this free report. - Illuminati New World Order


this free report. - Illuminati New World Order
A Global Watch Media Publication
2014 Autumn Special Edition
From Obscurity to President in 24 Months
Why the New World Order Changed Face?
The special feature is a publication of Rema Marketing (
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Welcome to Rema Marketing (a provider of New World Order awareness reports).
It’s simply astonishing that we are already over half way of Barack Obama’s
second presidential term. The oath taken by Barack Obama in Washington,
January 2009, to become the 44th US president has now become a distant memory,
simply because of the magnitude of global issues that have faced him and the
international community over the last 60 months.
Over the last several years we have witnessed unprecedented major
International Events such as the G20 Summit in London to address the
incredible collapse of some of the world’s leading finance houses as well as the
Copenhagen Meeting that ended in so called failure. Additionally we have also
witnessed an incredible attempt by the Roman Catholic Church to build
bridges with the Anglican Church by extending an olive branch to dissatisfied
We have also seen the creation of a new post in Europe for a President of
Europe, a simply unbelievable event which we believe has prophetical
significance for the coming emergence of the Antichrist. We have seen the
continual development of the 10 bioregions as defined by the Club of Rome in their
1973 blueprint and we have all been made aware of the significant and
controversial idea that global warming is responsible for some of the bizarre
weather patterns now being experienced in different parts of the earth. Added to
that is the very serious and growing threat posed by global terrorist despite years
of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We thank you for supporting our ministry as we continue to provide these
special reports and that hopefully our lead researcher Mel Sanger and his team
have helped to provide some value in understanding the events that are facing us
Daniel Bailey
Rema Marketing
Barack Obama is not the Antichrist. It is important
that we continue to drum this through. When the
Antichrist Identity Report Series was released,
there were numerous complaints sent to us
accusing us of spreading propaganda by claiming
that he was the Antichrist.
If people had taken the time to actually read what
we were saying and not jump to conclusions they
would have understood that the focus was not on
trying to prove that Obama was the Antichrist, but
rather the US president was implementing stealth
policy changes designed to subvert the America
under a Socialist dictatorial regime which would
harmonize with the world government agenda.
This agenda is an Antichrist agenda because it is
led by groups who have little regard for Jesus
Christ and whom wish to have their own leader at
the helm of controlling the entire planet.
The question remains as to whether Barack
Obama is aware of the world government agenda.
Many of us will be aware that John F Kennedy was
assassinated because he began to resist the
direction that the global elite wanted him to follow.
On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential
decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with
the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve
Bank of its power to loan money to the United
States Federal Government at interest. With the
stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that
the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would
soon be out of business.
President Kennedy was then assassinated on
November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes
he had issued were immediately taken out of
circulation. Federal Reserve Notes continue to
serve as the legal currency of the nation.
According to the United States Secret Service,
99% of all U.S. paper "currency" circulating in 1999
are Federal Reserve Notes. Since the time of
Kennedy no other American President has
possessed the will to stand up to the agenda of the
“Shadow Government”, those behind the scenes
who are significant decision makers within the
Illuminati network who control the destiny of
nations including the United States of America.
Is Barack Obama aware of the Illuminati and the
ultimate objective to enslave mankind under a
global dictatorship where all people will be required
to register under a global security and payment
system which the Bible calls the “Mark of the
Some believe that as an American President
Obama simply follows orders that are given to him
without fully realizing the implications of those
decisions. Others believe he would never be aware
of the bigger picture until he was sworn in as
American President and then his eyes opened up
to the real truth about the New World Order. Still
others believe that Obama was chosen because
he already knows and agrees with the plan to unite
the world under a global government and system
of control.
In this article we put forth our opinion on Obama’s
New World Order and whether Obama is aware or
ignorant to the ultimate aim of the global elite who
control the world economy.
We believe that President Obama has been
brought into to do a job without possibly a
complete and full realization that all the decisions
he is making are actually contributing to the
subversion of the United States to a dictatorial
global government. This school of thought is based
on a full understanding of the Pyramid of Power
that is observed on the American Dollar Bill, a
Masonic symbol of the global agenda for the
establishment of a “New Secular Order”.
