayor or city council
you never know until you see
them at work. I just hope the
best for our city.
Have a good week.
6 news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
Clay Appleberry
William Clay Appleberry,
age 76 of Butler, Missouri died
Wednesday, January 10 at Willow Lane Nursing Center in Butler. He was born January 18,
1930 to Walter and Lillie Mae
Swanigan Appleberry in Macks
Creek, Missouri.
Clay, one of 13 children,
grew up in Lebanon, Missouri
where he attended school. On
October 4, 1949 he was united
in marriage to LaNell Fleming in
Lebanon, Missouri and to this
union, five children were born.
His first work was that of a laborer in the construction industry but also worked at a missile
base in Bates County. Clay was
also head sawman at Southside Lumber Company for many
years. He has resided in Butler
since 1954. Clay later married
Mary McCalley in Lebanon.
Clay was a humble, hardworking, and kind hearted
gentleman. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, camping, gardening and cooking. Professional
wrestling, football, baseball and
the “Red Skelton Show” were
Clay’s favorite television shows.
Clay also had a musical side to
him . . . playing the guitar, banjo
and singing. A shade tree mechanic in his spare time, he liked
working on vehicles. His true
enjoyment came from his grandchildren and he loved each and
every one of them.
Clay is survived by his wife
of 26 years, Mary Appleberry of
Butler, Missouri; two sons, Norm
Appleberry and wife Gloria and
Denny Appleberry and wife
Tammy all of Butler, Missouri;
two daughters, Willa Calkins
and husband Ellery of Pleasanton, KS and Kathy Carver of
Butler, Missouri; one stepson,
Marvin Misner of Georgia; four
stepdaughters, Dianna Brandon
and husband Ronald of Kansas
City, Kansas, Candace Hughes
of Butler, Missouri, Lori Register
of Black Foot, Idaho and Cindy
O’Neill of Mankota, Minnesota;
three brothers, Loyd Appleberry
and wife Phyllis, Larry Appleberry and wife Gaylea and Donald
Appleberry and wife Cheryl, all
of Lebanon, Missouri; six sisters, Sharon Monnahan, Shirley
Baney and Mary Johnson and
husband Everett, all of Lebanon,
Missouri, Ruby Davis of Branson, Betty Bittle and husband
Wendell of Heber Springs, Arkansas and Edith Flannary and
husband Jack of Humansville,
Missouri; eight grandchildren,
seven great-grandchildren; five
step grandchildren; and three
step great-grandchildren. He
was preceded in death by his
parents; one son, David Appleberry; three brothers, Lonnie
Gene, Herbert Walter and Jesse
Lee Appleberry.
Funeral services were 11
a.m. Saturday, January 13,
2007 at the Schowengerdt Funeral Chapel (660-679-6555) in
Butler with Dr. Terry Davis officiating and David Gayman assisting. Burial, Oak Hill Cemetery,
Butler, Missouri. Contributions,
Mary Lou
Repp, 85, Higginsville, Mo.,
died Sunday,
Jan. 14, 2007 at Research
Medical Center, Kansas City,
Mo. Services were Jan. 17 at
the Central Christian Church,
Higginsville with Pastor Cheryl
Sanders officiating and Rev.
Steven Goughnour assisting.
Burial in Higginsville City Cemetery. Arrangements by Hoefer
Funeral Home, Inc., Higginsville. Memorial contributions to
Central Christian Church.
Mrs. Repp was born Nov. 7,
1921 in Liberal, Mo., to Clive
Laughery and Florence (Kendall) Laughery. Mary Lou lived in
Higginsville the past 54 years.
She was co-owner of Repp Motor Company with her husband,
Cecil Repp. They married March
30, 1940. She taught Sunday
school for 28 years, was active
in the Women’s Church Circle
where she held many offices.
She also served as deaconess
on the church board and also
served as a church office volunteer. She was a 50-year-plus
member of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority and a member of the Laureate Phi Chapter. She belonged
to several bridge clubs and was
a 50-year member of the Higginsville American Legion Auxiliary and the Higginsville Chamber of Commerce. A charter
member and past board member of the Higginsville Country
Club, she was also a past Girl
Scout leader. She enjoyed flowers, gardening and traveling.
She was preceded in death by
her parents; a son-in-law, Donald Bird and two sisters, Wilma
Lawhead and Dorothy Pruden.
Survivors include her husband
Cecil Repp of the home; daughters, Patty Tilly and husband
Darrell and Joanie Goebel and
husband Jim, all of Higginsville; three grandsons, Anthony
Bird, Brady Bates and Patrick
Goebel; two great-granddaughters, Johnna Swisher and Julie
Charlton; great-great grandchildren Taylor Bird, Jaelyn Swisher
and Dillon Charlton; step grandsons, Kyle Tilly and wife Janine
and Shaun Tilly and wife Teresa;
several nieces and nephews.
‘Joe’ Robbins
William “Joe” Robbins, 56,
Harrisonville, Mo., died Monday,
Jan. 8, 2007 at the Adrian Manor
Nursing Home, Adrian, Mo. Services were Jan. 11 at the Atkinson Chapel, Harrisonville with
burial in Wills Cemetery, Peculiar, Mo.
Mr. Robbins was born Oct.
3, 1959 in Petersburg, Texas
to Cecil Arthur and Nora Lee
(Bird) Robbins. He is survived
by two sisters, Susan Bechtel
and husband, Larry and Kay
Divelbiss, all of Harrisonville;
nieces and nephews, Steven
and Alexis Bechtel and Laura
Bechtel, all of Harrisonville, Gerry and Staci Divelbiss and son
Gabriel, Lenexa, Kan., and Brad
Gennifer Kephart and son
Imogene D. Daugherty and
Holden, New Virginia, IA. ConImogene Donna Daugherty, tributions to Adrian Manor Nursage 84 of Rich Hill, Missouri ing Home.
died Friday, January 12, 2007 at
Willow Lane Nursing Center in
Butler. She was born August 16,
Dorothy Stevens
1922 to Clyde and Irva Johnson
Dorothy Elizabeth Goodin
Sivils in Rich Hill, Missouri.
Imogene, one of four chil- Stevens, 90, Butler, Mo., passed
dren, grew up in Rich Hill where away Sunday, Jan. 14, 2007 at
she attended school. On Febru- the Medicalodge of Butler. Serary 11, 1950 she was united in vices were Jan. 17 at the Unmarriage to John Daugherty in derwood-Brandtonies Funeral
Bentonville, Arkansas. Imogene Home with Pastor Ron Dunlap
worked as a hairdresser instruc- officiating. Burial followed the
tor and also as a manager at service in the Dayton Cemetery
near Archie, Mo. The family sugWestern Electric Company. She gests donations be made to the
was a member of the Rich Hill Alzheimer’s Association.
United Methodsit Church and
Dorothy was born Sept. 1,
was actively involved when her 1916 in El Dorado Springs, Mo.,
health allowed.
to Henry and Iva (Kline) Goodin.
Imogene was a woman that Her father moved around a lot
found pleasure in helping, giving so she lived in a lot of different
and doing things for others--al- places. She went to work for
ways going above and beyond Parthima Stevens where she
what was expected. She was met and married James Edward
active in her community includ- Stevens Sr.
ing the Rich Hill Alumni AssoShe was preceded in death
ciation, Rich Hill Youth Devel- by her parents; three brothers:
opment Center and served as Donald H. Goodin, Virgil Goodin
a board member of numerous and Homer Goodin; two sisters:
other committees in the Rich Hill Mary Alice Gilham and Nettie
May Cramer; and three greatarea.
Imogene is survived by a grandchildren, Megan Miller,
brother, Wilbur “Buck” Sivils and Dartanian Flint and Vanessa
wife Shirley of Excelsior Springs, Flint. Dorothy is survived by her
Missouri; four nephews, Gay- husband, James Stevens of Butland Fix and wife Carmen of ler; seven children, Alice Mae
Butler, Missouri, Jack Fix Jr. of Justis, Virginia Lee Flint (Robert), Coleta Stevens, James
Kansas City, Missouri, Roger Edward Stevens Jr. (Mary Jo),
Fix of Lee’s Summit, Missouri all of Butler; Jo Angus Thomas
and Cotton Sivils and wife Carol and Melvin Henry Stevens, all
of Kansas City, Missouri; three of Independence, Mo.; and May
nieces, Cindy Cappel and hus- Irene Terry (Charles) of Odessa,
band Dennis of Silex, Missouri, Mo.; one brother, Henry Floyd
Candi Dahmer and husband Goodin (Yuko), Springfield,
Greg of Nevada, Missouri and Mo.; 14 grandchildren; 20 greatCasie Simpson and husband grandchildren; and many nieces
Craig of Kansas City, Missouri; and nephew.
and several great-nephews and
great-nieces. She was preceded
Ivan D. Unruh
in death by her parents; husband
Ivan Dean Unruh, age 71 of
John; and two sisters, Allyne Fix Butler, Missouri died Saturday,
and Evalyn Stone.
January 13, 2007 at Shawnee
Funeral services were Mon- Mission Medical Center in Merday, January 15, 2007 at the riam, Kansas due to complicaSchowengerdt Funeral Chapel tions caused by diabetes. He
in Butler with Brother Bill Perkey was born August 15, 1935 to
officiating. Burial in the Green Elmer and Melinda Nightengale
Lawn Cemetery, Rich Hill, Mis- Unruh in Copeland, Kansas.
souri. Contributions to the Rich
Ivan, one of eight children,
Hill United Methodist Church.
spent his early childhood in
Greensburg, Kansas where he
attended the Greensburg Country School and later moved to
Nevada, Missouri with his parents. He was converted and
baptized into the Church on
April 21, 1950. On February 10,
1957 he was united in marriage
to JoAnn Nightingale at the
Greenfield Mennonite Church in
Carnegie, Oklahoma and to this
union, three children were born.
Ivan led his family to the Lord.
He loved the church, enjoyed
attending church and carried a
deep concern for the salvation
of his family. Outstanding in his
life was his love for song, receiving many inspirations.
Ivan, along with his wife,
moved to Lake Providence, Louisiana in 1977 and resided there
for nine years where he worked
at Farmer’s Supply. He enjoyed
living there and celebrated his
25th wedding anniversary. Ivan
loved spending time with his
family, traveling with JoAnn,
outdoor wiener roasts, coming
to the bakery every day to have
lunch with his wife, being a special friend and playing games
with his grandchildren. He was
a good provider for his family,
working as a laborer in a factory
and at Hesston Corporation.
Quietly and patiently, Ivan endured the affliction of his physical illness.
Ivan is survived by his wife of
49 years, JoAnn Unruh of Butler, Missouri; two sons, Wayne
Unruh and wife Patricia of Transylvania, Louisiana and Arlin
Unruh and wife Mavis of Belton,
Missouri; one daughter, Barbara
Koehn and husband Devern of
Rich Hill, Missouri; two brothers, Arthur Dennis Unruh and
wife Marjorie of Butler, MO and
Eldon Wayne Unruh and wife
Elnora of Naples, Florida; and
seven grandchildren and one
great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his parents;
three brothers, Dale, Henry and
infant stillborn James; and two
sisters, Neva and Winona.
Funeral services were held
10:30 a.m.Tuesday, January 16,
2007 at the Bethany Mennonite
Church in Rich Hill, Missouri
with Ministers Lance Dirks, Gary
Schmidt and Myron Koehn officiating. Burial in the Bethany
Mennonite Cemetery, Rich Hill
Missouri. Contributions to the
Bethany Mennonite Church
Benevolent Fund.
are under the direction of the
Schowengerdt Funeral Chapel
(660-679-6555) in Butler.
Laura M. Wolfe
Laura M. Wolfe, 95, Adrian,
Mo., passed away Monday, Jan.
8, 2007 at Bates County Memorial Hospital in Butler, Mo.
She was born Sept. 7, 1911
near Adrian, Mo., the youngest
of six children. She attended
the Buckhorn School in Bates
County, Mo.
On Feb. 4, 1933, Laura married George Wolfe, taking up
residence on a farm located
near the Adrian area. At the time
of her marriage, a local columnist, Flora Bollings, wrote that
George had stolen Mel Askew’s
youngest chick. Mr. and Mrs.
Wolfe later left the farm and
moved into the town of Adrian.
Laura was a member of the Jolly Dozens Club and the Adrian
United Methodist Church.
Laura was preceded in death
by her parents, Luvenia and Mel
Askew and her husband, Mr.
George Wolfe. She is survived
by two nieces, Zola Lee Horstman, Mayer, Ariz., Savilla Lou
Lundquist and husband Duane,
Independence, Mo.; Etha Pearl
Black, Butler, wife of Donald
Dean Black (nephew, deceased);
two great-nieces, Donna Gregory and Diane Steinkuler; four
great-nephews, Alan Lundquist,
Greg Lundquist, Alan Black and
Kevin Black.
Services were Jan. 12 at the
Atkinson Funeral Home, Adrian,
with Alan Black officiating. Burial
in Crescent Hill Cemetery. Contributions to the Adrian Methodist Church.
Donald Paul Woodall
Donald Paul Woodall was
born May 17, 1930 in Rich Hill,
Mo. He was one of two boys
born to Meriam and Frank
Woodall. He passed away at the
Bates County Memorial Hospital
surrounded by his family on Jan.
10, 2007 a the age of 76. Don
was a carpenter, taught by a
wonderful uncle, Everett Anderson. His life was building homes
in Rich Hill, Mo. He’d call it the
“garden spot of the world.”
On Jan. 14, 1950 he was united in marriage to Peggy West.
Their home has always been in
Rich Hill where they raised four
daughters, Bobbie, Donna, Margaret and Cheryl. He was their
rock, and loved all the family, especially his grandchildren. There
weren’t many people in town
who didn’t know Don. He had a
Knights of Columbus assists schools
Knights of Columbus Council 8040, Butler, recently presented checks totaling over
$1,450 to the Special Education departments at Butler, Adrian, Rich Hill, Miami,
Ballard and Hume. The money was collected during the annual Tootsie Roll drives
held in October of 2004 and 2005. Terry Pierce is shown presenting a check to Becky
Loftin, Special Education Coordinator at the Hume R-8 School.—Submitted photo.
happy smile, big heart and willingness to help anyone. It was
his joy to show younger guys
the carpenter trade. He loved to
play cards and drink coffee with
his friends.
He was preceded in death by
his parents and one grandson,
Paul Gillis and one special brother-in-law, George Fillpot. Don is
survived by his wife (Peggy) of
nearly 57 years of the home; 4
daughters, Bobbie Harkrader
and Jerry, Rich Hill; Donna Tinsley and husband Tom, Harrisonville; Margaret Williams and
husband Dennie; and Cheryl
Hummel and husband Tim, Butler; one brother, Jimmy Woodall
and wife Maxine, Lee’s Summit;
nine grandchildren; 14 greatgrandchildren; and two greatgreat grandchildren; a long list of
nieces, nephews, aunt, friends
and other family members. Anyone who knew Don will always
remember him as a wonderful,
happy, loving, caring man.
Services were Jan. 13 at the
Heuser Funeral Home, Rich Hill
with Bro. Bill Perkey officiating.
Interment in Greenlawn Cemetery, Rich Hill.
Miami R-1
Students of the Month
November: Michael Ratliff, senior; Dale Holder, 8th
grade; Austin Muller, 6th grade; Christopher Dame,
1st grade.
So far so good,
it’ll get
So far so good – At least here in
Butler this Sunday morning, here
on the farm as I look out the window, I see white all around. The
white is not snow it is ice – beautiful, but very dangerous.
