in tHis issue - CSWU Local 1611


in tHis issue - CSWU Local 1611
C o n s t r u c t i o n & S p e c i a l i z e d W o r k e r s ’ U n i o n , L o c a l 1 6 11
Vol. 35 No. 1
#208 - 3550 Kingsway, Vancouver B.C. V5R 5X4
December 2010
Dock and Shipyard Report
PAGES 18-21
Retiree Events
Page 25
Union Membership
Hard at Work
Construction and Specialized
Workers Union Local 1611
Executive Board Members
Business Manager
Mark Olsen
Bruce FergusonRick Clarkson
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Chuck ChattenShelley Moore
Executive Board MemberS
Gary Palmiere
Danny Klein
Editorial Committee
Mark Olsen
Patrizia Maestrello
CSW Union Local 1611 Head Office
3542 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
V5R 5X7
Telephone: 604-432-9300
Toll Free: 1-800-663-6588
Membership Services Office
205 - 3550 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
V5R 5L7
Telephone: 604-437-6889
Toll Free: 1-888-788-2888
Medical & Pension Plan Office
208 - 3550 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
V5R 5X4
Telephone: 604-437-8598
Toll Free: 1-888-964-3666
Training Plan
216 - 3550 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
V5R 5X7
Telephone: 604-433-5523
Toll Free: 1-800-661-3001
Publication Agreement Number 1536429
Produced and printed by union labour.
On the cover
The Golden Princess. Note the hoarding of the
underwater hull, the Dock & Shipyard unit of CSWU
1611 is very concerned with the environment.
Finishing up the job in the dock bottom. Shipyard
Labourer Bruce Dunahee tends to the last details.
3 Business Manager’s Report – Mark Olsen
4 President’s Report – Bruce Ferguson
5 To All Members of Local 1611 – Important Message
2011 Monthly General Membership Meeting Schedule
6 Secretary-Treasurer – Rick Clarkson
Achievements in 2010
Key Local 1611 Goals for 2011
7 LiUNA Report – Greg Harris
Important Dispatch Request
8 Organizing Department Report – Manuel Alvernaz
Organize, Organize, Organize
Browse the Web
9 Lower Mainland Construction Report
– Gary Palmiere & Danny Klein
Union Scholarship Awarded
Union Scholarship Available
Member Alert
10 Membership Meetings, Service Pins, Events & Courses
16 Worksafe BC Ad
17 Vancouver Island Report – Matthew Lust
18 Dock & Shipyard Workers Unit – Rick Spencer
Supporting Communities
Member Code of Performance & Responsibility
20 Special Feature – The Life of a Shipyard Worker
22 West & East Kootenay Area – Chuck Chatten
23 Okanagan & Interior Area – Leroy Vollans
24 Northern Region – Mat McGreish
25 Retiree Events Around the Province
32 Retiree Council – R.L. Mc Donald
Good News
33 In Memoriam – Carl Liden and Roger Boychuck
34 Member & Union Participation
Local 1611 in the News in 2010
36 Aboriginal Liaison & Contractor Relations
– Dean Homewood
38 Union Members Hard at Work
44 Training Plan – Upcoming Vancouver Area Training Courses
45 Training Plan – Out of Town Training Courses
46 Training Plan – Course Reimbursements
Correspondence Courses Available
47 Photos – Training Plan Courses
48 Health Care & Wellness – Shelley Moore
48 Service Sector – Nav Malhotra
49 Labourers’ Membership Services – Richard Saunders
49 Medical & Pension Plans – Tara Campbell
50 History Book in the Making – Merrick Walsh
50 Dispatch Office – Tony Parkinson
51 In Memoriam – We Honour our Deceased Members
History Book to be Written in 2011
2011–A Year In Which …
We hope members take the time to read this entire publication. We are proud of our organization, our members
and their efforts, and this publication reflects our collective
You will see informative articles, numerous member and
job pictures, 2010 highlights and our 2011 plan, organizing
report, scholarship and website information, 2011 meeting schedule, boycott list, charitable efforts, member code,
dispatch information,
media exposure, training schedule, in memoriam and other information. Please read
it and let us know your
thoughts. We appreciate member input.
Christmas is a time
for everyone to reflect
on the year in review, but more importantly, to look ahead
to the ensuing year. Being in the labour movement is no different.
Here are some of our Union wishes for next year.
Finish this sentence ‘2011 – A year in which…’
• All of our members work safe and stay healthy.
• The HST is cancelled in B.C.
• There is a new Premier, yet support for the B.C. Liberals
remains low.
ABOVE: Mark chairing the Building Trades Convention November 2, 3 in Nanaimo.
Bottom: Carol James leader of the NDP (next premier of B.C.) speaks at the Building
Trades Convention in Nanaimo.
Photo credit for both pictures: Joshua Berson.
mark olsen
Report: Business Manager
• B.C. Liberal MLA’s are ‘recalled’ around B.C. and the NDP
win the by-elections.
• The Union successfully raids CLAC on multiple job sites
with multiple employers.
• Our Union membership step forward and help in orga­ nizing efforts.
• Unions truly work together to the betterment of the mem­bership.
• That commercial developers and
industrial owners realize the value,
quality and production of unionWe are
ized workers, and willingly sign
Project Labour Agreements (PLA’s).
proud of our
• The Labour Relations Board,
Workers’ Compensation Board,
and Human Rights Tribunal make our members
decisions recognizing the dignity
and their
of work, and respect for workers.
• Our members become politically
active municipally, provincially
and federally to drive change.
• We see the end of the necessity to ‘enable’ some projects.
• Our signatory contractors actively bid beyond their usual
focus, in order to expand work opportunity for our membership.
• Our members craft work becomes a ‘red seal’ appren ticable trade, so we can establish a full apprenticeship pro gram like other Trades.
• The federal and provincial governments support work for
local B.C. workers, and that additional stimulus monies
and projects are announced.
• Asbestos is finally banned from exportation to other
countries. It is a product that kills by mesothelioma and
other lung related ailments, and must be stopped now.
In closing, I want to thank the office staff of our entire
organization, from the Union, to the Pension and Medical
Plans, Training Plan and Membership Services Office. Without them, our organization cannot function.
I also want to thank our Executive Board, Business Representatives, Organizing Department, Retiree Council, Administrators, Instructors, Dispatchers, Job Stewards and
members for their exemplary efforts in 2010. I would also be
remiss if I did not thank our legal counsel Kevin Blakely and
his assistant Jenny for their incredible efforts again this year.
And finally I would especially like to thank Jennifer and
Donna, whose work in our head office is beyond description,
and of great assistance to me personally.
We wish the membership and their families the very best
of health and happiness this holiday season. And above all
please work safe and stay healthy next year.
page 3
Member Meetings Plentiful
Bruce Ferguson
Report: President
By the time you receive my report we will be into the fes- month of October to a further four year term. That was no
tive season. From my family to yours we extend our warm surprise as they have all been doing a remarkable job.
Your Retiree Executive Board headed by President R.L.
heartfelt greetings that this special time of the year finds you
loved and your ones healthy and that everyone receives a full McDonald and Secretary-Treasurer Manuel Alvernaz also
includes Vice-President Dave Pringle, Recording Secretary
measure of contentment and happiness.
We have been very busy with area information and oth- Bud Smith and at large members Alasdair Miller, Joaquim
er meetings since the fall. Area membership meetings have Ferreira and Manuel Figueiredo.
Other matters of interest I would like to mention include
been held in Kamloops, Kelowna, Salmon Arm, Vernon,
the Annual Building Trades Convention held in
Revelstoke, Castlegar, Cranbrook, Prince George,
Nanaimo during November. Our Business ManHope, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Langley,
ager Mark Olsen was elected as the first ViceMaple Ridge, Victoria, Nanaimo, Campbell River
and Powell River. Meetings will be held in the near full and proud President of the Council. (see pictures).
In addition Brother Olsen also serves as both
future for members in Prince Rupert, Terrace, Kitimembers
Chair of the Building Trades Bargaining
mat, Dawson Creek and Fort St. John. All of the
above noted meeting locations are in addition to BC Federation Council in ICI negotiations with CLRA, and also
Chair the Coalition of Building Trades Unions
the monthly scheduled union meetings in the city
of Labour
for the Bechtel PLA on the Kitimat Aluminum
of Vancouver.
Smelter Project, and endeavoring to sign a colYour Local Union Executive Board has appointlective agreement with Covanta a large US based
ed me as the Liaison to your Local Union Retiree
Council. I attended dinners to honour our Union Retirees waste-to-energy company planning to build a large facility at
at several locations in Northern BC the Kamloops, Okana- Gold River on Vancouver Island.
In regards to CLRA bargaining Mark is hopeful that talks
gan region as well as the Kootenays and Vancouver Island
and of course the large retiree event in Vancouver (see many will resume in the early new year as our Union strives for a
pictures in this issue). All of the nine events were fabulously new collective agreement.
I am pleased to report that our International Union has
successful and it was an honour for me to again meet with
at last resolved outstanding differences with the Canadian
the many retirees who collectively built our Union!
Your Business Manager Brother Mark Olsen also attend- Labour Congress and as a result we are now full and proud
ed many of the retiree events and I know he was proud to members of the BC Federation of Labour! I am pleased we
honour our retirees. Did you know that Local 1611 has the are now welcomed back in the House of Labour.
Well that is all for now, work safe, stay healthy, and I look
most active and largest Retiree Council of any of our hundreds of Locals that make up our International Union! Your forward to seeing you at your next union meeting. Extending
entire Local Union Retiree Unity Slate were all elected in the warm fraternal regards.
From left Mark Olsen Business Manager, Doug Carter Armtec/Con-force Vice President for the Western Region, Manuel Alvernaz Chief Organizer, Bruce Ferguson President
and Mat McGreish Business Rep. standing in front of the architectural bay at Armtec in Richmond, BC.
page 4
Important Message From Your Executive
To All Members of Local 1611
Dear Brothers and Sisters;
Re:Premier Resigns but Bad B.C. Liberal Policy Remains
We were all pleasantly surprised on November 3, when
Gordon Campbell announced his resignation as the Premier
of B.C. The Liberals will take the next few months to find a
While this is good news, it does not change the fact, that
bad B.C. Liberal policy still plagues this province.
The focus must now shift from weak leadership, to the
weakness of their policies, and all the B.C. Liberal MLA’s are
to blame.
Here is a partial list of what the Liberals have done to
B.C. in just 10 years;
• Allowing employers to import temporary foreign con struction workers to B.C. who have illegally paid them as
little as $3.77 per hour.
• Tearing up of Healthcare Contracts, and throwing thou sands of workers out of work.
• Selling off our public assets.
• Highest level of child poverty in Canada.
• Lowest minimum wage in Canada at $6 and $8 per hour.
• Sale of B.C. Rail when they promised they would not sell.
• Underfunding of education causing the closure of many
• Doubling (and more) of Medical Services Premiums
• Terrible cuts to WCB, and unjust Labour Laws.
• Cost overruns on the new Convention Centre in Vancou ver (twice the overrun cost of the fast ferries).
