November 2002 - Maverick Region


November 2002 - Maverick Region
~ Porsche Cars North America
Visit us at 5930 W. Plano Parkway, just East of the North Dallas Tollway.
Phone 214.576.1911
Volume 40, November 2002, Issue 11
Zone 5 Presidents ..........................................................1
List of Officers/Board Chairs .......................................4
Prez Says..........................................................................5
Because I Said So (Editor’s)..........................................8
Maverick Minutes..........................................................8
New Wheels..................................................................27
Advertiser Index...........................................................28
Upcoming Events
Calendar of Events..........................................................1
Happy Hour at TBC Indoor Racing............................2
Board Meeting ................................................................2
Run Whatcha Brung Charity Autocross......................2
Founders’ Day .................................................................3
Tour to Winnsboro.........................................................5
Driving Rules Meeting...................................................8
Porsche Lunches ...........................................................11
Holiday Party ................................................................13
Porsche 911 Twin Turbo Raffle...................................17
Past Event Recaps
November - Events
Tour to Eureka Springs
Board Meeting (p. 2)
Charity Autocross (Penn.) (p. 2)
Founder’s Day (p. 3)
Lone Star DE @ TWS
Plano & Bedford Lunches (p. 11)
Happy Hour (p. 2)
Tour to Winnsboro (p. 5)
Autoscope Motorsports Winterfest
Addison Lunch (p. 11)
December - Events
Rules Committee Meeting (p. 8)
Holiday Party (p. 13)
Board Meeting (p. 2)
Plano & Bedford Lunches (p. 11)
Happy Hour
Addison Lunch (p. 11)
Moonlight at the Oasis Happy Hour...........................9
A Seat in Time...............................................................14
Of Timing Tents and Brain Cells Bent ......................20
January - Events
Board Meeting
Happy Hour
New Member Party
Plano & Bedford Lunches
Addison Lunch
February - Events
Time Trial 104
Board Meeting
Lone Star DE @ TWS
Ladies Only AX School (Penn.)
AX 101 School (Penn.)
Plano & Bedford Lunch
Happy Hour
DE at Motorsport Ranch
Addison Lunch
*Dates subject to change*
Kevin Hardison, Bill Stafford,
Lanean Hughes, Steve Utter,
and Dennis Chamberlain
Trivia Contest..................................................................7
Porsche Owner Demographic Profile........................11
ALMS at Laguna Seca..................................................18
Update on the Cayenne ...............................................23
Post Office Notice - Statement of Ownership..........26
Cover Photo
Keerthi Heragu following the exit cones
out of the Big Loop at Autocross #5
at Pennington Field.
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft.
Worth, TX 76118. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Ft. Worth, Texas.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Jan Mayo, Slipstream, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, Texas 76118.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a
space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist and Slipstream
are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
2002 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents
Bob Kelley (Shirley)
h- 318-635-2617
[email protected]
Peter Kendig (Cindy)
[email protected]
Stan Wenger (Janelle)
h- 713-467-0453
[email protected]
Brad Bradford (Sandra)
h- 504-835-7874
[email protected]
Bud Thurman (Phyllis)
h- 501-666-7486
[email protected]
Steele Ford (Genie)
h- 405-954-5203
[email protected]
John McDermott (Erin)
h- 918-747-6840
[email protected]
Dan Germain
h- 512-426-8695
[email protected]
Ron McAtee (Phyllis)
h- 210-654-6639
[email protected]
James Shoffit (Wendy)
[email protected]
Leslie Morse (Margee)
h- 501-530-1537
[email protected]
Ray Quick
[email protected]
Jan Mayo (Ed)
h- 817-595-4651
[email protected]
November 21
TBC Indoor Racing
8625 N. Stemmons in Dallas
Just south of Regal Row
2002 Maverick Region - Board, Officers & Chairs
Maverick Region President
James Shoffit
W - (972) 506-7449
H - (972) 506-7449
Eric Erz
H - (972) 396-2900
[email protected]
[email protected]
122 Estelle Lane
1112 Santa Fe Trail
Irving, TX 75063
Lucas, TX 75002
A member since 1997, James has also been
co-editor of Slipstream and the Timing &
Scoring chair of AX. 2001 PCA Family of
the Year. He owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78
911 SC.
Eric has been a member since 1997. He is
active in many types of events. He currently
owns a '72 911E targa, and a '87 Turbo Look
Driving Events - Chair
Keith Olcha
Logistics & Support - Chair
Joe McGlohen
W - (817) 706-7678
H - (817) 251-6865
[email protected]
711 Manchester Court
Southlake, TX 76092
W - (817) 366-1678
H - (817) 861-2792
[email protected]
704 Bowen Court
Arlington, TX 76012
Keith has been a regular at all driving events
and has recently been heavily involved in our
Driver’s Education program.
Joe has been involved in virtually every type of
event that the Maverick Region holds.
Joe was the 2001 Selcer Memorial award winner. He owns a 912 and a 914 2.0 liter.
Andy Mears
Bob Knight
W - (214) 360-9221
H - (940) 321-8683
[email protected]
1512 Shadow Crest Dr.
Corinth, TX 76210
W - (214) 461-1426
H - (214) 349-1108
[email protected]
9047 Oakpath
Dallas, TX 75243
Andy has been heavily involved with the
mailing and distribution of Slipstream for
several years. He now hopes to attend more
driving events since he has completed his
911 Coupe project.
Communication - Chair
Wendy Shoffit
Activities - Chair
Teri Davis
H - (972) 506-7449
[email protected]
1112 Santa Fe Trail
Irving, TX 75063
H - (940) 682-4719
[email protected]
P.O. Box 213
Weatherford, TX 76086
A member since 1997, Wendy is the editor
of Slipstream and has won the Selcer
Memorial Award. 2001 Porsche Club Family
of the Year. She owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and
a ‘78 911 SC.
Cody Sears
Joe McGlohen
Managing Newsletter Editor
Wendy Shoffit
W - (214) 357-7000.
H - (817) 540-1076
[email protected]
W - (817) 366-1678
H - (817) 861-2792
[email protected]
H - (972) 506-7449
[email protected]
Time Trials
Bill Dugan
Tech Inspection
Ed Mayo
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM)
[email protected]
Teri is a past Slipstream Editor and the
current Rally Chair. She has also been a
major force behind Round Up and the
recent Rally Schools.
