Belzer Blog - Belzer Middle School


Belzer Blog - Belzer Middle School
Belzer Blog
Nov. 21, 2013
Volume 1, Issue 4
Inside this issue:
Belzer Middle
School Student
Editor’s Note: In light of all that has occurred in our world
over the past few weeks, the newspaper staff is dedicating this
edition of our newspaper to all who GIVE selflessly to others. Whether it was money for breast
cancer research, canned food for the NJHS drive, personal time to tutor or help someone in
need, or just to give a kind word of encouragement, we thank you. We have been reminded of
the word “civility” and how much it is needed in today’s society. We are reminded of just how
much we have that was “given” to us—especially when there are so many in this world who go
without. We remember that giving our best effort not only benefits us individually but also as a
group. Please take time over the break to give just a little bit more. We all need it.
No-Shave Month
National Novel
Writing Month
Quotes, Caption
This, Mad Libs
Sports Section
Honor Roll Lists
Celebration pics
Video Games
Dec. Days
Ahhhh, Thanksgiving!
By: Jaedon Ball, Max Allen, Chancey
and Jaida Akers. Once all the Halloween spirit has died down and the candy
is all eaten up, it’s the wonderful
smells and times of Thanksgiving that
come. Thanksgiving is a time of thanks
and reconnecting
with family while
food. But
other than
company and great food, Thanksgiving
is a very old and history-filled holiday.
Thanksgiving’s history is rooted in
English traditions dating from the
Protestant Reformation. It’s traced
back to the 1621 celebration at Plymouth. The 1621 Plymouth feast and
Thanksgiving was because of a good
harvest. Pilgrims and Puritans who
started to immigrate from England in
the 1620’s and 1630’s took the tradition of Days of Fasting and Days of
Thanksgiving with them to New
England. Many days of Thanksgiving were held in early New England
histories that have been identified as
the “First
Thanksgiving.” This
holidays in
in 1621
and 1623,
and a Puritan holiday held in Boston
in the year of 1631. The pilgrim
leader, Governor William Bradford
organized the first Thanksgiving
feast in 1621. He invited the neighboring Wampanoag Indians to the
feast. The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days.
Here are fun facts about the first
• The pilgrims did not use forks; they
used spoons, knives, and their fingers.
• Lobster, rabbit, chicken, fish,
squashes, beans, chestnuts, hickory
nuts, onions, leeks, dried fruits, maple
syrup and honey, radishes, cabbage,
carrots, eggs, and goat cheese are
thought to have made up in the first
Thanksgiving feast.
• Plymouth is in Massachusetts.
This holiday is widely celebrated
throughout North America. It is not
only the time for eating and fun, but a
time of thanks and reuniting with family. Many different people use Thanksgiving as a day to give thanks for a
specific person or time. Many say
Thanksgiving is a time where they are
thankful for the times that have
changed their lives and are grateful
now that they are alive and breathing.
Thanksgiving is a time of recognition
and love to family and people all over
the world.
What’s for Dinner?
By: Morgan Butrum Griffith. We
all know
what Thanksgiving is. It is a time
where all relatives come to the same
house to reunite, but the one thing that
people love about Thanksgiving is the
food. There are mashed potatoes, green
beans, pumpkin pie, fruit, garlic bread
and the famous turkey that the kids,
adults, and elders fight over for the
On the first Thanksgiving in 1621,
the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians
all came together in one big festival to
celebrate the successful growing season. The food back then isn’t as different as the food that we celebrate now.
Page 2
There was the famous turkey, that is in
the spotlight in all Thanksgiving dinners, fruit and vegetables, potatoes,
pumpkin pie, and even fish and shellfish which we don’t eat often at
Thanksgiving anymore.
Most families have a favorite thing
to eat on Thanksgiving, or a favorite
recipe that they make. If you
don’t, you can check out some
of these links for some ideas.
ultimate-thanksgiving or...
Check out page 5 of the paper
to see what some staff members
have for dinner and Happy
What are you thankful for? Think
about what our Philippine friends are
doing without this November…
A home
Food and water
Electricity and anything that
runs on electricity
 Clothing beyond what they are
wearing right now
HOMEWORK: Tell someone what
you are thankful for today.
