

T h e resultis thai Interpol't pro- charges as currency speculation aid
Igluig. Interpol intervened to
:fusal of ihe Bolivian]
indue Barbie.
1a a similar manner." he comia-#*c effont of federal judge Or.
I Luque of Bueao* Aires. Argeam obtain the eundilion of Or.
aab ftom Paraguay were staved
ty lha Imerpol orgmuauoM in
Mina and Paraguay."
year, tpokesmen for Ike World Jewish
in Politics
• "Interpofsprolectivecunainenables/ugiiive Nazis, including those
tried in absentia and convicted by various member-nations oflnitrpot,
to remain at large, not only unmolested, but actually protected and
guarded by local fotic* organizations in charge of aliens."
Tnt adNon of luttrptt M m * Gratia fnUk
I Her World War II. trials held ia
I Nuremberg convicted many
I Nazis of heinous wat crimes.
I Among those convicted wcte
Ernst Kahcabruaacr. Imerpol president from 1943 uaul hu deam fey
hanging in 1946.
Many other Nazis fled Germany,
adopting new lives and identities elsewhere, using the spoils of Europe io
buy safely and privacy.
The search for the most notorious
Nazis became a priority for the West*
cm world — but not for Imerpoi. .
As noted by many authors. Nazi
' unicrs. and historians. Inerpol has
tly refused to assist with the
I or apprehension of Nazi war
. The group cues Article 3 of ,
m constitution as ike icasoa. Thai ar- *
ucle states:
"ll is smelly forbidden for the organization io underuLc any intervention or activities of a puliticakauiiiary, Ntr.ii
Irm" ikm utii mupftil urn i* a timn
religious, or racial character."
tulkd h Imtifvt prrudm Htmhmd
However, an whet ocraiinm. In24
terpot kas chuun Io involve ibelf ia
puliucal. religiou* andracialaaHcn.
Wrmng i» the September IWI
I Co*
iuueof WofUJevry, SIMintmua).
-When it classified Nazi crimes »s
lallutg under these categories Ipotm k»ry. religious ur(V(^l|.liucr>
poi wa» hopelciity wrong legally **>
Hc .noted, -tT(he world will bt *
a to»s to understand why the police
should be insensitive to crimes which
Ihe govenuaenis of their rout n o
Hie World Jewish Congress*
passed a resolution in 1961 asktag
Interpol to slop classifying Hut • *
crimes as poliiiealoWcnscs. Thai vwoe
•mint m wtjnn oauuul aai tmenuumd
•MMCIIU* odhwHHI fl(M>,
M t
I. 'What do yo» ikt mm Itxm mmyi hum &*+ MOe
Vkhough Imerpol has refused to
•nek down Nazis, it has engaged
; pursuit of political refugees,
n 1930. Czech officials used the
pol network to hunt down a group
I Czech refugees who had fled lo
• "InltrpoT.
tried in abitm
lo remain at
guarded by Ic
her World War II. trials hel
Nuremberg coavicttd at
Nazis of heiaous « « crii
Among ihotc convicted i
Kalieabruaacr. Imerpol pi
Irni hom m l aatil kit death
( a 1446.
Many other Nazis fled G e m
I new live* and idealities <
e. using the spoils of Europ
I safely aad privacy.
The tcarcb (or the atost tout
s becaae a prioriiy for the *
world — but aot for lattrool.
kau«ed by auay authors, I
, anil huturiaas. laicrpol
I refuted lo I U U I
I or apprehcuacM of Naii
tit The group cues Ankle
"ll it kindly forbidden for ih>
S|muation lo uadenake any inter
ir lion or aciiviim of apolitical, aiili
\ (CIIJHJUJ. or racial chancier."
However, oa other occauens>
I 24
yev, ipokctmen for Ihe World Jewish
Cuftgreu alto aiiked Inlerpol lo bring
Iku mailer before Ihe Iraerpot General
Aucaibly. The Congren wa» lumed
* w a on both rcqueut.
ll hat been documemed irut liuerpul hat actually gone beyond the poiaj
of •erelyaolcoopeniMl tttonearchci
Author aad Nazi burner Ladislat
FiragoWNcd in l»76 that during his
pursuit of Martin Boaaajm ia South
Aiaeiic*. he established comacu with
Ucipol oHicnU lit well Csunif teg as
Brazil, AtgeNina. Peru and $*ftguay.
"The rctull is thai inierpoTs protective curtain enables fugitive Natis.
including those tried i a absentia aad
convkied by various memberaaiions
of Imeipol, to remain ai large, not only
unmolesied,bui actually protected tad
charges at currency speculation and
smuggling, laterpol intervened lo
tfiwan hit ulradilion and in support of
ihe refusal of the Bolivian governracat
to euradoe Barbie.
"la a similar aumer," he continguarded by local police orpaiiatioss ued, - * e efforu of federal judge Dr.
iora« tmf» of aWam Aires. AigcaM charge of alia«."
tiaa. «o ohtaia a>c cundiiioa of Dr.
Mcsvgck feat raraguay were slaved
off by the latfrpnl orgaauauoaa is
Arg«auaa aad Paraguay."
AM ennipks. Fango cued the
cases of losef Mengele and Klaw
Barbie, aliu Klaus Alunirjn.
"ia connection with my project,**
In t tenet ia 1976. f t e f o wrote.
he said, "I had ample opportunity of "Evenwhea, the eHnduionojf Barbieuceruining thai they were... actually alict-Almami wa$ demtaded, aot by
protecting Nazi fugitives in South f ranee on war cruaiaaKh*fges.buiby
Aoienc*. pie venting «athenhanf»i;ili- nctghboriog fait tftt'bie-aliaswiag aodyor ctpediiing their apprc- Altaiann was liviag ia La f u , Soiivia
htarioa aad curadttioa.
at the tiaicl... oa such purely criauaat
Although inlerpol has refused to
help track down Nazis.« has engaged
ia llae punuil of political refugees.
la t<MO. Czech officials used the
lalcrpot act work lo hum down a group
of lOOech tefugees who had fled to
W i n firnaaaj for poliiical feaioaa. k
Member Countries of Interpol
There are l70<*ouBi|>eSin*c world. lS»of«hea»<cotor«dtedH»ea»aaoersof latopol.
Two years Utei.afler along period
"Recently such a request resuked
of fnutleu negotiaiiom u recover h u in the arrest of an Afghanistan! in
duldren. M.S. took maucn into hia Germany ... and the offense of wkich
own hands. In May 1975. be traveled
M.S. then decided to fly with Ike
children 10 Afghanistan. The three of
In another example dpriimrttd
m t » caught • (light torneirhomeland. by NCLE. an American butineaunan
Meanwhile. M S ' ei-wile had aiTrtPstrreOupuywotioaCentral
calledInterpoliU.S.NC6 Basedo* Americanportinearly I976inorderio
utvcfirwd and untrue «|Mmiti<m purchaw* ship and bring it back to the
provided by kcr. tfcen U S Inlerpol United State*. Akhougk he and hit
ctuef Louis S « x teat out requestitM crew h i d brake* no laws. Interpol
agqm tntertogatcd u r m a r n «f M»
and Individual
• The peculiar iking it that Inlerpol hat immunity as an Inter-Governmental
Organization, while they art not tuck an organization.
