Interns h. ip ·at FBC Lubbock Mi


Interns h. ip ·at FBC Lubbock Mi
Voluml' XS Number 34
right 2007
II ale Centet·, Texas 79041
August J I, 2007
,: ffilnai~tln Land of
Christie Ward
~otton ~cerltef Completes crowned National
Interns h.ip ·at FBC Lubbock
Mi-S·S 200'7
back to Princeton
live O!le
·· year in
his full
time preachitig
has ..a degree in
Education and
will also ~tart her
teaching career.
Jonathan.Land and hi~ wife Shelby
Jonathan Land this past Sunday
end~d. his sutiuner Internship ;at
First Baptist Lubbock. Jortathad
preached several m~ssages on
Sunday night ·at Fi~st Baptist
Lubbock. His last sermon at
FBC Lubbqck was attended by
his home . church FBC .C.o~on ,
Center. .Npw Jonathan wil! go
Jonathan ·· was very active in
au'. of the activities that Cotton
Center ISD had · to offer. He
help~d the FFA chapter win ten
state banners and 'won State in
' .,
UIL twice. In ,athletics . he was
at least -1st, Teal)l All Distr}ct in
Football,.Basketball, and Baseball
and went to Regional in Golf and
Track. Plus he won the Wendy's
High School Heis~an Trophy.
Award. Then to cap offhis high
school accomplishments he was
valedictorian of his class.
Contestants from Alabama,
Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana,
Mississippi, and the Great Lone
Star State of Texas competed
for titles. The week was filled
with competitions in Casual
Wear, Formal Wear, Talent,
and Personal Interview as well
as getting to know the other
contestants and fun parties.
After high school Jonathan went
to McMurray College in Abilene
on a full academic scholarship.
While at McMurray his Dad
accepted the pastor position at
Brownfield Texas and this is
where Jonathan met his future
wife Shelby. Jonathan was very
active in college and served as a
several churches.
·Aft,e( : receiving his BS Deg(ee ·
· Jomithaii· applied for ·lind · was
ac~epted at ,princeton once again
with1 ~_.~full -~da~emic'; scholarship.
All ~fus ip Cotton C~nter are very
proud qfJonathan a~d wish him ·
· good luck as he ~akes anothet step
in· his .quest Jor serving God on a
full time basis.
Christie W~rd, · a ~eriior at
Wayland , Baptist University
and a 2003 ·Hale Center High
School . gr~duate, was crowned
Natipn~l lt,lternational· Girl at
the 2007 National International ·
Miss Page'ant held in Nashville,
Tennessee from July 27-31.
Christie earned the opportunity
to compete in the Pageant
by winning a preliminary in
Plainview and was Crowned
Greater Panhandle Intemational
Miss. She then went to compete
at the State Pageant that was held
in Plano, Texas in June. There
she captured the title of Texas
~tate International Girl. Christie
represe)lted the State of Texas at
the National level.
Christie will now travel and
be the Spokesperson for the
program. She will be informing
others about the International
Tips f~'!m the ·
·.·. 'Police
R;~~ntly "• Chief .~ Timms ; has
received n~erous complaints
about handymen working ,in and
around · r,ale ·center. · . ·Several
Okay, folk~listen1Jp .._.. .Ianireally
shots. · Ify~m would li~e to come
excited about this one so pay ·.-· in.imd get your shot on that day,
their concerns -about unfinished · cfose atte~tion, I have applied for
please call and sign up for that.
contract labor. ,Tiriuns would like
a gr¥lt from Hamburger ~elper "· ( so that we· have a count of. ·..
everyone . to pay !sp~cial a~ent~on -. (of all,things)~ ·:. Anyw~y it seems ' :, ·..~ow many ~e interested i,~ taking '·"
to 'whom 'you hire and always gei . thai they a~e,,,~ or's id~ring '~ndi~g I.'~, the' Sho,t~, •',·, )\
a· Jist::of referelices from .people ,, the grant, .but I need comments of · ' -;;
that . the contractor ·. h~s receritly ·supp<}rtirorn the commuruty. $o .. ;• Volunteet,Drivers ·needed
c~{npJeted ~ork for.
I need every~t?e that ~as_ access to
to d~ Meals on Whe~ls.
a computer to please go to www. .
Of anyone can help with this
Several of 'the individual_s . , ' · and ·
mi~sion, please·come by and see
within our comn'lunity · ,have
post a comment of support ·for ·
paid these contractors up · front
this project. If you would. like to
for materials or · labor. After
post a comment and have trouble
Please keep in mind that we are
the payment has been made the
getting on the website please call
now meeting on Wednesday and
jobs• were never completed. On
me and I will walk you through
Friday mornings
for games
onlY. two occasil;ms to the best
the process.
starting a(IO:OO: Also 'Bingo on
of his· kriowledge the victim or
the first Monday of the month
victims have been senior citizens
I surewoul<lappreciate everyone's
right after lunch.
help. THANKS.
or disabled individuals. If there
are any questions or · concerns
If anybody out in the cominunity
September 1st, marks the
about handymen working on your
has any ideas or would like to
property contact Chief Timms at
beginning of our annual calendar
start some kind of activity here,
drive. If .Y<?U. would like to
806-839-4450, and he will assj~t
please call me at 839-2428 or
you in checking refefences to
advertiStl, we have different size
Mary ·Kay Cummings. We sure
assure that no one else will be
of ads with different price on
would appreciate your input.
taken advantaged of.
each. <::alendars·are $5.00
each with 5 li~tings evecy listing
We are in desperate need of a
after 5 is 50 cents a piece plea·se
The two most important tips as
chest · freezer if anyone has a
mentioned above is to check their
cail me at 839-2428. Also if you
chest freezer that you would like
references and to never pay labor
have any extt.:a time and would
to donate to our cause we sure
in full or in advanced until labor
like to help with this project, we
would appreciate it.
is completed.
sure 'c ould use the · help. Please
.keep i11 mind that thi& is a very
Hey football season is here Get
importimt fundraiser for us, the
·out and support our owls.!
ads help pay for the printing of
the calendars and every calendar
Once again I would like to
that we sell is profit.
extend an open invitation to the
community; .come and join us
October 1st has been designated
for fun and fellowship. We would
.as our flu shot day, Calvert H;ome
love to see you!
Hale Center lSD will accep
until1 :00 pm on that day to do the
sealed bids for the following ta}
sale property:
Sealed bids sh6\i,Jd' be sull!llittec
to the Business·.Office attentior
Rick Teran, 103 West Cleve lane
Street, or mailed to P.O. Bm
1210, Hale Center, TX 79041 :
Bids must be received no late
tha!lZ~OO p.m. Friday, Septe~be,
7, 2007. .· The Hale Cente
Ind~pendent ~ . S~hool
·reserv'es the nght to accept
reject any and ;lll bids.
01 '·
AUSTIN - G~v. Rick Pe\I'Y •on
Aug. 21. ordered the . withdrawal :.. .
of disaster response personnel
and equipment deployed to South ::
Texa& in, anticipation ofHurricane ' ·
Dean. ·
,·, ' . .:· '·• '
...•• they .would ·like to increase. the
maximum price ,fo~ . tax-exempt
items from $100 to $150.
The officials hop'e to add ·another
dimension to holiday by
including iterns', s4ch' as. pe~tcils,
pens, crayons and paper to>the
; list.,. ''' ./
,Perry · issued the · order after·
)I~can~ began tracking on
'west~rly ~atli away fro~J:e~as. .
The hurricane earlier
Jamaica and the Yucatan peninsula ~
pf Mexico, and appeares) . t!) be
headed'toward the Texas~Mexico '
border region.
Hale Co~ntY Farm Ranch Museum will be
on Labor Day, September 3rd from lO;u\loa,JIU>··J;
During the event at 2:00 will be the lfor
H.enry Rieff, a volunteer at the museum ~. lin4~. 19!lll; ~)V,Q:iildl)~lke
express his thanks "for all those who gave do~altioJ~(~,tt.d
to thank everyone for th~irmost grateful
Hale County Farm Ranch Museum."
·teams; buses, aircrf)ft and refuelers ·
were staged ,in the . Rio Grande
Valfey and San Antonio to support
community efforts to prepare for
bad ~eather.
