Hitler`s Flying Saucers


Hitler`s Flying Saucers
This book is a guide into the world of German flying discs. You
may have picked up this guide because you are unfamiliar with the
German production of flying saucers during World War Two. The
basics of this production will be revealed to you in the following
pages. An adventure awaits you.
On the other hand, you may be looking for nothing more than a
rational explanation of the UFO phenomenon. The UFO
phenomenon involves sightings of unidentified flying objects. This
means that any unidentified flying object is a UFO, regardless of its
alleged source. Because the object is unidentified, the object's source
is also undetermined. Only a leap of faith can connect UFOs to an
extraterrestrial course without first introducing proof. A radical
hypothesis such as an extraterrestrial origin of UFOs requires
overwhelming proof in order to be generally accepted. No such
overwhelming extraterrestrial proof has ever been offered which
has stood up to scrutiny. No crashed alien craft have ever been
produced by anyone, inside or outside government. Likewise, no
alien bodies have ever been found. No extraterrestrial culture, or
alien technology has ever been uncovered by anyone. There is
simply no actual evidence at all linking UFOs with an extraterrestrial
source. Therefore, no such leap of faith should be made. We need to
start all over again. All rational earthly explanations need to be
exhausted before any extraterrestrial theories are even put forth.
Unfortunately, the simple truth is that, for the most part, UFO
research has done a leap-frog to the extraterrestrial explanation
without ever adequately exploring and exhausting a terrestrial
origin. This statement is inclusive of everyone regardless of
background or education. It applies to the charlatan UFO attentiongetters as well as to former NASA scientists with Ph.D.s. This is the
condition of our current state of affairs in the UFO world.
Let me expound on this. For over fifty years, the UFO research
paradigm has been fundamentally wrong. A proper attempt to
explain the UFO phenomenon would involve a gathering or the
evidence and then explanation by proceeding from simple solutions
involving known facts and conditions and totally exhausting these
as possibilities before postulating explanations, conditions, or entities
not represented by fact. Only after known facts fail us can we move
on to postulate explanations beyond our realm of experience.
Even then, an idea which may fit the observed facts but which is
not in evidence itself cannot be accepted as fact until it is tested. This
is nothing new. This is simply the way logic and science test new
explanations of reality. This method is the foundation of our modern
western technological culture.
Unfortunately, research in the field of flying saucer phenomena
has never been undertaken with this principle in mind. More and
more frequently, UFOs are attributed to an extraterrestrial source
by the media, or the "witnesses", as a sort of knee-jerk reaction. It
seems if one sees something for which he has no prior reference,
then it must be extraterrestrial as a matter of course. Over the years
sightings have become "encounters," then "abductions." Such
reports are increasing even as the use of regression hypnosis
replaces the scientific method for finding the truth. The same
individuals often have repeated "experiences" each of which
becomes stranger than the last.
If no real research has ever been done on the UFO phenomena,
then how has thesis extraterrestrial theory crept into popular
culture? One simple answer is the media. The media loves
extraterrestrials. Why? It is because the extraterrestrial hypothesis is
marketable. It sells copy. Just look at the number of books,
magazines, movies and television programs devoted to this
explanation. Look at your check-out counter in the supermarket.
The government itself is another answer. The word "government"
from here on will basically mean the government of the United
States of America but will sometimes include other governments, as
specified. The government has used "flying saucers" to cover its
own testing of secret aircraft. It uses the UFO-extraterrestrial ploy
superbly. When a UFO is seen by civilians, a controlled procedure is
enacted. This procedure plants or encourages witnesses who
expound an extraterrestrial origin in a given sighting. The
government may even go so far as to fund television programming
and magazines devoted to this explanation. After all, a huge part of
the C.I.A.'s budget goes into such covert conditioning of the
American people. However, Americans are not the first to be
fooled, as we shall see.
In most cases, any extraterrestrial hypothesis is acceptable to
government manipulators, especially if it is so ridiculous that the
witnesses end up discrediting themselves. The government is so
successful at this that the entire topic of UFOs has become
somewhat of a joke. This is done deliberately. Thus, serious people
with "something to lose" are afraid to stake their reputations on a
public announcement of their UFO experience, no matter how real it
may have been. At this point the government has achieved its
purpose which is to discredit and suppress all serious inquiry into
the UFO question.
Supposedly, UFO research has been left to large, well-financed
UFO 'research organizations". The largest of these is MUFON
(Mutual UFO Network). This organization "trains" people to report
sightings, then collects the data and organizes it using some sort of
multi-variant analysis into something meaningful. Over the years
MUFON has had the opportunity to collect and "organize"
thousands of sightings into something meaningful.
In reality, the information is organized into gibberish. After a
body of knowledge has been studied and organized, usually, certain
facts or at least generalizations can be gleaned form this kind of
work. In its fifty years of existence can anyone name one new
fundamental fact that MUFON has provided us? They have
provided us with nothing. Someone once said that MUFON is really
a black hole into which information is attracted and does not have
the power to escape on its own. We will return to MUFON and
explain this reasoning at a later point.
If we are to seek any real explanation of the UFO phenomenon,
we must make a clean break with the past. We must go back to the
basics of simplicity and logic. One basic question is this: could we
humans be capable of making the unidentified flying machines which
have been seen in abundance in the sky since the Second World
War? Until we answer that question in the negative, there is no
reason to postulate an alien origin for UFOs.
One purpose of this book is to give an individual new to this
subject an overview into the study of German flying discs. Never
fear, this is not a disjointed spook-hunt, chasing sightings and
abductions. There are real facts in this field. There are real people
with real names and histories and there are real saucer designs.
Another purpose is to give the reader references, upon which
statements in this book are based. Given these references, the
reader may then research the topics of particular interest in more
The research methodology is straightforward. We will listen to
what is claimed about German saucers by Germans of those times or
from other individuals who are in a position to know something
about this topic. We then attempt to verify it using an independent
historical source. Corroboration from other independent sources,
especially from witnesses, is also acceptable and important.
Photographs are important but nowadays pictures can be
manufactured on a computer. Well-documented pictures which
appeared before the modern computer age are perhaps best. Also,
pictures accompanied with negatives may be considered better
documents than those without negatives.
Government documents can be great sources of confirmation.
Unfortunately, governments cannot be trusted and have historically
attempted to manipulate UFO research. Therefore, these sources
are best not used to formulate ideas but to confirm ideas first
developed through independent sources.
Politically, time is on our side. Since the Berlin Wall fell, more and
more German researchers are going public with their findings. There
is more freedom to research this subject now than at any time in the
past sixty years. As each piece fits into the puzzle, a consensus of
public acceptance acknowledging the reality of German flying discs
grows. All we really have to do is find the pieces, confirm them and
eep putting them together. The truth will emerge by itself and in
the end nobody, no special interest of any sort, will be able to deny
this basic truth.
The writer of this book is not an authority to be believed upon
face-value alone. New assertions made in this book about German
saucers will be accompanied with documentation. Assertions made
by others will be accompanied with their references. This book will
briefly touch upon most of the facts, ideas, writers and researchers
in this field. With the sources given, the reader will be able to
confirm the veracity of the position put forth independently.
In an attempt to explain the field of German saucers to someone
new to it some background is necessary. First, we will discuss the
situation within wartime Germany. Then, there will follow a
discussion concerning reliable sources in this field. An overview of
German flying discs will follow. Finally, various trains of thought or
schools or thought in this field will be presented in a discussion
section along with some odds and ends which do not fit into any
neat pattern. At that point, the post-war disposition of German
saucer technology will be discussed before concluding with some
thoughts on the topic.
A meeting of Germany's early rocket pioneers, including Rudolph
Nebel at left, Hermann Oberth, to the right of the rocket, Klaus
Riedel, holding the small rocket, and behind him the dapper young
Wernher von Braun.
After t h e rise of Hitler, von Braun found himself with a new circle of
acquaintances, as w e l l as a new research facility at Peenemunde.
As the A-4 neared completion, the SS maneuvered to take control of
the weapon from the German Army. Below, an obviously impressed
Heinrich Himmler, standing next to Walter Dornberger, makes his
first visit to Peenemiinde in April 1943.
A vast factory complex called the Mittelwerk was constructed in the
Harz Mountains to conceal and protect rocket production from Allied
bombers. Below, a view of one of the underground galleries.
Allied intelligence was able to identify the "ski sites" originally
designed to launch the V-1. While Operation Crossbow unleashed
thousands of bombers against the sites, the Germans meanwhile
switched to more flexible, and inconspicuous, launch methods.
The gigantic V-2 storage bunker at Wizernes, France after absorbing
14 Allied air attacks. Today the bunker is a museum run by the
French government called La Coupole. It contains originals of the V-l
and V-2 and also celebrates space travel.
Carefully considered German camouflage schemes were designed to
conceal the weapons among trees.
The Situation Within Nazi Germany
Thanks to the American media and what passes for history, most
Americans have no idea of wartime conditions within Germany. The
topics most germane to this discussion are the means of wartime
industrial production and transportation within Germany.
After the Battle of Britain, Germany's air domination over Europe
began to decline, sliding down a slippery slope which ultimately
resulted in one major reason for its defeat. German means of
industrial, arms, and energy production became increasing
venerable to attack by Allied bombers. The munitions plants
needed to produce the arms to maintain the war effort, such as
tanks, airplanes and cannons were all targets of Allied air
bombardment. Likewise, high priority targets included oil
production and refining facilities which produced the fuel and
lubricants needed to make the war effort possible.
One way Germany responded to air attacks was by moving munitions
facilities and high-value industrial plants underground (1).
Some of these facilities were vast, encompassing miles of
underground tunnels. They housed both the industrial means of
war production and the workers themselves. The facilities at
Nordhausen in Thuringia are well known as the site of production
for the V-l and V-2, but there were others. The newly discovered
underground complexes of the Jonas Valley south of Nordhausen in
Thuringia constitute another vast complex (2)(3). This facility
was to serve as a center of government and most probably a
research center for advanced weaponry. This is also true for the
many underground complexes in what is now Poland. Notable among
these is a facility called "Der Riese" (The Giant). Der Riese
served as a uranium mine, uranium processing facility, and
research and development facility for secret weapons (4).
Underground facilities for weapons production were found
throughout Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Underground production facilities were also set up to refine
synthetic petroleum products from coal and to generate
In addition to underground facilities, camouflage was used to
hide numerous smaller facilities. These many camouflaged and
underground plants formed a web of sub-assembly producers. Each
sub-assembly facility sent their product to a larger or a more
centrally located facility for further work. From there it might
be transported again for final assembly. As an example, type XXI
U-boats were modular, being produced in pipe-like sections
throughout Germany. They were transported by rail to sites near
the North Sea and only finally assembled at water's edge.
Likewise, some types of aircraft were only finally assembled near
the runway.
Further confusing Allied air intelligence, the plants were
constantly moving.
Eventually everything of value was to be
moved underground, to bomb-proof shelters.
Facilities were kept
on the move until space was available for this underground relocation.
These tactics worked for the Germans.
There were
sim p l y too many moving targets for the Allies to completely stop
German war production.
Of course the weak link in this scheme was transportation. The
railroad system was the only practical and most energy efficient
method of moving all these sub-assemblies. Trucking material was
done but in a petroleum-starved Third Reich, it was not possible
to sustain a truck-based transportation system necessary to meet
all the requirements of wartime Germany. Recognizing this, the
Allies bombed railroad centers using the heavy, four-engine B-17
By mid-1943 the American P-51 Mustang was introduced into the
field of play. This aircraft could be thought of as a Spitfire
which could fly for eight hours. Its range allowed it to escort
Allied bombers to their targets throughout the Reich. After
escorting the bombers to their targets the P-51s were released to
attack "targets of opportunity". A P-51 can fly close to the
ground and attack individual trains, which they did. Perhaps you
will recall the many wartime film clips showing these P-51s
destroying German trains as they traveled. By mid-1944, it is a
wonder that any trains within Germany could move at all. Some
were forced to hide in mountain tunnels, as they did near the
Jonas Valley, running at night or when there were no enemy
aircraft reported.
As a result of these day and night air attacks, Germany found
itself increasingly the victim of shortages of material and fuel,
limiting its ability to make war.
Though Germany's air defence system was the best of any
warring nation, it was clear that if Germany was to survive,
improvement was imperative. Germany experimented with radically
new types of air defense systems. Anti-aircraft rockets, guided
both from the ground and by infra-red homing devices were
invented. Vortex cannons, sun cannons, air-explosive turbulence
bombs, rockets trailing long wire to ensnare enemy propellers,
numerous electronic jamming devices, electronic devices designed
to stop ignition-based engines, magnetically repulsed projectiles
and long-range x-ray "death rays" were all under development as
the conflict ended (5) (6). Among these exotic solutions were
saucer-shaped interceptor aircraft.
The Germans already had jet and rocket interceptors as well as
jet and rocket attack vehicles. German skies were full of these
and other exotic aircraft so this new saucer shape was not
considered as important then as we do today looking back upon it
from a UFO perspective. To the German military and civilians
alike these were just more new weapons.
The "Alpenfestung"
From top to bottom, right to left are: The "Alpenfestung"
which was the southernmost island of defense planned by the
Germans; Diagram of the Fiat underground facility at Lake
Garda in Northern Italy which worked under direction of the
Germans; A cross section of the tunnel. It was in this
facility where Renato Vesco worked during the Second World
As the conflict drew to its conclusion, military planners in
Germany considered the idea of concentrating their ground and air
defenses into specific fortresses for a last stand. This would
buy them time. They needed time to perfect new "Siegerswaffen",
super-weapons so powerful that they could turn the course of the
war for Germany by themselves.
A mountain fortress or "Alpenfestung" was to be set up in the
German held areas of Northern Italy, Austria and Germany in
roughly the areas in which these countries converged with each
other and Switzerland (7). A fortress was to be set up in the
Harz Mountains of Thruingia including several large underground
complexes. This would extend from Nordhausen in the north down
through Kahla and into the Jonas Valley. Another similar
fortress complex was scheduled for the Owl Mountains separating
Poland from Czechoslovakia including "Der Riese" mentioned
earlier (8). Another fortress was to be set up in the Black
Forest of Southern Germany. Other minor islands of resistance
were to be set up in Norway, the Bohemian forest and the Bavarian
forest (9).
These fortifications were to house soldiers, mostly SS units.
They would also provide underground hangers and bomb-proof
overhangs for aircraft take-offs and landings. Missiles, such as
the V-l and V-2, and other weapons were to be mass produced there
and fired automatically, right off the automated assembly line.
The exotic weaponry mentioned above was to be employed, along
with especially trained mountain troops, defending the mountain
passes into these fortresses (10).
History tells us the Alpenfestung never actually happened. It
did not happen because German construction was simply not able to
make these places ready in time. What is important for us to
realize is that the weaponry for these fortresses was being
developed as the Second World War drew to a close. Few of these
weapons reached the operational stage but many were in various
stages of development.
When Hitler took power in 1933 one of his first decisions was to
rebuild the German Air Force, the Luftwaffe. This new
organization was to make a clean break with the old and this
reasoning was reflected in its research and development
facilities, the RLM, which were the finest of any branch of the
German military. Two brilliant research facilities were also in
the possession of the Luftwaffe, the Lilenthalgesellschaft and
the Academy of Air Research. Besides the Luftwaffe, there was
the Army which did develop such things as the V-l cruise missile.
There was the Speer Ministry of Arms which did research. In
addition, a system of research and development facilities was set
up headed by a research council, the "Reichsforschungrat". Their
job was to coordinate the technical schools and universities, the
military and governmental research groups, and the research and
development facilities into a concerted effort (11).
The Underground Complex
"Der Riese"
"Der Riese", ("The Giant" in English), is located in the
"Gory Sowie" or Owl Mountains of modern-day Poland. It
consisted of seven undergound complexes which concerned
themselves with the mining, refining, research and
development of uranium both for energy producing machines
and weapons of war. The tunnels of the larger complexes are
almost two miles in length. Courtesy of Robert
Lesniakiewicz. Mr. Lesniakiewicz is a Polish engineer and a
member of the research group responsible for opening,
exploring and maping of "Der Riese".
Another fact that influences our story was the ascendance of the
SS (Schutz Staffel). The SS began simply as Hitler's body guard.
From humble beginnings it was transformed into the most powerful
entity within the Third Reich after Hitler himself. The military
arm of the SS, the Waffen SS, became the most elite military
force in Germany. The SS also took over many research,
development and production facilities from the Army and Air
Force. The SS took over control of civilian research and
development facilities. The SS began taking facilities and power
away from Albert Speer's Ministry of Arms and the RLM headed by
Hermann Goering. As the war progressed, the SS organized, built
and ran many underground manufacturing facilities (12). They
even appropriated the huge industrial firm, the Skoda Works, its
subsidiaries and related firms, centered near Prague, for their
in-house projects (13). The SS became an empire within an empire
answerable only to Adolf Hitler.
The SS also set up special research facilities for politically
unreliable scientists. Research projects arose within these
facilities which were in part staffed by technical people drawn
from the prisoner pool. Such facilities were set up at
Oraneinburg, Nordhausen, Mechlenburg and Mathausen (14).
As the SS rose within Germany, so did the fortunes of Doctor of
Engineering, General Hans Kammler. Kammler seems to come into
prominence through his talent at designing and building massive
underground facilities (15). Soon Kammler was placed, by Hitler,
in charge of V-weapons (Vergeltungswaffen). This means Kammler
was in charge of the facilities at Peenemuende and Nordhausen.
He was Dr. and General Walhter Dornberger's boss who, in turn was
Dr. Wernher von Braun's boss. Further, Kammler headed up an
advanced research and development group, associated with the
Skoda Works, called the Kammler Group (16). This group held the
most advanced technical secrets of the Third Reich.
During post-war questioning, when asked for details concerning Vweaponry, Albert Speer told Allied interrogators to ask Kammler
these questions (17). They never did, however, because the 42
year old General Kammler had disappeared. Kammler was no fool.
Wherever he went he undoubtedly took copies of the most advanced
German technology. Numerous countries would have dealt with
Kammler, regardless of his past. This includes the U.S.A.
Couple this with the fact that no search was ever made for
General Kammler in spite of the fact that he extensively employed
slave-labor in his projects.
Did Kammler do a secret deal with an Allied government,
exchanging information for a new identity? Or did Kammler escape
Allied clutches to some safe haven such as South America? It is
known that the Nazis set up shop in large, secure tracts of land
between Chile and Argentina. It is also known that UFOs were
seen earlier in that region than in the USA after the war. Many
post-war stories involve German scientists relocating in South
American countries formerly friendly to the
Nazis and there building and flying German saucers.
The Situation Within Nazi Germany
Sources and References
Vesco, Renato, 1976, Intercept UFO, pages 90-110, Pinnacle
Books, 275 Madison Ave, N.Y., NY. 10016 Reissued as Man-Made
UFOs 1944-1994 by Adventures Unlimited Publishing, P.O. Box
74, Kempton, Illinois 60946
Zunneck, Karl-Heinz, 1998, Geheimtechnologien. Wunderwaffen
Und Irdischen Facetten Des UFO-Phaenomens 50 Jahre
Desinformation und die Folqen. CTT-Verlag, Suhl, Germany
Faeth, Harald, 1998, 1945 - Thuerinqens Manhattan Project Auf
der Spuerensuche nach der verlorenen V-Waffen-Fabrik in
Deutschlands Unterarundr CTT-Verlag, Heinrich-JungVerlagsgesellschaft mbH, Suhl, Germany
Jesensky, Milos, Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998,
"Wunderland" Mimozemske Technoloaie Treti Rise. AOS
Publishing, 1 Vydani
Lusar, Rudolf, 1960, German Secret Weapons Of The Second
World War. Neville Spearman, London, England
German Research Project, 1999, "German Death Rays Part Two:
The German And American Governmental Evidence", German
Research Project, P.O. Box 7, Gorman, CA. 93243-0007, USA
Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 95-98
Jesensky, Milos, Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page
Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 106
10. ibid, pages 90-111
11. Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee Evaluation
Report 20, Planning Board Of Reich Research Council
12. Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 90-93
13. Agoston, Tom, 1985, Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Awav Nazi
Supersecrets To Russia , pages 12-15, Dodd, Mead & Company,
New York
14. British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee, Report Number
142, Information Obtained From Targets Of Opportunity In The
Sonthofen Area, pages 1 and 3
15. Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 93-95
16. Agoston, Tom, 1985, page 13
17. Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee Evaluation
Report Number 53(b), Interrogation of Albert Speer, Former
Reich Minister of Armaments, page 3
Some of the earliest forms of UFOs, reported during the 1940s, were the ball of
light phenomena known as 'foo fighters,' as depicted here.
Above: Few photos of foo fighters are currently known. The top photo is one of the most famous,
taken over Europe; the bottom was taken over the Sea of Japan between Japan and Korea in
Above: Rare photos allegedly of an early experimental saucer
at the Peenemuende Space Center.
Above: Internal plans for a "Vril-1" saucer, according to Polish
historian Igor Witkowski.
Patent for the Coler Converter, a free energy device designed by Hans Coler
in 1937.
A C.I.A. document dated August 18, 1952 mentioning that the
Germans were building "flying saucers" as early as 1941. From the
German book Die Dunkle Seite Des Mondes (The Dark Side of the
Moon) by Brad Harris (1996, Pandora Books, Germany).
Reliable Sources
Much has recently been written concerning German flying discs.
To the best of my knowledge, no single source has all the
answers. To piece this puzzle together information from various
sources must be used. Of course, some sources are better than
others. Categories of sources, in a somewhat descending order of
reliability are:
Those actually involved with these projects.
Witnesses of flying saucers who had prior knowledge that the
sighting was of a German saucer as opposed to an unidentified
flying object.
Those who at the time had good reason to know of German
Third-party intelligence sources which verify claims made by
the higher categories above.
Researchers who have interviewed principals involved in
German saucer research.
Studies or scientific papers published by individuals
identified as participants in these projects.
Sources without names are not as good as sources with names.
Information, data, or pictures without a "chain of evidence"
linking them to the event are not as good as those with proper
After almost sixty years, nothing is going to be perfect. These
categories are not meant to be absolute. Some sources fit into
multiple categories. Some reports have value even though they
are not rigorous simply because they were later corroborated by
other sources.
When reading allegedly factual statements, the reader should
always be looking for the source documentation for these
statements. A writer's opinion or interpretation may be valuable
but it should always be made clear which is who.
Examples of the first category are those who worked on German
saucer projects:
Among these is Rudolf Schriever. Schriever was involved in a
German saucers project which sometimes bears his name. As a
source of information, he wrote an article on German saucers for
the very respected Der Spiegel magazine (1).
Likewise, Joseph Andreas Epp was a self-admitted consultant for
both the Schriever-Habermohl project at Prag and the Miethe
project in Dresden and Breslau. Mr. Epp wrote to me personally
(2) and has written several articles and a book about German
saucers before he died in 1997 (3).
An example of a witness who had prior knowledge of German saucers
would be Georg Klein. Klein was an engineer, an eyewitness to a
saucer lift-off on February 14, 1945. He was also Special
Commissioner in the Ministry of Arms Production who oversaw both
the Schriever-Habermohl and Miethe-Belluzzo projects for Albert
Speer. Mr. Klein has written some newspaper articles about these
facts such as his article in Welt am Stonntag, titled "Erste
"Flugscheibe" flog 1945 in Prag" (The First Flying Disc flew in
Prag in 1945)(4) . Other newspaper references of Mr. Klein will
be mentioned. He has also written under the pen-name of Georg
Another example would be the unnamed eyewitness provided by
researcher Horst Schuppmann and first reported in Karl-Heinz
Zunneck's book Geheimtechnoloaien. Wunderwaffen Und Irdischen
Facetten Des UFO-Phaenomens (Secret Technology, Wonder-weapons
and the Terrestrial Facts of the UFO Phenomenon). In this report
the informant relates a wartime experience in which he witnessed
several small flying saucers in a hangar (5).
George Lusar is an example of a source falling under category
three. Lusar worked for the German Patent Office during World
War Two. He saw many secret patents as they came into his
office. After the War he wrote a book and some articles
concerning this technology which was taken by the Allies (6).
Likewise, Italian engineer Renato Vesco worked with Germans while
at a secret division of Fiat housed in an underground facility on
Lake Garda, right in the middle of the proposed Alpenfestung.
After the war, Vesco also researched British Intelligence data.
This data was volumnous. Of course, Vesco knew what to look for
based upon what he had learned while working in a secret Axis
underground facility. Vesco is an example of category three and
the next one, category four.
Category four involves intelligence information obtained from
governmental sources. This information mostly comes from the
very entities who are trying to suppress this information. It
should always be suspect. It should be used only to verify
information obtained from higher sources (categories 1 through 3)
or from governmental sources of another government. For
instance, information concerning flying objects which Renato
Vesco called "Fireballs" was verified using information obtained
from the U.S. government under laws forcing it to divulge some
types of information (Freedom Of Information Act) (7).
Category five would include, for instance, Callum Coats whom
spent three years with mathematician and physicist, Walter
Schauberger, son of Viktor Schauberger. Mr. Coats consequently
learned a great deal of information concerning the ideas of
Viktor Schauberger. Mr. Coats is a scientist and architect.
Coats wrote Living Energies about the ideas of Schauberger and
his saucer models (8).
In the same category we find Michael X. Barton, who, through a
translator, Carl F. Mayer, received information from an informant
in German, Hermann Klaas, who claimed to have actually been
involved with some of the German saucer projects. Klaas'
peripheral knowledge (category three) also seems to have extended
into other aspects of secret German research and technology.
Barton wrote one of the earliest books on this topic, The German
Saucer Story in 1968 (9).
One unique source is Wilhelm Landig. Landig wrote three novels
dealing with the Second World War. Following the title of each
novel, Landig tells the reader that this is a "novel based on
realities". The reader is given to understand that the
technology described was based on hard fact. Landig's works
contain more than cold facts, however. Landig deals with a large
variety of topics in his books. Sometimes facts or opinions are
stated or "stories behind the story" are told. He writes,
unashamedly, from the National Socialist perspective. Landig was
obviously a Nazi and an intellectual insider. His history always
remained unclear, at least to this writer, until his recent
death. Because of his unclear background and the fact that he
wrote in novel form, there has been a reluctance to ascribe full
creditability to the statements he makes regarding the technology
of the Third Reich.
This all changed in 1999 as a result of research done by Margret
Chatwin with an organization called "Informations diesnst gegen
Rechtsextremismus" (Information service against the extreme
right) (10). Coming in from this perspective, they, certainly,
would not be accused of aggrandizing Landig's career. Some
details of Landig's biography are now filled in. In that article
we learn that Landig, an Austrian, took part in the unsuccessful
Vienna Putsch of 1934. Thereafter, he fled to Germany and was
inducted into the SD, the SS and the Waffen SS. There he rose to
the rank of "Oberschafuehrer". Eventually, Landig was detailed
oversee government security concerns and given a position in the
Reichs Security Department. Landig, in this position, was
assigned to cover the security for the development of "UFOs"
(11). It turns out that Landig was not only a source but a great
source concerning the development of German saucers.
Returning to unnamed sources, they should never be given the
weight as named sources are given. Many times writers use
unnamed sources to advance a radically new and fantastic
hypothesis in the UFO world. This type of source may sound
convincing, given the "secret" nature of the message, but they
should only be accepted if they yield new information which can
be verified independently.
This goes double for unnamed
government sources. Government has a history of manipulation of
information concerning UFOs and UFO origin theories. One of the
most famous was the Majestic 12 or MJ 12 affair which was based
on unnamed government sources. This house of card finally fell
apart but the real issue before us is why this house of cards,
the MJ-12 affair, was ever allowed so much attention in the first
Government information should, therefore, never be used as the
primary basis for a UFO hypothesis. It should only be used to
verify a hypothesis developed, ideally, from multiple,
independent sources. Concerning German saucers,this means that
information or ideas from German sources might be checked using
U.S. or British governmental archives, but not the reverse.
Similar assertions given by official records of two different
countries is notable. If both United States and British or
German governmental sources agree upon something, then something
might be said of the assertion. Of course there are those that
say this only points to a conspiracy between the two governments
to conceal a deeper truth. This may be true in some cases.
These are all really judgment calls which the reader will have to
make for himself, in the end.
Regarding individual sources cited, an effort will be made to
describe the type of evidence each cited reference uses when that
information is available.
Reliable Sources
Sources and References
Der Spiegel, March 30, 1959, Article and interview of Rudolf
Epp, Joseph Andreas, telephone communication and personal
Epp, Joseph Andreas, 1994, Die Realitaet der Flugscheiben Ein
Leben fuer eine Idee, EFODON e. V., c/o Gernot L. Geise,
Zoepfstrasse 8, D-82405 Wessobrunn, Germany
Klein, Georg, in Welt Am Sontag, 4/26/53, "Erste Flugscheibe
Flog 1945 in Prag
Zunneck, Karl-Heinz, 1998, pages 120-122
Lusar, Rudolf, 1960, German Secret Weapons Of The Second
World War, Neville Spearman, London
Headquarters, United States Strategic Air Forces In Europe,
Office Of The Director Of Intelligence, 1944, report titled:
"An Evaluation Of German Capabilities In 1945"
Coats, Callum, 1996, Living Energies. National Book Network,
4720 Boston Way, Lanham, MD. 20706
Barton, Michael X., 1968, The German Saucer Story. Futura
Press, 5949 Gregory Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90038
10. Chatwin, Margret, 1999, page 1, Ahnenerbe, Ufos, Neonazis:
Wilhelm Landig, Informationsdienst gegen Rechtsextremismus,
http://www.idgr.de/texte-1/esoterik/landig/landig. html
11. ibid
A September, 1946 Top Secret Memorandum on Ghost Rockets.
The above photo, showing six saucers in formation, was given to Dr. J. Allen
Hynek in the early 1950s by the director of the Ondrejov Observatory in
Czechoslovakia. No details of the sighting are available, but the photo is thought
to have been taken near Prague, perhaps during WWII.
Above: Drawings of the Project Saucer craft designed in 1941 by Rudolf Schriever, a
Luftwaffe aeronautical engineer, and his three colleagues, Habermohl, Miethe and Bellonzo.
The first prototype was flown in June 1942 and larger versions were apparently designed
and manufactured at the BMW factory near Prague, Czech Republic.
Above: The circular "Mucholapka" building in Poland. According to Polish Military Historian
Igor Witkowski it was used for testing saucer-type craft.
An Overview of the German Conventional Saucer Projects
In this section we will progress from saucer projects with are
absolutely factual and of which detail is known and proceed to
projects which are less known.
Several types of flying craft we would call flying saucers were
built by the Germans during the Second World War. The exact
number is still open for debate but it certainly must vary from
between three to seven or possibly eight different types. These
different types do not mean experimental models or variants of
which there were many. What is meant here is that there were
very different lines of flying machines being built in wartime
Germany at different places by different groups of people. Since
more than one saucer-type may have been produced by a single
group, we will review this data group by group. We will progress
from saucer projects which are factually better known and which
deal in conventional propulsion methods and then move to lesser
known projects which deal in more exotic propulsion methods which
are less well documented and so more controversial.
The Schriever-Habermohl Project(s)
The best known of these projects is usually referred to as the
Schriever-Habermohl project although it is by no means clear that
these were the individuals in charge of the project. Rudolf
Schriever was an engineer and test pilot. Less is known about
Otto Habermohl but certainly he was an engineer. This project
was centered in Prag, at the Prag-Gbell airport (l)(2). Actual
construction work began somewhere between 1941 and 1943 (3)(4).
This was originally a Luftwaffe project which received technical
assistance from the Skoda Works at Prag and at a Skoda division
at Letov (5) and perhaps elsewhere (6). Other firms
participating in the project according to Epp were the Junkers
firm at Oscheben and Bemburg, the Wilhelm Gustloff firm at Weimar
and the Kieler Leichtbau at Neubrandenburg (7). This project
started as a project of the Luftwaffe, sponsored by second-incommand, Ernst Udet. It then fell under the control of Speer's
Armament Ministry at which time it was administered by engineer
Georg Klein. Finally, probably sometime in 1944, this project
came under the control of the SS, specifically under the purview
of General Hans Kammler (8).
According to his own words, Georg Klein saw this device fly on
February 14, 1945 (9). This may have been the first official
flight, but it was not the first flight made by this device.
According to one witness, a saucer flight occurred as early as
August or September of 1943 at this facility. The eyewitness was
in flight-training at the Prag-Gbell facility when he saw a short
test flight of such a device. He states that the saucer was 5 to
6 meters in diameter (about 15 to 18 feet in diameter) and about
as tall as a man, with an outer border of 30-40 centimeters. It
was "aluminum" in color and rested on four thin, long legs. The
flight distance observed was about 300 meters at low level of one
meter in altitude. The witness was 200 meters from the event and
one of many students there at the time (10).
Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer who served as a consultant to
both the Schriever-Habermohl and the Miethe-Belluzzo projects,
states that fifteen prototypes were built in all (11) (12). The
final device associated with Schriever-Habermohl is described by
engineer Rudolf Lusar who worked in the German Patent Office, as
a central cockpit surrounded by rotating adjustable wing-vanes
forming a circle. The vanes were held together by a band at the
outer edge of the wheel-like device. The pitch of the vanes
could be adjusted so that during take off more lift was generated
by increasing their angle from a more horizontal setting. In
level flight the angle would be adjusted to a smaller angle.
This is similar to the way helicopter rotors operate. The wingvanes were to be set in rotation by small rockets placed around
the rim like a pinwheel. Once rotational speed was sufficient,
lift-off was achieved. After the craft had risen to some height
the horizontal jets or rockets were ignited and the small rockets
shut off (13). After this the wing-blades would be allowed to
The Airport at Prag-Gbell
Site of the Schriever and Habermohl Flying Saucer Projects
In the top diagram the hanger which was the site of the
research is marked as number 2. The same hanger is
indicated in the picture below with an arrow.
The Habermohl Saucer In Flight
To the left is the closest shot of the two taken by Joseph
Andreas Epp as he drove to the Prag airport in 1944. To
the right is a blow up (400 times) of that same saucer.
Epp remembers a date of November, 1944 but the foliage on
the trees argues for a date earlier in the year.
rotate freely as the saucer moved forward as in an autogyrocopter. In all probability, the wing-blades speed, and so
their lifting value, could also be increased by directing the
adjustable horizontal jets slightly upwards to engage the blades,
thus spinning them faster at the digression of the pilot.
Rapid horizontal flight was possible with these jet or rocket
engines. Probable candidates were the Junkers Jumo 004 jet
engines such as were used on the famous German jet fighter, the
Messerschmitt 262. A possible substitute would have been the
somewhat less powerful BMW 003 engines. The rocket engine would
have been the Walter HWK109 which powered the Messerschmitt 163
rocket interceptor (14). If all had been plentiful, the Junkers
Jumo 004 probably would have been the first choice. Epp reports
Jumo 211/b engines were used (15). Klaas reports the Argus pulse
jet (Schmidt-duct), used on the V-l, was also considered (16).
All of these types of engines were difficult to obtain at the
time because they were needed for high priority fighters and
bombers, the V-l and the rocket interceptor aircraft.
Joseph Andreas Epp reports in his book Die Realitaet der
Flugscheiben (The Reality of the Flying Discs) that an official
test flight occurred in February of 1945. Epp managed to take
two still pictures of the saucer in flight which appear in his
book and are reproduced here. There is some confusion about the
date of these pictures. In the video film "UFOs Secrets of the
3rd Reich", Epp states these pictures were taken in the Fall of
1944. In his book the date is given as the official date of
February 14, 1945. In personal correspondence to me of December,
30, 1991, he indicated the date of the pictures as August, 1944.
In that correspondence he further revealed that the official
flight had been February 14, 1945 but an earlier lift-off had
taken place in August of 1944. The pictures show a small disclike object in the distance at some altitude posed above a
landscape. The saucer is at too great a distance and altitude to
show any mechanical detail. As Klaus-Peter Rothkugel points out,
the foliage on the trees indicates the August date as being the
most accurate.
Very high performance flight characteristics are attributed to
this design. Georg Klein says it climbed to 12,400 meters (over
37,000 feet) in three minutes (17) and attaining a speed around
that of the sound barrier (18). Epp says that it achieved a
speed of Mach 1 (about 1200 kilometers per hour or about 750
miles per hour) (19). From his discussion, it appears that Epp
is describing the unofficial lift-off in August, 1944 at this
point. He goes on to say that on the next night, the sound
barrier was broken in manned flight but that the pilot was
frightened by the vibrations encountered at that time (20). On
the official test flight, Epp reports a top speed of 2200
kilometers per hour (21). Lusar reports a top speed of 2000
kilometers per hour (22). Many other writers cite the same or
similar top speed. There is no doubt of two facts. The first is
that these are supersonic speeds which are being discussed.
Second, it is a manned flight which is under discussion.
But at least one writer has discounted such high performance
(23). It is argued that the large frontal area of one of the
possible designs in question makes Mach 2 flight impossible. The
argument seems to be that given the possible power plants the
atmospheric resistance caused by this frontal area would slow the
craft to a point below the figures stated earlier.
Some new information has come to light regarding the propulsion
system which supports the original assessment. Although actual
construction had not started, wind-tunnel and design studies
confirmed the feasibility of building a research aircraft which
was designated Project 8-346. This aircraft was not a saucer but
a modern looking swept-back wing design. According this post-war
Allied intelligence report, the Germans designed the 8-346 to fly
in the range of 2000 kilometers per hour to Mach 2. (24).
Interestingly enough, it was to use two Walther HWK109 rocket
engines. This is one of the engine configurations under
consideration for the Schriever-Habermohl saucer project.
As an aside, it should be noted that there are those who will
resist at any attempt to impugn the official breaking of the
sound barrier by Chuck Yeager in 1947 in the Bell X-l rocket
aircraft. They had better brace themselves. This record has
also been challenged from another direction. This challenge was
reported in February, 2001, by the Associated Press, Berlin. It
seems that a certain Hans Guido Mutke claims he pushed his
Messerschmitt jet fighter, the Me-262, through the sound barrier
in 1945. This occurred during an emergency dive to help another
German flyer during air combat. At that time he experienced
vibrations and shaking of the aircraft. According to the report,
a Hamburg Professor is working on a computer simulation in order
to check the validity of this claim.
Returning to the topic at hand, Schriever continued to work on
the project until April 15, 1945. About this time Prag was
threatened by the Soviet Army. The Czech technicians working on
this project were reported to have gone amuck, looting the
facility as the Russians approached. The saucer prototype(s) at
Prag-Gbell were pushed out onto the tarmac and burnt. Habermohl
disappeared and presumably ended up in the hands of the Soviets.
Schriever, according to his own statements, packed the saucer
plans in the trunk of his BMW and with his family drove into
Southern Germany. After cessation of hostilities Schriever
worked his way north to his parents house in Bremerhaven-Lehe.
There Schriever set up an inventor-workshop. On August 4, 1948
there was a break in to the workshop in which Schriever's plans
and saucer model were stolen (25). Schriever was approached by
agents of "foreign powers" concerning his knowledge of German
saucers. He declined their offers, preferring rather menial work
driving a truck for the U.S. Army (25).
Schriever is reported to have died shortly thereafter in 1953.
There is a report, however, that his death was reported prematurely and that he was identified by a witness who knew him in
Bavaria in 1964 or 1965 (26). The publisher of this book, Thomas
Mehner, was so kind as to send me a copy of the statement by a
Bavarian woman who knew Schriever and made this claim (27). This
means that there is a possibility that Schriever did do post-war
work on flying saucers.
Interestingly enough, Schriever never claimed that his saucer
ever flew at all! If this true, Schriever's saucer was still in
the pre-flight stage at the time of the Russian advance and its
ultimate destruction on the Prag-Gbell tarmac. This is in direct
contradiction to the sources cited above and the photographic
evidence. How can this seeming inconsistency be explained?
J. Andeas Epp has always maintained that it was he who originated
the type of design used in the Schriever-Habermohl project (28).
He states in his book that the imbalance in the ring of wingvanes which plagued the early Schriever-Habermohl prototypes was
a deviation from his original design in which the wing-vanes were
lengthened. He states that when they returned to his original
design, the saucer was able to take off (29) (30). He referred
to the saucer used in the August, 1944 unofficial lift-off, the
saucer whose wing-vanes had been altered and then corrected
through his intervention, as the "Habermohlischen Version", the
Habermohl version (31).
Could the discrepancy referred to above be accounted for if there
were actually two lines of saucers built by Schriever and
Habermohl? In other words, could the Schriever-Habermohl project
have actually been a Schriever project and a Habermohl project,
two separate designs within the team? Georg Klein seems to
answer this question, stating that "three constructions" which
were finished at Prag by the end of 1944. One of these, he says,
was a design by Dr. Miethe (32). The best interpretation of the
words of both Epp and Klein would indicate that both Schriever
and Habermohl each produced their own design. Schriever made no
claim that his design flew. Epp claims the Habermohl design did
fly in August, 1944 and again in February 14, 1945. This was the
saucer witnessed by both Klein and Epp in flight.
Therefore, the history of the Schriever-Habermohl project in Prag
can be summarized in a nutshell as follows: Epp's statement is
that it was his design and model which formed the basis for this
project. This model was given to General Erst Udet which was
then forwarded to Dr. Walter Dornberger at Peenemuende. Dr.
Dornberger tested and recommended the design (33) which was
confirmed by Dornberger to Epp after the war (34). A facility
was set up in Prag for further development and the SchrieverHabermohl team was assigned to work on it there. At first this
project was under the auspices of Hermann Goering and the
Luftwaffe (35). Sometime later the Speer Ministry took over the
running of this project with chief engineer Georg Klein in charge
(36). Finally, the project was usurped by the SS in 1944, along
A Comparison of the Schriever and Habermohl Designs
On the left is the Schriever design while on the right is
the Habermohl design. Please note the differing dimensions
of the vane blades. This difference caused instability in
the Schriever design. Drawings adapted from the work of
Klaus-Peter Rothkugel.
with other saucer projects, and fell under the purview of Dr.
