Here are six ways to eat healthy on a shoestring budget


Here are six ways to eat healthy on a shoestring budget
Judge John Michael Guidry 1991 was elected to the Louisiana House of
received his B.A. in Political Science from LSU
in 1983 and is a 1987 Cum Laude graduate of
the Southern University Law Center. In April
2010, Judge Guidry was inducted into the
Southern University Law Center Hall of Fame.
Judge Guidry formerly served as a
legislative assistant to the Honorable Joseph
A. Delpit. He also served as the assistant clerk
of the Louisiana House of Representatives and
an assistant parish attorney.
Judge Guidry is a former commissioner
of the Greater Baton Rouge Port Commission
and the Greater Baton Rouge Metropolitan
Airport Commission. Judge Guidry since
1988 has served as an adjunct professor at
the Southern University Law Center and since
1993 has served as an adjunct professor in
the Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy
at Southern University. Judge Guidry in
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Representatives and to the State Senate in
1993. He was elected to his current position
as a Judge of the First Circuit Court of Appeal
in October 1997.
He is a member of the Louis A. Martinet
Legal Society, the Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
National, and American Bar Associations
as well as the American Judges Association,
the Louisiana Conference Court of Appeal
Judges, and the Louisiana Judicial Council of
the National Bar Association. In 2009 Judge
Guidry was elected as the Louisiana Conference
of Court of Appeal Judges representative
to the Louisiana Judicial Council for a three
year term and appointed by the Louisiana
Supreme Court on the recommendation of its
Chief Justice to serve on the governing body
of the Louisiana Judicial College.
4The Power of Words
Byron K. Weathersby, Sr.
Java Weathersby
Contributing Writers
Java Weathersby
Irma Williams Bowie
Lacy Baaheth
William A. Bates
Dr. Antoine Keller
Brion Falls
Ronni Glasper
Dr. Cheryl Atkinson
Graphic Design
Byron K. Weathersby, Sr.
WeathersBee Design
Never Would’ve
Made It
Leslie Henderson
(Cover, center-spread &
spotlight photos)
Baby Contest Judges
Michele Keiffer
Irma Golden
Bernice Weathersby
Nina-Tené Bailey
Beautiful Black
P.O. Box 66935
Baton Rouge, LA 70896
[email protected]
Cover Story - Beautiful, Black & In Charge!
What You Need To Know About Heart Murmurs 6
Sports - Wow, What A Series 10
Real Estate - Making Intelligent Pricing Decisions 21
13 Farewell To Four
Beautiful Black Men
23 BB Business Directory
26 Eating Healthy On A Shoestring Budget
28 A True Victory | 504.583.1261 | By Irma Williams Bowie
Little Annie slowly backed out of the school
yard; trying with all her might not to cry. She was
a beautiful little chubby girl, the color of a Hershey
bar. She had thick, long plaits that never stayed in
place no matter how much Royal Crown Mama used.
She stared them down bravely as they encircled her
and followed her out of the yard. “I won’t cry,” she
willed to herself. “Lil’ Fatty Annie, sittin’ on her
fanny,” they sang, taunting her viciously. A small
circle of first graders followed her and repeated
over and over again. “Lil’ Fatty Annie, sittin’on her
fanny!” She tugged at her too-tight, shabby little
dress as it bunched at her waist and tried hard to
remember her mother’s words: “Don’t worry ‘bout
them chi’ren. You just go’on to school and study your
lesson. Get yo’ education and you can be whatever
you wanna be. Don’t worry about them, Baby Girl,
they don’t know no betta.” She remembered and as
she turned to run home, she stopped, with her hands
on her hips and proudly and loudly proclaimed,
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words
will never hurt me.” She then ran all the way home,
threw herself in her mother’s lap and cried bitter
tears. “Why they so mean, Mama? I never did
nothin’ to them.”
Annie is a fictitious example of some of the
bullying that went on during my childhood. There
were more verbal assaults on peers by peers during
that time. Now it’s more sophisticated; more vicious,
violent and far reaching. Hurtful words are spread
across the Internet; words that can now reach
thousands in cyber space. Words, just words, have
caused devastating results.
Unless you were reared in my era, the Old
School era, or “back in the day” you probably aren’t
familiar with “Sticks and stones may break my
bones, but words will never hurt me.” I remember
thinking as a little child, that’s not true. Words
do hurt! Words are powerful and can be a strong
positive or negative force on one’s life. They can
uplift, encourage or destroy and annihilate. Whether
positive or negative they can remain in one’s psyche
or inner soul for a lifetime.
“Death and life are in the power of the
tongue… (Proverbs 18:21). Paul said in James 1:26
“and bridleth not his tongue … this man’s religion
is vain.”
Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, world-renown
neurosurgeon was reared by a mother who went
no further than the third grade. She was a single
parent left to care for him since the age of eight.
She could barely read and wasn’t able to help him
with his school work. As a result Ben did not do well
in his early school years. He was ridiculed and called
names by his classmates and consequently sank to
the bottom of his class scholastically.
His mother, however, relentlessly pushed
him to finish his homework before anything else.
She even required him to read two books a week
and write reports; which she couldn’t read. She
encouraged him and was relentless about him
completing his work. As a result Ben’s grades and
self confidence improved. She pushed him with
words of encouragement and perseverance; insisting
he could do it. And do it he did!
Initially, words of ridicule from his peers caused
him to doubt his capabilities, but his mother’s words
proved he was capable of anything. Words, just
He now serves as Director of Pediatric Surgery
at John Hopkins Hospital. He has received numerous
honors, published many books, and has absolutely
soared in the field of Neurosurgery.
In September of 1987 he successfully separated
seven month old German Siamese twins that were
conjoined at the head. In 1997 in South Africa in
a twenty-eight hour operation he separated twins
conjoined at the head without severe brain damage.
He also pioneered the first hemispherectomy (the
surgical removal of one half of the brain). Words,
just words had a negative and ultimately a positive
effect on Dr. Carson’s life.
Englewood Urban Prep Academy for Young
Men boasts 100% of their graduates being collegebound. All 107 African Americans were accepted by
a total of 50 colleges and universities; including
Morehouse, Northwestern, Howard, and Rutger’s; to
name a few.
It is the first all boys public charter school
made up of all African Americans. It’s CEO; Tim
King, was determined that these students would
graduate, be accepted to college, and move onward.
Upon entrance the percentage of students reading
at grade level was 4%. At the end of four years all
107 graduates donned red and gold striped ties.
Their tradition is to change from red to striped once
accepted into a college.
The creed they recite daily includes the words
“We are college bound.” Their voice-mail greets the
caller with the words,” I’m college bound.” They
answer office phones with “I’m college bound.
Can I help you?” The average student resides in a
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neighborhood infested with drugs, violence, and
gang-banging. To many; Urban Prep is their family.
It is reported that a student came to school the day
after his mother’s death to be at school with his
family…The power of words.
My granddaughter, Ashley, announced to her
mother as time for taking the LEAP test drew near,
“Mommy, I’m going to fast because I really want
to pass the test and my teacher said I’ll be back in
her class next year.” She fasted from eating meats
for two months. She passed and received “Mastery”
in one subject…The power of words along with faith
and determination.
Anastasia, her sister, received “Mastery” in
three subjects, but was ashamed to show them to her
pastor, who shows great interest in the progress of
the children of his congregation. Why? Her teacher
expressed disappointment in her receiving only
“Mastery” in several subjects and said she should
have received “Advanced.” Words could’ve had a
deleterious effect on her had it not been for her
prayerful, Christian and concerned parents.
Another, granddaughter, Jirah said, “I’m going
to pass this test!” She not only passed the LEAP, but
excelled; receiving “Mastery” in several subjects.
Just words…words, along with confidence and
My one and only grandson, Byron, Jr., continues
to inspire me when he greets me with “Hi, Nana.”
When asked, “How are you?” The response has been
“I’m blessed and highly favored,” since he was 2.
He’s 13 and his words illuminate me, still. Needless
to say, he too, passed the iLEAP with “Mastery” in
Science and Social Studies.
This has been a feeble attempt to demonstrate
how powerful and dynamic words can be and how
they can influence our lives and destiny. We all
– parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, friends
must make a concerted effort. We must refrain from
words that serve to hurt, defile and diligently strive
to impart words that comfort, reassure, restore,
strengthen, and praise. Ephesians 4:29 says, “
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your
mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying
that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” As
the old folks said back in the day, “If you can’t
say something good about somebody. Don’t say
nothing.” Be Blessed.
Chicago Tribune, Mayor’s Press;
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; The Holy Bible
Out of the Mouths of Babes | 504.583.1261 | Many people have been told they have a heart murmur by their physician,
but very few actually inquire as to the cause of the murmur. Further, they remain
confused about whether or not to be concerned even though having a heart
murmur can have far reaching implication with regard to taking care of other
very benign medical problems. In other words, getting to the bottom of why you
have a murmur could affect whether you have to take antibiotics when having
dental procedures, colonoscopy, or surgical procedures. Thus, even though many
heart murmurs are physiologic (natural and benign), some are not, it is VERY
IMPORTANT to ask to be referred to a cardiologist or other health care professional
who has had special training in the evaluation of heart murmurs anytime someone
tells you that you have a murmur.
What Is a Heart Murmur?
A heart murmur is an extra or unusual sound heard during your heartbeat.
The sounds range from very faint to very loud and sometimes sound like a
whooshing or swishing noise. Normal heartbeat sounds are the sounds of heart
valves closing as blood moves through the heart.
A heart murmur is not a disease; it is a sound that the doctor hears with the
stethoscope. It may be normal, or it could be a sign that something may be wrong.
Most heart murmurs are harmless. Some are a sign of a heart problem, especially
if other signs or symptoms are present.
Other names for heart murmurs include:
• Innocent heart murmurs
• Normal heart murmurs
• Benign heart murmurs
• Functional heart murmurs
•Physiologic heart murmurs
• Flow murmurs
• Abnormal heart murmurs
• Pathologic heart murmurs.
Types of Heart Murmurs
Heart murmurs can be innocent (harmless) or abnormal (meaning there are
other signs or symptoms of a heart problem):
Innocent (harmless) murmurs: A person with an innocent murmur has a
normal heart and usually has no other symptoms or signs of a heart problem.
These are common in healthy children.
Abnormal murmurs: A person with an abnormal murmur usually has other
signs or symptoms of a heart problem. Most abnormal murmurs in children are
due to congenital heart disease (heart defects present at birth). In adults, they are
most often due to heart valve problems caused by infection, disease, or aging.
What You Need to Know About Significant Heart Murmurs
Key information about heart murmurs includes the following:
Types of Heart Valve Disease
Mitral valve prolapse: Normally your mitral valve closes completely
when your heart muscle contracts, preventing blood from flowing backwards
into your lungs. If part of the valve balloons out so that the valve does not close
properly, you have mitral valve prolapse. This causes a clicking sound as your
heart beats. Often, this common condition is not serious. However, in rare cases it
leads to heart valve infection or mitral regurgitation (backward blood flow through
the valve); both can be serious.
Mitral valve or aortic valve stenosis: Two of the most
important valves in your heart, the mitral and aortic valves, can become narrowed
by scarring from infections, such as rheumatic fever, or may be narrow at birth.
Such narrowing or constriction is called stenosis. In mitral valve or aortic stenosis,
the heart has to work harder to pump enough blood to satisfy your body’s oxygen
needs. If untreated, stenosis can wear out your heart and can lead to heart
Aortic sclerosis: One in three elderly people have a heart murmur
due to the scarring, thickening, or stiffening (sclerosis) of the aortic valve. This
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condition is generally not dangerous; typically, the valve can function for years
after the murmur is detected. Aortic sclerosis is usually seen in people with
atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.