• Two of the highest annual deficits in the Provinces’ history.
• Massive increases in hydro, gas, ferry, post secondary tu ition, and other fees.
• Payment of Basi/Virk $6 million dollar legal bill in the
B.C. Rail scandal.
• HST lie.
This is the B.C. Liberal legacy, not just Gordon Campbell’s.
We need to remember that it does not matter who takes over
the Premier position, the party and all the MLA’s are at fault.
Your Union, by historical motions at our General Membership meetings, fully support the NDP. While no party is
perfect, the NDP embodies the bulk of the issues we believe
in, including fairness, equity, justice, and workers rights to
organize and to be represented in their workplace without
intrusion or interference by their employer.
We need cancellation of the HST, changes to Labour
Laws, the Labour Relations Board, WCB, workplace safety,
as well as proper and fair taxation policy, a decrease to medical service premiums, and Project Labour Agreements on all
government funded construction and roadbuilding projects
in B.C.
These are some of the policies we support, which we will
push with the NDP.
While Union members will make up their own minds
come election time, we would not be doing our job if we did
not update you. Do not be fooled by the Liberals new face
of Leadership. Their policies and practices, supported by all
of their MLA’s, must not return them to office in 2013. The
province badly needs a change of direction, and the NDP
will provide that much needed change.
Take care, please stay healthy, and above all work safe.
All General Membership Meetings will be held
next to the Union Office in Vancouver at the
CRAFT Centre.
January 23 Sunday
10:00 am
February 24
7:00 pm
March 24
7:00 pm
April 28
7:00 pm
May 26
7:00 pm
June 23
7:00 pm
JulySummer Break
Summer Break
September 22
7:00 pm
October 27
7:00 pm
November 24
7:00 pm
December 18
10:00 am
Members of Local 1611 working for CIMS at the Burnaby Chevron Refinery.
page 5
Liberals Heads Buried In Sand
Rick Clarkson
Report: Secretary-Treasurer
Once again another year is drawing to a close. Time seems – 1980 and the Millennial’s 1981 – 2006. It was the Tradito be flying by and moves us closer to LiUNA’s 75 years in tionalists 1925 – 1945 and the boomers who fought to give
BC in 2012. The 2008 economic crisis hit the Union and us the standard of living and core values we enjoy today. The
Generation X helped developed cell phone techContractors hard. 2009 and the first half of 2010
nology, game video and cancer treatments. The
saw a steep climb in members being out of work
are dealing with technology overload
and contractors had fewer jobs to bid on. When
and I predict they will not have the standard of
tenders went out other companies from across
living of the future that we are enjoying today.
Canada and the United States were also bidding
Take the
Technology is making great strides, some canon work in British Columbia, making it harder to
cers can now be prevented, we have landed on
be the successful bidder.
the moon and are looking into the far regions of
As a consequence, our Union finances have
to upgrade
space and the new technology hitting the stores
been impacted in both 2009 and 2010. We hope
are obsolete by the time we buy it.
by the end of 2011 that the economic is back on
All this said I go back to the beginning the
the upswing. Time will tell.
Union Training Plan puts many different courses
I and other LiUNA members have been trying
to get the Liberal BC government to accept the Labourers on throughout the year. Now is the time to get all the skills
as an apprenticable trade, no such luck yet. I think they and you can, they will help you get and keep your jobs. Try and
back room boys have their heads buried in the sand. Some get an older hand to pass on some of the tricks of the trade to
people think it’s easier to bring cheap workers in for our jobs make the work easier. Take the time to upgrade.
Be extra careful on the roads this winter darkness, cold,
and allow unscrupulous contractors to pay poverty wage
rates to them. In my opinion as a result of the butchering of snow and ice make driving hazardous. Take care of your famour apprentice programs, we in Canada are being lead down ily. In closing, I want to wish every member a very Happy
Christmas and wish happiness and the best for you and your
the path to 3rd world status.
Following the baby boomer will be the Generation X 1965 family in the New Year.
LOCAL 1611
• Organized 15 new companies
(and 3 pending).
• 53 companies organized since 2006.
• Trained 720 members province wide.
• Held over 50 Union meetings and Retiree Council events in B.C.
• All Benefit Plans remain well funded.
• Our signatory contractors have
successfully secured over 160 new
• In the media 9 times.
• Renegotiated several sector Agreements.
page 6
Key Local 1611 Goals
for 2011
• Seek Union member assistance in organizing and
representational efforts.
• Organize 15 new companies in all sectors.
• Aggressively pursue Project Labour Agreements (PLA’s) with other craft based Unions for industrial and commercial jobs throughout B.C.
• Increase efforts with Aboriginal peoples around the province.
• Establish mentor/ambassador program, through the Retiree Council.
• Write our Union’s history book.
• Begin preparations, for our year long celebration in 2012, to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of our Union.
• Re-negotiate Collective Agreements, including the Standard Agreement, select Road Building Addendums, and with SCIC and other service sector employers.
• Hold additional Job Steward and other education courses for members.
• Complete the purchase of a property, to relocate the Union’s head office operation by the end of 2012.
A Look to the Future
The cold winds of November are blowing hard and clean
as I organize my thoughts as to how best to relay my sense
of our future.
I believe our construction future lies primarily in heavy
industrial and infrastructure development projects. Historically, our region has shown its greatest growth during a
time of industrial reconstruction. Over the last three years
we have witnessed manpower shortages and record hours,
growth in membership through apprenticeship and organiz-
Report: International
ing. The completion of larger projects and postponements
has resulted in manpower surpluses and declining hours.
Regionally we expect resurgence in oil-based construction activity in Northern Alberta, potash and oil refining and
transport in Saskatchewan, Hydro and general construction
in Manitoba and ongoing infrastructure in Southern Alberta
all starting before the 3rd quarter of 2011. British Columbia
has a number of opportunities detailed elsewhere, and the
good news regionally, is the worst is probably over.
The largest project this office is involved in is Enbridge
Gateway Pipeline and Loading Facility running from Alberta
to Kitimat. There are regulatory and other hurdles before the
project comes to fruition but the employment opportunities
for the membership are vast.
We would ask the membership to stay informed of the issues surrounding major projects and add their voices in support. We as a union believe in high standards, quality work
and know we can deliver - whatever the challenges.
Regionally the union continues to grow in diversified and
associated industries; pre-cast concrete products, pipe coating facilities, rail maintenance, healthcare, recycling, parking
and security.
I believe all of these industries represent opportunity for
current and future members to enhance their lives through
meaningful labour, good remuneration and benefits and
sense of belonging to an organization where we share common values.
Best wishes to you, the membership, from the LiUNA
Sub-Regional office staff. Merry Christmas.
Greg Harris
LiUNA Western Canada Sub-Regional Manager
Member Jolene James with her niece Ella posing in front of their ‘Slow Down’ campaign
through Worksafe BC.
If you are not working, you must check in with the
Dispatch Office.
The Employers do not let the Hall know when you have
left their employment, it is your responsibility.
WHMIS and Hearing Tests are mandatory
on all job sites.
Contact the Dispatch for information as to where you
can get themif you do not already have them.
Our dispatchers are having difficulty contacting members who have blocked incoming calls.
If our dispatchers cannot reach you, they cannot
offer you a job.
Please unblock your telephone or program it to
accept dispatch numbers.
Call 604.432.7833 or 1.800.663.6588 for
more information.
page 7
We Need Members Support
I would like to wish all our Brothers and Sisters, a Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year. On behalf of the Organizing Department I want to thank you for all the help you give
us in organizing.
This year has been another exciting year in organizing.
We will reach our goals with your help; 13 companies have
been organized and 4 companies are pending. We start raiding CLAC in one of their contractors, Pedre Contracting,
with your help successfully will get them out for the third
For about 3 months we have been promoting/lobbying atProud Local 1611 Frontier Kemper crew after the T.B.M. breakthrough at the tunnels in
the Seymour Watershed 2010. Congratulations!
Manuel Alvernaz
Organizing Department
tending public meetings for the Covanta Waste-to-Energy
Gold River Project. This billion dollar project will employ
about 300 of our members next year, plus few more in our
Precast Plant in Richmond. All of this was only possible because the effort and help we had all year from our organizers,
Oscar, Liana, Mark Warrior, Dean, our Executive Board and
our Legal Counsel Kevin Blakely and his assistant Jenny, with
his hard work at the Labour Relations Board winning for us.
I would like to ask our members if you know anybody
working for CLAC contractors, please give me a call and together we will get CLAC out. All calls are confidential.
Thank you and Seasons Greetings.
Organize, Organize,
In the last 5 years we successfully organized
53 companies. Thanks to all of you.
In 2010 Local 1611 has organized, certified
and/or signed Collective Agreements
with these companies;
A.B.W. Construction Inc.
Concrete Concepts Ltd.
U-Turn Traffic Control Inc.
P & J Solutions Inc.
Michels Canada
Pacifex Construction Ltd.
North Pointe Enc
D.L. Safety Consulting
Black Panther Traffic Control (2010) Ltd.
Dabner Consulting and Expediting
Dean’s Welding
Accurate Concrete Cutting & Coring
Covanta Energy
TIC Canada
Kani Foundation PLA
Thomas Concrete Ltd. (pending)
Remco Insulation Ltd. (pending)
Zanron Fabrication & Machine Co. Ltd. (pending)
Do you have any organizing targets
for the union?
Call Manuel Alvernaz, Chief Organizer
at (604)437-6889 ext. 222 or 604-323-4442.
All inquiries confidential.
• See interesting news and other links. • Scholarship information and forms are available.
• Automatic dues deduction forms are also available. • You can also print Medical Plan forms.
page 8
Danny KlEIn
Past Year Challenging
Gary Palmiere
Lower Mainland Construction
On behalf of Danny Klein and myself we wish all our broth- B & B is successful, by the time of publishing this newsletter
ers and sisters Merry Christmas and all the best over the we will know.
There are still many companies in the commercial sector
holiday season.
that are still facing stiff competition as there are
This past year has been very challenging for
many more contactors bidding the same work.
a great deal of our member’s who suffered past
Michels Canada’s job in the City of Vancouver
Olympic work shutdowns and the lingering (onits target for the tunnel to be done by end of this
going) present recession.
If we work
week, and to be fully complete by end of January.
There has been a great deal of work in the utiltogether we Frontier Kemper broke through the raw water
ity, roadbuilding sector as a useful of infrastructure investment and the ongoing demand for new
can make this tunnel on October 14 and also broke through the
treated tunnel on November 4. Now that the tunhousing. This work has not been without it chala stronger
nels are broken through all the pipe and shotcrete
lenges, the work picture in April looked bleak.
begin. Frontier Kemper are looking for nozzleThis all changed in a matter of six weeks by the
with 3 or more years experience tested and
end of June BA Blacktop, B & B Contracting,
ticketed, phone Danny Klein for more informaSouthwest Contracting, Imperial Paving and
Columbia Bitulithic were and are extremely busy. Some tion.
