Privitak 1A. - University of Zagreb School of Medicine


Privitak 1A. - University of Zagreb School of Medicine
 Privitak 1A. SWOT analiza Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu prema ESG standardima, 2014. (Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti i Zakon o znanstvenoj
djelatnosti i visokom obrazovanju)
Tradicija i ugled u Hrvatskoj i regiji (najveüi broj
utjecajnih lijeþnika, obrazovao se na MF u Zagrebu)
Pravilnik i Priruþnik o sustavu osiguravanja kvalitete
Jasna struktura organizacije i upravljanja MF
Nastavnici MF ukljuþeni u sveuþilišna tijela
Strenghts (snage)
Odluka o poveüanju upisnih kvota zbog nedostatka
lijeþnika u RH
Promocija translacijskih istraživanja i osnivanje Centra
za translacijska i kliniþka istraživanja
Opportunities (prilike)
Veüa povezanost s alumnima i poveüanje njihovog
ukljuþivanja u ostvarenju misije MF
Ukljuþivanje mlaÿih nastavnika u rad HLK i struþnih
društava HLZ
Centar za zdravstvene djelatnost kao nastavna baza
Bolja komunikacija s medijima
Utjecaj MF na razvoj društva
Moguünost veüeg regionalnog utjecaja
Veüi utjecaj na kvalitetu rada u sustavu zdravstva
(nastava i znanost kao kriteriji u akreditaciji bolnica)
Veüi utjecaj na razvoj zdravstva i planiranje
zdravstvene politike u RH
Aktivna uloga MF u stvaranju strategije za razvoj
znanosti i visokog obrazovanja
Threats (prijetnje)
Preoptereüenost nastavnika kliniþkim obvezama
„Senzacionalistiþko-defamatorski“ pristup medija
Slabljenje ugleda lijeþniþke profesije u društvu
Sociopolitiþko okruženje s pomanjkanjem svijesti o ulozi
visokog obrazovanja u RH
Dulje trajanje ekonomske krize
Neodgovarajuüa implementacija strategija znanosti,
visokog obrazovanja i zdravstva u RH
Threats (prijetnje)
Zajedniþka politika zapošljavanja s upravama kliniþkih Nemoguünost zapošljavanja nastavnika
Odlazak znanstvenih novaka s MF zbog nemoguünosti
Nepostojanje zajedniþke politike zapošljavanja s kliniþkim Zajedniþka politika nabave kapitalne opreme s kliniþkim zapošljavanja
Nedovoljan institucijski utjecaj MF na upravljanje u
kliniþkim i ostalim nastavnim zdravstvenim ustanovama
2. Upravljanje i sustav osiguranja kvalitete
Weaknesses (slabosti)
Uvoÿenje sveuþilišnog diplomskog studija sestrinstva i Pomanjkanje definicije cjelokupnog iznosa u financiranju
izrada programa prvog u RH Sveuþilišnog studija
Dobra integriranost MF u europske akademske mreže Pomanjkanje ugovora potpisanih sa svim kliniþkim
ustanovama za osiguranje kvalitete nastavnog i
znanstvenog rada
Velik broj nastavnika MF ukljuþen u rad struþnih
društava HLZ i u HLK i njihov utjecaj na razvoj
Promijenjena uloga DZ u sustavu zdravstva (koncesija
lijeþnika obiteljske medicine, koja sudjelovanje u nastavi
ostavlja individualnim odlukama i ugovorima)
Velik broj nastavnika ukljuþen u rad meÿunarodnih
udruga i institucija
Nedovoljna proraþunska sredstva
Nepostojanje institucije Sveuþilišne bolnice u
odgovarajuüim zakonima
Osnivanje Centra za zdravstvene djelatnost, Centra
za palijativnu medicinu, komunikacijske vještine i
medicinsku etiku i Centra za unaprjeÿenje mentalnog
Opportunities (prilike)
1. Ostvarenje misije MF: Suradnja sustava znanosti i obrazovanja sa sustavom zdravstva
Weaknesses (slabosti)
Najveüa i najutjecajnija akademska institucija u
hrvatskoj medicini
Strenghts (snage)
35-godišnja tradicija Kataloga znanja i vještina, proces
Tradicija prijamnih ispita i uspješno uvoÿenje
dodatnog prijamnog ispita uz državnu maturu
Dan doktorata kao obvezan dio programa doktorskog
Vodeüa uloga u meÿunarodnoj organizaciji
ORPHEUS za doktorske studije u biomedicini i
Visoka životna dob i odlazak u mirovinu iskusnih
nastavnika þesto na odgovornim funkcijama u zdravstvu,
visokom obrazovanju i znanosti
Znaþajan broj znanstvenih novaka s doktoratom
znanosti i kliniþkom specijalizacijom trajno zaposlenih
na MF/SuZ
Opportunities (prilike)
Pokretanje doktorske škole na fakultetima u Sjevernom
Uloga opüih kompetencija u poveüanju samopouzdanja
Utjecaj novog longitudinalnog predmeta iz
komunikacijskih kompetencija na stvaranje bolje
komunikacijske klime na MF i u zdravstvu
Izborni predmeti
Poveüanje nacionalne i meÿunarodne mobilnosti
nastavnika i studenata
Nedostatak sredstava za nabavu suvremene opreme za
inovativne nastavne materijale i nastavna pomagala
(modeli za uþenje i pouþavanje vještina)
Smanjeno zanimanje za studij medicine
Threats (prijetnje)
Smanjeno financiranje
Pomanjkanje uvjeta nekih kliniþkih ustanova za izvoÿenje
nastave i specijalistiþkog usavršavanja lijeþnika
Uvoÿenje europskog radnog vremena u klinikama
Pomanjkanje mlaÿe i srednje generacije u kliniþkim
(EWT) koje üe smanjiti kliniþko optereüenje nastavnika nastavnim bazama
Odumiranje katedri temeljnih predmeta
Pomanjkanje interesa lijeþnika za zapošljavanje na
pretkliniþkim katedrama i zavodima
Unaprjeÿenje meÿufakultetske suradnje u sklopu
integriranog sveuþilišta
3. Studijski programi, organizacija uÿenja i ishodi uÿenja
Weaknesses (slabosti)
Najveüe iskustvo i najviše studijskih programa na svim Pomanjkanje optimalnih uvjeta za nastavu i
razinama medicinske izobrazbe temeljeni na naþelima neujednaþenost kapaciteta u svim nastavnim bazama
Bolonjskog procesa
Nedovoljan broj nastavnika zbog veüeg broja upisanih
Zajedniþki „core curriculum“ hrvatskih medicinskih
studenata medicine, novog studija sestrinstva, buduüeg
fakulteta, uz zadržavanje osobitosti
studija primaljstva i novih poslijediplomskih specijalistiþkih
Longitudinalno poduþavanje komunikacijskim i
praktiþnim kliniþkim vještinama
Nedovršen postupak implementacije ishoda uþenja na
svim razinama edukacije
Vodeüa uloga MF u izradi novih programa
specijalistiþkog usavršavanja lijeþnika i programa
Nedovoljan broj suvremenih nastavnih materijala (video i
specijalistiþkih poslijediplomskih studija.
kompjutorskih) i modela (npr. suvremena nastava
anatomije, kabineti vještina)
Aktivna uloga MF u izradi priruþnika za provoÿenje
programa specijalizacije i implementaciju
Nedovoljno razumijevanje nastavnika o važnosti
generiþkih vještina u pouþavanju studenata
Uvoÿenje generiþkog predmeta Opüe kompetencije
lijeþnika specijalista u sve poslijediplomske
Smanjenje posveüenosti nastavi zbog preoptereüenosti
specijalistiþke studije u okviru specijalizacije
nastavnika kliniþkim obvezama
Strenghts (snage)
Sustavno prikupljanje podataka o kvaliteti i promicanje Neredovitost u provoÿenju godišnjeg vrednovanja uvjeta
kliniþkih ustanova za izvoÿenje nastave na temelju
pisanog izvješüa
Kontinuirano praüenje kvalitete nastave
Nejasno definiran mehanizam intervencije kod uoþenih
Uloga studentskog predstavnika u radu Dekanskog nedostataka u kvaliteti
Nemoguünost napredovanja novaka s ak. stupnjem,
Tradicija MF i uspješnost u provoÿenju postupaka u publikacijama i iskustvom
domeni etiþkog postupanja
Prevelika optereüenost nastavnika rastuüim kliniþkim
Prihvaüanje Opüih pravila o obavljanju znanstvenog, obvezama
nastavnog i struþnog rada
temeljen na ESG
Dobna struktura nastavnika
Jasni kriteriji za napredovanje nastavnika
Radno vrijeme knjižnica i dostupnost korištenja
raþunala do 24h
Studentski mentorski sustav
Aktivna uloga studenata u donošenju za njih važnih
Otvorenost fakulteta prema studentskim potrebama
Visoka prolaznost po godinama studija
Visoko motivirani i aktivni studenti
Strenghts (snage)
Otpor uvoÿenju novih metoda pouþavanja i ispitivanja
Threats (prijetnje)
Opportunities (prilike)
Nedovoljna razvijenost nastavniþkog mentorskog sustava Postojanje raznih studentskih udruga – moguünost
ranog ukljuþivanja u praksu
Neprilagoÿenost dijela udžbenika studentskoj razini
Demostratura kao stjecanje prvih nastavnih iskustava i
Nedostatak razvijenosti i primjene LMS sustava na svim
moguünost za ukljuþivanje u istraživaþki rad
razinama edukacije
Diplomski rad kao temelj daljnjeg znanstvenog rada
Nepostojanje studentskog restorana (subvencionirano
plaüanje) na svim nastavnim bazama (posebno najveüa Susreti studenata i nastavnika
baza KBC Zagreb)
Uloga Centra za planiranje zanimanja u biomedicini i
zdravstvu pri izboru struke i dobivanju radnog mjesta
Nedovoljan broj mentora za specijalizante u pojedinim
kliniþkim strukama
Nedostupnost odreÿenog broja nastavnika te njihovo
nepoštivanje vremena odreÿenog za konzultacije sa
Threats (prijetnje)
Slaba motiviranost dijela nastavnika i studenata za
rezultate kontinuiranog praüenja kvalitete nastave i
Inflacija visokih ocjena i prosjeka
Bodovanje kolegija može dovesti do orijentacije studenta
na skupljanje dovoljnog broja bodova, a ne stjecanje
veüeg i boljeg znanja
Objektivizacija i razvijanje odgovarajuüih „mjernih
Nedostatak mentora u provoÿenju programa
instrumenata“ koji üe posjedovati „metrijske“ znaþajke: specijalistiþkog usavršavanja
validnost, relevantnost, pouzdanost i objektivnost
Veüi angažman nastavnika u primjeni modernih
Poboljšanje i objektivizacija ispitivanja praktiþnih znanja (zahtjevnih) metoda pouþavanja i ispitivanja
i vještina (posebice u radu s pacijentima)
Opasnost zapostavljanja tradicionalnog pouþavanja i
Uvoÿenje integriranih – problemski orijentiranih ispita ispitivanja usvojenih þinjenica i podataka (preduvjet za
integrativno i problemsko ispitivanje)
Uvoÿenje ispita u obliku OSKI, OKI
Neujednaþenost ispitnih kriterija nastavnika unutar
katedre i izmeÿu katedri, nepostojanje objektivizacije
usmenog ispita
Dostupnost Europskih fondova za razvoj obrazovanja
5. Studenti i podrška studentima
Weaknesses (slabosti)
Neodgovarajuüa zastupljenost ispitivanja odreÿenih
Nastava uz krevet bolesnika i u izvanbolniþkoj zaštiti Nedostatak stimulacije nastavnika za kvalitetan nastavni
(OM, ŠM, JZ), iskustvo u primjeni aktivnih metoda
uþenja (PBL, praksa u zajednici)
Nedostatak materijalnih sredstava za unaprjeÿenje
Prihvaüena strategija e-uþenja
praktiþne nastave (moderni skupi simulatori za uþenje
praktiþkih zahvata i vještina)
Iskustvo u primjeni razliþitih metoda ispitivanja i
analize uspješnosti (npr. Partest i analiza pitanja)
Nepostojanje obvezne kombinacije pismeni i usmeni ispit
na svim katedrama i nedovoljna zastupljenost praktiþnog
Važnost usmenog ispita u konaþnoj ocjeni
ispita i ispitivanja vještina (OSKI)
Prostor i oprema za nastavu i istraživanje
Rascjepkanost ispita (nedostatak veüih integrativnih ispita
više problemski orijentirani)
Nedovoljno jasni kriteriji za vrednovanje kvalitete
nastavnog rada nastavnika
Osposobljavanje nastavnika kroz „Umijeüe medicinske Nedostatak (formalno) osiguranog vremena za nastavu i
Neravnomjerna raspodjela nastavnika i nastavnog
optereüenja po katedrama
Uspješna koordinacija nastave u brojnim nastavnim
bazama i kliniþkim ustanovama
Opportunities (prilike)
4. Nastava (metode pouÿavanja i provjyere znanja) i nastavnici
Weaknesses (slabosti)
Najveüi nastavniþki kapacitet u biomedicini RH (velik
broj kompetentnih, iskusnih i kritiþnih nastavnika)
Strenghts (snage)
izrade ishoda uþenja
Opportunities (prilike)
Nisko financiranje odobrenih projekata dokazano
produktivnih i vodeüih istraživaþa, uz nemoguünost
zapošljavanja odgovarajuüeg broja mladih na vrhunski
ocijenjenim projektima.
Preoptereüenost kliniþkih istraživaþa zdravstvenom
Projekt izgradnje Sjevernog kampusa Sveuþilišta u
Osnivanje Ureda za znanost i transfer tehnologije
Nedostatna sredstva za održavanje temeljnog pogona
istraživaþkih laboratorija
Nemoguünost zapošljavanja istraživaþa
Štetna politika MZOŠ-a u pogledu neplaüanja godišnje
pretplate pristupa temeljnim bazama (Science Direct,
Springer Link, Wiley Interscience, ISI Web of Science,
Trajan odlazak mladih istraživaþa na zapošljavanje u
Neizvjesnost u financiranju buduüih
znanstvenoistraživaþkih projekata
Threats (prijetnje)
Projekt izgradnje Biomedicinskog središta na Šalati u
okviru projekta Sjeverni kampus
6. Znanstvenoistraživaÿki rad
Weaknesses (slabosti)
za sve profile struþnjaka u biomedicini
Pomanjkanje sredstava i inicijative za upuüivanje mladih
Dostupnost Europskih fondova za istraživanje i
istraživaþa na obvezatan boravak u uglednim institucijama
mobilnost nastavnika
Nedefiniran status mladih istraživaþa (postdoctoral
Prijave meÿunarodnih, bilateralnih, meÿuinstitucijalnih
Usvajanje dokumenata o pravilima dobre akademske
fellows) nakon disertacije
istraživaþkih projekata
prakse za znanstveni rad; publikacijama; postupanju
pri optužbama za znanstveno nedoliþno postupanje i Nedovoljan broj mladih znanstvenika na studijskim
Upuüivanje doktorskih i postdoktorskih studenata u
boravcima u inozemstvu
prijevaru u znanosti
ugledne inozemne institucije na temelju ugovora o
Nedostatak razumijevanja moguünosti i važnosti suradnje suradnji
Razvoj postupka stjecanja doktorata znanosti u
s industrijom u istraživanju
izobrazbi buduüih znanstvenika
Povezivanje s industrijom na istraživaþkim projektima
50 referalnih centara MZOŠ sa sjedištem u kliniþkim Pripremljena studija predizvodljivosti projekta Sjeverni
Poveüanje interesa studenata za istraživaþki rad
kampus koja nije dobila potrebna sredstva za studiju
Uvoÿenje translacijskih istraživanja i osnivanje Centra
za translacijska i kliniþka istraživanja
Duga i uspješna suradnja u istraživaþkom radu
izmeÿu sustava zdravstva sa sustavom znanosti i
Uloga MF u znanstvenom radu SuZ
Vodeüa institucija u znanstvenom podruþju
biomedicine i zdravstva u RH
Strenghts (snage)
Organizacija i aktivno sudjelovanje u meÿunarodnim
studentskim kongresima (CROSS-CROatian Student
Summit, ZIMS-Zagreb International Medical Summit)
Ukljuþenost studenata u meÿunarodne asocijacije i
institucije te organizacija meÿunarodne razmjene
Centar za planiranje zanimanja u biomedicini i
Centar za zdravstvene djelatnosti
Suvremeni udžbenici i LMS sustav
Dostupnost nastavnih materijala na web.stranicama
Potencijal meÿunarodne suradnje u kontekstu razvoja
Nedovoljno iskorišten potencijal stranih diplomanada –
Opportunities (prilike)
Kadrovsko osnaživanje službe s odgovarajuüe
educiranim kadrovima
Poveüan broj nastavnika i studenata koji koriste LMS
Uvoÿenje LMS-a za potrebe poslijediplomskih
(doktorskih i specijalistiþkih) studija
Mali broj nastavnika koji aktivno koriste LMS
Nepovjerenje studenata prema anonimnosti studentske
ankete na mrežnim stranicama
8. Informacijski sustavi i javnost djelovanja
Weaknesses (slabosti)
Nedostatak kadrova za rad u specifiþnim uvjetima
meÿunarodne suradnje
(boravak, zdravstveno osiguranje, raspoloživost
kapaciteta studentskog smještaja, studentska prehrana,
organizacija pripravniþkog staža, itd.)