Mitral or aortic regurgitation: Regurgitation (backward flow)
of blood can occur with mitral valve prolapse or mitral valve or aortic stenosis.
To counteract this back flow, the heart must work harder to provide enough
oxygenated blood to your body. Over time, this can weaken and/or enlarge the
heart and can lead to heart failure.
Congenital heart defects: About 25,000 babies are born each year
with heart defects, such as holes in heart walls or misshapen heart valves. Many
congenital heart defects can be corrected by surgery.
Other Possible Causes of Heart Murmurs
Some common conditions can force your heart to beat faster, changing
the rate and amount of blood moving through your heart and resulting in heart
murmurs. You and your doctor should monitor all of these conditions:
• Overactive thyroid
• Pregnancy
• Fever
• Anemia
• High blood pressure • Tests for Heart Murmurs
Usually heart murmurs are detected during a physical exam. Your doctor
will be able to hear your heart murmur when listening to your heart with a
Your doctor may order one or more of the following tests to see whether your
heart murmur is innocent or whether it is caused by acquired valve disease or a
congenital defect:
• Electrocardiogram (ECG), which measures the electrical activity of the heart
• Chest X-rays to see if the heart is enlarged due to heart or valve disease
• Echocardiogram, which uses sound waves to map the heart structure
Treatment for Heart Murmurs
Treatment for a heart murmur depends on the cause. Many children and
adults have harmless heart murmurs, which do not indicate disease and require no
treatment. Sometimes, mitral valve prolapse requires no treatment, just periodic
checkups by your doctor. When other conditions, such as high blood pressure,
cause heart murmurs, your doctor will treat the underlying cause. Some types of
heart valve disease may require medication or surgery. Here are some treatments
your doctor may discuss with you:
• Prophylactic (preventive) antibiotics to reduce the risk of heart infection, typically taken before dental work or some kinds of surgery.
• Anticoagulants to prevent blood clots
• Antiarrhythmics to control irregular heartbeat
• Beta-adrenergic blockers to control palpitations (rapid heartbeat or heart fluttering)
• Vasodilators to relax and open the blood vessels, thus reducing the pressure against which the heart must pump
• Diuretics to remove excess salts and water from the body, reducing blood pressure and making it easier for your heart to pump
• Surgery to correct congenital heart defects
• Surgery to correct certain types of heart valve disease
Heart Murmur Prevention
Heart murmurs cannot be prevented except in cases where an underlying
condition, such as high blood pressure, may be detected and treated before heart
murmur develops. Infections of the heart valves can also be prevented.
Call Your Doctor About a Heart Murmur If:
Ask your healthcare provider to refer you to a cardiologist anytime they
tell you that you have a heart murmur or if you experience symptoms that may
indicate heart valve disease or heart failure, including:
Chest pain; Unexplained breathlessness, fatigue, or fainting; Heart palpitations
Marvin Sapp wrote these words after a difficult
time in his life:
Talk To Me Somebody
Can we talk? No really – can we talk? What
do when life throws you an unexpected
“I never would have made
It’s one thing to have a problem with
it without You
I can see, but it’s a totally different
I would have lost it all
blindsided! Have you ever been
But now I see how You
something and it knocked the
were there for me
and you didn’t know how you
And I can say – I’m stronger,
Have you ever been to the
I’m wiser, I’m better,
your issue that it felt like
much better
was gone? You prayed
When l look back at all
Your problem
you brought me through
throw in the
I can see that you were the One
I held on to and
aspirations. Well,
I never would have made it
without you”
to bully you and push on you and you not PUSH
If you have ever faced a difficult time in your BACK!” Somebody needs to start pushing back!
life, then you can relate to the words of this song. You’ve been in this situation long enough. You have
How you ever felt like you were failing? Have you been toiling long enough, and you have been having
ever felt like you were losing a grip on life and found a pity party long enough. It’s time to speak to your
yourself not knowing which way is up and now you problem and declare “I am not going to allow my
don’t know what to do? Well, I am here to encourage situation to speak louder than God’s Word for my
you to let you know that you can make it. I may life!” His Word declares in Jeremiah 29:11, “For
not know the trouble that you are facing, or the I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says
obstacles that stand in your way, or the people who the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to provide
may be causing confusion to permeate throughout you with a hope and a future.” Your future looks
your life, but one thing that I do know for sure is that brighter than your past. Do you believe that change
you can make it! You ought to just TAKE A MOMENT is on the way and that God is about to turn your
and say aloud to yourself, “I CAN MAKE IT!” See I, situation around? Talk to me somebody!
just like many of you that are reading this article
are a witness and can testify that if it had not been Do You See What I See
It’s time to look at the man in the mirror.
for the Lord on my side – I just don’t know where
I would be. He has brought you through dangers Many people have a poor image about themselves
seen and unseen. If Jesus hadn’t led you through and their situations which leads to stress, anxiety,
your wilderness, many would have lost their minds, and other problems, but you have to begin to see
some would have given up a long time ago, some your problems through the eyes of faith. Faith
might have lost their will to live, but you could not doesn’t ignore the problem nor does it deny that the
quit because you felt the hand of the Lord leading problem does exist, but instead it declares what the
you through your rough places. If the truth were to end is going to be in spite of the trouble. Every now
be told, the only real reason that many of us are and then we need to do some reflecting. Reflecting
still standing is because of the grace of God. It is allows you to look at your situation and assess
not because I am so smart, it’s not that I have it where you are, where you need to be, what you have
all together, and it’s not because I have cash in the done right and what you have done wrong. At times,
bank, but GOD DID IT! Don’t get it twisted; it was reflecting can be an eye opening experience because
nobody, but Jesus! There’s no way that we can take it allows you to measure your accomplishments and
credit for making it through the tough times that we develop a plan of action to bring about change for
have faced and might be facing right now, but His your situation.
Have you taken the time to reflect on your
goodness and mercy has truly been following us all
life, your victories, your pains, your struggles,
the days of our lives. your blessings, your highs, and your lows, only to
realize that God has been navigating you through
the whole ordeal? You have to allow yourself the
ability to breathe and realize that you’ve been
in tough situations that you weren’t supposed to
make it out of. In other words, you grew up in an
impoverished area and that hasn’t stopped you. You
were raised without a father, but you don’t use that
as an excuse as to why you can’t succeed. You’ve had
one thing go wrong right after the other, but you’re
still pressing your way. See, somebody knows what
I’m talking about, they told you that you weren’t
supposed to make it, but God saw you through
it. You weren’t supposed to be able to raise your
children by yourself, but God provided for you. You
weren’t supposed to live and tell about the accident,
but God protected you from harm.
Can you see through the eyes of faith and
believe that God is able to keep you when you don’t
know how you’re going to make the ends meet? Can
you believe that God is able to do great things in you
and through you? Yeah you, I’m talking directly to
you with all your failures, all your mishaps, all your
shortcomings. Yes you…The one who feels like all
hope is gone; like the deck is stacked against you,
like you’re drowning in depression because you
don’t know how you’re going to get out of the mess
that you’re in! Don’t you know that God specializes
in getting you out of your mess for He’s able to draw
you out of the miry clay (the mess) and place your
feet on the solid rock. You need to begin to proclaim
that a brighter day is on the way and that the Lord is
going to see you through because if God be for you
than who or what can be against you! I’ll see you
at the top because you are going to make it and you
will be stronger, wiser, and so much better! | 504.583.1261 | © Tomferris
By Brion Falls
Wow, what a series! I am talking about the NBA finals between the Los
Angles Lakers and the Boston Celtics which rekindled the rivalry that began in
the 1960s. In all of sports I don’t think there is a more passionate, competitive
contest that exists than the rivalry between the two giants of basketball.
Ironically both franchises began in 1946; the Boston Celtics hail from
Massachusetts, and compete in the Atlantic Division in the Eastern Conference.
The Detroit Gems were founded in Detroit, Michigan in 1946. In 1947, the
franchise relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota and established its official title
from the state’s nickname: the land of 10,000 lakes. The franchise relocated
again in 1960 to Los Angeles, California bringing the title of the Lakers with
them and continues today.
Both organizations have been stellar in the sport; between them winnings
total 33 NBA titles. The Lakers also won 1 NBL Title in 1948. The franchises have
met in the NBA Finals 12 times with the Celtics winning 9 times and the Lakers
winning 3 of the contests.
This has been a long, bitter rivalry that has brought out the ire in both
teams and the fans. It dates back to the era of players like Jerry West and Elgin
Baylor of the Lakers and Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, and K.C. Jones of the Celtics.
The Lakers lost four times to the Boston Celtics in five attempts to win an NBA
Title in the early 60s. To combat the dominance of the Celtic center Bill Russell,
the Lakers acquired Wilt “The Stilt” Chamberlain from the Philadelphia 76ers
in 1968. With the acquisition of the talented Wilt Chamberlain, the Lakers still
weren’t able to overcome the powerful Boston Celtics; causing great anguish
and defeat to the Lakers Organization.
Finally in 1972, the Lakers won their first NBA Championship in Los
Angeles; their previous five titles were won in Minneapolis. It wasn’t until the
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1980s that the Lakers rose to the level of excellence which propelled them to
the top of the chart in basketball. Unlike their nemesis the Celtics, who enjoyed
a total dominance of the sport. They accumulated a total of nine straight NBA
Championships from 1957 to 1966. They won back to back in1968 and1969,
again in 1974 and another in 1976.
The Celtic Organization under the reign of the infamous Red Auerbach set
a precedent in the world of sports, not just basketball. He was the first to
start five Black players in the sport. After Red Auerbach’s retirement in 1966,
he appointed Bill Russell as player coach making him the first African American
coach in basketball!
The Celtics experienced a lull period for four years; in the interim they began
to rebuild parallel with counterparts the Lakers. This era brought us the Earvin
“Magic” Johnson and the Larry Bird wars. The two competed against each other
in the NCAA Finals in 1979; Bird with Indiana State and Magic Johnson playing
for the Michigan State Wolverines. Magic’s team won that championship starting
a rivalry between the two players. They were both drafted into the NBA; Magic
to the Lakers and Bird to the Celtics which set the tone for two rivals playing for
two rival organizations.
The rivalry was on and popping! Nothing brought about a more heated
debate than who was the better ball player Magic or Bird or who was the greater
team Boston or the Lakers? The media played it up to the fullest; promoting the
hype proclaiming Bird, a White player, to be the greatest basketball player in the
game filled with Black players.
Magic being the premier Black player was pitted against Bird therefore the
rivalry only intensified. In the 80s when the Celtics and the Lakers met, it appeared
to be White America against Black America in sports bars, on playgrounds, in the
work place as well as the church. Besides the Word, the topic was the Celtics or
the Lakers…Bird or Magic?
During that era the Lakers won five additional championships in a nine year
period; at the helm was Hall of Fame coach Pat Riley. Two of those championships
were against their hated rival the Boston Celtics. Well, with Bird retiring due to
severe back problems and Magic’s demise both franchises encountered a period
in the abyss. Despite the rivalry, ironically, it was Bird who supported Magic when
friends deserted him.