"Thit put them above the rules of privacy, especially those in relation to
k T h i 4 h
nJuiy l97S.lkeUMlcdN*lMMi'i
Economic awl Social Council
officially approved (ruerpoi a*
an later-CnvaamcatalOrgajai-
With this speciaHOOtlaim.lmetpot w i iblc locuabUsbtclaiiottthipt
with governments around the world.
This facdMated obtaining sensitive
Mlc«ruiian on pnvaic individuals from
ODvcnunenl filet.
ThtnU.N Secretary General Kurt
Waldkeim. whose Kile at » footer
N u i officer became Ike subject of
international controversy in recent
yean, was instrumental in trlping
Imerpol obtain us ICO status.
I W 3 m e a U S . PKiideMftoMM ttea'»an issued an csecuuve order which
provided Imerpol headouiulcfs. i u
officers and employees complete
mimimiiy from any lawsuits in me
Untied States.
Thit grant at immunity was ike
duccl m u l l of an intensive lobbying
cflon by Imcrpul aimed « shielding
itself from liability in VS count for
violation! o f ate rigan or privacy of
America* cititcns.
granted ciimplcic immunity by Ike
rVench govrnwacm mroughthc InierMHeadquananAgittmtat.detawcd
i n Chapter 2.
Thu "scat agreement" protected
Imcqpol from having to disclose the
comentk of its files, and »t*> sheltered
the organization and iit offkxA from
legal accountability for their action*.
A t a rcsuk of these agreements,
Interpol has managed to put use If above
the law, so that an injured party hat
virtually no recourse.
The NalionalCommissioBonLaw
Enforcement and Social lusiice
4NCLE) has documented numerous
cases of utdividuab claiming to have
been jailed, harassed and even phyiictlly abused by foreignpolice offKiali
because of false report! circulated by
w k of a (orceful effort ky l«erpo».
One of these ca>e» tftVOtved fir,
wcl«di«| • ifcicti to move ««e M,S:. m X«gru» econoiriis) wilh ike
o r | a w u u o « > hcadqutnert out of tMemtlioml Monetary Fund who, in
France 4 wch b U n k « tmmuntiy W M 1973. was working « Wukiagiun.
O C . and living in MwyUnd.
AccantiOftoanOctobcr I ) , I 9 « l .
M.S., who asked that nitn
• n k l e m Ike Cermaa aew«|Nvcr,
Frankfurter 'uatta •««, tmerpol had divorced, atnd » Marylwid cowl tot
trmateocd to move 10 a oaikw M W did given him custody of h u t * o young
not Iwve tinct <bu pfowciiuti laws, children.
ie., MMiewkcK outwde Weticn £11Lale in IV7J. ilcspue the coun
Hipc.ifitiMrrcnolocludnifcumwck order, hik forma wile took ike ckiltow by t c i n t y v e n immumiy.
w u arrested when the plane made a
u o p « Wiesbaden, West Germany.
He wat held agiintt tut will in
solitary confinement for nearly four
om la* Enforcement mi
day« before ike US. Stale Department
could intervene and gel him feleased.
Meanwhile, hit children were taken
away from him and handrd over to hit \mlt claiming to have
e.wile M.S. w u branded a kidMpjailed, harassed and evem
per in Inlerpol files.
physically abused by foreign
In addition to forwarding unveripolice official* because of
fied and untrue information. Inlerpol
chief S i m had bypassed the c o m a
fake tepom circulated by
diplomatic channels in requesting
M.S.* arrest. Circumvention of these
channels renders any arrest faqucsl
H i e agenu falsely accused crew
H a s « n tudoulclearly i n * telex members of pastpon violations and
about the case that the Stale Depan- had oac crew member arressed for no
apparent reason. H i t * t * d oner forma
-AS EMBIASSYI AWARE A HE- ofharatsaaentfromthelnierpolancnu
QUEST fOk PROVISIONAt AR- CHiaed the ship's sailing tote delayed.
«EST MOT S E W VIA OUtOThe businessman was eventually
MATJC CHANNEL IS NOT VAUD allowed to take his ship to San Oiego.
The Stale Ocpartment's assistam Interpol's harassment coil hsm a y q l
legal adviser, ICE. Mabnborg, subse- deal of lime and money.
Accord u\gioh»wnaensuscmesit.
CMsunng him for Interpol't actions. "I have commiued no enme yet wat
'From time lo lime in ihe piist." he hounded .,. by Imcrpot agenu and
said, -we have had difficulty wilk agents of a foreign country, my crew
people being arrested abroad forcMra- hcldiajailfornoappaicMtawviola•Nitionanwstructions irun Imerpol.
In Mimhrr iitvianrr. FREEDOM
Magaust obuioed an affidavit from •
former U S . Imerpol agent worluiuj
abroad, declaring mat is 1963 Imerpol
agents ptaMad drugs on individuals
amt m * e w homes s* order 10 mats
anssu amttoast people up for imsns: agent, whose name wat withheld a! hit request, included isumrmui
details in hissii page affidavit, signed
in September 1976. of illegal aciivukt
and violations of individual rights by
mtcrpol agents and officials wiik whom
he kad worked. H o e ate ikon u cergo:
• "(Name deklcd| then gave me
M 0 t i r e and told me to go downtown
and buy some ... jugs ... used for me
illegal manufacturing of hfmin ... so
we could leave them around the house
and make « look at though we hast
butted • heroin manufacturing faciluy. We had not caught a mannfanuring facility."
•"(Name delctcdlkncw that I knew
a person named El Haras. IName deietsdttold me that he wanted to bust El
Haras very bad.|Namedeleied|wanled
10 set E l Hans up..,. I said I would not
set him up. IName deleted, then asked
me if I would invite El Haras to my
apartment to that be (Name dekicdi
could talk with him, t wlrt him I would
do mat.
T h a i tame day. {Name deleted,
told me Ihu he had acquired 33Ogramt
of heroin. When £1 Haras came over 10
sec me. before he got in the door, l O u
IS police jumped on him. I k e y then
htm.Hcdwjmxhsv*n.... k w a t a a t * -
In another case, involvmg murder
and dissemination of false information, a British protestor. M m Caw-
Interpol and Individual'Privacy
land. « u lulled ia France ia March
According to * special report
1973. Hit 21-ycar-old son. Jeremy, published by FREEDOM ia I M S ' ,
who kid beta invclmg with ku (ante, "Officials ~f»"*«^ A M Cartland's
* M iajund by ike aaacaen,
wttiimt activities auy be
Yout^ Cantaad wm intcmgated Mhamyaeriout * • * _ "
by rrenrfc policefatt u h—rt at mt
hospital and for U K kourt mat* • a
hewa«lutoahitwnuB«fr.eir»jrt i a d a
Tfce consequeiKca of Intcrpol's
• o k a * are such lhat the privacy rights
Ufcagku father
afmany peoptecnbeviolairi) through
' TWBnuihCbasttUMi
aad Cartlaad was heed.
faruamptc.ia Aug usi Ittf.lMerpoTs
Jeremy Ibea lauarhw) kit own U S . N C t mistakenly K M wvciat
iavcstigaiioa iaio ike attack on his f«- computer tapes compiled by U.S. law
raadluattcil Heckar«ed<)«*ia»
tht to*uqtiemcti of /»l
He icturncdio France for hcantgt
t*rpoft actions «v» tuck Uun
H he kjied 10 a n 10 ate bottom « f t i t
•ikt privacy ngku of many
tamer's murder.