I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who I
companies like Winvan and Imperial were fully booked for
the remainder of the year. B & B Contracting has managed have had the pleasure of either meeting or reconnecting with
to secure a 3 million dollar contract on the new freeway and in the construction sector. After many years of representing
are working just past 200th in Langley. B & B Contracting the service sector it is a pleasure going to the sites again and
has requested the Tri pac assist in securing an additional 30 being a part of the construction sector. I know there are many
million dollars work to be negotiated with Kiewit. This will members left to meet and sites that we need to visit and since
put at least 6 crews of work for 15 months. The 3 unions have there are less reps. in the field we need to rely on information
given the company over common position and are hopeful from our members please do not hesitate to call your Union
to let us know where you are working if you have not seen
a rep on the site it may be we are not aware of the location.
Top reasons to call your Union rep. immediately:
Company is using employees that are not members of
2010 W. Vernie Reed Memorial Scholarship Award
our Union.
Jesse Akers .......................$2,300.00
• Other Trades are doing our Union member’s work.
Member: Donnelly Akers, Construction Division
These two reasons cost our members thousands of hours
of lost work. If we work together we can make this a stronger
Other Scholarships Announced Soon
Union for all our brothers and sisters.
2011 is going to be a better year and we are going to do
our best for all our brothers and sisters, ask yourselves what
can I do.
There are 3 different scholarships that our members or
Be safe, strong and may God bless all labourers. Merry
their dependents can apply for:
W. Vernie Reed Memorial Fund – offered through the
Laborers’ International Union. All information requested must by in by April 1st.
Member Alert
Cal Callahan Memorial Bursary – offered through the
Pipeline Industry for the sons, daughters or legal wards
• Phillips Electronic Products – Requested by USW
of members who derive their principal income from the
• Sklar Pepplar, Alan White branded furniture –
Pipeline Industry. All information requested must be in
Requested by USW
by the 30th of September.
• Price Smart (Food Stores) – Requested by UFCW
Roland B. Gordon Memorial – offered through CSWU
• Wal-Mart – Over treatment of Unionized workers in Local 1611. All information requested must be in by the
last day of October.
Send a letter to your local area MLA and MP and ask
Contact the CSWU Local 1611 office for the applicathem to get involved and support the workers.
page 9
Membership Meetings, Service Pins, Events & Courses
  1. Mark Olsen discussing PLA at the Building Trades Convention in Nanaimo.
  2. CSWU Local 1611 membership meeting in Fort St. John earlier this year.
  3. Local 1611 Garda members meeting on Nov.13 for negotiations update.
  4. Brother Ken Numella receives his 35 year pin from Business Rep Matthew Lust.
  5. From right Chuck Chatten Business Rep. presenting Brother Jim McKim on his
30 years of service.
  6. Pin Recipient Local 1611 member Brent Strank for 30 years of service.
  7. Left Harry Bains NDP MLA with Bruce Ferguson President of Local 1611 at the 2010 Building Trades Convention. Photo credit: Joshua Berson.
  8. Job Stewards Barry Kirton and Roman Iwasiuk being presented Local 1611
  9. Job Steward Gerry Delorme being presented a Local 1611 jacket at the Canexus project in N. Vancouver.
10. Dawson Creek area membership meeting of Local 1611 earlier this year.
11. New Executive Officers of Building Trades sworn in at the 2010 Convention. Left to right, Jim Paquette Treasurer, Lee Loftus President and Mark Olsen Vice President.
page 10
Victoria area membership meeting earlier this year.
Pin recipient Jose Lima for 35 years of service.
Prince George area membership meeting of Local 1611 earlier this fall.
Victoria area members (left) Curtis Fiddler and Dave Bains.
Cranbrook area membership meeting of Local 1611 earlier this year.
From left Chuck Chatten Business Rep and Mark Olsen Business Manager shaking hands with Brother Brian Cox on his 30 years of service.
Miroslav Grynia presents CSWU President Bruce Ferguson and CSWU
membership with a copper etching from and also with warm fraternal regards Polish Coal Miners Union.
Some of the BC Coalition support crew attending various GVRD meetings, wearing our custom ‘waste to watts’ shirts for Covanta Energy.
page 11
1. Newly elected Retiree Council by acclamation left to right Joaquim Ferreira Trustee, Alasdair Miller Trustee, R.L. McDonald President,
Bud Smith Trustee, Dave Pringle Vice-President, Manuel Alvernaz Secretary Treasurer, and Manuel Figueiredo Trustee.
2. Area membership meeting earlier in the year in Vernon.
3. (right) Former Business Rep of Local 1611 Gordon Davidson receives his 35 years of service from Business Rep Matthew Lust.
4. Local 1611 member Helmut Koch receives his 35 year pin.
5. Dean Homewood received a recognition award from the Vancouver, New Westminster, and District and Construction Trades Council for years of service.
6. Brother Ron Suvajac receives his 15 year pin from Bus. Rep. Matthew Lust.
7. Campbell River membership meeting earlier this year.
8. Large turnout at membership meeting in Kamloops earlier this year.
page 12
1. Some of the CGL Enterprises employees at a contract negotiation meeting earlier this year.
2. Long service pin recipients held in Vernon earlier this year.
3. Business Rep. Matthew Lust presenting member Deb Standbrook with her 35 year of service pin, while Matthew really wants Deb’s bike.
4. Membership meeting in Kelowna.
5. Area membership meeting held this past fall in Vernon.
6. Nanaimo area member Tammy Beairsto.
7. Long service pin recipients at a meeting held in Kelowna.
8. Bob Huston (front right) with his wife for his retirement lunch with
(back row l to r) Gary Palmiere Business Rep, Oscar Sanchez
Organizer, Manuel Alvernaz Chief Organizer, Bruce Ferguson
President, Richard Saunders Workers’ Advocate, Mark Warrior
Researcher with his wife. Thank you Bob for your years of service in
the Organizing Department.
page 13
Members of CSWU Local 1611 attend ratification meeting for Armtec/Con-force
in Vancouver earlier this year.
Earlier this year in March at the Esquimalt Graving Dock the ‘Canadian Jobs for
Canadian Workers’ rally was held to make people aware that a new crane for
the Public Works Canada was going to be erected by foreign workers, while
unemployed qualified tradesworkers stand idle by.
Former President of Local 1093 Steve Branyik.
Dennis Morgan (left) receiving his Union watch at his retirement party. Dennis was a full time representative
with Local 1611 and former Local 602 and 105. Dennis did a great job representing workers from several
sectors including security, parking lot, traffic control, funeral and others.
Local 1611 retirees during their meeting on October 24 in Vancouver.
Marcello Sernaggia receiving his 50 year watch from R.L. McDonald and Executive Officers of Local 1611.
Retiree meeting held this past October 24 in Vancouver.
(l to r) Oscar Sanchez Organizer, Dave Barrett former Premier of BC and his wife Shirley, and Bruce Ferguson,
President, attending the 75th Anniversary of the historic On-to-Ottawa Trek. The event in 1935 forced the
Federal government to setup Unemployment Insurance and it opened the way for new laws that allowed
the organization of industrial unions after WWII.
page 14
Antonio Alves receiving his 50 year watch from the Union Executive Officers.
Local 1611 member and Job Steward Gerry Curko with his jacket.
From left Carl Strand former Business Manager of Local 1611, his wife Terri,
and Sisters Tamarra Bolwell and Tina Trewern volunteering to collect money
for diabetes.
40 year pin recipient Alexander Murvai and Business Manager Mark Olsen in
our office April 26, 2010.
Ken Perry (left) long time Okanagan/Interior Business Rep. of Local 1611 and
former Local 602, and Trustee of our Medical and Pension Plans, at his retirement
gathering in 2010. Ken did a tremendous job and will be sorely missed.
Former Business Manager of Local 1093 Don “Stretch” Strank.
Campbell River pin recipients from left William Young 30 years of service and Dave Roth 35 years of service.
Local 1611 members Jeff McFarlane, Sandy Forsythe and Ole Lauritsen at a
recent area meeting in Salmon Arm.
Vancouver and area members of Local 1611 attend monthly union meeting
this past October.
Dean Homewood Contractor Relations Rep from the New West Building Trades donating to the food bank drive.
Long service pin recipients at a meeting in Kamloops earlier this year.
page 15
Trafc Control Person
Member Sherry Sociedade posing for the latest ‘Slow Down’ campaign through Worksafe BC, with her husband and two children.
page 16
Work Picture Remains Stable
Season’s greetings to everyone and a happy holiday season
from Matthew Lust and everyone else here representing the
membership of Local 1611 on Vancouver Island.
Once again I would like to let you know that I am working
primarily out of the Victoria office however I am available in
the Nanaimo and Campbell River offices. Please feel free to
contact me at the Victoria office to make arrangements to
meet when I am in your area.
Since our last newsletter the work picture on Vancouver
Island has remained stable. In the Victoria area Farmer has
been providing a lot of steady jobs at Oak Bay Beach Hotel
and also has work at the University of Victoria. Campbell
Construction has work at the University of Victoria and a
few of the Thrifty Food locations, as well as a job in the Nanaimo area. Chew Excavating is continuing to employ many
of our members all over the south Island including work on
the second phase of the Uptown Project. Island Asphalt is
continuing to be busy and has hired a few of our members
for their Concrete Division.
The paving sector continues to provide work in the mid
and north Island as well. Robinson Contracting has a waste
water treatment facility upgrade in Crofton and provided
some jobs on the most recent shut downs at Harmac. Keltech
Services also employed many of our members on the Harmac shut down and some work at the Crofton Pulp Mill as
well. Upland Excavating is near to wrapping up at Willow
Point for now but have some work to keep some members
going. Upland continues to bid on upcoming tenders and we
wish them luck in securing more work in the future.
MaTthew Lust
Vancouver Island
In November we held Union Membership meetings in
Victoria, Campbell River and Nanaimo. I welcomed the
company and fellowship of our Business Manager Mark Olsen, President Bruce Ferguson, Chief Organizer Manuel Alvernaz, Recording Secretary/Business Representative Shelley
Moore and Business Representative Rick Spencer at these
meetings, and would like to thank all the members who were
able to attend these meetings. It is always good to see you all.
I also attended the Retiree Christmas luncheons in Victoria and Nanaimo during the month of November and look
forward to the Vancouver Retiree luncheon in December. I
would like to add that these functions are fantastic to attend
and that celebrating with our retiree members is a privilege
and an honour. Local 1611 Retiree Council is the largest
in LIUNA, in North America. Way to go guys with much
thanks to the President of the Retiree Council R.L. McDonald. I would also like to thank the NDP MLA’s Rob Fleming,
Lana Popham and Leonard Krog for attending these celebrations of our retired members.
Here are a few reminders:
• Training is a key to keep you on top. Take advantage of
your Training Plan, it helps you to be the best. Call me to
help you get on track, and let me know what you need.
• Check in periodically to let me know your status, skills,
any upgrading completed and to stay checked-in on the
out of work list.
In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to wish
you all a happy and prosperous new year, and above all work
safe and stay healthy.
Nanaimo area meeting this past November 14.
page 17
Merger With 1611 Positive
Dock & Shipyard Workers Unit
work is underway now. This is great news for our members!