Hans Kammler (37). Schriever altered the length of the wing-vanes
from their original design. This alteration caused the
instability. Schriever was still trying to work out this problem
in his version of the saucer as the Russians overran Prag.
Haberrmohl, according to Epp, went back to his original
specifications, with two or three successful flights for his
While speaking of flight success, two more pieces of important
evidence exists which were supplied by Andreas Epp. One comes in
the form of a statement by a German test pilot, Otto Lange, given
years after the war to Andreas Epp. In that statement, signed by
Lange, Epp is credited with the idea behind the invention of the
flying saucer and states that none other than Dr. Walter
Dornberger had a hand in its development. He also makes the
astonishing claim that he, personally, test flew this flying
saucer for 500 kilometers in the course of testing (38) (39).
otto Lange is a person who is known historically and
independently of any connection to Epp. Lange is mentioned in
U.S. intelligence documents as a member of the "Rustungsstab"
(Armament Staff), for aircraft (40). This is some confusion on
this issue since a German researcher, Klaus-Peter Rothkugel, has
f ound evidence for three individuals with this name serving in
the German military at this time. Mr. Rothkugel, has suggested
that the statement by Lange, discussed above, was, in fact,
written by Epp based on known examples of Epp's hand writing. It
was signed by another hand, so perhaps Epp and Lange had a chance
meeting in 1965 wherein the letter was drafted by Epp in an
effort to further document his, at that time, little-acknowledged
involvement in the German saucer projects.
The second piece of evidence, also supplied by Epp, is a wartime
Letter from Prag, dated March, 1944. It speaks to the conditions
behind German lines with its opening greeting, simply "Still
Alive!". It follows in a cryptic style describing historically
well known political and military people who apparently knew or
had something to do with the saucer project at Prag. The letter
also describes some early prototype saucer models and their
shortcomings. Interestingly enough figures on thrust are given
(40) (41).
Three pictures appear at the bottom of the letter. One
definitely shows a saucer in flight. There is no mention of
these pictures in the text of the letter. Because they are not
referenced and from their placement on the face of the letter it
is possible that these pictures may have been a later addition to
that letter. There are some other reasons why these pictures may
not have been connected to the Schriever-Habermohl project or the
Miethe-Belluzzo project. We shall return to these pictures at a
later time.
An interesting fact elucidated by Epp is that the senior experts
Cryptic And Enigmatic Letter Describes Flying Disc
On the left is the original letter sent to the author by
Andreas Epp. On the right is a typed version done by
Kadmon. Notes in English are directed to the author. The
letter starts without any formal or Informal greeting,
stating only "Still alive". Flying disc research "sehr
gut" with vertical take-off at speeds of 860-880 per hour
(525-550 milesper hour).
Flying Disc Test Pilot Otto Lange
Original and author's translation of letter signed by
Lange acknowledging Epp's role in flying disc history
and advisors for both the Schriever-Habermohl project and the
next project to be discussed, the Miethe-Belluzzo project, were
exactly the same individuals (43).
The Schriever-Habermohl Project(s)
Sources and References
Meier, Hans Justus, 1999, page 24, "Zum Thema "Fliegende
Untertassen" Der Habermohlsche Flugkreisel", reprinted in
Fliegerkalender 1999, Internationales Jahrbuch de Luft-und
Raumfahrt, Publisher: Hans M. Namislo, ISBN 3-8132-0553-3
Lusar, Rudolf, 1964, page 220, Die Deutschen Waffen und
Geheimwaffen des 2. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung,
J.F. Lemanns Verlag, Munich
Lusar, 1964, ibid
Epp, Joseph Andreas, 1994, page 28, Die Realitaet der
Flugscheiben, Efodon e.V., c/o Gernot L. Geise,
Zoepfstrasse 8, D-82495
Epp, 1994, ibid
Rothkugel, Klaus-Peter, in personal letters a witness has
reported to Mr. Rothkugel the sites of Prag-Rusin, LetovWerke (Lettow), the Skoda Works at Pressburg/Trentschin
Epp, 1994, pages 30-31
Epp, 1994, pages 28-33
Keller, Werner, Dr., April 25, 1953, Welt am Sonntag, "Erste
"Flugscheibe" flog 1945 in Prag enthuellt Speers
Beauftrager", an interview of Georg Klein
10. Meier, 1999, page 23
11. Personal letter from J. Andreas Epp dated 12/30/91
12. Epp, 1994, page 27, 30
13. Lusar, 1964, 220
14. Holberg, Jan, 8/20/54, page 4, "UFOs gibt es nicht! Wohl
aber: Flugscheiben am laufenden Band!" Das Neue Zeitalter
15. Epp, 1994, page 31
16. Barton, Michael X., 1968, page 38, The German Saucer Story,
Futura Press, Los Angeles (based upon Hermann Klaas)
17. Zwicky, Viktor, September 19, 1954, page 4, Tages-Anzeiger
fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich, "Das Raetsel der Fliegenden
Teller Ein Interview mit Oberingenieur Georg Klein, der
unseren Lesern Ursprung und Konstruktion dieser Flugkoerper
18. Klein, Georg, October 16, 1954, page 5, "Die Fliegenden
Teller", Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich
19. Epp, 1994, page 31
20. ibid
21. Epp, 1994, page 34
22. Lusar, 1964, page 220
23. Meier, Hans Justus, 1999, page 10, "Zum Thema "Fleigende
Untertassen" Der Habermohlsche Flugkreisel", Fllegerkalender
Internationales Jahrbuch der Luft-und Raumfahrt
24. Combined Intelligence Committee Evaluation Reports, Combined
Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee, Evaluation Report 149,
page 8
25. Der Spiegel, March 30, 1959, "Untertassen Sie fliegen aber
doch" Article about and interview of Rudolf Schriever
26. Zunneck, 1998, page 119
27. This written statement, translated from Bavarian dialect to
High German was provided courtesy of publisher Thomas Mehner
28. Epp, 1994, page 30
29. Epp, 1994, page 31
30. Personal letter from J. Andreas Epp dated 12/30/91
31. ibid
32. Klein, Georg, October 16, 1954, page 5, "Die "Fliegenden
Teller", Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich
33. Epp, 1994, page 26
34. ibid
35. Epp, 1994, page 27
36. Epp, 1994, page 33
17. ibid
38. Kadmon, 2000, Ahnstern IX, "Andreas Epp", Aorta c/o Petak,
Postfach 778, A-1011, Wien, Austria
39. Personal letter from Andreas Epp, dated 12/30/91
40. Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Evaluation
Report, Report Number 40 "Sonderausschuss"
41. Kadmon, 2000, Ahnstern IX, "Andreas Epp"
42. Personal letter from Andreas Epp, dated 12/30/91
43. Epp, 1994, page 31
The Miethe-Belluzzo Project
This saucer project may have been an outgrowth of flying wing
research. It was begun in 1942, and was under the on-site
nuthority of Dr. Richard Miethe, sometimes called Dr. Heinrich
Richard Miethe. Not much is known about Dr. Miethe before the
war. After the war Dr. Miethe is rumored to have worked on the
Anglo-American saucer project at the firm of Avro Aircraft
Limited of Canada. Such is stated Klein (1)/ Epp (2), Barton
(3), Lusar (4), as well as a myriad of other sources. We will
return to the Avro projects later.
Working with Dr. Miethe was an Italian engineer, Professor
Guiseppe Belluzzo. Belluzzo was the Deputy, Senator and Minister
of National Economy under Mussolini. He had written several
books on technical matters including Steam Turbines in 1926 and
calculations and Installations of Modern Turbine Hydrolics in
1922 (names are English translations of Italian titles).
Belluzzo was considered to be an expert in steam turbines. Dr.
Belluzzo was not a junior scientist and he was not Dr. Miethe's
assistant. He was a senior scientist whose expertise was somehow
invaluable on the saucer devices or planned further developments
of them.
After the war Belluzzo seems to have led a quiet life in Italy
until his death on 5/22/52. Unlike Miethe, however, Belluzzo
went on record about German flying discs after the war. He is
quoted on the subject in The Mirror, a major Los Angeles
newspaper in 1950. This may be the first mention of the subject
in the American press. In his obituary in the New York Times his
work on the German saucer program is mentioned. (Please refer to
copies of these articles).
This team worked in facilities in, Dresden, Breslau and
Letow/Prag according to Epp (5). Both this project and the
Schriever and Habermohl projects were directed by the same
experts and advisors (6). From Epp's discussion, it is clear
that Dr. Walter Dornberger first evaluated and recommended his
saucer model for further development (7). Miethe is described by
Epp in translation as a "known V-weapons designer"(8). The
association of both projects to Peenemuende is clear. Both were
sanctioned and set up by officials there, probably by Dr. Walter
Dornberger himself. Miethe and Belluzzo worked primarily in
Dresden and Breslau but for a brief time they may have actually
joined forces with Schriever and Habermohl in Prag, as evidenced
by Klein's statement that three saucer models were destroyed on
the Prag tarmac (9). One saucer, which Klein he describes as
Miethe's was among these. Klein acknowledges that Peenemuende,
and its nearby test facility at Stettin, retained and developed
the Miethe design as an unmanned vehicle (10)(11).
Epp tells us that the Miethe-Belluzzo project was organized under
exactly the same authority as the Schriever-Habermohl project and
Giuseppe Belluzzo
On the left, a column from The Mirror, dated March 24,
1950. This is one of the earliest English references to
German flying discs. On the right is Dr. Belluzzo's
obituary, dated May 22, 1952 from the New York Times which
again mentions German flying discs.
he further identifies the very same industrial firms which
supported Schriever-Habermohl as supporting this project (12).
In reality, both should be viewed as one project with different
The designs envisioned by Dr. Miethe and Professor Belluzzo were
quite different from those of Schriever and Habermohl. Designs
of this project consisted of a discus-shaped craft whose outer
periphery did not rotate. Two designs have positively been
nttributed to Miethe and Belluzzo although three designs exist as
part of their legacy.
The first design is made known to us from Georg Klein's article
in the October 16, 1954 edition of the Swiss newspaper, TagesAnzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich, mentioned above. The
same design is reproduced in the book by J. Andreas Epp. This
saucer was not intended to take-off vertically but at an angle as
does a conventional airplane. In this design twelve jet engines
are shown to be mounted "outboard" to power the craft. The
cockpit was mounted at the rear of the vehicle and a periscope
used to monitor directions visually impaired. Notably, a large
gyroscope mounted internally at the center of the craft provided
stability. This and other Miethe-Belluzzo designs were said to
be 42 meters or 138 feet in diameter.
Aeronautical writer Hans Justus Meier has challenged this design
on a number of grounds (13). It is certainly possible, if not
probable, that the outboard jet-turbine arrangement is incorrect,
one might ask, if this was an outboard jet-turbine design, then
what purpose did the bloated central body serve? In reality the
twelve jets may simply have been jet nozzles of one engine.
Certainly the large central body had a function, it must have
housed the engine.
But how could the authenticity of this design come under question
when Georg Klein is vouching for it in his article? The answer
may be that Klein never saw this design himself and he simply is
relying on the descriptions of those that did. If one reads the
works of Klein carefully, he never claims to have seen this model
in flight. As a matter of fact, he never claims to have actually
seen this design at all. We will return to the flaws with
Klein's description momentarily.
The second Miethe design seems to have originated with a 1975
German magazine article (14). This version shows a cockpit above
nnd below the center of the craft. Four jet engines lying behind
the cockpits are shown as the powerplants. No real detail is
supplied in this article. This design is not ever discussed in
the text which deals primarily with the Schriever-Habermohl
Project. Some writers have speculated on this particular design,
supplying detail (15). For now, however, no named source seems
to be able to link this design with the Miethe-Belluzzo Project.
Therefore, at least for the time being, we must put this design
in suspense and focus on the first and next design in discussing
The Miethe-Belluzzo Disc--Design One
On the left is a reconstruction by Georg Klein, 10/16/54,
from the Swiss newswaper Tages-Anzeiger. Note the small
"Stabisator" and the outboard jet engines. On the right
is Klaus-Peter Rothkugel's more probable reconstruction
incorporating fins, skids, and the inner-lying Rene Leduc
The Miethe-Belluzzo Disc—Designs Two And Three
On the top is Miethe-Belluzzo design two. Note rotating
disc (2) and stabilizing wheel (7) acting as a gyroscope.
(Courtesy of Klaus-Peter Rothkugel) It is the author's
opinion that this design was never built. On the bottom is
Miethe-Belluzzo design three, capable of vertical take-off.
the aforementioned saucer project.
The third design attributed to the Miethe-Belluzzo Project comes
to us from and article by Jan Holberg in an August 20, 1966
article in Das Neue Zeitalter and also from Michael X. BartonCarl F. Mayer-Hermann Klaas connection (16) (17). This design
was capable of vertical take-off. Klaas provides internal detail
which has been reproduced here.
At first, this appears to be a push-pull propeller system driven
by a single engine. It is not. Neither are the twelve jet
nozzles unsupported in any way as depicted. The real answer to
this mystery is that this drawing is incomplete. With the
completed parts depicted, a radial turbojet engine of special
type would appear. Design one differs from design three in that
the latter, with its centrally located cabin and symmetrical
arrangement of twelve adjustable jet nozzles, is controlled by
selectively shutting off various jets through the use of a
surrounding ring. This allows the saucer to make turns and to
take off vertically.
Recently, a German researcher, Klaus-Peter Kothkugel using Vesco
as his source (18), has proposed an engine which links the
designs one and three, and possibly even design two, while
supplying the missing pieces needed to make the engine depicted
air-worthy and resolves other problems. This engine was invented
by a French engineer, Rene Leduc and probably acquired by the
Germans during their occupation of France.
If a flying saucer equipped with this engine were viewed from the
outside, no rotating parts would be visible. This is because the
engine was totally contained within the metal skin of the saucer.
It did rotate but this rotation was within the saucer itself and
not viable from the outside. An air space existed all around the
spinning engine, between it and the non-rotating outer skin.
This engine was a type of radial-flow jet engine. It was this
type of engine which probably powered all of Dr. Miethe's saucer
designs. It is also the prime candidate for the post-war design
of John Frost, the "Flying Manta."
The Flying Manta actually did fly. Pictures of it during a test
flight are unmistakable. They were taken on July 7, 1947 by
William A. Rhodes over Phoenix, Arizona. It almost goes without
saying that the time frame, July of 1947, as well as the
geographical location, the American Southwest, as well as the
description of the flying object itself, beg comparisons to the
saucer which crashed at Rosewell, New Mexico, earlier that same
If one looks at what is known of Dr. Miethe's saucer design, the
Leduc engine, and the Frost Manta, it must be acknowledged that a
connection between these three not only explains apparent
inconsistencies in the existing Miethe designs but also links
them to the post-war American Southwest, the precise spot where
The Rene Leduc Engine
Top: Hermann Klaas' diagram of the workings of the MietheBelluzzo Disc. Note: intake screw (c) Carrying wing blade
(d)affixed to a piston engine, jets nozzles (e) with no
apparent engines. Close but not exactly right. Bottom:
Leduc design. A-Rotor B-Front Bulk-head C-Rear Bulk-head DIntake Vane E-Compressor Vane F-Combustion Chamber G-Bulkhead H-Fuel Injection Jets J-Fixed Flame Ring From I
Velivoli Del Mistero I seareti technici dei dischi volanti
by Renato Vesco
The Rene Leduc Engine Part Two
This is the mounting of the Leduc engine as illustrated by
the later Avro diagram (Canada-USA). The outer hull is
fixed. The inner rotating engine draws in the air from
between it and the hull and exhausts through rear or sides
as needed for steering. Compare this design to MietheBelluzzo designs, especially to the first design.
captured German World War Two technology was being tested and
There is considerable confusion as to where the first test flight
of the Miethe-Belluzzo saucer occurred. Epp tells us that models
made by this team were flight tested since 1943. Georg Klein, as
well as Andreas Epp, state that a test model of this craft took
off from Stettin, in northern Germany, near Peenemuende, roughly
where the Oder River meets the Baltic, and crashed in Spitsbergen
which are the islands to the north of Norway.
A manned test flight in December, 1944 has been mentioned by
Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl in one of the films on
which they worked. The pilot named was Joachim Roehlicke or
perhaps Hans-Joachim Roehlicke (19). Klaus-Peter Rothkugel
reports that Roehlicke was under the direction of none other than
Dr. Hans Kammler himself and was stationed at the Gotha
Wagonfabrik company (20). The Gotha Wagonfabrik company is in
the Jonas Valley in Thuringia. This valley was packed full of
high-tech underground facilities which included nuclear research.
Roehlicke confided to his daughter after the war, according to
Mr. Rothkugel, that he "had seen the earth from above" (21).
Confusion over the test details of the Miethe-Belluzzo saucer
start as early as the whole German flying disc controversy itself
in the 1950s. In the English translation of his book, titled
Brighter than a Thousand Suns A Personal History Of The Atomic
Scientists. a footnote appeared which deviated from the
discussion of atomic weaponry. This 1958 description is one of
the first in English and may illustrate some of the difficulties
in sorting out this information:
" *The only exception to the lack of interest shown by
authority was constituted by the Air Ministry. The Air Force
research workers were in a peculiar position. The produced
interesting new types of aircraft such as the Delta (triangular)
and "flying discs." The first of these "flying saucers," as they
were later called—circular in shape, with a diameter of some 45
yards—were built by the specialists Schriever, Habermohl and
Miethe. They were first airborne on February 14, 1945, over
Prague and reached in three minutes a height of nearly eight
miles. They had a flying speed of 1250 m.p.h. which was doubled
in subsequent tests. It is believed that after the war Habermohl
fell into the hands of the Russians. Miethe developed at a later
date similar "flying saucers" at A. V. Roe and Company for the
United States." (22).
One big difference between the Miethe-Belluzzo design and the
Schriever-Habermohl designs is that the former craft was alleged
to have, or be designed to have, a longer flight range. This
point is reinforced by the Spitzbergen flight mentioned above.
Klein states that the Germans considered long range, remote
controlled attack from Germany to New York using this craft.
Miethe-Belluzzo Saucer In Flight
Top picture is of a September 6, 1952 article in the
Italian newspaper "Tempo". This article deals with the
work of Dr. Miethe and features a photograph of his saucer
allegedly dated April 17, 1944, taken over the Baltic.
Bottom is an enlargement of the photograph. It seems to be
a Miethe-Belluzzo type 1 but could also be a type 3.
Courtesy of Klaus-Peter Rothkugel.
As stated earlier, both projects were under the same authority.
Experts and advisors included, according to Epp, among others,
head-designer Kalkert of the Gotha Waggonfabrik, head-designer
Guenther of Heinkel, engineer Wulf of Arado, engineer Otto Lange
of the RLM, and engineer Alexander Lippish of Messerschmitt.
Pilots were Holm, Irmler, Kaiser and Lange. The test pilot was
Rudolf Schriever.
There does exist two alleged still pictures of the Miethe craft
in flight. One is reproduced here. It may be the first design.
A picture claiming to be of what is called here the third design
can be found in W. Mattern's book, UFO's Unbekanntes Flugobiekt?
Letzte Geheimwaffe Des Dritten Reiches? (23). Efforts have been
made to acquire the picture for this book but the inquiry went
unanswered by the book's publisher.
Politically, in 1944, Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, replaced
Albert Speer's appointee, Georg Klein, with Dr. Hans Kammler as
overseer of this combined saucer project (24). This is a little
confusing, however, since Kammler retained Klein as his employee,
Perhaps a more practical way to look at this is that Kammler,
Himmler's employee, replaced Speer while Klein did what he always
did. The result was that the SS took direct and absolute control
over these projects from this point until the end of the war.
Prior to this happening, news of these designs or application
itself was made to the German Patent Office. All German wartime
patents were carried off as booty by the Allies. This amounted
to truckloads of information. Fortunately, Rudolf Lusar, an
engineer who worked in the German Patent Office during this time
period, wrote a book in the 1950s listing and describing some of
the more interesting patents and processes based upon his memory
of them (25). They are surprisingly detailed. Included is the
Schriever saucer design with detail. Also discussed is the
Miethe project.
The significance of these two teams can not be minimized in the
hi story of flying saucers or UFOs. Already in this brief
discussion, the evidence, taken as a whole, is overwhelming.
Please compare this to any and all extraterrestrial explanations
of flying saucers. Here we have Germans who claim to have
invented the idea of the flying saucer. We have Germans who
claim to have designed flying saucers. We have Germans who claim
to have built flying saucers. We have Germans who claim to have
flown flying saucers. We have Germans who claim to be witnesses
to flying saucers known beforehand to be of German construction.
We have German construction details. And finally, we have a man
who took pictures of a known German flying saucer in flight. The
facts speak for themselves. During the Second World War the
Germans built devices we would all call today "flying saucers".
No other UFO explanation can even approach this in terms of level
of proof.
Miethe-Belluzzo Saucer In America?
Top: a picture from the July 9, 1947 edition of the
Arizona Republic taken by William A. Rhodes as it flew over
his home in Phoenix. Lower Left: a drawing of the
craft by Klaus-Peter Rothkugel. Lower Right: one view of
the Avro Frost-Manta design, predating the Silver Bug
Project. Was this a captured Miethe-Belluzzo-Leduc
Sources and References
Klein, Georg, 10/16/54, page 5, "Die "Fliegenden Teller"",
Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich
Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, page 34
Barton, Michael X., 1968, page 58, The German Saucer StoryFutura Press, 5949 Gregory Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. 90038
Lusar, Rudolf, 1964, page 220, Die deutschen Waffen und
Geheimwaffen des 2. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklunq.
J.F. Lehmanns Verlang, Munich
Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, pages 30-31
Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, pages 26-27
Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, page 30
Klein, Georg, 10/16/54, page 5
10. Zwicky, Viktor, 9/18/54, page 4, "Das Raetsel der Fliegenden
Teller", Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich
11. Klein, Georg, 10/16/54, page 5
12. Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, pages 30 and 31
13. Meier, Hans Justus, 1995, "Die Miethe-Flugscheibe-eine
reichlich nebuloese Erfindung", Flieger-Kalender 1995, E.S.
Mettler & Sohn, text editing: Hans M. Namislo, Celsius-Str.
56, 53125 Bonn, Germany
14. Luftfahrt International, May-June, 1975, "Deutsche
Flugkreisel Gab's die?"
15. J. Miranda and P. Mercado, 1998, Flugzeug Profile, page 25-27
16. Holberg, Jan, 8/20/54, "UFOs gibt es nichti Wohl aber:
Flugscheiben am laufenden Band!", Das Neue Zeitalter
17. Barton, Michael X., 1968, pages 42, 63, 64
18. Vesco, Renato, 1974, from photos and diagrams begining on
page 392, I Velivoli Del Mistero I segreti tecnici dei dischi
volanti. U Mursia editore, Via Tadiuo 29, Milan, Italy
19. Video film, "UFOs Das Dritte Reich Schlaegt Zurueck?", 1988,
Tempelhof Gesellschaft, Wien, Available through Dr. Michael
Damboeck Verlag, Markt 86, A-3321, Ardaggr, Austria
20. Rothkugel, Klaus-Peter, 2000, page 4, "Baute Peenemuende
ueberschallschnelle Flugscheiben?", four page information
sheet concerning supersonic and high altitude saucer
construction at Peenemuende, Bad Nauheim, Germany
21. ibid
22. Jungk, Robert, 1958, page 87, Brighter than a Thousand Suns A
Personal History Of The Atomic Scientists. Harcourt. Brace
and Company, New York, translated by James Cleugh from Heller
als tausend Sonnen. 1956, Alfred Scherz Verlag, Bern
23. Mattern, W., date unknown, page 34, UFO's Unbekanntes
Fluaobiekt? Letzte Geheimwaffe Des Dritten Reiches?, Samisdat
Publishers LTD, 206 Carlton Street, Toronto, Canada M5A 2LI
24. Epp, J. Andreas, 1997. page 33
25. Lusar, Rudolf, 1960, (English version) German Secret Weapons
of the Second World War. Neville Spearman Limited, 112
Whitfield St., London W.I, England
Foo Fighters
"Foo fighter" is a name given to a small, round flying object
which followed Allied bombers over Germany during the latter
phases of the air war. There are also some reports of foo
fighters in the Pacific theater of the war. Sometimes they would
appear singularly but more often in groups, sometimes flying in
formation. By day they appeared to be small metallic globes. By
night they glowed with various colors. These object attempted to
approach Allied bombers closely which scared the bomber crews who
assumed they were hostile and might explode. Upon taking evasive
maneuvers they found the foo fighters would keep pace with them
in some instances. Besides the name foo fighter this device is
sometimes called "Feuerball", its German name or its English
translation, fireball. More about names later.
For those readers who have not been exposed to foo fighters
before, following is an American flight account found in
Intercept UFO by Renato Vesco:
"At 0600 (on December 22) near Hagenau, at 10,000 feet
altitude, two very bright lights climbed toward us from the
ground. The leveled off and stayed on the tail of our plane.
They were huge bright orange lights. They stayed there for two
minutes. On my tail all the time. They were under perfect
control (by operators of the ground). They turned away from us,
and the fire seemed to go out".
Vesco goes on to say:
"The rest of the report was censored. Apparently it went on
to mention the plan's radar and its sudden malfunctioning" (1).
Flying saucer books of the 1950s usually mentioned foo fighters
and recounted the sightings of Allied servicemen. Later, due to
the extraterrestrial hysteria, publications tended to omit
descriptions of foo fighters, preferring to begin the tale of
flying saucers with Kenneth Arnold in 1947.
In modern times, if they are mentioned at all by mainstream UFO
magazines or books, an attempt is sometimes made to confuse the
issue of the origin of foo fighters in one of three ways. First,
they say or imply that both sides in World War Two thought foo
fighters were a weapon belonging to the opposite side. They may
cite as a source some German pilot obviously "out of the loop"
who claims the Germans did not know their origin. Second, they
attempt to advance the idea that foo fighters are still unknown
and a mystery or possibly a naturally occurring phenomenon.
Third, they advance an extraterrestrial origin.
It is difficult to imagine a vast bad faith plot, extending over
years, which attempts to discredit or confuse the issue of foo
fighters. Perhaps the authors of these UFO magazines and books
The First Reports Of German Foo Fighters
Top: A Reuters report from December 13, 1944
Bottom: The New York Times, December 14, 1944
Foo Fighters In Flight
Top: At night or in dim light foo fighters appeared
luminescent. Bottom: In strong light foo fighters appeared
as silvery balls. This picture was taken over the Pacific
in 1943. There are many stories speaking of small, round
flying balls sent to Japan by the Germans via submarine.
are truly without a clue and simply perpetuating old and bad
information as a convenient explanation. In any event, it is now
clear they utterly failed to do their homework on foo fighters
before writing about them.
The U.S. military, too, has always denied knowledge of foo
fighters. Numerous Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests
have been filed, for instance, by this writer as well as other
researchers asking for information on foo fighters. A "no
record" response always followed. All U.S. governmental agencies
queried claimed that they had never heard of foo fighters. This
happened in spite of the fact that all known alternate names for
foo fighters were submitted as well as a detailed description of
the device itself. This was the situation until the late 1990s.
Vesco is by far the best source concerning the foo fighter which
he calls "Feuerball". He describes it as a radio controlled
missile, built at an aeronautical establishment at Wiener
Forschungsanstalt (Radio-Flight Research Installation) of
Oberpfaffenhoffen. The project was under the control of an SS
technical division. It was armored, circular in shape,
resembling the shell of a tortoise. The device was powered by
special flat, circular a turbojet engine. After being guided to
the proximity of the target from the ground, an automatic infrared tracking device took over control. The circular spinning
turbojet exhaust created a visual effect of a bright, fiery ball
in the nighttime sky. Within the craft itself a klystron tube
pulsated at the frequency of Allied radar making it almost
invisible to those remote eyes. A thin sheet of aluminum
encircled the device immediately under the layer of protective
armor but was electrically insulated from the armor. Once a
bullet pierced the armor and the thin aluminum sheet, a circuit
was formed which had the effect of triggering the Feuerball to
climb out of danger at full speed (2).
Once within range, special chemical additives were added to the
fuel mixture which caused the air in the vicinity of the device
to become ionized. This meant that electricity could be
conducted directly through the air itself (3). Any ignitionbased engine coming into range of the ionized region would become
useless, misfiring, stalling and eventually crashing.
Vesco goes on to say that with the advance of the Soviets into
Austria the production facilities for the Feuerball were moved to
a number of underground plants in the Black Forest run by the
Zeppelin Works (4).
Recently an Austrian researcher, Kadmon, who specializes in
uncovering the esoteric, sent to me a copy of a letter describing
details of the foo fighter from the German perspective. This
letter is reproduced here for those who read German language. It
is a letter from physicist Friedrich Lachner to Professor, Dr.
Alois Fritsch. The letter tells Dr. Fritsch that in an aircraft
plant which was a branch of Messerschmitt at Weiner-Neustadt,
Austria, a test model of a flying craft was built with a diameter
of five meters which presumably made a test flight to Vienna.
"His Martha", his wife, saw the outline of an exactly elliptical
flying object in the twilight which appeared to her to be
operating by some other means of flight that was normally the
case because of its sudden directional changes. Her reaction
that it was an enemy flying object and it scared her. After the
bomber attack on the plant, a doctor, "Oskar L." saw a model of
this frightful thing in the plant also and had no idea of what it
was. The astronomer Waehnl was, during the war, employed
calculating construction costs at this aircraft facility where
she had earlier in life learned something of aircraft technology
from her father. She confirmed it also. Lachner briefly spoke
with an engineer named Kuehnelt who worked as in fligh t
technology for the German Army. He explained to Lachner that he
saw such a device with a diameter of fifteen meters. Lachner
says that he had known for some years about a machine with a
thirty meter diameter. He also says that he had gotten to know a
flight engineer named Klein when he was active near the flight
testing of the supreme chief General Udet. Lachner claims that
"Klein had something to do with these things". One or more
unmanned and remote controlled of this sort of spinning-top-like
flying objects are mentioned by Lachner in connection with the
massive Allied bomber raids on the ball-bearing plant at
Wuerzburg. Finally, Lachner goes on to say that a Professor
Richter built these devices for Peron in Argentina. A long
distance test-flight was actually flown to the United States.
There the device was intercepted and an American pilot was shot
down. The remainder of the letter concerns nuclear developments
in Austria and the USA before and after the Second World War and
misunderstandings by Lusar in his book.
This letter was written in 1975. Details concerning Klein and
the larger flying objects were in print by that time. There are
important confirmations within this letter. These are
revelations concerning Lachner's wife as an eyewitness to the
object in twilight flight, the medical witness who saw the object
within the plant at Wiener-Neustadt, and the confirmation of the
astronomer, Waehnl. Unfortunately, Kadmon advises that Dr.
Waehnl is now deceased. The important point is that these are
real people with real names. Most of whom were alive at the time
of this letter. Further, some of these people were scientists
with a reputation at stake yet they did not disavow the substance
of this letter in any way.
In the closing months of the last millennium witnessed a
breakthrough regarding foo fighters. The break came by accident
and from the government of the United States. Remember, Freedom
Of Information Act requests regarding foo fighters had been filed
with many branches of the U.S. military and intelligence services
as well as with their repository, the National Archives. Even
though all known alternative names were included, as well as a
detailed description of the device in question was provided, a
Austrian Atomic Scientist Professor Friedrich Lachner's Letter
Professor Lachner describes a sighting of a foo fighter by
none other than his wife, Martha. Lachner mentions that he
heard that Professor Richter built these devices for Juan
Peron in Argentina. This, incidently, is the same
Professor Richter involved in an ill-fated attempt to
produce fusion generators for Peron.
"no record" response was uniformly generated by all facets of
A German researcher, Friedrich Georg, recognized a valuable entry
in a microfilm roll, titled a 1944 U.S. Strategic Air Forces In
Europe summary titled An Evaluation Of German Capabilities In
194 5 , which, somehow, had eluded the censors (5). In that
summary report German devices called by American Intelligence
"Phoo Bombs" are discussed. Sources for this summary were
reports of pilots and testimony of prisoners of war. Phoo bombs
were described as "radio-controlled, jet-propelled, still-nosed,
short-range, high performance ramming weapons for use against
bombing formations". Speed was estimated at 525 miles per hour.
Further demands were made using FOIA as to the raw data used to
compile the summary evaluation. Of course, denials followed, but
finally, after an Appeal, the government indicated that more
information did exist concerning Phoo Bombs. Most of this was a
repeat or re-statement of the summary document. One document was
hand-written and may have served as the basic text of the report.
It seems the U.S. Air Force was never aware of a threat to
aircraft engines coming from over ionization of the air around
these devices. Likewise, the claim by Vesco that they possessed
klyston tubes which pulsed at the same freguency of Allied radar
and so jammed radar on board was not recognized. Vesco cites
the aircraft radio research institute at Oberpfaffenhofen
(F.F.O.) as having invented such devices (6).
The Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee report on this
facility. Report 156, states that work there involved several
types of klystron tubes and that one of this facilities principal
functions was inventing technology to jam Allied radar,
unfortunately all the secret material held at this facility was
burned in the face of the advancing Allies. Individual
scientists later produces some copies of documents which
represent what the Allied intelligence strike teams took away.
Exactly how complete this sample was we will never know (7).
Other very exotic research did go on at the F.F.O. installation
which might be mentioned. They not only did work on klystron
tubes but on magnetrons also. They did work on generation of
millimeter range radio wave through the use of crystal
vibrations. They also experimented with silicon and germanium
"crystals" (8). These two substances figure prominently in the
making of what we call today semiconductors which form the basis
of the transistor. Invention of the transistor is credited to
William Shockley, for which he won the Nobel Prize, about two
years after the Second World War.
This bit of research explodes an argument made by the late Col.
Philip j. Corso in his book The Day After Roswell that
transistors were, at least in part, based upon alien technology
(9). The only guestions which remain are: exactly how far the
The U.S. Government Knew Truth All Along
U.S. government's own documents prove they knew of the
German origin of foo fighters. This table of contents of a
"Intelligence Digest" document, with a February, 1945 date,
addresses German military capacities. It lists "Phoo
Bombs" as a weapon in the German arsenal (see VI- Other
Weapons) Taken from microfilm negative image.
A UFO Rosetta Stone
This document, fascinating in its own right, serves as a
translation. "Foo fighters are "Phoo Bombs" in the
government's parlance. No more "no record" name-games from
the government.
A UFO Rosetta Stone
A UFO Rosetta Stone
Phoo Bombs—An Intelligence Officer's Hand Written
Obtained in a freedom Of Information Act asking for more
information after learning the government's code word for
foo fighters ("Phoo Bombs").
Germans progressed in their work on semiconductors and should the
scientists at the F.F.O. have been given credit for this
discovery, the transistor, instead of Shockley? This example
also illustrates exactly how far the military will go, or at
least individuals in the military, to perpetuate the notion of
high-technology derived from aliens. It also illustrates the
willingness of large establishment publishing firms to assist in
the propagation of these ideas.
Returning to the subject of foo fighters and the governments
suppression of this information, it seems the government feels it
has the right to deny FOIA reguests, no matter how detailed the
description may be, unless the requestor uses exactly the same
name as the government uses. Was the name "foo fighters" as
opposed to "Phoo Bombs" just not close enough to trigger a
response under the law or was this just another example of the
government's bad faith regarding FOIA? Probably it was the
latter. Friedrich Georg's research work which produced the first
document naming Phoo Bombs acted like a Rosetta Stone in that it
was a translation of their terms into ours. This applied not
only for foo fighters but for the other topics mentioned below
which the government had previously denied.
With these documents as proof of American knowledge of foo
fighters, the understanding with regard to foo fighters is quite
different than the confusion generated heretofore. The fact is
that Vesco has been vindicated. The fact is that foo fighters
were German-built flying weapons of war. The fact is that they
were the very first modern UFOs. And finally, the fact is the
government of the United States has known this all along and kept
these facts from us for almost sixty years.
It should be noted that the documents which are in my possession
are all documents written during the Second World War. No
mention is made of Phoo Bombs in any post-war documents I have
seen. Examples or at least plans of these flying devices must
have been recovered. It seems there are still secrets hidden
away in government files. To keep these secrets the government
is willing to violate its own Freedom Of Information Act laws.
It should be noted that the document uncovered by Mr. Georg
describes several weapons systems previously not disclosed by the
U.S. government. This includes German rockets larger than the V2. The government document states:
"68 feet in length as against 45 feet"
The forty-five foot figure signifies the V-2, while the sixtyeight foot rocket is completely unknown.
In this same document is a description of a gas-weapon first
described by Vesco and designed to down enemy aircraft (10).
Actually, there are two such gas weapons. The first gas is
designed to cause engine destruction through pre-ignition as
described by Vesco. The second gas is designed to cause engine
seizure through the breakdown of the viscosity of the engine's
lubricating oil. This is another vindication of Vesco.
Therefore, when Vesco states that this very weapon was
successfully used against Allied aircraft in a second-generation
saucer, the Kugelblitz, perhaps he should be taken seriously
Finally, this document describes something the Americans call the
"Magnetic Wave" but which the Germans always described as
"Motorstoppmittel", meaning literally, "means to stop motors".
Motorstoppmittel and other German death rays were also the
subject of repeated FOIA requests which were all denied. It was
only with the code-word "Magnetic Wave" that the dam of
information was finally broken concerning this device and other
German ray-weapons. Not only did the Germans use ionization of
the atmosphere to halt ignition based engines but they also
experimented with x-ray weapons and an even more exotic method,
possibly involving use of the laser (12).
Vesco places construction of the foo fighter at the Austrian site
of Wiener-Neustadt (13). Indeed, the testimony supplied by
Kadmon does indicate an Austrian home for the foo fighter. The
most likely site for foo fighter development was the Rax Works.
The Rax Works were an outgrowth of the combinations and growth of
several firms, the Wiener-Neustaedter Flugzeugwerke GmbH, the
Flughafenbetriebsgesellschaft Wiener-Neustadt
and the Wiener Neustaedter Lokomotiv-Fabrik which was acquired by
Henschel after the unification of Austria and Germany (14).
All the sources cited place foo fighter production in Austria.
It is often repeated that this was a purely SS project, built at
Wiener-Neustadt, with the help of the F.F.O. It is possible that
these craft had an independent origin, outside the scope and
sphere of Peenemuende. At about this same time, early 1943,
Professor Alexander Lippisch broke away from Messerschmitt to
head the Vienna based Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt-Wien (LFW).
This was a first-class facility and Professor Lippisch is a
figure central to the understanding of German flying discs.
Vesco links the foo fighter, his "Feuerball" with a furtherdeveloped manned saucer, the "Kugelblitz". It is possible that
both these craft had an independent origin, that is outside the
purview of officials at Peenemuende under the direction of Dr.
Lippisch at the LFW. In this case their link to Peenemuende
would have become stronger as the war progressed and on a higher
order, that of the SS through Dr. Hans Kammler and the Kammler
Group based near Prag. It is also possible that the research
and controlling authority of the German disc program moved from
Peenemuende to Wiener-Neustadt as researcher Klaus-Peter
Rothkugel suggests.
Questions arise with the acknowledgement of "Phoo Bombs" by the
government. The first is what is the agenda of those seeking to
Captured Foo Fighters In The USA?
From "The Arizona Republic", July 8, 1947
deny this fact both in and out of government? Are these just
extraterrestrial "true believers" gone amuck? There is no doubt
that the government has known the truth about foo fighters and
German saucers in general for almost sixty years, yet they have
never been willing to publicly acknowledge these facts. Why is
this? What issues of national security could possibly be
compromised with such a disclosure over a half-century later?
Is this denial of foo fighters just of government inspiration?
The sad truth is that the private "information" or disinformation
sector is also guilty in of a cover-up. Why do they contribute
to the denial of the German origin of this technology? What
major New York publisher has ever published on German flying
discs as opposed to the libraries of books pushing the
extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis—a hypothesis totally lacking in
proof? Let me pose the specific question: would Simon and
Schuster ever publish a book on the German origins of flying
saucers as they did for Col. Corso and his extraterrestrial
hypothesis? If not why?
Another question arises from the confirmation of foo fighters by
the government. This question concerns the veracity of Renato
Vesco who originally placed the topic before us in his Italian
edition as early as 1968. The question is this: If Vesco is
right about foo fighters, what about the other claims he made
about German saucers? Specifically, these are claims made about
the further development of the foo fighter technology resulting
in a manned saucer project he called "Kugelblitz" (balllightning). As well as claiming the Kugelblitz actually flew,
Vesco gave us some tantalizing details of the development of
German saucer technology by the Anglo-Americans after the war.
In view of Vesco's track record, we can not simply dismiss these
claims as has been done in the past. Vesco's assertions should
be borne in mind as further facts become evident.
Finally, there is some small evidence that the Americans did
acquire working examples of these foo fighters. If the Americans
had captured complete examples of the foo fighter one would
expect they would be taken to existing testing facilities in the
Southwestern United States and tested as were other examples of
captured German technology. This appears to be the case. The
Arizona Republic reports a sighting dated July 8, 1947 involving
two flying silvery balls which can only be foo fighters.
