: Saya, Dia dan Kamu - Terengganu


: Saya, Dia dan Kamu - Terengganu
Ketegangan Etnik Di Rwanda
Terjemahan daripada buku
tahun 1994 di Wilayah
Rwanda berhampiran
sempadan Tanzania,
telah berlaku satu
etnik Tutsi oleh puak
Hutu. Kelihatan mayat
badan dan terdapat juga mayat yang tidak ditanam.
Apa yang lebih menyedihkan perempuan dirogol
sebelum dibunuh. Pembunuhan dilakukan oleh
mereka yang mangsa dikenali iaitu jiran tetangga
mereka, kawan sekolah dan juga rakan sepejabat.
Puak Hutu dilatih untuk membunuh puak Tutsi dan
dihebohkan secara terbuka diradio, akhbar dan
sebagainya. Puak Hutu yang sederhana dan Tutsi
akan dibunuh kerana dianggap sebagai pembelot.
Mereka melakukan pembunuhan pada setiap detik.
Malahan ada dikalangan mangsa dikenalpasti terlebih
dahulu sebelum dibunuh.
Pada awal pagi bulan April 1994, militia Hutu telah
mengepalai satu latihan awam di luar pejabat kerajaan
di Mugonero. Terdapat ramai golongan muda keluar
setiap malam untuk mengikuti latihan tersebut dan siapa
yang ingkar dianggap musuh. Radio mengumumkan
jangan sesiapapun berpindah. Hari berikutnya kelihatan
sekumpulan manusia dikepalai oleh ketua masyarakat
tempatan dari puak Hutu telah membakar rumahrumah puak Tutsi. Telah menjadi tradisi penduduk
Rwanda mereka akan berlindung di gereja apabila
berlaku bencana. Puak Tutsi telah berlindung di gereja
dan terdapat beribu-ribu puak Tutsi telah di bunuh dan
disembelih. Pada 12 April 1994, hospital yang dipenuhi
oleh beribu-ribu tahanan telah disekat bekalan air dan
tiada sesiapapun dibenarkan meninggalkan hospital.
Pada 16 April 1994 sejumlah kenderaan yang dipenuhi
tentera telah mengepung dan menyerang hospital
dan ditembak dari pelbagai arah. Polis dan penduduk
tempatan juga terlibat dalam pembunuhan kejam ini.
Kejadian tidak berhenti setakat itu sahaja, militia Hutu
datang menggunakan trak dan bas dan menyeksa puak
Tutsi dengan memotong sendi-sendi anggota badan
dan membiarkan mangsa terseksa.
Dengan penguasaan puak Hutu dalam pentadbiran,
telah memudahkan kemenangan parti Parmehutu di
dalam pilihanraya pertama Rwanda iaitu pada tahun
1960. Pada bulan September 1961 penduduk Rwanda
telah mengundi untuk menamatkan sistem monarki
Rwanda dan menggantikannya dengan republik
dengan parti yang dikuasai oleh puak Hutu mengetuai
pentadbiran dan digelar Revolusi Hutu. Dengan ini
bermulanya konflik apabila pentadbiran Hutu mulai
mendesak dan menyerang puak Tutsi dan meminta
agar puak Tutsi meninggalkan kampung halamannya
secara aman. Dengan ini bermulanya konflik yang
amat dashyat dalam lipatan sejarah Rwanda.
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tin ade
Peristiwa ini berlaku pada dasarnya bukan kerana
masalah etnik tetapi lebih kepada perasaan tidak
berpuas hati terhadap penguasaan politik dan ekonomi
oleh puak Tutsi. Sejarah bermula apabila penjajah
Belgium kelihatan lebih cenderung berpihak kepada
puak Tutsi untuk terlibat secara langsung dalam bidang
politik dan pentadbiran. Puak Hutu tidak dibenarkan
langsung untuk terlibat dalam pentadbiran. Belgium
melihat bahawa puak Tutsi lebih layak untuk terlibat
dalam pentadbiran berbanding puak Hutu. Belgium
berterusan menyokong puak Tutsi sehingga tahun
1950an sehinggalah mendapat tekanan daripada
Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk turut
membenarkan puak Hutu terlibat secara langsung
dalam pentadbiran, pendidikan dan ekonomi. Golongan
pentadbir daripada puak Tutsi menentang rancangan
tersebut dan menyatakan bahawa Belgium patut keluar
daripada Rwanda jika berhasrat untuk membenarkan
puak Hutu terlibat secara langsung dalam pentadbiran
manakala puak Hutu pula menyatakan bahawa jika
Belgium ingin keluar dari Rwanda pastikan mereka
menguasai pentadbiran terlebih dahulu kerana mereka
golongan majoriti. Pentadbiran puak Tutsi yang
diketuai oleh Mutara Rudahigwa sejak tahun 1931
meminta supaya semua pihak bertenang. Malangnya
Muta Rudahigwa meninggal secara mengejut pada
tahun 1959 dan digantikan dengan adiknya yang
bernama Kigeri Ndahindurwa yang dilihat sebagai
pemimpin konservatif Tutsi. Parti yang dikuasai oleh
puak Tutsi iaitu Union Nationale Rwandaise (UNAR)
mendapat kekuatan dalam poltik dan pentadbiran di
Rwanda. Terdapat juga parti yang dikuasai oleh puak
Hutu iaitu Parmehutu. Pada bulan November 1959,
terdapat segelintir daripada puak Tutsi membunuh ahli
parti daripada puak Hutu dan berita ini mulai tersebar
secara meluasnya. Rentetan daripada itu puak Hutu
bertindak balas terhadap pegawai-pegawai daripada
puak Tutsi dengan cara yang lebih ekstrem. Beratusratus mangsa terkorban dalam kejadian berkenaan.