More good news for members is that we are not satisfied yet.
Your union representatives have been and are working diligently with other like minded individuals in this industry to
enhance many more employment opportunities for YOU,
our members, for our future together. We have met with the
provincial government, the BC Minister of Labour, the BC
Minister of Advanced Education and Small Business and
various government officials. We have had delegation status
at the Township of Esquimalt Council board meetings. This
resulted in positive action from the Esquimalt Mayor and
Council. More good news! The Township of Esquimalt council has a union shipyard worker that was elected in Esquimalt. More good news for us! We are members of the Pacific
Coast Shipbuilding Association, the West
Coast Shipbuilding and Repair Forum and
Ignatieff promises NV navy contracts
the British Columbia Shipbuilding and ReOpposition leader commits to billions in spending on
pair HR Committee.
WV stop
Recently I personally met with the HonBy Benjamin Alldritt, North Shore News August 25, 2010
orable Peter McKay Canadian Minister of
Canadian naval ships will be built on the North Shore for the first time in deDefense. These in combination with other
cades if the Liberals form the next federal government, according to party
union representative’s efforts got results.
leader Michael Ignatieff.
Results that now see a great number of
“Of course we will,” Ignatieff said in an interview with the North Shore
unions, companies and governments takNews. “We need balance. There are shipyards in Atlantic Canada. There are
ing our message to heart.
shipyards on the St. Lawrence and there are shipyards out here. We need
We have been leaders in an active loba balanced program in terms of long-term stable employment on both
bying drive to see shipbuilding and the jobs
associated returning to British Columbia. I
The Conservative government plans on awarding long-term, multi-billion
truly believe that with a vibrant shipbuilddollar contracts to two Canadian shipyards to build more than 100 navy
ing and ship repair industry combined
vessels over the next 30 years. North Vancouver’s Washington Marine Group
with a thriving construction industry that
faces stiff competition for the work from rival yards in Quebec and Nova
all members and families of Construction
and Specialized Workers’ Union 1611 will
“We’d need to review the current policy,” Ignatieff said. “The sense of havsee great benefits and a very bright future.
ing long-term work instead of stops and starts, I get that part. Making sure
have included in this article, for you to
we get good value for money on the contracts is important too. . . . We need
for yourselves just one of many letto invest in Coast Guard protection. We need to invest in maritime surveilters
have personally written to Ottawa
lance. I want to make sure we have a balance between civilian and military
else that will listen). Take no
procurement. It’s a double balance: East Coast and West Coast is balance
exception to the fact that the leader of the
one, balance two is making sure that it’s long-term so that the shipyards
Federal Liberal Party, Michael Ignatieff has
aren’t stop and start.”
made shipbuilding in BC a main topic of
his campaign speeches. This and the fact
that the politicians in Ottawa today also see
Victoria Shipyard Ltd. has signed contracts with the gov- British Columbia as a serious player that must be considered,
ernment of Canada. An extensive work program has started particularly when it comes to Canada’s Shipbuilding industry
on some of Canada’s Navy vessels already! The FELEX pro- are a true turn of events. We have had very positive meetings
gram is a refit program on our Canadian Navy’s Frigate fleet. with the present Canadian government, resulting in what
is called the National Shipbuilding Procurement Program.
This will provide much needed work for many members.
Another work program, VISC is continuing as well. This NSPS has announced that over $35 Billion will be budgeted
is work being done on our Canadian Navy submarines. This for the building of these ships over the next 30 years. The
Great news! The Dock and Shipyard Workers’ have merged
into CSWU Local 1611. We have just held our first unified
union meeting together. Shipyard members and construction members. This was a very informative meeting for all in
attendance. The messages were positive. The employment situations show promise in every sector. The long waiting periods of low employment will soon be just memories. Although
at present the employment situation in the ship building and
repair industry is very similar to that in the construction sector this is about to change. Shipyards’ experienced a short
upswing that had many of you working, however this was
short lived. In the New Year 2011 not only are we seeing great
potential for the shipyard industry the construction industry
on Vancouver Island is looking bright as well.
page 18
NSPS will result in Canadian government ships being built in
Canada! Excellent news! Now we need to continue to pursue
these same politicians. We do everything possible to see that
You! Our members take part in this shipbuilding program.
We will build ships again in British Columbia! These are
exciting times for us all!
One item that comes up over and over again; Training.
Every time I go into a meeting I am asked over and over,
‘What is your organization doing about training?’ The answer is always the same. ‘This organization, CSWU 1611 and
for that matter the Laborers’ International Union of North
America (LIUNA) provides training for members.’
Members! Make no mistake about it, if you want training, we will get it for you. I must impress upon you the value
you bring to your own personal worth by attending training
courses. The certifications you receive do play a role in how
companies and contractors see you!
Training is a huge focus of the many committees we attend and are members of. I am happy to tell you that the
CSWU Training Society has answered our call. We have
just completed two training courses in Victoria in November 2010. Attendance by members from both the shipyard
and construction sector made these course a huge success.
Congratulations to all that attended. Now due to this great
attendance and demand we will be hosting more courses in
the New Year. Please do sign up and attend as soon as you
can! All these initiatives are in place for member’s benefit.
This means “YOU”.
We are enhancing our ship repair and ship building industry. Our main purpose is the realization of more good
paying jobs for you. You and your family deserve no less. We
have many sectors in this CSWU 1611. There are many different work opportunities arising for you. Please do take advantage of these offers. They are there for YOU! Everyone at
your CSWU 1611 Union offices are working for YOU. Thank
you all!
Local 1611
Supporting Communities
So far in 2010, Local 1611 has supported these
charities and benevolent efforts;
Members Ray South and Bruce Barnard at the dock bottom.
• Shriners Care Cruisers
• Canadian Diabetes Association (DAD’s Day)
• Relief in Haiti
• Collingwood Days Multi-Cultural Fair
• Trinity Baptist Church Missionary Fund
– In Memory of Georgina Jeanette O’Rourke
• To fight Mesothelioma & other Asbestos Related Diseases.
• The Katrine Conroy fundraiser for the Kidney Foundation
• The Ride to Conquer Cancer
• Food Bank Campaign
What should you do?
Earlier this year from left John Lukas 35 years and former President of Local 1204,
James Walshaw 35 years (now retired), Nelson Morey 45 years (longest member of
L.1204), Rick Spencer 35 years (former Bus. Manager of L.1204), Don Williams 40 years
(now retired), Fred Goddard (former member now VSL Foreman Labourer/Painter
Dept.), Ken GreenHalgh 30 years and kneeling left Ron Armstrong 35 years and Hugh
Dye 35 years.
Attend Union meetings.
Get involved and stay informed.
Upgrade yourself whenever possible.
Talk-up the Union in a positive way.
Help organize new companies.
Show up on time to work, and do the best you can every day.
Stay clean of alcohol and drugs.
This is your Union, and you have an
obligation to assist.
page 19
The Life of a Shipyard Worker
1. Members prepping the hull of
ZAANDAM for paint by high pressuring.
2. Here is a shipyard labourer going the
extra mile taking extra precautions to contain sparks created by welder above. Another of many assignments
undertaken regularly at the shipyard.
3. Members high power washing the the ZAANDAM hull, there are 10 manlifts,
8 are being operated by our members.
4. Chains and anchors to paint.
5. The Golden Princess ready to undock.
A perfect end to a perfect day.
page 20
1. Members prepped and painted the ZAANDAM.
2. Our members painting the Golden Princess, the finished product!
3. Left to right Rick Turlock, Tony Vivieros and Greg Harris find a second to smile during work. The unidentified worker is
consumed with his job assignment.
4. The stern of the ZAANDAM after prep and paint.
5. Shipyard labourer Dylan Goddard shown at right with a Victoria Shipyard Rigger.
page 21
Still Fighting the Good Fight
West and East Kootenay Area
summer, after the drilling and blasting of the powerhouse
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
The Christmas season is here. Smoke is curling out of the and tail race excavation. These projects give the Labourers
chimney into the cold night air and the wood pile is look- and Building Trade Unions an opportunity to show that we
ing good no matter what Old Man Winter decides to deliv- have the expertise to get the job done on time and on budget
er. It is getting quite busy in the Kootenay region with two with quality labour. Hopefully Aecon and other contractors
projects under the Allied Hydro Council - Columbia Hydro will choose to work union on future projects such as Site ‘C’
Constructors Agreement. These hydroelectric projects lo- and other infrastructure.
Over the past 45 years some of the Unions have
cated at Mica Creek and Waneta near Trail total
from being part of the best trained, highest
over $1.8 Billion in value and we have dispatched
paid, proudest construction work force in North
folks to both. Local 1611’s Executive Board efforts
We must
America to trying to steal jurisdiction and work
have been constant in opposing the foul direction and corruption of wall-to-wall agreements in
work for the from others to claim that their membership is
growing by organizing. STOP! We must work for
the construction industry. Despite the attacks by
the common good of working people in the buildsome Employers on our jurisdiction, over the past
ing trades. There are many forces working against
17 years Labourers have exercised honour and
of working
the standard of living we presently enjoy and the
strength in hope of justice. We are currently fightpeople in the rights we too easily take for granted. The skilled
ing to keep our jurisdiction at Mica Creek where
a contractor awarded First Aid Attendant work to building trades labour shortage, exploitation of foreign workers,
right-to-work (for less) legislation, quasi-judicial
the IBEW for the 1st time in the history of the
AHC-CHC agreement which has seen us exclusively as the government agencies, pseudo-unions such as CLAC (which
Primary or Dedicated First Aid Attendants since 1989 at Ke- are not recognized by the BCFed or CLC), and the mainmano. The civil work for Units 5 and 6 at Mica Dam should stream corporate media all pose challenges and threats to
be commencing this coming spring/summer. The tunnel working folks now and threaten our children and their fuwork should be underway at Waneta in January/February ture. Demand the respect you deserve, take pride in the work
of 2011, with major forming and concrete work starting by you do, and honour that you are the ‘U’ in UNION.
I’ve been working dam jobs and doing tunnels and conBusiness Rep Chuck Chatten presenting a jacket to Ray DeCosse , Local 168 charter
chores since 1965. I’ve been doing the best I can
member from 1952.
to look after Local 1611’s interests since the late 1990’s and
soon there will be a need for someone else to take over these
chores as the Kootenay rep. I had the pleasure of working ‘on
the tools’ with real quality men like Ed Lonsdale, Joe Cooper, Don Gouldie, Rick Barber, Red Hoyt, Dewey McLellan,
and Lionel Heuscher. The last couple of years have seen me
attending too many funerals. As they retired this past November, Gary Kroeker and Wayne Peppard were recognized
for being dedicated trade unionists, and I had some thoughts
about what tough chores lay ahead for their successors. It has
been said that the final test of a leader is that he leaves behind
him in other men both the conviction and the will to carry
on. We will carry on if we all work together.