Goodie Store
Dee & John Lersch
W - (214) 697-3291
[email protected]
W - (817) 540-4939
H - (817) 595-4651
Joel Nannis
W - (817) 251-7432
H - (972) 722-2735
[email protected]
Lanean Hughes
H - (972) 484-3040
[email protected]
Drivers Education
Keith Olcha
Wendy Shoffit
Mentor Program
Dennis Chamberlain
Ted Glover
W - (817) 706-7678
H - (817) 251-6865
[email protected]
H - (972) 506-7449
[email protected]
W - (972) 788-0871
[email protected]
H - (972) 248-7751
Driving Education - Tech
John Sandusky
Timing & Scoring
James Shoffit
(972) 506-7449 wk
(972) 506-7449 hm
Newsletter Printing
Fran Ussery
Teri Davis
H - (940) 682-4719
[email protected]
Raffles & Door Prizes
[email protected]
W - (972) 438-8344
H - (817) 481-8342
[email protected]
DE Registration
Bill Dawson
AX Chief Driving Instructor
Bill Dugan
Newsletter Mailing
Andy Mears
H - (972) 291-8817 (<9 PM)
[email protected]
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM)
[email protected]
H - (940) 321-8683
W - (214) 360-9221
[email protected]
DE Chief Instructor
Bryan Henderson
TT Chief Driving Instructor
Cody Sears
Technology Chair
Andy Mears
Club Photographer
Kevin Hardison
W - (817) 858-7526
H - (817) 354-6045
[email protected]
W - (214) 357-7000.
H - (817) 540-1076
[email protected]
H - (940) 321-8683
W - (214) 360-9221
[email protected]
H - (972) 401-3955
W - (972) 438-8344
[email protected]
Club Race - Event Chair
Glen Gatlin
Lanean Hughes
Web Site
Mike Oakes
Dorothee Thielisch
W - (214) 965-6102
H - (214) 202-7340
[email protected]
H - (972) 484-3040
W - (972) 934-3416
[email protected]
H - (972) 780-2603
[email protected]
H - (972) 392-3195
[email protected]
Driving Rules
Bill Dugan
Swap Meets
Vaughan Garrett
Maverick Email List
Bob Benson
Past President
Charlie Davis
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM)
[email protected]
W - (972) 494-6151
H - (972) 278-6767
[email protected]
W - (817) 264-8357
H - (817) 457-8833
[email protected]
H - (940) 682-4719
[email protected]
Jimmy Carter
Tech Sessions
John Halla
Slipstream Advertising
Mike Brodigan
Zone 5 Representative
Jan Mayo
H - (214) 330-6609
W - (214) 290-4429
[email protected]
W- (972) 234-2977
H - (972) 234-6767
[email protected]
H - (817) 488-8520
C - (817) 233-0068
[email protected]
W - (972) 443-3916
H - (817) 595-4651
[email protected]
W - (817) 777-0421
[email protected]
Please help us to keep growing!
A member since 1986, Bob has previously
held the offices of President and Vice
President, edited Slipstream, and has won
the Selcer Memorial award. He owns a 2000
Boxster S.
Lanean Hughes
H - (972) 484-3040
[email protected]
Prez Says
by James Shoffit, Maverick Region President
he most important event of the year is
coming up very quickly. Hopefully you
are reading this BEFORE it has happened!
Founders’ Day is happening at the Southfork
Ranch about 20 miles north of downtown
Dallas, on November 9th. If you get there before
6pm, there will be a tour of the ranch! RSVP as
quickly as you can!
But first, the morning of Founders’ Day there will be a
Charity Autocross at Pennington Field (Central Exit, just south
of 183 in Bedford). All the profits from this event go directly to
the Hope Shelter in Mineral Wells, the home for victims of
domestic violence.
Parade plans for 2004 are going well. We have met with the
City of Fort Worth regarding Concours locations. The city officials all liked our presentation and thought it sounded like it
would work. There are still thousands of plans to be made, but
progress is going quite well.
I am writing this just after the final Autocross of the season.
As Timing and Scoring chair, I am compiling and verifying all
the driving event trophies that will be awarded at Founders’
Day. But this last Autocross was something special – with only
13 participants, everyone was a crucial worker! We got all our
runs done by 10:40 in the morning, and had a wonderful lunch
at the Farm House in Cool.
The board meeting will be on November 6th, and the
Lunches in November are on the 19th and 26th. Our driving
season is over, so it is strictly socials for the rest of the year. The
November Happy Hour will be at TBC Indoor Racing on I35 in
Dallas, just South of Regal Row. Those are the types of events
that I really enjoy – the combination of social, driving, and
. . . combination of social, driving, and
competition. . .
The annual Holiday Party will be hosted by Alan and Kay
Leibel this year, who have graciously offered their home for the
club! This will be on December 7th; see page 13 for all the
We have something for everyone, so come on out, and join
the fun!
What would you do with
1000 hours of your time?
We trained our technicians.
AOL Keyword: Park Place
©2002 Park Place Porsche
Email: [email protected] or
FAX at (817) 267-4939
Because I Said So
by Wendy Shoffit, Editor
’m just going to come out and say it... I have a
gripe this month. Yes, I know it’s totally out of
character for me, but I’m going to go out on a
limb and take a chance that you might not like
what I have to say. I apologize in advance if I offend
you in any way.
I’ve been frustrated lately with comments I’ve
received from several members about their not
knowing about some event or another. It’s seemingly been a shock
that an event is “this weekend” and that if they had known, they
would have planned to be there. Frankly, I don’t know how much
more I can do to give advance warning. The next 3 months’ worth of
events are listed on the calendar page (page 1), it is also on the
website, and I try extremely hard to get event ads in Slipstream in a
timely manner. Yes, I know... the last couple of issues have been
later than usual. Believe it or not, things come up in life that,
unfortunately, mean Slipstream takes a back seat. Most people
understand that when I tell them. I hope you all do.
I realize that for all of you life happens as well. Most of you don’t
plan life events around the Maverick Region schedule. Here’s what I
ask, though. If there is a certain type of event you want to participate
in (Happy Hours, Autocrosses, DE’s, social events, etc.), please
please please look ahead in the calendar and mark the date on your
calendar. Put it in your Palm Pilot if you have to. I hate always saying,
“Mark Your Calendars” on an event ad. It seems redundant. I would
think if you want to attend a function, you’ll do it on your own. You
are all big boys and girls who manage your schedules every single day.
Now, I’m not going to stop putting the reminders out there, but
I hope that you will all plan a little further ahead so that when
something you’ve been wanting to do comes up, it won’t catch you off
Enough of all that. Onward and upward! As James mentioned,
coming up very quickly is Founders’ Day. That’s an event I look
forward to every year. I really like having a reason to dress up at least
once a year! Seeing James in a tux reminds me of our wedding day. It
gives me warm fuzzies all over. I also really enjoy giving and receiving
awards! The smiles are always amazing. I’ve never been to Southfork
Ranch, so I hope I have time to take the tour. I grew up watching
Dallas, Falcon Crest, Matlock, and Hawaii Five-O with my grandmother. Ahhhh, more warm fuzzies! I hope to see many of you there.
