Harold Napper School École Harold


Harold Napper School École Harold
Harold Napper School
École Harold-Napper
June 22, 2012
Dear Parents and Families,
Here we are, another school year comes to an end! We can all look back, and say loudly
and proudly,
‘Together, We Are Better’
thanks to ALL the wonderful, action-packed days and moments we had at our school.
The entire Harold Napper School community of teachers, students, parents and support
staff ALL contributed to making this year so memorable.
From our colorful Opening Day start-up in September, to our Indigo Bookstore, Adopt-ASchool Program in November, to Santa’s visit in December, could it get any better?
Why of course it could and in fact, it did, get better and better.
After all, there are ten months in a school year, and here at HN, they were all filled with
incredible moments.
Moments to go apple picking, create spiders, build robots and break dance.
Moments to see birds of prey, reptiles and the Wonders of Science.
There were days to wear pyjamas, days to wear something red and days to follow the
yellow brick road. There were times set aside to throw our ‘Hats Off to Reading’, times to
get on our boots, kick up our heels, and do Gumboots dancing, and a time to Jump Rope
for Heart. We had times to have a healthy snack at recess and times to sleep (for Success)
at night.
Other days at lunchtime were spent knitting, scrap booking, doing arts & crafts, yoga and
cartooning. We met authors, illustrators, a war veteran and, of course, the man with a red
suit and white beard, Santa Claus. An Olympic athlete came, spoke and inspired us, while
Luca Lazy Legs Patuelli, danced and filled our hearts with hope when he exclaimed, “No
Excuses, No Limits”. We had a movie premiere at night, as well as daytime and evening
productions of The Wizard of Oz and Charlotte’s Web. RSB/GLEE The Sequel was
hosted in the standing room only gym at HN.
We kept getting better and better together with our 3R ‘friends’, Miss Respect, Mr.
Responsibility and Miss Ready to Work who joined us in our PIT. We continued to
WALK-WALK-WALK all through the hallways of HN. Together we said,’ WHISPER –
CHUCHOTTE ‘. We continued to have Wonderful Wednesdays, filling the school with
the electric sounds of the Junior and Senior Rock Choirs. Smash Tennis also returned on
Wednesdays at SaniSport.
We showed off our talents at the art vernissage with student’s art work on display
throughout the halls of the school, and we proudly hung our SSIAA banners for all to see
our athletic accomplishments.
We enjoyed the Survival in the Park Riverside School Board daycare activity organized
for all our daycare students. We came together as a team at the Dynamix Camp. We also
reached new heights on our outing to Mont St. Hilaire.
Did we save the best for last?
Fun Day, Estacade, Granby Zoo, Camp Minogami, Quebec City, Mont
Rouge, Science Centre, and Abraska kept our students smiling until the
very last day.
Together, We Say Congratulations a nd Bravo to our
team of champions hip students w ho:
-signed the Gold Book
-received 3R certificates
-participated in SSIAA
-participated in Read for Succeed and Lecto-Midi
-participated in Jump Rope for Heart
-won a Soni award
-completed their elementary studies
-took part in the kindergarten celebration
-completed all their end of year evaluations
Together, we say, thank you a n d “mille m ercis” to THE
BEST team of HN parents who:
-volunteered their time so generously at HN
-supported Operation Hope and provided food baskets to needy families in Brossard
-supported FUNDSCRIP
-contributed to the South Shore Educational Foundation
-contributed to Jump Rope for Heart.
-contributed to The Heart Foundation at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
-contributed to the Terry Fox Foundation
-participated on the PPO
-participated on the Governing Board
-participated on school wide committees
Together, we send out thank you’s to “The Best” of our
extended HN comm u n ity: our great sponsors:
- CroustillesYum-Yum
- Dollar Ann Fang Dépot
- Five Continents Coffee
- IGA - Mrs. Joanne Barbier
- Maple Lodge Foods
- Maxi - Mrs. Maxime Chiasson
- Metro Collin on Rome Boulevard
- Mr. Nicholas Achilias - VIA Rail
- Mr. Soni
- Mr. Stephen Bronfman from Claridge Inc.
- Restaurant L’EGGSOEUFS
- Saint-Viateur Bagel Factory
If you are interested in daycare services for your child for the 2012-2013 school year,
please contact Connie Fernandes at 450-676-7977. Please note that in order to benefit
from the $7.00 per day rate, your child must be registered and attending daycare on a
regular basis prior to September 30th. After the week of September 30th, the fee for regular
daycare will be $11.00 per day. If you have any questions,
please contact the daycare at the above number.
September start-up launch
Welcome back corn roast
Spaghetti dinner
and so much more…
Thank you, merci, to the very best team of teachers, professionals and support staff
who made the 2011-2012 school year such a great success!!
Together, We Are Better
Have a safe and enjoyable summer.