There are a lot of places around this old ball of mud I’d
like to see. But right now, I have work to do. I want to thank
the Local 1611 job stewards for their efforts throughout the
Kootenay region. Thanks for all the assistance from the training society, the good folks at our medical and pension plans,
membership services, and Local 1611’s staff. Thanks for good
direction from our E-Board and support from area reps. I’d
like to wish every member of Local 1611 and their families
the most prosperous New Year after their best Christmas
ever. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday season!
page 22
New Agreements Positive
Greetings, here we are at the end of 2010. Where did it go?
2010 arrived amidst a lot of uncertainty. The economic crisis
in 2009 spilled over into 2010 and many of our Contractors
had few if any projects on the board and prospects looked
dim. The Winter Olympics did provide some employment,
and also allowed us the opportunity to take our minds off
worries for a while.
Some unfinished projects from 2009 were continued in
2010. This helped ease the pressure a little. Emil Anderson
is continuing to make progress on their ‘Design Build’ job
near Golden. The highway project at Larkin near Vernon is
finally complete and traffic is now flowing smoothly along
this impressive stretch of Highway 97A. The Brentwood Enterprises Ltd. road project (Balmoral) near Sorrento on Hwy
1 is wrapping up for the season. It is scheduled to continue in
spring 2011. In Mining, we now have a 3 year agreement with
J.S. Redpath. We also have a 3 year Agreement with DMC
Mining Services, who had a small job at the New Gold Mine
near Kamloops earlier this summer.
Emil Anderson did some retaining wall work at the Copper Mtn. Mine near Princeton in the fall.
The Stimulus money released in 2010 helped a number
Okanagan and Interior Area
of our Contractors secure some much needed work for our
members. That money runs out in March 2011. Hopefully
our contractors are successful in bidding some of that work
before then.
A lot of tenders were lost to non-union and CLAC again
in 2010. Bidding competition for these projects is very strong.
Enabling some projects, although unpopular, became a necessary reality in 2010 to secure some much needed work for
members who otherwise may not have been working. As the
economy turns around and the work picture improves enablements should become unnecessary.
Local 1611 has a very aggressive and successful Organizing Department. Their goal was to certify 15 companies in
2010. At the time of this report 11 have been successfully organized. If you are aware of a non-union or CLAC company
that needs organizing, please let us know.
Several courses were offered by the Training Plan for area
members in 2010 including Confined Space, H2S, Gas Testing, Stakes and Grades, TCP–Flagging as well as job specific
courses. We are presently compiling a course schedule for
2011. Your input is appreciated on courses that will help you
gain valuable skills.
Please keep your dues up and check-in regularly with dispatch. Make sure we have your current phone number, where
you can be reached for available work.
These are tough times, but with opportunity, understanding and commitment, we will persevere. I look forward to
working with you in 2011.
Have a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season and Please Work
ABOVE: Brother Will Morris with Emil
Anderson in Golden.
RIGHT: Brother Wade Eugene
pressure testing pipe in Golden for
Emil Anderson.
page 23
Future Work Picture Bright
The first snow fall has already fallen as I write this article. So
at this time the work picture is starting to fall off. That being said members have some work continuing through to the
end of the year and into the spring.
On the commercial front Viking has work going on at
Sullivan Motors in Houston, this work will continue through
the winter. Viking also has work in the Prince George area on
a continuing basis. In Kitimat, Viking worked on replacing
sidewalks this summer as well.
Wayne Watson continues to work in Vanderhoof on the
new credit union building for Integris Credit Union. Work
is winding up on the addition to the arena in Fort St. James. They also have ongoing Telus work in the Prince George area.
They also have prison earlier in the year in Prince George.
The wet weather in September and October brought heavy
rains in the Bella Colla area flooding the town and taking out
the roads in the area. Dawson Construction was brought in
with their heavy equipment to rebuild the damaged roads in
the area. We have workers on the ground flagging and doing
first aid.
Pasco Drilling & Blasting also has a crew in Bella Colla
to blast to make rip rap to rebuild the roads effected by the
flood waters.
On the road building side, Dawson has also been keeping busy in the Fort St. John area putting in large inch pipe
in the ground. Dean Homewood our Contractor Relations
Rep. for the Union and myself visited this site while also visiting the Tumbler Ridge area. Western Industrial Contractors had a utility job in the Tumbler Ridge town site. They
have also been busy all fall working on the by-pass road in
Prince George. This is a two year job with most of the hours
for our members in the second year. WIC also had work in
the downtown core making sidewalks wheel chair accessible.
The paving crew were kept busy all summer and fall after a slow start as reported earlier in the year. Pittman, Terracing Paving, Kentron and Adventure were kept busy and
had to move crews around the North to complete the work.
The new Anode Storage building at Rio Tino Alcan site in Kitimat.
page 24
MAT Mcgreish
Northern Region
I managed to visit as many sites as I could over the summer.
Work in the pulp mills on the industrial side picked up
this year with the opening of the mill in Mackenzie and work
in the mills in Prince George and Quesnel. Viking, Clayburn, Tackwest, Thorpe and Stebbins Acc having work in
the North this year, putting a lot of our members to work.
Work in Tumbler Ridge, Endako
and Kitimat are looking bright for the
start of the year. Northpointe Conwork will last struction working in Tumbler Ridge
will be starting a shut down in the
for a full year, New Year to increase production at
and put up to Peace River Coal. Northpointe is continuing to bid on other work in the
forty members area as well.
Lockerbie and Hole will also be
to work
hiring members in the New Year as
the job ramps up at Endako Mines,
west of Prince George.
Rio Tinto Alcan has given Bechtel Construction another
50 million dollars to continue work on the aluminum plant
in Kitimat. Starting in the New Year environmental cleaning of 7 and 8 pot lines will commence. This work will last
for a full year, and put up to forty members to work. Other
work scheduled for next year underground utility work for
the camp, installation of the camp, a new pedestrian bridge
and vehicle bridge over Anderson Creek. Tie-ins for the
new plant from the old one underground utility work to go
around the perimeter of the new plant will take place. With
this being said it looks to be a busy year in the North next
At this time I would like to ask the members to get involved with the Union, as it is your Union. I can do my work
more efficiently if members phone in and tell me where their
company is working, or tell me if they have any non-union
workers on site. That way I can put our members on site or
sign these people into the Union. If you know people working for non-union employees and are un-happy inform me
and the Union will try and organize them.
The more companies, the more members,
the stronger Union we have.
Finishing off this article if you need
to contact me the best way to contact me
is on my cell phone as
I spend a month at a time in the Prince
George office then the Kitimat office. In
closing I wish everyone the best of the season to you and your loved ones and wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
Retiree Events Around the Province
All pictures from the retiree lunch in Revelstoke, Sunday, September 12.
1. From left, Mark Olsen, Manuel Alvernaz, Bruce Ferguson, Marvin Cardinal, and R.L. McDonald at Revelstoke luncheon.
page 25
All pictures from the retiree dinner in Prince George, Saturday, September
25, except pictures 1 and 2 below from Castlegar dinner, Monday,
September 13.
page 26
All pictures from the retiree dinner in Castlegar, Monday, September 13.
page 27
1, 2, 3. Retiree lunch in Nanaimo, Sunday,
November 14.
Balance of pictures, Retiree lunch in Penticton,
Tuesday, September 14.
page 28
All pictures from the retiree dinner in
Kelowna, Wednesday, September 15.
page 29
All pictures, Retiree lunch in Victoria, Saturday, November 13.
1. Vancouver Island NDP MLA Rob Fleming with Local 1611 retiree George Forest, and his lovely wife Jeame.
page 30
All pictures of the
Vancouver Retiree
Luncheon held
December 11, 2010
will be in the Retiree
Publication, spring
1, 2, 3. Retiree dinner in Kamloops, Saturday, September 11.
Balance of pictures, Retiree lunch in Victoria, Saturday,
November 13.
page 31
Great Member Enthusiasm
Well folks, Christmas time is rolling around again and it’s
too bad the economy didn’t join it. The best Christmas gift I
could have hoped to receive was Gordon Campbell’s resignations. My wife and I went out and bought a good bottle of
wine to celebrate. We enjoyed it right to the last drop.
Retiree Council
This year we made our Kootenay trip as usual we had exceptional turn-outs and so were the members, everyone left
very contented. To see the enthusiasm makes this trip a real
pleasure. Kamloops, Revelstoke, Castlegar, Pentiction and
Kelowna were all the stops for dinners.
Bruce Ferguson, Manuel Alvernaz and myself went up to
Prince George on the following weekend. We had a regular union meeting and the dinner that night. Great bunch of
members there.
November 13 and 14 were the dates for our luncheons at
Victoria and Nanaimo. They say the Island is a great place
to live and I agree, but in my opinion it’s the people that live
there are the ones that make the place so pleasant.
The Vancouver event will be held on December 11 and
will be well attended. Pictures of the Vancouver event will be
included in our publication ‘Generation U’ and mailed to our
members in the spring 2011.
Our overall membership is holding steady and with your
help and dedication we hope to keep it there. Dues will stay
at $8.00 for 2011.
The Executive Board wish’s you all a Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year and I want to see you all the functions
next year.
ABOVE: Retiree Council President R.L. McDonald presents Local 1611 member Arthur
Da Silva a 50 year pin, with a watch and gold card recipient.
BELOW: Retiree Council President R.L. McDonald presents Local 1611member Alberto
Urbani a 50 year pin, watch and gold card recipient.
Long time Brother Michael Popil receiving his 50 year gold watch from Bruce
Fergson and R.L. McDonald.
Retiree Dues of $8.00 per month to stay same
in 2011, no increase.
page 32
In Memoriam
Determined Men With Big Hearts
Carl Liden
February 3, 1929 to March 21, 2010
We were deeply saddened in 2010 to lose a real gentleman
Carl Liden, who passed away on March 21.
Carl Liden and his wife Beverley holding his award from CWSU Local 1611 for years of
service and dedication to the Union and community.
Roger Boychuck
February 19, 1959 to June 7, 2010
God’s incredible grace, along with Roger’s strength, courage
and determination become increasingly awe-inspiring when
pondered against the backdrop of Roger’s life story. This account was gathered through conversations that Roger had with
various friends, both formally
and otherwise. Born in Vancouver in 1959, Roger was left in a
dumpster as an infant. Throughout his childhood he suffered severe abuse at the hands of various
foster families and unconditional
love and acceptance in the homes
of others. He recalled being
placed in a wonderful home by
Catholic welfare around the age
of 6. Roger was thankful for many
of his childhood experiences, recounting one summer in which
his brother brought books home
from school and spent the summer teaching him. Roger grew up
in the lower mainland, primarily in Burnaby and New Westminster. His father died in 1972.
In the late 1970’s Roger moved to Edmonton, where he
lived and worked for a number of years. He had fond memo-
Many members knew Carl, for his herculean efforts at the
WCB, E.I. and CPP appeal boards.
Carl, along with his executive assistant Jenny Tay, started
the Unions Membership Services office in 1982, and Carl
helped over 2000 members until he retired in April 1994.
Carl was successful in achieving multi-millions of dollars
in compensation and other benefits for members and their
families, and he did his work steadfastly, passionately and
honourably throughout.