Pihak Belgium mula menggunakan kuasa dengan
menggantikan hampir separuh daripada pentadbiran
daripada puak Tutsi kepada puak Hutu.
12/ 2012
Oleh; Fatimah Abd Ghani & Norzaidah Ngali
Sebelum saya meneruskan coretan ini, ingin saya
menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun dan maaf
seandainya artikel yang ditulis ini bakal mengguriskan hati
mana-mana pihak. Namun percayalah, sedikit pun tidak
pernah terlintas untuk berbuat demikian. Apa yang ingin
dikongsikan hanyalah catatan perjalanan saya sebagai
seorang pelatih bagi panduan dan pengajaran buat semua
rakan. Seperti kata pepatah, ‘yang baik dijadikan ikutan
dan sebaliknya yang buruk itu dijadikan sempadan’ agar
masing-masing turut menginsafi bahawa sesungguhnya
yang baik itu semuanya datang daripada Allah s.w.t dan
yang buruk itu datang daripada diri saya sendiri.
Bermula lah kisah kehidupan saya sebagai seorang
pelatih atau lebih tepat lagi Pensyarah Latihan Profesional
di Kafe Latihan Kreatif di UiTM (Terengganu). Setiap
pengakhiran ada permulaan, setiap pertemuan pasti akan
ada perpisahan, begitu jua lah dengan situasi saya. Saya
dan temanku Zaidah gigih menjalani latihan professional
hanya di dalam kampus tercinta dan tidak di tempat lain,
bermula pada 1 Mei 2012 yang lalu dan telahpun berjaya
ditamatkan pada hujung bulan Oktober 2012. Tidak
dapat dinafikan, ada juga kedengaran suara sumbang
memperlekehkan keputusan yang dibuat, tetapi tidak
kurang juga yang menyokong tindakan saya ini. Apa pun
saya yakin setiap yang berlaku, sudah tertulis dan pasti
ada hikmahnya yang tersendiri. Bagi saya di manapun kita
menjalani latihan praktikal, kita mestilah ikhlas, komited
dan memberi yang terbaik bagi menimba sebanyak
mungkin pengalaman dan ilmu buat bekalan berharga
bagi seseorang yang bergelar pensyarah di Fakulti
Pengurusan Hotel dan Pelancongan (FPHP). Pengalaman
sebenar di industri sangat berguna kerana saya mampu
berkongsi pengalaman yang dimiliki dengan para pelajar
kelak. Saya rasa sangat bertuah kerana dapat merasai
pengalaman menguruskan Kafe Latihan Kreatif sepeti
ianya milik saya sendiri. Pengalaman dan pengajaran
semasa menguruskan Kafe Kreatif ini berbeza dengan
apa yang dipelajari di dalam buku teks di bilik kuliah.
Saya juga sangat bersyukur, saya dan teman se-praktikal
saling lengkap-melengkapi, memenuhi kekurangan dan
kelebihan yang tersendiri yang membuatkan kami serasi
Tugasan awal saya bermula dengan menyediakan kertas
kerja untuk memulakan operasi kafe buat julung kalinya
diuruskan oleh pensyarah fakulti sendiri. Saya juga
bekerjasama dengan para pelajar latihan industri dari
program Diploma Pengurusan Perkhidmatan Makanan
yang menjalani latihan industi di Kafe Latihan Kreatif.
Perancangan rapi dibuat bagi membolehkan pelanggan
berasa selesa dengan urusan jual beli dan perkhidmatan
makanan yang disediakan. Sesi pembersihan dan
: Saya, Dia dan Kamu
menyusun atur peralatan di kafe dibuat secara gotongroyong bersama semua warga tenaga pengajar FPHP
yang sudi datang meluangkan masa serta menghulurkan
bantuan tulang empat kerat bagi menjayakan sesi gotongroyong ini. Setelah itu, saya, teman se-praktikal Zaidah
serta pelajar-pelajar latihan industri mengecat bahagian
dalam kafe bagi memberikan suasana baru kepada
pelanggan. Ternyata, saya sendiri merasa puas hati dapat
mengecat dan melakukannya sendiri walaupun saya
seorang pengecat amatur.
