

SAFD Flower Press
An educational, non-profit organization for floral designers
April 2012
Lana’s Lines
As the saying
goes, “April showers bring May
flowers.” And, April brings our annual
Tabletop Gala. Hope you are all planning
to attend. If not, you’re going to be missing the
“social event of the year.” How can I “entice” you
to change your mind in the next couple of weeks?
We will have wonderful silent auction and raffle working volunteers for everything they are doing for
items and great door prizes. Plus, a fantastic meal at SAFD. This organization continues to prosper and
Northgate Country Club. Not to mention breathtak- grow because of you.
ing tablescapes to view and photograph. Plus a great
Looking forward to seeing you all at Tabletop.
evening of socializing with such wonderful people.
Now, have I convinced you ALL TO ATTEND? Our
dedicated committee volunteers have been working
extremely hard to make this the biggest Tabletop
Gala ever, and you know we can’t do it without all of
The inside story...
our wonderful SAFD members. We are hoping to
Community Affairs
outsell last year’s ticket sales and will have
22 great tables for your viewing and dining
Tabletop Extravaganza Invite
Hopefully all of you can turn out for
our last meeting of the year. It will be another big night – great program is planned
with wonderful Spring designs, and our
annual officer installation. Make sure you
mark the date on your calendar – May 15!!
I want to extend my personal
thanks and gratitude to all of our hard-
May Meeting Intro
Mar Meeting Highlights
Mar Fancy Nancy Workshop
Mar Bus Trip
SAFD -Houston Chronicle
Buying Power & Tax Notes
2011-2012 Board
The next SAFD meeting of 2011-2012
is May 15, 2012 @ 6:30
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 1
Community Affairs
On March 26th members met at the Ainsley
Courte Assisted Living Home and created 20 buckets
filled with African Violets. The arrangements worked
out perfectly, and the residents of Ainsley Courte enjoyed helping us make them. The following members
attended the workshop:
Lois Maier
Lynn Snyder
Marilyn Bullen
Jan Beall
The next workshop will take place on Monday, April 16th at 9:30, and we will gather at the
home of Lois Maier, 18 Wincrest Falls Drive, Cypress.
For more information about Community Affairs please contact:
Lois Maier - Community Affairs Chairman
(281) 374-7027, or
Lynn Snyder - Co-Chairman
(281) 415-1085
Tabletop Gala 2012
It’s almost here – the event of the
year! Tabletop Gala is Thursday, April
26, 2012, at Northgate Country Club.
You can still make your reservations to attend
this year’s Gala. Tickets are still on sale – Betty Lind
is Ticket Chairperson. Tickets are $45.00 each, and
each table seats 10 people.
Please call Betty at (281) 622-6893, and she
will get you and your guests seated. Remember, no
tickets are sold on the night of the event.
As advertised in the TSFA’s Bloomin’ Texas,
“this annual gala will showcase SAFD members and
area floral designers with their creation and design of
elaborate tablescapes.” “The tables are dressed and
adorned to reflect a theme chosen by the designers.
Imagination knows no bounds.”
Money raised at the Gala supports SAFD’s
charitable work, floral scholarships, and community
involvement. Make plans to join us and be amazed
at the talent and creativity of the designers.
We hope to see you there!
May Presentation
We're wrapping up the SAFD 2011-12 year in style! One very special florist friend is the ever
so humble, yet talented Mark Rusinger. He's owner of the family based business named Mark Anthony Florist located on Waugh Drive near West Gray. At the May 15th meeting, he will design and teach placement of
flowers with correct proportions in a show titled, "Flowers for Your Home - Entertaining. " Mark your calendars for this "must see" event.