Oh, before I forget, the Addison Lunch location has changed.
Since the Good Eats on Midway closed down, we have temporarily
decided to meet at the TGI Friday’s at the N. Dallas Tollway and Belt
Line in Addison. A new restaurant, the Texana Grill, is taking over the
Good Eats spot soon. We’ve been told that they have great food. If it’s
good enough, we might change the lunch location again. Watch for
future notices (and mark your calendar).
Lastly, we are looking at options to reduce our Slipstream
printing costs. Since it is published online now, if you are interested in
receiving only an electronic version and stop your printed copy, email
me [email protected] and we’ll get you set up. Thanks!
Maverick Minutes
by Andy Mears, Secretary
he October Board Meeting was held at the
home of James and Wendy Shoffit and got
started on time at 7:00 PM. There was a
good turnout for both the pre-meeting dinner and
the regular meeting.
Dennis Chamberlain reported on the latest
happy hours and wanted to remind everyone of
the upcoming events.
A motion was made to provide financial assistance to The
Hope Shelter in Mineral Wells, being that they are in dire financial
need. The Maverick Region has elected to advance expected
proceeds from the scheduled November Charity Autocross. As a
reminder to everyone, this year’s Charity AX will be on November
9 and in town at Pennington Field. Look for the ad on page 2.
Cody Sears reported on the good time had by everyone that
participated in the final Time Trial events for the year, #5 and #6.
Both events were held on the same weekend in Mineral Wells with
a good turnout for both.
Bill Dugan wanted to let everyone know that there would be a
Driving Event Rules Committee meeting December 7th. Everyone
is welcome to participate and give comment. Submit all questions
or comments to Bill.
As the membership of Maverick Region has grown so has the
circulation of Slipstream, in turn, the associated amount of effort
and cost. It was proposed to the board that the sorting, mailing and
postage management of Slipstream could be outsourced. At this time
we are considering a variety of options, if anyone can recommend
a postal fulfillment organization please contact Andy Mears.
The meeting ended at 8:11 PM. Next month’s board meeting
will be on November 6.
“Moonlight at the Oasis” Happy Hour
by Dennis Chamberlain
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
he weather forecast was
ominous for our “Moonlight
at the Oasis” happy hour.
Despite that, a smattering of
adventuresome Mavericks ventured
south to Joe Pool Lake, and they
were rewarded with a clearing of the
clouds and a calming of the winds.
Happy Hour Crew: Dennis Chamberlain,
Dee Lersch, and Mark Gluck
We were also rewarded with the
company of none other than the Hill Country region’s registrar
and D.E. instructor Kerry Watson, who had driven all the way
Mark Gluck, Kerry Watson, and Matt Platts
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
from Austin – her well-known red 944 in tow -- for the happy
hour. (OK, well, she was actually on her way to the Maverick
Region’s MSR D.E., and Joe Pool Lake happened to be in
her path). Kerry apparently arrived early because, by the time
I arrived she was already in a position to recommend their
signature drink, the name of which cannot be repeated in this
family publication. Nonetheless, it was most impressive.
. . . name of which cannot be repeated in
this family publication. . .
David Mock
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
Another unexpected treat was the casual mentioning by
Mark Williams’ that, parked outside, was his new 2003 Boxster
S. Mark Gluck and I practically ripped off the Oasis’ front door
in our haste for our first close-up inspection opportunity. Also,
Mark Williams
during dinner, Kerry was kind enough to modestly answer
some D.E. questions -- including a couple of heel-and-toe
Be sure to take notice that our November 21st happy hour
will be at TBC, the indoor racing facility on Stemmons, just
south of Regal Row. The vehicles are electric, and the food is
provided by Sonny Bryan’s.
Porsche Owner Demographic Profile
North America is Porsche's largest sales market. At the heart
of the Porsche brand is a strong individualist drive and the
brand's innovative spirit and fierce independence directly reflects
Porsche owners' most strongly held values. Porsche Cars North
America research has revealed that::
• 79 percent of Porsche owners are male
• 81 percent are married
• Porsche owners are primarily 36 to 60 years old
• The average age of a Porsche owner is 49 years
• Porsche owners have an annual gross income of $289,000
• 48 percent paid cash for their cars (source: Porsche
Financial Services)
• 33 percent have children in the household
• 14 percent own their own business or are self-employed
• 15 percent are managerial or director level employees
• 45 percent are managing directors, presidents or CEOs
• 44 percent were involved in founding their own company
• 95 percent use the Internet (66 percent every day)
Porsche Owner Sporting Activities (participate or follow)
• 60 percent work out on a regular basis
• 68 percent enjoy football
• 42 percent enjoy skiing
• 63 percent enjoy golf
• 49 percent enjoy basketball
• 42 percent enjoy motorsports
• 42 percent enjoy boating/yachting
Source: 2000 LMS Study
Top 5 U.S. Sales Markets
1. New York/New Jersey
2. Los Angeles
3. Miami/Ft Lauderdale
4. San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose
5. Dallas/Ft Worth
. . .42 percent enjoy motorsports. . .
U.S. Market Share
Sports Cars $30,000 to $60,000
• Boxster and Boxster S 15 percent
(Vehicles in segment: Audi TT, BMW Z3, BMW M3,
Chevrolet Corvette, Honda S2000, Mercedes-Benz SLK)
Sports Cars over $60,000
• 911 Carrera 38 Percent
(Vehicles in segment: Acura NSX, Dodge Viper, Ferrari (all),
Jaguar XK8/XKR, Lotus Esprit Turbo, Mercedes-Benz SL)
Percentages based on U.S. sales through November 2000.
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A Seat in Time
By Lanean Hughes
. . .I know I have lots yet to learn . . .
My first real driving experience in the new car was the
September DE at Motorsport Ranch (MSR). I had a great
support group of “YaYa Sisters” who were also part of this great
Photo by Lanean’s camera
The question people asked me most was, “Lanean, when are
you getting a Porsche???” I would respond with, “When the time
is right.” It finally happened in September 2002. Thanks to the
Meredith family, my dream came true. I have a beautiful 1987
Guards Red 944 Turbo with just the right amount of “KiKK!!”
Tricia Henderson, Laura Sumner, Lanean Hughes, and Sandi Lapp.
to be sure there are no leaks. That’s the best news you can haveno leaks!! The car that is 15 years old with 100K+ miles on it still
purrs like a kitten!
