Reflecting on - Jaarverslag RDW


Reflecting on - Jaarverslag RDW
A cross-media annual report
This booklet, together with the internet site, forms
RDW’s cross-media 2011 annual report. This allows
everyone to inspect the information they want to see
in their own way, at the moment they want to and using
a medium they choose themselves. Every medium also
adds something: additional articles are available online
and animations are added to bring information to life.
Reflecting on
This booklet explains the most important achievements
of the RDW in 2011. On
you will find all of the information regarding the RDW
in 2011. This site is also suitable for smartphone and
tablet users. Unfortunately, the site is only available in
Layar links together the booklet and the site.
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in-depth information. How Layar works is explained
on the inside of this cover.
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Step BY step:
RDW, Partner
in mobility
The RDW is a public service provider in the
mobility chain. The RDW has extensive
expertise due to its years of experience
in the execution of its statutory and
assigned tasks. Tasks in the area of
licensing of vehicles and vehicle parts,
supervision and control, registration,
information provision and issuing
documents. Tasks that the RDW executes
in close collaboration with various partners
in the mobility chain. This gives the RDW a
clear position in this chain, with its mission
being: RDW, partner in mobility.
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You can also read this additional information
on Unfortunately, the site
is only available in Dutch.
management reflects
Core results
Registration & Information Provision
Issuing documents
Objections and appeals, complaints, national ombudsman
New and changed activities
Service provision & Digitalisation
Supervision & Control: enforcing
legislation and regulations and supervising
companies that carry out public tasks in
the mobility chain, including garages,
importers, providers and insurance
Cooperation & internationalisation
At the wheel
Corporate social responsibility
Registration & Information Provision:
registration of driving licenses, vehicles,
vehicle characteristics, vehicle owners and
providing the related information.
Licensing: the approval of vehicles and
vehicle parts on the Dutch and European
market. In addition, based on safety and
environmental aspects, monitoring the
technical condition of vehicles.
Issuing documents: issuing documents in
the vehicle and driving license chain.
• Hold your smartphone
above the page
showing the Layar
Supervision & Control
The Dutch government has assigned four
main tasks to the RDW:
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Layar app
Internal organisation
You can find RDW here
management reflects > 2011: a foundation for the future
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
2011: a foundation
for the future
The annual report is an important moment to reflect on the
previous year. Managing Director Johan Hakkenberg (r) and
Director of Operations Hans van Santen (l) are obviously
pleased when they review the year.
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
management reflects > 2011: a foundation for the future
Building blocks
Johan: ‘Maybe it’s best to characterise the year as an ‘interim year’. In 2011
important building blocks were laid. Activities that sometimes were prepared in
2010 or even before were realised in 2011 and will mainly be of great importance in
the future.’
‘Consider the migration of our ICT platform from mainframe to Winframe’, explains
Hans: ‘That was a great feat by the ICT department. All our services interface to this,
even so, no faults occurred. More importantly, even larger new ICT projects have
been started, for instance the national parking database and the preparations for
an open data structure.
We are performing our statutory tasks with increasing efficiently, by, for instance,
restructuring the Vehicle Technology Division, digitizing services and performing
the Project Portfolio Management. We are employing efficiency to improve quality.
However, this must never affect reliability’. Together the managers explain the
importance of reliability: ‘We are investing in the relationships with the people we
work with in the various areas of mobility. That is progressing steadily, because
we work well together. The outside world knows what we are capable of and we
are increasingly invited to join relevant networks. This allows us to take the steps
required to achieve our wish of becoming an all-round partner in the entire mobility
chain and by doing so to improve the services we offer to the public. Therefore,
whether safety, the environment, the vehicle, the vehicle registration or the driver
is concerned, the RDW makes its contribution. Together with the government, but
also with the private sector and internationally.’
Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility
‘Safety and social responsibility are keywords for 2011’, says Johan. ‘For instance,
additional safety measures have been taken for employees and clients throughout
the organisation and we have started a vitality programme for our employees.
Sustainability also became more prominent in 2011 than before. In our operational
tasks, we are also playing a role in electrically powered mobility and clarifying
fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Internally we are working on sustainable
purchasing and we have invested in video conferencing, which has had an
immediate effect. The contribution we are making feels good and is the prelude to
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
management reflects > 2011: a foundation for the future
Expansion and
And ‘more’ is also the theme for the coming years.
Hans explains: ‘While we performed our statutory
tasks well in 2011, we also worked to improve our
services and to create new tasks. With respect
to our achievements in the area of innovation, I
would like to mention the Messaging Box that will
be used nation wide, the 100% checking of the
obligation to have Motor Liability Insurance and
the alcohol interlock programme. These are new
tasks that make a societal contribution that we are
pleased to fulfil.’
‘Internationally as well’, adds Johan: ‘RDW wants
to contribute to the competitive position of
the Netherlands. With our knowledge, we are
contributing to the country being the ‘Gateway to
Eucaris, the international communication network
that we started in the 1990’s, operates well and
continues to develop. In 2011, we worked on the
eCall project and left our footprints in Russia,
Korea and India. For instance, we now have an
employee stationed in South Korea.’