Belzer Blog
No Shave November
By: Jessica Carroll. This month is No
Shave November also known as Movember. A lot of the male teachers here at
Belzer have not been shaving this month
to bring awareness to men’s health issues.
are. 1 in every
2 men are diagnosed with
cancer, but only 1 in every 3 women are
diagnosed with cancer. This actually is a
big difference. Movember is a way of
bringing awareness to people who do not
know a lot about men’s health issues. So
this Movember help raise the awareness
by spreading the word.
There are around 20 teachers here participating. They started cleanly shaved at the
beginning of November and will grow out
their moustaches and beards through the
entire month of November. They are raising awareness for men’s health issues,
some of which are men’s prostate cancer,
diabetes, lung cancer, breast cancer and
many other physical and mental health
issues. A lot of people think that more
women are diagnosed with cancer but
according to more men
By: Hannah Morton. National Novel
Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an event
in the month of November, where it is
encouraged that
you write a novel.
It can be any
length you want;
length is not the
point of this event.
The point is to encourage people to express themselves through the art of the
pencil, otherwise known as writing. A
website,, allows
you to upload your novel and counts out
your words for you.
The NANOWRIMO challenge is all
about how many words you write. It
doesn’t matter about the quality of your
work, just that you reach your goal. Every
person can set a goal of how many words
they want to write, and if you reach this
goal you “win”. Some of the eighth grade
English Language Arts classes are participating in this contest. There is no prize for
winning or reaching your goal, however.
Volume 1, Issue 4
By: Jaedon Ball. United Nations Children’s
Fund, or UNICEF, is an agency of the
United Nations that is responsible to support children’s needs. UNICEF helps children with education, food, and health.
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is a fundraiser
that Mr. Harris organized. Students received a box to put all the donations in as
they Trick or Treated. They were to ask for
donations as they were asking for candy.
After trick-or-treating ended for 2013,
students helped by counting the money,
rolling the money, and more. UNICEF
made a list of what amount of money
equals what kids get:
The classes
that are writing
these novels are
setting different
goals than the
actual contest.
The word count
goal, for example, is a set goal
for everybody.
This goal is
5,000 words, but
students can go
‘above and beyond’
by writing more. The
novel will be due
sometime in late December or early January. Every other aspect of the writing is
up to the author, including plot. Of
course, students
should include good
writing techniques
such as figurative
25 cents: gives 10 kids clean water to
drink for a day
$1: pays for protein biscuits for a
starving child
$17: keeps a child safe from 6 killer
$24: supplies an emergency first-aid
$257: buys a “School-in-a-Box” so
kids can learn anywhere
$500: provides a water pump for a
village or a school
Help children in need around the world
and participate in trick-or-treat for
UNICEF in the future.
Each year the Optimists honor one student from FCV & BMS
with their Youth Appreciation Day Award. There are some
qualifiers that they use to determine their recipient among
which is to demonstrate Core 4 values: be respectful, be responsible, be involved, be safe. Belzer's honoree was Prabhjot
Singh who received a proclamation, a plaque, and a gift card
and his family along with Mrs. Benjamin and Mrs. Gennett,
were recognized at a breakfast held at Bernie's Place, the restaurant located at the McKenzie Center for Innovation and
Technology. The mayor of Lawrence proclaimed Tuesday,
November 19, 2013 as Prabhjot Singh day in the city of Lawrence. We’re proud of you, Prabhjot; you represent us well!
Page 3
Are You in a Fandom?
By: Hannah Morton The word fandom describes the state or attitude of
being a fan. According to the parts of
the word, fan meaning fanatic and
–dom meaning kingdom, this definition is appropriate. Fandoms consist
of many different people of many different cultures. The things these people (often referred to as fangirls/
fanboys) idolize varies. The most
common objects are television shows,
movies, books and music. Of course
there are the more obscure fandoms of
objects, such as ponies, or humans.
The most common place to find any
information on fandoms is on Tumblr.
On Tumblr there are trending items.
One of the top items this week is Sher-
Mrs. Dux’s Class
Takes on Bullying
By: Ms. Dux’s Class. Because October
was anti-bullying month, Ms. Dux’s
class wrote an article from their class
discussion and submitted it to the
Blog. Thanks for sharing your
thoughts with us!
Sometimes it is hard to tell if I am
being bullied. Sometimes people can
say or do something mean to me. Does
that mean I am being bullied?