Foo Fighters
Sources and References
Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 82, Intercept UFO. Pinnacle Books,
Inc., 275 Madison Ave, New York, NY. 10016, recently reissued
as Man-Made UFOs 1944-1994 by Adventures Unlimited Press
Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 85-86
Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 87
United States Air Force, 1944, "An Evaluation Of German
Capabilities In 1945", Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, USA,
this and other information related to Phoo Bombs can be found
on microfilm rolls A-1007-1652, A-5729-2040
Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 85-87
Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Report Number
156, "Report On Flugfunk Forschungsinstitut Oberpfaffenhofen
F.F.O. Establishments"
Corso, Phillip J., Col., 1997, page 161, The Day After
Roswell. Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc.,
1230 Avenue of the Americans, New York, NY. 10020
10. Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 136-138
11. Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 145 and 156
12. German Research Project, 1999, "German Death Rays Part Two:
The German And American Governmental Evidence", P.O. Box 7,
Gorman, CA. 93243-0007 USA
13. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 86
14. Rothkugel, Klaus-Peter, not yet published, page 31, Das
Geheimnis der deutschen Flugscheiben
The Peenemuende Saucer Project
A report comes to us from Russian immigrant Paul Stonehill
concerning the experience of a Russian POW in Northern Germany.
The report was first published some time ago in UFO Magazine,
volume 10, number 2 in 1995, but this witness describes a story
so different from other German saucer reports that it is worth
emphasis at this point. The witness is unnamed but the source of
the original report is known to Paul Stonehill and he vouches for
its authenticity. The unnamed witness is called mister "X".
Mister X was taken prisoner by the Germans in the Ukraine in
1941, early in the German offensive. From there he was housed in
a concentration camp where he contracted typhus. X improved and
even managed to escape but was re-captured and taken to Auschwitz
concentration camp. There, he worked as a medical orderly before
a typhus relapse made this work impossible. X was scheduled for
a one-way trip to the crematorium but was saved from this fate by
a woman German medical doctor who cured him of the typhus. Not
only did she do this but, for some reason not made clear in the
article, she supplied him with false identity papers stating that
X was a mechanical engineer.
In August of 1943 X was moved to KZ (concentration camp) A4 at
Trassenhedel in the vicinity of Peenemuende to work on project
Hochdruckpumpe's removal from that area. Hochdruckpumpe, or high
pressure pump in English, was a long distance cannon with fired
in sequential states as the projectile moved by each charge and
along an very long barrel. From here X was reassigned to work at
Peenemuende itself.
In September of 1943, X and some other prisoners were engaged in
demolition of a reinforced cement wall. At lunch time the other
prisoners were driven away from this site but for some reason,
possibly a dislocated foot, X was left behind.
After the others had gone, four workers appeared from a hangar
and rolled out a strange looking craft onto the concrete landing
strip nearby. It was round, had a teardrop-shaped cockpit in the
center and was rolled out on small inflatable wheels, like an
"upside down wash basin". After a signal was given, this silvery
metal craft began making a hissing sound and took off, hovering
at an altitude of about five meters directly over the landing
strip. As it hovered, the device rocked back and forth. Then
the edges began to blur. Suddenly the flying craft's edges seem
to blur as it jumped up sharply and gained altitude in a
snakelike trajectory. X concludes that because rocking was still
exhibited, the craft was advancing erratically.
A gust of wind blew in from the Baltic. The flying craft was
turned upside down and began to loose altitude. Mr. X was
enveloped by hot air and the smell of ethyl alcohol as he heard
the craft grinding into the earth. Without thinking, X ran for
the craft in an effort to assist the downed pilot. The pilot's
body was hanging out of the broken cockpit and the craft was
engulfed in blue flames of fire. X glimpsed the still hissing
jet engine before everything was swallowed in flames.
What can be gleaned from this account? Mr. X certainly saw a
German flying disc. But the "smell of ethyl alcohol" and the
"blue fames of fire" set this engine apart from any so far
described. German jet engines ran on jet fuel, a light oil
something similar to kerosene. The Walter rocket engines ran of
very exotic hypergolic fuels which burst into flames
automatically once they made contact with each other. Ethyl
alcohol is the alcohol of fermentation as, for instance, potatoes
are fermented and distilled into vodka. Ethyl alcohol is not the
best substance for aircraft fuel since it is low calories by
weight and volume in comparison with the other fuels mentioned.
The advantage of alcohol for the shortage plagued Germans was
that it was available. Ethyl alcohol and liquid oxygen were
exactly the fuels which powered the V-2 rocket developed at
nearby Peenemuende.
Given this report, we have a reason to consider Peenemuende as a
German site which produced flying discs. But before proceeding
with our inquiry as before we must take a step back from our
strictly detailed survey of German flying saucers in order to get
better perspective of this overall body of information.
To this point any reader somewhat familiar with German flying
discs might find the level of detail and proof enlightening but
might feel that the basic story is known and has already been
told. These readers will be pleasantly surprised by this chapter
of our story. Not only is new evidence presented here but a new
interpretation of existing evidence sheds a whole new light upon
the study of German flying discs.
This new evidence and this new way of looking at things are
primarily the result of the input of German aeronautical
investigator Klaus-Peter Rothkugel. Within the last year or so
he has proposed to me and to another investigator, Heiner
Gehring, ideas which were previously overlooked. Mr. Rothkugel
has investigated and documented his ideas to both of us and has
convinced us of their merit. In turn, both Mr. Gehring and
myself have spent some time and effort in advancing this research
ourselves and sharing the results. These researchers have
published their findings in Germany and have allowed me to make
use of these ideas here.
The careful reader will note that mention has already been made
of Mr. Rothkugel and his contributions. In this section some of
the ideas which he first put forth will be examined as will hie
emphasis on the overall organization and understanding of the
It was Vesco who first gave us an explanation of foo fighters.
Vesco relied upon his own understanding of the subject which was
gained during the war and documented them with facts gleaned from
his research into British intelligence files. His explanation
has been largely vindicated both by reports of sightings within
Austria and through United States military documents obtained
independently through the Freedom Of Information Act. Why then
should not the other explanations given us by Vesco be worthy of
further inquiry? While discussing German saucer development,
Vesco described German research designed to overcome the drag
limitations imposed upon aircraft by boundary layer effects.
Boundary layer effects refer to the flow of air across the wing
of an aircraft in flight. The air forms sheets of air moving
across the wing, the slowest moving sheet being closest to the
wing. At high speeds these slower moving layers collide with
oncoming air molecules of the atmosphere causing areas of
turbulence with translate into atmospheric drag as a practical
matter. Elimination of the boundary layer would mean that the
aircraft could fly faster or expend less energy to fly at any
given speed (1)(2).
Swept wings, a German innovation, represent an aircraft
designer's response toward lessening the effects of drag on high
speed aircraft wings. It was found that air passing over the
wings at an angle retarded boundary layer formation. Therefore,
turbulence was less apt to form. The swept back-wings of the Me163 rocket interceptor may have been the result of this research.
An advanced model of the Me-262 jet fighter was to incorporate
fully swept-back wings. But German aircraft designers of those
times wanted to go further. They wanted to eliminate the
boundary layer completely.
They proposed to do this with suction wings (3). The literature
on German efforts toward elimination of the boundary layer using
suction wings is voluminous, as Vesco has pointed out. Beginning
in the early 1940s German designers cut slots into experimental
aircraft and auxiliary engines were employed to suck in the
boundary layer through the wing itself and redirect this air into
the fuselage and out the rear of the aircraft.(4). This proved to
be more complicated than first anticipated. It was found that
the area of turbulence, eddy currents caused by the boundary
layer, moved across the wing from front to back as air speed
increased. A slot at one position on the wing might work at one
speed but not another. This meant that many, many slots covering
the expanse of the wing would be needed to totally defeat this
boundary layer problem. This proved impractical for a number of
One reason this was so was that multiple engines had to be used.
The first engine had to provide power for flight as in any
airplane. The second engine, mounted in the fuselage, was
necessary to draw in air through the slotted wings and exhaust it
towards the rear. Interestingly enough, it was found that the
boundary layer could be eliminated by "sucking it in" or by
"blowing it off" using a strong flow of air to disrupt it (5).
Full scale suction wing aircraft were built for purposes of
testing this concept. These were the Junkers "Absaugeflugzeug"
(suction aircraft) AF-l and the Fieseler "Absaugestorch"
(suction-stork) AF-2.
Concurrent with these experiments, work was being done into the
feasibility of circular wings. This work also began in the 1930s
with the basic ideas being credited to Professor Ludwig Prandtl.
Early scientific papers on circular winged aircraft were written
beginning in 1936 by Wilhelm Kinner (6) and in 1938 by M. Hansen
(7). Both of these scientists worked at the Aerodynamic Research
Facility at Goettingen. By 1941 Dr. Alexander Lippisch was also
engaged in experimentation on circular wings at the Messerschmitt
firm. His design, designated J1253, was tested at the windtunnel at Goettingen (8). Dr. Lippisch was visited by Dr
Giuseppe Belluzzo while at Messerschmitt in Augsburg and Lippisch
worked together with Dr. F. Ringlib on a "Drehfluegel" or
"rotating wing" which was tested at Peenemuende (9). As with
suction wings, a body of scientific literature from those times
documents this early circular-wing experimentation.
The genius of the German designers was to combine the ideas of
suction and circular wings into a single aircraft. Housing
complete aircraft within its wing would eliminate the fuselage
and so eliminate an unnecessary, drag-causing structure.
Prandtl and Lippisch were not comparably to Schiever and
Habermohl. Prandtl and Lippisch are not even comparable to Dr.
Richard Miethe. Pradtl and Lippisch were senior scientists who
were well established in their worlds, either of whom would have
been capable of heading a major project. In fact they did. In
fact neither the Schriever-Habermohl or what we have called the
Miethe-Bellonzo projects were major projects. This is another
significance of what is being discussed here because what is
being discussed here is a completely different organization and
understanding of German flying discs than has been presented
Remember that controlling authority for both the SchrieverHabermohl and the Miethe-Bellonzo projects came from officials in
Peenemuende? J. Andreas Epp makes the point in his book that he
originated the idea of the Schriever-Habermohl-type of flying
disc and actually made a model of this flying craft. Setting
aside for the moment the subject or originality, Epp sent his
model to General Ernst Udet of the Luftwaffe whom he had met as a
child. General Udet must have been impressed with this idea
because he sent the plans and model to Peenemuende for
evaluation. Peenemuende authorized the Schriever-Habermohl team
to further develop the idea and as you might recall, Epp chided
Schriever for straying from his original blade dimensions while
crediting Habermohl for keeping them. The point is that
Peenemuende set up Schriever and Habermohl to construct and
further develop this design as they set up Dr. Miethe to set up
further develop the Leduc engine based design. The Germans even
refer to the Schriever-Habermohl design as a "Flugkreisel" or
flying top in English and the Miethe design as a "Flugdiskus".
Our vernacular, "flying saucer" originally corresponded to the
German folk-word "Flugschiebe" or flying disc. If the
Flugkreisel, Flugdiscus and Flugschiebe are all different
machines and we know who built the first two then who built the
third, the Flugscheibe? The answer is that Peenemuende built the
Flugscheibe. Officials at Peenemuende saved the best for
themselves while controlling the other two.
Let's look at some evidence. The May, 1980 issue of Neue Presse
featured an article about the German fluidics engineer Heinrich
Fleissner (10). Fleissner was an engineer, designer and advisor
to what he calls a "Flugscheibe" project based at Peenemuende
during the war. It is interesting to note that Fliessner's area
of expertise, fluidics, is exactly the specialty involved in
investigating problems with boundary layer flow. Fleissner
reports that the saucer with which he was involved would have
been capable of speeds up to 3,000 kilometers per hour within the
earth's atmosphere and up to 10,000 kilometers outside the
earth's atmosphere. He states that the brains of the
developmental people were found in Peenemuende under the tightest
of secrecy (11). We will return to this article again, at a
later point, but what is of most interest to us here are three
facts. First, that Fleissner worked at Peenemuende on a flying
saucer project. Second, that a hint of this design has survived
to this day. Third, the surviving design can be linked to
photographic evidence of a German saucer, circa World War Two.
Almost ten years after the war, on March 28, 1955, Heinrich
Fleissner filed a patent application with the United States
Patent Office for a flying saucer (Patent Number 2,939,648).
Fleissner's saucer was unlike Schriever's, Habermohl's, or
Miethe's. The engine employed by Fleissner rotated around the
cabin on the outside of the saucer disc itself. It was set in
motion by starter rockets as with Schriever and Habermohl. The
difference is that this engine was really a form of ram-jet
engine. It featured slots running around the periphery of the
saucer into which air was scooped. The slots continued obliquely
right through the saucer disc so that jet thrust was aimed
slightly downward and backward from the direction of rotation.
Within the slots, fuel injectors and a timed ignition insured a
proper power curve which was in accordance with the speed and
direction of the saucer much like an automobile's fuel injection
is timed to match the firing of the spark plugs. Steering was
accomplished by directing the airflow using internal channels
containing a rudder and flaps which ran alongside of the central
cabin. The cabin itself was held stationary or turned in the
desired direction of flight using a system of electromagnets and
servo-motors coupled with a gyroscope (12).
It is
interesting to note that while the patent was filed on
The Post-War Saucer Patent Of Heinrich Fleissner
Fleissner was a technical advisor on the Peenemuende
saucer project. An eye witness, known by Fleissner, told
him this: "Shortly before the Capitulation, on April 24,
1945, a squadron of four flying discs took off-manned with
two pilots whose names are unknown-under heavy artillery
barrage from the German and Russian sides from the BerlinLichterfelde Airport to a still-today unknown destination."
(Neue Press, 5/2/80, page 3)
March 28, 1955, it was not granted until June 7, 1960, over five
years later! What could possibly have been the reason for the
delay? The only possible reason concerns the American Silver Bug
Project which was being developed at the same time. This was a
project which was tasked with further development of the Miethe
design or an outgrowth of it and simply referred to as a "radial
jet engine". But we now know this Miethe project was not the
equal of the Peenemuende project in terms of speed. The
Americans must have realized this sometime after the filing of
Fliessner's patent. There can be little doubt that the reason
for the delay of the Fleissner patent was the evaluation and
possibly the pirating of his design by the Americans. At about
the same moment that Fieissner's patent was granted, it was
announced that the joint Canadian-American saucer project, Silver
Bug and its derivatives, had been abandoned by those governments.
The only possible reason for this abandoning was that they had
found something better and the better design, by far, was
Fieissner's design was likened to a ram-jet earlier. It could
function in this way but it was also much more than a ram-jet.
Fleissner states in his patent that the saucer could be powered
by any number of fuels: "liquid, dust, powder, gas or solid"
(11). It could have used, for example, used the recently rediscovered fuel first made by Dr. Mario Zippermayr consisting of
finely powered coal dust in a suspension of liquid air (13) or
"Schwaramkohle" ("foam coal") and liquid air (14). Different fuel
mixtures and types could be accommodated simply by varying or
adjusting the type of injectors and ignition used. We know that
the Germans used hypergloic fuels during the war, that meaning
fuels which ignited simply by coming in contact with one another.
"C-Stoff" and "T-Stoff" were German designations for the
hypergloic fuels used in the Messerschmitt Me-163 rocket
interceptor, for instance. These fuels could also have been used
in this engine as well. Fleissner further elaborated in his 1980
article stating that liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen were
suitable for this design (11). Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen
are rocket fuels of the highest order. This means Fieissner's
saucer could function as a rocket with the proper fuel.
Shall we assess the implications? In its simplest form,
Fieissner's saucer could have operated as a ram-jet on jet fuel.
At its highest level, Fieissner's saucer could have operated
outside the atmosphere on liquid hydrogen and oxygen. Or it
could have done both. Fieissner's saucer could have taken off as
a ram-jet, gained speed and aititude but at some point, reached a
limit of diminishing returns. At this point, the saucer would
have been able to slowly bleed liquid oxygen into the ram-jets
for further performance enhancement. Further, it could slowly
have replaced jet fuel with liquid hydrogen. This would be
accompanied by a closing of the air intake apparatus. At this
point there is no reason this saucer can not become a space ship,
that is, able to operate beyond the fringes of the earth's
Is this performance enough to impress the U.S. Air
Detailed Picture Of A German Saucer
This is a blow-up of the picture attached to J. Andreas
Epp'S "Still Alive" letter from Prag, March, 1944. Note
air intake ring and crest for steering on the roof of the
cabin. Diameter is about six meters. Is this the saucer
described in the Aftonbladet article? Possible location is
Stettin near Peenemuende.
Thinking Outside The Box
Hybrid Liquid-Solid Propellant Rocket
Top Right: 1. Liquid Oxidizer 2. Injection Jets for
Oxidizer 3. Combustion Chamber Constrictions 4. Ignition
Mechanism Solid fuel shown running along sides of
combustion chamber (dark color). "Schaumkohle" (porous
compressed coal) are suitable as fuel as would a mixture
of Aluminum power and polyurethan combined with liquid
nitrogen tetroxide. Thrust controlled by amount of
oxidizer injected. Hypergolic mixtures would require no
ignition system. Alternately, oxydizers could be solid and
fuel liquid. "Nichts ist unmoeglich" Nothing is impossible
Force and the civilian population of the late 1940s and early
1950's? The answer is certainly in the affirmative.
There are design elements in the Fleissner saucer which link it
to the work of Prandtl and Lippisch. It should be noted that the
slot air intakes mounted near the edge of the saucer would have
sucked in the boundary layer before it got any real chance to
form. Below, the jets would have blown off the boundary layer at
a similar point. Further, because the entire wing, the saucer,
is spinning, any further development of a boundary layer would
have been moved at an angle and so almost nullified as happens
with severely swept-back wings of a conventional high-speed jet
aircraft. Therefore, at supersonic speeds, this saucer might not
have even generated a sonic boom.
There is some proof that the Fleissner-type of saucer was
actually built and flown at Peenemuende or a nearby test facility
at Stettin. Fleissner's patent is likened to wartime reality by
a photograph. Actually, it is three photographs. These
photographs have appeared in a fragmentary, vintage Dutch article
on German saucers and they are attached to a wartime letter from
Prag sent to this writer by J. Andreas Epp and later published in
Ahnstern (15). No specific mention of the photograph is made in
the letter and so it could be that the late Mr. Epp included it
as a general example rather than a specific reference. Epp never
claimed the saucers in these photographs as his design. Epp
himself claimed to have the only photographs of that device.
There is reason to suspect, however, that this design does bare a
relationship to the Fleissner design.
The pictures show a small saucer with some telling features. One
point of correspondence with the Fleissner patent is that the air
intake is located near the periphery of the saucer wing. This is
seen as seen in the ring just inside the saucer's edge. The
other is that the directional control is clearly viable in the
rudder mounted on the top of the cockpit or central cabin. In
the picture the control is external and not as sophisticated as
the Fleissner patent but the idea behind both are the same. In
the pictured saucer, turns would be made by turning the cabin as
a whole, thus, turning the rudder just as the prehistoric flying
reptile, the Pterodactyl, turned its flight direction using a
rudder located on top of its head.
Further confirmation of a Peenemuende saucer project comes from a
Stockholm evening newspaper, Aftonbladet, dated October 10, 1952.
It reports that a flying saucer, a "space ship", was developed by
the Germans during World War Two at Peenemuende by Dr. Wernher
von Braun and his rocket team. A test-model of this craft lifted
off in April of 1944. It was six meters in diameter. The
ultimate craft to be built, was a space ship of 42 meters in
diameter, capable of flying an astonishing three hundred
kilometers in altitude! Not stated in the article but
interesting to note is that this 300 kilometers represents a
higher altitude than the first American earth orbiting satellite.
Hitler's A-7 Weapon?
Swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet", dated 10/10/52, describes
a German saucer built by Wernher von Braun at Peenemuende,
six meters in diameter, which lifted off in April, 1944.
The article states that high fuel consumption was the major
problem, a problem which would be solved utilizing atomic
The construction drawings for this device are in the USA,
according to the article, and the drawings are also known to the
Russians. The chief difficulty with the saucer, according to the
report, is the tremendous fuel requirements during its assent.
This problem, it goes on to say, could be solved through the
utilization of atomic energy.
Let us look at the picture of the three saucers again. In the
lower left picture two dark objects can be seen resting on its
top. Mr. Rothkugel suggests these may be bombs or fuel. Let us
assume the latter, that they are fuel drums for refueling the
saucer. In the USA metal drums of this type commonly contain
petroleum products. They measure about three feet in height.
Two are shown but six lengths could be stretched across this
saucer with perhaps inches to spare. A meter is slightly over a
yard. This saucer roughly corresponds in size to the description
given in the Aftonbladet article. The picture on the right,
minus the fuel drums and poised above some buildings, clearly
shows that this saucer actually flew.
A whole technical history and organizational hierarchy can be
pieced together from this picture, the Fliessner patent, and the
Aftonbladet article. The Fleissner design minimizes the effects
of boundary layer resistance reflecting the outcome of work
starting with Ludwig Prandtl. It is a circular aircraft and a
linear descendant of the circular aircraft designed by Dr.
Prandtl and Dr. Alexander Lippisch. Fleissner states that he
worked at Peenemuende. Peenemuende functioned as the head of all
German saucer research. A fact of life at Peenemuende was that
all German scientists deferred to Dr. Wernher von Braun who was
an expert, the only expert, at everything. Dr. von Braun did
have an organizational supervisor, Dr. Walter Dornberger, later
to work for Bell Aircraft in the USA. Above Dr. Dornberger was
Dr. Hans Kammler, the SS chief of all jet aircraft and vengeance
weaponry. All these named men and organizations were part of the
German saucer program, their public denials not withstanding.
One more loose end is tied up relating to the Fleissner design.
This is the relationship of Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo to the German
saucer projects as a whole. Remember, Dr. Belluzzo was a senior
scientist and engineer who specialized in materials and steam
turbines. The Fleissner saucer design is normally thought of as
a sort of ram-jet. But this ram-jet spun due to thrust imparted
to it by its exhaust. This exhaust-supplied motion scooped in
and compressed the incoming air before ignition. Low speed
flight would have been impossible without this feature just as it
is with any ram-jet. So another way to look at this engine is
that it was a turbine-ram-jet no matter how incongruous this may
sound at first. It should also be noted that in the rocket mode,
when the saucer is burning only liquid oxygen and liquid
hydrogen, the products of this combustion are only heat and
water. Another way to say heat and water is steam. To repeat,
Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo was a steam-turbine expert. As mentioned
earlier, Mr. Rothkugel reports that Dr. Belluzzo visited and,
presumably consulted with. Dr. Alexander Lippisch at Augsberg.
Dr. Belluzzo's involvement with the German saucer projects should
not be assumed to be confined to the Miethe project.
Let's review the Peenemuende Project to this point. It is a wide
ranging project with at least two spin-offs, the SchrieverHabermohl project and the Miethe project. The SchrieverHabermohl project(s) employ a whirling set of vane-blades and one
or more rocket or jet engines in a kind of "spinning top" manner.
It may have been capable of supersonic flight. The Miethe
project differs in that it employs an internal spinning turbo-jet
first invented by Rene Leduc. Depending of the saucer
configuration, its thrust can be vented in any direction for
steering purposes. It also may have been capable of supersonic
This design was given further study and was probably developed
after the war in the form of the John Frost "Manta". A design
such as this may have been responsible for the sightings by
Kenneth Arnold near Mt. Rainier in the State of Washington in
June of 1947. It was probably responsible for the pictures taken
by William Rhodes as seen and described in the July 9, 1947
edition of the newspaper, The Arizona Republic. This same
design, described as a "Flying Shoe" may have figured in the
Roswell crash. Ideas from this design may have been further
developed by A.V. Roe, Limited company in Canada.
Besides retaining overall control of these two saucer projects,
the officials at Peenemuende retained and developed their own
saucer project. Using similarities between surviving pictures
from the time and the patent filed by a former member of that
project, Heinrich Fleissner, we can piece together something of
its design. Its identifying characteristic is its engine which
has been described earlier as a turbine-ram-jet. It could
operate using a variety of fuels. It could function as a jet
engine within the atmosphere or covert to a rocket engine using
liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. Its speed and altitude limits
would have been much greater than either the Schriever-Habermohl
or the Miethe saucers, yet its construction would have been less
complex than the advanced designs of the radial-jet engines being
developed in the Canada as part of the Silver Bug Program.
Recognition of these facts, especially after the 1955 patent
application by Fleissner, probably lead to the abandonment of the
A.V. Roe, Limited project(s). A cover project, the "Avrocar" was
released to the public, discredited by its own designers, and put
away to be forgotten.
In discussing the Aftonbladet article we have jumped ahead of our
story slightly in order to connect the three saucers pictures
with the Fleissner saucer patent in a proper context. The
Aftonbladet article has other implication which will be
discussed. Now, however, we must once again return to basics in
order to illustrate the next stage of saucer development
envisioned by the German scientists.
Vesco makes mention of liquified air or liquid propellants or
e x p l o s i v es n u m e ro us t i m e s in d i s c us si n g f l yi ng s a u c er s
(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). Vesco refers to saucers powered using
"liquid air". On page 135-136 of Intercept UFO he says:
"After the German surrender in May 1945, when the British
examined the secret papers of the technical departments of
certain factories hidden in the forested area of the Schwarzwaldanother region earmarked as an "island" for a last-ditch standthey discovered that some of the documents miraculously spared
from the retreating S.S. units' destruction of papers concerned
"the important experiments conducted with liquid air as a power
supply for certain new types of turbine engines capable of
producing tremendous power outputs. At first the discovery led
them to believe that a new system for powering submarines was
under study, but ancillary information about the construction of
powerful apparatuses working on principle of electromagnetic
waves that would make it possible to exercise radio control at
great distances, as well as photographs showing some parts of the
new turbine, caused them to change their minds. Thus they got on
the track of a preliminary preparatory stage for a new and very
powerful type of armored, radio-controlled aircraft".
Mr. Rothkugel points out that the logical projection of Vesco's
statements on liquid air would involve a saucer in with air would
be drawn in through the skin or through slots in the upper wing
(saucer), then rapidly cooled by special equipment into liquid
air. The liquid air would be burnt in a combustion chamber and
the hot air and steam would be exited through a turbine used to
produce the electricity which this process would require.
The saucer would be drawn along through the atmosphere by the low
pressure area to its front and top as well as by aerodynamic
forces caused by its wing at low speed. With the addition of
more liquid air into the combustion chamber, the expansive forces
involving the conversion of a liquid to a gas would provide
additional performance enhancement. This amazing and little-know
method was invented and patented by the Austrian Karl Nowak in
1943 (21) and will work even with inert gasses. Of course, even
nitrogen, sometimes considered an inert gas and which constitutes
the major component of our atmosphere, can be burnt with
sufficing electrical ignition as is witnessed in lightning.
The cooling needed to liquify the air would be generated using a
cryostat, probably liquid helium. Liquid helium is the coldest
of gasses, minus 452 degrees F, just above absolute zero. In
addition to the cryostat, magnetic cooling machinery, such as is
employed to produce liquid nitrogen would be employed (22). From
the cooling power of liquid helium and evaporative techniques,
liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen can be made which are the major
constituents of our atmosphere.
A saucer which could gather its fuel along the way has one
obvious advantage. It could stay aloft for days if not weeks.
More conventional chemical power could be employed for take-offs
and landings and for bursts of speed necessary for military
applications. In fact, there is no reason that the propulsion
systems of the Fleissner saucer and the liquid air saucer
envisioned by Vesco could not be combined into one aircraft.
It is unknown at this time if actual steps were taken to realize
a liquid air powered flying saucer by the Germans. Whether it
was undertaken or not it certainly did lead thinking on to the
next step in this process and for this step there is more than a
little evidence. This step was mentioned in the Aftonbladet
article. It involves atomic power. Yes, the Germans intended to
build a nuclear powered flying saucer (23).
These are the conclusions first reached by Dr. Milos Jesensky and
engineer Robert Lesniakiewicz in 1998. The former author is a
Czech and the latter author is a Pole. Both belong to a large
UFO organization which functions in both countries. After the
Soviet pullout there were no restrictions on excavation of unused
military sites belonging to the Germans during the Second World
War. This organization got busy interviewing witnesses who had
connections to those times as well as identifying German
underground facilities. They opened up as many of these as they
could find, and they were numerous. Most of the Polish sites
were within the borders of Germany at that time since the
borders, before and during the Second World War, extended into
about 20% of Western Poland. Other sites were in the heavily
German dominated areas of Moravia and Bohemia, now the Czech
Of course, the Germans had taken out what they wanted before
retreating and then sealed up the entrances with explosives. As
an example of how far this research group was willing to go, they
not only opened up and explored the upper levels of Der Riese,
mentioned earlier, but also explored the flooded lower levels, in
the cold, silent darkness using scuba gear. Besides Der Riese,
other very large sites were discovered and explored including
"Robert 1", "Robert 11", and "Robert 111".
They found that the larger sites were really composed of a
complex of sites. For instance, at Der Riese some of these sites
within the larger facility were involved in mining uranium ore.
Some were involved in refining the ore. Some other sites were
involved in nuclear research (24).
Wartime German work in nuclear research was not confined to bomb
building, as it was in the USA. The Germans were also interested
in harnessing the atom as an energy source. Remember, Germany
was dependent upon foreign sources of oil for energy. German
planners long realized this was a weakness and had been trying to
correct the problem since the early 1930s. Great plans were in
the works, if not actually built, for atomic reactors used to
generate electricity. These were sometimes called "uranium
machines" by the Germans. Not only were these uranium machines
to be used to generate electricity but they were also destined to
power submarines and aircraft.
Dr. Jesensky and Mr. Lesniakiewicz assembled and analyzed the
great volume of evidence they had gathered over the years. They
analyzed the physical evidence of the sites and interviewed as
many people as possible. From the thousands of observations made
and facts collected, they tried to draw conclusions. They found
a close proximity and close association of the German nuclear
program to the German flying saucer program. They concluded that
one aim of the German nuclear program was to build a nuclear
powered flying saucer (23).
There is some independent evidence supporting this conclusion.
After the war, German physicist Werner Heisenberg wrote a paper
concerning German interest in atomic energy. In that paper
Heisenberg stated that in the summer of 1942 discussion had
occurred among technical people specializing in issues of heat.
This discussion concerning the handling of technical questions
about the efficiency of conversion of heat from uranium to
determined materials, for example, water or steam (25). It is
hoped the reader would recall Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo's specialties
(materials and steam turbines) in connection to this discussion.
Further evidence can be gleaned from British Intelligence
Objectives Sub-Committee Report. This report seems to follow a
pattern we will see used again twice. The report does its best to
discredit the informant in question, in this case a physicist and
chemist, Josef Ernst, on one hand, while on the other hand the
British thought it had enough merit to include this testimony
concerning German research in some detail. Evidently, the
intelligence agency in question is trying to cover all the bases
in the event of any contingency. No matter if the scientist in
question were to be cited or discredited, there would be
language in the report substantiating both.
The report describes several areas of totally new German
technology but what is of most importance to us here is Ernst's
report of a new high speed fighter. The project designation is
P-1073, and it was being developed by Messerschmitt. Three
different engines were to be employed. The first was a B.M.W. 003
engine using petrol as fuel. The second engine was to use crude
oil. The third aircraft was to use an atomic engine. This
engine was described as 60 cms. long and 20 cms. in diameter.
Ernst said it produced about 2,000 horse power! This aircraft
was supposed to have a speed of 2,000 kilometers per hour (about
1250 m.p.h.) and a ceiling of 18,000 meters (over 54,000 feet).
It was made at a Camp Mecklenburg. Only one model was ever made
and it was destroyed, as was Camp Mecklenburg, by the SS before
being taken by the Allies (26).
Establishment historians have all told us that the German atomic
program was inept and disorganized. There may be some evidence
for the charge that they did not share information between
themselves due to strong rivalry (27) but the real facts are
Top: British efforts to accredit and discredit their
informant, Josef Ernst. This theme appears repeatedly in
Allied documents in association with German informants.
The intelligence people were merely covering themselves for
all eventualities. Bottom: A German atomic airplane built
at Mecklenburg. The Mecklenburg facility utilized some
personnel which were considered to be a security risk.
quite different than heretofore publicly disclosed (28). The
overwhelming fact is that until now establishment historians have
not had enough information to reach final conclusions about the
German atomic program. Many facts have been concealed and these
facts are only now being brought into the open. One fact is that
there were even more German atomic programs than previously
known, and the fact is that one of these programs was run by the
SS (28).
One establishment historian, Thomas Powers (29), perhaps
unwittingly gives us some insight into the discussion at hand,
Powers concentrates on the historical sequence of the German
atomic program and with the people involved and their
relationships with one another. He also follows the progress of
the many organizations researching atomic physics for the
purposes of energy production and bomb making. Powers documents
six such groups.
One group concerns this discussion. It was run by the
Heereswaffenamt or Army Weapons Department. Its Director of
Research was Dr. Erich Schumann who was also the scientific
advisor to Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel. Schumann was a
professor of military physics at the University of Berlin. He
also held a commission in the army so with these credentials he
was able to move comfortably in both academic and military
circles. Schumann should be thought of as an administrator
rather than a research scientist (30).
The field of research was left to Dr. Kurt Diebner (31). Diebner
was a physicist for the Heereswaffenamt since 1934 and headed his
own atomic research project. German physics during the war years
was geared towards practical results. During the early phases of
the war it was thought that nuclear weapons were unnecessary.
The thinking at the time was that the war could be won without an
atomic bomb using conventional weaponry. Therefore, work on
atomic weapons was de-emphasized in the early years of the war.
Work on atomic means of energy production was always a high
priority, a priority which only got higher as the war drug to a
Germany always felt more threatened by dependence upon foreign
sources for energy. Therefore, harnessing the energy potential
of the atom for an ongoing source of energy was always a concern
for German atomic scientists, much more so than for the
Americans. This aim is clearly mentioned in discussion among the
scientists involved in the work.
In early 1942 the success of Diebner's reactor experiments lead
him to propose a full-scale effort to develop both powerproducing machines and atomic bombs. He continued to pressure
Schumann who was more pessimistic about the possibilities of
bringing this research to a practical result. Schumann finally
became convinced and agreed to give a presentation to top Nazi
officials of their findings. The text of Schumann's speech was
to stress the more conservative energy production aspect of
atomic research rather than the building of a bomb. This was
considered more feasible and so gives us an insight into the
German atomic program and its thinking (32).
One example of their optimism was the participation of Diebner in
plans for building an atomic power plant for Germany's submarine
fleet. The year 1945 was mentioned as a target date for this to
happen (33)(34).
Diebner's relationship to Schumann is made clear by Powers.
Powers also introduces us to two additional players who were not
officially involved with this project but who somehow interject
themselves into things making their view heard.
The first is industrial physicist, Carl Ramsauer. Ramsauer was
the head of the German Physical Society and a leading researcher
for the electrical firm Allgemeine Elektrizitaetsgesellschaft.
Ramsauer urged the German research establishment to rid itself of
ethnic physics and get down to the business of using science to
win a war (35).
A second scientist interjected himself into the fray in support
of Ramsauer. This was none other than Ludwig Prandtl whom we
have met earlier (36). Prandtl was familiar with the potential
of fission's use in the war effort and insisted that the Nazis
let scientists do science without reference to ethnic background
or politics. Why was German atomic research so important to an a
scientist involved in aeronautics? What aims did Prandtl have in
common with these other individuals which linked them together?
What was the urgency that compelled Ramsauer and Prandtl to
intervene in a matter outside their areas of expertise and in
opposition to the will of Nazi officials?
To answer those questions, let us look at each individual
involved and his major area of interest. Professor Erich
Schumann's interest was the military application of atomic
energy. Dr. Kurt Diebner's interest was the development of
atomic energy for nuclear weaponry as well as for a variety of
other applications. As an industrialist, Karl Ramsauer's
expertise was putting technology into large-scale, practical,
production. In this time and place that meant military
production. We already know that Professor Ludwig Prandl's
interests were round-wing, suction aircraft. The interests of
these four could only coincide if we were discussing tha
military-industrial production of a nuclear powered, round-wing,
suction aircraft.
In addition, it is now known that Dr. Diebner, more than any
other well known German scientist, was at the heart of the German
atomic bomb development. It was Dr. Diebner who participated in
the development of a German uranium bomb which was being prepared
in one of the underground facilities at Jonastal, specifically at
a facility "Burg". Not only did Dr. Diebner do this but he did
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
The 8th Army News, Triest, August 28, 1945, page three.
For a short period of time, before the Cold War started
heating up, censorship, both military and civilian was
lax. It is from this time period from which we get much
valuable information
this within a working association with the SS atomic research
team mentioned above (37). This SS connection runs back to Prag,
the Skoda Works and the Kammler Group who held knowledge and
control of every truly innovative weapons system being developed
by the Third Reich including those at Peenemuende. As we know,
this included the development of flying discs. The association
of the facilities in and around Prag, the Kammler Group, atomic
energy and German flying discs has been made by other researchers
using other evidence (38). This connection seems very strong.
The Germans were planning an nuclear powered flying saucer just
as they were planning a nuclear powered submarine. The proof for
both of these claims is the fact that the Americans discovered
such plans, further developed them with captured German
scientists, and built them in America after the war. We already
know about the nuclear submarine and proof of American plans to
build a nuclear flying saucer based upon German ideas has just
been reveled.
Jim Wilson, writing in the November, 2000 edition of Popular
Mechanics discloses something of major importance. Wilson tells
of the days following the collapse of the 3rd Reich and a rumor
which had begun circulating in Allied military intelligence
circles. Interrogations of captured German aircraft engineers
pointed to the development of a super-fast German rocket fighter
at a secret base in Bavaria (the reader will recall the research
aircraft 8-346 and P-073 mentioned earlier). This aircraft,
according to Wilson's article, featured odd looking curved wings
which blended into the fuselage.
Documents obtained by Wilson point to an American secret saucer
project, separate and parallel to Project Silver Bug, of German
inspiration and involving captured German personnel. This
project, called the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV), was a
flying saucer designed to carry four nuclear tipped missiles into
earth orbit for a mission duration of six weeks at a time. The
saucer had a four man crew, was forty feet in diameter and was
powered by a combination of chemical rocket engines and nuclear
power (39).
The chemical engines were the hypergolic rocket engines of the
same type as employed by the Germans during the war in the Me-162
rocket interceptor and referred to earlier.
Besides the chemical rocket engine, two atomic engines were
employed as atomic rockets. In this type of engine a liquid gas
(perhaps liquid air as described above) which is very cold, is
passed through the atomic reactor or passed through a radiator of
molten metal heated by the reactor. The liquid gas turns to
vapor instantly and is accelerated out the rear of the rocket at
a greater velocity than can be obtained by burning two liquid
gases, for instance, hydrogen and oxygen. Although a shielded
nuclear reactor is certainly heavier than an air-cooled aeroengine, there might an overall weight savings as compared to a
How An Atomic Rocket Works
Top: The simple story is that hydrogen is passed through or
by an atomic reactor. The very cold liquid hydrogen in
instantly heated and greatly expands, providing thrust for
the rocket. No actual combustion occurs and no oxidizer is
needed. Bottom: A detailed look at the reactor itself.
conventional liquid rocket system since a liquid oxidizer, such
as liquid oxygen, need not be carried on the vehicle. The atomic
engine would also produce electricity for the saucer using this
expansive output coupled to a turbine generator.
Wilson cites some evidence that this saucer was built and
actually flew (40). Orbiting at an altitude of 300 miles and
with a six week mission, this saucer was in reality an orbiting
space station capable of raining destruction down upon any
country or countries deemed an enemy. One can extrapolate a
rotation system by which such a dreadnought was always kept on
station for such a contingency. Klaus-Peter Rothkugel has
suggested that an orbiting doomsday space station such as this
was to be called the "Gatland Space Station" and that it was part
of a strategic military joint-effort between the United States,
Britain, Canada and perhaps Australia. Before the Popular
Mechanics revelation, this assertion might have been dismissed as
lacking in proof but now this idea must be given a hearing.
Wilson states that project's general contractor was North
American Aviation in California but the project was managed out
of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio where German engineers
who worked on rocket plane and flying disc projects were housed
under secret contract with the United States government (41).
The Popular Mechanics article is based upon information obtained
from working on the American perspective and going back in time.
The Freedom Of Information Act was very skillfully employed in
obtaining this information. What Mr. Wilson did not know was
what the reader knows now, that there is a trail of information
leading to the American nuclear saucer project which started in
Germany in the 1930s. One example which links both lines of
evidence and bringing them full-circle back to the German origin
is one report recently obtained via FOIA on a particular German
scientist working at that Wright-Patterson facility.
This is a December, 1946 report written by one of those captured
German scientists working under contract for the USA, Dr. Franz
J. Neugebauer, titled "Effect Of Power-Plant Weight On Economy Of
Flight (Project No. NFE-64). Dr. Neugebauer was, in fact, one of
those "booty scientists" brought to the USA under the auspices of
Operation Paperclip. The Biographical Note in the report,
"Effects Of Power-Plant Weight On the Economy Of Flight",
describes Dr. Neugebauer as:
"Dr. Franz J. Neugebauer is the foremost German authority on
this subject. An Expert on internal-combustion engines and a
specialist for Diesel compound aircraft engines, he held leading
positions at Junkers in Dessau and Munich from 1924 to 1943, and
was director of the engineering department of the Institute for
Aeronautical Research at Munich from 1943 to 1945.
Dr. Neugebauer is employed at present in the Propulsion
Section, Analysis Division, Intelligence (T-2), AMC, Wright
field, Dayton, Ohio" (42).
Two comments are in order. The first is that Junkers-Dessau is
associated with a possible German saucer project designated
"Schildkroete" which will be discussed later. The second comment
is that Dr. Neugebauer was not brought to the USA to build
diesel-powered aircraft. Diesel engines are much heavier than
piston type aero-engines of those times. Dr. Neugebauer's
relevant expertise is, in reality, his knowledge of the effects
of heavy engines on aircraft performance and economy.