Dianne Abrahams - Programs Chair
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 2
SAFD March Meeting Highlights
Floral design and float building
with Doreen Gordy TMFA
Doreen and her daughter Chelsea
graced us at our March 2012 meeting
providing SAFD members with a fun and
interesting presentation. Doreen has had
a diverse career in floral design. Doreen’s first job in the floral field was as a
delivery driver while attending college;
she soon graduated with a Bachelor of
Science degree in Interior Design. After
several years in her chosen field the floral bug bit her again and she eventually
found a permanent
home as owner of
Tomball. Chelsea soon
started helping out in the
family business and has
earned her valued position of Manager and
partner in the business.
job entails hours and hours of endless work assembling these beautiful floats that are laden with fresh
vibrant florals and seeds. Her insider’s description of the process
was so interesting to hear. We all
eagerly listened as she described,
truckloads of fresh flowers, the
thousands and thousands of water
tubes, drums of glue, sheets of Styrofoam and bags and bags of
flower seeds that are needed to
create the beautiful floats. The
presentation wound down as Chelsea and Doreen discussed the floral arrangements and plants they
brought from their shop which
were raffled off to our members at
the end of the show.
We’d like to thank bother Doreen and Chelsea
for coming to our March meeting and providing us
with such an informative and whimsical presentation.
Janice Barron - Programs Chair Assistant
Tonight’s presentation mostly focused on
helping to build floats for the rose bowl parade for
the past several years in California. The
Doreen demonstrates how flowers
are placed on floats.
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 3
Fancy Nancy Workshop
On Friday, March 23rd SAFD members met at
Cypress Creek Christian Community center to make
frilly wristlets for the Cypress FACE Fancy Nancy tea
party. The room was set up with tables laden with
feathers, butterflies, bead strands, and sparkly leaves
all waiting to be added to the corsages. Tools of the
trade were simple - floral glue and hot glue guns. The
wristlets foundation was made of satin ribbon with a
feather base and loopy bows. Karen Williams of Rainforest Flowers made 150 sets of bows for the corsages. Pam Bates made the satin wristlet bands
adorned with rings of marabou features, which
served as the base for mini carnations. With everyone seated and armed with floral glue, Pam led the
group through the steps of adding the center carnation and adding the filler flowers. After that we em-
SAFD Flower Press
bellished the flowers by tucking in glittered leaves,
butterflies, feathers and beaded strands. All wristlets
were pink, purple and white to match the theme of
the tea party.
SAFD also provided the talent to create 30
centerpieces for the event. Lana King, SAFD Chairman, sprayed and sprinkled glitter on 100 hydrangeas, which were delivered to the facility
and assembled into
centerpieces by Martha Els, Debi Davis and
other members.
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 4
Fancy Nancy Workshop
Dianne Abrahams was very helpful with organizing the completed wristlets into packages stapled
closed with SAFD labels.
Our members worked hard and fast to complete our project ahead of schedule. Nanci Decker
from Cypress Creek FACE expressed her delight upon
seeing the completed corsages and wristlets. Below
is FACE’s Facebook entry acknowledging SAFD.
Contributed by Pam Bates
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 5
March Bus Trip
We had a beautiful day to visit Martha's
Bloomers - a perfect spring day with lots of roadside
wild flowers to admire. There had been so much
rain just before the trip that the weeds were really
flourishing as well, and almost hid the bluebonnets
from sight, but was still exciting to see the beautiful
We had 34 people riding the bus on March
22nd. The gift shop was packed, as usual, with many
pretty little treasures and nice things to decorate
our homes for Easter. After a delicious lunch in the
tea room, many of us shopped for plants and ornamentals to start our spring gardens with. We ended
the day by going into Navasota & looking around
while we shopped for more goodies. A good time
was enjoyed by all!
Contributed by Phyllis Smith
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 6
SAFD Featured in Houston Chronicle
SAFD was featured in the March 27th Houston ChroniPresident Lana King, a Cypress Fairbanks-area
cle. Following is the article from the newspaper.
resident, has been a club member since 2006. She worked
While blooms definitely are part of the picture, as a paralegal and office manager for 33 years before makmembers wouldn't necessarily call the Society for the Ad- ing the switch in 2005 to the floral industry.
vancement of Floral Design a typical garden club.
After completing her training and certification as a
The group, which draws largely from northern Texas natural florist, she joined SAFD. King now is in her
Harris County and southern Montgomery County, offers second year as president and also has served as the chairmonthly educational programs on floral arranging along man and co-chairman of the table top gala.
with frequent community service efforts.