"Luckily, our state was spared and
it is time for the dedicated ~en
and . wqmen . who answerl'!d the
call'qf <juty to returh,home;'~ .Perry
said. · · ·
College Ready Texas hlt~ ; oad
What does it mean for a student to
be "college ready?~'
Miss 2007
Miss youth development program
dedicated to providing inspiration
and ambition to its participants.
The program is designed to
provide young ladies early training
in grooming, social graces, talent
training, . and educational values
which allows young ladies the
opportunity to excel and achieve
their goals.
She has been given the opportunity
to perform at Silver Dollar
City in Missouri in November
and ·was · also awarded a large
Red Velvet Rhinestone Crown,
Banner, Scepter, Official Award,
Educational Scholarship, and other
gifts for her accomplishment.
Basiyally, it has to do with
ensuring , .that· . h!gh school
matches college
entrance standards.
the Inteniational Miss
the:.High 'piains ,~ea
They.. will b~ holding
pn:lioriin~ry. i~ ~Ii:e -~ear 'future.
~~p~t for . pa~~ant
Members of the Commission for
a CQ_lleg~ Ready Tex~s have oeen
on t~e . road' t~. get more input
exactly what 'it means.
oh .
Austin attorney Sandy Kress chairs
the :cdm'niis'siori.' Other members
are kobert Scott, acting state
commissioner of education, atid
Raymund Paredes · of_ the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating
' . . Perry, is asked t~ e'n d shipments
·stud~nt~. . .· and · \..professional
development for educators.
So far, the commission has
gathered public testimony in
Austin, Houston, Arlington and
Midland. In September, they'll
have meetings in Harlingen and
San Antonio.
State considers electronic signs
The · Texas
Commission is contemplating
passage a regulation that would
allow electronic billboards visible
to passing motorists.
c'itizens and more than two dozen
state legislators asked Gov. Perry
to use his authority to stop further
shipments of toxic waste to a
Port.Arthur incinerator.
The corrosive liquid waste comes
from VX, a: type of military·nerve
gas. The gas is chemically broken
down and shipped from Indiana to
Texas in 4,000 gallon containers.
A Port Arthur firm is processing
and disposing the liquid under a
three-year, $49 million contract
that took effect in April.
State executes
Johnny Ray Conner was executed
at Huntsville Aug. 22for the 1998
If the
grants , robberyandmurderofconvenience
store clerk Kathyanna Nguyen in
preliminary ·, a 90-day
comniel).t period
fol1ow before final approval.
Conner was the 400th Texas death
row lnm.ate to be executed since
Opponents say the changing
1982, when the state resumed
messages can · distr11ct . drivers.
Supporters .say ifs not that big of capital punishment.
a deal if messages .'don 'tflash or
I!pme . rul,e !llunicipalit~es ·w~uld
~till l).ave the fin11l say·s~)~ thc;;ir
Shopp~r~ saved about$52 million
House Bill i, in effect since 2006,
in state and .local sales taxes
requires teams of educators to
during the . Aug. l7·19 annual
define ·college · readiness ' an4 the ·
sales·tax holiday.
State Board of Edu9ation. adjust
Gombs -apd S~n. Rodney ~llis . of
high soh6ol curr.icula and develop
Ii~uston, the'primary auth!in>fine
online instmctional resources for
sales tax. hoiiday law; have said
Florida. man
Joht{ Couey, the Florida man
convicted' iri the 2005 rape,murder of nine- ):'i ar-old Jes~ica
Lunsford, was 'sentenced to death
by Florida co~rt .
A\lg. 24.
The case prompted 31 states,
· including Texas, to enact some
form pf Jessica'sLaw to help
prote~t ' · 'chiid~eri from . sexual
We are proud to be a
of_the Hale Center
rd to serving our
community and we
Our Hale Center
customers in the
elevator will pe
harvest. season for
us at the Kress location
your convenience.
to inquire about seed vur ~ua'vL:s, or the current grain
seed dealer and would
prices. We are a Golden
be glad to ·help with all
seed planting needs.
Your business is
Kress J<,:levator
'(806) !)84-2710
Hale Center Elev~tor .
(806) 839-2546
Ftrdilt,~A~SIT3r;%.,.., HA.L1r<::ENT:ER,AMERICAN :;
~~ail all .be u; ed' to give plants an location. .
, "exceptions to this
'' ,,
., U' . . .•. '
~l~~~r~~s.,,, . .
. ... .
will?W have slow-to-establish
Deciduous' ttees '(those 'tha:f lose . root) iystems• . Th~y are. better
e;: '. ·.. ·"'-: ....., " their ..-leaves th~' ~inter) can be.. ··off-gotqg into· th~_ 'gr~~~d ~n' the
~~pice the Li w.i" '• ·
The.~s~ time t~~~~ ~n or ~a:re
~areas.. in
Y.<?U( lawn·is.mid-August
',.thr6ugh S~ptember.1;'Grass seed
planted from mid-August all .the
.way thfough early November.
Evergreens, however, · should
be planted before_ the. end of
_.;:"'·'-: .. : .•..;,;;.·;.,,: ;·· .,;,ru~··'.i;. _>. .• : · '''
:·,. •
' germinates.· quickly>inthe ' warm
The days may be getting shorter,"~· Remove Leaves . , .
• · . · ·· ·· , ·
. • · .. ·.
. ,. :! ·•.• · ..'>'' ·/··. •.. ::-· _.,, • ·:--·• .,. · •
•soil and the warm days and cooler
September in ·order to establish
·. · buttherelsstillplentytobedonem.., · ~e 6est'i place. to dispose of .. : .. · .~: ~ · :
. .
. - ·
·. . ~ . . · • •, - · ·• ·--<~, ·• .. · ·..·,.,.. ·_. · . . ..
mghts are the best combmation
a · solid root system before the
.•· the,yardbeforewtntersetsm. Fall• .:· fallen leaves 'ls•nght where;they-'
" · · . ::
~ .
... l ,,, .· ••
•. '-' .-·· ·.' -~ · · ·:
.' " •
· . .•
':·. •• ~ . ·, -· • · · ' ·1':'"'"· , .. · ,·for rapid .growth. New grass also
~ound freezes·. One of the most
--' 1s·a great time to add perenmaiS:" · land. ;MUlching ~leaves m•o · the ..
· .
... .. .
A, .••J. ·. ·····" ,.,.. ,..C!8. · .-t~ .·t' ' " · .... . •.:c;:., J ·'''' .• , •• . ··.• ..,'c hl\s.less:comp.etitionfromweeds
important .things .youcandofor
ano trees. to the. landscape and to. grass offers .. an excellent ·source ', ~ · ._. ,. :· ·• . ; - . · .
.. ·
·' '' · .
,,._. · ·
·. ·~ • ~· . ,. ~ ... · · • · .,, - :·· c•· ,;· • · •· . .,
for soil nutnents and water smce
a newly planted tree is to·provide
pr_epare your_lawn for the ~<?~g- :,. of ~ded; nutrients for ~e. Jawl'!. : ~- ·.. .'·"•.:+- · · · ·•
. ··
plenty ·of water. Water -new trees
. . ;, ' •-· .. ·' • · ""•"': refore winter. If mulching'is' not · ~. mo~.t . ~eed,s gefi!llMte 10 .the
• ·:~·,·····':..•'":~·""':.'::::~.>'<"' .., ... ,.- .· •· .,· ~.-n: ,. ~ ..•..,.' .. · :<. · ;<> .. , ·"·........ -~ . ~· -·· ·:·: sPQng, not .faU.
. every seven to ten days in dry
~·· .·.·.·. · . · · . •. · .. - ·. . . . .· .· an option, start a .compost -pile or • · · ·
weather and continue to do so
·· ·• ~i~:Augost ··to< fuia-acto~r~:rs~_~··.'iio~ate i<>ur.l~ave·s' to -~~igh.x;r
· · ~erierally
~st p~fulg ·time': ·· "'0 _. . ~~nd~~IiO:' illr~iid)'..;; s '~ne.,t·T~spl.ant.::.~r~!!nials . . .
until the ground freezes .
•• ,,.__.
- ·~ · .._
.:for most climate'iones·.:.· ffie' s6ii. -' You coiild· id~<>~se the leave~' to· ·M~stperenmalsneedtobedivl(Jed .
: . ·~
. ~. . ... · ' \
·• .• :· . ·. .· ·
.... . . . - · · · · at least every three years .to stay
·t~ warm at;td mo1st and the au IS . ' cover sensitive plants m colder
. ·
· · starting
· ' · · · to· coo.
