MomsTop10Questions - Mile High Max Muscle


MomsTop10Questions - Mile High Max Muscle
By Maria Kang
TOP 10
This month’s cover model gets asked all the time how
DOES she do it? Here, she shares with our readers how
she has become a fit mom and how you can, too!
“Wait until you have kids!” That was a regular remark I heard often
from overweight mothers in my younger years at the gym. It not only
bugged me, but it made me vigilant to become a fit mother one day.
Like most expectant mothers, I feared weight gain, stretch marks,
excess skin and saggy body parts. My family history showed that I
was susceptible to all the above, plus additional health issues. So
I educated myself. I learned how to have a healthy pregnancy, lose
weight after birth and maintain my muscle mass. After giving birth to
three sons born in 2009, 2010 and 2011, I can now proudly look at any
woman and say, “I’m a fit mom and you can be, too!” Here are my top
10 most asked questions:
Did you work out when you
were pregnant?
I trained anywhere between 1 to 3 times per week while pregnant,
depending on my energy levels. I performed a dance or kick boxing
class and focused on high repetition weight training. As my belly
developed, I avoided exercises that required me to lie down. I
ensured my heart rate didn’t exceed 140 bpm and I stayed hydrated.
ı MARCH 2013
Apparel by Elisabetta Rogiani,
Photos by James Patrick,
What foods did you eat while
I ate balanced meals of lean protein, complex
carbohydrates and healthy fats. I splurged on small
indulgences here and there, but I was vigilant about not
giving into food cravings. I knew that the recommended
weight gain was 25 to 35 pounds and it can be easily
exceeded if I didn’t watch my intake. I only ate 300 to
500 extra calories per day for the baby, which didn’t
come into effect until my 2nd trimester.
Did you breastfeed? How did
you diet and breastfeed at the
same time?
Milk supply was always challenging for me as I only nursed
anywhere between 3 to 6 months. If you are a nursing
mother, it is important you play with your caloric intake
without sacrificing supply as every woman is different. My
best advice is to eat clean meals, exercise and nurse your
child as long as you can! Nursing definitely helped me lose
the baby weight faster.
How did you strengthen your
Immediately after giving birth I began massaging my
belly with a Belly Ball. The massage helped stimulate and
decrease my uterus (so I still didn’t look pregnant after)
and create circulation in my mid-section. A few weeks after
birth I started performing planks for 20 to 30 seconds and
built up my ab exercises as I became stronger.
How long did it take to lose
Your weight loss is dependent on how much you gain
during pregnancy. You should lose 15 to 25 pounds right
after giving birth. The rest will take dedication, sweat
and discipline. This is why you must mindfully eat while
pregnant. If you gain 50 pounds, you will be left with 30
pounds of excess weight after your pregnancy! I gained 35
to 40 pounds with each pregnancy and it took me at least 6
to 8 months to lose the baby weight and feel amazing.
Do you have stretch marks?
I did develop some stretch marks on my abdomen. To help
avoid getting them, I kept my skin hydrated and gained
weight slowly. Unfortunately, the only way to remove
stretch marks is through surgery or some laser
procedures. However, your stretch marks will
appear less noticeable over time and with
strength training.
How do you manage your
time with work and three
As a business owner, nonprofit founder and freelance
writer with three small sons, I definitely have to
manage my time efficiently throughout the day. I
make lists every night and try to get my workout
completed early before the kids awake. Most of my
meals are prepared in advance so I can easily grab
a Tupperware or snack bag on the go. It’s important
to focus and prioritize your goals daily.
How do you exercise with
a baby at home?
Many of my workouts are completed at home
because it’s more convenient and I don’t usually
have a sitter. You can invest in either fitness DVDs,
weights, a stability ball, strength bands, or a
treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike. I often place
my baby in an exersaucer or playpen while I train.
How do you find the
Being a mother is very exhausting, but what keeps
me energetic is setting short-term goals that make
me motivated. Sometimes I aim for a weekend
getaway with my husband. Other times I would sign
up for a 5K or a photo shoot. Whenever I create
goals, I create energy to complete tasks, especially
when I’m tired, frustrated, stressed or depressed.
What are your favorite
exercises to tighten your
I like a variety of exercises. I try to focus on my
deepest core muscles, my transverse abdominals,
my obliques, my back and my lower abs. I perform
core work at least twice a week and incorporate 3
to 4 different exercises with a 20 to 30 rep range.
I take 30 second breaks between sets and focus on
drawing in my belly button and exhaling through
each movement. MS&F
Turn the page for Maria Kang's three favorite core moves.
MARCH 2013
V-Up Planks
Planks are a great exercise because they work on your transverse abdominals and lower back
regions. Make sure you are drawing your belly button in and keeping a neutral spine. After
holding for 10 seconds, raise your hips up while exhaling all the air out of your mid-section.
Hold for 3 seconds then return to starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.
Russian Twists
Russian Twists work your upper abs and obliques. Get into a sit-up
position angling at about 30 degrees. With or without a ball, begin
to twist from side to side touching your fingers to the ground.
Perform 3 sets of 20-30 reps.
Belly Ball Massage
I massaged my belly immediately after giving birth to help bring my tummy down. I continue to massage
my belly twice a day on an empty stomach to increase circulation, stimulate fat loss and promote
digestion. Lay flat on your back and roll the Belly Ball in a clockwise motion (the direction of your
digestion). If there are areas where you are bloated, place the ball on the tender area and rub it until the
pain subsides. Massage for 5 to 10 minutes daily.
ı MARCH 2013