m essenger - Winthrop United Methodist Church


m essenger - Winthrop United Methodist Church
Winthrop United Methodist Church
July/August 2012
Dear Saints,
As I am now into the middle of summer missions at Camp Mechuwana I thought it would be appropriate to
share a little about this wonderful ministry. I love missions work – it’s a passion that started in my life several years
ago when I went to Nicaragua. In my opinion mission and mission-related activities prove time and again to be one of
the most effective means of transformational ministry I know. I can’t tell you how many times each summer that I’m
brought to tears – because of the work of the Lord in and through the many disciples who come to Mechuwana Mission’s Camp. When we understand the saving grace of Christ we become the working hands for Christ in our world.
This is the transforming work that takes place each summer at Camp Mechuwana.
Last year Camp Mechuwana served over 1100 campers in a variety of camp programs like music theater, basketball, soccer, swimming, sewing, and Camp I Am just to mention a few. Eighty percent of the campers who come to
Mechuwana – come on some sort of scholarship. Many come without the basic needs and equipment to participate in
that week’s activity – usually with the excuse that they forgot their clothes or equipment at home – when in reality –
their family did not have the means to provide their children with the proper equipment or clothing. Norm Tombs, the
director is wonderful – he doesn’t even bat an eye when he responds to the family or child saying; “that’s ok we have
plenty of stuff” -- and then either he or another member of the staff will go out and buy whatever the child may need.
In doing so I honestly believe Camp Mechuwana becomes, “the working hands of Christ” in our world today.
I remember a time when I was volunteering at the camp and Norm shared a story with me about a phone call
he just received. He shared that a woman from Northern Maine had just called to say that her two daughters would not
be able to come to camp next week because their father had just lost his job and they could not afford the cost of camp.
Norm replied – “The girls are coming to camp and for them not to worry about the money because he had extra scholarship money and they could come free”. I don’t think I have to tell any of you the financial realities of Mechuwana
camping, but like most church camps – there was no extra scholarship money. The girls came to camp!
A few years ago Bishop Pete Weaver spoke at Mid-Maine Clergy days and asked the question; “How many
people in the room have had a transformational encounter at a youth summer camp or on a missions trip” and I would
say that about 2/3 of the people there raised their hand. I’d say that’s a pretty effective evangelical tool wouldn’t you?
Along with the 1100 campers last summer – Mechuwana had over 200 mission team workers at camp. They
came from Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Mass, Delaware, Maine, Indiana and Wisconsin.
What I like so much about these mission groups and the mission projects is that I get to see the Spirit of Christ at work
every week and usually every day.
I can’t tell you how many times each summer that I see the Spirit of Christ come into and change someone’s
life – this is important ministry and you – the Winthrop United Methodist Church helps to support this ministry by not
only sharing my time with the mission camp – but also with your time as volunteers at many of the summer camps as
well as your financial support. Because of disciples like you – Mechuwana becomes the transforming hands of Jesus
Christ to the world!
I would encourage each of you to spend some time at Camp this summer in doing so you are truly the hands of Christ reaching out to those in need – and it lots of fun
as well!
Pastor Ned
You are invited to join an
IRELAND tour with other
church folk in May, 2013.
If you would like to provide special music in our worship services during July and August, please contact
Judy Barnes at 377-8643.
New Book Authored by John Neff
Just released is John Neff's new book entitled Baxter
State Park and Katahdin. It is one of the Arcadia Publishing Company's Images of America Series - mostly historic photographs with emphasis on the captions rather than
lengthy text.
Using archival photographs, including many from the
19th century, the book visually traces the history of the
Katahdin region and seeks to remind the reader of the
"forever wild" nature of Baxter State Park.
The book is now available at Apple Valley Books, Barnes
& Noble, Amazon, other retailers and, of course, from the
author himself.
Sandy Schiller, Alice Flagg, Amy Dolan, Enga and
John Stewart
Thank you for removing the wallpaper in the parsonage
kitchen. Thanks to Todd for painting the kitchen &
upstairs bedroom. It looks much brighter!
There are several rooms in the parsonage that need updating by wallpaper removal. If you are interested in getting
a team together to do a room, contact Sue Thomas,
Trustee Chair, or Enga Stewart.