The organization has enriched her life on multiple
Its 100-plus members range from professionals in levels, King said. "It has helped me grow in my profession
the floral industry to those who arrange flowers for pleas- and meet wonderful, wonderful people. It's become a real
inspiration for me."
King also is a member of Allied Florists of Houston
"If someone wanted to get into a group and learn
things, this is a good place to go," said member Martha and the Texas State Florist Association.
Els, an Humble-area resident.
Last summer, when the TSFA held its convention
The society will present its annual fundraiser, a in The Woodlands, SAFD created 400 flower arrangements
Table Top Gala, 5:30-10 p.m. Thursday, April 26, at North- for the event. "We completed them early," King said. "I
gate Country Club, 17110 Northgate Forest Drive in the think we blew them away. I'm pretty proud of the organization."
Spring area.
Dianne Abrahams of The Woodlands has been a
Each of the 20 tables at the gala will display a
unique floral design created by club members, along with club member for five years. "For me, it's taken away some
inhibitions, from taking that little bouquet from Kroger to
some floral educators and students.
Previous events have featured such themes as Tif- moving outside of the box."
Abrahams said her love for floral arranging was infany’s , Liberace, Barbie's birthday, ballerinas, Spanish
her father, who shared his passion for horticulnights and Holland.
Tickets, which cost $45 each, are available by call- ture with his family, and her mother, a home economics
ing Betty Lind at 281-251-8818 for more information. The major who never served a meal without a fresh floral arrangement on the table.
deadline to purchase is April 13.
The club's members use the gala proceeds to pay
for the floral arrangements they make
throughout the year for area nursing homes,
assisted living facilities and charitable events.
The organization has created arrangements for such nonprofit organizations as
Northwest Assistance Ministries, a human
services organization in northwest Harris
County, and New Danville, a community for
adults with intellectual disabilities in Montgomery County.
SAFD also operates a scholarship program for those seeking training or continuing
education in floral fields.
The organization offers its own learning opportunities as well, and regularly presents floral design workshops.
Club members have the options of atLana King and Pam Bates discuss her Moroccan design elements
tending bus trips, too.
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 7
SAFD Featured in Houston Chronicle
Dianne Abrahams of The Woodlands has been a
club member for five years. "For me, it's taken away some
inhibitions, from taking that little bouquet from Kroger to
moving outside of the box."
Abrahams said her love for floral arranging was inspired by her father, who shared his passion for horticulture with his family, and her mother, a home economics
major who never served a meal without a fresh floral arrangement on the table.
She says she enjoys the club's varied monthly
speakers. "It's never the same. You're learning something,
and you're giving it away.
"It's really neat to see the ideas and be awed by
what people can put together."
Els first learned about the club in 2007, when she
met a group of members at a floral show. Now, she said,
she considers it an important part of her life.
"For me it's the friendships, just getting to know
some of the people," said Els, who has presented workshops for the club and created tabletop designs for its annual fundraiser.
She also has taken photos to document the tabletops over the years.
with the club took place during a community outreach effort at
an area assisted living facility. Instead of delivering flower arrangements for the residents, the members created them on
site that day. "The residents there wanted to do it, too, and they
loved it. It was so much fun for them. Now they let us work
The residents know many of the arrangements are for
other facilities and charities, Lea said. They simply enjoy being
part of the process. "It's something they can do to make a difference."
Flori Meeks is a freelance writer and can be reached at
[email protected]
Els is a self-taught floral designer with a background in
education. She remembers taking apart store-bought corsages
and bouquets to learn how they were wired and taped together.
Over the years, she has done wedding floral arrangements and catering, and now she and her husband run a wedding photography business.
"I like to make and do things," Els
said. "It's always been in me to be learning and doing, helping and making."
One of Els' favorite things about
working with flowers is their ability to
brighten someone's day. In fact, it's a tradition for Els on her birthdays to buy flowers and hand them out to others.
"It's so much fun to see what one
flower can do," she said.
Olga Lea, a Spring-area resident
and former club president, feels the same
way about flowers.
"The work that we do – it's a joy
we can bring to people just with flowers."
Lea arranges flowers for pleasure, and loves sharing blooms from her
home gardens.