Ready for the future
The men are pleased about 2011: ‘We are happy
with the good relations with ‘our’ ministry and
extremely proud of our employees. We also work
well with our Works Council. 2011 showed a
positive financial result. We are keeping a close
eye on the unstable economic situation, but are
well able to withstand it. Even more important, we
have prepared ourselves for the future. The RDW is
ready for tomorrow, a tomorrow in which we want
to form a solid link in the national and international
mobility chain.’
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Core results
The Dutch government has assigned the RDW four important tasks:
licensing, supervision and control, registration and information provision,
and issuing documents. This chapter gives the results of the execution of
these core tasks.
Licensing and inspection
of individual vehicles
The RDW also approves individual vehicles for use on the roads, for instance
vehicles that have been imported from abroad or vehicles that have
been repaired after severe damage. In 2011, the supply of vehicles to be
inspected prior to being imported dropped, among other things due to the
rise of the sales of new cars under favourable tax conditions.
Mopeds 7,784
The RDW is the national authority responsible for monitoring the safety and environmental
aspects of vehicles in the Netherlands. Before a vehicle is allowed to be used on public
roads and after an approved vehicle has been modified, the RDW determines whether
all of the prescribed European safety and environmental requirements have been complied
with. When approved, the RDW issues a type approval or an approval certificate. As the
Dutch certification authority, the RDW performs these activities for manufacturers and
importers from all over the world. The RDW performs this statutory duty in competition
with other European licensing and certification authorities.
Private motor vehicles National type approval Conformity of Production (COP)
Test reports With respect to type approvals, 2011 was a
year with its peaks and troughs. There were
disappointingly few requests. The number of
inspections only rose at the end of the year. The
increase in the number of certificates issued was
in part the result of a large number of Chinese
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
projects being completed. There were also
more test reports, which were often issued in
combination with type approval certificates. The
number of national type approvals that were
issued fell sharply due to a shift from national to
international type approvals.
14,207 11,895
9,890 9,517
Light commercial vehicles Heavy commercial vehicles
International type approval 107,342 Light trailers and semi-trailers 5,719
Heavy trailers and semi-trailers 5,862 5,333
4.Great Britain
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Special purpose vehicles
Periodic inspections
by RDW
The RDW performs special purpose vehicle inspections and
PTIs (Periodic Motor Vehicle Test) for special purpose vehicles.
These include buses, coaches and vehicles for the transport of
hazardous substances (ADR).
Special purpose vehicle inspections
Buses, taxis, vehicles for
the disabled
PTI stands for Periodic Motor Vehicle Test
(APK). The PTI is a statutory test throughout
Europe. It is designed to promote traffic safety and
to protect the environment. Every passenger car,
commercial vehicle, motor tricycle or trailer with a
permitted maximum weight exceeding 3,500 kg,
must be inspected annually or biennially.
The PTI is obligatory starting when the vehicle is
three or four years old, dependent on the vehicle,
the date it was allowed on the road and the
type of fuel it uses. Heavy commercial vehicles,
buses, trailers and some special vehicles must
be inspected annually from the moment they are
allowed on public roads when new.
PTI inspections (light and heavy vehicles)
ADR vehicles (transport of dangerous substances)
ADR vehicles
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Foreign PTIs are also valid here
Refrigerated vehicles
Exceptional transport
Transports that exceed the legally permitted dimensions and/or weights (too high, too
wide, too long) are only allowed on public roads if an exemption has been granted.
The RDW is the central issuer of exemptions for the whole of the Netherlands.
Issued exemptions 2011
232,487 2010
218,230 2010
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
CORE RESULTS > Supervision & control
CORE RESULTS > Supervision & control
Supervision & control
Company visits
RDW issues a range of licences authorising
companies in the vehicle industry to perform
specific tasks. In addition to authorising
companies to perform regular PTI inspections,
install fuel conversions (LPG), speed limiters (SL)
and tachographs (TA), the RDW also authorises the
holding of vehicles as stock-in-trade, the use of
commercial number plates (green number plates
in the Netherlands) and the production of number
Using company visits, the RDW checks whether
authorised companies continue to adhere to the
licensing conditions. If this is not the case, we
can impose a sanction. To increase efficiency,
we started with risk-oriented supervision. In
2011, this already led to 15% fewer company
visits concerning PTIs, LPG, speed limiters and
Company visits 2011
The RDW supervises the regular PTI inspections as performed by the authorised
companies. It has been agreed with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the
Environment that spot checks will be performed on 3% of the inspections.
Stock-in-trade, commercial number plates, number plates and related authorisations
PTI 1 (heavy vehicles)
Spot check percentage 3.0%
Spot checks
Inspection reports PTI 2 (light vehicles)
Inspection reports Spot check percentage Spot checks 6,795,245 6,838,972
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Risk-oriented supervision
Inspection reports 8,147
Spot checks SL/TA
Inspection reports 80,566
Spot checks 4,122
If companies no longer meet the conditions of
their license, this can lead to sanctions. In 2011,
that happened more than 4,000 times. The total
number of sanctions dropped when compared
to 2010. This was due to, among other things,
simplified procedures, such as the printing of the
PTI report. Situations in which, for instance, a PTI
report or a registration certificate was not easily
legible, which then resulted in an immediate
sanction, no longer occur.