Our Parsonage at 253 Memorial Drive is For Sale.
The price is $212,000 for this spacious, 4 bedroom
home. Contact Jack Kaiser for more information.
The trip is being planned by
George and Gail Lee, members of our church and
successors to veteran churchrelated travel leaders, Rev. John and Helen Neff.
The tour, designed by Grand Circle Travel, will include
many places related to the rich religious history of the Emerald Isle as well as the beautiful vistas and sights of this
remarkable country.
If you wish to receive more detailed information about the
itinerary and the costs, contact George and Gail by phone at
(207) 592-6744; by mail at 98 Frost Drive, Monmouth, ME
04259; or by email at [email protected].
What’s happening at neighboring UMC’s?
Living in Wayne, I go to events at the Readfield UMC
and the Wayne Community Church as well as our own
church. Some of their coming events may interest you as
well. Here are the ones I know about:
Readfield UMC public baked bean and casserole suppers July 14, August 4, September 1. Roast Pork harvest
meal October 13.
Wayne Community Church silent auction June 30-July
7 at the church 9-11 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. daily; online auction June 25-July 5 at BiddingForGood.com/Operation
Overboard VBS July 16-20. Phone 685-3505 for tickets
or info.
Wayne; Maranacook String Band concert July 1 from 4
-6 p.m.; and pulled pork BBQ July 7 from 5-7 p.m.
(limited tickets, best to purchase in advance);
Dear Church Family: Thank you all for the cards, prayers and the gift certificate.
Beulah Osborne
Thank you so very much for awarding me the Jeanette Cumber Memorial Scholarship!! This will certainly help me
further my education!
Thank you again!!
Meg Scully
Lectionary Readings for July & August
Below are the scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary
July 1
2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27
Psalm 130
2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Mark 5:21-43
July 8
2 Samuel 5:1-5,9-10
Psalm 48
2 Corinthians 12:2-10
Mark 6:1-13
July 15
2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19
Psalm 24
Ephesians 1:3-14
Mark 6:14-29
July 29
2 Samuel 11:1-15
Psalm 14
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21
Aug. 5
2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a
Psalm 51:1-12
Ephesians 4:1-16
John 6:24-35
Aug. 12
2 Samuel 18:5-9,15,31-33
Psalm 130
Ephesians 4:25-5:2
John 6:35, 41-51
Aug. 19
1 Kings 2:10-12,3:3-14
Psalm 111
Ephesians 5:15-20
John 6:51-58
Aug. 26
1 Kings 8:(1,6,10-11)22-30,41-43
Psalm 84
Ephesians 6:10-20
John 6:56-69
July 22
2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Psalm 89:20-37
Ephesians 2:11-22
Mark 6:30-34,53-56
These words begin a reading in “Simple Abundance”, one of my very favorite books. It reminded me of
this past Sunday (June 24) when there were a lot of visitors in our congregation. We have been working very hard to become more welcoming, and need to continue to make sure our visitors feel like they
have come to a very special place.
It’s been 22 years since I walked into the church as a “new kid”--for some it has been even longer. Do
you remember what it is like to enter a place where you don’t know anyone? Speak to someone new
each week and get to know other members of our congregation—your life will be richer for it.
Caro Kaiser
Thank you to the very special people who sing in the choir for sharing their gifts of music during the year. June 24th was the last Sunday for the choir until September. Rehearsal on Thursday nights and singing on Sunday mornings are big commitments and I
thank each of you for being so faithful.
It is such a joy to have Bud and Judy Barnes back with us! Thank you, Judy, for all of
the work that you put into your beautiful music, and for the wonderful job you do in accompanying the choir.
Thanks also to Mark Johnston for sharing his gift of music. It’s great to have Mark and
Judy back!
Caro Kaiser
2012 Summer Calendar
Sunday Worship Services: 9:30 a.m.
Mondays: 7:00 p.m. AA and Al-anon
Tuesdays: 5:30 p.m. Weight Watchers
Wednesdays: 6:00a.m. Dawn Patrol: “Fire on The Mountain”
Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. Lectionary: “Fire on The Mountain”
Wednesdays: 7:00p.m. Adult Study: “Fire on The Mountain” (Last Class is August 1st)
July 2012
Thursday, July 14 Trustees Meeting 7 p.m.
