
Council of the District of Columbia
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
Committee Report
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue. NW. Suite 119
Washington. DC 20004
All Members of the Council of the District of Columbia
Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chairperson
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
March 4, 2015
Report on Proposed Resolution 21-31, the "Director of the Office of Motion
Picture and Television Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of
The Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs, the Committee to which
Proposed Resolution 21-31, the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015" was referred, reports favorably
thereon and recommends its approval by the Council of the District of Columbia.
Purpose and Effect _______________________________________________ __
Legislative History ________________________________________ __
Position of the Executive ________________________ -----------------------Comments of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions __ _
_________________ 3
Summary of Testimony ____________ _
Impact on Existing Law____________ ____ _
----------- - - - - 5
Fiscal Impact ______________________ _
----- --- - ___________5
Section-by-Section Analysis _________________________________________________________5
Committee Action
Proposed Resolution 21-3 l, the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Angie
Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015" will confirm the nominee to her position, to serve at the
pleasure of the Mayor of the District of Columbia.
Ms. Gates, a resident of Ward 6, was the first African-American General Manager at the historic
Warner Theatre. As General Manager, Ms. Gates was responsible for supervising 12 full-time
employees, 30 regular employees and 200 seasonal employees. During her time at the Warner
Theatre, Ms. Gates created essential relationships with vendors, unions, and other groups to
ensure that the more than 175 annual performances ran smoothly. Prior to her time at the Warner
Theatre, Ms. Gates was the Director of Engagement Relations and Marketing for Clear Channel
Entertainment's Theatrical Division. Ms. Gates was responsible for orchestrating all local and
national marketing efforts, negotiating and implementing contracts, and managing the
development and execution of ticket sales for the Urban Series and Tour.
Ms. Gates held three different positions al the Saenger Theater in New Orleans. Ms. Gates
started as the Director of Marketing and Entertainment, where she planned and executed
successful season subscription, single ticket and group sales marketing campaigns as well as
booking and facilitating all logistics for public, corporate and in-house events. Ms. Gates was
then the Interim General Manager where she created and implemented obtainable plans based on
an analysis of the theatre's income and expenses, prepared monthly revenue and cash
projections, and directed short and long term planning. Finally, during her time at the Saenger
Theatre, Ms. Gates served as the Associate General Manager. As such, Ms. Gates developed and
implemented policies and procedures for the daily operation of the venue, provided leadership
and supervision to 10 department managers and 200 seasonal employees.
Ms. Gates has a variety of experience in the entertainment industry, including directing and
producing movies and serving as a member of various boards, including being a member of The
Recording Academy. Her experience in running large venues and in creating relationships with
other members of the community has more than prepared Ms. Gates for her new role as Director
of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development.
January 27, 2015
PR21-31 is introduced by Council Chairman
Phil Mendelson at the request of the Mayor.
February 3, 2015
PR21-31 is referred to the Committee on Business,
Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs.
February 6, 2015
Notice of Intent to Act is published in the District of
Co/11111/Jia ReKister.
February 6, 2015
Notice of Public Roundtable is published in the District of
Columbia ReKister.
February 11, 2015
The Committee on Business, Consumer, and
Regulatory Affairs held a hearing on PR21-3 l.
March 4, 2015
The Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory
Affairs considers and reports favorably on PR21-31.
Ms. Angie Gates is the Mayor's nominee for the position of Director of the Office of Motion
Picture and Television Development.
The Committee received no testimony or comments from the Advisory Neighborhood
Public Witnesses
Harry Wingo, President and CEO, DC Chamber of Commerce, testified in support of Ms.
Gates' confirmation. Mr. Wingo testified that her experience with media negotiations, booking,
and public affairs will make her a strong asset in growing the local film and television industry,
as well as in facilitating the capacity for local companies to expand. Mr. Wingo also testified that
he believes Ms. Gates will use her office in an effective manner in order to leverage the District's
strengths. He also stated that with Ms. Gates' direct professional experience, Ms. Gates will be
able to enhance the District's connection with television and filmmakers for the District's
economic benefit.
Ronald Dixon, Creative/Owner, ideaPlexDC/Studio202DC, testified in support of Ms. Gates'
confirmation. Mr. Dixon testified that he recently had an opportunity to sit down with Ms. Gates
to discuss her vision for the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development and the future
of film, television production, music and the digital entertainment industry. Mr. Dixon testified
that Ms. Gates brings a very unique skill set to OMPTD based on her past experience as a
Director, Executive Producer and General Manager. Mr. Dixon also stated that Ms. Gates is a
creative who brings an impressive track record of accomplishments to OMPTD. Mr. Dixon
stated that as a local small business, Studio202DC would greatly benefit from the use of the film
incentive fund and would leverage it to offset production costs as well as purchase critical
production related infrastructure, digital equipment and creative technologies
Yolanda Hawkins-Bautista, Public Witness, testified in support of Ms. Gates' confirmation.
Ms. Hawkins-Bautista testified that she has known Ms. Gates for 10 years, both personally and
professionally and that Ms. Gates is extremely talented, dedicated and hardworking. She also
stated that she has watched Ms. Gates manage major productions at the Warner Theatre, such as
the BET Honors and the Library of Congress Gershwin Awards . Ms. Hawkins-Bautista also
testified that Ms. Gates has a strong work ethic, and is often the last to leave work. She is
dependable, organized and focused. Ms. Hawkins-Bautista also discussed Ms. Gates' non-profit
work with Powerful Beyond Measures.
Carol Kirkendall, Co-Owner, CD Enterprises, Inc., testified in support of Ms. Gates'
confirmation. Mrs. Kirkendall testified that she first met Ms. Gates over a decade ago when Ms.
Gates was the Associate General Manager at the Saenger Theatre in New Orleans. Mrs.
Kirkendall stated that Ms. Gates made an impression on her because of her ability to be tough
and effective, while at the same time demonstrating an appreciation and respect for the needs and
concerns of others. Mrs. Kirkendall also stated that Ms. Gates has a gift for creating win/win
solutions that balance the interests of all parties. Mrs. Kirkendall believes that Ms. Gates stands
out as someone with a strong sense of community service and someone with innovative and
creative ideas with the passion and energy to work to bring them to fruition.
Wayne Bruce, CEO, DeRand Group; Music Director, Capital Jazz Cruise; Board of
Governors, Washington DC Chapter of The Recording Academy, testified in support of Ms.
Gates' confirmation. Mr. Bruce stated that over his 26 year career he has met few people with
the talent, energy, focus and problems solving skills that Ms. Gates possesses. Mr. Bruce
observed Ms. Gates' presence and passion for the causes she undertakes, as well as her ability to
provide exemplary leadership while simultaneously working well with others and being a
contributing committee member. Mr. Bruce values Ms. Gates' forthrightness, loyalty and
honesty in their friendship, and she brings those qualities to her work.
Sarah Storrs, Senior Director of Event Production and Corporate Relations, HET
Networks, testified in support of Ms. Gates' confirmation. Ms. Storrs testified that Ms. Gates
stands out as one of the few General Managers who viewed BET as a partner in working towards
the BET Honors. She also stated that Ms. Gates' understanding of the breadth of broadcast
production beyond what is specifically needed for a stage production is an incredible asset. Ms.
Storrs also testified that Ms. Gates' extensive career in entertainment in a variety of roles gives
her a unique perspective on what is needed in various aspects of the field. Ms. Storrs is excited
for Ms. Gates to take on this new challenge and as a skillful communicator, an influential leader
and an insightful partner, knows that she will be a tremendous asset to the District.
James Chan Clagget, President and Director, Conspicuous Productions, Inc., testified in
support of Ms. Gates' confirmation. Mr. Clagget testified that he met Ms. Gates shortly after
arriving from New Orleans when she was the manager at the Warner Theatre, and every time he
would run into her she would be working, even if it was late at night. Mr. Clagget stated that Ms.
Gates hrings a diverse array of experiences from working directly with accomplished members
of the entertainment industry and all of the ancillary clements involved with major productions,
such as permitting, jurisdictional issues and logistics. Mr. Clagget believes that with Ms. Gates'
new ideas and hardworking attitude, the District can capture more of the benefits, jobs and
revenue that entertainment brings with it.
Todd Clark, Government Liason, TIVA, testified in support of Ms. Gates' confirmation. Mr.
Clark stated that he is looking forward to Ms. Gates step into her role as Director of the Office of
Motion Picture and Television Development, as she has already initiated a comprehensive effort
to establish close working relationships with many key organizations in the industry. Mr. Clark is
hopeful about the direction that Ms. Gates will take the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development, and he will support her efforts to collaborate and use the resources that with the
District government and community. Mr. Clark also provided recommendations on how to make
OMPTD a more effective agency, including a workable, effective budget and autonomous
control so that OMPTD will be recognized as the office to go to for assistance with entertainment
related issues, such as permitting.
Rock Newman, Host, The Rock Newman Show, testified in support of Ms. Gates'
confirmation. Mr. Newman testified that he has known Ms. Gates for 8 years and that her
education and varied professional background, coupled with he> demeanor and ability to read
people make her perfect for the position. Mr. Newman believes that Ms. Gates will be the most
successful Director of OMPTD in its history because of her tenacity and work ethic.
Govemment Witness
Angie M. Gates, Acting Director, Office of Motion Picture and Television Development,
testified on her own behalf. Ms. Gates gave a thorough discussion of her background, including
her various film projects, including Interview with a Vampire and Pelican Brief. Ms. Gates also
discussed her vision for OMPTD in the future. Ms. Gates discussed what she views as priorities
for OMPTD to address. These include updating the current Film DC Economic Incentive Law to
allow OMPTD to administer the Fund, which is funded in the amount of $2.771 million for fiscal
year 2015. She would also like to focus on enhancing collaboration with sister agencies to further
the objective of establishing formal, tangible cooperative relationships on projects and initiatives
related to maximizing media activity and job creation, formalizing policies and procedure for the
administration of the BET Studio II Soundstages Facilities Management Agreement, and
enhancing OMPTD's community involvement and stakeholder and constituent outreach. Ms.
