GSL previews - The McLeod County Chronicle


GSL previews - The McLeod County Chronicle
GSL previews
A look at Panther football, volleyball
— Page 1B
The McLeod County
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 • Glencoe, Minnesota Vol. 115 No. 35
Nelsons named 2012
farm family of the year
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
aggett Brook Farm, located south of
Brownton and just north of the Sibley County line, is home to this
year’s McLeod County Farm Family of the
Year, Duane and Mary Nelson.
The Nelsons have run their dairy farm since
1988 — nearly 25 years — but people still
refer to it “as the Delfert Bussler farm,” laughs
Mary Nelson.
The farm may seem small by today’s standards — 40 tillable acres and an average herd
size of 50 cows — but it is more than enough
to keep both Nelsons busy, as well as some
area youths whom they hire to help out.
Duane Nelson, Mary will contend, works
“full-time and a half,” while she also works
full time while also teaching two English
classes a day at GFW High School in
The Nelsons are not native to the area. Mary
Nelson grew up near Randolph, between Cannon Falls and Northfield, while Duane Nelson
grew up near Brainerd.
They met as students at the University of
Minnesota at a dorm mixer.
“I think he liked the way I skated,” Mary
Nelson jokes.
Duane Nelson will contend their mutual
love of cows drew them together. Mary Nel-
son, back in the day, was once a contender in
the Princess Kay of the Milky Way pageant (as
was her daughter, Brenda, some 20 years
later). Duane Nelson was once an “FFA King.”
The both graduated with bachelor degrees in
agriculture with an emphasis in dairy operations.
After they were married, the Nelsons went
looking for a place to start their own dairy
herd, and rented a farm near Owatonna.
“We started with 27 cows,” said Duane Nelson.
The couple soon realized that the herd
would not support them both, so Mary Nelson
agreed to stay home with the cows while
Duane Nelson got off-the-farm work as a hoof
trimmer and a job with 21st Century Genetics.
All three of their children, Tracy, Brenda
and Erik, were born in Owatonna, Duane Nelson said.
But the farm’s owner decided to move back
to the farm, and the Nelsons were again on the
lookout for a place to call home.
Which is how they ended up at Dagget
Brooke, where they built their herd to about 50
cows, mostly registered Holsteins and a few
registered Ayrshires.
They buy most of their feed, but also grow
corn for silage, also used for feed.
Nelson family
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Submitted photo
The Duane and Mary Nelson family,
McLeod County Farm Family of the
Year, were among families honored at
Farmfest in early August. The Nelsons’
farm is located on the McLeod-Sibley
border, south of Brownton. From left to
right are, Tracy Nelson, Brenda Nelson
Miller, Erik Nelson, Duane Nelson and
Mary Nelson.
Newman comments on
Supreme Court rulings
Photo courtesy of Dawn Peterson
Newest GSL teachers
Glencoe-Silver Lake welcomed its newest teachers to
the district on Tuesday morning. They include, front,
from left to right, Mike Sundblad, high school industrial
technology; Julie Grams, first grade at Helen Baker;
Samantha Vollbrecht, high school special education;
and Amanda Redman, sixth grade at Lakeside Elemen-
tary. In the back are Brittany Johnson, fifth grade at
Lakeside; Rebekah Haddad, high school ag instructor
and FFA adviser; Joe Morcomb, school counselor at
Lincoln Jr. High; Debra Butler, school nurse; and Sara
Johnson, part-time teacher for the deaf and hard of
The Minnesota Supreme
Court on Monday upheld the
authority of the Legislature to
choose the wording for the
two constitutional
amendments on
the Nov. 6
ballot. The
C o u r t
voted 4-2
T h e Sen. Newman
amendment” will be titled:
“Recognition of marriage
solely between one man and
one woman.”
The “voter ID” amendment
will be titled: “Photo identifi-
cation required for voting.”
Both were proposed by the
Republican-controlled Legislature, and the titles were later
revised by Secretary of State
Mark Ritchie, a DFLer.
Ritchie claimed his new titles
better reflected the intent of
the amendments.
State Sen. Scott Newman,
R-Hutchinson, the author of
the voter identification amendment legislation in the Minnesota State Senate, offered
the following remarks regarding the Minnesota Supreme
Court ruling on the constitutional amendment and its title:
“Today’s ruling ensures that
the voter identification amendment will appear on the ballot
with the title the Legislature
Newman reacts
Turn to page 10
Light & Power opposes enforcement of statute
By Rich Glennie
A ruling on whether to enforce a dormant 27year-old state statute that could negatively impact Glencoe’s methane-to-electricity supply at
Spruce Ridge Landfill is expected in October,
said David Meyer, Glencoe Light Plant manager.
Meyer told the Light & Power Commission
Monday night that he is working on a response
to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s
(MPCA) desire to invoke a municipal solid
waste statute that has been on the books for
decades, but never enforced.
By enforcing the statute, garbage coming to
the Spruce Ridge Landfill near Biscay from the
west metro area, would be diverted to an Elk
River incinerator instead. The statute requires
the metro waste be hauled to metro sites.
That loss of waste at Spruce Ridge would impact tipping fees collected by the county as well
as the methane generators that supply power to
about one-third of households in Glencoe.
Meyer said an Aug. 8 meeting with the
MPCA in the Twin Cities discussed the preliminary draft ruling on the solid waste statute.
“The MPCA made it clear it wants to enforce
this statute, badly,” he said.
That is despite the fact that the MPCA also
permitted the Spruce Ridge project.
“Why didn’t they do it 27 years ago?” asked
Light & Power commissioner Roger Hilgers.
Meyer said the county and Light & Power solicited the help of state Sen. Scott Newman, RHutchinson, to author a bill last session to
“study the impact of enforcing the statute,” not
only for Spruce Ridge and McLeod County, but
anywhere in the state.
But what came out of all the legislative committees was worded more toward “how to implement the statute,” not to study the impacts
of enforcement, Meyers said.
Meyer said another meeting was set up Mon-
Wed., 8-29
H: 93º, L: 68º
Thur., 8-30
H: 96º, L: 69º
Fri., 8-31
H: 89º, L: 68º
Sat., 9-1
H: 92º, L: 69º
Sun., 9-2
H: 84º, L: 68º
day with Newman, state Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen, R-Glencoe, Ed Homan, county solid
waste manager, County Commissioner Kermit
Terlinden and representative of Waste Management, owners of Spruce Ridge, solid waste
haulers and the Minnesota Municipal Utilities
Association (MMUA).
“We discussed where to go with this thing,”
Meyer told the commissioners.
The group has until Aug. 31 to comment on
the MPCA’s draft plans and a final report will
be made in October.
Commissioner Kirk Miller suggested
changes be made by the state Legislature so the
MPCA cannot enforce the statute that has been
called “archaic.”
“I’m not against incinerators,” Meyer said,
“but get their own garbage, not ours.”
Hilgers said he often sees garbage trucks
from Elk River going through Glencoe, because
the tipping fees are much lower at Spruce Ridge
than at the Elk River incinerator.
Looking back: The area received .89 of an inch of rain during the past seven days.
Temperatures also moderated.
Aug. 21 86 ......49 ..........0.00
Aug. 22 75 ......54 ..........0.18
Aug. 23
Aug. 24
Aug. 25
Aug. 26
Aug. 27
......65 ..........0.70
......61 .........0.00
......66 ..........0.01
......65 ..........0.00
......65 ..........0.00
Temperatures and precipitation compiled
by Robert Thurn, Chronicle weather ob-
Meyer agreed. He said the highest tipping fee
at Spruce Ridge is $53 a ton. At the Elk River
incinerator, the tip fee is $83 a ton, but taxpayers of that county subsidize the waste haulers
$26 to $28 per ton to haul to the incinerator.
“But it still costs $5 a ton more there than it
does here!”
Miller said if the statute is enforced, the
county could lose about $500,000 a year in tip
fees. Those dollars also are used to operate the
county’s recycling program.
But how that will impact the methane-to-energy plant at Spruce Ridge as well as the supply
of power to Glencoe is uncertain.
Hilgers asked that if the west metro garbage
no longer comes to Spruce Ridge, “how long
does the methane last (at the landfill)?”
“No one knows,” Meyer said. “That’s the reason for the impact study.”
State statute
Turn to page 10
Chronicle News and
Advertising Deadlines
All news is due by 5 p.m., Monday, and all advertising is due by noon, Monday. News received after
that deadline will be published as space allows.
The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 2
NHS fund raiser set Aug. 31
On Friday, Aug. 31, the Glencoe-Silver Lake National
Honor Society will be putting on a fund raiser for its local
society chapter. It will take place from 5:30 p.m. to kick
off of the opening varsity football game. There will be
games and activities going on by the walkway to the entrance of the stadium. The games will include a bean bag
toss, Polish golf and a football throw. Also, there will be
some Panther football trivia and face painting as well as a
drawing for a signed football at half time.
FFA chapter kick off Aug. 29
The school year is just around the corner and with that
comes the Glencoe-Silver Lake FFA alumni kickoff event
at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 29, at the Pizza Ranch, as the
club works to get its GSL-Agri Booster group off the
ground, according to Rebekah Haddad, new FFA adviser.
“You do not have to be a former FFA member or GSL graduate to be involved,” Haddad said. “We’re looking forward
to a big year with FFA and are hopeful to be an engaged
community chapter.”
Community pep fest Aug. 29
The annual Glencoe-Silver Lake community pep fest is
scheduled for today (Wednesday, Aug. 29), at 6 p.m., in the
west parking lot of the Glencoe City Center. It is an opportunity to meet the GSL Panthers’ fall sports teams and
coaches. There also will be food, games, a kiddie parade,
and “lots of Panther spirit” available at the pep fest. Also,
guests can get their picture taken with the Panther mascot,
courtesy of Creek View Sports.
Octoberfest in September
Octoberfest in September is set for Wednesday, Sept. 12,
in the Brownton City Park. Sponsored by the Brownton
Lions Club, the event features brats and kraut, German potato salad, hot dogs, pop and beer being served at 5:30 p.m.,
and music by George’s Concertina Band from 6 p.m. to 8
p.m. Please bring a lawn chair. In the event of rain, the celebration will be moved to the Brownton Community Center.
Sportsmen Club to meet
The Glencoe Sportsmen Club will meet Tuesday, Sept.
4, at 7:30 p.m., at the VFW meeting room.
Choir to begin rehearsals
The Buffalo Creek Community Choir will begin rehearsing Sunday, Sept. 16, at 6 p.m., at Grace Lutheran Church,
Brownton. A December concert is being planned. Please
contact Steffie Gronlund, 320-234-7889, or Rosine Hermodson-Olsen, 320-328-4365, so books can be ordered.
Everyone is welcome.
Retired educators to meet
The Glencoe Area Retired Educators group will meet at
11:30 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 20, for a potluck lunch at
Grand Meadows, 1420 Prairie Ave., Glencoe. Members
will discuss the future of the organization and its programs.
The Glencoe Senior Citizens Club will meet Thursday,
Aug. 30, at 12:30 p.m., and Tuesday, Sept. 4, also at 12:30
p.m., in the senior room at the Glencoe City Center. Sheephead and 500 will be played at both meetings. All area seniors are welcome to attend. The seniors also are looking
for canasta and pinochle players, and are open to suggestions for other board and card games.
5K run/walk set for Sept. 8
Grace Lutheran Church of Brownton will host a 5K fun
run/walk Saturday, Sept. 8, starting at 8 a.m., at the church
located at 8638 Plum Ave., north of Brownton. The cost is
$20. Those who register before Aug. 26 will receive a free
T-shirt; those who register after Aug. 26 will not be guaranteed a T-shirt. Race day registration starts at 7:15 a.m.
There also will be a free kids’ dash after the run/walk. All
proceeds will go to the church’s 125th celebration.
Luce Line RR show Sept. 22
The Luce Line Railroad Club Train Show and Flea Market will be held Saturday, Sept. 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
in the Agribition Building on the McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. There will be operating layouts,
vendors, selling and trading railroad-related items, a model
contest and hourly door prices. Lunch and beverages will
be available.
Firearms safety class to start
A firearms safety course will start tonight (Wednesday,
Aug. 29), at 7 p.m., at the Stewart Community Center. Students must be 11 years old or older. For more information,
call 320-562-2367 or 320-583-2047.
Women’s Club meets Sept. 5
The Brownton Women’s Club’s fall kick-off meeting
will be Wednesday, Sept. 5, at 7:45 p.m., at the Brownton
Community Center. New members are needed to keep the
club viable. Come and show support for the organization.
Lunch will be served. Call 320-328-5715 for more information.
To be included in this column, items for Happenings
must be received in the Chronicle office no later than 5
p.m. on Monday of the week they are to be published.
Items received after that will be published elsewhere in
the newspaper as space permits. Happenings in Glencoe, Brownton, Stewart, Plato, New Auburn, Biscay
and Silver Lake take priority over happenings elsewhere.
Fire department
Fire Chief Ron Grack had
four items on his “wish list.”
First on the list is to replace
the current wooden lockers
used to store firefighters’ turnout gear with metal mesh or
open metal tubular lockers
which allow for greater air
flow so the gear dries out
faster. The estimated cost is
Larson suggested the city
budget for the request over a
two-year period, 2014-15.
Grack also would like to
take a used, half-ton pickup
being retired by the water plant
and use it for a chief’s vehicle.
The cost to clean up the rust on
the vehicle and paint it red
would be about $4,000.
It also was pointed out the
department will pay off a
tanker truck in 2014, and will
need to replace either the rescue van (bought in 1993) or the
aerial truck (1982) within the
next year or so.
Larson said the issue of a
new aerial truck was brought
up at a meeting with township
officials, and the proposal
“was not met with a lot of enthusiasm.”