I see by my television, that
Kansas City has had another dose
of the storm and many churches
have closed their doors this Sunday. This is bad but it will get better.
Remember to keep food and
water in stock, so you don’t run
low in these bad times. Keep those
little children bundled up warm,
don’t take chances.
This is just January and we
have more bad weather ahead of
us. Keep informed so you don’t
get caught outside, during this
bad weather with no way to get
help. Please don’t forget your cell
phones, if you have them!
Now is the kind of weather
when my Mother used to cook
a large pot of beef stew, chili, or
ham and beans. It seems to help
warm the house, by humidifying
the air inside the house, while filling it with great food aromas. This
was home!
Lisa Myers hosted a baby
shower for, Amy McGuire on Jan.
7 and had a house full. Amy’s
Aunt Janet, her mother Pat, her
Grandmother Lottie, her sisters,
a few of her close friends, her
fiancé’s grandparents Bud and
Joyce Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Danny
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Al Church,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson all
Many a prayer went up from
the children, that they would get
snowed in and get to stay home
from school and help Mom with
household chores. I think this still
happens today.
In Springfield, Mo., it was a
very bad ice storm overnight. We
December: Katie Booth, senior; Heather Reinke, 8th
grade; Somer Leister, 6th grade; Kara Drury, 3rd
grade.—Ron Fowler photos.
received pictures on the news
showing part of the damage. Many
in South Missouri are out of power. Jasmine, Harold, & Paige (their
daughter) Jacobs plus Harold’s
sister Tiffany and family all went
to his and her Father’s house to
keep warm. Power lines and trees
were/are down all over the place,
but their Father’s home was still
God is all power, he does his
things and we have to adapt. He
gives us “reason” so we can adapt.
He opens new doors for us everyday. He causes us to have to stop,
so we have time to remember to
greet our neighbors, time to talk
but must of all time to listen. So be
a good listener.
Well, its tax time again, be sure
to apply for your telephone excise
tax refund, check this out. This is a
real tax break for 2006 taxes.
My nephew e-mailed us from
Burbank, Calif. telling us about
how the average daily winter
temperature was about 68 degrees. Two days later we see on
the news, a record-breaking cold
snap, and then see where his area
had received 3 inches of snowfall. I also see where all the citrus
growers are having to burns peach
and apricot pits to keep the citrus
from freezing. The story is about
$75,000,000 loss of citrus crop
thus far. Never before have they
had a snowstorm like this.
No church news to talk about
this week, due to the weather.
We did have some birthdays, we
celebrated in our neighborhood:
Zelda Coleman, Alan Zellmer, and
the wonderful, extra special, one
of a kind daughter-in-law to Bud
and Joyce Myers just celebrated
her Birthday on the January 13th.
I am told she turned 29 again...
Stacy Davenport, our prayers
are with you and hope you did
great the other day. Also prayers
go out to Jeff Cox, Dana Allen,
Bud Myers, those who lost so
much from the house fires, The
Kantor family, a friend Raymond,
Chip Myers, Cheryl’s Dad and
Jill, The Johnson’s, Stacy Thomas
and Family, Pat and Warren, Amy
McGuire, the Cain and Carey
families, Leetha McKee, and all
our unspoken prayers plus our
Armed Forces all over the world
and lets not forget our leaders and
our nation.
Congratulations to my friend
Mary Barnhill, I see she is a Great
Grandma now. The new arrival
was named Brennnah Lynn. A new
baby is always a blessing.
news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
■ Notes from
By Doug Fattig
Harmony, Minn.
(I am not a real farmer. I just live on a hobby farm. A high maintenance hobby farm. My latest project is putting a diesel engine in my van.
he engine we have now has an automatic transmission
but the diesel only comes with a 5-speed stick. So we
had to have clutch linkage. Fortunately we have an excess of junk cars behind the barn for spare parts and one had
a hydraulic clutch that we could third world engineer to make
work. (Probably material for one column when the time comes
to do it). We don’t have shift linkage. (2 columns). My son
thinks it would be simple to cobble something to shift it. For
his peace of mind, I will let him suffer under that illusion until
time comes for him to do it.
What tangled web we weave when first we decided to...
work. The web went like this. In order to put the diesel in we
have to have somewhere to work on it. We had to have somewhere warm so we chose a shed with a door and chimney. The
door had a gap at the bottom so we nailed rubber mats to it.
It was not tall enough so we dug out the dirt floor. To do that
we needed to move what was on the floor so we had to make
shelves to put it on.
To make the shelves we had to tear down an old feed bunk
for wood. We had to have heat so we had to fix the chimney. We
also had to move the stove closer because the shed is not insulated. There was a wall between the new location and where the
existing chimney was so we removed it. That involved moving
lots of junk piled against the wall. (I don’t know where all this
junk comes from but suspect a junk fairy). They sneak into
sheds, barns, spare rooms and garages everywhere and leave
all manners of useless junk. I think they are the ones responsible for putting trash in the backs of pickup trucks when you
are parked somewhere away from home, too).
We plan to have everything ready to do it by spring. By then
it will be warm enough so we don’t need to do it in the shed. I
figure it to be a five column job. Eight at most.
Alfalfa Expo set
for Jan. 23 at Nevada
Short hay supplies and an increase in dairy cattle numbers has renewed interest in alfalfa production. An Alfalfa
Expo is planned for Jan. 23, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Vernon
County Fairgrounds in Nevada, Mo. The fairgrounds are
located at the intersection of highways 71 and 54.
Speakers include Al Decker, area livestock specialist,
talking about stretching hay supplies; Stacy Hamilton, area
dairy specialist, discussing what dairy farmers need; Rob
Kallenbach, state forage specialist, discussing harvesting
losses; and Pat Miller, area agronomy specialist, covering
alfalfa pests including the new cowpea aphid. Registration
starts at 9:30 am. Registration cost is $10, payable at the
Please call in meal reservations by Jan. 19 to 417-4482560 or e-mail Pat Miller, area agronomy specialist, at
[email protected].
Miami R-1
school menus
Monday, Jan. 22: Breakfast: Ham, egg, cheese
bar, milk. Lunch: Chicken,
mashed potatoes and gravy,
green beans, cake milk.
Tuesday, Jan. 23: Breakfast: French toast, milk.
Lunch: Chili, crackers, pickle, PB sandwich, applesauce,
Wednesday, Jan. 24: Breakfast: Biscuit and gravy, milk.
Lunch: Hot dog, french fries,
baked beans, peaches, milk.
Thursday, Jan. 25: Breakfast: Cinnamon toast and
sausage, milk. Lunch: Pizza,
corn, lettuce, cinnamon roll,
Friday, Jan. 26: Breakfast: Breakfast burrito, milk.
Lunch: Hot ham and cheese,
cheesy potatoes peas, pudding, milk.
THE DIRT ROAD RASCALS (from left): Scott Dunwoody, Fred Dunwoody as Hector of Huckleberry Holler, Warren
Elliott, Dan William Peek.—Submitted photo.
Dirt Road Rascals Show coming to Bates County
On Jan. 27, The Dirt Road Rascals, with Hector of Huckleberrry Holler will perform at the Bates County Cattlemen’s
Association annual meeting. The event, which is open to the
public, will take place in the Bates County Fairgrounds (800
block of Nursery Street) in Butler, Missouri. The $16.00 admission fee includes a prime rib dinner and The Dirt Road
Rascals show. The dinner commences at 6 p.m.
The Dirt Road Rascals Show is a country bluegrass variety show complete with a country clown, “Hector of Huckleberry Holler” and old fashioned fiddle and banjo tunes.
But in addition to Hector’s comedy and the performance of
tunes like “Ragtime Annie” and “Foggy Mountain Breakdown”, The Rascals perform more contemporary music,
like “Long Black Train” and “Dancer, Dance, Dance”.
The Rascals are known for crowd pleasing, family friend-
ly performances and amiable “meet and greet” sessions with
the audience before and after the show.
The Dirt Road Rascals performance on Jan. 27 is sponsored in part by Midwest Lumber and Max Motors.
Lonnie Duckworth, President of the Bates County Cattlemen’s Association, said that the sponsorship of the show
by local businesses was in keeping with the Association’s
commitment to the community as whole.
“We invite everyone in Bates county and the region to
come on out for a great dinner and lively entertainment,”
Duckworth said. “We’d like this to be a real community
For information or directions call the Bates County Cattlemen’s Association at 660-679-8627.
■ Follow the leader
MU student creates system for robotic grain carts
By Robert Thomas
University Extension
they may look like shiny toys
found under the Christmas
tree, Brian Kliethermes’ two
radio-controlled trucks are a
little different.
Kliethermes, a senior in
the University of Missouri
agricultural systems management program from Tipton,
Mo., outfitted two plastic toy
trucks with a computer and
Global Positioning System
receivers that allow the trailing truck to “talk” to the lead
truck and follow the same
course, demonstrating how a
low-cost GPS can be used to
platoon unmanned vehicles
for farming operations.
Farmers have used GPS
on tractors or combines for
parallel tracking, allowing
straight passes across field
without assistance from the
operator. Such technology
has made farming operations
more productive by minimizing overlaps, reducing operator fatigue and cutting fuel
“But, there is nothing on
the market that allows the
platooning, or traveling in
unison, of two vehicles such
as a combine and grain cart,”
Kliethermes said. “To travel
in platoon, vehicles must
communicate with each other
and travel at a set or variable
distance between them.”
“Brian identified a challenge on his family farm that
has been of interest to other
farmers and machinery in-
dustry for a long time,” said
Brian Adams, assistant professor of agricultural systems
Kliethermes equipped the
lead vehicle with a Bluetooth
GPS receiver. The follower
vehicle has a serial port GPS
receiver and small computer.
A GPS signal from the lead
vehicle is transferred wirelessly to the follower vehicle,
giving its location and speed
to the follower. The computer on the follower vehicle
compares the speed and location from the lead vehicle to
its own and decides its own
speed and course.
Kliethermes’ key to keeping the pair of trucks in uni-
son was his writing codes, or
algorithms, that allowed the
follower vehicle’s computer
to analyze a GPS signal from
the lead vehicle, creating a
system of coordinates that
kept the follower the proper
distance away.
The lead vehicle would
typically be controlled by an
operator. The follower, platoon, vehicle would trail by
a set distance laterally and
“The follower vehicle will
always be communicating
with the lead vehicle to stay
within the given distance,”
Kliethermes said.
Using such a system,
combines would be able to
travel a set distance apart and
continue harvesting while
unloading grain into a following grain cart. The system also could be used for
silage harvesting where the
harvester is the lead vehicle
for a platoon silage wagon,
he said. Today, such wagons
and carts must be pulled by
a tractor, requiring a second
operator. That driver has the
tedious task of maintaining
the proper distance so grain
or silage flows into the wagon.
Attention teenagers:
It’s not cool to do drugs
Miami FFA representatives
Recently the Miami FFA Chapter took its first year members to Warrensburg for the
Greenhand Motivational Conference. This conference is made possible through the
generous donations of MFA Inc. The Greenhands went through a leadership training
seminar and were given the opportunity to meet the state FFA officers. From left, front
row: Brandy White, Kelly Zimmerman, Ruby Burch, Nick Clemons, James Mclay, Ambre Davenport, Hayley Widsom. Back row (from left): Garrett Gutshall, Ryan Slattery,
Darren Pippin, Colten Booth, Miles Nieder and Jake Johnston.—Submitted photo.
Finger Lickin’ Bone Ticklin’ Fun For the Whole Family!
Jan. 27 • 6:00 Dinner and Show
Prime Rib Dinner & Show only $16.00
includes baked potato, dinner salad, roll, cake and beverage
Bates County Fair Youth Building • Great Door Prizes
Donated By: Adrian Bank • Appleton City Grain • Butler Animal Clinic •
Citizens Bank of Amsterdam • Community First Bank • Osage Valley Electric Coop.•
Rolling Meadows Animal Hospital • Sage Animal Health Clinic • Yoss Triftway
The Dirt Road Rascals, with Hector of Huckleberry Holler who is a country
bluegrass variety show complete with a country clown, “Hector of Huckleberry Holler”
and old fashion fiddle and banjo tunes. The Rascals are known for crowd pleasing,
family friendly performances and amiable “meet and greet” sessions with
the audience before and after the show.
The Dirt Road Rascals performance on Jan. 27 is sponsored in part by Max Motors, “You want a truck? We
got’em!” and Midwest Lumber & Supply Company, “Your True Value Store with the Just Ask Rental Department.”
Miami’s FFA
honor student
The December Agriculture student of the Month is Zack
Ewbank. He is the son of Tracy and Angela Ewbank. He
is currently a junior at Miami High School where he is enrolled in Ag Construction. His SAE is in the area of Agriculture Services. He currently has his own lawn mowing
business. He is also very active in FFA. He is the chapter
Sentinel and has not missed an activity all year. He hopes
to keep building on his SAE and being active in FFA.
8 news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
TOURNAMENT CHAMPS, Butler Lady Bears 5th grade
girls basketball A team which won the Sherwood preseason tournament over the weekend. They defeated
Sherwood White 58-3; Harrisonville Blue 38-8, Sherwood black 36-6; and Sherwood Stackhouse 29-6 in
the championship. This brings their record to 10-0 on
the season as they also won the El Dorado Springs
Christmas tournament and the Nevada holiday tournament. Front row (from left): Kiersten Morris, Alyx
Gepford, Jchelsea Noe and Kayla Morris. Back row:
Gabby Blevins, Jozie Smiley, Dee West-Persley and
Molly Jackson. Others not pictured that played in
the El Dorado and Nevada tournaments are Sabrina
Hill, Mykayla Martin, Johnna Spencer and Kristy Villa.
Coaches are Brad Davis and Shannon Gepford.
grade boys, thanking sponsor Max Motors. Front
row: Baustin Sargent, Kyle Borland, Justin Waters.
Back row: Geoffrey Algiere, Baylor Mead, Alex Clover, Skyler Miller.
grade girls, thanking sponsor Max Motors. Front
row: Kara Chandler, Jenna Bosch, Mika Aizawa,
Saryn Ducharme. Back row: Saorah Humbard, Katie
Henry, Tori McGee, Kylie Johnson.
FIRST PLACE NEVADA TOURNAMENT, 5th grade boys, MCI team coached and sponsored by Shannon Gepford. Front row: Brandon Erisman, Zach Black, Brett Miller,
Cameron Hough. Back row: Brennan O’Connell, Nick Tiona, Kyle Todd, Dalton Fischer, Garrett Craigmiles, Blade Kalleck.
Senior Center Menu
Serving Adrian, Butler
and Rich Hill Centers
FIRST PLACE SHERWOOD TOURNAMENT, 6th grade boys, thanking sponsor Brad Stephens, Principal Finance team. Front row: Trey Gustin, Justin Smith, Zach White. Back
row: Sklyer McElwain, Jesse Waters, Nate Crist, Krystian Miller.
Weather shuts down
area news activities
We’ve been hit with another storm, more ice then
snow this time. Started Friday morning, so schools let
out early, and I believe most
churches in the area called
off services Sunday, which
doesn’t happen often. As of
3 p.m. Tuesday it is 1 degree above zero on my front
porch. Sun has been shining
all day today. No word yet on
school tomorrow, but there is
more activity today than yesterday.
David and Kim Meade and
Dennise brought supper and
ate with me Sunday evening.
Jeremiah, CeNedra and Levi
came by later and we had a
card party.
Ballard is to go to Hume
of basketball Friday and next
week is the Archie Tournament. The game at Montrose
scheduled for the 16th had to
be called off and will be rescheduled.
