directions to the instituto de fisica y astronomia, facultad de ciencias


directions to the instituto de fisica y astronomia, facultad de ciencias
Address: Gran Bretaña 1111, Cerro Playa Ancha, Valparaiso
Travelling between Santiago and Valparaíso by car, or when coming from the
south of the country
If you come from Santiago you will be travelling Route 68. Follow instructions on the
road signs to head towards Valparaíso. The distance between both cities is
approximately 120 km.
After passing Placilla (small town at km. 112 approx.) and Lake Peñuelas (on the
right) route Route 68 offers two alternatives (bifurcation): Valparaíso (towards the
left), Viña del Mar (towards the right). (See photo 1)
Photo 1
Take the left fork (towards Valparaíso), and the road will slowly descend between hills
covered with dense vegetation, arriving after some 8 km to the coastal city of
Valparaíso. On arriving the same road becomes Avenida Argentina, a very straight
avenue, with an ample paved division down its middle, used for Wednesday’s and
Saturday’s open vegetable market (See photo 2).
Photo 2
After about 6 blocks, you will pass the small Trolley-bus Terminal on your left,
directly after which you will see a crossing with an overhead road, at a traffic light.
After the traffic light continue towards your left towards Avenida Errázuriz, passing
under the overhead road. This avenue is the northern-most street of the city, parallel to
the railroad and coast line. (See photo 3)
Photo 3
Continue down this road and about 200 meters after having turned at the traffic light,
you will see another traffic light ahead, keep to your right and take the right fork of the
street, thereby avoiding the traffic light which only serves the left fork.(See photo 4)
Photo 4
Keep on straight, Avenida Errázuriz is an avenue, separating by a grassy narrow
divide with Chilean Palm trees every so often, each side having two lanes,. Further
ahead you will see the Port of Valparaíso and the Regional Metro stations on your
right. Continue past Plaza Sotomayor, an ample esplanade with the entrance to the Port
itself and the Monument to the Iquique Naval Combat directly on your left. Keep on
straight until you get to the Plaza Aduana with its heritage building (a pink building)
across from the plaza, and the other end of the Trolley-bus System (do not expect to
see any, as they return immediately on reaching this point. (See photo 5)
Photo 5
Continue on straight, past the plaza (keeping to you right), for something like 600
meters, the houses and minor edifications will slowly die out, remaining only the
Military buildings on the left, the sea will come into view on your right, and you will
reach the Caleta El Membrillo (many sea food restaurants there), where you must turn
left at the first traffic light after the Plaza Aduana, and take the road up towards Playa
Ancha. (See photo 6)
Photo 6
Some 250 meters higher up, at the top, you will see some University buildings on the
left and a football stadium (Parque Alejo Barrios) on your right.. At that point,
immediately take the left side of the fork in the road: Av. Gran Bretaña. (See photo 7)
The buildings on the right and left correspond to the Facultad de Arquitectura, and
you will see, immediately ahead, the Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Gran Bretaña 1111,
in the curve in the road, to your right. There is a small internal parking place, free of
charge, where you may leave your car. You may also leave it out in the street, where
most vehicles are left by the academics. If you wish to accommodate your car inside,
anyway, please phone (32) 250 8426 (Maria Isabel Figueroa) or (32) 299 5551
(Moira Evans), and you will be met outside to be helped in this.
Download these instructions and the complete map further below, to take with you
when travelling to Valparaíso.