Sydenham Newsletter


Sydenham Newsletter
Sydenham Newsletter
July /August 2013
It’s Summer, and whilst we haven’t the 2012 Olympics this year, there are a wealth
of sporting events to kick us through July before school breaks up and we take
off for holidays abroad. Will Andy Murray do well at Wimbledon following his
third victory in the Artois at Queens? Now without the presence of Nadal, Cilic,
Tsonga and Federer, Djokovic seems the greatest threat. What about Justin Rose
at Muirfield after becoming the first Englishman to win the US Open Golf since
Tony Jacklin some 40 years ago? The inspiring Bradley Wiggins is not the dashing
force he was a year ago but do we have a great contender in Chris Froome, now
well established to conquer the continentals again in the Tour de France? And of
course we have ‘The Ashes’ – always a big series against the favourite team we love
to hate! What is it about the brash Aussies – perhaps we have the beating of them
this year with their recent troubles.
Whatever happens, we have the Ladybird Pre-School Sports day here in the
Playing Field on Wednesday 10th July 12 noon - 2pm and look forward to seeing
future outstanding talent. Why not join the children, parents and teachers and
bring a picnic along and enjoy a fun couple of hours.
And of course we are well into the Cricket season and Sydenham Cricket Club
will be delighted to see you show up and support them at their home ground
in Lewknor – their next three home games are against Great Haseley on Sunday
21st July, Haddenham a week later, and the now famous Sydenham ‘Ashes’ on
4th August. New talent is always welcome and last weekend young Tom Maitland
joined the team with Dad Jon Maitland digging out his whites to make up the team
number! Why not take along a picnic and enjoy the afternoons there too!
Despite all the careful preparations for the Crown ‘Golf Day’ at North Oxford, it
rained really heavily. No problem, the golfer’s loved it! However, very strong winds
and a very lengthy power cut curtailed the Crown outdoor evening activities and
BBQ. Again no problem for the Golfers or for Max & Louise – they just brought
the BBQ indoors and in candle light had a brilliant full house with prize giving
and great entertainment. Let’s hope for better seasonal weather in 2014. Well done
all for coping.
The annual Sydenham Fayre has come and gone and the committee can relax again
for another year, they did a really fantastic job raising over £6,000 for local causes.
In particular the inspiration of modest Gordon McLeod should be highlighted as
it was his fourth year as Chairman and he has decided to step down and let new
blood take the reigns in 2014. In the four years that Gordon has been the boss, the
committee have raised in excess of £20,000 and he is the first one to say it is the
ground work of the team that has made it possible – well done all!
The departure of the Rector was announced in the last issue and along with the
other three churches in the United Parish, St Mary’s now faces an interval without
someone at the helm. We are delighted that Revd. Joan DeVal and Revd. Peter
Wainwright are with us throughout and taking the lead, not just with regular
Sunday worship, but also the weekday activities of School Assembly work,
numerous committee’s, regular visiting of the sick in addition to the regular
Baptisms, Marriages and Death’s of which last year here in Sydenham we held
three Weddings, three Baptism’s and a funeral. Joan & Peter are keen to point out
that despite John going, they are there to support the village and will continue
to do so throughout the vacancy. A new idea during the coming months will be a
regular short hymn singing service for about half an hour featuring half a dozen
well known hymns selected by regular visitors. Do come along and get involved
and in the meantime don’t forget to support our Pet Service on 14th July.
Another major departure from Sydenham are our good friends Jean and Ray
Harris who several years ago decided to move to Devon to be nearer their children,
daughter Ali, son Anthony, their spouses and respective grandchildren. The move
was originally thwarted by Ray having serious hospital treatment but he has sailed
through the course and is back to his old self. Jean and Ray have played a big
part in village activities since their arrival 30 years ago and we’ve put together a
précis of their efforts. We shall certainly miss them, but they are anxious not to
lose touch with their Sydenham friends and will be welcoming visitors to their new
abode near Tiverton.
However, one family moves out and a new one moves in and we welcome Vicki and
Toby Roe and their daughters Lucy and Philippa who apparently have been looking
for the opportunity to move to Sydenham for ages. Vicki has connections at
Ladybird and Toby is captain of Sydenham Cricket Team and Mark Kermack tells
me, perhaps in line for promotion to the county squad!
The departure of Louise and Max from the Crown will be of concern to many
people, within and probably for many miles around Sydenham. Sadly after five
years they are moving on but hopefully we will still see them if they stay based in
Chinnor with daughter Alice at Amersham College and son Christopher at Lord
William’s. The Sydenham Pub Company has made an announcement on page 19,
but in the meantime do maximise your visits before their departure date of 10th
August. On their final day they are hosting a Farewell Party and you can expect the
Crown to be packed both inside and out!
