February to March - Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel


February to March - Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
Music Chapel
What’s up?
February to March 2015
26 > 30.03.2015 de Launoit Wing official opening week
© M. Cooreman
Main Sponsors
Sous la Présidence d’Honneur de Sa Majesté la Reine Paola
Onder het Erevoorzitterschap van Hare Majesteit Paola
Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola
Music and the training of young are very close to my heart, and I am delighted to see them united here at the Queen
Elisabeth Music Chapel. My dearest wish is that the level of excellence of the Music Chapel will help young talents to
give their best and to create an international musical elite beyond borders and cultures.
La Chapelle Musicale prend son envol !
De Muziekkapel neemt een hoge vlucht!
Du 26 au 30 janvier 2015, 75 ans après l’ouverture de la Chapelle Musicale, l’Aile de Launoit est inaugurée en présence de L.M. la Reine Paola et le Roi Albert !
Ce sont six concerts dont deux avec l’Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, une journée entière en
direct sur Musiq3 et en live streaming, la présence de nombreux journalistes et partenaires qui en font un
souvenir mémorable.
Van 26 tot 30 januari 2015, 75 jaar na de oprichting van de Muziekkapel, wordt de de Launoit-Vleugel
feestelijk geopend in aanwezigheid van H.K.H. Koningin Paola en Koning Albert!
Met zes concerten waarvan twee met het Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, een volledige dag live
op Musiq3 en in livestreaming, de aanwezigheid van talrijke journalisten en partners, die er een onvergetelijk evenement van zullen maken.
Un événement qui clôture dix ans de refonte intense du contenu programmatique et le début d’une nouvelle page de l’histoire de la Chapelle Musicale et, tout à la fois, la fin d’un long processus de réflexion sur
le contenu et le contenant de ce beau projet imaginé il y a 75 ans par Eugène Ysaÿe et la Reine Elisabeth.
Dit evenement sluit een tien jaar durende grondige revisie van het programma van de Muziekkapel af en
luidt het begin in van een nieuwe bladzijde in haar geschiedenis. Tegelijk betekent het het einde van een
langdurig denkproces over de inhoud en de vorm van dit prachtige project, dat 75 jaar geleden werd bedacht
door Eugène Ysaÿe en Koningin Elisabeth.
La réalisation de l’extension des infrastructures (2000m2 supplémentaires), projet lancé dès 2006 avec les
bureaux d’architecture, Synergy International et L’Escaut, permet de poursuivre la nouvelle dynamique artistique initiée en 2004 et d’offrir aujourd’hui à un plus grand nombre de jeunes musiciens et de professeurs,
une résidence adaptée :
• 20 nouveaux studios de travail et de résidence, spécificité de la Chapelle Musicale,
• 1 grand studio de concert, de répétition et d’enregistrement ainsi que deux salles de musique supplémen-taires,
• de nouveaux lieux de vie et d’accueil du public qui permettent de circuler dans un véritable laboratoire
musical permanent.
En attendant une véritable saison de concerts au sein de la Chapelle Musicale, nouveau lieu de diffusion à
partir de la saison 2015-2016, la programmation initiée par la Chapelle et/ou ses artistes en résidence se
poursuit de manière intense lors de ce premier trimestre. Pointons parmi les concerts proposés en Belgique
et à l’étranger :
• une nouvelle participation active de jeunes pianistes au festival Piano Days à Flagey (05>08.02),
• la série internationale impressionnante de concerts Partitura avec Maria João Pires et des jeunes pianistes,
• et bien sûr notre concert de Gala annuel le 26 mars à Bozar. Un concert de très haut niveau en perspective.
Dankzij de infrastructuuruitbreiding (2.000 m² extra), een project gelanceerd vanaf 2006 met de architectenbureaus Synergy International en L’Escaut, kunnen we voortbouwen op de nieuwe artistieke dynamiek,
ingezet in 2004, en vandaag aan meer jonge musici en docenten een aangepaste verblijfplaats bieden:
• 20 nieuwe werk- en woonstudio’s, eigen aan de Muziekkapel,
• 1 grote concert-, repetitie- en opnamestudio, alsook twee bijkomende muziekzalen,
• nieuwe leefruimtes en ontvangstruimtes voor het publiek, zodat men kan vertoeven in een heus perma nent muzikaal laboratorium.
In afwachting van een echt concertseizoen binnen de Muziekkapel, nieuwe concertlocatie vanaf het seizoen
2015-2016, wordt de programmering ingezet door haar artiesten in residentie, intens voortgezet tijdens dit
eerste semester. Onder de concerten in België en in het buitenland noteren we:
• een nieuwe actieve deelname van jonge pianisten op het festival Flagey Piano Days (05>08.02);
• de indrukwekkende internationale reeks Partitura-concerten met Maria João Pires en jonge pianisten;
• En uiteraard ons jaarlijkse Galaconcert op 26 maart in Bozar. Een concert van zeer hoog niveau in het voor uitzicht.
Een gelukkig nieuw jaar 2015, in toon met de Muziekkapel!
Bonne année 2015, en musique avec la Chapelle Musicale !
Bernard de Launoit, Executive President
Bernard de Launoit, Executive President
The Music Chapel takes off!
Between 26 and 30 January 2015, seventy-five years after the opening of the Music Chapel, the de Launoit
Wing will be inaugurated in the presence of Their Majesties King Albert and Queen Paola.
The inauguration – comprising six concerts, including two by the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie,
a full day of live-stream coverage on radio station Musiq3, and the presence of many journalists and partners – will be a memorable occasion!
The event concludes an intense, decade-long overhaul of the Music Chapel’s program and marks the start of
a new page in its history. It will also bring to an end a long process of reflection on the contents and container
of this wonderful project imagined 75 years ago by Eugène Ysaÿe and Queen Elisabeth.
The construction of the extension to the existing infrastructure (an additional 2,000 m2), a project launched
in 2006 already with the architecture offices Synergy International and L’Escaut, has made it possible to
pursue the artistic momentum initiated in 2004 and to offer to a greater number of musicians and their
professors a suitably adapted residence:
• 20 additional work and housing studios, a specificity of the Music Chapel;
• a large concert, rehearsal and recording studio, as well as two additional music halls;
• new social spaces for the public that make it possible to circulate in a genuine, permanent musical labo ratory.
While we wait for a full season of concerts at the Music Chapel, the new performance venue as of the 201516 season, the program initiated by the Chapel’s artists in residence during this first term is an intense one.
Among the highlights on offer in Belgium and abroad we find:
• the new active participation of young pianists at the Piano Days festival in Flagey (05>08.02);
• the impressive international series of Partitura concerts with Maria João Pires and the young pianists;
• and of course our annual Gala Concert on 26 March in Bozar, a high-level performance to look forward to.
We wish you a wonderful year of music with the Music Chapel!