Otežan odlazak nastavnika i znanstvenika na studijske Formiranje registra stranih diplomanada
boravke u inozemstvo – nedovoljna mobilnost (þesto
zbog velikog optereüenja nastavom i radom u zdravstvu) Izgradnja i rad biomedicinskog kampusa
Brojne prepreke u realizaciji mobilnosti stranih studenta Meÿunarodni doktorski studij
Dobro organizirana informatiþka služba osposobljena
za rješavanje tehniþkih i programskih problema
Raþunalne uþionice opremljene novom informatiþkom
Motivirani nastavnici koji sebe i svoj rad predstavljaju
na mrežnim stranicama fakulteta
Poveüanje broja zaposlenih u informatiþkoj službi
Bežiþni pristup internetu samo na manjem dijelu Fakulteta Povezivanje razliþitih službi (kadrovska, diplomska,
poslijediplomska, raþunovodstvo) u svrhu boljeg
Dislokacija nastavnih baza koja otežava stvaranje
Razvijen informatiþki sustav evidencije nastave (SEN) jedinstvene mreže fakulteta
praüenja kadrova i nastavnog optereüenja, izvedbenih
za potrebe poslijediplomskih studija
planova i isplate honorara
Preoptereüenost informatiþke službe koja održava veliku
Repozitorij doktorskih i diplomskih radova dostupan koliþinu informatiþke opreme
Ispunjavanje studentske ankete kao dijela odgovornog
na mrežnim stranicama fakulteta
odnosa prema studiju i dijela nastavnog procesa
Nedovoljan broj web-stranica nastavnika i organizacijskih
Materijali za Fakultetsko vijeüe distribuirani preko
Dinamiþan pristup distribucije materijala za Fakultetsko
mrežnih stranica
Velik broj umreženih raþunala – lokacije Šalata i ŠNZ
Fakultet pokriven bežiþnom mrežom
Komunikacija studenata i struþnih službi odvija se
preko mrežnih stranica (oglasi, prijave izbornih
kolegija, prijave turnusa, studentska anketa)
Razvijen LMS (learning management system)
posebno na nižim godinama studija
Strenghts (snage)
Odliþno ustrojena služba za meÿunarodnu suradnju
Program studija medicine na engleskom kao snažna
podloga EU programima mobilnosti
Veliko iskustvo u edukaciji stranih studenata na svim
razinama i znaþajan broj stranih diplomata diljem
Veüa regionalna i meÿunarodna suradnja u podruþju
znanosti i nastave na temelju bilateralnih i
meÿuinstitucijskih sporazuma
Deklarativan odnos nekih þlanova fakulteta prema
meÿunarodnoj suradnji te izostanak konkretnih mjera za
Tradicija meÿunarodne suradnje ugraÿena u temelje
7. MeĀunarodna suradnja
Opportunities (prilike)
Weaknesses (slabosti)
Strenghts (snage)
Nedostatak odgovarajuüih kadrova na tržištu rada
Nedostatak financijskih sredstava
Odustajanje od mrežne ankete zbog premalog odaziva
Problemi s autorskim pravima pri objavi materijala na
Otpor nastavnika uvoÿenju elektroniþkih oblika nastave
Threats (prijetnje)
Nerazumijevanje prednosti koje je ulazak u EU donio
Neprepoznavanje propisa koji mogu olakšati
meÿunarodnu suradnju
Nesagledavanje problema i izostanak sredstava
Pomanjkanje odgovornosti i entuzijazma u održivosti
meÿuinstitucijskih ugovora
Neodgovarajuüa zakonska regulativa i nedostatak
financijskih sredstava
Threats (prijetnje)
Privitak 1B. Strategija kvalitete prema područjima djelovanja Medicinskog fakulteta za razdoblje od 2012. Do 2015. godine Privitak 1C. Dokumenti Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Dokumenti Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Statut i tijela uprave  Statut Medicinskog fakulteta, 27. listopada 2010. o Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Statuta, 26. veljače 2013.  Odluka o izdavanju putnih naloga, 15. ožujka 2005.  Pravilnik o postupku provođenja vještačenja na Medicinskom fakultetu, 29. travnja 2004.  Pravilnik o postupku provođenja vještačenja na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 25. rujna 2013.  Odluka o korištenju službenih automobila, prijemu i otpremi pošte, 15. ožujka 2005.  Pravilnik o radu Središnje medicinske knjižnice Medicinskog fakulteta, 30. rujna 2014.  Pravilnik o izboru dekana Medicinskog fakulteta, 28. veljače 2006.  Pravilnik o radu Dekanskog kolegija, 29. rujna 2009. Radni odnosi  Pravilnik o radu Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 31. srpnja 2010.  Pravilnik o uvjetima i postupku izbora u zvanja, 16. srpnja 2013.  Odluka o uvjetima za usavršavanje nastavnika i suradnika, 20. ožujka 2001.  Pravilnik o stegovnoj odgovornosti nastavnika, suradnika i studenata, 30. listopada 2012.  Pravilnik o uvjetima i postupku izbora u zvanja, 28. veljače 2012.  Pravilnik o ocjenjivanju rada znanstvenih novaka, 20. veljače 2012.  Pravilnik o uvjetima i načinu predlaganja kandidata za izbor profesora emeritusa, siječanj 2002.  Pravilnik o ustroju radnih mjesta, 27. siječnja 2009.  Procedura zapošljavanja službenika i namještenika, 19. ožujka 2013.  Odluka o uvjetima i postupku produljenja ugovora o radu za nastavnike koji su navršili 65 god. Života, 27. svibnja 2014. (nema) Nastava  Pravilnik o preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima, 29. travnja 2014. o Odluka o izmjenama pravilnika o preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima, 28. svibnja 2013.  Pravilnik o doktorskim studijima, 25. veljače 2014.  Pravilnik o poslijediplomskim studijima, 18. srpnja 2006.  Pravilnik o poslijediplomskim specijalističkim studijima, 31. svibnja 2011. o Pravilnik o dopuni Pravilnika o poslijediplomskim specijalističkim studijima, 29. travnja 2014. o Odluka o izmjenama Pravilnika o poslijediplomskim specijalističkim studijima, 30. rujna 2014.  Pravilnik o načinu provođenja stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja na Medicinskom fakultetu, 5. lipnja 2001. 1
 Odluka o osnivanju Ureda za pomoć studentima, 27. listopada 2009.  Odluka o kontroli provedbe nastave Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 5. srpnja 2001.  Pravilnik o mjerilima i postupku stipendiranja studenata poslijediplomskih studija, 28. studenoga 2006.  Pravilnik o unutarnjem ustrojstvu Centra za planiranje zanimanja u Biomedicini i zdravstvu, 21. ožujka 2012.  Pravila o provođenju pisanih testova provjere znanja, 27. studenoga 2012.  Pravilnik o završnom ispitu i diplomskom radu, lipanj 2013. Znanost  Centar za istraživanje perinatalne etiopatogeneze neuroloških i kognitivnih bolesti, listopad 2003.  Odluka o osnivanju Centra za translacijska i klinička istraživanja, 30. lipnja 2009. o Odluka o osnivanju Centra za zdravstvene djelatnosti Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 29. lipnja 2010.  Odluka o dopuni Odluke o osnivanju Centra za zdravstvene djelatnosti Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 15. srpnja 2014.  Opća pravila o objavljivanju znanstvenog, stručnog i nastavnog rada na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, 17. srpnja 2007.  Pravila dobre akademske prakse za znanstveni rad na Medicinskom fakultetu, 17. srpnja 2007.  Pravila dobre akademske prakse pri pisanju, recenziranju i objavljivanju znanstvenih i stručnih publikacija, 17. srpnja 2007.  Pravila postupanja pri optužbama za znanstveno nedolično postupanje i prijevaru u znanosti, 17. srpnja 2007.  Pravilnik o Etičkom povjerenstvu Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 31. ožujka 2009. Podružnice  Pravilnik Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga, veljača 2000. o Pravilnih o izmjenama i dopunama Pravilnika Hrvatskog instituta za istraživanje mozga, 22. rujna 2013.  Pravilnik Škole narodnog zdravlja, 8. lipnja 2011. o Pravilnik o uporabi Internata Škole narodnog zdravlja “Andrija Štampar”, 4. prosinca 1998. Zaklade  Odluka o osnivanju zaklade Krmpotić Nemanić, 8. lipnja 2011. (nema)  Odluka o osnivanju zaklade za nagrađivanje studenata i asistenata Sergije Saltykow, 8. lipnja 2011.  Statut Zaklade Miroslava Čačkovića za nastavno, znanstveno i stručno usavršavanje znanstvenih novaka, istraživača i asistenata, 17. srpnja 2001. o Pravilnik o mjerilima i postupku dodjele novčane potpore Zaklade Miroslava Čačkovića, 4. listopada 2001. 2
Financije Nagrade  Odluka o nagradi Medicina, 16. studenoga 2006.  Poslovnik o radu Odbora za dodjelu nagrade Medicina, listopad, 2007. Tehnička zaštita Pismohrana Udruge  Statut Studentskog zbora Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 26. svibnja 2009.  Pravilnik studentske medicinske sekcije „Medix“ Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2. ožujka 2004.  Pravilnik studentske sportske sekcije «SportMEF» Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 11. srpnja 2002. Osiguranje kvalitete Izbori u zvanja Katalog informacija Studij na engleskom jeziku Informatika 3
Privitak 1D. The Declaration of the European Conference on Harmonisation of PhD Programmes in Medicine and Health Sciences
PhD Programme:
Biomedicine and Health Sciences
University of Zagreb – Medical School
Zagreb, Croatia, April 24–25, 2004
The Declaration of the European Conference on
Harmonisation of PhD Programmes in Medicine and Health Sciences
Convened in Zagreb on April 24 – 25, 2004
(hereafter referred to as the «Zagreb Declaration»)
After extensive discussion and exchange of ideas and experiences among participants coming
from 25 universities and from 16 European countries having different schemes for obtaining
PhD degree in medicine and health sciences regarding both, form and the way of evaluation,
ranging from monograph and evaluation within the same university to high standards of PhD
thesis containing four or more papers published in internationally recognized peer reviewed
journals, often with high impact factor and the inclusion of evaluators from abroad, the
participants of the European Conference on Harmonisation of PhD Programmes in Medicine
and Health Sciences (hereafter referred to as the «Zagreb Conference» or the «Conference»)
have agreed on the following:
Article 1
PhD programme is intended to enable individuals, after completing and defending their PhD
thesis, to carry out independent, original and scientifically significant research and critically
evaluate work done by others. To assure the above, the participants of the Conference reached
consensus on the following:
Article 2
As in any kind of scientific peer review process, the reviewers of PhD thesis should be
competent and independent from the PhD thesis, candidates and supervisor. In this sense, the
participants of the Conference would like to encourage the inclusion of reviewers from other
universities and countries.
Article 3
The Conference agreed that a suitable benchmark to describe the necessary achievement is a
PhD thesis based on original in extenso publications in internationally recognized scientificmedical journals. The independent contribution of the candidate should be clearly
demonstrated (for example the candidate being the first author). The Conference recommends
that the minimal requirement for the PhD thesis in medicine and health sciences should be the
equivalent of at least three in extenso papers published in internationally recognized journals.
In addition to the papers presented the candidate should provide a full review of the literature
relevant to the themes in the papers, and, where necessary, a fuller account of the research
methods and results. Where the PhD research is presented in other formats, such as the single
monograph, reviewers should demonstrate that the contribution is at least equivalent to this
benchmark, and should encourage inclusion of publication from the research.
Article 4
While the main demonstration of the achievement should be the thesis and published papers,
PhD programmes should include theoretical basis as well as development of technical
research skills in taught courses where appropriate.
Article 5
The Conference recommends to all universities to make their PhD programmes publicly
available to students, lecturers and tutors from other universities and countries. All medical
schools are recommended to create their web pages and written material about PhD
programmes in English and to make their programs open to candidates from other universities
and countries. The Conference encourages the development of joint PhD programmes in
order to enhance the link between the European Higher Education Area and the European
Research Area with a view to ensure higher quality and enable joint degree recognition.
Article 6
The development of well-designed and high-quality PhD programmes requires substantial
support by medical faculties, universities, national governments, the European Commission or
private sponsors and other institutions in order to engage the best medical students into
scientific research so as not to lose our future in medicine and public health.
The Zagreb Declaration was adopted unanimously on April 25, 2004 at 2:00 P.M. by:
Conference participants
Representatives of international and Croatian professional/academic associations and
governmental institutions (in alphabetical order)
Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
Prof. Jadwiga Mirecka, MD, PhD, Executive Committee member
Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE)
Prof. Petr Hach, MD, PhD, President
Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
Prof. Charles Normand, BA, DPhil, FFPHM, President
Croatian Medical Association
Prof. Ivan Bakran, MD, PhD, Vice-President
European Medical Association (EMA)
Vincenzo Costigliola, MD, President
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), South-Eastern European Cooperation, Curriculum
Reform in Medicine
Prof. Hans Joachim Seitz, MD,
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia
Prof. Velimir Božikov, MD, PhD, State Secretary for Health
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
Prof. Pavo Barišić, PhD, Assistant Minister
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Aleksa Bjeliš, PhD, Vice-Rector
Prof. Helena Jasna Mencer, PhD, Rector
Representatives of medical schools and schools of public health (in alphabetical order by
country name)
University of Mostar, Medical School, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. Filip Čulo, MD, PhD, Dean
Prof. Mirna Saraga-Babić, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Science
University of Sarajevo, Medical School, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. Jadranka Dizdarević, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Prof. Benjamin Vojniković, MD, PhD, Secretary General of the Medical School
University of Tuzla, Medical School, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. Lejla Begić, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Science
Prof. Osman Sinanović, MD, PhD, PhD ProgrammeDirector
Prof. Husref Tahirović, MD, PhD, Dean
Higher Medical Institute of Pleven, Pleven, Bulgaria
Prof. Maria Simeonova, MD, PhD, Head of Medical Genetics Department
J. J. Strossmayer University, Medical School, Osijek, Croatia
Asst. Prof. Gordan Lauc, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Education
Asst. Professor Ante Tvrdeić, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies
University of Rijeka, Medical School, Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Anđelka Radojčić Badovinac, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies
Prof. Dragica Bobinac, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Graduated Studies
Asst. Prof. Zlatko Trobonjača, MD, PhD
Prof. Luka Zaputović, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Science
University of Split, Medical School, Split, Croatia
Prof. Mladen Boban, MD, PhD, Dean
Prof. Željko Dujić, MD, PhD, Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies
Prof. Stjepan Gamulin, MD, PhD, Head of Postgraduate Studies Committee
Prof. Marijan Saraga, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Science
University of Zagreb, Medical School, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Nada Čikeš, MD, PhD, ECTS Coordinator
Prof. Marija Dominis, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies
Prof. Boris Labar, MD, PhD, Dean
Prof. Zdravko Lacković, MD, PhD, PhD Programme Director, Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Studies
University of Zagreb, Medical School, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Jadranka Božikov, PhD, PhD Programme Deputy Director
Prof. Luka Kovačić, MD, PhD Deputy Director
Prof. Stjepan Orešković, PhD, Director
Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. Stanislav Štípek, DrSc., Vice-Dean for Pedagogical Affairs
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Finland
Prof. Seppo Meri, MD, PhD, Head, Committee for Postgraduate Scientific Studies in Medicine
University of Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Seitz, MD, Director of the Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology III
- Biochemical Endocrinology
University of Szeged, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical and Pharmaceutical Centre, Faculty of General
Medicine, Szeged, Hungary
Prof. László Vécsei, MD, PhD, DSc, Director of the Experimental and Clinical Neuroscience PhD
University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Charles Normand, BA, DPhil, FFPHM, Edward Kennedy Professor of Health Policy and
University of Pavia, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Pavia, Italy
Prof. Alberto Calligaro, Deputy Dean
University "St. Cyril and Methodius", Medical School, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Prof. Magdalena Žanteva-Naumoska, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies
Prof. Ljubica Georgijevski-Ismail, MD, PhD, FESC, Member of the Postgraduate Studies Committee
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Faculty of Medicine, Trondheim, Norway
Anne Britt Storeng, Senior Executive Officer, Research Administration
Prof. Alf O. Brubakk, Professor of Environmental Physiology
University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine, Oslo, Norway
Sigrid Bergseng, Senior Executive Officer and Head of PhD Programme University Administration
Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education, Warsaw, Poland
Zbigniew Wegrzyn, MD, Department of Education and Quality Assessment
Jagellonian University, University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
Prof. Jadwiga Mirecka, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Medical Education
Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
Prof. Maciej Zabel, PhD, Head of PhD Program
Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Petru Adrian Mircea, Vice-President of the University
University of Niš, School of Medicine, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
Prof. Goran Nikolić, MD, Vice-Dean
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro
Prof. Nevena Sečen, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Foreign Communication and Foreign Students
Comenius University, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Slovak Republic
Prof. Kamil Javorka, MD, DSc, Vice-Dean for PhD Study
University of Navarra, Medical School, Navarra, Spain
Prof. Alfonso Sánchez Ibarrola, MD, PhD, member of University PhD Committee
List of other invited lecturers not listed above (in alphabetical order):
Tina Dušek, MD, PhD student, University of Zagreb Medical School, Croatia
Dr. Guy Haug, Expert on the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process), Bruxelles
Alena Kavalírová, graduated pharmacist, PhD student, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles
University in Prague
Dr. Cees C. Leibbrandt, MD, Former Secretary General (1999–2002) of the European Union of Medical
Specialists (UEMS)
List of observers (in alphabetical order)
Sandra Belko, BA (English), PhD Programme Secretary, Medical School, University of Zagreb; Kristina
Fišter, MD, Research Fellow, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, Medical School, University of
Zagreb; Asst. Prof. Ileana Linčir, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Education, University of Zagreb
School of Stomatology; Prof. Josip Madić, DVM, PhD, Vice-Dean of Science and International
Cooperation, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb; Prof. Albert Marinculić, DVM, PhD,
Vice-Dean of Education, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb; Anita Putrić, BA
(Political Science), Senior Executive Officer of PhD Programme Administration, Medical School,
University of Zagreb; Marita Mimica, BA (psychologist), Head of Postgraduate Studies Department,
Medical School, University of Split, Miroslav Sabolek, BA (economy), Head of PhD Programme
Administration, Medical School, University of Zagreb; Assoc. Prof. Velimir Sušić DVM, PhD, ECTS
Coordinator, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb; Tea Vukušić Rukavina, MD,
Research Fellow, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, Medical School, University of Zagreb.
Privitak 1E. AMSE – Zagreb declaration
AMSE Annual Conference University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb,
Croatia, 4-6 June 2009
AMSE – Zagreb declaration on
The Role of the Medical School in Postgraduate Education
The postgraduate role of the medical school extends into clinical, specialist
and research education. In all these, the medical school is a partner of the
health-care system, and of the profession. This three-way partnership
depends, for success, on mutual respect, communication and collaboration.
This partnership also includes support from ministries both of health and of
education, and society at large.
The statutory responsibilities in all aspects of postgraduate work may vary
within and among different jurisdictions: but the principles of involvement are
common to all. Medical schools across Europe recognise and welcome their
postgraduate roles and responsibilities, notwithstanding any local variations in
funding and regulatory arrangements.
In the continuum of medical education, good alignment of pre-graduate
(undergraduate) and postgraduate education is essential. The transition of
graduates from the educational system to the health-care system must be
understood, structured and managed. The medical school must work with its
partners – and be involved by its partners - in the arrangements for relevant
internships, foundation programmes, and the like.
