Hospice Residential Care A Need Today


Hospice Residential Care A Need Today
Hospice Residential Care
A Need Today —A Reality Tomorrow
geechee Area
Hospice was not
conceived from the
halls of academia, or
the medical establishment, or from
business enterprise
that desires profit
from a product.
Ogeechee Area
Hospice was born and
now thrives because
Nancy Bryant RN, MSN
residents in our reExecutive Director
gion realized that our
most vulnerable citizens, the terminally ill,
needed and deserved special care. And so it was
in 1994, families began bringing their loved ones
home, to be cared for under the watchful eye and
skill of the staff and volunteers of Ogeechee Area
Hospice. This is the most profound part of who
we are today. From absolutely nothing, we have
created a program wealthy in the rich experience
of caring well for the dying.
During our first decade, we also
experienced the difficult and heartbreaking
choices faced by many families who were not
able to bring their loved one home for the final
days of life; with symptoms too acute or family
members being unable to partner with us in
assuming such responsibility in their home.
From this need came our passion to construct our
present 12 bed Inpatient Center.
At that time a resounding voice was heard
through donations from families, individuals,
service organizations and businesses— “Yes”,
many of you said. “Our residents would benefit
from a setting where peace, choice, dignity and
compassionate care prevails.” Seeing only a
drawing on shiny paper, Bulloch County donated
property and over $1 million was raised in a few
short months to complete the funding of the $4
million facility.
Our citizens had faith and trust in the plan.
The 12 bed Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient
Center, opening its doors in 2005, has proven to
be an extraordinary resource for many residents
in the Ogeechee Region who have acute
symptoms or can no longer be managed in the
home setting when death is near. Respite care,
for up to 5 days, is also offered when
caregivers for our home hospice patients need
relief from this responsibility.
During the summer of 2010, another bold
plan was discussed to address the needs of
hospice patients who can no longer live alone due
to physical decline or are in an unsafe home
environment. Such patients are not considered to
have acute care needs that qualify them for
general inpatient hospice care.
With quiet confidence, during a time of
economic uncertainty, Ogeechee Area Hospice
initiated a capital campaign to fund a 13 bed
adjoining hospice residential facility. It was a
step of faith; knowing that once initiated, success
was the only option.
We are extremely proud and honored to
announce such a success. Once again, a
generous community united and invested in
their future with $1,700,000 pledged to this
critical project!
In This Issue
News From the Campaign
Project Update
Board Spotlight
Investors Celebrate
Generous Investors
Camp Lily-Welle
From the Medical Director
What Families Say
Good News
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Pages 6-7
Pages 8-9
Page 10
Page 10
Page 11
Volunteer’s Corner
Gifts from the Community
Page 12
Pages 13-15
Learn about
our services
by calling
us today.
We are here
for you.
News From the Campaign Co-Chairs
David &
David and Fayebeth Ball are certainly not strangers to caring about the welfare
of our most vulnerable populations, including children and the less fortunate.
June 15, 2011 Venturing into the mission of Ogeechee Area Hospice was a bittersweet passion,
after the death of Fayebeth‟s beloved father. “With the care of Ogeechee Area
May 1, 2011
Hospice the monumental stress was lifted. It all became clear what the
word hospice truly means. Hospice care was not to fear but to embrace,
during such a difficult and private time. We are proud to have been a part
of this effort and thankful to be servants to this great community.”
April 1, 2011
March 1, 2011
Together We Care
Capital Campaign
Feb 1, 2011
Jan 1, 2011
Dec 1, 2010
Nov 1, 2010
This well known and respected couple poured themselves into the „Together We
Care’ capital campaign to raise the needed funding for a 13 bed residential
facility. With $425,000 already in hand from Ogeechee Area Hospice, they led
their team of community volunteers along with Ron Harding, consultant from
the American Fundraising Institute. A goal of $1.2 million initially felt like a
steep mountain to climb. However, when a committee of community icons such
as Jody Stubbs, Earl Dabbs Sr., Warren Ball, Donald Nesmith, Trish Tootle,
Rachel Edwards, Clark Deloach, Bobby Smith, Charlie Olliff, Marsha Colson,
Wayne Akins, Connie Beasley, Bill Hawkins and Sonny Ross, gave testimony to
the impact this project will bring, the incredible generosity of our community
prevailed. An unprecedented $1.7 million in pledges and cash was raised in
seven months! As is not unusual, during the design process, it was recognized
that more space than anticipated was necessary for mechanical rooms, storage
areas and the conference/community room. With that and some renovation to
current spaces, we are closing the gap to obtaining a mortgage free facility.
Project Update
Palmer Architects Inc. of Statesboro, GA was chosen
for the design of the hospice residential expansion. They
are working with Pope Construction Company, also headquartered in Statesboro, as a design-build team. This
model of collaboration generally proves less costly and
produces a structure of the highest quality.
Kevin Palmer, AIA, NCARB is the
Principal Architect, with over 20 years of
Pope Construction, the primary
contractor, founded in 1972, is well known
in the region for their excellent work.
New construction totals 13,015 square feet and
includes 13 patient rooms, 2 family rooms, 3 screened
porches, covered drop-off areas and a conference/
community room. Another 1,505 square feet of renovations are also necessary to accommodate needed
storage areas and a more spacious industrial kitchen.
With a total construction space of 14,520 square
feet, the cost will be approximately $2,100,000.
Including design fees, site work, furnishings and contingencies the final cost is now estimated at $2,350,000.
With $425,000 of agency funds and $1,700,000 from
the successful campaign, $2,125,000 is secured at this
time. Therefore, our fundraising efforts will
continue throughout construction and we are
confident in the outcome.
Please indicate
„Building Project‟
on the lower left
portion of your
Groundbreaking is scheduled for
Thursday, August 25, 2011
10:00 AM
Completion—Summer of 2012
Ogeechee Area
P.O. Box 531
Statesboro, GA
Board Spotlight
As one might imagine, when viewing the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Center
on the corner of East Grady and Donehoo Street, its design and construction was an
extraordinary undertaking. It required tedious hours and frequent collaboration with
numerous individuals and firms throughout the design and construction phases of the
project. As a member of the agency‟s volunteer Board of Directors and Chairman of the
building committee, Richard (Dick) Mellett was the hub of that large circle.