From the Newsletter team on behalf of all our readers ‘We wish them well and
thank them for their friendship, their service, their desire to please and the excellent
food and drink they have provided!’
This is a big news issue and we have lots more for you to read and share, a new
baby boy, Edward for Emily and Billy Lucas on 14th June in Chalford, the June and
July winners of the OSR 100 Club, the WI news and without her members, their
very daring President Viv abseiling down the JR hospital……Enjoy!
The next Newsletter will be distributed at the end of the late Bank Holiday week
in August. Can you please ensure your copy is with the team or to royharry@aol.
com by Friday 23rd August. Thank you to everyone who has sent in copy for this
edition, we need your contributions, your advertising details and your news, views
and reports. Have a really good summer from all the Newsletter team.
Church News
Dates for your Diary in July and August 2013
St. Mary’s Church Services
Sunday 7th
11am St Andrew’s Chinnor. Farewell Communion service
for Revd. John Kinchin-Smith.
Sunday 14th 4pm
Pet service. Revd. Peter Wainwright – Please bring
along your pets – from ponies to snails to snakes
or spiders, goldfish to goats or geese!
Sunday 21st *Evensong. Mark Humphrey.
Sunday 28th 10am
‘Songs of Praise’ - A half hour service of 6 hymns
selected by SydenhamVillagers.
Saturday 3rd 12am
Holy Matrimony - Ali Heath-Smith and
Beggy Stenning – Revd Peter Wainwright.
Sunday 4th
*Holy Communion – Revd. Joan DeVal.
Baptism – Beatrice Carter – Revd. Joan DeVal.
Sunday 11th
No Service.
Sunday 18th
*Evensong – Revd. Joan DeVal.
Sunday 25th
‘Songs of Praise’ – A half hour service of 6 hymns
selected by Sydenham Villagers. ** Saturday 14th September – Ride and Stride **
Services from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer are marked *
Calling all humans
and animals…
St Mary’s will once again be welcoming
all creatures great and small
accompanied by their human friends to
the annual pet service. To be held on
Sunday 14th July at 4pm, the service
promises to provide lots of variety, fun
and reflection. Join us afterwards for
tea and cakes and some other surprises!
Any queries or questions – call Fi on
352990 or Gilly on 07789 584252.
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Church Vacancy
With Rector John Kinchin-Smith, Caroline and family leaving the United Parish
of Chinnor, Sydenham, Aston Rowant & Crowell, his final service is on 7th July
at St Andrew’s Chinnor and a special service is being held to celebrate his seven
years in charge.
This will be the fourth Vacancy in the United Parish since Canon Ralph Cartmill
retired in 1999 and puts huge pressure on the depleted team to cover services
in the four churches.
We are all trying to cooperate but must bear in mind that the remaining two
ordained priests Revd. Joan DeVal and Revd. Peter Wainwright are well past
retirement age!
At Sydenham, after consultation with the regular worshipers, we have agreed
to drop the 4th Sunday Matins service and replace it with a simple 10am
half-hour service named ‘Songs of Praise’ which will feature six hymns and
be led by the Churchwardens, allowing the Ministry team to best support the
remaining churches as they can. Each month we will be asking a different couple
of Sydenham worshipers each to select two of their favourite popular hymns
and the Choir to choose the remaining two.
We know, due to Church legislation that the timescale for filling the vacancy,
(known in church circles as an Interregnum) could be many months and likely to
be into Spring of 2014.
Adèle & Roy
Coronation Service
On 2nd June we had a really good turnout for the special anniversary service
celebrating 60 years of Her Majesty the Queens Coronation. Rosemary had
dressed St Mary’s especially with red, white and blue flowers and the scene was
set for a nostalgic ‘Coronation Evensong’ led by Revd. Peter Wainwright.
The bans were read for the third time of asking for Ali Heath-Smith and Beggy
Stenning and Peter, Chris and the Choir had selected lovely hymns including ‘I
vow to thee my country’, ‘Rule Britannia’ and of course the full three verses of
the National Anthem (in my seventy years I don’t ever remember even seeing the
middle verse, which is so frightfully British)! Peter decided, instead of a sermon,
to walk down the aisle and invite members of the congregation to tell us about
their memory of the Coronation, 60 years ago to the day. Of those who spoke,
at least three members, Rosemary Carter, Mary Weston and Paul Stancliffe
were actually there (in the rain) on the route of the procession and had vivid
memories. Jane Errington brought along souvenirs and wore clothes of the 1952
era and afterwards we shared canapés and raised a glass with the Loyal Toast.