One of her favorite experiences
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 8
On the Horizon - May
April 2012
 May 8– Old/New Board Meeting
 May 15 - General Meeting
You have not lived until you
have done something for someone who
can never repay you..
John Bunyan
Apr 16
Community Affairs
Meets at home of Lois Maier
9:30 a.m. - until finished
18 Wincrest Falls Drive, Cypress
SAFD Board Meeting
Christ the Good Shepherd Church
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
18511 Klein Church Road, Spring, TX 77379
Foral Extravaganza 2012 Tabletop
Northgate Country Club
5:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
17110 Northgate Forest Drive, Spring, TX 77379
Info: Betty Lind
Apr 18
Apr 26
SAFD Membership — Debi Davis, Membership Chair
SAFD’s year is almost over. Don’t miss our last meeting on May 15th! You can be sure that over the next few
months the Board will be making plans for another year of exciting presentations, workshops and trips for the 20122013 season. The first meeting of the new season
will be September 18th, 2012. You do not need to
be a florist to join, you only need to love flowers and
design, or have the desire to learn. If you would like
SAFD is a non-profit organization authorized
to join SAFD next year, please fill out the Memberunder the IRS Code Section 501(C)(3).
ship Form available at our meetings, or mail in the
SAFD promotes the study and enjoyment
form available on our SAFDHouston.org site. We
of floral design through volunteerism, edulook forward to seeing you next year, and hope you
cational programs and community involvewill not only come to our monthly meetings to learn
ment. Monthly programs consist of a feaand enjoy , but will also join us in our workshops as
tured speaker, top floral designer, or
we create arrangements for the many facilities we
hands-on classes in fresh/silk arrangeserve.
ments. Raffles are held for the arrangeIf you download your membership form,
ments and the proceeds are used for the
please bring the form to a meeting, or mail the form
charities supported
by SAFD.
SAFD, P. O. Box 683166, Houston, TX 77268-3166.
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 9
Your SAFD Buying Power
Craftex Wholesale
7215 Ashcroft
Houston 77081
Silks, books, and ribbons
Garden Expo
1221 West 20th St.
Houston 77008
Nursery—-live plants
Greenleaf Wholesale
2112 Leeland
Houston 77003
Fresh and permanent
flowers. Tues. 20% off
floral supplies
Pikes Peak of Texas, Inc.
4340 Directors Row
Houston 77092
Fresh and permanent flowers
Wednesday – 20% off supplies
Something Special
12703-A Cutten Rd
Houston 77066
Permanent plants and flowers
Silk Arboretum
Carolyn Thompson’s
Antique Center
Old Katy Road
Call for Appt 10am - 6pm
Frank De Dera, BP
Southern Floral Co.
1313 W.20 St.
Houston 77008
Fresh flowers and supplies
Tuesday – 10%; closed
Taylor Wholesale
1601 21st St.
Houston 77008
Fresh flowers and supplies
Weatherford Farms
13223 Murphy Rd.
Stafford 77477
Green and blooming plants
Bringing Sunshine...
SAFD would like to express
sympathy and bring a little
cheer to any SAFD member
who may be ill. If you know
someone to whom we can
send a card, please contact:
Aida Quesada, email:
[email protected]
SAFD sends get well messages to Cissy Antona and
Phyllis Smith’s husband.
SAFD sends condolences to
Carol Barziza on the passing
of Buddy Barziza.
MEMBERS MUST PAY SALES TAX when shopping at any of the vendors above.
SAFD Tax Notes — Diana Hanley, Treasurer
Did You Know…
 SAFD is a 501(c) tax exempt charitable organization.
 You can deduct your miles involving SAFD business.
 You can deduct your membership dues.
 You can deduct your donations for raffles for
tabletop (cash or items donated).
to check with your CPA” if you have any questions.
These could be subject to interpretation by your CPA
and will depend on your filing status as to whether
they qualify to be deducted. But who knows, it may
be worthwhile to keep track of these expenses.
Diana Hanley, Treasurer
You can deduct items used for your tabletop display as
long as it is not used for your personal gain.
You can deduct items donated for our Community Affairs care arrangements.
Just be sure to keep good records and copies of receipts
for your CPS and your files. I will qualify this with “be sure
We learn how, share the
knowledge, and then give it away.
Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program
Did you know that with every purchase made at
Kroger using your Kroger Plus Card you
could be contributing to SAFD? SAFD is
enrolled in the Neighbor to Neighbor
Donation Program. To enroll in this
program take the form available at
monthly meetings to your local Kroger
store the next time you go shopping. The cashier will scan
SAFD Flower Press
your Kroger Plus Card, then scan the bar code on our Customer Letter form to tie your card to SAFD. That’s all
there is to it. You will become a supporter of our mission
to provide floral education to you, and floral gifts to residents of area nursing or assisted living homes.
The Kroger Customer Letter is also available on
SAFD’s website, www.SAFDHouston.org.
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 10
SAFD 2011—2012 Board Members
Lana King
Vice President/Tabletop Chairman
Jan Beall
Lois Maier
Olga Lea
Jan Beall
Website Coordinator
Program Chair
Diana Hanley
Program Chair Assistant
Janice Barron
Newsletter Editor/
Website Coordinator
Pam Bates
Yanick Stam
Debi Davis
Phyllis Smith
Community Affairs
Lois Maier
Community Affairs
Dianna Lyn Snyder
Sharon Barton
Aida Quesada
Lana King
Special Events
Kathy Black
SAFD Flower Press
Dianne Abrahams
Cissy Antona
713.416-2746 C 281.890.4489 H
[email protected]
281.352.3209 C 281.370.2316 H
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
281.352.3209 C 281.370.2316 H
[email protected]
832.465.3518 C 281.890.4704 H
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
713.822.3680 C 281.225.8083 H
[email protected]
[email protected]
713.416-2746 C 281.890.4489 H
[email protected]
[email protected]
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 11
Join Us—Become a SAFD Member
Society for the Advancement of Floral Design (SAFD) Membership Application
To become a member of SAFD, return this application with your check for $45 or $30 if age 65 or over.
Make your check payable to SAFD. Mail to address below:
SAFD, Inc.
Membership Chairman
P.O. Box 683166
Houston, TX 77268-3166 (You must include the 3166 in the zip code)
Check one: New Member_________________ Renewal of Membership ______________________
Amt. Pd._________________ Date pd.______________ Check #______________ Cash_____________
Name_________________________________________________________ Birthday (M/D)_________
Mailing Address: Street________________________________________________________________
City, State, & Zip______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone #:_____________________ Work #:__________________ Cell #:____________________
E-mail Address:________________________________________ Fax:____________________________
Each member is expected to participate in making our club successful. In an effort to encourage participation and
recognize individual talents, please complete the information below.
I can help with the following:
______Help set up for meetings; clean up after meetings.
______Help set up for events such as Tabletop Gala, workshops, etc.
______Make phone calls to SAFD members as needed.
______Make programs, invitations or signs, etc., for events such as our annual Tabletop Gala.
______Solicit items needed for raffles or silent auctions.
______Bring snacks to the meetings or workshops.
______Help with fresh flower mini-workshops, i.e., helping with shopping for flowers, etc.
______Help with silk floral arrangements for Community Affairs. (No skill needed – you will receive training.)
______Help plan monthly day trips to interesting destinations within 150 miles.
I would like to see the following class or workshop ____________________________________________
I would be interested in starting____________________________________________________________
I would like more info on the annual SAFD scholarship___________
Please offer any topics or suggestions you have for speakers or topics for the future:
Do you have any of the following skills? If so, check: Computer_____ Crafts____ Accounting____
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 12
Your 2011-2012 SAFD Board Members
President/Tabletop Co-Chair:
Lana King, TMF – Serving in her second year as President, Lana is a
Certified Texas Master Florist who works full-time as head designer
and wedding coordinator at Rainforest Flowers in The Woodlands.
She worked for over 30 years as a legal administrator and paralegal.
She has also been Tabletop Chairman for the past two years, Vice
President, Secretary, and Historian, as well as working on the past
three years with SAFD’s designs for the TOMAGWA event, Senior
Proms, and other projects, Chair of “Blooms Over The Woodlands”
of Texas State Florists Association Convention in July, 2011, and a
past SAFD scholarship winner. Lana is a member of Allied Florists
of Houston, Texas State Florists Association, and currently serving
on the Education Board with Texas State Florists Association.
