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Click Here To CTA CPA Profits
CTA CPA Profits
James Canzanella
© James Canzanella
All Rights Reserved
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and is not to be given away, traded, or distributed without the written consent of
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Table Of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................................................3
Tap ........................................................................................................................21
Automate ............................................................................................................30
Repeat .................................................................................................................35
Cutting Edge Secrets ...........................................................................................36
Overview …...........................................................................................................43
Frequently Asked Questions ...............................................................................44
Highly Recommended Resources …...................................................................46
Hey it's James Canzanella...
And I want to congratulate you for picking up CTA CPA Profits!
Rest assured, you're going to be learning from one of the original IG pioneers.
Ever since I released my first Instagram system sometime back...
There's been many attempts to 'model' it, yet they all just came out as copies.
I've made plenty of money, and made plenty of mistakes when it comes to IG...
And that's the type of experience I can give you that most simply can not.
Here's what makes Instagram so damn awesome...
All it takes for 'Instagram work' is tapping buttons on your smart phone...
(which you can literally do anywhere at anytime)
Then you can put the process on 100% autopilot...
And yes... by 100% autopilot I actually mean it (I'll show you how)!
I can't tell you how many times I've seen people claim you can do that...
But this is one of those systems that makes me money...
And heck, I'm not even thinking about what's going on, just checking the money.
It's definitely not a 'make a million dollars in a minute' (lol) type of system...
But it makes up for that in ease and simplicity.
I've read and appreciated every review from my previous IG system...
And I'm back to fill in all the gaps, wants, and needs for Instagram.
Here it is, your simple blueprint when it comes to profiting from Instagram.
Let's dive in, and congratulations again for picking this up!
I'm going to be working backwards here.
Rather than tell you first about all of the minor details...
I'm going to go through the entire system first so you can get a good idea of it...
Then cover the minor details later (because that's what they should be, minor).
So this first step is extremely basic, but very important...
As it 'sets the mood' for the rest of the system.
So first and foremost, you are going to need
to sign up using your phone.
If you don't have Instagram, go to App Store,
Search, then type in Instagram.
(I know, I need to update a few apps)
Since I already have Instagram, it says open,
but if you don't have it, it will most likely say
Be sure to tap that and follow their lead.
So here we are at the sign up page.
I recommend that every time you sign up for
an account (yes, you can do it a couple times
if you like, which I'll talk about later)...
You simply sign up by entering your email.
For each new account, you can just create a
new email account (which takes 5 minutes)
and is good for that.
Now like I said, this is basic but very
important, and here is why.
You want your username to be targeted to the offer you are going to promote.
It's the same thing with a Facebook fan page...
If you were going to buy a NFL Tee from a FB page called Football shirts...
You'd feel like you were in the right spot.
But if that page was called Game Of Thrones Fans, well, you get the idea.
The good thing is that you can always change your offer and username.
So if you are unsure about what to put as your username...
(even if you aren't sure about what you want to promote)...
Simply go with a generic name (your first and middle name will work).
Note: You don't have to use your name in your username, it's just a suggestion.
So you've filled in your email, created your username, and chose a password...
Now all you need to do is fill in your picture.
It can be a picture of you, something that might be related to your offer...
Or if you want to use a picture of someone else, feel free to, however...
Important: If you are using a picture of someone else...
Make sure you have permission to do so.
There are sites where you can download or buy pictures of other people...
Which allow you to use for whatever you like (fiverr is great for that).
The reason you do this is simple, women get a ton more eyeballs than men.
Another Tip: If you get a picture done make sure it's not a stock photo...
Casual is better, as if it was a selfie taken specifically for Instagram.
Now that we have all of that setup, let's focus on the goldmine, your profile.
This is important because it's where
everyone is going to go when they either
like or comment on a picture of yours, or
simply follow you.
Here's the setup based upon the numbers,
and yes this is one of my accounts.
1) Profile picture
2) Your first name
3) Text 'selling' click
4) Link to the goods
1 and 2 we already talked about, so let's
dive into the importance of 3 and 4.
3 is your text 'selling' click, or in basic terms, your description.
This is where normal IG users say something about themselves, or post a quote...
But we are here to monetize the space so we will be doing it differently.
Now before I get into this section, I want to make something very clear...
I'm not going to be using any 'normal offer' as an example...