Gates also plans to update the FilmDC app and the DC Reel Crew location scouting databases
and continue to engage local talent by highlighting their endeavors
PR21-31, the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development Angie
Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015" will confirm the nominee to her position. Otherwise
there is no impact on existing law.
Pursuant to section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1957 (District of Columbia
Official Code § 1-301.4 7a( c )) the requirement of a fiscal impact statement for confirmation
resolutions docs not apply.
The long and short titles of the legislation.
Slates the Council of the District of Columbia confirms the appointment
and identifies legal references.
Provides information on the transmittal of the resolution.
adopted hy the Council.
Provides the effective date of the legislation.
On Wednesday, March 4, 2015 the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
convened an additional meeting to consider PR21-3 l, the "Director of the Office of Motion
Picture and Television Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015".
Committee Chair Vincent B. Orange, Sr. called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m., and the
presence of a quorum was noted consisting of Councilmcmber Charles Allen (Ward 6),
Councilmemher Brianne Nadeau (Ward I), and At-Large Councilmember Elissa Silverman.
After Chairperson Orange made his opening statement, he made a motion to adopt the committee
print and asked if there was any discussion.
There being no discussion, Chairperson Orange moved the committee print of PR2 l-3 l, with
leave for staff to make necessary technical and conforming revisions consistent with the actions
taken at the meeting. The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
Committee members voted as follows:
Committee Members Voting in Favor:
Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chair
Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6)
Councilmember Elissa Silverman (At-Large)
Councilmember Brianne Nadeau (Ward I)
Committee Members Voting Against:
Committee Members Voting Present:
Chairperson Orange then moved the adoption of the committee report and asked if there was any
There being no further discussion, Chairperson Orange move the question to approve the
committee report to PR2 l-3 l, with leave for staff to make tecluiical and conforming revisions
consistent with the actions taken at the meeting. The motion was approved hy a vote of 4 to 0.
Committee members voted as follows:
Committee Members Voting in Favor:
Councihnember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chair
Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6)
Councilmember Elissa Silverman (At-Large)
Councilmember Brianne Nadeau (Ward 1)
Committee Members Voting Against:
Committee Members Voting Present:
Following its consideration of PR21-31, the Committee adjourned at 2:23 p.m.
A. Measure as Introduced
B. Resume of Candidate
C. Notice of Intent lo Act as Published in the District ofCo/11111bia Register
D. Public Roundtable Notice as Published in the District of Co/11111/Jia Register
E. Hearing Agenda and Witness List
F. Testimony and Statements Submitted for the Record
G. Attestation of Legal Sufficiency
H. Committee Print
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington D.C. 20004
Members of the Council
Nyasha mi th, Secretary to the Council
January 29, 2015
Subject : Refenal of Proposed Legislation
Notice is given that the attached proposed legislation was introduced in the Office
of the Secretary on Tuesday, Jai1uary 27, 2015. Copies ai·e available in Room 10,
the Legislative Services Division.
TITLE: "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
Angie Gates Confinnation Resolution of2015'', PR21-0031
INTRODUCED BY: Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor
The Chairman is refening this legislation to the Committee on Business, Consumer,
ai1d Regulatory Affairs. This resolution will be deemed approved on Thursday, May
14, 2015 without Council action.
cc: General Counsel
Budget Director
Legislative Services
I ' I
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C.
Law§ 2-142; D.C. Official Code§ 1-523.01), I am pleased to nominate the following person for
appointment as Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development of the
District of Columbia to serve at my pleasure:
Ms. Angie Gates
90 I 11th Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
(Ward 6)
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing Ms. Gates' experience,
together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during tlie confirmation process.
at the request of the Mayor
Chairman Phil Mendelson, at the request of the Mayor, introduced the following resolution,
which was referred to the Committee on
To confirm the Mayoral appointment of Angie Gates as the Director of the Office of Motion
Picture and Television Development
resolution may be cited as the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of2015".
Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the appointment of:
Ms. Angie Gates
90 I 11 '11 Street, NE
Washington, DC 2002
(Ward 6)
as the Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development, established by
Reorganization Plan No. 3of1975, effective July ·3, 1975, and in accordance with section 2 of
the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-142; D.C. Official Code§
1-523.01), to serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
Sec. 4. This resolntion shall take effect immediately.
- - - - - -
Washington. DC • 504-237·5899
• [email protected]
Resourceful and results-focused executive with extensive experience in marketing and management within
the entertainment and political industries. Exceptional ability to lead others in the development and execution
of an organization's operational goals and objectives. Sustains a good work ethic in a cultural, economic, and
ethnically diverse environment. Ability to be flexible and maintai.n control in unpredictable situations.
Articulate communicator and sound decision maker. Proficiencies include:
• Budget Administration
• Event Logistics
•Conflict Man111gement
• Engagement Management
•Negotiations & Booking
• Faclllty Management
• Event Settlement
• Marketing & Promotions
•Community & Public Relations
facllltntcd Booking Logistics and/or Mnrketlng for the follon·Jng producUons: Sting, Paul Simon,
Stevie Wonder, The Phantom of the Opera, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Fox TV "So You Think You
Can Dance," Black Entertainment Television (BET), Jay Z, Margaret Cho, Jamie Foxx, Thich Nhat Hanh,
Brad Pitt, Julia Rober1s, Colin Powell, General Norman Swartzkoff, First Lady Michelle Obama and
President of the United States Barack Obama.
Fiim Highllghts; Director and Executive Producer of the documentary Teen Commandments. Facilitated
location scouts and national marketing campaigns for the City of New Orleans Mayor's Office and served
as the Film Commis:!lion Representative for the feature fllms Pelican Brief and Interview with a Vampire.
Traveling Chief Or Staff
Plan, direct and implement travel for Washington, DC Mayoral Candidate
Lead and execute aoc::ial event logistics for Mayoral candidate's Office
Prepare and administer the Mayoral candidates daily schedule to ensure successful time management
Jnteract frequently with ca1npaign staff, donors, local media entitles and constitutes
Producer, Election Night Watch Party
Director, Mayoral Campaign Television Commercial
Provide executive support for strategic planning projects
WARN!!R THEATR!! -W.shlnnJon DC CA Liyo NaJjon Venue)
Managed a 1980 seat Historic Venue that conducted over 175 performances annually
Developed and implemented policies and procedures while supervising.12 full~time employees1 30 regular
part-time employees and 200 seasonal employees
Created and directed General Administrative, Capital Expenditures and Show Revenue budgets of$4+ M
Effective in directing insurance and legal clailns through respective channels
Negotiated ft..1orable contracts and oversaw IATSE Stagehand and Wardmbe Union, Property
Management~ Client and Vendor relationships
Provided oversight for front-of-house, programming and sales, marketiag, accounting, operations, box
office and production departments
Implemented daily venue policies/procedures while supervising 14 full-time and 250 part-time employees
SuccessfuUy executed and negotiated venue contracts and event settlement for over I 88 events annually
Professionally represented the company at numerous political and community events in Washington, DC
Angle M. Gates
•Washington, DC • 504-237-5899 • [email protected]:om
CLllAR CHANNEL BNI!!RTAINMENT ICCE\ -Thce!rjce! Djyjslpn - New York NY 1002-2004
Nationally managed the development and execution of single ticket sales, group sales initiatives, and marketing
plans for the Urban Theatrical Series and Tour
Orchestrated all local marketing efforts by producing tour marketing materials. hiring a press agent, media buyer
and street promotion team
Negoliated/implemented contract terms with venues, media agencies, vendors and third party presenters
Managed national deals with CCB Outdoor, CCB Radio, CCB Sports and Concert Divisions, CCB National
Ticketing Team, CCE National Marketing Team, and CCB Tickctmaster Representative
Implemented market research, audience/group data collection procedures, ticket prices, on-sale dates,
performance schedule, marketing campaign, contract logistics and budgeting for each tour engagetnent
SAENGER THEATRB - New Orleans. Lo11jsjann
Developed and implemented policies and procedures governing daily operations of the venue
Provided effective leadership and supervision to 10 department managers and 200 seasonal employees
Handled negotiation, logistics and execution of facility lease agreements, settlements and events for 200
performances annually
Orchestrated innovative and effective marketing, public reJations, c~mmunity reJations, and prornotional
Helped promoters develop their advertising campaigns and handled all advertising for in-house promotions
Produced and distributed a monthly newsletter to Coiporato Suite Holders and Season Ticket Subscribers
Collaborated in the development of1narketing strategies to attract new tenants
Created and implemented obtainable plans based on analyses of theatre income and expenses that resulted in year
end profits
Prepared monthly revenue and cash projections, and directed short~ and long- tenn planning
Instrumental in guiding insurance and legal claims through respective channels
Planned, organized, and executed all marketing. public relations, promotions, and community relations
Successfully executed and negotiated lease agree1nents and conducted final event setUements for 185
peJformances annually
Provided effective leadership and supervision to a team of 15 full-time and 250 part-time employees
Schedule.d and faciJitated aU public1 corporate, and in-house events
Planned and executed successful season subscription, single ticket and group sales marketing campaigns
Responsible for marketing, advertising, community and public relations, for venue and events
Booked and facilitated all logistics for publio, corporate1 and inwhouse events
Conducted lease negotiations, event settlements and produced monthly newsletter
Page 2
• Board Member, New Orleans Theatre Association
•Board Member, Negro League Hall of Fame
• Member, The Recording Academy (Wushington, DC Chapter)
• Award Recipient, Women of Excellence in Entertainment
University of New Orleans - New Orleans, Louisiana
M.A., Arts Administration• Special Concentration in Sports Management • OPA: 4.0
B.A., Drama/CommunJcatlon
Oglebay Wheeling, West Virginia
• IAAM Facility Managen1ent School Scholarship Recipient & Grad~ate
Office of Mayor Muriel E. Bowser
The John A. Wilson Building I 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
I Washington, DC 20004
Angie Gates
Acting Director
Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
On January 1, 2015, Angie M. Gates was appointed to serve as the
Director of the District of Columbia Office of Motion Picture and
Television Development (MPTD).