Sorry no news this week.
The weather is the news and
I for one am staying in where
it is warm and dry.
Don’t ask that your name be
omitted from the court news.
First, we won’t do it; second,
court proceedings are a matter
of public record and the public
has a right to know.
Westmoreland retirement
Friends and employees gathered at Medicalodge at
Medicalodge to congratulate Aubrey Westmoreland
on his retirement on Jan. 4, 2007. Westmoreland was
employed at Medicalodge for 17 years and was a great
asset to the laundry and housekeeping departments.
Medicalodge offers its best wishes to Aubrey and Ruby
Westmoreland for a happy retirement.
Monday, 22: Country fried
steak, chicken vegetable soup,
mashed potatoes/gravy, Harvard
beets, peas, rolls/crackers, carrot
cake, butterscotch pudding.
Tuesday, 23: BBQ rib on bun,
chicken and noodles, corn, autumn
delight, lima beans, bread/bun, butterscotch squares, ice box dessert.
Wednesday, 24: Swedish meatballs/rice, Polish sausage-kraut,
carrots, au gratin potatoes, herbed
green beans, bread, cinnamon roll,
chocolate mousse.
Thursday, 25: Meat loaf, stuffed
chicken breast mashed potatoes/
gravy, broccoli, ambrosia, bread,
chocolate chip cookie, Hawaiian
pineapple square.
Friday, Jan. 26. Fried Chicken
Friday with mashed potatoes/gravy,
California blend vegetables, roll,
homemade pie.
■Chef’s salad and unsweetened
fruit available daily as alternative
to menu items.
news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
Weather shuts down sports
Appleton City tourney
Osceola girls 78, Sherwood 32
Osceola boys 55, El Dorado Springs 38
Rich Hill girls 39, Humansville 29
Rich Hill: Amber Yohe 5, Jackie Politte 8, Holly Tourtillott 2, Lora
El Dorado Springs 35, Butler 26
Drake 4, Travauna Smith 3, Lena Coonce 2, Jamie Sumner 4, Ashleigh
Both teams had trouble scoring but El Dorado Springs shot a little betRapp 11.
ter in the defensive struggle and won the semifinal game over butler 35-26
Humansville: Miranda Jenkins 2, Arianne Henry 11, Samantha Skinlast Thursday in the Appleton City tournament.
ner 4, Kayla Bays 6, Hayle Wendleton 6.
Rachael Burch and Kelsey McCaslin each had 10 points to lead the
Lady Bear scoring.
Rich Hill
Butler: Rachael Burch 10, Mar-Kel West 6, Kelsey McCaslin 10.
El Dorado Springs: Bailey Bush 11, Abby Brower 4, Nikki Friar 7,
Brooke Hamilton 9, Brooke McKinney 4
Windsor boys 54, Humansville 49
Rich Hill boys 59, Appleton City 50
Rich Hill: Tyler Ryser 15, Jessy Coonce 3, Rusty Thomas 7, Ryan
Brocka 18, Blake Bradley 11, Jacob Stout 1, James Howell 4.
Sherwood boys 65, Butler 63
Appleton City: Jarret Thomas 12, Brian Landers 13, Brice Hill 6,
Thursday night in the semifinal round of the Appleton City TournaDrew Boin 13, William Kenagy 2, Derek Cross 4.
ment, Butler boys again lost a heart breaker by a 65-63 score to Sherwood
in overtime.
Rich Hill
Butler trailed the entire game until Brandon Fischer made a three point
shot to tie the game 57-57 and force it into overtime. In overtime the
teams traded baskets and were tied 63-63 with 10 seconds left. Butler
Appleton City girls 38, Windsor 28
had the ball and was going for the last shot. The ball was fumbled and
Appleton City: Paige Johannigmeier 6, Carly Durst 2, Emily Landers
Sherwood picked it up and went the length of the floor for a last second
2, Kaitlin MItchell 13, Laura Johannigmeier 7, Salina Suranofsky 8.
layup to win the game.
Windsor: Megan Dady 11, Jessica Wolfe 2, Diane Brennan 6, Megan
Butler: Colby Teeman 7, Morgan Hough 19, Brandon Fischer 7, Corbin
Sheffield 8, Felicia Fornshell 1.
Umstattd 5, Renner Schaller 4, Will Burch 11, Matthew Nisely 10.
Sherwood: Ryan Rector 11, Ethan Hill 9, Josh Lafollette 3, Alex Gywnne 2, Darrin Albin 10, Coulter Conner 5, Jacob Bathware 15, J.D.
Schrock 8, Darrick Farr 2.
Corbin Umstattd lays one up for Butler in the Appleton City Tournament.
Other games...
Renner Schaller pulls down a rebound for Butler
against Sherwood.
Holden boys 60, Archie 52
Archie boys outscored Holden in 3 of the 4 quarters but
in the second quarter, Holden
held a 22-8 edge going on a
21-4 run just before half and it
was enough for a 60-52 win at
“Our defensive pressure and
intensity was lacking,” said
Coach Schulte. “We gave Holden way too many easy looks.”
Tyler Anderson made 11
of 13 fieldgoal attempts for 24
points to lead Archie while Travis Fishbaugh had 9 points and
8 rebounds. Tyler Gibson also
had 7 points and Anderson had
6 rebounds.
Archie girls 65, Warsaw 62
Warsaw girls led Archie 2016 at the end of the first quarter
but the Whirlwinds outscored
Warsaw 18-8 in the second
quarter for a 34-28 halftime
lead. Warsaw outscored Archie
34-31 in the second half but the
Whirlwinds held on for a 65-62
non conference win at Warsaw.
Melani Ford stepped up with
21 points and 8 rebounds while
Kelsey Thomas had 16 points,
Morgyn Bergschneider had 11
and Sheryl Mattox added 8.
Brooke Thurman and Brianna
Tervol each had 5 rebounds as
the Whirlwinds made 5 of 12
Sports Calendar
Friday, Jan. 19
Rich Hill @ Drexel, 5:30
Appleton City @ Cass-Midway, 5:30
Osceola @ Adrian, 5:30
Ballard @ Hume, 6 (homecoming)
Butler @ Lone Jack, 6
Archie @ Miami, 5:30
Jan. 22-27
Archie Tournament (Cass-Midway,
Adrian, Ballard, Archie)
Osceola Tournament (Appleton City)
Hume Tournament (Archie)
Butler @ Clinton Tournament
Tuesday, Jan. 23
Rich Hill @ Bronaugh, 5:30
Jan. 23: Adrian @ Holden, 6
Jan. 25: K.C. Center @ Adrian,
6:30; Butler/Sherwood/ St. Mary’s
AWAY, 6.
of Columbus Free Throw
Championship. The local
competition will be held Saturday, Jan. 27, at 1:30 p.m.
at Adrian R-3 School (west
The Knights of Columbus
Free Throw championship
is sponsored annually, with
winners progressing through
local, district, and state
competitions. International
champions are announced
by the K of C international
headquarters based on scores
from the state-level competitions. All boys and girls 10 to
14 years old are eligible to
participate and will compete
in their respective age divisions. Last year more than
179,000 sharpshooters participated in over 3,000 local
All contestants on the lopetition for the 2007 Knights cal level are recognized for
Kingsville boys 55, Hume
Hume boys suffered their first
loss of the season last Thursday
in the Lakeland Tournament.
Kingsville jumped out to a 219 first quarter lead and Hume
could never mount enough of an
offense to prevent a 55-42 loss
in the semifinals.
Chilhowee boys 58,
Zach Terry led Hume with
Ballard 20
Ballard boys turned the ball 14 points followed by Clinton
over 36 times and Chilhowee Irwin with 10 and Cameron
defeated them 58-20 at Ballard. Hinton with 8.
“When you have 16 more
turnovers than points you don’t
stand much chance of winning,”
said Coach Hill.
Ballard made 7 of 39 fieldgoal attempts and 5 of 18
freethrows with Sean Carroll getting 8 points and Jacob
Meade 7. Mitchell Jones had 6
rebounds, Carroll had 5 , Andy
All boys and girls ages 10
Engelhardt had 5 and Made had to 14 are invited to partici5.
pate in the local level of com-
K of C free
throw contest
January 27
Kelsey McCaslin shoots for Butler against El Dorado Springs.
Lakeland boys 67, Montrose 49
Montrose boys trailed 14-7
at the end of the first quarter and
could never cut into the deficit
as they lost 67-49 to Lakeland
at Lakeland last week.
Montrose was led in scoring
by Corey Brownsberger with
15 and Andy Bellinghausen
with 11. Luke Gengler had 5 rebounds and Tony Engeman had
5 assists.
Montrose: Luke Gengler 10,
Corey Brownsberger 15, Andy
Bellinghausen 11, Tony Engeman 2, Gavin Gatzmeyer 7,
Darren Schell.
Ballard girls 52, Heartland
Academy 42
Ballard girls led 13-4 and
30-16 at the end of the first two
quarters on the way to a 52-42
win over Heartland Academy at
Heartland last week.
Haley Hill with 14 and Jennifer Bremer with 13 were the
scoring leaders with Bremer
picking up 14 rebounds, Cailin
Carroll with 11 boards and Megan Graham with 10.
Ballard: Haley Hill 14, Jennifer Bremenr 13, Megan Graham
12, Cailin Carroll 9, Brittaney
Schreiber 3, Lacie Kagarice 1.
Butler’s Breezy McGuire puts up a shot with Rachael
Burch watching in Appleton City Tournament.
their participation in the
event. Participants are required to furnish proof of age
and written parental consent.
For entry forms or additional information contact: Jim
Tenholder (816) 297-2660.
The Knights of Columbus
is an international Catholic
family fraternal service organization with nearly 1.7 million members in over 12,500
local councils. Last year,
Knights donated 60 million
volunteer hours and $130
million to charitable and
benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to benefit their
church, councils, communities, families and youth.
Attention teenagers:
It’s not cool to do drugs
Butler JV tourney champs
Butler Junior Varsity Lady Bears took first place in the Butler 9th and 10th grade
Tournament this last week. The Lady Bears started off the tournament with an impressive 39-21 win over Clinton. This victory avenged the ladies only loss of the season to Clinton in the first game of the season. Their next game was against El Dorado
Springs. The Lady Bears were also victorious in this game, 24-17. The final game of
the tournament was against Adrian which was very close with Butler winning 19-18
over the Lady Blackhawks. Pictured (front row, from left): McKenzie Freeze, Mallory
Nelson, Rose Burton, Haylea Craigmiles. Back row: Erica Green, Shaina Burch, Timber Tiller, Erin Burch, Coach Heather Goldammer.—Submitted photo.
10 news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
For default in the payment of debt
secured by Deed of Trust executed by
Ronald L. Smotherman and Pamela S.
Smotherman, husband & wife, dated
August 14, 1992 recorded on August
14, 1992 in Book 635, Page 46, Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Bates
County, Missouri, at Butler, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on Monday, January 22, 2007, at 11:30 AM, at
the EAST FRONT DOOR of the Bates
County Courthouse, One North Delaware, in Butler, Bates County, Missouri,
sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash:
to satisfy said debt and costs.
ML & L Foreclosure Services, Inc.
Successor Trustee
Berry F. Laws III, President
(816) 221-1430
(Smotherman, 4606.449)
In the Estate of
Personal Representative
Estate No. 06BS-PR00060
You are hereby notified that the
undersigned Personal Representative
will file a Final Settlement and Petition
for determination of the persons who
are the successors in interest to the
personal/real property of the decedent
and of the extent and character of their
interest therein and for distribution of
such property, in the Probate Division
of the Circuit Court of Bates County,
Missouri, on February 5, 2007, or as
may be continued by the Court, and
that any objections or exceptions to
such Final Settlement or Petition or
any item thereof must be in writing and
filed within twenty days after the filing of
such Final Settlement.
McNabb, Pursley & Associates,
One North Main - PO Box 226
Butler, Missouri 64730
Telephone 660-679-4153
206 S. Fulton
Butler, Missouri 64730
Personal Representative
In the Estate of
Case Number 06BS-PR00105
Notice of Letters Testamentary
(Supervised Administration)
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Judith P. Wackerman Decedent:
On December 28, 2006, the last will
of the decedent having been admitted
to probate, Gary Schowengerdt and
Brian Duffield were appointed the copersonal representatives of the estate
of Judith P. Wackerman, decedent, by
the Probate Division of the Circuit Court
of Bates County, Missouri. The personal representatives’ business addresses
are respectively: Route 1, Box 626, Butler, Missouri 64730 and Route 1, Box
311, Butler, Missouri 64730.
The personal representatives’ attorneys’ name: business address and
phone number are respectively: John L.
Pursley, One North Main, P.O. Box 226,
Butler, Missouri 64730; 660-679-4153.
All creditors of said decedent are
notified to file claims in court within six
months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this
notice was mailed to, or served upon,
such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the
date it was mailed or served, whichever
is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such sixmonth period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period
that would bar claims one year after the
decedent’s death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed
to bar any action against a decedent’s
liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to Section
537.021, RSMo.
Date of the decedent’s death: December 24, 2006.
Date of first publication: January 5,
Receipt of this notice by mail should
not be construed by the recipient to
indicate that the recipient necessarily
has a beneficial interest in the estate.
The nature and extent of any person’s
interest, if any, can be determined from
the files and records of this estate in
the Probate Division of the above referenced Circuit Court.
Division Clerk, Becky Robb
For default in payment of the debt
and performance of the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust executed by
Maurice L. Wade and Mildred Wade,
husband and wife, dated and filed for
record on October 13, 2004, recorded
in Book 826 at Page 2 in the office of
the Recorder of Deeds for Bates County, Missouri, the undersigned, Successor Trustee, will, at the request of the
holder of said debt, on Tuesday, February 6, 2007, between the hours of 9:00
a.m. and 5:00 p.m., to-wit 2:00 p.m., at
the East front door of the Bates County
Circuit Courthouse in Butler, Missouri,
sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash the real property described
in said Deed of Trust, to wit:
to satisfy said debt and costs.
By: Christine L. Schlomann (s)
Managing Member
IN RE: Dwayne L Morrison ,
A Married Man Trustee’s Sale:
For default in payment of debt and
performance of obligation secured by
Deed of Trust executed by Dwayne L
Morrison , A Married Man dated October 5, 2005 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Bates
County, Missouri in Book 847, Page 104
the undersigned Successor Trustee, at
the request of the legal holder of said
Note will on Wednesday, February 14,
2007 between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of
4:55 PM), at the East Front Door of the
Court House, City of Butler, County of
Bates, State of Missouri, sell at public
vendue to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Bates County, State of Missouri,
to wit:
to satisfy said debt and cost.
Successor Trustee
612 Spirit Drive
St. Louis, MO 63005
(636) 537-0110
File No: 64638.021407.93058 FC
Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no
information concerning the collection of
this debt may be given without the prior
consent of the consumer given directly
to the debt collector or the express per-
mission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to
collect a debt and any information obIN RE: Michele Burris and Michael
tained will be used for that purpose.