Nowhere in this report are the words "atomic rocket" mentioned
but the implications are clear. As touched upon above, an atomic
rocket's weight distribution would be somewhat different from
that of a conventional rocket or aircraft. The nuclear reactor
would be weighty but the fuel load would be lighter because no
oxidizer, such as liquid oxygen, would be necessary. Also, the
power output would be somewhat greater than an ordinary liquid
fuel chemical rocket. The three variables as opposed to the
already known figures for piston, jet or chemical rocket engines
are greater engine weight, lesser fuel weight, and greater power
output. A new equation was necessary if atomic rockets were to
be fitted into an aircraft design calling for a certain speed,
payload or range. It was Dr. Neugebauer's job to do this
The following is a paragraph from the introduction of this report
(43). It seems to say nothing but state the obvious until one
thinks "atomic engine":
"Power-plant weight is a factor which affects flight performance;
the greater the weight, the greater is that portion of the
airplane and the drag which is affected by the power plant. In
contrast to the effect of fuel consumption, the effect of powerplant weight cannot be easily determined. For example, it cannot
be easily determined whether a certain reduction of fuel
consumption is still advantageous if it involves an increase in
power plant weight. This report aims to facilitate insight into
these and similar questions."
Without ever mentioning the word "atomic", Dr. Neugebauer did the
mathematical computations necessary to establish the feasibility
of an atomic powered aircraft. Thanks to the work of Mr. Wilson,
we know that at least advanced planning was undertaken with the
goal of building an atomic powered flying saucer. There is no
doubt that the Americans would not have involved captured German
scientists in this project unless it was absolutely necessary to
do so. The reason it was necessary was the same reason which
other German scientists were employed in America's ballistic
missile program. It was because both groups of German scientists
has previous experience. Both groups worked on very similar
projects in Germany during the war. These scientists and their
projects were far ahead of the Americans in both these areas.
The input of these scientists was absolutely essential if these
projects were to succeed in a timely matter, meaning, ahead of
the Soviets.
Two final points or comments should be added to this discussion.
First, while the Peenemuende saucer project was run in and around
Peenemuende, research and component work were probably also done
in other facilities elsewhere within the Greater Reich.
References to saucer research at some of these other sites by
this or other writers may be, in fact, part of the overall
Peenemuende project.
Second, historically speaking, the German atomic projects have
always been minimized to say the least. For whatever reason,
there seems to have been a concerted effort to deny German
expertise in the field of atomic energy. Originally, this may
have been government inspired. Now, however, it seems to be a
mantra taken up as part of some agenda whose specifics remain
clouded. "Nay-saying" regarding German atomic projects has
become sheik and those who expound it imply knowledge and
sophistication in their opinions. Anyone doubting the high
degree of understanding possessed within the Third Reich
concerning matters "atomic" should take a look at the evidence
being put forth by on-site investigators and German language
researchers which have arisen since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Much of this information is in book form available from Anum
Verlag. Anyone with the interest and ability to read German
language is urged to contact this publisher for a list of
publications. After reviewing the evidence, German wartime
expertise in atomic research sounds much less far-fetched than
the nay-sayers would have you believe.
The Peenemuende Project
Sources and References
Goldstein, Sydney, 1948, pages 189 and 190, "Low-Drag and
Suction Airfoils", Journal Of The Aeronautical Sciences,
Volume 15, Number 4, University of Manchester, England
Pretsch, J., date unknown, "Umschlagbeginn und Absaugung Ein
Breitrag zur Grenzschichttheorie", Report of the Aerodynamic
Research Facility at Goettingen
Betz, A., 1961, page 1, in Boundary Layer And Flow Control
edited by G.V. Lachmann, Pergamon Press, Oxford
Betz, A., 1961, page 6
Schlichting, H., 1942, "Die Grenzschicht and der ebenen
Platte mit Absaugung and Ausblasen", Luftfahrt-Forschung
Kinner, Wilhelm, 1936, "Ueber Tragfluegel mit Kreisfoermigen
Grundriss", Vortraege der Hauptversammlung in Dresden, Band
16, Heft 6,
Hansen, M., 1938, "Messungen and Kreistragflaechen und
Vergliech mit der Theorie der tragenden Flaeche", Vortraege
der Hauptversammlung in Goettingen
8. Miranda, J. and P. Mercado, 1998, page 4, "Deutsche
Kreisfluegelflugzeuge", Flugzug Profile
Rothkugel, Klaus-Peter, 2000, pages 1 and 2, "Dr. Alexander
Lippisch der "Vater" der "fliegenden Untertassen", privately
published information sheet
10. Sandner, Reinhardt, 1980, page 3, "Der Vater der fliegenden
Untertasse 1st ein alter Ausburger", Neu Presse, number 19/17
11. ibid
12. U.S. Patent, Number 2,939,648, Granted June 7, 1960 filed
March 28,1955, United States of America granted to H.
Fleissner,"Rotating Jet Aircraft With Lifting Disc Wing And
Centrifuging Tanks"
13. British Objectives Sub-Committee Report Number 143,
"Information Obtained From Targets Of Opportunity In The
Sonthosen Area, pages 4 and 5, 32 Bryanston Square, London
14. Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Evaluation
Report Number 289, 1945, Interrogation of Drs. Julius
Schmitt, Ludwig Schmitt, and Heinrich Schmitt, of Dr.
Heinrich Schmitt-Werke, K.G. Berchtesgarden
15. Kadmon, 2000, Ahnstern IX "Andreas Epp", Aorta c/o Petak,
Postfach 778, A-1011, Wien, Austria
16. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 93, Intercept UFO, Pinnacle Books,
New York
17. Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 135-136
18. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 164
19. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 168
20. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 163
21. German Patent, 1943, Karl Nowak, German Patent Number 905847,
Class 12g, Group 101, Subsequently issued by the German
Federal Republic on March 8, 1954. "Verfahren und Einrichtung
zur Aenderung von Stoffeigenschaften Oder Herstellung von
stark expansionsfaehingen Stoffen" (English translation:
Method and Arrangement to the change from material properties
or production of strong expansive capable matter)
22. Van Norstrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 1954, pages 453-454
and 978-979.
23. Jesensky, Milos PhD. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, pages
51, 146, 151, "Wunderland" Mimozemske Technologie Treti Rise.
Aos Publishing
24. Jesensky, Milos PhD. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, pages
25. Heisenberg, Werner PhD., 1946, page 327, "Ueber die Arbeiten
zur technichen Ausnutzung der Atomkernenergie in Deutschland"
(In English: Concerning the Work Toward the Technical
Exploitation of Nuclear Energy in Germany) courtesy of Mr.
Klaus-Peter Rothkugel
26. British Intelligence Objectivers Sub-Committee Report Number
142, 1946, page 8, "Information Obtained From Targets Of
Opportunity In The Sonthofen Area", London, courtesy of
Friedrich Georg
27. Georg, Friedrich, 2000, page 222, Hitlers Siegeswaffen Band
1: Luftwaffe und Marine Geheim Nuklearwaffen des Dritten
Reiches und ihre Traegersysteme, Anum Verlag, Schleusingen
and Heinrich-Jung-Verlagsgesellschaft, mbH, Zella-Mehlis
28. Georg, Friedrich, 2000, pages 125, 154.
29. Powers, Thomas, 1993, Heisenberg's War The Secret History Of
The German Bomb, Alfred A. Knopf, New York
30. Powers, Thomas, 1993, pages 130,
131, 132, 136, 137
31. Powers, Thomas, 1993, pages 131,
132, 135, 325
32. Powers, Thomas, 1993, pages 136,
33. Powers, Thomas, 1993, page 325
34. Georg, Friedrich, 2000, pages 188-190
35. Powers, Thomas, 1993, pages 131,
137, 143, 317
36. Powers, Thomas, 1993, pages 131,
137, 317, 416
37. Georg, Friedrich, 2000, page 125
38. Jesensky, Milos PhD., and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, pages
146, 151,
39. Wilson, Jim, 2000, Popular Mechanics, "America's Nuclear
Flying Saucer"
40. Wilson, Jim, 2000, page 71
41. Wilson, Jim, 2000, page 68
42. Neugebauer, Franz J. PhD., 1946, Technical Report: "Effect Of
Power-Plant Weight On Economy Of Flight (Project No. NFE-64),
Headquarters Air Material Command Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio
43. Neugebauer, Franz J. PhD., 1946, page 1
Section Summary
It can be said that the German flying disc program built upon
itself, each innovation retaining something from a previous
design yet incorporating a new innovation. This progressed
through several steps until the original had seemingly nothing in
common with final design. At each step a saucer project or at
least a saucer design, seems to have been spun off. Each of
these spin-offs was not an independent, stand-alone project but
remained under the guidance and direction of an overall
multiplicity of designs and spin-offs have led to confusion
concerning the whole. Proponents of each design or spin-off have
championed the project with which they were familiar as "the"
German saucer project. Let us try to keep idea in mind when
discussing the next group of saucers which may or may not have
had a relationship to those already discussed.
Top: Diagram of the Scriever-Habermohl flying disk. Bottom: The Focke-Wulf
powered wing design with three Lorin ramjet engines. The required initial velocity
was to be provided by rockets mounted in the engines.
Top: These photos of French aerospace designer Rene Couzinet's flying saucer
with a diameter of 27 feet appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer on July 5, 1955.
He died in a sudden auto accident shortly afterward. Left: The famous Darmstadt
Saucer, a photo taken in August 1953 near the German city of Darmstadt.
A Polish language book on Hitler's secret weapons, including saucer and cylindrical aircraft.
A Finnish language book on Hitler's secret weapons, including saucer and cylindrical aircraft
A German Eye Witness
A Combined Intelligence
Objectives Sub-Committee Report
The Smoking Gun: An F.B.I. Report
Discussion of German Field Propulsion Saucer
Atomic Saucers Again
The Karl Schappeller Device
German Field Propulsion Projects
This type of flying vehicle would lift and move itself powered by
an electric, magnetic, diamagnetic or ether field which repels
earth's magnetic field or overpowers the effects of gravity.
The Viktor Schauberger Models
An Austrian, Viktor Schauberger was first and foremost a
naturalist. His primary focus was water as found in naturally
occurring streams, rivers and lakes. In observing the movement
of water he formulated his own ideas about its movement and
energetic properties. They are applicable in air also. His
ideas are guite contrary to accepted ideas, both then and now and
are even now imperfectly understood and debated. These ideas
involved the vortex which was the way Schauberger believed that
water naturally flowed both in the earth and in streams.
Schauberger believed that energy naturally flowed in a vortex but
that this movement was only visible through another medium such
as water or air. This discussion will first focus on theories of
why and how the Schauberger saucer model flew and then recount
the sequence of events in Schauberger's involvement with flying
Viktor Schauberger's saucer models incorporated a vortex in which
air entered at the top and flowed right through the center of the
saucer. Schauberger's vortex was an open system. A whirlpool or
tornado or hurricane are examples of the kind of vortex upon
which Schauberger's ideas are based. There are two directions of
vortex movement, centripetal or inward moving vortex and
centrifugal or outward moving vortex. Centripetally moving, that
is inwardly moving spiraling air or water, takes up less space
and is cooled by this motion according to Schauberger (1). The
example we see in daily life is the motion of water in a toilet
after flushing. He called this centripetal movement "implosion".
Implosion was always accompanied by explosion as the fluid
expanded again in an outward, centrifugal spiral. The process is
first centripetal then centrifugal. The form this vortex took is
really dictated by function according to Schauberger. The
"function" is the energy flow. The spiral vortex is the shape
the energy flow takes in its movement (2). Energy flows in at
the top of the vortex in the characteristic double-spiral manner.
These air molecules are imploded, that is, they are made more
dense and they yield heat as they progress (3). Air molecules are
squeezed tighter and tighter together as they move down the
vortex until the sub-atomic particles themselves become unglued
transforming into new and unrecognized forms of energy (4). As
the vortex itself decreases in diameter implosion and speed are
Viktor Schauberger's Saucer Models
Top: Schauberger models. Bottom: Sectional diagram. The
zig-zag is the air passage. The passage is a hollow space
between two plates. As the saucer spins on its axis, the
air enters and moves away from the center toward the rim
following the up and down flow of the zig-zag. The spin
causes individual tornado-like vortices to form as the spin
causes the air flow to fold over on itself as it moves
outward. Vortices become smaller in diameter and more
"densified" until they reach the rim where they are
released into the atmosphere, rapidly expand, and yield
energy. Model is multi-section, copper. Courtesy KlausPeter Rothkugel
increased until they reach the point within the vortex where
centripetal forces stop and centrifugal forces take over.
Energy is radiated out from the center of the vortex (5). The
Schauberger vortex may be visualized as a figure "8" according to
Dr. Gordon Freeman, with the energy radiating out at the narrow
mid-point between the upper and lower loops (6). This energy is
produces levitation. It may be diamagnetic energy as Schauberger
believed (7).
Viktor Schauberger first built new designs for flumes to
transport logs. He then built water purification machines using
the principle of the vortex. He then built electric generators,
heaters and coolers using only air as fuel. The breakthrough
using machines was Schauberger's claim to have found a way to
make his vortex machines auto-rotate at rotational speeds between
10,000 and 20,000 revolutions per minute (8).
In some Schauberger machines, a small high-speed electric engine
would spin the air around an axis using a paddle-like propeller.
The motor would continue accelerating the rotating air until it
reached the critical speed of auto-rotation. At this point, the
process was self-sustaining with air being drawn in and expelled
with no additional input of energy (9). Air could be drawn in on
a continuous basis since it was being cooled and thus made more
dense in the vortex spiral. Greater density is loss of volume.
Loss of volume created lower pressure at the air inlet with drew
in more and more air as the reaction continued. Greater air
speed at the point of ejection also served to lower the pressure
as explained in Bernouli's Law (the same process which makes an
airplane wing lift the aircraft), thus helping to lowering
pressure at the inlet.
So to review: air is drawn in one end of the machine by an
electric-powered, paddle-like fan or by spinning the entire
machine as was the case with the saucer model. Air is then
spiraled into a vortex of special proportion and shape designed
by Schauberger. The air is made more dense yet cooled as it
funnels down to its smallest diameter. At this point, just
before expansive forces take over, energy is liberated perhaps
due to the un-gluing of sub-atomic forces which frees energy in
some manner currently imperfectly understood. The air begins to
expand in a centrifugal motion as it warms. It is at this midway
point that the air exits the saucer model at its periphery or lip
of the saucer to expand centrifugally in the open atmosphere.
Once a speed of 10,000 to 20,000 revolutions per minute is
attained, the machine auto-rotates without need of the small
electric-powered starter motor.
The exact proportions for the Schauberger pipes are designed
geometrically. This geometry is of a rather esoteric nature.
For instance, the bend of the spiral pipe is calculated using the
Golden Section. For some time a true engineering genius, Dr.
Gordon Freeman, has been writing to some interested parties and
Esoteric Ideas
Top Left : The Hyperbolic Open System. The movement could
be centripetal or centrifugal. Top Right: Law of Natural
Tones resulting from the hyperbolic spiral. Bottom: The
egg-shape, built according to the non-Euclidian Law of
Natural Tones, correct some of the planetary motion laws of
Kepler according to Schauberger.
explaining how certain shapes or wave patterns can impact
conventional physics. He believes one needs to understand known
science as well as a more esoteric doctrine in order to
appreciate the nature of free-energy and some types of field
propulsion UFO craft. The work of Viktor Schauberger is an
example of this. In this work there remains a world of knowledge
imperfectly understood by most of us.
Returning to the mechanism by which these models flew,
Schauberger himself always made the point of the fact that his
saucer models were constructed of diamagnetic materials.
Diamagnetic materials are those which are repel a magnetic field.
Schauberger considered copper diamagnetic (10) and the surfaces
of the saucer models coming in contact with air were made of
As mentioned above, the very atomic structure of these atoms may
have altered by this process. Coats tells us that electrons,
protons and neutron may have been separated from one another
(11). It has been suggested that the electrons and protons of
these atoms were stripped from their nuclei. Their opposing
charges were free and attracted one another resulting in their
mutual annihilation of one another yielding a release of energy
(12). This would occur exactly at the point where centripetal
forces ceased and centrifugal forces began, these air particles
reversed their spin and altered their rotation.
Further, Coats explains that the neutrons, which were left over
in the process described above, and contrary to accepted views,
are themselves magnetic (13). These neutrons were expelled from
the saucer centrifugally along with water, water vapor and air
which had not reacted as stated above. These "magnetic"
neutrons, on the outside of the saucer body may serve to increase
the diamagnetic reaction of the copper saucer which would be both
pushing away from the earth and the cloud of surrounding
"magnetically charged" neutrons. In other words, the Schauberger
disc may have been repelling away from the magnetically charged
atmosphere which it itself had just created.
Dr. Richard LeFors Clark proposes a more detailed description of
similar ideas involving the mechanism of the Bloch Wall (14).
This will be discussed in the section involving Karl Schappeller
but it should be kept in mind while reading these ideas that Dr.
Clark had Schauberger in mind. These ideas and others pertaining
to both Schauberger and Karl Schappeller will be presented in the
Schappeller section to follow.
The history of the Schauberger flying disc models is as follows.
According to Alexandersson, Aloys Kokaly, a German, began work
for Viktor Schauberger in the early days of the Second World War
producing certain parts for a "flying object" which were hard to
obtain in Austria. The parts were to be delivered to the Kertl
Works in Vienna which was the site of this work at the time. The
Kertl Works were operating "on higher authority" in association
with Schauberger. Kokaly was received at Kertl by its chief and
told by this individual, somewhat bitterly, that one of these
strange contraptions had already flown. As a matter of fact it
had gone right through the roof of the Kertl plant (15). The
year was 1940.
Coats tells us that the purpose of this device was twofold.
First, it was to investigate free energy production. This could
be done by running a shaft to the rapidly rotating wheel-like
component which was auto-rotating at between 10,000 and 20,000
rpm. Using reduction gearing, some of that energy could be
mechanically coupled to an electric generator producing
electricity at no cost. The second purpose of these experiments
was to test Schauberger's theories on levitation and flight (16).
Two prototypes were said to have been built at Kertl. The test
flight was done without Schauberger's presence or even his
permission to do the test. The model flew as described above but
it did considerable destruction to the Kertl Works so there were
mixed feels concerning the success of this flight. The force of
levitation was so strong that it sheared six 1/4 inch diameter
high-tensile steel anchor bolts on its way to the roof. Coats
reports that according to Schauberger's calculations based upon
previous tests, a 20 centimeter diameter device of this sort,
lifted a weight of 228 tons (17).
A few years earlier in 1934 Schauberger had met with Hitler to
discuss alternative energy ideas (18). Nothing come of this
meeting immediately but after Germany annexed Austria in 1938,
Schauberger became involved in research at Professor Kotschau's
laboratory in Nuremberg. Assisted by his son, Walter, who had
just completed engineering studies at a technical college in
Dresden, Viktor Schauberger went to work with a Dr. Winter on a
plan to extract electrical energy directly form a water flow.
Some success was achieved. Alexandersson reports that a
potential of 50,000 volts was achieved but that no practical
results came from this at that time (19).
Probably based upon the fact that Viktor Schauberger was a
veteran of the Great War, he was inducted into the Waffen-SS in
1943. This put him under the direct control of SS chief Heinrich
Himmler. Schauberger was ordered to castle Schoenbrunn near the
Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria. There he was to select
gualified prisoners, twenty to thirty craftsmen, technicians and
engineers, and begin work on a new, secret weapon. Schauberger
arranged improved conditions for his team and produced another
flying saucer model (20).
In May, 1945, because of the deteriorating circumstances of the
war, Schauberger was re-located to Leonstein in Upper Austria by
the SS. There, just after a successful test flight of his latest
device, it was seized by an American intelligence unit which
appeared to be well informed about it.
Schauberger was de-
briefed by American intelligence, according to Coats, detained,
and told not to participate in further research (21).
Coats was actually able to locate a surviving example of a
Schauberger saucer model. Excellent photographs of this device
are to be found in his book, Living Energies, as well as a
dissection of it into its various components. It is unclear if
this device was one of the earlier (1940) or later (1945)
After the war, Schauberger worked on agricultural projects in
Austria until one day in the late 1957 when he was contacted by
two Americans. They promised Viktor almost unlimited resources
if he and his son Walter would work for them in the United States
(22). Discussion concerning the exact source and motives for
this offer are beyond the scope of this discussion but suffice it
to say that they were powerful interests. The Schaubergers were
sent to Texas, near the Red River, where Viktor was asked to
disclose everything he knew and Walter was asked to set Viktor's
terminology into the standard language of physics and
engineering. This whole episode proved extremely unsatisfactory
for both Schaubergers and they returned to Austria after about
three months. As a condition for their return, Viktor was asked
to sign away his knowledge to this powerful concern. Viktor was
given a contract in English, which he did not read. Nevertheless,
the deal was done and the Schaubergers returned to Austria (23).
Viktor, already in poor health, died five days later on September
25, 1958. Walter continued advancing his father's research in
Austria until his death in 1997.
Coats provides us with pictures of one of the Schauberger saucers
in question and an explanation of its workings (24). This saucer
was composed of a number of copper plates bolted together. Air
was drawn in at the to and into the rapidly spinning saucer which
was set into motion by an electric motor. In this machine no
paddles pushed upon the air to start it. Instead, a motor was
used to spin the whole saucer model to the desired number of
revolutions per minute. The air was thus spun rapid over channels
formed by the upper and lower surfaces of two copper plates. On
these plates alternate ridges and depressions on both plates kept
the air moving in snake-like wave forms and it moved toward the
periphery of the saucer. Because the saucer was rapidly
spinning, the air was folded over upon itself as it moved
laterally into many individual vortices. The air was rotating in
these vortices and moving up and down between the ridged plates.
It was also moving around as the saucer spun on its axis. This
is a double-spiral motion which additionally duplicates the
undulating motion seen on the Schauberger log flumes. The air
was cooled and made more dense as it progressed towards the
periphery. At and around the saucer the periphery, it was
ejected into the atmosphere at great speed.
In this machine, centripetal air flow changes to centrifugal air
flow at this periphery.
The air, once outside the saucer,
spirals away in a centrifugal motion. It is at this periphery,
at the midline of the saucer, where the change of motion takes
place. It is here that energy is liberated. It is this energy
which gives the saucer its quality of levitation.
Sometimes the Coanda Effect is cited as a reason this saucer flew
(25). Coanda effects, if present at all, are only a secondary
force if Viktor Schauberger's calculations are correct. Coanda
effects alone could never be powerful enough to generate the
lifting force equal to 228 tons which Schauberger estimated his
small model produced.
The important factual points to keep in mind are these: First,
this saucer-model, probably in more than one version, actually
flew. Second, one model still exists today. Therefore this
"flying saucer" is a physical reality which can be photographed,
touched and studied. Third, explanations of the mysterious
energetic forces causing lift in this device should not be
forgotten. The German scientific leadership was interested in
implosion and in what Schauberger had to teach them but they did
not necessarily want to be limited by the use of air to achieve
these results. Instead, they may have wanted to use Schauberger
ideas but actuating these principles with electronic components.
We will see some ideas relating to Schauberger in a future
The Viktor Schauberger Models
Sources and References
Coats, Callum, 1996, page 276, Living Energies, Gateway
Books, Bath, U.K.
Coats, Callum, 1996, page 46
Coats, Callum, 1996, page 276
Coats, Callum, 1996, page 290
Freeman, Gordon PhD., 1999, personal correspondence
Coats, Callum, 1996, 290
Coats, Callum, 1996, 287
10. Coats, Callum, 1996, page 292
11. Coats, Callum, 1996, pages 290-292
12. Coats, Callum, 1996, page 292
13. ibid
14. Clark, Richard LeFors PhD., 1987, "The Earth Grid, Human
Levitation And Gravity Anomalies" in Anti-Gravity And The
World Grid, edited by David Hatcher Childress, Adventures
Unlimited Press, Stelle, Illinois
15. Alexandersson, Olaf, 1990, page 87, Living Water.
Gateway Books, The Hollies, Wellow Bath, U.K.
16. Coats, Callum, 1996, page 287
17. ibid
18. Kadmon, date unknown, pages 10, 23, Ahnstern 1, "Viktor
Schauberger", Aorta c/o Petak, Postfach 788, A-1011, Wien,
19. Alexandersson, Olaf, 1990, pages 89-91
20. Coats, Callum, 1996, page 11
21. ibid
22. Coats, Callum, 1996, page 15
23. Coats, Callum, 1996, page 27
24. Coats, Callum, 1996, pages 287-293
25. Reba, Imants, 1966, page 86, "Applications Of The Coanda
Effect", Scientific American
The KM-2 Rocket
A shred of evidence comes down to us though the years in the form
of a newspaper article by Lionel Shapiro in the Denver Post,
dated November 9, 1947, and titled "Spies Bid for Franco's
Weapons". (Please refer to a copy of that article). It should
be noted that this was a few months after the summer of 1947, the
first and largest UFO flap in history, which included the Kenneth
Arnold sighting and the flying saucer activity of Roswell. It
should also be noted that the Denver Post was nor is not a
tabloid publication.
In doing research, this newspaper was contacted in an attempt to
learn the whereabouts of the author, Lionel Shapiro. Unlike so
many newspapers in the United States which have been purchased
and merged by conglomerates, this newspaper is still intact and
in existence. Unfortunately, no record could be found of Mr.
Shapiro in their personnel files although they did maintain files
going back that far. Also, no record could be found in their
sister publication, The Rocky Mountain News. It was suggested
that Mr. Shapiro was "a stringer", that is, a writer who did not
work directly for the newspaper and whose work was purchased on a
piece by piece basis. His work seems to have been channeled
through the North American Newspaper Alliance. More of Mr.
Shapiro's history and connections will unfold as the tale
This article describes two devices. The first is an
"electromagnetic rocket", sometimes referred to later as the "KM2 rocket" in other literature. The second is a nuclear warhead
small enough to be fired by an artillery piece. The nuclear,
warhead which is affixed to a cannon projectile, is novel at this
time and is interesting since such devices were built and fired
shortly thereafter by the United States military. The article's
description of the nuclear cannon is correct. This was a German
invention and was under development in Germany during the latter
stages of the war. A prototype was even built and it carried the
German designation of DKM 44 (1). This very cannon was copied by
the Americans and became the T-131 which fired a nuclear warhead
The discussion of the nuclear cannon is really beyond the scope
of this book but what is important to bear in mind concerning
this discussion is that if fifty percent of this article has
proven to be accurate. The nuclear cannon was built and it
stemmed from a German prototype. Does this not at least raise
the possibility that the other fifty percent is accurate also?
Returning to the electromagnetic rocket itself, this device is
right on point for the discussion of field propulsion. Some
points are ascertained in reading this article. Its description
as a "rocket" would lead one to believe it was cylindrical in
shape rather than saucer-shaped.
It is suggested that this
The KM-2 Rocket
Post-War German science for Generalissimo Francisco Franco.
This is from the Denver Post, November 9, 1947, four months
after flying saucers were seen all over the USA.
device was responsible for the flying saucer sightings over the
USA that previous summer. This speaks for its operational range.
It was said to have been tested off Malaga while Franco watched.
The device was constructed in the town of Marbella, east of
Gibraltar. Finally, it was said to have been of German origin,
even naming the German scientists who built it.
Even Spain itself is of some interest here since this country's
ruler, Generalissimo Francisco Franco, was openly sympathetic to
the Nazis. The Nazis had assisted Franco militarily in the
Spanish Civil War during the 1930s and were instrumental in his
retention of power. During the final stages of the Second World
War and afterward Spain was seen, by the Germans as a safe haven
for all those things they wished to keep out of Allied hands,
including secret weapons. Many shipments of gold, secret
blueprints, specialty steel, machine tools, scientists and high
ranking Nazis were sent to Spain (3). Colonel Otto Skorzeny,
head of several SS post-war, self-help organizations even set up
his headquarters in Madrid (4). Spain served as a home-awayfrom-home for the SS after the war.
In analyzing the means by which the KM-2 device flew, it must be
noted that gravitational force can be overcome through the use of
a strong electrostatic charge as shown by the work of T. Townsend
Brown beginning in the 1920s. This is sometimes referred to as
the Biefield-Brown Effect. Imagine a torpedo-shaped model with
a dielectric center section suspended by a string from the
ceiling. If this model were charged with high voltage, one end
would become positive and the other end would become negative.
Movement would occur toward the positively charged direction if
the voltage was sufficient and the charged ends remained
separated by the dielectric (5).
This dielectric is an insulating material which can keep positive
and negative charges from interacting with each other and so
canceling each other out. They are commonly used in capacitors
or condensers which have a positive charge on one side while
retaining a negative charge on the other. If the charge can be
contained by the non-conducting dielectric, a force is exerted in
the direction of the positive side with the application of 75,000
to 300,000 volts. One way to conceive of this action is to
imagine a gravity hill whose slope increases with the intensity
of the ion charge. The craft being powered simply slides down
the gravity gradient like a surfboard on a wave (6).
This concept is a new, non-conventional form of flight. It is
non-aerodynamic method of flight. All previous conventional
flight had either been through the use of lighter than air
balloons, winged craft powered by propellers, jets or rockets or
the brute force of rockets themselves. Using this method, Brown
advocated defeating gravity by generating another form of energy
over which gravity could be surfed. It is a form of field
Electric Charge And Propulsion
T.T. Brown found that when strong electric charges are
separated by a dielectric, movement occurs towards the
positive charge as if gravity were reduced on the positive
side or as if the charged object were sliding down a hill.
T. Townsend Brown demonstrated this means of propulsion to the
American military during the 1950s. He used a saucer-shaped
model tethered only by a high voltage line supplying the charge
to the model (7). During that decade Brown built increasingly
larger, faster models using this method. Brown found that a
saucer or a triangle was the best shape for this type of flying
craft. A secret proposal, code-named Winterhaven, was to develop
a Mach 3 antigravity saucer interceptor was put forth to the U.S.
Air Force (8). This project was further developed through the
1960s but after this all traces of this concept seem to
But where Brown is overlooked is not only did he have a method of
electrostatic propulsion but he also had a self-contained method
to impart this charge to a flying craft. He invented a flame-jet
generator or electrokenetic generator which supplied the
necessary high voltage in a light weight, compact manner (9).
The flame-jet generator utilized a jet engine with an electrified
needle mounted in the exhaust nozzle to inject negative ions in
the jet's exhaust stream. A corresponding but positive charge is
automatically built up upon the leading front edge of the craft.
As long as there is no leakage through the dielectric or
insulating material, in this case through the wings and body of
the craft, propulsive force is generated in proportion to the
strength of the charge attained. Brown estimated that such a
flame-jet generator could produce potentials as high as 15
million volts of potential (10).
Ionized air molecules on the leading edge of the craft's surface
had other positive benefits. The positive electrical field on
the wing's leading edge reduced air friction so that drag caused
by air molecules was reduced. This was because individual air
molecules on the wing's leading edge were repelled from each
other by their like charges (11). Frictional heating was
reduced. The sonic boom of such a craft was softened (12). And
finally, any returning radar signal was greatly reduced (13).
Dr. Paul LaViolette has made the argument that all these
characteristics are incorporated into the American B-2 bomber,
concluding that the B-2 bomber is in reality an anti-gravity
aircraft (14).
As Brown repeatedly points out in his Electrokinetic Generator
patent, any fluid stream can be substituted for the jet engine's
fuel and air (15). This means that hot water vapor or steam
itself would be suitable for this purpose.
If T. Townsend Brown had been working on this form of flight
since the 1920s, is it not conceivable that others were also?
Remember that the KM-2 device is described as an "electromagnetic
rocket". If a combination design is considered, one which
combines the electrokinetic apparatus with the electrokinetic
generator, a picture emerges which would seem to fulfill the
description given to the KM-2 "electromagnetic rocket".
The real question may be if the flow of this knowledge went from
Brown to the Germans or from the Germans to Brown as was the case
with so much high technology in the post-war years. T. T.
Brown's early collaborator and mentor was a Dr. Paul Biefield a
Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Dennison University. Dr.
Biefield was a German speaker who was a fellow student of Albert
Einstein in Switzerland. Physicists share information across
international boundaries. There is no reason for German
scientists not to have followed developments in this BiefieldBrown Effect, as it is sometimes called, for the twenty years
leading up to World War Two.
Before leaving the KM-2 discussion, perhaps we should return to
the reporter who originally broke this story of the German
"Electromagnetic Rocket" in 1947, Lionel Shapiro for a closer
look at who he really was. It seems this reporter does have a
history of breaking or leaking stories through the North American
Newspaper Alliance. These stories which, prior to his
involvement, could only be classified as "secret". The point in
question is a 1946 report, brought to our attention though the
extensive research of Dr. Milos Jesensky and Mr. Robert
Lesniakiewicz and translated into English for me by Milos Vnenk.
This account is of post-wartime intrigue can only be outlined
On October 13, 1945, over five months after the hostilities in
Europe had ended, the French embassy in Prag notified the
Czechoslovakian Foreign Ministry that an SS officer in a French
detention camp had given them information that a cache of secret
documents existed near Prag. This cache took the form of a
tunnel in which 32 boxes of secret documents were hidden and were
wired with explosives before being sealed at its opening. The
French offered their services and the information given to them
by the SS officer in question, Guenther Achenbach. But even
after three months of waiting, no response was received by the
French from the Czechoslovakian Foreign Ministry (16).
Somehow the Americans got wind of this information. Incredibly,
the Americans on February 13, 1946 mounted an armed incursion
into Czechoslovakia which was in the Soviet sphere of occupation,
retrieved this hoard of information and escaped back into
occupied Germany. Naturally the Czechoslovakians were furious
and demanded and got an apology from the Americans. They also
demanded the return of the German documents stolen from their
sovereign territory. The Americans did return documents but
probably not those sensitive documents for which the expedition
was mounted (17).
Dr. Jesensky and Mr. Lesniakiewicz have made an extensive study
of the German technical facilities surrounding Prag and the
purposes for these facilities. It is their conclusion that the
sensitive technical information recovered and which prompted this
dangerous action was nothing other than plans of the German disc
airplane, the "V-7" (18).
The KM-2 Rocket—Mystery Solved
Top: T.T. Brown's flame-jet generator, capable of
supplying millions of volts. Middle: Brown's saucer design
which is definitely food for thought. Bottom: Brown's
electric rocket incorporating flame-jet generator. The
KM-2 rocket must have been a very similar device.
It was Lionel Shapiro, writing under the name Lionel S. B.
Shapiro who broke this story for the North American Newspaper
Alliance (19). As confirmation, it can be added that the story
was also covered by Ms. Lux Taub in the Swedish publication
"Expressen" with stories on 2/19/46, 2/22/46 and 2/24/46 (20).
In the immediate post-war world there seems to have been a
relaxation on the release German technical information. Not the
detailed analytic work done by the various Allied intelligence
teams combing the carcass of the dead Reich, but the popular
reporting by Shapiro and others who received the "o.k." to
publish brief stories recounting Nazi technology which would be
squelched later as the cold war got underway.
But even given this relaxation, what are the chances of one
reporter stumbling upon both the stories of the electromagnetic
rocket and the U.S. incursion into Czechoslovakia, first, and on
his own? It is also noteworthy that both of these stories dealt
with the topic of this book, or at least one which is related to
that theme. Mr. Shapiro must have been a very well connected
reporter indeed! He is also an excellent source of information.
A point of speculation should be made concerning the KM-2 device.
As stated above, T. T. Brown believed that water vapor or steam
was a suitable medium for his electrokenetic generator. Water
vapor is present in the atmosphere, as we all know. A small
atomic engine, such as was mentioned earlier in connection with
the Messerschmitt P-1073, burning and being cooled by atmospheric
gasses, might provide enough water vapor to enable the
electrokenetic generator to produce the high voltage required.
This would be an atomic powered field propulsion device.
Further, Friedrich Georg gives us details on an atomic steam
engine with the Germans were designing to power a propeller
driven aircraft (21). An easy substitution of a device similar
to the Brown electrokenetic generator for the propellers could
have been made enabling a device with all the characteristics
given for the KM-2 electromagnetic rocket to have been born. And
of course Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo would have been waiting and
willing to do the plumbing.
The KM-2 Rocket
Sources and References
Georg, Friedrich, 2000, pages 171-173
Infield, Glenn B., 1981, pages 179, 192, Skorzeny Hitler's
Commando, St. Martin's Press, New York
Infield, Glenn B., 1981, pages 173, 183
LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, pages 84-85, "The U.S.
Antigravity Squadron" in Electrogravitics Systems Reports On
A New Propulsion Methodology edited by Thomas Valone, M.A.,
P.E., 1994, Integrity Research Institute, Washington D.C.
LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 87
U.S. Patent Number 3,022,430, Granted: 2/20/62 to T.T. Brown,
titled "Electrokinetic Generator"
10. ibid
11. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 93
12. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 87
13. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 88
14. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993
15. U.S. Patent Number 3,022,430, Granted: 2/20/62 to T.T. Brown,
titled "Electrokinetic Generator"
16. Jesensky, Milos Ph.D., and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, pages
98-102, "Wunderland" Memozemske Technologie Treiti Rise. Aos
17. Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page
18. Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page
19. Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page
20. Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page
21. Georg, Friedrich, 2000, pages 87-89, Hitlers Sieqeswaffen
Band 1: Luftwaffe Und Marine Geheime Nuklearwaffen des
Dritten Reiches und ihre Traeaersysteme. Amun Verlag,
Heinrich-Jung Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
Field Propulsion Saucers
The existence of World War Two German field propulsion flying
saucers is a topic which is denied by virtually every reputable
authority in aviation history. It is also denied by many
researchers studying German saucers. The problem is that in the
years immediately following the Second World War the earth's
skies suddenly began to be populated by flying craft which did
some remarkable things. They flew at unheard of speeds. They
made very sharp turns, seemingly non-aerodynamic turns, even at
this extreme speed. They lacked the glowing tail of jets or
rockets but they glowed or gave off light at night from their
periphery or from the whole craft. They were silent or almost
silent. Sometimes they gave off sounds that an electric
generator or motor might make. Sometimes vehicles with
electrically based ignition systems ceased to operate in the
presence of these saucers. No government claimed these flying
craft, yet they were seen all over the world.
The press and popular culture attributed these unusual craft to
an extraterrestrial source. Yet, after over fifty years, no real
proof for this assertion has ever come forth. Let's come back
down to earth. By all accounts these saucer were solid and
material in nature. Perhaps it is time to attribute their origin
to a solid, material source.
It seems only proper to begin searching for an explanation for
field propulsion saucers with the very sources which we now know
built conventional flying saucers, the Germans of the Third
Reich. The earliest reference to a field propulsion saucer being
a German invention is from a 1960 book by Michael X in which it
is described as a "flying egg" (1). Michael X., under the name
Michael X. Barton, is also the author who, in 1968, wrote The
German Saucer Story. In the second book returns to the theme
again (2). This time he cites a source. His primary informant,
Hermann Klaas, describes twelve secret weapons to Barton. They
The flying disc
A tank made entirely of one piece of metal
The sound wave weapon
A laser beam weapon
A flaming artificial cloud
A robot bomb
A charged cloud weapon
An armor piercing projectile
The electromagnetic KM-2 rocket
A paralyzing ray
Electronic ball lighting
The flying bottle, tube, sphere, etc.
Thirty-two years later we certainly know that some of these
weapons did exist. It has been confirmed that the Germans were
working on weapons numbered 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8 for instance. It
has been confirmed that the Germans were working on x-ray or
gamma ray weapons as well as another type, possible laser
weapons. It has been confirmed that the Germans were working on
a gaseous cloud as a means of combating enemy bombers. So in
view of this track record, his claim of research on a "flying
bottle" should be given serious consideration.
But what is the specific evidence which would cause us to believe
that the Germans were working on a field propulsion saucer? As
one paws through the literature on German saucers, some evidence
is encountered which could indicate field propulsion vehicles.
There are the still pictures which will be discussed later on.
Here, we will focus on just three pieces of evidence, that of an
eyewitness, a German pilot, who saw such things on the ground, a
Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee report and an
F.B.I. report. The F.B.I. report was taken years after the war
but for reasons which will be discussed, there is reason to
conclude this report has merit.
German Eye Witnesses
The first report comes to us courtesy of researcher Horst
Schuppmann. A friend of Mr. Schuppmann's interviewed an
eyewitness to German saucers during the Second World War. This
report first appeared in the 1998 Geheimtechnologien.
Wunderwaffen Und Irdischen Facetten Des UFO-Phaenomens by KarlHeinz Zunneck (3).
The subject of this interview was a German pilot who flew many
missions in a JU-52, taking off and touching down in rough,
presumably outlying airfields. The Junkers JU-52 was an aircraft
used by the Luftwaffe for many roles and could be described as a
mainstay or a workhorse. It was a transport airplane, a troop
carrier and even had been used as a bomber. It resembled and was
used in a similar way to the American Douglas Dakota or DC-3.
The main difference between the two aircraft was that the JU-52
had three engines as opposed to the Dakota's two and the JU-52
lacked a traditional airframe, instead deriving structural
strength from a unique corrugated metal shell, which also made
the appearance of the JU-52 distinctive.
The sighting in question was reported to the author, Mr. Zunneck,
by Horst Schuppmann whose friend knew the pilot of the JU-52 in
question. The date was July, 1944. Accompanying the pilot on
this three and one-half hour flight was a co-pilot, a mechanic,
and the radio man. The airplane took off from Brest-Deblin and
flew on a westerly course to Lublin. The flight was unfolding
smoothly which was somewhat abnormal for the particular time and
stage of the war. Over Stettin Lagoon preparations were made to
land. A large white cross was sighted which was the marker for
their goal, a meadow landing strip.
The aircraft descended,
landed normally and rolled toward a group of bushes which would
hide the aircraft from view.
Then things took a decided turn to the abnormal. Harsh orders
were received that the pilot, co-pilot and mechanic were not to
exit the airplane. Suddenly, the radio man had vanished. The
others waited an hour in vain for his return. Finally, the pilot
decided to get out of the airplane and find his missing crewman,
without orders, and on his own.