Because despite how many times I've said it doesn't convert, or even stated...
“DO NOT COPY THIS OFFER”, people still do it for some odd reason.
Yes, so what that means is you are going to have to do your own work (unless
you picked up my done for you offers)...
And aside from that, I'm going to make up an offer.
Now that we've got that important aspect done, here's my templates to use.
Let's say your offer is for getting a pet pony (like I said, random!) where
someone can enter their email for a chance to get one.
Here are a few templates used to promote that offer in your profile.
Would you like to get a pet pony? Tap the link below to see if you qualify!
Pet pony fans, tap the link below to get a pet pony all for yourself!
Today is your lucky day! Tap the link below to see if you qualify to get a pet
I think you get the idea from the 3 above, but notice something important...
They all include CTA's (call to actions).
People are so busy jumping around from user to user and picture to picture on
That it's very important you tell them what to do!
Here are a few more examples of calls to action that you can interchange and test
out yourself to make more interesting.
Click below, click the link, tap below, tap the link, go here, visit the link, visit
the link below, check out below, get the details here, etc.
Now before I get to number 4, I want to give you a good idea of what you can
promote using your text and affiliate link.
CPA offers.
Obviously, but the main thing people don't realize here...
Is that it needs to be somewhat mobile optimized.
If the person arrives to your page and they it isn't mobile optimized...
Good luck getting conversions.
Zib submits, email submits, and any type of lead generation work great.
Clickbank / Sale Offers.
Clickbank offers are great, but the thing is that a lot of them have VSLs...
And it's not that they don't convert, it's just best to grab their email instead...
Which is what makes building a list pretty darn important.
Here's how to create a mobile optimized squeeze page 'for free'.
If you have Aweber, if you don't, you can sign up for free here and get bonuses.
Once you are logged in, click on Sign Up Forms...
Then click Create A Sign Up Form, as shown below.
From there you will simply create a basic form...
You can move to the next page to see what mine looks like.
For this example, I will be redirecting them straight to a Clickbank offer.
In this case, it will be a cooking recipe (I mean pet pony offer).
Once you are done click on Save Your Form and follow the directions on the next
Basic stuff here, create a name for your form at the top...
And then (important) put your affiliate link in BOTH the thank you page and the
already subscribed page, then simply click Save Your Form.
On the last page you will simply grab the link Aweber gives you.
That's the link you can paste into your IG profile (it's mobile optimized!)...
Or if you want to make it spiffy and track how many clicks you get...
Simply make a link out of it, and then put it in your profile.
So now you know what to put in the profile box when it comes to your
description and if you are building a list...
But what about CPA offers and making sure they get allowed on Instagram? Well
that's what I'm going to be going over now.
So if you are looking to just have a link that goes to your offer, you are going to
need to forward and mask it...
Which means yes, you are going to need to have some type of website.
Here's the good news!
For this type of method, all you need to do is buy a .99 .info domain...
(you can get one here at 1 and 1).
So let's say your offer, once again, is for getting a pet pony (lol)...
You want to make sure your domain is something similar to that, for example..., or, you get the idea.
Once you purchase your domain on 1and1...
You want to find the Domains tab (click on that)...
Find your domain you bought (click on that)...
And then look at the picture on the next page...
You want to click on Edit next to Destination:
Here is how you want to edit the settings:
1) Select the Redirect button
2) For Redirect destination, put your affiliate link
3) Select the frame redirect button
4) Meta title, make it related to the offer
5) Click Save on the button
Now give it an hour or so, and your domain will go to the offer.
That's how you fly under Instagram's radar.
And last but not least, I recommend you put your info domain into a link.
That allows you to see how many clicks you get and where they come from.
So that's the simple .99 way to do it.
Next, if you already have your own hosting, website, and domain...
You can simply create your own landing page.
So what I'm going to do here is walk you through 2 types of landing pages...
And how you can even create one for free.
1) The Simple Lander
The simple lander is usually one page, with a BIG call to action...
Sprinkled with a few benefits here and there.
Here is a random example of a dating one:
Pretty simple, right?
Just by looking at it, you know it's for dating, and there is one main goal...
Click here to sign up, which is where the person's affiliate link would go.
If you are looking for a gig to get a customized landing page done, I recommend
checking out Fiverr.