After a brief time away from the Board, Dick returned and recently agreed to repeat
the task! Once again, he is pouring over the new drawings of the hospice residential
facility design, meeting frequently with the architect, contractor, engineers and others
involved in the process. It is the combination of Dick Mellett‟s professional experience
and his outstanding character that enables him to lead this significant project with
knowledge, skill, attention to detail, diplomacy and patience. This dedicated board
member has not stopped with his generosity of time and talent, as he and his wife, Marty, pledged
significant monetary contributions to both projects.
Dick received a BS in Civil Engineering from Penn State University and a Masters of Civil Engineering from
the University of Florida. A 23 year career in the US Army Corps of Engineers followed, with tours in
Germany, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. A second successful career then took he and Marty to Northfield,
Vermont as the director of the physical plant at Norwich University. From there, in 1988, Statesboro
became their home. Dick occupied the position of director of the physical plant at Georgia Southern
University until his well deserved retirement in 2003.
Dick and Marty raised two sons, Richard Jr. (wife Stacey) of Ohio and Scott (wife Patricia), who reside in
Florida. Traveling to far away places and spoiling their three grandchildren keep Dick and Marty energetic.
Thank you Mr. Richard Mellett for your unselfish generosity of time, talent and resources to
Ogeechee Area Hospice.
Our Board
of Directors
Jean Bartels PhD
Richard Mellett
J.R. Holloway
Connie Beasley
Leo Parrish
Roy Thompson
Trish Tootle
Dan Snipes
Joan Kilian
Jamey Cartee
Investors Celebrate
he Board of Directors hosted a special reception at Ogeechee Area Hospice on May 19, 2011.
President of the Board, Jean Bartels PhD, thanked the volunteer capital campaign committee for
their diligent work and success in the „Together We Care‟ campaign. She also voiced the Board‟s
great appreciation to the other special guests—donors whose noteworthy contributions propelled the
campaign‟s outcome to $1,700,000! “The success of this endeavor is a testimony, not only to the
generosity of so many, but also a testimony to the positive impact that Ogeechee Area Hospice has
had on citizens of Bulloch and surrounding counties.” She concluded that the vision of Nancy Bryant,
all those years ago, continues into another chapter—hospice residential care.”
Campaign co-chairs, David and Fayebeth Ball, voiced their appreciation and acknowledged to the
crowd their love for a community that takes care of their own in such extraordinary ways. The group
enjoyed champagne, hors d‟oeuvres and fellowship throughout the evening.
Richard Mellett gives project update
Board members mingle with the crowd
Jewel Dabbs & Clark Deloach
Mr. & Mrs. Raybon Anderson &
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Olliff
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Smith
BB&T President, John Lane
Richard Deal CPA & Leo Parrish, CPA
Jean Bartels, PhD, Board President
& Nancy Bryant, Executive Director
Generous Investors
We take this opportunity to acknowledge all those who invested
in the ‘Together We Care’ Capital Campaign.
Ogeechee Area Hospice is grateful for all contributions.
Jean Bartels PhD, - Board President
Akers, William and Family
Anderson, Raybon and Janelle
Automation Systems & Controls
Auxiliary of East Ga. Regional
Ball, David and Fayebeth
Ball, Warren and Roxella
Bartels, Terry and Jean
BB & T Bank
Blount, Leonard and Betty
Bryant, Nancy and Larry
Bulloch Cellular, Inc.
Claude Howard Lumber Co.
Dabbs, Earl and Jewell
Davis, Gary & Michelle
Deloach, Clark and Jan
Dukehart, Catherine
Edenfield, Cox, Bruce and Classens
Edwards, Dennis and Charlotte
Edwards, Gary and Debbie
Edwards, John and Rachel
Estate of Ruby Prouse
Farmers and Merchants Bank
Foy, Jackie B.
Gerguis, Dr. John and Dr. Angela
Good Samaritan Foundation
H. A. Sack Co.
Hamilton, Lynda
Harless, Caroline T.
Hawkins, William C. Jr.
Hendley, Ray
Hodges-Moore Funeral Home
Hook, Jeff
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. James
Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home
Kennedy, Michael and Verdery
Lee, Hill, Johnston Insurors
Lewis Color Lithographers
Manack, Max and Susan
McCook’s, Len & Janie
Medical Center Pharmacy
Mellett, Richard and Marty
Nesmith, Archie
Nesmith, Donald and Cathy
Nevil, Ricky and Susan
Nevil, Lem and Ann
Olliff, Bernard and Evelyn
Otwell, Roy T.
Pope Construction Co.
Rollins, Tonya
Ross, Sonny and Becky
Rozier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Scott, John and Wanda
Sea Island Bank
Sheppard, Donnie and Jeanette
Sheppard, W. M. and Kathryn
Smith, Faye Foy
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
St. Andrews Builders
Statesboro Family Practice Clinic
Statesboro Oncology Assoc.
Stubbs, Jody and Beth
Thigpen, Lanier, Westerfield & Deal
Walker Pharmacy Inc.
Willingway Hospital
Share a Common Cause
Abercrombie, Mary R.
Adrich, Broadus and Renee
Akins, Euel and Doris
Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Broadus
Alloways, Emory and JoAnn
Anderson, Harriett
Anderson, Jan B.
Anderson, Jim and Gloria
Aycock, Angel
Bargeron, Gloria
Barnes, Reba and Gary
Barnes, William and Sara
Barton, John and Michele
Beasley, Connie
Beasley, Michael and Laura
Benson, Mike and Terri
Binford, Claire
Bishop, Dr. Nelda Rose
Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. James
Blakey, Sylvia
Boatman, Martha and Mel
Bohlke, Dr. Scott
Bolen, Dr. William and Mrs. Sheron
Boulineau, Edward
Brannen, Buford and John
Brannen, Irvin and Jeanne
Brannen, Joe and Cecil
Brannen, Kent and Laura
Brannen, Lehman and Sharon
Brannen, Teresa
Braswell, Mr. and Mrs. Belton
Bray DMD and Young DMD, P. C.