But both Larson and Grack
said the township officers may
have been under the impression that the city intends to buy
a new aerial truck, which could
cost up to “$11 million, brand
new,” said Grack.
Instead, Grack said, the department would like to buy a
used or refurbished truck with
a 100- to 110-foot capacity (the
current truck’s capacity is
about 60 feet). Grack said the
department could get a truck
from the mid- to late-1990s for
about $350,000 that “would do
everything you need to in
The aerial truck also could
be used for rural incidents involving grain bins or silos, he
Grack also would like to
spend about $2,500 to stud out
and sheetrock an existing interior brick wall in the fire station so it could be used for
hanging pictures.
Police Chief Jim Raiter said
the department will continue to
rotate its fleet of leased squad
cars, maintain its staff of eight
full-time officers, which includes Raiter and a captain,
and the equivalent of one fulltime office person for a total of
nine full-time employees.
Raiter said he isn’t asking
for anything more in his 2013
budget than what he had in
Larson said he actually
added in more equipment requests into the parks department than that recommended
by Parks Superintendent Mike
Drew because much of the
equipment is aging.
Among proposals are to replace a golf cart and a 1992
Ford Ranger, used primarily
for watering plants by streetlight posts, with another Toolcat utility vehicle at an
estimated lease cost of $8,500
per year.
Other equipment needs for
the parks department include
“grapple forks” ($3,500) for
loading tree limbs and logs, a
stump-grinding attachment for
the Skid Steer ($8,250, or
$2,750 for each of three years),
the replacement of an old
Dodge Dakota pickup ($7,000
per year over four years), a
mower upgrade and a
tractor/blade ($8,500 each year
for five years).
Drew said the grapple forks
and stump grinder will especially be needed if the emerald
ash borer threat becomes a reality.
Some of the equipment also
could be used by Glencoe
Light & Power for its tree-
trimming and removal projects, Drew said.
Drew said there are also up
to 30 stumps at the airport that
need to be removed. The
grinder also would mean that
city crews could clear stumps
right away, instead of waiting
for a contractor to come in.
Larson said the golf cart
could be transferred to and utilized at the wastewater treatment plant for travel between
year period to replace equipment that is seven to eight
years old.
Larson said the department
needs more reliable equipment
partly because the city utilizes
voice-over-internet protocol
(VOIP) for its phone service.
“When the computers are
down, our phones are down,”
said Larson.
Larson said he also would
like to see more furniture for
patrons around the City Center.
Aquatics center
Drew said the tower slide at
the aquatics center needs to be
painted, and that project is
slated for this fall. The estimated cost for repainting the
tower, which is aluminum, is
about $25,000 to $30,000.
Drew said the parks board
had approved the expenditure
from the park improvement
Because people are buying
more energy-efficient appliances, they are using less water
which, in turn, means less revenue for the city’s water fund
since rates are based on volume.
“Right now, our expenditures far exceed our revenues,”
said Larson, so the City Council will need to “look hard at
requests and how to fund
Among those 2013 requests
is a three-quarter-ton pickup at
an estimated cost of $45,000 to
replace a mechanically unreliable, late 1990s truck. The
truck also would be equipped
with utility boxes to house
Steve Schmidt, superintendent, also suggested buying a
hydraulic valve “exercise”
wrench to use in a valve maintenance program. The valve,
estimated to cost $10,000,
would be used to open and
close valves (or “exercise”
them) on a regular basis so the
moving parts don’t freeze into
Another major project will
be abandoning Well No. 3, located near Eighth Street and
Armstrong Avenue, according
to Gary Schreifels, public
works director.
Superintendent Terry Buska
would like, at some point, to
refurbish an air street sweeper,
used for picking up leaves, and
buy a used or refurbished mechanical street sweeper at a
cost of about $35,000. Buska
said mechanical sweepers are
better for other street clean-up,
such as collecting pea rock or
crushed granite after seal coating.
The department also is looking at retiring a 1993 plow
truck, using a 1996 plow truck
as a back-up, and buying two
trucks between 2013 and 2016,
with a total of $100,000 being
budgeted for the purchases
over a four-year period
($25,000 each year).
The most important need for
administration is new computer equipment, said Larson,
who suggested budgeting a
total of $20,000 over a two-
Preliminary budget
Turn to page 3
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We Ship Via UPS!
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
The Glencoe City Council,
in a Thursday workshop session, reviewed a proposed
2013 budget that contains
about .35 percent more in general fund expenditures than the
2012 budget.
But City Administrator
Mark Larson said the goal is to
keep the general ad valorem
levy the same as 2012 — $1.47
million — and “back our
budget into it.”
By the time the budget is finalized in December, it will be
adjusted enough to meet that
goal, said Larson.
Larson said the 2013 proposed budget currently includes a 2.5 percent wage
increase for city employees.
The unknown factor right
now, Larson added, is what the
health insurance premiums
will be in 2013.
“Health insurance is still a
question,” said Larson. “But
we should know what that will
be by the first or second week
of October.”
Larson pointed out that the
city had instituted a high-deductible health insurance plan,
which includes the city making
contributions to employees’
(HSAs). The plan is to continue the same level of contribution in 2013, Larson added.
Larson also reviewed the
city’s general fund budget back
to its high of $3.765 million in
revenues and expenditures in
2007, to the 2012 budgeted expenditures of $3.2 million.
In response to reduced local
government aid, the city has
“in the last three years cut considerably” from its expenditures, Larson said, including
one public works employee
and two full-time police officers. It also put on hold infrastructure maintenance and
Larson said the city will retire a bond in 2013, which will
free up about $150,000 annually.
“The intent is to replace the
old debt with new debt,” Larson said, with the resumption
of the city’s seal coating and
overlay street work, as well as
other capital projects.
“We’ve had a hard time with
capital projects,” said Larson.
“Our overlay and seal coating
bit the dust a long time ago,”
because of cuts of local government aid at the state level.
As the city begins to consider capital improvement
projects, it also will need to review its assessment policy,
fees and utility rates, Larson
The City Council also heard
presentations from each city
department regarding upcoming needs as far as programs,
equipment and vehicles.
Glencoe Seniors meetings set
Proposed preliminary city
budget eyes no tax increase
The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 3
Federal grand jury
indicts Hutch bank
robbery suspects
Submitted photo
Glencoe class of ’67 reunites
The Glencoe graduating class of 1967 gathered for its
45-year class reunion Aug. 11 for the evening at the
Glencoe Country Club. those in attendance were,
seated in front, from left, Linda Buska Meyer, Irene
Carlson, Greg Troska, Louie Smoldt, Barb Ettel Jenneke and Jolene Kloempken Scheer; second row,
Rosanne Nelson Hoodecheck, David Moehring, Larry
Moehring, Judy Lehmberg Bipes, Margaret Adelmann
Wiesner, Rod Pinske, Mary Adelmann Smith and Gloria Donnay Oltmann; back row, Gary Ziemer, Gary
Miller, Steve Eischens, Myron Dahlke, Mark Gould,
Ken Luebke, Jim Stepien, Bob Koehnen, Les Engelmann and Randy Biehoffer.
East-end transmission
line work now under way
By Rich Glennie
The new east-end transmission line project continues to
make progress, according to
Glencoe Light Plant Manager
David Meyer.
Speaking to the Glencoe
Light & Power Commission
Monday night, Meyer said
five of the 13 concrete bases
for the transmission poles
have been completed, and a
substantial part of the base
work for the new substation
along Diamond Avenue, east
of Glencoe, also has been
done. The construction of the
substation building that will
house equipment is expected
to take place in the next two
to three weeks, Meyer said.
The transmission line project will extend a new power
line from the current Armstrong Avenue substation
south to Highway 212 and
then east along the Highway
212 right-of-way until Diamond Avenue, where it will
go north to the new substa-
The project will ensure
Glencoe has two stable transmission lines into the city,
one from the west and the
other from the east.
The $4.8 million project is
expected to be completed before the end of the year,
Meyer said.
There will be 75 power
poles going up along the
route, but the 13 concrete
bases are needed at places
where the line changes direction, Meyer said.
He said the aim is to not
use guy wires, thus the need
for the concrete bases to support the steel structures that
handle the strain of those angles.
Meyer added that the deepest hole dug for a base to date
was 41 feet at the site closest
to the Armstrong Avenue substation. Another is 26 to 28
feet deep near the old creamery building along 9th Street.
The metal power poles
come in two or three pieces
and will be set in place by
cranes, he added.
Once started, the poles
should go up quickly, Meyer
said, possibly as soon as this
Commissioner Kirk Miller
asked if the project is still on
schedule to be done by the
end of the year.
“That’s hard to say,” Meyer
replied. “If the weather holds,
I don’t see why not.”
Asked about Xcel Energy’s
part of the project that ultimately will hook up to the
Diamond Avenue substation
from Plato and Waconia,
Meyer said Xcel has been
taking soil samples outside of
Plato in recent days.
But Meyer said Xcel Energy is not on the same
schedule as Glencoe Light &
Power. He said Xcel Energy
is looking to complete its portion of the line next spring.
In other matters, the commission:
• Heard that 29 customer
accounts are in arrears for
Preliminary budget Continued from page 2
Schreifels said the well has
been capped for 20 years, and
most of the $15,000 cost for
abandoning it would be to tear
down the existing building to
create a saleable residential lot.
The project may qualify for
a 50-50 cost-share from the
state of Minnesota, Schreifels
Another large expenditure
will be to develop a federally
and state-mandated well head
protection plan, which could
cost the city up to $70,000,
Schreifels said.
The plan covers how to protect wells from both potential
contamination and acts of terrorism, said Schreifels.
In that vein, the Chamber of
Commerce has provided an
online survey for customers to
provide input on what products
should be offered at the liquor
Larson said he and Finance
Director Todd Trippel have
visited other liquor stores to
get some ideas, and hope to
bring some recommendations
to the City Council in the future.
There has been some discussion about moving the liquor
store to a different site, but
Larson indicated that improving the current site would
probably be the most economically feasible idea.
City Center
Like the water fund, the
wastewater treatment program
is running in the red, said Larson.
One of the city’s wastewater
treatment plant bonds comes
off in 2015, which will free up
about $250,000, but the city
still needs to address its deficit
— estimated at $156,262 for
Mayor Randy Wilson asked
when the city last raised water
and sewer rates, and was told
it has been at least six years.
The department is looking to
buy a three-quarter-ton pickup
at a cost of $40,000, and various other electronic and other
equipment estimated at a total
of $47,500, for 2013.
Liquor store
Currently, the liquor store is
transferring about $150,000 to
$160,000 of its profits each
year to subsidize the City Center.
Larson said the liquor store
will need to generate more
than that to pay for needed improvements, such as new or
newer coolers.
“Our biggest issue is cooler
space,” said Larson.
Larson said events/rentals at
the City Center currently generate about $47,000 in revenue
each year, which doesn’t cover
the $75,000 the city levies for
debt service and to cover outstanding pledges.
“But we knew this facility
would not cover the debt,”
Larson said.
He is continuing to work on
a potential lease agreement
with the U.S.D.A. for housing
local agricultural services,
which could significantly
“raise our revenue stream.”
Larson hopes to have more
information on the potential
lease at a September Council
Larson said the proposed
budget will continue to be revised before it is finalized in
$8,492, and Meyer said Light
& Power is “aggressively disconnecting” those delinquent
accounts. “We’re not messing
around. We don’t like to do it,
but we don’t have a lot of
choice. It’s not fair to everyone else” to not pursue those
who do not pay their electric
• Purchased a new 3/4-ton
Chevrolet pickup truck from
Harpel Brothers for $30,282.
It was the lowest bid.
• Felt the expanded summer hours were a success this
year. The hours were 7 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, since May,
Meyer said.
Light & Power will return
to its winter hours at the end
of September. Those hours
will be 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
each work day.
Two suspects in a July 17
Hutchinson bank robbery
were both indicted by a federal
grand jury last week.
According to court
Eric And r e w
Ebbers, 25,
whose most
recent address is in
is facing Ebbers
charges for
both the Hutchinson robbery
and a June 4 robbery that occurred at Alliance Bank in
Lake City.
Ebbers faces one felony
count of bank robbery in each
of those incidents. The court
record states that Ebbers allegedly stole about $8,100
from the Lake City bank “by
force, violence and intimidation … of a victim teller.”
Erica Lea Reeves, 25, of
Kirkland, Wash., faces a federal count of bank robbery in
relation to the Hutchinson incident, in
which she
Ebbers by
driving him
to Citizens
and then
driving him
away after
he allegedly robbed the bank.
Ebbers waived his right to a
preliminary hearing and a detention hearing on July 30, and
remains in custody pending
future court hearings.
Reeves was released after
posting a $25,000 bond.
No future court dates have
yet been set for either Ebbers
or Reeves.
Police Report
On Monday, Aug. 20, at about
1:30 p.m., a black wallet with some
paperwork inside was found in the
400 block of Chandler Avenue.
At about 8 p.m. Monday, Aug.
20, an officer informed a person in
the 1500 block of Chandler Avenue of a city ordinance and instructed the individual not to shoot
a bow and arrow anymore.
Tuesday, Aug. 21, at about 6:30
a.m., a damage to property report
was received of ketchup and mustard in an entryway, stairwell and
on carpets in a building in the 1500
block of 13th Street.
On Wednesday, Aug. 22, about
12:15 a.m., an officer gave a verbal warning to the driver and a
passenger parked in a car in a
park after park hours for open containers. They each had one beer.
A possible theft was reported
Wednesday at 10:42 a.m. by a
resident in the 1600 block of Judd
Avenue. The resident had placed
a blue cooler of food and drinks
while loading the car for a trip to
the zoo. The resident went into the
house and, when she returned,
found the cooler was missing. She
had observed a maroon older
cargo van in the neighborhood. An
officer located the van, whose
driver said he thought the cooler
was free and claimed he didn’t
open it. The cooler was returned to
the owner, who said all the food
and drinks were accounted for.
