Aug – Newsletter - Bruning


Aug – Newsletter - Bruning
Trudy K. Clark, Superintendent
August 2016
ROM THE SUPERINTENDENT: Our new school year is nearly upon us as the days pass quickly. August 17 will soon be
here and we’ll begin another great year at Bruning-Davenport. I hope your summer activities gave you many wonderful memories. Here at Bruning-Davenport, we were busy with summer projects. Please join me in thanking those responsible for completing
them and working so hard throughout the summer break: Mary Houser, Jim Hogeland, Jessica Kerst, Berdon Pedersen, Michelle
Sybrant, Barb Williams, and Jodi Wolfteich. I would like to thank the contractors who worked with Bruning-Davenport that completed the more involved improvements to our facilities. As always, the summer work could not be accomplished without the hard
work of the office staff as well. I wish to express my appreciation to Sara Dierking and Denise McGinley, the Davenport and Bruning office managers respectively, to Beth Dolnicek who worked to set up a new online library system, and to Shawna Garland who
came in to work at various times to deal with technical issues.
Our first football game is in Bruning against Osceola on August 26 th. Our first varsity volleyball game will be a triangular, September 1st, at Hampton with Exeter-Milligan (5:30 PM & 6:30 PM). As always, we hope that our student athletes are given positive support by all fans. All students deserve to be recognized for their efforts whether it is in the classroom, as an athlete, or as a performer.
Let us show our students that we recognize the hard work and dedication it takes on their part to be involved in activities and, at the
same time, meet the demands our teaching staff has of them. Please help create a positive experience for our students as they endeavor to give their best effort. Let us do our part by living up to these words that are hanging in our gymnasiums, “Believe…
Sportsmanship is an expectation…Please Let the Players Play…Let the Coaches Coach…Let the Officials Officiate…Let the Spectators be Positive.”
New Staff: We have three new staff members joining our team: Melissa Guilkey – Spanish teacher, Lichelle Houchin – 3rd grade,
Alex Rudolph - music teacher. We also have three new paraeducators joining our staff: Tricia Holtzen, Ronda Larkins, and Donna
Schweer. Profiles for our new staff members will appear in the September newsletter.
THE STORM PARENT INVOLVEMENT gr oup is hosting an Open House for gr ades PK -5 the evening of August 16th. The
Open House will run at 6:00-8:00 PM Tuesday in both Bruning and Davenpor t buildings. The teacher s will be present to welcome the students and parents. There will be sign-up sheets for future family-night activities sponsored by SPI at the Open House
and a sheet to collect t-shirt sizes. A SPI planning meeting will be held in September in Bruning. Please try to attend.
The district will use Blackboard Connect 5 again as our parent notification system. If there is a phone number you want added or
deleted, please make sure to complete the emergency contact sheet as that is how the numbers are entered into the student management system. The student management system is the database from which I gather the numbers for the parent notification system.
There will be a meeting for 6th grade students and new 7-12th grade students and parents on August 15 th in Bruning and August 16th in Davenport concerning the 1:1 laptop initiative that we have at Bruning-Davenport USD. The meetings will begin
at 7 PM and will last approximately 10 minutes. We will review the paperwork involved in the 1:1 laptop initiative and expectations of students and parents.
The Bruning-Davenport USD preschool classes will begin on August 22nd. The preschool students (three year old students) will be in
session from 8:10 AM - 11:40 AM, while the pr eschool four -year-old class will attend from 8:10 AM -3:30 PM. As a reminder, the
students will be in session Mondays through Thursdays. If you have questions, please contact the Bruning office or Mrs. Daina Philippi.
HOT WEATHER - No doubt we will have some very hot days to contend with during the beginning of the year. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles with them. We will do all we can to make students and staff as comfortable as possible during these
BIRTH CERTIFICATES - LB 599 requires school districts to have birth certificates on file for each student within 30 days of enrollment. Birth certificates may be ordered online or obtain information at The State of Nebraska does not
consider a hospital record as proof of birth.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS - Nebraska Law requires that Kindergarten and seventh grade students have
physicals before school starts. This physical also meets the requirements for the athletic physical if your child is going to compete in
any part of the Junior High athletic programs. Any child entering school in Nebraska from out of state must have a Nebraska physical and eye exam before entering school. Physical forms are available in the local clinics.
IMMUNIZATION LAW UPDATE - The Nebraska Legislature removed all waivers on immunizations, except for the following:
Refusal of immunization for medical reasons signed by a licensed physician,
Refusal of immunization stating that immunizations conflict with personal and sincerely followed,
Religious beliefs of the student. This must be signed by a parent/guardian and notarized.
SENIORS REGARDING FREE IMMUNIZATION - This is a reminder for those of you who need updated immunizations. The
Thayer County Free Immunization Clinic serves all students up through age 18. Get updated by making an appointment at 768-4629
before you are too old to take advantage. Thank you.