Brinson, Glenn and Salli
Brodie Meter Co.
Brooklet Community Development Group
Brown, Dr. Walter L.
Brown, Willie and Katherine
Brunson, Hoke Jr.
Bryant, John and Elmer
Buie, Jessie
Bulloch Council -Moral & Civil Concerns
Bunch, Cecil W.
Bunch, Ricky and Lynn
Burns, Andy and Patty
Campbell, Audrey
Cannon, Carolyn
Castellano, Terri and Giuseppe
Cedar Surgical Associates, P. C.
Chandler, Charles and Pat
Citizens Bank
Coleman, Dan and Jean
Collins, William
Connell, Dr. Don and Connie
Conner, B.M. and Anne
Cook, Mary and William
Cook, Robert and Emily
Coston, Bob and Jackie
Cox, Jane
Crane, Patsy
Crider, W. A. Jr.
Daniel, Cecile
Davis, Aline
Davis, Janet
Deal, Charles and Christine
Deal, Edgar & Diana
Deal, Judy
Delaar, Robert and Pauline
Deloach, Lucille B.
Dickerson, Jimmy and Linda
Donaldson, Walter and Janet
Downs, William & Vann
Draughn, Francine
Duke, Derek and Patricia
Dunn, J.D. and Doty
Dutrow, James and Hilda
East Georgia Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgery Center, LLC.
Edwards, Glenda
Emerald Wave Properties
Estate of Carene D. Mallard
Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Grady
Farmdale Baptist Church
Finch, Harold and Nan
Ford, Buck and Nora
Franklin, Pernal and Cathy
Gay, Mark and Carolyn
GA Anesthesia & Pain Management
Gehm, Dan
Gilmore, Peggy S.
Glasoe, Nicole
Glenn, Betty
Golden, Bill
Gooding, Carl and Ruth
Green, Paul and Barbara
Griffis, William I.
Griner, Lana
Groover, William and Michelle
Hagan, C. Edward
Hagan, Danny and Jane
Hagan, Robert and Jo Ann
Harris, Jerry and Darlene
Hazeldine, Mary
Hendrix, Lucille
Henry, Jack and Dorothy
Henzler, Christian
Heritage Bank of the South
Hill, James
Hill, Juan and Gaye
Hitchcock, C.E. and Vera Hitchcock
Holloway, J. R.
Hotchkiss, H. G. and Dorothy
Hotchkiss, James and Crystal
Hughes, Don and Janelle
Hughes, Thomas and Nanette
Hunter, Carl and Faye
Hutcheson, Troy and Pat
I H S Pharmacy and Gifts
James, Doug and Caroline
Johnson, Connie
Johnston, Ltc.(Ret) and Mrs. James
Jones, Eugene and Cecilene
Jones, Charles and Patty
Jones, Eugene & Cecilene
Kibler, Keith and Roxanne
Kilian, Joan
Knight, Vernon and Judy
L.A. Wataers Furniture
Laircey, Wayne and Suzan
Lanier, James and Montell
Lanier, Rae Minick
Lewis, James and Lynda
Lewis, Mary J.
Mal-Ad Promotions
Mallard, Mr. and Mrs. John G.
Mallary, Lyle and Pauling
Marsh, Elliott and Christy
Marsh, Jo Ann
Mask, Michael and Nancy
McCormick, J.B.
McCullough, Laura
McDonald, Sandra
McManus, Van and Melba
Melford, Sara
Merck,Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Mesaros, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mikell, Laura
Miller,Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E.
Millican, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mills, Donnie M.
Mills, John and Elizabeth
Mingledorff, Julien
Montelpasse, Van and Susan
Moore, Michael and Patricia
Moore, Thomas and Sunni
Morgan, Anne
Morgan, Jennie F.
Moseley, Mrs. Willie Lee
Neidlinger, Craig and Madelyn
Nessmith, Josh T. Jr.
Nevil, Marlin and Cindy
Nevius, Dale and Linda
Newsome, Dorothy
Newsome, Jewell
Norton, Dr. Nancy B.
O’Keefe, Herbert and Kaye
Olliff, C. P.
Owens, Jeff and Mima
Parker, Gloria
Parrish, Leo
Patterson, John and Anne
Pickett, John and Billie
Pinckard, Tom and Joy
Precision Machine & Indexable Tool
Proctor, Henry
Prosser, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey
Queensborough National Bank
Randall, Dr. James and Cindy
Rich, Harriet
Reed, Charles
Ricks, Mrs. Charles L.
Rigdon, Steven
Riggs, John C.
RJ’s Steakery Inc.
Roach, Hal and Susan
Rosengart, Russell ,Angie and Helen
Sapp, RaDonna
Scales, Luther and Emily
Screven Co. Hospital Auxiliary
Sheffied, Charlotte
Shelkoff, Leon and Morrie
Sheppard, Jim
Shiffler, Ron and Barbara
Shriver, George and Cathy
Shropshire, Suzanne
Shurling, Emma F.
Sikes, Penny
Sikes, Sarah Alice
Sikes, Viola K.
Silcox, Mary E.
Simmons, Linda
Sims, Dr. Anastatia
Smalley, Joseph and Elizabeth
Smith, Gary and Marie
Smith, Jacqueline
Smith, Richard and Jenny
Soleau, Mary Kay
Spence, Kevin and Kelly
Staff of RJ’s Steakery
Starling, Mickey and Virginia
Statesboro Cardiology
Stewart, Lewis and Charlene
Stokes, Helen
Stone, Kenny and Julie
Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Grier
The Clubhouse & Hackers Golf Park
Thompson, Donald and Sally
Thompson, Marcelle and Bobbie
Thompson, Margene
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Tootle, Trish
Trapnell, Gene B.
Turner, Judy V.
Tyson, Alvis and JoAnn
University Tire & Service Center, Inc.