So that's the simple lander, next is the...
2) Yes Yes Yes Lander
The idea here, if you couldn't tell, is getting the person to say yes yes yes.
That's what I like to refer to as micro commitments...
The more micro commitments you can get from someone prior to your offer...
The higher your conversions tend to be.
Now here is a really awesome site for you: Typeform
You can actually create survey style landers that direct to your offer.
Since that site shows you how to set it up, I will let them do that for you.
In the meantime, here are a few questions you would want to ask someone.
Note: 3-4 questions seems to be the best amount to ask (from my testing).
Do you want to get a new pony?
Do you promise to take good care of your pony if you get one?
Are you ready to receive your new pony right now?
Yes, I used the pony example, again...
But as you can see, the questions should be pretty darn obvious...
And it will always be that way regardless of the offer you promote.
Just ask yourself, what questions would this person say yes to?
So after a person says yes yes yes, they get directed to your offer and take action.
Wrapping It Up
So like I said, we are really getting in depth here.
We're on 20 pages and that was just step 1!
We've got more to cover so let's keep moving, but before we do...
Here's your action steps.
1) Create an account and add in a picture
2) Find an offer to promote
3) Create some type of lander (many ways above)
4) Make sure that lander eventually directs to your offer
5) Take your link and make it a link
6) Create a description and plug in your link
Here's the crazy part about Instagram, all of the 'work'...
Simply requires tapping buttons on your phone.
In this section we're going to do some work, so get those thumbs ready!
Here's this module's process in a nuthsell.
1) Install a picture saver
2) Post a few pictures
3) Like, comment, follow
4) Repeat step 3 as much as possible (eventually automate it)
So first and foremost we are installing a
picture saver.
This is just like when you first installed
Instagram on your smart phone.
Go to App Store, then search for 'instagram
picture saver' as shown to the right.
The App that is showing on the screen is a
good one: InstaSave.
Now here's the thing with Instagram picture saving Apps.
Most of them come with tokens, where you can only save X amount of pictures...
So when you run out, you have to purchase the full App to get more.
What I like to do is use the tokens, delete the App, and get a new one :-)
Hey it works, and you really don't need to get a ton of pictures.
In the beginning, you want a few pictures (3-5) to dress up your account.
Just so it doesn't look like a damn bot is running it.
So what pictures should you look for to save?
It all depends on the offer you are going to promote.
So if your offer is for a pony, you search for pony pictures.
If your offer is for weight loss, you search for weight loss.
If your offer is for golf, you search for golf and anything related.
Makes sense right?
Here is a screenshot that shows you how to search for pictures.
These snapshots were from the InstSave App...
But as you can see, you just search for the hashtag in the Search Tags section.
Who would have thought #pony gets that many posts?!
And then on the right is a picture of many ponys.
You would simply tap the picture you want, and there will be instructions to save
it to your photos on your phone, so you can post it again.
What types of photos work the best?
Memes! If you don't know what a meme is, here is an example...
Memes might as well be social media dynamite...
They get more likes, comments, and shares than almost everything else.
So after you have your picture saved, you want to go to Instagram and post it.
You do that by tapping the button in the middle on the bottom.
You don't need to give it any fancy filters...
But there are 2 things you should do for every picture.
1) Write a short sentence to generate activity
2) Fill it with relevant hashtags
So if I was posting that personal trainer picture above...
Here are some examples of short sentences you can put.
Double tap if you like this!
Double tap if you think this is hilarious!
How many likes for this picture?
Tag a personal trainer!
And right after that, you would fill it up with hashtags to get more views.
So here is an example of what you could write for that picture.
Double tap if you think this hilarious! #gym #gymmeme #gymlife
#personaltrainer #girlswholift #fitchicks #lifting #fitness #swole
Note: The most amount of hashtags you can use per picture post is 30.
Another Note: The more hashtags, the more reach your posts have.
So that's how you post pictures, post around 3-5 to start off your account.
Now onto the next part, like, comment, and follow.
What you want to do is search for specific hashtags related to your offer.
Here is an example of me searching for golf, notice how I clicked on the
magnifying glass on the bottom to get this screen, then TAGS.
Now this is what comes down to the 'hard work' of this system...
Are you ready for it?
[--- Work Starts ---]
What you want to do is tap on the top picture (from the most recent section)...