A resident in the 600 block of
Ash Street West reported the
strong smell of gas inside the
home. The Glencoe Fire Department also responded to the call at
12:46 a.m., Saturday.
A bag a marijuana was found in
the bunker of hole No. 5 at the
Glencoe Country Club on Saturday afternoon.
A driver was cited for using a
cell phone at 1:21 a.m., Saturday,
at 10th Street and Ives Avenue.
The driver also had a provisional
About $300 in tools were reported stolen from a residence in
the 1200 block of Pryor Avenue on
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Area News
3 file for mayor in Dassel
DASSEL — Dassel will have a three-way race for mayor
on the Nov. 6 ballot, according to the Dassel-Cokato Enterprise-Dispatch. Filing for mayor were incumbent Mike
Scanlon and challengers Larry Oberg and Jeffrey Putnam.
Four have filed for two open city council seats, including
incumbent Jack Adams and newcomers Sharon Asplin,
Jonathan Haapala and Sara Bollman Nelson. Incumbent
Bob Lalone did not file for re-election.
Man charged in fatal accident
NORWOOD YOUNG AMERICA — Paul Wickenhauser, 21, of Cokato and formerly of Norwood Young
America (NYA), has been charged with vehicular homicide
in the deaths of three family members in a crash that occurred Aug. 17 on Highway 12 in Kandiyohi County.
Wickenhauser’s pickup allegedly crossed the center line
and struck a mini-van, killing driver Marta Stoffers, 68, of
Atwater, her daughter-in-law, Michelle Hoffman, 40, of
Eden Prairie, and her granddaughter, Julia Hoffman, 8. Another passenger, Jason Hoffman, 5, was critically injured.
Wickenhauser graduated from Central High School in
NYA in 2010, according to the NYA Times.
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The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 4
Vexing ‘snowbird’
ordinance has no
simple solution
Our view: City Council did right thing in tabling
second reading on total on-street parking ban
lencoe City Council did
the right thing last week
when it tabled the second
reading of the proposed “snowbird”
ordinance. There were just too many
issues with this one-size-fits-all approach. As proposed, the new ordinance would ban all on-street
parking from Nov. 1 to April 1
whether there is snow on the ground
or not.
The proposed ordinance is very
simple and straight forward. It simplifies life for the police, who have to
ticket or tow the violating vehicles,
and it makes life simpler and safer for
city plow truck drivers, who have to
work around snowbirds parked on
city streets.
It also limits the city’s liability in
case of an accident, and it allows the
city to more efficiently remove snow
from city streets, which in theory, will
save the city money in not having to
replow streets as often during a normal winter.
There are a lot of benefits of the
new ordinance — all to the advantage
of the city employees.
But the other side of the equation is
the inconvenience to many taxpayers,
who have no place to park, especially
downtown, and to homeowners who
would be banned from parking in
front of their homes when there is no
snow to be plowed.
The ordinance is all about convenience: Is it better to be more convenient for the city workers or for the
people they serve?
While we do not support some of
the citizens’ complaints, ie., odd-even
parking, or other suggestions about
the snowbird ordinance, other comments have merit. The one that stuck
out was to leave the current “snowbird” ordinance in place and continue
to tag and tow those who do not comply.
The real important issue is responsibility. Currently, it is the owners’ responsibility to remove their vehicles
whenever it snows. The consequences
include a stiff fine and towing charge
to get the vehicle out of the city’s impound lot. Usually it takes just one
such ticket to get people’s attention.
But that does not seem to happen
with the number of tickets issued
throughout the year, according to Police Chief Jim Raiter. Chief Raiter is
the one who proposed the all-out ban
of on-street parking throughout the
winter months.
We understand his frustration, as
well as the frustration of plow drivers
and city staff, elected and appointed,
who field the complaints after every
snow plowing event.
But more conversation with the
public is always a good thing. The
public showed up at the last City
Council meeting and expressed their
views. Continue the conversation in
an effort to come up with a more equitable solution.
There is no easy solution to snowbirds. That is why it has been so vexing over the years to City Council as
well as taxpayers.
— R.G.
Letters to Editor
We should never stop improving
To the Editor:
The new school year is right
around the corner and all of us at
GSL are very excited to get started.
The 2012-13 school year is sure to
bring many wonderful experiences
and learning opportunities. We have
a lot to be excited about at GSL, but
we also know that we should never
stop improving what we are doing. It
should never be “good enough” for
our kids!
In terms of test scores, we are starting to see the results we were expecting. In many grade levels our
proficiency scores are at or above the
state average. This is encouraging
news as we wait for the MMR scores
from the state later this fall.
While test scores don’t tell the entire story of all what goes on at GSL,
we take them very seriously and have
a goal for improvement each and
every year. I can honestly say what
we are doing is working!
Our elementary grades will once
again be working with our literacy
consultant to continue to develop
quality and meaningful lessons in literacy to reach all students.
Our third and fourth grade will be
working with iPads on a daily basis.
In our junior high we are implementing “The Power of the ICU,”
where we have resources in place for
all students to turn in all assignments
and develop more summative types
of assessments. This will continue to
show what kids have learned rather
than how many points they have
Our high school is once again offering a wide range of classes with
many of them having college credit
attached to them and our staff will be
The McLeod County
involved in learning cohorts and professional learning committees once
again this year. All of this and more
is in place to increase the quality of
instruction, thus increasing student
This past summer also has seen
some positive changes to our facilities. New windows in the Lincoln
building have very much helped with
the physical appearance and also will
result in energy savings.
You may have noticed that windows on the southeast corner were
not replaced because it is our hope
that our building plan will eventually
be passed in our school district.
We have also put in new doors and
windows in the north entrance to the
Panther Field House. We have made
other significant improvements there
as well. These projects, along with
countless other smaller projects, are
all part of our efforts to provide a better learning place for our students
As you can see, there has been a lot
going on and a lot that is going to
happen during the upcoming school
For all the families sending their
kids to GSL, we thank you for your
commitment to GSL and please know
that our quality of education is at a
very high level.
Please take the time to visit our
classrooms and you will see firsthand what is happening on a daily
basis in our schools. We welcome
you in our buildings and encourage
your attendance.
With that said, here’s to a great
school year!
Christopher D. Sonju
Superintendent of Schools
Founded in 1898 as The Lester Prairie News.
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Congratulations to Petersens for honor
From Thursday’s Star Tribune:
“Five inductees will be honored
when Canterbury Park holds its Hall
of Fame induction ceremony Sept. 1.
“They are breeder Camelia Casby
of Shakopee; owners Robert and
Julie Petersen of Cokato; multiple
stakes-winning mare Glitter Start;
and outstanding contributor Sheila
Williams of Roseville.”
Bob and Julie have been ownersoperators of the Brownton Bar &
Grill for the past 10 years.
Their Brownton area friends extend a very warm “well done!” to the
Petersens. In the decade they have
been a fixture on Brownton’s main
street, they have made many friends.
And they are running a first-class operation.
I’d like to acknowledge our appreciation and congratulations for
achieving this signal honor. Couldn’t
have happened to a more deserving
“It’s the economy, stupid!”
You bet it is.
While quite a few politicians have
been attempting to drag the red herring across the trail, so to speak,
bringing up all kinds of stuff to get
the public’s mind off the economy,
nonetheless, when all the dust settles, one comes back to the most important issue — what’s the state of
the economy?
Is America better after more than
three years of Obama in office than
it was before?
Seems as if the national debt has
risen by over $3 trillion. Unemployment is very high, and the federal
budget is a long, long way from
being balanced. Use of food stamps
has exploded.
Obama has brought us Solyndra,
Fast and Furious, Eric Holder, and
the president has stood by while the
United States Senate has refused to
offer any budget to vote on the whole
barrage of bills passed by the United
States House of Representatives.
And the president refused to endorse the Keystone XL Pipeline.
It is interesting to note the House
has voted a Contempt of Congress
citation against Holder — on June 28
by a 255-67 margin — for his refusal
to turn over subpoenaed documents
in the Fast and Furious matter.
Obama has given us a slow, sluggish, subpar economic growth,
higher than historical average postrecession unemployment across the
country, increased poverty and a line
of record-breaking deficits and debt
as far as the eye can see.
Obama is running an empty reelection campaign that does not offer
a new agenda to boost our economy.
He is not proposing any new initiatives to spur faster growth or higher
William C. Ramige, Publisher;
Rich Glennie, Managing Editor; Karin Ramige, Advertising
Manager; June Bussler, Business Manager; Sue Keenan,
Sales Representative; Brenda
Fogarty, Sales Representative;
Lori Copler, Staff Writer; Lee
Ostrom, Sports Writer; Jessica
Bolland, Alissa Hanson and
Lindsey Drexler, all production;
and Trisha Karels, Office Assistant.
Chuck Warner
levels of private-sector job creation.
The nearly $1 trillion stimulus he
enacted in 2009 has been spent, most
of it ending up in the hands of federal, state, county and local bureaucrats with little, if any, long-term
impact on the economy, which is
slowing down, not speeding up.
The Federal Reserve Board forecasts slow growth this year, next
year and possibly into 2014, if not
beyond. That’s why it has said it will
maintain interest rates of nearly zero
percent for the foreseeable future.
With no leadership coming from
the White House or the Senate, it appears Obama is hoping the economy
will improve on its own. The New
York Times recently wrote: “It is increasingly apparent what the economy will look like when Obama
faces voters in November: pretty
much what it looks like today.”
Most economists do not expect
long-range improvement, either,
without sweeping change in policy.
“This economy has no forward momentum and little help from monetary or fiscal policy,” said Kathy
Bostjancic, director of macroeconomic analysis at the Conference
Just what has Obama’s stewardship of the economy given us?
• Forty-two consecutive months of
unemployment of more than 8 percent, and it’s climbing again;
• More than six in 10 Americans
said the country is moving in the
wrong direction, according to a
Washington Post/ABC News poll;
• The same poll in July said that 54
percent of Americans surveyed disapprove of Obama’s handling of the
economy — and 41 percent strong
• A Gallup Poll reported that 60
percent of Americans now say the
economy is getting worse;
• Younger Americans, including
college graduates, are finding it increasingly difficult to find full-time
work and one-fourth of 18- to 34year-olds have returned home to live
with their parents;
• The unemployment rate among
18- to 29-year-olds was nearly 13
percent last month. If you count
those who have stopped looking for
a job, their jobless rate is nearly 17
percent, according to the youth advocacy organization Generation Opportunity;
• An Associated Press survey of
economists, think tanks and academics last month projected that the official poverty rate will climb from
15.1 percent to 15.7 percent this fall.
• Gallups’ tracking poll said 42
percent of Americans say they are
Had enough yet?
owner/publisher of the Brownton
Bulletin from 1953 to 1986, is a
current member of the Brownton
City Council.
You can
online at
w w w. g l e n c o e n e w s . c o m
Question of the week
Which would you rather attend?
1. Lynx game
2. Twins game
3. Vikings game
4. Wild game
5. Wolves game
Results for most recent question:
Is the addition of Wisconsin Sen. Paul Ryan as a vice
presidential candidate going to help or hinder the
chances of Republicans
winning back the presidency?
1) Will definitely help — 51
2) Will definitely hinder — 37
3) Not sure if it will make a difference — 21
109 votes. New question runs Aug. 22-Sept. 4
The McLeod County Chronicle welcomes letters from readers expressing their opinions. All letters,
however, must be signed. Private
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libelous letters will not be published.
We reserve the right to edit any letter.
A guest column is also available to
any writer who would like to present
an opinion in a more expanded format. If interested, contact the editor.
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County Chronicle strives to present
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thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or the press…”
Ben Franklin wrote in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1731: “If printers
were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody there would be very
little printed.”
Deadline for the McLeod County
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The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 5
Letters to Editor
Guest column:
To the Editor:
On Aug. 24, the Minnesota
Legislature convened in special session for the purpose of
taking up a disaster relief bill
for flood damage that occurred to the city of Duluth in
June. This bill, proposed by
Gov. Dayton and various
state agencies, was presented
to the Legislature in such a
manner that left us with no
opportunity to amend, debate
or change the bill in any way.
Our only option was to either
vote yes or no.
In checking with the Office
of the Legislative Auditor, I
found that over the last 15
years, Minnesota has had 32
severe natural disasters and
appropriated approximately
$488 million for recovery efforts, including the enormous
Red River Valley flood.
Gov. Dayton’s bill cost taxpayers $167.5 million, or
about 34 percent of what we
spent over the last 15 years.
In running for office, I
promised to do my best to reduce the size of government,
reduce government spending
and encourage personal responsibility. A vote in support
of the Duluth disaster relief
bill would have violated all
three of those campaign
promises and, consequently, I
decided to vote no.
This was not an easy decision because the residents of
Duluth did in fact sustain
large amounts of damage as a
result of the storm. However,
on balance, I believe the
amount of money appropriated and the new policy provisions
significantly out of proportion to the relief needed and
paid by the taxpayers of the
state of Minnesota.
To read the specific reasons why I did not support
the bill, click on the following link.
State Sen Scott Newman,
District 18
Email: snewman@
Shimanski votes yes on disaster relief bill
To the Editor:
The Minnesota Legislature
Friday (Aug. 24) held a special session to pass disaster
relief funding for northeast
Minnesota. Supporting the
bill is the right thing to help
the affected areas recover and
start to rebuild.
I think it’s in our state’s
culture to help other Minnesotans in a time of need.
The people of Duluth and the
surrounding areas experienced devastation because of
the flooding; this bill will
help fix roads, clean up debris and repair the damage
caused by Mother Nature.