Today’s society is asking that doctors be scientifically-based, possessing on
the one hand theoretical knowledge and clinical skills, and on the other hand,
skills in communication, human understanding and other competencies, in
order to work in a patient-focussed, safe and effective environment. The
medical school and its partners must understand at which time or times in
undergraduate and postgraduate education knowledge, skills and attitudes
are best acquired.
Medical School involvement in residency and specialist programmes is also
essential. Specialist education must be delivered, in part, in an academic
environment where learning processes and teaching excellence should be
accountable to appropriate academic authority and to society at large.
Provision of postgraduate training should be rewarded in a way that supports
innovation and provides incentives for excellence. Selection into residency
and speciality programmes should be a joint responsibility of all partners,
including the medical school.
Funding of postgraduate medical education must be fair, transparent and
adequate, and there should be no financial disincentive to institutions in the
provision of good postgraduate education. Individual postgraduate students
should be fairly remunerated whether pursuing a clinical career or an
academic clinical career.
Clinical postgraduate trainees should have the opportunity for further research
education, in order better to understand the basis of clinical practice and of its
development. Research training during clinical training should be organised
and properly funded. The possibility of integrating PhD programmes in
medicine into postgraduate clinical studies should be offered, in order to
shorten the total duration of the entire education, and at the same time
improve the quality because it would enable a better integration of clinical
research into clinical practice.
AMSE endorses the work of ORPHEUS in development of standards for
research training in medical schools and faculties, and supports the position
paper from the Aarhus meeting of ORPHEUS (
about standards for PhD education.
The role of the mentor in postgraduate clinical and research education is vital.
Mentor and mentee must work together as partners, and feedback between
them is of particular importance. Training and professional development of
mentors must be supported.
Quality assurance is vital to the improvement of postgraduate education and
is a paramount collective responsibility of the academic community, healthcare system, regulatory authorities and government.
Assessment methods and standards must be defined and documented,
particularly workplace methods of assessment.
Feedback should be
encouraged and developed. Appropriate involvement of all partners, including
academic partners, in assessment processes is necessary.
In conclusion, the medical school has responsibility in all aspects of
postgraduate clinical, specialist and research education. It must work
with its partners in order to promote quality in postgraduate work, and
excellence in the future of medical research, education and care.
Professor David Gordon
President, Association of Medical Schools in Europe
Privitak 5A. Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u CC časopisima s projekata MZOŠ 2009. – 2013. u kojima su prvi ili posljednji autor članovi Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu Izvorni znanstveni i pregledni radovi u CC časopisima s projekata MZOŠ 2009. – 2013. u kojima su prvi ili posljednji autor članovi Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Učinak BPC 157 na
induciranu bilijarnu
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju
u bazi Crosbi
Ilić, Spomenko; Drmić, Domagoj; Žarković, Kamelija; Kolenc, Danijela; Ćorić, Marijana; Brčić, Luka; Kliček, Robert; Radić, Božo; Sever, Marko; Djuzel, Viktor; Ivica, Mihovil; Boban Blagaić, Alenka; Zoričić, Zoran; Anić, Tomislav; Zoričić, Ivan; Džidić, Senka; Seiwerth, Sven; Sikirić, Predrag. Ibuprofen hepatic encephalopathy, hepatomegaly, gastric lesion and gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in rats. // European journal of pharmacology. 667 (2011) , 1/3; 322‐329 (članak, znanstveni). Ilić, Spomenko; Drmić, Domagoj; Žarković, Kamelija; Kolenc, Danijela; Ćorić, Marijana; Brčić, Luka; Kliček, Robert; Radić, Božo; Sever, Marko; Djuzel, Viktor; Ivica, Mihovil; Boban Blagaić, Alenka; Zoričić, Zoran; Anić, Tomislav; Zoričić, Ivan; Džidić, Senka; Seiwerth, Sven; Sikirić, Predrag. High hepatotoxic dose of paracetamol produces generalised convulsions and brain damage in rats. A counteraction with the stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736). // Journal of physiology and pharmacology. 61 (2010) , 2; 241‐250 (članak, znanstveni). Pevec, Damira; Novinščak, Tomislac; Brčić, Luka; Šipoš, Kristijan; Jukić, Ivana; Starešinić, Mario; Miše, Stjepan; Brčić, Iva; Kolenc, Danijela; Kliček, Robert; Banić, Tihomir; Sever, Marko; Kocijan, Ana; Berkopić, Lidija; Radić, Božo; Buljat, Gojko; Anić, Tomislav; Zoričić, Ivan; Bojanić, Ivan; Seiwerth, Sven; Sikirić, Predrag. Impact of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on muscle healing impaired by systemic corticosteroid application. // Medical science monitor. 16 (2010) , 3; 81‐88 (članak, znanstveni). Sever, Marko; Kliček, Robert; Radić, Božo; Brčić, Luka; Zoričić, Ivan; Drmić, Domagoj; Ivica, Mihovil; Barišić, Ivan; Ilić, Spomenko; Berkopić, Lidija; Boban Blagaić, Alenka; Ćorić, Marijana; Kolenc, Danijela; Vrčić, Hrvoje; Anić, Tomislav; Seiwerth, Sven; Sikirić, Predrag. Gastric Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 and Short Bowel Syndrome in Rats. // Digestive diseases and sciences. 54 (2009) , 10; 2070‐2083 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Genomska i proteomska
analiza biomarkera u krvi kod
rijetkih koštanih bolesti
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
nema radova u CC‐u upisanih u Crosbi Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Dijagnostika i liječenje
Aurer Igor
1 Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Mitrović, Zdravko; Iqbal, Javeed; Fu, Kai; Smith, Lynette M; Bast, Martin; Greiner, Timothy C; Aoun, Patricia; Armitage, James O; Vose, Julie M; Weisenburger, Dennis D; Chan, Wing C. CD43 expression is associated with inferior survival in the non‐germinal centre B‐cell subgroup of diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma.. // British journal of haematology. 162 (2013) ; 87‐92 (članak, znanstveni). Perković, Sanja; Bašić‐Kinda, Sandra; Aurer, Igor; Ugrina, Ivo; Duletić‐Načinović, Antica; Lozić, Dominik; Batinić, Drago. Multiparameter flow cytometry is necessary for detection, characterization and diagnosis of composite mature B‐cell lymphoproliferative neoplasms. // International journal of hematology. 98 (2013) , 5; 589‐596 (članak, znanstveni). Barun, Barbara; Bašić‐Kinda, Sandra; Aurer, Igor; Žarković, Kamelija; Adamec, Ivan; Habek, Mario. Demyelination after primary central nervous system lymphoma ; reversed “sentinel”. // Canadian journal of neurological sciences. 39 (2012) ; 843‐844 (kratko priopćenje, znanstveni). Dujmović, Dino; Aurer, Igor; Radman, Ivo; Serventi‐Seiwerth, Ranka; Dotlić, Snježana; Štern‐Padovan, Ranka; Dubravčić, Klara; Šantek, Fedor; Labar, Boris. Addition of rituximab to high‐dose methotrexate‐based chemotherapy improves survival of adults with Burkitt lymphoma / leukemia. // Acta haematologica. 127 (2012) ; 115‐117 (članak, znanstveni). Mitrović, Zdravko; Bast, Martin; Bierman, Philip J; Bociek, Robert G; Vose, Julie M; Chan, Wing C; Armitage, James O. The addition of rituximab reduces the incidence of secondary central nervous system involvement in patients with diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma. // British journal of haematology. 157 (2012) ; 401‐403 (kratko priopćenje, znanstveni). Mitrović, Zdravko; Perry, Anamarija M; Suzumiya, Junji; Armitage, James O; Au, Wing Y; Coiffier, Bertrand; Holte, Harald; Jaffe, Elaine S; Monserrat, Emili; Rajan, Sandeep K; Savage, Kerry J; Tobinai, Kensei; Vose, Julie M; Weisenburger, Dennis D. The prognostic significance of lymphopenia in peripheral T‐cell and natural killer/T‐cell lymphomas: a study of 826 cases from the International Peripheral T‐cell Lymphoma Project. // American journal of hematology. 87 (2012) ; 790‐794 (članak, znanstveni). Aurer, Igor. Changing therapeutic landscape‐ the last decade. // Transfusion and apheresis science. 44 (2011) , 2; 155‐
159 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Grgurević, Lovorka; Maček, Boris; Healy, D.R.; Brault, A.L.; Erjavec, Igor; Čipčić, Antonio; Grgurević, Ivica; Rogić, Dunja; Galešić, Krešo; Brkljačić, Jelena; Štern‐Padovan, Ranka; Paralkar, V.M.; Vukičević, Slobodan. Circulating Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1‐3 Isoform Increases Renal Fibrosis. // Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 22 (2011) , 4; 681‐692 (članak, znanstveni). Grizelj, Ruža; Vuković, Jurica; Bilić, Ernest; Štern‐Padovan, Ranka. Massive retroperitoneal haemorrhage in a neonate with severe haemophilia „A“. // Hemophilia. 17 (2011) , 3; 547‐548 (pismo uredniku, znanstveni). Hrabak Paar, Maja; Štern‐Padovan, Ranka. Evaluation of carcinoid heart disease using delayed enhancement imaging. // Irish journal of medical science. 180 (2011) , 2; 619‐619 (pismo uredniku, znanstveni). 2 Mitrović, Zdravko; Ilić, Ivana; Aurer, Igor; Bašić‐Kinda, Sandra; Radman, Ivo; Dotlić, Snježana; Ajduković, Radmila; Labar, Boris. Prognostic significance of survivin and caspase‐3 immunohistochemical expression in patients with diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma treated with rituximab and CHOP. // Pathology oncology research. 17 (2011) , 2; 243‐247 (članak, znanstveni). Zupančić‐Šalek, Silva; Benson, G.M.; Elezović, I.; Krenn, V.; Ljung, R.C.R.; Morfini, M.; Remor, E.; Santagostino, E.; Sorensen, B. The need for speed in the management of haemophilia patients with inhibitors. // Haemophilia. 17 (2011) , 1; 95‐102 (članak, znanstveni). Aurer, Igor; Eghbali, Houchingue; Raemaekers, John; Khaled, Houssein, M.; Fortpied, Catherine; Baila, Liliana; van der Maazen, Richard, W.M. Gem‐(R)CHOP versus (R)CHOP: a randomized phase II study of gemcitabine combined with (R)CHOP in unutreated aggressive non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma – EORTC lymphoma group protocol 20021 (EudraCT number 2004‐004635‐54). // European journal of haematology. 86 (2010) , 2; 111‐116 (članak, znanstveni). Gjadrov‐Kuveždić, Koraljka; Aurer, Igor; Ries, Sunčica; Sučić, Mirna; Marković‐Glamočak, Mirjana; Ilić, Ivana; Bašić‐Kinda, Sandra; Radman, Ivo; Labar, Boris. FNA based diagnosis of head and neck nodal lymphoma. // Collegium antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 1; 7‐12 (članak, znanstveni). Ries, Sunčica; Rnjak, Lana; Mitrović, Zdravko; Gjadrov‐Kuveždić, Koraljka; Nola, Marin; Sučić, Mirna. CD13+Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma With Leukemic Presentation and Additional Chromosomal Abnormality. // Diagnostic cytopathology. 38 (2010) , 2; 141‐146 (članak, znanstveni). Bogdanić, Branko; Smuđ, Sanda; Bagatin, Dinko; Nola, Marin; Mijatovic, Davor; Majerović, Matea. Giant basal cell carcinoma of the back: a case report and review of the literature. // Collegium Antropologicum. 33 (2009) , 1; 315‐318 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Ilić, Ivana; Mitrović, Zdravko; Aurer, Igor; Bašić‐Kinda, Sandra; Radman, Ivo; Ajduković, Radmila; Labar, Boris; Dotlić, Snježana; Nola, Marin. Lack of prognostic significance of the germinal‐center phenotype in diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma patients treated with CHOP‐like chemotherapy with and without rituximab. // International journal of hematology. 90 (2009) , 1; 74‐80 (članak, znanstveni). Mitrović, Zdravko; Ilić, Ivana; Nola, Marin; Aurer, Igor; Sonicki, Z.; Bašić‐Kinda, Sandra; Radman‐Livaja, Ivo; Ajduković, Radmila; Labar, Boris. CD43 Expression Is an Adverse Prognostic Factor in Diffuse Large B‐Cell Lymphoma. // Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma. 9 (2009) , 2; 133‐137 (članak, znanstveni). Petrunić, Mladen; Drinković, Nikša; Štern‐Padovan, Ranka; Mestrović, Tomislav; Lovrić, Danijel. Thoracoabdominal and coronary arterial aneurysms in a young man with a history of Kawasaki disease. // Journal of vascular surgery. 50 (2009) , 5; 1173‐1176 (članak, znanstveni). Glavni
Naziv projekta
108-1080059-0040 SUSTAVA
Babić Damir
Šifra projekta
Poveznica na bibliografiju
u bazi Crosbi
Biomedicina i
3 Maurac I, Sabol M, Musani V, Car D, Ozretic P, Kalafatic D, Oreskovic S, Babic D, Levanat S. A Low‐grade Ovarian Carcinoma Case With Coincident LOH of PTCH1 and BRCA1, and a Mutation in BRCA1. // International journal of gynecological pathology. 31 (2012) , 3; 264‐271 (članak, znanstveni). Ćorušić, Ante; Škrgatić, Lana; Mahovlić, Vesna; Mandić, Vjekoslav; Planinić, Pavao; Karadža, Magdalena. Cervical cancer as a public health issue ‐ what next?. // Collegium Antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 1; 301‐307 (pregledni rad, stručni). Jurić, Danijela; Mahovlić, Vesna; Rajhvajn, Sandra; Ovanin‐Rakić, Ana; Škopljanac‐Mačina, Lada; Barišić, Ana; Šamija Projić, Ivana; Babić, Damir; Suša, Martina; Ćorušić, Ante; Orešković, Slavko. Liquid‐based cytology : new possibilities in the diagnosis of cervical lesions. // Collegium antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 1; 19‐24 (članak, znanstveni). Mahovlić, Vesna; Ovanin‐Rakić, Ana; Škopljanac‐Mačina, Lada; , Barišić, Ana; Rajhvajn, Sanda; Jurić, Danijela; Šamija Projić, Ivana; Ilić‐Forko, Jadranka; Babić, Damir; Škrablin‐Kučić, Snježana; Božikov, Jadranka. Digital morphometry of cytologic aspirate endometrial samples. // Collegium antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 1; 45‐51 (članak, znanstveni). Škopljanac‐Mačina, Lana; Mahovlić, Vesna; Ovanin‐Rakić, Ana; Barišić, Ana; Rajhvajn, Sanda; Jurić, Danijela; Babić, Damir; Ćorušić, Ante; Orešković, Slavko. Cervix cancer screening in Croatia within the European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. // Collegium Antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 2; 613‐617 (članak, znanstveni). Milinović, Darko; Kalafatić, Držislav; Babić, Damir; Beketić Orešković, Lidija; Lovrić Gršić, Helena; Orešković, Slavko. Minimally Invasive Therapy of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia for Fertility Preservation. // Pathology oncology research. 15 (2009) , 3; 521‐525 (članak, znanstveni). Orešković, S.; Kalafatić, Držislav; Gršić H.L.; Gojević, A.; Gregov, M.; Babić, I. Operative complications and results of the "SPARC" procedure for stress urinary incontinence.. // Collegium antropologicum. 33 (2009.) ; 201‐204 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Funkcija fosfoinozitol 3kinaze C2 beta u staničnim
Banfić Hrvoje
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u bazi
Banfić, Hrvoje; Bedalov, Antonio; York, John D; Višnjić, Dora. Inositol pyrophosphates modulate S phase progression after pheromone‐induced arrest in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // The Journal of biological chemistry. 288 (2013) ; 1717‐1725 (članak, znanstveni). Lalić, Hrvoje; Lukinović‐Škudar, Vesna; Banfić, Hrvoje; Višnjić, Dora. Rapamycin enhances dimethyl sulfoxide‐mediated growth arrest in human myelogenous leukemia cells. // Leukemia & lymphoma. 53 (2012) , 11; 2253‐2261 (članak, znanstveni). Miše, Joško; Dembitz, Vilma; Banfić, Hrvoje; Višnjić, Dora. Combined Inhibition of PI3K and mTOR Exerts Synergistic Antiproliferative Effect, but Diminishes Differentiative Properties of Rapamycin in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. // Pathology oncology research. 17 (2011) ; 645‐656 (članak, znanstveni). 4 Banfić, Hrvoje; Višnjić, Dora; Mise Nikica; Balakrishnan, Sanjeevi; Deplano, Simona; Korchev, Yuri; Domin, Jan. Epidermal growth factor stimulates translocation of the class II phosphoinositide 3‐kinase PI3K‐C2beta to the nucleus. // Biochemical journal. 422 (2009) , 1; 53‐60 (članak, znanstveni). Matković, Katarina; Lukinović‐Škudar, Vesna; Banfić, Hrvoje; Višnjić, Dora. The activity of extracellular signal‐regulated kinase (ERK) is required during G2/M phase before metaphase‐
anaphase transition in synchronized leukemia cell lines. // International Journal of Hematology. 89 (2009) , 2; 159‐166 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Genetska osnova
kardiovaskularnih učinaka
hormonskog nadomjestnog
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Banfić Ljiljana
Biomedicina i
Vrkić Kirhmajer, Majda; Banfić, Ljiljana; Vojković, Marina; Strozzi, Maja; Bulum, Joško; Miovski, Zoran. Correlation of Femoral Intima‐Media Thickness and the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease. // Angiology. 62 (2011) , 2; 134‐139 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Nasljedne metaboličke i ostale
monogenske bolesti djece
Barić Ivo
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Barić, Ivo; Fumić, Ksenija; Petković Ramadža, Danijela; Sperl, W.; Zimmermann, F.A.; Muačević‐Katanec, Diana; Mitrović, Zoran; Pažanin, Leo; Cvitanović Šojat, Ljerka; Kekez, Tihomir; Reiner, Zeljko; Mayr, J.A. Mitochondrial myopathy associated with a novel 5522G>A mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA(Trp) gene. // European journal of human genetics. 21 (2013) , 8; 871‐875 (članak, znanstveni). Zibar, Karin; Barić, Ivo. Another Cause of Hyperglyceroluria : Aquaporin 7 Gene Mutation. // Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 57 (2013) , 3; e19‐e19 (pismo uredniku, znanstveni). Barić, Ivo; Zibar, Karin; Ćorić, Marijana; Santer, R.; Bonilla, S.; Bilić, Karmen; Buljević Dasović, Andrea; Benjak, Vesna; Fumić, Ksenija; Whitington, P.F. Glyceroluria and neonatal hemochromatosis. // Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 55 (2012) , 4; e126‐e128 (članak, znanstveni). Burton, B.K.; Whiteman, D.A.; HOS investigators; Barišić, Ingeborg; Barić, Ivo. Incidence and timing of infusion‐related reactions in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type II (Hunter syndrome) on idursulfase therapy in the real‐world setting: a perspective from the Hunter Outcome Survey (HOS). // Molecular genetics and metabolism. 103 (2011) , 2; 113‐120 (članak, znanstveni). Muačević‐Katanec, Diana; Kekez, Tihomir; Fumić, Ksenija; Merkler, Marijan; Jakić‐Razumović, Jasminka; Krznarić, željko; Zadro, Renata; Katanec, Davor; Reiner, Željko. Spontaneous Perforation of the Small Intestine, a Novel Manifestation of Classical Homocystinuria in an Adult with New Cystathionine beta‐synthetase Gene Mutations. // Collegium Antropologicum. 35 (2011) , 1; 181‐185 (članak, znanstveni). Sedić, Mirela; Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra; Cindrić, Mario; Vissers, Johannes; Peronja, Marija; Josić, Đuro; Ćuk, Mario; Fumić, Ksenija; Pavelić, Krešimir; Barić, Ivo. 5 Plasma biomarker identification in S‐adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency. // Electrophoresis. 32 (2011) , 15; 1970‐1975 (članak, znanstveni). Čuljat, Marko.; Benjak, Vesna; Dasović‐Buljević, Andrea; Ozretić, David; Fumić, Ksenija; Acquaviva, C.; Barić, Ivo. Magnetic resonance findings in a neonate with nonketotic hyperglycinemia : case report. // Journal of computer assisted tomography. 34 (2010) , 5; 762‐765 (članak, znanstveni). Huljev Frković, Sanda; Tonković Đurišević, Ivana; Lasan Trčić, Ružica; Sarnavka, Vladimir; Crkvenac Gornik, Kristina; Mužinić, Dubravka; Letica, Ljiljana; Barić, Ivo; Begović, Davor. Pallister Killian Syndrome: Unusual Significant Postnatal Overgrowth in a Girl with otherwise Typical Presentation. // Collegium Antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 1; 247‐250 (članak, znanstveni). Barić, Ivo. Inherited disorders in the conversion of methionine to homocysteine. // Journal of inherited metabolic disease. 32 (2009) , 4; 459‐471 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Judaš, Miloš; Sedmak, Goran; Radoš, Marko; Sarnavka, Vladimir; Fumić, Ksenija; Willer, Tobias; Gross, Claudia; Hehr, Ute; Strahl, Sabine; Ćuk, Martin; Barić, Ivo. POMT‐1 associated Walker‐Warburg syndrome: A disorder of dendritic development of neocortical neurons. // Neuropediatrics. 40 (2009) ; 6‐14 (članak, znanstveni). Petković Ramadža, Danijela; Stipoljev, Feodora; Sarnavka, Vladimir; Begović, Davor; Potočki, Kristina; Fumić, Ksenija; Mornet, Etienne; Barić, Ivo. Hypophosphatasia: phenotypic variability and possible Croatian origin of the c.1402G>A mutation of TNSALP gene. // Collegium antropologicum. 33 (2009) , 4; 1255‐1260 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Procjena potrebe i