In a previous political career Carl was a Delta City Councillor from 1958 to 1963, and an NDP MLA from 1972 to
Carl’s career also included work with the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union; as the Administrator of our
Labourers Medical Plan; and as Chair of the Delta Credit
Carl Liden was a gentleman and had a huge heart for
working people and for the disabled and disadvantaged.
On behalf of the Local 1611 Executive Board, staff and
membership, we are proud to say Carl Liden was our friend.
ries of his time in Alberta, unloading trucks for local grocery
store and cleaning professional sports uniforms, ecstatic at
the prospect of attending some of the team’s practices. He
also worked selling tickets for high school football games
and collected bottles at Commonwealth Stadium.
He remembered returning to the Vancouver area in 1985,
feeling abandoned and alone. In late 1986 he became involved
in heavy, large scale construction. Now living in Burnaby, he
spent 9 years stripping concrete forms. Not only did he love
physical labour, but he always enjoyed building relationships
with other workers on the various job sites.
In the early 1990’s Roger became involved at New Life
Community Church. Many of his richest relationships came
from time spent at New Life Community Church, Maple
Ridge CRC, New West CRC, and with the Habitat for Humanity community. Roger lost his mother in the late 1990’s.
Roger was proud of many of his accomplishments, particularly his work on the Golden Ears Bridge and over 10
years of service with both Habitat for Humanity and the Vancouver Sun Run. He was also heavily involved in various boy
clubs, particularly the CRC Cadet program.
Roger was a volunteer with the Variety Club for many
years he enjoyed helping at the Boat for Hope and at the office. His understanding of what it is like to start out in life
with a disability drew him to Variety, eager to help to the end.
Roger was first diagnosed with cancer in 2008. He has no
known relatives but will be greatly missed by many.
Roger was a valued active member of Local 1611 since
2005. He was very well liked, and is sorely missed by all.
page 33
Local 1611 in the NEWS in 2010
We Encourage All Members to Write to their Local
Newspapers, City Councillors, their MLA and MP on Union
and Work Related Issues.
Then Send the Information to Us.
We Will Consider Including It in Our Next Christmas Magazine.
April15, 2010
– news release
May 5, 2010 Jo
urnal of Com
merce article
“We anticipat
e that the (co
employers) w
ill have a list o
f proposals fo
bargaining, a
nd we are anx
ious to get wo
on a new Coll
ective Agreem
ent as quickly
possible”, said
of the Laboure rk Olsen, Business Manag
Union Bargain Union, and Chair of the 1
ing Council, “R
is a lot more th
ight now, ther
at unites us, th
en there is that
divides us. W
e want our sig
natory contra
tors to be succ
cessful in secu
ring new proje
so the member
continue to en f our craft based Unions ca
joy the benefi
ts of good pay
May 12, 2010 – Vancouver Sun Oped
“A Project Labour Agreement
(PLA) approach to building the Site
“C” Dam, is in the best interests of
the province, of the northern communities which will be affected by
this Project, of the First Nations, and
of the estimated 5,000 B.C. workers who will be directly employed in
building it”, said Mark Olsen Chair of
the Coalition of B.C. Building Trade
page 34
April16, 2010 –
West Kootenay Weekend
er editorial
“I am an experienced loc
al construction worker.
Last fall I persistently ap
plied for work at the
restoration of the Brillian
t Suspension Bridge in
Castlegar (non-union job
). I was finally hired as
a sandblaster. I wondere
d why I was the only B.C.
resident on the job when
so many highly qualified
local people are out of wo
rk and struggling to support their families.
How can a company com
e to the Kootenays and
bring a crew from Ontar
io, Newfoundland and Al
berta, and do the job chea
per than a local contractor, employing local B.C.
Now I know. I had to fil
e a complaint with Employment Standards in Ne
lson to be paid overtime
I earned, and to get my re
cord of employment.”
(We agree. The governm
ent needs to enforce the
law against these non-Un
ion contractors).
Chris Chatten, Castlegar
May 21, 2010 – Peach Arch News
Coalition Supports Waste-to-Energy Plant
Bruce Ferguson, President of Local 1611, took aim at
landfilling garbage, particularly the growing mountain
of waste at the Vancouver landfill at Burns Bog.
“In another 20 years, we won’t have to go to Whistler for the Olympics, we can use the landfill mountain
as a downhill ski run. We should be building modern
waste-to-energy plants like they have in Europe.”
May 31, 2010 – Jo
urnal of Commer
Drugs and Alcohol
not a problem for
workers on B.C. si
“The biggest part of
our industry testin
results, was to confi
rm what we were ho
that the vast major
ity of unionized w
orkers are
clean of drugs and
alcohol,” said Mar
k Olsen,
President of the Bar
gaining Council.
August 13, 2010 –
Open letter to Editor of the Vancouver Sun
“We represent the Latin American workers, the
Vancouver Sun so easily dismissed in your opinion column. The critical question is whether you
support International Construction companies
bringing their overseas labour relations practices
to B.C. If you agree, then it was okay for Seli and
SNC Lavalin to pay Latin American workers as
little as $3.77 per hour as skilled tunnel construction miners in B.C.. It is okay to pay temporary
foreign workers as little as they are willing to
work for, and in clear contradiction of the Human
Rights legislation, and basic ethical morality.
You should be applauding the B.C. Human
Rights Decision, rather than being an apologist
for the employers practices. But I guess you agree
that the Latin American workers should get the
bone”, said Mark Olsen.
July 22, 2010 – Hope Standard Paper
“An incinerator built in metro Vancouver
could bring a job bonanza, but Mark Olsen
(Coalition Chair) thinks it is certain to be defeated, by fear over air pollution risks.
The public just won’t agree to it. So, if you
don’t back the waste-to-energy Project in Gold
River, inevitably it’s going to mean expanded
landfilling in Cache Creek or Burns Bog.”
October 18, 2010 – Busin
ess in Vancouver
Successful Human Rights
Decision triggers
review of B.C. workplace
“Seli/SNC Lavalin in a m
ulti-year battle
with the Construction an
d Specialized Workers’ Union Local 1611, in
volved a (successful)
Union organizing drive,
the threat of strike
action and (successful) he
arings at the Labour Relations Board an
d the Human Rights
(Now employers are tryin
g to merge the
Labour Relations Board,
Employment Standards and Human Rights
into one tribunal.
This is a major step back
ward, and we disagree, and have joined th
e BC Federation of
Labour and CLC to oppo
se it.)
010 – Ottawa
g alive in B.C.
. The shipbuil
s work to kee
promising. W
s used, have b
Various group
t. The fu
e, and so
We will be read
B.C. workforc
ds improvemen
“Much of the
at is m
in B.C
. is just one th
ilding industry
and Shipyard
industry in B.C ting to change. The shipbu
rs Union, Loca
must and are ad r, representative of Laboure
stated Rick Sp
It’s Your Union, and Your Community,
Get Involved, You Can Make a Difference.
page 35
New Directions Possible
Aboriginal Liaison & Contractor Relations
The Aboriginal Community is also getting into the power
& energy industry. I attended the first Annual ‘National Aboriginal Power & Energy Association’ Conference in Toronto
the second week in October, 2010. I have had several meetings with three (3) of the directors in Vancouver. They let
me know about the conference that was coming up. It was
great chance for LiUNA Locals across Canada to come together and sponsor a booth. The booth was manned by
LiUNA Representatives from Ontario, New Brunswick, BC,
and Manitoba. LiUNA was the only Union to have a booth
at the show.
The conference brought together Wind, Solar and Water
Energy Producing contractors from the Aboriginal Community as well as the Mainstream Community. It was a great
chance to introduce the companies to our Union (LiUNA)
and talk about how we are working towards building relations with Aboriginal Communities across Canada.
BC Hydro, Plutonic Power, Pristine Power, Skypower
Ltd., Naikun Wind Energy Group, Savanna Energy Services
Corp., Clean Energy BC (was Independent Power Producers
BC), First Green Energy, Ontario Power, Sequoia Energy all
had representatives in attendance.
Several Aboriginal communities have partnered together
and either bought Power & Energy companies outright or
partnered with them. This presents a great chance for Local 1611 to work on building a relationship and partnerships
with the Aboriginal Community. This will hopefully lead
to more work opportunities and training opportunities for
members of the Aboriginal Community.
We have developed a Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU) to build and
strengthen relations with First Nations,
Metis and Inuit communities in BC &
the Yukon.
We have a relationship with a group
from Prince George, called the Prince
George Nechako Aboriginal Employment Training Society (PGNAETA),
Business Representative Mat McGreish
with myself along with Clarence Bob,
LiUNA North West Organizing Coalition Organizer/Tribal Council Liaison
have had several meetings. We have negotiated a ‘Braided Accord’, which is a
MOU that was developed specifically for
the Aboriginal Community.
We have a Local 1611 Contractor,
Mitchell Installations who are currently
bidding on BC Hydro work in the northDean Homewood with organizers from across Canada at the first Annual ‘National Aboriginal Power & Energy
ern portion of BC. One of the stipulaI am now the Contractor Relations Representative & the Aboriginal Liaison Officer for Local 1611.
I have been meeting with Contractors and talking to them
about possibly going in a new direction. By this I mean for
example, an ICI General Contractor who builds concrete
high rises may never have thought about building, pouring
and stripping of Wind Turbine Bases. Some of the new Wind
Farm Projects have fifty (50) or more Turbines. The average
amount of concrete in one base is 270 metres. That could
double depending on where the base is, often on the side of
a hill or mountain. The bases that are on top of rock need to
have hole drilled for rebar etc. More work for members.
The renewable energy program isn’t brand new, but in
the last few years, there have been more and more applications for water licenses and permits related to the production
of electricity as the demand for power steadily grows. The
amount of work related to the
• Run-of-the-River Projects
• Solar Farms
• Wind Turbine Farms
• Bio Mass Projects is staggering.
It opens up a whole new work opportunity for Contractors and members. It is predicted that the demand for electricity will double in the next ten (10) years. By assisting our
contractors with project announcements, bid opportunities
etc, we will be well positioned to hopefully get our fair share
of the work. By working in conjunction with our training
plan, we can provide our contractors with the highly skilled
workers needed to stay ahead of the competition.
Association’ Conference in Toronto.
page 36
tions in the bidding process for one of the projects is that
they (Mitchell) have a relationship with the Aboriginal Community.
We are currently developing a relationship with the Pacific Trails Pipeline /ASEP Training Society. We have met
once and are planning another meeting for next month. The
pipeline work picture could take off in the next year or so and
Local 1611 would benefit from this relationship.
We are working with the BC Aboriginal Mine Training
Association /ASEP Training Society to develop a relationship. It would be beneficial to all of our mining 7 tunnel
members and the Aboriginal Community.
We are also working on developing a relationship with the
BC Aboriginal Mine Training Association (BC AMTA). They
recently have partnered with the Association for Mineral Exploration (AME BC). Both of these organizations would help
our members and further our relations with the Aboriginal
We have met with the Aboriginal Training Advisor for the
Tsawwassen First Nation / Van ASEP Partnership, and are
currently developing a working relationship that will hopefully benefit our members, contractors with work opportunities for our members and Aboriginal members.