On the airfield itself nobody was to be seen. There was only one
building visible which was a lonely hanger. The pilot, ever
concerned with maintaining cover, headed straight for this
hanger. Upon arrival he opened an narrow, high sliding door and
entered, hoping to receive some information. No person was to be
seen but what the pilot did see bewildered him so that the image
was deeply ingrained in his mind.
There in the hanger stood three or four very large, round, dark
dish shaped metal constructions on telescope-like leg stands.
The objects were about 6 meters off the ground and the objects
themselves were 12 to 15 meters in diameter. The pilot compared
the shape of the objects to a giant soup dish or soup plate.
Suddenly, out of the half darkness a military guard emerged.
guard let the pilot know that he was in an area which
strictly off limits. In fact, the pilot was told, on
uncertain terms, to disappear immediately or this would be
last day on earth.
This day had started as a routine flight connecting two outlying
airfields. This pilot had no expectations of seeing something so
unusual that he barley had context in which to place it.
Further, even as his mind was transfixed and in a process of
trying to give understanding to what he was seeing, he was
suddenly. jolted out of this tableau by a guard threatening his
very life and ordering him to leave.
Of course the question of what those objects in the hanger really
were comes back to this pilot even after almost 55 years. The
pilot personally attributes it to the so called "Magnetscheibe",
literally, "magnet-disk". According to the pilot rumors of these
objects circulated in pilot circles since the summer of 1944 (4).
Two things can definitely be said of this sighting. First, it
can be said is that this sighting seems to be of the smaller type
of German field propulsion saucer as opposed to a larger version.
Second, these saucers can definitely be ascribed to belonging to
and in the possession of German military forces during the Second
World War. At no time in this report has the word "alien" or
"extraterrestrial" ever been mentioned or even considered.
Beyond that it can be said that the pilot personally believed
these to be of the "Magnetscheibe" type, that is to say not
powered by chemical combustion. There reasons to believe this is
correct. These saucers were found on a remote and rather
primitive airfield. They were in the only building present.
This means that they did not need an extensive support system.
The chemically powered jet or rocket engines needed an extensive
field support structure. They needed to be refueled after every
flight. The two liquid fuels used by the Me-163 rocket-fighter,
for instance, ignited immediately when they came into contact
with each other with explosive intensity. The fuel tanks had to
be washed out after each flight and separate ground crews were
responsible for each type of liquid fuel. It is noteworthy that
no such support ground support structure or personnel was in
evidence on this occasion. All that was observed was a large
structure filled with saucers and a guard. The ground support
necessary for launch of these craft must have been minimal and
argues for the field propulsion hypothesis.
Of course the weakness in this report is the lack of the name of
the pilot. Even if this report is taken at a minimal level of
credulity, it constitutes a rumor of German involvement with
field propulsion vehicles.
The reader will recall that the research paradigm being followed
is that once mention was made by a German source of a particular
thing, then (and only then) corroborating information should be
sought from U.S. governmental agencies using FOIA.
A Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Report
Since we have a German claiming field propulsion saucers we can
now follow our research paradigm and search governmental records
for corroboration. The Combined Intelligence Objectives SubCommittee reports are a series of reports compiled by agents of
the United States and Great Britain. Most were written
immediately after the field work was done. The agents targeted
specific things such as sites, people, specific technology or
other aspects of specific interest. The agents then wrote a
summary report which is what is entered into the record.
As with almost all summary reports at this level, the
implications of what is being described are lacking. These
reports do not set the particular technology into any context.
That is, these reports doe not say how a specific technology
under study was to be applied in the future in some, if not most,
cases. Behind these reports must be a body of information and at
least a few individuals intimately familiar with the technology
in question. They were familiar with the technology and the
context to which it was useful. If another government operative
was interested in that topic or its implications, and if his
security clearance sufficed, he would be shown the underlying
material and presumably be directed to the particular individual
Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Report #46
Dr. Georg Otto Erb
who was its residing expert. Only slowly, if at all, was this
secret science leaked or given to American industry and then only
with an appropriate cover-story, one which may even supply a
pseudo-inventor of that technology. This is conspiracy at its
finest. This deception is beyond the scope of this book but what
is important for us now is that sometimes a mistake or slip-up
was made in writing or censoring these reports and hints of
things of stupendous technological worth actually surfaces. Such
is the case with Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee
Report number 146 regarding Dr. Georg Otto Erb and his work which
is reproduced here.
Dr. Erb was on the cutting edge of several technologies according
to this report. None of these technologies was especially
exciting in 1946, however. Jets, rockets and atomic energy where
the hot-ticket items of the time. Nobody cared about new sources
of electrical energy. The USA had plenty of electricity and
plenty of oil to generate more. It was also known by then that
atomic power could be applied to generate even more electricity.
Nobody cared about Dr. Erb's experiments listed under item (iii)
"Apparatus for conversion of residual heat into electrical
energy" or item (viii) "Electrical sources of energy of various
kinds" or even item (ix) "Apparatus for turning the energy of the
sun's rays into electrical energy". Since nobody cared about
these things, there was really no reason not to list them in the
summary report. Their significance would only be realized a
generation later during the "energy crisis" of the mid-1970s and
by then it was too late to censor the report. One can only
wonder where this research would have led if it funding had
continued over the next thirty years. Or did it continue in
Of course by now many readers will have already read number and
grasped the significance of number (x) "Rearward impulse
propulsion for vehs and aircraft". Given the nature of Dr. Erb's
other work, it is a safe bet that this "impulse propulsion" was
not of the jet or rocket nature. In fact there remains little
doubt that this propulsion was, in fact, field propulsion. Dr.
Erb was experimenting on means to apply forward motion using
rearward impulse propulsion to aircraft and "vehs" (vehicles).
If this is not the smoking gun for German experiments in field
propulsion saucers, it is at least a hint that there is a gun.
The Smoking Gun: An F.B.I. Report
That is right, Fox Mulder was not the first F.B.I. agent to
believe in UFOs. The files in question are F.B.I. file numbers
62-83894-383, 62-838994-384 and 62-83894-385. Their date is
11/7/57 to 11/8/57. They deal with a Polish immigrant, then
living in the United States, who reported his wartime experience
to the Bureau hoping it might throw some light on UFO sightings
seen in Texas at about this time.
F.B.I. Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
F.B.I. Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
F.B.I. Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
F.B.I. Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
F.B.I. Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
F . B . I . Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
F.B.I. Reports On A German Field Propulsion Saucer
The time of the sighting was in 1944, the place was Gut Alt
Golssen, approximately 30 miles east of Berlin. The informant,
whose name has been deleted, states that while he was a prisoner
of war working for the Germans, a flying object arose nearby from
behind an enclosure hidden from view by a 50 foot high tarpaulintype wall. It rose about 500 feet then moved away horizontally.
The only noise the object made was a high-pitched whine. The
object was described as being 75 to 100 feet in diameter and 14
feet high. It was composed of a dark grey stationary top and
bottom sections five to six feet high with a rapidly moving
center section producing only a blur and extending the
circumference of the vehicle. Notably, the engine of their farm
tractor stalled during this event and the SS guards told the
driver not to attempt a restart until the whine could no longer
be heard.
Because of what I believe is their importance, these files have
been reproduced here in their entirety. One of the most
compelling reasons for taking this report so seriously is that
the government of the United States of America took this report
so seriously. It is hard to believe that an agency such as the
F.B.I. would take and retain reports of flying saucers which had
no special meaning for them. Add to this the fact that this
report was over ten years old at the time it was taken and that
it concerns a report originating in another country.
The F.B.I. operates within the USA and usually does not concern
itself with foreign matters unless they have meaning for the
internal security of the United States. Could the reason that
this report was taken and retained for so many years be that it
did, in fact, have meaning for the internal security of the
United States? Did it have something to do with the flying
saucers seen over Texas at the time which also stopped motor
As an alternative to the security issues, could there have been
another reason that the F.B.I. was so interested in flying
saucers? Did the F.B.I. desperately want information on UFOs
which was held by the military and other branches of the
intelligence community which was not shared with the F.B.I.? It
has been rumored that J. Edgar Hoover, head of the F.B.I. at the
time, was very interested in learning these secrets but was held
"out of the loop". It could be that the F.B.I. was already aware
of German saucers through security clearances done on German
scientists coming to the USA under Operation Paperclip? The ego
of J. Edgar Hoover may have been a factor in the Bureau's guest
to learn more on this subject. Hoover may have wanted to be on
an equal footing with other intelligence chiefs.
For whatever reason, something in these reports resonated with
the F.B.I. The report was taken seriously, investigated and
kept. This fact alone speaks volumes for the existence of UFOs
in general and German saucers in particular.
Discussion of German Field Propulsion Saucers
Some explanation has been attempted regarding the Schauberger
models and the KM-2 rocket.
From this point on, the discussion
of German field propulsion saucers will move away from the areas
centering around observed evidence and into areas of
Some of the German flying craft described are
flying saucers in the classic sense. The F.B.I. report describes
something which moves by non-aerodynamic means and which remains
the source of speculation.
At this point, mention should be made of the ideas of
prominent writers in this field.
The first of these is Mr.
William Lyne of Lamy, New Mexico. Mr. Lyne has written two books
concerning German saucers and field propulsion, Pentagon Aliens
and Occult Ether Physics. His ideas on the mechanisms of field
propulsion remain the best thought out and the most detailed on
the subject.
Mr. Lyne lives near the secret weapons testing facilities of Los
Alamos and White Sands. These were the places where German
weaponry was brought for testing after the war and where the
United States tested its first atomic bomb. It is still an area
Of secret military research and secret military projects. Then
as now, aspects of atomic energy figure in this setting. It is
also an area which attracted much flying saucer activity in the
late 1940s and 1950s. Mr. Lyne was a child during this period of
time and personally witnessed flying saucers as did his family
and friends. Later, as an adult, he went about trying to explain
mechanisms for the type of flight he had witnessed.
Lyne worked within certain parameters. He rejected the alien
hypothesis outright. He realized that flying saucers had to have
been made by humans. Since he observed the saucers in the 1940s
and 1950s, he knew that any explanation of their workings must be
limited to the technology present in the 1940s or earlier.
connected UFO technology to other recently imported technology
from Germany while believing both had their origins with Nikola
Tesla (5).
Further, there is no mention of intangibles by Mr. Lyne. There
are no unknown energies or mystical forces at work. Mr. Lyne
stands with both feet on the ground. Things are concrete.
Machinery is diagramed. Matter and energy function as they
always have. In reading Mr. Lyne's work one can almost smell the
machine oil and the ozone.
Mr. Lyne builds upon the work of Nikola Tesla who developed his
unique ideas over many years of experimentation and invention.
This basis built upon real world experimentation, testing and
application separates Tesla's ether theory ideas from those which
will be explored later. Mr. Lyne presents us with an ether
theory in which ether is super-fine matter which exists
everywhere. It is so fine that it will go through the holes left
in ordinary matter (6).
A few words about Mr. Lyne's ideas are necessary to set a context
for this discussion. Just as an internal combustion engine can
be described as a "heat pump" so can the flying saucer drive of
Mr. Lyne be described as an "ether pump". Ether (very fine
matter) is attracted to the saucer via an electric field, then
pumped through the saucer and out again using the principle of
magneto-hydro-dynamic pumping (7). This magneto-hydro-dynamic
pumping is related to the Hall Effect. Edwin Hall placed a gold
leaf strip in which an electric current was flowing into a gap in
a magnetic field. An electromotive force was produced at right
angles to the magnetic field and the electric current. This
electromotive force was proportional to the product of the
electric current and the magnetic field (8).
According to experimentation by Tesla, ether is made rigid with
high voltage, high frequency electrical energy (9). The convex
shape of the upper half of the saucer projects the electrical
attractive force, generated by a specific electronic component,
in an ever expanding arch over the saucer. Ether is made rigid
and anchors the saucer. This is possible since the total mass of
the ether caught in the electric field is far greater than the
mass of the saucer. Near the surface of the saucer, the
"rigified" ether is pulled into the saucer in what Mr. Lyne calls
"tubes of force". These tubes of force would be pulled right
through the opposite side of the saucer and out if it were not
for the blocking force of a second apparatus which nullifies the
tubes of force and prevents this from happening. This imbalance
is the reason the saucer is able to move (10).
The electrical components necessary for this to take place are,
according to Mr. Lyne, a Tesla turbine to supply electrical power
and two types of Tesla pancake coils (11).
The Tesla turbine is a wheel-like device which is described in
Mr. Lyne's book (12) and elsewhere (13). Mr. Lyne orients this
turbine vertically in his drawings but oriented with its flat
spinning surface horizontally, this might, perhaps, account for
the spinning disc witnessed on some saucers.
The Tesla pancake coils are also described in both sources cited.
Mr. Lyne goes further and gives instructions as to their
manufacture. One type of pancake coil insures forth a negative
discharge of DC energy, tuned to a one-fourth wave length, and is
oriented in the desired direction of flight (14). The other type
of pancake coil is mounted exactly opposite the first and emits a
positive AC discharge which is used to dissolve the ether flow or
tubes of force.
Dr. Gordon Freeman, a Fucannelli-like scientist who knows about
such matters, has been curious about the abbreviated wave-cycle
of the first pancake coil. His position is that one must not
only understand conventional scientific theory in order to
Tesla, Vril And Coler Devices
Top Left: Pancake Tesla coil with the secondary coil inside
the primary. Top Right: The smaller of the Hans Coler
free-energy machines. Bottom: Cut away showing Vril power
plant. Was this related to the Schappeller device?
understand the way a field propulsion saucer flies but one must
also understand some concepts which are sometimes labeled
"occult". Dr. Freeman has worked out a "common denominator" for
some field propulsion vehicles the essence of which he has shared
Dr. Freeman's ability to analyze, explain and interrelate
physics, engineering and "occult" geometry is only matched by his
ability to explain it all on a level we can all understand.
Some individuals see hidden, esoteric or occult knowledge as the
inspiration for the breakthroughs the Germans made in field
propulsion flying vehicles. Usually coupled with an exotictheory of UFO origin, it is an egually exotic local from which
this exotic theory is said to have originated. We have been
presented with this line of reasoning for years in the "UFOs are
of extraterrestrial origin" theory. Indeed, some writers see an
extraterrestrial origin for German UFOs also as we shall see.
But just stating that UFOs are of occult or alien origin is not
an explanation in itself. It still begs the question of how they
operate. Their method of operation, their technology, must be
explained regardless of where they came from in order for the
explanation to be a satisfying one.
Returning to earth, another theory is that the German scientists
were influenced by some ideas originating in Asia. Tibet and
India are the suspects in question. UFOs have been reported over
Mongolia, Tibet and India for centuries. The ancient Indians
even claimed to have constructed aircraft which resemble flying
saucers. These saucers are called Vimanas. Ancient Indian texts
in Sanskrit speak of the flight and manufacture of these saucers.
The German "Ahnenerbe", an organization whose purpose is
associated with researching Germanic ancestry, sent out
expeditions to the East with the express purpose of acquiring
ancient, hidden knowledge. This is precisely what Heinrich
Haarer was doing, whose book served as the basis for the film
"Seven Years in Tibet". This link between flying saucers of the
East and the West is suspected as an influence on German field
propulsion vehicles (16). The exact connection, though, has
never been demonstrated.
A connection which is more certain involves Viktor Schauberger's
use of Pythagorean geometry. There is no doubt that Schauberger
incorporated this mathematics into his work but what is
intriguing is what is said about this body of mathematical
knowledge. The story goes that it was the Knights Templar who
stumbled upon this knowledge in the Holy Land during the Crusades
and it was they who kept and incorporated this knowledge through
the use of "sacred geometry".
Both the above mentioned schools of thought lead far beyond the
parameters of this book but the reader should be aware of what is
said about them and their relationship to German flying discs.
Whether it is called "occult technology" or "conventional
technology", in the end, it is just simply technology. And in
the end, as Dr. Freeman says, "all machines can be reduced to
numbers". What is called by some "occult" might be better called
"arcane". This is because this technology, which seems to be
technological initiates, who use and need this knowledge for
their work on government sponsored black projects. These
scientist utilize a technology and understanding which are
reserved for their use alone. This knowledge is not taught and
not made available to the rest of us. We, the great unwashed
masses, are given Einstein and the Theory of Relativity and told
that this is the pinnacle of learning. As with all secret
information, this arcane knowledge is held on a "need to know"
basis. Our government believes that we simply don't need to
know. It takes a true genius like Dr. Freeman to recognize this
knowledge and set it before us in language that we can
understand. It is hoped that Dr. Freeman will publish a book
sooner rather than later.
Mention of the "occult" brings us to another line of evidence
concerning field propulsion, that put forth by Norbert JuergenRatthofer and Ralf Ettl. Mr. Ettl became involved while doing
research for a film project on Dr. Wernher von Braun. A film
company was paying for this research. A package or several
packages of information were obtained by the production company
which had more to do with UFOs than rocketry. This information
was laid aside by Mr. Ettl but he returned to it after enlisting
the help of Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer who had a special interest
in that subject (17).
The packages contained breathtakingly clear photographs of German
saucers in flight. Some of these pictures may be just models but
some look authentic and are posed against a landscape. Nowadays,
pictures can be generated via computer and these pictures
surfaced within modern times. At least one negative from these
pictures which was given to Mr. Vladimir Terziski by Mr. JuergenRatthofer and seen by this writer, so at least not all of these
pictures were computer generated. The pictures have been seen in
public and through video film presentation, for about ten years.
To the best of my knowledge these pictures have never been
debunked using modern technical photo-analysis. Therefore, they
have never been shown to be anything less than legitimate. Until
they are shown to be less than legitimate, we must accept them as
they are represented to us.
Besides the pictures, these writers provide an entire historical
and cultural context for these saucers within the Third Reich,
This contest involves secret organizations within the SS.
Further, the context provided by these writers involving the
occult, channeling, and extraterrestrials. This is the weak
point of their presentation since the case for these latter
connections is really not strong enough to be "in evidence".
Besides the books of Mr. Ettl and Mr. Juergen-Ratthofer, several
other German language writers contribute books on a similar or
Haunebu 2 Test Flight
Ghostly image of a saucer, said to be a Haunebu 2, on a
test flight. Photograph originally from collection of
Norbert-Juergen Ratthofer, courtesy of Vladimir Terziski
related theme. The more notable are D.H. Haarmann (18) and 0.
Bergmann (19). Mr. Ettl and Mr. Juergen-Ratthofer themselves
have written several books which are all in German language and
available through their publisher (20).
Mr. Ettl and Mr.
Juergen-Ratthofer have also done two video films, "UFOs Das
Dritte Reich Schlaege Zurueck?" and a second film, whose English
title is "UFO Secrets of the 3rd Reich". This second film is
very well done and contains the pictures mentioned earlier.
These films should be seen by anyone seriously interested in
German field propulsion saucers (21) (22).
Mr. Juergen-Ratthofer, Mr. Ettl and allied writers offer two
different systems for field propulsion. The smaller saucer-type,
which they designate "Vril" was powered by three moving
fields (23). The larger type, designated "Haunebu" was powered
by a series of devices according to these writers.
In this
arrangement, the output of smaller of the Hans Coler "free
energy" devices (24), the "Magnetapparat", was used to supply
input for the larger Coler device, the "Stromerzeuger". The
output of this second device was used to turn a Van de Graaf
generator. This energy was directed into something called a
Marconi ball dynamo with supplied lift to the saucer (25)(26).
All that seems to have been said about the latter device is that
it is mentioned in the same sentence with special saucer
condensers developed by T.T. Brown and Professor Paul Biefield in
the nineteen twenties and that "such" ("solche") with a rotor
system was done by Professor Marconi, in Italy, in the nineteen
thirties. Mr. Juergen-Ratthofer goes on to say that this device
is to be considered, in principle, a forerunner to the Searl
system (27).
The Haunebu pictures strongly resemble the Adamski saucer
pictures of the early 1950s. These saucers were seen and
pictures of them taken world-wide. There were many different
sources for both sighting of Adamski saucers and pictures of
them. There were so many in the early 1950s that it is hard to
believe that all of them are fakes. Mr. Ettl and Mr. JuergenRatthofer maintain that these "Adamski saucers" are really the
German-designed Haunebu type saucers (28). Since they were flown
after the war, certain questions as to their origin arise. These
questions will be treated in an upcoming section of this book.
Besides the Vril and Haunebu designs mention is made by Mr.
Juergen-Ratthofer of another type of field propulsion vehicle.
This saucer uses a chemical engine to drive a field propulsion
generator (29). The type of chemical engine involved is similar
to the famous Walter (Walther) engine, which were to be
installed on some types of German submarines.
The Walter process involved a closed circuit system activated by
the thermal energy produced by the decomposition of a high
concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
This reaction occurred in
the presence of a catalyst, potassium permanganate, in a
Hybrid Saucer Design
Chemical/Field Propulsion Saucer (N. Juergen-Ratthofer). 1.
Plexiglass pilot's cabin. 2. Crew rooms. 3. Intake air slots
(hermetically sealed in space). 4. Vacuum ring retainers
with high-performance vacuum pumps. 5. Lifting and steering jets
connected to the Walter turbine system. 6. Walter turbines and
electric generators with connected machine maintenance rooms. 7.
Disc rotor wheel, rotating clockwise. 8. Electromagnet outer ring
rotating counter-clockwise. 9. Disc wheel, inner part of the
electromagnet outer ring. 10. Segmented disc-rotor and wing screw
with adjustable flight blades. 11. Axis of saucer with (a) two
electric motors to drive the counter rotating disc motors:
electro-gravitation plant, (b) various electrical connections,
(c) fuel and water tanks. 12. Connection shaft between pilot's
cabin and machine room.
decomposition chamber. This resulted in a 600 to 700 degree gas
composed of steam and oxygen, under natural pressure sufficient
to drive a turbine. After the gas had done its work if was fed
into a reclamation chamber which recycled at least part of the
gas back into the engine. Additional fuel, Juergen-Ratthofer
mentions methanol, could be fed into the system for more heat.
The system without additional fuel is called the "cold" system
while with added fuel it is called the "hot" system. In fact,
the cold system was used on the V-2 rocket to drive the turbofuel pumps since known pumps could not handle the volume of
liquid necessary to feed this new type of rocket.
In the hybrid saucer Mr. Juergen-Ratthofer describes, the cold
system drives a rotor-stator arrangement which doubles as a blade
lifting wing similar to that of a helicopter. The rotor-statorblade is internally housed in the cowling of the saucer. The
output of the rotor-stator is a strong magnetic field which
presumably frees the saucer of the constraints of gravity as
claimed for the other field propulsion saucers (30).
addition, spaces within the saucer have all air removed by
special vacuum pumps with increase the buoyancy of the craft
within the atmosphere. Further, some of the hot oxygen-steam
mixture is jetted out at the periphery of the saucer while being
mixed with methanal for additional heat and therefore thrust.
Again, we are reminded of Dr. Belluzzo. We are also reminded of
Vesco since he hints at a similar engine (31) which he even
vaguely links with "electromagnetic waves" (32). Have we come
In the same vane, would be negligent not to mention that an
atomic engine might easily be substituted for the Walter engine.
The atomic engine might be one of three types. It might be the
t y p e which burned the atmosphere itself. This burning would
produce hot air and steam from the water contained in the
It might be one which produced steam using water
carried in tanks. It might be one which super-heats and ejects a
gas such as hydrogen or helium. Any of these mediums could be
ejected through the rotor blades yielding the desired result. A
device of this type would tie together many of the German
saucers-plans so far discussed.
Dr. Freeman points out that Marconi "stole" Tesla's inventions.
Tesla also built a power-plant of spherical construction which
contained vacuum tubes and so may have been superior to the
device of Schappeller which we shall look at next. Surprisingly,
some detail exists about this Tesla free energy device (33).
Tesla used his engine to successfully power a Pierce Arrow
automobile. This means that a spherical, working field
propulsion device existed in the USA powering, not a flying
saucer but an automobile. Dr. Freeman warns not to be confused
by many spherical devices, all of which seem different. The fact
is that they all work on the same principles (34).
German Field Propulsion Flying Saucers
Sources and References
X, Michael, 1960, pages 17, 33, We Want You Is Hitler
Alive?, Futura Press, reprinted 1969 by Saucerian Books,
Clarksburg, WV.
Barton, Michael X., 1968, pages 26-36, The German Saucer
Story, Futura Press, Los Angeles
Zunneck, Karl-Heinz, 1998, pages 120-122, Geheimtechnologien.
Wunderwaffen Und Irdischen Facetten Des UFO-Phaaenomens 50
Jahre Desinformaton und die Folaen. CTT-Verlag, Suhl
Zunneck, Karl-Heinz, 1998, page 122
Lyne, William R., 1999, page 48, Pentagon Aliens. Creatopia
Productions, Lamy, New Mexico 87540
Lyne, William R., 1999, page 28
Lyne, Willaim R., 1999, page 38
Lyne, William R., 1999, page 21
Lyne, William R., 1999, pages 20, 41
10. Lyne, William R., 1999, page 42
11. Lyne, William R., 1999, pages 197-200
12. ibid
13. Trinkaus, George, 1988, pages 3-4, Tesla The Lost Inventions.
High Voltage Press, Portland, OR.
14. Lyne, William R., 1999, page 215
15. Freeman, Gordon Dr., 3/18/01, personal letter to author
16. Stoll, Axel Ph.D., 2001, pages 15-20, Hochtechnologie im
Dritten Reich Reichsdeutsche Entwicklunqen und die vermutlich
wahre Herkunft der "UFOs". Amun-Verlag, Schleusesiedlung 2,
D-98553 Schleusingen
17. Ettl, Ralf, 1999, page 11, "Notes To The Vril-Project"
Ursprung und Quellen
18. Haarmann, D.H., 1983, Geheime Wunderwaffenr II Geheime
Wunderwaffen. III Geheime Wunderwaffen, Hugin Gesellschaft
Fuer Politisch-Philosophische Studien E.V., Postfach 23, D48472, Hoerstel 3, Germany
19. Bergmann, O., 1988 and 1989, 1 Deutsche Flugscheiben und UBoote Ueberwachen Die Weltmeere. 11 Deutsche Fluqscheiben und
U-Boote Ueberwachen Die Weltmeere, Hugin Gesellschaft Fuer
Politisch-Philosophische Studien E.V., Postfach 23, D-484772,
Hoerstel 3, Germany
20. Dr. Michael Daemboeck Verlag, Markt 86, A-3321 Ardaggr,
21. Video Film "UFOs Das Dritte Reich Schlaegt Zurueck?,
available through Dr. Michael Daemboeck Verlag, see reference
22. Video Film "UFO Secrets of the 3rd Reich" available through
Total Solutions International, Las Vegas, NV.
23. van Helsing, Jan, 1993, page 129, Geheim Gesellschaften und
ihre Macht im 20. Jahrhundert, Ewertverlag, Meppen, Germany
24. British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Final Report
No. 1043 Item No. 31, "The Invention Of Hans Coler, Relating
To An Alleged New Source Of Power"
25. Video Film "UFOs Das Dritte Reich Schlaegt Zurueck?,
available through Dr. Michael Daemboeck Verlag, see reference
26. Juergen-Ratthofer, Norbert and Ralf Ettl, 1992, page 51, Das
Vril-Projekt. Dr. Michael Daemboeck Verlag, Ardaggr, Austria
27. Juergen-Ratthofer, Norbert, date unknown, page 16, "Geheime
UFO, 1. Folge: Flugscheibenprojekte aus verschiedenen Staaten
der Erde", this article was courtesy of Theo Paymans, Holland
28. Juergen-Ratthofer, Norbert, date unknown, pages 84,85,
Fluqscheiben und andere deutsche und iapanische Geheim- und
Wunderwaffen im Zweiten Weltkrieg, self-published, available
through reference (18)
29. Juergen-Ratthofer, Norbert, date unknown, pages 1 and 16,
"Geheime UFO, 2. Folge So baut man fliegende Untertassen—und
so funktionieren sie", this article was courtesy of Theo
Paymans, Holland
30. ibid
31. Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 163 and 164, Intercept UFO.
Pinnacle Books, New York
32. Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 135-136
33. Nieper, Hans A., 1985, pages 188-189, Conversion of Gravity
Field Energy Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society,
MIT Verlag, Oldenburg
34. Freeman, Gordon Dr., 3/18/01, personal letter
Atomic Saucers Again?
It is possible that all of the options for the field propulsion
of German flying discs have not been presented or had a fair
hearing. Two of these other possibilities are reviewed below.
The first is the possibility that a world-shattering breakthrough
in field propulsion occurred during the Third Reich involving
atomic energy. This is plausible given the extensive and mostly
still-secret atomic research done by the Germans coupled with the
government's attempt to down play UFO sightings immediately
following the war. The second possibility is that a field
propulsion device was developed out of the early work of the
Austrian inventor, Karl Schappeller. This possibility is
strengthened by the fact that individuals and organizations
involved in this research openly acknowledged that one of their
aims was to build an "ether ship".
The German conventional saucer program culminating with atomic
propulsion has been discussed. Evidence of German field
propulsion saucers has been reviewed. We already know that each
step in the conventional German saucer program was a logical
development of the previous saucer design. The question is: did
the power utilized in the German field propulsion saucers arise
from nuclear power? Was there a breakthrough which has been kept
secret for almost sixty years?
We have discussed the link between nuclear facilities and flying
saucers. Is this evidence, in itself, that an association
exists? The association could be for one of two reasons. First,
these areas may simply have been the most secure facilities
available. The two projects may not have been connected at all.
For security reasons, both projects were simply run out of the
same area.
The second possibility is that the two projects were run out of
the same facility because they are connected somehow. If there
is a connection between nuclear energy and field propulsion, what
type of connection is this? The connection under discussion is a
direct conversion from nuclear energy to field energy. This
connection is on the order of the connection between electricity
and magnetism or heat and electricity or nuclear energy and heat.
Does such a connection exist?
The answer I got from everyone asked was a resounding "no". The
consensus seemed to be that the closest we could come to this was
to convert nuclear energy to heat energy and then to electrical
energy though the medium of a steam turbine. This is how nuclear
power plants and atomic submarines work. This method seemed to
have nothing to do with flight since the hardware involved is
much too bulky and heavy.
We have already reviewed some other options for nuclear powered
saucers. Klaus-Peter Rothkugel suggests that the atmosphere
itself could be burnt using liquid air as a fuel and a nuclear
reactor as a heat source. Friedrich Georg has documented some
aircraft engine designs, apparently left on the drawing board,
involving a propeller engine driven by steam heated by nuclear
power. We have seen the enigmatic Messerschmitt design involving
a small nuclear engine on a high-speed aircraft. We have also
discussed the atomic rocket approach which involves heating and
ejecting of liquid hydrogen using a nuclear reactor in the
Lenticular Reentry Vehicle.
While there is no known direct connection between nuclear energy
and field propulsion, Dr. Gordon Freeman has made me aware of an
alternate method of production of electrical energy through the
use of nuclear decay. This is important because with enough
electrical energy both electrostatic and electromagnetic field
propulsion are possible. Let me relate to you what Dr. Freeman
told me as to how this process works. It is amazingly simple.
The simplest method involves the use of two solar cells which are
the same size. A piece of paper, the thickness of a business
card is cut to the same size as the solar cells. Radium chloride
is painted onto both sides of the paper. The paper is then
fitted between the solar cells. The radium chloride emits alpha
and beta particles which activate the solar cell. The reader
might ask, if this method works, why has it not been patented?
The answer is, that in a slightly more efficient configuration,
it has been patented (1).
There are other forms of this simple example. Imagine a simple
circuit used for purposes of generating electromagnetic waves.
This circuit would consist of a wire connecting a capacitor and
then to a coil. An electrical input is given to this circuit
whereby the capacitor is sufficiently charged in order for it to
discharge. The electrical energy is carried by the wire to the
coil where it is charged. Electrical energy is then carried back
from the coil to the capacitor by another wire completing the
circuit. Alternately, the capacitor (electrical field) and the
coil (magnetic field) are charged and discharged. The output of
this circuit are electromagnetic waves, such as fill the
electromagnetic spectrum. The system works until electrical
resistance in the three components converts enough electrical
energy into heat to sufficiently degrade its output.
What is done using the new atomic decay system is to paint the
capacitors with radium chloride. This unstable compound emits
alpha and beta particles when magnetically or electrostatically
pulsed. These particles are absorbed by the capacitors (as well
as the other components), the end result of which is an increase
in electrical energy in the circuit. If enough capacitors can be
wired into the circuit in series to produce enough energy to
offset the ohmic degradation, then the output can be maintained
for a long time. Radium chloride has a half-life of 800 years.
Of course, if an extra capacitor were wired in to the circuit, an
excess of energy would result. Even if this excess energy is
small, it can be very important. Devices using a similar method
have also been patented (2) (3).
In the next step, the circuit described above is given an antenna
and a tesla coil. The radium chloride doped capacitors are
turned to one of the resonant frequencies for the tesla coil.
An antenna is used which is suitable for receiving this same
frequency output. A feed back loop is set up whereby energy is
being pulsed into the system in these resonant frequencies. It
is estimated that an output of three thousand watts can be
obtained from this "lifetime battery" with an input of only fifty
watts (4). A transformer and other devices can be used to tailor
the electrical output produced by this device according to the
need. Details for construction and tuning of this "battery" are
available commercially (4).
This whole device can be held in one's hand. Imagine the power
of one hundred or one thousand such units. Certainly a U-boat or
a field propulsion saucer could be powered using this system.
Dr. Freeman believes this nuclear doping might be the missing
link in several free energy devices. Dr. Freeman has evidence
that both the Hubbard and Hendershot generators were doped with
nuclear material. He has evidence that Hubbard actually worked
for the Radium Company of America. Further, he has found
evidence that it was radioactive material which was used to dope
Moray's germanium valve (5).
Even further, he has suggested that the initial starting energy
necessary for the operation of the Schappeller device, which will
be discussed shortly, was supplied by a radioactively doped
electret (5). Bolstering Dr. Freeman's claim is a U.S. patent
using such a radioactive electret to maintain its charge (6).
This is not the approach favored in this book, but the use of
something like the "lifetime battery" to start the Schappeller
device is not beyond the real of reason. In fact, there is some
evidence that a very strange battery was being produced in
wartime Germany.
During the war years, at least until 1943, none other than
Professor. W. 0. Schumann was engaged in building something
called a "battery" at the Technical Institute at Munich. This
battery was a project to itself and funded by the Deutschen
Forschungsgemeinschaft, forerunner of the Reichsforschungrates,
the Reich Research Council (7). The Reich Research Council
coordinated high-priority war research between academic,
industrial and military facilities.
This is the same Dr. Schumann who was brought to the United
States after the war as part of Project Paperclip (8). This is
also the same Dr. Schumann noted for the discovery of the
Schumann Resonance.
Dr. Schumann was no stranger to free energy
devices since it was he who evaluated a working Hans Coler device
in 1926 and could find no fault, hoax or bad faith, on the part
of its inventor (9).
Rumor has it that Dr. Schumann's specialty was antennas and that
he was responsible for building or improving American submarine
communication after the war. It is said this was done by
employing extra low frequency radio equipment and mile-long
antennae which were towed behind the submarines themselves.
The radio waves employed for this communication were said to go
directly through the earth's center. Dr. Schumann also
discovered something called the Schumann Resonance which deals
with the resonant frequency of the planet earth itself.
Returning to wartime Munich, why would a full professor and
world-class scientist be devoting years of research and
government sponsorship to a battery while Germany was in the
middle of a war? The answer is that this battery was something
special. Was this similar to the "lifetime battery"? Could this
type of energy production have been the promised means of freeing
Germany from dependence of foreign oil? Was this battery an
energy producing device, capable of powering or starting a field
propulsion saucer?
The old problem arises. The question is not could this be the
way it was done. The question is was this the way it was done,
What proof is there that nuclear decay was used by the Germans to
produce energy by any other means than is in practice today? Dr.
Freeman provides one hint.
This scrap of evidence involves a religious sect. It is the
Methernita Society of Switzerland. This is a self-contained,
Christian brotherhood who own large areas of land in Switzerland.
Among their accomplishments is a free energy device they call the
Testatika. One desk top machine can yield an output of 3000
watts. This machine or machines have been in existence since the
late 1970s and have been demonstrated for outsiders, including
scientists and engineers. No fraud has ever been detected.
High voltage is produced by electrostatic means using a Wimhurst
generator as in integral part of the Testatika device. The
counter-rotating wheels of the Wimhurst generator are not allowed
to spin freely, but are purposefully restricted to lower
revolutions per minute. Capacitors are used to hold the electric
charge which is generated. Dr. Freeman believes that these
capacitors are doped with radium chloride. The electric field of
the capacitors increases the output of alpha and beta particles
derived from the radium chloride. This electron flow is absorbed
by the capacitors and other components and fed back into the
The Methernita Society has never been forthcoming concerning the
workings of this device. The machine itself seems to be the
brainchild of one person, Paul Baumann, who is described as a
Methernita Testatika with Doped Capacitors
Der Testatika-Generator
Der erste wissenschaftliche Konverter zur Umwandiung elektrostatischer
Energie in elektrodynamische Energie
Dr. Freeman's drawing of the Testatika.
"technician". Even in the old films of the Testatika, Mr.
Baumann does not look like a young man. Germany is Switzerland's
neighbor and what better place to utilize secret wartime
technology than in a closed religious order. Dr. Freeman informs
me that one of the builder's assistants talks of radioactive and
non-radioactive forces in conjunction with this machine. Dr.
Freeman has put these scraps of evidence together and made a
drawing which is reproduced here.
Let's try reversing an eguation. What if the T. T. Brown
relationship between a highly charged capacitor, gravity and
movement were altered? What if the highly charged capacitor were
fixed and unable to move in a gravitational field? Would not the
energy evidenced in the movement of the capacitor in T.T. Brown's
work be translated into electrical energy and contained in this
fixed machine? Would this not be a generator?
Let's flip it around again. Could not a flying version of T. T.
Brown's charged capacitor have gotten charged via decay of
radioactive material with accompanying hardware similar to what
has been described above?
One more point should be made concerning the possible
relationship between atomic energy and field propulsion. We do
know that electromagnetic radiation can be generated by atomic
fission or fusion. This is done whenever nuclear weapons are
detonated. It is called an electromagnetic pulse. This is a
well-recognized phenomena and the military's communications and
sensitive electronics have to be "hardened" against this
electromagnetic pulse as a battlefield necessity. So the
relationship between electromagnetic and atomic energy does
exist. The question still remains as to a technological
breakthrough in the application of this phenomena and to whether
the Germans pioneered this effort involving flying craft.
Atomic/Field Propulsion Sources
United States Patent, Patent Number 5,443,857, August 22,
1995, granted to Howard C. Rivenburg, "Power Source Using A
Photovoltaic Array And Self-Luminous Microspheres".
United States Patent, Patent Number 5,642,014, June 24, 1997,
granted to Steven J. Hillinlus, assigned to Lucent
Technologies, Inc., "Self-Powered Device".
United States Patent, Patent Number 4,835,433, May 30, 1989,
granted to Paul M. Brown, assigned to Nucll, Inc., "Apparatus
For Direct Conversion Of Radioactive Decay Energy To
Electrical Energy".
Lifetime Batteries, 13A and 13B, contained in catalog of
Energy Research Company, P.O. Box 1514, Jackson, CA. 95642
Freeman, Gordon Dr., personal letter to author dated 3/7/02
United States Patent, Patent Number 3,949,178, April 6, 1976,
granted to Sten Hellstroem and Rolf Bertil Goeran Joenson,
assigned to Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson
Bundersarkiv, Postfach 450569, 12175 Berlin, file on Dr. W.
0. Schumann, courtesy of Mark D. Kneipp.
Foreign Scientists Case Files, 1945-58 "Winfreid Otto
Schumann", Location Box 151,631/26/01/07, The National
Archives, 8601 Adelphi Rd., College Park, Maryland 20740,
Courtesy of Mark Kneipp
British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Final Report
Number 1043, item number 31, "The Invention of Hans Coler,
Relating To an Alleged New Source of Power", Bryanston
Square, London
The Karl Schappeller Device
Was the Schappeller device an engine used in German field
propulsion saucers? This is a possibility. Because so little
has been reported about this device in the English language, the
following is a report describing Karl Schappeller and his device
in some detail.
Karl Schappeller (1875-1947) literally went from being born in
poor house to owning a castle during his lifetime. His economic
success was mirrored in his experiments in energy as a layscientist, culminating in the invention of a free-energy device
which attracted considerable attention around 1930. Schappeller
made no secret of his invention and actively sought private
financing to manufacture and distribute the results of his
research. He was in touch with financial concerns and even spoke
with a representative of the British Admiralty concerning the
utilization of his device to power the Royal Navy's ships (1).
At this time, 1930, the device was somehow appropriated and
further worked upon by a governmental organization of the German
Weimar Republic, the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft or Reich Works
Association (RAG). At least one aim of the RAG was to make
Germany self-sufficient in energy production. Specifically, they
published their intentions to utilize many Schappeller devices in
a system of broadcast energy distribution throughout Germany
which would result in the entire elimination of the electrical
grid (2). As we know, Adolf Hitler assumed power three years
later and was also very interested in making Germany independent
of foreign sources of energy for strategic reasons. It is known
that political and scientific structure was set up to work on the
energy problem as evidenced later by the synthesizing of gasoline
and oil products from coal by the 3rd Reich. One of these
Left: Inventor Karl Schappeller Right: Karl Schappeller's
Device. A. Steel outer casing. B. Special ceramic lining in
which tubes are embedded. C. Hollow center, filled by
glowing magnetism when in operation. D. Tubes, circuit and
political and scientific structures was contained within the SS
and it is known that Karl Schappeller actually met with SS
Reichsfueher Heinrich Himmler in Vienna in 1933 (3).