' · ·· 1·-.'N
. ·· ·· ..~ ld"'t.~. -.-. ·" ·lim
~·''•' . ....
.'·,·.·· ""'··.. ·. healthy· and productlVe.:Falhs the ...
ew.'.or o . ; 811 •, c ate·zones.
·:.-~re~ilihl~~tiees, slirubs . imd~gri'"s_s . ·· · ~: . :,~.,~,~} -.
best time to transplant, ~vide or
-~· r~T~e~·· ~ tho~~bih ~alen~g~ ~fo~ ~ · Add · M~i~ll
., .
Member: Texas Press Association
. h
,. r
· · ,..., '
• • •
By Don ~· Richards
years ago·, Thave forgotten . the
a better idea. «I suggested.we
rugs, and, by the next night after .
I know we live in a world
'exact number ·of years- I lived
room key first, then go eat
mom and dad are gone, the beds
of equal rights and equal worth
on the third floor and we had no , unmade, and the comer-is used for .
between the male and ·. female
SUII'Pe~··· aiiLU we could do the actual '
previously-worn . which
in on Saturday in ord~r to
genders, · and I ~upport those
But I d_igrel!S from my topic.
the "first-d(ly' crowd to get
are subject to recycling (after the
legal concepts. But, you will be
. Very· noticeable was the
shocked to know that there is a
"smell" test) at least once before
distinct difference ·i n the move-in
difference between males and
Unfortunately, I Wl\S not the
you even think of washing them.
females. - That point was· driven
one witl! that ''good idea';,. for ~hos'e pa~-::E.t~ who h!ld female
It there is a private bath-attached,
children, .from those· of us who
dads also ·, apllarently
home to me in a very practical
the commode seat stays in the ·
way this past weekend.
to skip move-in ·on the
had male children. I felt really
up position permanently. Plain,
I spent last Friday and Saturday
and postpone) t: to the
sorry for- those dads of female
simple, vanilla rooms.
.students. ·
helping my l8cy~ar-old son move
Now I know .you"are already~
was worse. Not only .
' My son moved into the dorm
into his college dormitory on the
thinking ahead of me on this next
opening day of the dormitory. I
about a 1,000 students
with one car rack of.clothes- of
move in, you have to add :. ,..which · 90• percent. were T, sbirts . · I had great sympathy for those
had forgotten, . but was quickly
reminded, as to what a zoo-type
more people to account
ari'd ·cargo ·shqrts. .He had one
dads of the female students. They
environment that .experience can
·~· 1
w ••.•· . , and •da.ds, and 'at ·_
bag .and , ~p ; P0xes · of packed
each had. racks (with an "s") of
ofthosebrought llllO~er ·. .·Clothing (so~ks;\ :pn_dies, .clock,
clothes, multiply plastic stor~ge·
or so in multiple brothers . toiletries, etc); a backpack of
. Parking space close to the
boxes of whatever, i pictures,
dorm was. at
prefuium. No.
wantirig to see .their
school supplies and one (and only
bulletin boards, rolled-up area
college dorm:
"one") set of· new sheets. We
problem, theytold us. We,._will let
rugs,. curling irons, hair products,
you unload from parking near the
Now, take .that massiye
niade; three round trips ·between
bulletin board items, etc. and
multiply it out to several·· the car'and the dorm, and we were
etc. I lost count of how many
to the cars, vans and
basic'iilly ·moved i n. No pictures,
The housing office :on f riday
trips one Dad made to his fullyand then divide it into . no pdsters, .no curtains, no room
afternoon. issued us a temporary
packed SUV and the attached .
in the dorm. You ·decorations. .
parking pass, good for 90 minutes,
U-Haul trailer. V must not~ that ·
the picture really :fast
· Ifyou looked at most ofthe dorm
in, the otherWise no parking zone ·
we were all thankful for several
near the dorm ~s doors. We·used
rooms of the. bo:Y$. after movecourse, l really calln.ot
upper-classmen students who }Jad
up almost all that allotted time j:Ust ·'
volunteered and were on hand to
Texas ·Tech dor:m a · few · · :coverings, no wall posters, no
trying to find an empty spot · So I· .
help with the move-in process for
. .
. . .. .
. Covering plants-with mulch will
. . th~m a fiew e;ttra' week s o f
r~t developm
_ e.nt before freezing.
· ·
things you can do around the yaro · ·Comj:lost, partially decomposed
h~fore the big growing. se~'ci~· . leaves, woodcliips and . bark
There i a·difference
treezes ..
tile~ ; inter: · Iieh?'ar~
In A'itother Words.. .-
.. the . giou~d
'to m;.l~tain
' h'e al.thy, .g"o
'' ts' ·. Oc.·U· gh
• ' Wl·n''g. ;-.-_'; ro·o
e~ample, ; birch, • fir, oak and
extra blanket .<?f_protection for the
.';;•wi~t,e~ , . ·;~~'''\···.
The nutrients
gained duri~g the suinmeJ." months
make the plants less likely to die
. dunn~ a move and ~e moist son
an~ cooler air provide the extra
TLC the plant needs in its new
spring so -fll:at. they have· . ~ few
extra months to recover from
transplant shock and can establish
their root systems before the
ground freezes.
Even if .you're looking fox:ward to
· abreakfromsummeryardwork,
don't hang up the gloves too
quickly. Consistent care until the
ground freezes will help ensure a
healthy lawn and garden for the
coming sprin~.
There are a few trees that prove
Call, email or tax your garage/
estate s·a le information or story
information you would like to
have published in the HC American by Wednesday noon for that
· _ Fr:iday's .edition.
Call 806-839..:.2312 or email@
halecenteramerican@ nts-online.
net or-fax 806-839-9901.
Wa ''G>~
Q-e"ClgG> \nc.
(806) 293-2684
We will
61'~ W. ~h
.Plainview, Texas 79072
y~ur_ ~"r. ba_cl< on your.9oo~ side/
HOURS: 8:00 • 6:00, Monday • Friday
Ftont'; End Alignments, Wheel Balancing.
Cus.toi'n Exhaust,, ·Engine Ovfi!rhauls,
Trarismiasions, Brakes', .Struts;. Air Conditioner
·sarvic..e.: & Repalrsl: Diagnostic EquipmQnt for ALL
M~l<es: ~~ ModeJs{ Foreign ,&,Domestic).
Mayor Sheryl Canales,
W.H. JCihns.on .and Mel Gomez. ·
yar' rat~;: · ·
Lastyears operafirig taxes
Last years debttaxes,·
Lastyear•s total taxes·
· Last year~ fit .~~e
Last ear total tax··ratei:
n.un~'ilman J.T. H~;~ls;n~ Ride ()pte~grove,; Roae( 'Maf)aiiiin,,
· ·-
,Other$ Pres·e nti TQinft\v Rambo, .'r:er'ry Tlrnlfls. Brando!' Rlchar.dsor), l.annyv~~s,tl,lpetilrlales,, ?!~~~~!
Espinosa, Stella Gonzales, larry Gonzales; flob~rt Babb, Munro Fe:rrt~. Franclso, ~oruncla, Nao1111 B~qwo~,
l<cvln B( Gwenna Rfch; Juan l\llova, Eugene Carter, kellye ·&.Jermey Sorell e.- Gary ·Bizzell, Mary Jane
8rash~_ar, Norma Jean Johnson, Don & Jolynn M~ddln, Jvotte.Jalme, Jul.lo Sanch'ez, Jahie.Sa!Jc~ez. 'i!nd
S4sle St(ou~ .
.. '
· l'
·.,.; . . . :'·' ''('p,,:,.,t~f ,< _,. ._. /. : .. .;_· ·_
.' ·-.
) -·. . .· ;·;, ,.
"~avor c~·n~l~.s.~~ll!i!d !he m'e etln; orde~ at 7:c;lO ·~· in :
,. d
, ;: }''" ·
Publlc. lnpu~
'~-~, ~\ :
'Moll~ dir~led·~;;~~i~pusly
MOtlo~ ·earne~: Unanif'Tlously
·Hale .Center City Council Meeting
Special Called Session
7:00 P.M. -Thursday ·· Mv 26, 2007
H~le center City Hall -- 702 Main Street
City Council Chambers
Eugene· ca~er presented t o the Mayor and C~u~cll th e ·mo'nthly report of the Hale Cen.t er Ambulance
Service, T he EM s hl!s asked for-the ·ctt lze ns to get Involved wtth the organ1zat lon, they will pay for-your
j.ust' lmi~to ·stgn· a contra~t that ~1.~u will wor~ with the EMS ·for a· year.