Gates made history as the first African American General Manager of
the Historic Warner Theatre, located in the heart of the nation's capital.
Her extensive experience includes work with President of the United
States Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Gates began her
career as a film specialist for the New Orleans Film Commission and
her film projects include Interview with a Vampire and Pelican Brief. She is the former
Associate General Manager of the Historic Saenger Theatre, located in New Orleans and she
previously served as the Director of Engagement Relations and Marketing for the Theatrical
Division of Clear Channel Entertainment.
Gates received a Bachelor's Degree in Communication and a Master of Arts Administration
Degree with a Special Concentration in Sports Management, graduating Summa Cum Laude
from the University of New Orleans. Gates serves as a Board Meinber of the New Orleans
Theatre Association and Negro League Hall of Fame. She is also a member of the DC Chapter of
the Recording Academy of Arts and Sciences (The Grammy's).
** *
VOL 62 - NO. 6
Olstrlcl ol eolumbia
• D.C. Council enacts Act 20-599, Urban Farming and Food
Security Amendment Act of 2014
D.C. Council enacts Act 20-604, Federal Health Reform
Implementation and Omnibus Amendment Act of 2014
• D.C. Council enacts Act 20-605, Human Rights Amendment
Act of 2014
• D.C. Council passes Resolution 20-734, Fiscal Year 2016
Budget Submission Requirements Resolution of 2014
• D.C. Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board implements
the LUCKY FOR LIFE™ Lottery game
• Department of Behavioral Health proposes updates to the
substance use disorder treatment and recovery service
certification requirements
VOL. 62 - NO. 6
FEBRUARY 6, 2015
Res 20-736
Local Rent Supplement Program Contract No.
2013-LRSP-04A Approval Emergency
Declaration Resolution of 2014 .......................................................... 001570 - 001571
Res 20-737
Local Rent Supplement Program Contract No.
2013-LRSP-005A Approval Emergency
Declaration Resolution of 2014 .............................. :........................... 001572 - 001573
Res 20-738
Local Rent Supplement Program
Contract No. 2013-007A Approval
Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2014 ....................................... 001574 - 001575
Res 20-739
Local Rent Supplement Program Contract
No. 2013-00SA Approval Emergency
Declaration Resolution of2014 .......................................................... 001576 -001577
Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation Bills B21-47, B21-48, B21-54 through B21-61 ,
and Proposed Resolutions PR21-26 through PR21-31 ....................................... 001578 - 001580
Notice of Public Hearing PR21-22
Director of the Department of Health
LaQuandra Nesbitt Confirmation
Resolution of 2015 ............................................................................................ 001581
Director of the Department of Human Services
Laura G. Zeilinger Confirmation
Resolution of 2015 ........................................................................................... 001581
PR 21-25
Director of the Department of Housing and
Community Development Polly Donaldson
Confirmation Resolution of 2015 (Cancellation Notice) .................................. 001582
Notice of Public Oversight Roundtable Sustaining Progress through Transition at the
Office of Contracting and Procurement. ............................................................................... 001583
Notice of Public Round table PR21-19 Director of the Department of Small and Local
Business Development Ana Harvey
Confirmation Resolution of 2015 ........................... ,........................................... 001584
PR21-31 Director of the Office of Motion Picture and
Television Development Angie Gates
Confirmation Resolution of 2015 ....................................................................... 001584
The Council of the District of Columbia hereby gives notice of its intention to consider
the following legislative matters for final Council action in not less than 15 days.
Referrals of legislation to various committees of the Council are listed below and are
subject to change at the legislative meeting immediately following or coinciding with the
date of introduction. It is also noted that legislation may be co-sponsored by other
Councilmembers after its introduction.
Interested persons wishing to comment may do so in writing addressed to Nyasha Smith,
Secretary to the Council, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 5,Washington, D.C.
20004. Copies of bills and proposed resolutions are available in the Legislative Services
Division, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 10, Washington, D.C. 20004
Telephone: 724-8050 or online at
Educational and Instructional Animals Clarification Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 1-30-15 by Councilmember Allen and referred to the Committee on
Health and Human Services with comments from the Committee on Education
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E Residential Parking Permit
Regulation Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 1-30-15 by Councilmember Allen and referred to the Committee on
Transportation and the Environment
Adequate Notice of Affordability Expiration Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 2-3-15 by Councilmembers McDuffie and Bonds and referred to the
Committee on Housing and Community Development
Community College For All Scholarship Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 2-3-15 by Councilmembers Orange, Bonds, Allen, Silverman, Alexander,
Nadeau, and Evans and referred to the Committee of the Whole
National Public Radio, Inc., Refunding Revenue Bonds Project
Approval Resolution of 2015
Intro. 1-27-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and
referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue
Director of the Department of Human Services Laura G.
Zeilinger Confirmation Resolution of 2015
Intro. 1-27-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and
referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services
Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Brian
Kenner Confirmation Resolution of 2015
Intro. 1-27-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and
referred to the Committee of the Whole
Director of the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services Clinton
Lacey Confirmation Resolution of 2015
Intro. 1-27-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and
referred to the Committee on Judiciary
Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015
Intro. 1-27-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and
referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
VOL. 62 - NO. 6
Olstriel ol ~olumbla
• D.C. Council enacts Act 20-599, Urban Farming and Food
Security Amendment Act of 2014
• D.C. Council enacts Act 20-604, Federal Health Reform
Implementation and Omnibus Amendment Act of 2014
• D.C. Council enacts Act 20-605, Human Rights Amendment
Act of 2014
• D.C. Council passes Resolution 20-734, Fiscal Year 2016
Budget Submission Requirements Resolution of 2014
• D.C. Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board implements
the LUCKY FOR LIFE™ Lottery game
• Department of Behavioral Health proposes updates to the
substance use disorder treatment and recovery service
certification requirements
VOL. 62 - NO. 6
FEBRUARY 6, 2015
Res 20-736
Local Rent Supplement Program Contract No.
2013-LRSP-04A Approval Emergency
Declaration Resolution of 2014 .......................................................... 001570 - 001571
Res 20-737
Local Rent Supplement Program Contract No.
2013-LRSP-005A Approval Emergency
Declaration Resolution of 2014 .......................................................... 001572 - 001573
Res 20-738
Local Rent Supplement Program
Contract No. 2013-007 A Approval
Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2014 ....................................... 001574 - 001575
Res 20-739
Local Rent Supplement Program Contract
No. 2013-00SA Approval Emergency
Declaration Resolution of 2014 .......................................................... 001576 - 001577
Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation Bills 821-47, B21-48, 821-54 through B21-61 ,
and Proposed Resolutions PR21-26 through PR21-31 ....................................... 001578 - 001580
Notice of Public Hearing PR21-22
Director of the Department of Health
LaQuandra Nesbitt Confirmation
Resolution of 2015 ............................................................................................ 001581
Director of the Department of Human Services
Laura G. Zeilinger Confirmation
Resolution of 2015 ........................................................................................... 001581
PR 21-25
Director of the Department of Housing and
Community Development Polly Donaldson
Confirmation Resolution of 2015 (Cancellation Notice) .................................. 001582
Notice of Public Oversight Roundtable Sustaining Progress through Transition at the
Office of Contracting and Procurement... ............................................................................. 001583
Notice of Public Roundtable PR21-19 Director of the Department of Small and Local
Business Development Ana Harvey
Confirmation Resolution of 2015 ....................................................................... 001584
PR21-31 Director of the Office of Motion Picture and
Television Development Angie Gates
Confirmation Resolution of 2015 ....................................................................... 001584
Council of the District of Columbia
Con1mittee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
Notice of Public Round table
John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 119
Washington, DC 20004
Councilme1nber Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chairperson
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
Announces a Public Roundtable
• PR21-0019, the "Director of the Department of Small and Local
Business Development Ana Harvey Confirmation Resolution of 2015"
• PR21-0031, the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015"
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 10:00 A.M.
Washington, DC 20004
Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr. announces the scheduling of a public round table by the
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs on PR21-0019, the "Director of the
Department of Small and Local Business Development Ana Harvey Confirmation Resolution of
2015" and PR21-0031, the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015". The public roundtable is
scheduled for Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 412 of the John A. Wilson
Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20004.
Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to testify at the public roundtable are
asked to contact Ms. Faye Caldwell, Special Assistant to the Committee on Business, Consumer,
and Regulatory Affairs, at (202) 727-6683, or via e-mail at [email protected] and furnish
their name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and organizational affiliation, if any, by
the close of business Monday, February 9, 2015. Each witness .is requested to bring 20 copies of
his/her written testimony. Representatives of organizations and government agencies will be
limited to 5 minutes in order to permit each witness an opportunity to be heard. Individual
witnesses wiH be limited to 3 minutes.
If you are unable to testify at the roundtable, written statements are encouraged and will be made
a part of the official record. The official record will remain open until close of business
Thursday, February 26, 2015. Copies of written statements should be submitted to the
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs, Council of the District of Columbia,
Suite 119 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Council of the District of Columbia
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
Agenda & Witness List
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 119
Washington, DC 20004
Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chairperson
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
Announces a Public Roundtable
PR21-0019, the "Director of the Department of Small and Local Business
Development Ana Harvey Confirmation Resolution of 2015"
PR21-0031, the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015"
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 10:00 A.M.