Fortunately, there are good descriptions of the Schappeller
device in both German and English languages upon which to draw.
Per Vril-Mythos is a complete discussion of Schappeller, his
device, the history and the controversy surrounding it. "Vril"
Die Kosmische Urkraft Wiedergeburt von Atlantis and Weltdynamismus
Streifzuege durch technisches Neuland an Hand von biologischen
Symbolen represent an attempt by the RAG to popularize their
ideas in booklet form. Finally, British electrical and
mechanical engineer, Cyril W. Davson, visited Karl Schappeller in
Austria and spent three years learning of his device and his
theory before the Second World War. Davson's descriptive book,
The Physics of the Primary State of Matter, was written in 1955,
after the war and the death of Schappeller.
Before describing the device itself it should be understood that
Schappeller and all writing about his device do so believing that
the energy-source being tapped is ether energy, sometimes called
"Raumkraft" or "Raumenergie", that is space energy (4)(5)(6).
This device was also said capable, perhaps with some tuning, of
emitting ether as a radiant energy (7). The physics of ether
energy is described by Davson as a primary physics as opposed to
conventional physics which he believed could only be considered a
secondary, derivative understanding.
Ether Theory
For readers who have never heard of "ether", perhaps the
simplest explanation for ether physics is that of the late Dr.
Hans A. Nieper (7) titled Revolution in Technology, Medicine and
Society. Ether could be thought of as an energy source emanating
from everywhere equally at once. The universe could be
considered, as often said, "a sea of energy". It forms a
background of energy everywhere, and since it is everywhere all
the time, it is difficult make independent measurement of it.
This ether energy is in constant motion. All energy is radiant
energy, according to this theory. This can easily be appreciated
as to electromagnetic radiation but it is also true of that very
elusive thing called gravity. Newton described the effects of
gravity but he never told us exactly what it was. Dr. Nieper
tells us that gravity is really a push, not a pull. Gravity is
acceleration and is caused by the ether field. Again, all energy
is radiant energy whose fundamental basis is ether radiation.
From the aforementioned book by Dr. Nieper:
"In addition, Nieper established the axiom that all natural
accelerations can be attributed to a single unified basic
principle, namely, the interception (or braking) of a field
energy penetrating from the outside (gravity acceleration,
magnetic, electromagnetic, electrostatic and radiesthesic
acceleration). "
In trying to explain ether, it might be thought of as an all
pervasive liquid occupying all of space. This liquid concept is
useful because a liquid can not be compressed but can only
transfer the energy attempting to compress it from one location
to another. This is how an automobile's brakes work. The driver
pushes in the break pedal when he wants to stop. The plunger of
the break pedal attempts to compress fluid in the master
cylinder. The master cylinder is connected by metal tubes full
of fluid to each wheel. When force is put on the master cylinder
by the driver it is transmitted to each of the four wheel
cylinders full of the same fluid which transmit the force, moving
the break shoes or stopping the disc which stops the wheels of
the car.
Likewise, ether serves to transmit energy through this "noncompressibility" quality. In a primary electric coil and
secondary electric coil, for instance, induction in the secondary
does not take place directly from the primary as is new held by
physics, but though and between the two via the ether field.
This concept, that of the stimulation of the ether field as means
of energy transport, is also expressed by Davson.
Using this perspective, that all energy is radiation, the braking
of ether radiation, that is the slowing down or stopping of this
radiation, can cause or generate other forms of energy. This
word "energy" means the entire electromagnetic spectrum. This
means electric, magnetic and electrostatic fields. This means
heat. This also means gravity. Again, gravity is the primary
radiation of the ether field. It radiates from every point in
the universe equally.
This concept seems ridiculous until it is given some thoughtOne might ask: How can gravity be a push when we know better?
After all, things fall to earth don't they? The answer is that
the effects we feel and call gravity are due to gravity
shielding. Ether radiation can be braked, that is slowed down
and absorbed by mass. It is then re-radiated or turned into
mass. It is re-emitted as slower ether radiation or even as
heat. Some of it can is converted into mass inside a planet. If
there is a loss of ether radiation, then there is shielding.
Thus, a planet would shield from this radiation in one direction.
That direction is always toward its center which is the direction
of greatest mass and that is what we describe as "down". This is
simply the area which contains the maximum amount of shielding.
In all other directions the ether radiation continues to exert
its push on us. The area of minimum shielding is directly
opposite the area of maximum shielding, so things fall (or more
correctly are accelerated or "pushed") to earth.
Think about this for a minute. Being in deep space is a little
like being underwater. Underwater, all pressure from all points
are so similar that we feel weightless. We are weightless in
deep space because the ether field exerts a push on us from all
directions equally. In space, the nearer one gets to a large
body the stronger the push is from the opposite direction since
the body shields or converts the ether radiation. The result of
this thinking is a mechanism totally different from "gravity" as
we know it but appearing as exactly the same observed phenomena.
The beauty of this ether theory of gravity is that gravity
functions like every other form of radiation. Its underlying
cause, ether radiation, can be converted to mass or, in certain
circumstances, re-radiated or converted to other forms of energy.
No Unified Field Theory is necessary. The ether field is the
unified field. Further, there is no need to look for something
separate called "anti-gravity". If gravity is a push then it is
all anti-gravity. All we have to do to make a UFO is to find
this particular gravity frequency and find out how to generate
Ether physics was a lost physics. Physics was hijacked early in
the 20th Century by alleged results of the Michelson-Morley
experiment. The Michelson-Morley experiment assumed "ether" was
matter. There is some confusion here. We know now that
particles moving near the speed of light are measured as waves,
that is energy, rather than as matter. Nevertheless, ether
theory has been discredited among physicists who, in turn,
discredit others who raise the subject. It is only through the
efforts of "free energy devices" and free energy researchers that
this knowledge is being returned to us. Without this ether
theory, the reason these devices work cannot be explained at all.
Rejection of ether theory allows these devices to be dismissed as
"theoretically impossible" and so fraudulent by simple deduction.
They are marginalized and dismissed as "perpetual motion
devices". According to established physics, perpetual motion
devices violate physical laws of conservation of energy. Without
an ether theory as an explanation, they do violate laws of
conservation of energy and so their detractors are able to simply
dismiss them out of hand. The simple fact that some of these
free energy devices actually work does not seem to bother these
scientists in the least. Rather than change the theory to
accommodate the observed facts, the facts are ignored and
substituted by dogma. Whether we like it or not, we are living
in an energy Dark Age.
Instead of ether theory, we have all been led to focus upon
Einstein and his Theories of Relativity. Two or three
generations of scientists have wasted themselves on "trying to
prove Einstein right". This misguided thinking has resulted in
stagnation. One need go no further than the many "free energy"
devices which have arisen to the level of notice in spite of
accepted scientific theory to see that this statement is true.
Needless to say, German scientists of the Nazi period labored
under no such illusions. They never abandoned ether physics.
This was the fundamental reason why field propulsion UFOs were
first developed in Germany. After the Second World War two
different sciences developed called "Physics". One was the
relativism taught in schools. The second more esoteric type was
utilized only secretly, by the secret government, for deep black
Structure of the Schappeller Device
According to Davson's description upon which we will rely, the
Schappeller device is really composed of two separate units, the
rotor and the stator. The stator is constructed as follows: Its
surface is round or ball-shaped, being composed of two halfshells of steel. These half-shells contain the internal
structure and are air tight. Attached at each "pole" of each
half-shell is an iron bar magnet, most of whose structure is
internal. This means that the bulk of the magnet is inside the
steel ball, one opposite the other. There is a space between the
two bar magnets at the very center of the sphere.
Insulation, a ceramic material, is placed on the inside of the
steel ball leaving a hollow central area. Within this hollow
area and around the space between the magnets are wound two
internal coils. These originate at the bar magnet poles and each
terminates at the center of the sphere with a connection leading
out of the sphere to the rotor. These coils are composed of a
hollow copper tube filled with a special and secret substance
called the "electret". Upon leaving the sphere the electret
filled copper tubes are replaced by conventional copper wire. An
electrical connection is made from the outside surface of one
pole to one pole of a special type of battery which is grounded
at the other pole or, as an alternative, to a special device
called an "Ur-machine" which will be discussed.
This electret is a permanent magnet within the sphere. This type
of magnetism is not identical with ferro-magnetism or
electromagnetism, it is much stronger (8). The actual composition
of Schappeller's electret remains a secret but another electret
has been made by Professor Mototaro Eguchi. It consists of
carnauba wax and resin, perhaps also containing some beeswax. It
was kept in a strong electric field while baking slowly until it
solidified. For purposes of production of Schappeller spheres, a
complete electret manufacturing plant would have to be set up
which had no parallel in present science (9).
Before being set into operation, all the air is pumped from the
hollow core of the sphere. This whole ball is mounted on a
swivel mechanism so that the poles can be moved from the vertical
to the horizontal. The stator is completely unattached from the
rotor. The stator can function without the rotor and the stator
is capable of producing electrical energy without the rotor. The
rotor could also be used to generate additional electrical
The rotor consists of: A steel wheel of special design fixed on
the shaft to be driven and surrounded on its outer surface by
magnets which are attracted and repelled by the force of the
stator. The copper wire attached to the internal copper tubing
filled with electret runs through this wheel and supplies
electric power to the magnets. The magnets are hollow and filled
with the same electret. There are always an odd number of
A variant of this rotor comes to us from Taeufer, who refers to
this further development as the "Ur-Machine". This machine is
composed of six sphere units as described above, five revolving
around a sixth set above or below the plane of the other
revolving spheres. A seventh unit would be employed to rotate
the rotating five spheres and so would be offset, and not
attached to the others. The five rotating spheres would charge
the sixth stationary sphere. The sixth and seventh spheres would
function as an anode and cathode and so ground the unit. The Urmachine could be used to activate other spheres instead of a
battery-earthing procedure (10).
As a prime mover, an engine, the rotor would be employed turning
a driven shaft. The stator would be offset, that is, moved off
center in relation to the rotor. Schappeller worked out various
angles of efficiency (11). The driven shaft could be used to
power any number of machine applications such as, for instance,
the propellers of a ship.
Means of Operation
The device is started through totally unique battery and a
connection to the earth (12). A specific excitation impulse must
be given to the device (13). This electric impulse was conducted
through the iron magnet and jumped the gap in the center of the
sphere to the other iron magnet.
What occurred then sets this device apart from all others. In
the vacuum of the sphere, in the center space between the two bar
magnets a field of "glowing magnetism" was set up. This glowing
magnetism was something entirely unique. It is recognized as a
magnetic field but much more powerful and unlike any magnetic
field of an iron bar or an electric coil. Once the initial input
had been made to start the device, the battery and ground could
be disconnected. The device would continue of operate on its own
For an understanding of what is really happening here we have to
consider the bar magnet. We think of a bar of iron with two
poles, one positive and one negative or perhaps one north and one
south pole. But there are really three components to the bar
magnet. There are the two poles and the neutral zone between the
poles If we cut the magnet in half we get two new poles. For the
Schappeller this neutral area is very important. Imagine a bar
magnet running through the vertical axis of the ball. Then
imagine the center section cut out. We now have a north pole at
the top of the ball, a south pole at the bottom of the ball just
as we do with the planet Earth. In the center we have a missing
section with a south pole, opposing the north pole at the top of
the ball and, likewise, a north pole opposite the south pole at
the bottom of the ball. We have now four poles and a split bar
magnet with a gap in its center section.
It is this gap in the center where Schappeller's "glowing
magnetism" is generated by grounding, that is, charging the
device via a special battery and an earth connection. This
glowing magnetism is the mystery. Davson cites Schappeller's
calculations and gives this form of magnetism as being one
thousand times more powerful than that produced by present
magnetism (15). He also states that in this form of magnetism
the electricity is stationary while the magnetism is radiated
To repeat again, Davson contends throughout his book that this
glowing magnetism is not found in secondary physics, that is, in
modern physics, and that this glowing magnetism is a
manifestation of primary physics. As a phenomenon of primary
physics, it is responsible for and can generate heat, electricity
and magnetism.
After initial stimulation and in a state of glowing magnetism, no
further input of energy is needed from the battery. The device
is able to draw in energy to it directly from the surrounding
ether, bind this energy though its magnetic electret material,
that is the filling in the hollow copper coils of the internal
coil, and then re-radiate energy producing heat, electricity,
magnetism or mechanical work depending upon the application.
Stated another way, this is an implosion device and it is
described as such (17) (18). Unlike the Schauberger device which
is associated with the word implosion, the Schappeller device
operates purely at the energetic level. Energy is drawn towards
the center, through the magnets, into the field of glowing
magnetism, and then radiated outward.
My first explanation for this output of radiant energy involves
the concept of the Bloch Wall. A Bloch Wall is defined by Van
Norstrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 1958 edition, pages 201 and
202, as follows:
"This is a transition layer between adjacent ferromagnetic
domains magnetized in different directions. The wall has a
finite thickness of a few hundred lattice constants, as it is
energetically preferable for the spin directions to change slowly
from one orientation to another, going through the wall rather
than to have an abrupt discontinuity" (18).
In electromagnetics the Bloch Wall is external to the hardware
itself. It is the point of division of the circling vortex, or
spin, of the electronic magnetic energies of the north and south
Bloch Wall And Oscillating Circuit
Top: Bloch Wall, a gravity wave source as a function of the
electromagnetic spectrum? (Dr. Richard LeFors Clark)
Bottom: Oscillating circuit. Charged capacitor (electric
field) discharges, current carried through insulated wire
to charge coil (magnetic field) which discharges, charging
capacitor. Oscillating electric and magnetic fields yield
electromagnetic waves.
poles. The negative north pole magnetism spins to the left while
the positive south pole spins to the right. Energy is being
conducted into the Schappeller device through the un-insulated
poles and being conducted and spun on its way to the center of
the unit. The point of zero magnetism, no spin and magnetic
reversal, where the two spin fields join, is the Bloch Wall (19).
The Block Wall radiates energy. Remember, if energy is coming in
then it must be going out. The Bloch Wall may generate radio,
radar and other electromagnet frequencies but what is most
interesting is that it is actually able to radiate gravity as
according to Dr. Richard Lefores Clark. According to this
interpretation, the conjunction of two dipolar generated force
field vectors, a quadropole force field or gravity is generated
according to Dr. Clark. Gravity being a quadropole source,
radiates in a circular, 360 degree, pattern of two cycles. Dr.
Clark has fixed the point of emission as below that of radar and
above infrared at 10 to the twelfth power Hertz (20). Dr.
Richard Lefors Clark believes gravity is a radiation (21) and so
a "push".
Another Opinion
In late 2001, I wrote a magazine article on the Schappeller
device (22) which contained most of the material described above.
In that article a request for alternative explanations for the
Schappeller device was made. I received a letter from Mr.
Michael Watson, BSc, Charted Physicist and Member of the
Institute of Physics in the United Kingdom. But there was
something in Mr. Watson's background even more impressive than
his professional credentials. Cyril W. Davson was a family
friend whom Mr. Watson knew well in his youth and with whom he
had discussed Schappeller and his ideas at length, many times.
In Mr. Watson's letter was a brief summary of Schappeller's
theory in which he cut through most of the confusing terminology.
This summary is important for a couple of reasons. Mr. Watson's
summary of Schappeller's ether theory as described by Davson
dovetails nicely into the ideas of Schauberger yet seems to allow
for Tesla's experimental results on ether as explained by Bill
Lyne. The following is what I learned from Mr. Watson's letter:
Most of us have heard of the two Thermodynamic Laws. These are
laws of heat. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy
is conserved, meaning that the total amount of energy in the
universe always remains the same. This is no surprise for most
of us and it is not the real concern here.
What is of concern is the Second Law of Thermodynamics which
discusses heat and entropy. The word entropy might be thought of
as a state of randomness or chaos. Negative entropy would then
mean movement toward the less random or the more ordered in any
particular thing. If we apply this to a system, then entropy
tends to increase until the system breaks down in utter chaos
This will occur unless the system is re-charged with additional
outside energy. A concrete example is less confusing.
Imagine a new automobile just coming off the assembly line. It
has taken a great deal of energy to find, refine, forge, weld,
and paint the metal parts of this car alone. This same concept
also applies to all the other components of the car. This energy
and organization constitute a highly organized state, or, said
another way, a state of negative entropy.
What happens next illustrates entropy. The car is purchased.
Whether it is driven hard or just sits in the garage does not
matter in the long run because what happens to the car is that it
starts to fall apart. This change may be small at first and may
only occur at the molecular level, but it occurs nevertheless.
The engine, transmission, paint, rubber, electronics, etc. all
will fail with time. Even it the car just sits in the garage, in
a thousand years the metal will eventually oxidize. Finally, the
car rusts away forming a reddish brown heap. This is exactly the
opposite of the organization and energy used to put the car
together. This disorganization is entropy. The only thing which
will reverse this, as we all know, are additional inputs of
energy by the owner in the form of maintenance and repairs.
All things in a relative state of relative order move toward a
state of disorder. In terms of heat, heat will always flow into
a colder place from a warmer place. When something is heated
there is a rise in its entropy. With increasing heat its
molecules move faster and faster in random chaos as a bomb does
when it explodes. Increasing heat means increasing randomness
and chaos which is entropy. Cold, then, can be seen in terms of
negative entropy. Any cold object is simply more organized and
less random than the same object once it is heated.
Schappeller had something to say about the Second Law of
Thermodynamics. He said there was another and unknown
thermodynamic cycle which runs opposite the Second Law. To name
this idea we will call it "Reverse Thermodynamics". It is the
reverse of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in that it leads to
an increase in entropy. Not only is there an increase in order
but there is an increase in cold! Schappeller, according to Mr.
Watson's letter, built his spherical device primarily to
demonstrate the principles behind this Reverse Thermodynamics.
It was not designed as a practical machine.
To demonstrate the difference between the Second Law of
Thermodynamics and Reverse Thermodynamics two theoretical
machines shall be examined. Actually, a machine running
according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics is not theoretical
at all. Combustion machines are of this type. For simplicity
sake we will use a wood burning stove such as the type invented
by Benjamin Franklin for the heating of a house.
Wood is put in
a hollow iron vessel
with an adjustable hole
one end. The adjustable hole admits atmospheric oxygen. An
initial small input of heat is added to the wood and oxygen until
burning occurs. A great deal of heat is produced once the wood
begins to burn. We know heat expands. Carbon, carbon dioxide
and water vapor are also produced as byproducts of the
combustion. Entropy is increased. Since entropy is increased,
so is pollution so perhaps we all can agree that this is a good
example of the destructive technology so characteristic of the
world in which we live.
In our example of a theoretical Reverse Thermodynamic machine the
byproducts of the previous example can be used as fuel. But
Schappeller's machine has the additional property of being
creative, that is, negatively entropic. Schappeller believed
this creative process to be individualistic, so we need a
specific template to use as a pattern for this creation. Heat,
water, and carbon dioxide are imputed into this machine. Quite
amazingly, oxygen is yielded as a byproduct of this reaction!
The heat is also absorbed in Schappeller's Reverse Thermodynamic
machine! This absorption of heat is another way of saying that
the machine is implosive in nature rather than expansive or
explosive as was the heat producing machine. What is most
amazing, however, is that entropy is actually reduced yielding,
something which has been created - wood!
Actually, this machine is not theoretical either. It exists and
works as we speak. These machines are all around us. We call
these machine "life". In this case our machine is a tree. In
the tree, energy, sunlight, is absorbed and combined in a cold
process with water and carbon dioxide to form wood. The template
used as a pattern for this seemingly intelligent, creative,
process is simply a seed. In this type of reaction the "cold"
force is something other than the absence of heat. This cold is
an active cold. It is a "densifying", implosive cold. It is a
life-giving cold. This is a cold, life giving force. To quote
"This process is life force and the reverse of the second law of
thermodynamics; it is the vital force: Vril."
This is one huge difference between the physics of Schappeller
and Schauberger and the physics of the Nineteenth Century. The
physics of the Nineteenth Century explain everything in terms of
the inanimate. Laws of physics are written using inanimate
examples. Chemical reactions are described which stem from
inanimate models. Animate models are simply made to conform with
the inanimate assuming that life is just a special case which
eventually will be shown to be nothing but chemistry and so
subject to the same Second Thermodynamic Law as the inanimate.
Schappeller and Schauberger both say in their own ways that this
is not so. They say, each in their own ways, that a new and
different law of thermodynamics applies to living forces. They
say that this more akin to a life process than previous theories
They say this force is creative. Those that subscribed
to these new ideas claim it was not only a new physical law but a
new science and that Germany would lead the way to this new
science. Let us take a closer look at what is claimed to be the
physics behind this new science.
The first concept to be considered is cold. Cold in this sense
does not mean the mere absence of heat. This is interstellar
cold, the cold found in the vacuum of space. In this relative
vacuum, matter is not found in sufficient quantity to use to
measure this cold. Think about how we measure cold. We measure
matter which is cold. We measure the heat in air or water for
instance. In the absence of matter how would cold be measured?
There is no doubt that if we could, for instance, place a
thermometer in a glass of water in deep space, the temperature
recorded would be at or very near absolute zero, 0 Kelvin or -273
degrees Centigrade or -460 degrees Fahrenheit.
The presence or absence of matter in deep space may be the
subject of conjecture. The presence or absence of energy in deep
space is something universally accepted. For instance, we all
know that light passes through interstellar space. We see the
proof when we look up at the stars, planets or the moon. Besides
visible light, other electromagnetic radiations freely pass
through space. These include x-ray, gamma and cosmic rays. Yet
besides electromagnetic radiation many people now believe that in
the depths of space there resides another form of energy with is
found there as well as everywhere else all around us. This
energy sometime goes by the name of "zero point energy" but for
our purposes we can simply call it "ether energy". It is
sometimes argued that this energy is really the result of ether
rather than ether itself and that ether really is matter. For a
moment, let us postpone this discussion and focus on the vast,
stretches of interstellar space which are filled with ether
energy, near or at absolute zero.
Mr. Watson points out Dawson's words on page 83 of The Physics Of
The Primary State Of Matter where he says:
"Cold is not therefore the absence of heat, primary heat and
cold having nothing to do with molecular action (in the
cosmos) there are no molecules available".
The reader may recall that something strange happens to
electrical energy at absolute zero. For instance, if a disc of
conducting material is held at absolute zero and the disc is
given an electric charge, the electric current will circulate
around and around the disc forever, never loosing its energy as
it would if the disc were sitting on an office desk at room
temperature. This property of cold is instrumental in the
storage of at least one form of energy. The vast stretches of
cold interstellar vacuum must be seen as a vast energy storage
sea in a state of heightened negative entropy. Schappeller
called this undirected matter-energy reserve potential "latent
Out of this latent magnetism, both energy and matter could be
produced with the corresponding stimulation. The non-excited
electromagnetic field was viewed by Schappeller as simply latent
magnetism. Matter is a condensation out of bipolar ether.
Therefore, electromagnetism is a product of matter and is nothing
more than bipolar ether in a different condition. Latent
magnetism could be, then, excited into matter. Latent magnetism
could be influenced by either of the thermodynamic principles
discussed, the Second Law of Thermodynamics or by Reverse
Thermodynamics. This vast ether field, whose most notable
characteristic is the property of cold, latent and awaiting
stimulus, is the progenitor of both energy, as we know it, and of
Since primary cold, this vast reserve of negative entropy
potential, is responsible for both matter and energy and since
all energy eventually degenerates into heat, it follows that, as
navson puts it, again on page 83:
"Primary heat, as may now be understood, is composed of cold
This is seems like a surprising play on words, especially from a
man of science, but this statement follows perfectly from
Schappeller's reasoning nevertheless.
We turn now to Schappeller's concept of "stress". Both heat
stress and cold stress can be applied to an electromagnetic
field. Heat stress is the usual type of stress applied to
electromagnetic fields in secondary physics. Secondary physics
is the physics of our everyday world according to Schappeller.
Primary physics is the physics dealing with the cold force and
ether yielding matter and energy, which constitute the secondary
reactions and so Schappeller uses the term "secondary physics" to
describe our world as we know it.
An example of heat stressing of the electromagnetic field is the
condenser and the coil. A charged condenser results in an
electric field and a charged coil results in a magnetic field. A
charged condenser and coil, connected by a wire circuit
alternately charge and discharge each other, producing
electromagnetic radiation unit the heat caused by the resistance
of the wire degrades the whole process into heat. Heat stress on
the electromagnetism is +/-.
Cold stress on the electromagnetic field is something totally new
to our science and technology. It is also seen in terms of +/but the machines used to produce it are not known in our world.
Mr. Watson did not say this but if we return to our examples of
heat stressed machines, the condemnor and the coil, the
corresponding cold stressed machines might be the Schappeller
sphere and the Schappeller coil electret. The sphere collects
the charge through the magnets, holds and condenses it in its
glowing center corresponding to the electric field of the
condenser. The internal coils filled with electret produce a
magnetic field in the presence of the intense and pulsing
electric field. According to my interpretation, the whole
Schappeller sphere is a combined condenser/coil combined into one
machine made possible through an initial input of cold stress.
As in our example of the condenser/coil interaction producing an
electromagnetic wave, so an attraction exists between a machine
obeying the Second Law of Thermodynamics and one obeying the law
of Reverse Thermodynamics. This attraction can lead to
interaction. For instance, an imploding or centripetal vortex
can couple with an exploding or centrifugal vortex. The
centripetal vortex is an example of a system following the law of
Reverse Thermodynamics while the centrifugal vortex represents a
system following the Second Law of Thermodynamics. We have all
seen these two systems working together in everyday life. The
common toilet is such a machine although the centrifugal side
forms inside the drain pipe which is out of sight.
Perhaps there is another example which is more germane to our
discussion. It is the diagram of the Vril power plant. (This
engine diagram is used here as an example for discussion and is
not a blind endorsement of the diagram's existence or accuracy.)
In this interpretation of this diagram, we are really dealing
with two separate devices. First, is the central spherical
device which may be a refined version of the Schappeller sphere.
An initial charge would be imputed into the sphere to start it
after which the unit would continue to gather up the surrounding
energy. This is a Reverse Thermodynamic machine. The sphere
generates a magnetic field which could be offset by rotating as
in the Schappeller device. The offset field would feed and so
rotate the arms of the electric generator surrounding the sphere.
The electric generator would gather electric energy, feeding the
four large broadcasting fixtures on the walls of the saucer.
These fixtures might be, for instance, Tesla pancake coils. The
electric generator is an example of a machine complying with the
Second Thermodynamic Law.
Both components of the power plant are bonded together in a
single system since the output energy of the broadcasting
fixtures on the walls of the saucer constitute additional input
energy for the sphere. The two components attract one another
and use and depend upon one another as they circulate and
recirculate energy. As the energy level of one component
increases so does the energy level of the other. Indeed, the
biggest problem facing the use of such an engine may be employing
a means to stop it.
The actual levitation might be the particular electromagnetic
radiation coming out of the sphere. In this interpretation, the
broadcast fixtures are used to steer the saucer. Davson gives
output frequencies for the sphere as 10 to the sixth power (22).
Watson points out in his letter that one reason machines
utilizing the Reverse Thermodynamic principle have not been
recognized is that a cold stressed magnetic field is a cold
machine. Even a centripetal vortex cools rather than heats. All
our devices of measurement ultimately measure heat in some form.
Measurement of cold is more difficult. The example already
given, the problem of measuring temperature in interstellar space
in the absence of matter is an example of this problem.
Finally, the reader will recall that Mr. Watson points out that
electromagnetism manifests itself bipolarity, yielding four
components in all. These are +/- hot electromagnetism and +/co l d electromagnetism. The reader will recall that two hot
electromagnetic components can be joined (the condenser and the
coil) and set into a cycle producing an electromagnetic wave. Is
it possible that two complementary hot electromagnetic and cold
electromagnetic machines could be set into cycle producing not a
bi-polar but a quadropolar, 360 degree radiation, such as the one
described by Dr. Richard Lefores Clark, to produce gravity?
Planned Uses For The Schappeller Device
If the above discussion has any meaning at all in the quest for
an answer to the UFO question, one use for which the Schappeller
device must have been destined was that of a power plant for a
flying machine. Was this so? The Schappeller device had many
planned uses. In 1930 this device was planned as a source of
broadcast energy, reminiscent of Tesla, for both German homes and
industry. The device could also be used as a generator, battery,
transformer, or antenna (23). It is reported that toward the end
of the war the SS researched the possibility of using this device
in the form of a death ray (24). But additionally, and in answer
to our question, the Schappeller device was envisioned as a
levitation device for a flying machine. Here is some of that
discussion from our sources:
"The new dynamic technology will, in the future, be able to
drive electric locomotives and automobiles without the
manufacture of costly armatures and everywhere through connection
to the atmospheric voltage network. Hypothetically, is certainly
the installation of a sufficient number of central amplification
facilities which transports from the Ur-Machine the specific
magnetic impulse from the dynamic spherical element. New types
of aircraft with magneto-static power devices and steering, which
are completely crash and collision proof, could be built for a
fraction of the cost of today's aircraft—and without the lengthy
training of everyone who will be servicing these aircraft".
From "Vril" Die Kosmische Urkraft Wiedergeburt von Atlantis
by Johannes Taeufer, page 48.
"Our problem must be to drive toward the space ship problem
to new understanding of a realization! Here a definite postulate
can be established: "Spherical space ship with its own
atmosphere—also technical creation of small planets with world-
dynamic propulsion and buoyancy!".
Will this be possible? --Major powers in the world prepare themselves in any case
presently, especially in Germany."
The above from Weltdynamismus Streifzuege durch technisches
Neuland an Hand von biologischen Symbolen. pages 11 and 12.
Please note the use of the words "spherical space ship"
From Davson in The Physics Of The Primary State Of Matter,
page 240:
"The Rotor is laminated to prevent eddying and the magnets
do not project; the Rotor periphery is thus entirely equiradial.
The Rotor is fixed to the shaft to be driven and the Stator is
fixed about a metre above the earth's surface. The latter is, of
course, flexible because the earth can include the sea or even
the floor of an ether-ship."
From Davson, page 199:
"As has already been explained, the new Technique will not
concern itself with the air as a supporting medium, but directly
with the ether. Therefore, the body may be a vertical sealed
cylinder with conic ends or any other suitable form. Such a body
is obviously rigid and inelastic, and it must contain an ether
stress of sufficient intensity to support its mass against the
ether stress of the earth's stressfield, which means that the
glowing magnetism core in the Stator, provided in the body to be
lifted, must be able to vary its intensity according to the
height at which the ether-ship is to be raised and supported
whilst in transit, as the ether stress or field, itself, varies
inversely as the square of the distance from the earth's surface.
The actual design and solution of all the various problems in the
production of such ships, the choice of methods of propulsion,
whether independent or directional, belong to the new Technique,
whereas here we are only interested in the principle as applied
to the problem of Gravitation."
Finally, from Davson, page 177:
"Now the reason that an unsupported body falls to the ground
is primarily because it has "no hold" on the medium. It was
previously explained that any inert mass or body has only a
latent stressfield which functions merely as the force of
cohesion and has no mobility and thus only a latent internal
stressfield and no external stressfield. This means that it has
no "hold" on any elastic medium such as the ether or the air,
therefore it must fall, and it falls towards the greater
inductive energy.
If the inductive energy, through some exterior cause, could
be made suddenly to increase enormously, there would come a point
when the body would be supported, or rather suspended, before it
reached the earth's surface.
The new Technique could accomplish this by placing a
Schappeller Stator in the body in question, where the body is
suitably constructed, thus setting up a glowing magnetic
stressfield which would hold or keep the weight or mass of the
unit body suspended, not in the air—the stressfield would have
no reaction on the air—but only on the earth's magnetic
This is the basis of the new principle for "ether ships""
Employing the Schappeller mechanism is only half the total
explanation. In a field propulsion saucer there are possible two
types of "drive" needed. The first is the "Auftrieb" or
levitation. Employment of levitation makes the craft buoyant.
It weighs nothing. If it weighs nothing it can be moved very
easily. "Antrieb", impulse or motive power is the second drive
involved. It moves the craft directionally. Levitation only
would be supplied by the Schappeller system. Directional
movement is so far best explained, in my mind, using the Tesla
pancake coils as explained by Bill Lyne.
Concluding Thoughts on the Schappeller Device
In the end, what can be said of the Schappeller device?
certainly, it did exist. It drew attention and funding from
people within the German government of the time. It was studied
by a qualified outsider, a British engineer, for a period of
three years and was judged to be genuine.
There are some obvious problems, however. Exotic energies have
been evoked which have not been explained satisfactorily.
Therefore, the facts are not in evidence yet. Certainly more
proof is required before the claims made for this device or the
energies involved can be wholly accepted. For the time being we
must put this discussion aside, awaiting further correlations.
There are some solutions connected with this device also. If we
accept the idea that both the Schauberger and the Schappeller
devices worked on the theory of implosion, then one explanation
will serve to explain them both. It also allows for an ether-asmatter explanation. This may fit into the evidence gathered by
Nikola Tesla. The commonality of these devices could then be
sought and perhaps a more efficient device built as a result. We
will pick up this theme again in the discussion section of this
It should be pointed out that the quest for this "new science" is
not specific to Schappeller or Schauberger. Mr. Watson passed on
these words from Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, a scientist who
collaborated with Dr. Rudolf Steiner around 1920. Although he is
not happy with the translation he sent it as he found it which is
as it is presented here:
"...the method of science, in a materialistic sense, is
based on analysis splitting apart, disintegration, separation,
dissecting and all the procedures which have to destroy and take
apart, to work on the corpse rather than to grow, to develop, to
synthesize. That the human mind was captured by these methods of
braking apart: in that I saw the source of our present situation.
My question therefore was: (to Rudolf Steiner) is it possible to
find another force or energy in nature, with does not have in
itself the ductus of atomizing and analysis but builds up,
synthesizes. Would we discover that constructive force, which
makes things alive and grow, develop adequate building up of
methods investigation, eventually use this force for another type
of technic, applied to drive machines, than because of the inner
nature of this force or energy we might be able to create another
technology, social structure, constructive thinking of man rather
than destructive thinking. This force must have the impulse of
life, of organization within itself as the so-called physical
energies have the splitting, separating trend within themselves.
My question to Rudolf Steiner October 1920 and spring 1921
therefore was: does such a force or source of energy exist? Can
it be demonstrated? Could an altruistic technic be build upon
My questions were answered as follows: "Yes, such a force exists,
but is not yet discovered. It is what is generally known the
aether (not the physical ether) but the force which makes things
grow, lives for instance in the seed as Samenkraft. Before you
can work with this force you must demonstrate its presence. As
we have reagents in chemistry, so you must find a reagent for the
aetheric force. It is also called formative aetheric force
because it is the force which relates the form, shape, pattern of
a living thing, growth. You might try crystallization processes
to which organic substrata are added. It is possible then to
develop machines, which react upon and are driven by this force.
Rudolf Steiner than outlined the principles of the application of
this force as source of a new energy..."
Since this quest for a new science with the accompanying new
machines had a relatively long history in Germany, certainly predating the 3rd Reich, it is almost certain that the Schappeller
device or others built along a similar understanding were further
developed during the Nazi period. What became of it after the
war is unknown. It can be assumed that this device did not
escape the scrutiny of the numerous Allied intelligence units
tasked with combing Germany for examples of German science.
Perhaps someday a government report will be de-classified
explaining all this as it was in the case of another free-energy
machine, that being the Hans Coler device, which was declassified
by the British in 1978 (25) and which worked, according to Mr.
Watson, using the same principles of cold magnetism. Until that
final reckoning comes aspects of the Schappeller device will
still remain a mystery. And until a more final reckoning comes,
the question of if the Schappeller device was used as a source of
field propulsion in German flying saucers must be deferred.
The Karl Schappeller Device
Sources and References
Bahn, Peter, Ph.D. and Heiner Gehring, 1997, pages 120-131,
Per Vril-Mythos Eine geheimnisvolle Energieform in Esoterik,
Technik und Therapie, Omega Verlag, Duesseldorf
2. Taeufer, Johannes, 1930, page 31."Vril" Die Kosmische
Wiedergeburt von Atlantis, commissioned and
distributed by the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft "Das kommendende
Deutschland", Astrologischer Verlag Wilhelm Becker, Berlinsteglitz
Bahn/Gehring, 1997, page 131
ibid, pages 120-124, 130
5. Weltdynamismus Streifzuege durch technisches Neuland an
von bioloaischen SYmbolen, 1930. pages 14-15, commissioned and
distributed by the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft "Das kommendende
Deutschland", Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag, Berlin
Davson, Cyril W., 1955, pages 50-59, The Physics Of The
Primary State Of Matter And Application Through the Primary
Technique, Elverton Books, London
Nieper, Hans A., Ph.D., 1985, Conversion of Gravity Field
Energy/Revolution in Technology. Medicine and Society. M.I.T.
Management Interessengemeinschaft fuer Tachyonen-Geld-Energy
GmbH, Friedrlch-Rueder-Strasse 1, 2900 Oldenbuurg, Germany
(available in German and English language versions)
Davson, Cyril W., 1955, pages 212-213
ibid, page 231
ibid, pages 217, 223
10. Taeufer, 1930, pages 30-32
11. Davson, 1955, page 230
12. ibid, page 226
13. Taeufer, 130, page 30
14. ibid, page 32
15. Davson, 1955, page 231
16. ibid, page 231
17. ibid, page 57
18. Taeufer, 1930, pages 38-40
19. Clark, Richard LeFors, Ph.D., 1987, page 64, "The Earth Grid,
Human Levitation And Gravity Anomalies", contained in AntiGravity And The World Grid edited by David Hatcher Childress,
Adventures Unlimited Press, Stelle, Illinois
20. ibid
21. ibid
22. Stevens, Henry, 2001, "Infinite Energy", pages 9-13, Volume
7, Issue 40
23. Davson, 1955, page 244
24. Bahn/Gehring, 1997, page 115
25. British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Final Report
Number 1043, item number 31, "The Invention Of Hans Coler,
Relating To An Alleged New Source Of Power, Bryanston Sguare,
Chapter Summary
There is ample evidence that the Schauberger saucer model flew.
The fact that the Schaubergers were brought to the United States
to continue the work leads to the assessment that they worked on
something of value to the government of the United States. The
U.S. government was neither interested in his water research nor
was it interested in his work on agriculture. We are left to
conclude that it was his work on a new form of levitation, his
saucer work, which brought Viktor Schauberger and his son Walter
Schauberger to the United States. After learning all they could,
the government of the United States dismissed the Schaubergers
rather badly, foreshadowing the treatment of the German rocket
scientists two decades later.
Lionel Shapiro was a credible and incredibly well connected
reporter of the war and post-war years. The fact that he was
able to break stories relating to secret weaponry in
Czechoslovakia indicates that he had some connections within the
U.S. military. With the war won, the years of 1946 and 1947 seen
to have been a period when the guard of censorship was relaxed.
This noose would be re-tightened as the cold war got underway. No
fault can be found with Mr. Shapiro's article or its content.
The article on the KM-2 electromagnetic rocket and Mr. Shapiro's
other stories appeared in a respect newspapers, not a tabloids.
His post-war report of the KM-2 electromagnetic rocket must be
taken on face value as legitimate.
The German eyewitness account of "Magnetscheibe" prompted
investigation into U.S. governmental sources for corroboration.
The CIOS report and the F.B.I. report provided corroboration. In
the CIOS report we find a U.S. governmental admission of
experiments in field propulsion for aircraft undertaken in
wartime Germany by Dr. Erb. The F.B.I. report on a field
propulsion German saucer must be taken seriously because the
F.B.I took it seriously. The F.B.I. carefully took the report
and investigated the veracity of their subject. The F.B.I. then
sent copies of this report to other intelligence agencies within
the U.S. government which is indicated on the F.B.I. report
itself. The Bureau saved the report all these years. The fact
that this report deals with German technology but was taken by a
domestic law enforcement agency, one whose "spy" activities are
geographically restricted to within the USA, is noteworthy. It
may indicate that the F.B.I.'s Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was
kept "in the dark" about the real nature of flying saucers and
may have wanted to show the other intelligence agencies that he
was not so easily cut out of the information loop.
If you do not believe this F.B.I. report does not constitute
something special, ask yourself, if you had walked into an F.B.I.
office and described a UFO sighting you had made over ten years
previously, what do you suppose the Bureau's reaction would be?
W o u l d y o u b e t a k e n s e r i o u s ly ? W o u l d y o u r b a c kg r o u n d b e
i nvestigated and would your story be the subject of such
extensive treatment? Would your report be kept for forty years?
Or, on the other hand, would you be politely shown the door by a
condescending uniformed security officer. Something in this
report really struck a nerve at the F.B.I.
There is some suggestion that the Germans worked on a chemical
engine which produced levitation. There is a possibility that
electricity was produced by the Germans directly from atomic
energy. There is some evidence, from both German and English
language sources, that the Karl Schappeller device was being
developed within Germany during the period of time in question.
There is evidence that both the Schauberger and the Schappeller
devices can be explained in terms of implosion and that implosion
may have yielded the levitation force behind field propulsion
vehicles. There is ample evidence that the Germans had access to
the ideas of Nikola Tesla. The work of Tesla may be seen as an
alternative method of propulsion or as a method of moving a field
propulsion vehicle after it was made weightless by another
method. There are wartime pictures along with many very similar
post-war pictures which indicate that the development of field
propulsion vehicles took place at this time.
Concerning these pictures and related reports of flying saucers
one is thrust up against the intelligence services of the
government of the United States of America who see fit to involve
themselves. As we will see, it is the latter's rather clumsy
attempt to suppress and discredit the flying saucer phenomena
which actually speaks volumes for its existence.