© M. Cooreman
Bernard de Launoit, Executive President
© F. Lichtlé
Un vaisseau dédié à la musique dans la nature
La nouvelle Aile de Launoit, conforte la vocation de ce lieu mythique à être un écrin pour l’excellence artistique musicale au milieu de la nature. Tel un monolithe le projet se traduit par une longue barre de près de
cent mètres de long, tendue à l’arrière du bâtiment construit en 1939 par Yvan Renchon. Comme une toile
de fond pour ce patrimoine classé dont elle double les capacités, la nouvelle architecture joue avec le verre
et la pierre bleue des Carrières du Hainaut pour créer un décor qui reflète la nature autant qu’il répond à
l’architecture existante. Bien plus qu’un travail sur l’image, c’est à une plongée dans l’univers de la musique
que l’on est invité par la transcription d’une partition d’Eugène Ysaÿe en une myriade de pixels imprimés sur
la peau de verre se dressant en avant-plan, comme une dématérialisation des volumes qu’elle abrite, projetés vers la forêt d’Argenteuil. La découverte du lieu commence par une longue déambulation dans un couloir bordé vers le Sud par une double peau vitrée attirant le regard vers le vaisseau moderniste des années
trente, et distribuant vers le nord les studios logements en duplex ainsi que le Grand Studio (Haas-Teichen)
de représentation et les deux studios de répétitions. L’ombre projetée des pixels sur le sol en béton et sur les
parois peintes aux couleurs chaleureuses tout en nuance de gris, crée une ambiance magique d’un univers
intérieur tout entier destiné à la musique et projeté dans la nature en même temps. Le Grand Studio est un
moment unique. Par une large baie ouverte sur la forêt d’Argenteuil, les 250 spectateurs auront l’occasion
d’être envoûtés par les prestations des virtuoses tout en contemplant le spectacle magique de ce morceau
de forêt de Soignes. Les studios de répétitions ont tous deux des caractéristiques spatiales et acoustiques
spécifiques et nourrissent des rapports différents à la nature. Le Studio 2 (Rossana Del Marco Pinferetti) se
projette à travers une large baie ouverte sur deux niveaux vers la forêt, tandis que le Studio 3 (Paule Van
Thillo) reçoit d’en haut, l’inspiration de la nature. Chaque studio de logement est particulier également.
Qu’il soit en duplex au rez-de-chaussée ou en simplex au rez-de-jardin, chacun d’eux offre des proportions
proches, mais chaque fois différentes, par leurs proportions et les cassures en angles des parois et plafonds,
afin de mieux conduire les sons, sans nuisance d’effets d’échos. Tous les espaces de vie nécessaires existent
pour une communauté. Le Foyer se dessine en prolongation des espaces publics du rez-de-chaussée et offre
un espace lumineux et accueillant. « L’Artists Village » (Philippe & Jeannot Saverys Music Lounge) offrira aux
résidents les lieux intimes dont ils pourront jouir au rythme des semaines et des mois qu’ils passeront dans
ce lieu. Une généreuse cuisine professionnelle et tous les espaces de services nécessaires à un tel équipement culturel, sont prévus pour offrir une large flexibilité d’usages au gré des événements et des évolutions
de cette institution musicale d’excellence.
© M. Cooreman
Olivier Bastin & Sébastien Cruyt, architectes
Een instrument gewijd aan de muziek te midden van het groen
A vessel devoted to music and set in nature
De nieuwe de Launoit-Vleugel van de Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth versterkt de roeping van deze mythische plek om de ideale omgeving te zijn voor de muzikale artistieke uitmuntendheid te midden van het
groen. Zoals een monoliet neemt het project de vorm aan van een lange staaf van bijna 100 meter, die zich
uitstrekt achter het gebouw uit 1939 van de hand van Yvan Renchon. Het nieuwe gebouw fungeert als achtergrond voor dit beschermde erfgoed waarvan het de capaciteit verdubbelt. Het speelt met glas en steen
om een decor te ontwerpen dat de natuur weerspiegelt en tegelijk het bestaande bouwwerk respecteert.
Veel meer dan op een beeld wordt men uitgenodigd op een ontdekkingstocht naar de wereld van de muziek
via de transcriptie van een partituur van Eugène Ysaÿe in ontelbare pixels gedrukt op de glazen wand op de
voorgrond, zoals een dematerialisatie van de ruimtes die het onderbrengt, geprojecteerd naar het woud van
Argenteuil. De ontdekking van het nieuwe gebouw begint via een lange gang met aan de zuidkant een dubbele glazen wand die de aandacht trekt naar het modernistische schip uit de jaren dertig, en aan de noordkant de duplexwoonstudio’s, de Grote Studio voor voorstellingen en nog twee repetitiestudio’s. De schaduw
van de pixels, zorgt voor een magische sfeer in een inwendige wereld die helemaal gewijd is aan de muziek
en tegelijk met de omliggende natuur in verbinding staat. De Grote Studio (Haas-Teichen) vormt een unieke
plek op zich, net zoals alle andere ruimten tenslotte. De 250 toeschouwers zullen via een breed groot raam,
dat uitkijkt op het domein van Argenteuil, betoverd geraken door de prestaties van de virtuozen, terwijl
ze van het magische spektakel van dit deel van het Zoniënwoud kunnen genieten. Beide repetitiestudio’s,
Studio 2 (Rossana Del Marco Pinferetti), Studio 3 (Paule Van Thillo), hebben specifieke ruimtelijke en akoestische kenmerken en verhouden zich verschillend ten opzichte van de omliggende natuur. Elke Woonstudio
is tevens bijzonder. Gaat het nu om een duplex op de benedenverdieping, of om één niveau op de tuinverdieping, elke studio biedt verwante afmetingen, maar toch telkens iets afwijkend, door hun verhoudingen
en de breukpunten in de hoeken van de wanden en het plafond om het geluid beter te leiden, zonder hinder
van echo-effecten. Dit uitzonderlijke pedagogische apparaat wordt vervolledigd met alle woonruimtes die
nodig zijn voor een gemeenschap van artiesten. De Foyer op de tuinverdieping ligt in de verlenging van de
publieke ruimtes op de benedenverdieping en biedt een licht en gezellige plek. De ‘Artists Village’ (Philippe
& Jeannot Saverys Music Lounge) biedt de inwonenden een intieme stek waarvan ze kunnen genieten op de
maat van de weken en maanden die ze op deze ‘betoverende’ plek zullen doorbrengen. Ten slotte zijn er een
ruime professionele keuken en alle noodzakelijke dienstruimtes voor een dergelijke cultureel apparaat voorzien, vlot aanpasbaar aan de evenementen en de ontwikkeling van deze uitmuntende muzikale instelling.
The new de Launoit Wing strengthens the vocation of this mythical space as a hub of musical excellence
set in a natural setting. It takes the shape of a long block, measuring almost 100 m, stretching out at the
back of the building designed in 1939 by Yvan Renchon. Like a backdrop created for this listed and therefore
protected construction, whose capacities it doubles, the new architectural construction blends glass and
stone to create an environment that reflects the surrounding greenery as much as it responds to the existing
architecture. More than a work on just the image, the building invites visitors to immerse themselves in the
world of music through the transcription of a musical score by Eugène Ysaÿe in a myriad of pixels printed on
the skin of the glass erected in the foreground, like a dematerialization of the volumes it houses, projecting
towards the forest of Argenteuil. The discovery of the site starts with a long stroll through a corridor along
which runs, on the south side, a double glass skin drawing the visitor’s gaze towards the modernist vessel
of the 1930s, and showing, on the north side, the duplex housing studios as well as the Grand Studio (HaasTeichen) for performances and the two rehearsal studios. The shadow cast by the pixels on the concrete
floor and on the walls painted in warm shades of grey creates a magical atmosphere of an interior universe
given over entirely to music while simultaneously projecting itself into nature. The Grand Studio is a unique
achievement, as are all the spaces in fact. Looking out through a large window giving out onto the forest of
Argenteuil, the 250 spectators will have the opportunity to be captivated by the performances of the virtuoso musicians while contemplating the spectacular show presented by this corner of the Sonian forest. The
rehearsal studios both have specific spatial and acoustic characteristics and are engaged in a different relation with the natural environment. Studio 2 (Rossana Del Marco Pinferetti) projects itself towards the forest
through a large window over two levels, while Studio 3 (Paule Van Thillo) welcomes nature’s inspiration
from above. Each housing studio is also particular. Whether it takes the form of a duplex on the ground floor
or a simplex on the garden level, each one presents similar yet always different proportions and the broken
angles and roofs that will better conduct the sound, without any troublesome echoing effects. This exceptional pedagogical tool would be incomplete without the required living spaces for a community of artists
and those that encourage them in their art. The Foyer located on the garden level constitutes an extension
of the public spaces of the ground floor and provides a bright and welcoming space for public receptions as
much as for private gatherings. The “Artists Village” (Philippe & Jeannot Saverys Music Lounge) will offer
residents intimate spaces which they will be able to enjoy over the weeks and months they will spend in this
“enchanting” location. Professional catering and all the necessary services for a cultural venue are provided
for so as to ensure a flexible use of the space according to events and the evolution of this outstanding musical institution.