No doubt, the hiring of another Hall of Fame coach Phil Jackson, the
acquisition of Shaquille O’Neal from the Orlando Magic and the drafting of Kobe
Bryant; in 1999-2004 the Lakers reclaimed their prominence. The trio helped the
Lakers win three straight NBA titles from 2000–2002. In 2004, Shaq was traded
to the Miami Heat. There was tension between the two perennial stars Kobe and
Shaq. The trade caused a lot of Lakers’ fans to become very disheartened with
Kobe Bryant believing he was the catalyst. Some fans stopped supporting the
A rebuilding process began with Kobe being the nucleus; it would be six
years before another championship. Some said that Kobe couldn’t win without
Shaq; to give that belief credence, Shaq won a championship with the Heat.
There was long-suffering for Kobe and the Lakers; some thought rightfully so.
Now arguably you are talking about the best player on the planet, but his surly
attitude turned fans off!
Prevalent this series, there were former Lakers fans or fans that would have
opposed Boston that supported the Celtics. Now on the other hand, the Celtics
appeared to be in a permanent period of stagnation. It would be an unbelievable
twenty-two years before they would win another championship in 2008. There
were a series of trials and tribulations that the Celtic Organization experienced,
but it now appeared that with players like Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen,
and Rajon Rondo; they are peaked for another run.
As I aforementioned, “Wow, what a series?” This year the Lakers are on
top 83-79, but it looks like the saga continues! Both franchises have positioned
themselves for another series of challenge. The faces and the names have
changed, the fans may have even chosen new sides, but the quest for greatness
is still the fuel that motors champions.
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By Ronni Glasper
We entered into 2010 with faith, hope and the anticipation that comes along
with a new year. Before we had time to say hello to new beginnings, we had to
brace ourselves to say goodbye to old friends. Beautiful Black Magazine would like
to pause and celebrate the lives of four beloved men.
Mr. Theodore “Teddy” Pendergrass – singer, songwriter and
composer – died on Jan. 13, 2010 in Philadelphia, PA, the same city that welcomed
him into the world on Mar. 26, 1950. The cause of death, according to his publicist
Lisa Barbaris, was related to respiratory failure and complications following colon
cancer surgery in 2009.
Pendergrass began his career in the late 1960s with a musical group called
the Cadillacs. The group later merged with Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes.
Although Teddy started as a drummer, he quickly moved to lead singer after the
group heard his voice. The group released their
first hit single, “I Miss You” in 1972. Later that
year they released the number 1 hit song across the
country, “If You Don’t Know Me by Now,” which was
nominated for a Grammy.
In 1977, Pendergrass, now recognized as
a sex symbol, launched his solo career, creating
a plethora of love ballads such as, “Love TKO,”
“Close the Door” and “Hold Me,” a duet sang
with Whitney Houston. Pendergrass released five
albums between 1977-1981 – all albums ranking
in the top ten on the R&B charts and ranking in the
top 20 on the Pop charts.
His career took a downward turn in light of the gossip surrounding his
automobile accident in 1982, which left him paralyzed from the waist down. He
continued to release albums after the accident although he was no longer viewed
as a sex symbol. He still held on to a strong female following. One fan shared
that she danced on tables whenever Teddy’s songs played. Male fans remain
equally impressed with Pendergrass’ vocal ability stating their gratitude to Teddy
for helping them close out a few romantic deals. His accident inspired him to start
the Teddy Pendergrass Alliance, a foundation that provides assistance to people
with spinal cord injuries.
The world continues to mourn the loss of one of our most beloved performers.
Our Teddy Bear, as he was affectionately known by his fans, was successful at
pulling emotions from his audience. Many of us remember falling in love while
listening to his sultry baritone voice that will forever be imprinted on our hearts.
Mr. Brace Godfrey, Jr. died of a massive heart attack on Mar. 13,
2010. According to The Advocate, friends and family were shocked to hear about his
heart attack because of his healthy lifestyle. Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden
joined hundreds of family and friends at Shiloh Baptist Church to commemorate
Godfrey’s life which began in Bayou Chicot on Jul. 1,
Godfrey led a full life as a husband, father,
attorney and civic leader. He served as an adjunct
professor at Southern University Law Center and
Louisiana State University Law School. He became
the first African-American, full-time professional
staff at the Louisiana Legislature, involved in
legislation that heralded the establishments of
African-American election districts in Louisiana.
Moreover, he was the first African-American
chairman of the Greater Baton Rouge Chamber of
Commerce. Although Godfrey was involved in many community activities, he is best
known for his involvement with the non-profit organization, the 100 Black Men.
As the founding president of the 100 Black Men of Baton Rouge, Godfrey
immediately became a member of the national board of directors after the Baton
Rouge chapter was organized in 1993. The mission of the organization is “to give
substance to a shared vision which fosters and develops model programs that build
community by enhancing lives of our African-American youth.”
Our community is better because of the efforts of Brace Godfrey, Jr. We
embrace his legacy by continuing to support the projects he was most passionate
On May 3, 2010, we said goodbye to Mr. Kirt Bennett, founder of the
Young Leaders Academy, a nationally-known, Baton Rouge non-profit organization
dedicated to helping African-American males develop leadership abilities. He died
after suffering a stroke at age 42.
Bennett – husband, father, entrepreneur, political activist and community
leader – born in Brooklyn New York on Dec. 15, 1967, was raised in New Orleans.
He came to Baton Rouge after earning an athletic scholarship for track and field at
Louisiana State University in 1988. In 1991 he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree
in political science. Later, he earned a Master of public administration degree from
Southern University in Baton Rouge.
Bennett embraced politics for the first time at Louisiana State University,
serving as the second African-American student body president in LSU history.
His love of politics motivated him to run for
lieutenant governor in 2003. Although he lost to
Mitch Landrieu, he would later serve as a Louisiana
delegate at the Republican National Convention in
2004 and appointed to the Greater Baton Rouge Port
commission by Gov. Bobby Jindal in 2008.
The world was introduced to Kirt Bennett in
the year 2000 when he appeared on the nationally
syndicated Oprah Winfrey Show in 2001 to accept
Oprah’s Angel Network Use Your Life Award for
$50,000.00 on behalf of the Young Leader’s
Our beloved visionary has left a legacy of
service. His life inspires us to support our community by supporting our youth.
Many friends have left passionate words of remembrance on his Web site. One of
the most memorable that sums up life’s purpose was written by Angel, “His service
was his passion that inspired the lives of so many.”
Mr. Gary Coleman’s life began with adversity. He was born on Feb.
8, 1968 in Zion, Illinois with a congenital kidney disease that caused him to stop
growing at an early age. He survived two kidney transplants leaving him bound
to dialysis on a daily basis. Nevertheless, he aspired to become an actor regardless
of his physical condition.
“What you talkin’ ‘bout Willis?” is the phrase
Coleman is mostly remembered by as he portrayed
the adorable Arnold Jackson in the sitcom Different
Strokes in the late 1970s through the mid 1980s.
He also made sporadic appearances on television
sitcoms, The Jeffersons and on Good Times. Coleman
appeared in a myriad of films beginning in 1979
through 2009, making his last film appearance in
the movie, Midgets vs. Mascots.
Many of us were surprised to learn that
Coleman was interested in politics. He ran for
governor of California in 2003, receiving a little more than 14,000 votes. We are
inspired by his journey for success in spite of the many obstacles he faced along the
way. His fans stood by him through his suicide attempt, his automobile accident
and his legal struggles.
Coleman died on May 28, 2010 after falling and hitting his head two days
earlier. We will shelter the laughter in our hearts that he has given us throughout
the years.
Although our year began with the end of life, we stand strong on memories
we will cherish forever. We celebrate their lives and legacies and we bid farewell
to these beautiful black men.
SOURCES:,,,,,,,, www.wesawthat., Photo Credits: Teddy -; Godfrey - Brian Baiamonte | 504.583.1261 | 13
14 | | 504.583.1261
Cover Story - Beautiful, Black & In Charge!
Thereasa Gransberry
T-Grans Realty, LLC
4521 North Blvd. Ste. C • B. R., LA. 70806 • 225-275-0052 Office • 225-284-0310 Mobile
225-929-5550 Fax • [email protected] •
Born and raised in Baton Rouge, La., I grew up
in a household of 3 sisters and 1 brother, with me as
a middle child. We lived on Thomas Delpit or “The
Boulevard” as we knew it, in the projects. Growing up
there was not always easy. We saw more than I believe
children should see. My mom was a hard worker, so
with the help of government assistance, we made out
With the help of programs like the Boys and Girls
Club, I learned the importance of a good education.
The summer before I entered McKinley High, I began
to focus more on school. There, I was nominated Ms.
Freshman. I soon transferred to Capitol High because
we moved to a home in Istrouma Subdivision, which we
know as “Dixie.” At Capitol, I was captain of the flag
team, played clarinet in the marching band and made
the dance team in my senior year.
I graduated from Capitol June 3, 1998, pregnant
with a plan. June 8, 1998, I was enrolled as a student
at DHCI in a seven month program. I worked as a
medical administrative assistant for about six months
and realized I wanted more. I then went on to college,
Southern University as the first in my family to ever
go to college. I was crowned Ms. Psychology and
graduated in the fall of 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree
in Psychology.
My husband and I decided to invest in
rental properties to bring in some passive income.
Intimidating as the task seemed, because neither of
us had ever done anything like that before, we still
tackled it. Between my husband’s work schedule, my
school schedule and our children; we worked very hard
and did most of the work ourselves.
Just as we were filled with excitement finishing
the house, Hurricane Katrina hit. There were many
families in need of somewhere to live. Instead of
selling it immediately, we decided to bless a familyallow them to stay free until they were able to receive
FEMA assistance and get on their feet. Once we were
ready to put the house on the market, it sold on the
second day for four times what we paid for it!
Through trial and error, we took what we learned
and bought more. We were helping families to rent
our houses and later buy them. That was an amazing
feeling for me! I went on to obtain my real estate
license. I opened T-Grans Realty, LLC on December 2nd
at the age of 27 through God’s grace and mercy. My
life has been unbelievably blessed since!
I was married on my 19th birthday, March 27,
1999 to Rodney Gransberry, my country boy from
Clinton, La. Lol! We have been married now for a
wonderful 11 years and have been blessed with 2
incredible children, Dasha, and Rodney Jr.
We purchased our first personal home in October,
1999 for fifty thousand dollars. We had a 1600 sq/ft, 3
bedrooms 1 and a half bath, brick home. We have since
sold that home, purchased another, sold it shortly after
Hurricane Katrina and purchased the home in which
we currently live. My husband says if I want to move
again, I’m going to have to go without him! LOL!
Since opening T-Grans Realty, LLC, I’ve had a
30 minute T.V. Segment on Cox Channel 4. I’ve held
home buyer seminars and participated in countless
events educating the public about the home buying
and selling process.
In order to better assist my clients in all of their
real estate ventures I have taken many courses. Through
those courses, I am an Accredited Buyer Representative
Specialist and a Seller Representative Specialist. I use
my education to my client’s best advantage.
At T-Grans Realty, we assist those who are looking
to purchase a home, sell their house and even lease as
they prepare to buy. I believe it’s very important that a
home buyer knows the entire process in the beginning.
Through our open door policy, we encourage our clients
to ask as many questions and voice any concerns
they may have. Buying a home is one of the biggest
investments most people make and we work hard to
make the experience a great one.
As a home seller, we feel it is important
that clients understand market conditions and
how important it is to price their house very
competitively. Sellers are educated on the
importance of staging a house for show. If done
correctly buyers are able to picture themselves
there. Decluttering the home, making sure it
is always ready to be shown to buyers and
placing furniture in a functional manner
allows buyers to picture themselves and
their furniture there.
