Brown Round Tree Book


Brown Round Tree Book
Brown Round Tree
From: Watermelon Pie and Other Tunes! CD
By Sharon MacDonald
There was a little tree.
A little brown, round tree.
The brownest, roundest tree
I ever did see.
The tree was standing straight
With roots beneath the ground
And the wind blew the tree
To make the leaves fall down.
Page 1
There was a little branch
A little brown, round branch.
The brownest, roundest branch
I ever did see.
The branch was on the tree.
The tree was standing straight
With roots beneath the ground
And the wind blew the tree
To make the leaves fall down.
Page 2
There was a little acorn.
A little brown, round acorn.
The brownest, roundest, acorn
I ever did see.
The acorn was on the branch.
The branch was on the tree.
The tree was standing straight
With roots beneath the ground
And the wind blew the tree
To make the leaves fall down.
Page 3
There was a little squirrel
A little brown, round squirrel.
The brownest, roundest squirrel.
I ever did see.
The squirrel was by the acorn
The acorn was on the branch.
The branch was on the tree.
The tree was standing straight
With roots beneath the ground
And the wind blew the tree
To make the leaves fall down.
Page 4
There was a little owl.
A little brown round owl.
The brownest, roundest owl
I ever did see.
The owl was above the
The squirrel was by the acorn
The acorn was on the branch.
The branch was on the tree.
The tree was standing straight
With roots beneath the ground
And the wind blew the tree.
To make the leaves fall down.
page 5
Cut out the song pieces below. Use the tree on Page 6. The children place the
pieces on the tree in the order they are sung in the song.
Page 6