W. Burris, wife and husband Trustee’s
PUBLISH ON: January 12, 2007
For default in payment of debt and
01/19/2007, 01/26/2007, 02/02/2007
performance of obligation secured by
Deed of Trust executed by Michele
2-4 Burris and Michael W. Burris, wife and
husband dated March 31, 2003 and reDetailed Financial Statement
corded in the Office of the Recorder of
Of Charlotte Township
Deeds of Bates County, Missouri in Book
Combined Administrative Fund
799, Page 74 the undersigned SuccesRoad & Bridge Fund
sor Trustee, at the request of the legal
Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2006 holder of said Note will on Wednesday,
& Ending December 31, 2006
February 14, 2007 between the hours
of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the speBeginning Balance from All Funds cific time of 4:55 PM), at the East Front
On January 1, 2006
$38101.17 Door of the Court House, City of Butler,
County of Bates, State of Missouri, sell
CART Monies
$12340.00 at public vendue to the highest bidder
Property Tax
25362.46 for cash the following described real
456.29 estate, described in said Deed of Trust,
244.00 and situated in Bates County, State of
Total Receipts
38402.75 Missouri, to wit:
THE SOUTH 66 FEET, 8 INCHTrustee’s Commission
Board & Clerk’s Fees
Rock Delivered
U.S. Treasury (form 941) S.S.
to satisfy said debt and cost.
Fuel & Lube
Successor Trustee
Division of Employment Sec.
612 Spirit Drive
St. Louis, MO 63005
(636) 537-0110
Total Expenditures Made
File No: 64692.021407.93162 FC
Ending Balance all Funds
On 31 December 2006
Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection
$59416.01 Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no
Township Inventory
information concerning the collection of
$5000.00 this debt may be given without the prior
$600.00 consent of the consumer given directly
Total Inventory on 31 Dec. 2006
to the debt collector or the express per$5600.00 mission of a court of competent jurisdicPrepared by Terry McGuire, Trustee tion. The debt collector is attempting to
660-679-4751, Charlotte Township
collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
For the most complete coverage, it’s
an Xchanger/news-Xpress classified
Tex McKinley was in Nevada last week. He first saw
Bill Luther then a little later
he saw Shawn Hendren. Talk
about running into people
you have known for years.
Glad to see both of them.
Sunday morning we saw
this little red vehicle coming
down our road. After a little
bit Tex and I said at the same
time Little Hero is coming.
Sure enough Jimmie and
Glenda Leer were with Hero.
They also had someone else
with them. It was Wee Bill.
Jimmie and Glenda’s new
little puppy. Having a very
special name he also is very
cute and love to play. Chili
Dog was lucky enough to
be with us that day. He was
happy to have his friends to
come and visit him. All three
being boys enjoyed doing
boy things together. Chili
dog felt they didn’t stay long
Tuesday night Craig Sumner came to visit us. We were
glad to see him, but sad to
see Chili Dog go home. We
will wait until next time.
Happy birthday: Jessica DeTienne, Jan. 18; Lisa
Hawks, Jan. 18.
Happy Anniversary: Jim
and Veda Edmonds, Jan. 19.
(1) Personals
(2) Business Services
(3) Personal Care
(4) Help Wanted
(5) Business & Financial
(6) Animals & Services
(7) Farm & Garden
(8) Sales
(9) Rentals
(10) Real Estate For Sale
(11) Recreational For Sale
(12) For Sale
(13) Miscellaneous
(14) Automotive
Xchanger / news-Xpress
P.O. Box 210 - 5 North Main
Butler, Missouri 64730 • 660-679-6126
Payment must accompany ad
Your Classified Now Appears In Over 19,000 Homes
For As Low As
20 Word Classified, 10¢ per additional word
Deadline: Noon Monday
(1) Personals
Cards of Thanks, In Memorial,
Announcements, Lost/Found, Tickets
Medicare Supplement? Call David
Noble 1-800-838-5576.
HOME REPAIRS:And remodeling. A
complete home repair and remodel
AA MEETINGS:Tuesdays 8 p.m., service, 30 years experience inside
old high school, Pine & Havana; Fri- and out. Call Bill 913-352-8365, cell
days 8 p.m., Passaic. Contact 660- 620-215-3699.
The music department of First Chris- Homes, roofing, remodeling, sidtian Church in Butler is wanting to ing, windows, carpet & flooring, new
reach out further into the commu- construction, commercial, residennity. We have both a contemporary tial. Free estimates & Sr. Discounts.
praise band (Lost and Found) and 660-227-9561, ask for Jon.
a choir that would be interested in
playing and singing at revivals, spe- MILLER’S ALL ABOUT CONSTRUCcial church programs, or other com- TION: Siding, windows, doors, roofmunity events. If interested, please ing, concrete new or replace, houses
call our church office at 660-679- leveled, floor joist replaced, drywall,
taping, painting, texturing, we are
your total property improvement serTHANKS TO EVERYONE: Who vice. Free estimates. Your satisfachelped us and donated items to us tion is our goal. 660-679-4574, 660after our house fire. We really appre- 227-1232. Owned and operated by
ciate it. Raegan, Angela and Trinity Charlie Miller, 32 years experience.
Husong. b
COMING SOON:Avon Catalog &
Recruiting Center. Micro Mall behind
Sonic Drive-In. Carol Stevens, Avon
Independent Sales Rep.
Elk’s Lodge, Jan. 26-28, Fri. 5-9
p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun. 9
a.m. - 3 p.m. Admission $4. 1 Block
north of Wal-Mart on north 291 Highway, Harrisonville, Mo. For info call
$1. Furniture City, Clinton, MO. 660885-7088.
(2) Business
All kinds of home & business repair,
Cleaning, Remodeling, Contracting
SEPTIC TANK CLEANING: Septic tanks and lateral lines cleaned,
reasonable price. Also shallow well
cleaning. Bill Shadden, Mound City,
KS. 913-795-2261. fpz
DIAMOND DRYWALL:20 years experience. Taping, finishing, some
hanging, spraying and texturing.
Call for estimates. Cell 913-2088778, home 816-619-4670.
moved & set (incl bsmt set), releveling, skirting installation, etc. 913244-4203.
MORE: Siding, soffitt, facia, windows, free estimates. Call Clint,
660-200-5484, 660-679-3364. z
PERFECT HEAT:No inside mess,
forced air heat, wood warmth and
all the hottest water you can use.
660-598-4191. Hardy Outside Wood
burning Stove.
FENCE BUILDING:$650 a quarter
on clear ground; also Bobcat work
w/ tree shearer. 660-492-2070 or
backhoe & dump truck work, driveways, culverts, excavation, water
lines, septic systems, gradework,
building pads, pond work, etc. Reasonably priced, quality work. Call
Rex 660-925-3138, cell 816-5100048.
ARE YOU THAT SPECIAL HOUSEKEEPER: Willing to do the woodwork? Must be dependable and
have references. Call after 5 p.m. at
660-476-5875. If no answer, leave
message. 2b10
(4) Help Wanted
(3) Personal Care
CAN’T WORK:Disabled? Social Security Disability claim denied? Free
consultation. No fee until you get
paid. BTS Group, Inc. Specializes in
hearings and appeals. Read the tesHOME IMPROVEMENT:Remodel timonials at
and new construction. Baths, kitch- testimonials.html 1-800-466-0606.
ens, room additions, siding doors, z
windows, decks and patios. Complete home renovation. 30 years LOOKING FOR MEDICARE DRUG:
experience. Call Bill 913-352-8365, Coverage from Humana? Call David
Noble for free information. 1-800cell 620-215-3699. z
FINALLY!Affordable Medicare Sup- FOR SALE:Big round 20 bales of
plements. Check out these great fescue clover, $80 bale. 660-832new rates today! Call David Noble 4481.
FOR SALE:Butcher hogs delivered
PUBLIC NOTICE:Candidate filing to Locker of your choice. 816-657for the April 5, 2007 election for 4426 or 657-2679. z
Hume City Council will begin December 14, 2006 and close January FOR SALE:Used parts, for tractors,
18, 2007. Two seats will open, one combines and other farm machinery.
for the East side of town and one for Austin Salvage, Butler, Mo. 660the west. The dividing line is Second 679-4080. Let phone ring several
St. Both are two year terms. Filing times, please!
will be accepted at the Hume City
Office between the hours of 9 a.m.
and noon, Monday through Friday.
Homes, Business, Apartments, etc.
experience necessary. Wilson Machine, Arcola, MO. 417-424-3332,
cell 417-880-6751. z
NOTICE:The City of Amsterdam is
asking for mowing bids early as posHELP WANTED:We’ll pay you cash sible. Would like to make a decision
to lose up to 30 lbs in the next 30 the 1st of March. Bids would be for
days. Call 660-679-4841.
4a10 City Park, at the Fire Station and
around the Community Building. You
CORN AND SOYBEAN OPERA- may also bid on mowing the Lagoon
TION: In west Central Mo. Need site. Send your bids to: City of Amexperienced motivated person to as- sterdam, PO Box 86, Amsterdam,
sist in all areas of crop production. MO 64723.
Hill Farms Inc. 816-657-2622. 4b10
BIDS WANTED:The City of Rich Hill
SALES REPRESENTATIVE: Look- is seeking sealed bids to purchase
ing for a new opportunity? Do you the 1963 Fire Truck. Fire Truck ma
have what it takes to develop strong be seen at City Hall Monday through
relationships with customers, to de- Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All bids
liver extraordinary levels of custom- are to be sealed and submitted to
er satisfaction and service? Do you City Hall by 5 p.m. on February 13,
have a good educational background 2007. Bids will be opened February
and experience with agricultural or 13, 2007 at the regular council meetconstruction equipment? We have ing beginning at 7 p.m. The City of
an immediate opening for an honest Rich Hill has the right to accept or
and hard working sales person who reject all bids. For more information
enjoys people, knows, or is willing call City Hall at 417-395-2223. 2b17
to learn, how to sell iron. Excellent
compensation and benefits. Call for NOTICEProtect what you have with
an appointment 417-667-9180 or insurance from
COOK INSURfax your resume to 417-667-8102, ANCE
Agency, Inc.
660ask for Linn Nitsche, Hartzler Equip- 679-6188
Butler, Mo.
ment, Nevada, MO. 2b10
a new opportunity? Do you have
what it takes to lead a group of technicians to new levels of performance
and customer service! Do you have
a good educational background and
at least 2 years of management experience? We have an immediate
opening for an aggressive and honest manager. Excellent compensation and benefits. Call for an appointment 417-667-9180 or fax your
resume to 417-667-8102, ask for
Linn Nitsche, Hartzler Equipment,
Nevada, MO.
Thinking about a home inspection?
Does your inspector belong to the
world’s largest home inspection association? Does your inspector take
over 24 hours of continuing education a year? No? Then call TasMar
Home Inspections, Butler, 816-260- SERVICE TECHNICIAN: Our business is growing. We have an im1903.
mediate opening for one service
MUSEUM BANQUET ROOM: Is technician to work on farm and conavailable to rent year around. Par- struction equipment. Great environties, meeting, seminars, weddings, ment, clean, honest shop. Great
be sure to book ahead. For informa- pay and benefits. Call for an appointment 417-667-9180 or fax your
tion 660-679-0134. zeow
resume to 417-667-8102, ask for
JIM’S HOME REPAIR & FENCING: Linn Nitsche, Hartzler Equipment,
Remodels, additions, decks, siding, Nevada, MO.
windows, doors, etc. Also install
chain link and privacy fencing. Free HELP WANTED:Foundation Co.
estimates and references. Call Jim looking for hard workers, must be
Campbell at 660-679-6907. 8a13 dependable and have own transportation, pay based on experience.
YOU: Don’t buy your house without
one! Complete inspection only $149. NURSING POSITION OPEN: At
Protection & information & save $$$. intermediate care facility. Evening
Holt Home Inspections, 660-679- CMT & part time LPN for night shift.
Apply at Appleton City Manor, 600
N. Ohio, 660-476-2128.
estimate, senior citizen discount. Li- DRIVERS: CDL-A, Co. $.40 cpm,
censed and insured for your protec- full benefits, holiday pay, 401K, O/
tion. Please give us a call 660-679- O: 69% billed revenue w/ our trailer,
80% w/ yours! 100% fuel surcharge
stop/detention pay. 1 yr. verifiable
WRIGHT ENTERPRISES: Installa- w/ 150K miles. 800-387-0088.
tion and repairs of buried water line 2a17
hydrants, sewer systems and power
conducts, insured. 816-863-4174.
Need dependable people NOW. Ve4b10
hicle required/mileage paid. Starts
GRP CONSTRUCTION:660-679- at $8 hr, M-F, Days only. Call today,
0713. All types of remodeling, bath- start tomorrow. 816-942-1114. 8b17
rooms, kitchens, flooring, texturing,
decks, windows, licensed electrician CAN YOU DIG IT?Heavy equipment
school. Operate backhoe, trackhoe,
and plumber.
bulldozer. 3 wk Nationally Certified
GRP CONSTRUCTION:660-679- Program, Local Job Placement, $0
0713. All types of remodeling, bath- down financing call 1-800-219-2352
rooms, kitchens, flooring, texturing, or 1-888-707-6886. a
decks, windows, licensed electrician
HELP WANTED:Heartland Hospice
and plumber.
Services, seeking PRN RN to work
R&K CONSTRUCTION:Vinyl siding, in hospice field of terminally ill pawindows, home repair, certified vinyl tients, active RN license required. If
installer, free estimates. Roy Welliv- interested please call Erin Eslinger,
er, 660-267-3698. z
HAULING: Kubota tractor, backhoe,
trenching, water lines, culverts, new
construction, grade work, driveways,
also hydr dump trailer, can haul up
to 6 tons, road rock, fill dirt, able to
get in tight quarters where the big
rigs can’t get to. Reasonable rates.
RENTAL: Call Dayton, 417-395-4499, cell
Constn, public events, parties, etc. 660-424-0006.
Reasonable rates & good service.
Mobile John, LLC, Lonny, 660-679- BALLARD FEED STORE: January
Sale. Ivermectin Wormer 5 liter, $75;
concrete feed bunks, $110; protein
HUME DISPOSAL LLC:Residential, tubs 20 All Natural, 200 lbs, $42;
commercial and roll off service for Concrete waterers, single & double
Worland, Foster and Hume area. style. 816-297-4447.
EMERY’S PAINTING & DRYWALL HVAC service & repair. Reasonable
SERVICE: Int. & ext. painting, dry- hourly rate. Call Ian, 816-218-9241.
wall new & repairs, texturing, power 2b17
washing, 10 yrs experience, clean,
fast, insured anytime. Emery Elles, NEED QUILTING DONE? Full line
owner operator, 660-200-7417, 816- of backing and batting from 90 in to
118 in in stock. Call Louise’s Quilting
at 417-395-2553. zeow
duck lakes, fence rows cleaned, STUMP REMOVAL:Town and Counconcrete waterers, water lines, sew- try, quality service, reasonable rates,
ers demolitions, site preps, will do free estimates. Call Daryl Koehn
work to hook up your manufactured 417-395-2475.
home. Dozer backhoe, loader work.
FOR ALL YOUR CARPET AND UPCall 660-693-4434. z
HOLSTERY cleaning needs please
BRICK, ROCK & BLOCK WORK: call Cliff’s Carpet Cleaning. 660z
Residential or small commer- 679-5657.
cial. New construction or remodel.
“Quality work at reasonable prices.”
Call Jerry Mattingley 816-862-6818. Adult & Child Care, Chiropractors,
Counseling, Doctors, Dentists, etc.
REPAIR: All makes & models, 17 S.
Delaware, Butler, Mo. 64730. 660679-6601. CL Vacuum & Sewing.
MOUTH: And pocketbook. Complete set $599. Dr. Robert S. Long,
HELP WANTED:General Maintenance, electrical, hydraulics, pneumatics. Mail resume to: GC Plastics, PO Box 617, Garden City, MO
64747, fax 816-862-8702, e-mail
[email protected].