T-Grans Realty works with our
clients as long as they need us. For more
information on either buying a home
or selling a house, feel free to give us
a call to schedule an appointment or
stop by and pick up an informational
package with no obligations!
We also offer more of a
personal approach when assisting
clients. Because we understand how
hard it can be to juggle everyday tasks; we
offer after-hours and weekend appointments.
Being a business owner is one thing, but being
a successful business owner is something separate.
Anyone can start a business, but it takes a lot of hard
work and passion to be successful. I encourage current
and future business owners to be purpose-driven. When
things get tough, and they probably will at some point
or another, remember your purpose.
Contrary to popular beliefs, I am in the people
business. My mission is to help as many people as
possible reach their real estate dreams and goals. | 504.583.1261 | 15
Cover Story - Beautiful, Black & In Charge!
Shelia Hilton
Hilton & Co. Dress Shop
3132 Government Street • Baton Rouge, LA 70806 • (225) 346-1963 • (866) 346-1963
Hilton and Co. Dress Shop is a family operated business. The owner, Shelia Hilton
has 3 daughters: Shantrice (Darryl) Hilton Hurst (Miss Southern University 2000-2001),
Charity Hilton Maeweather (Southern University Freshman Class President 2000-2001)
and Cherish Hilton (Southern University Miss Sophmore 2001-2002); 2 sons: Frederick
(Darlene) Hilton and Patrick Hilton. 4 wonderful grandchildren: Darryl II, Frederick,
Darneisha and Malaysia. Shelia Hilton says, “The Lord has been good to us and we’ll
forever serve Him. His resurrection power is awesome!”
In business for 24 years Hilton and Co. Dress Shop offers Personalized Service,
with a Southern Tradition Flair. We specialize in sizes XS-8X because ladies of all sizes
want to look nice and up to date in their Fashion, Jewelry, Shoes, Hats and Accessories.
We carry ladies shoes up to size 13. Experienced sales person, Mrs. Jackson is always
ready with a wealth of knowledge.
Hilton and Co. Dress Shop celebrated its 24th year Glamourversary at McKinley
Alumni Center. There attendees were entertained, provided with Louisiana cuisine,
enjoyed a fashion show and left with a gift from Hilton and Co. Dress Shop. This
event was an opportunity to give back to the community, which is so important to
any business.
My advice to anyone with a dream of self-employment is to stay focused
and prayerful. Ask the Lord for guidance, direction and instruction because He
provides for everything He approves. I’ve heard more than enough sad stories
of businesses going “belly up” and later realizing, the business owner never
sought the Lord’s approval and guidance daily. The Word says, “Your plans
fail for a lack of counsel.”
My advice to BB Magazine readers is to live each day as if it were your
last. Ask yourself at every opportunity, “What would Christ do in this case?”
Treat each person with great respect and honesty, as you would want to be
treated. You should always be mindful that this life is all about our Christian
walk, faith and whose we belong to (God)!
Growing up with both parents, parenting was the normal in “Dixie” the
Istrouma Neighborhood in Baton Rouge, La. It was a close-knit neighborhood. If
someone went fishing, we all ate fish that night. My mother, the late Mary Hilton
Richardson, worked outside the home in a school cafeteria until she retired. My dad,
the late Mack Hilton worked for the Ethyl Plant for 35 years until he retired. Both
parents encouraged me, my two sisters, Joyce Patin and Velma Maxwell along with one
brother, Mack Leo Hilton to put Christ first, family second; to encourage others and to
lend a hand. Including our parents, we were in church all the time and active in all
Shelia Hilton graduated Istrouma High School, Southern University, B.A. in
Special Education and Southern University, Masters Degree in Education.
Hilton & Co. Dress Shop is the place...
“Where Looking Good Is Understood.”
16 | | 504.583.1261
Cover Story - Beautiful, Black & In Charge!
Gaynell Williams
Gaynell Williams, LLC • Attorney At Law
310 Huey P. Long Ave. Ste. E • Gretna, LA 70053 • Phone: 504.302.2462 • Fax: 504.302.2314
1100 Poydras St. • Ste. 2900 • New Orleans, LA 70163 • Email: [email protected]
Ms. Gaynell Williams, the principal attorney of Gaynell Williams, L.L.C.,
has been practicing law for over twenty years. After obtaining her Bachelor
of Arts from Loyola University in 1983 and her Juris Doctor from Tulane
University in 1986, Ms. Williams established her legal career in private practice.
Simultaneously, she served as an Assistant District Attorney for Jefferson Parish.
Subsequently, she served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern
District of Louisiana.
Ms. Williams also served as First Assistant District Attorney for Orleans
Parish. During that time, Ms. Williams was selected by the Louisiana Supreme
Court and honored to serve as Judge Pro Tempore for the 24th Judicial District
Court. Ms. Williams has also authored a number of legal publications and
served as an instructor at various legal conferences.
Ms. Williams established her current law practice focusing on criminal
law, personal injury law and family law, with offices in New Orleans and Gretna,
Louisiana. One of the benefits of maintaining her own law practice is that Ms.
Williams has the flexibility to provide each client with individualized service.
Ms. Williams now draws upon her vast experience, not only as a prior
state and federal prosecutor, but also as a Judge Pro Tempore, to defend her
clients in the criminal legal field as a private criminal defense attorney.
Criminal defense attorneys are frequently asked, “How can you defend
those people?,” often in a tone suggesting that it is not so much a question but
a demand for an apology, as though a criminal defense attorney needs to justify
her work in a way that a prosecutor does not. Because the question presumes
that “those people” accused of crimes are guilty, and that people who are accused
of committing crimes should not be defended, it reflects a misunderstanding of
our criminal justice system and the defense attorney’s role in it. Ms. Williams is
committed to zealously and uncompromisingly representing her clients with all
of her ability and creativity, within the bounds of the law.
As a committed criminal defense attorney, Ms. Williams ensures that before
the State takes away a client’s liberty, the process is fair. Defense attorneys are
not advocates for crime; they are interested in a safe environment in which
to live and raise their families. The primary role of a criminal defense
attorney is to make sure the State deprives no one of liberty without due
process of law.
Gaynell’s passion for the legal field started at an early age.
Being the only child of two schoolteachers, Frank and Mary Williams,
who stressed education along with the importance of God and
community service; Gaynell found herself interested in legal education
and how she could help others as an attorney. Gaynell, following
her parents’ example, remains extremely dedicated to community
service and promoting education. Gaynell dedicates many hours
of legal work to Southeastern Louisiana Legal Services, Orleans
Parish Public Defender Conflict Panel, and other various nonprofit organizations which provide legal services to low-income
individuals. Additionally, Gaynell acts as an officer with the
local chapter of the National Association of University Women,
a non-profit organization focused on serving women, youth,
and the disadvantaged by addressing educational issues and
advancing the status of women’s issues. Most important to
Gaynell is her faith in God and her strong association with her church, Household
of Faith Family Worship Church International. Gaynell’s favorite scriptures are:
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things
shall be added unto you,” (Matthew 6:33) and, “Without faith it is impossible
to please Him for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He
is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6). It is through
these values, particularly through her faith and strong religious conviction, that
Gaynell has been able to build such a distinguished career.
Gaynell is married to Loyola University College of Law professor Bobby
Harges and is the proud mother of Blair Matthew Harges.
com | 504.583.1261 |
Cover Story - Beautiful, Black & In Charge!
Tona Tureaud
Anointed Hands Salon and More, LLC
8233 John Leblanc Blvd. • Sorrento, LA. 70778 • 225-675-8558 Salon
Gras King Cake Hair Do” and the “Saints Football
Hair Styles.”
•Beautiful Black Magazine - “How Healthy
Is Your Hair?”
•Eatel Ch 4 News Gonzales - Hair Segment
•Local, State and National newspapers
I Can Do All Things Through
Christ Who Strengthens Me
- Phil. 4:13
As long as she could remember, Tona Tureaud
dreamed of being a Hair Stylist experimenting in
her hair, styling her family members’ hair and
playing in her baby dolls’ hair. Coming from a
middle class family in Darrow, La., she was always
taught that she could become in life whatever she
wanted to be, if she put her mind into it. Tona says
that she’s been blessed with two wonderful, hardworking parents: Mark, Sr. and Marcia Tureaud.
“They always made sure that their children had
whatever they needed; even if it meant they had
to sacrifice their desires.”
Tona Tureaud gives God all the glory for
her success because she is a living testimony that
dreams do come true. At the age of 17, a senior
at St. Amant High School, life flashed before her
eyes when she was involved in a head on car
collision. Doctors stated that she suffered memory
loss, some loss of vision amongst other things that
would be considered disabilities. Tona thanks God
today for the love, prayers and encouragement
of her family who did not allow her to give up.
God fully restored her! “If you are a parent of
a dreamer believe in your child’s dream. As a
parent, examples must be set. Sometimes it takes
the push of a parent to make a dream come true,”
says Tona. My message to the youth is, “Dream
big and set goals. Your future is in your hands.
Remember, with God all things are possible!”
Tona is a Cosmetologist; graduate of former
Lockworks Academie in Baton Rouge, La. (under
the ownership of Sam Brocato). Tona is the owner
and operator of Anointed Hands Salon & More,
LLC in Sorrento, La. which was established in
2001. She serves as a Professional Hair & MakeUp Artist/ Barber / Hair Care Educator. Services
are provided for all hair types: women, men, and
children. She specializes in Healthy Hair Care, Hair
Growth Treatments, Trendy Cuts, Colors, Creative
Hair and Make-Up services. Anointed Hands also
offers Bridal Packages, Complete Make-Overs
and Body Wraps. There is also a bridal boutique
Tona’s work has made many appearances
in front and behind the camera. To name a few…
•WAFB Ch 9 News Baton Rouge, LA - “Mardi
18 | | 504.583.1261
Most recently, Tona Tureaud is the first
ever from Ascension Parish to be featured in
Sophisticate’s Black Hair Styles and Care Guide
Magazine. See details in their June/July and the
August 2010 issues
Anointed Hands Salon and More is less
than 10 minutes from Tanger Outlet Mall, 20
minutes from Baton Rouge, 45 minutes from New
Orleans). Our hours are Tues-Thurs 9am-6pm,
Fri. 7a-6pm, and Sat. 7a-3pm. Walk-ins welcome;
Appointments preferred.
My advice to future business owners is,
“Your business is what you make of it and it takes
a lot of hard work and dedication.”
From clients view
“Going to Anointed Hands Salon and More
has been a unique experience for me; it begins
with the love and pride that Tona has when she
does your hair. She doesn’t just take your money
and make your hair look beautiful; she makes
sure your hair is healthy and full of life. I have
been to several salons, but Anointed Hands Salon
& More has always stood out from the rest. The
atmosphere is full of Christian love and very
comfortable. They do whatever it takes to make
you feel at home. Sanitation and sterilization are
their top priorities. I would definitely recommend
Anointed Hands Salon & More!”
-Katina Bolding “My children and I have been going to
Anointed Hands Salon & More for over 8 years.
There is no other stylist like Tona Tureaud.
You can’t ask for better service, a friendlier
environment and a “Glamourized” style. I am
well satisfied when I leave her salon.”
-Debbie Simon
Cover Story - Beautiful, Black & In Charge!