HOT LUNCH PRICES - Prices for school lunches for 2016-2017 as follows: Pre K - 4th grade lunches are $2.00/day, $40 for 20
lunches, or $160 for 80 lunches; secondary lunches (grades 5-12) are $2.25/day, $45 for 20 days, or $180 for 80 days; adult lunches
are $3.00/day. Extra milk with lunch and elementary milk break will be thirty cents per half pint. Semester milk will be $25.50 for
grades 2-4. Pre-school through grade 1 are offered milk twice a day, making the cost of milk $12/month. Since lunches are now
scanned and counted by bar code, the computer will keep track of the lunch balance and we will notify you when additional funds
are needed. Lunches can be paid for in either school office no matter which building your child attends.
Parents - please remember the school rule requires all lunches to be paid in advance. When a student is out of lunches, please pay
promptly. If your student(s) falls behind 10 lunches, they will be denied meals until the 10 lunches owed and 10 additional lunches
(20) are paid in full. Please contact the office if you are having trouble paying full price for the lunches and note the next paragraph.
We will be happy to work with anyone having temporary financial problems.
FREE OR REDUCED LUNCHES AVAILABLE - Applications for free or reduced lunches will be sent home to each family on
the first day of school and are to be returned to the office ASAP. Guidelines for qualifying will be included. Letters of approval or
denial will be sent soon after applications are received. All food stamp recipients with children between the ages of 5 and 18 should
receive letters for direct certification for automatic approval of free lunch. As soon as you receive these letters from the Nebraska
Department Of Social Services, please fill them out and bring/send them to the school office.
ACCIDENT INSURANCE - Bruning-Davenport schools will offer an insurance plan through Student Assurance Services, Inc.
enabling students not having health or accident insurance to have some protection. Families having health insurance may purchase
additional insurance through this plan but it is not required. Those participating in athletics must have insurance either through a fam
-ily plan or Student Assurance Services, Inc. The school will not pay any cost toward insurance. Flyers should be picked up at either
school office before football and volleyball practice begins. The completed forms go directly to the insurance company, not to the
school. Insur ance will become effective on the date the company r eceives your money and application.
FALL PRACTICE - Football practice will begin Monday, August 8, and Volleyball practice will begin Monday, August 15. Students must have physicals and proper paperwork completed in order to participate.
ATHLETIC SCHEDULES - Billfold and large cards of Bruning-Davenport "BDS" athletics will be distributed in August to various business places in Bruning, Davenport, Carleton, Ohiowa and Strang. There will be billfold size schedules available at both
school offices.
SENIOR CITIZEN PASSES - Senior citizen passes for those 65 and older are available and can be picked up from either school
office. Remember, the passes are good from year-to-year and new ones are not required each year.
SENIOR PICTURES - Parents and students, please remember to have a senior picture to submit to the yearbook staff by the first
week in January. Over the holidays, pictures may take 6 - 8 weeks for delivery, so plan accordingly. Remember also that having pictures taken during school hours is an unexcused absence.
CALENDAR UPDATES/CHANGES - Be sure to check our web site for daily and weekly bulletins, newsletters, and much more. The interactive calendar on the bottom left hand side is now up and running. It will be
continuously updated to keep you informed of school events.
passed in 1987, requires all public and private schools to inventory and inspect all buildings for asbestos containing materials. This
inspection was completed at Bruning-Davenport USD in 1988, and has been updated (reinspected) every third year (last reinspection
was conducted in June 2016). Any areas of known or assumed friable or nonfriable asbestos will continue to be inspected on a regular basis (every six months) and procedures implemented to assure no health hazards are present. Our management plan has been
filed with the State Department of Health and is on file in the school office. The plan is available for public inspection during normal
office hours. Copies of the management plan will be provided to requesting parties. For further information, please contact Mr. Berdon Pederson, 402-364-2225, the school’s asbestos program manager.
NSAA CUP T-SHIRT – We are offering a t-shirt celebrating the NSAA Cup Bruning-Davenport earned this year to students, staff,
and patrons. The design is found elsewhere in the newsletter. The order sheet will go home with students on the first day of school.
Students, including the recent graduated class of 2016, will receive theirs free of charge. More information will be shared after
school begins.
NEW DISTRICT WEBPAGE – Please take time to visit the new district webpage. More content will be added by the web design
class once the new school year begins; however, the site should have information needed for the beginning of the new school
he Bruning-Davenport Beef Boosters are gearing up for another year of serving Nebraska beef in our school lunchT
es. Starting again in August, there will be a drawing for 2 students to recieve a $15 beef certificate from Bruning
Grocery. The B-D Beef Boosters would like to thank all of the donors for their continued support to the B-D Beef
Boosters. If you are interested in donating please contact the school offices for more information. Beef its whats for
lunch at school!!
ROM THE PRINCIPAL: WELCOME BACK! I hope you are all looking forward to this school year as much as I am. I
always love the beginning of the school year. Students are excited to share their summer stories and have had just enough time
at home that they are eager to enter the classroom. As a parent, I will admit that I am ready for my kids to return to school too.