The American dollar bill is probably the world's
best known banknote, but how many people
appreciate why the Great Seal of the United
States of America is printed on it, or understand
what these ancient symbols mean? The symbols
of the Great Seal, which are featured on the dollar
bill, are clearly intended to embody the beliefs of
those who founded the United States of America.
To provide some context to how Barack
Obama would fit into the agenda of the
New World Order one needs to focus
specifically on the all seeing eye which is
located at the top of the pyramid.
The current design of the Great Seal was
approved by Congress on 20 June 1782, and the
seal was introduced to the dollar bill in 1935. The
continued official use of Masonic symbols today
indicates that these beliefs remain at the heart of
the U.S. establishment.
The All-Seeing Eye has been an important symbol
within freemasonry and rosicrucian traditions for
hundreds of years. So it is not surprising to find
pride among occultists who understand the
significance of this emblem:
“Our beautiful seal is an expression of Freemasonry, an
expression of occult ideas.” (Wyckoff, H. S. The Great
American Seal. The Mystic Light, the Rosicrucian Magazine,
What were the beliefs of the founders of America?
Numerous sources outside of Freemasonry report
that the vast majority of the American founders and
signatories of the U.S. Constitution were
Freemasons. Anti-Mason material routinely claims
that almost all of America's founding fathers were
members of a Masonic Order.
Official sources within Freemasonry counter-claim
that some but not all of America's founders were
Freemasons, and point out that the Masonic status
of many of the alleged Masonic founding fathers
aforementioned school of thought is corroborated
by well-documented
reports from
authoritative Masonic sources; thus, Manly Palmer
Hall, a thirty-third degree Mason, wrote:
"Of the fifty-five members of the Constitutional Convention,
all but five were Masons."
The first attempts at including the All-Seeing Eye
on the seal were not successful. The first die of the
Great Seal was cut from brass in 1782. In 1825,
1841, 1877, 1885, and 1902, new dies were cut,
but each time the reverse went uncut and unused .
. . the Illuminati's plan for the New World Order had
not been advanced far enough, yet, to be
The New World Order is an expression that has
been used by illuminized Freemasonry since the
days of Adam Weishaupt (its founder) to signify the
coming world government.
“It is necessary to establish a universal regime over the
whole world”, Weishaupt had said. (Writings of the Illuminati,
One of the most distinguishing features of the
symbolism is that there is a gap between the all
seeing-eye and the body of the pyramid. It is within
this symbolic visual that the answer lies regarding
the nature of the global elite.
The all seeing-eye is representative of the
illuminated elite directly involved in black magic
and power rituals as is visually demonstrated on
the next page.
between all of these groups is that their goals,
ideals and objectives are directly or indirectly
contributing to the eventual objective of the Order
of the Illuminati who are also known as the “Black
Nobility or the “Illuminated Elite”. It is this group
that controls the world banking and political system
and has a significant influence over the ecology
and environmental movement and it is this group
which sits at the top of the pyramid as a
representation of the all seeing eye through their
ritualistic allegiance to whom the Bible called the
“Prince of this World” otherwise known as Lucifer.
The Pyramid structure is based on the concept that
there are many different groups, societies and
initiatives as seen below, who are all contributing
to the global emergence of the New World Order.
These groups are defined as “the workers”.
However the elaborate and deceptive connection
The noticeable gap between the Illuminated Elite
and “The Workers” is a relationship which is a
hallmark of freemasonry with the fact that there are
different degrees or levels, for instance a first
degree mason is known as an Entered Apprentice
until such time as he is "Passed" into the Second
Degree when he becomes a Fellow Craft.
Ultimately it is only those at the very highest
degree (33rd) of freemasonry who have full access
to the full occultic understanding of the Masonic
Could it be possible that Barack Obama as a
worker was chosen to further the reality of a New
World Order because in essence his political
ideology is one that would manifest itself and
which is manifesting itself through his financial
reforming of the American banking system, the
American health care system and Homeland
Is it possible that whilst he attends Bilderberger
meetings and has surrounded himself with
significant influential members of the Council on
Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission
(world government groups) that his disconnect
from the real power brokers at the top of the
pyramid means he does not fully understand the
implications of why he was brought into office and
why he is making the political and economic
decisions that he is making.