Tammy Mayo, MD
Mayo Medical Clinic, LLC
3401 North Blvd. Suite 360 • Baton Rouge, LA. 70806 • 225-381-2712 Phone
225-381-2715 Fax •
Dr. Tamika Mayo knew she would be
a physician at the age of 6. Unassuming and
humble, she truly enjoys medicine and patient
Dr. Mayo grew up in Houston, Texas with a
country mother and a city father. Delores Girod
Session taught Tamika to treat everyone as you
want to be treated. Herman Session provided
lessons in business ownership and the value of
excellence in academics.
Young Tammy enjoyed helping injured
playmates and pets and quickly became known as
“the doctor” to neighborhood kids in Shreveport,
Louisiana. At C.E. Byrd High School, she excelled
at classical flute and academics.
Dillard University taught her the meaning
of African American pride. She finished at LSU
medical school in New Orleans and completed
one year of general surgery internship. There
she met her husband, Christopher Dwight Mayo.
The couple quickly fell in love and was joined in
marriage one year after meeting each other. They
moved to Baton Rouge and completed the Family
Medicine Residency at Baton Rouge General.
Tammy’s better half Christopher is Mayo
Medical Clinic’s marketing guru and the concept
of MMC was his idea. Tammy’s biological father
is Kenneth Edwards, who is now a retired
Superintendent from Exxon Mobil. He was
instrumental in getting Mayo Medical Clinic
Dr. Tammy Mayo is the loving mother of
Kayla 8 and Christopher 6; she has two younger
sisters, Kaliya Session, PharmD., and Shrita
Session Washington who give her inspiration and
Mayo Medical Clinic is innovative and cutting
edge. Dr. Mayo uses these terms to describe her
use of the newest drugs and therapies. Mayo
Medical Clinic now offers laser hair removal, using
the painless “cold tip” laser. Patients love the
2010 gliding cool tip, shortened treatment times
and lower costs. The spa-like waiting room boasts
candles, running water and classical music.
Other services provided are ultrasound
testing and preventive care check-ups.
Ultrasound Testing
From cancer prevention to prenatal
diagnosis: The ultrasound test (sonography) is a
painless method of monitoring the inner organs
using ultrasonic (sound) waves. The internal
structures of the body are able to be presented
visually using this method.”
Some commons types of ultrasound
tests are:
•Thyroid gland and vascular
•Echocardiography (sonogram of the heart)
•Obstetrical ultrasound
attitude and hands-on approach will keep Mayo
Medical Clinic open for many years to come.
Preventive medical check-ups
Live a healthy life: With our preventive
medical checkups, we can help detect illness early
on and treat it accordingly.
We offer the following preventive
medical checkups:
•Routine health checkup
•Cancer prevention
•Thyroid, arteries and heart
•Examination of metabolism and digestion
•Physical examination Your health insurance
policy may cover the cost
of preventive medical
checkups. Consult your
insurance provider for
further details.
Dr. Mayo takes
time with each patient.
She states “Every
patient is treated with
kindness and respect
here. We truly love each
and every one of them with no
regard to insurance type, job type, or
clothing.” Dr. Tammy Mayo’s loving | 504.583.1261 | 19
Spacious, Inside and Out | 4 Bedrooms/2.5 Baths
Ranch Style Home on
3/4 acre lot with 2000 SqFt Living Area
Gonzales Home
3 Bedrooms/2 Baths|Sits on 2.41 Acres
Fireplace|Large Master Suite
Covered Parking
3 Bedrooms/2 Baths | 1,423 Living Area
Hardwood floors | Recessed Ceiling
Nice Landscaping
Proposed New Construction
3 Bedroom/2 Baths | Still Time to Choose
Colors | Fireplace | Ceramic Tile
Qualifies for the $8,000 Tax Credit
4.5 acres of undeveloped property located on Heck
Young. Zoned Low Density Residential. Property is
located in the Zachary 4 School District!
Baker, LA
Sandy Creek Subdivision
Melrose Place Subdivision
Baker, LA
17 acres of undeveloped property located on Heck
Young. Zoned Low Density Residential. Property is
located in the Zachary 4 School District!
New Construction
3 Bedrooms/2 Baths | 1699 Total
Double Garage | Brick and Stucco
Recessed Ceilings | Master Suite has His &
20 | | 504.583.1261
Her closets and a double vanity
Cute As A Button
3 Years Young | 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths
1,733 Living Area | Courtyard and Patio
Fireplace | Walk-in Closets
Starter Home
3 Bedroom/2 Baths | Original Hardwood Floors
Living and Formal Dining Rooms
Updated Kitchen with New Cabinets
Exterior Storage Building | Huge Yard
By Lacy Baaheth, ABR, GRI
Pricing your home is one of the most important decisions
you must make when selling your property. Some sellers
want to price their home based on the return they would
like on their initial investment, while others will base the
price on what they need to buy their new home. Location,
condition, and accessibility are three other variables that
will affect the price of a property.
It is crucial to price your home correctly from the
beginning, because it may not sell if it is overpriced. Don’t
make the mistake of thinking that you can reduce the price
later. By this time you will have already lost many potential
buyers. The motivation of the seller is a very important
factor affecting the pricing decision. The higher the seller’s
motivation, the lower the price, and low motivation usually
means a higher price.
The state of your local real estate market is one of the
strongest determining factors when pricing your home.
A professional real estate agent will be able to guide you
through the pricing pitfalls with a written market analysis
that includes the selling prices for similar homes in your
See Lacy’s Feature Properties:
Visit | 504.583.1261 | 21
22 | | 504.583.1261
BB Directory (Baton Rouge - New Orleans)
•Ridgefield Apartment Homes....................................... 2800 Mount Kennedy Dr. Marrero, LA 70072 (504) 340-1385
Cell Phones
•Crescent City Connections.........................................................................5741 Crowder Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 245-8886
3 Streams (AMP) Art, Music, Photography...................................................................... New Orleans, LA (504) 261-4716
Child & Adult Day Care
The Collins House (Adult Day Healthcare Center) ............................ 3660 Delaware St. B.R., LA 70805 (225) 355-7384
•Community Daycare Center of Scotlandville......................2315 Harding Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70807 225-774-7124
•Kiddie Kingdom........................................................................ 5224 N. Flannery Rd. B.R., LA 70814 (225) 275-9008
•Kim’s Home Daycare - O’Neal Lane/I-12 #337 B.R., LA 70816 (225)302-7854
Meme’s Anointed Grounds Child Care................................................ 6781 Vineyard Dr. B.R., LA 70812 (225)355-5989
•Niki’s Day Care....................................................................................8157 Plank Rd B.R., LA 70811 (225) 357-9096
•Pat’s Day Care............................................................................... 6637 N. Foster Dr. B.R., LA 70811 (225) 357-3850
•Rose of Sharon Daycare & Learning Center, Inc...............9725 Greenwell Springs Road B.R., LA 70814 225.928.3324
•Woodmere Daycare............................................................... 2066 Paxton Street Harvey, LA 70058 (504) 348-4668
•Dr. Clarence H. Thornton, Jr. (Social Security Disability Law)............. 1200 S. Acadian Thwy. B.R., LA (225) 343-8282
•Dwayne M. Murray.........................................................660 N. Foster Dr., Ste. B-101 B. R., LA 70806 (225) 925-1110
•Law Office of Gail Horne Ray.............................................1822 N. Acadian Thwy, W. B.R., LA 70802 (225) 356-5252
•Lisa Nelson Murray.......................................................... 660 N. Foster Dr., Ste A-214 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 925-1110
•Maimuna D. Magee & Associates.............................................3582 Government St. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 343-0040
Auto Care & Sales
•Cal’s Towing Service..........................................................................8157 Plank Rd. B.R., LA 70811 (225) 357-0496
•CJ’s Windshield Repair..............................................................................7890 Scenic Hwy B.R., LA (225) 235-4324
•D & D Carwash & Detail Shop...........................................620 N. Burnside Ave. Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 647-0632
•Eric Hill Nissan................................................................................13050 1-10 Service Road N.O., LA (504) 244-4159
•Keep It Clean Auto Spa..................................................................... 11555 Plank Rd B.R., LA 70811 (225) 778-0010
•Klean King Car Wash........................................................... 6525 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 70003 (504) 456-6263
•Lloyd’s Towing Services, LLC............................................................ 6888 LA 44 Convent, LA. 70723 (225) 562-3066
•Lloyd’s 1-Stop Inc..................................................................6888 LA 44 Ste. A Convent,LA. 70723 (225) 562-3365
•Tire Kingdom................................................................................................ 12300 I-10 Service Road (504) 244 0089
•T-Morris Bar, LLC...................................................................6888 LA 44, Suite C, Convent, LA 70723 (225) 562-3113
YG Auto Detail............................................................................................................................ B.R., LA (225)939-2039
•Bernard’s Pralines...................................................................................5741 Crowder Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 244-0003
•Chris Doughnuts / Pastries / Coffee Shop....................................................... 7030 Bullard N.O., LA (504) 248- 1601
•Honey Whip Donuts..................................................4801 General Meyer Ave. Ste. B N.O., LA 70114 (504) 398-0950
•Kelly’s Creations................................................................1827 S.Burnside Ave. Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 644-5629
•Tastee Doughnuts............................................................................. 2549 Esplande Avenue N.O., LA (504) 949-8690
•Liberty Bank & Trust.................................................................... 4707 Perkins Road B.R., LA 70808 (225) 218-0349
..........................................................................................8796 Greenwell Springs Rd. B.R., LA 70814 (225) 218-0996
.......................................................................................................7990 Scenic Highway B.R., 70807 (225) 778-2770
Barber & Beauty Salons
•1 Stop Barber & Beauty Shop............................................. 1012 E. Worthey Rd. Gonzales, LA. 70737 (225) 647-3850
•IIK Studio..................................................................................3807 Frenchmen St. N.O., LA 70122 (504) 908-2386
•Alicia Renee’ Hair Studio........................................................................ 5741 Crowder Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 241- 2107
•All About U Hair & Nail Salon..............................................5703 Read Blvd. Suite D N.O., LA 70127 (504) 240-5055
•Amazing Grace Barber & Beauty Salon.............................................. 7050 Hooper Rd B.R., LA 70811 (225) 355-1111
•Anointed Hands Hair Salon...................................................... 3554 Monterrey Blvd B.R., LA 70804 (225) 923-2228
•Anointed Hands Salon & More..................................... 8233 John Leblanc Blvd. Sorrento, LA 70778 (225) 675-8558
•Bergeron Unisex Salon................................................................. 2929 Jackson Ave. B.R., LA 70802 (225) 336-1327
•Blade Barber College.........................................................1951 Ames Blvd Ste C Marrero, LA 70072 (504) 340-6765
•Blessed Hands Hair Salon, LLC.......................................3997 Pontchartrain Drive Slidell, LA 70461 (985) 643-6411
•Case Closed Barber Shop......................................................... 5703 Read Blvd Ste B N.O., LA 70127 (504) 245-7213
•Choices Salon Suites............................................................... 4914 Government St. B. R., LA 70806 (225) 266-8493
•Creative Concepts in New Orleans, LLC........................................ 2000 Dumaine St. N.O., LA 70116 (504) 949-7560
•Da Spot Barber & Beauty Salon.............................................................. 5535 Airline Hwy. B.R., LA (225) 356-5142
•Dell’s Barber Shop............................................................1708 N. Acadian Thwy, W. B.R., LA 70802 (225) 343-3355
•Designs By D’Shayne........................................................... 11198 Stevenson Rd. Geismar, LA 70734 (225) 806-1848
•Divine Beauty....................................................................... 10655 Florida Blvd Ste B. BR LA 70815 (225) 272-3920
•Golden Africa............................................................................................. 9301 Lake Forest N.O., LA (504) 241-6600
•The Grooming Parlor.........................................................................422 Europe St. B.R., LA 70802 (225) 383-2008
•Hair Artifice Salon..................................................................... 1713 Wooddale Blvd B.R., LA 70806 (225) 248-1421
•House Of Jevon Beauty Salon...............................................815 E. Ascension St. Gonzales,LA 70737 (225) 450-6868
•It Can Be Done Barber Stylist Clinic..........................3052 General Collins Ave. Suite E, N. O., LA 70131 (504) 451-3821
•MoHair Salon............................................................................... 9321 Burbank Dr. B.R., LA 70820 (225) 769-2292
•Natural Mystiq.............................................................................. 3003 Florida Blvd. B.R., LA 70802 (225) 343-0067
•Nature’s Crown.............................................................................111 E. Airport Ave. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 218 8035
•New Image Barber Shop.................................................................................................. 3817 Frenchman St. N.O., LA
•Nicole Nelson (Awesome Effects)......................................................... 2186 Dallas Dr. B.R. LA 70806 (225)315-3809
•Off The Porch Barbershop...................................................................9301 Lake Forest Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 241-3242
•Panache Hair and Body Salon...................................................7330 Corporate Blvd B.R., LA 70809 (225) 927-0206
•Salon de Vie.................................................................................. 6461 Hwy 73 Geismar, LA 70734 (225) 677-5357