Hari pertama Kafe Latihan Kreatif beroperasi membuatkan
perasaanku bercampur baur antara gementar dan
teruja memandangkan sambutan yang diterima amat
menggalakkan. Semenjak kafe ini ditutup berikutan pertukaran
pengurusan, ramai pelanggan ternanti-nanti pembukaannya
semula. Semenjak pembukaan kafe, setiap hari seawal pukul
5.30 pagi saya menjalani rutin yang baru untuk bersiap-siap
memulakan tugasan bagi menyediakan menu sarapan pagi,
makan tengahari dan juga minum petang.
Sepanjang menjalani latihan praktik ini, terlalu banyak
pengalaman pahit dan manis yang dilalui, dan di
kesempatan ini saya ingin berkongsi tentang ‘Kuasa
Senyuman’, ‘Kuasa Testimonial’, serta ‘Kuasa Memuji’
yang hampir saban hari saya hadapi. Bermula dengan
‘Kuasa Senyuman’, senyuman itu sendiri memang
mampu menceriakan hari yang suram, perasaan serabut
dan kesibukan. Sebagai salah seorang tenaga kerja di
kafe, sesibuk dan sepenat manapun kita, senyuman itu
sangat penting untuk diukir di bibir. Sekeras manapun
hati seseorang, ia mampu dicairkan apabila bibir kita tidak
lekang dengan senyuman, berbudi bahasa dan sabar demi
melayan karenah pelanggan. Bak kata pepatah daripada
seorang pakar motivasi terkenal, Dr. Azizan Osman;
“Sekali peniaga senyum, sejuta kali pelanggan terasa
bahagia”. Ini dapat dibuktikan melalui pengalaman saya
yang sentiasa cuba mengukirkan senyuman sepanjang
hari di dalam kesibukan dan kepenatan bekerja seharian.
Sesungguhnya senyuman adalah anugerah ajaib yang
membawa seribu satu pengertian.
Seterusnya, ‘Kuasa Testimonial’ juga mampu menaikkan
imej kafe dan menambahkan bilangan pengunjung hari
demi hari. Hanya dengan ‘word of mouth’ iaitu pelanggan
sedia ada, menyebarkan tentang kewujudan kafe dan
kesedapan hidangan menu kepada orang sekeliling juga
telah membuatkan mereka tertarik untuk mengunjungi
serta menambahkan jualan kafe pada hari tersebut.
Promosi secara tidak langsung ini, berjaya mengurangkan
kos pengiklanan, malah setiap hari pasti ada pelanggan
baru yang ingin mencuba juadah masakan kami. Selain
itu, saya juga belajar menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara
ak a
tin de
Oleh; Ilyas Bin Abdullah & Nurul Saadatun Nadiah Bt Mohd Ngah
“We Wish To Inform That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Family”
As unsold goods accumulate, firms lay off workers and
cut back output. So effective demand establishes the
economy’s actual output which some cases is less
than level of output that would exist if there were full
Konklusinya, pengalaman memang mampu mematangkan
diri seseorang untuk menjadi individu yang lebih baik dan
bertanggungjawab. Dengan kuasa senyuman, testimonial
dan memuji juga mampu untuk lebih memotivasikan sesiapa
sahaja yang mempunyai perniagaan atau menguruskan
perniagaan sendiri samada sebagai pemilik mahupun
seorang pekerja. Dengan izin Allah s.w.t, segalanya
mungkin untuk mendapat hasil yang terbaik seperti yang
kita impikan. Seorang penulis blog Cik Hanis Zalikha
melalui ‘tagline’nya menyatakan bahawa ‘you can’t’ make
everybody like you, as you don’t even like everybody’.
Oleh itu, bersederhanalah dalam tindak tanduk kita
serta sentiasa bersyukur dengan segalanya dan jangan
melampui batas dalam segala hal. Akhir kalam, ketenangan
dan kebahagiaan hidup akan diperolehi sekiranya kita
sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa sahaja nikmat yang Allah
s.w.t kurniakan. Wallahualam.
11. Brue, S.L (1994). The Evolution of Economic Thought (5th edition).
Inilah kisah kami,
Fatimah Abd Ghani dan
Norzaidah Ngali
Now Everybody Can Smile...
by; Wan Zuhaila Wan Abdul Rahman
How can you smile when you feel like you can’t smile? Whether you are feeling too sad, depressed to look happy, or truly
cannot smile due to a physical problem, you can still show others your glowing personality. To communicate is very easy
whether you say it verbally or not. Smiling is very simple as it requires not even one single word. It is a first step which
acts as a secret key towards a healthy relationship. Communicate your smile a different way so that no matter who you
are interacting with, they know how happy you feel.
Steps to
Force that smile on your face, no matter how negative a mood you are in. Even if you feel displeasure towards
the person that you are looking at, try to look pleasant. You don’t have to show all your teeth. A simple smile will do.