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| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
CORE RESULTS > Registration & information provision
CORE RESULTS > Issuing documents
Registration &
information provision
Issuing documents
From the databases
The RDW registers the data of over 10 million vehicles and their owners.
The databases also contain data on boats/ships, insurance, driving licences and
moped certificates. These databases are an important source of information for
other government agencies and private organisations.
Ministry of
Police, Ministry of
Justice and
(tax authorities
Ministry of the
and Customs)
Interior and
Kingdom Relations
2011: 26,200
BKR (Credit
Office) clients
2011: 2,900
Registration certificate
Part IA (vehicle details)
• Fast-track and individual
2011: 869,987
2010: 828,459
• Replacement documents
2011: 171,442
2010: 167,756
• Special documents
2011: 3,778
2010: 3,684
2011: 296,700
2010: 30,000
2011: 257,400
Vehicle industry
2010: 2,300
Vehicles are accompanied by documents: the registration certificate and the driving licence.
They say something about the characteristics and identity of the vehicles. Moreover, they
are the proof for the owner that he is the actual owner of the vehicle and that he is able and
authorised to drive it. The details on these documents are taken from the RDW databases.
2010: 272,200
Registration certificate
Part IB (proof of ownership)
• Post Offices
2011: 1,974,182
2010: 2,001,360
• Vehicle companies
2011: 1,330,827
2010: 1,195,706
2011: 152,020
2010: 161,643
2010: 243,900
2011: 12,800
2011: 19,500
2010: 11,500
2010: 19,000
Members of
the public
2011: 29,000
2010: 30,000
(e.g. CBS and CBR)
2011: 94,800
2010: 94,000
all numbers x 1,000
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
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Registration documents
2011: 14,510
2010: 15,803
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
CORE RESULTS > Issuing documents
CORE RESULTS > Objections and appeals, complaints, national ombudsman
Objections and appeals,
complaints, national
• Driving licences
Local Authorities
2011: 1,584,211
2010: 1,791,883
• Driving licences RDW
2011: 6,176
2010: 6,706
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and appeals
Driving licences according to age
Everyone who lives in the Netherlands and who wants to take a motor vehicle (private
car, commercial vehicle, bus, coach, motor cycle or moped) onto the public road must
possess a valid driving licence, or moped certificate. A driver of a motor vehicle can
use this document to demonstrate that he/she has the knowledge, insight and skills
to be able and be allowed to drive the motor vehicle. In 2011, the distribution of valid
driving licences in the Netherlands over the age groups was as follows:
Valid driving licences 2011
16 years of age
17 years of age
The RDW employs a uniform complaints
procedure that not only complies with the General
Administrative Law Act (Awb) but takes it a step
further. According to the Awb, a complaint must be
dealt with within six weeks, but the RDW uses a
standard time of four weeks.
The number of complaints in 2011 dropped when
compared to 2010, because more attention was
paid in 2011 to preventing ‘human’ errors. The
RDW hopes to continue this trend in 2012, among
other things, by identifying patterns of complaints
and taking targeted measures to address them.
The RDW’s complaints index has been below 1%
for several years already (similar to last year, on
average 0.12%). This shows that the number
of complaints is relatively very low with respect
to the total activities performed (including the
number of inspections carried out, the invoiced
orders and the issued exemptions).
Number of complaints 20112010
18 to 24 years of age
25 to 39 years of age
40 to 54 years of age
55 to 69 years of age
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National Ombudsman
70 years of age and older
Received complaints 852
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
New and changed
New and changed activities
The world of mobility is continually changing. Vehicles change,
technology changes, rules are amended and new laws are
drawn up. These types of changes can lead to new tasks or
amended activities for the RDW.
PTI 2.0
In 2010, the PTI 2.0 Modernisation Project was
started. This project investigates how the PTI can
be improved and simplified. Points to consider
• checking the emissions using EOBD (European
On Board Diagnostics)
• checking the sound performance of exhaust
• checking for oil leaks during the PTI
The PTI increasingly has to deal with hybrid
electric or completely electric vehicles. As of
1 April 2012, a number of requirements have been
placed on the components of the electric driveline
of these vehicles. The principle used when
modernising the PTI is that the burden it presents
does not rise and that the inspection aligns as far
as possible with the international regulations. PTI
2.0 will came into force on 1 April 2012.
In addition to modernising the inspection
procedure, the PTI process is continuously being
optimised. For instance, the RDW is searching for
opportunities to improve the supervision of and
the provision of information to the inspectors.
Moreover, the no-claim (bonus/malus) insurance
system is being investigated as well as the
possibilities related to spot checks.
Behind the wheel
at 17
Since November 2011, young people can start
taking driving lessons at an earlier age than
before, thanks to 2todrive. This means: theory
exams at sixteen, taking driving lessons at sixteen
and a half and taking the driving exam after the
seventeenth birthday. Passed? The new driver
can only drive on public roads if supervised by an
experienced driver. This allows young people to gain
additional experience before driving completely
independently. The young driver must apply for a
supervisor’s pass. This can be done at
The RDW checks whether the young driver and the
(maximum of five) supervisors meet the conditions.