Bullying is when someone says or
does something mean to me over and
over again. If a person is mean to me
over and over again, that is bullying.
The second thing about bullies is
that they feel more powerful than I
am. The person who bullies me might
be older, stronger and tougher, or they
might have more money. The person
who bullies me might be prettier or
more handsome than I am. The person
who bullies me might be more popular
than I am. The bully might think they
are smarter than me.
The thing I should do if I feel I am
being bullied is to talk to a grownup. I could talk to a teacher or my
parent. I could talk to Mr. Knoederer.
I could tell Mr. D or Mrs. Drane. I
could tell Mr. Smith or Miss Shelton. I
could tell Mr. Landers or Mrs. Neal. I
should talk to an adult that I trust if I
think I am being bullied.
Volume 1, Issue 4
lock BBC. This is because of the recent news of the Season 3 release.
Now this may not be a big deal to
some, but this is huge news to the
fandom. This fandom (named Sherlockians) has been waiting 2 years
for the new season. The release date
is January 19, 2014.
Fandoms can be found in other places
as well. They can be found on Instagram, which is often referred to as the
younger sister of Tumblr. The fandoms
on Instagram are organized in blogs.
Every person can own their own blog
and name it anything they want. The
most popular blogs are named after 3
TV shows. In order of popularity they
are: Doctor Who, Supernatural and
are of
other fandoms besides
TV shows. There is, for
example, the Harry Potter fandom,
dubbed Potterheads, or there are
many different names for people
who like music. An example is
Bridesmaids, the fans for Black
Veiled Brides.
Many people at our school are in
fandoms. Ask around; you’ll be
surprised at how many people will
answer that they are in a fandom.
Dreams Beyond Dreams
By: Leon Hernandez
Ramirez. Dreams are very
interesting; we all have
memory of a great one., or
the memory of a rather
scary dream...a nightmare.
A dream or nightmare, here
are some rather peculiar
facts about what our brain
does when we sleep.
10. Most people will tell you
that they dream for hours,
but truth is, on average people only dream for seven
seconds in real-time.
9. If you want to make sure
you are dreaming, try to
read or tell time. While
dreaming you cannot do
these things.
8. Lucid dreams are dreams
in which you know you are
dreaming. In these dreams
you can control exactly what
happens and your movements.
7. Lucid dreams rarely occur for the average person,
but studies have shown a
peculiar group of people get
these more often: gamers.
Gamers tend to have these
iods of time tend to imagine things in the dark.
Just goes to prove how
much humans are
afraid of the
2. A study showed that as
people get older they start
to forget their dreams
more often, since lucid
more often.
dreaming is controlling
1. Have ever wanted to
yourself on a different place
dream every night? Well,
and knowing you aren’t
you do. Everyone dreams
actually there—basically the
every night...even blind
definition of gaming.
people. We just don’t often
6. Nightmares tend to feel
remember it by the next
more realistic than average
morning. We don’t just
dreams. (Imagine having a
dream one dream, we
lucid nightmare.)
dream four to five times
5. People with frequent
on average, every night.
nightmares appear to be
Sweet dreams...
more violent and aggressive.
4. Nightmares show people
what they are afraid of that
they didn’t realize.
3. People who stay up late,
have more dreams then the
average person, but these
dreams are usually nightmares. This happens, because people who are in the
darkness for extended perPage 4
What’s on Your Table?
By Tyra Schaffer and Gabbie Anderson.
Mrs. Mitchell- “Turkey is our
Mr. Abrani - “Ham, turkey, mash
traditional food we eat on
potatoes, all the boring stuff you
Mrs. Hicks- “Turkey,
dressing, sweet potato
pie, the normal stuff.”
Mrs. Munoz- “In our country we don't celebrate
Mrs. Phelps- “Turkey,
dressing, potato salad,
and other stuff.”
Nurse Lori“Turkey, stuffing
mash potato sweet
potato, and all that
good stuff.”
Mrs. Benson-Heeter- “Turkey,
Roast, ham, Fried chicken,
Dressing, gel cranberry sauce,
corn, greens mix’s, cabbage,
cornbread, green beans, sweet
potatoes is the traditional meal
we eat.”
By Jillian Hartlerode. Every year, while
growing up, many of us are asked what we
want for Christmas. Maybe when you
were five you wanted a game system.