What a wonderful occasion and a real pleasure to be part of the nostalgic and
patriotic evening and service. Thank you everyone for your contribution.
Shaun Guard
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A part of
Ken Hardiman ‘Thought the service
was very good and enjoyed listening
to people’s experiences’.
Sue Wills writes “So interesting to hear
from people who were there in 1952”.
Anon “what a lovely event, ‘So
Sydenham’ and a delight to be there”.
A Pictorial Guide to St Andrew’s Church, Chinnor
A new colour guide to Chinnor
Church has been published
which includes many details
researched and written about
by June Cray of Sydenham. June
established that the 16 large
paintings hanging in the church
were painted almost 300 years
ago by Sir James Thornhill and
that they are the originals which
the glass painter copied, when
Sir Christopher Wren redesigned
the 1722 Great Rose Window in the North Transept of Westminster Abbey.
Also included are details of the famous brasses, the links to Chinnor Parsonage,
one of the great houses of Oxfordshire with 22 rooms and a ‘Banqueting House’,
the rediscovery of the 1,896 items which came from Sir Isaac Newton’s library
and many other interesting aspects of the church and its long history.
Copies of the guide (priced at £9.95) are on sale in St Andrew’s and St Mary’s,
as well as at the Chinnor Parish Council office in Station Road, Chinnor,
and local bookshops.
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The book was launched at a
delightful gathering in St Andrew’s
Church on the lovely early evening
of Saturday 15th June. Paul, who
played a very active part in pulling
it all together, was accompanied
by Adèle and children Edward and
William and hosted the evening along
with members of both St Andrew’s
and St Mary’s assisting and providing
the excellent catering and Pimms.
It was very pleasing to see many
old friends including Serena Hutton
who contributed to the book and
the former Rector the Revd. Ralph
Cartmill and his wife Jill, who had
travelled down especially for the
occasion from Norfolk.
Parish Council
P13/S1208/HH and P13/S1209/CA – The Old Smithy/Crossways Cottage
Demolition of existing wooden garage/shed and building of a single car port
6m x 3m with storage included at the rear, on site of 2-3 Crossways Cottages
No strong views
P13/S1431/FUL – The Inn at Emmington
Proposed two storey extension and side extension
No strong views
P13/S1771/HH – 16 Park View, Sydenham Road, Sydenham
Proposed rear conservatory
New Sewage Pumping Station and Sydenham bypass scheme
The following announcement has been made by Thames Water: “The scheme
was presented to the full Thames Water Investment Committee including Martin
Baggs and Bob Collington on 28 May 2013 and has been approved for delivery
with a start due in the spring of 2014.”
The scheme involves the construction of a new pumping station south of
Kingston Stert Farm which will pump the effluent from Aston Rowant, Kingston
Blount and Crowell directly to the Henton sewage treatment works. From the
autumn of 2014 the Brookstones pumping station will therefore be dealing with
the very much reduced flow of sewage from Kingston Stert and Sydenham only,
and the groundwater leaking into the sewers in times of heavy rain should no
longer cause flooding in Sydenham and Emmington.
07831 445691
01844 351519
[email protected]
Broadband announcement in July or August
OCC are now very close to completing their broadband investment contract. They
are in the final stages of negotiation and expect to complete it by the end of July.
The Council is confident that it will meet its programme objectives for at least
90% of premises (homes and businesses) to have 24Mbps (Superfast Broadband
speeds) or more, and at least 2Mbps (Basic Broadband) will be available for
everybody else.
News from Sydenham WI
As always, lots of activities to join in with and new
people to meet so if all this appeals, we would love to
welcome you to our monthly meetings. The next one
on the 18th July will be our annual summer event so
let us know if you would like to come along or for any
other information on our lively group. Viv, our daring
president has been seen hanging off buildings (see her account on page 25)
when not attending the Cardiff AGM as our representative, various members
went for lunch at The Clink (more in the next issue on this), we went back in
time to the civil war and at another meeting learnt how to pack for a month
in a small case.
We waved a fond farewell to Jean Harris
and were very sad to say goodbye to her.
Echoing Roy’s words in this issue, Jean
was a stalwart of Sydenham in so many
ways. She made an enormous contribution
to the WI and served on the committee in
many guises – including as President and
Secretary. We presented her with a cake and
Adèle gave a lovely speech about this very
special lady. Jean is thinking of joining her
local WI when she has settled in plus we are
planning a visit to see her before too long.