'Vashington, DC 20004
1. Harry Wingo, President & CEO, DC Chamber of Commerce
2. Angela Franco, President & CEO, Greater Washington Hi.spanic Chamber of
3. Rock Newman, Host, The Rock Newman Show
4. Ronald Dixon, President & CEO, Studio 202
Panel 2
Carol Kirkendall, Co-owner, CD Enterprises, Inc.
Joseph Martin, Location Manager, Washington, DC
Alexander M ..Padro, Executive Director, Shaw Main Streets, Inc.
Roscoe Grant, RGrant Enterprises, LLC
Panel 3
9. Yolanda Hawkins-Bautista, Public Witness
10. Wayne Bruce, CEO, DeRand Group; Music Director, Capital Jazz Cruise; Board of
Governors, Washington DC Chapter of The Recording Academy
11. Sarah Storrs, Senior Director, Event Productions and Corporate Relations, BET
12. Chan Claggett, President and Director, Conspicuous Productions
Panel 4
13. Todd Clark, Government Liaison Television, Internet and Video Association - TIVA
14. Antonio Doss, District Director, US Small Business Administration
15. Steve Moore, Southwest Business Improvement District
16. Samira Cook-Gaines, Chief Civil Rights and Economic Development Director
Panel 5
17. Laurie Collins, Owner, LC Systems
Government Witnesses
Panel 1
1. Angie Gates, Acting Director, Office of Motion Picture and Television
Panel 2
2. Ana Harvey, Acting Director, Department of Small and Local Business
DC Chamber of Commerce
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Testimony of Harry Wingo
President and CEO, DC Chamber of Commerce
Before the Committee on Business Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Good morning Chairman Orange and other members of the Committee. I am Harry
Wingo, President and CEO of the DC Chamber of Commerce. Since 1938, the DC
Chamber has advocated for business-friendly policies and we remain focused on
economic growth in the District. Thank you for the opportunity to voice my support for the
proposed resolutions to confirm Ana Harvey as the Director of the Department of Small
and Local Business Development (DSLBD), and Angie Gates as the Director of the Office
of Motion Picture and Television Development.
As an advocate for economic growth, I am pleased that Ms. Harvey is being nominated to
lead the Department of Small and Local Business Development. The DC Chamber has
worked closely with DSLBD through the years. I believe that Ms. Harvey will be a strong
Director and will work with the small, local, and disadvantaged business community to
grow procurement opportunities, enhance international exports for small business, and
improve the effectiveness of the office.
Ms. Harvey's previous experience in government and private sector business
development will serve her well in her new role. We are especially confident in her roles
as entrepreneur and leader of the Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
It is particularly encouraging that the nominee for Director of DSLBD has been a small
business owner herself; as there is no substitute for personal experience in this realm.
Finally, with her experience I believe she will bring models of efficiency and reform that
will be most beneficial to the District and DSLBD in particular.
The Chamber looks forward to working with Ms. Harvey on how businesses and the
District can interact in a more productive manner. Additionally, we look forward to
continuing our partnership on Export DC and other expanded opportunities. We hope to
work with Ms. Harvey to make the CBE certification p~cless cumbersome so that
businesses can focus on developing jobs. I cannot stress how important the CBE
process is for small business and the direct impact DSLBD has on the viability of
entrepreneurs through CBE certification.
I also believe we will work well with Ms. Harvey on coordinating procurement
opportunities in a more effective and efficient manner. We would like to see DSLBD take
a more active role in helping District contractors find CBE partners to assist in meeting
CBE expenditure goals. We would also like to see DSLBD better coordinate with District
agencies to identify CBE opportunities earlier in the procurement process instead of
waiting to the end of the fiscal year to fill-in spending gaps.
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------delivering the capital
DC Chamber of Commerce
CBEs cannot wait for last minute spending pushes to make payroll, pay creditors, and
secure crucial capital. Instead, CBEs must have consistent and predictable cash flows.
DSLBD is the best resource in the District to help CBEs find stability. As the District
makes small business opportunities a priority, I am confident that Ms. Harvey has the
experience to implement necessary changes to ensure the District has strong and
successful small and local business community.
I am also pleased that Ms. Gates is being nominated to lead the Office of Motion Picture
and Television Development. Her experience with media negotiations, booking, and
public affairs, will make her a strong asset in growing the local industry; facilitating the
capacity for local companies to expand; and in turn hopefully increasing the more than
3,400 temporary jobs for DC residents that was created by the industry 1 .
I also believe both Ms. Gates and Ms. Harvey will use their office in and effective manner
to leverage the District's strengths. With Ms. Harvey's background in managing budgets
and reporting to a board of directors, she will understand the importance of oversight and
use her agency budget to its full potential. Additionally with Ms. Gates direct
professional experience, I believe she will enhance the District's connection with TV and
filmmakers for our economic benefit. I am confident that having both nominees, with their
knowledge base and focus, will allow their respective offices to become model agencies
that lives up to its mission.
I thank you for your time and look forward to any questions you may have.
Office of Motion Picture and Television Development FY13-14 Performance Oversight Hearing Questions,
Committee on Business Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. Agency Performance Oversight Response.
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i -F 202.638.6762 I WWW.DCCHAMBER.ORG·.· ,, •,
DC Council's roundtable on Public Resolution 21-0031, the "Director of
the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015
\\I ednesday, February l l, 2015
l am James Chan Claggett, President and Director of Conspicuous Productions,
Incorporated here in Washington. I am a native \Vashingtonian and Ward 6
resident. I have worked in entertainment production for over 30 years in various
positions -- Producer, Director. Location Scout and Manager and Production
Manager with over 500 production credits. I've had the experience of\vorking
directly with some of the most notable people and companies in the industry on
major motion pictures, television shows, commercials and national events. (i.e.
Clint Eastwood, Quincy Jones, Robert Redford, Spike Lee, Ridley Scott, etc.)
I have also worked in the DC Office of Motion Picture & Television Development
for 3 - 90 day interim tcm1s.
It is my honor to testify in support of the nomination of Angie Gates as the
Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development.
I met Angie shortly after she arrived from New Orleans almost a decade ago when
she was mannging the Warner Theater. l took note of her attention to details and
how she handled issues as they arose during the hectic periods when the show
preparation time is running out and the arrival of patrons had begun, which
happens often with a touring companies limited turnaround time. I admired how
she was always calm and controlled, it showed that she knows she can work it out.
Every time I would run into her she was working. eve1i if it \Vas late into the
evenings, and always in the company of high level reputable industry insiders. l
have come to know her as having close working associations with key producers,
directors and people who make entertainment happen.
Angie brings a diverse array of experiences from working directly with
accomplished producers, directors, CEOs, musicians, actors, technicians, vendors,
support staff and all the ancillary elements that are involved with major
productions which can include pennitting, logistics, jurisdictional issues,
negotiating, contracting, accommodations, travel, transportation and budgeting.
I was impressed that during her first week at the Office ofl\1otion Picture and
Television Development Angie came out to one of my commercial productions for
American Express to make sure things were going well. She greeted the out of
town clients, producer and director and let them know their presence here is
welcomed and appreciated.
Angie also took great interest when inquiring if there were any issues I faced
acquiring pcnnits or city services, she look note and told me \VC would talk further
about 1ny concerns and suggestions for working toward a rnore efficient process
where possible.
\Ve have a ne\v city here in Washington full of new locations \vith the Navy
Yard/Yards Park area, Georgetown Waterfront and the coming of the nevv· S\V
Waterfront, SE \Vaterfront, Soccer Stadium, and the revitalizing communities of
Anacostia, Brookland, City Center, U St, Shaw, the 14th Street corridor and H St
I\1E \vith it's streetcar system, - none were rnuch thought of as production
locations just a few years ago. We now have 1nuch more to offer
For this agency I believe it is of great value to have a director who has been in the
position of the people it serves and Ms. Gates brings the experience of>vorking
from various facets of this agencies constituency.
Angie told me some of her ideas to cultivate local industry growth, the things she
has already put in motion in her first month, her 1nethod of approach to make the
office and process more efficient, and to build relationships with the greenlighters
as well as the local production community.
With Ms. Gates fresh ideas I believe \Ve can capture more of the benefits, jobs and
revenue that entertainment brings to its locale. I am looking fonvard to \Vorking
with Angie as the director of this agency.
Thank you for this opportunity to express my support of this nominee.
J Chan Claggett
President, Director
Conspicuous Productions
Council of the District of Columbia
Testimony: Todd Clark, Government Liaison, TIVA
Television, Internet, Video Association
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Ste. 119
Washington, DC 20004
Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chairperson
Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
Public Roundtable on
PR21-0031, "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and
Television Development
Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015"
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 10:00 A.M.
1350 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. Washington, DC 20004
Good Morning:
Thank you for the opportunity today to speak on the confirmation of Angie Gates as the
new Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development. My name is
Todd Clark I have been a DC resident for over 25 years working as an EMMY Award
. winning independent producer. In November of2013, I was named DC Film Maker of
the Month.
For the past year and half I have served as the Government Liaison on the Board of
Directors ofTIVA-DC ---the Television, Internet and Video Association and was.
recently named 2015 Chair of the prestigious annual TIVA Peer Awards. TIVA-DC is one
of the largest associations of professional media and communications specialists in the
The prestigious TIVA Peer Awards recognizes excellence in creative accomplishment
across all disciplines within the TV/Video/Internet production community. The popular
event has been held annually for over 17 years, most recently at the National Press Club.
This year, for the first time in the awards history, we welcomed the participation and
support of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development. And this year,
TIVA was also issued the very first DC Council Recognition Resolution presented by
Council Member Orange.
I am looking forward to seeing Ms. Gates step further forward into her role as the new
Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development. She has already
initiated a comprehensive effort to establish close working relationships with many of
the key organizations, government agencies, industry associations and other key players
within the District-a refreshing change from how the office operated several years ago.