See you all back on August 30th for our colorful Opening Day.
Myra Kestler
1. Margaret Price Award (ELA)/Prix Margaret Price (Anglais)
Amanda Pham
Morgane Brouillard-Galipeau
Cassandra Sorella
Melissa Cimaglia
Sophie Scattolin.
2. French Immersion Award/ Prix d’immersion en français
Noah Boodhoo
Yusef Al Zahabi
Jasmine Saluja
3. Sheila Woods Commemorative Award (FSL) /Prix Sheila Woods (FSL)
Umrick Singh
Èvicka Veilleux
4. Mathematics (achievement) / Prix de mathématiques
Sophie Scattolin
Melissa Cimaglia
Mindy Langton
Massimo Michetti
Jasmine Saluja
5. Dr. Bao Nguyen award/Prix Bao Nguyen
Science and Technology/Science et technologie:
David Bernstein
Dr. Bao Nguyen award/Prix Bao Nguyen
Sarah Zidle
6. Music Award/Prix de musique
Bryce Pharand Glennon
Morgane Brouillard-Galipeau
Jazmyn Seon
Olivier Jackson
Melissa Cimaglia
7. Citizenship Award/Prix de civisme - Via Rail Award
Olivia Parker
Shaan Baig
8. Riverside Commissioner’s Award for Humanitarianism
Elissa Hibbert
9. Riverside Administrators Association Award /Prix de leadership
- Female:
Nicole Lamoureux
- Male:
Mikael Chartier
10. RTU Award - Perseverance and determination/
Prix du syndicat – Persévérance et détermination
Julie-Ann Yuhasz
11. Sportsmanship and participation/Esprit sportif et participation
Jared Lee, Nicolas Morency, William Nicolas
Sacha Dubeau, Rebecca McAuley, Olivia Parker
12.. Best athlete/Meilleur athlète
Olivier Jackson
Kylie Bonenberg, Melissa Cimaglia, Robyn Matthews, Shyanne Wylie-Gordon
13. Harold Napper Award (improvement) /Prix Harold-Napper (amélioration)
Joshua Bernard
Kylie Bonenberg
Alicia-Victoria Rueda-Chew
Jérémie Payette
Jesse Krochmalnek-Kaye
14. School Involvement Award / Prix de l’implication à l’école
(Contributed most toward the school)
Asma Khan
Èvicka Veilleux
Laurie-Anne Bossé-Plummer
Shyanne Wylie-Gordon
Marie-Lou Dagenais
15. 3R Governing Board Award
Umrick Singh
Julie-Ann Yuhasz
Rose Woo
Melissa Sarkis
Cassandra Sorella
16. P.P.O./Fundscrip Award (Effort) :
Adam Rahman
Kaymin Kennedy
Olivier Jackson
Matthew Hill
William Nicolas
17. Centennial Bursaries :
Centennial Regional High School Outstanding Student Award
Rebecca McAuley
Centennial Regional High School Chargers Award
Jérémy Voisard -Lépine
Centennial Regional High School Prix de mérite
Corrine Matthews
18. Academic Excellence/Prix de réussite scolaire
Èvicka Veilleux
Morgane Brouillard-Galipeau
Alyssia Costa Da Ponte
Sacha Dubeau
Emlyn Murphy
19. Award for Overall Excellence/Prix d’excellence toutes catégories
Robyn Matthews
2011 – 2012
Pankaj Soni Memorial Award - Prix commémoratif Pankaj Soni
Academic Progress – Progrès scolaire English
Mariann Crisafulli
Jacob Lafontaine
Moneka Soni Memorial Award - Prix commémoratif Moneka Soni
Academic Progress – Progrès scolaire French Immersion
Bianca Vargas
Hailey Loux
Liane Polichronis
Usha Soni Memorial Award - Prix commémoratif Usha Soni
Spirit of Cooperation – Esprit de coopération English
Ajay Puloor Jose
Spencer Di Rienzo
Rina Soni Memorial Award – Prix commémoratif Rina Soni
Spirit of Cooperation - Esprit de coopération - French Immersion
Jarod Pope
Tyler Thomas
Julia Grilo
Soni Family Memorial Award --Prix commémoratif famille Soni
Merit - Excellence English and French Immersion
Bella Cole
Olivia Apostolopoulos-King
Amand Thomas
Catherine Woo
Ann Trinh
Gold Book
L i vre d ’or
Ahm ad i, Kay la
