Caroling Christmas Party - REGENTS SCHOOL OF OXFORD


Caroling Christmas Party - REGENTS SCHOOL OF OXFORD
Volume No. XV
Issue No. 10
Gospel-Centered • Classically-Driven
Wednesday, November 12��
8:00am……………………………Chapel, Speaker Eddie Rester
2ⁿ� Grade, Wilbanks reciting
3:00-4:30…………………..…..6��+ Co-ed Basketball Practice
3:30-4:00pm ………………….…Archery Practice @ Regents
3:30-4:30pm……..… Strength Training @ Oxford CrossFit
Thursday, November 13��
9�� Grade to Jackson
3:00-4:30………………………….……Girls’ Basketball Practice
3:00-4:30pm…………….……………Soccer & Lacrosse @RSO
3:30-4:30pm ………..Strength Training @ Oxford CrossFit
4:30-6:30pm ……………………….Jiu Jitsu @ Oxford CrossFit
5:30-6:30pm …………………..……Boxing @ Oxford CrossFit
Weather Reminder
In the event of inclement
weather, please check the
website as we will post a
decision there as soon as soon
as possible.
Friday, November 14��
10:30-12:00…………………………….………..9��-12�� Jay Watts
11:00…………………………..………Early Ed Harvest Luncheon
12:00-3:00…………………………………..………House Big Event
3:00-4:30………………………….…………………Boy’s Basketball
3:30-4:30……………...Strength Training @ Oxford Crossfit
Monday, November 17��
3:00-4:30…………………………..…..Girls’ Basketball Practice
3:00-4:30pm…………….……………Soccer & Lacrosse @RSO
3:30-4:30pm ………..Strength Training @ Oxford CrossFit
6:00-8:00…………………………….………………..Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 18��
2ⁿ� Grade to Columbus
8:00am…………………………………..…………Parents in Prayer
3:00-4:30…………………………..….Boys’ Basketball Practice
3:00-4:30pm…………………………Soccer & Lacrosse @ RSO
3:30-4:30pm……..…Strength Training @ Oxford CrossFit
3:30pm …..………………….……………………..Faculty Meeting
4:30-5:30pm…….………………….Jiu Jitsu @ Oxford Crossfit
5:30-6:30pm………………………….Boxing @ Oxford Crossfit
Wednesday, November 19��
8:00am…………………….………….Chapel, Jonathan Vasquez
3�� Grade reciting
3:00-4:30pm…………………6��+ Co-ed Basketball Practice
3:30-4:00pm ………………...… Archery Practice @ Regents
3:30-4:30pm ………..Strength Training @ Oxford CrossFit
Early Ed girls on the playground
Caroling Christmas Party
Thursday, December 18th
5:30-8:30, Grades 7-12
We will be caroling to shut-ins.
Please submit names and addresses
of local shut-ins (can be
grandparents or other family
members as well) After caroling, a
party will be held at Suzanne
McManus’ house.
2nd Grade Ministerium
5k Run/Walk
Supporting Hearts of
Saturday, Nov. 15th 8:00 Pat
Lamar Park Contact Tiffany
Taylor for more information
Pancake Breakfast
Kindergarten learning all about sound from Dr.
Regent’s Roar
Meet Regent’s brand new
are Sarah Prather,
Dominuque Michaud, Anna
Claire Phillips, and Jacob
Barnes. Here they are touring
the Oxford Eagle last week
with editor Don Whitten.
Watch for the Regent’s Roar
coming to a news stand near
you on December 17th!
November 20th , 7:00-8:00 in
the gym. All proceeds go to
the Senior Trip
Field Trip to the Mississippi Delta
On Wednesday, November 5th, Mr. Todd, Fish Robinson, and I took the 11th and 12th graders to the
Mississippi Delta on a trip highlighting modern U.S. history, art, music, and culture. The first stop was in
Clarksdale. The original plan was to tour a cotton gin and visit with a farmer; however, the weather was not
cooperative, so we took a “detour” courtesy of Mr. Dan Crumpton. We met him at Ground Zero and then
went to downtown Clarksdale to meet up with Mr. Bubba O’Keefe. As he took us on a tour of several
historical buildings, he challenged the students to realize their personal passions and to pursue them with
God’s guidance.
When we left Clarksdale, we headed to Merigold. We were treated to a tour of “Po Monkey’s” juke joint by
Mr. “Monkey” (Willie) himself. The next stop on the trip was at McCarty Pottery Studio in Merigold. The
staff there was able to enlighten us on not only the history of their business, but also on interesting facts
about the Delta. Mr. Lee McCarty (who is 91 years old!) came out for a rare visit to meet our students! We
drove into Cleveland for lunch at The Warehouse restaurant and did a quick drive-through tour of Delta
State University and Cleveland. From there, we traveled to Dockery, which is one of the possible
“birthplace of the blues”. Next, we went to Indianola to tour the B.B. King museum. We finished our tour
with a trip to Greenwood and dinner at the Crystal Grill before coming back to Oxford.
We had a fabulous time and learned so much. God truly blessed our time there with each other and with
those He placed in our path. Mississippi is a treasure-trove of culture, history, art, and music. We were
grateful to be able to experience a small portion of it and to meet some of the real-life characters that help
make it so unique.
Because He first loved us,
Mrs. Robinson
While thinking of what I wanted to say in my newsletter, the month of
November stuck out to me. It is a month that allows us to reflect on
things that we are thankful for in our lives. I am most thankful for a God
that sent his son to die on the cross for me. I am eternally thankful for
my salvation through God’s son Jesus Christ. I am also thankful for my
family and friends, and ever so thankful for the opportunity to teach at a
wonderful school, such as Regents. I have enjoyed my students so
much, and also getting to know my fellow co-workers.
This week in bible, we are focusing on Genesis 18-19, Sodom and
Gomorrah. In history, we will be studying Amenemhet and the Temple of
Karnak. We are continuing to read Little House on the Prairie, focusing
on chapters 16-19. In grammar, we will be covering pronouns and
subject pronouns. Also, in science we will be learning about the stem of
a plant and its functions.
I have truly enjoyed my first semester at Regents, and look forward to
the remainder of the school year. God Bless.
Second grade Prairie Day
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Dear RSO Families,
What an excellent meeting we had Monday night as we
spent time together looking at where we've been, are, and
are going. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you as the Headmaster of this
school. The goal since the founding of the school was that we would be gospel
centered and classically driven. These have been non-negotiables since its
founding. I speak for my staff when I say that we believe this is the best way to
train young people from Pre K - 12th grade. Monday night as we addressed
parents, Micah Messersmith, Jake Todd, Lindsey Manickavasagam, Brady
Williamson, and I spoke about why we love what we do at RSO and how this
translated into day to day life as your servants.
Listening to each person really inspired me in a different way. As we concluded the
meeting, I was wishing that my children had had an RSO education. The influence
of the adults on this campus on young people will be life changing. Whether it is
Hayley Gregory teaching Biology, Dr. Wayne Prather teaching Physics, or Stacy
Barnes teaching Pre-Calculus, our young people are being challenged to
scientific/mathematical greatness. However, academic greatness without the culture
of godly adults nurturing your children is not what Jesus has called us to as
I want both the academic greatness that is rooted in great teaching and spiritual
vitality, modeled by a gospel centered approach to life. Being completely candid,
this year this is occurring each day on our campus.
It’s a pleasure to serve you and your family,
Dr. Johnson
Senior Pictures
Monday, November 17th, 9:00
@ Addy Photography
First Grade Pow Wow