N9 Act !!lri Take n
Jari•; ,er~shear
sever<}! Cltlllins to
the· rol!cl conditlors over pn·the Ellst
and ~ere wondering when the City was going td start wor,klng ·on. th~m? :Thtify liad b .t~lll, s"ile~al
times ln the past cou ple ofyears.that'.t he Citv.was going to grade ~he road~ .Md build tl;lem up s.o that
Y.lhen there .w as a·rain the. roa d s.would riot liirimder wa~._r,. t<evln Rej~h was pr~~en.tto visft\.vlth ~ht;
MJ~vor, and Council a bout'the .dpg probler\1 t h!'t contlnues to arise. • '-.
year' effetnve'brx·ratt{:
Last year" adjttsted taxe·
(after subtracting taxes on lost property)
This y~ar adjusted tax base
(afiersubfrac.tling alueofne~ propert )
= This yearjs eifecti etax rate
i'he Jnv~ca-~JO~ WaS J~Ivim by Co~hcil~~n ,;,.
T~e Pledl!.e, of Al~egl~nce to th.e Fl:s i.\!as hid bX ~·-~ or Caba!e& • '·
, • ·~
'coundltti~ii Mahala·n:.:nowcl w(th
tp ratiiV1h~ citv b(ll; ,
w~s nresent to )lisit,W.lth ~h~ Mayqt and. counc il t~ see If t he c;itY would· . i~crease the
check given '.a s'servir;:es.· to the llbra'r.y.· The tib.rarv ·t>;os not !)~d ;~n in~rease sine". 1996. ·M rs. ·
ar~shear. was Informed 'that the New ·BudF.(et Ye ~ r- ~tarts in O<:tobei' ;and the cit\' would blidgetfor the
Members Present: Mayor Cenales, Councilman Mel Gome r., Rick Uptergrove. J.T. Harrison and Roger
Councilman W.H. Johnson was unable to attend the meeting
Others Present: f<ellle McElhone and Susie Stroud
Mayor Called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Councilman Gomez moved with a second from Councilman Uptergrovc to hire Mr, Stephen Q.ulals as the
contractor to build the house for the Home Grant.
lncrea e pffunds to t he library,
Motion Carried
Counellrnan Je>hnS'oh movecj with .s econd from Couni:llmai\ Go mc no' hlro,J1J~t> Moys to mow lots as
the summer help' at eight !SS.OO) doilars ao not)r.
Mayor.Canales declared the meeting adjourned at 7:05
Motion ·Carrletf Unanimously
Pollee Ch1ef Terry TJn'),.ls··presented to:the Mayor and Court.cll tl)e ·ope ratlon o f his, d!lpartment f()r th e
mbnlh o f June . . Tliere were· a total df fifty six (SGj cltatiorts issued.- one (1) acqider)t·; 'thl'rty
seven (37) warning tickets ls.1.ied. with a toi:a l'of sixty six (l;G) s tops, Ourlhg_Chief Timms report he was
a sked if' th.ere had been any neW$ .about ·the grant for.tho;r PQiice ca~,s, Chief Timms Informed the Mayor
and Council that.the·o e,pa_rtmem ~ee. deq l]liW farn"ras. atld,. ~liese ~.o-uJJ:I. be lncluqed With:th!! want•. .
Chief Tlmm$; wan~~-,to &!!t the .Watch G.uard !i;;imeras;· whitt\ li,IIH nm fo_u r•thoi.IMln.d hin\a hundred fortv,'
year' roUbatk taxt·attf
Last ear's adjusred .operating tax~ . .
(after subtracnug t~xe on.los~ Jrope_rty and.
adjusting for anytransfeJred.funcrion; 'tal
increment financing, :state 'Criminaljustice mandate
and/or enhanced indigent be.a11h em expenditures
+ This year1sadjusted tax base
= This year's effecti eoperating rate
x 1.08 =this yearis maximum opemti11g rate
+ This year1Sdebt rate
= This year1srollback rate
b~c came~ tlii~!Tifllr:'ris
rJo iS46
;,>$kP.d iftl1are w.a s .a
fqlrr QOIJlir
h~$ be en t.IOCf!i'if!~rs ·out ~ nd .llroYnd tOWJ1 I te 8hligh t, ChiefTJmros O!Sk thi!t lft hlsls happ•mlrlg and
' there l$' a probla m Qh t,Y sort fot tl)e:CirlzeM t<:> Cil>ll hill'oHcec Departl)>ent and iet.them.know..
,;, . Ch'd •
<;\~ ;...,~::;: ,
foo't;:~ ~ r
• .... , ,
Agenda Item 1#9; Con ~lder and Take' Action on the Contract for Sale ·a nd Purcha~lit of Real Est:ate with
·clause$ Surviving the Exec4tlon of Deed w ill be handled by the City Attorney Mr. ~.<~riny Vos$. No Action
was taken at this meeting
·· ·
Councilman W.J-1. Jolin~on moved with a seco n<f:from ~mend the reqi.tlremenrs
fc;>r a W ;rrlng D}rector to havin!l ~ ooul;lle•;•c" ~lcense Instead of th.~ DQ~~Ie " B'' Licen~e.
If \:lfY QP HALE CENTER Cld"JJISaZOOT 1n~ flll~ eq~~J CQ 1!lo!t:!ri'CI.i'Y1 1U~. llli.e 'lt0.$7~00 ['llr SlOO Qf\'!d!llll, i~M 1.1tiJII!I \IL~ qomfl4!~4 1~2!!0ti-1i1~
·~ ., ~
pre~ent ~o
' .
·. '.>-
~:· ••" Mci~ion•~af~lecj, (Jna~IITI~,>USiy
abo~~ 't;~·j~~~-
Robert Babb was
vlsftwjth.the M; vor apd co•rndl
a (uf11ert put in.the ditc h at
the East end ofthe Trailer Patk .. He was also wanting_to-have.the electricity ran .over, head •. Mr. Babb
was lnfdrmed the ;{;Citvldual hlidto buy theln;uilll!rt·'aitho.u_eh the Cit)' :Would help .lnstall ft, The roaci '
WherP. .thi~;I.VI II be 'placed ls,,J n t~e .~ounw 31).d ,f1~'WIII. M~~to :talk
• ~I";. Sa!ld, "VII! t:leed1:o ,11tve
PtWIJ p,rop~sal f~om El<tel ~ 0 ~!.ln ,tf)'l o'{ethe.~d Wiring. • ._
IN 1'.11£ •li¥tol'' l<O
The Water pepartrn.e.nt; 1Jfii pot1 waso,ln th.e cqun~ll ~·~~li~t·for' the Mayor, and Ce>uncll to loo:~ olie•; " "one
Y.Ja:l present·fror.n tha(cjrf,partrnent
Non-Action -Item
Statement of Inrrease/Decrease
Jt.I.UlO .MA!{fJNEZ, JR.,
rnonth~bfiUIY. .
liB' rR\ ra'r.
~ ·..• ;:~ {d; If:!' J
~--CAUSE NO. L18?1
Judge Tommy Ramb.o· presented to th~ Mayo r and Council the Municipal Court i'~ port fqr-the moilth of
'Jlllv. There w;> s ,five thousan d 'wo·hunclred e[gn!y five.(S.S2SS.OO) ·dollars total.r!)il.enue <;olleded for 't;lu;i
Nolie<: i• het<:by given !hat odalnol LettCB of A<lnoiniotrlllioc for lhe E..mte
Martinez. Jr., ll«ooscd, wen: Wucd on Augu3t 'lJ.!..""J.oo7,1n C•use No.
Cou11ty Court of Hole Cowoty, Texa~, to: l.upe Martinet.
All peroon> having claim• •&aiast this S.latc wbi<b I• eum:utly boina odmini"md are
""~'!ired lo ]lt<Senl thc1ll to tbeuoder~ Within tho tim• lllldiJJ thoiDIUltl<:r pr""'ribt:d b)' law.
D/o: hoiHol..,.y
Plaiavl..,.., TX "07l
DATII!Dtltcg]_~ayof~ 2007,
Law Office ofl'oul Holloway
207 B. 6tb Slmt
PWoview, l'CJW 7?072
. ·,:' ,'~. . . .