Is it possible that whilst trying to further his aims
with an honest and contrite motive, his aims are 5
actually contributing to the wider evil design of
those above him.
One would have thought that Obama as a
professing Christian would be aware of Bible
Prophecy in some shape or form considering that
before becoming president he and his family had
for many years attended Reverend Jeremiah
Wright’s, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), a
mega church in Chicago with around 8,500
However the paradox is that whilst the Bible is
filled with significant detail regarding the end times
and a specific time table of events to occur, many
of today’s mega churches hardly focus on biblical
eschatology or the study of things to come. Whilst
there is a general understanding on general events
to occur such as Jesus Christ returning to earth, a
period called the Tribulation, and a coming
Millennium, many churches and congregational
members have no exposure to the New World
Order danger and as such are vulnerable.
For instance how many times have you personally
heard Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers, TD Jakes, Billy
Graham, Creflo Dollar and some of the world
largest Christian ministries educate their TV
audience about the coming deception of the last
days. There is significant focus on being a better
Christian from a spiritual and practical perspective
but very little attention to understanding the world
we live in and the covert plans of the global elite.
The choice of Barack Obama to spearhead the
progression of world government has not only
been to appeal to a wider audience base in the
United States but it is also because of his appeal
on a global level. For instance his very being and
multicultural and multi faith heritage is such a
powerful weapon that its even caused significant
confusion within the Muslim world which is
normally very unilateral in their view on individuals
associated with Western Zionism or the “Great
Satan” as they refer to the United States.
One of the most fascinating aspects of Obama’s
presidency is studying the dynamic with the
Muslim nations brought about by Obama’s change
of policy from that of former president, George
Bush Jr. The Middle East and Africa at large have
been untrusting and hostile to past US
administrations yet now there is an element of
possible change with Obama now in the office.
Obviously, many will allude to the obvious such as
his first name “Barack”, and his past connection to
a non practicing Muslim father and schooling in a
Muslim school in Indonesia but it is apparent that
the election of Obama has caused confusion and a
been the source of a major debate within the
Muslim world.
On one hand there are those like the f o rm e r
president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who
viewed Obama as an apostate who was simply a
different man in new suit but with the same
agenda as George Bush Jr whereas there were
others such as the deceased Libyan Leader
Colonel Gaddafi who had nothing but plaudits
for Obama. During a United Nations conference
in New York in August 2009, Obama was
rushed away from the auditorium after making his
speech because of the fear that Gadaffi who
was present would attempt to try and embrace
Obama which from a publicity perspective would
for the
administration. The Muslim world has always been
a problem for the global elite because of the fact
that the Muslim World associate the agenda
of the global elite as political Zionism because of
the elites need to control Israel and Jerusalem.
However this should be no surprise considering
that the Illuminati agenda is one which has no
place for Islam.
However with the Middle East being the nerve
center of the world and the frightening reality that a
sudden war in the Middle East before its appointed
time could seriously and negatively impact the
agenda of the global elite as they build their
infrastructure for world government, the choice of
Obama has been a cleverly disguised ploy to bring
confusion within the Muslim world and to give the
global elite a footprint of political influence in the
region through the likes of Egypt, Jordan and
Saudi Arabia who have seemingly been welcoming
of Obama much more than the previous US
Control of Muslim states of North Africa and the
Middle East for the time being is paramount to a
successful rollout of the global world government
because the oil rich nations of the Middle East
have the potential to wreck the world economy
through oil embargoes or creating alliances that
pose a threat to the Illuminati.
In a previous report we made mention of how on
Tuesday 6th October 2009 a report was published
in “The Guardian” regarding the fact that the Arab
States, Russia, France and China had launched
secret moves to stop using US currency for oil
leading or whether at some point, the penny will
drop and like Kennedy he will attempt to resist and
put the breaks on the wheels of the global elite
world government train.
This is why we need to continually pray for our
president because the legacy of John F Kennedy’s
brave resistance to the power structures who
attempted to control him is one that provides even
greater strength to those who seek to repel and
resistance global tyranny today.