Olivier Bastin & Sébastien Cruyt, architecten
Olivier Bastin & Sébastien Cruyt, architects
Music Chapel
On stage
February to March 2015
Grand Studio (Haas-Teichen)
© M. Cooreman
Get on stage.
Let your art grow.
Break the limits!
Music Chapel
de Launoit Wing
Official opening
26.01.15 - 20:00
Olga Volkova, violin - Joona Pulkkinen, cello - Ashot Khachatourian, piano
L. van Beethoven
Piano trio No. 5 in D major, “Ghost trio”, op. 70 No. 1
Allegro vivace con brio - Largo assai ed espressivo - Presto-Finale
Katarina Van Droogenbroek, mezzo-soprano - Miguel da Silva, viola
Philippe Riga, piano
J. Brahms
2 Gesänge, op. 91
Gestillte Sehnsucht - Geistliches Wiegenlied
Ashot Khachatourian, piano - Quatuor Hermès
R. Schumann
Piano quintet, in E flat major, op. 44
Allegro brillante - In modo d’una marcia, un poco largamente
Molto vivace - Allegro ma non troppo
Music Chapel
de Launoit Wing
Official opening
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - [email protected]
Tickets: invitation only
Music Chapel
de Launoit Wing
Official opening
Music Chapel
de Launoit Wing
Official opening
27.01.15 - 11:30
27.01.15 - 13:00
In presence of Her Majesty Queen Paola
Olga Volkova, violin - Joona Pulkkinen, cello - Ashot Khachatourian, piano
L. van Beethoven
Piano trio No. 5 in D major, “Ghost trio”, op. 70 No. 1
Allegro vivace con brio - Largo assai ed espressivo - Presto-Finale
Esther Yoo, violin
Christia Hudziy, piano
A. Glazunov
Raymonda, grand adagio, op. 57
Katarina Van Droogenbroek, mezzo-soprano - Miguel da Silva, viola
Philippe Riga, piano
J. Brahms
2 Gesänge, op. 91
Gestillte Sehnsucht - Geistliches Wiegenlied
Live streaming on www.musiq3.be, www.musicchapel.org
Ashot Khachatourian, piano - Quatuor Hermès
R. Schumann
Piano quintet, in E flat major, op. 44
Allegro brillante - In modo d’una marcia, un poco largamente
Molto vivace - Allegro ma non troppo
© M. Borggreve
Live radio broadcast on Musiq3
Live streaming on
www.musiq3.be, www.musicchapel.org, www.lalibre.be
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - [email protected]
Tickets: invitation only
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - [email protected]
Tickets: invitation only
Music Chapel
de Launoit Wing
Official opening
Music Chapel
de Launoit Wing
Official opening
27.01.15 - 20:00
28.01.15 - 20:00
In presence of Her Majesty Queen Paola
Augustin Dumay, violin - Lorenzo Gatto, violin - Miguel da Silva, viola
Henri Demarquette, cello - Pavel Kolesnikov, piano
J. Brahms
Quintet in F minor, for piano & string quartet, op. 34
Allegro non troppo - Andante, un poco adagio - Scherzo: allegro - Trio
Finale: poco sostenuto - Allegro non troppo - Presto, non troppo
José van Dam, baritone - Philippe Riga, piano
H. Duparc: Trois Mélodies
Augustin Dumay, violin - Lorenzo Gatto, violin - Miguel da Silva, viola
Henri Demarquette, cello - Pavel Kolesnikov, piano
J. Brahms: Quintet in F minor, for piano & string quartet, op. 34
Allegro non troppo - Andante, un poco adagio - Scherzo: allegro - Trio
Finale: poco sostenuto - Allegro non troppo - Presto, non troppo
Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie - Augustin Dumay, conductor
Quatuor Hermès
E. Ysaÿe
Harmonie du soir, op. 31
Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie - Augustin Dumay, conductor
Quatuor Hermès
E. Ysaÿe: Harmonie du soir, op. 31
Vladyslava Luchenko, violin
W. A. Mozart
Concerto No. 4 in D major, for violin, KV. 218
Allegro - Andante cantabile - Rondeau
Elina Buksha, violin
W. A. Mozart: Concerto No. 4 in D major, for violin, KV. 218
Allegro - Andante cantabile - Rondeau
Live radio broadcast on Musiq3
Live streaming on
www.musiq3.be, www.musicchapel.org, www.lalibre.be
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - [email protected]
Tickets: invitation only
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - [email protected]
Tickets: invitation only
Music Chapel
de Launoit Wing
Official opening
Musiq’Académies anniversary concert
30.01.15 - 20:00
Elina Buksha, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
B. Britten: Suite for violin & piano, op. 6
Introduction - March - Moto perpetuo - Lullaby - Waltz
Kacper Nowak, cello - Christia Hudziy, piano
D. Popper: Hungarian Rhapsody, op. 68
Diana Gouglina, soprano - Katarina Van Droogenbroek, mezzo-soprano
Philippe Riga, piano
J. Brahms: Five Duets, op. 66
Klänge, No.1 - Klänge, No. 2 - Am Strande, No. 3
Jägerlied, No. 4 - Hüt du dich! No. 5
Busch Ensemble
A. Dvorak: Piano Trio in F minor, op. 65, B. 130
Allegro ma non troppo - Allegretto grazioso - Meno mosso
Poco adagio - Allegro con brio
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - [email protected]
Tickets: invitation only
26.01.15 - 19:00
28.01.15 - 19:00
Maria João Pires, piano
C. Debussy
Pour le piano
Maria João Pires, piano
C. Debussy
Pour le piano
Julien Brocal, piano
M. Ravel
Julien Brocal, piano
M. Ravel
Julien Brocal, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 26 in E flat major, for piano, op. 81a
Julien Brocal, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 26 in E flat major, for piano, op. 81a
Maria João Pires, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111
Maria João Pires, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111
Auditorio Alfredo Kraus
1 Av. Constitución - 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Gran Canaria
Info: +34 (0)922 56 86 00
Tickets: 20€ - 7€ (family or group)
Auditorio Alfredo Kraus
1 Av. Constitución - 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Gran Canaria
Info: +34 (0)922 56 86 00
Tickets: 20€ - 7€ (family or group)
Musical Instruments Museum
Lunchtime concert since 1948
Davidson College
01.02.15 - 15:00
28.01.15 - 12:30
Deborah Pae, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano
J. S. Bach
Suite No. 3 in C major, for solo cello, BWV. 1009
S. Barber
Sonata for cello & piano, op. 6
J. Brahms
Sonata No. 2 in F major, for cello & piano, op.99
Elina Buksha, violon - Pavel Kolesnikov, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 8 in G major, for violin & piano, op. 30 No. 3
B. Britten
Suite for violin and piano, op. 6
C. Debussy
Violin sonata in G minor
Musical Instruments Museum
Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 512 82 47 - www.concertsdemidi.be - [email protected]
Tickets: 8€ - 4€ (<26 years)
Davidson College
405 North Main Street - Davidson - NC 28035 - United States