. •
'ftjere·w e re ~el/!!ral ~hlng$ th~ ,counefl .a nd, M<~vor. ·<lisc,u.~s~ tl about the. goals the·.Clty:·ls·wantlng t o
reach . o"o;-n,a)or goal Is t o wor~ on th~ ~treets on \llo.:;st.Si'i,e1 to taJ(e Ca~e of ol,!r ~qyi!)rn~nt ,
, ',,
IL _
For mora lntormauon. call
· ,800-333-8595
wwvv- bec~•-.-.eact r-i'V'er- _c~• ,,
No Actfon 'Taken
Mayor·c~-~ales; counell!n~·n W.H;,Johnsol'j,Ji~.:~-~ rrtsoo~,,Mcl GoiiH:~, ~oger Mahagah, RkkiUpt.e rgrove,
Ctlv Seereta'ry Susie Stroud and City Attorney LaMy Voss want Into Executive Session In the 'City Council
Chambers. To COil$ll ldvith tlie chv Ahorney regardfng legal matters,~-" " Mayor convened the.c:ouricll
Into a closed rneetlng pursuant Section 551.074 of the TEXAS OPEN MEETI NGS ACT, stating the
Se.c tion authorizing the ~ los«ld tf\e,etlng,\vh ic,h appear~do n t~e p ubi!S11ed a genda;_'and the Mayo(
announ ced ·t h'e tirrie oftt>e' beglt!.O:l!rig.of the. C:Ie>~ed mee.tltigto b-e 9: 0 :?. o'clock p .m; and, afteo.thedosed
was flnlsh ·e d;' the Mayor reC'o nve ned the coLu;cll Into pub!lc ~ession at: the anllouncei:l tfme of
p:rn . · No a tlon wa• ta ken by co uncil as result o~ m.attcrs discussed in the closed oneetrng. A
certified agenda was rnalntained and kept as r,equfred by law.
ot Biildo
13&'11, pnding in the
r,~:f!'.rt~~' (~~r'/?;iJ:i~~OJ
As\ipda,tte!n#12 otsC:I!~$~oa!t f~r.-.theC[~v;
Transport, the premier· refrigerated
n the US, sponsors the,total.cost of your , .
training! In 17 short days you will earn your " ...
and begin your paid on-the-job training! Earn $40K f1rst
and up to $150K fifth year! Excellent benefits ·and 401 K!
P. 3/5
.. . '" '"'" '" .... .,.._
. . .. ,.. ... . . . .
:· ··
Frtday,August31,2007 .ii.ALE .CENTERAMERIGAN
.Hal.~ ~?~~~-H_-~lUHs Invites ::.~~:;:~~~:::;!
Join:· irt·· the Fun for ~:h~~~::th~::dt:;,~:;::::: CN~fV!CMCIJs,
· LabOr Day weekend i~ here! The
, traditl,onal '· end of surrimer and
the beginning of fall and football
season and a· ·.new school year
again is here! .
immediately and quickly install a
than later.
·· government and economic system
to dec;tl witlt.the day to day issues
and mov'e ., the . country forward.
And as a · wise ·old philosopher
By the way; one. ·in four workers .
once said, a failure to plan is a
in the American economy will be
plan to fail. Still, Bush is wrong
age 55 or over by the year 2020.
to have used · our dismal failure
Recently, I went to see an outdoor
and withdrawal 'from Vietnam as
a justification for .staying in Iraq.
concert by three legends in the
The longer we stay, the more we
country music world. I saw Ray
Our Congress continues to
Price, Merle Haggard, and Willie
look like "occupiers" instead
of "liberators". . I am not for an• spend more money than is being
Nelson perform and I had never
immediate troop withdrawal, · <;ontributed to the government via
seen any of the three live and in
taxes. Liberal economists will
person. It was a great experience,
but what we have tried thus
claim that such is not an issue as
far-freeing the Iraqi people then
and each performer did a nice
long as the United States is the
job with the standard and other · becoming their policemen-is
dominant country and economy
classic hits. I prefer to remember
a flawed policy and a "no win"
in the world. But as China and
situation for the United States and
performers from a time when they
India grow their economies
were " in their prime", but these
for the Iraqi people. The first thing
exponentially, and as foreign
guys can still play and sing and
the Bush Administration should
countries continue to own more of
entertain. They are currently on a
do is objectively evaluate the
our ·federal debt instruments, we
"limited" nationwide tour.
status of the situation and accept
are clearly headed in the wrong
blame for mistakes, recognize the
direction. Congress must stop
existing unintended consequences
spending money we do not have.
of our previous actions and
We do not need higher taxes, and
I noticed that President Bush
policies, and then deal realistically
recently spoke to the Veterans
with the issues expeditiously Witli·' . we do not need to issue more
debt- we need to get spending
of Foreign Wars convention
a succinct plan. No good can
under control now. Our economy
and wrongly made reference
come from continued occupation
cannot grow fast enough to reduce
of Iraq.
to Vietnam when attempting to
the· existing deficits and cover
justify our nation's involvement
future discretionary and military
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh, the
spending at any rate about 2.5%
politics of war and the tremendous
public relations efforts now
Enough huge issues facing the
being showered on the American
United States exist! Immigration
public! Politicians everywhere
reform is still one of those issues,
are attempting to preserve of
and neither the President nor the
In the next ten years, the cost of
resurrect their political careers or
Congress seemingly wants to
Social Security, Medicare, and
protect their reputations or places
deal with this. 11.6 million nonMedicaid will increase by 22%
in history. The truth is that the
citizen Hispanics currently live
and will be 51% of the federal
United States should have never
in the United States. 1.4 million
budget. Currently, these programs
gone into Iraq. Our involvement
of those are said to be workers
are 42% of the fed.eral budget
in Afghanistan is a different
in the construction business, a
subject, but as far as Iraq, we did
major driver of the United States
not pursue Iraq after we freed
economy. In total, 44 million
Kuwait from Iraq in 1991 because
Hispanics live in the United States
the United · States did not have a
(with 15.1 million of those under
is not a matter ofchance-plan for Iraq then. We still did
the age of 18) and only 11.6 of
it is a matter of choice!
not have a definitive plan on the
these are non-citizens. Clearly, the
United States is a haven for those
future of Iraq when we invaded
in 2002, al).d we still do not today.
who want a job and are willing
to work in non-skilled positions.
We have failed in every aspect
Change is exponential! We need
And our economy, especially
except militarily-where we
some positive change in our
our local economy, needs these
were extremely overpowering
workers. Congress needs to deal
and efficient in winning the war.
with immigration reform sooner
But we failed to have a plan to
Hey eveeyoiie! Hope you all had a.GREAT summer 'it•s fuDe fcir schools
again. and everyollC's, g~g: back,into. the routine f'or sciloot . FOotball
practice bas~ going(n~ for awhile now. and both teams played on Friday
h~re against Floydada. They did a gOOd j~b.' ·
This week the JV team will play \Vellin'gton there oil Thursday; TheVaristy
will be playing Wellinngton on Saturday at Dick Bivens Amarillo
at l2pm. Tickets Will. be sold ii:Ltbe ' HCHS office-$4.00 for adults and
$2.00 fm: students. So everyQO.e go out and support the Owls as they get a
win to start off their $C880n.
· New "'\Tear
' ·.' , ~ .· . · ·: · .. l •' .
Hale County 4-H clubs will start
a new 4-H year with all of the
meetings kicking off in September.
Th.lS ts
. a great tune
to get your
kids signed up in 4-H so that they
speaking, meat science, rabbits, community in the county if there
consumer education, veterinary are any interested club managers to
science, wildlife, sports fishing, h 1
1b .
a cplease
u m feel
e p start
horse, and many more. Hale
free to call
The athletic girls have started practicing for Cross Co~ny running in the
morning and working on Basketball with the coaches in the afternoon to
get us ready for the season. 1! want to say good job ladies~ . you ali have
w01ked VERY hard this past week and keep working to improve.
organization that gives your
kids many great life building
The sky is the limit for activities the'Hale County Extension Office.