It wasn't too long ago that the OMPTD was a difficult office to work with. The general
impression from most of the Hollywood producers who were scouting for locations in DC
was that DC was a really tough city to do work in --both because permit, location access
issues were really tough, but also because OMPTD was not efficient, accurate or thorough
in their response to those inquiries.
Last year, under the initial guidance of acting director Herbert Niles and then under the
stewardship of its new Director, Pierre Bagley, OMPTD made a sea-change in those
impressions and realities. Over this last year, the OMPTD office became lOOOx more
accessible, supportive, efficient, and reliable. A serious effort was made to connect with the
local production community, particularly with organizations like TIVA and Women and
Film in Video.
Key working relationships were also firmly established with key Federal and city
government agencies that paved the way for an easier permitting, location access process
to occur for out of state productions.
Over the past few weeks, Ms. Gates has held a series of comprehensive meetings to help her
better understand the needs of the media production community, including with TlVA,
which tells me that she is serious about creating and sustaining an OMPTD that works
closely and pro-actively with its allies and partners to effectively support the
film/television/and video production communities of DC.
DC is home to a vibrant, growing, robust and highly capable media production sector which
serves to anchor the significant presence of its well established and respected Creative
64% of our Media Talent has been in the business for over a decade.
300 independent producers work in DC- most of whom are members of eitherTIVA, the
Producers Guild, or WIFV-- or all three.
DC is home to major networks, including PBS, National Geographic, Discovery, and C-SPAN
All major news outlets have offices and studios in the District
3 airports offer over 30 flights/day to NYC and 6 non-stops to Los Angeles
At last count there are 25,000+ feet of state-of-the-art studio space
Dozens of large, medium-sized and professional, independent, free-lance Post-Production
facilities and editors.
More than 20 Equipment rental houses, high-end graphics studios, and animation houses
supporting local and Hollywood blockbuster productions.
Home to more Oscar and Emmy winners than Chicago and Miami. Together.
ANY piece of equipment can be delivered on set in less than 1 hour.
De's 36 Film Festivals screened 1,407 new films to an audience exceeding 125,000 people.
I am hopeful about the direction that Ms. Gates will take OMPTD at this time. The
opportunities for district-based TV, Film, Video production work to contribute in
substantial ways to the growth of the DC economy: to provide job possibilities, as well as to
attract out of state productions, are very strong right now.
I support Ms. Gates recent efforts to collaborate and use the resources that are
within the DC government and community. A few examples of her developing vision are
• Work with the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities to find funds to
support productions and programs.
• Utilize the training modules already established by the Public Access
Corporation and link those module-based trainings to private entities for a 6month, for example
• Develop an attractive rate card for the use of the newly accessed BET studios
• Continue to bolster the growth of the NY Avenue gateway production
infrastructure by supporting the building of soundstages and other facilities to join
the newly established Shadowstone lighting business.
• Take a serious look at updating the rules and regulations regarding the
incentive fund for out of state productions which have not changed since 2007
except for the adding of a provision for infrastructure in 2011.
• Lastly- I am extremely encouraged by the news that Ms. Gates is looking forward to
planning a series of roundtable discussions with the key players here in DC to
hear new ideas and to provide support where the office is able.
In the upcoming months, I look forward to planning a panel presentation for the
members ofTIVA and WIFV, to meet Director Gates so they can share their questions and
hear her plans and ideas.
It is my hope that the DC City Council will continue to support the OMPTD office and the
efforts of Ms. Gates so that she can continue to realize OMPTDs full vision and mission:
to provide support, promotion, marketing and collaboration with-- and for-- both out-of-state,
as well DC-based media productions.
In order to do that, OMPTD needs a workable and effective budget and autonomous
control, so that they are recognized, respected and function as the go-to office for:
• Location permits and site access assistance, guidance and support
• Funding support for locally originated projects
• Tax incentive information and resource allocation for in-state and out-of state
• Out-of-state project recruitment, development and maintenance
• Aggressive promotion and marketing of DC-based media production assets, services,
talent and capabilities.
(an up-to-date clearinghouse of media production resources)
Thank you for your time.
DC Council's roundtable on Public Resolution 21-0031, the "Director of
the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
I arp James Chan Claggett, President and Director of Conspicuous Productions,
Incorporated here in Washington. I am a native Washingtonian and Ward 6
resident. I have worked in entertainment production for 30 years and as a
Producer and Location Manager for over 20 years. I've had the experience of
working directly with some of the most notable people and companies in the
industry on major motion pictures, television shows, commercials and national
events. (i.e. Clint Eastwood, Quincy Jones, Robert Redford, Spike Lee, Ridley
Scott, etc.)
I have also worked in the DC Office of Motion Picture & Television Development
for 3 - 90 day interim terms.
It is my honor to testify in support of the nomination of Angie Gates as the
Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development.
I met Angie shortly after she arrived from New Orleans almost a decade ago when
she was managing the Warner Theater. I took note of her attention to details and
how she handled issues as they arose during the hectic periods when the show
preparation time is running out and the arrival of patrons had begun, which
happens often with a touring companies limited turnaround time. I admired how
she was always calm and controlled, it showed that she knows she can work it out.
Every time I would run into her she was working, even if it was late into the
evenings, and always in the company of high level reputable industry insiders. I
have come to know her as having close associations with key producers, directors
and people who make entertainment happen.
Angie brings a diverse array of experiences from working directly with
accomplished producers, directors, CEOs, musicians, actors, technicians, vendors,
support staff and all the ancillary elements that are involved with major
productions which can include pennitting, logistics, jurisdictional issues,
negotiating, contracting, accommodations, travel, transportation and budgeting.
I was impressed that during her first week at the Office of Motion Picture and
Television Development Angie came out to one of my commercial productions for
American Express to make sure things were going well. She greeted the out of
town clients, producer and director and let them know their presence here is
welcomed and appreciated.
Angie also took great concern when inquiring ifthere were any issues I faced
acquiring permits or city services, she took note and told me we would talk further
about my concerns and suggestions for working toward a more efficient process
where possible.
We have a new city here in Washington full of new locations with the Navy
Yard/Yards Park area, Georgetown Waterfront and the coming of the new SW
Waterfront, SE Waterfront, Soccer Stadium, and the revitalizing communities of
Anacostia, Brookland, City Center, U St, Shaw, the 14th Street corridor and H St
NE with it's streetcar system, - none were much thought of as production
locations just a few years ago. We now have much more to offer
For this agency I believe it is of great value to have a director who has been in the
position of the people it serves and Ms. Gates brings the experience of working
from various facets of this agencies constituency.
Angie told me some of her ideas to cultivate local industry growth, the things she
has already put in motion in her first month, her method of approach to make the
office and process more efficient, and to build relationships with the greenlighters
as well as the local production community.
With Ms. Gates fresh ideas I believe we can capture more of the benefits, jobs and
revenue that entertainment brings to its locale. I am looking forward to working
with Angie as the director of this agency.
Thank you for this opportunity to express my support of this nominee.
J Chan Claggett
President, Director
Conspicuous Productions
Testimony of Sarah E. Storrs
Regarding Angie M. Gates, Acting Director, Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 10 AM
John A. Wilson Building, Room 412
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004
Good morning.
My name is Sarah Storrs and I am the Senior Director of Event
Production and Corporate Relations at BET Networks, a VIACOM Company. I am so pleased to
be here in support of the appointment of Angie Gates as the Director of the DC Office of
Motion Picture and Television Development.
In 2008, BET Networks held our first ever BET Honors taping and we were privileged to
work with Angie Gates and her team at The Warner Theater. While we have hosted similar
productions at a wide variety of venues, Ms. Gates stands out as one of the few General
Managers who viewed us as true partners in the endeavor. She was a tireless advocate for the
production, working with her internal team, neighboring businesses, building residents, local
officials and community leaders to ensure our production went flawlessly. I had the pleasure of
working with previous Directors of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
during these productions and I can clearly see Ms. Gates extremely successful in that role.
Angie Gates helped identify resources and key organizations with whom we would build
relationships that made our overall event more successful. Despite street closures, inclement
weather, potential protests, and the Secret Service, she was always available and continuously
looking for how to get to a winning solution, despite often firm opposition.
Since that time, I have been lucky enough to work with Ms. Gates on many more BET
Networks productions. While working with her in her role at The Warner Theater, she clearly
5. Storrs Testimony Re: Angie M. Gates
Prospective Director, Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
supported more than simply the bottom line of her company. She consistently considered how
keeping this production in Washington, DC, was a benefit to the community. She regularly
connected our production, security and corporate relations teams with our partners in other
organizations. In particular, Angie's understanding of the breadth of broadcast production beyond what is needed specifically for a stage production - was a tremendous asset. Although
neighboring businesses sometimes had significant concerns, through our relationship with Ms.
Gates, we were able to work closely with these neighbors to minimize our impact on their
businesses and to encourage our production to support these businesses wherever possible.
Angie Gates may no longer be the General Manager of The Warner Theater, but it is through
her support and influence that we continue to host our BET Honors taping at that venue.
Beyond our work over her years at The Warner Theater, I have gotten to know Angie
outside of that role. Her extensive career in entertainment, from so many various angles, offers
her a unique perspective into the industry. I'm always impressed that she has made such an
impress·1on on performing talent that they remember meeting HER as much as she remembers
meeting them. Her genuine and open demeanor is refreshing and reassuring to all who meet
her. Angie Gates has often been a resource for me while researching other local - and national
-events and productions that BET Networks organizes.
She has a passion for filmmaking, working on her own projects and supporting other
filmmakers in the DC-area.
With a range of relationships, Angie Gates readily introduces
colleagues to others with similar interests and missions. This is another one of the intangibles
that Angie offers. Not only does she have an amazing ability to listen to the unspoken needs of
her partners, she has an innate sense of what resources will best help them reach their goals
5. Storrs Testimony Re: Angie M. Gates
Prospective Director, Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
and who may be an ideal partner to support those efforts.