Varnadoe, Tiffany
Ward, Jane
Ward, Katheryn
Wasdin, James and Rhonda
Waters, Floyd and Joy
Waters, Nancy
Waters, Rex
Watson, Helen
Wiggins, Robert and Anita
Wilbanks, Janice
Wilkins, Roxie Lee
Wilson, Johnny and Evelyn
Windstead, Helen
Woods, Joseph and Eleanor
Wynn, Jack and Margaret
Yawn, Bruce and Carol
Zinskie, Jon and Cordelia
“What does your dog do when
Camp Lily-Welle incorporates
he’s happy? Yes, that tail wags,”
art and music therapy, pet and
Veterinarian Gary Edwards,
clown therapy, crafts, story time,
acknowledged to the 38 children.
and videos as ways to give
Excitement filled the room as Amos,
children emotional activities and
a black Labrador, interacted with
outlets to express their feelings.
the transfixed group. “Have you
Each activity brings special meanever seen your pet sad?” Dr. Gary
ing: a memory pillow created at
asked. The room‟s atmosphere
craft time; a child‟s expression of
became serious as they related
their loss with crayons and
times when their dog or cat seemed
movement, a pet‟s unconditional
sad. “Even dogs can be sad, but
love and a clown with two faces.
that’s OK. We can let them know
With counselors, social workers
that we care.” All the children
and trained volunteers on hand to
could relate to what Dr. Gary was
help work through any difficult
Dr. Gary Edwards & Amos
saying, because the common bond
periods, the children have fun and
at Camp Lily-Welle is the loss of a loved one. They
see that they are not alone.
all know sadness.
At the end of the day, special notes from each
For 15 years, Ogeechee Area Hospice has been
child are tied to balloons and let go toward the sky
hosting Camp Lily-Welle; a day camp that teaches
in unison.
children healthy ways to cope with strong emotions
and feelings of grief and loss.
Ways to Help A Grieving Child
Don't be afraid to talk about death or loss. Children do not benefit from "not thinking about
it" or "putting it out of their minds." Share important facts about the loss and try to get a
sense of what the child thinks about death in general.
The more you understand about how children think about death, the easier it will be for
you to talk about it in a meaningful way. During these initial conversations, try to understand how the child envisions the meaning of death. Do they have a view of afterlife?
Share some of your own feelings and thoughts. Sometimes children act as if they have not
heard anything you have said, but they have. Remember that in the midst of distressing
experiences, children are not very capable of processing complex or abstract information.
Be prepared to repeat the same information again and again.
Invite the child to talk about feelings they have regarding the death. Then you can let
them take the lead as to when, how long, and how much it is discussed.
If the affected child witnesses that you are remarkably upset by the loss, they may not
bring the topic up, even when they want to. It can be very helpful for the child to know
that you have been affected by the loss and that you are willing to talk about how you feel.
Be a good role model by showing the child that it is OK to express emotions.
Bruce Perry MD., PhD, Early Childhood Today, 2010
At Camp Lily-Welle
Ogeechee Area
Hospice Social
Worker, Peter
Welle created
the agency‟s first
camp for grieving
children. During
that first camp
Peter helped
children plant
flowers in
remembrance of
Peter Welle
their loved one,
including Lilies. Since Peter‟s
untimely death in 1997, the day
camp has been known as
Camp Lily-Welle.
From The Medical Director
Tips for Those Living with Chronic Lung Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is a disease of the lungs that develops over
many years. When you have COPD your airways become persistently blocked, which makes
breathing difficult. More than 12 million Americans are living with COPD and is the 4th leading
cause of death in the U.S. Smoking is the most significant reason that people develop COPD. While
there is no cure for COPD, there are ways to improve quality of life and prevent complications such
as pneumonia.
Dr. John Gerguis
Stop Smoking: While kicking the habit won't return your lungs to normal, it will delay
progression of symptoms. Many people struggle with giving up cigarettes. Talk to your doctor
about methods to quit smoking. Using a combination of drug and behavioral treatments are most
Learn New Breathing Techniques: The pursed lip breathing technique can decrease episodes of breathlessness,
help control anxiety associated breathlessness and restore a regular pattern of breathing. With pursed lip breathing,
breathe in through your nose and then exhale slowly through slightly pursed lips with the mouth nearly closed. The
extra time it takes to exhale helps keep the airways open longer. This technique improves the air flow, slows the rate
of breathing and reduces the work involved.
Avoid Lung Irritants: Cold air can trigger bronchospasms. In cold weather wear a scarf over your mouth and nose
to warm the air. COPD patients should also stay indoors to avoid pollution on poor air quality days.
Take Medications as Directed: Bronchodilators and corticosteroids are often used to treat your symptoms.
Bronchodilators, delivered through an inhaler, relax muscles around your airways, opens them and eases breathing,
while inhaled corticosteroids fight inflammation in the airways. It is essential that medications prescribed for other
conditions, such as heart problems, are also taken exactly as prescribed. It is also critical to get your seasonal flu
Eat Well: Good nutrition with adequate calories will help you breathe easier, fight infections, and boost your energy
level. Eat four to six small but nutritious meals throughout the day to help boost nutrients and calories into smaller,
easy-to-tolerate meals. Eat slowly to prevent tiring before you finish your meal. Impaired breathing from excess gas
and constipation can also be problematic. A well balanced diet and preventive measures can reduce this complication.
We cannot emphasize too greatly how much we appreciate the care,
love and devotion the nurses, aides and others provided to my mother.
For months, the care by Ogeechee Area Hospice alleviated much of her
pain and made life more meaningful and happy for her, and
consequently our family as well.
The family of Mrs. B.
What Our
Families Say
Thanks to the Ogeechee Hospice Inpatient Facility staff for the care of Mrs. C. From the
housekeeping staff on up to administration, we were treated with the utmost respect. Our every need
was met in a timely manner. It takes a special group of people to render such care. Please keep up
the work that God is allowing you to do.
The family of Mrs. C.
I want to express my thanks for the wonderful love and care that was shown to Daddy and
ourselves while he was a patient of Ogeechee Area Hospice. Daddy thought so highly of everyone and
was always telling me how much he appreciated you all. I will never be able to repay you for your
excellent care. Your organization is priceless.
The daughter of Mr. N.
Good News
New Professionals
Welcome Aboard
Tinker Lanier first came to Ogeechee Area
Hospice to assist with the coordination of our
capital campaign. Her diligent and excellent
work led to a continued position as the
Coordinator of Non-Profit Giving. Tinker
will be planning special fundraising events and
other projects.