~~~~~;.kids can get involved in The Plainview 4_H club will have
their first meeting on Monday,
Currently there are four different
September lOth at the Ollie Liner
Hale County 4-H clubs these clubs Center in Plainview at ?:OOpm.
are: Abernathy, Cotton Center, . The Plainview-Horse Club will
opportunities. There are many
different projects that kids can be
We would all like to welcome all the new teachers who will be teaching
throughout the campuses and also welcome back aU the returning
involved in through 4-H. Sowe
are cooking, showing livestock,
shooting sports, ·photography,
gardening, dog care, clothing,
consumer life skills, public
~ao::~:.~~e entire year of Hale
Tuesday we had Meet the Teacher/Owl Night which went great. Thanks to
all the parents for coming out and supporting us. Everyone remember that
on Friday we have an early release day getting off at I 2:30p.m.
So don't forget I hope everyone has an AWESOME school year and have
fun in everything you do. Go Owls and Lady Owism!!
God Bless.
Call, email or fax your garage/estate sale
info to the HC American by Wednesday
noon Jot that Fridays edition. Call 806839-2312 or email@ [email protected] or fax 806-839-9901
Lion''s Club
Broom Sale
Tuesday, September 4th
Lion's Club Flag Service Call
Claude Burnett and get your
Flag Service started today!:
llth at 3:30. Cotton Center 4-
H Club first meeting will be on
Tuesday, September lith at 6:00
P.M. at the First Baptist Church
in Cotton Center.
There will also be a swine
· meetmg
· ..,.or any one who
: .
~~c ~~cc
is interested in showing hogs in
Hale County 4-H on September
18th at · 6·.00pm at the Hale
IP'' t\6AJ~ '
~~w~~~~~JJ~JJ~J.~1JI :lfl~
. County Extension Office located' •
at225Broadway. Atthemeeting :
BJ~· ~
·· ~lA.~·
AAIAJft.nJAJIJPJJ fjJd~ :•··.
NJJJJflVf/JtJ(iJYfj Jr/C)
IJ.ift,. ~(/. ~~
. ·. 1 •• M .~=:·
validation tags may be ordered
and swine project orde(s will
be taken. Please make a point
Plainview, . and Hale County- meet on Tuesday, September 11 at
Horse Club. If your community the Ollie Liner Center at 6 :3 0pm.
to attend this meeting or call
Andy Hart if you are interested
does not currently offer a club
your kids can still be involved
in this great program. Just pick
a club that most interest ·you and
sign your kid up for that club. We
would love to start clubs in each
in showing a swine project this :
For more information about •
these or other 4-H projects, :
contact Andy Hart, CEA-4-H
• ·• ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
at 806/291/5270 or by email at
[email protected].
The Abernathy 4 _H Club will meet
on Tuesday, September 11 at the
Abernathy Elementary School at
3:30pm. Hale County 4 _H will also
offer a Clover Kid club this year
in Abernathy. This club is open
t/Vc) /
·, ·~.
F~iday, August.31,
. .
. .&.\ >
.Iu~""""" SP"ci•Us~
Mark Altman
is for. many of us, it' may b.e your ~acation
time. If so, wh~re and how you wlll .go will
depend on how much time you have, what you
enjoy doing and your budget.
. You could go sightseeing in another city, or
C(Jmping in tlie WOOdS, ,the desert, Of stay. by a
body of water, .dependmg on where you Iwe.
Driving· m.ay be the .best way to get the~e,
because you can stop to look at the pomts of
interest and toke pictures.
. Wherever you go, don't negJect_ your ~aith. In a
city, attend a House of Worship, 1f posstble: At a
campsite, remember that the t~ees, m?untams
and water are all part of God s creO!tons for_ your - ·
.enioyment. 'Remefhber a~~o, that He ts w~tchmg
· over you wherever yov are, because He 1s
everyw~ere on this earth.
. As it
P.O. Box 548
Hale Center, Texas 79041
telephone: (806) 839-2212
Fax: (806) 839-2140
Mobile: (806) 893-2056
( tup • l'l\lll • l'tclplll\ ,md l .tstult: •[ dlllllt.thtlll)
Ch.\;l.r ch Directory
Established March 2, 1872
.· - .. ·- .
322. S. Main-- Hale Center- 839-20:'72
Quarterway Gin, Inc. ·
Abell Funeral ·Home
223 S. Main St. Hale Center
www.Abei/Funera/Home. com
The Church of God of the Firstborn
322 E. Stevenson - Hale Center
Paul Alvarado - Pastor
SS: 9:45a Worship: lla
Wednesday: 7p
First Baptist Church
Cotton Center
J.D. Templeton.- Pastor
SS:9:50a Worship lla
Lowe's Pay and :Save
rt.'~1 ......_..-.62-2-..Av-e......a...
Church of the Valley
Hale Center
Eliseo Saldana - Pastor
Sunday: lOa Evening 6p
Wednesday: 7:30
First Baptist Church
Hwy 70 West . . Halfway
SS: 9:45a Worship: 10:50a
Evening: 5:30 p
··wednesday: 6p
Rivers of Living Water
Rios De Agua Viva
lOth and Main St.- Hale Center
Salvador Arteaga - Pastor
SS & Worship: lla
:• 7
Jimmy Cameron-Pastor
ss. 9::i:~:;,~~:Yi~~Pio: a
F~;~ ~i~~:vc~enne•:.::!.~:O~h Joi~~~:~:.~~~u~!ter ~
Dr. Carrol Green-Pastor
SS:9:30a Worship:10:50a .
A Suttess
839-2312 Hale Center
• ~.·'o..N•.·.
Child Choir& Eveing: 6p
Cotton Center Farmers Coop Gin
Wed. Prayer Meeting, RA's, GA's {~:.
& Mission Friends: 6:45p
Church ofCbrist
Cotton Center
.202 .W. 4th.St.-Hale Center
St. Theresa Catholic Church ·'l
"i~.l '-------------~----..
Charles Cook-Minisler
504 E. 13th St.-Half . Ce{l~et:
~ •"•~
!--1!11. ~.!!11.~~~~--...- - -.....
Jason·Freed-Associate ~lnister . Sat. Mass: 5p Sun •.Mass:lla
· .· . . . ..·.
Bibte'·s t~dy:9:45a Worship 10:30a Mon. Mass: 7p Wed. Mass: 7p ~
I . . .._llillil!.ll!l.
______;.,. .
The Church of the Living God
1315 N. Ave E-Hale Center
, .,.. Pat Baca-Pastor
'·· 'SS: <lO:OOa. Worship:ll.:OOa ~yenmg: 6p
~,;ti.i~<c~,;~~:<~t,> ~ ~. J/t.r'. :4;,Wednesday: ·7p + ,'f<
v-········,..,- ..
601 Ave.G- 839-246.6 --·H ale Center
SportS l{eaJ~ .. .
By Ran~y Howard
Western Little LeagUe
· All Star team played in the Little
League World Series (which really
is a "world" series) and won their
division but lost to the All Star team
from Warner-Robbins, Georgia in
the United· States Championship
Lubbock, who was
asked to wear jerseys labeled
"Southwest" (as champions of the
Southwest United States regional
tournament), rebounded and won
the third~place game. By the way,
Warner-Robbins beat Japan later
Saturday_for the Little League
World Championship. What a
season for a group of 11 and 12
yea:r old athletes from Lubbock!
coinmitt~e so 'sec~etive ' and why
In Texas high-school football, the
. season kicks off ·this· week also.
In Class AAAAA, no surprise
that Southlake Carroll starts out
the 'season .as the Numfier One'"''
Team in the State, having won 73
strajght .games .and three straight
state· chaJ!lpionships. · Of cot~rse,
the Dragons have a new head
coach since Todd Dodge left to
take o~er ·at the University ~f
North Texas (North Texas State
for you old timers!!!) but his son,
Riley, returns at quarterback after
having beei1 the Class SA Player
of the Year last year.
aren't their final votes available ....,_ _ _.;;;;.;;,.;;;~~;;;.;.,.o~~--·
for the public to see and discuss?
The National Football League
will again this weekend let
college football take center ,stage
and,~.simply continue with ''their
final pre:season contests arid tlien
begin league play the week and
weekend after Labor Day. The
NCAA,iNFL and television·have
found a workable solution with
this arrangement. It makes the
NFL regular season end during
the week of Christmas, and also
conveniently extends the play-offs
so that the Super Bowl i~ played
annually in the first weekend of
The· 2007 college football season
Wolfforth Frenship is ranked .fifth
kicks off this week and weekend!
in the state in Class AAAA.