Smiling also could make us feel happier. It is not a cure for all overwhelming grief, but it could reduce a small dose of
sadness and depression experienced.
Project a smile through body language, such as stand
up straight, holds your head up, do not frown, and
smile with your eyes. You can still smile even you are
physically cannot do it due to an injury, birth defect, or mouth
guard. You also need to learn certain facial management
techniques that enable you to communicate your feelings
to achieve the effect you want.
tin ade
Wear clothes that smile. Color has many meanings. Add
to your positive body language the color of happiness.
Yellow is the color for dependability. A soft yellow is nonthreatening and friendly. From the yellow family, warm
colors are welcoming. Gold, browns, golden-oranges,
are all dependable colors of friendship. However, blues
are passive and calm colors. In the visual language, soft
blues project a serenity and quiet peacefulness. Avoid reds
that are too aggressive and threatening. This could make
people stay away from you.
9. Walton, P & Gamble, A (1976). Capitalism In Crisis: Inflation and the
State. The Macmillan Press Ltd: London.
10.Harcout, G.C (1995). Capitalism, Socialism and Post Keynesianism. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited: United Kingdom.
The Dryden Press: Pacific Lutheran University.
Instability in the Economy
According to Keynesians, the economy is given to
recurring booms and bust because the level of planned
investment spending is erratic. Changes in investment
plans cause national income and output to change by
amounts greater than the initial changes in investment.
Equilibrium level of investment and saving that exist
after all adjustments have occurred are achieved
through changes in national income, as opposed to
changes in the rate of interest. Investment spending is
determined jointly by rate of interest and the marginal
efficiency of capital, or the expected rate of return above
the cost on new investments. The interest rate depends
on people’s preferences for liquidity and the quantity of
money. The marginal efficiency of capital depends on
the expectation of future profits and the supply price of
capital. The expected rate of profit from new investment
is unstable and therefore one of the most important
causes of business fluctuations.
Wage and Price Rigidity
Keynesians pointed out that wages tend to be inflexible
downward because of such institutional factors as union
contracts, minimum wage law and implicit contracts.
In period of slack aggregate demand for goods and
services, firms respond to lower sales by reducing
production and discharging or laying off workers and not
by insisting on wage cuts. Prices also spirals downward,
decline in effective demand initially causes reductions
in output and employment rather than declines in the
price level. Deflation occurs only under conditions of
extremely severe depression.
Active fiscal and Monetary Policy
Keynesian economists advocated that the government
should intervene actively through appropriate fiscal and
monetary policies to promote full employment, price
stability and economic growth. To combat recession
or depression government should either increase its
spending or reduce taxes, the latter increasing private
consumption spending. It also should increase the
money supply to drive down interest rates in the hopes
that this will bolster investment spending. To counter
inflation caused by excessive aggregate expenditure,
governments should either reduce its own spending,
increase taxes to reduce private consumption spending
or reduce the money supply to raise interest rates which
will dampen excessive investment spending. 12
12. ibid.
Stimulation of economic growth is generally
necessary across the countries that face the
economic recession. In Malaysia, the core piece of
the stimulation package involves direct government
investment in community infrastructure and road
and support of small businesses. Another way is
tax cut in general, lower tax and higher transfers
to households. Households will be able to
maintain consumption if taxes are lowered. Lower
taxes and higher transfers to the corporate sector
is the best solution towards stimulating economic
growth. Credit crunch investments will be strongly
affected by the liquidity of enterprises because
many corporate sectors are heavy borrowers.
All corporations should be allowed to postpone
payment of corporate income taxes for one to
two years. Postponing the payment of corporate
income tax helps enterprises to make profit.
Belke, A (2009). Fiscal Stimulus Package
And Uncertainty In Times Of Crisis: Economic
policy for open economies. University of
Duisburg: Germany.
Brue, S.L (1994). The Evolution of Economic
Thought (5th edition). The Dryden Press:
Pacific Lutheran University.
Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank
Negara Malaysia.
Gramlich, E.M (1979). Stimulating the
Macro Economy through State and Local
Review (vol. 69, no. 2, pg. 180-185). American
Economic Association.
Harcout, G.C (1995). Capitalism, Socialism
and Post Keynesianism. Edward Elgar
Publishing Limited: United Kingdom.
Khor, M (2005). The Malaysian Experienced
in Financial Economic Crisis Management
An Alternative to the IMF Style. Third World
Network: Penang, Malaysia.
Mohd Najib Tun Abd. Razak (2009). In
Introducing the Supplementary Supply (2009)
Bill 2009. Parliament of Malaysia.
Ross, J.P & Calkins, S.E (1979). The Economic
Stimulus Package at Mid-Stream: Role of
State and Local Governments: Publius- The
State of American Federalism (vol. 9, no. 1,
pg. 45-65). Oxford University Press.
Walton, P & Gamble, A (1976). Capitalism In
Crisis: Inflation and the State. The Macmillan
Press Ltd: London.