•Salon Mélange................ 4914 Government St. Ste. 302 (Inside Choices Salon Suites) B.R., LA 70806 (225) 302-6591
•Shear Magic Hair Studio..........................................................4328 Government St. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 387-0333
•Simply Elegant Hair Salon....................................................... 5235 Government St. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 216-0785
•Sisters @ The Oasis.....................................................................1132 Franklin St. Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 366-Hair
•Spa Isbell......................................................................................1245 Magazine St. N.O., LA 70130 (504) 312-9779
•Style & You.............................................................. 30683 Old Columbia Rd Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 515-1024
•S.U. Beauty Salon.......................................................................................... Student Union B.R., LA (225) 771-3691
•The Masters by Avery, LLC.................................................... 8700 Florida Blvd. Ste. F B.R., LA 70815 (225) 927-3669
•Tony’s Barber & Beauty Shop.............................................. 212 E. Ascension St. Gonzales, LA. 70737 (225) 644-0076
•Top Notch Barber Shop...................................................................9656 Burbank Dr. Ste. B B.R.,LA (225) 767-9507
•Unlimited Stylez & Kutz Barber & Beauty Salon.....9511 Chef Menteur Highway,Ste 113 N. O., La. 70127 (504) 377-1767
•UpperCuts Barber Shop, LLC..............................................................7760 Bluebonnet Blvd. B.R., LA (225) 448-3783
•Who Dat Barbershop................................................................... 5741 Crowder Blvd. Ste. A-8 N.O., LA (504) 419-2886
•Salon Mélange................ 4914 Government St. Ste. 302 (Inside Choices Salon Suites) B.R., LA 70806 (225) 302-6591
Beauty Supplies
•All Plus Beauty Depot.............................................................................. 7500 Bullard Ave. N.O., LA (504) 240- 4141
•Unity One......................................................................................4125 Washington Avenue N.O., LA (504) 822-6377
•Household of Faith’s First Fruit Harvest Bookstore................ 630 Jackson Ave. New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 347-0127
..................................................................................................................................2074 Paxton St. Harvey, LA 70058
.............................................................................................................................9300 I-10 Service Rd New Orleans, LA
Christian Mentor/Life Coach
Faith To Conquer Outreach Ministries...........................................910 N Bon Marche Dr. B. R. LA 70806 (225) 216-2878
•Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church.............................8742 Scenic Highway B. R., LA 70807 (225) 775-4106
•Changing A Generation F.G.B.C. Baton Rouge.................. 10148 Greenwell Springs Rd. Ste. A B.R., LA (225) 272-3029
•Community Bible Baptist Church.........................................1729 Monte Sano Avenue B. R., LA 70807 (225) 355-6644
•Disciples Outreach Ministries..............................................................2506 Bradly Rd B.R., LA 70807 (225)775-5270
•Elm Grove Baptist Church................................................................. 1069 N. 38th St. B.R., LA 70802 (225)343-7865
•First Zion Baptist Church.............................. 2200 Jackson Ave. N.O., LA & 7201 Olive St. N.O., LA (504) 522-7206
•Household of Faith FWCI..........................................................................................2074 Paxton St. Harvey, LA 70058
..................................................................................................................................630 Jackson Ave. N.O., LA 70130
............................................................................................................... 9300 I-10 Service Rd N.O., LA (504)347-0127
•Living Faith Christian Center...................................................6375 Winbourne Ave. B.R., LA 70805 (225) 357-0377
•Open Door Apostolic Church.....................................550 Gause Boulevard Suite #3 Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 863-6041
•Reaping The Harvest Full Gospel Baptist Church..............................5123 Dauphine St. N.O., LA 70117 (504) 949-2980
•Redemption Life Fellowship............................................................. 2400 Debra Dr. Baker, LA 70714 (225) 774-8858
•Shekinah Glory Ministries..........................................................3613 Government St. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 346-5225
•The Church At New Orleans, Westbank.......... 3714 Westbank Expressway Suite 7 Harvey, LA. 70058 (504) 349-7050
•Voices of Faith Ministries.................................................................. 7140 Antioch Rd. B.R., LA 70817 (770) 498-5850
A Diamond In The Rough Distributors................................15114 Woodstone Dr. Prairieville, LA 70769 (225) 673-6209
•Basic Hair Bows............................................................11560 Plank Rd (Brownsfields) B.R.,LA 70811 (225) 775-1011
•Brown and Brown Clothiers................................................................5454 Government St. B.R., LA (225) 926-7848
Diamond & Pearl Hair Bows..............................................15114 Woodstone Dr. Prairieville, LA. 70769 (225) 673-6209
G & G Boutique.........................................................................................................................B.R., LA (225) 216-7077
•Hilton’s Dress Shop...................................................................3132 Government St. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 346-1963
•Nomzamos Stocking, Accessories & Fashion Clothing..................... 5045 Florida Blvd., B.R., LA 70806 (225) 924-2625
•Super Cool Fashions (Men’s Wear)............................................................5954 Airline Hwy. B.R., LA (225) 925-3317
•The Master’s Touch...................................................................3052 Monterrey Blvd. B.R., LA 70814 (225) 927-9589
•Top Choice Products...................................................................... 1492 Harding Blvd B.R., LA 70807 (225) 775-5247
Community Services
•DavidPaul Learning & Community Enrichment Center, Inc.................. 928 Rodin Dr. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 925-2850
Family Road of Greater B.R............................................................ 323 E. Airport Ave. B.R., LA 70806 (201) 201- 8888
Computer Services
•Connectivity Two Designs, Inc.............................................................. 1938 Wooddale Blvd B.R., LA (225) 775-9800
CornerStone Enterprises................................................................................................New Orleans, LA (504) 905-4178
•Jefferson Construction Services, LLC..........................7603 Westbank Expressway Marrero, LA 70072 (504) 348-0132
Mr. Chuck’s Home Improvements...................................................................................New Orleans, LA (504) 495-8165
Service Plus Contracting, LLC.....................................................3400 Wahsington Ave. N.O., LA 70125 (504)309-1970
•STEP Construction, LLC..............................................7603 Westbank Expressway Marrero, LA 70072 (504) 348-0132
Cultural Centers
•Ashe Cultural Center..............................................................1712 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 569-9070
Day Spas
•Mahogany Gifted Hands Day Spa................................... 3501 Holiday Drive Ste 104 N. O., LA 70114 (504) 361-5952
Dance Schools
•Barbara’s Academy of Dance & Music......................... 7301 Downman Road New Orleans, LA 70126 (504) 220-4743
•Sancerie O’Rourke-Allen, DDS (Distinctive Smiles of BR).....8894 Airline Hwy- Suite M B. R., LA 70815 (225) 218-9218
Driving Schools
•Proficient Driving Academy...............................7303 Downman Road, New Orleans, Louisiana 70126 (504) 231-1197
Dry Cleaning
•B & D Cleaners......................................................................9945 Airline Hwy Ste C B.R., LA 70816 (225) 928-3855
•Dr. Cleaners 9301....................................................................... Lake Forest Blvd. Ste.# 102 N.O., LA (504) 245-8191
•USA Cleaners....................................................................................................6600 Franklin Ave. # 4 A-10 N.O., LA
Financial Services
•Cathy Scott, CPA, LLC................................................................4046 Winbourne Ave. B.R., LA 70805 (225) 267-6272
•Collis Temple, III (Primerica Financial Services)........... 3636 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd B.R., LA 70808 (225) 939-1327
•CJ’s Tax Service...............................................................................6888 LA 44 Convent,LA. 70723 (225) 562-3357
•Dixon’s Tax Service.......................................................................................2847 Plank Rd B.R., LA (225) 356-5116
.....................................................................................................................1714 Florida Blvd B.R., La (225) 343-8120
...............................................................................................1068 E. Worthy Rd. Ste B Gonzales, LA (225) 644-0005
•Generations Tax Service...................................................3121 Van Buren St. Ste. D Baker, LA 70714 (225) 775-7710
•Hayne’s Accounting & Tax Services........................................... 7548 Town South Ave. B.R., LA 70808 (225) 763-9561
•LRG & J Inc...................................................................... 5700 Florida Blvd. Ste 316 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 922-7977 | 504.583.1261 | 23
Florist Services
•Eloquent Flowers................................................................ 2028 Paxton St. Ste. C Harvey, LA 70058 (504) 371-4006
Funeral Homes
•Rhodes Funeral Home.....................................................................2929 Scenic Hwy. B.R., LA 70805 (225) 383-1663
...................................................................................................3933 Washington Ave. N.O., LA 70125 (504) 822-7162
•Louisiana Undertaking Company.......................................................... 1449 No. Claiborne Ave. N.O., (504) 945-2145
•Gifts ‘N Things.....................................................................14046 Airline Hwy Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 571-0099
•Acadian True Value Hardware & Grocery...........................1733 N. Acadian Thwy, W. B.R., LA 70802 (225) 343-7862
•B & D Mini Mart & Snack Bar...........................................................................4725 A Hwy. 75 ST. Gabriel, LA. 70776
•Canseco’s Market 5217 Elysian Fields N.O., LA (504) 218-7048
•Chevron..............................................................................................................10422 B Chef Menteur Hwy. N.O., LA
•Coleman’s Mini Mart....................................................................1472 Harding Blvd B.R., LA 70811 (225) 775-2294
•Dorignacs Supermarket 725 Focis Street N.O., LA (504) 834-8216
•East Over Meat Market....................................................................................................... 7050 Bullard Ave. N.O., LA
•Acadian True Value........................................................................7350 Scenic Hwy B.R., LA 70807 (225) 355-8270
Human Resources/Training & Development
Innovative Management Solutions, LLC..............................................P.O.Box 656 Prairieville, LA 70769 (504) 319-7626
•Agnes Smith Andrews (Allstate).................................1200 S. Acadian Thwy Ste. 217 B.R., LA 70806
•Debra Williams (Bankers Life & Casualty Company)...... 13702 Coursey Blvd. Sutie 5-A B.R., LA 70817
•Jones Insurance Agency, Inc..................................... 7603 Westbank Expressway Marrero, LA 70072
•McWilliams and Associates.................................................... 1925 St. Bernard Ave N. O., LA. 70116
•Morris L. Anderson (State Farm)................................. 3213 Monterrey Drive, Suite D B.R., LA 70814
•Noah W. Lewis (Noah Lewis & Associates)............ 4640 S. Carrollton Ave. Sutie 200A-1 N.O., LA 70119
•Will Fisher Jr., LUTCF (Allstate)......................................... 2028 Paxton St. Ste. A Harvey, LA 70058
(225) 383-0877
(225) 754-3077
(504) 348-1492
(504) 473-1601
(225) 214-4000
(504) 754-1138
(504) 328-5210
•AVAJ ShoeTique.............................................................................. 8508 Airway Dr. B.R., LA 70806 (504) 650-3270
•London’s Accessories & Gifts...........................................1713 Wooddale Blvd. Ste. 2 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 952-9420
•The Wright Shop....................................................................5151 Plank Rd., Ste 68 B.R., LA 70805 (225) 356-1110
•East B.R. Parish Library................................................. 11300 Greenwell Springs Rd. B.R., LA 70814 (225) 274-4450
•N.O. Public Library (African American Resource Ctr.)......219 Loyola Avenue, 2nd Floor N.O., LA 70112 (504) 596-2598
•Darlene Reese (Southwest Funding).................................5700 Florida Blvd. Ste. 312 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 341-3551
•Lionel Coleman (South Coast Funding)....................................... 5500 Florida Blvd Ste. 103 B.R., LA (225) 241-8902
•Oscar L. Magee (Mortgage Solutions of Louisiana, LLC).............3582 Government St. B. R., LA 70806 (225) 810-4014
•Sandra T. Haynes (Southwest Funding)...................................7548 Town South Ave. B.R., LA 70808 (225) 936-9796
•Terance Vessel (Active Mortgage, LLC)..............................5700 Florida Blvd. Ste. 312 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 341-4139
Mail/Shipping Services
•Royal Mail Service...................................................................828 Royal St. New Orleans, LA 70116 (504) 522-8523
•Allstar Medical Supplies....................................................1821 Wooddale Ct. Ste 210 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 924-7080
•A Woman’s Place 5991 Bullard Ave. Ste. B N.O., LA (504) 365-0105
•Capitol City Family Health Center................................... 3140 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70896 (225) 650-2027
•UpperCuts Barber Shop, LLC..............................................................7760 Bluebonnet Blvd. B.R., LA (225) 448-3783
•Dr. Calvin Williams................................................................................. 8030 Crowder Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 241-2220