The West Texas A&M Buffaloes
host a very good and a very . 1\/\/\/\/\
Major League Baseball enters the
talented University of South
final month of regular season play
Dakota Coyotes team in Canyon
Voters for the Texas High School . for 2007:with every division race
on Thursday night! The Univ'ersity
Associated Press polls this season ' still very tituch undecided. Boston
of South Dakota is located in
include Les Giles of the Amarillo
does have an eight game lead
Vermillion, South Dakota.
Globe-News and George Watson . over the,yYankees, and they have
of the Lubbock Avalanchealready won 80 games with 30
Journal. Again this -year, I was . more g~mes to play. But a~ything
not asked nor will I be a voter in , is possible h1 b!lseball today.
The Texas Tech Red Raiders open
the weekly polls.
the season in Dallas at Southern
Methodist University for a
Monday . Labor Day afternoon
It has been. quite a week for the
game from Jerry Ford Stadium on
Go O\lt and watch some high school
Houston Astros. Last Sunday, the
the SMU campus at 3:00.
football this Friday night!!!!
Astros appropriately retired Jeff
Bagwell's jersey. No Astro will
wear Number 5.again in honpr of
this great former Astro superstar.
The University of Southern
The Pro Football Hall of Fame
He has joined Houston in 1991
California Trojans start the season
has ame11ded some voting rules
and hit 449 home runs in his
as the Number One Team in the
and now does allow a "senior's . career..while achieving a ·highlyNation. Coach Pete Carroll does
committee" that will be allowed
respectable ..';.97 batting average.
have an impressive number of to nominate worthy candidates for . Other AStro players whose jersey
experien~ed lettermen returning,
induction whom might have been
numbers have been retire(f include
and the Trojan offense is more
wrongly exclu(,ied by the regular -Nolan Ryan, Mike Scott, Jimmy
than extremely potent. But USC
voting and selection processes.
Wynn, L!lffY Dierker, Jose Cruz,
has a tough schedule and plays in
That committee has nominated
Do11 Wil~on, and Jim Umbricht
an even more competitive Pac-1 0
long time Kansas City defensive
Owner Drayton McLane told
Conference that has, some great
back Emmitt Thomas and former
Bagwell at the ceremony, "Thanks
teams and surviving ·the league
Chicago Cardinals running back
for being achampion!"
. _campaign will be a daunting task.
Marshall Goldberg as c,andidates
or course, that is why teams play in 2008. Why didn't they select l\/\l\1\1\
the · schedule .of gimes to. ·see
former Atlanta Falcon Tommy
~ho the last team standing is in
Nobis and former Dallas Cowboy
January! - " .· ·
·"Bullet" Bob Hayes? Why is this
Things Steam Up At
·. The.Dinner ·11?i15le:
F!:linily Meals Mak;e A Cqmeback
(NAPSI)~In most American families,- p~rents juggle work, school,
children's sports and a bunch of other activities, often making family
dinner an afterthought at best.
· · ·
Studies show, however, that families that eat dinner together tend to do
better. Here are a .few facts and figures:
• Children who eat dirujer with their family are more likely to eat healthier
foods and 1pore balanced meals.
• Teenagers who have five or more family dinners a week,-compared to
those who have two or less, are three times·les-s likely to try marijuana,
two and a halftimes less likely to ,snioke cigarettes, and·a·half
. _, ,.. f ·. ·
times less likely to try .alc()hol.
- .. .
- -· ... ,. .
-• For -30 years, beginning in tlie ''70s, families ate d,itine;r together less
each. year. But, according to a Harvard study,. bpttoiited out
in 2003, as families have rediscovered the benefits of .eating dinner
· '·
Making a healthy, tasty, filling meal for your family can be more easily
said than done. In the past, popping frozen ingredients in the.microwave
oft¢n meant soggy veggies, chewy me.1t and skimpy portions.
New microwave steaming technology is beginning to:revolutionize the
microwave meal. Companies such as Hibachi House use innov_ative
steam packaging that essentially serves as a m.odern microwavable steam
cooker, evenly heating the meal from the outside iri and .the inside out.
The result is flavorful, properly cooked rice or noodles ~d -me~t, fish
and vegetables that are firm and juicy. ·
These meals.generally take only minutes to make and prevent mealtime
from falling into a.·"Moilday~is-mac-'n' -cheese~night" iut.
For additional timesaving meal ideas, visit
-:; ' \-'. . ~~ · ~ ·~..,. .... ; l . r
Monday, September 3rd
·Tuesday, September 4th
.Beef Enchiladas, PintO Beans, Spansih Ric'e, Tossed
'_· Salad, c .lilpslhot sauce, Chocolate Pudding> -·~
,~,,~. .- Wednesday, September 5th ·
·,- ... ·· PC)lish Sausage, Steiumid Cabbage, Turnip Greens,
Blonde Brownies, Cornbread ·
Thursday, Sep~einber 6th ·.
:F.~ ,'B~e~. S~ogn.3ff, Noodles, C.U:.Ot Coins, Bisc~t,
. . ..... ·'"'~· ~. ,...., ., .. . .
Banana Puddmg
,. . , ..
' . :... ··~ · · Friday, September 7th ·
·::j'f~ Cheeseburgbr wlbun, lettuce, tomato, onion, baked... · ..
;"Form~r High Pla1riiCotton Speciillist
~~me4 ~§.Ps "Ne~ \'.ice Pt:esident for Ag
·· '<.· · ·_,
. .. .
· · ·' · . . · . '' 2 ,··Reseaidi · ·
·f¥njiilif • to : ~ott<>r·''produpers ·
· acros~ .High Plains; has been .:
named the new Vice President
· _Hale Center
Senior Citizens ·
839·2428 ·:, -· :
·:JJJEumyne Needh!Jm ~· ..::~·,,, 0 .
Today.~ . . .pasta· tneat; .meat
sauce,. lini~ beans;· tossed sal'ad;
·coffee;· cake, fruit, and garlic
It was a delicious meal. You all
are welcome to join us any day
at 12:00; The fellowship is great
and you will enjoy it. I am proud
to be a Texan today. We aren't the
bigg~st Unjqn ,.an~ore. But we ·
· .!lfe the 2nabigge·st anlTexas has ..
everything.- There are mountains
and -beautiful deserts. We, have ..
Palo l:>uro Canyon; which is just
beautifuL We have the wide open
plains with ·all the'crops grow.irig.
The people in<:rexas_are.just.the
best. They are the friendliest .
people anywhere. If you need
. ;help; .they w llf he there; Texis
I really-~pp~e~·iatis~nijrcitiib'n~.,,
They provide a delicious hot meal
everyday. . It is a great place" to .
hang out. It is Jike.a home away .
from home.
Diln'ff~!g~t t~ go ~o Church on
Sunday. Have a gOod week!
r.~ ,~~!"-
.·r'~·~. :-:~'1>:~. ~-t· ~ .
. .D{ :Kat~t,- ~~~: :~ · ~~son , ·Cotton-Incorporated. .
• p
PANHANDLE: Temperatures ·
w.ere above average all week.
~~~lated' thunderstorms_ .brought: · ·
as 'much as 1 1/4 inches ·of rain ~
Larid preparation cm1iiimes ·'for
whe_at plant~ng. Soil moisture in
most .areas 'is .short.' Corri ranges ~
from · f~ir to : excellent with mbst
areas niporting good. Mu<;h o( the
crop' is~ the ,dent ~tage, Cottoii.; ·.
is fair with' some bollwo~ moth
and l~al . infes~tions reported.
Peanuts . are good with· :no pest
problems. · Mos~ of . the , grain : ·
sorghum ~rop is' in ·good · sliape;
but head"{orms are sliowfng: uj:i .
in a few ~elds : The, soybetlJ}· c~6p · .
is ·good·with ·no pest·'problimis.
Range' conditlons are deciiniti.g as
a result
hot, dry weather,: Fire:
danger lias iilcieasi;d. cattle are hi.
ex~llent c~ndition.
. SOUTH PLAINS: Rainfalhin ..
some areas ranged as high as 3.22
inches. nie com harvest continue~
with goo~ Y.ields
is .in fair
go'od .coriditiori with .
much o( the drYlaiJ.d · cotton
showing : moistuie stress! 'Grain"
sorghum .
peanuts are fn
good condition. Piunpkins · have ·
progressed :well, 3,nd the harvest
should start in mid-September.
Watermelons are being h~ested.'
with ave~ge . yields . reported:.