The disaster relief bill
spends about $167 million,
some of which will be reimbursed by the federal govern-
ment. The bill also leverages
$200 million in federal funding for the affected areas. The
money will go toward rebuilding roads, repairing
bridges, fixing damaged
trails and covering other
losses due to the floods.
The Duluth area received
10 inches of rain during a
rainstorm in late June. The
rain overwhelmed the city’s
infrastructure, destroying an
estimated 50 miles of pavement in the city.
In addition to the funding,
the bill includes new reform
measures that are designed to
make sure the funding gets
used properly.
We learned from the legislative auditor that there are
ways we can improve on
these disaster relief bills. One
of the new things we’re doing
is setting up a dedicated disaster relief fund. When people repay the loans we give
them, the money will go into
that fund and be used to aid
in future disasters. That
money used to just go back to
government to spend again.
Other changes include
stricter requirements to receive money from the Minnesota Investment Fund and
stipulations that money from
the fund only be used for recovery, not additional development projects.
State Rep. Ron Shimanski,
R-Silver Lake
District 18A
Mission of Mercy humbling, but not solution
To the Editor:
The Minnesota Dental Association and the Minnesota
Dental Foundation recently
hosted its first Mission of
Mercy event in Mankato, resulting in over 2,000 patient
visits. I was proud to be one
of 1,367 volunteers who
helped provide $1.3 million
in free dental treatment on
Aug. 17-18.
The Verizon Wireless Center in Mankato was transformed into a massive
temporary dental clinic
where dental professionals
from across the state, along
with lay community and corporate volunteers, worked
tirelessly for two days to deliver free dental care to patients
insurmountable barriers to
dental care.
The clinic focused on providing immediate care to patients with dental pain and
infection, resulting in 1,489
fillings, 1,307 extractions,
and 111 partial dentures,
along with hundreds of cleanings, sealants and fluoride
The weekend was filled
with remarkable examples of
patients who have difficulty
obtaining dental care on a
daily basis, so who stood in
line for hours to receive the
free treatment.
Those receiving dental care
willingly expressed their
gratitude and appreciation for
the opportunity to have their
dental health needs ad-
dressed, and to obtain information on how to reduce the
incidents of future dental
My son Paul and I found
the Mission of Mercy event
both satisfying and humbling.
While I am pleased to have
been part of this extraordinary effort by so many generous volunteers, charity care is
not a long-term solution to
the access to care problem in
our state.
I urge lawmakers to work
on bipartisan solutions that
will reduce the barriers to
dental care faced by this underserved population.
Thomas Schoeneberger,
Meals on Wheels program needs drivers
To the Editor:
With winter soon approaching, volunteer drivers who
have donated time to deliver
Meals on Wheels here in the
city of Glencoe will be leaving
to go south for the winter, and
some who volunteered delivering meals for many years are
now retiring, so we are recruiting for volunteers to take their
The volunteers are only required to deliver meals here in
Glencoe; the ones in the rural
areas are delivered by the nutrition site manager.
Meals on Wheels are delivered five days a week, with the
exception of the holidays. If
Glencoe schools are closed because of bad weather, we are
also closed.
The meals are packaged for
our clients at Millie Beneke
Manor on Greeley Avenue
around 10:45 a.m. It takes
about 45 minutes to an hour to
deliver. You would pick up
meals at the Manor and return
to the Manor after delivery.
For the safety of the drivers,
the clients are required to have
their sidewalks shoveled so
their meals can be delivered to
their homes.
We are in need of volunteer
drivers to fill in where there
are available spots.
If anyone is interested in delivering Meals on Wheels to
clients, please get in touch
with me, Sandy Lemke, at the
senior nutrition site. My phone
number is 864-5728. I am at
the site from 8:30 a.m. to 1
Sandy Lemke
Nutrition site manager
Help for homeless veterans
By U.S. Sen. Amy
Klobuchar, D-Minn.
Minnesota native Leroy
Namen joined the U.S. Navy
in 1979 and was stationed in
the Philippines. When Leroy
returned home he started to
d r i n k
a n d
ended up
for the
next 15
eventually got
the help
n e e d e d Sen. Klobuchar
with treatment for alcoholism, housing,
job training and support from
the Minnesota Assistance
Leroy’s story of struggle is
not a rare one. Nearly one in
seven homeless adults in
America is a veteran, a rate
much higher than their share
of the total adult population.
On any given night, it’s estimated that some 67,000 veterans are homeless in
America. Although this number has actually declined significantly in recent years, it’s
still 67,000 too many.
There are many reasons
why a veteran ends up homeless. It might be alcoholism or
drug abuse. It might be Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder or
mental illness. It might be unemployment or the lack of job
skills. It might be a family
break-up or the absence of a
supportive family to fall back
No matter what the reason
is, it’s not right that tens of
thousands of men and women
who’ve served our country are
712 E. 13th St., Glencoe
antlerless deer in lottery
Because many of these
areas – focused in the northwestern, north-central and a
portion of northeastern Minnesota – have not been lottery
areas for years, the DNR
strongly recommends that
hunters check to ensure the
area where they hunt has not
become a lottery area.
Hunters already have applied for more than half of
the licenses available in each
of the three wolf hunting sea-
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sons to be conducted this fall
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DNR urges hunters to apply early
for deer permits, wolf licenses
less veterans have access to
the housing care they need
right in the communities
where they live.
providers are often in a better
position than the VA to effectively deliver these services to
homeless veterans.
This help will be here not
just for the veterans of today,
but also for the veterans of tomorrow.
During the past decade in
Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.
has created a whole new generation of war veterans. Already, there are 2.4 million
post-9/11 veterans.
Most of these service men
and women will make the
transition to civilian life with
few problems. But we also
know that some will run into
difficulties that could lead to
In many instances, it can
take years before the problems
become overwhelming.
One study found that after
the Vietnam War, 76 percent
of Vietnam-era combat troops
and 50 percent of non-combat
troops who eventually became
homeless reported that at least
10 years passed between the
time they left military service
and when they became homeless.
That means there is still
time to take action before a
veteran ends up homeless.
When we ask our men and
women to fight and sacrifice
for us in defense of our nation,
we make a promise that we
will give them the support
they need when they come
home. This legislation offers
one way to fulfill that promise
for our most vulnerable veterans, those who are homeless.
Professional Directory
Hunters who have yet to
apply for an either-sex deer
permit or wolf hunting and
trapping licenses are encouraged to do so well before the
deadline on Thursday, Sept.
6, according to a news release
from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Nearly half of the state’s
deer permit areas now are lottery areas, which means
hunters must apply for and be
selected to receive a permit
that allows them to shoot
New federal legislation
signed into law this summer
will help make a difference.
Passed with strong bipartisan
support, the Honoring American Veterans Act provides a
wide-ranging package of benefits to veterans.
The legislation includes a
provision I introduced that
will cut government red tape
so homeless veterans, especially in rural areas, have access to the help they need.
It’s not about more money.
It’s about more effectiveness.
This bipartisan legislation
will strengthen an existing
federal program that provides
chronically homeless veterans
with housing vouchers and
case management services
such as counseling and job
training. It’s called the “Housing and Urban Development
and Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing” program (known
It’s a good program. But it
can be even better.
The problem is that the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has had difficulty
reaching many homeless veterans who don’t live near a VA
Medical Center like those in
Minneapolis, St. Cloud and
Veterans groups told me that
it would be more effective if
the VA could form partnerships with community-based
groups to provide these case
management services so they
would reach underserved veterans around the state.
Specifically, the legislation
cuts red tape by authorizing
and encouraging the VA to
join with state and local governments, tribes and community-based service providers to
administer case-management
services, ensuring that home-
Newman explains no vote to disaster relief
Most Health Plans Accepted
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Effective, caring doctors
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1706 10th St. E., Glencoe
The Professional Directory is provided each week for quick reference to professionals in the
Glencoe area — their locations, phone numbers and office hours. Call the McLeod County
Chronicle office for details on how you can be included in this directory, 320-864-5518.
Feel strongly
about an issue?
Share your opinion with Chronicle readers
through a letter to the editor.
E-mail:[email protected]
The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 6
Birchwood to reopen to treat patients with movement disorders
As joint owners of ConnectCare, a non-profit organization that provides home care
and hospice services, Glencoe
Regional Health Services
(GRHS) and Hutchinson Area
Health Care (HAHC), announce the sale of Birchwood
House to Prairie River Home
Care, Inc.
Birchwood House was built
in 2005, funded by donations
from many community members and groups. The home
was donated to ConnectCare,
which operated it as a center
for hospice care until July
2011, when it closed the
house, but continued to deliver end-of-life care in other
settings, including assisted living facilities, nursing homes,
group homes, hospitals and
private homes.
Prairie River Home Care
will convert Birchwood House
into a board-and-care home
for patients with Parkinson’s
disease and other neurological
movement disorders, such as
Huntington’s disease, muscular dystrophy (MD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS) and multiple sclerosis
Patients with these conditions have special needs for
physical, occupational and
speech therapy, diet, mobility,
medication management, and
safety issues such as prevention of injuries due to falls.
In addition, these patients
often have special needs with
respect to socialization and
physical and cognitive stimu-
“We are excited for the opportunity to reopen the Birchwood House to patients who
have Parkinson’s and other
movement disorders. We expect to partner with other centers
Parkinson’s treatment, and to
work closely with the Glencoe
Regional Health Services and
Hutchinson Area Health Care
to make the home a success,”
said Judy Figge, registered
nurse and chief executive officer of Prairie River Home
Birchwood House is located
at 710 Park Island Drive,
Prairie River Home Care
expects to remodel the Birchwood House building and re-
open it by the end of 2012. It
will continue to be called
Birchwood House.
The home will accept patients who require 24-hour supervision and will be staffed
for eight to 10 residents.
Parkinson’s disease is the
most prevalent movement disorder disease, affecting 1.5
million people nationwide.
Glencoe Regional Health
Services was founded in 1941.
It includes a primary-care
clinic, 25-bed critical access
hospital, a 110-bed nursing
home and a 40-unit independent senior housing complex in
Glencoe, and outpatient clinics in Lester Prairie and Stewart.
For more information, visit
Hutchinson Area Health
Care serves the community
with a 66-bed hospital, Behavioral Health Clinic, Orthopaedic and Fracture Clinic,
Hutchinson Cancer Center,
and Dassel Medical Center.
HAHC also partners with
Presbyterian Homes and Services to provide 120 beds of
skilled nursing care to longterm residents at Harmony
River Living Center. For more
ConnectCare is a non-profit
agency providing homecare
and hospice services to residents in the service areas of
GRHS and HAHC. For more
information, visit www.con
Prairie River Home Care is
a Medicare-certified homecare agency offering a broad
range of services to individuals of all ages. Prairie River
Home Care provides services
within 60 Minnesota counties,
through a network of eight offices located in Fairmont,
Hutchinson, Blaine, Mankato,
Marshall, Rochester, Buffalo
and St Cloud. The corporate
office is located in Buffalo.
Prairie River Home Care has
been owned and operated for
14 years by Ken and Judy
Figge, who together have
more than 60 years of experience offering home-care services. For more information,
From the Brownton Bulletin archives
100 Years Ago
Aug. 30, 1912
O.C. Conrad, Editor
John Tessmer tells us he attended a gun club shoot at New
Auburn Sunday and won the
honors of the day by breaking 44
birds out of a possible 45.
The little 6-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dressel,
living north of Brownton, died
Thursday of last week of a lingering illness of several months.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon.
75 Years Ago
Sept. 2, 1937
Percy L. Hakes, Editor
Installation services will be
conducted at Immanuel Lutheran
Church Sunday, Sept. 5, at 2:30
p.m., when the Rev. Gerhard
Schmidt is installed as the pastor.
The Rev. Alf Streufert of Glencoe will deliver the German sermon while the Rev. O.H. Lottes
of Minneapolis will preach the
English sermon.
Effective Sept. 15, the post office at Sumter, which has been
run in connection with the office
here, will be discontinued due to
the lack of business. The patrons
of that office will now have the
address of Glencoe and will be
served by a rural route out of that
The Litchfield Produce Co.
opened a branch here on Wednesday of last week in the old
Brownton Garage building and
will buy all kinds of farm produce and sell seed. It intends to
butcher turkeys in the fall for
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The manager of the branch will
be J.T. Maitland.
Last Friday afternoon, Aug.
27, at 2 p.m., a very simple home
wedding took place when Miss
Mildred Duehn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Duehn, became
the bride of Mr. Werner Weerts,
son of the Rev. and Mrs. Henry
Weerts of Wentworth, S.D.
Emil Albrecht has sold his
half-interest in the local liquor
store to Wilmar Bartels and has
bought an up-to-date liquor store
at Lamberton.
50 Years Ago
Aug. 30, 1962
Charles H. Warner, Editor
Saturday morning, Mrs. Rufus
Klitzke was out at her father’s
farm, assisting with the cleaning,
when she glanced out a bedroom
window to see where her children were, and noticed smoke
coming from the barn. After calling the fire department, she
rushed to the yard to find her father, Reinhold Kelm. Unable to
find her father and seeing that
hay in the manger was on fire,
she grabbed a bucket, filled it
with water from a hose, and went
into the barn to battle the fire.
She kept carrying water into the
smoke-filled barn until the department arrived and extinguished the fire. As a result of her
actions, just some hay burned
and there was a slight charring of
some of the wood in the building.
20 Years Ago
Aug. 26, 1992
Lori Copler, Editor
A ground-breaking ceremony
for the new Brownton Community Center was held Wednesday,
Aug. 19. Participating in the ceremony were Mel Dahlke of the
Lions Club; Larry Herrmann, Security Bank & Trust Co.; Ted
Rickert, Rickert Excavating;
Charles Warner, representing the
senior nutrition program and the
business community; Leroy
Polzin, Brownton American Legion; Carl Wachter, mayor; and
Glen Klopfleisch, Sumter Township.