učinkovitosti liječenja teških
infekcija u JIM
Baršić Bruno
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Andabaka, Tea; Nickerson, Jason; Rojas‐Reyes, Maria Ximena; Rueda, Juan David; Bačić Vrca, Vesna; Baršić, Bruno. Monoclonal antibody for reducing the risk of respiratory syncytial virus infection in children. // Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 4 (2013) ; (članak, znanstveni). Baršić, Bruno; Dickerman, Stuart; Krajinović, Vladimir; Pappas, Paul; Altclas, Javier; Carosi, Giampiero; Casabé, José H; H.Chu, Vivian; Delahaye, Francois; Edathodu, Jameela; Fortes, Claudio Querido; Olaison, Lars; Pangerčić, Ana; Patel, Mukesh; Rudež, Igor; Tamin, Syahidah Syed; Vincelj, Josip; Bayer, Arnold S; Wang, Andrew; for the International Collaboration on Endocarditis–Prospective Cohort Study (ICE‐PCS) Investigators. Influence of the Timing of Cardiac Surgery on the Outcome of Patients With Infective Endocarditis and Stroke. // Clinical infectious diseases. 56 (2013) , 2; 209‐217 (članak, znanstveni). Kutleša M, Baršić B. Therapeutic hypothermia for severe adult Herpes simplex virus encephalitis. // Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. 124 (2012) ; 855‐858 (članak, znanstveni). Santini, Marija; Kutleša, Marko; Žarković, Kamelija; Draženović, Vladimir; Baršić, Bruno. Influenza A 2009 H1N1 encephalitis in adults with viral RNA in cerebrospinal fluid. // Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. 44 (2012) , 12; 992‐996 (članak, znanstveni). 6 Andabaka, Tea; Globočnik, Tina; Vukelić, Dalibor; Esposito, S.; Baršić, Bruno. Parental administration of antipyretics to children with upper respiratory tract infections without consultation with a physician. // Croatian Medical Journal. 52 (2011) , 1; 48‐54 (članak, znanstveni). Klinar, Ivana; Balažin, Ana; Baršić, Bruno; Tiljak, Hrvoje. Identification of general characteristics, motivation, and satisfaction of internet‐based medical consultation service users in Croatia. // Croatian medical journal. 52 (2011) , 4; 557‐565 (članak, znanstveni). Kutleša, Marko; Santini, Marija; Krajinović, Vladimir; Raffanelli, Dinko; Baršić, Bruno. Novel observations during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with ARDS due to the H1N1 pandemic influenza. // Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. 123 (2011) , 374; 117‐119 (članak, znanstveni). Lepur, Dragan; Kutleša, Marko; Baršić, Bruno. Prospective observational cohort study of cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity in patients with inflammatory CNS diseases. // European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases. 30 (2011) , 8; 989‐996 (članak, znanstveni). Lepur, Dragan; Kutleša, Marko; Baršić, Bruno. Induced hypothermia in adult community‐acquired bacterial meningitis‐‐more than just a possibility?. // The Journal of infection. 62 (2011) , 2; 172‐177 (članak, znanstveni). Papic, Neven; Pangercic, Ana; Vargovic, Martina; Barsic, Bruno; Vince, Adriana; Kuzman, Ilija. Liver involvement during influenza infection: perspective on the 2009 influenza pandemic. // Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruse. 6 (2011) , 3; e2‐e5 (članak, znanstveni). Santini, Marija; Kutlesa, Marko; Pangercic, Ana; Barsic, Bruno. The importance of pathogens in sepsis: Staphylococcus aureus story. // Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. 42 (2010) , 3; 172‐176 (članak, znanstveni). Kutleša, M.; Lepur, Dragan; Bukovski, Suzana; Lepur, N. K.; Baršić, Bruno. Listeria monocytogenes Meningitis Associated with Rhabdomyolysis and Acute Renal Failure. // Neurocritical Care. 10 (2009) , 1; 70‐72 (članak, znanstveni). Lepur, Dragan; Baršić Bruno. Incidence of neurological complications in patients with native‐valve infective endocarditis and cerebral microembolism: An open cohort study. // Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 41 (2009) , 9; 708‐
713 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Čimbenici rizika za razvoj
ateroskleroze nakon
transplantacije bubrega
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Bašić‐Jukić; Nikolina; Novosel, Dragan; Jurić, Ivana; Kes, Petar. Renal transplantation in the roma ethnicity‐do all patients have equal chance for transplantation?. // Transplantation proceedings. 45 (2013) ; 3190‐3191 (članak, znanstveni). Blaslov, Kristina; Katalinić, Lea; Kes, Petar; Spasovski, Goce; Šmalcelj, Ružica; Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina. What is the impact of immunosuppressive treatment on the post‐transplant renal osteopathy?. // International urology and nephrology. 35 (2013) ; 344‐349 (članak, znanstveni). 7 Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina; Gulin, Marijana; Slaviček, Jasna; Čorić‐Martinović, Valentina; Iskra, Bosiljka; Rački, Sanjin; Šain, Milenka; Ostojić, Rajko; Hrstić, Irena; Ljutić, Dragan; Vucelić, Boris; Kes, Petar. Pegylated interferon for treatment of chronic hepatitis C in hemodialysis patients in Croatia. // Kidney & blood pressure research. 34 (2011) , 1; 53‐57 (članak, znanstveni). Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina; Hudolin, Tvrtko; Radić‐Antolić, Margareta; Ćorić, Marijana; Zadro, Renata; Kaštelan, Željko; Pasini, Josip; Bandić‐Pavlović, Daniela; Kes, Petar. Bone morphogenetic protein‐7 expression is down‐regultaed in human clear cell renal carcinoma. // JN. Journal of nephrology. 24 (2011) , 1; 91‐97 (članak, znanstveni). Brunetta Gavranić, B; Bašić‐Jukić, N; Kes, P. Changes in indications for therapeutic plasma exchange over the last 27 years in Croatia. // Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis. 15 (2011) , 6; 587‐592 (pregledni rad, stručni). Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina; Brunetta, Bruna; Kes, Petar. Plasma exchange in elderly patients. // Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis. 14 (2010) , 2; 161‐165 (članak, znanstveni). Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina; Kes, Petar; Bubić‐Filipi, Ljubica; Vranjican, Zoran. Rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury secondary to concomitant use of fluvastatin and rapamycin in a renal transplant recipient. // Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation. 25 (2010) , 6; 2036‐2036 (pismo, znanstveni). Mokos, Ivica; Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina; Kaštelan, Željko; Kes, Petar; Pasini, Josip. Influence of long‐term dialysis treatment on operative complications after renal transplantation. // Transplantation proceedings. 42 (2010) , 7; 2531‐2535 (članak, znanstveni). Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina; Jurić, Ivana; Račk, Sanjin; Kes, Petar. Spontaneous tendon ruptures in patients with end‐stage renal disease. // Kidney and Blood Pressure Research. 32 (2009) , 1; 32‐36 (članak, znanstveni). Bašić‐Jukić, Nikolina; Radić‐Antolić, Margareta; Hudolin, Tvrtko; Ćorić, Marijana; Zadro, Renata; Pasini, Josip; Kaštelan, Željko; Kes, Petar. Immunolocalization and mRNA expression of bone morphogenetic protein‐6 in human clear cell renal carcinoma.. // Kidney & blood pressure research. 32 (2009) , 4; 445‐450 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Istraživanje kroničnog
rinosinuitisa i njegova
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Baudoin, Tomislav; Grgić, Marko Velimir; Zadravec, Diana; Geber, Goran; Tomljenović, Dejan; Kalogjera, Livije. Algorithm for navigated endoscopic sinus surgery. // Rhinology. 51 (2013) , 4; 335‐342 (članak, znanstveni). Prokopakis, Emmanuel; Vardouniotis, Alexios; Kawauchi2, Hideyuki, Scadding, Glenis; Georgalas, Christos; Hellings, Peter; Velegrakis, George; Kalogjera, Livije. The pathophysiology of the hygiene hypothesis. // International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 77 (2013) , 7; 1065‐1071 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). 8 Jelavic, Boris; Grgić, Marko; Čupić, Hrvoje; Kordić, Mirko; Vasilj, Mirjana; Baudoin, Tomislav. Prognostic value of Helicobacter pylori sinonasal colonization for efficacy of endoscopic sinus surgery. // European archives of oto‐rhino‐laryngology. 269 (2012) , 10; 2197‐2202 (članak, znanstveni). Kalogjera, Livije; Džepina, Davor. Management of Smell Dysfunction.. // Current allergy and asthma reports. 12 (2012) ; 154‐162 (pregledni rad, stručni). Zurak, Krešo; Vagić, Davor; Drviš, Petar; Prohaska Potočnik, Carmen; Džidić, Senka; Kalogjera, Livije. Bacterial colonisation and granulocyte activation in chronic maxillary sinusitis of asthmatics and non‐
asthmatics. // Journal of Medical Microbiology. 58 (2009) , 9; 1231‐1235 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Mehanizmi rezistencije na
antibiotike u Gram-negativnih
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Bedenić, Branka; Mazzariol, Annarita; Plečko, Vanda; Bošnjak, Zrinka; Barl, Petra; Vraneš, Jasmina; Cornaglia, Giuseppe. First report of KPC‐producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strain in Croatia. // Journal of chemotherapy. 24 (2012) , 4; 237‐239 (kratko priopćenje, znanstveni). Bedenić, Branka; Vraneš, Jasmina; Hofmann‐Thiel, Sabine, Tonkić, Marija; Novak, Anita; Bučević‐Popović, Viljemka; Hoffmann, Harald. Characterization of the extended‐spectrum‐beta‐lactamases and determination of virulence factors of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from children. // Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. 124 (2012), 15/16; 504‐515 (članak, znanstveni). Bedenić, Branka; Goić‐Barišić, Ivana; Budimir, Ana; Tonkić, Marija; Mihaljević, Ljiljana; Novak, Anita; Sviben, Mario; Plečko, Vanda; Punda‐Polić, Volga; Kalenić, Smilja. Antimicrobial susceptibility and beta‐lactamase production of selected Gram‐negative bacilli from two Croatian hospitals : MYSTIC study results. // Journal of chemotherapy. 22 (2010) , 3; 147‐152 (članak, znanstveni). Bošnjak, Zrinka; Bedenić, Branka; Mazzariol, Annarita; Jarža‐Davila, Neda; Šuto, Sandra; Kalenić, Smilja. VIM‐2 beta‐lactamase in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from Zagreb, Croatia. // Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. 42 (2010) , 3; 193‐197 (članak, znanstveni). Sardelić, Sanda; Bedenić, Branka; Šijak, Dubravko; Colinon, Celine; Kalenić, Smilja. Emergence of Proteus mirabilis isolates producing TEM‐52 extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase in Croatia. // Chemotherapy (Basel). 56 (2010) , 3; 208‐213 (članak, znanstveni). Vranić‐Ladavac, Mirna; Bošnjak, Zrinka; Beader, Nataša; Barišić, Nada; Kalenić, Smilja; Branka, Bedenić. Clonal spread of CTX‐M‐15‐producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Croatian University Hospital. // Journal of Medical Microbiology. 59 (2010) , 9; 1069‐1078 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Kvantitativni EEG pokazatelji
u depresivnih i shizofrenih
Begić Dražen
9 Područje
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Medved, Vesna; Rojnić Kuzman, Martina; Jovanović, Nikolina; Grubišin, Jasmina; Kuzman, Tomislav. Metabolic syndrome in female patients with schizophrenia treated with second generation antipsychotics: a 3 month follow‐up. // Journal of psychopharmacology. 23 (2009) , 8; 915‐922 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Osobine ličnosti i obitelji
bolesnica s poremećajima
jedenja nakon oporavka
Begovac Ivan
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Ćakić, Sanja; Begovac, Branka; Pleština, Silvana; Jakovina, Trpimir; Crnković, Maja; Begovac, Ivan. Bullying Among Children in Split, Croatia: Association with General, Psychosocial, Behavioral and School Variables. // Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja. 22 (2013) , 4; 693‐711 (članak, znanstveni). Erdelja, Stanislava; Vokal, Petra; Bolfan, Marija; Erdelja, Sergej Augustin; Begovac, Branka; Begovac, Ivan. Delinquency in incarcerated male adolescents is associated with single parenthood, exposure to more violence at home and in the community, and poorer self‐image. // Croatian medical journal. 54 (2013) ; 460‐468 (članak, znanstveni). Begovac, Branka; Begovac, Ivan. Dreams of deceased children and countertransference in the group psychotherapy of bereved mothers: clinical illustration. // Death studies. 36 (2012) , 8; 723‐741 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Epidemiološka i klinička
obilježja zaraze HIV-om u
Begovac Josip
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Božičević, Ivana; Handanagić, S; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Begovac, Josip. The emerging and re‐emerging human immunodeficiency virus epidemics in Europe. // Clinical microbiology and infection. 19 (2013) , 10; 917‐929 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Grgić, Ivana; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Lunar M, Maja; Poljak, Mario; Vince, Adriana; Baća Vrakela, Ivana; Planinić, Ana; Seme, Katja; Begovac, Josip. The Prevalence of Transmitted Drug Resistance in Newly Diagnosed HIV‐Infected Individuals in Croatia: The Role of Transmission Clusters of Men Who Have Sex with Men Carrying the T215S Surveillance Drug Resistance Mutation. // Aids research and human retroviruses. 29 (2013) ; 329‐336 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Perović Mihanović, Marta; Haque, NS; Rutherford, GW; Zekan, Šime; Begovac, Josip. Toxicity‐related antiretroviral drug treatment modifications in individuals starting therapy: a cohort analysis of time patterns, sex, and other risk factors. // Medical science monitor. 19 (2013) ; 483‐492 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Višković, Klaudija; Rutherford, GW; Sudario, G; Stemberger, Lorna; Brnić, Zoran; Begovac, Josip. Ultrasound measurements of carotid intima‐media thickness and plaque in HIV‐infected patients on the Mediterranean diet. // Croatian medical journal. 54 (2013) , 4; 330‐338 (članak, znanstveni). Božičević, Ivana; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Đaković Rode, Oktavija; Grgić, Ivana; Janković, P; Dominković, Z; Lukas, Davorka; Johnston, LG; Begovac, Josip. 10 Prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted infections and patterns of recent HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Zagreb, Croatia. // Sexually transmitted infections. 88 (2012) ; 539‐544 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Đaković Rode, Oktavija; Markotić, Alemka; Kujundžić Tiljak, Mirjana; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Begovac, Josip. Serum apoptosis markers in HIV‐infected patients with human herpesvirus type 8 and herpes simplex virus type 2 coinfection. // European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases. 31 (2012) ; 3303‐3308 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Turčinov, Drago; Begovac, Josip. Predicted coronary heart disease risk in croatian HIV infected patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy. // Collegium Antropologicum. 35 (2011) , 1; 115‐121 (članak, znanstveni). Božičević, Ivana; Begovac, Josip. The emerging HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in southeastern Europe. // Expert review of anti‐infective therapy. 8 (2010) , 12; 1351‐1358 (članak, znanstveni). Božičević, Ivana; Rode Đaković, Oktavija; Lepej Židovec, Snježana; Grazina Johnston, Lisa; Štulhofer, Aleksandar; Dominković, Zoran; Baćak, Valerio; Lukas, Davorka; Begovac, Josip. Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and sexual risk behaviours among men who have sex with men in Zagreb, Croatia. // Aids and behavior. 13 (2009) , 2; 303‐309 (članak, znanstveni). Maretić, Tomisalv; Perović, Marta; Vince, Adriana; Lukas, Davorka; Dekumyoy, P.; Begovac, Josip. Meningitis and radiculomyelitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis. // Emerging infectious diseases. 15 (2009) , 6; 996‐998 (pismo uredniku, znanstveni). Ramirez‐Piedad, Martha Kathleen; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Yerly, Sabine; Begovac, Josip. High prevalence of non‐B HIV‐1 subtypes in seamen and their sexual partners. // Journal of medical virology. 81 (2009) , 4; 573‐577 (članak, znanstveni). Turčinov, Drago; Stanley, C.; Canchola, J.A.; Rutherford, G.W.; Novotny, T.E.; Begovac, Josip. Dyslipidemia and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in Croatian HIV‐infected patients during the first year of highly active antiretroviral therapy. // Collegium antropologicum. 33 (2009) , 2; 423‐430 (članak, znanstveni). Turčinov, Drago; Stanley, C.; Rutherford, G.W.; Novotny, T.E.; Begovac, Josip. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower risk of body‐shape changes in Croatian patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy. // European journal of epidemiology. 24 (2009) , 5; 267‐274 (članak, znanstveni). Višković, Klaudija; Richman, Ilana; Klasnić, Ksenija; Hernandez, Alexandra; Krolo, Ivan; Rutherford, G.W.; Romih, Vanja; Begovac, Josip. Assessment of ultrasound for use in detecting lipoatrophy in HIV‐infected patients taking combination antiretroviral therapy. // Aids patient care and stds. 23 (2009) , 2; 79‐84 (članak, znanstveni). Židovec‐Lepej, Snježana; Baća‐Vrakela, Ivana; Poljak, Mario; Božićević, Ivana; Begovac, Josip. Phylogenetic analysis of HIV sequences obtained in a respondent‐driven sampling study of men who have sex with men. // Aids research and human retroviruses. 25 (2009) , 12; 1335‐1338 (članak, znanstveni). 11 Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Regionalna distribucija
čimbenika rizika u
hospitaliziranih koronarnih
Bergovec Mijo
Biomedicina i