Commentary (2009). The Malaysian Institute
of Certified Public Accountants: Kuala Lumpur.
ak a
tin de
Akhirnya ‘Kuasa Memuji’ juga adalah antara yang dapat
saya rasai sepanjang saya menguruskan kafe ini. Pujian
memang mampu menaikkan semangat seseorang sewaktu
bekerja. Ini dapat dirasai sendiri setiap kali ada pelanggan
yang memuji hidangan, saya akan rasa sangat teruja
dan lebih bersemangat untuk bekerja dan menghasilkan
hidangan yang lebih baik. Melalui pujian yang ikhlas
daripada pelanggan juga turut membuat diri rasa sangat
dihargai dan segala kepenatan terasa hilang saat
mendengar pujian dari pelanggan. Ianya mungkin dianggap
sesuatu yang remeh bagi sesetengah orang, namun bagi
sesetengah orang lain ianya sangat bermakna. Seronok
tak kena puji? Tentu rasa seronok kan. Sudah tentu yang
menerima pujian tu tersenyum lebar, hati berbunga sewaktu
menerima pujian, rasa terbang segala penat lelah dibawa
angin lalu. Itulah kuasa memuji atau ‘The Power of Praise’.
Saya memetik kata-kata seorang pakar mata dan inspirasi
tersohor tanahair, Prof Dr Muhaya Muhamad, beliau
pernah menyatakan, kalau kita selalu memberi pujian,
ia bukan sahaja mampu merangsang minda kita supaya
berfikiran positif bahkan ia juga merangsang orang yang
menerima pujian itu untuk membuat atau menghasilkan
sesuatu yang lebih bagus secara tidak langsung, kita
mampu mengubah seseorang ke arah kebaikan. Hasilnya,
jika kita berpandangan pada semua orang dengan mata
hati kita yang positif, maka orang juga akan berpandangan
seumpama itu terhadap kita. Dengan erti kata lain ‘what
you give, you will get back’.
itu secepat mungkin, memandangkan tindakan segera
akan membuahkan keputusan yang cepat. Ini apabila
sesuatu maklum balas berkenaan servis atau menu yang
disediakan tidak memuaskan mana-mana pelanggan, saya
segera mengambil tindakan untuk mengelakkan perkara
yang sama tidak berulang lagi. Lantas, segala komen,
kritikan dan pandangan pelanggan adalah lebih selesa
ditujukan terus kepada pihak kami, bukan untuk dibawa
balik dan memberi komen di luar pengetahuan. Sudah
semestinya kami tidak akan tahu di mana kesilapan yang
harus diperbetulkan. Berterus-terang dengan cara yang
berhemah adalah jalan yang terbaik bagi menyelesaikan
segala permasalahan.
Tips to
Smiling is a reciprocal activity. When you smile, others will smile to you back. The more people smile back at you, the
more you will want to smile and feel safe. After all, you'll realize that you are no longer faking that smile. For example,
in a classic study, when a smiling face was presented looking at a glum face, the smiling face was judged to be vicious
and taunting. But when the same smiling face was presented looking at a frowning face, it was judged peaceful and
friendly (Clide, 1956).
Malaysia Economic Growth 2010
Annual Report 2009
Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity at Constant 2000 Prices. 8
Do not expect someone will smile to you first. You need to initiate the smile. Sometimes you need to start the ball
rolling to change the mood from sad to happy. A simple smile can change a lot. In general, not surprisingly, people who
smile are judged to be more approachable than people who don’t smile or people who pretend to smile (Gladstone &
Parker, 2002; Woodzicka & LaFrance, 2005; Kluger, 2005).
RM Million
Mining and
GDP at
prices 2
Financial intermediation services indirectly measured
Numbers may not necessarily add up due to rounding
The table above, reveals that the economic stimulus
package in Malaysia seems to be successful. It can be
proved by the noticeable increase in manufacturing,
construction and services. Compared to 2009, the
manufacturing income rose from RM 139,448 million to
RM 148,455 million in 2010. Construction and services
also showed an increase compared to 2009. Investment
in schools, housing and infrastructure seems to be able
to stimulate the economic growth. In Malaysia, both
smaller capital projects and the larger projects can
support the economic growth. Thus the low and middle
income group in Malaysia will have less burden and it
is possible to increase the spending and encourage
the demand for the goods and services. Currently the
investment sentiment in the housing sector is weak. To
stimulate the housing sector the Malaysia government
proposed that house buyers be given tax relief on interest
paid on housing loans. So the demand for houses will
go up. Buoyancy in the housing sector can create job
opportunities and decrease the unemployment rate.