Photo by Lanean Hughes
The next event I participated in was even more exciting as it
brought back so many wonderful memories of calling my
favorite hotel with a “lake view,” visiting with the owner, getting
the latest update on the family and then seeing if there is a room
for me (of course there is)! Getting up very early, loading the car,
taking an extra tire (if you have one), the cooler, the lawn chair,
and clothes for various weather conditions, the BYOB for the
Saturday night gathering, leaving Dallas and, yes, you guessed
it…heading to the “MineralRing.”
event cheering me on. With the great instruction of Michael
Wingfield on the first day and Caren Cooper on the second
day, I am totally in love with this car. Their expertise and
encouragement gave me the confidence I needed to make this
car do what it was intended for - driving at controlled speeds
(and then some) and finding the limits of the car. Heel/Toe, trail
braking, apex… yikes, trying to remember. I was so caught up in
knowing that this was “My Car” that a lot of the driving “buzz
words” just kept spinning in my mind.
Many thanks to those who have helped me fix a few of the
mechanical problems. I know I have lots yet to learn. I can check
the oil, transmission fluid, tire pressure, and every night check
Photo by Lanean Hughes
The instructors’ clinic was a success, as always.
The 917 replica drew quite a crowd,
despite having no engine or transmission!
Thank You to
Boardwalk Porsche
Sponsor of the Drivers’ Education
Yes, it’s been a long time, but I’m so glad the “Seat in Time”
finally happened. I can now experience all the thrills again and
wave to all those “P-Cars” in Texas!!
Photo by Steve Utter
For many years, trips to Mineral Wells (MW) were all we
had. Autocross (AX) and Time Trials (TT) were the only games.
I found the TT Reunion Weekend to be the best! I soon realized
that you don’t really forget the track. It’s like riding a bike again
and you realize how much fun it all was. To my delight Richard
Diller, was there, who many years ago was my instructor at a
driving school in MW. We chatted awhile and then it was my
pleasure to see that great 911 #550 speed around the MW
Photo by Steve Utter
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Mark Hanna in a severely modified car.
Keith Bird heating up the track.
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Instructor Becky Laughlin heading towards Ricochet.
Andy Mears in front of Bill Dugan in the Green run group.
Nancy Dugan in Wagonwheel enjoying soloing in the Yellow run group.
View Your Pictures Online!
Jay Walker
Mean Green Travel
Motorsport Ranch
Maverick Region
Region Driver’s
Driver’s Education
Go to
High resolution 8” x 10” digital photos start at $15.00.
Email [email protected] for more info.
Layout • Design • Hats • Shirts
Banners • Posters • Calendars
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Digital Photo Editing
Kevin Hardison
Irving, Texas • (214) 957-8193
FAX 972-721-1847
Porsche 911 Twin Turbo Carrera Raffle
By Dan Germain, Hill Country Region President
[ed. The following was excerpted from an email from Dan
Germain dated August 28, 2002. The email involved a new member
event they held recently, but I clipped out non-essential information.]
Local TV stations were in attendance to report on the launch
of Art Center Stage's lottery for the 2002 996 Turbo, and what a
fully loaded dream car it is. You can see it in the photos at
If you missed it, you can buy your tickets on line at or by contacting
Michelle Wallace, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Arts
Center Stage 1301 West 25th Street, Suite 404, Austin, TX 78705, or by
phone at (512) 482-0800, ext. 101, Fax at (512) 482-0700, or contact
Michele at [email protected]. Tickets went on sale
for the first time last Thursday evening at our reception, and the
drawing will take place on December 18. A couple of folks have asked
if HCRPCA has any financial relationship in all this. HCRPCA does
not have any financial involvement with the drawing. The car was
purchased from Roger Beasley Porsche by a generous fan and
donated to The Long Center. The Long Center/Arts Center Stage is
holding the drawing and inaugurated ticket sales at our reception.
Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Center
for the Performing Arts
Remember when you were a child?
Driving those really cool remote control cars?
Here is your chance to win a RARE
2002 Porsche 911 Twin Turbo Carrera.
Drive one for REAL!!!
Tickets are ONLY
Tickets go on sale: August 22nd
Drawing held: December 18th
Buy your ticket online for only $100
by calling : (512) 482-0800,
visit Roger Beasley Porsche or:
Buy Your Ticket Online
Follow the links from the Hill
Country website
Only 10,000 tickets will be sold (there is no limit to the
number of tickets you can buy) to benefit the Joe R. and
Teresa Lozano Long Center for the Performing Arts.
Sponsored by: Roger Beasley Porsche, KTBC FOX 7 and
the Austin Business Journal.
ALMS at Laguna Seca, September 20-22, 2002
by Bill Stafford
as ex Formula 1 drivers JJ Lehto and Max Angelelli brought
the Cadillac Northstar LMP home third. This was their second
consecutive podium finish; unfortunately the timing was just a
bit off as the funding for the LMP program has been terminated
which might not be a bad thing.
The race this year was a month earlier than usual and thus
escaped the higher potential of fall rain. There were several
highlight events at the track. Dr. Don Panoz debuted the New
Star Mazda Racecar (see later in this article) and a Class 8 Super
Truck (8000 pound Semi, 1260 horsepower, twin turbo diesel on
BIG race tires) made an appearance and took a lap at speed to
delight the crowd and try to drum up fans for the Super Truck
Racing Association of North America (STRANA). They plan to
start the series next year. Watch for the STRANA special on ESPN2
in November. Improvements to the track are still underway.
In the LMP-675 (low power LMP) Class, all top three finishers
were in Lola EX257/AER MGs. The top finisher was the Chad
. . .has been terminated which might not
be a bad thing . .
Photo by Bill Stafford
s usual, this years’ American LeMans Series Race at Mazda
Raceway at Laguna Seca was filled with elation, sorrow,
suspense, good food and wonderful weather. Fog, now
labeled “marine layer”, was prevalent as always but didn’t slow
anything but practice and qualifying.
The track is changing – new stands along pit road and bigger
gravel pits and tire barricades for safety. Additional changes in
the upcoming years include new permanent garages with Pit
Row suites above; hillside terraced seating, and a new StartFinish bridge. Overall $11 million of improvements are planned.
Traffic Jam at the Corkscrew
Bloch/Claudia Huertgen/Steve Block trio. Second was James
Weaver/Butch Leitzinger duo followed by the Jon Field/Rick
Sutherland car.
Photo by Bill Stafford
The best race of the afternoon took place in the GTS category
as the Ferrari team had some unfinished business to care take
care of from Le Mans. Now that the Ferrari is able to last the
entire race without a mechanical, they’re proving to be the cars
to beat in GTS. Tomas Enge #33-GTS Ferrari 550 Maranello had
the pole in GTS and this was his first time at the track and
hadn’t taken a lap before the first scheduled practice. The Saleen
S7R of Franz Konrad and Terry Borcheller qualified second. The
Corvette Team wasn’t happy to see either the Ferrari or the
Saleen in front of them, but as Andy Pilgrim expressed “it’s good
for the series”. Team Corvette - #3, Ron Fellows and Johnny
O’Connell were knocked into the Turn Four gravel trap by the
Cadillac (déjà vu – same place they put Boris Said last year)
which led to a broken exhaust which led to a fire. In the fire vs.