HELP WANTED:Experienced short
order cook, part time waitress, good
tips. Apply within Miss B’s Cafe,
1006 S. Metcalf, Louisburg. 913837-5974.
Office now hiring. Avg. Pay $20/hour
or $57K annually including Federal
Benefits and OT. Paid Training, Vacations. PT/FT. 1-800-584-1775
USWA Ext. 6600 USWA.
OPERATOR NEEDED: Requirements include minimum 3 yrs exp.,
understanding bend allowance and
able to read blueprints. Benefits
available. Apply in person at 2501
Anaconda Rd., Harrisonville, MO. 8
a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon-Thur. Phone 816884-4444.
HELP WANTED:Earn up to $500
per week assembling products at
home. No experience. INFO 1-985646-1700 Dep. MO-1601
HELP WANTED:Mill and elevator
work. Must have CDL, clean record,
full time with benefits. Drexel Elevator 816-657-2111. z
(5) Business &
Anouncements, Opportunities, Financial
Services, Insurance, Loans & Investments
Claim denied? Free consultation. No
fee until you get paid. BTS Group,
Inc. specializes in appeals and hearings. Read the testimonials at www.
news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
(6) Animals &
Champion Breed Lab and Pointer,
$50. 660-832-4233. 2b10
Yearlings, low birth weight, EPDs.
FREE PUPPIES:Australian Shepherd & Blue Heeler. Only 3 left. 816297-2646.
Border Collie puppies. 660-4765426.
registered, $450; 1 year tri-male FIC
registered, $300; Cockalier, 10 mos
old, $50. 660-227-9548.
home is the most expensive and
important purchase you will make.
So it only makes sense to have it
inspected by a professional. Know
what you’re buying before you buy
it. TasMar Home Inspections, Butler,
JUST LISTED: 3 br home on 56+/acres just outside of Urich, MO off
18 Hwy. Beautiful setting with pasture, timber, pond, creek, outbuildings and newer 54X72 Morton bldg.
The home has been completely remodeled and ready for the holidays.
$249,500 and it won’t last long. Call
Darrell or Lora @ 660-885-9913.
FOR RENT:1 Bdrm apt. Archie Darrell Anstine Realty and Auction.
Senior Housing. Elderly, disabled Darrell Anstine, broker.
or handicapped may apply. Equal
Housing Opportunity. 816-293- FOR SALE BY OWNER:708 N.
Maple, Appleton City, Mo. 3 Bdrm, 2
bath, $69,000. 816-425-4358, 8161 BEDROOM APARTMENT: Nicely 506-9554.
furnished or unfurnished, pool, free
cable TV & HBO starting at $290 in HOUSE FOR SALE:Owner finance,
Nevada. 417-667-2633.
no credit check, $5000 down payment, $399 month. In Creighton,
STORAGE:660-679- one acre, 2 bedroom, detached ga4607.
rage, all new carpet. 816-773-8857,
2/3 Bdrm units, taken at Pleasanton FSBO:Beautiful ranch home, full
Housing Authority, 902 Palm, Pleas- walk-out basement, 4 bdrm, 3 bath,
anton, KS. 913-352-6289. Screen- lots of extras, attached 2 car garage,
ing required.
6 years new, 33x27 metal barn, 40
wooded, cropland acres, $243,000.
FOR RENT:Appleton City Senior 913-898-3520 leave message.
Citizens housing has attractive and 3a10
spacious, one and two bedroom
apartments for rent. Utilities are fur- HOUSE FOR SALE IN LACYGNE:
nished, including cable. Laundry fa- 3 Bed, 2 bath, garage on 3 lots,
cilities on site. Ideal for seniors. Rent $84,900. 785-565-8320.
is based on income. For more information call 660-476-2443. Equal FOR SALE IN ADRIAN:3 Bedroom
Housing Opportunity.
house, 1 car garage, completely re1&3womz
modeled, new appliances. 660-6798340.
ch/ca, W/D hookup, close to square, FOR SALE:27x48 Fuqua mobile
no pets. References required. $345/ home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, new 16x24
month with deposit. 816-297-2859. add on, 12x24 carport, you move.
(9) Rentals
LIMOUSIN BULLS:Blacks and Reds,
Limousin females bred & open, Double J Ranch, 417-842-3353. z
FOR RENT:2 Bedroom in Butler, ch,
air condition, $385 month, $150 deCORN FED BUFFALO:Wholesale posit, available now. 660-924-6655.
1/4, 1/2 or whole or retail by the 2b10
pound. Store open Fri. & Sat. 8-6 or
call for appointment. Scott Farms, RENT:Nice 2 bedroom house, at5775 NW Hwy. M, Appleton City, tached garage, $400, references, no
pets, deposit, quiet street. Call for
appointment, 405 South Street. 6602 YEAR OLD ANGUS OR LIMFLEX 679-5662-5410.
bulls, moderate birth rates, reasonable price. 660-679-1382 cell or 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR
RENT: In Drexel, $525 month plus
deposit. 816-529-1540.
REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS 1518 month old, epd available, Green FOR RENT:In Butler, 3 bedroom
Farm Angus. 660-476-5598 work home, also a 2 bedroom home avail660-476-5508 home.
able 12/1. 816-619-2259.
reg., $100-$150, S&W. 660-4992284, 660-885-8960, Clinton & Adrian.
2 TRAILERS FOR SALE:$995 each.
1-2 bdrm, 1-3 bdrm. Buyer must
move. 913-795-2531.
FOR SALE:9 A with 2300 sq ft
house. 3 Bdrm, 2 baths, 24x40 new
shop/garage, storm shelter. Lots of
trees and privacy. 2 miles from Adrian. 816-297-8838. 3a17
FOR SALE: In Rich Hill, by owner.
remodeled 2 bedroom, one bath,
new siding, new roof, new deck,
new windows. Price reduced. 660424-0658.
FOR RENT: Mobile home, 2 br, 2
ba, has washer, dryer, stove and BUY A 6 BD/3 BA HOME: $200 mo!
refrigerator, ac, $400 rent, $300 de- 3 Bd/1 ba home, $!50 mo! 4% down,
posit. 660-679-4490.
30 yrs @ 8%. Listings: 800-5600678 xS579.
FOR RENT:Nice two bedroom
house, ch/ca, stove, refrigerator, 6 BD/4 BA BANK REPO:$15,000!
washer dryer furnished, two car un- $125/mo, 4% down, 30 years @ 8%
attached garage. Perfect for older APR. Must sell! Listings: 800-560couple. References & deposit re- 0678 xS606.
quired. 913-757-2688.
6 BD/4 BA BANK REPO:$15,000!
FOR RENT:2 Bedroom, 2 bath- $125/mo, 4% down, 30 years @ 8%
rooms, attached garage, 1 mile APR. Must sell! Listings: 800-560from Butler. References & deposit 0678 xS606.
required. 660-679-4424.
FOR SALE:4 Bedroom, 2 bath ranch
FOR RENT:Nice 3 bdrm house, no style home, located 708 Vine, Butler.
pets, good location. 660-227-9960. $79,900. 660-679-6141, owner broz
FREE 1/2 BEAGLE 1/2 JACK RUSSELL PUP: And a 30 year old female
Rat Terrier. 660-267-3317.
FOR RENT:2 Bedroom house, lo- FOR SALE:Linn Valley Lakes, large
cated at 602 S. Mechanic. Newly re- building lot, close to blacktop. 816modeled inside. Linn Nitsche, 660- 786-2460.
REPOS, REPOS, REPOS: SevFOR RENT:Small 1 bedroom house, eral large energy efficient homes
located at 114 S. Fulton, cheap rent available now. Fully reconditioned
& utilities. Linn Nitsche, 660-679- and priced to sell! Woody’s Mobile
Homes in El Dorado Springs, Mo.
Your source for affordable housing.
FOR RENT:Singles only, 1 bdrm, 5th Call 800-618-3614. 10b17
wheel trailer, in country, furnished
and all utilities paid, $400 per month, WE BUY MOBILE HOMES: Call 1$100 deposit. 660-679-5112. 2b10 800-618-3614.
IF YOU HAVE livestock to sell, contact Don Ghere Sale Company, 660679-4700. Jayce Ghere 660-6794989 for on farm livestock values.
FOR RENT:2 Bedroom home with
detached garage, large yard in
LaCygne area, $550 month, no pets
& deposit required. 913-757-2317.
FOR SALE:Jack Russell pups,
ready to go, 1st shots and worming,
also old male Beagle free. 660-2673363.
RAINBOW HOMES:Looking for a
new home, but don’t want to pay new
home prices? Here is your chance.
New modular homes for under $60
per sq. ft. 2006 modular, 4 bdrms for
under $55 per sq ft. Choose from six
FREE TO GOOD HOME:Male bas- DUPLEX FOR RENT:2 Bdrm, ch, floor models, manufactured homes
set hound/beagle mix. Less than 1 washer/dryer hookups. 660-679- for under $40 per sq ft. 1 floor model
year old. Leave message 660-476- 5370.
left. Call Jim or Susan for details.
FOR RENT:2 Bedroom home. At
212 S. Broadway. $325 a month,
$150 deposit. Telephone No. 660679-3281.
FOR SALE:Bush Hog rotary cutters,
Boats, Motorcycles,
loaders and zero turn estate lawn FOR RENT:In Adrian. 3 Bdrm, 1 Motor Homes, Aviation
mowers. Schell City T&T, Schell bath, stove, microwave, washer
City, Mo. 417-432-3101.
dryer hookups, all wood floors. $580 WANTED:Dead or alive. Used 4
Mo. 816-616-2955. 3b17
wheelers, 3 wheelers, dirt bikes,
WANTED: Small 4 wheeled hay
street bikes and ATVs, no key or title
wagon, wooden sides, preferred FOR RENT:2 Bedroom, 2 bath, mo- needed. 816-217-8542, 816-3804X6, call Jim at 913-381-7177.
bile home, ac, partly finished, wash- 5161, anytime.
er, dryer, stove, refrigerator, $400
rent, $300 deposit. 660-679-4490.
Stroker, K&N filter, ported, polished,
souri Department of Conservation
new battery, new clutches, chain,
will accept cash rent bid proposals FOR RENT:2 Bedroom, 2 bath mo- sprocket, chrome wheels, holeshots,
to farm approximately 500 acres of bile home, washer dryer, dishwash- Alba pipe, much more, $2700 OBO.
cropland on the Settles’ Ford Con- er, newly redecorated, fenced yard, 660-424-0788.
servation Area approximately 10 $400 rent, $300 deposit. Available
miles southeast of Garden City, MO. Jan. 1, 2007. 660-679-4490. z
FOR SALE:Collectors item. 1964
Proposals will be accepted until 9:00
Newman Runabout Boat with 1964
a.m. on January 25, 2007. For ad- FOR RENT:Linn Valley Lakes, 3 Merc 50 HP outboard motor and
ditional information and proposal bedroom, 2 bath home on first tier 1973 trailer. $1000 OBO. Call 816forms contact: Area Manager Set- on big lake, $675 month plus depos- 694-1049.
tles’ Ford Conservation Area, 37111 it. 913-709-4977. 2b17
East 361st Street, Garden City, MO
GUNS PAY IN CASH:For guns and
64747. Phone 816-862-6488 or FOR RENT:1 and 2 bedroom hous- antiques. 660-925-3313.
660-693-4666 between 8 am and 5 es and apartments in Butler. Rents
pm Monday thru Friday.
from $285 to $400. No pets. Deposit
required. For more information 660- Anything you might want to sell
JOHN DEERE 42-30:Good shape, 679-6141, owner broker.
good tires, good paint, cab, ac,
$15,000. 417-395-4140.
FOR RENT:Commercial space 800 TRAILERS:Agriculture and construcsq ft, located next to Butler Launder- tion, gooseneck flatbeds, livestock,
STRAW FOR SALE:Wire tied square ette, 301 Orange, Butler. 660-679- horse and skidsteer, D&L Trailers,
bales, $2.75 each; net wrapped big 6141, owner broker. b
Rockville, MO, 660-598-6216. z
round bales, $25 each. 913-3772067.
FOR RENT:2 & 3 bedroom homes. BALE RINGS:8’ dia; 4 rings, 6 up816-258-4441.
rights $100; 8 1/2’ dia; 4 rings 7 upHAY FOR SALE:Small square
rights $111. Green’s Welding, 660bales, orchard grass and clover, 2nd WANTED:Pasture to rent for cattle. 476-5598.
cutting; also small square alfalfa, will Mark Briggs, 913-980-2838. 3b17
deliver, test analysis available. 417TRAILERS FOR SALE:Present
L&L MINI STORAGE:Units available special is a 61/2’X16’ Tandem axle,
starting at $25. 660-679-0030. z
$995. Stop by Auto Motives at the
FOR SALE:John Deere tractor mod71 exit at Rich Hill and look at our
el 5103, has a John Deere Model WE BUY HOUSES:We sell houses. trailers. Phone 417-395-2277. beow
512 loader with 61 inch bucket, has 816-260-1252.
less than 100 hours. John Deere
FOR SALE: Ford tractor 1300 dieLX6 mower. Frontier Model RB1072
sel with Woods finish mower $4500.
6 foot blade. Due to health problem
must sell. 660-476-2620, no answer
leave message; 660-492-3202 cell.
(11) Recreational
For Sale
(7) Farm & Garden
(12) For Sale
(10) Real Estate
For Sale
12 news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
COMPUTERS:New & used systems,
software, printers & scanners, custom built to your specFifications. We
will beat any locally advertised price
on computers. Computer Shop, 901
S. Outer Rd., Butler. 660ñ679ñ5396.
All major credit cards accepted.
COMPUTERS:New & used systems,
software, printers & scanners, custom built to your specifications. We
will beat any locally advertised price
on computers. Computer Shop, 901
S. Outer Rd., Butler. 660ñ679ñ5396.
All major credit cards accepted.
FOR SALE:2 Meyer Comm. pecan
crackers, excellent condition, $3800
each. 660-549-3389.
FULL / QUEEN innerspring mattress
set, brand new in plastic, $149, pillowtop style, $179. 816-645-1845.
KING INNERSPRING mattress set,
$199, new in plastic, pillowtop style,
$249. 816-645-1845
QUEEN PILLOWTOP premium, deluxe mattress set, $249, 10 yr. warranty, new in plastic, king set, $349.
FOR SALE:Romex 12-2 WG, $60
coil; 14-2 WG, $40 coil. 660-6796257.
FOR SALE:Used barn metal, some
8’ to 20’ galv. rigid rib, 12’ & misc.
Lengths of CD 2000. Call 660-6796907 after 6.
WOOD FOR SALE:Mixed, $65 cord.
FOR SALE:Concession trailer, self
contained with freezer 7 cooler inside, $15,000. 1953 Cadillac, black,
parts car included, $5500. 1720
Ford tractor w/ loader, $11,000.
6610 Ford Tractor, cab w/ air, w/
loader, $12,000. 1980 Jeep w/ snow
blade, $5,000. 913-352-8733. 2b10
Pleasanton, Kansas. $25,000 with
two lots; Caboose by self, $20,000.
FOR SALE:7’ 21” Cabinet 26” wide,
with stainless steel bar sink in center, 4 drawers, 6 doors, formica top.
FOR SALE:Several sheets of used
tin: 20 sheets measuring 17 1/2 ft x
3 ft; 9 measuring 13 ft 2’ x 3 ft 2”;
4 measuring 10 1/2 ft x 1 ft. $500
OBO. Call 913-352-6118.
FOR SALE:Wood stove with chrome
top, $200. 447-6173.
1961 FALCON:2 Dr., post, $800.
FOR SALE:About new, elec. clothes
dryer, $75. 6 Pcs. exercise equip.,
choice $20 each, take all $60. 660679-4757, 417-395-2277.