July 16th—20th Vacation Bible School @ Wayne Church 5:30-8p.m.
Saturday, July 28th Super Salad Supper 5p.m.
August 2012
Wednesday, August 1st SPRC Meeting 6:30p.m.
Wednesday, August 8th Church Council Meeting 7p.m.
Saturday, August 18 Tabitha’s Closet 8 a.m.—1 p.m.
Camp Mechuwana—Wish List
If you have any items on Mechuwana's wish list, please
contact camp or drop them off at the office. Thank you for
your continued support of our ministry.
Like the pig in the TV advertisement, your Trustees have
enjoyed their past year (June 11 to June 12) with an
adrenalin rush. Such a happy, warm environment, made
even better with a new minister, Trish managing the office, and Todd's help to everyone as he "spic and span’d"
the buildings and grounds. (No small task... ask the
As we clap our hands and stomp our feet for the progresses made in all areas, it is also time to take a small
breather before the next big improvement. Ladies, put
your fans away, keep your programs in your laps, gentlemen just enjoy as we celebrate a "cool" experience with
our love of the Lord. (Ahem! Air conditioner should be a
welcome addition for whatever age and especially for the
four weddings Pastor has been asked to officiate in our
sanctuary this fall. (The choir should really be rocking
and rolling in comfort with a climate change up front!)
Paint Brushes
Paper Cutter
Paddle Boats
Life Jackets
Mechuwana's Mission Statement
It is the purpose of Camp Mechuwana to complement the
local church ministry by providing a unique Christian
setting for persons of all ages for personal growth and
experiences which enhance one's relationship to God,
neighbors, and the natural world.
Do you need a walker,
WUMC might have what you
WUMC’s Caring Team has
been accepting donations of
medical equipment such as canes and crutches. It is
their hope, that someone in need may be able to use such
items on a short-term basis from the church.
If you’d like more information, or have some equipment
you’d like to donate please call Lynda Pratt, 377-8748 or
the Church Office, 377-8620.
The Parsonage has received so much love thanks to Enga
and those she smilingly commandeered to remove old
wallpaper, prepare the walls and paint with some inviting colors. The blue kitchen sink is about to disappear as
I write.....Jack will like this one............and new counters
installed. Now we all hope to find a pleased and pleasant
family. Our big time thanks and appreciation to each one
of you who were able to lend a hand. Enjoy your summer, see you at the Super Salad Supper in July, and let us
all be ready for new fall activities.
God is good...all the time...all the time, God is good
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: The Prayer Shawl Ministry will be gathering on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every
month from 12:30p.m—2:00p.m. At WUMC in the Chapel. Feel free to pass by and do some knitting!
25 in attendance
Financial reports for April and May approved
Mission shares are paid up to date
Pledge and plate income for April and May 2012 increased $3400
from the same period in 2011
Sunday schedule change (9:00 Sunday School, 10:00 Worship)--voted on and passed. This change will
begin September 9, 2012.
Communion is available at 9:15 Sunday mornings and will be served during Worship on the first Sunday
each month and at special times.
Carl Swanson provided an in-depth report on a heating-cooling air exchange system for the Sanctuary at a
cost of approximately $15,000. Discussion followed. All present were allowed to participate in a written
vote and the majority voted in favor of buying the system.
Sale price for the parsonage has been reduced to $212,000. Painting the outside, painting some rooms inside, and a new stainless steel sink have been done.
The apartment at 72 Main St. will be rented to the new pastor for the Readfield UMC while renovations are
being done at their parsonage.
The minutes of all Council meetings are available in the office if you wish to have more detailed information.
Caro Kaiser, Chair
Camp Mechuwana Alumni Day: Please consider joining us on July 28th for the Mechuwana Alumni Day.
We welcome any and all who have come to Mechuwana in the past for a day of remembering the times you've
had here and meeting the current faces of this ministry.
Between 1:00pm and 4:00pm there will be an open house with tours of the camp. Swimming at the waterfront
and the boating area will be open during this period; the camp archives will be available for viewing in the
Commons. There will a worship service around 4:00pm; after the service there will be a cookout. Please RSVP
FOUND: There is a small black umbrella on the counter in the church office. It was
found in the Chapel…if it belongs to you please come get it!