Justin Jackson #79 LMP 675
In the LeMans Prototype class (LMP-900) the #1 Audi
driven by Emanuele Pirro and Frank Biela scored their second
ALMS win of the year despite the whining and fretting of
Emanuel Pirro. In his defense, Pirro was fighting the flu and the
crew did have to replace the tub due to the crash at the previous
race at Mosport. The “new” chassis was the same one that won at
Le Mans wrenched by Reinhold Joest. Overall they had a good
weekend as they qualified on the pole and enjoyed an essentially
trouble-free race to win by nearly 26 seconds over the Privateer
Champion Audi of Johnny Herbert and Stefan Johansson. Team
Cadillac finally proved that they are not just another pretty face
Photo by Bill Stafford
2nd place GT Class Saleen S7R
took first in a Porsche Cup 911. Peter Cunningham was second
in his Acura NSX and Justin Marks was third in another 911 Cup
car. A local firm (AER) rented Boris Said who managed to motor
a Roush Mustang into 14th place. Something was said about
slippery track. How’s that for bad R.O.I?
Photo by Bill Stafford
There was also a Shifter Cart race. The carting guys are a fun
bunch. They are eager to help each other and completely open
about their gear. Refreshing! There were also lapping the circuit
in about the same lap times as the GTS Corvettes but just 1 inch
off of the ground. WOW! You also get the long vanished odor of
burning Castrol from these horizontal motorcycles.
Dr. Don Panoz unveiled the new Mazda Star series racer.
This basic “affordable” open wheel racecar is being sold for
$66.5k (accessory list still to come). Will this series prove as
popular as the Toyota series? Will it be the platform for young
drivers? For his backing/funding/promotion of the new series
Dr. Panoz was present a very kitschy Mazda R8 Rotor with a
clock in the middle for his, uh, desk… The Star Mazda racecar,
features the same next-generation Mazda rotary engine as the
forthcoming Mazda RX-8, is scheduled for testing in 2003 and
will run in the Star Mazda Series North American
Championship, a support series to the American Le Mans Series,
in 2004. The Star Mazda Series develops racecar driving careers
A pair of Panoz. Not as strong as they once were.
In GT (until recently, the Porsche class), Lucas Luhrs' #23GT Porsche 911 GT3 RS captured his third pole of 2002 and the
seventh of this career. Luhr and Sascha Maasen enjoyed their
fifth win of the year in the GT class with a one-lap victory over
the Anthony Lazzaro/Ralf Kelleners Ferrari 360 Modena. Alex
Job Racing teammates Timo Bernhad and Jorg Bergmeister lost
a sure second place when the Porsches’ gear lever came off in
Berhands hand five laps from the end. Kevin Buckler and Brian
Cunningham survived a horrendous weekend of mechanical
trouble to claim third. Kevin Buckler, Racer’s Group, #66-GT
Porsche 911 GT3 RS, is one of a very few teams that are trying to
complete in both the ALMS and Grand-Am series. Master of the
understatement, Buckler stated “Going from Grand-AM one
weekend to ALMS the next and setting up the car differently for
each series is proving to be tough. It seems like the first two days
of each race weekend we’re going through major setup changes.”
In the SPEED World Challenge Touring Race, Randy Pobst
Photo by Bill Stafford
composite materials, fire always wins. The corner workers at
the corkscrew were apparently not fully trained on the fire
equipment as they tried to put the fire out from 15 feet away on
the side away from the fire. They did manage to blast the driver
in the face with the powder though. But no one was hurt and the
crowd always loves a good barbeque. Desperate to get a
high podium finish, the other Corvette of Andy Pilgrim and
Kelly Collins, gambled on fuel to outlast the Ferrari, but
apparently ran out 2 laps from the finish leaving them 3rd in
class and 16th overall.
THE TRUCK...8,000 lbs of thundering diesel racer!
by providing an opportunity for drivers to complete on the same
racetracks used for professional events and is one of the most
successful racing series in the U.S. Many well-respected drivers
have risen through the ranks from Star Mazda including Le
Mans 24-hour GT class winner Bruno Lambert. Last year,
average of more than 40 racecars started each Star Mazda series
event. Hey, you want a new RX-8? Win the series and get one for
free in 2003. Win the series in 2004 and add $100,000 to the free
car giveaway.
Photo by Bill Stafford
Rat Notes:
Buckler’s #66 911GT3 RS at the corkscrew.
After practice or qualifying most drivers’ comments are very
positive for example: It was nearly perfect, I made a small mistake, the car is the best it has been this weekend, I had a little bit
of over steer, etc. Then there were comments from Jon Field #37P675 MG Lola EX257 on Saturday after the practice session.
“Terrible! The car was a pig. We missed sessions because of the
engine and the clutch. We haven’t moved forward all weekend.”
Whoa, Jon, it’s part MG! - Take a nerve pill and call me in the
Support Racing!!! Visit a track soon!
Of Timing Tents and Brain Cells Bent
by Michele deJong
do believe a good time was had by all at autocross #5 held at
Pennington field. The kids got lucky and watched movies in the A/C
provided by the Shoffit’s large American (is that in the OA class?)
vehicle. The rest of us adult types gleefully contributed to the already
smoggy air with fast times through a truly LOOPY course by Cody
Sears. More than a few folks had at least one DNF run as the pivot cone
was negotiated and the curls continued. (Who says you have to be
blonde to be dizzy?!)
feat of mental gymnastics. And there’s generally a second or two for
commentary on the radios. WELL! At these intervals, it was all we could
do keep our heads from exploding (imploding?) with the info-flow. As
James said,“This is taking my entire brain, and I’m not sure how much
I had to start with!” Or something to that effect.
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Posting was equally fun as the run groups were in no particular
order and cars in any group were bound to be at totally opposite ends
of the posting board. With the loss of Mike in the afternoon, James had
to call the class as well as the car number so Myra had a better chance
of finding the correct driver. (“OA, OJ, OG OH SH--!) The brain cells
further warped upon finding a couple of CUVs (completely unknown
vehicles) on the course—ACK. (Ok—white OG #77, now red OJ #77)
Thanks to grid for putting up with the occasional glitch due to our
whirling eyeballs and timing lines being crossed by two-legged beasties
instead of 4-wheeled toys.