•Cardiovascular & Thoracic Specialists............................... 8589 Picardy Ave, Ste. 320 B.R., LA 70809 (225) 706-0085
•Dr. Angela Lewis (Louisiana Eye Center)................................... 7855 Howell Blvd Ste 130A B.R., LA (225) 356-2655
•Angelic Services Home Care..................................................14046 Airline Hwy Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 644-2326
Diamond Nutrition Consultants...........................................15114 Woodstone Dr. Prairieville, LA 70769 (225) 939-0931
•Enhanced Health Treatment Center........................................................ 8070 Crowder Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 242-1577
•Fastrac Urgent Medical Center...................................................................5991 Bullard Ave. N.O., LA (504) 244-0455
•Fertile Crescent Pediatrics...........................................................730 Colonial Dr. Ste B B.R., LA 70806 225.924.7343
•First Chance Independent Living, Inc..................... 414 N. Acadian Thwy B.R., LA 70806 (225) 383-1525 1-866-0045
•Greater Baton Rouge Musculoskeletal Group......................7855 Howell Blvd Ste 200 B.R., LA 70807 (225) 454-6000
Dr. Theodore Knatt.................................................................................... Joint Replacement and Sports Medicine
Dr. Darryl Peterson......................................................................................... Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
Dr. Shervondalonn Brown................................................................................ Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
Dr. Jonathan Taylor...........................................................................................General and Laparoscopic Surgery
Dr. Marvin Trotter..............................................................................................................Podiatrist/Foot Surgery
•Harris Health Care Group PLLC............................................................ 5640 Read Blvd. 720 N.O., LA (504) 241- 0750
•Dr. Janet Lewis (Orthopaedic & Foot Specialty Center).............. 7855 Howell Blvd Ste 130B B.R., LA (225) 355-9660
•Kids First Tigercare Pediatrics.........................................1661 Canal Street, Suite 1200 N. ., LA 70112 (504) 299-9980
•Lobdale Medical Services......................... 1111 N. Lobdell Blvd Ste E B.R., LA 70806 (225) 932-9161 1-866-907-9161
•Friends & Family PCA Services.................................................11606 South Fork Dr. B.R., LA 70816 (225) 293-8090
•Mayo Medical Clinic, LLC................................................. 3401 North Blvd. Suite 360 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 381-2712
•Metro Health.........................................................................950 E. Washington St. B.R., LA 70805 (225) 338-9333
•Omega Med, LLC (Durable Medical Equipment).......... 1661 Canal St Ste 3108 New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 592-0344
•Dr. Rani Whitfield (tha Hip Hop Doc).......................................4545 Bluebonnet Blvd B.R., LA 70809 (225) 293-4270
•Seasons Health Care Services, LLC..........................11843 Market Place Ave. Ste A • B.R., LA 70816 • 225.218.6803
•Serenity Homes of N. O., Inc.....................................3520 General DeGaulle, Dr. Ste 3023 N. O., LA (504) 362-4663
Medical Billing
Allums Billing Service.....................................................................................P.O. Box 820314 N.O., LA (504) 322-2659
•JK Billing Services, LLC.............................................1713 Wooddale Blvd #8, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225)-364-2079
DJ Bro..................................................................................................P.O.Box 1166 Gretna, LA 70054 (504) 606-2714
•LaRhythms Music........................................................................ 9656-1 Burbank Dr. B.R., LA 70810 (225) 819-9100
•Music Treasure Chest................................................................410 N. Acadian Thwy B.R., LA 70806 (225) 383-4637
24 | | 504.583.1261
Music Production
Jacqueline F. P. Hurst (More Than Conquerors Productionz)...... P.O.Box 850481 New Orleans, La 70185 (504) 758-1679
•Ciano (Team Finale - Next Records).............................................................. 535 South Lopez New Orleans, LA 70119
Nail Salons
•Escape to Paradise Nail Spa.................................................................................................. B.R., LA (225) 929-7844
•Hollwood Hair/Nails/Spa.................................................................................................... 7006 Read Blvd. N.O., LA
•Kimly Nails.......................................................................................... 9954 lake Forest Blvd N.O., LA (504) 782-3811
•Nails T& M Design.....................................................................9301 Lake Forest Blvd. #104 N.O., LA (504) 240-2010
•New Orleans East Notary................................................................ 9954 Lake Forest Blvd#3 N.O., LA (504) 240-6483
•Notary 91...................................................................................... 3501 Holiday Dr. Ste. 106 New Orleans, LA. 70114
Parties & Entertainment
Joyful Jennie The Clown......................................................................Baton Rouge LA & New Orleans LA 504-909-2738
Joy Walks (Space Walks & Party Equipment)................................................................New Orleans, LA (504) 367-9246
Once Upon A Tea Time...................................................................................................New Orleans, LA (504) 813-0987
•Smarty Pants Village (Educational Toy & Party Boutique)...................16645 Highland Place B.R., LA (225) 752-5622
Tea Kay’s Tea Party Service......................................................................................... New Orleans, LA (504) 875-7755
3 Streams (AMP) Art, Music, Photography..................................................................... New Orleans, LA (504) 261-4716
•Image 1 Photography, LLC...................................................2028 Paxton St. Ste.B Harvey, LA 70058 (504)340-2700
Leslie Henderson Photography.......................................................................... Baton Rouge/N.O., LA (504) 621-5930
Louis Briggs Photography....................................................................3076 Bootsie Dr. B.R., LA 70807 (225) 775-3331
McDaniel Dotson (Photographic Fantasies)....................................................................Baton Rouge, LA (225)751-4760
•Roby Photos, LLC...........................................................10319 Old Hammond Hwy Ste. C-1 B.R., LA (225) 572-5776
Pest Control
•Classic Pest Control, Inc...................................................1821 Wooddale Ct. Ste. 215 B.R., LA 70806 (225) 275-6040
•Congressman Cao......................................................................................4640 Carrollton Avenue N.O., LA 822-6377
•Print & Trim.......................................................................11616 Industrialplex Blvd., B.R., LA 70809 (225) 772-6510
•Graf-iks, Inc.............................................................................3804 Frenchmen Street, New Orleans - (504) 943-1872
Reception Halls
•LACE - The Reception Place..................................................... 516 E. Airline Hwy. , LaPlace, LA 70068 (985) 359-5223
•LeRoux Reception Hall................................................................. 1700 Louisiana Ave. N.O., LA 70115 (504) 897-5445
•Reaping The Harvest Reception Hall..........................................................5201 Dauphine St. N.O., LA (504) 943-0077
Real Estate
Carlos R. Cato (CATO Real Estate)...............................................................................................B.R., LA (225) 445-3134
•Davorah Johnson (Donald Julien & Associates)........................ 118 Terry Parkway Gretna, LA 70056 (504) 368-7132
•Johnson Real Estate Group, LLC................................................................... 11799 Plank Rd B.R., LA (225)774-5186
•LaCher Real Estate, LLC......................................................................6888 LA 44, Convent, LA 70723 (225) 562-3357
•Lacy Baaheth & Associates........................................................... 11833 Market Place B.R., LA 70816 (225) 954-0768
•Michael Gibson, Sr. (River City Realty of LA, LLC)....14144 Greenwell Springs Rd. Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 (225) 803-2986
•Ronald Julien (Donald Julien & Assoc.) - 1926 Woddale Blvd Ste 101A B.R., LA 70806 (225) 926-3449
•Roy Carter Realty..................................................................2035 N. Acadian Thwy E B.R., LA 70802 (225) 357-6436
•Thereasa Gransberry (T-Grans Realty, LLC).........................4521 North Blvd. Suite C B. R., LA. 70806 (225) 275-0052
•We Never Close.......................................................................................... 10240 Chef Hwy. N.O., LA (504) 246- 1042
•Anita’s Restaurant................................................................................. 2122 Tulane Avenue N.O., LA (504) 523-1542
•Bayou Café & Catering.................................................................. 5068 Airline Hwy B.R., LA 70805 (225) 358-0814
•Big Mamma’s Waffle Chicken 5741 Crowder Blvd. (504) 241-2548
•The Café in the Flea Market......................................................... 5905 Florida Blvd. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 201-9088
•Cannon’s Restaurant.........................................................................4141 St. Charles Avenue N.O., LA (504) 891-3200
•Castnet Seafood.................................................................................... 10826 Haynes Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 244-8446
•Captain Sals Seafood.................................................................................10038 Chef Hwy N.O., LA (504) 246- 8900
•Chicken Shack Restaurant........................................ 413 N. Acadian Thruway Baton Rouge, LA 70806 225-383-0940
............................................................................................3939 Pawtucket St. Baton Rouge, LA 70805 225-357-6889
•Dorothy’s Soulfood Kitchen................................................1221 Gardere Lane Ste. M B.R., LA 70820 (225) 757-1146
•Eric B’s...................................................................................1578 N. Acadian Thwy B.R., LA 70802 (225) 383-7429
•Finger Lick N Wings....................................................................... 739 Jackson Ave. New Orleans, LA (504) 373-5020
•Flavorz by Mattie.......................................................................... 8480 Morrison Rd, Suite A New Orleans, LA. 70127
•Jay’s Bar-B-Q...........................................................................4215 Government St. B.R., LA 70810 (504) 343-5082
•Kelly’s Creations............................................................................................................Gonzales, LA (225) 644-5629
•Lil Dizzy’s Café....................................................................................... 1500 Esplande Ave. N.O., LA (504) 569-8997
•McHardy’s Chicken............................................................................................................1458 No. Broad St. N.O., LA
•Mckenzie’s Chicken In A Box............................................................ 3839 Frenchman Street N.O., LA (504) 943-8908
•Nacho Mama’s.................................................................................................................6325 Elysian Fields N.O., LA
•Neyow’s Creole Café...............................................................................3340 Bienville Ave. N.O., LA (504) 827-5474
•The New Ethel’s Snack Shack......................................................... 1553 Fairchild St. B.R., LA 70807 (225) 774-6556
•Salads Galore and More.............................................................................. 7011 Read Blvd. N.O., LA (504) 240-6552
•Sammie’s Waffle House....................................................... 9301 Lake Forest Blvd. Ste #107 N.O., LA (504) 241-2727
•Sassafras.................................................................... 10100 I-10 Service Rd New Orleans, LA 70127 (504) 378-5001
•Smoothie King....................................................................................................6600 Franklin Ave. # 4 A-11 N.O., LA
•Spicy Kitchen.................................................................................... 4058 Old Gentilly Road N.O., LA (504) 948-9800
•The Table is Bread...................................................................................4748 Airline Hwy B. R., LA (225) 356-1496
•Triple H Grill..................................................................................1836 N. Foster Dr. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 359-9569
•Trolley Stop..........................................................................................1923 St. Charles Ave. N.O., LA (504) 523-0090
•Two Sisters Restaurant............................................................................226 No. Derbigny N.O., LA (504) 524-0056
•Vincent’s City Club.........................................................................7132 Florida Blvd B.R., LA 70806 (225) 925-1263
•Wag’s Restaurant................................................................................. 1601 Plaza Drive Marerro, LA (504) 348-3080
•We Never Close..............................................................................10240 Chef Mentur Hwy. N.O., LA (504) 246- 1042
•Willie Mae’s.............................................................................................2401 Saint Ann St. N.O., LA (504) 822-9503
•JPS Security......................................................................9542 Brookline Ave. Ste. F B.R., LA 70806 (225) 248-1088
•AVAJ ShoeTique.............................................................................. 8508 Airway Dr. B.R., LA 70806 (504) 650-3270
•Feet First............................................................................................ 4119 Magazine Street N.O., LA (504) 899-6800
•Gigiz Shoe Closet............................................................................ 4541 North Blvd. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 924-1100
.........................................................................................................................1524 Alvar St. N.O., LA (504) 940-1888
•V.P. Shoes & Accessories......................................................................................................... N.O. LA 7300 Read Blvd.