Maybe this year you want the new iPhone.
Either way, we have “get” at least something that is for fun each holiday.
This year, the people in the Philippines
have been struck by a tragedy. The largest
typhoon in history, called Typhoon Haiyan, recently struck them. At least 2,352
people have been reported dead, 3,853
reported injured, and 77 reported missing
by the Philippines' National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council. One
of the worst parts of those numbers is that
they may continue to grow. They don’t
have enough medicine treat all of the injured people that are arriving at the clinics
or enough food or even clean water for
basic survival.
Their gift-giving season has begun with
loss and destruction. They will likely not
Volume 1, Issue 2
By Tearia Butler. Friday
November 8th the Indy
Pulse team attended a
poetry slam. They won $25 dollars for pizza for their
video. Ms. Davis was the host of the slam. One team
member made it into the second round: Kejiana Taylor who got fourth place. Ceon White said how surprised he was of how well other people performed.
He also thought that the team’s poems need to dig
deeper into life problems because the people who
won had very deep poems. The competitors had fun
and came up with this motto, “The points aren’t the
point; the poetry is the point.”
Looks like
Dino had a
Mr. Connors“Traditional meal, turkey...I really love cranberry that you cook on
stove top.”
have a
tree to
They will
not have
the sweets that are passed to us without
consideration. They might be wandering around looking for a place to sleep
at night, or rebuilding their houses,
which will never be the same. Many
will go hungry. Thankfully, many
countries around the globe are donating
to help survival efforts. So be thankful
this holiday for what you do have.
By: Hannah Morton. Our “Caption
This” winner for October is Kaylee
Demlow. Congratulations!
Mad Libs
How to wrestle free from a/an
1. Same animal ____________
2. Another animal __________
3. Part of the body ___________
4. Foreign country __________
5. Foreign country __________
6. Adjective __________
7. Type of liquid __________
8. Type of food __________
9. Adjective __________
10. Verb __________
11. Part of the body __________
12. Verb __________
13. Same as first animal __________
14. Part of the body __________
15. Part of the body __________
16. Noun __________
17. Occupation __________
18. Same as first animal __________
19. Adjective _________
By: Mariah Patton. New ‘Caption This!’ Submit your caption for this picture at mybigcampus in the discussion tab of the Belzer Blog.
Page 5
Sports Section
AJ Green or Calvin Johnson?
By: Gabrielle Anderson and Tyra Schaffer.
The Wrestling team had a callout meeting
on November 18th, 2013. The callouts determined which team you will be on. The
wrestling team is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th
graders and is open to both boys and girls.
In a callout meeting there are no “cuts”—
everyone who tries out
and meets the academic
requirements is allowed
on the team, either the
Varsity or the Junior Varsity team. Once on the
team, the only way that a
wrestler could be cut is if they continually
do not show up to practices or are late.
The head coach is Coach Brown. He was a
student at Belzer Middle School about 10
years ago. He wrestled at LN and then became the captain of his college team. The
assistant coach is
Mr. Wischmeier;
he is a Pre-Algebra
and 2-year block
math teacher here
at Belzer.
The first match is January 18th. It is open
to all Belzer students. So come out and support the Belzer wrestling team.
Our apologies to Mr. Bergman for not naming
him as the Lacrosse coach last month.
Volume 1, Issue 4
Week of December 16...come on out!
the one in the picture.
AJ Green is one of the top NFL
receivers in the NFL,. But just like
Calvin Johnson he has speed. He’s
tall, too, so he can catch over his
defenders. He can also get away
from his defenders if he needs to.
AJ Green has been known for his
touchdown catches ever since he
has come into the pro league from
Georgia University. Not only can he
catch over defenders, but he can
also catch. The ball when the ball is
not in range for him to catch it.
Either way you vote, it is obvious
that these 2 players are fantastic.
By Jamal Cobb and Willie Nunn.
Students and teachers at Belzer
were survey on which receiver
they thought was the best. Calvin
Johnson received 55 votes compared to AJ Green’s 45 votes. The
reason people say that he is a better wide receiver than AJ Green is
because he can get more space
between himself and the defender
than AJ Green can. Not only can
he get away from his defender, but
he can also catch over the top
when the defender is close to him.
