Summer 2010 - Pendleton, NY


Summer 2010 - Pendleton, NY
On the Web:
Hello! Well, this spring was one of nicest that I can remember. The
flowers were beautiful and lasted for quite awhile. I hope the summer is
just as nice – in its own way! There are so many things to talk about in this
issue that I’ll get right to it!
Our Farmer’s Market opened on June 3 right on schedule thanks to
the work of a great committee. If you haven’t been there yet, it is open
every Thursday from 3pm to 8pm until October 28. The selection of goods
is terrific! Items range from wines to vegetables, plants and baked goods to
Jim Riester
meats, pretty potent hot sauces; a little bit of everything. It’s also a great
place to meet old friends and socialize for a while. We did get a little wet
on opening day, but it was a good time anyway.
We continue to monitor our budget closely as this year continues to have some rough
edges. By holding our expenses to the budgeted amount and experiencing current solid
revenues things are looking good so far this year. By the time the next newsletter comes out
we should be well into our next budgeting cycle. We’ll know how bad the news is from the
State on the employee retirement issue by that time. They are predicting a 30% increase to our
The grinder pump replacement program is starting to pickup some steam! We’ve
interviewed various venders and are about to write the specifications for the new pumps.
When this gets done and the contract is secured by one of these vendors, we’ll be able to start
replacing the grinder pumps. This should be a big help in our maintenance costs on our old
The FEMA flood plain map program continues to move along with our engineers
working with FEMA to come up with the best solution to this problem. The goal is to remove
as many homes as possible from the proposed flood plain. It’s never an easy task working
with government; no one seems to have any money to do the job right. More to follow.
We have done our research and switched Internet providers and phone service for the
Town Offices. Not only is the Internet provider five times faster than the old provider, but
the combination will save us about $1800 a year. Every penny counts! Also, on the
technology front, we’re looking into having the town garage hooked up to our main server to
make things a little more efficient. We’re even looking at a proposal for WiFi in the park so
that laptops could be used while visiting. Who would ever have thought?
Beam me up, Scotty!
As ever, Jim
Your Town
Joe Frawley
Ed Harman
David Leible
Join Us for the First Ever
Pendleton Farmers’ Market!
Thursdays from 3 PM to 8 PM from June to October 2010
You’ll find us by the water tower on Campbell Boulevard, in the lot in
front of the Historical Building. You’ll also find the Best locally grown
and produced products in this part of the state.
Ron Morrison
The Salvation Army’s collection bin has been removed from the side the “old” Town Garage. One reason
for the removal is that the Farmer’s Market is located in that area. That is not the only reason for the removal.
During the summer with all the garage sales scheduled, that parking lot was constantly a mess. Pick ups were not
regular and the bin would get filled. Many people would leave their donations on the outside. Animals, kids and
rain made a mess of it. We had to call for a pick up numerous times throughout the summer.
The Town’s 4th of July celebration and Fireworks display will be held on Sunday July 4th at the Town
Park on Campbell Blvd. The rain date will be Monday, July 5th.
The Town Hall offices will be closed on Monday, July 5th for Independence Day and Monday,
September 8th for Labor Day.
Trash and Recycling Collections Holiday Schedule
Regular Day of Collection
Holiday Schedule
July 4th, Independence Day
Tuesday Collection
Campbell and West
Wednesday, July 7th
Wednesday Collection
East of Campbell
Thursday, July 8th
Tuesday Collection
Campbell and West
Wednesday, September 8th
Wednesday Collection
East of Campbell
Thursday, September 9th
Labor Day, Monday September 6th
Did you know that we no longer need to “sort” our recyclables? Details are located on the HOME page
of the Town’s website along the right hand side.