Fi K (352990)
Women in the Civil War
On the 16th May, we all gathered at Paul and Jane Rooksby’s to hear a
wonderfully entertaining talk by Margaret Evans (aka Mad Moll!). Margaret
belongs to a re-enactment group called ‘The Sealed Knot’ who stage battles and
demonstrations bringing to life the English Civil War. Margaret was suitably
dressed for her talk in a working woman’s clothes of the period (1640s) which
was a very heavy and cumbersome outfit. Her stories illustrate the amazing
exploits and characters of the women of the time; women who while looking
after their families defended their homes vigorously. Many went into battle
themselves defying the convention of the day and fought alongside their men.
We all learned a lot about these unsung heroines which gave us a new insight
into the women of the time.
Sandra L.
Minimum Packing
Theme – How to pack
just hand luggage for a
holiday and achieve perfect
harmony by using the right
colour choices for you.
We were delighted to
welcome back Katy Dyer
who previously enlightened
us on our wardrobe colour
choices. This time she
demonstrated to us how
one could pack a carry-on
suitcase for a fortnight’s holiday. Like a conjuror she produced a selection of
colour co-ordinated outfits and other travel essentials from the small bag and
hung them onto a rail, one wondered how they all fitted into such a tight space,
there was even room for more!
The golden rules for achieving this miracle are as follows 1. Make a list and stick to it.
2. Choose only colour co-ordinated items which can be dual purpose for
day/evening wear.
3. Pack 5 tops, 4 bottoms, 2 swimsuits, underwear, matching accessories to include
2 scarves, 2 pairs of shoes, make up and toiletries, collapsible handbags.
4. Wear as many of the bulky items you wish to take on the flight.
    
VOILA – sounds simple and
good in theory, but most
of us agreed that we like to
take a lot more away with
us than is strictly necessary
and are very prone to
include last minute items
which might prove useful.
Sydenham Fayre 2013
After what seems like months of not very good weather, we had for the Fayre
the best day of the year thus far – the sun shone and the crowds seemed
larger than previous years. At 2pm Tony Smith one of Sydenham’s longest
serving residents helped by villager Fiona Bruce, cut the ribbon to get the Fayre
underway. The previous four years has seen Nick Potts dress in all manner of
costumes, whilst performing his role as Master of Ceremonies, so it was little
surprise to me that for this year’s event he should appear as a blonde fairy.
His quick run through with Fiona of ‘Basic, Better, Best’ from the Antiques
Road Show to establish who was the best Nigel in Sydenham proved most
inconclusive following the timely intervention by their respective spouses!
All that has been successful and popular at a traditional village Fayre was again
on offer but this year with some added attractions, and I cautiously say for the
first time, we had pony and trap rides and ferret racing, both of which added great
value to the day. Also for a first time our marquee housed a small Food Fayre and
the mix of fresh vegetables, excellent cooked produce and local XT Brewery ales
attracted favourable comments from both visitors and stallholders alike.
Live music for the afternoon and
evening sessions was again provided
by Ken Hardiman who put together
another great sounding band,
including for the first time villager
David Froker on lead guitar, it was
also good to see the characterful
Barry Hutton back with us as the
sort of lead singer. (Barry is the only
person I know who can successfully
get away with wearing a jacket
louder than himself!)
Thanks to Rosemary and Adèle
the Church again looked very
beautiful with all manner of
summer floral displays, Paul also
took the opportunity to put on
show some of Sydenham’s many
archives and church records. I did
find several visitors taking refuge
from the bustle of the Fayre and
taking time for some tranquil
contemplation in the cooler and
calmer surrounds of St Mary’s.
Following a year off because of last year’s Jubilee celebrations we saw the
welcome return of the ‘Evening Do’. The assembled gathering enjoyed an
excellent chilli prepared by Hilary’s team of home cooks who collectively
produced a large quantity of delicious food. Dave Wilkins flew single handed
as bar organiser/tender and clearer upper until the close just after midnight.
The highlight of the evening would have to be a performance by ‘The 2 Fi’s’
(Kermack & Kendall) and their Air Guitar rendition of ‘Johnny B Goode’, the
expression on Mark’s face told it all.
It was good to see Barry Mitchell persuaded out of retirement to run the evening
raffle and in his own inimitable way added £151.00 to the Fayre funds; so along
with that and through the efforts of many villagers and friends our final total
is a little over £6,000. Sydenham give yourselves another big hand, well done!!!
I have tried in the past to do personal thanks and found it very difficult not to
miss people out, so, thank you to everyone for doing their bit no matter how
big or small, the simple truth is it all helps; Sydenham Fayre would not be the
success it has been without your dedication and involvement. Full details of this
year’s beneficiaries etc are elsewhere in the Newsletter.
What of next year? There are to be some changes on the Fayre committee and
there are a couple of vacancies arising, if you are interested in joining please
contact me for a quick chat and further information. After 4 really enjoyable
years working with a group of enthusiastic highly motivated committee
members I am soon to stand down. It is with the satisfaction of knowing that
in that time via this committee and with the help of villagers Sydenham Fayre
has raised in the region of £20,000 for local causes, schools and organisations.