P&stures and ranges are in good ,
condition~ -· Cattle are m- good
condition with ;no ,.supplem~~taJ ·
feeding reporte&
· ·
' .• · • -1 ...... ·;.'
• ;,
-· · Iritehuitional Board ·o f Di~~ctors
. .. ·meeting 'in.Memphis, 'J'N. Hake
: -'YilL assurm~. his new duties
Septemb~r 4, and be based out
of Cq,ttop Incorporated's World
Headquarters. : · and Research
Center in Cary, NC;
.· "We are truly exci~d to have
Kater on :our staff," ·confirmed
J. Berrye Worsham,¥ ,President
·& CEO, Cotton lnq~_rporated.
"His in-depth know~dge of
cotton will allow hin:i"-to assist
· our efforts to build. 'oh.' cotton's
message of sustainability - a
topic that continues to ilicrease in
importap.ce with both Stmsumers
and retailers."
::: .
unless ce"nain terms are included. ·
the lease requires renter's
Q. Yesterday I received a notice · ' insurancundyoudidnotwantto
.. ,from my apartment complex
Sfgn it, you may simply walk away ;
, telling' me thatl must carry renter's 'and go to anot~er apartment:
lnsmance to cover damage to·
my apartment How can this be . If you have a lease that does not
requ,ire insurance, however,. the
possible? It is not a term of my
landlord may not just change the '
' lease, and l have NEVER heard
terms. Ask your landlord where .
of anyone 'making tenants carry
you the money.
, slic~ or hook ends up in·~ wind,ow insurance to protect the buiiding your lease requires insurance. If
·, along the'fairway. The question in which they live. I was always
he can't show you a clause in your '
Q. A' hole at a golf club I play
'is wh;ther this sign.changes·this under the impressi~n:that renter's
lese, I suggest you let the landlord
at has a sign that says ':'golfers
rille. It is an iftteresti~g'qitestion.
insurance was jus( that.: insrirance
know,that, a~ soon as yo~rlease .
are responsible for accidents to . '7,Jt may be that,by playing gol/J!ou to protect youf' belongings, · if
is , uJ1 j~l/ 'will·'either mpve or
homes. 'I thought I heard you say ' ·~gr~e to the rulf!s 'of the course,
you ~ desire. I feel that this is
rene~ it qnd get insurance. In my ,
orie time that the law says golfers ' and tllis:is one .of the rules you in . effect, like carrying 'properly . . opinion,.however, tenants should·
are ~ot resp~n~ible if they brbak a ~ '· agreed to abide by. I/ y~u play · insurance on something 'that does
always have renter's insurance.
wiridow. What is th~ law?
that hole and do not take steps not belong to me. Can I be forc~d • One reas.on you need,it is that the ·
. to preve~t your ballfirom hitdno
., to buy this insuranc~?
lease may make you responsible
A Great question! As a generar · a window, you could be liable. It
for any damage to the apartment
rule,' gol"ers
are not responsible
~'a"'J ~lso 'be aroued
that a person A, nn
:.i apartment may
t!Jat you or a guest causes, for '
for. da,~ge to .a ' house, by
could be considered neglige~t, a tenant to obtain any '. type
example, walls f)r carpets burned
'.the course, : unle~s they ~ere . i/aft~r se~ing that s.ign they stili' insurance as part_ of th.e ;lease.
by 'a ·smallfire~ ' ,:. \'
tlegligent: In other words, as long 'bf :hii an,il damaged ,a home; Tile. A letfse i; si~iply a ctmtr~ct and
as yo~ (ake normal precautions,""!;':' botto'n,J line islam not ~~re ifth~ either party inay refuse to tig~ee
Q. I heard the legislature changed
the jurisdiction for ·small claims
court. Hc:>w much may I 'now
sue for? .When ' does the change
become J!f~ctive?
, · ·'
A. Yott are correct, ihe~ la'w
regarding small ·claims · court
jurisdiction- has been changed.
,n: ,.we S eptem ber 1st , the
jurisdictional alnount has been
raisedfirom $5,000 to $10,000.
Q. I p.urch~s~d a bf?at in February
of last ye~r: J n Marc\}; !.'took it .
back ~to ' th~· s~ller to ·have some
on i!.back.
I stillThe
the poat
owner I
of the shop . keeps proqlisi~g ·me
that the boat will be returned, but
I am s till waiting. What can I do
if he will not work on the boat or
return it?
A. It may be hard to force the
seller to work 011 tlte,boat, but you
may be able to get him to return
it. I suggest you demand that he
promptly do tlte work..and return·
it, or at least return it. If he does
not, you may file a claim ill small
claims court f or the value of the
guess is 'that he would
boat. return the boat than pay
1989 dodge Daytona, $1000 obo.
. .296'-i7807
2002 Honda .trx3 00ex 4 ~heeler
The City of Hale Center will be
electric start with $ speed ':Yith
takitig applications for ' a Wate
reverse $2500.00 also a 2002.' .
Works Supervisor. Must have
· Honda 750 ACE niotorcy~iye
DoqbleCLicense. TheCityoffers
with 6300 actual miles $4500.00
IJealth Insurance, a Retiremen · call 8 39-22i4·or ·983-7f62.
· '*
Plan, Holiday Pay; Sick Leave,
and Vacation Time. To get a
application come by Hale.Cente
City Hall at 702 Main Street o.
call (806) 839-241112412 t
receive an application by mail.
All applications need to be in b
Au st 10 2007.
<: : /
Certified Nurse Aide Classes ., ·.;
Tren~hing,~ 1 :Ditching
irrigation · ·, and electric · ·· line
'trenching;•; backhoe seivice, Ie~tt
Beginning September 15th
' Pre-Registration is Required
Possible Financial Aid
Class 'Sif~ is Limited . . . . .
Running Draw .c;are.' Cent~r,
.·. repair/~a]WiJ<>e @ 806-233-2ow ,.,~.t'
. ;. ·
806 285 2677
·or 806~.252-bo63: ·
' ·
. · •· &.;;;.o_....;._ _ _ _~~~~;.::;..::~..:....-..-.;.;..:;_..,
............,.., .•.., . ... ,.
after 6 pm
~q~~i!i6~:r,ne;:w' tires , 1 Call
·- -2 KEYS were found h~~e !lthe
, ,. HCA drop box: Call 839-2312.
160 acres CRP ·land. Call ·806·, -PHOTOGRAPH ' equipment
832-4467 or 806-iTl-1235 ; for~t' ·':J ound in pt:J.~,ofthe plazas next to
more information. ,,,
the RCA.~ Call 839-'23"12 ':
839 ~2746
1983 Chevy bandicap:~an
'...j. ..~
' ')'
' '
A child's motor c~r .(alm~:f new) ." '2 bedroom-carpOl1-storage
2 .ceramic kilms-,one .iarge and
100 Ave n:; 325 a month
one small. Call839-1283.
Korg SR Synth Module - $50
·Alesis Dmm Machine- $25
Alpine 300 Watt Car Amp:- $50
2 Huffy Boys Bicycles - $10
2 Large Sony' Speakers - $10
4 Used 15" Dunlop Tires and
Custoll). Toyota Rims - $40
·Nordic Track Ski Machine - $25
Call879-4587 for details. ,
$200 deposit. ·call 68 5~54 ll
1 Br, unfurnl~hed house, goo~ sized
living room & kitchen. 205 W 2.nd,
reii~ble party. C~ll
' .' '
Real Estate··
Ass0·ciATEs :.
3· 2,
r oom.
Remodeled inside and outside.
Large backyard with 'fruit , trees.
Come see. Call806-839•2431 or
806-928-5923 .
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, carpeted,
. draped, stonn windows & doors.
Ready Built House . For Sale .
To be moved. Call293 =0801 or
HALE$Y.A;Y: 2 m.iles ,
east on..7Q, 114 sec. ·
" ·s~i::. cR.P: "
7·miles west on I 27 on
Highway·54:·J ,bd, 2 112
bath, 2 ~ffi'~e; stiirroom,
p<iol, 2sh,qps,
l60 A
. 9-tll:W. $4{){),000 .
. "'. Michael :Villarreal (IPC/Chemistry/Physics), Francisco V~squez
· (Spanish/AthlE~tics), James Pittman (Algebra 1-IVGeometry), Al~m
', Berry {Arf!Y~~rbdok), Anna Montemayor{Biol9gy/IPC),·Jessicft
Winfrey {TechnoloRyApplications), MelisaHill (Techn()l6~yAsst.)