John Wooden, the legendary UCLA basketball coach is well deserving of all the respect he was given. As a coach, I always read his
books to seek his wisdom. One of his most authentic and powerful expectations for his players each year is that he asked each member to be the best that they are capable of becoming. I like that approach in contrast to today’s society that likes to compare themselves to others to equate success. Comparisons are not fair or honest. Therefore as a student, parent, staff member, and community
member, I ask that you challenge yourself to be the best you are capable of becoming.
My vision for us as a staff and a school is to foster a mindset of “continual growth & great relationships”. If we follow the call of
Coach Wooden to reach our potential, we will all grow in numerous ways in the classroom and beyond. As we grow individually, it
will certainly impact and influence those around us. Secondly, I want us to continue to invest in and build great relationships with
one another. Great relationships are built on respect, trust, and honesty. I feel that many highly effective schools can boil their success down to these essential attributes. I ask that we put those at the forefront of what we do as we approach this school year.
A great deal of work has been done throughout the summer and is deserving of recognition. I’d like to thank our coaches for the
time they put into their programs throughout the summer. I know our athletes will be prepared for their upcoming seasons in terms
of strength and conditioning. I wish them the best of luck! Our custodial and office staffs are deserving of a special thank you as
well. Our buildings are in order and awaiting our return! I am exceptionally proud of our staff and their willingness to continue to
refine their skills as educators. A number of our staff has been working hard to implement a new reading curriculum in grades K-5.
Many staff members participated in professional development opportunities provided by our ESU. Mrs. Garland is creating curriculum for a new class, Media Tech, to help our students learn the skills of video creation and editing. Mrs. Friesen is looking to add
Adobe Photoshop to the arts curriculum to give our students’ knowledge and experience with industry standard software. Mrs.
Dolnicek has been busy in the elementary library streamlining information on our books for the Accelerated Reader program. Mrs.
Freitag, Mr. Ault and I are looking to motivate our students to read and have created a ‘dog-tag’ point recognition system to honor
their accomplishments. Although this list is not exhaustive of all that has been done by our staff, it is just a glimpse at the effort and
work that has been put into this next year.
Parents, I ask that you continue to remain involved and supportive of what we do as a school. Much of our success is supported by
the work and expectations you instill at home. I appreciate your wonderful support and attendance at all of our school gatherings
and activities.
High School students please be sure to stop by the office in Bruning during the first two weeks of August to review your schedules.
This year will be full of opportunities for all of us to continue on our paths together of success and accomplishments. We will continue to strive to provide the best environment for our students to learn and grow. With your support and the efforts of yo ur children, together, we will make this year great. Mr. Erik Sokol, Principal
Mashaya Dierking
Rodney Wassom
Terry McBride
Cameron Hoins
Zachary Hoins
Gavin Brown
Diane Hand
Caden Norder
Doris White
Kaden Dickson
Kellie Bauer
Alfonso Pena Lopez
Haley Pena Lopez
Hunter Krehnke
Dominic Acker
Easton Weber
Colt Drohman
Tanner Bolte
Rylie Kelch
HAYER CENTRAL MATH CONTEST: Isaac Else, Kyle Ar dissono, Nolan Weber , Holden Wilkins,
Anthony Schweer, Shakira Sunday, Jordan Bolte, Madison Sokol and Katleynn Houser participated in the
Thayer Central Math Contest. Isaac Else placed 5th in the individual round of the competition. Way to go!!
Mrs. Ardissono
ATIONAL TEACH CHILDREN TO SAVE DAY: K-1 observed National Teach Children To Save Day on
April 29. Sara Miller and Molly Schoenholz of Bruning State Bank presented various topics on saving and
spending money. Each student received a quarter from the Bruning State Bank.
11 PROGRAM: The Thayer County Sherriff's Department presented the 9-1-1 program to Kindergarten and 1st Grade
students in May. Students recited primary information needed for response to an emergency such as name, address, and
the type of emergency.
IZZA HUT: On Apr il 19 k-1students who read for the Pizza Hut program visited the York Pizza Hut . Pizza, drinks
and cinnamon breadsticks were enjoyed by all as a reward for their hard work.
-1 STUDENTS TO HASTINGS MUSEUM: The visit included planetar ium pr esentation
on "The Life of a Star." Students enjoyed visiting the Nature Nook and discovered "Bugs vs.
Insects." The highlight of the trip was attending the IMAX Theatre for the showing of "Tiny Giants" in
3 D.Related topics were the desert and the forest habitats! A good time was enjoyed by all!
1st Semester = 85 days
2nd Semester = 92 days
**Pre-K—4th Grade = $2.00/day**
20 days (mo.) = $ 40.00
1st Semester = $170.00
2nd Semester = $184.00
Milk— .30 per day
20 days (mo.) = $
**5th—12th Grade = $2.25/day**
20 days (mo.) = $ 45.00
1st Semester =$191.25
2nd Semester = $207.00
**ADULTS— $3.00/day**
20 days (mo.) = $60.00
10 meals owed plus 10 more (20) must be paid prior to eating.