Money that may have in some small way helped such groups stay viable and
play an active part in our community. As for Fayre 2014! Well, for your diaries
the date is Saturday 7th June, I certainly look forward to being involved in some
way and hope you will as well.
Gordon McLeod
On behalf of the Sydenham Fayre Committee.
Tel 352366. [email protected]
The Committee Members:
Fiona Kermack
John Ashfield
Gilly Harrison
Ashley Wills
Kate Grafham
Martin Gossage
Pauline McLeod
Paul Rooksby.
Cricket Club
Assist with machinery repairs and ground fees
Old School Room
Assist with the maintainance & running costs
Ladybird Playgroup
Purchase of equipment
St Mary’s Church
Flower fund
St Mary’s Church
Assistance with mowing of churchyard
St Mary’s Church
Cleaning Materials
St Mary’s Church
Fabric fund (building repairs)
St Mary’s Church
Music stand for the church organ
Aston Rowant
Purchase of books and equipment
Friends of
Lewknor School
New CD player and equipment
Old School Room
Part funding of defibrillator 500.00
Sydenham Voice
Bird boxes, in particular for owls
Sydenham Voice
Bulb planting on verges, purchase of bulbs
Sydenham WI
Assistance with Hire of Old School Room
for meetings
All the fun of the Fayre a pictorial account
As expressed so eloquently by Chairman
Gordon in his report, the sun shone,
villagers worked their socks off, it was
all great fun and our many visitors had
a great time. Our picture montages
give you a flavour of the 2013 Fayre.
Starting from the left top, set up is
always a challenge to ensure everything
is put out on time, the stallholders are
all happy and we are ready for the ‘off’
at 2pm sharp, Nick the fairy takes a
bow, Fiona introduces the ‘Basic, Better,
Best’ challenge which caused some
competition amongst the spouses! Our
stallholders (Ollie Harbour in this case),
in keeping with our many and varied
displays, supported the Fayre admirably.
The children attractions are always a
favourite and this year, the Slide and
Rock & Roller provided hours of fun, there
were queues for the BBQ all day long as
there were for the pony rides down Water
Lane, the Bric-a-Brac tables were groaning
under all the weight of bargains to be had
and a ham (kindly provided by Plesteds in
Chinnor) was eagerly fought over in the
battle of the skittles.
And over the page, the floral display in
St Mary’s Church to celebrate the 60th
anniversary of the Coronation along
with a pop up museum of Sydenham’s
archives attracted huge numbers whilst
Ken Hardiman’s band played on during
the day and into the night to be joined by
the ‘rock chicks’ who accompanied Dave
on air guitar during the evening bash.
The WI provided delicious cakes and
biscuits on their stall and Cyndy’s plants,
always providing interesting varieties of
fruits and flowers, did a brisk trade
Look right for the ‘Tug of War’ a firm
favourite and this year sponsored by
Silent View Windows. Teams from The
Crown, Sydenham Cricket Club and The
Inn at Emmington battled it out with the
latter pictured top right and carrying off
the trophy below. The goalie saved and
lost many a goal and the pony and trap,
new for this year, proved a big success
in providing rides through the village.
Fi Kermack
Desperate to Work
I have nearly finished my gap year and
have run out of money! I am available
throughout July and September for
babysitting, dog walking, ironing or any
other odd jobs you need done! Contact
via mobile or email; 07725 237050,
[email protected]
Rachel Maitland
The OSR 100 Club
Thank you to the 2013 Fayre
Committee for supporting the OSR with
a grant for the next year. It certainly
eases some of our concerns as we are
losing our prime tenants Ladybird at
Spencer Jones
Karen Ort & Peter Jones
Sarah Phillips
June Hall
Anna Froker
Ann Ashfield
Jane Rooksby
John W Wilson
Thank you for your continued support
1st Floor, 1 Thame Business Centre, Wenman Road, Thame, Oxon OX9 3XA
Tel: 01844 212271 E-mail: [email protected]
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Being a Carer for Risborough Carers is a highly responsible position but it is a
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Do you think you have what it takes to be a Risborough Carer? If so, and you
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Stephanie on 01844 212271 or
E-mail [email protected]
(We are an Equal Opportunities Employer)
The Crown – New Lessees
We are sure that by now everyone in the village will know that Max and Louise
will be leaving The Crown in August. It has been a real pleasure having them
and their family in the village for the last 5 years. They have been excellent
hosts and Max’s food has developed a great reputation throughout the area. We
would like to thank them for their great contribution to village life whilst they
have been here. We wish them every success in whatever they decide to do in
the future and hope that they stay in touch with Sydenham.
