Paper Plate Speaker Lab - CSU GK-12 program


Paper Plate Speaker Lab - CSU GK-12 program
Paper Plate Speaker Lab
Paper Plate!
Enameled Copper Wire - Gage 32
Hot Glue Gun! !
1 Sheet of Scrap Paper
Magnets ( Ceramic/Neodymium)
Tape! !
2 Business Cards1
Base! !
Razor Blade
Audio Cable!
AA Battery
Music Source! !
1) Take the sheet of scrap paper and cut two strips of paper lengthwise, about 1.25 inches wide.
Stack the magnets together and use one of the strips of paper to wrap around the magnets, tape
the paper to hold it in place. Then take the second strip of paper and wrap it around the other
rolled up strip, tape to hold in place.
Developed by Ryan Hoppal, Colorado State University, Electrical Engineering
This program is based upon collaborative work supported by a National Science Foundation Grant No.
0841259; Colorado State University, Thomas Chen, Principal Investigator, Michael A. de Miranda and
Stuart Tobet Co-Principal Investigators. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation.
2) Remove the magnets and inner strip of paper from the outer
rolled paper. Hot glue the outer role to the center of the paper place. Once the glue has dried, place the the inner strip
of paper back into the outer roll of paper.
3) Tape one end of the enameled copper wire to the table to
hold it down. Take the wire and coil (wrap) it around the rolls of paper and magnets in the center of the plate. Be sure to start coiling the wire at the base of the role that is glued to the paper
place. Coil the wire around the roll 14o times. When you are done coiling, keep an extra bit
extended for the rest of the lab, but tape the coil to keep the wire from unraveling.
4) Fold the two business cards into a W shape. Fold the cards in
half and then fold each half in half. Glue the business cards onto
the paper plate facing each other on opposite sides of the coil in
the center.
5)Remove the inner strip of rolled paper and trim down the outer
roll so that the plate will sit flat. Keep the two extended parts of the wire on the same side of the
paper plate, and glue the other side of the business cards to the cardboard
6)Ask teacher for help with this part - scrape enamel off of the tips of the
extended parts of the wire.
7)Take both ends of the wire and touch them to either ends of the batter. Then connect to an
audio source.