Terry Pienta
Rabies Immunization Clinics for 2010
Tuesday August 10
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday September 18
4th of July
Saturday December 4
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Veterans Park-Village of Youngstown
(Corner of Nancy Price Way & Church Street
Cornell Cooperative Extension ("County Fairgrounds")
4487 Lake Avenue, Town of Lockport
Phone: 433-8839
City of North Tonawanda - Public Works Department
758 Erie Avenue, City of North Tonawanda
Phone: 695-8585
We wish to invite all residents and their families to attend this
year’s Independence Day Celebrations, Sunday July 4, 2010 at the Pendleton Town
Park on Campbell Blvd. The evening’s entertainment begins at 5 PM with music
provided by Jasper Adams and THE BYRD’S NEST BAND, with the Frontier
Skydivers scheduled to jump, weather permitting, just prior to the evenings
fireworks display, put on by Pyrotecnico of New Castle, PA. The Pendleton
Historical Society, PABA (Pendleton Athletic Booster Association) and CNBSA
(Central Niagara Baseball & Softball Association) will be providing a wide variety
of hot and cold food and beverages. So grab a lawn chair and join your neighbors at
the Pendleton Town Park to celebrate our nation’s independence.
We wish to thank the Wendelville Fire Company for providing traffic control, first
aid and fire protection services needed for this event.
In case of rain, the event will take place on Monday, July 5, 2010.
This continuing section of our newsletter shows the Arm's Length sales for the previous quarter. Not included in
Arm's Length sales are construction sales, estate sales, foreclosures and sales between relatives. * Land sizes
under one acre are not listed. Because sales will eventually affect what your home is assessed, it is important for
property owners to see what is sold in town, and the sales prices.
5785 Ton. Ck
7282 Bear Rdg
5980 Robinson
4857 Mapleton
In an effort to keep the Pendleton Town Directory current, the Lions Club would appreciate it if you would
alert them of any changes to your directory listing. You can submit a change online at or mail changes to: Pendleton Lions 6570 Campbell Blvd, Lockport, NY 14094.
Thank you!
Please remit payments to:
Pendleton Town Hall – Water
6570 Campbell Boulevard
Lockport, NY 14094
Remember to include the small portion of the water bill with your payment. Please do not staple or
paperclip your payment.
If you utilize an on-line pay service please make sure the 3rd party payee has the new address. Also,
please make sure the account number is on the face of the check to ensure proper posting to your account.
Billing occurs quarterly in January, April, July and October. Water bills are mailed out on Friday morning
of the 3rd FULL week. If you do not receive a bill by the last day of the billing month please contact the billing
clerk at 625-8833 ext. 11. Our office cannot be held accountable for postal problems or delays.
Most weekend mail is processed in Rochester first before it is received in our office. Payments must be
received by 4:00 p.m. on the due date to avoid late charges. Our system is set up to assess late charges on the date
due, which is posted on the small portion of your water bill, so please allow a few days for delivery.
For your convenience, there is a lockbox located inside the back entrance of the Town Hall. Payments
placed inside the lockbox will be credited to your account on the NEXT business day.
It’s getting near that time of the year where we get a lot of calls asking if our water rates have increased,
and my answer of course will be no. Our rates have not increased in many years. In addition, all residents with
sewer automatically receive a reduced rate for sewer charges with your July bill. If you are filling a pool, you do
not need to call for an adjustment.
Your previous and current meter readings are posted on the larger portion of your bill. You, the
homeowner should be comparing the meter readings on your bill to the reading on the meter located inside of
your home. If there is a discrepancy you should contact the billing clerk immediately.
I hope this information helps to provide you with an understanding of our billing process. Should you
need any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 625-8833 ext. 11.
Have a great summer, Rita Dispenza
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT that wants “chips” let us know so we some vandalism in and around the
Hopefully by the time this
newsletter is out, the state will have
passed the budget. Part of what is at
stake for Pendleton is almost $50,000
that is used directly for maintaining
our town roads. That represents
about 21% of our road maintenance
line. Once the state budget is adopted
I will finalize my roadwork schedule.
On behalf of the Niagara
County Highway Superintendents we
have been meeting with our
representatives from our County to
stress the need of a quick resolution
to the state budget “crisis”. Senator
George Maziarz and Assemblyman
Jim Hayes (our Pendleton
representatives) along with Assembly
Jane Corwin have supported our area
with this money now and in the past.
We have been chipping brush
as needed this spring, when the
chipper was not broke and manpower
was available. We will now be
chipping at the end and beginning of
the months only. Please properly
stack your brush at the roadside and
call after it is out at the road. Anyone
can drop off during our chipping
As far as roadside ditching,
we are moving along very well on
Mapleton Road, north side between
Campbell and Bear Ridge. We will
then continue to clean Townline
Road north of Slusaric Road on the
Pendleton side. Off road ditches are
constantly being looked at to fit into
our very tight schedule. We still have
several “leftover” from last years list
to finish.
