November 26, 2013


November 26, 2013
Thanksgiving Blessings
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Subject: Thanksgiving Blessings
From: "Riana Milne & App: My Relationship Coach" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 01:40:01 -0500 (EST)
To: [email protected]
Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in Riana Milne, her
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From Riana & My Relationship Coach
- Certified Relationship & Life Coach
Psychotherapist, Author, Motivational Speaker
Phone: Office: 609-601-7884
November 26, 2013
Cell/Coaching: 201-281-7887
Thanksgiving Blessings
Anyone who has come to Therapy or Coaching at my center,
Therapy by the Sea - knows the importance I place on
having an "Attitude of Gratitude" and counting your Blessings.
In this fast-paced world, it is easy to get swept up in emotional
pain or heartache, financial distress, or physical or mental
health concerns, when you allow negative thoughts and self
talk come from "the dark side" of life. Thanksgiving Day is one
day of the year that we are asked as a nation to quiet ourselves
and our minds to reflect on our many Blessings, all existing
from our simplistic, inner wisdom and the "positive light side"
of life. It is a day to focus on what we do have, not what we do
not have.
However, think how much happier and more peaceful we
would be if we found 15 minutes a day to meditate or pray
with a keen focus and inner vision on our countless Blessings!
Each day I awake to prayers thanking God for my daughters
Alexi and Stephana (and her husband Charles), and my
Grandson, Logan. Our love and dedication to each other and
our family, makes me so grateful and joyous. The innocent,
radiant smile of Logan makes me ecstatic all day! The success
stories of Alexi and Stephana make me so proud and full of
delight that they living up to their highest potential. Yes, it's
the simple things we should cherish and celebrate the most.
As of
July 1st, LIVE Beyond your
Dreams, is NOW in Barnes &
Also, I am grateful for you, my clients, and the fact that you
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have so graciously shared your lives with me at your deepest
time of need. Helping you with sincere passion to inspire you
to be your best selves and dedicating my life to motivating you
to have a Life and Love relationship Beyond your Dreams - is
my purpose that I try to fulfill each day. Thank you for
allowing me the opportunity to do that.
A final thank you to my friends, family and business
associates, who allow me to be my creative self, and for your
support in all my endeavors. I wish you all a very Happy
Thanksgiving, today and every day; and an incredibly Blessed,
Holiday season!
~ Riana
Upcoming Holiday
Book Signings & Coaching
Get Motivated and Inspired
this Holiday season, and spread
your cheer to those you love!
Saturday - 12/7
2 - 7pm: Join Riana again at the Barnes & Noble store in
Deptford, NJ for their Holiday program and Book Drive
for Charity;and "Meet the Author!" Riana will be
available to sign her book with purchase, LIVE Beyond
Your Dreams - from Fear and Doubt to Personal Power,
Purpose and Success as her book benefits two charities co-Author Alexi Panos' water well project in Tanzania,
Africa, ( and Riana's
Scholarship Fund for the Arts. Riana will be available for
individual, Expert mini-Coaching sessions on any
concerns for your Personal Life or LOVE relationships.
Riana will be taking orders for her forthcoming book,
LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic
Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve.
(Store address: 1553 Almonesson Rd, Deptford, NJ 08096;
Ph: 856-232-3384)
Pre-publication price special for
paperback book for - $12.95 plus
$ 4 S & H or pick up at the
Due out in paperback Dec/Jan
Publication cost $16.95/US $20.95 CAN $9.99
Kindle format, due out Nov/Dec
I had just come to the end of a
2.5 year relationship and I was
overcome with feelings of
misery and loss. I reached out
to Riana for help, coaching,
and counseling.
Sunday - 12/8
"Watch Me"program, I began
to realize that I had allowed
myself to remain in a toxic
relationship for far too long.
My ex had slowly eroded my
self confidence and clouded
my ability to see my value as a
partner, and as a person.