Two Brownton-area farms received designations as Century
Farms and were honored at the
Minnesota State Fair. They were
the farm owned by Richard,
Charles and Randall Peik, established in 1884; and the Adrian
Petersen farm, established in
10 Years Ago
Aug. 28, 2002
Lori Copler, Editor
Cactus Jack’s in Stewart was
host to a three-day Civil War reenactment which included a
replica civil war camp, living history lessons and a “skirmish” between Union and Confederate
loyals in the bar.
The Stewart Fire Department
received a $22,500 Assistance to
Firefighters grant to purchase
new self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs, or air packs).
The department will buy 10 new
air packs with the grant.
Although it’s almost a year
away, plans are being made to
celebrate Stewart’s 125th anniversary during Stewartfest in
June 2003.
From the Stewart Tribune archives
100 Years Ago
Aug. 30, 1912
A.F. Avery, Editor
Emil Selle of Round Grove is
hauling lumber for a new granary
and machine shed.
The opening of the local
schools has been postponed to
Sept. 9. It has been impossible to
get the building in readiness for
opening Sept. 2. The carpenter
work and plastering are finished
and the painting and calsomining
will be nearly done, but the building needs to be cleaned up and the
furniture arranged before occupancy.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mueller, a baby boy, Tuesday,
Aug. 27.
75 Years Ago
Aug. 27, 1937
L.A. Hakes, Editor
A baby boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. John Macejeski Monday, Aug. 23.
50 Years Ago
Aug. 30, 1962
Kermit T. Hubin, Editor
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Kloempken celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, Aug.
26, with an open house at St.
Church. Children of Mr. and Mrs.
Kloempken were the hosts of the
St. Boniface Parochial School
is scheduled to open its door for
the new term Tuesday, Sept. 4,
with a total enrollment of 130 students, according to Sister M. Helene, the principal.
Fifteen boys have been given
certificates indicating they have
completed the Minnesota Hunting
Safety Training Course. They are:
Richard Bents, James Berger,
Randall Buboltz, Vernon Forcier,
Carey Goodman, David Husfeldt,
Wayne Krienke, Ricky Larson,
Rosenow, Warren Schuft, James
Stockman, Byron Wacker, LeRoy
35 Years Ago
Sept. 1, 1977
Kermit T. Hubin, Editor
A new business joined the
Stewart community last Friday
when Agri-Fleet opened its doors
in the former Larson Hardware
building. The owners are two
young men from Gaylord, Steve
Henriksen and Reid Van Brunt.
The new store is a branch of the
Agri-Fleet store in Gaylord,
which has been operating for two
Announcement was made this
week that the Buffalo Lake Farmers Co-op Elevator has taken over
operation of the Stewart Elevator,
effective Sept. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krippner
(Marlene Klages) announce the
birth of a girl, Beth Ann, Aug. 18.
She has one sister and seven
Lesley and Jeffrey Bulau announce the arrival of a baby sister,
Heather Louise, born Aug. 19.
Parents of the children are Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Bulau (Mary Larson).
30 Years Ago
Sept. 2, 1982
John Lipke, Editor
The Stewart High School Choir
has been selected to participate in
the Guinness Book of Records
record-breaking choir Saturday,
Sept. 11, at the Hubert H.
Humphrey Metrodome. The
world’s largest choir, with over
7,500 musicians, will perform an
American salute to visiting Scandinavian dignitaries that day.
The community was saddened
this past week by the death of
Ruth Ahlers and the serious injury
of Eunice Decker. The two were
on their way to Minneapolis and
were involved in a car accident at
Norwood about 9 a.m. Ruth
Ahlers was instantly killed and
Eunice Decker suffered serious
injuries. Funeral services for Ruth
(Mrs. Allyn) Ahlers were held
Monday, Aug. 30. Eunice Decker
is still hospitalized in Waconia,
being treated for a fractured jaw,
broken ribs and damage to her
Historical group plans social at winery
The McLeod County Historical Society will host a
basket social fund raiser at
Crow River Winery, 14848
Hwy. 7 E., Hutchinson,
Monday, Sept. 17, from 7
p.m. to 9 p.m.
Mike McBrady, owner of
the winery, will present the
history of the winery and the
historic images that grace
each of its fruit wines. Each
image has a family connection and adds another layer
of history to this homegrown product. There also
will be tours of the winemaking facility, the grand
ballrooms and the meeting
The McLeod County Historical Society and Museum
will hold a basket social
fund raiser, with baskets that
feature five fruit wines, gift
certificates, food goodies,
gift items and more.
For questions or more information, call 320-5872109, e-mail asa@hutch, or visit
Submitted photo
Rally Day Sunday
Members and friends of Grace Bible
Church in Silver Lake will host The Froemming Family on Sunday, Sept. 9, at 9:30
a.m., as part of their Rally Day Service. The
Froemmings are dedicated to serving the
Lord as a family through gospel, bluegrass, and original music. To learn more
about them and their recent CD recording,
22 Brownton
seniors met
on Monday
Twenty-two Brownton senior citizens met Monday at the
community center.
Cards were played after the
meeting with the following
winners: 500, Della Schultz,
first, and Audrey Tongen, second; pinochle, Ordell Klucas,
first, and Elaine Dahlke, second; and sheephead, Lil Lindeman, first, and Harriet
Bergs, second.
Elva Wendlandt won the
door prize. Harris Rennecke
served refreshments.
There will not be a meeting
Monday, Sept. 3, because of
the Labor Day holiday. The
next meeting will be Monday,
Sept. 10, at 1 p.m.
McLeod County Social
Services is hosting a foster
parent orientation for families
who may be interested in becoming foster parents.
The orientation meetings
are set for Sept. 18 and 25 and
Oct. 2, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m., at the McLeod County
Office Building (North Complex), 2391 Hennepin Ave.
N., Glencoe.
Attendance at all three
meetings is mandatory for licensure as foster parents. The
meetings are an opportunity
to learn about McLeod
County’s foster-care program,
to ask questions, and decide if
becoming a foster parent is
right for you.
If you are a two-parent family, both parents must attend.
Please do not bring children
with you as there is no child
care available at the site and
topics may not be appropriate
for children.
Please call 320-864-3144
or 1-800-247-1756 for more
information or to register for
the classes.
www.froemmingfami This year’s Rally Day Sunday will
have a special “Hillbilly” theme. Those
who attend are encouraged to wear their
own special “hillbilly” clothes. The public
is invited. Grace Bible Church is located in
Silver Lake at 300 Cleveland St., next to the
city water tower.
Thurs., Aug. 30 — AA Group Mtg. next to Post Office in Stewart,
8 p.m., call 320-212-5290 for info.
Mon., Sept. 3 — LABOR DAY; Tops Weigh-In mtg., 5-5:30 p.m.;
Brownton Senior Citizens Club, 1 p.m., Brownton Community
Tues., Sept. 4 — SCHOOL STARTS; Narcotics Anonymous,
Brownton Community Center, 7 p.m.; Brownton City Council, 7
Wed., Sept. 5 — Brownton Women’s Club fall kick-off mtg., 7:45
p.m. Brownton Community Center, call 320-328-5715 for more
Thurs., Sept. 6 — AA Group Mtg. next to Post Office in Stewart,
8 p.m., call 320-212-5290 for info.
Sat., Sept. 8 — Grace Lutheran Church 5K fun run/walk, 8 a,m.,
8638 Plum Ave., Brownton.
Wed., Sept. 12 — Oktoberfest in September, Brownton City
Park, food served @ 5:30 p.m., bring a lawn chair, music by
George’s Concertina Band, 6-8 p.m.
128 4TH AVE. N. • P.O. BOX 279 • BROWNTON, MN 55312-0279
PHONE (320) 328-5222 • FAX 320-328-4045
Member FDIC
Fun Spots
Close to Home
This great page will remind everyone of the
great places to shop close-by. Your business will have a full-color 2x3 (3.575” x 3”)
ad on the page in the Glencoe Advertiser
on Sept. 16, online on our Web site,
and on promotional posters.
You will also be given the opportunity to have
your customers register within your business for
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres tickets, provided
at no additional cost to you.
We will also be running ads in The Galaxy,
The Sibley Shopper, The Arlington Enterprise
and The McLeod County Chronicle
promoting this section.
Call today to reserve advertising space for the
Glencoe Advertiser’s September 16 promotion!
716 E. 10th St., Glencoe, MN 55336
Phone 320-864-5518 • Fax 320-864-5510
Ask for Karin Ramige, [email protected];
Brenda Fogarty, [email protected]
Sue Keenan, [email protected]
The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 7
Early Childhood
Family Education
ECFE registration
day set for Sept. 5
Got infants, toddlers, or
preschoolers? GET ECFE!
Glencoe-Silver Lake Early
Childhood Family Education is
flying into fall with a “drop-inand-play” registration day
Wednesday, Sept. 5, from 9
a.m. to noon and 4 p.m. to 7
All families with birthkindergarten-entry-aged children are invited to stop in to
explore the ECFE room, meet
staff and other families with
young children, and register for
fall classes. There are both
morning and evening classes,
special one-time events, and a
resource library of parenting
ECFE is a great place to
Submitted photos
Summer reading
The Glencoe Public Library celebrated the 2012 Summer Reading Program, “Dream Big: Read!” with children ages 5-12. The young readers attended
Wednesday activity days at the library and City Center
community room throughout the summer. Activities included stories, crafts, games and programs on night
animals, tall tales, an Owlfest, glow-in-the-dark fun, the
night sky with moon and stars, dreaming, the
Olympics, campfire fun and “Where the Wild Things
Are” monster day. The teen summer reading program,
“Own the Night,” led sessions involving a red-carpet
affair, a spa and yoga day, creating dream journals, surviving a zombie apocalypse and the “Hunger Games”
Olympics. The teens also helped with some of the
younger summer reading programs. “The Summer
Reading Program encourages children and teens to
read during the summer vacation months,” said Jackee Fountain, head librarian. Local Glencoe businesses supported the summer reading program and
teen summer reading program with donations and
gifts. “The Glencoe Library wants to thank these business who so generously donated to the Summer Reading Programs this year: Bump’s Family Restaurant,
Anderson Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.,
Burger King, Gavin, Winters, Twiss, Thiemann, and
Long, Coborn’s, Contemporary Dental, Cutting Edge,
Schad, Lindstrand and Schuth, Ameriprise Financial
and the Friends of the Glencoe Library,” Fountain said.
Orville & Dorothy Busse’s
60th Wedding
Sunday, Sept. 9 • 1:30-5:30 p.m.
Pla-Mor Ballroom
Glencoe, MN
Music by: Leon Olson Band
651-777-3456 #560 • 109 W 1st St
766 Century Avenue • Hutchinson
Homeward Bound to offer
performing arts classes
cises and movement.
“Improv Express” will take
place Thursdays, Sept. 13, 20
and 27, from 3 p.m. to 4:30
The class will have fourth
through sixth graders thinking
on their feet. Stage and voice
skills are practiced while using
the imagination to approach
different real and fantastic situations.
For more information
and/or cost of registration, call
the Glencoe-Silver Lake
School at 320-864-2690.
Hlavka accepted at Mankato
Allyson F. Hlavka, daughter of Bill
and Diane Hlavka of Silver Lake, has
been accepted at Minnesota State University-Mankato, for the 2012-13
school year. She plans to major in nursing. Hlavka is a graduate of GlencoeSilver Lake High School, where she
was involved in fine arts activities, including drama, chorus and band.
Fri thru Mon 12:55 3:05 5:15 7:25 9:35;
Tues-Thurs 4:30 7:25 9:35
Fri thru Mon 1:20 4:20; Tues-Thurs 4:20
THE AVENGERS PG-13 Nightly at 7:30
Bourne Legacy PG-13
In The Big Balloon Adventure G
Fri thru Mon 1:00 3:00 5:00; Tues-Thurs 4:30
BOURNE LEGACY PG-13 7:30 Nightly
Fri thru Mon 1:15 4:15 7:15 9:35;
Tues-Thurs 4:15 7:15 9:35
Sorry, No Passes Or Discount Tickets Accepted!
Fri thru Mon 12:50 3:00 5:10 7:20 9:30;
Tues-Thurs 4:30 7:20 9:30
Fri thru Mon 1:15 4:15 7:15 9:35;
Tues-Thurs 4:15 7:15 9:35
Fri thru Mon 1:30 4:30 7:05 9:25;
Tues-Thurs 4:30 7:05 9:25
Fri thru Mon 1:10 4:10 7:10 9:30;
Tues-Thurs 4:10 7:10 9:30
Adult Seats Before 6pm $6.25
Child/Senior All Seats$5.75
11:301, 2:001, 4:30, 7:05 & 9:351
ParaNorman PG
12:201, 2:201, 4:55
Hit and Run R
7:10 & 9:201
The Odd Life of Timothy Green PG
12:251, 2:351, 4:55, 7:00 & 9:101
Hope Springs PG-13
12:301, 2:451, 5:00, 7:20, 9:351
Expendables 2 R
12:251, 2:401, 5:10, 7:25 & 9:301
Lawless R
12:251, 2:451, 5:00, 7:30, 9:401
Joseph Kubesh
Sarah Kugler
— Heldt
1NOT SHOWING on Tues.-Thurs. Sept. 4, 5 & 6
Nightly Specials
Mon.- Hamburger night
Tues.- Garlic Shrimp 5-8pm
w/ salad bar & baked
potato $6.95
Wed.- Cook’s choice
Thurs.- 8oz. Sirloin 5-8pm
w/ salad bar & baked
potato $6.95
Friday & Saturday
2-Meat Buffet
includes salad bar 7.95
Sunday Brunch
5-8pm- Hamburger Steak $6.95
w/ salad bar & baked potato
Tuesday Nights
Cactus Cash
Drawing 6-7pm
Biker Night
Prizes @ 6:30pm
Cactus Jack’s II
Stewart • 320-562-2609
Daughter born to Buskas
Jared Heldt
Kristen Templin
South Central College. He is
self-employed at Heldt Painting and Contracting, LCC.