fakultet, Zagreb zdravstvo
Poveznica na bibliografiju u bazi
Vražić, Hrvoje; Lucijanić, Tomo; Šikić, Jozica; Rajčan Špoljarić, Ivana; Polić, Stojan; Ljubičić, Đivo; Matić, Katarina; Božin, Tonči; Šubjak, Irena; Bergovec, Mijo. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus and abnormal lipid status among Croatian hospitalized coronary heart disease patients. // COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM. 36 (2012) , S1; 223‐228 (članak, znanstveni). Sikić, Jozica; Starčević, Boris; Ivković, Mira; Sicaja, Mario; Manojlović, Spomenka. Thrombosis of bare metal and patent drug eluting stent in patient operated for colorectal carcinoma : the utility of new guidelines in patients with malignancy. // International journal of cardiology. 142 (2009) , 2; e17‐e19 (pismo uredniku, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Odrednice i rana dijagnoza
bolesti motoričkih neurona u
populaciji Hrvatske
Bilić Ervina
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Bilić, Ervina; Bilić, Ernest; Žagar, Marija; Čerimagić, Denis; Vranješ, Davorka. Complex regional pain syndrome type I after diphteria tetanus (Di‐Te) vaccination. // Collegium antropologicum. 37 (2013) ; 1015‐1018 (članak, znanstveni). Hajnšek, Sanja; Paladino, Josip; Petelin Gadže, Željka; Nanković, Sibila; Mrak, Goran; Lupret, Velimir. Clinical and Neurophysiological Changes in Patients with Pineal Region Expansions. // Collegium antropologicum. 37 (2013) , 1; 35‐40 (članak, znanstveni). Barun, Barbara; Bašić‐Kinda, Sandra; Aurer, Igor; Žarković, Kamelija; Adamec, Ivan; Habek, Mario. Demyelination after primary central nervous system lymphoma ; reversed “sentinel”. // Canadian journal of neurological sciences. 39 (2012) ; 843‐844 (kratko priopćenje, znanstveni). Hajnšek, Sanja; Milavec‐Puretić, Višnja; Nanković, Sibila; Petelin Gadže, Željka; Filipčić, Igor; Bujan Kovač, Andreja; Štulhofer Buzina, Daška. Lichen planus induced by carbamazepine : A case report. // Epilepsy & behavior. 24 (2012) , 2; 269‐271 (članak, znanstveni). Dawidowsky, Krsto; Branica, Srećko; Batelja, Lovorka; Dawidowsky, Barbara; Kovać‐Bilić, Lana; Simunić‐
Veselić, Anamarija. Anatomical study of the facial nerve canal in comparison to the site of the lesion in Bell's palsy. // Collegium Antropologicum. 35 (2011) , 1; 61‐65 (članak, znanstveni). Grizelj, Ruža; Vuković, Jurica; Bilić, Ernest; Štern‐Padovan, Ranka. Massive retroperitoneal haemorrhage in a neonate with severe haemophilia „A“. // Hemophilia. 17 (2011) , 3; 547‐548 (pismo uredniku, znanstveni). Kozina, Viviana; Geist, David; Kubinova, Lucie; Bilić, Ernest; Karnthaler, Hans Peter; Waitz, Thomas; Janaček, Jiri; Chernyavskiy, Oleksandr; Krhen, Ivan; Ježek, Davor. Visualization of Reinke’s crystals in normal and cryptorchid testis. // Histochemistry and cell biology. 135 (2011) , 2; 215‐228 (članak, znanstveni). 12 Bilić, Ernest; Femenić, Ranka; Konja, Josip; Šimat, Marija; Dubravčić, Klara; Batinić, Drago; Ries, Sunčica; Rajić, Ljubica. CD20 Positive Childhood B‐non Hodgkin Lymphoma (B‐NHL : Morphology, Immunophenotype and a Novel Treatment Approach : A Single Centre Experience.. // Collegium Antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 1; 171‐175 (članak, znanstveni). Habek, Mario; Barun, Barbara; Puretić, Zvonimir; Brinar, Vesna. Treatment of steroid unresponsive relapse with plasma exchange in aggressive multiple sclerosis. // Therapeutic apheresis and dialysis. 14 (2010) , 3; 298‐302 (članak, znanstveni). Rajić, Ljubica; Bilić, Ernest; Femenić, Ranka; Meštrović, Danijel; Ilić, Ivana; Lasan‐Trčić, Ružica; Dubravčić, Klara; Husar, Karmela; Kardum‐Skelin, Ika; Tešović, Goran; Čulig, Zdravka; Konja, Josip. Subcutaneous panniculitis‐like T lymphoma in a 19 month old boy treated with ALL‐IC‐BFM 2002 protocol : a case report. // Collegium Antropologicum. 34 (2010) , 2; 679‐682 (prethodno priopćenje, znanstveni). Žagar, Marija; Vranješ, Davorka; Šoštarko, Marija; Vogrinc, Željka; Bilić, Ervina; Trbojević Čepe, Milica. Myasthenia gravis patients with anti‐MuSK antibodies. // Collegium antropologicum. 33 (2010) , 4; 1151‐
1154 (članak, znanstveni). Bilić, Ervina; Bilić, Ernest; Šepec, Ivan Branimir; Vranješ, Davorka; Žagar, Marija; Butorac, Višnja; Čerimagić, Denis. Stiff‐person syndrome in a female patient with type 1 diabetes, dermatitis herpetiformis, celiac disease, microcytic anemia and copper deficiency Just a coincidence or an additional shared pathophysiological mechanism?. // Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery (International Ed.). 111 (2009) , 7; 644‐645 (pismo, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Utjecaj organizacije na
kvalitetu i efikasnost
zdravstvene zaštite
Borovečki Ana
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Nema izvornih znanstvenih radova u CC‐u upisanuh u Crosbi u navedenom razdoblju. Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Genomska analiza
transkriptoma i interaktoma u
bolesnika s kompleksnim
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Biomedicina i
Nedić, Gordana; Nikolac Perković, Matea; Nenadić Sviglin, Korona; Muck‐Seler, Dorotea; Borovečki, Fran; Pivac, Nela. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism and alcohol‐related phenotypes. // Progress in neuro‐psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 40 (2013) ; 193‐198 (članak, znanstveni). Borovečki, Fran; Klepac, Nataša; Muck‐Šeler, Dorotea; Hajnšek, Sanja; Mubrin, Zdenko; Pivac, Nela. Unraveling the biological mechanisms in Alzheimer’s disease – lessons from genomics. // Progress in neuro‐
psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 35 (2011) , 2; 340‐347 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Borovečki, Fran; Habek, Mario. 13 Development of novel genomic blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases. // CNS & Neurological Disorders ‐ Drug Targets. 9 (2010) , 6; 669‐678 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Habek, Mario; Borovečki, Fran; Brinar, Vesna. Genomics in multiple sclerosis. // Clinical neurology and neurosurgery (Dutch‐Flemish ed.). 112 (2010) , 7; 621‐624 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Habek, Mario; Brinar, Vesna; Borovečki, Fran. Genes associated with multiple sclerosis: 15 and counting. // Expert review of molecular diagnostics. 10 (2010) ; 857‐861 (pregledni rad, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Serumske esteraze, leptin,
lipidi i antilipidni lijekovi
Biomedicina i
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Macan, Marija; Konjevoda, Paško; Lovrić, Jasna; Koprivanac, Marijan; Kelava, Marta; Vrkić, Nada; Bradamante, Vlasta. The Influence of Gemfibrozil on Malondialdehyde Level and Paraoxonase 1 Activity in Wistar and Fisher rats. // Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology. 108 (2011) , 6; 428‐435 (članak, znanstveni). Macan, Marija; Vrkić, Nada; Lucić Vrdoljak, Ana; Radić, Božica; Bradamante, Vlasta. Effects of High Sucrose Diet, Gemfibrozil, or Their Combination on Plasma Paraoxonase 1 Activity and Lipids Level in Rats. // Acta biochimica Polonica. 57 (2010) , 3; 321‐326 (članak, znanstveni). Šifra projekta
Naziv projekta
Biomedicina i
Bottom of Form
Poveznica na bibliografiju u
bazi Crosbi
Top of Form
Nema izvornih znanstvenih radova u CC‐u upisanih u Crosbi u navedenom razdoblju kojima su prvi ili zadnji autor članovi MF. 14 Privitak 6A. Medical Studies in English Self‐evaluation report Self-evaluation report
University of Zagreb School of Medicine
Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation
Self-evaluation report
- Programme level
Copyright © 2013 European Consortium for Accreditation in higher education
Author: Axel Aerden
All rights reserved. This information may be used freely and copied for noncommercial purposes, provided that the source is duly acknowledged.
Additional copies of this publication are available via
This project has been funded with support from the European
Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Table of content
Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 1
General overview ..................................................................................................... 2
Assessment criteria for programmes ........................................................................ 5
Short introduction ................................................................................................. 2
Basic information ................................................................................................... 3
Mandatory annexes ............................................................................................... 4
Vision of internationalisation ................................................................................. 5
Learning outcomes ................................................................................................ 8
Teaching and learning .......................................................................................... 41
Staff ....................................................................................................................... 15
Students ................................................................................................................ 17
Concluding analysis ................................................................................................. 20
Strengths in internationalisation .......................................................................... 20
Challenges in internationalisation ........................................................................ 20
Opportunities and ambitions................................................................................ 21
References .............................................................................................................. 22
Annexes .................................................................................................................. 23
Medical Studies in English
University of Zagreb School of Medicine
European Higher Education Area
European Research Area
Agency for Science and Higher Education
International Relations Office
World Federation for Medical Education
International Standards in Medical Education
Fundamentals of Medical Skills
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Harvard Medical International
Ludwig Maximilians University
Association of Medical Schools in Europe
Association for Medical Education in Europe
European Medical Students’ Organization
Croatian Society for Medical Education
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (German Rectors’ Conference)
United States Medical Licensing Examination
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
CROatian Student Summit
Zagreb International Medical Summit
General overview
1.1. Short introduction
The concept of global medicine and internationalization of higher education has
been deeply rooted in the University of Zagreb School of Medicine (UZSM) since its
foundation in 1917. The founders of our School came from different European
centres of academic excellence and transferred their expertise to the newly fledged
institution. Additionally, a significant number of foreign professors came from
abroad and responded to the call of filling the vacancy of heads of the new
departments of the UZSM. The names of Fran Smetanka (Physiology), Emil Prašek
(Hygiene and Microbiology), Sergej Nikolajevič Saltykow (Pathology), and Ernest
Mayerhofer (Pediatrics) were deeply connected with the establishment of the new
departments both in basic and the clinical sciences. Due to is specific geopolitical
position and a distinguished academic profile which soon came to be recognized, the
UZSM preserved a unique tradition of attracting international students from all over
the world. In the period dating back to the graduation of its first graduates in 1923
until the establishment of the new sovereign State in 1991, 622 international
physicians received the professional title of Doctor of Medicine from the University
of Zagreb School of Medicine. As far as the national distribution of its graduates is
concerned, the years between the two wars were characterized with students who
came from the countries of the neighbouring region, whereas the period between
the late sixties and the end of the nineties was characterized by the predominance of
students coming from the Arab countries, which resulted from the political
international orientation of the former state. There is no need to point out, that
students from the Croatian diaspora living in the North and South America, Australia
and Africa continually demonstrated their interest in studying medicine in the
country of their ancestors.
In its determination to raise the standards of medical education and introduce a new
culture of teaching and learning, the management of the UZSM has decided to join
the growing number of medical schools in the neighbourhood which offer
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in English by establishing its own
Medical Studies in English programme (MSE). The English programme of medical
studies is primarily aimed at foreign citizens from the EU countries and candidates
from the Croatian diaspora who are willing to pursue their academic career in
Croatia. Additionally, it also continuously attracts a considerable number of students
from other non-EU countries.
In the summer of 2002, after extensive preparations and marketing analysis, the
project for the establishment of Medical Studies in English was proposed to the
Senate of the University of Zagreb. 20 September 2002 marked the formal initiation
of the English language programme in medicine when the University Senate officially
approved the proposed programme. The first class of 21 students was enrolled in the
academic year 2003-04 and 11 of them graduated in July 2009 and received their
Doctor of Medicine degree. To this day, 79 international students graduated from
the MSE and 243 students coming from 27 countries are currently attending the
programme. Croatian students in the MSE programme are represented by 16% of the
overall student number. In comparison to the national programme of medical
studies, the number of the MSE students amounts to 17% of the Croatian students
enrolled in the national programme.
Consequently, as a result of this deliberate and pro-active institutional strategy
which was strongly embedded into the past period of the School’s development, the
MSE programme was created thus facilitating the process of integrating an
international dimension into the teaching, research and service function of the
1.2. Basic information
Doktor medicine – Doctor of Medicine
Number of credits:
Specialisations (if any):
ISCED field(s) of study:
University of Zagreb School of Medicine
Type of institution:
Public, higher education institution
No quality assurance certificate (accreditation) at the programme level. The UZSM received the
Certificate on Quality Assurance at the institutional level as a result of the self-evaluation report and
on-site visitation (performed in December 2012) assessed by the National Agency for Science and
Higher Education (AZVO) in January 2013.
QA / accreditation agency:
Agency for Science and Higher Education (AZVO)
Status period:
1.3. Mandatory annexes
Vision on internationalisation;
Overview of the curriculum in diagrammatic form;
ECTS Course Catalogue or, if not available, the available full description of
the curriculum components;
A reference to courses or other (curricular) activities (by means of a matrix
or reading guide) where intercultural and international learning outcomes
will be achieved (if not already included in the course catalogue under 3.);
List of student work (type, title and grade) of the last two years which
demonstrate achievement of international and intercultural learning
Example of at least three Diploma Supplements;
Table of incoming and outgoing students of the last three years (percentage
and absolute figures) per country, per type (credit or degree mobility and
international internships by country, company name and duration);
CV’s of the staff, in an easily accessible and comparable format, and in
addition an overview of the nationality and international or
internationalisation experience of staff;
A list of international or internationalisation projects related to education of
the last three years (e.g. Intensive Programmes, Curriculum Development,
thesis projects, exchange programmes, projects, etc.) and the programme’s
role in these.
Assessment criteria for programmes
Standard 1:
Criterion 1a:
Vision on internationalisation
Shared vision
The programme has a vision on internationalisation. This vision is supported by
stakeholders within and outside the programme.
The international relations of the UZSM reflect the dynamic process of
internationalization in the area of higher education, as defined by the International
Mission and Policy of the University of Zagreb. The internationalization of higher
education can be defined as the sum of pro-active institutional measures to enhance
and facilitate the complex of processes that create a truly international academic
community, i.e., a community which prepares students to function in a globalized
working and living environment.
Simultaneously, we are also witnessing the phenomenon of globalization in all other
segments of academic life. In particular, medical education has already gone global in
such a way that certain principles in the organization of medical curricula seem to
predominate. As a consequence of internationalization and globalization, medical
education is becoming more student-centred, and problem-based learning is gaining
prominence as an educational methodology. Horizontal and vertical integration is
universally encouraged and students receive training both in hospital and in
community settings. Finally, electives provide students with an opportunity to
explore individual areas of interest. Thus teaching and learning, particularly in the
clinical area, are becoming a more structured and carefully planned experience.
As far as the European context of the Bologna process is concerned, the main
challenge for higher education institutions in the future will be to turn the different
reforms into an everyday reality both for teachers and students. The creation of the
European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by the year 2010 and how to link this space
with the European Research Area (ERA) is critical for the reform of the European
higher education institutions.
This link between EHEA and ERA is central to European higher education and should
also be used as a defining feature for structuring strong research-based institutions.
The development of a European dimension of quality assurance will also play a major
role in the context of the creation of the European space for education and research.
Additionally, the formulation of the European qualifications framework will
contribute to achieve the mutual recognition of educational credentials among the
EU countries by the end of 2007.