FOR SALE:Gibson side by side 22
cu. ft. refrigerator, excellent condition, $400. 200-6217, 660-6795656.
EQUIPMENT: FOR SALE:1987 Thunderbird ClasClean, great condition. 913-757- sic, $1600. 913-795-2046.
VEHICLE:Want one, need one, new
SALON MANICURE TABLE: Profes- or used, let me be your sales consulsional Fize. 913-757-2336.
tant. Ask for Curtis, 417-667-3385.
FOR SALE:Grain fed locker beef.
Danny Cox, 660-679-4621, 660- 1999 HONDA CIVIC:$600 OBO!
679-5200 evenings. b
2000 Neon only $300! More cars
from $500! Police Impounds! ListGENERATORS:8000 W recoil- ings: 800-366-0124 xN732. a
electric start, low oil sensor, wheel
kit, 2 yr warranty, $884.95 plus tax. NEED A NICE CAR, but have credit
Young’s Sales, Bus. Hwy. 71, Butler. problems? Everyone will be ap660-679-4086.
proved!!! We’re here to help. Call
electric & gas powered blowers. 98 DODGE D100:Extended Cab,
Parts and service available. J&E only 63,800 new truck trade in miles!
Enterprises, 660-598-6725 south of V8 automatic, chrome step & rail
water tower, Rockville, Mo.
bars. Big chrome wheels & bed liner.
Excellent condition. 3 month 3,000
HEAVY DUTY RECLINING LIFT mile warranty. Sale price $8,880.
CHAIR: On sale now! Furniture City, Jim Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660Clinton, Mo. 660-885-7088. z
885-2277. We
have the best service department
Nevada, Mo. Hwy. 71, West Side.
417-667-3030. New stock arriving 03 DODGE DURANGO SXT, only
daily. Hundreds of $5-$7 d/r in stock. 34,500 miles!! Tilt, cruise, defroster,
Hurry! Unadvertised in-store sales CD, running boards, power wineveryday. z
dows, locks and mirrors. Remaining factory warranty. Sale price
FIREWOOD:Bar-b-que 16” pecan, $10,988. Jim Falk Motors Clinton,
ash and oak, $35 rank. After 6 p.m. MO. 660-885-2277. www.jimfalk.
com We have the best service department anywhere. b
FOR SALE:1977 MGB, nice car,
$3000. Call evenings 913-757- 03 DODGE BR1500 SLT quad cab,
only, 28,000 miles!! All the extras,
including chrome bars, big chrome
STEEL, STEEL, STEEL:Several wheels and spray in bedliner. Like
types. 660-925-3302.
brand new. Remaining factory warranty. Sale price $15,980. Jim Falk
BUILDINGS FOR SALE OR RENT Motors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277.
TO OWN: Pick your size and color. We have the best
Stop by Auto Motives at the Rich service department anywhere. b
Hill 71 exit. Phone 417-395-2277.
06 PONTIAC MONTANA SV6 extended van, 2nd row captains chairs,
convenience package (contains 11
important options). Brand new, no
miles!!! List price $27, 815 Sale
WANTING TO BUY:Small collection price $23,299 after rebates. Other
of guns or singles. Also Chevelle’s, incentives may apply. Jim Falk MoNova’s, Camaro’s, Monte Carlo’s. tors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277.
restoration, We have the best
parts, performance engines & parts. service department anywhere!!!
660-643-7320, 660-679-1223. z
(13) Miscellaneous
“LIQUID GOLD” Get vibe, the most
powerful anti-aging nutritional supplement in the world. Get the facts 660679-5854.
THE ALL NEW!! Chevy Silverado’s
are here now. Redesigned from the
ground up. Several to choose from.
Stop by and see them!!! GREAT
JOB CHEVROLET!!! Jim Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277.
DON’T LET THAT antique or muscle We have the best
car sit in the garage another winter, service department anywhere!!!
quality auto body work, priced right, b
Joe. 816-250-2462 4b3
06 CADILLAC STS:Luxury Sports
REFLEX SPRAY IN BEDLINERS, Sedan, white diamond premium
don’t pay the dealer markup, best paint. Luxury performance packappearance, most flexible, call Joe. age contains 20 important options
including navigation! Brand new no
miles! List price $51,020. Sale price
ATTENTION GOLFERS:We will $39,360 after rebates. Other incenNOT be undersold on major brand tives may apply. Jim Falk Motors
golf equipment. We will buy, sell Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277. www.
or trade! Peculiar Golf Pro Shop & We have the best serDriving Range. Open year round. vice department anywhere. b
WANTED:Motorcycle riders to form 18,100 miles! Power everything.
a local riding club. Interested parties Great gas mileage. Excellent concan call Jess & Louise Lewis. 417- dition. GM certified with warranty.
Sale price $16,475. Jim Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277.
WANTED:Used 8 or 10 foot rotary We have the best
mower. 816-619-4455.
3b17 service department anywhere. b
16’ CARGO TRAILER:Dual axle, set
up for construction business, sale
or trade for small tractor with implements. Grady Elder, 913-757-2391 HIGH SPEED INTERNET: Now
available in the country by Hughes
only through Ansley Satellite for a
1901 VICTROLA CABINET STYLE: limited time $399. After rebate (inRecord Player, good condition, a stalled) regular price $599. plus
great buy for $350, pair of glass & $59.99 per month. Payment plans
brass end tables, $25. Bentwood available. North side Lamar square
rocker, $20. Custom made reptile 417-682-2484 or toll free 866-744tank, $75. 660-679-6929.
FOR SALE:55 Manuals Mitchell Auto
Repair domestic and foreign, early
70’s to mid 90’s, $450 per set. Call
417-395-4520 or 816-813-2102.
BUY A 6 BD/3 BA HOME: $200 mo!
3 Bd/1 ba home, $!50 mo! 4% down,
30 yrs @ 8%. Listings: 800-5600678 xS579.
seats, split 402040 front seats, remote starter, theft deterrent, rear
park assist, auto dimming mirrors,
rainsense wipers, plus much more.
Brand new, no miles!! 2 to choose
from. List price $27,635. Sale price,
$23,575 after rebates. Other incentives may apply. Jim Falk Motors
Clinton, MO. 660-855-2277 www. We have the best service department anywhere!!! b
FOR SALE:Full size fiberglass horse
and stand, $850, without stand $750.
Ballcaps for Hands-Free Flashlighting. Replaceable batteries included.
Available in eight different colors exclusively at Rom’s Reworks, H Hwy.,
4 miles east of Business 71, Butler,
MO. $17.95 each. 660-679-5807.
BUNN COFFEE MAKERS: 5 models available. Also tea maker adds
to any Bunn and replacement decanters. Come and browse. Town
Square Hardware & Variety, South
Side Butler Square, 660-679-5832.
ATTIC FAN COVERS:2 Sizes, trim
to fit, lower your energy bills. Corner
Hardware, 107 W. Ohio, Butler, 660679-4481.
1999 PLYMOUTH NEON: 4 door,
auto, great mpg, $3995. 660-9253362, 660-925-3373.
TON: Z-71, LS, ext. cab, 4X4, full
power,V*, extra clean, $7995. 660925-3362, 660-925-3373.
SLT, 4X4, full power, good truck
660-925-3362, 660-9253373.
FOR SALE:Lincoln Ranger 250 portable welder 1163 hours with leads
$2200 OBO. Lincoln pipeliner on
trailer with leads $2000 OBO. Thermo Dynamics portable mig welder,
$1000 OBO. 2 AR-15 rifles, 2002
Do-Little Concession trailer, ready to
go to work. For more info 913-7952107, no answer leave message,
will call back.
05 PONTIAC G-6:Only 23,900
miles!! Power everything. V-6. Best
selling mid size car. Great styling.
Like new. GM certified warranty.
Sale price $12,590. Jim Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277. We have the best
service department anywhere. b
GS only 12,900 miles!! All the options. This car is spotless in and
out. Remaining factory warranty.
Sale price $13,999. Jim Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277. We have the best
50% WALLPAPER SALE: On spe- service department anywhere. b
cially marked Blonder books, all other books 20% off. Corner Hardware, 06 FORD TAURUS SE:Like brand
107 W. Ohio, Butler, 660-679-4481. new! Loaded with all the power opb
tions. Remaining factory warranty.
Sale price $10,998. Jim Falk Motors
WANTED TO BUY:Aluminum cans. Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277. www.
660-679-3291, leave message. We have the best ser4a17
vice department anywhere. b
3 MODELS:Oreck sweepers. Carpet cleaners for rent. Come browse.
Town Square Hardware & Variety,
south side historic Butler square,
YES:We buy, sell and trade antiques
and collectibles. The Dusty Attic,
813 North Orange, Butler, Missouri.
660-679-9911. Open 10 a.m. - 5
p.m. everyday.
06 PONTIAC VIBE:Only 7,800
miles! Leather, cd. Like brand new.
GM Certified with warranty. Sale
price $13,980. Jim Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277. We have the best service
WANTED:Junk or abandoned cars, department anywhere.
trucks, buses, scrap metal piles, aluminum, copper, radiators, aluminum 06 CHEVROLET UPLANDER LS
wheels. 660-643-7320, cell 660- LWB, only 13,000 miles, 7 passen679-1223.
ger, 4 captains chairs, tilt, cruise, defroster, CD, rear air, power windows,
WANTING TO HAUL:Old cars and locks and mirrors. Great versatility!!
scrap. 660-424-3976.
2a10 Like new. GM Certified with warranty. Sale price $14,490. Jim Falk
Motors Clinton, MO. 660-885-2277. We have the best
service department anywhere!!!
North Star V8, nice car, cd, leather,
Onstar, 92K, $12,000. 913-709- 06 CHEVY IMPALA LT, all the luxury
car power options, great gas mileage, performance and style! Can’t
FOR SALE:Chevy pickup bed, beat it. Like new GM certified with
black, 1976-1986, $100 OBO. 816- warranty. Sale price $13,570. Jim
Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660-8852277. We have the
1999 DODGE 3/4 TON:Diesel, 5 best service department anywhere.
speed, 4x4, extended cab. 620-224- b
06 CHEVY HHR LS, power every03 DODGE STRATUS RT: 76K, thing!! Great styling, versatility and
good condition, auto, 4 new tires, economy. Like brand new. GM
$8600. 816-769-0151.
2a10 certified with warranty. Sale price
$13,480. Jim Falk Motors Clinton,
1996 DODGE RAM CARGO VAN: MO. 660-885-2277. www.jimfalk.
B2500, 3.9 V6 airbags, am/fm cas- com We have the best service desette, ac, rural mileage, 72,200. partment anywhere. b
Braun Millennium Wheelchair lift
gate, 750 lbs capacity, $7500. 913- 06 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4X4,
all the luxury car extra’s! Excellent
condition. Low miles. GM certified
1996 DODGE AVENGER ES: Leath- with warranty. Sale price $18,599.
er seats, sunroof, many extras. 660- Jim Falk Motors Clinton, MO. 660200-6416.
885-2277. We
have the best service department
FOR SALE:1977 MGB, nice car, anywhere.
$3000. Call evenings. 913-7573389.
06 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER: Extended LS, 4x4, only 15,000 miles.
FOR SALE:1997 Dodge Mark III Loaded with all the power options!
conversion van, V6 auto. 660-492- 3rd rear seat. Rear air. Like new. GM
Certified with warranty. Sale price
$20,990. Jim Falk Motors Clinton,
97 5 SPD FORD RANGER: Ext. MO. 660-885-2277. www.jimfalk.
Cab, excellent condition, runs great. com We have the best service de$3250 OBO. 660-267-3103. b
partment anywhere. b
(14) Automotive
FOR SALE:98 Chevy S10, new 1999 DODGE 3/4 TON:SLT, quad
cab, 4x4, V8 auto, full power, nice
tires, 5 spd. 816-674-5535.
truck, $8,995. 660-925-3362, 660925-3373.
Limited, leather, V8, full power, extra
clean, $8500. 660-925-3362, 660925-3373.
FOR SALE:1955 Pontiac Chiefton
1995 FORD 1/2 TON:Ext. Cab, 4x4,
287, V8, 72,000 miles, nice car, 1988 DODGE DAKOTA:V6 auto, auto, power, extra clean, $4500.
660-925needs paint, sun blast, $13,000.
660-925-3362, 660-925-3373. b
3362, 660-925-3373.
STEEL ROOFING & SIDING: Hi1987 CHEVY SILVERADO: 1/2 ton, 2001 BUICK LESABRE:Limited, grade painted, galvanized steel. Va4x4, power windows & locks, good leather, 3800 V6, 1 owner, $5,995. riety of colors, heavy 29 gauge, 3 ft.
condition, need trans work. 660- 660-925-3362, 660-925-3373. b
width, custom cut, free delivery. $55
679-7955, 660-679-6644.
2005 DODGE RAM 1/2 TON: 4 per square. 816-826-4515, 1-800256-4515 Sedalia, Mo. 65301.ccc
FOR SALE:89 Ford, 20,000 original door, 1 owner, 30K, V8, full power, z
660miles, 4 WD, 1 ton, bale bed, and
original bed. Call 913-424-7767, 925-3373.
$9500. 2b17
1999 FORD RANGER XLT: Ext. take off parts, pickup bed, tailgates,
Cab, 4x4, auto, excellent condition, wheel and tires, 16 inch wheels and
duals. Store open one block West of
FOR SALE:1999 Fleetwood 16x60 $6000. 660-925-3362, 660-925- Casey’s in Appleton City, Wednes3373.
mobile home, 2 bdrm, 2 full bath,
day and Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cell
Garden tub & shower in master, new
660-492-3786. Phone 660-4762001
plumbing. $12,000. Refrigerator op5342.
tional $400. Call 816-694-1049.
condition, $6995. 660-925-3362,
Marr Motors660-679-3424
Bates County
Recorder of Deeds
Jan. 5-11, 2007
Jerry Lee Cornell (trustee) and
Jerry Lee Cornell Trust 5-3-2000
and Janice Ferguson and Donald
Ferguson to J Bar J Farms: Part of
Section 15, Township 40, Range
29, Section 22, Township 40,
Range 29 and Section 16, Township 40, Range 29, described.
Jerry Lee Cornell (trustee)
and Jerry Lee Cornell Trust 53-2000 and Joyce Elaine Cornell
and Janice Ferguson and Donald
Ferguson to CCF Farms: Part of
Section 3, Township 40, Range 29,
Anna M. Sublette abd Anna
Winters (fka) and James A. Sublette to Glenn A. Chamberlain
and Linda Chamberlain: Part of
Section 23, Township 40, Range
31, described.
Thomas Simonin and Bridget
Simonin to Larry E. Palmer and
Lillian T. Palmer: 66-1/2 feet off
south end of Block 8, Montgomery’s 2nd Addition, Butler.
Renee Goodijn and Robert
Goddijn and Valda M. Pancoast
and Beth B. Smith and Alma
Barger Holquist (fka) and Alma
Elizabeth Barger (fks) and Charles
Smith to William McElwain and
Sharon McElwain: Part of Secton
25, Township 41, Range 30, described.
William McElwain and Sharon
McElwain to Glen D. McElwain
and Linda K. McElwain: Northeast 1/4 of Section 25, Township
41, Range 30.
Nelora Ross to William S. Jacobs and Rhiannon M. Jacobs:
Lots 7 and 8, Block 24 and east
1/2 of Block 23, Sperry’s Addition,
Rich Hill.
Keith W. Teagarden and Joni B.