— Lehmann
Jessica Robertson and Jake
Lehmann, both of Brownton,
announce their engagment and
plans to marry Sept. 29 at
Christ Lutheran Church in
Parents of the couple are
Mark and Cindy Robertson of
Glencoe and Dirk and Vicky
Lehmann of Silver Lake.
The couple plans to live in
Jake Lehmann and
Jessica Robertson
Nathan and Kelly M. Buska of Glencoe announce the
birth of their daughter, Amelia Morgan, who arrived Aug.
9, 2012, at Ridgeview Medical Center in Waconia. Amelia
weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 18 inches in length.
Her grandparents are Rick and Deb Favero of Eagle River,
Wis., and Terry and Barb Buska of Glencoe.
Archery ministry at Grace Bible
Church set to begin Sept. 9
Members and friends of
Grace Bible Church in Silver
Lake will be starting their
fourth session of an archery
ministry called Centershot.
Centershot is a Bible-based
archery ministry that consists
of a 45-minute Bible study and
45 minutes of archery instruction one day a week for eight
weeks (ages 7 and up). Individuals need not be a member
of the church to participate in
the program.
The church provides the
bows and arrows which are
used during the training sessions in the church basement
shooting range.
The next session of Centershot will begin Sunday, Sept.
9, at 1 p.m. Those interested in
finding out more are encour-
aged to contact the church office at 320-327-2352. Grace
Bible Church is located in Silver Lake at 300 Cleveland St.,
next to the city water tower.
For more information, visit
Wedding Dance
Bethany Kuphal
& Chris Patrick
Saturday, Sept. 1
Pla-Mor Ballroom
8 p.m.-Midnight
Kristen Templin and Jared
Heldt, both of Glencoe, announce their engagement and
plans to marry Sept. 15.
Parents of the couple are
Gary and Karen Templin of
Glencoe and Earl and Deb
Heldt of Lester Prairie.
Kristen Templin is a 2007
graduate of Glencoe-Silver
Lake High School and a 2011
graduate of Rasmussen College. She is currently employed as a certified medical
assistant at Glencoe Regional
Health Services.
Jared Heldt is a 2006 graduate of Lester Prairie High
School and a 2011 graduate of
Ron & Muriel Bauer’s
40th Wedding
Sarah Kugler and Joseph
Kubesh, both of Glencoe, announce their engagement and
plans to marry Oct. 6 in Glencoe.
Parents of the bride are
Thomas Bleichner of Glencoe
and Mike and Katie Lex of
Coon Rapids. Parents of the
groom are Randy and Becky
Kubesh of Bird Island and
Denny and Patti Asher of
Yucca, Ariz.
Sarah Kugler is a graduate
of Central High School, Norwood Young America, and
Joseph Kubesh is a graduate of
BOLD Senior High School,
Homeward Bound Theatre
Company will offer performing arts classes at the Panther
Field House in Glencoe in
“Dr. Seuss and Me” will be
offered Tuesdays, Sept. 11, 18
and 25, from 3 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. Kindergarten through
third graders will act out their
favorite Dr. Seuss stories, such
as “The Cat in the Hat” or
“Green Eggs and Ham” for
family and friends. The participants’ experience will include
warm-up games, theatre exer-
Kugler —
make new friends, whether you
are new to town or have been
here all your life; your child
also will enjoy having age
mates for learning and play.
Ongoing ECFE classes will
begin Thursday, Sept. 13,
through Wednesday, Sept. 19.
All program information is
available in the ECFE/Community Education catalog that
was sent to homes Aug. 4-5,
and is available online at; click on
Quick Links, then ECFE
News. For print copies, stop at
Community Education/Panther
Field House, or ECFE addition
at Helen Baker School in Glencoe.
Discount coupons Available at:
Free Parking!
Discount tickets available online
ine or at :
The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 8
Dorothy L. A. Becker, 89, of Glencoe
Dorothy Lydia Alice (Wendlandt) Becker, 89, of Glencoe,
were held Saturday, Aug. 25,
at Immanuel Evangelical
Church in
Auburn. The
R e v .
M r s .
Becker died
T u e s d a y , Dorothy
21, Becker
Glencoe Regional Health
Services long-term care facility.
The organist was Kara
Scholla and soloist Justin Rierson sang “On Eagle’s
Wings” and “How Great Thou
Art.” Congregational hymns
were “Amazing Grace” and
“Abide With Me.”
Honorary pallbearers were
her great-grandchildren, Crystal Kanduth, Chelsea Kanduth,
Courtney Kanduth, Jordan
Gildea, Ashley Becker, Rebecca
Stephanie Klockmann and
Mitchel Klockmann. Active
pallbearers were Holly Kanduth, Heidi Klockmann,
Penny Gildea, Paul Becker,
Pam Becker, Jeff Becker, Joey
Becker and Leslie Karl. Interment was in High Island
Cemetery in New Auburn.
Dorothy Lydia Alice Wend-
landt was born July 22, 1923,
in Transit Township, to
Theophil and Viola (Henke)
Wendlandt. She was baptized
as an infant on Aug. 12, 1923,
by the Rev. George Diemer
and confirmed in her faith as a
youth on April 10, 1938, by
the Rev. Walter Diemer, at St.
Matthew’s Lutheran Church,
Penn Township, Brownton.
She received her education at
a country school.
On Sept. 21, 1941, Dorothy
Wendlandt was united in marriage to Edwin Becker by the
Rev. Walter Diemer at St.
Matthew’s Lutheran Church in
Penn Township, Brownton.
They made their home on the
Becker family farm from 1941
to 1989, when they moved to
Glencoe. Their marriage was
blessed with three children,
Karen, Errol and Eldon. The
Beckers were blessed to celebrate 70 years of marriage.
In addition to being a loving
homemaker and mother, Mrs.
Becker helped on the family
She was a faithful member
of Immanuel Evangelical
Lutheran Church in New
Auburn, where she was a
member of the ladies aid. She
also was a member of the New
Auburn Senior Citizens.
Mrs. Becker enjoyed fishing, gardening, baking, quilting, crocheting and sewing,
especially for her grandchildren. She also loved to play
sheephead. She cherished the
time spent with her family and
Survivors include her husband, Edwin Becker of Glencoe;
(Will-ard) Karl of Stewart,
Errol (Pat) Becker of Glencoe,
and Eldon (Bev) Becker of
Glencoe; grandchildren, Holly
(Steven) Kanduth, Heidi
(Marty) Klockmann, Penny
(Scott) Gildea, Paul (Wanda)
Becker, Pam Becker, Jeff
(Kim) Becker and Joey
Becker; great-grandchildren,
Crystal, Chelsea and Courtney
Kanduth, Stephanie and
Mitchel Klockmann, Jordan
Gildea, Ashley Becker, Rebecca and Brandon Becker,
and Abby Becker; step-grandchildren and step-great-grandchildren, Tim, Kathy, Bryce
and Kendra Karl, Leslie,
Linda, Larrissa, Lee and Lane
Karl, and Kevin, Jody, Trey,
Trent and Tia Weispfennig;
sister, LaVerna (Art) Just; sister-in-law, Kathryn Wendlandt; nieces, nephews, other
relatives and friends.
Preceding her in death were
her parents, Theophil and
Viola Wendlandt; brothers,
Willard Wendlandt, Orlin
Wendlandt and Ervin Wendlandt; and son-in-law, Gerald
Arrangements were by the
Chapel of Glencoe. Online
obituaries and guest book are
available at www.hantge.
com. Click on obituaries/
guest book.
Lila E. Winter, 80, of Lester Prairie
Lila Elizabeth (Seefeldt)
Winter, 80, of Lester Prairie,
died Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012,
at Glencoe Regional Health
Services in Glencoe.
were held
T h u r s d a y,
Aug. 16, at
Church in
L e s t e r Lila Winter
Prairie with the Rev. Eric
Nelson officiating. Marsha
Christenson was the organist.
Congregational hymns were
“How Great Thou Art,” “On
Eagle’s Wings” and “Amazing Grace.”
Honorary pallbearers were
Maddie Winter and Wyatt
Winter. Active pallbearers
were Richard Winter, Jon
Winter, Travis Winter, Justin
Winter, Tom Mallak and Ken
Lila Elizabeth (Seefeldt)
Winter was born Feb. 8, 1932,
in Lester Prairie, to Herman
and Lottie (Packer) Seefeldt.
She was baptized as an infant
Feb. 21, 1932, by the Rev.
J.A. Schert at St. Peter’s
Lutheran Church in Lester
Prairie, and confirmed in her
faith as a youth April 14,
1946, by the Rev. R.A. Ritz,
at St. Paul Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Lester
Prairie. She received her education in Lester Prairie and
was a graduate of the Lester
Prairie High School class of
1950. She was the valedictorian of her class.
On Oct. 21, 1950, she was
united in marriage to Melvin
Winter by the Rev. Ritz at St.
Paul Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Lester Prairie. The
couple made their home in
Lester Prairie, and were
blessed with four children,
Richard, Cindi, Sue and Jon.
They shared 16 years of marriage until Mr. Winter died
Nov. 4, 1966. In 1978, Mrs.
Winter moved to North
Branch, returning to Lester
Prairie in 2003.
In addition to being a loving homemaker and mother,
Mrs. Winter was employed at
Lester’s, Inc., Lester Prairie
(Thiel) Cafe, Rutz Plumbing
& Heating in Hutchinson and
Anderson & Koch Ford in
North Branch. She was a
member of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lester
Prairie, where she was a
member of the LMWL. She
also volunteered for the
American Cancer Society.
Mrs. Winter was a kind and
thoughtful woman. Her greatest love was being a mom.
She enjoyed reading, crossword puzzles, crocheting and
bird watching. She especially
cherished her time spent with
her family and friends.
She is survived by her children, Richard (Joyce) Winter
of Lester Prairie, Cindy
Plocher and Tom Mallak of
Lester Prairie, Sue Winter of
Lester Prairie and Joe Winter
of Fridley; grandchildren,
Travis (Jessi) Winter of
Aitkin and Justin (Danitra)
Winter of Prescott, Wis.;
great-grandchildren, Maddie
Winter and Wyatt Winter; sister, Lillian Paul of Fridley;
brothers-in-law, Orville Winter of Litchfield, Tony Albers
of Waconia and Ken Boerner
of Champlin; sister-in-law,
Germayne Winter of Glencoe;
nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.
She was preceded in death
by her parents, Herman and
Lottie Seefeldt; husband,
Melvin Winter; parents-inlaw, Fred and Christine Winter; sister and brother-in-law,
Slomkoski; brother-in-law,
Harold Paul; sisters-in-law,
Muriel Albers and Laverna
Boerner; and niece, Antonia
Arrangements were with
the Paul-McBride Funeral
Chapel of Lester Prairie. An
online guest book is available
Continue scouting for soybean pests
Soybean pests have been
hard to figure out in 2012.
Some pressure was seen toward the end of July into August. Soybean pests, including
soybean aphids and two-spotted spider mites, are not at
consistent levels in all fields
this year. Some fields have
been sprayed and other fields
are not seeing pressure at high
enough levels to warrant treatment.
Farmers are questioning
whether or not treatment is
necessary at this point. The
best answer we can give is that
you need to scout your soybean fields to determine the
population and pressure of
soybean pests. Scouting is the
best way to understand where
that particular field is at. A
neighboring field treated for
pests does not necessarily warrant treatment on your field.
Soybean aphids have become a perennial pest for Minnesota soybean growers since
2002. Aphids are small (1/16inch or less) and they are typically light green check for
aphids in the soybean canopy.
Signs of aphids include
white skin casts of molting
aphids, honeydew (sap excreted by aphids), or sooty
mold (a black mold that grows
on honeydew).
One method of quickly estimating soybean aphid populations is to employ “speed
scouting.” This is a method of
estimating aphid numbers
using the presence or absence
of aphids on a plant.
Details on speed ccouting
are available at http://www.
Bruce Potter, integrated pest
management specialist based
at the University of Minnesota, Lamberton Research
and Outreach Center, recently
reports that this year is not
shaping up to be a high pressure year for soybean aphids
from a soybean crop perspective. Winged aphids have been
leaving southwest Minnesota
fields since the end of July.
Winged aphids may be leaving soybean fields, but there
are few aphids around to replace those aphids. Aphid populations might or might not
build to economic threshold
levels in newly colonized
fields. It may be that economic
threshold populations could
occur later than normal.
Look for aphids low in the
canopy to get a reliable estimation of infestation level.
Use the 250 aphids per plant,
with 80 percent or more of the
Farm Notes
By Nathan Winter
plants in the field harboring
aphids until R6 stage soybeans. This stage is known as
the “green bean” stage or beginning full seed stage.
According to Ken Ostlie,
Extension entomologist at the
University of Minnesota and
Potter, prolonged drought
raised the threat of the twospotted spider mite outbreaks
in soybeans and corn.
Spider mite outbreaks are
rare, but have occurred more
frequently in recent years
(1988, 2007, 2009, and 2010).
Two-spotted spider mites are
minute (0.002 inch), greenish,
yellowish to orange arachnids
with two dark spots on their
abdomen. Note that two-spotted spider mites have eight
legs, not six as in insects.
