MHV Kids Korner Q3-14-01.indd - Mid Hudson Valley Federal Credit


MHV Kids Korner Q3-14-01.indd - Mid Hudson Valley Federal Credit
News, Fun & Games from Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union
July 2014
Kids Korner
Turn Spare Change
into Treasure!
Have you heard the saying,
"A penny saved is a penny earned"?
It means that if you don't spend money,
it's the same as earning money. It also
means that it's hard work to save. But it's
something everyone can do.
A penny may not seem like much money.
But, in fact, pennies add up. Collect your
spare change every day in a special
container. Once it's full, or when you get
money as a gift or for doing extra chores,
bring it to MHV and put it in your Young
Savers account.
The most important thing is to save
something (even a penny) every day. By
saving your money now, you can spend
it later. Instead of buying something you
don't really need, save the money instead.
Then, it will be there when you want to buy
something you really want.
Facts About Seahorses
With a head like a horse, a tail like
a monkey, a pouch like a kangaroo,
eyes resembling a chameleon's, and
their camouflaging qualities, seahorses
are truly amazing and can be found
all around the world. Here are some
interesting facts:
• Male seahorses have pouches. The female
seahorse deposits her eggs into the
male's pouch, and the male fertilizes them
internally. He carries the eggs in his pouch
until they hatch, then releases fully formed
miniature seahorses into the water.
• Seahorses have no teeth and no stomach.
Food passes through their digestive
systems so quickly, they must eat almost
constantly to stay alive.
• Seahorses are able to move their eyes
independently of each other. They can
look for food with one eye and watch out
for predators with the other.
• They have the ability to change color
to blend into their surroundings and
escape predators.
• Seahorses have a small crown,
called a coronet, on top of their
head. The crown differs from
one seahorse to the next.
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Be Safe Online
It's fun to go online to learn new things, play games
and check in with friends. But it's not so much fun if you
accidentally give out private information or someone
steals it. Here are some tips for staying safe:
• Social networking sites like Facebook, chat rooms,
and blogs usually have privacy settings. Learn
about them. Ask a grown-up to help you make
smart privacy choices. Limit online friends to those you
actually know.
• Never write anything online unless you would write it on a postcard or billboard.
• Keep your passwords private. Don't share them, even with your best friend. Make them
strong by making them long and use both letters and numbers.
• Be careful about opening attachments or clicking on links. They may contain viruses or
spyware. Free stuff - like ring tones or games - can hide viruses or spyware, too. Only
download things from trusted sources. And always use security software to check the file.
Linking Paper Clips
Can you link two paper clips together with just a tug?
To do this trick you will need a dollar bill and two paper clips.
1. Fold the dollar bill into thirds, so it is shaped like a Z.
2. Using one paper clip, attach it to the top front of the bill. The
clip needs to go over the front and the middle layer of the bill.
Make sure it is clipped near the outer edge of the bill.
3. Attach the second paper clip to the back of the bill from
the top. The clip goes over the outer layer of the folded bill as
well as the middle layer. Make sure it is clipped near the outer
edge of the bill.
4. Holding each end of the bill near the top, pull the dollar bill
apart. When you do, the paper clips will come flying off the
bill and be joined together. If having problems getting them to
link together, do not pull the bill as hard.
Federally Insured by NCUA
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