Odometer readings
As a car buyer, you do not want the odometer
reading to be tampered with. If it is, you will pay
more than the car is worth. Even so, it is estimated
that 5% of the cars in the Netherlands display an
incorrect odometer reading. To be able to identify
odometer fraud better and faster, the vehicle
trade must report mileages to the RDW more
often. Not only during the annual APK, but for
instance also when vehicles are added to
the stock-in-trade, when the ownership of a
vehicle changes and during maintenance and
repair. In the future, the buyers will also benefit
from this. The intention is for them to be able to
check the reliability of the odometer readings via This is currently only possible via an
NAP certificate and an NAP web label.
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| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
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100% enforcement of third party
insurance obligation
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Service provision &
The RDW attempts to make the service it provides to all target
groups as easy and efficient as possible. Digitalisation its services
plays an important role here.
Visitors 10,161,017
Webselfservice 312,636
Messaging Box
used nation wide
The RDW developed the electronic Messaging
Box in 2009, on the initiative of the Manifest
group. Government bodies can use this system to
send personal emails to members of the public.
This saves paper. The RDW was the first
organisation to start sending messages via the
Messaging Box: first the PTI reminder and later
the driving licence reminder. The number of users
of the Messaging Box almost tripled in 2011: from
53,885 to 143,962.
In addition to the RDW, the UWV, the Social
Internet use 2011
Downloads of brochures and forms
Service provision & Digitalisation
Insurance Bank and various local authorities also
use the Messaging Box. In 2012, the Tax Authority
will start a pilot and the DUO and the CJIB will
possibly also participate. As a result, the number
of messages and users will grow considerably
in the coming years. Since 1 January 2012, the
Messaging Box has been owned by Logius, the ICT
management organisation of the government.
This will give the Messaging Box the status of a
widely accepted way of providing digital services
to the general public.
The digital portal
for members of
the public
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Online planning
and appointment system
The planning and appointment system (PAS)
enables business and private customers to use
the internet site of the RDW to arrange inspection
appointments for various vehicles. The RDW
inspection station employees and customers
record appointments in the planning module.
The result is convenience and efficiency for
both parties.
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Because both customers and RDW employees
appreciate the PAS system, efforts are being
made to take the next step: The planning
and appointment system Phase 2. Additional
functionality will be added, making it possible to
request multiple services in one go, or to request
a one-day registration document online.
The RDW’s digital portal is open 24/7. For instance,
everyone can see their own information and can
arrange a number of things including requesting
a temporary suspension of road tax payments or
requesting a replacement registration certificate.
The use of the existing digital services has been
extended further in 2011 and a number of new
electronic services have been launched on the
portal. For instance the new service ‘inspection of
your own details’.
This allows members of the public to see what
vehicle details have been included about them in
the database. This concerns both current details
and historical details (up to nine years old).
In 2011, the services portal has also been prepared
to provide new services that will come online in
2012, such as the requests for supervised driving
2todrive, and the online registration of odometer
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Digital convenience for
business customers
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Cooperation &
The tasks of the RDW increasingly extend to include the entire
mobility chain. In this ‘chain’, the RDW increasingly cooperates
with other national and international partners.
RDW helps Russia with recycling
The Russian car industry is becoming increasingly
aware that recycling is profitable. Not only due
to the reuse of raw materials, but also to prevent
environmental damage. Moreover, it can also
benefit the possible export of cars to the European
Union. Russia has high ambitions in this respect,
however, the EU places rather strict requirements
on the material use of new imported vehicles.
Therefore, the RDW and the Russian Nizhny
Novgorod University have signed an intention to
cooperate. The goal is to help the Russian vehicle
industry establish a system for vehicle registration
and recycling. Our knowledge and experience are
extremely advantageous here. The project will be
subsidised by Agentschap NL.
Cooperation & internationalisation
Smarter on
the road
Environment, safety, efficient road use and
preventing traffic jams are important objectives.
To realise them, the international focus is
increasingly on Intelligent Transport Systems
(ITS). These are systems that contain a clever mix
of telecommunications, electronics, information
technology and traffic technology. Such systems
open the path to environmental, safety, transport
and mobility benefits. Examples?
• Digital travel advice to avoid traffic jams
• Vehicles that communicate with each other
• Vehicles that warn the driver or even intervene
when the road is slippery, a child crosses the
road or a train approaches an unattended level
ITS has such a high priority for the European
Commission that an ITS action plan has been
drawn up. The Dutch government is participating
in this plan. Many ITS topics interface directly with
the work of the RDW, for instance, because of the
information exchange between cars and other
cars, roadside equipment, service providers or the
RDW databases. This demands an overall view to
be taken of ITS. In 2011, we started committing
this view to paper. In addition, work has been
done on other ITS topics including eCall, electronic
vehicle registration plates, parking and European
standardisation in the area of pricing (EETS,
European Electronic Toll Services).
The new way of parking
Mobile parking is the logical extension of
coin-operated machines, tickets and parking
discs. The idea is to forward your vehicle
registration number using your smartphone and
to pay later. Part of this system is the National
Parking database that the RDW has developed.