Keynes and Keynesian Theory
tin ade
Keynes was mostly responsible for providing light to
the intellectual crisis plaguing ailing economies but the
economic crisis proved more stubborn.9 Keynes ideas
were given added impetus by the great depression of the
1930s. After the great depression began in early 1930s,
many economists in the United States advocated policies
7. ibid
8. Department of Statistics, Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia
that later would be called Keynesian. It is interesting
to note that these policies were presented before the
publication of Keynes’s The General Theory. 10
Major Principals of the Keynesian Theory
The major characteristics and principals of Keynesian
economics are as below:
Macroeconomic emphasis
Advocates Keynes concerned themselves with the
determinants of the total or aggregate amount of
consumption, saving, income, output and employment.
They were less interested for example in how an
individual firm decides on its profit maximizing level
of employment than in the relationship between total
spending in the economy and the aggregate of such
employment decisions.
Demand Orientation
Keynesian economists stressed more on the importance
of effective demand as the intermediate determinant of
national income, output and employment. Aggregate
expenditures, said these economists, consists of the sum
of consumption, investment, government and net export
spending. Firms collectively produce a level of real
output that they expect to sell. But sometimes aggregate
expenditure is insufficient to buy all the output produced.
Think of something happy. Focus on it until whatever is bothering you is in the background. This will help maintain
your smile until it becomes a genuine expression. Genuine expression enables you to get more energy and stay
healthy. Research has found that it is easier to smile than to frown. A smile uses 17 muscles, but a frown uses 43
muscles. So please start to smile. It does not cost any single cent.
Clean yourself up, brush your hair, put on something good without holes or stains. A positive self image can be jump
started with a fresh look. A smile is sure to follow and accepted. Women perceive men who are smiled at by other
women as being more attractive than men who are not smiled at. But men perhaps being more competitive perceive
men whom women smile at as being less attractive than men who are not smiled at (Jones, DeBruine, Little, Burriss,
& Feinberg, 2007).
Aware of your nonverbal communications, to avoid sending negative signals to others. Avoid slouching and clothes
that are depressing in form and color. Remember to smile with your whole being and it will be easier to paste one
on your face. You need to smile from your heart, which involves of other parts of your body and they need to be
synchronized at one time.
Avoid hanging around negative people who spend their time talking everything down and criticizing everyone.
Sometimes a change of environment helps relieve the stress that is keeping the smile away. Once you smile, do not
expect people will smile at you back. This will make you feel frustrated. However, it is easier and happier to smile if
someone is smiling back at you.
Try not to focus on the problem that is making it hard for you to smile. It is because problems will block your sincere
smile. Once you smile, you need to think of something joyful, happy, pleasure, and successful.
If you are emotionally distressed, forcing a smile can be counterproductive. The denial of negative emotions will
build up in the long run and confuse people who can give support. Smiling is not likely to replace your sadness with
happiness. It seems that your smile can influence some feelings, but not all (Burgoon & Bacue, 2003).
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“Your smile for your brother is charity.”
“Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a
beautiful thing.”
― Mother Teresa
1. Barbara & David, P.M. (2007, July 21). “Happiness Is Only Grin Deep.” Retrieved from http://www.snopes.
2. Joseph De Vito, The Interpersonal Communication Book, 12th ed. New York, USA, Longman, 2009.
3. Paddock, C. PhD. (2012, August 1). "Smiling Reduces Stress And Helps The Heart." Medical News Today.
Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/248433.php.
4. Walters, J. “7 Good Reasons To Smile” Retrieved from http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/wellness
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Attracting High-Net-Worth and Skilled Individuals
The Government will introduce a new program where permanent resident status would be considered for high-net-worth
individuals bringing more than US$2 million for investments or savings in Malaysia. In addition, highly skilled foreign
professionals may also be considered for permanent resident status.
Learn the art of communication through other gestures. Every color, shape, and form has a psychological
meaning that speaks to everyone and every creature on an unconscious level. Smile also could be more pleasure if
it was given at the right time, followed with appropriate touch. Learn the meanings of subliminal communication, and
you can smile without even moving a lip.
constitute a small proportion of the project investment cost. The assistance is intended to act as a tipping point, whereby
the assistance is to enable a marginally non-viable project to become viable and thirdly the projects to be implemented
must be in strategic sectors, such as education, health and tourism which have high spillover effects to create sustainable
job opportunities and enhance the nation’s competitiveness.7
History of Economic Stimulus Package
Since the depression of 1930s, the global economy
especially in the United States once again declined from the
fourth quarter of 1973 to the first quarter of 1975. During
that period the GNP declined by 6 percent from about
USD 1.24 trillion to about USD1.17 trillion. Obviously this
economic crisis made the unemployment rate increase from
4.8 percent to 8.7 percent by the second quarter of 1975.
The planning to stimulate the economy was taken by the
government of the United States. This plan functions to
coordinate state and local budget related to actions with
federal government efforts to stimulate economic recovery by
establishing a system of emergency support grants to state
and local governments. The state and local governments
need the additional financial assistance from federal to face
the challenge of inflation and severe recession. During the
depression, the major problem led to the economic decline
and high unemployment.1
This problem causes the economy towards decline because
the countercyclical effects of the economic measures
will completely collapse in order to boost the economic
growth. To boost the economic growth, the US government
has launched the program to reduce unemployment as a
part of a major anti recession campaign. On the 13rd of
February 1979, the first anti recession legislation enacted
was launched by President Ford. This program functions
to create new jobs for the public. During the recession, the
unemployment rate is over 15 percent in the construction
industry. Because of the pressure from state and local
government officials the American Congress passed a new
and less expensive version of the anti recession legislation.