We have met with the Aboriginal Relations & Negotiations Director for BC Hydro, he has offered suggestions on
how to strengthen relations with the Aboriginal Community.
We have met with the Aboriginal Education & Employment Strategy Manager for BC Hydro, we have exchanged
ideas on how this organization could move forward and de-
velop and strengthen relations with the Aboriginal Community.
We have met with a representative from Rio Tinto Alcan
who have partnered with the Kitimat Valley Institute and 15
local First Nation communities to put together a program
for training up members of the Aboriginal Community for
work in the Kitimat Modernization Project. As well as other
work in the area. By working directly with the Kitimat Valley
Institute and our training plan, our Union will be working
directly with all 15 First Nation Communities.
We have met and developed a relationship with the Squamish Nation and their Employment partner, Stitsma Employment Centre in North Vancouver. We are working on
signing a MOU and continue to try and strengthen our relationship.
With regard to Ktunaxa First Nation, Business Representative Chuck Chatten and I attended a meeting on Ktunaxa
traditional territory near Cranbrook, BC with other Building
Trades Union reps. to discuss training & work opportunities
on the upcoming upgrade to the Waneta Dam. The Ktunaxa
and Okanagon Band have partnered with SNC/Lavalin who
is the Project Manager for the job. The meeting lasted most
of the day and all of the attendees were given a historical lesson about the Ktunaxa First Nation. We have started working
on building a strong relationship with the Ktunaxa.
Our Union was asked by Covanta, a renewable energy
company from the United States to help lobby local government for support for a Waste–to–Energy Plant on Vancouver Island. The town of Gold River, BC supports it, and the
Mayor as well as the Aboriginal Community. I attended several meetings that were put on by the GVRD and attended
by the First Nation. Local First Nation Communities from
Vancouver to Lytton support the plan to stop stockpiling of
garbage in landfills and turning waste in to energy. It was
very rewarding to me to be able to talk to Elders and see
them genuinely happy that our Union was supporting this
important cause. Our Union has made a lot of new friends
and hopefully this will lead to more employment opportunities for our members and new members from the Aboriginal community. We should be hearing on whether or not the
project gets approved by the end of this year. If approved it
would move ahead very fast as Covanta has all of the permits
needed to start construction already in place.
I would like to wish all of the
CSWU Local 1611 members,
their families, Contractors, Executive Board, Business Representatives, and support Staff
a very Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year. I hope that
2011 is all that we have wished
for, and may you all enjoy great
times with your families.
Waste-to-Energy meeting for the
Covanta project in Campbell River.
Members of the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations supporting the
page 37
Union Members Hard at Work
1. Underground in the Powerhouse Unit #5 & #6 at the Mica Creek Dam. Note the two penstocks that will produce 1000mg. watts of electrical energy once on line in a few years.
2. Infrastructure at the Mica Creek town site.
Balance of Pictures: Mica Dam Spillway.
page 38
1. L1611 member Linda Sarka Safety Officer with Huron, discusses safety issues with a fellow employee at Domtar Kamloops.
2. Work continues on a retaining wall at the Road project with Brentwood Ent. near Sorrento.
3. Members Robert Turanski and Chris Dabner inside the Plume at Domtar.
4. Brother Jeff Bailey is a high scaler for Emil Anderson.
5. 1611 member Robert Turanski, working for Huron during shut
down at Domtar, waiting to enter the hatch into the Plume where he will continue the scrubdown.
6. Traffic Control members Darlene Hoy and Bob Aasen on the job
for Dawson Construction.
7. 1611 member Bev Huppie, traffic control supervisor with Brent
wood Ent. at Sorrento Site.
8. President Bruce Ferguson with the bot beam steel crew at
page 39
1. L1611 members working for Chet Construction.
2. Members of L1611 working on Delta Port Rail project in Delta.
Balance of Pictures: Pacific Blasting demolition crew at BC Place.
Photo credit: Peter Palm.
page 40
1. Members of L1611 take a lunch break on Bosa Construction site at Hastings Street, Jamiesson Project.
2. Employees of Bosa Construction working on residential high rise at UBC Lands.
3. L1611 members working for Bosa at UBC Residential Highrise project during their lunch break.
4. Bosa Construction prepares for construction of residential property in Vancouver.
Balance of pictures: Local 1611 members at the North Vancouver Twin Tunnel project working for Frontier Kemper.
page 41
page 42
L1611 members and job steward Jason Wall (far right) bluffing with the 3 of clubs.
The Imasco Mill Site; part of the milling process that crushes the dolomite rock once received from the miners, to make
landscaping rock.
Members (l to r) Sheldon Clint, Derek Zeminek and Jose Tubio during their lunch break.
Imasco miners at Crawford Bay on Imasco property drilling
dolomite underground to supply the mill site. (l to r) Steve Hear, Glen Press and Albert Bothamley.
L1611 members working for Farmer, (l to r) foreman Tony Barros and Jose Correia.
L1611 member Ray Seymour working for Campbell Construction.
L1611 member Barry Vermaat.
Farmer’s concrete foreman (left) Jose Tubio with Dave
De Medeiros
Imasco crew working at the Mill Site near Sirdar earlier this year.
1. L1611 sister Vivian Varga controlling an intersection at a Chet Construction job site.
2. L1611 members employed by APS Structures in Langley, pose for a picture with President Bruce Ferguson during their lunch break.
3. Brother and foreman David Laxton working for Chet Construction.
4. Manuel Alvernaz with L1611 member Luis De Sousa standing by the reco panels at
5. First Aid 1611 member Malcolm Spronson receiving a union jacket from President Bruce Ferguson.
6. L1611 members Mario Bulhoes and John Adams, at Armtec/Con-force working beside the heavy units for the Port Mann Bridge.
7. L1611 members (l) is Sami Shlaimon and Brian Pearson of Pacific Blasting of the demo
division; wall saw cutting at Neptune Terminals, working for LNS Services cutting 12”-14” concrete walls.
8. Cutting & Coring crew (l) L1611 members Brian Pearson, Sami Shlaimon and Tom Bagaric of Pacific Blasting.
9. Pacific Blasting Manager for cutting & coring divison, Tom Bagaric with Sami Shlaimon and Brian Pearson at Neptune Terminals. Pictures 7, 8, 9: Photo credit Peter Palm.
page 43
Course Listings
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From Bob, Helen, Brenda, Sam, Fred, Ray, Ennio and Evelyn at the Training Plan
Provincial Traffic Certification
(3 day course 8:00 am – 4 pm)
Course Dates: January 19 – 21 or January 26 – 28, 2011
Held at: Clock Tower , 3550 Kingsway, Vancouver
Lane Closure
(2 day course 8:00 am to 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: February 1 & 2, or February 3 & 4, or
February 7 & 8, 2011
Held at: Clock Tower , 3550 Kingsway, Vancouver
Confined Space Entry
(1 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: January 11 or January 18 or January 25, 2011
Held at: Best Western Kings Inn, 5411 Kingsway, Burnaby
Gas Testing
(2 day course 8:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: January 12 – 13 or January 19 – 20 or
January 26 – 27, 2011
Held at: Best Western Kings Inn, 5411 Kingsway, Burnaby
(5 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: January 17 – 21 or January 24 – 28, 2011
Held at: Held at: Best Western Kings Inn, 5411 Kingsway,
Concrete Placing, Vibration & Finishing
(10 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: February 14 – 25, 2011
Blueprint Reading – Sewer, Water, Roads
(5 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: January 10 – 14, 2011
Survey Leveling/Grademan Part 1
(10 day course 8:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: January 17 – 28, 2011
Survey Layout/Grademan Part 2
(10 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: January 31 – February 11, 2011
The above courses held at Strawberry Hill Hall
12152 – 15A Avenue, Surrey.
Sparkwatch – Fire Extinguishers
(4 hour course 9:00 am – 1:00 pm)
Course Dates: January 14 or January 21 or
January 28, 2011
Held at: Justice Institute, 13500 – 256th St, Maple Ridge
page 44
Rakerman On-The-Job Training
Two week program starting May 2, 2011 with continuous
intake every two weeks.
(10 nights 7:00 – 9:30 pm)
Monday & Thursday Nights
January 10 – February 10, 2011
Survey Leveling/Grademan
(10 nights 7:00 – 9:30 pm)
Monday & Thursday Nights
February 14 – March 17, 2011
The above courses held at Strawberry Hill Hall
12152 – 15A Avenue, Surrey
Survey Layout/Grademan
(10 day course 8:00 am – 4 pm)
Course Date: March 25 – April 8, 2011
Concrete Placing, Vibration & Finishing
(10 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Date: April 25 – May 6, 2011
(5 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course date: May 9 – 13, 2011
The above courses to be held at the
Rod & Gun Club, end of Rifle Range Rd, Terrace
(5 day course 8:00 am – 4 pm)
Course Dates: March 7 – 11, 2011
Concrete Placement, Vibration, Finishing
(10 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Dates: April 4 – 15, 2011
Course location to be advised
(5 day course 8:00 am – 4 pm)
Course Dates: March 21 – 25, 2011
Confined Space Entry
1 day course 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Course Date: March 28, 2011
Gas Testing
2 day course 8:00 am – 4 pm)
Course Date: March 29 – 30, 2011
The above courses to be held at:
Fireside Inn, 1810 8th Ave, Castlegar
Survey Layout/Grademan
(10 day course 8:00 am – 4 pm)
Course Date: February 21 – March 4, 2011
Held at IBEW Hall, 873 Desmond St, Kamloops
Survey Layout/Grademan
(10 day course 8:00 am – 4 pm)
Course Date:: March 7 – 18, 2011
Held at Rutland Hall, 180 Rutland St, Kelowna
page 45
The Board of Directors of the Training Plan
have set aside funds to financially assist members who want to take the following courses.
To be eligible for a 50% reimbursement of your
tuition costs you have to be a member in good
standing and have contributing hours in the
last 12 months.
*Level 2 First Aid
*Level 3 First Aid
H2S Alive
Blasting Certification & Re-Certification
Traffic Control Person
Construction Safety Officer &
• Construction Safety Coordinator & ReCertification
*For Construction Safety Officer and
Construction Safety Coordinator you MUST
have a current Level 2 or 3 First Aid ticket to
qualify for reimbursement.
Call the Training Plan for details about these
courses and the criteria for reimbursement.
If there are ‘construction related’ training courses that you
are interested in taking that are NOT offered by the Training Plan, send a letter to the Training Plan PRIOR to attending the course requesting ‘consideration of reimbursement’ for the course you are interested in taking.
The Board of Directors approval must be given prior to
courses starting in order to receive any reimbursements.
page 46
Falling & Bucking Training Standard
A program that was developed by the W.C.B. and PROFESSIONAL FALLERS that is on a DVD. Phone the Training
Plan for the training package. It’s well worth doing.
If you don’t have a W.H.M.I.S. card, phone the Training Plan
for the correspondence course.