Whilst we know that world government will
eventually come because it is clearly prophesied to
be a final chapter in this episode of human history,
resistance gives rise to curiosity and knowledge
which will help to educate the masses of the need
to seek salvation because world government will
eventually give way for the establishment of God’s
true government on earth through Jesus Christ for
which we need to be ready as only those who are
worthy will be able to enter.
“In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East
history, Gulf Arabs are planning along with China, Russia,
Japan and France to end dollar dealings for oil, moving
instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese
Yen, Chinese Yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified
currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council
including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.”
Obama has thus been brought in for a specific
reason and the jury is out on whether he is fully
aware of where his new world order agenda is
Having consolidated their financial grip on most of the
European nations by the middle of the 1900s, the
international bankers under the control of the
Illuminati worked feverishly to extend their sphere of
influence to the ends of the earth in preparation for
their final assault on the United States - a nation
which, through its unique Constitution, remained free.
In the decades that followed it became apparent that,
in order to achieve their goal of world domination,
they would have to instigate a series of world wars
which would result in levelling of the old world in
preparation for the construction of the New World
The plot for a series of world wars in the twentieth
century which would culminate in triggering a third
world war, which would pull in the Islamic world, was
devised in the nineteenth century by Albert Pike.
Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
and the top Illuminist in America sent a letter to
Guisseppe Mazzini (who at the time headed the
international expansion of the Illuminati agenda)
dated August 15, 1871.
The letter he wrote based on his divination
experiences graphically outlined plans for three world
wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the
One World Order, and we can marvel at how
accurately it has predicted events that have already
taken place. This is not because the devil has powers
of prophecy, but because his agents have undertaken
to manipulate political events to closely follow his
Pike stated that the first world war was to be
fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia- and to
place that vast land under the direct control of
Illuminati agents. Russia was then to be used as a
'bogey man' to further the aims of the Illuminati
This letter graphically outlined plans for three world
wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the
One World Order, and we can marvel at how
accurately it has predicted events that have already
taken place.
This is not because the devil has powers of prophecy,
but because his agents have undertaken to
manipulate political events to closely follow his
designs. For a short time, this letter was on display in
the British Museum Library in London, and it was
copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence
Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of
the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between
the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war
must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic
World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy
each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on
this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete
physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall
unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a
formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly
to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery
and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens,
obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization,
and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic
spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction,
anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its
adoration, will receive the true light through the universal
manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in
the public view. This manifestation will result from the general
reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of
Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the
same time."
World War II was to be fomented through
manipulation of the differences that existed between
the German Nationalists and the Political Zionists.
This was to result in an expansion of Russian
influence and the establishment of a state of Israel in It is thus clear to see that the scheduling of the global
elitist agenda is one in which Islam is a means to their
end, not that Islam is their end. Despite the recent
Two of the first wars have already taken place but political surface level attempts to build bridges with
there is a third world war which is yet to happen. the Islamic World, ultimately this is only to further
Notice again Pikes reference to this third world war in
extend and consolidate the Illuminati aims in the
Middle East.
Noted author, Henry Makow also acknowledges that
dynamics between the Illuminati and Islam, he states,
“Likewise, the Illuminati claim that the Second World
War pitted the Fascists against the “political
Zionists” so as to build up International Communism
until it equalled in strength that of the United
Christendom. According to Illuminati plans, the Third
World War, which is to be fought between the
political Zionists and the leaders of the Mos lem
wor ld, will drain the international community...The
purpose of the creation of Israel and the invasion of
Iraq is to colonize the Muslim world and eradicate
Islam. Islam is the biggest stumbling block to the
Luciferian world religion, secular humanism."
This is why Islam so vehemently despises
freemasonry. The College of Islamic Jurisprudence, in
its session convened at Makkah on 15th July 1978,
examined the issue of Freemasonry, of those
affiliated with it and the legal Islamic judgment on it,
after adequate study of this dangerous organization,
inclusive of the College's own published documents,
books, and newspaper and journal articles. Its
resulting decision was that it considered Freemasonry
one of the most dangerously destructive organizations
to Islam and to Muslims. In 1978 the College issued a
fatwa clearly defining the official stance of Islam on
CentrExNews,com contacted Svali and conducted an
extended 18-part interview with her by email. Svali
made a number of critical comments.