Although still faithful to its original mission of providing a broad medical education
for its students, the management of the UZSM has been very observant of the above
processes in the European higher education area and is consequently, constantly
trying to reshape its curriculum towards the European standards and requirements.
The main educational objective of the UZSM is to produce knowledgeable and
altruistic physicians who will be able to adapt to any given situation they encounter
in their professional development.
Additionally, with its programme of graduate medical studies in English, the UZSM
has achieved an integration of the international and intercultural dimensions, thus
raising the standards of both teaching and learning medicine in this part of Europe.
In its efforts to internationalize its academic environment and assess its quality
against the internationally acclaimed standards the UZSM initiated a set of proactive
measures which aim at strong intrinsic internationalisation. This strategy was in line
with the University of Zagreb strategic documents
(Breakthrough, 2001,
International Mission and Policy, 2002, Strategic Plan for the Internationalisation of
the Programmes of Study Delivered by the University of Zagreb for the Period 20052010) which all strongly argue the implementation of a series of measures aiming at
increasing the international visibility of its member institutions. The
internationalization goals formulated at the level of the UZSM are dovetailed with its
mission to produce knowledgeable, skilful and altruistic physicians who will be able
to function independently in international environment. Besides educating the
students enrolled in the MSE programme, the programme also serves as a mobility
platform for receiving the incoming students and faculty on the basis of the
Erasmus/Erasmus+ mobility programme and other students from academic partner
institutions which cooperate with the UZSM on the basis of the bilateral agreements.
All stakeholders sharing the programme within and outside the programme support
these documented goals and participate in this shared vision. The most important
stakeholders outside the programme are University Hospital Center Zagreb and
University Hospital Center Sister of Mercy (in addition to other hospital facilities for
teaching), the Croatian Medical Chamber and the Croatian Medical Association. All
these stakeholders actively support the intended internationalization goals of the
UZSM and its MSE programme and take an active role in their realization. All our
university and teaching hospitals are open to international students at all levels and
they provide the infrastructure for organized teaching and learning medicine,
whereas the representatives of the Croatian Medical Chamber are active in the
quality assurance process which takes place within the UZSM.
Evidence and Documents:
1a-1 University of Zagreb International Mission and Policy
1a-2 Strategic Plan for the Internationalisation of the Programmes of Study Delivered by the
University of Zagreb for the Period 2005-2010
Criterion 1b:
Verifiable objectives
The vision on internationalisation includes verifiable objectives.
The School keeps track of its graduates who compete for internships and residencies
abroad and assists them in the process of integrating into the targeted
health/education systems. With the globalization of the medical profession the
administrative support services of the MSE programme give continuous support to
successful integration of the MSE graduates internationally. In academic year
2010/11 when Croatia became eligible for taking part in the Erasmus mobility
programmes the MSE hosted its first international Erasmus student (based on the
Erasmus Bilateral Agreement with the University of Innsbruck). In the ensuing years
the trend of Erasmus mobility students increased to two students per academic year
and they all came from renowned European medical schools, such as Dresden,
Tübingen, Montpelier, Grenoble and Vienna. The MSE programme continuously
attracts a considerable number of students who apply for enrolment on a transfer
basis (62 students in the last ten years), whereas a number of students of the MSE
programme were also successful in transferring to very competitive programmes of
medical studies abroad. In conclusion, by a constant process of selecting its
educational partners the MSE is trying to increase the mobility and employability of
its students and graduates. Our goal is to increase the mobility of the MSE students
to 10% of the overall student population, i.e., to have at least 20-25 students
engaged in any form of academic mobility per academic year.
Evidence and Documents:
1b-1 Learning Agreement: the first incoming Erasmus student
Criterion 1c:
Improvement-oriented evaluations
The vision on internationalisation is evaluated periodically and this evaluation form
the basis for improvement measures.
Over the past decade a number of quality assurance initiatives were taken at the
level of the UZSM and the MSE programme. Due to the every-day preoccupation to
keep business as usual and maintain smooth functioning of the programme during its
formative years, the MSE management board was active predominantly in securing
the smooth performance of the programme and did not have enough time to
implement systematic quality assurance measures. However, the first official Schoolwide questionnaire on students’ satisfaction with the level of teaching and execution
of a particular course was implemented in the academic year 2011/12. Since then, all
students are required to complete an end-of-course questionnaire. Upon analysing
the results of the questionnaire students’ representatives report its results directly to
the Head of the MSE programme who undertakes appropriate steps for improving
the issues objected to. Since the academic year 2011/12 the University has
mandated that all students, at the end of their studies, are required to complete a
questionnaire structured by the University of Zagreb, in which students are asked to
assess all the relevant issues related to their programme of studies (student services
in general, study conditions, study programme, teaching and assessment, treatment
of students and learning support, overall evaluation of outcomes, comments and
suggestions, etc.). Additionally, at the departmental level some departments have
been performing their own internal surveys in which students are asked to complete
the students’ evaluation of teaching questionnaire. From the beginning of this
academic year, ie. 2013/14, students also need to complete questionnaires at the
course level in which they assess all the faculty who took part in the teaching
process. This questionnaire is processed at the University level, and its results
influence the course of the academic advancement of the faculty assessed.
Due to the amount of work exponentially rising in the sector of international
relations, administrative support services need to be strengthen by employing a
number of staff specialized to function administratively in an international
environment. With almost 2,000 students engaged in the national programme of
medical studies, and almost 300 students currently studying within the MSE
programme, the present staff composition of International Relation and MSE Office
is hardly sufficient to meet the growing every-day demands and needs of the
dynamic process of internationalization. With the enlargement of the International
Relations Office (IRO) scheduled for the next academic year the UZSM will manage to
take a more pro-active role in administratively supporting the mobility programmes
at the level of mobility of students, faculty and administrative staff by finding
compatible partners to produce carefully designed cooperation windows that will
attract students and staff from abroad. The IRO will also increase its outreach role by
organizing mobility events aiming to popularize of mobility programmes offered.
Evidence and Documents:
1c-1 e-Med Questionnaire on students satisfaction with a course
1c-2 University questionnaire at the end of studies
1c-3 Departmental evaluation form (Anatomy)
1c-4 Anatomy evaluation analysis
Standard 2:
Learning outcomes
Criterion 2a:
Intended learning outcomes
The intended international and intercultural learning outcomes defined by the
programme are a clear reflection of its internationalisation goals.
The last twenty years in medical education witness the strong trend towards
internationalization of medical education. In the globalized world we live today the
medical education has also gone global and our world has become a global health
village in which it is necessary to create standards which will safeguard an adequate
educational grounding. The World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)
programme on the definition of International Standards in Medical Education (ISME)
was launched in 1998. The purpose of the WFME global standards was to provide a
mechanism for quality improvement in medical education in a global context, to be
applied to institutions responsible for medical education, and in programmes
throughout the continuum of medical education. Although the scientific basis of
medicine as a science is universal, the ISME should take into account the variations
among countries in medical education due to differences in teaching tradition,
culture, socio-economic conditions, the health and the diseases spectrum and
different forms of health care delivery systems. The UZSM has defined the MSE
intended learning outcomes in terms of the competencies the students must acquire
before graduation. For international students these competencies should be
internationally defined by observing the WFME’s International Standards in Medical
Education. Competencies for the students of the MSE programme include knowledge
and understanding of the basic, clinical, behavioural and social sciences, including
public health and population medicine, and medical ethics issues relevant to the
practice of medicine; attitudes and clinical skills (with respect to establishment of
diagnoses, practical procedures, communication skills, treatment and prevention of
disease, health promotion, rehabilitation, clinical reasoning and problem solving in
clinical practice); and the ability to undertake lifelong learning and continuous
professional development. In order to develop such competencies consistently and
in a systematic manner, the UZSM introduced a longitudinal course named
Fundamentals of Medical Skills (FMS) in academic year 2011/12. This course is
structured to build upon students’ knowledge from the beginning of their academic
careers and widen the repertoire of competencies they should master as they
progress along the continuum of medical education. Besides the new
interdepartmental and integrated course (FMS), the MSE programme offers a
plethora of courses which are designed to present the international dimension of
medical practice to students, and teach them how to function in an international
environment and be sensitive to intercultural and broader social issues inherent to
their profession. As students progress along the curriculum, these courses are: Social
Medicine and Introduction to Medicine, History of Medicine, Principles of Evidence
Based Medicine, Medical Sociology, Psychological Medicine, Pathophysiology,
History Taking and Physical Examination, Family Medicine, Organization and
Management of Health Care, Environmental and Occupational Health, Community
Health, Medical Ethics, Epidemiology, Integrated Clinical Module on Infectious
Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Emergency Medicine, End-of-Life Care, Geriatrics,
Problems of Addiction and School Health. Subject-oriented international issues are
also presented in a number of electives such as Management in Hospital Setting,
Palliative Care, From Pharmacogenomics to Personalized Medicine and Clinical
Nutrition. To facilitate their better integration into the Croatian society, students are
also taught the fundamentals of the Croatian language and culture in the first two
years, which also helps to prepare them better for the patient contact which is more
intensive in the final three years of their medical studies, when they are expected to
take patients history and perform physical examinations on their own, using only the
Croatian language.
Additionally, the students are exposed to an interplay between the Mediterranean
climate, dietary habits, environmental factors and specific pathologies, which
strengthens the intercultural dimension of studying medicine.
Evidence and Documents:
2a-1 WFME Global Standards for Quality Improvement in Medical Education
2a-2 Skills catalogue (common for all four medical schools in Croatia)
2a-3 Fundamentals of Medical Skills – Handbook for Teachers
2a-4 FMS Longitudinal course for MSE students
2a-5 Fundamentals of Medical Skills – Clinical practice
2a-6 Fundamentals of Medical Skills – Communication Practice
2a-7 Croatian language for international students – I
2a-8 Croatian language for international students – II
Criterion 2b:
Student assessment
The methods that are used for the assessment of students are suitable for measuring
the achievement of the intended international and intercultural learning outcomes.
The UZSM has defined the methods used for assessment of students in the Academic
Regulations of Graduate Programmes (see the Mandatory Annexes enclosed). In
order to make sure that the intended international learning outcomes are achieved,
the UZSM has adopted certain assessment formats that are most suited for
examining the sensitive domain of acquired practices and attitudes related to
different socio-cultural situations and contexts (e.g. blood drawing in negro patients,
gynaecological exams in the Islamic cultural context, intercultural differences in
announcement of bad news, etc.), as well as for examining practical competencies
through special types of examinations such as Objective Structured Clinical
Examination (OSCE). The OSCE exam format is intended to be used systematically
throughout the Fundamentals of Medical Skills integrated interdepartmental course
which spreads along the whole continuum of medical education. OSCE is a
performance-based testing which takes place in a standardized settings and within a
controlled environment during which professional personal attributes are being
developed and student’s correct performance of certain tasks is in the focus of the
exercise/exam. Student’s performance of certain tasks is marked along with their
ability to communicate in a professionally acceptable manner, and marking is done
by means of using standardized marking sheets. Students are awarded points for
satisfactory performance of actions which are to be performed safely and accurately
and in a professionally acceptable manner.
Additionally, a considerable number of visiting faculty/professors at the MSE
programme guarantees a global and international perspective at the level of
assessment of students’ performance.
Evidence and Documents:
2b-1 OSCI –Resuscitation exercise/assessment
2b-2 Competence-based medicine model
2b-3 OSCI photo
Criterion 2c:
Graduate achievement
The programme can demonstrate that the intended international and intercultural
learning outcomes are achieved by its graduates.
The successful integration of the UZMS graduates into the health care systems of
various countries by passing different licensure exams delivered internationally is the
best proof that the School’s intended international learning outcomes were
satisfactorily demonstrated. Along with a number of students who pursue their
professional career in their home countries, there is a growing number of
international students who are contemplating continuing their medical careers in
Croatia. In 2011, as a result of a joint initiative of a number of graduates who wanted
to pursue their professional career in Croatia and the MSE management, the Ministry
of Health of the Republic of Croatia made legislative changes in the Work Relations
Act in order to make possible for international graduates to compete for internship
vacancies in the Republic of Croatia.
Evidence and Documents:
2c-1 USMLE – Verification of educational credentials
Standard 3:
Criterion 3a:
Teaching and Learning
The content and structure of the curriculum enable the achievement of the intended
international and intercultural learning outcomes.
As far as the global trends in medical education and training of the emerging third
millennium are concerned, we anticipate certain changes to take place both in the
structure of our curriculum and responsibility of our teachers and students towards
the developments that are already influencing the way medicine is practiced and
Due to enormous explosion of medical knowledge, cramming facts into students is
no longer a legitimate educational objective and appropriate response to the
growing needs of the society. One of the major trend that is inevitably taking place is
a shift from a predominantly knowledge-based teacher-centred medicine and
medical curricula to evidence-based and outcome-based medicine which is becoming
predominantly student-centred.
Simultaneously, we are also facing the challenge of integrating the principles of
another universally accepted phenomenon at the European level, i.e. the Bologna
process, with the recent trends in medical education. Luckily enough, the recent
trends in medical education seem to be identical with the vast majority of the
objectives outlined in the Bologna Declaration and Process.
In case of the UZSM, we are trying to create such a curriculum that meets the global
requirements and standards for graduate medical education, as specified by relevant
international organizations (Association for Medical Education in Europe–AMEE,
World Federation for Medical Education – WFME and the Association of Medical
Schools in Europe – AMSE). We are also deeply aware of the fact that medicine and
medical education constantly change. Therefore, we are committed to establishing a
new educational culture that will support the proposed objectives by constantly
adapting our educational behaviour to the new academic standards. Over the years
to come, our goal is to create a multidisciplinary integrated educational continuum
for medical students, practicing physicians and health care professionals. Such a
continuum will streamline their goals of becoming altruistic, knowledgeable, skilful,
and dutiful to their county or people they will serve in the course of their careers,
both at home or abroad.
Having in mind the universal content of medicine as a science and all the
international contents embedded into the curriculum, it can be concluded that
intended international learning outcomes in our outcome-based educational concept
have been achieved. The MSE curriculum is structured in such a way to expose the
students early on to the international and intercultural dimension inherent to
medicine. Through the FMS longitudinal course students are acquainted with the
sensitive social and cultural issues of patient contact and encounter. Besides learning
how to approach the task and do the right thing (demonstrating understanding of
the acquired knowledge, having appropriate ethical approach and decision making),
our students learn how to communicate with patients in a professional manner that
is acceptable for a particular socio-cultural situation and geopolitical context.
To strengthen the international dimension in the clinical part of the curriculum, and
to introduce the students with standard working procedures in foreign settings, the
sixth-year students are given the opportunity to spend eight weeks in an
international clinical setting by taking the course in Clinical Rotations in the chosen
clinical facility abroad.
Finally, since the curriculum development is a dynamic process, we are constantly
reshaping the learning outcomes for all courses and insist that they are consistent
with intended internationalisation goals.
Evidence and Documents
3a-1 Curriculum reform in South East Europe, Medical Education
3a-2 Curriculum reform SEE Newsletter
Criterion 3b:
Teaching methods
The teaching methods enable the achievement of the intended international and
intercultural learning outcomes.
The UZSM has been demonstrating a continuous effort to raise the standards of
teaching and learning medicine. Consequently, the management of the UZSM has
reached a strategic decision to revise and improve its curriculum by introducing the
innovative teaching methods through establishing cooperative educational alliances
with foreign educational partners. Simultaneously with the period when the idea for
initiating the MSE programme was introduced, the UZMS formed an educational
alliance with the Harvard Medical International (HMI), a consultancy affiliated to the
Harvard Medical School renowned for implementing curriculum redesign and reform
internationally, and the Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU)
in Munich. In collaboration with the HMI and the LMU faculty the ZMS started the
curriculum reform with the following objectives:
• to create an innovative medical core curriculum that would meet the
minimum essential requirements and standards (WFME global standards,
etc.) in tune with global trends in medical education;
• to substitute a traditional knowledge-based concept of medical education
with evidence-based medicine;
• to introduce problem-solving skills through problem-based learning (PBL) and
case-based teaching of medicine;
to stimulate students’ critical thinking and acquisition of practical skills and
attitudes specific for vocational needs of tomorrow’s doctors;
• to create a new educational climate and culture in which all protagonist of
the educational process, i.e., students and teachers alike should consider it
as their ethical obligation to constantly add to their knowledge through
various forms of graduate medical education and life-long learning;
From the strategic point of view, the idea was to create in the first phase a partly
innovative hybrid curriculum, that would preserve the positive attributes of the
traditional curriculum, with a substantial admixture of innovative problem-based
modules throughout the continuum of the six-year graduate curriculum and
introduce the MSE programme which would, among the features intrinsic to the
organization of medical teaching, increase the international visibility of the ZMS.
Additionally, the reforms also aimed to bring together basic and clinical sciences
along with the psychosocial component, and to design courses by a conjunct work of
clinical practitioners and basic scientists, cutting across departmental barriers and
divisions. This reform also launched the idea of creating a longitudinal Doctor/Patient
course (which evolved later into the Fundamentals of Medical Skills). As a
consequence of such a reform, the prevailing opinion was that the major learning
method should be based on problem based learning (PBL) and that the new
emerging instructional model, besides traditionally delivered lectures, seminars and
practicals, should become a tutorial, which stimulates small-group teaching and
student-centred learning. This active approach to learning is also present in the
Pathophysiology course. During that course, students solve different
pathophysiological problems presented in a specially designed case study worksheets
- through which students solve 20 of the most frequent ethiopathological clusters
which are universally present in various ethnic groups and in different social contexts
(such as pain, arterial hypertension, aterosclerosis, hyperglycemia, vomiting and
edema). The introduction of such learning methods and educational formats
facilitated the process which started the transition from faculty-centred towards a
more student-centred approach.
In order to achieve such reforms and establish the new educational formats (PBL,
tutorials, interdepartmental courses) and new assessment methods for testing
knowledge, attitudes and skills, the OSCE format was introduced together with the
quality assurance methods for receiving feedback both from students and faculty. To
support the intended reforms and introduce new teaching methodologies, a series of
interactive teacher-training workshops were held in coordination with the
international educational partners (HMI and LMU). Over 200 faculty ranging from
senior to junior positions (assistants to full-professors) completed the targeted
teacher training education for implementation of innovative teaching methods.