He can go up top and get the ball
when the game is on the line like
Wrestling Call-Out Meeting
Pics from the first
home basketball
game and No
Shave November
collection night.
What a game!
Come out and support our teams at
every game!
Tuesday, Nov. 26 over the break,
BMS is having a FUNdraiser at
Dave and Busters! 10% of all purchases will come back to Belzer. Get
a flier from the school website or
main office to give to your server.
Get some of your friends to join you
for a great time!
7th grade bball tryouts.
Page 6
Alim, Safia
Austrom, Sofia
Barringer, Sydney
Beard, Devan
Becker, Katie
Brown, Davonte
Brown, Sarah
Byrd, Shania
Caldwell, Mekhi
Carter, Sa nyhia
Cooper, Deven
Cooper, Kayla
Da Costa, Awa
Daggy, Dion
Davidson, Camesia
Davis, Abigail
Davis, Sarrah
Dominguez, Mayra
Dunagin, Jacob
Emanuel, Michaela
Evans, Dayvyon
Fairchild, Allison
Farr, Riley
Farris, Tatum
Fleming, Tahj
Garza, Beatriz
Garza, Samantha
Garza, Stephanie
Greene, Shiline
Greenlee, Julia
Hambrick, Devante
Hanania, Julia
Harbin, William
Harshman, Oliver
Harvey, Carmen
Haywood, RJ
Jensen, Jacqueline
Johnson, Ariona
Johnson, Jennifer
Kimbrough, Daeshionna
Kimbrough Jr, Dion
Lee, Tyrone
Lindsey, Todd
Looney III, Dwight
Lopez, Daniel
Lopez, Rayven
Major, Heaven
Martinez, Alejandro
Mays, Amyia
Millard, Nathan
Ocelotl Tlaxca,
Osorio Vicens, Arturo
Passmore, Malcolm
Peterson, Camille
Phillips, Kalynn
Prevot, Antwan
Price, Nakia
Quinn, Jasmine
Ratcliffe, Tyrell
Rippy, Aunyae
Rodriguez, Deisdy
Scott, Raekwon
Singh, Prabhjot
Spangler, Jonathon
Spiech, Elizabeth
Taylor, Destinee
Thornton, Ricky
Twesme, Ashley
Vance, Zoe
Watkins, Sam
White, Kae'lan
Willis, Chloe
Wilson, Serena
Wrightsman, Alex
Yun, Sylvia
Volume 1, Issue 4
Alston, Nick
Amjad, Aiysha
Anderson, Kayla
Atkerson, Andre
Augustus, Allan
Bahamonde, Kiara
Bell, Whitney
Bigsbee, Kerrington
Bowron, Hannah
Boyd, Nia
Brooks, Aquasha
Carpenter, Nathan
Carrico, Gavin
Castillo Bautista,
Cheatham, Dynae
Chung, Peter
Clemow, Katelyn
Conner, Taylor
Crawford, Mateo
Davis, Keaton
Denny, Laniyah
Desimone, Zachary
Devince, Justin
Duerden, Joseph
Dupont, Elizabeth
Eagan, Casey
Earnhart, Stuart
Ellis, Timara
Estrada, Maria Elaina
Fahey, Jacob
Foor, Katherine
Frost, Fiona
Gates, Dustin
Glover, Doriana
Grecu, Emily
Green, Jade
Hanania, Ellen
Harper, Adreana
Harrington, Diamond
Harrod, Nina
Hart, Cheyenne
Harvey, Lydia
Hatfield, Kennan
Hawkins, Aviya
Heidel, Allison
Henriksen, Sidney
Hernandez Alamar,
Herrington, Courtney
Hightower, Robert
Hines, Caliel
Hittle, Hannah
Hoffman, Nicole
Holland Jr, Michael
Horan, Aidan
Hughey, Joshua
Jackson, D’andre
James, Katharine
Jones, Jimmesia
Jones, Moniah
Joshi, Nikhil
Kelly, Cade
Kidwell, Caleb
King, Ania
King, Barbara
Kitchen, Nathaniel
Koehring, Lauren
Lackey, Kayla
Lambert, Chancey
Lane, Aaron
Leraris, Benjamin
Levine, Sara
Limon, Carlos
Lin, Amy
Lin, Wei
Link, Trinity
Lukens, Alexander
Magee, Zachary
Magill, Zoe
Mancera Gomez,
Mara, Genevieve
Marcum, Annaliese
Mason, Olivia
Massy Charles, Kayla
Mathew, Jai
Matthews, Andrew
McGrone, Cameron
McMonagle, Brianna
Moffatt, Michelle
Mortimore, Delaney
Morton, Hannah
Navarrete, Lisett
Nelson, Daniel
Nixon, Abagail
O'Herren, Patrick
Olbina, Abigail
Parent, Max
Parks, Holly
Patterson IV, B.J.