•Christ’s Way Academy of Learning.................................2332 Eastgate Drive, Suite A B.R., LA 70816 (225) 921-3581
•Living Faith Academy Of Excellence.......................................... 6180 Winbourne Ave. B.R., LA 70805 (225) 357-0378
Brian Hertzock.............................................................Baton Rouge Business Network - B.R., LA 70806 (225) 766-3804
Deech Global Travels................................................................................ P.O. Box 964 B.R., LA 70821 (225) 235-9166
Pelican State Travel......................................................................................................Baton Rouge, LA (225) 663-2312
Serenity Travel Agency................................................................................................. New Orleans, LA (504) 309-4897
Trophies & Awards
CF&A Trophies & Awards........................................................ 1517 Spanish Oaks Dr Harvey, LA 70058 (504) 256-4311
Tuxedo/Wedding/Limousine Rentals
•Classic Formalwear & Limousine Service....................... 10130 Greenwell Springs Rd. B.R., LA 70814 (225) 274-8896
Work From Home
Troy & Bernice Weathersby - (504) 322-7103 or (253) 310-8753
•Upstage Theatre Company, Inc.................................................. 1713 Wooddale Blvd. B.R., LA 70806 (225) 924-3774
Title Companies
•New South Title Company.............................................................3582 Government St. B.R., 70806 (225) 343-0040
•Deliverance Transportation............................................................6345 Hwy 73 Geismar., LA 70734 (225) 810-8427
Call Today to list your business
here for only $100 per year!
By: Cheryl Atkinson PhD, RD, LDN
Nutrition experts all agree that by practicing healthy eating you can
lower your risk for chronic diseases (obesity, heart disease, diabetes and even
cancer), increase your overall productivity, increase your energy levels, and
can even make yourself look younger.
You may ask what is healthy eating? It is eating a wide variety of
nutritious food items without taking in too many calories. To achieve a
healthy eating pattern you must consume:
(builds muscles)
(omega 3 & omega 6 essential fats)
Carbohydrates (whole grain foods ex. oats, rice, pasta)
Vegetables (all kinds – vitamins & minerals)
(all kinds – vitamins)
Several bottled water companies get their supply from the same source
as you do; the municipal water system.
You probably think that eating healthier foods means that you must buy
more expensive foods. Well, it can happen, but it does not have to happen.
There are many ways to insure that you stay within your food budget. With
food prices rising, now may be a good time to bring back the basics – the
economical nutritious foods that can be used to make heart healthy and
delicious meals for you and your family.
It is important to note here that ‘buying fresh is best,’ but if not buy
Frozen vegetables and Fruits are good choices. These vegetables are
loaded with vitamins and minerals, and it takes less time to prepare than
fresh vegetables. You won’t feel like you have wasted your money if they
are not eaten at one time, because you can freeze cooked vegetables.
Here are six ways to eat healthy
on a shoestring budget:
Buy Generic:
Store brands and generic brands can provide great savings when
shopping. Remember, although the packet may look different, the nutritional
value of the food item is the same.
Switch to water:
Quit drinking sodas and sugary drinks, which contain little to no
nutrients, and can be costly. Water is healthier and cheap. Be aware that
bottled water can be very expensive. Try consuming tap water. You can filter
the water, or boil and cool the water before drinking.
Eat less Meat:
Americans eat more meat than they need, and meat is among the more
expensive protein foods. Try:
Fish: Cod, Tilapia and canned Tuna, are high in protein and ‘soft’ on the wallet.
Eggs: Great value at approx $2.00 per dozen. They are full of vitamins,
and are high in protein.
Beans: all types; they are a good source of protein, low in fat, and
packed with fiber and folic acid.
Buy Frozen Vegetables:
Buy seasonal Fruits:
Buy locally grown fruits and vegetables when in season. Food items not
only taste better, but will often cost less, since they don’t need to be shipped
in from half a world away.
Take your Lunch to Work:
You spend a significant amount of your food budget buying food at
work daily. Leftovers make great lunch ideas. You get healthy food while
saving money.
These easy and simple ideas can allow you to eat healthy on a shoestring
If you want to know more, contact the nutrition expert, the registered
dietitian (RD). The RD is the authority on food, nutrition and health, and
can provide valuable information and advice.
Diamond Nutrition Consultants (225) 673-6209
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Tony E. Wyatt II, better known as “Victory” or
“Victory the Ambassador” was born in Hattiesburg,
MS. He’s the eldest son of Tony Wyatt I, and Varettica
Wyatt. Victory, grew up rather fast with the desire to
see “what life was like” in the streets. Although Victory
had a church upbringing by his mother; he, like some,
went astray after realizing his mother couldn’t teach
him everything he needed to know about becoming
a man. He began looking up to local gangsters as
role models desiring to be like them. Dealing with the
reality of his mom and dad being divorced and being
in a broken home; he became very rebellious towards
his mother and her teachings. Victory recalls talking to
his grandfather (John H. Allen), a man full of wisdom,
as a kid, but as he grew in age, his interest was aimed
toward the streets. “A lot of parents worry about
“outside” influences bringing a child down, but a lot
of times it’s your own family. My first time puffing
marijuana was with my uncle, and the first time I
drank alcohol was with my dad,” quotes Victory.
His life of crime started with “simple” stealing
out of stores. This eventually led him to becoming a
“career criminal,” meaning that he made a career of
committing crimes. Gang members from Los Angeles
moved to an area in Mississippi and spread like
an infection. By the age of 13, Victory took it upon
himself to join a gang. “It was like a family outside
of my home,” says Victory. The 59th Street East Coast
Crip Gang became everything to him. Before he knew
it, his whole life revolved around the gang. “I believe
in loyalty. I was true to what I represented,” Victory
He recalls his mom telling him not to hang around
the wrong crowd, but those things she told him would go
in one ear and come out the other. Eventually, he was
convicted on drug charges and landed in penitentiary.
At this point he would begin to see the “shadey side”
of “Thug life.” Victory was hurt to find out that a lot of
his so called friends and “family” in the gang turned
their backs on him. He saw that disloyalty and greed
was on a rise which caused jealousy and strife in the
gang. Jail sentences were being passed out and some
who were afraid to do time would “snitch” or tell to
keep themselves free.
Victory recalls, “I was locked up miles away
from my mom and the things she used to tell me when
I wouldn’t listen, I could hear them so clear…it was
strange.” After his release from prison, Victory battled
with wanting to do right, but couldn’t because he still
continued to hang in the streets. He was hustling
and carrying out other illegal acts. “I knew there
was something God wanted to do with me, but I was
running and not trying to find out what it was,” he
says. Little did he know, God would intervene.
“I was getting ready to head to L.A. to pursue
my rap career, but before I could, God allowed me
to catch a charge that put me in East Baton Rouge
Parish Prison. The inmates were having prayer in the
prison. When the officer let me in, I was approached
with an invitation to have prayer with them. Before I
could respond the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice
RUNNING FOR TOO LONG.” It scared me! I accepted
the invitation and about the fourth day of being there,
I had an encounter on my bunk with Jesus Christ that
blew my mind. It changed my life forever. I haven’t
been the same. I was there about a week and a half
before bonding out; God spoke to me audibly the whole
time. The Lord said, “SON, YOU SEE THAT TALENT YOU
I wrote my first gospel song that day and I
haven’t looked back. I thank God for the people who
prayed for me; for my mom who trained me in the
way I should go. I am thankful for those who sowed
seed into my life like my Sunday school teacher Mrs.
Chambers and people like Mrs. Carolyn Reed who held
bible study at her house. She compelled us to come in
even though we would go and do all kinds of dirt after
we left. Mrs. Carolyn gave me a bible with my name
on it in 1994 and for years I would take it with me
wherever I moved, but wouldn’t read it. I’m glad to say
that today; I have that same bible with many scriptures
highlighted in yellow, which makes it evident that it’s
being used.” Victory says after reflecting back.
Victory now has his own independent record label,
Soul Winner Music and Ministry. God has anointed
him and his music which is being used to touch many
people. He enjoys praise and worship and being fed
the Word at Living Faith Christian Center. He also loves
going into neighborhoods, sharing the gospel and how
Christ changed his life with guys who are in the streets
like he used to be. His vision is to allow his music to
inspire and influence others to live for Christ just as the
corrupt music inspired him to live a life of crime. He
believes that rappers are the most influential people
in the world; more influential than parents, teachers,
preachers, and politicians. “Our kids are doing what
the rappers say do. We didn’t get taught the gospel
like this. We got it the old traditional way and it kind
of turned us off.” Victory says. Victory is rapping for
Christ and winning souls! You can book Victory and his
other artists for any event by calling (225) 258 0255.
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