Although ike search for * e « M r d a c n was fruitless, oft oae of young
Canlaad't trip*, a magistrate toldoat • f o r m a t i o n .
':'••:'•" ' '
of kit lawyers ikM kc kid docvatcMtHuman rights advocates
uoa (tarn laaerpol ihatCanlaad was •
have pointed ml -how easily
At Canland described ii. "The
sensitive daw oMprivtue citiiflemooa session had tuned and ftetunseam fall imo the wrong
au» like magistrate) reached dtamalically MHO kit desk drawer and readout
Ike message from Inttrpot ia whtcbftl
Profcuur Pamcroa wa> saidjio ktvc
a|cacic« to » private
described me as 'a liar who could hot
Mpaay ia Otuwa called
be inisied.' He (ike aufuiraiel even Advanced
tofommioa Tackaologir*
okuacd ike laterpoi a>M iA ou< a m - < AIT) Corporal ion.
cacc 10 coaTira Ike amhcaticiiy of ttm
I k e tapes (cpaneiMy contained
ienaitive infwmaiioa. 0* irabviduala.
Canland't Uwyert. however, thM bad OKoe iitom ike Imroigftiioe
reached Paofetsor Camrroa. who ia-_
taiad writing any tach'
k was eventually revealed that
Jeremy's father had worked with she
French Resistance as pan of British
intelligence during World Wat i i . He
harl ahobecathe first intelligence taaa
an eater Gestapo headuuanen in Bruttels. where he located • list of Fatacb
ana Bclg>aa hkii coHaboawrs.
Spntf>«af for Uicrpol aad A I T
downpUyed Ike iacident. However,
kuiaa rigku advocates pointed out
k k f f
•eattltvc dau a t private ckuea> caa
f t t i h
Today, tkrougk t u computer
Itokupi wiih (he U.S. NCB. iMeipol
hat acceu lo iofunuiion comaiaed a
the H i d of the latcmal Revenue Service. US. Cuuonu. the Dru| EafoKc• e n Admiaiiimioa. ike Federal
Byrraii nf lnvntj|aiina mt wfcrr fad
ant atencies.
la fact. thcK ageacic* have rep*,
araiilivet workiag dutcily al l*ttrpa(
hcaikiuanen in tyon. fiance, mi
p t i i n g infonaaikMbacttMdfonhto
Ike Intetpot General Secrttarui. ia
diiect violaiion of OS. privacy U*s. It
akould be noted agaia Ikat tnteipol it t
privaieorganiiaiina,nntago»«ra«iraM l body.
la addition, Menbcn of oiker
NC8t and govcratcnii around * c
world are raiptoyd at Uterpolhtad«>unen.
A> described in Chapter 4,
laierpot't leaden have claimed thai
Ike Interpol General Secieunai "consuu of imemational police ofHcen
who have ^ivenuptheit »Wegi»nceto
•heir individual couMfiet for BV term
•aaignetf to Irucrpol."
Funhermom. Mroiigk iK Siate
tiauoBfrogntra ia Ike Untied Suto'.
Interpot now auy be provided with
information directly froatlhe law ca>
This opens the door to whotctalc
abuse of individualrightsand <n*>uve
iavatioa of privacy, m infoanitioa
heUby the Maiesori individual. c*» tie
carelessly ^iswminated » laterpoFs
1 % problem is. an iMcaumoMl
one. According to * November 30.
BieWek, the heart of lalerpol's « •
headquarters in Lyon is a massive
computer, one of the world's fastest,
laaerpol admits the computer bat
' A> 14 OnciKbn » . 19»i. m t»U M W M
, Wti.
f i m oarage capacity to hold de- him thai Ike might be Suaanae Allailtd information on 250*00 people. brecht.
When the filed a complaint with
Die Well reported thai the Interpol
computer can receive and procesa the Federal Criminal Office via her
lawyer, ike nceiwa the calming mUubt
| t f t f j y
ply. - A l l concerned *earcfcyiave»ugaMg * e iaformatioa at oace after aroc•ory measuret have been canccUad.*
otmg to aay number of laterpol ofHer lawyer wm informed. -The
fice around the world — 3.000 metkauaa oHicialt were alao mojueatad
lago a day rnaniaing iwiniaw dalailt
via lelex to cancel the aamc of yotar
af private
altotold. -AtlpcnoaaldaWKprdiag
your client have been cancelled from
domcttic dau banktMau collacThe accumulation of hundreds of
moutands of dotsien on private citi- t k m i "
jeat withoul their knowledge m consent leads itself to abuses.
The caae of Susanne ft. from
Munich; Germany, provides an e i aaspte As reported by the Munich
newspaper. AV/trfwuiuf. oft lanuary
hee« deleted from all press account*.
luHcnd no leas am* shrec false arttsu.
la each intunce. her identity was
confiued wiih that of M iruemaiional
temrisi. Suwnne Albrecht. On each
occaskm, Susanne 8.. who bean no
rcsembunce to the terrorist, hat been
•ppraheAdedby police with drawn aad
janded weapons, Each tiane. she wat
aaholiday u» Italy.
According to Abemkeiumg, in
1911, three ctrabtweri .armed with
machine guns bunt into Suunne's
Vicetua hotel room in the middle of
me night She' wat taken to a poftce
of iaierrotaiion.. at well m aumrrout •
hodysearcnes. h was found thai the problem had
originated in die German police computers of the Federal Cnminat Office
•m Wiesbaden, the teat of the laierpot
National Central Bureau in <
. _ _ , cam JtU
" manyptopteartiMjailimany
of the ISO member countries
of Interpol, havingcommiaed
Jav»crime, just because load
' police received an momymom
or unverified report on them.
"Interpol headquarters \
Mas continued its refusal lo '
submit itself to an independ- '
era control of its data flow.
There is only one remaining
alternative: that the various
her hotel room. The "repair crew" had
a machine- gua and outlet-proof jack-
i i*rf»«-ianrlaMy very "Pf*i by dhia
atnagof falte anetlt. Suuaac potaatd
C M how catily a bullet might have
ham find by i r f i l i a l during any of
to m*ee iacidcau.