We send our tractors with
brush hogs out twice a year to mow
the roadside ditches. The first time is
in June; the second time is around
fall. Our off road ditches get mowed
once a year generally in the fall.
Please help our very “flat”
town by not throwing debris into the
ditches, including grass clippings,
leaves, brush etc. I have a couple of
compost containers that really work
great for grass clipping and food
leftovers. You can find a variety on
line to fit your needs.
We have been experiencing
park. If anyone sees any damage or
bullying or any other illegal activity
feel free to call the police. You can
also notify the “Park Police” and/or
call me. By now I have warned many
people and would be happy to catch
the culprits. We have several sheriffs
that live in Pendleton and they are on
Please support the vendors at
the new Farmers Market in front of
the Historical Building on Thursdays.
Opening day was a success despite
the thunderstorm that hit at
Thanks again to the members
of the Lions Club and Bill Rott for
helping with one of the old shelters in
the park, Great Job!!
As always, if you have any
questions or concerns please feel free
to contact me by e-mail
[email protected] or at the
office 625-8033.
Jeff Stowell
Highway Superintendent
The Wendelville Seniors had Election of Officers in May and the results are as
follows: President—Loraine Gately, Vice President—Norma Lavocat, Secretary—Carol
Moeller, Treasurer—Irene Ruggirello, Sunshine—Donna Belling, Hospitality—Dorothy
Getty, 50/50 Raffle—Jean Haylett and Jane Walter. Our dues will be collected on June
14th and new membership cards will be given. Our picnic will be held July 12th in the
Pendleton Town Park. Our chairmen will be Donna and John Moyer. Their committee
will be Bill Langheier, Richard Wagner, Dorothy Getty, Carol Racey, Sara Price, and
Gloria Pittler. Our Basket Raffle will be held in September 14th; Co-Chairmen will be
Irene Ruggirello and Norma Lavocat. This is always a fun time for our Seniors. There
are a lot of wonderful trips set for this year thanks to our trip directors Richard Wagner,
Jane and Elmer Walter. They always do a first rate job. I hope everyone stays healthy
and enjoys their summer. Please remember our Veterans and those serving all over the
Loraine Gately, President
four o’clock. Come down and enjoy a fish fry dinner.
The Classic Car Cruise takes place, so come and take a
look at these tremendous restored autos from the days
Wendelville Fire Company would like to
past. The evening will conclude with the band “Crash
THANK all the citizens of the Town of Pendleton for
Cadillac” performing.
their support this year. The Annual Spring Raffle was a
Saturday, August 14th starts with the Famous
huge success. By the time you’re reading this, our
Wendelville Chowder, can be purchased by the bowl or
Lobster Fest has taken place, again with many of our
quart. It’s usually ready by 11am, and you are asked to
citizens having enjoyed a fantastic dinner. All profits
bring your own container. Five o’clock that afternoon is
from these events are turned into new equipment and
our Giant Fireman’s Parade. That evening the welltraining for our members.
known country band “West of the Mark” will be on our
Our Annual Road Collection Drive has begun
stage. Both days will include our tremendous food tent,
for 2010. Information and return envelopes have been
games of chance, children’s activities, and adult
arriving in your mail. Just a reminder, this drive is
refreshments. We hope to see a lot of our citizens come
conducted in-house by the Wendelville Fire Company,
down and enjoy!
with no assistance from an outside contractor. We
We hope your calendars are marked for the 13th
receive and appreciate all donations and comments that Annual HARVEST MOON 5K RUN, FUN WALK
come from the citizens.
AND CHILDREN’S RACE!!! September 8th is the
As of June 3, Wendelville Fire Company now
date! There are categories for all ages in the different
owns a thermal imaging camera. Training in the use of events – from 3 years old through 85, 90 – you name it!
this device has already begun. This device is a multiAnyone can enter, especially in the Fun Walk, which is 2
functioning tool that can be used for many different
miles long and just enough to get those joints moving and
scenarios. First, this device is used at structure fires to
that heart pumping! How about the folks from your
locate downed victims. It is used to find potential hot
church or school? Perhaps you could form a team and
spots during overhaul, and is an investigative tool used
challenge others! How about a parent – child team
for above dropped ceilings. Second, the camera can be
challenging another one from the neighborhood? All in
used in search situations. It can be used to help locate
good fun and for the good of all. Questions? Call Jim,
small children or confused senior citizens that have
694-5582 or Steve, 625-9468. (Great party afterwards!)