You will have noticed that the To Let sign has been removed from the pub. We
are pleased to announce that Oliver and Caroline will take over the pub when
Max and Louise leave. Between them they have extensive experience of running
pubs and catering to a high standard. They are looking forward to the challenge
of The Crown. We look forward to welcoming them to the village in August.
There will be further information provided in due course.
Sydenham Pub Company
Farewell Party
Saturday 10th August from 6pm
No tickets required, just come along!
Live Music
Simple Hog Roast
Great Company
We are sad to be moving on but feel lucky to have been part of the village
for five years. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has supported us
at The Crown in so many different ways.
Love and best wishes Max, Louise, Alice, Chris & Chelsea XX
The Crown Annual Golf Day
Despite the worst weather imaginable and the longest power cut we’ve ever
experienced it turned out to be the best golf day ever! A big thank you to
everyone who supported the day particularly those who helped to organise
the event and the very talented buggy drivers who kept our golfers suitably
refreshed during the day.
Max & Louise
News from Ladybird Pre-School
Fundraising news
Some really great fundraising has been going on in the last couple of months.
In the last Newsletter, we reported that the village quiz night was a fantastic
success, and along with the raffle, raised over £700. We are very grateful to
all villagers, parents, staff and supporters who helped to raise this fantastic
amount and of course to our quiz master extraordinaire – Gordon! Some of the
money raised so far has enabled us to purchase a gazebo to protect the children
when playing in the garden.
We had a stall at Sydenham Fayre, selling gorgeous cupcakes thanks to
Rebecca’s magnificent baking, and a selection of craft items and second-hand
children’s toys, clothes and books. Thanks to everyone who manned the stall on
the day and bought things from us! We also had a stall at the Mill Lane school
fun day on 22nd June where we had a selection of children’s games and thank
you to everyone who went along on the day.
Clare Nickless, one of our parent committee members, has created Totally
Trendy Togs – a regular pre-loved children’s clothes sale – which gives part
of its profits to Ladybirds. Along with cake sales on the day, she and other
committee members have been raising money for Ladybirds and all their help
is much appreciated. If you would like to donate any second-hand clothes for
children aged 0-5, which are in good condition, then please let us know! The
next sale will be on Monday 8th July – see Facebook for more details.
We have a number of other fundraising ideas up our sleeves, not least cupcake
decorating courses, so watch this space!
A final note on fundraising – in order to help all our supporters see where this
money goes, we have designed a “fundraising beanstalk” for our notice board
inside the OSR, which shows the amounts achieved, pictures of what it has been
spent on and also a wish list of equipment for our future fundraising efforts.
Sports Day!
We will be holding our annual sports day on Wednesday 10th July from 12pm
onwards at the Sydenham playing field. All the usual fun and games will be on
offer, we will be selling refreshments and parents are also encouraged to bring a
picnic. All are welcome to come and take part in the fun – just turn up on the day!
News about our planned move to Chinnor
As many villagers will no doubt be aware, we are working on a planned move to
the St Andrew’s school site. We still have some significant hurdles to overcome
however we seem to be moving towards the goal of re-locating in January 2014.
An enormous amount of work has been going on in the background, not
least putting together tenders for local builders, applying for essential grants
and working on our marketing plan. We will be able to share more with you
once refurbishment work starts at St Andrew’s, but in the meantime our
priority is getting new children into the pre-school ready for our new school
year in September.
Change to our opening times
With the planned move to St Andrew’s and also the need to adjust things
slightly to be eligible for much-needed local authority funding, the committee
has decided to change our opening hours from September 2013. When we
return in September, we will be opening five days a week, however we have
decided, for now, that our Thursday toddler sessions will cease.
We are also introducing a new lunch club for children who stay all day, or whose
parents may need a little extra time for pick-ups.
From September 2013, our new opening times will be as follows:
Day Morning Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 09.15–
Lunch club Afternoon
12.30 – 3.00pm
12.30 – 3.00pm
12.30 – 3.00pm
These sessions are for unaccompanied children from 2.5 years old.
Spaces available – as is usual for this time of year, we have quite a number of
children leaving us with all our best wishes, for “big school”. As a result we have
quite a few spaces yet to fill for September. It is really important to our financial
situation that we fill as many spaces as we can (or else we will not get enough
local authority funding to run the pre-school), so we would urge anyone in
Sydenham who knows of parents who are looking for a pre-school locally, to put
in a good word for us. We are very happy to show people around and tell them
all about the great work that we do with children.