AfcraWuuiMj reported that Italian
antic* affinals even told Sutaanc B.,
a*ar aw rntid iacidem, thai ma could
lanaea agaia, at aay time.
ftaacoit Bonnet, eduonal contiih.
ant to ike Church of Sciemology't
tokique A Ubeni in Paris, stated. "The
rnamplr of Sutanne B. tkowt riat
daaarn of uncontrolled penoaal dan
flow via Interpol While * e false iafnnaalinn from the Federal Crimiaal
Office could be conected in Germany
dye lo ike domriiic data prwtniaa
law*, dut did not occur in Italy.
are ia jail ia any of ihe ISO member
couBtrict of latcipol. having mmmiited no crime, just because local police
received an anonymous or uavenfiad
nepan on them.
"mtrrpol hf aiKyiarrrf* K M rttmt*fttied i u refusal to submit itself to an
independent control of iu dau flow.
These is only oae winning ihrrnt
live: ami the varwus
(rici caned their i
Western European nations have
takes the leadia providing protecnoaof
rightt of iadividuakv
Sutarme had no reason to feel
One major step to kelp private
calmed, however, upon her neu viw
to Italy.That came u» June IMZ.whca citizens wat taken by Ihe Council of
she was lunouadcd by • (warm of Europe •alanuaryl'MI.when kpataad
police ia civilian attire iaaa open pi- the Convention for the Plctcclioa of
tii* ia Viccaua and anettad * gmv Individuals with Regard lo Ataomnaic
Paxcssiag of Penuaal Data.
This conveatioa tutet in Article
la November 1911, while staying
Uierpol he«duuarten in the huaiiag
ia a hotel in Grotteto. t u police, dis- 6. "Personal dau revealing racial ondowttof lerruruu.
Suwnne had gotten imo ihe police guising themselves as » heating Mail gia, political opinion* or itiigiout or
rnmpinrrt hated on tome anonymous repair crew, appwatiVd S u n — ia olhar beliefs. at well at pcnoanl dau
Interpol and Individual
coacenung health or sexual life, may
ma be processed automatically unless
domestic law provides appropriaM
safeguards. The state dull apply h>
personal t t o i c t a u a j t a i
Attack 7 t u r n , -,
cumy T U M I C I shall at itkaafartht
arotecuoa of aenoaal tea atgaed m
•ta^asMteti dau files afaiasi acadnsjal
of pggmtarijgj detiruxiMNt ar acci*
a*aialtoiiaiwcUatagtia»''»»'' | kai
lion of Imerpol a holding itself above any respect. Inierpol consumly underthtuwsoadauproiecuoai.
takes measures Ikat iocrfcre wita Ike
Writing u lac taw journal rithu of individuals (especially ike
Dtmtckn Vrn«*luMfiMur, Dr. ftie extensive slot ate and Innsmiisioa of
fh> Mated:
personal dau) and which rajutre legal
T h e dubious legal position of authuduiian under domcaic law.
laicrpolauiu be considered very qucs"The problems indicated |abovc|
tioaaaie from the viewpoint of domri- arc further compounded by me (art of
lic tow is regard to <rarjerauo»oa the my imitpemltai control ofiheJmtrexchangeof informal ion bet wee* the pat kta&iwuim ana* JAW ihert u *
federal Crimicul (XCK-T wwj Inrc
loci of ofy rfffitivt
the ckuea wnofcat several possikililies of control, ia and out o< court, over
•olice activities in now practically
without any protections as soon as data
ost his person reaches the ttMcrpull
Geaeral SecrctariM in P « u
"a. 10 establish ihe ciiucace of aa
unnamed personal dau fife, iumaia
purposes, at weil at dtt idenwy a a i
kabtual ariirtrarr or priacipalfiiaceef'
k f k U f * A k
"b. to obtain at reasonable
valt aad without excessive delay or
expense coanrraaiion of whether personal dau relatsng to hua are stored ia ;!
the automated dau filet at wit) M s
f inammm aii<m so him of titdtdau.ja>
"c. to obtain, as the case may be.
rectification or erasure of such dau if
these have been processed contrary to
the provisions of domestic law, living
effect to the basic principles sel out ia
Articles J and 6 of this convention.
"d. lo have a remedy if a reujueM
for the case auybe.
coauumkalioa. icclirKMua ofr eraW R at referred 10 n pancnfht b
e of ihit article n aot coKplied wiik.
Ifuerpof. however, is not covered
der lhi» coavcMwa. Since Imerpot
I pnvue (foup, individualf aue aoi
^ . Jtccicd from imnuioM by Inierpol
aad the coavcnuoii's ufefiuudi do
• a prevcm laerpol from coaiotiiaf
aaddiueouaaiing lafonutioa.
la Auftui IWI2 in WeuGermany.
Dr. Rcinhatd Ricfel. • (ovenuBCM
cipen o* dau protection Uwt mt
i l i v i r h u l h f h u . cnucucd ike pou32
"Funher. (here u fWjtuanaicc at
this point lopreveot or cltirunc when
domestic pro4cctivc legal regulations
(for examphK die prorubMion to use
illegally obtained iaTormation...» get
subvened after a foreign NCO has
obtained data from me Federal CrimiaalOffice-
In I9«7, the OS. General AccountfelOMf at tttmtt nfHmieh Ctrmumy.
iag Office (C AO> issued a report oa
wat mtucto* ftutt 4igrtt
laarrpol. which staled in part:
k l i t
- I k e O S NCB generallydoesau
4 Ike Feitimi Crimimml Offir* im aueaspt to verify Ihe data il receives
from other law enforcement agencies
Ot other auuwulcd systems, hut reliel
oa the colhxtioa agency 10 ensure
m ike' one hand. a«d •• retard 10 ike accuracyfuoctio* of ate ((Merpoli General
la other words, interpot does not
Secretarial iafaru Maccami aftacy verify l i e accuracy of the data that it
receiver, and.uwaldaucan be kern to
law enforcement agencies in any of
dut IMeipot. accordiag » i h e correct faterpot's member countries, police
view (since il u » private group), can- action can be initialed ba>ed solely oa
not be considered at an organinikm unverified or false allegations from
subject 10 iatemaiional law. Moreover police officials in another nation,
the likelihood of police action
aad decisive for this position is the
i i f o i e s i e d and indisputable fact thai ensuing would depend solely on the
the euhanfe of infomuiioa aciiviiies judgment of ihe police official receivby the interput headi|uanen bas act ing ihe information. There afe no other
haca auHkioaily auaterued by law m checks or balances.
not yat a iMHifcat al1
me fact thai a U.S. citizen would have
no recourse in Ihe event that false InUTpul infonuiioa enisled or was acted
upon, l a c report noted lhal (he VS.