Ogeechee Area Hospice welcomes four registered nurses to our team
(left to right): Cindy Hormel RN, Katie Kumjian RN, Debra Taylor
RN BSN & Sibyl Kirkland RN BSN CHPN. They join a staff of 30 nurse
colleagues. All four nurses are rapidly gaining expertise in hospice care.
They will be prepared to care for patients in the home care setting, nursing home setting or Inpatient Center.
It surprises many Americans to learn that 25 percent of all deaths in the US
are Veterans. That’s 1,800 people a day; more than 680,000 veterans every
year. These heroic Americans deserve recognition for their military service,
particularly at the end of life‟s journey. Ogeechee Area Hospice is one of 24
Hospices in Georgia to commit to the „We Honor Veterans’ national initiative.
Each hospice initiates activities that focus on respectful inquiry, compassionate
listening, and grateful acknowledgment, coupled with Veteran-centric education of
staff caring for Veterans. One activity was initiated by hospice volunteer, Janice Whaley. She
leads a group of volunteers in hand making star studded tie blankets for each veteran cared for in
our Inpatient Center. Each blanket is inscribed with „Thank You‟ over an embroidered dove—a
symbol of our hospice. The inscriptions are carefully sewn by Cheri Duffy and board member
Connie Beasley. Janice explains that her inspiration came when she heard of a patient‟s valiant
service during World War II. “I had known him for years, but didn’t know this. I knew that this
way of saying thank you would be defining yet non-intrusive. I see it as a ministry. When I have
the honor of actually giving it to a patient and their family it is quite
Janice Whaley
humbling and emotional. At times this is the only recognition in their
If you are a veteran and
lifetime.” Upon entering a veterans room each visitor will also see a small bud vase adorned
would like information on
with a small American Flag; a reminder to all visitors of their service.
becoming a
The agency‟s goal is to offer all of our home care patients the same acknowledgment .
hospice volunteer, please
call us!
A ‘Tailgate Party’ for all staff and volunteers
was recently hosted by Scott & Elizabeth Joyner, Glenn & Wendy Womack, Lindsey & Niki
Martin, Ben & Suzanne Watkins, Paul & Karen
Tilson, Robin & Alison Rich, Firehouse Subs,
Bi-Lo and Vandy‟s BBQ
Remembering Two of Our Own
Belinda Nelson
Volunteer Coordinator
arly each Sunday the coffee
“Her death hit everyone very
was always fresh for families
hard,” according to Volunteer
in the Hospice Inpatient Center
Coordinator, Belinda Nelson.
when „Ms Donell‟ was on duty.
“Ms. Donnell loved her work
“Why old coffee is worse than
here. She loved the hospice
drinking soot, in my book.” She
staff and her fellow volunteers
also loved serving breakfast
and we all loved her.”
trays to patients and encouragAn avid Georgia bulldog
ing families.
fan, Donell loved to read and
With 5 years of service and
crochet gifts for others. A
giving 636 hours of her time in
devoted, wife, mother and
2010, Mrs. Donell Akers greeted
grandmother, she is survived
visitors with her caring and
by her husband, William (Bill)
humorous spirit. She lovingly
Akers; two daughters, Lillian
became known as the “flower
Brown and Esther Vickers; one
lady”, after zestfully promoting
son, Bill T. Akers; and five
the sale of roses during the
cherished grandchildren.
2009 Annual Hospice Gala
Shortly before her death,
Mrs. Donell Thompson Akers
Ms. Donell proudly accepted
When illness unexpectedly
her 5 years of service pin and a
came, Ms. Donell voiced the hope that she
certificate for the most hours served in
would return to her post. This was not to
2010. Belinda Nelson reflected, “This was a
be. She died at Ogeechee Area Hospice on
cherished moment for me. One that I will
April 10, 2011, with her family by her side
never forget. Our “Ms. Donell‟ will be greatly
and under the care of her hospice family.
hen you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. This quote from St. Francis of Assisi seemed to be
knowledge that David Tootle truly understood.
Facing numerous health problems of his own, including a kidney transplant, it was in
1999, that David announced to wife Trish, his intentions of becoming a volunteer for
Ogeechee Area Hospice. David quietly and humbly completed volunteer training and began
his work. The agency was thrilled to enroll its first male volunteer. Primarily assigned to
men with little or no family, his goal was always simple but powerful—to offer companionship and a listening ear. After David‟s first year of service with Ogeechee Area Hospice, he
gave a powerful testimony at a volunteer dinner. He spoke about his personal „calling‟ to
Ogeechee Area Hospice and the way that positive blessings flow in both directions in his
David W. Tootle
relationships with the hospice patients. “I let each person know what a gift it is for me to
know them. And at times, when they are unable to communicate, just being present is important.”
David‟s wife Trish explains it with a story: “In the beginning of the holiday season I accompanied David to set
up a small Christmas tree in Mr. J‟s nursing home room. It was obvious that he and David had developed a
strong bond. We spent several holiday evenings with him. After the Christmas season when we were taking the
tree down, Mr. J said, „I won‟t be needing that tree next year. You take it home with you and please think of me
every year when you turn those lights on.‟ Mr. J died knowing that he mattered—He was not alone in the
David died August 30, 2010 at his home, with his loving family and the supportive care of Ogeechee Area
Hospice. A registered land surveyor, a loyal employee of the Bulloch County Tax Assessors office and a faithful
member of his church, he was committed to all that he was assigned in life. David and Trish raised two sons,
Matt and Clint. Athan Tootle, his toddler grandson can claim a very special heritage. We are truly honored that
David chose his service to his community through Ogeechee Area Hospice.
We take this opportunity to acknowledge all contributions to Ogeechee Area Hospice from
January 1, 2011—June 15, 2011. All gifts are greatly appreciated.
Thank you.”- Jean Bartels PhD, Board President
Abercrombie, Mary
Adams, Ronald and Sally
Adams. Brooks & Family
Akers, William
Akers, Bill
Akins, Beth & Bill
Akins, Jappy & Charlotte
Akins, Euel and Doris
Akins, Paul and Jo
Aldred, Judy
Aldrich, Renee
Allen, Charles & Pat
Anderson, Ruth
Ansley, Diane & Henry
Arnold, Dr. R. C.