"...there are some very powerful Jewish people in this
group. For instance, the Rothschild family literally
runs the financial empire in Europe (and indirectly the
States), and are a well-known Jewish family. I have
also known people whose parents were Jewish
diamond merchants in the group, and at every level.
But to rise to power in the Illuminati, a Jewish person
at night would be forced to renounce their faith, and to
give their first allegiance to Lucifer and the beliefs of
the Illuminati."
"...these leaders are heads in the financial world, OLD
banking money. The Rothschild family in England,
and in France, have ruling seats. A descendant of the
Hapsburg dynasty has a generational seat.
Descendants of the ruling families of England and
France have a generational seat. The Rockefeller
family in the US holds a seat.... The financiers, dating
back to the bankers during the times of the Templar
Knights who financed the early kings in Europe,
created the Illuminati."
"Most [Jews] would oppose this Illuminati scheme if
they understood it. No wonder they think antiSemitism is irrational and feel resentment. They don't
appreciate that many Jewish leaders secretly play a
Before embarking on its plan for World War III, the dominant role in the Illuminati plan."
Illuminati would first have to end the Cold War, by
subduing the Soviet Union, to render America the In a later issue of the “History of the Illuminati”, we
remaining Western superpower to be pitted against will seek to explore what the intentions of the
the Muslim World. Therefore, in a Time magazine Illuminati will be during the aftermath of World War
cover story, published on Jan. 15, 1979, Brzezinski III and why Israel is such an integral aspect of their
proclaimed Iran, Afghanistan, and the Indian strategy for total global world domination with the
subcontinent as an “arc of crisis” that posed a grave power of Islam broken in the Middle Eastern region.
challenge to the West, though one that could also
spell doom for the Soviet empire.
Essentially, in the Illuminati agenda, the Arc of Crisis
was used as a pretext to ignite a band of Islamic
fundamentalism across Central Asia, that could be
first be used to bankrupt and destroy the Soviet
Union, and then to recruit and engage a wave of
Islamic fundamentalists to later be used as the
spectre of terrorism with which to frighten the Western
world. This strategy was revealed in the 1998
interview which Brzezinski, present foreign security
advisor for the present US administration.
A woman by the name Svali, who was raised in the
Illuminati cult, began writing a monthly column for
survivors of Illuminati ritual abuse at In
December 2000, H.J. Springer, the editor of
Despite being published over a decade ago this publication still sets a hallmark for an appraisal of Islam
and its surge on a worldwide basis.
War in the Persian Gulf, the collapse of Communism and the yoke released on millions of Muslims living
in the former Soviet republics and the rise of Islamic fundamentalist. Whilst these headlines are viewed
by many as political events, The Last of the Giants suggest there is more here than meets the eye.
George Otis Jr. leads the reader deep into the heart of modern day Islam (within the context of the
1990's) This is a meticulously well documented account of the three forces that are moving in the earth
today: Materialism, Hinduism and Islam and how powerful forces are currently preparing for a last stand
against the advancing Church.
It is an important read not only to place the church
today in a timeline of the book of Revelation, but to
expose Western Christianity to the reality of the spirit
realm and the nature of aggressive Islam.
The book is not about demonizing Muslims. It is about
equipping the praying church how to wage informed
intercession. Although some of the details are dated,
such as the fall of communism, that does not negate
the insight relayed through the authors study. The first
nine chapters are devoted to the author's in-depth
research both historical and contemporary on Islam as a
worldwide movement. The last two chapters tie
together the belief that we are not waging war against
flesh and blood but powers and principalities.
Therefore, the author encourages the reader to respond
to his message through prayer or missions to this
unreached people group.
The Last of the Giants combines two rare qualities for
books considering biblical prophecies and middle east
events: use of a reasoned scholarship and use of a
subjunctive mood.