wandered from their homes. Another use is found at auto
Wendelville Fire Company is presently a group of
accidents, to help locate victims have wandered away or ninety people, men and women who are ready to assist
have been ejected from vehicle.
their neighbors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365
Technology can be very useful and versatile.
days a year. We can be reached for emergency services,
Save the dates of August 13 and 14, the Annual simply by dialing 911. Interested in learning more about
Wendelville Field Days will take place on this Friday
us and our work? New members are always welcomed,
and Saturday. Friday, August 13th, the grounds open at stop by on Thursday evening or call 625-6121.
KIDS’ RACE: AGES 3 & 4, 5 & 6, 7 & 8 (6:00 PM); 2 MILE WALK (6:15 PM); 5-K RUN (6:30 PM)
Name ____________________________________________________ Runner / Walker / Kids’ Race (circle one)
Address __________________________________________________ Email ____________________________
Phone ________________________ Sex: M [ ] F [ ] Age on 09/08/10 ______
Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL (Add $1.00 for XXL) Youth: S (4-6) M (8-10) L (12-14)
WAIVER: In consideration of my acceptance and registration, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and
administrators, waive & release any & all rights and claims for damages against the Wendelville Fire Company, its
agents, successors & assignors for all injuries suffered by me at said race. I declare myself physically fit for this race.
Please sign here ____________________________________________ Date __________________
Signature (Parent or Guardian if under 18 on 09/08/10)
Early this year, or really last
fall, the Lions approached Town
Councilman Dave Leible about the
possibility of remodeling the Lions
Shelter or Shelter # 2. The roof was
sagging on both sides and it was starting
to show its age. We suggested to Dave that we would be
interested in providing all labor for free and if the project
went over budget, we would provide some funding, if that
was required. Our goal was to start the project this spring
and try to finish it by Memorial Day May 31st, 2010. We
began work on the shelter May 24, shoring up and
resetting the post of the sagging roof, painting the posts
and placing new fascia boards around the whole roof. We
completed the first phase of the project around May 26th,
2010. We notified Town Resident WM. C. Rott & Son
Roofing and told them that they could start placing a new
roof on the shelter. Since we were under budget, Stephen
Rott suggested we remove the entire old roof and put up
new boards. This was all completed and to our surprise
they were able to have the shingles for the roof donated to
the Lions for this project. The parties will go unnamed,
but their gratitude is greatly appreciated by the Lions and
all residents of the Town of Pendleton. THANK YOU.
Lions starting to do the work on Shelter #2 May 24,
2010; the picture shows the repair needed.
Wm. Rott
sign signal
the end of a
This past May, on Tuesday morning, May 11th,
2010, the Pendleton Lions Club participated with many
other organizations in presenting awards to the Starpoint
seniors at their annual senior awards Breakfast.
Pendleton again this year awarded four $500.00
scholarships to two very deserving young ladies and two
very deserving young men from Starpoint High School.
Our President, Lion Chris Stanz presented the
scholarships to Karl Bobsein, Derek Bongiovanni, Emily
Schiller and Kayla Johnston. This year the club had to
select four winners from ten applications. Congratulations
to these future leaders and maybe future Lions.
President Stanz
presented the
scholarships to Karl
Bobsein, Derek
Bongiovanni, Emily
Schiller and Kayla
Johnston with Fellow
Lion and Starpoint
School Superintendent
Doug Whelan
The Lions Club resident senior dinner was held on
Sunday, April 25th from 3PM until 6PM. Our count
revealed that over 67 seniors attended from the town, and
everyone had a great time. There were 15 Lions and their
families doing all the work for our senior guests. Thanks
go out to Lion Gary Braun, with the help Lion Joe
Macaluso for their help in organizing this event. The
Lions received a very nice thank you from both the
Wendelville and Pendleton Seniors with a special thank
you note from Loraine Moje, president of the Pendleton
Finally, as you will see shortly, this year’s
Pendleton Lions Club Directory will be distributed to the
Pendleton households soon. If any resident in the town
does not receive their directory, please feel free to contact
me at 625-6006 and I will make arrangements to get your
directory to you. Also, let me know about any corrections
that need to be made to your information.