I am so excited for Angie Gates, as she faces this new opportunity, and I am equally as
excited for the city of Washington, DC, to consider her for the position of Director of the Office
of Motion Pictures and Television Development. Professionally, I have been so grateful for the
support of Angie Gates in our BET Networks projects.
She is a skillful communicator, an
influential leader, and an insightful partner and would be a tremendous asset to the city of
Washington, DC, in this role.
I am proud to support Angie Gates and would be pleased to provide any additional
information that I can.
Testimony on behalf of Angie Gates
February 11, 2015
Good Morning Chairperson Orange and Members of the Committee on Business,
Consumer and Regulatory Affairs,
My name is Wayne Bruce. I am a native Washingtonian who has made a living in the arts
and entertainment industry in our area. I am here to proudly give my testimony in
support of Acting Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
for the District of Columbia, Angie Gates.
I have been in the arts and entertainment industry for the past 26 years, and held a variety
of positions. I have founded and produced the well-known jazz and R&B band Spur of
the Moment, produced the television special for WHUT" Soul of the Holidays," served
as Music Director for numerous events including the homegoing services of our beloved
DC treasure Chuck Brown, and for the past eight years have music directed the largest
music cruise in the country, The Capital Jazz Super Cruise. For the past five years I have
been on the Board of Governors for The Washington DC Chapter of The Recording
Academy, better known as the Grammy's, where I first met Angie Gates.
In my 26-year career, I have met few people with the talent, energy, focus and problem
solving skills that Angie Gates possess. Ms. Gates and I both sat on the Board of The
Recording Academy. She immediately stood out because of her level of confidence,
which as a new board member, myself, put me at ease. In working together as board
members, I observed her presence and passion in the causes she undertakes. She
demonstrated both the ability to be a hard-working, contributing committee member,
working well with others, as well as one who provided exemplary leadership when
needed. Angie Gates was instrumental in our efforts to increase our membership, the "life
blood" of the organization. She worked tirelessly, involving herself in every recruitment
activity - from late night call banks to direct personal appeals to prominent artists in our
community. Ms. Gates was also active in our Grammy U program that nurtures college
students who have an interest in the entertainment industry. Through her position as
General Manger at the Warner Theater, she provided access for Grammy U students to
many of the artists performing at that venue. This afforded the students an intimate view
of the entertainment industry, which they would not otherwise get.
Over the years, we developed a working relationship as well as a friendship. As a friend,
I value her forthrightness, loyalty, and honesty. She brings these same qualities into
work, elevating the process of working together and the quality of the finished product.
I am completely assured that she will bring the same talent, energy, focus, and
perseverance that I have observed over the years into executing her vision for the Office
of Motion Picture and Television Development.
As a native Washingtonian, I am once again proud of a smart choice for the District of
Columbia in choosing Angie Gates for this leadership position.
Thank you for your· time today, if you have any questions I am available to answer.
Testimony of Mrs. Carol Kirkendall in support of Angie Gates
Good morning Chairman Orange and members of the Committee on Business, Consumer and
Regulatory Affairs.
My name is Carol Kirkendall and it is my pleasure to be here today to offer testimony in support of
the nomination of Angie Gates to serve as Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development (MPTD) for .the District of Columbia.
By way of introduction, I think it is important for you to know some highlights about my
background, the history that ultimately led to my coming to know and work with Angie Gates, and
which informs my strong support for her appointment.
I first came to the Washington area in the early 1970's, an educator by training, I believed in the
notion that the arts could be a tool for educating and empowering youth. I partnered with others and
became involved with organizations throughout the District through our non-profit called Compared
To What? (CTW), we spearheaded a variety of innovative youth programs, including:
The Summer Hut *
The Winter Workshops *
Human Kindness Day *
United Students *
*See the attached supplemental information
CTW also undertook community oriented activities, such as coordinating the Smithsonian's first ever
live African-American theater presentation and civil rights exhibit, which featured photographs and
was coordinated in conjunction with the Martin Luther King Library; as well as our weekend long
Human Kindness Day celebration.
From my CTW days, I and my partner Darryll Brooks, gradually transitioned into a career as talent
managers, and concert and event promoters. Currently, we work through our company C D
Enterprises, Inc. (CDE). We have worked with hundreds of performers over the years, but among
the work we're proudest of is our involvement at the front of the District's popular "Go Go" music
movement. Our work in Go Go included the creation and release of an internationally celebrated
Go Go CD and concert video, "Go Go Live at the Capital Centre." We forged life-long
relationships, including with our great friend Chuck Brown, for whom we proudly worked closely
with family and City officials in planning his Going Home Celebration atthe DC Convention Center.
This all brings me back to Angie Gates. I first met her more than a decade ago when she represented
the Saenger Theatre in New Orleans as its Associate General Manager. CDE worked with the
Saenger in our capacity as concert promoters, as well as talent managers. Angie Gates made an
impression on me because she possessed an ability to be tough and effective, while at the same time
demonstrating an appreciation and respect for our needs and concerns. She has a gift for creating
Page -1-
win-win solutions where the interests of all concerned are balanced.
CDE's work with Angie Gates continued when she came to Washington to run the historic Warner
Theatre. She is an effective and efficient manager and there were never any hiccups in the
management of the venue or our dealings. She always delivered on her promises and performed
impeccably and professionally.
Among our work with the Warner was a theatrical production, during which I discovered that she
actively worked to engage the community through outreach in connection with the Theatre's
activities, such as partnering with the DC schools to enhance arts education by inviting students to
matinee performances at the Warner. Similarly, by soliciting and coordinating opportunities for
students to interact and dialogue with actors and performers.
Shortly before she departed the Warner, CDE was working on a collaborative project with Angie
Gates that would have made the Theatre's lobby and roof spaces available during off hours for
community programming and special events.
Angie Gates stands out to me as someone with a strong sense of community service, and someone
with innovative and creative ideas who has the passion and energy to work to bring them to fruition.
I believe Angie sees possibilities as limitless. She also has a true gift in dealing with people, even
down right contrary or difficult types, with a firm but persuasive hand. The result is that people find
it hard to say no to her, a huge and rare strength. Another, just as important result, is that she is
gifted at forging partnerships and enduring relationships. Which has certainly been the case with
myself, my partner Darryl! Brooks and the entire CDE staff.
I see Angie Gates as a perfect fit for this position and thank you for the opportunity to address you
on her behalf.
Page -2-
A Profile...
CD Enterprises, Inc. (often referred to as "CDE") was born out of rich and diverse entertainment
industry experience. Although best known as a full service business and personal management firm, as well
as a full service production and event promotion firm, this company also possesses an exciting history of
creative and dynamicleadership. CDE is helmed by the long-time team of Carol Kirkendall and Darryll Brooks
- a team that represents the best the business has to offer from financial and business management, to
marketing, promotion, and production.
The early years ...
This team's journey started with charitable and community-oriented work financed by (among
others) the District of Columbia government, the National Park Service, and the National Endowment for
the Arts. In the mid-197os, they created a non-profit "Compared To What, Inc." through which they
spearheaded a variety of innovative youth programs. The "Summer Hut," a daily camp for kids held
throughout the summer in Anacostia Park, which provided a safe and positive alternative to the streets.
Summer Hut featured diverse arts, athletic and educational programs. The "Winter Workshops," which
introduced D.C. youths to the technical arts by offering training workshops throughout the District at schools
and community centers. The program placed promising Winter Workshops graduates in jobs with touring
performers (such as Earth, Wind & Fire and Natalie Cole) working on stage crews, doing sound and lights,
staging and production.
Compared To What also worked with District high school students involved in the United Students
organization (a group made up of two representatives from each high school in D.C.) to create a weekly
radio program featured locally on WOL radio; and, significantly, Compared To What was also proud to have
coordinated the Smithsonian's first ever live African-American theater presentation and civil rights exhibit
(featuring photographs and coordinated in conjunction with the Martin Luther King Library).
Compared To What's youth and community oriented activities culminated each year with a weekendlong Spring event known as "Human Kindness Day." Human Kindness Day weekend always commenced
with the Run For Human Kindness, which each year was led by a celebrity such as Muhammad Ali or Dick
Gregory. The streets of D.C. were closed for this symbolic event.
The unquestionable focus of Human Kindness Day was the students of Washington's public schools.
It was a celebration of their achievements and the year's work. Human Kindness Day featured D.C.-wide
writing and art contests that honored the works of D.C.'s students. Contest winners' works were featured
in the Washington Post and displayed in art exhibits. Students were also celebrated in a special annual
C D Enterprises, Jnc.
PO Box 6630, Mclean, VA 22106-66301 Phone 703-734-0088 I Fax 703-734·4888
Profile I Page 1 of 4
awards ceremony held on the Mall. Human Kindness Day also sponsored a special lV production. The
students involved inthe United Students program produced an annual television special on human kindness
which was aired during the celebration on D.C.'s ABC affiliate WJLA-lV7.
Perhaps the best known part of the Human Kindness Day celebration took place on the Mall, where
the entire Sylvan Theater side was turned into a huge festival featuring arts, dance and other vendors and
demonstrations. Many of the instructors who participated in the Summer Hut presented demonstrations
and exhibited their work. The remainder of the Mall featured a stage on which each year's event culminated
with a concert honoring and featuring a prominent African-American entertainer, honorees included Stevie
Wonder, Dick Gregory, Nina Simone and Roberta Flack. Other well-known performers such as the Pointer
Sisters and Larry Graham also put in appearances. Human Kindness Day drew massive crowds numbering
around a half million or more.