So—if you encountered James or myself on the road after the fun,
you now understand the “Bill the Cat” meets “The Pointy-haired Boss”
look on our faces! I had to remind myself that I made a prime target for
law-enforcement types due to the “Porsche factor” and idiot-avoidance
tactics. Thanks for a WONDERFULLY mind-bending and FUN
Saturday, everyone! TTFN
Michele deJong playing catch with her new ducktail.
Top 10 Times of the Day
Mike and I haven’t been out much lately, so a combination of rusty
driving skills and slippery street tires made for some amusing “toss and
catch”, but we did have the silly grin that comes from NOT losing it and
improving times. (Although Mike’s fix for “Spinner”- a ducktail- wasn’t
enough to prevent style points on cooked tires) The variety of cars (lots
of OTHER makes) and drivers was fun to watch and we met some folks
that we hadn’t had the chance to greet yet. (Hi, again.)
1. Hollinsworth, Jim 31.106
2. Sears, Cody
3. Shoffit, James
4. Machala, Chuck 32.506
5. Hardison, Kevin 32.571
6. Davis, Charlie
7. Steele, Mark
8. Wilson, Jerry
9. Shoffit, Wendy
10. Partridge, Roger
Cody Sears: “Darn that ‘Vette! Shouldn’t we track Porsches only for TTOD?”
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Now, about that timing tent. Worker assignments were graciously
made with kids in mind (thank you!) which meant Mike and I were in
posting and timing. I did timing with Wendy and James trying to keep
track of cars crossing lines at less than 15sec intervals, finding said cars
on the timing sheets, acknowledging and recording times, cones hit,
DNF’s, etc., and calling times etc to posting. For those of you who have
worked timing before, you know that this isn’t ordinarily all that great a
Photo by Kevin Hardison
. . .all we could do to keep our
heads from exploding. . .
Grant Miller still sneaking up closer on his Dad’s times.
Paul Abbott in his BRIGHT yellow 911S.
Sears, Cody
Red 914
31.862 1
111 Hardison, Kevin
Red 914
32.571 2
Davis, Charlie
Green 914
32.614 3
211 Swanson, Allen
Yellow 914
35.937 4
Swanson, Michael
Yellow 914
36.171 5
Class 3
Lockas, Mike
White 944
33.794 1
Platts, Matt
Red 924S
36.270 2
Class S3
Monin, Michael
Silver 944
37.795 1
Class 4
332 Baker, David
White 911 T
33.546 1
Sutton, Jerry
Red 911T
33.852 2
102 Erz, Eric
Brown 911E
34.277 3
1102 Erz, Manfred
Brown 911E
38.082 4
Gauthier, Rick
Black 911 E
39.278 5
Class S4
Welte, John
Black 911
38.705 1
Class 4L
Sutton, Myra
Red 911T
33.772 1
Class 5
Shoffit, James
Black 911 SC
32.323 1
911 Stafford, Bill
Brown 911 SC
33.426 2
Mears, Andy
Blue 911 S
34.659 3
120 de Jong, Mike
Green 911S
36.008 4
Class 5L
Shoffit, Wendy
Black 911 SC
33.085 1
210 de Jong, Michele
Green 911S
37.274 2
Class 6
311 Machala, Chuck
Silver Boxster
32.506 1
161 Randall, Rick
Black 911 Carerra 33.985 2
McKay, Dan
Black 911
34.059 3
Class S6
Miller, Bill
Black 911 Coupe 34.368 1
176 Miller, Grant
Black 911 Coupe 34.923 2
Class 7
C45 Reif, Cyril
White 911 C2
33.818 1
Class S7
262 Gluck, Mark
Gray Boxster S
33.970 1
619 Johnson, Rocky
Silver Boxster S
34.281 2
Heragu, Keerthi
Yellow Boxster S
35.156 3
222 Edwards, George
Black 911 C4
36.077 4
Class 8
Steele, Mark
Red 993
32.916 1
Class 8L
Steele, Lisa
Red 993
33.706 1
Class 13
242 Shaffer, Darron
W-Green Boxster S 33.636 1
140 Binek, Darwin
Red 911 Carrera
35.179 2
Class 13L
104 Binek, Kelly
Red 911 Carrera
35.763 1
Class 16
Abbott, Paul
Yellow 911S
34.515 1
Class 17
Swanson, John
Blue 914-6
38.026 1
Class OA
Hollinsworth, Jim
Black Corvette
31.106 1
Ishmael, Nizam
Silver Corvette
35.828 2
Class OAL
171 Sowell, Leslie
Black Corvette
33.576 1
Class OG
Name Withheld
Blue 323ci
34.843 1
Name Withheld
Red M Roadster
35.640 2
Minchillo, Vinny
Black A4
36.159 3
Colletti, Mark
Silver Golf
36.975 4
Name Withheld
Red M3
38.126 5
Class OJ
Wilson, Jerry
White Civic
32.948 1
Partridge, Roger
White Civic
33.340 2
Garner, Gabby
White WRX
33.461 3
Suel, Gurol
White RSX
34.642 4
Mishra, Shan
Green Protégé
38.679 5
117 Lockless, Steve
Silver Protégé
39.082 6
177 Jain, Rajul
Silver Protégé
39.299 7
Ward, Brant
Green Protégé
39.902 8
Class DD
Ammerman, Coleman
Yellow Mustang Cobra
224 Shaffer, Ted
W-Green Boxster S 35.582
Top Time Of Day Men : Hollinsworth, Jim Class OA Time 31.106
Top Time Of Day Ladies : Shoffit, Wendy Class 5L Time 33.085
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Autocross #4 Results
John Swanson exiting the loop in his metallic blue 914/6.
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Class Car # Name
Class 2
Rick Gauthier sprinting towards the final chicane at the finish.
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Update on the Cayenne
ARIS, SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 The Cayenne, Porsche's longawaited entry in the sport utility
vehicle market, debuted today to the
world's media at the Paris Auto Show.
power to the rear wheels and 38
percent to the front wheels.
The Cayenne S and Cayenne
Turbo - the third model series from
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG - are both
on the Porsche stand in Paris and will
be on display for the public beginning
Sept. 28, 2002. Porsche has
announced pricing for both models.
The Cayenne S
The Cayenne S base price in the
United States is $55,900 ($78,250 Canadian), while the base U.S.
from around the
price for the Cayenne Turbo is $88,900 ($125,100 Canadian).
world will be able
to pick up their
. . .pick up their new Cayennes directly
from the
from the factory. . .
Both vehicles combine excellent on-road dynamics with
outstanding off-pavement driving qualities. Porsche has managed
to achieve this unique combination in the sport utility vehicle
segment through the Porsche Traction Management (PTM)
permanent four-wheel drive system that is standard on both
models. In basic mode, PTM feeds 62 percent of the engine
The Cayenne
will go on sale in
Europe later this
year and in the
U.S. in 2003.