Spider mite adults are half
the size, or less, of the smallest
soybean aphid nymph. They
attack a variety of plants, including soybeans, dry beans,
alfalfa, corn, vegetables, ornamentals and trees. Mites overwinter as eggs and move into
crops from permanent vegetation. Hatching mites colonize
on the undersides of leaves.
Spider mites injure leaves
by piercing cells and sucking
out cell contents. The injury
produces white or yellow
spots or “stippling” that is the
heaviest on the underside of
Infestations typically will be
first observed near field edges
where soybeans are stressed.
If lower-leaf loss, yellowed or
browning spots are noted at
the field edge, it is time for detective work.
Examine near roadsides,
ditches or alfalfa. Pull plants
and examine the leaves from
the bottom upwards. Look for
stippling or webbing. Tap
leaves over a white sheet of
paper or utilize a hand lens.
Determine how far mite symptoms have progressed up the
plant. If observed, move at
least 100 feet into the field to
determine presence.
Ostlie and Potter developed
a scale in 1988 to help determine mite infestation. The
spray threshold is when there
is heavy stippling on lower
leaves with some stippling
progressing into the middle
canopy. Mites will be present
in middle canopy with scattered colonies in upper
Lower leaf yellowing is
common and some lower leaf
loss when at the spray threshold. Full pod (R4) and beginning seed (R5) soybean
growth stages are critical in
determining soybean yield.
It is important to note that
most pyrethroid insecticides,
except bifenthrin, are not terribly effective against twospotted spider mites in
Be sure to scout your fields
for these pests. Earlier treatment of these pests does not
mean that there will not be recolonization. Continue scouting your fields and be sure to
contact the McLeod and
Meeker County Extension offices if you are looking for additional information.
Community ed
By Tina Hurni
Fall sports activities begin
A gymnastics open house is
scheduled for 9 a.m. to 10
a.m., Saturday, Sept. 8, and
participants can meet the new
coaches, Ashleigh and Chris
Moelter. Community Education classes will begin the
week of Sept. 10. Panther Paw
Team tryouts will be held Saturday, Sept. 8 from 10 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. Register early for
classes; some are filling
Due to the overwhelming
response, an evening session
has been added to the GSL
Swim Club. Contact Community Education at 320-8642690
Registration deadline is Sept.
7. Space is limited!
Flag football for grades 1-4
will begin Sept. 11. Registration deadline is Sept. 1.
Pre-school soccer will begin
Sept. 15. Registration deadline
is Sept. 5.
Pastor Scott Forsberg,
Crossroads Church, Plato
Perception, Perseverance and Perspective
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Often times in our lives, struggles come because of our own perception of how
life is played out. We fail to realize that we see a small part of what is really going
on in our day-to-day lives. Minor details are unnoticeable, and the full perspective
of what is happening around us goes unseen.
If we look at the Israelites in Deuteronomy 19, we see how God delivered them
to the Promised Land. We also see that they failed to enter the first time because of
their own perception of whether that land was attainable. They saw tall walls and
large people and were afraid, even though God had told them the land was theirs.
Because of their perception they had to persevere a season of wandering through
the desert. We all have times of perseverance in our lives. Times in which we feel
like every little thing we do is a struggle. To escape the desert the Israelites had to
trust God and take what He had given them. They couldn’t walk into Jericho and
see what they perceived, but they had to walk in faith knowing that God saw the
whole picture and delivered on His promises.
In order to receive His gift, they had to lean not on their own perception, but on
his perspective. He sees more than we do, He knows more than we do, and to walk
in God’s promises we have to place our trust in Him.
This weekly message is contributed by the following concerned citizens
and businesses who urge you to attend the church of your choice.
716 E. 10th St.,
Glencoe Area
Ministerial Assoc.
Funeral Chapel Monthly Meeting
1222 Hennepin, Glencoe (The First Tuesday of each month
except June, July and August)
The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 9
built in that location. This view is looking
north from the parking lot and at the eventual new main entrance into the facility.
The work is expected to be completed in
Corner of 16th Street and
Hennepin Avenue, Glencoe
Johnathon Pixler
Interim pastor
Call 320-864-6113
Call Jan at 320-864-3387 for
women’s Bible study
Wed., Aug. 29 — Women’s Bible
study, 9 a.m.; service on Glencoe
Cable Channel 10, 8 p.m
Fri., Aug. 31 — Men’s Bible study,
9 a.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 9:30
a.m.; service on Glencoe Cable Channel 10, 10:30 a.m.
Tues., Sept. 4 — Men’s Bible
study, 6 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Women’s Bible
study, 9 a.m.; service on Glencoe
Cable Channel 10, 8 p.m.
1820 N. Knight Ave., Glencoe
Katherine Rood, Pastor
E-mail: offi[email protected]
Wed., Aug. 29 — Televised worship service on Channel 10, 2 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with communion, 9 a.m.; worship at long-term
care, 1 p.m.
Mon., Sept. 3 — Office closed.
Tues., Sept. 4 — Ladies fellowship
at Gert & Erma’s, 10 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Confirmation orientation for grades 7-9 students, parents, 6:30 p.m.; building committee
meeting, 7:30 p.m.
520 11th St. E., Glencoe
Joseph Clay, Pastor
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with communion, 10 a.m.
1400 Elliott Ave., Glencoe
Rev. Linzy Collins Jr., Pastor
E-mail: [email protected]
Sun., Sept. 2 — Communion worship service, 9:15 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Communion at
GRHS long-term care, 10:15 a.m.;
choir practice begins, 6:30 p.m.
925 13th St. E., Glencoe
Daniel Welch, Senior Pastor
Ronald L. Mathison,
Associate Pastor
E-mail: fi[email protected]
Wed., Aug. 29 — Worship with
communion, 7 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with communion, 8 a.m.; fellowship, 9 a.m.;
KDUZ radio broadcast, 9:30 a.m.;
worship, 10:30 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Worship with
communion, 7 p.m.
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
1407 Cedar Ave. N., Glencoe
Rev. James F. Gomez, Pastor
4505 80th St., Helen Township
Dennis Reichow, Pastor
Thurs., Aug. 30 — Bible study at
Grand Meadows, 2 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 9 a.m.;
Bible class, 10:20 a.m.
Mon., Sept. 3 — Elders meeting, 6
p.m.; church board, 6:30 p.m.
Tues., Sept. 4 — Table Talk, 7 p.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Grades 5-6 catechism, 3:45 p.m.; grades 7-8 catechism, 4:45 p.m.; chimes, 6:30 p.m.;
choir, 7:30 p.m.
8638 Plum Ave., Brownton
Andrew Hermodson-Olsen, Pastor
[email protected]
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with
communion, 8:45 a.m.
700 Division St., Brownton
R. Allan Reed, Pastor
Wed., Aug. 29 — Confirmation
meeting, 7 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 1 — Altar Guild.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with
communion, 9 a.m.; Power Point projection screen LWML mites; Channel
8 worship video.
Division St., Brownton
Barry Marchant, Interim Pastor
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 9 a.m.
Robert Lehner, Pastor
Wed., Aug. 29 — Sunday school
teachers’ meeting, 7 p.m.
Wed., Aug. 29 — Mass, 9 a.m.
Thurs., Aug. 30 — Mass, 9 a.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Mass, 9:15 a.m.
Aaron Albrecht, pastor
Sat., Sept. 1 — Church clean-up
day, 9 a.m.; council to meet after
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 10 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Bible study, 6 p.m.
13372 Nature Ave. (rural Biscay)
Robert Taylor, pastor
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 9:30 a.m.
10484 Bell Ave., Plato
Scott and Heidi Forsberg, pastors
Wed., Aug. 29 — Youth and adult
activities night, 7 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 10 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Youth and adult
activities night, 7 p.m.
216 McLeod Ave. N., Plato
Bruce Laabs, Pastor
[email protected]
Thurs., Aug. 30 — Bulletin deadline; deacons meeting, 7 p.m.
308 First St. N.E., Plato
Bill Baldwin, Pastor
Fri., Aug. 31 — Office open, 9 a.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with communion, 10 a.m.; prayer time, 11 a.m.
Tues., Sept. 4 — Council meeting,
7 p.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Office open, 9
a.m.; men’s coffee, 9 a.m.; women’s
guild, 7 p.m.
New Auburn
Bradley Danielson, Pastor
E-mail: [email protected]
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 9 a.m.;
fellowship after worship.
300 Cleveland Ave., Silver Lake
Dr. Tom Rakow, Pastor
Wed., Aug. 29 — Prayer time, 7
Sat., Sept. 1 — Men’s Bible study,
7 a.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — “First Light” radio
broadcast on KARP 106.9 FM, 7:30
a.m.; fellowship and refreshment
time, 9 a.m.; pre-service prayer time,
9:15 a.m.; worship, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday
school, 10:35 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Confirmation
class resumes, 6 p.m.; prayer time, 7
Dial-A-Bible Story, 320-327-2843.
108 W. Main St., Silver Lake
320-327-2452 / Fax 320-327-6562
[email protected]
You may be able to reach someone
at the church every Tuesday through
Friday. Don’t hesitate to come in (use
church office door) or call, or e-mail
at [email protected].
Wed., Aug. 29 — Christian education meeting, 6:15 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 10 a.m.;
coffee and fellowship to follow service.
712 W. Main St., Silver Lake
Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Wed., Aug. 29 — Rosary, 6 p.m.;
Mass, 6;30 p.m.
Fri., Aug. 31 — Mass, 8 a.m.
Sat., Sept. 1 — Reconciliation,
5:30 p.m.; Mass, 6:30 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Mass, 8 a.m. and
8 p.m.
Tues., Sept. 4 — Mass, 8 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Rosary, 6 p.m.;
Mass, 6;30 p.m.
11325 Zebra Ave., Norwood
Joseph Clay, Pastor
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with communion at Church of Peace.
770 School Rd., Hutchinson
Kenneth Rand, Branch President
Wed., Aug. 29 — Young men and
women (12-18 years old) and scouting, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Sunday school,
10:50 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; priesthood, relief society and primary, 11:40 a.m.12:30 p.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Young men and
women (12-18 years old) and scouting, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Clinica del Alma
727 16th St. E., Glencoe
Spanish/bi-lingual services
Nestor and Maria German, Pastors
[email protected]
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 2 p.m.
77 Second Ave. S.
Corner C.R. 1 and Second St. S.,
Lester Prairie
David R. Erbel, pastor
Thurs., Aug. 30 — Office open, 9
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 9 a.m.
1215 Roberts Rd. S.W., Hutchinson
Rick Stapleton, Senior pastor
Adam Krumrie, Worship pastor
Thurs., Aug. 30 — Worship team,
6 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship, 9 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Ladies in Fellowship Together (LIFT), 1 p.m.;
AWANA training, 6:30 p.m.
Helen Baker/Lakeside Lunch
Monday — No school; Labor
chicken nuggets, chicken caesar
salad, mashed potatoes with gravy,
cucumber slices with light dressing, grapes, apple.
Wednesday — Italian dunkers
with sauce, chef salad with
cheese, egg and croutons, bread
stick, seasoned corn, cauliflower
florets with light dressing, petite banana, chilled peaches.
Thursday — Whole-grain pancakes with syrup, scrambled eggs,
ham and cheese on whole-grain
bun, oven-baked sweet potato
puffs, marinated cucumbers and
tomatoes, sliced strawberries,
chilled pears.
Friday — Tony’s whole-grain
pepperoni pizza, turkey and
cheese on whole-grain bread, seasoned green beans, caesar romaine salad with light dressing,
apple wedges, chilled mixed fruit.
High School Lunch
Monday — Labor Day; no
Tuesday — Popcorn chicken
bowl, whole-grain dinner roll,
mashed potatoes and gravy,
bun, hamburger on whole-grain
bun, cheese pizza, chicken bruschetta pizza, sandwich bar,
salad bar, caesar romaine salad
with light dressing, cherry tomatoes with light dressing, apples,
chilled mixed fruit.
First Lutheran School
Monday — Labor Day; no
Tuesday — Pizza, lettuce bar,
peaches, bread, milk.
Wednesday — Tacos, lettuce
bar, pears, bread, milk.
Thursday — Shredded-ham
sandwich, tator tots, mandarin oranges, milk.
Friday — Hot dogs, baked
beans, applesauce, milk.
St. Pius X
Monday — Labor Day; no
Tuesday — Chicken patty,
whole-grain bun, pears, corn,
baked beans.
Wednesday — Ham patty, waffles, fresh fruit, hash browns, green
Thursday — Tator tot hotdish,
bread, applesauce, Romaine
Friday — Grilled cheese, tomato
soup, pineapple, raw vegetables.
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Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Wed., Aug. 29 — Morning prayer,
8 a.m.; Mass, 8:20 a.m.; teacher workshop; Holy Trinity in Winsted open
Thurs., Aug. 30 — Morning prayer,
8 a.m.; Mass, 8:20 a.m.; teachers
workshop; open house at St. Pius X
School, 6:30 p.m.
Fri., Aug. 31 — Morning prayer, 8
a.m.; Mass, 8:20 a.m.; no Spanish
Mass; Juarez/Noyola wedding rehearsal, 6 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 1 — No widow, widowers and senior singles breakfast; Spanish baptism session, 10 a.m.;
Juarez/Noyola wedding, 2 p.m.; reconciliation, 4 p.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Mass, 9:30 a.m.;
Spanish Mass and baptisms, 11:30
a.m.; Guadalupe committee meeting,
12:30 p.m.; Mass at Seneca, 4:30 p.m.;
Mass at Holy Family, Silver Lake, 8
Mon., Sept. 3 — Labor Day; no
mass; parish offices and school offices
Tues., Sept. 4 — First day of school
for grades K-6; opening school Mass
with junior choir leading music, 9 a.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Evening prayer,
5:40 p.m.; Mass, 6 p.m.; religious education (RE) parents meeting in
church, 7 p.m.; grades K-6 RE classes,
7 p.m.-9 p.m.; grades 7-11 RE classes,
7 p.m.-8:15 p.m.