Atkins, Billy, Teresa & Kimberly
Atwood, Robert & Pauletta
Bacon, Faye & Ralph
Baird, Virginia and Deborah
Bargeron, Thomas & Libby
Baribeault, Trudy
Baribeault, Ross & Karen
Barnes, William and Sara
Barnwell, Dana & Ashley
Barron, Gary & Kay
Bates, Patricia
Beard, John
Bearer, Barbara
Beavers, Tawana & George
Bedwell, Ginny
Bell, Robert
Bennett, Betty
Berg-Aycock, Cindy
Berry, Bill & Bobbi
Bird, Marcile
Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bishop,
Bird, Ann
Blackburn, Mr. & Mrs. James
Bland, Debbie & Dean
Bland, G. W.
Bland, Mr. & Mrs. Al
Bland, William and Harriet
Blankenship, Lois
Bleasdale, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Blitch, Fred & Debbie
Blount, Leonard & Betty
Boatman, Martha L.
Bolen, Bill and Sheron
Bonnette, Samuel and June
Boudreau, Gordon & Elaine
Bowers, Will
Boyle, Maggie
Brady, Elise
Bragg, Julie and Sol
Brannen, Orren & Barbara
Brannen, Teresa
Brock, Paul & Etsie
Brown, Chandra & Doug
Brown, Dean & Janet
Brown, Elizabeth
Brown, Johannah
Brown, Wynelle
Brown, Ruth
Brownlee, Rosalyn
Bryant, Brenda
Buchardt, Tony
Bullock, Magina
Bullock, GuyBunch, Cecil
Bunch, Eddie
Bunch, Cecil
Burke, Joseph
Burkhalter, Becky
Burnett, Dick & Jean
Camp Lily Welle 2011 Fund Donors
Auxiliary of East Georgia Regional Medical Center
Joiner Anderson Funeral Home
Total Health Center for Family Medicine
Hospital Authority of Bulloch County
Burns, William & Judy
Cabaniss, Harleston
Cain, Martha Tootle
Callaway, Brantley & Farrice
Calloway, Connie
Cameron, Faye
Campbell, Louise
Cannon, Carolyn
Carey, Kenneth & Brenda
Cartee, Patricia & Larry
Carver, Tonya
Cash, Frank
Cates, Chuck
Chester, Family of J. R. & Seffie
Cheves, Allette & Walter
Chew, Alex
Chocker, Don & Lee
Clark, Pat & Cartan
Clark, Bonnie
Clark, Janice
Smith, Clark &Fran
Clubb, Dennis & Ruth
Coleman, Locke & John
Collins, Wayne & Iris
Collins, Doug
Collins, Lora
Collins, Betty & Woody
Cooper, Jackie
Corbin, Alease
Coulthard, Teresa & Dale
Coursey, Charlotte & Ray
Coursey, Ruth
Cox, Jane
Croft, Vivian & Vernon
Cunningham, Connie
Cunningham, William & Audra
Daley, Mike & Susan
Daniel, Cecile
Dasher, Mark, Julie, Angela & Ashely
Davidson, Barbara
Davis, Ann & Tom
Davis, Janet & Marvin
Deal, Sue & Allison
Deal, Dale
Deal, Gene and Jean
Deal, Julian and Ann
Deal, Jeff & Gina
Deal, Mr. & Mrs. Lemuel
Deal, Julian & Frances
Deal, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny
Deloach, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Deloach, Lucille
Deloach, Wayne and Terri
Deloach , Mrs.Jean
Dismuke, Gail
Dixon, Janna
Dixon, Cathy & Elgerine
Dixon, Ollie
Dlugokecki, Amy
Donaldson, Donald & Faye
Doster, Gary & Faye
Doty, Roger & Wendy
Dow, Martha
Duke, Derek and Patricia
Dunn, Fred & Betty
Dunn, William & Susan
Durden, Raymond & Iris
Durden, Carolyn
Durden, Mr. & Mrs. Madison
Durrence, Mr. & Mrs. Gene
Durrence, John & Renea
Dye, Josephine
Camp Lily Welle 2011 Gifts in Kind
First Baptist Church
Hodges Moore Funeral Home
Dr. Gary Edwards, DVM
Dr. John Wasdin, DMV
Chick fil-a
Auxiliary of East GA Regional
Dairy Queen
Farmers and Merchants Bank
Party Impressions
Ogeechee Technical College
Home Health Equipment Inc.
Generous Investors
Edenfield, Ruby
Edwards, Gloria
Eisenhart, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Elliott, Thomas & Teresa
Ellwood, Glenna
Ernestes, Kenneth & Viviane
Evans, Mickey and Debbie
Evans, Dr. Michael J.
Everett, Jane
Finch, Peggy
Fisk, Gayle & Ed
Flanders, David & Emily
Flanders, Johnny & Pam
Flory, Toni
Forbes, Brenda
Forehand, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar
Forehand, Vivian
Foxworth, Vivian
Frank, Wayne
Franklin, Ouida
Franklin, Parnal & Cathy
Franklin, Ann and Gordon
Fuqua, Nancy & Bill
Furr, Carolyn
Gallagher, Joy
Gardner, H. M. & Grace
Garvin, Dottie & Walter
Gay, Curtis & Jeanie
Gest, James & Victoria
Gest, Courtney & Hunter
Gibson, Dr. & Mrs. Ralph
Gilbert, Russell & Betty
Gilmore, Peggy
Givens, Frank & Linda
Glasser, Gloria
Glisson, Jerry and Barbara
Gooding, Carl & Ruth
Goodrich, Annette & Tommy
Graybill, Bob & Barbara
Griffis, William & Eileen
Griner, Robbie
Groover, Will and Beth
Groover, Mrs. Etta
Gross, Joe & Donna
Grotheer, Bob & Ann
Grovenstein, Martha
Guynes, Stacey
Hackett, Donald
Hagan, Franklin & Shelvie
Hagan, Mr. & Mrs. Wendell
Halbert, Jason
Hall, J. L.