NCft had exempted itself front moat
provisions of (he Privacy Act a* follows:
"... U S . N C 8 aeednot provide aa
iadividual with access 10 his/her owa
camxt his/her records;
"... Aa individual hat no civil
remedy for violation by the aatacy of
any of me act** provisioas;
"... U S NCB need aoi iaform
mate who supply infamution of the
purposet for which Ihe infc—niina
caabe used."
to addition, m earlier ( i A O report
on U.S. involvement in Inierpol. released in IV"J6. noted that in more than
half ofihe sample casesreviewed,the
OS NCB had lacked she lull ducuasnMtlion it needed to disscminaie
Jnfonaaiiiinvalidly.bulriad goat ahead
aarlrliiiimiaatLj il aayway.
This poial was clearly showa ia a
- * * ~ » — by Norman Jackson, ia a
M f y Ttletnpk article of Decemhrt
The uruation observed by the GAO
7 . 1 M 9 . Jackson, the senior technical
in ihe Hawed Smetholdt true in every
duector for the International Air Transluerpol member country in the Wflrld.
port Attorialina. located ia Geneva,
staled thai a new imeUigcace ageacy
d a u received through Jmerpot.
waa urgcnily needed to tackle the riac
The country sending the iaforma- of technology-backed lerrorisu.
ooa has no knowledge of the «ac to
He said that pan of the problem
regarding Imerpol't exekaage of iafarmalioa
ia the area of terrorism it
No civil resaedjes exist for iadividwla abused by medissemiaauoa or lhal slates imprord of prosaoling ttrrurism arc oalnserpolcommiuees, thus
other use of falselmerpolu
itaiiliveinformaiina can easily be uaed
cvcathaughiaiomelnicn _ .
countries oaewouldbe lucky toeacaa* for ami-social or lenoriat actioaa
agaianl Ihe rest of the world.
alive once imprisoned.
la a Reuters wire of Deceaaber 14.
as Ubya. i n n , lot). Syria, Chile aad 1949. il was anted that the signing of
Cuba have access loiheaaassive Imer- the Sdttngea treaty between Gerpol dau bank, Ihe problem is a sigaifi- many. France. Belgium, she Nethercant one. These countries are known 10 lands; aad iMifmbourg was opaoaaa
be involved ia terronsi action* or antisocial activity, but yet are ia receipt of
information from Inierpol hradntur).
ters, including the Weekly Ons} laMtliaeaccMrtiar
Interpol and Individual Privacy
by the Belgian repinenutivc. who
Mated be would only sign ike acaiy if
all partners «|iccd ihM ktfcrpoi wouW
not kc * e central kody chargad w i * .
fa * 4
Hat uead is away ima coaawauon with Intqpol. with mttmmmm <•*•*.
affMiv* liaa.
Won * c Imerpal Hcaduuaners
AgneaMM in effect since I 9 M , Ike
group now enjoys nearly craaplfir
inununuy Aon tetpnmihility or oversight. This immunity was lauded by
unities provided
• f vital iatponancc."
l a c provisions of Ha kratlosjar-
• Ankle 7. wkick uatct. "Ike
•iduvct of ike oigaauaMMi aao\ ia
Aadrt Bouaid. h n w lecmaiy y e n j . all rtnr«nfn«rln«gia« toot
I of lM«pol. wme u> ike Aani kdd by ji m wkgKvcr ton*. tkaU be
d i < b t ' /
Criminal Potict Meview that a l«72
agitenwal with ike French govern• Aflick I I , wkick gives inunu• e a t had "Made no provisions for ate •ilyaMoaly«>lMeipolasanorgMuuinviolability of die hcadquanenv for lioa. but also to ju individual staff
immunity hum legal process, or lor aeatbtn. wkethet ikey aic cuneaily
protection of Ik
aaploycd by ta«yol ar kavc left ake
The key whkk fira opened duon
it lo gain muwiaiiy and ibeicby opoatc wiik impunity, is iu l«er-0ovcmakcnul OrganiuitoD itaut (font afc
United Nations,
In Ndveascf WK9. erofewoc
Oouwe Korff. an international tcgd
eipett in Holland and adviser w
Amoniy tmemaiional. «otd ike pocliskcn of ibis boaklei. "Die peculiar
Iking i» IhM iMcipol has immunity as
an Iwer-Govfnuf M»l Organuatioa,
while they ait not suck an
"Ulis puts them above uVnilet of
privacy, especially those in relation to
police. This is dangerous *sit lays
open ike possibility of misuse of their
• "... Interpol (wasf organized as a private organization by police officers, never submitted its constitution for ratification by any government,
land) has located its headquarters in France where it has been granted
immunityfrom the legal process by the Government of the French Republic,
thereby placing the organization above the laws of any land, not being
legally accountable for its acts;
"... 11 Individuals andorgaHizations have been unable to rectify the files
on themthat Interpol. while having conclusively proven they were false, has
sent uncontrolled across borders, secretly showing them to judges, leading
in several cases to wrong imprisonment of the civilians involved; land I
"... Interpol insists that its highest priority is stopping the flow of international drug trafficking, while in recent years, Imerpol officials have been
reported as being involved in drug trafficking in several South American
countries and possibly others."
I umeroui »nve»tigalion» into InI icrpultuvebcca carried out over
l i k e yarn.
May »975 by a O S Senate panel
ctuind by Senator Joseph Momoya.
Ihe Kiuuor was concerned about
InttipoTs involvement in iajcHigriHT
'.• _ ..
As detcntwd fl>Oiapiet 4, Inlerp»t is forbidden % I U charter from
engaging in nuiicr^ of a poluk J .
auliiaiy, rcligiuiu or racial clurat'ier,
I U e iiciivii'iek.bcinginhcKnily
»NCLE> befure ike U.S. Hoiue of
ttepfrsentalivcs' Siihronwmcr on
Treasury Appropriations levelled thai
Imeipot was involved ins intelligence
DutumeMs provided lo Ike subconmutiee in 1977 by NCLE nude it
clear Uuilnteipol perfunru intelligence
woii. The papen showed tfut ike
using Imerpul as a Trunt" in m katl
ajucMtnlimonyby one counuy where, according to the
National C m — m v m on Law document. The govenmtew would
EnforccnMM and Social iusiicc be embamsscu. M O uw iomga teU-
political, would conuiu
Ouringiiuesiioning by the senator.
InttrpoTs then tccittxy general, lean
Ncpotc. assencd. "We kavc never had
any aeason whatsoever evestio suspect
any emptoyee of being an imeliigcacc
Interpol Under Investigation
"Reoucsit nude lo the U.S. Bulions with that govcnuacal coascoueaUy disrapled, if ii were officially reau generally did not involve estabacknowledged a W a cooperated wtak lished international criaiaib or Urge
crime syndicates," their report slated.
me CIA."