Tickets: 8 USD - 17 USD
Music Chapel
Flagey Piano Days
05.02.15 - 18:00
Henk Rubingh, violin - Michael Schmid, violin* - Alice Weber, viola*
Han Bin Yoon, cello - Nathanael Gouin, piano
W. A. Mozart
Concerto No. 11 in F major, for piano, KV. 413
W. A. Mozart
Piano quartet No. 1 in G minor, KV. 478
*Academie van het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
E.R. / V.U.: Gilles Ledure, Rue du Belvédèrestraat 27/5 1050 Bruxelles / B
05 – 08.02.15
Flagey, Studio 1
Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein - 1050 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - www.flagey.be
Tickets: 15€ - 10€
Music Chapel
Flagey Piano Days
F. Chopin
Prelude in A major, for piano, op. 28 No. 7
F. Chopin
Prelude in F sharp minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 8
Molto agitato
F. Chopin
Prélude in E major, for piano, op. 28 No. 9
F. Chopin
Prelude in C sharp minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 10
Molto allegro
F. Chopin
Prelude in B major, for piano, op. 28 No. 11
F. Chopin
Prélude in G sharp minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 12
F. Chopin
Prelude in F sharp major, for piano, op. 28 No. 13
F. Chopin
Prelude in E flat minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 14
F. Chopin
Prelude in D flat major, for piano, op. 28 No. 15
F. Chopin
Prelude in B flat minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 16
Presto con fuoco
07.02.15 - 11:00
Julien Brocal, piano
S. Bortkiewicz
6 Preludes, op.13
S. Bortkiewicz
7 Preludes, op. 40
F. Chopin
Prelude in C major, for piano, op. 28 No. 1
F. Chopin
Prelude in A minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 2
F. Chopin
Prelude in G major, for piano, op. 28 No. 3
F. Chopin
Prelude in E minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 4
F. Chopin
Prelude in D major, for piano, op. 28 No. 5
Molto allegro
F. Chopin
Prelude in B minor, for piano, op. 28 No. 6
Lento assai
Flagey, Studio 1
Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein - 1050 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - www.flagey.be
Tickets: 15€ - 10€
Music Chapel
Flagey Piano Days
Music Chapel
Flagey Piano Days
07.02.15 - 16:00
07.02.15 - 18:00
Kaito Kobayashi, piano
F. Chopin
Ballade No. 4 in F minor, op. 52
F. Chopin
Polonaise-fantaisie No. 7 in A flat major, op. 61
F. Chopin
Andante spianato et grande polonaise brillante in E flat major, op. 22
F. Chopin
Mazurkas, op. 17
Julien Libeer, piano
J. S. Bach
Suite française No. 5 in G major, BWV 816
T. Takemitsu
Les yeux clos
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894
Flagey, Studio 2
Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein - 1050 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - www.flagey.be
Tickets: 7,5€ - 5€
Flagey, Studio 1
Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein - 1050 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - www.flagey.be
Tickets: 15€ - 10€
Opera studio production
Fruhlings Erwachen
04 > 09.02.15
30.01.2015 > 11.06.2015
Workshop for singers, conductors, dramaturges
on Viennese Classic composers specifying on the connection to the librettist Lorenzo da Ponte and the musically historical background of this period, with the former
director of the Semperoper Dresden, Prof. Gerd Uecker for style and interpretation,
lectures by John A.Rice and Dr Daniel Brandenburg, experts on Lorenzo da Ponte and
Viennese opera during the 1780’s.
30 > 31.01.2015 & 01.02.2015
Benoît Mernier - Filip Rathé - Spectra - Guy Joosten - Roel Van Berckelaer
with the collaboration of Sarah Théry, mezzo, Music Chapel
With the support of
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Ghent - Belgium
Info: www.minard.be/januari.html
Bayerische Theaterakademie
Munich - Germany
Info: www.enoa-community.com
The Perlman Music Program
05.02.15 - 20:00
07.02.15 - 17:00
Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Libeer, piano
F. Schubert
Allegro in A minor, Lebensstürme, for 4 hands, D. 947
M. Ravel
Tombeau de Couperin
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960
Deborah Pae, cello
Dana Protopopescu, piano
S. Barber
P. I. Tchaïkovski
J. Brahms
Auditorio Nacional de Musica
146 Calle del Principe de Vergara - 4970 Madrid - Spain
Info: +34 (0)913 37 01 40 - www.auditorionacional.mcu.es
The Perlman Music Program Campus, Clark Arts Center
73 Shore Road - Shelter Island Heights - NY 11965 - USA
Info: www.perlmanmusicprogram.org
Tickets: $25, FREE for ages 18
07.02.15 - 20:30
08.02.15 - 19:30
Maria João Pires, piano - Nathanael Gouin, piano
F. Schubert
Sonate pour piano n° 19 en do mineur, D. 958
Allegro - Adagio - Menuetto Allegro - Allegro
F. Schubert
Fantasy in F minor, for piano 4 hands, op. 103, D. 940
Allegro molto moderato - Largo - Allegro vivace - Tempo primo
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, voor piano, op. 111
Maria João Pires, piano - Ashot Khachatourian, piano
G. Kurtag
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 20 in A major, for piano, D. 959
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960
Teatro Principal Antzokia
29 Calle de San Prudencio - 01005 Vitoria - Álava - Spain
Info: +34 (0)945 16 10 45
Tickets: 36€ - 24€ -19€
Palau de la Musica
30 Paseo de la Alameda - 46023 València - Spain
Info: +34 (0)963 37 50 20
Tickets: 20€ - 15€ - 10€
09.02.15 - 20:15
11.02.15 - 20:30
Maria João Pires, piano - Ashot Khachatourian, piano
G. Kurtag
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 20 in A major, for piano, D. 959
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960
Julien Libeer, piano - Maria João Pires, piano
F. Schubert
Allegro in A minor, Lebensstürme, for 4 hands, D. 947
M. Ravel
Tombeau de Couperin
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960
Teatro Principal de Alicante
Plaza del Ruperto Chapí - 03001 Alicante - Spain
Info: +34 (0)965 20 31 00
Palau de la Musica Catalana
4-6 Palau de la Música - 08003 Barcelona - Spain
Info: +34 (0)932 95 72 00
Tickets: 90€ - 21€
15 > 22.02.15
15.02.15 - 11:00
Workshop for singers
with Eytan Pessen and Izabella Kłosińska. Additionally, classes are planned for the
Feldenkreis method, group- and individual meetings with stylists, as well as a group
lecture regarding promotion possibilities for young artists (including such topics as:
how to prepare my website, how to write a good bio, how to look for an artist’s manager).