This new national database records, based on
the vehicle registration number, whether a car
can be parked in a certain area. It also contains
the registration numbers of vehicles that have
specific parking rights, such as care provider
permits, permits for loading and unloading and
resident permits. The customers of providers
such as YellowBrick, Parkmobile and Parkline are
already benefiting from this new way of parking,
thanks to this database. Enschede was the
first, in the course of 2011 Amersfoort and Den
Bosch also joined the National Parking database.
The system has also been prepared for nine
other municipalities to join in 2012, including
Amsterdam. This project is in perfect keeping with
the mission of the RDW. As a partner in mobility,
we operate in the entire chain of traffic and
transport, safety and the environment, including
innovative developments such as the development
of digital parking.
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Database of
parking cards
for the disabled
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
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RDW assists in making an
inventory of toll systems
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Harleys roar a welcome
to EU delegation
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Cooperation & internationalisation
RDW cooperates in eCall:
a car that crashes calls the
emergency number (112) itself
TO India
In April, Minister Schultz from Infrastructure and
the Environment, together with Managing Director
Johan Hakkenberg visited India. This visit was part
of a trade mission in which many companies from
the transport sector participated.
The RDW joined the programme concerning
“Intelligent Transport Systems”. Discussions
were held with the Indian Minister of Road
Transport and Motorways regarding establishing
an Indian vehicle registration system.
The RDW discussed with Tata Motors if it, as an
organisation, could contribute to the type approval
process for the TATA cars. Contact has also been
made with Mahindra Reva, a manufacturer of
electric vehicles. This company sees opportunities
in the Netherlands.
For traffic-safety reasons, it has been decided to make the eCall system
obligatory for new vehicles in the EU as of 2015. The RDW will supply
vehicle information in this respect.
RDW in SOUTH-Korea
The Vehicle Admission & Surveillance Department
has seen a large increase in its work in South Korea
in recent years. This has resulted in a large number
of return flights and a heavy load on the testers,
but also in high costs for the customer and an
increased environmental burden. For several years
now, Hyundai/KIA has been asking for a local RDW
representation, so that they can call upon us more
easily and RDW staff can be used in a more flexible
way. Therefore, an RDW employee moved to South
Korea with his family. In the coming years, he will
operate for the RDW there.
Border-free collaboration
European borders are fading. In parallel with
this, collaboration between the member states is
increasing, also where road traffic documentation
and information are concerned. As early as 2006,
this collaboration gained formal status, thanks
to the establishment of the EReg (Association
of European Vehicle and Driver Registration
Authorities). In 2011, the EReg had 27 members.
The RDW has chaired this association and has
been responsible for the secretariat since 2007.
This time, the annual conference was in Warsaw,
Poland. Traffic safety, international data exchange,
re-registration of vehicles, driving licences and
vehicle documents were high on the agenda.
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| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Satellite positioning will determine
the exact location of the accident
and forward it via eCall to the nearest
emergency alarm centre. Route
data and vehicle information (from
the RDW databases) will also be
forwarded. This is done based on the
vehicle identification number.
An employee of the
emergency alarm
centre tries to contact
the passenger(s) or any
bystanders for more
information and to
provide assistance.
Emergency call
The emergency number (112)
is automatically called (eCall)
if the ‘onboard’ sensors of
a vehicle register a serious
accident. If required, a call can
be made manually via a special
eCall button.
Accurate hElp
Speed, precision and additional (vehicle)
information leads to fast and accurate help
and improved chances of survival.
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
The RDW focuses on vehicles, safety and the environment.
The RDW manages the basic vehicle database in the Netherlands and
provides information about this to authorities at home and abroad.
For instance, to provide support in combating vehicle crime. The RDW
tracks vehicles from the moment of development up to and including
scrapping, in both the technical and the administrative respect.
A picture of the
Dutch vehicle
fleet in 2011
private motor vehicles
commercial vehicles
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On-board computer
in taxis
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
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New motorcycle
registration number:
numbers first
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Letters to
counter fraud
New vehicle registration
certificate lasts longer
Part II documents (proof of holdership) are sometimes subject to fraud, for
instance when cars are stolen or ‘cloned’. To trace this type of fraud, as of 1
January 2012 an additional check has been introduced. In this way, the RDW
helps to combat vehicle theft. Since 1 January 2012, the control letter must
also be specified when transferring a car or adding it to stock-in-trade.
This single capital control letter has been included on all Part II documents
issued since 1 January 1995, irrespective of the type of vehicle. The RDW
automatically checks whether the control letter on the Part II document is
correct. This allows forged Part II documents to be identified. The change
of ownership or inclusion in the stock-in-trade can only be continued if the
correct control letter is entered. Repeated entry of the incorrect control
letter can lead to additional investigation. Vehicle registration certificates
from before that date will not be checked.
Just like the driving licence, the vehicle
registration certificate will also be a plastic card.
This will probably occur sometime in 2013. The
details of the vehicle and the owner will all be
recorded on the same vehicle registration card.
The Part II document will be replaced by a code
belonging to the vehicle registration card. The
vehicle registration card will apply for all vehicle
categories. The card is easy to use, has a longer
life and is more difficult to forge. This means that
the vehicle registration card will help to combat
vehicle fraud. Moreover, the vehicle registration
card will have a chip containing the same data as
the card. The new vehicle registration card will
cost the same as the current paper registration
The vehicle registration cards will no longer
be made at the Post Office, but will be made
centrally and sent to the registered owner/holder.