Additionally, completion of the teacher training course was also introduced as a
criterion for academic advancement, which resulted in a significant number of young
faculty being trained for mastering new teaching technologies and methods. This
course has been organized continuously by the Croatian Society for Medical
Education and its coordinators are very active in the European organizations for
teacher training at the levels of the Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE)
and the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). The UZSM has also
established a strong educational cooperation with the Medical Faculty of the
University of Hamburg both at the level of curriculum reform for the South-East
Europe Region through a Tempus Project on Curriculum Reform of the University of
Prishtina (in Albania), and through a series of teacher-training workshops organized
for the academic staff of medical schools of the South-East Europe Region. Presently,
a new initiative for establishing a cooperation window that will enable the mobility
of students within the Erasmus project was established with the Medical Faculty of
the University of Tübingen (students of the Molecular Medicine Programme are
integrated into the MSE curriculum at the level of the basic sciences courses). Finally,
a new academic partnership was created when the UZMS gave support for the
establishment of a new medical school in Germany at the Carl von Ossietzky
University of Oldenburg.
Evidence and Documents:
3b-1 ZSM Curriculum Change
3b-2 Problem-based learning
3b-3 Teacher training workshop-Dubrovnik
3b-4 Dubrovnik workshop participants
3b-5 Dubrovnik workshop evaluation
3b-6 Learning Agreement for Tübingen incoming students
Criterion 3c:
Learning environment
The learning environment is suitable for achieving the intended international and
intercultural learning outcomes.
Over the last ten years the UZSM has developed a dynamic learning environment
which supports the intended internationalization objectives and learning outcomes.
From the organizational point of view students of the MSE programme utilize the
same infrastructure that is offered to the national students comprising the facilities
at the Šalata Campus for the basic science courses and clinical facilities of the
affiliated teaching hospitals for clinical teaching (University Hospital Center Zagreb,
University Hospital Center Sisters of Mercy, Clinical Hospital Dubrava, etc.) and
facilities for teaching public health courses at the Andrija Štampar School of Public
Health. To support their learning process students are offered the facilities of the
Central Medical Library at the Šalata Campus together with its branch library facilities
at University Hospital Center Zagreb, and the library at the Andrija Štampar School of
Public Health. All libraries offer reading rooms with internet facilities and access to all
the relevant scientific data bases (Medline, Web of Science, Current Contents,
Scopus, etc.). All international students have a free access to collections of electronic
journals (Springer, Science Direct, etc.), as well as to open-access collections. They
also have access to electronic books for broadening of their knowledge (OVID books).
The project of the Northern Campus which aims at greater concentration of
biomedical institutions aims at enlarging all the support facilities for teaching and
learning (Centre for Simulation Medicine), as well as for providing accommodation
facilities within the Šalata Campus for the future students of the MSE programme.
Additionally, the UZSM shares the facilities of the Centre for Advanced Academic
Studies in Dubrovnik run by the University of Zagreb. That Centre traditionally
accommodates the EMSA Summer School in Emergency Medicine where
international students of various cultural backgrounds meet annually to learn,
besides the practical aspects of emergency medicine, about the Croatian history of
medicine and the Croatian culture and civilization in general.
Evidence and Documents:
3c-1 Project Northern Campus
3c-2 Dubrovnik Summer School in Emergency Medicine – Programme
3c-3 Dubrovnik Summer School Participants 2004-2011
3c-4 Letter to University of Zagreb for assigning ECTS credits to Dubrovnik Summer School
Standard 4:
Criterion 4a:
Staff composition
The composition of the staff (in quality and quantity) facilitates the achievement of
the intended international and intercultural learning outcomes.
The composition of staff engaged at the MSE programme reflects our primary
intended internationalization goal to educate physicians who will be able to function
independently in an international environment and apply their knowledge, skills and
attitudes in a particular socio-cultural context. The MSE programme engages 654
faculty of all academic ranks. Additionally, to give an extra input to the international
dimension of the programme, the MSE programme is opened to a number of visiting
professors/lectures coming from varied cultural and professional backgrounds. To
date, there have been 60 international professors/lecturers engaged in various forms
of teaching at the MSE. The majority of them have been engaged as invited lecturers
who deliver a specific lecture to a targeted group of students covering certain sociocultural issues related to the specific features relevant for the health system or
population issues of their domicile country. Another group of international faculty
engaged at the MSE programme covers elective courses, and they all come regularly
at a fixed date of the programme schedule and deliver their teaching in a
concentrated period of one week. They also come from different cultural setting
transferring their expertise together with the cultural flavour of their home
Evidence and Documents:
4a-1 Guest lectures-invitation
Criterion 4b:
International experience and competences
Staff members have sufficient internationalisation experience, intercultural
competences and language skills.
In order to prepare students to function in a globalized health environment and
simultaneously to be able to adapt to a unique health needs of the population, the
selection of staff engaged at the MSE programme has been taken very seriously. All
senior faculty (ranging from assistant professors to professors) are recruited among
the internationally renowned experts and educators with strong international
references both in teaching and in research. The vast majority of our faculty publish
continuously in relevant scientific journals, and mostly all of them had at a certain
point of their career been involved in various professional development programmes
abroad. All our course coordinators have been chosen among the faculty who have
been trained in the latest teaching methodologies abroad and at their home
institutions; the HMI-LMU interactive teacher-training workshops and training
workshops organized by the Croatian Society for Medical Education (CSME) The Art
of Teaching Medicine.
All our national faculty engaged in the MSE programme are proficient in the English
language and a vast majority of them share the professional attributes needed to
function successfully in an international classroom. Furthermore, they all feel secure
enough in their knowledge and delivery of the subject matter, which makes them
capable to deviate substantially from a well-established canon which makes them
able to address totally unexpected issues and perspectives that come across as a
result of intercultural or cross-cultural interactions. They are aware of the issues
related to using a non-native language of instruction and presenting a given subject
matter to a culturally mixed group (with differences in age among students). They
are all aware of factors related to dealing with cultural differences and of the
sensitive cultural issue of how to adapt the individual mental programming to the
collective stereotypes of a given cultural background. Consequently, the composition
of faculty of the MSE programme guarantees that international education organized
at the UZSM is not just another educational programme in English, or pure
transposition of the existing national programme, but a lot more. This programme
has definitely created a new culture of teaching and learning medicine in this
country. And culture, as we all know, by definition is never a static phenomenon, but
a dynamic interaction realized between different social groups.
Evidence and Documents:
4b-1 Croatian Society for Medical Education – The Art of Teaching Medicine
Criterion 4c:
Service provided to staff
The services provided to the staff (e.g. training, facilities, staff exchanges) are in line
with the staff composition and facilitate international experiences, intercultural
competences and language skills.
The vast majority of the MSE staff have been trained abroad, and since participation
at the teacher training courses has been introduced as a criterion for academic
advancement, it is the obligation of the young faculty who aspire towards higher
academic ranks (assistant professor and higher) to prove a successful completion of
the CSME courses. At some point, even the IRO office was very deeply involved in the
curriculum development and organization of the teacher training workshops and the
UZSM had a pivotal role in medical curriculum reform in the region of South-East
Europe. The UZSM IRO organized a number of international teacher training
workshops with international partners all financed by the German DAAD and HRK
(German’s Rectors Conference). As a result of these intensive organizational efforts
and initiatives the IRO grew into the Curriculum Development Office and in 2005 a
paper on Analysis of prospects for curricular reform of medical schools in Southeast
Europe was published in Medical Education Journal in 2005 (vol. 39: 833-840).
Today, IRO office facilitates staff exchanges realized through a number of bilateral
cooperation agreements between the UZSM and its international academic partners,
as well as between partners covered by the Erasmus mobility staff exchange
programmes. The IRO and the MSE offices also take care of accommodation of the
foreign exchange staff, as well of the organization of their stay at the UZSM.
Evidence and Documents:
4c-1 Analysis of prospects for curricular reform of medical schools in Southeast Europe,
Medical Education
Standard 5: Students
Criterion 5a:
Student group composition
The composition of the student group (diversity of national and cultural backgrounds)
is in line with the programme’s vision on internationalisation.
The overall number of 243 students studying presently in the MSE programme of the
UZSM reflects the diversity of their national origin (coming from 27 countries) and
different cultural backgrounds which unite them in a unique mix specific to each
student class. All our international and Croatian students studying in the MSE
programme possesses that specific mind-set that is required both at the level of
teaching and learning in the international classroom. United by that specific crosscultural experience students create (together with faculty, administration and all
other stakeholders involved) their own cultural amalgam specific to each academic
class. An excellent example of such intended internationalization on the part of the
students is an example which occurred already in our first academic class (2003/04)
when a Croatian student chose the MSE programme, although she was admitted into
the highly competitive national programme. That student came from the IB
programme and obviously already possessed her own international mind-set which
was decisive for her chosen career path and which later helped her to successfully
integrate into the international professional community.
By targeted recruitment organized in different countries (Israel, Sweden, Germany
and the U.K.), as well as by receiving transfer students from other medical schools
(62 students enrolled on a transfer basis), the MSE programme ensures a rich
cultural mix of students who all bring different traditions and experience to the
international classroom, and who all in due time, depending on their personal traits,
achieve a desired level of acculturation which helps them to master the MSE
programme with ease.
Criterion 5b:
International experience
The internationalisation experience gained by students is adequate and in line with
the programme’s internationalisation vision.
The fact that both our international and domestic students integrate easily into the
different international health systems supports the statement that international
experience gained both by our students and graduates correspond to our intended
internationalisation goal to create students/graduates who will be able to function
independently in an international professional environment and adapt easily to the
specific features of a given health system or broader biomedical environment.
Transfer from the MSE programme supports this argument, since a number of
students competed successfully for the transfer of their credits to other renowned
medical institutions of higher education and later proved to be successful in adapting
to other systems of teaching and learning medicine. A significant number of
students of the MSE programme take the United States Medical Licensing
Examination (USMLE) administered by the Educational Commission for Foreign
Medical Graduates (ECFMG). The USMLE exam is designed to assess the readiness of
foreign graduates to integrate into the US health system and see how they apply
medical knowledge and understanding of biomedical and clinical science essential for
the unsupervised practice of medicine in the United States. Upon successfully
passing this 3-step exam our students/graduates are successful in competing for
medical vacancies offered by the US health care institutions through the National
Resident Matching Programme at the most competitive health market of the United
States. In short, the UZSM is very sensitive to integrate our MSE students in all forms
of students activities, ranging from participation at international students’
conferences (CROSS, ZIMS) and summer schools (EMSA Summer School of
Emergency Medicine), various sports activities and artistic sections (students choir).
Finally, each year students of the MSE programme are awarded Dean’s award for
their academic achievements.
Evidence and Documents:
5b-1 ZIMS 13 Conference for medical students and young doctors
5b-2 EMSA Summer School in Dubrovnik – Programme 2013
5b-3 Student choir Lege Artis
5b-4 Dean’s award
Criterion 5c:
Services provided to students
The services provided to the students (e.g. information provision, counselling,
guidance, accommodation, Diploma Supplement) are adequate and in line with the
composition of the student group.
The MSE office and the IRO provide students (and often their parents and relatives)
with all information related to their course of studies or other issues related to living
in Croatia (registering with the Police, health insurance issues, accommodation,
orientation week, etc.). All our administrative staff that interact with international
students are proficient in the English language, open-minded and have considerable
understanding of the basics of cross-cultural communication. To overcome the initial
obstacles international students encounter in relation to certain local bureaucratic
procedures, and help them to overcome the initial problems of accommodation to
the new environment, the UZSM coordinates its efforts to by uniting with the
University of Zagreb Central IRO and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
into a mixed Committee for Removing the Obstacles Encountered by International
Students in Croatia. The Committee is composed of all the stakeholders involved,
ranging from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, the Ministry of the
Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finances, representatives of
the Tax Administration Department, the Croatian Institute of Health Insurance, the
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, to representatives of the University of
Zagreb and all higher institutions involved in offering programmes for international
students. The Committee has already improved a number of issues and is
continuously solving all the incoming problems related to students’ life and their
integration into the Croatian society.
In order to increase the level of educational transparency and help them with the
professional recognition of qualifications in the target country, the MSE office is
issuing the Diploma Supplement together with the Transcript of Records to all
students who have graduated from the MSE programme.
The MSE students’ organization e-Med has also been active lately in coordinating all
the issues related to students’ life and their organization of study with the governing
bodies of the MSE programme. Finally, it has become a tradition at the MSE
programme that senior students help their young colleagues to overcome the initial
adaptation problems by guiding them in the first week prior to the beginning of the
academic year. This introductory Orientation Week helps to strengthen the solidarity
among students and teaches them how to develop empathy for their fellow human
beings on the senior-junior student interaction model.
Evidence and Documents:
5c-1 Working group for overcoming the international mobility obstacles
Concluding analysis
Strengths in internationalisation
• The MSE programme serves as a mobility platform both for incoming and
outgoing mobility of students and faculty.
• Introduction of the longitudinal course Fundamentals of Medical Skills which
has become a paradigm for developing students’ competences both at the
level of clinical reasoning and performance (do the right thing in a right
manner), as well as at the level of intercultural and cross-cultural
• Introduction of the OSCE assessment format along the whole continuum of
medical education.
• Growing number of visiting faculty/professors and invited lecturers that
broadens the international perspective of teaching and contributes to the
formation of a unique cultural amalgam.
• The curriculum structure that exposes students early on to the international
and intercultural dimension inherent to medicine.
• Development of the teacher-training culture as a requirement for the
introduction of innovative teaching methods and formats.
• Growing number of young faculty recruited for the MSE programme.
• MSE programme perceived not as a pure transposition/translation of the
national programme, but a lot more: the place of intellectual, cultural and
social enrichment.
Challenges in internationalisation
• Lack of specific diseases in general population of Croatia limits the exposure
of students to the entire spectrum of diseases covered by the programme.
• Possible communication difficulties with patients due to the language barrier
and cultural differences.
• Potential threat that due to the programme intensity and cultural
misjudgements some students may never reach the desired level of
acculturation, adjustment and integration.
• Difficulties in validation of courses in transfer and outgoing students.
• Lack of appropriate infrastructure that indirectly influences the fulfilment of
the programme requirements (no dormitories for international students,
round-the-clock library service not existing, sports facilities not satisfactorily
developed, etc.).
Opportunities and ambitions
• Make sure that students make up for the lack of exposure to the entire
spectrum of diseases and pathological entities during their clinical rotations
abroad (e.g. , drug-abuse cases not seen in Croatia).
• Improve the communication of students with the departmental studentoffice staff.
• Introduce cultural-awareness courses for students, faculty, and
• Personnel enlargement of the IRO and the MSE office that will enable a more
active role in planning the outgoing/incoming mobility and developing
specific action schemes with different international academic partners.
• Construction of the Northern Campus at the Šalata premises that will
integrate all the infrastructure facilities into a comprehensive living and
learning environment, offered both to national and international students
and faculty.
• Consolidate the brand of the MSE by achieving a full recognition of its
programme by various international regulatory agencies and national
medical boards.
The Bologna Declaration, Joint Declaration of the EU Ministers of
Education, Bologna , 1999
Teaching and Learning in International Classroom, Hanneke Teekens
(ed.), Nuffic, The Hague
Medicine and Medical Education in Europe, The Eurodoctor, Gunther
Eysenbach (ed.), Thieme, Stutgart, New York, 1998
WFME Global Standards for Quality Improvement in Medical Education,
WFME/AMSE, Copenhagen, 2007
Tomorrow’s Doctors: Recommendations on Undergraduate Medical
Education, General Medical Council, London, 1993
Medical School Objectives Project, Association of American Medical
Colleges, 1998
Harden RM, Sowden S, Dunn WR. Educational Strategies in Curriculum
Development: The SPICES Model. Med Educ 1984;18:284-97
Executive Council of the World Federation for Medical Education.
International Standards in Medical Education: Assessment and
Accreditation of Medical Schools’ Educational Programmes. A WFME
Position Paper. Med Educ 1998;32:549-58
The documented internationalisation goals;
Overview of the curriculum in diagrammatic form;
ECTS Course Catalogue and full description of the curriculum components;
A reference to courses or other (curricular) activities where intercultural and
international learning outcomes will be achieved (if not already included in
the course catalogue under 3.);
List of student work (type, title and grade) of the last two years which
demonstrate achievement of international and intercultural learning
outcomes (if not already included in the course catalogue under 3.); list of
graduate thesis with international and intercultural outcomes, list of clinical
rotations, list of transfer students 2003 - 2013
Example of a Diploma Supplement;
Table of incoming and outgoing students of the last three years per country,
per type (credit or degree mobility and international internships by country,
company name and duration); list of free movers and Erasmus outgoing
CV’s of the staff, in an easily accessible and comparable format,
Overview of the nationality and international or internationalisation
experience of staff;
list of visiting professors, list of elective courses
A list of international or internationalisation projects related to education of
the last three years (e.g. Intensive Programmes, Curriculum Development,
thesis projects, exchange programmes, projects…) and the programme’s role
in these; CROSS (International Croatian Student Summit of Biomedical
Students and Young Scientists ) participants
Orientation week schedule
ECTS Learning Agreement – Free Mover (form)
Study plan proposal for international mobility of students (form)
Training Contract and Quality Commitment for Student-Selected
International Clinical Rotations (form)
Medical Studies in English students enrolled in 2013/2014 according to
citizenship (figure)
eMed Student Council Representatives 2013/2014
Privitak 6B. Certificate for Quality in Programme Internationalisation ECA | Internationalisation Platform
Certificate for Quality in Programme
University of Zagreb
School of Medicine
Medical Studies in English (MSE)
Zagreb, Croatia
Executive summary
The programme Medical Studies in English (MSE) of the University of Zagreb,
School of Medicine (UZSM), was assessed by the Croatian Agency for Science and
Higher Education (ASHE) and this assessment procedure took place within the
framework of the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation Project. ASHE
convened an assessment panel, which studied the self-evaluation report and
undertook a site visit of University of Zagreb, School of Medicine on 15th of April
2014 in Zagreb.
The establishment of the MSE programme ten years ago was based on the intention
to raise visibility of the Medical Studies at UZSM and to establish a platform of
mobility for both students and staff thus enhancing the quality in teaching, learning
and research. From these original institutional goals, the present goals of Intended
internationalisation were derived and integrated into the institutional mission: to
educate physicians who will be able to function in an international environment as
doctors with an intercultural mind-set that are able to cope with the growing
challenges that globalisation brings into medical treatments and the patients’ needs.
These goals are satisfactorily documented as well as shared and supported by
stakeholders within and outside the programme. The objectives relating to the goals
are not always clearly formulated but became explicit and clear during the site visit;
yet, a more explicit formulation would definitely allow easier monitoring of their
achievement. MSE has implemented evaluation cycles, which also refer to
internationalisation goals, yet again not always clearly outspoken. Nevertheless,
measures of improvement derived from these evaluations have already been
implemented, and proved to be successful as was assured in the interviews.