Kacper Nowak, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano
B. Martinu
Sonata No. 2 for cello & piano, H. 286
Julie Sévilla-Fraysse, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano
D. Popper
Hungarian Rhapsody, op. 68
A. Dvorak
Rondo in G minor, for cello & piano, op. 94
L. Janacek
With the support of
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall
23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - www.bozar.be
Tickets: 10€
Teatr Wielki, Polish National Opera
Warsaw - Poland
Info: www.enoa-community.com
Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek
19.02.15 - 20:00
20.02.15 - 19:30
Yoanna Ruseva, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 5 in F major, for violin & piano, op. 24
Pavel Kolesnikov, piano - Maria João Pires, piano
F. Schubert
Moments musicaux, op. 94, D. 780
R. Schumann
Fantasia for two pianos in F minor, D. 940
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 31 in A flat major, for piano, op. 110
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111
Marcin Fleszar, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 15 in D major, “Pastorale”, for piano, op. 28
Lev Solodovnikov, violin
A. Schnittke
“A Paganini” for solo violin, op. 162
Lev Solodovnikov, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
P. I. Tchaïkovski
Souvenir d’un lieu cher op. 42
Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek, Danieli Museum
33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be
Tickets: free entrance
Wigmore Hall
36 Wigmore Street - London W1U 2BP - Great Britain
Info: +44 (0)20 7258 8200
Tickets: £35 - £30 - £25 - £18
Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale
Musical Instruments Museum
Les Concerts de Midi/Middag Concerten
22.02.15 - 17:00
26.02.15 - 12:30
Elina Buksha, violin - Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
Deborah Pae, cello - Nathanael Gouin, piano
L. Spohr
Erlkönig, op. 154 n° 4
L. Spohr
Der Spielmann, op. 154 n° 5
J. Brahms
2 Gesänge, op. 91
Gestillte Sehnsucht - Geistliches Wiegenlied
A. Borodine
The beautiful fisher maiden (Krasavitsa-ribachka)
A. Borodine
The pretty girl no longer loves me
A. Borodine
Listen to my song, little friend
H. Berlioz
La captive, op. 12
C. Saint-Saëns
Violons dans le soir
G. Holst
Jesu sweet, op. 35 No. 1
L. van Beethoven
Irish songs, WoO 152
On the massacre of Glencoe No. 5 - The morning air plays on my face No. 4
Woo Hyung Kim, violin
E. Ysaÿe
Sonata for solo violin, op. 27 No. 4
Abbaye de Stavelot, Réfectoire des Moines
BP 52 - 4970 Stavelot - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)80 88 05 20 - www.ccstavelot.be
Tickets: 14€
Musical Instruments Museum
Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - www.mim.fgov.be
Tickets: free entrance
Woo Hyung Kim, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
E. Ysaÿe
Caprice d’après l’étude en forme de valse, op. 52
Arensky Trio
B. Smetana
Trio in G minor, op. 15
Crans Montana Classics
Ensemble Orchestral de Bruxelles
27.02.15 - 20:00
28.02.15 - 20:00
Liya Petrova, violin - Deborah Pae, cello - Ashot Khachatourian, piano
L. van Beethoven
Trio No. 5, in D major, “Ghost”, for violin, cello & piano, op. 70 No. 1
Ensemble Orchestral de Bruxelles - Jacques van Herenthals, conductor
Alexander Gurning, piano
P. I. Tchaïkovski
Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, op. 23
Deborah Pae, cello - Ashot Khachatourian, piano
R. Schumann
Fantasiestücke, op. 73
Amalia Avilán, soprano - Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
Denzil Delaere, tenor (IOA) - Bertrand Duby, bass
G. Bottessini
Liya Petrova, violin - Michael Guttman, violin - Marie Chilemme, viola
Deborah Pae, cello - Ashot Khachatourian, piano
R. Schumann
Quintet for piano & string quartet, op. 44
Chapelle St Christophe - Crans Montana
7 Rue Centrale - 3963 Chermignon - Swiss
Info: +41 (0)27 480 36 93 - www.cmclassics.ch
Tickets: 30 CHF - 60 CHF
Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall
23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - www.bozar.be
Tickets: 30€ - 22€ - 15€
Klassiek in de Abdij
01.03.15 - 11:00
01.03.15 - 19:00
Amalia Avilán, soprano - Julia Szproch, soprano
Katarina van Droogenbroek, mezzo-soprano - Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
Denzil Delaere, tenor (IOA) - Bertrand Duby, bass - Philippe Riga, piano
W. A. Mozart
Don Giovanni (Don Ottavio) “Dalla sua Pace”, KV. 527
W. A. Mozart
La Clemenza di Tito (Servilia) “S’altro che lagrime”, KV. 621
W. A. Mozart
La Clemenza di Tito (Sesto) “Deh per questo istante solo”, KV. 621
W. A. Mozart
La Clemenza di Tito (Servilia - Annio) “Ah, perdona al primo affetto”, KV. 621
W. A. Mozart
Die Zauberflöte (Sarastro) “O Isis und Osiris”, KV. 620
W. A. Mozart
Mitridate, Rè di Ponto (Farnace) “Va, l’error mio palesa”, KV. 87
W. A. Mozart
Idomeneo, Rè di Creta (Elettra) “Tutte nel cor vi sento”, KV. 366
Oxford Philomusica - Marios Papadopoulos, conductor
Abdij van Dielegem/Abbaye de Dieleghem
14 Rue Tiebackxstraat - 1090 Jette - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 423 13 73 - www.jette.be
Tickets: 10€
Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Brocal, piano
W. A. Mozart
Serenade in G major, “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik “, for strings quintet, KV. 525
W. A. Mozart
Concerto No. 10 in E flat major, for two pianos & orchestra, KV. 365
W. A. Mozart
Symphony No. 38 in D major, “Prague”, KV. 504
Sheldonian Theatre
Broad Street - Oxford OX1 3AZ - Great Britain
Info: +44 (0)1865 277299 - www.admin.ox.ac.uk/sheldonian
Tickets: £50 - £35 - £25 - £15
Ligue sclérose en plaques
02.03.15 - 19:30
03.03.15 - 20:00
Oxford Philomusica - Marios Papadopoulos, conductor
Ensemble Orchestral de Bruxelles - Jacques van Herenthals, conductor
Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Brocal, piano
W. A. Mozart
Serenade in G major, “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik “, for strings quintet, KV. 525
W. A. Mozart
Concerto No. 10 in E flat major, for two pianos & orchestra, KV. 365
W. A. Mozart
Symphony No. 38 in D major, “Prague”, KV. 504
Elina Buksha, violin
W. A. Mozart
Concerto No. 4 in D major, for violin & orchestra, KV. 218
Deborah Pae, cello
F .J. Haydn
Concerto No. 1, in C major, for cello & orchestra, Hob. VIIb/1
Amalia Avilán, soprano - Julia Szproch, soprano
Katarina van Droogenbroek, mezzo-soprano - Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