This amended procedure makes it possible to
have multiple and different issuing locations.
However, an application takes an additional day.
An emergency procedure, similar to that used for
the driving licence, will also be established. Central
issuing is also the prelude to the possible digital
application for a vehicle registration certificate.
For the transition to the card, the RDW has to
modify many processes, procedures and systems.
In 2011, two study days were held to inform the
vehicle sector of the developments and to ask
advice regarding the route to take.
Newly issued vehicle
registration certificates
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A registration number is a means of identifying a vehicle. The total vehicle
registration consists of the number plates with a letter and number combination
attached to the vehicle and the associated (paper) registration certificate.
Number plate
with RFID chip
There are already chips for running shoes, library
books and bicycle frames. In 2011, the RDW tested
whether RFID chips could also be used on number
plates. The RDW investigated multiple types to see
whether they are resistant to weather, wind and
road salt and whether they operate correctly for an
extended period of time. Moreover, various ways
of reading them out were tested. RFID chips can be
read remotely.
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
They can be linked to, for instance, an Electronic
Vehicle Identification system. That is convenient
for the police and petrol stations, among others,
in their fight against petrol theft. A chip also
offers the possibility to access parking garages or
company premises, and to link to P&R places. The
duplicate code (now still necessary when a number
plate is stolen) could then be dispensed with.
Private Motor
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Number of cars that changed
ownership in 2011
Scrapped vehicles
The RDW tracks vehicles in both the technical
and administrative sense from the moment
they are completed and go onto the road up
to the moment they are scrapped. In 2011,
277,554 vehicles were scrapped.
(including stock-in-trade)
First type approvals and
authorisations for the
alcohol interlock
If in the past you were caught multiple times
for driving under the influence of alcohol, you
would lose your driving licence. Since December
2011, the judge can also sentence the driver who
has been caught to follow the alcohol interlock
programme. An aspect of this programme is to
have an alcohol interlock installed in the car.
Only sober drivers will then be able to start their
car. The objective of this programme is to reduce
the use of alcohol in traffic. Approximately
a quarter of traffic fatalities are the result of
alcohol use.
Since the end of 2011, the RDW has managed
the alcohol interlock database. This contains the
data of the participants, including the beginning
and ending dates of their programme, the reason
of participation, the values measured during the
programme and the registration number of the car.
The RDW provides these details to the CBR and, for
instance, to the police and the Public Prosecution
Service. Garages that want to install alcohol
interlocks, must be authorised to do so by the
RDW. On 17 November, the first installer received
the required authorisation. They can only install
alcohol interlocks of a specifically approved type.
On the same day, the RDW issued the first alcohol
interlock type approval to its manufacturer Dräger.
Mopeds 20,623
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Number of scrapped
electric cars
Motorcycles Private motor vehicles
Commercial vehicles 4,062
235,888 233,791
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Tineke Netelenbos has been the chair of the Supervisory Board of
the RDW since 2004. This position can be held for a maximum of eight
years, so she will take her leave as of 1 July 2012. With pain in her
heart: ‘The RDW is a fantastic organisation to work for, with extremely
committed employees.’ To honour her departure, we asked her for her
experiences ‘At the wheel’.
Do you drive often?
Yes, I drive at least 60,000 kilometres a year. On account of various
functions, I get to really every corner of the Netherlands and I often drive
to Switzerland for personal reasons. If environmental considerations and
money did not play a role, I would prefer to drive a Volvo XC 90, but I find
it really ‘not done’ to drive around the Netherlands in such a car, so I chose
its younger brother, the XC 70. A nice workhorse, with a high seating
position, automatic gearbox and four-wheel drive.
On the road
Of course you sometimes see accidents and it can be miserable on the
road, when it is busy or when the weather is bad. But there are also
wonderful moments of relaxation. For instance when driving over the
IJsselmeer Dam or around the lakes in the province of Friesland. Then I
turn on the radio, or listen to a wonderful opera. Extremely relaxing.
The RDW in 2011
2011 was a crisis year, but car sales were good, therefore the RDW issued
many registration numbers. I also consider the developments concerning
electric cars positive. Internally, the ICT migration has been a particularly
marvellous achievement of the RDW. It was such a major operation,
with such a high risk of failure that went completely problem free. The
ICT employees have done a fantastic job. Anyway, I find that fascinating
about the RDW: its ICT-driven character and the active role it plays in
digitizing society.
Future challenges
The further digitalisation of ‘automotive’ offers the RDW major
challenges. For instance, cars are increasingly computer controlled and
this requires the periodic vehicle inspection (PTI) to be amended. But
also the further rolling out of Eucaris (EUropean CAR and driving licence
Information System), for which the RDW was in at the outset, is a fine job.
The RDW has a good reputation, both nationally and internationally. I will
continue to follow it with interest in the future.
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Corporate social responsibility
Corporate social
People expect effective service and meticulous accountability from
the RDW. This also includes corporate social responsibility.
After all, we are responsible for the consequences that our activities
and decisions have on people, the environment and society.