Hammett, Thomas
Harden, Paula
Harden, Debra & Dave
Harmon, Virginia
Harn, Elizabeth and James
Hartley, Ralph
Healey, Tom & Karen
Healy, Stephen & Sue
Henderson, Pamela & John
Hendirx, Marilyn
Hendrix, Bobby & Ellen
Hendrix, Troy & Mary
Henry, Jack and Dorothy
Henson, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Herrington, Peggy
Hill, Gaye & Juan
Hill, Edwin & Anita
Hill, Jack & Ruth Ann
Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hodges, James
Holland, Joanne
Hook, Jeff and Tina
Hook, Connie & Bob
Hotchkiss, H. G. or Dorothy
Hotchkiss, Crystal & James
Houston, Kyle & Tami
Howard, Bonnie and Ralph
Hudson, Kathleen
Huffman, Nancy
Hughes, Martha
Humphrey, Frances
Hutchinson, Virginia & Jack
Iler, Jackie & Frank
Jackson, Christy & Reggie
Jackson, Bryan & Dee
Jacobs, Edith & Cecil
Jamerson, Joyce & Don
Jenkins, Samuel
Johnson, Lottie
Johnson, James
Johnston, Margaret Ann
Jones, Warren & Donna
Jones, Lehman
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T.
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
Jones, Charles & Patty
Jones, Patricia
Jones, Hubert & Carol
Jones, Robert
Katzif, Sam
Kellett, Wright
Kemp, Monica & Burton
Kennedy, Michael and Verdery
Kennedy, Frankie & Sandy
Kennedy, Tricia and Brantley
Kicklighter, Myrtle
Kingery, Thomas and Diane
Kitchens, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
Kiwanis Club of Statesboro
Knight, Betty and Kenneth
Knight, Larissa
Koons, Larry
Kornegay, John & Carol
Krupski, Terry & Steve
Laircey, Wayne and Suzan
Laird, Donivee
Lamb, Raymond
LaMora, Raymond & Margaret
Lander, Maria & Henry
Lane, Betty
Lanier, Danny
Lanier, H.B.& Doris
Lanier, James & Sybil
Lanier, Alma
Lanier, Mr. & Mrs. James
Lanier, Jimmy & Beverly
Lanier, Julie
Lanier, Tinker & Kelly
Lanier, H. B. & Doris
Lanier, Mr. & Mrs. James
Lanier, Jeff & Janet
Lanier, Geraldine
Lanier, Elliott & Lana
Lassiter, Jimmy & Lisa
Laughlin, Dana, Patsy & Andrew
Leassig, Bonnie
Lee, Stan & Angie
Lee, Donald and Teresa
Leopold, Mr. & Mrs
Leveritt, Kathy
Lewis, Mary
Long, David, Tina & Amanda
Long, Arthur
Lowe, Gordon & Gail
Mabry, Evelyn
Maddox, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Mallard, Letty
Mallard, Warren and Edna
Mallary, Pete & Pauline
Maness, Kathleen
Marquess, Jane
Marsh, Don & Nancy
Martin, John & Kate
Mason, Ted & Barbara
Mathews, Joe & Beth
Maycock, Mark & Jill
Maycock, Duane & Bernadine
McAllister, Mary
McBride, Larry & Janette
McBride, Bob & Linda
McBride, Trish
McBride, Alton and Mildred
McBride, Ottis & Jeanette
McCall, Martha
McChain, Bob & Kay
McCord, Mable & Johnnie
McCown, Joy & Laymon
McElveen, Wade and Debbie
McGettigan, Ella
McGlamery, Johnny and Florence
McGuire, Jerry, Sara Jo & Donna
McIntyre, Katy
McLeod, James & Annette King
McMullen, Dr. Tom & Sharon
Meeks, M.C.
Mellett, Dick & Marty
Melton, Emory & Vilette
Michel, Mary Anne
Mikell, Bobby & Laurine
Miller, Virginia
Milton, Derrell & Sherri
Minick, Lisa & Ronnie
Mobley, Lee
Mobley, Vicki Lairsey
Mock, Rick & sue
Mooney, Robert
Moore, Timothy
Morris, Bobbie
Morton, Jerry & Cheri
Moseley, Jane & Charlton
Motes, Mike and Lynn
Mounkes, Tonya
Mullins, L. C. & Avalee
Mullis, Jeffrey
Munilla, Fernando & Linda
Myers, Helen
Naylor-Zodda, Mary
Nesmith, Martin & Suzette
Nesmith, Carolyn
Nesmith, Virginia
Nessmith, Josh & Alawayne
Nessmith, Beth
Nevius, Linda & Dale
Newsome, Jewell
Newsome, Dorothy
Newton, Doris
Newton, Wallace and Betty
Newton, Ralph
Norris, Martha
Nowell, Luree
Odell, Kevin
Oglesby, Keith & Amanda
Oliver, Shaun & Mary Ann
Olliff, Virginia
Olliff, Foy & Gwen
Olliff, C.P.
Olson, Dave & Katie
O'Neal, Alice, James & Margaret
Osteen, Lauri & Christopher
Palmer, Dr. & Mrs. George
Parrondo, Rolando & Cynthia
Patel, Jagdish
Patel, Jagdishbaa
Patrick, E. C.
Paul, Tom & Betsy
Pearce, James & Betty
Persinger, Lonnie & Judy
Petkas, Jimmie
Petty, Robyn & Jeffery
Poole, Rodney & Jan
Poole, William
Pope, Evelyn
Pounds, Veva
Powell, William
Powell, Buddy & Carol
Price, Richard
Price, Elaine, Ray, Lynne & Gary
Proctor, Kay
Pullen, Ed and Jennie
Pullen, Mrs. Edith
Rabitsch, William or Sandra
Raines, Ms. Paula
Rains, Olivia
Raith, Harry
Ray, Tommy
Ray, Jimmy & James
Reddick, Beth & Chris
Reddick, Grady
Reichelt, Sue Ann & Herb
Reiser, Michael & JoAnn
Remley, Roxie
Reynolds, Evangalian & Larry
Roberts, Shirley
Roberts, Tommy and Joy
Robillard, Gary & Marcia
Rockett, Mr. and Mrs. C.W.