Denzil Delaere, tenor (IOA) - Bertrand Duby, bass
W. A. Mozart: Don Giovanni (Don Ottavio) “Dalla sua Pace”, KV. 527
W. A. Mozart: La Clemenza di Tito (Servilia) “S’altro che lagrime”, KV. 621
W. A. Mozart: La Clemenza di Tito (Sesto) “Deh per questo istante solo”, KV. 621
W. A. Mozart: La Clemenza di Tito (Servilia - Annio) “Ah, perdona al primo affetto”, KV. 621
W. A. Mozart: Die Zauberflöte (Sarastro) “O Isis und Osiris”, KV. 620
W. A. Mozart: Mitridate, Rè di Ponto (Farnace) “Va, l’error mio palesa”, KV. 87
W. A. Mozart: Idomeneo, Rè di Creta (Elettra) “Tutte nel cor vi sento”, KV. 366
Cheltenham Town Hall
30 Moorend Street - Cheltenham GL53 0EH - Great Britain
Info: +44 (0)1242 523899 - www.cheltenhamtownhall.org.uk
Tickets: £31.50 - £26.50 - £14.00 - £11.50
Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall
23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - www.bozar.be
Tickets: 65€ - 45€ - 35€ - 30€ - 20€
Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek
05.03.15 - 20:00
06.03.15 - 20:00
Fanglei Liu, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
F. Schubert
Sonata in A major, for violin & piano, ‘Grand Duo’, op. 162, D. 574
Maria João Pires, piano - Milos Popovic, piano
W. A. Mozart
Sonata in C major, for piano 4 hands, KV. 521
F. Chopin
Ballade No. 1 in G minor, op. 23
F. Chopin
Ballade No. 2 en F major, op. 38
F. Chopin
Ballade No. 3 in A flat major, op. 47
F. Chopin
Ballade No. 4 in F minor, op. 52
W. A. Mozart
Sonata in D major for piano 4 hands, KV 381
F. Chopin
Sonata No. 3 in B minor, for piano, op. 58
Tony Lee, piano
S. Rachmaninov
Sonata No. 1 in D minor, for piano, op. 28
Vladyslava Luchenko, violin
E. Ysaÿe
Sonata No. 4 for solo violin, op. 27
Vladyslava Luchenko, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
O. Respighi
Sonata in B minor, for violin & piano
Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek, Danieli Museum
33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be
Tickets: free entrance
Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall
Istanbul - Turkey
Info: +90 (0)212 232 98 30 - www.crrkonsersalonu.org
Concert de midi
Abu Dhabi Festival
13.03.15 - 12:30
13.03.15 - 20:00
Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
Philippe Riga, piano
C. Franck: Souvenance, FWV. 70
H. Duparc: La vie antérieure
C. Franck: Aimer
H. Duparc: Phidylé
C. Franck: L’émir de Bengador
H. Duparc: L’Invitation au voyage
C. Franck: L’ange et l’enfant
H. Duparc: Soupir
C. Franck: Le vase brisé
H. Duparc: Testament
C. Franck: Passez ! Passez toujours !
H. Duparc: Le manoir de Rosemonde
Julien Libeer, piano
J. S. Bach
French Suite No. 5 in G major, BWV 816
F. Liszt
The Schubert song transcriptions for solo piano
F. Schubert
Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894
Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Auditorium Arthur De Greef
Mont des Arts - 2 bd de l’Empereur - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Infos: +32 (0)2 519 57 51 - [email protected] - www.kbr.be
Tickets: 5€
Emirates Palace, Auditorium
West Corniche Road - Abu Dhabi - Émirats Arabes Unis
Info: www.abudhabifestival.ae
Internationaal Kamermuziekfestival
Internationaal Kamermuziekfestival
15.03.15 - 13:30
15.03.15 - 20:30
Elina Buksha, violin - Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
Deborah Pae, cello - Nathanael Gouin, piano
L. Spohr
Erlkönig, op. 154 n° 4
L. Spohr
Der Spielmann, op. 154 n° 5
J. Brahms
2 Gesänge, op. 91
Gestillte Sehnsucht - Geistliches Wiegenlied
A. Borodine
The beautiful fisher maiden (Krasavitsa-ribachka)
A. Borodine
The pretty girl no longer loves me
A. Borodine
Listen to my song, little friend
H. Berlioz
La captive, op. 12
C. Saint-Saëns
Violons dans le soir
G. Holst
Jesu sweet, op. 35 No. 1
L. van Beethoven
Irish songs, WoO 152
On the massacre of Glencoe No. 5 - The morning air plays on my face No. 4
Michael Schmid, violin - Alice Weber, viola - Laure Le Dantec, cello
Marco Behtash, double bass - Nathanael Gouin, piano
W. A. Mozart
Quartet with piano No. 1 in G minor, KV. 478
F. Schubert
Quintet in A major, “die Forelle”, op. 114 D. 667
Ontmoetingscentrum van Schiermonnikoog
Langestreek 23 - 9166 LA Schiermonnikoog - The Netherlands
Info: +31 (0)6 51 27 92 97 - www.schiermonnikoogfestival.nl
Tickets: 15€
Ontmoetingscentrum van Schiermonnikoog
Langestreek 23 - 9166 LA Schiermonnikoog - The Netherlands
Info: +31 (0)6 51 27 92 97 - www.schiermonnikoogfestival.nl
Tickets: 20€
Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek
19.03.15 - 20:00
24.03.15 - 20:00
Kacper Nowak, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano
B. Martinu
Sonata No. 2 for cello & piano, H. 286
Vladyslava Luchenko, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
F. Schubert
Sonata in A major, for violin & piano, ‘Grand Duo’, op.162, D. 574
Han Bin Yoon, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano
C. Franck
Sonata in A major, for cello & piano
Lidy Blijdorp, cello
J. Brahms
Sonata No. 2 in F major, for cello & piano, op. 99
J. Brahms
Hungarian Dances
M. Ravel
Daphnis et Chloé
Nathanael Gouin, piano
M. Ravel
Gaspard de la nuit
Tony Lee, piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 28 in A major, for piano, op. 101
Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek, Danieli Museum
33 Edgard Sohiestraat - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be
Tickets: free entrance
Huize Decraene
53 Landsroemlaan - 1083 Ganshoren - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)2 422 00 11 - www.concertathome.be
Tickets: 10€
Musical Instruments Museum
Les Concerts de Midi/Middag Concerten
26.03.15 - 20:45
26.03.15 - 12:30
Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Brocal, piano
C. Debussy
Pour le piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 26 in E flat major, op. 81a
M. Ravel
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111
Vladyslava Luchenko, violin
N. Paganini
Caprice No. 24 op. 1
Vladyslava Luchenko, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano
H. Wieniawsky
Polonaise de concert No. 1 in D major, op. 4
E. Chausson
Poème in E flat major, for violin & piano, op. 25 Amalia Avilán, soprano - Philippe Riga, piano
W. A. Mozart
Nozze di Figaro (Comtesse) «Porgi Amor qualque ristori», KV. 492
W. A. Mozart
Idomeneo, rè di Creta (Ilia) “Quando avram fine omai... Padre, germani, addio” KWV. 366
C. Debussy
Proses lyriques
De Rêve - De Grève
C. Debussy
L’Enfant Prodigue (Lia) “L’année en vain chasse l’année”
Musical Instruments Museum
Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - www.mim.fgov.be
Tickets: free entrance
Teatro Comunale di Monfalcone
20 Corso del Popolo - 34074 Monfalcone GO - Italy
Info: www.teatromonfalcone.it
Tickets: 25€ - 22€ - 15€
Music Chapel
Gala concert
26.03.15 - 20:00
Orchestre National de Belgique
Choeur symphonique Octopus
Eivind Aadland, conductor
A. Dvorak
Legends op. 59
Kaito Kobayashi, piano
F. Chopin
Concerto No. 1 in E minor, for piano & orchestra, op. 11
Allegro maestoso - Romance - Rondo
Choeur symphonique Octopus
Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
J. Brahms
Rhapsodie, op. 53
Music Chapel
Woo Hyung Kim, violin
P. I. Tchaïkovski
Concerto in D major, for violin, op. 35
Allegro moderato - Canzonetta: Andante - Allegro: Vivacissimo
Gala concert
National Orchestra of Belgium
Eivind Aadland, conductor
Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano
Woo Hyung Kim, violin
Kaito Kobayashi, piano
26.03.2015 - 20:00
Bozar, Henry Le Boeuf Hall
© M. Cooreman
Chopin - Brahms - Tchaikovsky - Dvorak
Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall
23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - www.musicchapel.org
Tickets: 51€ - 36€ - 21€ - 11€
Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale
27.03.15 - 20:15
29.03.15 - 17:00
Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Brocal, piano
C. Debussy
Pour le piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 26 in E flat major, op. 81a
M. Ravel
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111
Leonardo Hilsdorf, piano
M. Ravel
La Valse
Fanglei Liu, violin - Madoka Fukami, piano
M. Ravel
Sonata in G major, for violin & piano
Sarah Thery, mezzo-soprano - Nathanael Gouin, piano
M. Ravel
Shéhérazade, Asie
Auditorium Cesare Pollini
17 Via Carlo Cassan - Padova PD - Italy
Info: www.conservatoriopollini.it
Tickets: 70€
Abbaye de Stavelot, Réfectoire des Moines
BP 52 - 4970 Stavelot - Belgium
Info: +32 (0)80 88 05 20 - www.ccstavelot.be
Tickets: 14€
29.03.15 - 20:30
30.03.15 - 21:00
Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Brocal, piano
C. Debussy
Pour le piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 26 in E flat major, op. 81a
M. Ravel
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111
Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Brocal, piano
C. Debussy
Pour le piano
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 26 in E flat major, op. 81a
M. Ravel
L. van Beethoven
Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111
Salone Estense
3 Via Luigi Sacco - 21100 Varese - Italy
Info: www.stagionemusicale.it
Teatro dell’Opera
Piazza Vittorio Gui - 7 Viale Fratelli Rosselli - 50123 Firenze - Italy
Info: +39 055 2779 350 - www.operadifirenze.it
Tickets: 80€ - 60€ - 45€ - 30€
Music Chapel
Artists in residence
© M. Cooreman
You’re always on the run, catching a plane, giving a concert, moving from
one hotel to the next, dragging your luggage around… We know all about
it, the rush, the constraints, the noise ... Take a break from the world and
come home.