Energy efficiency, reuse and safety therefore have high priority.
Safety first
Course set
In 2011, the RDW determined the course of its
Corporate Social Responsibility policy. In 2012,
the RDW wants to realise a 5% CO2 reduction in
its business operations when compared to 2011.
In reporting its Corporate Social Responsibility
policy, the RDW employs the guidelines of
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI: www. Another priority is
sustainable purchasing. In 2011, a baseline
measurement was carried out based on the
sustainability requirements of the Ministry of
Infrastructure and the Environment.
In this way, we can track progress in this area.
Concrete actions in the area of
Corporate Social Responsibility
in 2011 were:
• The RDW carried out a pilot into electric driving
and influencing behaviour related to CO2
The RDW cooperated in the mobility covenants
in Groningen - Assen and Haaglanden
• The RDW made vehicle data from the vehicle
registration database available, to support the
environmental policy and for research into the
CO2 emissions of the Dutch vehicle fleet
of the Dutch vehicle fleet. Of course, RDW is not
only engaged in the environmental aspects of the
Dutch vehicle fleet, we also focus on CO2 reduction
within our own organisation. In 2011, the total
CO2 emission of RDW was 5,281 tonnes. This
represents a drop of 6% when compared to 2010.
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| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
For instance, the test centre purchased a new
emergency vehicle in 2011, which can be used to
rapidly and effectively provide assistance in the
event of an emergency. In addition, new asphalt
has been laid on the test track, as the old asphalt
needed replacement after being in use for a long
time. When replacing the asphalt, sustainability
has of course been considered: the top layer of the
old asphalt has been 100% recycled.
The benefit of video
The RDW and CO2
The RDW focuses on vehicles, safety and the
environment. The RDW monitors the environment
and the safety aspects of the Dutch vehicle fleet.
Within that framework, in 2011, the RDW made
vehicle data from the vehicle registration database
available to support the Dutch environmental
policy and for research into the CO2 emissions
Safety is an important precondition for the
effective execution of our work. In 2011, the RDW
has addressed optimising safety throughout the
organisation. In some parts of the organisation, for
instance the RDW test centre in Lelystad (TCL), the
chance of operational risks is greater than in the
office. Therefore, important investments in safety
have been made there.
Since 2010, the RDW employees in Zoetermeer,
Groningen and Veendam can meet each other
using a new video conference system. This
resulted in a considerable increase in video
conferences in 2011. The experiences are positive.
And so are the results: video conferencing results
in more productive hours and also reduces
travelling costs and CO2 emissions.
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Corporate social responsibility
data available to
the outside world
2011 showed a good financial result. The RDW is keeping a close eye
on the unstable economic situation, but is well able to withstand it.
The RDW has decided to give the outside world
access to non-sensitive database data as ‘open
data’. This increases government transparency
and gives an economic stimulus due to the reuse
of data. In the past year, we have investigated
how we can provide access to these data and what
the effects would be. The result is an open-data
strategy, that anticipates the revision of the
PSI directive, the upcoming revision of the WOB
(Government Information (Public Access) Act and
the I-strategy of the Dutch government.
The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
and other implementing bodies form a sounding
board for the RDW.
The RDW has a considerable amount of interesting
information: vehicle data, driving licence data
and inspection data. A proportion of our revenu
comes from making these data available to
information providers and other parties that
process them for the market. In addition, we
provide this information ourselves via
This information is freely available for occasional
use. The developments around open data can
influence the manner in which the RDW makes this
information available, in particular to companies.
These data concern, among others, service,
topicality, degree of detail, technology and costs.
‘Read more about Annual Report online’
The financial information in this Annual Report relating to the 2011 financial year
was audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers on 19 March 2012. The full statutory
Annual Report, including the complete Financial Statements and the unqualified
audit certificate are available at The Supervisory Board
approved the statutory Annual Report during its meeting on 9 March 2011.
The Supervisory Board is accountable for its work to the Minister of Infrastructure
and the Environment. The report of the Supervisory Board is included as part of
the statutory Annual Report.
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
Balance sheet
As AT 31 December 2011
As AT 31 December 2011
(All amounts are in € 1,000s)
Assets Balance as AT 31 Dec 2011
(All amounts are in € 1,000s)
Balance as AT 31 Dec 2010
FIXED Assets44,314
Realised 2011
Budgeted 2011
Realised 2010
Operating income
Operating EXPENSES
CURRENT Assets43,326
TOTAL Assets87,640
Liabilities Balance as AT 31 Dec 2011
Balance as AT 31 Dec 2010
Current liabilities28,113
Total liabilities87,640
Variable costs
Staff costs
General costs
Project costs
Depreciation and amortisation
Financial income and expenses
Result from ordinary
Financial income and expenses
Interest income
Interest charges
Net result
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
organisation > Employees
Employees joining and leaving
External service provision can only be effective if the internal
organisation is correct. In 2011, the RDW worked hard on the ICT
infrastructure and the organisation around vehicle technology.
To help our employees do their work, in 2011 considerable attention
was given to safety, flexible working and strategic personnel policy.