I will also update everyone in the next news article
on the Kids Fishing Derby that was held on June 12th,
shortly after this article was written.
A very heartfelt thank you goes out to all residents
for their kind support of the Lions Club. If there is any
interest in joining the Pendleton Lions Club this year,
please contact me at the number above and I will get
someone to call you and talk to you about membership.
Lion Secretary, Joe Biondo
We hope to see you all on the 4th of
July where we will have the popcorn popper
going, as we have in past years!!
The museum will be open Sundays
from 1-4 starting June 6th til August 29th. It
will also be open July 4th from 1pm-7pm.
Do you know what the original name
of your road was? Do you know how many
post offices were in Pendleton in the 1800s
to the early 1900s? Find out these things and
so much more! We are always looking for
new members. Applications can be picked
up in the museum on Sundays, on meeting
nights and on the 4th of July by the popcorn
popper. Meetings are held on the 3rd
Monday of the month except for July and
August. We have an exciting line up planned
for fall. In September Geri Hens is coming to
talk about bees and in October Bill Russell
will be joining us to discuss wood carving!
The Pendleton Seniors want to wish everyone a healthy
and safe summer. Our annual picnic will be held July 7th.
Our trips are off to a good start. Out July trip is a day at
the races and slots at the Finger Lakes Gaming and Race Track.
August is a two hour boat cruise in Keuka Lake and September
is on a Saturday to the Windmill Farm and Craft Market in
Please remember our men and women serving our
Country overseas and at home overseas as we celebrate this 4th
of July. It is because of them we have the freedom and rights we
all enjoy.
We have four new members join us. They are Tom
Kopcinski, Carmen and Gloria Falbo and Anita Bednarz.
Hopefully at our first meeting in August Sheriff James
Voutour will be our guest.
If you are a resident of Pendleton and would like to meet
your neighbors and make new friends please join us on the 1st
and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Bring a dish to pass and your
own table service. Try some of the delicious dishes made by our
members. We meet at the Town Hall on Campbell Blvd. We eat
at noon.
If you have any questions you can call Lauraine Moje at
By Ben Sobczyk, Town Historian
The Grand Erie Canal was opened in October of
1825. Even then they had problems with the banks of the
Later from 1905, work on the new system was
started, and in the spring of 1917, it was finished. Now it
is the New York State Barge Canal. Tug boats pulled the
barges around.
Just before the canal was to be opened, a huge
landslide occurred, blocking the entire system. The state
had a large problem, it was near opening day. With great
dispatch, they brought to the scene, the great dredge,
Niagara. They had to find a place to deposit the soil from
the slide. They appropriated over 10 acres of land from a
farmer, Phillip Westfall of Tonawanda Creek Rd in
Amherst located almost next to the Spoth Farm.
It took a long job for the work to be done. A new
road had to be put in and a new bridge on Ransom Creek
and Black Creek. The work lasted over a year. The slide
occurred on Tonawanda Creek Rd. in Pendleton across
from the homes of Mr. J Kuntz and Mr. K Burich. That
part of the canal was dredged in time to open in the
spring of 1917. Other parts of the canal were not
finished. A large number of prisoners from the
penitentiary in Wende in Erie County were brought in to
work on the canal. They were put up and fed for a year
on the farm of Oscar Daigler from Hopkins and
Tonawanda Creek Rd. This part of Tonawanda Creek Rd.
was also a part of the underground railroad.
In 1920 there was another cave in, just a short
distance away from the other one in Pendleton. This one
was larger and longer and tore up almost the entire road
from the home of Mr. Texas Ellis and Mr. W. Ruthan,
and west to Campbell Blvd. Niagara County has to
relocate the road to the north.
But now another matter occurred at the cave in on
Tonawanda Creek Rd. There is St. Paul’s Cemetery and
just to the west was School District #8 one-room school
house. The school itself was alright but the entrance to
the building was denied. Arriving from New York State
Department of Education they said that the school could
not be used. The school would have to be moved to the
other side of the cemetery to an area large enough for a
play ground for the children. It was moved then to the
State land and then it was opened for the pupils. The
school eventually closed in 1956 to join the Starpoint
Central School District. Some time later the School #8
was sold to a teacher from Sweet Home School. The
money received for the building was divided and
returned to the people that lived in that district. My
mother received her share of the money. When I attended
School #8 the teacher’s name was Mrs. Lauraine Altro
Dietz. Not many of us kids left from that school.
