RAMOS Ultra EX-D8-8 User Manual


RAMOS Ultra EX-D8-8 User Manual
 RAMOS Ultra EX‐D8‐8 User Manual © 2012 CONTEG, spol. s r.o. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced, photocopied, transmitted or stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without the written permission of the copyright owner. Although this manual was prepared and checked with the best care, CONTEG, spol. s r.o. cannot accept any liability for omissions or errors in this publication. Due to the continuous development and progress, CONTEG, spol. s r.o. also reserves the right to change details and technical specifications of the products described in this manual. Such changes along with eventual errors or printing errata shall not constitute grounds for compensation. 2 Content
1. 2. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. What is EX‐D8‐8? ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.2. How to use this manual ................................................................................................................ 3 1.3. Package Contents .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.4. Connection Points ......................................................................................................................... 4 Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1. Connecting to the base unit .......................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Setting up a Sensor ....................................................................................................................... 4 2.3. Sensor Settings .............................................................................................................................. 6 1. Introduction 1.1. What is EX‐D8‐8? The EX‐D8‐8 module extends the RAMOS Ultra capabilities by connecting an additional eight dry contacts to a single intelligent sensor port on the RAMOS Ultra. 1.2. How to use this manual This manual is meant to provide the user with a step by step guide on how to configure and set up their unit. It utilizes screen shots in an effort to make things simpler for the user to follow. It is split up into sections that form “mini tutorials”. These cover the basic set up and common configurations of the unit, and give an introduction to its most useful features. At the end of the manual there is a FAQ section that provides some further in‐depth information regarding specific set ups and answers some commonly asked questions. If you need any further information or help with using your unit then please contact us on [email protected] and one of our technical support staff will be only too pleased to help you with any information you require. 1.3. Package Contents Your EX‐D8‐8 package contains the following items: 
8x terminal block connectors 
1,5m straight cable 3 1.4. Co
n Points Port 1 ………………
……… Port 8
1 Fig 1. Side panells 1.
Terminal Blo
ock connecto
ors There arre eight femaale terminal b
block connecctors on the EEX‐D8‐8, these are for co
onnecting you
ur additional dry contaccts via the male terminal block connector. R
RJ45 Connec
ction point 2.
This is fo
or connectingg the EX‐D8‐8
8 to the basee unit via straaight cable.
2. Installation
n 2.1. Co
onnectingg to the baase unit Below is a diagram showing how to connect tthe EX‐D8‐8 to the RAMO
OS Ultra. To b
begin setup tthe unit by followingg the instructions below: Connect o
one end of patch cord
d cable here Connectt second end
d of patch co
ord cable here 2.2. Seetting up aa Sensor In this seection we willl now go thrrough the ba
asic set up of f a sensor. Th
his basic set u
up process is applicable to all of f our dry contact sensors. If you requ
uire informattion on speciific functionss of a particu
ular sensor ase downloa
ad the manua
al for that sen
nsor from ou
ur website, orr locate it on your producct CD. then plea
a) Plug tthe sensor in
nto one of the female terminal block cconnection p
points on thee side panel o
of the unit. 4 Connect a dry contact d port to selected
b) Now point your browser to th
he IP address of the unit (default, Next you need to login ur administraator passworrd (default is “public”). Yo
ou will then b
be taken as thee administrattor using you
to thee summary p
page. This is sshown below
w. Auto‐sensed D
Dry ontact expan
nder D8 co
The EX‐D8
8‐8 should be listed, along w
with its curren
nt status. c) By clicking on the “Sensors” tab (indicatted below). TThis will bring you to th
he followingg page, the ors page: senso
As you can see in thee above imagge, the EX‐D88‐8 as shown connected tto port numb
ber six. 5 Once you have movee with cursorr on that senssor port, the window “Seensors on porrt 6” will pop
p up and window is possible choicee a sensor forr setting. on this w
2.3. Seensor Setttings 1. Dry ccontact pop up tab Each
h dry contactt sensor is listted in numerric order as ““Sensors on p
port 6”; Clickk any one of tthese to be ttaken to the settings pagee of the senssor chosen. 2. Sensor Name By clickking in this b
box you can cchange the name of each seensor to anyything you deesire. 3. Sensor Status This dissplays your cchosen senso
ors current sttatus. 4. Onlin
ne / Offline This shows you if yo
our chosen sensor is currrently online or offline. 5. Direcction ou can set th
he direction o
of your senso
or to either in
nput or Here yo
output,, if you select output you
u will be show
wn the follow
wing optionss: 5a. Outp
put Status c set a custom descrription for w
when your Here you can sensor reco
ords either a high or low sstatus readin
ng. 5b. Control Mode Here you caan set your control modee to either maanual control, nottification con
ntrol, or timee control. 5c. Notification Con
ntrol and Cyycle Time If you select “Notificatio
on control” from the optiions notification shown in figg 5b, you will then need tto set your n
options. Heere you can chose from eiither Low or high, or you can cho
ose to cycle yyour notificattion. 6 If yyou choose to
o cycle your notification, you can set the time in tthe option beelow: 6. Norm
mal State Here you caan select betw
ween an opeen circuit (+5 Volts) or a closed circuit (GND
D). 7. Enab
ble Graph ur graphing d
data. To This option allows you tto enable you
h” access yourr graph, click “click here tto view graph
This will display the p
page shown below which
h contains all your graphin
ng data. 8. Sensors URL In the ““Sensor URL”” box you can
n assign a weebsite to you
ur chosen sensor,, this will be displayed within sensor information o
on the “Map” interface on the summarry page. The website linkk can be opened
d in the curreent window o
or in a new w
window. 7 9. Status Options The first set of options allows you to specify the amount of time that a sensor must remain in a new status before accepting and reporting on that status. The second box displays a set of options which allow you to set the minimum time between each status. 10.
Enable Calendar Here you have options to display your calendar, you can set hours in the day, and days in the week in which you would like your sensor to report and not report. 8