Double tap the picture (this likes it) you see, scroll down...
Double tap the picture (this likes it) you see, scroll down...
(the repeat as much as possible).
Every now and then you can tap once on the picture to bring it up...
Follow the person and leave a comment.
(then repeat what I mentioned above as much as possible).
[--- Work Ends ---]
It's interesting...
I've told that to so many people yet they believe there is more to it.
I mean hey, I could always try and make it more difficult for you...
But that's not my thing.
Anyway, here is the reason why doing that is important.
Whenever you like, comment, or follow someone...
They get a notification on IG (and it usually comes up on their phone too).
So not only will they sometimes comment back, follow you, or like a photo...
They will check out your profile (and remember, it's a targeted viewer)...
And if you set up your profile like I stated, it will help drive more clicks.
So now we move to the last step in this module: Repeat as much as possible.
Now, as you've noticed it's pretty repetitive getting this system going...
However, the BIG benefit is that it can be done on your phone...
And as you may know, you can literally use your phone anywhere.
This system is perfect for doing at random times (like I've done)...
Perhaps watching football, basketball, golf, and any TV show...
Literally laying on the couch and tapping buttons...
And heck, you could even tap buttons while you are in the bathroom.
Seriously, there's no reason why you can't get the work done.
The fact of the matter is that you need to like, comment, and follow others.
Your Question “Answered”: Is there a limit to how many times I can like,
comment, or follow in a specific amount of time?
Yes, however that is based upon Instagrams algorithm so I can't give you an
exact answer.
There were a couple times that I liked so many pictures so quickly...
That it basically told me to slow down and couldn't like any for a couple hours.
So if that happens to you, congratulate yourself for taking action!
Wrapping It Up
So here are your action steps for this section.
1) Install an application to save pictures.
2) Save a few and post them to your profile with a sentence and hashtags.
3) Search for a hashtag related to your offer.
4) Like, comment, and follow based on pictures you see (15 minutes).
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 with new hashtags.
Automate, or automation... either way it's music to your ears.
But it's important you do the work (in the beginning) along with the automation.
Here is how you are going to automate the process: Instagress.
Be sure to go there, sign up, and login using your IG uersname and password.
After logging in it will show your profile picture with many functions.
The best part about this is that your first 3 days are free (more on that soon).
Above is a picture from the top of mine which is currently paused.
What you want to do is first turn on the Likes, Comments, and Follows section.
You don't need to start it yet, jump down to the next section.
You want to match what my settings have above, except for activity speed.
If you are using a new account, just like Instagress suggests, then I recommend
going with medium speed until you get more action going on.
Once you get some activity going, you can change it to fast and you should be
good (that has worked best for me).
If you go too quickly, you just simply have to confirm your password or number.
Next is the comment section, check off Don't comment the same users...
And then you want to fill in a LOT of comments (the more the better).
I would say at least 20, but they can be basic things like:
I love this
I really like this
This is awesome
Thanks for posting this
More people should like this!
Thanks for posting :)
You should definitely have more followers lol
Next is the follow and unfollow section, check off what I have below.
And lastly is the most important part, the tags.
If you got my done for you package, you'll see why it's so helpful.
If not then you will have to do the work, find them, and enter manually.
The idea here is that you want to use as MANY tags as humanly possible.
The more tags you use, the more Instagress will target other people.
Now that you have everything all set up top...
Go back to the top and start your 3 free days.
Now for the important tips.
Make sure you do NOT like, comment, or follow anyone on your smart phone
while this is running (Instagress explains this)...
But the idea is that this site is set to run a certain amount of actions to make it
look as real as possible.
So what I like to do is when I am going to manually use Instagram...
I stop this and then I go to like, comment, and follow.
Once I am done, I start it up again and let it run on autopilot.
So the first 3 days are free, after that I recommend buying 30 days which is only
$9.99 (unless they decide to change the pricing).
Think of it this way, if you only made 1 conversion a day of $2 (which is pretty
damn easy) and you multiplied that by 30 (days in a month)...
You would have made $60.
$60 made - $10 invested = $50 profit.
Would you invest $1 to make $6?
Would you invest $10 to make $60?
Would you invest $100 to make $600?
You see where I'm going here.
But that's why this site is so awesome, you can start for free, and then use a very
small amount of money to automate it while getting your money back...