From their Compared To What and Human Kindness Day work, the CDE team moved into full-time
concert and live-event promotion and production. Operating as "Tiger Flower Concerts" and "G-Street
Express" they launched into a 35+ year career as concert promoters. Most people in the Washington, D.C.
area are familiar with their mark ... "It's not just another concert, but an Event from .... "
Carol and Darryll became the premier national promoters of Rap music as well as a major force in the
R&B concert world. This team promoted shows including such acts as The Jacksons, The Commodores,
Bootsie's Rubber Band, Earth Wind & Fire, Zap, Mother's Finest, Sister Sledge, Rick James, Leon Russell, The
Bar-Kays, LutherVandross, Prince, and Parliament/Funkadelic (including devising the legendary landing of
the Mothership ), to name a few. Their involvement in Rap music and in Hip Hop harks back to the beginning
of the genres, the days of Sylvia Robinson and the Sugar Hill Gang. They were the first national promoters
to acknowledge that Rap music was not just the sound of preference for inner city youth, but was in fact
rapidly evolving into the sound of pref.erence of all of America's youth. They were the first to place the
majority of Rap's early acts on national tours as early as 1979.
As national concert promoters during the Sos, they promoted and were involved in the careers of
most every major Rap artist in America. From touring RUN/DMC's "My Adidas" and "Run's House" shows,
as well as Heavy D shows, in over 100 cities, to the introduction of such artists as MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice,
the Beastie Boys, Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, Whodini, Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five, and Kool
Moe Dee, and the development of close relationships with the likes of Public Enemy, LL Cool J and Salt-NPepa, this team's reach encompassed the urban music world. They developed close relationships with every
radio station, record label, video network and publication or press outlet active in Rap and R&B music.
This team was also at the front of Washington, D.C.'s popular "Go Go" music movement. Such
notable Go Go performers as Chuck Brown &The Soul Searchers, Rare Essence, Little Benny and the Masters,
and a host of others have been presented by the CDE team. CD E's work in Go Go included the creation and
release of a well-known live Go Go concert video and record called "Go Go Live at the Capital Centre.''
Carol and Darryll's interests include all music genres and they have worked with such Country stars
as Willie Nelson (some may remember a much publicized visit from PresidentJimmy Carter at a Nelson show
presented by CDE) and Waylon Jennings, Pop acts such as Eddie Rabbit and New Kids On The Block, and
Rock acts such as the Rolling Stones. The team is also proud to say that, during the Carter administration,
they (in conjunction with the Black Music Association of Philadelphia) presented the first R&B concert ever
at the White House.
C D Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 6630, McLean, VA 22106-66301 Phone 703-734-0088 I Fax 703-734-4888
Profile I Page 2 of 4
the D'Angelo North American tour and promotion and coordination of Brian McKnight's Tour.
The New Millennium ...
Projects have included shows featuring a wide variety of music and comedy attractions, including:
Alicia Keys, Anthony Hamilton, Arnez J, Backyard Band, Bernie Mack, Big Daddy Kane, Big Sean, Biz Markie,
B.o.B., Busta Rhymes, Cedric the Entertainer, Ch aka Khan, Charlie Wilson, Chip Tha Ripper, Chris Paul, Chris
Rock, Chrisette Michele, Chuck Brown, the Chuck Brown Band, Cody Simpson, Common, Corey Holcomb,
Diggy Simmons, OMX, Drake, DJ Unk, Doug E. Fresh, Earthquake, Eddie Griffin, En Vogue, Eric Benet, Eric
Roberson, Estelle, Fantasia, Floetry, Frankie Beverly, George Tandy, Jr., Gladys Knight, Hamilton Park, How
Sweet the Sound( choir competition), Hiatus Kaiyote, Hiroshima, Huggy Low Down, Jacob Latimore,Jaheim,
Janelle Monae, Jamie Foxx, Jawan Harris, Jazmine Sullivan, Jazz Explosion, J'Davey, Jennifer Hudson, Jim
Jones, Joe, Joe Clair, John Legend, Jardin Sparks, Junk Yard Band, Kanye West, Katt Williams, Kid Cudi,
Kindred the Family Soul, The Kings Men (Kirk Franklin, Donnie McClurkin, Israel Houghton & Marvin Sapp),
KEM, Keyshia Cole, Lauryn Hill, Lavell Crawford, Ledisi, Leela James, Lil' Bow Wow, Lil'Wayne, Lillith Fair, LL
Cool J, Lupe Fiasco, Lyfe Jennings, Macy Gray, Mali Music, Mary Mary, Marsha Ambrosius, Maze, Melanie
Fiona, Meshell Ndegeocello, Mike Epps, Miguel, Mindless Behavior, Monica, Mo'Nique, Morris Day and the
Time, Mother's Finest, Musiq Soul Child, Naughty By Nature, NERD, NE-YO, OMG Girlz, The O'Jays, OutKast,
Parliament/ Funkadelic, Phil Ade, Prince, Queen Latifah, Rare Essence, RDGLDGRN, R. Kelly, Rachelle Ferrell,
Raheem DeVaughn, Raphael Saadiq, RickJames, Rick Ross, Rihanna, Rob Base, Robin Thicke, The Roots, SaltN-Pepa, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, Slick Rick, Smokey Robinson, SOS Band, Stevie Wonder, Sugar
Water Festival, Superstars of Jazz Fusion, Talib Kweli, T.I., Tinie Tempah, Teena Marie, TK N CA$H, Trey
Songz, Usher, Wale, Whodini, and Will Downing. Among the other tours presented (some artists we've
toured repeatedly) indude Brian McKnight; India Arie; Jill Scott; and Erykah Badu.
In addition to myriad touring activities, COE provides marketing and consulting services in connection
with various attractions, such as a run of the Broadway hit "The Color Purple" at the John F. Kennedy Center
for the Performing Arts in DC. The COE team has also volunteered their time to the Duke Ellington School
of the Arts in D.C. in connection with the planning, production and presentation of the School's annual
benefit concert (held in recent years at the Kennedy Center Concert Hall).
Among CD E's proudest achievements in recent years is the implementation of its vision for an annual
festival extravaganza - the SUMMER SPIRIT FESTIVAL - which celebrates diverse
Soul/Rap/R&B/Jazz/Rock/Unlimited sounds, as well as African-American culture (as represented in a festival
ground marketplace). In August 2015, COE will present the 10"' Annual Summer Spirit Festival, which has
been headlined by such talents as Ms. Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, and Jill Scott and featured diverse artists
from the iconic Chuck Brown, to up and comers such as Estelle, B.o.B., Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, and
Janelle Monae, to comedy greats such as Mike Epps, to crowd pleasers such as The Roots, Busta Rhymes
and Common.
Because the CD Eteam has been on the map for many years, they have relationships throughout the
touring world. Their experience and contacts make it possible for them to smoothly facilitate and
accomplish event planning.
As the new millennium continues to unfold, this talented team strives forward into new and
uncharted areas, while at the same time maintaining their hard-won reputation in the industry for integrity,
professionalism and quality.
C D Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 6630, Mcleon, VA 22 /06-66301 Phone 703-734-00881 Fax 703-734-4888
Profile I Page 4 of 4
February 11, 2015
Good Morning - My name is Yolanda Hawkins-Bautista and I am here to testify on behalf of Angie Gates.
I have known Ms. Gates for over 10 years both personally and professionally. Ms. Gates is extremely
talented, dedicated, hardworking and an all-around good person. Ms. Gates was the first AfricanAmerican General Manager for the Warner Theatre. Throughout the years I have watched Ms. Gates
manage major productions at the Warner such as the BET Honors and Library of Congress Gershwin
Awards. She also had several occasions to work with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.
She has worked with top artists such as Stevie Wonder, Sting, Chris Rock, Jay Z, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts,
Jamie Foxx and others.
Ms. Gates has a strong work ethic. She is no stranger to working long hours ifthere is a task at hand
that needs to be done. She is dependable, always on time and is often the last one to leave work. Ms.
Gates is very organized and focused.
But she knows the importance of work life balance.
In her spare time Ms. Gates enjoys working with the youth. Ms. Gates has served as a mentor for the
organization Powerful Beyond Measures. She is also the founder of a non-profit organization that
focuses on helping those with terminal illnesses with transportation to get back and forth to
appointments, obtain their medication that they may not be able to afford and providing meals.
Ms. Gates would be a wonderful asset to the District of Columbia and I would highly recommend her as
the Motion Picture and Film Director.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Angie Gates Confirmation Hearing
Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
Presented By:
Ronald Dixon, CMP
ideaPlexDC, Studio202DC
1522 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20018
[email protected]
Good morning Chairman Orange, I am Ronald Dixon, Creative and Owner of
Stud·10202DC and the ideaPlexDC. ideaPlexDC Creative Campus will be a destination in
DC for creatives, makers and entrepreneurs to collaborate, produce, and commercialize
their ideas. The ideaPlexDC concept sits at the intersection of design, digital media+
production and creative technology.
The ideaPlexDC includes three core elements:
Career and Technical Educational Program for Disconnected Youth and
Adults -All Roads Academy
Digital Media and Entertainment Incubator for Education, Research and
Entrepreneurship- The Power House
Multi-Purpose Digital Studios, Stages+ Production Facilities - Studio202
The project will directly impact the District's Five-Year Economic Development,
Creative Economy, and Ward 5 Industrial Land Transformation Strategies by creating
new revenue, new jobs, workforce development training and a host of community and
cultural benefits. Our ultimate goal is to create a perpetual flow of innovation, tech, and
creative ideas across various industries (i.e., arts, fashion, design, media, entertainment
and more).
It is my pleasure to be here this morning to testify in support of the nomination
of Angie Gates as the next Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development. I recently had a sit down with Director Gates to discuss her vision for
MPTD and the future of film, TV production, music and the digital entertainment
Director Gates brings a very unique skill set to MPTD based on her past
experience as a Director, Executive Producer, Marketer and General Manager. Simply
put she is a creative and brings an impressive track record of accomplishments to the
District. These past experiences and relationships will be very helpful to growing the
film, TV production, music and the digital entertainment industry in the District.