Recommendations relate to a more explicit and more focused formulation of
internationalisation objectives.
Due to the ubiquity of medicine and medical knowledge, medical studies per se
integrate strong aspects of International and intercultural learning. Furthermore, MSE
explicitly aims at implementing The World Federation for Medical Education
Standards – a process which has already started and provides a clear link to the
internationalisation goals of the programme.
The use of internationally recognised assessment methods, such as the OSCE exam
format, is a very good example of how to assess students’ achievement of
international and intercultural learning outcomes. The fact that graduates get
smoothly integrated into the highly complex international medical job market by
successfully passing different licensing procedures is a clear demonstration of
the achievement of the programme’s international and intercultural learning
The curriculum of the MSE programme integrates courses, which explicitly address
international and intercultural issues in order to assure the international dimension in
Teaching and learning. Innovative curricular elements such as the Clinical Rotation
Course, interdepartmental courses as well as the use of problem-based learning as
the major teaching method of the future provide excellent means for achieving the
intended international and intercultural learning outcomes. The learning environment
is impregnated by a spirit of international openness, which is brought in by the
students themselves, as they come from different countries and different cultural
backgrounds, but also by the international visiting professors and the interaction of
these groups. In order to assure a sustainable development of innovative teaching
methods a critical review of allocated resources is recommended.
The Staff engaged in the delivery of the MSE programme comes from the medical
faculty of the UZSM that currently comprises a large number of academics of all
ranks. The MSE teaching staff can demonstrate both international education and
international experience as well as a strong expertise in international medical
research. A considerable number of regularly coming international visiting professors
do not only complement the faculty but also contribute the constant enhancement of
international and intercultural learning aiming at the education of physicians that will
be able to function well in a socio-cultural diverse context. Faculty members and
administrative staff can demonstrate adequate language competencies and personal
skills, which are necessary in order to work in and for an international programme.
Yet, resources seem limited for the increasing number of tasks and so are the
services available; thus an increase of personnel should be targeted.
As mentioned above, the programme’s internationalisation goals are to prepare
future physicians for the international job market by widening the horizons of the
Students, implementing an international student hub, increasing the international
visibility of the programme, and strive to enhance student mobility. The current
student group comprises students from 27 different countries that bring into the
programme different cultures, different attitudes, different backgrounds, yet one
common denominator – an international mind-set. Thus the student composition
is well in line with the programme’s internationalisation goals.
International experiences are gained through the daily interaction of the multicultural
student group and their professors, through courses dealing explicitly with
international and intercultural issues, lectures delivered by visiting professors from
different countries, work experiences in the clinical rotation course as well as study
abroad experiences. Numerous support services ranging from information, personal
counselling prior to arrival in Zagreb, introduction week and introduction events to
language courses are at the students’ disposal and well support the
internationalisation goals of the programme.
Overall conclusion
The MSE programme initiated to raise the visibility of Medical Studies of the UZSM
has developed into a programme that sets standards for medical studies to be seen
as an international discipline. Thus, based on its intended internationalisation goals
as well as its international and intercultural learning outcomes, the MSE programme
of the University of Zagreb has successfully implemented effective
internationalisation activities which demonstrably contribute to the quality of teaching
and learning and embrace students, staff, experiences and services. Attracting
students that bring along a specific international mind-set and intercultural openness,
and monitored by people determined to "enhance a new culture of medical studies",
the MSE programme is a good example of how medical studies, which are
traditionally regarded as not easily compatible with internationalisation activities, can
be successfully internationalized through the implementation of new approaches in
teaching and learning, through attraction and interaction of students from different
cultural backgrounds and countries by offering studies in English, and staff with a
clearly international background.
The panel deems the CeQuInt standards met in such a way that the MSE
programme deserves the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation.
Reviewed by Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje (ASHE)
Valid from
Contact information
University of Zagreb
Assessment report
CeQuInt - Medical Studies in English - by ASHE (2014)
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Privitak 6C. Nagrade I priznanja NAGRADE I PRIZNANJA 
ARCA 2005 – 3. međunarodna izložba inovacija, novih ideja proizvoda i tehnologija, ZaGREB, (13 – 18. IX 2005). Srebrena medalja za sudjelovanje i pet posebnih priznanja znanstvenim novacima i nastavnicima Medicinskog fakulteta 
Priznanje za poticanje međunarodne suradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za 2004./2005. akademsku godinu za priznanje studentskoj udruzi CROMSIC Zagreb za doprinos u promicanju međunarodne suradnje (Zagreb, 24. listopada 2005.). 
Priznanje za poticanje međunarodne suradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za 2004./2005. akademsku godinu za promicanje međunarodne suradnje u području razvoja visokog obrazovanja i promocije Sveučilišta – Zdravko Lacković (Zagreb, 24. listopada 2005.). U listopadu 2013. prof. Zdravko Lacković proglašen je počasnim profesorom Državnog medicinskog Sveučilišta u Karagandi, Kazahstan. 
Priznanje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Dragi Horvatu za doprinos u provedbenom i organizacijskom radu na promicanju međunarodne suradnje za akademsku godinu 2006./2007. (Zagreb, 17. prosinca 2007.). 
Certificate for Quality Assurance in Internationalisation, završna faza pilot projekta konzorcija europskih sveučilišta; očekuje se dodjela Certifikata iz segmenta provedene internacionalizacije Medicinskom fakultetu Svučilišta u Zagrebu u veljači 2015. na tzv. diseminacijskoj konferenciji u Parizu. 
Od 2012. godine, povodom obljetnice Medicinskog fakulteta, dodjeljuje se posebno priznaje za promicanja međunarodne suradnje predstavnicima partnerskih akademskih institucija koji su osobito zaslužni za promicanje i održavanje međunarodne suradnje, te nastavnu suradnju. Kronološkim redom priznanje je dodijeljeno sljedećim akademskim partnerima: ‐ Profesor Ante Padjen – Sveučilište McGill, Montreal, Kanada, dugogodišnji voditelj elektivnog kolegija na MSE From Pharmacogenomics to Personalized Medicine; ‐ Profesor David Oliver – Sveučilište Kent, Velika Britanija, dugogodišnji voditelj elektivnog kolegija na MSE Palliative Care; ‐ Profesor Hans Joachim Seitz – Sveučilište u Hamburgu, Njemačka, dugogodišnje akademsko partnerstvo na brojnim edukacijskim, stručnim i znanstvenim projektima. 1 Privitak 6D. Iskustvo programa Erasmus Iskustvo programa Erasmus Medicinski fakultet, srpnja 2013. Razgovor: Studentska iskustva s Erasmus mobilnosti Razgovor vodio: Drago Horvat, voditelj Ureda za međunarodnu suradnju Korisnice Erasmus potpore: Katja Erjavec i Matea Crnković, studentice pete godine studija medicine 
Program Europske mobilnosti studenata Erasmus potprogram je Programa cjeloživotnog učenja namijenjen studentskoj populaciji koja u njegovom okviru može provesti razdoblje studija ili stručne prakse na visokoškolskoj instituciji u inozemstvu, u trajanju od minimalno tri mjeseca do maksimalno jedne godine. Od akademske godine 2010./11. otkada i hrvatski studenti imaju pravo sudjelovanja u provođenju akademske mobilnosti, u okviru programa studentske mobilnosti Erasmus na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu razdoblje studija u inozemstvu provelo je samo devet studenata. Koji je po vašem mišljenju razlog relativno slabog interesa studenata medicine za taj oblik institucionalne mobilnosti? Postoji nekoliko razloga. Prvenstveno, studij medicine je zahtjevan sam po sebi i oduzima mnogo vremena i energije kada je čovjek takoreći „svoj na svome“, tako da vjerujem da mnogim studentima praćenje nastave i polaganje ispita na stranom jeziku djeluje iznimno naporno i iz tog razloga ih obeshrabruje. Nadalje, razmjena u trajanju od nekoliko mjeseci na našem je studiju, nažalost, izrazito teško izvediva. Naime, s obzirom na nemogućnost izostajanja s nastave te specifičnost studija medicine u Hrvatskoj u odnosu na europske fakultete teško je pronaći sveučilište koje bi imalo kompatibilan program s našim. Naravno, ukoliko se to ne uspije postići, odlazak na razmjenu je relativno besmislen, budući da može dovesti do pada godine, što se na studiju, koji ionako traje 6 godina, nikako ne isplati. Naš fakultet treba postati malo više fleksibilan po pitanju programa želi li povećati broj studenata na međunarodnim razmjenama. Teško je očekivati da će se programi u potpunosti poklapati, niti se to može smatrati primarnim ciljem ovog programa. Ideja je doživjeti nešto novo, drugačije, to usvojiti te se vratiti sa svježim idejama u Hrvatsku. 
U akademskoj godini 2012/13. boravile ste na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Grenobleu, Francuska, gdje ste tijekom zimskog semestra slušale odabrane kolegije sa pete godine studija i položile ih s najboljim ocjenama, polučivši akademski uspjeh na kojem su vam zavidjeli i domicilni francuski studenti. Koji su bili vaši glavni motivi odlaska i kakva su vaša iskustva vezana za provedeno razdoblje studija na stranoj partnerskoj instituciji? Glavni motiv odlaska je, uz usavršavanje jezika, svakako bila želja za internacionalnim studentskim iskustvom, kako s akademske strane, tako i iz aspekta društvenog života. Iskustva su nam objema bila izrazito pozitivna. Možda je trebalo nekoliko dana, tjedana da pohvatamo kako njihov sustav funkcionira te što se od studenata očekuje jer postoje neke razlike u odnosu na ono na što smo bile navikle, ali jednom kad je prošla ta početna nesigurnost, odlično smo se snašle. Oduševila me činjenica da su nam profesori i doktori odmah u startu, čim su primijetili da dobro baratamo jezikom, pristupili kao i svim drugim francuskim studentima, te smo ubrzo počele samostalno obavljati sva studentska zaduženja u bolnici. Također su svi bili izrazito pristupačni i susretljivi, spremni odgovoriti na sva naša pitanja, te nismo naišle ni na kakve ozbiljnije prepreke tijekom našeg boravka. Naravno, bilo je tu i izazova u snalaženju u svakodnevnom francuskom životu: sređivanje vize, zdravstvenog osiguranja, smještaja, ali je tu uvijek prisutna pomoć Erasmus organizacije. Svi strani studenti odlično su primljeni, organizacija se brine za sve eventualno nastale probleme te je uvijek spremna pomoći. Također su organizirana putovanja, izlasci, razgledi grada i Sveučilišta, sve u svrhu da se strani student snađe i osjeća što bolje, a naravno da se i svi međusobno što bolje upoznamo. 1 U kontekstu studija medicine Erasmus ni u kojem slučaju ne znači oblik akademskog turizma u kojem student relaksirano bira odredišnu zemlju u kojoj namjerava spojiti ugodno s korisnim i vratiti se na matični fakultet s hrpom lako stečenih ECTS bodova. Tijekom programa Erasmus partnersko Sveučilište ugošćuje studente na temelju međusobno sklopljenih bilateralnih Erasmus ugovora i student se u obrazovnom smislu uranja u nepoznatu akademsku sredinu u kojoj vrijede drugačija pravila, i u kojoj je često i sama nastava posve drugačije koncipirana. Koliko je značajna dobra priprema prije samog odlaska na Ersamus mobilnost, i pruža li naš fakultet dovoljnu potporu studentima u pogledu svladavanja mogućih poteškoća? Adekvatna priprema je svakako krucijalna prije odlaska na Erasmus. Naime, nije problem otići i provesti 6 mjeseci na stranom sveučilištu, nego je pravi problem postići da po povratku nema nikakvih zaostataka. Tako da, nakon odabira sveučilišta, potrebno je dobro se raspitati o programu, polaganju ispita i naročito o sustavu ECTS bodovanja. Naš fakultet nas je izuzetno dobro pripremio u smislu da smo dobile sve potrebne kontakte Sveučilišta u Grenobleu te nam je u više navrata bilo napomenuto o kojim se sve stvarima moramo raspitati te koji su uvjeti koje moramo ispuniti kako bi nam nakon razmjene svi ispiti bili priznati. Ipak, dobar dio posla, kontaktiranje stranog sveučilišta i prilagođavanje programa,ostaje na samom studentu za što je potrebno puno truda i volje. Nas dvije smo, konkretno, naišle na problem da nismo mogle pohađati vježbe iz ginekologije (što je do tada bila praksa u suradnji s francuskim fakultetima) pa je potrajalo dok nismo, uz pomoć Ureda za međunarodnu suradnju, uspjele naći zadovoljavajuću alternativnu opciju, što smo, srećom, na kraju i uspjele. 
Osim studija u nepoznatom akademskom okružju, odlazak na Erasmus znači i studij na stranom jeziku koji pretpostavlja viši stupanj suverenosti vladanja jezikom zemlje domaćina. Koliko je važno dobro poznavanje jezika zemlje domaćina i kako ste se adaptirali na novonastalu jezičnu situaciju i francuski jezik medicinskog nazivlja i liječničke profesije? Dobro poznavanje jezika je svakako jedna od važnijih stvari prilikom odlaska na razmjenu. Tijekom našeg boravka u Grenobleu srele smo nekoliko studenata koji su slabo govorili francuski i iako je i njima to nesumnjivo bilo lijepo iskustvo, smatram da nisu mogli jednako profitirati od nastave kao netko tko odlično barata jezikom. Drugačiji je pristup profesora prema stranom studentu koji govori francuski i prema onome tko govori samo engleski, a također se javljaju i veliki problemi prilikom polaganja ispita. Kako smo obje duži niz godina učile francuski, nismo naišle ni na kakav veći problem. Štoviše, primijetile smo da manje problema imamo s medicinskim nazivljem, budući da se kod nas puno koristi latinski jezik iz kojeg francuski vuče korijene, nego sa svakodnevnom komunikacijom s francuskim studentima, ali smo i taj problem nakon nekog vremena savladale. 
Tijekom studija na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Grenobleu postigli ste zavidne akademske rezultate. Što biste izdvojili kao najznačajnije razlike između studija medicine u Francuskoj i studija na matičnom fakultetu u Zagrebu? Kao najznačajniju razliku bih izdvojila odnos prema studentima. Time ne želim reći da se na našem fakultetu loše odnose prema nama niti dati ikakvu negativnu konotaciju studiju u Zagrebu, ali se student u Grenobleu zaista osjeća kao dio tima. Svaki dan mora biti na odjelu od 8, pola 9 ujutro pa do 13‐14 sati . Ima svoja zaduženja kao što su uzimanje anamneze i statusa, svoje pacijente za koje je odgovoran i koje prezentira ostalim doktorima, asistira svakodnevno u radu u operacijskoj sali, sudjeluje u dežurstvima naručuje pretrage ovisno o uputama liječnika itd. Na taj način odterećuje specijalizante, ali i profesore koji onda imaju više vremena ne samo za bavljenje pacijentima, već i za diskusiju sa studentima. Takav sustav također stvara i osjećaj odgovornosti i svijest da vlastiti postupci imaju neke posljedice. Nama je objema bio šok kad smo na prvu povijest bolesti morale staviti svoj potpis, ali to nas je samo ponukalo da relativno banalan posao kao što je uzimanje anamneze i statusa odrađujemo savjesnije i temeljitije. Što se tiče učenja i polaganja ispita, kod njih se sve temelji na praksi. Dakle, o nekoj čestoj bolesti treba znati apsolutno sve, dok neke rjeđe 2 bolesti, koje smo mi tijekom studija učile iz više različitih predmeta, nisu niti spomenute u knjizi. Takav sustav, koliko god bio privlačan i praktičan, ipak ima nekoliko mana. Primijetile smo da nas je detaljiziranje u ranijim godinama studija zaista potkovalo u osnovama medicine (fiziologija,patologija, patofiziologija) te da smo se zbog toga ipak mogle lakše prilagoditi njihovom sustavu učenja i polaganja ispita. 
Provođenje slobodnog vremena, društveni život i kulturni sadržaji. Dopušta li režim studija u Grenobleu odvajanje vremena za nešto od navedenog? Režim studija u Grenobleu nije ništa naporniji niti zahtjevniji od studija u Zagrebu samo je drugačiji raspored, tako da nismo imale ništa manje vremena nego što bismo ga imale u Zagrebu. Nikako ne treba zanemariti niti činjenicu da nam je sve bilo novo i uzbudljivo, da smo to doživjele kao jedinstveno iskustvo te smo samim time išle s premisom da svaki trenutak treba iskoristiti do maksimuma. Tako da smo, uz svakodnevna druženja s ostatkom Erasmus studenata, vikendima obično obilazile susjedne gradove kao što su Lyon, Annecy ili Ženeva. Bar dok nije počela sezona skijanja – tada se vikendima isključivo skijalo. 
Na kraju, biste li preporučili Erasmus studijski boravak mlađim kolegama, i što biste naveli kao najznačajnije iskustvo stečeno tijekom boravka u inozemstvu? Svakako bih preporučila odlazak na Erasmus svakome tko je zainteresiran. Nemoguće je izdvojiti samo jednu stvar zbog koje je to iskustvo neprocjenjivo. Naprosto je velik izazov doći kao student živjeti u stranu zemlju gdje nikog ne znaš (srećom mi smo imale jedna drugu), prilagoditi se i zapravo si u tim neobičnim uvjetima stvoriti svoj život i svoju rutinu. Obje živimo sa roditeljima u Hrvatskoj tako da nam je odlazak u Francusku pružio doživljaj života u studentskom domu, te doprinio našem osamostaljenju i sazrijevanju. Studiranje u drugoj državi, u drugoj okolini proširilo nam je vidike, kako životne tako i medicinske. Nakon početnog strahopoštovanja prema francuskom sustavu obrazovanja, straha kako se nećemo snaći kako u jeziku tako i u medicinskom znanju, shvatile smo da naš sustav i nije inferioran i da bez problema možemo konkurirati ostalim europskim studentima medicine. Život u novom okruženju, novoj kulturu i običajima kroz dulji period svakako ostavlja neizbrisiv trag na osobu te ju i mijenja. Ipak, najbolje od svega je što upoznaš puno novih ljudi iz cijele Europe koji su u istoj situaciji kao i ti, te se brzo sklapaju ne samo poznanstva nego i prijateljstva koja će, nadamo se, još dugo trajati. 3 4