Funher. alatosi half of the sample
Another eiaaipkof ihe iattnwm
cats reviewed by ihe GAO ihowcd
publicly ctpoted a M y i « U . Zkw ate* laterpoi jc<|uesied information oa
Eauo of ate People't lUauhlir «f Mviduafebatedonmada|uaieduciiChiaa. a aatamtr of mteraoJ't Exacu- meauiioa of alleged offenses, this ia
livc Cnmaniirir. wm a^tiatd entry •» M A led to ihe creation of files a t
ihc United S u m haasd m evidtaet private aiueas M 4 M agencies coa• a i Eauo had served at me case ollir
cer for Lany Wu TaiChi*.*format
1 1 K GAO#tpon abo pouted owl
rifl trtailawnhn
Ihe dthgen of a counuy'i 4au being
naued into * e tandi offoreigntMdlineace agimiii "In n a c countries."
* c tcporl auieA ftm aUiaace of foreign aolipe tyueaM with Ihe inltUifrar* knmeket ccnaialy does awl
la 1976. a IXS Genera
aujOITice(GAO)Mveiii(aiaaaofUj. awirlnda- < • ahafint of anch iafnnaa
iavorvcmem'ia mterpot watdoac «
Ouring vitiu *» fuciga, NCB»,
ate asouesi of Congressman John &
GAO ihvenigawn vcie awwrcdthn
Moat and Scaatoc Moatoya.
ppvided by ihe United
After a randan uaipliiu. of caaet
handled by Ihe U.S. NCe.GAO*aves- Stale* M nafintrni couMnet « » «e>
mnae4 an police fhanarli I * (heir
involved iadividvala wife no frior icpoft. Ihnwf vrr» #xey ^ottolud^d,.
"IkeK <a a» practical way to <aw>e
n i n •iir^ naiini iri
Maw. « M tM H«
*—f to*Makie>a»•• * * • * « < « «
Ihu it ihe oaiy w e nude of ihc mla•
The GAO MvettigNed lalerpol
•twain !9t(7.and(ouiidih«t««e-U.S.
NCB generally does not aueajoi to
verify Ihe dau ii icceivo fraa other
law enforcciiteal ageaciei or other
aumamrd lyueaM. but icbai on the
agency to ewwicaccwicy."
CallsfortaveuigMioru into latcrpolhaveimrra«rtf.a> evidence of tup
late root officials' wvolvcnteat ia drug
tra/ficting aad other tUegalilici hat
coBtiaued «o svrface.
In I94t9 alone. iavckUgauow of
this private potica group or as top
ofliciato were dramdrd inamnroia
tJatCoaacil of Europe*.
emtfum cowiria. w« rmaliihnit w tmm
« « • itky md c—fmtMnlm mam *» <*•
i M k f
Oa July 4. 1989. 13 members of
me Council of Europe issued a motioa
callingforaa tmaiivc mvctligauoa
lae atotioa tuted, in part:
lauupol "operates intemalionally
wah no governmental oversight from
ajty of ill member organizations";
•"uterpui provides dossiers, oa
•cuuea. via coNtoulec imertiak. to
potkeorgaruzjuioatinniembercoun- Atitirilim t4tm*ncfrml*mntUwu Ktm,
triettround the world, aatongti which
aie lr*» tad Ubya who have |btea| mHukutmtkimt. l»frtyt<m.Cotam*»>rteu+mll*coVviiu.ctmtT.lutdka
thowa to be mvolved ta iair ratiioail
•"... bucrpol (wa*| Ofgtniied as •
private oiganiuiioa by police officers, never submitted itf constitution
for ratification by any government,
"c. Effective ways to control Ihe from his alleged activiiiei in proteci(and) hat located i u headuuanen ia iMemaiionalCrirnuul Police Organi- ing and taking moaey from drug trafFrance where m has teen granted
tation. lmerpol. in a democratic fash- ficken.
Government of (he french Republic, ion should be considered... tothalla•creby placing the organUtiionabove
ate lawtof any land, aotoeiaglegally itoacu;
Oa October 26.19119. Ihe Honor"d. Slria measures should be
tccouauble for i u acu;
elaborated and asewnauaded to en- able Lewi* Kent. Auuraliaa Member
• . .irtndiviaualtaadwianiuiioin sure that... * refusal by tatcrpol to
of Parliament, demanded answers of
have been unable to <cciifyihc(ile>oa reveal aad fccufy files onrequeu by an
Iheat ihai Imcrpol, while having coa- individual or organiuiioa it tcruu- ate country* attorney general regafdckuively proven they were fall*, hat ma4 by aa mdependeai. deauxnti- ing Aiaunlia'iiavoTvemeat wuh laterseat uncoNrolloi across borders. <e- cally chotea coauaiuec that comrcai
Among the pointk of his formal
canly thowing themtoiudge*, teadiag l l
tatcnoguury were the following:
ia several iaan tot wrong imprison"Which Australian police taut is
•eat of the civilians iavolvol: funtil
charged with the mponsioiliiy u
• "... iMcrpol iuiku thai tu higliesi 9tMtmmmm9mmt
cooperate and/or to maintain caatact
priority it uopputgtlie flow of tntcmawith laterpoi?
' Wntidruguafficking. while ia«ece»t
"Mow many persons serve ia ate
years, Uterpol officialt have beea
Meiica* Attorney Geaerat £ari•epurted as being involved <• drug
"What it me coal of I
•MlHiking in ievcrat Sown America* queAlvarOdelCuiilloanaowncedon
July 6.19W. IBM Ihe foraWbeadoT Ihc unit?
countries u d possibly others."
"What is Australia's!
themotion calls fodhefoUowing; Intcrpot ta Meiico. Miguel Aidant;
Iharra. was being tavesiigawd oa cial coatribwioa to Interpol?
"». Ihe kuiiu of Imerpot with Ihe clwrget of corrupuoa aad drug anf"... how auny fonarr war crimiCouncil of Europe Utou Id be reviewed; Ticking.
aalt were tracked dowa after World
"t>. An inventory of trui>trct*ion*
The chargcv sleauned ftoai Wai II by buetpol. or with tigaiTtcaal
foouninrdbytaterpolOwuldhedrawa Atdwa'tcumpliciiy iathe murderof t attituaceby bucrpol; if so, it ha abk
proauacM jounwliu ia IVM.aad alto
Interpol Under Investigation
lo provide their names?
"Have ike lajopol duncf and its
cation by Australia?
Austral g
support «o«cs la bring IMCIBOI under
ate coturol of. Md sake it i
U N . or a t
and into reports dial be fiustraicd attempts 10 capture I wo of ike McdcllK
cartel' drug lords ia Colombia.
Lyon. just afewweeks phor u his
As covered earlier ia this handbook, the former Iruerpol chief of
Oaiuuuiy 31. IvyO.nmembiaof
Ihe Chamber of Rcptnciuajivcf of
Puerto Rico. David Noriega (no relatioa to die fonnei Pwwnunuia dklaloiK decried the drug uafficluag K' tivJtiet of lopj Imerpul uiiicub, m&
called for an invcttitwiu* "•"> P*""
far*regionat office of iMerpolonUic
Mr Kem also sought i
from ate attorney general is rcgaat at
ike iavolvcaiem of Uterpolafracialtm
drug trafficking and Intcrpol's viol*
lias of Article ) of iu contiuuuon —» O '
unoh*m*M in drug'
A reiiotuiioa Rep. Noricg* inlroU-. breaking iu own rule* m l inter- 'wifickiMg on* other iUegotiduccd inlo ine Chamtef of Represenvenmg ia auaen of a political, auhl Mes has comimmd to surface. tatives noted ibai "Recentreportretary. arliajiiai orracialchanoar.
veal thai ihe director of liuerpol of
Panama w u involved in tne drug Inffickio» activiiics of Ccnenl Manyd
aad None«a"i «lote beach- Aaio»io Noriega in Panama."