I'm very excited about the newly developed relationship between MPTD and the
BET Studio/Network making Studio II available as a new Sound stage in the District. The
ability to access the Studio II and other related facilities and infrastructure will help put
the District on the map with content creators. I'm looking forward to working with
Director Gates and MPTD staff to program and active the space with other creatives.
The production arm of my business Studio202DC currently produces an
interview and talent showcase series around Soul, R&B and Hip-Hop musical
acts. Over the past three years we have produced nearly 50 episodes with an
amazing group of artist such as John Legend, Jennifer Hudson, Tl, Kendrick
Lamar, Kelly Rowland, Miguel, Brandy, Nelly, Boney James, Chrisette Michele, Keyshia
Cole, Eric Benet, The Dream and many many more. Working with Director Gates and
accessing the Studio II facility we can now transition our web series into branded
content for licensing to a network or streaming service.
In addition to the music showcase show we also have a special focus on
production of original edutainment, animated and live entertainment content across a
wide-range of genres including sports, fashion, culinary and hospitality, arts/media
As an indigenous small business, Studio202DC would greatly benefit from the
District's Film DC Economic Incentive Fund. We would use the incentive fund to
purchase critical production related infrastructure, digital equipment and creative
technologies. Additionally we would leverage the incentive fund to offset production
Appendix A: Job Categories and Daily Rates
• Accountants
• Real Esiate
• Tax Cre-dit
• Structural
.. -·-·-. ---. ----. -. --- -- .. -- -.·-. -. --· -- ...
\· Brokers
··~ _
1·:·~.~~~~~~:: ··5·;;,;;,;;~;~~~:;~~::~~:;:~·\,
• C:.:itercrs
• Prtnti::rs
• Fr~!ght tr.insport
• Office SllppUes
• Hotels
• Hard\•1Jre storEs 1
: • Drlvers/Lhno
• C.an1er<:r
~ s~rv!ces
\ •.• ~Zlr Rentals
• Portable tollet •.:
· -.
·---------- ---· ......i:.~r:iJ~Js. ---------··
• Sound
: • Audio/visual
• Caterers
• Office ~upplies
.. Transport.Jtlon
; • Ccn1puter
\. supplies
··...._................................. --·
Rates (per day):
•All day rates based on 10 hour day (shift):
Director: $800 - $3,500
Producer: $600 - $800
Director of Photography: $600
Camera Operator: $400 - $600
First Assistant Camera: $250 $500
Assistant Director: $400 - $600
Second Assistant Director:
Gaffer: $300 - $600
DIT: $300 - $600
Rigging Grip: $200 - $400
Dolly Grip: $200 - $400
Electric: $200 - $400
Steadicam Operator (With
Gear): $800 - $1,600
Crane Operator (With Gear):
$800 - $1,600
Production Assistant: $75 $200
Hair and Makeup: $400 - $800
Wardrobe: $400 - $800
Production Designer: $500 $1,500
Art Director: $400 - $800
Set Dresser: $200 - $400
Sound Engineer: $300 - $600
Boom Operator: $150- $300
February 11, 2015
Good morning Chairman Orange and distinguished members on the dais.
My name is Eugene Roderick (Rock) Newman. I currently serve as Executive Producer and Host
of the Rock Newman show on WHUT TV. I am here to enthusiastically support the nomination
of Angie Gates as Director of the Office of Television and Motion Picture Development.
I have known Angie for approximately 8 years. When I was attempting to sign Olympic Silver
Medalist Riddick Bowe to a management contract in 1988, I distinctly remember telling him I
was UNIQUELY qualified to represent him. By that I meant the sum total of my being and
experiences as a person of integrity, loyalty, dedication, and my professional seasoning in sales,
marketing, promotion, public relations, contract negotiations, boxing management and
COUNSELING had prepared me to be exactly the RIGHT person to guide him to the top of the
pugilistic world. I put COUNSELING in Capital letters because lord knows a lot of
COUNSELING was needed during my representation of said champion.
Sans any of the aforementioned COUNSELING, it is my quintessential belief that Ms. Gates
with her education and varied professional background in New Orleans and here in DC, her work
ethic, tenacious resourcefulness, relentless pursuit of collaborative achievement, her
temperament, people reading skills, and experiences with "industry types" from Cash Money's
BIRD MAN to the First Lady's husband BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, Angie is uniquely
qualified and will be singularly the most productive, outstanding Director in the history of this
important Office. She is a WINNER!
Thank you for allowing me spend time with you and I am happy to entertain any questions you
may have.
Rock Newman
The Rock Newman Show-WE R ONE.
* * *
Confirmation Hearing Testimony
of Angie M. Gates
Acting Director of tbe Office of Motion Picture and
Television Development
February 11, 2015
Good morning Chairman Orange and members of the Committee on Business, Consumer
and Regulatory Affairs. Thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Angie M. Gates,
and I come before you today as Mayor Muriel Bowser's nominee to serve as the Director of the
Office of Motion Picture and Television Development (MPTD) for the District of Columbia. I
am honored that the Mayor nominated me for this position, and I welcome the opportunity to
continue working with the MPTD team in serving the District of Columbia.
Additionally, I would like to thank the witnesses for their testimony. They have been
outstanding colleagues and advisors over the years, both inside and outside the workplace, and I
highly respect each and every one of them. I also thank the film stakeholders I have recently met
for their testimony, and I look forward to working together.
Over the course of my career, I have gained extensive background and experience in the
entertainment and film industry. I began my career as a film specialist for the New Orleans Film
Commission, under the leadership of Mayor Marc Moria!, where I worked on numerous film
projects, including Interview with a Vampire and Pelican Brief I also was the former Associate
General Manager of the Historic Saenger Theatre, located in New Orleans, and I served as the
Director of Engagement Relations and Marketing for the Theatrical Division of Clear Channel
Entertainment. In addition, I was the first African American General Manager of the Historic
Warner Theatre.
I received my Bachelor's Degree and Master of Arts Administration Degree from the
University of New Orleans.
I serve as a Board Member of the New Orleans Theatre Association and Negro League
Legends Hall of Fame and am a member of the DC Chapter of the Recording Academy of Arts
and Sciences, also known as the Grammy's.
I am also a proud resident of Ward 6.
Office of Motion Picture and Television Development
I believe these experiences have prepared me well for the role of Director of MPTD. As
you may know, MPTD was created by the District of Colwnbia in September 1979 to facilitate
the "cooperation from local government, federal government agencies, and private sector groups
in the location and production of motion pictures and television productions." The Bowser
Administration's goals for MPTD are to create jobs, train residents on film industry skillsets and
raise the profile of the District of Colwnbia as a film destination.
Today, MPTD's focus is creating a sustainable entertainment industry in the District. Its
mission is to initiate, implement and manage the operations and logistics of programs aimed at
generating revenue and stimulating employment and business opportunities in the District
through the production of film, television, video, photography and other multimedia projects.
MPTD makes it easier, faster, and more efficient to create motion picture and television
productions in the District of Colwnbia, increasing the overall level of production activity and
creating opportunities for District residents and businesses. MPTD also serves as a liaison
between the media industry and District residents, local government, non-profits, local
businesses, as well as national and international business development groups.
MPTD's Film DC Economic Incentive Fund offers our agency yet another tool to attract
production companies to the District of Columbia.
Since becoming Acting Director of MPTD six weeks ago, I have already identified
priorities to address, including but not limited to, the following:
Recommending updates to the current Film DC Economic Incentive Law and
accompanying rules to enable MPTD to administer the Film DC Economic Incentive
Fund, which is funded at $2.771 million in Fiscal Year 2015.
Enhancing collaboration with sister agencies to further the objective of establishing
formal, tangible, cooperative relationships on projects and initiatives related to
maximizing media activity and job creation in the District of Columbia.
Formalizing the policies and procedures for the administration of the BET Studio II
Soundstages Facilities Management Agreement, negotiated in concert with the DC
Department of General Services as a part of the BET Networks Lease Renewal.
agreement will grant MPTD the right to offer excess soundstage inventory to local and
out-of-state media producers and as a site for workforce training.
Enhancing MPTD community involvement and stakeholder and constituent outreach.
MPTD will also continue to make shooting in the District of Columbia more accessible
and transparent by updating our mobile app "Film DC" and our "DC Reel Crew" database. The
Film DC App provides inunediate access to public locations, support services and crew lists on
their phone. We will continue to engage local talent by highlighting their endeavors using the
podcast "Reel Talk with Film DC" as well as the "Filmmaker of the Month" and "Location of
the Month" programs.
In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Chairman Orange, and
the Committee members for holding this public roundtable and hearing my testimony, and I ask
that you please confirm my nomination as Director of the Office of Motion Picture and
Television Development. I look forward to working with you to further MPTD's mission to
attract business and grow the economy in the District of Columbia, and I am available to answer
any questions you may have.
TO: Counciln1ember Vincent Orange
FROM: V. David Zvenyach, General Counsel
DATE: March 02, 2015
RE: Legal Sufficiency Deter1niuation for Proposed Resolution 21-31, the
Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Developn1ent Angie
Gates Confir1nation Resolution of 2015
The measure is legally and technically sufficient for Council consideration.
The proposed resolution would confirm the appointment of1Js. A.ngie Gates as the
Director of the Office of l\1otion Pict.ur0 and Television Dcvclopn1cnt, to serve at the
pleasure of the l\!Iayor.
Committee on Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
March 4, 2015
To confirm the appointment of Ms. Angie Gates as the Directqr of the Office of Motion Picture
and Television Development.
resolution may be cited as the "Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television
Development Angie Gates Confirmation Resolution of 2015".
Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the appointment of:
Ms. Angie Gates
90 I I 1th Street, N .E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
(Ward 6)
as the Director of the Office of Motion Picture and Television Development, established by
Mayor's Order 79-218, dated September 14, 1979 (26 DCR 1390), to serve at the pleasure of the
Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.