And then, of course, profiting.
Instagress is also ALWAYS adding new updates, so make sure you pay attention
to what they say as they know best, it's their platform.
Wrapping It Up
So here are your action steps for this section.
1) Sign up to Instagress
2) Edit all the appropriate settings
3) Add in comments and a TON of tags
4) Let it run for free on medium
This is a very, very short module, but important if you want to mini-scale up.
The idea here is that you can repeat module 1, 2, and 3 for new accounts.
I'm not sure what the exact number is when it comes to accounts that you can
However, when you get to that point, Instagram will simply let you know.
Just make sure you use a new email with every new account (
Once you have the new account, you go through everything I talked about.
1) Create
2) Tap
3) Automate
Now, you don't HAVE to do this (as you can focus on 1 account instead)...
However I wanted to let you know about it as it does help bring in more money.
Cutting Edge Secrets
You now have the knowledge to go out there on Instagram, target any type of
audience, and send them to your offer.
Pretty crazy, especially since Instagram has over 200 million users (and that
number is only going to keep increasing).
This next section is dedicated to doing a few specific things...
1) Growing your account faster
2) Making money using a different approach
3) Doing both at the same time
Let's look at a very powerful method I modeled from swapping.
Swapping is basically where you send out, let's say 100 clicks, to someone else's
offer, and then they send you back 100 clicks.
This is similar, except you will be doing it to get followers, called share for share,
or referred to in short: s4s.
To do this, upload a picture (could be of what you're promoting or either a
picture that talks about a shoutout).
Say you want to do a shoutout 4 shoutout, then put tons of shoutout hashtags.
Hashtags for that include:
Here is an example (on the right) of the type of
picture you can use.
Here is what the description might look like.
Do you want to shoutout 4 shoutout? DM me!
#s4s #s4sanyone #shoutout4shoutout
In case you were wondering, DM stands for
direct message, and it can be found in the top
right of your home screen as shown in the
picture on the right.
If people are interested, they will DM you and
you can set it up how you want to do your
shoutout for shoutout.
Question: Who posts the shoutout first, what
if you go first and they don't shoutout back?
Answer: Well, nothing happens really, they get some followers and you don't
bother doing any shoutouts with them anymore (and you can delete the picture).
If you have a much larger following than the other person, I highly recommend
that they do the shoutout first.
So that is the shoutout for shoutout method, next is monetizing shoutouts.
Yes, there are actually tons of people looking to buy shoutouts, simply because
they know how valuable having a large following is.
Here's the thing, most people are just doing it to get more 'Likes' on their
pictures and pats on the back, we're obviously looking to monetize what we have.
So why not share the love and get paid at the same time?
Here are the steps for this which are similar to s4s:
1) Post a picture about buying a shoutout
2) Write a description saying you are selling shoutouts and to DM you
3) Fill in with appropriate hashtags
4) Exchange details with the person who DM's you
Now since steps 1-3 are basically the same as the previous method, I want to
focus on step 4.
The person is eventually going to ask “How much for a shoutout?”
How much you charge is completely up to you, and will greatly depend upon on
how many followers you have.
Important Note: Make sure they pay you first. You are offering a service, if
they don't pay you first, they probably aren't going to pay at all. If they don't
want to pay first then don't waste your time with them.
It would be as simple as you giving them the price, them saying okay, you
sending over your Paypal address, and then you post a picture (of their choice)
along with a description (also of their choice) shouting out their username, so
others can tap it and follow them.
Important Note: This is obviously an advanced tactic, so if you have anything
under 1,000 followers I wouldn't recommend doing this at all until you build up
your following.
Let's continue on how to get more eyeballs to your goldmine page.
The Comment Aggressor
This is where you simply tell comment, and tell someone to check out your
profile at the same time. Here are some examples:
This is great, btw did you see my profile?
I love this! Did you happen to check out my profile?
Liked and following! Hey, did you happen to check out my profile yet?
The third example is the most powerful.
Not only did you leave a comment, follow them, and like their picture, so many
times the person will feel like they need to return the favor.
The idea here is that if you are going to comment on a picture, why not send
them to your profile?