This course is for experienced forklift operators. A DVD,
workbook and an exam are in the package.
Phone the TRAINING PLAN at 604-433-5523 or 1-800-6613001 to register for a course or to get a correspondence
Training Plan Courses
To Register Call 604-433-5523 or 1-800-661-3001
page 47
Contract Talks Ongoing
Service Sector
Sandringham Care Centre is set to begin in December. A
meeting was held on November 30th with the members, to
discuss and plan bargaining mandates. Please call the office,
250.382.1511, if you wish further input or updates.
To the members who work at Nigel and Harriot House, we
continue to fight for your employment rights. Please call the
office if you require information through this process.
On behalf of myself and the members, I wish to thank the
job stewards who work so very hard for their co-workers.
You all are very dedicated and the work you do is invaluable
to your work sites.
Best wishes to you and your families and may you all enjoy a wonderful holiday season and New Year.
Members’ Unity Important
Contract talks for a new Community Social Services collective agreement continue for our members from HOMES.
These negotiations have been very difficult given the Liberal
government’s net zero mandate. The Association of Unions’
bargaining committee continues to press to have this sector’s
low wages and inferior benefits addressed. Members also gave
the committee the mandate to ensure employment security,
provide safe and respectful work sites and demonstrate fair
work practices. A union meeting was held in Abbottsford in
September, to discuss the progress of the negotiations. Stay
tuned for more updates in the New Year. I encourage you to
call if you require any further information.
The collective bargaining for James Bay Care Centre and
Health Care and Wellness
for concessionary packages in their proposals. We the Union
with the help of the Bargaining Committee are looking at all
possible avenues to obtain the best possible collective agreements for you the members. With your support and input I
am sure that we can get the remaining collective agreements
We have two more Collective Agreements that are coming to
expiration in 2011; the Service Corporation International
(Canada) Limited “Funeral Division” in March 31, 2011 and
Metro Waste Paper Recovery Inc. in June 30,
2011. We will be holding proposal meetings in
the New Year but I urge you the membership
to call me or email me ideas for your Collective
Agreements before the proposal meetings.
We as a membership need to stick together.
If we are at separate ends of a rope and pull we
will not get anywhere, we all need to be on one
end and pull together to reach our goals.
Once again I am asking for assistance from
our members with the organizing the unorganized parking, security or any other companies that are among us. If you have any family
or friends working for these companies please
call me so we can achieve better working conditions throughout the sectors.
I would like to end by wishing you all a
L1611 members Chad Barry, John Van Harmelen (Shop Steward) and Tyler Rorison working hard for Halton Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Brothers and Sisters, 2010 is approaching an end and I would
like to thank each and every one of you for your hard work
and dedication in the service sector. One Collective Agreement has been ratified and we have three more to ratify.
United Protection Services was ratified with an overwhelming 89% in favour. The remaining Collective Agreements are
Garda Security, Impark and Cowie Maintenance. With the
state of the economy being as it is the remaining negotiations all have their challenges with certain Employers asking
Recycling aba: Emterra Environmental.
page 48
Report Injuries Immediately
because the worker can’t explain in detail the incident when
the injury happened. If you feel symptoms of an injury getting worse as the day goes on such as muscles getting sore,
stiffness or pain increasing, think back carefully over the day.
How might it have happened? Report it to the First Aid attendant before you go home. That five or ten minutes spent
recording the incident with the First Aid Attendant could
save you a lot of time, pain and difficulty later on when applying for a Workers’ Compensation claim.
There is a 90 day time limit to file an appeal with the Review Division and a 30 day time limit to file an appeal to the
Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal.
If you file a WCB claim and the claim is denied, make
sure you call us as soon as you get the decision letter. Also,
our department will assist members with problems involving
the Employment Insurance Commission (EI) and in obtaining Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability benefits.
Our office is located above the Local 1611 office at 3550
Kingsway in Vancouver, Suite 205. Our phone numbers are:
604.437.6889 ext. 224 or toll free 1.888.788.2888, and you
can fax us at: 604.437.5684. If you are unable to reach me,
please do not hesitate to contact my assistant Patrizia.
On behalf of the Labourers’ Membership Services, Patrizia and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the
members and their families the very best this holiday season
and remember, be careful and watch out for each other.
Medical and Pension Plans
Your Plans Financially Sound
Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season from all of us
in the Medical and Pension Plan administration office.
I can confirm that the Medical and Pension Plans are in
sound financial shape. This is due in no small part to sensible financial management of the plans by the trustees. The
plans have policies and procedures in place that outline how
the plans are administered and overseen. The Pension Plan
has a formal Governance Policy that the trustees follow
when managing the Plan and the Medical Plan is currently
developing a formal Governance Policy that will be ready in
Spring 2011.
We will be publishing a Benefit Plan Newsletter in 2011.
This newsletter will include the most recent Financial State-
By the time you read this newsletter we hope you and your
family are healthy and enjoying the holiday season. Before
you start work in the New Year there a few issues we would
like to remind you about.
Let’s not forget what the provincial Liberals did to WCB
as soon as they came into power – they took the 2 most important words out of the title of the organization, “Worker”
and “Compensation” – and called it WorkSafeBC!
If you are injured at work, report it to the First Aid attendant immediately. Explain the incident in detail to the attendant and make sure everything is written down. Also see
a doctor as soon as possible or, if the doctor is unavailable, go
to your local clinic or the emergency ward at the hospital. In
our industry, we tend to go home each night with aches and
pains. How many times do we trip or feel something go ‘pop’
in the back or pull a muscle and shrug it off. We think the
pain will go away over time. We don’t report the injury and
most of the time it’s nothing.
But, if the pain doesn’t go away, if it gets worse over
time, then it could turn out to be a compensable injury. If
you didn’t report that first incident then the Workers Compensation Board will deny your claim. They will state that it
couldn’t have happened at work because there is no record of
you reporting the injury. If you did report it, then you have
evidence to support your claim.
Often the Workers Compensation Board will deny a claim
Labourers’ Membership Services
ments for both the Medical and Pension Plans. We will also
be sending out Pension Plan Statements for active members
before the end of June 2011. For members covered for benefits through Pacific Blue
Cross, we are pleased to confirm that direct deposit of extended health and dental claims payments is available. You
can enroll for direct deposit on the Pacific Blue Cross website
at by following the links for CARESnet.
I would like to thank the Medical and Pension Plan staff
for their dedication and commitment in providing excellent
service to you, the Plan members.
If you have any questions about your benefits, do not hesitate to contact us at 604.437.8598.
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New Assignment Exciting
History Book in the Making
Dispatch Office
Update Information Regularly
Season’s greetings to all.
Starting in January, I will now be the sole dispatcher for
the Union. I welcome this new challenge and I am excited
about this. Please be patient with me, I will do my best to address all dispatch questions or concerns, and the office staff
will be taking messages for me and I will try to return them
in a timely manner. However, any questions regarding agreements, jurisdiction, or other circumstances on the job site,
should be addressed by your appropriate Union Business
Representative. If you are unsure who that is, please contact
the union office or myself and we can direct you to the proper representative.
I urge all members to be vigilant in keeping your dues up
to date, so as to avoid suspension and be eligible for dispatch,
for I will have less time to inform you about your current
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Well it’s that time of year again, where families and close some of your Executive Board and Retiree Council Execufriends get together to celebrate the holiday season. Short- tive members, and meeting with both retired and working
ly after I took over as your Dispatcher, and this is my third members and talking about this exciting project with them.
year here, the economy hit the skids, and it has been tough In 2011 I will be packing my tape recorder and my camera
slugging ever since. In spite of that however, I can’t express and traveling around the province interviewing members to
get stories for the book. We are looking for stories
enough what a pleasure it has been getting to
that involve labour issues, site specific situations,
know you all, and discovering what a wonderand of course human interest stories that relate
ful group of members we have here within Local
to our work. If there are members both full-time
1611. In 2012
and retired, that I have not already encountered,
2011 will bring new beginnings to many of
who might have an interesting story to tell, please
we will be
you, and that includes me. I will have a new role
contact me at 604.432.9300 or for outside of Vanwith the Union starting January 2011. Tony will
couver area 1.800.663.6588.
continue as your dispatcher. Tony has been a suMy additional duties will include being our liour 75th
perb Co-Dispatcher, Co-Worker, and friend to
aison with Skillplan, establishing and overseeing
me, and my only request is to ask you to support
a mentoring program, and our charitable efforts.
Tony the same way you have supported me.
In closing, I cannot say enough good things
In 2012 we will be celebrating our 75th Anniversary, and my new assignment beginning January 1, 2011 about Donna Mansel, and our entire office staff, who always
will be primarily to work with researcher and author Mark manage to keep things rolling, often under challenging cirWarrior of “Light at the End of the Tunnel the First Forty cumstances.
Finally, it is crucial for the future of Local 1611, that we
Years, A History of the Tunnel and Rock Workers Union
to turn over every stone in our efforts to create
of British Columbia Local 168”. Mark Warrior to produce a
75th Anniversary book for Local 1611. In 2010 a bit of my more work for our members, so please give Manuel Alvertime was spent traveling around parts of the province with naz, our Chief Organizer your unqualified support. In regards to dispatching, I am again asking all members
to make sure that dispatch is updated with your current work
situation as it is constantly changing for some. Please tell me
when you are hired, laid off, or out of work. Make sure you
are easily reachable when looking for work and that our main
office has your current cell and other contact numbers on
I do not want any member losing out on a job because I
was unable to reach them and had to move on to the next
person on the list.
Lastly, checking-in with dispatch to keep your name active on the out-of-work board is very important. However,
this only needs to be done once a month, and please try to
limit it to that.
I wish you and your families the very best during this
holiday season and will see you in the New Year.
In Memoriam
We Honour Our Deceased Members
November 19th, 2009 to November 18th, 2010
BARTO, Gustave
BISSETT, Clarence
BOE, Mervin
BROWN, Wilfred
CAIN, Donald
CASEY, Robin
CERON, Giuseppe
CHABOT, Ghislain
COLPO, Bortolo
DWYER, Terrance
GILMORE, William
HANSEN, Lester
HANSON, Dennis
HOPE, James
LANGE, William
MacDONALD, Alexander
MANGIOLA, Francesco
McGURIN, Edward
MOORE, Philippe
NISSEN, Mogens
PINCH, Joyce
QUADE, Johannes
RIPOLO, Vincenzo
SANTI, Tarcisio
SAVOY, Peter
SCHECK, Philip
SWAIN, Henry
TSANAS, Marianthi
VIEIRA, Antonio
WALKER, Herbert
WINJE, Clayton
To be written in 2011
• We are writing a history book about Local 1611, and its six predecessors Local 105, 168, 602, 1070, 1093 and 1204.
• Do you have interesting stories about your work, your fellow members, or employers you have worked for?
• Let us know. We want to accumulate 75 stories to cover the 75 years.
• It is your Union, be part of its written history.
• Once produced all members will receive a free copy.
Please call Merrick Walsh
at our office – 604.432.9300.
Pacific Blasting Demolition Crew at BC Place.
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