Teagarden to Keith W. Teagarden
and Joni B. Teagarden: North 1/2
of northeast 1/4 of northwest 1/4
of Section 21, Township 41, Range
Fred R. Bratcher and Judy D.
Bratcher to Larry J. Hacker and
Loretta Hacker: Lots 15 and 16,
except 10 feet of Lot 16, Block 44,
Town Company’s 1st Addition,
Rich Hill.
Secretary of Housing & Urban
Development to Jerry S. Highfill
and Patricia A. Highfill and Jamie
N. Reitz: Part of Section 1, Township 41, Range 32, described.
Patricia A. Frazier to Carmine
E. Lippa and Elizabeth A. Lippa:
Lots 75 and 76, Town Company’s
1st Addition, Adrian.
Everett Roth and Gatha Roth
and Gatha Payne (fka) to Robert
G. Busch: Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, original town, Adrian.
Joyce Elaine Cornell to Jerry
Lee Cornell (trustee) and Jerry
Lee Cornell Trust 5-3-2000: Part
of Section 15, Township 40, Range
29, Section 16, Township 40,
Range 29 and Section 22, Township 40, Range 29, described.
GMAC Mortgage & GMAC
Mortgage Corporation (fka) to
Matthew H. Cunningham and
Julie A. Cunningham: Beginning
75 feet east of southwest corner
of Lot 172, Town Company’s 1st
Addition, Adrian, north 148 feet,
east 75 feet, south 148 feet, west
to POB.
Kyle Jennings and Nina C. Jennings to Lina Jennings: Northwest
1/4 of southwest 1.4 of Section 4,
Township 38, Range 31 lying west
of U.S. Hwy. 71.
Harley W. Harvey to Samuel D.
Balsiger and Harriet S. Balsiger:
Part of Section 32, Township 40,
Range 29, described.
Rachel M. Ruff to Larry Cumpton and Alice Cumpton: Part of
Section 8, Township 41, Range 32,
Larry Cumpton and Alice
Cumpton to J.S.J. Management:
Part of Section 5, Township 41,
Range 32, Section 6, Township 41,
Range 32 and Secton 8, Township
41, Range 33, described.
David Brooks and Jennifer
Brooks to Larry G. Cumpton and
Alice J. Cumpton: Part of Section
16, Township 42, Range 30, described.
2 Bedroom, 1 bath mobile
home in Rich Hill
$400 month with option to buy.
Call Bob 660-351-3736
Court news...
John O’Bannon, Judge
Becky Robb, Clerk
Traffic & Small Claims
Jean Galloway
January 2-5, 2007
State vs. Joseph J. Devine,
speeding, $90 written guilty
plea. Brian R. Elston, speeding, $150 written guilty plea.
Johnny B. Escalada, speeding,
$190 written guilty plea. Amy
R. Fink, speeding, $100 written
guilty plea. Gilbert S. Foster,
fail to fasten seatbelt, $10 written guilty plea. Felipe D. Garcia,
speeding, $150 written guilty
plea. Felipe D. Garcia, no child
restraint, $10 written guilty plea.
Nathan A. Haase, I-fail to equip
vehicle with horn, II-fail to fasten seatbelt, $190 written guilty
William A. Hammett, Jr.,
speeding, $125 written guilty
plea. Bradley D. Hardee, I-fail
to display plates, II-fail to fasten seatbelt, $100 written guilty
plea. Laseana Y Hines, speeding,
$190 written guilty plea. Shelley
R. Jackson, fail to secure child,
$10 written guilty plea. Shelley
R. Jackson, followed too closely,
$100 written guilty plea. Samuel
W. Jameson III, fail to display
plates, $90 written guilty plea.
Michelle L. Jennings, fail to fasten seatbelt, $10 written guilty
plea. Richard L. Jones, Jr., fail to
equip vehicle with horn, $256.50
written guilty plea.
Rebecca M. Julien, fail to
equip vehicle with horn, $200
written guilty plea. Dorothy M.
Kincaid, speeding, $90 written
guilty plea. Elizabeth A. Kincaid,
speeding, $150 written guilty
plea. Jerry J. Mead, Jr., I-fail to
affix plates; II-fail to fasten seatbelt, $100 written guilty plea.
Darren D. Melton, fail to equip
vehicle with horn, $150 written
guilty plea. Steve D. Murrow,
speeding, $110 written guilty
plea. Jason A. Nichols, fail to
equip vehicle with horn, $150
written guilty plea. Brad L. Norman, fail to equip vehicle with
horn, $256 written guilty plea.
Stephen A. Oliver, speeding,
$100 written guilty plea. Christina K. Olson, speeding, $100
written guilty plea. Larry W.
Page, fail to equip vehicle with
horn, $150 written guilty plea.
Catherine L. Parker, speeding,
$150 written guilty plea. Adam
J. Petty, fail to fasten seatbelt,
$10 written guilty plea. Boyde
J. Piland, fail to drive on right
half, $100 written guilty plea.
Mark R. Pile, speeding, $190
written guilty plea. Zachariah C.
L. Rickett, fail to equip vehicle
with horn, $256.50 written guilty
plea. Jerrad R. Rivers, speeding,
$150 written guilty plea. Max
A. Slates, speeding, $90 written
guilty plea. Sara A. Smith, speeding, $190 written guilty plea.
Sarah A. Smith, fail to register, $90 written guilty plea.
William D. Smith, fail to wear
orange, $100 written guilty plea.
Jeffrey L. Tersinar, speeding,
$150 written guilty plea. David
A. Wells, fail to display plates,
$90 written guilty plea. David
A. Wells, fail to fasten seatbelt,
$10 written guilty plea. Shelain
E. Whetstine, I-fail to transfer
plates; II-fail to fasten seatbelt,
$100 written guilty plea. Quincy
O. Williams, speeding, $150 written guilty plea. Gretchen R. Wills,
speeding, $110 written guilty plea.
Richard K. Adair, fail to equip
vehicle with horn, guilty plea,
fined $100 and $66.50 costs. Richard K. Adair, no valid license,
guilty plea, given SIS and placed
on probation 2 years on payment
of $66.50 costs. Megan J. Allen,
speeding, guilty plea, fined $300
and $66.50 costs, sentenced to 60
days (SES) and placed on probation 1 year. Kyle A. Begley, vision reducing material, $80 written
guilty plea. Carl R. Bettels, fail
to equip vehicle with horn, $200
written guilty plea. Carl R. Bettels,
fail to display plates, $150 written
guilty plea. Dale R. Bosch, I fail to
display plates, II-fail to fasten seatbelt, $100 written guilty plea.
Elisha N. Brewer, speeding,
$190 written guilty plea. Catherine N. Brownsberger, speeding,
$100 written guilty plea. Jasmin
M. Cardenas, speeding, $150 written guilty plea. John F. Carpenter,
vision reducing material, $80 written guilty plea. Christina M. Cline,
speeding, $190 written guilty plea.
Rebecca L. Conner, speeding,
$150 written guilty plea. Thomas
D. Corbin, speeding, guilty plea,
fined $283.50 and $66.50 costs.
Thomas D. Corbin, resisting arrest,
guilty plea, given SIS and placed
on probation 2 years on conditions
perform 40 hours community service and pay $104.50 costs.
Sherri M. Crane, speeding, $90
written guilty plea. Timothy S. Davis, speeding, $150 written guilty
plea. Rebecca L. Dennis, DWI,
guilty plea, fined $395.50, $104.50
costs, $10 CVC, sentenced to 60
days (SES) and placed on probation
2 years. Katie I. Dodson, speeding,
$140 written guilty plea. Michael
G. Durnell, speeding, $90 written guilty plea. Ronald W. Eads,
speeding, $150 written guilty plea.
Robin K. Gabriel, fail to register,
$90 written guilty plea. James L.
Grimes, speeding, $190 written
guilty plea. Charles R. Grosshart,
improper lights, $80 written guilty
plea. Robin L. Harney, speeding,
$150 written guilty plea.
Lori M. Hill, speeding, guilty
plea, fined $283.50 and $66.50
costs Jonathan V. Hohensinner, vision reducing material,, $80 written
guilty plea. Jonathan V. Hohensinner, no valid license, $90 written
guilty plea. Jeffrey D. James, fail
to drive on right half, guilty plea,
fined $133.50 and $66.50 costs.
Jeffrey D. James, DWI, guilty
plea, fined $811.50, $74 MSHP,
$10 CVC and $104.50 costs, sentenced to 1 year (SES) and placed
on probation 2 years on conditions
perform 40 hours community service, attend VIP and SATOP. Jason
N. Julien, I- fail to equip vehicle
with horn, II-fail to fasten seatbelt, guilty plea, fined $189.50 and
$66.50 costs.
Jason N. Julien, fail to drive
on right half, guilty plea, fined
$183.50 and $66.50 costs. Jason
N. Julien, DWI, guilty plea, sentenced to 60 days (SES) and placed
on probation 2 years on conditions
serve 48 hours shock, perform 40
hours community service, attend
VIP and SATOP, pay board bill of
$70, MSHP of $74, CVC of $10
and $104.50 costs. Delaina M.
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news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
For the record
An affiliate publication of the Cross County Xchanger
Bates County, Mo.
Combining and continuing the Bates County News-Headliner
5 North Main St., East Side Square, P.O. Box 210, Butler, Mo. 64730
Telephone (660) 679-6127 • FAX 660-679-4905
Published Each Friday
Periodicals Postage Paid at Butler, Mo. Post Office
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to news-Xpress, Box 210, Butler, Mo.
USPS 731-730
Jim and Carol Peters, owners
C.A. Moore, Editor/Publisher
Subscription Rates
Single copy - 75¢ + 5¢ tax
Bates County - $34.70
Elsewhere in Mo. - $38.70
Out- of State - $42.40 • Out-of Country - $50.03
Amounts include sales tax.
Copy Deadline -- Tuesday, 5:00 p.m.
From the Scriptures: So don’t get tired
of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and
give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the
appropriate time.
—Galatians 6:9
•Submitted Editorial Comment
Report drug activity
elp the Bates County Sheriff’s Office and the
Southwest Major Crimes Task Force address
the problem of narcotics trafficking in the Bates County area.
If you suspect someone participating in illegal narcotics activity, please contact the Southwest Missouri
Drug Task Force by calling (660) 679-5685 or by calling the Bates County Sheriff’s Office (660) 679-3232
ext. 1017.
All information will remain confidential and callers
may remain anonymous if they wish. In order to assure that your information will be utilized in the most
expedient and efficient manner possible, please be as
specific as possible providing information. In particular, investigators would like to know:
•The suspect’s name, address, alias name.
•Physical description.
•Known associates.
•Vehicle information, including make, model, color
and registration.
•The type of activity that is occurring and what
makes you think that this person is involved in criminal activity.
•Also, please indicate if you would like an investigator to contact you.
Thank you for helping the Bates County Sheriff’s
Office and the Southwest Missouri Major Crimes Task
—B.D. Mullenix, Sheriff
Where do you
go from...wherever?
Have you noticed an ever-increasing volume of
wrong-way traffic around the Square...and more and
more vehicles backing out of the center parking sections instead of pulling forward.
What’s a visiting motorist to do when he or she
drives onto the Square...guess and hope for the best?
Obviously if there was proper signage in place regulating the traffic pattern these unintentional miscues
would come to a screeching halt!
Was it really a threat?
Having a nephew who happens to be a semi-professional
bull-rider, I would like to comment on the rodeo-refreshment
sobriety-waiver issue currently before the Butler City Council,
as noted on the front pages of the Jan. 5 and Jan. 12, 2007 editions of the news-Xpress.
In both weeks’ stories, Max Motors owner Mark Muller “indicated he has it on reliable authority” that the rodeo will leave
Butler without this waiver. It was also noted that the No-Alcohol ordinance was only one of “several reasons” the rodeo
might leave Butler.
In the Jan. 12 edition, one of the public comments was,
“The way the beer deal was presented came across as a threat.”
This is a very interesting comment, considering that Max Motors’ principal advertising logo shows a man with two firearms
pointed at the person viewing the logo.
Maybe if Mr. Muller would be responsible enough to present
his “reliable source” in person at the next City Council meeting
to face the council with all the reasons for the rodeo wanting to
leave Butler, an agreeable compromise could be reached? As
for the alcohol-waiver question, maybe those wishing to drink
beer could be made to submit to a breathalyzer test prior to
leaving the fairgrounds, with failing drivers cited for DUI and
failing passengers cited for public drunkenness?
On the other hand, even though alcohol is prohibited at the
fairgrounds, that other addictive drug, nicotine, is routinely allowed. Butler police have the power to arrest someone under
the age of 18 attempting to buy smokes, but those same youth,
adies and gentlemen, boys and
girls, grab a pencil and notebook, you can become an important link to history.
Back in the early fall, prognosticators declared we would be in for
a brutal winter. So, okay, there were
a few unseasonably mild days, like
last Thursday (the day before the
ice age set in for a spell) it was 60
degrees. Jonquils were beginning to
make their presence known. Birds
were singing, balmy breezes prevailed, and a few were observed out
and about in shorts.
THIS TROPICAL intrusion, of
course, was on the heels of 18 inches
of snow the first week in December.
So, are you writing all this down
to pass on to future generations?
On the other hand, grandparents
and great-grandparents can relate
some pretty tall and hideous tales
of winters of their youth, to which
today’s weather can’t begin to compare, so they say.
They tell of heavy snows hitting
C.A. Moore
in early November that hung on until
mid-March. Snowfall accumulations
were so deep, back in those days,
that fence posts were buried except
for the two top inches.
The principal mode of transportation was horse-drawn wagons,
because this was the only means of
negotiating the snowdrifts. Actually,
motor vehicles were few and far between to begin with.
OUR FORBEARERS will recall
the drafty you could
see your breath in the upstairs bedrooms as you crawled in under layers
of blankets. You’d be apt to wake up
the next morning with frost on your
nose. Insulation, as we know it today,
was unheard of.
In that era there was no fear of power
outages because no one had electricity
out in the boondocks. Coal oil lamps
provided some measure of illumination, otherwise you stumbled around in
the dark a lot of the time. Running water was decades in becoming a reality.
And oh yes, volumes could—and
probably have—been recorded from
our beloved elders in regard to the lack
of modern indoor plumbing.
IMAGINE trudging to the outhouse
in waist deep snow on a zero degree
morning...burrrr, with a capital B, and
the trusty Monkey Ward catalog was
an integral part of the shanty’s fixtures.
Not for reading, to be sure.
Well, all of the above, and more that
is untold, would be a pretty hard act to
follow. But it’s only mid-January and
the unknown, weather wise, could be a
Keep your pencils sharpened.
After all, it’s January
ven with the zero F. temperatures and frozen precipitation,
we have to realize that this is
just normal Missouri January weather.
We’ve had it easy earlier in the month,
so it’s time to endure.
And from whence came this mess?
Out of the upper atmosphere, where
only pilots venture to see what’s up
there. An arctic front shoved down
across the plains, the dense cold air
shoveling its way under the warmer
resistant air, which rode up over it
like an apple peel over a knife. So,
on Saturday during the sleet storm, air
temperature at 6000 to 9000 feet was
well above freezing, while at 3000 and
below we were in the teens.
WHEN A low-pressure disturbance
moves through, precip falls out of the
higher clouds, in the form of rain because it’s warm up there, then freezes
into sleet when it hits the cold air below. Airplanes, big and small, have
to avoid these conditions, particularly
up where the rain is still liquid and is
ready to stick to any object moving
LeRoy Cook
through it; ice can accumulate to disrupt airflow in a matter of minutes, or
even seconds.