On February 20.19», Taori
A (borough probe was needed, he
tinerepottedikat Cneral loU Guilt' jaU »y W.S. foicei ia laouaiy1990 al staled, "considering especially the
ermo Medina Saacbu. ColoMbia'a For! Clayioa m Paaaraa, ami aMtrder tamunuics that Inlcrpol demands ...
Imerpol chief and headofibecounuy'i caa/tes were filed agaioil him.
and the abuses thai can be perpetrated
Madrinaa had acceti» coafiden- wider such unmuaiiics.'*
dc« Virgdio Barco Vatjai aficr dac
(caeral caate unort uupicionot bcui( lalcrpol brartmmnetv and was ia tlo» ibe payroll of McdeUtadrug kia«- lendaax ai «ke Nuvembcf/Dcccnbcr
As of early 1990, there were also
>9«9 Interpol General Ancmbly ia
pm Pablo Ewobar G»vina
calls for iavcstigations of Imerpol or
la March 19(9, Colombia's Su- »
m m l a a i n lop interpot officials in Sweden. West
preme Conn ordered • formal probe
Germany. France. Switzerland, * e
iau Medata't rok ia
Nrthrrliartt aad latOaind Stales. A
Is Interpol
• *",., lo many velera* taw officers who have dealt with Interpol. it is a
slow-moving, archaic bureaucracy which seldom performs useful work."
ntcipoTs slated aim is "To ensure »nd promote the widest
jposubte IDIMIMI itiitimff toe*
iwcen all criminal police auihuniies within the limits of ike laws
e listing in Ihe; different countries and
in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
Raihcf than accomplishing this
aim, lop tnierpot officials have been
fouciirigaclimaie conducive jocrirne.
serious, offenses, and iJtotoking ikeir
pout km* unorder loproieict or forward
cnnunalaciiviitef. ,
' Toe question arisestoto whether
ImcipotMseK wiihtis many liabir«ies,
is necessary. Are there other system*
that could provide ihe same services as
Inlcrpol, bul without Ihe risks aad
viotuions of civil rights?
nations already use other means of
in Ihe United Stales, for eumple,
whercuxptyenpaymillions annually
10 finance ibe Washington Inietpol
office, channels ciiu for sending law
via the federal Bureau of lavesiigalion. ihe Orug Enfofcemcm Admiaiuration. the Customs Service aado*er
law cnforcemeM agencies.
and cxinduions between two nations
are normaHy c,6»ere^ W&t bilateral
agtwmenu.1^ vaSSoss £ £ C counmes have- also patted • special coavcation in this regard.
Since artests i * Iruerpol amabcr
nations are Made by national agencies
widtia Ihose countries—not by laterpol — no proper law enforcement
functions would be kw if tmerpoldsd
The U.S. Stale Depanmeni.
Whai is ayjtl significaM about
U.S. cmbauy officers,fewa
lateipol's activities is thai
system forreponingon the sutus of
Americans arresied abroad. Tile United
States also has a "Legal" (short for
legal attache t system as pan of Ihe
FBI. FBI Legals are attached lo American embassies around the world. Their
functions include liaison with foreign
police and many of the other activities
of an Imerpol NCB
A December 27. 1976. General
Accounting Office (CAO) report provided evidence which demorutralcs
•sat laterpoTs functions are superfluous aad thai Imerpol iucif is ineffective.
After a careful study of Interpol.
* e GAO noted thai "foreign police
and National Central Bureaus make
extensive use ofaoa-lmerpolthiaarli
ia dealing with U.S. matters. Our over•cas discussions indicated that foreign
police prefer Ihe cony* aural ma than
ads of overseas U S agencies la satisfy criminal information needs.
T h e Drug Enforccati
atrauoa. FBI. Custoau. and. to a huaar
Is Inierpol Really Necessary?
eitcat, such agencies M ike Seem iafnnailioarrgsriiiat'rTirnrisirniirlr
Service Md Immignuoa aad Naw- dmctiy la overacts of&cc* of U4.
T h e tendency of faatiaa pohce
aad ctaml bureaus it to ay M a t o m
A leaaoa why lajerpot it not utilbacause a r y arf tmtidntd
jmm. tatd to a greater Client by member
mtnftMitUtkn%lmrp»li»mmn( • M U M VM outlined to FREEDOM
tkt ijawr €f rater ihry aaadV. amf Migitintby »i«nBtrU.S. Marshals
aorr tgrcmt or Utl u m u w » M Service official who wqurtanl n >
ayaiity. the fact it, he said, govern'**maty 4» « M « • »
Local police fonxthivc ihckotuf.
I of liiitim «>•> taafft polio.
pl h | F i r
Section ia a e l o t
Police DepwimcM <LAH» which
ipecifically dcak w«h tncluH * » •
•ad tppirhrnrtim CTMUMI* at «•>•
pwu in (otcifo
or ihe LAf&'i ow» (tact
caaucu wiih foici|* polkt. A4£Oidia| 10 an officer m this wciio*. aht
LAPO only wed Uuerpol two ot4iiM
l i a n betweca I9S5 «H> I9tt9.
TheUS.itauxDepwUtcniauMUiw offices in caUM ciuet which
help Mulkt police dtpuutenucooidinMC with (ORI|« police force* to
track dowa m
The Justice Department altoauia>
Uiat a Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECCt Ueach of the
, t i ^ pmAif^ dntnttt fafh rtwmiMsff
i of representatives from the
' weal, uale aad federal law
eafotcemeni agencies in • district: at
will if necessary help mne agencies
liaise with foreign law cniorccmeai
agencies to appreaead cnauaatt and
pan-are esirndaioa pspert.
Adduioaally. at me IV76 CAO
ncpon aosnd. the vast aujoruy of fori a> Bkc liaised States for
•lowandcumcenome. Ancumpleirf
Ihii occurred foUowiag ihe anal ia
Mompelier, Praace, of a criauaal
wanted by police ia Ihe Wetl Genua
oly of Munich.
The Muaich police ludtieca lootia| fot the ana for momha and had
•eat a tele« to this effect to lateipui
hcackfuanen ia Parii in Auguu I9WI.
flench police wbteqvcMly WRUed
the .aa*, but Imcrpot bead^uanen
dida't contider it aeceuary to iafona
* e Munich police of that fact
la December I9t>. ihe Gernua
The 49?6GAOrep<j(1 showed ih* police cumputcr uilf lined the enmiaal at bein» waaicd. Tfce Munich police laterdikcovcicdIhe anal fraaa*
catiiciy differcal aourcc of iafonaaMa.