Matthew Harwell,
Director of Christian Education
E-mail: offi[email protected]
Wed., Aug. 29 — Worship with
communion, 7 p.m.; deacons, 8 p.m.
Thurs., Aug. 30 — Red Cross
blood drive, 2 p.m.-6 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 2 — Worship with communion, the Rev. Brady Finnern officiating, 9 a.m.
Mon., Sept. 3 — Church office
Tues., Sept. 4 — GSL ministerial
meeting, 10:30 a.m.; quilt-square cutting, 1 p.m.
Wed., Sept. 5 — Board of education, 7 p.m.
toasted cheese on whole-grain
bread, oven-baked chicken patty
on whole-grain bun, cheeseburger
on whole-grain bun, cheese pizza,
Brooklyn-style pepperoni flat
bread, sandwich bar, salad bar,
broccoli salad with raisins, cucumber slices with light dressing,
grapes, cinnamon baked apple
Wednesday — Italian dunkers
with meat sauce, seasoned corn,
barbecued chicken on whole-grain
bun, grilled chicken on whole-grain
bun, hamburger on whole-grain
bun, cheese pizza, aloha chicken
pizza, sandwich bar, salad bar,
chickpea salad, cauliflower florets
with light dressing, petite banana,
chilled peaches.
Thursday — Whole-grain pancakes with syrup, scrambled eggs,
oven-baked sweet potato puffs, hot
ham and swiss on whole-grain
bun, oven-baked chicken patty on
whole-grain bun, cheeseburger on
whole-grain bun, cheese pizza,
meat lover’s pizza, sandwich bar,
salad bar, marinated cucumbers
and tomatoes, baby carrots with
light dressing, sliced strawberries,
chilled pears.
Friday — Oven-baked meatballs
in gravy, seasoned noodles, wholegrain dinner roll, seasoned green
beans, sloppy Joe on whole-grain
bun, grilled chicken on whole-grain
Haferman Water Conditioning, Inc.
(320) 587-7199
Work is progressing on the $1.2 million expansion and addition onto Christ Lutheran
Church on Knight Avenue in Glencoe. The
former front entrance on the west side of
the church has been removed and the
basement walls of the addition have been
GSL Schools
Elementary/Jr. High/Sr. High
Monday — Labor Day; no
Tuesday — Pancake on a stick
or Cheerios and apple-cinnamon
muffin, diced peaches, low-fat milk.
Wednesday — Breakfast pizza
or reduced-sugar Cocoa Puff cereal and string cheese, orange
wedges, low-fat milk.
Thursday — Egg-and-cheese
omelet or reduced-sugar Fruit
Loops cereal and blueberry muffin,
orange juice cup, low-fat milk.
Friday — Whole-grain pancakes
with syrup or reduced-sugar Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Danimal
yogurt, diced pears, low-fat milk.
Christ Lutheran progress
James Rosckes, Glencoe
• Commercial
• Residential
• Agricultural
Office: 320-864-5729
Cell: (612) 310-5729
[email protected]
Submitted photo
Sept. 3 - 7
Millie Beneke Manor
Senior Nutrition Site
Monday — Labor Day; site
Tuesday — Meatloaf, scalloped
potatoes, carrots, bread with margarine, strawberry Bavarian cream,
low-fat milk.
Wednesday — Stuffed baked
potato with diced ham and cheese,
broocoli, bread with margarine,
bar, low-fat milk.
Thursday — Chicken breast,
fresh fruit, pea-and-cheese salad,
bun with margarine, cake, low-fat
Friday — Chicken chow mein,
rice, oriental vegetables, gelatin
with pineapple, bread with margarine, sugar cookie, low-fat milk.
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The McLeod County Chronicle, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, page 10
State statute Continued from page 1
Dale Rach, Glencoe Light
Plant operations supervisor,
said it has been said that once
the landfill is closed and
capped, there would still be 15
to 20 years of methane gas
“But is it enough methane?”
Meyer said. “We need a sustainable supply” to operate the
methane-to-electricity program for Glencoe.
“We will continue to stay
on top of it,” as the MPCA reviews and responds to all
comments, Meyer said.
The next day, Meyer said
the methane-to-energy program is part of the state’s
25/25 program to ensure that
25 percent of energy generated is through renewable resources by 2025.
He said if the MPCA plans
to implement the state statute
on waste, it will “potentially
reduce waste” coming to
Spruce Ridge, “and adversely
affect gas production.
With one-third of the city’s
energy coming from renew-
able resources, “we’re a
decade ahead” of the 25/25
mandate. “We not only met it,
we greatly exceeded it.”
Meyer said he does not understand why the MPCA is
now so adamant in enforcing
the old waste statute. “It’s archaic.”
When the statute was enacted in the early 1980s, it
was a time when landfills
were “just a hole in the
ground” and were considered
environment problems. It was
thought at that time that the
problem would be eliminated
by burning the garbage and
not burying it.
Now technology has improved with landfill linings
and projects like that at
Spruce Ridge. “There have
been no documented landfill
leaks since 1994,” Meyer
He said the best chance to
stop the MPCA’s effort may
changes. “They enacted it,
they can rescind it.”
Photo courtesy of Michael Mattison, Winthrop News
The ribbon at the new USG grain-shuttle facility near
Brownton was cut at about 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 20.
Front row, from left to right, Mike Brey, Stan Brey, Dan
Jenniges, Todd Nelson, Eric Annexstad, Kevin
Lauwagie, Jeff Nielsen, Rik Rudeen, Scott Nagel, Mark
Hedin and Matt Dalbec. Back row, Doug Eiden, Jason
Tews, Todd Kettner, David Braun, Jeff Manderscheid,
Jeff Franta, Randy Franke, Diane Franzeen, Jim Johnson and Dan Dirks.
UGS showcases Brownton grain
terminal at Aug. 20 open house
By Michael Mattison
Winthrop News
United Grain Systems,
LLC, a partnership between
United Farmers Cooperative
and Archer-Daniels-Midland
Company (ADM) held an
open house Monday, Aug. 20,
for its new Brownton grain
The four-hour open house
was what UGS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and UFC
Nielsen described as a mini
UFC-UGS Fest. Equipment
from all divisions of UFC
were on display, including
floaters, sprayers, trucks and
application equipment.
“Our sales and tech staff
were on hand to answer any
questions,” Nielsen said.
There were walking tours
of the facility as well as shuttle tours. A video of the facility also was shot to provide
those in attendance with a visual tour if they did not want
to walk through.
An information booth was
also set up to explain how the
facility will operate and also
for patrons to pick up their
Nielsen explained that the
facility will be run on a card.
Patrons will scan their card
when entering the facility.
There will be no need for
them to get out of the truck at
any time.
All information —contracts, Department of Transportation (DOT) and farm —
are contained on the card and
the information is sent to the
scale operator. The driver and
operator will communicate
via phone or intercom. The
scale operator will weigh and
take samples and a digital
display will then tell the
driver where to go.
Depending on harvest pressure and the lines at the facility, Nielsen estimated that
once a driver hits the scale,
they should be dumped and
re-weighed in less than 10
It will feature three receiving pits on the front side of
the facility which can handle
20,000 bushels of grain an
hour each, meaning 60,000
bushels an hour can be elevated. Nielsen explained that
all the hoppers on a truck can
be opened at once as the grain
is taken away as fast as it is
He also compared it to the
Winthrop facility, which is
considered fast. Winthrop has
two pits operating at a 10,000
bushel per hour capacity.
The back side of the facility also has one 20,000bushel-per-hour pit which
will be used if grain needs to
be transfered from another elevator. “Those can go to the
back side and not interfere
with our customers,” Nielsen
He estimated that the facility can handle 500 to 600
trucks a day with minimal
The construction contract
calls for the facility to be
completed by Sept. 15 and
the targeted opening date is
Sept. 17. Nielsen said that
with the crop coming faster
than anticipated, the facility
may be accepting corn
shortly after Labor Day.
Construction has nearly
been completed on the facility and should be completed
within the next seven days.
The next couple of weeks
will be working on logistics
and making sure all of the
computer programs are communicating with each other
The UFC-ADM partnership made the Brownton
Shuttle Terminal a reality.
UGS partnership
gives our members access to
the most professional grain
people in the industry,”
Nielsen said. “We maintain
local ownership, but this enhances our financial strength.
It allows UFC to continue to
meet the needs of our members in fertilizer, energy, feed
and farm equipment without
giving up control and patronage on the grain side. They
will be the same people our
customers have been dealing
with for years.”
The Brownton shuttle facility came about as a result of
finding the most efficient
way to export grain to previ-
ously untapped markets.
“Over the last 10 years, we
have seen a four-fold grain
volume increase. You look
around the area, and there is
a good ability to grow corn.
We have seen increases in
corn production while livestock has gone flat. That didn’t add value for our patrons,
and we needed to get access
to the global market.”
Nielsen said that UFC handles about 21 million bushels
of grain a year and about 10
million is shipped, most of it
by truck.
“We had no access to
China, the Pacific Coast or
the Gulf,” he said. “This facility gives us better access to
those markets.”
The facility will fill unit
trains which consist of 110
super-hopper cars which will
be pulled by three to four locomotives depending on their
destination. Each car can
hold about 4,000 bushels
which translates to 440,000
bushels per train. That is the
equivalent of what 450 semi
trucks can haul.
“The shuttle is the most efficient way to move large
amounts of grain,” Nielsen
The Brownton location was
the ideal fit because of its size
and location. It is located on
the shortline Twin Cities and
Western Railroad. UGS will
be able to ship on the
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Railway, which serves the Pacific Northwest; Union Pacific, which serves the Gulf
and Texas; and Canadian Pacific, which serves the eastern part of the United States
and southern Canada.
Nielsen explained that if
the facility was built on one
of those major lines, it would
be limited to ship on that line
exclusively. Of approximately 130 shippers, less
than 10 are able to ship on all
three like the Brownton shuttle.
There is also enough land
which will allow multiple
stages of development if it is
needed in the future.
The unit train provides the
best freight rate for shippers.
thority in an effort to mislead
and confuse the voter. For
Ritchie to change the wording
of the ballot question after
very specific and understandable titles were provided by
the Legislature is a blatant
overreach of power by the
Secretary of State, encroach-
With all three kids grown
and on their own, the Nelsons
hire area teens to help with
the milking, giving them an
occasional night off or to go
to meetings.
“There aren’t a lot of jobs
for kids around here,” said
Mary Nelson. “It gives them
some experience in farming
and milking.”
Along with the farm, the
Nelsons are active in agriculture in many other ways.
They belong to both the Holstein and Ayrshire associations. Duane Nelson is on the
board of directors for both
Gen X and Farm Systems of
Melrose. He also is the president of the Winthrop Lions
Mary Nelson is active with
4-H, helps coach the GFW
FFA dairy judging team and
is part of the Dairy Profitability Enhancement Program.
In 1995, Duane and Mary
Nelson were awarded the Distinguished Young Breeder
award by the National Holstein Association.
The Nelsons’ children were
all active at McLeod West
Their son, Erik, and his
wife, Megan, live northeast
of Brownton and have two
children, Charlie and Levi.
Erik Nelson is an agronomist. His wife, Megan, was
formerly the agriculture
teacher and FFA adviser at
Glencoe-Silver Lake High
School. She recently began a
new job with UFC in
Erik Nelson was diagnosed
with leukemia during his junior year at McLeod West. The
Nelsons are happy to say that
he has been cancer-free for
nearly 13 years.
Daughter Tracy teaches
agriculture at Kimball Area
High School, and daughter
Brenda, and her husband,
Alex Miller, live at Sauk
Centre and are expecting
their first child in November.
The Nelsons were honored
as the McLeod County Farm
Family of the Year, along
with other county farm families, at Farmfest near Redwood Falls in early August, a
family activity they enjoyed.
Duane Nelson said that
after 30 years of dairying, he
still likes working with cows.
“I can see us doing this for
at least another 10 years,” he
In observance of Labor Day,
we will be CLOSED
Monday, September 3
The McLeod County Chronicle * Glencoe Advertiser * Silver Lake Leader
The Galaxy * The Sibley Shopper * The Arlington ENTERPRISE
online at
716 E. 10th St. • Glencoe, MN 55336 • 320-864-5518
401 W. Alden St. • Arlington, MN 55307 • 507-964-5547
Newman reacts Continued from page 1
originally designated. I am
pleased that the Court has upheld the Legislature’s authority to designate appropriate
titles for constitutional questions that appear before the
“Secretary of State Mark
Ritchie overstepped his au-
“They never have to unhook.
They loop around the track
and almost never have to
stop,” Nielsen said.
He added that best freight
rates generally are obtained
when loading in 10 hours or
less and this facility is capable of loading those units in
eight hours.
Nielsen expects the facility
to begin by moving about 10
million bushels of corn,
which would be about 20
trains a year.
Because of increasing crop
yields and local production,
they anticipate 40 to 50 trains
a year by year three.
Nielsen has been asked
why the facility was built so
“We did not build it to just
serve today,” he said. “We
built it to serve for the next
25 years. Do we have excess
capacity today? Yes we do.
But production continues to
increase every year and we
will be ready for it.”
Nelson family Continued from page 1
ing on the lawmaking authority of the Minnesota Legislature.
“I look forward to election
day when the citizens of Minnesota will have the opportunity to vote on this important
election integrity measure.”
104B Lake Avenue • Silver Lake, MN 55381 • 320-327-2216
All advertising copy and news items must
be submitted no later than
Noon on Friday, August 31
for the Sept. 5 Chronicle and Sept. 6 Leader.