To enhance the availability of jobs, the federal government
proposed the program in order to stimulate the economic
growth. During the ending period of September, 1977 a
new program was created by the federal government. The
program was called Local Public Works Program. The
allocation for this program is over US 2 billion. The allocation
of this program functions as a grant to state and local
governments to provide employment opportunities especially
in high unemployment areas. The plan was also designed to
support and sustain jobs. The core piece of the package is
direct government investment into community infrastructure
and road building and support for small business and the
prime sector in construction such as the steel factories. All
this are to stimulate the national economy.
1. Gramlich, E.M (1979). Stimulating the Macro Economy through State
and Local Governments: The American Economic Review (vol. 69, no. 2,
pg. 180-185). American Economic Association.
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From the 1st July 1976, the American government launched
the anti recession fiscal assistance allocating over US 1.25
billion to help state and local government maintain services,
avert lays offs of public employees and to avoid tax increases.
The program ending on September 1977. Allocations to state
and local government are based on the general revenue
sharing formula times the relative unemployment rate for
the jurisdiction. To stimulate the economic growth, the US
government allocated the funds during the fiscal years 1977
and 1978. In this allocation, half of the amount went to the
48 largest cities. The 48 largest cities received more than
23 percent of the total Comprehensive Employment Training
Act (CETA) allocations. The New York City received about
US 836 million and US 6 million was received by Tulsa.
The largest of per capita in this economic stimulus package
program was received by Alaska, amount about US 211.74.2
In 1997 several East Asian countries began to experience
serious financial problems. In Malaysia, the ringgit came
under speculative attack and also declined significantly.
Many local enterprises closed down, and many thousands of
jobs were lost. The rates of unemployment and poverty rose
significantly. The deteriorating condition of the real economy
in turn adversely affected the confidence of investors.3
The financial crisis once again happened in 2007/2008 and
spread widely and become a crisis of the real economy
not only in the Asia but also spread the in Euro member
countries like Ireland and Germany. Since the sharp
deterioration of economy across the world, Australia which
had not been hit as other countries had took the early steps
with a stimulus package worth US 10.5 billion in 2008 to
strengthen demand.4
The Malaysian economy experienced the full impact of
the global downturn in 2009. In response, several policy
measures were put in place with a primary focus on
supporting domestic demand as well as mitigating the
impact of the global slowdown on the affected segments
of the economy. These included two economic stimulus
packages of RM67 billion, amounting to almost 10 percent
of the GDP, aimed at supporting private sector demand,
creating employment and training opportunities, easing the
burden of the affected sectors as well as building long-term
capacity of the economy.
On 10 March 2009, Malaysia Prime Minister unveiled the
Stimulus Package 2009 with an allocation of RM60 billion, of
which RM15 billion was for fiscal injection, RM25 billion for
Guarantee Funds, RM10 billion for equity investments, RM7
billion for private finance initiative and off-budget projects,
and RM3 billion for tax incentives. The Stimulus Package of
2009 comprised the four thrusts which were implemented
over two years for 2009 and 2010. 5
2 . Ross, J.P & Calkins, S.E (1979). The Economic Stimulus Package at
Mid-Stream: Role of State and Local Governments: Publius- The State of
American Federalism (vol. 9, no. 1, pg. 45-65). Oxford University Press.
3 . Khor, M (2005). The Malaysian Experienced in Financial Economic
Crisis Management An
Alternative to the IMF Style. Third World Network: Penang, Malaysia.
4. Belke, A (2009). Fiscal Stimulus Package And Uncertainty In Times
Of Crisis: Economic policy for
open economies. University of Duisburg: Germany.
5. 2009 Second Stimulus Package Tax Commentary (2009). The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public
Accountants: Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia: Stimulus Packages in Mitigating the
Impact of Global Slowdown 2009
First Thrust: Reducing unemployment and increasing
employment opportunities.
In order to reduce unemployment the government
allocated RM 10,000 per student to encourage Malaysians
to pursue Masters or PhD. The Malaysia Government
also implemented training programs such as Graduate
Employability Scheme (GEMs) through various Government
agencies, including government linked companies and the
private sector. Almost 63,000 staff was recruited by the
6. Mohd Najib Tun Abd. Razak (2009). In Introducing the Supplementary
Supply (2009) Bill 2009. Parliament of Malaysia.