Otis brings plausibility to the spiritual mapping
movement by painting spiritual dynamics with broad
strokes that cover the entire 10/40 window. This
carefully documented journey which makes revealing
stops in Babylon Iraq, Mecca, Moscow and
“Well documented, well-written and truly fascinating...One of the first efforts to explore the world of
spiritual darkness in a global context....A Major and valuable contribution to an extremely important
David Aikman
Senior Correspondent, Time Magazine
My name is Mel Sanger, I head a truth movement called Rema Marketing
and am the author behind this FREE report which you have just read
(what I call the starter). However should this give you enough of an
appetite to desire the Main Course then my globally recognized 5 report
further below, The Antichrist Identity (5th edition), will provide powerful
evidence for your consideration. 83% of people who read the free report
naturally get the Antichrist Identity Report.
The Antichrist Identity Report
The research for this new publication is based on 24 months of study. You may not be aware but
this publication was supposed to have been launched some time ago. Unfortunately halfway
through writing this report I became seriously ill and was advised by the doctors because of my
medical condition to take early retirement. This I believe was a spiritual attack.
However with great support all was completed but then within several days of making the
Antichrist Identity Report available on the internet several interesting things happened.
Our website kept going offline with no explanation given by the hosting provider we were
using at that time. 1000s of people were sending emails to our office frustrated at not
being able to download the reports
We also received a number of anonymous emails with some pretty nasty content
However we don't believe any of this was coincidence because in the Antichrist Identity Report I
name the names of the people who are supporting the diabolical new world order agenda. Not only
names, but also the organizations that have been set up specifically to carry us into a one world
government dictatorship without people even realizing what is happening.
Who is the Antichrist Identity Report For?
It’s probably easier to answer this question by telling you who this report is not for.
It’s clearly not for people who are afraid of truth and uncomfortable with the idea that the
world around them is actually a matrix of deception.
The report is also not for people who believe that the best way to confront the future is to stack up
tins of non-perishable food and migrate to some mountainous secret location and wait for the
coming storm to blow over. This is serious stuff. We are talking here about things that will impact
you, your children and grandchildren. We are talking here about the eternal destiny of people
being at stake.
The report I would say is only for those who are not afraid to push back the boundaries in their
pursuit for truth. We cannot prevent prophecy from being fulfilled but we can inform people so that
they are not deceived by agreeing to things that could impact their eternity, safety or
A Sneak Preview from Part 2 of the 5 Part Report
The Abolition of Privacy (The Privacy Agenda)
With the “mark of the beast” as the end goal the world is perilously moving in a frenzied state to a
dictatorial police state as predicted by George Orwell in his book, “1984”. Freedom of information,
freedom of speech, freedom of communication and personal privacy are being eroded under the
olive branch of “counter terrorism controls.” To create what they want the global elite simply
create the crisis to lead to the solution they require. This section focuses on key areas that impact
you 100%. The reason being, you use the internet, you use email, you use electronic banking and
you use a cell phone.
Are you aware that 6 years ago Barack Obama was given power
by the Senate to seize control of parts of the internet and order its
complete shutdown? What is the future for free speech on the
internet and how will groups such as Rema Marketing eventually be
phased out by internet service providers? (Addressed in Part 2:
Page 5)
How could UBS Warburg, one of the most powerful banks in the
world cave in under pressure to the IRS and reveal the names of
over 500 individuals in the US with offshore accounts in
Switzerland. Why is it that within the next 3 years that offshore
banking and banking privacy will be a thing of the past?
(Addressed in Part 2: Page 17)
In August 2011 the US government made a statement that they
would scrap the Fairness Doctrine, a policy which could have killed
off internet talk radio stations. However why is this a smokescreen
which is lulling talk radio stations into a false sense of security?
(Addressed in Part 2: Page 23)
5 blockbuster reports which break open the deception of how all areas of our culture and society
are being conditioned and dumbed down to accept policies and initiatives which originate from the
pit of hell.
Over 300 footnotes and references to assist you with further research in your ongoing pursuit for
Names and shames those men and women and organizations that are spear heading falsehood
under the umbrella of change and security.
Addresses previous events such as the European economic chaos, the Arab Spring, Joel Osteen
and the Mormon controversy and the UFO Phenomena.
Immediate access to the report and additional Special Bonuses from Mel Sanger Within minutes
you will have the 5 part report for examination.
Go to the website link below right now to grab this report