Vice President/Secretary/Tabletop Chair:
Jan Beall – Jan is very active with SAFD’s Board in all her capacities.
She has been Tabletop’s Silent Auction Chair for the past two years
and very involved with TOMAGWA. Her volunteerism is “above and
beyond”. Jan so generously stepped up to the plate when the
Board lost its Secretary two years ago.
Sharon Barton – Sharon has served on the Board for many years
– most recently doing Programs. She is now the person who
calls all our members to remind them of events and helps to
schedule activities. She’s like a SAFD e-mail via phone!!
Newsletter/Website Coordinator:
Pam Bates – Pam is in her second year on the Board and takes
care of publishing our SAFD newsletter and having it printed for
our meetings. Pam works for a well-known law firm but still
finds time to put on other hats with her scrapbooking and floral
projects. She is also handling SAFD’s website for routine updates and revisions. Her commitment with the newsletter and
website is a valuable asset to SAFD and its members. Everyone
gets to enjoy her talents.
Activities/Bus Trips:
Kathy Black – Kathy handles coordination of SAFD’s activities or
bus trips scheduled for the year with Precinct 4, including transportation to some of our events for our members. She is responsible for confirming the bus and setting up the day trips
which includes luncheons and tours, then coordinating with all
Olga Lea – Serving many years on the Board and one of the charter people who sign up to go.
members of SAFD, and was last year’s SAFD scholarship winner. Membership:
Among many other positions, Olga was recently our President and Debi Davis – Debi is not new to our Board and keeps everyone’s
Tabletop Chair and very active in all volunteer aspects of SAFD and membership up to date. She takes care of checking in members
in our community, including Meals on Wheels. As a member of and visitors to each meeting, signs up new members, prepares
Northgate Country Club, Olga is instrumental in helping SAFD pro- all of the SAFD badges for members, and generates “blast” ecure the Northgate site for our annual Tabletop Gala.
mails to the membership of all activities going on.
Advisor/Community Affairs:
Treasurer/Website Coordinator:
Lois Maier – Another member who has been our past President and Diana Hanley – Diana is in her second year on the Board in this
served many years on the Board; a past SAFD scholarship winner. valuable position. Diana works full time as an accountant, but
Lois has worked on SAFD’s monthly Community Affairs for many still finds time for SAFD and all her floral passions. She assists
years making SAFD proud of all her work. Community Affairs do- Pam Bates with the website functions and is responsible for all
nates approximately 25-30 arrangements monthly to a nursing or the bookkeeping functions of SAFD, filing tax returns, reimhospice facility in the community.
bursements, payments to vendors, and all deposits to our treasCommunity Affairs:
ury. Diana was instrumental in heading up SAFD’s donations to
Lynn Snyder – Assisting Lois Maier on Community Affairs and served the Foundry Project Judy Dierker Classic last year.
on the Board in various capacities.
Aida Quesada – Always a joy with her uplifting personality, Aida
is not new to the Board. She takes care of sending cards or
Dianne Abrahams and Janice Barron –
Dianne is in her second year on the Board and a true “trooper” notes to SAFD members or spouses who might be under the
when we need her. Dianne is very active in the community with her weather or have lost someone.
volunteerism, including Meals on Wheels; instrumental in carrying Historian:
out SAFD’s commitment with Blooms Over The Woodlands at Texas Phyllis Smith – Long-time SAFD member and Board member,
State’s convention.
Phyllis is responsible for keeping the SAFD scrapbook of activiJanice is in her first year serving on the Board but another “trooper” ties and events.
in the trenches. Currently a realtor with Keller Williams, she is also Social:
a floral designer and always willing to help out when we need her.
Yanick Stam – Yanick is in her first year on the Board and she will be
responsible for making sure we have appetizers, food, and drinks
Cissy Antona – Cissy is in her second year on the Board and handles for our monthly meetings.
our publicity for SAFD’s monthly meetings to make sure they get in
the neighborhood newsletters and publications.
SAFD Flower Press
2011-2012: Issue 7 Page 13

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