Artemis Quartet, Chamber Music
Augustin Dumay, violin
Chair granted by InBev-Baillet Latour
“Guider l’approche du questionnement et des réponses qui en découlent jusqu’à l’indépendance
Eckart Runge
Guillaume CHILEMME
Nathanael GOUIN 1987
Trio Suyana
Alexandre CASTRO-BALBI Thibaud Epp
Quatuor Arod
Haas-Teichen scholarship Jordan VICTORIA
Nam Alexandre VU CONG
Quatuor Hermes InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship
Arensky Trio
Elise LIU
Yung-Hsin CHANG
Anthony KONDO
Stephanie PROOT
Busch Ensemble
Mathieu van Bellen
Ori Epstein
Omri Epstein
1993 1986
Netherlands violin
UK-Germany cello
UK-Germany piano
Scholarship by Fondation Guttman
Woo Hyung KIM
Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Van Hool
1991 South Korea
Fanglei LIU
1991 China
Vladyslava LUCHENKO
1988 Ukraine
InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship
1990 Bulgaria
1987 Russia
Haas-Teichen scholarship
1991 Russia
Esther YOO
1994 United States
Alexandra COOREMAN Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs. Ludo Van Thillo
2003 Belgium
InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship
1998 Bulgaria
Young artists
Gary Hoffman, cello
Maria João Pires, piano
Scholarship granted by Mr. & Mrs. Eric Le Jeune
Chair granted by Fondation Futur21
“Aider et soutenir les jeunes musiciens à maximiser leur potentiel tout en respectant l’intégrité,
l’humilité, et les bonnes valeurs dans la musique ainsi que la vie.”
Gary Hoffman
The Netherlands
1987 France
Scholarship by Mrs. Catherine Lagrange
United Kingdom
Scholarship by Mr. Bernard & Mrs Valerie Van Hool
Kacper NOWAK
Haas-Teichen scholarship
1985 Poland
1988 Japan
Deborah PAE
Nathanael GOUIN
1988 France
InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship
InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship
1985 Armenia
Han Bin YOON
South Korea
Haas-Teichen scholarship
Tony LEE
Milena CUK
2002 Poland
Miguel da Silva, viola
Marie Chilemme
Haas-Teichen scholarship
Hélène Desaint
Yung Hsin Chang
Young artists
José van Dam, voice
Chair granted by an anonymous donor
Amalia AVILAN, soprano
Denzil DELAERE, tenor (IOA)
Bertrand DUBY, bass
Diana GOUGLINA, soprano 1990
Cécile LASTCHENKO, soprano
Scholarship by an anonymous donor
Sarah LAULAN, mezzo-soprano
Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs. Michel Peterbroeck
Julia SZPROCH, soprano
InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship
Sarah THERY, mezzo-soprano
Katarina VAN DROOGENBROEK, mezzo-soprano
Deborah Pae, cello
Korean Center
December 2014
© M. Cooreman
“Créer l’instrument unique que représente chaque élève grâce à la technique vocale qui lui est
José van Dam
Soutenez nos jeunes artistes!
Rejoignez nos mécènes Parrains, Patrons et Amis.
Steun onze jonge artiesten!
Word Peter, Patron of Vriend.
60 artists in residence
8 Belgians - 52 students from all over the world aged from 10 years old. 22 different nationalities (Armenia, Australia,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Japan, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Russia,
Slovenia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States).
Membership & Funding Departement
[email protected] +32 (0)2 352 01 16 www.musicchapel.org
“Friend” of the Music Chapel
“Sponsor” of the Music Chapel
from € 125/year*
• scholarship € 12.500/year* (private)
• full scholarship € 25.000/year** (corporate)
Become a “Friend of the Music Chapel” and support our young artists. You will thus enable the institution
to provide, under optimal conditions, a high quality artistic program for young talents.
Your returns:
• Friends concert
• Free entrance to Master classes
• Free entrance to public exams
• Your name will be included in the concert programs
• Your name will be included on our website
• Your donation is tax deductible
Become a “Sponsor” of a young talent and be a partner of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Because you
wish to get directly involved in the life of our institution, and follow the development of one of our young
artists step by step throughout the artistic season.
Your returns: Patron package +
• Special invitations to certain concerts
• Possibility of attending privately one of your godchild’s lessons
• Your sponsorship is included in the biography of the young artist
• From € 12.500: one special evening is reserved for you:
a private concert, for you and your friends, by “your” young artist
• From € 25.000: a private concert + a private evening
at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel (not including reception)
• Your donation is tax deductible
*including a non-tax deductible amount of € 12,50/person
“Patron” of the Music Chapel
*including a non-tax deductible amount of € 2.500
**including a non-tax deductible amount of € 2.500
from € 1.250/year*
Become a “Patron” and get involved in the project of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Because you are
convinced of the need to support the advancement of Belgian musical life and our artists of tomorrow.
Your returns: Friends package +
• You will also be given priority to organize your own nocturnes at the Music Chapel
• Furthermore, we will provide seats for you during:
- Patrons concert (season opening concert)
- Gala concert
- “Prelude” concert
- Garden Party
• Your donation is tax deductible
Do you prefer a customized approach (a gift, a bequest or a partnership)? Your choice will be
ours! Support and accompany these young talents to achieve their dream and together let’s
help them to build their future and their career!