The exact methods pertaining to the propulsion of these saucers
may be plausible but they can only be taken as provisional at
this time. There may be hundreds of ways to power a field
propulsion saucer. The question is not "how could it have been
done" but "how was it done".
The brilliant Austrian scientist Victor Schauberger.
Above: Victor Schauberger's vortex saucer models, inspired by a kudu horn from
Southern Africa. Below: Schauberger's two variations of an accelerator for nuclear fusion.
Above: One of a series of three photos taken by postman M. Muyldermans near
Namur, Belgium, at about 7:30 PM on June 5, 1955. Project Blue Book showed
little interest in these clear, daylight photos, despite the fame that they achieved.
Above: A cylindrical-appearing UFO photographed over Torrance, California in
1967. Possibly part of the southern California testing of US military modifications
of German designs?
Above: A 1968 patent granted to H. W. Wallace for a "method and appartus for generating a
secondary gravitational force field," exactly the kind of engine that the Germans were allegedly
developing during WWII.
Above: Two photos of a "Vril-7" saucer in flight, according to Polish
historian Igor Witkowski.
Lore And Loose Ends: A Discussion Of German Saucers
S o m e of the historical context for German flying discs has been
discussed in the preliminary section of this presentation, "The
Situation Within Nazi Germany". German saucers were not designed
to generate the flying saucer mystery in the second half of the
Twentieth Century. They were designed as a weapons system to
a specific job. The fast-moving wartime mind-set was a time when
new aircraft designs and new propulsion technologies were coming
on line with increasing frequency. The insertion of these
saucer-craft into the wartime fabric did not seem as culture
altering as the disclosure of these same craft might be to us
today. But a simple recitation of the facts is not enough. Some
things need to be said about the ideas on German saucers in order
to put their study in a better context. Also, some strings have
been left untied and some ideas need to be mentioned in order to
round out the discussion on this topic.
No better place to start exists than with Renato Vesco. Vesco's
insights for the reasons for German saucers were right on the
money as were his descriptions of cultural conditions within
wartime Germany with prompted this response. Vesco elucidated
the foo fighter mystery as nobody else did.
But he went on to
describe another mystery craft which he called the "Kugleblitz"
or "ball lightning" in English (1). This craft is not the same
as the Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe or any other saucer design so
far disclosed.
Indeed, Vesco seems to know nothing of these
other projects. His only descriptions were of the Feuerball (foo
fighter) and the Kugelblitz.
Vesco described Kugelblitz as the big brother of the Feuerball,
meaning that it was a further development of the Feuerball or foo
fiqhter. A central cupola or cabin was surrounded by a freespinning body or saucer which was turbine driven.
stabilization was probably provided by a small but rapidly
spinning centrally positioned flywheel, a gyroscope, set at
ninety degrees from the axis of the saucer.
The Kugelblitz was
able to take-off vertically.
Its method of destroying enemy
aircraft was probably that described by Vesco (2) and confirmed
in new U.S. government documents which included the description
of the "Phoo Bomb" (3) under item six, "Gases Applicable To
Aircraft". In this system the Kugelblitz approached an enemy
bomber formation and ejected one of two types of gas ahead of
that formation. The engines of the bombers inhaled the gas and
were either destroy by pre-ignition or engine seizure caused by
loss of motor oil viscosity. It is not know if one or both
methods were used.
The Kugelblitz was guided to the bomber formation by a homing
device whose name may have caused Vesco and later UFO researchers
some confusion. This is because there existed a homing device
whose name was "Kuglelblitz". This may have caused Vesco to
assume the entire project bore its name. This device was
manufactured by the Patent Verwertungs Gesellschaft of Salzburg
and we know quite a bit about it through a Freedom Of Information
Act response (4).
Curiously enough, and for a second time, the file comes to us
from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a domestic spy agency
which theoretically had no business
technology in foreign lands.
The Kugelblitz homing device was a proximity fuse which measured
radio frequency waves bounced back from the target, reconciling
the Doppler shift with measurement of standing waves to find the
exact distance to the target. This homing device was the best of
any produced by the Germans, according to the report, as was to
be used on all varieties of flak rockets including the
Schmettlerling and the Rheintochter. Examples were built at the
Patent Verwertungs Gesellschaft plant but it never reached full
assembly line production.
There are two interesting asides to this story. The first is
that on May 1, 1945, one day after Hitler shot himself in the
bunker and six days before Germany surrendered, two officers of
the Reichsministerium fuer Rustungs und Kriegsproduktion (Albert
Speer's ministry) arrived at the plant and took all existing
examples of the Kugelbitz devices and the plans. Neither the two
officers, the devices, nor the plans were ever seen again (5).
Why was this done? Realistically, these officers must have had
some post-war aspirations for this device. It must be added that
at this point in the war, Speer's ministry, the Reichs Ministry
for Armament and War Production referred to above was in fact
being administered and run by the SS.
The second aside is another device in the conceptual stages at
the Patent Verwertungs Gesellschaft called "Phantoscope".
Phantoscope was to employ high frequency waves beamed to the
ground then reflected and picked up on board a moving aircraft to
image, in three dimensions, the contours of the earth's surface
using a glass case filled with gas and tiny vertical wires. This
could be done in any weather, day or night (6). One wonders if
the German officers plucked this jewel also? If so, was this to
be used on a manned saucer?
Vesco says the Kugelblitz saucer was flown once against enemy
aircraft (7). It was destroyed by technical detachments of the
SS after "a single lucky wartime mission" (8) in late March or
April of 1945 (9) .
Another mystery is the post-war activities of Dr. Richard Miethe.
Most all sources state that Dr. Miethe went to Canada after the
war and worked on a joint Canadian-American saucer project at an
aircraft facility near Toronto, Ontario. Unfortunately, all
Freedom Of Information Act inquiries concerning Dr. Miethe run
into the solid wall of "no record". Only one researcher ever
claimed to have a document naming Dr. Miethe in association with
this Avro Aircraft, Limited project, (also known as A.V. Roe,
Limited), and that one researcher later admitted to being "a
government asset" which throws a cloud of doubt on all his work
There is no doubt, however, that by early 1955, work was
commenced by Avro to build a mach 3 flying saucer which is
reminiscent of some of the designs attributed to Dr. Miethe. Two
designs were proposed, the difference being the engine used to
power the saucer. One proposal was to use several axial-flow jet
engines. The second and preferred proposal was to use one large
radial-flow jet engine. The axial type is the type most commonly
used in jet aircraft today. The radial type was similar to the
first jet engine flown by the Germans in 1937. In fact, the
radial engine actually under study in Canada may have had some
similarities with the Rene Leduc engine used by Dr. Miethe.
Work continued until the early 1960s under various names
including Project Silver Bug and Project 1794. Finally, a small
hover-craft was unveiled by Avro as the final outcome of their
saucer experimentation. This "Avrocar" had nothing to do with
either Dr. Miethe's work or a mach three interceptor. The
Avrocar was probably a cover project for something else. This
"something else" was more advanced.
The Avro Aircraft, Limited experimentation with saucer-craft was
always an open secret which was at times exploited by the
government. Information regarding this project has been obtained
via Freedom Of Information Act using their American partner, the
United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, by
this researcher as well as other researchers.
There exists a sub-story to the Canadian involvement which should
be mentioned. In an article in a British UFO magazine, writer
Palmiro Campagna revealed a previously unknown connection between
the Canadian government and the history of German saucers (11).
It seems that an SS technical liaison officer, Count Rudolf von
Meerscheidt-Huellessem, (erroneously spelled "Hullessem" in the
article), contacted the Canadian government in March of 1952,
offering technical information about a German saucer which could
attain speeds "limited only by the strength of the metals used in
the saucer's construction".
According to the article, von
Avro Flying Saucer
This is a general diagram of the exterior of an Avro
saucer. It is representative of how the Avro radial engine
saucers worked. Within this outer hull an inner, flat
radial-type engine of was situated. This is exactly the
scheme designed by Dr. Richard Miethe it and has been
copied from his designs. Dr. Frost and his engine designs
were overblown, heavy, complicated frauds.
Meerscheidt-Huellessem wanted a large sum of money as down
payment, a monthly salary and Canadian citizenship and police
protection in exchange. Support for this claim comes in the form
of copies of Canadian government documents describing this offer.
Mr. Campagna states in the article that the Canadian government
ultimately declined the offer but that the American government
may have taken over negotiations and accepted.
Contact was made by this researcher with a daughter of Count
Rudolf von Meerscheidt-Huellessem's who verified that her father
was a technical liaison officer. She had little contact with her
father since she was two years old since he had remarried and
moved to Canada. She was able, however, to provide the address
of another relative, Countess von Huellessem, who was Count
Rudolf von Meerscheidt-Huellessem's widow.
Contact was made with Countess von Huellessem.
Count von
Meerscheidt-Huellessem died in 1988. But the Countess did know a
little something about the story in question. Her late husband
did discuss the flying saucer with her but only once. He told
her that the "drawings" had been given to a representative of the
Canadian government in 1952. After review of the drawings, the
on l y comment from the representative was that they were
"outdated". The drawings were never returned. The Canadians had
succeeded in obtaining hard information concerning a real flying
saucer and in paying for it with an insult.
Count von
Meerscheidt-Huellessem was somewhat despondent over the
rejection. He never mentioned the subject to his wife again. At
the time they were both making new lives for themselves in Canada
and the subject never resurfaced.
In discussing these events with the Countess over the telephone,
she told me that she herself had seen these drawings. She was
asked if these were drawings or technical plans. She said they
were technical drawings on rolls of paper. I said the word
"blueprint" and she said "yes". She stated again that these
drawings were given only to the Canadians and not to the
Countess von Huellessem was sent a copy of the aforementioned
article. Her only comment was that her husband would not have
asked for a large sum of money in exchange for this information.
They already had means. He might have asked for a position, she
said, since her husband would have enjoyed working on this
Returning to the Avro Aircraft, Limited - U. S. Air Force saucer
project, we have to ask ourselves some questions. First, was
this information, these plans, the real basis of the Avro saucer
project? This would certainly explain the reason for the
partnership between the two governments involved since the
Americans would have needed the Canadians at that point and the
Canadians would have insisted upon control of the project on
their home soil.
Second, did the technology brought to the
Canadians by von Meerscheidt-Huellessen have anything to do with
the jet technology obtained the under Freedom Of Information Act?
It certainly had nothing to do with a hover-craft which was the
outcome of this project according to the government. How could a
floppy hover-craft barely capable of 300 miles per hour under the
best of estimates have had anything to do with a saucer whose
speed was "only limited by the strength of metals used in the
saucer's construction"? Could Project Silver Bug, Project 1794,
and some of the other patents of John Frost attributed to this
collaboration all be nothing more than an elaborate cover story?
Another point is that until recently, the only connection linking
the German saucer projects to the Avro Project and to the
Americans was the involvement of Dr. Richard Miethe. With the
new evidence of the Peenemuende Project's connection to the
American saucer projects run out of Wright Field, Ohio and the
Count von Meerscheidt-Huellessem connections to the Canadians,
the weak linkage of Dr. Miethe to these projects is superfluous.
There is now more than enough evidence to make these connections
with or without Dr. Miethe. Further, considering the Count von
Meerscheidt-Huellessem evidence, there is now a direct link
between German saucer technology and the Canadian government's
saucer project at A.V., Roe Limited. That link turns out to be
the SS in the form of an SS technical liaison officer.
There are differing opinions as to how known saucer-types were
actually powered. Every researcher seems to have his own ideas
about this subject. Could the answer to this dilemma be that
there are more types of German saucers than we know about? For
instance a device is depicted in a 1975 issue of Luftfahrt
International, a well respected German aeronautical magazine,
which shows a drawing of a "Flakmine" (12). Depicted are several
rotor blades, some powered by ram-jets, making it essentially a
jet-powered helicopter. This device may have been derived from
design work done in Italy in which the propellant and the
explosive were the same substance. This device was called the
"Turboproietto" meaning in English, "turbine projectile" (13).
It would have been able to carry large quantities of explosive to
the altitude of a bomber formation. The device would have
rotored up, vertically, to the level of a formation of bombers
and then detonated, using the remaining fuel as a bomb,
presumably inflicting heavy losses. Klaus-Peter Rothkugel refers
to this very device as a "Drehfluegel" and will detail its
development in his upcoming book.
In another instance of a possible saucer type, saucers shown to
Bill Lyne in a movie clip while he was in Air Force Intelligence
were described by him as "flying turtles" (14). This film was
taken by B-17 flight personnel during World War Two as the two
German saucers attacked a squadron of bombers. other writers
including Michael X. Barton and Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer used
these same descriptive words. Vesco describes the "Feuerball",
the foo fighter, as "circular and armored, more or less
resembling the shell of a tortoise". This description also
applies to his Kugelblitz (15). Turtle or tortoise is
"Schildkroete" in German. Sometimes this device is referred to
as a "flying turtle" in both languages. With so many writers
using this term for flying craft which are apparently not all
similar, there exists a certain amount of confusion about this
name, "Schildkroete". Therefore, this saucer does not seem to
fit neatly into any previously described saucer type. Perhaps
this flying turtle is only another name for the Fireball or foofighter which seems to be the consensus among German writers,
other writers seem to associate this word with a larger craft so
perhaps this type of saucer is closer to what Vesco described as
the Kugelblitz. "Schildkroete" seemed so nebulous that for many
years this writer refused to accept the term at all.
This all changed when it was uncovered that the Germans were
actually developing a flying weapon code-named Schildkroete. This
researcher as well as another researchers have found references
to an offensive air weapon, called by the Germans,
"Schildkroete", and known to American intelligence. The exact
nature of this device is, however, still kept secret. The
government is uncooperative, even when presented with their own
words on the subject and copies of their own reports. For
instance in a Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee
interrogation of Albert Speer, Reichminister of Armaments And War
Production, report 53(b), Speer is specifically asked about
"Schildkroete". Only Speer's reply is retained in the record,
not the actual question. Line number 20 of that interrogation
quoted here as the document from microfilm is difficult to read:
" 20.
Schildkroete he was not sure about, but he thought is
might, conceivably be a jet fighter. "
By the time Schildkroete had come about, Speer had lost much of
h i s standing and duties to officials of the SS. In this same set
of interrogations Speer deferred a question concerning V-weapons
to Dr. Hans Kammler as the one the Allies should seek as the
expert. Speer was the only one raising Kammler's name. There
was no follow-up questioning by the Allied interrogators. It was
almost as if Speer had uttered an obscenity, invoking the "K"
word, which was a word simply too hot to be touched in that
The next Allied reference to Schildkroete comes from the Combined
Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee, Evaluation Report 40,
titled "Sonderausschus A-4". Sonderausschus was an organization
whose job it was to prioritize resources toward projects most
needed to defend the Reich. These high priority programs were
the Vierjahresplan, Vulkanprogramm, Jaegerprogramm, Lokprogramm,
and the Notprogramm. Each had projects within these headings.
Even though under pressure of law in the form of a request under
t h e auspices of the Freedom Of Information Act, the Federal
Government of the United States of America has responded with a
"No Record" when asked for their files on some of these programs.
This is true even when confronted with their own documents naming
U.S. Government Documents Mentioning "Schildkroete"
Top: Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS)
Report items 21, 22, 31, File# XXX111-38 Underground
Factories In Germany, page 19. Middle: CIOS Report 40,
Sonderausschus A-4, page 5. Bottom: CIOS Report 59(b)
Interrogation Of Albert Speer Reich Minister Of Armaments
And War, Page 3
these programs. One project, project 8-162, clearly names
Schildkroete as the code-name of this project. It is listed in
association with a known project, the "Salamander" project, which
resulted in the He 162A Salamander or Volksjaeger jet fighter.
The last reference to Schildkroete was found by Heiner Gehring in
the Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Party 536
report on Underground Factories in Germany. This was classified
as "Secret" and was a G-2 Division, S.H.A.E.F. report! In
describing the large underground facility at Nordhausen, where
the bulk of the V-2 production took place, tunnel divisions
Mittelwerk and Nordwerk were said in this secret report to be
producing "Schildhroete - flak rocket components". Although
spelled incorrectly in the report, the intended word is very
Clearly something is going on under the heading Schildkroete. A
possibly is the connection of Schildkroete to the Italian
"Turboproietti" mentioned by Vesco. In an information sheet,
Klaus-Peter Rothkugel depicts a diagram for the Turboproietti.
This design is remarkably similar that found in Swiss newspaper
from the mid-1950s (16). This article credits the successful
German saucer program and Georg Klein and goes on to describe
another related design which is reproduced here. One can
immediately see the relationship with the Turboproietti design.
In this design the center of gravity is below the saucer surface
adding stability. The pilot's cabin is also below the wing
surface. This is curiously similar to a turtle's bony structure
in which the head and neck emerge from under the turtle's shell.
Could this have been the Schildkroete design?
This design calls for the use of ram-jets but turbojets could
have also been used. Fuel tanks are located in the rotating wing
and so fuel is fed to the jet engines by centrifugal force. The
two small wings have adjustable angles as do the jet engines
themselves. Thus, the method of vertical flight is similar to
the Schriever-Habermohl saucers.
The horizontal maneuvering is unique and warrants discussion. We
have all heard reports of flying saucers in flight making
seemingly non-aerodynamic turns instantaneously. In this
article, Mr. Zollikofer proposes a simple method to accomplish
this. It involves angular momentum. We all remember seeing a
child's top spinning on a smooth floor. Perhaps the reader will
recall that when the top nears a piece of furniture and hits it,
the top shoots off instantly in the opposite direction. This
happens because contact with the furniture caused a change in the
top's angular momentum. The top's momentum was braked on one
side. A sudden slow down on one side caused an imbalance whose
force drove the top to the opposite direction.
In this same way the intentional slowing of one engine (on one
side) on this saucer design would cause the rapidly spinning
saucer to instantaneously change course, shooting to the other
"Turbopriette" And A Possible Successor
Top: Italian designed "Turboproietti" an anti-aircraft
design which used left-over fuel as its warhead. Bottom:
Saucer design, 2/3/55, "Neue Zuercher Zeitung". 1. Hub of
the rotating winged-wheel. 2. Adjustable wings 3. Nonrotating cabin. 4. Lookout for the pilots. 5. Ram-jets
6. Air intake. 7. Exhaust, direction changeable. 8. Angle
of variation of the exhaust rudder. 9. Variable adjustment
angle of the wings. Was this a Schildkroete? Kugelblitz?
side. Several of these course changes would resemble insectlike flight to the observer. The rapidity of the course changes
is tied to the degree of slow-down or breaking of the saucer's
angular momentum and to the degree (revolutions per minute) of
that momentum. Even when stationary, increased spinning would
serve as a "bank" of angular momentum to be drawn upon at a
moment's notice.
Through out Vecso's Intercept UFO the words "circular wing" are
mentioned. Looking at this design yields a possible new
understanding to that term. It is possible that this basic
design is to be found in the foo fighter, (Feuerball, Phoo Bomb),
as well as the mysterious Kugelblitz. It was hinted above that
this design may be the basis of the Schildkroete but it could
also be the basis for other German saucer projects.
Many writer attribute field propulsion to the foo fighter. This
is because of its luminosity, its flight pattern and its alleged
disruption of ignition based aircraft engines. Another
possibility is that it was a jet propelled flying machine but
with one addition. It is possible that a T.T. Brown-type of
flame-jet generator was attached to its exhaust nozzles and the
appropriate insulation added on the surface of the craft. With
this addition, the exhaust gasses would become enriched with
negative ions. So would the air in the surrounding vicinity.
This would have resulted in the short-circuiting of the target
aircraft's engines should such variables as the wind have been
just right. The fact that it apparently did not always work
argues for the variables being in operation. More variables
would have accompanied this means of disruption than a purely
electromagnetic one since the electromagnetic field would have
been present regardless of atmospheric conditions. It other
words, the field propulsion vehicle should have always disrupted
the bomber's engines.
Another item is submitted for your consideration under the
heading of "loose ends". This is another F.B.I. report, Number
62-0-11328, which is reproduced here in total. A unique feature
of this report is that it contains two "xerox" copies of a German
saucer. These pictures were given to the F.B.I. but the
negatives were retained by the informant whose name has been
deleted. Also deleted is the last name of the German saucer
designer. It is a remotely controlled device but the circular
glass cockpit indicates a design ultimately intended for human
pilots. Undulations on the saucer periphery resembling jet
engines are noticeable in the picture. This report dates from
July 8, 1967 but describes events from November, 1944. As with
the other F.B.I. report, the fact that it was taken and kept so
long attests to its worth.
There are some similarities between this report and Vesco's
description of the Kugelblitz. The encounter described in the
F.B.I. report resulting in the "downing" of a B-26. Vesco
describes the same or a similar incident involving the Kugelblitz
A Second F.B.I. Report on German Flying Discs
(Three pages and best possible picture)
and an American "Liberator" (17). Both saucers are surprisingly
identical in description. In the F.B.I. report this secret
project was set in the "Black Forest of Austria". The
Schwarzwald, the Black Forest, is in Southern Germany. Vesco
says that toward the end of the war the Germans dispersed their
remaining aircraft to improved air field hidden in thick pine
forests (18).
Vesco specifically mentions the Schwaebischerwald
BubesheimerwaId (19). Vesco goes on to say:
"It was from one of these improved fields that the first
Kugelblitz fighter took off on its fantastic flight" (20).
The general description of the airfield hidden in a forest does
seem to correspond with what Vesco described. Finally, the fuel
used on this saucer was unlike that of the Me-163 or any other
fuel known. Is this a variant of the exotic fuels Vesco says
were considered for German saucers? (21).
Is this report confirmation of Vesco? Is the informant in the
F.B.I. report describing a Kugelblitz? Is this fuzzy "xerox"
copy really a picture of the Kugelblitz? It is not proof
positive, but it is intriguing.
A request was made to the F.B.I. for a clear picture. The Bureau
responded on March 22, 2001 saying that the Miami Field Office
may have had a clearer picture but that the file was destroyed.
Here we have a real X-File, yet nobody saved the picture? Fox
Mulder, where are you when we need you most? The F.B.I. did
provide a somewhat clearer picture which is reproduced here.
Sometimes blind luck in needed when dealing with the government.
This has proven to be the case regarding a very special compass
developed by the Germans to use in their flying disc program.
Actually, there may have been more than one type of compass for
this purpose. The first inkling of this compass comes to us from
the writings of Wilhelm Landig wherein he describes a
"Himmelskompass" or heavenly compass (22). This device was
mounted upon a flying disc and could orient itself using the
position of the sun even in twilight or if the sun was below the
horizon. The method given for its operation is that sunlight
striking the earth is polarized and that this direction has a
stronger electromagnetic field which can be detected with
instruments (ibid). The magnetic fields emanating from the north
and south poles are a similar situation.
William Lyne discloses, pictures and describes a German compass
which he states was used on a German flying disc in his book
Pentagon Aliens, the first edition which circa 1990. He bought
the device as junk from a New Mexican junk dealer who got it on
an Air Force base after it had apparently slipped though a
security check.
"Mother Horizon"
"Mother Horizon" was possibly a device used on a German
flying disc. Top: "Information Obtaind From Targets Of
Opportunity In The Sonthofen Area" BIOS Report # 142.
Bottom: Entry in microfilm obtained via FOIA.
Recently, mention of a German compass was encountered while
searching for something else in a Freedom Of Information Act
response. Called a "Mother Horizon", the device recalls and may
confirm the device first described by Landig. On the other hand,
it may simply be a device showing the pilot the attitude of the
aircraft in relation to that of the horizon. Whether or not this
is the same device in the possession of William Lyne is not known
at this time.
Turning to field propulsion saucers and pictures of them, it
should be pointed out that the saucer pictures of Ralf Ettl and
Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer are unique to them, that is, no
pictures of saucers specifically identified as "Haunebu", "Vril"
exist outside of their presentation to my knowledge. As if
preempting criticism, these writers counter with the proposal
that all Adamski saucers are really German field propulsion
saucers or originated from German wartime designs. Adamski
saucers were photographed and witnessed world-wide in the early
1950s. In fairness, it should be pointed out that there also
exists at least one source of confirmation of their thesis.
Confirmation of sorts comes from a new book by a conspiracy
writer, George Piccard, who cites similar information to that of
Ettl and Juergen-Ratthofer as coming from his informant, a man
calling himself "Kilder" (24). Piccard states that he believed
the name "Kilder" to be an alias. Kilder was a clerk working in
British intelligence and allegedly came to Piccard through a
mutual contact shortly before Kilder died of lung cancer. During
his years of service, Kilder had allegedly filed away many
classified documents which he committed to memory. This book is
interesting reading, of that there is no doubt. It is too bad,
though, that Piccard could not elicit the real name of the dying
Kilder, because, as has already been pointed out, there is
nothing reliable about an unnamed, secret government source and,
hence, there is no reason to spill much ink in discussing the
More evidence that the Germans produced something truly strange
comes from the Polish researcher Igor Witkowski. Mr. Witkowski
is considered by the Eastern European sources already cited, the
engineer Mr. Robert Leiakiewicz and Dr. Milos Jesensky, to be the
foremost authority on German saucers in Poland. This is no small
title considering the mountains of research through which they
have tunneled, both figuratively and in reality. According to
his interviewer, Nick Cook, the Aviation Editor of "Janes Defense
Weekly", Mr. Witkowski was shown classified Russian documents
through an unnamed contact. In them it described German research
on a device called "die Glocke" (the bell). This device was
tested underground, at Der Riese, at the Wenceslas mine near
Ludwigsdorf(25) under the German code-names of "Laternentraeger"
("lantern carrier") and "Chronos" which obviously refers to time.
This was done under the auspices of a heretofore unknown SS
organization, the Forschungen, Entwicklungen and Patente
(Research, Development and Patents) or FEP. This was Kammler's
group according to Mr. Witkowski (26). Could this be the true
name of what has been referred to up until now simply as the
"Kammler Group"? Mr. Witkowski maintains that this group was
independent of the Reichsforschungsrat, the Reich Research
Council, which is significant. Heading the research on the Bell
was none other than Professor Walther Gerlach (27) who was among
the very top tier of German nuclear scientists. A metallic
liquid, violet in color and resembling mercury, was stored within
the bell in two cylinders. These cylinders were spun in opposite
directions for test lasting for a minute. The effects included.a
pale blue light emitted from the bell, electrical equipment
failures, as well as deleterious effects on animals and people
(28). To his credit, Mr. Witkowski did not try make more out of
this than is in evidence. He is of the opinion, however, that
the bell was a very powerful engine (29). Of course, we all can
jump ahead of the facts slightly and wonder if this engine was
not to be used on a very large German atomic saucer or field
propulsion saucer, the very kind described by Mr. Norbert
Weighing into the German field propulsion controversy is Dr. Axel
Stoll. Dr. Stoll is a Geophysicist, that is, a real scientist.
Dr. Stoll names no sources in his book but states that they exist
and must be protected for the common need as opposed to that of
serving an individual purpose as a citation (25). Dr. Stoll
supports the assertion that field propulsion vehicles were being
developed during the Third Reich. But unlike what has transpired
before. Dr. Stoll gives us the theory and the mathematics behind
the theory, citing and translating Maxwell and Bearden. Besides
the mathematical support for his thesis that the Germans built
field propulsion vehicles, he states something about his
suspicion concerning a spin-off of this technology which may have
been further developed by the Germans (26). It is what was
stated by Mr. Juergen-Ratthofer over ten years ago in his video
films. It is what was indicated by circumstantial evidence at
Jonastal and recognized as such for at least five years by some
of the researchers there. It is that the Germans were interested
in the manipulation space and time itself. It is said that time
and space can be manipulated or time and space can be created or
obliterated through the use of am electromagnetic longitudinal
wave (32). Normal electromagnetic waves, such as light waves, are
transverse. This brings us right back to the production of
quadropolar waves (transverse and longitudinal waves in cycle) as
discussed in connection with the Schappeller device. Could this
lost technology provide us with a window into time or into
another dimension? Would our scientists of today be able to
unlock this technology given their restricted scientific outlook?
Has the reconstruction and piecing together of this puzzle
occupied our scientists since the end of the Second World War?
Turning aside for a moment, as stated, this book was written as a
guide to German flying discs. As such, the reader should be
cautioned about at least one pitfall. This pitfall consists of a
series of technical diagrams of alleged German field propulsion
saucers, prominently displaying a date of November, 1944. In
some of these drawings mention is made of a "Thule-Tachyonator".
This word "Tachyonator" obviously has its origins in the word
tachyon. This word bothered me for years but I loved those "old"
drawings so much that my nagging doubts were put aside. What
bothered me was the fact that this word never arose in my
introductory physics course in the 1960s. This ate at me until I
called the Physics Department at the University of California at
Los Angeles for their opinion as to the origin of this word. An
old physicist said from his memory the word was not even coined
until the mid-1960s, thus casting doubt on the technical
drawings. He gave me a reference and his memory proved correct.
The word "tachyon" was coined by Dr. Gerald Feinberg in 1966
(33). This means that there was no word "Tachyonator" in 1944.
Unless better evidence surfaces, the veracity of these documents
must be questioned. It hurts to admit that I count myself as
one of the people taken in by this deception.
Lore And Loose Ends: A Discussion of German Saucers Sources
Sources and References
Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 158
Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 137, 156-157
United states Strategic Air Forces In Europe, Office Of The
Director Of Intelligence, 1944, "An Evaluation Of German
Capabilities In 1945"
Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of
Justice File Number 65-57183, "Patent Verwertungs
Gesellschaft Espionage", American Embassy, London
Hogg, I. V., 1970, page 48, German Secret Weapons Of World
War 2, Arco Publishing Company, Inc., New York
Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of
Justice, File Number 65-57193, "Patent Verwertungs
Gesellschaft Espionage", American Embassy, London
Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 156-157
Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 134-135
10. Moore, W. L., date unknown, page number not specified in
publication, " #4510 Research File Project "y" and the 'Avro'
Flying Disc", W. L. Moore Publications, Burbank, California
11. Campagna, Palmiro, 2000, pages 74 and 75, "Nazi UFO? Released
documents increase speculation that Nazis did research disc
technology", Article from UFO Magazine, United Kingdom
12. Luftfahrt International, 1975, page 1366, "Deutsche
Flugkreisel Gab's die?
13. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 145
14. Lyne, William R., 1999, pages 206-207, Space Aliens,
Creatopia Productions, Lamy, New Mexico
15. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 157
16. Zollikofer, Otto, February 3, 1955,"Die Fliegenden Teller Ein
Deutungsversuch", an article appearing in the Neue Zuercher
17. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 134
18. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 158
19. ibid
20. ibid
21. Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 145
22. Landig, Wilhelm, 1971, page 27, Goetzen Gegen Thule,
Volksturm Wilhelm Landig, Vienna, Austria
23. ibid
24. Piccard, George, 1999, Liquid Conspiracy JFKr LSD. The CIA,
Area 51. And UFOs. Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton,
25. Cook, Nick, 2001, page 188, The Hunt For Zero Point One Man's
Journey To Discover The Biggest Secret Since The Invention Of
The Atom Bomb. The Random House Group Limited, 20 Vauxhall
Bridge Road, London, SW1V 2SA
26. Cook, Nick, 2001, page 195
27. Cook, Nick, 2001, page 194
28. Cook, Nick, 2001, page 192
29. Cook, Nick, 2001, page 198
30. Stoll, Axel Ph.D., 2001, page 12, Hochtechnologie Im Dritten
Reich Reichsdeutsche Entwicklungen und die vermutlich wahre
Herkunft der "UFOs" . Amun-Verlag, Schleusesiedlung 2, D-98553
31. Stoll, Axe., Ph.D., 2001, pages 106 and 107.
32. ibid
33. Feinberg, Gerald, 1977, What Is The World Made Of?. Anchor
Press/Doubleday, Garden City, New York
Alleged photocopy of SS plans for a Haunebu II being designed in
1943. From the German book Die Dunkle Seite Des Mondes (The Dark
Side of the Moon) by Brad Harris (1996, Pandora Books, Germany).
SS-Grupenfuhrer Hans Kammler circa 1944. He was alledgedly in charge
of the Polish saucer bases.
Internal plans for a "mothership" craft called "Andromeda," according to Polish
historian Igor Witkowski.
German plans for an underground saucer base, according to Polish
historian Igor Witkowski.
Above: Project Blue Book examined this gun-camera film footage from Victorville,
California taken on February 2, 1953. It apparently shows a cylindrical
"Mothership" in flight.
A classic cigar-shaped UFO allegedly seen by Joe Ferriere near Woonsocket,
Rhode Island in the early 1950s. Ferriere claimed that a dome-shaped object, which he also photographed, emerged from the creaft. Observers have
pointed out that craft is remarkable for its ability to absorb light, being
almost completely non-reflective.
Above: Two cylindrical objects were photographed in a one-minute exposure
hovering over Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1965. They remained stationary over
the city for 10 minutes and then departed at very high speed according to witnesses.
A topic worthy of discussion is the alleged German agency called
"Sonderbuero" or Special Bureau. Sonderbuero is sometimes also
referenced by a sub-bureau working within it called "Operation
Uranus" or "U-13". In the past, debate has centered around the
reality of Sonderbuero. Discussion of Sonderbuero or
Sonderbuero-13 have been made recently by Juergen-Ratthofer (1),
and Zunneck (2).
There is no real record of Sonderbuero in official sources.
Searches have been made in Germany as well as in the U.S.A. under
provisions of the Freedom Of Information Act. All inquiries came
back with negative results. This, however, may not be the final
word on the subject. German sources may be classified or buried
within another designation. The American Freedom Of Information
Act is something less than advertised as anyone ever attempting
to use these provisions knows full well.
Rather than get "official" about Sonderbuero, please let me
relate what is said about it, its relation to this story and to
the history of UFOs as a whole. With this information the reader
can make up his or her own mind about the subject.
It is said that in Germany during the war there was a quest to
make Germany independent of outside energy sources. An
organization was formed to investigate things we would now call
"alternative energy". This included, among other things, the
making of synthetic fuel and lubricants out of coal using a
special process which was perfected by the Germans during the
war. But it may have, and probably did, included other, more
exotic, research encompassing into such topics as nuclear energy
and possibly even "free energy" or "new energy".
A spin off of this research was said by Juergen-Ratthofer to have
yielded field propulsion. Research toward this end was said to
have been conducted by Sonderbuero. About this time strange
things were taking to the skies in Germany. To keep a lid on
publicity, the following scenario is cited by Juergen-Ratthofer
to have been employed (3).
Germany was surrounded by enemies and their agents permeated much
of the German war effort. The Germans needed to get control over
what was accidently seen by spies. To do this they enlisted the
help of an unwitting German civilian population. An attempt was
consciously made by Sonderbuero to "spin" reports of these
sightings as they came in from civilian sources. A subdepartment was set up within Special Bureau which sent out
orders, countrywide, that all sightings of unusual flying craft
be reported directly to that office and not discussed or
So while a German governmental agency is doing research and
testing on unconventional aircraft, at this same time the same
agency is gathering reports from the citizenry on sightings of
unconventional aircraft. In order to confuse and disguise real
testing from the Allies or their agents in Germany, a spin could
be put on those sightings describing them as something other than
what they were. Of course, all this time, the German civilians
are believing the point is to observe and report Allied secret
spy aircraft or other Allied secret weaponry. The Allied
intelligence agencies may have even bought into this ruse.
Remember, this was a German operation to fool its own people and
so envelope Allied intelligence gathering organizations in this
deception. This was done very subtly and very cleverly.
But what evidence do we really have that this actually occurred?
After all, there is no official mention on Sonderbuero. Perhaps
there is an overall picture. Let us see if we can find a
pattern. After cessation of hostilities the Allies, especially
the Americans, seized every piece of German technology they could
lay their hands on. They also seized every scientist, manager,
and technician having anything to do with the German scientific
community, military, or intelligence service. The hardware was
analyzed and the personnel interviewed. In some cases both were
taken to America for further study.
The technology was reconstructed and further developed. In
America the latest German jet technology made its appearance five
years later in the Korean War. America got its hands on the V-l
which was further developed into the cruise missile. America got
the v-2 which was further developed into intercontinental
ballistic missiles and into our space program culminating in our
landing on the moon. America got the V-3, the high pressure
cannon, further developed by Dr. Gerald Bull into Iraq's super
cannon, which, after being pointed at Israel was the real trigger
for the Gulf War. And America got at least part of the German
saucer program, the outcome of which was the Silver Bug Program,
the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle project recently disclosed under
pressure of the Freedom Of Information Act, and the UFO activity
reported at Area 51. There are probably other examples which are,
as of yet, undisclosed. Many other examples of technology
transfer exist but the point need not be belabored.
America received more than just technical assistance from the
Germans. For example, they received the services of General
Reinhard Gehlen, former intelligence chief of the German Army
General Staff on the eastern front. Gehlen turned over to the
Americans his entire spy apparatus, giving a then blinded America
an eye into Soviet military objectives. Further, he set up and
modernized our intelligence apparatus, culminating in the C.I.A.,
as a means to counter the Soviet threat. This spy effort was
massive but please keep it in mind as we turn our attention to
something smaller and seemingly less significant.
As mentioned, in the 1950s the United States Air Force was busy
developing and testing flying saucers derived from captured
German technology. Of course, the Air Force wanted it to remain
a secret project, after all, we were involved in a Cold War.
Given this problem might the Americans have asked the question as
they always did: How did the Germans do this? If they did they
would have formed, as an adjunct to the secret saucer programs, a
program to gather material on all civilian sightings of strange
unidentified flying objects, under the cover of national
security, as if an external threat existed. This agency would
have then been in a position to "explain" or spin the data so as
not to alarm the populace while still maintaining secrecy
concerning its own projects.
As the reader may have surmised by now, this is exactly what the
united States Air Force did so successfully in the form of
Project Blue Book and its predecessors. The Air Force
experimented on flying saucers on one hand while gathering
reported sightings from civilians on the other hand, spinning and
manipulating the information according to dictates of their
When viewed in this perspective, the similarity between
Sonderbuero and Project Blue Book is striking. Is not the
greatest evidence for the existence of Sonderbuero the American
pattern of imitation which infiltrated all post-war intelligence
work? The only real guestion is whether the Germans originated
the term "swamp gas" or if this was an American embellishment.
Although not central to our discussion, one might ask why, if it
was successful, why was Project Blue Book suspended? Remember
that the Americans tried to further develop German ideas. In
this case the solution was so imaginative and uniquely American
that the Pentagon must have resounded with the reverberation of
back-slapping and belly laughs at its implementation.
Remember Mark Twain's tale of Tom Sawyer whitewashing the picket
fence? Instead of being compelled to an afternoon of drudgery,
Tom pretended to his friends that this work was play. Not only
di d he enlist them to do the painting, but his friends were so
eanger to help paint that they paid Tom to do this work.
The United States Air Force followed this paradigm. They
infiltrated an existing civilian intelligence gathering
organization researching UFOs. They did this at no cost to the
United States Air Force or any other governmental intelligence
service. There were no official records, and no accounting
trail. And best of all those doing the work and volunteering the
intelligence would pay for the privilege in the form of dues to
maintain the organization. If there is any question in the
reader's mind as to whether MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) has been
co-opted, ask yourself this question: would the intelligence
services of the United States government allow the largest
civilian intelligence gathering agency in the world to operate
within its purview without at least monitoring it? Of course the
answer is a resounding "no". This is one reason why MUFON is
allowed to remain in operation within the USA without attempts to
discredit it.
Given this sophisticated government intervention, would it not be
a simple matter not only to manipulate the incoming sightings
data, but to spin and confuse the debate concerning the origins
of UFOs, even setting the agenda for the entire inquiry? Perhaps
this is the reason MUFON has taken such a negative view of
terrestrially originating UFOs and of the German origin of UFOs
in particular. In the early 1990s, this writer was told via
telephone from his home in Texas by the head man of MUFON himself
that: "We investigated that a long time ago and found nothing to
it". The "that" referred to was German saucers.
As an aside, he further went on to say that the idea of a German
origin would for UFOs would not even be on the table for
discussion if it were not for one, Vladimir Terziski, who, "is
the guy pushing it", to directly quote this individual. Mr.
Terziski has formed his own ideas about German saucers which he
has never been afraid to share, and, to his undying credit, he
stood up and lectured on this topic to the faces of MUFON in the
very temples of the alien world, UFO conferences, worldwide. Mr.
Terziski, almost alone, forced these facts into those conferences
and subsequently forced all those UFO magazines to deal with the
subject of German flying discs. And although he never got credit
for it, he also supplied the technical assistance for a world
famous Japanese television producer to bring an hour of this
German saucer story to Japan in prime-time. Mr. Terziski, almost
single-handedly, opened up two continents to this UFO reality.
MUFON's successful existence is tied to their implicit and
explicit assumptions of UFOs as alien machines. The greatest
appeal the extraterrestrial hypothesis has for the government is
that this hypothesis is simply not testable. MUFON does not even
try to test anything. Instead, they chase sightings. They train
their followers to take meaningless celestial measurements
accompanying these sightings and then analyze this "data" into
gibberish. MUFON then lends itself to endless rambling
speculation involving increasingly more exotic alien scenarios.
It is not MUFON's rank and file membership which is to blame.