Patterson, Laura
Pipkin, Josie
Rainey, Trinity
Redifer, Audrey
Riley, Garrett
Riley, Macoy
Roache, Shaianne
Roberts, Ian
Robinson, Jazzmin
Saiz, Andrew
Satterfield, Cyaire
Sawyer, Logan
Sheeley, Megan
Shive, Emily
Simmons, De’aira
Simon, Olivia
Slack, Brittany
Smith, Pharaoh
Sosa Pleitez, Stephanie
Spurlock, Emily
Stark, Samuel
Stauffer, Dillon
Sterrett, Grace
Stewart, Armani
Tandy, Ashley
Tarr, Macie
Terrell Clinton, Teana
Thomas, Anthony
Thomas, Kevin
Thomaston, Michael
Thompson, Marina
Tidwell, Kendal
Tillman, Devan
Tlatoa, Ricky
Tlatoa Ocelotl, Veronica
Turman, Destiny
Turnley IV, William
Ucchino, Mitchell
Wager, Annalisa
Wang, Jasmine
Wardlow, Micah
Watkins, Tori
Wayne, Jared
Weisenbach, Malorie
Wheeler, Mackenzie
White, Ceon
Wilson, Abigale
Wilson, Ila
Winston, Shannon
Wright, Jaylen
Zaccardelli, Anthony
Page 7
Jaylon Allen
Maxwell Allen
Stenoree Allen
Links Alvarez
Diana Avila
Dalvir Bachra
Makayla Baez-Rice
Cynthia Baltierra
Ashley Benedick
Shelby Benedick
Jaeln Benjamin
Lisa Berry
Jay Bilyeu
Sha'naya Blackwell
Brittney Bohlman
Peyton Books
Jamarvyan Brewer
Michael Brooks
Anita Brown
Emory Bullock
Daisha Burks
Bryce Campbell
Destiny Carr
Braedon Christle
Alexandria Collins
Sophie Concannon
Devon Cummings
Imani Drane
Emily Elliott
Jalen Epps
Ashley Espenocilla
Noah Evans
Katherine Felli
Shemar Fisher
Nathan Flaris
Benjamin Flatter
Tylan Gaines
Patience Gatchel
Kalyn Godfrey
Kelsey Gossman
Mark Grayson
Jordan Grimes
Mitchell Gullion
Isabelle Haley
Volume 1, Issue 4
Alexis Hall
Cheryl Jackson
Madyson Jones
Isabella Karandos
Jakob Kord
Zachary Lane
Tyra Lee
Dujuan Lucas
Chasserine Marin
Hermylis Martinez
Nikolaus Mccraig
Aysia Nowlin
Emma Orcutt
Christina Pennington
Taylor Pervine
Carli Phelps
Kirk Pinkston
Brian Ponder
Dorian Radford
Alexis Rodriguez
Olivia Salvo
Ethan Spindler
Gavin Sterchi
Carson Switzer
Che'mari Thomas
Jonah Thompson
Niyah Thurman-Henry
Angelica Tlatoa
Nayeli Toshua-Perez
Nyla Tribble
Deanna Turbeville
Charlize Turner
Sarah Vest
Michael Westlund
Hope Wheeler
Gabrielle White
Johna Whiteside
Savannah Wood Karnes
Emily Anderson
Isabel Avila Hernandez
Halle Barton
Mya Bixler
Tailyn Brown
Alex Butrum-Griffith
Morgan Butrum-Griffith
Aldo Caliz
Madison Carlson
Jessica Carroll
Gillian Criswell
Ayrton Davis
Kaylee Demlow
Claire Foley
Dawson Gabe
Aidee Gaytan
Nathaniel Griffin
Ranetra Hamilton
Zoe Hardaway
Cameron Hawk
Abigail Heilman
Abigail Heneisen
Kaniya Hester
Shelby Hodge
Javier Horne
Aidan Itamura
Madison Ivory
Austin Jiang
Paige Johnson
Emma Kavalar
Raenell King
Alyssa Kirkland
Jacob Laravia
Tais Lazcano Roman
Molly Leraris
Benjamin Lupton
German Madrid
Jonathon Magos
Kendal Mccreary
Jesus Meza
Emma Milton
Mei Li Minnich
Thomas Mondy
Ajani Nichols
Nolan Oakes
Jessica Ocelotl
Alexandria Odle
Lexus Parker
Anna Gabriela Redding
Taylor Richardson
Megan Rodriguez
Monyay Rush
Tyra Schaffer
Bailey Scott
Annaya Shelton
Morgan Short
Elizabeth Sing
Lillian Solly
Erin Stargel
Mikayla Stephens
Joel Stewart
Avaleen Sweeney
Breanna Tabor
Quayston Thomas
Justice Thurman
Anna Torvik
Adrianna Townsend
Jackson Warman
Michelle Watson
Sydney Wayne
Summer Williams
Joseph Wilson
Maeghan Wilson
Page 8
4 Wear Brown Shoes Day
5 Put on your own Shoes Day
7 National Cotton Candy Day