Retirement news
After many years at the pre-school, Annette Page has decided to retire. She has
been an absolutely wonderful member of staff, loved by colleagues, parents and
children alike and she will be missed hugely. She goes with all our thanks and
best wishes for a wonderful and relaxing retirement.
Finally, we would like to wish everyone, staff, children, parents, friends and
supporters, a very happy summer break.
Vicki Roe, June 2013
T. 01296 613647 E. [email protected]
Jean & Ray Harris Departure
My good friends Jean and Ray moved into Rushmead on Ray’s 46th Birthday on
27th May 1983. Thirty years later almost to the day they have made their final
move having bought a house in the small village of Butterleigh near Tiverton,
close to their daughter Ali, her husband Phil and grandchildren William and
Lucy. I say final move because whilst a serving officer with the RAF they were in
married quarters and moved home & abroad more than a dozen times with son
Anthony and daughter Alison! Back in 1983, Jean, a special needs teacher at Mill
Lane School was quickly enrolled into the Sydenham WI, was Secretary for many
years and President for three years and as a regular member attended her final
meeting a week before their departure. She was a member of Sydenham Parish
Council for ten years until 2010 and always offered experienced advice.
Having taken early retirement, Ray had time on his hands. He too played an
active part in village life and was secretary of the OSR Committee for several
years and instrumental with it’s modernisation about 12 years ago. Then on
Doug Newham’s departure he took on the role of Chairman for five years,
before retiring some four years ago. He was also involved for a number of years
on the Fayre Committee and did his stint as Chairman in the late 90’s. Jane and
I shared holidays with them and went to several Mediterranean destinations and
South Africa. Following his diagnosis of cancer he has been a diligent patient
and we are all really delighted that he has got through it and can now look
forward to many further years in retirement. Ali and Phil, William & Lucy and a
lot of Sydenham friends of Jean and Ray, acquired over many years, joined them
for a farewell drink at Rushmead and shared Ray’s 76th birthday celebrations.
Sydenham Cricket Club
Despite the inclement weather, some cricket has been played by Sydenham CC. The
club has played three matches, winning one and losing two. The season opened
with defeat to a strong Old Berkeley side. The match was disappointing from a
Sydenham perspective, although it contained a great innings by Dan Bradley of 70,
plus an early contender for catch of the season from Henry Eaton in the slips.
The next opponents were Great Milton who were vanquished by the 11, although
in this case, the 10 men of Sydenham, with Tim Howarth scoring the winning runs
in a total of 104 for 4 in reply to Great Milton’s 102 for 5. An excellent all round
performance from everyone in Sydenham colours.
The most recent game was away to Haddenham in which an under par total of 58
all out was set by Sydenham. An easy victory for the opposition loomed, but some
extremely disciplined bowling by Sydenham nearly snatched victory from the jaws
of defeat. Alas it was not to be, with Haddenham winning with 62 for 8.
We are always on the look out for new players, so please do have a look at or speak to John Ashfield, Mark Kermack or myself.
Fundraising – This month’s report and another Challenge!
SeeSaw - But don’t ask me to do this! (Ed). The new President of WI is not a
person to be messed with! In the last Newsletter we had a report and picture
of Viv with her ‘ lambing’. This month it is somewhat different but makes an
excellent read.
Well what did you get up to on Sunday 23rd June?
Fancy something to get the adrenaline flowing? Find
where you can do an abseil for charity. This is what
I did on Sunday. Last year I saw the chance to abseil
for charity advertised and decided I was going to
do that. Why? Well about 23 years ago we went on
holiday to Butlins and had a go at abseiling down
the climbing wall and it was great fun. The venue
for the charity abseil was the ladies wing at the John
Radcliffe hospital!!! I got quite a few sponsors and
was quite excited about it. Looking forward to it we
were kitted out with harness, helmet and gloves. We went up in the lift to the
top floor but there was further to go, through a locked door and up a vertical
ladder, one of those with a semi circular guard behind you as it is actually
vertical. Once at the top we were told to stay between the green lines on the
roof/floor until we were called to the roping area. There was an incredible view
from up there. One girl was really scared, shaking and crying. She wanted to
go in the middle so two of us moved forward to the metal fence to be attached
to the rope. Then the young man said to climb through the fence which I did,
but then felt a bit scared and didn’t want to let go, but shuffled back until my
heels were over the drop (100 ft) just standing on the balls of my feet. Although
I knew I couldn’t fall, it was still weird to lean back over the drop. Then I began
to walk down the wall, the photographer said to look his way and smile. It was
great and I even managed to do some of those moves where you push away from
the wall in little jumps. It was all over too quickly but great fun and so far I have
raised £250 for the charity SeeSaw. SeeSaw is an Oxford charity that provides
grief support for the young in Oxfordshire - if anyone feels like adding to my
total it will be gratefully received.