The individuals I have met are honest and sincere as are 99% of
all the participants in the quest to understand these mysterious
flying objects. Their methods may stimulate UFO interest and UFO
enthusiasts but it utterly fails to advance our quest for
knowledge about these devices. This is perfectly alright with
the behind the scenes government manipulators, however, since
this result is their real goal. It is unknown to what extent the
Americans have succeeded in improving and further developing the
original German saucers. The extent to which they have succeeded
in further developing Sonderbuero, however, should be apparent to
Sources and References
Juergen-Ratthofer, Norbert, 1993, page 63, Das Vril Proiekt,
Dr. Michael Daemboeck Verlag, Ardaggr, Austria
Zunneck, Karl-Heinz, 1998, page 125, Geheimtechnologien,
Wunderwaffen Und Irdischen Facetten Des UFO-Phaenomens, CTTVerlag, Suhl, Germany
Juergen-Ratthofer, Norbert, 1993, page 63
Two photos taken by a barber named Ralph Ditter, in Zanesville, Ohio on
November 13, 1966. Ditter was leaving home with his camera when he
chanced to look back and saw the UFO over his house. He took two
exposures within a short period of time of the helmet-like craft, with an
apparent "canon" on the underside of the craft. Ditter did not seek publicity
but put them in his shop window to stimulate business. Eventually a news
service bought them and they were widely published. The object is similar
to the "Heflin UFO" and is said to be an original German design with a
Panzer Tank canon mounted beneath it. Such a craft at such a late date
would tend to indicate that this was not a captured test craft but rather a
"renegade craft" possibly from South America as late as 1966.
Above: Aerospace expert Stuart Nixon, executive director of the National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), which was founded in Washington, DC, in 1956
to conduct a civilian study of UFOs. Note the apparent "cannon barrel" beneath the craft.
Alleged photos from SS files of a Haunebu II in flight circa 1944. Note
the Panzer tank canon mounted underneath the craft. From the German
book Die Dunkle Seite Des Mondes (The Dark Side of the Moon) by
Brad Harris (1996, Pandora Books, Germany).
Disposition of German Saucer Technology After the War
The question arises as to what ever became of the saucer designs
and saucer designers referred to in this discussion? For some
there are easy answers. For others, there whereabouts after the
war is more clouded.
Dr. Richard Miethe, for instance, has been rumored to have gone
to work in Canada on the joint Canadian-U.S. Air Force saucer
project. Dr. Miethe is not the only German scientist very
willing to start construction on a post-war flying disc. All the
scientists involved, with the exception of Rudolf Schriever, seem
to have been eager to begin at once.
Heinreich Fleissner, who claimed to have been a technical advisor
on a German flying disc project at Peenemuende, filed an American
patent for a flying disc on March 28, 1955. This was patent
number 2,939,648 which can be obtained from the United States
Department of Commerce, U.S. Patent Office for a small fee. The
patent was not granted until June 7, 1960, a delay of over five
years. One can not help but wonder if the delay Fleissner
experienced had anything to do with the work going on at the same
time at the A.V. Roe, Limited organization or the black project
to develop the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle or even on some black
project which is still undisclosed.
Another German saucer designer eager to get things rolling after
the war was Georg Klein. When asked about future plans in the
Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich on September 18,
1954, Klein replied that he had already demonstrated a flying
saucer model utilizing electric propulsion.
But probably the most anxious to begin work, no matter the
obstacles, was Joseph Andreas Epp. This is said because
according to government files, which were first located by
researcher Mark Kneipp, Epp went so far as to enlist in the
Soviet flying saucer project which began immediately after the
war in East Germany using former German scientists (1).
Post-War Soviet "German" Saucer
After the war J. Andreas Epp worked briefly for the Soviets
along with other German experts on a flying saucer. This
is a drawing he made of the Soviet saucer. It was to be
used in the polar regions.
According to this F.B.I. file which was secluded by the National
Archives, Epp became disenchanted with the Soviets after working
for them for about a year. He then defected to the West. Epp
re-drew their designs from his seemingly photographic memory. He
provided detailed test and technical specifications, including
his apparent area of specialty, the steering linkage system. His
comments were that the type of flying craft being built for the
Soviets was especially designed for polar conditions.
After settling in Bavaria, Epp continued design work on flying
discs himself. He designed the "Omega Disc" which is remarkably
similar to the Soviet design. Epp was very interested in working
for Bell Aircraft, builders of the X-l which broke the sound
barrier in 1947. Epp sent me copies of correspondence with Dr.
Walter Dornberger, at this time executive of Bell Aircraft, who,
at one time was Dr. Wernher von Braun's boss at Peenemuende. Epp
did mention the flying saucer in this correspondence. Nothing
came of it, however. To his death in 1997, Andreas Epp was still
trying to realize this dream of building a flying saucer.
These are the stories of saucer designers of which we know
something. There were others of which we have completely lost
track. Otto Habermohl is one of these. Habermohl was presumed
captured by the Soviets. This presumption seems to be solely
based on the fact that he disappeared after the capture of Prag.
What about the post-war disposition of the flying saucers
themselves? We know, for instance, that examples were destroyed
by the Germans so the advancing Allies would not benefit from
them. This very thing happened to saucers designed by the
Schrlever-Habermohl team at Prag. The scorched earth policy was
a standing solution and ruthlessly imposed by the SS, especially
concerning German high technology. Yet we all know flying
saucers did not disappear after the collapse of Germany, as a
matter of fact quite the contrary. Michael X. Barton tells us
that their earliest appearance was not over the State of
Washington in 1947 as usually given but in South America. In
fact, there were many sightings of UFOs in South America during
this post-war time frame. Latin American sightings continue to
this day.
South America is a long way from the USA. Even if the Americans
were experimenting with captured German technology at that time,
the sightings from other parts of the world can not be explained
as originating from the USA. There must be more at work here.
Could die-hard Nazis have exported this technology to a
stronghold in the Antarctic or Andes as some often claim? Or did
these craft appear from "Beaver Dam", a secret German base on the
east coast of Greenland as disclosed by Dr. Jesensky and Mr.
Lesniakiewicz (2). Was part of this technology appropriated by
the British and further developed in Canada as stated by Renato
Vesco? Or was this technology completely absorbed by the USA in
a secret deal with Admiral Karl Doenitz after Hitler's death as
stated by Bill Lyne (3)?
In the first of the aforementioned possibilities, these die-hard
Nazis and their technology, including saucers, are sometimes
called the "Third Power" by German writers on the subject. The
Third Power is meant to signify a power besides the West (the
First Power) or the East (the Second Power). The Third Power
allegedly operates in secret as regards the general population of
this planet but is very well known to the First and Second
Powers. The sole reason the Third Power has survived is their
high technology and high finance both of with resulted from
picking clean the bones of the Third Reich. The story is as
follows and at least some of it is factual.
It is known that the Germans made contingency plans for the war's
loss. On August 10, 1944, nine months before the war in Europe
ended, a meeting was called at the hotel Rotes Haus in
Strassbourg. In attendance were representatives of all the major
German industrial concerns including I.G. Farben, Thyssen,
Siemens, Krupp, Daimler-Benz, Rheinmetall-Borsig, as well as
representatives of the major German banks. Meeting with them
were members of the SS. They were planning measures which would
insure their survival after the coming German defeat (4).
Scientists, scientific plans, strategic materials, and money were
to be taken from Germany and secured in secret hiding places.
Long range cargo aircraft were to fly from Germany to Spain
carrying the goods. From here items were to be loaded on to Uboats bound for South America. It is possible that other
destinations were also planned such as Japan and the Antarctic
base original established in 1938-1939 by the Ritcher Antarctic
Surprisingly, the Ritcher Antarctic Expedition (1037-38) was set
up and funded by Hermann Goering, head of the German Air Force.
The ship Schwabenland, equipped with amphibious aircraft which
could be launched via catapult explored, mapped and claimed a
large portion of the Antarctic Continent for Germany during this
expedition. Weighted metal flags were dropped from these
aircraft clearly delineating the territory in which Germany was
claiming. The territory included ice-free lakes which were
naturally heated from below by geothermal means (5). Along the
line of these lakes a huge fault line bisects "Neuschwabenland",
as it was called, so presumably a permanent heat source was built
into this new territory. One German writer has perused reports
of Neuschwabenland and states that during the war repeated trips
were made to this vicinity at which time a permanent base was
established there (6). Another writer, Wilhelm Landig, in novel
form, describes this and other secret post-war German bases in
Antarctica, the Andes as well as a secret polar base near the
North Pole (7). Mr. Landig recently died and it is now known
that he was a Third Reich insider and knew of which he wrote. As
mentioned earlier, it is now known that Landig was a member of
the Waffen SS and at one time was responsible for security for
the development of German saucers (8). He knew that of which he
spoke. His books each bore the sub-title "Ein Roman voller
Wirklichkeiten" or "a novel filled with realities" as this novel
treatment was an easy avenue in avoiding post-war legal
Through the descriptions of the writers mentioned and other
records it is possible to pinpoint the location of these secret
German bases in Antarctica as well as a large Andean base in
Chile. Bill Lyne as well as Mr. Robert Lesniakiewicz and Dr.
Milos Jesensky state that a mysterious polar base existed in
Greenland (9) (10). The latter writers cite the coast of
eastern Greenland and cite a code-name which translates into
"Beaver Dam", complete with underwater U-boat entrances.
The Antarctic base was first attacked by forces of many nations,
led by the United States, in a 1946 military action code-named
"Operation High Jump". This operation involved a fleet of ships,
including an aircraft carrier, submarines and support craft. It
also involved aircraft and four thousand armed troops under the
command of Admiral Richard Byrd. Immediately four aircraft were
mysteriously lost and the whole operation, scheduled for six
months duration, was canceled after less than six weeks (11)
The Antarctic base, Landig's Point 211 (13), was in operation
until the late 1950s when it became the subject of an American
nuclear "test". In this test three bombs were detonated under
cover of the International Geophysical Year 1957-58 (14). Landig
claims the type of rockets used in the "test" to attack Point 211
were prototypes of the American Polaris missile, a solid-fuel
rocket which was used later operationally, the final design being
fired from submarines underwater (15). Detonation of these
atomic weapons over the base generated electromagnetic shock
waves which, it was hoped, would destroy apparatus in the base
used for defensive purposes (16). Landig claims this tactic
failed. The electromagnetic pulse attack was insufficient to
destroy the improved apparatus (17). Both "High Jump" and this
1957-58 attack turned out not only to be a fiasco, but to be
superfluous. The greater part of the German forces had already
abandon the Antarctic base in favor of a base in the South
American Andes.
Landig claims that the reason for its abandonment was the purity
of the atmosphere in the Antarctic which is almost germ-free
(18). It seems that the human immune system needs constant
challenge to remain healthy even if this challenge does not
always result in illness. Without a constant influx of visitors
supplying this challenge, the staff on-hand lost almost all
immunity to infection after a few years. The common cold became
a serious matter.
As mentioned earlier, writers Dr. Milos Jesensky and Robert
Lesniakiewicz see the origin of flying saucers over the USA
during the late 1950s as coming from a forgotten German facility
called "Beaver Dam" in Eastern Greenland. According to these
writers, this base did not surrender with the fall of Germany but
continued to function. It was from this base that flying saucers
were directed to the USA on spy missions, especially toward our
nuclear facilities in New Mexico. Additionally, one wonders if
this base was the real origin of the ghost rockets seen moving
south from Northwestern Europe immediately after the war. The
status of this base today is unknown.
There is no doubt that the Germans had bases in the Arctic.
German bases were located on Soviet soil, as well as the soil of
Greenland which belonged to Denmark. Denmark had been overrun by
the Germans early in the war. What is most surprising is that
Landig's claim that the Germans maintained a base in the high
Canadian arctic right under the noses of Canada and the USA (19).
Is this all fantasy? Is there any hard evidence for secret postwar German bases? Has a post-war German base ever been
discovered? Yes, one has. New evidence for this exodus theory
comes to us from the discovery of a German U-boat way-station in
the Atlantic which had a hand in moving this clandestine cargo
from Europe to the austral world well after the war, right into
the 1950s. This information is revealed in an article in the
July, 1984 issue of Nugget magazine titled "Der U-Boot Bunker von
Fuerteventura" (20). Fuerteventura is the eastern most island of
the Canary Island chain and lies just out of sight off the west
coast of North Africa.
Geologically, the base was formed by an huge, ancient volcanic
bubble around which the molten rock solidified in the center of
the island. According to the article, the Germans brought in
excavation equipment and bored out three tunnels for underwater
access by U-boats. On top of the island, directly over the
bubble and the military facility rested a villa with a stairway
leading down to the base from the cellar. The villa was owed by
a respectable German family, named Winter. This base functioned
during the war as a secret U-boat base for the Germans. It
continued this function after the war as a way-station for
transport U-boats.
In our modern world of science and academic history this claim of
lost islands and hidden bases sounds like something out of a
Jules Verne fantasy. If such a base really existed, would we all
not be aware of its existence above and beyond an obscure
reference in a publication which mainly deals with treasure
Actually, most readers are already quite familiar with this
particular base. This base was the truth behind the visual
images of the German U-boat base situated in the volcanic island
off the coast of Africa in the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark".
In fact, this aspect of the story was the only part of the movie
which was factual.
Post-War German Bases
Top: Neuschwabenland (Antarctica). Bottom: "Colonia
Dignedad" in Argentina near Chilean border comprising
25,000 quadratkilometers (over half as large as Switzerland)
The subterranean island base was actually visited by two
eyewitnesses, according to the Nugget report. There, two
derelict U-boats were discovered which had remained undetected
for over thirty years. One of these U-boats was entered by the
two adventurers. Inside they found detailed nautical maps of
South America. To add to the mystery, the assertion is made that
these U-boats and this base functioned with the full knowledge of
the U.S. government right into the 1950s.
This base would have formed a physical link between the ports of
Spain and destinations in South America. Perhaps even bridging
bases in Greenland with Antarctica, if certain reports are true.
It is also fuel for the argument that a technological transfer
actually took place between the Third Reich and entities in the
Southern Hemisphere. As surely as die-hard Nazis spread into the
Southern Hemisphere sightings of flying saucers followed.
Further, if the government of the United States knew of this
transfer and these U-boat bases then there then there may have
been some actual political link or understanding between the
government of the United States and the post-war Nazis, the
"Third Power".
If his words are read carefully, Landig's Point 211, the
Antarctic base, can be located on the maps he supplies (21).
Until, however, this base is visited and excavated and the
evidence made public, this base along with the ones in Canada and
Greenland constitute more speculation than fact. This is not
true, however, in the South American situation.
In the immediate post-war world South America was a haven for
Germans who could not stomach Occupied Germany for one reason or
another. The political climate in these countries was favorable
toward these refugees. Nazi gold and money was transferred to
South America, particularly Argentina. Hunted Nazis found a
market for their services in a variety of occupations. SS
organizations set up shop as they had in Franco's Spain. These
facts are hardly in dispute. They are covered in detail by
Infield (22) as well as by Farago (23) a whole genre of "Nazi
Hunter" writers. What is less often mentioned is that German
technical people infused these countries with expertise gained
during the Second World War. For instance, Argentina and Brazil
had state-of-the- art jet fighters in the 1950s thanks to the
efforts of German immigrant scientists and technicians.
Along with this monetary and technical transfer, large land
holdings were purchased, secured and set aside with the full
knowledge of the South American governments in power. From these
vast secure areas members of these German organizations simply
did as they pleased. It is not out of the question to think that
the flying saucers seen in the late 1940s and 1950, both
conventional and field propulsion, were built and flown from
these bases. One of these Andean bases, referred to as "Colonia
Dignidad" consisted a land area half the size of Switzerland
(24). This is certainly more than enough room to develop hide
The South American industrial base during these times was more
than adequate to make these saucers. But even if this were not
true, this is no argument against construction of flying saucers
in South America. Parts could have been ordered from suppliers
in other countries as are done by major aircraft firms today.
Each major aircraft firm has a host of sub-contractors who
manufacture everything from individual screws to complete subassemblies. Many if not most of these sub-contractors are
accustomed to filling these orders without ever knowing what the
final assembled product will be. This is part of the security
system and unquestioned. Germans working in South America would
have no trouble using this system. They could have even ordered
parts and sub-assemblies from companies in Europe and the USA.
This is exactly what Dr. Gerald Bull did in Iraq when he built
the largest of his high-pressure cannons for that country. This
nearly mile long fixed gun was built resting on the slope of a
hill pointed at Tel Aviv. It would have been able to shoot
projectiles weighing about 1800 pounds. Parts were built by subcontractors all over the world and sent to Iraq for assembly
where it was nearly completed. The sub-contractors were lied to
or otherwise kept in the dark as to the purpose of their
components. It was only by chance that word of this project
reached the hands of opposing intelligence services. The result
was near panic in the intelligence services of these countries.
What followed was the assassination of Dr. Gerald Bull and a
diplomatic ruse which bated Saddam Hussein into an invasion of
Kuwait. This invasion facilitated the entry of the Americans
into the conflict. The high pressure cannon was destroyed
immediately, even though it was pointed in the opposite direction
from Kuwait. If this risky, bulky weapon's system could be
almost completed using a system of unwitting sub-contractors
world-wide, imagine how easily a one-off flying vehicle could be
built using the same system.
Richard Ross, a UFO researcher based in Austin, Texas, reports to
me that even today vast tracts of land in South America are
avoided by airline pilots there because of UFO activity in these
areas. He obtained this information by interviewing the South
American airline pilots themselves. He goes on to make the point
that Latin America is a hotbed of UFO activity. Reports of this
activity for some reason never find their way into the main
stream American news media.
There still remains one possible hiding place on European soil.
There remains the possibility that German flying discs were flown
to Switzerland during the last moments of the 3rd Reich and
hidden there in the vast system of caves built there for
defensive purposes by the Swiss. This would imply a limited
partnership with the Swiss concerning a technology that neither
country wanted to loose. In modern times we have witnessed
something similar when Iraq flew its jet aircraft to Iran for
safe keeping during the Gulf War. Iraq and Iran had been bitter
enemies only a few years before but put these differences aside
in order to save technology. If they could do it certainly the
Germans and Swiss could do it also. One eye witness claims that
he saw an experimental aircraft crossing the German border into
Switzerland on the morning of May 9, 1945, the day after the
surrender of the 3rd Reich (25). This same procedure could have
taken place with even more exotic flying craft.
One of our most trusted sources, Renato Vesco believes that
Canada was strongly involved in further developing captured
German saucer technology. Vesco's belief seems to be that the
British kept this information to themselves. That is, they did
not share it with the United States. They did this in response
to the latter's refusal to share atomic secrets with Great
Britain. The British hid this research in the Canadian forests
where they spent time and money developing it into the flying
saucers of the 1950s. Somewhat related to this idea, the German
researcher Klaus-Peter Rothkugel also believes post-war saucer
research was the product of a massive and still-secret AngloAmerican effort. Jim Wilson adds fuel to this fire in that there
was apparently joint British-American-Australian involvement in
the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle project (26).
Bill Lyne has another opinion. He believes all German saucer
data was transferred to the government of the United States in a
deal done with Admiral Karl Doenitz who was acting head of
Germany for the week or so between the time Hitler shot himself
in the bunker and Germany surrendered. Recently, Mark Kneipp has
found some very interesting evidence which seems to support Mr.
Lyne's sequence of events in this deal with Admiral Doenitz.
This is one surprise I do not want to spoil so it will be left to
Mr. Kneipp to reveal his research.
One real mystery remains absolutely untouched. This concerns the
man who did know everything about Germany's saucer development
and all its V-weaponry and other high technology for that matter.
This was SS General and Doctor of Engineering Hans Kammler.
Kammler first came to prominence because of his expertise in
building extensive underground installations. Soon his high
intelligence and "can do" attitude were recognized, resulting in
a meteoric rise in rank and influence within the Third Reich.
Kammler assembled the best of the best as far as weaponry was
concerned and kept it close to him in the form of the Kammler
Group, based at the Skoda industrial complexes near Prag. By
war's end he was among the top five most powerful people in
Germany. He had the entire SS technical organization to do his
bidding. He was in charge of Peenemuende, "Der Riese" in modern
Poland, Kordhausen, Kahla, the many facilities at the Jonas
Valley in Thuringia, as well as the huge underground facility he
built for himself in Austria. The Kammler Group was everywhere
on the cutting edge of the cutting edge of applied technology.
For instance it was the Kammler Group which was in the process of
applying nuclear energy toward missile and aircraft propulsion
What happened to Kammler? This was the most knowledgeable of all
the German technical people. Even Albert Speer, German Minister
of Munitions, admitted under Allied interrogation, that Kammler
was the expert in the area of V-weapons development. This was no
small admission for Speer. With the cessation of hostilities in
Europe, Kammler simply waltzed off the pages of history, never to
be seen or heard from again. Why, then, was there no post-war
manhunt for Kammler? What are we missing here?
Tom Agoston recounts the stories of Kammler's death (28). There
are five in all. They all read like pulp fiction. None are even
remotely believable. As proof of this, no serious investigation
was ever done into any of these stories by any of the Allied
Powers. But equally shocking is the fact that Kammler was
ignored by the "Nazi Hunter" aficionados. A quick call to the
Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles revealed that they were
not looking for Kammler and have never looked for Kammler even
though they fully agreed that the stories of his death stretched
credulity. This, in spite of the fact that it was Kammler who
was responsible for the many slave-labor camps, including Dora
and S-3, where many inmates died working for the SS.
There is a sixth possible story for Kammler's demise.
Could not the answer to this enigma be found in a practice
commonly given to criminals in the USA, that of the "witness
protection program"? Was Kammler given a new identity in
exchange for his knowledge and knowledge of where the treasuretrove of SS technical information was stored? Actually, any
country in the world at the time would have made Kammler this
deal in a second. He was simply too technologically valuable to
loose or to involve in a showcase criminal trial. A new identity
was the best way out of his problems.
One thing is striking concerning the technological history of the
Twentieth Century. The preponderance of that century's
technology has its roots in the 1940s. The technology we use and
take for granted today was invented or developed to the
utilitarian degree during this time frame. These technological
roots sink most deeply into Nazi Germany. In support of this
argument, there is a laundry list too long to fully recount. It
ranges from synthetic materials such as plastics and artificial
rubber to metallurgy. It included the host of technologies which
gave us the jet engine, rockets and so access to space travel.
It includes atomic power. It also includes early semi-conductor
research upon which our modern computer-based research, economy
and communications are built. Technically speaking, we are still
living off the Caracas of the Third Reich. Yet, still, to this
day, much of that German technology remains veiled. Counted
among this still-veiled technology are the German flying discs.
Disposition of German Saucer Technology After The War
Sources and References
Dossier/Joseph Andreas Epp, U.S. Army Intelligence, Record
Group 319, The National Archives at College Park, College
Park, Maryland.
Jesensky, Milos, Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page
143, "Wunderland" Mimozemske Technologie Treti Rise. Aos
Lyne, William R., 1999, page 48, Pentagon Aliens, Creatopia
Publishing, Lamy, New Mexico
Infield, Brian, 1981, page 179, Skorzenv Hitler's Commando,
St. Martin's Press, New York
Mattern, W., date unknown, page 79, UFO's Unbekanntes
Flugobiekt? Letzte Geheimwaffe des Dritten Reiches?, Samisdat
Publishing, Toronto, Canada
Bergmann, 0., 1988, page 14, 1 Deutsche Flugscheiben und UBoote Ueberwachen Die Weltmeere. Hugin Gesellschaft Fuer
Politisch-Philosophische Studiern E.V., Wetter/Ruhr
Landig, Wilhelm, 1971, Goetzen Gegen Thule Ein Roman voller
Wirklichkeiten, Hans Pfeiffer Verlag GmbH. Hannover
Informationsdienst gegen Rechtexremismus, URL address:
Lyne, William R., 1999, page 97
10. Jesensky, Milos, Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page
11. Buechner, Howard A. Col. and Bernhart, Wilhelm Capt., 1989,
Hitler's Ashes, pages 229-232, Thunderbird Press, Inc.,
Metarie, Louisiana
12. Landig, Wilhelm, 1991, page 571, Rebellen Fuer Thule Das Erbe
Von Atlantis, Voldstum-Verlag, Wien
13. ibid
14. ibid
15. Landig, Wilhelm, 1991, page 572
16. ibid
17. ibid
18. ibid
19. Landig, Wilhelm, 1971, pages 109-142
20. Nugget, July and August editions 1984, "Der U-Boot Bunker von
21. Landig, Wilhelm, 1980, pages 486-489, Wolfzeit Um Thule,
Volksturm-Verlag Wilhelm Alndig, Wein
22. Infield, Glenn B., 1981, Skorzeny Hitler's Commando. St.
Martin's Press, New York
23. Farago, Ladislas, 1974, Aftermath Martin Bormann and the
Fourth Reich. Simon and Schuster, New York
24. Wilson, Harvey, 1994, "Hitlers Fluchtweg nach Argentinen", in
Zeiten Schrift, Sept-Nov. 1994, Number 4, Berneck,
25. Heppner, Siegfried, 1997, page 11, "Geheimnisse...dem
Deutschen Volke", self-published, A-9142, Globasnich-Podjuna,
26. Wilson, Jim, November 2000, page 71, "America's Nuclear
Flying Saucer", Popular Mechanics
27. Agoston, Tom, 1985, pages 13, 83-84, 87, 129, Blunder How the
U.S. Gave Away Nazi Supersecrets to Russia, Dodd Mead
Company, Inc., New York
28. Agoston, Tom, 1985, pages 102-109
APolish-language map of Nazi enclaves in South America, particularly Argentina.
It is thought that some of the UFO activity in South America came from German
saucers relocated to remote parts of that continent.
Concluding Thoughts
What can be concluded from this glimpse into the world of German
flying discs? Certainly, it can be said that some of these
projects were realized. This being true, it can be said that
these were the first "flying saucers". It is also certainly true
that German flying discs were re-created and perhaps further
developed by countries comprising the former Allied Powers. It
can be said that in all probability, Germans immigrated to places
outside Europe after the war and also built these flying craft.
It is also a certainty that the exact nature and real history of
these flying devices has remained a closely guarded secret in all
these countries. Not only has a secret been kept but an active
effort, a conspiracy, has been made to keep it that way. This
means that their exists an effort to keep the exact knowledge of
these devices from the general populace for the foreseeable
future. This effort extends back into time, into the origins of
these projects in Germany and extends into the present. The
victors wrote history. The victors omitted German flying discs
and the victors are keeping quite now.
The exact methods of propulsion of the exotic versions of these
discs still remains a mystery. Jet and rocket engines were used
but there is still debate as to which models used which engine at
what time. There is no doubt in my mind that field propulsion
techniques were at least experimented upon during the 3rd Reich.
This is established in my mind, if for no other reason, by the
series of F.B.I. reports dealing with the witness who saw such a
device while a prisoner of war near Gut Alte Gossen. The F.B.I.
took these reports seriously enough to take them and save them
all these years. Maybe we should also.
One overriding question concerning UFOs is why are they so, so
secret? Dr. Milos Jesensky and engineer Robert Lesmakiewicz
propose an atomic saucer in their book "Wunderland" Mimozemske
Technoloaie Treti Rise. This conclusion is seconded by KlausPeter Rothkugel and Jim Wilson. This assertion should be taken
very seriously.
The UFO-atomic connection fits the historical facts concerning
both atomic energy and UFOs. UFOs have always been and are today
associated with atomic energy facilities. Los Alamos, Hanford
and Area 51 are examples of nuclear facilities at which or very
near to which UFOs are or were regularly seen. If we suppose
atomic energy as a power source it might explain this
association. But that can not be all there is to this matter.
Methods of propulsion involving atomic energy seem to be known to
us. Indeed, some were reviewed in this book. Why the extreme
secrecy then? Might it be that there is some other arrangement
involving nuclear energy of which we know nothing? Might the
Germans have stumbled on to something really exciting during
those war years, perhaps coupling field propulsion with atomic
energy ? If this is so then not only would the association of
UFO activity over and near nuclear facilities be explained but
some of the extreme secrecy and conspiracy to cover-up the matter
might also be explained.
At this point the reader may smiling and shaking his or her head
in disbelief, perhaps even making comments involving the words
"fantasy" or "science fiction". The German watch-word of those
times was "nothing is impossible" and it is clear that within the
Reich scientists took this saying to heart. Those scientists
were not surprised by breakthroughs, they expected them. Please
let me remind the reader that the alternative explanation is the
real science fiction or fantasy. In this origin of UFOs a
multitude of alien beings seemingly travel to earth from
intergalactic space not to exchange ideas, exploit earth's
resources or conquer the planet, but to abduct and inseminate our
females. And above all, if we buy into this reasoning, these
aliens seem particularly attracted to American women.
The story goes on from here to describe genetic experiments,
mixing the DNA of humans and aliens to produce a hybrid humanalien. Anybody who entertains such nonsense has absolutely no
understanding of the species concept in biology. Unfortunately,
many individuals subscribing to the alien hypothesis fall into
this category, even some with advanced degrees. Only one of two
possibilities are within reason. The first is that these
hominids are manifiested in the minds of the witnesses as the
result of some black mind control project sponsored by the
government. The second possibility is that they are the result
of experimentation by the government involving human, hominoid or
hominid genes. Either option is possible but both options are
beyond the scope of this book. Both discussions are superfluous,
however, since the topic of this book is UFOs, not aliens.
"Aliens" have been used by the media and the government long
enough to misdirect the inquiry into UFOs. Aliens are the
ultimate "red herring".
In trying to crystallize these thoughts on the origin of UFOs, we
are presented with two mutually exclusive hypotheses for the
origin of flying saucers. The first is that they are a man-made
technology. The second is that they are a non-man-made
technology. In view of the fact that we now know the first
senecio is true, why are we even considering holding on to the
second hypothesis? There is no reason for a duplicity of theory.
If a failure to explain the facts is ever encountered in the
"UFOs are man-made theory", then and only then are we justified
in moving to another hypothesis.
Before signing off it is felt that an obligation exists to
discuss another reason for the suppression of the German
connection in the history of UFOs. English speakers sometimes
recognize this as an unuttered truth once it is out in the open
but many German speakers and others are usually well ahead of the
curve on this one. Unfortunately, this is not going to be
In some circles, the flying discs built by the Germans during the
war are called "Nazi UFOs". Some may do this as a way to quickly
name a concept but some others do this for an entirely different
reason. The point that is being made is that technology usually
does not adopt a political name. The atomic bomb dropped on the
Japanese by the Americans was not called the "Democrat Bomb", for
example, even though a Democrat was in power in the United States
at the time. The Nazis are a special case, however, and this is
a central problem and roadblock we encounter in researching their
The Nazis were defeated militarily by the Allies. Yet some in
the media elite continue to fight this war. Of course, the
Allies always win but that is not the purpose of their fight.
The purpose is the nature of the Nazis themselves. The Nazis
were not just a military machine. Hitler and his supporters
brought other ideas with them into power. These ideas were
historical, social, artistic, economic and scientific. In other
words, the Nazis brought a completely new culture into prominence
almost overnight and with at least the passive acceptance of most
of the general populace.
It is sometimes said by these media people in question that
America defines itself as what the Nazis were not. The
fascination that the mass media, especially in Hollywood, has for
the Nazis is evidenced in their ongoing campaign to insure that
these cultural ideas are as thoroughly defeated as the Nazi
military. In defeating the Nazis militarily on the silver screen
they believe they also defeat the cultural ideas associated with
the Nazis. They take every opportunity to do this. The media
fight this propaganda war over and over again, as if the war was
still going on, while attempting to link the military defeat of
the Nazis with the cultural defeat of their ideas.
For a moment I want to digress in order to illustrate an example
of exactly what I am talking about. This example is both germane
to our discussion of UFOs as well as cutting to the very heart of
this cultural conflict. It has to do with Hitler's myrmidons,
the SS.
Historians tell us that the abbreviation
stands for
"Schutzstaffel". "Schutzstaffel" could be thought of as
"bodyguard" and in the early days of the Nazi movement members of
this order dressed in black and were Hitler's personal bodyguard.
As it developed, this order changed into many things.
Portrayal of the SS in the media has degenerated simply into a
negative caricature to which we are all supposed to respond
immediately with a politically correct, knee-jerk type of
condemnation formula. As far as the media is concerned, this is
all the SS was. Their point is that we now know enough about the
SS and are supposed to drop further inquiry. This first
unwritten law has already been violated in this book. In this
discussion we have focussed on the SS as the organizational and
in some cases the research and development framework behind
German super-weapon's technology. But the SS was more than this.
To insiders, initiates within the 3rd Reich, the abbreviation
"SS" did not stand for "Schutzstaffel" at all but for the words
"Schwarze Sonne".
"Schwarze Sonne" means "Black Sun" in English. The Black Sun to
these initiated individuals was a physical body like our visible
sun except that the Black Sun was not visible to the naked eye.
This Black Sun radiated light which was invisible to the human
eye. The concept of the Black Sun seems to have bordered upon
the religious. It was said to be located at the center of our
galaxy. The earth along with every other cellestial body in the
gallaxy rotate around this Black Sun.
The Black Sun is sometimes represented symbolically as a black
sphere out of which eight arms extend. Such is its most famous
rendition on the mosaic floor at Wewelsburg Castle which served
as the spiritual home of the SS. The number of arms are
unimportant. There could be eight or six or only four. The more
astute reader will recognize at this point that the swastika, the
very icon of the Nazi Party, was itself is a Black Sun symbol.
The point is that concept of the Black Sun is not just Nazi
mumbo-jumbo. The Black Sun is in reality a cold, collapsing
implosive vortex as described by Viktor Schauberger or Karl
Schappeller. It gathers and densities yet is as cold as
interstellar space. It does generate unseen radiation in the
form of cosmic, gamma and x-ray radiation. This is possible
because in spite of what was said about those crazy "Nazi
madmen", the Black Sun is very real. In fact, the Black Sun is
the most powerful force yet observed in our universe.
Forty or so years after the demise of the SS, scientists, in this
case astronomers, have located the Black Sun at the very center
of our galaxy. In fact, we are all familiar with it by another
name. Today, we call it a "black hole". It is the center of a
great spiral vortex of stars which draws in matter and energy and
generates the aforementioned radiations near it periphery. The
Black Sun is, in reality, a huge system or perhaps it could even
be called a huge machine. We and our entire galaxy are all part
of this machine whirling through space. All the matter it
contains, the stars, planets, asteroids, comets, meteors and so
forth, are all bound in a context of energy. Our galaxy, with
the Black Sun as its heart, operates as a vast machine using all
the matter and energy contained therein and using every law of
physics at once in its operation. Its counterpart, the
centrifugal vortex which remains unseen, may even be a doorway
into another dimension into which this matter and energy from our
dimension spew forth like a fountain. It is the same kind of
implosive vortex from which the Germans were about to build a
"new science" based upon creative, living energy as we have
discussed. It may have been the same force which was to propel
their flying discs.
Yet who in the media would dare give credit to those associated
with the 3rd Reich for making these connections so long ago? In
fact, who in the media would even point out this connection
today? None. As far as they are concerned, one is politically
incorrect to ever say or imply that the Nazis thought of or
developed anything of value. To do so would be to commit
professional suicide. To do so would mean the end of one's
carrier whether in the business or the academic world. Even if
one wanted to make this connection in print or film form, no
politically correct publisher or producer would touch it, at
least in English.
Not only does the media fail to give credit where credit is due,
or to even mention or explain this concept, but anyone seeking to
look into such concepts runs the real risk of being branded a
neo-Nazi. This threat clearly extends into the UFO world. As a
result, this threat has had a chilling effect on real UFO inquiry
for over fifty years.
How should the media be treated in this case? How are we going
to handle institutions within our culture which actively seek to
stymie knowledge? Regardless of one's personal opinion of the
Nazis, should we and are we going to allow these " open-minded
champions of truth" the right to omit the history of UFOs, let
alone the new science of this force of nature, simply because
"they" find its origin politically offensive?
Returning from this example to our broader discussion of the
media, in American culture it is sometimes said that the media's
power rivals or exceeds that of the three branches of American
government. With power such as this, the media believes itself
up to any propaganda challenge. They are correct in this belief.
As any thoughtful person realizes, the mass media's power has
been used frequently in the last forty years to radically alter
the course of those three branches of government.
In addition to the above referenced dilemma regarding media bias,
we face a second obstacle in any effort to arrive at the truth.
It is a culture of secrecy within the government itself. Vesco
recognized this immediately. According to this "Vesco Doctrine"
no German secret was acknowledged publicly unless that secret
fell into the hands of more than one of the four occupying
powers, (USA, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France). He says:
"In fact, of the numerous revolutionary "new weapons" that
the Germans developed in that period, we know only thosefortunately, they comprise the majority-that fell into the
hands of all, or at least more than one, of the four
occupying powers"(1).
These governments seem to keep secrets for the sake of keeping
secrets. In any event, they operate on a "need to know" basis in
dispensing these secrets. We simply have no need to know in
their eyes.
The differences between the media and the government itself are
becoming more and more blurred. Politicians rely of instant
polls, conducted the night before by the media, to plot today's
public policy. The results of these polls are whatever the media
says they are. In the meantime, the media itself is doing
everything it can through "news", through entertainment and
through movies to influence the results of those polls. The
media and the government are so closely intertwined that for all
practical purposes they can be considered as one. The C.I.A.
spends a large portion of its budget in an effort to frame public
discussion on issues it deems sensitive. The point here is that
"truth" is not the goal of the government and in accomplishing
their ends they use the methods of the mass media if they are not
in partnership with the mass media itself.
For almost sixty years this government/media has been telling us
through their propaganda machine, "Hollywood", that all the ideas
of the Nazis were meritless, if not dangerous. "The Nazis never
had a good idea" seems to be their simplistic mantra. Of course
government, at some level, know what you now know about the
origins of UFOs. In fact, they know that there is much more to
this still-secret high technology than just UFOs. In the past,
they have no trouble using captured German scientists when it is
in their interest to do so, but they hate to admit it. The
problem they face is that they have boxed themselves in a corner.
They can not admit the origins of UFO technology without a reappraisal of other ideas which they have succeeded in putting to
bed. If they were to admit one good "Nazi" idea, the question
might arise as to if there is another good idea. The elite media
has already preempted this question rhetorically, calling any reappraisal of the Second World War "Revisionism". They use this
word disparagingly. Using a sort of "new-speak" they have kept
the genie bottled up for almost sixty years.
What does this all mean to the researcher or truth seeker? With
enough evidence could this information ever be acknowledged
officially? With what level of proof could this elite
media/government power axis acknowledge the fact that Germans
working for Hitler built experimental flying craft that we could
not even touch? The simple answer is that they can not do so,
period. Not with "all the proof in the world". Why should they?
What is the upside for them? There are no good Nazi ideas.
There is no need to know. There is perhaps a technological
breakthrough behind the mystery. This is a loose-loose-loose
situation for them by any reckoning.
Perhaps we can crystalize this nightmare for the power elite in
an image. Suppose that tomorrow a highly technically advanced
flying saucer landed on the White House steps in front of full,
live, media coverage. Their nightmare would not be a little grey
alien emerging from the saucer saying: "Take me to your leader".
Their nightmare would be a former SS scientist emerging from the
flying saucer saying: "I have an appointment".
The implications are obvious. For
community has been saying that we
government UFO disclosure. For the
are not now nor will we ever be
disclosure by the government.
over forty years the UFO
are on the verge of full
reasons outlined above, we
on the verge of full UFO
This means that it is up to us to do the "disclosure". Anyone
interested in doing research along these lines will be encouraged
to know that there is plenty of room in this field. It is not
necessary to be a scientist. It is not necessary to live in
Europe. It is not necessary to read German. The most important
ingredient in this research is interest. If you are interested,
there are mountains of government files which remain unexplored.
The censors did not edit-out everything. They made mistakes
which can be caught and pieced together. If each researcher
could contribute just one fact to this growing body of knowledge,
our trouble would be over quickly. In short, "Disclosure" isn't
going to happen unless we make it happen.
These scientists and technicians who built these early flying
sauces may have been the very best and brightest of their time
but they got up each rooming and put their pants on just like the
rest of us. In fact, they are us. Now that we know that we
earthlings are capable of manufacturing objects we call UFOs,
should we not use these facts we possess in explaining this
phenomena rather than ignoring this information altogether?
Should we not cease creating a new and superfluous mythology, if
not an outright religion, to explain this phenomena which is
completely devoid of a factual basis? Real truth is usually
quite simple. In this case the real truth is that the origin of
UFOs and many more technological secrets are resting in the grave
of Nazi Germany, simply awaiting our re-discovery.
This has not been "The Complete Book of UFOs" or even "The
Complete Book of German Flying Discs". Within each topic touched
upon in this book lie worlds within worlds of details and
additional information. It is for the reader to use the
references cited as a starting point to root out what is of
interest. This book was designed to get you started. It was
only a guide.
Concluding Thoughts-References
Vesco, Renato, 1976, Intercept UFO, page 96, Pinnacle Books, New
York, NY.
Most everyone who has ever looked in to the matter of German
flying discs has come to the conclusion that there is at least
some truth to it. Still, opinions and interpretations within
this group differ with the individual doing the research. Nobody
can know or find everything. This certainly is true of the study
of German flying discs. Many researchers in this field have set
up a circle of correspondence or exchange with others interested
in this topic. Even the brightest, most hard working individuals
have benefitted from an exchange of information.
I have written up this book by doing some research and receiving
a great deal of help, input and information sent to me by my
friends. My deepest thanks and appreciation" go out to those
individuals who have shared their findings with me, explained
their research to me and/or shared the counsel of their wisdom.
This is true even in cases of disagreement or in cases of
differing interpretations. In all cases, they have gone much
beyond their published material. These include: Michael Blaeser,
Rainer Daehnhardt, the late Joseph Andreas Epp, Dr. Gordon
Freeman, Heiner Gehring, Friedrich Georg, Dr. Milos Jesensky,
Kadmon, Mark Kneipp, Robert Lesniakiewicz, William Lyne, Thomas
Mehner, Theo Paymans, Richard Ross, Klaus-Peter Rothkugel, Horst
Schuppmann, Vladimir Terziski, Milos Vnenk and Michael Watson. I
would also like to thank my daughter, Lisa Stevens, for her work
in proof reading and editing this text.
What the American Government Really Thought About UFOs
Left, U.S. Air Force document, Jan. 3, 1952
Right, blowup of the second paragraph