8 National Brownie Day
9 Christmas Card Day
10 Human Rights Day
11 National Noodle Ring Day
12 National Ding-a-Ling Day
13 Ice Cream Day
15 National Lemon Cupcake Day
16 National Chocolate Covered
Anything Day
17 National Maple Syrup Day
18 Bake Cookies Day
20 Go Caroling Day
21 Look on the Bright Side Day
Video Games
By: Lilly Solly. We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t play too many video games,
they will rot your brain!” But is that really
the case? This has been a popular topic
among researchers for many years, and
there is no exact answer. Intensive play of
high-action games has been shown to have
negative cognitive effects. It is said that
such games can cause “listlessness” and
discontent with slower-paced organized
academics, work, or social environments.
This can lead to negative behavior and
even violence.
The violence in
has been
said to
lead to a
lack of empathy
and an increase of
stress in most social
While many say these video games are
bad for children and teens, some say are
also positive effects. Some say that the
games allow people to let out pent up
anger and aggression without causing
harm to anyone or anything. Others claim
the violent video games have no effect to
people and are simply just fun! This is a
popular topic that researchers have been
looking into for many years, yet there is
still no exact answer as to whether the
games have any true effect on people.
Although the effects of the games depend on the person, that doesn’t mean
you should spend all your time playing
video games. It is recommended that you
should keep the games to a minimum,
and spend some time outside.
24 National Chocolate Day
26 Boxing Day
MAD LIBS: How to Wrestle Free From…
27 National Fruitcake Day
The________(1), often confused with its cousin, the
___________(2), which has a much thinner____________(3), generally lives in warm climates,
such as those found in ____________(4) and __________
(5). They typically prefer wet, _________(6) areas with
plenty of ___________(7) and lots of ____________(8).
And while they may look ___________(9), they are generally quite docile if you don’t try to _______(10) near
them. If, however a/an _________(11) does attack you,
try to flip it onto its ________(12) while you _______
(13) on its neck to keep its jaws closed. Attempt to break
free by punching it in the __________(14) or on its nose
with your _________(15) or a/an _______(16). Be sure to
seek the attention of a/an ________(17), even if your
wound is not serious. A/an ___________(18) has tons of
germs living in its mouth that can cause serious infectiontalk about ______________(19) breath!
31 Make Up Your Mind Day
31 Unlucky Day
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Volume 1, Issue 4
First Snow
Fall of the
Newspaper Staff
Olivia Salvo, Mikayla
Editors: Jaida Akers,
Max Allen, Bryce Anderson, Gabbie Anderson, Jaedon Ball, Morgan Butrum-Griffith,
Jessica Carroll, Jamal
Cobb, Tylan Gaines,
Marques Goodwin,
Kelsey Gossman, Terry Green, Jillian
Hartlerode, Leon Hernandez, Chancey Lambert, Diana Martinez,
Marian Merced, Hannah Morton, Willie
Nunn, Mariah Patton,
Tyra Schaffer, O’Niya
Smith, Lilly Solly.
Belzer News Network
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