' Coamentint on chit ctae. Herkt—fotUfUt m ctimou com- axan
f-gv, diurici chainaa* of the
0 trim. mnun$ m German tcdeiatioa of Criauaal Police, ilami. "Unforliiaafely. thin in not
ttritm oBemut. and exploit- ale only caie. Sometime* Ki|uekU lake
yean and (onaer. Utcrpot it tauilbo*
protect or fonmd criminal
:ipo| office
o>nte c««tle»» m ir«riint
wMhoui fmi
dfimni»i«t tf wcoid check* and i»vcui i
llow-moving. archaic bureaucracy
which seldom performs useful work.*
The September 22.1974. u u c of
me London Sunday Times ualedihai
laierpol "is considered an irrelevance
by mmy police forces in the world."
Inefficient, ttow-aKwrng. archaic
— if those words describe the real
wterpol. then what u this group, wiafc
m MtiiaiMina dnlltr budaa aad iu
worldwide network of amptoyati.
actually doing?
As documented by iaforaulion ia
Ibis fw**>~*; top laterpol officiak
throughout the world have turn Imtaa*
to drug b-affickiag. complicity ia
murder. pRMcciion of aujor drug carieU.brUiery.pc4uicalcon«ptwa.aa«
awacy laundering.
uifpoud 10 handle are all but aoaeiitteat; the few arresu that do result
from its work aic ataialy of MsahVliant
Meanwhile, drug cartels aad major drag anflickers cantiaue to •
Iwaipnl'i II mhi a tm m i n it
AjoumaluifoiwGeimaanewspiper wrote .nOecembeilS»Wt.-Ji»l"i>ol
ia Pant, which «tuppotcd lo coordi•MK the police work of mound 100)
countriet. tiill woriu with ihe uylc of
atugecoach... at pensive and Uow M
100 yean »»o. We get the bill i« Ihe
farm of higher rater of cnmiailily,'
•ce cited by the CAO.
latcipol't OS. NCB ttm ieasitivc
The perception of iMerpol at *
iafomauoa to » foreigii NC* coa- (low IMI bungling oiiMiizauun i* HOI
ccmuttaUS.citue»evcnthou(kihc new. laao «nicle emiiled "Does InterState Ocpanatcat had uibmiiiedafor- aot Thretten Your PrivicyT', ia the
aur dipjoaiaiif able to die country November SI. 1975. issue of Parwk,
foaiplniaiag low the iadivtduat had Ruben Walters wrote; "In novel* of
intenuiicii*) intrigue. Inierpol is *»
infallible, high-powered, worldwide
police department whoce agenu niaia
the globe in scaicb«f MaMcf criauAnothericawMlaierpolunoiuscd aal*.
ubeciuuc. wheaii come* lo ihe job of
"But to many vetenm law ofrieert
apprehcadiaf cnmiailv. latcrpot u who hive dealt with Inierpol, it is a
What Should Be Done About Interpol ?
Ike effectiveness to handle this SMu') auua in Ike Europe of 1992.
Willy Hclin. spokcsataa for ike
, Furopeaa Cnamiinilies' Executive
if OoflMUUlOA W i t fMHHfld M ikC SaMM
| article at follows: "We have tocaswc
I Ifcat things lifcednigtcaabt cnnhnllii,
I As we progrcu along ate pamtawaa*
I political integration, we wiH «vaMuI ally need a police force Mat caaja1 tpoadt to thai son of iHawmina. *
Internal, the aruck pointed ow.
I fj^M HMdaMIMHB 10 MMCt ilk
^Chaptcr6, it was described bow
Left: A •mm* elective Hwafttm •Uttmlii* to Imurpol aw been feepased by Wen
l^eCo—riiofEuropcpro- CermmCkmceUc Helm*Komi *.«*<r Im 19*7, VS. Com,reuma» Don btmurdt
tputed i tmnlmma lo thoroughly iavct- nmnrumMtmrnmel/S tnwnmtmftCtmtralAcfmu'iaiOffutuweutfuImermol
| u f u e Intapol m iu
iMd (ma tat mtki
Dkcaawmey general for Mexico, •
The Couacil of Eurapc. • c a k m
actively wvcsii(»iw(foOMeriMerpol
'*. The tuiiu of liucipal wiikike ckief Miguel Aldaaa Ibarra aad hi.
KilofE«niptikoulilbCfeirie>icd|. dr«(inflickiagaaiviuet while kead~b Aa iavcaury of iraasfrcuiom tag IMerpol. As •*!« of this iavesiigalioo, wfonaaiioa it being diifloird
regarding latfraol krirlqiianew* dii"c. EHcciive wiyt 10 conral the waiiaalioa of iafonaaiioa to the
|iMemaiional Chnuaal Police OCMU- Mtiican NCB while the put two
|uiion. Imcfpol. in a deaocraiic <Hk- Me uc*s(i»erpoi chieft,IACfecipieau
lion should be coasidend ... so IkM «f coafidemial drug oat*, have beat
|lMcipol kemher will he HfoiMMthlf drag«ra/ricUn.
The forawr IMerpol chief ia Panr iu acu....~
la Aioiutli*. Member of Fwlia- aau.NivaktoMadrinan.ww placed ua
i Lew/it Keni pmaned m inter jail by OS. anted forces m January
to ike ttumey gematt of 1990, and «unlef charges wcM filed
{Aiuinlia recantiiu} lateipol. iu legal agtiasi him laterpol's aclioas irt tup*
Hautt. <«i"^-""-tf~ of infonMUo*, pon of Noriega «*dM«dnaaaaadiheu
t involvement with drug Maffick* corrupt activities helped M tear thai
_1 States Congressman DOB
I* light of such actions, tuefpo! is
; teuuesicd that the General under scrutiay throughout the world,
- ™ i n g Office investigate iater- which is ike first uep — awaicnna
4 IB I9«7.andhasbccaiaieresiedin thai soaeihing is wrong and needs to
~ privacy violations caused by change. Based oa these investigations,
J's rlnirmiaanon ot
, will be audc and
Interpot is a private group that it a
public mftinT. out of control.
It it not a guvemmeaul agency,
audit isnot subject to any government.
It operate* in violation of iu own
ckaner and many of iu lop official*
have broken the law.
Asnoiedby members of ihcCouncil of Europe, thorough investigation
of tit transgressions is warranted.
laterpol has thowa by iu actions
that it should not have the authority
aad immunity it cunenily enjoys.
if you agree thai Ikt Inler-Govermmenlal Organization (IGO) status
fiveittolnierpol by ike United Nations
should if revoked, your ooimonand
voice Im ikis regard skould be made
knowm to the United Nations' Bcomomic and Social Council, The address is in the Appendices Write and
let your views be kmiwn.
privaty and freedom, support meat-.
ures lo have your nation's membership in liuerpol withdrawn, and
Imterpufs charier camelled. A