TRAINING COSTS (in Euros)2011
Total training costs 1,497
Number of employees in people
As AT 31 December
Average number of employees (in people)
1,487 1,515
Average per employee 1,070 1,284
Training costs in % of the wage bill 1.8% 2.2%
Number of employees in FTEs
As AT 31 December
Registration & Information Division 350 345
Vehicle Technology Division
721 729
ICT Division
222 228
Management and Staff departments
192 195
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Best employer
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Distribution of employees in people 40
Absence due
to illness
Absence due to illness in 2011 was 4.5%.
That is the same as 2010. On average, an
employee reports ill 1.3 times per year.
In 2010, this was 1.6 times. The average
duration of absence was 12.7 calendar days,
an increase of 1.7 days when compared to
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
organisation > Employees
organisation > Internal organisation
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Vitality programme
Belgian decoration
Internal organisation
New structure for
vehicle technology
Thanks to V10, the vehicle technology division
(VT) received a new main structure in 2010,
including a position for the new Knowledge and
Information Management (KIM) department. In
2011, the focus was on reforming the division’s
three main processes: PTI, individual inspection
and Vehicle Admission & Surveillance. The
Business Operations and Innovation staff
department is part of the restructuring.
The division has been working in accordance with
the new procedure since 1 January 2012. In 2013,
the entire restructuring will be evaluated.
King Albert II from Belgium has honoured three
RDW employees for their contribution to European
collaboration. Former deputy director Hans van
der Bruggen was made an Officer in the Order
of Leopold II. Our colleagues Idske Dijkstra and
Herman Grooters were both made Knights in the
Order of the Crown. They received their awards
for their contribution to European collaboration.
As a result of their work for Eucaris (European
Car and Driving Licence Information System),
the exchange of vehicle and driving licence
information within Europe has increased markedly.
The award ceremony took place at the Dutch
embassy in Brussels.
The RDW is an organisation that is continually
changing as the world of mobility changes. The
aim is to stay ahead of the public, European and
global challenges in the area of vehicle technology,
and from that position to create new opportunities
for the RDW and for the Netherlands. To be able
to do this, in recent years, the organisational
structure of the vehicle technology division
has been amended. The V10 programme has
streamlined these changes.
This concerns: customer-oriented acting and
thinking, efficiency and operational excellence
and uniform responsibility for management and
Young civil
servant of
the year
Portfolio simplifies
project choice
RDW employee Albert Jan van Zwieten has won
the public award for young civil servant of the year
2011. The election was held in January 2011 for the
ninth time. In addition to the honour, it also gained
him a cheque for 1,000 Euros, to be used for a
training course at the Management Academy.
How do you distribute the budgets and available
people over the projects? A difficult job, certainly
when every year it seems that the number of
projects to be executed exceeds the available
capacity. It is inevitable that choices must be
made. The figures: every year, the RDW spends
35 million Euros on 80 projects. Together, these
projects require 200,000 man-hours.
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Anniversary for
Driving Licences
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
The Project Portfolio Management expert group
has been established to get better insight of the
flow of projects and by doing so to be better able
to choose the right ones. This group, known as the
PPM expert group, selects the projects, identifies
the relationships and overlaps, and advises the
management team. The expert group consists
of representatives from all divisions and staff
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25 years
Working at home
arranged in the CAO
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
organisation > ICT
The organisation > ICT
Great performance
in the area of ICT
The RDW has managed to replace the engine of a car
while it was moving. This metaphor is analogous to the
replacement of the entire computer system that was
completed at the end of 2011 after years of careful
preparation. The RDW replaced the mainframe by a
network of computers, the Winframe.
With a mainframe, all databases run on a single central
computer system. That is vulnerable and restricts
growth. It therefore had to be replaced to guarantee
continuity of service and to prepare for ongoing
digitizing. The RDW databases, with the vehicle
registration database being the most important one,
must be available 24/7. This made the replacement
In phases, all of the services were transferred and
at the end of December, the central database was
migrated. Initially it was announced that the services of
the RDW would be unavailable for two days (28 and 29
December), but in practice, 95% of all of the services
were available again in just half a day. The ICT Division
and the line departments have made a giant effort
and collaborated excellently with each other and the
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011
Reflecting on 2011 | RDW |
You can find
RDW here
The RDW currently has 21 establishments in 19
locations in the Netherlands
ICT, Groningen
R&I, Veendam
Inspection centre
RDW Editorial Board
Nathalie Gruithuijzen and Annette Koemans
Concept & Design
7causes in collaboration with Eindeloos
Test centre Lelystad
Inspection centre Zwolle
RDW APK centre
The Netherlands
Inspection centre
Inspection centre Amsterdam
Main Office at
Inspection centre
Inspection centre
Inspection centre
Inspection centre
Inspection centre
Inspection centre Den Bosch
Inspection centre Rijen
Inspection centre
Inspection centre Veldhoven
Inspection centre Venlo
7causes in collaboration with Chris Bos
Fotogeniek pages 4, 7, 32
David van Hoorn pages 16, 19, 23, 36
You can request copies of
this annual report from:
Postbus 777
2700 AT Zoetermeer
Telephone: + 31 598 39 33 30
(€ 0.10 per minute in the Netherlands)
You can also inspect and download
all of the information on
Inspection centre Elsloo
| RDW | Reflecting on 2011