Porsche will produce the two
sport utility vehicles at its new
facility in Leipzig, Germany and
build their engines in the Porsche
Stuttgart. Porsche has invested
approximately 128 million in the
new Leipzig plant, which officially
opened Aug. 20, 2002. Porsche
Leipzig includes a new Customer
Center, where Porsche customers
The Interior of the Cayenne Turbo
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free website mockups
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member kerry watson
see more samples at
David Harness’ 1989 911 Targa. Nice shot!
John Hamilton with his 1996 993
Paul Moreton in his 1998 993 C2 Cabriolet in a very picturesque spot.
New Wheels
If you have any changes that you would like to make to the
MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at (972) 722-2735
by Joel Nannis, Membership Chair
Robert & M’lynn Adams
6324 E University Blvd
Dallas, TX 75214
1988 911 Carrera
Arnie & Andrea Goldstein
504 Villa Crossing
Southlake, TX 76092
2003 986
Mir & Faryal Khan
7625 Cedar Elm Drive
Irving, TX 75063
1999 996 Carrera
Gene Smith
2320 Los Robles
Grapevine, TX 76051
1984 911
Greg & Susan Berg
906 Westminster Way
Southlake, TX 76092
2002 986
Randall Grasso
4501 Druid Lane Apt 319
Dallas, TX 75025
1988 911
Paul & Karen Mc Donald
3605 Hidden Trail
Flower Mound, TX 75022
2002 986 S
David Sorokolit
5016 Daylily Court
Fort Worth, TX 76123
1999 996
Frank & Bobbie Briggs
2325 Creekridge Drive
Mc Kinney, TX 75070
1979 911
John & Christine Hamilton
103 Clear Brook Court
Southlake, TX 76092
1996 993
Michael & Susie Mc Gowan
3108 Oak Hill Road
Carrollton, TX 75007
1986 928 S
Brandon Wulz
2019 Allen Street #3007
Dallas, TX 75204
2002 986
Rex Bush & Keith Brown
618 Finch
Mc Kinney, TX 75069
2002 996
Robert Hill
3320 Swanson
Plano, TX 75025
1990 964
George Michaels
747 Kessler Lake Drive
Dallas, TX 75208
2002 996
David & Ellen Bowers
3925 E Gilbert Avenue
Dallas, TX 75219
1989 911
Transferred From St Louis
Derrick Castillo
3115 Sandcastle Trail
Arlington, TX 76012
1999 986
Eric & Michele Jorgensen
1402 Capstan Drive
Allen, TX 75013
2001 996 Carrera
Jeff Musa
5913 Westmont Drive
Plano, TX 75093
2003 996 Turbo
John & Theresa Dolan
1702 Baylor Drive
Richardson, TX 75081
1985 944
Andrew Jukubek & Nancy Lear
6549 Bob O Link Drive
Dallas, TX 75214
1987 911
Danny Nowak & Nan Valdez
216 Santa Fe Trail #2067
Irving, TX 75063
1975 914
Kathleen Dolan
2346 Lotus Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76111
1984 911
Kenneth & Mary Karnes
5905 Glendower Lane
Plano, TX 75093
1991 911
Raymond Principe & Wanda
6933 Vista Willow Drive
Dallas, TX 75248
1983 911 Sc
Dennis & Brenda Downey
4629 Courtyard Trail
Plano, TX 75024
2002 911 Targa
Hugh Kelly
361 D Falling Leaves
Waxahachie, TX 75167
1988 944 Turbo
Russell Ewing
7974 N Glen Drive Apt 1081
Irving, TX 75063
2002 986
Patrick & Robyn Kennedy
3721 Alder Trail
Euless, TX 76040
1971 911
5 Years
Arnold, Dana ...............................Southlake
Erz, Eric P (Karen) .............................Lucas
Marks, Kevin .............................Fort Worth
Michael, Kenneth (Jeanette Herrera)
Moore, Guy.........................................Plano
Pierce, Robert (Donna)......................Plano
Wilkes, Dylan (Gary Jackson)....Carrollton
Jacob & Shifra Roffe
19427 Wood Edge Drive
Dallas, TX 75287
2002 996 Carrera
Bess & JJ Salomon
4156 Myerwood Lane
Dallas, TX 75224
1985 944
10 Years
Gilmore, Ronald (Carol) ...................Dallas
Hall, Kelly (Judy) ...............................Dallas
Wilkins, Lee (Linda) ..........................Dallas
Alex Cobb
460 Shade Tree Circle
Hurst, TX 76054
1987 944 S
Transferred From Lone Star
William & Nancy Pelley
4239 Briarbend Road
Dallas, TX 75287
1986 911
Transferred From Las Vegas
William & Petra Robison
10508 Bessie Mae Court
Crowley, TX 76036
1999 986
Transferred From Western Michigan
Shawn Sabanayagam & Ken Barrett
2803 Cole Avenue Apt 161
Dallas, TX 75204
2000 911
Transferred From Lone Star
15 Years
Brown, Orval E. Md ..........................Dallas
30 Years
Spratt, Alicia W. ....................Grand Prairie
Happ y Anniv ersar y!
Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others (Payment to MR-PCA must accompany ad). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads
will run for 3 issues. Call 972-506-7449 or e-mail ad to [email protected] by the 10th to have your ad run the following month. Be certain to include a contact name and
phone number. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Photo inclusion based on space constraints.
The Cockroach. Semi infamous autocross 914. Competitive PCR class
M3 car. Won class twice at Parade and several [ed. twice] ladies Parade
top time. 2.5L, 4 cylinder, bored/stroked, long Carrillo rods, counter
weighted crank. 11-1/4 to 1 compression ratio. Big valve professionally
ported heads, lightened rockers. Case is shuffle pinned with 1/2" thru
bolts. Gearbox has shorter 3rd, 4th and 5th gears with Quaiffe Limited
Slip Diff. Rear suspension ears reinforced into roll cage. 8 gal fuel
cell. Two sets 7" wheels. 1600 lbs. $10,000 Ed Mayo, W 817-540-4939,
h 817-595-4651 (1)
1995 993 C2, black w/tan leather, stick shift, 18" Speedlines, second
owner, books kept up, good condition, 81k miles, $37,000 obo. Brant
817-498-8609 nights and weekends. (1)
Porsche 993 Workshop Manuals. Part # WKD 483121 USA - Complete 8
volume set as new in box. $250.00. e-mail [email protected] or call
Mike at 972.394.8419. (1)
WANTED 1973 or '74 914/4 2.0. Excellent condition, no rust, prefer
white or silver, will consider other colors. Please contact either Luis or
Rowdy Pajares at (972)393-1548 or [email protected]. (1)
1991 45' Silver Eagle Motor Coach. Fully loaded. Has more gadgets and
amentities than your own home! New everything! Satellite, DVD, TV's,
leather, tapestries, 10" roof raise, 8 new tires and chrome wheels, custom
power awning, bbq pit, queen bed, security safe, art work, carpeted,
plenty of storage, fullsize tub/shower, fullsize frig, stone and slate tile
in bathroom, custom armoire/desk, leather recliners, a/c, generator,
camera wireless system, cruise, Bose speakers & more! For more
information about this beautiful one-of-a-king bus, visit: $399,500 obo. Any questions
concerning the bus, call Donald Bond at 800-709-0963. (1)
2002 Mercedes Benz 230 SLK Kompressor: White ext, tan leather int.,
wood accents, loaded, 8,500 miles. original owner. Needing something
bigger. Perfect condition, garaged. $42,500. MB located in Rockwall,
Texas. Also have '97 Cadillac Deville, white ext, taupe int, fully
loaded, leather, cd changer, Northstar, 97,xxx miles. Michelins, excellent
condition. Always serviced by David Taylor Cadillac in Houston. $11,500.