You can use that strategy when:
1) When a random Instagram user messages you
2) People tagging you in photos
3) Commenting on other photos
4) Commenting on your own photos
5) S4S attemps
Let's move onto the next section:
Viral Hashtags
This is a great way to create your own unique hashtags that drive people back to
your profile (where the goldmine is located).
Remember how when you post your own photo, you want to enter in a little
description and then some hashtags?
Well there are going to be hashtags you want to use more often.
Here are a few examples.
Those are specifically for getting people to check your profile, here are some for
starting trends with your specific profile.
Let's say your username was called Best Fitness Girls, when you post all of your
hashtags, you might want to include one that is: #fgotd
(which would stand for fitness girl of the day)...
And the idea here is that you are going to want females to start posting picture
with that tag to get your attention.
By doing that, it's almost like shouting you out because they are looking to get
your attention.
So if you had posted a picture of a fitness girl, you put something like this.
Use our hashtag if you want to be featured: #fgotd
#fitnessgirl #fitnessgirls #fitness etc
So now you can get people posting about you, because THEY love the
recognition, love, and followers it will give them (you can also work in a
shoutout for shoutout if you like, too).
Keep in mind, this tactic can be used for any niche, I just happen to use fitness
and fitness girls as an example.
My last cutting edge secret is:
Hashtag Scout
This is a simple tactic, but can be very powerful for growing your account.
Anytime you are scrolling through pictures, look for new hashtags that you can
yourself in future pictures.
When I started using Instagram I created a rolodex of hashtags (that's what you
got in my done for you section)...
But if you didn't pick it up or just wanted to look for more hashtag ammunition,
simply copy them to a notepad either on your phone or on your computer.
This way, you will always have more hashtags to target, more people to bring
back to your profile, and obviously more money to make.
Did You Know: I created this strategy because sometimes you are so into what
you are doing, that it's hard to think of any new hashtags (especially ones that
are popular).
So here we are, you made it to the end...
Here is the overview of everything we talked about.
1) Create (user, post pictures, edit profile with description and link).
2) Tap (like, comment, and follow pictures related to your offer).
3) Automate (set up using Instagress).
4) Repeat (create more accounts if you want to).
Pretty simple stuff, right? There's no need to make anything more difficult than
it needs to be...
As that's everything I've done to make money from this system.
However, in the beginning I did I was going to work backwards, so now I'm
going to this report by answering the most popular Instagram questions.
Thanks again for investing in CTA CPA Profits!
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What are some of the best CPA networks for this system?
Answer: MaxBounty, ClickRover, GetOffersDirect, NAMoffers, RevenueAds
Question: Which one do you recommend I sign up for?
Answer: All of them, so you have a better chance of getting more offers.
Question: Best tip for getting accepted into CPA networks?
Answer: Be as honest as possible. It's okay to not have a lot of experience, it's
definitely not okay to try and lie by saying you have a ton of websites and you've
made a ton of sales, they can see right through that every single time.
Question: Where else can I find offers to promote?
Answer: Offervault and Odigger are two great sites for doing so.
Question: How long do you recommend I like pictures, comment, and follow
others in the beginning?
Answer: The more, the better. Remember, you are just doing that to get your
account going in the beginning, all while sending some traffic.
Question: Can I use Instagress while I'm liking, commenting, and following?
Answer: No, absolutely not! Instagress is very good at letting you know this.
However, you can post pictures while Instagress does the heavy lifting.
Question: Do you recommend email or sales offers?
Answer: That all depends on you and the offer you are running. If you want to
make some conversions faster, than go with a simple email / zip offer.
Question: Can I outsource this system?
Answer: Yes you can, however I recommend using Instagress. It's much, much
cheaper and easier to use and manage.
Question: How do I know if an offer is mobile optimized?
Answer: The offer sometimes will say it is, if it doesn't, simply open it up in
your smartphone and check yourself as it will be easy to navigate :)
Question: Can I do this on my computer?
Answer: Yes, there is a free application called Bluestacks that allows you to do
everything I talked about in this system, except from your PC.
Recommended Resources
CPA Supremacy: My hottest selling CPA system. Check out the success some of
my badass customers have had!
ClickFunnels: What I use for just about all of page builders and it's mobile
optimized. It's like the swiss army knife of IM and it comes with a free trial too!
Aweber: My favorite autoresponder, check out my review and get bonuses.
Fiverr: I can't tell you how much I use this site for getting mundane things done
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