Thank you, Viv Croxford
The Big Pink Plunge!
We are holding a charity parachute jump in support of ‘Against Breast Cancer’
on Saturday 7th September 2013 and are looking for adventurous people to
join us in “taking the plunge”. The jump will take place at Brackley airfield and
you will need to raise a minimum of £395 sponsorship. You can find further
information about the jump and the support you can expect to receive from
Against Breast Cancer to help you with your fundraising at the following link: or by phoning us on 01235
534211. If you are aged 16 or over, sign up and join us and do something
amazing while raising vital funds for our research!
Chinnor Flower & Produce Show
Will be held at 2.30pm on Monday, 26 August at Station Road Playing Fields,
Chinnor. Admission to the show is 50p. The 2013 Schedule can be downloaded
via Chinnor Parish Council website, or available at the Village Centre, Library
or Allotment distribution centre from the beginning of July. There are some
150 classes, from vegetables, fruit, and flowers to crafts, cooking, photography
and wine making, including some classes specifically for children. A popular
auction is held at the end of the show. Refreshments will be available together
with a range of outside local stalls. To enter call Peggy on 351844 or email
[email protected]
Sydenham Annual Pumpkin, Squash
and Sunflower Competition 2013
This year’s annual Pumpkin competition includes the
largest/heaviest Pumpkin, two varieties of Squash and the
tallest Sunflower. All are now available and the pumpkin
variety this year is ‘Hundredweight’ (pictured). The
Squashes are ‘Custard White’: A particular favourite of
Royalty across Europe during the 16th century, brought to
these shores by Sir Francis Drake along with the potato and tobacco. Whilst not
addictive or habit forming as is tobacco and much healthier than potatoes the
custard white was the least well known of Drake’s imports. Category, prettiest
and smallest. And ‘Turks Turban’: This year’s seed imported from Madeira.
The most exuberant of the squash family used to a sunny climate and a soft
wind blowing from the Atlantic, absolutely perfect for South Sydenham and the
Brookstones escarpment. Category, dressed and ornamental.
If you haven’t got your plants yet (£2 each) please call 351906 to collect or
arrange delivery. All funds go to St Mary’s Church fabric fund.
Good Growing! Ann Ashfield
Chiltern Brewery Open Day 20th July, 11am – 4pm
We are delighted to announce that The Chiltern Brewery will be holding a free
open day on Saturday 20th July between the hours of 11am and 4pm. This is
a fantastic opportunity to see behind the scenes of a working micro-brewery,
the oldest in Buckinghamshire and the Chiltern Hills, and find out more about
traditional brewing techniques, including the crucial role of the best quality
100% British malt and hops used by the Jenkinsons.
The brewery is located just off the B4009, the Nash Lee Road, on a working
farm in Terrick near Wendover. Families are very welcome and there is a lovely
garden area to sit and enjoy the day. Extra parking will be provided on site.
There is no need to book, you can just pop-in.
Present: Two one act comedies.
“Strictly SeX Factor on Ice” by David Tristram
“Dream Team” by Justin Clinch.
July 4th, 5th & 6th at 8pm.
West Wycombe Village Hall.
Tickets £9 and £6 concessions from:
Lynn on 351 523 or [email protected]
Diary Dates
Masque Players & Masquerade.
Two one act plays (see advert).
Ladybird Pre-School Sports day - 12noon -2pm.
Sunday 4pm
Pet Service St Mary’s Sydenham.
20th Saturday
Chiltern Brewery Open Day
Sydenham Cricket Club v Great Haseley
Sydenham Cricket Club v Haddenham
Sydenham Cricket Club ‘The Ashes’
Chinnor Flower & Produce Show.
2.30pm Chinnor. Admission 50p
The Big Pink Plunge! Charity parachute jump
in support of ‘Against Breast Cancer’.
Brackley airfield - £395 sponsorship
14th Saturday
Ride & Stride – Local Oxfordshire Churches
10am to 6pm – Sponsored Cycle Ride
Views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Sydenham Newsletter Team
or other contributors. The publication of content in the Sydenham Newsletter is at the sole
discretion of the Editorial Team, and although every effort is made to only include bona fide
advertisers, the Newsletter Team take no responsibility for the validity of claims or offers made.
Pub & Restaurant, Cask Ales & Wines
En-suite Rooms
Large Beer Garden, Car Park
Lunch, Wednesday – Sunday
Dinner, Monday – Saturday
Tel: 01844 351367
email: [email protected]
Sydenham Road, Sydenham, Chinnor, OX39 4LD
The Newsletter is supported by the Parish Council