After battling the slick roads to get
to the airport, an inexperienced pilot
wanted to know what had been done
to treat the runway. I assured him that
it was better left alone, with an even
coat of granular ice covering it; airplanes don’t require as much traction
as cars, being driven by the thrust of
moving air instead of rotating wheels.
DURING TAKEOFF and landing, most of our steering is provided
by rudder and ailerons sticking out in
the wind to tilt the wings and fuselage.
Lightplanes slow down on their own
Wisdom through the ages
not wisdom found among
the aged? Does not long
life bring understanding?” (Job. 12:12) If the answer is
yes to these questions, then two dear
relatives finished their races with tremendous knowledge. In less than 48
hours this week we said goodbye to
my 93-year-old grandmother and my
husband’s 95-year-old aunt. They both
went quietly and gracefully into eternity befitting of their generation.
Neither had suffered long-term illness. One lived with minimal assistance; the other totally on her own right
up until just the final few days. They
were strong, vibrant, funny, smart and
independently stubborn. Maybe that is
what kept them going all these years
as widows living alone.
GRANDMA KNEW how to take
care of herself and her home. She
never was sick. Took no medicine.
Walked faster than me and could still
push a lawn mower long after she
should have.
She ran a tight ship and kept her
home immaculate. Once she worked
outside the home and managed a department store. In her years of retirement she organized her closets and
drawers as if someone might come
to shop there. Color coordinated garments, shoe boxes stacked according to size and style neatly took their
places. Not a speck of dust on cabinet,
the Box
Brenda Black
counter or carpet could be found in her
home. She often rejected invitations to
attend a school program or sporting
competition siting her house cleaning
as a necessary conflict.
Although she elected the work at
home over attending a leisure activity,
Grandma was always gracious when
company stopped in for a visit. She
just seemed to prefer to stay put in her
own environment.
GRANDMA RELISHED her independence and guarded her territory.
But in the final days she was adamantly afraid of being alone or staying in
her home. We moved her in with my
parents as soon as it was her idea. Her
fear subsided; her appetite increased.
Her mind was distracted from pain
by conversation and activity. She was
able to rest, knowing someone was
watching over her and would be there
if she called to them in the night. And
there she died in peace.
The wisdom of the ages teaches
one certain truth we were not created
with little braking needed on average
runways. Applying salt would promote corrosion of aluminum airframes
and spreading sand would chew up
propellers, so we’ll let nature take its
Traffic was sparce this week, due to
wind gusts to 40 knots preceeding the
front that shut down travel. A Cessna
182 was in and a Mooney M20 came
by, while the locals pretty much stayed
in the hangars. Darrell Koll’s Cessna
150F went away to a new home, accompanied by a tri-gear Maule used to
bring the ferry crew.
week, I wanted to know how you
could tell a pilot in a group of people.
No it’s not the piercing gaze or chiseled physique. Look for the size of his
or her watch; pilots are the ones with
the big watches with all the extra dials
and buttons, most of which they don’t
know how to use.
Now, for next week, for whom
was the Charles Lindbergh museum
just outside Little Falls, Minnesota
to live alone on earth. Even the most
independent among us eventually acknowledges the need for someone else.
It is not a sign of weakness. It is not a
surrender of freedom or control. This
interdependence is by God’s design. It
is his way of keeping us connected.
Loneliness drives us toward companionship. Friendships make it possible to bare the hardships. If we never
compromised our individual space to
share it with another, wouldn’t we get
cold and lonely in our dark little corners.
PRIVACY IS A privilege, but
sometimes it prevents those who love
you from entering your world. Since
Grandma’s passing, we have discovered all kinds of wonderful mysteries
about her through old scrapbooks. We
saw pictures of her in beautiful, fancy
gowns and sparkling costume jewelry
we’d never seen her wear.
Her life brought understanding
through the pictures of a life filled with
decades of untold stories. The wisdom
I’ve gained through the aged is to live
it abundantly. Then share the magical
moments from younger years with the
next generation to inspire them to do
the same.
“The fear of the Lord adds length to
life...” (Proverbs 10:27a) Live it well.
Share it freely. Bequeath good memories when it’s time to leave.
BHS counselor assists students and parents
To assist Butler R-5 seniors and their families with post secondary planning and the financial aid process, Mrs. Marcia Rader, Butler R-5 high school guidance counselor will
open the high school computer lab Wednesday, Feb. 7 and
Thursday, Feb. 8 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. During this time,
seniors and their parent(s) or guardian(s), are encouraged to
attend and complete the FAFSA online. Rader will be available to answer any questions that you may have and assist
you with the process.
The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student
Aid. The federal student aid’s core mission is to ensure that
all eligible Americans benefit from federal assistance-grants,
loans, and work-study programs-for education beyond high
school. These programs comprise the nation’s largest source
of student aid.
Filing the FAFSA is the only way that students can determine their eligibility for these financial aid programs. Early
as well as adult former smokers and non-smokers, are forced
to breathe toxic second-hand smoke if they happen to be sitting
downwind of a smoker at a fairground event. Does this make
sense? Until upwind areas are designated as “No Smoking” areas, or until smoking is also prohibited at fairground events,
this situation almost begs the question, “Why not beer?” Sincerely,
Rodney Rom, Butler
filing is encouraged. Funds are distributed on a first-comefirst -serve basis, so the best month to file the FAFSA is
February. These funds can be used to attend technical, 2year and 4-year colleges and universities.
Please contact Rader at (660)679-6121 if you have any
questions and/or to let the guidance office know that you
plan to attend the open computer lab session. Your student’s
passwords will be available, if needed and encourage you
to take advantage of this opportunity to file the FAFSA online.
14 news-Xpress, Butler, Mo., Friday, January 19, 2007
Officials attend ethics
conference hosted
by Jay Nixon
Special to the news-Xpress
Randy Pike, Northern
Commissioner; Donna Gregory, Presiding Commissioner; and Hugh Jenkins, Prosecuting Attorney for Bates
County were among nearly
400 elected and appointed
Missouri public officials who
attended an all-day conference on ethical and legal issues sponsored by Attorney
General Jay Nixon in Jefferson City on Jan. 9.
“The first step in the fight
for clean government includes educating public officials on the laws governing ethics in government,”
Nixon said “I commend
Pike, Gregory and Jenkins
for attending this conference.
It is important for all public
officials to know these laws,
including those governing
public access to information,
nepotism, conflict of interest
and misappropriation of public resources.”
Sessions at the conference
covered the Sunshine Law;
conflicts and disclosure/elections/ethics; consumer protection services available
from the Attorney General;
the Americans with Disabili-
ties Act (ADA); the effect of
the Hancock amendment on
local government; residency
requirements; employment
issues; sexual harassment;
and sovereign immunity. Assistant attorneys general who
specialize in these topics
made presentations and were
available to answer questions.
Local public officials
in Missouri are faced with
important ethical and legal
questions every day, and the
Attorney General’s conference went a long way toward
preparing the attendees to
face those issues. They look
forward to using this valuable information in serving
the voters of Bates County.
If you move, notify the news-
Xpress immediately of your
change of address to assure that
your paper’s delivery will not
be interrupted or delayed. Often
when you notify the Postal Service only, there is a delay of four
weeks or more before we are
advised of your new address, a
period when you will not likely
be receiving your paper.
What’s happening
at the public library
By Linda Hunter
Director, Butler Public Library
School board support
At the Jan. 11 Butler R-5 school board meeting, the board signed a proclamation to show its support of the Educational Foundation. Pictured (from left): Tim Welborn, board’s representative to the Educational Foundation; Karen
Gardner, EF trustee; Mike Taranto, EF trustee; Dr. Paul Miller, EF trustee and chair; and Jim Teeman, school board
president.—Pam Hedger photo.
WHEREAS, a Citizens’ Volunteer Committee was formed
in November of 2005 to advise the Butler R-V School District
Board of Education, and
WHEREAS, the Citizens’ Volunteer Committee determined that an educational foundation organized exclusively for
charitable and educational purposes could assist the Butler R-V
School District in meeting the needs of the district, and
WHEREAS, the Butler R-V Educational Foundation, Inc.,
applied for and secured 501(c)(3) status, and
WHEREAS, The Butler R-V Educational Foundation, Inc.
named the following persons to serve as Foundation Trustees
on December 19, 2006: Lelan Deems, Karen Gardner, Paul
Miller, Janet O’Bannon, Mike Taranto, Tim Welborn, and Darold Wulfkoetter, and
WHEREAS, the bylaws of the Butler R-V Educational
Foundation, Inc., states that the assets of the Educational Foundation shall be utilized for the general purposes of assisting the
Public Library
losing money every month
The Butler Public Library is a non-tax supported library. We rely heavily on donations, memorials and
other gifts. Unfortunately, we are losing money every
month. With the increase in cost of books, supplies, utilities and basically everything else, we are having to raise
our fees.
Beginning Feb. 1, the cost of a LIFETIME library
card will be $5 per person. The cost of our community
room will be $30 for four hours. Our internet cards will
stay at $5 for 25 sessions, however if you don’t wish to
purchase a card, the one time usage will be .50.
We would like to acknowledge some donations that
we received last month: Esther Nissen; George and Marie Hammond; Martha Cooper and a Merry Christmas
donation for audio books from Mary Hess in honor of
her parents, Phil and Margaret Hess.
If you would like to help us financially please come by
the library at—
100 West Atkison, Butler, Mo.
or call (660) 679-4321
Grand opening at Rockville
Brett’s Tire Service in Rockville, Mo., announces the grand
opening of their Blue Flame Muffler Distributorship. The focal
point of this exhaust dealership is a state of the art pipe-bending machine. Quickly and easily Blue Flame’s exclusive machine can fashion tail pipes for thousands of configurations to
fit virtually any car on the road.
Barber an independent salesperson
Amoret resident Fern Barber has recently started her own
AtHome America business, a direct seller of home-decorating
accents. According to Barber, AtHome America offers business
tools and education to help people reach their goals. Combined
with the great benefits and financial rewards, AtHome America
is committed to providing HomeStyle Specialists with a positive business experience.
Eddie Herrman
■ January 19
1876, The committee on a public library
for Butler makes a survey and finds a
willingness of citizens to donate books
and money.
1948, Former merchant in the town of
Spruce, 10 miles east of Butler, Ira Eads
dies in Noel, Mo.
■ January 20
1870, A new store opens in Butler,
Geisel & Borchert, dealers in groceries,
dry goods, clothing, furnishings, etc., at
no. 6 on the east side of the Butler public
1972, C. M. McGovern, a long time
resident of Butler, is writing a weekly
column in the Bates County Democrat
newspaper called “On The Square With
■ January 21
1890, G. J. Thomas has refitted his popular Rich Hill blacksmith shop to work
on all classes of blacksmithing. Ten percent off for cash.
1937, The Butler Chamber of Commerce entertains the County Clover and
Prosperity delegates at noon luncheon,
during the Bates County Clover & Prosperity meeting in Butler.
■ January 22
1885, A premature blast at Mine no. 5,
on the gulf Railroad near Rich Hill in-
Hume R-8 menus
Monday, Jan. 22: Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, bacon
and toast or cereal and toast.
Lunch: Spaghetti with meat
ball sauce, salad, garlic toast,
peaches and milk.
Tuesday, Jan. 23: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza or cereal
jures a Mr. Wilson and his son.
and toast. Lunch: Chicken
1878, Rev. Ivar Gjellstad is installed parmesan, corn, fruit salad
as the new pastor of the St. Matthew Lu- and milk.
theran Church, in special afternoon serWednesday,
vices. He will be living at 707 Parkview. Breakfast: Biscuit and gravy
■ January 23
1884, A man tries to present a check
supposedly signed by the Treasurer of
Mound Township Thomas J. Davis for
$35. When questioned at the Bates County National Bank in Butler, leaves.
1951, Roy Berry of Butler, has been
appointed local agent for the MFA Insurance Company of Columbia, Mo.
■ January 24
1905, W.D. Corbin offers a $50 reward
for the arrest and conviction of any person selling intoxicating liquor in the city
limits of Merwin, in the southwest corner of West Boone Township, 4 1/2 miles
south of Drexel.
1982, One of Butler’s most beloved citizens, Bertie White, dies. For many years
he was the shoe shine man at the Southside barber Shop. He was a treasured
member of the Brotherhood Quartet for
many years.
■ January 25
1929. Bates County Sheriff Hartley arrests Clarence Wilkerson at his home
near Rockville, on a bad check charge in
Atlantic, Iowa.
1973, Bertha Compton, widow of the
late Virgil Compton, dies at the Bates
County Memorial Hospital where she had
worked for so many years. Virgil died in
1960, and she is survived by Eloise Radford and Richard Compton. (When your
writer was a youngster on the farm east
of Passaic 3 miles, the Comptons were
our nearest neighbors.
Reward posted to stop liquor
peddlers in town of Merwin
Butler R-V School District of Butler, Missouri, in the performance of its purpose—Providing a free public education to the
children and residents of the Butler R-V School District,
NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Butler R-V School District
Board of Education do hereby recognize the existence of the
Butler R-V Educational Foundation, Inc., do endorse and support the efforts of the Trustees of the Foundation, and do offer
heartfelt thanks to those persons who provide donations to the
Signed by members of the Butler R-V School District Board
of Education, January 11, 2007:
Jim Teeman, President
David Crist, Vice-president
Jason Lawrence, Secretary
Tim Welborn, Treasurer
Linda McElwain, Member
Brad Stephens, Member
Bryan Tippie, Member
Kellhofer, speeding, $110 written guilty plea. Heath W. Klinksick, not capable brakes, $80
written guilty plea. Timothy O.
Kristl, fail to equip vehicle with
horn, $190 written guilty plea.
Jerry D. Lord, fail to drive
on right half, guilty plea, fined
$33.50 and $66.50 costs. John
C. Lovell, speeding, $150 written guilty plea. Chad A. McCubbin, speeding, guilty plea,
fined $500 and $66.50 costs, to
perform 40 hours community service, sentenced to 30 days (SES)
and placed on probation 1 year
Jeremy L. McLean, fail to equip
vehicle with horn, $256.50 written guilty plea. Aarron L. McMahan, speeding, guilty plea,
fined $83.50 and $66.50 costs,
sentenced to 30 days (SES) and
placed on probation 6 months
Lucille Mundey
Recorder of Deeds
Bruce Wayne Dotson, Butler,
45, and Teresa Ann Jones, Butler,
Simpson accepts limited partnership
Carl Simpson, the Edward Jones investment representative in
Butler, has accepted a limited partnership offering in The Jones
Financial Companies, the holding company for the St. Louisbased financial-services firm. Edward Jones currently employs
more than 30,000 associates in all 50 states and through its affiliates in Canada and the United Kingdom. Under the current
partnership offering, 12,000 associates received initial limited
partnership offering or were invited to increase their existing
ownership in the firm. “I am honored to be offered this limited
partnership. It is a privilege to become part owner of a firm that
is so well known and well respected throughout the financialservices industry,” Simpson said. Simpson, a native of Nevada,
Mo., joined Edward Jones in 1996 and has served investors in
Butler for the past 10 years. In addition, he is active in several
local groups, including Butler Rotary Club, Bates County Cattlemen’s Association and Butler Area Chamber of Commerce.
or cereal and toast. Lunch:
Corn dog, French fries, pineapple and milk.
Thursday, Jan. 25: Breakfast: French toast and sausage
or cereal and toast. Lunch:
Chicken potpie, cole slaw,
applesauce and milk.
Friday, Jan. 26: Breakfast:
Sausage on a stick or cereal
and toast. Lunch: Pizza, green
beans, pears and milk.