We extend a very warm welcome to new members of the Conservation Board, Mary Scheeler and Tom O'Connor.
The Eagles Have Landed!
Several Troop 47 Scouts have completed Eagle projects in town with the support of their fellow troop members and
• Ben Staddon - installed new landscaping & signage at the Rails-to-Trails
path connection by the old garage.
• Brandon Walters - built new picnic tables including "kid size" tables for our
David Wentz - painted the exterior of the Town Park restrooms and arranged the
town park's first public art project - an Erie Canal themed mural.
Many thanks to Troop 47, your volunteers, and for the generosity of the donors supplying materials. What great
projects to honor the 100 Year Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America!
Pendleton Rails to Trails
Speaking of donations.... we extend our appreciation to Nick Manguso of Buffalo Excavating for donating the
boulders that he dug up and delivered to the town that we'll be incorporating into our landscaping plan for the Rails
to Trails trailheads.
Construction work continues at the Lockport Rd. trailhead this summer. We've posted the trailhead design on the
town's website under the Rails to Trails link.
The New York State Bird - The Bluebird
Wouldn't it be nice to bring more bluebirds to Pendleton? Tom has built nesting boxes in his yard and was able to
capture this awesome photo of his resident bluebird! Plans for building these very easy nesting boxes are on the
North American Bluebird Society (NABS) website: We are
working on building more nesting boxes around town.
Town Beautification
We planted American chestnut tree seedlings and more flowers this year. If any resident or
garden club has an interest in participating in Town beautification projects or has an idea for
us, we’d love to hear from you!
I know in the last newsletter I said we would possibly be scheduling grinder pump replacements sometime in
May, however, that has been delayed. Now we are looking for that to be in the later part of July. It took us a little
longer than expected because of scheduling appointments with different suppliers and making the right decision on
which grinder pump units best suit our system.
We are also out weed whacking around our fire hydrants. It’s a little earlier than usual because of the good
weather. We will then go back and paint the hydrants. So lets all hope the good weather is here to stay so that
maybe we will be able to complete the whole town. I would like to thank those of you who kept our fire hydrants
cleared of snow. It is well appreciated.
I have been receiving a few calls in regards to the green sewer flags and blue water flags on the residents
properties. These flags are put there for the location of underground utilities. It is very important that they do not
get pulled out or moved. It is the law in New York State that before any digging or earth removal occurs, you must
call Dig Safely New York at 811 or 1-800-962-7962 or online at Dig Safely New York
takes stake out request calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week free of charge. Besides buried water and sewer lines
there are underground electric lines (red flags), telephone lines (orange flags), and natural gas lines (yellow flags).
Early May is the time of the year we resume our water infiltration inspections to ensure ground water does
not enter the sanitary sewer system. We inspect roof liters, sump pump discharges, sewer clean outs, vent risers and
grinder tanks. If we do find a problem we will contact the homeowner. We have to inspect 20% or about 266 per
year in a five-year period.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 625-8033.
James Argo, Water/Sewer Superintendent / Storm Water Officer
Visit the Website for a Full Schedule of Events
See the July 22nd edition of the Lockport Union Sun & Journal for the Final Schedule of events and
ads featuring Lockport Old Home Week Specials. If you want to participate in the parade on
Saturday, July 24th call the Niagara County History Center at 716-434-7433. Everyone is welcome!
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Sales & Service
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Mon.-Tues.-Thurs. 9-8
Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-2
Sun. & Wed. Closed
Any NEW Service Purchased through
Ground Effects Landscaping
(Excludes Lawn Cutting)
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For before and after
photos of our
quality work,
visit our website:
8325 Transit Rd.
East Amherst, NY 14501
Commercial Snowplowing & Removal
Excavating & Trucking
Basements & Foundations
All Land Clearing & Ditching
Gene Metzinger
Mobile 570-0292
Office 741-3555
Fax 741-5551
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Call us for a quote… we can help!!!
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KAX Solutions & Services
at 716.514.4567.
“Lockport’s Hometown Garage” Since 1988 Clean-ups
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