LOST: We are looking for a gray wool coat that was left in the Upper Room one chilly
day. It has distinctive gray embroidery on one sleeve. The buttons are off center on the
front of the coat. If this sounds familiar to you please drop it off in the church office.
The Work of WUMC
And the many hands that help
It’s summer, but there are still opportunities to gather with
friends and learn more about God’s plan for our lives. Ellen Ditto, one of Mechuwana’s returning mission volunteers, is facilitating a 6-week study called “Fire on the
Mountain.” Class sessions use a DVD based in areas of the
world where God led and taught the Hebrew people about
relationships, both with Him and with each other. Join us
on Wednesdays from 6 a.m. till 7:30, 9 a.m. till 10:30 or 7
p.m. until 8 (or so). No class on July 4, but classes will
meet through August 1.
Kids entering kindergarten through fifth grade, come join
friends at the Wayne Community Church for “Operation
Overboard: Dare to Go Deep With God.” Our joint-effort
vacation bible school will meet in Wayne July 16-20 in the
evenings from 5:30 till 8 p.m. Adults from Winthrop will
be helping with the sessions, so you’ll see familiar faces
there and make new friends too. Check our church website,
look for a letter going out to families with kids, or call the
Wayne church office at 685-3505 for more information.
July 1st is like the beginning of a new year in the life
of our church. It is when our teams welcome new members and thank the ones who are moving on. It takes many
people with lots of ideas and energy to make things happen and keep things going.
Lois Small is leaving the Trustees after 2 years of cochairing with Sue Thomas. What a lot of work they have
done! So many things to keep track--the church building,
72 Main Street, and the parsonage! Thank you for all that
you have done.
Janet Cowperthwaite has been Chair of SPRC for the last
3 years and will be stepping down. Thank you, thank you
for all of your hard work with the committee, for your patience, your willingness to listen and hear what was being
said, and for the very generous gift of your time.
Caro Kaiser
Your Christian Education team members would like to
hear about your learning experiences in the past (what
made them good or bad?) and the things that would be
most helpful to you personally and as a member of this
church family. Please speak to any of us (Cindy Hinkley,
Jill Howes, Kristin McLaren, Christy O’Connell, Enga
Stewart, Lynda Pratt, Donna Wilcox, Sookie Weymouth,
Pastor Ned) about these experiences and needs so that we
can fit our program to your needs.
Have a great summer!
Sookie Weymouth for the CE team
The Wayne Community Church Messenger carried an article about a simple mission
suggested in 2011 at Annual Conference. It entails collecting shoes we no longer need
(still in good condition, no winter footwear) and sending them to Rerun Shoes for sorting and shipment to Africa. There small-scale entrepreneurs in Mali, Liberia, or Guinea
recondition and market them to others in their country. It is a four-edged program reducing landfill here, providing employment for people in Africa, making low-cost footwear available there, and obtaining a bed net for Imagine No Malaria for every 100 lbs.
of shoes donated.
More information is available at www.rerunshoes.com. We invite you to bring your
gently used shoes to church (Winthrop UMC) between August 5 and 12, and we will
ship them to Rerun Shoes.
Jill Howes and Sookie Weymouth
Church Office Hours:
9 a.m—2 p.m
(207) 377-8620
Ned S. Crockett
Bev. Dow
Tricia Day
(207) 242-0113
Lay Leader
(207) 215-6155
Office Manager
P.O. Box 136 ~ 58 Main Street
Winthrop, ME 04364
Email: [email protected]
Pastor Ned: [email protected]
Sunday Worship service
9:30 a.m.
Saturday August 18th in Fellowship Hall 8-1pm
Tabitha’s Closet volunteers will begin sorting through
Donations of school supplies, hand sanitizers, tissues,
welcomed! Please try to have your freshly washed donationstothechurchbyMondayAugust13th.
for questions about donations. Volunteers wanted to
help set-up, donate light food for workers and to help
The mission of the Winthrop United Methodist Church is
to be a Christian community that invites all people to participate in God’s love. Our purpose is to live out the
Winthrop United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 136
Winthrop, ME 04364