Second Thrust: Easing the burden of the Citizen
Increasing Home Ownership
Malaysian government launched the stimulus economic
packages to encourage economic growth. In this stimulus
package the government increased home ownership. In this
Stimulus Package, a total of RM200 million was allocated
to build 6,500 units of houses for vulnerable citizens by
National Housing Company. The prevailing investment
sentiment in housing sector was weak, given that both the
developer and buyers appeared to be adopting a cautious
attitude to build and to own houses. Therefore to stimulate
the housing sector, the government proposed that house
buyers be given tax relief on interest paid on housing loans
up to RM 10,000 a year to 3 years. It was a practical solution
made by the government.
Reducing Cost of Doing Business
The Malaysian Government also improved the public
infrastructure. Apart from building capacity for the future,
these efforts also promoted greater activities in the
construction sector and stimulated domestic demand.
Reducing cost of doing business was another way taken
by the government and reducing the levy payment rate
for all employers for a period of two years. From that the
employers will save millions of Ringgit in business cost.
Profit can encourage the production level. It can give more
income to the government later with tax revenue.
Welfare of Retrenched Workers
The Government proposed that employers who employ
retrenched workers be given double tax deduction on the
amount of remuneration paid. The amount of remuneration
eligible for this deduction shall not exceed RM10,000 per
month and is limited to 9 up to 12 months remuneration per
employee. This incentive applied to workers employed from
10 March 2009 to 31 December 2010.
Third Thrust: Assisting the private sector
The automotive sector is among the major industries
with potential for further development. The industry has
produced many vendors, including original equipment
manufacturers and has generated many job opportunities.
In the then economic situation, the sales performance in
the automotive industry was not encouraging and many
companies in the automotive supply chain are faced
difficulties. These companies have to be assisted to enable
them to continue operations, despite facing low demand
and rising costs.
For this, the Government provided an additional allocation
of RM200 million to the Automotive Development Fund to
continue supporting the development of the automotive
industry and vendors. In addition, as a joint effort between
the Government and the private sector, the Government
assisted in the auto scrapping scheme for PROTON and
PERODUA. Under the scheme, a discount of RM5,000 will
be given to car owners, who trade in their cars, which are
at least 10 years old, for the purchase of new PROTON or
PERODUA cars. The Government will finance part of the
discount borne by PROTON or PERODUA. This scheme
intended to stimulate car sales.
Fourth Thrust: Building capacity for the future.
Off Budget Projects were proposed by the government. Off
Budget Projects refers to the budget authority, outlays, and
receipts of certain Federal entities that have been excluded
from budget totals under provisions of law. Most of the offbudget amount is from the Social Security trust fund, with a
minor amount from Postal Service revenues.
Improving the Public Infrastructure
The Government also identified investment projects worth
RM5 billion that are to be implemented on off-budget basis.
Among the projects in this category were LCCT at KLIA and
the expansion of Penang Airport at an estimated cost of
RM2 billion and RM250 million. The low cost concept for
airlines travel most popular in Malaysia are such as Air Asia
and Fire Fly. This will be an opportunity to passengers to
uses the services at low prices. The LCCT project at KLIA
can absorb some of the airlines operation at KLIA. We
have new airlines company such as Jetstar that started on
1 July 2009 from Singapore to LCCT KLIA. This Off Budget
Project will stimulate the economic growth because it will
attract more foreign tourists and also the investors using the
LCCT KLIA. A 50 percent rebate on landing charges will be
given for two years effective April 1, 2009 to all airlines that
operate in Malaysia.
The other Off Budget Project is improving the
telecommunication infrastructure. This project is important
to make sure that our country can compete with other
developed countries. We also can promote our country
using internet to other countries. We also can help by
acting as catalyst to economic growth. This projects
provides about 300,000 premises especially in Lembah
Klang and industrial sites such as Bayan Baru, Senai and
Kulim. Thus unemployment can be reduced. Nowadays
with e-government and K-economy the public can surf
the internet to get more information in a faster and easier
manner. Electronic procurement will expanded through
“e-perolehan” to enhance transparency in the management
of government procurement.
Sky bridges and covered walkways in the Golden
Triangle, Kuala Lumpur is one of the Off Budget Projects.
The Government has spent about RM100 million on
it. The government realized that the living cost has
increased including transportation cost. So the project was
advantageous to the public. Before that government has
built infrastructure such as LRT, PUTRA imrpoved public
transport. It will help the public to avoid traffic jams. As
we know Kuala Lumpur is the busiest city. In this stimulus
package government will also provide the Sky bridges and
covered walkways in the Golden Triangle to ensure that
the traffic flows smoothly. It show government concern
about public needs. This project will give advantages for an
estimated 1 million people in Kuala Lumpur.
Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
To further boost private investment activities, the
Government assisted in the implementation of projects
through PFI and public-private partnerships by providing
funds amounting to RM2 billion. Private companies were
invited to bid for the funds. PFI projects to be implemented
must have the following characteristics. First the private
sector should implement, finance and assume project
risks. The project’s revenue must be generated principally
from the private sector, and not from Government sources.
Secondly Government financial assistance will only
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Government to fill vacancies and serve as contract officers
in various Government agencies. 6