2 - 4 pm: Join Expert Coach and Psychotherapist, Riana
By setting goals and taking
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Milne, MA, LPC, LMHC at the Barnes & Noble store in
Marlton, NJ for their Holiday program of "Meet the
Author!" Riana will be available for book signings for,
LIVE Beyond Your Dreams - from Fear and Doubt to
Personal Power, Purpose and Success and will be
available for general discussion on any concerns for your
Life or Relationships, from the general topics from her
book. These include: Couples and parenting relationships,
Life stress and balance, and goal setting for personal
The store will be taking orders for her forthcoming
book, LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic
Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve due in the
store in January. (Store address: 200 West Route 70,
Marlton, NJ 08053 - Ph: 856-596-6881)
meaningful steps to achieve
those goals each day, week,
and month, I was able to build
my self esteem and distance
blessings and to get in touch
with my spiritual side. As I
took steps to improve my
appearance, my finances, and
relationships, my eyes were
opened to the new possibilities
that awaited me.
Saturday, 12/14
2 - 4 pm: Join Relationship & Life Coach, Riana Milne,
MA, LPC, LMHC at the Barnes & Noble store in Cherry
Hill, (Town Place at Garden State Park), NJ for their
popular Holiday program of "Meet the Author!" Riana
will be signing her book, LIVE Beyond Your Dreams from Fear and Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose and
Success and be available for individual, Expert
mini-Coaching sessions on any concerns for your life or
relationships, on the following topics discussed within her
1) Couples and relationship success
2) Parent and Child/Teen relationships
3) Balance and Life Stress
4) Career or Jog Hunting concerns
5) Goal setting for Personal Success
Riana will be taking orders for her forthcoming book,
LOVE Beyond Your Dreams - Break Free of Toxic
Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve. (Store
address: 911 Haddonfield Rd, Town Place at Garden State
Park, Cherry Hill, NJ. Ph: 856-486-1492).
I was able to find new love
with a woman who is beautiful,
charming, witty, and kind. My
life has taken a 180-degree
turn in just a few short
anyone who feels that their life
needs a tune-up, but you must
have an appetite for self
improvement and a willingness
to do the work. I promise you
won't be disappointed with the
- Mark, Wildwood Crest, NJ
It's Time to Try Coaching!
Check put Riana's New
launching later this week!!!
Featuring lots of free articles,
podcasts another cool stuff to
check out!
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Living Beyond Your Dreams
channel (Transforming your life through inspiring stories
and captivating information), owned by Alexi Panos,
Riana's daughter, just posted an interview featuring both
of them, who are coAuthors of their book LIVE Beyond
Your Dreams.
The show is NOW available on
itunes and is called: Living Beyond Your Dreams - Click
here for free downloads.
Riana interviews with Brian Greenberg on WNJC radio,
1360 AM; on his show - "Greenberg News." The show will
air on Thursday, December 5th, at 5 pm, and if you miss
it, the podcast will be available on Riana's web site and
her App (My Relationship Coach) soon after the interview
Rev. Riana Milne created a
wedding ceremony we will
never forget. From our first
ceremony and how special
she could make it. From the
customized love letters and
booklet, to the readings by
ceremony was elegant and
enchanting, just like Rev.
Riana! We will never forget
Rev. Riana because she was
such an important part of
our special day. It was a
day to remember for sure.
Thank you from the bottom
of our hearts!
Get the FREE APP for all Apple & Droid Smartphones!
Benefits & FREE offers
from the App:
My Relationship Coach
Simply download the FREE
App on your smart phone!
Check for updates if you
downloaded previous
~ Dean & Bonnie
Kaminski, Cape May, NJ
Wedding: 10/13/2013
Relationship &
Life Coaching
Website coming
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Thanksgiving Blessings
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Very Soon!
For Apple and Iphone, click the link below:
APPLE I-Phone and I-Pad Link
For Droid smart phones, Click below link:
DROID Phone Link
Here is what the FREE App Offers:
1) You can get over 40 free articles on all relationship
2) Make your coaching and counseling appointments right
on the
Self-schedule Calendar under CONNECT
3) Sign up to be a Free member on JOIN to get Bonus gifts
4) Get a FREE 15-minute Consult for Coaching (for new
5) Receive Coaching by phone, Skype or Facetime
Please email me at [email protected] should
you have any questions. Have fun with it!
THANK YOU for your support, suggestions and
to help me grow and help others!
Riana Milne, MA, LPC, LCADC, SAC, FL-LMHC/Prov., CAC
Certified Relationship & Life Coach
7028 Ridge Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
office: 609-601-7884
cell/Coaching line: 201-281-7887
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By the Sea Enterprises | By the Sea Enterprises | Terriana (Riana) Milne, MA, LPC | 7028 Ridge Avenue | Egg Harbor Township |
NJ | 08234
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