Caddy located in Liberty, Texas outside Houston. Also '90 Chevy
Surburban, blue/blue, high miles, $4,500. '70 Cutlass SX Convertible,
455-V8, blue/white, rare, needs finishing $10K, 1969 Porsche 911E Coupe,
black/black, beautiful, not stock, email for more info: $20K. Call Donald
Bond at 800-709-0963 or email [email protected]. (1)
1991 911 Carrera C2 WPOAB296XMS410493, red/tan, 5-speed, 67200
miles, garaged, very good condition, $23500. Tom Hawk, 214-526-6783.
[email protected] (2)
2000 911 Carrera 9,300 miles, 6-speed, one owner, always garaged
with tender loving care, Guards Red, full black leather interior, 18"
turbo alloy wheels, CD player, hi-fi sound system, Porsche stability
management and tuned suspension. Richard Voreis @ 214-361-1919 or
[email protected] (2)
Wheel/tires 4 technology (twin turbo) (17x7.5 & 17x9) aftermarket
silver wheels with Comp TA tires (205-50ZR17 & 255-40ZR17) with
1/4 tread remaining- one rear definitely requires replacement at this
time. Wheels are in excellent condition and were removed from a 1986
911. $750 for all. Jim Williamson, 817-431-2425 or email
[email protected]. (2)
2001 Carrera Coupe C2, speed yellow with black interior, 6 speed, 18”
wheels, Xenon lights, PSM, factory carbon shifter and brake handle,
premium stereo, 6 disc CD, no rain, no racing, never smoked in, dealer
maintained, 7,600 miles, $67,500 817-896-6210 (2)
2000 911/996 Cabriolet WPOCA2996YS653469, garaged, no
smoke/rain, dealer serviced. 8K miles, Barritz white, natural leather,
black top. 18" Sport Design wheel option. Pristine. Contact Dennis after
7:00 PM 817-656-0035 [email protected] $64K (2)
1991 911 C2 Turbo White with Supple Cashmere, 99K miles, complete
B&B exhaust, H&R Springs, garaged, records, excellent throughout, have
all takeoffs, $32K, Contact Steve Maynard at 972-424-1398 or e-mail
[email protected] (3)
1973 914 with Trailer Race ready, 2.0L, speed yellow w/black interior,
71K miles, includes harness, seatbelt, helmet, aluminum wheels, 4-wheel
double axle trailer. $5500 Call (817) 261-1100. (3)
1991 Mercedes 500SL Red with stone interior. 49,600 miles. Dallas car
bought at Autohaus. Chrome wheels. Windscreen. No accidents. Serviced
at Nine-Eleven Enterprises. $29,000. Two PSL Tickets at Texas Motor
Speedway $2050. Ted Glover 972-248-7751. (3)
1987 911 Carrera Coupe, Red / tan interior, 68K miles, factory whale tail,
sunroof, new rear tires. $18,000. Mike Underwood 972-370-0407 or
[email protected] (3)
Early 911 Fuchs Factory early deep offset 911 wheels 15x6. No center
caps. Freshly refinished and verified straight and true by Wheels of
America. Never had a tire mounted since refinishing. I decided to put
flares on my 914, so this set of wheels are too narrow. 1000.00 or will
trade for 2 16x8 Fuchs that are in usable condition. Contact Clay
Perrine. Home: 817-514-9892, Work: 469-775-7262 or e-mail
[email protected] (3)
Slipstream Advertiser Index
These advertisers support the Maverick Region . . . the Mavericks support these advertisers!
Bobby Archer’s Motorsports
Dallas Auto Sports
European Parts Network
German Technologies
Glen Gatlin, Jr.
Gray Mouser Graphics
Louden Motorcar
Jerry DeFeo Designs
The Man’s Shop
Mayo Performance
Mean Green Travel
(972) 867-7467
(817) 877-1772
(214) 320-2228
(866) 799-3984
(817) 540-0712
(214) 965-6102
(214) 957-8193
(214) 241-6326
(972) 240-5800
(817) 265-1116
(817) 540-4939
(940) 565-8111
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Metro Volkswagen
911 Enterprises
Park Place Porsche
Pithy Productions
Royal Purple
Boardwalk Porsche
Ussery Printing
Watkins Streetwerks
Zim’s Autotechnik
(972) 659-9999
(972) 241-2002
(214) 559-4222
(800) 767-7250
(512) 914-3826
(800) 364-3025
(214) 576-1911
(817) 281-9381
(972) 438-8344
(940) 270-8000
(817) 267-4451
For ad rates and for more information contact Mike Brodigan at (817) 488-8520
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Louden Motorcar Services has been
servicing fine European motorcars in
Dallas since 1977. From the moment you
drive in, it is apparent that quality is our
number one priority. From the comfortable
waiting room to the well-kept workshop,
Louden Motorcars exhibits professionalism.
We’ve been winning awards for the
quality of our service for years. Louden
has been rated “Best in Dallas” twice by
D Magazine, “Best in Texas,” “Top Ten in
the U.S.” and “Best in the West” by the
Robert Bosch Corporation (worldwide
leader in fuel injection and electronics).
And we’d like the opportunity to show
you why.
11454 Reeder Road
Dallas, Texas 75229
(972) 241-6326
Jan Mayo, Slipstream
2973 Timbercreek Trail
Ft. Worth, TX 76118
Periodical Postage
Paid at Ft.Worth, TX
Fine Men s Clothing From:
Tommy Bahama
Bobby Jones
St. Croix
2002 Maverick Member
Your Personal Clothier In
Downtown Arlington
100 S. West & Main
Downtown Arlington
Convenient Private Parking
Telephone: 817-265-1116
Mon - Sat 9-6 • Thursday till 7:30