Rogers, Dorothy
Rogers, John & Eleanor
Rogers, Jerome, Becky & Mary Ann
Rosengart, Russell, Angie & Helen
Ross, Breanne
Rountree, Bryan & Shelly
Rushing, Dan & Dorothy
Rushing, Billy or Hilda
Sands, Joyce E
Saussy, David
Saxon, James & Brenda
Schomber, Henry & Judith
Scott, Parker
Sharpe, Andy and Debra
Shaver, Mr. Fred & Gayle
Shephard, Sara
Sheppard, Joy
Shiels, Brad & Teresa
Shiffler, Ronald and Barbara
Shine, Jean
Shirreffs, Jane
Shown, Sherrie
Shropshire, Suzanne
Simmons, Linda
Simmons, Sue
Simon, Danielle
Sims, Harley or Gail
Skinner, Mr. & Mrs. Jackie
Smith, Robert and Rachel
Smith, Richard & Jenny
Smith, Fay
Smith, Gail
Smith, Myrtice
Smith, Joy
Smith, Joyce
Smith, Perry & Sue
Smith, Harriet
Smith, Fay & Family
Smith, Grady & Family
Spence, Lorene
Spence, Mr. & Mrs. Larry
Spence, Steve & Joy
Spence, Kevin & Kelly
Spencer, Vicki
Spivey, Kathleen
Spivey, Wallace and Elizabeth
Stagall, Shirley
Stambuck, Robert & Elie
Stanford, Terry & Susan
Starling, Mickey and Ginny
Stephens, Cynthia
Stephens, Marjorie
Stewart, Bonnie, Gary & Troy
Stewart, Calvin
Stewart, Lewis & Charlene
Stokes, Jess & Cathy
Stringer, Betty
Swain, Chadwick & Pat
Sweat, Mike & Kathy
Sweat, Jack
Sweat, Melvin & Jenny
Tankersley, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Taylor, Roy
Taylor, Jackie
Taylor, Peggy
Taylor, Charles and Eugenia
Tejeng, Estrella
Terrell, Danny & Jean
Terry, Charles & Faye
Thompson, Joseph
Thompson, Biff and Adria
Thompson, Mr. & Mrs.R. A.
Thompson, D. V. & Sheryl
Thompson, Russell & Jean
Thompson, Ed and Lee
Threatte, Mr. & Mrs. Joey
Tillman, Mary Lee
Tillman, Myrtle
Tillman, Jack & Bobbie Ann
Tillman, Samuel and Sharon
Tillman, June
Toler, Reverend & Mrs. Don
Toole, Mrs. & Mrs. Donald
Tootle, Bobby & Charlotte
Trapnell, W. K.
Trapnell, Gene
Trapnell, Morris
Trupe, Dara
Tucker, Kathy
Tuggle, Durelle & Selby
Turner, Jimmy & Marie
Tyson, Jeb & Family
Underwood, Ardath & William
Ussery, Frances, Marie & Roy
Veltri, Susan
Vogt, June
Walker, Vicki & Kenny
Walla, Amy & Richard
Ward, Jane H.
Warnell, Danny & Lora
Warren, Joyce
Washington, Sidney and Luann
Waters, Rex
Watson, Phagin & Joyce
Watson, Helen Morris
Wattam, Katherine
Weldon, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey
Weldy, Lee & Norma
Wells, Bill
Wells, Jim and Beth
Wells, Norman and Rosalyn
Wethern, Yvonne & Jim
Whaley, John and Sue
Whitaker, Mrs. Paul C.
Whitaker, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery
White, J.D. & K.W.
Whitehurst, Solomon
Whiteside, Frances
Wilbanks, Alva
Wilbanks, Patrick, Ben & Barrett
Wilbanks, Jessica & Jo Slade
Wilkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Dale
Williams, Melissa
Williams, Paul & Janet
Williams, Marie
Williams, Gordon and Debra
Williams, Tom & Ann
Williams, Johnny & Marianna
Williamson, Geri
Williamson, Paula
Wilson, Joan & Jack
Wilson, Rufus & Dot
Wilson, Katrena
Wise, Jesse & Eleanor
Wood, George & Pam
Wood, Ellis
Wood, Harold and Sue
Woodcock, Billy
Woods, Eleanor
Woods, Linda & Joseph
Wynn, Charlotte Anne & Elliott
Yancey, Harriet and Lawrence
Yandel, Teresa
Young, Elizabeth
Youngblood, Dorothy
Zipperer, Bobby & Dorothy
P.O. Box 531
P.O. Box 531
Ogeechee Area Hospice exists for
the sole purpose of providing expert
Ogeechee Area Hospice exists for
comfort and support to persons affected by progressive lifethe sole purpose of providing expert
limiting illness. With a common spirit of compassion, choice
comfort and support to persons affected by progressive lifeand respect, we fulfill our commitment of promoting human
limiting illness. With a common spirit of compassion, choice
dignity and comfort to eligible residents of Bulloch and the
and respect, we fulfill our commitment of promoting human
surrounding counties.
dignity and comfort to eligible residents of Bulloch and the
surrounding counties.
US Postage
US Postage
Permit No.Paid
Statesboro, GA
If you would prefer not to receive any promotional information contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 1-800-236-1142.
If you would prefer not to receive any promotional information contact the Volun-
care regardless of age, gender, religion, national
origin, lifestyle, diagnosis, or ability to pay.
Area Hospice provides care regardless of age, gender, religion, national
GA License
origin, lifestyle, diagnosis, or ability to pay.
GA License #016-057-H
Ogeechee Area Hospice
of Directors
Area Hospice
Board of Directors
Jean Bartels, PhD—President
Bartels, PhD—President
Ogeechee Area Hospice embraces
and their
and their
needed support
stages them
the needed support
the stages of
a progressive life-limiting illness.
Leo Parrish
Mellett—Vice President
Parrish CPA—Treasurer
Roy Thompson
Jamey Cartee
J.R. Holloway
Connie Beasley
Dan Commander
Snipes, JD J.R. Holloway
Joan Kilian
Dan Snipes,
Reverend Joan Kilian