Ahm ed, Om ar
Al Zah abi, Marya m
Alcan cia, Ma lie
Alcant ara-R emy , Naima
Allali, Mat teo
Alton Carlson, Chlo e
Anesto poulos , M ichae l
Ardas is, Em ma
Area- Woj cik, Niko las
Armer , Sarah
Awab, Leen a
Baig, Jas m ine
Bailey- La urin, Luca
Balazic, Bret t
Bash ir, Na dia
Bea les, Kale m
Bea ulie u, La ur iane
Benne tt, Em ilia
Berg eron, A ida n
Bhat ta charyya , In dra
Blan chett e, Nat hana el
Bois ver t, J ackson
Bonen ber g, Dest ine e
Bortn ik, A nthony
Bortn ik, Th om asz
Bour assa , G abr ie l
Bour assa , Mar ina
Boyer, Myria m
Brouassa , Mar ina
Caden , C lara
Chaa ban , Wa lid
Chan, Joy ce
Chan, Re be cca
Chan, Ya ni
Che un g, C layton
Che un g, J us tin
Cho udh ury, Aw a b
Cho udh ury, Na hiba
Cima glia, M ichae l
Cole , Landon
Côté, Lay la
Cun ha-Ro drig ues, Isa be lle
D’A les io, M ichae la
Dant e, J am ie
Dask alo poulos , Adon i
Da up lo, A man da
Da vid , Kae l
De Lierr e, A dria n
De mir djian, Roupen
Dero me, Alice
Dero me, S avannah
Dero me, V ictoria
Dha liw al, R iya
Die ujuste, Ja im an
Di Rie nzo, La uren
Drake , Et han
Duffy, Magnus
El- Wa hidi, Leena
Ergeron , A idan
Ferreira , J ust in
Fisher , Tristan
Fitopo ulos, Elys sa
Fitopo ulos, S ierra
Fontaine, Ke nsh in
Foster-B isho p, Mia
Fourn ier, Ja mie
Gar ing- Pat el, Aisha- Mae
Ga vrano vic, Jo van
Gent ile, Yas m ine
Geor ge, Abigail
Ghos sen, Ash ley
Gitten s, Ka mia
Go beil, Am élie
Goh il, Ma lik
Gordon , Brook lyn
Grah am , A ut umn
Grah am , Ia n
Grea ves , Naf ija h
Grigoropo ulos, Ale ssia
Grigoropo ulos, Luca
Grilo, Sof ia
Halifax , Do ugla s
Hezaran , Ta lyne I sa bella
Hlop asko, Olivia
Hus sain, M anah il Syed
Jaima n, J am ie
Ja mes-A us tin , A maya
Jean , Ja mes
Jer bic, Mikha il
Kara lis, Jere my
Kars ent i, Se ba stien
Kh an, La iba
Ko uts is, M ichae l
Kra ve c, Dan ie l
Lap iot e, Derrick
Lapo int e, A shley
La u, Kay ley
La urin, Tr istan
La urin-Sris kant haraj ah, Tr ist an
La uzon- Willia ms, Marya m-C hant é
Le be l, A sh ley
Lee , Willia m
Le gg ett , Anas tas ia
Leto urn ea u, A ndy
Leto urn ea u, Danny
Lew is, Pet er
Liburd , Tre u
Liu, E mily
Lo cha it is-Ro drigues, An gelica
Lo cke , Sydney
Ma cken zie – Mont pet it, Eth an
Maj id, Aria na
Major , Sofia
Matt a, E m ily
Maz ur, Victoria
McAllister , Me lissa
McFarlane- Majot hi, Layla
McLellan , Mar ley
Melo , Mor gan na
Mif tah i, H us am
Mois e, Yvon-G a brie l
Montp et it, Jade
Moore, Amy
Morgan, J ulius
Mornea u, Jillia n Rose
Muni, Sofia
Mur phy, Za ckary
New ber gher , Re ina
No villi, V ito
Pap inea u, Rosa lina
Paq uin, Jad e
Parker , J ust in
Phara nd- Gle nnon, Bryce
Pica do, A ust n
Pope , Shanno n
Porco , Za vier
Poth ier, Christop her
Prado , Jona than
Rah man , Ada m
Rasinger, E m ily
Re millar d, H élê ne
Renée D uffy
Reno meron- Ward, Aliyah
Riley-Dryd en, Na than
Roberts, Anisa
Robita ille , Nao mi
Rowat, Alexandr a
Rum bolt, A my
Saluja , Arna v
Santan ge lo, Dant e
Santoyo, J ayden
Sforza, Dan iella
Sforza, Mass imo
Shimota kahar a, E m ily
Sorel, Fr anck-O livier
Stadnyk , Ja co b
Stanis forth , Kian na
Stath iak is, S tylianos
Stavr iane as, Geor gios
Suder ma n, Sparrow
Taylor, Vict oria
Tcha derj ian , Jef f
Thezier, Lara
Thoma s, Nico las
Toy, Dylan
Toy, Kayla
Trogi, Da nte
Trign ani, Kiar a
Ve ille ux, A va
Vieira , Tris tan
Vitett a, A lan der
Wilson, Riley
Wo low icz, Broo klyn
Won g, E mm a
Won g, Priscilla
Woo , Luca s