Membership & Funding Department
Laurence Godfraind - Christine Reyntjens - Johanna Filée
[email protected]
Tel.: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24
* including a non-tax deductible amount of € 100/person
Gifts to the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel are to be paid into the account of the foundation
(gifts from € 40 are tax deductible)
IBAN: BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC: BBRUBEBB
Anne-Lise Parotte, Head of Artistic Department
Christian Renard
Arie Van Lysebeth, Artistic Director Emeritus
Board of Directors
Ambassadors Comittee
Vincent Pardoen, Chairman
Sylvia Goldschmidt, Chairman
Werner Van Lembergen, Vice-Chairman
Axel Miller
Willem Van de Voorde
Bernard de Launoit*, Executive President
Géry Daeninck*, Executive Director
Julien De Wilde*
Peter de Caluwe
Philippe Delaunois
Yvan de Launoit
Paul Dujardin
Bernard Foccroulle
Sylvia Goldschmidt
Viviane Reding
Leonard Schrank
Robert Tollet
Frans van Daele
*Member of the Executive Committee
Honorary Chairmen
Jean-Jacques de Launoit
Jean-Pierre de Bandt
Music Chapel,
social-purpose corporation
Membership & Funding Department
Sophie Gosselin, General Secretary
Anne-Lise Parotte, Head Artistic
Laurence Godfraind, coordination
Christine Reyntjens, public relations
Johanna Filée, assistant
Cultural Department
Finance & Administration
Bénédicte Bruynseels, cultural & production
coordination - Artists Village mediator
Florence Leeman, project manager
Kyung-sook Langley, production assistant
Quentin Bogaerts, coordination
Tica Cabral, volunteer
Johanna Filée, student & mediation support
Logistics Department
Communication Department
Sophie van der Stegen, communication,
marketing & press relations
Muriel Anslot, external publications
& social media coordinator
Auriane de Fauconval, publications
Paul Borschette, Library
Board of Directors
Jean-Pierre de Launoit, Chairman
Bernard de Launoit, Executive Director
Bernard Boon Falleur
Pierre Boucher
Géry Daeninck
Philippe de Buck van Overstraeten
Yvan de Launoit
Philippe de Spoelberch
Gabrielle du Chastel de la Howarderie
Paul Dujardin
Denis Solvay
Artistic Department
Karine Vilain, logistic & housing
Alain Canivet, logistic & housing
Lami Tchabebou
Aurore Somme
Events & Catering Department
Aurélie Collet, coordination
Nicolas De Baut, chef
Muriel Vanderbauwhede, artistic coordination
(voice) & enoa contact
Katty Kochman, artistic coordination
(piano, violin, cello, chamber music)
Tomoko Taguchi, auditions
Artistic Committee
Equinox, Solidarity Music Department
Bernard Foccroulle, Chairman
Peter de Caluwe
Bernard de Launoit
Gilles Ledure
Ulrich Hauschild
Joana Noeth, coordination
Emmanuelle Weeger, assistant
Design: www.griffe.be
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel,
public utility foundation
Your Music Agenda: january to MARCH 2015
26.01 de Launoit Wing official opening - Waterloo
26.01 Concert Partitura - Gran Canaria
27.01 de Launoit Wing official opening - Waterloo
27.01 de Launoit Wing official opening - Waterloo
27.01 de Launoit Wing official opening - Waterloo
28.01 de Launoit Wing official opening - Waterloo
28.01 Concert Partitura - Gran Canaria
28.01 Musical Instruments Museum - Brussels
30.01 de Launoit Wing official opening - Waterloo
30.01 >11.06 Opera studio production - Ghent
04.02 >09.02 enoa workshop - Germany
05.02 Concert Partitura - Spain
05.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels
07.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels
07.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels
07.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels
07.02 The Perlman Music Program - United States
07.02 Concert Partitura - Spain
08.02 Concert Partitura - Spain
09.02 Concert Partitura - Spain
11.02 Concert Partitura - Spain
15.02 BOZARSUNDAYS - Brussels
19.02 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels
20.02 Concert Partitura - Great Britain
22.02 Les Rendez-vous de la Chapelle Musicale - Stavelot
26.02 Musical Instruments Museum - Brussels
27.02 Crans Montana Classics - Swiss
28.02 Ensemble Orchestral de Bruxelles - Brussels
MARCH 2015
01.02 Concert Davidson College - United States
15.02 >22.02 enoa workshop - Poland
01.03 Klassiek in de Abdij - Jette
01.03 Concert Partitura - Great Britain
02.03 Concert Partitura - Great Britain
03.03 Ligue sclérose en plaques - Brussels
05.03 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels
06.03 Concert Partitura - Turkey
13.03 Concert de Midi - Brussels
13.03 Abu Dhabi Festival - Abu Dhabi
15.03 Schiermonnikoogfestival - The Netherlands
15.03 Schiermonnikoogfestival - The Netherlands
19.03 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels
24.03 Concert@home - Ganshoren
26.03 Musical Instruments Museum - Brussels
26.03 Concert Partitura - Italy
26.03 Music Chapel Gala concert - Brussels
27.03 Concert Partitura - Italy
29.03 Les Rendez-vous de la Chapelle Musicale - Stavelot
29.03 Concert Partitura - Italy
30.03 Concert Partitura - Italy
Special program for the Mæcenas
[email protected]
Special program for young lovers
of classical music under 35
[email protected]
Special activities for kids
Special program to develop
an active residency
Special program for the Mæcenas
Friends [email protected]
Equinox, Children’s choir
[email protected]
European network of opera academies
[email protected]
Partitura, career development
[email protected]
► Equinox project is dedicated to
the creation and the development of
children’s choirs under the artistic
direction of Maria João Pires.
It’s goal is simple: to share the artistic
excellence of the Queen Elisabeth
Music Chapel through the auspices of
its teachers and young musicians with
members of society that would not
normally have access to it, for example
children from deprived neighbourhoods.
The work is profound and continuous;
it aims to implant the practice of music
in areas which until now have been
completely barren.
If we consider that music enhances our
sense of well-being, then surely we must
wish to make it accessible to all.
Miloš Popović, Brussels (Belgium),
choir director
Eulalie Hupin, Brussels (Belgium),
multidisciplinary workshop director
Pau Baiges, Chastre (Belgium),
choir director
Talar Dekrmanjian, Belgium,
vocal coach
Julien Libeer, Brussels (Belgium),
accompanying pianist
Dismas Niyonkuru, Bujumbura (Burundi),
choir director
Adeline Ntakarutimana, Bujumbura
(Burundi), accompanying pianist
Heïdi Fortin, Paris (France),
choir director
Joël Soichez, Paris (France),
accompanying pianist
Maria João Pires
Joana Nöth, coordination
Emmanuelle Weeger, production
Hélène Schmit, coordination (Paris)
With the support of
Chaussée de Tervuren, 445
1410, Waterloo, Belgique
+32 (0)498 57 63 72
[email protected]
IBAN: BE93310148728267
© equinox 2014
Partenaires: Maison d’Enfants Reine Marie-Henriette,
Athénée Royal Victor Horta, Les Amis du Grain de Sel,
SOS Villages d’Enfants en Belgique, SOS Villages d’Enfants au Burundi, La Petite Maison, Prison de Leuze,
Cité de la Musique Paris, Flagey
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Music Chapel
Flagey Piano Days
05>08.02.15 - Flagey
Music Chapel
Gala concert
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public interest foundation
Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola
Correspondence: Chaussée de Tervuren 445 - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium
Corporate address: Rue Brederode 14, B-1000 Bruxelles - BCE 459 245 906
Tel: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24
[email protected] - www.musicchapel.org
Publisher : B. de Launoit – Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel – Chaussée de Tervuren, 445 – 1410 Waterloo – Belgium
26.03.15 - BOZAR

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